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Mario Forever Flash.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #55281

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS3]
Section 1
//MochiAd (MochiAds.MochiAd) package MochiAds { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiAd { public static function getVersion():String{ return ("2.7"); } public static function showClickAwayAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var clip:Object; var mc:MovieClip; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; var DEFAULTS:Object = {ad_timeout:2000, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function ():void{ }, ad_finished:function ():void{ }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; var ad_timeout:Number = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; var wh:Array = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); var w:Number = wh[0]; var h:Number = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; return; }; var _local1:Object = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local2:Number = (getTimer() - this.started); var _local3:Boolean; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; _local3 = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (this.root == null){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ delete this.onEnterFrame; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function _allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); return (_local2); } public static function unload(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ if (((_arg1.clip) && (_arg1.clip._mochiad))){ _arg1 = _arg1.clip; }; if (_arg1.origFrameRate != undefined){ _arg1.stage.frameRate = _arg1.origFrameRate; }; if (!_arg1._mochiad){ return (false); }; if (_arg1._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined){, "notify", {id:"unload"}); }; if (_arg1._mochiad.onUnload){ _arg1._mochiad.onUnload(); }; delete _arg1._mochiad_loaded; delete _arg1._mochiad; return (true); } public static function showInterLevelAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var clip:Object; var mc:MovieClip; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; var DEFAULTS:Object = {ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; var ad_msec:Number = 11000; var ad_timeout:Number = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time:Number = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; var wh:Array = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); var w:Number = wh[0]; var h:Number = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; var _local1:Number = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = (_arg1 - 250); }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; var _local1:Object = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local2:Number = (getTimer() - this.started); var _local3:Boolean; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (_local2 > chk.ad_msec){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _parseOptions(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Array; var _local3:Object = {}; for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; }; if (_arg1){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; }; }; if (_local3.clip == undefined){ throw (new Error("MochiAd is missing the 'clip' parameter. This should be a MovieClip, Sprite or an instance of a class that extends MovieClip or Sprite.")); }; _arg1 = _local3.clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (_arg1){ _local5 = _arg1.split("&"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local7 = _local5[_local6].split("="); _local3[unescape(_local7[0])] = unescape(_local7[1]); _local6++; }; }; if ( == "test"){ trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); }; return (_local3); } public static function _cleanup(_arg1:Object):void{ var k:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; if (("lc" in mc)){ lc =; f = function ():void{ try { lc.client = null; lc.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; setTimeout(f, 0); }; var idx:Number = DisplayObjectContainer(mc).numChildren; while (idx > 0) { idx = (idx - 1); DisplayObjectContainer(mc).removeChildAt(idx); }; for (k in mc) { delete mc[k]; }; } public static function load(_arg1:Object):MovieClip{ var clip:Object; var k:String; var server:String; var hostname:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var name:String; var loader:Loader; var g:Function; var req:URLRequest; var v:Object; var options = _arg1; var DEFAULTS:Object = {server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = 9; options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion(); clip = options.clip; if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; try { if (clip._mochiad_loaded){ return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiAd requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; var depth:Number = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, "_mochiad", depth); var wh:Array = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); options.res = ((wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]); options.server = (options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; if (clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf("http") == 0){ options.as3_swf = clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL; }; var lv:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); for (k in options) { v = options[k]; if (!(v is Function)){ lv[k] = v; }; }; server = lv.server; delete lv.server; hostname = _allowDomains(server); lc = new LocalConnection(); lc.client = mc; name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))].join("_"); lc.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.connect(name); = lc; mc.lcName = name; = name; = getTimer(); loader = new Loader(); g = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); MochiAd.unload(clip); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, g); req = new URLRequest(((server + ".swf?cacheBust=") + new Date().getTime())); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader.load(req); mc.addChild(loader); mc._mochiad_ctr = loader; return (mc); } public static function runMethod(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array):Object{ var _local4:Array = _arg2.split("."); var _local5:Number = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if (typeof(_arg1[_local4[_local5]]) == "function"){ return (_arg1[_local4[_local5]].apply(_arg1, _arg3)); }; return (undefined); } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number):MovieClip{ var _local4:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); if (((false) && (_arg3))){ _arg1.addChildAt(_local4, _arg3); } else { _arg1.addChild(_local4); }; _arg1[_arg2] = _local4; _local4["_name"] = _arg2; return (_local4); } public static function _getRes(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Array{ var _local6:Array; var _local3:Object = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root); var _local4:Number = 0; var _local5:Number = 0; if (typeof(_arg1.res) != "undefined"){ _local6 = _arg1.res.split("x"); _local4 = parseFloat(_local6[0]); _local5 = parseFloat(_local6[1]); } else { _local4 = (_local3.xMax - _local3.xMin); _local5 = (_local3.yMax - _local3.yMin); }; if ((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 0)))){ _local4 = _arg2.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = _arg2.stage.stageHeight; }; return ([_local4, _local5]); } public static function adShowing(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.origFrameRate = _arg1.stage.frameRate; _arg1.stage.frameRate = 30; } public static function getValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Array = _arg2.split("."); var _local4:Number = 0; while (_local4 < (_local3.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local3[_local4]]; _local4++; }; return (_arg1[_local3[_local4]]); } public static function rpc(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; switch ({ case "setValue": MochiAd.setValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName, _arg3.value); break; case "getValue": _local4 = MochiAd.getValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local4); break; case "runMethod": _local5 = MochiAd.runMethod(_arg1, _arg3.method, _arg3.args);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local5); break; default: trace(("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; }; } public static function setValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Array = _arg2.split("."); var _local5:Number = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return; }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; _arg1[_local4[_local5]] = _arg3; } public static function showPreGameAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var clip:Object; var mc:MovieClip; var chk:MovieClip; var complete:Boolean; var unloaded:Boolean; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var fn:Function; var r:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; var DEFAULTS:Object = {ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:0xFF8A00, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }, ad_progress:function (_arg1:Number):void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def"){ options.ad_started(); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); return; }; clip = options.clip; var ad_msec:Number = 11000; var ad_timeout:Number = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time:Number = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); var fn:Function = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); }; var wh:Array = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); var w:Number = wh[0]; var h:Number = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.x = (w * -0.5); chk.y = (h * -0.5); var bar:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(chk, "_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar){ bar.visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar.x = 10; bar.y = (h - 20); }; var bar_color:Number = options.color; delete options.color; var bar_background:Number = options.background; delete options.background; var bar_outline:Number = options.outline; delete options.outline; var backing_mc:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 1); var backing:Object =; backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); var inside_mc:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_inside", 2); var inside:Object =; inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside_mc.scaleX = 0; var outline_mc:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 3); var outline:Object =; outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; complete = false; unloaded = false; var f:Function = function (_arg1:Event):void{, arguments.callee); complete = true; if (unloaded){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); if ((clip.root is MovieClip)){ r = (clip.root as MovieClip); if (r.framesLoaded >= r.totalFrames){ complete = true; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ unloaded = true; if (complete){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = _arg1; }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (_arg1:String):Object{ trace(("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + _arg1)); return (_arg1); }; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.sendHostLoadProgress = function (_arg1:String):void{ sendHostProgress = true; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local11:Number; if (((!(this.parent)) || (!(this.parent.parent)))){ delete this["onEnterFrame"]; return; }; var _local1:Object = this.parent.parent.root; var _local2:Object = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local3:Number = (getTimer() - this.started); var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; var _local6:Number = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; if (complete){ _local6 = Math.max(1, _local6); _local5 = _local6; }; var _local7:Number = ((100 * _local6) / _local5); var _local8:Number = ((100 * _local3) / chk.ad_msec); var _local9:Object = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local10:Number = Math.min(100, Math.min(((_local7) || (0)), _local8)); _local10 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local10); this.last_pcnt = _local10; _local9.scaleX = (_local10 * 0.01); options.ad_progress(_local10); if (sendHostProgress){, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local7}); if (_local7 == 100){ sendHostProgress = false; }; }; if (!chk.showing){ _local11 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local11 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if ((((_local3 > chk.ad_timeout)) && ((_local7 == 100)))){ options.ad_failed(); _local4 = true; }; }; }; if (_local3 > chk.ad_msec){ _local4 = true; }; if (((complete) && (_local4))){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function showPreloaderAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showPreGameAd(_arg1); } public static function showTimedAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showInterLevelAd(_arg1); } public static function doOnEnterFrame(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var mc = _arg1; var f:Function = function (_arg1:Object):void{ if (((("onEnterFrame" in mc)) && (mc.onEnterFrame))){ mc.onEnterFrame(); } else {, arguments.callee); }; }; mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, f); } } }//package MochiAds
Section 2
//BitmapAsset (mx.core.BitmapAsset) package mx.core { import flash.display.*; public class BitmapAsset extends FlexBitmap implements IFlexAsset, IFlexDisplayObject { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; public function BitmapAsset(_arg1:BitmapData=null, _arg2:String="auto", _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function get measuredWidth():Number{ if (bitmapData){ return (bitmapData.width); }; return (0); } public function get measuredHeight():Number{ if (bitmapData){ return (bitmapData.height); }; return (0); } public function setActualSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ width = _arg1; height = _arg2; } public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; } } }//package mx.core
Section 3
//FlexBitmap (mx.core.FlexBitmap) package mx.core { import flash.display.*; import mx.utils.*; public class FlexBitmap extends Bitmap { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; public function FlexBitmap(_arg1:BitmapData=null, _arg2:String="auto", _arg3:Boolean=false){ var bitmapData = _arg1; var pixelSnapping = _arg2; var smoothing = _arg3; super(bitmapData, pixelSnapping, smoothing); try { name = NameUtil.createUniqueName(this); } catch(e:Error) { }; } override public function toString():String{ return (NameUtil.displayObjectToString(this)); } } }//package mx.core
Section 4
//FontAsset (mx.core.FontAsset) package mx.core { import flash.text.*; public class FontAsset extends Font implements IFlexAsset { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; } }//package mx.core
Section 5
//IFlexAsset (mx.core.IFlexAsset) package mx.core { public interface IFlexAsset { } }//package mx.core
Section 6
//IFlexDisplayObject (mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject) package mx.core { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.accessibility.*; public interface IFlexDisplayObject extends IBitmapDrawable, IEventDispatcher { function get visible():Boolean; function get rotation():Number; function localToGlobal(_arg1:Point):Point; function get name():String; function set width(_arg1:Number):void; function get measuredHeight():Number; function get blendMode():String; function get scale9Grid():Rectangle; function set name(_arg1:String):void; function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void; function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void; function get measuredWidth():Number; function get accessibilityProperties():AccessibilityProperties; function set scrollRect(_arg1:Rectangle):void; function get cacheAsBitmap():Boolean; function globalToLocal(_arg1:Point):Point; function get height():Number; function set blendMode(_arg1:String):void; function get parent():DisplayObjectContainer; function getBounds(_arg1:DisplayObject):Rectangle; function get opaqueBackground():Object; function set scale9Grid(_arg1:Rectangle):void; function setActualSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void; function set alpha(_arg1:Number):void; function set accessibilityProperties(_arg1:AccessibilityProperties):void; function get width():Number; function hitTestPoint(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Boolean=false):Boolean; function set cacheAsBitmap(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get scaleX():Number; function get scaleY():Number; function get scrollRect():Rectangle; function get mouseX():Number; function get mouseY():Number; function set height(_arg1:Number):void; function set mask(_arg1:DisplayObject):void; function getRect(_arg1:DisplayObject):Rectangle; function get alpha():Number; function set transform(_arg1:Transform):void; function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void; function get loaderInfo():LoaderInfo; function get root():DisplayObject; function hitTestObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean; function set opaqueBackground(_arg1:Object):void; function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get mask():DisplayObject; function set x(_arg1:Number):void; function set y(_arg1:Number):void; function get transform():Transform; function set filters(_arg1:Array):void; function get x():Number; function get y():Number; function get filters():Array; function set rotation(_arg1:Number):void; function get stage():Stage; } }//package mx.core
Section 7
//IRepeaterClient (mx.core.IRepeaterClient) package mx.core { public interface IRepeaterClient { function get instanceIndices():Array; function set instanceIndices(_arg1:Array):void; function get isDocument():Boolean; function set repeaters(_arg1:Array):void; function initializeRepeaterArrays(_arg1:IRepeaterClient):void; function get repeaters():Array; function set repeaterIndices(_arg1:Array):void; function get repeaterIndices():Array; } }//package mx.core
Section 8
//mx_internal (mx.core.mx_internal) package mx.core { public namespace mx_internal = ""; }//package mx.core
Section 9
//SoundAsset (mx.core.SoundAsset) package mx.core { import*; public class SoundAsset extends Sound implements IFlexAsset { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; } }//package mx.core
Section 10
//NameUtil (mx.utils.NameUtil) package mx.utils { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import flash.utils.*; public class NameUtil { mx_internal static const VERSION:String = ""; private static var counter:int = 0; public static function displayObjectToString(_arg1:DisplayObject):String{ var result:String; var o:DisplayObject; var s:String; var indices:Array; var displayObject = _arg1; try { o = displayObject; while (o != null) { if (((((o.parent) && (o.stage))) && ((o.parent == o.stage)))){ break; }; s =; if ((o is IRepeaterClient)){ indices = IRepeaterClient(o).instanceIndices; if (indices){ s = (s + (("[" + indices.join("][")) + "]")); }; }; result = ((result == null)) ? s : ((s + ".") + result); o = o.parent; }; } catch(e:SecurityError) { }; return (result); } public static function createUniqueName(_arg1:Object):String{ if (!_arg1){ return (null); }; var _local2:String = getQualifiedClassName(_arg1); var _local3:int = _local2.indexOf("::"); if (_local3 != -1){ _local2 = _local2.substr((_local3 + 2)); }; var _local4:int = _local2.charCodeAt((_local2.length - 1)); if ((((_local4 >= 48)) && ((_local4 <= 57)))){ _local2 = (_local2 + "_"); }; return ((_local2 + counter++)); } } }//package mx.utils
Section 11
//AddGraphic (objects.AddGraphic) package objects { import mx.core.*; public function AddGraphic(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:String):BitmapAsset{ var _local4:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(_arg3)); _local4.x = _arg1; _local4.y = _arg2; return (_local4); } }//package objects
Section 12
//Back (objects.Back) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Back { public var gfx1:BitmapAsset; public var gfx2:BitmapAsset; public function Back(_arg1:uint){ gfx1 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("back_" + _arg1))); gfx2 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("back_" + _arg1))); Mario.layerBack2.addChildAt(gfx1, 0); Mario.layerBack2.addChildAt(gfx2, 0); Update(0); } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Player.pX > 0){ gfx1.x = -((((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) / 5) % 400)); gfx2.x = (gfx1.x + 400); } else { gfx1.x = -(((((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) / 5) + 4000) % 400)); gfx2.x = (gfx1.x + 400); }; } } }//package objects
Section 13
//Background (objects.Background) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Background { private var bX:Number; private var bY:Number; private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var parallel:Number; public function Background(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:String, _arg4:Number=0){ bX = _arg1; bY = _arg2; parallel = _arg4; GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(_arg3)); GFX.x = (bX + ((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) * parallel)); GFX.y = bY; Mario.layerBack.addChild(GFX); } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Mario.playerControllable){ GFX.x = (bX + (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - bX) * parallel)); }; } public function Reset(_arg1:int):void{ GFX.x = (bX + (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - bX) * parallel)); } } }//package objects
Section 14
//BBeetle (objects.BBeetle) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class BBeetle extends Enemy { private var waiter:uint;// = 0 private var Mode:uint;// = 0 private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var fall:Boolean;// = false private var num:uint;// = 0 public function BBeetle(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stompduck")); GFX = new Array(6); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 20; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 20; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_shell_1")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_shell_2")); GFX[4] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_shell_3")); GFX[5] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_shell_4")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 2); GFX[0].y = (eY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Mode == 0){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "200")); this.Mode = 1; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); num = 0; waiter = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "100")); Mode = 1; waiter = 0; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); isShell = false; num = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } override public function FireballHit(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ if (Mario.sounds){; }; return (true); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; if (active){ if (Mode == 0){ eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, (eX - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 1){ fall = true; }; if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 5); if (fall){ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; fall = false; }; }; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 24); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 4); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { if (Mode == 1){ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 5); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if ((Player.pX - eX) > 0){ dir = -1; } else { dir = 1; }; isShell = true; wait = 0; Mode = 2; Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "500")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; waiter++; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((waiter > 150)) ? Math.sin((waiter * 2)) : 0); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); if (waiter > 250){ Mode = 0; waiter = 0; wait = 14; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; }; } else { eX = (eX + (dir * 6)); _local3 = Mario.enemyShellHit(_arg1, eX, eY, eWid, eHei, dir); if (_local3 < 0){ Fire((_arg1 - Mario.decreaseI), -(dir)); }; _local4 = Math.abs(_local3); while (_local4 > 0) { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), Mario.givePointShell(num))); num++; if (num == 8){ num = 0; }; _local4--; }; if (alive){ if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25) - eWid); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = ((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 5); }; }; wait++; if (wait == 3){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (2 + ((frame - 1) % 4)); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (Mode == 3){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { Mode = 3; }; }; }; }; } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } private function makeShell():void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = 2; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 2), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bbeetle_shell_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 15
//Block (objects.Block) package objects { import*; public class Block { var bX:Number; var bY:Number; var SFXBrick:Sound; public function Block(){ SFXBrick = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("brick")); super(); } public function Headbutt(_arg1:uint):void{ } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ } } }//package objects
Section 16
//Bonus (objects.Bonus) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Bonus extends Block { private var SFXSprout:Sound; private var invisible:Boolean; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var SFXCoin:Sound; private var GFX:Array; public var type:uint; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var seq:Number;// = -1 public function Bonus(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:Boolean=false):void{ GFX = new Array(3); SFXSprout = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("sprout")); SFXCoin = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("coin")); super(); invisible = _arg4; bX = _arg1; bY = _arg2; type = _arg3; if (type == 0){ GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_used")); GFX[0].x = bX; GFX[0].y = bY; } else { GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_bonus_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_bonus_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_bonus_3")); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = bX)); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = bY)); }; if (!invisible){ Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[0]); }; if (!invisible){ Mario.changeLevel((bX / 25), (bY / 25), "x"); }; } override public function Headbutt(_arg1:uint):void{ if (type == 1){ Mario.Hud.Coins++; Mario.Hud.RedrawCoins(); if (Mario.sounds){; }; Mario.instEffects.push(new Coin_Jump((bX + 5), (bY - 22))); }; if (invisible){ Mario.changeLevel((bX / 25), (bY / 25), "x"); Player.pY = ((Math.floor((bY / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; if (!invisible){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX[frame]); }; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_used")); GFX[0].x = bX; GFX[0].y = bY; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[0]); frame = 0; seq = Math.PI; Mario.enemyHitFireball(bX, (bY - 2), 25, 2, Player.dir); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (seq == -1){ if (type > 0){ if (Player.hitHead){ if (Mario.playerCollide(bX, bY, 25, 26)){ Mario.headbuttSetDistance(_arg1, bX); }; } else { if (((((((invisible) && ((Player.gravity < 0)))) && (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) > (bY + 24))))) && (Mario.playerCollide(bX, bY, 25, 26)))){ Mario.headbuttSetDistance(_arg1, bX); }; }; wait++; if ((((wait == 6)) && (!(invisible)))){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; }; } else { if (seq > 0){ GFX[frame].y = (bY - (Math.sin(seq) * 10)); seq = (seq - (Math.PI / 10)); } else { GFX[frame].y = bY; switch (type){ case 2: if (Player.pSize == 0){ Mario.instObjects.push(new Shroom(bX, bY)); } else { Mario.instObjects.push(new Flower(bX, bY)); }; if (Mario.sounds){; }; break; case 3: Mario.instObjects.push(new KillShroom(bX, bY)); if (Mario.sounds){; }; break; case 4: Mario.instObjects.push(new LifeShroom(bX, bY)); if (Mario.sounds){; }; break; case 5: Mario.instObjects.push(new Star(bX, bY)); if (Mario.sounds){; }; break; }; type = 0; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 17
//Bowser (objects.Bowser) package objects { import*; public class Bowser extends Enemy { public var damageWait:uint;// = 0 public var hp:int; private var SFXRadish:Sound; public var hampau:uint; public var ham:uint; public var hammerer1:uint;// = 0 public var hammerer2:uint;// = 0 public var musicFundo:uint;// = 0 public var border:uint; public var action:uint;// = 0 private var SFXBump:Sound; public var firehp:uint;// = 6 public var fl:uint; public var scroll:uint;// = 0 public var moveTo:uint; private var SFXGrowl:Sound; public var hamno:uint; public var GFX:Array; public var frameTime:uint;// = 0 public var waiter:uint; private var SFXKill:Sound; public var moveWait:uint;// = 0 private var SFXStomp:Sound; public var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Bowser(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint, _arg7:uint, _arg8:uint){ GFX = new Array(4); SFXBump = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bump")); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bowser_hit")); SFXGrowl = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("growl")); SFXKill = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bowser_kill")); SFXRadish = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("radish")); super(); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_3")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_4")); fl = _arg5; ham = _arg6; hamno = _arg7; hampau = _arg8; border = _arg3; moveTo = (eX = _arg1); eWid = 40; eHei = 46; eY = _arg2; hp = _arg4; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); } private function changeFrame(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = _arg1; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ if (damageWait == 0){ Player.Bounce(eY); hp--; damageWait = 120; firehp = 6; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } private function gfxPosition():void{ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 5) + ((dir == -1)) ? 50 : 0); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 10); GFX[frame].alpha = Math.abs(Math.cos(((damageWait * Math.PI) / 30))); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ return (false); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Fireball; if (hp <= 0){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fall((eX - 5), (eY - 10), dir, GFX[frame])); Mario.instObjects.push(new BowserKilled()); if (Mario.sounds){; }; Mario.classSFX.Play(-1); return; }; if (musicFundo > 0){ musicFundo++; if (musicFundo == 150){ if ({ Mario.classSFX.Play(5); }; }; }; if (scroll == 0){ if (Player.pX > (border - 200)){ scroll = 1; Mario.checkPoint = Mario.levelid; if ({ musicFundo = 1; Mario.classSFX.Play(4); Mario.musika = 5; }; Mario.scrollEdge = (Player.pX - 200); Mario.centerScreen(Player.pX); Mario.scrolling = false; }; } else { if (scroll == 1){ if (Mario.scrollEdge < border){ Mario.scrollEdge++; Mario.centerScreen((Mario.scrollEdge + 200)); if ((Player.pX + Math.round((Player.speed / 100))) < (Mario.scrollEdge + 2)){ Player.pX = (Mario.scrollEdge + 2); Player.speed = Math.max(0, Player.speed); if (((Mario.playerControllable) && (((Mario.levelColl(((Player.pX + Player.pWid) - 1), Player.pY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((Player.pX + Player.pWid) - 1), ((Player.pY + Player.pHei) - 1))))))){ Mario.hitPlayer(true); }; }; } else { scroll = 2; }; }; }; gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 3)); eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); if (Math.random() < 0.05){ gravity = -4; }; }; }; if ((((moveTo == eX)) && ((moveWait == 0)))){ switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 2))){ case 0: moveTo = ((border + 25) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 310))); case 1: moveWait = Math.floor((Math.random() * 40)); }; } else { if (moveWait > 0){ moveWait--; } else { eX = (eX + (Mario.Sign((moveTo - eX)) * Math.min(2, Math.abs((moveTo - eX))))); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) <= (eY + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; if (action == 0){ frameTime++; if (frameTime > 15){ if (frame == 0){ changeFrame(1); } else { changeFrame(0); }; frameTime = 0; if ((Math.random() * 50) < (fl + ham)){ if ((Math.random() * fl) >= (Math.random() * ham)){ action = 1; changeFrame(3); waiter = 0; } else { action = 2; changeFrame(3); waiter = 0; hammerer1 = hamno; }; }; }; } else { if (action == 1){ if (waiter < 80){ waiter++; } else { if (waiter == 80){ waiter++; changeFrame(2); if (Mario.sounds){; }; if (Mario.levelid == 16){ Mario.instEffects.push(new BowserFlame(((eX + 5) + (20 * dir)), (eY + 10), dir, (((Player.pY + 30) - Player.pHei) + 40))); Mario.instEffects.push(new BowserFlame(((eX + 5) + (20 * dir)), (eY + 10), dir, (((Player.pY + 30) - Player.pHei) - 40))); }; Mario.instEffects.push(new BowserFlame(((eX + 5) + (20 * dir)), (eY + 10), dir, ((Player.pY + 30) - Player.pHei))); } else { if (waiter < 100){ waiter++; } else { if (waiter == 100){ changeFrame(0); action = 0; }; }; }; }; } else { if (action == 2){ if (waiter < 80){ waiter++; } else { if (waiter == 80){ if (hammerer2 == 0){ if (hammerer1 > 0){ changeFrame(2); _local2 = new Fireball(((eX + 5) + ((dir == 1)) ? 30 : 0), (eY + 10), dir, true); _local2.dir = (dir * 3); _local2.gravity = 0; Mario.instObjects.push(_local2); if (Mario.sounds){; }; hammerer1--; } else { changeFrame(0); action = 0; }; hammerer2 = hampau; } else { hammerer2--; }; } else { if (waiter < 100){ waiter++; } else { if (waiter == 100){ changeFrame(0); action = 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (damageWait > 0){ damageWait--; }; gfxPosition(); } override public function FireballHit(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ if (damageWait == 0){ firehp--; if (firehp == 0){ hp--; damageWait = 120; firehp = 6; }; }; if (Mario.sounds){; }; return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 18
//BowserFlame (objects.BowserFlame) package objects { public class BowserFlame extends Effect { public var GFX:Array; public var frame:uint;// = 0 public var eX:uint; public var eY:uint; public var newy:uint; public var dir:int; public function BowserFlame(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:int, _arg4:uint){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_flame_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_flame_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bowser_flame_3")); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; dir = _arg3; newy = _arg4; GFX[0].scaleX = dir; GFX[1].scaleX = dir; GFX[2].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = (eX + ((dir == -1)) ? 41 : -16); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 3); Mario.layerFore.addChildAt(GFX[0], 0); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if (timer == 6){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); Mario.layerFore.addChildAt(GFX[frame], 0); timer = 0; }; eX = (eX + (dir * 3)); if (eY != newy){ eY = (eY + (Mario.Sign((newy - eY)) * Math.min(2, Math.abs((newy - eY))))); }; GFX[frame].x = (eX + ((dir == -1)) ? 41 : -16); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 3); if (Math.abs((eX - Player.pX)) > 500){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, 25, 17)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; } } }//package objects
Section 19
//BowserKilled (objects.BowserKilled) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class BowserKilled extends Obj { public var timer:uint;// = 0 public var gfx:Sprite; public var SFXComplete:Sound; public function BowserKilled(){ SFXComplete = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("level_complete")); gfx = new Sprite(); super();;, 0, 400, 375);; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if (timer > 130){ if (Mario.levelid < 12){; Swap(); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); } else { if (timer == 131){ Mario.layerGover.addChild(gfx); gfx.alpha = 0; } else { gfx.alpha = (gfx.alpha + 0.1); if (gfx.alpha > 1){ Mario.levelid++; Mario.clearLevel(); Mario.decreaseI = 1; }; }; }; }; } private function Swap():void{ Mario.playerControllable = false; Mario.layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); Mario.instEffects.push(new PlayerFinish(Player.pX, Player.pY, Player.gravity, Player.speed, Player.frame)); if ({; }; } } }//package objects
Section 20
//Brick (objects.Brick) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Brick extends Block { private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var seq:Number;// = 0 public function Brick(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):void{ bX = _arg1; bY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_brick"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = bX; GFX.y = bY; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX); Mario.changeLevel((bX / 25), (bY / 25), "x"); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Player.hitHead){ if (Mario.playerCollide(bX, bY, 25, 26)){ Mario.headbuttSetDistance(_arg1, bX); }; }; if (seq > 0){ GFX.y = (bY - (Math.sin(seq) * 10)); seq = (seq - (Math.PI / 10)); } else { GFX.y = bY; }; } override public function Headbutt(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.enemyHitFireball(bX, (bY - 2), 25, 2, Player.dir); if (Player.pSize > 0){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeBlock(_arg1); Mario.changeLevel((bX / 25), (bY / 25), " "); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire(bX, bY, (Player.speed / 100), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_brick"))); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { seq = Math.PI; }; } } }//package objects
Section 21
//BrickMulti (objects.BrickMulti) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class BrickMulti extends Block { private var coins:uint;// = 0 private var SFXCoin:Sound; private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var seq:Number;// = 0 public function BrickMulti(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint=5):void{ var _local4:Class; SFXCoin = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("coin")); super(); bX = _arg1; bY = _arg2; this.coins = _arg3; _local4 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_brick"); GFX = new (_local4); GFX.x = bX; GFX.y = bY; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX); Mario.changeLevel((bX / 25), (bY / 25), "x"); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if ((((coins > 0)) && (Player.hitHead))){ if (Mario.playerCollide(bX, bY, 25, 26)){ Mario.headbuttSetDistance(_arg1, bX); }; }; if (seq > 0){ GFX.y = (bY - (Math.sin(seq) * 10)); seq = (seq - (Math.PI / 10)); } else { GFX.y = bY; }; } override public function Headbutt(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; seq = Math.PI; if (coins > 0){ Mario.enemyHitFireball(bX, (bY - 2), 25, 2, Player.dir); Mario.Hud.Coins++; Mario.Hud.RedrawCoins(); Mario.instEffects.push(new Coin_Jump((bX + 5), (bY - 22))); coins = (coins - 1); if (Mario.sounds){; }; if (coins == 0){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX); _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("bonus_used"); GFX = new (_local2); GFX.x = bX; GFX.y = bY; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX); }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 22
//Bullet (objects.Bullet) package objects { import*; public class Bullet extends Enemy { private var SFX:Sound; private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; public function Bullet(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(3); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stomp")); SFX = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("cannon")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 3 : -3; frame = Math.abs((-((wait / 8)) + 2)); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bullet_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bullet_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_bullet_3")); GFX[frame].scaleX = (dir / 3); GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir > 0)) ? 0 : 25); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); if ((((eX > (Player.pX + 300))) || ((eX < (Player.pX - 300))))){ } else {; }; } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fall(eX, eY, Mario.Sign(dir), GFX[frame])); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ wait++; if ((wait % 8) == 0){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = Math.abs((-((wait / 8)) + 2)); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); if (wait == 32){ wait = 0; }; }; eX = (eX + dir); GFX[frame].scaleX = (dir / 3); GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir > 0)) ? 0 : 25); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, 21, 21)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; if ((((eX > (Player.pX + 300))) || ((eX < (Player.pX - 300))))){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); }; } override public function FireballHit(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ return (false); } } }//package objects
Section 23
//Cannon (objects.Cannon) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Cannon extends Obj { private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var wait:uint; public function Cannon(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; wait = (60 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100))); GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("Wall_T")); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX); Mario.changeLevel((oX / 25), (oY / 25), "x"); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ wait--; if (wait == 0){ if ((((Player.pX < (oX - 100))) || ((((Player.pX > (oX + 100))) && ((Math.abs((Player.pX - oX)) < 300)))))){ Mario.instEnemies.push(new Bullet((oX + 2), (oY + 3))); }; wait = (60 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 100))); }; } } }//package objects
Section 24
//Cloud (objects.Cloud) package objects { public class Cloud extends Effect { private var GFX:Array; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Cloud(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_cloud_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_cloud_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_cloud_3")); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = _arg1)); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = _arg2)); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if (timer == 20){ Mario.layerEffects.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX[frame]); timer = 0; }; } } }//package objects
Section 25
//Coin (objects.Coin) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Coin extends Obj { public var wait:uint;// = 0 private var SFXCoin:Sound; private var GFX:Array; public var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Coin(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ GFX = new Array(3); SFXCoin = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("coin")); super(); oX = (_arg1 + 4); oY = (_arg2 + 2); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_coin_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_coin_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_coin_3")); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = (oX - 4))); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = (oY - 2))); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ wait++; if (wait == 4){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, 16, 22)){ Mario.Hud.Coins++; Mario.Hud.RedrawCoins(); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 26
//Coin_Boom (objects.Coin_Boom) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class Coin_Boom extends Effect { public var fX:Number; public var fY:Number; public var wait:uint;// = 0 public var GFX:Array; public var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Coin_Boom(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); fX = _arg1; fY = _arg2; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_coin_boom_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_coin_boom_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_coin_boom_3")); GFX[0].x = fX; GFX[0].y = fY; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ fY = (fY + 0.2); wait++; if (wait == 8){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame++; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = fX; GFX[frame].y = fY; GFX[frame].alpha = (1 - (((frame * 8) + wait) / 24)); if ((((frame == 2)) && ((wait == 7)))){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 27
//Coin_Jump (objects.Coin_Jump) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Coin_Jump extends Effect { public var fX:Number; public var fY:Number; public var speed:Number;// = 10 public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var frame:uint;// = 1 public function Coin_Jump(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ fX = _arg1; fY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_coin_jump_1"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ frame = (((frame + 1) % 12) + 1); fY = (fY - speed); speed = (speed - Mario.gravity); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); var _local2:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("effect_coin_jump_" + Math.ceil((frame / 3)))); GFX = new (_local2); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); if (speed < 2){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((fX + 7), (fY + 130), "200")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Coin_Boom((fX - 10), fY)); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 28
//DeadMario (objects.DeadMario) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class DeadMario extends Effect { private var grav:Number;// = -5 private var fX:int; private var fY:int; private var GFX:BitmapAsset; public function DeadMario(_arg1:int, _arg2:int){ fX = _arg1; fY = _arg2; timer = 0; GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_mario_dead")); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if (timer > 40){ fY = (fY + grav); if (timer > 60){ grav = Math.min((grav + Mario.gravity), 5); }; GFX.y = fY; if (fY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 150)){ Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); Mario.layerEffects.removeChild(GFX); if (Mario.Hud.Lives == 0){ Mario.instObjects.push(new GameOver()); } else { Mario.Hud.Lives--; Mario.clearLevel(); Mario.decreaseI = 1; }; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 29
//Effect (objects.Effect) package objects { public class Effect { var timer:uint; public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ } } }//package objects
Section 30
//Elevator (objects.Elevator) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Elevator extends Obj { protected var grav:int;// = 0 protected var wid:uint;// = 25 protected var holds:Boolean;// = false protected var GFX:BitmapAsset; public function Elevator(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:String){ oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; this.wid = _arg3; GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(_arg4)); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (!holds){ if ((((((Player.pY + Player.pHei) - Player.gravity) < ((oY - grav) + 5))) && (Mario.playerCollide(oX, (oY - 2), wid, 7)))){ Player.elev = this; holds = true; Player.gravity = 0; Player.pY = (oY - Player.pHei); Player.ResetGraphic(); }; } else { if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, (oY - 2), wid, 2)){ Player.gravity = 0; Player.pY = (oY - Player.pHei); Player.ResetGraphic(); } else {; }; }; Act(); } protected function Act():void{ } public function free():void{ holds = false; Player.elev = null; } } }//package objects
Section 31
//ElevatorBounce (objects.ElevatorBounce) package objects { public class ElevatorBounce extends Elevator { private var dir:int; public function ElevatorBounce(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:String, _arg5:int=1){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); dir = _arg5; } override protected function Act():void{ if (((Mario.levelColl((oX + dir), oY)) || (Mario.levelColl((((oX + wid) - 1) + dir), oY)))){ dir = (dir * -1); }; if (holds){ Player.pX = (Player.pX + dir); }; oX = (oX + dir); GFX.x = oX; } override public function free():void{; } } }//package objects
Section 32
//ElevatorFall (objects.ElevatorFall) package objects { public class ElevatorFall extends Elevator { private var timer:uint;// = 0 public function ElevatorFall(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:String){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } override protected function Act():void{ if (((holds) || ((timer > 0)))){ timer++; }; if (timer > 30){ grav = (grav + 0.2); }; if (holds){ Player.pY = (Player.pY + Math.round(grav)); }; oY = (oY + Math.round(grav)); GFX.y = (oY - Math.round(grav)); } override public function free():void{; Player.gravity = grav; } } }//package objects
Section 33
//ElevatorLoop (objects.ElevatorLoop) package objects { public class ElevatorLoop extends Elevator { public function ElevatorLoop(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:String, _arg5:int){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); grav = _arg5; } override protected function Act():void{ if (holds){ Player.pY = (Player.pY + Math.round(grav)); }; oY = (oY + Math.round(grav)); GFX.y = oY; if (oY > 385){ oY = (oY - 400); free(); } else { if (oY < -25){ oY = (oY + 400); free(); }; }; } override public function free():void{ if (holds){; Player.gravity = grav; }; } } }//package objects
Section 34
//Enemy (objects.Enemy) package objects { import*; public class Enemy { public var active:Boolean;// = false public var bounce:Boolean;// = true public var SFXKick:Sound; public var alive:Boolean;// = true public var eX:Number; public var eY:Number; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var dir:int; public var eHei:uint; public var eWid:uint; public var stomped:Boolean;// = false public var isShell:Boolean;// = false public function Enemy(){ SFXKick = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("kick")); super(); } public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ return (false); } public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ } public function FireballHit(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Fire(_arg1, _arg2); Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "200")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 35
//Enemy_Fall (objects.Enemy_Fall) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Enemy_Fall extends Effect { public var fX:Number; public var fY:Number; public var moveY:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public function Enemy_Fall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:BitmapAsset){ GFX = _arg4; fX = (_arg1 - ((_arg3 == -1)) ? -(GFX.width) : 0); fY = (_arg2 + GFX.height); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; GFX.scaleY = -1; GFX.scaleX = _arg3; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ moveY = (moveY + Mario.gravity); fY = (fY + moveY); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; if (fY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 20)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 36
//Enemy_Fire (objects.Enemy_Fire) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class Enemy_Fire extends Effect { public var fX:Number; public var fY:Number; public var moveX:Number; public var moveY:Number; public var GFX:Sprite; public function Enemy_Fire(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:int, _arg4:Class){ moveX = _arg3; moveY = -6; var _local5:BitmapAsset = new (_arg4); new (_arg4).x = (-(_local5.width) / 2); _local5.y = (-(_local5.height) / 2); fX = (_arg1 + (_local5.width / 2)); fY = (_arg2 + (_local5.width / 2)); GFX = new Sprite(); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; GFX.addChild(_local5); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ fX = (fX + moveX); moveY = (moveY + Mario.gravity); fY = (fY + moveY); GFX.x = fX; GFX.y = fY; GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + (moveX * 4)); if (fY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 20)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 37
//Finish (objects.Finish) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class Finish { public var GFXBack:BitmapAsset; public var GFXBar:BitmapAsset; public var GFXArr:BitmapAsset; public var collected:Boolean;// = false public var dir:int;// = 2 public var fY:int; public var GFXFore:BitmapAsset; public var bX:int; public var bY:int; public var fX:int; public var SFXComplete:Sound; public function Finish(_arg1:int, _arg2:int){ SFXComplete = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("level_complete")); super(); fX = _arg1; fY = _arg2; bX = (_arg1 + 114); bY = 0; GFXArr = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("finish_4")); GFXBack = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("finish_1")); GFXFore = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("finish_2")); GFXBar = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("finish_3")); GFXArr.x = fX; GFXArr.y = fY; GFXBack.x = (fX + 100); GFXBack.y = (fY - 200); GFXFore.x = (fX + 150); GFXFore.y = (fY - 200); GFXBar.x = bX; GFXBar.y = (fY - bY); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFXArr); Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFXBack); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFXFore); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFXBar); } private function Swap():void{ Mario.playerControllable = false; Mario.layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); Mario.instEffects.unshift(new PlayerFinish(Player.pX, Player.pY, Player.gravity, Player.speed, Player.frame)); Mario.classSFX.Play(-1); if ({; }; } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:uint; if (!collected){ bY = (bY + dir); if (bY == 190){ dir = -2; }; if (bY == 0){ dir = 2; }; GFXBar.x = (bX + 2); GFXBar.y = (fY - bY); if (Mario.playerCollide(bX, (fY - bY), 37, 12)){ collected = true; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire(bX, (fY - bY), 3, Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("finish_3"))); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFXBar); _local2 = Math.round(((bY * 6) / 190)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Points(bX, (fY - bY), Mario.givePointShell(_local2))); Swap(); } else { if (Mario.playerCollide((fX + 20), (fY + 20), 500, 5)){ collected = true; Swap(); }; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 38
//Fire_Boom (objects.Fire_Boom) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class Fire_Boom extends Effect { public var GFX:Sprite; public function Fire_Boom(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ timer = 0; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_fire_boom"); var _local4:BitmapAsset = new (_local3); _local4.x = -12.5; _local4.y = -12.5; GFX = new Sprite(); GFX.x = _arg1; GFX.y = _arg2; GFX.addChild(_local4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; GFX.alpha = (1.5 - (timer / 10)); GFX.scaleX = (timer / 10); GFX.scaleY = (timer / 10); if (timer == 10){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 39
//Fireball (objects.Fireball) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; public class Fireball extends Obj { public var hostile:Boolean; public var oWid:uint;// = 10 public var dir:int; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:Sprite; private var SFXBump:Sound; public var oHei:uint;// = 10 public function Fireball(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false){ SFXBump = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bump")); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; dir = (_arg3 * 6); hostile = _arg4; var _local5:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_radish"); var _local6:BitmapAsset = new (_local5); _local6.x = -6; _local6.y = -6; GFX = new Sprite(); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; GFX.addChild(_local6); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } public function destroy(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); if (!hostile){ Mario.radishNO--; }; Mario.instEffects.push(new Fire_Boom(oX, oY)); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (hostile){ if (Mario.playerCollide((oX - 4), (oY - 4), 9, 9)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); destroy(_arg1); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyHitFireball((oX - 4), (oY - 4), 9, 9, dir)){ destroy(_arg1); return; }; }; oX = (oX + dir); if (((((Mario.levelColl((oX + (4 * Mario.Sign(dir))), (oY - 4))) || (Mario.levelColl((oX + (4 * Mario.Sign(dir))), (oY + 4))))) || ((oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 100))))){ destroy(_arg1); return; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); oY = (oY + gravity); if (((Mario.levelColl((oX - 4), (oY + 4))) || (Mario.levelColl((oX + 4), (oY + 4))))){ gravity = -5; oY = ((Math.floor(((oY + 5) / 25)) * 25) - 5); }; GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + 10); } } }//package objects
Section 40
//Fireplant (objects.Fireplant) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; public class Fireplant extends Obj { public var hostile:Boolean; public var oWid:uint;// = 10 public var dir:Number; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:Sprite; private var SFXBump:Sound; public var oHei:uint;// = 10 public function Fireplant(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ SFXBump = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bump")); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; dir = _arg3; gravity = _arg4; var _local5:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_radish")); _local5.x = -6; _local5.y = -6; GFX = new Sprite(); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; GFX.addChild(_local5); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } public function destroy(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Fire_Boom(oX, oY)); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Mario.playerCollide((oX - 4), (oY - 4), 9, 9)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); destroy(_arg1); return; }; oX = (oX + dir); oY = (oY + gravity); gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 2)); if (Mario.levelColl(oX, oY)){ if (Mario.sounds){; }; destroy(_arg1); return; }; GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + 10); } } }//package objects
Section 41
//Flower (objects.Flower) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class Flower extends Obj { public var oWid:uint;// = 25 public var frame:uint;// = 0 public var wait:uint;// = 0 public var GFX:Array; public var oHei:uint;// = 25 public var seq:Boolean;// = false public function Flower(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(4); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_flower_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_flower_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_flower_3")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_flower_4")); GFX[0].x = oX; GFX[0].y = oY; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (seq == false){ oY = (oY - 0.5); if (Mario.levelColl((oX + 12), (oY + 24)) == false){ seq = true; }; }; wait++; if (wait == 2){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 4); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = oX; GFX[frame].y = oY; if (seq){ if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, oWid, oHei)){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((oX + 12), (oY - 5), "1000")); Mario.playerBonus(1); Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 42
//FlyGreen (objects.FlyGreen) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class FlyGreen extends Enemy { private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function FlyGreen(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(2); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stompduck")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_green_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_green_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 3); GFX[0].y = (eY - 5); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if (active){ eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, (eX - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 2)); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = -4; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 24); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 16); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) <= (eY + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 1), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_green_1"))); return (true); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(eX, eY)); Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } } }//package objects
Section 43
//FlyRed (objects.FlyRed) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class FlyRed extends Enemy { private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var ydir:Number; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var starty:uint; private var GFX:Array; public function FlyRed(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(2); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stompduck")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; starty = eY; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; ydir = 0.1; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_red_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_red_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 3); GFX[0].y = (eY - 5); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if (active){ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; gravity = (gravity + ydir); eY = (eY + gravity); gravity = ((gravity > 2)) ? 2 : ((gravity < -2)) ? -2 : gravity; if (eY > (starty + 100)){ ydir = -0.1; }; if (eY < starty){ ydir = 0.1; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 24); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 16); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) <= (eY + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { if (((((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))) || ((eX < 400)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(eX, eY)); Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 1), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_fly_red_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 44
//GameEnd (objects.GameEnd) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; public class GameEnd { private var timer:Number;// = 0 private var txt:TextField; private var GFXC:Class; private var SFXJ:Sound; private var kiss:Sprite; private var GFXK:Class; private var bar:Shape; private var cX:Number; private var cY:Number;// = 0 private var list:Array; private var seq:uint;// = 0 private var GFXZ:Class; private var st:BitmapAsset; private var kifu:Boolean;// = false private var Jebs:Class; private var flash:Sprite; private var castle:Sprite; private var bar2:Shape; public function GameEnd(){ GFXK = GameEnd_GFXK; GFXC = GameEnd_GFXC; GFXZ = GameEnd_GFXZ; castle = new Sprite(); kiss = new Sprite(); flash = new Sprite(); bar = new Shape(); bar2 = new Shape(); list = new Array(); txt = new TextField(); Jebs = GameEnd_Jebs; super(); st = new GFXZ(); st.x = (200 - (st.width / 2)); st.y = (275 - st.height); SFXJ = new Jebs();;, 0, 400, 375);; Mario.playerControllable = false; Player.GFX2.alpha = 0; Mario.Hud.GFX.alpha = 0; var _local1:BitmapAsset = new GFXK(); kiss.addChild(_local1); kiss.x = (200 - (kiss.width / 2)); kiss.y = 40; _local1 = new GFXC(); castle.addChild(_local1); kiss.alpha = 0; cX = (200 - (castle.width / 2)); castle.x = cX; castle.y = cY; Barer(); Mario.layerGover.addChild(st); Mario.layerGover.addChild(castle); Mario.layerGover.addChild(flash); Mario.layerGover.addChild(kiss); Mario.layerGover.addChild(bar); Mario.layerGover.addChild(txt); Mario.layerGover.addChild(bar2); txt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; bar.alpha = 0; bar2.alpha = 0; flash.alpha = 0; txt.scaleX = 1.5; txt.x = 200; txt.y = 309; txt.scaleY = 1.5; txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; txt.alpha = 0; } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if ( == 0){ kifu = true; } else { if (kifu){ if (seq == 0){ Mario.classSFX.Play(7, 1); } else { Mario.classSFX.Play(8); }; kifu = false; }; }; if (seq == 0){ if (timer == 0){ Mario.classSFX.Play(7, 1); }; cY = (cY - ((timer > 100)) ? ((timer - 100) / 135) : 0); Mario.playerControllable = false; Player.GFX2.alpha = 0; Mario.Hud.GFX.alpha = 0; castle.x = (cX + (Math.sin(timer) * 5)); castle.y = cY; timer = (timer + 1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Fire_Boom((cX + (Math.random() * castle.width)), (castle.y + castle.height))); if (cY < (-(castle.height) - 10)){ seq = 1; timer = 2; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } else { if (seq == 1){ flash.alpha = timer; timer = (timer - 0.01); if (timer <= 0){ Mario.classSFX.Play(8); seq = 2; timer = -0.5; }; } else { if (seq == 2){ timer = (timer + 0.01); kiss.alpha = timer; bar.alpha = timer; if (timer >= 1){ bar2.alpha = 1; timer = 0; seq = 3; txt.htmlText = "<p align='center'>Mario Forever Flash \n2009 \</p>"; txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); }; } else { if (seq == 3){ timer = (timer + 0.01); bar2.alpha = (1 - (Math.sin(timer) * 4)); if (timer > Math.PI){ timer = 0; seq = 4; txt.htmlText = "<p align='center'>Created by:\n Programming:\n Graphics: Nintendo, Softendo </p>"; txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); }; } else { if (seq == 4){ timer = (timer + 0.01); bar2.alpha = (1 - (Math.sin(timer) * 4)); if (timer > Math.PI){ timer = 0; seq = 5; txt.htmlText = "<p align='center'>Music: Nintendo\nSound Effects: Nintendo, Public Domain\nLevel Design:</p>"; txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); }; } else { if (seq == 5){ timer = (timer + 0.01); bar2.alpha = (1 - (Math.sin(timer) * 4)); if (timer > Math.PI){ timer = 0; seq = 6; txt.scaleX = 2.5; txt.scaleY = 2.5; txt.htmlText = "<p align='center'>Thank You for Playing!</p>"; txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); txt.y = (txt.y + 10); }; } else { if (seq == 6){ timer = (timer + 0.005); bar2.alpha = (1 - (Math.sin(timer) * 4)); if (timer > Math.PI){ Mario.clearLevel(false); Mario.TScreen = new TitleScreen(); Mario.sequence = 4; Mario.decreaseI = 1; Mario.stepping = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function Barer():void{ var _local1:String = GradientType.LINEAR; var _local2:Array = [0, 0]; var _local3:Array = [0, 1]; var _local4:Array = [0, 40]; var _local5:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local5.createGradientBox(400, 75, (Math.PI / 2)); var _local6:String = SpreadMethod.PAD;, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local6);, 0, 400, 75);; bar.y = 300;;, 0, 400, 75);; bar2.y = 315; } } }//package objects
Section 45
//GameEnd_GFXC (objects.GameEnd_GFXC) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GameEnd_GFXC extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 46
//GameEnd_GFXK (objects.GameEnd_GFXK) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GameEnd_GFXK extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 47
//GameEnd_GFXZ (objects.GameEnd_GFXZ) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GameEnd_GFXZ extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 48
//GameEnd_Jebs (objects.GameEnd_Jebs) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GameEnd_Jebs extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 49
//GameOver (objects.GameOver) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class GameOver extends Obj { private var gfx2:BitmapAsset; private var gfx3:BitmapAsset; private var timer:uint;// = 0 private var gfx1:BitmapAsset; private var SFXOver:Sound; private var sel:uint;// = 0 public function GameOver(){ SFXOver = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("gameover")); super(); gfx1 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("gameover")); gfx2 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("continue")); gfx3 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("quit")); gfx1.x = ((400 / 2) - (gfx1.width / 2)); gfx1.y = ((375 / 2) - (gfx1.height / 2)); Mario.layerGover.addChild(gfx1); Mario.checkPoint = 0;; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if (timer == 180){ gfx2.x = ((400 / 2) - (gfx2.width / 2)); gfx2.y = 230; Mario.layerGover.addChild(gfx2); gfx3.x = ((400 / 2) - (gfx3.width / 2)); gfx3.y = 250; Mario.layerGover.addChild(gfx3); }; if (timer > 180){ if (((Mario.isKeyPressed(1)) || (Mario.isKeyPressed(3)))){ sel = (1 - sel); }; if (Mario.isKeyPressed(4)){ if (sel == 0){ Mario.Hud.Lives = 2; Mario.Hud.Pnts = 0; Mario.checkPoint = 0; Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); Mario.levelid = Math.max((Mario.levelid - 1), (Math.floor((Mario.levelid / 4)) * 4)); Mario.clearLevel(); Mario.decreaseI = 1; } else { Mario.layerGover.removeChild(gfx1); Mario.clearLevel(false); Mario.TScreen = new TitleScreen(); Mario.sequence = 4; Mario.decreaseI = 1; Mario.stepping = true; }; }; }; if (sel == 0){ gfx2.alpha = 1; gfx3.alpha = 0.5; } else { gfx2.alpha = 0.5; gfx3.alpha = 1; }; } } }//package objects
Section 50
//GFX (objects.GFX) package objects { public class GFX { private var GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3:Class; private var GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1:Class; private var GFX_FONT_COIN_1:Class; private var GFX_FONT_COIN_3:Class; private var GFX_OB_STAR_1:Class; private var GFX_OB_STAR_2:Class; private var GFX_OB_STAR_4:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_JUMP:Class; private var GFX_FONT_COIN_2:Class; private var GFX_OB_STAR_3:Class; private var GFX_FONT_X:Class; private var GFX_FONT_WORLD:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_ENTER:Class; private var GFX_WALL_ca:Class; private var GFX_WALL_cb:Class; private var GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c2:Class; private var GFX_OB_FLOWER_1:Class; private var GFX_OB_FLOWER_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3:Class; private var GFX_OB_FLOWER_3:Class; private var GFX_EN_GOOMBA2:Class; private var GFX_OB_FLOWER_4:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3:Class; private var GFX_FONT_LINE:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_1:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_2:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_3:Class; private var GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_ENTER:Class; private var GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1:Class; private var GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM:Class; private var GFX_EN_LAKITU_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_LAKITU_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2:Class; private var GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM:Class; private var GFX_EFF_HAMMER:Class; private var GFX_BACK_HILL:Class; private var GFX_BACK_LANTERN:Class; private var GFX_BON_BRICK2:Class; private var GFX_BON_BRICK3:Class; private var GFX_EN_JUMPER_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_JUMPER_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_JUMPER_3:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE:Class; private var GFX_BACK_BACK_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_BACK_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_BACK_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_BACK_4:Class; private var GFX_BACK_BACK_5:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000:Class; private var GFX_EN_SPINY_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_SPINY_2:Class; private var GFX_MARIO_DEAD:Class; private var GFX_FINISH_1:Class; private var GFX_FINISH_3:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_ENTER:Class; private var GFX_FINISH_2:Class; private var GFX_FINISH_4:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3:Class; private var GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4:Class; private var GFX_BON_USED:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_500:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE:Class; private var GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_FIRE:Class; private var GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_1:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_2:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_3:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_4:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_5:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_6:Class; private var GFX_LAVA_7:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE_4:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE_5:Class; private var GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2:Class; private var GFX_FONT_HEAD:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000:Class; private var GFX_EN_GOOMBA:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FOREST_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FOREST_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FOREST_4:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FOREST_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4:Class; private var GFX_BON_USED2:Class; private var GFX_BON_USED3:Class; private var GFX_BON_BRICK:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2:Class; private var GFX_WALL_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_PFLAME_1:Class; private var GFX_WALL_6:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_4:Class; private var GFX_EN_PFLAME_2:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_1:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_2:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_3:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_4:Class; private var GFX_WALL_B:Class; private var GFX_WALL_7:Class; private var GFX_WALL_0:Class; private var GFX_Z_QUIT:Class; private var GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_200:Class; private var GFX_WALL_5:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2:Class; private var GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_E:Class; private var GFX_WALL_G:Class; private var GFX_WALL_H:Class; private var GFX_Z_GAMEOVER:Class; private var GFX_WALL_A:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2:Class; private var GFX_WALL_9:Class; private var GFX_WALL_D:Class; private var GFX_WALL_N:Class; private var GFX_OB_RADISH:Class; private var GFX_WALL_P:Class; private var GFX_WALL_Q:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE2_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE2_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE2_4:Class; private var GFX_BACK_TREE2_5:Class; private var GFX_WALL_h:Class; private var GFX_MARIO0_JUMP:Class; private var GFX_WALL_e:Class; private var GFX_WALL_g:Class; private var GFX_WALL_i:Class; private var GFX_WALL_8:Class; private var GFX_WALL_k:Class; private var GFX_WALL_d:Class; private var GFX_WALL_f:Class; private var GFX_WALL_o:Class; private var GFX_WALL_1:Class; private var GFX_WALL_q:Class; private var GFX_WALL_j:Class; private var GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1:Class; private var GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2:Class; private var GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_n:Class; private var GFX_WALL_w:Class; private var GFX_WALL_p:Class; private var GFX_WALL_y:Class; private var GFX_WALL_r:Class; private var GFX_WALL_s:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_100:Class; private var GFX_WALL_M:Class; private var GFX_WALL_O:Class; private var GFX_EN_FISH_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_FISH_2:Class; private var GFX_WALL_R:Class; private var GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH:Class; private var GFX_WALL_u:Class; private var GFX_WALL_l:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7:Class; private var GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_MILL:Class; private var GFX_WALL_v:Class; private var GFX_WALL_x:Class; private var GFX_WALL_m:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3:Class; private var GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4:Class; private var GFX_WALL_I:Class; private var GFX_WALL_t:Class; private var GFX_WALL_K:Class; private var GFX_EN_BULLET_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_BULLET_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_BULLET_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_T:Class; private var GFX_WALL_U:Class; private var GFX_WALL_F:Class; private var GFX_WALL_J:Class; private var GFX_WALL_L:Class; private var GFX_WALL_z:Class; private var GFX_OB_SHROOM:Class; private var GFX_WALL_S:Class; private var GFX_WALL_C:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE_3:Class; private var GFX_FONT_TIME:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3:Class; private var GFX_BON_BONUS_1:Class; private var GFX_BON_BONUS_2:Class; private var GFX_BON_BONUS_3:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2:Class; private var GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3:Class; private var GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4:Class; private var GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1:Class; private var GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2:Class; private var GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2:Class; private var GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP:Class; private var GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_JUMP:Class; private var GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1:Class; private var GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3:Class; private var GFX_Z_CONTINUE:Class; private var GFX_FONT_MARIO:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a0:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a1:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a2:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a4:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a5:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a6:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2:Class; private var GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a7:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a8:Class; private var GFX_WALL_a9:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b0:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b1:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b2:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b4:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b5:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b6:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b7:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b8:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b9:Class; private var GFX_WALL_b3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_aa:Class; private var GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG:Class; private var GFX_EN_PPLANT_1:Class; private var GFX_WALL_ab:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c4:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c5:Class; private var GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c1:Class; private var GFX_EN_PPLANT_2:Class; private var GFX_FONT_0:Class; private var GFX_FONT_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_HAMMER_1:Class; private var GFX_EN_HAMMER_2:Class; private var GFX_FONT_4:Class; private var GFX_FONT_5:Class; private var GFX_FONT_6:Class; private var GFX_FONT_7:Class; private var GFX_FONT_8:Class; private var GFX_FONT_2:Class; private var GFX_FONT_3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c6:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c8:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c0:Class; private var GFX_WALL_ba:Class; private var GFX_FONT_9:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c3:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c7:Class; private var GFX_WALL_c9:Class; private var GFX_WALL_bb:Class; public function GFX(){ GFX_BACK_BACK_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_1; GFX_BACK_BACK_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_2; GFX_BACK_BACK_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_3; GFX_BACK_BACK_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_4; GFX_BACK_BACK_5 = GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_5; GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1; GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2; GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7; GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8 = GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8; GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1; GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2; GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3; GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4; GFX_BACK_FENCE_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_1; GFX_BACK_FENCE_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_2; GFX_BACK_FENCE_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_3; GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1; GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2; GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3; GFX_BACK_FOREST_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_1; GFX_BACK_FOREST_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_2; GFX_BACK_FOREST_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_3; GFX_BACK_FOREST_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_4; GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1; GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2; GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3; GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1; GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2; GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3; GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1; GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2; GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3; GFX_BACK_HILL = GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL; GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG = GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG; GFX_BACK_LANTERN = GFX_GFX_BACK_LANTERN; GFX_BACK_TREE_1 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_1; GFX_BACK_TREE_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_2; GFX_BACK_TREE_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_3; GFX_BACK_TREE_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_4; GFX_BACK_TREE_5 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_5; GFX_BACK_TREE2_2 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_2; GFX_BACK_TREE2_3 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_3; GFX_BACK_TREE2_4 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_4; GFX_BACK_TREE2_5 = GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_5; GFX_BON_BONUS_1 = GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_1; GFX_BON_BONUS_2 = GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_2; GFX_BON_BONUS_3 = GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_3; GFX_BON_BRICK = GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK; GFX_BON_BRICK2 = GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK2; GFX_BON_BRICK3 = GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK3; GFX_BON_USED = GFX_GFX_BON_USED; GFX_BON_USED2 = GFX_GFX_BON_USED2; GFX_BON_USED3 = GFX_GFX_BON_USED3; GFX_BOWSER_1 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_1; GFX_BOWSER_2 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_2; GFX_BOWSER_3 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_3; GFX_BOWSER_4 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_4; GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1; GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2; GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3 = GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3; GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1 = GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1; GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2 = GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2; GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3 = GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3; GFX_FINISH_1 = GFX_GFX_FINISH_1; GFX_FINISH_2 = GFX_GFX_FINISH_2; GFX_FINISH_3 = GFX_GFX_FINISH_3; GFX_FINISH_4 = GFX_GFX_FINISH_4; GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM = GFX_GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM; GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED = GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED; GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2 = GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2; GFX_EFF_HAMMER = GFX_GFX_EFF_HAMMER; GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP; GFX_EFF_POINTS_100 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_100; GFX_EFF_POINTS_200 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_200; GFX_EFF_POINTS_500 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_500; GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000; GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000; GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000; GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000 = GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000; GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1 = GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1; GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2 = GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2; GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3 = GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3; GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4 = GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3; GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4 = GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4; GFX_EN_BULLET_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_1; GFX_EN_BULLET_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_2; GFX_EN_BULLET_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_3; GFX_EN_FISH_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_1; GFX_EN_FISH_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_2; GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1; GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2; GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1; GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2; GFX_EN_GOOMBA = GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA; GFX_EN_GOOMBA2 = GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA2; GFX_EN_HAMMER_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_1; GFX_EN_HAMMER_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_2; GFX_EN_JUMPER_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_1; GFX_EN_JUMPER_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_2; GFX_EN_JUMPER_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_3; GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1; GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2; GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1; GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2; GFX_EN_LAKITU_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_1; GFX_EN_LAKITU_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_2; GFX_EN_MILL = GFX_GFX_EN_MILL; GFX_EN_PFLAME_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_1; GFX_EN_PFLAME_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_2; GFX_EN_PPLANT_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_1; GFX_EN_PPLANT_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_2; GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1; GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2; GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3; GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1; GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2; GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3; GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4; GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1; GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2; GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3; GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4 = GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4; GFX_EN_SPINY_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_1; GFX_EN_SPINY_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_2; GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1 = GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1; GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2 = GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2; GFX_FONT_0 = GFX_GFX_FONT_0; GFX_FONT_1 = GFX_GFX_FONT_1; GFX_FONT_2 = GFX_GFX_FONT_2; GFX_FONT_3 = GFX_GFX_FONT_3; GFX_FONT_4 = GFX_GFX_FONT_4; GFX_FONT_5 = GFX_GFX_FONT_5; GFX_FONT_6 = GFX_GFX_FONT_6; GFX_FONT_7 = GFX_GFX_FONT_7; GFX_FONT_8 = GFX_GFX_FONT_8; GFX_FONT_9 = GFX_GFX_FONT_9; GFX_FONT_LINE = GFX_GFX_FONT_LINE; GFX_FONT_COIN_1 = GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_1; GFX_FONT_COIN_2 = GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_2; GFX_FONT_COIN_3 = GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_3; GFX_FONT_HEAD = GFX_GFX_FONT_HEAD; GFX_FONT_MARIO = GFX_GFX_FONT_MARIO; GFX_FONT_TIME = GFX_GFX_FONT_TIME; GFX_FONT_WORLD = GFX_GFX_FONT_WORLD; GFX_FONT_X = GFX_GFX_FONT_X; GFX_LAVA_1 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_1; GFX_LAVA_2 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_2; GFX_LAVA_3 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_3; GFX_LAVA_4 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_4; GFX_LAVA_5 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_5; GFX_LAVA_6 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_6; GFX_LAVA_7 = GFX_GFX_LAVA_7; GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE; GFX_MARIO0_ENTER = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_ENTER; GFX_MARIO0_JUMP = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_JUMP; GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1 = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1; GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2 = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2; GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3 = GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3; GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE; GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH; GFX_MARIO1_ENTER = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_ENTER; GFX_MARIO1_JUMP = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_JUMP; GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1 = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1; GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2 = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2; GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3 = GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3; GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE; GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH; GFX_MARIO2_ENTER = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_ENTER; GFX_MARIO2_FIRE = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_FIRE; GFX_MARIO2_JUMP = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_JUMP; GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1 = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1; GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2 = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2; GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3 = GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3; GFX_MARIO_DEAD = GFX_GFX_MARIO_DEAD; GFX_OB_COIN_1 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_1; GFX_OB_COIN_2 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_2; GFX_OB_COIN_3 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_3; GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1; GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2; GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3; GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4 = GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4; GFX_OB_FLOWER_1 = GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_1; GFX_OB_FLOWER_2 = GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_2; GFX_OB_FLOWER_3 = GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_3; GFX_OB_FLOWER_4 = GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_4; GFX_OB_STAR_1 = GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_1; GFX_OB_STAR_2 = GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_2; GFX_OB_STAR_3 = GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_3; GFX_OB_STAR_4 = GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_4; GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM = GFX_GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM; GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM = GFX_GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM; GFX_OB_RADISH = GFX_GFX_OB_RADISH; GFX_OB_SHROOM = GFX_GFX_OB_SHROOM; GFX_Z_GAMEOVER = GFX_GFX_Z_GAMEOVER; GFX_Z_CONTINUE = GFX_GFX_Z_CONTINUE; GFX_Z_QUIT = GFX_GFX_Z_QUIT; GFX_WALL_0 = GFX_GFX_WALL_0; GFX_WALL_1 = GFX_GFX_WALL_1; GFX_WALL_2 = GFX_GFX_WALL_2; GFX_WALL_3 = GFX_GFX_WALL_3; GFX_WALL_4 = GFX_GFX_WALL_4; GFX_WALL_5 = GFX_GFX_WALL_5; GFX_WALL_6 = GFX_GFX_WALL_6; GFX_WALL_7 = GFX_GFX_WALL_7; GFX_WALL_8 = GFX_GFX_WALL_8; GFX_WALL_9 = GFX_GFX_WALL_9; GFX_WALL_a = GFX_GFX_WALL_a; GFX_WALL_b = GFX_GFX_WALL_b; GFX_WALL_a0 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a0; GFX_WALL_a1 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a1; GFX_WALL_a2 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a2; GFX_WALL_a3 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a3; GFX_WALL_a4 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a4; GFX_WALL_a5 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a5; GFX_WALL_a6 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a6; GFX_WALL_a7 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a7; GFX_WALL_a8 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a8; GFX_WALL_a9 = GFX_GFX_WALL_a9; GFX_WALL_aa = GFX_GFX_WALL_aa; GFX_WALL_ab = GFX_GFX_WALL_ab; GFX_WALL_b0 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b0; GFX_WALL_b1 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b1; GFX_WALL_b2 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b2; GFX_WALL_b3 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b3; GFX_WALL_b4 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b4; GFX_WALL_b5 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b5; GFX_WALL_b6 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b6; GFX_WALL_b7 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b7; GFX_WALL_b8 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b8; GFX_WALL_b9 = GFX_GFX_WALL_b9; GFX_WALL_ba = GFX_GFX_WALL_ba; GFX_WALL_bb = GFX_GFX_WALL_bb; GFX_WALL_c0 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c0; GFX_WALL_c1 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c1; GFX_WALL_c2 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c2; GFX_WALL_c3 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c3; GFX_WALL_c4 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c4; GFX_WALL_c5 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c5; GFX_WALL_c6 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c6; GFX_WALL_c7 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c7; GFX_WALL_c8 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c8; GFX_WALL_c9 = GFX_GFX_WALL_c9; GFX_WALL_ca = GFX_GFX_WALL_ca; GFX_WALL_cb = GFX_GFX_WALL_cb; GFX_WALL_c = GFX_GFX_WALL_c; GFX_WALL_d = GFX_GFX_WALL_d; GFX_WALL_e = GFX_GFX_WALL_e; GFX_WALL_f = GFX_GFX_WALL_f; GFX_WALL_g = GFX_GFX_WALL_g; GFX_WALL_h = GFX_GFX_WALL_h; GFX_WALL_i = GFX_GFX_WALL_i; GFX_WALL_j = GFX_GFX_WALL_j; GFX_WALL_k = GFX_GFX_WALL_k; GFX_WALL_l = GFX_GFX_WALL_l; GFX_WALL_m = GFX_GFX_WALL_m; GFX_WALL_n = GFX_GFX_WALL_n; GFX_WALL_o = GFX_GFX_WALL_o; GFX_WALL_p = GFX_GFX_WALL_p; GFX_WALL_q = GFX_GFX_WALL_q; GFX_WALL_r = GFX_GFX_WALL_r; GFX_WALL_s = GFX_GFX_WALL_s; GFX_WALL_t = GFX_GFX_WALL_t; GFX_WALL_u = GFX_GFX_WALL_u; GFX_WALL_v = GFX_GFX_WALL_v; GFX_WALL_w = GFX_GFX_WALL_w; GFX_WALL_x = GFX_GFX_WALL_x; GFX_WALL_y = GFX_GFX_WALL_y; GFX_WALL_z = GFX_GFX_WALL_z; GFX_WALL_A = GFX_GFX_WALL_A; GFX_WALL_B = GFX_GFX_WALL_B; GFX_WALL_C = GFX_GFX_WALL_C; GFX_WALL_D = GFX_GFX_WALL_D; GFX_WALL_E = GFX_GFX_WALL_E; GFX_WALL_F = GFX_GFX_WALL_F; GFX_WALL_G = GFX_GFX_WALL_G; GFX_WALL_H = GFX_GFX_WALL_H; GFX_WALL_I = GFX_GFX_WALL_I; GFX_WALL_J = GFX_GFX_WALL_J; GFX_WALL_K = GFX_GFX_WALL_K; GFX_WALL_L = GFX_GFX_WALL_L; GFX_WALL_M = GFX_GFX_WALL_M; GFX_WALL_N = GFX_GFX_WALL_N; GFX_WALL_O = GFX_GFX_WALL_O; GFX_WALL_P = GFX_GFX_WALL_P; GFX_WALL_Q = GFX_GFX_WALL_Q; GFX_WALL_R = GFX_GFX_WALL_R; GFX_WALL_S = GFX_GFX_WALL_S; GFX_WALL_T = GFX_GFX_WALL_T; GFX_WALL_U = GFX_GFX_WALL_U; super(); } public function AccessGFX(_arg1:String):Class{ if (Mario.levelGenre == 1){ switch (_arg1){ case "Wall_0": return (GFX_WALL_b0); case "Wall_1": return (GFX_WALL_b1); case "Wall_2": return (GFX_WALL_b2); case "Wall_3": return (GFX_WALL_b3); case "Wall_4": return (GFX_WALL_b4); case "Wall_5": return (GFX_WALL_b5); case "Wall_6": return (GFX_WALL_b6); case "Wall_7": return (GFX_WALL_b7); case "Wall_8": return (GFX_WALL_b8); case "Wall_9": return (GFX_WALL_b9); case "Wall_a": return (GFX_WALL_ba); case "Wall_b": return (GFX_WALL_bb); case "enemy_goomba": return (GFX_EN_GOOMBA2); case "effect_goomba_stomped": return (GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2); case "bonus_brick": return (GFX_BON_BRICK3); case "bonus_used": return (GFX_BON_USED2); }; } else { if (Mario.levelGenre == 2){ switch (_arg1){ case "Wall_0": return (GFX_WALL_c0); case "Wall_1": return (GFX_WALL_c1); case "Wall_2": return (GFX_WALL_c2); case "Wall_3": return (GFX_WALL_c3); case "Wall_4": return (GFX_WALL_c4); case "Wall_5": return (GFX_WALL_c5); case "Wall_6": return (GFX_WALL_c6); case "Wall_7": return (GFX_WALL_c7); case "Wall_8": return (GFX_WALL_c8); case "Wall_9": return (GFX_WALL_c9); case "Wall_a": return (GFX_WALL_ca); case "Wall_b": return (GFX_WALL_cb); case "back_fence_1": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1); case "back_fence_2": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2); case "back_fence_3": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3); case "back_tree_2": return (GFX_BACK_TREE2_2); case "back_tree_3": return (GFX_BACK_TREE2_3); case "back_tree_4": return (GFX_BACK_TREE2_4); case "back_tree_5": return (GFX_BACK_TREE2_5); }; } else { if (Mario.levelGenre == 3){ switch (_arg1){ case "Wall_0": return (GFX_WALL_a0); case "Wall_1": return (GFX_WALL_a1); case "Wall_2": return (GFX_WALL_a2); case "Wall_3": return (GFX_WALL_a3); case "Wall_4": return (GFX_WALL_a4); case "Wall_5": return (GFX_WALL_a5); case "Wall_6": return (GFX_WALL_a6); case "Wall_7": return (GFX_WALL_a7); case "Wall_8": return (GFX_WALL_a8); case "Wall_9": return (GFX_WALL_a9); case "Wall_a": return (GFX_WALL_aa); case "Wall_b": return (GFX_WALL_ab); case "enemy_goomba": return (GFX_EN_GOOMBA2); case "enemy_goomba_stomped": return (GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2); case "bonus_brick": return (GFX_BON_BRICK2); case "bonus_used": return (GFX_BON_USED3); }; }; }; }; switch (_arg1){ case "back_1": return (GFX_BACK_BACK_1); case "back_2": return (GFX_BACK_BACK_2); case "back_3": return (GFX_BACK_BACK_3); case "back_4": return (GFX_BACK_BACK_4); case "back_5": return (GFX_BACK_BACK_5); case "back_cloud_1": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1); case "back_cloud_2": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2); case "back_cloud_3": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3); case "back_clouds_1": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1); case "back_clouds_2": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2); case "back_clouds_3": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3); case "back_clouds_4": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4); case "back_clouds_5": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5); case "back_clouds_6": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6); case "back_clouds_7": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7); case "back_clouds_8": return (GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8); case "back_column_1": return (GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1); case "back_column_2": return (GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2); case "back_column_3": return (GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3); case "back_column_4": return (GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4); case "back_fence_1": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE_1); case "back_fence_2": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE_2); case "back_fence_3": return (GFX_BACK_FENCE_3); case "back_forest_1": return (GFX_BACK_FOREST_1); case "back_forest_2": return (GFX_BACK_FOREST_2); case "back_forest_3": return (GFX_BACK_FOREST_3); case "back_forest_4": return (GFX_BACK_FOREST_4); case "back_grass_l1": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1); case "back_grass_l2": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2); case "back_grass_l3": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3); case "back_grass_m1": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1); case "back_grass_m2": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2); case "back_grass_m3": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3); case "back_grass_r1": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1); case "back_grass_r2": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2); case "back_grass_r3": return (GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3); case "back_hill": return (GFX_BACK_HILL); case "back_hill_big": return (GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG); case "back_lantern": return (GFX_BACK_LANTERN); case "back_tree_1": return (GFX_BACK_TREE_1); case "back_tree_2": return (GFX_BACK_TREE_2); case "back_tree_3": return (GFX_BACK_TREE_3); case "back_tree_4": return (GFX_BACK_TREE_4); case "back_tree_5": return (GFX_BACK_TREE_5); case "bonus_bonus_1": return (GFX_BON_BONUS_1); case "bonus_bonus_2": return (GFX_BON_BONUS_2); case "bonus_bonus_3": return (GFX_BON_BONUS_3); case "bonus_brick": return (GFX_BON_BRICK); case "bonus_used": return (GFX_BON_USED); case "bowser_1": return (GFX_BOWSER_1); case "bowser_2": return (GFX_BOWSER_2); case "bowser_3": return (GFX_BOWSER_3); case "bowser_4": return (GFX_BOWSER_4); case "bowser_flame_1": return (GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1); case "bowser_flame_2": return (GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2); case "bowser_flame_3": return (GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3); case "effect_coin_boom_1": return (GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1); case "effect_coin_boom_2": return (GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2); case "effect_coin_boom_3": return (GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3); case "finish_1": return (GFX_FINISH_1); case "finish_2": return (GFX_FINISH_2); case "finish_3": return (GFX_FINISH_3); case "finish_4": return (GFX_FINISH_4); case "effect_fire_boom": return (GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM); case "effect_goomba_stomped": return (GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED); case "effect_hammer": return (GFX_EFF_HAMMER); case "effect_points_1up": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP); case "effect_points_100": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_100); case "effect_points_200": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_200); case "effect_points_500": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_500); case "effect_points_1000": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000); case "effect_points_2000": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000); case "effect_points_5000": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000); case "effect_points_8000": return (GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000); case "elevator_1": return (GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1); case "elevator_2": return (GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2); case "elevator_3": return (GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3); case "elevator_4": return (GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4); case "enemy_bbeetle_1": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1); case "enemy_bbeetle_2": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2); case "enemy_bbeetle_shell_1": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1); case "enemy_bbeetle_shell_2": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2); case "enemy_bbeetle_shell_3": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3); case "enemy_bbeetle_shell_4": return (GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4); case "enemy_bullet_1": return (GFX_EN_BULLET_1); case "enemy_bullet_2": return (GFX_EN_BULLET_2); case "enemy_bullet_3": return (GFX_EN_BULLET_3); case "enemy_fly_green_1": return (GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1); case "enemy_fly_green_2": return (GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2); case "enemy_fly_red_1": return (GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1); case "enemy_fly_red_2": return (GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2); case "enemy_goomba": return (GFX_EN_GOOMBA); case "enemy_hammer_1": return (GFX_EN_HAMMER_1); case "enemy_hammer_2": return (GFX_EN_HAMMER_2); case "enemy_jumper_1": return (GFX_EN_JUMPER_1); case "enemy_jumper_2": return (GFX_EN_JUMPER_2); case "enemy_jumper_3": return (GFX_EN_JUMPER_3); case "enemy_koopa_green_1": return (GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1); case "enemy_koopa_green_2": return (GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2); case "enemy_koopa_red_1": return (GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1); case "enemy_koopa_red_2": return (GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2); case "enemy_lakitu_1": return (GFX_EN_LAKITU_1); case "enemy_lakitu_2": return (GFX_EN_LAKITU_2); case "enemy_mill": return (GFX_EN_MILL); case "enemy_pflame_1": return (GFX_EN_PFLAME_1); case "enemy_pflame_2": return (GFX_EN_PFLAME_2); case "enemy_pplant_1": return (GFX_EN_PPLANT_1); case "enemy_pplant_2": return (GFX_EN_PPLANT_2); case "enemy_pstatic_1": return (GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1); case "enemy_pstatic_2": return (GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2); case "enemy_pstatic_3": return (GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3); case "enemy_shell_green_1": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1); case "enemy_shell_green_2": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2); case "enemy_shell_green_3": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3); case "enemy_shell_green_4": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4); case "enemy_shell_red_1": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1); case "enemy_shell_red_2": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2); case "enemy_shell_red_3": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3); case "enemy_shell_red_4": return (GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4); case "enemy_spiny_1": return (GFX_EN_SPINY_1); case "enemy_spiny_2": return (GFX_EN_SPINY_2); case "enemy_spiny_shell_1": return (GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1); case "enemy_spiny_shell_2": return (GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2); case "font_0": return (GFX_FONT_0); case "font_1": return (GFX_FONT_1); case "font_2": return (GFX_FONT_2); case "font_3": return (GFX_FONT_3); case "font_4": return (GFX_FONT_4); case "font_5": return (GFX_FONT_5); case "font_6": return (GFX_FONT_6); case "font_7": return (GFX_FONT_7); case "font_8": return (GFX_FONT_8); case "font_9": return (GFX_FONT_9); case "font_-": return (GFX_FONT_LINE); case "font_coin_1": return (GFX_FONT_COIN_1); case "font_coin_2": return (GFX_FONT_COIN_2); case "font_coin_3": return (GFX_FONT_COIN_3); case "font_head": return (GFX_FONT_HEAD); case "font_mario": return (GFX_FONT_MARIO); case "font_time": return (GFX_FONT_TIME); case "font_world": return (GFX_FONT_WORLD); case "font_x": return (GFX_FONT_X); case "lava_1": return (GFX_LAVA_1); case "lava_2": return (GFX_LAVA_2); case "lava_3": return (GFX_LAVA_3); case "lava_4": return (GFX_LAVA_4); case "lava_5": return (GFX_LAVA_5); case "lava_6": return (GFX_LAVA_6); case "lava_7": return (GFX_LAVA_7); case "object_mario0_crouch": return (GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1); case "object_mario0_walk_1": return (GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1); case "object_mario0_walk_2": return (GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2); case "object_mario0_walk_3": return (GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3); case "object_mario0_jump": return (GFX_MARIO0_JUMP); case "object_mario0_brake": return (GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE); case "object_mario1_walk_1": return (GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1); case "object_mario1_walk_2": return (GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2); case "object_mario1_walk_3": return (GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3); case "object_mario1_jump": return (GFX_MARIO1_JUMP); case "object_mario1_brake": return (GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE); case "object_mario1_crouch": return (GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH); case "object_mario2_walk_1": return (GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1); case "object_mario2_walk_2": return (GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2); case "object_mario2_walk_3": return (GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3); case "object_mario2_jump": return (GFX_MARIO2_JUMP); case "object_mario2_brake": return (GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE); case "object_mario2_crouch": return (GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH); case "object_mario2_fire": return (GFX_MARIO2_FIRE); case "object_mario_dead": return (GFX_MARIO_DEAD); case "object_mario0_enter": return (GFX_MARIO0_ENTER); case "object_mario1_enter": return (GFX_MARIO1_ENTER); case "object_mario2_enter": return (GFX_MARIO2_ENTER); case "object_coin_1": return (GFX_OB_COIN_1); case "object_coin_2": return (GFX_OB_COIN_2); case "object_coin_3": return (GFX_OB_COIN_3); case "effect_coin_jump_1": return (GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1); case "effect_coin_jump_2": return (GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2); case "effect_coin_jump_3": return (GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3); case "effect_coin_jump_4": return (GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4); case "object_flower_1": return (GFX_OB_FLOWER_1); case "object_flower_2": return (GFX_OB_FLOWER_2); case "object_flower_3": return (GFX_OB_FLOWER_3); case "object_flower_4": return (GFX_OB_FLOWER_4); case "object_star_1": return (GFX_OB_STAR_1); case "object_star_2": return (GFX_OB_STAR_2); case "object_star_3": return (GFX_OB_STAR_3); case "object_star_4": return (GFX_OB_STAR_4); case "object_killshroom": return (GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM); case "object_lifeshroom": return (GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM); case "object_radish": return (GFX_OB_RADISH); case "object_shroom": return (GFX_OB_SHROOM); case "continue": return (GFX_Z_CONTINUE); case "gameover": return (GFX_Z_GAMEOVER); case "quit": return (GFX_Z_QUIT); case "Wall_0": return (GFX_WALL_0); case "Wall_1": return (GFX_WALL_1); case "Wall_2": return (GFX_WALL_2); case "Wall_3": return (GFX_WALL_3); case "Wall_4": return (GFX_WALL_4); case "Wall_5": return (GFX_WALL_5); case "Wall_6": return (GFX_WALL_6); case "Wall_7": return (GFX_WALL_7); case "Wall_8": return (GFX_WALL_8); case "Wall_9": return (GFX_WALL_9); case "Wall_a": return (GFX_WALL_a); case "Wall_b": return (GFX_WALL_b); case "Wall_c": return (GFX_WALL_c); case "Wall_d": return (GFX_WALL_d); case "Wall_e": return (GFX_WALL_e); case "Wall_f": return (GFX_WALL_f); case "Wall_g": return (GFX_WALL_g); case "Wall_h": return (GFX_WALL_h); case "Wall_i": return (GFX_WALL_i); case "Wall_j": return (GFX_WALL_j); case "Wall_k": return (GFX_WALL_k); case "Wall_l": return (GFX_WALL_l); case "Wall_m": return (GFX_WALL_m); case "Wall_n": return (GFX_WALL_n); case "Wall_o": return (GFX_WALL_o); case "Wall_p": return (GFX_WALL_p); case "Wall_q": return (GFX_WALL_q); case "Wall_r": return (GFX_WALL_r); case "Wall_s": return (GFX_WALL_s); case "Wall_t": return (GFX_WALL_t); case "Wall_u": return (GFX_WALL_u); case "Wall_v": return (GFX_WALL_v); case "Wall_w": return (GFX_WALL_w); case "Wall_x": return (GFX_WALL_x); case "Wall_y": return (GFX_WALL_y); case "Wall_z": return (GFX_WALL_z); case "Wall_A": return (GFX_WALL_A); case "Wall_B": return (GFX_WALL_B); case "Wall_C": return (GFX_WALL_C); case "Wall_D": return (GFX_WALL_D); case "Wall_E": return (GFX_WALL_E); case "Wall_F": return (GFX_WALL_F); case "Wall_G": return (GFX_WALL_G); case "Wall_H": return (GFX_WALL_H); case "Wall_I": return (GFX_WALL_I); case "Wall_J": return (GFX_WALL_J); case "Wall_K": return (GFX_WALL_K); case "Wall_L": return (GFX_WALL_L); case "Wall_M": return (GFX_WALL_M); case "Wall_N": return (GFX_WALL_N); case "Wall_O": return (GFX_WALL_O); case "Wall_P": return (GFX_WALL_P); case "Wall_Q": return (GFX_WALL_Q); case "Wall_R": return (GFX_WALL_R); case "Wall_S": return (GFX_WALL_S); case "Wall_T": return (GFX_WALL_T); case "Wall_U": return (GFX_WALL_U); }; return (GFX_FONT_0); } } }//package objects
Section 51
//GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 52
//GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 53
//GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 54
//GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 55
//GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 56
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 57
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 58
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 59
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 60
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 61
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 62
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 63
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 64
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 65
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 66
//GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 67
//GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 68
//GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 69
//GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 70
//GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 71
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 72
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 73
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 74
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 75
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 76
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 77
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 78
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 79
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 80
//GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 81
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 82
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 83
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 84
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 85
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 86
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 87
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 88
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 89
//GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 90
//GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 91
//GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL_BIG extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 92
//GFX_GFX_BACK_LANTERN (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_LANTERN) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_LANTERN extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 93
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 94
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 95
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 96
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 97
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 98
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 99
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 100
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 101
//GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 102
//GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 103
//GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 104
//GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BONUS_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 105
//GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 106
//GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 107
//GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 108
//GFX_GFX_BON_USED (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_USED) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_USED extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 109
//GFX_GFX_BON_USED2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_USED2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_USED2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 110
//GFX_GFX_BON_USED3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BON_USED3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BON_USED3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 111
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 112
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 113
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 114
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 115
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 116
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 117
//GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_BOWSER_FLAME_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 118
//GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 119
//GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 120
//GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 121
//GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 122
//GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 123
//GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 124
//GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 125
//GFX_GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_FIRE_BOOM extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 126
//GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 127
//GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 128
//GFX_GFX_EFF_HAMMER (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_HAMMER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_HAMMER extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 129
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_100 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_100) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_100 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 130
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 131
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1UP extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 132
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_200 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_200) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_200 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 133
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_2000 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 134
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_500 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_500) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_500 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 135
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 136
//GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000 (objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 137
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 138
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 139
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 140
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 141
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 142
//GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 143
//GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 144
//GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 145
//GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 146
//GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 147
//GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 148
//GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 149
//GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 150
//GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 151
//GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_RED_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 152
//GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 153
//GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 154
//GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 155
//GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 156
//GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 157
//GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 158
//GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 159
//GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 160
//GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 161
//GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 162
//GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 163
//GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 164
//GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 165
//GFX_GFX_EN_MILL (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_MILL) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_MILL extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 166
//GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 167
//GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 168
//GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 169
//GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 170
//GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 171
//GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 172
//GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 173
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 174
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 175
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 176
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 177
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 178
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 179
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 180
//GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 181
//GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 182
//GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 183
//GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 184
//GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 185
//GFX_GFX_FINISH_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FINISH_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 186
//GFX_GFX_FINISH_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FINISH_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 187
//GFX_GFX_FINISH_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FINISH_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 188
//GFX_GFX_FINISH_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FINISH_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 189
//GFX_GFX_FONT_0 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_0) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_0 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 190
//GFX_GFX_FONT_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 191
//GFX_GFX_FONT_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 192
//GFX_GFX_FONT_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 193
//GFX_GFX_FONT_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 194
//GFX_GFX_FONT_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 195
//GFX_GFX_FONT_6 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 196
//GFX_GFX_FONT_7 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 197
//GFX_GFX_FONT_8 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 198
//GFX_GFX_FONT_9 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_9 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 199
//GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 200
//GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 201
//GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 202
//GFX_GFX_FONT_HEAD (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_HEAD) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_HEAD extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 203
//GFX_GFX_FONT_LINE (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_LINE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_LINE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 204
//GFX_GFX_FONT_MARIO (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_MARIO) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_MARIO extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 205
//GFX_GFX_FONT_TIME (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_TIME) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_TIME extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 206
//GFX_GFX_FONT_WORLD (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_WORLD) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_WORLD extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 207
//GFX_GFX_FONT_X (objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_X) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_FONT_X extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 208
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 209
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 210
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 211
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 212
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 213
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_6 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 214
//GFX_GFX_LAVA_7 (objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_LAVA_7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 215
//GFX_GFX_MARIO_DEAD (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO_DEAD) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO_DEAD extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 216
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 217
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_ENTER (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_ENTER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_ENTER extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 218
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_JUMP (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_JUMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_JUMP extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 219
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 220
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 221
//GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 222
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_BRAKE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 223
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 224
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_ENTER (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_ENTER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_ENTER extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 225
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_JUMP (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_JUMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_JUMP extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 226
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 227
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 228
//GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 229
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 230
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_CROUCH extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 231
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_ENTER (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_ENTER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_ENTER extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 232
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_FIRE (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_FIRE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_FIRE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 233
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_JUMP (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_JUMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_JUMP extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 234
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 235
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 236
//GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 237
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 238
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 239
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 240
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 241
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 242
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 243
//GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 244
//GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 245
//GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 246
//GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 247
//GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 248
//GFX_GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_KILLSHROOM extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 249
//GFX_GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 250
//GFX_GFX_OB_RADISH (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_RADISH) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_RADISH extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 251
//GFX_GFX_OB_SHROOM (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_SHROOM) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_SHROOM extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 252
//GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 253
//GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 254
//GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 255
//GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 256
//GFX_GFX_WALL_0 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_0) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_0 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 257
//GFX_GFX_WALL_1 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 258
//GFX_GFX_WALL_2 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 259
//GFX_GFX_WALL_3 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 260
//GFX_GFX_WALL_4 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 261
//GFX_GFX_WALL_5 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 262
//GFX_GFX_WALL_6 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 263
//GFX_GFX_WALL_7 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 264
//GFX_GFX_WALL_8 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 265
//GFX_GFX_WALL_9 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_9 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 266
//GFX_GFX_WALL_A (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_A) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_A extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 267
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 268
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a0 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a0) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a0 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 269
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a1 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 270
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a2 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 271
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a3 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 272
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a4 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 273
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a5 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 274
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a6 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 275
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a7 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 276
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a8 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 277
//GFX_GFX_WALL_a9 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_a9 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 278
//GFX_GFX_WALL_aa (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_aa) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_aa extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 279
//GFX_GFX_WALL_ab (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ab) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_ab extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 280
//GFX_GFX_WALL_B (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_B) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_B extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 281
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 282
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b0 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b0) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b0 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 283
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b1 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 284
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b2 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 285
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b3 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 286
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b4 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 287
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b5 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 288
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b6 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 289
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b7 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 290
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b8 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 291
//GFX_GFX_WALL_b9 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_b9 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 292
//GFX_GFX_WALL_ba (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ba) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_ba extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 293
//GFX_GFX_WALL_bb (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_bb) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_bb extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 294
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 295
//GFX_GFX_WALL_C (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_C) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_C extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 296
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c0 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c0) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c0 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 297
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c1 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 298
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c2 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 299
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c3 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c3 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 300
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c4 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c4 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 301
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c5 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c5 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 302
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c6 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c6 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 303
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c7 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c7 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 304
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c8 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c8 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 305
//GFX_GFX_WALL_c9 (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_c9 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 306
//GFX_GFX_WALL_ca (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ca) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_ca extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 307
//GFX_GFX_WALL_cb (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_cb) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_cb extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 308
//GFX_GFX_WALL_d (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_d) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_d extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 309
//GFX_GFX_WALL_D (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_D) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_D extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 310
//GFX_GFX_WALL_E (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_E) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_E extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 311
//GFX_GFX_WALL_e (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_e) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_e extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 312
//GFX_GFX_WALL_F (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_F) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_F extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 313
//GFX_GFX_WALL_f (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_f) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_f extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 314
//GFX_GFX_WALL_G (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_G) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_G extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 315
//GFX_GFX_WALL_g (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_g) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_g extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 316
//GFX_GFX_WALL_H (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_H) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_H extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 317
//GFX_GFX_WALL_h (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_h) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_h extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 318
//GFX_GFX_WALL_I (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_I) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_I extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 319
//GFX_GFX_WALL_i (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_i) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_i extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 320
//GFX_GFX_WALL_J (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_J) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_J extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 321
//GFX_GFX_WALL_j (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_j) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_j extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 322
//GFX_GFX_WALL_K (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_K) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_K extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 323
//GFX_GFX_WALL_k (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_k) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_k extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 324
//GFX_GFX_WALL_L (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_L) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_L extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 325
//GFX_GFX_WALL_l (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_l) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_l extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 326
//GFX_GFX_WALL_m (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_m) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_m extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 327
//GFX_GFX_WALL_M (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_M) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_M extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 328
//GFX_GFX_WALL_n (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_n) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_n extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 329
//GFX_GFX_WALL_N (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_N) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_N extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 330
//GFX_GFX_WALL_o (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_o) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_o extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 331
//GFX_GFX_WALL_O (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_O) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_O extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 332
//GFX_GFX_WALL_P (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_P) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_P extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 333
//GFX_GFX_WALL_p (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_p) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_p extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 334
//GFX_GFX_WALL_q (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_q) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_q extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 335
//GFX_GFX_WALL_Q (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_Q) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_Q extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 336
//GFX_GFX_WALL_r (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_r) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_r extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 337
//GFX_GFX_WALL_R (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_R) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_R extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 338
//GFX_GFX_WALL_s (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_s) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_s extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 339
//GFX_GFX_WALL_S (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_S) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_S extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 340
//GFX_GFX_WALL_T (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_T) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_T extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 341
//GFX_GFX_WALL_t (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_t) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_t extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 342
//GFX_GFX_WALL_U (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_U) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_U extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 343
//GFX_GFX_WALL_u (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_u) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_u extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 344
//GFX_GFX_WALL_v (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_v) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_v extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 345
//GFX_GFX_WALL_w (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_w) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_w extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 346
//GFX_GFX_WALL_x (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_x) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_x extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 347
//GFX_GFX_WALL_y (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_y) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_y extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 348
//GFX_GFX_WALL_z (objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_z) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_WALL_z extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 349
//GFX_GFX_Z_CONTINUE (objects.GFX_GFX_Z_CONTINUE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_Z_CONTINUE extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 350
//GFX_GFX_Z_GAMEOVER (objects.GFX_GFX_Z_GAMEOVER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_Z_GAMEOVER extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 351
//GFX_GFX_Z_QUIT (objects.GFX_GFX_Z_QUIT) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class GFX_GFX_Z_QUIT extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 352
//Goomba (objects.Goomba) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class Goomba extends Enemy { private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Goomba(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stomp")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 21; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_goomba"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = ((eX - 2) + ((frame > 15)) ? 25 : 0); GFX.y = (eY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (active){ stomped = false; eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, eX, eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; frame = ((frame + 1) % 30); if (frame > 15){ GFX.scaleX = -1; } else { GFX.scaleX = 1; }; GFX.x = ((eX - 2) + ((frame > 15)) ? 25 : 0); GFX.y = (eY - 4); } else { if (((((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))) || (((Mario.scrollEdge + 400) > eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "100")); Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Goomba_Stomped(eX, eY)); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 4), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_goomba"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 353
//Goomba_Stomped (objects.Goomba_Stomped) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Goomba_Stomped extends Effect { public var fX:Number; public var fY:Number; public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public function Goomba_Stomped(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ timer = 50; fX = _arg1; fY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_goomba_stomped"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = (_arg1 - 2); GFX.y = (_arg2 - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer--; GFX.alpha = (timer / 25); gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); fY = (fY + Math.floor(gravity)); if (((Mario.levelColl(fX, (fY + 20))) || (Mario.levelColl((fX + 20), (fY + 20))))){ gravity = 0; fY = ((Math.floor((fY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; GFX.x = (fX - 2); GFX.y = (fY - 4); if (timer == 0){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 354
//Grass (objects.Grass) package objects { public class Grass extends Effect { private var GFX:Array; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Grass(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:String="l"){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); frame = Math.abs((-((timer / 20)) + 2)); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("back_grass_" + _arg3) + "1"))); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("back_grass_" + _arg3) + "2"))); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("back_grass_" + _arg3) + "3"))); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = _arg1)); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = _arg2)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ timer++; if ((timer % 20) == 0){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = Math.abs((-((timer / 20)) + 2)); if (timer == 80){ timer = 0; }; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[frame]); }; } } }//package objects
Section 355
//Hammer (objects.Hammer) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class Hammer extends Obj { private var waiter:uint;// = 0 private var movY:Number;// = 0 private var movX:Number;// = 0 private var Troopa:HammerTroopa; private var GFX:Sprite; public function Hammer(_arg1:HammerTroopa){ GFX = new Sprite(); super(); Troopa = _arg1; var _local2:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("effect_hammer")); _local2.x = -10; _local2.y = -6; GFX.addChild(_local2); oY = 0; oX = 0; Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX); } public function SetPos():void{ if (Troopa.dir == 1){ if (Troopa.frame == 0){ GFX.rotation = 0; GFX.x = (Troopa.eX + 16); GFX.y = (Troopa.eY - 2); } else { GFX.rotation = 90; GFX.x = (Troopa.eX + 28); GFX.y = (Troopa.eY + 22); }; } else { if (Troopa.frame == 0){ GFX.rotation = 0; GFX.x = (Troopa.eX + 2); GFX.y = (Troopa.eY - 2); } else { GFX.rotation = -90; GFX.x = (Troopa.eX - 8); GFX.y = (Troopa.eY + 22); }; }; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ waiter++; if (waiter < 30){ SetPos(); } else { if (waiter == 30){ SetPos(); oX = (GFX.x - 4); oY = (GFX.y - 4); movX = ((Troopa.dir * (Math.random() + 1)) * 2); movY = -(((Math.random() + 1) * 2)); } else { oX = (oX + (movX / 2)); oY = (oY + movY); GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + (movX / 2)); GFX.x = (oX + 4); GFX.y = (oY + 4); movY = (movY + (Mario.gravity / 2)); if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, 8, 8)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; }; if ((((((oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250))) || ((oY < -200)))) || ((((Troopa.dead == true)) && ((waiter < 100)))))){ Mario.removeObject(_arg1); Mario.layerEffects.removeChild(GFX); }; } } }//package objects
Section 356
//HammerTroopa (objects.HammerTroopa) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class HammerTroopa extends Enemy { private var attacking:uint;// = 0 public var dead:Boolean; public var frame:uint;// = 0 private var jump:uint;// = 0 private var gotox:uint;// = 0 private var startx:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var radisher:Boolean; public function HammerTroopa(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Boolean=false){ GFX = new Array(2); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stomp")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; startx = _arg1; gotox = _arg1; radisher = _arg3; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 35; dir = 1; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_hammer_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_hammer_2")); GFX[0].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir > 0)) ? 0 : 25); GFX[0].y = (eY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "100")); Player.hitStomp = true; dead = true; Player.Bounce(eY); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fall((eX - 4), (eY - 3), dir, GFX[frame])); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); dead = true; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 4), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_hammer_1"))); return (true); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (active){ if ((((jump == 0)) && ((gravity == 0)))){ switch (Math.floor((Math.random() * 50))){ case 0: gravity = -2; if (eY < 275){ jump = 40; }; break; case 25: gravity = -6; break; }; }; if (eX == gotox){ if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 20)) == 0){ gotox = Math.round((startx + (150 * (Math.random() - 0.5)))); }; }; if (attacking > 0){ attacking--; } else { if (Math.random() < 0.03){ if (!radisher){ attacking = 40; Mario.instObjects.push(new Hammer(this)); }; }; }; eX = (eX + Mario.Sign((gotox - eX))); stomped = false; gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 3)); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (jump > 0){ jump--; }; if ((((gravity > 0)) && ((jump == 0)))){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((((eY + eHei) - 1) / 25)) * 25) - 35); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) <= ((eY + 5) - gravity)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; wait = 0; if (frame == 0){ if (((((radisher) && ((attacking == 0)))) && ((Math.random() < 0.4)))){ attacking = 20; Mario.instObjects.push(new Fireball((eX + 10), (eY + 10), (dir / 2), true)); }; }; }; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 4) + ((dir > 0)) ? 0 : 25); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 3); } else { if (((((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))) || (((Mario.scrollEdge + 400) > eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 357
//Jumper (objects.Jumper) package objects { public class Jumper extends Enemy { private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var horimov:Number; private var GFX:Array; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Jumper(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:int=-10){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 19; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_jumper_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_jumper_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_jumper_3")); gravity = _arg4; horimov = _arg3; GFX[0].x = (eX + 1); GFX[0].y = (eY + 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ eY = (eY + gravity); eX = (eX + horimov); gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 2)); wait++; if (wait == 4){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX + 1); GFX[frame].y = ((eY + 2) + ((gravity < 0)) ? 0 : 20); GFX[frame].scaleY = ((gravity < 0)) ? 1 : -1; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 200)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 358
//JumperThrower (objects.JumperThrower) package objects { public class JumperThrower extends Enemy { private var waiter:uint; private var amounter:uint; private var sizeh:Number; private var sizev:Number; private var wait:uint; private var pause:uint; private var pauser:uint; private var amount:uint; public function JumperThrower(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint, _arg7:uint){ eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; sizeh = _arg4; sizev = _arg3; wait = (waiter = _arg5); amount = (amounter = _arg6); pause = (pauser = _arg7); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (waiter > 0){ waiter--; } else { if (pauser > 0){ pauser--; } else { amounter = (amounter - 1); pauser = pause; Mario.instEnemies.push(new Jumper(eX, eY, (((Math.random() - 0.5) * 2) * sizeh), ((sizev - Math.random()) + Math.random()))); if (amounter == 0){ amounter = amount; waiter = wait; }; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 359
//KillShroom (objects.KillShroom) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class KillShroom extends Obj { public var oWid:uint;// = 21 private var SFX:Sound; public var dir:int; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var oHei:uint;// = 21 public var seq:Boolean;// = false public function KillShroom(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ SFX = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("life")); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_killshroom"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if (seq){ oX = (oX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; oY = (oY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; oY = ((Math.floor((oY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, oWid, oHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(true); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); } else { oY = (oY - 0.5); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; if (Mario.levelColl((oX + 12), (oY + 24)) == false){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX); oX = (oX + 2); oY = (oY + 4); _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_killshroom"); GFX = new (_local2); GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); dir = (((Player.pX - oX) > 0)) ? 1 : -1; seq = true; }; }; if (oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 360
//Lakitu (objects.Lakitu) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Lakitu extends Enemy { private var moveX:Number;// = 0 private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var SFXplu:Sound; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; public function Lakitu(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(2); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stomp")); SFXplu = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("lakitu")); super(); bounce = false; eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 22; eHei = 22; gravity = -4; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_lakitu_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_lakitu_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 2); GFX[0].y = (eY - 12); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if ((Player.pX + (Player.speed / 10)) > eX){ moveX = Math.min((moveX + 0.3), 6); } else { moveX = Math.max((moveX - 0.3), -6); }; eX = (eX + Math.round(moveX)); if (wait < 250){ wait++; }; if (wait == 250){ if ((((((((Mario.levelColl(eX, (eY - 10)) == false)) && ((Mario.levelColl(eX, (eY + 10)) == false)))) && ((Mario.levelColl((eX + 20), (eY - 10)) == false)))) && ((Mario.levelColl((eX + 20), (eY + 10)) == false)))){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = 0; wait = 0; if (Mario.levelid == 13){ wait = (50 + (Math.random() * 50)); }; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]);; Mario.instEnemies.push(new SpinyShell(eX, (eY - 10))); }; } else { if (wait == 150){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = 1; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); }; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 2); if (((Mario.playerControllable) && (Mario.Collide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei, Player.pX, ((Player.pY + Player.pHei) - 1), Player.pWid, 1)))){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < (eY + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; }; }; } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "1000")); Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lakitu_Stomped(eX, eY)); eX = (eX + 3000); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ eX = (eX + 3000); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 12), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_lakitu_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 361
//Lakitu_Stomped (objects.Lakitu_Stomped) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Lakitu_Stomped extends Effect { public var fY:Number; public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public function Lakitu_Stomped(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ fY = (_arg2 + 37); var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_lakitu_1"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.scaleY = -1; GFX.x = _arg1; GFX.y = fY; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); fY = (fY + gravity); GFX.y = fY; if (fY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 80)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 362
//Lantern (objects.Lantern) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Lantern extends Effect { public var eX:uint; public var gfx1:BitmapAsset; public var gfx2:Shape; public function Lantern(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ gfx2 = new Shape(); super(); gfx1 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_lantern")); var _local3:String = GradientType.RADIAL; var _local4:Array = [0xFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFF]; var _local5:Array = [0.8, 0]; var _local6:Array = [100, 0xFF]; var _local7:Matrix = new Matrix(); _local7.createGradientBox(100, 100, 0, -50, -50); var _local8:String = SpreadMethod.PAD;, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7, _local8);, 0, 50);; gfx1.x = (eX - (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - eX) * 0.2)); gfx1.y = _arg2; gfx2.x = ((eX - (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - eX) * 0.2)) + 9); gfx2.y = (_arg2 + 22); gfx2.blendMode = BlendMode.ADD; Mario.layerBack2.addChildAt(gfx1, 0); Mario.layerBack2.addChild(gfx2); eX = _arg1; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ gfx1.x = (eX - (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - eX) * 0.2)); gfx2.x = ((eX - (((-(Mario.scrollX) + 200) - eX) * 0.2)) + 9); if (Math.random() < 0.4){ gfx2.alpha = (0.8 + (Math.random() / 5)); gfx2.scaleX = (0.95 + (gfx2.alpha / 5)); gfx2.scaleY = gfx2.scaleX; }; } } }//package objects
Section 363
//LastLevel (objects.LastLevel) package objects { public class LastLevel extends Obj { public var shroom:Boolean;// = false public var waiter:uint;// = 0 override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if ((((((shroom == false)) && (((waiter % 50) == 25)))) && ((Player.pSize == 0)))){ shroom = true; Mario.instObjects.push(new Shroom(180, -25)); }; waiter++; if (waiter == 360){ waiter = 0; if (Player.pX > 200){ Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(30, -25)); } else { Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(355, -25)); }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 364
//Lava (objects.Lava) package objects { public class Lava extends Obj { public var wait:uint;// = 0 public var GFX:Array; public var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Lava(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(7); super(); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_3")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_4")); GFX[4] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_5")); GFX[5] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_6")); GFX[6] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("lava_7")); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = (GFX[3].x = (GFX[4].x = (GFX[5].x = (GFX[6].x = _arg1)))))); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = (GFX[3].y = (GFX[4].y = (GFX[5].y = (GFX[6].y = _arg2)))))); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ wait++; if (wait == 12){ Mario.layerEffects.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 7); wait = 0; Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX[frame]); }; } } }//package objects
Section 365
//LifeShroom (objects.LifeShroom) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class LifeShroom extends Obj { public var oWid:uint;// = 21 private var SFX:Sound; public var dir:int; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var oHei:uint;// = 21 public var seq:Boolean;// = false public function LifeShroom(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ SFX = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("life")); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_lifeshroom"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if (seq){ oX = (oX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; oY = (oY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; oY = ((Math.floor((oY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, oWid, oHei)){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((oX + 10), (oY - 5), "1up")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); } else { oY = (oY - 0.5); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; if (Mario.levelColl((oX + 12), (oY + 24)) == false){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((oX + 10), (oY - 5), "1000")); Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX); oX = (oX + 2); oY = (oY + 4); _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_lifeshroom"); GFX = new (_local2); GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); dir = (((Player.pX - oX) > 0)) ? 1 : -1; seq = true; }; }; if (oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 366
//Loading (objects.Loading) package objects { import*; import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import flash.text.*; import MochiAds.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public dynamic class Loading extends MovieClip { public var app:Object; private var fin:Boolean;// = false public var rect:Shape; private var ft:Class; public var txt:TextField; private var GLOGO:Class; public var logo:BitmapAsset; public static var gfx:Sprite = new Sprite(); public function Loading(){ ft = Loading_ft; GLOGO = Loading_GLOGO; rect = new Shape(); txt = new TextField(); super(); stop(); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);;, 0, 400, 375);; logo = new GLOGO(); txt.y = 290; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER; gfx.addChild(rect); gfx.addChild(logo); addChild(gfx); buttonMode = true; gfx.visible = false; txt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; txt.scaleX = 1; txt.scaleY = 1; var percent:Number = Math.floor(((root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 100)); txt.embedFonts = true; txt.htmlText = (("<font face='ft' size='20'>Downloaded: " + percent) + "/100</font>"); txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); gfx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickman); var myOptions:Object = {clip:root, id:"d4eac2885f39c7d8", res:"400x375", ad_finished:function ():void{ _slot1.gfx.visible = true; }}; MochiAd.showPreGameAd(myOptions); } public function clickman2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gfx.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickman2); removeChild(gfx); nextFrame(); init(); } private function keyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (app != null){ app.keyUp(_arg1); }; } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; if (framesLoaded == totalFrames){ if (fin){ return; }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); txt.htmlText = "<font face='ft' size='20'>Click with your mouse when ready.</font>"; txt.x = (200 - (txt.width / 2)); gfx.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickman); gfx.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickman2); fin = true; } else { _local2 = Math.floor(((root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 100)); txt.htmlText = (("<font face='ft' size='20'>Downloaded: " + _local2) + "/100</font>"); }; } private function keyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (app != null){ app.keyDown(_arg1); }; } private function init():void{ buttonMode = false; var _local1:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("Mario")); if (_local1){ app = new (_local1); addChild((app as DisplayObject)); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDown); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUp); }; } public function clickman(_arg1:Event):void{ openWindow("", "_blank"); } public static function openWindow(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=""):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_arg1), _arg2); } } }//package objects
Section 367
//Loading_ft (objects.Loading_ft) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Loading_ft extends FontAsset { } }//package objects
Section 368
//Loading_GLOGO (objects.Loading_GLOGO) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Loading_GLOGO extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 369
//Logo2 (objects.Logo2) package objects { import*; import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; public class Logo2 { public var GFX:Sprite; public var timer:int; public var GFX2:BitmapAsset; private var LOGO:Class; public function Logo2(){ LOGO = Logo2_LOGO; GFX = new Sprite(); super(); GFX2 = new LOGO();;, 0, 400, 375);; GFX2.alpha = 0; GFX.addChild(GFX2); GFX.buttonMode = true; GFX.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function ():void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); }); } public function Update():void{ timer++; if (timer < 150){ GFX2.alpha = Math.min((GFX2.alpha + 0.05), 1); } else { GFX2.alpha = (GFX2.alpha - 0.1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 370
//Logo2_LOGO (objects.Logo2_LOGO) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Logo2_LOGO extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 371
//MakeLevel (objects.MakeLevel) package objects { public function MakeLevel(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (_arg1){ case 0: Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " "; Mario.level[5] = " "; Mario.level[6] = " "; Mario.level[7] = " "; Mario.level[8] = " "; Mario.level[9] = " "; Mario.level[10] = " "; Mario.level[11] = " MM MM 01 01 "; Mario.level[12] = " MMM MMM 01 MM MM 23 01 cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde "; Mario.level[13] = " 01 MMM MMM 23 MM MM 23 01 23 fgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh "; Mario.level[14] = "ddddddddddddddddde cdddddde cdddddddddddddde cdddddddde cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghcddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(50, 275); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(800, 275, "back_hill_big", 0.629999995)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3125, 225, "back_clouds_5", 0.610000014)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2300, 275, "back_hill", 0.570000052)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(150, 75, "back_hill_big", 0.550000012)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1350, 175, "back_clouds_4", 0.49000001)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(100, 125, "back_clouds_1", 0.189999998)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2800, 175, "back_clouds_2", 0.170000002)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4150, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4125, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4100, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4075, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 275, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3650, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3950, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3900, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3875, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3850, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3825, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3800, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3775, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3725, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3675, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3725, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2950, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2100, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1325, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(700, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(175, 50)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(800, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(800, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1600, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1600, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1600, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1600, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2525, 250, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2525, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2775, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2225, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1750, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(675, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(575, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1675, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2175, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2675, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3525, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3575, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3550, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2750, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2725, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2700, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2200, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1700, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1725, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(650, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(625, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(600, 325, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(900, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1300, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1800, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2000, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2300, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3000, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3350, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2450, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2075, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1900, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1450, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1050, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(575, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3325, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3300, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3275, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3250, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3225, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3200, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3175, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3150, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3125, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3075, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3050, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3025, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2425, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2400, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1875, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1825, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1425, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1400, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(500, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(525, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(550, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(100, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(150, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(125, 325, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(275, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3475, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3100, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3075, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2750, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2725, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2375, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2400, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2250, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1925, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1950, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1575, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1575, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1500, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1625, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1650, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1375, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1150, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1125, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(525, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(375, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(400, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(300, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1100, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(2425, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1775, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(2900, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2850, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2950, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3325, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(3625, 325)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(125, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(150, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(200, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(225, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(150, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(200, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1300, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1325, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1350, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1375, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1400, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1425, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1450, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1475, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1500, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1525, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1550, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1575, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1600, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1625, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1650, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(1475, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(975, 225, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(2925, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2275, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2375, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2325, 250, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(175, 250, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3250, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3275, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3300, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3325, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3225, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2950, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2875, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2900, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1700, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1675, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(225, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(175, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(125, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(100, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(250, 250, 1)); break; case 1: Mario.generateBackground(1); Mario.levelGenre = 1; Mario.musika = 1; Mario.level[0] = "v "; Mario.level[1] = "v "; Mario.level[2] = "v "; Mario.level[3] = "v "; Mario.level[4] = "v "; Mario.level[5] = "v "; Mario.level[6] = "v "; Mario.level[7] = "v "; Mario.level[8] = "v "; Mario.level[9] = "v NNNN qrrrrrrs "; Mario.level[10] = "v NNNNN tuuuuuuv 01 qrrs "; Mario.level[11] = "v 01 NNNNNN tuuuuuuv 23 01 tuuv qs "; Mario.level[12] = "v 23 NNNNNNN tuuuuuuv 23 23 tuuv tv "; Mario.level[13] = "v qrs 23 NNNNNNNN tuuuuuuv qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtuuvrrrrrstv qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"; Mario.level[14] = "v tuvqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs tuuuuuuv tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutuuvuuuuuvtv tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(75, 125); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3600, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3650, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3625, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3050, 225, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3100, 225, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3075, 225, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2150, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2250, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2225, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2200, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2175, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(900, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(925, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(225, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(275, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(250, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(175, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(525, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(925, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1350, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1875, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2225, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2575, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2925, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3375, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3775, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3200, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2100, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2125, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2300, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1400, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1225, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(725, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(300, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2475, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2500, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2650, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2675, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2825, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2850, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(1225, 225, 100, "elevator_4")); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(1400, 225, 100, "elevator_4")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(3450, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(200, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(225, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(275, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(300, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(325, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(350, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(375, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(400, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(425, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(450, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(475, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(500, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(525, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(550, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(575, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(600, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(625, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(650, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(675, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(700, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(725, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(750, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(775, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(800, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(825, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(850, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(875, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(900, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(925, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(950, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(975, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1000, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1025, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1050, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1075, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1200, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1225, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1275, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1300, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1325, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1350, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1375, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1400, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1425, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1450, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1475, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1500, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1525, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1550, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1575, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1600, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1625, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1650, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1675, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1700, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1725, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1750, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1775, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1800, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1825, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1850, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1875, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1900, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1925, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1950, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1975, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2000, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2025, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2050, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2075, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2200, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2225, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2275, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2300, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2325, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2350, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2375, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2400, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2425, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2450, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2475, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2500, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2525, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2550, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2575, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2600, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2625, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2650, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2675, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2700, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2725, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2750, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2775, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2800, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2825, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2850, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2875, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2900, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2925, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2950, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2975, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3000, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3025, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3050, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3075, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3200, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3225, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3275, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3300, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3325, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3350, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3375, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3400, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3425, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3450, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3475, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3500, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3525, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3550, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3575, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3600, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3625, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3650, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3675, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3700, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3725, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3750, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3775, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3800, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3825, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3850, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3875, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3900, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3925, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3950, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3975, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4000, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4025, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4050, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4075, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4175, 0)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(500, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2100, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2275, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(400, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(300, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(200, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(325, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(175, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(425, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(700, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(725, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(875, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(750, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(825, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(850, 250, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(275, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1100, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1050, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(1000, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(1700, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1975, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2500, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2550, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2600, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2650, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(3050, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3275, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2200, 225, 5, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(50, 200, 4, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2475, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2500, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2650, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2675, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2850, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2825, 225)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(1)); break; case 2: Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.level[0] = " e c"; Mario.level[1] = " h f"; Mario.level[2] = " h f"; Mario.level[3] = " h f"; Mario.level[4] = " ijkklm h f"; Mario.level[5] = " ijkkkkklm 01 ijkkkkklm noop ijklm ijlm h f"; Mario.level[6] = " nooooop 23 nooooop8 noop nop np h f"; Mario.level[7] = " nooooop ijkkkkkklm nooooopb noop nop np h f"; Mario.level[8] = " nooooop noooooop ijkkklm ijkkkkkkklm nooooop noop nop np h f"; Mario.level[9] = " ijkkkkklm nooooop noooooop nooop nooooooop nooooop noop nop np h 01 f"; Mario.level[10] = " nooooop nooooop noooooop ijkkkkklm nooop nooooooop nooooop noop nop np ijkkkkkkkklm h 23 f"; Mario.level[11] = " nooooop nooooop noooooop nooooop nooop nooooooop nooooop noop nijlm np noooooooop h 23 f"; Mario.level[12] = " nooooop nooooop noooooop nooooop nooop nooooooop ijlmoooop nijklm nonp np noooooooop h 23 f"; Mario.level[13] = "ddddddddde nooooop ijkklmoooooijklm noooooop nooooop nooop nooooooop npoooooijlm nonop nonp ijklm noooooooop cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde h cdddddddddde f"; Mario.level[14] = "gggggggggh nooooop noopnooooopnop noooooop nooooop nooop nooooooop npooooopnp nonop nonp nnop noooooooop fgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh h fggggggggggh f"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(50, 300); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4250, 75, "back_column_1", 0.870000005)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(275, 125, "back_column_1", 0.810000002)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1175, 25, "back_column_4", 0.720000029)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1625, 150, "back_column_4", 0.680000007)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2325, 100, "back_column_3", 0.439999998)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3350, 200, "back_column_2", 0.300000012)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5500, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5525, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5550, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5575, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5575, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5525, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5500, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5375, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5350, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5325, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5375, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5325, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5350, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5550, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5525, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5350, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5325, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5425, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5450, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4500, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3925, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3575, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3225, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2600, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2200, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1750, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1375, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1075, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(600, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(100, 75)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(50, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(75, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(150, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(200, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(175, 300, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 175, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 100, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(925, 100, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(825, 100, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(975, 100, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(950, 100, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(800, 100, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1500, 225, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1525, 225, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1550, 225, "r")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2550, 150, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2550, 175, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3075, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3125, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3100, 275, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3550, 225, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3625, 225, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3600, 225, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3575, 225, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4300, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4550, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 250, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4275, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4275, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4275, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3950, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4050, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4100, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4225, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4200, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4175, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4150, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4125, 300, "m")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3425, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3400, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3050, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3025, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3275, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3250, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3075, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3100, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2400, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2425, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2175, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2125, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2075, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2025, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1975, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1925, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(800, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(800, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(525, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(450, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 150)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5600, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5475, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5550, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5325, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5400, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5350, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5375, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5550, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5300, 25)); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3400, 325, "Wall_n"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3425, 350, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3425, 325, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3225, 275, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3250, 350, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3250, 325, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3250, 300, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3250, 275, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3075, 300, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(2725, 350, "Wall_n"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(2725, 325, "Wall_n"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3050, 350, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3050, 325, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3050, 300, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(3025, 300, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(2750, 300, "Wall_o"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(2725, 300, "Wall_n"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(2875, 325, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(925, 325, "Wall_p"), 0); Mario.layerWall.addChildAt(AddGraphic(775, 325, "Wall_n"), 0); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorBounce(2025, 200, 75, "elevator_3")); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5375, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5325, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5500, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5525, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5550, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5550, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5500, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5375, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5350, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5325, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5300, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5575, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5325, 150, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5350, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5375, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5300, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5500, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5550, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5575, 150, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(400, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(425, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(550, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(525, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1000, 225, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(675, 225, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5525, 150, 5, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1475, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1500, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1525, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1550, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1575, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2500, 100, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2900, 225, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3225, 25)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3200, 25)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3450, 225, 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(4100, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4050, 225, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3625, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3650, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3750, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3725, 125, 2)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(275, 275, 75, "elevator_3")); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(500, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(550, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(875, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(1225, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1125, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1550, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2525, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(2475, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2850, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3250, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3075, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3425, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3800, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(3675, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5525, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5575, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5300, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5350, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Pipein((50 * 25), (5 * 25), (218 * 25), (9 * 25), 1, 3)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Pipein((218 * 25), (9 * 25), (116 * 25), (7 * 25), 1, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(2)); break; case 3: Mario.levelGenre = 3; Mario.musika = 2; Mario.level[0] = "ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAU"; Mario.level[1] = " U"; Mario.level[2] = " U"; Mario.level[3] = " U"; Mario.level[4] = " U"; Mario.level[5] = " U"; Mario.level[6] = " U"; Mario.level[7] = " 01 EFFFG U"; Mario.level[8] = " EFFG EFFG HIIIJ U"; Mario.level[9] = "FFG HIIJ HIIJ 01 EFFFFFFG 01 EFFFFG HIIIJ U"; Mario.level[10] = "IILG HIIJ HIIJ 23 01 EFFFKIIIIIIJ 01 23 HIIIIJ HIIIJ EFFFGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU"; Mario.level[11] = "IIILFFFFFFG EFFFFG UUUU UUUU UUUU EFFFFFFKIILFFFFFFFFFFFKIILFFG EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFKIIIIIIIIIILFFFFFFFFG EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG ABCD AB AB ABCAB HIIIIJ HIIIJ HIIIJ U"; Mario.level[12] = "IIIIIIIIIILG EKIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIJ HIIIJ HIIIJ U"; Mario.level[13] = "IIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIJ HIIIJ HIIIJ U"; Mario.level[14] = "IIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIIIJ HIIIJ HIIIJ U"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(((Mario.checkPoint == 3)) ? (166 * 25) : 25, 200); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1025, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(675, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1900, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1925, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2200, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2775, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2700, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2975, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2950, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2925, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4025, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3925, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3875, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3775, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3725, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3625, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4150, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4375, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4600, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(150, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(175, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(650, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1475, 175, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1500, 175, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1525, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1650, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1625, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3475, 225, 4, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2025, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2050, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2750, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2725, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3350, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4125, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3325, 150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2075, 175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1600, 175, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(825, 150, 0)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4975, 350)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1000, 150, 2)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(375, 275, 120, 4)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(1950, 325, 130, 3)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(2850, 250, 90, 3)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(4375, 150, 115, 4)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3425, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3200, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2400, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2300, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(1350, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1575, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2225, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2275, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2750, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3375, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(2050, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1275, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new JumperThrower(925, 350, -10, 0, 5, 1, 160)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new JumperThrower(750, 350, -9, 0, 5, 1, 180)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(3975, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Bowser((190 * 25), (8 * 25), (187 * 25), 3, 10, 0, 0, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(3)); break; case 4: Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " cdde "; Mario.level[5] = " fggh "; Mario.level[6] = " fggh "; Mario.level[7] = " fggh "; Mario.level[8] = " M fggh "; Mario.level[9] = " M fggh "; Mario.level[10] = " M M fggh M M "; Mario.level[11] = "ddddde cdddddde M cddddddddddde fggh cde M 01 M MM "; Mario.level[12] = "gggggh fgggggghcddddddddde cdddddddefgggggggggggh fgghcddddddddddddddddddddddde cde fgh cdddde MM "; Mario.level[13] = "gggggh fgggggghfggggggggghcdddddddddde cdddddefggggggghfgggggggggggh fgghfgggggggggggggggggggggggh fgh fgh cde fggggh cde cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde"; Mario.level[14] = "gggggh fgggggghfggggggggghfgggggggggghcddddddddddddddefggggghfggggggghfgggggggggggh fgghfgggggggggggggggggggggggh fgh fgh fgh fggggh fgh fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(50, 225); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3775, 125, "back_clouds_8", 0.920000029)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(475, 175, "back_hill_big", 0.4998)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1525, 200, "back_clouds_5", 0.480000019)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2375, 0, "back_clouds_1", 0.320000023)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5375, 275, "back_hill", 0.30999999)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(125, 150, "back_clouds_3", 0.0500000007)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5775, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5750, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5700, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5725, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5625, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5350, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5175, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4925, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4625, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4350, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4075, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3875, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3525, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3400, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3200, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2975, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2600, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2375, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2025, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1800, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1475, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1150, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(725, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(450, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(75, 50)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5250, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 125, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 200, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 175, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(600, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 225, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 150, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5250, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 200, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(600, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 200, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1450, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3650, 225, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5550, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5550, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5175, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5425, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5225, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5500, 300, "r")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5250, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5250, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3650, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1450, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(600, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(0, 250, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(750, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1125, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1450, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1875, 250, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3025, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3200, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3500, 275, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4575, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4725, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4800, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4625, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3550, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3275, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3100, 275, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1950, 250, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1575, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1175, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(800, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(50, 250, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(25, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(775, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1150, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1475, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1500, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1525, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1550, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1925, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1900, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3050, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3075, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3225, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3250, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3525, 275, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4600, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4750, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4775, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5200, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5450, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5475, 300, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5550, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5275, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3775, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3325, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2850, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2675, 75, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2000, 250, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1625, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1225, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1025, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(825, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 275, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(275, 250, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 250, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(575, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1000, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1100, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1775, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2100, 250, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2750, 75, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3000, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3400, 275, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3875, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4550, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5400, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3350, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3375, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2700, 75, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2725, 75, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2975, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2950, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2925, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2900, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2875, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2025, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2075, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1725, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1700, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1675, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1650, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1250, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1275, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1300, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1400, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(500, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(525, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(550, 275, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(425, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(400, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(350, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(325, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(50, 250, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(150, 250, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(75, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(125, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4625, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3675, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3225, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3050, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2300, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2325, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2550, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2525, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2500, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2550, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2525, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2500, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2325, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2300, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1950, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2000, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2050, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1125, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(700, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(375, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(300, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(2275, 275, 75, "elevator_3", 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(2275, 100, 75, "elevator_3", 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(2500, 175, 75, "elevator_3", 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(2500, 0, 75, "elevator_3", 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1200, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1225, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1275, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1150, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1125, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1675, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2125, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3175, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3150, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2925, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3325, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4075, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4475, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4500, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(5150, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4725, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1175, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1250, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1325, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1100, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(700, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(300, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(375, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1675, 100, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2800, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3300, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3525, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4025, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3975, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4050, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4675, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4000, 125, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2800, 100, 5)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2100, 200, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(1300, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(2950, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3950, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(175, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(625, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1425, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1600, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1825, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1250, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1175, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(700, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(400, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(375, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(350, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(4000, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1225, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1200, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(2800, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3125, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3200, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(3675, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(4225, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(4675, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4700, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4550, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4950, 300)); break; case 5: Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " 01 "; Mario.level[4] = " ijkkklm "; Mario.level[5] = " nooop "; Mario.level[6] = " M nooop M "; Mario.level[7] = " nooop "; Mario.level[8] = " MQQQQQQQM MQQQQQM 01 nooop "; Mario.level[9] = " MQQQQQM 23 nooop 01 M "; Mario.level[10] = " MQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQM MQQQQQMM MM MM MM nooop MM MM MM cdddddeQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQM MQM 01 23 "; Mario.level[11] = " ijlm MM nooop MM fgggggh 23 23 "; Mario.level[12] = " np nooop fgggggh ce ce "; Mario.level[13] = "ddddddddde np nooop fgggggh MM MM cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde"; Mario.level[14] = "gggggggggh np nooop fgggggh fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(350, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(925, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1625, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2500, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3275, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3750, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4525, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5025, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3575, 75, "back_hill_big", 0.820000052)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1750, 325, "back_forest_2", 0.100000001)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(175, 175, "back_forest_4", 0.789999962)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5125, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5450, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5075, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5050, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5025, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5000, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4900, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4850, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4875, 300, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4800, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4775, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4750, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 175, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3425, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4150, 225, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4200, 225, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4175, 225, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3275, 225, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3375, 225, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3350, 225, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3325, 225, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3300, 225, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2725, 75, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2775, 75, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2750, 75, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(75, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4150, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4200, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3800, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3775, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3525, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3125, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3025, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2950, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2375, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2450, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2350, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2275, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1975, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1675, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1825, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1400, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1000, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(950, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(775, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(600, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(4950, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(350, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(375, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(525, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(550, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1075, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1050, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(700, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(900, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(875, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(725, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(800, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(625, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(975, 150, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(25, 225, 5, true)); Player.ResetPlayer(100, 300); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1850, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1800, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1350, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3375, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3350, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3650, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3675, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4175, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3050, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(975, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1700, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaGreen(2050, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(3450, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(900, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(825, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(750, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1350, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3375, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3675, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3875, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(4300, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2675, 50)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(4475, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3775, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3575, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(2750, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(2375, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1850, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2000, 225)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(2)); break; case 6: Mario.generateBackground(1); Mario.levelGenre = 1; Mario.musika = 1; Mario.level[0] = "v NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNfgggggggggggggggggggggggggggghNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN v t"; Mario.level[1] = "v fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh 23 NN v t"; Mario.level[2] = "v fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh 45 v t"; Mario.level[3] = "v fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh v t"; Mario.level[4] = "v fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh 01 NNNN v t"; Mario.level[5] = "v NNgggNggggggggggggggggggggggNN 23 NN v t"; Mario.level[6] = "v NN N NNggggggggggggggggggggggggNN NN 67NN78 NN NN v t"; Mario.level[7] = "v N NN NN NN NN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNN 9aNNab NN NN v t"; Mario.level[8] = "v N N N N NNN NNNN 23 NN v t"; Mario.level[9] = "v N N N N N NNNN NNNNN 45 NNNN v t"; Mario.level[10] = "v N N N N N NNNNN NNNNNN NNNN qs v t"; Mario.level[11] = "N N NNNNNN NNNNNNN NN N NN N 01 NNNN tv v t"; Mario.level[12] = "N N NNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NN NN NN NNN N NN N NN 23 NN NNNN tv v 01 t"; Mario.level[13] = "Nrrrrs qs qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs tvqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs v 23 t"; Mario.level[14] = "Nuuuuv qs tv tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv tvtuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv v 23 qs t"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5350, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5325, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4900, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4975, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4925, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4950, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4325, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4350, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4375, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4375, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4350, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4175, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4125, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4025, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4075, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2675, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2650, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(400, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(250, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(275, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1325, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1125, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1050, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1075, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1375, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2150, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2125, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2100, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2075, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2425, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1800, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1900, 225)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5800, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5300, 225, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5400, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4800, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5375, 225, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5050, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5550, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5350, 225, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5325, 225, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4300, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2250, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2000, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1775, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1900, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2100, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2425, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(875, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1300, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1150, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1525, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(550, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(700, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(125, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(375, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(625, 225)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(950, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1300, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1150, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1475, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1650, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2325, 225)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2000, 225)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2550, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2875, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3125, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3475, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3675, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4050, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4500, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5150, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5575, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5950, 150)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 150, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 150, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 175, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 225, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 200, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 175, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1250, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1250, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(850, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(850, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(175, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(325, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(475, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1250, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1375, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1625, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2600, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1725, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2500, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new BBeetle(2100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1925, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2300, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2775, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2725, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2925, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2950, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2975, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3050, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3125, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3150, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3225, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3250, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3275, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3300, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3325, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3350, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3475, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3450, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3500, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3525, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3575, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3600, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3625, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3650, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3725, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3775, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3825, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3925, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3950, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4350, 250, -1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4200, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4350, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4300, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4150, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4050, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5150, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(5250, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(5450, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(250, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(275, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(425, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(400, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(875, 225, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1050, 225, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2800, 175, 4, true)); Player.ResetPlayer(100, 25); Mario.instObjects.push(new Elevator(6600, 125, 25, "elevator_1")); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(6750, 275, 4, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(4200, 75, -1)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Pipein((114 * 25), (12 * 25), (260 * 25), (12 * 25), 1, 3, 0, false, (0x0101 * 25))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Pipein((260 * 25), (12 * 25), (177 * 25), (6 * 25), 1, 0)); break; case 7: Mario.levelGenre = 3; Mario.musika = 2; Mario.level[0] = "ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABU"; Mario.level[1] = " U"; Mario.level[2] = " U"; Mario.level[3] = " U"; Mario.level[4] = " U"; Mario.level[5] = " U"; Mario.level[6] = " UU 01 01 EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG EG U"; Mario.level[7] = " UU UU 23 01 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[8] = " UUUUU U UU UU UU UU UU777778 01 23 01 23 01 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[9] = " U UU UU UU UU UUaaaaab 01 23 01 23 01 23 23 23 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[10] = "FFFG UUU U U UU UU UU UU 01 23 23 23 23 23 01 23 23 01 23 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[11] = "IIILG U U UU UU UU 23 01 23 01 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU"; Mario.level[12] = "IIIILG U U 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[13] = "IIIIIJ U U 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.level[14] = "IIIIIJ U U EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG EG HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HJ U"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(((Mario.checkPoint == 7)) ? (180 * 25) : 25, 100); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5075, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5050, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4850, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4825, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4625, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4650, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(250, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(475, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1600, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3175, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2800, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2675, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2525, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2350, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2150, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1950, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1775, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(150, 350)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4325, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4100, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3875, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3650, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4750, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4725, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4925, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4950, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4975, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4800, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4875, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5025, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5100, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4675, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4600, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5825, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1000, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(425, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(475, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(250, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(450, 100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3025, 150, 2, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(600, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(725, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(850, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(925, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1075, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1150, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1225, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1325, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1425, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1525, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1850, 350)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1900, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2050, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2275, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2475, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2600, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2750, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2900, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2950, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3100, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3425, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(250, 250, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(425, 200, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(3025, 250, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(2800, 175, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(2550, 250, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(2350, 200, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(1775, 250, 90, 3, (Math.random() * 360))); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3200, 100, 2, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Bowser((225 * 25), 75, (218 * 25), 5, 15, 0, 0, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(3)); break; case 8: Mario.generateBackground(1); Mario.levelGenre = 1; Mario.musika = 1; Mario.level[0] = "N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN "; Mario.level[1] = "N 23 NN "; Mario.level[2] = "N 23 NN "; Mario.level[3] = "N 45 23 "; Mario.level[4] = "N 23 "; Mario.level[5] = "N 23 "; Mario.level[6] = "N 23 N N "; Mario.level[7] = "N 23 N N N N "; Mario.level[8] = "N 23 N N N N "; Mario.level[9] = "N 01 23 01 N "; Mario.level[10] = "N 01 23 NN NN 45 23 N N N N N "; Mario.level[11] = "N 23 23 NN NN NN NN NN N N N "; Mario.level[12] = "N 23 23 NNN NNN NN NN NNNN N N N N N N "; Mario.level[13] = "Nqrs qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs "; Mario.level[14] = "Ntuv tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv "; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(50, 50); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(6225, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5675, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5225, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4600, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4125, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3525, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2975, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2425, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1900, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1300, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(900, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(250, 150)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(425, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(675, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(550, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2025, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2200, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3225, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3000, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3525, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3550, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4350, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4575, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0x1919, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0x1900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4750, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4450, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3950, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3675, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3600, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3600, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3900, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3900, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4225, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4225, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5075, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5075, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5150, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5150, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4500, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4500, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4850, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4800, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4800, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4850, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4750, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3675, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4450, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3950, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2350, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2100, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1775, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1600, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1625, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1750, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1900, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(450, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(450, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1025, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1050, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1700, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1675, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2725, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2725, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(450, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(475, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(500, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(525, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(550, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(575, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(600, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(625, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(650, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(450, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(475, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(500, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(525, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(550, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(575, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(600, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(625, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(650, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(5300, 300, 50, "elevator_2", 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(5475, 75, 50, "elevator_2", -1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(5650, 200, 50, "elevator_2", 1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(875, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(1175, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(1675, 100, -1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3375, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3225, 275, -1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4550, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4350, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5000, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4125, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3750, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(3675, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(3950, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(4450, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(4750, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(325, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(400, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(975, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1550, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(1825, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new BBeetle(1625, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2125, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2325, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2350, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2375, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2525, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2550, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2575, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2600, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2625, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2650, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2675, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2725, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2775, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2825, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(2975, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1675, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3900, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4400, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4800, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5075, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5150, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4850, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4500, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4225, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(3600, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(5850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3100, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1025, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1050, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1600, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1625, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1775, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1750, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2100, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2350, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2725, 125, 5)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3200, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3275, 200, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3200, 100, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3275, 100, 4, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1750, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(2725, 250, 50, "elevator_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(1)); break; case 9: Mario.levelGenre = 2; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(1); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " "; Mario.level[5] = " "; Mario.level[6] = " M M "; Mario.level[7] = " M M "; Mario.level[8] = " M M "; Mario.level[9] = " 01 M M "; Mario.level[10] = " M MM 23 M M "; Mario.level[11] = " M 01 23 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M "; Mario.level[12] = " M 23 23 M M MM M M M M M M M M M M "; Mario.level[13] = " M 23 23 M M 01 MM M M M M M M M M M M "; Mario.level[14] = "xxxxxxxy wxxxxxxxxxxxy wy wxxxxxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxxxxxy wxxxxxxy wxy wy wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy wy wxy wxy wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy M M M M M M M M M M M M M M wxy wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(75, 250); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(8400, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(8175, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(8050, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(7925, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(7675, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(7550, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(7325, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(7200, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(6975, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(6725, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(6375, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(6150, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5950, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5650, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5400, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(5100, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4850, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4500, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4350, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4100, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3950, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3725, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3575, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3350, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3100, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3000, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2800, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2600, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2325, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1950, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1775, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1450, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1175, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(900, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(675, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(350, 75)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8275, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8425, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8400, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8375, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8300, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(8275, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(8250, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(8225, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(8200, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7850, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7850, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7900, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8175, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8150, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8125, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8100, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8075, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(8000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7625, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7600, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7675, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7650, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6850, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6825, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6800, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6775, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6750, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6725, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6725, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6725, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6700, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6700, 250, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6700, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6700, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6700, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6525, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6625, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6600, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6575, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6550, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6475, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6450, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(0x1919, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(0x1900, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6375, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(6350, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6300, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6275, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6125, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6150, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 125, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 150, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 225, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5900, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5850, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5825, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5775, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5750, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5700, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5675, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5600, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5575, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5550, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5525, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5500, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5475, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5100, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5350, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5325, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5300, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5275, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5225, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5200, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5175, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5150, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5125, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5050, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4600, 275, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4600, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4600, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4625, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4775, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4750, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4725, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4700, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4675, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4650, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4425, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4400, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4375, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3950, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3675, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3725, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 275, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3650, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3600, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3625, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3575, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3450, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3450, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3075, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3000, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3400, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3375, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3350, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3325, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3300, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3275, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3125, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3175, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(3150, 325, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3200, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3200, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3200, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 250, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2850, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2850, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2825, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2650, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2625, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2600, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2425, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2400, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2375, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2350, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1800, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1875, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1825, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1900, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2000, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1975, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1950, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1925, 325, "m")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(750, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(725, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1575, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3375, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3400, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3400, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3375, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3425, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3350, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3250, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3250, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3350, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3425, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3525, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3525, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4200, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4000, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3975, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5200, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5100, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5000, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7550, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7500, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7450, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7400, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7350, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7300, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7250, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7200, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7150, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7100, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7050, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(7000, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6950, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6900, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6300, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6275, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6200, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6225, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6125, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6150, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6075, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6050, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6000, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5975, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5900, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5925, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5850, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5825, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5775, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5750, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5675, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5700, 325)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(175, 275, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(175, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(175, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(725, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(750, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(125, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(75, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(50, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(325, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(325, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(425, 325, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(500, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(475, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(450, 325, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(925, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1100, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1125, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1150, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1175, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1200, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1250, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1275, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1300, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1325, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1350, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1375, 250, 0)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Lakitu(225, 50)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2250, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(2050, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4800, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(7900, 325)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(7875, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3350, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3425, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3400, 200, 3, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3375, 200, 5, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(2050, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1850, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5000, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5100, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5200, 250, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5025, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4975, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5075, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5175, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5225, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5125, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(6750, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new BBeetle(5100, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5150, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5050, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3175, 325)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(5)); break; case 10: Mario.levelGenre = 2; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(1); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " 23 "; Mario.level[4] = " 23 "; Mario.level[5] = " 23 "; Mario.level[6] = " 23 01 "; Mario.level[7] = " 23 23 "; Mario.level[8] = " S S S 23 23 "; Mario.level[9] = " S R S R S S R 23 23 "; Mario.level[10] = " MQQQQM MQQQQQQQQQQQQQM M MQQQQM MQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQM MQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQM 23 "; Mario.level[11] = " 23 "; Mario.level[12] = " 23 "; Mario.level[13] = " 23 "; Mario.level[14] = " wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy M wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5800, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5800, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5225, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5225, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5225, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5225, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5225, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4900, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4925, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5075, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5025, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4225, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3775, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3475, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3525, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3725, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3150, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3100, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2825, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2775, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2400, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2150, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2100, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1825, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1775, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1500, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(600, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(550, 225)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5875, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6200, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6175, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6150, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6125, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6100, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6075, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6025, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5900, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5750, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5825, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5800, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5775, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5075, 275, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5075, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5075, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5325, 325, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5300, 325, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5275, 325, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4725, 325, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4800, 325, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4750, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4775, 325, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5125, 300, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5125, 325, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 275, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 300, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 325, "back_tree_1")); Player.ResetPlayer(125, 200); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(575, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(850, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1225, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1800, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2125, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2425, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2800, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3125, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3500, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3750, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(4200, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1325, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1375, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1425, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1600, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1650, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1700, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2000, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1950, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2350, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2300, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2550, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2600, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3250, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3300, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3650, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4025, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3975, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3025, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1150, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(900, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(800, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(350, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(300, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(250, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(5050, 325)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5000, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5025, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5050, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5075, 250)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5025, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5050, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(5100, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5100, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5000, 150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5125, 150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5150, 150, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4975, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4950, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4925, 50, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4900, 50, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4925, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4900, 250, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(5075, 150)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4875, 250, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4875, 125, 4, true)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(5850, 325)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(5800, 250, 0)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(5175, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5125, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5075, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5025, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(5)); break; case 11: Mario.levelGenre = 3; Mario.musika = 2; Mario.level[0] = "BABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABCABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABH"; Mario.level[1] = " AB H"; Mario.level[2] = " PD H"; Mario.level[3] = " AB H"; Mario.level[4] = " CP EFFFG H"; Mario.level[5] = " AB HIIILG H"; Mario.level[6] = " PDU HIIIILG H"; Mario.level[7] = " S 01 01 01 S AB HIIIIILG H"; Mario.level[8] = " UUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUU EFFFG UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU EFFFG C HIIIIIILG H"; Mario.level[9] = " EFFGS HIIIJ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU HIIIJ AB UHIIIIIIILFFFFFFFGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH"; Mario.level[10] = "FFG EFFFKIILG HIIIJ 45 45 45 HIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ H"; Mario.level[11] = "IILG EKIIIIIIIJ EFFFG HIIILG EKIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ H"; Mario.level[12] = "IIILFFFFG EFFFKIIIIIIIIJ EKIIIJ 01 HIIIIJ HIIIIJUUUUUUUUUUUHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ H"; Mario.level[13] = "IIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIILFFKIIIIJ 23 HIIIILG EKIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ H"; Mario.level[14] = "IIIIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ EG HIIIIILFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFKIIIIIJ HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ H"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(((Mario.checkPoint == 11)) ? (178 * 25) : 25, 75); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4425, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4325, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3850, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3825, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3350, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3325, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3575, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3600, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3600, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3575, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2250, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 325)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2250, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2250, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1950, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1900, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1375, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1700, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1525, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1550, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1125, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1100, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(750, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(725, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(725, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(750, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(150, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(150, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(400, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(525, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(1500, 200, 100, "elevator_4")); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorLoop(2225, 200, 50, "elevator_2", -3)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(2575, 200, 50, "elevator_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(2825, 200, 25, "elevator_1")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Mill(4300, 200, 130, 2, 50)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3825, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3575, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3325, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3325, 275, -1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3575, 275, -1)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PPlant(3825, 275, -1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3600, 25, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3575, 25, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3625, 125, 4, true)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3250, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3925, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3675, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3500, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3725, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3475, 325)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(1150, 175, true)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(700, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1100, 75)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1175, 75)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1200, 75)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1900, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1925, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1950, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1975, 100, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1875, 100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1150, 75, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1225, 75, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1075, 75, 0)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(1525, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(1975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5250, 350)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3550, 125, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4175, 200, 2, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(1875, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(1975, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1700, 125)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(1375, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(650, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(625, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(850, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new JumperThrower(5075, 350, -9, 0, 180, 1, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4075, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(4100, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(4125, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3075, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3050, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3100, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(1125, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Bowser((202 * 25), 75, (195 * 25), 6, 10, 5, 3, 20)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(3)); break; case 12: Mario.levelGenre = 1; Mario.musika = 1; Mario.level[0] = "N "; Mario.level[1] = "N "; Mario.level[2] = "N "; Mario.level[3] = "N "; Mario.level[4] = "N NN N01N "; Mario.level[5] = "N N23N S "; Mario.level[6] = "N N S N23N R "; Mario.level[7] = "N N01N NNNN NNNN23NNNN NNNN "; Mario.level[8] = "N N N S N23N N N N 23 N 6778 "; Mario.level[9] = "N N S R N23N N N N 23 N 9aab "; Mario.level[10] = "N N Nrrrrrrrrs01qrrrrrrrrN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN23NNNN NNNN NNNN 23 NNNN NNNNNNN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N qs "; Mario.level[11] = "N qrrrrs N N Nuuuuuuuuv23tuuuuuuuuN N N N N N N N N N 23 N N 23 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N tv "; Mario.level[12] = "N tuuuuvqrs N NN NuuuuuuuuvqstuuuuuuuuN N N N N N N N N N 23 N N 23 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N tv "; Mario.level[13] = "N tuuuuvtuvqs N N NN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN NNNN 23 NNNN 23 NNNN N N N N N N tvqrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs"; Mario.level[14] = "Nqrrrrrs tuuuuvtuvtvN N 23 23 N tvtuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(100, 25); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6550, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6575, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6575, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6525, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6525, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6475, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6475, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6450, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(0x1919, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(0x1919, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5950, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5950, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5700, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5700, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5450, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5425, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5475, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5675, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5725, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5975, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5975, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5925, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5925, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5725, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5675, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5425, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5475, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4875, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4500, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4275, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3975, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3825, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3675, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3525, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(700, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1125, 25)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1925, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1700, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2575, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2550, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2975, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2975, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2975, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2975, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5100, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5200, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5400, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5500, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5600, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5700, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5800, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5900, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6000, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6100, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6200, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6300, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(0x1900, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6500, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6600, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6700, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(6800, 150)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7475, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7325, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7000, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7050, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7100, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7300, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(7125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(125, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(300, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(500, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(725, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(975, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1150, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1350, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1675, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(1825, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2025, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2350, 200)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2500, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(2850, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3075, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3275, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3550, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(3850, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4275, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4400, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(4875, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5225, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5625, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(5975, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(6325, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(6800, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(7150, 175)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(7325, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(7075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2975, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4100, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(4625, 75)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(5950, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(6450, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(6550, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(5700, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(5450, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2925, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3050, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3175, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(2800, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2725, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3250, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3600, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3900, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(4325, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(4425, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(4675, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(5025, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(4800, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(325, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(375, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(300, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(350, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2800, 150, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3500, 250, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3650, 250, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3800, 250, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3950, 250, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4250, 250, 1, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4475, 175, 4, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(4850, 250, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(3175, 150, 1)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(1)); break; case 13: Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " "; Mario.level[5] = " "; Mario.level[6] = " "; Mario.level[7] = " ijlm "; Mario.level[8] = " ijkkkkklm ijlm M M M M M M M M M M M M ijkkkkklm MM MM ijkkkklm ijklm np "; Mario.level[9] = " nooooop np nooooop MM 01 01 MM noooop nop np ijlm "; Mario.level[10] = " nooooop np nooooop MM 23 MM MM 23 MM noooop nop np np "; Mario.level[11] = " nooooop ijlm np nooooop MM 23 MM MM 23 MM noooop ijlm ijkkkkklm nop np np "; Mario.level[12] = " nooooop np np nooooop MM 23 MM MM 23 MM noooop np nooooop nop np np ijkkkklm "; Mario.level[13] = " nooooop ijkkkkkkkkkkkkklm np np nooooop MM 23 MM MM 23 MM noooop np nooooop nop np np noooop cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde"; Mario.level[14] = " nooooop nooooooooooooop np np nooooop MM 23 MM MM 23 MM noooop np nooooop nop np np noooop fgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1400, 250, "back_column_4", 0.910000026)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4300, 75, "back_column_1", 0.889999986)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(425, 100, "back_column_1", 0.860000014)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3175, 75, "back_column_1", 0.840000033)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(6050, 175, "back_column_4", 0.800000012)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(25, 75, "back_column_4", 0.790000021)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5050, 200, "back_column_1", 0.790000021)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5675, 150, "back_column_1", 0.780000031)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(825, 150, "back_column_4", 0.770000041)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2150, 100, "back_column_4", 0.75999999)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5400, 50, "back_column_1", 0.730000019)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1225, 200, "back_column_1", 0.730000019)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5925, 75, "back_column_1", 0.680000007)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2975, 175, "back_column_4", 0.660000026)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3475, 125, "back_column_4", 0.650000036)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2375, 50, "back_column_1", 0.640000045)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4625, 125, "back_column_1", 0.640000045)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3875, 200, "back_column_1", 0.600000024)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3075, 175, "back_column_3", 0.590000033)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(600, 200, "back_column_2", 0.570000052)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4725, 75, "back_column_3", 0.530000031)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(275, 225, "back_column_3", 0.50999999)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5550, 50, "back_column_3", 0.480000019)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(6200, 225, "back_column_3", 0.460000008)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1150, 50, "back_column_2", 0.470000029)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3650, 200, "back_column_2", 0.450000018)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2625, 50, "back_column_2", 0.450000018)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1800, 150, "back_column_2", 0.430000007)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4500, 25, "back_column_2", 0.390000015)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1525, 75, "back_column_3", 0.360000014)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(5825, 150, "back_column_2", 0.330000013)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4950, 125, "back_column_2", 0.320000023)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(150, 150, "back_column_2", 0.320000023)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3925, 100, "back_column_3", 0.300000012)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5925, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6300, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(6000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5850, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5825, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5800, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(5775, 300, "l")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5300, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5275, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5175, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5175, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5150, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(5150, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4750, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4750, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4725, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4725, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4625, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4600, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4600, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4625, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4375, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4400, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(4375, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3450, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3300, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3300, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3225, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3225, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3175, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3050, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3050, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(3000, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2900, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2900, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2800, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2800, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2725, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2725, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2650, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2650, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2550, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2550, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1750, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1750, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1650, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1650, 150)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(625, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(675, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(475, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(525, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(650, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 125)); Player.ResetPlayer(125, 175); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Lakitu(125, 25)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2650, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2550, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2725, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2800, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(2900, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3000, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3050, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3175, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3225, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3300, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyRed(3450, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4200, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1975, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(400, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(625, 300, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(450, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(525, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1700, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1600, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1500, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1550, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(3775, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2225, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4400, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4375, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4600, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4625, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4750, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4725, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5300, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5150, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5175, 150)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(5275, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(5600, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(5875, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(5825, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(500, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(675, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(650, 200)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(475, 200)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1450, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1350, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new FlyGreen(1250, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1400, 175)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(925, 175, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1125, 100, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(625, 200, 3)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(525, 200, 3)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(900, 175, 3)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1100, 100, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1875, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(1925, 100)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1900, 100, 5)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4925, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4875, 175)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5550, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(5475, 275)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(2)); break; case 14: Mario.levelGenre = 0; Mario.musika = 0; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " "; Mario.level[5] = " M MMMMM M "; Mario.level[6] = " "; Mario.level[7] = " "; Mario.level[8] = " "; Mario.level[9] = " MMM M MMM "; Mario.level[10] = " S 01 "; Mario.level[11] = " R 23 "; Mario.level[12] = " R 23 "; Mario.level[13] = "cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde01cdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde cddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde"; Mario.level[14] = "fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh23fggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh fgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4700, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(4300, 150)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(3275, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2700, 100)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(450, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(1325, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(2175, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(150, 125, "back_clouds_8", 0.810000002)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(4300, 25, "back_hill_big", 0.689999998)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(1550, 150, "back_clouds_4", 0.519999981)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2900, 200, "back_clouds_6", 0.480000019)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(2425, 125, "back_clouds_2", 0.320000023)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Background(3625, 100, "back_clouds_3", 0.0500000007)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0, 250, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(0, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 225, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 175, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 250, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(225, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 275, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(450, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(625, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(825, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(775, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(750, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(700, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(500, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(575, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(550, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(525, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(300, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(400, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(375, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(350, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(325, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(125, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(175, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(150, 300, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1025, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1175, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1425, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1225, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1400, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1500, 300, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1625, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1525, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1550, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1575, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(1600, 300, "m")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1700, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1825, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1750, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1775, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 250, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 225, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1850, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(1950, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2125, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2100, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2075, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2050, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2025, 300, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2575, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2225, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2375, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2425, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2450, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2475, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2500, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2525, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2550, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2825, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2800, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2775, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2725, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2750, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2700, 300, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2675, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2675, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(2675, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3050, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2975, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2950, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2925, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(2900, 300, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3150, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1750, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1775, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(50, 100)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(50, 125)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(350, 75)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(350, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1150, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1200, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1150, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1425, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1075, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1075, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(850, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1050, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1025, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1000, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(925, 200)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(925, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(875, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1050, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1050, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1025, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1000, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1325, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1325, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1300, 250)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3375, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3350, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3325, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3275, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3400, 275, "back_tree_5")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3400, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3225, 250, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3225, 275, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3225, 300, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4325, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3550, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3575, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3600, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3625, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3650, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3675, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3700, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3725, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3750, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3775, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3800, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3825, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(3975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4025, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4050, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4075, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4100, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4125, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4150, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4175, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4200, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4225, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4250, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4275, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4300, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5025, 300, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(5000, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4975, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4850, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4950, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4925, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4900, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4875, 300, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(4825, 300, "back_fence_1")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4750, 300, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4725, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4700, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4675, 300, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(4650, 300, "l")); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(50, 225)); Player.ResetPlayer(50, 175); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(425, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(425, 100)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(950, 225)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1000, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1025, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(925, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1050, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1150, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1175, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1200, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1275, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1300, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1325, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1350, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1425, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1450, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1650, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(1700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(1750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(2075, 300, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3900, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3800, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3825, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3975, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4025, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3950, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4000, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4050, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3925, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3775, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3700, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3675, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3625, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(3600, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4075, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4100, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4175, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4200, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4225, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Goomba(4250, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3850, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3725, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3750, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(3650, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4125, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(4150, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new TroopaRed(4325, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Finish(4600, 300)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Brick(3175, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new BrickMulti(3525, 125)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2875, 125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2200, 125, 0)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(2600, 125, 3)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(500, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(450, 225, 2)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(350, 125, 1)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(400, 225, 1)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2200, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2200, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2200, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2200, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2400, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2600, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2600, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2600, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2600, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2875, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2875, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2875, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(2875, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3025, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3175, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3175, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3175, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3525, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3525, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3525, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(3525, 300)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(4)); break; case 15: Mario.musika = 2; Mario.levelGenre = 3; Mario.level[0] = "ABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB"; Mario.level[1] = " CD "; Mario.level[2] = " AB "; Mario.level[3] = " CD "; Mario.level[4] = " EG "; Mario.level[5] = " HJ "; Mario.level[6] = " HJ "; Mario.level[7] = " HJ "; Mario.level[8] = " HJ "; Mario.level[9] = " HJ "; Mario.level[10] = "G HJ "; Mario.level[11] = "LG U U U HJ 01 01 01 U U U U U U U U U U 01 "; Mario.level[12] = "ILFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG 23 "; Mario.level[13] = "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILFFFFFFFFFFFFFFKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ EFFG "; Mario.level[14] = "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ HIIJ "; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(500, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(250, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(450, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(400, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(350, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(300, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(275, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(325, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(375, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(425, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(475, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1475, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1450, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1375, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1375, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1350, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1275, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1250, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1150, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1175, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1150, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(825, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(900, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1825, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1825, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1725, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(1725, 275)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2350, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2325, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2250, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2225, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2150, 175)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Coin(2125, 175)); Player.ResetPlayer(25, 275); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(275, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(325, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(375, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(425, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(475, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(825, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(900, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1150, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1175, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1250, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1275, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1350, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1375, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1450, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(1475, 275)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(1725, 275, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new HammerTroopa(1825, 275, true)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2125, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2325, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new ElevatorFall(1975, 200, 25, "elevator_1")); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PFlame(2225, 250)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4875, 300)); Mario.instEnemies.push(new PStatic(4950, 300)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1100, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1100, 225)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1525, 250)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Cannon(1525, 225)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(25, 150, 2, true)); Mario.instBlocks.push(new Bonus(1075, 100, 4, true)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(2975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3875, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3900, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3925, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3950, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(3975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4775, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4800, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4825, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4850, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(4975, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5000, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5025, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5050, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5075, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5375, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5400, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5425, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5450, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5475, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5500, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5525, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5550, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5575, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5600, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5625, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5650, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5675, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5700, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5725, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(5750, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Pipein((197 * 25), (11 * 25), (195 * 25), (11 * 25), 1, 4)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(3)); break; case 16: Mario.levelGenre = 3; Mario.level[0] = "D C45D C45D CM"; Mario.level[1] = " M"; Mario.level[2] = " M"; Mario.level[3] = " M"; Mario.level[4] = " M"; Mario.level[5] = " M"; Mario.level[6] = " M"; Mario.level[7] = " O O M"; Mario.level[8] = " M"; Mario.level[9] = " M"; Mario.level[10] = " M"; Mario.level[11] = " OOOOOOOOOOOOOO M"; Mario.level[12] = " M"; Mario.level[13] = " M"; Mario.level[14] = " M"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(350, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(25, 125)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(250, 50)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Lantern(125, 50)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(0, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(25, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(50, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(75, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(100, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(125, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(150, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(175, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(200, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(225, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(250, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(275, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(300, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(325, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(350, 350)); Mario.instObjects.push(new Lava(375, 350)); Player.ResetPlayer(200, 0); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Bowser(350, 200, 0, 9, 15, 15, 15, 5)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Back(3)); Mario.instObjects.push(new LastLevel()); break; case 17: Mario.level[0] = " "; Mario.level[1] = " "; Mario.level[2] = " "; Mario.level[3] = " "; Mario.level[4] = " "; Mario.level[5] = " "; Mario.level[6] = " "; Mario.level[7] = " "; Mario.level[8] = " "; Mario.level[9] = " "; Mario.level[10] = " "; Mario.level[11] = "dddddddddddddddd"; Mario.level[12] = "gggggggggggggggg"; Mario.level[13] = "gggggggggggggggg"; Mario.level[14] = "gggggggggggggggg"; Mario.levelWid = Mario.level[0].length; Mario.levelHei = Mario.level.length; Mario.drawLevel(); Mario.Hud.Time = 320; Player.ResetPlayer(0, 0); Mario.playerControllable = false; Player.GFX2.alpha = 0; Mario.Hud.GFX.alpha = 0; Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(375, 0)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(325, 75)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(150, 25)); Mario.instEffects.push(new Cloud(25, 50)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(200, 250, "back_fence_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(100, 250, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(250, 250, "back_fence_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(275, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(325, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(350, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(175, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(150, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(125, 250, "back_fence_2")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(250, 250, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(225, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(200, 250, "l")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(100, 250, "r")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(75, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(50, 250, "m")); Mario.instEffects.push(new Grass(25, 250, "l")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(375, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 200, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(300, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 150, "back_tree_4")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 175, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 200, "back_tree_3")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 225, "back_tree_2")); Mario.layerWall.addChild(AddGraphic(25, 250, "back_tree_1")); Mario.instObjects.push(new GameEnd()); Mario.musika = 13; break; }; if (Mario.levelid < 17){ Mario.sequence = 0; Mario.self.waitScreen(); }; Mario.stepping = true; } }//package objects
Section 372
//Mill (objects.Mill) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class Mill extends Obj { public var moment:Number; public var dist:uint; public var speed:Number; public var GFX:Sprite; public var millX:Number; public var millY:Number; private static const PI:Number = 3.14159265358979; public function Mill(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number=0){ GFX = new Sprite(); super(); oX = (_arg1 + 12); oY = (_arg2 + 12); dist = _arg3; speed = ((PI / 240) * _arg4); moment = _arg5; setPos(); var _local6:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("Wall_P")); _local6.x = _arg1; _local6.y = _arg2; Mario.layerWall.addChild(_local6); var _local7:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_mill")); _local7.x = -12.5; _local7.y = -12.5; GFX.addChild(_local7); GFX.x = (millX + 11); GFX.y = (millY + 11); Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX); Mario.changeLevel((_arg1 / 25), (_arg2 / 25), "x"); } private function setPos():void{ millX = ((oX + (Math.cos(moment) * dist)) - 11); millY = ((oY + (Math.sin(moment) * dist)) - 11); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ moment = (moment + speed); setPos(); GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + (speed * 200)); GFX.x = (millX + 11); GFX.y = (millY + 11); if (Mario.playerCollide(millX, millY, 23, 23)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; } } }//package objects
Section 373
//Obj (objects.Obj) package objects { public class Obj { var oX:Number; var oY:Number; public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ } } }//package objects
Section 374
//Pauser (objects.Pauser) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Pauser { private var shade:Shape; public function Pauser(){ shade = new Shape(); super();, 0.5);, 0, 400, 375);; Mario.layerGover.addChild(shade); SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(0.3, 0); } public function kill():void{ Mario.layerGover.removeChild(shade); SoundMixer.soundTransform = new SoundTransform(1, 0); } } }//package objects
Section 375
//PFlame (objects.PFlame) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class PFlame extends Enemy { private var GFX:Array; private var timer:uint;// = 0 private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function PFlame(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:int=1){ GFX = new Array(2); super(); bounce = false; eX = (_arg1 + 14); eY = _arg2; eWid = 20; dir = _arg3; eHei = 32; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pflame_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pflame_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 2); GFX[0].y = ((eY - 2) + ((dir == -1)) ? 38 : 0); GFX[0].scaleY = (GFX[1].scaleY = dir); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); return (true); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (active){ if (dir == 1){ if (timer < 100){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 100){ if (((((Player.pX - eX) < -72)) || (((Player.pX - eX) > 50)))){ timer = 101; }; } else { if (timer == 101){ eY--; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1)) == false){ timer = 102; }; } else { if (timer == 105){ eY++; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, (eY - 3))){ timer = 0; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (timer < 100){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 100){ if (((((Player.pX - eX) < -72)) || (((Player.pX - eX) > 50)))){ timer = 101; }; } else { if (timer == 101){ eY++; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, eY) == false){ timer = 102; }; } else { if (timer == 105){ eY--; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) + 3))){ timer = 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); if (frame == 0){ if ((((timer >= 102)) && ((timer < 105)))){ timer++; if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ if (dir == 1){ Mario.instObjects.push(new Fireplant((eX + 10), (eY + 5), ((Mario.Sign((Player.pX - eX)) * 4) * Math.random()), -6)); } else { Mario.instObjects.push(new Fireplant((eX + 10), (eY + 30), ((Mario.Sign((Player.pX - eX)) * 4) * Math.random()), 1)); }; }; }; }; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = ((eY - 2) + ((dir == -1)) ? 38 : 0); } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; timer = 100; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 376
//Pipein (objects.Pipein) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class Pipein { public var oX:int; public var oY:int; public var lockX:uint;// = 0 public var obje:PlayerPiper; public var backid:uint;// = 0 public var scroll:Boolean; public var endX:int; public var endY:int; public var seq:int;// = 0 public var dirout:int; public var SFXPupupu:Sound; public var dirin:int; public static var BGon:Boolean = false; public static var BG:BitmapAsset; public function Pipein(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:uint=0, _arg8:Boolean=true, _arg9:uint=0){ SFXPupupu = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("powerdown")); super(); backid = _arg7; this.scroll = _arg8; lockX = _arg9; oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; endX = _arg3; endY = _arg4; dirin = _arg5; dirout = _arg6; } public function Leave():void{ if (Mario.sounds){; }; switch (dirout){ case 0: Player.pX = endX; obje = new PlayerPiper(Player.pX, endY, 1, 0, false, scroll); break; case 1: Player.pX = (endX - 12); obje = new PlayerPiper(Player.pX, (endY - Player.pHei), 0, 1, false, scroll); break; case 2: Player.pX = endX; obje = new PlayerPiper(Player.pX, endY, -1, 0, false, scroll); break; case 3: Player.pX = (endX - 12); obje = new PlayerPiper((endX - 12), endY, 0, -1, false, scroll); break; case 4: Mario.playerControllable = true; Mario.levelid++; Mario.clearLevel(); Mario.decreaseI = 1; }; if (backid == 0){ if (BGon){ Mario.layerPipe.removeChild(BG); BGon = false; }; } else { if (BGon){ Mario.layerPipe.removeChild(BG); BGon = false; }; BG = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("back_" + backid))); Mario.layerPipe.addChild(BG); BGon = true; }; if (scroll){ Mario.scrolling = true; Mario.centerScreen(Player.pX); } else { Mario.scrolling = false; Mario.layerHide.x = -(lockX); Mario.layerWall.x = -(lockX); Mario.layerFore.x = -(lockX); Mario.layerEffects.x = -(lockX); }; seq = 31; } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (seq){ case 0: if (Mario.playerCollide((oX - 2), (oY - 2), 6, 6)){ if (Mario.isKeyDown(dirin)){ if (Player.crouch){ Player.pHei = 45; Player.pY = (Player.pY - 21); Player.crouch = 0; }; Enter(); }; }; break; case 1: if (obje.completed){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(obje.GFX); seq = 2; } else { obje.Update(); }; break; case 30: Leave(); break; case 31: if (obje.completed){ seq = 0; Player.ResetPlayer(obje.pX, obje.pY); Mario.playerControllable = true; Mario.layerHide.removeChild(obje.GFX); } else { obje.Update(); }; break; default: seq++; }; } public function Enter():void{ Mario.playerControllable = false; Mario.layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); Mario.Hud.debugtext.text = String(dirin); if (Mario.sounds){; }; switch (dirin){ case 0: obje = new PlayerPiper((oX - 12), (oY - Player.pHei), 1, 0, true); break; case 1: Player.pX = (oX - 12); obje = new PlayerPiper(Player.pX, (oY - Player.pHei), 0, 1, true); break; case 2: obje = new PlayerPiper((oX - 12), (oY - Player.pHei), -1, 0, true); break; case 3: Player.pX = (oX - 12); obje = new PlayerPiper(Player.pX, (oY - Player.pHei), 0, -1, true); break; }; if (Mario.scrolling){ Mario.centerScreen(Player.pX); }; seq = 1; } } }//package objects
Section 377
//Player (objects.Player) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; public class Player { private var JUMP:Boolean;// = false public var SFXKick:Sound; private var SFXJump:Sound; private var SFXBump:Sound; private var SFXRadish:Sound; public static const PLAYER_MAXSPEED:Number = 456; public static const PLAYER_SPEED:Number = 16; public static var hitStomp:Boolean = false; public static var dir:int = 1; public static var SFXDeath:Sound = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("death")); ; public static var pSize:uint = 0; public static var hitHead:Boolean = false; public static var elev:Elevator; public static var trans:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(); public static var sequenceFrame:uint = 0; public static var crouch:uint = 0; public static var SFXPowerup:Sound = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("powerup")); ; public static var sequence:int = 0; public static var pWid:uint = 22; public static var speed:Number = 0; public static var gravity:Number = 0; public static var SFXPowerdown:Sound = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("powerdown")); ; public static var GFX:BitmapAsset; private static var jumper:uint = 0; private static var maxJumper:uint = 0; private static var seq:uint = 0; public static var pX:int; public static var pY:int; public static var frame:uint = 0; public static var fired:uint = 0; public static var shield:uint = 0; public static var GFX2:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var pHei:uint = 24; public static var starred:uint = 0; public function Player(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ SFXJump = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("jump")); SFXRadish = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("radish")); SFXBump = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("bump")); SFXKick = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("kick")); super(); pX = _arg1; pY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_mario0_walk_1"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = (pX - 2); GFX.y = (pY - 3); GFX2.addChild(GFX); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX2); } public function Update():void{ var _local1:Class; seq = 0; if (pSize > 0){ if (Mario.isKeyDown(1)){ if (crouch == 0){ pHei = 24; pY = (pY + 21); crouch = 1; }; } else { if ((((crouch == 1)) && (((Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + pHei))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), (pY + pHei))))))){ pHei = 45; pY = (pY - 21); crouch = 2; }; }; } else { crouch = 0; }; if (crouch == 0){ if (Mario.isKeyDown(0)){ dir = 1; if (speed > -10){ if (speed < PLAYER_MAXSPEED){ speed = (speed + PLAYER_SPEED); }; } else { dir = -1; seq = 1; speed = (speed + (PLAYER_SPEED * 3)); }; } else { if (Mario.isKeyDown(2)){ dir = -1; if (speed < 10){ if (speed > -(PLAYER_MAXSPEED)){ speed = (speed - PLAYER_SPEED); }; } else { dir = 1; seq = 1; speed = (speed - (PLAYER_SPEED * 3)); }; } else { if (speed > 2){ speed = (speed - PLAYER_SPEED); } else { if (speed < -2){ speed = (speed + PLAYER_SPEED); }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + pHei)) == false)) && ((Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), (pY + pHei)) == false)))){ if (Mario.isKeyDown(0)){ dir = 1; if (speed > -10){ if (speed < PLAYER_MAXSPEED){ speed = (speed + PLAYER_SPEED); }; } else { dir = -1; seq = 1; speed = (speed + (PLAYER_SPEED * 3)); }; } else { if (Mario.isKeyDown(2)){ dir = -1; if (speed < 10){ if (speed > -(PLAYER_MAXSPEED)){ speed = (speed - PLAYER_SPEED); }; } else { dir = 1; seq = 1; speed = (speed - (PLAYER_SPEED * 3)); }; } else { if (speed > 2){ speed = (speed - (PLAYER_SPEED / 2)); } else { if (speed < -2){ speed = (speed + (PLAYER_SPEED / 2)); }; }; }; }; } else { if (Mario.isKeyDown(0)){ dir = 1; } else { if (Mario.isKeyDown(2)){ dir = -1; }; }; if (speed > 2){ speed = (speed - PLAYER_SPEED); } else { if (speed < -2){ speed = (speed + PLAYER_SPEED); }; }; }; }; if (Mario.isKeyPressed(4)){ JUMP = true; } else { if (!Mario.isKeyDown(4)){ JUMP = false; }; }; if (((((Mario.isKeyPressed(4)) || (JUMP))) && (((((!((elev == null))) || (Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + pHei) + 1))))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((pY + pHei) + 1))))))){ gravity = -7; jumper = 1; JUMP = false; maxJumper = ((12 - 3) + Math.min(3, Math.abs((speed / 100)))); if (elev){; }; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; if (((((Mario.isKeyDown(4)) && ((jumper < maxJumper)))) && ((jumper > 0)))){ jumper++; gravity = -7; } else { jumper = 20; }; if (crouch < 2){ pX = (pX + Math.round((speed / 100))); if (speed > 0){ if (((((Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), pY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((pY + pHei) - 1))))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), (pY + ((pHei - 1) / 2)))))){ speed = 0; pX = (((Math.floor((pX / 25)) * 25) + 25) - pWid); }; } else { if (((((Mario.levelColl(pX, pY)) || (Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + pHei) - 1))))) || (Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + ((pHei - 1) / 2)))))){ speed = 0; pX = ((Math.floor((pX / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; }; if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; if ((((((elev == null)) && ((Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + pHei)) == false)))) && ((Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), (pY + pHei)) == false)))){ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); seq = 2; } else { if (gravity >= 0){ gravity = 0; }; }; pY = (pY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + pHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((pY + pHei) - 1))))){ jumper = 0; gravity = 0; pY = ((Math.floor((pY / 25)) * 25) + ((crouch == 0)) ? ((pSize > 0)) ? 5 : 1 : 1); seq = 0; }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, pY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), pY)))){ jumper = 0; gravity = 0; Player.hitHead = true; if (Mario.sounds){; }; pY = ((Math.floor((pY / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; }; } else { if (((((((Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + pHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), pY)))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((pY + pHei) - 1))))) || (Mario.levelColl(pX, pY)))){ pX = (pX + 2); } else { crouch = 0; }; }; var _local2:uint = pSize; var _local3:uint; if (sequence != 0){ sequenceFrame--; if ((sequenceFrame % 2) == 1){ switch (sequence){ case -2: _local2 = 2; break; case -1: _local2 = 1; break; case 1: _local2 = 0; break; case 2: _local2 = 1; break; }; }; if (sequenceFrame == 0){ sequence = 0; }; } else { if (shield > 0){ _local3 = (shield % 2); shield--; }; }; if (crouch == 1){ _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + _local2) + "_crouch")); } else { if ((((((pSize == 2)) && (Mario.isKeyPressed(5)))) && ((Mario.radishNO < 2)))){ Mario.instObjects.push(new Fireball((pX + ((dir == 1)) ? 22 : 0), (pY + 10), dir)); Mario.radishNO++; if (Mario.sounds){; }; _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_mario2_fire"); fired = 4; } else { if (fired > 0){ _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_mario2_fire"); fired--; } else { switch (seq){ case 0: frame = (((frame + Math.abs((speed / 3))) % 1367) + 1); if (Math.abs(speed) < 10){ frame = 400; }; _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(((("object_mario" + String(_local2)) + "_walk_") + String(Math.ceil((frame / 456))))); break; case 1: _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + String(_local2)) + "_brake")); break; case 2: _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + String(_local2)) + "_jump")); break; }; }; }; }; GFX2.removeChild(GFX); GFX = new (_local1); GFX.scaleX = dir; GFX.x = ((pX - ((dir == -1)) ? -25 : 3) + (_local3 * 1000)); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((((pSize == 0)) || ((crouch == 1)))) ? 21 : 0); if (starred > 0){ Player.hitStomp = true; Mario.enemyStarHit(pX, pY, pWid, pHei, dir); if ((((starred > 100)) || (((starred % 5) == 0)))){ trans.greenOffset = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 400); trans.redOffset = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 400); trans.blueOffset = ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 0); }; starred--; if (starred == 0){ Mario.classSFX.Play(Mario.musika); }; } else { trans.greenOffset = 0; trans.redOffset = 0; trans.blueOffset = 0; }; GFX2.transform.colorTransform = trans; GFX2.addChild(GFX); if (pY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 25)){ Mario.hitPlayer(true); }; if (Mario.scrolling){ Mario.scrollX = Math.min((200 - Player.pX), -(Mario.scrollEdge)); }; } public static function CeilPull():void{ var _local1:uint; if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, pY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), pY)))){ _local1 = ((Math.floor((pY / 25)) * 25) + 25); if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, ((_local1 + pHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((_local1 + pHei) - 1))))){ crouch = 2; } else { pY = _local1; }; }; } public static function starMe():void{ starred = 400; Mario.classSFX.Play(3); } public static function Reset():void{ Player.hitStomp = false; Player.hitHead = false; } public static function Bounce(_arg1:int):void{ Player.pY = (_arg1 - Player.pHei); Player.gravity = -7; Player.jumper = 1; CeilPull(); GFX.x = (pX - ((dir == -1)) ? -25 : 3); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((((pSize == 0)) || ((crouch == 1)))) ? 21 : 0); } public static function Falls():Boolean{ if (Player.gravity > 1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function ResetGraphic():void{ GFX.scaleX = dir; GFX.x = (pX - ((dir == -1)) ? -25 : 3); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((((pSize == 0)) || ((crouch == 1)))) ? 21 : 0); } public static function ResetPlayer(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ pX = _arg1; pY = _arg2; speed = 0; gravity = 0; jumper = 0; GFX.x = (pX - ((dir == -1)) ? -25 : 3); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((((pSize == 0)) || ((crouch == 1)))) ? 21 : 0); if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + pHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((pX + pWid) - 1), ((pY + pHei) - 1))))){ Player.pY = (Player.pY - 25); }; Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX2); } } }//package objects
Section 378
//PlayerFinish (objects.PlayerFinish) package objects { import mx.core.*; import*; public class PlayerFinish { public const PLAYER_SPEED:Number = 12; public var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var timer:int;// = 0 public var speed:Number;// = 0 public var pX:int; private var SFXPoint:Sound; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var pY:int; public function PlayerFinish(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:uint):void{ SFXPoint = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("points")); super(); pX = _arg1; pY = _arg2; speed = _arg4; frame = _arg5; gravity = _arg3; if (Player.crouch > 0){ Player.pHei = (Player.pHei + 25); pY = (pY - 21); }; if (((Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + Player.pHei))) || (Mario.levelColl((pX + Player.pWid), (pY + Player.pHei))))){ GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(((("object_mario" + String(Player.pSize)) + "_walk_") + String(Math.ceil((frame / 456)))))); } else { GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + Player.pSize) + "_jump"))); }; GFX.x = (pX - 3); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((Player.pSize == 0)) ? 21 : 0); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.classSFX.Play(); if (speed > 200){ speed = (speed - PLAYER_SPEED); } else { if (speed < 185){ speed = (speed + PLAYER_SPEED); }; }; pX = (pX + Math.round((speed / 100))); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); if ((((Mario.levelColl(pX, (pY + Player.pHei)) == false)) && ((Mario.levelColl((pX + Player.pWid), (pY + Player.pHei)) == false)))){ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); pY = (pY + gravity); frame = 400; GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + Player.pSize) + "_jump"))); } else { pY = ((Math.floor((pY / 25)) * 25) + ((Player.pSize > 0)) ? 5 : 1); frame = (((frame + Math.abs((speed / 3))) % 1367) + 1); GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(((("object_mario" + String(Player.pSize)) + "_walk_") + String(Math.ceil((frame / 456)))))); }; GFX.x = (pX - 3); GFX.y = ((pY - 3) - ((Player.pSize == 0)) ? 21 : 0); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); if (timer > 150){ if (Mario.Hud.Time > 0){ Mario.Hud.Time--; Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 100); }; if (Mario.Hud.Time > 4){ Mario.Hud.Time = (Mario.Hud.Time - 4); if (Mario.sounds){; }; Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 20); }; Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); Mario.Hud.RedrawTime(); if (Mario.Hud.Time == 0){ timer++; }; if (timer == 450){ Mario.levelid++; Mario.clearLevel(); }; } else { timer++; }; } } }//package objects
Section 379
//PlayerPiper (objects.PlayerPiper) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class PlayerPiper { public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var moveX:int; public var pX:int; public var pY:int; public var completed:Boolean;// = false public var moveY:int; public var gX:int;// = 0 public var enter:Boolean; public var gY:int;// = 0 private var lock:Boolean; public function PlayerPiper(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean=false){ pX = _arg1; pY = _arg2; lock = _arg6; moveX = _arg3; moveY = _arg4; enter = _arg5; if (moveX != 0){ GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + String(Player.pSize)) + "_walk_3"))); gX = ((_arg3 > 0)) ? 0 : 25; gY = ((Player.pSize > 0)) ? 0 : -21; pY = (pY - ((Player.pSize > 0)) ? 21 : 0); GFX.scaleX = _arg3; } else { GFX = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX((("object_mario" + String(Player.pSize)) + "_enter"))); gY = ((Player.pSize > 0)) ? 0 : -21; }; GFX.x = (pX + gX); GFX.y = (pY + gY); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX); } public function Update():void{ pX = (pX + moveX); pY = (pY + moveY); GFX.x = (pX + gX); GFX.y = (pY + gY); if (enter){ if (((((((Mario.levelColl(pX, pY)) && (Mario.levelColl(((pX + Player.pWid) - 1), pY)))) && (Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + Player.pHei) - 1))))) && (Mario.levelColl(((pX + Player.pWid) - 1), ((pY + Player.pHei) - 1))))){ completed = true; }; } else { if ((((((((Mario.levelColl(pX, pY) == false)) && ((Mario.levelColl(((pX + Player.pWid) - 1), pY) == false)))) && ((Mario.levelColl(pX, ((pY + Player.pHei) - 1)) == false)))) && ((Mario.levelColl(((pX + Player.pWid) - 1), ((pY + Player.pHei) - 1)) == false)))){ completed = true; }; }; if (lock){ Mario.centerScreen(pX); }; } } }//package objects
Section 380
//Points (objects.Points) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Points extends Effect { private var GFX:BitmapAsset; private var fY:int; public function Points(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String){ fY = _arg2; var _local4:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("effect_points_" + _arg3)); GFX = new (_local4); GFX.x = Math.floor((_arg1 - (GFX.width / 2))); GFX.y = fY; Mario.layerEffects.addChild(GFX); timer = 120; switch (_arg3){ case "100": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 100); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "200": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 200); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "500": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 500); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "1000": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 1000); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "2000": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 2000); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "5000": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 5000); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "8000": Mario.Hud.Pnts = (Mario.Hud.Pnts + 8000); Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; case "1up": Mario.Hud.Lives++; Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); break; }; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ fY = (fY - 1); timer--; GFX.y = fY; GFX.alpha = (timer / 30); if (timer == 0){ Mario.removeEffect(_arg1); Mario.layerEffects.removeChild(GFX); }; } } }//package objects
Section 381
//PPlant (objects.PPlant) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class PPlant extends Enemy { private var GFX:Array; private var timer:uint;// = 0 private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function PPlant(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:int=1){ GFX = new Array(2); super(); bounce = false; eX = (_arg1 + 14); eY = _arg2; eWid = 20; dir = _arg3; eHei = 32; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pplant_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pplant_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 2); GFX[0].y = ((eY - 2) + ((dir == -1)) ? 38 : 0); GFX[0].scaleY = (GFX[1].scaleY = dir); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); return (true); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (active){ if (dir == 1){ if (timer < 100){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 100){ if (((((Player.pX - eX) < -72)) || (((Player.pX - eX) > 50)))){ timer = 101; }; } else { if (timer == 101){ eY--; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1)) == false){ timer = 102; }; } else { if (timer < 160){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 160){ eY++; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, (eY - 3))){ timer = 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (timer < 100){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 100){ if (((((Player.pX - eX) < -72)) || (((Player.pX - eX) > 50)))){ timer = 101; }; } else { if (timer == 101){ eY++; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, eY) == false){ timer = 102; }; } else { if (timer < 160){ timer++; } else { if (timer == 160){ eY--; if (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) + 3))){ timer = 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = ((eY - 2) + ((dir == -1)) ? 38 : 0); } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; timer = 100; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 382
//PStatic (objects.PStatic) package objects { public class PStatic extends Enemy { private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function PStatic(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(3); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; frame = Math.abs((-((wait / 4)) + 2)); GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pstatic_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pstatic_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_pstatic_3")); GFX[0].x = (GFX[1].x = (GFX[2].x = _arg1)); GFX[0].y = (GFX[1].y = (GFX[2].y = _arg2)); Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ wait++; if ((wait % 4) == 0){ Mario.layerWall.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = Math.abs((-((wait / 4)) + 2)); if (wait == 16){ wait = 0; }; Mario.layerWall.addChild(GFX[frame]); }; if (Mario.playerCollide((eX + 2), (eY + 2), 21, 21)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ return (false); } override public function FireballHit(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ return (false); } } }//package objects
Section 383
//SFX (objects.SFX) package objects { import*; public class SFX { private var SFX_MUS1:Class; private var SFX_MUS2:Class; private var SFX_BOWSERHIT:Class; private var SFX_MUS6:Class; private var SFX_MUS4:Class; private var SFX_MUS5:Class; private var SFX_MUS9:Class; private var SFX_MUS3:Class; private var SFX_HURRY:Class; private var SFX_SPROUT:Class; public var Musics:Array; private var SFX_LIFE:Class; private var SFX_CANNON:Class; private var SFX_MUS8:Class; private var SFX_DEATH:Class; private var SFX_MUS7:Class; private var SFX_POWERDOWN:Class; private var SFX_COIN:Class; private var SFX_STOMP2:Class; public var playingMus:SoundChannel; private var SFX_GROWL:Class; private var SFX_BRICK:Class; private var SFX_JUMP:Class; private var SFX_BOWSERKILL:Class; private var SFX_FIREBALL:Class; private var SFX_BUMP:Class; private var SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE:Class; private var SFX_STOMP:Class; private var SFX_GAMEOVER:Class; private var SFX_POWERUP:Class; private var SFX_KICK:Class; private var SFX_LAKITU:Class; private var SFX_POINTS:Class; public function SFX(){ Musics = new Array(6); SFX_BOWSERHIT = SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT; SFX_BOWSERKILL = SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL; SFX_BRICK = SFX_SFX_BRICK; SFX_BUMP = SFX_SFX_BUMP; SFX_CANNON = SFX_SFX_CANNON; SFX_COIN = SFX_SFX_COIN; SFX_DEATH = SFX_SFX_DEATH; SFX_FIREBALL = SFX_SFX_FIREBALL; SFX_GAMEOVER = SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER; SFX_GROWL = SFX_SFX_GROWL; SFX_HURRY = SFX_SFX_HURRY; SFX_JUMP = SFX_SFX_JUMP; SFX_KICK = SFX_SFX_KICK; SFX_LAKITU = SFX_SFX_LAKITU; SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE = SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE; SFX_LIFE = SFX_SFX_LIFE; SFX_POINTS = SFX_SFX_POINTS; SFX_POWERDOWN = SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN; SFX_POWERUP = SFX_SFX_POWERUP; SFX_SPROUT = SFX_SFX_SPROUT; SFX_STOMP = SFX_SFX_STOMP; SFX_STOMP2 = SFX_SFX_STOMP2; SFX_MUS1 = SFX_SFX_MUS1; SFX_MUS2 = SFX_SFX_MUS2; SFX_MUS3 = SFX_SFX_MUS3; SFX_MUS4 = SFX_SFX_MUS4; SFX_MUS5 = SFX_SFX_MUS5; SFX_MUS6 = SFX_SFX_MUS6; SFX_MUS7 = SFX_SFX_MUS7; SFX_MUS8 = SFX_SFX_MUS8; SFX_MUS9 = SFX_SFX_MUS9; super(); Musics[0] = new SFX_MUS1(); Musics[1] = new SFX_MUS2(); Musics[2] = new SFX_MUS3(); Musics[3] = new SFX_MUS4(); Musics[4] = new SFX_MUS5(); Musics[5] = new SFX_MUS6(); Musics[6] = new SFX_MUS7(); Musics[7] = new SFX_MUS8(); Musics[8] = new SFX_MUS9(); } public function accessSFX(_arg1:String):Class{ switch (_arg1){ case "bowser_hit": return (SFX_BOWSERHIT); case "bowser_kill": return (SFX_BOWSERKILL); case "brick": return (SFX_BRICK); case "bump": return (SFX_BUMP); case "coin": return (SFX_COIN); case "cannon": return (SFX_CANNON); case "death": return (SFX_DEATH); case "radish": return (SFX_FIREBALL); case "gameover": return (SFX_GAMEOVER); case "growl": return (SFX_GROWL); case "hurry": return (SFX_HURRY); case "jump": return (SFX_JUMP); case "kick": return (SFX_KICK); case "lakitu": return (SFX_LAKITU); case "level_complete": return (SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE); case "life": return (SFX_LIFE); case "points": return (SFX_POINTS); case "powerdown": return (SFX_POWERDOWN); case "powerup": return (SFX_POWERUP); case "sprout": return (SFX_SPROUT); case "stomp": return (SFX_STOMP); case "stompduck": return (SFX_STOMP2); }; return (new Class()); } public function Play(_arg1:int=-1, _arg2:uint=100):void{ if (playingMus != null){ playingMus.stop(); }; if ( == false){ return; }; if (_arg1 > -1){ playingMus = Musics[_arg1].play(0, _arg2); }; } } }//package objects
Section 384
//SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT (objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 385
//SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL (objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 386
//SFX_SFX_BRICK (objects.SFX_SFX_BRICK) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_BRICK extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 387
//SFX_SFX_BUMP (objects.SFX_SFX_BUMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_BUMP extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 388
//SFX_SFX_CANNON (objects.SFX_SFX_CANNON) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_CANNON extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 389
//SFX_SFX_COIN (objects.SFX_SFX_COIN) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_COIN extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 390
//SFX_SFX_DEATH (objects.SFX_SFX_DEATH) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_DEATH extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 391
//SFX_SFX_FIREBALL (objects.SFX_SFX_FIREBALL) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_FIREBALL extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 392
//SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER (objects.SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 393
//SFX_SFX_GROWL (objects.SFX_SFX_GROWL) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_GROWL extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 394
//SFX_SFX_HURRY (objects.SFX_SFX_HURRY) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_HURRY extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 395
//SFX_SFX_JUMP (objects.SFX_SFX_JUMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_JUMP extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 396
//SFX_SFX_KICK (objects.SFX_SFX_KICK) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_KICK extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 397
//SFX_SFX_LAKITU (objects.SFX_SFX_LAKITU) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_LAKITU extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 398
//SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE (objects.SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 399
//SFX_SFX_LIFE (objects.SFX_SFX_LIFE) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_LIFE extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 400
//SFX_SFX_MUS1 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS1 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 401
//SFX_SFX_MUS2 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS2 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 402
//SFX_SFX_MUS3 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS3) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS3 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 403
//SFX_SFX_MUS4 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS4) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS4 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 404
//SFX_SFX_MUS5 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS5) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS5 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 405
//SFX_SFX_MUS6 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS6) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS6 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 406
//SFX_SFX_MUS7 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS7) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS7 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 407
//SFX_SFX_MUS8 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS8) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS8 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 408
//SFX_SFX_MUS9 (objects.SFX_SFX_MUS9) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_MUS9 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 409
//SFX_SFX_POINTS (objects.SFX_SFX_POINTS) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_POINTS extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 410
//SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN (objects.SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 411
//SFX_SFX_POWERUP (objects.SFX_SFX_POWERUP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_POWERUP extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 412
//SFX_SFX_SPROUT (objects.SFX_SFX_SPROUT) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_SPROUT extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 413
//SFX_SFX_STOMP (objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_STOMP extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 414
//SFX_SFX_STOMP2 (objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class SFX_SFX_STOMP2 extends SoundAsset { } }//package objects
Section 415
//Shroom (objects.Shroom) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class Shroom extends Obj { public var oWid:uint;// = 21 public var dir:int; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var GFX:BitmapAsset; public var oHei:uint;// = 21 public var seq:Boolean;// = false public function Shroom(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int){ oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; var _local3:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_shroom"); GFX = new (_local3); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; if (seq){ oX = (oX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; oY = (oY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; oY = ((Math.floor((oY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, oWid, oHei)){ Mario.playerBonus(0); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); } else { oY = (oY - 0.5); GFX.x = oX; GFX.y = oY; if (Mario.levelColl((oX + 12), (oY + 24)) == false){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((oX + 10), (oY - 5), "1000")); Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX); oX = (oX + 2); oY = (oY + 4); _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_shroom"); GFX = new (_local2); GFX.x = (oX - 2); GFX.y = (oY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); dir = (((Player.pX - oX) > 0)) ? 1 : -1; seq = true; }; }; if (oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 416
//Spiny (objects.Spiny) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class Spiny extends Enemy { private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var fall:Boolean;// = false private var frame:uint;// = 0 public function Spiny(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int){ GFX = new Array(2); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_spiny_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_spiny_2")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 3); GFX[0].y = (eY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (active){ stomped = false; eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, (eX - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 1){ fall = true; }; if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); if (fall){ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; fall = false; }; }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (1 - frame); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == -1)) ? 25 : 0); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 4); } else { if (((((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))) || (((Mario.scrollEdge + 400) > eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 4), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_spiny_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 417
//SpinyShell (objects.SpinyShell) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class SpinyShell extends Enemy { private var GFX:Sprite; public function SpinyShell(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Sprite(); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; eHei = 21; gravity = -2; var _local3:BitmapAsset = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_spiny_shell_1")); _local3.x = (-(_local3.width) / 2); _local3.y = (-(_local3.height) / 2); GFX.addChild(_local3); GFX.x = (eX + 10); GFX.y = (eY + 10); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 2)); eY = (eY + gravity); gravity = Math.min(20, gravity); GFX.rotation = (GFX.rotation + 6); GFX.x = (eX + 10); GFX.y = (eY + 10); if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, (eY + eHei))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), (eY + eHei))))){ eY = ((Math.floor((((eY + eHei) / 25) - 1)) * 25) + 5); gravity = 0; Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.instEnemies.push(new Spiny(eX, ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4))); alive = false; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ Mario.hitPlayer(); }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire(eX, (eY - 4), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_spiny_shell_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 418
//Star (objects.Star) package objects { import flash.display.*; public class Star extends Obj { public var oWid:uint;// = 21 public var dir:int; public var gravity:Number;// = 0 public var frame:uint;// = 0 public var wait:uint;// = 0 public var GFX:Array; public var oHei:uint;// = 21 public var seq:Boolean;// = false public function Star(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(4); super(); oX = _arg1; oY = _arg2; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_star_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_star_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_star_3")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_star_4")); GFX[0].x = oX; GFX[0].y = oY; Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ if (seq){ oX = (oX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, oY)) || (Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); oX = (oX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + (Mario.gravity / 2)); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; oY = (oY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(oX, ((oY + oHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((oX + oWid) - 1), ((oY + oHei) - 1))))){ gravity = -5; oY = ((Math.floor((oY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(oX, oY, oWid, oHei)){ Player.starMe(); Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); return; }; wait++; if (wait == 3){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (oX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (oY - 4); } else { oY = (oY - 0.5); wait++; if (wait == 3){ Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 4); Mario.layerHide.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = oX; GFX[frame].y = oY; if (Mario.levelColl((oX + 12), (oY + 24)) == false){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((oX + 10), (oY - 5), "1000")); Mario.layerHide.removeChild(GFX[frame]); oX = (oX + 2); oY = (oY + 4); GFX[frame].x = (oX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (oY - 4); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); dir = (((Player.pX - oX) > 0)) ? 1 : -1; seq = true; }; }; if (oY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeObject(_arg1); }; } } }//package objects
Section 419
//TitleScreen (objects.TitleScreen) package objects { import*; import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; public class TitleScreen { private var timer:uint;// = 0 private var Start:Class; private var Logo:Class; private var Text2:Class; private var GFXK:BitmapAsset; private var GFXL:BitmapAsset; private var Keys:Class; private var Cloud:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP:BitmapAsset; private var Text1:Class; private var Hill:BitmapAsset; private var GFXfloor:Sprite; private var tix:Number;// = 0 private var pX:uint;// = 600 public var sel:uint;// = 1 private var GS:BitmapAsset; private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var GFXT1:BitmapAsset; private var GFXT2:BitmapAsset; private var More:Class; private static var GFXM:Sprite; public function TitleScreen(){ var czop:BitmapAsset; var j:uint; var czap:BitmapAsset; GFXfloor = new Sprite(); Hill = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_hill_big")); Cloud = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("back_clouds_8")); GFXP = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("object_mario0_walk_1")); Logo = TitleScreen_Logo; Start = TitleScreen_Start; More = TitleScreen_More; Keys = TitleScreen_Keys; Text1 = TitleScreen_Text1; Text2 = TitleScreen_Text2; super(); if (GFXM == null){ GFXM = new Sprite(); GFXM.addChild(new More()); GFXM.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function ():void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); }); GFXM.buttonMode = true; }; GFXL = new Logo(); GFXK = new Keys(); GFXT1 = new Text1(); GFXT2 = new Text2(); GS = new Start(); GS.x = (200 - (GS.width / 2)); GS.y = 200; Mario.generateBackground(0); Mario.layerGover.addChild(Hill); Mario.layerGover.addChild(Cloud); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXfloor); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXL); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXK); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXT1); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXT2); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXP); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXM); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GS); GFXP.x = pX; GFXL.x = 420; GFXK.x = (400 - GFXK.width); GFXK.y = (375 - GFXK.height); GFXK.alpha = 0; GFXT1.alpha = 0; GFXT2.alpha = 0; GFXT1.y = 280; GFXT2.y = 320; Hill.x = 200; Cloud.x = -200; Cloud.y = 200; var i:uint; while (i < 18) { czop = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("Wall_d")); czop.y = (11 * 25); czop.x = (i * 25); GFXfloor.addChild(czop); j = 12; while (j < 15) { czap = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("Wall_g")); czap.y = (j * 25); czap.x = (i * 25); GFXfloor.addChild(czap); j = (j + 1); }; i = (i + 1); }; Mario.classSFX.Play(6); } public function Update():void{ tix = (tix + 0.1); GS.alpha = Math.min(1, (Math.sin(tix) + 1)); GFXfloor.x = ((((25 + GFXfloor.x) - 3) % 25) - 25); Hill.x = (Hill.x - 0.08); Cloud.x = (Cloud.x - 0.12); if (Hill.x < -(Hill.width)){ Hill.x = (Hill.x + (Hill.width + 400)); }; if (Cloud.x < -(Cloud.width)){ Cloud.x = (Cloud.x + (Cloud.width + 400)); }; timer++; if ((timer % 4) == 0){ Mario.layerGover.removeChild(GFXP); frame = ((frame + 1) % 3); GFXP = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("object_mario0_walk_" + (frame + 1)))); Mario.layerGover.addChild(GFXP); }; GFXP.x = pX; GFXP.y = 228; pX = Math.max(190, (pX - 1)); GFXL.x = Math.max((200 - (GFXL.width / 2)), (GFXL.x - 1)); if ((((timer > 350)) && ((timer < 400)))){ GFXK.alpha = Math.min(1, (GFXK.alpha + 0.05)); GFXT1.alpha = Math.min(1, (GFXT1.alpha + 0.05)); GFXT2.alpha = Math.min(0.5, (GFXT2.alpha + 0.025)); }; if (timer < 400){ if (Mario.isKeyPressed(4)){ pX = 190; GFXL.x = (200 - (GFXL.width / 2)); GFXK.alpha = 1; GFXT1.alpha = 0.5; GFXT2.alpha = 1; timer = 400; }; } else { if (((Mario.isKeyPressed(1)) || (Mario.isKeyPressed(3)))){ sel = (1 - sel); if (sel == 0){ GFXT1.alpha = 1; GFXT2.alpha = 0.5; } else { GFXT1.alpha = 0.5; GFXT2.alpha = 1; }; }; if (((((Mario.isKeyPressed(4)) || (Mario.isKeyPressed(6)))) || (Mario.isKeyPressed(7)))){ Mario.Hud.Pnts = 0; Mario.Hud.RedrawPnts(); Mario.checkPoint = 0; if (sel == 0){ sel = 10; } else { sel = 11; }; }; }; } } }//package objects
Section 420
//TitleScreen_Keys (objects.TitleScreen_Keys) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_Keys extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 421
//TitleScreen_Logo (objects.TitleScreen_Logo) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_Logo extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 422
//TitleScreen_More (objects.TitleScreen_More) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_More extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 423
//TitleScreen_Start (objects.TitleScreen_Start) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_Start extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 424
//TitleScreen_Text1 (objects.TitleScreen_Text1) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_Text1 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 425
//TitleScreen_Text2 (objects.TitleScreen_Text2) package objects { import mx.core.*; public class TitleScreen_Text2 extends BitmapAsset { } }//package objects
Section 426
//TroopaGreen (objects.TroopaGreen) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class TroopaGreen extends Enemy { private var waiter:uint;// = 0 private var Mode:uint;// = 0 private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var fall:Boolean;// = false private var num:uint;// = 0 public function TroopaGreen(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(6); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stompduck")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_koopa_green_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_koopa_green_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_green_1")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_green_2")); GFX[4] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_green_3")); GFX[5] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_green_4")); GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 24); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 16); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Mode == 0){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "200")); this.Mode = 1; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); wait = 0; waiter = 0; num = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "100")); Mode = 1; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); isShell = false; waiter = 0; num = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; if (active){ if (Mode == 0){ eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, (eX - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 1){ fall = true; }; if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); if (fall){ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; fall = false; }; }; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 24); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 16); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { if (Mode == 1){ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if ((Player.pX - eX) > 0){ dir = -1; } else { dir = 1; }; isShell = true; Mode = 2; Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "500")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; waiter++; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((waiter > 150)) ? Math.sin((waiter * 2)) : 0); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); if (waiter > 250){ Mode = 0; waiter = 0; wait = 14; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; }; } else { eX = (eX + (dir * 6)); _local3 = Mario.enemyShellHit(_arg1, eX, eY, eWid, eHei, dir); if (_local3 < 0){ Fire((_arg1 - Mario.decreaseI), -(dir)); }; _local4 = Math.abs(_local3); while (_local4 > 0) { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), Mario.givePointShell(num))); num++; if (num == 8){ num = 5; }; _local4--; }; if (alive){ if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25) - eWid); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = ((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; wait++; if (wait == 3){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (2 + ((frame - 1) % 4)); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (Mode == 3){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { Mode = 3; }; }; }; }; } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } private function makeShell():void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = 2; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 3); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 1), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_green_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 427
//TroopaRed (objects.TroopaRed) package objects { import flash.display.*; import*; public class TroopaRed extends Enemy { private var waiter:uint;// = 0 private var Mode:uint;// = 0 private var frame:uint;// = 0 private var SFXStomp:Sound; private var wait:uint;// = 0 private var GFX:Array; private var fall:Boolean;// = false private var num:uint;// = 0 public function TroopaRed(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ GFX = new Array(6); SFXStomp = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("stompduck")); super(); eX = _arg1; eY = _arg2; eWid = 21; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; eHei = 21; GFX[0] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_koopa_red_1")); GFX[1] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_koopa_red_2")); GFX[2] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_red_1")); GFX[3] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_red_2")); GFX[4] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_red_3")); GFX[5] = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_red_4")); GFX[0].x = (eX - 3); GFX[0].y = (eY - 5); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[0]); } override public function Stomp(_arg1:uint):void{ if (Mode == 0){ Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "200")); this.Mode = 1; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); waiter = 0; wait = 0; num = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "100")); Mode = 1; Player.hitStomp = true; Player.Bounce(eY); this.makeShell(); isShell = false; waiter = 0; wait = 0; num = 0; if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; wait = 0; } override public function Update(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; if (active){ if (Mode == 0){ eX = (eX + dir); if (dir > 0){ if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, ((eX + eWid) - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); } else { if ((((gravity < 1)) && ((Mario.levelColl((eX + eWid), (eY + eHei)) == false)))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; } else { if (Mario.enemyBounce(_arg1, (eX - 1), eY, 2, eHei) == false){ if ((((((Mario.levelColl((eX - 1), (eY + eHei)) == false)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)))) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); } else { if ((((gravity > 1)) && ((Mario.levelColl((eX - 1), (eY + eHei)) == false)))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; } else { dir = (dir * -1); eX = (eX + dir); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 1){ fall = true; }; if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); if (fall){ dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; fall = false; }; }; }; wait++; if (wait == 15){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = ((frame + 1) % 2); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].scaleX = dir; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((dir == 1)) ? 0 : 25); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 16); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { if (Mode == 1){ gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if ((Player.pX - eX) > 0){ dir = -1; } else { dir = 1; }; isShell = true; Mode = 2; Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), "500")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; waiter++; GFX[frame].x = ((eX - 2) + ((waiter > 150)) ? Math.sin((waiter * 2)) : 0); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); if (waiter > 250){ Mode = 0; waiter = 0; wait = 14; dir = ((Player.pX > eX)) ? 1 : -1; }; } else { eX = (eX + (dir * 6)); _local3 = Mario.enemyShellHit(_arg1, eX, eY, eWid, eHei, dir); if (_local3 < 0){ Fire((_arg1 - Mario.decreaseI), -(dir)); }; _local4 = Math.abs(_local3); while (_local4 > 0) { Mario.instEffects.push(new Points((eX + 10), (eY - 5), Mario.givePointShell(num))); num++; if (num == 8){ num = 0; }; _local4--; }; if (alive){ if (dir > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = (((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25) - eWid); }; } else { if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, eY)) || (Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ dir = (dir * -1); eX = ((Math.floor((eX / 25)) * 25) + 25); }; }; gravity = (gravity + Mario.gravity); if (gravity > 10){ gravity = 10; }; eY = (eY + Math.round(gravity)); if (gravity > 0){ if (((Mario.levelColl(eX, ((eY + eHei) - 1))) || (Mario.levelColl(((eX + eWid) - 1), ((eY + eHei) - 1))))){ gravity = 0; eY = ((Math.floor((eY / 25)) * 25) + 4); }; }; wait++; if (wait == 3){ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = (2 + ((frame - 1) % 4)); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); wait = 0; }; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); if (Mario.playerCollide(eX, eY, eWid, eHei)){ if (Mode == 3){ if (((Player.pY - Player.gravity) + Player.pHei) < ((eY - gravity) + 5)){ if (Player.hitStomp == false){ Mario.stompSetDistance(_arg1, eX); }; } else { Mario.hitPlayer(); }; }; } else { Mode = 3; }; }; }; }; } else { if (((((Player.pX + 250) > eX)) && (((Player.pX - 250) < eX)))){ active = true; }; }; if (eY > ((Mario.levelHei * 25) + 250)){ Fire(_arg1, 1); }; } private function makeShell():void{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); frame = 2; GFX[frame].x = (eX - 2); GFX[frame].y = (eY - 1); Mario.layerFore.addChild(GFX[frame]); } override public function Fire(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):Boolean{ Mario.layerFore.removeChild(GFX[frame]); Mario.removeEnemy(_arg1); alive = false; Mario.instEffects.push(new Enemy_Fire((eX - 2), (eY - 1), (Mario.Sign(_arg2) * 3), Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("enemy_shell_red_1"))); return (true); } } }//package objects
Section 428
//TypeHud (objects.TypeHud) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class TypeHud { public var debugtext:TextField; public var SFXLife:Sound; private var GFXP3:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP4:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP5:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP6:BitmapAsset; private var wait:uint;// = 0 public var Pnts:int;// = 0 private var GFXX:BitmapAsset; private var GFXTIME:BitmapAsset; public var SFXHurry:Sound; private var GFXMARIO:BitmapAsset; private var GFXWORLD:BitmapAsset; private var GFXW1:BitmapAsset; private var GFXW2:BitmapAsset; public var GFX:Sprite; private var GFXW3:BitmapAsset; public var Coins:int;// = 0 public var Interval:int;// = 20 public var Lives:int;// = 0 private var GFXC2:BitmapAsset; private var GFXCOIN:BitmapAsset; public var Time:int;// = 320 private var GFXC1:BitmapAsset; private var GFXT1:BitmapAsset; private var GFXT2:BitmapAsset; private var GFXT3:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP1:BitmapAsset; private var GFXP2:BitmapAsset; public function TypeHud(){ var _local1:Class; SFXLife = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("life")); GFX = new Sprite(); debugtext = new TextField(); SFXHurry = new (Mario.classSFX.accessSFX("hurry")); super(); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXC1 = new (_local1); GFXC1.x = 0; GFXC1.y = 0; GFX.addChild(GFXC1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXC2 = new (_local1); GFXC2.x = 1; GFXC2.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXC2); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP1 = new (_local1); GFXP1.x = 1; GFXP1.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP2 = new (_local1); GFXP2.x = 1; GFXP2.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP2); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP3 = new (_local1); GFXP3.x = 1; GFXP3.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP3); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP4 = new (_local1); GFXP4.x = 1; GFXP4.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP4); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP5 = new (_local1); GFXP5.x = 1; GFXP5.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP5); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXP6 = new (_local1); GFXP6.x = 1; GFXP6.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXP6); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXT1 = new (_local1); GFXT1.x = 1; GFXT1.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXT1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXT2 = new (_local1); GFXT2.x = 1; GFXT2.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXT2); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXT3 = new (_local1); GFXT3.x = 1; GFXT3.y = 1; GFX.addChild(GFXT3); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_time"); GFXTIME = new (_local1); GFXTIME.x = 325; GFXTIME.y = 20; GFX.addChild(GFXTIME); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_world"); GFXWORLD = new (_local1); GFXWORLD.x = 200; GFXWORLD.y = 20; GFX.addChild(GFXWORLD); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_mario"); GFXMARIO = new (_local1); GFXMARIO.x = 25; GFXMARIO.y = 20; GFX.addChild(GFXMARIO); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_coin_1"); GFXCOIN = new (_local1); GFXCOIN.x = 120; GFXCOIN.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXCOIN); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_x"); GFXX = new (_local1); GFXX.x = 130; GFXX.y = 36; GFX.addChild(GFXX); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXW1 = new (_local1); GFXW1.x = 214; GFXW1.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXW1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_-"); GFXW2 = new (_local1); GFXW2.x = 225; GFXW2.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXW2); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_1"); GFXW3 = new (_local1); GFXW3.x = 238; GFXW3.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXW3); RedrawWorld(); RedrawCoins(); RedrawTime(); RedrawPnts(); } public function RedrawTime():void{ GFX.removeChild(GFXT1); GFX.removeChild(GFXT2); GFX.removeChild(GFXT3); var _local1:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + Math.floor((Time / 100)))); GFXT1 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Math.floor((Time / 10)) % 10))); GFXT2 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Time % 10))); GFXT3 = new (_local1); GFXT1.x = (340 + ((Time > 99)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXT1.y = 35; GFXT2.x = (352 + ((Time > 9)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXT2.y = 35; GFXT3.x = 364; GFXT3.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXT1); GFX.addChild(GFXT2); GFX.addChild(GFXT3); } public function RedrawPnts():void{ GFX.removeChild(GFXP1); GFX.removeChild(GFXP2); GFX.removeChild(GFXP3); GFX.removeChild(GFXP4); GFX.removeChild(GFXP5); GFX.removeChild(GFXP6); var _local1:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + Math.floor((Pnts / 100000)))); GFXP1 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Math.floor((Pnts / 10000)) % 10))); GFXP2 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Math.floor((Pnts / 1000)) % 10))); GFXP3 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Math.floor((Pnts / 100)) % 10))); GFXP4 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Math.floor((Pnts / 10)) % 10))); GFXP5 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Pnts % 10))); GFXP6 = new (_local1); GFXP1.x = (25 + ((Pnts > 99999)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXP1.y = 35; GFXP2.x = (37 + ((Pnts > 9999)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXP2.y = 35; GFXP3.x = (49 + ((Pnts > 999)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXP3.y = 35; GFXP4.x = (61 + ((Pnts > 99)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXP4.y = 35; GFXP5.x = (73 + ((Pnts > 9)) ? 0 : 1000); GFXP5.y = 35; GFXP6.x = 85; GFXP6.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXP1); GFX.addChild(GFXP2); GFX.addChild(GFXP3); GFX.addChild(GFXP4); GFX.addChild(GFXP5); GFX.addChild(GFXP6); } public function RedrawWorld():void{ var _local2:Class; GFX.removeChild(GFXW1); GFX.removeChild(GFXW3); var _local1:uint = ((Mario.levelid < 16)) ? (Math.floor((Mario.levelid / 4)) + 1) : 4; _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + _local1)); GFXW1 = new (_local2); GFXW1.x = 214; GFXW1.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXW1); _local1 = ((Mario.levelid < 16)) ? ((Mario.levelid % 4) + 1) : 5; _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + _local1)); GFXW3 = new (_local2); GFXW3.x = 238; GFXW3.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXW3); } public function RedrawCoins():void{ GFX.removeChild(GFXC1); GFX.removeChild(GFXC2); while (Coins > 99) { Coins = (Coins - 100); Mario.instEffects.push(new Points(Player.pX, Player.pY, "1up")); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; var _local1:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + Math.floor((Coins / 10)))); GFXC1 = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (Coins % 10))); GFXC2 = new (_local1); GFXC1.x = 142; GFXC1.y = 35; GFXC2.x = 154; GFXC2.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXC1); GFX.addChild(GFXC2); } public function Hud():Sprite{ return (GFX); } public function Update():void{ var _local1:Class; if (Mario.playerControllable){ Interval--; if (Interval == 0){ Interval = 25; Time--; RedrawTime(); if (Time == 100){; }; }; if (Time == 0){ Mario.hitPlayer(true); }; }; wait = (((wait + 1) % 30) + 1); if ((wait % 10) == 2){ GFX.removeChild(GFXCOIN); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_coin_" + Math.ceil((wait / 10)))); GFXCOIN = new (_local1); GFXCOIN.x = 120; GFXCOIN.y = 35; GFX.addChild(GFXCOIN); }; } } }//package objects
Section 429
//WaitScreen (objects.WaitScreen) package objects { import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; public class WaitScreen { public var GFX:Sprite; public var seq:uint;// = 0 public var Back:Shape; public var timer:uint;// = 0 public var GFXL2:BitmapAsset; public var GFXHEAD:BitmapAsset; public var GFXL1:BitmapAsset; public var GFXX:BitmapAsset; public function WaitScreen(){ GFX = new Sprite(); Back = new Shape(); super();;, 0, 400, 375); GFX.addChild(Back); } public function update():uint{ var _local1:Class; switch (seq){ case 0: Mario.Hud.RedrawWorld(); Mario.classSFX.Play(); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_head"); GFXHEAD = new (_local1); _local1 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX("font_x"); GFXX = new (_local1); GFXHEAD.x = 171; GFXHEAD.y = 180; GFXX.x = 200; GFXX.y = 191; GFX.addChild(GFXHEAD); GFX.addChild(GFXX); setVar(Mario.Hud.Lives); seq = 1; return (0); case 1: timer++; if (timer == 50){ timer = 0; seq = 2; }; return (1); case 2: clearAll(); seq = 0; if ({ Mario.classSFX.Play(Mario.musika); }; Mario.self.ingameStep(); return (2); }; return (1); } public function setVar(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Class = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + Math.floor((_arg1 / 10)))); GFXL1 = new (_local2); _local2 = Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("font_" + (_arg1 % 10))); GFXL2 = new (_local2); GFXL1.x = 217; GFXL1.y = 190; GFXL2.x = 229; GFXL2.y = 190; GFX.addChild(GFXL1); GFX.addChild(GFXL2); } public function clearAll():void{ GFX.removeChild(GFXL1); GFX.removeChild(GFXL2); GFX.removeChild(GFXHEAD); GFX.removeChild(GFXX); } } }//package objects
Section 430
//Mario (Mario) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*; import objects.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; public class Mario extends Sprite { private var instPlayer:Player; public static var instEnemies:Array = new Array(); public static var Waiter:WaitScreen; public static var playerControllable:Boolean = true; private static var headbuttDistance:uint = 999; public static var mox:Number; public static var moy:Number; public static var music:Boolean = true; public static var scrollEdge:int = 0; public static var scrollX:int = 0; private static var stompID:int = -1; public static var background:Shape = new Shape(); public static var gradient:Shape = new Shape(); public static var layerHide:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var sounds:Boolean = true; public static var self:Mario; public static var stepping:Boolean = true; public static var gravity:Number = 0.4; public static var decreaseStomp:uint = 0; private static var headbuttID:int = -1; public static var layerBack2:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var _mochiads_game_id:String = "d4eac2885f39c7d8"; public static var levelGenre:uint = 0; public static var checkPoint:uint = 1; public static var decreaseI:uint = 0; public static var instBlocks:Array = new Array(); private static var stompDistance:uint = 999; public static var layerEffects:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var level:Array = new Array(); public static var Log2:Logo2; public static var layerPipe:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var layerFore:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var levelWid:uint; private static var keysDown:Array = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]; public static var levelid:uint = 0; public static var layerWall:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var sequence:uint = 11; public static var radishNO:uint = 0; public static var musika:uint; public static var layerBack:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var Hud:TypeHud; public static var TScreen:TitleScreen; public static var classGFX:GFX; public static var instEffects:Array = new Array(); public static var levelHei:uint; public static var layerGover:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var classSFX:SFX; public static var instObjects:Array = new Array(); public static var scrolling:Boolean = true; public static var pause:Pauser; private static var keysHit:Array = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; public function Mario():void{ var _local1:Shape = new Shape();;, 0, 400, 375); this.mask = _local1; addChild(_local1); self = this; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MainGame); generateBackground(1); addChildAt(gradient, 0); addChild(layerBack2); addChild(layerBack); addChild(layerPipe); addChild(layerHide); addChild(layerWall); addChild(layerFore); addChild(layerEffects); addChild(layerGover); MainGame(null); } public function waitScreen():void{ switch (Waiter.update()){ case 0: addChildAt(Waiter.GFX, (this.numChildren - 1)); break; case 2: removeChild(Waiter.GFX); sequence = 1; break; }; layerBack.x = 0; layerHide.x = 0; layerWall.x = 0; layerFore.x = 0; } public function Logo():void{ } public function ingameStep():void{ var _local1:int; Hud.Update(); if (playerControllable){ instPlayer.Update(); }; stompDistance = 99; stompID = -1; _local1 = (instEnemies.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { instEnemies[_local1].Update(_local1); _local1 = (_local1 - decreaseI); stompID = (stompID - decreaseStomp); decreaseI = 0; decreaseStomp = 0; _local1--; }; if (Mario.stompID > -1){ instEnemies[stompID].Stomp(stompID); }; headbuttID = -1; headbuttDistance = 99; _local1 = (instBlocks.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { instBlocks[_local1].Update(_local1); _local1--; }; if (Mario.headbuttID > -1){ instBlocks[headbuttID].Headbutt(headbuttID); }; _local1 = (instObjects.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { instObjects[_local1].Update(_local1); if (decreaseI == 1){ decreaseI = 0; return; }; _local1--; }; _local1 = (instEffects.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { instEffects[_local1].Update(_local1); if (decreaseI == 1){ decreaseI = 0; break; }; _local1--; }; keyHitReset(); Player.Reset(); if (((playerControllable) && (scrolling))){ scrollX = Math.min((200 - Player.pX), -(scrollEdge)); layerBack.x = scrollX; layerHide.x = scrollX; layerWall.x = scrollX; layerFore.x = scrollX; layerEffects.x = scrollX; }; } public function keyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.RIGHT: keysDown[0] = true; if (keysHit[0] == 0){ keysHit[0] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.DOWN: keysDown[1] = true; if (keysHit[1] == 0){ keysHit[1] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.LEFT: keysDown[2] = true; if (keysHit[2] == 0){ keysHit[2] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.UP: keysDown[3] = true; if (keysHit[3] == 0){ keysHit[3] = 1; }; break; case 90: keysDown[4] = true; if (keysHit[4] == 0){ keysHit[4] = 1; }; break; case 88: keysDown[5] = true; if (keysHit[5] == 0){ keysHit[5] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.SPACE: keysDown[6] = true; if (keysHit[6] == 0){ keysHit[6] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.ENTER: keysDown[7] = true; if (keysHit[7] == 0){ keysHit[7] = 1; }; break; case Keyboard.ESCAPE: togglePause(); break; case 83: toggleSound(); break; case 77: toggleMusic(); break; }; } public function keyUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.RIGHT: keysDown[0] = false; if (keysHit[0] > 0){ keysHit[0] = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.DOWN: keysDown[1] = false; if (keysHit[1] > 0){ keysHit[1] = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.LEFT: keysDown[2] = false; if (keysHit[2] > 0){ keysHit[2] = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.UP: keysDown[3] = false; if (keysHit[3] > 0){ keysHit[3] = 0; }; break; case 90: keysDown[4] = false; if (keysHit[4] > 0){ keysHit[4] = 0; }; break; case 88: keysDown[5] = false; if (keysHit[5] > 0){ keysHit[5] = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.SPACE: keysDown[6] = false; if (keysHit[6] > 0){ keysHit[6] = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.ENTER: keysDown[7] = false; if (keysHit[7] > 0){ keysHit[7] = 0; }; break; }; } public function TitScreen():void{ var _local1:SharedObject; if (TScreen == null){ TScreen = new TitleScreen(); }; TScreen.Update(); keyHitReset(); if (TScreen.sel == 10){ Player.GFX2.alpha = 1; levelid = 0; Hud.Lives = 2; Mario.clearLevel(); TScreen = null; Hud.GFX.alpha = 1; waitScreen(); } else { if (TScreen.sel == 11){ Player.GFX2.alpha = 1; _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal("MarioForeverFlash"); if ( >= 12){ levelid = Math.max(12, ( - 1)); } else { if ( >= 8){ levelid = Math.max(8, ( - 1)); } else { if ( >= 4){ levelid = Math.max(4, ( - 1)); } else { levelid = Math.max(0, ( - 1)); }; }; }; Hud.Lives = 2; Hud.Coins = 0; Hud.Pnts = 0; Hud.RedrawCoins(); Hud.RedrawPnts(); Mario.clearLevel(); TScreen = null; Hud.GFX.alpha = 1; waitScreen(); }; }; } private function MainGame(_arg1:Event):void{ mox = mouseX; moy = mouseY; if (stepping){ switch (sequence){ case 0: waitScreen(); break; case 1: ingameStep(); break; case 2: Logo(); break; case 3: LogoZwei(); break; case 4: TitScreen(); break; case 11: classGFX = new GFX(); classSFX = new SFX(); instPlayer = new Player(25, 200); Waiter = new WaitScreen(); Log2 = new Logo2(); Player.GFX2.alpha = 0; Hud = new TypeHud(); Hud.GFX.alpha = 0; addChild(Hud.Hud()); sequence = 3; break; case 12: break; }; }; } public function LogoZwei():void{ if (Log2.timer == 0){ Player.GFX2.alpha = 0; layerGover.addChild(Log2.GFX); }; Log2.Update(); if (Log2.timer == 200){ layerGover.removeChild(Log2.GFX); sequence = 4; Log2 = new Logo2(); }; } private function keyHitReset():void{ if (keysHit[0] == 1){ keysHit[0] = 2; }; if (keysHit[1] == 1){ keysHit[1] = 2; }; if (keysHit[2] == 1){ keysHit[2] = 2; }; if (keysHit[3] == 1){ keysHit[3] = 2; }; if (keysHit[4] == 1){ keysHit[4] = 2; }; if (keysHit[5] == 1){ keysHit[5] = 2; }; if (keysHit[6] == 1){ keysHit[6] = 2; }; if (keysHit[7] == 1){ keysHit[7] = 2; }; } public static function togglePause():void{ if (((((!((sequence == 12))) && (!((sequence == 1))))) || ((musika == 13)))){ return; }; if (pause == null){ sequence = 12; pause = new Pauser(); } else { sequence = 1; pause.kill(); pause = null; }; } public static function toggleSound():void{ if (sounds == true){ sounds = false; } else { sounds = true; }; } public static function playerCollide(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint):Boolean{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; if (playerControllable){ _local5 = (Player.pX - _arg1); _local6 = (Player.pY - _arg2); if ((((((((_local5 < _arg3)) && ((_local5 > -(Player.pWid))))) && ((_local6 < _arg4)))) && ((_local6 > -(Player.pHei))))){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function isKeyDown(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ return (keysDown[_arg1]); } public static function centerScreen(_arg1:int):void{ scrollX = Math.min((200 - _arg1), -(scrollEdge)); layerBack.x = scrollX; layerHide.x = scrollX; layerWall.x = scrollX; layerFore.x = scrollX; layerEffects.x = scrollX; var _local2:int = (instEffects.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if ((instEffects[_local2] is Background)){ instEffects[_local2].Reset(_arg1); }; _local2--; }; } public static function Collide(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint, _arg7:uint, _arg8:uint):Boolean{ var _local9:int = (_arg5 - _arg1); var _local10:int = (_arg6 - _arg2); if ((((((((_local9 < _arg3)) && ((_local9 > -(_arg7))))) && ((_local10 < _arg4)))) && ((_local10 > -(_arg8))))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function toggleMusic():void{ if (music == true){ music = false; } else { music = true; }; if (music == false){ classSFX.Play(); } else { if (sequence == 4){ classSFX.Play(6); } else { if (Player.starred > 0){ classSFX.Play(3); } else { if (sequence == 1){ if (musika != 13){ classSFX.Play(musika); }; }; }; }; }; } public static function enemyBounce(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint):Boolean{ var _local6:int = (instEnemies.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { if (((((!((_local6 == _arg1))) && ((instEnemies[_local6].bounce == true)))) && (Mario.Collide(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, instEnemies[_local6].eX, instEnemies[_local6].eY, instEnemies[_local6].eWid, instEnemies[_local6].eHei)))){ return (true); }; _local6--; }; return (false); } public static function enemyStarHit(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:int):void{ var _local7:Enemy; var _local6:int = (instEnemies.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { if (Mario.Collide(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, instEnemies[_local6].eX, instEnemies[_local6].eY, instEnemies[_local6].eWid, instEnemies[_local6].eHei)){ _local7 = instEnemies[_local6]; if (_local7.Fire(_local6, _arg5)){ if (Mario.sounds){; }; Mario.instEffects.push(new Points(_arg1, _arg2, "200")); }; }; _local6--; }; } public static function removeEffect(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instEffects.splice(_arg1, 1); } public static function enemyHitFireball(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:int):Boolean{ var _local6:int = (instEnemies.length - 1); while (_local6 >= 0) { if (Mario.Collide(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, instEnemies[_local6].eX, instEnemies[_local6].eY, instEnemies[_local6].eWid, instEnemies[_local6].eHei)){ if (instEnemies[_local6].FireballHit(_local6, _arg5)){ return (true); }; }; _local6--; }; return (false); } public static function clearLevel(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:SharedObject; var _local3:uint; stepping = false; instEnemies = new Array(); instEffects = new Array(); instObjects = new Array(); instBlocks = new Array(); while (layerBack.numChildren > 0) { layerBack.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerFore.numChildren > 0) { layerFore.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerHide.numChildren > 0) { layerHide.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerWall.numChildren > 0) { layerWall.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerBack2.numChildren > 0) { layerBack2.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerEffects.numChildren > 0) { layerEffects.removeChildAt(0); }; while (layerGover.numChildren > 0) { layerGover.removeChildAt(0); }; Player.starred = 0; Player.shield = 0; if (_arg1){ _local2 = SharedObject.getLocal("MarioForeverFlash"); _local3 = levelid; = _local3; _local2.flush(128); playerControllable = true; scrolling = true; scrollEdge = 0; MakeLevel(levelid); }; } public static function hitPlayer(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if ((((((((Player.shield == 0)) && ((Player.sequence == 0)))) && ((Player.starred == 0)))) || (_arg1))){ if (Player.pSize == 2){ Player.sequence = -2; Player.pSize = 1; Player.sequenceFrame = 60; Player.shield = 100; if (_arg1){ Player.sequence = 0; Player.sequenceFrame = 0; Player.shield = 0; Mario.instEffects.push(new DeadMario(Player.pX, (Player.pY - 21))); playerControllable = false; layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); if (scrolling){ scrollX = Math.min((200 - Player.pX), -(scrollEdge)); layerBack.x = scrollX; layerHide.x = scrollX; layerWall.x = scrollX; layerFore.x = scrollX; layerEffects.x = scrollX; }; Mario.classSFX.Play(-1); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } else { if (Player.pSize == 1){ if (Player.crouch != 1){ Player.pHei = 24; Player.pY = (Player.pY + 21); }; if (Player.pSize == 1){ Player.sequence = 2; } else { Player.sequence = -2; }; Player.pSize = 0; Player.sequenceFrame = 60; Player.shield = 100; if (_arg1){ Player.sequence = 0; Player.sequenceFrame = 0; Player.shield = 0; Mario.instEffects.push(new DeadMario(Player.pX, (Player.pY - 21))); playerControllable = false; layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); if (scrolling){ scrollX = Math.min((200 - Player.pX), -(scrollEdge)); layerBack.x = scrollX; layerHide.x = scrollX; layerWall.x = scrollX; layerFore.x = scrollX; layerEffects.x = scrollX; }; Mario.classSFX.Play(-1); if (Mario.sounds){; }; } else { if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; } else { Mario.instEffects.push(new DeadMario(Player.pX, (Player.pY - 21))); playerControllable = false; layerFore.removeChild(Player.GFX2); if (scrolling){ scrollX = Math.min((200 - Player.pX), -(scrollEdge)); layerBack.x = scrollX; layerHide.x = scrollX; layerWall.x = scrollX; layerFore.x = scrollX; layerEffects.x = scrollX; }; Mario.classSFX.Play(-1); if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; }; }; } public static function removeEnemy(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 < stompID){ stompID--; }; Mario.instEnemies.splice(_arg1, 1); } public static function removeBlock(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instBlocks.splice(_arg1, 1); } public static function stompSetDistance(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):void{ if (Math.abs((_arg2 - Player.pX)) < Mario.stompDistance){ Mario.stompID = _arg1; Mario.stompDistance = Math.abs((_arg2 - Player.pX)); }; } public static function givePointShell(_arg1:uint):String{ switch (_arg1){ case 0: return ("100"); case 1: return ("200"); case 2: return ("500"); case 3: return ("1000"); case 4: return ("2000"); case 5: return ("5000"); case 6: return ("8000"); case 7: return ("1up"); }; return ("100"); } public static function generateBackground(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:String; var _local7:String;; var _local3:Array = new Array(2); var _local4:Array = new Array(2); var _local5:Array = new Array(2); var _local6:Matrix = new Matrix(); switch (_arg1){ case 0: _local2 = GradientType.LINEAR; _local3 = [39372, 1179647]; _local4 = [100, 100]; _local5 = [60, 120]; _local6 = new Matrix(); _local6.createGradientBox(400, 375, (Math.PI / 2)); _local7 = SpreadMethod.PAD;, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7);, 0, 400, 375); break; case 1: _local2 = GradientType.LINEAR; _local3 = [2113648, 1122626]; _local4 = [100, 100]; _local5 = [60, 120]; _local6 = new Matrix(); _local6.createGradientBox(400, 375, (Math.PI / 2)); _local7 = SpreadMethod.PAD;, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local6, _local7);, 0, 400, 375); break; }; } public static function headbuttSetDistance(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int):void{ if (Math.abs((_arg2 - Player.pX)) < Mario.headbuttDistance){ Mario.headbuttID = _arg1; Mario.headbuttDistance = Math.abs((_arg2 - Player.pX)); }; } public static function isKeyPressed(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ if (_arg1 > 7){ return (false); }; if (keysHit[_arg1] == 1){ return (true); }; return (false); } public static function levelColl(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Boolean{ if (_arg1 < scrollEdge){ return (true); }; _arg1 = Math.floor((_arg1 / 25)); _arg2 = Math.floor((_arg2 / 25)); if ((((((((_arg1 < Mario.levelWid)) && ((_arg1 > -1)))) && ((_arg2 < Mario.levelHei)))) && ((_arg2 > -1)))){ if (Mario.level[_arg2].charAt(_arg1) == "x"){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public static function drawLevel():void{ var _local1:BitmapAsset; var _local3:uint; var _local2:uint; while (_local2 < Mario.levelHei) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Mario.levelWid) { switch (Mario.level[_local2].charAt(_local3)){ case " ": break; case "n": case "o": case "p": _local1 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("Wall_" + Mario.level[_local2].charAt(_local3)))); _local1.x = (_local3 * 25); _local1.y = (_local2 * 25); Mario.layerHide.addChild(_local1); changeLevel(_local3, _local2, " "); break; default: _local1 = new (Mario.classGFX.AccessGFX(("Wall_" + Mario.level[_local2].charAt(_local3)))); _local1.x = (_local3 * 25); _local1.y = (_local2 * 25); Mario.layerWall.addChild(_local1); changeLevel(_local3, _local2, "x"); break; }; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; } public static function changeLevel(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:String):void{ Mario.level[_arg2] = ((Mario.level[_arg2].substr(0, _arg1) + _arg3) + Mario.level[_arg2].substr((_arg1 + 1))); } public static function playerBonus(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (_arg1){ case 0: if (Player.pSize == 0){ Player.pHei = 45; Player.pY = (Player.pY - 21); Player.CeilPull(); Player.pSize = 1; Player.sequence = 1; Player.sequenceFrame = 60; Player.shield = 0; }; break; case 1: if (Player.pSize == 0){ Player.pHei = 45; Player.pY = (Player.pY - 21); Player.CeilPull(); Player.pSize = 1; Player.sequence = 1; Player.sequenceFrame = 60; Player.shield = 0; } else { if (Player.pSize == 1){ Player.pSize = 2; Player.sequence = -1; Player.sequenceFrame = 60; Player.shield = 0; }; }; break; }; if (Mario.sounds){; }; } public static function Sign(_arg1:Number):int{ if (_arg1 > 0){ return (1); }; if (_arg1 < 0){ return (-1); }; return (0); } public static function enemyShellHit(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:int):int{ var _local10:Enemy; var _local7:int; var _local8 = 1; var _local9:int = (instEnemies.length - 1); while (_local9 >= 0) { if (((!((_local9 == _arg1))) && (Mario.Collide(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, instEnemies[_local9].eX, instEnemies[_local9].eY, instEnemies[_local9].eWid, instEnemies[_local9].eHei)))){ if (_local9 < _arg1){ Mario.decreaseI++; }; if (stompID < _arg1){ Mario.decreaseStomp++; }; if (_local9 < Mario.stompID){ Mario.stompID--; }; if (instEnemies[_local9].isShell){ _local8 = -1; }; _local10 = instEnemies[_local9]; if (_local10.Fire(_local9, _arg6)){ if (Mario.sounds){; }; }; _local7++; }; _local9--; }; return ((_local7 * _local8)); } public static function removeObject(_arg1:uint):void{ Mario.instObjects.splice(_arg1, 1); } } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font {objects.Loading_ft}
Symbol 2 Bitmap {objects.Loading_GLOGO}
Symbol 3 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS2} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS2]
Symbol 4 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_DEATH} [objects.SFX_SFX_DEATH]
Symbol 5 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_JUMP} [objects.SFX_SFX_JUMP]
Symbol 6 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS1} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS1]
Symbol 7 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_LAKITU} [objects.SFX_SFX_LAKITU]
Symbol 8 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_POWERUP} [objects.SFX_SFX_POWERUP]
Symbol 9 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS7} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS7]
Symbol 10 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_KICK} [objects.SFX_SFX_KICK]
Symbol 11 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS4} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS4]
Symbol 12 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP2} [objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP2]
Symbol 13 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_SPROUT} [objects.SFX_SFX_SPROUT]
Symbol 14 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_POINTS} [objects.SFX_SFX_POINTS]
Symbol 15 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_CANNON} [objects.SFX_SFX_CANNON]
Symbol 16 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_BRICK} [objects.SFX_SFX_BRICK]
Symbol 17 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP} [objects.SFX_SFX_STOMP]
Symbol 18 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS5} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS5]
Symbol 19 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_HURRY} [objects.SFX_SFX_HURRY]
Symbol 20 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT} [objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERHIT]
Symbol 21 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS6} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS6]
Symbol 22 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_LIFE} [objects.SFX_SFX_LIFE]
Symbol 23 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_GROWL} [objects.SFX_SFX_GROWL]
Symbol 24 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS3} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS3]
Symbol 25 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER} [objects.SFX_SFX_GAMEOVER]
Symbol 26 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_COIN} [objects.SFX_SFX_COIN]
Symbol 27 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_FIREBALL} [objects.SFX_SFX_FIREBALL]
Symbol 28 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS8} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS8]
Symbol 29 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL} [objects.SFX_SFX_BOWSERKILL]
Symbol 30 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_MUS9} [objects.SFX_SFX_MUS9]
Symbol 31 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_BUMP} [objects.SFX_SFX_BUMP]
Symbol 32 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN} [objects.SFX_SFX_POWERDOWN]
Symbol 33 Sound {objects.SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE} [objects.SFX_SFX_LEVEL_COMPLETE]
Symbol 34 Sound {objects.GameEnd_Jebs} [objects.GameEnd_Jebs]
Symbol 35 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_3}
Symbol 36 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a2}
Symbol 37 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_2}
Symbol 38 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_ENTER}
Symbol 39 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_4}
Symbol 40 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_4}
Symbol 41 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_2}
Symbol 42 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_3}
Symbol 43 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L1}
Symbol 44 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_F}
Symbol 45 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_2}
Symbol 46 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_H}
Symbol 47 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_1}
Symbol 48 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c3}
Symbol 49 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_Q}
Symbol 50 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c9}
Symbol 51 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_J}
Symbol 52 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_1}
Symbol 53 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_BRAKE}
Symbol 54 Bitmap {objects.Logo2_LOGO}
Symbol 55 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_I}
Symbol 56 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_JUMP}
Symbol 57 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_TIME}
Symbol 58 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_D}
Symbol 59 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA2}
Symbol 60 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_1}
Symbol 61 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_1}
Symbol 62 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_5}
Symbol 63 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b0}
Symbol 64 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_2}
Symbol 65 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b9}
Symbol 66 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_1}
Symbol 67 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_E}
Symbol 68 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_3}
Symbol 69 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BON_USED}
Symbol 70 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_X}
Symbol 71 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_R}
Symbol 72 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_x}
Symbol 73 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_1}
Symbol 74 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_z}
Symbol 75 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_2}
Symbol 76 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_bb}
Symbol 77 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c4}
Symbol 78 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_y}
Symbol 79 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_2}
Symbol 80 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_9}
Symbol 81 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_P}
Symbol 82 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_1}
Symbol 83 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_cb}
Symbol 84 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_6}
Symbol 85 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_1}
Symbol 86 Bitmap {objects.TitleScreen_Logo}
Symbol 87 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_2}
Symbol 88 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_2}
Symbol 89 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BULLET_2}
Symbol 90 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_8}
Symbol 91 Bitmap {objects.GameEnd_GFXC}
Symbol 92 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SPINY_SHELL_1}
Symbol 93 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a1}
Symbol 94 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_COIN_3}
Symbol 95 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_L}
Symbol 96 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_w}
Symbol 97 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_HAMMER}
Symbol 98 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ba}
Symbol 99 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a0}
Symbol 100 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_G}
Symbol 101 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_1}
Symbol 102 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_1000}
Symbol 103 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_4}
Symbol 104 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_Z_CONTINUE}
Symbol 105 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_2}
Symbol 106 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_2}
Symbol 107 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_M}
Symbol 108 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_GREEN_3}
Symbol 109 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_Z_QUIT}
Symbol 110 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK}
Symbol 111 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_2}
Symbol 112 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_3}
Symbol 113 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a}
Symbol 114 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_3}
Symbol 115 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_1}
Symbol 116 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M3}
Symbol 117 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b6}
Symbol 118 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_2}
Symbol 119 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED2}
Symbol 120 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_1}
Symbol 121 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_5000}
Symbol 122 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_Z_GAMEOVER}
Symbol 123 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_8000}
Symbol 124 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_3}
Symbol 125 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_GREEN_2}
Symbol 126 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_5}
Symbol 127 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUD_3}
Symbol 128 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_9}
Symbol 129 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_1}
Symbol 130 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_j}
Symbol 131 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_3}
Symbol 132 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_WORLD}
Symbol 133 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_LINE}
Symbol 134 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE_3}
Symbol 135 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_7}
Symbol 136 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_3}
Symbol 137 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c1}
Symbol 138 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_JUMPER_2}
Symbol 139 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_4}
Symbol 140 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_O}
Symbol 141 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_U}
Symbol 142 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ca}
Symbol 143 Bitmap {objects.GameEnd_GFXK}
Symbol 144 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_LANTERN}
Symbol 145 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PSTATIC_3}
Symbol 146 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_1}
Symbol 147 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_N}
Symbol 148 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c2}
Symbol 149 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b8}
Symbol 150 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_2}
Symbol 151 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_COIN_JUMP_1}
Symbol 152 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_f}
Symbol 153 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_5}
Symbol 154 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_ELEVATOR_1}
Symbol 155 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_i}
Symbol 156 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BON_BRICK2}
Symbol 157 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_4}
Symbol 158 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_2}
Symbol 159 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_C}
Symbol 160 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_5}
Symbol 161 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_1}
Symbol 162 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_4}
Symbol 163 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PPLANT_2}
Symbol 164 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_3}
Symbol 165 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_4}
Symbol 166 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_4}
Symbol 167 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_HEAD}
Symbol 168 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_HAMMER_2}
Symbol 169 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_7}
Symbol 170 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_1}
Symbol 171 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b4}
Symbol 172 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_CROUCH}
Symbol 173 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_1}
Symbol 174 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_TREE2_4}
Symbol 175 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b5}
Symbol 176 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_S}
Symbol 177 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L3}
Symbol 178 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FOREST_2}
Symbol 179 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_6}
Symbol 180 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_GOOMBA}
Symbol 181 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_WALK_3}
Symbol 182 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b}
Symbol 183 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b7}
Symbol 184 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_c0}
Symbol 185 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_g}
Symbol 186 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_CLOUDS_4}
Symbol 187 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_FLOWER_3}
Symbol 188 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_h}
Symbol 189 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_COIN_BOOM_3}
Symbol 190 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b3}
Symbol 191 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_r}
Symbol 192 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_2}
Symbol 193 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_2}
Symbol 194 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_1}
Symbol 195 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_b2}
Symbol 196 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_WALK_3}
Symbol 197 Bitmap {objects.TitleScreen_Keys}
Symbol 198 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_KOOPA_RED_1}
Symbol 199 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_q}
Symbol 200 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_n}
Symbol 201 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_1}
Symbol 202 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_L2}
Symbol 203 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BOWSER_3}
Symbol 204 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_COLUMN_2}
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Symbol 206 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_T}
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Symbol 209 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_3}
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Symbol 211 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_p}
Symbol 212 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_2}
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Symbol 215 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_e}
Symbol 216 Bitmap {objects.TitleScreen_Text1}
Symbol 217 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_BACK_1}
Symbol 218 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_2}
Symbol 219 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_PFLAME_1}
Symbol 220 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_GOOMBA_STOMPED}
Symbol 221 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_ENTER}
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Symbol 223 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_3}
Symbol 224 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EFF_POINTS_200}
Symbol 225 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a8}
Symbol 226 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_5}
Symbol 227 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_1}
Symbol 228 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_d}
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Symbol 238 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_A}
Symbol 239 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_3}
Symbol 240 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_LAKITU_1}
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Symbol 242 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_M1}
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Symbol 253 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_LAVA_4}
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Symbol 255 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_GRASS_R2}
Symbol 256 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BON_USED2}
Symbol 257 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_s}
Symbol 258 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO2_FIRE}
Symbol 259 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_2}
Symbol 260 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_1}
Symbol 261 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_STAR_1}
Symbol 262 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_OB_LIFESHROOM}
Symbol 263 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO1_WALK_1}
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Symbol 266 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_a5}
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Symbol 279 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE_1}
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Symbol 281 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_ENTER}
Symbol 282 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FINISH_4}
Symbol 283 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_aa}
Symbol 284 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_4}
Symbol 285 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_HILL}
Symbol 286 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FISH_2}
Symbol 287 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_u}
Symbol 288 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_BACK_FENCE2_2}
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Symbol 291 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_2}
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Symbol 293 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_v}
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Symbol 296 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_8}
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Symbol 299 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_SHELL_RED_1}
Symbol 300 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_MILL}
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Symbol 304 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_2}
Symbol 305 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_ab}
Symbol 306 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_BBEETLE_SHELL_2}
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Symbol 309 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_FONT_1}
Symbol 310 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_k}
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Symbol 312 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_EN_FLY_GREEN_2}
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Symbol 314 Bitmap {objects.TitleScreen_More}
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Symbol 325 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_MARIO0_BRAKE}
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Symbol 327 Bitmap {objects.GameEnd_GFXZ}
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Symbol 339 Bitmap {objects.GFX_GFX_WALL_0}
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Created: 20/4 -2019 15:57:19 Last modified: 20/4 -2019 15:57:19 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:22:35