Frame 1
function hsinit() {
hssetText(name_txt, "\uC774\uB984");
hssetText(message_txt, "\uB0B4\uC6A9");
System.useCodepage = true;
writeURL = "";
readURL = "";
mainInfo = [];
function hssetText(_txt, str) {
_txt.text = (_txt.str = str);
_txt.onSetFocus = function () {
if (this.text == this.str) {
this.text = "";
_txt.onKillFocus = function () {
if (this.text == "") {
this.text = this.str;
function hsshowMessage(str) {
_root.hswin.txt = str;;
function writeData() {
if (checkInput() == true) {
function writeMain() {
write_lv = new LoadVars();
write_lv.onLoad = function () {
if (this.rdy == "ok") {
name_txt.text = name_txt.str;
message_txt.text = message_txt.str;
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
}; = name_txt.text;
write_lv.score = _root.scoreWin.score;
write_lv.message = message_txt.text;
write_lv.sendAndLoad(writeURL, write_lv, "POST");
function checkInput() {
if (name_txt.text == name_txt.str) {
hsshowMessage("\uC774\uB984\uC744 \uB123\uC5B4\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.");
if (message_txt.text == message_txt.str) {
hsshowMessage("\uB0B4\uC6A9\uC744 \uB123\uC5B4\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.");
function readData() {
read_lv = new LoadVars();
read_lv.onLoad = function () {
if (this.rdy == "ok") {
var _local2 = Number(;
i = 0;
while (i < _local2) {
mainInfo[i] = new Object();
mainInfo[i].ranking = i + 1;
mainInfo[i].no = this["no" + i];
mainInfo[i].name = this["name" + i];
mainInfo[i].score = this["score" + i];
mainInfo[i].message = this["message" + i];
if (mainInfo[i].no == _local2) {
hsum = i;
read_lv.sendAndLoad(readURL, read_lv, "POST");
function makeList() { = mainInfo[hsum].name;
_root.listRank.score = mainInfo[hsum].score;
_root.listRank.ranking = mainInfo[hsum].ranking;
_root.listRank.message = mainInfo[hsum].message;
function makeList2() {
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
_mc = _root["listMc" + i];
_mc.num = mainInfo[i].ranking; = mainInfo[i].name;
_mc.score = mainInfo[i].score;
_mc.message = mainInfo[i].message;
hsum = 0;
Stage.showMenu = false;
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
totalFileSize = _root.getBytesTotal();
startTime = getTimer();
startBytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();
this._xscale = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
amountLoaded = bytesLoaded / totalFileSize;
percentLoaded = int(100 * amountLoaded);
this._xscale = percentLoaded;
timeSoFar = getTimer() - startTime;
speed = bytesLoaded / timeSoFar;
bytesLeft = totalFileSize - bytesLoaded;
timeLeft = (bytesLeft / 1000) * (speed / 1000);
speed = int(10 * speed) / 10;
_root.bytesMessage = ((int(bytesLoaded / 1000) + "kb/") + int(totalFileSize / 1000)) + "kb";
_root.speedMessage = speed + "k/sec";
_root.timeMessage = int(timeLeft) + " seconds remaining";
if (amountLoaded >= 1) {
Instance of Symbol 68 MovieClip "listRank" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
name = "";
ranking = 2;
score = 2;
message = "";
Frame 2
Frame 3
_quality = "high";
s00e_shoot = new Sound();
s00t_shoot = new Sound();
s00_shoot = new Sound();
s01_shoot = new Sound();
s00_A_shoot = new Sound();
s00_B_shoot = new Sound();
s00_Punch = new Sound();
s00_reload = new Sound();
s01_reload = new Sound();
bonus_100 = new Sound();
s_dead_00 = new Sound();
s_dead_01 = new Sound();
s_dead_03 = new Sound();
s_dead_04 = new Sound();
s_dead_07 = new Sound();
s00_explosion = new Sound();
s_car = new Sound();
s01_car = new Sound();
s00_bg = new Sound();
s01_bg = new Sound();
s02_bg = new Sound();
s03_bg = new Sound();
s04_bg = new Sound();
s05_bg = new Sound();
s00_sp = new Sound();
s01_sp = new Sound();
s02_sp = new Sound();
s03_sp = new Sound();
s04_sp = new Sound();
s00_boom = new Sound();
s00_mBoss = new Sound();
s01_mBoss = new Sound();
s02_mBoss = new Sound();
s00_heli = new Sound();
s00_bossRobo = new Sound();
s01_bossRobo = new Sound();
s02_bossRobo = new Sound();
s00_enemy = new Sound();
s00_ending = new Sound();
s00_menu = new Sound();
s01_menu = new Sound();
_root.s05_bg.start(0, 100);
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
age2 = 1;
id = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if (Key.isDown(38) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if ((!Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) {
age = 0;
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 0)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age2 = 1;
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 1)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age2 = 1;
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 2)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age2 = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age2 = 0;
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 645 MovieClip in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 648 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 683 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
age2 = 1;
id = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(39) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if (Key.isDown(37) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if ((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) {
age = 0;
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 0)) && (age2 == 0)) {
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 1)) && (age2 == 0)) {
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age2 = 0;
Frame 7
function itemBoxStart(mc) {
if (_root.num == 11) {
_root.num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Harms.armsOn == true) {
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 0;
} else if (random(5) == 0) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.Harms.init = true;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 1;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].init = true;
} else {
_root.Harms.init = true;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 2;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].init = true;
} else {
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 0;
function clearPuls(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function Score100Puls(mc) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function Score150Puls(mc) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function reloadStart(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y;
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
mc2._xscale = 100;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
mc2._xscale = -100;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function rightScrollScreen(mc, stage, startSpeed, maxSpeed) {
if (mc._x > stage) {
_root.Hero.speedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.gameBg._x - _root.Hero.BGspeedX;
if (_root.gameBg._x > _root.Hero.BGrightBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGrightBound;
if (_root.gameBg._x < _root.Hero.BGleftBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGleftBound;
_root.Hero.tempX = mc._x + _root.Hero.speedX;
function leftScrollScreen(mc, stage, startSpeed, maxSpeed) {
if (mc._x < stage) {
_root.Hero.speedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.gameBg._x + _root.Hero.BGspeedX;
if (_root.gameBg._x > _root.Hero.BGrightBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGrightBound;
if (_root.gameBg._x < _root.Hero.BGleftBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGleftBound;
_root.Hero.tempX = mc._x - _root.Hero.speedX;
function HeroFireAction(mc, mc2, mc3, type, FireTypeA, FireTypeB, mc4, mc5, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
mc.age = 6;
mc.shootFire = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(1);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeA;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeB;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;;
mc5._x = _local2.x;
mc5._y = _local2.y;
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
mc5._rotation = x1;
mc5._xscale = y1;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
mc5._rotation = x2;
mc5._xscale = y2;
function HeroFireAction_A(mc, mc2, mc3, type, mc4) {
mc.age = 20;
mc.shootFire = true;
mc.shootFire_A = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;;
function HeroFireAction_ANum() {
function HeroFireAction_B(mc, mc2, mc3, type, FireTypeA, FireTypeB, mc4) {
mc.shootFire = true;
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
mc.age = 4;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeA;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = 100;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._rotation = x1;
_root.dd.fireType = FireTypeA;
_root.dd.xxscale = 100;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeB;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = -100;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._rotation = x2;
_root.dd.fireType = FireTypeB;
_root.dd.xxscale = -100;
_root.dd.xx = _local3.x;
_root.dd.yy = _local3.y;
mc4._x = _local3.x;
mc4._y = _local3.y;;
function HeroFireAction_B2(mc, mc4) {
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _root.dd.xx;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _root.dd.yy;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = _root.dd.fireType;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = _root.dd.xxscale;
mc4._x = _root.dd.xx;
mc4._y = _root.dd.yy;;
function HeroFireAction_BNum() {
function enemyStart(mc) {
if ((_root.mBoss.enemyOff == false) && ( == false)) { = true; = true;
mc.left = 0;
mc.right = 0;
mc.spin = false;
mc.spin2 = false;
mc.num = 0;
mc.enemySpeedx = 0;
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc._x = 600;
mc._y = 399;
mc.enemySpeedx = -13 + random(3);
mc._xscale = -100;
if (_root.Hero.shootFire == true) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.spin = true;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.run0 = true;
} else {
mc._x = -50;
mc._y = 399;
mc.enemySpeedx = 13 + random(3);
mc._xscale = 100;
if (_root.Hero.shootFire == true) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.spin = true;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.run0 = true;
function enemyAction(mc, type, mc2, mc3) {
if (_root.Hero._x > mc._x) {
mc._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._x < mc._x) {
mc._xscale = -100;
if (mc.num == 4) {
mc.num = 1;
} else {
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y;
_root[mc2 + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root[mc2 + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root[mc2 + mc.num].gotoAndStop(1);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root[mc2 + mc.num].dir = 0;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root[mc2 + mc.num].dir = 1;
mc3._x = _local3.x;
mc3._y = _local3.y;;
function fireHitHero(mc, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5) {
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; = false;
mc2.Stealth = true;
mc2.speedY = -1;
mc3._x = dx;
mc3._y = dy;;
mc4._x = dx;
mc4._y = dy;
if (mc5._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc5._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function hitM(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function fireHitEnemy(mc, mc2, mc3, mc4) {
if (mc2.dir == 2) {
mc.fireState = true;
mc2._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 90;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = -90;
mc4._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc2._y < 322) {
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc.fireState = true;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc2._y > 322) {
mc.fireState = true;
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function fireHitEnemy_A(mc, mc3, mc4, Type) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local2.x;
mc3._y = _local2.y;;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function approachHit(mc, type, mc2) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function approachHitL(mc, type, mc2) {
mc.lastBossAction = true;
mc.AttackCount = 0;
mc.lastBossSpeedOn = false;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc2._x = _local3.x;
mc2._y = _local3.y;;
function enemyPath(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if (mc.right > 15) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
function enemyPath2(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if (mc.left > 15) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
function carStart(mc) {
mc._visible = true;
mc.carlive = true;
function catHiting(mc, mc2, type) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = _root.Hero._x;
_root.carShok00._y = 333;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local4.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local4.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.x = mc2.fireXYDown._x;
_local4.y = mc2.fireXYDown._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local4.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
function catHitingS2(mc, type) {
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
function catHitingS1() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =;
_local2.y =;;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function catHitingSS() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =;
_local2.y =;;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function carGun_AHit(type) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
function missileFire(n, n2) {
radian = -1.0471975511966;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =["enemy" + n].missileFireType.fireXY._x;
_local2.y =["enemy" + n].missileFireType.fireXY._y;["enemy" + n].missileFireType.localToGlobal(_local2);
_root.missile._x = _local2.x;
_root.missile._y = _local2.y;
_root.missile._visible = true;
_root.missile.vx = n2 * Math.cos(radian);
_root.missile.vy = 30 * Math.sin(radian);;
_root.missile.explosionOn = false;
function mBossHiting(mc, mc2) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = _root.Hero._x;
_root.carShok00._y = 333;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local3.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local3.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local3.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = mc2.fireXYDown._x;
_local3.y = mc2.fireXYDown._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local3.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local3.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
function mBossS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function mBossHitingscore150() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function mBossHitingscore100() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function streetHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function street100Puls() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function street150Puls() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function streetS02Hiting(mc2) {;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
function streetEnemyAction(mc) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
mc._x = _local2.x;
mc._y = _local2.y;
mc.dir = 0;
function streetMissileFire(n, n2) {
radian = -1.0471975511966;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
_root.streetMissile._x = _local2.x;
_root.streetMissile._y = _local2.y;
_root.streetMissile._visible = true;
_root.streetMissile.vx = n2 * Math.cos(radian);
_root.streetMissile.vy = 30 * Math.sin(radian);;
_root.streetMissile.explosionOn = false;
function heliMissileFire(mc, n1, n2) {
radian = -0.523598775598299;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = _root.heliArea.helicopter.enemy1.missileFireType.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = _root.heliArea.helicopter.enemy1.missileFireType.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
mc._x = _local3.x;
mc._y = _local3.y;
mc._visible = true;
mc.vx = n1 * Math.cos(radian);
mc.vy = n2 * Math.sin(radian);;
mc.explosionOn = false;
function heliHiting(mc, mc2) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
} else {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliS01Hiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliGun_AHiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliSSHiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function winInit(mc) {
mc.age = 0;
mc.age2 = 0;
mc.w = 550;
mc.h = 400; = 550; = 400 + _root.resizeDir;
mc.th2 = _root._y + _root.resizeDir;
mc.th5 = _root._y;
mc.th3 = _root.gameBar._y - _root.resizeDir;
mc.th4 = _root.gameBar._y;
mc.resize0 = false;
mc.resize1 = false;
function bossRoboHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function bossRoboS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function ballHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function sHitEnemy(mc, mc2, mc4) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function hitEnergyDir() {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir < 15) {
function hitCombo() {
if (_root.hitWin.hitOn == false) {
_root.hitWin.hitOn = true;
_root.hitWin._visible = false;
_root.hitWin.hitCount = 1;
} else if (_root.hitWin.hitOn == true) {
_root.hitWin._visible = true;
function ReStart(mc) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y;
_root.lastBoss._x = _local2.x;
_root.lastBoss.lifeCount = _root.lastBoss.lifeCount - 5;
function lastBossPath(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if ((mc._x < 50) || (mc._x > 500)) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (mc.right > 15) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
function lastBossPath2(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if ((mc._x < 50) || (mc._x > 500)) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (mc.left > 15) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
function lastBossFireAction(mc, mc2, mc3) {
if (mc.num == 4) {
mc.num = 1;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y;
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._xscale = -100;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].dir = 1;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._xscale = 100;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].dir = 0;
function lastBossHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function lastBossS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
resizeDir = 300;
num = 0;
_quality = "medium";
s00e_shoot = new Sound();
s00t_shoot = new Sound();
s00_shoot = new Sound();
s01_shoot = new Sound();
s00_A_shoot = new Sound();
s00_B_shoot = new Sound();
s00_Punch = new Sound();
s00_reload = new Sound();
s01_reload = new Sound();
bonus_100 = new Sound();
s_dead_00 = new Sound();
s_dead_01 = new Sound();
s_dead_03 = new Sound();
s_dead_04 = new Sound();
s_dead_07 = new Sound();
s00_explosion = new Sound();
s_car = new Sound();
s01_car = new Sound();
s00_bg = new Sound();
s01_bg = new Sound();
s02_bg = new Sound();
s03_bg = new Sound();
s04_bg = new Sound();
s00_sp = new Sound();
s01_sp = new Sound();
s02_sp = new Sound();
s03_sp = new Sound();
s04_sp = new Sound();
s00_boom = new Sound();
s00_mBoss = new Sound();
s01_mBoss = new Sound();
s02_mBoss = new Sound();
s00_heli = new Sound();
s00_bossRobo = new Sound();
s01_bossRobo = new Sound();
s02_bossRobo = new Sound();
s00_enemy = new Sound();
s00_ending = new Sound();
s01_ending = new Sound();
s02_ending = new Sound();
MovieClip.prototype.setTint = function (rgb, percent) {
var _local5 = new Color(this);
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.ra = ( = ( = 100 - percent));
var _local7 = (rgb & 16711680) >> 16;
var _local8 = (rgb & 65280) >> 8;
var _local6 = rgb & 255;
_local2.rb = (_local7 * percent) / 100; = (_local8 * percent) / 100; = (_local6 * percent) / 100;
Instance of Symbol 870 MovieClip "gameBar" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip "energyBar" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
energyDir = 0;
Senergy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (energyDir == 0) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 1) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 2) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 3) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 4) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 5) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 6) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 7) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 8) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 9) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 10) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 11) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 12) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 13) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 14) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 15) {
Senergy = 3;
Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 829 MovieClip "car" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
life = true;
carHit = 0;
carSpeedX = 10;
carlive = false;
carHitType = 0;
carType = 0;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
sAction = false;
sA01 = false;
sAStop = false;
sSAction = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.carlive == true) {
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (sSAction == false)) {
sSAction = true;
_root.catHitingSS();; = + 16;
if (((((this._xscale > 0) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sSAttack == false)) {
carSpeedX = 10;
if ((this._xscale < 0) && (this._x < 106)) {
carSpeedX = -5;
if (carType == 0) {
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 5) {
carType = 1;
if (carType == 1) {
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 10) {
carType = 2;
if (carType == 2) {
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 6);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 15) {
carType = 3;
if (carType == 3) {
this.carlive == false;
Instance of Symbol 1058 MovieClip "street" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
streetHitType = 0;
this._visible = false;
streetStartAction = false;
streetDir = 0;
sAction = false;
sAction02 = false;
sAction03 = false;
sSAction = false;
life = true;
Gun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3057) {
if (streetStartAction == false) {
streetStartAction = true;
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) && (life == true)) {
sAction = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (streetStartAction == true)) && (sAction03 == false)) {
sAction03 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (streetStartAction == true)) && (sSAction == false)) {
sSAction = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (streetDir == 0) {
if (this.streetHitType > 5) {
streetDir = 1;
} else if (streetDir == 1) {
if (this.streetHitType > 10) {
streetDir = 2;
} else if (streetDir == 2) {
if (this.streetHitType > 15) {
streetDir = 3;
} else if (streetDir == 3) {
if (this.streetHitType > 20) {
streetDir = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox1" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox4" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox5" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1408 MovieClip "bossRobo" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
bossRoboHitType = 0;
ballHitType = 0;
sAction = false;
bossRoboLife = false;
ballready = false;
sAction02 = false;
Gun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (bossRoboHitType < 100) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) && (bossRoboLife == true)) {
sAction = true;;
if (ballready == true) {
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (sAction == false)) && (bossRoboLife == true)) {
sAction = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 15;
} else {;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (ballHitType > 5) {
ballHitType = 0;
} else if (bossRoboLife == true) {
bossRoboLife = false;
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox6" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox7" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox8" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox9" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox10" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire1" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire5" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 1426 MovieClip "bossHand" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
handOn = false;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1635 MovieClip "lastBoss" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
life = false;
right = 0;
left = 0;
Attack00 = false;
lastBossSpeedx = -15;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = false;
lifeCount = 200;
AttackCount = 0;
SAttackCount = 0;
Attack00Count = 0;
num = 0;
lastBossAs01 = false;
lastBossAs02 = false;
lastBossAs03 = false;
lastBosssS = false;
lastBossGun_A = false;
lastBossA03A = false;
sound00 = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( == true) {
if ((lifeCount < 50) && (sound00 == false)) {
sound00 = true;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
if (lastBossSpeedOn == true) {
this._x = this._x + lastBossSpeedx;
if (AttackCount > 80) {
Attack00 = false;
if (_root.Hero.hit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
} else {
SAttackCount = 0;
if (((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && (lastBossSpeedx < 0)) && (lastBossAction == false)) {
_root.lastBossPath(this, 100, 15, -100);
if (((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && (lastBossSpeedx > 0)) && (lastBossAction == false)) {
_root.lastBossPath2(this, -100, -15, 100);
if ((((Attack00 == false) && (lastBossAction == false)) && (this._x > 54)) && (this._x < 503)) {
if (_root.Hero._x > this._x) {
this._xscale = -100;
} else {
this._xscale = 100;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
this.Attack00 = true;
lastBossAction = true;
AttackCount = 0;
if (random(3) == 0) {
} else if (random(3) == 0) {
} else if (random(3) == 0) {
} else {
if ((((SAttackCount > 2) && (lastBossAction == false)) && (this._x > 54)) && (this._x < 503)) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
AttackCount = 0;
SAttackCount = 0;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die01", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL01_A == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die01", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL2 == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die02", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL02_A == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die02", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickL == true) {
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (lastBossAs01 == false)) {
lastBossAs01 = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (lastBossAs03 == false)) {
lastBossAs03 = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (lastBosssS == false)) {
lastBosssS = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
Instance of Symbol 1719 MovieClip "mBoss" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
mBossStart = false;
mbossSpeedx = 15;
mBossStartAction = false;
enemyOff = false;
mBossAttack = false;
mBossHit = false;
mBossRest = false;
mBossAttackNo = 0;
mBossHitType = 0;
mBossAs01 = false;
mBossAs02 = false;
mBossAs03 = false;
mBosssS = false;
mBossDead = false;
lifeNum = 30;
mBossGun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (mBossStart == true) {
this._visible = true;
enemyOff = true;
if (mBossStartAction == false) {;
if (mBossStartAction == true) {
if (mBossDead == false) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire1, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire2, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire3, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire4, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire5, this);
if (mBossHitType > 30) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((((((mBossAttackNo > 3) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossHit == false)) && (mBossAttack == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBossRest = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
mBossAttackNo = 0;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
mBossAs01 = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBosssS = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 15;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (mBossAs03 == false)) {
mBossAs03 = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((((((this.hitTest(_root.Hero) == true) && (mBossAttack == false)) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBossHit = true;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if (((this._x < 70) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
this._xscale = -100;
this._x = 70;
mBossAttack = true;
mbossSpeedx = -15;
if (((this._x > 490) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
this._xscale = 100;
this._x = 490;
mBossAttack = true;
mbossSpeedx = 15;
if ((((((mBossAttack == true) && (mBossHit == false)) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
} else {
this._x = this._x - mbossSpeedx;
Instance of Symbol 2730 MovieClip "Hero" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
speedX = 0;
speedY = 0;
state = false;
num = 0;
age = 0;
life = true;
jumping = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttackOn = false;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = false;
Stealth = false;
carAge = 0;
reloadRd_A = false;
reloadRd_B = false;
explosionD = false;
bossRoboA03 = false;
bossRobosAttack = false;
Reflash = false;
enemy1Up = false;
enemy2Up = false;
enemyPlus1 = false;
lastCount = 0;
lifeCount = 9;
carSound = false;
openSound0 = false;
openSound1 = false;
openSound2 = false;
gameStageWidth = 550;
rightBound = gameStageWidth - (this._width / 2);
leftBound = 76;
stageDir = 0;
BGspeedX = 0;
helicopterStart = false;
tempX = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dd.dir == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B2(this, _root.bakoDD);
if (stageDir == 0) {
if (openSound0 == false) {
openSound0 = true;
_root.s00_bg.start(0, 100);
BGrightBound = -1.8;
BGleftBound = -400;
} else if (stageDir == 1) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -400) {
_root.gameBg.part02._visible = true;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -990) {
_root.gameBg.part01._visible = false;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -1200) {
if (carSound == false) {
carSound = true;
_root.s_car.start(0, 0);
BGleftBound = -1220;
} else if (stageDir == 2) {
_root.gameBg.part03._visible = true;
if ((enemy1Up == false) && (enemyPlus1 == false)) {
enemyPlus1 = true;
enemy1Up = true;
BGrightBound = -1220;
BGleftBound = -1600;
} else if (stageDir == 3) {
enemy1Up = false;
enemyPlus1 = false;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -1839) {
_root.gameBg.part02._visible = false; = false;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -2174;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2173) {
if (openSound1 == false) {
openSound1 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
_root.mBoss.mBossStart = true;
} else if (stageDir == 4) {
if (openSound0 == false) {
openSound0 = true;
openSound1 = false;
_root.s00_bg.start(0, 100);
if (_root.mBoss.enemyOff == true) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;;;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2174) {
_root.gameBg.part04._visible = true;
_root.street._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -3058;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2830) {
_root.gameBg.part03._visible = false;
_root.mBoss._visible = false;
} else if (stageDir == 5) {
if ((enemy1Up == false) && (enemyPlus1 == false)) {
enemyPlus1 = true;
enemy1Up = true;
enemy2Up = true;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3058) {
_root.gameBg.part05._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -3618;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3617) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
_root.gameBg.part04._visible = false;
if (((( == false) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) {
if (helicopterStart == false) {
helicopterStart = true;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.helicopterDir = 1;
_root.heliArea.helicopter._visible = true;
if (_root.hWin.hSize == false) {
_root.hWin.hSize = true;;
if (openSound2 == false) {
openSound2 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
_root.s02_bg.start(0, 100);
} else if (stageDir == 6) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3618) {
_root.gameBg.part06._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -4285;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -4284) {
if (lastCount > 35) {
if (openSound1 == false) {
openSound1 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
_root.gameBg.part05._visible = false;
if (lastCount > 50) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
if (((( == false) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) {
_root.bossHand._visible = true;
if (_root.bossHand.handOn == false) {
_root.s00_bossRobo.start(0, 0);
_root.s01_bossRobo.start(0, 100);
_root.bossHand.handOn = true;;
if (this._x > rightBound) {
speedX = 0;
this._x = rightBound;
if (this._x < leftBound) {
speedX = 0;
this._x = leftBound;
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire1) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire1, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire2, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire3) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire3, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire21) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire21, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire22) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire22, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire23) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire23, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire31) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire31, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy3);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire22) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire32, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy3);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire33) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire33, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire41) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire41, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire42) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire42, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire43) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire43, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
if ((((( > 0) && (this.SHit.hitTest( == true)) && (Stealth == false)) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
if (carAge > 5) { = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
Stealth = true;
carAge = 0;
if ((((( > 0) && (this.SHit2.hitTest( == true)) && (Stealth == false)) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
if (carAge > 5) { = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
Stealth = true;
carAge = 0;
if (((this.SHit.hitTest( == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
Stealth = true;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((explosionD == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss0.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss1.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.streetFire) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.streetFire, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.headShot.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.headShot.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((bossRoboA03 == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((bossRobosAttack == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.S01.Shit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.SS.Shit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((_root.lastBoss.lastBossA03A == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.S02.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reloadRd_A = true;
reloadRd_B = true;
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reASky);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reBSky);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (age > 0) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && (this.jumping == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && (this.jumping == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((Key.isDown(39) == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(40)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = 100;
state = true;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(40) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 5;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = 100;
state = true;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 5);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
this._xscale = 100;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if ((Key.isDown(37) == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(40)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = -100;
state = true;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(40) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 5;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = -100;
state = true;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 5);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
this._xscale = -100;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (Key.isDown(40) && ( == true)) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) and ((!this.sitFire) == true)) and ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
state = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((state == true) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
state = false;
if ((((((((((speedY > 0) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ( == true)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
} else if (((((((((speedY == 0) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
jumping = false;
if ((_root.Harms.arms == 0) && ( == true)) {
} else if ((_root.Harms.arms == 1) && ( == true)) {
} else if ((_root.Harms.arms == 2) && ( == true)) {
speedY = speedY + 3;
tempY = this._y + speedY;
while (true) {
if (_root.area.hitTest(tempX, tempY, 1)) {
tempY = tempY - 0.5;
speedY = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (, tempY, 1) && (Stealth == false)) {
tempY = tempY - 0.5;
speedY = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (, tempY, 1) && (Stealth == false)) {
if ( > 0) {
tempX = tempX - 0.5;
speedX = 0;
if ( < 0) {
tempX = tempX + 0.5;
speedX = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (_root.street.area2.hitTest(tempX, tempY, 1)) {
tempX = tempX - 0.5;
speedX = 0;
} else {
this._x = tempX;
this._y = tempY;
dSpeedX = _root.gameBg._x - oldX;
oldX = _root.gameBg._x;
_root.enemy._x = _root.enemy._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy2._x = _root.enemy2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy3._x = _root.enemy3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy4._x = _root.enemy4._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox1._x = _root.itemBox1._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox2._x = _root.itemBox2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox3._x = _root.itemBox3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox4._x = _root.itemBox4._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox5._x = _root.itemBox5._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox6._x = _root.itemBox6._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox7._x = _root.itemBox7._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox8._x = _root.itemBox8._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox9._x = _root.itemBox9._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox10._x = _root.itemBox10._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire1._x = _root.enemyFire1._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire2._x = _root.enemyFire2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire3._x = _root.enemyFire3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire21._x = _root.enemyFire21._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire22._x = _root.enemyFire22._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire23._x = _root.enemyFire23._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire31._x = _root.enemyFire31._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire32._x = _root.enemyFire32._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire33._x = _root.enemyFire33._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire41._x = _root.enemyFire41._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire42._x = _root.enemyFire42._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire43._x = _root.enemyFire43._x + this.dSpeedX;
if ((stageDir == 2) || (stageDir == 3)) { = + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 4) {
_root.mBoss._x = _root.mBoss._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 5) {
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 6) {
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.heliArea._x = _root.heliArea._x + this.dSpeedX;
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "standFire", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "standFire_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "standFire_B", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "standFire2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "standFire2_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "standFire2_B", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "sitFire", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "sitFire_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "sitFire_B", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true) & ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) & ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.sitRun.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.sitRun_A.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.sitRun_B.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn2", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.sitRun.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.sitRun_A.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.sitRun_B.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn2", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (age == 0)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (age == 0)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire4" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire1" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire21" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire22" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire23" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
live = false;;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire2", _root.enemybako2);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire2", _root.enemybako2);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickB == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
live = false;;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire", _root.enemybako);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire", _root.enemybako);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKick == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2949 MovieClip "area" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2955 MovieClip "level" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
levelScore = 0;
levelScore2 = 0;
level1Up = false;
level2Up = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((levelScore > 6) && (level1Up == false)) {
level1Up = true;;
_root.Hero.stageDir = 1;
if ((levelScore2 > 6) && (level2Up == false)) {
level2Up = true;;
_root.Hero.stageDir = 3;
Instance of Symbol 2966 MovieClip "missile" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vy = vy + 2;
this._y = this._y + vy;
if (this._y > 400) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x - 30;
_root.explosion._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile1" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile2" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2973 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (_root.winTalk._visible == true)) {
if (age == 0) {
} else {
age = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2993 MovieClip "hWin" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
hSize = false;
Instance of Symbol 2995 MovieClip "Harms" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
arms = 0;
arms_A = 0;
arms_B = 0;
armsOn = false;
init = true;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((arms_A == 0) || (arms_B == 0)) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == false) && (_root.Hero.shootFire_A == false)) {
arms = 0;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_A = false;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_B = false;
if (init == false) {
armsOn = false;
if (reload_A == true) {
reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_A = true;
if (reload_B == true) {
reload_B = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = true;
} else if (arms_A > 0) {
arms = 1;
reload_A = true;
reload_B = false;
_root.Hero.reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = false;
} else if (arms_B > 0) {
arms = 2;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = true;
_root.Hero.reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = false;
Instance of Symbol 3000 MovieClip "ssD01" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3010 MovieClip "dd" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
dir = 0;
fireType = 0;
xx = 0;
yy = 0;
xxscale = 100;
Instance of Symbol 3022 MovieClip "streetFire" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 25;
dir = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
if (this._x < -20) {
this._y = 10000;
dir = 2;
} else if (dir == 2) {
Instance of Symbol 3023 MovieClip "streetMissile" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vy = vy + 2;
this._y = this._y + vy;
if (this._y > 400) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x - 30;
_root.explosion._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3035 MovieClip "ssD02" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy3" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
live = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {
if (_root.Hero.enemy1Up == true) {
this._visible = true;;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire3", _root.enemybako3);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire3", _root.enemybako3);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickC == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire31" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire32" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire33" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy4" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
live = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {
if (_root.Hero.enemy2Up == true) {
this._visible = true;;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire4", _root.enemybako4);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire4", _root.enemybako4);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickD == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire41" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire42" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire43" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 3058 MovieClip "winTalk" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3082 MovieClip "hitWin" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
hitCount = 0;
hitOn = false;
hitSum = 0;
hitPuls = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
hitPuls = hitCount * 10;
hitSum = hitCount * hitPuls;
Instance of Symbol 3131 MovieClip "sizeWin" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((resize0 == true) && (resize1 == false)) {
if (age < 40) {
w = w + (0.2 * (tw - w));
h = h + (0.2 * (th - h));
fscommand ("resize", ((w + 10) + "|") + (h + 58));
_root.gameBar._y = _root.gameBar._y + (0.2 * (th3 - _root.gameBar._y));
_root._y = _root._y + (0.2 * (th2 - _root._y));
if ((resize0 == true) && (resize1 == true)) {
if (age2 < 40) {
th = th + (0.2 * (400 - th));
fscommand ("resize", "560|" + (th + 58));
_root.gameBar._y = _root.gameBar._y + (0.2 * (th4 - _root.gameBar._y));
_root._y = _root._y + (0.2 * (th5 - _root._y));
Instance of Symbol 3133 MovieClip "scoreWin" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
score = 0;
score100_num = 0;
score150_num = 0;
score50_num = 0;
Frame 9
_quality = "high";
Frame 10
_quality = "high";
_root.s02_ending.start(0, 100);
Instance of Symbol 3246 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 11
Frame 12
Instance of Symbol 3269 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 3295 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 14
function itemBoxStart(mc) {
if (_root.num == 11) {
_root.num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.itemBoxXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.itemBoxXY._y;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Harms.armsOn == true) {
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 0;
} else if (random(5) == 0) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.Harms.init = true;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 1;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].init = true;
} else {
_root.Harms.init = true;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 2;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].init = true;
} else {
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemOn = false;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num]._visible = true;
_root["itemBox" + _root.num].itemBoxDir = 0;
function clearPuls(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function Score100Puls(mc) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function Score150Puls(mc) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ScoreXY._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function reloadStart(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.reloadXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.reloadXY._y;
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
mc2._xscale = 100;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
mc2._xscale = -100;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function rightScrollScreen(mc, stage, startSpeed, maxSpeed) {
if (mc._x > stage) {
_root.Hero.speedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.gameBg._x - _root.Hero.BGspeedX;
if (_root.gameBg._x > _root.Hero.BGrightBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGrightBound;
if (_root.gameBg._x < _root.Hero.BGleftBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGleftBound;
_root.Hero.tempX = mc._x + _root.Hero.speedX;
function leftScrollScreen(mc, stage, startSpeed, maxSpeed) {
if (mc._x < stage) {
_root.Hero.speedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.gameBg._x + _root.Hero.BGspeedX;
if (_root.gameBg._x > _root.Hero.BGrightBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGrightBound;
if (_root.gameBg._x < _root.Hero.BGleftBound) {
_root.Hero.BGspeedX = startSpeed;
_root.Hero.speedX = maxSpeed;
_root.gameBg._x = _root.Hero.BGleftBound;
_root.Hero.tempX = mc._x - _root.Hero.speedX;
function HeroFireAction(mc, mc2, mc3, type, FireTypeA, FireTypeB, mc4, mc5, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
mc.age = 6;
mc.shootFire = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(1);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeA;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeB;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;;
mc5._x = _local2.x;
mc5._y = _local2.y;
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
mc5._rotation = x1;
mc5._xscale = y1;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
mc5._rotation = x2;
mc5._xscale = y2;
function HeroFireAction_A(mc, mc2, mc3, type, mc4) {
mc.age = 20;
mc.shootFire = true;
mc.shootFire_A = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;;
function HeroFireAction_ANum() {
function HeroFireAction_B(mc, mc2, mc3, type, FireTypeA, FireTypeB, mc4) {
mc.shootFire = true;
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
mc.age = 4;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc3.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc3.fireXY._y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeA;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = 100;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._rotation = x1;
_root.dd.fireType = FireTypeA;
_root.dd.xxscale = 100;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = FireTypeB;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = -100;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._rotation = x2;
_root.dd.fireType = FireTypeB;
_root.dd.xxscale = -100;
_root.dd.xx = _local3.x;
_root.dd.yy = _local3.y;
mc4._x = _local3.x;
mc4._y = _local3.y;;
function HeroFireAction_B2(mc, mc4) {
if (mc.num == 6) {
mc.num = 1;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._x = _root.dd.xx;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._y = _root.dd.yy;
_root["Fire" + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
_root["Fire" + mc.num].dir = _root.dd.fireType;
_root["Fire" + mc.num]._xscale = _root.dd.xxscale;
mc4._x = _root.dd.xx;
mc4._y = _root.dd.yy;;
function HeroFireAction_BNum() {
function enemyStart(mc) {
if ((_root.mBoss.enemyOff == false) && ( == false)) { = true; = true;
mc.left = 0;
mc.right = 0;
mc.spin = false;
mc.spin2 = false;
mc.num = 0;
mc.enemySpeedx = 0;
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc._x = 600;
mc._y = 399;
mc.enemySpeedx = -13 + random(3);
mc._xscale = -100;
if (_root.Hero.shootFire == true) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.spin = true;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.run0 = true;
} else {
mc._x = -50;
mc._y = 399;
mc.enemySpeedx = 13 + random(3);
mc._xscale = 100;
if (_root.Hero.shootFire == true) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.spin = true;
} else if (random(10) == 0) {
mc.spin2 = true;
} else {
mc.run0 = true;
function enemyAction(mc, type, mc2, mc3) {
if (_root.Hero._x > mc._x) {
mc._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._x < mc._x) {
mc._xscale = -100;
if (mc.num == 4) {
mc.num = 1;
} else {
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc.enemyFireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.enemyFireXY._y;
_root[mc2 + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root[mc2 + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root[mc2 + mc.num].gotoAndStop(1);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root[mc2 + mc.num].dir = 0;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root[mc2 + mc.num].dir = 1;
mc3._x = _local3.x;
mc3._y = _local3.y;;
function fireHitHero(mc, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5) {
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; = false;
mc2.Stealth = true;
mc2.speedY = -1;
mc3._x = dx;
mc3._y = dy;;
mc4._x = dx;
mc4._y = dy;
if (mc5._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc5._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function hitM(mc, mc2) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.lifeXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.lifeXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function fireHitEnemy(mc, mc2, mc3, mc4) {
if (mc2.dir == 2) {
mc.fireState = true;
mc2._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 90;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = -90;
mc4._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc2._y < 322) {
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc.fireState = true;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc2._y > 322) {
mc.fireState = true;
mc2._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local4.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local4.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local4.x;
mc3._y = _local4.y;;
mc4._x = _local4.x;
mc4._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function fireHitEnemy_A(mc, mc3, mc4, Type) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc3._x = _local2.x;
mc3._y = _local2.y;;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function approachHit(mc, type, mc2) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc2._x = _local2.x;
mc2._y = _local2.y;;
function approachHitL(mc, type, mc2) {
mc.lastBossAction = true;
mc.AttackCount = 0;
mc.lastBossSpeedOn = false;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc2._x = _local3.x;
mc2._y = _local3.y;;
function enemyPath(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if (mc.right > 15) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
function enemyPath2(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if (mc.left > 15) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.enemySpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
mc.spin = true;
} else {
function carStart(mc) {
mc._visible = true;
mc.carlive = true;
function catHiting(mc, mc2, type) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = _root.Hero._x;
_root.carShok00._y = 333;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local4.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local4.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.x = mc2.fireXYDown._x;
_local4.y = mc2.fireXYDown._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local4.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local4.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
function catHitingS2(mc, type) {
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
function catHitingS1() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =;
_local2.y =;;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function catHitingSS() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =;
_local2.y =;;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function carGun_AHit(type) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && ( == true)) {;
function missileFire(n, n2) {
radian = -1.0471975511966;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x =["enemy" + n].missileFireType.fireXY._x;
_local2.y =["enemy" + n].missileFireType.fireXY._y;["enemy" + n].missileFireType.localToGlobal(_local2);
_root.missile._x = _local2.x;
_root.missile._y = _local2.y;
_root.missile._visible = true;
_root.missile.vx = n2 * Math.cos(radian);
_root.missile.vy = 30 * Math.sin(radian);;
_root.missile.explosionOn = false;
function mBossHiting(mc, mc2) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = _root.Hero._x;
_root.carShok00._y = 333;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local3.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local3.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local3.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = mc2.fireXYDown._x;
_local3.y = mc2.fireXYDown._y;
_root.carShok00._x = _local3.x;
_root.carShok00._y = _local3.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
function mBossS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function mBossHitingscore150() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function mBossHitingscore100() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = _root.mBoss.fireXYUp._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function streetHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function street100Puls() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function street150Puls() {
if (_root.scoreWin.score150_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score150_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.ScoreXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.ScoreXY._y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["150Score" + _root.scoreWin.score150_num].play();
function streetS02Hiting(mc2) {;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
function streetEnemyAction(mc) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
mc._x = _local2.x;
mc._y = _local2.y;
mc.dir = 0;
function streetMissileFire(n, n2) {
radian = -1.0471975511966;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = _root.street.Action.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = _root.street.Action.fireXY._y;
_root.streetMissile._x = _local2.x;
_root.streetMissile._y = _local2.y;
_root.streetMissile._visible = true;
_root.streetMissile.vx = n2 * Math.cos(radian);
_root.streetMissile.vy = 30 * Math.sin(radian);;
_root.streetMissile.explosionOn = false;
function heliMissileFire(mc, n1, n2) {
radian = -0.523598775598299;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.x = _root.heliArea.helicopter.enemy1.missileFireType.fireXY._x;
_local3.y = _root.heliArea.helicopter.enemy1.missileFireType.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
mc._x = _local3.x;
mc._y = _local3.y;
mc._visible = true;
mc.vx = n1 * Math.cos(radian);
mc.vy = n2 * Math.sin(radian);;
mc.explosionOn = false;
function heliHiting(mc, mc2) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
} else {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
} else {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc._x = -10;
mc._y = 1000;
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliS01Hiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 5;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliGun_AHiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 3;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function heliSSHiting(mc2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 0) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 15) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 3;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 1;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 1) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 30) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 5;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
mc2.helicopterHitType = 2;
if (mc2.helicopterHitType == 2) {
if (mc2.helicopterHitNo < 45) {
mc2.heliTypeFrame = 7;
mc2.helicopterHitNo = mc2.helicopterHitNo + 15;
} else {
mc2.helicopterDir = 4;
function winInit(mc) {
mc.age = 0;
mc.age2 = 0;
mc.w = 550;
mc.h = 400; = 550; = 400 + _root.resizeDir;
mc.th2 = _root._y + _root.resizeDir;
mc.th5 = _root._y;
mc.th3 = _root.gameBar._y - _root.resizeDir;
mc.th4 = _root.gameBar._y;
mc.resize0 = false;
mc.resize1 = false;
function bossRoboHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function bossRoboS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc2.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXY._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
function ballHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 3) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = -90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 90;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y < 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else if (mc._y > 322) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;;
_root.carShok002._x = dx;
_root.carShok002._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok002._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok002._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function sHitEnemy(mc, mc2, mc4) {
mc.fireState = true;
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.fireXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.fireXY._y;
mc4._x = _local2.x;
mc4._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
mc4._rotation = 0;
mc4._xscale = -100;
function hitEnergyDir() {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir < 15) {
function hitCombo() {
if (_root.hitWin.hitOn == false) {
_root.hitWin.hitOn = true;
_root.hitWin._visible = false;
_root.hitWin.hitCount = 1;
} else if (_root.hitWin.hitOn == true) {
_root.hitWin._visible = true;
function ReStart(mc) {
var _local2 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y;
} else {
_local2.x = mc.ReXY._x;
_local2.y = mc.ReXY._y;
_root.lastBoss._x = _local2.x;
_root.lastBoss.lifeCount = _root.lastBoss.lifeCount - 5;
function lastBossPath(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if ((mc._x < 50) || (mc._x > 500)) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (mc.right > 15) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
function lastBossPath2(mc, a, speed, b) {
mc._xscale = a;
if ((mc._x < 50) || (mc._x > 500)) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.right = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (mc.left > 15) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
if (random(30) == 0) {
mc.lastBossSpeedx = speed;
mc.left = 0;
mc._xscale = b;
function lastBossFireAction(mc, mc2, mc3) {
if (mc.num == 4) {
mc.num = 1;
var _local3 = new Object();
if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == false)) {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y - _root.resizeDir;
} else if ((_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) && (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true)) {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y;
} else {
_local3.x = mc2.FireXY._x;
_local3.y = mc2.FireXY._y;
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._x = _local3.x;
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._y = _local3.y;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].gotoAndStop(2);
if (mc._xscale == 100) {
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._xscale = -100;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].dir = 1;
if (mc._xscale == -100) {
_root[mc3 + mc.num]._xscale = 100;
_root[mc3 + mc.num].dir = 0;
function lastBossHiting(mc) {
if (mc.dir == 2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
} else {
if (_root.scoreWin.score50_num == 11) {
_root.scoreWin.score50_num = 1;
dx = mc._x;
dy = mc._y;
mc._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
mc._y = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
_root.carShok00._x = dx;
_root.carShok00._y = dy;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carShok00._rotation = 0;
_root.carShok00._xscale = -100;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._x = dx;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num]._y = dy;
_root["50Score" + _root.scoreWin.score50_num].play();
function lastBossS02Hiting(mc2) {
if (_root.scoreWin.score100_num == 6) {
_root.scoreWin.score100_num = 1;
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = mc2.fireXYUp._x;
_local2.y = mc2.fireXYUp._y;
_root.carAshok._x = _local2.x;
_root.carAshok._y = _local2.y;
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
_root.carAshok._rotation = 0;
_root.carAshok._xscale = -100;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._x = _local2.x;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num]._y = _local2.y;
_root["100Score" + _root.scoreWin.score100_num].play();
resizeDir = 300;
num = 0;
_quality = "medium";
s00e_shoot = new Sound();
s00t_shoot = new Sound();
s00_shoot = new Sound();
s01_shoot = new Sound();
s02_shoot = new Sound();
s00_A_shoot = new Sound();
s00_B_shoot = new Sound();
s00_Punch = new Sound();
s00_reload = new Sound();
s01_reload = new Sound();
bonus_100 = new Sound();
s_dead_00 = new Sound();
s_dead_01 = new Sound();
s_dead_03 = new Sound();
s_dead_04 = new Sound();
s_dead_07 = new Sound();
s00_explosion = new Sound();
s_car = new Sound();
s01_car = new Sound();
s00_bg = new Sound();
s01_bg = new Sound();
s02_bg = new Sound();
s03_bg = new Sound();
s04_bg = new Sound();
s00_sp = new Sound();
s01_sp = new Sound();
s02_sp = new Sound();
s03_sp = new Sound();
s04_sp = new Sound();
s05_sp = new Sound();
s06_sp = new Sound();
s00_boom = new Sound();
s00_mBoss = new Sound();
s01_mBoss = new Sound();
s02_mBoss = new Sound();
s00_heli = new Sound();
s00_bossRobo = new Sound();
s01_bossRobo = new Sound();
s02_bossRobo = new Sound();
s00_enemy = new Sound();
s00_ending = new Sound();
s01_ending = new Sound();
s02_ending = new Sound();
MovieClip.prototype.setTint = function (rgb, percent) {
var _local5 = new Color(this);
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.ra = ( = ( = 100 - percent));
var _local7 = (rgb & 16711680) >> 16;
var _local8 = (rgb & 65280) >> 8;
var _local6 = rgb & 255;
_local2.rb = (_local7 * percent) / 100; = (_local8 * percent) / 100; = (_local6 * percent) / 100;
Instance of Symbol 3359 MovieClip "gameBar" in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip "energyBar" in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
energyDir = 0;
Senergy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (energyDir == 0) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 1) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 2) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 3) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 4) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 5) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 6) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 7) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 8) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 9) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 10) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 11) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 12) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 13) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 14) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 15) {
Senergy = 3;
Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 829 MovieClip "car" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
life = true;
carHit = 0;
carSpeedX = 10;
carlive = false;
carHitType = 0;
carType = 0;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
sAction = false;
sA01 = false;
sAStop = false;
sSAction = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.carlive == true) {
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero._x, _root.Hero._y, 1) == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (sSAction == false)) {
sSAction = true;
_root.catHitingSS();; = + 16;
if (((((this._xscale > 0) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sSAttack == false)) {
carSpeedX = 10;
if ((this._xscale < 0) && (this._x < 106)) {
carSpeedX = -5;
if (carType == 0) {
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 2);
if (this.carType01.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 10);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 5) {
carType = 1;
if (carType == 1) {
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 4);
if (this.carType02.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 11);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 10) {
carType = 2;
if (carType == 2) {
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire1, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire2, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire3, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire4, this, 6);
if (this.carType03.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.catHiting(_root.Fire5, this, 6);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) {
sAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.catHitingS2(this, 12);
this._x = this._x - carSpeedX;
if (this._x < -123) {
this._xscale = -100;
carSpeedX = -5;
if ((this._x > 106) && (this._xscale == -100)) {
carSpeedX = 0;
if (instruction == false) {
instruction = true;
if (fireAttack01 == false) {
fireAttack01 = true;
if (fireAttack02 == false) {
fireAttack02 = true;
if (sA01 == true) {
sA01 = false;
instruction = false;
fireAttack01 = true;
fireAttack02 = true;
if ( > 15) {
carType = 3;
if (carType == 3) {
this.carlive == false;
Instance of Symbol 1058 MovieClip "street" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
streetHitType = 0;
this._visible = false;
streetStartAction = false;
streetDir = 0;
sAction = false;
sAction02 = false;
sAction03 = false;
sSAction = false;
life = true;
Gun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3057) {
if (streetStartAction == false) {
streetStartAction = true;
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) && (life == true)) {
sAction = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (streetStartAction == true)) && (sAction03 == false)) {
sAction03 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (streetStartAction == true)) && (sSAction == false)) {
sSAction = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 5;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.area2.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (Gun_A == false)) {
Gun_A = true;
streetHitType = streetHitType + 3;;
if (streetDir == 0) {
if (this.streetHitType > 5) {
streetDir = 1;
} else if (streetDir == 1) {
if (this.streetHitType > 10) {
streetDir = 2;
} else if (streetDir == 2) {
if (this.streetHitType > 15) {
streetDir = 3;
} else if (streetDir == 3) {
if (this.streetHitType > 20) {
streetDir = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox1" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox2" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox3" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox4" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox5" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1408 MovieClip "bossRobo" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
bossRoboHitType = 0;
ballHitType = 0;
sAction = false;
bossRoboLife = false;
ballready = false;
sAction02 = false;
Gun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (bossRoboHitType < 100) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (this.hit3.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) && (bossRoboLife == true)) {
sAction = true;;
if (ballready == true) {
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (sAction == false)) && (bossRoboLife == true)) {
sAction = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 15;
} else {;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.hit2.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (sAction02 == false)) {
sAction02 = true;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
Gun_A = true;
if (ballready == true) {;
ballHitType = ballHitType + 6;
} else {;
if (ballHitType > 5) {
ballHitType = 0;
} else if (bossRoboLife == true) {
bossRoboLife = false;
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox6" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox7" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox8" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox9" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip "itemBox10" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
itemBoxDir = 0;
itemOn = false;
init = false;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 1)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 2)) && (itemOn == true)) {
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (((this._x < -27) && (itemBoxDir == 0)) && (itemOn == true)) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
if (itemBoxDir == 0) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
itemBoxDir = 4;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 1) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = -1;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 30;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 2) {
if ((itemOn == false) && (this._x > -27)) {
itemOn = true;
if (_root.Hero.itemHit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
init = false;
itemBoxDir = 4;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 10;
_root.Harms.arms_B = -1;
_root.Harms.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = true;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 3) {
this._x = -1000;
itemOn = false;
this._visible = false;
init = false;
} else if (itemBoxDir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire1" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire5" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire2" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire3" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 1426 MovieClip "bossHand" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
handOn = false;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1635 MovieClip "lastBoss" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
life = false;
right = 0;
left = 0;
Attack00 = false;
lastBossSpeedx = -15;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = false;
lifeCount = 200;
AttackCount = 0;
SAttackCount = 0;
Attack00Count = 0;
num = 0;
lastBossAs01 = false;
lastBossAs02 = false;
lastBossAs03 = false;
lastBosssS = false;
lastBossGun_A = false;
lastBossA03A = false;
sound00 = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( == true) {
if ((lifeCount < 50) && (sound00 == false)) {
sound00 = true;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
if (lastBossSpeedOn == true) {
this._x = this._x + lastBossSpeedx;
if (AttackCount > 80) {
Attack00 = false;
if (_root.Hero.hit.hitTest(this.hit) == true) {
} else {
SAttackCount = 0;
if (((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && (lastBossSpeedx < 0)) && (lastBossAction == false)) {
_root.lastBossPath(this, 100, 15, -100);
if (((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && (lastBossSpeedx > 0)) && (lastBossAction == false)) {
_root.lastBossPath2(this, -100, -15, 100);
if ((((Attack00 == false) && (lastBossAction == false)) && (this._x > 54)) && (this._x < 503)) {
if (_root.Hero._x > this._x) {
this._xscale = -100;
} else {
this._xscale = 100;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
this.Attack00 = true;
lastBossAction = true;
AttackCount = 0;
if (random(3) == 0) {
} else if (random(3) == 0) {
} else if (random(3) == 0) {
} else {
if ((((SAttackCount > 2) && (lastBossAction == false)) && (this._x > 54)) && (this._x < 503)) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
AttackCount = 0;
SAttackCount = 0;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
if (lifeCount < 0) {
life = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die01", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL01_A == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die01", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL2 == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die02", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchL02_A == true) {
_root.approachHitL(this, "die02", _root.bakoL);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickL == true) {
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (lastBossAs01 == false)) {
lastBossAs01 = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (lastBossAs02 == false)) {
lastBossAs02 = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (lastBossAs03 == false)) {
lastBossAs03 = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (lastBosssS == false)) {
lastBosssS = true;
AttackCount = 0;
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 5;;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (lastBossGun_A == false)) {
lastBossGun_A = true;
lifeCount = lifeCount - 3;;
if (lifeCount < 0) {
lastBossSpeedOn = false;
lastBossAction = true;
Instance of Symbol 1719 MovieClip "mBoss" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
mBossStart = false;
mbossSpeedx = 15;
mBossStartAction = false;
enemyOff = false;
mBossAttack = false;
mBossHit = false;
mBossRest = false;
mBossAttackNo = 0;
mBossHitType = 0;
mBossAs01 = false;
mBossAs02 = false;
mBossAs03 = false;
mBosssS = false;
mBossDead = false;
lifeNum = 30;
mBossGun_A = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (mBossStart == true) {
this._visible = true;
enemyOff = true;
if (mBossStartAction == false) {;
if (mBossStartAction == true) {
if (mBossDead == false) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire1._x, _root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire1, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire2._x, _root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire2, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire3._x, _root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire3, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire4._x, _root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire4, this);
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (this.hitTest(_root.Fire5._x, _root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) {
_root.mBossHiting(_root.Fire5, this);
if (mBossHitType > 30) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) && (mBossAs02 == false)) {
mBossAs02 = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) && (mBossGun_A == false)) {
mBossGun_A = true;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 3;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
if (((((((mBossAttackNo > 3) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossHit == false)) && (mBossAttack == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBossRest = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
mBossAttackNo = 0;
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
mBossAs01 = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBosssS = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 15;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (mBossAs03 == false)) {
mBossAs03 = true;
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossHitType = mBossHitType + 5;;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if ((((((this.hitTest(_root.Hero) == true) && (mBossAttack == false)) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
mBossHit = true;
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
if (((this._x < 70) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
this._xscale = -100;
this._x = 70;
mBossAttack = true;
mbossSpeedx = -15;
if (((this._x > 490) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) {
this._xscale = 100;
this._x = 490;
mBossAttack = true;
mbossSpeedx = 15;
if ((((((mBossAttack == true) && (mBossHit == false)) && (mBossRest == false)) && (mBossAs01 == false)) && (mBossAs03 == false)) && (mBosssS == false)) {
if (mBossHitType > lifeNum) {
mbossSpeedx = 0;
mBossDead = true;
} else {
} else {
this._x = this._x - mbossSpeedx;
Instance of Symbol 4802 MovieClip "Hero" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
speedX = 0;
speedY = 0;
state = false;
num = 0;
age = 0;
life = true;
jumping = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttackOn = false;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = false;
Stealth = false;
carAge = 0;
reloadRd_A = false;
reloadRd_B = false;
explosionD = false;
bossRoboA03 = false;
bossRobosAttack = false;
Reflash = false;
enemy1Up = false;
enemy2Up = false;
enemyPlus1 = false;
lastCount = 0;
lifeCount = 9;
carSound = false;
openSound0 = false;
openSound1 = false;
openSound2 = false;
gameStageWidth = 550;
rightBound = gameStageWidth - (this._width / 2);
leftBound = 76;
stageDir = 0;
BGspeedX = 0;
helicopterStart = false;
tempX = this._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dd.dir == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B2(this, _root.bakoDD);
if (stageDir == 0) {
if (openSound0 == false) {
openSound0 = true;
_root.s00_bg.start(0, 100);
BGrightBound = -1.8;
BGleftBound = -400;
} else if (stageDir == 1) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -400) {
_root.gameBg.part02._visible = true;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -990) {
_root.gameBg.part01._visible = false;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -1200) {
if (carSound == false) {
carSound = true;
_root.s_car.start(0, 0);
BGleftBound = -1220;
} else if (stageDir == 2) {
_root.gameBg.part03._visible = true;
if ((enemy1Up == false) && (enemyPlus1 == false)) {
enemyPlus1 = true;
enemy1Up = true;
BGrightBound = -1220;
BGleftBound = -1600;
} else if (stageDir == 3) {
enemy1Up = false;
enemyPlus1 = false;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -1839) {
_root.gameBg.part02._visible = false; = false;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -2174;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2173) {
if (openSound1 == false) {
openSound1 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
_root.mBoss.mBossStart = true;
} else if (stageDir == 4) {
if (openSound0 == false) {
openSound0 = true;
openSound1 = false;
_root.s00_bg.start(0, 100);
if (_root.mBoss.enemyOff == true) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;;;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2174) {
_root.gameBg.part04._visible = true;
_root.street._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -3058;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -2830) {
_root.gameBg.part03._visible = false;
_root.mBoss._visible = false;
} else if (stageDir == 5) {
if ((enemy1Up == false) && (enemyPlus1 == false)) {
enemyPlus1 = true;
enemy1Up = true;
enemy2Up = true;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3058) {
_root.gameBg.part05._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -3618;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3617) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
_root.gameBg.part04._visible = false;
if (((( == false) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) {
if (helicopterStart == false) {
helicopterStart = true;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.helicopterDir = 1;
_root.heliArea.helicopter._visible = true;
if (_root.hWin.hSize == false) {
_root.hWin.hSize = true;;
if (openSound2 == false) {
openSound2 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
_root.s02_bg.start(0, 100);
} else if (stageDir == 6) {
if (_root.gameBg._x < -3618) {
_root.gameBg.part06._visible = true;
BGrightBound = _root.gameBg._x;
BGleftBound = -4285;
if (_root.gameBg._x < -4284) {
if (lastCount > 35) {
if (openSound1 == false) {
openSound1 = true;
openSound0 = false;
_root.s01_bg.start(0, 100);
_root.gameBg.part05._visible = false;
if (lastCount > 50) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
if (((( == false) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) && ( == false)) {
_root.bossHand._visible = true;
if (_root.bossHand.handOn == false) {
_root.s00_bossRobo.start(0, 0);
_root.s01_bossRobo.start(0, 100);
_root.bossHand.handOn = true;;
if (this._x > rightBound) {
speedX = 0;
this._x = rightBound;
if (this._x < leftBound) {
speedX = 0;
this._x = leftBound;
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire1) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire1, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire2, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire3) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire3, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire21) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire21, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire22) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire22, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire23) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire23, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy2);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire31) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire31, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy3);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire22) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire32, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy3);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire33) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire33, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire41) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire41, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire42) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire42, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
} else if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.enemyFire43) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.enemyFire43, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy4);
if ((((( > 0) && (this.SHit.hitTest( == true)) && (Stealth == false)) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
if (carAge > 5) { = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
Stealth = true;
carAge = 0;
if ((((( > 0) && (this.SHit2.hitTest( == true)) && (Stealth == false)) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
if (carAge > 5) { = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
Stealth = true;
carAge = 0;
if (((this.SHit.hitTest( == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
Stealth = true;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((explosionD == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss0.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.mBoss.mBoss1.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.streetFire) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
_root.fireHitHero(_root.streetFire, this, _root.HeroLifeM, _root.HeroShok, _root.enemy);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.heliArea.helicopter.shodow.shodowType.Action0.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.headShot.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.MHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.headShot.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((bossRoboA03 == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.bossRobo.hit2) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((bossRobosAttack == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.S01.Shit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.SS.Shit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((_root.lastBoss.lastBossA03A == true) && (life == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if (((this.SHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.S02.hit) == true) && ( == true)) && (Reflash == false)) {
life = false;
this.speedY = -1;
_root.hitM(this, _root.HeroLifeM);
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reloadRd_A = true;
reloadRd_B = true;
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reASky);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && (shootFire_A == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reA);
reload_A = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reBSky);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(39) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(39)) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_B == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 0)) {
_root.reloadStart(this, _root.reB);
reload_B = false;
if (age > 0) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
reloadRd_A = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (reloadRd_A == false)) && (this.jumping == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
reloadRd_B = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) && (reloadRd_B == false)) && (this.jumping == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 2)) {
if ((Key.isDown(39) == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(40)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = 100;
state = true;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(40) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 5;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = 100;
state = true;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 5);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
this._xscale = 100;
_root.rightScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if ((Key.isDown(37) == true) && ( == true)) {
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(40)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = -100;
state = true;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(40) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 5;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._xscale = -100;
state = true;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 5);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((this.jumping == true) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedX = 12;
this._xscale = -100;
_root.leftScrollScreen(this, 250, 0, 12);
} else if (Key.isDown(40) && ( == true)) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((!Key.isDown(65)) and ((!this.sitFire) == true)) and ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
state = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((state == true) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (shootFire == false)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
state = false;
if ((((((((((speedY > 0) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ( == true)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
} else if (((((((((speedY == 0) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
jumping = false;
if ((_root.Harms.arms == 0) && ( == true)) {
} else if ((_root.Harms.arms == 1) && ( == true)) {
} else if ((_root.Harms.arms == 2) && ( == true)) {
speedY = speedY + 3;
tempY = this._y + speedY;
while (true) {
if (_root.area.hitTest(tempX, tempY, 1)) {
tempY = tempY - 0.5;
speedY = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (, tempY, 1) && (Stealth == false)) {
tempY = tempY - 0.5;
speedY = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (, tempY, 1) && (Stealth == false)) {
if ( > 0) {
tempX = tempX - 0.5;
speedX = 0;
if ( < 0) {
tempX = tempX + 0.5;
speedX = 0;
} else {
while (true) {
if (_root.street.area2.hitTest(tempX, tempY, 1)) {
tempX = tempX - 0.5;
speedX = 0;
} else {
this._x = tempX;
this._y = tempY;
dSpeedX = _root.gameBg._x - oldX;
oldX = _root.gameBg._x;
_root.enemy._x = _root.enemy._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy2._x = _root.enemy2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy3._x = _root.enemy3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemy4._x = _root.enemy4._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox1._x = _root.itemBox1._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox2._x = _root.itemBox2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox3._x = _root.itemBox3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox4._x = _root.itemBox4._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox5._x = _root.itemBox5._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox6._x = _root.itemBox6._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox7._x = _root.itemBox7._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox8._x = _root.itemBox8._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox9._x = _root.itemBox9._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.itemBox10._x = _root.itemBox10._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire1._x = _root.enemyFire1._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire2._x = _root.enemyFire2._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire3._x = _root.enemyFire3._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire21._x = _root.enemyFire21._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire22._x = _root.enemyFire22._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire23._x = _root.enemyFire23._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire31._x = _root.enemyFire31._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire32._x = _root.enemyFire32._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire33._x = _root.enemyFire33._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire41._x = _root.enemyFire41._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire42._x = _root.enemyFire42._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.enemyFire43._x = _root.enemyFire43._x + this.dSpeedX;
if ((stageDir == 2) || (stageDir == 3)) { = + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 4) {
_root.mBoss._x = _root.mBoss._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 5) {
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
if (stageDir == 6) {
_root.street._x = _root.street._x + this.dSpeedX;
_root.heliArea._x = _root.heliArea._x + this.dSpeedX;
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "standFire", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "standFire_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "standFire_B", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "standFire2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "standFire2_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "standFire2_B", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this, this, "sitFire", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this, this, "sitFire_A", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this, this, "sitFire_B", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true) & ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) & ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.sitRun.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.sitRun_A.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.sitRun_B.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn2", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.sitRun.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.sitRun_A.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.sitRun_B.runFireState, this, "runFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bako);
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC2 = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL2 = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL02_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL2 = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && (age == 0)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.runFire.runFireState, this.runFire.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako, _root.gunLight, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.runFire_A.runFireState, this.runFire_A.runFireState, "runFireOn2", _root.bako);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.runFire_B.runFireState, this.runFire_B.runFireState, "runFireOn2", 3, 3, _root.bako);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunch01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Harms.arms == 1)) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunch01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunch = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchB01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchB = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchC01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchC = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchD = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchD01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchD = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
standPunchL = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
standPunchL01_A = true;
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
standPunchL = true;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ( == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKick = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickB = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickC = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickD = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit) == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
speedY = 0;
jumpKickL = true;
} else if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(83) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) {
speedY = -40;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
jumping = true;
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (age == 0)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 0, 100, 0, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn", 0, 1, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && Key.isDown(40)) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, 90, 100, -90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn2", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn2", 2, 2, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (age == 0)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && Key.isDown(39)) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
} else if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(65) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && Key.isDown(37)) && Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && (this.jumping == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy2.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy3.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.enemy4.hit)) == true)) && ((!_root.Hero.jumpFire_B.jumpHit.hitTest(_root.lastBoss.hit)) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && (age == 0)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.shootFire) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && ((!speedY) == 0)) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
_root.HeroFireAction(this, this.jumpFire, this.jumpFire, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky, _root.gunLightSky, -90, 100, 90, -100);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
_root.HeroFireAction_A(this, this.jumpFire_A, this.jumpFire_A, "skyFireOn3", _root.bakoSky);
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.HeroFireAction_B(this, this.jumpFire_B, this.jumpFire_B, "skyFireOn3", 3, 3, _root.bakoSky);
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (this.standFire2 == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (Key.isDown(38))) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (!Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Key.isDown(68) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (Key.isDown(40))) && ((!this.jumping) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunch02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchB02_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchC02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickC) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchD02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickD) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL01_A) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL2) == true)) && ((!this.standPunchL02_A) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKick) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickB) == true)) && ((!this.jumpKickL) == true)) && (reload_A == false)) && (reload_B == false)) && ( == true)) && (this.sAttack == false)) && (_root.energyBar.Senergy > 0)) {
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = 0;
} else {
this.sAttack = true;
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
_root.energyBar.energyDir = _root.energyBar.energyDir - 5;
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "Fire4" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 30;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
if (_root.Hero._xscale == 100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = -90;
} else if (_root.Hero._xscale == -100) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
if (this._x > 600) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._x < -10) {
this._y = -10000;
if (this._y > 430) {
this._x = -10000;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 5) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6)) {
if (this._y < -410) {
this._x = -10;
this._y = 1000;
} else if (this._y < -10) {
this._x = -10000;
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy2" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
live = false;;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire2", _root.enemybako2);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire2", _root.enemybako2);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako22, _root.shok22);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchB02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP2);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickB == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok2);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako22, _root.shok22, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
live = false;;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire", _root.enemybako);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire", _root.enemybako);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako2, _root.shok2);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.standPunch02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKick == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako2, _root.shok2, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2949 MovieClip "area" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2955 MovieClip "level" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
levelScore = 0;
levelScore2 = 0;
level1Up = false;
level2Up = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((levelScore > 6) && (level1Up == false)) {
level1Up = true;;
_root.Hero.stageDir = 1;
if ((levelScore2 > 6) && (level2Up == false)) {
level2Up = true;;
_root.Hero.stageDir = 3;
Instance of Symbol 2966 MovieClip "missile" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vy = vy + 2;
this._y = this._y + vy;
if (this._y > 400) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x - 30;
_root.explosion._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile1" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion1._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion1._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile2" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion2._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion2._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2971 MovieClip "heliMissile3" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vx = vx - 2;
this._y = this._y - vy;
if (this._y > 360) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x - 30;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.heliExplosion3._x = this._x;
_root.heliExplosion3._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2973 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (_root.winTalk._visible == true)) {
if (age == 0) {
} else {
age = 0;
Instance of Symbol 2993 MovieClip "hWin" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
hSize = false;
Instance of Symbol 2995 MovieClip "Harms" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
arms = 0;
arms_A = 0;
arms_B = 0;
armsOn = false;
init = true;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((arms_A == 0) || (arms_B == 0)) {
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == false) && (_root.Hero.shootFire_A == false)) {
arms = 0;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_A = false;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_B = false;
if (init == false) {
armsOn = false;
if (reload_A == true) {
reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_A = true;
if (reload_B == true) {
reload_B = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = true;
} else if (arms_A > 0) {
arms = 1;
reload_A = true;
reload_B = false;
_root.Hero.reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = false;
} else if (arms_B > 0) {
arms = 2;
reload_A = false;
reload_B = true;
_root.Hero.reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = false;
Instance of Symbol 3000 MovieClip "ssD01" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3010 MovieClip "dd" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
dir = 0;
fireType = 0;
xx = 0;
yy = 0;
xxscale = 100;
Instance of Symbol 3023 MovieClip "streetMissile" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
explosionOn = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + vx;
vy = vy + 2;
this._y = this._y + vy;
if (this._y > 400) {
if (explosionOn == false) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x - 30;
_root.explosion._y = 390;;
explosionOn = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.SHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
if ((((this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.MHit) == true) && ( == true)) && (explosionOn == false)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.explosion._x = this._x;
_root.explosion._y = this._y + 120;;
explosionOn = true;
_root.Hero.explosionD = true;
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3035 MovieClip "ssD02" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy3" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
live = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {
if (_root.Hero.enemy1Up == true) {
this._visible = true;;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire3", _root.enemybako3);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire3", _root.enemybako3);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako23, _root.shok23);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchC02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP3);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickC == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok3);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako23, _root.shok23, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 2939 MovieClip "enemy4" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
live = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (live == false) {
if (_root.Hero.enemy2Up == true) {
this._visible = true;;
} else if ( == true) {
if (fireState == false) {
this._x = this._x + enemySpeedx;
if (((this.spin == false) && (this.spin2 == false)) && (this.run0 == false)) {
if ((_root.Hero._x > this._x) && ((enemySpeedx < 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath(this, -100, 13 + random(3), 100);
if ((_root.Hero._x < this._x) && ((enemySpeedx > 0) || (enemySpeedx == 0))) {
_root.enemyPath2(this, 100, -13 + random(3), -100);
if (((random(20) == 0) && (this._x > 40)) && (this._x < 510)) {
if (Key.isDown(40) && (random(3) == 0)) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "sitFire", "enemyFire4", _root.enemybako4);
} else if (random(2) == 0) {
_root.enemyAction(this, "standFire", "enemyFire4", _root.enemybako4);
} else {
fireState = true;
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire == true) && (random(2) == 0)) {
} else {
if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire1) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire1, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire2) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire2, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire3) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire3, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire4) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire4, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
} else if (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Fire5) == true) {
_root.fireHitEnemy(this, _root.Fire5, _root.bako24, _root.shok24);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD01_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die01_A", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD2 == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.standPunchD02_A == true) {
_root.approachHit(this, "die02_A", _root.bakoP4);
if (_root.Hero.jumpKickD == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack03 == true) && (this.spin2 == false)) {
if (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) {
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_A.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.sAttack02 == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sA2_B.hit) == true)) {
_root.sHitEnemy(this, "die08", _root.Ashok4);
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die04_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die03_A");
if ((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (this.Shit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit) == true)) {
_root.fireHitEnemy_A(this, _root.bako24, _root.shok24, "die05_A");
Instance of Symbol 4815 MovieClip "winTalk" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 3082 MovieClip "hitWin" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
hitCount = 0;
hitOn = false;
hitSum = 0;
hitPuls = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
hitPuls = hitCount * 10;
hitSum = hitCount * hitPuls;
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire1" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire2" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire3" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire21" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire22" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire23" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 3022 MovieClip "streetFire" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 25;
dir = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
if (this._x < -20) {
this._y = 10000;
dir = 2;
} else if (dir == 2) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire31" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire32" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire33" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire41" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire42" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 2733 MovieClip "enemyFire43" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
fireSpeed = 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == 0) {
this._x = this._x + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 1) {
this._x = this._x - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 0;
} else if (dir == 2) {
this._y = this._y + fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 3) {
this._y = this._y - fireSpeed;
this._rotation = 90;
} else if (dir == 4) {
Instance of Symbol 3131 MovieClip "sizeWin" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((resize0 == true) && (resize1 == false)) {
if (age < 40) {
w = w + (0.2 * (tw - w));
h = h + (0.2 * (th - h));
fscommand ("resize", ((w + 10) + "|") + (h + 58));
_root.gameBar._y = _root.gameBar._y + (0.2 * (th3 - _root.gameBar._y));
_root._y = _root._y + (0.2 * (th2 - _root._y));
if ((resize0 == true) && (resize1 == true)) {
if (age2 < 40) {
th = th + (0.2 * (400 - th));
fscommand ("resize", "560|" + (th + 58));
_root.gameBar._y = _root.gameBar._y + (0.2 * (th4 - _root.gameBar._y));
_root._y = _root._y + (0.2 * (th5 - _root._y));
Instance of Symbol 3133 MovieClip "scoreWin" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
score = 0;
score100_num = 0;
score150_num = 0;
score50_num = 0;
Frame 16
_quality = "high";
Frame 17
_quality = "high";
_root.s02_ending.start(0, 100);
function hsinit() {
hssetText(name_txt, "\uC774\uB984");
hssetText(message_txt, "\uB0B4\uC6A9");
System.useCodepage = true;
writeURL = "";
readURL = "";
mainInfo = [];
function hssetText(_txt, str) {
_txt.text = (_txt.str = str);
_txt.onSetFocus = function () {
if (this.text == this.str) {
this.text = "";
_txt.onKillFocus = function () {
if (this.text == "") {
this.text = this.str;
function hsshowMessage(str) {
_root.hswin.txt = str;;
function writeData2() {
if (checkInput() == true) {
function writeMain2() {
write_lv = new LoadVars();
write_lv.onLoad = function () {
if (this.rdy == "ok") {
name_txt.text = name_txt.str;
message_txt.text = message_txt.str;
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
}; = name_txt.text;
write_lv.score = _root.scoreWin.score;
write_lv.message = message_txt.text;
write_lv.sendAndLoad(writeURL, write_lv, "POST");
function checkInput() {
if (name_txt.text == name_txt.str) {
hsshowMessage("\uC774\uB984\uC744 \uB123\uC5B4\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.");
if (message_txt.text == message_txt.str) {
hsshowMessage("\uB0B4\uC6A9\uC744 \uB123\uC5B4\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.");
function readData() {
read_lv = new LoadVars();
read_lv.onLoad = function () {
if (this.rdy == "ok") {
var _local2 = Number(;
i = 0;
while (i < _local2) {
mainInfo[i] = new Object();
mainInfo[i].ranking = i + 1;
mainInfo[i].no = this["no" + i];
mainInfo[i].name = this["name" + i];
mainInfo[i].score = this["score" + i];
mainInfo[i].message = this["message" + i];
if (mainInfo[i].no == _local2) {
hsum = i;
read_lv.sendAndLoad(readURL, read_lv, "POST");
function makeList() { = mainInfo[hsum].name;
_root.listRank.score = mainInfo[hsum].score;
_root.listRank.ranking = mainInfo[hsum].ranking;
_root.listRank.message = mainInfo[hsum].message;
function makeList2() {
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
_mc = _root["listMc" + i];
_mc.num = mainInfo[i].ranking; = mainInfo[i].name;
_mc.score = mainInfo[i].score;
_mc.message = mainInfo[i].message;
hsum = 0;
Instance of Symbol 4856 MovieClip in Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 18
Frame 19
Instance of Symbol 3294 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Frame 20
Instance of Symbol 3295 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65) && (age == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
age = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age = 0;
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 83 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 84 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 85 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
id = 0;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 2
id = 1;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 3
id = 2;
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 13
if ( == true) {
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.energyBar.energyDir == 15) {
} else {
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 168 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 223 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 223 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 223 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
energyBarS.energyDir = 0;
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip "part01" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 142 MovieClip "energyBarS" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
energyDir = 0;
Senergy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (energyDir == 0) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 1) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 2) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 3) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 4) {
Senergy = 0;
if (energyDir == 5) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 6) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 7) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 8) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 9) {
Senergy = 1;
if (energyDir == 10) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 11) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 12) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 13) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 14) {
Senergy = 2;
if (energyDir == 15) {
Senergy = 3;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 110
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 117
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
energyBarS.energyDir = 1;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 117
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 159
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 205
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 212
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
energyBarS.energyDir = 2;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 214
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 224
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 360
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
energyBarS.energyDir = 3;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 360
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 423
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 431
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
energyBarS.energyDir = 4;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 431
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 493
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 502
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 502
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 503
energyBarS.energyDir = 5;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 575
energyBarS.energyDir = 0;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 578
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 610
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 614
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 614
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 622
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 642
energyBarS.energyDir = 5;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 677
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
energyBarS.energyDir = 0;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 683
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 684
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 684
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 684
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 688
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 695
energyBarS.energyDir = 5;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 751
energyBarS.energyDir = 0;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 758
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 789
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 790
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 792
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 802
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 860
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 660 Button
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 669 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 678 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
Symbol 680 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
Symbol 683 MovieClip Frame 1
id = 0;
Symbol 683 MovieClip Frame 2
id = 1;
Instance of Symbol 90 MovieClip "part01" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 686 MovieClip "part02" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 688 MovieClip "part03" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 690 MovieClip "part04" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 692 MovieClip "part05" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 694 MovieClip "part06" in Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 20
_parent._parent._root.missileFire(2, 20 + random(5));
_root.s00e_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent.dir = true;
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 45
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.s01_car.start(0, 0);
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.s01_car.start(0, 0);
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent.dir = true;
Symbol 741 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 761 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 763 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 763 MovieClip Frame 20
_parent._parent._root.missileFire(4, 12 + random(5));
_root.s00e_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 763 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent.dir = true;
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 764 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 773 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 778 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 783 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1;
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.sA01 = true;
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
if ( > 5) {
_parent.carType = 1;
} else {
Symbol 785 MovieClip Frame 1;
Symbol 785 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.sA01 = true;
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
if ( > 10) {
_parent.carType = 2;
} else {
Symbol 786 MovieClip Frame 1;
Symbol 786 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.sA01 = true;
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
if ( > 15) {
_parent.carType = 3;
} else {
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 5;
Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 3;
Symbol 791 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 791 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 3;
Symbol 792 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 792 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent.carHitType = _parent.carHitType + 3;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear1000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 828 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent._root.Hero.stageDir = 2;
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 697 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 699 MovieClip "area" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 701 MovieClip "area2" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 764 MovieClip "enemy4" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
dir = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == true) {
_parent.fireAttack02 = false;
dir = false;
Instance of Symbol 762 MovieClip "enemy1" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
dir = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == true) {
_parent.fireAttack01 = false;
dir = false;
Instance of Symbol 762 MovieClip "enemy2" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
dir = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (dir == true) {
_parent.instruction = false;
dir = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYUp" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYDown" in Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 829 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
_root.s_car.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 829 MovieClip in Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 144
Symbol 859 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 859 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 859 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "ArmsWin" in Symbol 870 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
Symbol 871 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 882 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 941 MovieClip Frame 56
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 24
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 84
_root.streetMissileFire(4, -15 + random(5));
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 84
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 132
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 143
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 143
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 203
_root.streetMissileFire(4, -25 + random(5));
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 203
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1045 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear10000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1057 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent._root.Hero.stageDir = 5;
Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 874 MovieClip "area2" in Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1058 MovieClip Frame 5
life = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliMissileFire(_root.heliMissile1, 17, 45);
_root.s00e_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 35
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliMissileFire(_root.heliMissile2, 25, 45);
_root.s00e_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliMissileFire(_root.heliMissile3, 33, 45);
_root.s00e_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1067 MovieClip Frame 94
_parent._parent.helicopterAttack = true;
_parent._parent.mEnemyFrame = 1;
Symbol 1068 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1068 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1103 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent._parent._parent.helicopterAttack2 = true;
_parent._parent._parent.mShodowFrame = 1;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 73
_parent._parent._parent.helicopterAttack3 = true;
_parent._parent._parent.mShodowFrame = 1;
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.s01_car.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 33
if ( == false) {
_parent._parent._parent._parent._root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;
_parent._parent._parent._parent._root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
if ( == false) {
_parent._parent._parent._parent._root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;
_parent._parent._parent._parent._root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 42
if ( == false) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
if ( == false) {
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = true;
Symbol 1129 MovieClip Frame 53
_parent._parent._parent.helicopterAttack4 = true;
_parent._parent._parent.mShodowFrame = 1;
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1130 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1136 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 2;
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.Gun_A = false;
Symbol 1140 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 4;
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.Gun_A = false;
Symbol 1144 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 6;
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.Gun_A = false;
Symbol 1145 MovieClip Frame 61
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 2;
Symbol 1146 MovieClip Frame 61
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 4;
Symbol 1147 MovieClip Frame 61
_parent._parent._parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 6;
Symbol 1157 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1157 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear15000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1157 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1157 MovieClip Frame 43
_parent._parent._parent._root.Hero.stageDir = 6;
if (_root.Hero.openSound0 == false) {
_root.Hero.openSound0 = true;
_root.Hero.openSound2 = false;
_root.s00_bg.start(0, 100);
_root.Hero.sSAttackOn = false;
_root.mBoss.enemyOff = false;
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 1134 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 1158 MovieClip "helicopter" in Symbol 1159 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
helicopterDir = 0;
x = -16.1;
y = -4.3;
z = 1000;
f = 300;
winTalkOn = false;
helicopterSpeedX = 5;
helicopterSpeedY = 5;
helicopterSpeedZ = 10;
helicopterScale = 100;
helicopterAttack = false;
helicopterAttack2 = false;
helicopterAttack3 = false;
helicopterAttack4 = false;
helicopterHitNo = 0;
helicopterHitType = 0;
helicopterlive = true;
heliTypeFrame = 1;
mShodowFrame = 1;
mEnemyFrame = 1;
sAction = false;
life = false;
Gun_A = false;
sound00 = false;
sound01 = false;
sound02 = false;
sound03 = false;
sound04 = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (helicopterDir == 1) {
if (z > 0) {
z = z - 10;
if ((z == 0) && (winTalkOn == false)) {
winTalkOn = true;
_parent._root.winTalk._visible = true;
zoom = f / (f + z);
if (z > (-f)) {
this._xscale = (this._yscale = zoom * 100);
this._x = zoom * x;
this._y = zoom * y;
this._visible = true;
if (helicopterDir == 2) {
life = true;
z = z - helicopterSpeedZ;
x = x - helicopterSpeedX;
y = y - helicopterSpeedY;
if (sound00 == false) {
sound00 = true;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
if (z > 0) {
if (helicopterAttack == false) {
mEnemyFrame = 2;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = -2;
helicopterSpeedY = -1;
} else if (helicopterAttack == true) {
mEnemyFrame = 1;
helicopterSpeedZ = 10;
helicopterSpeedX = -10;
helicopterSpeedY = 3;
if (sound01 == false) {
sound02 = false;
sound03 = false;
sound04 = false;
sound01 = true;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
if ((z < -280) && (helicopterAttack == false)) {
helicopterScale = -1 * helicopterScale;
helicopterSpeedZ = -10;
helicopterSpeedX = 0;
helicopterSpeedY = -5;
if ((z < -250) && (helicopterAttack == true)) {
helicopterAttack2 = false;
helicopterAttack3 = false;
helicopterAttack4 = false;
helicopterDir = 3;
zoom = f / (f + z);
this._xscale = zoom * helicopterScale;
this._yscale = zoom * 100;
this._x = zoom * x;
this._y = zoom * y;
this._visible = true;
if (helicopterDir == 3) {
z = z - helicopterSpeedZ;
x = x - helicopterSpeedX;
y = y - helicopterSpeedY;
if (sound02 == false) {
sound00 = false;
sound01 = false;
sound02 = true;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
if ((z < -280) && (helicopterAttack2 == false)) {
helicopterScale = -1 * helicopterScale;
helicopterSpeedZ = -10;
helicopterSpeedX = 5;
helicopterSpeedY = -7;
if (z > 0) {
if (helicopterAttack2 == false) {
mShodowFrame = 2;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = 10;
helicopterSpeedY = 0;
if (helicopterAttack2 == true) {
if (this._xscale > 0) {
helicopterSpeedZ = 10;
helicopterSpeedX = 0;
helicopterSpeedY = 7;
if (sound03 == false) {
sound03 = true;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
} else if ((this._xscale < 0) && (helicopterAttack3 == false)) {
mShodowFrame = 3;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = -8;
helicopterSpeedY = 0;
} else if ((this._xscale < 0) && (helicopterAttack3 == true)) {
helicopterSpeedZ = 10;
helicopterSpeedX = 0;
helicopterSpeedY = 10;
if (sound04 == false) {
sound04 = true;
_root.s00_heli.start(0, 0);
if (helicopterAttack3 == true) {
if ((this._xscale > 0) && (helicopterAttack4 == false)) {
mShodowFrame = 4;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = 10;
helicopterSpeedY = 0;
} else if ((this._xscale > 0) && (helicopterAttack4 == true)) {
helicopterSpeedX = -0.5;
helicopterSpeedY = 5;
helicopterAttack = false;
helicopterDir = 2;
if (((z < -280) && (helicopterAttack2 == true)) && (helicopterAttack3 == false)) {
helicopterScale = -1 * helicopterScale;
helicopterSpeedZ = -10;
helicopterSpeedX = -2;
helicopterSpeedY = -5;
if ((z < -280) && (helicopterAttack3 == true)) {
helicopterScale = -1 * helicopterScale;
helicopterSpeedZ = -10;
helicopterSpeedX = 2;
helicopterSpeedY = -5;
zoom = f / (f + z);
this._xscale = zoom * helicopterScale;
this._yscale = zoom * 100;
this._x = zoom * x;
this._y = zoom * y;
this._visible = true;
if (helicopterDir == 4) {
z = z - helicopterSpeedZ;
x = x - helicopterSpeedX;
y = y - helicopterSpeedY;
if (this._y < 410) {
heliTypeFrame = 8;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = 0;
helicopterSpeedY = -30;
} else if (this._y > 410) {
this._y = 410;
helicopterSpeedZ = 0;
helicopterSpeedX = 0;
helicopterSpeedY = 0;
if (helicopterlive == true) {
helicopterlive = false;
_root.Hero.sSAttackOn = false;
_parent._root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
life = false;;
zoom = f / (f + z);
this._xscale = zoom * helicopterScale;
this._yscale = zoom * 100;
this._x = zoom * x;
this._y = zoom * y;
this._visible = true;
if ((this.hit.hitTest(_parent._root.Fire1._x, _parent._root.Fire1._y, 1) == true) && (z > 0)) {
_parent._root.heliHiting(_parent._root.Fire1, this);
if ((this.hit.hitTest(_parent._root.Fire2._x, _parent._root.Fire2._y, 1) == true) && (z > 0)) {
_parent._root.heliHiting(_parent._root.Fire2, this);
if ((this.hit.hitTest(_parent._root.Fire3._x, _parent._root.Fire3._y, 1) == true) && (z > 0)) {
_parent._root.heliHiting(_parent._root.Fire3, this);
if ((this.hit.hitTest(_parent._root.Fire4._x, _parent._root.Fire4._y, 1) == true) && (z > 0)) {
_parent._root.heliHiting(_parent._root.Fire4, this);
if ((this.hit.hitTest(_parent._root.Fire5._x, _parent._root.Fire5._y, 1) == true) && (z > 0)) {
_parent._root.heliHiting(_parent._root.Fire5, this);
if ((((_root.Hero.sAttack01 == true) && (sAction == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) {
sAction = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire01_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire00_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire01_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.runFire_A.runFireState.Fire00_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.Fire02_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.sitRun_A.runFireState.Fire02_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire00_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire01_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if (((((_root.Hero.shootFire_A == true) && (Gun_A == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) && (this.hit.hitTest(_root.Hero.jumpFire_A.Fire02_A.A_hit))) {
Gun_A = true;;
if ((((_root.Hero.sSAttack == true) && (sAction == false)) && (life == true)) && (z > 0)) {
sAction = true;;
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 100;
_root.bonus_100.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1165 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.itemBoxDir == 3;
Symbol 1166 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.itemBoxDir == 3;
Symbol 1168 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.itemBoxDir == 3;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 1
if (this.init == true) {
this.init = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
Instance of Symbol 1160 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 79
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 130
_parent._parent._root.lastBoss._visible = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 35
bossRoboLife = true;
Instance of Symbol 1249 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 65
_root.s02_bossRobo.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 1257 MovieClip "hit2" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 80
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 80
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 85
if (((((((_root.Hero.jumping == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
fscommand ("shake", 10);
_root.Hero.bossRoboA03 = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 110
_root.s02_bossRobo.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 1257 MovieClip "hit2" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 125
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 125
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 130
if (((((((_root.Hero.jumping == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
fscommand ("shake", 10);
_root.Hero.bossRoboA03 = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 152
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 157
ballready = true;
Instance of Symbol 1298 MovieClip "hit3" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 157
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 196
ballready = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 213
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 218
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 219
if (_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack == true) {
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 220
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 221
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 222
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 223
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 224
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 225
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 226
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 227
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 228
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 229
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 230
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 231
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 232
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 233
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 234
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 235
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 236
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 237
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 238
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 239
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 240
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 241
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 242
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 243
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 244
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 245
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 246
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 247
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 248
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 249
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 250
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 251
if ((((((_root.Hero.sAttack == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) && (_root.Hero.Reflash == false)) {
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = true;
Instance of Symbol 1249 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 299
_parent._root.bossRobo.ballHitType = 0;
if (bossRoboLife == true) {
} else {
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 300
_root.s00_bossRobo.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 306
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 317
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 336
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 346
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 359
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 363
_parent._root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
_root.Hero.sSAttackOn = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 365
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear20000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 365
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 378
Instance of Symbol 1249 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 379
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 383
_root.s00_boom.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 395
_parent._root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _parent._root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 10;
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 408
ballready = false;
Gun_A = false;
if (bossRoboLife == true) {
} else {
Symbol 1426 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1426 MovieClip Frame 3
fscommand ("shake", 20);
Symbol 1426 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
_root.Hero.sSAttackOn = true;
_parent._root.bossRobo._visible = true;;
Symbol 1434 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 1435 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s03_bg.start(0, 100);
Symbol 1435 MovieClip Frame 32 = true;
Symbol 1447 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 1463 MovieClip Frame 9
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1463 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1463 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1463 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1474 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1474 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1474 MovieClip Frame 48
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1474 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 44
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1487 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1498 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1498 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1498 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1498 MovieClip Frame 62
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1507 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 41
if ((((((_root.Hero.jumping == false) && (_root.Hero.sAttack == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack01 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack02 == false)) && (_root.Hero.sAttack03 == false)) && ( == true)) {
fscommand ("shake", 10);
_root.lastBoss.lastBossA03A = true;
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.lastBoss.lastBossA03A = false;
Symbol 1535 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1547 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1547 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1547 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1547 MovieClip Frame 39
_parent.lastBossAs03 = false;
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1547 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1548 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.ssD02._visible = true;
_root.ssD02._xscale = _parent._xscale;
_root.ssD02._x = _parent._x;;
Symbol 1548 MovieClip Frame 71
_root.ssD02._visible = false;
Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 37
_parent.lastBossAs01 = false;
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 1552 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1554 MovieClip Frame 34
_parent.Attack00 = false;
Symbol 1580 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_07.start(0.2, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1580 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1580 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "FireXY" in Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lastBossFireAction(_root.lastBoss, this, "enemyFire");
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.lastBossFireAction(_root.lastBoss, this, "enemyFire");
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.lastBossFireAction(_root.lastBoss, this, "enemyFire2");
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.lastBossFireAction(_root.lastBoss, this, "enemyFire2");
Symbol 1613 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s04_bg.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.s04_bg.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 62
_root.s04_bg.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 110
_root.s04_bg.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 160
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear30000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1634 MovieClip Frame 162
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYUp" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 4
lastBossAction = false;
lastBossSpeedOn = true;
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1635 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_mBoss.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit2" in Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 36
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1669 MovieClip Frame 55
_parent.mBossStartAction = true;
Symbol 1681 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s01_mBoss.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit2" in Symbol 1681 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1681 MovieClip Frame 18
_parent.mBossAttack = false;
_parent.mBossHit = false;
Symbol 1682 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_mBoss.start(0.4, 0);
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 1682 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1682 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1682 MovieClip Frame 50
_parent.mBossAttack = false;
Symbol 1686 MovieClip Frame 26
_parent.mBossRest = false;
if (_parent._xscale == 100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = 15;
} else if (_parent._xscale == -100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = -15;
Symbol 1692 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.s02_mBoss.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1692 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.clearPuls(this, _root.clear5000Score);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 1692 MovieClip Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1692 MovieClip Frame 27
_parent._root.Hero.stageDir = 4;
_parent.mBossStart = false;
Symbol 1715 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1715 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1715 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent.mBossAs01 = false;
_parent.mBossRest = false;
_parent.mBossHit = false;
_parent.mBossAttack == false;
if (_parent._xscale == 100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = 15;
} else if (_parent._xscale == -100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = -15;
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent.mBossAs03 = false;
_parent.mBossRest = false;
_parent.mBossHit = false;
_parent.mBossAttack == false;
if (_parent._xscale == 100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = 15;
} else if (_parent._xscale == -100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = -15;
Symbol 1717 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.ssD01._visible = true;
_root.ssD01._xscale = _parent._xscale;
_root.ssD01._x = _parent._x;;
Symbol 1717 MovieClip Frame 78
_root.ssD01._visible = false;
Symbol 1717 MovieClip Frame 82
_parent.mBosssS = false;
_parent.mBossRest = false;
_parent.mBossHit = false;
_parent.mBossAttack == false;
if (_parent._xscale == 100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = 15;
} else if (_parent._xscale == -100) {
_parent.mbossSpeedx = -15;
Symbol 1718 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.ssD01._visible = true;
_root.ssD01._xscale = _parent._xscale;
_root.ssD01._x = _parent._x;;
Symbol 1718 MovieClip Frame 78
_root.ssD01._visible = false;
Symbol 1718 MovieClip Frame 82
_root.s02_mBoss.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1718 MovieClip Frame 93
_parent._root.Hero.stageDir = 4;
_parent.mBossStart = false;
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 697 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYUp" in Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYDown" in Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 7
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYUp" in Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXYDown" in Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1719 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1720 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1720 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1721 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1721 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1734 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1734 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent.reload_A = false;
Symbol 1752 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1752 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 1770 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1770 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 1806 MovieClip Frame 26
_parent.reload_A = false;
Symbol 1837 MovieClip Frame 26
_parent.reload_B = false;
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1838 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 1839 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1839 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1839 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 1841 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1841 MovieClip Frame 6
sitFire = false;
Symbol 1850 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1850 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1850 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1850 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1862 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1862 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 1862 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 1864 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 1865 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 1874 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1874 MovieClip Frame 5
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1883 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1883 MovieClip Frame 8
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1891 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1891 MovieClip Frame 7
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire = false;
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire = false;
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1892 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1895 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 1896 MovieClip Frame 22
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 1929 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 1929 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 1929 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1929 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1929 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 1952 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 1952 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 1952 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1952 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1952 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 1994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 1994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 1994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 1994 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 1994 MovieClip Frame 39
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 2012 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 2012 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 2012 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2012 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2012 MovieClip Frame 71
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Symbol 2042 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2042 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2042 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2042 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);;
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 54
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 2043 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 2044 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 41
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 2045 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 35;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.s04_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 47
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 78
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 89
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 2105 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 35;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.s04_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 47
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 78
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 89
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 2113 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 35;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.s04_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 47
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 78
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 89
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 2118 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2129 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2143 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2143 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2143 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 2150 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2150 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2150 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2156 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2156 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2156 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2168 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2168 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 2181 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2181 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 2211 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2211 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2211 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2242 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2242 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2242 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 2249 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2249 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2249 MovieClip Frame 15
sitFire = false;
Symbol 2251 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2251 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2288 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 2310 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2323 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2331 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2331 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2331 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2345 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2345 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2345 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2365 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 2365 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2365 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
_parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
_parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2366 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2394 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2394 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2394 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2394 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);;
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 54
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 2404 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 41
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 2434 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2446 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2463 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2463 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2474 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2474 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2491 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2492 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 2510 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2510 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2510 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2544 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2544 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2544 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 2555 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2555 MovieClip Frame 9
sitFire = false;
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2557 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2601 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2601 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2601 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 2612 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2617 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2636 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2636 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2655 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2655 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2695 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2695 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2695 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2695 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);;
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 54
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 2698 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 41
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 1
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "itemHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndStop ("reload");
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 39
standFire2 = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 68
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 82
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 87
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "itemHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 92
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 92
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 92
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 92
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 114
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 115
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 115
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 126
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 127
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 127
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 138
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 139
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 139
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 139
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 139
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 149
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 159
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 160
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 171
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 172
life = false;
jumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "lifeXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 172
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 175
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 176
life = false;
jumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 179
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 180
life = false;
jumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 182
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 183
life = false;
jumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 185
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 186
life = false;
jumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 188
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 189
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 189
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 189
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 203
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "itemHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 203
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 203
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 216
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 229
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 241
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 242
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 243
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 244
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
Set("\u3163jumping", false);
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch01_A = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB01_A = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 244
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 244
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 244
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 256
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 257
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 258
standFire2 = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 259
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 260
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 260
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 261
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 262
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
shootFire_A = false;
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 262
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 263
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 263
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 264
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 265
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 265
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 266
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 266
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 267
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 267
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 267
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 268
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 269
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 270
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 271
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
Set("\u3163jumping", false);
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 271
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 271
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 280
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 281
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 281
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 282
standFire2 = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 283
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 284
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 284
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 284
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 284
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 285
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 286
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 286
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 286
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 287
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 287
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 288
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 288
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 289
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 289
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 289
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 290
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 290
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 291
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 291
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 291
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 292
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 293
Symbol 2730 MovieClip Frame 294
Symbol 2733 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2733 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2733 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2741 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_enemy.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2741 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2748 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2759 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s00_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2759 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2763 MovieClip Frame 13
if ( == true) {
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_enemy.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2787 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2787 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2787 MovieClip Frame 48
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2787 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2799 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2799 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2799 MovieClip Frame 48
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2799 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2815 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2815 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2815 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2815 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2816 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2825 MovieClip Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2838 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2842 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2842 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2842 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2842 MovieClip Frame 37
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_03.start(0, 0);
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2858 MovieClip Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2859 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.sSAttack = true;
_root.s_dead_04.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 37
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 43
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 55
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 57
_parent.sSAttack = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 62
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 62
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 78
_root.itemBoxStart(this); = false;
if ((_root.Hero.stageDir == 2) || (_root.Hero.stageDir == 3)) {
if (_root.Hero.stageDir == 6) {
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "itemBoxXY" in Symbol 2884 MovieClip Frame 78
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2921 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2938 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 1
fireState = true;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "Shit" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 17
fireState = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "enemyFireXY" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 27
spin = false;
spin2 = false;
run0 = false;
fireState = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 33
fireState = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 38
fireState = true;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 46
fireState = true;
Instance of Symbol 2764 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 57
fireState = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "enemyFireXY" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 57
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 64
fireState = true;
life = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 64
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 71
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 77
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 83
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 89
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 95
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 101
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 106
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 112
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 117
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 123
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 129
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 136
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 142
fireState = true;
life = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 142
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 148
fireState = true;
life = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 154
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 161
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 166
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 172
fireState = false;
Symbol 2939 MovieClip Frame 178
fireState = false;
Symbol 2941 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2941 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 2942 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2943 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2944 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2945 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2945 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2946 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2947 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2947 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 2953 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2960 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2960 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00t_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2966 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 2967 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2967 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2969 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2969 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2969 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2971 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 2974 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2974 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2974 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2975 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2975 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.ball.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2975 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.ball.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2980 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2980 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00t_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 2981 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);;
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2983 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2985 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.street.streetHitType = _root.street.streetHitType + 5;
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2987 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2989 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 5;
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 2991 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 5;
Symbol 2993 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2993 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
_root.Hero.sSAttackOn = true;
Symbol 3000 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3000 MovieClip Frame 54
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3000 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 16
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 18
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 20
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 24
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 26
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 28
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 32
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 34
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 36
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 38
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 43
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 44
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 45
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 46
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 48
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 50
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 52
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 53
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 54
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 55
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 56
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3002 MovieClip Frame 57
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 15;
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3004 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._root.mBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.mBoss.mBossGun_A = false;
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.street.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3006 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.street.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.street.Gun_A = false;
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3008 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.bossRobo.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType = _root.bossRobo.bossRoboHitType + 3;
_parent.bossRobo.Gun_A = false;
Symbol 3010 MovieClip Frame 1
dir = 0;
Symbol 3010 MovieClip Frame 5
dir = 1;
Symbol 3011 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3012 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3012 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.Hero._y = 30;
_root.Harms.arms = 0;
_root.Harms.arms_A = 0;
_root.Harms.arms_B = 0;
_root.Harms.reload_A = false;
_root.Harms.reload_B = false;
_root.Harms.armsOn = false;
_root.Harms.init = true; = true;
_root.Hero.speedY = -1;
_root.Hero.reload_A = false;
_root.Hero.reload_B = false;
_root.Hero.jumping = true;
_root.Hero.state = false;
_root.Hero.sAttack = false;
_root.Hero.sAttack01 = false;
_root.Hero.sAttack02 = false;
_root.Hero.sAttack03 = false;
_root.Hero.Stealth = false;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_A = false;
_root.Hero.reloadRd_B = false;
_root.Hero.explosionD = false;
_root.Hero.bossRoboA03 = false;
_root.Hero.bossRobosAttack = false;
_root.Hero.jumpKickD = false;
_root.Hero.jumpKickC = false;
_root.Hero.jumpKickB = false;
_root.Hero.jumpKick = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchB = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchB01_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchB2 = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchB02_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunch = false;
_root.Hero.standPunch01_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunch2 = false;
_root.Hero.standPunch02_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchL = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchL01_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchL2 = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchL02_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchC = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchC01_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchC2 = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchC02_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchD = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchD01_A = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchD2 = false;
_root.Hero.standPunchD02_A = false;
_root.Hero.jumpKickL = false;
_root.Hero.Reflash = true;;
Symbol 3015 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3015 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 3016 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3017 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3018 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3019 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 3023 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3024 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3025 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3025 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3025 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3027 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 30);
Symbol 3029 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._root.lastBoss.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.lastBoss.lastBossGun_A = false;
Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 53
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ScoreXY" in Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 71
_root.lastBoss.lastBosssS = false;
_visible = false;
if (_root.lastBoss.lifeCount > 0) {
} else { = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "ReXY" in Symbol 3035 MovieClip Frame 71
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 3
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 6
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 9
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 10
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 11
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 13
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 14
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 15
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 16
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 18
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 19
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 20
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 21
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 22
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 23
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 24
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 26
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 27
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 28
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 29
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 31
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 32
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 33
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 34
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 35
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 36
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 37
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 38
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 39
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 40
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 41
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 42
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 43
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 44
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 45
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 46
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 47
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 48
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16777215, 30);
Symbol 3037 MovieClip Frame 49
_parent._root.Hero.setTint(16711680, 0);
_root.Hero.Reflash = false;
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3038 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 3039 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3039 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 3048 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 3057 Button
on (release) {
this._visible = false;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.helicopterDir = 2;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 2;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 5
this._visible = false;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.helicopterDir = 2;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 2;
Symbol 3059 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3059 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 100;
Symbol 3062 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3062 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 150;
Symbol 3067 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3067 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 50;
Symbol 3082 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.hitWin.hitOn = false;
_visible = false;
Symbol 3082 MovieClip Frame 96
_root.hitWin.hitOn = false;
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + _root.hitWin.hitSum;
Symbol 3087 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3090 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3095 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3104 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 38
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 3106 MovieClip Frame 63
Symbol 3108 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3108 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3108 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 3108 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 3111 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3111 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 1000;
Symbol 3114 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3114 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 5000;
Symbol 3117 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3117 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 10000;
Symbol 3120 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3120 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 15000;
Symbol 3123 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3123 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 20000;
Symbol 3126 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3126 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.scoreWin.score = _root.scoreWin.score + 30000;
Symbol 3129 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3129 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s01_ending.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3129 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 3135 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3224 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3225 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3228 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 3229 MovieClip Frame 1
id = 0;
Symbol 3229 MovieClip Frame 2
id = 1;
Symbol 3230 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_ending.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3230 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3230 MovieClip Frame 53
Instance of Symbol 3229 MovieClip in Symbol 3230 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
age2 = 1;
id = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if (Key.isDown(40) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if ((!Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) {
age = 0;
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 0)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 1)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age2 = 0;
Symbol 3246 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3246 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3246 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3248 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3260 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3266 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 3289 MovieClip in Symbol 3290 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.listRank.ranking < 11) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 21) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 31) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 41) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 51) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 61) {
} else if (_root.listRank.ranking < 71) {
} else {
Symbol 3291 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3302 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3321 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3321 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 3335 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3335 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 3347 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3347 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 3348 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 3348 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3348 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 3348 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3348 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
_root.s_car.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 829 MovieClip in Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s00_explosion.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3350 MovieClip Frame 144
Instance of Symbol 859 MovieClip "ArmsWin" in Symbol 3359 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
} else if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
Symbol 3360 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3376 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3376 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 3389 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3389 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 3401 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3401 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent.reload_A = false;
Symbol 3438 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3438 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 3460 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3460 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 3488 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3488 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 3488 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 3535 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.s02_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3535 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 3535 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 3552 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 3553 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3553 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3564 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3564 MovieClip Frame 6
sitFire = false;
Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 3605 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.s02_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3605 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 3605 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 3622 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 3630 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 3642 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3642 MovieClip Frame 5
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 3663 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3663 MovieClip Frame 8
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 3682 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3682 MovieClip Frame 7
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire = false;
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire = false;
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 3683 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3723 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 3723 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 3723 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3723 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3723 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3731 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 3731 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 3731 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3731 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3731 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s_dead_07.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3761 MovieClip Frame 37
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3766 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 3766 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 3766 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3766 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3766 MovieClip Frame 39
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Instance of Symbol 1447 MovieClip in Symbol 3776 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 0) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1895 MovieClip in Symbol 3776 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 2) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1896 MovieClip in Symbol 3776 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Harms.arms == 1) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3776 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.s_dead_00.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3776 MovieClip Frame 71
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
if (_root.Hero.lifeCount == 0) {
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {;
Symbol 3815 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
_root.s02_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3815 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 3815 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3815 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 25;
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 29
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 43
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 3858 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 3868 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 29
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 3907 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.s06_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 27;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 39
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 70
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 81
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 3964 MovieClip Frame 96
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.s06_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 27;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 39
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 70
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 81
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 3997 MovieClip Frame 96
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.s06_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 25
_parent.sSAttack = true;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 27;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 39
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize1 == true) {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize0 = true;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 70
if (_root.Hero.sSAttackOn == true) {
if (_root.sizeWin.resize0 == true) {
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
} else {
_root.sizeWin.resize1 = true;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 81
_parent.sSAttack = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
Symbol 4030 MovieClip Frame 96
Symbol 4038 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4038 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4038 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 4059 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4059 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4059 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 4072 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4072 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4072 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 4078 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4078 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4078 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 4114 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4114 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 4136 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s01_reload.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4136 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 4137 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 4167 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4167 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 4167 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 4190 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4190 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4190 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 4197 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4197 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4197 MovieClip Frame 15
sitFire = false;
Symbol 4205 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
_parent._parent.shootFire_A = false;
Symbol 4205 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 4247 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4247 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 4247 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 4266 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4283 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4290 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4290 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4290 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4305 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4305 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4305 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4330 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_A_shoot.start(0, 0);
Instance of Symbol 2121 MovieClip "A_hit" in Symbol 4330 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4330 MovieClip Frame 15
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
_parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire_A = false;
_parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 4331 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
_root.s02_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 25;
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 29
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 43
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 4391 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 29
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 4422 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 4433 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4433 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4455 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4455 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4472 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4472 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4487 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4487 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 4488 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 4520 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4520 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 4520 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 4550 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4550 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 4550 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 4561 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4561 MovieClip Frame 9
sitFire = false;
Symbol 4569 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4569 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4569 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 4620 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4620 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 4620 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 4631 MovieClip Frame 12
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4640 MovieClip Frame 4
_parent._parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4659 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4659 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4684 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4684 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4709 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_B_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4709 MovieClip Frame 9
if (speedY < 0) {
} else {
Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.shootFire = false;
Instance of Symbol 1863 MovieClip "jumpHit" in Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 2
_parent.shootFire = false;
Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 4710 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 4730 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
_root.s02_shoot.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4730 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 4730 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.s00_Punch.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4730 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 25;
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 29
_parent.sAttack01 = true;
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 43
_parent.sAttack01 = false; = false;
_root.street.sAction = false;
_root.heliArea.helicopter.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction = false;
_root.bossRobo.ballready = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs01 = false;
Symbol 4763 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.s02_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 8
_parent.sAttack02 = true;
Instance of Symbol 586 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 17
_parent.sAttack02 = false;
_root.mBoss.mBossAs02 = false;
_root.lastBoss.lastBossAs02 = false;
_root.street.sAction02 = false;
_root.bossRobo.sAction02 = false;
Symbol 4770 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s00_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 5;
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.s05_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.s03_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 29
fscommand ("shake", 10);
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 30
_parent.sAttack03 = true;
Symbol 4801 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 1
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "itemHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 27
gotoAndStop ("reload");
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 39
standFire2 = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 68
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 75
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 94
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 105
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 116
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 117
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 117
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 128
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 129
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 129
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 129
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 129
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 139
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 140
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 149
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "reloadXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 150
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 161
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 162
life = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "lifeXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 162
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 165
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 166
life = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 169
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 170
life = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 172
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 173
life = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 175
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 176
life = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 178
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 179
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 179
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 179
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 193
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "itemHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 193
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 193
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 206
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 219
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 231
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 232
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 233
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 234
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
Set("\u3163jumping", false);
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch01_A = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB01_A = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 234
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 234
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 234
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 246
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 247
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 248
standFire2 = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 249
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 250
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 250
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 251
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 252
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
shootFire_A = false;
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 252
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 252
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 253
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 253
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 254
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 255
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 255
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 255
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 256
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 256
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 257
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 257
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 257
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 258
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 259
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 260
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 261
standFire2 = true;
jumping = false;
Rjumping = false;
Set("\u3163jumping", false);
sitFire = false;
standPunch = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunch01_A = false;
standPunch02_A = false;
jumpKick = false;
life = true;
shootFire = false;
shootFire_A = false;
standPunchB = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchB01_A = false;
standPunchB02_A = false;
standPunchL = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchL01_A = false;
standPunchL02_A = false;
jumpKickB = false;
jumpKickL = false;
sAttack = false;
sAttack01 = false;
sAttack02 = false;
sAttack03 = false;
sSAttack = false;
standPunchC = false;
standPunchC01_A = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD = false;
standPunchD01_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
jumpKickC = false;
jumpKickD = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 261
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 261
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 270
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 271
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 271
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 272
standFire2 = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 273
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 274
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 274
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 274
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 274
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 275
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 276
sitFire = false;
shootFire = false;
standPunch2 = false;
standPunchB2 = false;
standPunchL2 = false;
standPunchC2 = false;
standPunchC02_A = false;
standPunchD2 = false;
standPunchD02_A = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 276
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 276
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 277
sitFire = true;
Instance of Symbol 193 MovieClip "fireXY" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 277
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 278
Instance of Symbol 1840 MovieClip "hit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 278
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 279
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 279
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 279
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 280
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 280
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 281
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "SHit2" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 281
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 731 MovieClip "MHit" in Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 281
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 282
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 283
Symbol 4802 MovieClip Frame 284
Symbol 4803 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4815 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4815 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 4815 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 4815 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 4815 MovieClip Frame 5
this._visible = false;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.helicopterDir = 2;
_parent._root.heliArea.helicopter.heliTypeFrame = 2;
Symbol 4816 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4816 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.s01_ending.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4816 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 4846 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4847 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4848 MovieClip Frame 1
id = 0;
Symbol 4848 MovieClip Frame 2
id = 1;
Symbol 4849 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.s00_ending.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4849 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.s01_sp.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4849 MovieClip Frame 53
Instance of Symbol 4848 MovieClip in Symbol 4849 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (load) {
age = 0;
age2 = 1;
id = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if (Key.isDown(40) && (age == 0)) {
age = 1;
_root.s00_menu.start(0, 0);
if ((!Key.isDown(38)) && (!Key.isDown(40))) {
age = 0;
if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 0)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
} else if ((Key.isDown(65) && (id == 1)) && (age2 == 0)) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
if (!Key.isDown(65)) {
age2 = 0;
Symbol 4856 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4856 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 4856 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4857 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);
Symbol 4862 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 4863 Button
on (release) {
_root.s01_menu.start(0, 0);