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Flash #50967

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Evil Reiko's Homepage

The first and only fully-animated unofficial
website of
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

The site is best viewed with
screen resolution

This is Reiko's Home, but it doesn't just talk
about Reiko

You don't know what's Valis?
It's a videogame, but it's more than just a

This is not just for Valis-fans website, check it
out, and you will find yourself already a fan

My favourite Valis character is obvious,
Reiko Kirishima

Reiko wasn't brainwashed to join Rogles, this
is just rumors

To contact me:

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The unofficial website of Valis: The Fantasm Soldier
Eventhough Valis is one of the most famous videogames, but there aren't enough websites talking about it. For this reason,
and because of my love for Valis, I worked hard to build up my e-home, Evil Reiko's Homepage, which hopefully be the
best Valis site ever.

Evil Reiko's Homepage is constructed for several reasons, including:
-   Obtaining a permanent home for Valis fans
-   Putting almost all Valis-related items in one place, such as images, music, fictions, etc.
-   Helping Valis community to grow larger
I'm Evil Reiko the webmaster of this site. You may call me Reiko if you prefer.
Comments, suggestions, ideas, compliments, complaints, requests, gifts, and anything else, all are accepted. Just email me if you would like to tell me
The site is updated approximately every  2 weeks.

Welcome to Evil Reiko's Homepage




Latest News in this update. Check this page in every update to take a quick overview of what's new in world of Valis.

Evil Reiko's Homepage News (Local)

-   Soul of Valis, Chapter 7: Black Bloodline is up!
-   Autobiographies section has been modified/corrected. Furthermore, 2
more strange facts has been added to Yuko's autobiography, and 1 to Valna's.
-   In the Downloads section, now you can download the requirements (like
emulators) easily without searching the internet. Syd of Valis, Valis 1 and Valis
3 (Sega Genesis versions) are now available for downloading.

-   Some new members joined in Valis Forums, nowadays the forums
are so active.
-   Soldier and Glacier36 are working hard on their fan-fictions.
-   Another teaser video for Valis Coliseum is uploaded. You can
download it from Valis Forums, it's still no available in

Valis General News (Global)

A special place for me, Evil Reiko, to talk about my current state, projects, and some important points, most of them will
be about Valis.
This special page is updated everytime the site is updated.

I suppose to have my company's website completed. Anyway, it's about to be completed within few days. Once it's completed, I can spend more time on Valis
projects. So about those projects:
My Valis Animation
I want  to start working on this as soon as possible, but I can't. I need to fully write the story, and I need to make some prototype designs before starting on
this project. So I think  I will not work with my team until I get those preparations finished.
Valis Coliseum
I'm a member of this project? I guess I am, by making animations to it.
Valis: Eternal Dream
This project was delayed alot, everyone can put the blame on me, I didn't spend much time on it. Soldier wrote some chapters already, I suppose to finish
drawing the pictures faster. Hope to finish chapter 1 pictures very soon.
I'm the Devil
I don't play a big role in this project. I'm making only few images for this project, but it's going to be one of the best projects.

Evil Reiko's Homepage

Evil Reiko's Homepage

Since 3rd October 2006

Provides detailed
information about
each character of

Contains general
information about the
site, and provides
the latest news
(local & global)
about Valis

has various
downloadable files,
official and
unofficial items all
based on Valis

Gives alot of fun,
information, humors,
strange things, all

Under Construction

Supports unofficial
stories written by
Valis fans

Displays pictures
drawn by Valis-fans

Gives various
information about
Valis fans

Talks about
everything related to
the original Valis

Gives details about
the website owner,
Evil Reiko

Contains hyperlinks
to other Valis











Last Update 3rd May 2008

Current Music Non-Valis: Hell March

Date of Birth:

Educational Qualifications:

Evil Reiko
21st June 1986

BSCS Certificate (96.88%)
AMA International University - Bahrain
Graduated in 31st December 2007


Web Master
Al-Nadeem Information Technology - Bahrain
Feb 2007 (Current Career)
Web Designer (Trainee)
Al-Nadeem Information Technology - Bahrain
Nov 2007

Professional Skills:

Java Programming Language - Professional Developing
Flash & Photoshop - Creative Designing
Software Engineering - Problem Solving
Network Security - Backup & Recovery Skills
Web Technologies - HTML Professions
Manga/Anime Artworks - Drawing/Animating Skills

Hobbies & Intersets:

Playing Multiplayer Videogames
Programming Games & Applications
Watching Animations
Reading & Writing Stories


3D Valis
Arasan's Home
Castle Vanity
Darkcity Productions
Dreamland of Valis
Fantasm Soldier's Temple
Flower Crown
Sailor Valis
Sonic Feeling
Super Valis IV
Telenet Japan
Valis Coliseum
Valis Forums
White Diary

Move the mouse over the links on the left to display information about that site, and click on the link to visit it.
Note: Clicking on links will not move you out of Evil Reiko's Homepage.

Maybe you got bored of my e-home, or you have already checked every corner of my e-house..
Anyway, I provided some interesting links to other websites, and guess what, all these links are either fully-based on Valis,
or at least has some stuff related to Valis.


Arasan's Home
Fully-based on Valis
This is a japanese website, owned by a person called as Arasan. He is a Valis fan who has been drawing alot of images
of Valis. He's been working on his own projects, like making animations and comics based on Valis!
The most thing I like about him is his great manga artworks!

Castle Vanity
Fully-based on Valis
It's an almost-abandoned forums of Valis. Eventhough almost no body logs there, but it has a lot of great topics.
When I found these forums, I was late; it was already abandoned, what a shame.

Darkcity Productions
Fully-based on Valis
This is a fan's website, fully based on Valis. The site provides amazing information about Valis, owned by Darkman.
It's one of the most famous unofficial Valis websites.

Dreamland of Valis
Fully-based on Valis
A guy known as Alucard, gathered as much as possible of information and  pictures, and put them in one place. It's the
biggest unofficial Valis website that contains varity of collections based on Valis.
Eventhough it's a Brazilian site, but it was ranked as number 1.

Fantasm Soldier's Temple
Fully-based on Valis
A female Valis fan, call herself as V-alis. She's been writing and drawing her own stuff of Valis. Her site contains alot
of fantastic items of Valis.
This site is really somthing special.

Flower Crown
Partially-based on Valis
This is an incredible Japanese manga artist's site. The owner continues drawing images, the nice thing is that he
painted some great images of Valis.
Most thing I like about him, is his way of coloring!

Fully-based on Valis
This Japanese site is fully based on Valis 1, focusing on Yuko & Reiko.
It's said that the owner of this site is not just a Valis fan, but actually is one of Telenet artists who worked on the official
Valis games!

Telenet Japan Co.
Partially-based on Valis
The Official site of Telenet, the company that produced Valis.
The site still contains alot of the old items of Valis.
Click HERE to go to the old pages of Telenet where you can find the old Valis stuff.

3D Valis
Fully-based on Valis
This is a Japanese site, but it has some English pages too. It's unique with it's 3D Valis images.
There are plenty of items there.

Valis Coliseum
Fully-based on Valis
The site seems to be Spanish, yet it seems great. Basically it is established for the unofficial fighting game Valis
Coliseum. Keisuke Nonohara and Shadow Blade are the ones working on this project.
Take alook at a teaser video for the game by clicking HERE.

Valis Fantasm Soldiers Forums
Fully-based on Valis
The most active, frequently updated, gathered so many Valis fans, and most exciting Valis forums ever. The forums is
talking about everything about Valis.
Also, if you would like to talk to me, you can find me there.

Sailor Valis
Fully-based on Valis
One of the most comprehensive fully-based Valis site, maybe an official website. It's a Japanese website, but almost talk
about every little thing of Valis, except hentai and new stuff.

Sonic Feeling
Partially-based on Valis
It doesn't really talk about Valis, but at least has few unique stuff of Valis that you won't find anywhere else.

Super Valis IV
Fully-based on Valis
It's not an official site, most properly it's a fan's site. But it really handled almost everything related to Super Valis IV.
Very excellent site.

White Diary
Partially-based on Valis
A Japanese website, has some stuff of Valis. But, it's unique because it talks about everything related to Valis game (The
NES Version).

Fully-based on Valis
Another just so awesome Japanese site. Contains some stuff of Valis that are funny, but also so unique, and gives more
details about Valis.

If you would like  to know detailed information about a Valis character, you're in the right place.
Select a character from the below list to view the character's autobiography:



































Yuko Ahso


Full Name:
Called as:
Fight Style:
Elemental Powers:
Favourite Color:

Lena Brande
Lena / Valis Warrior Lena
The New Legendary Fantasm Soldier
The Legendary Valis Sword
Yuko (Friend), Cham (Friend & Leader), Valna (Friend & Princess), Ahm (Twin Sister), and
Asfal (Friend)
General Sports, shopping, and helping others
Loneliness, and red color



Strange Facts


*   Gallagher's brutal invasion almost crashed everything and everyone, but her incredible courage overcame all
*   As brave as always, she is also very sensitive little girl that her tears may fall down any moment.
*   She fought and defeated Gallagher, but she didn't really avenaged her sister's death the way she would liked to, just
because she respected Asfal so much.
*   She saw Yuko-Reiko's destiny once she touched the Valis sword. She knew that being the Valis warrior means her fate
would change to be painful. She accepted being the Valis warrior to save everyone from Gallagher's invasion, but later
after Ahm's death, her thought of continuing being the Valis warrior may have changed.

Strange Facts

Mission 1:
Mission 2:
Mission 3:
Mission 4:
Mission 5:
Mission 6:
Mission 7:
Mission 8:
Mission 9:

Defend Dreamland from Gallagher's invasion
Resist the Red Moon Forces
Rescue princess Valna
Reach Yuko
Pass Yuko's test
Be the Valis warrior
Rescue princess Valna, second try
Avenge Ahm's death
Handle being the Valis warrior




Full Name:
Called As:
Fight Style:
Elemental Powers:
Favourite Color:

Reiko Kirishima
Dark World, then Dreamland
The Dark Forces General of Rogles's Army
A dark sword equipped with a piece of dark jewel of Valis
Yuko (Friend), and Rogles (Leader)
Staying alone, and silence
Parents, friends, happy people, herself, and everything else

*   She was able to kill Yuko many times, so easily, but wanted her to stay alive.
*   She never had friends, even Yuko, she was merely her classmate, not friend.
*   She had only one good friend, for few seconds, Yuko.
*   It seems to be that  she was brainwashed by Rogles, but that's not true, She thought of joining the Dark Forces to
escape from humans, but in the end, she discovered that she can't escape by joining the Dark Forces, and thought that
dying is the best soluation to escape.
*   She failed in all of her missions when she was alive, intendedly.
*   She disappeared forever. But still, her existence maybe possible, as a soul, angel, or memory..
*   Among all Valis characters, She's the only human.

Mission 1:
Mission 2:
Mission 3:
Mission 4:
Mission 5:
Mission 6:
Mission 7:

Escape from humans
Assassinating Yuko
Getting the Valis sword, and giving it to the Dark Lord
Stopping the Fantasm Soldier Yuko from approaching Rogles's Castle
Helping Yuko by showing her the way to Castle Vanity
Defend Yuko before Megas finishes her off
Helping Yuko by making her believe in Valis and herself



Full Name:
Called As:
Fight Style:
Elemental Powers:
Favourite Color:

Valna / Princess Valna
The New Princess of Dreamland
The Holy Staff
Elemental Wizard
Valia (Mother & Leader), Yuko (Twin Sister), Cham (Friend), Lena (Friend), Ahm (Friend), and
Asfal (Friend)
Reading, learning, and playing with young kids

*   She never knew that Yuko is actually her twin sister, until her mother's death.
*   She knew that she will be the ruler of Dreamland, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.
*   She's a very sensitive girl, but had a very tough battle against Asura, the ice general of Glames.
*   She was defeated by all invasions, and got captured, maybe even in Rogles's invasion.
*   She would have been prisoned frozen in a mystical crystal forever on the tower of Gul if Valis wasn't powerful enough.
*   She look so much like her twin sister Yuko, but their personalities and behaviours are totally different.
*   She did nothing useful against Gallagher's brutal invasion.
*   She has no relation to Ahso family.
*   She would get involved in a deathmatch against Yuko to rule Dreamland if Yuko wasn't exiled to the humans' world
when she was an infant.

Defending Dreamland from Rogles's invasion
Defending Dreamland from Megas's invasion
Defend Dreamland from Glames's invasion
Supporting Yuko making Valis reaches its full power
Saving Dreamland and the Real World from Glames's invasion
Helping evacauting the Dark Forces from the Dark World
Defend Dreamland from Gallagher's invasion



Yuko Ahso
Yuko / Valis Warrior Yuko / Syd
The Legendary Fantasm Soldier
The legendary Valis sword
Valia (Mother & Leader), Valna (Twin Sister), Reiko (Friend), Cham (Friend), and Lena (Friend)
Making new relationships, and sleeping
Everything related to school

*   She hated Reiko since the beginning, she always pretended friendship to avoid fighting with her even in school. Reiko
for her was just a classmate, not a friend. She became her friend after their battle.
*   She never knew that Valia is her real mother and Valna is her twin sister, until Valia's death. Her emotional reaction to
know this almost killed her.
*   It seems like the fantasm Soldier is never defeatable, but the truth is, she was defeat at least 4 times: By Reiko, by
Megas twice, and by Lena.
*   She lived in the humans' world even after knowing the truth that she's actually not a human.
*   Ahso is her humanoid last name, which is not her real last name since she's not a human in the first place.
*   "Yuko" is her humaniod name which is not her real name. Her real name is "Syd".
*   She would get involved in a deathmatch against Valna to rule Dreamland if she wasn't exiled to the humans' world
when she was an infant.

Mission 1:
Mission 2:
Mission 3:
Mission 4:
Mission 5:
Mission 6:
Mission 7:
Mission 8:
Mission 9:
Mission 10:
Mission 11:
Mission 12:
Mission 13:
Mission 14:
Mission 15:

Getting back to the Real World
Avoid battling Reiko
Avenging for Reiko's death
Gathering all pieces of the broken Fantasm Jewel
Rescuing Valia
Defending Vecanti and Castle Vanity
Returning the stolen Fantasm Jewel
Destructing empire of Megas
Getting back the stolen Valis sword
Rescuing Valna
Charging Valis sword to its full power
Saving Dreamland and the Real World from Glames's invasion
Stopping the Dark World from being absorbed by the Nether World
Sealing Leethus and Valis
Select the suitable Fantasm Soldier



Super Valis 4
Syd of Valis
Valis 2 (x68000)
Valis 1
Valis 3
Valis RPG V.2
Valis LAN Battle

Move the mouse over the items on the left to display information, and click on any of them for downloading.

All files here are downloadable. Some are official and some others are unofficial, but all of them are Valis-based.
Click on the items on the left to download them. You can click on the red-colored requirements to download them.


Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
Super Valis 4 is the american release of Valis 4. It's completely different than the original Valis 4. But somehow it's still

Super Valis 4
558 KB

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
Valis 2 in chibi mode!! That's called as Syd of Valis, also known as Valis Syd. It's so cute and funny.

Syd of Valis
265 KB
Sega Genesis Emulator

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
Valis 2 of the x68000 version is one of the most interactive games. The music, the story, and graphics are pretty
Warning: This game contains some blood, violence and nudity.

Valis 2 x68000 version
4 MB
X68000 Emulator

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
Valis 1 is the first game in the Valis series. The genesis version is so exciting and interesting. The animations is so well-
drawn but somehow little slow.

Valis 1
668 KB
Sega Genesis Emulator

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
This game is difficult, but the story and animation is so great.

Valis 3
740 KB
Sega Genesis Emulator

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
I was practicing some Java codes, and I thought of making a test with those codes. So, I thought of making a little
game. It's a cammand-line game developed by Java. You need Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to be installed in order to
play the game. The game is simple, put the game in different computers, then you can enjoy playing with your friends.
Only 2 Players are allowed to play, no more no less.

Valis LAN Battle
21 KB
Evil Reiko
JVM + 2 computers

Item Size:
Publish Type:
Developed By:
A command-line game developed using Java. You need Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in order to play the game.
It's a very huge game, has alot of things. You can fight some friends, and you can play with them.

Valis RPG version 2.0
376 KB
Evil Reiko

I'm the Devil
Red Rain
Soul of Valis
Valis: Eternal Dream

Move the mouse over any story title on the left to display information about that fiction, and click on it to start reading.

This is a group of stories written by fans. Once you read, you can't stop.
Recommendation: Don't read more than one chapter in the same day. Don't stop reading or take a break while you're in
the middle of a chapter. Don't count number of pages.


Currently Unavailable

Number of Chapters:
The story tells about a battle between Yuko and Reiko, who both are merely part of a game. How will they end this

Red Rain
One Piece Story
Christian Clark

Number of Chapters:
It's about a journey of a mysterious nameless girl, who's been chased by angel of death. Will she escape?

Soul of Valis
Evil Reiko

Number of Chapters:
Images By:
Lena, the Valis warrior, has lost her only sister recently. Is her last adventure really saved the worlds? Or is it just the

Valis: Eternal Dream
Evil Reiko

Number of Chapters:
Images By:
An  insight to the main villain of Valis 1. This story is a potential belief of the events of what made Rogles, King of
Vecanti, the person he was by the time of Valis I, eventually looking into his decent into a publicly unseen madness by
the time of Valis 3

I'm the Devil
Evil Reiko

Chapter 1:  The Unbelievable Escape
Chapter 2:  The Forbidden Truth
Chapter 3:  Adopted Child
Chapter 4:  Death's Fate
Chapter 5:  A Mother Hatred
Chapter 6:  The End
Chapter 7:  Black Bloodline
Chapter 8:  Sinful Revival
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:

By: Evil Reiko

Soul of Valis

His wings surpass the unreachable view of humans’ sight. His face, his eyes, are
absolutely.. deadly. Whether he has so dreadful, or so angelic, shape, he kills. His
duty is to kill. He is the only one who can kill. But, he never killed anyone. He can’t
kill anyone.
All type of humans pass by his hands: infants, kids, adolescent, adults… men,
women… nobles, filthy, orphans… poor, wealthy… innocents, guilty… slaves,
wizards, kings, and even prophets. Tenths, hundreds, thousands, millions. He killed
many, many, and so many people. He leaves no one alive.




When the victim meets him, there is no escape. It’s absolute death. The victim
can’t talk, can’t look, and then, can’t listen to anything, except to him. Just looking at
his eyes, the victim remembers the first moment of life to the last.
Also, he doesn’t talk to his victims. Simply, he just kills. He’s so hated due to his
continuous killing. But he always replies with: “I’m just an ordered slave who does
his job faithfully”. No one can listen to him, and always blames him. They even call
him as, Angel of Death.
He only talked to three people before he kills them; because they had curious-
twisted ending.



The first one had the longest life as a human being. So, the angel was just curious
and said:
“What do you think of it?”
“It’s too short. But it doesn’t worth it” the victim replied.
The second one was the greatest human ever existed. The angel was really scared
to kill him. Unexpectedly, the victim permitted the angel to take his life. The angel
was really surprised for this, because this human was given eternity.


The third one was… the last one. Not just the last one among the three, but she was
the last one among all. Actually, she didn’t suppose to be the last. For the angel, it
wasn’t so different to kill her, but she put him in trouble, a big trouble. She forced the
angel to select one choice of two: death… or sin.
Of course, the angel chose one of the two choices. In both cases, it’s the end. For
the angel, it was only one choice; the other was unselectable.
It wasn’t because of the two-choices issue; neither because she was the last
human, but… this girl has the strangest story. Somehow, for the angel, it was
troublesome, funny, but also, a challenge. She might be the reason to cause death to


It starts from here, after about two thousands of years since creation of mankind.
The worst couple of humans were just about to have a new baby. They were bad,
scary, wicked, devilish, and cursed. There was no sin they didn’t commit. And
therefore, there was no curse they didn’t experience.
The father, always cares to gain more power, and more money. He was a leader,
so he had his sword always with him. Just like everybody else, he obtained an
ordinary sword with a blue jewel. So many swords like those existed at those times.


The mother, was so beautiful, but also, unbelievablely insane about her husband’s
sword. She always cares for that sword, cleans it between every minute, and keeps it
somewhere very safe, and makes sure the sword is always underneath her sight. Her
husband never understood his wife’s concern regarding the sword; it was a very
ordinary sword.
The baby was born. She was a girl, inherited black eyes, and black hair. Although
she didn’t have that devilish scary manner, but she inherited to be cursed just as her
parents. When the baby was born, she was crying, but she cried for unusual period of
so long. Couples of moments just after her birth, the killer angel appeared! The
parents died for unknown reason, but what actually happened is something else.


At that moment, there were only the devilish parents and the new baby girl. Both of
the couple was looking at him. They never expected that such creature exist. They
were surprised, that they died just to see him; he had that dreadful face.
He took the parents souls. He was just about to leave, but he noticed, the girl was
looking at him and crying. He already know that infants can see angels, but he was
“Why is she crying and looking at me? I haven’t been ordered to take her life yet!
Is it because I’m taking her parents life? Properly, I will be here again soon to take
her too, when the time comes.”


Then the angel left.
The girl cried, and cried, for hours. No one is near by. No one can listen to her
tears. She has suffered deadly starvation and thirst.
The three-hours-old girl almost died, until, she found herself can move her hand
freely! She looked at her thumb, and it looked delicious. It was enough to feed her.
The second day, she found herself can move her legs and hands freely! Sometimes
she walks with four, and sometimes with just her legs. She didn’t understand as an
infant, but was able to find some food here and there on the ground.


The third day, the angel appeared! He wanted to know if this girl’s day has come,
but he wasn’t ordered to take her life yet. He wasn’t surprised to see her alive, neither
he was surprised to see her walking or finding food by herself. The girl, looked at him
with eye contact, but this time, she was just looking at him an eye for an eye. The
angel looked at the girl, he found her lovely, and beautiful. He started playing with
the girl and helping her gathering her food for few seconds.
The angel continued to visit her from time to time. For the girl, it was like some
kind of friendship. For the angel, he was just waiting for the order.


After a week since she was born, the angel was collecting some souls in a small
war that took place in somewhere. Just doing his job as usual. But, he noticed that it’s
the same place where the girl lives.
The evil enemy attackers defeated the defenders of the village, and started their
victory party, by killing the civilians, raping some young ladies, and stealing
everything they find. They killed almost everyone in the village, until they reached a
far small house in the village. The enemy dashed to the house. They weren’t surprised
to see a one-week-old girl alone; they thought that they had already killed her


Now, the angel is looking. It is going to finally occur, at least, is finally the end of
her life. But, for a moment, the angel started thinking: “No order? How will I take
her life without an order given to me? Maybe I will receive it soon”.
The enemies prepared their swords to kill the young girl. And then, it was given to
him, the order.
The angel started implementing the order. He appeared… to them! No one of the
enemies could wink. He took all of the enemies’ souls in the village, except the girl’s.


The frightened few villagers sensed a strange silence in the village. They started
looking around, and they found a lot of dead bodies everywhere, bodies of the
enemies and the villagers. They noticed a big bunch of dead enemies corpses at the
door of a far house, the girl’s house. They went to take a look, and found a girl
looking just straight without crying, neither with a smile; she was just neutral, like
nothing has happened. A couple of old villagers, who survived in the war, thought of
taking care of this lonely and lovely girl.
The villagers never understood anything. They started building the village again,
and thanks to the new neighbors, who united with the villagers to establish a much
more larger and stronger city.


After about a week, the old couple killed each other, for unknown reason. The
citizens soon knew about it, and then, took the girl, but no one wanted to take
responsibility of taking care of her, since life was difficult at those times. So, they sent
her to their king. The king loved the girl so much. He saw that she is so beautiful.
Just when the king held up the girl with both of his hands for the first time, the order
was given, and the king saw him, the angel of death appeared! The king fell dead just
by trying to raise her up.
She was accused that she’s a cursed devil. The citizens decided to burn the girl.
But, orders were given to take lives of those who wanted to kill her.


They were very scared to come near to her. The citizens allowed her to live in the
city, but they treated her brutally: shout at her, beat her, throw dirt at her, and
moreover, teach their young children to do so for the girl.
She reached the age of ten, and still, people never knew how and where does she
get her food, but they knew that she used to live in her original parents house. Also,
the food that she used to find on the ground, she never saw it again. She used to
gather her food from outside of the city, since no one sells to her or give her anything.


And soon, the enemies were at the sight of the city boundaries. Unfortunately, the
girl was outside to gather some food. She was returning to the city, but the main gate
to the city was closed. The girl was able to see the enemies not so far from the city.
She was crying at the gate guards to let her in. One of the citizens had an evil plan,
and told the leader of the army to send the girl to the enemies. The leader started
talking to her from behind the gate bars.
The leader: “Come over here, brave girl. What’s your name?”
“I don’t know, just let me in, I don’t want to die.” the girl cried.
The leader tried to trick the girl: “Don’t be scared. In fact, you are our only hope
to defeat the enemies. Everyone knows that you are so brave.”


The girl: “…!”
The leader: “Can’t you see? Everyone in the city stays far away from you because
they are afraid of you.”
The girl: “…really?”
The leader: “Here. Take this sword and shield.”
The girl receives a helmet and a small knife from behind the gate, equips them…
and barely can hold them: “They are… very… heavy.” She expressed.
The leader: “Now. Go! Go! Go!”


Walking while facing the ground, trying to pull up her head, and holding up her
knife, tightly.
She walked bravely to the enemies. The enemy army saw the girl coming close.
“Look what they have sent to us. Ha ha ha ha...” An enemy was teasing the girl.
The girl raised her arm to attack with the knife, but one of the enemy soldiers took
her helmet and knife from her.


“Bring them back! Bring them back! I’m going to kill you!” The girl shouting
angrily at the enemies.
Meanwhile, the citizens were looking closely waiting the enemies to die.
“Shall we kill her, my leader?” An enemy soldier talking to his leader.
The enemy leader to the girl: “Who sent you?”
“That’s not of your business, now tell your men to give me my weapons.” the girl
replied shouting at the enemy.


The enemy leader: “What’s your name, kid?”
“I don’t know.” said the girl with cute little angry face.
The enemy leader: “Ha ha ha ha… Looks like they have sent a brave girl.” Then,
he continued: “Take her to the tents, and take good care of her.”
An enemy soldier: “Of course we will take good care of her”, with an evil smile.
The enemy leader: “I’m serious about it. If anyone hurt the girl, he will pay. Now,
take good care of her, and feed her well; she looks hungry.”


“Why are you doing this?! I suppose to be your enemy! I thought you will kill me!”
The girl was shocked talking to the enemy leader.
The leader: “Killing... is not for kids.”
Next, just after few moments, a black huge cloud covered the sky. A sudden sand
storm is coming, and most importantly, orders were given, and he appeared! The sand
storm removed the entire enemy base and turned it to chaos. The enemy base was
destroyed. The angel eliminated everyone’s life, leaving no one alive. The girl was
thrown to the ground, holding her knife and helmet tightly, almost dead. Yet, no order
was given to take her soul!


Some dark scenes…. someone is burying something, in one of the corners inside
her house. Maybe it is her mother, she seems like a devil. Although she has never seen
her mother, but she was sure that this is her mother. And that thing seems to be
something that is extremely dangerous and powerful. That thing was shinning with
blessings. She can see her mother is taking a very good care of that thing, taking a
good care of it like taking care of her child, or even more…
Barely can feel anything, trying to open her eyes, she can see her right arm
bleeding. She stands up, full in mud. The girl can somehow breathe; she knew she was
still alive. The girl walks slowly to the city. When she was just close to the gate, she
raised her head, and the gate was opened! But, she saw the usual picture of so many
dead corpses around her.


Everyone in the city was killed. It seemed to be like if they all killed each other. She
never knew the reason of what happened inside the city, but it wasn’t important. She
went directly to her house, and specifically to that corner. She was powerless, yet, she
dug and dug in that corner. And there was really something buried.
It was only a sword with a blue jewel. She already saw a lot of these swords before.
She went out of her house with the sword in her hand. All are dead. No sense of life
in this place anymore, only the breath of winds can be heard, and the sound of her own


At this moment, she wondered why is she the only one alive among all. Maybe she
realized that she’s cursed.
The girl suffered a lot. She doesn’t know what to do anymore. She’s totally lost. And
again, alone… but not for so long, death appeared to the girl!
The angel looked at the girl, but she didn’t look at him. He felt sad for this strange
girl. An order was given, and he can’t make a sin. Just a second or less before he
received the order, she stood up, raised the sword as high as possible with all her
strength, and stabbed herself!


The young girl fell on the ground, dead.
It wasn’t surprising for the angel; many helpless humans end up like this. Maybe
the only strange thing, the angel never saw a human in this age thought of a suicide.
For the angel, it wasn’t important; it’s time to take her.
Even if this girl had miracles, it doesn’t make difference; her life has to be taken.
The girl’s story ends here, that’s what the angel thought. Unfortunately for him, he
couldn’t find her soul!


Chapter 1: The Unbelievable Escape

In a quick second, the soul taker searched the world, but he couldn’t find her soul.
Finally, a man was approaching to the little girl’s corpse. The angel started looking at
what was fated.
“Three versus sixty! And they were defeated! Looks like we really have weak
warriors.” The emperor was surprised for what he knew of news. Three criminals
assassinated a group of the emperor’s soldiers, while those sixty were outside the
empire protecting the emperor’s wife. All of the soldiers were murdered, including the

Eight days have already passed, and he is returning to his homeland hopelessly.
A middle-aged man called as “Spark”, has sharp eyes, and brown short hair. He
is merely a messenger who is sent by his emperor to talk to the western empire to join
them, support them defending Spark’s empire against the White Eagles.
“Your empire, or your lives. You have ten days to make up your decision.” Spark
always remembers the message that was sent by the White Eagles.

“The White Eagles are a united group of gangsters, seek to be the strongest and
wealthiest. They even call every soldier of them as a Hero, due to their high level of
battling skills. Each hero can defeat more than twenty soldiers by himself. The White
Eagles consist of thirty thousands of soldiers, which is four times more than the army
of our and your empires united.” The emperor of the western empire replied Spark
with negative answer.
On his way back, he saw an entire army was killed. And on the opposite side of the
dead army, he saw a fortified city, but seemed strangely silent.
Curiosity almost killed Spark. He walked inside the city, and was stunned to see
everyone in the city dead.

“What has happened here?” Spark was wondering. “Two sides of armies, but all
are killed without involving in battle! This is the strangest thing I have ever seen!”
The flesh and blood of the dead citizens seemed to be fresh, and still bleeding. He
observed everyone were slaughter, like if they had an internal war, and all of them
killed each other.
But all this wasn’t strange compared to what he saw in the middle of the city: a
young girl, about ten years old, was stabbed by a sword, in a posture like if the girl
committed a suicide!

“Why? Why such young beautiful girl at this age thought of a suicide? Or does it
just look like a suicide?”
The glittering in the blue jewel of the sword amazed Spark. That glittering was
more than just a glow, it was like; if the sword was telling Spark:
“Take Me”.
He couldn’t handle the glittering, extended his arm, and is about to take the sword..

While he was removing the sword from her body slowly, he felt… some kind of...
pleasure! It was like taking a soul out of a human. It looked really painful, but for
Spark, he had a fantastic feeling, for a reason that he never recognized.

While he was removing the sword from her body slowly, he noticed the girl was
shivering and… twisting in pain. He was sure that she was already dead!
While he was removing the sword from her body slowly, the killer was over Spark’s
head, waiting for the order.

“Finally. I found her. She’s here.” The angel thought happily.
It was already the sunset; Spark should hurry to his empire. He left the city.
“Spark, you came back!” The gate guards of the empire are greeting the
messenger. “Why do you have a sword, are you planning to join the army?”
Spark noticed some of the civilians are already abandoning the empire, escaping to
save their lives. The rest are still in the empire, but they are totally hopeless.

He went first to his house, to greet his family.
“Honey, I’m back!” Spark said with joy. But instead, he heard someone crying
inside. He rushed in searching the rooms, and found his wife..
“Your son… your eldest son…” She cried.
Spark: “What’s wrong? Is he sick? Is he hurt?”
Spark’s Wife: “Can’t you see? He is dead!”

“W.. What? How? When?” Spark was shocked.
“He.. he was just playing in the house... and.. and suddenly, he just fell dead.”
She answered.
Spark: “When?”
She said: “…in the sunset.. I think.”
The angel whispered: “Yeah. I’m the blamed as usual. I was ordered to take
him. I don’t care whether you like it or not; an order is an order.”
Spark was just about to leave, when…

“Where are you going? Don’t you care for your son? And… why do you have a
sword?” His wife shouted.
“This is not important now. I have a message to deliver.” He replied.
The wife: “…!”
Spark left and headed to the castle of the emperor.
“So, it’s decided, we’re dead.” the emperor replied after listening to Spark’s

“Why is everyone so despaired? We can win the war if we gave it our best shot.”
Spark said.
The emperor teased him: “Why are you so confident about this? You were hopeless
more than anyone else? And why do you have a sword, you are not a warrior!”
Spark replied: “We can’t give up now. We won’t allow a bunch of stupids take our
empire. We will pay everything we have for our homeland.”
The emperor: “The bunch of stupids are the White Eagles. You heard me, THE
WHITE EAGLES. Talk about yourself, we’re surrendering.”

Two days have passed, and the final event is about to start, the White Eagles are
on their way to break in. He never swung a sword before, but Spark was never scared.
He stood, alone, outside the empire waiting for them to come.
The picture of, the uncountable evil heroes coming toward the empire, didn’t make
any hesitation to Spark. Noises of the horses running towards… hearing the war
cries… and remembering his family…

When the spikes of enemy weapons were close to him, in fast motion, he closed his
eyes, unsheathed the sword, raised it backward, and swung it forward with all of his
strength. Only voice of the thundering sword slashing the wind, and nothing else could
be heard.
Couple of seconds… he is still alive, he doesn’t feel any pain of stabs or anything.
He doesn’t hear war cries. Opened his eyes, the heroes were looking at Spark. When
he observed it well, he draw a red vertical line of blood of dead bodies for the White
Eagles, a line that separated the criminals into two sides, one on left and the other on
his right.

After perceiving this, rage took over them, and intendedly they are going to attack
him with all their strength.
Spark was shocked and frightened, watching all the heroes are after his head,
coming all at once. This time, he put his hands over his head, and closed his eyes.
When suddenly, he opened his eyes, he heard a man saying: “What do you order
now, my emperor?”
“…Is… this… a dream, or… is it heaven?”  Spark asking.

“What’s wrong, my emperor? We have just congratulated you for saving the
empire. You defeated the White Eagles by yourself.”
Spark: ”…I… defeated the… White Eagles?”
The man: “Yes. We were watching you. You were just like a killing machine. We
could only see skulls of the White Eagles flying over us. No one of the heroes could
even scratch you. You are a legend.”
Spark noticed that he is still holding the sword.

Stood up, and headed to his house as quickly as possible. He opened the door, and
noticed his wife preparing her stuff to abandon the empire.
Spark: “What are you doing?”
“STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU MONSTER!” His wife shouted.
Spark: “But…”
The wife interrupted: “I SAID STAY AWAY. YOU ARE NOT MY HUSBAND.”

Packaged all her stuff quickly, took their only-left infant son, and left the empire.
Spark wasn’t given a chance to say a word.
Suddenly, he heard loud shouts outside his house. Went to check, and it was like a
revolution against him, people were raising signs of: “Leave us, Monster, Leave!”
He left the empire that he just saved, with the sword in his hand. Walking in the
desert, going to nowhere.

Then, he had an idea. He went running to that city where he found the sword, and
directly, to the girl’s corpse. He started looking at her beautiful young face, and
comparing it to the blue jewel’s glittering. He whispered to himself: “I knew it! I was
sure of this!” He repeated it once more.
“No way! This merely human could know what I should know?! No way!” The
angel was so shocked.

He was so flooded with happiness to know the truth. He returned running back to
the empire to tell everyone the truth. He was close to the main gate of the empire,
when suddenly, Spark fell down to a deep trap hole, got his bones broken, and lost his
When he woke up, Spark found himself chained in a guillotine, to be executed. He
was about to say the truth and be released, but… an order was given and he
appeared, before Spark could spell a word. He saw that magnificent angelic face. He
couldn’t move a finger, or tickle with his tongue.

The beauty of death fascinated Spark. In a fast moment, he remembered when he
was a playful child, the way he lived as a faithful guy, the days that he dreamed to
marry his wife, the time that he wished to have a son, the nights that he couldn’t sleep
annoyed by his lovely sons, and most importantly, the sword and the suicide-girl.
The beautiful face of death… had taken Spark’s soul before he lost his head.

People noticed that the sword had a strong shine after Spark’s death. Simply, the
shine killed anyone tried to pick up the sword.
The end was, wizards of the empire stood around the strange sword in a circle, and
started the ritual of the ultimate seal. The sword sank into the anonymous darkness.
The sword vanished. No human saw that sword again.

But, death was over them, over that empire, waiting for it, patiently. People of the
empire separated into three sides.
A group said: “It was wrong to send that cursed sword, now all of us will be
cursed. We should all regret for this sin”.
Another side said: “It is wrong to keep such evil thing between us.”
And the last side agreed to: “Whether this or that, it doesn’t matter.”

Death whispers to himself: “Bunch of bloodthirsty humans. They have a mind, but
they are not using it. The sword is not important. It’s only the key to the truth. The
truth… is what really matters. Now it’s lost. And all of you will lose something too.”
And finally it happened, an internal battle inside the empire was started. All of
them killed each other. That’s how this empire ended, but this is only how it looked
like; how it ended was like this:

An order was given, and he appeared!
It was only a moment to move from this world to the other, but also, it was a very
long moment of torment, for them, to be squeezed by hands of death, until every..
little.. part of their bodies, tasted the heat of indescribable flaming pain to their
throats.. the heat of breaking their bones, boiling their blood, pulling their flesh out of
their organs, just to suck out their souls.

Chapter 2: The Forbidden Truth

Somewhere else... in another world, after about few thousands of years since the
strange sword was sealed away from humans’ world…
Dreamland, is almost like the humans’ world, except that it’s a wonderful world,
people can use magic easily and efficiently, and monsters exist like wild creatures or
But it doesn’t make any difference between the worlds; orders were given, and he
was in her house!

She loved them so much, but she lost them all in one moment. “Vale”, her husband
died by a heart attack. “Verl”, her youngest son was kidnapped by the Dark Forces.
“Valeria”, her eight years old daughter made a forbidden dangerous ritual and killed
herself by mistake. All these events were fated when her eldest son, “Valis”, died by a
strange event: when a sword with a blue jewel came out from nowhere over him and
penetrated his head.
She couldn’t do anything, other than crying and mumbling some useless words.

Long purple hair, beautiful lustrous eyes, wide smile with a pair of small lips,
strongly wise, and lovely personality. “Valia” is an ordinary person of Dreamland.
Knock Knock Knock…
“Come…. come in.” Valia replied the knocked.

“Good evening!” Eliza, Valia’ best friend said. “I’ve received your portal-magical
message. Why you wanted me to come at this late hour? Is there something wrong?”
Valia explained everything to Eliza.
“Let’s see what will they do with the sword…” the terrifying angel whispered to
himself and continued observing the two ladies.

Eliza: “Maybe the Dark Forces learnt a new magical deadly charm to kill you
Valia: “If so, why haven’t I been killed? Also, charms can’t cause diseases, like
what happened with Vale, and can’t control other people actions, like what happened
with Valeria.”
Eliza: “But Verl was kidnapped by the Dark Forces. It’s so possible that the Dark
Forces are behind this!”
Valia: “I don’t think so. If that was correct, the Dark Forces would have murdered
everyone in Dreamland already.”

Eliza: “You’re right, it’s all fated, but.. I’m confused. I just want to know one thing:
who sent that sword?”
Valia: “I’ve no idea.”
Eliza: “Anyway, let’s talk to queen of Dreamland, Alice, maybe she can help us
discover the criminal.”
Valia and Eliza visited the queen, in castle Vanity, and explained everything.
“Since your child was kidnapped, it’s obvious, the Dark Forces are behind this.”
The queen confidently said.

Valia: “So… can you send an army… or just some soldiers to save my only child…
Looked at Valia angrily with opened eyes, Alice said: “You are joking, right?”
Then she explained: “The Dark World is so huge, as you well know. Monsters in there
are so powerful. Their military forces are much more strong than ours. Furthermore,
your child is not the first being kidnapped.”
Valia: “So… what do you suggest?”
The queen replied shamelessly: “Forget about him, your son is dead.”

Valia couldn’t control her anger: “You bastard! You say this because you are not
me. If it was you, you would do every possi…”
Alice interrupted: “Shut up! If I were in your position, it wouldn’t be different. Now
leave the castle before I judge you.”
“Ha ha ha ha…. Some people really think that they can judge! You will surely
know who is the only one who can judge… Soon enough.”  The killer is making fun
out of the situation.

Valia was just about to argue with the queen, but Eliza convinced her to leave
the castle.
After burying her family, Valia decided: “I’m going to rescue Verl.”
Eliza: “Are you insane? Do you know what’s the Dark World? You need a large-
number of professional military soldiers and monsters.”
Valia: “Don’t worry, I’m not going to battle any monster or soldier, I’m just
going to sneak in their base and save my child.”

Eliza: “As simple as this? You can’t reach the Black Castle because of the many
wild beasts of Dark World. And even if you reached it, you will never be able to sneak
into that extremely well-secured castle. And even if we assumed that you succeed and
sneaked in, you will never be able to make it out of the castle alive with your child.
And by the way, how will you do all this, and you don’t even have a weapon to defend
When she heard this, Valia looked at the strange sword.

Eliza noticed Valia’s facial expression: “No. Don’t tell me you are going to use the
sword that killed Valis.”
She looked at the sword, and certainly, at the blue jewel. It had unique and strange
fantastic glittering, like if it was telling Valia:
“Take Me”.
Valia touched the sword, gripped it, and raised it. It was so smooth and so light-

She didn’t accept, but in the end, Eliza couldn’t stand seeing her best friend going
alone by herself. She followed her.
With a magical ritual, through dimensions, they entered the Dark World. It was so
scary, so dark, and so silent. But they knew that this silence doesn’t mean peace at all.
Crawling behind the shadows of the trees, avoiding any step noise, and holding
their breaths. Fortunately, no wild monster noticed them.
Fortunately, the Black Castle is already within their sight-range; the ritual
randomly had sent them not so far from their designated destination.

Those horrible soldiers and monsters that surround the castle can defeat an army
in no time. There is no possible way to success in this, until it pinged in Eliza’s mind:
“It may work and it may not, but we have no other choice. I will disturb them. While
there are being annoyed, you sneak in.” Eliza suggested.
Valia looked at Eliza: “Is this what friendship has to be? Forget about it. There has
to be another way.”
Eliza winked with a smile: “Don’t worry about me, I won’t be killed.”

Valia wasn’t happy about this, but she thanked Eliza a lot and promised her to not
be late at all.
A blue thunder-strike was performed by Eliza, attacking the enemies.. the dark
forces reacted and chased her, while she was running scared.
Meanwhile, underneath shades of darkness, Valia sneaked in, but unfortunately
was noticed by few monsters that were patrolling the cages of hostages.
Unexpectedly, the monsters were slaughtered quickly by a slash she didn’t know
when she swung it!

There was only Verl being jailed. Valia slashed the cages.. even the walls of the
jails were destroyed! They had an easier path to escape from the Black Castle.
Valia was about to leave the Dark World with Verl, when she remembered Eliza.
She left Verl somewhere safe, and returned to her friend.
Her sight reached her friend, and her sword shredded the monsters into pieces in a
Eliza was horribly bleeding: “Moron! Now there is no way you can escape. You
can run but I can’t. RUN VALIA RUN, NOW!”

More and more monsters and soldiers are coming.. Thousands and thousands.
Valia had a feeling whispered to her to hit the ground with the sword.. She raised it up
to the sky, and stabbed it to the ground with all of her strength.. a terrifying
earthquake shook the Dark World, absorbed many of enemy to fatal abyss.
The earthquake gave them sometime, to make the ritual of returning to Dreamland.
Valia, Eliza and Verl were finally able to escape.

Dreamlanders knew about Valia and Eliza’s adventure. And soon, the news reached
Alice. The queen recognized that if Valia stayed alive for few more hours, she would
take her place as a queen, since Dreamlanders will be demanding that.
Alice was just about to pronounce her order, when a faster order was given, and he
The queen died of a sudden heart attack. That’s what people of castle Vanity learnt.
But what really happened is something else.

The frightening angel raised hands of death to the skies, and pounced at the queen.
He pulled her to his face, moved nearer to her shocked sight, looking at her face-to-
face, eye-to-eye. She was just like a frozen chicken. For him, he was just doing his
common job. He screwed her with all of his strength by squeezing her, and continued
squeezing and squeezing… until her soul shredded her bones to ashes. Yet, he hasn’t
taken her soul out of her dirty body. He strongly pressed with both of his hands on her
ugly skull, until her soul exploded out of her nose. She ended like a tramped lizard
with widely shocked eyes of a frog.

Later, Valia was announced to be a legend. And she was put in the position as the
new queen of Dreamland. She got the title of “Legendary Fantasm Soldier of Valis”,
and sometimes called as “Valis Warrior”.
End of Alice, yet, this is not the end.
When Valia, Eliza and Verl finally arrived in their world at Valia’s house, it was
just a couple of seconds of happiness to make it all this way to success in such
impossible mission, an order was given, and the little boy.. saw him! The boy’s nerves
were frozen. The beautiful face of the killer angel looked at him, the boy was an
ordinary one, and it doesn’t make any difference or anything special. He just took the
child’s life and left. After all this, they saw Verl fell dead for unknown reason.

After a couple of months of living alone, Valia discovered that she’s pregnant. She
wasn’t so glad to know this; she remembered something, looked at the sword.. the
sword wasn’t shining at all. It was very deep dark inside the blue jewel.
Days passed, and the blue jewel looked darker, until it became almost like a black
jewel. Valia is about to have a new baby, and now, it’s time to end this loneliness.
Valia called Eliza to stay with her when the new baby is about to be born.

A new child was born. It was a beautiful girl with dark blue hair. Few seconds
later, and… another child was born, with light blue hair. Valia brought birth to twin
baby girls. Eliza looked at Valia’s face; Valia was happy to see the two babies, but
that didn’t last for so long. Valia’s faced changed and looked more serious.
“Take her... She’s yours.” Valia handed the lighter-blue-hair girl to Eliza.
“…!?” Eliza didn’t understand. “Are you serious? You don’t mean it?” A moment
of strange silence filled up the room.

“Is it because you can’t take care of two children concurrectly?” Eliza asked.
Again, Valia replied with blank answer.
“Valia! This is not a game. I can’t just take your child just like this. SAY YOUR
EXCUSE!” Eliza shouted angrily.
“…I… I can’t. I’m sorry Eliza. You’re surely my best friend, but I can’t tell you

This wasn’t so surprising compared to what Eliza saw next: Valia stood up, started
making a ritual that will send the target to the humans’ world without retrieval, the
other darker-blue-hair baby.
But all this didn’t stop Valia. The darker-blue-hair girl disappeared.
“…She’s gone!” Eliza was so terrified, “You… You really sent her! You never

Eliza then continued: “You call yourself a mother? You are not different than wild
monsters or the Dark Forces. No, you are even worse! I’m going to take care of your
daughter, but I will never ever give her back to you.”
Valia simply replied Eliza with a smile. Eliza was just about to leave with the girl,
but she turned her face back and said a last word: “One more thing: We’re not friends
Valia was happy and relieved. Of course, Eliza didn’t understand anything, unlike
her friend: Valia noticed that the sword got its beautiful glittering again.

Chapter 3: Adopted Child

Few thousands of years have already passed. Humans’ life developed a lot: modern
cities, guns, and more crimes. But humans totally lost all their magical powers that
they had long time ago, due to focusing only on logical materials.
She has dark blue hair, blue sparking eyes, nice personality, lovely and friendly.
“My name is Yuko Ahso, 17 years old student. I live in Tokyo, Japan, with my
parents in a small apartment. I don’t have any sister or brother, but I’m a happy
person; I have a lot of friendships.” Yuko usually says when introducing herself to
others, but this was before she had that nightmare. Now her introduction is something
else: “I’m Yuko.”

It was an ordinary day, just like everyday. The school bell rang, picked their stuff,
and students left the school.. except Yuko Ahso. She was waiting for someone outside
at the school gate.
“That voice… she said she wanted me to meet a friend here.” Yuko said to herself,
“Where is this friend? Why is she late? … Or dreams can’t come true?”
Few moments later, no one came. Yuko was about to leave, but she thought of
waiting a little bit. Clouds began pouring heavy rain.

After few moments later, “What’s wrong with me? Why am I here? That voice… it
was only in a dream. Why am I following a dream's instructions?” Yuko mumbled to
herself. But still, Yuko thought of waiting for a little longer.
“What are you waiting for, Yuko?” one of Yuko’s classmates was crossing by and
Yuko was confused: “Reiko!? Wh.. Why are you passing this road? Your house is on
the other side of the town!?”

Reiko: “I’m leaving the town, for awhile. But still, you haven’t answered my
question. What are you waiting for?”
Yuko got more confused: “Well.. it’s heavily raining; I don’t want to get wet.”
Reiko confidently said: “Don’t worry. You can’t get wet.”
Yuko: “…!?”
Reiko: “We’ll meet again… sometime… somewhere. Good bye for now.”

Reiko left.
Yuko thought: “What a strange person. Why is she mumbling some useless
words?” Then she recalled something, “…! Maybe Reiko is the friend that I was told
to meet! But that’s impossible. That… mean.. person… is going to be my friend! No
way. If she’s the one that I’m told to meet, then... what’s next? And what if she’s not?”

Got bored of waiting and felt like she’s going to be crazy if she stayed longer.
Unbelievably, the heavy rain suddenly stopped, the clouds were covering the light of
the skies, and then, many shadows from the ground started growing up and taking
their shapes. The shadows turned to creepy monsters, with huge claws, and sharp
spikes. They were so many, and they were all surrounding Yuko, intendedly, looking at
her… and no one else.
The student Yuko doesn’t even believe such things exist. She was too stunned that
she couldn’t move or think

The closest beast attacked with its huge fist at Yuko’s face. In a moment, she forced
her thoughts to move her body, but she failed to move anything, other than moving her
head. She’s been killed, if the beast didn’t miss.
A slender smooth light suddenly started appearing and shinning, as close as to
Yuko’s hands. The light started to materialize too, and took the shape of a sword, a
sword with a fantastically pure glittering blue jewel, like if it was telling Yuko:
“Take Me”.

Once Yuko gripped the sword, the creepy beasts opened their eyes, stepped a step
backward, and then.. ran away. They disappeared.
For few seconds, Yuko stayed frozen in her place, trying to figure something out.
“So.. this lady is my next victim.” The angel was looking at Yuko.

Yuko walked away from the school, and wanted to go back to her house. While
walking, she found herself going to somewhere else. Her mind and her legs are taking
her to somewhere else, but she didn’t refuse going to the unknown destination.
“What’s wrong with me? Where am I going!?” Yuko surprisely asking her own self,
and winking.
Just after a certain wink, she found herself in another completely beautiful place.
Clear blue skies, white followers, and strange shaped buildings, but they looked
awesome too. It was a colorful scene.

“This is not your time, not your place, but yourself.” A strange pretty woman, with
long purple hair, wearing a long white scarf talking to Yuko, “Welcome back to
Dreamland, Valis warrior.”
Yuko winked with her eyes, twice.
“I’m Valia, queen of Dreamland.” The pretty woman introduced herself.
Yuko: “Dreamland?! Just as I expected, this is not real.”

“I’m afraid you are wrong.” Then Valia continued and explained: “We,
Dreamlanders, have been involved in an eternal war against the Dark Forces, people
of Dark World. Unlike humans, we fight because our world is affected by the humans’
world. Crimes, sins, injustice, wrongness, and more, give the Dark Forces more
strength. On the other hand, justice, righteousness, goodness, and more support us.
The eternal battle is not a problem for us, since both sides are balanced.”
Yuko: “…”

Valia: “Humans’ world, Dreamland, and the Dark World, all of them are going to
encounter incredible tragedies. After we had the sword of Valis that gave us a great
strength, the Dark Forces experienced series of failures in the battles against us. But
now, they are depending on the humans’ hatred. They’ve invited and summoned the
most hateful human to their side.”
Yuko: “…?!”

Valia: “I’ve summoned you, because I don’t have any more strength to handle the
power of the Valis sword. I want you to capture that human, so that we can return the
balance to the worlds.”
Yuko: “You… You are silly. I will wake up now, find myself at the school gate, and
all this will disappear.”
Valia: “Capture that human, and I will send you back, Yuko”
“I don’t want to do anything like that! I’m not a warrior, I’m a student, and…”
While Yuko shouting at her, Valia was doing some kind of ritual. Then suddenly Yuko
asked: “How do you know my name? And… what are you doing?”

Yuko found herself in somewhere else, somewhere that is dark, black desert, and
strangely quiet. The skies never show mercy of the lights. She walked slowly in this
eternity of night, of course, she didn’t know where to head, but she was going, like if
she was guided. Yuko noticed that some wild monsters are hiding and observing her
steps. She wanted to avoid any battle, but instead, the monsters that she got near to,
try to escape and run from her. That was lucky for her, until she was at the doors of the
Black Castle.

Took a deep breath, held the sword tightly, and she was about to get inside the great
castle of darkness, when suddenly, she was pushed to the outside of the castle by a
strange person wearing and covering his face with a black scarf.
“Who are you?” Yuko shouted.
The strange person removed his scarf and said: “I told you, we will meet again,
Yuko”. The strange person said.

Yuko: “…Reiko!? Wh.. What are you doing here?”
Reiko raised her nose: “Possibly, the same reason why you are here. But this is not
important. You’re my enemy. I’ll finish you off, Valis warrior.”
Yuko: “Wait Reiko. You misunderstood. I’m not here to fight you; I don’t even
understand what you are talking about. I was…”
Reiko interrupted: “Don’t play innocent. You never liked me. You always hated me.
Not just you, but everyone else.”

Yuko said nicely: “We always wanted to be close to you. We always tried to be nice
with you…. but… you never accepted us.”
“SHUT UP.. YOU’RE LYING.” Reiko shouted, “No one tried anything like that.”
Yuko: “You don’t give us a chance to talk. But, we still try to come close to you.”
Reiko shouted insanely: “Shut up! Shup up! SHUT UP!!!”. Reiko unsheathed her
sword and prepares to battle.

Reiko rushed, and with a slash, attacked Yuko’s sword. Yuko fell on the ground, and
her sword also fell close to her hand. Yuko wasn’t hurt since Reiko didn’t attack her.
Reiko: “Stand up. Defend yourself.”
Yuko: “I.. I can’t fight you. I’m not here to fight you.”
Reiko: “If you don’t want, then it’s your mistake.”

The dark warrior, Reiko, punched Yuko’s face, and kicked her belly. Yuko didn’t
defend herself, and accepted receiving those. Reiko continued hitting her. She gripped
Yuko’s hair, and hit Yuko’s face to the wall of the castle, and attached it to the wall.
Reiko came close to Yuko’s ear, and muttered with evil voice:
“I’ll feed you more.”
Reiko pulled Yuko’s head from her hair backward, and hit it to the wall… once,
twice, and thrice. Yuko’s blood appeared on the wall.
“You’re not Reiko. YOU’RE NOT.” Yuko screamed in pain.

With smug gesture, Reiko replied: “In fact, it’s me, in best condition.”
Yuko: “Reiko is not like this. Maybe she’s bad, but not this much.”
Reiko spit in Yuko’s face, and said: “You are right. How about this much?”
Suddenly, she can feel the edge of Reiko’s sword, penetrating her left arm, and her
blood spread on the wall, she can see her own blood. Yuko in pain: “Aaahhhh…”
Reiko: “I’ll have some pleasure making you suffer more and more, until I had
enough, then I will cut your throat. HA HA HA HA…”

Reiko was pushed backward. Yuko turned and faced Reiko, picked her sword, and
didn’t look anymore friendly: “If this is what you want, then I will show you.”
Reiko confidently: “Wow! The nice girl finally spoke up. Show me your full
strength, because I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to finish you off, NOW.”
Yuko: “Don’t be so sure. I’m sure I can swing a sword, at least the one I’m

Yuko recognized that she couldn’t defeat Reiko. Reiko seemed so strong, more
professional, and powerful. But still, if this is the end, she will give it her best shot,
even if she can’t win this battle.
Both of the warriors, took their postures, prepared their swords, held them tightly,
charging up… and rushed to final crossing attack.
“I will receive it any moment now. At least, it would be one, and maybe, double
order.” The angel was waiting.

They are running… faster.. faster…. and so close to each other. Both of them fly to
the other, swung their swords backwards, and now, in a faster movement, at least one
will fall dead by swinging it forward against the opponent…
While flying, in a fast movement, she closed her eyes, raised her sword backward,
and now, Yuko is slashing with full strength.
They crossed each other…

While landing to the ground, Yuko didn’t receive anything! Was she faster than
Reiko? Did she win? Or is she already dead? That’s what Yuko was thinking while she
was still landing.
While landing, Yuko looked backward, and noticed that, Reiko didn’t even swing
her sword forward, instead, while flying, Reiko threw away and abandoned her sword
when she was so close to cross each other, and wanted to receive Yuko’s attack...
For Reiko, while landing, she looked backward; to look at Yuko, with a beautiful
innocent simple smile, like if she really thanked Yuko for attacking her.

…Her face, hit the rough surface, her body crashed to the ground due to the heavy
landing. Her blood spread into the skies, and her sword stained with her own blood
stabbed the ground close to her face.
Left shoulder, top left of the chest, right lower part of the belly, and high of the
right thigh… Reiko got a deadly injury, and swimming in her red pool.
“That was fatal.” The killer thought.
Once Yuko’s feet reached the surface, she rushed running to Reiko crying with:


Yuko… threw Valis sword away, sit close to her, picked Reiko’s shoulders, and put
Reiko’s head on her thighs.
She’s still alive. She still can breathe. She still can… or hardly try to.. open her
eyes. Reiko could do it.. she opened her eyes, half opened, struggling the pain of
death, and trying to say something..
Yuko looked at her, Reiko’s face, Reiko’s eyes… those red eyes. It was a painful yet
beautiful face, she had. A smooth drop of blood surfs from Reiko’s top forehead, to her
top of her nose, then splitting into two, on left, and the other on right of her nose, then
moving slowly, almost stopped, between her nose and her higher lip. Also, can be
seen, that drop of sweet shinning red blood coming out from the left of her pair of lips,
going down to her chin, and staining her neck.


Reiko, with half-opened eyes, can’t see anything. Just some foggy pictures. While
seconds are passing, her sight is becoming little clearer. She can, somehow, see Yuko’s
Yuko: “Reiko…”
Reiko: “It’s over. Hurry up... they are already taking over Dreamland.”
Yuko: “Reiko, you didn’t attack me on purpose?! You didn't fight your best on
Reiko: “What are you talking about? I’m not like you... I fought and lost… I’m
going to die… and that’s fine with me.”


Yuko: “Don’t be stubborn. You’re not like that.”
Reiko: “How do you know.. who I am?”
Yuko: “I know.. because you’re my friend.”
Reiko: “I’ve always been nasty to you. You don’t have to lie to me.”
Yuko raised her voice: “I’m not lying. You’re my friend!”
Reiko: “Don’t speak so loud; it hurts my wound.”


After a moment, Yuko stayed quiet. She wanted to say something, but she couldn’t
make her happier. Then..
Reiko: “Do your parents.. love each other?”
Yuko: “..Ye…. yes, they do.”


Reiko: “I thought so. I can see that in you.” Then she continued: “My family… is
quite different than yours. In my family, no body is friendly… and I don’t have any
friend. We’re well off, …but I was never happy. I hate to see happy people. I hate to
see friends talking to each other. I hate the smile in anyone’s face. I’m always mean to
people. I hate everyone… everybody… I hate the lovely Yuko who everybody proudly
talks about… I hate everyone…………. I hate myself.”
Yuko: “Reiko… what do you mean by this?” Then she remembered the last strike,
“Reiko. Please don’t talk.”


Reiko: “That’s why… I joined the Dark Forces. But the truth is…. I wanted to
escape somewhere.”
Yuko is loaded with tears, but she doesn’t want Reiko to see her crying..
Reiko: “Now, nothing matters… I’ve come as far as I can….. I’m here to die.”
She refused to allow Reiko to see her tears, she held them, and said:
“Don’t be silly. I promise… promise to help you.”


But, Yuko ended this sentence with her tears squeezing her cheeks; she couldn’t
hold it any longer.
“You’re… crying.. for… me?!” Reiko said, “Can I… can I… be …your friend….
can I?”
Yuko weeping: “Yes… yes… from now on, you’re always my best friend, from now
on forever.”
For the first time, she saw Reiko, closing her eyes, and smiled with a true face,
again, like thanking her.


A second later, an order was given. The girl that never smiled… died happily.
“Reiko! REIKO!!….. Rei…” She knew that her friend wouldn’t open her eyes
again. “Why? Why do we have to end this way?”
After burying her best friend’s corpse, she didn’t know what to do next in this
strange world, but she remembered something…


Turned her sight to the sword, came with rage, holding the sword, shouting and
blaming it:
“It’s all your fault! You guided me to this world. You brought me to Reiko. You
forced me to fight her, and kill her. I am sure of my feelings and my actions: I was so
angry, but not to kill her. You decided to strike her.  It was you who wanted to do it. It's
all your fault! If just… you didn’t exist..”
Now there is a bigger problem for the angel: he couldn't find Reiko's soul in her
body. But this one is different; the angel didn't receive an order!


Chapter 4: Death's Fate

Black hair, black eyes, and young pretty face…
In her childhood, Eliza was an ordinary orphan girl. Used to play sometime, and
cry sometime else. When she was about eight years old, Eliza used to hear about a
nice ordinary child in her age, known as “Valia”.

Everyone talks about Valia. Everyone admires Valia. Everyone likes Valia.
Everyone wants to be a friend of Valia.
Other than being so lovely, nice, friendly, helpful, smart and wise, Valia was also
beautiful, energetic, and fast-learner. She mastered a lot of magical difficult
techniques in short time.
She hated that kid named as Valia, until one day…

Eliza was practicing the blue thunder attack: a simple electric-like shot. Usually
manipulators of blue thunder attack use it for defending. It’s a weak attack, but useful.
It can somehow hurt, or at least, scare a wild beast.
“I can’t do it. I can’t do it.” Eliza shouting to herself.
Valia was passing by, when she saw a girl trying hard to learn this simple
technique, but she always fails.

“Need help?” Valia asked Eliza nicely.

“No thanks. I can do it by myself.” Eliza replied angrily, thought that Valia was
teasing her.
Valia stayed watching Eliza practicing.
Eliza tried again: she collected some internal powers to her both hands, raised her
hands up, and used her full strength aiming forward at the tree which was in front of
This time her strike almost hit the tree...

“Nice one. But, you don’t need to do it with full strength.” Valia commented, “You
can do it by one hand, instead of using both of your hands. Your aiming will be better
using one hand.
Eliza: “No one asked you for an advice.”
Valia: “Focus only on the central part of your hand.” Then she left.
“Like I care…” Eliza whispered.

This time, she tried: focusing her strength in both hands, raised her hands to the
sky, and stroke! But missed again. But this is not a failure yet.
Another try, she focused her powers in her right hand, raised it up, and stroke with
full strength… but no magical attack came out from her hand!
“Why did I waste my strength on that girl’s instructions? I knew it wouldn’t work.”
Eliza thought.

It’s becoming dark; she has to return to her house. She arrived at her aunt’s house,
opened the door. The house inside, was in chaos! The chairs are destroyed, the
windows are broken, the furniture is smashed, and most important, her old aunt is
“What happened, mom? Are you alright?” Eliza was surprised.
The aunt: “Don’t worry darling. I’m alright. it’s not a deep wound.”
Eliza: “What happened?”

The aunt: “A group of Red Beasts appeared.”
Eliza stunned: “Red Beasts! You mean, those incredibly powerful creatures
appeared in our house!”
The aunt: “Most properly they were sent by the Dark Forces. I was almost killed,
fortunately, some warriors of Dreamland arrived, saved me and killed those
monsters.”  then, she continued: “I’m glad you wasn’t here.”
After listening to this, Eliza felt the shivering of sorrow at her veins.

The next day, the same time, Eliza noticed Valia returning to her house.
“Valia…” Eliza, with shy face, said.
Valia: “Yes?”
Eliza: “…I’m… sorry for yesterday; I was rude to you.”
Valia smiled: “Don’t worry, I’m used to it.”

Eliza: “I really mean it. I’m sorry. I want you to forgive me.”
Valia smiled again: “That’ fine.. I forgive you.”
Suddenly, Eliza face turned to red, and tears appeared..
Valia: “What’s wrong!?”
Eliza: “I can’t do it! People always laugh at me. Valia… yesterday… I followed
your instructions, but I failed again. I can’t do it. Even younger kids can perform it.”

Valia: “Can you give it a try now?”
Eliza took her posture, prepared herself, concentrated as much as possible of her
strength in her right hand, and…
“Stop!” Valia interrupted: “Don’t use your full power. It’s a waste. Also, focus only
in a small part, in the central of your hand. Now, try it.”
Again, Eliza took her posture, prepared herself, concentrated as much as possible
of her strength in her right hand, focused in the central small part of her hand, raised
it up, and shot. It hit the targeted tree!

“I did it! I did it!” Eliza was so happy.
Valia: “Good. Next time, try to not lose your concentration of your strength in your
hand while raising it up. Just move it slowly and it will be a better strike.”
Eliza: “I… don’t know what to say, or how to thank you.”
Valia: “Well.. I have a request, I wish if you can assist me.”
Eliza: “You… asking……... me!? Sure! What is it?”

Valia: “What’s your name?”
“…Eliza.” She replied.
Valia with embarrassed eyes said: “Eliza… can you… or.. can we … be friends?”
Eliza got shocked: “The famous Valia, wants me to be her friend!? Stop joking.”

Valia: “I’m serious. People admire me so much, that they became so afraid to
speak to me. Besides, many others hate me.” She said it with sadness.
Eliza: “I want to be your friend too. You’re a very nice girl. Can I... be your
A moment of silence, then suddenly, Valia and Eliza started laughing at each other.
That was an unforgettable moment.

Eliza learnt so much from Valia to be a good person. And Valia had a friend who
always stood on her side. Even though, Valia was a great magician, Eliza didn’t learn
other than few basic techniques.
Few years later, they grew up, and still together. Valia got married, to a kind and
handsome guy, and had three kids.
Everything was just so fine, until that day, the day when that sword arrived with its

…Valia brought birth to twin baby girls. She gave the one with lighter blue hair to
Eliza for adoption, and the other baby with darker blue hair was sealed away to the
humans’ world. After this incident, their friendship was broken.
Knock Knock Knock…
“GO AWAY! GO AWAAAY!! GO AWAAAAAAAAY!!!” Eliza shouted at the knocks
of the door.
From behind the door: “It’s me, Valia.”

Eliza shouted again: “I know it’s you. Now GO AWAY!”
Valia: “I want to talk to you for a moment, please.”
Eliza: “Which part of GO AWAY you don’t understand? GET LOST.”
Valia left.
Few minutes later…

“Can you come, now?” Valia received a portal-magical message from Eliza.
Knock Knock Knock…
Seconds of silence, waiting outside, and then, the door was opened slowly.

They looked at each other an eye for an eye, for a second. Eliza noticed that Valia
brought that sword with her. Then, they stayed in a dark room. They didn’t talk neither
looked at each other. Valia was embarrassed to speak, and Eliza was sad to say
anything. They waited for sometime. Few minutes passed, yet, no one said anything.

Valia was about to say: “Do you know why…”
Eliza interrupted: “Why did you bring this sword in my house?”
Valia: “…I… I… want to tell you...”
Eliza with a higher voice: “Why did you bring this sword in my house?”
Valia looked down at the sword: “…”

Eliza: “You weren’t like this! You’re not Valia who I know!"
Valia: “...“
Eliza: “It’s all because of this damn cursed sword. The sword completely changed
Valia didn’t reply. But again, she looked at the sword. The sword was losing its
glittering and becoming pitch black.

After looking at the sword, Eliza recognized that Valia’s lips changed from neutral
state to sad. Eliza has never seen Valia in this much of serious sadness.
Eliza: “I know that telling the truth is always painful. But that’s the truth.
Valia interrupted: “THAT’S NOT THE TRUTH. The truth is much more farther
than what your eyes can see and what your ears can hear.”

Eliza stopped talking for a minute, then suddenly, with low voice, she said: "… I
hate it….. I hate it… I hate this sword…. I hate it….. I HATE IT!.... I HATE IT!!! I
Valia replied her shouts with shouts: "STOP SAYING THIS!"

Valia held the sword from both ends with her hands, and extended her arms to
Eliza giving the sword to her friend, and said: “Take a look at it.”
Eliza looked at the sword for a moment. The sword had a very strange white
glittering that was spinning around in the jewel, like if it was saying to Eliza:
“Look At Me”.

Eliza: “…It’s just a sword, nothing more, what's so interesting about it? But this is
not important. Why did you abandon both of your children?”
Valia: “…I didn’t abandon any of my children.”
Eliza: “You’re still lying to yourself!”
Valia: “I can’t give both of them to you, neither I can send both of them to the
humans' world. This is just an… exchange, a temporary exchange.”
Eliza: “…Exchange?!!”

Valia: “I’ll retrieve both of my children, but you have to take care of the sword.”
Eliza: “No way! I hate this cursed sword. I hate its glittering. I hate everything
about it. If you give it to me, I’ll destroy it immediately.”
Valia: “I knew this would be your answer since the beginning. That’s why I did
what I did.”
Eliza so angrily: “You still don't regret what you did!!??...... GET THE HELL OUT
“…but please……….." quietly Valia said, "take care of my daughter, while I take
care of yours.”

Chapter 5: A Mother Hatred

Double winked.. tried to understand this indirect puzzle of Valia, but Eliza didn’t
achieve to anything good. She had a feeling told her that what Valia is doing is
somehow right.

That evening, the baby was crying a lot. The adopted girl never stopped crying. It
was the first time for Eliza to take care of a child. Eliza thought of swinging the baby’s
cradle. Luckily, it worked: the baby girl fell asleep. She looked at the girl.. Eliza
noticed that the girl look so much like her mother.
Sleeping, so little, so beautiful, with shinning sky-blue hair, and quiet sound of her
breaths, that innocent baby girl. Eliza couldn’t name her other than “Valna”, since
that name is so unique, also, sounds so much like her mother’s name.

Few months later, suddenly the queen of Dreamland Alice died for unknown reason.
Almost all Dreamlanders chose Valia as the new queen. And it happened; Valia was
announced to be the new queen.
Valna grew up in Eliza’s arms, and became a beautiful tender girl, great magician,
but she never learnt that the legendary warrior and queen of Dreamland, Valia, was
her original mother.

As for the other girl who was exiled by her mother, Ahso family found the girl in
their house. They didn’t know when or how this infant arrived. In the beginning, they
didn’t know what to do with the girl. They thought of taking her to the police, but they
thought of taking care of her, since they don’t have children. The Ahso couple was very
kind. Therefore, she grew up and became very kind, friendly and helpful. She was
named as Yuko. Same as her twin, Yuko never knew that Ahso family is not her original

The eternal balanced war between Dreamlanders and Dark Forces continued.
Days passed, months, and years. More and more curses are coming to Valia’s life. She
already knew that, but she was struggling with patience.
17 years later, Valia became very weak. Dreamlanders were so much weaker than
the Dark Forces, but thanks to Valis sword, and the Valis warrior, the two sides are
still somehow balanced… but not for so long..

The new Dark Lord, “Millionx”, leader of the Dark Forces, gathered a large-
number of soldiers and monsters of Dark Forces, and about to prepare for the final
battle, to dominate Dreamland once and for all.
“But even with such good strategy, still… the Dreamlanders obtain that legendary
weapon; we won’t be able to defeat them.” One of the generals of Dark Forces
expressed to the Dark Lord.

Millionx: “As I explained before, by using that black-hearted human, everything
will turn to our side. Not even Valis can overcome that humans' power when her
darkness is unleashed.”
The general: “But, if we summoned that human, Dreamlanders will directly know
about it. As you well know, it’s magic, whenever it's used for summoning, everyone
knows about it. Once they know that we summoned a strong human, they will choose
their next Valis warrior, so that they become stronger than us again, or at least

Millionx: “We will assassinate the new Valis warrior once we know his identity. We
will know once they chose their new warrior. It's magic, as you said.”
The general: “But there is possibility that their new Valis soldier may not be
assassinated successfully.”
Millionx: "We will kill their new Valis warrior with our new warrior, that human,
Reiko, to guarantee the success of the assassination, then we will obtain the sword.”
The general: "So, when we will start implementing this plan?"
Millionx: "Today!"

The next few hours…
“My queen, the Dark Forces have summoned a human, a human with unbelievable
darkness!” One of Dreamland soldiers announced.
Valia: “They already felt my weakness.”
Valia asked her friend, but Eliza refused to wield the incredible power of the sword.
She wanted to give it to Valna, but the sword was losing its shinning when it came
near to Valna, like if it was expressing that Valna can’t use the sword’s power.

“A retrieval ritual? Does such ritual exist?” Eliza asked.
Valia: “It’s not a difficult ritual to perform, but it will work only in case that person
responds to my calls.”
The queen started performing the ritual, wishing to success:
“Yuko... Yuko… can you hear me. Yuko… Come back.” Valia said during the ritual
of retrieval.
Eliza: “Did it work?”

Valia was moving her face with a negative answer. Yet, Valia's facial expression
didn’t lose hope…
Eliza: “Then, what are we going to do now?”
Valia started making a ritual of sealing the sword, and exiling it out of this world.
Eliza: “Are you going to seal that cursed sword? Did you realize now that this
cursed sword is useless?”

Valia: “Actually, it’s the opposite. I’m going to use the sword to help me summon
that warrior.”
Valia said in her sealing ritual: “Yuko… Yuko… I know you can hear me. I want
you to meet a friend. Can you see… here… when the sun is at its top..”
The sword disappeared.

Reiko went for the purpose of assassinating Yuko, but soon she returned to the
Black Castle without completing her mission.
“Why did you return without killing her?” Millionx angrily asked.
Reiko: “I thought of having fun for sometime, by making her suffer little by little.”
Millionx: “You’re evil, but this is out of my plan.”
Reiko: “Don’t worry, I’ll kill her for sure. Just be patient.”

Millionx announced to the Dark Forces: “The time has come. Prepare yourselves.
Once Yuko arrive in the Dark World, we'll be going for counter invasion.” Then he
continued: “Reiko, you stay here waiting for the Valis warrior. Defeat her.”
Yuko received the sword. Meanwhile, Valia was making a ritual to retrieve the Valis
warrior with the sword. This time, it worked.
Arrives at Valia’s sight, the new Valis warrior Yuko, and was ordered to capture
Reiko as soon as possible. Valia made another ritual to send Yuko to the Dark World,
and succeed.

Eliza: “You must be tired of making so many rituals in short time. You should take
a rest.”
Valia: “Don’t worry about me. That’s my job as a queen. I’m responsible for the
safety for my people.”
“My Queen! The Dark Forces are already in Dreamland!” One of the soldiers

During Yuko’s journey in Dark World, trying to find Reiko, the enormous army of
the Dark Forces already took control of so many areas of Dreamland..
“Valna, please run to the new Valis warrior and bring her back as soon as
possible.” Valia ordered Valna, and continued: “Eliza, stay here with me in Castle
Vanity with the other soldiers; I need your backup to protect whoever can be saved
while Valna brings back the Valis warrior.”
Valna sent herself to the Dark World. She wasn’t surprised to encounter only few
and weak monsters on her way to Yuko, since most of them were already gone to
conquer Dreamland.

Valna used one of her magic to oversee the land, and luckily, Yuko was at the doors
of Black Castle, which was not so far from where she was. Valna reached Yuko, and
noticed that she was crying and shouting at the sword.
“You must be Yuko, the new Valis warrior. Come with me, we have to return to
Dreamland, right now.” Valna said in hurry.
Yuko shouted back: “Go away! I don't care anymore about your worlds and all this

Valna: “We’re running out of time. Please, you have to save Dreamland.”
Yuko: “Why it has to be me? Why not someone else? And why the Dark Forces
chose Reiko, not anyone else?”
Valna: “We’ll talk about this after saving Dreamland. Now, let’s go back.”
Yuko cried: “Don't order me. I’m not going anywhere!”

Valna: “…if… you want… to avenge your friend’s death, then… the person behind
all this… is already in Dreamland.”
With sharp eyes, accepted Valna’s idea, and returned to Dreamland, and
specifically, at Castle of Vanity.
It was a big surprise for the twins. All Dreamlanders have already been killed.
Only Eliza and few other soldiers of Dreamland were still alive. The Dark Forces
already took over Dreamland, and almost over Castle of Vanity.
But, the twins were more stunned.. to see queen Valia in that circumstance…

Valia.. was bleeding, from her arms, her legs, her chest, and from her forehead.
Her hair, and her white scarf turned to red, colored by her blood. She was bound with
chains, forced to stand on her bound feet. She was held by the Dark Lord, holding her
arm-chains raising it up and forcing her to stand. He was standing behind the queen,
and forcing her to face her allies.

Yuko was shocked, to see that angel-like queen known as Valia in this red picture.
“Hand me over that sword of yours, Valis warrior.” Millionx threatened Yuko.
“Don’t listen to him, Yuko!” Queen Valia, could barely talk, shouted with her
remaining strength.
Yuko: “You… you are the one who used Reiko for your dirty plan.”

Millionx: “You didn’t like her anyway. I thought that she would be useful as a dark
general. But it seems that her emotions defeated her. At least, she was useful to give us
sometime as a decoy.”
Valna: “Release the queen before I kill you!”
Yuko: “You can’t get away with this, you evil monster. You will pay! I’ll avenge
Reiko’s death with my hands!”
Millionx: “Evil monster, you said?! I’m sure you don’t mean me, but the one I’m
holding, right? Do you know who is this who you’re trying to save?” Millionx asked
while indexing to Valia.

Valna: “Do you think we don’t know our queen? Of course she..”
Valia shouted and interrupted: “DON’T LISTEN TO WHATEVER HE SAYS! HE’S
“The cruel monster, this cruel monster… is your mother.” Millionx explained, “She
banished you away to the humans’ world, Yuko, and abandoned you, Valna, to her
friend for adoption. She did all this to both of you… just for her own greed, to be able
to obtain the power of the legendary sword..” After a second, he continued: “Yes,
you’re sisters, you’re twins.”

Valna was shocked, and couldn’t believe this. She turned her face to her mother,
Eliza, as she thought, and asked: “Valia… is my mother?! This is not true, right!?”
Eliza didn’t reply. She felt guilty, but then looked at Valia, like if she was re-
directing Valna's question to Valia.
Stunned, and tried to think, Yuko whispered to herself with a low hearable voice:
“This can’t be real. This must be a dream. It has to be a dream.”
Valia: “Don’t listen to what he said. He's just trying to trick you.”

Millionx: “You look so much like each other, and also, look so much like your
mother. Valia did all this to keep the sword with her. This is the truth.”
“THAT’S NOT THE TRUTH.” Eliza shouted with anger.
Valia happily smiled to Eliza after listening to this. But, the twins couldn’t ignore
what they have just listened.

Millionx: “Give up the Valis sword, and I promise you that I will order my forces to
retreat from Dreamland.”
Yuko, looks at the sword. The destiny of Dreamland, is within her hands. The
sword, is the fate. The sword, may return peace again, and may destroy everything.
The sword, that killed her friend, may avenge her friend’s death, or may save her
mother’s life. It may save Dreamland, or devastate everything.

Yuko wants to avenge her friend, but that won’t bring anything.
Yuko handed Valis over the Dark Lord…
Valia: “NOOOO….!”
Once his fingers gripped the sword, his happiness couldn’t be described. For him,
this is the beginning of the greatest victory. Millionx looked at the sword, at its blue
jewel, but it was dark, it wasn’t glittering at all. But that didn’t mean anything to him;
because he holds the legendary Valis sword now.
Millionx: “You fool!”

Insanely, he moved the sword backward, and stroke at the bosom of the queen’s
chest mercilessly, forcing the sword penetrating her chest, to get out from her back.
His face was stained with her blood. He took the sword out of her, and then threw
away her corpse to her daughters carelessly.
The sword… fatally injured Valia.

They're so shocked, but the twins didn't know what to do other than throwing
themselves on the queen’s corpse, and cried: “Mother!.. Mother!..”
Valia, as a mother, was dying, and looking at her daughters, saying: "Forgive me..
my… daughters..”
Valna and Yuko with warm tears: "…Why?"
Angel of Death whispered to himself: "WHY? Answer! I need to know why more
than them, more than anyone else."
With fainted eyes, looked to her side, Valia looked at Eliza…

Chapter 6: The End

"Valis is in my hand! You're doomed. Ha ha ha ha.." Millionx said.

Eliza... tightens her teeth, tightens her hands, stands up, with eyes of fury, she
moves her left leg a step forward, opens her right gripper, gathering her internal
powers from her entire body, to the central of her right hand, with full strength,
holding it for a longer period, with full power...

Millionx: “The blue thunder strike? It’s a children’s technique to scare a pet. Even
with full power, it can’t kill a monster. You should already know this, Eliza.
Furthermore, it’s more than a sword to be stopped by magic. It's the LEGENDARY

The strength of the thunder power can be seen in her right hand, like an energetic
explosion.. she's about to fall unconsciously because of tiredness, but yet, she has to
focus, she learnt this technique from her best friend, and now she will use it to save
her best friend..

The power in her hand started glowing… but that's not enough to defeat Valis…
Eliza started focusing all her hatred in her, the power in her hand is now
overwhelmed of her limited strength.. the energy is changing from it's original blue to
Raises her hand and aiming at him, and now releases it with all of her strength like
a cannon.. Eliza shoots the blue thunder, that's is not blue anymore, the best-ever blue
thunder strike at Millionx..
Millionx, with a teasing smile, blocks the fast strike with the legendary weapon, or
he tried to block it.. the sword was blown away from the Dark Lord’s hand, blown
away out through a window of the castle, so far away.. the Dark Lord was crushed to
the wall, received a great damage..

Millionx was so shocked, but not more than Eliza. She didn’t believe that this weak
technique could defeat the legendary weapon.
“How come?!” Millionx was extremely stunned, but then, he smiled with
confidence, “Still… even without the legendary sword, you are weaker, and out-

After that strike that consumed all of her stamina, Eliza couldn’t resist. She was
easily captured.
Yuko was also bounded, but for Valna, she didn’t accept defeat. Valna resisted the
evil soldiers and monsters with various magical strikes, and crashed them one after
the other.. but soon, she lost her strength, and the Dark Forces seemed endless for
Valna. She was going to resist, but… seeing everyone else caught and depressed, she
couldn't struggle anymore.

She can’t win. They are too strong for her, and too many. Valna surrendered.
They were all captured.
With heart tougher than rock, the Dark Lord sits on the chest of the dying queen..
"Cough.. cough.." with blood Valia spits..

Valna's tears shouted: "Get off my mother, you bastard, you son of a…"
Millionx: "The war is finally over Valia. Aren't you happy? Haven't you always
been praying for this?"
A cold wind is coming, is passing.. the moment that recalls all moments, the feeling
of the end; an order was given… this time for Valia. He can't delay, the angel took her
Eliza shouted: " No, not Valia, No! VALIA!!! VALIAAAAA!!"

Yuko has been stunned since the moment she gave up the sword..
Millionx said to Yuko: “All thanks to your stupidity. You surely deserve to be
forgiven.” Millionx performed a ritual to Yuko.
Yuko disappeared.

Valna was stabbed so many times with small knives, to keep her alive, also, to
make her suffer the worst. Her place.. was just like a lake of blood.
Valna and the few remaining royal guards were pulled out of Castle Vanity as

Sound of dark footsteps…. Millionx came towards Eliza.. step by step..
Eliza was already exhausted. After seeing all this with her own eyes, she got a dry
throat, red eyes, and too-scared yellow pale face.. shivering, and crying, but even her
tears were scared to come out. Pain? Agony? Death?! What are they going to do?
She’s still young! She doesn’t want to be tortured. She doesn’t want to taste any pain.
She doesn’t want to die!

Now the Dark Lord's face is close to her face, that he can sense how terrified she
“As you believe, why don’t you call the one in the skies to save you, huh?” Millionx
teasing Eliza, then he looked away.. underestimating her, he said, “You don’t deserve
to live, but I will allow you to live longer, in somewhere, sometime, that you will never
sleep happily. I’d like you to suffer the most, suffer for eternity. I’ll send you
somewhere, sometime, in the very past, when wars and crimes filled up every land,
every second.”
She was crying for mercy, while Millionx was performing a ritual carelessly..
Eliza disappeared… the fading echo of her last screams is what only left in the

Yuko opened her eyes.. she can see the light again. It was only a nightmare, as she
thought since the beginning. She was at the school doors. Soon, she discovered that
Reiko is nowhere to be found.
Yuko continued her life normally, or tried living normally, but those last scenes of
that nightmare, were always in her mind, like if it wasn’t just a nightmare at all.

"Why? Why evil people are given longer life, while the good ones always die first?”
Yuko always wondered.
“It’s a simple method: Extending their happiness now, extending their infernal
torment later.” The angel answered silently.

Eliza opened her eyes, it was only a nightmare, but she couldn’t remember anything
anymore, other than the last images she already saw in that nightmare.
Eliza can't handle all this pain anymore. In this unknown world and time, Eliza
married a strong leader. He was also overwhelmed with sins, just like the new her.
Eliza noticed that her husband obtains the legendary Valis sword! She didn’t know
how did he get the sword, but she cared so much for it.

It was an ordinary sword with no powers, but still, she never cared for anything
other than the sword, and always believed that this is the legendary Valis sword. She
cared for that sword, more than her husband, more than her coming child, and even
more than her own self. Believing that, this sword, can change everything with its
incredible power.

The couple was bad, scary, wicked, devilish, and cursed. There was no sin they
didn’t commit. And therefore, there was no curse they didn’t experience.
Eliza got pregnant, and had a baby girl. But the devilish couple didn’t live longer
to see their infant: just after giving birth to the baby girl, an order was given, and he
appeared, to the devilish couple..

Chapter 7: Black Bloodline

Chapter 8: Sinful Revival

Chapter 9: Heaven Seeker

Chapter 10: The Chosen One

Chapter 11: Core of Life

Chapter 12: Divine Weapon

Chapter 13: Bloodless Bloodbath

Chapter 14: Exceptional Scene

All your wonderings and questions about Valis, you can find the answers in this section. Everything official of Valis is
placed here.
Select a topic from the below list:



Valis 1 (NES)
Valis 1 (PC88)
Valis 1 (MSX)
Valis 1 (PCE)
Valis 2 (X68000)
Valis 2 (PCE)
Valis 3 (MSX)
Valis 3 (PCE)
Valis 4 (PCE)
Super Valis 4 (SNES)
Valis 1 (Vodafone Mobile)
Valis 2 (Vodafone Mobile)
Valis X (PC)
Valis Syd (MSX)
Valis Complete (PC)
Valis Visual Collection (PCE)

Telenet Japan
Valis Comic (By ZOL)
Valis Online Music
Valis Voice Actors/Actresses
Valis Anime (Promotion)
Valis Blueprints
Valis Dolls
Valis Official Humors


Telenet Japan
Telenet Japan is a Japanese video game and software developer founded in October 1983 by Kazuyuki Fukushima.
The company is best known for the Valis series as well as its Wolfteam & RiOT divisions. The game reached a good
success that encouraged the company to produce more games of Valis. They continued produceing until 1993, and
stopped with Super Valis 4 & Syd of Valis.
Then, in 2006, fans expected something really special from Telenet as the 20th anniversary of Valis. A hentai game
was produced called as Valis X (pronounced as Valis Cross). The game is not even a game, it is only some sexual
pictures and sounds of Valis characters. Valis X encountered great failure.
Later, in 25th October 2007, Telenet shut down its doors because of the constant debt.
As far as known, no one is certain if Telenet is going to open its doors again or not, but the certain thing, Valis is
going on forever.

Valis Comic  - By ZOL
This is an official Valis comic, drawn by an artist called as ZOL. The comic is published as part of Comic-Valkyrie
It's the same story of Valis, but they are rearranging some scenes, and they changed some others. The story and the
graphics together..... this comic is really perfect, or almost perfect, because it contains a little of sexual-revealing
parts. Also, there is only Japanese version of this comic.
The comic reached volume 9 or 10.
To know more about this comic, visit Comic-Valkyrie website. Comic-Valkyrie also published the first release of Valis
comic in their site for free view.
Comic-Valkyrie Website
Valis Comic - First Volume

Valis Online Music
Several dimensions made Valis so unique than any other game, one of those dimensions is the music used in Valis
Valis music is not just like any game music, but it's expressing the story as well.
I couldn't provide the music due to some uploading issues, but at least you can listen to many of Valis music from
Telenet's website. Telenet itself couldn't provide the music as downloadable files because most of those music are big
files. You can check some music by visiting the below links:
Telenet Online Music
Valis 1 Ending Music - Miss Blue (Video - PCE)
Valis 1 Ending Music - Miss Blue (Video - PC88)
Valis 2 Opening Music - Sacred Sacrifice (Video - MSX)

Valis Animation
If there was a Valis anime, it would be very amusing, but unfortunately, there isn't a real anime. Maybe in the future
someone or some company realize that Valis really worth it.
Anyway, there is at least a short Valis anime that was produced as a commercial for the NES version Valis game:
NES Valis Anime Commercial (Short)
NES Valis Anime Commercial (Long)

STOP Music

PLAY Music

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Symbol 972 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 974 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 975 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 977 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 978 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 980 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 981 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 984 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 986 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 987 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 989 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 990 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 992 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 993 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 995 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 996 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 998 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 999 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1001 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1002 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1004 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1005 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1007 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1008 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1010 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1011 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1013 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1014 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1016 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1017 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1019 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1020 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1022 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1023 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1025 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1026 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1028 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1029 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1031 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1032 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1034 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1035 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1037 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1038 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1040 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1041 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1043 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1044 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1046 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1047 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1049 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1050 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1052 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1053 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1056 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1058 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1059 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1061 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1062 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1064 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1065 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1067 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1068 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1070 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1071 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1073 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1074 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1076 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1077 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1079 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1080 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1082 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1083 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1085 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1086 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1088 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1089 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1091 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1092 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1094 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1095 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1097 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1098 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1100 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1101 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1103 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1104 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1106 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1107 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1109 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1110 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1112 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1113 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1115 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1116 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1118 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1119 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1121 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1122 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1124 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1125 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1128 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 1129 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1132 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1133 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1136 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1137 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 1140 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (29); }
Symbol 1141 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1144 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (30); }
Symbol 1145 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1148 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 1149 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (29); }
Symbol 1152 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (32); }
Symbol 1153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (30); }
Symbol 1156 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (33); }
Symbol 1157 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 1160 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (34); }
Symbol 1161 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (32); }
Symbol 1164 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (33); }
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1168 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1170 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1171 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1173 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1174 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1176 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1177 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1179 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1180 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1182 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1183 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1185 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1186 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1188 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1189 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1191 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1192 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1194 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1195 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1197 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1198 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1200 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1201 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1203 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1204 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1206 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1207 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1209 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1210 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1212 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1213 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1215 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1216 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1218 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1219 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1221 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1222 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1224 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1225 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1227 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1228 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1230 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1231 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1233 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1234 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1236 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1237 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1239 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 1240 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1242 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1243 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1246 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1248 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1249 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1251 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1252 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1254 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1255 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1257 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1258 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1260 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1261 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1263 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1264 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1266 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1267 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1269 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1270 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1272 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1273 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1275 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1276 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1278 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1279 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1281 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1282 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1284 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1285 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1287 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1288 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1290 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1291 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1293 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1294 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1296 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1297 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1299 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1300 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1302 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1303 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1305 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1306 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1308 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1309 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (21); }
Symbol 1311 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1312 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1314 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1315 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 1317 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 1318 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 1320 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1321 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (25); }
Symbol 1323 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1324 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }
Symbol 1326 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (29); }
Symbol 1327 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1329 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (28); }
Symbol 1330 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1333 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1335 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1336 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1338 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1339 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1341 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1342 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1344 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1345 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1347 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1348 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1350 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1351 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1353 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1354 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1356 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1357 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1359 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1360 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1362 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1363 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1365 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1366 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1368 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1369 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 1371 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1372 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 1374 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1375 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 1377 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1378 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 1380 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1381 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1383 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 1384 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1394 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1457 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 1458 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 1459 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 1461 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (22); }
Symbol 1466 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1472 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1473 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1492 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1493 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1494 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1495 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1518 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1519 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1540 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1541 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1544 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (27); }
Symbol 1545 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1550 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (26); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:36 118 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 1544
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Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:36
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Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:16Used by:21
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:16Used by:21
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Symbol 24 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 25 TextUses:23Used by:35  Timeline
Symbol 26 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 27 TextUses:23Used by:35
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Symbol 29 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 30 TextUses:23Used by:35
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Symbol 32 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 33 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 34 TextUses:23Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:183 1545  Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:76
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:76
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:76
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:76
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:76
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:76
Symbol 74 BitmapUsed by:75
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:74Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:63 65 67 69 71 73 75Used by:96
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:81 82 83 591 592 593 628 629 630 660 661 662 690 691 692
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:81 82 83 591 592 593 628 629 630 660 661 662 690 691 692
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:81 82 83 591 592 593 628 629 630 660 661 662 690 691 692
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81 82 83 591 592 593 628 629 630 660 661 662 690 691 692
Symbol 81 ButtonUses:77 78 79 80 61Used by:96
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:77 78 79 80 61Used by:96
Symbol 83 ButtonUses:77 78 79 80 61Used by:96
Symbol 84 TextUses:23Used by:96
Symbol 85 TextUses:23Used by:96
Symbol 86 TextUses:23Used by:96
Symbol 87 TextUses:53Used by:96
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Symbol 89 TextUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 90 TextUses:53 23Used by:96
Symbol 91 TextUses:53 23Used by:96
Symbol 92 TextUses:88Used by:96
Symbol 93 GraphicUses:57Used by:96
Symbol 94 TextUses:53Used by:96
Symbol 95 TextUses:53 23Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:55 56 58 60 61 76 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 89 90 91 92 93 94 95Used by:1541
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Symbol 98 BitmapUsed by:99
Symbol 99 GraphicUses:98Used by:183
Symbol 100 BitmapUsed by:101
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:100Used by:183
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:183
Symbol 103 TextUses:59Used by:118
Symbol 104 TextUses:59Used by:118
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Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:118
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Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:147
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:182
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Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:182
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:182
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Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:182
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Symbol 259 TextUses:257Used by:1541
Symbol 260 TextUses:257Used by:1541
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Symbol 263 TextUses:257Used by:1541
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Symbol 303 ButtonUses:12Used by:455
Symbol 304 ButtonUses:12Used by:455
Symbol 305 ButtonUses:12Used by:455
Symbol 306 ButtonUses:12Used by:455
Symbol 307 ButtonUses:12Used by:455
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Symbol 309 ButtonUses:61Used by:455
Symbol 310 ButtonUses:61Used by:455
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Symbol 312 ButtonUses:61Used by:455
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Symbol 383 BitmapUsed by:384
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Symbol 540 ButtonUses:529Used by:702
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Created: 25/4 -2019 16:48:28 Last modified: 25/4 -2019 16:48:28 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:19:38