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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Crazy Laws(5 States) 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #56163

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


I Finnally Remembered the "T"

To our semi-retarded country



Crazy Laws

5 in 1 Special

Rhode Island



West Virginia



Crazy Laws 5 in 1 Special 2

by rome-lheirson

Songs- Weezer Keep Fishing

Eric Johnson- Cliffs of Dover

Andrew W. K. I Get Wet

The Strokes-Reptillia



Loading/Menu Song

Living Color - Cult Of Personality

Main Menu

These laws are true

You Are Here

In that pink state.

Rhode Island a.k.a just kill us theres
to many retarded laws.

Home of the fictional
characthers of Family

Rhode Island

No one may bite off
another's leg.

Impersonating a town sealer, cop,
auctioneer, coder of wood, or a fence-
viewer is against the law.

Riding a horse over any public
highway for the purpose of racing,
or testing the speed of the horse is

Professional sports, except ice polo
and hockey, must obtain a license
to play games on Sunday.

Any marriage where either of
the parties is an idiot or
lunatic is null and void.

It is considered an offense to throw
pickle juice on a trolley.

The Next State is..


Main Menu


Next State

These laws are true

You are here

Home of the
Detriot Pistons,
Redwings, Lions

And those retarded
imagrrant canidinans


It is illegal to kill a dog using a
decompression chamber.

A woman isn’t allowed to cut her
own hair without her husband’s

There is a 3 cent bounty for each starling and
10 cent bounty for each crow killed in any
village, township, or city in the state.

It is legal for a robber to file a
law suit, if he or she got hurt
in your house.

Any person over the age of 12 may
have a license for a handgun as
long as he/she has not been
convicted of a felony.

You Are Now Heading To...



Next State

These laws are true.

You are here


Hmmm. Theres
no bill boards and
nice trees. Thats a

But also this government
has placed so slilly laws

That very small red
state on the map

Women must obtain written
permission from their
husbands to wear false teeth.

Whistling underwater is

It is illegal to tie a giraffe
to a telephone pole.

All residents shall bathe
every Saturday night.

It is illegal to smoke
and drink together
within 5 minutes

You are now heading to...

West Virginia

These laws are true

You Are Now Here

West Virginia

Hey this place
has its own
but really its
feel bad were
a bad rip off
of Virginia

That blue state

Unmarried couple who live together and
“lewdly associate” with one another may
face up to a year in prison.

When a railroad passes within 1 mile of a
community of 100 or more people in it, they
must build a station and stop there regularly
to pick up and drop off passengers.

Any person who commits
adultery shall be fined at least
twenty dollars.

It is legal for a male to have
sex with an animal as long
as it does not exceed 40 lbs.

A tax of 1 cent is levied
for every 16 and 9 ounces
of coke sold in a store.

It is illegal to snooze
on a train.

A person may not hold public
office if he or she has ever
participated in a duel.

For each act of public
swearing a person shall be
fined one dollar.

According to the state
constitution, it is unlawful
for anyone to own a red or
a black flag.

Road kill may be taken home for supper.

If you wear a hat
inside a theater,
you may be fined.

You re on your
way to Ohio

These Laws Are True

You Are Here


That very
green state

In Ohio, if you ignore an
orator on Decoration day
to such an extent as to
publicly play croquet or
pitch horseshoes within one
mile of the speaker’s stand,
you can be fined $25.

It is illegal to fish for
whales on Sunday.

It is illegal to get a fish drunk

Participating or conducting a
duel is prohibited.

Breast feeding is not allowed
in public.

It is illegal for more than
five women to live in a

If one loses their pet tiger, they must
notify the authorities within one hour.

It is illegal to walk a
cow down Lake Road

It is illegal to display colored chickens or
chicks for sale.

No person shall solicit sex from
another of the same gender if it
offends the second person.

You re Trip is Done.


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Frame 6
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 15
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 16
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stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 31
stop(); stopAllSounds();
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stop(); stopAllSounds();
Symbol 9 Button
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function timerHandler() { if (!loadingComplete) { var _local4 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); bar._yscale = 100 * _local4; if (_local4 == 1) { loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY) { startMovie(); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); } return(undefined); } } dt = getTimer() - time; time = time + dt; frameAccum = frameAccum + dt; var _local3 = 0; while ((frameAccum >= FRAME_TIME) && (_local3 < MAX_FRAME_SKIP)) { advanceFrame(tankLogo, true, true); advanceFrame(loadingText, false, true); advanceFrame(barGfx, false, true); if (loadingComplete) { advanceFrame(this, false, false); } (frameAccum = frameAccum - FRAME_TIME); _local3++; } updateAfterEvent(); } function advanceFrame(clip, recurse, loop) { if (!clip) { return(undefined); } clip.stop(); if (clip._currentframe == clip._totalframes) { if (loop) { clip.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { clip.nextFrame(); } if (recurse) { for (childName in clip) { if (typeof(clip[childName]) == "movieclip") { advanceFrame(clip[childName], recurse, loop); } } } } function startMovie() { clearInterval(intervalId);; } _root.stop(); stop(); var FRAME_TIME = 33.3333333333333; var AUTO_PLAY = false; var MAX_FRAME_SKIP = 5; var loadingComplete; var intervalId; var time; var frameAccum; loadingComplete = false; intervalId = setInterval(this, "timerHandler", FRAME_TIME / 2); frameAccum = 0; time = getTimer(); timerHandler();
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 72
Symbol 25 Button
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Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 34 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 38 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 40 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (45); }
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (6); }
Symbol 95 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 99 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 130 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 132 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (23); }
Symbol 167 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 208 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (31); }
Symbol 209 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (45); }
Symbol 244 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (45); }
Symbol 248 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }

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Instance Names

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"LOADED"Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 2
Created: 19/4 -2019 16:41:23 Last modified: 19/4 -2019 16:41:23 Server time: 06/06 -2024 14:00:16