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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Grammar Ninja.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #48751

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Visit to download
the game onto your computer.

Copyright © Greg Lieberman 2007


Place exported items here

Instructional Text

??? left.

Click a box for feedback.



Beginner Ninja

Master Ninja

Skilled Ninja

Choose Your Difficulty






Mission Complete!

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">?? min ?? sec</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">?? x 5 sec = ?? sec</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="30" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">?? sec/min</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="26" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">undefined</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">??????</font></p>




Sound Clip

Text goes here to define a given part of speech.

Grammar Ninja


How To Play



Grammar Ninja is a game made by a high
school student and supervised by a high
school English teacher. Long story short:
this is not a professional effort and thus
the creators can not guarantee that the
grammatical content within this game is
completely accurate. We try our best.

Grammar Ninja are a game made by me
and my English teacher. We is not the
bestest people ever and so sentences are
that made may not be done good. Me and
him work a lot.

Return to Title


At the Grammar Ninja Dojo of Academic
Combat, we believe a good ninja must sharpen
both the body and the mind, preferably together.


Allow us to demonstrate our philosophy.

Ninjas first choose their difficulty.

Each ordeal has 10 questions.

Ninjas find only
nouns and verbs.

Ninjas find nouns, verbs,
pronouns, articles,
adjectives, and adverbs.

Ninjas find all parts
of speech.

Find the Nouns!

1 left.

That was an Adjective.





Combat is simple.

Ninjas indentify their goal.

Sometimes they need help...

and combat begins!

Correct answers are rewarded.

Wrong answers are not.

This box helps ninjas learn for next time.

This box tells ninjas how many words remain.

Ninjas can also scribble notes with the mouse.

This button erases all scribbles.

This concludes our demonstration.


Special Thanks:
Beta Testers
My supervisors: Mr. Fritz, Mr. Roberts
Everyone who contributed sentences!
Inspired by Brain Age for the Nintendo DS

Concept, Design, Programming:
Greg "KWarp" Lieberman

Music, Sound FX:
Daniel "Usa" Lippert

Joshua "Gman" Stevens

Flash 8
1001 SoundFX Library

Copyright © Greg Lieberman 2007

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 3
function fadeThemesong() { onEnterFrame = fade; } themesong1_sound = new Sound(); themesong1_sound.attachSound("themestart"); themesong1_sound.onSoundComplete = function () { trace("loop"); themesong1_sound.start(16.006, 0); }; fade = function () { vol = themesong1_sound.getVolume() - 2; themesong1_sound.setVolume(vol); if (vol == 0) { onEnterFrame = undefined; themesong1_sound.stop(); themesong1_sound.setVolume(100); } }; stopAllSounds(); themesong1_sound.start(0, 0);
Frame 4
Frame 6
function startGame(difficulty) { if (difficulty == "easy") { sentences_array = easy_array; gameQNum = easyQNum; } else if (difficulty == "medium") { sentences_array = medium_array; gameQNum = mediumQNum; } else if (difficulty == "hard") { sentences_array = hard_array; gameQNum = hardQNum; } else { trace("ERROR: No difficulty specified!"); } totalGameTime = getTimer(); gameDifficulty = difficulty; UI._visible = true; Mouse.removeListener(scribbleListener); Mouse.addListener(scribbleListener); generateSentence(); } function endGame() { clearBoard(); UI._visible = false; Mouse.removeListener(scribbleListener); scorePlayer(); } function scorePlayer() { sc = addCutscene("score"); totalGameTime = getTimer() - totalGameTime; initMils = totalGameTime % 1000; initSec = Math.round(((totalGameTime - initMils) / 1000) % 60); initMin = Math.floor((((totalGameTime - initMils) / 1000) / 60) % 60); errorsMills = errorsNum * 5000; totalGameTime = totalGameTime + errorsMills; totalMils = totalGameTime % 1000; totalSec = Math.round(((totalGameTime - totalMils) / 1000) % 60); totalMin = Math.floor((((totalGameTime - totalMils) / 1000) / 60) % 60); if (initMin == 0) { sc.time_txt.text = initSec + " sec."; } else { sc.time_txt.text = ((initMin + " min. ") + initSec) + " sec."; } sc.penalty_txt.text = ((errorsNum + " x 5 sec = ") + (errorsMills / 1000)) + " sec."; if (totalMin == 0) { sc.total_txt.text = totalSec + " sec."; } else { sc.total_txt.text = ((totalMin + " min. ") + totalSec) + " sec."; } sc.difficulty_txt.text = gameDifficulty; rankTitle = ""; rankClip = "exportName"; if (totalMin < 1) { rankTitle = "Master Warrior"; rankClip = "masterRank"; } else if (totalMin < 3) { rankTitle = "Grammar Ninja"; rankClip = "ninjaRank"; } else { rankTitle = "Student"; rankClip = "studentRank"; } sc.rank_txt.text = rankTitle; sc.attachMovie(rankClip, "rankPic", 1); sc.rankPic._x = 400; sc.rankPic._y = 125; sc.rankPic._visible = false; } function generateSentence() { clearBoard(); if (gameQNum == 0) { endGame(); } else { gameQNum--; if (sentences_array.length == 0) { trace("ERROR: sentences_array has no content"); } else { tempArray = sentences_array.splice(random(sentences_array.length), 1); newSen = tempArray[0]; findSentenceData(newSen); i = 0; while (i < newSen.length) { createGB(newSen[i]); i++; } alignGB(); } } } function findSentenceData(pSen) { i = 0; while (i < pSen.length) { pos = pSen[i].getPOS(); if (pos == "N") { nounNum++; } else if (pos == "V") { verbNum++; } else if (pos == "PRO") { pronounNum++; } else if (pos == "ADJ") { adjectiveNum++; } else if (pos == "ADV") { adverbNum++; } else if (pos == "PREP") { prepositionNum++; } else if (pos == "CONJ") { conjunctionNum++; } else if (pos == "INT") { interjectionNum++; } else if (pos == "ART") { articleNum++; } i++; } determinePOS(); } function determinePOS() { instructedPOS = "unknown"; instructText = "unknown"; var _local1 = -1; while (instructedPOS == "unknown") { if (gameDifficulty == "unknown") { trace("ERROR: gameDifficulty unknown in determinePOS()"); } else if (gameDifficulty == "easy") { _local1 = random(2); } else if (gameDifficulty == "medium") { _local1 = random(5); } else if (gameDifficulty == "hard") { _local1 = random(9); } if (_local1 == -1) { trace("ERROR: aNum not randomized in determinePOS()"); } else if (_local1 == 0) { if (nounNum > 0) { instructText = "Noun"; instructedPOS = "N"; instructedPOSNum = nounNum; explainationText = nounExpl; if (nounNum > 1) { instructText = "Nouns"; } } } else if (_local1 == 1) { if (verbNum > 0) { instructText = "Verb"; instructedPOS = "V"; instructedPOSNum = verbNum; explainationText = verbExpl; if (verbNum > 1) { instructText = "Verbs"; } } } else if (_local1 == 2) { if (articleNum > 0) { instructText = "Article"; instructedPOS = "ART"; instructedPOSNum = articleNum; explainationText = articleExpl; if (articleNum > 1) { instructText = "Articles"; } } } else if (_local1 == 3) { if (adjectiveNum > 0) { instructText = "Adjective"; instructedPOS = "ADJ"; instructedPOSNum = adjectiveNum; explainationText = adjectiveExpl; if (adjectiveNum > 1) { instructText = "Adjectives"; } } } else if (_local1 == 4) { if (adverbNum > 0) { instructText = "Adverb"; instructedPOS = "ADV"; instructedPOSNum = adverbNum; explainationText = adverbExpl; if (adverbNum > 1) { instructText = "Adverbs"; } } } else if (_local1 == 5) { if (perpositionNum > 0) { instructText = "Preposition"; instructedPOS = "PREP"; instructedPOSNum = perpositionNum; explainationText = perpositionExpl; if (perpositionNum > 1) { instructText = "Prepositions"; } } } else if (_local1 == 6) { if (conjunctionNum > 0) { instructText = "Conjunction"; instructedPOS = "CONJ"; instructedPOSNum = conjunctionNum; explainationText = conjunctionExpl; if (conjunctionNum > 1) { instructText = "Conjunctions"; } } } else if (_local1 == 7) { if (interjectionNum > 0) { instructText = "Interjection"; instructedPOS = "INT"; instructedPOSNum = interjectionNum; explainationText = interjectionExpl; if (interjectionNum > 1) { instructText = "Interjections"; } } } else if (_local1 == 8) { if (pronounNum > 0) { instructText = "Pronoun"; instructedPOS = "PRO"; instructedPOSNum = pronounNum; explainationText = pronounExpl; if (pronounNum > 1) { instructText = "Pronouns"; } } } } UI.dir_txt.text = ("Find the " + instructText) + "!"; UI.remain_txt.text = instructedPOSNum + " left."; } function clearBoard() { this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "GBLayer", 3); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "correctLayer", 5); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "wrongLayer", 6); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "starLayer", 8); clearScribble(); grammarBox_array = new Array(); ninjaStar_array = new Array(); correct_array = new Array(); wrong_array = new Array(); nounNum = 0; verbNum = 0; pronounNum = 0; adjectiveNum = 0; adverbNum = 0; prepositionNum = 0; conjunctionNum = 0; interjectionNum = 0; articleNum = 0; } function advance() { instructedPOSNum--; UI.remain_txt.text = instructedPOSNum + " left."; UI.tellPOS_txt.text = "Good work ninja!"; if (instructedPOSNum == 0) { generateSentence(); } } function wrongComplete(pPOS) { UI.tellPOS_txt.text = ("That was a " + pPOS) + "."; if (((pPOS == "Adjective") || (pPOS == "Adverb")) || (pPOS == "Article")) { UI.tellPOS_txt.text = ("That was an " + pPOS) + "."; } errorsNum++; } function starthrow() { starDepth = starLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); ns = ["ninjastar" + starDepth]; starLayer.attachMovie("starthrow", ns, starDepth); starLayer[ns]._x = _xmouse; starLayer[ns]._y = _ymouse; soundNum = random(3); if (soundNum == 0) { ninjastar1_sound.start(0.055, 0); } else if (soundNum == 1) { ninjastar2_sound.start(0.04, 0); } else { ninjastar3_sound.start(0.15, 0); } ninjaStar_array.push(starLayer[ns]); return(starLayer[ns]); } function addcorrect(gb) { correctDepth = correctLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); cr = ["correct" + correctDepth]; correctLayer.attachMovie("correct", cr, correctDepth); correctLayer[cr]._x = gb._x + (gb._width / 2); correctLayer[cr]._y = gb._y + (gb._height / 2); correctLayer[cr]._width = (correctLayer[cr]._height = (gb._width * 2) / 3); correct_array.push(correctLayer[cr]); return(correctLayer[cr]); } function addWrong(gb) { wrongDepth = wrongLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); wr = ["wrongClip" + wrongDepth]; wrongLayer.attachMovie("wrongClip", wr, wrongDepth); wrongLayer[wr]._x = gb._x + (gb._width / 2); wrongLayer[wr]._y = gb._y + (gb._height / 2); oldWidth = wrongLayer[wr]._width; wrongLayer[wr]._width = gb._width; wrongLayer[wr]._height = wrongLayer[wr]._height + ((oldWidth - gb._width) / gb._width); wrongLayer[wr].myGB = gb; wrong_array.push(wrongLayer[wr]); return(wrongLayer[wr]); } function addCutscene(clipName) { cutsceneLayer.attachMovie(clipName, "currentCutscene", 1); return(cutsceneLayer.currentCutscene); } function removeCutscene() { this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "cutsceneLayer", 10); } function addIntro(difficulty) { gn = addCutscene("intro"); gn.d = difficulty; } function createGB(pWord) { gramboxDepth = GBLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); gb = ["grammarBox" + gramboxDepth]; GBLayer.attachMovie("grambox", gb, gramboxDepth); GBLayer[gb].init(pWord, "textbutton"); grammarBox_array.push(GBLayer[gb]); return(GBLayer[gb]); } function GBClicked(gb) { starthrow(); if (!gb.getClicked()) { if (gb.getPOS() == instructedPOS) { addcorrect(gb); } else { addWrong(gb); } } } function alignGB() { alignedwell = false; maxwidth = Stage.width; maxheight = 280; endmarginx = 30; endmarginy = 40; marginx = 15; marginy = 30; while (!alignedwell) { boxwidth = 0; boxheight = 0; linenum = 1; boxwidth = boxwidth + endmarginx; i = 0; while (i < grammarBox_array.length) { boxwidth = boxwidth + grammarBox_array[i]._width; if (boxwidth > (maxwidth - endmarginx)) { linenum++; boxwidth = (0 + endmarginx) + grammarBox_array[i]._width; } boxwidth = boxwidth + marginx; i++; } boxheight = endmarginy + (linenum * (marginy + grammarBox_array[0]._height)); if (boxheight > maxheight) { j = 0; while (j < grammarBox_array.length) { gba = grammarBox_array[j]; gba.resizeText(gba.getFontSize() - 2); alignedwell = false; j++; } } else { alignedwell = true; } } cx = endmarginx; cy = endmarginy + marginy; i = 0; while (i < grammarBox_array.length) { gba = grammarBox_array[i]; cx = cx + gba._width; if (cx > (maxwidth - endmarginx)) { cx = endmarginx; cy = cy + (gba._height + marginy); gba.setPosition(cx, cy); cx = cx + gba._width; } else { gba.setPosition(cx - gba._width, cy); } cx = cx + marginx; i++; } } function scribble() { scribbleLayer.lineTo(scribbleLayer._xmouse, scribbleLayer._ymouse); scribbleLayer.prevx = scribbleLayer._xmouse; scribbleLayer.prevy = scribbleLayer._ymouse; } function clearScribble() { scribbleLayer.clear(); } easy_array = new Array(); esen001 = new Array(new Word("Joe", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("hungry.", "ADJ")); esen002 = new Array(new Word("Mario", "N"), new Word("broke", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("block.", "N")); esen003 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("poodle", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("away.", "ADV")); esen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("dinosaurs", "N"), new Word("lived", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("man.", "N")); esen005 = new Array(new Word("Bill", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Ted", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("an", "ART"), new Word("excellent", "ADJ"), new Word("adventure.", "N")); esen006 = new Array(new Word("People", "N"), new Word("learn", "V"), new Word("from", "PREP"), new Word("their", "ADJ"), new Word("mistakes.", "N")); esen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("police", "ADJ"), new Word("officer", "N"), new Word("often", "ADV"), new Word("eats", "V"), new Word("donuts.", "N")); esen008 = new Array(new Word("Sam", "N"), new Word("told", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jokes.", "N")); esen009 = new Array(new Word("Bob", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jim", "N"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("golf", "N"), new Word("together.", "ADV")); esen010 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("am", "V"), new Word("Sparticus.", "N")); esen011 = new Array(new Word("Julia", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jules", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("brother", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("sister.", "N")); esen012 = new Array(new Word("Rainy", "ADJ"), new Word("days", "N"), new Word("make", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("sad", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("depressed.", "ADJ")); esen013 = new Array(new Word("Harry", "N"), new Word("has", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("magic", "ADJ"), new Word("wand.", "N")); esen014 = new Array(new Word("Stop,", "V"), new Word("look,", "V"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("you", "PRO"), new Word("decide.", "V")); esen015 = new Array(new Word("Greg", "N"), new Word("likes", "V"), new Word("pie.", "N")); esen016 = new Array(new Word("We", "PRO"), new Word("climbed", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("mountain", "N"), new Word("quickly.", "ADV")); esen017 = new Array(new Word("Everyone", "PRO"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("a", "ADJ"), new Word("compliment.", "N")); esen018 = new Array(new Word("Grammar", "N"), new Word("Ninja", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("not", "ADJ"), new Word("very", "ADV"), new Word("easy.", "ADJ")); esen019 = new Array(new Word("My", "ADJ"), new Word("dog", "N"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("my", "ADJ"), new Word("homework.", "N")); esen020 = new Array(new Word("Rocks", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("hard.", "ADJ")); easy_array.push(esen001); easy_array.push(esen002); easy_array.push(esen003); easy_array.push(esen004); easy_array.push(esen005); easy_array.push(esen006); easy_array.push(esen007); easy_array.push(esen008); easy_array.push(esen009); easy_array.push(esen010); easy_array.push(esen011); easy_array.push(esen012); easy_array.push(esen013); easy_array.push(esen014); easy_array.push(esen015); easy_array.push(esen016); easy_array.push(esen017); easy_array.push(esen018); easy_array.push(esen019); easy_array.push(esen020); medium_array = new Array(); msen001 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("skinny", "ADJ"), new Word("brown", "ADJ"), new Word("squirrel", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("broken", "ADJ"), new Word("fence.", "N")); msen002 = new Array(new Word("Ben", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jill", "N"), new Word("went", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("find", "V"), new Word("cheese.", "N")); msen003 = new Array(new Word("Steven", "N"), new Word("often", "ADV"), new Word("sleeps", "V"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("English", "ADJ"), new Word("class.", "N")); msen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("blue", "ADJ"), new Word("dress", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("prettier", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("dress.", "N")); msen005 = new Array(new Word("At", "PREP"), new Word("noon,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("lunch", "ADJ"), new Word("bell", "N"), new Word("will", "ADV"), new Word("ring.", "V")); msen006 = new Array(new Word("One", "ADJ"), new Word("slice", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("pecan", "ADJ"), new Word("pie", "N"), new Word("fills", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("up.", "ADV")); msen007 = new Array(new Word("George", "N"), new Word("Washington", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("first", "ADJ"), new Word("president", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("United", "N"), new Word("States.", "N")); msen008 = new Array(new Word("Sally", "N"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("James", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("writes", "V"), new Word("love", "ADJ"), new Word("notes", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("him", "PRO"), new Word("often.", "ADV")); msen009 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("her", "ADJ"), new Word("friend", "N"), new Word("live", "V"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("cave", "N"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("summer.", "N")); msen010 = new Array(new Word("Sunshine", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("my", "ADJ"), new Word("shoulders", "N"), new Word("makes", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("happy", "ADJ"), new Word("most", "ADV"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time.", "N")); msen011 = new Array(new Word("They", "PRO"), new Word("sat", "V"), new Word("under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("strawberries.", "N")); msen012 = new Array(new Word("Some", "ADJ"), new Word("parents", "N"), new Word("work", "V"), new Word("more", "ADV"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N")); msen013 = new Array(new Word("There", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("never", "ADV"), new Word("any", "ADJ"), new Word("food", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("house.", "N")); msen014 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("do", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("like", "V"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("eggs", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ham.", "N")); msen015 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("really", "ADV"), new Word("want", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("Snowboard", "N"), new Word("Kids.", "N")); msen016 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("usually", "ADV"), new Word("eat", "V"), new Word("peanut", "ADJ"), new Word("butter", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("jelly", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("Tuesdays.", "N")); medium_array.push(msen001); medium_array.push(msen002); medium_array.push(msen003); medium_array.push(msen004); medium_array.push(msen005); medium_array.push(msen006); medium_array.push(msen007); medium_array.push(msen008); medium_array.push(msen009); medium_array.push(msen010); medium_array.push(msen011); medium_array.push(msen012); medium_array.push(msen013); medium_array.push(msen014); medium_array.push(msen015); medium_array.push(msen016); hard_array = new Array(); hsen001 = new Array(new Word("This", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("particularly", "ADV"), new Word("hard", "ADJ"), new Word("sentence", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("define", "V"), new Word("because", "CONJ"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("might", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("labeled", "V"), new Word("some", "ADJ"), new Word("words", "N"), new Word("incorrectly!", "ADV")); hsen002 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("refuse", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("allow", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("control", "V"), new Word("me.", "PRO")); hsen003 = new Array(new Word("On", "PREP"), new Word("Wednesdays,", "N"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("walk", "V"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("miles", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("movie", "ADJ"), new Word("theater.", "N")); hsen004 = new Array(new Word("You", "PRO"), new Word("won", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("trip", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("Alaska", "N"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("only", "ADV"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("weeks", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("go!", "V")); hsen005 = new Array(new Word("Sonia", "N"), new Word("or", "CONJ"), new Word("Karen", "N"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("babysit", "V"), new Word("their", "ADJ"), new Word("sister", "N"), new Word("after", "PREP"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("today.", "N")); hsen006 = new Array(new Word("Under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tall", "ADJ"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("our", "ADJ"), new Word("front", "ADJ"), new Word("lawn,", "N"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("bird", "N"), new Word("found", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("worm", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("ground", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("flew", "V"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("it", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("its", "ADJ"), new Word("nest", "N"), new Word("above", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("bushes.", "N")); hsen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("desert", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("so", "ADV"), new Word("hot", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("desolate,", "ADJ"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("we", "PRO"), new Word("had", "V"), new Word("plenty", "ADJ"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("water", "N"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("us", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("survive.", "V")); hsen008 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("came", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("baseball", "ADJ"), new Word("game", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("cheered", "V"), new Word("for", "PREP"), new Word("our", "ADJ"), new Word("team.", "N"), new Word("However,", "CONJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("still", "ADV"), new Word("lost", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("our", "ADJ"), new Word("rivals.", "N")); hsen009 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("battleships", "N"), new Word("raced", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("sea", "N"), new Word("like", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("hunting", "ADJ"), new Word("sharks", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("search", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("their", "ADJ"), new Word("prey.", "N")); hsen010 = new Array(new Word("Last", "ADJ"), new Word("night,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("shone", "V"), new Word("brightly", "ADV"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("homes", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("my", "ADJ"), new Word("neighborhood.", "N")); hsen011 = new Array(new Word("Teachers", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("wrong", "ADJ"), new Word("all", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time;", "N"), new Word("that", "PREP"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("why", "ADJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("do", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("proper", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N")); hsen012 = new Array(new Word("Why", "ADV"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("better", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("violin?", "N"), new Word("A", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("burns", "V"), new Word("longer.", "ADV")); hard_array.push(hsen001); hard_array.push(hsen002); hard_array.push(hsen003); hard_array.push(hsen004); hard_array.push(hsen005); hard_array.push(hsen006); hard_array.push(hsen007); hard_array.push(hsen008); hard_array.push(hsen009); hard_array.push(hsen010); hard_array.push(hsen011); hard_array.push(hsen012); sentences_array = new Array(); grammarBox_array = new Array(); ninjaStar_array = new Array(); correct_array = new Array(); wrong_array = new Array(); scribbleListener = new Object(); var textBoxNum = 0; var instructedPOS = "unknown"; var instructText = "unknown"; var explainationText = "No explaination available"; var instructedPOSNum = -1; var totalGameTime = 0; var gameDifficulty = "unknown"; var errorsNum = 0; var gameQNum = -1; var easyQNum = 10; var mediumQNum = 10; var hardQNum = 10; var nounNum = 0; var verbNum = 0; var pronounNum = 0; var adjectiveNum = 0; var adverbNum = 0; var prepositionNum = 0; var conjunctionNum = 0; var interjectionNum = 0; var articleNum = 0; var nounExpl = "A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.\rExamples: ninja, school, teacher, grammar, honor"; var verbExpl = "A verb describes an action or state of being.\rExamples: run, jump, hide, is, am, are, was"; var pronounExpl = "Pronouns are used to replace nouns in a sentence.\rExamples: I, me, he, she, you, they, them"; var adjectiveExpl = "An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.\rExamples: black, heavy, fast, short, pointy, tasty"; var adverbExpl = "An adverb describes verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.\rExamples: quickly, intelligiently, well, here, everywhere"; var prepositionExpl = "Prepositions begin a group of words that describe a noun, pronoun, or verb.\rExamples: on, in, by, with, under, through, at"; var conjunctionExpl = "A conjunction joins two words, groups of words, or sentences together.\rExamples: but, so, and, because, or"; var interjectionExpl = "An interjection ususally stands alone and expresses emotion or surprise.\rExamples: Ouch!, Hello!, Huh?, What!?, Haha!"; var articleExpl = "An article is used to introduce a noun. They are very easy to recognize because there are only three: a, an, the"; ninjastar1_sound = new Sound(); ninjastar1_sound.attachSound("ninjastar1"); ninjastar2_sound = new Sound(); ninjastar2_sound.attachSound("ninjastar2"); ninjastar3_sound = new Sound(); ninjastar3_sound.attachSound("ninjastar3"); starhit_sound = new Sound(); starhit_sound.attachSound("starhit"); explosion1_sound = new Sound(); explosion1_sound.attachSound("expl-close1"); explosion2_sound = new Sound(); explosion2_sound.attachSound("expl-close2"); explosion3_sound = new Sound(); explosion3_sound.attachSound("expl-close3"); wrong_sound = new Sound(); wrong_sound.attachSound("wrong"); right_sound = new Sound(); right_sound.attachSound("right"); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "scribbleLayer", 1); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "GBLayer", 3); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "correctLayer", 5); this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "wrongLayer", 6); this.attachMovie("userInterface", "UI", 7); UI._visible = false; UI.eraseButton.onRelease = clearScribble; this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "starLayer", 8); this.attachMovie("helpPanel", "myHelpPanel", 9); myHelpPanel._visible = false; this.attachMovie("attachMeClip", "cutsceneLayer", 10); this.attachMovie("boarder", "THEBOARDER", 11); addCutscene("difficultymenu"); scribbleListener.onMouseDown = function () { scribbleLayer.lineStyle(3, 0, 100); scribbleLayer.moveTo(scribbleLayer._xmouse, scribbleLayer._ymouse); scribbleListener.onMouseMove = scribble; }; scribbleListener.onMouseUp = function () { scribbleListener.onMouseMove = undefined; }; UI.help_clip.onRollOver = function () { _root.myHelpPanel._visible = true; _root.myHelpPanel.help_txt.text = _root.explainationText; }; UI.help_clip.onRollOut = function () { _root.myHelpPanel._visible = false; };
Symbol 1 MovieClip [grambox] Frame 1
#initclip 3 Object.registerClass("grambox", GrammarBox); #endinitclip
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); this.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded < 100) { begin._xscale = PercentLoaded; } else { _root.gotoAndStop("title"); } };
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40));
Symbol 211 MovieClip [__Packages.GrammarBox] Frame 0
class GrammarBox extends MovieClip { var myWord, myTF, attachMovie, myTextBox, createTextField, m, clicked, _x, _y, myBackground, _name; function GrammarBox () { super(); } function init(pWord, pBackground) { if (pWord == undefined) { trace("Error: no parameters for GrammarBox object"); } myWord = pWord; myTF = new TextFormat(); myTF.size = 48; attachMovie(pBackground, "myBackground", 1); myTextBox = createTextField("myTextBox", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); myTextBox.autoSize = true; myTextBox.text = myWord.getWord(); myTextBox.setTextFormat(myTF); m = 1.2; clicked = false; resizeBackground(); } function onRelease() { if (_root.GBClicked == undefined) { trace("ERROR: _root.GBClicked function undefined"); } else { _root.GBClicked(this); } clicked = true; } function getClicked() { return(clicked); } function getPOS() { return(myWord.getPOS()); } function getPartOfSpeech() { return(myWord.getPartOfSpeech()); } function setPosition(px, py) { _x = px; _y = py; } function getFontSize() { return(myTF.size); } function resizeText(fontsize) { myTF.size = fontsize; myTextBox.setTextFormat(myTF); resizeBackground(); } function setBackground(pBackground) { attachMovie(pBackground, "myBackground", 1); resizeBackground(); } function resizeBackground() { myBackground._width = myTextBox._width * m; myBackground._height = myTextBox._height; myTextBox._x = Math.abs(myBackground._width - myTextBox._width) / 2; } function resizeBGD(px, py) { myBackground._width = (myTextBox._width * m) * px; myBackground._height = myTextBox._height * py; myBackground._x = myTextBox._x - (Math.abs(myBackground._width - myTextBox._width) / 2); myBackground._y = myTextBox._y - (Math.abs(myBackground._height - myTextBox._height) / 2); } function setColor(hex) { myTF.color = hex; myTextBox.setTextFormat(myTF); } function toString() { return("Grammar Box: " + _name); } }
Symbol 212 MovieClip [__Packages.Word] Frame 0
class Word { var myword, myPOS, myPartOfSpeech; function Word (param_myword, param_myPOS) { myword = param_myword; myPOS = param_myPOS; setPartOfSpeech(); if (((((((((param_myPOS != "N") && (param_myPOS != "V")) && (param_myPOS != "PRO")) && (param_myPOS != "ADJ")) && (param_myPOS != "ADV")) && (param_myPOS != "PREP")) && (param_myPOS != "CONJ")) && (param_myPOS != "INT")) && (param_myPOS != "ART")) { trace("ERROR: Invalid part of speech in " + this); } } function getWord() { return(myword); } function getPOS() { return(myPOS); } function getPartOfSpeech() { return(myPartOfSpeech); } function setWord(newWord) { myword = newWord; } function setPOS(newPOS) { myPOS = newPOS; } function setPartOfSpeech() { if (myPOS == "N") { myPartOfSpeech = "Noun"; } else if (myPOS == "V") { myPartOfSpeech = "Verb"; } else if (myPOS == "PRO") { myPartOfSpeech = "Pronoun"; } else if (myPOS == "ADJ") { myPartOfSpeech = "Adjective"; } else if (myPOS == "ADV") { myPartOfSpeech = "Adverb"; } else if (myPOS == "PREP") { myPartOfSpeech = "Preposition"; } else if (myPOS == "CONJ") { myPartOfSpeech = "Conjunction"; } else if (myPOS == "INT") { myPartOfSpeech = "Interjection"; } else if (myPOS == "ART") { myPartOfSpeech = "Article"; } else { myPartOfSpeech = "ERROR"; } } function toString() { return((("Word: " + myword) + ", PoS: ") + myPOS); } }
Symbol 34 MovieClip [starthrow] Frame 6
_root.starhit_sound.start(0.015, 0);
Symbol 34 MovieClip [starthrow] Frame 10
Symbol 36 MovieClip [correct] Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [correct] Frame 13
this._visible = true; _root.right_sound.start(0, 0);
Symbol 36 MovieClip [correct] Frame 30
stop(); _root.advance();
Symbol 46 MovieClip [wrongClip] Frame 1
this._visible = false;
Symbol 46 MovieClip [wrongClip] Frame 12
this._visible = true; this.myGB.setBackground("scorch"); this.myGB.resizeBGD(1.5, 1.5); this.myGB.setColor(16777215); soundNum = random(3); if (soundNum == 0) { _root.explosion1_sound.stop(); _root.explosion1_sound.start(0, 0); } else if (soundNum == 1) { _root.explosion2_sound.stop(); _root.explosion2_sound.start(0, 0); } else { _root.explosion3_sound.stop(); _root.explosion3_sound.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 46 MovieClip [wrongClip] Frame 28
stop(); _root.wrong_sound.start(0, 0); _root.wrongComplete(this.myGB.getPartOfSpeech());
Symbol 70 Button
on (release) { _root.addIntro("easy"); }
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) { _root.addIntro("hard"); }
Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { _root.addIntro("medium"); }
Symbol 77 MovieClip [difficultymenu] Frame 1
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("title"); this.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1
cont_button._visible = false;
Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 10
_root.ninjastar1_sound.start(0.055, 0);
Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 40
_root.ninjastar2_sound.start(0.04, 0);
Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 70
stop(); rankPic._visible = true; cont_button._visible = true; _root.ninjastar3_sound.start(0.15, 0);
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 135 MovieClip [intro] Frame 1
stopAllSounds(); s = new Sound(); s.setVolume(100);
Symbol 135 MovieClip [intro] Frame 185
_root.startGame(this.d); _root.removeCutscene();
Symbol 144 Button
on (release) { _root.fadeThemesong(); _root.gotoAndStop("main"); }
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("how to play"); }
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop("credits"); }
Symbol 161 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("title"); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 43
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 63
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 73
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 93
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 103
Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 113
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
credits_sound = new Sound(); credits_sound.attachSound("results"); credits_sound.start(0, 0);

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClip [grambox]
Symbol 2 MovieClip [attachMeClip]
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:21 135
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:21
Symbol 6 FontUsed by:7 51 52 53 61 103 117 173 174 175 178 179 180 201 202 203 204 205 206
Symbol 7 TextUses:6Used by:21
Symbol 8 FontUsed by:9 13 207
Symbol 9 TextUses:8Used by:21
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:15
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 13 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:11 12 14Used by:21
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:16 17 18 19Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:3 5 7 9 15 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [boarder]Uses:22Used by:199  Timeline
Symbol 211 MovieClip [__Packages.GrammarBox]
Symbol 212 MovieClip [__Packages.Word]
Symbol 24 FontUsed by:25 153 154 181 182 183 184
Symbol 25 TextUses:24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClip [textbutton]Uses:26Used by:186  Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34 186
Symbol 34 MovieClip [starthrow]Uses:28 29 30 31 32 33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36 186
Symbol 36 MovieClip [correct]Uses:35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip [wrongClip]Uses:37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip [scorch]Uses:48Used by:186  Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 51 EditableTextUses:6Used by:63
Symbol 52 EditableTextUses:6Used by:63
Symbol 53 EditableTextUses:6Used by:63
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56
Symbol 56 TextUses:55Used by:59
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 ButtonUses:54 56 57 58Used by:63 186
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 61 TextUses:6Used by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:60 61Used by:63 186
Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface]Uses:50 51 52 53 59 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:77 100 169 199
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:77 141 149 155 169 199
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:77 149 169
Symbol 67 FontUsed by:68 71 73 142 145 147 151 159 163 166 168
Symbol 68 TextUses:67Used by:70 169
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70 72 74
Symbol 70 ButtonUses:68 69Used by:77
Symbol 71 TextUses:67Used by:72 169
Symbol 72 ButtonUses:71 69Used by:77
Symbol 73 TextUses:67Used by:74 169
Symbol 74 ButtonUses:73 69Used by:77
Symbol 75 FontUsed by:76 167 170 171 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 198
Symbol 76 TextUses:75Used by:77 169
Symbol 77 MovieClip [difficultymenu]Uses:64 65 66 70 72 74 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 FontUsed by:79 80 81 82 84 87 94
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 81 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 82 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:78Used by:86
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 86 ButtonUses:83 84 85Used by:100
Symbol 87 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 88 FontUsed by:89 90 91 92 93
Symbol 89 EditableTextUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 90 EditableTextUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 91 EditableTextUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 93 EditableTextUses:88Used by:100
Symbol 94 EditableTextUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 95 FontUsed by:96 97
Symbol 96 EditableTextUses:95Used by:100
Symbol 97 EditableTextUses:95Used by:100
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:100
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip [score]Uses:64 79 80 81 82 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClip [rankNinja]Uses:101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 TextUses:6Used by:115
Symbol 104 Sound [themestart]Used by:115
Symbol 105 Sound [ninjastar1]Used by:115
Symbol 106 Sound [results]Used by:115
Symbol 107 Sound [ninjastar2]Used by:115
Symbol 108 Sound [ninjastar3]Used by:115
Symbol 109 Sound [expl-close1]Used by:115
Symbol 110 Sound [expl-close2]Used by:115
Symbol 111 Sound [expl-close3]Used by:115
Symbol 112 Sound [starhit]Used by:115
Symbol 113 Sound [wrong]Used by:115
Symbol 114 Sound [right]Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:6Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClip [helpPanel]Uses:116 117Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClip [studentRank]Uses:119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClip [ninjaRank]Uses:121Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [masterRank]Uses:123Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClipUses:126Used by:135
Symbol 128 SoundUsed by:135
Symbol 129 SoundUsed by:135
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:135
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:132Used by:135
Symbol 134 SoundUsed by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip [intro]Uses:3 125 127 128 129 131 133 134Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:141
Symbol 139 FontUsed by:140
Symbol 140 TextUses:139Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:65 138 140Used by:156
Symbol 142 TextUses:67Used by:144
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144 146 148
Symbol 144 ButtonUses:142 143Used by:149
Symbol 145 TextUses:67Used by:146
Symbol 146 ButtonUses:145 143Used by:149
Symbol 147 TextUses:67Used by:148
Symbol 148 ButtonUses:147 143Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:65 66 144 146 148Used by:156
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 151 TextUses:67Used by:155
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 153 TextUses:24Used by:155
Symbol 154 TextUses:24Used by:155
Symbol 155 ButtonUses:65 150 151 152 153 154Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:136 137 141 149 155Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 159 TextUses:67Used by:161
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161 164
Symbol 161 ButtonUses:158 159 160Used by:199 208
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 163 TextUses:67Used by:164
Symbol 164 ButtonUses:162 163 160Used by:199
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 166 TextUses:67Used by:199
Symbol 167 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 168 TextUses:67Used by:199
Symbol 169 MovieClipUses:64 65 66 68 71 73 76Used by:199
Symbol 170 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 171 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 173 TextUses:6Used by:199
Symbol 174 TextUses:6Used by:199
Symbol 175 TextUses:6Used by:199
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 178 TextUses:6Used by:186
Symbol 179 TextUses:6Used by:186
Symbol 180 TextUses:6Used by:186
Symbol 181 TextUses:24Used by:186
Symbol 182 TextUses:24Used by:186
Symbol 183 TextUses:24Used by:186
Symbol 184 TextUses:24Used by:186
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:176 27 49 177 178 179 180 59 62 181 182 183 184 185 35 33Used by:199
Symbol 187 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 188 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 189 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 190 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 191 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 192 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 193 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 194 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 195 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 196 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 198 TextUses:75Used by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:64 65 157 161 164 165 166 167 168 23 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 201 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 202 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 203 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 204 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 205 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 206 TextUses:6Used by:208
Symbol 207 TextUses:8Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:200 201 202 161 203 204 205 206 207Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 BitmapUsed by:210
Symbol 210 GraphicUses:209Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"begin"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"loadtext"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip
"dir_txt"Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface] Frame 1Symbol 51 EditableText
"remain_txt"Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface] Frame 1Symbol 52 EditableText
"tellPOS_txt"Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface] Frame 1Symbol 53 EditableText
"eraseButton"Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface] Frame 1Symbol 59 Button
"help_clip"Symbol 63 MovieClip [userInterface] Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
"cont_button"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 86 Button
"time_txt"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 89 EditableText
"penalty_txt"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 90 EditableText
"total_txt"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 91 EditableText
"rank_txt"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 92 EditableText
"difficulty_txt"Symbol 100 MovieClip [score] Frame 1Symbol 93 EditableText
"help_txt"Symbol 118 MovieClip [helpPanel] Frame 1Symbol 117 EditableText

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "grambox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "attachMeClip"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "boarder"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 211 as "__Packages.GrammarBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 212 as "__Packages.Word"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 27 as "textbutton"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 34 as "starthrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 36 as "correct"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 46 as "wrongClip"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 49 as "scorch"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 63 as "userInterface"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 77 as "difficultymenu"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 100 as "score"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 102 as "rankNinja"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 104 as "themestart"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 105 as "ninjastar1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 106 as "results"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 107 as "ninjastar2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 108 as "ninjastar3"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 110 as "expl-close2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 111 as "expl-close3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 112 as "starhit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 113 as "wrong"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 114 as "right"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 118 as "helpPanel"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 120 as "studentRank"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 122 as "ninjaRank"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 124 as "masterRank"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 135 as "intro"


"preloader"Frame 1
"exports"Frame 2
"title"Frame 3
"how to play"Frame 4
"credits"Frame 5
"main"Frame 6
"one"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
Created: 29/4 -2019 08:07:44 Last modified: 29/4 -2019 08:07:44 Server time: 14/11 -2024 23:17:43