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Happy New Year!

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Flash #51064

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Reel Ten











dynamic equilibrium

PART 2 - Section one


- Means For Social Evolution -

PART 2 - Section two

means for social evolution

clean air and water

nutritious food

material abundance

efficient transportation

relevant education

public health care

the end of war

environment that enables us to improve

human extensionality

reduced stress

reduced crime


The Scientific Method







"There i

"There is

"There is n

"There is no

"There is no s

"There is no sh

"There is no sho

"There is no shor

"There is no short

"There is no shortc

"There is no shortcu

"There is no shortcut

"There is no shortcut t

"There is no shortcut to

"There is no shortcut to t

"There is no shortcut to tr

"There is no shortcut to tru

"There is no shortcut to trut

"There is no shortcut to truth

"There is no shortcut to truth,

"There is no shortcut to truth,

"There is no shortcut to truth,

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no w

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no wa

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way t

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to g

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to ga

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gai

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain k

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain kn

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain kno

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain know

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowl

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowle

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowled

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledg

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge o

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of t

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of th

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the u

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the un

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the uni

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the univ

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the unive

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the univer

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the univers

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except t

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except th

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except thr

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except thro

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except throu

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except throug

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through t

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through th

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the g

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the ga

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gat

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gate

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gatew

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gatewa

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway o

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the s

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the sc

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the sci

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scie

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scien

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scient

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scienti

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientif

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientifi

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific m

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific me

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific met

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific meth

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific metho

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method.

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl P

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pe

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pea

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pear

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pears

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pearso

"There is no shortcut to truth,
no way to gain knowledge of the universe
except through the gateway of
the scientific method."
-Karl Pearson



designed by the venus project



Method of Thought


(  VALUES  )




Resource Based Economy

- Industry and Labor

- Government

the venus project

PART 3 - Section one


a R

a Re

a Res

a Reso

a Resou

a Resour

a Resourc

a Resource

a Resource B

a Resource Ba

a Resource Bas

a Resource Base

a Resource Based

a Resource Based E

a Resource Based Ec

a Resource Based Eco

a Resource Based Econ

a Resource Based Econo

a Resource Based Econom

a Resource Based Economy

a Resource Based Economy u

a Resource Based Economy ut

a Resource Based Economy uti

a Resource Based Economy util

a Resource Based Economy utili

a Resource Based Economy utiliz

a Resource Based Economy utilize

a Resource Based Economy utilizes

a Resource Based Economy utilizes e

a Resource Based Economy utilizes ex

a Resource Based Economy utilizes exi

a Resource Based Economy utilizes exis

a Resource Based Economy utilizes exist

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existi

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existin

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources r

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources ra

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rat

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rath

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rathe

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather t

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather th

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather tha

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than c

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than co

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than com

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than comm

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than comme

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commer

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerc

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce,

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, a

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, al

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all g

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all go

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goo

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all good

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods a

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods an

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services a

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services ar

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are a

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are av

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are ava

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are avai

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are avail

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are availa

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are availab

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are availabl

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available w

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available wi

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available wit

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available with

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available witho

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available withou

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without t

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without th

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the u

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the us

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use o

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, c

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, cr

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, cre

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, cred

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credi

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit,

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, b

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, ba

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, bar

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, bart

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barte

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter o

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or a

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or an

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any f

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any fo

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any for

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form o

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt o

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or s

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or se

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or ser

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or serv

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servi

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servit

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servitu

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servitud

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servitude

a Resource Based Economy utilizes existing
resources rather than commerce, all goods and
services are available without the use of
currency, credit, barter or any form of
debt or servitude.



social awareness


Resource Based Economy

Monetary System





- Industry and Labor -

Industry and Labor



we n

we ne

we nee

we need

we need a

we need a s

we need a so

we need a soc

we need a soci

we need a socia

we need a social

we need a social d

we need a social de

we need a social des

we need a social desi

we need a social desig

we need a social design

we need a social design t

we need a social design th

we need a social design tha

we need a social design that

we need a social design that f

we need a social design that fo

we need a social design that foc

we need a social design that focu

we need a social design that focus

we need a social design that focuse

we need a social design that focuses

we need a social design that focuses

we need a social design that focuses

we need a social design that focuses
on m

we need a social design that focuses
on ma

we need a social design that focuses
on max

we need a social design that focuses
on maxi

we need a social design that focuses
on maxim

we need a social design that focuses
on maximi

we need a social design that focuses
on maximiz

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizi

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizin

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing o

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing ou

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our t

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our te

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our tec

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our tech

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our techn

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our techno

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technol

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technolo

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technolog

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technologi

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technologic

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technologica

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities f

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities fo

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for t

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for th

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the s

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sa

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sak

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake o

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of f

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of fr

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of fre

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of free

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freei

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freein

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity f

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity fr

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity fro

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from d

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from dr

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from dru

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drud

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudg

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudge

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudger

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery a

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery an

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and i

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and in

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and inc

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and incr

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and incre

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increa

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increas

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasi

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasin

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity t

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to i

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to it

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its h

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its hi

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its hig

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its high

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highe

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highes

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest p

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest po

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest pot

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest pote

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest poten

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest potent

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest potentia

we need a social design that focuses
on maximizing our technological
abilities for the sake of freeing
humanity from drudgery and increasing
productivity to its highest potential

Continued on
Reel Eleven

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Symbol 527 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 542 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 544 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 545 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 546 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 550 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 552 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 555 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Created: 25/4 -2019 12:16:26 Last modified: 25/4 -2019 12:16:26 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:55:44