Frame 1
function doSomething() {
getURL ("", "_blank");
function doSomething2() {
getURL ("", "blank");
function doSomething3() {
getURL ("", "_blank");
MENU = new ContextMenu();
Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("Eggys Games", doSomething);
Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem("Pinenana", doSomething2);
Functioned3 = new ContextMenuItem("Armor Games", doSomething3);
MENU.builtInItems.quality = true; = MENU;
_root.sound = true;
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 3
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip in Frame 4
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 111 MovieClip in Frame 5
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 6
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
var pv;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
pv = ((fv == 5) ? (getVersion()) : (System.capabilities.version));
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(pv)) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
_root.easymode = false;
_root.hardmode = false;
_root.massmoney = false;
__com_mochibot__("20ba3c1a", this, 10301, true);
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Frame 7
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("voiceact", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Frame 8
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("mainmain", this);
another.start(0, 1E18);
_root.currentblock = 1;
if (_root.massmoney == true) { = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
if (_root.massmoney == false) { = 65;
if (_root.easymode == true) {
_root.easier = 2;
if (_root.easymode == false) {
_root.easier = 1;
if (_root.hardmode == true) {
_root.harder = 2;
if (_root.hardmode == false) {
_root.harder = 1;
_root.level = 1;
_root.swordexp = 1;
_root.frameselecter = 8;
_root.sworddamage = 15;
_root.sword2damage = 25;
_root.sword3damage = 38;
_root.sword4damage = 55;
_root.sword5damage = 70;
_root.blowdamage = 18;
_root.cowdamage = 140;
_root.arrowstrike = 40;
_root.iceblockdamage = 90;
_root.eyedamage = 14;
_root.demondamage = 100;
_root.boulderdamage = 65;
_root.godballdamage = 150;
_root.lightningdamage = 1200;
_root.spelltwomp = 3;
_root.spellthreemp = 5;
_root.spellfourmp = 12;
_root.spellfivemp = 5;
_root.spellsixmp = 30;
_root.spellsevenmp = 30;
_root.spelleightmp = 25;
_root.spellninemp = 35;
_root.spelltenmp = 99;
_root.cannonballdamage = 125;
_root.antiairdamage = 195;
_root.tntdamage = 400;
_root.blockone = 1;
_root.blocktwo = 5;
_root.blockthree = 10;
_root.blockfour = 35;
_root.blockfive = 60;
_root.blocksix = 60;
_root.blockseven = 70;
_root.blockeight = 145;
_root.blocknine = 150;
_root.blockten = 300;
_root.enemyonehp = (20 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwohp = (80 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemythreehp = (110 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyfourhp = (170 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyfivehp = (200 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemysixhp = (200 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemysevenhp = (300 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyeighthp = (350 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyninehp = (600 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytenhp = (600 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyelevenhp = (900 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwelvehp = (2200 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemythirteenhp = (1800 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyfourteenhp = (1300 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyfifteenhp = (600 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemysixteenhp = (1000 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyseventeenhp = (300 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemyeighteenhp = (600 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemynineteenhp = (400 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwentyhp = (2200 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwentyonehp = (2900 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwentytwohp = (2400 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwentythreehp = (2000 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.enemytwentyfourhp = (20000 / _root.easier) * _root.harder;
_root.swordmaxexp = 350;
_root.swordmaxexp2 = 800;
_root.swordmaxexp3 = 1400;
_root.swordmaxexp4 = 2200;
thesetter = false;
nextenemy = 0;
spawnother = true;
_root.rego = false;
_root.falling = 0;
_root.i = 0;
_root.c = 0;
_root.a = 0;
_root.b = 0;
_root.maxbox = 84;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
_root.globallimit = 0;
_root.theside = 0;
_root.wavego = false;
_root.kkk = false;
_root.fighting = false;
_root.doonce = false;
_root.mainmaxhp = 100;
_root.mainhp = 100;
_root.mainmaxmp = 100;
_root.mainmp = 100;
_root.buyicon = false;
_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel = 1;
_root.spell2unlock = false;
_root.spell3unlock = false;
_root.spell4unlock = false;
_root.spell5unlock = false;
_root.spell6unlock = false;
_root.spell7unlock = false;
_root.spell8unlock = false;
_root.spell9unlock = false;
_root.spell10unlock = false;
_root.ui.selectionbar.groundturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blockeight;
_root.ui.selectionbar.airturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blocknine;
spawnenemyone = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyone, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyone, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwo = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwo, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwo, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemythree = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemythree, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemythree, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyfour = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfour, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfour, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyfive = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfive, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfive, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemysix = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemysix, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemysix, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyseven = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyseven, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyseven, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyeight = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeight, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeight, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemynine = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemynine, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemynine, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyten = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyten, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyten, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyeleven = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeleven, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeleven, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwelve = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwelve, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwelve, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemythirteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemythirteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemythirteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyfourteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfourteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfourteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyfifteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfifteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyfifteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemysixteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemysixteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemysixteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyseventeen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyseventeen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyseventeen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemyeighteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeighteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemyeighteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemynineteen = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemynineteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemynineteen, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwenty = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwenty, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwenty, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwentyone = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentyone, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentyone, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwentytwo = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentytwo, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentytwo, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwentythree = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentythree, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentythree, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
spawnenemytwentyfour = function () {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.enemytwentyfour, "newenemyone" + _root.a, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.a = _root.a + 1;
_root.globallimit = _root.globallimit + 1;
enemyhitblock = function (myhit) {
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 1)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 100;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 2)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 50;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 3)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 60;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 4)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 40;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 5)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 6)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 20;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 7)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 30;
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp + 1;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 8)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 40;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 9)) {
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 40;
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(myhit) and (_root["newblock" + i]._currentframe == 10)) {
_root.mainhp = _root.mainhp - 5;
_root["newblock" + i].myalpha = _root["newblock" + i].myalpha - 5;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((_root.level == 41) and (_root.winfade._currentframe == 1)) {
if (_root.blockeight <= 100) {
_root.blockeight = 145;
_root.ui.selectionbar.groundturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blockeight;
if (_root.blockeight >= 9280) {
_root.blockeight = 9280;
_root.ui.selectionbar.groundturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blockeight;
if (_root.blocknine <= 100) {
_root.blocknine = 150;
_root.ui.selectionbar.airturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blocknine;
if (_root.blocknine >= 9600) {
_root.blocknine = 9600;
_root.ui.selectionbar.airturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blocknine;
if (((_root.enemiesscreen <= 0) and (_root.doonce == true)) and (thesetter == true)) {
nextenemy = 0;
_root.level = _root.level + 1;
_root.fighting = false;
_root.doonce = false;
_root.wavego = false;
spawnother = true;
if (_root.i > 84) {
_root.i = 0;
if (_root.a >= 20) {
_root.a = 0;
if ((_root.globaltimer > 80) and (_root.wavego == true)) {
if ((_root.level == 1) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 2) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 3) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
_root.globaltimer = 0;
thesetter = true;
if ((_root.level == 4) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 5) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 6) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 7) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 8) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 9) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 10) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 11) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfive()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 12) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfour()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 13) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemynine()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 14) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 15) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeight()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 16) and (_root.globallimit < 6)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 4;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 17) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemysix()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 18) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemynine()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemynine()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemynine()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemynine()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 19) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyseven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 20) and (_root.globallimit < 4)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 4;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 21) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 22) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 23) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 24) and (_root.globallimit < 6)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 6;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 25) and (_root.globallimit < 2)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 2;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentyone()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 26) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 27) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 28) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 29) and (_root.globallimit < 6)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 6;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 30) and (_root.globallimit < 10)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 10;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 31) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 32) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyfifteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemysixteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyseventeen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemynineteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 33) and (_root.globallimit < 6)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 6;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 34) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemyten()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyeighteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 35) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemyeleven()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 36) and (_root.globallimit < 4)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 4;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 37) and (_root.globallimit < 14)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 14;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 38) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 6) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 7) ? (spawnenemytwentythree()) : null);
((nextenemy == 8) ? (spawnenemytwentytwo()) : null);
((nextenemy == 9) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 39) and (_root.globallimit < 20)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 12;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentyone()) : null);
((nextenemy == 1) ? (spawnenemytwenty()) : null);
((nextenemy == 2) ? (spawnenemyfourteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 3) ? (spawnenemythirteen()) : null);
((nextenemy == 4) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
((nextenemy == 5) ? (spawnenemytwelve()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
if ((_root.level == 40) and (_root.globallimit < 12)) {
if (thesetter == false) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 3;
((nextenemy == 0) ? (spawnenemytwentyfour()) : null);
thesetter = true;
_root.globaltimer = 0;
Instance of Symbol 232 MovieClip "drop" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = true;
bob = 0;
checker = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (timer == false) {
if (bob > 6) {
bob = 0;
timer = true;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (press) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
if (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 1) {
b = 0;
while (b < 100) {
if (_root["newblock" + _root.i]) {
_root.i = _root.i + 1;
if (_root["newblock" + b].hit.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse + 40, true)) {
checker = true;
if (((timer == true) and (_root.maxbox > 0)) and (checker == false)) {
if ((((((((((((_root.currentblock == 1) and ( >= _root.blockone)) or ((_root.currentblock == 2) and ( >= _root.blocktwo))) or ((_root.currentblock == 3) and ( >= _root.blockthree))) or ((_root.currentblock == 4) and ( >= _root.blockfour))) or ((_root.currentblock == 5) and ( >= _root.blockfive))) or ((_root.currentblock == 6) and ( >= _root.blocksix))) or ((_root.currentblock == 7) and ( >= _root.blockseven))) or ((_root.currentblock == 8) and ( >= _root.blockeight))) or ((_root.currentblock == 9) and ( >= _root.blocknine))) or ((_root.currentblock == 10) and ( >= _root.blockten))) or ((_root.helpbox._currentframe == 2) and (_root.currentblock == 10))) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.block, "newblock" + _root.i, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if (_root.currentblock == 1) { = - _root.blockone;
if (_root.currentblock == 2) { = - _root.blocktwo;
if (_root.currentblock == 3) { = - _root.blockthree;
if (_root.currentblock == 4) { = - _root.blockfour;
if (_root.currentblock == 5) { = - _root.blockfive;
if (_root.currentblock == 6) { = - _root.blocksix;
if (_root.currentblock == 7) { = - _root.blockseven;
if (_root.currentblock == 8) { = - _root.blockeight;
if (_root.blockeight < 9280) {
_root.blockeight = _root.blockeight + _root.blockeight;
_root.ui.selectionbar.groundturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blockeight;
if (_root.currentblock == 9) { = - _root.blocknine;
if (_root.blocknine < 9480) {
_root.blocknine = _root.blocknine + _root.blocknine;
_root.ui.selectionbar.airturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blocknine;
if ((_root.currentblock == 10) and (_root.kkk == true)) {
_root.mainmaxhp = _root.mainmaxhp + 100;
_root.mainhp = _root.mainhp + 100; = - _root.blockten;
_root.i = _root.i + 1;
_root.maxbox = _root.maxbox - 1;
timer = false;
checker = false;
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "enemyseven" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyseven";
gold = 8;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 309 MovieClip "block" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "block") {
_visible = true;
myalpha = 100;
if (((_currentframe == 10) and (_root.kkk == false)) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 2)) {
_root.kkk = true;
frick = true;
dropspeed = 10;
soundonce = false;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = (_root._ymouse + 50);
go = true;
XN = 120;
YN = 200;
W = 20;
H = 20;
if ((_x <= (_root.grid._x + XN)) and (_x >= _root.grid._x)) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
if (_x <= _root.grid._x) {
_x = _root.grid._x;
} else if (_x >= (_root.grid._x + XN)) {
_x = (_root.grid._x + XN);
if ((_y <= (_root.grid._y + YN)) and (_y >= _root.grid._y)) {
_y = _root._ymouse;
if (_y <= _root.grid._y) {
_y = _root.grid._y;
} else if (_y >= (_root.grid._y + YN)) {
_y = (_root.grid._y + YN);
if (((_x - _root.grid._x) % W) <= (W / 2)) {
_x = (_x - ((_x - _root.grid._x) % W));
} else {
_x = (_x + (W - ((_x - _root.grid._x) % W)));
if (((_y - _root.grid._y) % H) <= (H / 2)) {
_y = (_y - ((_y - _root.grid._y) % H));
} else {
_y = (_y + (H - ((_y - _root.grid._y) % H)));
testing = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (testing == true) {
_alpha = myalpha;
if (_alpha <= 0) {
if (_currentframe == 8) {
_root.blockeight = _root.blockeight - (_root.blockeight / 2);
_root.ui.selectionbar.groundturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blockeight;
if (_currentframe == 9) {
_root.blocknine = _root.blocknine - (_root.blocknine / 2);
_root.ui.selectionbar.airturretpricetext = "$" + _root.blocknine;
_root.maxbox = _root.maxbox + 1;
_root.rego = true;
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
frick = false;
go = false;
if ((((((((((((((_root.rego == true) and (!holdname.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname2.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname3.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname4.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname5.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname6.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname7.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname8.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname9.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname10.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (!holdname11.hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true))) and (frick == true)) and (go == false)) {
_y = (_y + dropspeed);
if ((_name != "block") and (go == true)) {
_y = (_y + dropspeed);
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
go = false;
if (soundonce == false) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("drop", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
b = 0;
while (b < 85) {
if (_root["newblock" + b].hit.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true)) {
if (soundonce == false) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("drop", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
holdname = _root["newblock" + b];
holdname2 = _root["newblock" + b].holdname;
holdname3 = holdname2.holdname;
holdname4 = holdname3.holdname;
holdname5 = holdname4.holdname;
holdname6 = holdname5.holdname;
holdname7 = holdname6.holdname;
holdname8 = holdname7.holdname;
holdname9 = holdname8.holdname;
holdname10 = holdname9.holdname;
holdname11 = holdname10.holdname;
go = false;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 317 MovieClip "cannonball" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "cannonball") {
_visible = true;
speed = 9;
timer = 3;
_alpha = 0;
gravity = 0;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 2) {
this.cacheAsBitmap = false;
gravity = gravity + 0.4;
if (timer <= 0) {
_alpha = 100;
if ((_name != "cannonball") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
_x = (_x - (Math.cos((_rotation * Math.PI) / 180) * speed));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin((_rotation * Math.PI) / 180) * speed));
_y = (_y + gravity);
if ((((_x > 800) or (_x < 0)) or (_y > 450)) or (_y < 0)) {
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 8, true)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip "myarrow" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "myarrow") {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("arrowshootsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_visible = true;
speed = 9;
timer = 3;
_alpha = 0;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(_x, _y, true) and (_root["newenemyone" + i]._currentframe != 3)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.antiairdamage;
if (timer <= 0) {
_alpha = 100;
if ((_name != "myarrow") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
_x = (_x - (Math.cos((_rotation * Math.PI) / 180) * speed));
_y = (_y - (Math.sin((_rotation * Math.PI) / 180) * speed));
if ((((_x > 800) or (_x < 0)) or (_y > 450)) or (_y < 0)) {
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 8, true)) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 334 MovieClip "enemyten" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyten";
gold = 20;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
flying = true;
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_xscale = (-scale);
_y = (random(200) + 110);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
ktimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
if (ktimer > 10) {
knock = false;
ktimer = 0;
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 550)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 28, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 28, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 28, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 28, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 19)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((_root.fighting == true) or (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 1)) or (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 2)) {
_alpha = 20;
} else {
_alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "enemysixteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemysixteen";
gold = 20;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 414 MovieClip "enemyfifteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyfifteen";
gold = 20;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 2;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 110) and (_x < 700)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 150, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 150, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 150, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 150, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit2)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 50)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 435 MovieClip "enemytwelve" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwelve";
gold = 25;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(this) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(this) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 210) and (_x < 600)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 80, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 80, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 80, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 80, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 50)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 465 MovieClip "enemyeleven" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyeleven";
gold = 20;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 511 MovieClip "enemyfourteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyfourteen";
gold = 25;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -75;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (_currentframe == 1) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x > 50) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < 750) {
gotoAndStop (2);
_x = (_x - speed);
if (_currentframe == 2) {
if ((side == 0) and (_x < 50)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if ((side == 1) and (_x > 750)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 538 MovieClip "enemyseventeen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyseventeen";
gold = 10;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 3;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 3;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 5, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 5, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 5, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 5, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 570 MovieClip "enemyeighteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyeighteen";
gold = 20;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 250) and (_x < 550)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 573 MovieClip "enemynineteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemynineteen";
gold = 10;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("eggsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 3;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 3;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 5, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 5, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 5, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 5, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (3);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 596 MovieClip "enemytwenty" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwenty";
gold = 40;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 160) and (_x < 600)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 70, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 70, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 70, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 70, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 49)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 640 MovieClip "enemytwentyone" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwentyone";
gold = 65;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1.5;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -150;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 180) and (_x < 600)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 80, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 80, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 80, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 80, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 65)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 645 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.sound == false) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (press) {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
_root.sound = false;
gotoAndStop (2);
} else if (_currentframe == 2) {
_root.sound = true;
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("mainmain", this);
another.start(0, 1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 653 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (press) {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
_quality = "LOW";
} else if (_currentframe == 2) {
_quality = "MEDIUM";
} else {
_currentframe == 3;
gotoAndStop (1);
_quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 668 MovieClip "enemythirteen" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemythirteen";
gold = 40;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(this) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(this) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 110) and (_x < 700)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 70, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 70, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 70, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 70, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit2)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 50)) and (trapped == false)) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 699 MovieClip "enemytwentyfour" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwentyfour";
gold = 180;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 250) and (_x < 550)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 712 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fighting == true) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 777 MovieClip "ico" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
clickattack = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.buyicon == true) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else {
gotoAndStop(_root.currentblock + 1);
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
if (_root.fighting == true) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
if (_y < 385) {
_root.buyicon = false;
if (_x > 430) {
_xscale = scale;
if (_x < 430) {
_xscale = (-scale);
} else {
_xscale = scale;
if (_x < 407) {
_xscale = (-scale);
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {;
_x = -217;
_y = -150;
if (((_root.fighting == true) and (_y < 380)) and (clickattack == true)) {
if ((_root.currentblock == 1) and (sword._currentframe == 1)) {
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
clickattack = false;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
clickattack = true;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_y < 360)) {
if ((_root.currentblock == 1) and (sword._currentframe == 1)) {
if ((((_root.currentblock == 2) and (wind._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spelltwomp)) and (_root.spell2unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spelltwomp;
if ((((_root.currentblock == 3) and (incow._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellthreemp)) and (_root.spell3unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellthreemp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.cow, "newcow" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 4) and (target._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellfourmp)) and (_root.spell4unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellfourmp;
_root.armove = 0;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.arrow, "newarrow" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.armove = _root.armove + 13;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.arrow, "newarrow" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.armove = _root.armove + 13;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.arrow, "newarrow" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 5) and (ice._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellfivemp)) and (_root.spell5unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellfivemp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.icecube, "newicecube" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 6) and (hole._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellsixmp)) and (_root.spell6unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellsixmp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.blackhole, "newblackhole" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 7) and (boulderrelease._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellsevenmp)) and (_root.spell7unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellsevenmp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.boulder, "newboulder" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 8) and (lightning._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spelleightmp)) and (_root.spell8unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spelleightmp;
if ((((_root.currentblock == 9) and (god._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spellninemp)) and (_root.spell9unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spellninemp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.godball, "newgodball" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
if ((((_root.currentblock == 10) and (demongod._currentframe == 1)) and (_root.mainmp >= _root.spelltenmp)) and (_root.spell10unlock == true)) {
_root.mainmp = _root.mainmp - _root.spelltenmp;
duplicateMovieClip (_root.legs, "newlegs" + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth());
Instance of Symbol 793 MovieClip "enemynine" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemynine";
gold = 12;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5000;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 798 MovieClip "cow" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "cow") {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("cowsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
scale = _xscale;
if (_root.ico._x > 400) {
_xscale = scale;
bob = true;
} else if (_root.ico._x < 400) {
_xscale = (-scale);
bob = false;
_visible = true;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
speed = 9;
timer = 3;
gravity = 0;
switcher = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_name != "cow") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
switcher = random(10);
if ((switcher == 2) and _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) {
fred = random(5) + 5;
gravity = -fred;
if (bob == true) {
_x = (_x + 1);
if (bob == false) {
_x = (_x - 1);
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (timer > 100) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 800 MovieClip "arrow" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "arrow") {
_root.playonce = true;
_y = -174;
scale = _xscale;
if (_root.ico._x > 400) {
_x = ((_root._xmouse - 420) + _root.armove);
bob = true;
X = (_root._xmouse - _x) + _root.armove;
Y = _root._ymouse - _y;
} else if (_root.ico._x < 400) {
_x = ((_root._xmouse + 420) - _root.armove);
bob = false;
X = (_root._xmouse - _x) - _root.armove;
Y = _root._ymouse - _y;
_visible = true;
_y = (-100 - _root.armove);
speed = 15;
timer = 3;
gravity = 0;
switcher = 0;
_root.armove = _root.armove + 10;
angle = Math.atan2(Y, X);
_rotation = (((angle * 180) / Math.PI) - 180);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_name != "arrow") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) {
_x = (_x + (Math.cos(angle) * speed));
_y = (_y + (Math.sin(angle) * speed));
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this) and (_root["newenemyone" + i]._currentframe != 3)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.arrowstrike;
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (timer > 100) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) {
if (_root.playonce == true) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("bowimpact", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.playonce = false;
_alpha = (_alpha - 10);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 806 MovieClip "icecube" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "icecube") {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("icedispens", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
scale = _xscale;
if (_root.ico._x > 400) {
_xscale = scale;
bob = true;
} else if (_root.ico._x < 400) {
_xscale = (-scale);
bob = false;
_visible = true;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
speed = 9;
timer = 0;
gravity = 0;
switcher = 0;
hit = false;
timer2 = 0;
nomoredrop = false;
mytime = false;
rofl = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_name != "icecube") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
if (hit == false) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(hitt) and (_root["newenemyone" + i].trapped == false)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].trapped = true;
_root["newenemyone" + i].speed = 0;
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.iceblockdamage;
tempname = _root["newenemyone" + i];
mytime = true;
gotoAndStop (2);
hit = true;
if (mytime == true) {
if (rofl > 2) {
nomoredrop = true;
if (nomoredrop == false) {
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
if (hit == true) {
tempname.speed = 0;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
if (timer > 200) {
tempname.speed = 1;
tempname.trapped = false;
if (timer2 > 500) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 809 MovieClip "blackhole" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "blackhole") {
_visible = true;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
timer = 0;
speed = 9;
timer = 3;
gravity = 0;
switcher = 0;
gotone = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_name != "blackhole") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
if (gotone == false) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if ((_root["newenemyone" + i]._currentframe != 3) and _root["newenemyone" + i].hitTest(myhit)) {
tempname = _root["newenemyone" + i];
gotone = true;
if (gotone == true) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("lasersound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.drawer.lineStyle(2, 16711680, 100);
_root.drawer.moveTo(_x, _y, true);
_root.drawer.lineTo(tempname._x, tempname._y, true);
tempname.hp = tempname.hp - _root.eyedamage;
if (tempname._currentframe == 3) {
gotone = false;
if (timer > 100) {
tempname.trapped = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 811 MovieClip "boulder" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
soundonce = false;
_visible = false;
if (_name != "boulder") {
scale = _xscale;
if (_root.ico._x > 400) {
_xscale = scale;
bob = true;
} else if (_root.ico._x < 400) {
_xscale = (-scale);
bob = false;
_visible = true;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
speed = 5;
jumpheight = 10;
timer = 0;
gravity = 0;
switcher = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_name != "boulder") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
switcher = random(10);
if ((switcher == 2) and _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) {
fred = random(5) + 5;
gravity = -fred;
if (bob == true) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_rotation = (_rotation + 5);
if (bob == false) {
_x = (_x - speed);
_rotation = (_rotation - 5);
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 18, true) and (gravity > 1)) {
gravity = (-gravity) / 2;
jumpheight = jumpheight - 2;
if (soundonce == false) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("rockexplode", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 15, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
if ((((_x > 850) or (_x < -50)) or (_y > 450)) or (_y < 0)) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 1116 MovieClip "legs" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "legs") {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("evil", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
scale = _xscale;
if (_root.ico._x > 400) {
_xscale = scale;
bob = true;
_x = 0;
} else if (_root.ico._x < 400) {
_xscale = (-scale);
bob = false;
_x = 600;
_y = 160;
_visible = true;
speed = 4;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "legs") {
if (bob == true) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (_x > 1250) {
if (bob == false) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if (_x < -350) {
Instance of Symbol 1117 MovieClip "godball" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "godball") {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("godball", this);
another.start(0, 1);
soundonce = true;
_visible = true;
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "godball") {
if (_currentframe >= 29) {
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 1122 MovieClip "enemyone" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyone";
gold = 1;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 850) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -50) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1149 MovieClip "enemytwo" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwo";
gold = 2;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 850) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -50) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1177 MovieClip "enemyfour" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyfour";
gold = 5;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 850) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -50) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1192 MovieClip "enemythree" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemythree";
gold = 4;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 850) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -50) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1205 MovieClip "enemyfive" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyfive";
gold = 6;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 850) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -50) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 20, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1228 MovieClip "enemyeight" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemyeight";
gold = 10;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 2;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1240 MovieClip "enemysix" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemysix";
gold = 7;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
flying = true;
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_xscale = (-scale);
_y = (random(200) + 110);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
ktimer = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
if (ktimer > 10) {
knock = false;
ktimer = 0;
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 310) and (_x < 500)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x + 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hitTest(_x - 15, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if (((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (!tempname2.hitTest(hit))) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 19)) and (trapped == false)) {
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
swinging = false;
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1245 MovieClip "trebcan" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
if (_name != "trebcan") {
_visible = true;
speed = 9;
timer = 3;
gravity = -20;
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_currentframe == 2) {
this.cacheAsBitmap = false;
gravity = gravity + 1;
if ((_name != "trebcan") and (_currentframe == 1)) {
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
_y = (_y + gravity);
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
_y = (_y + gravity);
if ((((_x > 800) or (_x < 0)) or (_y > 450)) or (_y < 0)) {
if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 8, true)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(hit)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
Instance of Symbol 1249 MovieClip "enemytwentytwo" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwentytwo";
gold = 80;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 250) and (_x < 550)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1259 MovieClip "enemytwentythree" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
thisname = "enemytwentythree";
gold = 80;
_visible = false;
if (_name != thisname) {
_visible = true;
knock = false;
if (_root.theside == 1) {
_root.theside = 0;
} else if (_root.theside == 0) {
_root.theside = 1;
side = _root.theside;
speed = 1;
gravity = 0;
proceed = false;
swinging = false;
scale = _xscale;
if (side == 0) {
_x = -45;
_y = 284;
_xscale = scale;
if (side == 1) {
_x = 920;
_y = 284;
_xscale = (-scale);
hp = _root[thisname + "hp"];
maxhp = hp;
trapped = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((knock == true) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x + 4);
Percent = (hp / maxhp) * 100;
hpbar._xscale = Percent;
if ((hp < 1) and (_currentframe != 3)) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if (_currentframe == 3) {
_alpha = (_alpha - 2);
if (_alpha <= 10) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if ((_currentframe != 3) and (_name != thisname)) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_x < -100) {
_x = -100;
if (_x > 900) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (side == 1) {
if (_x < -100) {
_root.enemiesscreen = _root.enemiesscreen - 1;
if (_x > 900) {
_x = 900;
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
_y = (_y + gravity);
while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) {
_y = (_y-1);
gravity = 0;
knock = false;
if (side == 0) {
_x = (_x + speed);
if (side == 1) {
_x = (_x - speed);
if ((tempname.hitTest(hit) and (tempname._currentframe == 3)) or (tempname2.hitTest(hit) and (tempname2._currentframe == 3))) {
hp = hp - 5;
if (((_x > 250) and (_x < 550)) and (swinging == false)) {
speed = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < 85) {
if (side == 0) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x + 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (side == 1) {
if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 25, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
tempname2 = _root["newblock" + i].holdname;
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
} else if (_root["newblock" + i].hit.hitTest(_x - 30, _y - 15, true)) {
tempname = _root["newblock" + i];
gotoAndStop (2);
speed = 0;
swinging = true;
if ((((!tempname.hitTest(hit)) and (swinging == true)) and (swing._currentframe >= 30)) and (trapped == false)) {
swinging = false;
speed = 1;
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root._currentframe != _root.frameselecter) {
onClipEvent (load) {
level = _root.level;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (level != _root.level) {
Instance of Symbol 1372 MovieClip "description" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
stopper = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
bob = _root.cover.selection._currentframe;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (stopper == false)) {
bob = _root.cover.selection._currentframe + 10;
Instance of Symbol 1390 MovieClip "helpbox" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 1) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 2) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 3) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 4) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 5) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 6) {
if (_root.UI.wave == 7) {
Instance of Symbol 1391 MovieClip "drawer" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip "fade" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Instance of Symbol 1393 MovieClip "deathfade" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Instance of Symbol 1394 MovieClip "winfade" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bob = _root.getNextHighestDepth();
Frame 9
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("gameovermusic", this);
another.start(0, 999999);
Frame 10
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("victory", this);
another.start(0, 999999);
if ((_root.massmoney == false) and (_root.easymode == true)) {
_root.kongregateStats.submit("beateasy", 1);
if ((_root.massmoney == false) and (_root.easymode == false)) {
_root.kongregateStats.submit("beatnormal", 1);
if ((_root.massmoney == false) and (_root.hardmode == true)) {
_root.kongregateStats.submit("beathard", 1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 81
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 118
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) { = 100;
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 192 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "blank");
Symbol 198 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 100) {
_root.massmoney = true;
_root.easymode = false;
Symbol 201 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 100) {
Symbol 204 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 100) {
_root.easymode = true;
_root.massmoney = false;
Symbol 207 Button
on (press) {
if ( == 100) {
_root.hardmode = true;
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.fighting == true) {;
if (_root.fighting == false) {;
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 225 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.swinging = false;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("die3", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 295 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.cowdamage;
_root["newenemyone" + i].gravity = -6;
_root["newenemyone" + i].knock = true;
Symbol 295 MovieClip Frame 39
_parent._parent.testing = true;
Symbol 295 MovieClip Frame 46
_parent._parent.testing = true;
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 296 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("explosion1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 302 MovieClip in Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
bob = false;
timer = random(100) + 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fighting == true) {
if (bob == false) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (((((_root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x) < 400) and (bob == false)) and (timer < 0)) and (_root["newenemyone" + i]._y > 330)) {
Y = (_root["newenemyone" + i]._y - _parent._y) - 350;
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].side == 0) {
X = (_root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x) + 20;
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].side == 1) {
X = (_root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x) - 20;
angle = Math.atan2(Y, X);
_rotation = (((angle * 180) / Math.PI) - 180);
bob = true;
if ((bob == true) and (timer < 0)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.cannonball, "newcannonball" + _root.b, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
tempname = _root["newcannonball" + _root.b];
tempname._x = _parent._x;
tempname._y = _parent._y - 10;
tempname._rotation = _rotation;
timer = random(100) + 50;
bob = false;
if (_root.sound == true) {
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 9
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip in Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
bob = false;
timer = random(10) + 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fighting == true) {
if (bob == false) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if ((((((_root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x) < 400) and (bob == false)) and (timer < 0)) and (_root["newenemyone" + i].flying == true)) and (_root["newenemyone" + i]._currentframe != 3)) {
Y = _root["newenemyone" + i]._y - _parent._y;
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].side == 0) {
X = _root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x;
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].side == 1) {
X = _root["newenemyone" + i]._x - _parent._x;
angle = Math.atan2(Y, X);
_rotation = (((angle * 180) / Math.PI) - 180);
bob = true;
if ((bob == true) and (timer < 0)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_root.myarrow, "newmyarrow" + _root.b, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
tempname = _root["newmyarrow" + _root.b];
tempname._x = _parent._x;
tempname._y = _parent._y - 10;
tempname._rotation = _rotation;
timer = random(10) + 100;
bob = false;
Symbol 309 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 311 MovieClip Frame 39
_parent._parent.testing = true;
Symbol 311 MovieClip Frame 46
_parent._parent.testing = true;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.cannonballdamage;
Symbol 316 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("explosion1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 332 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 333 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Symbol 340 Button
on (press) {
if (((((_root.fighting == false) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe != 2)) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe != 1)) and (_root.fade._currentframe == 1)) or ((((_root.fighting == false) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe != 2)) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe != 1)) and (_root.fade._currentframe == 21))) {
_root.enemiesscreen = 20;
_root.thesetter = false;
_root.fighting = true;
_root.currentblock = 1;
_root.globallimit = 0;
_root.mainmp = 100;
_root.currentblock = 1;
_root.buyicon = false;
if (_root.level == 1) {
_root.globaltimer = -50;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("battlestart", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.doonce = true;
_root.wavego = true;
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 38
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("horse", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 48
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("kill3", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 433 MovieClip Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("skeletonsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 486 MovieClip in Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 21
duplicateMovieClip (_root.trebcan, "newtrebcan" + _root.c, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
tempname = _root["newtrebcan" + _root.c];
tempname._x = _parent._x;
tempname._y = _parent._y - 60;
tempname.side = _parent.side;
_root.c = _root.c + 1;
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 507 MovieClip in Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Percent = (_parent.hp / _parent.maxhp) * 10;
remainder = 10 - Math.round(Percent);
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("woodbreak", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.cowdamage;
_root["newenemyone" + i].gravity = -6;
_root["newenemyone" + i].knock = true;
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 5
_parent._parent.testing = true;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip in Symbol 537 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 537 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("explosion1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 538 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 569 MovieClip Frame 38
Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("horse", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip in Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 572 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 573 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 573 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("explosion1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 573 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 594 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 595 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("skeletonsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 639 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("bigdeath", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 640 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 645 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 653 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 658 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 661 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 664 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 665 MovieClip Frame 97
Symbol 667 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 658 MovieClip "fire" in Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Percent = (_parent.hp / _parent.maxhp) * 10;
remainder = 10 - Math.round(Percent);
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
Instance of Symbol 667 MovieClip in Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 696 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 698 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 699 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("bigdeath", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 704 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 705 MovieClip Frame 1
tup = 1;
Symbol 705 MovieClip Frame 2
time = int(getTimer() / 1000);
timer = time;
if (timer == tup) {
fps.fps = fps.fpstext;
fps.fpstext = 0;
tup = time + 1;
Symbol 705 MovieClip Frame 3
time = int(getTimer() / 1000);
timer = time;
if (timer == tup) {
fps.fps = fps.fpstext;
fps.fpstext = 0;
gotoAndPlay (2);
tup = time + 1;
Symbol 712 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 1) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.sworddamage;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 2) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.sword2damage;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 3) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.sword3damage;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 4) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.sword4damage;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 5) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.sword5damage;
_root.swordexp = _root.swordexp + 1;
Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 718 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 718 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 731 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].gravity = -2;
_root["newenemyone" + i].knock = true;
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.blowdamage;
Symbol 731 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 732 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("leafblowersound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Symbol 744 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 748 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 752 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 753 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 756 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 762 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 768 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 768 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("lightningsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 768 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.lightningdamage;
Symbol 772 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 776 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 772 MovieClip "god" in Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "godball") {
if (_root.soundon == true) {
someSound = new Sound();
someSound.attachSound("godball", this);
someSound.start(0, 1);
side = _root.dir;
if (side == false) {
_x = (_root.char._x - 70);
_y = (_root.char._y - 20);
if (side == true) {
_x = (_root.char._x + 70);
_y = (_root.char._y - 20);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "godball") {
if (side == false) {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (side == true) {
_x = (_x + 5);
if (_x < 0) {
if (_x > 900) {
if (_y < 0) {
if (_y > 500) {
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 776 MovieClip "demongod" in Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + 2);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 790 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 792 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 3 = + 5;
Instance of Symbol 667 MovieClip in Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.cowdamage;
_root["newenemyone" + i].gravity = -6;
_root["newenemyone" + i].knock = true;
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 798 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 798 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("explosion1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Symbol 805 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 806 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 806 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("freezesound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 811 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.boulderdamage;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1116 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.demondamage;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1117 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hit.hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - _root.godballdamage;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1120 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.helpbox._visible == true) {
_root.helpbox._visible = false;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("cowsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1146 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1148 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 1149 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1149 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("kill1", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1149 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1174 MovieClip Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1176 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("kill4", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1177 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("hog", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1192 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1204 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("hog", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1205 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1227 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("hog", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1228 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 1231 MovieClip Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 1231 MovieClip "selection" in Symbol 1232 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(49)) {
_root.currentblock = 1;
} else if (Key.isDown(50)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 2;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell2unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 2;
} else if (Key.isDown(51)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 3;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell3unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 3;
} else if (Key.isDown(52)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 4;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell4unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 4;
} else if (Key.isDown(53)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 5;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell5unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 5;
} else if (Key.isDown(54)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 6;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell6unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 6;
} else if (Key.isDown(55)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 7;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell7unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 7;
} else if (Key.isDown(56)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 8;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell8unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 8;
} else if (Key.isDown(57)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 9;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell9unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 9;
} else if (Key.isDown(48)) {
if (_root.fighting == false) {
_root.currentblock = 10;
if ((_root.fighting == true) and (_root.spell10unlock == true)) {
_root.currentblock = 10;
} else if (Key.isDown(48) and (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 2)) {
_root.currentblock = 10;
Symbol 1234 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1236 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1238 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1239 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 1240 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1240 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("screechsound", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1240 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 486 MovieClip in Symbol 1244 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1244 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 1245 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1245 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 1247 MovieClip Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1248 MovieClip Frame 38
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("horse", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Instance of Symbol 377 MovieClip in Symbol 1256 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1258 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 1259 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1259 MovieClip Frame 3 = + gold;
b.g = "$" + gold;
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("deathgrowl", this);
another.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip "b" in Symbol 1259 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
scale = _xscale;
if (_parent.side == 0) {
_xscale = scale;
} else {
_xscale = (-scale);
Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blocktwo) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 2;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockthree) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockfour) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockfive) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 5;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blocksix) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 6;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockseven) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockeight) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 8;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blocknine) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 9;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.helpbox._currentframe == 2) {
_alpha = 0;
} else if ( >= _root.blockten) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 10;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( >= _root.blockone) {
_alpha = 0;
} else {
_alpha = 50;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 1;
Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 1309 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.char.hitTest(this) and (_root.dying == false)) {
_root.dying = true;
Instance of Symbol 264 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
if (_root["newenemyone" + i].hitTest(this)) {
_root["newenemyone" + i].hp = _root["newenemyone" + i].hp - 50;
Instance of Symbol 1328 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
Percent = (_root.swordexp / _root.swordmaxexp) * 100;
_xscale = Percent;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 5) {
_visible = false;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel < 5) {
Percent = (_root.swordexp / _root.swordmaxexp) * 100;
_xscale = Percent;
if (Percent > 100) {
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 1) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("getcrystal", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.swordmaxexp = _root.swordmaxexp2;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 2) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("getcrystal", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.swordmaxexp = _root.swordmaxexp3;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 3) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("getcrystal", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.swordmaxexp = _root.swordmaxexp4;
if (_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel == 4) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("getcrystal", this);
another.start(0, 1);
_root.swordmaxexp = _root.swordmaxexp5;
_root.swordexp = 0;
_root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel = _root.ui.selectionbar.swordlevel + 1;
Percent = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spelltwomp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 2;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellthreemp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 3;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellfourmp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellfivemp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 5;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellsixmp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 6;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellsevenmp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 7;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spelleightmp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 8;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spellninemp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 9;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < _root.spelltenmp) {
_alpha = 50;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 10;
Instance of Symbol 1293 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
on (press) {
_root.currentblock = 1;
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell2unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 10;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 10) {
_root.spell2unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 10; = 0;
_root.buyicon = false;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell3unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 20;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 20) {
_root.spell3unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 20;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell4unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 80;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 80) {
_root.spell4unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 80;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell5unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 65;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 65) {
_root.spell5unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 65;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell6unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 120;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 120) {
_root.spell6unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 120;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell7unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 200;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 200) {
_root.spell7unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 200;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell8unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 250;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 250) {
_root.spell8unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 250;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell9unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 450;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 450) {
_root.spell9unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 450;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1335 MovieClip in Symbol 1336 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._root.spell10unlock == true) {
_visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.buyicon = true; = 999;
_root.description.stopper = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (dragOut) {
_root.description.stopper = false;
_root.buyicon = false;
on (press) {
if ( >= 999) {
_root.spell10unlock = true;
_visible = false; = - 999;
_root.buyicon = false; = 0;
if (_root.sound == true) {
mysound = new Sound();
mysound.attachSound("buy", this);
mysound.start(0, 1);
Instance of Symbol 1341 MovieClip "mainhealth" in Symbol 1344 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Percent = Math.round((_root.mainhp / _root.mainmaxhp) * 100);
_xscale = Percent;
if ((_root.mainhp <= 0) and (_root.deathfade._currentframe == 1)) {
Instance of Symbol 1346 MovieClip in Symbol 1347 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp < 100) {
if (_root.mainmp < 0) {
_root.mainmp = 0;
Percent = Math.round((_root.mainmp / _root.mainmaxmp) * 100);
_xscale = Percent;
Instance of Symbol 1347 MovieClip in Symbol 1349 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.mainmp > 100) {
_root.mainmp = 100;
if (_root.mainmp < 100) {
if (_root.mainmp < 0) {
_root.mainmp = 0;
Percent = Math.round((_root.mainmp / _root.mainmaxmp) * 100);
_xscale = Percent;
Instance of Symbol 1336 MovieClip "selectionbar" in Symbol 1351 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.fighting == true) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1372 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.ui.hp._alpha = 100;
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 1390 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1393 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.currentblock = 1;
Symbol 1394 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1394 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.currentblock = 1;
Symbol 1405 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.sound == true) {
another = new Sound();
another.attachSound("menumusic", this);
another.start(0, 999999);
Symbol 1414 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 1422 MovieClip Frame 36