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Background Tutorial - RHA.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #54578

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

BACKGROUND TUTORIAL - - -  by stone  1/7/06

NOTE : Must have Flash player 8 to get the full potential
of this tutorial



by Travis Steven [ Stone ] (c)

rha (c)

Start off with a basic background color, say in
this case just a nice green color [c]

Now that you've gotten that, go to the eye
dropper tool on the left of the screen and
select your bg .

Next go to the color mixer on the side and drag
that color green you have up a tad so its a little
lighter than your outline. Once you've done that
fill your background with that lighter green.

Should look like so..

Now we select pencil tool in the tool section
and draw along where you believe where the
shading belongs like so.

Dont be scared if it doesnt look exactly like
mine, it'll be alright. Now go back to that
eyedropper tool and select that light green

Once you've done that, go to the color mixer
and raise the color tab bar up so the light
green becomes a little darker.

Now it should look like this..

Next grab your black arrow tool ( v ) and select
your pencil line and remove it.

There we go! Now you have a basic grass land,
lets go on to adding some sky behind us.

Start off by going into your color mixer section
on the left and where it says "type" [ default is
solid ] change that to "Linear."

On the far left of the linear color mixer section
you see a little black box with an arrow above it
and to the right the same box but white.
On the left change that black color by selecting
it and entering in this color number


Then do the same for the white box, select it
and change that color number to


Once you have that make a layer below your
current grass background layer and make a
box using the Square tool on the left in your

Should look like this so far.

Ok this might get tricky, now that you've made
this box with your new gradient you have to
find  this lock next to a box on tools section to
your left, make sure you have fill bucket
selected [ k ] and press that box with a lock on
it to enable you to change the fill direction of
your gradient sky. Looks similar to this.

Now with the fill bucket selected [ k ] click at
the top of your gradient sky and hold  down
while you drag down to the bottom of your

Should look like so.

So now you have your sky, lets go back and add
some detail, lets say a little lighting effect.

start off making a new layer and placing in this
layer a white box like this.

Doesnt have to be exact but it should be
similar, now select your white box like shape
and  make it a mc [ f 8 ]. Name it lighting.

Now your white box is a movie clip, this means
in flash 8 we can add a nice glow effect, go into
properties>Filters>Blur and put the settings to
Blur x : 35, and Blur Y : 40

Now that we have that, select your lighting
once again and go to " color " in the properties
section. [If you dont see that make sure you
have the black arrow [ v ] selected. ] It should
say default, "NONE" change that to alpha.

From here  change the alpha to about 25.

Should look somthign like that.

Now if you like you can stretch and transform
this light to make it larger and smaller by using
the free transform tool [ q ].

There that looks good.

Nearly done, now lets go back and add some
small grassland details.... such as grass, rocks,
and bushes etc..

Start off and select your green outline once
again with your eyedropper tool. Once selected
make the green color a little darker using your
color mixer tab.

Great, now just gradually make small grass like
sketches on your grassland.

here we go..

some there..

Little over there..

continue drawing your grass..

There that looks about right. Now lets add in
some rocks. Start off by finding a nice grey or
brown color, in this case ill be using a grey

simply just go back to your grassland layer and
draw in a nice rock like shape.

Now once again select your eyedropper tool
and select your rock outline. Then go to the
color mixer on the left and and make the grey [
or brown ] color a little lighter.

and then fill your rocks in with that lighter

look'n good, now all we have to do is shade the
rocks. Grab your pencil tool on the left of your
screen and pencil where you believe the
shading belongs on your rocks.

That seems about right.

Now select your fill color once again with the
eye dropper tool and go to your color mixer and
make that color a bit darker.

Like so...

Now get your black arrow tool [ v ] and remove
those penciled in lines.

Great! Now make a new layer behind your rock
layer ( or if you drew your rock on the same
layer has your grass land make the layer
behind that ) and find a nice green and make a
bush outline.

Good, now once again get your eyedropper tool
and select your green outline, make the green
a tad lighter by going into your color mixer, and
fill your bush with the fill bucket tool [ k ].

Alright, now select the pencil tool and draw
your outline where you believe the shading
should go. Next get the eyedropper and select
the inside of your bush, go to color mixer, and
make that green color a tad darker.

Should look like so.... Simliar to the other steps

And yes you guessed it, now get your black
arrow tool and remove the black pencil.

For a final touch up i usually make a layer
behind everything EXCEPT my sky layer and
create a mountain outline.

With that drawn out we'll repeat the previous
steps .

Eye dropper your mountain color if its not
already selected , go to color mixer, lighten
that color, fill, outline where shading belongs
with the pencil tool, eye dropper that fill color,
darken it in the color mixer and fill bucket
where you put your shading. Then remove the
pencil outline.

few ok, something a little different now. Select
your mountain layer and make it a movie clip by
hitting [ f8 ]. Once a movie clip go to
Properties>FIlter>Blur. wait for next step..

now its blurred nicely.

To finish things out, select your mountain and
go to properties>color>tint and change the tint
to about 80, to give it that out of focus look.

Great job! I hoped you learned somthing and all
of the rha crew appreciate the support and
stay updated on events and animations at
thank you.
- Travis steven [ Stone ]
_ music by "Blur " album "13" song "Trailor

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 59
Symbol 5 Button
on (release) { getURL (""); }
Symbol 13 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }
Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 29 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 38 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 45 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", _blank); }
Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }

Library Items

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FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


"loaded"Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 21/4 -2019 14:24:04 Last modified: 21/4 -2019 14:24:04 Server time: 28/02 -2025 01:57:57