Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Boulevard of Broken Songs.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #54425

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 3 { } movieClip 5 VideoPlayer { #initclip Object.registerClass('VideoPlayer',; #endinitclip } movieClip 8 Icon { } movieClip 9 FLVPlayback { #initclip Object.registerClass('FLVPlayback',; #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 29 { frame 1 { _root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._xscale = PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndPlay('loaded'); } } instance of movieClip 26 { onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 120 {; } } movieClip 1 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super();; if (this._autoPlay == undefined) { this._autoPlay = true; } if (this._autoRewind == undefined) { this._autoRewind = true; } if (this._autoSize == undefined) { this._autoSize = false; } if (this._bufferTime == undefined) { this._bufferTime = 0.1; } if (this._contentPath == undefined) { this._contentPath = ''; } if (this._cuePoints == undefined) { this._cuePoints = null; } if (this._idleTimeout == undefined) { this._idleTimeout =; } if (this._isLive == undefined) { this._isLive = false; } if (this._aspectRatio == undefined) { this._aspectRatio = true; } if (this._seekToPrevOffset == undefined) { this._seekToPrevOffset =; } if (this._playheadUpdateInterval == undefined) { this._playheadUpdateInterval =; } if (this._progressInterval == undefined) { this._progressInterval =; } if (this._totalTime == undefined) { this._totalTime = 0; } if (this._transform == undefined) { this._transform = null; } if (this._volume == undefined) { this._volume = 100; } if (this._skinAutoHide == undefined) { this._skinAutoHide = false; } if (this._bufferingBarHides == undefined) { this._bufferingBarHides = false; } this.__height = this._height; this._prevHeight = this.__height; this._origHeight = this.__height; this.__width = this._width; this._prevWidth = this.__width; this._origWidth = this.__width; this._scaleX = 100; this._scaleY = 100; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._preSeekTime = -1; this._firstStreamReady = false; this._firstStreamShown = false; this.createUIManager(); this._activeVP = 0; this._visibleVP = 0; this._topVP = 0; this._vp = new Array(); this._vpState = new Array(); this._cpMgr = new Array(); this.createVideoPlayer(0); this._vp[0].visible = false; this._vp[0].volume = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc.unloadMovie(); delete this.boundingBox_mc; if (_global.isLivePreview) { this.createLivePreviewMovieClip(); this.setSize(this.__width, this.__height); } this._cpMgr[0].processCuePointsProperty(this._cuePoints); delete this._cuePoints; this._cuePoints = null; }; = v1; extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { if (this.preview_mc == undefined) { this.createLivePreviewMovieClip(); } this.preview_mc.box_mc._width = w; this.preview_mc.box_mc._height = h; if (this.preview_mc.box_mc._width < this.preview_mc.icon_mc._width || this.preview_mc.box_mc._height < this.preview_mc.icon_mc._height) { this.preview_mc.icon_mc._visible = false; } else { this.preview_mc.icon_mc._visible = true; this.preview_mc.icon_mc._x = (this.preview_mc.box_mc._width - this.preview_mc.icon_mc._width) / 2; this.preview_mc.icon_mc._y = (this.preview_mc.box_mc._height - this.preview_mc.icon_mc._height) / 2; } } if (w == this.__get__width() && h == this.__get__height()) { return undefined; } this.__width = w; this._prevWidth = this.__width; this.__height = h; this._prevHeight = this.__height; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this._vp.length) { if (this._vp[v3] != undefined) { this._vp[v3].setSize(w, h); } ++v3; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'x': this.__get__x(), 'y': this.__get__y(), 'width': w, 'height': h}); }; v2.setScale = function (xs, ys) { if (xs == this.__get__scaleX() && ys == this.__get__scaleY()) { return undefined; } this._scaleX = xs; this._scaleY = ys; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._vp.length) { if (this._vp[v2] != undefined) { this._vp[v2].setSize(this._origWidth * xs / 100, this._origHeight * ys / 100); } ++v2; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'x': this.__get__x(), 'y': this.__get__y(), 'width': this.__get__width(), 'height': this.__get__height()}); }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { var v3 = e.state; if (e.state != undefined && == this._visibleVP && this.__get__scrubbing()) { v3 =; } if (e.type == 'metadataReceived') { this._cpMgr[].processFLVCuePoints(; this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'info':, 'vp':}); } else { if (e.type == 'cuePoint') { if (this._cpMgr[].isFLVCuePointEnabled( { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'info':, 'vp':}); } } else { if (e.type == 'rewind') { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'auto': true, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); this._cpMgr[].resetASCuePointIndex(e.playheadTime); } else { if (e.type == 'resize') { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'x': this.__get__x(), 'y': this.__get__y(), 'width': this.__get__width(), 'height': this.__get__height(), 'auto': true, 'vp':}); this._prevWidth = this.__width; this._prevHeight = this.__height; } else { if (e.type == 'playheadUpdate') { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); if (this._preSeekTime >= 0 && != { var v5 = this._preSeekTime; this._preSeekTime = -1; this._cpMgr[].resetASCuePointIndex(e.playheadTime); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'seek', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); if (v5 < e.playheadTime) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'fastForward', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); } else { if (v5 > e.playheadTime) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'rewind', 'auto': false, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); } } } this._cpMgr[].dispatchASCuePoints(); } else { if (e.type == 'stateChange') { var v4 =; if (v4 == this._visibleVP && this.__get__scrubbing()) { return undefined; } if (e.state == { return undefined; } if (this._vpState[v4].prevState == && this._vpState[v4].autoPlay && e.state == { return undefined; } this._vpState[v4].prevState = e.state; this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); if (this._vp[].state != v3) { return undefined; } switch (v3) { case this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buffering', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); break; case this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'paused', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); break; case this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'playing', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); break; case this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'stopped', 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); } } else { if (e.type == 'progress') { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'bytesLoaded': e.bytesLoaded, 'bytesTotal': e.bytesTotal, 'vp':}); } else { if (e.type == 'ready') { var v4 =; if (!this._firstStreamReady) { if (v4 == this._visibleVP) { this._firstStreamReady = true; if (this._uiMgr.__get__skinReady() && !this._firstStreamShown) { this._uiMgr.__set__visible(true); this.showFirstStream(); } } } else { if (this._firstStreamShown && v3 == && this._vpState[v4].autoPlay) { this._vp[v4].play(); } } this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); } else { if (e.type == 'close' || e.type == 'complete') { this.dispatchEvent({'type': e.type, 'state': v3, 'playheadTime': e.playheadTime, 'vp':}); } } } } } } } } } }; v2.load = function (contentPath, totalTime, isLive) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (contentPath == undefined || contentPath == null || contentPath == '') { return undefined; } this.__set__autoPlay(false); if (totalTime != undefined) { this.__set__totalTime(totalTime); } if (isLive != undefined) { this.__set__isLive(isLive); } this.__set__contentPath(contentPath); }; = function (contentPath, totalTime, isLive) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (contentPath == undefined) { this._vp[this._activeVP].play(); } else { this.__set__autoPlay(true); if (totalTime != undefined) { this.__set__totalTime(totalTime); } if (isLive != undefined) { this.__set__isLive(isLive); } this.__set__contentPath(contentPath); } }; v2.pause = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } this._vp[this._activeVP].pause(); }; v2.stop = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } this._vp[this._activeVP].stop(); }; = function (time) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } this._preSeekTime = this.playheadTime; this._vp[this._activeVP].seek(time); }; v2.seekSeconds = function (time) {; }; v2.seekPercent = function (percent) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (percent < 0 || percent > 100 || this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime == undefined || this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime == null || this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime <= 0) { throw new; }[this._activeVP].totalTime * percent / 100); }; v2.__get__playheadPercentage = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime == undefined || this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime == null || this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime <= 0) { return undefined; } return (this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadTime / this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime) * 100; }; v2.__set__playheadPercentage = function (percent) { this.seekPercent(percent); return this.__get__playheadPercentage(); }; v2.seekToNavCuePoint = function (timeNameOrCuePoint) { var v3; switch (typeof timeNameOrCuePoint) { case 'string': v3 = {'name': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'number': v3 = {'time': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'object': v3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } if ( == null || == undefined || typeof != 'string') { this.seekToNextNavCuePoint(v3.time); return undefined; } if (isNaN(v3.time)) { v3.time = 0; } var v2 = this.findNearestCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint,; for (;;) { if (!(v2 != null && (v2.time < v3.time || !this.isFLVCuePointEnabled(v2)))) break; v2 = this.findNextCuePointWithName(v2); } if (v2 == null) { throw new; }; }; v2.seekToNextNavCuePoint = function (time) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (isNaN(time) || time < 0) { time = this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadTime + 0.001; } var v3; v3 = this.findNearestCuePoint(time,; if (v3 == null) {[this._activeVP].totalTime); return undefined; } var v2 = v3.index; if (v3.time < time) { ++v2; } for (;;) { if (!(v2 < v3.array.length && !this.isFLVCuePointEnabled(v3.array[v2]))) break; ++v2; } if (v2 >= v3.array.length) { var v5 = this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime; if (v3.array[v3.array.length - 1].time > v5) { v5 = v3.array[v3.array.length - 1]; }; } else {[v2].time); } }; v2.seekToPrevNavCuePoint = function (time) { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (isNaN(time) || time < 0) { time = this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadTime; } var v3 = this.findNearestCuePoint(time,; if (v3 == null) {; return undefined; } var v2 = v3.index; for (;;) { if (!(v2 >= 0 && (!this.isFLVCuePointEnabled(v3.array[v2]) || v3.array[v2].time >= time - this._seekToPrevOffset))) break; --v2; } if (v2 < 0) {; } else {[v2].time); } }; v2.addASCuePoint = function (timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].addASCuePoint(timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters); }; v2.removeASCuePoint = function (timeNameOrCuePoint) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].removeASCuePoint(timeNameOrCuePoint); }; v2.findCuePoint = function (timeNameOrCuePoint, type) { switch (type) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].allCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'event': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].eventCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'navigation': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].navCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'flv': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].flvCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'actionscript': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].asCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'all': } return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].allCuePoints, false, timeNameOrCuePoint); }; v2.findNearestCuePoint = function (timeNameOrCuePoint, type) { switch (type) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].allCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'event': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].eventCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'navigation': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].navCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'flv': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].flvCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'actionscript': return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].asCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); case 'all': } return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getCuePoint(this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].allCuePoints, true, timeNameOrCuePoint); }; v2.findNextCuePointWithName = function (cuePoint) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].getNextCuePointWithName(cuePoint); }; v2.setFLVCuePointEnabled = function (enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].setFLVCuePointEnabled(enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint); }; v2.isFLVCuePointEnabled = function (timeNameOrCuePoint) { return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].isFLVCuePointEnabled(timeNameOrCuePoint); }; v2.getNextHighestDepth = function () { var v2 = super.getNextHighestDepth(); return v2 < 1000 ? 1000 : v2; }; v2.bringVideoPlayerToFront = function (index) { if (index == this._topVP || this._vp[index] == undefined) { return undefined; } this._vp[this._topVP].swapDepths(this._vp[index].getDepth()); this._topVP = index; }; v2.getVideoPlayer = function (index) { return this._vp[index]; }; v2.closeVideoPlayer = function (index) { if (this._vp[index] == undefined) { return undefined; } if (index == 0) { throw new; } if (this._visibleVP == index) { this.__set__visibleVideoPlayerIndex(0); } if (this._activeVP == index) { this.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(0); } this._vp[index].close(); this._vp[index].unloadMovie(); delete this._vp[index]; this._vp[index] = undefined; }; v2.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex = function () { return this._activeVP; }; v2.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex = function (i) { if (this._activeVP == i) { return undefined; } if (this._vp[this._activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined) { this.doContentPathConnect(); } this._activeVP = i; if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { this.createVideoPlayer(this._activeVP); this._vp[this._activeVP].visible = false; this._vp[this._activeVP].volume = 0; } return this.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); }; v2.__get__autoPlay = function () { if (this._vpState[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._autoPlay; } return this._vpState[this._activeVP].autoPlay; }; v2.__set__autoPlay = function (flag) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._autoPlay = flag; } this._vpState[this._activeVP].autoPlay = flag; return this.__get__autoPlay(); }; v2.__get__autoRewind = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._autoRewind; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].autoRewind; }; v2.__set__autoRewind = function (flag) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._autoRewind = flag; } this._vp[this._activeVP].autoRewind = flag; return this.__get__autoRewind(); }; v2.__get__autoSize = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._autoSize; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].autoSize; }; v2.__set__autoSize = function (flag) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._autoSize = flag; } this._vp[this._activeVP].autoSize = flag; return this.__get__autoSize(); }; v2.__get__bitrate = function () { return (this.__get__ncMgr()).getBitrate(); }; v2.__set__bitrate = function (b) { (this.__get__ncMgr()).setBitrate(b); return this.__get__bitrate(); }; v2.__get__buffering = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].state ==; }; v2.__get__bufferingBar = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._bufferingBar = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._bufferingBar; }; v2.__set__bufferingBar = function (s) { this._bufferingBar = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__bufferingBar(); }; v2.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._bufferingBarHides = this._uiMgr.bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers; } return this._bufferingBarHides; }; v2.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers = function (b) { this._bufferingBarHides = b; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(b); } return this.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(); }; v2.__get__backButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._backButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._backButton; }; v2.__set__backButton = function (s) { this._backButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__backButton(); }; v2.__get__bufferTime = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._bufferTime; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].bufferTime; }; v2.__set__bufferTime = function (aTime) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._bufferTime = aTime; } this._vp[this._activeVP].bufferTime = aTime; return this.__get__bufferTime(); }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { return this._vp[this._activeVP].bytesLoaded; }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { return this._vp[this._activeVP].bytesTotal; }; v2.__get__contentPath = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined || this._vp[this._activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined) { return this._contentPath; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].url; }; v2.__set__contentPath = function (url) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return undefined; } if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { if (url == this._contentPath) { return undefined; } this._contentPath = url; } else { if (this._vp[this._activeVP].url == url) { return undefined; } this._vpState[this._activeVP].minProgressPercent = undefined; if (this._vp[this._activeVP].onEnterFrame != undefined) { delete this._vp[this._activeVP].onEnterFrame; this._vp[this._activeVP].onEnterFrame = undefined; } this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].reset(); if (this._vpState[this._activeVP].autoPlay && this._firstStreamShown) { this._vp[this._activeVP].play(url, this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLive, this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTime); } else { this._vp[this._activeVP].load(url, this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLive, this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTime); } this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLiveSet = false; this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTimeSet = false; } return this.__get__contentPath(); }; v2.__set__cuePoints = function (cp) { if (this._cuePoints != undefined) { return undefined; } this._cuePoints = cp; return this.__get__cuePoints(); }; v2.__get__forwardButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._forwardButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._forwardButton; }; v2.__set__forwardButton = function (s) { this._forwardButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__forwardButton(); }; v2.__get__height = function () { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return this.__height; } if (this._vp[this._visibleVP] != undefined) { this.__height = this._vp[this._visibleVP].height; } return this.__height; }; v2.__set__height = function (h) { this.setSize(this.__get__width(), h); return this.__get__height(); }; v2.__get__idleTimeout = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._idleTimeout; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].idleTimeout; }; v2.__set__idleTimeout = function (aTime) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._idleTimeout = aTime; } this._vp[this._activeVP].idleTimeout = aTime; return this.__get__idleTimeout(); }; v2.__get__isRTMP = function () { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return true; } if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return undefined; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].isRTMP; }; v2.__get__isLive = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._isLive; } else { if (this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLiveSet) { return this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLive; } else { return this._vp[this._activeVP].isLive; } } }; v2.__set__isLive = function (flag) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._isLive = flag; } this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLive = flag; this._vpState[this._activeVP].isLiveSet = true; return this.__get__isLive(); }; v2.__get__maintainAspectRatio = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._aspectRatio; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].maintainAspectRatio; }; v2.__set__maintainAspectRatio = function (flag) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._aspectRatio = flag; } this._vp[this._activeVP].maintainAspectRatio = flag; return this.__get__maintainAspectRatio(); }; v2.__get__metadata = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return null; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].metadata; }; v2.__get__metadataLoaded = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].metadataLoaded; }; v2.__get__muteButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._muteButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._muteButton; }; v2.__set__muteButton = function (s) { this._muteButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__muteButton(); }; v2.__get__ncMgr = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return null; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].ncMgr; }; v2.__get__pauseButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._pauseButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._pauseButton; }; v2.__set__pauseButton = function (s) { this._pauseButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__pauseButton(); }; v2.__get__paused = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].state ==; }; v2.__get__playButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._playButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._playButton; }; v2.__set__playButton = function (s) { this._playButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__playButton(); }; v2.__get__playheadTime = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return 0; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadTime; }; v2.__set__playheadTime = function (position) {; return this.__get__playheadTime(); }; v2.__get__playheadUpdateInterval = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._playheadUpdateInterval; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval; }; v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval = function (aTime) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; } this._cpMgr[this._activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; this._vp[this._activeVP].playheadUpdateInterval = aTime; return this.__get__playheadUpdateInterval(); }; v2.__get__playing = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].state ==; }; v2.__get__playPauseButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._playPauseButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._playPauseButton; }; v2.__set__playPauseButton = function (s) { this._playPauseButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__playPauseButton(); }; v2.__get__preferredHeight = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return 0; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].videoHeight; }; v2.__get__preferredWidth = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return 0; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].videoWidth; }; v2.__get__progressInterval = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._progressInterval; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].progressInterval; }; v2.__set__progressInterval = function (aTime) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._progressInterval = aTime; } this._vp[this._activeVP].progressInterval = aTime; return this.__get__progressInterval(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { if (this._vp[this._visibleVP] != undefined) { this._scaleX = (this._vp[this._visibleVP].width / this._origWidth) * 100; } return this._scaleX; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (xs) { this.setScale(xs, this.__get__scaleY()); return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { if (this._vp[this._visibleVP] != undefined) { this._scaleY = (this._vp[this._visibleVP].height / this._origHeight) * 100; } return this._scaleY; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (ys) { this.setScale(this.__get__scaleX(), ys); return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.__get__scrubbing = function () { var v2 = this.__get__seekBar(); if (v2 == undefined || v2.isDragging == undefined) { return false; } return v2.isDragging; }; v2.__get__seekBar = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._seekBar = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._seekBar; }; v2.__set__seekBar = function (s) { this._seekBar = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__seekBar(); }; v2.__get__seekBarInterval = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._seekBarInterval = this._uiMgr.seekBarInterval; } return this._seekBarInterval; }; v2.__set__seekBarInterval = function (s) { this._seekBarInterval = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__seekBarInterval(this._seekBarInterval); } return this.__get__seekBarInterval(); }; v2.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._seekBarScrubTolerance = this._uiMgr.seekBarScrubTolerance; } return this._seekBarScrubTolerance; }; v2.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance = function (s) { this._seekBarScrubTolerance = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance(this._seekBarScrubTolerance); } return this.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance(); }; v2.__get__seekToPrevOffset = function () { return this._seekToPrevOffset; }; v2.__set__seekToPrevOffset = function (s) { this._seekToPrevOffset = s; return this.__get__seekToPrevOffset(); }; v2.__get__skin = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._skin =; } return this._skin; }; v2.__set__skin = function (s) { this._skin = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__skin(s); } return this.__get__skin(); }; v2.__get__skinAutoHide = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._skinAutoHide = this._uiMgr.skinAutoHide; } return this._skinAutoHide; }; v2.__set__skinAutoHide = function (b) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return undefined; } this._skinAutoHide = b; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__skinAutoHide(b); } return this.__get__skinAutoHide(); }; v2.__get__transform = function () { return this._transform; }; v2.__set__transform = function (s) { this._transform = s; if (this._vp[this._activeVP] != undefined) { this._vp[this._activeVP].transform = this._transform; } return this.__get__transform(); }; v2.__get__state = function () { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return; } if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return; } if (this._activeVP == this._visibleVP && this.__get__scrubbing()) { return; } var v3 = this._vp[this._activeVP].state; if (v3 == { return; } if (this._vpState[this._activeVP].prevState == && this._vpState[this._activeVP].autoPlay && v3 == { return; } return v3; }; v2.__get__stateResponsive = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].stateResponsive; }; v2.__get__stopButton = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._stopButton = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._stopButton; }; v2.__set__stopButton = function (s) { this._stopButton = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__stopButton(); }; v2.__get__stopped = function () { if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return false; } return this._vp[this._activeVP].state ==; }; v2.__get__totalTime = function () { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return 1; } if (this._vp[this._activeVP] == undefined) { return this._totalTime; } else { if (this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTimeSet) { return this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTime; } else { return this._vp[this._activeVP].totalTime; } } }; v2.__set__totalTime = function (aTime) { if (this._activeVP == 0 || this._activeVP == undefined) { this._totalTime = aTime; } this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTime = aTime; this._vpState[this._activeVP].totalTimeSet = true; return this.__get__totalTime(); }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this._visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (v) { this._visible = v; return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex = function () { return this._visibleVP; }; v2.__set__visibleVideoPlayerIndex = function (i) { if (this._visibleVP == i) { return undefined; } var v2 = this._visibleVP; if (this._vp[i] == undefined) { this.createVideoPlayer(i); } var v5 = this._vp[i].height != this._vp[this._visibleVP].height || this._vp[i].width != this._vp[this._visibleVP].width; this._vp[this._visibleVP].visible = false; this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = 0; this._visibleVP = i; if (this._firstStreamShown) { this._uiMgr.setupSkinAutoHide(v2); this._vp[this._visibleVP].visible = true; if (!this.__get__scrubbing()) { this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = this._volume; } } else { if (this._vp[this._visibleVP].stateResponsive && this._vp[this._visibleVP].state != && this._uiMgr.__get__skinReady()) { this._uiMgr.__set__visible(true); this._uiMgr.setupSkinAutoHide(v2); this._firstStreamReady = true; this.showFirstStream(); } } if (this._vp[v2].height != this._vp[this._visibleVP].height || this._vp[v2].width != this._vp[this._visibleVP].width) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'x': this.__get__x(), 'y': this.__get__y(), 'width': this.__get__width(), 'height': this.__get__height(), 'auto': false, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); } this._uiMgr.handleEvent({'type': 'stateChange', 'state': this._vp[this._visibleVP].state, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); this._uiMgr.handleEvent({'type': 'playheadUpdate', 'playheadTime': this._vp[this._visibleVP].playheadTime, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); if (this._vp[this._visibleVP].isRTMP) { this._uiMgr.handleEvent({'type': 'ready', 'vp': this._visibleVP}); } else { this._uiMgr.handleEvent({'type': 'progress', 'bytesLoaded': this._vp[this._visibleVP].bytesLoaded, 'bytesTotal': this._vp[this._visibleVP].bytesTotal, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); } return this.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex(); }; v2.__get__volume = function () { return this._volume; }; v2.__set__volume = function (aVol) { if (this._volume == aVol) { return undefined; } this._volume = aVol; if (!this.__get__scrubbing()) { this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = this._volume; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'volumeUpdate', 'volume': aVol}); return this.__get__volume(); }; v2.__get__volumeBar = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._volumeBar = this._uiMgr.getControl(; } return this._volumeBar; }; v2.__set__volumeBar = function (s) { this._volumeBar = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, s); } return this.__get__volumeBar(); }; v2.__get__volumeBarInterval = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._volumeBarInterval = this._uiMgr.volumeBarInterval; } return this._volumeBarInterval; }; v2.__set__volumeBarInterval = function (s) { this._volumeBarInterval = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__volumeBarInterval(this._volumeBarInterval); } return this.__get__volumeBarInterval(); }; v2.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance = function () { if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._volumeBarScrubTolerance = this._uiMgr.volumeBarScrubTolerance; } return this._volumeBarScrubTolerance; }; v2.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance = function (s) { this._volumeBarScrubTolerance = s; if (this._uiMgr != null && this._uiMgr != undefined) { this._uiMgr.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance(this._volumeBarScrubTolerance); } return this.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance(); }; v2.__get__width = function () { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return this.__width; } if (this._vp[this._visibleVP] != undefined) { this.__width = this._vp[this._visibleVP].width; } return this.__width; }; v2.__set__width = function (w) { this.setSize(w, this.__get__height()); return this.__get__width(); }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__set__x = function (xpos) { this._x = xpos; return this.__get__x(); }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__set__y = function (ypos) { this._y = ypos; return this.__get__y(); }; v2.createVideoPlayer = function (index) { if (_global.isLivePreview) { return undefined; } var v4 = this.__get__width(); var v5 = this.__get__height(); this._vp[index] ='VideoPlayer', String(index), + index)); this._vp[index].setSize(v4, v5); this._topVP = index; this._vp[index].autoRewind = this._autoRewind; this._vp[index].autoSize = this._autoSize; this._vp[index].bufferTime = this._bufferTime; this._vp[index].idleTimeout = this._idleTimeout; this._vp[index].maintainAspectRatio = this._aspectRatio; this._vp[index].playheadUpdateInterval = this._playheadUpdateInterval; this._vp[index].progressInterval = this._progressInterval; this._vp[index].transform = this._transform; this._vp[index].volume = this._volume; if (index == 0) { this._vpState[index] = {'id': index, 'isLive': this._isLive, 'isLiveSet': true, 'totalTime': this._totalTime, 'totalTimeSet': true, 'autoPlay': this._autoPlay}; if (this._contentPath != null && this._contentPath != undefined && this._contentPath != '') { this._vp[index].onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.doContentPathConnect); } } else { this._vpState[index] = {'id': index, 'isLive': false, 'isLiveSet': true, 'totalTime': 0, 'totalTimeSet': true, 'autoPlay': false}; } this._vp[index].addEventListener('resize', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('close', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('complete', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('cuePoint', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('playheadUpdate', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('progress', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('metadataReceived', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('stateChange', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('ready', this); this._vp[index].addEventListener('rewind', this); this._cpMgr[index] = new, index); this._cpMgr[index].playheadUpdateInterval = this._playheadUpdateInterval; }; v2.createUIManager = function () { this._uiMgr = new; this._uiMgr.__set__visible(false); if (this._backButton != undefined && this._backButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._backButton); } if (this._bufferingBar != undefined && this._bufferingBar != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._bufferingBar); } this._uiMgr.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(this._bufferingBarHides); if (this._forwardButton != undefined && this._forwardButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._forwardButton); } if (this._pauseButton != undefined && this._pauseButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._pauseButton); } if (this._playButton != undefined && this._playButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._playButton); } if (this._playPauseButton != undefined && this._playPauseButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._playPauseButton); } if (this._stopButton != undefined && this._stopButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._stopButton); } if (this._seekBar != undefined && this._seekBar != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._seekBar); } if (this._seekBarInterval != undefined && this._seekBarInterval != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__seekBarInterval(this._seekBarInterval); } if (this._seekBarScrubTolerance != undefined && this._seekBarScrubTolerance != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance(this._seekBarScrubTolerance); } if (this._skin != undefined && this._skin != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__skin(this._skin); } if (this._skinAutoHide != undefined && this._skinAutoHide != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__skinAutoHide(this._skinAutoHide); } if (this._muteButton != undefined && this._muteButton != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._muteButton); } if (this._volumeBar != undefined && this._volumeBar != null) { this._uiMgr.setControl(, this._volumeBar); } if (this._volumeBarInterval != undefined && this._volumeBarInterval != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__volumeBarInterval(this._volumeBarInterval); } if (this._volumeBarScrubTolerance != undefined && this._volumeBarScrubTolerance != null) { this._uiMgr.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance(this._volumeBarScrubTolerance); } }; v2.createLivePreviewMovieClip = function () { this.preview_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('preview_mc', 10); this.preview_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('box_mc', 10); this.preview_mc.box_mc.beginFill(0); this.preview_mc.box_mc.moveTo(0, 0); this.preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(0, 100); this.preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(100, 100); this.preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(100, 0); this.preview_mc.box_mc.lineTo(0, 0); this.preview_mc.box_mc.endFill(); this.preview_mc.attachMovie('Icon', 'icon_mc', 20); }; v2.doContentPathConnect = function () { delete this._vp[0].onEnterFrame; this._vp[0].onEnterFrame = undefined; if (_global.isLivePreview) { return undefined; } if (this._vpState[0].autoPlay && this._firstStreamShown) { this._vp[0].play(this._contentPath, this._isLive, this._totalTime); } else { this._vp[0].load(this._contentPath, this._isLive, this._totalTime); } this._vpState[0].isLiveSet = false; this._vpState[0].totalTimeSet = false; }; v2.showFirstStream = function () { this._firstStreamShown = true; this._vp[this._visibleVP].visible = true; if (!this.__get__scrubbing()) { this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = this._volume; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._vp.length) { if (this._vp[v2] != undefined && this._vp[v2].state == && this._vpState[v2].autoPlay) { this._vp[v2].play(); } ++v2; } }; v2._scrubStart = function () { var v2 = this.__get__playheadTime(); this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = 0; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'stateChange', 'state':, 'playheadTime': v2, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scrubStart', 'state':, 'playheadTime': v2}); }; v2._scrubFinish = function () { var v3 = this.__get__playheadTime(); var v2 = this.__get__state(); this._vp[this._visibleVP].volume = this._volume; if (v2 != { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'stateChange', 'state': v2, 'playheadTime': v3, 'vp': this._visibleVP}); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scrubFinish', 'state': v2, 'playheadTime': v3}); }; v2.skinError = function (message) { if (this._firstStreamReady && !this._firstStreamShown) { this.showFirstStream(); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'skinError', 'message': message}); }; v2.skinLoaded = function () { if (this._firstStreamReady) { this._uiMgr.__set__visible(true); if (!this._firstStreamShown) { this.showFirstStream(); } } else { if (this._contentPath == undefined || this._contentPath == null || this._contentPath == '') { this._uiMgr.__set__visible(true); } } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'skinLoaded'}); }; v1.version = ''; v1.DISCONNECTED = 'disconnected'; v1.STOPPED = 'stopped'; v1.PLAYING = 'playing'; v1.PAUSED = 'paused'; v1.BUFFERING = 'buffering'; v1.LOADING = 'loading'; v1.CONNECTION_ERROR = 'connectionError'; v1.REWINDING = 'rewinding'; v1.SEEKING = 'seeking'; v1.ALL = 'all'; v1.EVENT = 'event'; v1.NAVIGATION = 'navigation'; v1.FLV = 'flv'; v1.ACTIONSCRIPT = 'actionscript'; v1.VP_DEPTH_OFFSET = 100; v1.SEEK_TO_PREV_OFFSET_DEFAULT = 1; v2.addProperty('activeVideoPlayerIndex', v2.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex, v2.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex); v2.addProperty('autoPlay', v2.__get__autoPlay, v2.__set__autoPlay); v2.addProperty('autoRewind', v2.__get__autoRewind, v2.__set__autoRewind); v2.addProperty('autoSize', v2.__get__autoSize, v2.__set__autoSize); v2.addProperty('backButton', v2.__get__backButton, v2.__set__backButton); v2.addProperty('bitrate', v2.__get__bitrate, v2.__set__bitrate); v2.addProperty('bufferTime', v2.__get__bufferTime, v2.__set__bufferTime); v2.addProperty('buffering', v2.__get__buffering, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bufferingBar', v2.__get__bufferingBar, v2.__set__bufferingBar); v2.addProperty('bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers', v2.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers, v2.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('contentPath', v2.__get__contentPath, v2.__set__contentPath); v2.addProperty('cuePoints', function () {}, v2.__set__cuePoints); v2.addProperty('forwardButton', v2.__get__forwardButton, v2.__set__forwardButton); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, v2.__set__height); v2.addProperty('idleTimeout', v2.__get__idleTimeout, v2.__set__idleTimeout); v2.addProperty('isLive', v2.__get__isLive, v2.__set__isLive); v2.addProperty('isRTMP', v2.__get__isRTMP, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maintainAspectRatio', v2.__get__maintainAspectRatio, v2.__set__maintainAspectRatio); v2.addProperty('metadata', v2.__get__metadata, function () {}); v2.addProperty('metadataLoaded', v2.__get__metadataLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('muteButton', v2.__get__muteButton, v2.__set__muteButton); v2.addProperty('ncMgr', v2.__get__ncMgr, function () {}); v2.addProperty('pauseButton', v2.__get__pauseButton, v2.__set__pauseButton); v2.addProperty('paused', v2.__get__paused, function () {}); v2.addProperty('playButton', v2.__get__playButton, v2.__set__playButton); v2.addProperty('playPauseButton', v2.__get__playPauseButton, v2.__set__playPauseButton); v2.addProperty('playheadPercentage', v2.__get__playheadPercentage, v2.__set__playheadPercentage); v2.addProperty('playheadTime', v2.__get__playheadTime, v2.__set__playheadTime); v2.addProperty('playheadUpdateInterval', v2.__get__playheadUpdateInterval, v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval); v2.addProperty('playing', v2.__get__playing, function () {}); v2.addProperty('preferredHeight', v2.__get__preferredHeight, function () {}); v2.addProperty('preferredWidth', v2.__get__preferredWidth, function () {}); v2.addProperty('progressInterval', v2.__get__progressInterval, v2.__set__progressInterval); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('scrubbing', v2.__get__scrubbing, function () {}); v2.addProperty('seekBar', v2.__get__seekBar, v2.__set__seekBar); v2.addProperty('seekBarInterval', v2.__get__seekBarInterval, v2.__set__seekBarInterval); v2.addProperty('seekBarScrubTolerance', v2.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance, v2.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance); v2.addProperty('seekToPrevOffset', v2.__get__seekToPrevOffset, v2.__set__seekToPrevOffset); v2.addProperty('skin', v2.__get__skin, v2.__set__skin); v2.addProperty('skinAutoHide', v2.__get__skinAutoHide, v2.__set__skinAutoHide); v2.addProperty('state', v2.__get__state, function () {}); v2.addProperty('stateResponsive', v2.__get__stateResponsive, function () {}); v2.addProperty('stopButton', v2.__get__stopButton, v2.__set__stopButton); v2.addProperty('stopped', v2.__get__stopped, function () {}); v2.addProperty('totalTime', v2.__get__totalTime, v2.__set__totalTime); v2.addProperty('transform', v2.__get__transform, v2.__set__transform); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('visibleVideoPlayerIndex', v2.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex, v2.__set__visibleVideoPlayerIndex); v2.addProperty('volume', v2.__get__volume, v2.__set__volume); v2.addProperty('volumeBar', v2.__get__volumeBar, v2.__set__volumeBar); v2.addProperty('volumeBarInterval', v2.__get__volumeBarInterval, v2.__set__volumeBarInterval); v2.addProperty('volumeBarScrubTolerance', v2.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance, v2.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, v2.__set__width); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, v2.__set__x); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, v2.__set__y); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 10 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super();; this._state =; this._cachedState = this._state; this._bufferState =; this._cachedPlayheadTime = 0; this._metadata = null; this._startingPlay = false; this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._invalidSeekRecovery = false; this._currentPos = 0; this._atEnd = false; this._cmdQueue = new Array(); this._readyDispatched = false; this._autoResizeDone = false; this._lastUpdateTime = -1; this._sawSeekNotify = false; this._updateTimeIntervalID = 0; this._updateTimeInterval =; this._updateProgressIntervalID = 0; this._updateProgressInterval =; this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; this._idleTimeoutInterval =; this._autoResizeIntervalID = 0; this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; this._httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; this._httpDoSeekCount = 0; this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; this._delayedBufferingInterval =; if (this._isLive == undefined) { this._isLive = false; } if (this._autoSize == undefined) { this._autoSize = false; } if (this._aspectRatio == undefined) { this._aspectRatio = true; } if (this._autoPlay == undefined) { this._autoPlay = true; } if (this._autoRewind == undefined) { this._autoRewind = true; } if (this._bufferTime == undefined) { this._bufferTime = 0.1; } if (this._volume == undefined) { this._volume = 100; } this._sound = new Sound(this); this._sound.setVolume(this._volume); this.__visible = true; this._hiddenForResize = false; this._hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay = 0; this._contentPath = ''; }; = v1; extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { if (w == this._video._width && h == this._video._height || this._autoSize) { return undefined; } this._video._width = w; this._video._height = h; if (this._aspectRatio) { this.startAutoResize(); } }; v2.setScale = function (xs, ys) { if (xs == this._video._xscale && ys == this._video._yscale || this._autoSize) { return undefined; } this._video._xscale = xs; this._video._yscale = ys; if (this._aspectRatio) { this.startAutoResize(); } }; = function (url, isLive, totalTime) { if (url != null && url != undefined) { if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(, url, isLive, totalTime); return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } this._autoPlay = true; this._load(url, isLive, totalTime); return undefined; } if (!this.isXnOK()) { if (this._state == || this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { throw new; } else { this.flushQueuedCmds(); this.queueCmd(; this.setState(; this._cachedState =; this._ncMgr.reconnect(); return undefined; } } else { if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(; return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } } if (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) { this._createStream(); this._video.attachVideo(this._ns); this.attachAudio(this._ns); } switch (this._state) { case if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._play(0); if (this._atEnd) { this._atEnd = false; this._currentPos = 0; this.setState(; } else { if (this._currentPos > 0) { this._seek(this._currentPos); this._currentPos = 0; } } } case return undefined; case if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (this._isLive) { this._play(-1); this.setState(; } else { this._play(0); if (this._atEnd) { this._atEnd = false; this._currentPos = 0; this._state =; this.setState(; } else { if (this._currentPos > 0) { this._seek(this._currentPos); this._currentPos = 0; this.setState(; } else { this.setState(; } } } } else { this._pause(false); if (this._atEnd) { this._atEnd = false; this._seek(0); this._state =; this.setState(; } else { if (this._bufferState == { this.setState(; } else { this.setState(; } } } break; case this._pause(false); if (!this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (this._bufferState == { this.setState(; } else { this.setState(; } } else { this.setState(; } } }; v2.load = function (url, isLive, totalTime) { if (url == null || url == undefined) { throw new Error('null url sent to VideoPlayer.load'); } if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(, url, isLive, totalTime); return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } this._autoPlay = false; this._load(url, isLive, totalTime); }; v2._load = function (url, isLive, totalTime) { this._prevVideoWidth = this.videoWidth; if (this._prevVideoWidth == undefined) { this._prevVideoWidth = this._video.width; if (this._prevVideoWidth == undefined) { this._prevVideoWidth = 0; } } this._prevVideoHeight = this.videoHeight; if (this._prevVideoHeight == undefined) { this._prevVideoHeight = this._video.height; if (this._prevVideoHeight == undefined) { this._prevVideoHeight = 0; } } this._autoResizeDone = false; this._cachedPlayheadTime = 0; this._bufferState =; this._metadata = null; this._startingPlay = false; this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._invalidSeekRecovery = false; this._isLive = (isLive == undefined) ? false : isLive; this._contentPath = url; this._currentPos = 0; this._streamLength = totalTime; this._atEnd = false; this._videoWidth = undefined; this._videoHeight = undefined; this._readyDispatched = false; this._lastUpdateTime = -1; this._sawSeekNotify = false; clearInterval(this._updateTimeIntervalID); this._updateTimeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._updateProgressIntervalID); this._updateProgressIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._idleTimeoutIntervalID); this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._autoResizeIntervalID); this._autoResizeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._httpDoSeekIntervalID); this._httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID); this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; this.closeNS(false); if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined) { this.createINCManager(); } var v2 = this._ncMgr.connectToURL(this._contentPath); this.setState(; this._cachedState =; if (v2) { this._createStream(); this._setUpStream(); } if (!this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { clearInterval(this._updateProgressIntervalID); this._updateProgressIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doUpdateProgress', this._updateProgressInterval); } }; v2.pause = function () { if (!this.isXnOK()) { if (this._state == || this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { throw new; } else { return undefined; } } else { if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(; return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } } if (this._state == || this._state == || this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) { return undefined; } this._pause(true); this.setState(; }; v2.stop = function () { if (!this.isXnOK()) { if (this._state == || this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { throw new; } else { return undefined; } } else { if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(; return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } } if (this._state == || this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) { return undefined; } if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (this._autoRewind && !this._isLive) { this._currentPos = 0; this._play(0, 0); this._state =; this.setState(; } else { this.closeNS(true); this.setState(; } } else { this._pause(true); if (this._autoRewind) { this._seek(0); this._state =; this.setState(; } else { this.setState(; } } }; = function (time) { if (this._invalidSeekTime) { return undefined; } if (isNaN(time) || time < 0) { throw new; } if (!this.isXnOK()) { if (this._state == || this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { throw new; } else { this.flushQueuedCmds(); this.queueCmd(, null, false, time); this.setState(; this._cachedState =; this._ncMgr.reconnect(); return undefined; } } else { if (this._state == { this._state = this._cachedState; } else { if (!this.__get__stateResponsive()) { this.queueCmd(, null, false, time); return undefined; } else { this.execQueuedCmds(); } } } if (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) { this._createStream(); this._video.attachVideo(this._ns); this.attachAudio(this._ns); } if (this._atEnd && time < this.__get__playheadTime()) { this._atEnd = false; } switch (this._state) { case this._state =; case case this._seek(time); this.setState(; break; case if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._play(0); this._pause(true); } this._seek(time); this._state =; this.setState(; } }; v2.close = function () { this.closeNS(true); if (this._ncMgr != null && this._ncMgr != undefined && this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._ncMgr.close(); } this.setState(; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'close', 'state': this._state, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__set__x = function (xpos) { this._x = xpos; return this.__get__x(); }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__set__y = function (ypos) { this._y = ypos; return this.__get__y(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { return this._video._xscale; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (xs) { this.setScale(xs, this.__get__scaleY()); return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { return this._video._yscale; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (ys) { this.setScale(this.__get__scaleX(), ys); return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.__get__width = function () { return this._video._width; }; v2.__set__width = function (w) { this.setSize(w, this._video._height); return this.__get__width(); }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this._video._height; }; v2.__set__height = function (h) { this.setSize(this._video._width, h); return this.__get__height(); }; v2.__get__videoWidth = function () { if (this._readyDispatched) { this._videoWidth = this._video.width; } return this._videoWidth; }; v2.__get__videoHeight = function () { if (this._readyDispatched) { this._videoHeight = this._video.height; } return this._videoHeight; }; v2.__get__visible = function () { if (!this._hiddenForResize) { this.__visible = this._visible; } return this.__visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (v) { this.__visible = v; if (!this._hiddenForResize) { this._visible = this.__visible; } return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__autoSize = function () { return this._autoSize; }; v2.__set__autoSize = function (flag) { if (this._autoSize != flag) { this._autoSize = flag; if (this._autoSize) { this.startAutoResize(); } } return this.__get__autoSize(); }; v2.__get__maintainAspectRatio = function () { return this._aspectRatio; }; v2.__set__maintainAspectRatio = function (flag) { if (this._aspectRatio != flag) { this._aspectRatio = flag; if (this._aspectRatio && !this._autoSize) { this.startAutoResize(); } } return this.__get__maintainAspectRatio(); }; v2.__get__autoRewind = function () { return this._autoRewind; }; v2.__set__autoRewind = function (flag) { this._autoRewind = flag; return this.__get__autoRewind(); }; v2.__get__playheadTime = function () { var v2 = (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) ? this._currentPos : this._ns.time; if (this._metadata.audiodelay != undefined) { v2 -= this._metadata.audiodelay; if (v2 < 0) { v2 = 0; } } return v2; }; v2.__set__playheadTime = function (position) {; return this.__get__playheadTime(); }; v2.__get__url = function () { return this._contentPath; }; v2.__get__volume = function () { return this._volume; }; v2.__set__volume = function (aVol) { this._volume = aVol; if (!this._hiddenForResize) { this._sound.setVolume(this._volume); } return this.__get__volume(); }; v2.__get__transform = function () { return this._sound.getTransform(); }; v2.__set__transform = function (s) { this._sound.setTransform(s); return this.__get__transform(); }; v2.__get__isRTMP = function () { if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined) { return undefined; } return this._ncMgr.isRTMP(); }; v2.__get__isLive = function () { return this._isLive; }; v2.__get__state = function () { return this._state; }; v2.__get__stateResponsive = function () { switch (this._state) { return false; case case case case case return true; } return false; }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { if (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined || this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { return -1; } return this._ns.bytesLoaded; }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { if (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined || this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { return -1; } return this._ns.bytesTotal; }; v2.__get__totalTime = function () { return this._streamLength; }; v2.__get__bufferTime = function () { return this._bufferTime; }; v2.__set__bufferTime = function (aTime) { this._bufferTime = aTime; if (this._ns != null && this._ns != undefined) { this._ns.setBufferTime(this._bufferTime); } return this.__get__bufferTime(); }; v2.__get__idleTimeout = function () { return this._idleTimeoutInterval; }; v2.__set__idleTimeout = function (aTime) { this._idleTimeoutInterval = aTime; if (this._idleTimeoutIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._idleTimeoutIntervalID); this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doIdleTimeout', this._idleTimeoutInterval); } return this.__get__idleTimeout(); }; v2.__get__playheadUpdateInterval = function () { return this._updateTimeInterval; }; v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval = function (aTime) { this._updateTimeInterval = aTime; if (this._updateTimeIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._updateTimeIntervalID); this._updateTimeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doUpdateTime', this._updateTimeInterval); } return this.__get__playheadUpdateInterval(); }; v2.__get__progressInterval = function () { return this._updateProgressInterval; }; v2.__set__progressInterval = function (aTime) { this._updateProgressInterval = aTime; if (this._updateProgressIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._updateProgressIntervalID); this._updateProgressIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doUpdateProgress', this._updateProgressInterval); } return this.__get__progressInterval(); }; v2.__get__ncMgr = function () { if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined) { this.createINCManager(); } return this._ncMgr; }; v2.__get__metadata = function () { return this._metadata; }; v2.doUpdateTime = function () { var v2 = this.__get__playheadTime(); switch (this._state) { if (this._state !== { } else { case case case clearInterval(this._updateTimeIntervalID); this._updateTimeIntervalID = 0; } } if (this._lastUpdateTime != v2) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'playheadUpdate', 'state': this._state, 'playheadTime': v2}); this._lastUpdateTime = v2; } }; v2.doUpdateProgress = function () { if (this._ns == null || this._ns == undefined) { return undefined; } if (this._ns.bytesTotal >= 0) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'progress', 'bytesLoaded': this._ns.bytesLoaded, 'bytesTotal': this._ns.bytesTotal}); } if (this._state == || this._state == || this._ns.bytesLoaded == this._ns.bytesTotal) { clearInterval(this._updateProgressIntervalID); this._updateProgressIntervalID = 0; } }; v2.rtmpOnStatus = function (info) { if (this._state == { return undefined; } switch (info.code) { case 'NetStream.Play.Stop': if (this._startingPlay) { return undefined; } switch (this._state) { case if (this._hiddenForResize) { this.finishAutoResize(); } break; case case break; case default: if (this._bufferState == || this._bufferTime <= 0.1) { this._cachedPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'rtmpDoStopAtEnd',; } else { if (this._bufferState == { this._bufferState =; } else {} } } break; case 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty': switch (this._bufferState) { case this.rtmpDoStopAtEnd(true); break; case if (this._state == { this.setState(; } break; default: } this._bufferState =; break; case 'NetStream.Buffer.Flush': case 'NetStream.Buffer.Full': if (this._sawSeekNotify && this._state == { this._bufferState =; this.setStateFromCachedState(); this.doUpdateTime(); } switch (this._bufferState) { case if (!this._hiddenForResize) { if (this._state == && this._cachedState == || this._state == { this.setState(; } else { if (this._cachedState == { this._cachedState =; } } } this._bufferState =; break; default: } break; case 'NetStream.Pause.Notify': if (this._state == && this._hiddenForResize) { this.finishAutoResize(); } break; case 'NetStream.Play.Start': clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; this._bufferState =; if (this._startingPlay) { this._startingPlay = false; this._cachedPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; } else { if (this._state == { this.setState(; } } break; case 'NetStream.Play.Reset': clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; if (this._state == { clearInterval(this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; if (this.__get__playheadTime() == 0 || this.__get__playheadTime() < this._cachedPlayheadTime) { this.setStateFromCachedState(); } else { this._cachedPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'rtmpDoSeek',; } } break; case 'NetStream.Seek.Notify': if (this.__get__playheadTime() != this._cachedPlayheadTime) { this.setStateFromCachedState(); this.doUpdateTime(); } else { this._sawSeekNotify = true; if (this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID == 0) { this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'rtmpDoSeek',; } } break; break; case 'Netstream.Play.UnpublishNotify': break; case 'Netstream.Play.PublishNotify': case 'NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound': if (!this._ncMgr.connectAgain()) { this.setState(; } break; case 'NetStream.Play.Failed': case 'NetStream.Failed': this.setState(; } }; v2.httpOnStatus = function (info) { switch (info.code) { case 'NetStream.Play.Stop': clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; if (this._invalidSeekTime) { this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._invalidSeekRecovery = true; this.setState(this._cachedState);; } else { switch (this._state) { if (this._state !== { } else { case case this.httpDoStopAtEnd(); } } } break; case 'NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime': if (this._invalidSeekRecovery) { this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._invalidSeekRecovery = false; this.setState(this._cachedState);; } else { this._invalidSeekTime = true; } break; case 'NetStream.Buffer.Empty': this._bufferState =; if (this._state == { clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doDelayedBuffering', this._delayedBufferingInterval); } break; case 'NetStream.Buffer.Full': case 'NetStream.Buffer.Flush': clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; this._bufferState =; if (!this._hiddenForResize) { if (this._state == && this._cachedState == || this._state == { this.setState(; } else { if (this._cachedState == { this._cachedState =; } } } break; case 'NetStream.Seek.Notify': this._invalidSeekRecovery = false; switch (this._state) { if (this._state !== { } else { case if (this._httpDoSeekIntervalID == 0) { this._httpDoSeekCount = 0; this._httpDoSeekIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'httpDoSeek',; } } } break; case 'NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound': this.setState(; } }; v2.ncConnected = function () { if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { this.setState(; } else { this._createStream(); this._setUpStream(); } }; v2.ncReconnected = function () { if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined) { this.setState(; } else { this._ns = null; this._state =; this.execQueuedCmds(); } }; v2.onMetaData = function (info) { if (this._metadata != null) { return undefined; } this._metadata = info; if (this._streamLength == undefined || this._streamLength == null || this._streamLength <= 0) { this._streamLength = info.duration; } if (isNaN(this._videoWidth) || this._videoWidth <= 0) { this._videoWidth = info.width; } if (isNaN(this._videoHeight) || this._videoHeight <= 0) { this._videoHeight = info.height; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'metadataReceived', 'info': info}); }; v2.onCuePoint = function (info) { if (!this._hiddenForResize || !isNaN(this._hiddenRewindPlayheadTime) && this.__get__playheadTime() < this._hiddenRewindPlayheadTime) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'cuePoint', 'info': info}); } }; v2.setState = function (s) { if (s == this._state) { return undefined; } this._hiddenRewindPlayheadTime = undefined; this._cachedState = this._state; this._cachedPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; this._state = s; var v2 = this._state; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'stateChange', 'state': v2, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); if (!this._readyDispatched) { switch (v2) { if (v2 !== { } else { case case case this._readyDispatched = true; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'ready', 'state': v2, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); } } } if (this._cachedState !== { } else { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'rewind', 'state': v2, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP() && v2 == { this.closeNS(); } } switch (v2) { case case if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP() && this._idleTimeoutIntervalID == 0) { this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doIdleTimeout', this._idleTimeoutInterval); } break; case case this._bufferState =; case case if (this._updateTimeIntervalID == 0) { this._updateTimeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doUpdateTime', this._updateTimeInterval); } case case clearInterval(this._idleTimeoutIntervalID); this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; } this.execQueuedCmds(); }; v2.setStateFromCachedState = function () { switch (this._cachedState) { case case this.setState(this._cachedState); break; case if (this._bufferState == { this.setState(; } else { this.setState(this._cachedState); } break; default: this.setState(; } }; v2.createINCManager = function () { if (this.ncMgrClassName == null || this.ncMgrClassName == undefined) { this.ncMgrClassName =; } var ncMgrConstructor = eval(this.ncMgrClassName); this._ncMgr = new ncMgrConstructor(); this._ncMgr.setVideoPlayer(this); }; v2.rtmpDoStopAtEnd = function (force) { if (this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID > 0) { switch (this._state) { if (this._state !== { } else { case clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; return undefined; } } if (force || this._cachedPlayheadTime == this.__get__playheadTime()) { clearInterval(this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID); this._rtmpDoStopAtEndIntervalID = 0; } else { this._cachedPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; return undefined; } } this._bufferState =; this._atEnd = true; this.setState(; if (this._state != { return undefined; } this.doUpdateTime(); if (this._state != { return undefined; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'complete', 'state': this._state, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); if (this._state != { return undefined; } if (this._autoRewind && !this._isLive && this.__get__playheadTime() != 0) { this._atEnd = false; this._currentPos = 0; this._play(0, 0); this.setState(; } else { this.closeNS(); } }; v2.rtmpDoSeek = function () { if (this._state != && this._state != { clearInterval(this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; this._sawSeekNotify = false; } else { if (this.__get__playheadTime() != this._cachedPlayheadTime) { clearInterval(this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID); this._rtmpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; this._sawSeekNotify = false; this.setStateFromCachedState(); this.doUpdateTime(); } } }; v2.httpDoStopAtEnd = function () { this._atEnd = true; if (this._streamLength == undefined || this._streamLength == null || this._streamLength <= 0) { this._streamLength = this._ns.time; } this._pause(true); this.setState(; if (this._state != { return undefined; } this.doUpdateTime(); if (this._state != { return undefined; } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'complete', 'state': this._state, 'playheadTime': this.__get__playheadTime()}); if (this._state != { return undefined; } if (this._autoRewind) { this._atEnd = false; this._pause(true); this._seek(0); this.setState(; } }; v2.httpDoSeek = function () { var v2 = this._state == || this._state ==; if (v2 && this._httpDoSeekCount < && (this._cachedPlayheadTime == this.__get__playheadTime() || this._invalidSeekTime)) { ++this._httpDoSeekCount; return undefined; } this._httpDoSeekCount = 0; clearInterval(this._httpDoSeekIntervalID); this._httpDoSeekIntervalID = 0; if (!v2) { return undefined; } this.setStateFromCachedState(); if (this._invalidSeekTime) { this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._invalidSeekRecovery = true;; } else { this.doUpdateTime(); } }; v2.closeNS = function (updateCurrentPos) { if (this._ns != null && this._ns != undefined) { if (updateCurrentPos) { clearInterval(this._updateTimeIntervalID); this._updateTimeIntervalID = 0; this.doUpdateTime(); this._currentPos = this._ns.time; } delete this._ns.onStatus; this._ns.onStatus = null; this._ns.close(); this._ns = null; } }; v2.doDelayedBuffering = function () { switch (this._state) { case break; case case clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; this.setState(; break; default: clearInterval(this._delayedBufferingIntervalID); this._delayedBufferingIntervalID = 0; } }; v2._pause = function (doPause) { this._ns.pause(doPause); }; v2._play = function () { this._startingPlay = true; switch (arguments.length) { case 0:, this._isLive ? -1 : 0, -1); break; case 1:, this._isLive ? -1 : arguments[0], -1); break; case 2:, this._isLive ? -1 : arguments[0], arguments[1]); break; default: throw new Error('bad args to _play'); } }; v2._seek = function (time) { if (this._metadata.audiodelay != undefined && time + this._metadata.audiodelay < this._streamLength) { time += this._metadata.audiodelay; }; this._invalidSeekTime = false; this._bufferState =; this._sawSeekNotify = false; }; v2.isXnOK = function () { if (this._state == { return true; } if (this._state == { return false; } if (this._state != { if (this._ncMgr == null || this._ncMgr == undefined || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == null || this._ncMgr.getNetConnection() == undefined || !(this._ncMgr.getNetConnection()).isConnected) { this.setState(; return false; } return true; } return false; }; v2.startAutoResize = function () { switch (this._state) { if (this._state !== { } else { case return undefined; } } this._autoResizeDone = false; if (this.__get__stateResponsive() && this._videoWidth != undefined && this._videoHeight != undefined) { this.doAutoResize(); } else { clearInterval(this._autoResizeIntervalID); this._autoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doAutoResize',; } }; v2.doAutoResize = function () { if (this._autoResizeIntervalID > 0) { switch (this._state) { case break; case case case clearInterval(this._autoResizeIntervalID); this._autoResizeIntervalID = 0; return undefined; default: if (this.__get__stateResponsive()) break; return undefined; } if (this._video.width != this._prevVideoWidth || this._video.height != this._prevVideoHeight || this._bufferState >= || this._ns.time > { if (this._hiddenForResize && this._metadata == null && this._hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay < { ++this._hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay; return undefined; } this._videoWidth = this._video.width; this._videoHeight = this._video.height; clearInterval(this._autoResizeIntervalID); this._autoResizeIntervalID = 0; } else { return undefined; } } if (!this._autoSize && !this._aspectRatio || this._autoResizeDone) { this.setState(this._cachedState); return undefined; } this._autoResizeDone = true; if (this._autoSize) { this._video._width = this._videoWidth; this._video._height = this._videoHeight; } else { if (this._aspectRatio) { var v3 = this._videoWidth * this.__get__height() / this._videoHeight; var v2 = this._videoHeight * this.__get__width() / this._videoWidth; if (v2 < this.__get__height()) { this._video._height = v2; } else { if (v3 < this.__get__width()) { this._video._width = v3; } } } } if (this._hiddenForResize) { this._hiddenRewindPlayheadTime = this.playheadTime; if (this._state == { this._cachedState =; } if (!this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._pause(true); this._seek(0); clearInterval(this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID); this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'finishAutoResize',; } else { if (!this._isLive) { this._currentPos = 0; this._play(0, 0); this.setState(; } else { if (this._autoPlay) { clearInterval(this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID); this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'finishAutoResize',; } else { this.finishAutoResize(); } } } } else { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'width': this._width, 'height': this._height}); } }; v2.finishAutoResize = function () { clearInterval(this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID); this._finishAutoResizeIntervalID = 0; if (this.__get__stateResponsive()) { return undefined; } this._visible = this.__visible; this._sound.setVolume(this._volume); this._hiddenForResize = false; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'x': this._x, 'y': this._y, 'width': this._width, 'height': this._height}); if (this._autoPlay) { if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { if (!this._isLive) { this._currentPos = 0; this._play(0); } if (this._state == { this.setState(; this._cachedState =; } } else { this._pause(false); this._cachedState =; } } else { this.setState(; } }; v2._createStream = function () { this._ns = new NetStream(this._ncMgr.getNetConnection()); = this; if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._ns.onStatus = function (info) {; }; } else { this._ns.onStatus = function (info) {; }; } this._ns.onMetaData = function (info) {; }; this._ns.onCuePoint = function (info) {; }; this._ns.setBufferTime(this._bufferTime); }; v2._setUpStream = function () { this._video.attachVideo(this._ns); this.attachAudio(this._ns); if (!isNaN(this._ncMgr.getStreamLength()) && this._ncMgr.getStreamLength() >= 0) { this._streamLength = this._ncMgr.getStreamLength(); } if (!isNaN(this._ncMgr.getStreamWidth()) && this._ncMgr.getStreamWidth() >= 0) { this._videoWidth = this._ncMgr.getStreamWidth(); } else { this._videoWidth = undefined; } if (!isNaN(this._ncMgr.getStreamHeight()) && this._ncMgr.getStreamHeight() >= 0) { this._videoHeight = this._ncMgr.getStreamHeight(); } else { this._videoHeight = undefined; } if ((this._autoSize || this._aspectRatio) && this._videoWidth != undefined && this._videoHeight != undefined) { this._prevVideoWidth = undefined; this._prevVideoHeight = undefined; this.doAutoResize(); } if (!this._autoSize && !this._aspectRatio || this._videoWidth != undefined && this._videoHeight != undefined) { if (this._autoPlay) { if (!this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._cachedState =; this._play(); } else { if (this._isLive) { this._cachedState =; this._play(-1); } else { this._cachedState =; this._play(0); } } } else { this._cachedState =; if (this._ncMgr.isRTMP()) { this._play(0, 0); } else { this._play(); this._pause(true); this._seek(0); } } } else { this._hiddenForResize = true; this._hiddenForResizeMetadataDelay = 0; this.__visible = this._visible; this._visible = false; this._volume = this._sound.getVolume(); this._sound.setVolume(0); this._play(0); if (this._currentPos > 0) { this._seek(this._currentPos); this._currentPos = 0; } } clearInterval(this._autoResizeIntervalID); this._autoResizeIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doAutoResize',; }; v2.doIdleTimeout = function () { clearInterval(this._idleTimeoutIntervalID); this._idleTimeoutIntervalID = 0; this.close(); }; v2.flushQueuedCmds = function () { while (this._cmdQueue.length > 0) { this._cmdQueue.pop(); } }; v2.execQueuedCmds = function () { for (;;) { if (!(this._cmdQueue.length > 0 && (this.__get__stateResponsive() || this._state == && (this._cmdQueue[0].url != null && this._cmdQueue[0].url != undefined || this._state != && this._state != break; var v2 = this._cmdQueue.shift(); this._cachedState = this._state; this._state =; switch (v2.type) { case, v2.isLive, v2.time); break; case this.load(v2.url, v2.isLive, v2.time); break; case this.pause(); break; case this.stop(); break; case; continue; } } }; v2.queueCmd = function (type, url, isLive, time) { this._cmdQueue.push({'type': type, 'url': url, 'isLive': false, 'time': time}); }; v1.version = ''; v1.DISCONNECTED = 'disconnected'; v1.STOPPED = 'stopped'; v1.PLAYING = 'playing'; v1.PAUSED = 'paused'; v1.BUFFERING = 'buffering'; v1.LOADING = 'loading'; v1.CONNECTION_ERROR = 'connectionError'; v1.REWINDING = 'rewinding'; v1.SEEKING = 'seeking'; v1.RESIZING = 'resizing'; v1.EXEC_QUEUED_CMD = 'execQueuedCmd'; v1.BUFFER_EMPTY = 'bufferEmpty'; v1.BUFFER_FULL = 'bufferFull'; v1.BUFFER_FULL_SAW_PLAY_STOP = 'bufferFullSawPlayStop'; v1.DEFAULT_INCMANAGER = ''; v1.DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL = 250; v1.DEFAULT_UPDATE_PROGRESS_INTERVAL = 250; v1.DEFAULT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 300000; v1.AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL = 100; v1.AUTO_RESIZE_PLAYHEAD_TIMEOUT = 0.5; v1.AUTO_RESIZE_METADATA_DELAY_MAX = 5; v1.FINISH_AUTO_RESIZE_INTERVAL = 250; v1.RTMP_DO_STOP_AT_END_INTERVAL = 500; v1.RTMP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL = 100; v1.HTTP_DO_SEEK_INTERVAL = 250; v1.HTTP_DO_SEEK_MAX_COUNT = 4; v1.CLOSE_NS_INTERVAL = 0.25; v1.HTTP_DELAYED_BUFFERING_INTERVAL = 100; v1.PLAY = 0; v1.LOAD = 1; v1.PAUSE = 2; v1.STOP = 3; v1.SEEK = 4; v2.addProperty('autoRewind', v2.__get__autoRewind, v2.__set__autoRewind); v2.addProperty('autoSize', v2.__get__autoSize, v2.__set__autoSize); v2.addProperty('bufferTime', v2.__get__bufferTime, v2.__set__bufferTime); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, v2.__set__height); v2.addProperty('idleTimeout', v2.__get__idleTimeout, v2.__set__idleTimeout); v2.addProperty('isLive', v2.__get__isLive, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isRTMP', v2.__get__isRTMP, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maintainAspectRatio', v2.__get__maintainAspectRatio, v2.__set__maintainAspectRatio); v2.addProperty('metadata', v2.__get__metadata, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ncMgr', v2.__get__ncMgr, function () {}); v2.addProperty('playheadTime', v2.__get__playheadTime, v2.__set__playheadTime); v2.addProperty('playheadUpdateInterval', v2.__get__playheadUpdateInterval, v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval); v2.addProperty('progressInterval', v2.__get__progressInterval, v2.__set__progressInterval); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('state', v2.__get__state, function () {}); v2.addProperty('stateResponsive', v2.__get__stateResponsive, function () {}); v2.addProperty('totalTime', v2.__get__totalTime, function () {}); v2.addProperty('transform', v2.__get__transform, v2.__set__transform); v2.addProperty('url', v2.__get__url, function () {}); v2.addProperty('videoHeight', v2.__get__videoHeight, function () {}); v2.addProperty('videoWidth', v2.__get__videoWidth, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('volume', v2.__get__volume, v2.__set__volume); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, v2.__set__width); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, v2.__set__x); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, v2.__set__y); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 11 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = function () {}; } #endinitclip } movieClip 12 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 13 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (errCode, msg) { super(); this._code = errCode; this.message = '' + errCode + ': ' +[errCode -] + ((msg == undefined) ? '' : ': ' + msg); = 'VideoError'; }; = v1; extends Error; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__code = function () { return this._code; }; v1.version = ''; v1.BASE_ERROR_CODE = 1000; v1.NO_CONNECTION = 1000; v1.NO_CUE_POINT_MATCH = 1001; v1.ILLEGAL_CUE_POINT = 1002; v1.INVALID_SEEK = 1003; v1.INVALID_CONTENT_PATH = 1004; v1.INVALID_XML = 1005; v1.NO_BITRATE_MATCH = 1006; v1.DELETE_DEFAULT_PLAYER = 1007; v1.ERROR_MSG = ['Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server', 'No matching cue point found', 'Illegal cue point', 'Invalid seek', 'Invalid contentPath', 'Invalid xml', 'No bitrate match, must be no default flv', 'Cannot delete default VideoPlayer']; v2.addProperty('code', v2.__get__code, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 14 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (vc) { this._vc = vc; this._skin = undefined; this._skinAutoHide = false; this._skinReady = true; this.__visible = true; this._bufferingBarHides = false; this._controlsEnabled = true; this._lastScrubPos = 0; this._lastVolumePos = 0; this.cachedSoundLevel = this._vc.volume; this._isMuted = false; this.controls = new Array(); this.customClips = undefined; this.skin_mc = undefined; this.skinLoader = undefined; this.layout_mc = undefined; this.border_mc = undefined; this._seekBarIntervalID = 0; this._seekBarInterval =; this._seekBarScrubTolerance =; this._volumeBarIntervalID = 0; this._volumeBarInterval =; this._volumeBarScrubTolerance =; this._bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; this._bufferingDelayInterval =; this._bufferingOn = false; this._skinAutoHideIntervalID = 0; this._vc.addEventListener('metadataReceived', this); this._vc.addEventListener('playheadUpdate', this); this._vc.addEventListener('progress', this); this._vc.addEventListener('stateChange', this); this._vc.addEventListener('ready', this); this._vc.addEventListener('resize', this); this._vc.addEventListener('volumeUpdate', this); }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.vp != undefined && e.vp != this._vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()) { return undefined; } var v9 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (e.type == 'stateChange') { if (e.state == { if (!this._bufferingOn) { clearInterval(this._bufferingDelayIntervalID); this._bufferingDelayIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doBufferingDelay', this._bufferingDelayInterval); } } else { clearInterval(this._bufferingDelayIntervalID); this._bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; this._bufferingOn = false; } if (e.state == { this._progressPercent = (this._vc.getVideoPlayer(e.vp)).__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0; var v2 =; while (v2 <= { var v4 = this.controls[v2]; if (v4.progress_mc != undefined) { this.positionBar(v4, 'progress', this._progressPercent); } ++v2; } } v2 = 0; while (v2 < { if (this.controls[v2] == undefined) { } else { this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(v2, e.state); if (v2 < { this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[v2]); } } ++v2; } } else { if (e.type == 'ready' || e.type == 'metadataReceived') { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { if (this.controls[v2] == undefined) { } else { this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(v2, this._vc.__get__state()); if (v2 < { this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[v2]); } } ++v2; } if ((this._vc.getVideoPlayer(e.vp)).__get__isRTMP()) { this._progressPercent = 100; v2 =; while (v2 <= { var v4 = this.controls[v2]; if (v4.progress_mc != undefined) { this.positionBar(v4, 'progress', this._progressPercent); } ++v2; } } } else { if (e.type == 'resize') { this.layoutSkin(); this.setupSkinAutoHide(); } else { if (e.type == 'volumeUpdate') { if (this._isMuted && e.volume > 0) { this._isMuted = false; this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(,; this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[]); this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(,; this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[]); } var v5 = this.controls[]; v5.percentage = this._isMuted ? this.cachedSoundLevel : e.volume; if (v5.percentage < 0) { v5.percentage = 0; } else { if (v5.percentage > 100) { v5.percentage = 100; } } this.positionHandle(; } else { if (e.type == 'playheadUpdate' && this.controls[] != undefined) { if (!this._vc.__get__isLive() && this._vc.__get__totalTime() > 0) { var v6 = (e.playheadTime / this._vc.__get__totalTime()) * 100; if (v6 < 0) { v6 = 0; } else { if (v6 > 100) { v6 = 100; } } var v10 = this.controls[]; v10.percentage = v6; this.positionHandle(; } } else { if (e.type == 'progress') { this._progressPercent = e.bytesTotal <= 0 ? 100 : (e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal) * 100; var v7 = this._vc._vpState[e.vp].minProgressPercent; if (!isNaN(v7) && v7 > this._progressPercent) { this._progressPercent = v7; } if (this._vc.__get__totalTime() > 0) { var v8 = (this._vc.__get__playheadTime() / this._vc.__get__totalTime()) * 100; if (v8 > this._progressPercent) { this._progressPercent = v8; this._vc._vpState[e.vp].minProgressPercent = this._progressPercent; } } var v2 =; while (v2 <= { var v4 = this.controls[v2]; if (v4.progress_mc != undefined) { this.positionBar(v4, 'progress', this._progressPercent); } ++v2; } } } } } } } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v9); }; v2.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers = function () { return this._bufferingBarHides; }; v2.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers = function (b) { this._bufferingBarHides = b; return this.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers(); }; v2.__get__controlsEnabled = function () { return this._controlsEnabled; }; v2.__set__controlsEnabled = function (flag) { if (this._controlsEnabled == flag) { return undefined; } this._controlsEnabled = flag; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { if (this.controls[v2] == undefined) { } else { this.controls[v2].releaseCapture(); this.controls[v2].enabled = this._controlsEnabled && this.controls[v2].myEnabled; this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[v2]); } ++v2; } return this.__get__controlsEnabled(); }; v2.__get__skin = function () { return this._skin; }; v2.__set__skin = function (s) { if (s == this._skin) { return undefined; } if (this._skin != undefined) { this.removeSkin(); } this._skin = s; this._skinReady = this._skin == undefined || this._skin == null || this._skin == ''; if (!this._skinReady) { this.downloadSkin(); } return this.__get__skin(); }; v2.__get__skinAutoHide = function () { return this._skinAutoHide; }; v2.__set__skinAutoHide = function (b) { if (b == this._skinAutoHide) { return undefined; } this._skinAutoHide = b; this.setupSkinAutoHide(); return this.__get__skinAutoHide(); }; v2.__get__skinReady = function () { return this._skinReady; }; v2.__get__seekBarInterval = function () { return this._seekBarInterval; }; v2.__set__seekBarInterval = function (s) { if (this._seekBarInterval == s) { return undefined; } this._seekBarInterval = s; if (this._seekBarIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._seekBarIntervalID); this._seekBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'seekBarListener', this._seekBarInterval, false); } return this.__get__seekBarInterval(); }; v2.__get__volumeBarInterval = function () { return this._volumeBarInterval; }; v2.__set__volumeBarInterval = function (s) { if (this._volumeBarInterval == s) { return undefined; } this._volumeBarInterval = s; if (this._volumeBarIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._volumeBarIntervalID); this._volumeBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'volumeBarListener', this._volumeBarInterval, false); } return this.__get__volumeBarInterval(); }; v2.__get__bufferingDelayInterval = function () { return this._bufferingDelayInterval; }; v2.__set__bufferingDelayInterval = function (s) { if (this._bufferingDelayInterval == s) { return undefined; } this._bufferingDelayInterval = s; if (this._bufferingDelayIntervalID > 0) { clearInterval(this._bufferingDelayIntervalID); this._bufferingDelayIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'doBufferingDelay', this._bufferingDelayIntervalID); } return this.__get__bufferingDelayInterval(); }; v2.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance = function () { return this._volumeBarScrubTolerance; }; v2.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance = function (s) { this._volumeBarScrubTolerance = s; return this.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance(); }; v2.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance = function () { return this._seekBarScrubTolerance; }; v2.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance = function (s) { this._seekBarScrubTolerance = s; return this.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance(); }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this.__visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (v) { if (this.__visible == v) { return undefined; } this.__visible = v; if (!this.__visible) { this.skin_mc._visible = false; } else { this.setupSkinAutoHide(); } return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.getControl = function (index) { return this.controls[index]; }; v2.setControl = function (index, s) { if (s == null) { s = undefined; } if (s == this.controls[index]) { return undefined; } switch (index) { case case this.resetPlayPause(); break; case if (s._parent != this.layout_mc) { this.resetPlayPause(); this.setControl(, s.pause_mc); this.setControl(, s.play_mc); } break; case if (s._parent != this.layout_mc) { this.setControl(, s.on_mc); this.setControl(, s.off_mc); } } if (index >= { this.controls[index] = s; switch (index) { case this.addBarControl(; break; case this.addBarControl(; this.controls[].percentage = this._vc.volume; break; case this.controls[].uiMgr = this; this.controls[].controlIndex =; if (this.controls[]._parent == this.skin_mc) { this.finishAddBufferingBar(); } else { this.controls[].onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.finishAddBufferingBar(); }; } } this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(index, this._vc.__get__state()); } else { this.removeButtonControl(index); this.controls[index] = s; this.addButtonControl(index); } }; v2.resetPlayPause = function () { if (this.controls[] == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 =; while (v2 <= { this.removeButtonControl(v2); ++v2; } this.controls[] = undefined; }; v2.addButtonControl = function (index) { var v3 = this.controls[index]; if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } var v5 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); = index; v3.state =; v3.uiMgr = this; this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(index, this._vc.__get__state()); v3.onRollOver = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; if (index == || index == { v3.onPress = function () { if (_root.focusManager) { this._focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); } this.state =; this.uiMgr.dispatchMessage(this); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; v3.onRelease = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.handleRelease(this.controlIndex); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; v3.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.handleRelease(this.controlIndex); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } else { v3.onPress = function () { if (_root.focusManager) { this._focusrect = false; Selection.setFocus(this); } this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; v3.onRelease = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.dispatchMessage(this); this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; v3.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.state =; this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } if (v3._parent == this.skin_mc) { this.skinButtonControl(v3); } else { v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.skinButtonControl(this); }; } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v5); }; v2.removeButtonControl = function (index) { if (this.controls[index] == undefined) { return undefined; } this.controls[index].uiMgr = undefined; this.controls[index].onRollOver = undefined; this.controls[index].onRollOut = undefined; this.controls[index].onPress = undefined; this.controls[index].onRelease = undefined; this.controls[index].onReleaseOutside = undefined; this.controls[index] = undefined; }; v2.downloadSkin = function () { if (this.skinLoader == undefined) { this.skinLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); this.skinLoader.addListener(this); } if (this.skin_mc == undefined) { this.skin_mc = this._vc.createEmptyMovieClip('skin_mc', this._vc.getNextHighestDepth()); } this.skin_mc._visible = false; this.skin_mc._x = Stage.width + 100; this.skin_mc._y = Stage.height + 100; this.skinLoader.loadClip(this._skin, this.skin_mc); }; v2.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode) { this._skinReady = true; this._vc.skinError('Unable to load skin swf'); }; v2.onLoadInit = function () { try { this.skin_mc._visible = false; this.skin_mc._x = 0; this.skin_mc._y = 0; this.layout_mc = this.skin_mc.layout_mc; if (this.layout_mc == undefined) { throw new Error('No layout_mc'); } this.layout_mc._visible = false; this.customClips = new Array(); this.setCustomClips('bg'); if (this.layout_mc.playpause_mc != undefined) { this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.playpause_mc); } else { this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.pause_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.play_mc); } this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.stop_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.back_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.forward_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.volumeMute_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.seekBar_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.volumeBar_mc); this.setSkin(, this.layout_mc.bufferingBar_mc); this.setCustomClips('fg'); this.layoutSkin(); this.setupSkinAutoHide(); this.skin_mc._visible = this.__visible; this._skinReady = true; this._vc.skinLoaded(); var v4 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var v3 = this._vc.__get__state(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { if (this.controls[v2] == undefined) { } else { this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(v2, v3); if (v2 < { this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[v2]); } } ++v2; } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v4); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var err = Error(v0); this._vc.skinError(err.message); this.removeSkin(); } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.layoutSkin = function () { if (this.layout_mc == undefined) { return undefined; } var v3 = this.layout_mc.video_mc; if (v3 == undefined) { throw new Error('No layout_mc.video_mc'); } this.placeholderLeft = v3._x; this.placeholderRight = v3._x + v3._width; this.placeholderTop = v3._y; this.placeholderBottom = v3._y + v3._height; this.videoLeft = 0; this.videoRight = this._vc.width; this.videoTop = 0; this.videoBottom = this._vc.height; if (!isNaN(this.layout_mc.minWidth) && this.layout_mc.minWidth > 0 && this.layout_mc.minWidth > this.videoRight) { this.videoLeft -= (this.layout_mc.minWidth - this.videoRight) / 2; this.videoRight = this.layout_mc.minWidth + this.videoLeft; } if (!isNaN(this.layout_mc.minHeight) && this.layout_mc.minHeight > 0 && this.layout_mc.minHeight > this.videoBottom) { this.videoTop -= (this.layout_mc.minHeight - this.videoBottom) / 2; this.videoBottom = this.layout_mc.minHeight + this.videoTop; } var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.customClips.length) { this.layoutControl(this.customClips[v2]); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < { this.layoutControl(this.controls[v2]); ++v2; } }; v2.layoutControl = function (ctrl) { if (ctrl == undefined) { return undefined; } if ( { if ( { ctrl._x = - this.placeholderLeft + this.videoLeft; ctrl._width = + - this.placeholderRight + this.videoRight - ctrl._x; if (ctrl.origWidth != undefined) { ctrl.origWidth = undefined; } } else { ctrl._x = - this.placeholderRight + this.videoRight; } } else { ctrl._x = - this.placeholderLeft + this.videoLeft; } if ( { if ( { ctrl._y = - this.placeholderTop + this.videoTop; ctrl._height = + - this.placeholderBottom + this.videoBottom - ctrl._y; if (ctrl.origHeight != undefined) { ctrl.origHeight = undefined; } } else { ctrl._y = - this.placeholderTop + this.videoTop; } } else { ctrl._y = - this.placeholderBottom + this.videoBottom; } switch (ctrl.controlIndex) { case case if (ctrl.progress_mc != undefined) { if (this._progressPercent == undefined) { this._progressPercent = this._vc.__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0; } this.positionBar(ctrl, 'progress', this._progressPercent); } this.positionHandle(ctrl.controlIndex); break; case if (ctrl.fill_mc != undefined) { this.positionMaskedFill(ctrl, ctrl.fill_mc, 100); } } if (ctrl.layoutSelf != undefined) { ctrl.layoutSelf(); } }; v2.removeSkin = function () { if (this.skin_mc != undefined) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { this.removeButtonControl(v2); ++v2; } v2 =; while (v2 < { this.controls[v2] = undefined; ++v2; } this.skin_mc.unloadMovie(); this.layout_mc = undefined; this.border_mc = undefined; } }; v2.setCustomClips = function (prefix) { var v4 = 1; while (!false) { var v2 = this.layout_mc[prefix + v4++ + '_mc']; if (v2 == undefined) { break; } var v3 =; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2._parent._parent[v2._name]; } if (v3 == undefined) { throw new Error('Bad clip in skin: ' + v2); } = v2; this.customClips.push(v3); if (prefix == 'bg' && v4 == 2) { this.border_mc = v3; } } }; v2.setSkin = function (index, s) { if (s == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 =; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = s._parent._parent[s._name]; } if (v2 == undefined) { throw new Error('Bad clip in skin: ' + s); } = s; if (index < { this.setupSkinStates(v2); } else { switch (index) { case this.setupSkinStates(v2.play_mc); this.setupSkinStates(v2.pause_mc); break; case this.setupSkinStates(v2.on_mc); this.setupSkinStates(v2.off_mc); break; case case var v4 = (index == ? 'seekBar' : 'volumeBar'; if (v2.handle_mc == undefined) { v2.handle_mc =; if (v2.handle_mc == undefined) { v2.handle_mc =[v4 + 'Handle_mc']; } } if (v2.progress_mc == undefined) { v2.progress_mc =; if (v2.progress_mc == undefined) { v2.progress_mc =[v4 + 'Progress_mc']; } } if (v2.fullness_mc == undefined) { v2.fullness_mc =; if (v2.fullness_mc == undefined) { v2.fullness_mc =[v4 + 'Fullness_mc']; } } break; case if (v2.fill_mc == undefined) { v2.fill_mc =; if (v2.fill_mc == undefined) { v2.fill_mc =; } } } } this.setControl(index, v2); }; v2.setupSkinStates = function (ctrl) { if (ctrl.up_mc == undefined) { ctrl.up_mc = ctrl; ctrl.over_mc = ctrl; ctrl.down_mc = ctrl; ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl; } else { ctrl._x = 0; ctrl._y = 0; ctrl.up_mc._x = 0; ctrl.up_mc._y = 0; ctrl.up_mc._visible = true; if (ctrl.over_mc == undefined) { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.over_mc._x = 0; ctrl.over_mc._y = 0; ctrl.over_mc._visible = false; } if (ctrl.down_mc == undefined) { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.down_mc._x = 0; ctrl.down_mc._y = 0; ctrl.down_mc._visible = false; } if (ctrl.disabled_mc == undefined) { ctrl.disabled_mc_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.disabled_mc._x = 0; ctrl.disabled_mc._y = 0; ctrl.disabled_mc._visible = false; } } }; v2.skinButtonControl = function (ctrl) { if (ctrl.onEnterFrame != undefined) { delete ctrl.onEnterFrame; ctrl.onEnterFrame = undefined; } if (ctrl.enabled) { switch (ctrl.state) { case if (ctrl.up_mc == undefined) { ctrl.up_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.upLinkageID, 'up_mc', ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } this.applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.up_mc); break; case if (ctrl.over_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.overLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.over_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.overLinkageID, 'over_mc', ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } this.applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.over_mc); break; case if (ctrl.down_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.downLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.down_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.downLinkageID, 'down_mc', ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } this.applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.down_mc); } } else { ctrl.state =; if (ctrl.disabled_mc == undefined) { if (ctrl.disabledLinkageID == undefined) { ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl.up_mc; } else { ctrl.disabled_mc = ctrl.attachMovie(ctrl.disabledLinkageID, 'disabled_mc', ctrl.getNextHighestDepth()); } } this.applySkinState(ctrl, ctrl.disabled_mc); } if (ctrl.placeholder_mc != undefined) { ctrl.placeholder_mc.unloadMovie(); delete ctrl.placeholder_mc; ctrl.placeholder_mc = undefined; } }; v2.applySkinState = function (ctrl, state) { if (state != ctrl.currentState_mc) { if (state != undefined) { state._visible = true; } if (ctrl.currentState_mc != undefined) { ctrl.currentState_mc._visible = false; } ctrl.currentState_mc = state; } }; v2.addBarControl = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; v2.isDragging = false; v2.percentage = 0; v2.uiMgr = this; v2.controlIndex = controlIndex; if (v2._parent == this.skin_mc) { this.finishAddBarControl(controlIndex); } else { v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.uiMgr.finishAddBarControl(this.controlIndex); }; } }; v2.finishAddBarControl = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; delete v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = undefined; if (v2.addBarControl != undefined) { v2.addBarControl(); } this.calcBarMargins(v2, 'handle', true); this.calcBarMargins(v2, 'progress', false); this.calcBarMargins(v2.progress_mc, 'fill', false); this.calcBarMargins(v2.progress_mc, 'mask', false); this.calcBarMargins(v2, 'fullness', false); this.calcBarMargins(v2.fullness_mc, 'fill', false); this.calcBarMargins(v2.fullness_mc, 'mask', false); v2.origWidth = v2._width; v2.origHeight = v2._height; this.fixUpBar(v2, 'progress'); if (v2.progress_mc != undefined) { this.fixUpBar(v2, 'progressBarFill'); if (this._progressPercent == undefined) { this._progressPercent = this._vc.__get__isRTMP() ? 100 : 0; } this.positionBar(v2, 'progress', this._progressPercent); } this.fixUpBar(v2, 'fullness'); if (v2.fullness_mc != undefined) { this.fixUpBar(v2, 'fullnessBarFill'); } this.fixUpBar(v2, 'handle'); v2.handle_mc.controlIndex = controlIndex; switch (controlIndex) { case this.setControl(, v2.handle_mc); break; case this.setControl(, v2.handle_mc); } this.positionHandle(controlIndex); }; v2.fixUpBar = function (ctrl, type) { if (ctrl[type + 'LinkageID'] != undefined && ctrl[type + 'LinkageID'].length > 0) { var v1; if (ctrl[type + 'Below']) { v1 = -1; while (ctrl._parent.getInstanceAtDepth(v1) != undefined) { --v1; } } else { ctrl[type + 'Below'] = false; v1 = ctrl._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); } ctrl[type + '_mc'] = ctrl._parent.attachMovie(ctrl[type + 'LinkageID'], type + '_mc', v1); } }; v2.calcBarMargins = function (ctrl, type, symmetricMargins) { var v2 = ctrl[type + '_mc']; if (v2 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (ctrl[type + 'LeftMargin'] == undefined && v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'LeftMargin'] = v2._x - ctrl._x; } if (ctrl[type + 'RightMargin'] == undefined) { if (symmetricMargins) { ctrl[type + 'RightMargin'] = ctrl[type + 'LeftMargin']; } else { if (v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'RightMargin'] = ctrl._width - v2._width - v2._x + ctrl._x; } } } if (ctrl[type + 'TopMargin'] == undefined && v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'TopMargin'] = v2._y - ctrl._y; } if (ctrl[type + 'BottomMargin'] == undefined) { if (symmetricMargins) { ctrl[type + 'BottomMargin'] = ctrl[type + 'TopMargin']; } else { if (v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'BottomMargin'] = ctrl._height - v2._height - v2._y + ctrl._y; } } } if (ctrl[type + 'X'] == undefined) { if (v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'X'] = v2._x - ctrl._x; } else { if (v2._parent == ctrl) { ctrl[type + 'X'] = v2._x; } } } if (ctrl[type + 'Y'] == undefined) { if (v2._parent == ctrl._parent) { ctrl[type + 'Y'] = v2._y - ctrl._y; } else { if (v2._parent == ctrl) { ctrl[type + 'Y'] = v2._y; } } } ctrl[type + 'XScale'] = v2._xscale; ctrl[type + 'YScale'] = v2._yscale; ctrl[type + 'Width'] = v2._width; ctrl[type + 'Height'] = v2._height; }; v2.finishAddBufferingBar = function () { var v2 = this.controls[]; delete v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = undefined; this.calcBarMargins(v2, 'fill', true); this.fixUpBar(v2, 'fill'); if (v2.fill_mc != undefined) { this.positionMaskedFill(v2, v2.fill_mc, 100); } }; v2.positionMaskedFill = function (ctrl, fill, percent) { var v5 = fill._parent; var v3 = ctrl.mask_mc; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v5.createEmptyMovieClip(ctrl._name + 'Mask_mc', v5.getNextHighestDepth()); ctrl.mask_mc = v3; v3.beginFill(16777215); v3.lineTo(0, 0); v3.lineTo(1, 0); v3.lineTo(1, 1); v3.lineTo(0, 1); v3.lineTo(0, 0); v3.endFill(); fill.setMask(v3); v3._x = ctrl.fillX; v3._y = ctrl.fillY; v3._width = ctrl.fillWidth; v3._height = ctrl.fillHeight; v3._visible = false; this.calcBarMargins(ctrl, 'mask', true); } if (v5 == ctrl) { if (fill.slideReveal) { fill._x = ctrl.maskX - ctrl.fillWidth + ctrl.fillWidth * percent / 100; } else { v3._width = ctrl.fillWidth * percent / 100; } } else { if (v5 == ctrl._parent) { if (fill.slideReveal) { v3._x = ctrl._x + ctrl.maskLeftMargin; v3._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.maskTopMargin; v3._width = ctrl._width - ctrl.maskRightMargin - ctrl.maskLeftMargin; v3._height = ctrl._height - ctrl.maskTopMargin - ctrl.maskBottomMargin; fill._x = v3._x - ctrl.fillWidth + ctrl.maskWidth * percent / 100; fill._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.fillTopMargin; } else { fill._x = ctrl._x + ctrl.fillLeftMargin; fill._y = ctrl._y + ctrl.fillTopMargin; v3._x = fill._x; v3._y = fill._y; v3._width = (ctrl._width - ctrl.fillRightMargin - ctrl.fillLeftMargin) * percent / 100; v3._height = ctrl._height - ctrl.fillTopMargin - ctrl.fillBottomMargin; } } } }; v2.startHandleDrag = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; var v5 = v2.handle_mc; if (v2.startHandleDrag == undefined || !v2.startHandleDrag()) { var v3 = v2._y + v2.handleY; var v4 = (v2.origWidth == undefined) ? v2._width : v2.origWidth; v5.startDrag(false, v2._x + v2.handleLeftMargin, v3, v2._x + v4 - v2.handleRightMargin, v3); } v2.isDragging = true; }; v2.stopHandleDrag = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; var v3 = v2.handle_mc; if (v2.stopHandleDrag == undefined || !v2.stopHandleDrag()) { v3.stopDrag(); } v2.isDragging = false; }; v2.positionHandle = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; var v3 = v2.handle_mc; if (v3 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v2.positionHandle != undefined && v2.positionHandle()) { return undefined; } var v4 = (v2.origWidth == undefined) ? v2._width : v2.origWidth; var v5 = v4 - v2.handleRightMargin - v2.handleLeftMargin; v3._x = v2._x + v2.handleLeftMargin + v5 * v2.percentage / 100; v3._y = v2._y + v2.handleY; if (v2.fullness_mc != undefined) { this.positionBar(v2, 'fullness', v2.percentage); } }; v2.positionBar = function (ctrl, type, percent) { if (ctrl.positionBar != undefined && ctrl.positionBar(type, percent)) { return undefined; } var v2 = ctrl[type + '_mc']; if (v2._parent == ctrl) { if (v2.fill_mc == undefined) { v2._xscale = ctrl[type + 'XScale'] * percent / 100; } else { this.positionMaskedFill(v2, v2.fill_mc, percent); } } else { v2._x = ctrl._x + ctrl[type + 'LeftMargin']; v2._y = ctrl._y + ctrl[type + 'Y']; if (v2.fill_mc == undefined) { v2._width = (ctrl._width - ctrl[type + 'LeftMargin'] - ctrl[type + 'RightMargin']) * percent / 100; } else { this.positionMaskedFill(v2, v2.fill_mc, percent); } } }; v2.calcPercentageFromHandle = function (controlIndex) { var v2 = this.controls[controlIndex]; var v5 = v2.handle_mc; if (v2.calcPercentageFromHandle == undefined || !v2.calcPercentageFromHandle()) { var v3 = (v2.origWidth == undefined) ? v2._width : v2.origWidth; var v6 = v3 - v2.handleRightMargin - v2.handleLeftMargin; var v4 = v5._x - (v2._x + v2.handleLeftMargin); v2.percentage = (v4 / v6) * 100; if (v2.fullness_mc != undefined) { this.positionBar(v2, 'fullness', v2.percentage); } } if (v2.percentage < 0) { v2.percentage = 0; } if (v2.percentage > 100) { v2.percentage = 100; } }; v2.handleRelease = function (controlIndex) { var v3 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (controlIndex == { this.seekBarListener(true); } else { if (controlIndex == { this.volumeBarListener(true); } } this.stopHandleDrag(controlIndex); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v3); if (controlIndex == { this._vc._scrubFinish(); } }; v2.seekBarListener = function (finish) { var v3 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var v4 = this.controls[]; this.calcPercentageFromHandle(; var v2 = v4.percentage; if (finish) { clearInterval(this._seekBarIntervalID); this._seekBarIntervalID = 0; if (v2 != this._lastScrubPos) { this._vc.seekPercent(v2); } this._vc.addEventListener('playheadUpdate', this); if (this._playAfterScrub) {; } } else { if ((this._vc.getVideoPlayer(this._vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex())).__get__state() == { } else { if (this._seekBarScrubTolerance <= 0 || Math.abs(v2 - this._lastScrubPos) > this._seekBarScrubTolerance || v2 < this._seekBarScrubTolerance || v2 > 100 - this._seekBarScrubTolerance) { if (v2 != this._lastScrubPos) { this._lastScrubPos = v2; this._vc.seekPercent(v2); } } } } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v3); }; v2.volumeBarListener = function (finish) { var v3 = this.controls[]; this.calcPercentageFromHandle(; var v2 = v3.percentage; if (finish) { clearInterval(this._volumeBarIntervalID); this._volumeBarIntervalID = 0; this._vc.addEventListener('volumeUpdate', this); } if (finish || this._volumeBarScrubTolerance <= 0 || Math.abs(v2 - this._lastVolumePos) > this._volumeBarScrubTolerance || v2 < this._volumeBarScrubTolerance || v2 > 100 - this._volumeBarScrubTolerance) { if (v2 != this._lastVolumePos) { if (this._isMuted) { this.cachedSoundLevel = v2; } else { this._vc.__set__volume(v2); } } } }; v2.doBufferingDelay = function () { clearInterval(this._bufferingDelayIntervalID); this._bufferingDelayIntervalID = 0; var v2 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); if (this._vc.__get__state() == { this._bufferingOn = true; this.handleEvent({'type': 'stateChange', 'state':, 'vp': this._vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()}); } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v2); }; v2.dispatchMessage = function (ctrl) { if ( == { this._vc._scrubStart(); } var v2 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); switch ( { case this._vc.pause(); break; case; break; case this._vc.stop(); break; case this.calcPercentageFromHandle(; this._lastScrubPos = this.controls[].percentage; this._vc.removeEventListener('playheadUpdate', this); if (this._vc.__get__playing() || this._vc.__get__buffering()) { this._playAfterScrub = true; } else { if (this._vc.__get__state() != { this._playAfterScrub = false; } } this._seekBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'seekBarListener', this._seekBarInterval, false); this.startHandleDrag(,; this._vc.pause(); break; case this.calcPercentageFromHandle(; this._lastVolumePos = this.controls[].percentage; this._vc.removeEventListener('volumeUpdate', this); this._volumeBarIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'volumeBarListener', this._volumeBarInterval, false); this.startHandleDrag(,; break; case this._vc.seekToPrevNavCuePoint(); break; case this._vc.seekToNextNavCuePoint(); break; case case if (!this._isMuted) { this._isMuted = true; this.cachedSoundLevel = this._vc.volume; this._vc.__set__volume(0); } else { this._isMuted = false; this._vc.__set__volume(this.cachedSoundLevel); } this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(,; this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[]); this.setEnabledAndVisibleForState(,; this.skinButtonControl(this.controls[]); break; default: throw new Error('Unknown ButtonControl'); } this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v2); }; v2.setEnabledAndVisibleForState = function (index, state) { var v5 = this._vc.__get__activeVideoPlayerIndex(); this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(this._vc.visibleVideoPlayerIndex); var v3 = state; if (v3 == && !this._bufferingOn) { v3 =; } switch (index) { case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; this.controls[index].enabled = this._controlsEnabled; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = !this._isMuted; if (this.controls[] != undefined) { this.controls[index]._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; } break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = this._isMuted; if (this.controls[] != undefined) { this.controls[index]._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; } break; default: switch (v3) { case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = this._vc.__get__contentPath() != undefined; break; case break; default: this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; } } switch (index) { case switch (v3) { case case case case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = !this._bufferingBarHides || this.controls[] == undefined; break; default: this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; } if (this.controls[index].myEnabled) { this.controls[index].myEnabled = !isNaN(this._vc.__get__totalTime()) && this._vc.__get__totalTime() > 0; } this.controls[index].handle_mc.myEnabled = this.controls[index].myEnabled; this.controls[index].handle_mc.enabled = this.controls[index].handle_mc.myEnabled; this.controls[index].handle_mc._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; var v4 = !this._bufferingBarHides || this.controls[index].myEnabled || this.controls[] == undefined || !this.controls[]._visible; this.controls[index]._visible = v4; this.controls[index].progress_mc._visible = v4; this.controls[index].progress_mc.fill_mc._visible = v4; this.controls[index].fullness_mc._visible = v4; this.controls[index].progress_mc.fill_mc._visible = v4; break; case switch (v3) { case case case case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; default: this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; } this.controls[index]._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; this.controls[index].fill_mc._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; break; case switch (v3) { case case case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = !this._bufferingBarHides || this.controls[] == undefined; } if (this.controls[] != undefined) { this.controls[index]._visible = this.controls[index].myEnabled; } break; case switch (v3) { case this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; break; case this.controls[index].myEnabled = !this._bufferingBarHides || this.controls[] == undefined; } if (this.controls[] != undefined) { this.controls[index]._visible = !this.controls[]._visible; } break; case switch (v3) { case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = false; break; case case case this.controls[index].myEnabled = true; } break; case case if (v3 !== { } else { this.controls[index].myEnabled = !this._bufferingBarHides || this.controls[] == undefined; } } this.controls[index].enabled = this._controlsEnabled && this.controls[index].myEnabled; this._vc.__set__activeVideoPlayerIndex(v5); }; v2.setupSkinAutoHide = function () { var v2 = this._vc.getVideoPlayer(this._vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()); if (this._skinAutoHide && this.skin_mc != undefined) { this.skinAutoHideHitTest(); if (this._skinAutoHideIntervalID == 0) { this._skinAutoHideIntervalID = setInterval(this, 'skinAutoHideHitTest',; } } else { this.skin_mc._visible = this.__visible; clearInterval(this._skinAutoHideIntervalID); this._skinAutoHideIntervalID = 0; } }; v2.skinAutoHideHitTest = function () { if (!this.__visible) { this.skin_mc._visible = false; } else { var v4 = this._vc.getVideoPlayer(this._vc.__get__visibleVideoPlayerIndex()); var v3 = v4.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (!v3 && this.border_mc != undefined) { v3 = this.border_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); } this.skin_mc._visible = v3; } }; v1.version = ''; v1.PAUSE_BUTTON = 0; v1.PLAY_BUTTON = 1; v1.STOP_BUTTON = 2; v1.SEEK_BAR_HANDLE = 3; v1.BACK_BUTTON = 4; v1.FORWARD_BUTTON = 5; v1.MUTE_ON_BUTTON = 6; v1.MUTE_OFF_BUTTON = 7; v1.VOLUME_BAR_HANDLE = 8; v1.NUM_BUTTONS = 9; v1.PLAY_PAUSE_BUTTON = 9; v1.MUTE_BUTTON = 10; v1.BUFFERING_BAR = 11; v1.SEEK_BAR = 12; v1.VOLUME_BAR = 13; v1.NUM_CONTROLS = 14; v1.UP_STATE = 0; v1.OVER_STATE = 1; v1.DOWN_STATE = 2; v1.SKIN_AUTO_HIDE_INTERVAL = 200; v1.VOLUME_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 250; v1.VOLUME_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT = 0; v1.SEEK_BAR_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 250; v1.SEEK_BAR_SCRUB_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT = 5; v1.BUFFERING_DELAY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 1000; v2.addProperty('bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers', v2.__get__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers, v2.__set__bufferingBarHidesAndDisablesOthers); v2.addProperty('bufferingDelayInterval', v2.__get__bufferingDelayInterval, v2.__set__bufferingDelayInterval); v2.addProperty('controlsEnabled', v2.__get__controlsEnabled, v2.__set__controlsEnabled); v2.addProperty('seekBarInterval', v2.__get__seekBarInterval, v2.__set__seekBarInterval); v2.addProperty('seekBarScrubTolerance', v2.__get__seekBarScrubTolerance, v2.__set__seekBarScrubTolerance); v2.addProperty('skin', v2.__get__skin, v2.__set__skin); v2.addProperty('skinAutoHide', v2.__get__skinAutoHide, v2.__set__skinAutoHide); v2.addProperty('skinReady', v2.__get__skinReady, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('volumeBarInterval', v2.__get__volumeBarInterval, v2.__set__volumeBarInterval); v2.addProperty('volumeBarScrubTolerance', v2.__get__volumeBarScrubTolerance, v2.__set__volumeBarScrubTolerance); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 15 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (f) { super(); this.func = f; }; mx.utils.Delegate = v1; mx.utils.Delegate extends Object; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.create = function (obj, func) { var v2 = function () { var v2 =; var v3 = arguments.callee.func; return v3.apply(v2, arguments); }; = obj; v2.func = func; return v2; }; v2.createDelegate = function (obj) { return mx.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 16 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (owner) { this._owner = owner; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.connectXML = function (url) { this._url = url; this.xml = new XML(); this.xml.onLoad = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.xmlOnLoad); this.xml.load(url); return false; }; v2.xmlOnLoad = function (success) { try { if (!success) { this._owner.helperDone(this, false); } else { this.baseURLAttr = new Array(); this.videoTags = new Array(); var v4 = this.xml.firstChild; if (v4.nodeName == null) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" No root node found; if file is an flv it must have .flv extension'); } else { if (v4.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'smil') { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Root node not smil: ' + v4.nodeName); } } var v5 = false; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.childNodes.length) { var v2 = v4.childNodes[v3]; if (v2.nodeType != { } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'head') { this.parseHead(v2); } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'body') { v5 = true; this.parseBody(v2); } else { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Tag ' + v2.nodeName + ' not supported in ' + v4.nodeName + ' tag.'); } } } ++v3; } if (!v5) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Tag body is required.'); } this._owner.helperDone(this, true); } } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var err = Error(v0); this._owner.helperDone(this, false); throw err; } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.parseHead = function (parentNode) { var v4 = false; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var v2 = parentNode.childNodes[v3]; if (v2.nodeType != { } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'meta') { for (var v6 in v2.attributes) { if (v6.toLowerCase() == 'base') { this.baseURLAttr.push(v2.attributes[v6]); } else { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Attribute ' + v6 + ' not supported in ' + v2.nodeName + ' tag.'); } } } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'layout') { if (!v4) { this.parseLayout(v2); v4 = true; } else {} } else {} } } ++v3; } }; v2.parseLayout = function (parentNode) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var v2 = parentNode.childNodes[v3]; if (v2.nodeType != { } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'root-layout') { for (var v5 in v2.attributes) { if (v5.toLowerCase() == 'width') { this.width = Number(v2.attributes[v5]); } else { if (v5.toLowerCase() == 'height') { this.height = Number(v2.attributes[v5]); } else {} } } if (isNaN(this.width) || this.width < 0 || isNaN(this.height) || this.height < 0) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Tag ' + v2.nodeName + ' requires attributes id, width and height. Width and height must be numbers greater than or equal to 0.'); } this.width = Math.round(this.width); this.height = Math.round(this.height); return undefined; } else {} } ++v3; } }; v2.parseBody = function (parentNode) { var v6 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var v2 = parentNode.childNodes[v3]; if (v2.nodeType != { } else { if (++v6 > 1) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Tag ' + parentNode.nodeName + ' is required to contain exactly one tag.'); } if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'switch') { this.parseSwitch(v2); } else { if (v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'video' || v2.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ref') { var v5 = this.parseVideo(v2); this.videoTags.push(v5); } else {} } } ++v3; } if (this.videoTags.length < 1) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" At least one video of ref tag is required.'); } }; v2.parseSwitch = function (parentNode) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < parentNode.childNodes.length) { var v5 = parentNode.childNodes[v4]; if (v5.nodeType != { } else { if (v5.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'video' || v5.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'ref') { var v3 = this.parseVideo(v5); if (v3.bitrate == undefined) { this.videoTags.push(v3); } else { var v6 = false; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.videoTags.length) { if (this.videoTags[v2].bitrate == undefined || v3.bitrate < this.videoTags[v4].bitrate) { v6 = true; this.videoTags.splice(v2, 0, this.videoTags); break; } ++v2; } if (!v6) { this.videoTags.push(v3); } } } else {} } ++v4; } }; v2.parseVideo = function (node) { var v3 = new Object(); for (var v4 in node.attributes) { if (v4.toLowerCase() == 'src') { v3.src = node.attributes[v4]; } else { if (v4.toLowerCase() == 'system-bitrate') { v3.bitrate = Number(node.attributes[v4]); } else { if (v4.toLowerCase() == 'dur') { v3.dur = Number(node.attributes[v4]); } else {} } } } if (v3.src == undefined) { throw new, 'URL: "' + this._url + '" Attribute src is required in ' + node.nodeName + ' tag.'); } return v3; }; v1.version = ''; v1.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 17 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.initNCInfo(); this.initOtherInfo(); this._timeoutIntervalId = 0; this._tryNCIntervalId = 0; this._timeout = this.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; implements; v2.initNCInfo = function () { this._isRTMP = undefined; this._serverName = undefined; this._wrappedURL = undefined; this._portNumber = undefined; this._appName = undefined; }; v2.initOtherInfo = function () { this._contentPath = undefined; this._streamName = undefined; this._streamLength = undefined; this._streamWidth = undefined; this._streamHeight = undefined; this._streams = undefined; this._autoSenseBW = false; this._payload = 0; this._connTypeCounter = 0; this.cleanConns(); }; v2.getTimeout = function () { return this._timeout; }; v2.setTimeout = function (t) { this._timeout = t; if (this._timeoutIntervalId != 0) { clearInterval(this._timeoutIntervalId); this._timeoutIntervalId = setInterval(this, '_onFCSConnectTimeOut', this._timeout); } }; v2.getBitrate = function () { return this._bitrate; }; v2.setBitrate = function (b) { if (this._isRTMP == undefined || !this._isRTMP) { this._bitrate = b; } }; v2.getVideoPlayer = function () { return this._owner; }; v2.setVideoPlayer = function (v) { this._owner = v; }; v2.getNetConnection = function () { return this._nc; }; v2.getStreamName = function () { return this._streamName; }; v2.isRTMP = function () { return this._isRTMP; }; v2.getStreamLength = function () { return this._streamLength; }; v2.getStreamWidth = function () { return this._streamWidth; }; v2.getStreamHeight = function () { return this._streamHeight; }; v2.connectToURL = function (url) { this.initOtherInfo(); this._contentPath = url; if (this._contentPath == null || this._contentPath == undefined || this._contentPath == '') { throw new; } var v2 = this.parseURL(this._contentPath); if (v2.streamName == undefined || v2.streamName == '') { throw new, url); } if (v2.isRTMP) { var v3 = this.canReuseOldConnection(v2); this._isRTMP = true; this._protocol = v2.protocol; this._streamName = v2.streamName; this._serverName = v2.serverName; this._wrappedURL = v2.wrappedURL; this._portNumber = v2.portNumber; this._appName = v2.appName; if (this._appName == undefined || this._appName == '' || this._streamName == undefined || this._streamName == '') { throw new, url); } this._autoSenseBW = this._streamName.indexOf(',') != -1; return v3 || this.connectRTMP(); } else { if ((v2.streamName.slice(-4)).toLowerCase() == '.flv') { var v3 = this.canReuseOldConnection(v2); this._isRTMP = false; this._streamName = v2.streamName; return v3 || this.connectHTTP(); } else { this._smilMgr = new; return this._smilMgr.connectXML(v2.streamName); } } }; v2.connectAgain = function () { var v2 = this._appName.indexOf('/'); if (v2 < 0) { v2 = this._streamName.indexOf('/'); if (v2 >= 0) { this._appName += '/'; this._appName += this._streamName.slice(0, v2); this._streamName = this._streamName.slice(v2 + 1); } return false; } var v3 = this._appName.slice(v2 + 1); v3 += '/'; v3 += this._streamName; this._streamName = v3; this._appName = this._appName.slice(0, v2); this.close(); this._payload = 0; this._connTypeCounter = 0; this.cleanConns(); this.connectRTMP(); return true; }; v2.reconnect = function () { if (!this._isRTMP) { throw new Error('Cannot call reconnect on an http connection'); } this._nc.onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; this._nc.onBWDone = function () {; }; this._nc.connect(this._ncUri, false); }; v2.onReconnected = function () { delete this._nc.onStatus; delete this._nc.onBWDone; this._owner.ncReconnected(); }; v2.close = function () { if (this._nc) { this._nc.close(); } }; v2.helperDone = function (helper, success) { if (helper != this._smilMgr) { return undefined; } if (!success) { this._nc = undefined; this._owner.ncConnected(); delete this._smilMgr; return undefined; } this._streamWidth = this._smilMgr.width; this._streamHeight = this._smilMgr.height; var v2; var v4 = this._smilMgr.baseURLAttr[0]; if (v4 != undefined && v4 != '') { v2 = this.parseURL(v4); this._isRTMP = v2.isRTMP; this._streamName = v2.streamName; if (this._isRTMP) { this._protocol = v2.protocol; this._serverName = v2.serverName; this._portNumber = v2.portNumber; this._wrappedURL = v2.wrappedURL; this._appName = v2.appName; if (this._appName == undefined || this._appName == '') { throw new, 'Base RTMP URL must include application name: ' + v4); } if (this._smilMgr.baseURLAttr.length > 1) { v2 = this.parseURL(this._smilMgr.baseURLAttr[1]); if (v2.serverName != undefined) { this.fallbackServerName = v2.serverName; } } } } this._streams = this._smilMgr.videoTags; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this._streams.length) { v4 = this._streams[v3].src; v2 = this.parseURL(v4); if (this._isRTMP == undefined) { this._isRTMP = v2.isRTMP; if (this._isRTMP) { this._protocol = v2.protocol; if (this._streams.length > 1) { throw new, 'Cannot switch between multiple absolute RTMP URLs, must use meta tag base attribute.'); } this._serverName = v2.serverName; this._portNumber = v2.portNumber; this._wrappedURL = v2.wrappedURL; this._appName = v2.appName; if (this._appName == undefined || this._appName == '') { throw new, 'Base RTMP URL must include application name: ' + v4); } } } else { if (this._streamName != undefined && this._streamName != '' && !v2.isRelative && this._streams.length > 1) { throw new, 'When using meta tag base attribute, cannot use absolute URLs for video or ref tag src attributes.'); } } this._streams[v3].parseResults = v2; ++v3; } this._autoSenseBW = this._streams.length > 1; if (!this._autoSenseBW) { if (this._streamName != undefined) { this._streamName += this._streams[0].parseResults.streamName; } else { this._streamName = this._streams[0].parseResults.streamName; } this._streamLength = this._streams[0].dur; } if (this._isRTMP) { this.connectRTMP(); } else { if (this._autoSenseBW) { this.bitrateMatch(); } this.connectHTTP(); this._owner.ncConnected(); } }; v2.bitrateMatch = function () { var v3; if (isNaN(this._bitrate)) { v3 = 0; } else { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._streams.length) { if (isNaN(this._streams[v2].bitrate) || this._bitrate <= this._streams[v2].bitrate) { v3 = v2; break; } ++v2; } } if (isNaN(v3)) { throw new; } if (this._streamName != undefined) { this._streamName += this._streams[v3].src; } else { this._streamName = this._streams[v3].src; } this._streamLength = this._streams[v3].dur; }; v2.parseURL = function (url) { var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = 0; var v4 = url.indexOf(':/', v3); if (v4 >= 0) { v4 += 2; v2.protocol = url.slice(v3, v4); v2.isRelative = false; } else { v2.isRelative = true; } if (v2.protocol != undefined && (v2.protocol == 'rtmp:/' || v2.protocol == 'rtmpt:/' || v2.protocol == 'rtmps:/')) { v2.isRTMP = true; v3 = v4; if (url.charAt(v3) == '/') { ++v3; var v7 = url.indexOf(':', v3); var v8 = url.indexOf('/', v3); if (v8 < 0) { if (v7 < 0) { v2.serverName = url.slice(v3); } else { v4 = v7; v2.portNumber = url.slice(v3, v4); v3 = v4 + 1; v2.serverName = url.slice(v3); } return v2; } if (v7 >= 0 && v7 < v8) { v4 = v7; v2.serverName = url.slice(v3, v4); v3 = v4 + 1; v4 = v8; v2.portNumber = url.slice(v3, v4); } else { v4 = v8; v2.serverName = url.slice(v3, v4); } v3 = v4 + 1; } if (url.charAt(v3) == '?') { var v9 = url.slice(v3 + 1); var v6 = this.parseURL(v9); if (v6.protocol == undefined || !v6.isRTMP) { throw new, url); } v2.wrappedURL = '?'; v2.wrappedURL += v6.protocol; if (v6.server != undefined) { v2.wrappedURL += '/'; v2.wrappedURL += v6.server; } if (v6.wrappedURL != undefined) { v2.wrappedURL += '/?'; v2.wrappedURL += v6.wrappedURL; } v2.appName = v6.appName; v2.streamName = v6.streamName; return v2; } v4 = url.indexOf('/', v3); if (v4 < 0) { v2.appName = url.slice(v3); return v2; } v2.appName = url.slice(v3, v4); v3 = v4 + 1; v4 = url.indexOf('/', v3); if (v4 < 0) { v2.streamName = url.slice(v3); return v2; } v2.appName += '/'; v2.appName += url.slice(v3, v4); v3 = v4 + 1; v2.streamName = url.slice(v3); return v2; } v2.isRTMP = false; v2.streamName = url; return v2; }; v2.canReuseOldConnection = function (parseResults) { if (this._nc == undefined || this._nc == null) { return false; } if (!parseResults.isRTMP) { if (!this._isRTMP) { return true; } this._owner.close(); this._nc = null; this.initNCInfo(); return false; } if (this._isRTMP) { if (parseResults.serverName == this._serverName && parseResults.appName == this._appName && parseResults.protocol == this._protocol && parseResults.portNumber == this._portNumber && parseResults.wrappedURL == this._wrappedURL) { return true; } this._owner.close(); this._nc = null; } this.initNCInfo(); return false; }; v2.connectHTTP = function () { this._nc = new NetConnection(); this._nc.connect(null); return true; }; v2.connectRTMP = function () { clearInterval(this._timeoutIntervalId); this._timeoutIntervalId = setInterval(this, '_onFCSConnectTimeOut', this._timeout); this._tryNC = new Array(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { this._tryNC[v2] = new NetConnection(); this._tryNC[v2].mc = this; this._tryNC[v2].pending = false; this._tryNC[v2].connIndex = v2; this._tryNC[v2].onBWDone = function (p_bw) {, p_bw); }; this._tryNC[v2].onBWCheck = function () { return; }; this._tryNC[v2].onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; ++v2; } this.nextConnect(); return false; }; v2.nextConnect = function () { clearInterval(this._tryNCIntervalId); this._tryNCIntervalId = 0; var v4; var v3; if (this._connTypeCounter == 0) { v4 = this._protocol; if (this._portNumber != undefined) { v3 = this._portNumber; } else { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < { if (v4 ==[v2].protocol) { v3 =[v2].port; break; } ++v2; } } } else { v4 =[this._connTypeCounter].protocol; v3 =[this._connTypeCounter].port; } var v5 = v4 + ((this._serverName == undefined) ? '' : '/' + this._serverName + ':' + v3 + '/') + ((this._wrappedURL == undefined) ? '' : this._wrappedURL + '/') + this._appName; this._tryNC[this._connTypeCounter].pending = true; this._tryNC[this._connTypeCounter].connect(v5, this._autoSenseBW); if (this._connTypeCounter < - 1) { ++this._connTypeCounter; this._tryNCIntervalId = setInterval(this, 'nextConnect', 1500); } }; v2.cleanConns = function () { clearInterval(this._tryNCIntervalId); this._tryNCIntervalId = 0; if (this._tryNC != undefined) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._tryNC.length) { if (this._tryNC[v2] != undefined) { delete this._tryNC[v2].onStatus; if (this._tryNC[v2].pending) { this._tryNC[v2].onStatus = function (info) {, info); }; } else { delete this._tryNC[v2].onStatus; this._tryNC[v2].close(); } } delete this._tryNC[v2]; ++v2; } delete this._tryNC; } }; v2.tryFallBack = function () { if (this._serverName == this.fallbackServerName || this.fallbackServerName == undefined || this.fallbackServerName == null) { delete this._nc; this._nc = undefined; this._owner.ncConnected(); } else { this._connTypeCounter = 0; this.cleanConns(); this._serverName = this.fallbackServerName; this.connectRTMP(); } }; v2.onConnected = function (p_nc, p_bw) { clearInterval(this._timeoutIntervalId); this._timeoutIntervalId = 0; delete p_nc.onBWDone; delete p_nc.onBWCheck; delete p_nc.onStatus; this._nc = p_nc; this._ncUri = this._nc.uri; if (this._autoSenseBW) { this._bitrate = p_bw * 1024; if (this._streams != undefined) { this.bitrateMatch(); } else { if (this._streamName.indexOf(',') != -1) { var v3 = this._streamName.split(','); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.length) { var v4 =[v2]); if (v2 + 1 < v3.length) { if (p_bw <= Number(v3[v2 + 1])) { this._streamName = v4; break; } } else { this._streamName = v4; break; } v2 += 2; } } } } if ((this._streamName.slice(-4)).toLowerCase() == '.flv') { this._streamName = this._streamName.slice(0, -4); } if (!this._owner.__get__isLive() && this._streamLength == undefined) { var v6 = new Object(); = this; v6.onResult = function (length) {; };'getStreamLength', v6, this._streamName); } else { this._owner.ncConnected(); } }; v2.connectOnStatus = function (target, info) { target.pending = false; if (info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Success') { this._nc = this._tryNC[target.connIndex]; this._tryNC[target.connIndex] = undefined; this.cleanConns(); } else { if ((info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Failed' || info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Rejected') && target.connIndex == - 1) { if (!this.connectAgain()) { this.tryFallBack(); } } else {} } }; v2.reconnectOnStatus = function (target, info) { if (info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Failed' || info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Rejected') { delete this._nc; this._nc = undefined; this._owner.ncReconnected(); } }; v2.disconnectOnStatus = function (target, info) { if (info.code == 'NetConnection.Connect.Success') { delete target.onStatus; target.close(); } }; v2.getStreamLengthResult = function (length) { this._streamLength = length; this._owner.ncConnected(); }; v2._onFCSConnectTimeOut = function () { this.cleanConns(); this._nc = undefined; if (!this.connectAgain()) { this._owner.ncConnected(); } }; v1.stripFrontAndBackWhiteSpace = function (p_str) { var v1; var v2 = p_str.length; var v4 = 0; var v5 = v2; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2) { switch (p_str.charCodeAt(v1)) { if (p_str.charCodeAt(v1) !== 32) { } else { break; case 9: case 10: case 13: } default: v4 = v1; break; } ++v1; } v1 = v2; while (v1 >= 0) { switch (p_str.charCodeAt(v1)) { if (p_str.charCodeAt(v1) !== 32) { } else { case 9: case 10: break; case 13: } default: v5 = v1 + 1; break; } --v1; } if (v5 <= v4) { return ''; } return p_str.slice(v4, v5); }; v1.version = ''; v2.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60000; v1.RTMP_CONN = [{'protocol': 'rtmp:/', 'port': '1935'}, {'protocol': 'rtmp:/', 'port': '443'}, {'protocol': 'rtmpt:/', 'port': '80'}, {'protocol': 'rtmps:/', 'port': '443'}]; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 18 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (owner, id) { this._owner = owner; this._id = id; this.reset(); this._asCuePointTolerance = (this._owner.getVideoPlayer(this._id)).__get__playheadUpdateInterval() / 2000; this._linearSearchTolerance =; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.reset = function () { this._metadataLoaded = false; this.allCuePoints = null; this.asCuePoints = null; this._disabledCuePoints = null; this.flvCuePoints = null; this.navCuePoints = null; this.eventCuePoints = null; this._asCuePointIndex = 0; }; v2.__get__metadataLoaded = function () { return this._metadataLoaded; }; v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval = function (aTime) { this._asCuePointTolerance = aTime / 2000; return this.__get__playheadUpdateInterval(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.addASCuePoint = function (timeOrCuePoint, name, parameters) { var v3; if (typeof timeOrCuePoint == 'object') { v3 =; } else { v3 = {'time': timeOrCuePoint, 'name': name, 'parameters':}; } var v7 = isNaN(v3.time) || v3.time < 0; if (v7) { throw new, 'time must be number'); } var v6 = == undefined || == null; if (v6) { throw new, 'name cannot be undefined or null'); } var v2; v3.type = 'actionscript'; if (this.asCuePoints == null || this.asCuePoints == undefined || this.asCuePoints.length < 1) { v2 = 0; this.asCuePoints = new Array(); this.asCuePoints.push(v3); } else { v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.asCuePoints, true, v3.time); v2 = this.asCuePoints[v2].time > v3.time ? 0 : v2 + 1; this.asCuePoints.splice(v2, 0, v3); } if (this.allCuePoints == null || this.allCuePoints == undefined || this.allCuePoints.length < 1) { v2 = 0; this.allCuePoints = new Array(); this.allCuePoints.push(v3); } else { v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.allCuePoints, true, v3.time); v2 = this.allCuePoints[v2].time > v3.time ? 0 : v2 + 1; this.allCuePoints.splice(v2, 0, v3); } var v5 = (this._owner.getVideoPlayer(this._id)).__get__playheadTime(); if (v5 > 0) { if (this._asCuePointIndex == v2) { if (v5 > this.asCuePoints[v2].time) { ++this._asCuePointIndex; } } else { if (this._asCuePointIndex > v2) { ++this._asCuePointIndex; } } var v4 =[v2]); v4.array = this.asCuePoints; v4.index = v2; return v4; } this._asCuePointIndex = 0; var v4 =[v2]); v4.array = this.asCuePoints; v4.index = v2; return v4; }; v2.removeASCuePoint = function (timeNameOrCuePoint) { if (this.asCuePoints == null || this.asCuePoints == undefined || this.asCuePoints.length < 1) { return null; } var v3; switch (typeof timeNameOrCuePoint) { case 'string': v3 = {'name': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'number': v3 = {'time': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'object': v3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.asCuePoints, false, v3.time,; if (v2 < 0) { return null; } v3 = this.asCuePoints[v2]; this.asCuePoints.splice(v2, 1); v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.allCuePoints, false, v3.time,; if (v2 > 0) { this.allCuePoints.splice(v2, 1); } if ((this._owner.getVideoPlayer(this._id)).__get__playheadTime() > 0) { if (this._asCuePointIndex > v2) { --this._asCuePointIndex; } return v3; } this._asCuePointIndex = 0; return v3; }; v2.setFLVCuePointEnabled = function (enabled, timeNameOrCuePoint) { var v4; switch (typeof timeNameOrCuePoint) { case 'string': v4 = {'name': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'number': v4 = {'time': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'object': v4 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var v12 = isNaN(v4.time) || v4.time < 0; var v11 = == undefined || == null; if (v12 && v11) { throw new, 'time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null'); } var v6 = 0; var v2; var v5; if (v12) { if (!this._metadataLoaded) { if (this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] == undefined) { if (!enabled) { if (this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly == null || this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly == undefined || this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly.length < 0) { this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = new Object(); } this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = new Array(); } } else { if (enabled) { this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = undefined; } return -1; } this.removeCuePoints(this._disabledCuePoints, v4); return -1; } if (enabled) { v6 = this.removeCuePoints(this._disabledCuePoints, v4); } else { var v3; v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.flvCuePoints, true, -1,; while (v2 >= 0) { v3 = this.flvCuePoints[v2]; v5 = this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, true, v3.time); if (v5 < 0 || this._disabledCuePoints[v5].time != v3.time) { this._disabledCuePoints = this.insertCuePoint(v5, this._disabledCuePoints, {'name':, 'time': v3.time}); v6 += 1; } v2 = this.getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, this.flvCuePoints, v2); } } return v6; } v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, false, v4.time,; if (v2 < 0) { if (enabled) { if (!this._metadataLoaded) { v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, false, v4.time); if (v2 < 0) { v5 = this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[], true, v4.time); if (, null, this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[]) != 0) { this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] = this.insertCuePoint(v5, this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[], v4); } } else { this._disabledCuePoints.splice(v2, 1); } } return this._metadataLoaded ? 0 : -1; } } else { if (enabled) { this._disabledCuePoints.splice(v2, 1); v6 = 1; } else { v6 = 0; } return this._metadataLoaded ? v6 : -1; } if (this._metadataLoaded) { v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.flvCuePoints, false, v4.time,; if (v2 < 0) { return 0; } if (v11) { = this.flvCuePoints[v2].name; } } v5 = this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, true, v4.time); this._disabledCuePoints = this.insertCuePoint(v5, this._disabledCuePoints, v4); v6 = 1; return this._metadataLoaded ? 1 : -1; }; v2.removeCuePoints = function (cuePointArray, cuePoint) { var v2; var v4; var v5 = 0; v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, true, -1,; while (v2 >= 0) { v4 = cuePointArray[v2]; cuePointArray.splice(v2, 1); --v2; ++v5; v2 = this.getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, cuePointArray, v2); } return v5; }; v2.insertCuePoint = function (insertIndex, cuePointArray, cuePoint) { if (insertIndex < 0) { cuePointArray = new Array(); cuePointArray.push(cuePoint); return cuePointArray; } if (cuePointArray[insertIndex].time > cuePoint.time) { insertIndex = 0; } else { ++insertIndex; } cuePointArray.splice(insertIndex, 0, cuePoint); return cuePointArray; }; v2.isFLVCuePointEnabled = function (timeNameOrCuePoint) { if (!this._metadataLoaded) { return true; } var v3; switch (typeof timeNameOrCuePoint) { case 'string': v3 = {'name': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'number': v3 = {'time': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'object': v3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var v5 = isNaN(v3.time) || v3.time < 0; var v6 = == undefined || == null; if (v5 && v6) { throw new, 'time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null'); } if (v5) { var v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.flvCuePoints, true, -1,; if (v2 < 0) { return true; } while (v2 >= 0) { if (this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, false, this.flvCuePoints[v2].time, this.flvCuePoints[v2].name) < 0) { return true; } v2 = this.getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, this.flvCuePoints, v2); } return false; } return this.getCuePointIndex(this._disabledCuePoints, false, v3.time, < 0; }; v2.dispatchASCuePoints = function () { var v5 = (this._owner.getVideoPlayer(this._id)).__get__playheadTime(); if ((this._owner.getVideoPlayer(this._id)).__get__stateResponsive() && this.asCuePoints != null && this.asCuePoints != undefined) { for (;;) { if (!(this._asCuePointIndex < this.asCuePoints.length && this.asCuePoints[this._asCuePointIndex].time <= v5 + this._asCuePointTolerance)) break; this._owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'cuePoint', 'info':[this._asCuePointIndex++]), 'vp': this._id}); } } }; v2.resetASCuePointIndex = function (time) { if (time <= 0 || this.asCuePoints == null || this.asCuePoints == undefined) { this._asCuePointIndex = 0; return undefined; } var v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.asCuePoints, true, time); this._asCuePointIndex = this.asCuePoints[v2].time < time ? v2 + 1 : v2; }; v2.processFLVCuePoints = function (metadataCuePoints) { this._metadataLoaded = true; if (metadataCuePoints == undefined || metadataCuePoints == null || metadataCuePoints.length < 1) { this.flvCuePoints = null; this.navCuePoints = null; this.eventCuePoints = null; return undefined; } this.flvCuePoints = metadataCuePoints; this.navCuePoints = new Array(); this.eventCuePoints = new Array(); var v5; var v6 = -1; var v2; var v4 = this._disabledCuePoints; var v3 = 0; this._disabledCuePoints = new Array(); var v9 = 0; v2 = this.flvCuePoints[v9++]; while (v2 != undefined) { if (v6 > 0 && v6 >= v2.time) { this.flvCuePoints = null; this.navCuePoints = null; this.eventCuePoints = null; this._disabledCuePoints = null; this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = null; throw new, 'Unsorted cuePoint found after time: ' + v6); } v6 = v2.time; for (;;) { if (!(v3 < v4.length &&[v3].time, null, v2) < 0)) break; ++v3; } if (this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly[] != undefined || v3 < v4.length &&[v3].time, v4[v3].name, v2) == 0) { this._disabledCuePoints.push({'time': v2.time, 'name':}); } if (v2.type == 'navigation') { this.navCuePoints.push(v2); } else { if (v2.type == 'event') { this.eventCuePoints.push(v2); } } if (this.allCuePoints == null || this.allCuePoints == undefined || this.allCuePoints.length < 1) { this.allCuePoints = new Array(); this.allCuePoints.push(v2); } else { v5 = this.getCuePointIndex(this.allCuePoints, true, v2.time); v5 = this.allCuePoints[v5].time > v2.time ? 0 : v5 + 1; this.allCuePoints.splice(v5, 0, v2); } } delete this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly; this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = null; delete this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly; this._disabledCuePointsByNameOnly = null; }; v2.processCuePointsProperty = function (cuePoints) { if (cuePoints == undefined || cuePoints == null || cuePoints.length == 0) { return undefined; } var v4 = 0; var v8; var v6; var v7; var v5; var v9; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < cuePoints.length - 1) { switch (v4) { case 6: this.addOrDisable(v9, v5); v4 = 0; case 0: if (cuePoints[v2++] != 't') { throw new, 'unexpected cuePoint parameter format'); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[v2])) { throw new, 'time must be number'); } v5 = new Object(); v5.time = cuePoints[v2] / 1000; ++v4; break; case 1: if (cuePoints[v2++] != 'n') { throw new, 'unexpected cuePoint parameter format'); } if (cuePoints[v2] == undefined || cuePoints[v2] == null) { throw new, 'name cannot be null or undefined'); } = this.unescape(cuePoints[v2]); ++v4; break; case 2: if (cuePoints[v2++] != 't') { throw new, 'unexpected cuePoint parameter format'); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[v2])) { throw new, 'type must be number'); } switch (cuePoints[v2]) { case 0: v5.type = 'event'; break; case 1: v5.type = 'navigation'; break; case 2: v5.type = 'actionscript'; break; default: throw new, 'type must be 0, 1 or 2'); } ++v4; break; case 3: if (cuePoints[v2++] != 'd') { throw new, 'unexpected cuePoint parameter format'); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[v2])) { throw new, 'disabled must be number'); } v9 = cuePoints[v2] != 0; ++v4; break; case 4: if (cuePoints[v2++] != 'p') { throw new, 'unexpected cuePoint parameter format'); } if (isNaN(cuePoints[v2])) { throw new, 'num params must be number'); } v8 = cuePoints[v2]; ++v4; if (v8 == 0) { ++v4; } else { v5.parameters = new Object(); } break; case 5: v6 = cuePoints[v2++]; v7 = cuePoints[v2]; if (typeof v6 == 'string') { v6 = this.unescape(v6); } if (typeof v7 == 'string') { v7 = this.unescape(v7); } v5.parameters[v6] = v7; --v8; if (v8 == 0) { ++v4; } } ++v2; } if (v4 == 6) { this.addOrDisable(v9, v5); } else { throw new, 'unexpected end of cuePoint param string'); } }; v2.addOrDisable = function (disable, cuePoint) { if (disable) { if (cuePoint.type == 'actionscript') { throw new, 'Cannot disable actionscript cue points'); } this.setFLVCuePointEnabled(false, cuePoint); } else { if (cuePoint.type == 'actionscript') { this.addASCuePoint(cuePoint); } } }; v2.unescape = function (origStr) { var v3 = origStr; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < { var v2 = v3.split([v1++]); if (v2.length > 1) { v3 = v2.join([v1]); } ++v1; } return v3; }; v2.getCuePointIndex = function (cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, start, len) { if (cuePointArray == null || cuePointArray == undefined || cuePointArray.length < 1) { return -1; } var v13 = isNaN(time) || time < 0; var v16 = name == undefined || name == null; if (v13 && v16) { throw new, 'time must be number and/or name must not be undefined or null'); } if (start == undefined || start == null) { start = 0; } if (len == undefined || len == null) { len = cuePointArray.length; } if (!v16 && (closeIsOK || v13)) { var v8; var v2; if (v13) { v8 = start; } else { v8 = this.getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time); } v2 = v8; while (v2 >= start) { if (cuePointArray[v2].name == name) { break; } --v2; } if (v2 >= start) { return v2; } v2 = v8 + 1; while (v2 < len) { if (cuePointArray[v2].name == name) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 < len) { return v2; } return -1; } var v6; if (len <= this._linearSearchTolerance) { var v11 = start + len; var v3 = start; while (v3 < v11) { v6 =, name, cuePointArray[v3]); if (v6 == 0) { return v3; } if (v6 < 0) { break; } ++v3; } if (closeIsOK) { if (v3 > 0) { return v3 - 1; } return 0; } return -1; } var v12 = Math.floor(len / 2); var v15 = start + v12; v6 =, name, cuePointArray[v15]); if (v6 < 0) { return this.getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, start, v12); } if (v6 > 0) { return this.getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, time, name, v15 + 1, v12 - 1 + len % 2); } return v15; }; v2.getNextCuePointIndexWithName = function (name, array, index) { if (name == undefined || name == null) { throw new, 'name cannot be undefined or null'); } if (array == null || array == undefined) { throw new, 'cuePoint.array undefined'); } if (isNaN(index) || index < -1 || index >= array.length) { throw new, 'cuePoint.index must be number between -1 and cuePoint.array.length'); } var v1; v1 = index + 1; while (v1 < array.length) { if (array[v1].name == name) { break; } ++v1; } if (v1 < array.length) { return v1; } return -1; }; v1.cuePointCompare = function (time, name, cuePoint) { var v2 = Math.round(time * 1000); var v3 = Math.round(cuePoint.time * 1000); if (v2 < v3) { return -1; } if (v2 > v3) { return 1; } if (name != null || name != undefined) { if (name == { return 0; } if (name < { return -1; } return 1; } return 0; }; v2.getCuePoint = function (cuePointArray, closeIsOK, timeNameOrCuePoint) { var v3; switch (typeof timeNameOrCuePoint) { case 'string': v3 = {'name': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'number': v3 = {'time': timeNameOrCuePoint}; break; case 'object': v3 = timeNameOrCuePoint; } var v2 = this.getCuePointIndex(cuePointArray, closeIsOK, v3.time,; if (v2 < 0) { return null; } v3 =[v2]); v3.array = cuePointArray; v3.index = v2; return v3; }; v2.getNextCuePointWithName = function (cuePoint) { if (cuePoint == null || cuePoint == undefined) { throw new, 'cuePoint parameter undefined'); } if (isNaN(cuePoint.time) || cuePoint.time < 0) { throw new, 'time must be number'); } var v3 = this.getNextCuePointIndexWithName(, cuePoint.array, cuePoint.index); if (v3 < 0) { return null; } var v4 =[v3]); v4.array = cuePoint.array; v4.index = v3; return v4; }; v1.deepCopyObject = function (obj, recurseLevel) { if (obj == undefined || obj == null || typeof obj != 'object') { return obj; } if (recurseLevel == undefined) { recurseLevel = 0; } var v2 = new Object(); for (var v4 in obj) { if (recurseLevel == 0 && (v4 == 'array' || v4 == 'index')) { } else { if (typeof obj[v4] == 'object') { v2[v4] =[v4], recurseLevel + 1); } else { v2[v4] = obj[v4]; } } } return v2; }; v1.DEFAULT_LINEAR_SEARCH_TOLERANCE = 50; v1.cuePointsReplace = ['&quot;', '"', '&#39;', '\'', '&#44;', ',', '&amp;', '&']; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('metadataLoaded', v2.__get__metadataLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('playheadUpdateInterval', function () {}, v2.__set__playheadUpdateInterval); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { _quality = 'medium'; } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 35 { } button 40 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('Intro'); } on (release) { stopAllSounds(); } } button 44 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(28); } } button 48 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(16); } } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 51 { } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 57 { } button 58 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 38 { stop(); } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 68 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 70 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 74 { } button 75 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 79 { } button 80 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } frame 39 { stop(); } button 94 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 95 { on (release) { prevFrame(); } } frame 40 { stop(); } button 102 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 108 { } frame 41 { stop(); } button 109 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 42 { stop(); } button 114 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 43 { stop(); } button 117 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 44 { stop(); } button 121 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 45 { stop(); } button 124 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 46 { stop(); } button 129 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 47 { stop(); } button 132 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 48 { stop(); } button 135 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 49 { stop(); } button 139 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 50 { stop(); } button 142 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } button 145 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 52 { stop(); } button 149 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 53 { stop(); } button 153 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 54 { stop(); } button 156 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 55 { stop(); } button 160 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 56 { stop(); } button 165 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 57 { stop(); } button 171 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } frame 58 { stop(); } button 176 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 177 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 460 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 473 { } movieClip 475 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 479 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 483 { } movieClip 485 { } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 493 { } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 498 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 531 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 637 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 645 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 648 { } movieClip 649 { } movieClip 695 { } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 864 { } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 869 { } movieClip 873 { } movieClip 874 { } movieClip 875 { } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 882 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 886 { } movieClip 887 { } movieClip 891 { } movieClip 892 { } movieClip 893 { } movieClip 894 { } movieClip 895 { } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 899 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 904 { } movieClip 906 { } movieClip 909 { } movieClip 910 { } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 913 { } movieClip 915 { } movieClip 918 { } movieClip 919 { } movieClip 920 { } movieClip 921 { } movieClip 923 { } movieClip 927 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 929 { } movieClip 930 { } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 936 { } movieClip 937 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 942 { } movieClip 943 { } movieClip 945 { } movieClip 946 { } movieClip 947 { } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 950 { } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 952 { } movieClip 953 { } movieClip 958 { } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 964 { } movieClip 965 { } movieClip 967 { } movieClip 968 { } movieClip 969 { } movieClip 971 { } movieClip 974 { } movieClip 975 { } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 978 { } movieClip 979 { } movieClip 980 { } movieClip 981 { } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 986 { } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 991 { } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1017 { } movieClip 1019 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1028 { } movieClip 1032 { } movieClip 1036 { } movieClip 1040 { } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1057 { } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1082 { } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1092 { } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1098 { } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1103 { } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1108 { } movieClip 1112 { } movieClip 1113 { } movieClip 1116 { } movieClip 1120 { } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1124 { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1132 { } movieClip 1134 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1138 { } movieClip 1141 { } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1145 { } movieClip 1146 { } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1151 { } movieClip 1152 { } movieClip 1154 { } movieClip 1155 { } movieClip 1156 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1160 { } movieClip 1164 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1166 { } movieClip 1177 { } movieClip 1205 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1218 { } movieClip 1227 { } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1285 { } movieClip 1287 { } movieClip 1292 { } movieClip 1295 { } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1301 { } movieClip 1303 { } movieClip 1305 { } movieClip 1307 { } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1339 { } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1342 { } movieClip 1344 { } movieClip 1346 { } movieClip 1347 { frame 1 { _root._quality = 'Medium'; } frame 26 { _root._quality = 'Low'; } frame 61 { _root._quality = 'High'; } } movieClip 1353 { } movieClip 1354 { } movieClip 1358 { } movieClip 1360 { } movieClip 1362 { } movieClip 1364 { } movieClip 1368 { } movieClip 1370 { } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1372 { } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1382 { } movieClip 1384 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1392 { } movieClip 1394 { } movieClip 1396 { } movieClip 1398 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1402 { } movieClip 1403 { } movieClip 1404 { } movieClip 1409 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 1410 { } movieClip 1482 { } movieClip 1555 { } movieClip 1628 { } movieClip 1760 { } movieClip 1775 { } movieClip 1776 { } movieClip 1779 { } movieClip 1782 { } movieClip 1785 { } movieClip 1788 { } movieClip 1918 { } movieClip 1921 { } movieClip 1925 { } movieClip 1933 { } movieClip 1937 { } movieClip 1947 { } movieClip 1969 { } movieClip 2015 { } movieClip 2073 { } movieClip 2076 { } movieClip 2079 { } movieClip 2083 { } movieClip 2087 { } movieClip 2097 { } movieClip 2151 { } movieClip 2166 { } movieClip 2191 { } movieClip 2208 { } movieClip 2237 { } movieClip 2262 { } movieClip 2267 { } movieClip 2271 { } movieClip 2272 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2275 { } movieClip 2283 { } movieClip 2288 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2305 { } movieClip 2307 { } movieClip 2309 { } movieClip 2325 { } movieClip 2326 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 2349 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2351 { } movieClip 2355 { } movieClip 2492 { instance MC of movieClip 2355 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = random(600); this._y = random(350); } } frame 10 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'and'; } frame 18 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'all'; } frame 25 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'the'; } frame 30 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'roads'; } frame 45 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'we'; } frame 52 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'have'; } frame 60 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'to'; } frame 66 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'walk'; } frame 78 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'are'; } frame 85 { _root.MC.lyrics = 'winding'; } frame 121 { _root.MC.lyrics = ''; } } movieClip 2498 { frame 150 { stop(); } } movieClip 2500 { frame 142 { stop(); } } movieClip 2502 { } movieClip 2504 { } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2509 { } movieClip 2510 { } movieClip 2512 { } movieClip 2514 { } movieClip 2515 { } movieClip 2517 { } movieClip 2519 { } movieClip 2520 { } movieClip 2522 { } movieClip 2524 { } movieClip 2526 { } movieClip 2527 { } movieClip 2529 { } movieClip 2530 { } movieClip 2531 { } movieClip 2532 { } movieClip 2533 { } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2536 { frame 151 { stop(); } } movieClip 2537 { } movieClip 2543 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); } } movieClip 2670 { } movieClip 2779 { frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 2822 { } movieClip 2841 { } movieClip 2858 { } movieClip 2868 { frame 43 { stop(); } } movieClip 2869 { } movieClip 2911 { } movieClip 2921 { } movieClip 2925 { } movieClip 3004 { } movieClip 3007 { } movieClip 3019 { } movieClip 3021 { } movieClip 3023 { } movieClip 3049 { frame 74 { } } movieClip 3050 { } movieClip 3051 { } movieClip 3063 { } movieClip 3064 { } movieClip 3084 { } movieClip 3088 { } movieClip 3093 { } movieClip 3100 { } movieClip 3150 { } movieClip 3154 { } movieClip 3178 { } movieClip 3188 { } movieClip 3193 { } movieClip 3212 { } movieClip 3239 { } movieClip 3242 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 3361 { } movieClip 3381 { } movieClip 3478 { } movieClip 3482 { } movieClip 3484 { } movieClip 3488 { } movieClip 3536 { } movieClip 3538 { } movieClip 3605 { } movieClip 3606 { } movieClip 3609 { } movieClip 3612 { } movieClip 3613 { } movieClip 3624 { } movieClip 3629 { } movieClip 3635 { } movieClip 3642 { } movieClip 3645 { } movieClip 3668 { } movieClip 3671 { } movieClip 3673 { } movieClip 3675 { } movieClip 3677 { } movieClip 3679 { } movieClip 3744 { } movieClip 3745 { } movieClip 3753 { } movieClip 3755 { } button 3757 { on (release) { getURL('', 'blank'); } } movieClip 3758 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 3759 { } movieClip 3762 { } movieClip 3764 { } movieClip 3765 { } movieClip 3766 { } movieClip 3769 { } movieClip 3772 { } movieClip 3774 { } movieClip 3779 { } movieClip 3788 { } movieClip 3791 { } movieClip 3796 { } movieClip 3800 { } movieClip 3803 { } movieClip 3807 { } movieClip 3808 { } movieClip 3814 { } movieClip 3815 { } movieClip 3818 { } movieClip 3821 { } movieClip 3825 { } frame 6638 { _quality = 'Medium'; } movieClip 3943 { } movieClip 3953 { } frame 7770 { gotoAndPlay('menu'); stopAllSounds(); }
Created: 21/4 -2019 18:15:30 Last modified: 21/4 -2019 18:15:30 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:08:26