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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

ExtraLovely HentaiPuzzle2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #54477

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

L   o   a   d   i   n   g   !

B e g i n !

B e g i n
( w i t h o u t   m u s i c )

I n s t r u c t i o n s :

-   C o m p l e t e   o n e   j i g s a w   p u z z l e   t o
a d v a n c e   o n t o   t h e   n e x t .
-   C o m p l e t e   a l l   1 0   p u z z l e s   t o
u n l o c k   s o m e   c o o l   b o n u s e s !

S t a r t !

N e x t

N e x t

C o n t i n u e

Y o u ' r e   g o i n g   w e l l !

N e x t

G o !

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !   Y o u ' v e   f i n i s h e d   t h e   g a m e .
G o   c o l l e c t   y o u r   r e w a r d !

T h e   E n d !

T h a n k s   f o r   p l a y i n g !

R e t u r n
t o   T i t l e

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
if (_framesloaded != _totalframes) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Frame 3
Frame 5
Frame 6
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p0", "p1", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 7
stop(); picture = pies[0]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (8);
Frame 8
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 10
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(11); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p2", "p3", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 11
stop(); picture = pies[2]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (12);
Frame 12
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 14
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(15); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p4", "p5", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 15
stop(); picture = pies[4]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (16);
Frame 16
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 20
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(21); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p6", "p7", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 21
stop(); picture = pies[6]; picture._x = (winX - lx) / 4; picture._y = (winY - ly) / 4; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (22);
Frame 22
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 25
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel); stop();
Frame 30
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(32); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p8", "p40", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 31
stop(); picture = pies[8]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (32); stop();
Frame 32
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 35
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(36); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p10", "p11", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; };
Frame 36
stop(); picture = pies[10]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (37);
Frame 37
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 40
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(41); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p12", "p13", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 41
stop(); picture = pies[12]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (42);
Frame 42
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 45
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(46); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p14", "p15", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 46
stop(); picture = pies[14]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (47); stop();
Frame 47
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p20", "p21", pLevel);
Frame 48
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p22", "p23", pLevel);
Frame 50
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(51); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p16", "p17", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop();
Frame 51
stop(); picture = pies[16]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (52); stop();
Frame 52
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p50", "p51", pLevel);
Frame 53
function Gran(con, x0, y0, x1, y1, Norm, rand, h, t) { var dx = (x1 - x0); var dy = (y1 - y0); var xc = (x0 + (dx / 2)); var yc = (y0 + (dy / 2)); var tx; var ty; var l = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); var dlx = (((h / l) * dy) / 10); var dly = (((h / l) * dx) / 10); Norm = Norm * cut; with (con) { lineTo(xc - (dx / 10), yc - (dy / 10)); switch (t) { case 0 : ty = yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly); if (ty > y0) { ty = y0; } if (ty > y1) { ty = y1; } if (ty < _parent.box_y0) { _parent.box_y0 = ty; } break; case 3 : tx = xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx); if (tx > x0) { tx = x0; } if (ty > x1) { tx = x1; } if (tx >= _parent.box_x0) { break; } _parent.box_x0 = tx; } if (Norm != 0) { lineTo((xc - (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc - (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); curveTo((xc - (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc - (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), xc - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), yc + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly)); curveTo((xc + (0.200000002980232 * dx)) - ((Norm * 2.5) * dlx), (yc + (0.200000002980232 * dy)) + ((Norm * 2.5) * dly), (xc + (dx / 10)) - ((rand * Norm) * dlx), (yc + (dy / 10)) + ((rand * Norm) * dly)); lineTo(xc + (dx / 10), yc + (dy / 10)); } lineTo(x1, y1); } } function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(2, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); maska.beginFill(0, 100); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 100); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (2 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } if (pie.f_la._width != 0) { pie.f_la.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } }; } } function CreateShad() { with (pies[0]) { avers.filters = (revers.filters = 0); if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } } function pieJoin(n0, n1) { var tn0; var tn1; var i; var j; tn0 = n0; tn1 = n1; if (n0 > n1) { tn0 = n1; tn1 = n0; } var tpie0 = pies[tn0]; var tpie1 = pies[tn1]; tpie0._x = tpie1._x; tpie0._y = tpie1._y; if (tpie0.revers._visible) { tpie0._x = tpie0._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs); tpie0._y = tpie0._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn); } tpie0._rotation = tpie1._rotation; var xx = tpie1._x; var yy = tpie1._y; var rr = tpie1._rotation; with (tpie1) { i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { j = 0; while (j < tpie0.countP) { if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k23 == k10) { typ0 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ2 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k30 == k21) { typ1 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ3 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k01 == k32) { typ2 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ0 = 1); } if (tpie0.s_pie[j].k12 == k03) { typ3 = (tpie0.s_pie[j].typ1 = 1); } j++; } } tpie0.s_pie.push(tpie1.s_pie[i]); i++; } } tpie0.countP = tpie0.countP + tpie1.countP; CreatePieEx(tpie0); count--; i = tn1; while (i < count) { pies[i] = pies[i + 1]; pies[i].numer = i; i++; } with (tpie1) { _visible = 0; maska.removeMovieClip(); obvod.removeMovieClip(); f_la.removeMovieClip(); avers.removeMovieClip(); revers.removeMovieClip(); i = 0; while (i < countP) { delete ()[]; i++; } delete s_pie; removeMovieClip(1); } if (tpie0.countP == (nx * ny)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(54); } } function pieToTop(num) { if (num == 0) { return(undefined); } var _loc1 = num; while (_loc1 > 0) { var _loc2 = pies[_loc1]; var _loc3 = pies[_loc1 - 1]; var _loc5 = _loc2.level; var _loc4 = _loc3.level; _loc2.level = _loc4; _loc3.level = _loc5; _loc2.numer = _loc1 - 1; _loc3.numer = _loc1; _loc2.swapDepths(_loc4); pies[_loc1] = _loc3; pies[_loc1 - 1] = _loc2; _loc1--; } } function TestJoinAvers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = tpie0._x; var yy = tpie0._y; var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - tpie1._x) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - tpie1._y) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoinRevers() { var tpie0 = pies[0]; var xx = (tpie0._x + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fcs)); var yy = (tpie0._y + (tpie0.shiftR * tpie0.fsn)); var i = 1; while (i < count) { var tpie1 = pies[i]; if (!tpie1.avers._visible) { if ((Math.abs(xx - (tpie1._x + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fcs))) < 4) && (Math.abs(yy - (tpie1._y + (tpie1.shiftR * tpie1.fsn))) < 4)) { var j = 0; while (j < tpie1.countP) { with (tpie1.s_pie[j]) { var tk0 = k32; var tk1 = k03; var tk2 = k10; var tk3 = k21; } var ii = 0; while (ii < tpie0.countP) { if ((((tpie0.s_pie[ii].k01 == tk0) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k12 == tk1)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k23 == tk2)) || (tpie0.s_pie[ii].k30 == tk3)) { pieJoin(0, i); return(1); } ii++; } j++; } } } i++; } return(0); } function TestJoin() { if (pies[0].avers._visible) { return(TestJoinAvers()); } return(TestJoinRevers()); } function makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var x; var y; var i; i = 1; y = 0; x = 0; var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); while (y < ly) { x = 0; while (x < lx) { var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "tile_" + i, i); with (b0) { if ((lx / _width) > 5) { _xscale = (lx * 20) / _width; } if ((ly / _height) > 5) { _yscale = (ly * 20) / _height; } } i++; b0._x = x; b0._y = y; x = x + b0._width; } y = y + b0._height; } return(bb); } function makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { var bb = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("revers" + level, level); var b0 = bb.attachMovie(bname, "scale_1", 1); with (b0) { _xscale = (lx * 100) / _width; _yscale = (ly * 100) / _height; } return(bb); } function makeBack(mc, lx, ly, bname, level) { if (backtile == 0) { return(makeBackTile(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } return(makeBackScale(mc, lx, ly, bname, level)); } function MakePies(image, bImage, plevel) { var k = 0; var pie; var j = 0; while (j < ny) { var i = 0; while (i < nx) { pie = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pie" + plevel, plevel); pies[k] = pie; pie.fcs = 1; pie.fsn = 0; pie.attachMovie(image, "avers", 20); pie.revers = makeBack(pie, lx, ly, bImage, 10); pie.ScaleReversX = pie.revers._xscale; pie.ScaleAversX = (pie.avers._xscale = (lx / pie.avers._width) * 100); pie.avers._yscale = (ly / pie.avers._height) * 100; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("maska", 25); pie.maska._visible = 0; pie.maska.enabled = false; pie.createEmptyMovieClip("obvod", 26); pie.createEmptyMovieClip("f_la", 27); pie.f_la.lineStyle(2, 16777215, 100); pie.f_la._alpha = 100; pie.avers.setMask(pie.maska); pie.level = plevel; pie.numer = k; pie.mpress = 0; pie.xmouse = 0; pie.ymouse = 0; pie.xOld = 0; pie.yOld = 0; pie.countP = 1; pie.s_pie = new Array(); var pp = new Object(); = i; pp.nj = j; var k0 = ((j * (nx + 1)) + i); var k1 = (k0 + 1); var k2 = ((k1 + nx) + 1); var k3 = (k2 - 1); var p0 = points[k0]; var p1 = points[k1]; var p2 = points[k2]; var p3 = points[k3]; pp.k01 = (k0 << 16) + k1; pp.k10 = (k1 << 16) + k0; pp.k12 = (k1 << 16) + k2; pp.k21 = (k2 << 16) + k1; pp.k23 = (k2 << 16) + k3; pp.k32 = (k3 << 16) + k2; pp.k30 = (k3 << 16) + k0; pp.k03 = (k0 << 16) + k3; pp.x0 = p0.x; pp.y0 = p0.y; pp.norm0 = -p0.nx; pp.rnd0 = p0.rndx; pp.typ0 = 0; pp.x1 = p1.x; pp.y1 = p1.y; pp.norm1 = -p1.ny; pp.rnd1 = p1.rndy; pp.typ1 = 0; pp.x2 = p2.x; pp.y2 = p2.y; pp.norm2 = p3.nx; pp.rnd2 = p3.rndx; pp.typ2 = 0; pp.x3 = p3.x; pp.y3 = p3.y; pp.norm3 = p0.ny; pp.rnd3 = p0.rndy; pp.typ3 = 0; pie.s_pie.push(pp); pie.box_x0 = 0; pie.box_y0 = 0; pie.box_xsize = 0; pie.box_ysize = 0; pie.avers._visible = 0; pie.tickTurn = 0; k++; plevel = plevel - deltaLevel; pie.teta = 0; pie.tetaEn = 0; var blurX = ((lx / nx) / 10); var blurY = ((ly / ny) / 10); if (blurX > 15) { blurX = 15; } if (blurY > 15) { blurY = 15; } if (blurX < 3) { blurX = 3; } if (blurY < 3) { blurY = 3; } pie.filtr = new Array(new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(10, 45, 0, 0.300000011920929, blurX, blurY, 8, 1, false, false, false)); pie.Reversi = function () { if (this.tetaEn) { return(undefined); } this.tetaEn = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.tetaEn) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } else { this.TurnOver(); } }; }; pie.TurnOver = function () { var cs; with (this) { teta = teta + 0.285599291324615; if ((tickTurn == 0) && (teta > 1.57079601287842)) { turnOff(); tickTurn = 1; } if ((tickTurn == 1) && (teta > 3.14159297943115)) { tickTurn = 0; teta = 0; tetaEn = 0; } avers.filters = 0; revers.filters = 0; cs = Math.abs(Math.cos(teta)); if (!avers._visible) { if (tetaEn) { revers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = -100 * cs); revers._xscale = 100 * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = shiftM - ((box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); revers._x = maska._x - (lx * cs); } else { if (tetaEn) { avers.filters = filtr; } maska._xscale = (obvod._xscale = 100 * cs); avers._xscale = ScaleAversX * cs; maska._x = (obvod._x = (avers._x = (box_x0 + (box_xsize / 2)) * (1 - cs))); } } }; pie.MyPress = function () { with (this._parent) { pieToTop(numer); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; xOld = _x; yOld = _y; if (_root.turned) { Reversi(); return(undefined); } mpress = 1; if (!avers._visible) { revers.filters = filtr; } else { avers.filters = filtr; } } }; pie.MyRelease = function () { this._parent.mpress = 0; this._parent.avers.filters = 0; this._parent.revers.filters = 0; }; pie.MyMouseMove = function () { if (this.turnEn) { return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { return(undefined); } if (_root.turned) { return(undefined); } with (_root) { if ((((_xmouse < 5) || (_ymouse < 5)) || (_xmouse > (winX - 5))) || (_ymouse > (winY - 5))) { return(undefined); } } with (this._parent) { if (mpress) { Move((xOld + _root._xmouse) - xmouse, (yOld + _root._ymouse) - ymouse); if (TestJoin()) { mpress = 0; } } } }; pie.turnOff = function () { with (this) { if (avers._visible != 1) { revers._visible = 0; revers.onPress = (revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = (revers.onMouseMove = null))); avers.onPress = MyPress; avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); avers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; avers._xscale = ScaleAversX; avers._x = 0; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = 100)); avers._x = (obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = 0))); avers.setMask(maska); avers._visible = 1; } else { avers._visible = 0; avers.onPress = (avers.onRelease = (avers.onReleaseOutside = (avers.onMouseMove = null))); revers.onPress = MyPress; revers.onRelease = (revers.onReleaseOutside = MyRelease); revers.onMouseMove = MyMouseMove; obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); revers._xscale = ScaleReversX; revers._x = shiftR; obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); revers._visible = 1; } } }; pie.MoveOtn = function (dx, dy) { with (this) { _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; } }; pie.Move = function (x, y) { with (this) { _x = x; _y = y; } }; pie.Rotate = function (xc, yc, beta) { var ri = (0.0174532905220985 * (beta - this._rotation)); var cs = Math.cos(ri); var sn = Math.sin(ri); with (this) { var tx = ((xc + ((_x - xc) * cs)) - ((_y - yc) * sn)); var ty = ((yc + ((_y - yc) * cs)) + ((_x - xc) * sn)); _x = tx; _y = ty; _rotation = beta; ri = (3.14159297943115 * beta) / 180; fcs = Math.cos(ri); fsn = Math.sin(ri); } }; pie.Rotation = function () { with (this) { Rotate(xmouse, ymouse, _rotation + (deltaFi * direct)); } }; pie.RotationCenter = function (ifi) { with (this) { Rotate((_x + box_x0) + (box_xsize / 2), (_y + box_y0) + (box_ysize / 2), ifi); } }; pie.turnOff(); CreatePieEx(pie); i++; } j++; } } function randomMRT() { var i; var xx; var yy; var pie; i = 0; while (i < count) { pie = pies[i]; with (pie) { _x = (hx + (Math.random() * (winX - (2 * hx)))) - (box_x0 + box_xsize); _y = (hy + (Math.random() * (winY - (2 * hy)))) - (box_y0 + box_ysize); if (_root.rotation) { pie.RotationCenter(Math.floor(Math.random() * 36) * 10); } if (capsize && (Math.random() > 0.5)) { pie.turnOff(); } } i++; } } dataM = " 6& 5& 640& 480& 640& 480& 51& 37&0&0&2&0x000000"; startLink = "0"; ColorFill = " 1& 0& 50& 50& 90& 100& 255&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000& 0&0x000000"; CapsizeString = "0&1"; nameURL = ""; stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; ArrS = dataM.split("&"); ArrsFill = ColorFill.split("&"); ArrsCap = CapsizeString.split("&"); capsize = Number(ArrsCap[0]); backtile = Number(ArrsCap[1]); startLinkSek = Number(startLink); nx = Number(ArrS[0]); nn = Number(ArrS[0]); ny = Number(ArrS[1]); winX = Number(ArrS[2]); winY = Number(ArrS[3]); lx = Number(ArrS[4]); ly = Number(ArrS[5]); if (lx >= winX) { lx = winX - 1; } if (ly >= winY) { ly = winY - 1; } uzel = Number(ArrS[6]) / 100; if (uzel > 1) { uzel = 1; } if (uzel < 0) { uzel = 0; } cut = Number(ArrS[7]) / 100; if (cut > 1) { cut = 1; } rotation = Number(ArrS[8]); registr = Number(ArrS[9]); typURL = Number(ArrS[10]); fonColor = Number(ArrS[11]); sURL = new String(nameURL); myURL = ""; k = 0; l = sURL.length; while (sURL.substr(k, 1) == " ") { k++; l--; } kk = l - 1; if (l <= 0) { sURL = "http:://"; } else { while (sURL.substr(kk, 1) == " ") { kk--; l--; } sURL = "http://" + sURL.substr(k, l); } countCol = Number(ArrsFill[0]); iFill = Number(ArrsFill[1]); shiftX = (Number(ArrsFill[2]) * winX) / 100; shiftY = (Number(ArrsFill[3]) * winY) / 100; ffi = (Number(ArrsFill[4]) * 3.14159297943115) / 180; mashR = Number(ArrsFill[5]) / 100; typFill = "linear"; switch (iFill) { case 0 : typFill = "linear"; break; case 1 : typFill = "radial"; } col = new Array(); al = new Array(); rat = new Array(); var cc; var pp; i = 0; while (i < countCol) { pp = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 6]); cc = Number(ArrsFill[(2 * i) + 7]); col.push(cc); al.push(100); if (pp > 255) { pp = 255; } rat.push(pp); i++; } cs = Math.cos(ffi) * mashR; sn = Math.sin(ffi) * mashR; mat = {i:1, h:shiftY, g:shiftX, f:0, e:winY * cs, d:(-winX) * sn, c:0, b:winY * sn, a:winX * cs}; beginGradientFill(typFill, col, al, rat, mat); lineStyle(0, 0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, 0); lineTo(winX - 1, winY - 1); lineTo(0, winY - 1); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); _root.stop(); _root.r = 0; _root.turned = 0; = 1; _root.sendStatus = 1; deltaFi = 10; var i; var j; var hx; var hy; hx = lx / nx; hy = ly / ny; pLevel = 10; count = nx * ny; deltaLevel = 2; pLevel = pLevel + (count * deltaLevel); levelUk = pLevel + 9; levelSalu = pLevel + 10; createEmptyMovieClip("ukaz", levelUk); = 0; = 0; with (ukaz) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 100); moveTo(-10, -10); lineTo(10, -10); lineTo(10, 10); lineTo(-10, 10); lineTo(-10, -10); } ukaz._visible = 0; ukaz.mStop = function () { if (_root.r || (_root.turned)) { return(undefined); } this.onEnterFrame = null; this._visible = 0; = 0; }; ukaz.mStart = function () { with (this) { if (ss) { return(undefined); } ss = 1; fi = 0; _rotation = 0; _xscale = 0; _visible = 1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { fi = fi + ( * 10); if (fi > 360) { fi = fi - 360; } if (fi < 0) { fi = fi + 360; } if (_root.turned) { _xscale = 100 * Math.cos((fi / 180) * 3.14159297943115); _rotation = 0; return(undefined); } if (_root.r) { _xscale = 100; _rotation = fi; } } }; }; rc = new LocalConnection(); rc.Message = function (s, p) { if (s != "rB") { if (s != "oB") { if (s == "cB") { = -((2 * p) - 1); } } else if (p != 1) { _root._visible = false; } else { _root._visible = true; } } else { r = p; if (!r) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } if (s != "rOk") { if (s == "tB") { _root.turned = p; if (!_root.turned) { ukaz.mStop(); } else { ukaz.mStart(); } } } else { _root.SendStatus = 0; } }; rc.connect("PultConnection"); points = new Array(); j = 0; while (j <= ny) { i = 0; while (i <= nx) { var p = new Object(); p.x = i * hx; p.y = j * hy; p.nx = (p.ny = 0); p.rndx = Math.random(); p.rndy = Math.random(); if ((i > 0) && (i < nx)) { p.x = p.x + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hx) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.ny = -1; } else { p.ny = 1; } } if ((j > 0) && (j < ny)) { p.y = p.y + (((uzel * Math.random()) * hy) / 9); if (Math.random() <= 0.5) { p.nx = -1; } else { p.nx = 1; } } points.push(p); i++; } j++; } pies = new Array(count); MakePies("p18", "p19", pLevel); randomMRT(); Key.addListener(_root); _root.onKeyDown = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", _root.r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 1; ukaz.mStart(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); } }; _root.onKeyUp = function () { var _loc2 = Key.getCode(); switch (_loc2) { case 82 : if (!rotation) { return; } _root.r = 0; ukaz.mStop(); pies[0].mpress = 0; rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Key", r); return; case 84 : _root.turned = 0; ukaz.mStop(); rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Turn", _root.turned); return; case 85 : } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sendStatus) { rc.send("PultReciv", "Message", "Init", _root.rotation); } if ((_root.r && (pies[0].mpress)) && (_root.rotation)) { pies[0].Rotation(); } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { ukaz._x = _root._xmouse; ukaz._y = _root._ymouse; };
Frame 54
stop(); picture = pies[18]; picture._x = (winX - lx) * 25; picture._y = (winY - ly) * 25; picture._rotation = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = true; _root.onMouseMove = true; gotoAndPlay (55);
Frame 55
function CreatePieEx(pie) { pie.box_x0 = 10000; pie.box_y0 = 10000; with (pie) { maska.clear(); f_la.clear(); f_la.lineStyle(1, 268435455, 100); f_la._alpha = 100; maska.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); maska.beginFill(0, 0); obvod.clear(); obvod.lineStyle(0, 0, 0); var i = 0; while (i < countP) { with (s_pie[i]) { maska.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(maska, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 0); Gran(maska, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); Gran(maska, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); Gran(maska, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 3); switch (typ0) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(obvod, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x0, y0); Gran(f_la, x0, y0, x1, y1, norm0, rnd0, hy, 4); typ0 = 2; } switch (typ1) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(obvod, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x1, y1); Gran(f_la, x1, y1, x2, y2, norm1, rnd1, hx, 4); typ1 = 2; } switch (typ2) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(obvod, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x2, y2); Gran(f_la, x2, y2, x3, y3, norm2, rnd2, hy, 4); typ2 = 2; } switch (typ3) { case 0 : obvod.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(obvod, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); break; case 1 : f_la.moveTo(x3, y3); Gran(f_la, x3, y3, x0, y0, norm3, rnd3, hx, 4); typ3 = 2; } } i++; } maska.endFill(); } pie.box_xsize = pie.maska._width; pie.box_ysize = pie.maska._height; pie.shiftM = (0 * pie.box_x0) + pie.box_xsize; pie.shiftR = pie.shiftM - lx; pie.revers._x = pie.shiftR; with (pie) { if (revers._visible) { _x = _x - (pie.shiftR * pie.fcs); _y = _y - (pie.shiftR * pie.fsn); obvod._xscale = (f_la._xscale = (maska._xscale = -100)); obvod._x = (f_la._x = (maska._x = shiftM)); revers.setMask(maska); } } } stop(); MakePies("p52", "p53", pLevel);
Frame 58
Frame 59
Frame 60
Frame 1165
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 43 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (6); }
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (14); }
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (20); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (25); }
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (30); }
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (35); }
Symbol 116 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (40); }
Symbol 122 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (45); }
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (47); }
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (49); }
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (53); }
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (58); }
Symbol 168 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (60); }
Symbol 174 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }

Library Items

Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClip [p0]Uses:3
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [p2]Uses:6
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClip [p4]Uses:9
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [p6]Uses:12
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [p8]Uses:15
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip [p10]Uses:18
Symbol 20 BitmapUsed by:21
Symbol 21 GraphicUses:20Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [p12]Uses:21
Symbol 23 BitmapUsed by:24
Symbol 24 GraphicUses:23Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip [p14]Uses:24
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClip [p16]Uses:27
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [p18]Uses:30
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32 35
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 FontUsed by:33
Symbol 33 TextUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 ButtonUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 FontUsed by:41 45 49 54 60 67 103 104 155 173 176
Symbol 41 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 ButtonUses:44Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 FontUsed by:45 171
Symbol 45 TextUses:42 46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48 55 61 62 68 69 74 75 105 106 107 112 113 118 119 124 125 156 157 162 163
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 FontUsed by:50 170
Symbol 50 TextUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 BitmapUsed by:57
Symbol 57 GraphicUses:56Used by:Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 ButtonUses:59Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:66Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 ButtonUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 76 BitmapUsed by:77
Symbol 77 GraphicUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 BitmapUsed by:82
Symbol 82 GraphicUses:81Used by:80
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:80
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:80
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:80
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:80
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:80
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:80
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:80
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:80
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:80
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 ButtonUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 BitmapUsed by:109
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:110
Symbol 110 ButtonUses:111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 BitmapUsed by:115
Symbol 115 GraphicUses:114Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:116
Symbol 116 ButtonUses:117Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 ButtonUses:123Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:128
Symbol 128 ButtonUses:129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 BitmapUsed by:132
Symbol 132 GraphicUses:131Used by:130
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133Used by:130
Symbol 135 BitmapUsed by:136
Symbol 136 GraphicUses:135Used by:130
Symbol 137 BitmapUsed by:138
Symbol 138 GraphicUses:137Used by:130
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:130
Symbol 141 BitmapUsed by:142
Symbol 142 GraphicUses:141Used by:130
Symbol 143 BitmapUsed by:144
Symbol 144 GraphicUses:143Used by:130
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:130
Symbol 147 BitmapUsed by:148
Symbol 148 GraphicUses:147Used by:130
Symbol 149 BitmapUsed by:150
Symbol 150 GraphicUses:149Used by:130
Symbol 151 BitmapUsed by:152
Symbol 152 GraphicUses:151Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:153
Symbol 153 ButtonUses:154Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 BitmapUsed by:159
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:158Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:161Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 BitmapUsed by:165
Symbol 165 GraphicUses:164Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 ButtonUses:167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 ButtonUses:169Used by:Timeline
Symbol 170 TextUses:51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 TextUses:46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 VideoUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 173 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 ButtonUses:175Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 TextUses:42Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "p0"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "p2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "p4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "p6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "p8"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "p10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "p12"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 22 as "p14"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "p16"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 28 as "p18"
Created: 11/8 -2019 06:00:46 Last modified: 11/8 -2019 06:00:46 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:18:07