| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #51023 |
<p align="left"><font face="Quicksand Bold" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0:00.00</font></p> |
A |
Open to the outside world as the birth canal, the vagina is vulnerable to attack so it protects itself with an acid coating that kills all — including sperm. |
Keep your distance from the sticky walls of oozing acid — Touch them for too long and your little squirt will die! |
The cervix is an almost impenetrable maze defended by a slow moving, but deadly force of leukcytes (white blood cells). Hold SPACE to find your route. |
For most of the month, entry to the fallopian tubes is blocked. At ovulation one tube opens briefly, but, before sperm can enter they must pass another selection process. |
Riding the muscle contractions either side of the Uterus will help you get to the Utero-Tubal Junction faster. |
The Egg is the holy grail and only 1 Sperm will fertilise it. In the fallopian tubes sperm undergo a change that gives them the power to penetrate the egg (capacitation). |
Collect nutrients to delay capacitation until the egg appears. |
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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1function md5(string) { function RotateLeft(lValue, iShiftBits) { return((lValue << iShiftBits) | (lValue >>> (32 - iShiftBits))); } function AddUnsigned(lX, lY) { var _local5; var _local4; var _local3; var _local2; var _local1; _local3 = lX & 2147483648; _local2 = lY & 2147483648; _local5 = lX & 1073741824; _local4 = lY & 1073741824; _local1 = (lX & 1073741823) + (lY & 1073741823); if (_local5 & _local4) { return(((_local1 ^ 2147483648) ^ _local3) ^ _local2); } if (_local5 | _local4) { if (_local1 & 1073741824) { return(((_local1 ^ 3221225472) ^ _local3) ^ _local2); } return(((_local1 ^ 1073741824) ^ _local3) ^ _local2); } return((_local1 ^ _local3) ^ _local2); } function F(x, y, z) { return((x & y) | ((~x) & z)); } function G(x, y, z) { return((x & z) | (y & (~z))); } function H(x, y, z) { return((x ^ y) ^ z); } function I(x, y, z) { return(y ^ (x | (~z))); } function FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(F(b, c, d), x), ac)); return(AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b)); } function GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(G(b, c, d), x), ac)); return(AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b)); } function HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(H(b, c, d), x), ac)); return(AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b)); } function II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { a = AddUnsigned(a, AddUnsigned(AddUnsigned(I(b, c, d), x), ac)); return(AddUnsigned(RotateLeft(a, s), b)); } function ConvertToWordArray(string) { var _local2; var _local5 = string.length; var _local8 = _local5 + 8; var _local9 = (_local8 - (_local8 % 64)) / 64; var _local7 = (_local9 + 1) * 16; var _local3 = Array(_local7 - 1); var _local4 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local5) { _local2 = (_local1 - (_local1 % 4)) / 4; _local4 = (_local1 % 4) * 8; _local3[_local2] = _local3[_local2] | (string.charCodeAt(_local1) << _local4); _local1++; } _local2 = (_local1 - (_local1 % 4)) / 4; _local4 = (_local1 % 4) * 8; _local3[_local2] = _local3[_local2] | (128 << _local4); _local3[_local7 - 2] = _local5 << 3; _local3[_local7 - 1] = _local5 >>> 29; return(_local3); } function WordToHex(lValue) { var _local3 = ""; var _local2 = ""; var _local4; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= 3) { _local4 = (lValue >>> (_local1 * 8)) & 255; _local2 = "0" + _local4.toString(16); _local3 = _local3 + _local2.substr(_local2.length - 2, 2); _local1++; } return(_local3); } function Utf8Encode(string) { var _local2 = ""; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < string.length) { var _local1 = string.charCodeAt(_local3); if (_local1 < 128) { _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode(_local1); } else if ((_local1 > 127) && (_local1 < 2048)) { _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode((_local1 >> 6) | 192); _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode((_local1 & 63) | 128); } else { _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode((_local1 >> 12) | 224); _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode(((_local1 >> 6) & 63) | 128); _local2 = _local2 + String.fromCharCode((_local1 & 63) | 128); } _local3++; } return(_local2); } var _local6 = Array(); var _local5; var _local35; var _local36; var _local37; var _local34; var _local4; var _local3; var _local2; var _local1; var _local21 = 7; var _local19 = 12; var _local16 = 17; var _local13 = 22; var _local20 = 5; var _local17 = 9; var _local14 = 14; var _local11 = 20; var _local18 = 4; var _local15 = 11; var _local12 = 16; var _local10 = 23; var _local25 = 6; var _local24 = 10; var _local23 = 15; var _local22 = 21; string = Utf8Encode(string); _local6 = ConvertToWordArray(string); _local4 = 1732584193 /* 0x67452301 */; _local3 = 4023233417; _local2 = 2562383102; _local1 = 271733878 /* 0x10325476 */; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local6.length) { _local35 = _local4; _local36 = _local3; _local37 = _local2; _local34 = _local1; _local4 = FF(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 0], _local21, 3614090360); _local1 = FF(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 1], _local19, 3905402710); _local2 = FF(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 2], _local16, 606105819); _local3 = FF(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 3], _local13, 3250441966); _local4 = FF(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 4], _local21, 4118548399); _local1 = FF(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 5], _local19, 1200080426); _local2 = FF(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 6], _local16, 2821735955); _local3 = FF(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 7], _local13, 4249261313); _local4 = FF(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 8], _local21, 1770035416); _local1 = FF(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 9], _local19, 2336552879); _local2 = FF(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 10], _local16, 4294925233); _local3 = FF(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 11], _local13, 2304563134); _local4 = FF(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 12], _local21, 1804603682); _local1 = FF(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 13], _local19, 4254626195); _local2 = FF(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 14], _local16, 2792965006); _local3 = FF(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 15], _local13, 1236535329); _local4 = GG(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 1], _local20, 4129170786); _local1 = GG(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 6], _local17, 3225465664); _local2 = GG(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 11], _local14, 643717713); _local3 = GG(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 0], _local11, 3921069994); _local4 = GG(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 5], _local20, 3593408605); _local1 = GG(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 10], _local17, 38016083); _local2 = GG(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 15], _local14, 3634488961); _local3 = GG(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 4], _local11, 3889429448); _local4 = GG(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 9], _local20, 568446438); _local1 = GG(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 14], _local17, 3275163606); _local2 = GG(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 3], _local14, 4107603335); _local3 = GG(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 8], _local11, 1163531501); _local4 = GG(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 13], _local20, 2850285829); _local1 = GG(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 2], _local17, 4243563512); _local2 = GG(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 7], _local14, 1735328473); _local3 = GG(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 12], _local11, 2368359562); _local4 = HH(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 5], _local18, 4294588738); _local1 = HH(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 8], _local15, 2272392833); _local2 = HH(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 11], _local12, 1839030562); _local3 = HH(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 14], _local10, 4259657740); _local4 = HH(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 1], _local18, 2763975236); _local1 = HH(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 4], _local15, 1272893353); _local2 = HH(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 7], _local12, 4139469664); _local3 = HH(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 10], _local10, 3200236656); _local4 = HH(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 13], _local18, 681279174); _local1 = HH(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 0], _local15, 3936430074); _local2 = HH(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 3], _local12, 3572445317); _local3 = HH(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 6], _local10, 76029189); _local4 = HH(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 9], _local18, 3654602809); _local1 = HH(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 12], _local15, 3873151461); _local2 = HH(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 15], _local12, 530742520); _local3 = HH(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 2], _local10, 3299628645); _local4 = II(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 0], _local25, 4096336452); _local1 = II(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 7], _local24, 1126891415); _local2 = II(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 14], _local23, 2878612391); _local3 = II(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 5], _local22, 4237533241); _local4 = II(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 12], _local25, 1700485571); _local1 = II(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 3], _local24, 2399980690); _local2 = II(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 10], _local23, 4293915773); _local3 = II(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 1], _local22, 2240044497); _local4 = II(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 8], _local25, 1873313359); _local1 = II(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 15], _local24, 4264355552); _local2 = II(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 6], _local23, 2734768916); _local3 = II(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 13], _local22, 1309151649); _local4 = II(_local4, _local3, _local2, _local1, _local6[_local5 + 4], _local25, 4149444226); _local1 = II(_local1, _local4, _local3, _local2, _local6[_local5 + 11], _local24, 3174756917); _local2 = II(_local2, _local1, _local4, _local3, _local6[_local5 + 2], _local23, 718787259); _local3 = II(_local3, _local2, _local1, _local4, _local6[_local5 + 9], _local22, 3951481745); _local4 = AddUnsigned(_local4, _local35); _local3 = AddUnsigned(_local3, _local36); _local2 = AddUnsigned(_local2, _local37); _local1 = AddUnsigned(_local1, _local34); _local5 = _local5 + 16; } var _local46 = ((WordToHex(_local4) + WordToHex(_local3)) + WordToHex(_local2)) + WordToHex(_local1); return(_local46.toLowerCase()); } function encrypt(str) { enc_str = ""; len = length(str); i = 0; while (i < len) { shift = P(charFind(str, i)) + P(charFind(key, i)); pos = modulo(shift, mod); enc_str = enc_str + A(pos); i = i + 1; } return(enc_str); } function P(a) { return(table.indexOf(a)); } function modulo(n, mod) { return(n % mod); } function A(p) { if (p >= 0) { } else { p = mod + p; } return(table.charAt(p)); } function charFind(str, i) { i = i % length(str); return(str.charAt(i)); } function winMedal(medalId) { stageOfSending = 1; winningMedal = true; if ((user_key == "loading") || (user_key == 0)) { requestUserKey(); } requestMedalKey(medalId); } function requestUserKey() { user_key = "loading"; loadVariables (prefix + "/user/request_key", this, "POST"); stageOfSending = 2; } function requestMedalKey(medalId) { prefix = ""; transaction_key = "loading"; loadVariables ((prefix + "/medals/request_key/") + medalId, this, "POST"); stageOfSending = 3; } function watchKeys(medalId) { if (user_key != "loading") { if (user_key == 0) { stageOfSending = "fail"; } else if ((transaction_key != "loading") and (transaction_key != "failed")) { sendMedal(medalId); stageOfSending = "complete"; winningMedal = false; shownMedal = false; } } if (transaction_key == "failed") { transaction_key = "loading"; winningMedal = false; } } function showMedal() { if (((message == "success") and (medal_title != undefined)) and (medal_title != "old")) { _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "showMedal", ((((((((medal_title + ",") + medal_points) + ",") + medal_type) + ",") + medal_description) + ",") + user_points).toString()); medal_title = "old"; shownMedal = true; } } function sendMedal(medalId) { key = user_key; medal_key = medalId; part = (transaction_key + user_key) + medal_key; showThis = _root.md5(part.toString() + "wormhole"); enc = _root.encrypt(part + _root.md5(part.toString() + "wormhole")); loadVariables ((prefix + "/medals/win/") + enc, this, "POST"); user_key = "loading"; transaction_key = "loading"; medal_key = "loading"; } function giveTableId(table_id) { _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "loadTableId", table_id); } function giveScoresDivide(framesNo) { _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "scoresDivided", framesNo); } function giveGameId() { _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "loadGameId", game_id); } function giveGameSave() { _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "saveTheGame", dataToSend); } function sendScore() { giveGameId(); _root.jtvSender.send(connectionName, "sendScore", score); } function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = "__mochibot__"; mbc = "mochibot.com"; g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root)); if (g[mb + swfid]) { return(g[mb + swfid]); } s = System.security; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5))); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == "localWithFile") { return(null); } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = ((fv == 5) ? (getVersion()) : (System.capabilities.version)); u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(pv)) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : ""); lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv)))); g[mb + "level"] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = "_level" + lv; if (!eval (res)) { loadMovieNum (u, lv); } } else { res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); } return(res); } var table = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; var key = "juyenuwruca4asec*renakuguru37esweyes4uparuxeyerastadekepudruqufab"; var mod = length(table); jtvSender = new LocalConnection(); showThis = false; prefix = ""; winningMedal = false; user_key = "loading"; transaction_key = "loading"; medal_key = "loading"; stageOfSending = 0; var score = 0; connectionName = ("jtvConnection" + game_id).toString(); gotUserKey = false; gotTransactionKey = false; shownMedal = true; medalSend = false; sentScore = false; MENUchanged = new ContextMenu(); MENUchanged.hideBuiltInItems(); _root.menu = MENUchanged; stop(); __com_mochibot__("48db9469", this, 10301, true); onC4 = false; protocol = _url.substr(0, _url.indexOf(":")); if (protocol == "file") { } else if (protocol == "http") { doubleSlash = _url.indexOf("//"); server = _url.substr(doubleSlash + 2, (_url.indexOf("/", doubleSlash + 2) - doubleSlash) - 2); server = server.toUpperCase(); if (server.indexOf("WWW.") != -1) { server = server.substr(server.indexOf("WWW.") + 4, server.length); } if (server.indexOf("CHANNEL4.COM") != -1) { onC4 = true; } } hostServerName = server; if (onC4) { s.account = "channel4dotcom"; } else { s.account = "channel4widgets"; } loadS.gotoAndStop(1); play(); function configActionSource() { s = new com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource(); s.account = "channel4dotcomtest"; s.trackingServer = "webstat.channel4.com"; s.pageURL = ""; s.pageName = ""; s.charSet = "UTF-8"; s.currencyCode = "GBP"; s.trackClickMap = false; s.movieID = ""; s.debugTracking = true; s.trackLocal = true; s.visitorNamespace = "channel4"; s.dc = 112; } var s; configActionSource();Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] in Frame 1//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { account = ""; autoTrack = false; charSet = ""; dc = 112; debugTracking = false; moduleMediaVariables = {}; moduleMediaVariables.playerName = ""; moduleMediaVariables.trackVars = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.trackEvents = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.autoTrack = false; movieID = ""; otherVariables = {}; otherVariables.vmk = ""; otherVariables.cookieDomainPeriods = ""; otherVariables.cookieLifetime = ""; otherVariables.currencyCode = ""; otherVariables.purchaseID = ""; otherVariables.variableProvider = ""; otherVariables.channel = ""; otherVariables.server = ""; otherVariables.pageType = ""; otherVariables.transactionID = ""; otherVariables.events = ""; otherVariables.products = ""; otherVariables.campaign = ""; otherVariables.state = ""; otherVariables.zip = ""; otherVariables.hier1 = ""; otherVariables.hier2 = ""; otherVariables.hier3 = ""; otherVariables.hier4 = ""; otherVariables.hier5 = ""; otherVariables.prop1 = ""; otherVariables.eVar1 = ""; otherVariables.prop2 = ""; otherVariables.eVar2 = ""; otherVariables.prop3 = ""; otherVariables.eVar3 = ""; otherVariables.prop4 = ""; otherVariables.eVar4 = ""; otherVariables.prop5 = ""; otherVariables.eVar5 = ""; otherVariables.prop6 = ""; otherVariables.eVar6 = ""; otherVariables.prop7 = ""; otherVariables.eVar7 = ""; otherVariables.prop8 = ""; otherVariables.eVar8 = ""; otherVariables.prop9 = ""; otherVariables.eVar9 = ""; otherVariables.prop10 = ""; otherVariables.eVar10 = ""; otherVariables.prop11 = ""; otherVariables.eVar11 = ""; otherVariables.prop12 = ""; otherVariables.eVar12 = ""; otherVariables.prop13 = ""; otherVariables.eVar13 = ""; otherVariables.prop14 = ""; otherVariables.eVar14 = ""; otherVariables.prop15 = ""; otherVariables.eVar15 = ""; otherVariables.prop16 = ""; otherVariables.eVar16 = ""; otherVariables.prop17 = ""; otherVariables.eVar17 = ""; otherVariables.prop18 = ""; otherVariables.eVar18 = ""; otherVariables.prop19 = ""; otherVariables.eVar19 = ""; otherVariables.prop20 = ""; otherVariables.eVar20 = ""; otherVariables.prop21 = ""; otherVariables.eVar21 = ""; otherVariables.prop22 = ""; otherVariables.eVar22 = ""; otherVariables.prop23 = ""; otherVariables.eVar23 = ""; otherVariables.prop24 = ""; otherVariables.eVar24 = ""; otherVariables.prop25 = ""; otherVariables.eVar25 = ""; otherVariables.prop26 = ""; otherVariables.eVar26 = ""; otherVariables.prop27 = ""; otherVariables.eVar27 = ""; otherVariables.prop28 = ""; otherVariables.eVar28 = ""; otherVariables.prop29 = ""; otherVariables.eVar29 = ""; otherVariables.prop30 = ""; otherVariables.eVar30 = ""; otherVariables.prop31 = ""; otherVariables.eVar31 = ""; otherVariables.prop32 = ""; otherVariables.eVar32 = ""; otherVariables.prop33 = ""; otherVariables.eVar33 = ""; otherVariables.prop34 = ""; otherVariables.eVar34 = ""; otherVariables.prop35 = ""; otherVariables.eVar35 = ""; otherVariables.prop36 = ""; otherVariables.eVar36 = ""; otherVariables.prop37 = ""; otherVariables.eVar37 = ""; otherVariables.prop38 = ""; otherVariables.eVar38 = ""; otherVariables.prop39 = ""; otherVariables.eVar39 = ""; otherVariables.prop40 = ""; otherVariables.eVar40 = ""; otherVariables.prop41 = ""; otherVariables.eVar41 = ""; otherVariables.prop42 = ""; otherVariables.eVar42 = ""; otherVariables.prop43 = ""; otherVariables.eVar43 = ""; otherVariables.prop44 = ""; otherVariables.eVar44 = ""; otherVariables.prop45 = ""; otherVariables.eVar45 = ""; otherVariables.prop46 = ""; otherVariables.eVar46 = ""; otherVariables.prop47 = ""; otherVariables.eVar47 = ""; otherVariables.prop48 = ""; otherVariables.eVar48 = ""; otherVariables.prop49 = ""; otherVariables.eVar49 = ""; otherVariables.prop50 = ""; otherVariables.eVar50 = ""; pageName = ""; pageURL = ""; trackClickMap = false; trackingServer = ""; trackingServerSecure = ""; trackLocal = true; trackOnLoad = false; visitorNamespace = ""; }Frame 2play(); if (getBytesTotal() == getBytesLoaded()) { stop(); fader.target = "sMenu"; fader.gotoAndPlay(21); giveScoresDivide(25); } loadS.gotoAndStop(1); onEnterFrame = function () { loadAni.gotoAndStop(Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 10)); };Frame 3gotoAndPlay (2);Frame 4function muteGame() { if (muted == true) { fubar = new Sound(this); fubar.setVolume(100); muted = false; } else { fubar = new Sound(this); fubar.setVolume(0); muted = true; } } function moveSperm(target) { target.yspeed = target.yspeed + (0.5 * stime); target._x = target._x + (target.xspeed * stime); target._y = target._y + (target.yspeed * stime); distx = target._x - (target._x + target.xspeed); disty = target._y - (target._y + target.yspeed); angle = -Math.atan2(distx, disty); rot = (angle / Math.PI) * 180; target._rotation = rot; if ((target._y > 800) || (target._y < -300)) { removeMovieClip(target); } target.tail.gotoAndStop(20); target.tail2.gotoAndStop(20); target.aniTimer = target.aniTimer + (10 * stime); if (target.aniTimer > 27) { target.aniTimer = 1; } target.tail.ani.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(target.aniTimer)); target.tail2.ani.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(target.aniTimer)); } function createSperm() { spermId = spermId + 1; if (spermId > spermMax) { spermId = 1; } fountain.attachMovie("spermPa", "sperm" + spermId, 2 + spermId, {_x:285 + random(30), _y:600}); target = _root.fountain["sperm" + spermId]; target.id = p; target.xspeed = -20 + random(40); target.yspeed = -30 - random(8); if (target.xspeed > 0) { target._xscale = target._xscale * -1; } target.tail.gotoAndStop(20); target.tail2.gotoAndStop(20); target.aniTimer = 0; } function trackGameStart() { if (gameDoneStart != true) { domainName = hostServerName; s.linkTrackVars = "eVar1,eVar31,products,events"; s.linkTrackEvents = "event10,event31"; s.eVar1 = domainName; s.eVar31 = "The Great Sperm Race: Game Play"; s.products = "Games;The Great Sperm Race"; s.events = "event10,event31"; s.trackLink(s.pageURL, "o", " The Great Sperm Race Game Interaction"); trace(domainName); gameDoneStart = true; } } function trackLevelComplete(ldone, tdone) { s.linkTrackVars = "eVar31,products,events"; s.linkTrackEvents = "event5,event31,event43"; s.eVar31 = ("The Great Sperm Race: Level " + ldone) + " Completed"; s.products = ("Games;The Great Sperm Race;;;event5=" + tdone) + ""; s.events = "event5,event31,event43"; s.trackLink(s.pageURL, "o", "The Great Sperm Race Game Interaction"); } function trackGameComplete(ldone, tdone) { s.linkTrackVars = "eVar31,products,events"; s.linkTrackEvents = "event6,event13,event31"; s.eVar31 = "The Great Sperm Race: Game Completed"; s.products = ("Games;The Great Sperm Race;;;event6=" + tdone) + ""; s.events = "event6,event13,event31,"; s.trackLink(s.pageURL, "o", "The Great Sperm Race Game Interaction"); } function watchMedals() { if ((((medal215 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.boyDone) { medalId = "b61b3b4b38c84f64e5341da71802740949bc7469"; winMedal(medalId); medal215 = true; } if ((((medal216 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.girlDone) { medalId = "3107e420fb357a657535c4cb13837e39bf3ac40a"; winMedal(medalId); medal216 = true; } if ((((medal203 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.speedthrough) { medalId = "c8ead97230647e9a545ae125d807bf160caf8f63"; winMedal(medalId); medal203 = true; } if ((((medal207 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level1Perfect) { medalId = "63b70238741137e03b783a600f282653e9991484"; winMedal(medalId); medal207 = true; } if ((((medal212 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.collector) { medalId = "3ddf949f74198400817d23ce390b8c33b6832ba8"; winMedal(medalId); medal212 = true; } if ((((medal217 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level1SpeedRun) { medalId = "7635aaec6181d674a52870200a78ac624ee50223"; winMedal(medalId); medal217 = true; } if ((((medal218 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level2SpeedRun) { medalId = "066103a31d49c8a8ce01605e2bae3cd2e929c68a"; winMedal(medalId); medal218 = true; } if ((((medal219 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level3SpeedRun) { medalId = "0edc842ae25783303f468f193b6f989105eed4d5"; winMedal(medalId); medal219 = true; } if ((((medal220 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level4SpeedRun) { medalId = "325b4b1a3903605c428db7a25972fe18f5b07599"; winMedal(medalId); medal220 = true; } if ((((medal214 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.level2Perfect) { medalId = "0957418031d011b60db271b6fd1f6fb081300466"; winMedal(medalId); medal214 = true; } if ((((medal209 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.fiveRush) { medalId = "62ac81f88ded581f65adc7d0fad07bdb6a4bd560"; winMedal(medalId); medal209 = true; } if ((((medal213 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.perfectGame) { medalId = "5fe941c95203523744d83ae640b2bd0d19c229ae"; winMedal(medalId); medal213 = true; } if ((((medal210 != true) and (winningMedal != true)) and (shownMedal == true)) and _root.gameComplete) { medalId = "b62ad76a172f504b1b49f72634428f4d5904f910"; winMedal(medalId); medal210 = true; } if (winningMedal == true) { watchKeys(medalId); } if (shownMedal == false) { showMedal(); } } remove = true; _x = 0; _y = 0; hud._x = 300; hud._y = 250; fromMenu = true; currentLevel = 1; levelLimit = 4; levelShowing = currentLevel; stime = 1; playerDeaths = 0; _root.level1TimeLimitS = 1250; _root.level2TimeLimitS = 2000; _root.level3TimeLimitS = 1000; _root.level4TimeLimitS = 2250; spermMax = 50; spermId = 0; delayT = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { delayT = delayT + 1; if ((stime > 0.1) and (delayT > 10)) { stime = stime - 0.05; } stime = -((_ymouse - 300) / 250); if (stime < 0.05) { stime = 0.05; } if (stime > 1) { stime = 1; } if (random(1 / stime) == 0) { createSperm(); } p = 1; while (p <= spermMax) { target = _root.fountain["sperm" + p]; if (target._x != undefined) { moveSperm(target); } p = p + 1; } if (Key.isDown(77)) { if (mDown == false) { _root.muteGame(); } mDown = true; } else { mDown = false; } watchMedals(); }; if (onC4) { s.account = "channel4dotcom"; } else { s.account = "channel4widgets"; } gameDoneStart = false;Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] in Frame 4//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { account = ""; autoTrack = false; charSet = ""; dc = 112; debugTracking = false; moduleMediaVariables = {}; moduleMediaVariables.playerName = ""; moduleMediaVariables.trackVars = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.trackEvents = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.autoTrack = false; movieID = ""; otherVariables = {}; otherVariables.vmk = ""; otherVariables.cookieDomainPeriods = ""; otherVariables.cookieLifetime = ""; otherVariables.currencyCode = ""; otherVariables.purchaseID = ""; otherVariables.variableProvider = ""; otherVariables.channel = ""; otherVariables.server = ""; otherVariables.pageType = ""; otherVariables.transactionID = ""; otherVariables.events = ""; otherVariables.products = ""; otherVariables.campaign = ""; otherVariables.state = ""; otherVariables.zip = ""; otherVariables.hier1 = ""; otherVariables.hier2 = ""; otherVariables.hier3 = ""; otherVariables.hier4 = ""; otherVariables.hier5 = ""; otherVariables.prop1 = ""; otherVariables.eVar1 = ""; otherVariables.prop2 = ""; otherVariables.eVar2 = ""; otherVariables.prop3 = ""; otherVariables.eVar3 = ""; otherVariables.prop4 = ""; otherVariables.eVar4 = ""; otherVariables.prop5 = ""; otherVariables.eVar5 = ""; otherVariables.prop6 = ""; otherVariables.eVar6 = ""; otherVariables.prop7 = ""; otherVariables.eVar7 = ""; otherVariables.prop8 = ""; otherVariables.eVar8 = ""; otherVariables.prop9 = ""; otherVariables.eVar9 = ""; otherVariables.prop10 = ""; otherVariables.eVar10 = ""; otherVariables.prop11 = ""; otherVariables.eVar11 = ""; otherVariables.prop12 = ""; otherVariables.eVar12 = ""; otherVariables.prop13 = ""; otherVariables.eVar13 = ""; otherVariables.prop14 = ""; otherVariables.eVar14 = ""; otherVariables.prop15 = ""; otherVariables.eVar15 = ""; otherVariables.prop16 = ""; otherVariables.eVar16 = ""; otherVariables.prop17 = ""; otherVariables.eVar17 = ""; otherVariables.prop18 = ""; otherVariables.eVar18 = ""; otherVariables.prop19 = ""; otherVariables.eVar19 = ""; otherVariables.prop20 = ""; otherVariables.eVar20 = ""; otherVariables.prop21 = ""; otherVariables.eVar21 = ""; otherVariables.prop22 = ""; otherVariables.eVar22 = ""; otherVariables.prop23 = ""; otherVariables.eVar23 = ""; otherVariables.prop24 = ""; otherVariables.eVar24 = ""; otherVariables.prop25 = ""; otherVariables.eVar25 = ""; otherVariables.prop26 = ""; otherVariables.eVar26 = ""; otherVariables.prop27 = ""; otherVariables.eVar27 = ""; otherVariables.prop28 = ""; otherVariables.eVar28 = ""; otherVariables.prop29 = ""; otherVariables.eVar29 = ""; otherVariables.prop30 = ""; otherVariables.eVar30 = ""; otherVariables.prop31 = ""; otherVariables.eVar31 = ""; otherVariables.prop32 = ""; otherVariables.eVar32 = ""; otherVariables.prop33 = ""; otherVariables.eVar33 = ""; otherVariables.prop34 = ""; otherVariables.eVar34 = ""; otherVariables.prop35 = ""; otherVariables.eVar35 = ""; otherVariables.prop36 = ""; otherVariables.eVar36 = ""; otherVariables.prop37 = ""; otherVariables.eVar37 = ""; otherVariables.prop38 = ""; otherVariables.eVar38 = ""; otherVariables.prop39 = ""; otherVariables.eVar39 = ""; otherVariables.prop40 = ""; otherVariables.eVar40 = ""; otherVariables.prop41 = ""; otherVariables.eVar41 = ""; otherVariables.prop42 = ""; otherVariables.eVar42 = ""; otherVariables.prop43 = ""; otherVariables.eVar43 = ""; otherVariables.prop44 = ""; otherVariables.eVar44 = ""; otherVariables.prop45 = ""; otherVariables.eVar45 = ""; otherVariables.prop46 = ""; otherVariables.eVar46 = ""; otherVariables.prop47 = ""; otherVariables.eVar47 = ""; otherVariables.prop48 = ""; otherVariables.eVar48 = ""; otherVariables.prop49 = ""; otherVariables.eVar49 = ""; otherVariables.prop50 = ""; otherVariables.eVar50 = ""; pageName = ""; pageURL = ""; trackClickMap = false; trackingServer = ""; trackingServerSecure = ""; trackLocal = true; trackOnLoad = false; visitorNamespace = ""; }Frame 5remove = true; _x = 0; _y = 0; hud._x = 300; hud._y = 250; allowClickCon = false; onMouseDown = function () { if (allowClickCon) { trace("contin"); fader.target = "levelSelecter"; fader.gotoAndPlay(22); } }; onEnterFrame = function () { }; play();Frame 205allowClickCon = true;Frame 293stop();Frame 294remove = true; _x = 0; _y = 0; hud._x = 300; hud._y = 250; onMouseDown = function () { }; if ((fromMenu != true) and doMenuLoop) { play(); doMenuLoop = false; } if (levelShowing == undefined) { levelShowing = currentLevel; gameProgress = 1; } if (currentLevel > gameProgress) { gameProgress = currentLevel; } doneChange = false; doneShowScores = false; showScoresTimer = 0; levelShower.content.gotoAndStop(levelShowing); levelShower.content2.gotoAndStop(levelShowing + 1); onEnterFrame = function () { watchMedals(); if (showScoresTimer > 30) { doneShowScores = true; } else { showScoresTimer = showScoresTimer + 1; } if ((((levelShowing < currentLevel) and (levelShower._currentframe == 1)) and (doneChange != true)) and doneShowScores) { levelShower.gotoAndPlay(20); doneChange = true; } levelShower.content.gotoAndStop(levelShowing); if (levelShower._currentframe < 20) { levelShower.content2.gotoAndStop(levelShowing - 1); } else { levelShower.content2.gotoAndStop(levelShowing + 1); } if ((levelShower._currentframe == 1) and doneShowScores) { levelShowing = currentLevel; levelShower.content.gotoAndStop(levelShowing); levelShower.content2.gotoAndStop(levelShowing + 1); } };Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] in Frame 294//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { account = ""; autoTrack = false; charSet = ""; dc = 112; debugTracking = false; moduleMediaVariables = {}; moduleMediaVariables.playerName = ""; moduleMediaVariables.trackVars = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.trackEvents = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.autoTrack = false; movieID = ""; otherVariables = {}; otherVariables.vmk = ""; otherVariables.cookieDomainPeriods = ""; otherVariables.cookieLifetime = ""; otherVariables.currencyCode = ""; otherVariables.purchaseID = ""; otherVariables.variableProvider = ""; otherVariables.channel = ""; otherVariables.server = ""; otherVariables.pageType = ""; otherVariables.transactionID = ""; otherVariables.events = ""; otherVariables.products = ""; otherVariables.campaign = ""; otherVariables.state = ""; otherVariables.zip = ""; otherVariables.hier1 = ""; otherVariables.hier2 = ""; otherVariables.hier3 = ""; otherVariables.hier4 = ""; otherVariables.hier5 = ""; otherVariables.prop1 = ""; otherVariables.eVar1 = ""; otherVariables.prop2 = ""; otherVariables.eVar2 = ""; otherVariables.prop3 = ""; otherVariables.eVar3 = ""; otherVariables.prop4 = ""; otherVariables.eVar4 = ""; otherVariables.prop5 = ""; otherVariables.eVar5 = ""; otherVariables.prop6 = ""; otherVariables.eVar6 = ""; otherVariables.prop7 = ""; otherVariables.eVar7 = ""; otherVariables.prop8 = ""; otherVariables.eVar8 = ""; otherVariables.prop9 = ""; otherVariables.eVar9 = ""; otherVariables.prop10 = ""; otherVariables.eVar10 = ""; otherVariables.prop11 = ""; otherVariables.eVar11 = ""; otherVariables.prop12 = ""; otherVariables.eVar12 = ""; otherVariables.prop13 = ""; otherVariables.eVar13 = ""; otherVariables.prop14 = ""; otherVariables.eVar14 = ""; otherVariables.prop15 = ""; otherVariables.eVar15 = ""; otherVariables.prop16 = ""; otherVariables.eVar16 = ""; otherVariables.prop17 = ""; otherVariables.eVar17 = ""; otherVariables.prop18 = ""; otherVariables.eVar18 = ""; otherVariables.prop19 = ""; otherVariables.eVar19 = ""; otherVariables.prop20 = ""; otherVariables.eVar20 = ""; otherVariables.prop21 = ""; otherVariables.eVar21 = ""; otherVariables.prop22 = ""; otherVariables.eVar22 = ""; otherVariables.prop23 = ""; otherVariables.eVar23 = ""; otherVariables.prop24 = ""; otherVariables.eVar24 = ""; otherVariables.prop25 = ""; otherVariables.eVar25 = ""; otherVariables.prop26 = ""; otherVariables.eVar26 = ""; otherVariables.prop27 = ""; otherVariables.eVar27 = ""; otherVariables.prop28 = ""; otherVariables.eVar28 = ""; otherVariables.prop29 = ""; otherVariables.eVar29 = ""; otherVariables.prop30 = ""; otherVariables.eVar30 = ""; otherVariables.prop31 = ""; otherVariables.eVar31 = ""; otherVariables.prop32 = ""; otherVariables.eVar32 = ""; otherVariables.prop33 = ""; otherVariables.eVar33 = ""; otherVariables.prop34 = ""; otherVariables.eVar34 = ""; otherVariables.prop35 = ""; otherVariables.eVar35 = ""; otherVariables.prop36 = ""; otherVariables.eVar36 = ""; otherVariables.prop37 = ""; otherVariables.eVar37 = ""; otherVariables.prop38 = ""; otherVariables.eVar38 = ""; otherVariables.prop39 = ""; otherVariables.eVar39 = ""; otherVariables.prop40 = ""; otherVariables.eVar40 = ""; otherVariables.prop41 = ""; otherVariables.eVar41 = ""; otherVariables.prop42 = ""; otherVariables.eVar42 = ""; otherVariables.prop43 = ""; otherVariables.eVar43 = ""; otherVariables.prop44 = ""; otherVariables.eVar44 = ""; otherVariables.prop45 = ""; otherVariables.eVar45 = ""; otherVariables.prop46 = ""; otherVariables.eVar46 = ""; otherVariables.prop47 = ""; otherVariables.eVar47 = ""; otherVariables.prop48 = ""; otherVariables.eVar48 = ""; otherVariables.prop49 = ""; otherVariables.eVar49 = ""; otherVariables.prop50 = ""; otherVariables.eVar50 = ""; pageName = ""; pageURL = ""; trackClickMap = false; trackingServer = ""; trackingServerSecure = ""; trackLocal = true; trackOnLoad = false; visitorNamespace = ""; }Frame 295gotoAndStop (294);Frame 296timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { timer = timer + 1; if (timer > 50) { fader.target = "loadData"; fader.gotoAndPlay(21); timer = 0; } };Frame 306function searchAndReplace(holder, searchfor, replacement) { temparray = holder.split(searchfor); holder = temparray.join(replacement); return(holder); } function watchLoadResult() { trace(status_save); if (status_save == "ok") { sortOutLoad(); gotoAndPlay ("saveLoaded"); status_save = "loading"; } else if (status_save == "failed") { gotoAndPlay ("noSave"); status_save = "loading"; } } function sortOutLoad() { save_data = searchAndReplace(save_data, "0x2C", ","); save_data = searchAndReplace(save_data, "0x22", "\""); save_data = searchAndReplace(save_data, "0x3D", "="); save_data = searchAndReplace(save_data, "0x2E", "."); var _local2 = save_data.split(","); i = 1; while (i <= totalLevels) { if (_local2[i] != 0) { _root[("level" + i) + "Time"] = parseInt(_local2[i]); } _root[("level" + i) + "BananG"] = _local2[i + totalLevels]; if (_root[("level" + i) + "BananG"] == "true") { _root[("level" + i) + "BananG"] = true; } _root[("level" + i) + "TimeBeat"] = _local2[i + (totalLevels * 2)]; if (_root[("level" + i) + "TimeBeat"] == "true") { _root[("level" + i) + "TimeBeat"] = true; } if (_local2[i + (totalLevels * 3)] != 0) { _root[("level" + i) + "Score"] = parseInt(_local2[i + (totalLevels * 3)]); } i = i + 1; } _root.levelUnlocked = parseInt(_local2[(totalLevels * 4) + 1]); levelShown = levelUnlocked; } function loadData() { loadVariables ((prefix2 + "/save/retrieve/") + game_id, this, "POST"); } function saveData() { dataToSend = "data,"; i = 1; while (i <= totalLevels) { addIn = _root[("level" + i) + "Time"]; if (addIn == undefined) { addIn = 0; } dataToSend = (dataToSend + addIn) + ","; i = i + 1; } i = 1; while (i <= totalLevels) { addIn = _root[("level" + i) + "BananG"]; if (addIn == undefined) { addIn = 0; } dataToSend = (dataToSend + addIn) + ","; i = i + 1; } i = 1; while (i <= totalLevels) { addIn = _root[("level" + i) + "TimeBeat"]; if (addIn == undefined) { addIn = 0; } dataToSend = (dataToSend + addIn) + ","; i = i + 1; } i = 1; while (i <= totalLevels) { addIn = _root[("level" + i) + "Score"]; if (addIn == undefined) { addIn = 0; } dataToSend = (dataToSend + addIn) + ","; i = i + 1; } dataToSend = (dataToSend + _root.levelUnlocked) + ","; dataToSend = searchAndReplace(dataToSend, ",", "0x2C"); dataToSend = searchAndReplace(dataToSend, "\"", "0x22"); dataToSend = searchAndReplace(dataToSend, "=", "0x3D"); dataToSend = searchAndReplace(dataToSend, ".", "0x2E"); trace(dataToSend); _root.giveGameSave(); } stop(); gameQuality = "HIGH"; totalLevels = 12; prefix2 = ""; status_save = "loading"; save_data = "loading"; notLoaded = 0; levelUnlocked = 1; levelShown = levelUnlocked; onEnterFrame = function () { if (status_save != "loading") { notLoaded = 0; watchLoadResult(); } else { notLoaded = notLoaded + 1; if ((_currentframe == 1) and (notLoaded > 250)) { loadData(); notLoaded = 0; } } }; dataToSend = ""; loadData();Frame 330stop(); fader.target = "map"; fader.gotoAndPlay(22);Frame 345stop(); fader.target = "map"; fader.gotoAndPlay(22);Frame 363function aniScale(target) { sVar = 100 / _root.scaleVar; target._xscale = sVar; target._yscale = sVar; } function handleScoreShow() { if (hud.currentScore._alpha <= 0) { hud.currentScore.score = 0; } if (scoreTimer > 0) { activeScore = true; scoreTimer = scoreTimer - 1; } else { activeScore = false; } if (activeScore == true) { if (theMul < 2) { hud.currentScore.score = theScore; } else { hud.currentScore.score = (theScore + "x") + theMul; } if (hud.currentScore._alpha < 100) { hud.currentScore._alpha = hud.currentScore._alpha + 100; } } else { if (theScore > 0) { playersScore = playersScore + (theScore * theMul); theScore = 0; theMul = 1; } if (hud.currentScore._alpha > 0) { hud.currentScore._alpha = hud.currentScore._alpha - 10; } } hud.currentScore._x = (-xCamOffset) * scaleVar; hud.currentScore._y = (-yCamOffset) * scaleVar; } function resetGame() { play(); } function gameRules() { if (game.goal.hitTest((game.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + game.xOff, (game.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + game.yOff, true)) { if ((finished != true) and (timer > 20)) { finished = true; } } if (finished == true) { if (doneFinishAni != true) { if ((((timer < _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"]) || ((_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == undefined) and (timer <= _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"]))) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == NaN)) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == "NaN")) { targetTime = _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"] / 25; if ((_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] < targetTime) and (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] > 0)) { _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "TimeBeat"] = true; } _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] = timer; } if (theScore > 0) { trace(theScore * theMul); playersScore = playersScore + (theScore * theMul); theScore = 0; theMul = 0; } taretT = _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"]; timeScore = Math.round((taretT - timer) * 4); finalScore = 999999 - Math.round(_root.timer * 100); _root.score = _root.finalScore; _root.sendScore(); trackLevelComplete(currentLevel, Math.round(timer / 25)); if (currentLevel == 4) { addedTimes = ((_root.level1Time + _root.level2Time) + _root.level3Time) + _root.level4Time; trackGameComplete(currentLevel, Math.round(addedTimes / 25)); } if ((currentLevel == 1) and (_root.playersLife >= 100)) { _root.level1Perfect = true; } if (currentLevel == 1) { if ((timer / 25) <= 21) { _root.level1SpeedRun = true; } } if (currentLevel == 2) { if (_root.playersLife >= 100) { _root.level2Perfect = true; } if ((timer / 25) <= 27) { _root.level2SpeedRun = true; } } if (currentLevel == 3) { if ((timer / 25) <= 17) { _root.level3SpeedRun = true; } } if (currentLevel == 4) { if ((timer / 25) <= 69) { _root.level4SpeedRun = true; } if (_root.playerDeaths == 0) { _root.perfectGame = true; } _root.gameComplete = true; } saveTimes(); paused = true; if (_root.currentLevel < _root.levelLimit) { _root.currentLevel = _root.currentLevel + 1; _root.hud.fader.target = "levelSelecter"; } else { _root.hud.fader.target = "ending"; } _root.hud.fader.play(); doneFinishAni = true; stopAllSounds(); } finishedTimer = finishedTimer + 1; } else { finishedTimer = 0; if ((paused != true) and (introMode == false)) { timer = timer + 1; } if (timer > _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "TimeLimitS"]) { playersLife = 0; if (diedFromTime != true) { hud.timesUp.play(); } diedFromTime = true; } } if (finishedTimer == 10) { } if (((((_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == undefined) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == NaN)) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == "N/A")) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] < targetTime)) || (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] == "NaN")) { var _local2 = timer / 25; if (_local2 == Math.round(_local2)) { _local2 = _local2 + ".00"; } targetTime = _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"] / 25; if (targetTime == Math.round(targetTime)) { targetTime = targetTime + ".00"; } hud.displayThis = _local2; hud.displayThis2 = targetTime; hud.timeIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { var _local2 = timer / 25; var _local3 = _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] / 25; if (_local3 == Math.round(_local3)) { _local3 = _local3 + ".00"; } if (_local2 == Math.round(_local2)) { _local2 = _local2 + ".00"; } hud.timeIcon.gotoAndStop(1); hud.displayThis = _local2; hud.displayThis2 = _local3; } hud.displayThis2 = ("Max: " + Math.round(_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "TimeLimitS"] / 25)) + ".00"; theShow = Math.round(playersLife); if (theShow < 0) { theShow = 0; } hud.displayThis3 = theShow; if (_root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Score"] == undefined) { _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Score"] = 0; } hud.displayThis4 = _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Score"]; } function moveCam() { camTimer = camTimer + 1; _root["speedX" + camTimer] = game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed; _root["speedY" + camTimer] = game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed; if (camTimer == camSmooth) { camTimer = 0; } playerxspeed = 0; playeryspeed = 0; i = 1; while (i <= camSmooth) { playerxspeed = playerxspeed + _root["speedX" + i]; playeryspeed = playeryspeed + _root["speedY" + i]; i = i + 1; } playerxspeed = playerxspeed / camSmooth; playeryspeed = playeryspeed / camSmooth; xcam = playerxspeed * 12; ycam = playeryspeed * 12; if (xcam > (xr / scaleVar)) { xcam = xr / scaleVar; } if (xcam < ((-xr) / scaleVar)) { xcam = (-xr) / scaleVar; } if (ycam > (yr / scaleVar)) { ycam = yr / scaleVar; } if (ycam < ((-yr) / scaleVar)) { ycam = (-yr) / scaleVar; } if (playersLife <= 0) { } if (zoomPercent > 0) { ctx = (game.bike1._x + xcam) - (((game.bike1._x + xcam) - game.midCam._x) * (zoomPercent / 100)); cty = (game.bike1._y + ycam) - (((game.bike1._y + ycam) - game.midCam._y) * (zoomPercent / 100)); } else { ctx = game.bike1._x + xcam; cty = game.bike1._y + ycam; } focusX = 300 - (ctx * scaleVar); focusY = 250 - (cty * scaleVar); camXspeed = _x - focusX; camYspeed = _y - focusY; _x = focusX; _y = focusY; if ((playersLife > 0) and (game.startFert != true)) { yo = 0; if (yo < 0) { yo = 0; } if (_y > (game.topLimit + yo)) { _y = (game.topLimit + yo); } if (_y < (game.bottomLimit + yo)) { _y = (game.bottomLimit + yo); } } hud._x = (-_x) + 300; hud._y = (-_y) + 250; } function scaler() { var _local2 = game.carHolder.player1._x - game.player2._x; var _local1 = game.carHolder.player1._y - game.player2._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local1 * _local1) + (_local2 * _local2)); scale = scale - ((scale - targetScale) / 5); game._xscale = scale; game._yscale = game._xscale; scaleVar = game._xscale / 100; } stop(); nutsAround = 0; nutsCollected = 0; _quality = gameQuality; fromMenu = false; doMenuLoop = true; gameActiveTimer = 0; playersLife = 100; introTimer = 0; introEnd = 80; introMode = true; _x = 0; _y = 0; hud._x = (-_x) + 300; hud._y = (-_y) + 250; game.youMarker.swapDepths(2250); game.goalMarker.swapDepths(2251); game.goalMarker.gotoAndStop(2); gameTimer = 0; playersSpeed = 0; zoomingOut = false; zoomPercent = 0; wantedZoom = 80; waitToEnd = 0; soundAcidTimer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { watchMedals(); if (Key.isDown(77)) { if (mDown == false) { _root.muteGame(); } mDown = true; } else { mDown = false; } if (Key.isDown(16) and (gameActiveTimer > 25)) { _root.hud.fader.target = "restartGame"; _root.hud.fader.play(); } if (introTimer < introEnd) { if (currentLevel >= 3) { game.goalMarker._alpha = 0; } hud._alpha = 0; zoomingOut = true; introTimer = introTimer + 1; if (introTimer > (introEnd - 10)) { introTimer = introEnd; } if (introTimer < (introEnd / 1.3)) { thatScale = wantedZoom; zoomPercent = 100; targetScale = 8; } else { thatScale = wantedZoom; if (zoomPercent > 0) { zoomPercent = zoomPercent - 5; if (zoomPercent < 0) { zoomPercent = 0; } } else { zoomPercent = 0; } targetScale = thatScale * (1 - (zoomPercent / 100)); if (targetScale < 8) { targetScale = 8; } } } else { if (introMode) { paused = false; } introMode = false; gameActiveTimer = gameActiveTimer + 1; } if ((wallType == "acid") and (playersLife > 0)) { if (soundAcidTimer <= 0) { if (game.bike1.wheel1.touching || (game.bike1.wheel2.touching)) { acidBurnSound = new Sound(game.wheel1); acidBurnSound.attachSound("acidBurn"); acidBurnSound.start(0, 0); acidBurnSound.setVolume(60); soundAcidTimer = 30; } } else { soundAcidTimer = soundAcidTimer - 1; } } if ((playersLife <= 0) and (gameActiveTimer > 25)) { waitToEnd = waitToEnd + 1; if (targetScale < 100) { targetScale = targetScale + 2; } if (waitToEnd == 1) { deathSound = new Sound(game.bike1); deathSound.attachSound("death"); deathSound.start(0, 0); deathSound.setVolume(100); hud.deathEffect.play(); playerDeaths = playerDeaths + 1; } if ((waitToEnd < 45) and (_root.wallType != "acid")) { turnAddX = Math.cos((game.bike1._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * 0.6; turnAddY = Math.sin((game.bike1._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * 0.6; game.wheel1.xspeed = game.wheel1.xspeed - turnAddX; game.wheel1.yspeed = game.wheel1.yspeed - turnAddY; game.wheel2.xspeed = game.wheel2.xspeed + turnAddX; game.wheel2.yspeed = game.wheel2.yspeed + turnAddY; } if (waitToEnd > 75) { _root.hud.fader.target = "restartGame"; _root.hud.fader.play(); } game.midCam._x = game.bike1._x; game.midCam._y = game.bike1._y; } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (qualTog == false) { if (gameQuality == "HIGH") { gameQuality = "MEDIUM"; } else if (gameQuality == "MEDIUM") { gameQuality = "LOW"; } else { gameQuality = "HIGH"; } } _quality = gameQuality; qualTog = true; } else { qualTog = false; } if (((introMode == false) and (playersLife > 0)) and (game.tailConnected != false)) { if (Key.isDown(32) and (paused != true)) { zoomingOut = true; } else if (overrideZoom != true) { zoomingOut = false; } if (zoomingOut) { thatScale = wantedZoom; if (zoomPercent < 100) { zoomPercent = zoomPercent + 10; if (zoomPercent > 100) { zoomPercent = 100; } } else { zoomPercent = 100; } targetScale = wantedZoom - ((wantedZoom - 8) * (zoomPercent / 100)); } else { thatScale = wantedZoom; if (zoomPercent > 0) { zoomPercent = zoomPercent - 20; if (zoomPercent < 0) { zoomPercent = 0; } } else { zoomPercent = 0; } targetScale = thatScale * (1 - (zoomPercent / 100)); } } else if (introMode != true) { zoomingOut = false; } if (game.tailConnected == false) { if (targetScale < 100) { targetScale = targetScale + 2; } } if (Key.isDown(17)) { hud._alpha = 0; } else if (zoomingOut != true) { hud._alpha = 100; } game.calcSpeed(game.bike1.wheel2); game.calcSpeed(game.bike1.wheel1); playersSpeed = (game.bike1.wheel2.speed + game.bike1.wheel1.speed) / 2; player = game.bike1.wheel2; gameRules(); if (gameTimer < 10) { camTarget = game.bike1; } gameTimer = gameTimer + 1; offsetX = game._x; offsetY = game._y; if (targetScale < 8.5) { targetScale = 8.5; } scaler(); moveCam(); offsetX = game._x; offsetY = game._y; handleScoreShow(); if (zoomingOut) { if (game.youMarker._alpha < 100) { game.youMarker._alpha = game.youMarker._alpha + 20; if (currentLevel < 3) { game.goalMarker._alpha = game.goalMarker._alpha + 20; } hud._alpha = hud._alpha - 20; } aniScale(game.youMarker); game.youMarker._x = game.bike1._x; game.youMarker._y = game.bike1._y; aniScale(game.goalMarker); game.goalMarker._x = game.goal._x; game.goalMarker._y = game.goal._y; } else if (game.youMarker._alpha > 0) { game.youMarker._alpha = game.youMarker._alpha - 20; game.goalMarker._alpha = game.goalMarker._alpha - 20; hud._alpha = hud._alpha + 20; } }; playersScore = 0; finalScore = 0; timeScore = 0; activeScore = false; scoreTimer = 0; theScore = 0; theMul = 1; hud.currentScore._alpha = 0; xadd = 0; yadd = 0; bananTotal = 0; bananCollected = 0; paused = false; startedGame = false; finshedTimer = 0; finished = false; timer = 0; diedFromTime = false; doneFinishAni = false; table_id = currentLevel; if (table_id > 12) { table_id = 12; } if (table_id < 10) { table_id = "0" + table_id; } giveTableId(table_id); camTimer = 0; camSmooth = 10; i = 1; while (i <= camSmooth) { _root["speedX" + i] = 0; _root["speedY" + i] = 0; i = i + 1; } playerxspeed = 0; playeryspeed = 0; xcam = 0; ycam = 0; xr = 250; yr = 200; xcoff = 0; ycoff = 0; xcoff2 = 0; ycoff2 = 0; scale = 100; targetScale = 250;Instance of Symbol 162 MovieClip "bgColour" in Frame 363onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = ((300 - _root._x) / 2); _y = (((250 - _root._y) / 6) + _root.levelOffset); }Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] in Frame 363//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { account = ""; autoTrack = false; charSet = ""; dc = 112; debugTracking = false; moduleMediaVariables = {}; moduleMediaVariables.playerName = ""; moduleMediaVariables.trackVars = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.trackEvents = "None"; moduleMediaVariables.autoTrack = false; movieID = ""; otherVariables = {}; otherVariables.vmk = ""; otherVariables.cookieDomainPeriods = ""; otherVariables.cookieLifetime = ""; otherVariables.currencyCode = ""; otherVariables.purchaseID = ""; otherVariables.variableProvider = ""; otherVariables.channel = ""; otherVariables.server = ""; otherVariables.pageType = ""; otherVariables.transactionID = ""; otherVariables.events = ""; otherVariables.products = ""; otherVariables.campaign = ""; otherVariables.state = ""; otherVariables.zip = ""; otherVariables.hier1 = ""; otherVariables.hier2 = ""; otherVariables.hier3 = ""; otherVariables.hier4 = ""; otherVariables.hier5 = ""; otherVariables.prop1 = ""; otherVariables.eVar1 = ""; otherVariables.prop2 = ""; otherVariables.eVar2 = ""; otherVariables.prop3 = ""; otherVariables.eVar3 = ""; otherVariables.prop4 = ""; otherVariables.eVar4 = ""; otherVariables.prop5 = ""; otherVariables.eVar5 = ""; otherVariables.prop6 = ""; otherVariables.eVar6 = ""; otherVariables.prop7 = ""; otherVariables.eVar7 = ""; otherVariables.prop8 = ""; otherVariables.eVar8 = ""; otherVariables.prop9 = ""; otherVariables.eVar9 = ""; otherVariables.prop10 = ""; otherVariables.eVar10 = ""; otherVariables.prop11 = ""; otherVariables.eVar11 = ""; otherVariables.prop12 = ""; otherVariables.eVar12 = ""; otherVariables.prop13 = ""; otherVariables.eVar13 = ""; otherVariables.prop14 = ""; otherVariables.eVar14 = ""; otherVariables.prop15 = ""; otherVariables.eVar15 = ""; otherVariables.prop16 = ""; otherVariables.eVar16 = ""; otherVariables.prop17 = ""; otherVariables.eVar17 = ""; otherVariables.prop18 = ""; otherVariables.eVar18 = ""; otherVariables.prop19 = ""; otherVariables.eVar19 = ""; otherVariables.prop20 = ""; otherVariables.eVar20 = ""; otherVariables.prop21 = ""; otherVariables.eVar21 = ""; otherVariables.prop22 = ""; otherVariables.eVar22 = ""; otherVariables.prop23 = ""; otherVariables.eVar23 = ""; otherVariables.prop24 = ""; otherVariables.eVar24 = ""; otherVariables.prop25 = ""; otherVariables.eVar25 = ""; otherVariables.prop26 = ""; otherVariables.eVar26 = ""; otherVariables.prop27 = ""; otherVariables.eVar27 = ""; otherVariables.prop28 = ""; otherVariables.eVar28 = ""; otherVariables.prop29 = ""; otherVariables.eVar29 = ""; otherVariables.prop30 = ""; otherVariables.eVar30 = ""; otherVariables.prop31 = ""; otherVariables.eVar31 = ""; otherVariables.prop32 = ""; otherVariables.eVar32 = ""; otherVariables.prop33 = ""; otherVariables.eVar33 = ""; otherVariables.prop34 = ""; otherVariables.eVar34 = ""; otherVariables.prop35 = ""; otherVariables.eVar35 = ""; otherVariables.prop36 = ""; otherVariables.eVar36 = ""; otherVariables.prop37 = ""; otherVariables.eVar37 = ""; otherVariables.prop38 = ""; otherVariables.eVar38 = ""; otherVariables.prop39 = ""; otherVariables.eVar39 = ""; otherVariables.prop40 = ""; otherVariables.eVar40 = ""; otherVariables.prop41 = ""; otherVariables.eVar41 = ""; otherVariables.prop42 = ""; otherVariables.eVar42 = ""; otherVariables.prop43 = ""; otherVariables.eVar43 = ""; otherVariables.prop44 = ""; otherVariables.eVar44 = ""; otherVariables.prop45 = ""; otherVariables.eVar45 = ""; otherVariables.prop46 = ""; otherVariables.eVar46 = ""; otherVariables.prop47 = ""; otherVariables.eVar47 = ""; otherVariables.prop48 = ""; otherVariables.eVar48 = ""; otherVariables.prop49 = ""; otherVariables.eVar49 = ""; otherVariables.prop50 = ""; otherVariables.eVar50 = ""; pageName = ""; pageURL = ""; trackClickMap = false; trackingServer = ""; trackingServerSecure = ""; trackLocal = true; trackOnLoad = false; visitorNamespace = ""; }Frame 364stopAllSounds(); play();Frame 365trace("gotHere"); gotoAndStop ("game");Frame 366remove = true; _x = 0; _y = 0; hud._x = 300; hud._y = 250; onMouseDown = function () { fader.target = "levelSelecter"; fader.gotoAndPlay(22); }; onEnterFrame = function () { }; play();Frame 710stop(); fader.target = "sMenu"; fader.play();Symbol 11 MovieClip [sperm] Frame 1stop();Symbol 13 MovieClip [partTail] Frame 1stop();Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 7gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] Frame 1if (done != true) { done = true; gotoAndStop(1 + random(_totalframes)); }Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] Frame 1#initclip 4 Object.registerClass("ActionSource", com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource); #endinitclipSymbol 70 MovieClip Frame 20stop();Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 40if (target != "restartGame") { _root.gotoAndStop(target); } else { _root.resetGame(); }Symbol 62 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource] Frame 0class com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource extends MovieClip { var _visible, trackOnLoadInterval, _movie, accountVarList, _moduleMediaVariables; function ActionSource () { var _local3 = this; super(); var _local1 = _local3; var _local2; _local1.initPre(); _local1.version = "FAS-2.2"; if (_local1.isSet(_root)) { _local1.movie = _root; } else if (_local1.isSet(_local3.root)) { _local1.movie = _local3.root; } var versionString = getVersion(); var versionInfo = versionString.split(" "); _local1.flashVersion = parseInt(versionInfo[1].substr(0, 1)); _local1.requestNum = 0; _local1.requestList = new Array(); _local1.lastRequest = ""; _local1.requiredVarList = ["visitorID", "vmk", "charSet", "visitorNamespace", "cookieDomainPeriods", "cookieLifetime", "pageName", "pageURL", "referrer", "currencyCode"]; _local1.accountVarList = ["purchaseID", "variableProvider", "channel", "server", "pageType", "transactionID", "campaign", "state", "zip", "events", "products"]; _local2 = _local1.requiredVarList.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { _local1.accountVarList.unshift(_local1.requiredVarList[_local2]); _local2--; } _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 50) { _local1.accountVarList.push("prop" + _local2); _local1.accountVarList.push("eVar" + _local2); _local1.accountVarList.push("hier" + _local2); _local2++; } _local1.accountVarList.push("pe"); _local1.accountVarList.push("pev1"); _local1.accountVarList.push("pev2"); _local1.accountVarList.push("pev3"); _local1.requiredVarList.push("pe"); _local1.requiredVarList.push("pev1"); _local1.requiredVarList.push("pev2"); _local1.requiredVarList.push("pev3"); _local1.accountConfigList = ["trackDownloadLinks", "trackExternalLinks", "trackClickMap", "linkLeaveQueryString", "linkTrackVars", "linkTrackEvents", "trackingServer", "trackingServerSecure", "dc", "movieID", "autoTrack", "delayTracking", "trackLocal", "debugTracking"]; _local1.modulesInit(); _local1.initPost(); } function isSet(val, mbr) { var _local1 = val; var _local2 = mbr; if ((_local2 != null) && (_local2 != undefined)) { _local1 = _local1[_local2]; } return((((((_local1 != null) && (_local1 != undefined)) && (("" + _local1) != "NaN")) && (_local1 != false)) && (_local1 != "")) && (_local1 != 0)); } function initPre() { _visible = false; } function initPost() { } function get Capabilities() { return(System.capabilities); } function setTrackOnLoadInterval() { trackOnLoadInterval = setInterval(this, "doTrackOnLoad", 50); } function startDelayTrackingInterval() { var _local1 = this; _local1.delayTrackingInterval = setInterval(_local1, "delayTrackingDone", _local1.delayTracking); } function requestURL(url) { var _local2 = new LoadVars(); var _local1 = new LoadVars(); _local2.sendAndLoad(url, _local1, "GET"); } function callJavaScript(script) { var _local2 = this; var _local1 = _local2; if ((_local1.isSet(_local2.ExternalInterface) && (_local1.isSet(_local2.ExternalInterface.available))) && (_local1.isSet(_local2.ExternalInterface.call))) { return(_local2.ExternalInterface.call(script)); } return(null); } function track(variableOverrides, bufferedRequestID) { _track(variableOverrides, bufferedRequestID); } function trackLink(linkURL, linkType, linkName, variableOverrides) { _trackLink(linkURL, linkType, linkName, variableOverrides); } function set movie(movie) { var _local1 = this; _local1._movie = movie; if (_local1.isSet(_local1._movie)) { if (!_local1.flashLivePreview) { if (_local1.flashASVersion < 3) { _local1._movie.s_s = _local1; } _local1.modulesUpdate(); } } //return(_local1.__get__movie()); } function get movie() { return(_movie); } function set trackOnLoad(trackOnLoad) { var _local1 = this; _local1._trackOnLoad = trackOnLoad; if (_local1._trackOnLoad) { _local1.setTrackOnLoadInterval(); } //return(_local1.__get__trackOnLoad()); } function get trackOnLoad() { return(_trackOnLoad); } function doTrackOnLoad() { var _local1 = this; if ((!_local1.isSet(_local1.account)) || (!_local1.isSet(_local1.movie))) { } else { clearInterval(_local1.trackOnLoadInterval); if (_local1._trackOnLoad && (!_local1.onLoadTracked)) { _local1.onLoadTracked = true; _local1.track(); } } } function isNumber(num) { return(!isNaN(parseInt(num))); } function replace(x, o, n) { var _local1 = x; if (isSet(_local1)) { if (_local1.indexOf(o) >= 0) { return(_local1.split(o).join(n)); } } return(_local1); } function getMovieURL() { var _local1 = this; var _local2; _local2 = _local1.callJavaScript("function s_ActionSource_wl(){return window.location.href;}"); if (_local1.isSet(_local2)) { return(_local2); } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.movie)) { if (((_local1.flashASVersion > 2) && (_local1.isSet(_local1.movie.loaderInfo))) && (_local1.isSet(_local1.movie.loaderInfo.loaderURL))) { return(_local1.movie.loaderInfo.loaderURL); } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.movie._url)) { return(_local1.movie._url); } } return(""); } function getMovieReferrer() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.callJavaScript((((((("function s_ActionSource_r(){\tvar \t\tr = '',\t\tw = window,\t\te,\t\tp,\t\tl,\t\te;\tif ((w) && (w.document)) {\t\tr = w.document.referrer;\t\ttry {\t\t\tp = w.parent;\t\t\tl = w.location;\t\t\twhile ((p) && (p.location) && (p.location != l) && (p.location.host == l.host)) {\t\t\t\tw = p;\t\t\t\tp = w.parent;\t\t\t}" + "\t\t} catch (e) {}") + "\t\tif ((w) && (w.document)) {") + "\t\t\tr = w.document.referrer;") + "\t\t}") + "\t}") + "\treturn r;") + "}")); } function getBufferedRequests() { var _local1 = this; var _local2; if (!_local1.isSet(_local1.disableBufferedRequests)) { _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("s_br", "/"); } if (!_local1.isSet(_local2)) { _local2 = _local1.bufferedRequests; if (!_local1.isSet(_local2)) { _local1.bufferedRequests = new Object(); _local1.bufferedRequests.flush = function () { }; _local2 = _local1.bufferedRequests; } } if (!_local1.isSet(_local2.data)) { _local2.data = new Object(); } if (!_local1.isSet(_local2.data.list)) { _local2.data.list = new Array(); } return(_local2); } function bufferRequest(account, bufferedRequestID, request) { var _local3 = request; var s = this; var _local2; var bufferedRequest; var _local1; var bufferedRequestFirstEmptyNum; _local2 = s.getBufferedRequests(); if (s.isSet(_local2)) { bufferedRequestFirstEmptyNum = -1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.data.list.length) { if (_local2.data.list[_local1].id == bufferedRequestID) { _local2.data.list[_local1].request = _local3; _local3 = ""; } else if (!s.isSet(_local2.data.list[_local1].id)) { bufferedRequestFirstEmptyNum = _local1; } _local1++; } if (s.isSet(_local3)) { bufferedRequest = new Object(); bufferedRequest.account = account; bufferedRequest.id = bufferedRequestID; bufferedRequest.request = _local3; if (bufferedRequestFirstEmptyNum >= 0) { _local2.data.list[bufferedRequestFirstEmptyNum] = bufferedRequest; } else { _local2.data.list.push(bufferedRequest); } } _local2.flush(); } } function _flushBufferedRequests(account) { var s = this; var _local3; var _local2; var _local1; _local3 = s.getBufferedRequests(); if (s.isSet(_local3)) { _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3.data.list.length) { _local2 = _local3.data.list[_local1]; if (_local2.account == account) { s.flushBufferedRequest(account, _local2.id); } _local1++; } } } function flushBufferedRequests() { var _local1 = this; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.account)) { _local1._flushBufferedRequests(_local1.account); } } function flushBufferedRequest(account, bufferedRequestID) { var s = this; var _local2; var _local3; var _local1; var request; _local2 = s.getBufferedRequests(); if (s.isSet(_local2)) { _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.data.list.length) { _local3 = _local2.data.list[_local1]; if ((_local3.account == account) && (_local3.id == bufferedRequestID)) { request = _local2.data.list[_local1].request; _local2.data.list[_local1].account = ""; _local2.data.list[_local1].id = ""; _local2.data.list[_local1].request = ""; _local2.flush(); s.makeRequest("", "", request, ""); } _local1++; } } } function makeRequest(cacheBusting, queryString, request, bufferedRequestID) { var _local3 = request; var _local1 = this; var url = _local1.getMovieURL(); var trackingServer; if (!_local1.isSet(_local3)) { if (_local1.isSet(_local1.trackingServer)) { trackingServer = _local1.trackingServer; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.trackingServerSecure) && (url.toLowerCase().substr(0, 6) == "https:")) { trackingServer = _local1.trackingServerSecure; } } else { var _local2 = _local1.visitorNamespace; var ci; if (!_local1.isSet(_local2)) { _local2 = _local1.account; ci = _local2.indexOf(","); if (ci >= 0) { _local2 = _local2.substr(0, ci); } _local2 = _local2.split("_").join("-"); } trackingServer = ((_local2 + ".") + (_local1.isSet(_local1.dc) ? (_local1.dc) : 112)) + ".2o7.net"; } if (url.toLowerCase().substr(0, 6) == "https:") { _local3 = "https://"; } else { _local3 = "http://"; } _local3 = _local3 + (((((((((((trackingServer + "/b/ss/") + _local1.account) + "/0/") + _local1.version) + "-AS") + _local1.flashASVersion) + "/") + cacheBusting) + "?[AQB]&ndh=1&") + queryString) + "&[AQE]"); if (_local1.isSet(bufferedRequestID)) { _local1.bufferRequest(_local1.account, bufferedRequestID, _local3); return; } } else { if ((url.toLowerCase().substr(0, 6) == "https:") && (_local3.toLowerCase().substr(0, 5) == "http:")) { _local3 = "https:" + _local3.substr(5); } if (((_local1.isSet(_local1.trackLocal) || (_local1.flashVersion < 8)) || (!_local1.isSet(url))) || (url.toLowerCase().substr(0, 4) == "http")) { _local1.requestList.push(_local3); if ((!_local1.isSet(_local1.delayTracking)) || (_local1.isSet(_local1.delayTrackingStage) && (_local1.delayTrackingStage == 2))) { _local1.flushRequestList(); } else if (_local1.isSet(_local1.delayTracking) && (!_local1.isSet(_local1.delayTrackingStage))) { _local1.delayTrackingStage = 1; _local1.startDelayTrackingInterval(); } } } } function flushRequestList() { var _local1 = this; while (_local1.requestNum < _local1.requestList.length) { if (_local1.isSet(_local1.debugTracking)) { var debug = ("ActionSource Debug: " + _local1.requestList[_local1.requestNum]); var _local3 = _local1.requestList[_local1.requestNum].split("&"); var _local2; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.length) { debug = debug + ("\n\t" + unescape(_local3[_local2])); _local2++; } trace(debug); } _local1.requestURL(_local1.requestList[_local1.requestNum]); _local1.lastRequest = _local1.requestList[_local1.requestNum]; _local1.requestNum++; } } function delayTrackingDone() { var _local1 = this; clearInterval(_local1.delayTrackingInterval); _local1.delayTrackingStage = 2; _local1.flushRequestList(); } function clearVars() { var _local3 = this; var _local2; var _local1; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < accountVarList.length) { _local1 = _local3.accountVarList[_local2]; if (((((((((((_local1.substr(0, 4) == "prop") || (_local1.substr(0, 4) == "eVar")) || (_local1.substr(0, 4) == "hier")) || (_local1 == "channel")) || (_local1 == "events")) || (_local1 == "purchaseID")) || (_local1 == "transactionID")) || (_local1 == "products")) || (_local1 == "state")) || (_local1 == "zip")) || (_local1 == "campaign")) { _local3[_local1] = undefined; } _local2++; } } function queryStringAccountVariables() { var _local3 = this; var queryString = ""; var varNum; var varSubNum; var _local1; var _local2; var varValueParts; var varPrefix; var varSuffix; var varFilter = ""; var eventFilter = ""; var moduleName = ""; if (_local3.isSet(_local3.linkType)) { varFilter = _local3.linkTrackVars; eventFilter = _local3.linkTrackEvents; } else if (_local3.isSet(_local3.pe)) { moduleName = _local3.pe.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _local3.pe.substr(1); if (_local3.isSet(_local3[moduleName])) { varFilter = _local3[moduleName].trackVars; eventFilter = _local3[moduleName].trackEvents; } } if (_local3.isSet(varFilter)) { varFilter = ((("," + varFilter) + ",") + _local3.requiredVarList.join(",")) + ","; } if (_local3.isSet(eventFilter)) { eventFilter = ("," + eventFilter) + ","; } varNum = 0; while (varNum < _local3.accountVarList.length) { _local1 = _local3.accountVarList[varNum]; _local2 = _local3[_local1]; varPrefix = _local1.substr(0, 4); varSuffix = _local1.substr(4); if (_local3.isSet(_local2) && ((!_local3.isSet(varFilter)) || (varFilter.indexOf(("," + _local1) + ",") >= 0))) { switch (_local1) { case "visitorID" : _local1 = "vid"; break; case "pageURL" : _local1 = "g"; break; case "referrer" : _local1 = "r"; break; case "vmk" : _local1 = "vmt"; break; case "charSet" : _local1 = "ce"; break; case "visitorNamespace" : _local1 = "ns"; break; case "cookieDomainPeriods" : _local1 = "cdp"; break; case "cookieLifetime" : _local1 = "cl"; break; case "currencyCode" : _local1 = "cc"; break; case "channel" : _local1 = "ch"; break; case "transactionID" : _local1 = "xact"; break; case "campaign" : _local1 = "v0"; break; case "events" : if (_local3.isSet(eventFilter)) { varValueParts = _local2.split(","); _local2 = ""; varSubNum = 0; while (varSubNum < varValueParts.length) { if (eventFilter.indexOf(("," + varValueParts[varSubNum]) + ",") >= 0) { _local2 = _local2 + ((_local3.isSet(_local2) ? "," : "") + varValueParts[varSubNum]); } varSubNum++; } } break; default : if (!_local3.isNumber(varSuffix)) { break; } if (varPrefix == "prop") { _local1 = "c" + varSuffix; } else if (varPrefix == "eVar") { _local1 = "v" + varSuffix; } else { if (varPrefix != "hier") { break; } _local1 = "h" + varSuffix; _local2 = _local2.substr(0, 255); } } if (_local3.isSet(_local2)) { queryString = queryString + ((("&" + escape(_local1)) + "=") + ((_local1.substr(0, 3) != "pev") ? (escape(_local2)) : (_local2))); } } varNum++; } return(queryString); } function queryStringLinkTracking() { var _local1 = this; var _local2 = ""; var _local3; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkType) && (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkURL) || (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkName)))) { _local1.linkType = _local1.linkType.toLowerCase(); if ((_local1.linkType != "d") && (_local1.linkType != "e")) { _local1.linkType = "o"; } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkURL) && (!_local1.isSet(_local1.linkLeaveQueryString))) { _local3 = _local1.linkURL.indexOf("?"); if (_local3 >= 0) { _local1.linkURL = _local1.linkURL.substr(0, _local3); } } _local2 = _local2 + ("&pe=lnk_" + escape(_local1.linkType.toLowerCase())); _local2 = _local2 + (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkURL) ? ("&pev1=" + escape(_local1.linkURL)) : ""); _local2 = _local2 + (_local1.isSet(_local1.linkName) ? ("&pev2=" + escape(_local1.linkName)) : ""); } return(_local2); } function queryStringClickMap() { var _local1 = this; var _local2 = ""; var _local3 = _local1.pageName; var pageIDType = 1; var objectID = _local1.objectID; var objectIDType = 1; var objectType = "FLASH"; if (!_local1.isSet(_local3)) { _local3 = _local1.pageURL; pageIDType = 0; } if (((_local1.isSet(_local1.trackClickMap) && (_local1.isSet(_local3))) && (_local1.isSet(objectID))) && (_local1.isSet(objectType))) { _local2 = _local2 + ("&pid=" + escape(_local3)); _local2 = _local2 + (_local1.isSet(pageIDType) ? ("&pidt=" + escape("" + pageIDType)) : ""); _local2 = _local2 + ("&oid=" + escape(objectID.substr(0, 100))); _local2 = _local2 + (_local1.isSet(objectIDType) ? ("&oidt=" + escape("" + objectIDType)) : ""); _local2 = _local2 + ("&ot=" + escape(objectType)); } return(_local2); } function queryStringTechnology() { var _local2 = this; var _local3 = ""; var _local1 = Capabilities; if ((_local2.isSet(_local1) && (_local2.isSet(_local1.screenResolutionX))) && (_local2.isSet(_local1.screenResolutionY))) { _local3 = _local3 + ((("&s=" + _local1.screenResolutionX) + "x") + _local1.screenResolutionY); } return(_local3); } function variableOverridesApply(variableOverrides) { var _local1 = this; var _local3; var _local2; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1.accountVarList.length) { _local2 = _local1.accountVarList[_local3]; if (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides[_local2]) || (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides["!" + _local2]))) { _local1[_local2] = variableOverrides[_local2]; } _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1.accountConfigList.length) { _local2 = _local1.accountConfigList[_local3]; if (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides[_local2]) || (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides["!" + _local2]))) { _local1[_local2] = variableOverrides[_local2]; } _local3++; } } function variableOverridesBuild(variableOverrides) { var _local2 = this; var _local3; var _local1; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.accountVarList.length) { _local1 = _local2.accountVarList[_local3]; if (!_local2.isSet(variableOverrides[_local1])) { variableOverrides[_local1] = _local2[_local1]; if (!_local2.isSet(variableOverrides[_local1])) { variableOverrides["!" + _local1] = 1; } } _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.accountConfigList.length) { _local1 = _local2.accountConfigList[_local3]; if (!_local2.isSet(variableOverrides[_local1])) { variableOverrides[_local1] = _local2[_local1]; if (!_local2.isSet(variableOverrides[_local1])) { variableOverrides["!" + _local1] = 1; } } _local3++; } } function _track(variableOverrides, bufferedRequestID) { var _local1 = this; var variableOverridesBackup; var tm = new Date(); var sed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000); var cacheBusting = (("s" + (Math.floor(tm.getTime() / 10800000) % 10)) + sed); var time = ((((((((((((((("" + tm.getDate()) + "/") + tm.getMonth()) + "/") + tm.getFullYear()) + " ") + tm.getHours()) + ":") + tm.getMinutes()) + ":") + tm.getSeconds()) + " ") + tm.getDay()) + " ") + tm.getTimezoneOffset()); var queryString = ("t=" + escape(time)); if (_local1.isSet(_local1.flashLivePreview)) { } else { if (_local1.isSet(_local1.otherVariables)) { var _local3; var _local2; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1.accountVarList.length) { _local2 = _local1.accountVarList[_local3]; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.otherVariables[_local2])) { _local1[_local2] = _local1.otherVariables[_local2]; } _local3++; } _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1.accountConfigList.length) { _local2 = _local1.accountConfigList[_local3]; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.otherVariables[_local2])) { _local1[_local2] = _local1.otherVariables[_local2]; } _local3++; } } if (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides)) { variableOverridesBackup = new Object(); _local1.variableOverridesBuild(variableOverridesBackup); _local1.variableOverridesApply(variableOverrides); } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.usePlugins) && (_local1.isSet(_local1.doPlugins))) { _local1.doPlugins(_local1); } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.account)) { if (!_local1.isSet(_local1.pageURL)) { _local1.pageURL = _local1.getMovieURL(); } if (!_local1.isSet(_local1.referrer)) { _local1.referrer = _local1.getMovieReferrer(); } queryString = queryString + _local1.queryStringAccountVariables(); queryString = queryString + _local1.queryStringLinkTracking(); queryString = queryString + _local1.queryStringClickMap(); queryString = queryString + _local1.queryStringTechnology(); _local1.makeRequest(cacheBusting, queryString, "", bufferedRequestID); } if (_local1.isSet(variableOverrides)) { _local1.variableOverridesApply(variableOverridesBackup); } _local1.pe = undefined; _local1.pev1 = undefined; _local1.pev2 = undefined; _local1.pev3 = undefined; _local1.linkURL = undefined; _local1.linkName = undefined; _local1.linkType = undefined; _local1.objectID = undefined; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.account)) { if ((!_local1.isSet(bufferedRequestID)) && (!_local1.isSet(_local1.trackCalled))) { _local1.trackCalled = true; _local1.flushBufferedRequests(); } } } } function _trackLink(linkURL, linkType, linkName, variableOverrides) { var _local1 = this; _local1.linkURL = linkURL; _local1.linkType = linkType; _local1.linkName = linkName; _local1.track(variableOverrides); } function set moduleMediaVariables(moduleMediaVariables) { var _local1 = this; _local1._moduleMediaVariables = moduleMediaVariables; _local1.modulesUpdate(); //return(_local1.__get__moduleMediaVariables()); } function get moduleMediaVariables() { return(_moduleMediaVariables); } function modulesInit() { var _local1 = this; _local1.ClickMap = new com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_ClickMap(_local1); _local1.Media = new com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_Media(_local1); _local1.modulesUpdate(); } function modulesUpdate() { var _local1 = this; var _local2; if (_local1.isSet(_local1.ClickMap) && (_local1.flashASVersion < 3)) { _local1.index = _local1.ClickMap.getIndex(); } if (_local1.isSet(_local1.Media)) { if (_local1.isSet(_local1._moduleMediaVariables)) { for (_local2 in _local1._moduleMediaVariables) { if (_local1.isSet(_local1._moduleMediaVariables[_local2])) { if (_local2 == "autoTrack") { if (("" + _local1._moduleMediaVariables[_local2]).toLowerCase() == "true") { _local1._moduleMediaVariables[_local2] = true; } else { _local1._moduleMediaVariables[_local2] = false; } } _local1.Media[_local2] = _local1._moduleMediaVariables[_local2]; } } } _local1.Media.autoTrack = _local1.Media.autoTrack; } } var flashASVersion = 2; var flashLivePreview = false; var trackLocal = true; var debugTracking = false; var _trackOnLoad = false; var onLoadTracked = false; var trackCalled = false; }Symbol 66 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_ClickMap] Frame 0class com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_ClickMap extends MovieClip { var s; function ActionSource_Module_ClickMap (s) { super(); var _local1 = this; _local1.s = s; _local1.clickMovie = s.movie.createEmptyMovieClip("s_ClickMap", 100); _local1.clickMovie.m = _local1; _local1.clickMovie.onMouseDown = function () { var _local1 = this.m; var _local2 = _local1.getHitTarget(_local1.s.movie); if (_local1.s.isSet(_local2)) { _local1.sendClickMapEvent(_local2); } }; } function getHitTarget(tree) { var _local3 = this; var _local2 = _local3; var tcx = _local2.s.movie._xmouse; var tcy = _local2.s.movie._ymouse; for (var name in tree) { var _local1 = tree[name]; if (_local1._parent != tree) { continue; } var clickedObj = false; var chx = _local1._x; var chy = _local1._y; var chw = _local1._width; var chh = _local1._height; if ((tcx > chx) && (tcx < (chx + chw))) { if ((tcy > chy) && (tcy < (chy + chh))) { clickedObj = true; } } if (((typeof(_local1) == "movieclip") || (_local1 instanceof MovieClip)) && (_local1.hitTest(_local2.s.movie._xmouse, _local2.s.movie._ymouse, true))) { var target = _local2.getHitTarget(_local1); return(((target != null) ? (target) : (_local1))); } if ((_local1 instanceof Button) && (!_local2.s.isSet(_local1.s_ClickMapSetup))) { _local1.s_ClickMapSetup = true; _local1.s_ClickMapOnPress = _local1.onPress; _local1.onPress = function () { var _local1 = this; _root.s_s.ClickMap.sendClickMapEvent(_local1); if ((!(_local1.s_ClickMapOnPress === undefined)) && (!(_local1.s_ClickMapOnPress === null))) { _local1.s_ClickMapOnPress(); } }; } else if ((typeof(_local1) == "object") && (clickedObj == true)) { var target = _local2.getHitTarget(_local1); return(((target != null) ? (target) : (_local1))); } } return(null); } function getIndex() { var _local1 = this; var _local2; if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.movie)) { _local2 = ((Stage.width + ",") + Stage.height) + _local1.indexChildren(_local1.s.movie); _local1.index = _local2; return(_local2); } return(""); } function indexChildren(node) { var _local2 = this; var index = ""; var _local3; var _local1; var nodeID = (node + "."); var subNodeID; for (_local3 in node) { _local1 = node[_local3]; if ((_local2.s.isSet(_local1) && (_local2.s.isSet(_local1._name))) && (_local1._name == _local3)) { subNodeID = _local1 + ""; if (subNodeID == (nodeID + _local3)) { index = index + ("|" + _local2.getDOMID(_local1)); index = index + _local2.indexChildren(_local1); } } } return(index); } function nodePos(node) { var _local1 = new Object(); _local1.x = node._x; _local1.y = node._y; return(_local1); } function nodeShift(node, x, y) { node._x = x; node._y = y; } function parentGetBounds(node) { return(node._parent.getBounds()); } function parentLocalToGlobal(node, p) { node.parent.localToGlobal(p); } function getFullPath(node) { var _local1 = "" + node; var _local2 = _local1.substr(_local1.length - 4, 4); if ((_local2 == ".frs") || (_local2 == ".fds")) { _local1 = _local1.substr(0, _local1.length - 4); } return(_local1); } function getGeom(node) { var _local3 = node; var _local1 = this; var geom = new Object(); var _local2; var bottomRight; var b1; var b2; var b3; b1 = _local1.parentGetBounds(_local3); _local2 = _local1.nodePos(_local3); bottomRight = _local1.nodePos(_local3); _local1.nodeShift(_local3, b1.xMin, b1.yMin); b2 = _local1.parentGetBounds(_local3); _local1.nodeShift(_local3, b1.xMax, b1.yMax); b3 = _local1.parentGetBounds(_local3); _local1.nodeShift(_local3, _local2.x, _local2.y); _local2.x = _local2.x + (b2.xMin - b1.xMin); _local2.y = _local2.y + (b2.yMin - b1.yMin); bottomRight.x = bottomRight.x + (b3.xMax - b1.xMax); bottomRight.y = bottomRight.y + (b3.yMax - b1.yMax); _local1.parentLocalToGlobal(_local3, _local2); _local1.parentLocalToGlobal(_local3, bottomRight); geom.x = Math.round(_local2.x); geom.y = Math.round(_local2.y); geom.w = Math.ceil(bottomRight.x - _local2.x); geom.h = Math.ceil(bottomRight.y - _local2.y); return(geom); } function getDOMID(node) { var _local3 = node; var _local2 = this; var _local1; if (_local2.s.isSet(_local3)) { _local1 = _local2.getGeom(_local3); return((((((((_local2.getFullPath(_local3) + ",") + _local1.x) + ",") + _local1.y) + ",") + _local1.w) + ",") + _local1.h); } return(""); } function getObjectID(node) { var _local2 = this; var _local3 = _local2.getMovieID(); var _local1 = ""; _local1 = _local2.getFullPath(node); if (_local2.s.isSet(_local1)) { _local1 = ((_local2.s.isSet(_local3) ? (_local3) : "") + ":") + _local1; } return(_local1); } function sendClickMapEvent(node) { var _local1 = this; var url = _local1.s.getMovieURL(); var movieID = _local1.getMovieID(); if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.trackClickMap)) { _local1.s.objectID = _local1.getObjectID(node); } if (_local1.s.autoTrack) { var _local2 = url; var _local3; _local3 = _local2.indexOf("?"); if (_local3 >= 0) { _local2 = _local2.substr(0, _local3); } if (_local2.length > 77) { _local2 = _local2.substr(-77); } _local1.s.trackLink(url, "o", "ActionSource.AutoTrack:" + _local2); } } function getMovieID() { var m = this; var url = m.getSWFURL(); var _local3 = s.movieID; if ((!m.s.isSet(_local3)) && (m.s.isSet(url))) { var _local2 = url.lastIndexOf("/"); var _local1 = url.lastIndexOf("."); if (_local2 >= 0) { _local2++; } else { _local2 = 0; } if (_local1 >= 0) { _local1 = _local1 - _local2; } else { _local1 = url.length; } _local3 = url.substr(_local2, _local1); } if (!m.s.isSet(_local3)) { _local3 = "movieID undefined"; } return(_local3); } function getDOMIndex() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.getIndex()); } function getTrackClickMap() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.trackClickMap.toString()); } function getAccount() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.account); } function getPageName() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.pageName); } function getPageURL() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.pageURL); } function getCharSet() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.charSet); } function getSWFURL() { var _local1 = this; if (_local1.s.isSet(s.movie)) { if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.movie.loaderInfo) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.movie.loaderInfo.loaderURL))) { return(_local1.s.movie.loaderInfo.loaderURL); } if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.movie._url)) { return(_local1.s.movie._url); } } return(""); } function getVersion() { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.version); } }Symbol 67 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_Media] Frame 0class com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_Media { var _autoTrack, listenerFLVPlayback, listenerMedia; function ActionSource_Module_Media (s) { var _local1 = this; _local1.s = s; } function open(name, length, playerName, player) { _open(name, length, playerName, player); } function startMonitor(monitor) { var _local1 = this; var _local2 = monitor; _local2.update = function () { var _local1 = this; if ((((((_local1.m == null) || (_local1.m == undefined)) || (_local1.m.s == null)) || (_local1.m.s == undefined)) || (_local1.node == null)) || (_local1.node == undefined)) { clearInterval(_local1.interval); } else { _local1.watch(); } }; _local2.interval = setInterval(_local2, "update", 5000); } function set autoTrack(autoTrack) { var _local1 = this; _local1._autoTrack = autoTrack; if ((_local1._autoTrack && (!_local1.autoTrackDone)) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.s.movie))) { _local1.autoTrackDone = true; _local1.attach(_local1.s.movie); } //return(_local1.__get__autoTrack()); } function get autoTrack() { return(_autoTrack); } function cleanName(name) { var _local1 = this; return(_local1.s.replace(_local1.s.replace(_local1.s.replace(name, newline, ""), "\r", ""), "--**--", "")); } function _open(name, length, playerName, player) { var _local1 = this; var _local3 = new Object(); var tm = new Date(); var playerID = ""; var _local2; name = _local1.cleanName(name); length = Math.floor(length); if (!_local1.s.isSet(length)) { length = 1; } if ((_local1.s.isSet(name) && (_local1.s.isSet(length))) && (_local1.s.isSet(playerName))) { if (!_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list)) { _local1.list = new Object(); } if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list[name])) { _local1.close(name); } if (_local1.s.isSet(player)) { playerID = "" + player; } for (_local2 in _local1.list) { if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list[_local2]) && (_local1.list[_local2].playerID == playerID)) { _local1.close(_local1.list[_local2].name); } } _local3.name = name; _local3.length = length; _local3.playerName = _local1.cleanName((_local1.s.isSet(_local1.playerName) ? (_local1.playerName) : (playerName))); _local3.playerID = playerID; _local3.timePlayed = 0; _local3.timestamp = Math.floor(tm.getTime() / 1000); _local3.lastEventType = 0; _local3.lastEventTimestamp = _local3.timestamp; _local3.lastEventOffset = 0; _local3.session = ""; _local3.eventList = new Object(); _local1.list[name] = _local3; } } function close(name) { event(name, 0, -1); } function play(name, offset) { var _local3 = name; var _local1 = this; var media; var _local2; _local1.event(_local3, 1, offset); _local2 = new Object(); _local2.m = _local1; _local2.node = _local1.cleanName(_local3); _local2.watch = function () { var _local1 = this.m; var _local2 = this.node; var _local3; _local3 = (((_local1.s.isSet(_local2) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list))) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list[_local2]))) ? (_local1.list[_local2]) : null); if (_local1.s.isSet(_local3)) { if (_local3.lastEventType == 1) { _local1.event(_local3.name, 3, -1); } } else { this.node = null; } }; _local1.startMonitor(_local2); } function stop(name, offset) { event(name, 2, offset); } function event(name, eventType, offset) { var _local3 = offset; var _local2 = this; var _local1; var tm = new Date(); var timestamp = Math.floor(tm.getTime() / 1000); var d = "--**--"; name = _local2.cleanName(name); _local1 = (((_local2.s.isSet(name) && (_local2.s.isSet(_local2.list))) && (_local2.s.isSet(_local2.list[name]))) ? (_local2.list[name]) : null); if (_local2.s.isSet(_local1)) { if ((eventType == 3) || ((eventType != _local1.lastEventType) && ((eventType != 2) || (_local1.lastEventType == 1)))) { if (_local2.s.isSet(eventType)) { if ((_local3 < 0) && (_local1.lastEventTimestamp > 0)) { _local3 = (timestamp - _local1.lastEventTimestamp) + _local1.lastEventOffset; _local3 = ((_local3 < _local1.length) ? (_local3) : (_local1.length - 1)); } _local3 = Math.floor(_local3); if (((eventType == 2) || (eventType == 3)) && (_local1.lastEventOffset < _local3)) { _local1.timePlayed = _local1.timePlayed + (_local3 - _local1.lastEventOffset); } if (eventType != 3) { _local1.session = _local1.session + (((eventType == 1) ? "S" : "E") + _local3); _local1.lastEventType = eventType; } else if (_local1.lastEventType != 1) { _local2.event(name, 1, _local3); } _local1.lastEventTimestamp = timestamp; _local1.lastEventOffset = _local3; _local2.s.pe = "media"; _local2.s.pev3 = ((((((((((("" + escape(_local1.name)) + d) + _local1.length) + d) + escape(_local1.playerName)) + d) + _local1.timePlayed) + d) + _local1.timestamp) + d) + _local1.session) + ((eventType == 3) ? ("E" + _local3) : ""); _local2.s.track(null, "Media." + name); } else { _local2.event(name, 2, -1); _local2.list[name] = 0; _local2.s.flushBufferedRequest(_local2.s.account, "Media." + name); } } } } function autoEvent(name, length, playerName, eventType, offset, player) { var _local2 = name; var _local1 = this; _local2 = _local1.cleanName(_local2); if ((_local1.s.isSet(_local2) && (_local1.s.isSet(length))) && (_local1.s.isSet(playerName))) { if ((!_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list)) || (!_local1.s.isSet(_local1.list[_local2]))) { _local1.open(_local2, length, playerName, player); } _local1.event(_local2, eventType, offset); } } function attach(node) { var _local2 = this; var m = _local2; var _local1; var _local3; var monitor; if (m.s.isSet(node)) { if (m.s.isSet(node, "addEventListener") && (m.s.isSet(node, "isFLVCuePointEnabled"))) { if (!m.s.isSet(m.listenerFLVPlayback)) { m.listenerFLVPlayback = new Object(); m.listenerFLVPlayback.m = m; m.listenerFLVPlayback.playerName = "Flash FLVPlayback"; m.listenerFLVPlayback.handleEvent = function (player, eventType) { var _local2 = player; var _local1 = this.m; var _local3; var length; var offset; if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.autoTrack) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local2))) { if (_local1.s.flashASVersion > 2) { _local3 = _local2.source; } else { _local3 = _local2.contentPath; } length = _local2.totalTime; offset = _local2.playheadTime; _local1.autoEvent(_local3, length, this.playerName, eventType, offset, _local2); } }; m.listenerFLVPlayback.stateChange = function (event) { var _local3 = this.m; var _local2 = -1; var _local1; if (_local3.s.isSet(event) && (_local3.s.isSet(event.target))) { _local1 = event.target; if (_local3.s.isSet(_local1, "state")) { if (_local1.state == "playing") { _local2 = 1; } else if (((((_local1.state == "stopped") || (_local1.state == "paused")) || (_local1.state == "buffering")) || (_local1.state == "rewinding")) || (_local1.state == "seeking")) { _local2 = 2; } if (_local2 >= 0) { this.handleEvent(event.target, _local2); } } } }; m.listenerFLVPlayback.complete = function (event) { if (this.m.s.isSet(event)) { this.handleEvent(event.target, 0); } }; } if (m.s.flashASVersion > 2) { node.addEventListener("complete", m.listenerFLVPlayback_complete); node.addEventListener("stateChange", m.listenerFLVPlayback_stateChange); } else { node.addEventListener("complete", m.listenerFLVPlayback); node.addEventListener("stateChange", m.listenerFLVPlayback); } monitor = new Object(); monitor.m = m; monitor.node = node; monitor.watch = function () { var _local2 = this; var _local3 = _local2.m; var _local1 = _local2.node; if (_local3.s.isSet(_local1.state) && (_local1.state == "playing")) { _local2.m.listenerFLVPlayback.handleEvent(_local1, 3); } }; m.startMonitor(monitor); } else if (m.s.isSet(node, "addEventListener") && (m.s.isSet(node, "addCuePoint"))) { if (!m.s.isSet(m.listenerMedia)) { m.listenerMedia = new Object(); m.listenerMedia.m = m; m.listenerMedia.playerName = "Flash Media"; m.listenerMedia.handleEvent = function (player, eventType) { var _local2 = player; var _local1 = this.m; var _local3; var length; var offset; if (_local1.s.isSet(_local1.autoTrack) && (_local1.s.isSet(_local2))) { _local3 = _local2.contentPath; length = _local2.totalTime; offset = _local2.playheadTime; _local1.autoEvent(_local3, length, this.playerName, eventType, offset, _local2); } }; m.listenerMedia.complete = function (event) { if (this.m.s.isSet(event)) { this.handleEvent(event.target, 0); } }; m.listenerMedia.click = function (event) { var _local1 = event; var _local2 = this; if (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1) && (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1.target))) { _local2.handleEvent(_local1.target, (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1.target.playing) ? 1 : 2)); } }; m.listenerMedia.change = function (event) { var _local1 = event; var _local2 = this; if (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1) && (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1.target))) { _local2.handleEvent(_local1.target, (_local2.m.s.isSet(_local1.target.playing) ? 1 : 2)); } }; m.listenerMedia.scrubbing = function (event) { if (this.m.s.isSet(event)) { this.handleEvent(event.target, 2); } }; } if (m.s.flashASVersion > 2) { node.addEventListener("complete", m.listenerMedia_complete); node.addEventListener("click", m.listenerMedia_click); node.addEventListener("change", m.listenerMedia_change); node.addEventListener("scrubbing", m.listenerMedia_scrubbing); } else { node.addEventListener("complete", m.listenerMedia); node.addEventListener("click", m.listenerMedia); node.addEventListener("change", m.listenerMedia); node.addEventListener("scrubbing", m.listenerMedia); } monitor = new Object(); monitor.m = m; monitor.node = node; monitor.watch = function () { var _local2 = this; var _local3 = _local2.m; var _local1 = _local2.node; if (_local3.s.isSet(_local1.playing)) { _local2.m.listenerMedia.handleEvent(_local1, 3); } }; m.startMonitor(monitor); } else if (m.s.flashASVersion > 2) { if (m.s.isSet(node, "numChildren") && (m.s.isSet(node, "getChildAt"))) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < node.numChildren) { m.attach(node.getChildAt(_local3)); _local3++; } } } else { for (_local1 in node) { if (((m.s.isSet(node[_local1]) && (m.s.isSet(node[_local1]._name))) && (node[_local1]._name == _local1)) && (((("" + node) + ".") + _local1) == ("" + node[_local1]))) { m.attach(node[_local1]); } } } } } function listenerFLVPlayback_complete(event) { listenerFLVPlayback.complete(event); } function listenerFLVPlayback_stateChange(event) { listenerFLVPlayback.stateChange(event); } function listenerMedia_complete(event) { listenerMedia.complete(event); } function listenerMedia_click(event) { listenerMedia.click(event); } function listenerMedia_change(event) { listenerMedia.change(event); } function listenerMedia_scrubbing(event) { listenerMedia.scrubbing(event); } }Symbol 74 Buttonon (release) { _root.trackGameStart(); fader.target = "intro"; fader.gotoAndPlay(22); }Symbol 78 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://www.wellcome.ac.uk", "_BLANK"); }Symbol 81 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-great-sperm-race", "_BLANK"); }Symbol 112 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://www.johnnytwoshoes.com/go/4", "_BLANK"); }Symbol 119 Buttonon (release) { _root.fader.target = "game"; _root.fader.gotoAndPlay(22); stopAllSounds(); }Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { currentLevel = _currentframe; bestTimeS = _root[("level" + currentLevel) + "Time"] / 25; if (bestTimeS == Math.round(bestTimeS)) { bestTimeS = bestTimeS + ".00"; } if (isNaN(bestTimeS)) { theTime = "0:00.00"; } else { theTime = bestTimeS; } };Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 11gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 169 MovieClip Frame 1_alpha = 0;Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startX = _x; startY = _y; waitTimer = 14 + random(10); timer = random(10); targetX = _x - 700; xspeedo = -45; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; mass = 30; rad = 35; xadd = 0; scale = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_x > targetX) { if (scale < 100) { scale = scale + 2.5; } _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; if (xadd < 5) { xadd = xadd + 0.1; } if (xspeed > xspeedo) { xspeed = xspeed - xadd; } _x = (_x + xspeed); xs = xspeed; _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel1); _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel2); xspeed = xs; _y = startY; if (hitIt) { _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 40; } } else { timer = timer + 1; if (timer > waitTimer) { _x = startX; timer = 0; xspeed = 0; xadd = 0; scale = 5; _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; } } }Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startX = _x; startY = _y; waitTimer = 14 + random(10); timer = random(10); targetX = _x - 700; xspeedo = -45; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; mass = 30; rad = 35; xadd = 0; scale = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_x > targetX) { if (scale < 100) { scale = scale + 2.5; } _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; if (xadd < 5) { xadd = xadd + 0.1; } if (xspeed > xspeedo) { xspeed = xspeed - xadd; } _x = (_x + xspeed); xs = xspeed; _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel1); _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel2); xspeed = xs; _y = startY; if (hitIt) { _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 40; } } else { timer = timer + 1; if (timer > waitTimer) { _x = startX; timer = 0; xspeed = 0; xadd = 0; scale = 5; _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; } } }Instance of Symbol 178 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startX = _x; startY = _y; waitTimer = 14 + random(10); timer = random(10); targetX = _x - 700; xspeedo = -45; xspeed = 0; yspeed = 0; mass = 30; rad = 35; xadd = 0; scale = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_x > targetX) { if (scale < 100) { scale = scale + 2.5; } _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; if (xadd < 5) { xadd = xadd + 0.1; } if (xspeed > xspeedo) { xspeed = xspeed - xadd; } _x = (_x + xspeed); xs = xspeed; _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel1); _root.game.checkCollision(this, _root.game.bike1.wheel2); xspeed = xs; _y = startY; if (hitIt) { _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 40; } } else { timer = timer + 1; if (timer > waitTimer) { _x = startX; timer = 0; xspeed = 0; xadd = 0; scale = 5; _xscale = scale; _yscale = scale; } } }Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 21gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 15gotoAndStop ("idle");Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 31stop();Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip "spark" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { if (_name != "spark") { _alpha = 100; timer = 0; xspeed = xspeed + ((-40 + random(80)) / 20); yspeed = yspeed + ((-40 + random(80)) / 20); } else { _alpha = 0; } if (lifeMax == undefined) { lifeMax = 40; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_name != "spark") and (_root.paused != true)) { timer = timer + 1; yspeed = yspeed - 0.5; _root.game.doFriction(this, "xspeed", 0.97); _root.game.doFriction(this, "yspeed", 0.97); var adjside = ((_x + xspeed) - _x); _x = (_x + (xspeed * _root.game.timeVar)); _y = (_y + (yspeed * _root.game.timeVar)); _alpha = (100 - (timer * (100 / lifeMax))); if (timer > lifeMax) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (_y < _root.game.torchDepth) { if (_root.game.water.hitTest((_x * _root.scaleVar) + _root.game.xOff, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * _root.scaleVar) + _root.game.yOff, true)) { gotoAndStop (1); if (outSide == true) { outSide = false; } } else { outSide = true; gotoAndStop (2); yspeed = yspeed + 1.2; _alpha = (lifeMax - timer); } } } }Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 219 MovieClip Frame 1_alpha = 0;Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 2ani.play();Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 11stop();Symbol 260 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 1side = 1 + random(2); gotoAndStop(side + 1);Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 3_parent.goal._x = 2479.8; _parent.goal._y = -2598.8;Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Instance of Symbol 234 MovieClip in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { startTimer = 0; wheelApart = 40; energy = 100; awake = true; this.swapDepths(100 + random(100)); _root.lukeRush = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.paused != true) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); } startTimer = startTimer + 1; var dx = (_root.game.bike1._x - _x); var dy = (_root.game.bike1._y - _y); var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); if ((dist > 600) and (_root.game.alwaysActive != true)) { _root.game.calcSpeed(wheel1); if (wheel1.speed < 1) { awake = false; wheel1.active = false; } } else { awake = true; wheel1.active = true; } _rotation = (wheel1.xspeed * 3); if (((dist < 300) || ((dist < 550) and (active == true))) || (_root.game.alwaysActive)) { active = true; if (energy > 0) { if (ani._currentframe >= 20) { ani.gotoAndStop(20); } else { ani.play(); } } else if (ani._currentframe >= 10) { ani.play(); } else { ani.stop(); } if ((wheel1.inWater == true) and (energy > 0)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { mood.gotoAndStop(2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } else { mood.gotoAndStop(1); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - ((_x - _root.game.bike1._x) / 100); wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - ((_y - _root.game.bike1._y) / 100); } wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; } if (energy < -100) { energy = 100; } } else { energy = 100; active = false; if (ani._currentframe > 10) { ani.play(); } } if (startTimer == 3) { _root.game.bikeId = _root.game.bikeId + 1; _name = ("bike" + _root.game.bikeId); trace(_name); _root.game.wheelId = _root.game.wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.wheel, "wheel" + _root.game.wheelId, _root.game.wheelId + 1); trace(_root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x); _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._x = _x; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]._y = _y - 30; wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + _root.game.wheelId].bike = this; _root.game.amountOfBikes = _root.game.amountOfBikes + 1; } if (awake) { wheel1._width = _height; wheel1._height = _height; _root.game.limitSpeed(wheel1, 6.5); _x = wheel1._x; _y = wheel1._y; if (dist < 60) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.87; _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.87; if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (dy / 24); } else { if ((_root.game.bike1.wheel1.speed > 6) and allowRush) { trace("rushed"); _root.speedthrough = true; _root.lukeRush = _root.lukeRush + 1; if (_root.lukeRush >= 5) { _root.fiveRush = true; } allowRush = false; } _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - (dx / 24); _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _root.game.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - (dy / 24); _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 3; } } else { allowRush = true; } } } }Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 23stop();Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 19stop();Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 1slots = 0; currentSlot = slot1; stop();Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 1_alpha = 0;Symbol 326 MovieClip Frame 1destX = _x; destY = _y; startX = _x; startY = _y; slotted = false; onEnterFrame = function () { _x = (_x - ((_x - destX) / 10)); _y = (_y - ((_y - destY) / 10)); if (this.hitTest((_parent.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.xOff, (_parent.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.yOff, true) and (slotted != true)) { if ((slotted != true) and (_parent.locker.slots < 2)) { _parent.locker.slots = _parent.locker.slots + 1; destX = _parent.locker._x - _parent.locker.currentSlot._x; destY = _parent.locker._y - _parent.locker.currentSlot._y; if (_parent.locker.slots == 1) { _parent.locker.currentSlot = _parent.locker.slot2; } _parent.locker.fem = _parent.locker.fem + 1; slotted = true; } } };Symbol 328 MovieClip Frame 1destX = _x; destY = _y; startX = _x; startY = _y; slotted = false; onEnterFrame = function () { _x = (_x - ((_x - destX) / 10)); _y = (_y - ((_y - destY) / 10)); if (this.hitTest((_parent.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.xOff, (_parent.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.yOff, true) and (slotted != true)) { if ((slotted != true) and (_parent.locker.slots < 2)) { _parent.locker.slots = _parent.locker.slots + 1; destX = _parent.locker._x - _parent.locker.currentSlot._x; destY = _parent.locker._y - _parent.locker.currentSlot._y; if (_parent.locker.slots == 1) { _parent.locker.currentSlot = _parent.locker.slot2; } _parent.locker.male = _parent.locker.male + 1; slotted = true; } } };Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1function calcSpeed(target) { target.speed = Math.sqrt((target.xspeed * target.xspeed) + (target.yspeed * target.yspeed)); } function findNormal(xpos, ypos, wall, rad, checks) { pointsFound = 0; rot = -90; checkX = xpos + (Math.cos(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); checkY = ypos + (Math.sin(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); lastX = checkX; lastY = checkY; startX = checkX; startY = checkY; if (wall.hitTest((checkX * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (checkY * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { notHitting = false; } else { notHitting = true; } i = 0; while (i < checks) { rot = (i * (360 / checks)) - 90; checkX = xpos + (Math.cos(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); checkY = ypos + (Math.sin(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); if (wall.hitTest((checkX * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (checkY * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (notHitting == true) { pointsFound = pointsFound + 1; points[pointsFound][0] = checkX; points[pointsFound][1] = checkY; points[pointsFound][2] = i; notHitting = false; } } else if (notHitting == false) { pointsFound = pointsFound + 1; points[pointsFound][0] = lastX; points[pointsFound][1] = lastY; points[pointsFound][2] = i - 1; notHitting = true; } if (pointsFound >= 2) { i = 9999999 /* 0x98967F */; } lastX = checkX; lastY = checkY; i = i + 1; } var _local9 = points[1][0] - points[2][0]; var _local8 = points[1][1] - points[2][1]; var _local10 = Math.sqrt((_local9 * _local9) + (_local8 * _local8)); var _local3 = Math.atan2(_local8, _local9); _local3 = (_local3 / Math.PI) * 180; if (_local3 < 0) { } if (pointsFound == 1) { pointsFound = pointsFound + 1; points[pointsFound][0] = startX; points[pointsFound][1] = startY; points[pointsFound][2] = 0; } if (pointsFound == 2) { checkX = xpos + (Math.cos((_local3 - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); checkY = ypos + (Math.sin((_local3 - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rad); if (wall.hitTest(checkX, checkY, true)) { if (_local3 > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + 180; } else { _local3 = _local3 + 180; } } if (_local3 < 0) { _local3 = 360 + _local3; } } norm = _local3; return(norm); } function findSideDrift(target) { target.rot = target._rotation + 180; findDrift(target.wheel1); findDrift(target.wheel2); } function findDrift(wheel) { calcSpeed(wheel); divAmount = gripLevel; grip = (divAmount - wheel.speed) / divAmount; if (grip < 0.005) { grip = 0.005; } if (grip > 0.1) { grip = 0.1; } var _local3 = wheel._x - (wheel._x + wheel.xspeed); var _local2 = wheel._y - (wheel._y + wheel.yspeed); var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local4 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local3); _local4 = (_local4 / Math.PI) * 180; rotDiff = calcRotDiff(_local4, wheel.bike.rot); wheel.bike.rotDiff = rotDiff; triAngle = rotDiff * (Math.PI/180); driftLength = wheel.speed * Math.sin(triAngle); grip = grip * 1; if (wheel.speed > 1) { wheel.xspeed = wheel.xspeed + ((Math.cos((wheel.bike.rot + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (driftLength * grip)) * timeVar); wheel.yspeed = wheel.yspeed + ((Math.sin((wheel.bike.rot + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (driftLength * grip)) * timeVar); } } function directionSpeed(target, rot) { var _local3 = target._x - (target._x + target.xspeed); var _local2 = target._y - (target._y + target.yspeed); var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); var _local4 = Math.atan2(_local2, _local3); _local4 = (_local4 / Math.PI) * 180; rotDiff = calcRotDiff(_local4, rot); triAngle = rotDiff * (Math.PI/180); driftLength = target.speed * Math.sin(triAngle); return(driftLength); } function calcRotDiff(rot1, rot2) { if (rot1 < 0) { rot1 = rot1 + 360; } if (rot2 < 0) { rot2 = rot2 + 360; } if (rot1 > 360) { rot1 = rot1 - 360; } if (rot2 > 360) { rot2 = rot2 - 360; } rotChange = rot1 - rot2; if (rotChange > 180) { rotChange = rotChange - 360; } if (rotChange < -180) { rotChange = rotChange + 360; } return(rotChange); } function doFriction(target, varName, amount) { if (varName == "xspeed") { speedVal = target.xspeed; target.xspeed = target.xspeed - ((speedVal - (speedVal * amount)) * timeVar); } if (varName == "yspeed") { speedVal = target.yspeed; target.yspeed = target.yspeed - ((speedVal - (speedVal * amount)) * timeVar); } if (varName == "zspeed") { speedVal = target.zspeed; target.zspeed = target.zspeed - ((speedVal - (speedVal * amount)) * timeVar); } } function makeSparks(sparkNo, xpos, ypos, xspeed, yspeed, xrange, yrange, lifeMax) { if (_root.gameQuality == "HIGH") { if (((sparkNo == undefined) || (sparkNo == null)) || (sparkNo == NaN)) { sparkNo = 1; } if (sparkNo > 10) { sparkNo = 10; } var _local11 = bike1._x - xpos; var _local10 = bike1._y - ypos; var _local12 = Math.sqrt((_local11 * _local11) + (_local10 * _local10)); if (_local12 > 400) { sparkNo = 0; } if (sparkNo >= 1) { s = 0; while (s < sparkNo) { _root.game.effects.id = _root.game.effects.id + 1; duplicateMovieClip (_root.game.effects.spark, "spark" + _root.game.effects.id, _root.game.effects.id + 1); _root.game.effects["spark" + _root.game.effects.id]._x = (xpos - (xrange / 2)) + random(xrange); _root.game.effects["spark" + _root.game.effects.id]._y = (ypos - (yrange / 2)) + random(yrange); _root.game.effects["spark" + _root.game.effects.id].xspeed = xspeed / 2; _root.game.effects["spark" + _root.game.effects.id].yspeed = yspeed / 2; if (lifeMax != undefined) { _root.game.effects["spark" + _root.game.effects.id].lifeMax = lifeMax; } s = s + 1; } } } } function checkCollision(b1, b2) { var _local8 = b2._x - b1._x; var _local7 = b2._y - b1._y; var _local9 = Math.sqrt((_local8 * _local8) + (_local7 * _local7)); if (_local9 < (b1.rad + b2.rad)) { b1.hitIt = true; b2.hitIt = true; var _local15 = Math.atan2(_local7, _local8); var _local4 = Math.cos(_local15); var _local3 = Math.sin(_local15); var _local5 = (_local4 * b1.xspeed) + (_local3 * b1.yspeed); var _local12 = (_local4 * b1.yspeed) - (_local3 * b1.xspeed); var _local6 = (_local4 * b2.xspeed) + (_local3 * b2.yspeed); var _local11 = (_local4 * b2.yspeed) - (_local3 * b2.xspeed); var _local17 = (_local5 * b1.mass) + (_local6 * b2.mass); var _local16 = _local5 - _local6; _local5 = (_local17 - (b2.mass * _local16)) / (b1.mass + b2.mass); _local6 = _local16 + _local5; b1.xspeed = ((_local4 * _local5) - (_local3 * _local12)) * 1; b1.yspeed = ((_local4 * _local12) + (_local3 * _local5)) * 1; b2.xspeed = ((_local4 * _local6) - (_local3 * _local11)) * 1; b2.yspeed = ((_local4 * _local11) + (_local3 * _local6)) * 1; var _local13 = ((b1.rad + b2.rad) - _local9) / 2; var _local14 = _local4 * _local13; var _local10 = _local3 * _local13; makeSparks(3, b2._x - (_local8 / 2), b2._y - (_local7 / 2), -(b1.xspeed - b2.xspeed), -(b1.yspeed - b2.yspeed), -(b1.xspeed - b2.xspeed), -(b1.yspeed - b2.yspeed)); collisionStrength = (b1.rad + b2.rad) - _local9; if (collisionStrength > 10) { if (b1.speed > b2.speed) { b1.bike.life = b1.bike.life - (collisionStrength / 4); b2.bike.life = b2.bike.life - (collisionStrength / 2); } else { b2.bike.life = b2.bike.life - (collisionStrength / 4); b1.bike.life = b1.bike.life - (collisionStrength / 2); } } if (b1.frozen != true) { b1._x = b1._x - (_local14 * 1.1); b1._y = b1._y - (_local10 * 1.1); } if (b2.frozen != true) { b2._x = b2._x + (_local14 * 1.1); b2._y = b2._y + (_local10 * 1.1); } else if (b1.heated == true) { b1.frozen = true; } } else { b1.hitIt = false; b2.hitIt = false; } } function constraint(particle1, particle2, distance, error_on_1st) { error_on_2nd = 1 - error_on_1st; dist_x = particle1._x - particle2._x; dist_y = particle1._y - particle2._y; actual_distance = Math.sqrt((dist_x * dist_x) + (dist_y * dist_y)); actual_angle = -Math.atan2(dist_x, dist_y); particle1.rot = (actual_angle / Math.PI) * 180; error = actual_distance - distance; xadd = (error * error_on_1st) * Math.sin(actual_angle); yadd = (error * error_on_1st) * Math.cos(actual_angle); xadd2 = (error * error_on_2nd) * Math.sin(actual_angle); yadd2 = (error * error_on_2nd) * Math.cos(actual_angle); particle1._x = particle1._x + xadd; particle1._y = particle1._y - yadd; particle2._x = particle2._x - xadd2; particle2._y = particle2._y + yadd2; particle1.xspeed = particle1.xspeed + xadd; particle1.yspeed = particle1.yspeed - yadd; particle2.xspeed = particle2.xspeed - xadd2; particle2.yspeed = particle2.yspeed + yadd2; } function moveWheel(cross) { if (cross.rad == undefined) { cross.xspeed = 0; cross.yspeed = 0; cross.rad = cross._width / 2; cross.rotSpeed = 0; cross.bike.fric = 0.98; } cross.rad = cross._width / 2; cross.mass = cross._width / 2; if (cross.bike == bike1) { cross.mass = cross._width; } if (isNaN(cross.xspeed)) { cross.xspeed = 0; cross.yspeed = 0; } if (water.hitTest((cross._x * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (cross._y * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { cross.waterTimer = 20; if ((cross.inWater == false) and (cross == wheel1)) { diveSound = new Sound(cross.bike); diveSound.attachSound("diveIn"); diveSound.setVolume(-(cross.yspeed * 2)); diveSound.start(0, 0); } cross.inWater = true; cross.xspeed = cross.xspeed * 0.97; cross.yspeed = cross.yspeed * 0.97; if ((cross.bike == bike1) and (cross == cross.bike.wheel1)) { calcSpeed(cross); if (cross.speed > 5) { amount = 1 + Math.round(cross.speed / 30); } } } else { if ((cross.inWater == true) and (cross == wheel1)) { diveSound = new Sound(cross.bike); diveSound.attachSound("diveOut"); diveSound.setVolume(cross.yspeed * 2); diveSound.start(0, 0); } if (cross.bike == bike1) { if (cross.waterTimer > 0) { cross.waterTimer = cross.waterTimer - 1; makeSparks(amount, cross._x, cross._y, -(cross.xspeed / 3), -(cross.yspeed / 3), -cross.xspeed, -cross.yspeed, cross.waterTimer * 5); } } cross.yspeed = cross.yspeed + 0.7; cross.inWater = false; } if (wheelsReset == false) { if (cross.touching) { if ((cross.bike == bike1) and (_root.wallType == "acid")) { _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 7; } if (cross.bike.fric == undefined) { cross.xspeed = cross.xspeed * 0.98; cross.yspeed = cross.yspeed * 0.98; } else { cross.xspeed = cross.xspeed * cross.bike.fric; cross.yspeed = cross.yspeed * cross.bike.fric; } } if ((_root.gameTimer > 5) and (_root.finished != true)) { pushBall(cross); } if ((cross.xspeed == NaN) || (cross.yspeed == NaN)) { cross.xspeed = cross.xs / 2; cross.yspeed = cross.ys / 2; } else { cross.xs = cross.xspeed; cross.ys = cross.yspeed; } cross._x = cross._x + cross.xspeed; cross._y = cross._y + cross.yspeed; } } function pushBall(ball) { if (((((ball.bike == bike1) || (walls.hitTest(((ball._x + (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y + (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true))) || (walls.hitTest(((ball._x - (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y + (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true))) || (walls.hitTest(((ball._x + (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y - (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true))) || (walls.hitTest(((ball._x - (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y - (ball.rad * 1.5)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true))) { if (walls.hitTest((ball._x * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ball._y * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (ball.bike == bike1) { } } else { ball.safeX = ball._x; ball.safeY = ball._y; ball.touching = false; if (ball.xspeed <= 0) { clockwise = true; } else { clockwise = false; } if (wheelsReset == false) { hitAmount = 0; r = 0; while (r <= radChecks) { if (clockwise == true) { rot = (r * (360 / (radChecks + 1))) + 90; } else { rot = (-(r * (360 / (radChecks + 1)))) + 90; } adone = false; i = 1; while (i <= ball.rad) { distOut = ball.rad - i; xpos = ball._x + (Math.cos(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * distOut); ypos = ball._y + (Math.sin(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * distOut); if (walls.hitTest((xpos * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ypos * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if ((_root.wallType == "acid") and (acidDone != true)) { hitAX = xpos; hitAY = ypos; hitAOn = true; hitAAng = rot; adone = true; } ball.touching = true; xmove = Math.cos(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * (ball.rad - distOut); ymove = Math.sin(rot * (Math.PI/180)) * (ball.rad - distOut); if (ball.inWater and (ball.bike == bike1)) { makeSparks(1, xpos, ypos, -ball.xspeed, -ball.yspeed, ball.rad, ball.rad); } if (ball.bike == bike1) { hitAmount = hitAmount + i; } if (xmove <= ball.rad) { if (walls.hitTest(((xpos + ball.xspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ypos + ball.yspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { ball.xspeed = ball.xspeed - (xmove * 1); ball.yspeed = ball.yspeed - (ymove * 1); } ball._x = ball._x - xmove; ball._y = ball._y - ymove; } } else { i = ball.rad + 1; } i = i + 1; } r = r + 1; } if (hitAmount > 15) { hitSound = new Sound(ball); if (ball.inWater) { hitSound.attachSound("hit1"); hitSound.setVolume(i * 3); } else { hitSound.attachSound("hit2"); hitSound.setVolume(i * 2); } hitSound.start(0, 0); } } } limitSpeed(ball, ball.rad * 4); if (walls.hitTest((ball._x * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ball._y * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (ball.bike == bike1) { } if (cross == cross.bike.wheel1) { ball2 = cross.bike.wheel2; } else { ball2 = cross.bike.wheel1; } ball._x = ball.safeX; ball._y = ball.safeY; ball2._x = ball2.safeX; ball2._y = ball2.safeY; xm = ball.xspeed / 2; ym = ball.yspeed / 2; m = 1; while (m <= 10) { if (walls.hitTest(((ball._x + ball.xspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y + ball.yspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true) || (walls.hitTest((ball._x * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ball._y * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true))) { ball._x = ball._x - xm; ball._y = ball._y - ym; ball.xspeed = ball.xspeed * 0.75; ball.yspeed = ball.yspeed * 0.75; ball2._x = ball2._x - xm; ball2._y = ball2._y - ym; ball2.xspeed = ball2.xspeed * 0.75; ball2.yspeed = ball2.yspeed * 0.75; } m = m + 1; } } else if (walls.hitTest(((ball._x + ball.xspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y + ball.yspeed) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { calcSpeed(ball); sx = ball._x + ball.xspeed; sy = ball._y + ball.yspeed; div = 1 + Math.round(ball.speed / 5); m = 1; while (m <= (div + 1)) { xa = ball.xspeed / div; ya = ball.yspeed / div; if (walls.hitTest(((ball._x + (xa * m)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((ball._y + (ya * m)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { sx = ball._x + (xa * m); sy = ball._y + (ya * m); m = 999; } m = m + 1; } norm = findNormal(sx, sy, walls, ball.speed / 2, 32); xdiff = ball._x - ball.lastX; ydiff = ball._y - ball.lastY; if (cross == cross.bike.wheel1) { ball2 = cross.bike.wheel2; } else { ball2 = cross.bike.wheel1; } dirSpeed = directionSpeed(ball, norm); dirSpeed = dirSpeed * 1.1; xa = Math.cos((norm - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * dirSpeed; ya = Math.sin((norm - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * dirSpeed; ball.xspeed = ball.xspeed - (xa * 1.05); ball.yspeed = ball.yspeed - (ya * 1.05); ball2.xspeed = ball2.xspeed - (xa * 1.05); ball2.yspeed = ball2.yspeed - (ya * 1.05); if (isNaN(dirSpeed)) { ball.xspeed = 0; ball.yspeed = 0; ball2.xspeed = 0; ball2.yspeed = 0; } hitSound = new Sound(ball); if (ball.inWater) { hitSound.attachSound("hit1"); hitSound.setVolume(60); } else { hitSound.attachSound("hit2"); hitSound.setVolume(45); } hitSound.start(0, 0); limitSpeed(ball, ball.speed); } } } function limitSpeed(target, amount) { tempxspeed = target.xspeed; tempyspeed = target.yspeed; if (target.xspeed < 0) { tempxspeed = -target.xspeed; } if (target.yspeed < 0) { tempyspeed = -target.yspeed; } if ((tempxspeed > amount) and (tempyspeed < tempxspeed)) { target.yspeed = target.yspeed * (amount / tempxspeed); target.xspeed = target.xspeed * (amount / tempxspeed); } if ((tempyspeed > amount) and (tempxspeed < tempyspeed)) { target.yspeed = target.yspeed * (amount / tempyspeed); target.xspeed = target.xspeed * (amount / tempyspeed); } } function resetBike(bike) { bike._x = theStartPoint._x - (45 * bike.bikeId); bike._y = theStartPoint._y - 20; beenInWater = false; bike.wheel1._x = (theStartPoint._x + 40) - (45 * bike.bikeId); bike.wheel1._y = theStartPoint._y; bike.wheel2._x = (theStartPoint._x - 40) - (45 * bike.bikeId); bike.wheel2._y = theStartPoint._y; bike.wheel1.rotSpeed = 0; bike.wheel2.rotSpeed = 0; bike.wheel1.xspeed = 0; bike.wheel2.xspeed = 0; bike.wheel1.yspeed = 0; bike.wheel2.yspeed = 0; bike.boostLevel = 40; } function calcRotDiff(rot1, rot2) { rotChange = rot1 - rot2; if (rotChange > 180) { rotChange = rotChange - 360; } if (rotChange < -180) { rotChange = rotChange + 360; } return(rotChange); } function changeDirection(target) { calcSpeed(target.wheel1); distx = target.wheel2._x - (target._x + target.wheel2.xspeed); disty = target.wheel2._y - (target._y + target.wheel2.yspeed); angle = -Math.atan2(distx, disty); rot = (actual_angle / Math.PI) * 180; rotDiff = calcRotDiff(target._rotation, rot - 90); if (target == bike1) { } if ((target.wheel1.inWater == true) and (target.wheel2.inWater == true)) { calcSpeed(target.wheel1); target.wheel1.xspeed = Math.cos(target._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * target.wheel1.speed; target.wheel1.yspeed = Math.sin(target._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * target.wheel1.speed; calcSpeed(target.wheel2); target.wheel2.xspeed = Math.cos(target._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * target.wheel2.speed; target.wheel2.yspeed = Math.sin(target._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * target.wheel2.speed; } } function makeBike() { spawnDist = 0; if (Boolean(i % 2)) { randomY = 40; } else { randomY = -40; } bikeId = bikeId + 1; duplicateMovieClip ("bike", "bike" + bikeId, bikeId + 80); _root.game["bike" + bikeId]._x = theStartPoint._x; _root.game["bike" + bikeId]._y = theStartPoint._y; bike = _root.game["bike" + bikeId]; bike.awake = true; bike.wheelApart = 30; bike.life = 100; if (bikeId == 1) { bike.life = 500; } bike._alpha = 100; wheelId = wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip ("wheel", "wheel" + wheelId, wheelId + 1); _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]._x = theStartPoint._x - (Math.cos(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 15); _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]._y = theStartPoint._y - (Math.sin(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 15); _root.game["bike" + bikeId].wheel1 = _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + wheelId].bike = bike; wheelId = wheelId + 1; duplicateMovieClip ("wheel", "wheel" + wheelId, wheelId + 1); _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]._x = theStartPoint._x + (Math.cos(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 15); _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]._y = theStartPoint._y + (Math.sin(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 15); _root.game["bike" + bikeId].wheel2 = _root.game["wheel" + wheelId]; _root.game["wheel" + wheelId].bike = bike; _root.game["bike" + bikeId].boostLevel = 40; _root.game["bike" + bikeId].rot = 0; bike = _root.game["bike" + bikeId]; bike.bikeId = bikeId; if (bikeId > 1) { } } function handleBike(bikeName) { if (bike._y > torchDepth) { if (bike.light._currentframe == 1) { bike.light.play(); } } else if (bike.light._currentframe != 1) { bike.light.play(); } if (bikeName.wheel1._x != undefined) { if (bikeName.awake) { moveWheel(bikeName.wheel1); } } if (bikeName.wheel2._x != undefined) { moveWheel(bikeName.wheel2); constraint(bikeName.wheel2, bikeName.wheel1, bikeName.wheelApart, 0.5); middleX = bikeName.wheel2._x - (Math.cos((bikeName.wheel2.rot + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (wheelApart / 2)); middleY = bikeName.wheel2._y - (Math.sin((bikeName.wheel2.rot + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (wheelApart / 2)); bikeName._rotation = bikeName.wheel2.rot - 90; applyGrip(bikeName); rot = bikeName._rotation - 180; if (rot < 0) { rot = rot + 360; } theFrame = Math.round(rot / 9); if (theFrame > 20) { theFrame = 20 - (theFrame - 20); } bikeName.ani.gotoAndStop(theFrame); rotChange = bikeName._rotation - (bikeName.wheel2.rot - 90); bikeUp = 20; bikeName.rot = rotChange; bikeName._rotation = bikeName._rotation - rotChange; bikeName.addedRot = rotChange; bikeName._x = middleX; bikeName._y = middleY; bikeName.wheel1._alpha = 0; bikeName.wheel2._alpha = 0; bikeName._alpha = 100; if ((((bikeName == bike1) and (bikeName.wheel1.speed > 1)) and bikeName.wheel1.inWater) and bikeName.wheel2.inWater) { findSideDrift(bikeName); } else if (bikeName == bike1) { } } } function applyGrip(target) { calcRotChange(target); grip = 10; if (target.rotChange != undefined) { if (grip < 1) { rollAccel = target.rotChange; } else { rollAccel = target.rotChange * 0.1; } if (target.skidding) { rollAccel = rollAccel * 0.2; } if ((target.wheel1.inWater == true) and (target.wheel2.inWater == true)) { target.wheel1.xspeed = target.wheel1.xspeed + (Math.cos((target._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel); target.wheel1.yspeed = target.wheel1.yspeed + (Math.sin((target._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel); target.wheel2.xspeed = target.wheel2.xspeed - (Math.cos((target._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel); target.wheel2.yspeed = target.wheel2.yspeed - (Math.sin((target._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel); } } } function calcRotChange(target) { if (target.storedRot != undefined) { rotChange = target._rotation - target.storedRot; if (rotChange > 180) { rotChange = rotChange - 360; } if (rotChange < -180) { rotChange = rotChange + 360; } target.rotChange = rotChange; } target.storedRot = target._rotation; } function boostBike(bike) { bike.boostLevel = bike.boostLevel - 1; bike.accelBoost = 1; bike.wheel1.xspeed = bike.wheel1.xspeed + (Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * bike.accelBoost); bike.wheel1.yspeed = bike.wheel1.yspeed + (Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * bike.accelBoost); bike.wheel2.xspeed = bike.wheel2.xspeed + (Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * bike.accelBoost); bike.wheel2.yspeed = bike.wheel2.yspeed + (Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * bike.accelBoost); } function aiDrive(bike, accel, maxRevs) { if (bike.revs == undefined) { bike.revs = 0; } if (bike.life > 0) { if (bike.revs < maxRevs) { bike.revs = bike.revs + accel; } calcSpeed(bike.wheel1); xposF = bike.wheel1._x + (Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (bike.wheel1.speed * 18)); yposF = bike.wheel1._y + (Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (bike.wheel1.speed * 18)); if (walls.hitTest((xposF * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (yposF * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (bike.wheel1.speed > 10) { bike.wheel2.xspeed = bike.wheel2.xspeed * 0.8; bike.wheel2.yspeed = bike.wheel2.yspeed * 0.8; } } checkDist = 150; if (bike == bike2) { } xpos = xposF + (Math.cos((bike._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * checkDist); ypos = yposF + (Math.sin((bike._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * checkDist); turnAmount = 2 - (bike.wheel1.speed / 30); if (walls.hitTest((xpos * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ypos * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (bike == bike2) { } bike.wheel1.xspeed = bike.wheel1.xspeed + (Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel1.yspeed = bike.wheel1.yspeed + (Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel2.xspeed = bike.wheel2.xspeed - (Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel2.yspeed = bike.wheel2.yspeed - (Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); } xpos = xposF + (Math.cos((bike._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (-checkDist)); ypos = yposF + (Math.sin((bike._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (-checkDist)); if (walls.hitTest((xpos * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (ypos * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { bike.wheel1.xspeed = bike.wheel1.xspeed - (Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel1.yspeed = bike.wheel1.yspeed - (Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel2.xspeed = bike.wheel2.xspeed + (Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); bike.wheel2.yspeed = bike.wheel2.yspeed + (Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * turnAmount); } } else { bike.revs = bike.revs * 0.7; } bike.wheel1.xspeed = bike.wheel1.xspeed + (Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (bike.revs * 2)); bike.wheel1.yspeed = bike.wheel1.yspeed + (Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (bike.revs * 2)); } function aniGoal() { bike1.wheel1.yspeed = bike1.wheel1.yspeed - 0.6; bike1.wheel2.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed - 0.6; } function makeAcid() { acidLines.clear(); if (hitAOn) { attachx = bike1.wheel1._x; attachy = bike1.wheel1._y; } if (hitAOn || (wasATimer > 0)) { wasATimer = wasATimer - 1; var _local2 = attachx - hitAX; var _local1 = attachy - hitAY; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1)); if (_local3 > 100) { hitAOn = false; } sx = hitAX + (Math.cos(hitAAng * (Math.PI/180)) * 10); sy = hitAY + (Math.sin(hitAAng * (Math.PI/180)) * 10); ax = Math.cos((hitAAng - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * 15; ay = Math.sin((hitAAng - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * 15; xp1 = sx + ax; yp1 = sy + ay; xp2 = sx - ax; yp2 = sy - ay; if (hitAOn != true) { distx = sx - attachx; disty = sy - attachy; angle = -Math.atan2(distx, disty); rot = (actual_angle / Math.PI) * 180; attachx = attachx - ((attachx - sx) / 5); attachy = attachy - ((attachy - sy) / 5); fattachx = attachx; fattachy = attachy; } else { fattachx = attachx; fattachy = attachy; wasATimer = 10; } acidLines.lineStyle(8, 8438606); acidLines.beginFill(8438606, 100); acidLines.moveTo(fattachx, fattachy); acidLines.curveTo(xp1 - (ax * 1), yp1 - (ay * 1), xp1, yp1); acidLines.lineTo(xp2, yp2); acidLines.curveTo(xp2 + (ax * 1), yp2 + (ay * 1), fattachx, fattachy); acidLines.endFill(); } else { acidLines.clear(); } } function handleEgg() { target = theEgg; if (eggReleaseTimer > eggRelease) { if (target.xspeed == undefined) { target.swapDepths(220); target.rad = 105; target.xspeed = 0; target.yspeed = 0; target.cW = 22; target.wpre = "w"; target.mspeed = 3; target.mass = 100; target.pEntered = 0; } pushBall(target); targetW = _root.game[(target.wpre + "") + target.cW]; twx = targetW._x; twy = targetW._y; var _local4 = target._x - twx; var _local3 = target._y - twy; var _local7 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local7 < 30) { target.cW = target.cW - 1; } else { theDiv = 1060; xa = (target._x - twx) / theDiv; ya = (target._y - twy) / theDiv; target.xspeed = target.xspeed - xa; target.yspeed = target.yspeed - ya; limitSpeed(target, target.mspeed); } target._x = target._x + target.xspeed; target._y = target._y + target.yspeed; var _local5 = target._x - bike1._x; var _local6 = target._y - bike1._y; var _local2 = Math.sqrt((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6)); if (_local2 < 50) { if (tailConnected == true) { theEgg.play(); } tailConnected = false; } if (tailConnected != true) { fertTimer = fertTimer + 1; if (fertTimer > 80) { _root.finished = true; } } if (_local2 < 120) { startFert = true; bike1.wheel1.xspeed = bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.9; bike1.wheel1.yspeed = bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 0.9; bike1.wheel2.xspeed = bike1.wheel2.xspeed * 0.9; bike1.wheel2.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed * 0.9; if (target.pRot != undefined) { w1x = target._x + (Math.cos((target.pRot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((120 - target.pEntered) - 9)); w1y = target._y + (Math.sin((target.pRot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((120 - target.pEntered) - 9)); w2x = target._x + (Math.cos((target.pRot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((120 - target.pEntered) + 9)); w2y = target._y + (Math.sin((target.pRot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((120 - target.pEntered) + 9)); bike1.wheel1.xspeed = bike1.wheel1.xspeed - ((bike1.wheel1._x - w1x) / 8); bike1.wheel1.yspeed = bike1.wheel1.yspeed - ((bike1.wheel1._y - w1y) / 8); bike1.wheel2.xspeed = bike1.wheel2.xspeed - ((bike1.wheel2._x - w2x) / 8); bike1.wheel2.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed - ((bike1.wheel2._y - w2y) / 8); } } if ((_local2 < (120 - target.pEntered)) and tailConnected) { target.pEntered = target.pEntered + 0.25; if (playerCapas > 550) { target.pEntered = target.pEntered + 0.25; } _local4 = target._x - bike1._x; _local3 = target._y - bike1._y; angle = -Math.atan2(_local4, _local3); rot = (angle / Math.PI) * 180; if (target.pRot == undefined) { target.pRot = rot; } push = (120 - target.pEntered) - _local2; bike1.wheel1.xspeed = bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 8)); bike1.wheel1.yspeed = bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 8)); bike1.wheel2.xspeed = bike1.wheel2.xspeed + (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 8)); bike1.wheel2.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed + (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 8)); bike1.wheel1._x = bike1.wheel1._x + (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); bike1.wheel1._y = bike1.wheel1._y + (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); bike1.wheel2._x = bike1.wheel2._x + (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); bike1.wheel2._y = bike1.wheel2._y + (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); } } else { eggReleaseTimer = eggReleaseTimer + 1; if (eggReleaseTimer > eggRelease) { walls.eggDoor.play(); _root.hud.finalLevelHud.egg.play(); } } if ((playerCapas > 550) and tailConnected) { if (_local2 > 120) { _root.playersLife = _root.playersLife - 1; } bike1.cap.gotoAndStop(2); if (random(5) == 1) { bike1.wheel1.xspeed = bike1.wheel1.xspeed + (-5 + random(10)); bike1.wheel1.yspeed = bike1.wheel1.yspeed + (-5 + random(10)); } } else { playerCapas = playerCapas + 1; } _root.hud.finalLevelHud.bar.gotoAndStop(Math.round((playerCapas / 550) * 100)); } function doWaypoints() { wmax = 30; p = 0; while (p <= wmax) { targetW = _root.game["w" + p]; if (targetW._x != undefined) { targetW.id = p; targetW.active = true; } targetW = _root.game["wb" + p]; if (targetW._x != undefined) { targetW.id = p; targetW.active = true; } targetW = _root.game["wc" + p]; if (targetW._x != undefined) { targetW.id = p; targetW.active = true; } targetW = _root.game["wd" + p]; if (targetW._x != undefined) { targetW.id = p; targetW.active = true; } p = p + 1; } } function handleRaceSperm() { wdist = 0; spawnW = false; if (alwaysSpawnStart != true) { p = 0; while (p <= wmax) { targetW = _root.game["w" + p]; if (targetW._x == undefined) { wmax = p; p = 9999; } else { sadd = bike1.wheel1.yspeed * 12; var _local4 = bike1._x - targetW._x; var _local2 = (bike1._y + sadd) - targetW._y; var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local2 * _local2)); disy = _local2; if (disy < 0) { disy = disy * -1; } if (_local3 > 400) { if ((((bike1._y + sadd) + 350) < targetW._y) || (((bike1._y + sadd) - 350) > targetW._y)) { if ((_local3 < wdist) || (wdist == 0)) { wdist = _local3; spawnW = targetW; spawnWid = p; } } } } p = p + 1; } } spawnTimer = spawnTimer + 1; p = 1; while (p <= rsMax) { target = _root.game.racers["racer" + p]; if (target._x != undefined) { moveRS(target); } else if (((spawnTimer > spawnReady) and (goalWaypoints != true)) || (initSperm < 7)) { initSperm = initSperm + 1; spawnTimer = 0; spawnSperm(p); } p = p + 1; } if ((rsId < rsMax) and (dspawn != true)) { dspawn = true; } } function spawnSperm(pid) { if (pid != undefined) { rsId = pid; } else { rsId = rsId + 1; } rsDepth = rsDepth + 1; racers.attachMovie("spermPa", "racer" + rsId, 2 + rsDepth, {_x:sx, _y:sy}); target = _root.game.racers["racer" + rsId]; target.wpre = "w"; ran = random(4); if (ran == 1) { target.wpre = "wb"; } else if (ran == 0) { target.wpre = "wc"; } else if (ran == 2) { target.wpre = "wd"; } if (_root.game[(target.wpre + "") + 0].active != true) { target.wpre = "w"; } if ((((spawnW.id != undefined) and (spawnW != false)) and (_root.zoomingOut != true)) and (alwaysSpawnStart != true)) { cspawn = _root.game[(target.wpre + "") + pid]; trace("SPAWNNOTSTART"); spx = cspawn._x; spy = cspawn._y; } else { spx = w0._x; spy = w0._y; if (initSperm <= 7) { num = 1 + random(5); cspawn = _root.game[(target.wpre + "") + num]; spx = cspawn._x; spy = cspawn._y; } } target._x = spx; target._y = spy; if (goalWaypoints) { target.gotoAndStop(1 + random(4)); } target.xspeed = 0; target.yspeed = 0; if ((((spawnW.id != undefined) and (spawnW != false)) and (_root.zoomingOut != true)) and (alwaysSpawnStart != true)) { target.cW = spawnW.id + 1; } else if (initSperm <= 7) { target.cW = cspawn.id + 1; } else { target.cW = 1; } target.mspeed = 7 + (random(70) / 12); target.xo = -20 + random(40); target.yo = -20 + random(40); target.life = 100; target.tail.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(6)); target.movex = false; target.movey = false; target.moveTimer = 0; target.rad = 20; target.mass = 20; target.wdir = 1; target.capas = 0; target.capased = false; target.workedIn = 0; target.safeAdd = random(1250); } function moveRS(target) { if (target.life > 0) { var _local4 = target._x - bike1._x; var _local3 = target._y - bike1._y; var _local8 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if ((_local8 < 100) and (target.xspeed != undefined)) { checkCollision(target, bike1.wheel1); checkCollision(target, bike1.wheel2); } targetW = _root.game[(target.wpre + "") + target.cW]; if (goalWaypoints) { if (target._currentframe > 4) { target.gotoAndStop(1 + random(4)); } var _local6 = target._x - theEgg._x; var _local7 = target._y - theEgg._y; var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7)); if (target.capas > (650 + target.safeAdd)) { target.life = target.life - 1; target.cap.gotoAndStop(2); if (random(5) == 1) { target.xspeed = target.xspeed + (-5 + random(10)); target.yspeed = target.yspeed + (-5 + random(10)); } } if (_local5 < (120 - target.workedIn)) { target.cap.gotoAndStop(2); target.workedIn = target.workedIn + 0.2; _local4 = target._x - theEgg._x; _local3 = target._y - theEgg._y; angle = -Math.atan2(_local4, _local3); rot = (angle / Math.PI) * 180; push = (120 - target.workedIn) - _local5; target.xspeed = target.xspeed - (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 4)); target.yspeed = target.yspeed - (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (push / 4)); target._x = target._x - (Math.cos((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); target._y = target._y - (Math.sin((rot - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * push); } if (_local5 < 300) { targetW = theEgg; } target.capas = target.capas + 1; } if (targetW._x == undefined) { if (goalWaypoints != true) { target.roam = true; } else { if (target.wdir == 1) { target.wdir = -1; } else { target.wdir = 1; } targetW = _root.game[(target.wpre + "") + (target.cW + target.wdir)]; } } if (target.roam) { target.life = target.life - 0.5; if (target.movex == false) { target.movex = (target._x - 200) + random(400); target.movey = (target._y - 200) + random(400); } twx = target.movex; twy = target.movey; } else { twx = targetW._x; twy = targetW._y; } _local4 = target._x - (twx + target.xo); _local3 = target._y - (twy + target.yo); _local8 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local8 < 80) { if (target.roam) { target.movex = (target._x - 200) + random(400); target.movey = (target._y - 200) + random(400); c = 1; while (c <= 20) { if (walls.hitTest((target.movex * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (target.movey * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { target.movex = (target._x - 200) + random(400); target.movey = (target._y - 200) + random(400); if (c == 20) { target.movex = target._x; target.movey = target._y; } } else { c = 999; } c = c + 1; } } else { target.cW = target.cW + target.wdir; } } else { theDiv = 160; if (closeQuarters) { theDiv = 60; } xa = (target._x - (twx + target.xo)) / theDiv; ya = (target._y - (twy + target.yo)) / theDiv; target.xspeed = target.xspeed - xa; target.yspeed = target.yspeed - ya; limitSpeed(target, target.mspeed); } if (walls.hitTest(((target._x + (target.xspeed * 2)) * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, ((target._y + (target.yspeed * 2)) * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { if (_root.wallType == "acid") { target.life = target.life - 30; target.xspeed = target.xspeed * 0.9; target.yspeed = target.yspeed * 0.9; target.hardHit = false; } else if (target.life > 0) { target.life = target.life - 10; calcSpeed(target); norm = findNormal(target._x + (target.xspeed * 2), target._y + (target.yspeed * 2), walls, 25, 32); dirSpeed = directionSpeed(target, norm); dirSpeed = dirSpeed * 1.1; xa = Math.cos((norm - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * dirSpeed; ya = Math.sin((norm - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * dirSpeed; target.xspeed = target.xspeed - (xa * 1.2); target.yspeed = target.yspeed - (ya * 1.2); } } if (acidBalls.hitTest((target._x * _root.scaleVar) + xOff, (target._y * _root.scaleVar) + yOff, true)) { target.xspeed = target.xspeed * 0.9; target.yspeed = target.yspeed * 0.9; if (_root.currentLevel == 1) { target.xspeed = target.xspeed - 25; target.life = target.life - 50; } else { target.life = target.life - 50; } target.hardHit = true; } _local4 = target._x - (target._x + target.xspeed); _local3 = target._y - (target._y + target.yspeed); angle = -Math.atan2(_local4, _local3); rot = (angle / Math.PI) * 180; rotDiff = calcRotDiff(rot, target._rotation); target._rotation = target._rotation + (rotDiff / 8); target.xspeed = target.xspeed * 0.97; target.yspeed = target.yspeed * 0.97; target._x = target._x + target.xspeed; target._y = target._y + target.yspeed; } else { target.tail.stop(); target.tail2.stop(); calcSpeed(target); if (target.hardHit and (target.speed > 0.7)) { target.xspeed = target.xspeed * 0.85; target.yspeed = target.yspeed * 0.85; target._x = target._x + target.xspeed; target._y = target._y + target.yspeed; } else { target.eye.play(); deadSId = deadSId + 1; target._name = "jerk" + deadSId; } } } function animatePlayer() { if (_root.gameActiveTimer > 15) { if (_root.playersLife != storedLife) { storedLife = _root.playersLife; bike1.head.play(); } if (_root.playersLife > 0) { blinkTimer = blinkTimer + (1 + random(2)); if (blinkTimer >= blinkTarget) { blinkTimer = 0; bike1.eye.gotoAndPlay("blink"); } } else if (doneDead != true) { swimming = false; turnDir = 0; doneDead = true; bike1.eye.gotoAndPlay("death"); } } } function moveTailPart(target) { target.mass = 1; target.rad = 20; if ((target.id != 1) and (tailConnected != false)) { if (((swimming || (turnDir != 0)) || (_root.introMode)) || (((_root.playersLife <= 0) and (_root.waitToEnd < 45)) and (_root.wallType != "acid"))) { if ((((target.id == Math.round(tailTimer)) || (target.id == Math.round(tailTimer * 2))) || (target.id == Math.round((tailTimer * 2) + 0.5))) || (target.id == Math.round(tailTimer + 0.5))) { if (_root.introMode || (_root.playersLife <= 0)) { push = 1.2; } else { push = (bike1.wheel1.speed / 5) * (target.id * 2); } if (push > 1.2) { push = 1.2; } ftailRun = tailRun; if (target.id > (tailParts / 2)) { ftailRun = ftailRun * -1; } if (((turnDir != 0) || (_root.playersLife <= 0)) || (startFert)) { push = push * 2.5; } target.xspeed = target.xspeed + (Math.cos((bike1._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (ftailRun * push)); target.yspeed = target.yspeed + (Math.sin((bike1._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * (ftailRun * push)); } } } if ((_root.playersLife > 0) and (tailConnected != false)) { tx = tailx + (Math.cos((bike1._rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((target.id - 1) * tpartDist)); ty = taily + (Math.sin((bike1._rotation + 180) * (Math.PI/180)) * ((target.id - 1) * tpartDist)); target.xspeed = target.xspeed - ((target._x - tx) / 20); target.yspeed = target.yspeed - ((target._y - ty) / 20); } turnMul = 0.5 + (bike1.wheel1.speed / 16); target.xspeed = target.xspeed * 0.85; target.yspeed = target.yspeed * 0.85; target._x = target._x + target.xspeed; target._y = target._y + target.yspeed; } function makeTail() { p = 1; while (p <= tailParts) { tailId = tailId + 1; tails.attachMovie("partTail", "partTail" + tailId, 2 + tailId, {_x:bike1._x, _y:(bike1._y + 10) + (p * 10)}); target = _root.game.tails["partTail" + tailId]; target.id = p; target.xspeed = 0; target.yspeed = 0; if (p == tailParts) { target.gotoAndStop(2); } target._x = bike1.wheel2._x + (Math.cos(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (8 + (10 * (p - 1)))); target._y = bike1.wheel2._y + (Math.sin(theStartPoint._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (8 + (10 * (p - 1)))); p = p + 1; } } function handleTail() { if (((swimming || (turnDir != 0)) || (_root.introMode)) || ((_root.playersLife <= 0) and (_root.waitToEnd < 45))) { if ((bike1.wheel1.speed < 5) and (_root.playersLife > 0)) { tailTimer = tailTimer + 0.5; } else { tailTimer = tailTimer + 1; } } if (tailTimer > (tailParts / 2)) { tailTimer = 1; if (tailRun == 1) { tailRun = -1; } else { tailRun = 1; } } tailx = bike1.wheel2._x - (Math.cos(bike1._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 8); taily = bike1.wheel2._y - (Math.sin(bike1._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 8); p = 1; while (p <= tailParts) { target = _root.game.tails["partTail" + p]; moveTailPart(target); p = p + 1; } if (tailConnected != false) { tails.partTail1.xspeed = bike1.wheel2.xspeed; tails.partTail1.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed; tails.partTail1._x = bike1.wheel2._x - (Math.cos(bike1._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 8); tails.partTail1._y = bike1.wheel2._y - (Math.sin(bike1._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 8); } tails.clear(); p = 1; while (p <= tailParts) { target = _root.game.tails["partTail" + p]; target2 = _root.game.tails["partTail" + (p - 1)]; if (p == 1) { target2 = bike1.wheel2; } if (p != 1) { constraint(target, target2, tpartDist, 0.75); distx = target._x - target2._x; disty = target._y - target2._y; angle = -Math.atan2(distx, disty); rot = (actual_angle / Math.PI) * 180; target._rotation = rot; } p = p + 1; } p = 1; while (p <= tailParts) { target = _root.game.tails["partTail" + p]; target2 = _root.game.tails["partTail" + (p - 1)]; if (p == 1) { target2 = bike1.wheel2; } if (p != tailParts) { if ((tailConnected != false) || (p != 1)) { tails.lineStyle(6, 0); tails.moveTo(target._x, target._y); tails.lineTo(target2._x, target2._y); } } p = p + 1; } } function startGame() { startPoint._alpha = 0; startPoint2._alpha = 0; walls.swapDepths(1500); if ((startPoint2._x == undefined) || (_root.lastSide == 1)) { theStartPoint = startPoint; } else { theStartPoint = startPoint2; } i = 1; while (i <= amountOfBikes) { makeBike(); makeTail(); _root.playersLife = 100; handleTail(); i = i + 1; } doWaypoints(); spawnReady = spermLevelTimer; rsMax = spermLimit; acidBalls.swapDepths(101); } charDepth = 2000; timeVar = 1; currentLevel = 1; currentMoney = 0; _root.playersLife = 100; _root.playerScary = 0; points = new Array(); points[1] = new Array(); points[2] = new Array(); normal = false; gripLevel = 15; beenInWater = false; bestJump = 0; radChecks = 16; wheelsReset = false; createEmptyMovieClip("lines", 10000); middleX = 0; middleY = 0; bike.xspeed = 0; bike.yspeed = 0; bike2.xspeed = 0; bike2.yspeed = 0; wheelApart = 30; revs = 0; maxRevs = 2; startX = wheel1._x; startY = wheel1._y; origY = startY; boostLevel = 40; bikeId = 0; wheelId = 0; amountOfBikes = 1; airTimer = 0; landTimer = 0; flips = 0; addedRot = 0; lastTimer = 0; maxRevs = 0.8; playerInWater = false; turnAddX = 0; turnAddY = 0; turnDir = 0; hitAX = 0; hitAY = 0; hitADist = 0; hitAOn = false; hitAAng = 0; createEmptyMovieClip("acidLines", 18); wasATimer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { turnAddX = 0; turnAddY = 0; turnDir = 0; xOff = _x; yOff = _y; if ((_root.paused != true) || (_root.introMode)) { if (_root.playerScary > 0) { _root.playerScary = _root.playerScary - 1; } b = 1; while (b <= amountOfBikes) { targetBike = _root.game["bike" + b]; if (targetBike._x == undefined) { targetBike = _root.game.acidBalls["bike" + b]; } if (targetBike.wheel1.active != false) { handleBike(targetBike); } if (targetBike != bike1) { c = 2; while (c <= amountOfBikes) { targetBike2 = _root.game["bike" + c]; if (targetBike2._x == undefined) { targetBike2 = _root.game.acidBalls["bike" + c]; } if (((targetBike2 != targetBike) and (targetBike.wheel1.active != false)) and (targetBike2.wheel1.active != false)) { if (targetBike.awake and targetBike2.awake) { if (targetBike.hitTest(targetBike2)) { checkCollision(targetBike.wheel1, targetBike2.wheel1); if ((targetBike.wheel2._x != undefined) and (targetBike2.wheel1._x != undefined)) { if (targetBike.awake and targetBike2.awake) { checkCollision(targetBike.wheel2, targetBike2.wheel1); } } if (targetBike2.wheel2._x != undefined) { checkCollision(targetBike.wheel2, targetBike2.wheel2); } } } } c = c + 1; } } b = b + 1; } } if (_root.paused != true) { makeAcid(); if (_root.finished) { aniGoal(); } bike = bike1; if (Key.isDown(16)) { } gameActiveTimer = gameActiveTimer + 1; if ((((wheelsReset == false) and (_root.gameActiveTimer > 5)) and (_root.paused != true)) and (_root.playersLife > 0)) { accel = 0.07; if (Key.isDown(38) and (revs < maxRevs)) { swimming = true; revs = revs + accel; } else { swimming = false; revs = revs * 0.7; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (bike1.wheel1.inWater || (bike1.wheel2.inWater)) { bike1.wheel2.xspeed = bike1.wheel2.xspeed * 0.9; bike1.wheel2.yspeed = bike1.wheel2.yspeed * 0.9; } } if (_root.timer > 25) { if ((bike1.wheel1.inWater == true) || (bike1.wheel2.inWater == true)) { if (playerInWater != true) { distx = bike1.wheel1._x - (bike1.wheel1._x + bike1.wheel1.xspeed); disty = bike1.wheel1._y - (bike1.wheel1._y + bike1.wheel1.yspeed); angle = -Math.atan2(distx, disty); rot = (angle / Math.PI) * 180; entryRot = calcRotDiff(bike1._rotation, rot - 90); if (entryRot < 0) { entryRot = entryRot * -1; } _root.theScore = _root.theScore + Math.round((180 - entryRot) / 3); if (entryRot < 25) { _root.theMul = _root.theMul + 1; } playerInWater = true; } rollAccel = 0.7 + (bike1.wheel1.speed / 50); if (rollAccel > 0.9) { rollAccel = 0.9; } landTimer = 0; airTimer = 0; startRot = 0; theLastRot = bike1._rotation; } else { playerInWater = false; addedRot = calcRotDiff(bike1._rotation, theLastRot); startRot = startRot + addedRot; theLastRot = bike1._rotation; if (bike1.wheel1.touching || (bike1.wheel2.touching)) { startRot = 0; if (_root.playersSpeed > 10) { if (landTimer == 0) { _root.theMul = _root.theMul + 1; } landTimer = landTimer + 1; _root.theScore = _root.theScore + Math.round(2 * (_root.playersSpeed / 10)); } else { _root.scoreTimer = 30; } } else { if ((startRot > 300) || (startRot < -300)) { _root.theScore = _root.theScore + Math.round(10 * (_root.playersSpeed / 10)); _root.theMul = _root.theMul + 1; startRot = 0; } _root.scoreTimer = 30; _root.theScore = _root.theScore + Math.round(1 * (_root.playersSpeed / 10)); } rollAccel = 0.2; } } if (Key.isDown(37)) { addedRot = rollAccel; if (playerInWater == false) { wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - 0.12; wheel2.xspeed = wheel2.xspeed - 0.12; } turnAddX = Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel; turnAddY = Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel; turnDir = -1; wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + turnAddX; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + turnAddY; wheel2.xspeed = wheel2.xspeed - turnAddX; wheel2.yspeed = wheel2.yspeed - turnAddY; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { addedRot = rollAccel; if (playerInWater == false) { wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + 0.12; wheel2.xspeed = wheel2.xspeed + 0.12; } turnAddX = Math.cos((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel; turnAddY = Math.sin((bike._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180)) * rollAccel; turnDir = 1; wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed - turnAddX; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed - turnAddY; wheel2.xspeed = wheel2.xspeed + turnAddX; wheel2.yspeed = wheel2.yspeed + turnAddY; } else { addedRot = 0; } revs = revs * 0.95; if ((wheel1.touching == true) and Key.isDown(40)) { } if (((revs * 4) > 3) || ((revs * 4) < -3)) { effects.id = effects.id + 1; if (revs < 0) { revMove = -revs; } else { revMove = revs; } } if ((bike1.life > 0) and (bike1.wheel1.inWater == true)) { xadd = Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (revs * 2); yadd = Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * (revs * 2); wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + xadd; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + yadd; if (Key.isDown(38) and wheel2.inWater) { bike1.tail.gotoAndStop(2); amount = 1; if (revs > 0.6) { } } else { bike1.tail.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { bike1.tail.gotoAndStop(1); } } } animatePlayer(); if (_root.paused != true) { if (goalWaypoints) { handleEgg(); if (_root.hud.finalLevelHud._alpha < 100) { _root.hud.finalLevelHud._alpha = _root.hud.finalLevelHud._alpha + 10; } } } if ((_root.introMode == true) || (_root.paused != true)) { handleRaceSperm(); handleTail(); } if (_root.introMode == true) { xadd = Math.cos(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 0.6; yadd = Math.sin(bike._rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * 0.6; wheel1.xspeed = wheel1.xspeed + xadd; wheel1.yspeed = wheel1.yspeed + yadd; _root.paused = true; } }; tailConnected = true; fertTimer = 0; startFert = false; playerCapas = 0; eggReleaseTimer = 0; eggRelease = 1200; rsId = 0; rsMax = 12; rsDepth = 0; createEmptyMovieClip("racers", 17); wmax = 30; wdist = 0; spawnW = false; spawnWid = 1; deadSId = 0; wpre = "w"; dspawn = false; spawnTimer = 0; spawnReady = 20; initSperm = 0; blinkTimer = 0; blinkTarget = 200; storedLife = 100; createEmptyMovieClip("tails", 19); tailParts = 12; tailId = 0; tailTimer = 0; tailRun = 1; tpartDist = 8; tailx = 0; taily = 0; theStartPoint = startPoint; gotoAndStop(_root.currentLevel + 1); _root.bgColour.gotoAndStop(_root.currentLevel);Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2_root.levelOffset = 700; torchDepth = 1000; alwaysActive = false; alwaysSpawnStart = true; _root.wantedZoom = 60; closeQuarters = false; topLimit = 1400; bottomLimit = -1400; spermLimit = 20; spermLevelTimer = 10; goalWaypoints = false; startGame();Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest((_parent.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.xOff, (_parent.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.yOff, true)) { _parent.bike1.fric = 0.6; fricOn = true; _root.wallType = "acid"; } else if (fricOn == true) { _parent.bike1.fric = 0.98; fricOn = false; _root.wallType = "norm"; } }Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "effects" in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2onClipEvent (load) { id = 0; bulletId = 51; id5 = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (id > 100) { id = 0; } if (bulletId > 65) { bulletId = 51; } if (id5 > 250) { id5 = 200; } }Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3_root.levelOffset = 700; torchDepth = 1000; alwaysActive = false; alwaysSpawnStart = true; _root.wantedZoom = 50; closeQuarters = true; topLimit = 1300; bottomLimit = -1400; spermLimit = 12; spermLevelTimer = 17; goalWaypoints = false; startGame();Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "effects" in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { id = 0; bulletId = 51; id5 = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (id > 200) { id = 0; } if (bulletId > 65) { bulletId = 51; } if (id5 > 250) { id5 = 200; } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Instance of Symbol 242 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 0) { if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.playerScary = 300; _alpha = 0; } } }Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4_root.levelOffset = 700; torchDepth = 2000; alwaysActive = true; alwaysSpawnStart = true; _root.wantedZoom = 50; closeQuarters = false; topLimit = 1400; bottomLimit = -1400; spermLimit = 12; spermLevelTimer = 24; goalWaypoints = false; startGame();Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "speeders" in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest((_parent.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.xOff, (_parent.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.yOff, true)) { if (_parent.bike1.wheel1.yspeed > -25) { _parent.bike1.wheel1.yspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel1.yspeed - 0.8; _parent.bike1.wheel2.yspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel2.yspeed - 0.8; } if (_parent.bike1._y > (_y + 600)) { if (_parent.bike1._x > (_x + 400)) { if (_parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed < 3) { _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed + 0.5; _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed + 0.5; } } else if (_parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed > -3) { _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed - 0.5; _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed - 0.5; } } else { _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel1.xspeed * 0.95; _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed = _parent.bike1.wheel2.xspeed * 0.95; } fricOn = true; } else if (fricOn == true) { fricOn = false; } }Instance of Symbol 322 MovieClip "locker" in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(1 + random(2)); fem = 0; male = 0; waitTimer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((slots == 2) and (done != true)) { waitTimer = waitTimer + 1; if (waitTimer > 30) { if (((_currentframe == 1) and (male == 2)) || (((_currentframe == 2) and (male == 1)) and (fem == 1))) { if (_currentframe == 1) { _root.girlDone = true; } else { _root.boyDone = true; } filler.play(); if (_parent.speeders.side == 1) { _parent.walls.door1.play(); _parent.walls.bouncer1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.lastSide = 1; } else { _parent.walls.door2.play(); _parent.walls.bouncer2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.lastSide = 2; } done = true; fricOn = true; } else { _parent.bitx1.slotted = false; _parent.bitx2.slotted = false; _parent.bity1.slotted = false; _parent.bity2.slotted = false; _parent.bitx1.destX = _parent.bitx1.startX; _parent.bitx1.destY = _parent.bitx1.startY; _parent.bitx2.destX = _parent.bitx2.startX; _parent.bitx2.destY = _parent.bitx2.startY; _parent.bity1.destX = _parent.bity1.startX; _parent.bity1.destY = _parent.bity1.startY; _parent.bity2.destX = _parent.bity2.startX; _parent.bity2.destY = _parent.bity2.startY; fem = 0; male = 0; slots = 0; currentSlot = slot1; } waitTimer = 0; } } else if (fricOn == true) { fricOn = false; } }Instance of Symbol 324 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest((_parent.bike1._x * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.xOff, (_parent.bike1._y * _root.scaleVar) + _parent.yOff, true)) { _root.finished = true; } }Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5_root.levelOffset = 700; torchDepth = 130; closeQuarters = false; topLimit = 1400; bottomLimit = -1400; _root.wantedZoom = 50; spermLimit = 8; spermLevelTimer = 34; goalWaypoints = true; startGame();Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip in Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { nutsArround = nutsArround + 1; doneCollect = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 99) { _rotation = (_rotation + 10); if (_parent.bike1.hitTest(this)) { _root.game.playerCapas = _root.game.playerCapas - 35; regenTimer = 200; _alpha = 80; if (doneCollect == false) { nutsCollected = nutsCollected + 1; doneCollect = true; if (nutsCollected >= nutsAround) { _root.collector = true; } } } } else { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = (_alpha - 20); } regenTimer = regenTimer - 1; if (regenTimer <= 0) { _alpha = 100; } } }Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1bananText = ((("COLLECTED " + _root.bananCollected) + " of ") + _root.bananTotal) + " BANANAS"; button1.buttonName = "RESUME"; button2.buttonName = "CHOOSE LEVEL"; button3.buttonName = "RETRY"; targetTime = _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"] / 25; if (targetTime == Math.round(targetTime)) { targetTime = targetTime + ".00"; } showTime = targetTime;Symbol 347 MovieClip Frame 1onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_currentframe != 1) || (_root.paused == false)) { if ((Key.isDown(27) and (_root.finished != true)) || (Key.isDown(80) and (_root.finished != true))) { play(); } } }; _root.paused = false; stop();Symbol 347 MovieClip Frame 2_root.paused = true;Symbol 347 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 350 Buttonon (release, keyPress "<Space>") { if ((_parent.spaceAllowed == true) and (pressedBut != true)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.currentLevel = _root.currentLevel + 1; _root.hud.fader.target = "levelSelecter"; _root.hud.fader.play(); pressedBut = true; } }Symbol 352 Buttonon (release) { if (_parent.spaceAllowed == true) { stopAllSounds(); _root.hud.fader.target = "sMenu"; _root.hud.fader.play(); } }Symbol 353 Buttonon (release, keyPress "<Space>") { if (_parent.spaceAllowed == true) { stopAllSounds(); _root.hud.fader.target = "sMenu"; _root.hud.fader.play(); } }Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); button1.buttonName = "NEXT"; button3.buttonName = "RETRY"; button2.buttonName = "CHOOSE LEVEL"; onEnterFrame = function () { winMessage = ((("WON LEVEL " + _root.currentLevel) + " BY ") + (-(_parent.wonBy / 25))) + " SECONDS"; scoreMessage = _root.finalScore; };Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 15button1.buttonName = "RETRY"; button2.buttonName = "CHOOSE LEVEL"; onEnterFrame = function () { winMessage = ("LOST BY " + (_parent.wonBy / 25)) + " SECONDS"; };Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 30stop(); button1.buttonName = "NEXT"; button2.buttonName = "CHOOSE LEVEL"; onEnterFrame = function () { winMessage = ("WON BY " + (-(_parent.wonBy / 25))) + " SECONDS"; };Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); levelSelected = 1;Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 2_quality = "HIGH"; targetTime = _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "TimeTarget"]; wonBy = _root.timer - targetTime; if (_root.bananTotal == _root.bananCollected) { _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "Banan"] = true; } hasFailed = false; if (_root.currentLevel < _root.levelLimit) { screen.gotoAndStop("win"); if (_root.levelUnlocked < (_root.currentLevel + 1)) { _root.levelUnlocked = _root.currentLevel + 1; } } else { screen.gotoAndStop("end"); _root.hud.fader.target = "end"; _root.hud.fader.play(); } sendScoreNow = false; if ((_root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "Score"] < _root.finalScore) and (hasFailed != true)) { sendScoreNow = true; _root[("level" + _root.currentLevel) + "Score"] = _root.finalScore; } timesbeating = 0; l = 1; while (l <= 12) { if (_root[("level" + l) + "Time"] <= (_root[("level" + l) + "TimeTarget"] - 250)) { timesbeating = timesbeating + 1; } l = l + 1; } if (timesbeating >= 12) { _root.beatByTen = true; } if (_root.timer <= (targetTime - 750)) { _root.beatByThirty = true; } bananDone = 0; b = 1; while (b <= 12) { if (_root[("level" + b) + "BananG"] == true) { bananDone = bananDone + 1; } b = b + 1; } if (bananDone >= 12) { _root.allGolden = true; } if (sendScoreNow) { _root.score = _root.finalScore; _root.sendScore(); } beatTimes = 0; t = 1; while (t <= 12) { if (_root[("level" + t) + "TimeBeat"] == true) { beatTimes = beatTimes + 1; } t = t + 1; } if (beatTimes >= 12) { _root.perfectionist = true; }Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 9stopAllSounds();Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 10stop(); pressedTimer = 0; levelSelected = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { this["level" + i].selected = false; i = i + 1; } _root.saveData(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (pressedTimer == 0) { if (Key.isDown(38) and (levelSelected > 1)) { this["level" + levelSelected].selected = false; levelSelected = levelSelected - 1; pressedTimer = 6; } if (Key.isDown(40) and (levelSelected < 3)) { this["level" + levelSelected].selected = false; levelSelected = levelSelected + 1; pressedTimer = 6; } this["level" + levelSelected].selected = true; currentLevel = levelSelected; } else { pressedTimer = pressedTimer - 1; } }; spaceAllowed = true;Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 70stop();Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 10stop();Symbol 393 MovieClip Frame 50stop();Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 230stop();Symbol 415 Buttonon (release) { getURL ("http://www.channel4.com", "_BLANK"); }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound [death] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [hit1] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [hit2] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [diveOut] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [diveIn] | ||
Symbol 6 Sound [acidBurn] | ||
Symbol 7 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 8 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 10 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 11 MovieClip [sperm] | Uses:7 8 9 10 | |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:13 | |
Symbol 13 MovieClip [partTail] | Uses:12 | |
Symbol 14 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 17 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 18 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 21 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 24 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 26 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 31 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 34 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:47 | |
Symbol 47 MovieClip | Uses:20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | Used by:48 |
Symbol 48 MovieClip | Uses:14 15 16 17 18 19 47 | Used by:61 |
Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Used by:53 | |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:53 | |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:53 | |
Symbol 53 MovieClip | Uses:50 51 52 | Used by:61 |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 55 MovieClip | Uses:54 | Used by:61 191 |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 57 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] | Uses:48 49 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 63 Bitmap | Used by:64 | |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Uses:63 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 65 MovieClip [ActionSource] | Uses:64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:69 | Used by:387 Timeline |
Symbol 62 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource] | ||
Symbol 66 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_ClickMap] | ||
Symbol 67 MovieClip [__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_Media] | ||
Symbol 71 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 73 Graphic | Used by:74 | |
Symbol 74 Button | Uses:73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 75 Bitmap | Used by:76 | |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Uses:75 | Used by:78 |
Symbol 77 Graphic | Used by:78 81 415 | |
Symbol 78 Button | Uses:76 77 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 79 Graphic | Used by:80 81 415 | |
Symbol 80 MovieClip | Uses:79 | Used by:81 415 |
Symbol 81 Button | Uses:80 77 79 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 82 Sound | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 83 Graphic | Used by:87 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:85 | |
Symbol 85 MovieClip | Uses:84 | Used by:86 |
Symbol 86 MovieClip | Uses:85 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 87 MovieClip | Uses:83 86 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:89 | |
Symbol 89 MovieClip | Uses:88 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Used by:91 | |
Symbol 91 MovieClip | Uses:90 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:93 | |
Symbol 93 MovieClip | Uses:92 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 98 Graphic | Used by:100 | |
Symbol 99 Graphic | Used by:100 | |
Symbol 100 MovieClip | Uses:98 99 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 101 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 102 Font | Used by:103 104 109 110 155 156 157 | |
Symbol 103 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 104 EditableText | Uses:102 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 105 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 106 Graphic | Used by:112 | |
Symbol 107 Font | Used by:369 370 371 372 | |
Symbol 108 Text | Used by:112 144 | |
Symbol 109 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:112 |
Symbol 110 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:112 |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Used by:112 | |
Symbol 112 Button | Uses:106 108 109 110 111 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 113 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 114 Font | Used by:115 117 125 132 134 141 143 | |
Symbol 115 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:119 | |
Symbol 119 Button | Uses:118 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 121 Graphic | Used by:123 130 | |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:123 | |
Symbol 123 MovieClip | Uses:121 122 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 125 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 126 Text | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:130 | |
Symbol 130 MovieClip | Uses:121 129 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 132 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 133 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 134 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 137 Graphic | Used by:139 | |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Used by:139 | |
Symbol 139 MovieClip | Uses:137 138 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 141 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 142 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 143 Text | Uses:114 | Used by:144 |
Symbol 144 MovieClip | Uses:97 100 101 103 104 105 112 113 115 116 117 108 119 120 123 124 125 126 127 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 139 140 141 142 143 | Used by:145 |
Symbol 145 MovieClip | Uses:144 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 MovieClip | Uses:147 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 150 Font | Used by:151 153 | |
Symbol 151 Text | Uses:150 | Used by:152 |
Symbol 152 MovieClip | Uses:151 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 153 Text | Uses:150 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 155 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 156 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 157 Text | Uses:102 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 158 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 159 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 162 MovieClip | Uses:158 159 160 161 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 163 Font | Used by:164 | |
Symbol 164 Text | Uses:163 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 165 Graphic | Used by:167 | |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:167 | |
Symbol 167 MovieClip | Uses:165 166 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:169 | |
Symbol 169 MovieClip | Uses:168 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Used by:171 | |
Symbol 171 MovieClip | Uses:170 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 173 MovieClip | Uses:172 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Used by:175 | |
Symbol 175 MovieClip | Uses:174 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:179 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 178 MovieClip | Uses:177 | Used by:179 |
Symbol 179 MovieClip | Uses:176 178 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 180 Graphic | Used by:181 | |
Symbol 181 MovieClip | Uses:180 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 182 Graphic | Used by:186 | |
Symbol 183 Graphic | Used by:186 | |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Used by:186 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Used by:186 | |
Symbol 186 MovieClip | Uses:182 183 184 185 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 187 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 189 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 MovieClip | Uses:187 188 189 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 191 MovieClip | Uses:186 190 55 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Used by:193 | |
Symbol 193 MovieClip | Uses:192 | Used by:195 |
Symbol 194 Graphic | Used by:195 | |
Symbol 195 MovieClip | Uses:193 194 | Used by:196 |
Symbol 196 MovieClip | Uses:195 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 197 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 198 ShapeTweening | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 199 Graphic | Used by:200 | |
Symbol 200 MovieClip | Uses:199 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 201 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 202 ShapeTweening | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 203 ShapeTweening | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Used by:205 | |
Symbol 205 MovieClip | Uses:204 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 207 MovieClip | Uses:206 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 208 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 209 ShapeTweening | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 210 ShapeTweening | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 211 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 213 MovieClip | Uses:197 198 200 201 202 203 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 | Used by:214 |
Symbol 214 MovieClip | Uses:213 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 215 ShapeTweening | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 216 ShapeTweening | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 217 ShapeTweening | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Used by:219 | |
Symbol 219 MovieClip | Uses:215 216 217 218 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 220 Sound | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 221 Graphic | Used by:222 | |
Symbol 222 MovieClip | Uses:221 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 223 Graphic | Used by:233 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 225 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 227 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 229 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 230 MovieClip | Uses:224 225 226 227 228 229 | Used by:233 |
Symbol 231 Graphic | Used by:233 | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Used by:233 | |
Symbol 233 MovieClip | Uses:223 230 231 232 | Used by:234 |
Symbol 234 MovieClip | Uses:233 | Used by:235 273 |
Symbol 235 MovieClip | Uses:234 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Used by:237 | |
Symbol 237 MovieClip | Uses:236 | Used by:242 |
Symbol 238 ShapeTweening | Used by:241 | |
Symbol 239 ShapeTweening | Used by:241 | |
Symbol 240 Graphic | Used by:241 | |
Symbol 241 MovieClip | Uses:238 239 240 | Used by:242 |
Symbol 242 MovieClip | Uses:237 241 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 243 Sound | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 244 Graphic | Used by:256 | |
Symbol 245 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 246 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 247 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 248 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 249 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 250 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 251 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 252 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 253 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 254 Graphic | Used by:255 | |
Symbol 255 MovieClip | Uses:245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 256 MovieClip | Uses:244 255 | Used by:264 |
Symbol 257 Graphic | Used by:264 | |
Symbol 258 Graphic | Used by:260 | |
Symbol 259 Graphic | Used by:260 | |
Symbol 260 MovieClip | Uses:258 259 | Used by:264 |
Symbol 261 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 262 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 263 MovieClip | Uses:261 262 | Used by:264 |
Symbol 264 MovieClip | Uses:256 257 260 263 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 265 Bitmap | Used by:266 267 269 270 | |
Symbol 266 ShapeTweening | Uses:265 | Used by:268 |
Symbol 267 Graphic | Uses:265 | Used by:268 |
Symbol 268 MovieClip | Uses:266 267 | Used by:272 |
Symbol 269 ShapeTweening | Uses:265 | Used by:271 |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Uses:265 | Used by:271 |
Symbol 271 MovieClip | Uses:269 270 | Used by:272 |
Symbol 272 MovieClip | Uses:268 271 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 273 MovieClip | Uses:234 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 274 Graphic | Used by:275 | |
Symbol 275 MovieClip | Uses:274 | Used by:322 |
Symbol 276 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 277 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 278 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 279 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 280 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 281 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 282 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 283 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 284 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 285 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 286 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 287 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 288 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 289 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 290 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 291 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 292 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 293 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 294 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 295 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 296 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 297 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 298 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 299 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 300 MovieClip | Uses:276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 | Used by:322 |
Symbol 301 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 302 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 303 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 304 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 305 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 306 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 307 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 308 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 309 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 310 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 311 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 312 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 313 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 314 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 315 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 316 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 317 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 318 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 319 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 320 Graphic | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 321 MovieClip | Uses:301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 | Used by:322 |
Symbol 322 MovieClip | Uses:275 300 321 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 323 Graphic | Used by:324 | |
Symbol 324 MovieClip | Uses:323 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 325 Graphic | Used by:326 | |
Symbol 326 MovieClip | Uses:325 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 327 Graphic | Used by:328 | |
Symbol 328 MovieClip | Uses:327 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 329 Sound | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 331 Graphic | Used by:332 | |
Symbol 332 MovieClip | Uses:331 | Used by:334 |
Symbol 333 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 334 MovieClip | Uses:330 332 333 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 335 Graphic | Used by:336 | |
Symbol 336 MovieClip | Uses:335 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 337 Graphic | Used by:340 | |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Used by:340 | |
Symbol 339 Graphic | Used by:340 393 | |
Symbol 340 MovieClip | Uses:337 338 339 | Used by:342 |
Symbol 341 Sound | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 342 MovieClip | Uses:164 167 169 171 173 175 179 181 191 196 214 219 220 222 235 242 243 264 272 273 322 324 326 328 329 334 336 340 341 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 343 Graphic | Used by:344 | |
Symbol 344 MovieClip | Uses:343 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 345 Graphic | Used by:346 | |
Symbol 346 MovieClip | Uses:345 | Used by:347 |
Symbol 347 MovieClip | Uses:346 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 348 Graphic | Used by:354 | |
Symbol 349 Graphic | Used by:350 353 | |
Symbol 350 Button | Uses:349 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 351 Graphic | Used by:352 | |
Symbol 352 Button | Uses:351 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 353 Button | Uses:349 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 354 MovieClip | Uses:348 350 352 353 | Used by:356 |
Symbol 355 Sound | Used by:356 | |
Symbol 356 MovieClip | Uses:354 355 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 357 Graphic | Used by:368 | |
Symbol 358 Font | Used by:359 360 | |
Symbol 359 Text | Uses:358 | Used by:368 |
Symbol 360 Text | Uses:358 | Used by:368 |
Symbol 361 Graphic | Used by:363 | |
Symbol 362 Graphic | Used by:363 | |
Symbol 363 MovieClip | Uses:361 362 | Used by:367 |
Symbol 364 Graphic | Used by:367 | |
Symbol 365 Graphic | Used by:367 | |
Symbol 366 Sound | Used by:367 | |
Symbol 367 MovieClip | Uses:363 364 365 366 | Used by:368 |
Symbol 368 MovieClip | Uses:357 359 360 367 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 369 EditableText | Uses:107 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 370 EditableText | Uses:107 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 371 EditableText | Uses:107 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 372 EditableText | Uses:107 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 373 Graphic | Used by:387 | |
Symbol 374 Graphic | Used by:380 | |
Symbol 375 Graphic | Used by:376 | |
Symbol 376 MovieClip | Uses:375 | Used by:380 |
Symbol 377 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Used by:379 | |
Symbol 379 MovieClip | Uses:377 378 | Used by:380 |
Symbol 380 MovieClip | Uses:374 376 379 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 381 ShapeTweening | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 382 ShapeTweening | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 383 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 384 MovieClip | Uses:381 382 383 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 385 Graphic | Used by:386 | |
Symbol 386 MovieClip | Uses:385 | Used by:387 |
Symbol 387 MovieClip | Uses:344 347 356 368 369 370 371 372 373 380 384 386 70 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 388 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 389 Graphic | Used by:393 | |
Symbol 390 Graphic | Used by:393 | |
Symbol 391 Graphic | Used by:393 | |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Used by:393 | |
Symbol 393 MovieClip | Uses:389 390 391 339 392 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 394 Sound | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 395 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 396 ShapeTweening | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 397 ShapeTweening | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 398 ShapeTweening | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 399 ShapeTweening | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 400 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 401 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 402 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 403 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 404 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 405 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 406 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 407 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 408 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 409 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 410 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 411 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 412 MovieClip | Uses:395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 413 Graphic | Used by:414 | |
Symbol 414 MovieClip | Uses:413 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 415 Button | Uses:80 77 79 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"loadS" | Frame 1 | Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] |
"fader" | Frame 1 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"fountain" | Frame 4 | Symbol 71 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 4 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 5 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"levelShower" | Frame 294 | Symbol 145 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 294 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 296 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 306 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"bgColour" | Frame 363 | Symbol 162 MovieClip |
"game" | Frame 363 | Symbol 342 MovieClip |
"hud" | Frame 363 | Symbol 387 MovieClip |
"fader" | Frame 366 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"ani" | Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 47 MovieClip |
"tail" | Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] Frame 1 | Symbol 48 MovieClip |
"eye" | Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] Frame 1 | Symbol 53 MovieClip |
"cap" | Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] Frame 1 | Symbol 55 MovieClip |
"tail2" | Symbol 61 MovieClip [spermPa] Frame 7 | Symbol 48 MovieClip |
"content2" | Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 144 MovieClip |
"content" | Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 144 MovieClip |
"content2" | Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 144 MovieClip |
"content" | Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 20 | Symbol 144 MovieClip |
"head" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 186 MovieClip |
"eye" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 190 MovieClip |
"cap" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 55 MovieClip |
"trail" | Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 193 MovieClip |
"spark" | Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 195 MovieClip |
"ani" | Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 213 MovieClip |
"mood" | Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 233 MovieClip |
"ani" | Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 255 MovieClip |
"door2" | Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 256 MovieClip |
"door1" | Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 256 MovieClip |
"bouncer1" | Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 260 MovieClip |
"bouncer2" | Symbol 264 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 263 MovieClip |
"slot2" | Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 275 MovieClip |
"slot1" | Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 275 MovieClip |
"filler" | Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 300 MovieClip |
"filler" | Symbol 322 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 321 MovieClip |
"eggDoor" | Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 332 MovieClip |
"youMarker" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 167 MovieClip |
"goalMarker" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 167 MovieClip |
"midCam" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"water" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 171 MovieClip |
"walls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 173 MovieClip |
"acidBalls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 179 MovieClip |
"wheel" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 181 MovieClip |
"bike" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"effects" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 196 MovieClip |
"w1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w5" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w6" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w7" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w8" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w9" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w10" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w11" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w12" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w13" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w14" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w15" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w16" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w17" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w18" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w19" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w20" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w21" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w22" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc5" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc6" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc7" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc8" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc9" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc10" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc12" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc13" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc14" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc15" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc11" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc16" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc17" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc18" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"startPoint" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 214 MovieClip |
"goal" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 219 MovieClip |
"walls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 222 MovieClip |
"acidBalls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 235 MovieClip |
"effects" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 196 MovieClip |
"wb0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb5" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb6" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb7" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb8" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb9" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb10" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb11" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb12" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb13" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb14" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb15" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb16" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb17" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb18" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc16" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc17" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc18" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc19" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc20" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc21" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc22" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc23" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wc24" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"walls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 264 MovieClip |
"speeders" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 272 MovieClip |
"acidBalls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 273 MovieClip |
"w22" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb5" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb6" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wb7" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wd0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wd1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wd2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wd3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"wd4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"locker" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 322 MovieClip |
"bity2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 326 MovieClip |
"bitx2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 328 MovieClip |
"bitx1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 328 MovieClip |
"bity1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 4 | Symbol 326 MovieClip |
"walls" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 334 MovieClip |
"w0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w2" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w3" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w4" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w5" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w6" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w7" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w8" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w9" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w10" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w11" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w12" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w13" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w14" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w15" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w16" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w17" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w18" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w19" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w20" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"w21" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 169 MovieClip |
"theEgg" | Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 5 | Symbol 340 MovieClip |
"screen" | Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 2 | Symbol 354 MovieClip |
"jb" | Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 363 MovieClip |
"jl" | Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 363 MovieClip |
"jr" | Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 363 MovieClip |
"jt" | Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 363 MovieClip |
"egg" | Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 376 MovieClip |
"bar" | Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 379 MovieClip |
"size" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 344 MovieClip |
"menuD" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 356 MovieClip |
"playerReset" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 368 MovieClip |
"finalLevelHud" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 380 MovieClip |
"deathEffect" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 384 MovieClip |
"timesUp" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 386 MovieClip |
"fader" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
Special Tags
FileAttributes (69) | Timeline Frame 1 | Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2. |
ScriptLimits (65) | Timeline Frame 1 | MaxRecursionDepth: 256, ScriptTimeout: 3 seconds |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 1 as "death" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "hit1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 3 as "hit2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 4 as "diveOut" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "diveIn" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 6 as "acidBurn" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 11 as "sperm" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 13 as "partTail" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 61 as "spermPa" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 65 as "ActionSource" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 62 as "__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 66 as "__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_ClickMap" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 67 as "__Packages.com.omniture.AS2.ActionSource_Module_Media" |
"sMenu" | Frame 4 |
"intro" | Frame 5 |
"levelSelecter" | Frame 294 |
"logoScreen" | Frame 296 |
"loadData" | Frame 306 |
"noSave" | Frame 320 |
"saveLoaded" | Frame 335 |
"game" | Frame 363 |
"ending" | Frame 366 |
"idle" | Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"blink" | Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 5 |
"death" | Symbol 190 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"Frame 1" | Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"win" | Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"loss" | Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 15 |
"end" | Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 30 |
"Frame 1" | Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 |
Dynamic Text Variables
theTime | Symbol 104 EditableText | "<p align="left"><font face="Quicksand Bold" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0:00.00</font></p>" |
displayThis3 | Symbol 369 EditableText | "0" |
displayThis | Symbol 370 EditableText | "0" |
displayThis2 | Symbol 371 EditableText | "0" |
displayThis4 | Symbol 372 EditableText | "0" |