Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Arian Starfighter.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #54757

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="center"></p>




















© 2008 ViolentAJ






Moves fighter forward


Rotates fighter clockwise


Rotates fighter






Fires plasma cannons

Fires 20mm mass driver

Fires Bloodhound missile

Links plasma cannon

Deploys countermeasure


Radar Display

- Hull Integrity
- 20mm count
- Missile readiness/count

Mission 1

Mission 1

Mission 1

Mission 2

Mission 2

Mission 2

Mission 3

Mission 3

Mission 3

Mission 4

Mission 4

Mission 4

Mission 5

Mission 5

Mission 5

Mission 6

Mission 6

Mission 6

Mission 7

Mission 7

Mission 7

Mission 8

Mission 8

Mission 8

Mission 9

Mission 9

Mission 9



Hello Cadet.
Welcome to combat training.

This exercise will teach you the basics of
maneuvering your fighter, and using the
various weapon systems present on the
AF-2b starfighter.

Follow your instructor's orders, and
all will be well. Good luck.

End of briefing

Welcome to active duty Cadet.
Typically, we would not send rookies into
combat, but as you know, these are times
of duress.

As I am sure that you are aware, yesterday,
at 0800 hours the Japanese returned and
destroyed nearly two thirds of our
starfleet at Sapphire Shipyard.

Although our ability to wage war has been
severely hampered, the Japanese did not
take into account that our starfighter
squadrons are based planetside and on the
two moons.

In their arrogance, the Japanese have begun
deploying troop transports in an effort to
establish a beachhead on our planet.

Believing that they have completely
annihilated our defenses, they are sending
these convoys virtually undefended.

Your mission is to destroy the troop convoy
in sector C7. Defenses should be minimal,
but stay sharp. Remember, we don't need
heroes; your primary objective is the transports.
Good luck.

Excellent work destroying that convoy.
That should put a halt on their plans
for now.

While the enemy recovers, we'll build our
defenses. Today's mission will be to escort
three of our own transports from the
moonbase on Gemini A to the main planet.

These supplies will be necessary in holding
off an offensive if and when the Japanese
land on our planet.

Enemy activity should be nil in this sector,
but you are cleared to engage if they do
show up. Just remember that your primary
objective is to escort the transports!

Good job defending the convoy. We did not
expect the Japanese to arrive in such force.

Today's mission will be a simple patrol to
ensure that there are no gaps in our

Keep your eyes open out there. We are not
sure if the enemy has any more surprises.

You are free to engage any enemy contact.
Good hunting!

Glad to see that you made it back. We didn't
expect the Japanese to throw a capship at us.

It seems that they are getting a bit braver;
our own high command has decided to
accept their challenge.

In today's sortie, you will be escorting
'Bulwark', one of the few cruisers that
survived the attack on Sapphire, in a forward
attack against a flotilla of  Japanese frigates.

Don't worry about attacking the frigates
yourself; 'Bulwark' will take care of it.
Your objective is simply to defend 'Bulwark'
against enemy bombers.

While this strike will barely put a dent in the total
strength of the Japanese fleet, it'll at least show
them that we meanbusiness and raise the morale of
the home team. Good luck.

The destruction of the flotilla has stricken
fear into the hearts of the Japanese High

Intelligence reports a gunship class vessel
leaving their main fleet in what seems to be
a rendezvous with a very large ship.

This could just be a routine cargo transfer,
but Intel believes that it is a personnel
transfer, more specifically, the transfer of
a high-ranking officer.

We cannot let this opportunity pass us by.
We're sending you in with Bravo Wing for a
quick strike against this target.

Be forewarned: If this is indeed transfer of
high-ranking personnel, the Japanese elite
Chrysanthemum Guard will be in the area.

Remember to focus on the target.
Everything else is secondary. Good luck.

Excellent work out there. The death of their
admiral should severely cripple their chain
of command.

There is no time to rest though. Remnants of
the Chrysanthemum Guard have mobilized and
are massing an attack against us.

We're sending you out there again to
intercept them. Two fighters from Charlie
will join you.

Do not allow a single enemy gunship to slip
by you.
Good hunting!

Great job fending off the Chrysanthemum
Guard, but there is no time to celebrate.

The Bulwark has fallen under attack and
requires our assistance.

Their only remaining escort is a single
fighter from Charlie wing and their engines
were badly damaged during the previous

Your objective is to escort them back to the
base on Gemini II. Get to it pilot; time is of
the essence.

Great work. The captain of the 'Bulwark'
sends his thanks.

It's do or die time now. The Japanese are
massing up their fleet in an effort to
breach our defenses and land troops on
our planet's surface.

We are scrambling as many fighters and
bombers as we can to cause as much damage
to their fleet as possible.

Your target will be a trio of enemy frigates
that is holding position to overlook the
arrival of troop transports.

You are to escort bomber wings Able and
Baker as they make their runs against the

You also must destroy any enemy
transports in the area.

Good luck. Your success is imperative to
the survival of our people.

Superb work out there, pilot.
Your record has been exemplary,
and command has given me the authority
to promote you.
Congratulations, Captain Immelmann.
Despite our best efforts, the Japanese forces
have overwhelmed us by attrition.
There will be hard fighting in the days ahead,
but the efforts of you and your comrades
will surely make things just a tiny bit easier.
Get some rest, Captain. You've earned it.





















Voice Cast

Briefing/Narrator/"British Pilot"        ViolentAJ

Flight Instructor               PieceofPieSoftware

Bravo Leader                                   ShurikenX

Alpha Leader                         mikemetroid5565

Female Pilot                                       Smukeeg

Calm Pilot                                    xtermin8r13

Southern Pilot                           thedeadman69

Bulwark Captain                              Nevercroft

Onboard Computer                        Lady Arsenic

(All hosted on NG audio Portal)

SymbolCymbal - "Wind Harmony"
FryCryDX - "Grind It"
Shadow 617 - "Prime"
Finess101 - "In My Zone"
Khuskan - "Minimal"

Special Thanks

Friends, family, and everyone that
helped on this project in any way.
Thanks to the voice actors, without
you, this game wouldn't have gotten
off of the ground. Sorry, Tokugoru,
I had to cut some of the pilots to
reduce filesize :(.
Special thanks to the players!

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function deadClick() { } function gotoMySite() { getURL ("", "_blank"); } var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var copyrightNotice = new ContextMenuItem("\u00A9 2008 ViolentAJ", deadClick); var mySiteLink = new ContextMenuItem("My Site", gotoMySite); copyrightNotice.separatorBefore = true; myMenu.customItems.push(mySiteLink, myStuffLink, copyrightNotice); = myMenu; MochiAd.showPreGameAd({id:"746c5375895fb132", res:"550x500"});
Frame 2
var musicPlaying; var missions = 1; stop(); briefing = new Sound(this); briefing.attachSound("menu-briefing"); if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; briefing.start(0, 999); } var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("arianStarfighter"); if ( == undefined) { = 1; } if ( > missions) { missions =; }
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 6
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800); _root.playerShip._x = 250; _root.playerShip._y = 250; _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y}); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 130; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); instructorCheckFire = new Sound(holder); instructorCheckFire.attachSound("instruHey"); soundArray.push(instructorCheckFire); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour);
Frame 7
Frame 8
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:1357, _y:1483, _rotation:-45}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 9
Frame 10
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:-400, _y:990, _rotation:90}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 11
Frame 12
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:250, _y:2317, _rotation:0}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 13
Frame 14
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); profileFemaleHelp = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleHelp.attachSound("femHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileFemaleMissile = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleMissile.attachSound("femMis"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileFemaleCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleCheckFire.attachSound("femCare"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileFemaleDying = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleDying.attachSound("femDie"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); bulwarkDying = new Sound(holder); bulwarkDying.attachSound("bulwarkDeath"); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:250, _y:2317, _rotation:0}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 15
Frame 16
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); profileFemaleHelp = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleHelp.attachSound("femHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileFemaleMissile = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleMissile.attachSound("femMis"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileFemaleCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleCheckFire.attachSound("femCare"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileFemaleDying = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleDying.attachSound("femDie"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); bulwarkDying = new Sound(holder); bulwarkDying.attachSound("bulwarkDeath"); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:-1500, _y:-1680, _rotation:180}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 17
Frame 18
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); profileFemaleHelp = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleHelp.attachSound("femHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileFemaleMissile = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleMissile.attachSound("femMis"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileFemaleCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleCheckFire.attachSound("femCare"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileFemaleDying = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleDying.attachSound("femDie"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); bulwarkDying = new Sound(holder); bulwarkDying.attachSound("bulwarkDeath"); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:-900, _y:-520, _rotation:90}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 19
Frame 20
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); profileFemaleHelp = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleHelp.attachSound("femHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileFemaleMissile = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleMissile.attachSound("femMis"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileFemaleCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleCheckFire.attachSound("femCare"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileFemaleDying = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleDying.attachSound("femDie"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); bulwarkDying = new Sound(holder); bulwarkDying.attachSound("bulwarkDeath"); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:-416, _y:1400, _rotation:0}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 21
Frame 22
function clearStage() { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < liveEnemy.length) { liveEnemy[_local4].removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < liveAlly.length) { liveAlly[_local3].removeMovieClip(); _local3++; } var _local2 = 50; while (_local2 < 95) { _root["torpedo" + _local2].removeMovieClip(); _local2++; } var _local7 = 1000; while (_local7 <= 1500) { _root["bullet" + _local7].removeMovieClip(); _local7++; } var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 40) { _root["missile" + _local6].removeMovieClip(); _local6++; } var _local5 = 140; while (_local5 <= 170) { _root["chaff" + _local5].removeMovieClip(); _local5++; } hud.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); var shotCount = 1000; var missileCount = 1; var enemyNumber = 600; var allyNumber = 500; var torpedoNumber = 50; var bigNumber = 100; var counterMeasures = 140; var importantBroadcast = false; var liveEnemy = new Array(); var liveAlly = new Array(); var activeTorps = new Array(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.globalChatter > 0) { this.globalChatter--; } if (this.shotCount >= 1500) { this.shotCount = 1000; } if (this.missileCount >= 40) { this.missileCount = 1; } if (this.torpedoNumber >= 95) { this.torpedoNumber = 50; } if (this.enemyNumber >= 650) { this.enemyNumber = 600; } if (this.allyNumber >= 520) { this.allyNumber = 500; } if (this.bigNumber >= 130) { this.bigNumber = 100; } if (this.counterMeasures >= 170) { this.counterMeasures = 140; } var _local4 = liveEnemy.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (liveEnemy[_local4].dead) { liveEnemy.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } var _local3 = liveAlly.length - 1; while (_local3 >= 0) { if (liveAlly[_local3].dead) { liveAlly.splice(_local3, 1); } _local3--; } var _local2 = activeTorps.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (activeTorps[_local2]._currentframe >= 2) { activeTorps.splice(_local2, 1); } _local2--; } if (this.importantBroadcast) { var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local6].setVolume(30); _local6++; } } else { var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < soundArray.length) { soundArray[_local5].setVolume(100); _local5++; } } }; var soundArray = new Array(); var importantBroadcast = false; var globalChatter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 10000); profileOneHelp = new Sound(holder); profileOneHelp.attachSound("profileOneHelp"); soundArray.push(profileOneHelp); profileOneMissile = new Sound(holder); profileOneMissile.attachSound("profileOneMissile"); soundArray.push(profileOneMissile); profileOneCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileOneCheckFire.attachSound("profileOneCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileOneCheckFire); profileOneDying = new Sound(holder); profileOneDying.attachSound("profileOneDying"); soundArray.push(profileOneDying); profileTwoHelp = new Sound(holder); profileTwoHelp.attachSound("profileTwoHelp"); soundArray.push(profileTwoHelp); profileTwoMissile = new Sound(holder); profileTwoMissile.attachSound("profileTwoMissile"); soundArray.push(profiletwoMissile); profileTwoCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileTwoCheckFire.attachSound("profileTwoCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileTwoCheckFire); profileTwoDying = new Sound(holder); profileTwoDying.attachSound("profileTwoDying"); soundArray.push(profileTwoDying); profileThreeHelp = new Sound(holder); profileThreeHelp.attachSound("profileThreeHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileThreeMissile = new Sound(holder); profileThreeMissile.attachSound("profileThreeMissile"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileThreeCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileThreeCheckFire.attachSound("profileThreeCheckFire"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileThreeDying = new Sound(holder); profileThreeDying.attachSound("profileThreeDying"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); profileFemaleHelp = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleHelp.attachSound("femHelp"); soundArray.push(profileThreeHelp); profileFemaleMissile = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleMissile.attachSound("femMis"); soundArray.push(profileThreeMissile); profileFemaleCheckFire = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleCheckFire.attachSound("femCare"); soundArray.push(profileThreeCheckFire); profileFemaleDying = new Sound(holder); profileFemaleDying.attachSound("femDie"); soundArray.push(profileThreeDying); pilotBravoLeaderHelp = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderHelp.attachSound("Help"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderHelp); pilotBravoLeaderMissile = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderMissile.attachSound("Eatthis"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderMissile); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire.attachSound("Hey"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderCheckFire); pilotBravoLeaderDying = new Sound(holder); pilotBravoLeaderDying.attachSound("Imout"); soundArray.push(pilotBravoLeaderDying); launchWarning = new Sound(holder); launchWarning.attachSound("launchWarning"); soundArray.push(launchWarning); plasmaImpact = new Sound(holder); plasmaImpact.attachSound("plasmaImpact"); soundArray.push(plasmaImpact); plasmaFireArian = new Sound(holder); plasmaFireArian.attachSound("plasmaFireArian"); soundArray.push(plasmaFireArian); arianTorpSound = new Sound(holder); arianTorpSound.attachSound("arianTorpSound"); soundArray.push(arianTorpSound); twentyImpact = new Sound(holder); twentyImpact.attachSound("bulletImpact"); soundArray.push(twentyImpact); twentyFire = new Sound(holder); twentyFire.attachSound("twentyFire"); soundArray.push(twentyFire); flakLaunch = new Sound(holder); flakLaunch.attachSound("FlakLaunch"); soundArray.push(flakLaunch); missileFire = new Sound(holder); missileFire.attachSound("missileFire"); soundArray.push(missileFire); explosion1 = new Sound(holder); explosion1.attachSound("explosion1"); soundArray.push(explosion1); boomOne = new Sound(holder); boomOne.attachSound("airExplosion"); soundArray.push(boomOne); boomTwo = new Sound(holder); boomTwo.attachSound("boom_2SHORT"); soundArray.push(boomTwo); boomFour = new Sound(holder); boomFour.attachSound("boom_4"); soundArray.push(boomFour); bulwarkDying = new Sound(holder); bulwarkDying.attachSound("bulwarkDeath"); _root.attachMovie("playerShip", "playerShip", 800, {_x:1450, _y:2200, _rotation:0}); _root.attachMovie("hud", "hud", 20000, {_x:_root.playerShip._x, _y:_root.playerShip._y});
Frame 23
stop(); sadEnding = new Sound(this); sadEnding.attachSound("sadEnding"); sadEnding.start(0, 0);
Frame 24
stop(); sadEnding.stop();
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
myBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(90, 90, false, 0); myBitmap.myRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(0, 0, 90, 90); this.attachBitmap(myBitmap, 1); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myBitmap.fillRect(myBitmap.myRect, 0); var _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { var _local4 = ((_root.liveEnemy[_local8]._x - / * this._width; var _local3 = ((_root.liveEnemy[_local8]._y - / * this._height; myBitmap.setPixel(_local4, _local3, 16724736); myBitmap.setPixel(_local4 + 0.3, _local3, 16724736); myBitmap.setPixel(_local4, _local3 + 0.3, 16724736); myBitmap.setPixel(_local4, _local3 - 0.3, 16724736); myBitmap.setPixel(_local4 - 0.3, _local3, 16724736); _local8++; } var _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _root.liveAlly.length) { var _local6 = ((_root.liveAlly[_local7]._x - / * this._width; var _local5 = ((_root.liveAlly[_local7]._y - / * this._height; myBitmap.setPixel(_local6, _local5, 65331); myBitmap.setPixel(_local6 + 0.3, _local5, 65331); myBitmap.setPixel(_local6 - 0.3, _local5, 65331); myBitmap.setPixel(_local6, _local5 + 0.3, 65331); myBitmap.setPixel(_local6, _local5 - 0.3, 65331); _local7++; } var _local10 = ((_root.playerShip._x - / * this._width; var _local9 = ((_root.playerShip._y - / * this._height; myBitmap.setPixel(_local10, _local9, 16777215); myBitmap.setPixel(_local10 + 0.3, _local9, 16777215); myBitmap.setPixel(_local10 - 0.3, _local9, 16777215); myBitmap.setPixel(_local10, _local9 + 0.3, 16777215); myBitmap.setPixel(_local10, _local9 - 0.3, 16777215); };
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1
this.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.playerShip.linked) { if (_root.playerShip.shot == "left") { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (_root.playerShip.shot == "right") { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { this.gotoAndStop(3); } };
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
this.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.playerShip.missileTimer > 0) || (_root.playerShip.missiles == 0)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } };
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
this.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 65) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else if ( > 30) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if ( > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); } };
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 0) { this._yscale =; } else { this._yscale = 0; } };
Symbol 137 MovieClip [hud] Frame 1
function followPlayer() { this._x = _root.playerShip._x; this._y = _root.playerShip._y; } function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; var _local5 = camH * (_yscale * 0.01); var _local6 = camW * (_xscale * 0.01); var _local3 = sH / _local5; var _local4 = sW / _local6; _x2 = (_local6 / 2) * _local4; _y2 = (_local5 / 2) * _local3; _xscale2 = _local4 * 100; _yscale2 = _local3 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; _parent.filters = this.filters; _parent.transform.colorTransform = this.transform.colorTransform; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._x = _parent._x + (value - _local2.x); } function get_x2() { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); return(_local2.x); } function set_y2(value) { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._y = _parent._y + (value - _local2.y); } function get_y2() { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); return(_local2.y); } function get_xscale2() { return(_parent._xscale); } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2("_xscale", value); } function get_yscale2() { return(_parent._yscale); } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2("_yscale", value); } function get_rotation2() { return(parent.rotation); } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2("_rotation", value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var _local3 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local3); _parent[prop] = n; var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._x = _parent._x - (_local2.x - _local3.x); _parent._y = _parent._y - (_local2.y - _local3.y); } addProperty("_x2", get_x2, set_x2); addProperty("_y2", get_y2, set_y2); addProperty("_xscale2", get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty("_yscale2", get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty("_rotation2", get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; onEnterFrame = function () { camControl(); }; setInterval(function () { followPlayer(); }, 1); this.onUnload = reset;
Symbol 139 MovieClip [vCam] Frame 1
function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; var _local5 = camH * (_yscale * 0.01); var _local6 = camW * (_xscale * 0.01); var _local3 = sH / _local5; var _local4 = sW / _local6; _x2 = (_local6 / 2) * _local4; _y2 = (_local5 / 2) * _local3; _xscale2 = _local4 * 100; _yscale2 = _local3 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; _parent.filters = this.filters; _parent.transform.colorTransform = this.transform.colorTransform; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._x = _parent._x + (value - _local2.x); } function get_x2() { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); return(_local2.x); } function set_y2(value) { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._y = _parent._y + (value - _local2.y); } function get_y2() { var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); return(_local2.y); } function get_xscale2() { return(_parent._xscale); } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2("_xscale", value); } function get_yscale2() { return(_parent._yscale); } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2("_yscale", value); } function get_rotation2() { return(parent.rotation); } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2("_rotation", value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var _local3 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local3); _parent[prop] = n; var _local2 = {x:rp.x, y:rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(_local2); _parent._x = _parent._x - (_local2.x - _local3.x); _parent._y = _parent._y - (_local2.y - _local3.y); } _visible = false; addProperty("_x2", get_x2, set_x2); addProperty("_y2", get_y2, set_y2); addProperty("_xscale2", get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty("_yscale2", get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty("_rotation2", get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; onEnterFrame = function () { camControl(); }; this.onUnload = reset;
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((this._parent._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._parent._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._parent._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._parent._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.boomOne.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireTwenty() { if (this.twentyTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("twentyMM", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = this._x - (33 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = this._y - (33 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (-6 + this._rotation) + (Math.random() * 12); this.twentyAmmo--; this.twentyTimer = 5; _root.shotCount++; } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("bloodHoundMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; if (((this.cutChatter < 500) && (_root.globalChatter < 200)) && (!_root.imporantBroadcast)) { _root[this.profile + "Missile"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 250; } } } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if (((this.pursuitTimer > 200) && (this.pursuitTimer < 360)) && (this.twentyAmmo > 0)) { this.fireTwenty(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } if (this.distance < 400) { if ((this.pursuitTimer == 350) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var twentyAmmo = 150; var twentyTimer = 0; var missiles = 4; var missileTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.twentyTimer > 0) { this.twentyTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireTwenty() { if (this.twentyTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("twentyMM", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = this._x - (33 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = this._y - (33 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (-6 + this._rotation) + (Math.random() * 12); this.twentyAmmo--; this.twentyTimer = 5; _root.shotCount++; } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("bloodHoundMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; if (((this.cutChatter < 500) && (_root.globalChatter < 200)) && (!_root.imporantBroadcast)) { _root[this.profile + "Missile"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 250; } } } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if (((this.pursuitTimer > 200) && (this.pursuitTimer < 360)) && (this.twentyAmmo > 0)) { this.fireTwenty(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } if (this.distance < 400) { if ((this.pursuitTimer == 350) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var twentyAmmo = 150; var twentyTimer = 0; var missiles = 4; var missileTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 200; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile = "pilotBravoLeader"; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.twentyTimer > 0) { this.twentyTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireTwenty() { if (this.twentyTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("twentyMM", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = this._x - (33 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = this._y - (33 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (-6 + this._rotation) + (Math.random() * 12); this.twentyAmmo--; this.twentyTimer = 5; _root.shotCount++; } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("bloodHoundMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; if (((this.cutChatter < 500) && (_root.globalChatter < 200)) && (!_root.imporantBroadcast)) { _root[this.profile + "Missile"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 250; } } } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if (((this.pursuitTimer > 200) && (this.pursuitTimer < 360)) && (this.twentyAmmo > 0)) { this.fireTwenty(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } if (this.distance < 400) { if ((this.pursuitTimer == 350) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var twentyAmmo = 150; var twentyTimer = 0; var missiles = 4; var missileTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.twentyTimer > 0) { this.twentyTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile = "instructor"; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireTwenty() { if (this.twentyTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("twentyMM", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = this._x - (33 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = this._y - (33 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (-6 + this._rotation) + (Math.random() * 12); this.twentyAmmo--; this.twentyTimer = 5; _root.shotCount++; } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("bloodHoundMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; if (((this.cutChatter < 500) && (_root.globalChatter < 200)) && (!_root.imporantBroadcast)) { _root[this.profile + "Missile"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 250; } } } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if (((this.pursuitTimer > 200) && (this.pursuitTimer < 360)) && (this.twentyAmmo > 0)) { this.fireTwenty(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } if (this.distance < 400) { if ((this.pursuitTimer == 350) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var twentyAmmo = 150; var twentyTimer = 0; var missiles = 4; var missileTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.twentyTimer > 0) { this.twentyTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-14.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-14.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireTwenty() { if (this.twentyTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("twentyMM", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = this._x - (33 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = this._y - (33 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (-6 + this._rotation) + (Math.random() * 12); this.twentyAmmo--; this.twentyTimer = 5; _root.shotCount++; } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("bloodHoundMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; } } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var twentyAmmo = 150; var twentyTimer = 0; var missiles = 4; var missileTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var a = false; var through = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (Key.isDown(37)) { this.turnCCW(); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { this.turnCW(); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (!this.a) { this.toggleLinked(); this.a = true; } } else { this.a = false; } if (Key.isDown(90)) { this.fireGuns(); } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (Key.isDown(88) && (this.twentyAmmo > 0)) { this.fireTwenty(); } if (this.twentyTimer > 0) { this.twentyTimer--; } if (Key.isDown(67) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { this.deployCM(); } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } } };
Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 167 MovieClip [japPlasma] Frame 1
stop(); var moveSpeed = 16; var timer = 0; var shooter; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.plasmaFireArian.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentFrame == 1) { var _local5 = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local6 = Math.sin(this.rot); var _local7 = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.moveSpeed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.moveSpeed); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local4].hitBox1)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local4].health = _root.liveAlly[_local4].health - 5; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local4].hitBox2)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local4].health = _root.liveAlly[_local4].health - 5; } _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox1) && (this.shooter != _root.liveEnemy[_local3])) && (!_root.liveEnemy[_local4].bigShip)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 2.5; } else if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox2) && (this.shooter != _root.liveEnemy[_local3])) && (!_root.liveEnemy[_local4].bigShip)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 2.5; } _local3++; } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 22) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } };
Symbol 167 MovieClip [japPlasma] Frame 2
if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.plasmaImpact.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 167 MovieClip [japPlasma] Frame 12
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 173 MovieClip [arianPlasma] Frame 1
stop(); var moveSpeed = 16; var timer = 0; var shooter; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.plasmaFireArian.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentFrame == 1) { var _local6 = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local7 = Math.sin(this.rot); var _local8 = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.moveSpeed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.moveSpeed); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox1) && (this.shooter != _root.liveAlly[_local3])) && (!_root.liveAlly[_local3].bigShip)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - 0.5; if ((_root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter < 150) && (_root.globalChatter < 150)) { _root[_root.liveAlly[_local3].profile + "CheckFire"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter = _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter + 300; } } else if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox2) && (this.shooter != _root.liveAlly[_local3])) && (!_root.liveAlly[_local3].bigShip)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - 0.5; if ((_root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter < 150) && (_root.globalChatter < 150)) { _root[_root.liveAlly[_local3].profile + "CheckFire"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter = _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter + 300; } } _local3++; } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local4].hitBox1)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health - 5; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local4].hitBox2)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health - 5; } _local4++; } var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _root.activeTorps.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.activeTorps[_local5])) {; _root.activeTorps[_local5].play(); } _local5++; } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 22) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } };
Symbol 173 MovieClip [arianPlasma] Frame 2
if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.plasmaImpact.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 173 MovieClip [arianPlasma] Frame 12
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 177 MovieClip [twentyMM] Frame 1
stop(); var shooter; var moveSpeed = (this.shooter.inertia + 18); var timer = 0; var damage = (moveSpeed * 0.588235294117647); var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.twentyFire.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentFrame == 1) { var _local6 = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local7 = Math.sin(this.rot); var _local8 = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.moveSpeed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.moveSpeed); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox1) && (this.shooter != _root.liveAlly[_local3])) && (!_root.liveAlly[_local3].bigShip)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - (this.damage / 10); if ((_root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter < 150) && (_root.globalChatter < 150)) { _root[_root.liveAlly[_local3].profile + "CheckFire"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter = _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter + 300; } } else if ((this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox2) && (this.shooter != _root.liveAlly[_local3])) && (!_root.liveAlly[_local3].bigShip)) {; _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - (this.damage / 10); if ((_root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter < 150) && (_root.globalChatter < 150)) { _root[_root.liveAlly[_local3].profile + "CheckFire"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter = _root.liveAlly[_local3].cutChatter + 300; } } _local3++; } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local4].hitBox1)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health - this.damage; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local4].hitBox2)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local4].health - this.damage; } _local4++; } var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _root.activeTorps.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.activeTorps[_local5])) {; _root.activeTorps[_local5].play(); } _local5++; } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 10) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } };
Symbol 177 MovieClip [twentyMM] Frame 2
if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.twentyImpact.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 177 MovieClip [twentyMM] Frame 4
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((this._parent._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._parent._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._parent._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._parent._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.boomTwo.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 186 MovieClip [bloodHoundMissile] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < 0) { this.turnCCW(); } else if (this.rotationDifference > 0) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); var rotationRate = 11; var speed = 10; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); var timer = 0; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.missileFire.start(0, 0); } this.chooseTarget(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.rot = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); if (this.targetLocked.dead) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 180) {; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox1)) { = - 50;; } else if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox2)) { = - 50;; } } };
Symbol 186 MovieClip [bloodHoundMissile] Frame 9
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-1.6 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-18.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-18.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-1.6 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (1.6 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-18.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-18.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (1.6 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("japMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["missile" + _root.missileCount].targetLocked = this.targetLocked; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; } } } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if ((this.pursuitTimer == 500) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 7.5; var rotationRate = 5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var missiles = 2; var missileTimer = 0; var health = 75; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } } };
Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 190 MovieClip [japMissile] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < 0) { this.turnCCW(); } else if (this.rotationDifference > 0) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); var rotationRate = 8.5; var speed = 9; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); var timer = 0; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.missileFire.start(0, 0); } if (this.targetLocked == _root.playerShip) { _root.launchWarning.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.rot = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); if (this.targetLocked.dead) {; } else { this.pursueTarget(); } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 110) {; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox1)) { = - 30;; } else if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox2)) { = - 30;; } var _local3 = 140; while (_local3 <= 170) { if (((_local3 % 2) == 0) && (this.hitTest(_root["chaff" + _local3]))) {; } _local3++; } if (this.targetLocked != _root.playerShip) { this.targetLocked.deployCM(); } } };
Symbol 190 MovieClip [japMissile] Frame 9
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 195 MovieClip [japLightFighter] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-2 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-15.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-15.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-2 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (2 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-15.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-15.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (2 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 8; var rotationRate = 4; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var health = 50; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } } };
Symbol 195 MovieClip [japLightFighter] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.4 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-28.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-28.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.4 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.4 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-28.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-28.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.4 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftXX = (this._x + (-2.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-45.1 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftYY = (this._y + (-45.1 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-2.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightXX = (this._x + (2.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-45.1 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightYY = (this._y + (-45.1 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (2.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftXX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftYY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightXX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightYY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftXX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftYY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightXX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightYY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("japMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["missile" + _root.missileCount].targetLocked = this.targetLocked; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; } } } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if ((this.pursuitTimer == 500) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 6.5; var rotationRate = 4.5; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var missiles = 2; var missileTimer = 0; var health = 100; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } } };
Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((this._parent._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._parent._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._parent._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._parent._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.boomFour.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 206 MovieClip [japTorpedo] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < 0) { this.turnCCW(); } else if (this.rotationDifference > 0) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.activeTorps.push(this); var rotationRate = 2; var speed = 8; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); var timer = 0; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.missileFire.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.rot = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); if (this.targetLocked.dead) {; } else { this.pursueTarget(); } this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 110) {; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox1)) { = - 100;; } else if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked.hitBox2)) { = - 100;; } } };
Symbol 206 MovieClip [japTorpedo] Frame 8
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 208 MovieClip [japScoutFighter] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-12.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-12.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (8.3 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-12.9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-12.9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (8.3 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); if (this.linked) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 15; } else { if ((this.shot == "left") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "right"; } if ((this.shot == "right") && (this.shotTimer == 0)) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 10; this.shot = "left"; } } } } function fireMissile() { if (this.missiles > 0) { if (this.missileTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("japMissile", "missile" + _root.missileCount, _root.missileCount); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._x = this._x - (9 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._y = this._y - (9 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["missile" + _root.missileCount]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["missile" + _root.missileCount].targetLocked = this.targetLocked; this.missiles--; _root.missileCount++; this.missileTimer = this.missileTimer + 90; } } } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); if ((this.pursuitTimer == 500) && (this.missiles > 0)) { this.fireMissile(); } } this.pursuitTimer++; if (this.pursuitTimer >= 501) { this.toggleLinked(); this.pursuitTimer = 0; } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 6; var rotationRate = 3.6; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var linked = false; var shot = "left"; var shotTimer = 0; var missiles = 1; var missileTimer = 0; var health = 60; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.missileTimer > 0) { this.missileTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 500)) { this.secondPass = false; this.chooseTarget(); } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } } };
Symbol 208 MovieClip [japScoutFighter] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("japPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = eX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = eY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = _parent; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (this.theta * 180) / Math.PI; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 30; } } function trackTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this.aX; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this.aY; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - ((this.theta * 180) / Math.PI); this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - this.targetLocked._x) * (aX - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((aY - this.targetLocked._y) * (aY - this.targetLocked._y))); if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -7) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 7; } else if (this.rotationDifference > 7) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 7; } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); } } var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var startX; var startY; var aX; var aY; var dY; var dX; var eX; var eY; var turretLength = 13.8; var theta1; var theta2; var theta; var shotTimer = 0; var targetLocked; var fixation = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.theta1 = (_parent._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta2 = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta = theta1 + theta2; this.dX = this._x + (turretLength * Math.sin(theta2)); this.dY = this._y - (turretLength * Math.cos(theta2)); this.eX = (_parent._x + (dX * Math.cos(theta1))) - (dY * Math.sin(theta1)); this.eY = (_parent._y + (dX * Math.sin(theta1))) + (dY * Math.cos(theta1)); this.aX = this._x + _parent._x; this.aY = this._y + _parent._y; if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.fixation >= 900) { this.fixation = 0; this.chooseTarget(); } if ((this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) || (this.distance > 300)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.trackTarget(); } };
Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function fireTorpedo() { if (this.torps > 0) { if (this.torpTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); _root.attachMovie("japTorpedo", "torpedo" + _root.torpedoNumber, _root.torpedoNumber); _root["torpedo" + _root.torpedoNumber]._x = this._x - (23 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["torpedo" + _root.torpedoNumber]._y = this._y - (23 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle + (Math.PI/2))); _root["torpedo" + _root.torpedoNumber]._rotation = this._rotation; _root["torpedo" + _root.torpedoNumber].targetLocked = this.targetLocked; this.torps--; _root.torpedoNumber++; this.torpTimer = this.torpTimer + 180; } } } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } this.pursuitTimer = 0; } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 500) && ((((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30)) && (this.targetLocked.bigShip)) && (this.pursuitTimer > 5))) { this.fireTorpedo(); } this.pursuitTimer++; } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 5.5; var rotationRate = 3; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var torps = 8; var torpTimer = 0; var health = 120; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked = _root.Bulwark; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.torpTimer > 0) { this.torpTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 600)) { this.secondPass = false; } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } } };
Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber] Frame 18
this.stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireTorps() { if (this.torpTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-38.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-1.8 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-1.8 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-38.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (38.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-1.8 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-1.8 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (38.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); _root.attachMovie("arianTorp", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation + 2.5; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianTorp", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation - 2.5; _root.shotCount++; this.torpTimer = 60; } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } this.pursuitTimer = 0; } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 400) && (((this.rotationDifference >= -15) && (this.rotationDifference <= 15)) && (this.pursuitTimer > 10))) { this.fireTorps(); } this.pursuitTimer++; } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 6; var rotationRate = 4; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var torpTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 150; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.torpTimer > 0) { this.torpTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 600)) { this.secondPass = false; } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function toggleLinked() { if (this.linked) { this.linked = false; } else { this.linked = true; } } function fireTorps() { if (this.torpTimer == 0) { this.shotAngle = this._rotation * (Math.PI/180); this.startLeftX = (this._x + (-38.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-1.8 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startLeftY = (this._y + (-1.8 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (-38.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightX = (this._x + (38.5 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) - (-1.8 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); this.startRightY = (this._y + (-1.8 * Math.cos(this.shotAngle))) + (38.5 * Math.sin(this.shotAngle)); _root.attachMovie("arianTorp", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startLeftX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startLeftY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation + 2.5; _root.shotCount++; _root.attachMovie("arianTorp", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = startRightX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = startRightY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = this; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = this._rotation - 2.5; _root.shotCount++; this.torpTimer = 60; } } function selfRepair() { = + 0.02; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.followWaypoint(); this.aggressive = false; } this.pursuitTimer = 0; } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } if ((this.distance < 400) && (((this.rotationDifference >= -15) && (this.rotationDifference <= 15)) && (this.pursuitTimer > 10))) { this.fireTorps(); } this.pursuitTimer++; } function deployCM() { if (this.counterMeasureTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("chaff", "chaff" + _root.counterMeasures, _root.counterMeasures); _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._x = this._x; _root["chaff" + _root.counterMeasures]._y = this._y; _root.counterMeasures++; this.counterMeasureTimer = this.counterMeasureTimer + 40; } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var speed = 6; var rotationRate = 4; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var torpTimer = 0; var counterMeasureTimer = 0; var health = 150; var dead = false; var shotAngle = (this._rotation * (Math.PI/180)); var startLeftX; var startLeftY; var startRightX; var startRightY; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var chaseTimer = 0; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; var profile; var cutChatter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } if ( < 50) { this.selfRepair(); } this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } if (this.torpTimer > 0) { this.torpTimer--; } if (this.counterMeasureTimer > 0) { this.counterMeasureTimer--; } if (this.aggressive) { if (this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.pursueTarget(); } } else if (!this.aggressive) { this.followWaypoint(); } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (this.forceAggression || (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[_local3]._y))) < 1000)) { this.aggressive = true; break; } this.aggressive = false; _local3++; } if (this.hitTest(this.targetLocked)) { this.secondPass = true; } if (this.secondPass) { if (this.targetLocked.bigShip && (this.distance > 600)) { this.secondPass = false; } else if ((!this.targetLocked.bigShip) && (this.distance > 100)) { this.secondPass = false; } } if (this.cutChatter > 0) { this.cutChatter--; } if ((((((_root.globalChatter == 0) && (!_root.importantBroadcast)) && (this.cutChatter == 0)) && ( <= 50)) && (this.distance < 150)) && (this.targetLocked != null)) { _root[this.profile + "Help"].start(0, 0); this.cutChatter = 3000; _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 100; } if (this.dead && (_root.globalChatter < 300)) { _root[this.profile + "Dying"].start(0, 0); _root.globalChatter = _root.globalChatter + 150; } } };
Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 224 MovieClip [arianTorp] Frame 1
stop(); var moveSpeed = 12; var timer = 0; var shooter; var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.arianTorpSound.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentFrame == 1) { var _local5 = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local6 = Math.sin(this.rot); var _local7 = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.moveSpeed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.moveSpeed); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (_root.liveEnemy[_local3].bigShip) { if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox1)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 25; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox2)) {; _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 25; } } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox1)) { _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 1; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveEnemy[_local3].hitBox2)) { _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health = _root.liveEnemy[_local3].health - 1; } _local3++; } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _root.activeTorps.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.activeTorps[_local4])) { _root.activeTorps[_local4].play(); } _local4++; } this.timer++; if (this.shooter == _root.Bulwark) { if (this.timer >= 60) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (this.timer >= 40) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } };
Symbol 224 MovieClip [arianTorp] Frame 2
if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.explosion1.start(0, 0); }
Symbol 224 MovieClip [arianTorp] Frame 11
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var bigShip = true; var speed = 1; var rotationRate = 1; var drag = 0.05; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 300; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 35
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1
function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("arianPlasma", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = eX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = eY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = _parent; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (this.theta * 180) / Math.PI; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 30; } } function trackTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this.aX; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this.aY; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - ((this.theta * 180) / Math.PI); this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - this.targetLocked._x) * (aX - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((aY - this.targetLocked._y) * (aY - this.targetLocked._y))); if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -7) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 7; } else if (this.rotationDifference > 7) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 7; } if ((this.distance < 300) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); } } var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var startX; var startY; var aX; var aY; var dY; var dX; var eX; var eY; var turretLength = 13.8; var theta1; var theta2; var theta; var shotTimer = 0; var targetLocked; var fixation = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.theta1 = (_parent._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta2 = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta = theta1 + theta2; this.dX = this._x + (turretLength * Math.sin(theta2)); this.dY = this._y - (turretLength * Math.cos(theta2)); this.eX = (_parent._x + (dX * Math.cos(theta1))) - (dY * Math.sin(theta1)); this.eY = (_parent._y + (dX * Math.sin(theta1))) + (dY * Math.cos(theta1)); this.aX = this._x + _parent._x; this.aY = this._y + _parent._y; if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.fixation >= 900) { this.fixation = 0; this.chooseTarget(); } if ((this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) || (this.distance > 300)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.trackTarget(); } };
Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var bigShip = true; var profile = "arianTransport"; var cutChatter = 0; var speed = 0.5; var rotationRate = 1; var drag = 0.05; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 300; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 42
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1
function fireGuns() { _root.attachMovie("arianTorp", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = eX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = eY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = _parent; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (this.theta * 180) / Math.PI; _root.shotCount++; } function trackTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this.aX; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this.aY; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - ((this.theta * 180) / Math.PI); this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - this.targetLocked._x) * (aX - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((aY - this.targetLocked._y) * (aY - this.targetLocked._y))); if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -7) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 7; } else if (this.rotationDifference > 7) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 7; } if (((this.shotTimer == 0) && (this.distance < 800)) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) {; this.shotTimer = 300; } } stop(); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var startX; var startY; var aX; var aY; var dY; var dX; var eX; var eY; var turretLength = 48; var theta1; var theta2; var theta; var shotTimer = 0; var targetLocked; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.theta1 = (_parent._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta2 = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta = theta1 + theta2; this.dX = this._x + (turretLength * Math.sin(theta2)); this.dY = this._y - (turretLength * Math.cos(theta2)); this.eX = (_parent._x + (dX * Math.cos(theta1))) - (dY * Math.sin(theta1)); this.eY = (_parent._y + (dX * Math.sin(theta1))) + (dY * Math.cos(theta1)); this.aX = this._x + _parent._x; this.aY = this._y + _parent._y; if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.targetLocked != null) { this.trackTarget(); } this.targetLocked = _parent.targetLocked; };
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 38
Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; this.main1.targetLocked = this.targetLocked; this.main2.targetLocked = this.targetLocked; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveEnemy.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveEnemy[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveEnemy[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveAlly.push(this); var bigShip = true; var profile = "bulwark"; var cutChatter = 0; var speed = 1.8; var rotationRate = 0.75; var drag = 0.05; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 1800; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveEnemy[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveEnemy[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true; _root.bulwarkDying.start(0, 0);; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 63
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 246 MovieClip Frame 1
function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (aX - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (aY - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); } function fireGuns() { if (this.shotTimer == 0) { _root.attachMovie("japFlak", "bullet" + _root.shotCount, _root.shotCount); _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._x = eX; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._y = eY; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].shooter = _parent; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount]._rotation = (this.theta * 180) / Math.PI; _root["bullet" + _root.shotCount].targetLocked = this.targetLocked; _root.shotCount++; this.shotTimer = 50 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20); } } function trackTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this.aX; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this.aY; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - ((this.theta * 180) / Math.PI); this.distance = Math.sqrt(((aX - this.targetLocked._x) * (aX - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((aY - this.targetLocked._y) * (aY - this.targetLocked._y))); if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -7) { this._rotation = this._rotation - 7; } else if (this.rotationDifference > 7) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 7; } if (((this.pursuitTimer > 0) && (this.distance < 300)) && ((this.rotationDifference >= -30) && (this.rotationDifference <= 30))) { this.fireGuns(); } this.pursuitTimer++; } var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var startX; var startY; var aX; var aY; var dY; var dX; var eX; var eY; var turretLength = 4.7; var theta1; var theta2; var theta; var pursuitTimer = 0; var shotTimer = 0; var targetLocked; var fixation = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.theta1 = (_parent._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta2 = (this._rotation * Math.PI) / 180; this.theta = theta1 + theta2; this.dX = this._x + (turretLength * Math.sin(theta2)); this.dY = this._y - (turretLength * Math.cos(theta2)); this.eX = (_parent._x + (dX * Math.cos(theta1))) - (dY * Math.sin(theta1)); this.eY = (_parent._y + (dX * Math.sin(theta1))) + (dY * Math.cos(theta1)); this.aX = this._x + _parent._x; this.aY = this._y + _parent._y; if (this.shotTimer > 0) { this.shotTimer--; } if (this.fixation >= 900) { this.fixation = 0; this.chooseTarget(); } if ((this.targetLocked.dead || (this.targetLocked == undefined)) || (this.distance > 300)) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[0]; this.chooseTarget(); } else { this.trackTarget(); } };
Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var bigShip = true; var speed = 0.65; var rotationRate = 0.8; var drag = 0.05; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 1000; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 53
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 250 MovieClip [japFlak] Frame 1
stop(); var moveSpeed = (6 + (Math.random() * 6)); var timer = 0; var shooter; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); var rot = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rot); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rot); if (((this._x <= (_root.hud._x + 250)) && (this._x >= (_root.hud._x - 250))) && ((this._y <= (_root.hud._y + 250)) && (this._y >= (_root.hud._y - 250)))) { _root.flakLaunch.start(0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentFrame == 1) { var _local4 = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; var _local5 = Math.sin(this.rot); var _local6 = Math.cos(this.rot); this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.moveSpeed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.moveSpeed); this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.timer++; if ((this.timer >= 40) || ((this.distance <= 70) && (this.timer > 5))) {; } } if (this._currentFrame > 1) { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * 3); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * 3); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox1)) { _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - 1; } else if (this.hitTest(_root.liveAlly[_local3].hitBox2)) { _root.liveAlly[_local3].health = _root.liveAlly[_local3].health - 1; } _local3++; } } };
Symbol 250 MovieClip [japFlak] Frame 8
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var speed = 6; var rotationRate = 3.6; var drag = 0.2; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 50; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone] Frame 18
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 1
function turnCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationRate; this.leftEngine._visible = true; } function turnCCW() { this._rotation = this._rotation - this.rotationRate; this.rightEngine._visible = true; } function movement() { this._x = this._x + (this.xMov * this.speed); this._y = this._y - (this.yMov * this.speed); this.inertia = this.speed; this.xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); this.engines._visible = true; } function followWaypoint() { var _local4 = this.waypointX - this._x; var _local3 = this.waypointY - this._y; var _local7 = Math.atan2(_local3, _local4) + (Math.PI/2); var _local5 = _local7 * 57.2957795130823; var _local2 = _local5 - this._rotation; var _local6 = Math.sqrt((_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3)); if (_local6 > 75) { this.inMotion = true; this.atWaypoint = false; } else { this.holdPosition(); this.atWaypoint = true; } if (_local2 > 180) { _local2 = _local2 - 360; } if (_local2 < -180) { _local2 = _local2 + 360; } if ((_local2 < 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((_local2 > 0) && (!this.atWaypoint)) { this.turnCW(); } } function setWaypoint(xCoord, yCoord) { this.waypointX = xCoord; this.waypointY = yCoord; } function holdPosition() { this.inMotion = false; } function acquireTarget(newEnemy) { this.targetLocked = newEnemy; } function chooseTarget() { i = 0; while (i < _root.liveAlly.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))) < this.distance) { this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[i]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[i]._y))); this.minObject = _root.liveAlly[i]; } i++; } this.acquireTarget(this.minObject); if (_root.liveAlly[0] == null) { this.holdPosition(); } } function pursueTarget() { var _local2 = Math.atan2(targetY, targetX) + (Math.PI/2); this.targetX = this.targetLocked._x - this._x; this.targetY = this.targetLocked._y - this._y; this.targetAngle = _local2 * 57.2957795130823; this.rotationDifference = this.targetAngle - this._rotation; this.distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - this.targetLocked._x) * (this._x - this.targetLocked._x)) + ((this._y - this.targetLocked._y) * (this._y - this.targetLocked._y))); this.inMotion = true; if (this.rotationDifference > 180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference - 360; } if (this.rotationDifference < -180) { this.rotationDifference = this.rotationDifference + 360; } if ((this.rotationDifference < -5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCCW(); } else if ((this.rotationDifference > 5) && (!this.secondPass)) { this.turnCW(); } } stop(); _root.liveEnemy.push(this); var bigShip = true; var speed = 2; var rotationRate = 1.2; var drag = 0.05; var inertia = 0; var rotRadians = ((this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI); var xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var xMovIn = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); var yMovIn = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); var health = 300; var dead = false; var through = false; var inMotion = false; var aggressive; var forceAggression; var secondPass = false; var waypointX; var waypointY; var atWaypoint = false; var targetLocked; var distance = Math.sqrt(((this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x) * (this._x - _root.liveAlly[0]._x)) + ((this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y) * (this._y - _root.liveAlly[0]._y))); var targetX; var targetY; var targetAngle; var rotationDifference; var minObject; var pursuitTimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if ( <= 0) { this.dead = true;; } this.leftEngine._visible = false; this.rightEngine._visible = false; this.rotRadians = (this._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; this.xMov = Math.sin(this.rotRadians); this.yMov = Math.cos(this.rotRadians); if (this.inMotion) { this.movement(); } else { this.engines._visible = false; this._x = this._x + (this.xMovIn * this.inertia); this._y = this._y - (this.yMovIn * this.inertia); if (this.inertia > 0) { this.inertia = this.inertia - this.drag; } else { this.inertia = 0; } } this.followWaypoint(); } };
Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 18
stop(); _root.spawner.gunD++; this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 258 MovieClip [chaff] Frame 1
var timer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation = this._rotation + 10; this.timer++; if (this.timer >= 30) { this.removeMovieClip(); } };
Symbol 266 Button
on (release) { _root.clearStage(); stopAllSounds(); _root.nextFrame(); _root.aMC.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 267 MovieClip [aMC] Frame 1
function follow() { this._x = _root.hud._x; this._y = _root.hud._y; } winMission = new Sound(this); winMission.attachSound("LadyArsenic_winMission"); winMission.start(0, 0); winMission.setVolume(150); setInterval(function () { follow(); }, 1);
Symbol 272 Button
on (release) { _root.clearStage(); stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay("mainMenu"); _root.fMC.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 276 Button
on (release) { _root.clearStage(); stopAllSounds(); _root.prevFrame(); _root.fMC.removeMovieClip(); }
Symbol 277 MovieClip [fMC] Frame 1
function follow() { this._x = _root.hud._x; this._y = _root.hud._y; } loseMission = new Sound(this); loseMission.attachSound("LadyArsenic_loseMission"); loseMission.start(0, 0); loseMission.setVolume(150); setInterval(function () { follow(); }, 1);
Symbol 283 MovieClip [moonGeminiII] Frame 1
var storedFilters = new Array(); var blurred = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(11, 11, 3)); this.storedFilters.push(blurred); this.filters = this.storedFilters;
Symbol 285 MovieClip [planetAria] Frame 1
var storedFilters = new Array(); var blurred = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(11, 11, 3)); this.storedFilters.push(blurred); this.filters = this.storedFilters;
Symbol 572 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd] Frame 0
class MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return("2.7"); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var _local26 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local26); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var _local22 = 11000; var _local25 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local14 = _getRes(options); var _local4 = _local14[0]; var _local13 = _local14[1]; mc._x = _local4 * 0.5; mc._y = _local13 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local4 * -0.5; chk._y = _local13 * -0.5; var _local6 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { _local6._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { _local6._x = 10; _local6._y = _local13 - 20; } var _local21 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local19 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local23 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local5 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local5.beginFill(_local19); _local5.moveTo(0, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 0); _local5.endFill(); var _local3 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local3.beginFill(_local21); _local3.moveTo(0, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.endFill(); _local3._xscale = 0; var _local7 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local7.lineStyle(0, _local23, 100); _local7.moveTo(0, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local7.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 10); _local7.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local22; chk.ad_timeout = _local25; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = this._parent._parent; var _local11 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local5 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local3 = false; var _local4 = _local6.getBytesTotal(); var _local8 = _local6.getBytesLoaded(); var _local2 = (100 * _local8) / _local4; var _local10 = (100 * _local5) / chk.ad_msec; var _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local13 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local2 || 0, _local10)); _local13 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local13); this.last_pcnt = _local13; _local9._xscale = _local13; options.ad_progress(_local13); if (sendHostProgress) {, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local2}); if (_local2 == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var _local7 = _local11.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local7 > 0) || (typeof(_local7) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((_local5 > chk.ad_timeout) && (_local2 == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; } } if (_local5 > chk.ad_msec) { _local3 = true; } if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local8 >= _local4)) && (_local3)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var _local9 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local9); var clip = options.clip; var _local8 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local4 = _getRes(options); var _local10 = _local4[0]; var _local7 = _local4[1]; mc._x = _local10 * 0.5; mc._y = _local7 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = _local8; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; var _local20 = false; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { _local2 = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function load(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local9 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local9._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local12 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var _local6 = _local9.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local12); var _local11 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local11[0] + "x") + _local11[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local9._mochiad_loaded = true; var _local4 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local7 in options) { _local4[_local7] = options[_local7]; } var _local10 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local14 = _allowDomains(_local10); _local6.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new LocalConnection(); var _local8 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = _local6; = _local8; _local5.hostname = _local14; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local8); = _local5; = _local8; = getTimer(); _local4.loadMovie(_local10 + ".swf", "POST"); return(_local6); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } if (clip._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined) {, "notify", {id:"unload"}); } clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } if ( == "test") { trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); } return(_local4); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); break; case "getValue" : var _local4 = getValue(clip, arg.objectName);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local4); break; case "runMethod" : var _local3 = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args);, "rpcResult", callbackID, _local3); break; default : trace("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } base[_local2[_local1]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var _local2 = objectName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } return(base[_local2[_local1]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var _local2 = methodName.split("."); var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < (_local2.length - 1)) { if ((base[_local2[_local1]] == undefined) || (base[_local2[_local1]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[_local2[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (typeof(base[_local2[_local1]]) == "function") { return(base[_local2[_local1]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } }
Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
var stars = 500; var maxSpeed = 18; var minSpeed = 9; var i = 1; while (i < stars) { var star = this.attachMovie("star", "star" + i, i + 20); star._x = random(this._width); star._y = random(this._height); var size = (random(2) + (0.6 * random(4))); star._width = size; star._height = size; i++; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < stars) { var _local2 = this["star" + _local3]; if (_local2._x > 0) { _local2._x = _local2._x - (random(maxSpeed - minSpeed) + minSpeed); } else { _local2._x = Stage.width; } _local3++; } };
Symbol 291 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("credits"); }
Symbol 304 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("instructions"); }
Symbol 308 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("firstBriefing"); }
Symbol 314 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("missionSelect"); }
Symbol 315 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("mainMenu"); }
Symbol 319 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 340 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 349 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("firstBriefing"); }
Symbol 353 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("secondBriefing"); }
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("thirdBriefing"); }
Symbol 361 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("fourthBriefing"); }
Symbol 365 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("fifthBriefing"); }
Symbol 369 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("sixthBriefing"); }
Symbol 373 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("seventhBriefing"); }
Symbol 377 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("eighthBriefing"); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay("ninthBriefing"); }
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); if (_root.missions == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_root.missions); }
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 382 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 391 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); A.stop(); }
Symbol 396 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 401 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 403 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); B.stop(); }
Symbol 404 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); B.stop(); }
Symbol 405 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 407 Button
on (release) { C.stop(); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 408 Button
on (release) { C.stop(); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 410 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("firstBriefingA"); B.attachSound("firstBriefingB"); C.attachSound("firstBriefingC"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 412 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 415 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playerShip._y < (this._y + _parent._y)) { _root.playerShip._y = _root.playerShip._y + _root.playerShip.speed; _root.playerShip.inertia = 0; } };
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playerShip._x > (this._x + _parent._x)) { _root.playerShip._x = _root.playerShip._x - _root.playerShip.speed; _root.playerShip.inertia = 0; } };
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playerShip._x < (this._x + _parent._x)) { _root.playerShip._x = _root.playerShip._x + _root.playerShip.speed; _root.playerShip.inertia = 0; } };
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.playerShip._y > (this._y + _parent._y)) { _root.playerShip._y = _root.playerShip._y - _root.playerShip.speed; _root.playerShip.inertia = 0; } };
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 1
var stars = 1000; var i = 1; while (i < stars) { var star = this.attachMovie("star", "star" + i, i + 20); star._x = random(this._width); star._y = random(this._height); var size = (random(2) + (0.6 * random(4))); star._width = size; star._height = size; i++; }
Symbol 424 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = false; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var doAble1 = false; var doAble2 = false; var doAble3 = false; var distress = false; var obj1 = false; var obj2 = false; var obj4 = false; var obj5 = false; var obj6 = false; var obj7 = false; var obj8 = false; var accomplished = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterInstructor", "instructor", 150, 150, 30); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.instructor.dead)) { failed = true; } if (doAble1) { if ((!obj1) && (Key.isDown(37) || (Key.isDown(39)))) { obj1 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; if (!failed) { d3.start(0, 0); } } } if (doAble2) { if ((!obj2) && (Key.isDown(38) || (Key.isDown(40)))) { obj2 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; if (!failed) { d5.start(0, 0); } } } if ((_root.instructor.atWaypoint && (!doAble3)) && (_root.instructor.waypointX == 855)) { doAble3 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; if (!failed) { d6.start(0, 0); } } if ((!obj4) && (_root.drone1.dead)) { obj4 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; if (!failed) { d7.stop(); d8.start(0, 0); } } if ((!obj5) && (_root.drone2.dead)) { obj5 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; if (!failed) { d10.start(0, 0); } } if (_root.drone3.dead) { obj6 = true; } if (_root.drone4.dead) { obj7 = true; } if (_root.drone4.atWaypoint) { if (_root.drone4.waypointY == 500) { _root.drone4.waypointY = 0; } else { _root.drone4.waypointY = 500; } } if (_root.drone5.dead) { obj8 = true; } if ((((((((!distress) && (obj1)) && (obj2)) && (obj4)) && (obj5)) && (obj6)) && (obj7)) && (obj8)) { distress = true; _root.importantBroadcast = true; d11.stop(); dCall.start(0, 0); if ( < 2) { _root.missions = 2; = 2; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("A01"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("b", 2); d2 = new Sound(b); d2.attachSound("A02"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("c", 3); d3 = new Sound(c); d3.attachSound("A03"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("d", 4); d4 = new Sound(d); d4.attachSound("A04"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("e", 5); d5 = new Sound(e); d5.attachSound("A05"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("f", 6); d6 = new Sound(f); d6.attachSound("A06"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("g", 7); d7 = new Sound(g); d7.attachSound("A07"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("h", 8); d8 = new Sound(h); d8.attachSound("A09"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("i", 9); d9 = new Sound(i); d9.attachSound("A10"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("j", 10); d10 = new Sound(j); d10.attachSound("A11"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("k", 11); d11 = new Sound(k); d11.attachSound("A12"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("L", 12); d12 = new Sound(L); d12.attachSound("A13"); this.createEmptyMovieClip("m", 13); dCall = new Sound(l); dCall.attachSound("maydayCall"); dCall.setVolume(75); d1.start(0, 0); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d2.start(0, 0); } }; d2.onSoundComplete = function () { doAble1 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; d3.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d4.start(0, 0); } }; d4.onSoundComplete = function () { doAble2 = true; _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; d5.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; _root.instructor.setWaypoint(855, -419.4); }; d6.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d7.start(0, 0); } spawnEnemy("targetDrone", "drone1", 1250, -800, 0); _root.drone1.waypointX = 750; _root.drone1.waypointY = 700; }; d7.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; d8.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d9.start(0, 0); } spawnEnemy("targetDrone", "drone2", 1100, -800, 0); _root.drone2.waypointX = 400; _root.drone2.waypointY = 500; }; d9.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; d10.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d11.start(0, 0); } spawnEnemy("targetDrone", "drone3", -1250, 1250, 0); _root.drone3.waypointX = 400; _root.drone3.waypointY = 500; spawnEnemy("targetDrone", "drone4", 1250, -800, 0); _root.drone4.waypointX = 800; _root.drone4.waypointY = 500; spawnEnemy("targetDrone", "drone5", 1100, -800, 0); _root.drone5.waypointX = -300; _root.drone5.waypointY = -300; }; d11.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; dCall.onSoundComplete = function () { if (!failed) { d12.start(0, 0); } }; d12.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; accomplished = true; };
Symbol 425 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 427 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 430 Button
on (release) { D.stop(); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 431 Button
on (release) { D.stop(); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 432 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 435 Button
on (release) { E.stop(); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 436 Button
on (release) { E.stop(); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 439 Button
on (release) { F.stop(); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 440 Button
on (release) { F.stop(); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); E = new Sound(this); F = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("secondBriefingA"); B.attachSound("secondBriefingB"); C.attachSound("secondBriefingC"); D.attachSound("secondBriefingD"); E.attachSound("secondBriefingE"); F.attachSound("secondBriefingF"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); E.start(0, 0); E.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); F.start(0, 0); F.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 445 MovieClip Frame 1
var stars = 1000; var i = 1; while (i < stars) { var star = this.attachMovie("star", "star" + i, i + 20); star._x = random(this._width); star._y = random(this._height); var size = (random(2) + (0.6 * random(4))); star._width = size; star._height = size; i++; }
Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = false; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var obj1 = false; var obj2 = false; var obj3 = false; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnCAP("japTransport", "transport1", -1000, -1078, 135); _root.transport1.waypointX = 1923; _root.transport1.waypointY = 1874; spawnCAP("japTransport", "transport2", -800, -1178, 135); _root.transport2.waypointX = 2123; _root.transport2.waypointY = 1874; spawnCAP("japTransport", "transport3", -1200, -1278, 135); _root.transport3.waypointX = 1823; _root.transport3.waypointY = 1974; spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap1", 0, 0, 135); _root.jap1.forceAggression = true; spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap2", -50, 50, 135); _root.jap2.forceAggression = true; spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap3", -50, -50, 135); _root.jap3.forceAggression = true; spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap4", -1200, -1200, 135); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap5", -1000, -1000, 135); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", 1157, 1400, -45); _root.bravo1.forceAggression = true; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", 1257, 1500, -45); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileThree"; _root.bravo3.forceAggression = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } _root.jap4.setWaypoint(_root.transport1._x, _root.transport1._y); _root.jap5.setWaypoint(_root.transport2._x, _root.transport2._x); if (!obj1) { if (_root.transport1._x > 1750) { failed = true; } } if (!obj2) { if (_root.transport2._x > 1750) { failed = true; } } if (!obj3) { if (_root.transport3._x > 1750) { failed = true; } } if (_root.transport1.dead) { obj1 = true; } if (_root.transport2.dead) { obj2 = true; } if (_root.transport3.dead) { obj3 = true; } if ((obj1 && (obj2)) && (obj3)) { accomplished = true; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 3) { _root.missions = 3; = 3; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("Timetoavengefallen"); d1.setVolume(150); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 447 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 449 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 453 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("thirdBriefingA"); B.attachSound("thirdBriefingB"); C.attachSound("thirdBriefingC"); D.attachSound("thirdBriefingD"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 455 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 1
var storedFilters = new Array(); var blurred = (new flash.filters.BlurFilter(11, 11, 3)); this.storedFilters.push(blurred); this.filters = this.storedFilters;
Symbol 458 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = false; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var obj1 = false; var obj2 = false; var obj3 = false; var objCount = 0; var foo1 = false; var foo2 = false; var foo3 = false; var fooCount = 0; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnCAP("arianTransport", "transport1", 948, 1009, -45); _root.transport1.waypointX = -723; _root.transport1.waypointY = -750; spawnCAP("arianTransport", "transport2", 748, 1109, -45); _root.transport2.waypointX = -750; _root.transport2.waypointY = -800; spawnCAP("arianTransport", "transport3", 848, 1278, -45); _root.transport3.waypointX = -700; _root.transport3.waypointY = -800; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", -325, 990, 90); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", -450, 960, 90); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileOne"; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.bravo3.hitTest(_root.bravo1)) { _root.bravo3.turnCW(); } if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; if (timer == 100) { _root.importantBroadcast = true; d2.start(0, 0); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1015, -700, 225); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1015, -577, 225); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "nip" + _root.enemyNumber, 1115, -577, 225); } if (!accomplished) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _root.liveEnemy.length) { _root.liveEnemy[_local3].forceAggression = true; _local3++; } if (timer > 100) { if ((timer % 750) == 0) { spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1015, -700, 225); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1015, -577, 225); spawnEnemy("japScoutFighter", "nip" + _root.enemyNumber, 1115, -577, 225); } if ((timer % 500) == 0) { spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, -1015, -700, 135); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "nip" + _root.enemyNumber, -1015, -577, 135); } } } } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if (!foo1) { _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.transport1._x - 30, _root.transport1._y); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.transport1._x, _root.transport1._y + 30); var _local4 = 600; while (_local4 <= 650) { _root["jap" + _local4].targetLocked = _root.transport1; _local4++; } } else if (!foo2) { _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.transport2._x - 30, _root.transport2._y); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.transport2._x, _root.transport2._y + 30); var _local4 = 600; while (_local4 <= 650) { _root["jap" + _local4].targetLocked = _root.transport2; _local4++; } } else if (!foo3) { _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.transport3._x - 30, _root.transport3._y); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.transport3._x, _root.transport3._y + 30); var _local4 = 600; while (_local4 <= 650) { _root["jap" + _local4].targetLocked = _root.transport3; _local4++; } } if (_root.transport1._x <= -650) { if (!obj1) { objCount++; } obj1 = true; } if (_root.transport2._x <= -650) { if (!obj2) { objCount++; } obj2 = true; } if (_root.transport3._x <= -650) { if (!obj3) { objCount++; } obj3 = true; } if (_root.transport1.dead) { if (!foo1) { fooCount++; } foo1 = true; } if (_root.transport2.dead) { if (!foo2) { fooCount++; } foo2 = true; } if (_root.transport3.dead) { if (!foo3) { fooCount++; } foo3 = true; } if (objCount >= 2) { accomplished = true; } else if (fooCount >= 2) { failed = true; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 4) { _root.missions = 4; = 4; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("Allsclear"); d1.setVolume(150); this.createEmptyMovieClip("b", 2); d2 = new Sound(b); d2.attachSound("xtermin8r13_line03-1Enemies Inbound"); d2.setVolume(150); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; runTimer = true; }; d2.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 459 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 461 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 464 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("fourthBriefingA"); B.attachSound("fourthBriefingB"); C.attachSound("fourthBriefingC"); D.attachSound("fourthBriefingD"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1
var stars = 1000; var i = 1; while (i < stars) { var star = this.attachMovie("star", "star" + i, i + 20); star._x = random(this._width); star._y = random(this._height); var size = (random(2) + (0.6 * random(4))); star._width = size; star._height = size; i++; }
Symbol 469 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var obj1 = false; var foo1 = false; var foo2 = false; var foo3 = false; var fooTimer = 0; var goo1 = false; var goo2 = false; var gooTimer = 0; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", 200, 2217, 0); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", 150, 2317, 0); _root.bravo1.waypointX = 1500; _root.bravo1.waypointY = 2100; _root.bravo3.profile = "profileTwo"; spawnAlly("alliedFighterAlpha", "alpha1", 300, 2500, 0); _root.alpha1.waypointX = 0; _root.alpha1.waypointY = 500; spawnAlly("alliedFighterAlpha", "alpha2", 200, 2550, 0); spawnAlly("alliedFighterAlpha", "alpha3", 250, 2600, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if ((!failed) && (_root.frigate.dead)) { accomplished = true; } if ((!obj1) && (_root.alpha1.dead)) { failed = true; } if ((!obj1) && (_root.alpha1._y < -2890)) { obj1 = true; _root.alpha3.removeMovieClip(); _root.alpha2.removeMovieClip(); _root.alpha1.removeMovieClip(); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d3.start(0, 0); } if (_root.bravo1.hitTest(_root.bravo3) && (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.bravo3.targetLocked)) { _root.bravo3.acquireTarget(_root.frigate); if (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate) { _root.bravo1.chooseTarget(); } } if (timer == 300) { _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); _root.alpha1.waypointX = 250; _root.alpha1.waypointY = -3000; runTimer = false; timer = 301; } if (timer == 400) { _root.importantBroadcast = true; d4.start(0, 0); } _root.alpha2.setWaypoint(_root.alpha1.waypointX + 50, _root.alpha1.waypointY + 50); _root.alpha3.setWaypoint(_root.alpha1.waypointX - 50, _root.alpha1.waypointY + 50); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.bravo1.waypointX - 50, _root.bravo1.waypointY + 50); if (_root.bravo1.atWaypoint && (_root.bravo1._x >= 1500)) { _root.bravo1.waypointX = -1500; } if (_root.bravo1.atWaypoint && (_root.bravo1._x <= -1500)) { _root.bravo1.waypointX = 1500; } if (fooTimer == 19) { spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "fool1", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "fool2", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "fool3", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); foo1 = true; foo2 = true; foo3 = true; var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= 3) { _root["fool" + _local4].forceAggression = true; _local4++; } fooTimer = 0; } if (gooTimer == 19) { spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "goon1", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "goon2", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); goo1 = true; goo2 = true; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= 2) { _root["goon" + _local3].forceAggression = true; _local3++; } gooTimer = 0; } if ((((!goo1) && (!goo2)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer > 400)) { gooTimer++; } if (((((!foo1) && (!foo2)) && (!foo3)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer > 400)) { fooTimer++; } if (_root.fool1.dead) { foo1 = false; } if (_root.fool2.dead) { foo2 = false; } if (_root.fool3.dead) { foo3 = false; } if (_root.goon1.dead) { goo1 = false; } if (_root.goon2.dead) { goo2 = false; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 5) { _root.missions = 5; = 5; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("rLBlip"); d1.setVolume(150); this.createEmptyMovieClip("b", 2); d2 = new Sound(b); d2.attachSound("RogerthatB"); d2.setVolume(150); this.createEmptyMovieClip("c", 3); d3 = new Sound(c); d3.attachSound("thatsEnemyFrig"); d3.setVolume(150); this.createEmptyMovieClip("d", 4); d4 = new Sound(d); d4.attachSound("nMO"); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { d2.start(0, 0); }; d2.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; }; d3.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate", 250, - 50, 180); _root.frigate.waypointX = 250; _root.frigate.waypointY = 250; runTimer = true; }; d4.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; spawnAlly("alliedBomberAble", "able1", 200, 2217, 0); _root.able1.targetLocked = _root.frigate; _root.able1.forceAggression = true; spawnAlly("alliedBomberAble", "able2", 150, 2317, 0); _root.able2.targetLocked = _root.frigate; _root.able2.forceAggression = true; _root.bravo1.forceAggression = true; _root.bravo3.forceAggression = true; };
Symbol 470 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 472 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 475 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); E = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("fifthBriefingA"); B.attachSound("fifthBriefingB"); C.attachSound("fifthBriefingC"); D.attachSound("fifthBriefingD"); E.attachSound("fifthBriefingE"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); E.start(0, 0); E.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 479 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var obj1 = false; var obj2 = false; var obj3 = false; var foo1 = false; var foo2 = false; var foo3 = false; var fooTimer = 0; var goo1 = false; var goo2 = false; var goo3 = false; var goo4 = false; var gooTimer = 0; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", 200, 2217, 0); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", 150, 2317, 0); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileFemale"; spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate2", 0, 0, 180); spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate1", 200, 105, 180); spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate3", -150, -170, 180); spawnCAP("arianBulwark", "Bulwark", 840, 2700, 0); _root.Bulwark.waypointX = 840; _root.Bulwark.waypointY = -600; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if (_root.Bulwark._y < -550) { _root.Bulwark.setWaypoint(50, -600); } if (!obj1) { _root.Bulwark.acquireTarget(_root.frigate1); } else if (!obj2) { _root.Bulwark.acquireTarget(_root.frigate2); } else { _root.Bulwark.acquireTarget(_root.frigate3); } _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.Bulwark._x - 50, _root.Bulwark._y + 50); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.Bulwark._x + 50, _root.Bulwark._y + 50); if (((_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate1) || (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate2)) || (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate3)) { _root.bravo1.followWaypoint(); } if (((_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate1) || (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate2)) || (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate3)) { _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); } if (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.bravo1.targetLocked) { _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if (_root.Bulwark.dead && (!accomplished)) { failed = true; } if ((((!failed) && (obj1)) && (obj2)) && (obj3)) { accomplished = true; } if (_root.frigate1.dead) { obj1 = true; } if (_root.frigate2.dead) { obj2 = true; } if (_root.frigate3.dead) { obj3 = true; } if (fooTimer == 400) { spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool1", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool2", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool3", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); foo1 = true; foo2 = true; foo3 = true; var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= 3) { _root["fool" + _local4].forceAggression = true; _local4++; } fooTimer = 0; } if (gooTimer == 500) { spawnEnemy("japBomber", "goon1", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "goon2", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "goon3", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "goon4", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); goo1 = true; goo2 = true; goo3 = true; goo4 = true; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= 4) { _root["goon" + _local3].forceAggression = true; _root["goon" + _local3].targetLocked = _root.Bulwark; _local3++; } gooTimer = 0; } if ((((((!goo1) && (!goo2)) && (!goo3)) && (!goo4)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer >= 600)) { gooTimer++; } if (((((!foo1) && (!foo2)) && (!foo3)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer >= 300)) { fooTimer++; } if (_root.fool1.dead) { foo1 = false; } if (_root.fool2.dead) { foo2 = false; } if (_root.fool3.dead) { foo3 = false; } if (_root.goon1.dead) { goo1 = false; } if (_root.goon2.dead) { goo2 = false; } if (_root.goon3.dead) { goo3 = false; } if (_root.goon4.dead) { goo4 = false; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 6) { _root.missions = 6; = 6; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("bulTargSighted"); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 480 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 482 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 485 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); E = new Sound(this); F = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("sixthBriefingA"); B.attachSound("sixthBriefingB"); C.attachSound("sixthBriefingC"); D.attachSound("sixthBriefingD"); E.attachSound("sixthBriefingE"); F.attachSound("sixthBriefingF"); A.setVolume(150); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); E.start(0, 0); E.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); F.start(0, 0); F.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 490 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var obj1 = false; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", -1430, -1610, 180); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", -1570, -1750, 180); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileOne"; _root.bravo1.forceAggression = true; _root.bravo3.forceAggression = true; spawnCAP("japGunship", "gunship", 2670, 2000, 270); _root.gunship.waypointX = -2800; _root.gunship.waypointY = 1700; spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort1", 2650, 2000, 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort2", 2650, 2000, 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort3", 2650, 2000, 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort4", 2650, 2000, 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "jap1", -1209, -20, 10); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "jap2", -1150, 20, 10); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "jap3", 1158, 2300, 300); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "jap4", 1210, 2370, 270); var i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root["jap" + i].forceAggression = true; i++; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if ((!failed) && (_root.gunship.dead)) { accomplished = true; } if (_root.gunship._x < -2300) { failed = true; } _root.escort1.setWaypoint(_root.gunship._x + 100, _root.gunship._y + 100); _root.escort2.setWaypoint(_root.gunship._x - 100, _root.gunship._y + 100); _root.escort3.setWaypoint(_root.gunship._x + 100, _root.gunship._y - 100); _root.escort4.setWaypoint(_root.gunship._x - 100, _root.gunship._y - 100); if ((_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.bravo1.targetLocked) && (Math.abs(_root.bravo3._rotation - _root.bravo1._rotation) < 30)) { _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x - 70, _root.playerShip._y + 70); _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 7) { _root.missions = 7; = 7; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("Jackpot"); d1.setVolume(200); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 491 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 493 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 496 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 498 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("seventhBriefingA"); B.attachSound("seventhBriefingB"); C.attachSound("seventhBriefingC"); D.attachSound("seventhBriefingD"); A.setVolume(200); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 498 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 498 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 498 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 498 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var gunN = 0; var gunD = 0; var foo1 = true; var foo2 = true; var fooTimer = 0; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", -850, -520, 90); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", -950, -520, 90); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileOne"; _root.bravo1.forceAggression = true; _root.bravo3.forceAggression = true; spawnAlly("alliedFighterCharlie", "charlie1", -950, -270, 90); _root.charlie1.profile = "profileFemale"; spawnAlly("alliedFighterCharlie", "charlie2", -950, -320, 90); _root.charlie2.profile = "profileTwo"; spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "fool1", 1760, -700 + (Math.random() * 1400), 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "fool2", 1760, -700 + (Math.random() * 1400), 270); _root.fool1.forceAggression = true; _root.fool2.forceAggression = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } _root.charlie1.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x - 70, _root.playerShip._y + 70); _root.charlie2.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x - 140, _root.playerShip._y + 140); if ((!failed) && (gunD >= 10)) { accomplished = true; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 10) { if (_root["gunship" + _local3]._x < -1100) { failed = true; } _local3++; } if ((gunN < 10) && ((timer % 1200) == 0)) { spawnCAP("japGunship", "gunship" + gunN, 1760, -700 + (Math.random() * 1400), 270); _root["gunship" + gunN].waypointY = _root["gunship" + gunN]._y; _root["gunship" + gunN].waypointX = -1300; spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort" + (gunN * 2), 1760, _root["gunship" + gunN]._y + 50, 270); _root["escort" + (gunN * 2)].waypointY = _root["escort" + (gunN * 2)]._y; _root["escort" + (gunN * 2)].waypointX = -1300; spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "escort" + ((gunN * 2) + 1), 1760, _root["gunship" + gunN]._y - 50, 270); _root["escort" + ((gunN * 2) + 1)].waypointY = _root["escort" + ((gunN * 2) + 1)]._y; _root["escort" + ((gunN * 2) + 1)].waypointX = -1300; gunN++; } if ((!foo1) && (!foo2)) { fooTimer++; } if ((fooTimer == 300) && (!accomplished)) { spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "fool1", 1760, -700 + (Math.random() * 1400), 270); spawnEnemy("japChrysanthemumFighter", "fool2", 1760, -700 + (Math.random() * 1400), 270); _root.fool1.forceAggression = true; _root.fool2.forceAggression = true; foo1 = true; foo2 = true; fooTimer = 0; } if ((_root.fool1._currentframe = _root.fool1._totalframes)) { foo1 = false; } if ((_root.fool2._currentframe = _root.fool2._totalframes)) { foo2 = false; } if ((_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.bravo1.targetLocked) && (Math.abs(_root.bravo3._rotation - _root.bravo1._rotation) < 30)) { _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x - 70, _root.playerShip._y + 70); _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 8) { _root.missions = 8; = 8; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); };
Symbol 500 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 502 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 505 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("eighthBriefingA"); B.attachSound("eighthBriefingB"); C.attachSound("eighthBriefingC"); D.attachSound("eighthBriefingD"); A.setVolume(200); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 508 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var randomTimer = 0; foo1 = true; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", -516, 1300, 0); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", -616, 1400, 0); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileThree"; spawnAlly("alliedFighterCharlie", "charlie1", 227, -1270, 190); _root.charlie1.profile = "profileFemale"; spawnCAP("arianBulwark", "Bulwark", 227, -1203, 180); _root.Bulwark.waypointX = 260; _root.Bulwark.waypointY = 1755; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } if (timer == 1) { _root.Bulwark.speed = _root.Bulwark.speed / 5; = 500; } _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.Bulwark._x + 70, _root.Bulwark._y + 70); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.Bulwark._x + 70, _root.Bulwark._y - 70); _root.charlie1.setWaypoint(_root.Bulwark._x - 70, _root.Bulwark._y + 70); if ((!failed) && (_root.Bulwark._y >= 1670)) { accomplished = true; } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.Bulwark.dead)) { failed = true; } if ((_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.bravo1.targetLocked) && (Math.abs(_root.bravo3._rotation - _root.bravo1._rotation) < 30)) { _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if ((!accomplished) && ((timer % 1800) == 0)) { spawnEnemy("japBomber", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, 1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); var _local3 = 600; while (_local3 <= 650) { _root["jap" + _local3].forceAggression = true; _local3++; } } if ((((!accomplished) && ((timer % 900) == randomTimer)) && (timer > 1800)) && (foo1)) { spawnEnemy("japBomber", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, -1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japBomber", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, -1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, -1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "jap" + _root.enemyNumber, -1785, -1000 + (Math.random() * 2000), 270); var _local3 = 600; while (_local3 <= 650) { _root["jap" + _local3].forceAggression = true; _local3++; } foo1 = false; randomTimer = 600 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 300); } if ((timer % 900) == 0) { foo1 = true; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 9) { _root.missions = 9; = 9; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("reunion"); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 509 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); A.start(0, 0); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 511 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 514 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 518 Button
on (release) { G.stop(); nextFrame(); }
Symbol 519 Button
on (release) { G.stop(); prevFrame(); }
Symbol 520 Button
on (release) { A.stop(); B.stop(); C.stop(); D.stop(); E.stop(); F.stop(); G.stop(); gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); var musicPlaying; A = new Sound(this); B = new Sound(this); C = new Sound(this); D = new Sound(this); E = new Sound(this); F = new Sound(this); G = new Sound(this); A.attachSound("ninthBriefingA"); B.attachSound("ninthBriefingB"); C.attachSound("ninthBriefingC"); D.attachSound("ninthBriefingD"); E.attachSound("ninthBriefingE"); F.attachSound("ninthBriefingF"); G.attachSound("ninthBriefingG"); A.start(0, 0); A.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); }; if (!musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = true; _root.briefing.stop(); _root.briefing.start(0, 999); }
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); B.start(0, 0); B.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); C.start(0, 0); C.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); D.start(0, 0); D.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); E.start(0, 0); E.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 6
stop(); F.start(0, 0); F.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 7
stop(); G.start(0, 0); G.onSoundComplete = function () { nextFrame(); };
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 523 MovieClip Frame 1
function spawnEnemy(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.enemyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.enemyNumber++; } function spawnCAP(unitType, onamae, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, onamae, _root.bigNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.bigNumber++; } function spawnAlly(unitType, designation, xCoord, yCoord, rot) { _root.attachMovie(unitType, designation, _root.allyNumber, {_x:xCoord, _y:yCoord, _rotation:rot}); _root.allyNumber++; } var runTimer = true; var timer = 0; var prompt = false; var transportArray = new Array(); var obj1 = false; var obj2 = false; var obj3 = false; var foo1 = false; var foo2 = false; var foo3 = false; var fooTimer = 0; var goo1 = true; var goo2 = true; var goo3 = true; var gooTimer = 0; var accomplished = false; var failed = false; spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravoLeader", "bravo1", 1350, 2100, 0); spawnAlly("alliedFighterBravo", "bravo3", 1550, 2300, 0); _root.bravo3.profile = "profileFemale"; spawnAlly("alliedBomberAble", "able1", 1000, 2000, 0); spawnAlly("alliedBomberAble", "able2", 1200, 2000, 0); spawnAlly("alliedBomberBaker", "baker1", 1700, 2400, 0); spawnAlly("alliedBomberBaker", "baker2", 1700, 2550, 0); _root.able1.forceAggression = true; _root.able2.forceAggression = true; _root.baker1.forceAggression = true; _root.baker2.forceAggression = true; spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon1", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon2", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon3", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); _root.goon1.forceAggression = true; _root.goon2.forceAggression = true; _root.goon3.forceAggression = true; spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate2", -979, -370, 180); spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate1", 1940, 100, 180); spawnCAP("japFrigate", "frigate3", -1450, -370, 180); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.runTimer) { this.timer++; } if (!obj1) { _root.able1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate1); _root.baker1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate1); _root.able2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate1); _root.baker2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate1); } else if (!obj2) { _root.able1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate2); _root.baker1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate2); _root.able2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate2); _root.baker2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate2); } else { _root.able1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate3); _root.baker1.acquireTarget(_root.frigate3); _root.able2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate3); _root.baker2.acquireTarget(_root.frigate3); } _root.bravo1.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x - 50, _root.playerShip._y + 50); _root.bravo3.setWaypoint(_root.playerShip._x + 50, _root.playerShip._y + 50); if (((_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate1) || (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate2)) || (_root.bravo1.targetLocked == _root.frigate3)) { _root.bravo1.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo1.chooseTarget(); } if (((_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate1) || (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate2)) || (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.frigate3)) { _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if (_root.bravo3.targetLocked == _root.bravo1.targetLocked) { _root.bravo3.followWaypoint(); _root.bravo3.chooseTarget(); } if ((!accomplished) && (_root.playerShip.dead)) { failed = true; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < transportArray.length) { transportArray[_local3].setWaypoint(1310, 2600); if (transportArray[_local3]._y >= 2500) { failed = true; } _local3++; } var _local4 = transportArray.length - 1; while (_local4 >= 0) { if (transportArray[_local4].dead) { transportArray.splice(_local4, 1); } _local4--; } if ((!((obj1 && (obj2)) && (obj3))) && ((timer % 1000) == 0)) { spawnEnemy("japTransport", "transport" + _root.enemyNumber, -900 + (Math.random() * 1800), -2400, 180); transportArray.push(_root["transport" + (_root.enemyNumber - 1)]); } if (((((!failed) && (obj1)) && (obj2)) && (obj3)) && (transportArray.length == 0)) { accomplished = true; } if (_root.frigate1.dead) { obj1 = true; } if (_root.frigate2.dead) { obj2 = true; } if (_root.frigate3.dead) { obj3 = true; } if (fooTimer == 400) { spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool1", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool2", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); spawnEnemy("japMediumFighter", "fool3", -2240, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), 90); foo1 = true; foo2 = true; foo3 = true; var _local6 = 1; while (_local6 <= 3) { _root["fool" + _local6].forceAggression = true; _local6++; } fooTimer = 0; } if (gooTimer == 500) { spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon1", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon2", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); spawnEnemy("japLightFighter", "goon3", 2800, -2000 + (Math.random() * 4000), -90); goo1 = true; goo2 = true; goo3 = true; var _local5 = 1; while (_local5 <= 3) { _root["goon" + _local5].forceAggression = true; _local5++; } gooTimer = 0; } if ((((((!goo1) && (!goo2)) && (!goo3)) && (!goo4)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer >= 600)) { gooTimer++; } if (((((!foo1) && (!foo2)) && (!foo3)) && (!accomplished)) && (timer >= 300)) { fooTimer++; } if (_root.fool1.dead) { foo1 = false; } if (_root.fool2.dead) { foo2 = false; } if (_root.fool3.dead) { foo3 = false; } if (_root.goon1.dead) { goo1 = false; } if (_root.goon2.dead) { goo2 = false; } if (_root.goon3.dead) { goo3 = false; } if (failed && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("fMC", "fMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; } else if (accomplished && (!prompt)) { _root.attachMovie("aMC", "aMC", 30000, {_x:_root.hud._x, _y:_root.hud._y}); prompt = true; if ( < 10) { _root.missions = 10; = 10; _root.savefile.flush(); } } if (_root.importantBroadcast) { currentSong.setVolume(25); } else { currentSong.setVolume(55); } }; var songArray = new Array(); songArray.push("music1"); songArray.push("music2"); songArray.push("music3"); songArray.push("music4"); var randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var justPlayed = randomSong; this.createEmptyMovieClip("musics", 100); currentSong = new Sound(musics); currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); currentSong.onSoundComplete = function () { while (randomSong == justPlayed) { randomSong = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); } justPlayed = randomSong; currentSong.attachSound(songArray[randomSong]); currentSong.start(0, 0); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("a", 1); d1 = new Sound(a); d1.attachSound("ddT"); _root.importantBroadcast = true; d1.start(0, 0); d1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.importantBroadcast = false; };
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._y > 180) { this._y = this._y - 1; } };
Symbol 526 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay("mainMenu"); }
Symbol 527 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay("credits"); }
Symbol 552 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 554 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 556 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 558 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 560 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 562 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 564 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 566 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 571 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 571 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 571 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 571 MovieClip Frame 4

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [profileOneDying]
Symbol 2 Sound [profileOneHelp]
Symbol 3 Sound [profileOneCheckFire]
Symbol 4 Sound [xtermin8r13_line03-1Enemies Inbound]
Symbol 5 Sound [profileOneMissile]
Symbol 6 Sound [Timetoavengefallen]
Symbol 7 Sound [thirdBriefingD]
Symbol 8 Sound [thirdBriefingC]
Symbol 9 Sound [thirdBriefingB]
Symbol 10 Sound [thirdBriefingA]
Symbol 11 Sound [thatsEnemyFrig]
Symbol 12 Sound [sixthBriefingF]
Symbol 13 Sound [sixthBriefingE]
Symbol 14 Sound [sixthBriefingD]
Symbol 15 Sound [sixthBriefingC]
Symbol 16 Sound [sixthBriefingB]
Symbol 17 Sound [sixthBriefingA]
Symbol 18 Sound [seventhBriefingD]
Symbol 19 Sound [seventhBriefingC]
Symbol 20 Sound [seventhBriefingB]
Symbol 21 Sound [seventhBriefingA]
Symbol 22 Sound [secondBriefingF]
Symbol 23 Sound [secondBriefingE]
Symbol 24 Sound [secondBriefingD]
Symbol 25 Sound [secondBriefingC]
Symbol 26 Sound [secondBriefingB]
Symbol 27 Sound [secondBriefingA]
Symbol 28 Sound [sadEnding]
Symbol 29 Sound [RogerthatB]
Symbol 30 Sound [rLBlip]
Symbol 31 Sound [profileThreeCheckFire]
Symbol 32 Sound [profileThreeMissile]
Symbol 33 Sound [profileThreeHelp]
Symbol 34 Sound [profileThreeDying]
Symbol 35 Sound [plasmaImpact]
Symbol 36 Sound [plasmaFireArian]
Symbol 37 Sound [nMO]
Symbol 38 Sound [ninthBriefingG]
Symbol 39 Sound [ninthBriefingF]
Symbol 40 Sound [ninthBriefingE]
Symbol 41 Sound [ninthBriefingD]
Symbol 42 Sound [ninthBriefingC]
Symbol 43 Sound [ninthBriefingB]
Symbol 44 Sound [ninthBriefingA]
Symbol 45 Sound [missileFire]
Symbol 46 Sound [maydayCall]
Symbol 47 Sound [LadyArsenic_winMission]
Symbol 48 Sound [LadyArsenic_loseMission]
Symbol 49 Sound [launchWarning]
Symbol 50 Sound [Jackpot]
Symbol 51 Sound [Imout]
Symbol 52 Sound [Hey]
Symbol 53 Sound [Help]
Symbol 54 Sound [femHelp]
Symbol 55 Sound [femMis]
Symbol 56 Sound [fourthBriefingD]
Symbol 57 Sound [fourthBriefingC]
Symbol 58 Sound [fourthBriefingB]
Symbol 59 Sound [fourthBriefingA]
Symbol 60 Sound [FlakLaunch]
Symbol 61 Sound [firstBriefingC]
Symbol 62 Sound [firstBriefingB]
Symbol 63 Sound [firstBriefingA]
Symbol 64 Sound [fifthBriefingE]
Symbol 65 Sound [fifthBriefingD]
Symbol 66 Sound [fifthBriefingC]
Symbol 67 Sound [fifthBriefingB]
Symbol 68 Sound [fifthBriefingA]
Symbol 69 Sound [femDie]
Symbol 70 Sound [explosion1]
Symbol 71 Sound [eighthBriefingD]
Symbol 72 Sound [eighthBriefingC]
Symbol 73 Sound [eighthBriefingB]
Symbol 74 Sound [eighthBriefingA]
Symbol 75 Sound [Eatthis]
Symbol 76 Sound [ddT]
Symbol 77 Sound [bulletImpact]
Symbol 78 Sound [profileTwoCheckFire]
Symbol 79 Sound [profileTwoMissile]
Symbol 80 Sound [profileTwoHelp]
Symbol 81 Sound [profileTwoDying]
Symbol 82 Sound [boom_4]
Symbol 83 Sound [boom_2SHORT]
Symbol 84 Sound [femCare]
Symbol 85 Sound [bulTargSighted]
Symbol 86 Sound [bulwarkDeath]
Symbol 87 Sound [reunion]
Symbol 88 Sound [Allsclear]
Symbol 89 Sound [airExplosion]
Symbol 90 Sound [twentyFire]
Symbol 91 Sound [music2]
Symbol 92 Sound [music1]
Symbol 93 Sound [menu-briefing]
Symbol 94 Sound [music3]
Symbol 95 Sound [music4]
Symbol 96 Sound [A13]
Symbol 97 Sound [A12]
Symbol 98 Sound [A11]
Symbol 99 Sound [A10]
Symbol 100 Sound [A09]
Symbol 101 Sound [instruHey]
Symbol 102 Sound [A07]
Symbol 103 Sound [A06]
Symbol 104 Sound [A05]
Symbol 105 Sound [A04]
Symbol 106 Sound [A03]
Symbol 107 Sound [A02]
Symbol 108 Sound [arianTorpSound]
Symbol 109 Sound [A01]
Symbol 110 Sound [commit.wav]Used by:266 272 276 291 304 308 314 315 349 353 357 361 365 369 373 377 381 401 526 527
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:111Used by:137
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:116
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:113 115Used by:137
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:119 120 121Used by:132
Symbol 123 FontUsed by:124 126 128
Symbol 124 EditableTextUses:123Used by:132
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 126 EditableTextUses:123Used by:129
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:129
Symbol 128 EditableTextUses:123Used by:129
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:125 126 127 128Used by:132
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:117 118 122 124 129 130 131Used by:137
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:136
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:134Used by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:133 135Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClip [hud]Uses:112 116 132 136
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClip [vCam]Uses:138
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:140 141Used by:143 186 188 190 193 206 208 209 225 227 228 232 233 243 248 254
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:150 152 154 156 158 160 197 215 217 242 254 345
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:150 152 154 156 158 160 188 195 197 208 213 215 217 227 232 242 248 252 254 345
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:147 148Used by:150 152 154 156 158 160 188 195 197 208 213 215 217 227 232 242 248 252 254
Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha]Uses:143 144 146 149
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader]Uses:143 151 146 149
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie]Uses:143 153 146 149
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor]Uses:143 155 146 149
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:158 345
Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo]Uses:143 157 146 149
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip]Uses:143 159 146 149
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 162 ShapeTweeningUsed by:167
Symbol 163 ShapeTweeningUsed by:167
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 165 ShapeTweeningUsed by:167
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167 173
Symbol 167 MovieClip [japPlasma]Uses:161 162 163 164 165 166
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:173
Symbol 169 ShapeTweeningUsed by:173
Symbol 170 ShapeTweeningUsed by:173
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:173
Symbol 172 ShapeTweeningUsed by:173
Symbol 173 MovieClip [arianPlasma]Uses:168 169 170 171 172 166
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClip [twentyMM]Uses:174 175 176
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:186
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClipUses:179 180 181 182 183 184Used by:186 190
Symbol 186 MovieClip [bloodHoundMissile]Uses:142 178 185
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter]Uses:142 187 146 149
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClip [japMissile]Uses:142 189 185
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClip [star]Uses:191
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:142Used by:195 252
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClip [japLightFighter]Uses:193 194 146 149
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter]Uses:143 196 146 149
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:206
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClipUses:199 200 201 202 203 204Used by:206 242 250
Symbol 206 MovieClip [japTorpedo]Uses:142 198 205
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip [japScoutFighter]Uses:142 207 146 149
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:142Used by:213
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:213
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:213 254
Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber]Uses:209 210 212 146 149
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker]Uses:143 214 146 149
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble]Uses:143 216 146 149
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 219 ShapeTweeningUsed by:224
Symbol 220 ShapeTweeningUsed by:224
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 222 ShapeTweeningUsed by:224
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClip [arianTorp]Uses:218 219 220 221 222 223
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:142Used by:227
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport]Uses:225 142 226 146 149
Symbol 228 MovieClipUses:142Used by:232
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:230Used by:232 242
Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport]Uses:228 142 229 231 146 149
Symbol 233 MovieClipUses:142Used by:242
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:235Used by:238
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:236 237Used by:242
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark]Uses:143 233 234 238 231 146 239 205 240 149 241
Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:142Used by:248
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:246
Symbol 246 MovieClipUses:245Used by:248
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:248
Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate]Uses:243 142 244 246 146 247 149
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClip [japFlak]Uses:249 205
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:252
Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone]Uses:193 251 146 149
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:254
Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship]Uses:143 142 253 212 146 149
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:257
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:257
Symbol 257 MovieClipUses:255 256Used by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClip [chaff]Uses:257
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:266 272 276 291 304 308 314 315 349 353 357 361 365 369 373 377 381 526 527
Symbol 261 FontUsed by:262 263 265 269 270 271 273 274 275 288 289 290 301 302 303 305 306 307 311 312 313 320 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 341 342 344 346 347 348 350 351 352 354 355 356 358 359 360 362 363 364 366 367 368 370 371 372 374 375 376 378 379 380 394 399 402 406 409 411 426 428 429 433 437 441 448 450 452 454 460 462 463 465 471 473 474 476 477 481 483 484 486 487 488 492 494 495 497 501 503 504 506 510 512 513 515 516 517 521 524 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 550 551 553 555 557 559 561 563 565 568 570
Symbol 262 TextUses:261Used by:266
Symbol 263 TextUses:261Used by:266
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:266 272 276 291 304 308 314 315 349 353 357 361 365 369 373 377 381 526 527
Symbol 265 TextUses:261Used by:266
Symbol 266 ButtonUses:260 262 263 264 265 110Used by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClip [aMC]Uses:259 266
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 269 TextUses:261Used by:272 315 526
Symbol 270 TextUses:261Used by:272 315 526
Symbol 271 TextUses:261Used by:272 315 526
Symbol 272 ButtonUses:260 269 270 264 271 110Used by:277
Symbol 273 TextUses:261Used by:276
Symbol 274 TextUses:261Used by:276
Symbol 275 TextUses:261Used by:276
Symbol 276 ButtonUses:260 273 274 264 275 110Used by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClip [fMC]Uses:268 272 276
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:279
Symbol 279 MovieClip [loadingBAR]Uses:278
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:281 345
Symbol 281 MovieClip [blackBG1st]Uses:280
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClip [moonGeminiII]Uses:282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:285
Symbol 285 MovieClip [planetAria]Uses:284Used by:Timeline
Symbol 572 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd]
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:287
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:286Used by:Timeline
Symbol 288 TextUses:261Used by:291 527
Symbol 289 TextUses:261Used by:291 527
Symbol 290 TextUses:261Used by:291 527
Symbol 291 ButtonUses:260 288 289 264 290 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293Used by:295
Symbol 295 MovieClipUses:292 294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 296 FontUsed by:297
Symbol 297 TextUses:296Used by:300
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:299
Symbol 299 MovieClipUses:298Used by:300 386
Symbol 300 MovieClipUses:297 299Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 TextUses:261Used by:304
Symbol 302 TextUses:261Used by:304
Symbol 303 TextUses:261Used by:304
Symbol 304 ButtonUses:260 301 302 264 303 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 TextUses:261Used by:308
Symbol 306 TextUses:261Used by:308
Symbol 307 TextUses:261Used by:308
Symbol 308 ButtonUses:260 305 306 264 307 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 309 FontUsed by:310
Symbol 310 TextUses:309Used by:Timeline
Symbol 311 TextUses:261Used by:314
Symbol 312 TextUses:261Used by:314
Symbol 313 TextUses:261Used by:314
Symbol 314 ButtonUses:260 311 312 264 313 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 ButtonUses:260 269 270 264 271 110Used by:345 382 571
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:319 340
Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:319 340
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:319 340
Symbol 319 ButtonUses:316 317 318Used by:345 571
Symbol 320 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:345
Symbol 322 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 323 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 324 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 325 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 326 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 327 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 328 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 329 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 330 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 331 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 332 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 333 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 334 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 335 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 336 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 337 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 338 BitmapUsed by:339
Symbol 339 GraphicUses:338Used by:345
Symbol 340 ButtonUses:316 317 318Used by:345 571
Symbol 341 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 342 TextUses:261Used by:345
Symbol 343 FontUsed by:344
Symbol 344 TextUses:343 261Used by:345
Symbol 345 MovieClipUses:280 315 319 320 321 143 157 146 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 339 340 341 342 344Used by:Timeline
Symbol 346 TextUses:261Used by:349
Symbol 347 TextUses:261Used by:349
Symbol 348 TextUses:261Used by:349
Symbol 349 ButtonUses:260 346 347 264 348 110Used by:382
Symbol 350 TextUses:261Used by:353
Symbol 351 TextUses:261Used by:353
Symbol 352 TextUses:261Used by:353
Symbol 353 ButtonUses:260 350 351 264 352 110Used by:382
Symbol 354 TextUses:261Used by:357
Symbol 355 TextUses:261Used by:357
Symbol 356 TextUses:261Used by:357
Symbol 357 ButtonUses:260 354 355 264 356 110Used by:382
Symbol 358 TextUses:261Used by:361
Symbol 359 TextUses:261Used by:361
Symbol 360 TextUses:261Used by:361
Symbol 361 ButtonUses:260 358 359 264 360 110Used by:382
Symbol 362 TextUses:261Used by:365
Symbol 363 TextUses:261Used by:365
Symbol 364 TextUses:261Used by:365
Symbol 365 ButtonUses:260 362 363 264 364 110Used by:382
Symbol 366 TextUses:261Used by:369
Symbol 367 TextUses:261Used by:369
Symbol 368 TextUses:261Used by:369
Symbol 369 ButtonUses:260 366 367 264 368 110Used by:382
Symbol 370 TextUses:261Used by:373
Symbol 371 TextUses:261Used by:373
Symbol 372 TextUses:261Used by:373
Symbol 373 ButtonUses:260 370 371 264 372 110Used by:382
Symbol 374 TextUses:261Used by:377
Symbol 375 TextUses:261Used by:377
Symbol 376 TextUses:261Used by:377
Symbol 377 ButtonUses:260 374 375 264 376 110Used by:382
Symbol 378 TextUses:261Used by:381
Symbol 379 TextUses:261Used by:381
Symbol 380 TextUses:261Used by:381
Symbol 381 ButtonUses:260 378 379 264 380 110Used by:382
Symbol 382 MovieClipUses:349 315 353 357 361 365 369 373 377 381Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:387
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:386
Symbol 386 MovieClipUses:385 299Used by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:384 386Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:391 403 404 407 408 410 430 431 435 436 439 440 518 519
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:391 403 404 407 408 410 430 431 435 436 439 440 518 519
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:391 403 404 407 408 410 430 431 435 436 439 440 518 519
Symbol 391 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:396 405 425 427 432 447 449 453 459 461 464 470 472 475 480 482 485 491 493 496 500 502 505 509 511 514 520
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:396 405 425 427 432 447 449 453 459 461 464 470 472 475 480 482 485 491 493 496 500 502 505 509 511 514 520
Symbol 394 TextUses:261Used by:396 405 425 427 432 447 449 453 459 461 464 470 472 475 480 482 485 491 493 496 500 502 505 509 511 514 520
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396 405 425 427 432 447 449 453 459 461 464 470 472 475 480 482 485 491 493 496 500 502 505 509 511 514 520
Symbol 396 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:412
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 399 TextUses:261Used by:401
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 401 ButtonUses:397 398 399 400 110Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 402 TextUses:261Used by:412
Symbol 403 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 404 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 405 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:412
Symbol 406 TextUses:261Used by:412
Symbol 407 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 408 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 409 TextUses:261Used by:412
Symbol 410 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 411 TextUses:261Used by:412 443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 412 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 396 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:422
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:414Used by:422 445 468
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClipUses:416Used by:422 445 468
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:422 445 468
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 MovieClipUses:420Used by:422 445 468
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:413 415 417 419 421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:424 446 458 469 479 490 499 508 523
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:443
Symbol 426 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 427 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:443
Symbol 428 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 429 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 430 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 431 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 432 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:443
Symbol 433 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:443 478 489 498 522
Symbol 435 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 478 489 522
Symbol 436 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 478 489 522
Symbol 437 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:443 478 489 498
Symbol 439 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 489 522
Symbol 440 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:443 489 522
Symbol 441 TextUses:261Used by:443
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:443 455 466 478 489 498 507 522
Symbol 443 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 425 401 426 403 404 427 428 407 408 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 445 MovieClipUses:444 415 417 419 421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 446 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 447 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:455
Symbol 448 TextUses:261Used by:455
Symbol 449 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:455
Symbol 450 TextUses:261Used by:455
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:455 478 507
Symbol 452 TextUses:261Used by:455
Symbol 453 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:455
Symbol 454 TextUses:261Used by:455
Symbol 455 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 447 401 448 403 404 449 450 451 442 407 408 452 430 431 453 454 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:457
Symbol 457 MovieClipUses:456Used by:Timeline
Symbol 458 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 459 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:466
Symbol 460 TextUses:261Used by:466
Symbol 461 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:466
Symbol 462 TextUses:261Used by:466
Symbol 463 TextUses:261Used by:466
Symbol 464 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:466
Symbol 465 TextUses:261Used by:466
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 459 401 460 403 404 461 462 442 407 408 463 430 431 464 465 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:468
Symbol 468 MovieClipUses:467 415 417 419 421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 469 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 470 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:478
Symbol 471 TextUses:261Used by:478
Symbol 472 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:478
Symbol 473 TextUses:261Used by:478
Symbol 474 TextUses:261Used by:478
Symbol 475 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:478
Symbol 476 TextUses:261Used by:478
Symbol 477 TextUses:261Used by:478
Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 470 401 471 403 404 472 473 407 408 474 434 451 442 430 431 475 476 438 435 436 477 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 479 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 480 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:489
Symbol 481 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 482 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:489
Symbol 483 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 484 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 485 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:489
Symbol 486 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 487 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 488 TextUses:261Used by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 480 401 481 403 404 482 483 434 407 408 484 430 431 485 486 442 435 436 487 438 439 440 488 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 490 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 491 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:498
Symbol 492 TextUses:261Used by:498
Symbol 493 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:498
Symbol 494 TextUses:261Used by:498
Symbol 495 TextUses:261Used by:498
Symbol 496 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:498
Symbol 497 TextUses:261Used by:498
Symbol 498 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 491 401 492 403 404 493 494 438 434 407 408 495 442 430 431 496 497 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 500 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:507
Symbol 501 TextUses:261Used by:507
Symbol 502 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:507
Symbol 503 TextUses:261Used by:507
Symbol 504 TextUses:261Used by:507
Symbol 505 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:507
Symbol 506 TextUses:261Used by:507
Symbol 507 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 500 401 501 403 404 502 503 451 407 408 504 442 430 431 505 506 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 509 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:522
Symbol 510 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 511 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:522
Symbol 512 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 513 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 514 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:522
Symbol 515 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 516 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 517 TextUses:261Used by:522
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Symbol 519 ButtonUses:388 389 390Used by:522
Symbol 520 ButtonUses:392 393 394 395Used by:522
Symbol 521 TextUses:261Used by:522
Symbol 522 MovieClipUses:383 387 391 509 401 510 403 404 511 512 407 408 513 430 431 514 515 434 435 436 516 442 439 440 517 518 519 520 521 410 411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 523 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 524 TextUses:261Used by:525
Symbol 525 MovieClipUses:524Used by:Timeline
Symbol 526 ButtonUses:260 269 270 264 271 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 527 ButtonUses:260 288 289 264 290 110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 528 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 529 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 530 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 531 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 532 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 533 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 534 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 535 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 536 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 537 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 538 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 539 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 540 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 541 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 542 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 543 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 544 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 545 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 546 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 547 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 548 FontUsed by:549 567 569
Symbol 549 TextUses:548Used by:571
Symbol 550 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 551 TextUses:261Used by:552
Symbol 552 ButtonUses:551Used by:571
Symbol 553 TextUses:261Used by:554
Symbol 554 ButtonUses:553Used by:571
Symbol 555 TextUses:261Used by:556
Symbol 556 ButtonUses:555Used by:571
Symbol 557 TextUses:261Used by:558
Symbol 558 ButtonUses:557Used by:571
Symbol 559 TextUses:261Used by:560
Symbol 560 ButtonUses:559Used by:571
Symbol 561 TextUses:261Used by:562
Symbol 562 ButtonUses:561Used by:571
Symbol 563 TextUses:261Used by:564
Symbol 564 ButtonUses:563Used by:571
Symbol 565 TextUses:261Used by:566
Symbol 566 ButtonUses:565Used by:571
Symbol 567 TextUses:548Used by:571
Symbol 568 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 569 TextUses:548Used by:571
Symbol 570 TextUses:261Used by:571
Symbol 571 MovieClipUses:315 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 319 549 550 552 554 556 558 560 562 564 566 340 567 568 569 570Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"menuBG"Frame 2Symbol 287 MovieClip
"menuBG"Frame 4Symbol 287 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 6Symbol 422 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 8Symbol 445 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 10Symbol 422 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 12Symbol 468 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 14Symbol 468 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 16Symbol 468 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 18Symbol 445 MovieClip
"spawner"Frame 18Symbol 499 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 20Symbol 445 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 22Symbol 468 MovieClip
"menuBG"Frame 23Symbol 287 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 150 MovieClip [alliedFighterAlpha] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 152 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravoLeader] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 154 MovieClip [alliedFighterCharlie] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 156 MovieClip [alliedFighterInstructor] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 158 MovieClip [alliedFighterBravo] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 160 MovieClip [playerShip] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 188 MovieClip [japMediumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 195 MovieClip [japLightFighter] Frame 1Symbol 193 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 195 MovieClip [japLightFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 197 MovieClip [japChrysanthemumFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 208 MovieClip [japScoutFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 208 MovieClip [japScoutFighter] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber] Frame 1Symbol 209 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 213 MovieClip [japBomber] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 215 MovieClip [alliedBomberBaker] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 217 MovieClip [alliedBomberAble] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 1Symbol 225 MovieClip
"leftEngine"Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"rightEngine"Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 227 MovieClip [japTransport] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 1Symbol 228 MovieClip
"rightEngine"Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"leftEngine"Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 232 MovieClip [arianTransport] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"leftEngine"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 233 MovieClip
"rightEngine"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 233 MovieClip
"main1"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 238 MovieClip
"main2"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 238 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 242 MovieClip [arianBulwark] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1Symbol 243 MovieClip
"leftEngine"Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"rightEngine"Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 248 MovieClip [japFrigate] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone] Frame 1Symbol 193 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 252 MovieClip [targetDrone] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"rightEngine"Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"leftEngine"Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 254 MovieClip [japGunship] Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"engines"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 143 MovieClip
"hitBox1"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"hitBox2"Symbol 345 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip

Special Tags

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"instructions"Frame 3
"missionSelect"Frame 4
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"secondBriefing"Frame 7
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"thirdBriefing"Frame 9
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"fourthMission"Frame 12
"fifthBriefing"Frame 13
"fifthMission"Frame 14
"sixthBriefing"Frame 15
"sixthMission"Frame 16
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"seventhMission"Frame 18
"eighthBriefing"Frame 19
"eighthMission"Frame 20
"ninthBriefing"Frame 21
"ninthMission"Frame 22
"afterwards"Frame 23
"credits"Frame 24

Dynamic Text Variables

_root.playerShip.twentyAmmoSymbol 124 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
_root.playerShip.missilesSymbol 126 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
_root.playerShip.missilesSymbol 128 EditableText"<p align="center"></p>"
Created: 21/4 -2019 09:30:05 Last modified: 21/4 -2019 09:30:05 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:29:46