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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Fishing Champion.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #48737

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


<p align="left"><font face="DiscoMonkey" size="23" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="4.000000" kerning="0"><b>loading... 00%</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="DiscoMonkey" size="23" color="#000000" letterSpacing="4.000000" kerning="0"><b>loading... 00%</b></font></p>

Constructed by

<p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>350</b></font></p>





<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#00ffff" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>1250</b></font></p>
















































Fishing Champion HUD









There are six fishing holes and each fishing hole has a ca$h Catch Goal.
Complete each fishing hole tournament by earning the ca$h Catch Goal
and you will become a Fishing Champion!

Each fish has a different ca$h value.

View each Fishing Hole's Fish List to find the value of the fish and the
Fishing hole's ca$h Catch Goal.




Becoming a Fishing Champion



1. Click on your fishing rod and hold down the left mouse
button. This will activate your Casting
Power Meter.

2. Your Casting Power Meter
shows how far your rod will
cast out.
3. Release your mouse to cast
your hook.
4. After casting, hold down the
mouse button to reel in your

Casting Rod

2. When the fish glows red this means the fish is stalking your bait so DON'T
MOVE your hook.

1. Reel your hook close to a fish.

4. If you fail to sink your hook,
the fish will get away with your worm!

3. When the Fish glows green this means the fish is waiting to see if your bait will
move, SLIGHTLY MOVE your hook, but not too far or the fish may lose interest.  If
you don't move your hook fast enough the fish will lose interest.

4. Red = don't move hook
Green = move hook
Repeat until the fish glows yellow and bites your hook.

Catching Fish

5. When a fish glows yellow and bites your hook, hold the mouse button
down and jerk your fishing rod back and forth across the screen to sink
the hook and catch the fish. Must be done quickly! If you fail to sink your
hook, the fish will get away with your worm!

Fish On!

Hold the mouse down and move fishing rod back and forth between bars to catch fish!

6. When the fish is on your hook the Fish On message will appear.
Move your rod back and forth between the green bars to catch the fish.

7. the green bars will turn red as you quickly move your rod back and forth
getting closer to catching the fish.

Hint - Remember to hold the mouse down. Moving your rod at an angle
(ex: from the bottom left to the top right, or from bottom right to top
left) will increase your chances of catching the fish.

1. When casting out, hit Floaty Toys with your hook to pop them.

2. Popping Floaty Toys will earn you more worms.

3. If you pop enough Floaty Toys you will earn decorative bonus

Floaty Toys

<p align="right"><font face="Latino Samba" size="36" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">00</font></p>

Hit floaty toys
to collect all
the bobbers!

Reel In!

And put a worm on your hook.

<p align="center"><font face="Latino Samba" size="36" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">000000</font></p>









Fish ate your worm!

Try setting the hook faster. Reel in bobber for a new worm.

You're out of worms!

Hit the floaty toys to get more worms.



The Old Fishing Hole

Moonshine Swamp

Tiki Lagoon

Clownfish Bay

Town Dump

Dead Pirate Cove







<p align="center"><font face="DiscoMonkey" size="34" color="#655416" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>big mouth bass 16 lbs</b></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>400</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Interstate-Black" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>-</b></font></p>

You caught a...




<p align="center"><font face="DiscoMonkey" size="33" color="#4345c0" letterSpacing="1.000000" kerning="1"><b>Old Fishing Hole </b></font></p>

You have Completed the



Fish Money

<p align="right"><font face="Latino Samba" size="26" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="26" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>100</b></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="26" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>250</b></font></p>




The Fish List


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Rainbow Trout

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Big Mouth Bass

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

The Old Fishing Hole


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="20" color="#4345c0" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

Catch Goal: $

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="20" color="#cd3303" letterSpacing="3.000000" kerning="1"><b>0000</b></font></p>

Hillbilly Fish

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Bastard Worm Stealer

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Moonshine Swamp


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Pirate Hookfish

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Dead Pirate Cove


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Spotted Minnow

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Big Mouth Cod

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Clownfish Bay


<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Mutant Fish

$ -

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Town Dump

Tiki Fish

<p align="left"><font face="Latino Samba" size="24" color="#cc3300" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>000</b></font></p>

Tiki Lagoon

Click on your fishing rod
to activate your
power meter.
Release your mouse to
cast your tackle out.

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Fish (fishfactory.Fish) package fishfactory { import flash.display.*; import fishfactory.*; class Fish extends FishSound { protected var interestDistanceDefault:Number; protected var _personalSpaceStep:Number; var leftMaxX:Number; protected var _numID:uint; protected var _fightDistance:uint; protected var _fishWeight:Number; protected var _attentionCntLimit:Number; var targetDisplayObject:Object; protected var _personalSpace:Number; var directionX:Number; var rangeX:Number; var fishGlowOn:Boolean; var viewAngleX:Number; var speedX:Number; var clipX:Number; var clipY:Number; var clipZ:Number; protected var _zFactor:Number; protected var fishMoney:FishMoney; protected var _moneyWorth:Number; protected var _spaceAchieved:Boolean; protected var _attentionCnt:Number; protected var _fishKind:String; protected var _stalkSpeed:Number; protected var _defaultZ:Number; protected var _defaultX:Number; protected var _interestDistance:Number; var rightMaxX:Number; protected var _atDefaultLoc:Boolean; function Fish(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController){ super(_arg1, _arg2); _interestDistance = interestDistanceDefault; _personalSpace = interestDistanceDefault; _attentionCnt = 0; nibbleCnt = 0; _spaceAchieved = false; fishGlowOn = false; rangeX = 500; _fishWeight = 10; speedX = 2; _stalkSpeed = 2; interestDistanceDefault = 35; _personalSpaceStep = 10; _attentionCntLimit = 60; _nibbleCntEat = 20; _nibbleCntOnHookEat = 60; _fightDistance = 2000; fishMoney = new FishMoney(); } public function get fishKind():String{ return (_fishKind); } function set attentionCntLimit(_arg1:Number){ _attentionCntLimit = _arg1; } public function get fightDistance():uint{ return (_fightDistance); } public function get targetObject():MovieClip{ return (_targetObject); } public function get defaultX():Number{ return (_defaultX); } function get nibbleCntEat():Number{ return (_nibbleCntEat); } public function get defaultZ():Number{ return (_defaultZ); } function get interestDistanceStart():Number{ return (interestDistanceDefault); } public function set defaultX(_arg1:Number){ _defaultX = _arg1; } public function set numID(_arg1:uint){ _numID = _arg1; } function set interestDistance(_arg1:Number){ _interestDistance = _arg1; } public function set defaultZ(_arg1:Number){ _defaultZ = _arg1; } function get personalSpaceStep():Number{ return (_personalSpaceStep); } public function get targetObjectIndex():Number{ return (targetDisplayObject.getChildIndex(targetObject)); } function get personalSpace():Number{ return (_personalSpace); } function resetInterestDistance():void{ _interestDistance = interestDistanceDefault; } function set spaceAchieved(_arg1:Boolean){ _spaceAchieved = _arg1; } function cleanUp():void{ targetDisplayObject.removeChild(_targetObject); stopSFX(); } function set zFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ _zFactor = _arg1; } function set attentionCnt(_arg1:Number){ _attentionCnt = _arg1; } public function get fishWeight():Number{ return (_fishWeight); } function get nibbleCntOnHookEat():Number{ return (_nibbleCntOnHookEat); } function init(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ _moneyWorth = fishMoney.getMoney(_fishKind); viewAngleX = 0; _defaultX = _arg2; _defaultZ = _arg4; leftMaxX = (_defaultX - rangeX); rightMaxX = (_defaultX + rangeX); _atDefaultLoc = true; if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 2)) == 1){ directionX = -1; } else { directionX = 1; }; clipX = (_defaultX + (Math.floor((Math.random() * rangeX)) * directionX)); clipY = _arg3; clipZ = _arg4; targetDisplayObject = _arg1; _targetObject = new FishRobotMC(); _targetObject.zPosition = _arg4; _targetObject.mcFishAll.gotoAndStop(_fishKind); _targetObject.cacheAsBitmap = true; targetDisplayObject.addChild(_targetObject); } function get attentionCntLimit():Number{ return (_attentionCntLimit); } public function get numID():uint{ return (_numID); } function get interestDistance():Number{ return (_interestDistance); } function set personalSpace(_arg1:Number){ _personalSpace = _arg1; } function get spaceAchieved():Boolean{ return (_spaceAchieved); } function get attentionCnt():Number{ return (_attentionCnt); } function set xPosition(_arg1:Number){ clipX = _arg1; } function resetPersonalSpace():void{ _personalSpace = interestDistanceDefault; } function set atDefaultLoc(_arg1:Boolean){ _atDefaultLoc = _arg1; } public function set zPosition(_arg1:Number){ clipZ = _arg1; } public function get moneyWorth():Number{ return (_moneyWorth); } function drawFish():void{ } function get xPosition():Number{ return (clipX); } public function get zPosition():Number{ return (clipZ); } function get atDefaultLoc():Boolean{ return (_atDefaultLoc); } function get stalkSpeed():Number{ return (_stalkSpeed); } function expandInterestDistance():void{ _interestDistance = (interestDistanceDefault + (_personalSpaceStep * 2)); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 2
//FishAI (fishfactory.FishAI) package fishfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import fishfactory.*; import utils.*; class FishAI { private var controller:FishController; private var model:IModel; private var tackle:MovieClip; private var threeDConv:ThreeDConversion; function FishAI(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:FishController, _arg3:MovieClip){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; tackle = _arg3; threeDConv = new ThreeDConversion(); } function fishPace(_arg1:Fish):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; controller.fishGlowOff(_arg1.targetObject); _arg1.stopSFX(); resetFish(_arg1); resetFishAttention(_arg1); if (!_arg1.atDefaultLoc){ _local2 = (_arg1.defaultX - _arg1.xPosition); _local3 = (_arg1.defaultZ - _arg1.zPosition); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); _local5 = threeDConv.threeDScale(_arg1.zPosition, model.zoomZ, model.viewDistance); _local4 = (_local4 * _local5); if (_local4 <= ((_arg1.speedX * 2) * _local5)){ _arg1.atDefaultLoc = true; }; if (_arg1.defaultX > _arg1.xPosition){ _arg1.directionX = -1; } else { _arg1.directionX = 1; }; _local6 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local2); _arg1.xPosition = (_arg1.xPosition + (Math.cos(_local6) * _arg1.speedX)); _arg1.zPosition = (_arg1.zPosition + (Math.sin(_local6) * _arg1.speedX)); } else { _arg1.xPosition = (_arg1.xPosition - (_arg1.speedX * _arg1.directionX)); if ((((_arg1.xPosition < _arg1.leftMaxX)) || ((_arg1.xPosition < model.fishLeftMaxX)))){ _arg1.directionX = -1; } else { if ((((_arg1.xPosition > _arg1.rightMaxX)) || ((_arg1.xPosition > model.fishRightMaxX)))){ _arg1.directionX = 1; }; }; }; controller.update3dObject(_arg1.targetObject, _arg1.xPosition, _arg1.clipY, _arg1.zPosition, _arg1.viewAngleX, _arg1.directionX); } private function fishAteWorm(_arg1:Fish):void{ _arg1.playSFX("fish gulp"); _arg1.targetObject.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, controller.fishBiteDown); _arg1.targetObject.gotoAndPlay("open"); model.wormOnHook = false; model.wormCnt--; model.bobberBob = false; controller.fishNibbling = null; controller.fishGlowOff(_arg1.targetObject); _arg1.nibbleCnt = 0; } private function resetFish(_arg1:Fish):void{ _arg1.nibbleCnt = 0; if (controller.fishNibbling == _arg1){ controller.fishNibbling = null; model.bobberBob = false; _arg1.targetObject.gotoAndStop("close"); }; } private function resetFishAttention(_arg1:Fish):void{ _arg1.spaceAchieved = false; _arg1.resetPersonalSpace(); _arg1.resetInterestDistance(); } private function moveFishToTackle(_arg1:Fish, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:Number; _arg1.atDefaultLoc = false; if ((((tackle.x < _arg1.targetObject.x)) && ((_arg1.directionX == -1)))){ _arg1.directionX = 1; } else { if ((((tackle.x > _arg1.targetObject.x)) && ((_arg1.directionX == 1)))){ _arg1.directionX = -1; }; }; _arg1.attentionCnt = 0; _arg1.xPosition = (_arg1.xPosition + (Math.cos(_arg2) * _arg3)); _local4 = (_arg1.zPosition + (Math.sin(_arg2) * _arg3)); if (_local4 > 210){ _arg1.zPosition = _local4; }; _arg1.playSFX("fish stalking"); controller.update3dObject(_arg1.targetObject, _arg1.xPosition, _arg1.clipY, _arg1.zPosition, _arg1.viewAngleX, _arg1.directionX); } function fishStalking(_arg1:Fish, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Boolean):void{ _arg1.zFactor = _arg4; if (_arg1.personalSpace == _arg1.interestDistanceStart){ _arg1.personalSpace = (_arg1.personalSpace - _arg1.personalSpaceStep); }; _arg1.expandInterestDistance(); if (controller.fishNibbling == _arg1){ _arg1.stopSFX(); _arg1.targetObject.zPosition = (tackle.zPosition - 1); if (model.fishOnHook == null){ if (_arg1.nibbleCnt == 0){ model.bobberBob = true; _arg1.startNibbleTimer(); }; if (_arg5){ model.bobberBob = false; model.fishOnHook = _arg1; _arg1.targetObject.visible = false; _arg1.nibbleCnt = 0; } else { if (_arg1.nibbleCnt == _arg1.nibbleCntEat){ fishAteWorm(_arg1); }; }; }; if ((((_arg1.nibbleCnt == _arg1.nibbleCntOnHookEat)) && ((model.fishOnHook == _arg1)))){ model.fishOnHook = null; _arg1.targetObject.visible = true; fishAteWorm(_arg1); _arg1.stopNibbleTimer(); }; } else { if ((((_arg3 <= (_arg1.stalkSpeed * _arg4))) && ((_arg1.personalSpace == 0)))){ _arg1.nibbleCnt = 0; moveFishToTackle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg1.stalkSpeed); controller.fishNibbling = _arg1; _arg1.targetObject.gotoAndPlay("open"); _arg1.targetObject.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, controller.fishBiteDown); controller.changeFishGlow(_arg1.targetObject, 0xFFFF00, 2.5); resetFishAttention(_arg1); } else { if (_arg1.personalSpace == 0){ moveFishToTackle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg1.stalkSpeed); } else { if ((((model.fishOnHook == null)) && ((controller.fishNibbling == null)))){ if (((!(_arg1.spaceAchieved)) && ((_arg1.attentionCnt < _arg1.attentionCntLimit)))){ if ((_arg3 - (_arg1.stalkSpeed + (1 * _arg4))) > (_arg1.personalSpace * _arg4)){ moveFishToTackle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg1.stalkSpeed); } else { if ((_arg3 + (_arg1.stalkSpeed - (1 * _arg4))) < (_arg1.personalSpace * _arg4)){ moveFishToTackle(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg1.stalkSpeed * -1)); } else { _arg1.spaceAchieved = true; controller.changeFishGlow(_arg1.targetObject, 0xFF00, 3); }; }; }; if (((_arg5) && (_arg1.spaceAchieved))){ _arg1.personalSpace = (_arg1.personalSpace - _arg1.personalSpaceStep); if (_arg1.personalSpace < 0){ _arg1.personalSpace = 0; }; _arg1.spaceAchieved = false; controller.changeFishGlow(_arg1.targetObject, 0xFF0000, 3); }; resetFish(_arg1); if (_arg5){ _arg1.attentionCnt = 0; } else { if (((!(_arg5)) && (_arg1.spaceAchieved))){ _arg1.attentionCnt++; if (_arg1.attentionCnt == 1){ _arg1.playSFX("fish waiting"); }; }; }; if (_arg1.attentionCnt >= _arg1.attentionCntLimit){ fishPace(_arg1); }; } else { fishPace(_arg1); }; }; }; }; if (_arg3 <= (_arg1.personalSpace * _arg4)){ }; } } }//package fishfactory
Section 3
//FishBigMouthBass (fishfactory.FishBigMouthBass) package fishfactory { class FishBigMouthBass extends Fish { function FishBigMouthBass(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "big mouth bass"; _fishWeight = (10 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 6))); rangeX = (rangeX - 300); speedX = (speedX + 2); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 0); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 10); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 20); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 20); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 30); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 30); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance - 1000); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 4
//FishCat (fishfactory.FishCat) package fishfactory { class FishCat extends Fish { function FishCat(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "catfish"; _fishWeight = (3 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 4))); rangeX = (rangeX - 400); speedX = (speedX - 1); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 0); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 3); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 0); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 10); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 500); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 5
//FishClown (fishfactory.FishClown) package fishfactory { class FishClown extends Fish { function FishClown(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "clown fish"; _fishWeight = (8 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 100); speedX = (speedX + 1); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 10); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 10); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 10); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 1000); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 6
//FishCod (fishfactory.FishCod) package fishfactory { class FishCod extends Fish { function FishCod(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "big mouth cod"; _fishWeight = (30 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 4))); rangeX = (rangeX - 200); speedX = (speedX + 3); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 0); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 5); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 0); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 30); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 5); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 1700); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 7
//FishController (fishfactory.FishController) package fishfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import fishfactory.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import utils.*; class FishController extends Sprite { var _fishNibbling:Fish; private var pauseGame:Boolean; private var model:IModel; private var tackleOldZPosition:Number; private var fishAI:FishAI; private var centerY:Number; private var threeDConv:ThreeDConversion; private var centerX:Number; private var viewDistance:Number; private var nibbleCnt:Number; private var tackle:MovieClip; private var fishArray:Array; private var viewAngleY:Number; private var zoomZ:Number; private var movieClipObject:MovieClip; function FishController(_arg1:IModel){ fishArray = new Array(); model = _arg1; viewAngleY = model.viewAngleY; centerX = model.centerX; centerY = model.centerY; zoomZ = model.zoomZ; viewDistance = model.viewDistance; } function removeFish(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.targetObject.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fishBiteDown); fishArray = model.fishObjArray; fishArray.splice(fishArray.indexOf(_arg1), 1); model.fishObjArray = fishArray; _fishNibbling = null; model.bobberBob = false; if (fishArray.length == 0){ movieClipObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fishEnterFrame); }; } function fishGlowOff(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ if (_arg1.fishGlowOn){ _arg1.filters = []; _arg1.fishGlowOn = false; }; } function get fishNibbling():Fish{ return (_fishNibbling); } function fishGlow(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:BitmapFilter; var _local3:Array; if (!_arg1.fishGlowOn){ _local2 = getBitmapFilterGlow(0xFF0000, 1.5); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(_local2); _arg1.filters = _local3; _arg1.fishGlowOn = true; }; } function fishBiteDown(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fishBiteDown); if (_fishNibbling.targetObject == _arg1.currentTarget){ _fishNibbling.targetObject.gotoAndPlay("nibble"); }; } function init(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):void{ model.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, updateModel); pauseGame = model.pauseGame; movieClipObject = _arg1; tackle = _arg2; threeDConv = new ThreeDConversion(); fishAI = new FishAI(model, this, _arg2); } private function getBitmapFilterGlow(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):BitmapFilter{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Boolean; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:Number; _local3 = _arg1; _local4 = 25; _local5 = 25; _local6 = 1; _local7 = _arg2; _local8 = false; _local9 = false; _local10 = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; return (new GlowFilter(_local3, _local6, _local4, _local5, _local7, _local10, _local8, _local9)); } function set fishNibbling(_arg1:Fish):void{ var _local2:Number; if ((((_arg1 == null)) && (!((_fishNibbling == null))))){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < fishArray.length) { fishArray[_local2].gotoAndStop("close"); _local2++; }; }; _fishNibbling = _arg1; } function addFish(_arg1:Object):void{ fishArray = model.fishObjArray; fishArray.push(_arg1); _arg1.xPosition = (_arg1.xPosition - ((_arg1.speedX + Math.floor((Math.random() * 30))) * _arg1.directionX)); model.fishObjArray = fishArray; if (fishArray.length == 1){ movieClipObject.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fishEnterFrame); }; } function cleanUp():void{ var _local1:Number; movieClipObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fishEnterFrame); model.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, updateModel); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < fishArray.length) { fishArray[_local1].cleanUp(); delete fishArray[_local1]; _local1++; }; fishArray.length = 0; model.fishObjArray = fishArray; _fishNibbling = null; model.bobberBob = false; } function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ if (model.whatChanged == "pauseGame"){ pauseGame = model.pauseGame; }; } private function upDateFish():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; var _local4:Point; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; _local1 = true; if (tackleOldZPosition == tackle.zPosition){ _local1 = false; }; tackleOldZPosition = tackle.zPosition; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < fishArray.length) { _local3 = fishArray[_local2]; _local4 = new Point(_local3.targetObject.mcFishAll.mcFishMouth.x, _local3.targetObject.mcFishAll.mcFishMouth.y); _local5 = _local3.targetObject.mcFishAll.localToGlobal(_local4); _local6 = (tackle.x - _local5.x); _local7 = (tackle.zPosition - _local3.zPosition); _local8 = Math.sqrt(((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7))); _local9 = threeDConv.threeDScale(_local3.clipZ, zoomZ, viewDistance); _local8 = (_local8 * _local9); _local10 = (_local3.interestDistance * _local9); if ((((((_local8 <= _local10)) && (model.tackelLanded))) && (model.wormOnHook))){ if ((((model.fishOnHook == null)) || ((model.fishOnHook == _local3)))){ _local11 = Math.atan2(_local7, _local6); fishGlow(_local3.targetObject); fishAI.fishStalking(_local3, _local11, _local8, _local9, _local1); } else { fishAI.fishPace(_local3); }; } else { fishAI.fishPace(_local3); }; _local2++; }; } private function fishEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!pauseGame){ upDateFish(); }; } function changeFishGlow(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:BitmapFilter; var _local5:Array; _arg1.filters = []; _local4 = getBitmapFilterGlow(_arg2, _arg3); _local5 = new Array(); _local5.push(_local4); _arg1.filters = _local5; _arg1.fishGlowOn = true; } function update3dObject(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number):void{ var _local7:*; _arg1.zPosition = _arg4; _local7 = threeDConv.threeDPoint(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, viewAngleY, centerX, centerY, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleX = threeDConv.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleX = (_arg1.scaleX * _arg6); _arg1.scaleY = threeDConv.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.x = (_local7.thisX - 0); _arg1.y = (_local7.thisY - ((viewAngleY * threeDConv.threeDScale(0, zoomZ, viewDistance)) / 100)); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 8
//FishCreator (fishfactory.FishCreator) package fishfactory { import flash.display.*; public class FishCreator { private var thisDisplayObject:MovieClip; private var model:IModel; private var fishController:FishController; private var controller:IController; public static const FISHCOD:uint = 9; public static const FISHCLOWN:uint = 13; public static const FISHSALMON:uint = 1; public static const FISHTROUT:uint = 3; public static const FISHWORMEATER:uint = 4; public static const FISHMINNOW:uint = 7; public static const FISHCAT:uint = 11; public static const FISHFLOUNDER:uint = 10; public static const FISHTIKI:uint = 14; public static const FISHMULLET:uint = 6; public static const FISHPIRATE:uint = 15; public static const FISHMUTANT:uint = 12; public static const FISHHILLBILLY:uint = 5; public static const FISHGROUPER:uint = 8; public static const FISHBIGMOUTHBASS:uint = 2; public function FishCreator(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:MovieClip){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; thisDisplayObject = _arg3; fishController = new FishController(model); fishController.init(thisDisplayObject, _arg4); } public function cleanUp():void{ fishController.cleanUp(); } public function removeFish(_arg1:Object):void{ fishController.removeFish(_arg1); } public function addFish(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ var _local5:Fish; _local5 = this.createFish(_arg1); _local5.init(thisDisplayObject, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _local5.numID = _arg1; fishController.addFish(_local5); } private function createFish(_arg1:uint):Fish{ if (_arg1 == FISHSALMON){ return (new FishSalmon(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHBIGMOUTHBASS){ return (new FishBigMouthBass(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHTROUT){ return (new FishTrout(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHWORMEATER){ return (new FishWormEater(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHHILLBILLY){ return (new FishHillBilly(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHMULLET){ return (new FishMullet(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHMINNOW){ return (new FishMinnow(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHGROUPER){ return (new FishGrouper(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHCOD){ return (new FishCod(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHFLOUNDER){ return (new FishFlounder(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHCAT){ return (new FishCat(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHMUTANT){ return (new FishMutant(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHCLOWN){ return (new FishClown(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHTIKI){ return (new FishTiki(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHPIRATE){ return (new FishPirate(model, controller)); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of fish specified")); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 9
//FishFlounder (fishfactory.FishFlounder) package fishfactory { class FishFlounder extends Fish { function FishFlounder(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "flounder"; _fishWeight = (6 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 350); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 5); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 10); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 0); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 10); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 500); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 10
//FishGrouper (fishfactory.FishGrouper) package fishfactory { class FishGrouper extends Fish { function FishGrouper(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "grouper"; _fishWeight = (50 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 11))); rangeX = (rangeX - 300); speedX = (speedX + 2); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 5); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 5); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 0); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 2000); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 11
//FishHillBilly (fishfactory.FishHillBilly) package fishfactory { class FishHillBilly extends Fish { function FishHillBilly(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "hillbilly fish"; _fishWeight = (7 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 4))); rangeX = (rangeX + 100); speedX = (speedX - 1); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 10); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 35); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 10); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 1000); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 12
//FishMinnow (fishfactory.FishMinnow) package fishfactory { class FishMinnow extends Fish { function FishMinnow(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "spotted minnow"; _fishWeight = (1 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 200); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 5); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 25); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 50); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 10); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 13); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 30); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 700); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 13
//FishMoney (fishfactory.FishMoney) package fishfactory { public class FishMoney { private var baseMoney:int; public function FishMoney():void{ baseMoney = 200; } public function getMoney(_arg1:String):int{ var _local2:int; _local2 = baseMoney; if (_arg1 == "bastard worm eater"){ _local2 = (_local2 - 150); } else { if (_arg1 == "rainbow trout"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 0); } else { if (_arg1 == "tiki fish"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 250); } else { if (_arg1 == "salmon"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 50); } else { if (_arg1 == "pirate fish"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 200); } else { if (_arg1 == "mutant fish"){ _local2 = (_local2 - 220); } else { if (_arg1 == "mullet"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 50); } else { if (_arg1 == "spotted minnow"){ _local2 = (_local2 - 100); } else { if (_arg1 == "hillbilly fish"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 150); } else { if (_arg1 == "grouper"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 100); } else { if (_arg1 == "flounder"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 100); } else { if (_arg1 == "big mouth cod"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 150); } else { if (_arg1 == "clown fish"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 200); } else { if (_arg1 == "catfish"){ _local2 = (_local2 + 100); } else { if (_arg1 == "big mouth bass"){ _local2 = (_local2 - 100); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 14
//FishMullet (fishfactory.FishMullet) package fishfactory { class FishMullet extends Fish { function FishMullet(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "mullet"; _fishWeight = (7 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 400); speedX = (speedX + 3); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 0); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 0); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 10); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 0); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 0); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 0); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 15
//FishMutant (fishfactory.FishMutant) package fishfactory { import*; import fishfactory.*; class FishMutant extends Fish { function FishMutant(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "mutant fish"; _fishWeight = (2 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 7))); rangeX = (rangeX + 100); speedX = (speedX + 3); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 6); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 25); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 50); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 10); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 30); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 30); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance - 1998); } override function init(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ super.init(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); _targetObject.mcFishAll.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initMutant); } private function initMutant(_arg1:Event):void{ _targetObject.mcFishAll.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initMutant); _targetObject.mcFishAll.mcFish.mcGlow.gotoAndPlay((Math.floor((Math.random() * 53)) + 2)); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 16
//FishPirate (fishfactory.FishPirate) package fishfactory { class FishPirate extends Fish { function FishPirate(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "pirate fish"; _fishWeight = (10 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 4))); rangeX = (rangeX - 200); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 10); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 0); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 5); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 10); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 500); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 17
//FishSalmon (fishfactory.FishSalmon) package fishfactory { class FishSalmon extends Fish { function FishSalmon(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "salmon"; _fishWeight = (30 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 11))); rangeX = (rangeX - 400); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 0); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 0); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 0); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 0); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 0); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 0); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 18
//FishSound (fishfactory.FishSound) package fishfactory { import fishfactory.*; import*; import utils.*; class FishSound extends FishTimer { protected var channel:SoundChannel; protected var _targetObject:FishRobotMC; protected var fishStalkingSFX; protected var soundFX:Object; protected var fishWaitingSFX; protected var soundFXLoaded:Boolean; protected var fishGulpSFX:Sound; protected var soundFXPlaying:String; function FishSound(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController){ super(_arg1, _arg2); soundFXLoaded = false; soundFXPlaying = "none"; channel = new SoundChannel(); } function stopSFX():void{ if (soundFXPlaying != "none"){ if (soundFXLoaded){ channel.stop(); soundFXPlaying = "none"; } else { loadSFX(); }; }; } function playSFX(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0):void{ var _local4:SoundPanVol; if (soundFXPlaying != _arg1){ if (soundFXLoaded){ stopSFX(); if (_arg1 == "fish gulp"){ channel =; soundFXPlaying = "none"; } else { if (_arg1 == "fish stalking"){ channel =, 1000); } else { if (_arg1 == "fish waiting"){ channel =, 1000); }; }; soundFXPlaying = _arg1; }; _local4 = new SoundPanVol(channel, 1, _arg3, _targetObject.x, model.movieWidth); } else { loadSFX(); }; }; } protected function loadSFX():void{ if (controller.soundFX != null){ soundFX = controller.soundFX; fishStalkingSFX = soundFX.getSFX("fish stalking"); fishWaitingSFX = soundFX.getSFX("fish waiting"); fishGulpSFX = soundFX.getSFX("fish gulp"); soundFXLoaded = true; }; } } }//package fishfactory
Section 19
//FishTiki (fishfactory.FishTiki) package fishfactory { class FishTiki extends Fish { function FishTiki(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "tiki fish"; _fishWeight = (8 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 450); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed - 1); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault - 15); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep - 8); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit - 30); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 10); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 30); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 1000); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 20
//FishTimer (fishfactory.FishTimer) package fishfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; class FishTimer extends MovieClip { protected var _nibbleCntEat:Number; protected var model:IModel; protected var thisTimer:Timer; protected var _nibbleCntOnHookEat:Number; protected var controller:IController; var nibbleCnt:Number; function FishTimer(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; thisTimer = new Timer(32, 0); } function stopNibbleTimer():void{ thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nibbleFrame); thisTimer.stop(); nibbleCnt = 0; } private function nibbleFrame(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (nibbleCnt > (_nibbleCntEat + _nibbleCntOnHookEat)){ stopNibbleTimer(); } else { nibbleCnt++; }; } function startNibbleTimer():void{ nibbleCnt = 0; thisTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, nibbleFrame); thisTimer.start(); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 21
//FishTrout (fishfactory.FishTrout) package fishfactory { class FishTrout extends Fish { function FishTrout(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "rainbow trout"; _fishWeight = (2 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 7))); rangeX = (rangeX + 0); speedX = (speedX + 0); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 0); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 10); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 5); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 0); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat + 0); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat + 0); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 0); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 22
//FishWormEater (fishfactory.FishWormEater) package fishfactory { class FishWormEater extends Fish { function FishWormEater(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _fishKind = "bastard worm eater"; _fishWeight = (3 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 3))); rangeX = (rangeX - 200); speedX = (speedX + 4); _stalkSpeed = (_stalkSpeed + 3); interestDistanceDefault = (interestDistanceDefault + 15); _personalSpaceStep = (_personalSpaceStep + 30); _attentionCntLimit = (_attentionCntLimit + 0); _nibbleCntEat = (_nibbleCntEat - 10); _nibbleCntOnHookEat = (_nibbleCntOnHookEat - 20); _fightDistance = (_fightDistance + 800); } } }//package fishfactory
Section 23
//bigmouthbassmc_45 (fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthbassmc_45) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bigmouthbassmc_45 extends MovieClip { public function bigmouthbassmc_45(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 24
//bigmouthcod_52 (fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthcod_52) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bigmouthcod_52 extends MovieClip { public function bigmouthcod_52(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 25
//bobberall_22 (fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bobberall_22 extends MovieClip { public function bobberall_22(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 26
//BonusFishMC_42 (fishingchampion_fla.BonusFishMC_42) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BonusFishMC_42 extends MovieClip { public var mcRandomFish:MovieClip; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 27
//bonusx2_112 (fishingchampion_fla.bonusx2_112) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bonusx2_112 extends MovieClip { public function bonusx2_112(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 28
//catfish_54 (fishingchampion_fla.catfish_54) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class catfish_54 extends MovieClip { public function catfish_54(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 29
//clown_57 (fishingchampion_fla.clown_57) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class clown_57 extends MovieClip { public function clown_57(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 30
//drk_88 (fishingchampion_fla.drk_88) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class drk_88 extends MovieClip { public var btLogo:SimpleButton; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 31
//FishAll_78 (fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FishAll_78 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public function FishAll_78(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 11, frame12); } function frame12(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 32
//FishBonusSlotSpin_43 (fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FishBonusSlotSpin_43 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 33
//fishingholes_33 (fishingchampion_fla.fishingholes_33) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fishingholes_33 extends MovieClip { public function fishingholes_33(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 34
//fishingrods_74 (fishingchampion_fla.fishingrods_74) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fishingrods_74 extends MovieClip { public var pointMC:MovieClip; public function fishingrods_74(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 35
//FloatyBall_83 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyBall_83) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FloatyBall_83 extends MovieClip { public function FloatyBall_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 6, frame7, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 36
//FloatyMonster_82 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyMonster_82) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FloatyMonster_82 extends MovieClip { public function FloatyMonster_82(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 6, frame7, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 37
//FloatyPrize_80 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyPrize_80) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FloatyPrize_80 extends MovieClip { public var mcBobber:MovieClip; public function FloatyPrize_80(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 38
//FloatyRubberDucky_81 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyRubberDucky_81) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FloatyRubberDucky_81 extends MovieClip { public function FloatyRubberDucky_81(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 6, frame7, 11, frame12); } function frame12(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 39
//FloatyTube_85 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTube_85) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FloatyTube_85 extends MovieClip { public function FloatyTube_85(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 4, frame5, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame5(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame8(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 40
//FloatyTurtle_84 (fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTurtle_84) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class FloatyTurtle_84 extends MovieClip { public function FloatyTurtle_84(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 6, frame7, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 41
//flounder_53 (fishingchampion_fla.flounder_53) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class flounder_53 extends MovieClip { public function flounder_53(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 42
//grouperfish_51 (fishingchampion_fla.grouperfish_51) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class grouperfish_51 extends MovieClip { public function grouperfish_51(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 43
//hillbillyfish_48 (fishingchampion_fla.hillbillyfish_48) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hillbillyfish_48 extends MovieClip { public function hillbillyfish_48(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 44
//HUDmc_35 (fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class HUDmc_35 extends MovieClip { public var mcTotalMoney:MovieClip; public var btInstructions:SimpleButton; public var txWormCnt:TextField; public var mcSpeaker:MovieClip; public var btFishList:SimpleButton; public var btBobber:MovieClip; public var btMap:SimpleButton; public var mcMoney:MovieClip; public function HUDmc_35(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 45
//instructionsmc_6 (fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class instructionsmc_6 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcPointBent:MovieClip; public var pointMC:MovieClip; public var btBack:SimpleButton; public var mcBars:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var btNext:SimpleButton; public var btPlay:SimpleButton; public var mcPowerLevel:MovieClip; public var btFish:SimpleButton; public var mcHook:HookMC; public var mcBobber:MovieClip; public function instructionsmc_6(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 46
//listbassmc_119 (fishingchampion_fla.listbassmc_119) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listbassmc_119 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 47
//listbastardmc_121 (fishingchampion_fla.listbastardmc_121) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listbastardmc_121 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 48
//listcatfishmc_116 (fishingchampion_fla.listcatfishmc_116) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listcatfishmc_116 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 49
//listclownmc_125 (fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listclownmc_125 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 50
//listcodmc_127 (fishingchampion_fla.listcodmc_127) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listcodmc_127 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 51
//listfloundermc_123 (fishingchampion_fla.listfloundermc_123) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listfloundermc_123 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 52
//listGroupermc_122 (fishingchampion_fla.listGroupermc_122) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listGroupermc_122 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 53
//listhillmc_120 (fishingchampion_fla.listhillmc_120) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listhillmc_120 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 54
//listminnowmc_126 (fishingchampion_fla.listminnowmc_126) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listminnowmc_126 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 55
//listMulletmc_128 (fishingchampion_fla.listMulletmc_128) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listMulletmc_128 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 56
//listMutantmc_129 (fishingchampion_fla.listMutantmc_129) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listMutantmc_129 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 57
//listpiratemc_124 (fishingchampion_fla.listpiratemc_124) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listpiratemc_124 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 58
//listsalmonmc_117 (fishingchampion_fla.listsalmonmc_117) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listsalmonmc_117 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 59
//listTikimc_130 (fishingchampion_fla.listTikimc_130) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listTikimc_130 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 60
//listtroutmc_118 (fishingchampion_fla.listtroutmc_118) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class listtroutmc_118 extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcFishMouth:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 61
//MainTimeline (fishingchampion_fla.MainTimeline) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var mcBonus:MovieClip; public var mcMessagesDisObj:MovieClip; public var btLogo:MovieClip; public var btStart:SimpleButton; public var mcUnderWaterDisObj:MovieClip; public var mcWaterSurface:MovieClip; public var mcInstructions:MovieClip; public var mcAboveWaterDisObj:MovieClip; public var mcPreloader:MovieClip; public var mcHUD:MovieClip; public var mcIntroScreen:MovieClip; public var view:CompositeView; public var model:IModel; public var fmt:TextFormat; public var controller:IController; public var mcFishingHoles:MovieClip; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 4, frame5, 7, frame8, 8, frame9); } public function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 =; _local3 =; _local4 = (_local2 / _local3); mcPreloader.mcBarMask.scaleX = _local4; mcPreloader.mcBar.scaleX = _local4; mcPreloader.txLoadingBlack.text = (("Loading... " + Math.round((_local4 * 100))) + "%"); mcPreloader.txLoadingBlack.setTextFormat(fmt); mcPreloader.txLoadingWhite.text = (("Loading... " + Math.round((_local4 * 100))) + "%"); mcPreloader.txLoadingWhite.setTextFormat(fmt); } public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); mcPreloader.mcBarMask.scaleX = 1; mcPreloader.mcBar.scaleX = 1; mcPreloader.txLoadingBlack.text = "Loading... 100%"; mcPreloader.txLoadingBlack.setTextFormat(fmt); mcPreloader.txLoadingWhite.text = "Loading... 100%"; mcPreloader.txLoadingWhite.setTextFormat(fmt); } function frame8(){ view.init(); stop(); } function frame9(){ mcInstructions.visible = false; stop(); } function frame5(){ mcInstructions.btPlay.visible = false; mcInstructions.btFish.visible = false; model = new Model(); controller = new Controller(model); view = new RootView(model, controller, this); btStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playInstructions); play(); } function frame2(){ fmt = new TextFormat(); fmt.letterSpacing = 4; mcPreloader.txLoadingBlack.setTextFormat(fmt); mcPreloader.txLoadingWhite.setTextFormat(fmt); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); } public function playInstructions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ btStart.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playInstructions); mcIntroScreen.visible = false; btLogo.visible = false; btStart.visible = false; } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 62
//minnow_50 (fishingchampion_fla.minnow_50) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class minnow_50 extends MovieClip { public function minnow_50(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 63
//moneyscoremc_7 (fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class moneyscoremc_7 extends MovieClip { public var txMoneyMinus:TextField; public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 64
//mulletfish_49 (fishingchampion_fla.mulletfish_49) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mulletfish_49 extends MovieClip { public function mulletfish_49(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 65
//mutant_55 (fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mutant_55 extends MovieClip { public var mcGlow:MovieClip; public function mutant_55(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 66
//mutantfishglow_56 (fishingchampion_fla.mutantfishglow_56) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mutantfishglow_56 extends MovieClip { public function mutantfishglow_56(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 55, frame56); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame56(){ gotoAndPlay("play"); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 67
//OpenIntroMC_5 (fishingchampion_fla.OpenIntroMC_5) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class OpenIntroMC_5 extends MovieClip { public function OpenIntroMC_5(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 68
//pirate_59 (fishingchampion_fla.pirate_59) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class pirate_59 extends MovieClip { public function pirate_59(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 69
//preloadermain_1 (fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class preloadermain_1 extends MovieClip { public var mcBarMask:MovieClip; public var mcBar:MovieClip; public var txLoadingBlack:TextField; public var txLoadingWhite:TextField; public function preloadermain_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 70
//salmonmc_44 (fishingchampion_fla.salmonmc_44) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class salmonmc_44 extends MovieClip { public function salmonmc_44(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 71
//sound_39 (fishingchampion_fla.sound_39) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class sound_39 extends MovieClip { public var btPlayMusic:SimpleButton; public var btPauseMusic:SimpleButton; public function sound_39(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 72
//targetlinesgraph_29 (fishingchampion_fla.targetlinesgraph_29) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class targetlinesgraph_29 extends MovieClip { public var mcBarsRaw:MovieClip; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 73
//tiki_58 (fishingchampion_fla.tiki_58) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tiki_58 extends MovieClip { public function tiki_58(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 74
//totalmoneyscoremc_13 (fishingchampion_fla.totalmoneyscoremc_13) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class totalmoneyscoremc_13 extends MovieClip { public var txMoney:TextField; } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 75
//troutmc_46 (fishingchampion_fla.troutmc_46) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class troutmc_46 extends MovieClip { public function troutmc_46(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 76
//wormeatermc_47 (fishingchampion_fla.wormeatermc_47) package fishingchampion_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class wormeatermc_47 extends MovieClip { public function wormeatermc_47(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package fishingchampion_fla
Section 77
//FVAlerts (fishingview.FVAlerts) package fishingview { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.motion.*; public class FVAlerts { private var fishCaughtMess:FishCaughtMessageMC; private var controller:IController; private var reelIn:ReelInMC; private var color:Color; private var fishAteWormMess:FishAteWormMessMC; private var rootView:FVRootView; private var model:IModel; private var noMoreWorms:NoMoreWormsMC; private var fishOnMess:FishOnMessageMC; public function FVAlerts(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:FVRootView){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; rootView = _arg3; fishCaughtMess = new FishCaughtMessageMC(); fishCaughtMess.x = 100; fishCaughtMess.y = 64; fishAteWormMess = new FishAteWormMessMC(); fishAteWormMess.x = 400; fishAteWormMess.y = 80; fishOnMess = new FishOnMessageMC(); fishOnMess.x = 16; fishOnMess.y = 16; noMoreWorms = new NoMoreWormsMC(); noMoreWorms.x = 400; noMoreWorms.y = 80; reelIn = new ReelInMC(); reelIn.x = 400; reelIn.y = 80; color = new Color(); color.tintColor = 0xFF3300; } function alertMessages(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:FishRobotMC; var _local3:String; controller.removeDisplayObjectChilds(rootView.messageDisObj); if (_arg1 == "fish caught"){ model.pauseBonus = true; rootView.stopSFX("reel whine"); if (model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth < 1){ _local3 = "fish caught boo"; } else { _local3 = "fish caught"; }; if (model.bonusFish != model.fishOnHook.numID){ rootView.playSFX(_local3, 1, 0); fishCaughtMess.mcBonusX2.visible = false; } else { rootView.playSFX(_local3, 0.8, 0); fishCaughtMess.mcBonusX2.visible = true; fishCaughtMess.mcBonusX2.gotoAndPlay("play"); rootView.playSFX("ka-ching", 1, 0); }; applyTint(0); rootView.targetStage.addChild(fishCaughtMess); _local2 = new FishRobotMC(); _local2.mcFishAll.gotoAndStop(model.fishOnHook.targetObject.mcFishAll.currentFrame); fishCaughtMess.txFishName.text = (((model.fishOnHook.fishKind + " ") + model.fishOnHook.fishWeight) + " lb"); if (model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth < 0){ fishCaughtMess.txMoney.text = (" " + model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth); fishCaughtMess.txMoneyMinus.text = "-"; } else { fishCaughtMess.txMoney.text = model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth; fishCaughtMess.txMoneyMinus.text = ""; }; fishCaughtMess.btFish.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, removeFishCaughtMess); fishCaughtMess.mcFishHolder.addChild(_local2); } else { if (_arg1 == "fish ate worm"){ rootView.messageDisObj.addChildAt(fishAteWormMess, 0); } else { if (_arg1 == "fish on"){ rootView.messageDisObj.addChildAt(fishOnMess, 0); } else { if (_arg1 == "no worms"){ rootView.messageDisObj.addChildAt(noMoreWorms, 0); } else { if (_arg1 == "reel in for worm"){ rootView.messageDisObj.addChildAt(reelIn, 0); } else { if (_arg1 == "clear"){ }; }; }; }; }; }; } function applyTint(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 < 0){ _arg1 = 0; } else { if (_arg1 > 1){ _arg1 = 1; }; }; color.tintMultiplier = _arg1; fishOnMess.mcBars.mcBarsRaw.transform.colorTransform = color; } function removeAlertMessages(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == "fish caught"){ removeFishCaughtMess(); } else { controller.removeDisplayObjectChilds(rootView.messageDisObj); }; } private function removeFishCaughtMess(_arg1:Event=null):void{ fishCaughtMess.btFish.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, removeFishCaughtMess); fishCaughtMess.mcFishHolder.removeChildAt(0); if (model.levelCompleted){ fishCaughtMess.gotoAndStop("level cleared"); rootView.playSFX("fishing hole cheer", 1, 0); fishCaughtMess.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initLevelCleared); } else { model.fishOnHook = null; rootView.targetStage.removeChild(fishCaughtMess); rootView.sinkHookOn = false; model.pauseBonus = false; rootView.removeFishingEvents(); rootView.resetRodForCasting(); rootView.initTackle(); }; } private function initLevelCleared(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; fishCaughtMess.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initLevelCleared); rootView.levelUnlockedGo(fishCaughtMess.btGo); fishCaughtMess.txLevelName.text = model.currentLevelName; fishCaughtMess.txWormCnt.text = model.wormCnt.toString(); fishCaughtMess.txWormBonusAmount.text = "100"; _local2 = (100 * model.wormCnt); fishCaughtMess.txWormBonusTotal.text = _local2.toString(); model.moneyTotal = (model.moneyTotal + _local2); fishCaughtMess.mcMoney.txMoney.text = model.moneyFish.toString(); model.moneyTotal = (model.moneyTotal + model.moneyFish); fishCaughtMess.mcTotalMoney.txMoney.text = model.moneyTotal.toString(); } } }//package fishingview
Section 78
//FVDrawFishLine (fishingview.FVDrawFishLine) package fishingview { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class FVDrawFishLine { private var model:IModel; private var controller:IController; private var rootView:FVRootView; public function FVDrawFishLine(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:FVRootView){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; rootView = _arg3; } function drawFishingLine():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:Point; var _local3:Object; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; if (rootView.sinkHookOn){ if (rootView.bobber.x < (rootView.rod.x - 50)){ rootView.rod.mcRods.gotoAndStop("bent left"); } else { if (rootView.bobber.x > (rootView.rod.x + 50)){ rootView.rod.mcRods.gotoAndStop("bent right"); } else { rootView.rod.mcRods.gotoAndStop("straight"); }; }; }; rootView.bobberUnderWater.x = rootView.bobber.x; rootView.bobberUnderWater.y = rootView.bobber.y; rootView.bobberUnderWater.scaleX = rootView.bobber.scaleX; rootView.bobberUnderWater.scaleY = rootView.bobber.scaleY; rootView.bobberUnderWater.zPosition = rootView.bobber.zPosition; rootView.leaderLineShapeHolder.zPosition = rootView.hook.zPosition; if (!model.tackelLanded){ _local1 = "arc"; } else { if (!rootView.reelingIn){ _local1 = "sag"; } else { _local1 = "straight"; }; }; _local2 = new Point(rootView.bobber.pointMC.x, rootView.bobber.pointMC.y); _local3 = rootView.bobber.localToGlobal(_local2); _local4 = _local3.x; _local5 = _local3.y; _local2 = new Point(rootView.rod.mcRods.pointMC.x, rootView.rod.mcRods.pointMC.y); _local3 = rootView.rod.mcRods.localToGlobal(_local2); _local6 = _local3.x; _local7 = _local3.y; controller.drawFishingLine(_local1, rootView.fishingLineShape, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7, rootView.tackelThreeD); _local2 = new Point(rootView.bobber.point2MC.x, rootView.bobber.point2MC.y); _local3 = rootView.bobber.localToGlobal(_local2); _local4 = _local3.x; _local5 = _local3.y; _local6 = rootView.hook.x; _local7 = rootView.hook.y; controller.drawFishingLine("straight", rootView.leaderLineShape, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7, rootView.tackelThreeD); } } }//package fishingview
Section 79
//FVReelIn (fishingview.FVReelIn) package fishingview { import flash.display.*; import*; public class FVReelIn { var rodXLast:Number; var reelInDown:Boolean; private var model:IModel; private var tugMoved:String; private var controller:IController; private var rootView:FVRootView; public function FVReelIn(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:FVRootView){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; rootView = _arg3; tugMoved = "none"; } function rodMoved(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = rootView.bobber.x; if (((!(reelInDown)) && (!(model.bobberBob)))){ if (_arg1 < (_local2 - 25)){ if (_arg1 < (rodXLast - 25)){ reelEnterFrame(true, (rodXLast - _arg1)); tugMoved = "left"; } else { rootView.reelingIn = false; }; } else { if (_arg1 > (_local2 + 25)){ if (_arg1 > (rodXLast + 25)){ reelEnterFrame(true, (_arg1 - rodXLast)); tugMoved = "right"; } else { rootView.reelingIn = false; }; } else { rootView.reelingIn = false; }; }; }; rodXLast = _arg1; } private function tackleUp(_arg1:Event):void{ rootView.stopSFX("reeling in"); rootView.rod.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tackleUp); rootView.castingMeter.visible = true; rootView.resetRodForCasting(); } private function initTackleUp(_arg1:Event):void{ rootView.rod.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initTackleUp); if (model.wormCnt > 0){ rootView.rod.mcHook.gotoAndStop("on"); } else { rootView.rod.mcHook.gotoAndStop("off"); }; rootView.rod.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); rootView.rod.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tackleUp); } function reelEnterFrame(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Number=0):void{ if (!_arg1){; }; rootView.stackAboveWaterZ(); if (rootView.sinkHookOn){ } else { if (((((!(rootView.reelingIn)) && (model.tackelLanded))) && (!(_arg1)))){ rootView.bobber.gotoAndStop("wake"); }; if (_arg1){ rootView.tackelThreeD.tugObject(rootView.rod.x, rootView.rod.zPosition, (_arg2 / 2.5)); } else { rootView.tackelThreeD.pullObject(rootView.rod.x, rootView.rod.zPosition, model.pullSpeed); }; if ((((((rootView.bobber.zPosition <= 170)) && (rootView.reelingIn))) && (model.tackelLanded))){ rootView.tackleReelsUp(); rootView.rod.gotoAndPlay("tackle"); rootView.rod.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initTackleUp); } else { rootView.reelingIn = true; }; }; rootView.drawFishingLine(); } } }//package fishingview
Section 80
//FVRootView (fishingview.FVRootView) package fishingview { import flash.display.*; import*; import fishfactory.*; import fishlevels.*; import floatytoys.*; public class FVRootView extends MovieClip { private var reelInView:FVReelIn; var fishingLineShapeHolder:MovieClip; private var sinkOldX:Number; private var sinkOldY:Number; private var zStackCnt:uint; var messageDisObj:MovieClip; var tackelThreeD:ThrowThreeD; private var drawFishLineView:FVDrawFishLine; var fishFight:FishFightMC; var bobberBob:Boolean; var fishingLineShape:Shape; private var rootView:ViewFishing; private var floatyFactory:FloatyCreator; private var bobberShadow:ShadowMC; var bobber:BobberMC; var reelingIn:Boolean; var sinkHookOn:Boolean; private var bobberDefaultIndex:uint; var castingMeter:PowerMeterMC; var pauseGame:Boolean; var leaderLineShape:Shape; private var castPower:Number; private var updateView:FVUpDates; var hook:HookMC; private var model:IModel; private var bobberDefaultIndexSet:Boolean; var bobberUnderWater:BobberMC; private var underWaterDisObj:MovieClip; private var fishFactory:FishCreator; private var controller:IController; private var sinkDistance:Number; var aboveWaterDisObj:MovieClip; var rod:RodMC; private var bobberShadowFront:ShadowMC; var leaderLineShapeHolder:MovieClip; private var alertsView:FVAlerts; var targetStage:MovieClip; public function FVRootView(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:ViewFishing){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function reelInDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!pauseGame){ if (sinkHookOn){ sinkHookReset(); stopSFX("reel whine"); }; playSFX("reeling in", 1, 0); reelInView.reelInDown = true; rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); rod.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reelEnterFrame); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); rod.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reelInUp); }; } function removeFishingEvents():void{ bobber.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawFishingLine); tackelThreeD.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tackelThreeDComplete); tackelThreeD.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, tackelThreeDUpdate); targetStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovedCasting); targetStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoved); rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stackAboveWaterZ); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reelInUp); rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reelEnterFrame); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, castPowerEnterFrame); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, rodUp); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); } public function nextLevel():void{ model.currentLevel++; cleanUp(); } function sinkHook(){ sinkHookReset(); sinkHookOn = true; } private function initLevel():void{ var _local1:FishLevelCreator; model.moneyFishReset(); model.levelCompleted = false; fishFactory = new FishCreator(model, controller, underWaterDisObj, bobber); _local1 = new FishLevelCreator(fishFactory, model); targetStage.mcFishingHoles.gotoAndStop(model.currentLevel); targetStage.mcWaterSurface.gotoAndStop(model.currentLevel); _local1.buildLevel(); underWaterDisObj.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stackUnderWaterZ); alertMessages("clear"); } function tackleReelsUp():void{ if (model.wormCnt > 0){ alertMessages("clear"); } else { alertMessages("no worms"); }; rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reelEnterFrame); initTackle(); fishingLineShapeHolder.visible = false; targetStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoved); targetStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovedCasting); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reelInUp); bobber.gotoAndStop("off"); bobber.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); bobberUnderWater.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); reelingIn = false; model.tackelLanded = false; } function stackAboveWaterZ(_arg1:Event=null):void{ if (bobber.zPosition > rod.zPosition){ fishingLineShapeHolder.zPosition = (rod.zPosition + 1); }; controller.stackZAxis(aboveWaterDisObj); } private function sinkHookReset(){ sinkOldX = rod.x; sinkOldY = rod.y; sinkDistance = 0; } function updateBobberStyle(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, updateBobberStyle); _arg1.currentTarget.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); } function removeAlertMessages(_arg1:String):void{ alertsView.removeAlertMessages(_arg1); updateView.currentMessage = "none"; } function playSFX(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4=null):void{ controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } private function resetThreeD():void{ targetStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovedCasting); targetStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoved); setCastPower(); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(leaderLineShapeHolder); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(hook); bobberShadow.gotoAndStop("shadow"); tackelThreeD.resetObject(castPower, (rod.x - (aboveWaterDisObj.stage.stageWidth / 2))); bobberDefaultIndexSet = false; model.tackelLanded = false; model.wormOnHook = true; controller.stackZAxis(aboveWaterDisObj); drawFishingLine(); bobber.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); bobberUnderWater.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); } private function rodUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!pauseGame){ rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, castPowerEnterFrame); stopSFX("power meter"); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, rodUp); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); alertMessages("clear"); resetThreeD(); throwThreeD(); }; } private function cleanUp():void{ model.pauseBonus = true; underWaterDisObj.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stackUnderWaterZ); removeFishingEvents(); floatyFactory.cleanUp(); fishFactory.cleanUp(); alertMessages("clear"); controller.removeDisplayObjectChilds(underWaterDisObj); controller.removeDisplayObjectChilds(aboveWaterDisObj); rootView.nextLevel(); } public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } private function setCastPower():void{ castPower = ((castingMeter.mcPowerLevel.scaleY / 0.1) - 1); if (castPower > 9){ castPower = 9; } else { if (castPower < 0){ castPower = 0; }; }; } function alertMessages(_arg1:String):void{ alertsView.alertMessages(_arg1); updateView.currentMessage = _arg1; } function drawFishingLineEnterFrame(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == "add"){ bobber.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawFishingLine); } else { if (_arg1 == "remove"){ bobber.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawFishingLine); }; }; } private function throwThreeD():void{ playSFX("reel whine", 1, 0); if (model.wormOnHook){ hook.gotoAndStop("on"); } else { hook.gotoAndStop("off"); }; rod.gotoAndStop(1); bobberShadow.visible = true; fishingLineShapeHolder.visible = true; bobberShadowFront.visible = true; tackelThreeD.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tackelThreeDComplete); model.tackelLanded = false; setCastPower(); bobber.gotoAndStop("on"); bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, updateBobberStyle); bobberUnderWater.gotoAndStop("on"); bobberUnderWater.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, updateBobberStyle); tackelThreeD.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, tackelThreeDUpdate); tackelThreeD.throwObject(); rod.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stackAboveWaterZ); rod.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); } private function initMouseEvents():void{ resetRodForCasting(); rod.gotoAndStop("tackle up"); rod.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); } function initTackle():void{ floatyFactory.addFloaty(); hook.y = (targetStage.stage.stageHeight + hook.height); fishingLineShapeHolder.zPosition = 81; bobberShadow.y = (targetStage.stage.stageHeight + bobberShadow.height); bobberShadowFront.y = (targetStage.stage.stageHeight + bobberShadow.height); bobber.y = (targetStage.stage.stageHeight + bobber.height); bobber.x = (targetStage.stage.stageWidth / 2); bobber.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); bobberUnderWater.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); bobber.zPosition = 0; bobberUnderWater.y = (targetStage.stage.stageHeight + bobber.height); bobberUnderWater.x = (targetStage.stage.stageWidth / 2); bobberUnderWater.zPosition = bobber.zPosition; controller.stackZAxis(aboveWaterDisObj); } private function rodDown(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:FloatyCreator; if (!pauseGame){ _local2 = new FloatyCreator(model, controller, aboveWaterDisObj, bobber); _local2.addFloaty(); controller.stackZAxis(aboveWaterDisObj); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); rod.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, rodUp); controller.castingMeterMaxed = false; castingMeter.visible = true; rod.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, castPowerEnterFrame); playSFX("power meter", (castingMeter.mcPowerLevel.scaleY / 100), 0.5); }; } private function mouseMoved(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!pauseGame){ if (((!(bobberBob)) && (model.tackelLanded))){ reelInView.rodMoved(rod.x); }; if (sinkHookOn){ fishIsOn(); }; rod.x = _arg1.stageX; rod.y = _arg1.stageY; drawFishingLine(); }; } private function nextLevelGo(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextLevelGo); model.fishOnHook = null; targetStage.removeChild(_arg1.currentTarget.parent); nextLevel(); } private function castPowerEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ controller.castPowerEnterFrame(castingMeter.mcPowerLevel); controller.soundFXPlayer.sfxSoundTransform("power meter", (castingMeter.mcPowerLevel.scaleY + 0.3), 0.5); } private function fishCaught(){ var _local1:MovieClip; stopSFX("fish fight splash"); model.wormCnt = (model.wormCnt - 1); removeFishingEvents(); resetRodForCasting(); rod.gotoAndStop("tackle up"); rod.visible = false; _local1 = model.fishOnHook.targetObject; if (model.bonusFish == model.fishOnHook.numID){ model.moneyFish = (model.moneyFish + (model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth * 2)); } else { model.moneyFish = (model.moneyFish + model.fishOnHook.moneyWorth); }; if (model.moneyFish >= model.moneyForLevel){ model.levelCompleted = true; }; alertMessages("fish caught"); fishFight.x = -500; fishFactory.removeFish(model.fishOnHook); reelInUp(); stopSFX("reel whine"); } private function reelEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!pauseGame){ reelInView.reelEnterFrame(); }; } function stopSFX(_arg1:String):void{ controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX(_arg1); } function fishIsOn():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = (sinkOldX - rod.x); _local2 = (sinkOldY - rod.y); _local3 = Math.sqrt(((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2))); if (_local3 >= 0){ sinkDistance = (sinkDistance + _local3); }; alertsView.applyTint((sinkDistance / model.fishOnHook.fightDistance)); if (sinkDistance >= model.fishOnHook.fightDistance){ fishCaught(); } else { sinkOldX = rod.x; sinkOldY = rod.y; }; } function resetRodForCasting():void{ reelInView.reelInDown = false; bobberUnderWater.visible = false; if (model.currentLevel > model.levelMax){ nextLevel(); } else { if (model.wormCnt == 0){ rod.mcHook.gotoAndStop("off"); alertMessages("no worms"); }; rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reelEnterFrame); initTackle(); rod.visible = true; castingMeter.visible = true; fishingLineShapeHolder.visible = false; targetStage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoved); targetStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMovedCasting); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reelInUp); rod.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); }; } private function mouseMovedCasting(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!pauseGame){ rod.x = _arg1.stageX; rod.y = _arg1.stageY; }; } private function stackUnderWaterZ(_arg1:Event):void{ controller.stackZAxis(underWaterDisObj); } private function putHookUnderWater():void{ underWaterDisObj.addChild(leaderLineShapeHolder); underWaterDisObj.addChild(hook); bobber.gotoAndStop("off"); bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, updateBobberStyle); bobberUnderWater.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); tackelThreeD.pullObject(rod.x, rod.zPosition, 0); drawFishingLine(); } function mouseMovedAddEvent():void{ targetStage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoved); } function drawFishingLine(_arg1:Event=null):void{ drawFishLineView.drawFishingLine(); } public function initView():void{ bobberBob = model.bobberBob; sinkHookOn = false; zStackCnt = 0; aboveWaterDisObj = targetStage.mcAboveWaterDisObj; underWaterDisObj = targetStage.mcUnderWaterDisObj; messageDisObj = targetStage.mcMessagesDisObj; fishFight = new FishFightMC(); = "fishFight"; hook = new HookMC(); leaderLineShape = new Shape(); leaderLineShapeHolder = new MovieClip(); leaderLineShapeHolder.addChild(leaderLineShape); fishingLineShape = new Shape(); fishingLineShapeHolder = new MovieClip(); fishingLineShapeHolder.addChild(fishingLineShape); bobberShadow = new ShadowMC(); bobberShadowFront = new ShadowMC(); bobberShadowFront.gotoAndStop("front"); bobber = new BobberMC(); bobberUnderWater = new BobberMC(); floatyFactory = new FloatyCreator(model, controller, aboveWaterDisObj, bobber); floatyFactory.addFloaty(); rod = new RodMC(); rod.buttonMode = true; rod.gotoAndStop(1); rod.x = -300; rod.y = -300; rod.zPosition = 80; castingMeter = new PowerMeterMC(); castingMeter.x = 741; castingMeter.y = 354; castingMeter.zPosition = (rod.zPosition + 1); bobberDefaultIndex = underWaterDisObj.numChildren; underWaterDisObj.addChild(bobberUnderWater); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(leaderLineShapeHolder); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(hook); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(bobber); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(bobberShadow); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(bobberShadowFront); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(fishingLineShapeHolder); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(castingMeter); aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(rod); pauseGame = model.pauseGame; tackelThreeD = new ThrowThreeD(model, controller, bobber, bobberShadow, bobberShadowFront, hook); updateView = new FVUpDates(model, controller, this); drawFishLineView = new FVDrawFishLine(model, controller, this); reelInView = new FVReelIn(model, controller, this); alertsView = new FVAlerts(model, controller, this); model.tackelLanded = true; initTackle(); initLevel(); initMouseEvents(); } private function tackelThreeDComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ stopSFX("reel whine"); playSFX("bobber land splash", (((tackelThreeD.zFactor * 80) / 100) - 0.08), 0, bobber.x); bobberUnderWater.visible = true; reelInView.rodXLast = rod.x; rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stackAboveWaterZ); tackelThreeD.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tackelThreeDComplete); model.tackelLanded = true; rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, rodDown); castingMeter.visible = false; castingMeter.mcPowerLevel.scaleY = 0.01; castingMeter.mcFish.y = (castingMeter.mcPowerLevel.y - 10); bobberShadow.visible = false; bobberShadowFront.visible = false; putHookUnderWater(); } public function levelUnlockedGo(_arg1):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextLevelGo); } public function updateModel(_arg1:Event=null):void{ updateView.updateModel(); } function reelInUp(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ if (!pauseGame){ reelInView.reelInDown = false; rod.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reelInUp); rod.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, reelEnterFrame); rod.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reelInDown); if (((((reelingIn) && (model.tackelLanded))) && ((model.fishOnHook == null)))){ bobber.gotoAndStop("off"); }; reelingIn = false; rod.stop(); drawFishingLine(); if (sinkHookOn){ sinkHookReset(); playSFX("reel whine", 1, 0); }; stopSFX("reeling in"); }; } private function tackelThreeDUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{ drawFishingLine(); } } }//package fishingview
Section 81
//FVUpDates (fishingview.FVUpDates) package fishingview { import flash.display.*; import*; public class FVUpDates { private var controller:IController; private var model:IModel; var currentMessage:String; private var rootView:FVRootView; public function FVUpDates(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:FVRootView){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; rootView = _arg3; currentMessage = null; } function updateModel():void{ var _local1:MovieClip; if (model.whatChanged == "fishOnHook"){ if (model.fishOnHook != null){ rootView.alertMessages("fish on"); currentMessage = "fish on"; _local1 = model.fishOnHook.targetObject; rootView.fishFight.scaleX = _local1.scaleX; rootView.fishFight.scaleY = _local1.scaleY; rootView.fishFight.x = _local1.x; rootView.fishFight.y = _local1.y; rootView.aboveWaterDisObj.addChild(rootView.fishFight); rootView.fishFight.gotoAndPlay(1); rootView.fishFight.zPosition = (rootView.fishingLineShapeHolder.zPosition + 0.01); rootView.playSFX("fish fight splash", 1, 0, rootView.fishFight.x); controller.stackZAxis(rootView.aboveWaterDisObj); rootView.bobber.gotoAndPlay("fightloop"); rootView.bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.bobberUnderWater.gotoAndPlay("fightloop"); rootView.bobberUnderWater.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.hook.gotoAndStop("hide"); rootView.drawFishingLineEnterFrame("add"); rootView.sinkHook(); } else { rootView.removeFishingEvents(); rootView.mouseMovedAddEvent(); rootView.reelInUp(); rootView.stopSFX("fish fight splash"); rootView.stopSFX("reel whine"); rootView.aboveWaterDisObj.removeChild(rootView.fishFight); rootView.sinkHookOn = false; rootView.removeAlertMessages("fish ate worm"); currentMessage = null; rootView.bobber.gotoAndStop("off"); rootView.bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.bobberUnderWater.gotoAndStop("on"); rootView.bobberUnderWater.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.rod.mcRods.gotoAndStop("straight"); rootView.drawFishingLine(); rootView.drawFishingLineEnterFrame("remove"); }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "wormOnHook"){ if (model.wormOnHook){ rootView.hook.gotoAndStop("on"); rootView.removeAlertMessages("fish ate worm"); currentMessage = "none"; } else { rootView.hook.gotoAndStop("off"); rootView.alertMessages("fish ate worm"); rootView.rod.gotoAndStop(1); currentMessage = "fish ate worm"; }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "bobberBob"){ if (model.bobberBob){ rootView.alertMessages("fish on"); rootView.bobber.addEventListener(Event.INIT, bobberSFX); rootView.bobber.gotoAndPlay("bob"); rootView.bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.bobberUnderWater.gotoAndPlay("underBob"); rootView.bobberUnderWater.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.drawFishingLineEnterFrame("add"); rootView.bobberBob = model.bobberBob; } else { if (!model.bobberBob){ rootView.bobber.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, bobberSFX); rootView.bobber.gotoAndStop("off"); rootView.bobber.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.bobberUnderWater.gotoAndStop("on"); rootView.bobberUnderWater.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rootView.updateBobberStyle); rootView.drawFishingLineEnterFrame("remove"); rootView.drawFishingLine(); rootView.bobberBob = model.bobberBob; }; }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "pauseGame"){ rootView.pauseGame = model.pauseGame; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "wormCnt"){ if ((((model.wormCnt == 1)) && (!(model.wormOnHook)))){ if (currentMessage != "fish ate worm"){ rootView.alertMessages("reel in for worm"); currentMessage = "reel in for worm"; }; }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "currentBobber"){ rootView.bobber.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); rootView.bobberUnderWater.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); rootView.rod.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); }; }; }; }; }; }; } protected function bobberSFX(_arg1:Event):void{ rootView.playSFX("bobber bobbing", 1, 0, rootView.bobber.x); } } }//package fishingview
Section 82
//FishLevel (fishlevels.FishLevel) package fishlevels { import flash.display.*; public class FishLevel extends MovieClip { protected const thisFishY:Number = 22; var model:IModel; public function FishLevel(_arg1:IModel){ model = _arg1; if (model.currentLevel == 1){ model.wormCnt = 12; model.moneyForLevel = 1000; } else { if (model.currentLevel == 2){ model.wormCnt = 10; model.moneyForLevel = 1300; } else { if (model.currentLevel == 3){ model.wormCnt = 8; model.moneyForLevel = 1707; } else { if (model.currentLevel == 4){ model.wormCnt = 6; model.moneyForLevel = 2000; } else { if (model.currentLevel == 5){ model.wormCnt = 3; model.moneyForLevel = 2400; } else { if (model.currentLevel == 6){ model.wormCnt = 1; model.moneyForLevel = 2800; }; }; }; }; }; }; model.scoreMin = (((((800 + 1200) + 1800) + 2000) + 2200) + 2400); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 83
//FishLevelClown (fishlevels.FishLevelClown) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelClown extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelClown(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCOD); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCLOWN); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCLOWN, 100, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 555); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -200, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, 300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -200, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -120, thisFishY, 417); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -450, thisFishY, 410); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, 400, thisFishY, 405); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCLOWN, 350, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -350, thisFishY, 370); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCLOWN, -400, thisFishY, 375); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCLOWN, 0, thisFishY, 285); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 84
//FishLevelCreator (fishlevels.FishLevelCreator) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelCreator { private var model:IModel; private var fishFactory:FishCreator; public static const LEVELONE:uint = 1; public static const LEVELTWO:uint = 2; public static const LEVELFOUR:uint = 4; public static const LEVELFIVE:uint = 5; public static const LEVELTHREE:uint = 3; public static const LEVELSIX:uint = 6; public function FishLevelCreator(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ fishFactory = _arg1; model = _arg2; } public function buildLevel():void{ var _local1:FishLevel; _local1 = this.createLevel(model.currentLevel); } private function createLevel(_arg1:uint):FishLevel{ if (_arg1 == LEVELONE){ return (new FishLevelOld(fishFactory, model)); }; if (_arg1 == LEVELTWO){ return (new FishLevelSwamp(fishFactory, model)); }; if (_arg1 == LEVELTHREE){ return (new FishLevelPirate(fishFactory, model)); }; if (_arg1 == LEVELFOUR){ return (new FishLevelClown(fishFactory, model)); }; if (_arg1 == LEVELFIVE){ return (new FishLevelDump(fishFactory, model)); }; if (_arg1 == LEVELSIX){ return (new FishLevelTiki(fishFactory, model)); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of fish level specified")); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 85
//FishLevelDump (fishlevels.FishLevelDump) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelDump extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelDump(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCOD); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMULLET); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, 100, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 555); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -200, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, 300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, -200, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -120, thisFishY, 417); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -450, thisFishY, 410); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, 400, thisFishY, 405); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, 350, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, -350, thisFishY, 370); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, -400, thisFishY, 375); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, 0, thisFishY, 285); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 86
//FishLevelOld (fishlevels.FishLevelOld) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelOld extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelOld(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHSALMON); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHTROUT); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCAT); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 200, thisFishY, 600); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, 400, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, -200, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, -400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, -300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, -150, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, -120, thisFishY, 405); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, 400, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, -250, thisFishY, 380); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, 150, thisFishY, 360); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, -400, thisFishY, 350); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 200, thisFishY, 290); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, 20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 87
//FishLevelPirate (fishlevels.FishLevelPirate) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelPirate extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelPirate(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHSALMON); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHPIRATE); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHPIRATE, 100, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, 0, thisFishY, 555); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -200, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -200, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -120, thisFishY, 417); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -450, thisFishY, 410); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, 400, thisFishY, 405); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHPIRATE, 350, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -350, thisFishY, 370); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHPIRATE, -400, thisFishY, 375); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHFLOUNDER, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHPIRATE, 0, thisFishY, 285); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHGROUPER, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 88
//FishLevelSwamp (fishlevels.FishLevelSwamp) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelSwamp extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelSwamp(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHSALMON); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHTROUT); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHHILLBILLY); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCAT); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHHILLBILLY, 400, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, 0, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, -300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, -150, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -120, thisFishY, 415); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, -450, thisFishY, 407); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHHILLBILLY, 350, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, 150, thisFishY, 370); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHHILLBILLY, -400, thisFishY, 375); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHBIGMOUTHBASS, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHSALMON, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHHILLBILLY, 0, thisFishY, 285); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCAT, 20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTROUT, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 89
//FishLevelTiki (fishlevels.FishLevelTiki) package fishlevels { import fishfactory.*; public class FishLevelTiki extends FishLevel { public function FishLevelTiki(_arg1:FishCreator, _arg2:IModel){ var _local3:Array; super(_arg2); _local3 = new Array(); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHCOD); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHTIKI); _local3.push(FishCreator.FISHMULLET); model.bonusFishArray = _local3; _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTIKI, 100, thisFishY, 575); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 555); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -200, thisFishY, 550); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 400, thisFishY, 525); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, 300, thisFishY, 500); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, 400, thisFishY, 475); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, -200, thisFishY, 450); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -400, thisFishY, 425); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -120, thisFishY, 417); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -450, thisFishY, 410); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, 400, thisFishY, 405); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, 200, thisFishY, 400); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTIKI, 350, thisFishY, 390); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, -350, thisFishY, 370); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTIKI, -400, thisFishY, 375); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMINNOW, 0, thisFishY, 325); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMUTANT, -150, thisFishY, 300); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHTIKI, 0, thisFishY, 285); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHWORMEATER, -20, thisFishY, 275); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHMULLET, 300, thisFishY, 250); _arg1.addFish(FishCreator.FISHCOD, -100, thisFishY, 225); } } }//package fishlevels
Section 90
//Color (fl.motion.Color) package fl.motion { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Color extends ColorTransform { private var _tintMultiplier:Number;// = 0 private var _tintColor:Number;// = 0 public function Color(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=1, _arg4:Number=1, _arg5:Number=0, _arg6:Number=0, _arg7:Number=0, _arg8:Number=0){ _tintColor = 0; _tintMultiplier = 0; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8); } public function setTint(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; this._tintColor = _arg1; this._tintMultiplier = _arg2; this.redMultiplier = (this.greenMultiplier = (this.blueMultiplier = (1 - _arg2))); _local3 = ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local4 = ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local5 = (_arg1 & 0xFF); this.redOffset = Math.round((_local3 * _arg2)); this.greenOffset = Math.round((_local4 * _arg2)); this.blueOffset = Math.round((_local5 * _arg2)); } public function set tintColor(_arg1:uint):void{ this.setTint(_arg1, this.tintMultiplier); } public function get brightness():Number{ return ((this.redOffset) ? (1 - this.redMultiplier) : (this.redMultiplier - 1)); } private function deriveTintColor():uint{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; _local1 = (1 / this.tintMultiplier); _local2 = Math.round((this.redOffset * _local1)); _local3 = Math.round((this.greenOffset * _local1)); _local4 = Math.round((this.blueOffset * _local1)); _local5 = (((_local2 << 16) | (_local3 << 8)) | _local4); return (_local5); } public function get tintMultiplier():Number{ return (this._tintMultiplier); } public function get tintColor():uint{ return (this._tintColor); } public function set brightness(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 > 1){ _arg1 = 1; } else { if (_arg1 < -1){ _arg1 = -1; }; }; _local2 = (1 - Math.abs(_arg1)); _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 > 0){ _local3 = (_arg1 * 0xFF); }; this.redMultiplier = (this.greenMultiplier = (this.blueMultiplier = _local2)); this.redOffset = (this.greenOffset = (this.blueOffset = _local3)); } public function set tintMultiplier(_arg1:Number):void{ this.setTint(this.tintColor, _arg1); } private function parseXML(_arg1:XML=null):Color{ var _local2:XML; var _local3:XML; var _local4:String; var _local5:uint; if (!_arg1){ return (this); }; _local2 = _arg1.elements()[0]; if (!_local2){ return (this); }; for each (_local3 in _local2.attributes()) { _local4 = _local3.localName(); if (_local4 == "tintColor"){ _local5 = (Number(_local3.toString()) as uint); this.tintColor = _local5; } else { this[_local4] = Number(_local3.toString()); }; }; return (this); } public static function interpolateColor(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Number):uint{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:uint; var _local15:uint; var _local16:uint; var _local17:uint; _local4 = (1 - _arg3); _local5 = ((_arg1 >> 24) & 0xFF); _local6 = ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local7 = ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local8 = (_arg1 & 0xFF); _local9 = ((_arg2 >> 24) & 0xFF); _local10 = ((_arg2 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local11 = ((_arg2 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local12 = (_arg2 & 0xFF); _local13 = ((_local5 * _local4) + (_local9 * _arg3)); _local14 = ((_local6 * _local4) + (_local10 * _arg3)); _local15 = ((_local7 * _local4) + (_local11 * _arg3)); _local16 = ((_local8 * _local4) + (_local12 * _arg3)); _local17 = ((((_local13 << 24) | (_local14 << 16)) | (_local15 << 8)) | _local16); return (_local17); } public static function interpolateTransform(_arg1:ColorTransform, _arg2:ColorTransform, _arg3:Number):ColorTransform{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:ColorTransform; _local4 = (1 - _arg3); _local5 = new ColorTransform(((_arg1.redMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.redMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.greenMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.greenMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.blueMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.blueMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.alphaMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.alphaMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.redOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.redOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.greenOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.greenOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.blueOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.blueOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.alphaOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.alphaOffset * _arg3))); return (_local5); } public static function fromXML(_arg1:XML):Color{ return (Color(new (Color).parseXML(_arg1))); } } }//package fl.motion
Section 91
//FloatyBall (floatytoys.FloatyBall) package floatytoys { class FloatyBall extends FloatyToy { function FloatyBall(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _floatyKind = "ball"; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 92
//FloatyController (floatytoys.FloatyController) package floatytoys { import flash.display.*; import*; import utils.*; import floatytoys.*; import flash.utils.*; class FloatyController extends MovieClip { private var viewAngleY:Number; private var model:IModel; private var thisTimer:Timer; private var centerY:Number; private var threeDConv:ThreeDConversion; private var centerX:Number; private var controller:IController; private var viewDistance:Number; private var floatyArray:Array; private var tackle:MovieClip; private var floatyPopping:FloatyToy; private var zoomZ:Number; private var movieClipObject:MovieClip; function FloatyController(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController){ floatyArray = new Array(); model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; viewAngleY = model.viewAngleY; centerX = model.centerX; centerY = model.centerY; zoomZ = model.zoomZ; viewDistance = model.viewDistance; floatyPopping = null; thisTimer = new Timer(3000, 1); } private function update3dObject(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number):void{ var _local6:*; _arg1.zPosition = _arg4; _local6 = threeDConv.threeDPoint(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, viewAngleY, centerX, centerY, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleX = threeDConv.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleY = threeDConv.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.x = (_local6.thisX - 0); _arg1.y = (_local6.thisY - ((viewAngleY * threeDConv.threeDScale(0, zoomZ, viewDistance)) / 100)); } function init(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):void{ movieClipObject = _arg1; tackle = _arg2; threeDConv = new ThreeDConversion(); } private function popFinished(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, popFinished); _local2 = model.bobberSelectArray; _local3 = new Array(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { if (!_local2[_local4].unlocked){ _local3.push(_local2[_local4]); }; _local4++; }; if ((((_local3.length > 0)) && ((model.wormCnt > 0)))){ _local5 = NumberUtilities.random(0, 4); } else { _local5 = 1; }; if (_local5 == 0){ _local6 = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local3.length)); model.unlockBobber((_local3[_local6].bobberNum - 1)); floatyPopping.targetObject.mcPrize.mcBobber.gotoAndStop(_local3[_local6].bobberNum); controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("bobber award", 1, 0, _arg1.currentTarget.parent.x); } else { if (_local5 > 0){ model.wormCnt++; floatyPopping.targetObject.mcPrize.gotoAndStop("worm"); }; }; floatyPopping.targetObject.mcPrize.visible = true; thisTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, prizeFinished); thisTimer.start(); } function removeFloaty(_arg1:FloatyToy):void{ floatyArray = model.floatyObjArray; floatyArray.splice(floatyArray.indexOf(_arg1), 1); model.floatyObjArray = floatyArray; movieClipObject.removeChild(_arg1.targetObject); if (floatyArray.length == 0){ movieClipObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, floatyEnterFrame); }; } function addFloaty(_arg1:FloatyToy):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = 700; _local3 = ((Math.random() * _local2) - (_local2 / 2)); update3dObject(_arg1.targetObject, _local3, 0, _arg1.zPosition, 0); floatyArray = model.floatyObjArray; floatyArray.push(_arg1); model.floatyObjArray = floatyArray; if (floatyArray.length == 1){ movieClipObject.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, floatyEnterFrame); }; } private function prizeFinished(_arg1:Event):void{ thisTimer.stop(); thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, prizeFinished); removeFloaty(floatyPopping); floatyPopping = null; } function cleanUp():void{ var _local1:Number; movieClipObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, floatyEnterFrame); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < floatyArray.length) { floatyArray[_local1].cleanUp(); _local1++; }; floatyArray.length = 0; model.floatyObjArray = floatyArray; } private function upDateFloaty():void{ var _local1:uint; if (floatyPopping == null){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < floatyArray.length) { if (floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.hitTestObject(tackle)){ if (((((floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.zPosition + 10) > tackle.zPosition)) && (((floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.zPosition - 10) < tackle.zPosition)))){ floatyPopping = floatyArray[_local1]; floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.mcFloaty.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, popFinished); floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.mcFloaty.gotoAndPlay("play"); controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("floaty pop", 1, 0, floatyArray[_local1].targetObject.x); break; }; }; _local1++; }; }; } private function floatyEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (floatyPopping == null){ upDateFloaty(); }; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 93
//FloatyCreator (floatytoys.FloatyCreator) package floatytoys { import flash.display.*; public class FloatyCreator { private var thisDisplayObject:MovieClip; private var model:IModel; private var floatyController:FloatyController; private var controller:IController; private static const FLOATYTUBE:uint = 4; private static const FLOATYAMOUNT:uint = 5; private static const FLOATYDUCK:uint = 0; private static const FLOATYTURTLE:uint = 3; private static const FLOATYBALL:uint = 2; private static const FLOATYMONSTER:uint = 1; public function FloatyCreator(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:MovieClip){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; thisDisplayObject = _arg3; floatyController = new FloatyController(model, controller); floatyController.init(thisDisplayObject, _arg4); } private function createFloaty(_arg1:uint):FloatyToy{ if (_arg1 == FLOATYDUCK){ return (new FloatyDuck(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FLOATYMONSTER){ return (new FloatyMonster(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FLOATYBALL){ return (new FloatyBall(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FLOATYTURTLE){ return (new FloatyTurtle(model, controller)); }; if (_arg1 == FLOATYTUBE){ return (new FloatyTube(model, controller)); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of floaty specified")); } public function cleanUp():void{ floatyController.cleanUp(); } private function removeFloaty():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < model.floatyObjArray.length) { floatyController.removeFloaty(model.floatyObjArray[_local1]); _local1++; }; } public function addFloaty():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:FloatyToy; if (model.floatyObjArray.length == 0){ removeFloaty(); _local1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * FLOATYAMOUNT)); _local2 = this.createFloaty(_local1); _local2.init(thisDisplayObject); floatyController.addFloaty(_local2); }; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 94
//FloatyDuck (floatytoys.FloatyDuck) package floatytoys { class FloatyDuck extends FloatyToy { function FloatyDuck(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _floatyKind = "duck"; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 95
//FloatyMonster (floatytoys.FloatyMonster) package floatytoys { class FloatyMonster extends FloatyToy { function FloatyMonster(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _floatyKind = "monster"; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 96
//FloatyToy (floatytoys.FloatyToy) package floatytoys { import flash.display.*; import floatytoys.*; class FloatyToy extends MovieClip { var clipX:Number; var clipY:Number; var leftMaxX:Number; protected var _targetObject:FloatyRobotMC; var clipZ:Number; private var model:IModel; protected var _zPosition:Number;// = 520 protected var _floatyKind:String; var targetDisplayObject:Object; var rightMaxX:Number; private var controller:IController; var viewAngleX:Number; function FloatyToy(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController){ _zPosition = 520; super(); model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; } function init(_arg1:Object):void{ viewAngleX = 0; targetDisplayObject = _arg1; _targetObject = new FloatyRobotMC(); _targetObject.gotoAndStop(_floatyKind); _targetObject.mcPrize.visible = false; targetDisplayObject.addChild(_targetObject); } public function get targetObject():MovieClip{ return (_targetObject); } public function get zPosition():Number{ return (_zPosition); } function cleanUp():void{ targetDisplayObject.removeChild(_targetObject); } } }//package floatytoys
Section 97
//FloatyTube (floatytoys.FloatyTube) package floatytoys { class FloatyTube extends FloatyToy { function FloatyTube(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _floatyKind = "tube"; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 98
//FloatyTurtle (floatytoys.FloatyTurtle) package floatytoys { class FloatyTurtle extends FloatyToy { function FloatyTurtle(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); _floatyKind = "turtle"; } } }//package floatytoys
Section 99
//Music (musicfactory.Music) package musicfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import utils.*; import musicfactory.*; import*; class Music extends MovieClip { protected var channel:SoundChannel; protected var music; private var model:IModel; protected var linkageString:String; protected var musicPlaying:Boolean; protected var targetDisplayObject:Object; protected var _musicLoaded:Boolean; protected var externalFile:String; protected static const FILEPATH:String = "fishingchampion_sound/music/"; function Music(_arg1:IModel){ channel = new SoundChannel(); super(); model = _arg1; _musicLoaded = false; musicPlaying = false; } private function loarderLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Class; _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, loarderLoaded); _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget.applicationDomain.getDefinition(linkageString) as Class); music = new (_local2); _musicLoaded = true; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function init(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Loader; targetDisplayObject = _arg1; _local2 = new Loader(); targetDisplayObject.addChild(_local2); _local2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loarderLoaded); _local2.load(new URLRequest((FILEPATH + externalFile))); } function setSoundTransform(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ var _local4:SoundPanVol; if (_arg3 != null){ _local4 = new SoundPanVol(channel, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, model.movieWidth); } else { _local4 = new SoundPanVol(channel, _arg1, _arg2); }; } function stopMusic():void{ if (((_musicLoaded) && (musicPlaying))){ channel.stop(); musicPlaying = false; }; } function playMusic():void{ if (((_musicLoaded) && (!(musicPlaying)))){ channel =, 1000); setSoundTransform(model.musicVolume); musicPlaying = true; }; } protected function buildMusicClass(_arg1:Object):void{ } function get musicLoaded():Boolean{ return (_musicLoaded); } } }//package musicfactory
Section 100
//MusicCreator (musicfactory.MusicCreator) package musicfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.errors.*; public class MusicCreator extends EventDispatcher { protected var _muteMusic:Boolean; protected var firstSetMusicToLoad:uint;// = 2 protected var thisDisplayObject:MovieClip; protected var model:IModel; protected var currentMusicLoading:uint; protected var currentMusic:uint; protected var musicArray:Array; protected static const FISHINGHOLEPIRATE:uint = 4; protected static const FISHINGHOLETIKI:uint = 7; protected static const INSTRUCTIONS:uint = 0; protected static const MUSICTOTALNUM:uint = 8; protected static const THEME:uint = 1; protected static const FISHINGHOLECLOWN:uint = 5; protected static const FISHINGHOLESWAMP:uint = 3; protected static const FISHINGHOLEOLD:uint = 2; protected static const FISHINGHOLEDUMP:uint = 6; public function MusicCreator(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:MovieClip){ firstSetMusicToLoad = 2; super(); model = _arg1; thisDisplayObject = _arg2; currentMusicLoading = 0; musicArray = new Array(); loadMusicArray(); } protected function loadNextMusic():void{ if (currentMusicLoading < firstSetMusicToLoad){ musicArray[currentMusicLoading].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadMusicComplete); musicArray[currentMusicLoading].init(thisDisplayObject); } else { if (firstSetMusicToLoad < MUSICTOTALNUM){ firstSetMusicToLoad = MUSICTOTALNUM; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; }; } protected function loadMusicArray():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:Music; _local1 = 0; while (musicArray.length < MUSICTOTALNUM) { _local2 = this.createMusic(_local1); musicArray.push(_local2); _local1++; }; } protected function createMusic(_arg1:uint):Music{ if (_arg1 == INSTRUCTIONS){ return (new MusicInstructions(model)); }; if (_arg1 == THEME){ return (new MusicTheme(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLEOLD){ return (new MusicFishingHoleOld(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLESWAMP){ return (new MusicFishingHoleSwamp(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLEPIRATE){ return (new MusicFishingHolePirate(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLECLOWN){ return (new MusicFishingHoleClown(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLEDUMP){ return (new MusicFishingHoleDump(model)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLETIKI){ return (new MusicFishingHoleTiki(model)); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of Music specified")); } public function loadMusic():void{ loadNextMusic(); } protected function loadMusicComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadMusicComplete); if (currentMusicLoading == currentMusic){ playMusic(); }; currentMusicLoading++; loadNextMusic(); } protected function playMusic():void{ throw (new IllegalOperationError("add playMusic not supported")); } } }//package musicfactory
Section 101
//MusicFishingHoleClown (musicfactory.MusicFishingHoleClown) package musicfactory { import utils.*; class MusicFishingHoleClown extends Music { function MusicFishingHoleClown(_arg1:IModel):void{ var _local2:Number; super(_arg1); _local2 = NumberUtilities.random(0, 1); if (_local2 == 0){ externalFile = "fishholemusic_clown.swf"; } else { externalFile = "fishholemusic_clown2.swf"; }; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicClownMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 102
//MusicFishingHoleDump (musicfactory.MusicFishingHoleDump) package musicfactory { class MusicFishingHoleDump extends Music { function MusicFishingHoleDump(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "fishholemusic_dump.swf"; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicDumpMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 103
//MusicFishingHoleOld (musicfactory.MusicFishingHoleOld) package musicfactory { class MusicFishingHoleOld extends Music { function MusicFishingHoleOld(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "fishholemusic_old.swf"; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicOldMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 104
//MusicFishingHolePirate (musicfactory.MusicFishingHolePirate) package musicfactory { class MusicFishingHolePirate extends Music { function MusicFishingHolePirate(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "fishholemusic_pirate.swf"; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicPirateMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 105
//MusicFishingHoleSwamp (musicfactory.MusicFishingHoleSwamp) package musicfactory { class MusicFishingHoleSwamp extends Music { function MusicFishingHoleSwamp(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "fishholemusic_swamp.swf"; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicSwampMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 106
//MusicFishingHoleTiki (musicfactory.MusicFishingHoleTiki) package musicfactory { class MusicFishingHoleTiki extends Music { function MusicFishingHoleTiki(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "fishholemusic_tiki.swf"; linkageString = "FishHoleMusicTikiMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 107
//MusicInstructions (musicfactory.MusicInstructions) package musicfactory { class MusicInstructions extends Music { function MusicInstructions(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "thememusic_instructions.swf"; linkageString = "ThemeMusicInstructionsMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 108
//MusicPlayer (musicfactory.MusicPlayer) package musicfactory { import flash.display.*; public class MusicPlayer extends MusicCreator { public function MusicPlayer(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:MovieClip){ super(_arg1, _arg2); _muteMusic = false; } public function set muteMusic(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _muteMusic = _arg1; } public function get muteMusic():Boolean{ return (_muteMusic); } public function stopMusic():void{ if (musicArray[currentMusic].musicLoaded){ musicArray[currentMusic].stopMusic(); }; } public function setSoundTransform(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ if (musicArray[currentMusic].musicLoaded){ musicArray[currentMusic].setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }; } public function playThemeMusic(_arg1:String):void{ stopMusic(); if (_arg1 == "instructions"){ currentMusic = INSTRUCTIONS; } else { if (_arg1 == "theme"){ currentMusic = THEME; } else { throw (new Error("Invalid kind of Theme Music specified")); }; }; playMusic(); } public function playFishHoleMusic():void{ var _local1:uint; stopMusic(); _local1 = model.currentLevel; if (_local1 == 1){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLEOLD; } else { if (_local1 == 2){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLESWAMP; } else { if (_local1 == 3){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLEPIRATE; } else { if (_local1 == 4){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLECLOWN; } else { if (_local1 == 5){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLEDUMP; } else { if (_local1 == 6){ currentMusic = FISHINGHOLETIKI; }; }; }; }; }; }; playMusic(); } override protected function playMusic():void{ if (((musicArray[currentMusic].musicLoaded) && (!(_muteMusic)))){ musicArray[currentMusic].playMusic(); }; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 109
//MusicTheme (musicfactory.MusicTheme) package musicfactory { class MusicTheme extends Music { function MusicTheme(_arg1:IModel):void{ super(_arg1); externalFile = "thememusic_theme.swf"; linkageString = "ThemeMusicThemeMC"; } } }//package musicfactory
Section 110
//SoundFX (sfxfactory.SoundFX) package sfxfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import sfxfactory.*; import utils.*; import*; class SoundFX extends MovieClip { protected var volumeDefault:Number; protected var channel:SoundChannel; protected var model:IModel; protected var linkageString:String; protected var panDefault:Number; protected var _sfxLoaded:Boolean; protected var soundFXLinkage:SoundFXLinkage; protected var targetDisplayObject:Object; protected var soundFXLinkageString:String; protected var sfx; protected var sfxPlaying:Boolean; protected var externalFile:String; protected static const FILEPATH:String = "fishingchampion_sound/sfx/"; function SoundFX(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ channel = new SoundChannel(); super(); model = _arg1; volumeDefault = 1; panDefault = 0; soundFXLinkage = _arg2; _sfxLoaded = false; sfxPlaying = false; } function init(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Loader; targetDisplayObject = _arg1; _local2 = new Loader(); targetDisplayObject.addChild(_local2); _local2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, fileLoaded); _local2.load(new URLRequest((FILEPATH + externalFile))); } function stopSFX():void{ if (((_sfxLoaded) && (sfxPlaying))){ channel.stop(); sfxPlaying = false; }; } function setSoundTransform(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ var _local4:SoundPanVol; if (_arg3 != null){ _local4 = new SoundPanVol(channel, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, model.movieWidth); } else { _local4 = new SoundPanVol(channel, _arg1, _arg2); }; } protected function playSFXPassed(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ sfxPlaying = true; setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); channel =, 1000); setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } protected function fileLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Class; _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, fileLoaded); if (soundFXLinkageString != "none"){ soundFXLinkage.setLinkage(soundFXLinkageString, (_arg1.currentTarget.applicationDomain.getDefinition(linkageString) as Class)); }; _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget.applicationDomain.getDefinition(linkageString) as Class); sfx = new (_local2); _sfxLoaded = true; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } function playSFX(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ if (((_sfxLoaded) && (!(sfxPlaying)))){ playSFXPassed(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }; } protected function buildSFXClass(_arg1:Object):void{ } function get sfxLoaded():Boolean{ return (_sfxLoaded); } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 111
//SoundFXBobberAward (sfxfactory.SoundFXBobberAward) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBobberAward extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXBobberAward(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Bobber_Award.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 112
//SoundFXBobberBobbing (sfxfactory.SoundFXBobberBobbing) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBobberBobbing extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXBobberBobbing(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Bobber_Bobbing.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "bobberBobbing"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 113
//SoundFXBobberLandSplash (sfxfactory.SoundFXBobberLandSplash) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBobberLandSplash extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXBobberLandSplash(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Bobber_Land_Splash.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 114
//SoundFXBonusFlutter (sfxfactory.SoundFXBonusFlutter) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBonusFlutter extends SoundFX { function SoundFXBonusFlutter(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_bonusflutter.swf"; linkageString = "SFXBonusFlutterMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 115
//SoundFXBonusKaChing (sfxfactory.SoundFXBonusKaChing) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBonusKaChing extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXBonusKaChing(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Bonus_Fish_Ka-ching.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 116
//SoundFXBonusSelectedDing (sfxfactory.SoundFXBonusSelectedDing) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXBonusSelectedDing extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXBonusSelectedDing(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Bonus_Fish_Selected.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 117
//SoundFXCreator (sfxfactory.SoundFXCreator) package sfxfactory { import flash.display.*; import*; public class SoundFXCreator extends EventDispatcher { protected var currentSFXLoading:uint; protected var sfxArray:Array; protected var controller:IController; protected var thisDisplayObject:MovieClip; protected var soundFXLinkage:SoundFXLinkage; protected var model:IModel; protected static const BOBBERAWARD:uint = 12; protected static const SFXAMOUNT:uint = 17; protected static const BONUSFLUTTERING:uint = 0; protected static const BOBBERLANDSPLASH:uint = 4; protected static const REELINGIN:uint = 6; protected static const FISHCAUGHTBOO:uint = 16; protected static const BONUSKACHING:uint = 14; protected static const FISHGULP:uint = 10; protected static const FISHINGHOLECHEER:uint = 15; protected static const FISHWAITING:uint = 8; protected static const BOBBERBOBBING:uint = 9; protected static const FISHCAUGHTAPPLAUSE:uint = 13; protected static const BONUSSELECTEDDING:uint = 1; protected static const FISHFIGHTSPLASHING:uint = 11; protected static const POWERMETER:uint = 2; protected static const FLOATYPOP:uint = 5; protected static const REELWHINE:uint = 3; protected static const FISHSTALKING:uint = 7; public function SoundFXCreator(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; currentSFXLoading = 0; soundFXLinkage = new SoundFXLinkage(model, controller); thisDisplayObject = _arg3; sfxArray = new Array(); loadSFXArray(); } protected function loadNextSFX():void{ if (currentSFXLoading < SFXAMOUNT){ sfxArray[currentSFXLoading].addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadSFXComplete); sfxArray[currentSFXLoading].init(thisDisplayObject); } else { dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; } protected function loadSFXArray():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:SoundFX; _local1 = 0; while (sfxArray.length < SFXAMOUNT) { _local2 = this.createSFX(_local1); sfxArray.push(_local2); _local1++; }; } protected function loadSFXComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadSFXComplete); currentSFXLoading++; loadNextSFX(); } protected function createSFX(_arg1:uint):SoundFX{ if (_arg1 == REELINGIN){ return (new SoundFXReelingIn(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHFIGHTSPLASHING){ return (new SoundFXFishFight(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHSTALKING){ return (new SoundFXFishStalk(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHWAITING){ return (new SoundFXFishWaiting(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BOBBERLANDSPLASH){ return (new SoundFXBobberLandSplash(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BOBBERBOBBING){ return (new SoundFXBobberBobbing(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == REELWHINE){ return (new SoundFXReelPulledWhine(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHGULP){ return (new SoundFXFishGulp(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FLOATYPOP){ return (new SoundFXFloatyPop(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BONUSKACHING){ return (new SoundFXBonusKaChing(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BONUSFLUTTERING){ return (new SoundFXBonusFlutter(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BONUSSELECTEDDING){ return (new SoundFXBonusSelectedDing(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == BOBBERAWARD){ return (new SoundFXBobberAward(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHCAUGHTAPPLAUSE){ return (new SoundFXFishCaughtApplause(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHINGHOLECHEER){ return (new SoundFXFishingHoleCheer(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == POWERMETER){ return (new SoundFXPowerMeterEngine(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; if (_arg1 == FISHCAUGHTBOO){ return (new SoundFXFishCaughtBoos(model, soundFXLinkage)); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of SFX specified")); } public function loadSFX():void{ loadNextSFX(); } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 118
//SoundFXFishCaughtApplause (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishCaughtApplause) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishCaughtApplause extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXFishCaughtApplause(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Fish_Caught_Applause.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 119
//SoundFXFishCaughtBoos (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishCaughtBoos) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishCaughtBoos extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXFishCaughtBoos(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Fish_Caught_Boos.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 120
//SoundFXFishFight (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishFight) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishFight extends SoundFX { function SoundFXFishFight(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_fishfightloop.swf"; linkageString = "SFXFishFightLoopMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 121
//SoundFXFishGulp (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishGulp) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishGulp extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXFishGulp(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Fish_Ate_Worm_Gulp.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "fishGulp"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 122
//SoundFXFishingHoleCheer (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishingHoleCheer) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishingHoleCheer extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXFishingHoleCheer(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Fishing_Hole_Completed_Cheer.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 123
//SoundFXFishStalk (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishStalk) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishStalk extends SoundFX { function SoundFXFishStalk(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_fishstalks.swf"; linkageString = "SFXFishingStalkingMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "fishStalkingLinkage"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 124
//SoundFXFishWaiting (sfxfactory.SoundFXFishWaiting) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFishWaiting extends SoundFX { function SoundFXFishWaiting(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_fishwaiting.swf"; linkageString = "SFXFishingWaitingMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "fishWaitingLinkage"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 125
//SoundFXFloatyPop (sfxfactory.SoundFXFloatyPop) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXFloatyPop extends SoundFXMP3 { function SoundFXFloatyPop(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "Foaty_Pop.mp3"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 126
//SoundFXLinkage (sfxfactory.SoundFXLinkage) package sfxfactory { import*; public class SoundFXLinkage { private var powerMeterEngine:Class; private var model:IModel; private var fishStalkingLinkage:Class; private var fishWaitingLinkage:Class; private var fishGulp:Sound; private var soundTotal:uint;// = 4 private var bobberBobbing:Sound; private var controller:IController; private var soundSetCnt:uint;// = 0 public function SoundFXLinkage(_arg1:IModel, _arg2){ soundTotal = 4; soundSetCnt = 0; super(); model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; } function setLinkage(_arg1:String, _arg2):void{ this[_arg1] = _arg2; soundSetCnt++; if (soundSetCnt >= soundTotal){ controller.soundFX = this; }; } public function getSFX(_arg1:String){ if (_arg1 == "fish stalking"){ return (new fishStalkingLinkage()); }; if (_arg1 == "fish waiting"){ return (new fishWaitingLinkage()); }; if (_arg1 == "bobber bobbing"){ return (bobberBobbing); }; if (_arg1 == "fish gulp"){ return (fishGulp); }; if (_arg1 == "power meter"){ return (powerMeterEngine); }; throw (new Error("Invalid kind of SFX specified")); } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 127
//SoundFXMP3 (sfxfactory.SoundFXMP3) package sfxfactory { import*; import*; import sfxfactory.*; import*; class SoundFXMP3 extends SoundFX { function SoundFXMP3(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); } override function init(_arg1:Object):void{ sfx = new Sound(); sfx.load(new URLRequest((FILEPATH + externalFile))); sfx.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); } protected function sfxFinished(_arg1:Event):void{ channel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sfxFinished); sfxPlaying = false; } protected function progressHandler(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = (_arg1.bytesLoaded / _arg1.bytesTotal); if (_arg1.bytesLoaded >= _arg1.bytesTotal){ sfx.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); fileLoaded(_arg1); }; } override protected function playSFXPassed(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ sfxPlaying = false; channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sfxFinished); setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); channel =; setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override protected function fileLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ if (soundFXLinkageString != "none"){ soundFXLinkage.setLinkage(soundFXLinkageString, sfx); }; _sfxLoaded = true; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 128
//SoundFXPlayer (sfxfactory.SoundFXPlayer) package sfxfactory { import flash.display.*; public class SoundFXPlayer extends SoundFXCreator { public function SoundFXPlayer(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function setSoundTransform(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:uint; _local5 = pickSFX(_arg1); if (sfxArray[_local5].sfxLoaded){ sfxArray[_local5].setSoundTransform(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4); }; } public function stopSFX(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = pickSFX(_arg1); if (sfxArray[_local2].sfxLoaded){ sfxArray[_local2].stopSFX(); }; } private function pickSFX(_arg1:String):uint{ var _local2:uint; if (_arg1 == "reeling in"){ _local2 = REELINGIN; } else { if (_arg1 == "fish fight splash"){ _local2 = FISHFIGHTSPLASHING; } else { if (_arg1 == "bobber land splash"){ _local2 = BOBBERLANDSPLASH; } else { if (_arg1 == "bobber bobbing"){ _local2 = BOBBERBOBBING; } else { if (_arg1 == "reel whine"){ _local2 = REELWHINE; } else { if (_arg1 == "fish gulp"){ _local2 = FISHGULP; } else { if (_arg1 == "floaty pop"){ _local2 = FLOATYPOP; } else { if (_arg1 == "ka-ching"){ _local2 = BONUSKACHING; } else { if (_arg1 == "bonus fluttering"){ _local2 = BONUSFLUTTERING; } else { if (_arg1 == "bonus selected"){ _local2 = BONUSSELECTEDDING; } else { if (_arg1 == "bobber award"){ _local2 = BOBBERAWARD; } else { if (_arg1 == "fish caught"){ _local2 = FISHCAUGHTAPPLAUSE; } else { if (_arg1 == "fishing hole cheer"){ _local2 = FISHINGHOLECHEER; } else { if (_arg1 == "power meter"){ _local2 = POWERMETER; } else { if (_arg1 == "fish caught boo"){ _local2 = FISHCAUGHTBOO; } else { throw (new Error("Invalid kind of SFX specified")); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local2); } public function playSFX(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:uint; _local5 = pickSFX(_arg1); if (sfxArray[_local5].sfxLoaded){ sfxArray[_local5].playSFX(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4); }; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 129
//SoundFXPowerMeterEngine (sfxfactory.SoundFXPowerMeterEngine) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXPowerMeterEngine extends SoundFX { function SoundFXPowerMeterEngine(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_powermeterengine.swf"; linkageString = "SFXPowerMeterEngineMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "powerMeterEngine"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 130
//SoundFXReelingIn (sfxfactory.SoundFXReelingIn) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXReelingIn extends SoundFX { function SoundFXReelingIn(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_fishingpolereelingin.swf"; linkageString = "SFXFishingPoleReelingInMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 131
//SoundFXReelPulledWhine (sfxfactory.SoundFXReelPulledWhine) package sfxfactory { import sfxfactory.*; class SoundFXReelPulledWhine extends SoundFX { function SoundFXReelPulledWhine(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:SoundFXLinkage):void{ super(_arg1, _arg2); externalFile = "sfx_reelpulledwhine.swf"; linkageString = "SFXReelPulledWhineMC"; soundFXLinkageString = "none"; } } }//package sfxfactory
Section 132
//NumberUtilities (utils.NumberUtilities) package utils { public class NumberUtilities { private static var _aUniqueIDs:Array; public static function random(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=1):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; if (_arg1 > _arg2){ _local6 = _arg1; _arg1 = _arg2; _arg2 = _local6; }; _local4 = ((_arg2 - _arg1) + (1 * _arg3)); _local5 = (Math.random() * _local4); _local5 = (_local5 + _arg1); return (floor(_local5, _arg3)); } public static function ceil(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=1):Number{ return ((Math.ceil((_arg1 / _arg2)) * _arg2)); } public static function getUnique():Number{ var _local1:Date; var _local2:Number; if (_aUniqueIDs == null){ _aUniqueIDs = new Array(); }; _local1 = new Date(); _local2 = _local1.getTime(); while (!(isUnique(_local2))) { _local2 = (_local2 + NumberUtilities.random(_local1.getTime(), (2 * _local1.getTime()))); }; _aUniqueIDs.push(_local2); return (_local2); } private static function isUnique(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _aUniqueIDs.length) { if (_aUniqueIDs[_local2] == _arg1){ return (false); }; _local2++; }; return (true); } public static function floor(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=1):Number{ return ((Math.floor((_arg1 / _arg2)) * _arg2)); } public static function round(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number=1):Number{ return ((Math.round((_arg1 / _arg2)) * _arg2)); } } }//package utils
Section 133
//ScrollBarY (utils.ScrollBarY) package utils { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; public class ScrollBarY extends EventDispatcher { private var target; private var viewAreaHeight:Number; private var scrollRectangle:Rectangle; private var _power:Number;// = 1 private var scrollIncrement:Number; private var scrollLimit:Number; private var scrub:MovieClip; private var targetDefaultY:Number; public function ScrollBarY(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null, _arg4=null, _arg5=null){ _power = 1; super(); scrub = _arg1.mcScrub; if (_arg5 != null){ scrollRectangle = _arg5; } else { scrollRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, (_arg1.mcBar.height - scrub.height)); }; viewAreaHeight = _arg2; target = _arg3; if ((((_arg4 == null)) && (!((target == null))))){ targetDefaultY = target.y; } else { if (target != null){ targetDefaultY = _arg4; }; }; updateScrub(); scrub.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, scrubClicked); scrub.buttonMode = true; } public function get power():Number{ return (_power); } private function mouseRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!_arg1.buttonDown){ scrubReleased(_arg1); }; } private function scrubReleased(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ scrub.stopDrag(); scrollTarget(); scrub.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, thisEnterFrame); scrub.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrubReleased); scrub.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseRollOut); } public function updateScrub():void{ if (target != null){ scrollLimit = (viewAreaHeight - target.height); if (scrollLimit > 0){ scrollLimit = 0; }; scrollIncrement = (scrollLimit / scrollRectangle.height); if (scrollLimit == 0){ scrub.y = 0; target.y = targetDefaultY; scrub.parent.visible = false; } else { scrub.parent.visible = true; scrub.y = ((target.y - targetDefaultY) / scrollIncrement); }; }; if (scrub.y < 0){ scrub.y = 0; scrollTarget(); } else { if (scrub.y > scrollRectangle.height){ scrub.y = scrollRectangle.height; scrollTarget(); }; }; scrubReleased(); } public function set power(_arg1:Number):void{ _power = _arg1; scrub.y = (scrollRectangle.height - (scrollRectangle.height * _power)); } private function scrubClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ scrub.startDrag(false, scrollRectangle); scrub.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, thisEnterFrame); scrub.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrubReleased); scrub.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseRollOut); } private function thisEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ scrollTarget(); } public function cleanUp():void{ scrub.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, thisEnterFrame); scrub.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, scrubReleased); scrub.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseRollOut); } private function scrollTarget():void{ _power = ((scrollRectangle.height - scrub.y) / scrollRectangle.height); if (target != null){ target.y = ((scrub.y * scrollIncrement) + targetDefaultY); }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); } } }//package utils
Section 134
//SoundPanVol (utils.SoundPanVol) package utils { import*; public class SoundPanVol { public function SoundPanVol(_arg1:SoundChannel, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:Number=0, _arg5:Number=0):void{ var _local6:SoundTransform; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; super(); _local6 = new SoundTransform(); if (_arg2 <= 1){ _local6.volume = _arg2; } else { _local6.volume = 1; }; _local7 = _arg3; if (_arg5 > 0){ _local8 = (_arg5 / 2); _local7 = ((_arg4 - _local8) / _local8); }; _local6.pan = _local7; _arg1.soundTransform = _local6; } } }//package utils
Section 135
//ThreeDConversion (utils.ThreeDConversion) package utils { public class ThreeDConversion { public function threeDPoint(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Number, _arg8:Number, _arg9:Number):Object{ var _local10:*; var _local11:*; var _local12:*; _local10 = ((((_arg1 + _arg4) * threeDScale(_arg3, _arg8, _arg9)) / 1) + _arg6); _local11 = ((((_arg2 + _arg5) * threeDScale(_arg3, _arg8, _arg9)) / 1) + _arg7); _local12 = {thisX:_local10, thisY:_local11}; return (_local12); } public function threeDScale(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{ var _local4:*; _local4 = ((_arg2 * 1) / (_arg3 + _arg1)); return (_local4); } } }//package utils
Section 136
//BobberMC (BobberMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class BobberMC extends MovieClip { public var pointMC:MovieClip; public var mcBobberHeight:MovieClip; public var point2MC:MovieClip; public var mcBobber:MovieClip; public function BobberMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 9, frame10, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 26, frame27, 27, frame28, 32, frame33); } function frame10(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.INIT)); } function frame3(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame15(){ gotoAndPlay("bob"); } function frame16(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); play(); } function frame1(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame4(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.INIT)); play(); } function frame2(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame27(){ gotoAndPlay("underBob"); } function frame28(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); play(); } function frame33(){ gotoAndPlay("fightloop"); } } }//package
Section 137
//BobberSelectorMC (BobberSelectorMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BobberSelectorMC extends MovieClip { public var mcBobber3:MovieClip; public var mcBobber4:MovieClip; public var mcBobber5:MovieClip; public var mcBobber8:MovieClip; public var mcBobber1:MovieClip; public var mcBobber7:MovieClip; public var mcBobber2:MovieClip; public var mcBobber6:MovieClip; public var btRollOut:SimpleButton; public function BobberSelectorMC(){ addFrameScript(59, frame60, 60, frame61); } function frame61(){ prevFrame(); } function frame60(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 138
//ComponentView (ComponentView) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.errors.*; public class ComponentView extends Sprite { protected var model:IModel; protected var controller:IController; public function ComponentView(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController=null){ this.model = _arg1; this.controller = _arg2; } public function removeView(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ throw (new IllegalOperationError("remove operation not supported")); } public function remove(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ throw (new IllegalOperationError("remove operation not supported")); } public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } public function addView(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ throw (new IllegalOperationError("add operation not supported")); } } }//package
Section 139
//CompositeView (CompositeView) package { import*; import flash.errors.*; public class CompositeView extends ComponentView { private var aChildren:Array; public function CompositeView(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController=null){ super(_arg1, _arg2); this.aChildren = new Array(); } public function init():void{ throw (new IllegalOperationError("init operation not supported")); } override public function removeView(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ aChildren.splice(aChildren.indexOf(_arg1), 1); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:ComponentView; for each (_local2 in aChildren) { _local2.update(_arg1); }; } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:ComponentView; for each (_local2 in aChildren) { _local2.updateModel(_arg1); }; } override public function addView(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ aChildren.push(_arg1); } } }//package
Section 140
//Controller (Controller) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Controller implements IController { private var _castingMeterMaxed:Boolean; private var _soundFX:Object; private var _soundFXPlayer:Object; private var model:IModel; public function Controller(_arg1:IModel){ model = _arg1; _soundFX = null; } public function destroy():void{ } public function set soundFXPlayer(_arg1:Object){ _soundFXPlayer = _arg1; } public function set soundFX(_arg1:Object):void{ _soundFX = _arg1; } public function stackZAxis(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local2 = false; _local3 = _arg1.numChildren; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3) { _local6 = _arg1.getChildAt(_local5); if ((_local5 + 1) < _local3){ _local7 = _arg1.getChildAt((_local5 + 1)); if (_local6.zPosition < _local7.zPosition){ _local2 = true; }; }; _local4.push(_local6); _local5++; }; if (_local2){ _local4.sort(sortOnZ); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _arg1.addChildAt(_local4[_local5], 0); _local5++; }; }; } public function drawFishingLine(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:ThrowThreeD):void{;, 0);, _arg4); if (_arg1 == "arc"){, (_arg6 - ((_arg7.speedZ * 100) / _arg7.initSpeedZ)), _arg5, _arg6); } else { if (_arg1 == "sag"){, (_arg4 + 25), _arg5, _arg6); } else { if (_arg1 == "straight"){, _arg6); }; }; }; } public function get castingMeterMaxed():Boolean{ return (_castingMeterMaxed); } public function get soundFX():Object{ return (_soundFX); } public function castPowerEnterFrame(_arg1):void{ if (!_castingMeterMaxed){ _arg1.scaleY = (_arg1.scaleY + 0.03); } else { if (_castingMeterMaxed){ _arg1.scaleY = (_arg1.scaleY - 0.03); }; }; if (_arg1.scaleY >= 1){ _arg1.scaleY = 1; _castingMeterMaxed = true; } else { if (_arg1.scaleY <= 0.01){ _arg1.scaleY = 0.01; _castingMeterMaxed = false; }; }; _arg1.parent.mcFish.y = (_arg1.y - _arg1.height); } private function sortOnZ(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = _arg1.zPosition; _local4 = _arg2.zPosition; if (_local3 > _local4){ return (1); }; if (_local3 < _local4){ return (-1); }; return (0); } public function get soundFXPlayer():Object{ return (_soundFXPlayer); } public function removeDisplayObjectChilds(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ while (_arg1.numChildren > 0) { _arg1.removeChildAt(0); }; } public function set castingMeterMaxed(_arg1:Boolean){ _castingMeterMaxed = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 141
//FishAteWormMessMC (FishAteWormMessMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FishAteWormMessMC extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 142
//FishCaughtMessageMC (FishCaughtMessageMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class FishCaughtMessageMC extends MovieClip { public var txLevelName:TextField; public var mcTotalMoney:MovieClip; public var txWormCnt:TextField; public var txMoneyMinus:TextField; public var txWormBonusAmount:TextField; public var mcFishHolder:MovieClip; public var txWormBonusTotal:TextField; public var txFishName:TextField; public var txMoney:TextField; public var mcBonusX2:MovieClip; public var btFish:SimpleButton; public var mcMoney:MovieClip; public var btGo:SimpleButton; public function FishCaughtMessageMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame2(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 143
//FishFightMC (FishFightMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FishFightMC extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 144
//FishListMC (FishListMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class FishListMC extends MovieClip { public var mcGrouper:MovieClip; public var mcHill:MovieClip; public var mcCod:MovieClip; public var mcMullet:MovieClip; public var mcTrout:MovieClip; public var mcTiki:MovieClip; public var mcClown:MovieClip; public var mcBass:MovieClip; public var txLevel:TextField; public var mcCat:MovieClip; public var mcPirate:MovieClip; public var mcMinnow:MovieClip; public var txMoney:TextField; public var mcFlounder:MovieClip; public var mcMutant:MovieClip; public var btGo:SimpleButton; public var mcSalmon:MovieClip; public var mcBastard:MovieClip; public function FishListMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6); } function frame3(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame6(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame1(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame4(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame5(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame2(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } } }//package
Section 145
//FishOnMessageMC (FishOnMessageMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FishOnMessageMC extends MovieClip { public var mcBars:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 146
//FishRobotMC (FishRobotMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class FishRobotMC extends MovieClip { public var mcFishAll:MovieClip; public function FishRobotMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 17, frame18); } function frame10(){ gotoAndPlay("close"); } function frame18(){ gotoAndPlay("nibble"); } function frame1(){ mcFishAll.mcFish.gotoAndStop("mouth close"); } function frame4(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame5(){ mcFishAll.mcFish.gotoAndStop("mouth open"); play(); } function frame11(){ mcFishAll.mcFish.gotoAndStop("mouth close"); play(); } } }//package
Section 147
//FloatyRobotMC (FloatyRobotMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FloatyRobotMC extends MovieClip { public var mcPrize:MovieClip; public var mcFloaty:MovieClip; public function FloatyRobotMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 148
//GameOverMC (GameOverMC) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class GameOverMC extends MovieClip { public var mcFishMeter:PowerMeterMC; public var txScore:TextField; public var mcSign:MovieClip; public var btReplay:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 149
//HookMC (HookMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class HookMC extends MovieClip { public function HookMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 150
//IController (IController) package { import flash.display.*; public interface IController { function get soundFX():Object; function set soundFX(_arg1:Object):void; function set soundFXPlayer(_arg1:Object); function get soundFXPlayer():Object; function drawFishingLine(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:ThrowThreeD):void; function stackZAxis(_arg1:MovieClip):void; function removeDisplayObjectChilds(_arg1:MovieClip):void; function set castingMeterMaxed(_arg1:Boolean); function castPowerEnterFrame(_arg1):void; function destroy():void; function get castingMeterMaxed():Boolean; } }//package
Section 151
//IModel (IModel) package { import*; public interface IModel extends IEventDispatcher { function get bonusFishArray():Array; function set bonusFishArray(_arg1:Array):void; function get pauseGame():Boolean; function get pullSpeed():Number; function get currentLevel():Number; function set pauseGame(_arg1:Boolean):void; function set pauseBonus(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get currentBobber():uint; function get wormOnHook():Boolean; function set currentLevel(_arg1:Number):void; function get bonusFish():uint; function get fishOnHook():Object; function get moneyForLevel():uint; function unlockBobber(_arg1:uint):void; function get musicVolume():Number; function get fishObjArray():Array; function get bobberBob():Boolean; function get bobberSelectArray():Array; function get centerY():Number; function set currentBobber(_arg1:uint):void; function get levelCompleted():Boolean; function set wormOnHook(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get fishLeftMaxX():Number; function set wormCnt(_arg1:Number):void; function set bonusFish(_arg1:uint):void; function get centerX():Number; function set fishOnHook(_arg1:Object):void; function set bobberBob(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get moneyFish():Number; function get viewDistance():Number; function set fishObjArray(_arg1:Array):void; function set musicMute(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get currentLevelName():String; function set musicVolume(_arg1:Number):void; function get fishRightMaxX():Number; function set moneyForLevel(_arg1:uint):void; function set scoreMin(_arg1:uint):void; function set moneyTotal(_arg1:Number):void; function get pauseBonus():Boolean; function set tackelLanded(_arg1:Boolean):void; function set levelCompleted(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get levelMax():uint; function get fishAmount():uint; function get wormCnt():Number; function get whatChanged():String; function get musicMute():Boolean; function get floatyObjArray():Array; function get scoreMin():uint; function get moneyTotal():Number; function get tackelLanded():Boolean; function get zoomZ():Number; function set floatyObjArray(_arg1:Array):void; function set moneyFish(_arg1:Number):void; function get viewAngleY():Number; function get movieWidth():uint; function moneyFishReset():void; function set musicType(_arg1:String):void; function get musicType():String; } }//package
Section 152
//MapMC (MapMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class MapMC extends MovieClip { public var btFish:SimpleButton; public var btSkip:SimpleButton; public function MapMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 371, frame372, 372, frame373, 635, frame636, 636, frame637, 817, frame818, 949, frame950, 1106, frame1107, 1303, frame1304); } function frame950(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame1107(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ play(); } function frame1304(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame637(){ play(); } function frame636(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame372(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } function frame373(){ play(); } function frame818(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } } }//package
Section 153
//Model (Model) package { import*; public class Model extends EventDispatcher implements IModel { private var _moneyTotal:Number; private var _wormCnt:Number; private var _bobberBob:Boolean; private var _moneyForLevel:uint; private var _bobberSelectArray:Array; private var _wormOnHook:Boolean; private var _levelCompleted:Boolean; private var _musicMute:Boolean; private var _currentLevel:Number; private var _pauseBonus:Boolean; private var _floatyObjArray:Array; private var _musicType:String; private var _pauseGame:Boolean; private var _whatChanged:String; private var _currentBobber:uint; private var _bonusFish:uint; private var _bonusFishArray:Array; private var _moneyFish:Number; private var _scoreMin:uint; private var _fishOnHook:Object; private var _tackelLanded:Boolean; private var _musicVolume:Number; private var _soundFX:Object; private var _fishObjArray:Array; private static const _fishRightMaxX:Number = 800; private static const _fishLeftMaxX:Number = -800; private static const _pullSpeed:uint = 4; private static const _centerX:Number = 400; private static const _centerY:Number = 950; private static const _zoomZ:Number = 200; private static const _viewAngleY:Number = 450; private static const _levelMax:uint = 6; private static const _movieWidth:uint = 800; private static const _fishAmount:uint = 15; private static const _viewDistance:Number = 1; public function Model(){ _tackelLanded = true; _bobberBob = false; _wormOnHook = true; _fishObjArray = new Array(); _floatyObjArray = new Array(); _wormCnt = 3; _moneyFish = 0; _moneyTotal = 0; _pauseGame = true; _pauseBonus = false; _currentLevel = 1; _levelCompleted = false; _musicType = "none"; _musicMute = false; initBobberSelect(); } public function get pullSpeed():Number{ return (_pullSpeed); } public function set bonusFishArray(_arg1:Array):void{ _bonusFishArray = _arg1; } public function get pauseGame():Boolean{ return (_pauseGame); } private function dispatchUpDate(_arg1:String){ _whatChanged = _arg1; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); } public function get musicType():String{ return (_musicType); } public function set pauseGame(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != _pauseGame){ _pauseGame = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("pauseGame"); }; } public function set currentLevel(_arg1:Number):void{ _currentLevel = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("currentLevel"); } public function get fishOnHook():Object{ return (_fishOnHook); } public function get moneyForLevel():uint{ return (_moneyForLevel); } public function get bonusFish():uint{ return (_bonusFish); } public function unlockBobber(_arg1:uint):void{ _bobberSelectArray[_arg1].unlocked = true; } public function set currentBobber(_arg1:uint):void{ _currentBobber = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("currentBobber"); } public function get levelCompleted():Boolean{ return (_levelCompleted); } public function get fishObjArray():Array{ return (_fishObjArray); } public function set wormOnHook(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((_arg1) && ((_wormCnt > 0)))){ if (_arg1 != _wormOnHook){ _wormOnHook = true; dispatchUpDate("wormOnHook"); }; } else { if (!_arg1){ if (_arg1 != _wormOnHook){ _wormOnHook = false; dispatchUpDate("wormOnHook"); }; }; }; } public function set bonusFish(_arg1:uint):void{ _bonusFish = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("bonusFish"); } public function set fishOnHook(_arg1:Object):void{ if (_arg1 != _fishOnHook){ _fishOnHook = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("fishOnHook"); }; } public function set musicVolume(_arg1:Number):void{ _musicVolume = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("musicVolume"); } public function set fishObjArray(_arg1:Array):void{ _fishObjArray = _arg1; } public function set levelCompleted(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != _levelCompleted){ _levelCompleted = _arg1; }; } public function get levelMax():uint{ return (_levelMax); } public function get whatChanged():String{ return (_whatChanged); } public function get moneyFish():Number{ return (_moneyFish); } public function get wormCnt():Number{ return (_wormCnt); } public function get scoreMin():uint{ return (_scoreMin); } public function set moneyForLevel(_arg1:uint):void{ _moneyForLevel = _arg1; } public function get moneyTotal():Number{ return (_moneyTotal); } public function get floatyObjArray():Array{ return (_floatyObjArray); } public function set moneyFish(_arg1:Number):void{ _moneyFish = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("moneyFish"); } public function get fishRightMaxX():Number{ return (_fishRightMaxX); } public function get movieWidth():uint{ return (_movieWidth); } public function get bonusFishArray():Array{ return (_bonusFishArray); } public function get currentLevel():Number{ return (_currentLevel); } public function set pauseBonus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != _pauseBonus){ _pauseBonus = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("pauseBonus"); }; } public function get currentBobber():uint{ return (_currentBobber); } private function initBobberSelect():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:Object; _bobberSelectArray = new Array(); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 8) { _local2 = new Object(); _local2.bobberNum = _local1; _local2.unlocked = false; _bobberSelectArray.push(_local2); _local1++; }; _currentBobber = 1; _bobberSelectArray[(_currentBobber - 1)].unlocked = true; } public function get bobberBob():Boolean{ return (_bobberBob); } public function get wormOnHook():Boolean{ return (_wormOnHook); } public function get musicVolume():Number{ return (_musicVolume); } public function get bobberSelectArray():Array{ return (_bobberSelectArray); } public function set bobberBob(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != _bobberBob){ _bobberBob = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("bobberBob"); }; } public function get centerY():Number{ return (_centerY); } public function set wormCnt(_arg1:Number):void{ _wormCnt = _arg1; if (_wormCnt < 0){ _wormCnt = 0; }; if (_wormCnt == 0){ wormOnHook = false; }; dispatchUpDate("wormCnt"); } public function get centerX():Number{ return (_centerX); } public function get fishLeftMaxX():Number{ return (_fishLeftMaxX); } public function get currentLevelName():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = "unknown name!"; if (_currentLevel == 1){ _local1 = "The Old Fishing Hole"; } else { if (_currentLevel == 2){ _local1 = "Moonshine Swamp"; } else { if (_currentLevel == 3){ _local1 = "Dead Pirate Cove"; } else { if (_currentLevel == 4){ _local1 = "Clownfish Bay"; } else { if (_currentLevel == 5){ _local1 = "Town Dump"; } else { if (_currentLevel == 6){ _local1 = "Tiki Lagoon"; }; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local1); } public function set musicMute(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 != _musicMute){ _musicMute = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("musicMute"); }; } public function get viewDistance():Number{ return (_viewDistance); } public function set moneyTotal(_arg1:Number):void{ _moneyTotal = _arg1; dispatchUpDate("moneyTotal"); } public function get pauseBonus():Boolean{ return (_pauseBonus); } public function set tackelLanded(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _tackelLanded = _arg1; } public function set floatyObjArray(_arg1:Array):void{ _floatyObjArray = _arg1; } public function set scoreMin(_arg1:uint):void{ _scoreMin = _arg1; } public function get fishAmount():uint{ return (_fishAmount); } public function get musicMute():Boolean{ return (_musicMute); } public function update():void{ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); } public function get tackelLanded():Boolean{ return (_tackelLanded); } public function get zoomZ():Number{ return (_zoomZ); } public function get viewAngleY():Number{ return (_viewAngleY); } public function moneyFishReset():void{ _moneyFish = 0; dispatchUpDate("moneyFish"); } public function set musicType(_arg1:String):void{ _musicType = _arg1; } } }//package
Section 154
//NoMoreWormsMC (NoMoreWormsMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NoMoreWormsMC extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 155
//PopUpInstructionsMC (PopUpInstructionsMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class PopUpInstructionsMC extends MovieClip { public var mcFishHolder:MovieClip; public var btFish:SimpleButton; public function PopUpInstructionsMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } } }//package
Section 156
//PowerMeterMC (PowerMeterMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class PowerMeterMC extends MovieClip { public var mcFish:MovieClip; public var mcPowerLevel:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 157
//ReelInMC (ReelInMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ReelInMC extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 158
//RodMC (RodMC) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class RodMC extends MovieClip { public var mcPointBent:MovieClip; public var mcRods:MovieClip; public var mcHook:HookMC; public var mcBobber:MovieClip; public function RodMC(){ addFrameScript(7, frame8, 8, frame9, 44, frame45); } function frame8(){ gotoAndPlay("reel in"); } function frame9(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); play(); } function frame45(){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); stop(); } } }//package
Section 159
//RootView (RootView) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class RootView extends CompositeView { private var viewHUD:ViewHUD; private var viewFishing:ViewFishing; private var viewVolume:ViewVolume; private var viewSound:ViewSound; private var viewMap:ViewMap; private var viewBonus:ViewBonus; private var viewBobberSelect:ViewBobberSelect; private var viewFishList:ViewFishList; private var targetStage:MovieClip; private var viewInstructions:ViewInstructions; public function RootView(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip){ super(_arg1, _arg2); model.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, updateModel); targetStage = _arg3; viewInstructions = new ViewInstructions(model, controller, targetStage, this); addView(viewInstructions); viewInstructions.initView(); } public function openVolumeSlider():void{ addView(viewVolume); viewVolume.initView(); } override public function init():void{ viewSound = new ViewSound(model, controller, targetStage, this); addView(viewSound); viewSound.initView(); viewMap = new ViewMap(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewFishing = new ViewFishing(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewHUD = new ViewHUD(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewBonus = new ViewBonus(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewFishList = new ViewFishList(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewBobberSelect = new ViewBobberSelect(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewVolume = new ViewVolume(model, controller, targetStage, this); viewInstructions.gameReady(); } public function openInstructions():void{ addView(viewInstructions); viewInstructions.openInstructions(); } public function playThemeMusic(_arg1:String):void{ viewSound.playThemeMusic(_arg1); } public function loadFishHole():void{ var _local1:ViewPopUpInstructions; model.pauseGame = true; model.pauseBonus = false; addView(viewFishing); viewFishing.initView(); addView(viewHUD); viewHUD.initView(); addView(viewBonus); viewBonus.initView(); if (model.currentLevel == 1){ _local1 = new ViewPopUpInstructions(model, controller, targetStage, this); addView(_local1); }; addView(viewFishList); viewFishList.initView(); } public function nextLevel():void{ viewHUD.cleanUp(); viewBonus.cleanUp(); playGame(); } public function playGame(_arg1:uint=0):void{ var _local2:ViewGameOver; playThemeMusic("theme"); if (model.currentLevel > model.levelMax){ _local2 = new ViewGameOver(model, controller, targetStage, this); addView(_local2); _local2.initView(); } else { addView(viewMap); viewMap.initView(_arg1); }; } public function nextLevelTest():void{ viewFishing.nextLevelTest(); } public function openFishList():void{ addView(viewFishList); viewFishList.initView(); } public function openMap():void{ addView(viewMap); viewMap.openMap(); } public function openBobberSelect():void{ addView(viewBobberSelect); viewBobberSelect.initView(); } public function deleteView(_arg1:ComponentView):void{ removeView(_arg1); } public function playFishHoleMusic():void{ viewSound.playFishHoleMusic(); } } }//package
Section 160
//ShadowMC (ShadowMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ShadowMC extends MovieClip { public function ShadowMC(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 161
//ThrowThreeD (ThrowThreeD) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import utils.*; public class ThrowThreeD extends EventDispatcher { private var pullSpeed:Number; private var clipX:Number; private var clipY:Number; private var clipZ:Number; private var count:Number; private var targetObjectShadowFront:MovieClip; private var controller:IController; private var centerXDefault:Number; public var initSpeedZ:Number; private var centerY:Number; private var model:IModel; private var centerX:Number; private var targetObject:MovieClip; private var viewDistance:Number; private var hook:MovieClip; private var throwPower:Number; private var fishFightClipX:Number; private var gravity:Number; private var zoomZ:Number; public var zFactor:Number; private var viewAngleX:Number; private var viewAngleY:Number; private var targetObjectShadow:MovieClip; private var speedY:Number; public var speedZ:Number; public function ThrowThreeD(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:MovieClip, _arg5:MovieClip, _arg6:MovieClip){ model = _arg1; controller = _arg2; targetObject = _arg3; targetObjectShadow = _arg4; targetObjectShadowFront = _arg5; hook = _arg6; throwPower = 9; pullSpeed = 5; zoomZ = _arg1.zoomZ; viewAngleX = 0; viewAngleY = _arg1.viewAngleY; viewDistance = _arg1.viewDistance; centerXDefault = _arg1.centerX; centerX = centerXDefault; centerY = _arg1.centerY; clipX = 0; clipY = 0; clipZ = 0; zFactor = 1; } private function updateObjects():void{ update3dObject(targetObject, clipX, clipY, clipZ); targetObject.zPosition = clipZ; update3dObject(targetObjectShadow, clipX, 15, clipZ, "shadow"); targetObjectShadow.zPosition = (clipZ + 0.01); update3dObject(targetObjectShadowFront, clipX, 15, clipZ, "shadow"); targetObjectShadowFront.zPosition = (clipZ - 0.01); update3dObject(hook, clipX, clipY, clipZ, "hook"); if (clipZ < 20){ targetObject.visible = false; hook.visible = false; } else { targetObject.visible = true; hook.visible = true; }; if (speedZ <= 0){ hook.zPosition = (clipZ + 0.02); } else { hook.zPosition = (clipZ - 0.02); }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); } private function throwEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (!model.pauseGame){ count++; clipZ = roundNum((clipZ + speedZ)); clipY = roundNum((clipY + ((speedY + (gravity * count)) + 4))); if (clipY >= 0){ controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("bobber land splash", (zFactor - 0.08), 0, targetObject.x); speedY = ((0 - (speedY + (gravity * count))) + 25); clipY = (clipY + roundNum((2 * speedY))); if (clipY > 0){ clipY = 0; }; speedZ = (speedZ * 0.5); count = 0; }; speedZ = (speedZ * 0.99); if (speedZ < 0){ speedZ = 0; }; updateObjects(); if (clipY >= 0){ throwComplete(); }; }; } private function init(_arg1, _arg2):void{ clipX = 0; clipY = -400; clipZ = 0; centerX = centerXDefault; viewAngleX = _arg2; update3dObject(targetObject, clipX, clipY, clipZ); speedY = -30; throwPower = _arg1; initSpeedZ = (4 + (1.11 * throwPower)); speedZ = initSpeedZ; gravity = 1.5; count = 0; updateObjects(); } public function fishFight():void{ if (clipX < fishFightClipX){ clipX = (clipX + 20); } else { clipX = (clipX - 20); }; updateObjects(); } private function roundNum(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((Math.round((_arg1 * 100)) / 100)); } public function throwObject():void{ targetObject.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, throwEnterFrame); } public function fishFightInit():void{ fishFightClipX = clipX; clipX = (clipX - 20); } private function throwComplete():void{ speedZ = 0; targetObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, throwEnterFrame); updateObjects(); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } public function tugObject(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; pullSpeed = _arg3; _local4 = (targetObject.x - _arg1); _local5 = (clipZ - _arg2); _local6 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local4); clipX = roundNum((clipX - (Math.cos(_local6) * pullSpeed))); clipZ = (clipZ - 0.1); updateObjects(); } public function resetObject(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ targetObject.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, throwEnterFrame); init(_arg1, _arg2); } private function update3dObject(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:ThreeDConversion; var _local7:*; _local6 = new ThreeDConversion(); _local7 = _local6.threeDPoint(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, viewAngleX, viewAngleY, centerX, centerY, zoomZ, viewDistance); if (_arg5 == "shadow"){ _arg1.scaleX = _local6.threeDScale((_arg4 + (clipY * -1)), zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleY = _local6.threeDScale((_arg4 + (clipY * -1)), zoomZ, viewDistance); } else { _arg1.scaleX = _local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); if (_arg5 == "hook"){ if (speedZ > 0){ _arg1.scaleY = (_local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance) - (speedZ / 14)); } else { zFactor = _local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); _arg1.scaleY = zFactor; }; } else { _arg1.scaleY = _local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance); }; }; _arg1.x = (_local7.thisX - 0); if (_arg5 == "hook"){ _arg1.y = ((((_local7.thisY - ((viewAngleY * _local6.threeDScale(0, zoomZ, viewDistance)) / 100)) + (targetObject.mcBobberHeight.height * _local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance))) + (15 * _local6.threeDScale(_arg4, zoomZ, viewDistance))) - (speedZ * 1.25)); } else { _arg1.y = (_local7.thisY - ((viewAngleY * _local6.threeDScale(0, zoomZ, viewDistance)) / 100)); }; } public function pullObject(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; pullSpeed = _arg3; _local4 = (targetObject.x - _arg1); _local5 = (clipZ - _arg2); _local6 = Math.atan2(_local5, _local4); clipX = roundNum((clipX - (Math.cos(_local6) * (pullSpeed * 5)))); clipZ = roundNum((clipZ - (Math.sin(_local6) * pullSpeed))); updateObjects(); } } }//package
Section 162
//ViewBobberSelect (ViewBobberSelect) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.motion.*; public class ViewBobberSelect extends ComponentView { private var rootView:RootView; private var bobberSelector:BobberSelectorMC; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewBobberSelect(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function selectRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ thisCleanUp(); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ var _local1:uint; bobberSelector.btRollOut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, selectRollOut); _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 8) { bobberSelector[("mcBobber" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectBobber); bobberSelector[("mcBobber" + _local1)].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectBobberLocked); _local1++; }; targetStage.removeChild(bobberSelector); rootView.deleteView(this); } private function selectBobberLocked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ bobberSelector.gotoAndPlay("locked"); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } private function setUpBobberButtons():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:Color; var _local3:uint; var _local4:MovieClip; _local1 = model.bobberSelectArray; _local2 = new Color(); _local2.brightness = -0.7; _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= _local1.length) { _local4 = bobberSelector[("mcBobber" + _local3)]; _local4.bobberNum = _local1[(_local3 - 1)].bobberNum; _local4.gotoAndStop(_local3); if (_local1[(_local3 - 1)].unlocked){ _local4.buttonMode = true; _local4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectBobber); } else { _local4.transform.colorTransform = _local2; _local4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, selectBobberLocked); }; _local3++; }; } public function initView():void{ bobberSelector = new BobberSelectorMC(); bobberSelector.x = 386.4; bobberSelector.y = 445.5; targetStage.addChild(bobberSelector); initMouseEvents(); } private function selectBobber(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ bobberSelector.gotoAndStop("click sound"); model.currentBobber = _arg1.currentTarget.bobberNum; } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function initMouseEvents():void{ bobberSelector.btRollOut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, selectRollOut); setUpBobberButtons(); } } }//package
Section 163
//ViewBonus (ViewBonus) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; public class ViewBonus extends ComponentView { private var lastFish:uint; private var targetObject:MovieClip; private var thisTimer:Timer; private var currentFunction:String; private var rootView:RootView; private var randomFish:MovieClip; private var fishArray:Array; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewBonus(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function initEvents():void{ var _local1:BlurFilter; currentFunction = "mixFish"; _local1 = new BlurFilter(); _local1.blurX = 5; _local1.blurY = 5; _local1.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; randomFish.filters = [_local1]; randomFish.scaleX = 0.75; randomFish.scaleY = 0.5; model.bonusFish = 0; randomFish.gotoAndPlay(1); if (((!(model.pauseGame)) && (!(model.pauseBonus)))){ controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("bonus fluttering", 0.5, 0.2); }; thisTimer = new Timer(2000, 1); thisTimer.start(); thisTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, selectFish); } private function selectFish(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Boolean; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:Number; var _local11:GlowFilter; var _local12:DropShadowFilter; var _local13:uint; currentFunction = "selectFish"; thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, selectFish); _local2 = false; while (!(_local2)) { _local13 = Math.floor((Math.random() * fishArray.length)); if (fishArray[_local13] != lastFish){ _local2 = true; }; }; model.bonusFish = fishArray[_local13]; lastFish = fishArray[_local13]; randomFish.gotoAndStop(fishArray[_local13]); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus fluttering"); if (((!(model.pauseGame)) && (!(model.pauseBonus)))){ controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("bonus selected", 0.8, 0.1); }; randomFish.filters = []; _local3 = 0xFFFF; _local4 = 11; _local5 = 11; _local6 = 1; _local7 = 2; _local8 = false; _local9 = false; _local10 = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; _local11 = new GlowFilter(_local3, _local6, _local4, _local5, _local7, _local10, _local8, _local9); _local12 = new DropShadowFilter(); _local12.distance = 5; _local12.angle = 45; randomFish.filters = [_local11, _local12]; randomFish.scaleX = 1; randomFish.scaleY = 1; if (!model.pauseBonus){ thisTimer = new Timer(30000, 1); thisTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, mixFish); thisTimer.start(); }; fishArray.splice(_local13, 1); if (fishArray.length == 0){ initFishArray(); }; } private function initFishArray():void{ var _local1:uint; fishArray.length = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < model.bonusFishArray.length) { fishArray.push(model.bonusFishArray[_local1]); _local1++; }; } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function cleanUp():void{ controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus fluttering"); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus selected"); thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, mixFish); thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, selectFish); thisTimer.stop(); rootView.deleteView(this); } private function mixFish(_arg1:Event=null):void{ thisTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, mixFish); if (!model.pauseBonus){ initEvents(); }; } public function initView():void{ targetObject = targetStage.mcBonus; fishArray = new Array(); initFishArray(); randomFish = targetObject.mcRandomFish; lastFish = 0; initEvents(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ if (model.whatChanged == "fishOnHook"){ if (model.fishOnHook != null){ if (currentFunction == "mixFish"){ selectFish(); }; thisTimer.stop(); } else { mixFish(); }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "pauseGame"){ if (model.pauseGame){ thisTimer.stop(); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus fluttering"); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus selected"); } else { if (currentFunction == "selectFish"){ } else { if (currentFunction == "mixFish"){ controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("bonus fluttering", 0.5, 0.2); }; }; thisTimer.start(); }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "pauseBonus"){ if (model.pauseBonus){ thisTimer.stop(); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus fluttering"); controller.soundFXPlayer.stopSFX("bonus selected"); } else { mixFish(); }; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 164
//ViewFishing (ViewFishing) package { import flash.display.*; import fishingview.*; import*; public class ViewFishing extends ComponentView { private var fishingView:FVRootView; private var rootView:RootView; public function ViewFishing(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); rootView = _arg4; fishingView = new FVRootView(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, this); } public function nextLevel():void{ rootView.nextLevel(); thisCleanUp(); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ rootView.deleteView(this); } public function nextLevelTest():void{ fishingView.nextLevel(); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ fishingView.update(); } public function initView():void{ fishingView.initView(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ fishingView.updateModel(); } } }//package
Section 165
//ViewFishList (ViewFishList) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import fishfactory.*; public class ViewFishList extends ComponentView { private var fishList:FishListMC; private var rootView:RootView; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewFishList(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function goFish(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (model.musicType == "theme"){ rootView.playFishHoleMusic(); }; model.pauseGame = false; thisCleanUp(); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ fishList.btGo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goFish); targetStage.removeChild(fishList); rootView.deleteView(this); } private function initMoney(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:FishMoney; fishList.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initMoney); fishList.txLevel.text = model.currentLevel.toString(); fishList.txMoney.text = model.moneyForLevel.toString(); _local2 = new FishMoney(); if (model.currentLevel == 1){ fishList.mcSalmon.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("salmon"); fishList.mcCat.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("catfish"); fishList.mcBass.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth bass"); fishList.mcTrout.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("rainbow trout"); } else { if (model.currentLevel == 2){ fishList.mcSalmon.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("salmon"); fishList.mcCat.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("catfish"); fishList.mcBass.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth bass"); fishList.mcTrout.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("rainbow trout"); fishList.mcHill.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("hillbilly fish"); fishList.mcBastard.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("bastard worm eater"); } else { if (model.currentLevel == 3){ fishList.mcSalmon.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("salmon"); fishList.mcFlounder.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("flounder"); fishList.mcBass.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth bass"); fishList.mcPirate.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("pirate fish"); fishList.mcGrouper.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("grouper"); fishList.mcBastard.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("bastard worm eater"); } else { if (model.currentLevel == 4){ fishList.mcCod.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth cod"); fishList.mcFlounder.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("flounder"); fishList.mcMinnow.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("spotted minnow"); fishList.mcClown.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("clown fish"); fishList.mcGrouper.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("grouper"); fishList.mcBastard.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("bastard worm eater"); } else { if (model.currentLevel == 5){ fishList.mcCod.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth cod"); fishList.mcFlounder.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("flounder"); fishList.mcMinnow.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("spotted minnow"); fishList.mcMutant.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("mutant fish"); fishList.mcMullet.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("mullet"); fishList.mcBastard.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("bastard worm eater"); } else { if (model.currentLevel == 6){ fishList.mcCod.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("big mouth cod"); fishList.mcTiki.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("tiki fish"); fishList.mcMinnow.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("spotted minnow"); fishList.mcMutant.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("mutant fish"); fishList.mcMullet.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("mullet"); fishList.mcBastard.txMoney.text = _local2.getMoney("bastard worm eater"); }; }; }; }; }; }; } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function initView():void{ fishList = new FishListMC(); fishList.x = 5; fishList.y = 6; fishList.gotoAndStop(model.currentLevel); targetStage.addChild(fishList); fishList.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, initMoney); initMouseEvents(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function initMouseEvents():void{ fishList.btGo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goFish); } } }//package
Section 166
//ViewGameOver (ViewGameOver) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public class ViewGameOver extends ComponentView { private var gameOver:GameOverMC; private var rootView:RootView; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewGameOver(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function openDorkBots(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:URLRequest; gameOver.mcSign.btLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openDorkBots); _local2 = ""; _local3 = new URLRequest(_local2); navigateToURL(_local3); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ gameOver.mcSign.btLogo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openDorkBots); gameOver.btReplay.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, replay); targetStage.removeChild(gameOver); rootView.deleteView(this); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function initView():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:int; rootView.playThemeMusic("theme"); gameOver = new GameOverMC(); gameOver.txScore.text = model.moneyTotal.toString(); _local1 = (model.scoreMin + 4000); _local2 = (_local1 - model.scoreMin); _local3 = (model.moneyTotal - model.scoreMin); if (_local3 < 0){ _local3 = 0; } else { if (_local3 > _local1){ _local3 = _local1; }; }; gameOver.mcFishMeter.mcPowerLevel.scaleY = ((_local3 / _local2) * 1); gameOver.mcFishMeter.mcFish.y = (gameOver.mcFishMeter.mcPowerLevel.y - gameOver.mcFishMeter.mcPowerLevel.height); targetStage.addChild(gameOver); controller.soundFXPlayer.playSFX("fishing hole cheer", 1, 0); gameOver.mcSign.btLogo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openDorkBots); gameOver.btReplay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, replay); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function replay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gameOver.btReplay.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, replay); model.currentLevel = 1; rootView.playGame(); thisCleanUp(); } } }//package
Section 167
//ViewHUD (ViewHUD) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class ViewHUD extends ComponentView { private var moneyCounter:Object; private var targetObject:MovieClip; private var wormCounter:Object; private var rootView:RootView; private var targetStage:MovieClip; private var moneyTotalCounter:Object; public function ViewHUD(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function openInstructions(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.openInstructions(); model.pauseGame = true; } private function openBobberMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.openBobberSelect(); } private function musicVolumeSlider(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.openVolumeSlider(); } private function nextFishingHole(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.nextLevelTest(); } private function openFishList(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.openFishList(); model.pauseGame = true; } private function openMap(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.openMap(); model.pauseGame = true; } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function cleanUp():void{ targetObject.btFishList.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openFishList); targetObject.btMap.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openMap); targetObject.btInstructions.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openInstructions); rootView.deleteView(this); } public function initView():void{ targetObject = targetStage.mcHUD; wormCounter = targetObject.txWormCnt; wormCounter.text = model.wormCnt; moneyCounter = targetObject.mcMoney.txMoney; moneyCounter.text = model.moneyFish; moneyTotalCounter = targetObject.mcTotalMoney.txMoney; moneyTotalCounter.text = model.moneyTotal; targetObject.btBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); initMouseEvents(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ if (model.whatChanged == "wormCnt"){ wormCounter.text = model.wormCnt; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "moneyFish"){ moneyCounter.text = model.moneyFish; if (model.moneyFish < 0){ targetObject.mcMoney.txMoneyMinus.text = "-"; } else { targetObject.mcMoney.txMoneyMinus.text = ""; }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "moneyTotal"){ moneyTotalCounter.text = model.moneyTotal; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "currentBobber"){ targetObject.btBobber.gotoAndStop(model.currentBobber); } else { if (model.whatChanged == "musicMute"){ if (model.musicMute){ targetObject.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("play music"); } else { targetObject.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("stop music"); }; }; }; }; }; }; } private function initMouseEvents():void{ targetObject.btFishList.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openFishList); targetObject.btMap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openMap); targetObject.btInstructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, openInstructions); targetObject.btBobber.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, openBobberMenu); if (model.musicMute){ targetObject.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("play music"); } else { targetObject.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("stop music"); }; targetObject.mcSpeaker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, musicVolumeSlider); } } }//package
Section 168
//ViewInstructions (ViewInstructions) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class ViewInstructions extends ComponentView { private var rootView:RootView; private var instructions:MovieClip; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewInstructions(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; instructions = targetStage.mcInstructions; } private function initNavButtons(){ instructions.btBack.visible = false; instructions.btNext.visible = true; instructions.btBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, backButt); instructions.btNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextButt); } public function openInstructions():void{ instructions.gotoAndStop(1); rootView.playThemeMusic("instructions"); instructions.btPlay.visible = false; instructions.btFish.visible = true; instructions.visible = true; initMouseEventsClose(); initNavButtons(); } private function playGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.playGame(instructions.currentFrame); thisCleanUp(); } private function backButt(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ instructions.prevFrame(); if (instructions.currentLabel == "start"){ instructions.btBack.visible = false; }; if (instructions.currentLabel != "end"){ instructions.btNext.visible = true; }; } private function nextButt(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ instructions.nextFrame(); if (instructions.currentLabel == "end"){ instructions.btNext.visible = false; }; if (instructions.currentLabel != "start"){ instructions.btBack.visible = true; }; } private function thisCleanUp():void{ instructions.btPlay.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playGame); instructions.btPlay.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thisClose); instructions.btBack.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, backButt); instructions.btNext.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, nextButt); instructions.visible = false; rootView.deleteView(this); } private function initMouseEventsClose():void{ instructions.btFish.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thisClose); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function gameReady():void{ instructions.btPlay.visible = true; initMouseEvents(); } public function initView():void{ instructions.btFish.visible = false; instructions.btPlay.visible = false; instructions.visible = true; initNavButtons(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function initMouseEvents():void{ instructions.btPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playGame); } private function thisClose(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.playFishHoleMusic(); model.pauseGame = false; thisCleanUp(); } } }//package
Section 169
//ViewMap (ViewMap) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class ViewMap extends ComponentView { private var map:MapMC; private var rootView:RootView; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewMap(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function skipIntro(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ map.btSkip.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, skipIntro); map.gotoAndPlay("skip intro"); } private function initEvents():void{ map.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadFishingHole); if (model.currentLevel == 1){ map.btSkip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, skipIntro, false, 0, true); }; } private function thisCleanUp():void{ targetStage.removeChild(map); rootView.deleteView(this); } private function loadFishingHole(_arg1:Event):void{ map.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadFishingHole); rootView.loadFishHole(); thisCleanUp(); } private function initMouseEventsClose():void{ map.btFish.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thisClose); } public function openMap():void{ var _local1:uint; rootView.playThemeMusic("theme"); map = new MapMC(); _local1 = model.currentLevel; if (_local1 == 1){ map.gotoAndStop("level 1"); } else { if (_local1 == 2){ map.gotoAndStop("level 2"); } else { if (_local1 == 3){ map.gotoAndStop("level 3"); } else { if (_local1 == 4){ map.gotoAndStop("level 4"); } else { if (_local1 == 5){ map.gotoAndStop("level 5"); } else { if (_local1 == 6){ map.gotoAndStop("level 6"); } else { throw (new Error("Invalid Map Level")); }; }; }; }; }; }; targetStage.addChild(map); initMouseEventsClose(); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function initView(_arg1:uint=0):void{ var _local2:uint; rootView.playThemeMusic("theme"); map = new MapMC(); map.btFish.visible = false; _local2 = model.currentLevel; if (_local2 == 1){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 1 intro"); } else { if (_local2 == 2){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 2 intro"); } else { if (_local2 == 3){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 3 intro"); } else { if (_local2 == 4){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 4 intro"); } else { if (_local2 == 5){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 5 intro"); } else { if (_local2 == 6){ map.gotoAndPlay("level 6 intro"); } else { throw (new Error("Invalid Map Level")); }; }; }; }; }; }; targetStage.addChild(map); initEvents(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function thisClose(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootView.playFishHoleMusic(); map.btFish.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thisClose); model.pauseGame = false; thisCleanUp(); } } }//package
Section 170
//ViewPopUpInstructions (ViewPopUpInstructions) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class ViewPopUpInstructions extends ComponentView { private var rootView:RootView; private var instructions:PopUpInstructionsMC; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewPopUpInstructions(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; initView(); } private function fish(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ instructions.btFish.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, fish); thisCleanUp(); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ instructions.btFish.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, fish); targetStage.removeChild(instructions); rootView.deleteView(this); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function initView():void{ instructions = new PopUpInstructionsMC(); instructions.x = 100; instructions.y = 64; instructions.btFish.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, fish); targetStage.addChild(instructions); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } } }//package
Section 171
//ViewSound (ViewSound) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import sfxfactory.*; import musicfactory.*; public class ViewSound extends ComponentView { private var musicFactory:MusicPlayer; private var rootView:RootView; private var sfxPlayer:SoundFXPlayer; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewSound(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; controller.soundFXPlayer = this; } public function sfxSoundTransform(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4=null):void{ sfxPlayer.setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } public function stopSFX(_arg1:String):void{ sfxPlayer.stopSFX(_arg1); } public function setSoundTransform(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3=null):void{ musicFactory.setSoundTransform(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function playThemeMusic(_arg1:String):void{ model.musicType = "theme"; musicFactory.playThemeMusic(_arg1); } public function playSFX(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4=null):void{ sfxPlayer.playSFX(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } private function musicFirstSetLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ musicFactory.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, musicFirstSetLoaded); sfxPlayer.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sfxLoaded); sfxPlayer.loadSFX(); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function cleanUp():void{ rootView.deleteView(this); } public function initView():void{ musicFactory = new MusicPlayer(model, targetStage); sfxPlayer = new SoundFXPlayer(model, controller, targetStage); musicFactory.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, musicFirstSetLoaded); musicFactory.loadMusic(); model.musicVolume = 0.5; } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ if (model.whatChanged == "musicMute"){ if (model.musicMute == true){ musicFactory.muteMusic = true; musicFactory.stopMusic(); } else { musicFactory.muteMusic = false; if (model.musicType == "fishinghole"){ musicFactory.playFishHoleMusic(); }; }; } else { if (model.whatChanged == "musicVolume"){ setSoundTransform(model.musicVolume); }; }; } private function sfxLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ sfxPlayer.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, sfxLoaded); musicFactory.loadMusic(); } public function playFishHoleMusic():void{ model.musicType = "fishinghole"; musicFactory.playFishHoleMusic(); } } }//package
Section 172
//ViewVolume (ViewVolume) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import utils.*; public class ViewVolume extends ComponentView { private var scroller:ScrollBarY; private var rootView:RootView; private var volumeSlider:VolumeSliderMC; private var targetStage:MovieClip; public function ViewVolume(_arg1:IModel, _arg2:IController, _arg3:MovieClip, _arg4:RootView){ super(_arg1, _arg2); targetStage = _arg3; rootView = _arg4; } private function thisRollOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ thisCleanUp(); } private function thisCleanUp():void{ scroller.cleanUp(); volumeSlider.btRollOut.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisRollOut); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicPlay); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicStop); scroller.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, scrollUpDatePower); targetStage.removeChild(volumeSlider); rootView.deleteView(this); } private function scrollUpDatePower(_arg1:Event):void{ if (scroller.power <= 0.002){ model.musicVolume = 0; } else { model.musicVolume = scroller.power; }; } private function musicStop(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ model.musicMute = true; scroller.power = 0; volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicStop); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("play music"); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicPlay); } override public function update(_arg1:Event=null):void{ } public function initView():void{ volumeSlider = new VolumeSliderMC(); volumeSlider.x = 32.3; volumeSlider.y = 459; targetStage.addChild(volumeSlider); scroller = new ScrollBarY(volumeSlider); scroller.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, scrollUpDatePower); if (model.musicMute){ scroller.power = 0; } else { scroller.power = model.musicVolume; }; initMouseEvents(); } override public function updateModel(_arg1:Event):void{ } private function initMouseEvents():void{ volumeSlider.btRollOut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, thisRollOut); if (model.musicMute){ volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("play music"); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicPlay); } else { volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("stop music"); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicStop); }; } private function musicPlay(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ model.musicMute = false; if (model.musicVolume == 0){ model.musicVolume = 0.3; }; scroller.power = model.musicVolume; volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicPlay); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.gotoAndStop("stop music"); volumeSlider.mcSpeaker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, musicStop); } } }//package
Section 173
//VolumeSliderMC (VolumeSliderMC) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class VolumeSliderMC extends MovieClip { public var mcScrub:MovieClip; public var mcSpeaker:MovieClip; public var mcBar:MovieClip; public var btRollOut:SimpleButton; } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2 3 7 12 115 145 172 179 185 208 510 517 520 527 529 595
Symbol 2 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 EditableTextUses:1Used by:8
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:8
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 7 EditableTextUses:1Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1}Uses:3 5 6 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:10
Symbol 10 GraphicUses:9Used by:11 424
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:13
Symbol 12 TextUses:1Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:11 12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.OpenIntroMC_5}Uses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:209 237
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:209 237 288 307 443
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 21 FontUsed by:22 513
Symbol 22 EditableTextUses:21Used by:28
Symbol 23 FontUsed by:24 32 34 44 50 116 118 120 125 127 132 135 137 142 143 144 229 294 413 428 430 462 463 466 468 470 471 472 473 475 478 480 482 484 486 511 512 514 519 521 522 523 526 528 530 531 532 534 538 539 540 542 544 545 547 548 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 558 559 561 562 563 565 566 568 569 571 572 573 575 576 578 579 581 582 583 585 586 587 589 590 591 593
Symbol 24 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:28
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:28 52
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:28 52
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7}Uses:20 22 24 25 26 27Used by:209 237 536
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:33 227
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:33 227
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:33 227
Symbol 32 TextUses:23Used by:33 227
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:29 30 31 32Used by:209
Symbol 34 TextUses:23Used by:209 237
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36 228
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:209
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:209 237
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:209 237
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:204 209 237 536
Symbol 40 FontUsed by:24 41 50 53 58 194 229 408 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 445 448 512 516 524 526 528 530 540 542 545 548 552 554 556 559 563 566 569 573 576 579 583 587 591
Symbol 41 TextUses:40Used by:209
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43 161
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:209
Symbol 44 TextUses:23Used by:45 231
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:209 231
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47 233
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:209
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:209 237 288
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:52
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.totalmoneyscoremc_13}Uses:49 50 25 26 51Used by:209 237 536
Symbol 53 TextUses:40Used by:209 237 536
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55 324
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:54Used by:209 287 360 541 543 546 549 557 560 564 567 570 574 577 580 584 588 592
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57 174 209 238
Symbol 57 MovieClipUses:56Used by:209
Symbol 58 TextUses:40Used by:209 288 518
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:209 307
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:209 307
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:209 307
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:209 307
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:209 307
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:209 307
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 68 FontUsed by:69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 139 140 141 147 148 170 171 176 178 180 184 189 197 198 200 205 206 207
Symbol 69 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 70 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 71 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 72 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 73 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 74 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 75 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 76 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 77 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 78 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 79 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 80 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 81 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 82 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 83 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 84 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 85 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 86 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 87 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 88 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 89 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 90 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 91 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 92 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 93 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 94 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 95 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 96 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 97 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 98 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 99 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 100 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 101 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 102 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 103 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 104 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 105 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 106 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 107 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 108 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 109 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 110 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 111 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 112 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 113 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 115 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 116 TextUses:23Used by:209
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 118 TextUses:23Used by:123
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 120 TextUses:23Used by:123
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:123 128 138 431 464
Symbol 122 SoundUsed by:123 128 133 138 212 227 228 231 233 235 295 424 431 464 535
Symbol 123 ButtonUses:117 118 119 120 121 122Used by:209
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:128
Symbol 125 TextUses:23Used by:128
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:128
Symbol 127 TextUses:23Used by:128
Symbol 128 ButtonUses:124 125 126 127 121 122Used by:209
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:133 212
Symbol 132 TextUses:23Used by:133 212
Symbol 133 ButtonUses:129 130 131 132 122Used by:209
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:138 464 535
Symbol 135 TextUses:23Used by:138
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:138 464 535
Symbol 137 TextUses:23Used by:138
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:134 135 136 137 121 122Used by:209 507 536 594 596
Symbol 139 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 140 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 141 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 142 TextUses:23Used by:209 543
Symbol 143 TextUses:23Used by:209 541 543 546 549 557 560 564 567 570 574 577 580 584 592
Symbol 144 TextUses:23Used by:209
Symbol 145 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 147 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 148 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:159 161 388 594
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:159
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:156 157 158 151Used by:161
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}Uses:42 150 151 152 153 154 155 159 160Used by:209 237 295 318 338 362
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 MovieClipUses:162Used by:166
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip {HookMC}Uses:163 164 165Used by:209 338  Timeline
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:209 324
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 169 MovieClipUses:168Used by:209 318 324 338
Symbol 170 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 171 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 172 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:56Used by:209
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 176 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 178 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 179 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 180 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:182 238
Symbol 182 MovieClipUses:181Used by:209
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 184 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 185 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 189 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:192 209
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:191 190Used by:193
Symbol 193 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.targetlinesgraph_29}Uses:192Used by:209 444
Symbol 194 TextUses:40Used by:209 444
Symbol 195 FontUsed by:196 409 446 449
Symbol 196 TextUses:195Used by:209 444
Symbol 197 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 198 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:209 525
Symbol 200 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:209 368 594
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:209 368 379 388 399 406 594
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:209 368 594
Symbol 204 MovieClipUses:39Used by:209 362
Symbol 205 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 206 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 207 TextUses:68Used by:209
Symbol 208 TextUses:1Used by:209
Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6}Uses:17 18 19 28 33 34 36 37 38 39 41 43 45 47 48 52 53 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 123 128 133 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 56 145 146 147 148 149 161 166 167 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 212 ButtonUses:210 211 131 132 122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 BitmapUsed by:214
Symbol 214 GraphicUses:213Used by:225
Symbol 215 BitmapUsed by:216
Symbol 216 GraphicUses:215Used by:225
Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:217Used by:225
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:225
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:225
Symbol 223 BitmapUsed by:224
Symbol 224 GraphicUses:223Used by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.fishingholes_33}Uses:214 216 218 220 222 224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 227 ButtonUses:29 30 31 32 122Used by:237
Symbol 228 ButtonUses:35 122Used by:237
Symbol 229 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:237
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 ButtonUses:45 230 44 122Used by:237
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:233 235 289
Symbol 233 ButtonUses:46 232 122Used by:236
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:235
Symbol 235 ButtonUses:234 232 122Used by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.sound_39}Uses:233 235Used by:237 306
Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35}Uses:18 19 28 227 34 228 37 38 39 229 161 231 236 48 52 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 238 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.salmonmc_44}Uses:56 181Used by:287 360 543
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 241 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthbassmc_45}Uses:239 240Used by:287 360 549
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:244
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:244
Symbol 244 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.troutmc_46}Uses:242 243Used by:287 360 546
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.wormeatermc_47}Uses:245 246Used by:287 360 560
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.hillbillyfish_48}Uses:248 249Used by:287 360 557
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:253
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:253
Symbol 253 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mulletfish_49}Uses:251 252Used by:287 360 584
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.minnow_50}Uses:254 255Used by:287 360 577
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.grouperfish_51}Uses:257 258Used by:287 360 564
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthcod_52}Uses:260 261 262 263 264 265Used by:287 360 580
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:269
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:269
Symbol 269 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.flounder_53}Uses:267 268Used by:287 360 567
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:272
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:272
Symbol 272 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.catfish_54}Uses:270 271Used by:287 360 541
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutantfishglow_56}Uses:273Used by:277
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55}Uses:274 275 276Used by:287 360 588
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:280
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:280
Symbol 280 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.clown_57}Uses:278 279Used by:287 360 574
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.tiki_58}Uses:281 282Used by:287 360 592
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:286
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:286
Symbol 286 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.pirate_59}Uses:284 285Used by:287 360 570
Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43}Uses:238 55 241 244 247 250 253 256 259 266 269 272 277 280 283 286Used by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.BonusFishMC_42}Uses:48 19 287 58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 289 ButtonUses:232Used by:295
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 292 ButtonUses:291Used by:295
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 294 TextUses:23Used by:295
Symbol 295 MovieClip {BobberSelectorMC}Uses:289 290 292 293 161 294 122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:297
Symbol 297 ButtonUses:296Used by:306
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:299
Symbol 299 ButtonUses:298Used by:306
Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:301
Symbol 301 MovieClipUses:300Used by:306
Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:303 306
Symbol 303 MovieClipUses:302Used by:306
Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:305
Symbol 305 MovieClipUses:304Used by:306
Symbol 306 MovieClip {VolumeSliderMC}Uses:297 299 236 301 303 302 305Used by:Timeline
Symbol 307 MovieClip {PowerMeterMC}Uses:59 19 60 61 62 64 66Used by:443  Timeline
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:310 311 312Used by:318
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 315 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClip {BobberMC}Uses:161 169 308 309 313 314 315 316 317Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClip {ShadowMC}Uses:319 320Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 324 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.fishingrods_74}Uses:54 167 169 323Used by:338
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 329 ShapeTweeningUsed by:338
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 336 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 338 MovieClip {RodMC}Uses:161 322 324 325 169 326 327 328 329 166 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337Used by:Timeline
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClipUses:339Used by:359
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 348 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 351 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:359
Symbol 359 MovieClip {FishFightMC}Uses:340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358Used by:Timeline
Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78}Uses:238 55 241 244 247 250 253 256 259 266 269 272 277 280 283 286Used by:361
Symbol 361 MovieClip {FishRobotMC}Uses:360Used by:Timeline
Symbol 362 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyPrize_80}Uses:161 204Used by:407
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyRubberDucky_81}Uses:201 202 203 363 364 365 366 367Used by:407
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:379 406 594
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:379 594
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:379 594
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:379 406 594
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:379 594
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:379 594
Symbol 375 GraphicUsed by:379
Symbol 376 GraphicUsed by:379
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:379
Symbol 378 GraphicUsed by:379
Symbol 379 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyMonster_82}Uses:369 202 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378Used by:407
Symbol 380 GraphicUsed by:388 594
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:388 594
Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:388 594
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:388 594
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:388
Symbol 388 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyBall_83}Uses:380 202 381 382 383 151 384 385 386 387Used by:407
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:399 594
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 399 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTurtle_84}Uses:389 390 391 392 393 394 202 395 396 397 398Used by:407
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:406 594
Symbol 401 GraphicUsed by:406 594
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:406 594
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 406 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTube_85}Uses:369 202 400 401 372 402 403 404 405Used by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClip {FloatyRobotMC}Uses:362 368 379 388 399 406Used by:Timeline
Symbol 408 TextUses:40Used by:410
Symbol 409 TextUses:195Used by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClip {ReelInMC}Uses:408 409Used by:Timeline
Symbol 411 BitmapUsed by:412
Symbol 412 GraphicUses:411Used by:443
Symbol 413 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:443
Symbol 414 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 415 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 416 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 417 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 418 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 419 TextUses:40Used by:443
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:443
Symbol 421 BitmapUsed by:422
Symbol 422 GraphicUses:421Used by:426
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:424
Symbol 424 ButtonUses:10 423 122Used by:426
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:426
Symbol 426 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.drk_88}Uses:422 424 425Used by:443
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 428 TextUses:23Used by:431
Symbol 429 GraphicUsed by:431
Symbol 430 TextUses:23Used by:431
Symbol 431 ButtonUses:427 428 429 430 121 122Used by:443
Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:443 497 507
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 441 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:443 507
Symbol 443 MovieClip {GameOverMC}Uses:412 413 307 19 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 426 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 MovieClip {FishOnMessageMC}Uses:193 194 196Used by:Timeline
Symbol 445 TextUses:40Used by:447
Symbol 446 TextUses:195Used by:447
Symbol 447 MovieClip {FishAteWormMessMC}Uses:445 446Used by:Timeline
Symbol 448 TextUses:40Used by:450
Symbol 449 TextUses:195Used by:450
Symbol 450 MovieClip {NoMoreWormsMC}Uses:448 449Used by:Timeline
Symbol 451 BitmapUsed by:452
Symbol 452 GraphicUses:451Used by:507
Symbol 453 BitmapUsed by:454
Symbol 454 GraphicUses:453Used by:507
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 462 TextUses:23Used by:464
Symbol 463 TextUses:23Used by:464
Symbol 464 ButtonUses:134 462 136 463 121 122Used by:507
Symbol 465 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 466 TextUses:23Used by:467
Symbol 467 MovieClipUses:466Used by:507
Symbol 468 TextUses:23Used by:469
Symbol 469 MovieClipUses:468Used by:507
Symbol 470 TextUses:23Used by:505 507
Symbol 471 TextUses:23Used by:501 507
Symbol 472 TextUses:23Used by:503 507
Symbol 473 TextUses:23Used by:499 507
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:476 507
Symbol 475 TextUses:23Used by:476 507
Symbol 476 MovieClipUses:474 475Used by:507
Symbol 477 GraphicUsed by:498 507
Symbol 478 TextUses:23Used by:498 507
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:500 507
Symbol 480 TextUses:23Used by:500 507
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:502 507
Symbol 482 TextUses:23Used by:502 507
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:504 507
Symbol 484 TextUses:23Used by:504 507
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:506 507
Symbol 486 TextUses:23Used by:506 507
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 489 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 494 MovieClipUses:493Used by:497 507
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:497 507
Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:507
Symbol 497 MovieClipUses:432 494 495Used by:507
Symbol 498 MovieClipUses:477 478Used by:507
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:473Used by:507
Symbol 500 MovieClipUses:479 480Used by:507
Symbol 501 MovieClipUses:471Used by:507
Symbol 502 MovieClipUses:481 482Used by:507
Symbol 503 MovieClipUses:472Used by:507
Symbol 504 MovieClipUses:483 484Used by:507
Symbol 505 MovieClipUses:470Used by:507
Symbol 506 MovieClipUses:485 486Used by:507
Symbol 507 MovieClip {MapMC}Uses:452 138 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 432 433 464 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 465 467 469 470 471 472 473 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 494 495 496 497 474 475 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 GraphicUsed by:536 596
Symbol 509 MovieClipUsed by:536 596
Symbol 510 EditableTextUses:1Used by:536
Symbol 511 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 512 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:536
Symbol 513 EditableTextUses:21Used by:536
Symbol 514 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:518
Symbol 516 TextUses:40Used by:518
Symbol 517 TextUses:1Used by:518
Symbol 518 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bonusx2_112}Uses:515 58 516 517Used by:536
Symbol 519 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 520 EditableTextUses:1Used by:536
Symbol 521 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 522 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 523 TextUses:23Used by:536
Symbol 524 TextUses:40Used by:536
Symbol 525 MovieClipUses:199Used by:536
Symbol 526 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:536
Symbol 527 TextUses:1Used by:536
Symbol 528 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:536
Symbol 529 TextUses:1Used by:536
Symbol 530 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:536
Symbol 531 TextUses:23Used by:535
Symbol 532 TextUses:23Used by:535
Symbol 533 GraphicUsed by:535
Symbol 534 TextUses:23Used by:535
Symbol 535 ButtonUses:134 531 136 532 533 534 122Used by:536
Symbol 536 MovieClip {FishCaughtMessageMC}Uses:508 509 510 511 512 513 514 518 138 519 520 521 28 522 523 52 53 524 525 39 526 527 528 529 530 535Used by:Timeline
Symbol 537 GraphicUsed by:594
Symbol 538 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 539 TextUses:23Used by:541
Symbol 540 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:541
Symbol 541 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listcatfishmc_116}Uses:272 55 539 143 540Used by:594
Symbol 542 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:543
Symbol 543 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listsalmonmc_117}Uses:142 143 542 238 55Used by:594
Symbol 544 TextUses:23Used by:546
Symbol 545 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:546
Symbol 546 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listtroutmc_118}Uses:544 143 545 244 55Used by:594
Symbol 547 TextUses:23Used by:549
Symbol 548 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:549
Symbol 549 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbassmc_119}Uses:547 143 548 241 55Used by:594
Symbol 550 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 551 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 552 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:594
Symbol 553 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 554 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:594
Symbol 555 TextUses:23Used by:557
Symbol 556 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:557
Symbol 557 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listhillmc_120}Uses:250 55 555 143 556Used by:594
Symbol 558 TextUses:23Used by:560
Symbol 559 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:560
Symbol 560 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbastardmc_121}Uses:558 143 559 247 55Used by:594
Symbol 561 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 562 TextUses:23Used by:564
Symbol 563 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:564
Symbol 564 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listGroupermc_122}Uses:259 55 562 143 563Used by:594
Symbol 565 TextUses:23Used by:567
Symbol 566 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:567
Symbol 567 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listfloundermc_123}Uses:269 55 565 143 566Used by:594
Symbol 568 TextUses:23Used by:570
Symbol 569 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:570
Symbol 570 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listpiratemc_124}Uses:286 55 568 143 569Used by:594
Symbol 571 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 572 TextUses:23Used by:574
Symbol 573 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:574
Symbol 574 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125}Uses:280 55 572 143 573Used by:594
Symbol 575 TextUses:23Used by:577
Symbol 576 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:577
Symbol 577 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listminnowmc_126}Uses:256 55 575 143 576Used by:594
Symbol 578 TextUses:23Used by:580
Symbol 579 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:580
Symbol 580 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listcodmc_127}Uses:266 55 578 143 579Used by:594
Symbol 581 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 582 TextUses:23Used by:584
Symbol 583 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:584
Symbol 584 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMulletmc_128}Uses:253 55 582 143 583Used by:594
Symbol 585 TextUses:23Used by:588
Symbol 586 TextUses:23Used by:588
Symbol 587 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:588
Symbol 588 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMutantmc_129}Uses:277 55 585 586 587Used by:594
Symbol 589 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 590 TextUses:23Used by:592
Symbol 591 EditableTextUses:23 40Used by:592
Symbol 592 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listTikimc_130}Uses:283 55 590 143 591Used by:594
Symbol 593 TextUses:23Used by:594
Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC}Uses:537 538 541 543 546 549 550 551 552 553 554 138 201 202 203 557 560 561 389 390 391 392 393 394 564 567 570 571 369 370 371 372 373 374 574 577 580 581 400 401 402 584 588 589 380 381 382 383 151 592 593Used by:Timeline
Symbol 595 TextUses:1Used by:596
Symbol 596 MovieClip {PopUpInstructionsMC}Uses:508 509 595 138Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"mcPreloader"Frame 2Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1}
"btLogo"Frame 3Symbol 13 MovieClip
"mcIntroScreen"Frame 4Symbol 16 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.OpenIntroMC_5}
"mcInstructions"Frame 5Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6}
"mcPreloader"Frame 5Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1}
"btStart"Frame 5Symbol 212 Button
"mcFishingHoles"Frame 7Symbol 225 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.fishingholes_33}
"mcUnderWaterDisObj"Frame 7Symbol 226 MovieClip
"mcWaterSurface"Frame 7Symbol 225 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.fishingholes_33}
"mcMessagesDisObj"Frame 7Symbol 226 MovieClip
"mcAboveWaterDisObj"Frame 7Symbol 226 MovieClip
"mcHUD"Frame 7Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35}
"mcBonus"Frame 7Symbol 288 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.BonusFishMC_42}
"txLoadingWhite"Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1} Frame 1Symbol 3 EditableText
"mcBar"Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1} Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"mcBarMask"Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1} Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"txLoadingBlack"Symbol 8 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.preloadermain_1} Frame 1Symbol 7 EditableText
"txMoneyMinus"Symbol 28 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7} Frame 1Symbol 22 EditableText
"txMoney"Symbol 28 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7} Frame 1Symbol 24 EditableText
"txMoney"Symbol 52 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.totalmoneyscoremc_13} Frame 1Symbol 50 EditableText
"mcBarsRaw"Symbol 193 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.targetlinesgraph_29} Frame 1Symbol 192 MovieClip
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"mcPowerLevel"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"mcFish"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"btNext"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 123 Button
"btBack"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 128 Button
"btPlay"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 133 Button
"btFish"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 1Symbol 138 Button
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 2Symbol 55 MovieClip
"mcPowerLevel"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 64 MovieClip
"mcFish"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 66 MovieClip
"mcBobber"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
"mcHook"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 166 MovieClip {HookMC}
"pointMC"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 169 MovieClip
"mcPointBent"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 3Symbol 169 MovieClip
"mcBobber"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 4Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
"mcHook"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 4Symbol 166 MovieClip {HookMC}
"pointMC"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 5Symbol 169 MovieClip
"mcPointBent"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 5Symbol 169 MovieClip
"mcBars"Symbol 209 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.instructionsmc_6} Frame 6Symbol 193 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.targetlinesgraph_29}
"btPauseMusic"Symbol 236 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.sound_39} Frame 1Symbol 233 Button
"btPlayMusic"Symbol 236 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.sound_39} Frame 2Symbol 235 Button
"mcMoney"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 28 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7}
"btMap"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 227 Button
"btFishList"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 228 Button
"txWormCnt"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 229 EditableText
"btBobber"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
"btInstructions"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 231 Button
"mcSpeaker"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 236 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.sound_39}
"mcTotalMoney"Symbol 237 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.HUDmc_35} Frame 1Symbol 52 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.totalmoneyscoremc_13}
"mcGlow"Symbol 277 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55} Frame 1Symbol 274 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutantfishglow_56}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 1Symbol 238 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.salmonmc_44}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 2Symbol 241 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthbassmc_45}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 3Symbol 244 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.troutmc_46}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 4Symbol 247 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.wormeatermc_47}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 5Symbol 250 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.hillbillyfish_48}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 6Symbol 253 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mulletfish_49}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 7Symbol 256 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.minnow_50}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 8Symbol 259 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.grouperfish_51}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 9Symbol 266 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthcod_52}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 10Symbol 269 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.flounder_53}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 11Symbol 272 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.catfish_54}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 12Symbol 277 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 13Symbol 280 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.clown_57}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 14Symbol 283 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.tiki_58}
"mcFish"Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43} Frame 15Symbol 286 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.pirate_59}
"mcRandomFish"Symbol 288 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.BonusFishMC_42} Frame 1Symbol 287 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishBonusSlotSpin_43}
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"mcBobber4"Symbol 295 MovieClip {BobberSelectorMC} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
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"mcBobber3"Symbol 295 MovieClip {BobberSelectorMC} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
"mcBobber6"Symbol 295 MovieClip {BobberSelectorMC} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
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"mcScrub"Symbol 306 MovieClip {VolumeSliderMC} Frame 1Symbol 305 MovieClip
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"mcBobber"Symbol 318 MovieClip {BobberMC} Frame 16Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
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"mcRods"Symbol 338 MovieClip {RodMC} Frame 1Symbol 324 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.fishingrods_74}
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"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 5Symbol 250 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.hillbillyfish_48}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 6Symbol 253 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mulletfish_49}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 7Symbol 256 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.minnow_50}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 8Symbol 259 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.grouperfish_51}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 9Symbol 266 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthcod_52}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 10Symbol 269 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.flounder_53}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 11Symbol 272 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.catfish_54}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 12Symbol 277 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 13Symbol 280 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.clown_57}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 14Symbol 283 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.tiki_58}
"mcFish"Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78} Frame 15Symbol 286 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.pirate_59}
"mcFishAll"Symbol 361 MovieClip {FishRobotMC} Frame 1Symbol 360 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FishAll_78}
"mcBobber"Symbol 362 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyPrize_80} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bobberall_22}
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"mcFloaty"Symbol 407 MovieClip {FloatyRobotMC} Frame 3Symbol 388 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyBall_83}
"mcFloaty"Symbol 407 MovieClip {FloatyRobotMC} Frame 4Symbol 399 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTurtle_84}
"mcFloaty"Symbol 407 MovieClip {FloatyRobotMC} Frame 5Symbol 406 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.FloatyTube_85}
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"txMoneyMinus"Symbol 536 MovieClip {FishCaughtMessageMC} Frame 1Symbol 513 EditableText
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"mcMoney"Symbol 536 MovieClip {FishCaughtMessageMC} Frame 2Symbol 28 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.moneyscoremc_7}
"mcTotalMoney"Symbol 536 MovieClip {FishCaughtMessageMC} Frame 2Symbol 52 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.totalmoneyscoremc_13}
"txWormCnt"Symbol 536 MovieClip {FishCaughtMessageMC} Frame 2Symbol 526 EditableText
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"mcFishMouth"Symbol 549 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbassmc_119} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"mcFish"Symbol 557 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listhillmc_120} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.hillbillyfish_48}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 557 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listhillmc_120} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
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"txMoney"Symbol 560 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbastardmc_121} Frame 1Symbol 559 EditableText
"mcFish"Symbol 560 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbastardmc_121} Frame 1Symbol 247 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.wormeatermc_47}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 560 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbastardmc_121} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"mcFish"Symbol 564 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listGroupermc_122} Frame 1Symbol 259 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.grouperfish_51}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 564 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listGroupermc_122} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
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"mcFishMouth"Symbol 567 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listfloundermc_123} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"txMoney"Symbol 567 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listfloundermc_123} Frame 1Symbol 566 EditableText
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"mcFishMouth"Symbol 570 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listpiratemc_124} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
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"mcFish"Symbol 574 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125} Frame 1Symbol 280 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.clown_57}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 574 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"txMoney"Symbol 574 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125} Frame 1Symbol 573 EditableText
"mcFish"Symbol 577 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listminnowmc_126} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.minnow_50}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 577 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listminnowmc_126} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
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"mcFish"Symbol 580 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listcodmc_127} Frame 1Symbol 266 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.bigmouthcod_52}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 580 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listcodmc_127} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
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"mcFish"Symbol 584 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMulletmc_128} Frame 1Symbol 253 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mulletfish_49}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 584 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMulletmc_128} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"txMoney"Symbol 584 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMulletmc_128} Frame 1Symbol 583 EditableText
"mcFish"Symbol 588 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMutantmc_129} Frame 1Symbol 277 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.mutant_55}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 588 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMutantmc_129} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"txMoney"Symbol 588 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listMutantmc_129} Frame 1Symbol 587 EditableText
"mcFish"Symbol 592 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listTikimc_130} Frame 1Symbol 283 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.tiki_58}
"mcFishMouth"Symbol 592 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listTikimc_130} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"txMoney"Symbol 592 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listTikimc_130} Frame 1Symbol 591 EditableText
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"mcSalmon"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 1Symbol 543 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listsalmonmc_117}
"mcTrout"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 1Symbol 546 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listtroutmc_118}
"mcBass"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 1Symbol 549 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listbassmc_119}
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"mcGrouper"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 3Symbol 564 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listGroupermc_122}
"mcFlounder"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 3Symbol 567 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listfloundermc_123}
"mcPirate"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 3Symbol 570 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listpiratemc_124}
"mcClown"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 4Symbol 574 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listclownmc_125}
"mcMinnow"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 4Symbol 577 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listminnowmc_126}
"mcCod"Symbol 594 MovieClip {FishListMC} Frame 4Symbol 580 MovieClip {fishingchampion_fla.listcodmc_127}
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Created: 29/4 -2019 08:51:35 Last modified: 29/4 -2019 08:51:35 Server time: 03/01 -2025 15:21:45