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Flash #48747

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="left"><font face="Times" size="96" color="#990033" letterSpacing="-4.000000" kerning="1">Coelocanth Pilot</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Times" size="96" color="#990033" letterSpacing="-4.000000" kerning="1">My Velouria</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Times" size="96" color="#990033" letterSpacing="-4.000000" kerning="1">Sicne Hakov</font></p>

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Bolt (game.entities.projectiles.Bolt) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Bolt extends Projectile { public function Bolt(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ livetime = 60; damage = 10; width = 30; height = 10; speed = 15; x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function die():void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 4); super.die(); } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 2
//Bomb (game.entities.projectiles.Bomb) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Bomb extends Projectile { private const brain_DEAD = 3; private const brain_LAUNCHED = 0; private const brain_EXPLODED = 1; private var postexlivetime:int;// = 150 public function Bomb(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ postexlivetime = 150; super(); livetime = 50; damage = 10; width = 30; height = 30; speed = 5; x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function crashIntoMe(_arg1:Ent):void{ if (brain == brain_LAUNCHED){ brain = brain_EXPLODED; }; _arg1.hp = (_arg1.hp - 1); Project.particles.burst(_arg1.x, _arg1.y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 15); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ switch (brain){ case brain_LAUNCHED: if (--livetime == 0){ brain = brain_EXPLODED; }; x = (x + xVel); y = (y + yVel); break; case brain_EXPLODED: speed = 0; rotation = (rotation + 30); if (width < 200){ width = (width + 4); }; if (height < 200){ height = (height + 4); }; if (--postexlivetime <= 0){ die(); }; break; default: die(); }; } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 3
//Laser (game.entities.projectiles.Laser) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Laser extends Projectile { private var co:int;// = 0 private static const DUMB:int = 0; private static const HOMING:int = 1; private static const GUIDED:int = 2; public function Laser(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ co = 0; super(); livetime = _arg1.cooldown_time; damage = 1; width = 300; height = 5; speed = 15; turnrate = 10; x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function die():void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 4); super.die(); } override public function crashIntoMe(_arg1:Ent):void{ _arg1.hp = (_arg1.hp - damage); Project.particles.burst(_arg1.x, _arg1.y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 7); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ x = creator.x; y = creator.y; dir = creator.aim; rotation = dir; if (livetime-- == 0){ die(); }; } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 4
//Lightning (game.entities.projectiles.Lightning) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Lightning extends Projectile { private var co:int;// = 0 private static const DUMB:int = 0; private static const HOMING:int = 1; private static const GUIDED:int = 2; public function Lightning(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ co = 0; super(); livetime = 10; damage = 1; width = 300; height = 70; speed = 15; turnrate = 10; x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function die():void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 4); super.die(); } override public function crashIntoMe(_arg1:Ent):void{ _arg1.hp = (_arg1.hp - damage); Project.particles.burst(_arg1.x, _arg1.y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 7); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ x = creator.x; y = creator.y; dir = creator.aim; rotation = dir; if (livetime-- == 0){ die(); }; } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 5
//Missile (game.entities.projectiles.Missile) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Missile extends Projectile { private static const DUMB:int = 0; private static const HOMING:int = 1; private static const GUIDED:int = 2; public function Missile(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ livetime = 600; damage = 5; width = 30; height = 10; speed = 15; turnrate = 10; x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function die():void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 15); super.die(); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ turnToward(Project.viewport.mouseX, Project.viewport.mouseY); rotation = dir; super.stepTwo(_arg1); if (Math.random() > 0.9){ dir = (dir + ((Math.random() * 120) - 60)); }; } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 6
//Pellet (game.entities.projectiles.Pellet) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; import game.*; public class Pellet extends Projectile { public function Pellet(_arg1:Ent, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ livetime = 60; damage = 6; width = 6; height = 6; speed = (15 + (Math.random() * 5)); x = _arg2; y = _arg3; dir = _arg4; rotation = dir; creator = _arg1; } override public function die():void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 4); super.die(); } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 7
//Projectile (game.entities.projectiles.Projectile) package game.entities.projectiles { import game.fx.*; import game.entities.*; public class Projectile extends Ent { var creator:Ent; public var emitter:Emitter; public var damage; var livetime; public function crashIntoMe(_arg1:Ent):void{ if (!dead){ _arg1.hp = (_arg1.hp - damage); dead = true; die(); }; } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ if (--livetime == 0){ die(); }; super.stepTwo(_arg1); } } }//package game.entities.projectiles
Section 8
//AShip (game.entities.AShip) package game.entities { import game.fx.*; import flash.geom.*; import game.*; import game.entities.projectiles.*; public class AShip extends Ent { private var pushed:Boolean; private var gun:int; private var wait:int;// = 0 private var mouse:Point; private var beenthrudie;// = false private static const SHOTGUN:int = 5; private static const MISSILE:int = 2; private static const PULSE:int = 1; private static const LIGHTNING:int = 4; private static const LASER:int = 3; public function AShip(){ wait = 0; beenthrudie = false; super(); cooldown_time = 10; width = 30; height = 20; hp = 60; friction = 0.75; accel = 2.5; maxspeed = 10; x = (y = -300); speed = 0; dir = 0; aim = 0; alliance = FRIENDLY; gun = PULSE; } public function receiveMouseLoc(_arg1:Point){ mouse = _arg1; beenthrudie = true; } override public function die():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:int; Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 30); _local2 = 0; do { new Em_Shrapnel(x, y, (Math.random() * 360), (Math.random() * 14)); var _temp1 = _local2; _local2 = (_local2 + 1); } while (_temp1 < 5); super.die(); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, waitUntilRefresh); } private function waitUntilRefresh(_arg1):void{ if (wait++ > 30){ Project.reInitGame(); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, waitUntilRefresh); }; } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Projectile; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:int; _local2 = false; _local3 = (colCheck() as Projectile); _local4 = Keys[LEFT]; _local5 = Keys[RIGHT]; _local6 = Keys[UP]; _local7 = Keys[DOWN]; if (_local6){ if (_local4){ dir = 225; } else { if (_local5){ dir = 315; } else { dir = 270; }; }; } else { if (_local7){ if (_local4){ dir = 135; } else { if (_local5){ dir = 45; } else { dir = 90; }; }; } else { if (_local4){ dir = 180; } else { if (_local5){ dir = 0; }; }; }; }; aim = Logic.pointDirection(x, y, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (Keys[OTHER]){ if (!pushed){ pushed = true; if (++gun >= 6){ gun = 1; }; }; } else { pushed = false; }; if (((((((_local4) || (_local5))) || (_local6))) || (_local7))){ speed = Math.min(maxspeed, (speed + accel)); dir = Logic.pointDirection(0, 0, xVel, yVel); Project.particles.burst(x, y, (dir - 180), Particles.FIRE, 35); Project.particles.burst(x, y, (dir - 180), Particles.FIRE, 100); Project.particles.burst(x, y, (dir - 180), Particles.FIRE, 100); Project.particles.burst(x, y, (dir - 180), Particles.FIRE, 35); }; speed = Math.max(0, (speed - friction)); rotation = aim; if ((((--cooldown_remain <= 0)) && (Keys[FIRE]))){ switch (gun){ case PULSE: cooldown_remain = 10; FriendlyColList.push(new Bolt(this, x, y, aim)); break; case MISSILE: cooldown_remain = 3; FriendlyColList.push(new Missile(this, x, y, aim)); break; case LASER: cooldown_remain = 0; FriendlyColList.push(new Laser(this, x, y, aim)); break; case LIGHTNING: cooldown_remain = 0; FriendlyColList.push(new Lightning(this, x, y, aim)); break; case SHOTGUN: cooldown_remain = 20; _local8 = 0; while (_local8++ < 13) { FriendlyColList.push(new Pellet(this, x, y, ((aim + (Math.random() * 10)) - 5))); }; }; }; if (_local3){ _local3.crashIntoMe(this); }; rotation = aim; super.stepTwo(_arg1); } } }//package game.entities
Section 9
//Enemy (game.entities.Enemy) package game.entities { import game.fx.*; import*; import game.*; import game.entities.projectiles.*; public class Enemy extends Ent { var spawn_jimmy;// = true public function Enemy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ spawn_jimmy = true; super(); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; dir = _arg3; dir = 10; turnrate = 1; hp = 100; cargocount = 5; cooldown_time = 5; alliance = ENEMY; cooldown_remain = 0; } override public function die():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:int; _local1 = new Enemy((x + 500), (x + 500), 30); _local1.giveMeATarget(mtar); _local1 = new Enemy((x - 500), (x - 500), 30); _local1.giveMeATarget(mtar); _local2 = 0; do { new Em_Shrapnel(x, y, (Math.random() * 360), (Math.random() * 14)); var _temp1 = _local2; _local2 = (_local2 + 1); } while (_temp1 < 10); super.die(); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ var _local2:Projectile; var _local3:Ent; turnToward(mtar.x, mtar.y); rotation = dir; speed = 1; if ((((cooldown_remain <= 0)) && ((cargocount > 0)))){ if (spawn_jimmy){ _local3 = new Jimmy(x, y, dir); spawn_jimmy = !(spawn_jimmy); } else { _local3 = new Spawn(x, y, dir); spawn_jimmy = !(spawn_jimmy); }; _local3.giveMeATarget(mtar); _local3.par = this; cargocount--; cooldown_remain = cooldown_time; }; cooldown_remain--; _local2 = (colCheck() as Projectile); if (_local2){ _local2.crashIntoMe(this); }; super.stepTwo(_arg1); } } }//package game.entities
Section 10
//Ent (game.entities.Ent) package game.entities { import flash.display.*; import game.fx.*; import*; import game.*; import game.entities.projectiles.*; import flash.ui.*; public class Ent extends Sprite { public var hp:Number; public var alliance:int; public var cooldown_time:Number; public var aim:Number;// = 0 public var speed:Number;// = 0 public var maxspeed:Number; public var dead:Boolean;// = false public var mtar:Ent; public var par:Ent; public var dir:Number;// = 0 public var cooldown_remain:Number;// = 0 public var cargocount:Number; public var turnrate:Number; public var accel:Number; public var friction:Number; public var brain:int;// = 0 public static const BOTH:int = 2; public static const LEFT:int = 1; public static const UP:int = 2; public static const NEUTRAL:int = 3; public static const ENEMY:int = 0; public static const DOWN:int = 4; public static const FRIENDLY:int = 1; public static const OTHER:int = 6; public static const FIRE:int = 5; public static const RIGHT:int = 3; public static var Keys; public static var diedthisstep:Boolean = false; public static var FriendlyColList:Array; public static var instantiated:Boolean = false; public static var EnemyColList:Array; public function Ent():void{ dir = 0; speed = 0; aim = 0; cooldown_remain = 0; brain = 0; dead = false; super(); if (!instantiated){ enEnt(Project.This); }; Project.AddChild(this); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP2, stepTwo); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); } public function get xVel():Number{ return (Logic.lengthDirectionX(speed, dir)); } public function turnToward(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local3 = Logic.pointDirection(x, y, _arg1, _arg2); _local4 = Math.min(turnrate, Math.abs((Logic.normalizeAngle(dir) - _local3))); dir = (dir + (_local4 * Logic.angleRotateDirection(_local3, Logic.normalizeAngle(dir)))); } public function colCheck():Ent{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:Array; _local2 = false; switch (alliance){ case FRIENDLY: _local3 = EnemyColList; break; case BOTH: _local2 = true; case ENEMY: _local3 = FriendlyColList; break; case NEUTRAL: _local3 = new Array(); }; do { _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3.length) { if (hitTestObject(_local3[_local1])){ return (_local3[_local1]); }; _local1++; }; _local3 = EnemyColList; _local2 = false; } while (_local2); return (null); } public function get yVel():Number{ return (Logic.lengthDirectionY(speed, dir)); } public function giveMeATarget(_arg1){ mtar = _arg1; } public function die():void{ GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP2, stepTwo); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); Project.RemoveChild(this); dead = true; diedthisstep = true; } public function annihilate(_arg1):void{ die(); } public function stepTwo(_arg1){ if (hp <= 0){ die(); }; x = (x + xVel); y = (y + yVel); } public static function reportClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Keys[FIRE] = true; } public static function reportKeyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case 65: Keys[LEFT] = false; break; case 87: Keys[UP] = false; break; case 68: Keys[RIGHT] = false; break; case 83: Keys[DOWN] = false; break; case Keyboard.SPACE: break; case 81: Keys[OTHER] = false; break; }; } public static function enEnt(_arg1:DisplayObject=null){ var _local2:int; EnemyColList = new Array(); FriendlyColList = new Array(); Keys = new Array(6); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= 6) { Keys[_local2] = 0; _local2++; }; _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); _arg1.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp); _arg1.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reportClick); _arg1.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reportUnClick); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, stepThree); instantiated = true; } public static function reportKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case 65: Keys[LEFT] = true; break; case 87: Keys[UP] = true; break; case 68: Keys[RIGHT] = true; break; case 83: Keys[DOWN] = true; break; case Keyboard.SPACE: break; case 81: Keys[OTHER] = true; break; default: trace(_arg1.keyCode); break; }; } public static function unEnt(){ instantiated = false; EnemyColList = null; FriendlyColList = null; Keys = null; Project.This.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); Project.This.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, reportKeyUp); Project.This.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, reportClick); Project.This.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, reportUnClick); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, stepThree); } public static function reportUnClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Keys[FIRE] = false; GEvents.callEvent(GEvents.MOUSEUNCLICK); } public static function stepThree(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (diedthisstep){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < FriendlyColList.length) { _local3 = (FriendlyColList[_local2] as Ent); if (_local3.dead){ FriendlyColList.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < EnemyColList.length) { _local3 = (EnemyColList[_local2] as Ent); if (_local3.dead){ EnemyColList.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2++; }; }; } } }//package game.entities
Section 11
//Jimmy (game.entities.Jimmy) package game.entities { import game.fx.*; import game.*; import game.entities.projectiles.*; public class Jimmy extends Ent { private const brain_ATTACKING = 0; private const brain_LIMPING = 2; private const brain_RETURNING = 1; private var dashing:Boolean;// = false private var change:Number;// = 0 public function Jimmy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ change = 0; dashing = false; super(); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; dir = _arg3; turnrate = 2.5; maxspeed = 8; accel = 1.5; friction = 0.5; cooldown_time = 40; cargocount = 3; alliance = ENEMY; width = 30; height = 30; hp = 20; } override public function die():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 100) { Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360); _local1++; }; super.die(); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Projectile; var _local5:*; switch (brain){ case brain_ATTACKING: aim = Logic.pointDirection(x, y, mtar.x, mtar.y); _local2 = Logic.pointDistance(x, y, mtar.x, mtar.y); _local4 = (colCheck() as Projectile); if (_local4){ _local4.crashIntoMe(this); }; if ((((_local2 > 100)) && ((_local2 < 200)))){ speed = Math.min(maxspeed, (speed + accel)); } else { if (_local2 < 50){ speed = (maxspeed * 2); dir = (aim + ((Math.random() * 30) - 60)); dashing = true; change = 50; } else { if (_local2 > 200){ speed = (speed + maxspeed); dir = aim; dashing = true; change = 50; }; }; }; if (--change < 0){ change = 10; dir = (aim + ((Math.random() * 100) - 200)); dashing = false; }; if (dashing){ }; if (--cooldown_remain <= 0){ cooldown_remain = cooldown_time; EnemyColList.push(new Bolt(this, x, y, aim)); if (--cargocount <= 0){ brain = brain_RETURNING; }; }; break; case brain_RETURNING: dir = Logic.pointDirection(x, y, par.x, par.y); speed = (maxspeed * 2); _local5 = Logic.pointDistance(x, y, par.x, par.y); if (Logic.pointDistance(x, y, par.x, par.y) < 20){ par.cargocount++; this.die(); }; }; speed = Math.max((speed - friction), 0); rotation = aim; super.stepTwo(_arg1); } } }//package game.entities
Section 12
//Spawn (game.entities.Spawn) package game.entities { import game.fx.*; import game.*; import game.entities.projectiles.*; public class Spawn extends Ent { private const brain_LIMPING = 2; private const brain_SOJURNING = 0; private const brain_RETURNING = 1; public function Spawn(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; dir = _arg3; turnrate = 2.5; alliance = ENEMY; width = 50; height = 40; hp = 20; } override public function die():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 100) { Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360); _local1++; }; super.die(); } override public function stepTwo(_arg1){ var _local2:Projectile; var _local3:*; speed = 11; switch (brain){ case brain_SOJURNING: turnToward(mtar.x, mtar.y); if (Logic.pointDistance(x, y, mtar.x, mtar.y) < 200){ EnemyColList.push(new Bomb(this, x, y, dir)); brain = brain_RETURNING; }; break; case brain_RETURNING: turnToward(par.x, par.y); _local3 = Logic.pointDistance(x, y, par.x, par.y); if (_local3 < 200){ speed = (_local3 / 11); turnrate = (turnrate + 0.1); }; if (Logic.pointDistance(x, y, par.x, par.y) < 20){ par.cargocount++; this.die(); }; }; rotation = dir; _local2 = (colCheck() as Projectile); if (_local2){ _local2.crashIntoMe(this); }; super.stepTwo(_arg1); } } }//package game.entities
Section 13
//Avatar (game.fx.Avatar) package game.fx { import flash.display.*; import*; import game.*; public class Avatar extends MovieClip { private var callback:Function; private var dialog:String; private var side:int; private var state:int; private var keythisstep:Boolean; private var bounds:Number; public static const SICNE:int = 3; public static const VELOURIA:int = 2; public static const ENTERING:int = 0; public static const ZARNOLD:int = 5; public static const READING:int = 1; public static const EXITING:int = 2; public static const PILOT:int = 1; public static const MAGPIE:int = 6; public static const HAYATO:int = 4; public function Avatar(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:String, _arg4:Function=null):void{ gotoAndStop(_arg1); Project.This.addChild(this); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnFra); Project.This.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, key); side = _arg2; dialog = _arg3; callback = _arg4; state = 0; if (Math.abs(side) != 1){ throw ("side must be equal to +1 or -1"); }; if (side == 1){ x = ((0 - width) - 10); bounds = 0; } else { x = ((800 + width) + 10); bounds = 800; }; y = 0; trace(x); keythisstep = false; } public function onEnFra(_arg1):void{ switch (state){ case ENTERING: x = (x + (side * 30)); if ((x * side) >= (side * bounds)){ state = READING; }; break; case READING: if (keythisstep){ state = EXITING; }; break; case EXITING: x = (x - (side * 30)); if (x <= ((side * -(width)) - 10)){ end(); }; break; }; trace(("State is:" + state)); trace(x); } private function key(_arg1):void{ keythisstep = true; } public function end(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnFra); Project.This.removeChild(this); delete ??getglobalscope [this]; } } }//package game.fx
Section 14
//Em_Shrapnel (game.fx.Em_Shrapnel) package game.fx { import game.*; public class Em_Shrapnel extends Emitter { var xVel:Number; var yVel:Number; var livetime:int;// = 10 public function Em_Shrapnel(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){ livetime = 10; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); xVel = Logic.lengthDirectionX(_arg4, _arg3); yVel = Logic.lengthDirectionY(_arg4, _arg3); } override public function die(){ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 15); super.die(); } override public function stepOne(_arg1):void{ Project.particles.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360, 4); x = (x + xVel); y = (y + yVel); if (--livetime <= 0){ die(); }; } } }//package game.fx
Section 15
//Em_Starfield (game.fx.Em_Starfield) package game.fx { import game.*; public class Em_Starfield extends Emitter { private var lastCreatedY:Number; private var lastCreatedX:Number; private var viewport:Viewport; public function Em_Starfield(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Particles, _arg5:Viewport):void{ var _local6:int; super(); partsys = _arg4; viewport = _arg5; Project.AddChild(this); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP1, stepOne); lastCreatedX = 0; lastCreatedY = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6++ < 15) { partsys.make(((x - 300) + (800 * Math.random())), ((y - 300) + (600 * Math.random())), Particles.STAR); }; } override public function stepOne(_arg1):void{ var _local2:Number; x = -(viewport.x); y = -(viewport.y); _local2 = 50; if (Math.abs((Math.abs(lastCreatedX) - Math.abs(x))) > _local2){ if (lastCreatedX > x){ partsys.make(x, (y + (600 * Math.random())), Particles.STAR); } else { partsys.make((x + 800), (y + (600 * Math.random())), Particles.STAR); }; lastCreatedX = x; }; if (Math.abs((Math.abs(lastCreatedY) - Math.abs(y))) > _local2){ if (lastCreatedY > y){ partsys.make((x + (800 * Math.random())), y, Particles.STAR); } else { partsys.make((x + (800 * Math.random())), (y + 600), Particles.STAR); }; lastCreatedY = y; }; } } }//package game.fx
Section 16
//Emitter (game.fx.Emitter) package game.fx { import flash.display.*; import game.*; public class Emitter extends Sprite { var partsys:Particles; public function Emitter(_arg1=0, _arg2=0, _arg3=0){ partsys = Project.getMainParticleSystem(); super(); Project.AddChild(this); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP1, stepOne); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function stepOne(_arg1):void{ partsys.burst(x, y, 0, Particles.FIRE, 360); } public function die(){ Project.RemoveChild(this); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP1, stepOne); } } }//package game.fx
Section 17
//Particle (game.fx.Particle) package game.fx { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import game.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Particle extends Sprite { private var distance:Number; private var xVel:Number; public var type:int; private var timelife:int; private var yVel:Number; private var bmp:BitmapData; private var livetime:int; public static const E_ASHIP:int = 0; public static const E_CARRIER:int = 1; public static const E_BOMBER:int = 2; public static const E_SHOOTER:int = 4; public static const E_SPIDER:int = 3; public static var vp:Viewport; public function Particle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7=1){ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; xVel = Logic.lengthDirectionX(_arg3, _arg4); yVel = Logic.lengthDirectionY(_arg3, _arg4); type = _arg5; bmp = Particles.getBMP(type); livetime = (timelife = _arg6); if (type == Particles.STAR){ livetime = Math.random(); timelife = Math.random(); distance = Math.random(); } else { distance = _arg7; }; } public function set dir(_arg1):void{ xVel = Logic.lengthDirectionX(speed, _arg1); yVel = Logic.lengthDirectionY(speed, _arg1); } public function stepThree(_arg1):Boolean{ switch (type){ case Particles.FIRE: x = (x + xVel); y = (y + yVel); return ((--livetime == 0)); case Particles.STAR: return (!(Project.viewport.isPointOnScreen(((x * distance) / 1), ((y * distance) / 1), 14))); }; return (true); } private function get livedelta():Number{ return ((livetime / timelife)); } public function get speed():Number{ return (Logic.pointDistance(0, 0, xVel, yVel)); } public function set speed(_arg1):void{ xVel = Logic.lengthDirectionX(_arg1, dir); yVel = Logic.lengthDirectionY(_arg1, dir); } public function get dir():Number{ return (Logic.pointDirection(0, 0, xVel, yVel)); } public function stampMe(_arg1:Particles){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Matrix; var _local4:ColorTransform; _local2 = vp.worldSpaceToScreenSpace(x, y); _local2 = new Point((_local2.x * distance), (_local2.y * distance)); switch (type){ case Particles.FIRE: _local3 = new Matrix(); _local3.scale(0.6, 0.6); _local3.translate(_local2.x, _local2.y); _local4 = new ColorTransform(1, 0.3, 0, 0.5); _arg1.bitmapData.draw(bmp, _local3, _local4); break; case Particles.STAR: _local3 = new Matrix(); _local3.scale(distance, distance); _local3.translate((_local2.x * distance), (_local2.y * distance)); _local4 = new ColorTransform(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), distance); _arg1.bitmapData.draw(bmp, _local3, _local4); break; }; } } }//package game.fx
Section 18
//Particles (game.fx.Particles) package game.fx { import flash.display.*; import game.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Particles extends Bitmap { public var activeRects; public var particles:Array; public var blur:BlurFilter; public static const STAR = 1; public static const FIRE = 0; public static const DETRITUS = 3; public static const DEBRIS = 4; public static var partypes:Array = new Array(4); public function Particles(){ activeRects = new Array(); blur = new BlurFilter(); particles = new Array(); super(); partypes[FIRE] = new Par_Circle(0, 0); partypes[STAR] = new Par_Star(0, 0); partypes[FIRE]; this.bitmapData = new BitmapData(800, 600); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP1, stepOne); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); } public function burst(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:Number=0, _arg6:int=1, _arg7=3, _arg8=15){ var _local9:*; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _arg6) { particles.push(new Particle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg7, (_arg3 + ((Math.random() * _arg5) - (_arg5 / 2))), _arg4, _arg8)); _local9++; }; } private function annihilate(_arg1):void{ GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP1, stepOne); Project.This.removeChild(this); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); } public function make(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:int=1){ particles.push(new Particle(_arg1, _arg2, 0, 0, _arg4, 0)); } public function stepOne(_arg1):void{ var _local2:BitmapData; var _local3:int; var _local4:Particle; var _local5:Boolean; _local2 = new BitmapData(800, 600, true, 0xFF); bitmapData.fillRect(bitmapData.rect, 0); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < particles.length) { _local4 = particles[_local3]; _local5 = _local4.stepThree(null); if (_local5){ particles.splice(_local3, 1); } else { _local4.stampMe(this); }; _local3++; }; } public static function getBMP(_arg1:Number):BitmapData{ return (partypes[_arg1]); } } }//package game.fx
Section 19
//Spark (game.fx.Spark) package game.fx { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Spark extends MovieClip { } }//package game.fx
Section 20
//GEvents (game.GEvents) package game { import*; public class GEvents extends EventDispatcher { public static const STEP1:String = "step1"; public static const STEP2:String = "step2"; public static const STEP3:String = "step3"; public static const MOUSEUNCLICK:String = "mouseunclick"; public static const ANNIHILATE:String = "annihilate"; private static var This:GEvents; public function GEvents(){ This = this; } public static function callEvent(_arg1:String):void{ This.dispatchEvent(new Event(_arg1)); } public static function RemoveEventListener(_arg1, _arg2){ This.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function AddEventListener(_arg1, _arg2){ This.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package game
Section 21
//Logic (game.Logic) package game { public class Logic { static var degtorad = (Math.PI / 180); static var radtodeg = (180 / Math.PI); public static function lengthDirectionY(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ return ((_arg1 * Math.sin((_arg2 * degtorad)))); } public static function angleRotateDistance(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ if (Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg2)) < 180){ return (Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg2))); }; if (_arg2 > 180){ _arg2 = Math.abs((_arg2 - 360)); }; if (_arg1 > 180){ _arg1 = Math.abs((_arg1 - 360)); }; return ((_arg2 + _arg1)); } public static function pointDistance(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ if ((((_arg1 == _arg3)) || ((_arg2 == _arg4)))){ return (Math.abs((Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg3)) + Math.abs((_arg2 - _arg4))))); }; return (Math.sqrt((Math.pow(Math.abs((_arg3 - _arg1)), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs((_arg4 - _arg2)), 2)))); } public static function normalizeAngle(_arg1:Number):Number{ while (_arg1 > 360) { _arg1 = (_arg1 - 360); }; while (_arg1 < 0) { _arg1 = (_arg1 + 360); }; return (_arg1); } public static function Add_Speed_Direction(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4){ _arg3 = (_arg3 + (_arg2 * Math.cos((_arg1 * degtorad)))); _arg4 = (_arg4 + (_arg2 * Math.sin((_arg1 * degtorad)))); } public static function Set_Speed_Direction(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ _arg3 = (_arg2 * Math.cos((_arg1 * degtorad))); _arg4 = (_arg2 * Math.sin((_arg1 * degtorad))); } public static function pointDirection(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ var _local5:*; _arg3 = (_arg3 - _arg1); _arg4 = (_arg4 - _arg2); _arg1 = 0; _arg2 = 0; if ((((_arg3 == 0)) && ((_arg4 == 0)))){ return (0); }; if (_arg3 > 0){ if (_arg4 < 0){ _local5 = 4; } else { if (_arg4 > 0){ _local5 = 1; } else { _local5 = 80; }; }; } else { if (_arg3 < 0){ if (_arg4 < 0){ _local5 = 3; } else { if (_arg4 > 0){ _local5 = 2; } else { _local5 = 8180; }; }; } else { if (_arg4 > 0){ _local5 = 890; } else { _local5 = 8270; }; }; }; switch (_local5){ case 1: return ((Math.asin((pointDistance(_arg3, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4) / pointDistance(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4))) * radtodeg)); case 2: return (((Math.asin((pointDistance(_arg1, _arg4, _arg3, _arg4) / pointDistance(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4))) * radtodeg) + 90)); case 3: return (((Math.asin((pointDistance(_arg3, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4) / pointDistance(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4))) * radtodeg) + 180)); case 4: return (((Math.asin((pointDistance(_arg1, _arg4, _arg3, _arg4) / pointDistance(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4))) * radtodeg) + 270)); case 80: return (0); case 890: return (90); case 8180: return (180); case 8270: return (270); }; } public static function angleRotateDirection(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ if (Math.abs((_arg1 - _arg2)) > 180){ return (sign((_arg2 - _arg1))); }; return (sign((_arg1 - _arg2))); } public static function sign(_arg1:Number){ if (_arg1 >= 0){ return (1); }; return (-1); } public static function lengthDirectionX(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ return ((_arg1 * Math.cos((_arg2 * degtorad)))); } } }//package game
Section 22
//Project (game.Project) package game { import flash.display.*; import game.fx.*; import*; import game.entities.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; public class Project extends Sprite { static var gevents:GEvents; static var stars:Em_Starfield; public static var viewport:Viewport; public static var particles:Particles; static var sau:MusicSauce; static var mainchar:AShip; static var sc:SoundChannel; static var v:vel; static var hud:AShipIcon; public static var This:Project; public function Project():void{ This = this; stage.frameRate = 35; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); initGame(); } public function initGame(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; if (gevents != null){ GEvents.callEvent(GEvents.ANNIHILATE); }; if (v != null){ sc.stop(); }; gevents = new GEvents(); hud = new AShipIcon(); viewport = new Viewport(stage.width, stage.height); _local1 = new Particles(); stars = new Em_Starfield(0, 0, 0, _local1, viewport); addChild(_local1); addChild(viewport); particles = new Particles(); addChild(particles); Particle.vp = viewport; sau = new MusicSauce(); sau.width = 250; sau.height = 62.5; sau.x = 760; sau.y = 600; addChild(sau); new Avatar(Avatar.PILOT, 1, "Hello my name is Coelocanth"); Ent.enEnt(this); mainchar = new AShip(); addChild(hud); hud.width = (mainchar.hp * 5); hud.height = 10; hud.x = 100; hud.y = 10; viewport.lockOn(mainchar); _local2 = new Enemy(30, 30, 30); _local2.giveMeATarget(mainchar); v = new vel(); sc =; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1){ var _local2:*; mainchar.receiveMouseLoc(new Point(viewport.mouseX, viewport.mouseY)); stage.focus = this; hud.width = (mainchar.hp * 2); stars.x = -(viewport.x); stars.y = -(viewport.y); GEvents.callEvent(GEvents.STEP1); GEvents.callEvent(GEvents.STEP2); GEvents.callEvent(GEvents.STEP3); _local2 = viewport.worldSpaceToScreenSpace(mainchar.x, mainchar.y); hud.x = (_local2.x - 30); hud.y = (_local2.y - 50); } public static function reInitGame(){ Ent.unEnt(); mainchar = null; This.initGame(); } public static function getMainParticleSystem():Particles{ return (particles); } public static function AddChild(_arg1){ viewport.addChild(_arg1); } public static function RemoveChild(_arg1){ var item = _arg1; try { viewport.removeChild(item); } catch(something) { trace(item); }; } } }//package game
Section 23
//Viewport (game.Viewport) package game { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Viewport extends Sprite { private var _height:Number; private var _mode:int; public var movingtowardX:Number; public var movingtowardY:Number; private var _width:Number; public var viewportLock:Sprite; public static const LOCKED:int = 0; public static const ARBITRARY:int = 1; public function Viewport(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Sprite=null){ _mode = ARBITRARY; movingtowardX = 0; movingtowardY = 0; _width = _arg1; _height = _arg2; GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, stepThree); GEvents.AddEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); } public function moveTo(_arg1, _arg2){ movingtowardX = _arg1; movingtowardY = _arg2; _mode = ARBITRARY; } public function stepThree(_arg1){ switch (_mode){ case LOCKED: x = (-(viewportLock.x) + 400); y = (-(viewportLock.y) + 300); break; case ARBITRARY: x = -(movingtowardX); y = -(movingtowardY); break; }; } public function worldSpaceToScreenSpace(_arg1, _arg2):Point{ return (new Point((_arg1 + x), (_arg2 + y))); } public function lockOn(_arg1:Sprite){ viewportLock = _arg1; _mode = LOCKED; } private function annihilate(_arg1):void{ GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.STEP3, stepThree); Project.This.removeChild(this); GEvents.RemoveEventListener(GEvents.ANNIHILATE, annihilate); } public function isPointOnScreen(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3=0):Boolean{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local4 = -(x); _local5 = -(y); return ((((((_arg1 > (_local4 - _arg3))) && ((_arg1 < ((_local4 + 800) + _arg3))))) && ((((_arg2 > (_local5 - _arg3))) && ((_arg2 < ((_local5 + 600) + _arg3))))))); } } }//package game
Section 24
//AShipIcon (AShipIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class AShipIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 25
//MusicSauce (MusicSauce) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MusicSauce extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 26
//Par_Circle (Par_Circle) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Par_Circle extends BitmapData { public function Par_Circle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package
Section 27
//Par_Star (Par_Star) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Par_Star extends BitmapData { public function Par_Star(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package
Section 28
//vel (vel) package { import*; public dynamic class vel extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {vel}
Symbol 2 Bitmap {Par_Star}
Symbol 3 Bitmap {Par_Circle}
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip {AShipIcon}Uses:4
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip {game.entities.AShip}Uses:6
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Lightning}Uses:8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Laser}Uses:10
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Missile}Uses:12
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Pellet}Uses:14
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Bolt}Uses:16
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip {game.fx.Spark}Uses:18
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip {game.entities.Enemy}Uses:20
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip {game.entities.Spawn}Uses:22
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip {game.entities.projectiles.Bomb}Uses:24
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip {game.entities.Jimmy}Uses:26
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip {MusicSauce}Uses:28
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 31 FontUsed by:32 34 35
Symbol 32 EditableTextUses:31Used by:36
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 34 EditableTextUses:31Used by:36
Symbol 35 EditableTextUses:31Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClip {game.fx.Avatar}Uses:30 32 33 34 35

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.
Created: 29/4 -2019 08:26:22 Last modified: 29/4 -2019 08:26:22 Server time: 18/02 -2025 23:13:24