| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229820 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2597 · P5194 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #54370 |
The Basics |
RPG Tutorial |
v1.3 |
ON |
ON |
Intro |
There are many steps to making the RPG of your dreams. The first step includes making your character, then all the basics such as health, magic points, EXP and so on. Last is battles. |
Character |
Let's make your character. And it could be a rainbow cirlce, but nobody likes those. I'm going to create my own, although it is recommended that you use sprites. |
First, make a movie clip and name it "Player" with no quotes. Now open it up and insert three blank keyframes, making a total of four. In the first frame, he should be facing up. Second is down, third is right and fourth is left. |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">1</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">2</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">3</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">4</font></p> |
Now insert four more frames, making a total of eight. Each of these frames should have a movie clip in it showing the character walking. Once again, the first frame should be facing up, second is down, third is right and fourth is left. |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">5</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">6</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">7</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">8</font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(enterFrame){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(!Key.isDown(Key.UP)){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.player.gotoAndStop(1);</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(enterFrame){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(!Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.player.gotoAndStop(2);</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(enterFrame){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(!Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.player.gotoAndStop(3);</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(enterFrame){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(!Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.player.gotoAndStop(4);</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="center"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p> |
Put a stop action in every frame. Now exit out of the movie clip, and give it the instance name of "player" with no quotes. Now go back in the MC and put these actions in the movie clips according to their frames. (Right click on the text and hit "select all") |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">5</font></p> |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">6</font></p> |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">7</font></p> |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">8</font></p> |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(load){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">speed=10;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">onClipEvent(enterFrame){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this._y-=speed;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this.gotoAndStop(5);</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this._y+=speed;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this.gotoAndStop(6);</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this._x+=speed;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this.gotoAndStop(7);</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this._x-=speed;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">this.gotoAndStop(8);</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p> |
Exit out of your player MC and put these actions into it. After that, test your movie. If you did everything correctly, then this should've worked. If not, go back a few steps or start over again. |
Variables |
Every character in an RPG has to have health and such. If there was no health meter, then how would you know when you're going to die? If there was no EXP meter then would you just be guessing when you're going to level up? |
At the top of your workspace, put in some static text saying "health" or something to indicate your vitality. Next to that, put in some dynamic text with the number "100" in it. Give it the variable name of "hp" (without the quotes). |
Now make some static text saying "Magic" or "power" or something to show people that the text next to it is your power meter. Put in some dynamic text and type in the number "100" again. Give it the variable name of "mp" (again, with no quotes). |
Do the same thing so that you have gold and exp text boxes. Give them the variable names of "gold" and "xp". Type in the number zero for both text boxes. |
If you don't have a menu scene (or frame) for your game, then make one now. You can do that by going to Insert > Scene. Now in the menu scene, make a new layer named "action script". Put these actions in it. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_global.hp = 100;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_global.mp = 100;</font></p> |
Those actions make it so whenever you start your game, the health and magic will be full. Now make a play button. Put these actions in it. On the first frame of your RPG, put a stop(); action (NOT the first frame of the menu scene). |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">on (release) {</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.play();</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p> |
Battles |
Many people also want to learn how to make a battle in an RPG. Real time battles are too hard, and have many glitches. We must make a turn-based battle. Make a button and put these action in it. Replace "whateverscene" with the scene number. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">on (release) {</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.gotoAndPlay ("whateverscene", 1);</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p> |
Now create a new scene. Have two layers, naming the top one "health" and the bottom "fight". On the second keyframe of the "health" layer, put a dynamic text box and label the variable name "hp" with no quotes. |
If you test your movie, the "hp" box should be at 100. If it's not, then you must have done something wrong. Also, make another dynamic text box and label the variable "bad". That is the foe's health. |
It would be easiest to tell which is which by either changing the colors of them or put some static text in. Now put these actions in the first frame. You can change the health to whatever you want. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_global.bad = 100;</font></p> |
Also add another text box and label it "mp" like before. Now on the second keyframe of the fight layer, put these actions. This makes it so you can actually die. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">stop();</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if (_root.good<=0) { gotoAndStop("lose"); }</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if (_root.bad<=0) { gotoAndStop("win"); }</font></p> |
Also on the second keyframe of the fight layer, draw your character in fighting form. It looks better if he's dancing or something. |
Make two buttons. One for healing and one for attacking. We are only going to be simple here, but if you must, add a super power attack button. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">on (release) {</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">if (_root.mp<=0) {</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.gotoAndStop("begin");</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">} else {</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.hp += 20;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.mp -= 20;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">gotoAndPlay("heal");</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">}</font></p><p align="justify"></p> |
Give the buttons these actions. I put the heal to +20, you may change that. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">on (release) {gotoAndPlay("attack")}</font></p> |
Attack button |
Heal button |
What all those actions do is that they put you to the right frame, such as attacking and healing and so on. Now on the same frame (the 2nd keyframe of the fight layer) draw your enemy. |
Battle - Fighting |
To start off, we are going to label the frame that you drew you and your foe in "begin" (with no quotes). You can do that by click on the frame then going to the properties menu. |
In the fight layer, make a new keyframe (should be the 3rd one) and label it "attack". Now animate your character attacking, just as if you would in a movie. On the frame where you hurt the foe, put these actions. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.bad = _root.bad-random(30);</font></p> |
You can choose whether to delete the "random" function or leave it as it is. If you delete it, the enemy will hurt you 30 everytime. If you don't, then he could hurt you anywhere from zero to 30. |
On the frame that you are done attacking, put these actions. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.gotoAndPlay ("badattack");</font></p> |
Make a new frame right after your attack. Name it "heal". Animate yourself healing. When you're done healing, put those same actions found in the last slide in the final frame. |
After you animate yourself healing, make a new frame. Label it "badattack" and animate your enemy attacking. |
On the frame where the enemy hurts you, put these actions. The same thing applies when deleting the "random" function. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.hp = _root.hp-random(40);</font></p> |
Where your enemy finally stops attacking, give the frame these actions. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">gotoAndStop("begin");</font></p> |
Now you can make it so that you all of the sudden lose health, but do you really want that? If you want to see your health be taken away, then extend your health layer (2nd frame) all the way untill the end of the fight. |
Battle - Lose & Win |
What do you do when you die? Or when you win? We already did the AS, but now we need the frames. Make two new frames, and put a stop(); action in both of them. Label one "lose" and the other "win". |
If you lose, make a start over button or something. If you win, put these actions in. You can change them depending on how hard you make your enemy be. |
<p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.gold = _root.gold + 10;</font></p><p align="justify"><font face="Kristen ITC" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">_root.xp = _root.xp + 25;</font></p> |
End |
And that's it! There you have simple parts to an RPG, and you can make more advanced parts by looking at other tutorials. Hope you enjoyed! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "man" in Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { play(); _rotation = 90; _x = (_x + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { play(); _rotation = 270; _x = (_x - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { play(); _rotation = 0; _y = (_y - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { play(); _rotation = 180; _y = (_y + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 45; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 315; } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 135; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 225; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "man" in Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { play(); _rotation = 90; _x = (_x + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { play(); _rotation = 270; _x = (_x - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { play(); _rotation = 0; _y = (_y - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { play(); _rotation = 180; _y = (_y + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 45; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 315; } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 135; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 225; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "man" in Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { play(); _rotation = 90; _x = (_x + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { play(); _rotation = 270; _x = (_x - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { play(); _rotation = 0; _y = (_y - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { play(); _rotation = 180; _y = (_y + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 45; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 315; } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 135; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 225; } }Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "man" in Frame 5onClipEvent (load) { movespeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { play(); _rotation = 90; _x = (_x + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { play(); _rotation = 270; _x = (_x - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { play(); _rotation = 0; _y = (_y - movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(40)) { play(); _rotation = 180; _y = (_y + movespeed); } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 45; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(38))) { _rotation = 315; } if (Key.isDown(39) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 135; } if (Key.isDown(37) && (Key.isDown(40))) { _rotation = 225; } }Symbol 25 Buttonon (release) { _root.play(); }Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._xscale = PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 43 Buttonon (press) { nextFrame(); }Symbol 47 Buttonon (press) { prevFrame(); }Symbol 51 Buttonon (press) { _root.Back.play(); }Symbol 59 Buttonon (press) { _root.Music.gotoAndStop(1); stopAllSounds(); }Symbol 64 Buttonon (press) { _root.Music.play(); }Symbol 183 Buttonon (press) { _root.gotoAndStop(2); }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Bitmap | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 Graphic | Uses:1 | Used by:3 |
Symbol 3 MovieClip | Uses:2 | Used by:38 Timeline |
Symbol 4 Font | Used by:5 27 28 54 57 58 62 63 66 67 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 130 131 132 133 134 136 137 139 144 146 149 150 151 152 153 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 164 167 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 182 | |
Symbol 5 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:7 | |
Symbol 7 MovieClip | Uses:6 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 8 MovieClip | Uses:7 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 10 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 11 Graphic | Used by:12 | |
Symbol 12 MovieClip | Uses:11 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 13 Graphic | Used by:14 19 22 25 | |
Symbol 14 MovieClip | Uses:13 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Used by:16 | |
Symbol 16 MovieClip | Uses:15 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 17 Graphic | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 18 MovieClip | Uses:17 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 19 MovieClip | Uses:13 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Used by:21 | |
Symbol 21 MovieClip | Uses:20 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 22 MovieClip | Uses:13 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Used by:24 25 | |
Symbol 24 MovieClip | Uses:23 | Used by:25 |
Symbol 25 Button | Uses:14 16 18 19 21 22 24 13 23 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip | Uses:8 10 12 25 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 27 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 28 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 29 Bitmap | Used by:30 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Uses:29 | Used by:31 |
Symbol 31 MovieClip | Uses:30 | Used by:38 |
Symbol 32 Bitmap | Used by:33 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Uses:32 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 34 MovieClip | Uses:33 | Used by:38 |
Symbol 35 Bitmap | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Uses:35 | Used by:37 |
Symbol 37 MovieClip | Uses:36 | Used by:38 |
Symbol 38 MovieClip | Uses:3 31 34 37 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:40 43 | |
Symbol 40 MovieClip | Uses:39 | Used by:43 |
Symbol 41 Font | Used by:42 46 50 | |
Symbol 42 Text | Uses:41 | Used by:43 |
Symbol 43 Button | Uses:40 42 39 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Used by:45 47 | |
Symbol 45 MovieClip | Uses:44 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 46 Text | Uses:41 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 47 Button | Uses:45 46 44 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 48 Graphic | Used by:49 51 | |
Symbol 49 MovieClip | Uses:48 | Used by:51 |
Symbol 50 Text | Uses:41 | Used by:51 |
Symbol 51 Button | Uses:49 50 48 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:53 | |
Symbol 53 MovieClip | Uses:52 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 54 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 55 Graphic | Used by:56 59 | |
Symbol 56 MovieClip | Uses:55 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 57 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 58 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 59 Button | Uses:56 57 58 55 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:61 64 | |
Symbol 61 MovieClip | Uses:60 | Used by:64 |
Symbol 62 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:64 |
Symbol 63 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:64 |
Symbol 64 Button | Uses:61 62 63 60 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 65 MovieClip | Uses:53 54 59 64 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 66 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 67 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 68 MovieClip | Uses:SS1 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 69 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 70 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 72 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 73 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 74 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 75 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 76 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 77 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 78 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 79 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 81 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 82 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 83 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 85 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 87 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 89 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 93 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:98 | |
Symbol 98 MovieClip | Uses:78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 99 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 100 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 101 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 102 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 103 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 104 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 105 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 106 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 107 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 108 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 109 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 110 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 111 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 112 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 113 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 114 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 115 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 116 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 118 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 119 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 120 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 121 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 122 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 123 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 124 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 125 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 127 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:129 | |
Symbol 129 MovieClip | Uses:128 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 130 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 131 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 132 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 133 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 134 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 136 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 137 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 138 Graphic | Used by:142 | |
Symbol 139 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:142 |
Symbol 140 Graphic | Used by:142 | |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:142 | |
Symbol 142 Button | Uses:138 139 140 141 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 144 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:148 |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 146 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:148 |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 Button | Uses:143 144 145 146 147 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 149 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 150 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 151 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 152 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 153 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 155 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 156 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 157 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 158 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 159 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 160 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 161 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 162 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 164 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 165 Graphic | Used by:166 | |
Symbol 166 MovieClip | Uses:165 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 168 Graphic | Used by:169 | |
Symbol 169 MovieClip | Uses:168 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 170 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 171 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 172 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 173 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 174 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 175 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 176 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 177 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 178 EditableText | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 179 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 180 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 181 Graphic | Used by:183 | |
Symbol 182 Text | Uses:4 | Used by:183 |
Symbol 183 Button | Uses:181 182 | Used by:Timeline |
Streaming Sound 1 | Used by:Symbol 68 MovieClip |
Instance Names
"Back" | Frame 2 | Symbol 38 MovieClip |
"Music" | Frame 2 | Symbol 68 MovieClip |
"man" | Frame 5 | Symbol 98 MovieClip |
"man" | Frame 5 | Symbol 98 MovieClip |
"man" | Frame 5 | Symbol 98 MovieClip |
"man" | Frame 5 | Symbol 98 MovieClip |
"bar" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 8 MovieClip |
Special Tags
FileAttributes (69) | Timeline Frame 1 | Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2. |
"loaded" | Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 3 |