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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Chalice (KB Game).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #56213

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function 25() { w = 1000; z = 2000; iny = 1; jz = 0; onlvl = 0; rscore = 0; lvl = 0; tscr = 0; fr = 0; gov = 0; arrnumr = -21; lvlscore = 500; sx = 62; sxmult = 25; C1 = new Array(3473493, 133726, 18432, 5570560, 4727808, 5197568, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); C2 = new Array(16711680, 16777215, 16776960, 16750848, 16763955, 16777215); C3 = new Array(13382400, 10027110, 15828225, 52224, 13042119, 13311); C4 = new Array("x", "y", "W", "H", "i", "j"); C5 = new Array("y", "14", "m", "9", "n", "21", "e", "21", "r", "21", "i", "20", "/", "6", "m", "6", "h", "0", "i", "31", "t", "1", "t", "0", "/", "13", "/", "14", "/", "16", "f", "29", "t", "12", "n", "8", "a", "4", "a", "23", "/", "2", "l", "9", "j", "20", "h", "12", "r", "3", "c", "14", "/", "15", "n", "6", "d", "14", "y", "2", "g", "7", "c", "7", "l", "3", "s", "11", "/", "11", ":", "1", "e", "8", "l", "6", "i", "1", "p", "0", "k", "5", "e", "1", "a", "2", "i", "2", ".", "0", "n", "0"); snd1 = new Sound(); snd1.attachSound("s1"); snd2 = new Sound(); snd2.attachSound("s2"); snd3 = new Sound(); snd3.attachSound("s3"); snd4 = new Sound(); snd4.attachSound("s4"); snd5 = new Sound(); snd5.attachSound("s5"); snd6 = new Sound(); snd6.attachSound("s6"); snd7 = new Sound(); snd7.attachSound("s7"); snd8 = new Sound(); snd8.attachSound("s8"); } function 8(_param1, _param2) { getURL (_root.sitename, "_blank"); } function 9(27, 15) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function 10(27, 15) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function 11(27, 15) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function 5() { j = 0; while (j < (SH - 40)) { i = 0; while (i < SW) { z++; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("uT" + z, z); with (_root["uT" + z]) { beginFill(C1[random(C1.length)], 100); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 70); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(25, 0); lineTo(25, 25); lineTo(0, 25); endFill(); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 20); beginFill(16777215, 20); moveTo(5, 5); lineTo(20, 5); lineTo(20, 20); lineTo(5, 20); endFill(); _x = i; _y = j; } _root["uT" + z].onPress = function () { if (_root.sndon) { snd1.start(); } if (_root["lT" + k].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { nc = 0; stopAllSounds(); if (_root.sndon) { snd3.start(0, 5); } z = 2000; w = 1337; tscr = tscr - 10; clearInterval(lvltmr); xh._visible = 0;; if (!anion) { w = 1000; while (w < 1337) { _root["uT" + (w + 1000)].removeMovieClip(); if (!(w === k)) { _root["lT" + w].removeMovieClip(); } w++; } ping = setInterval(function () { _root.fader._visible = 1; clearInterval(ping); _root.iny = 1; _root.onlvl = 0; }, 1000); } else { ping1 = setInterval(function () { hi = 32100; while (hi < 32250) { _root["sp" + hi].removeMovieClip(); hi++; } _root.fader._visible = 1; clearInterval(ping); clearInterval(ping1); _root.iny = 1; _root.onlvl = 0; }, 5000); ping = setInterval(function () { 31(0); }, 1); } with (fader) { ttltxt.text = "CLEARED"; ttltxt.setTextFormat(ttlTF); s5txt.text = "WELL DONE - LEVEL " + lvl; s5txt.setTextFormat(smtTF); s2txt.text = "LEVEL SCORE: " + tscr; s2txt.setTextFormat(cntTF); s4t.text = ""; } this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root["uT" + rb].hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && (nc)) { if (sndon) { snd3.start(); } i = 2000; while (i < 2330) { _root["uT" + i]._alpha = 60; lvlscore = lvlscore + 1000; rb = 5000; i = i + (random(20) + 20); } } this._alpha = 15; lvlscore = lvlscore - 10; }; _root["uT" + z].onRollOut = (_root["uT" + z].onDragOut = function () { if (onlvl) { if (this._alpha < 20) { this._alpha = 100; } } }); i = i + 25; } j = j + 25; } } function 31(12) { if (12 == 0) { z = z + 8; i = z - 8; while (i < z) { _root["uT" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } if (z > 2330) { w = w - 8; i = w; while (i < (w + 8)) { if (!(i === k)) { _root["lT" + i].removeMovieClip(); } i++; } if (w < 950) { clearInterval(ping); fader._visible = 1; iny = 1; 37(_root["lT" + k]._x + 12.5, _root["lT" + k]._y + 12.5, 90, 700, 2, 0.2); } } } else { z = z + 2; b = b - 2; i = 0; while (i < 2) { _root["uT" + (z - i)].removeMovieClip(); _root["uT" + (b + i)].removeMovieClip(); i++; } if (z > 2330) { _root["lT" + k].clear(); with (stats) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 1; } if (_alpha <= 90) { lstxt._visible = 0; tstxt._visible = 0; } if (_alpha <= 80) { lvtxt._visible = 0; } if (_alpha <= 70) { sxtxt._visible = 0; } if (_alpha <= 60) { ybtxt._visible = 0; oltxt._visible = 0; } if (_alpha <= 0) { clearInterval(; } } } } } function 37(X, Y, 26, 36, 1, 7) { if (_root.sndon) { snd8.start(); } v = 32100; while (v < (32100 + 26)) { duplicateMovieClip ("spk", "sp" + v, v); with (_root["sp" + v]) { _x = X; _y = Y; } _root["sp" + v].vx = (random(36) - (36 / 2)) / 35; _root["sp" + v].vy = (random(36) - (36 / 2)) / 35; _root["sp" + v].onEnterFrame = function () { col = _root.C2[random(_root.C2.length)]; new Color(this).setRGB(col); this.vy = this.vy + 7; this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; this._x = this._x + (this.vx * 0.3); this._y = this._y + (this.vy * 0.3); if (this._alpha < 10) { _root.onlvl = 0; } if (this._alpha < 5) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; v++; } } function 2() { w = 1000; pickcol = C3[random(C3.length)]; i = 0; while (i < SW) { j = 0; while (j < (SH - 40)) { w++; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("lT" + w, w); with (_root["lT" + w]) { beginFill(pickcol, 100); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(25, 0); lineTo(25, 25); lineTo(0, 25); endFill(); _x = i; _y = j; } j = j + 25; } i = i + 25; } } function 18(26) { A1 = new Array(); A2 = new Array(); i = 1001; while (i < 1331) { A2.push(i); i++; } fg = 0; while (fg < (331 - 26)) { et = random(A2.length); i = A2[et]; A2.splice(et, 1); A1.push(i); _root["lT" + i].createEmptyMovieClip("arro", 1); with (_root["lT" + i].arro) { beginFill(16777215, 100); moveTo(-4, 8); lineTo(-4, 0); lineTo(-8, 0); lineTo(0, -8); lineTo(8, 0); lineTo(4, 0); lineTo(4, 8); lineTo(-4, 8); endFill(); beginFill(16777215, 100); endFill(); _x = (_y = 12.5); } fg++; } k = random(w - 1001) + 1001; rb = random(w - 1001) + 2001; n = 0; while (n < A1.length) { with (_root["lT" + A1[n]]) { chX = _root["lT" + k]._x; chY = _root["lT" + k]._y; if (_x < chX) { arro._rotation = 90; } else if (_x > chX) { arro._rotation = -90; } if (_y < chY) { arro._rotation = 180; } else if (_y > chY) { arro._rotation = 0; } if (_x < chX) { if (random(2) == 0) { arro._rotation = 90; } } else if (_x > chX) { if (random(2) == 0) { arro._rotation = -90; } } } n++; } } function cup() { _root["lT" + k].createEmptyMovieClip("win", 200); with (_root["lT" + k].win) { lineStyle(0, 16777113, 70); beginFill(16763904, 100); moveTo(-7, 9); curveTo(0, 4, -5, 0); curveTo(-12, -2, -9, -9); lineTo(9, -9); curveTo(12, -2, 5, 0); curveTo(0, 4, 7, 9); lineTo(-7, 9); endFill(); _x = (_y = 12.5); } } function 17(29) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("spk", -7000); with (spk) { lineStyle(0, 16777215, 0); beginFill(16777215); moveTo(0, -29); curveTo(29 * 1.5, 0, 0, 29); curveTo((-29) * 1.5, 0, 0, -29); endFill(); _visible = 0; } } function 21() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("stats", 1900); with (stats) { beginFill(0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, 40); lineTo(0, 40); endFill(); _y = SH - 40; createTextField("lstxt", 1, 5, 5, 140, 25); createTextField("lvtxt", 2, 195, 5, 80, 25); createTextField("sxtxt", 3, 275, 5, 80, 25); createTextField("ybtxt", 4, 410, 5, 140, 25); createTextField("tstxt", 5, 5, 21, 140, 25); createTextField("oltxt", 6, 410, 21, 140, 25); lvtxt.selectable = (lstxt.selectable = (tstxt.selectable = (ybtxt.selectable = (sxtxt.selectable = (oltxt.selectable = 0))))); } } function 24(23) { stats.createEmptyMovieClip("m", 30); with (stats.m) { beginFill(0, 0); moveTo(-50, -50); lineTo(50, -50); lineTo(50, 50); lineTo(-50, 50); endFill(); beginFill(23, 100); moveTo(-3, -44); curveTo(10, -23, 17, -16); curveTo(27, -3, 16, 13); curveTo(20, -12, 3, -21); lineTo(4, 25); curveTo(-12, 50, -26, 34); curveTo(-26, 16, -2, 17); lineTo(-3, -44); endFill(); _width = (_height = 30); _x = 150; _y = 21; } stats.m.onPress = function () { if (_root.mscon) { stopAllSounds(); _root.mscon = 0; } else { _root.mscon = 1; } }; } function 35(33) { stats.createEmptyMovieClip("s", 31); with (stats.s) { beginFill(0, 0); moveTo(-50, -50); lineTo(50, -50); lineTo(50, 50); lineTo(-50, 50); endFill(); lineStyle(6, 33, 100); moveTo(-48, 0); curveTo(-36, -50, -24, 0); curveTo(-12, 50, 0, 0); curveTo(12, -50, 24, 0); curveTo(36, 50, 48, 0); lineTo(-48, 0); endFill(); _width = (_height = 30); _x = 400; _y = 21; } stats.s.onPress = function () { if (_root.sndon) { stopAllSounds(); _root.sndon = 0; } else { _root.sndon = 1; } }; } function 3() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("xh", 50000); with (xh) { lineStyle(12, 16777215, 30); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(0.2, 0); lineStyle(6, 0, 50); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(0.2, 0); _visible = 0; } } function 20() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("link", 179999); with (link) { beginFill(0, 0); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(200, 0); lineTo(200, 25); lineTo(0, 25); endFill(); _x = 175; _y = SH - 25; createTextField("lktxt", 1, 0, 7, 200, 25); lktxt.selectable = 0; lktxt.text = "WWW.GAMESOFGONDOR.COM"; lktxt.setTextFormat(cntTF); } link.onPress = function () { getURL (_root.sitename, "_blank"); }; } function 4() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("fader", 30000); with (fader) { beginFill(0, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); endFill(); lineStyle(2, 16776960, 50); i = 0; while (i < (SW / 2)) { moveTo(i, 0); curveTo(SW * 0.33, SH * 0.33, 0, SH - i); moveTo(i, SH); curveTo(SW * 0.33, SH * 0.67, 0, i); i = i + 10; } i = SW; while (i > (SW / 2)) { moveTo(i, 0); curveTo(SW * 0.67, SH * 0.33, SW, SH - (SW - i)); moveTo(i, SH); curveTo(SW * 0.67, SH * 0.67, SW, SW - i); i = i - 10; } } fader.createEmptyMovieClip("cup", 2); with (fader.cup) { lineStyle(1, 16777113, 40); beginFill(16763904, 50); moveTo(-7, 9); curveTo(0, 4, -5, 0); curveTo(-12, -2, -9, -9); lineTo(9, -9); curveTo(12, -2, 5, 0); curveTo(0, 4, 7, 9); lineTo(-7, 9); endFill(); _x = SW / 2; _y = SH / 2; _height = 170; _width = 170; } fader.createEmptyMovieClip("res", 22); with (fader.res) { beginFill(0, 0); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(150, 0); lineTo(150, 25); lineTo(0, 25); endFill(); _y = SH - 17; _x = SW - 152; } fader.createEmptyMovieClip("shs", 21); with (fader.shs) { beginFill(0, 0); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(150, 0); lineTo(150, 25); lineTo(0, 25); endFill(); _y = SH - 17; _x = 3.5; } fader.onPress = function () { if (this.ttltxt._visible == 1) { if (_root.sndon) { snd1.start(); } if (fader.shs.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { _root.hst._visible = 1; } else if (fader.res.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { if ((_root.lvl == 1) && (!_root.SS._visible)) { if (_root.anion) { _root.anion = 0; } else { _root.anion = 1; } } else { _root.32(); } } else if ((!_root.SS._visible) == 1) { if ( { _root.32(); } else { onlvl = 1; } } } }; fader.onEnterFrame = function () { with (this) { if (! { if ((_root.lvl == 1) && (!_root.SS._visible)) { if (_root.anion) { res.s5t.text = "DISABLE ANIMATIONS"; } else { res.s5t.text = "ENABLE ANIMATIONS"; } } else { res.s5t.text = "RESET GAME"; } res.s5t.setTextFormat(sxTF); if ((_root.onlvl && (_alpha > 0)) && (! { _alpha = 0; _visible = 0; _root.onlvl = 1; _root.xh._visible = 1; Mouse.hide(); ttltxt._visible = (s5txt._visible = (s2txt._visible = (s3t._visible = (res.s5t._visible = (shs._visible = (res._visible = 0)))))); } if (((!_root.onlvl) && (_alpha < 100)) && (! { _visible = 1; _alpha = _alpha + 10; } if ((_alpha > 99) && (_root.iny)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.iny = 0; _root.rscore = _root.rscore + _root.tscr;; if (_root.rscore > _root.oldscore) { _root.oldscore = _root.rscore; } ttltxt._visible = (s5txt._visible = (s2txt._visible = (s3t._visible = (res.s5t._visible = (shs._visible = (res._visible = 1)))))); if ( > 1) { fader.s3t.text = "TOTAL SCORE: " + rscore; fader.s3t.setTextFormat(cntTF); } 14(0); } } else if (_root.onlvl) { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 100; swapDepths(700); z = 2165; b = 2166; } if (_alpha > 95) { stopAllSounds(); if (_root.sndon) { snd2.start(0, 75); } _root.onlvl = 0; _alpha = 100; _root.xh._visible = 0;; if (ttlscr > oldscore) { oldscore = ttlscr; } = oldscore; 34.flush(); if (ttlscr >= stlscore) { 22(); } ttltxt.text = "TIME UP!"; ttltxt.setTextFormat(ttlTF); s5txt.text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO RESET"; s5txt.setTextFormat(cntTF); s2txt.text = "FINAL SCORE: " + rscore; s2txt.setTextFormat(cntTF); s3t.text = "YOUR BEST: " + oldscore; s3t.setTextFormat(cntTF); s4t.text = "GAME OVER"; s4t.setTextFormat(smtTF); ttltxt._visible = (s5txt._visible = (s2txt._visible = (s3t._visible = (shs._visible = (res._visible = (res.s5t._visible = 1)))))); } = setInterval(function () { _root.31(1); }, 1); } } with (xh) { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; } }; with (fader) { createTextField("ttltxt", 1, 0, 165, 550, 70); createTextField("s5txt", 4, 100, 105, 350, 25); createTextField("s2txt", 5, 100, 293, 350, 150); createTextField("s3t", 6, 100, 309, 350, 25); createTextField("s4t", 7, 100, 90, 350, 25); res.createTextField("s5t", 90, 0, 0, 150, 15); shs.createTextField("s6txt", 1, 0, 0, 150, 15); ttltxt.selectable = (s5txt.selectable = (s2txt.selectable = (shs.s6txt.selectable = 0))); s3t.selectable = (s4t.selectable = (res.s5t.selectable = 0)); ttltxt.text = "CHALICE"; ttltxt.setTextFormat(ttlTF); s5txt.text = " PRESENTS A PURE CODE GAME"; s5txt.setTextFormat(smtTF); s2txt.text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO PLAY. PRESS TILES,\r FOLLOW ARROWS, FIND CHALICE.\rPASSED SECONDS AND\rCLICKED TILES\rREDUCE YOUR\rSCORE."; s2txt.setTextFormat(gryTF); s4t.text = "DENVISH DESIGNS"; s4t.setTextFormat(smtTF); shs.s6txt.text = "VIEW HIGHSCORES"; shs.s6txt.setTextFormat(sxlTF); } } function 16() { 19(); loadVariables ((ku + pd5t) + ".asp", hst); } function 19() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("hst", 180000); with (hst) { beginFill(0, 20); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); beginFill(0, 60); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 80); moveTo(10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, 10); endFill(); beginFill(16777164, 100); moveTo(273, 10); lineTo(277, 10); lineTo(277, SH - 10); lineTo(273, SH - 10); lineTo(273, 10); endFill(); i = 10; while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { moveTo(10, i); lineTo(SW - 10, i); i = i + ((SH - 20) / 27); } hsa = new Array(10, 48, 208, 273, 277, 315, 475, 540); hsn = new Array("rank", "player", "score", "", "rank", "player", "score"); m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { if (m > 3) { krt = 500; } else { krt = 400; } hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + krt, (m * 50) + krt, hsa[m], 9.2, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], 15); with (hst[hsn[m] + krt]) { text = hsn[m].toUpperCase(); setTextFormat(sTF); } m++; } m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { krt = 0; if (m > 3) { krt = krt + 25; } t = (SH - 20) / 27; i = 10 + (2 * t); while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { krt++; hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + krt, (m * 50) + krt, hsa[m], i - 0.6, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], t * 2); with (hst[hsn[m] + krt]) { text = "WAIT"; if ((m == 0) || (m == 4)) { text = krt; } setTextFormat(sTF); } i = i + t; } moveTo(hsa[m + 1], 10); lineTo(hsa[m + 1], SH - 10); m++; } _visible = 0; } hst.onPress = function () { this._visible = 0; ttl._visible = 1; }; hst.onData = function () { mi = 1; while (mi < 51) { this["player" + mi].text = this["inplayer" + mi]; this["score" + mi].text = this["inscore" + mi]; this["player" + mi].setTextFormat(sTF); this["score" + mi].setTextFormat(sTF); mi++; } }; } function 22() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("SS", 170000); with (SS) { lineStyle(2, 16777215, 50); beginFill(0, 85); moveTo(100, 80); lineTo(SW - 100, 80); lineTo(SW - 100, SH - 80); lineTo(100, SH - 80); lineTo(100, 80); endFill(); lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); beginFill(0, 40); moveTo(160, 250); lineTo(SW - 160, 250); lineTo(SW - 160, 270); lineTo(160, 270); lineTo(160, 250); endFill(); SS.createEmptyMovieClip("submit", 5); with (submit) { lineStyle(1, 16777215, 70); beginFill(102, 80); moveTo(200, 285); lineTo(SW - 200, 285); lineTo(SW - 200, 306); lineTo(200, 306); lineTo(200, 285); endFill(); SS.submit.createTextField("submittext", 1, 200, 287, 150, 30); with (SS.submit.submittext) { selectable = 0; text = "SUBMIT"; setTextFormat(cntTF); } } SS.createTextField("s5txt", 1, 100, 95, 350, 150); SS.createTextField("sct", 2, 100, 190, 350, 20); SS.createTextField("s2txt", 3, 100, 230, 350, 20); SS.createTextField("sit", 4, 160, 252, 230, 20); SS.createTextField("s3t", 10, 100, 287, 350, 30); s5txt.selectable = (sct.selectable = (s2txt.selectable = (s3t.selectable = 0))); s5txt.text = "WINNER!"; s5txt.setTextFormat(ttlTF); sct.text = "SCORE: " + rscore; sct.setTextFormat(cntTF); s2txt.text = "ENTER YOUR NAME AND CLICK SUBMIT"; s2txt.setTextFormat(smtTF); sit.type = "input"; sit.text = "----------"; sit.setTextFormat(sTF); SS.sit.onSetFocus = function () { this.text = ""; }; SS.sit.onChanged = function () { this.setTextFormat(_root.sTF); }; } SS.submit.onPress = function () { if (_root.uT2005._x == undefined) { sscore = rscore; splayer = SS.sit.text; loadVariablesNum ((ku + hy4) + ".asp", 0, "POST"); SS.submit._visible = 0; SS.s3t.text = "SENDING DATA - 5 SECONDS....."; SS.s3t.setTextFormat(cntTF); pauser = setInterval(function () { _root.30(); }, 4000); } }; } function 30() { clearInterval(_root.pauser); SS.removeMovieClip(); _root.32(); 16(); hst._visible = 1; } function 38() { var 6 = 1; if (_root._url.substr(0, 7) == "file://") { if (!aloc) { Set("6", 0); } } if (!6) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("block", 900000); with (block) { beginFill(16738047, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); createTextField("gy", 1, 0, 30, SW, SH); gy.selectable = 0; gy.text = "MAKE YOUR\rOWN GAME\r\rDON'T STEAL\rMINE"; gy.setTextFormat(ttlTF); } } } function 14(_arg2) { 38(); z = 2000; onlvl = _arg2; nc = 1; sx = sx - 2; sxmult = sxmult + 25; secs = sx; if ((lvl > 7) && (arrnumr < 300)) { arrnumr = arrnumr + 15; } if (lvl < 8) { arrnumr = arrnumr + 22; } lvl++; lvlscore = lvlscore + 100; 21(); 2(); 18(arrnumr); cup(); 5(); tune = new Array(5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6); lvltmr = setInterval(function () { if (onlvl) { secs--; stopAllSounds(); if (_root.sndon) { if (secs < 3) { snd1.start(0, 25); } snd4.start(0, 10); } if (_root.mscon) { _root["snd" + tune[jz]].start(0, 800); } jz++; if ((jz >= tune.length) || (secs <= 0)) { jz = 0; } if (secs < 0) { secs = 0; gov++; jz = 0; clearInterval(lvltmr); fader._visible = 1; _root.rscore = _root.rscore + _root.tscr; w = 1000; while (w < 1337) { if (!(w === k)) { _root["lT" + w].removeMovieClip(); } w++; } } } }, 1000); } function 32() { clearInterval(lvltmr); fader.removeMovieClip(); SS._visible = 0; 16(); gov = 0; 25(); 17(3); 3(); 4(); } aloc = 0; monkeypantserooni = "BANAlhslkhibdhningisgilgoihmmmlimhmhmhygirvtiunitoyymiotnytoimgiyubfiurtffvgvggfgddrtyruru6756748r7ug5487g7g765474f5yfytfruy544yesru67r5vutbgr85"; peniswobblecount = "GIGDSGSADGIASGDUIGASDUGASDUGAJDGJASJHKSAGhygirvtiunitoVERILY1212345nv8o83ouhyf97dh9"; hisdhisdhidsihi = new Array(3, 4, 5, 67, 3, 56, 5, 54, 678, 9, 9, 5, 54, 6, 4534, "fdgdfg"); SH = Stage.height; SW = Stage.width; sitename = ""; sndon = 1; sncol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; mscon = 1; mscol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; anion = 0; 25(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (onlvl) { if (lvlscore < 0) { lvlscore = 0; } tscr = lvlscore + (secs * sxmult); ttlscr = rscore + tscr; stlscore = hst.score50.text; sthscore = hst.score1.text; if (mscon) { mscol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } else { mscol = 7829367 /* 0x777777 */; } 24(mscol); if (sndon) { sncol = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } else { sncol = 7829367 /* 0x777777 */; } 35(sncol); with (stats) { lstxt.text = "LEVEL SCORE: " + tscr; lstxt.setTextFormat(lftTF); lvtxt.text = "LEVEL: " + lvl; lvtxt.setTextFormat(sxlTF); sxtxt.text = "SECONDS: " + secs; sxtxt.setTextFormat(sxTF); ybtxt.text = "YOUR BEST: " + oldscore; ybtxt.setTextFormat(rgtTF); tstxt.text = "TOTAL SCORE: " + ttlscr; tstxt.setTextFormat(lftTF); oltxt.text = "ONLINE BEST: " + sthscore; oltxt.setTextFormat(rgtTF); } } }; var 34 = SharedObject.getLocal("chalice"); oldscore =; if ( == undefined) { oldscore = 0; = 0; 34.flush(); } root_cm = new ContextMenu(); root_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); a_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Games Of Gondor", 8); b_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Newgrounds", 9); c_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("My other Flashes", 10); d_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Planet Bob - Music", 11); c_cmi.separatorBefore = true; root_cm.customItems.push(a_cmi, b_cmi, c_cmi, d_cmi); = root_cm; sTF = new TextFormat(); ttlTF = new TextFormat(); smtTF = new TextFormat(); lftTF = new TextFormat(); rgtTF = new TextFormat(); cntTF = new TextFormat(); sxTF = new TextFormat(); sxlTF = new TextFormat(); gryTF = new TextFormat(); with (sTF) { color = 16777164 /* 0xFFFFCC */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (ttlTF) { color = 10457917 /* 0x9F933D */; font = "Georgia"; size = 60; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (smtTF) { color = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (lftTF) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "left"; } with (rgtTF) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "right"; } with (cntTF) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (sxTF) { color = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "right"; } with (sxlTF) { color = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "left"; } with (gryTF) { color = 13421772 /* 0xCCCCCC */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } pd5t = 0; i = C3.length - 1; while (i > 0) { pd5t = pd5t + (C3[i] + C4[i]); i--; } C6 = new Array(); dkc = 1; i = 0; while (i < 1000) { dkc++; if (dkc > 87) { dkc = 1; } C6.push(dkc); i++; } dkc = 7; i = 0; while (i < 1000) { dkc = dkc * C6[i]; i = i + 137; } gtr = new Array(); ku = ""; while (C5.length > 0) { f = C5.length; gtr.splice(C5[f - 1], 0, C5.slice(f - 2, f - 1)); C5.splice(f - 2, 2); } i = 0; while (i < gtr.length) { ku = ku + gtr[i]; i++; } pr10 = new LoadVars(); pr10.onData = function (_arg1) { tn = _arg1; gn7 = ""; hy4 = ""; jb3 = ""; gi0 = ""; i = 102; while (i <= 6000) { gn7 = gn7 + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 463; } i = 247; while (i <= 6000) { hy4 = hy4 + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 291; } i = 567; while (i <= 6000) { jb3 = jb3 + tn.substr(i, 2); i = i + 356; } i = 23; while (i <= 6000) { gi0 = gi0 + tn.substr(i, 1); i = i + 67; } }; pr10.load((ku + pd5t) + ".txt"); 17(2); 20(); 16(); 3(); 4(); stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [s4]
Symbol 2 Sound [s7]
Symbol 3 Sound [s6]
Symbol 4 Sound [s5]
Symbol 5 Sound [s3]
Symbol 6 Sound [s1]
Symbol 7 Sound [s2]
Symbol 8 Sound [s8]

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "s4"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "s7"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "s6"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "s5"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "s3"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "s1"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "s2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "s8"
Created: 19/4 -2019 15:39:37 Last modified: 19/4 -2019 15:39:37 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:53:59