Frame 1
function zn(a) {
if (isNaN(a) || (undefined == a)) {
function firtim() {
totalseconds = totalseconds + 1;
waitfor = Math.round((totalseconds / (_root.getBytesLoaded() + (((((zn(main_music1.getBytesLoaded()) + zn(main_music2.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music3.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music4.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music5.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music.getBytesLoaded())))) * ((_root.getBytesTotal() + (((((zn(main_music1.getBytesTotal()) + zn(main_music2.getBytesTotal())) + zn(main_music3.getBytesTotal())) + zn(main_music4.getBytesTotal())) + zn(main_music5.getBytesTotal())) + zn(main_music.getBytesTotal()))) - (_root.getBytesLoaded() + (((((zn(main_music1.getBytesLoaded()) + zn(main_music2.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music3.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music4.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music5.getBytesLoaded())) + zn(main_music.getBytesLoaded())))));
if (waitfor < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = waitfor + " seconds";
} else if ((waitfor / 60) < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = ((Math.floor(waitfor / 60) + " minutes ") + (waitfor - (Math.floor(waitfor / 60) * 60))) + " seconds";
_lockroot = true;
_root.fg2._alpha = 0;
var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal("dead_drunk_13b");
if ( == undefined) { = 1;
lasts = 0;
times = 0;
someListener = new Object();
totalseconds = 0;
fir = setInterval(firtim, 1000);
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
cur = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (cur != lasts) {
times = 10;
} else {
times = times - 1;
if (times > 0) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#AAAAAA\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#AAAAAA\"><B>:.</B></font>";
} else if (times > -5) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#CCCCCC\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#CCCCCC\"><B>:.</B></font>";
} else if (times > -40) {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<B>.:</B> " + cur) + " <B>:.</B>";
} else {
_root.loa.htmlText = ("<font color=\"#FF0000\"><B>.:</B></font> " + cur) + " <font color=\"#FF0000\"><B>:.</B></font>";
lasts = cur;
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {
_root.fg2._alpha = _root.fg2._alpha + 2;
if (_root.fg2._alpha > 100) {
Frame 2
function RQ_Prepare() {
_root.lastreq = _root.score_server;
_root.tasks = 0;
function RQ_Set(a, b) {
_root.lastreq = _root.lastreq + (((((((((("op" + _root.tasks) + "=set&var") + _root.tasks) + "=") + a) + "&val") + _root.tasks) + "=") + b) + "&");
function RQ_Get(a, b) {
_root.lastreq = _root.lastreq + (((((((((("op" + _root.tasks) + "=get&var") + _root.tasks) + "=") + a) + "&val") + _root.tasks) + "=") + b) + "&");
function RQ_Param(a, b) {
_root.lastreq = _root.lastreq + (((a + "=") + b) + "&");
function RQ_Send(a) {
_root.lastreq = _root.lastreq + ("tot=" + _root.tasks);
callafter = a;
_root.busy = true;
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() != _root.getBytesTotal()) {
_root.score_server = "";
var my_xml2 = new XML();
System.useCodepage = true;
my_xml2.ignoreWhite = true;
_root.busy = false;
_root.lastreq = "";
_root.tasks = 0;
_root.myid = -1;
callafter = function () {
my_xml2.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
_root.busy = false;
curpl = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < my_xml2.childNodes.length) {
if (my_xml2.childNodes[i].nodeName == "getset") {
Set(my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.varr, my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.val);
if (my_xml2.childNodes[i].nodeName == "trace") {
if (my_xml2.childNodes[i].nodeName == "plpos") {
i2 = 0;
while (i2 < 11) {[i2 + (curpl * 11)] = my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes["ax" + i2] * 1;
_root.ay[i2 + (curpl * 11)] = my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes["ay" + i2] * 1;
if ((((((i2 == 0) || (i2 == 3)) || (i2 == 4)) || (i2 == 6)) || (i2 == 9)) || (i2 == 10)) {
_root.atox[i2 + (curpl * 11)] = my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes["atox" + i2] * 1;
_root.atoy[i2 + (curpl * 11)] = my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes["atoy" + i2] * 1;
}["pl" + curpl].hea2 = my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.hea;
_root.atox[5 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox6 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atoy[5 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy6 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atox[1 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox3 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atoy[1 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy3 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atox[2 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox4 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atoy[2 + (curpl * 11)] = ((my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy0 * 1) + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy4 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atox[7 + (curpl * 11)] = (_root.atox[5 + (curpl * 11)] + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox9 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atoy[7 + (curpl * 11)] = (_root.atoy[5 + (curpl * 11)] + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy9 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atox[8 + (curpl * 11)] = (_root.atox[5 + (curpl * 11)] + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atox10 * 1)) / 2;
_root.atoy[8 + (curpl * 11)] = (_root.atoy[5 + (curpl * 11)] + (my_xml2.childNodes[i].attributes.atoy10 * 1)) / 2;["pl" + curpl]._visible = true;
i = curpl;
while (i < 10) {["pl" + curpl]._visible = false;
_root.conn.htmlText = "<font color=\"660000\">Connected</font>";
} else {
_root.conn.htmlText = "<font color=\"660000\">Can`t connect to server. </font><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"><font color=\"000066\">Click here to multiplayer.</font></a>";
RQ_Get("x_init", "_root.myid");
RQ_Send(function () {
gaction = 0;
_root.muz.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.muz._currentframe == 3) {
} else {
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (gaction == 0) {
if (_root.fg2._alpha > 0) {
_root.fg2._alpha = _root.fg2._alpha - 2;
_root.fg2._visible = true;
} else {
_root.fg2._visible = false;
gaction = -1;
if (gaction == 1) {
if (_root.fg2._alpha < 100) {
_root.fg2._alpha = _root.fg2._alpha + 2;
_root.fg2._visible = true;
} else {
gaction = -1;
_root.start.onRelease = function () {
gaction = 1;
_root.start2.onRelease = function () {
gaction = 1;
_root.loa.text = ("Loading: " + Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100)) + "%";
Frame 3
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.mmm.start.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.mmm._currentframe < 280) {
Frame 4
function LinkMcTo(mc, ch, pan, flip, scale) {
mcto_mc[mcto_tot] = mc;
mcto_ch[mcto_tot] = ch;
mcto_an[mcto_tot] = pan;
mcto_filp[mcto_tot] = flip;
mcto_scale[mcto_tot] = scale;
function Dist2D(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1x - p2x, 2) + Math.pow(p1y - p2y, 2)));
function Effect(x, y, type, param1, param2) {
if (type == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "bl" + eff, 100 + eff);
if (type == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "bl" + eff, 100 + eff);
}["bl" + eff]._x = x;["bl" + eff]._y = y;
if (type == 0) {["bl" + eff]._rotation = param1;["bl" + eff]._xscale = 100 + (param2 * 10);
if (type == 1) {["bl" + eff].power = param1;
if (eff > 128) {
eff = 0;
function Draw() {
i = 0;
while (i < mantot) {["pl" + i]._x = 0;["pl" + i]._y = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < mcto_tot) {
if (mcto_mc[i]._parent._visible == true) {
if ((aio[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] == true) || (aio[chC[mcto_ch[i]]] == true)) {
mcto_mc[i]._xscale = Math.abs(mcto_mc[i]._xscale) * mcto_filp[i];
mcto_mc[i]._x = ax[chP[mcto_ch[i]]];
mcto_mc[i]._y = ay[chP[mcto_ch[i]]];
an = mcto_an[i] - ((Math.atan2(ax[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] - ax[chC[mcto_ch[i]]], ay[chP[mcto_ch[i]]] - ay[chC[mcto_ch[i]]]) / Math.PI) * 180);
mcto_mc[i]._rotation = an;
if (mcto_scale[i]) {
mcto_mc[i]._yscale = Dist2D(ax[chP[mcto_ch[i]]], ay[chP[mcto_ch[i]]], ax[chC[mcto_ch[i]]], ay[chC[mcto_ch[i]]]);
function CreatePoint(x, y, sx, sy, rad) {
ax[atotal] = x;
ay[atotal] = y;
atox[atotal] = sx;
atoy[atotal] = sy;
aio[atotal] = true;
if (rad != undefined) {
arad[atotal] = rad;
} else {
arad[atotal] = 0;
return(atotal - 1);
function Connect(a, a2, type, di, power) {
chP[chtotal] = a;
chC[chtotal] = a2;
if (di != undefined) {
chdef[chtotal] = di;
} else {
chdef[chtotal] = Dist2D(ax[a], ay[a], ax[a2], ay[a2]);
if (power == undefined) {
chdamp[chtotal] = 0.1;
} else {
chdamp[chtotal] = power * 0.1;
chtypa[chtotal] = type;
chio[chtotal] = true;
return(chtotal - 1);
function MkPalyer() {
fst = CreatePoint(smx, smy, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx - 2, smy + 7, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx + 2, smy + 7, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx - 4, smy + 12, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx + 4, smy + 12, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx, smy - 5, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx, smy - 10, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx - 5, smy - 5, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx + 5, smy - 5, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx - 10, smy - 5, 0, 0);
CreatePoint(smx + 10, smy - 5, 0, 0);
leg1 = Connect(fst + 0, fst + 1, 0);
leg2 = Connect(fst + 0, fst + 2, 0);
subleg1 = Connect(fst + 1, fst + 3, 0);
subleg2 = Connect(fst + 2, fst + 4, 0);
spine1 = Connect(fst + 0, fst + 5, 0);
spine2 = Connect(fst + 6, fst + 5, 0);
arm1 = Connect(fst + 5, fst + 7, 0);
arm2 = Connect(fst + 5, fst + 8, 0);
subarm1 = Connect(fst + 7, fst + 9, 0);
subarm2 = Connect(fst + 8, fst + 10, 0);
allleg1 = Connect(fst + 0, fst + 4, 1, undefined, 0.5);
allleg2 = Connect(fst + 0, fst + 3, 1, undefined, 0.5);
if (fst == 0) {
legs = chdef[allleg1];
curlegs = legs;
Connect(fst + 0, fst + 6, 1, undefined, 1);
Connect(fst + 1, fst + 2, 1, 2, 2);
Connect(fst + 1, fst + 2, 2, 10, 1);
Connect(fst + 3, fst + 4, 2, 10, 1);
Connect(fst + 1, fst + 5, 1, 10, 1);
Connect(fst + 2, fst + 5, 1, 10, 1);
Connect(fst + 7, fst + 8, 1, 5, 1);
duplicateMovieClip (, "pl" + mantot, 50 - mantot);
if (mantot != 0) {["pl" + mantot]._visible = false;
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].leg1, leg1, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].leg2, leg2, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].arm1, arm1, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].arm2, arm2, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].subleg1, subleg1, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].subleg2, subleg2, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].subarm1, subarm1, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].subarm2, subarm2, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].spine1, spine1, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].spine2, spine2, 180, 1, true);
LinkMcTo(["pl" + mantot].head, spine2, 0, 1);
if (mantot == 0) {["pl" + mantot].gotoAndStop(1);
} else {["pl" + mantot].gotoAndStop(2);
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
ax = new Array();
ay = new Array();
atox = new Array();
atoy = new Array();
aio = new Array();
aof = new Array();
arad = new Array(); = false;
if ( != undefined) {
steps =;
} else {
steps = 2;
_root.totaldrunk = 0;
gravity = 0.03;
bounce = 0.5;
friction = 0.6;
trytim = 0;
chtypa = new Array();
chP = new Array();
chC = new Array();
chdef = new Array();
chdamp = new Array();
chio = new Array();
chtsilp = new Array();
atotal = 0;
chtotal = 0;
antotal = 0;
mcto_tot = 0;
mcto_ch = new Array();
mcto_mc = new Array();
mcto_an = new Array();
mcto_scale = new Array();
mcto_filp = new Array(); = false; = false; = false;
eff = 0;
_root.rise.onRelease = function () {
gaction = 1;
_root.rise2.onRelease = function () {
gaction = 2;
_root.speeds1.onRelease = function () {
steps = 1; = 1;
_root.speeds2.onRelease = function () {
steps = 2; = 2;
_root.speeds3.onRelease = function () {
steps = 3; = 3;
_root.speeds4.onRelease = function () {
steps = 4; = 4;
};; = false;
hea = 100; = false;
smx =;
smy =;
if (( != undefined) && (!isNaN( {
_root.hea =;
smx =;
smy =;
_root.totaldrunk =;
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
if (["m" + i]) {["med" + i].gotoAndStop(1);
} else {["med" + i].isnue = false;["med" + i].gotoAndStop(4);
mantot = 0;
pltot = 32;
i = 0;
while (i < pltot) {
hscreenX = 200;
hscreenY = 100;
gaction = 0; = Math.round((-ax[0]) + hscreenX); = Math.round((-ay[0]) + hscreenY);
datasend = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
datasend = datasend + 1;
if ((myid != undefined) && (!isNaN(myid))) {
if (datasend > 10) {
if (!_root.busy) {
datasend = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 11) {
_root.RQ_Set((myid + "_p_ax") + i, Math.round(ax[i]));
_root.RQ_Set((myid + "_p_ay") + i, Math.round(ay[i]));
if ((((((i == 0) || (i == 3)) || (i == 4)) || (i == 6)) || (i == 9)) || (i == 10)) {
_root.RQ_Set((myid + "_p_atox") + i, Math.round((atox[i] * 100) / steps) / 100);
_root.RQ_Set((myid + "_p_atoy") + i, Math.round((atoy[i] * 100) / steps) / 100);
_root.RQ_Set(myid + "_p_hea", hea);
_root.RQ_Set(myid + "_p_timeout", "TIME");
_root.RQ_Param("myid", myid);
_root.console.text = _root.console.text + "[";
_root.console.text = _root.console.text + "]";
i = 0;
while (i < pltot) {
if (["pl" + i]._visible) {
hh = 0;
if (i == 0) {
hh = hea;
} else {
hh =["pl" + i].hea2;
}["pl" + i].health.hp._xscale = Math.max(Math.min(hh, 100), 0);
if ((["pl" + i].health._alpha > 0) && (hh <= -100)) {["pl" + i].health._alpha =["pl" + i].health._alpha - 5;
if ((["pl" + i].health._alpha < 100) && (hh > -100)) {["pl" + i].health._alpha =["pl" + i].health._alpha + 5;
if (["pl" + i].health._alpha > 0) {["pl" + i].health._x = Math.round(["pl" + i].spine2._x);["pl" + i].health._y = Math.round(["pl" + i].spine2._y) - 10;
if (gaction == -1) {
if (Key.isDown(13)) {
gaction = 2;
if (gaction == 0) {
if (_root.fg._alpha > 0) {
_root.fg._alpha = _root.fg._alpha - 2;
_root.fg._visible = true;
} else {
_root.fg._visible = false;
gaction = -1;
if (gaction == 2) {
if (_root.fg._alpha < 100) {
_root.fg._alpha = _root.fg._alpha + 2;
_root.fg._visible = true;
} else {
gaction = -1;
if (gaction == 1) {
if (_root.fg._alpha < 100) {
_root.fg._alpha = _root.fg._alpha + 2;
_root.fg._visible = true;
} else {
_root.kongregateStats.submit("Suicides", 1);
gaction = -1;
if (gaction == 3) {
if (_root.fg._alpha < 100) {
_root.fg._alpha = _root.fg._alpha + 2;
_root.fg._visible = true;
} else {
_root.totaldrunk = _root.totaldrunk + 1000;
gaction = -1;
if (hea > 0) {
_root.thea.text = Math.ceil(hea) + " HP";
} else if (hea > -100) {
_root.thea.text = "Unconscious";
} else {
_root.thea.text = "Dead";
gaction = 2;
} = Math.round((((-ax[0]) + hscreenX) + ( * 10)) / 11); = Math.round((((-ay[0]) + hscreenY) + ( * 10)) / 11);
iter = 0;
while (iter < steps) {
if (hea > 0) {
sleeptim = 300;
if (hea <= 0) {
if (hea > -100) {
if (sleeptim < 0) {
hea = hea + 1;
stand = false;
if ( + ax[3], ( + ay[3]) + 2, true) || ( + ax[4], ( + ay[4]) + 2, true))) {
stand = true;
if (atox[0] > 1) {
stand = false;
if (trytim >= 20) {
if (trytim > 30) {
trytim = 0;
if ((hea > 0) && (stand)) {
if ((Math.abs(((ax[3] + ax[4]) / 2) - ax[0]) > 3) && (trytim < 20)) {
if (Math.abs(((ax[3] + ax[4]) / 2) - ax[0]) > 6) {
stand = false;
if (!stand) {
if (ax[0] < ((ax[3] + ax[4]) / 2)) {
side = -1;
} else {
side = 1;
koncur = 3;
sybdister = 2;
dister = 4;
if (Math.abs(ax[0] - ax[3]) > Math.abs(ax[0] - ax[4])) {
koncur = 4;
dister = 3;
sybdister = 1;
atox[dister] = atox[dister] + (side * 0.5);
atox[sybdister] = atox[sybdister] - (side * 0.5);
atoy[6] = atoy[6] - 0.2;
atoy[5] = atoy[5] - 0.2;
atoy[0] = atoy[0] + 0.2;
if (ay[0] > ay[5]) {
atox[0] = atox[0] - ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.2);
atox[5] = atox[5] + ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.2);
if (ay[dister] > (ay[koncur] - 2)) {
astoy[dister] = astoy[dister] - 0.2;
astoy[sybdister] = astoy[sybdister] + 0.2;
} else {
astoy[dister] = astoy[dister] + 0.2;
astoy[sybdister] = astoy[sybdister] - 0.2;
if (hea > 0) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
curlegs = legs / 4;
atox[1] = atox[1] - ((ax[1] - ax[2]) * 0.1);
atox[2] = atox[2] + ((ax[1] - ax[2]) * 0.1);
} else {
curlegs = legs;
} else {
curlegs = legs;
chdef[allleg1] = curlegs;
chdef[allleg2] = curlegs;
if (ay[0] > ay[5]) {
if (hea > 0) {
if (stand) {
if ((ax[0] - ax[5]) < 4) {
atox[0] = atox[0] - ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.3);
atox[5] = atox[5] + ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.3);
} else {
atox[0] = atox[0] - ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.1);
atox[5] = atox[5] + ((ax[0] - ax[5]) * 0.1);
atoy[3] = atoy[3] + 0.2;
atoy[4] = atoy[4] + 0.2;
atoy[1] = atoy[1] - 0.15;
atoy[2] = atoy[2] - 0.15;
atoy[0] = atoy[0] - 0.1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
atox[5] = atox[5] + 0.1;
atoy[0] = atoy[0] - 0.1;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
atox[5] = atox[5] - 0.1;
atoy[0] = atoy[0] - 0.1;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (lpressed) {
atoy[0] = atoy[0] - 4;
atoy[6] = atoy[6] - 5;
atoy[5] = atoy[5] - 5;
lpressed = false;
} else {
lpressed = true;
} else {
spx = 0;
spy = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
spy = -1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
spy = 1;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
spx = -1;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
spx = 1;
atox[0] = atox[0] - ((spx * 0.2) / steps);
atoy[0] = atoy[0] - ((spy * 0.2) / steps);
atox[6] = atox[6] + ((spx * 0.2) / steps);
atoy[6] = atoy[6] + ((spy * 0.2) / steps);
if ((hea <= 0) && (hea > -100)) {
if (Math.random() > 0.95) {
atoy[5] = atoy[5] - 1;
a = 0;
while (a < atotal) {
if (a < 11) {
if (aio[a] == true) {
ax[a] = ax[a] + atox[a];
ay[a] = ay[a] + atoy[a];
if ( + ax[a], + ay[a], true)) {
hea = -200;
if ( + ax[a], + ay[a], true)) {
hea = 100;
gaction = 3;
_root.kongregateStats.submit("Levels passed", 1);
di = Dist2D(atox[a], atoy[a], 0, 0);
if (di > collision_tolerance) {
atox[a] = atox[a] / (di * collision_tolerance);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] / (di * collision_tolerance);
if (di > 30) {
atox[a] = (atox[a] / di) * 30;
atoy[a] = (atoy[a] / di) * 30;
atoy[a] = atoy[a] + gravity;
if (arad[a] > 0) {
arad[a] = 0;
if ( + ax[a], + ay[a], true)) {
dd = 5;
acy = 0;
acx = 0;
x = -1;
while (x <= 1) {
y = -1;
while (y <= 1) {
if (! + ax[a]) + (Math.abs(atox[a]) * x), ( + ay[a]) + (Math.abs(atoy[a]) * y), true)) {
acx = acx + x;
acy = acy + y;
y = y + 1;
x = x + 1;
speed = 0.05;
nostop = 0.75;
lasttox = atox[a];
lasttoy = atoy[a];
d = 0.05;
while (d < 10) {
if (! + ax[a]) + d, + ay[a], true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] + (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] + (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = 1;
normy = 0;
} else if (! + ax[a]) - d, + ay[a], true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] - (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] - (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = -1;
normy = 0;
} else if (! + ax[a], ( + ay[a]) + d, true)) {
atoy[a] = atoy[a] + (d / nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] + (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = 0;
normy = 1;
} else if (! + ax[a], ( + ay[a]) - d, true)) {
atoy[a] = atoy[a] - (d / nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] - (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = 0;
normy = -1;
} else if (! + ax[a]) + d, ( + ay[a]) + d, true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] + (d / nostop);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] + (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] + (d * nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] + (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = 1;
normy = 1;
} else if (! + ax[a]) - d, ( + ay[a]) + d, true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] - (d / nostop);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] + (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] - (d * nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] + (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = -1;
normy = 1;
} else if (! + ax[a]) + d, ( + ay[a]) - d, true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] + (d / nostop);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] - (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] + (d * nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] - (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = 1;
normy = -1;
} else if (! + ax[a]) - d, ( + ay[a]) - d, true)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] - (d / nostop);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] - (d / nostop);
ax[a] = ax[a] - (d * nostop);
ay[a] = ay[a] - (d * nostop);
d = 10;
normx = -1;
normy = -1;
d = d + speed;
if (a < 11) {
mnoj = 1;
if ((a == 3) || (a == 4)) {
mnoj = 0.4;
if (a == 6) {
mnoj = 5;
lhea = hea;
if (Math.abs(normx) > Math.abs(normy)) {
hea = hea - (Math.floor(((Math.abs(lasttox) * 0.6) * mnoj) * nostop) * 10);
} else {
hea = hea - (Math.floor(((Math.abs(lasttoy) * 0.6) * mnoj) * nostop) * 10);
if ((lhea - hea) < mnoj) {
hea = lhea;
if (Math.abs(normx) > Math.abs(normy)) {
pwr = Math.abs(lasttox);
} else {
pwr = Math.abs(lasttoy);
if (pwr > 2) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
} else {
} else if (pwr > 1.2) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
} else {
} else if ((pwr > 1.1) || (lhea > hea)) {
if (lhea > hea) {
if (Math.abs(normx) > Math.abs(normy)) {
Effect(ax[a], ay[a], 0, 90, lhea - hea);
} else {
Effect(ax[a], ay[a], 0, 0, lhea - hea);
if (Math.abs(normx) > Math.abs(normy)) {
atox[a] = atox[a] * 0.75;
if (atoy[a] > 0) {
atoy[a] = Math.max(atoy[a] - (friction * Math.abs(atox[a])), 0);
} else {
atoy[a] = Math.min(atoy[a] + (friction * Math.abs(atox[a])), 0);
} else if (Math.abs(normx) < Math.abs(normy)) {
if (atox[a] > 0) {
atox[a] = Math.max(atox[a] - (friction * Math.abs(atoy[a])), 0);
} else {
atox[a] = Math.min(atox[a] + (friction * Math.abs(atoy[a])), 0);
atoy[a] = atoy[a] * 0.75;
ch = 0;
while (ch < chtotal) {
if (ch < 19) {
if ((aio[chP[ch]] == false) && (aio[chC[ch]] == false)) {
chio[ch] = false;
} else {
chio[ch] = true;
if (chio[ch] == true) {
if ((((Math.abs(atox[chP[ch]]) + Math.abs(atoy[chP[ch]])) + Math.abs(atox[chC[ch]])) + Math.abs(atoy[chC[ch]])) < (1.4 + (gravity * 1.5))) {
chtsilp[ch] = chtsilp[ch] + 1;
if (chtsilp[ch] > 6) {
dis = Dist2D(ax[chP[ch]], ay[chP[ch]], ax[chC[ch]], ay[chC[ch]]);
bounce = 5 * chdamp[ch];
bnc = bounce * Math.abs(dis - chdef[ch]);
if (dis < 1) {
dis = 1;
if (chtypa[ch] == 3) {
if ((dis > (chdef[ch] + 5)) || (dis < (chdef[ch] - 5))) {
chtypa[ch] = 1;
chdef[ch] = 0;
if (chtypa[ch] == 4) {
if ((dis > (chdef[ch] + 7)) || (dis < (chdef[ch] - 7))) {
chtypa[ch] = 1;
chdef[ch] = 0;
if ((dis > chdef[ch]) && ((((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) || (chtypa[ch] == 2))) {
atox[chC[ch]] = atox[chC[ch]] + (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chC[ch]] = atoy[chC[ch]] + (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atox[chP[ch]] = atox[chP[ch]] - (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chP[ch]] = atoy[chP[ch]] - (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
if ((dis < chdef[ch]) && ((((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) || (chtypa[ch] == 1))) {
atox[chC[ch]] = atox[chC[ch]] - (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chC[ch]] = atoy[chC[ch]] - (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atox[chP[ch]] = atox[chP[ch]] + (((ax[chP[ch]] - ax[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
atoy[chP[ch]] = atoy[chP[ch]] + (((ay[chP[ch]] - ay[chC[ch]]) / dis) * bnc);
if ((((chtypa[ch] == 0) || (chtypa[ch] == 3)) || (chtypa[ch] == 4)) && (chdamp[ch] >= 0.1)) {
tarx = (ax[chP[ch]] + ax[chC[ch]]) / 2;
tary = (ay[chP[ch]] + ay[chC[ch]]) / 2;
ax[chP[ch]] = tarx + (((ax[chP[ch]] - tarx) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ay[chP[ch]] = tary + (((ay[chP[ch]] - tary) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ax[chC[ch]] = tarx + (((ax[chC[ch]] - tarx) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
ay[chC[ch]] = tary + (((ay[chC[ch]] - tary) * chdef[ch]) / dis);
Frame 5
gaction = 0;
_root.rise.onRelease = function () {
gaction = 1;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (gaction == 0) {
if (_root.fg2._alpha > 0) {
_root.fg2._alpha = _root.fg2._alpha - 2;
_root.fg2._visible = true;
} else {
_root.fg2._visible = false;
gaction = -1;
if (gaction == 1) {
if (_root.fg2._alpha < 100) {
_root.fg2._alpha = _root.fg2._alpha + 2;
_root.fg2._visible = true;
} else {
gaction = -1;
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
if ( == 1) {
} else {
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 2 = 1;
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 3 = 2;
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 310
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
this.frm = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.frm = this.frm + (_root.steps / 2);
if (this.frm > 633) {
this.frm = 1;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((this + "") != "") {
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 1, this._xscale);
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 1, this._xscale);
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 1, this._xscale);
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 1, this._xscale);
_root.Effect(this._x, this._y, 1, this._xscale);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (! +, this._y +, true)) {
} else {
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 41
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
this.picked = false;
this.bstate = 0;
this.power = 0;
this.vikid = false;
this.isnue = true;
this.nearer = 9;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!picked) {
if ((((_root.Dist2D([9], _root.ay[9], this._x, this._y) < 15) || (_root.Dist2D([10], _root.ay[10], this._x, this._y) < 15)) && (_root.hea > 0)) || ((((_root.Dist2D([9], _root.ay[9], this._x, this._y) < 20) || (_root.Dist2D([10], _root.ay[10], this._x, this._y) < 20)) && (_root.hea <= 0)) && (_root.hea > -100))) {
if ((_root.Dist2D([9], _root.ay[9], this._x, this._y) < 3) || (_root.Dist2D([10], _root.ay[10], this._x, this._y) < 3)) {
this.picked = true;
this.isnue = false;
_root.kongregateStats.submit("Drunk bottles", 1);
} else {
this.nearer = 9;
if (_root.Dist2D([10], _root.ay[10], this._x, this._y) < _root.Dist2D([9], _root.ay[9], this._x, this._y)) {
this.nearer = 10;
this.power = 2;
dis = _root.Dist2D([this.nearer], _root.ay[this.nearer], this._x, this._y);
if (dis < 1) {
dis = 1;
if (_root.hea > -100) {
if (dis < 5) {
_root.atox[this.nearer] = _root.atox[this.nearer] + (((((this._x -[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
_root.atoy[this.nearer] = _root.atoy[this.nearer] + (((((this._y - _root.ay[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
} else {
_root.atox[this.nearer] = _root.atox[this.nearer] + (((((this._x -[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 4);
_root.atoy[this.nearer] = _root.atoy[this.nearer] + (((((this._y - _root.ay[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 4);
} else {
this.lx = this._x; = this._y; = this._rotation;
this.bstate = this.bstate + (_root.steps / 2);
if (!this.vikid) {
this._x =[this.nearer] + (_root.atox[this.nearer] * _root.steps);
this._y = _root.ay[this.nearer] + (_root.atoy[this.nearer] * _root.steps);
this._rotation = (((-Math.atan2([this.nearer] -[this.nearer - 2], _root.ay[this.nearer] - _root.ay[this.nearer - 2])) / Math.PI) * 180) + 90;
} else {
this._x = this._x + this.tox;
this._y = this._y + this.toy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rot;
this.toy = this.toy + (_root.gravity * _root.steps);
if (this.bstate > 10) {
if (this.bstate < 110) {
if (this.bstate < 100) {
this.power = 0.5;
} else {
this.power = -1;
if (this.bstate < 100) {
this.power = 0.25;
} else {
this.power = -0.5;
this.power = this.power * 0.5;
dis = _root.Dist2D([this.nearer], _root.ay[this.nearer],[6], _root.ay[6]);
if (dis < 1) {
dis = 1;
if (_root.hea > -100) {
_root.atox[this.nearer] = _root.atox[this.nearer] + ((((([6] -[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
_root.atoy[this.nearer] = _root.atoy[this.nearer] + (((((_root.ay[6] - _root.ay[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
_root.atox[6] = _root.atox[6] - ((((([6] -[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
_root.atoy[6] = _root.atoy[6] - (((((_root.ay[6] - _root.ay[this.nearer]) / dis) * this.power) * _root.steps) / 2);
if (this.bstate > 50) {
if (this.bstate < 100) {
if (_root.hea > -100) {
if (_root.hea <= 0) {
_root.hea = 1;
_root.hea = Math.min(_root.hea + (_root.steps / 2), 100);
if (this.bstate > 102) {
if (!this.vikid) {
this.tox = (-this.lx) + this._x;
this.toy = ( + this._y;
this.rot = ( + this._rotation;
this.vikid = true;
if (this.bstate > 200) {
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 3
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 4
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((this + "") != "") {
power = (power - 100) * 0.004;
this.tox = (-1 * power) + ((Math.random() * 2) * power);
this.toy = (-1 * power) + ((Math.random() * 2) * power);
if (! +, (this._y + - 5, true)) {
this.toy = this.toy - (1 * power);
if (! +, (this._y + + 5, true)) {
this.toy = this.toy + (1 * power);
if (! + + 5, this._y +, true)) {
this.tox = this.tox + (1 * power);
if (! + - 5, this._y +, true)) {
this.tox = this.tox - (1 * power);
this.spawned = false;
this.undertime = 0;
this._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + ((this.tox * _root.steps) / 2);
this._y = this._y + ((this.toy * _root.steps) / 2);
this.toy = this.toy + (_root.gravity * _root.steps);
this._xscale = (_root.Dist2D(this.tox, this.toy, 0, 0) * 200) + 100;
this._rotation = (((-Math.atan2(this.tox, this.toy)) / Math.PI) * 180) + 90;
if (this.spawned) {
if ( +, this._y +, true)) {
this._xscale = 200;
this._yscale = 200;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._alpha > 0) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
} else if ((! +, this._y +, true)) || (this.undertime > 5)) {
this.spawned = true;
} else {
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest([0] +, _root.ay[0] +, false) && (_root.hea > 0)) {
if (( != this._x) || ( != this._y)) { = _root.hea; = this._x; = this._y; = _root.totaldrunk;
i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
trace(["med" + i].isnue);["m" + i] =["med" + i].isnue;
this._visible = true;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 2
this._visible = true;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 6