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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #48706

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

















Music by

Idea, Concept, Level Design, Art and Programming by

Arief Raditya P.

Josh Hunsaker
Title: The End

Testing by

Exava R.

Editing by









Are you sure want to clear all
completed levels? It will remove
your last level and restart all levels.






Welcome to Timing Game. This game is very simple.
Just press cannon to shoot the ball.
One Cannon, One Bullet, One Chance.




Your main objective is clearing all balls on the screen.
Press Q to quit the game. Your last level will be save

You may need good timing to shoot two balls at once.
Press R to replay current level.

View cannon's angle, it will influence your shoot
direction. Press M to toggle the music.
Press S to toggle the sound fx.

You need good timing to shoot all balls.

Don't worry, there is no time limit for this game.

Sometimes you need one quick shoot.

There are 70 levels in this game, so it will take some
time to finish this game.. But don't worry, all levels
are possible to finish, you just need good patience.

A rectangle shape can bounce your bullet to change
your shot direction.

if your bullet hits a cannon, the cannon will rotate 90
degrees counter-clockwise and you can shoot again by
clicking a cannon.

You can synchronize the movement of ball and a lower
rectangle before taking a shot.

A red cannon will shoot a slower bullet than a black

Conversely, a green cannon will shoot a faster bullet
than a black cannon.

A diagonal rectangle shape will bounce a bullet and
change the directions of a straight shot.

HOT TIPS: You may need a stopwatch to take the
best timing.

A wall will open and close automatically at certain
time. Don't let your bullet touch a wall, it will stop the

HOT TIPS: Don't rush it, things are never the same.

Like you did before, things are never the same, so
pay attention to the changes of the mechanic
mechines to take the best timing, and clear all balls.

The differences between this level and
levels before are the cannon positions and
the balls movement.

As we explained before, if your bullet hit a cannon,
the cannon will rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise
and you can shoot again by clicking a cannon.

WARNING!! This level maybe a little hard and will
certainly test your patience. Read Game Tips if it's hard.

A dynamite will destroy the nearest ball.

A red dynamite will destroy two nearest balls.

CONGRATULATIONS!! you have completed half of the
game. Keep up the good work!! Complete 35 remaining

A blue dynamite will destroy three nearest balls.
Just relax for this level.

A timer bomb will bounce your bullet and it will
explode after a certain time.

Conversely, when your bullet touches a timer wall, it
will became an obstacles after a certain time.

Quick is the key to clear all balls.
You can press R to restart this
level if the ball stucks.

And now, not only quick, but
also about timing..

An arrow will change the bullet directions to the
arrow's directions.

Choose ONE arrow direction to take right shot!

Choose TWO arrow directions to take right shot!!

Choose THREE arrow directions to take right shot!!!

Choose FOUR arrow directions to take right shot!!!!

A red arrow will rotate counter-clockwise. A red
rectangle will bounce NOT straight shoot by rotate 180

Use your logic and intuitions to clear all balls.
Don't give up!! it's possible to solve.

This level is the same as the first time you played this

The delay machine will stop the bullet in several
seconds, before the bullet moves again.

Be patient . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Many ways to go to Rome..

10 last levels may be hard, be ready..


The final level..


Clear last ball!!





Click the level that you want to see the tips to finish it:

Shoot at 0-1 seconds at first time, and shoot to directions to timer wall at second time.", "Shoot your cannon to change the directions, shoot again your cannon to change the directions, shoot the red arrow and bounce the ball to left diagonal rectangle, shoot your cannon to change the directions and shoot to the right ball.

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); Stage.showMenu = false; fscommand ("showmenu", false); fscommand ("allowscale", true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { persen = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); xpersen = persen + " %"; bar_mc._xscale = persen; if (persen >= 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop ("completed"); } };
Frame 10
function ygDiSave() { keLevel = 0; } function simpanData(dataKe) { _root["t2datSimp" + dataKe] = simpanSemua[dataKe]; Cookies = SharedObject.getLocal(_root["t2datSimp" + dataKe], "/");["t2soData" + dataKe] = eval (simpanSemua[dataKe]); Cookies.flush(); } function loadData(dataKe) { _root["t2datSimp" + dataKe] = simpanSemua[dataKe]; Cookies = SharedObject.getLocal(_root["t2datSimp" + dataKe], "/"); _root[simpanSemua[dataKe]] =["t2soData" + dataKe]; } function backMusic() { myMusic.stop(); myMusic = new Sound(music); myMusic.attachSound("backMusic"); myMusic.setVolume(volum1); myMusic.start(1, 1); myMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { backMusic(); }; } function klik() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("klik"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backWin() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backWin"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backLose() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backLose"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backKena() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backKena"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backTembak() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backTembak"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backPantul() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backPantul"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backLedak() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backLedak"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backHalang() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backHalang"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backMuncul() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backMuncul"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backMuncul2"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backPanah() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backPanah"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backMesin() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backMesin"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } function backMax() { mySound = new Sound(sound); mySound.attachSound("backMax"); mySound.setVolume(volum2); mySound.start(0, 1); } stop(); xsound = attachMovie("sound_mc", "sound", 4); xmusic = attachMovie("sound_mc", "music", 5); volum1 = 75; volum2 = 100; qualityGame = 1; simpanSemua = new Array("keLevel"); play_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndPlay (21); }; loadData(0); if (keLevel == undefined) { ygDiSave(); }
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Frame 10
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 35
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backLedak(); ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backLedak(); ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backLedak(); ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { backWin(); clearSemua(); cekTrans("lanjut"); } function cekLose() { backWin(); clearSemua(); cekTrans("lanjut"); } backTembak(); tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = canon_mc._x; bullet_mc._y = canon_mc._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = canon_mc._rotation; } else if (canon_mc._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = canon_mc._rotation - 90; } else if (canon_mc._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = canon_mc._rotation - 180; } else if (canon_mc._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = canon_mc._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } function cekTrans(indi) { trans_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); xkemana = indi; } function kemana() { gotoAndStop ("lanjut"); } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 40
Frame 245
Frame 410
gotoAndPlay (411);
Frame 550
backMusic(); gotoAndStop (551);
Frame 551
function cekLevel() { delete myListener.onKeyDown; removeListener(myListener); if (xkemana != "gagal") { if (keLevel <= xlevel) { keLevel = xlevel; simpanData(0); } } if (xlevel == 0) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel0"); } else if (xlevel == 1) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel1"); } else if (xlevel == 2) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel2"); } else if (xlevel == 3) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel3"); } else if (xlevel == 4) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel4"); } else if (xlevel == 5) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel5"); } else if (xlevel == 6) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel6"); } else if (xlevel == 7) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel7"); } else if (xlevel == 8) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel8"); } else if (xlevel == 9) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel9"); } else if (xlevel == 10) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel10"); } else if (xlevel == 11) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel11"); } else if (xlevel == 12) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel12"); } else if (xlevel == 13) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel13"); } else if (xlevel == 14) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel14"); } else if (xlevel == 15) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel15"); } else if (xlevel == 16) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel16"); } else if (xlevel == 17) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel17"); } else if (xlevel == 18) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel18"); } else if (xlevel == 19) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel19"); } else if (xlevel == 20) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel20"); } else if (xlevel == 21) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel21"); } else if (xlevel == 22) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel22"); } else if (xlevel == 23) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel23"); } else if (xlevel == 24) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel24"); } else if (xlevel == 25) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel25"); } else if (xlevel == 26) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel26"); } else if (xlevel == 27) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel27"); } else if (xlevel == 28) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel28"); } else if (xlevel == 29) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel29"); } else if (xlevel == 30) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel30"); } else if (xlevel == 31) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel31"); } else if (xlevel == 32) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel32"); } else if (xlevel == 33) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel33"); } else if (xlevel == 34) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel34"); } else if (xlevel == 35) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel35"); } else if (xlevel == 36) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel36"); } else if (xlevel == 37) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel37"); } else if (xlevel == 38) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel38"); } else if (xlevel == 39) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel39"); } else if (xlevel == 40) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel40"); } else if (xlevel == 41) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel41"); } else if (xlevel == 42) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel42"); } else if (xlevel == 43) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel43"); } else if (xlevel == 44) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel44"); } else if (xlevel == 45) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel45"); } else if (xlevel == 46) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel46"); } else if (xlevel == 47) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel47"); } else if (xlevel == 48) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel48"); } else if (xlevel == 49) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel49"); } else if (xlevel == 50) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel50"); } else if (xlevel == 51) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel51"); } else if (xlevel == 52) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel52"); } else if (xlevel == 53) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel53"); } else if (xlevel == 54) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel54"); } else if (xlevel == 55) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel55"); } else if (xlevel == 56) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel56"); } else if (xlevel == 57) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel57"); } else if (xlevel == 58) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel58"); } else if (xlevel == 59) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel59"); } else if (xlevel == 60) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel60"); } else if (xlevel == 61) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel61"); } else if (xlevel == 62) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel62"); } else if (xlevel == 63) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel63"); } else if (xlevel == 64) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel64"); } else if (xlevel == 65) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel65"); } else if (xlevel == 66) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel66"); } else if (xlevel == 67) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel67"); } else if (xlevel == 68) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel68"); } else if (xlevel == 69) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel69"); } else if (xlevel == 70) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel70"); } else if (xlevel == 71) { gotoAndStop ("zlevel71"); } else if (xlevel == 72) { gotoAndStop ("congratulations"); } if (xlevel == 71) { zlevel = "LAST BALL"; } else if (xlevel == 72) { zlevel = "TROPHY"; } else { zlevel = "Level " + xlevel; } if (xkemana != "gagal") { backWin(); } } function semuaLink() { myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 81) { if (missx == false) { delete myListener.onKeyDown; removeListener(myListener); clearSemua(); gotoAndStop (551); } } if (Key.getCode() == 82) { if (missx == false) { delete myListener.onKeyDown; removeListener(myListener); clearSemua(); cekTrans(); } } if (Key.getCode() == 77) { if (volum1 > 0) { posisix = myMusic.position / 1000; simpanVolum1 = volum1; volum1 = 0; myMusic.setVolume(volum1); } else { if (volum1 == 0) { simpanVolum1 = 75; } volum1 = simpanVolum1; myMusic.setVolume(volum1); } } if (Key.getCode() == 83) { if (volum2 > 0) { simpanVolum2 = volum2; volum2 = 0; mySound.stop(); mySound.setVolume(volum2); } else { if (volum2 == 0) { simpanVolum2 = 75; } volum2 = simpanVolum2; mySound.stop(); mySound.setVolume(volum2); } } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } function cekTrans(indi) { trans_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); xkemana = indi; } function kemana() { if (xkemana == "failed") { gotoAndStop ("failed"); } else if (xkemana == "lanjut") { gotoAndStop (1305); } else { cekLevel(); } } stop(); missx = false; xlevel = 0; new_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); cekLevel(); }; select_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (554); }; options_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (552); }; credit_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (553); }; walk_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (2080); }; play_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); getURL ("", "_blank"); };
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Frame 551
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 552
function cekSpeedQuality() { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { this["speed" + i].angka = i; this["quality" + i].angka = i; this["speed" + i].gotoAndStop(1); this["quality" + i].gotoAndStop(1); this["speed" + i].onRelease = klikSpeed; this["quality" + i].onRelease = klikQuality; this["speed" + i].onRollOver = function () { over(); }; this["quality" + i].onRollOver = function () { over(); }; i++; } this["speed" + _root.speedGame].gotoAndStop(2); this["quality" + _root.qualityGame].gotoAndStop(2); } function klikSpeed() { klik(); indi = new String(this); _root.speedGame = Number(indi.substr(indi.length - 1, 1)); cekSpeedQuality(); } function klikQuality() { klik(); indi = new String(this); _root.qualityGame = Number(indi.substr(indi.length - 1, 1)); if (_root.qualityGame == 1) { _quality = "HIGH"; } else if (_root.qualityGame == 2) { _quality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (_root.qualityGame == 3) { _quality = "LOW"; } cekSpeedQuality(); } stop(); menu_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (551); }; bar1_mc.bar_mc._x = Math.ceil((_root.volum1 / 0.434782608695652) - 115); bar1_mc.bar_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.volum1 = int(0.434782608695652 * (this._x + 115)); _root.myMusic.setVolume(_root.volum1); bar1_mc.persen1 = _root.volum1 + " %"; }; bar1_mc.indi_mc.onPress = function () { klik(); startDrag (bar1_mc.bar_mc, true, -115, 0, 115, 0); }; bar1_mc.bar_mc.onRollOver = function () { klik(); }; bar1_mc.indi_mc.onRelease = (bar1_mc.indi_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { klik(); stopDrag(); }); bar2_mc.bar_mc._x = Math.ceil((_root.volum2 / 0.434782608695652) - 115); bar2_mc.bar_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.volum2 = int(0.434782608695652 * (this._x + 115)); _root.volum3 = int(0.434782608695652 * (this._x + 115)); _root.mySound.setVolume(_root.volum2); _root.mySound2.setVolume(_root.volum3); bar2_mc.persen2 = _root.volum2 + " %"; }; bar2_mc.indi_mc.onPress = function () { klik(); startDrag (bar2_mc.bar_mc, true, -115, 0, 115, 0); }; bar2_mc.bar_mc.onRollOver = function () { klik(); }; bar2_mc.indi_mc.onRelease = (bar2_mc.indi_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { klik(); stopDrag(); }); cekSpeedQuality();
Frame 553
stop(); menu_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (551); };
Frame 554
function cekLevelAll() { i = 0; while (i <= 71) { _root["level" + i].nomor = i; _root["level" + i]._alpha = 30; _root["level" + i].enabled = false; _root["level" + i].kotak._visible = false; delete _root["level" + i].onRollOver; delete _root["level" + i].onRollOut; delete _root["level" + i].onRelease; i++; } i = 0; while (i <= keLevel) { _root["level" + i].nomor = i; _root["level" + i].kotak._visible = false; _root["level" + i]._alpha = 100; _root["level" + i].enabled = true; _root["level" + i].onRollOver = overLevel; _root["level" + i].onRollOut = outLevel; _root["level" + i].onRelease = klikLevel; i++; } if (keLevel > 0) { clear_btn._alpha = 100; clear_btn.enabled = true; } else { clear_btn._alpha = 30; clear_btn.enabled = false; } } function overLevel() { this.kotak._visible = true; } function outLevel() { this.kotak._visible = false; } function klikLevel() { klik(); myStr = new String(this); if (myStr.length == 14) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else if (myStr.length == 15) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } else if (myStr.length == 16) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 3, 3); } xlevel = indi; cekTrans("gagal"); } stop(); cekLevelAll(); warn_mc._visible = false; warn_mc.yes_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); keLevel = 0; simpanData(0); cekLevelAll(); warn_mc._visible = false; }; warn_mc.no_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); cekLevelAll(); warn_mc._visible = false; }; clear_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); warn_mc._visible = true; i = 0; while (i <= 71) { _root["level" + i].enabled = false; i++; } }; menu_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (551); };
Frame 555
stop(); backLose(); missx = true; if (xlevel >= 1) { tryNumber++; if (tryNumber == 1) { tryKe = tryNumber + " MISS"; } else { tryKe = tryNumber + " MISSES"; } } else { tryKe = ""; } _root.onMouseDown = function () { klik(); missx = false; delete _root.onMouseDown; cekTrans("gagal"); };
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Frame 555
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 559
semuaLink(); play();
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Frame 559
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 560
function enterBall() { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 270) { this._y = 270; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 190) { this._y = 190; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); if (this.hitTest(ball_mc)) { backKena(); ball_mc._visible = false; cekWin(); } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); ball_mc.speed = 1; ball_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBall; initSemua();
Frame 568
semuaLink(); play();
Instance of Symbol 194 MovieClip in Frame 568
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 569
function enterBall() { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); if (this.hitTest(ball_mc)) { backKena(); ball_mc._visible = false; cekWin(); } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); ball_mc._visible = true; ball_mc.speed = 3; ball_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBall; initSemua();
Frame 578
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 579
function enterBall() { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { _root["ball" + i].visible = true; if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 588
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 589
function enterBall() { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); if (this.hitTest(ball_mc)) { backKena(); ball_mc._visible = false; cekWin(); } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); ball_mc.speed = 6; ball_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBall; initSemua();
Frame 598
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 599
function enterBall() { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 300) { this._x = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 609
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 610
function enterBall() { if (this.gerak == true) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 80) { this._y = 80; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 430) { this._x = 430; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { delete _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame; i++; } delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = true; if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -1.5; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].gerak = true; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 619
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 620
function enterBall() { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > this.batasX1) { this._x = this.batasX1; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < this.batasX2) { this._x = this.batasX2; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = true; if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].batasX1 = 400; _root["ball" + i].batasX2 = 50; _root["ball" + i].speed = -1; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].batasX1 = 400; _root["ball" + i].batasX2 = 50; _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].batasX1 = 400; _root["ball" + i].batasX2 = 50; _root["ball" + i].speed = -1; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].batasX1 = 400; _root["ball" + i].batasX2 = 50; _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 629
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 630
function enterBall() { this._y = this._y + this.speed; this.speed = this.speed + 0.5; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 0) { this._y = 0; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); if (this.hitTest(ball_mc)) { backKena(); ball_mc._visible = false; cekWin(); } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); ball_mc._visible = true; ball_mc.speed = 18; ball_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBall; initSemua();
Frame 639
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 640
function enterBall() { this._y = this._y + this.speed; this.speed = this.speed + 0.5; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 0) { this._y = 0; this.speed = -this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -7; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 7; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 649
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 650
function enterBall() { if (this.delay <= 1) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; this.speed = this.speed + 0.5; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.delay = 30; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this.delay--; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 7; _root["ball" + i].delay = 1; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 659
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 660
function enterBall() { if (this.delay <= 1) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; this.speed = this.speed + 0.5; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.delay = 40; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this.delay--; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 7; if ((i == 1) || (i == 3)) { _root["ball" + i].delay = 1; } else { _root["ball" + i].delay = 20; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 669
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 670
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "kubus") { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; } else { _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 679
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 680
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "kubus") { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 350) { this._x = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 689
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 690
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 360) { this._y = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 4) { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; } else if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 699
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 700
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 360) { this._x = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 360) { this._y = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 360) { this._x = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 709
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 710
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 360) { this._x = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 360) { this._x = 360; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -7; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 6; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 719
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 720
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 23; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -10; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 6; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 6; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 729
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 730
function enterBall() { if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 180) { this._y = 180; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 180) { this._y = 180; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 5) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 180) { this._y = 180; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 5) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; i = 1; while (i <= 5) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 739
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 740
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 5) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 5) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 749
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 750
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 310) { this._y = 310; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 160) { this._y = 160; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 7) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 7) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 759
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 760
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 280) { this._y = 280; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 769
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 770
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 380) { this._y = 380; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 779
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 780
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 789
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 790
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 8) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (((_root["ball" + i].ke == 6) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 7)) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 8)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 23; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 8) { if ((i == 1) || (i == 2)) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 3) || (i == 4)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 799
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 800
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 10) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 809
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 810
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 70) { this._y = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 819
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 820
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._x = this._x - this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; i = 1; while (i <= 9) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 829
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 830
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._x = this._x - this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 2) || (i == 12)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 839
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 840
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._x = this._x - this.speed; this._y = this._y + this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 849
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 850
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if (( == 1) || ( == 2)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 4) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 5; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -5; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 859
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 860
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 3) || ( == 5)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 260) { this._y = 260; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 869
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 870
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 879
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 880
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 23; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 4) || (i == 5)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 889
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 890
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 5) || (i == 6)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 10) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 899
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 900
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 300) { this._x = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((((i == 5) || (i == 6)) || (i == 7)) || (i == 8)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = i - 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 909
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 910
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 15) { this._y = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 300) { this._x = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 21) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 12; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 21) { if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 919
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 920
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if (( == 1) || ( == 3)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 2) || ( == 4)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 929
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 930
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if (( == 1) || ( == 3)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 2) || ( == 4)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "kubus") { if (( == 6) || ( == 7)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 8) || ( == 9)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } z = 1; while (z <= 3) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 9) { if ((i == 8) || (i == 9)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 939
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 940
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if (( == 1) || ( == 3)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 2) || ( == 4)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "kubus") { if (( == 6) || ( == 7)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 8) || ( == 9)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 6; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 949
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 950
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if (( == 1) || ( == 3)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 2) || ( == 4)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "kubus") { if (( == 6) || ( == 7)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 8) || ( == 9)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 959
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 960
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "kubus") { if (( == 6) || ( == 7)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 8) || ( == 9)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) || (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 120)) { backPantul(); if (i == 6) { zpetama = true; } else { zpetama = false; } this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (i <= 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4 - i; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 969
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 970
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 270) { this._x = 270; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(6); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 240) { bcakPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 979
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 980
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 270) { this._x = 270; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 989
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 990
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 999
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1000
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 120) { this._y = 120; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.25; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1009
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1010
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 4) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.25; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.25; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1019
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1020
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 5) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 350) { this._y = 350; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 7) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 75) { this._y = 75; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.25; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.25; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1029
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1030
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 5) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 7) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 75) { this._y = 75; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 15) { this._x = 15; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.25; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.25; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.5; } else if (i == 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1039
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1040
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 5) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 7) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 75) { this._y = 75; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - 2; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].ke == 10) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } g++; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if ((i <= 4) || (i == 11)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i <= 8) || (i == 10)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1049
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1050
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 5) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 7) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 75) { this._y = 75; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - 3; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (((_root["ball" + i].ke == 10) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 6)) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 5)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } g++; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y - 25; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if ((i <= 4) || (i == 11)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i <= 8) || (i == 10)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1059
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1060
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { if ( <= 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 5) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 7) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 75) { this._y = 75; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( <= 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (canon_mc._currentframe == 1) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (((_root["ball" + i].ke == 10) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 6)) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 5)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } g++; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.5; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; } else if (i == 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1069
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1070
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { backKena(); _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1079
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1080
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if ((i <= 4) || (i == 15)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i <= 8) || (i == 14)) { if ((i == 6) || (i == 14)) { if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } } else if ((i <= 10) || (i == 14)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1089
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1090
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } else { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } else { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 8; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 10) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 14) { if (i == 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.5; } else if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 14) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1099
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1100
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 23; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 23; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1109
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1110
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( <= 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 5; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 10) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1119
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1120
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 14) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1129
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1130
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i == 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1139
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1140
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 3; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1149
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1150
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "delayer") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; bullet_mc.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = i - 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1159
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1160
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "delayer") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = i - 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3.5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1169
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1170
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 430) { this._x = 430; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 3) || ( == 5)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 8) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( != 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 260) { this._y = 260; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (_root["ball" + i].ke == 9) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { zpetama = false; backPantul(); this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { this._rotation = -this._rotation; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 2; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { if ((i == 1) || (i == 8)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = -3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1179
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1180
function enterBall() { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 430) { this._x = 430; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 150) { this._x = 150; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 3) || ( == 5)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 450) { this._x = 450; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 250) { this._x = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 8) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 20) { this._x = 20; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( != 9) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 260) { this._y = 260; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 100) { this._y = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 11) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { z = 1; while (z <= 16) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1189
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1190
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "kubus") { if (( == 6) || ( == 7)) { this._x = this._x + this.speed; if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 70) { this._x = 70; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (( == 8) || ( == 9)) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } else if (this.tipe == "dinamit") { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 420) { this._x = 420; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 100) { this._x = 100; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 35) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) || (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 120)) { backPantul(); if (i == 6) { zpetama = true; } else { zpetama = false; } this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((_root["ball" + i].ke == 31) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 33)) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 18; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 35) { if (i <= 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4 - i; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((((i == 19) || (i == 22)) || (i == 25)) || (i == 28)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((((i == 20) || (i == 23)) || (i == 26)) || (i == 29)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((((i == 21) || (i == 24)) || (i == 27)) || (i == 30)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1199
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1200
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "bulet") { if ( == 1) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 270) { this._x = 270; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 50) { this._x = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 2) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 200) { this._y = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 3) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 250) { this._y = 250; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if ( == 4) { this._x = this._x - this.speed; if (this._x > 400) { this._x = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._x < 200) { this._x = 200; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 24) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 24) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 400) { backPantul(); zpetama = true; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 24) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == true) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 24) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if ((((_root["ball" + i].ke == 6) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 8)) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 20)) || (_root["ball" + i].ke == 22)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 24) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 24) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1209
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1210
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 400) { this._y = 400; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } } function initSemua() { function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 320) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (zpetama == false) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 12) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 16) { if ((i == 1) || (i >= 10)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { if (i == 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.25; } else if (i == 3) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.25; } else if (i == 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.5; } else if (i == 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2.5; } else if (i == 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1.75; } else if (i == 9) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 1; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1219
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1220
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; this.delay = this.delayAwal; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function enterBullet() { this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 4; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 4) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 12) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1229
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1230
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "delayer") { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } else if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 2) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = i - 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3.5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1239
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1240
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 1) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 2; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 5) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3.5; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1249
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1250
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 20) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if (_root["ball" + i].ke == 8) { if (zpetama == true) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } } else if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 6; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 12) || (i == 14)) { if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 13) || (i == 20)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 15) || (i == 21)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 17) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 19) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1259
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1260
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 100) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 7; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if ((i <= 6) || (i == 22)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 12) || (i == 14)) { if (i == 13) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 3; } else { _root["ball" + i].speed = 4; } _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 13) || (i == 20)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 15) || (i == 21)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 17) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 19) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1269
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1270
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans(); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 12) || (i == 14)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 13) || (i == 20)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 15) || (i == 21)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 17) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 19) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1279
semuaLink(); play();
Frame 1280
function enterBall() { if (this.tipe == "arrow2") { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.speed; } } function initSemua() { function enterDelayer() { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } this.delay--; if (this.delay <= 0) { bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; this.delay = this.delayAwal; this.onEnterFrame = enterBall; } } function enterBullet() { if (this.speed != 0) { this._y = this._y - this.speed; if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; this.speed = -this.speed; } else if (this._y < 50) { this._y = 50; this.speed = -this.speed; } } this._x = this._x + (this.speedPeluru * Math.cos((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); this._y = this._y - (this.speedPeluru * Math.sin((-this._rotation) * 0.017453)); i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bulet") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indix)) { bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "delayer") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this.speedPeluru = 0; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; this.speed = _root["ball" + i].speed; _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterDelayer; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "arrow2") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].indi)) { backPanah(); zpetama = false; this._x = _root["ball" + i]._x; this._y = _root["ball" + i]._y; this._rotation = _root["ball" + i]._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb") { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "bomb2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 1) { backHalang(); _root["ball" + i].gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root["ball" + i]._currentframe == 40) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "kubus") { g = 1; while (g <= 5) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i]["indi" + g])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { backPantul(); if ((((this._rotation == 0) || (this._rotation == 180)) || (this._rotation == 90)) || (this._rotation == 360)) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i].kena != false) { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].bawah)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = this._rotation + 180; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kiri)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].atas)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; this._rotation = -this._rotation; z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } else if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].kanan)) { backPantul(); zpetama = false; if (this._rotation < 0) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else { this._rotation = this._rotation + 90; } z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } _root["ball" + i].kena = false; } } } g++; } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "gate") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i].gate)) { cekLose(); } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit2") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } else if (_root["ball" + i].tipe == "dinamit3") { if (this.hitTest(_root["ball" + i])) { if (_root["ball" + i]._visible == true) { ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc2._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc2._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc2.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } ambilLedak = 1; j = 1; while (j <= bykBall2) { if (j != i) { _root["ball" + j].range = 10000; if (_root["ball" + j]._visible == true) { _root["ball" + j].range = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._x - _root["ball" + j]._x, 2) + Math.pow(_root["ball" + i]._y - _root["ball" + j]._y, 2)); } } j++; } w = 1; while (w <= bykBall2) { wi = 1; while (wi <= bykBall2) { if ((w != i) && (wi != i)) { if (_root["ball" + ambilLedak].range > _root["ball" + wi].range) { ambilLedak = w; } } wi++; } w++; } _root.ledak_mc3._x = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._x; _root.ledak_mc3._y = _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._y; _root.ledak_mc3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root["ball" + ambilLedak]._visible = false; _root["ball" + i]._visible = false; bykBall--; backKena(); if (bykBall <= 0) { cekWin(); } } } } i++; } if ((((this._x > 600) || (this._x < -100)) || (this._y > 500)) || (this._y < -100)) { cekLose(); } if (this.hitTest(canon_mc)) { if (zpetama == false) { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { zpetama = true; tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 0; canon_mc.gotoAndPlay(canon_mc._currentframe + 1); z = 1; while (z <= 27) { _root["ball" + z].kena = true; z++; } } } } } function cekWin() { clearSemua(); xlevel++; cekTrans("lanjut"); } function cekLose() { clearSemua(); cekTrans("failed"); } tekanCanon = true; bullet_mc._visible = false; canon_mc.onPress = function () { if ((((canon_mc._currentframe == 1) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 10)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 20)) || (canon_mc._currentframe == 30)) { if (tekanCanon == true) { backTembak(); zpetama = true; tekanCanon = false; bullet_mc._visible = true; bullet_mc._x = this._x; bullet_mc._y = this._y; bullet_mc.speedPeluru = 15; bullet_mc.speed = 0; if (this._currentframe == 1) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation; } else if (this._currentframe == 10) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 90; } else if (this._currentframe == 20) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 180; } else if (this._currentframe == 30) { bullet_mc._rotation = this._rotation - 270; } bullet_mc.onEnterFrame = enterBullet; } } }; } function clearSemua() { delete bullet_mc.onEnterFrame; } stop(); bykBall = 1; bykBall2 = bykBall; zpetama = true; i = 1; while (i <= 27) { if (i <= 6) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bulet"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 7) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "gate"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 11) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "kubus"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i <= 8) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 12) || (i == 14)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 13) || (i == 20)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "arrow2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if ((i == 15) || (i == 21)) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "delayer"; _root["ball" + i].delayAwal = 100; _root["ball" + i].delay = _root["ball" + i].delayAwal; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 16) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "bomb2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 17) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit2"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 18) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } else if (i == 19) { _root["ball" + i].speed = 0; _root["ball" + i].tipe = "dinamit3"; _root["ball" + i].ke = i; } _root["ball" + i].onEnterFrame = enterBall; i++; } initSemua();
Frame 1305
play(); klik();
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip in Frame 1305
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Frame 1484
stop(); backMusic(); gotoAndStop (551);
Frame 2080
function cekLevelAll() { i = 0; while (i <= 71) { _root["level" + i].nomor = i; _root["level" + i].kotak._visible = false; _root["level" + i]._alpha = 100; _root["level" + i].enabled = true; _root["level" + i].onRollOver = overLevel; _root["level" + i].onRollOut = outLevel; _root["level" + i].onRelease = klikLevel; i++; } if (keLevel > 0) { clear_btn._alpha = 100; clear_btn.enabled = true; } else { clear_btn._alpha = 30; clear_btn.enabled = false; } tips = ""; } function overLevel() { this.kotak._visible = true; } function outLevel() { this.kotak._visible = false; } function klikLevel() { klik(); myStr = new String(this); if (myStr.length == 14) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else if (myStr.length == 15) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } else if (myStr.length == 16) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 3, 3); } tips = (("Level " + indi) + " : \n") + tipsKe[indi]; } stop(); tipsKe = new Array("", "Very Easy", "Easy", "Wait a momment till 2 ball same line with cannon.", "Easy", "Wait a momment till 3 ball same line with cannon.", "Wait a momment till 4 ball same line with cannon.", "Ok", "Shoot the left ball at first time shoot.", "Ok", "Shoot quickly the right ball when it move to up.", "Shoot to the rectange.", "Wait a momment till the rectangle come near the cannon at second time.", "Shoot the right ball first.", "Equalize the ball and the lower rectangle before you take a shoot, take 13-15 seconds.", "Shoot quickly when the lower rectangle come near the cannon at first time.", " Shoot the lower ball when it come near the cannon at first time.", "Shoot at 2-3 seconds.", "Shoot at 5-7 seconds.", "Shoot at 2-4 seconds.", "Shoot at 4 seconds.", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Shoot after the gate 3 times move, take 19-21 seconds.", "Shoot at 10-12 seconds.", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Easy", "Easy", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Shoot at 10 seconds, 21 seconds, 27 seconds and 31 seconds.", "Shoot when the moving ball near the dynamite.", "Shoot when the upper ball near the dynamite.", "Shoot at 20-22 seconds, after it shoot when the upper ball near the dynamite.", "Wait a momment till the gate is long open and shoot all dynamite.", "Easy. Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Shoot when the 4 moving balls near the dynamite.", "Shoot at 6 seconds.", "Extremely Easy", "Easy", "Shoot whatever the time.", "Quickly clicking your cannon.", "Shoot at 3 seconds and quickly clicking your cannon after it.", "Shoot when the ball near the lower arrow.", "Shoot an arrow number 2 from left.", "Shoot at 9-11 seconds.", "Shoot at 3-5 seconds.", "Shoot at 11-13 seconds, shoot left ball.", "Shoot the ball when the arrow show to down and hit your cannon.", "Shoot at 1 seconds to upper rectangle.", "Shoot at 3 seconds, 8 seconds, 12 seconds, 14 seconds and 27.5 seconds. ", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Shoot when the red arrow show the directions to upper black arrow.", "Shoot 3 blocker wall first, than shoot 3 ball by bouncing to upper or lower rectangle.", "Shoot at 6-7 seconds.", "Shoot when the red arrow show the directions to left at the second time.", "Shoot at 1-2 seconds and 12-13 seconds.", "Many ways to go to rome, choose which one way.", "Shoot at 0-1 seconds and 7-9 seconds.", "Shoot right delayer mechine.", "Shoot an arrow when it directions to the ball.", "I'm sorry, there is no more hint here, use all your intuitions to clear the ball.", "Wait a momment till the gate is open.", "Shoot..", "Good Timing..", "Shoot at zero seconds.", "Use your intuitions..", "Shoot delayer mechine number 3 from right.", "Shoot when an arrow show the directions to the ball.", "Shoot at 0-1 seconds at first time, and shoot to directions to timer wall at second time.", "Shoot your cannon to change the directions, shoot again your cannon to change the directions, shoot the red arrow and bounce the ball to left diagonal rectangle, shoot your cannon to change the directions and shoot to the right ball."); cekLevelAll(); menu_btn.onRelease = function () { klik(); gotoAndStop (551); };
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 200
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 230
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 66 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 364
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 185
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 11);
Symbol 96 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 11);
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 10);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 10);
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 10);
Symbol 106 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 10);
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay(random(30) + 10);
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 203 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 245
gotoAndPlay (110);
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 220 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 1
this.count = 1; _root.backMesin();
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 100
this.count++; if (this.count > 3) { gotoAndPlay (150); this.count = 1; }
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 230
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 64
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 150
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 214
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 245 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 259 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 240
Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 320
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 292 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 293 MovieClip Frame 400
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 100

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [backPanah]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4 32 35 307
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6 7 23 112 115 118 121 128 131 132 135 143 144 145 150 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 164 166 167 170 173 177 178 179 182 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 204 205 207 210 215 216 218 222 223 224 225 226 235 236 240 241 246 253 260 262 265 266 267 268 269 272 278 279 288 289 290 291 295 297 298 300 309 310 311 312 313 314
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [sound_mc]Uses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 Sound [backMax]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 Sound [backMuncul2]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 Sound [backPantul]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 Sound [backMesin]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 Sound [backMuncul]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 Sound [klik]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 Sound [backTembak]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 Sound [backHalang]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 Sound [backLedak]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 Sound [backKena]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 Sound [backLose]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 Sound [backWin]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 Sound [backMusic]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 TextUses:5Used by:25
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 ButtonUses:23 24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 BitmapUsed by:29
Symbol 29 GraphicUses:28Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:33 231 282 283
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:3Used by:33 87 89 126 206 214 228 230 231 232 234 276 281 282 283 294
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:31 32Used by:92  Timeline
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:36 219 220 221 239
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:3Used by:36 219 220 221 239
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:40 42 271 274 308
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:37 39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:41 39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44 217 299
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:92 127  Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50 203
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59 251
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:62 83
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:60 61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:83
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 ButtonUses:65Used by:83
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:67 68Used by:83
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81Used by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:60 64 66 69 82Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:92
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87 294
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86 32Used by:92  Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:88 32Used by:92  Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:33 44 85 87 89 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:93Used by:110
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:95Used by:110
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:99Used by:109
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:109
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:109
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:109
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:97 98 100 102 104 106 108Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:94 96 109Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 TextUses:5Used by:114
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:114
Symbol 114 ButtonUses:112 113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 TextUses:5Used by:117
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:115 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 TextUses:5Used by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:118 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 TextUses:5Used by:123
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:121 122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126 206
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125 32Used by:127  Timeline
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:124 44 126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 TextUses:5Used by:130
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:128 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 TextUses:5Used by:134
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:134
Symbol 134 ButtonUses:132 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:142
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:139 149
Symbol 139 MovieClipUses:138Used by:142
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:137 139 141Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 144 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 FontUsed by:147
Symbol 147 EditableTextUses:146Used by:149
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:138 147 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 TextUses:5Used by:152
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 ButtonUses:150 151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClipUses:162Used by:165
Symbol 164 EditableTextUses:5Used by:165
Symbol 165 MovieClipUses:163 164Used by:Timeline
Symbol 166 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 TextUses:5Used by:169
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:167 168Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:5Used by:172
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:172
Symbol 172 ButtonUses:170 171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 TextUses:5Used by:175
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:175
Symbol 175 ButtonUses:173 174Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:184
Symbol 177 TextUses:5Used by:184
Symbol 178 TextUses:5Used by:184
Symbol 179 TextUses:5Used by:181
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181 183
Symbol 181 ButtonUses:179 180Used by:184
Symbol 182 TextUses:5Used by:183
Symbol 183 ButtonUses:182 180Used by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:176 177 178 181 183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 187 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 BitmapUsed by:193
Symbol 193 GraphicUses:192Used by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:125 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:208Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 MovieClipUses:34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 MovieClipUses:34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:228
Symbol 228 MovieClipUses:227 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:230 232
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:229 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:31 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:229 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:233 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:237Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 MovieClipUses:34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 241 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:243
Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:242Used by:Timeline
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:245
Symbol 245 MovieClipUses:244Used by:Timeline
Symbol 246 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:252 258 259 261 277 292 296
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:252 292
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:252 292
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:252 292
Symbol 251 MovieClipUses:51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58Used by:252 292
Symbol 252 MovieClipUses:247 248 249 250 251Used by:Timeline
Symbol 253 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:258 259 261 264 277 293 296
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:258 259 261 264 277 293 296
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:258 259 261 264 277 293 296
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:258 259 261 264 277 293 296
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 247Used by:Timeline
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 247Used by:Timeline
Symbol 260 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 261 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 247Used by:Timeline
Symbol 262 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:264 293
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Symbol 265 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 266 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 267 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 269 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:271
Symbol 271 MovieClipUses:270 39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 272 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClipUses:273 39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:276
Symbol 276 MovieClipUses:275 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 277 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 247Used by:Timeline
Symbol 278 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 279 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 281 MovieClipUses:280 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 MovieClipUses:31 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 283 MovieClipUses:31 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:285
Symbol 285 MovieClipUses:284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:286Used by:Timeline
Symbol 288 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 289 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 290 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 292 MovieClipUses:247 248 249 250 251Used by:Timeline
Symbol 293 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 263Used by:Timeline
Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:86 32Used by:Timeline
Symbol 295 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 MovieClipUses:254 255 256 257 247Used by:Timeline
Symbol 297 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 298 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 299 MovieClipUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 300 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 305 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:308
Symbol 307 MovieClipUses:3Used by:308
Symbol 308 MovieClipUses:301 39 302 303 304 305 306 307Used by:Timeline
Symbol 309 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 310 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 312 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 313 TextUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 314 EditableTextUses:5Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bar_mc"Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip
"play_btn"Frame 10Symbol 25 Button
"ball7"Frame 21Symbol 33 MovieClip
"ball12"Frame 21Symbol 36 MovieClip
"ball4"Frame 21Symbol 40 MovieClip
"ball8"Frame 21Symbol 42 MovieClip
"ball1"Frame 21Symbol 44 MovieClip
"ball3"Frame 21Symbol 44 MovieClip
"ball2"Frame 21Symbol 44 MovieClip
"ball5"Frame 21Symbol 40 MovieClip
"ball10"Frame 21Symbol 46 MovieClip
"ball6"Frame 21Symbol 40 MovieClip
"ball9"Frame 21Symbol 42 MovieClip
"ball11"Frame 21Symbol 46 MovieClip
"bullet_mc"Frame 21Symbol 48 MovieClip
"canon_mc"Frame 21Symbol 50 MovieClip
"ball13"Frame 21Symbol 44 MovieClip
"ledak_mc"Frame 21Symbol 59 MovieClip
"trans_mc"Frame 21Symbol 62 MovieClip
"max_mc"Frame 40Symbol 83 MovieClip
"new_btn"Frame 551Symbol 114 Button
"select_btn"Frame 551Symbol 117 Button
"options_btn"Frame 551Symbol 120 Button
"credit_btn"Frame 551Symbol 123 Button
"walk_btn"Frame 551Symbol 130 Button
"play_btn"Frame 551Symbol 134 Button
"trans_mc"Frame 551Symbol 62 MovieClip
"bar1_mc"Frame 552Symbol 142 MovieClip
"bar2_mc"Frame 552Symbol 142 MovieClip
"quality1"Frame 552Symbol 149 MovieClip
"quality2"Frame 552Symbol 149 MovieClip
"quality3"Frame 552Symbol 149 MovieClip
"menu_btn"Frame 552Symbol 152 Button
"menu_btn"Frame 553Symbol 152 Button
"level11"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level12"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level13"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level14"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level15"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level21"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level22"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level23"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level24"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level25"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level31"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level32"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level33"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level34"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level35"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level41"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level42"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level43"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level44"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level45"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level51"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level52"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level53"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level54"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level55"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level61"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level62"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
"level63"Frame 554Symbol 165 MovieClip
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Special Tags

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zlevelSymbol 295 EditableText"LEVEL"
zlevelSymbol 298 EditableText"LEVEL"
tipsSymbol 314 EditableText"Shoot at 0-1 seconds at first time, and shoot to directions to timer wall at second time.", "Shoot your cannon to change the directions, shoot again your cannon to change the directions, shoot the red arrow and bounce the ball to left diagonal rectangle, shoot your cannon to change the directions and shoot to the right ball."
Created: 29/4 -2019 10:10:39 Last modified: 29/4 -2019 10:10:39 Server time: 03/01 -2025 15:30:35