Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Generic Sprite Flash - 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #57092

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Oh shit...

Do you think we could talk about this?

Fine then I die with honor.

Who the hell am I kidding?

Huff huff huff....

Now it's time to pay.

Pay for what? I didn't do anything to you!

Don't you remember?

So your mad that I touched your door? Psh, loser.


Son of a bitch..


I must have set off some sort of trap.

I start a quest for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

Then I get attacked by numerous monsters.

Just to barely escape an exploding castle.

This reward better be worth all of the work.

This reward better be worth all of the work.

Hmm, it's dark I'll have to camp out  till morning.

Looks like this place can't be trusted at night.

Did you bring the triforce?

Now for the next part of the mission...


You thought it would be that easy?


To Be Continued

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//Action_4 (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.Action_4) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Action_4 extends MovieClip { public function Action_4(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("loaded"); } function frame1(){ MovieClip(root).stop(); if (root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded == root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ MovieClip(parent).gotoAndPlay("loaded"); }; root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler); root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); } public function progressHandler(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:int = Math.round((( / * 100)); MovieClip(parent).gotoAndStop(_local2); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 2
//loadED_5 (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.loadED_5) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class loadED_5 extends MovieClip { public function loadED_5(){ addFrameScript(39, frame40); } function frame40(){ stop(); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 3
//MainTimeline (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.MainTimeline) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ NewgroundsAPI.linkAPI(this); NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(7714); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 4
//NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1 (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1 extends MovieClip { public var NG_Button:SimpleButton; public var ng_ad:MovieClip; public function NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function ad_Loaded(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:* = String(; var _local3:Loader = new Loader(); _local3.load(new URLRequest(_local2)); ng_ad.addChild(_local3); } function frame1(){ Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); if (NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()){ startAd(NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()); }; NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPI.ADS_APPROVED, startAd); NG_Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNGSite); stop(); } public function startAd(_arg1){ var _local2:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(_arg1)); _local2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, ad_Loaded); } public function loadNGSite(_arg1:Event){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 5
//NG_TANK_9 (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_TANK_9) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NG_TANK_9 extends MovieClip { public var NG_Logo:SimpleButton; public function NG_TANK_9(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ NG_Logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadNGSite); } public function loadNGSite(_arg1:Event){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 6
//X_LOAD_2 (GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2) package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class X_LOAD_2 extends MovieClip { public var NGButton:SimpleButton; public function X_LOAD_2(){ addFrameScript(100, frame101, 150, frame151, 164, frame165); } function frame151(){ NGButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, PlayMovie); } function frame165(){ stop(); } function frame101(){ play(); } public function PlayMovie(_arg1:Event){ gotoAndStop("end"); MovieClip(root).play(); } } }//package GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla
Section 7
//NewgroundsAPI (NewgroundsAPI) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class NewgroundsAPI { public static const ADS_APPROVED:Number = 3; public static const bridge:Sprite = new Sprite(); private static const STAT_NEW_VERSION:Number = 4; private static const STAT_AUTHOR_SITE:Number = 2; private static const GATEWAY_URL:String = ""; private static const NEWGROUNDS_URL:String = ""; private static const STAT_CUSTOM_STATS:Number = 50; private static const STAT_MOVIE_VIEWS:Number = 1; private static const STAT_NEWGROUNDS:Number = 3; public static const NEW_VERSION:Number = 2; public static const DENY_HOST:Number = 1; private static var tracker_id:Number; private static var movie_options:Object = new Object(); private static var connected:Boolean; private static var custom_events:Object = new Object(); private static var host:String; private static var linked:Boolean; private static var events:Object = new Object(); private static var debug:Boolean; private static var version:String; private static var custom_links:Object = new Object(); public static function getNewVersionURL(){ return (((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + STAT_NEW_VERSION)); } private static function ReadGatewayData(_arg1:Object){ var _local2:*; var _local3:String; var _local4:*; var _local5:URLLoader; for (_local2 in _arg1) { _arg1[_local2] = unescape(_arg1[_local2]); movie_options[_local2] = _arg1[_local2]; }; if (_arg1["settings_loaded"]){ SendMessage("You have successfully connected to the Newgrounds API gateway!"); SendMessage((("Movie Identified as '" + movie_options["movie_name"]) + "'")); if (movie_options["message"]){ SendMessage(movie_options["message"]); }; if (movie_options["ad_url"]){ SendMessage("Your movie has been approved to run Flash Ads"); if (events[ADS_APPROVED]){ var _local6 = events; _local6[ADS_APPROVED](movie_options["ad_url"]); } else { onAdsApproved(movie_options["ad_url"]); }; }; if (((movie_options["movie_version"]) && (!((String(movie_options["movie_version"]) == String(version)))))){ SendMessage("WARNING: The movie version configured in your API settings does not match this movie's version!"); if (events[NEW_VERSION]){ _local6 = events; _local6[NEW_VERSION]({version:movie_options["movie_version"], real_url:getMovieURL(), redirect_url:getNewVersionURL()}); } else { onNewVersionAvailable(movie_options["movie_version"], getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL()); }; }; if (movie_options["deny_host"]){ SendMessage("You have blocked 'localHost' in your API settings."); SendMessage("If you wish to test your movie you will need to remove this block."); if (events[DENY_HOST]){ _local6 = events; _local6[DENY_HOST]({host:host, real_url:getMovieURL(), redirect_url:getNewVersionURL()}); } else { onDenyHost(host, getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL()); }; }; if (movie_options["request_portal_url"]){ _local3 = bridge.root.loaderInfo.url; _local4 = ((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&portal_url=") + escape(_local3)); _local5 = new URLLoader(new URLRequest(_local4)); }; if (events[69]){ _local6 = events; _local6[69](); }; } else { if (!movie_options["settings_loaded"]){ SendError("Could not establish connection to the API gateway."); }; }; } public static function setMovieVersion(_arg1){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'version' in NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion(version:String)"); } else { version = String(_arg1); }; } public static function loadCustomLink(_arg1:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink(link_name:String)"); } else { if (!custom_links[_arg1]){ SendError(("Attempted to open undefined custom link: " + _arg1)); } else { SendLink(custom_links[_arg1]); }; }; } public static function addCustomLink(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)"); } else { if (!_arg2){ SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)"); } else { custom_links[_arg2] = (STAT_CUSTOM_STATS + _arg1); SendMessage(((("Created custom link " + _arg1) + ": ") + _arg2)); }; }; } public static function getMovieURL(){ if (movie_options["movie_url"]){ return (movie_options["movie_url"]); }; return (""); } public static function debugMode(){ debug = true; } public static function getAdURL(){ return (movie_options["ad_url"]); } private static function SendStat(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3=null){ var target_url:*; var x:*; var request:URLRequest; var gateway_loader:URLLoader; var stat_id = _arg1; var open_in_browser = _arg2; var extra = _arg3; if (!tracker_id){ SendError("You must call NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() with a valid movie id before using API features!"); } else { var XML_Loaded:Function = function (_arg1:Event){ var _local5:XML; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; XML.ignoreWhitespace = true; var _local2:XML = XML(; var _local3:Object = new Object(); var _local4:XMLList = _local2.children(); for each (_local5 in _local4) { _local6 = _local5.localName(); _local7 = _local5.attribute("value"); if (_local7 == Number(_local7)){ _local7 = Number(_local7); }; _local3[_local6] = _local7; }; ReadGatewayData(_local3); }; target_url = (((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + stat_id) + addSeed()); if (extra){ for (x in extra) { target_url = (target_url + ((("&" + escape(x)) + "=") + escape(extra[x]))); }; }; if (debug){ target_url = (target_url + "&debug=1"); }; if (open_in_browser){ request = new URLRequest((target_url + addSeed())); navigateToURL(request, "_blank"); } else { gateway_loader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest((target_url + addSeed()))); gateway_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, XML_Loaded); }; }; } public static function onAdsApproved(_arg1:String){ } public static function loadMySite(_arg1:Event=null){ SendLink(STAT_AUTHOR_SITE); } private static function SendMessage(_arg1:String){ trace(("[NEWGROUNDS API] :: " + _arg1)); } public static function linkAPI(_arg1){ _arg1.addChild(bridge); linked = true; } public static function loadNewgrounds(_arg1:Event=null, _arg2:String=null){ var _local3:URLRequest; var _local4:*; if (!tracker_id){ _local3 = new URLRequest(((NEWGROUNDS_URL + "/") + _arg2)); navigateToURL(_local3, "_blank"); } else { _local4 = null; if (_arg2){ _local4 = new Object(); = _arg2; }; SendLink(STAT_NEWGROUNDS, _local4); }; } private static function SendLink(_arg1, _arg2=null){ SendStat(_arg1, true, _arg2); } public static function logCustomEvent(_arg1:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.logCustomEvent(event_name:String)"); } else { if (!custom_events[_arg1]){ SendError(("Attempted to log undefined custom event: " + _arg1)); } else { SendEvent(custom_events[_arg1]); }; }; } private static function SendError(_arg1:String){ trace(("[NEWGROUNDS API ERROR] :: " + _arg1)); } public static function addCustomEvent(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String){ if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)"); } else { if (!_arg2){ SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)"); } else { custom_events[_arg2] = (STAT_CUSTOM_STATS + _arg1); SendMessage(("Created custom event: " + _arg2)); }; }; } private static function addSeed(){ return (("&seed=" + Math.random())); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function){ events[_arg1] = _arg2; } private static function SendEvent(_arg1){ SendStat(_arg1, false); } public static function onNewVersionAvailable(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String){ var _root:*; var overlay:MovieClip; var version = _arg1; var movie_url = _arg2; var redirect_url = _arg3; var sw:* = bridge.stage.stageWidth; var sh:* = bridge.stage.stageHeight; var tw:* = 350; var th:* = 160; var mg:* = 20; _root = bridge.root; overlay = new MovieClip();, 0.6);, 0);, 0, sw, sh);; var overlay_x:* = Math.round(((sw - tw) / 2)); var overlay_y:* = Math.round(((sh - th) / 2));;, 0); - mg), (overlay_y - mg), (tw + mg), (th + mg));; overlay.close = function (_arg1:Event){ _root.removeChild(overlay); }; var close_x:* = new MovieClip();, 0.1);, 22015);, 0, 16, 16);;, 4);, 13);, 4);, 13); close_x.x = ((overlay_x + tw) - 26); close_x.y = (overlay_y - 10); close_x.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, overlay.close); var blankarea:TextField = new TextField(); blankarea.x = (overlay_x - mg); blankarea.y = (overlay_y - mg); blankarea.width = (tw + mg); blankarea.height = (th + mg); blankarea.selectable = false; var header:TextField = new TextField(); header.width = tw; header.x = overlay_x; header.y = overlay_y; header.height = 100; header.selectable = false; var header_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); header_format.font = "Arial Black"; header_format.color = 0xFFFFFF; header_format.size = 20; header.defaultTextFormat = header_format; header.text = "New Version Available!"; var msgtext:TextField = new TextField(); msgtext.x = overlay_x; msgtext.y = (overlay_y + 70); msgtext.width = tw; msgtext.height = 60; msgtext.selectable = false; var msgtext_format:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); msgtext_format.font = "Arial"; msgtext_format.color = 0xFFFFFF; msgtext_format.size = 12; msgtext_format.bold = true; var msgtext_link:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); msgtext_link.font = "Arial"; msgtext_link.color = 0xFFFF00; msgtext_link.size = 12; msgtext_link.bold = true; msgtext_link.url = redirect_url; = "_blank"; if (version){ version = ("Version " + version); } else { version = "A new version"; }; msgtext.defaultTextFormat = msgtext_format; msgtext.appendText((version + " is now available")); if (movie_url){ msgtext.appendText(" at:\n"); msgtext.defaultTextFormat = msgtext_link; msgtext.appendText(movie_url); } else { msgtext.appendText("!"); }; _root.addChild(overlay); overlay.addChild(blankarea); overlay.addChild(header); overlay.addChild(msgtext); overlay.addChild(close_x); } public static function onDenyHost(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:String){ var _local4:* = bridge.stage.stageWidth; var _local5:* = bridge.stage.stageHeight; var _local6:* = 350; var _local7:* = 160; var _local8:* = bridge.root; var _local9:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;, 0);, 0, _local4, _local5);; var _local10:TextField = new TextField(); _local10.x = 0; _local10.y = 0; _local10.width = _local4; _local10.height = _local5; _local10.selectable = false; var _local11:TextField = new TextField(); _local11.x = Math.round(((_local4 - _local6) / 2)); _local11.y = Math.round(((_local5 - _local7) / 2.5)); _local11.width = _local6; _local11.height = 100; _local11.selectable = false; var _local12:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); _local12.font = "Arial Black"; _local12.color = 0xFF0000; _local12.size = 38; _local11.defaultTextFormat = _local12; _local11.text = "ERROR!"; var _local13:TextField = new TextField(); _local13.x = Math.round(((_local4 - _local6) / 2)); _local13.y = (Math.round(((_local5 - _local7) / 2.5)) + 80); _local13.width = _local6; _local13.height = 80; _local13.selectable = false; var _local14:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); _local14.font = "Arial"; _local14.color = 0xFFFFFF; _local14.size = 12; _local14.bold = true; var _local15:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); _local15.font = "Arial"; _local15.color = 0xFFFF00; _local15.size = 12; _local15.bold = true; _local15.url = _arg3; = "_blank"; _local13.defaultTextFormat = _local14; _local13.appendText((("This movie has not been approved for use on " + _arg1) + "\n")); _local13.appendText("For an approved copy, please visit:\n"); _local13.defaultTextFormat = _local15; _local13.appendText(_arg2); _local8.addChild(_local9); _local9.addChild(_local10); _local9.addChild(_local11); _local9.addChild(_local13); } public static function connectMovie(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:String; var _local3:*; if (!_arg1){ SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(id:Number)"); } else { if (!linked){ SendError("Attempted to call MewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() without first calling NewgroundsAPI.linkAPI(this)"); } else { if (!tracker_id){ SendMessage("Connecting to API gateway..."); tracker_id = _arg1; _local2 = bridge.root.loaderInfo.url; host = _local2.split("/")[2].toLowerCase(); if (host.length < 1){ host = "localhost"; }; _local3 = new Object(); SendEvent(STAT_MOVIE_VIEWS); }; }; }; } public static function isInstalled(){ return (true); } } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:1 2Used by:32
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 7 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.Action_4}Used by:32
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.loadED_5}Uses:9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16Used by:32
Symbol 18 ShapeTweeningUsed by:32
Symbol 19 ShapeTweeningUsed by:32
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:31 32
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:31 32
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:31 32
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:31 32
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:31 32
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:30 31
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClipUses:28 29Used by:31 32
Symbol 31 ButtonUses:23 24 25 26 27 30 28Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2}Uses:3 4 5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 27 30Used by:47
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 34 FontUsed by:35
Symbol 35 TextUses:34Used by:39
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 ButtonUses:35 36 37 38Used by:47
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:46  Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:43 44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_TANK_9}Uses:42 45Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1}Uses:32 33 39 40 41 46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 BitmapUsed by:49 106 107 114 118
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:51 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 238
Symbol 51 GraphicUses:50Used by:86  Timeline
Symbol 52 BitmapUsed by:53 115
Symbol 53 GraphicUses:52Used by:56  Timeline
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:53 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 BitmapUsed by:59 200
Symbol 59 GraphicUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 FontUsed by:61 83 87 93 101 102 103 105 116 117 175 176 183 191 192 193 194 195 196 224 233 234 235 236 237 239
Symbol 61 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 BitmapUsed by:63
Symbol 63 GraphicUses:62Used by:72
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:72
Symbol 66 BitmapUsed by:67
Symbol 67 GraphicUses:66Used by:72
Symbol 68 BitmapUsed by:69
Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:72
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:63 65 67 69 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:77
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:74 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 BitmapUsed by:79
Symbol 79 GraphicUses:78Used by:82
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:79 81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 BitmapUsed by:85
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:84Used by:86  Timeline
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:51 85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 BitmapUsed by:89 223
Symbol 89 GraphicUses:88Used by:92
Symbol 90 BitmapUsed by:91 106
Symbol 91 GraphicUses:90Used by:92  Timeline
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:89 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 BitmapUsed by:95
Symbol 95 GraphicUses:94Used by:98
Symbol 96 BitmapUsed by:97 106 118
Symbol 97 GraphicUses:96Used by:98  Timeline
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:95 97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100 104
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:99Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:90 96 48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 BitmapUsed by:109 113 115 187 210
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:108Used by:112  Timeline
Symbol 110 BitmapUsed by:111
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:110Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:109 111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 GraphicUses:52 108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 116 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:96 48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:123
Symbol 121 BitmapUsed by:122
Symbol 122 GraphicUses:121Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:120 122Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:174
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:174
Symbol 128 BitmapUsed by:129
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:128Used by:174
Symbol 130 BitmapUsed by:131
Symbol 131 GraphicUses:130Used by:174
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:174
Symbol 134 BitmapUsed by:135
Symbol 135 GraphicUses:134Used by:174
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:174
Symbol 138 BitmapUsed by:139
Symbol 139 GraphicUses:138Used by:174
Symbol 140 BitmapUsed by:141
Symbol 141 GraphicUses:140Used by:174
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:174
Symbol 144 BitmapUsed by:145
Symbol 145 GraphicUses:144Used by:174
Symbol 146 BitmapUsed by:147
Symbol 147 GraphicUses:146Used by:174
Symbol 148 BitmapUsed by:149
Symbol 149 GraphicUses:148Used by:174
Symbol 150 BitmapUsed by:151
Symbol 151 GraphicUses:150Used by:174
Symbol 152 BitmapUsed by:153
Symbol 153 GraphicUses:152Used by:174
Symbol 154 BitmapUsed by:155
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:154Used by:174
Symbol 156 BitmapUsed by:157
Symbol 157 GraphicUses:156Used by:174
Symbol 158 BitmapUsed by:159
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:158Used by:174
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:174
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:174
Symbol 164 BitmapUsed by:165
Symbol 165 GraphicUses:164Used by:174
Symbol 166 BitmapUsed by:167
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:166Used by:174
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:174
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:174
Symbol 172 BitmapUsed by:173
Symbol 173 GraphicUses:172Used by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 BitmapUsed by:178 179 221
Symbol 178 GraphicUses:177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUses:177Used by:182
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:182
Symbol 182 MovieClipUses:179 181Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 BitmapUsed by:185
Symbol 185 GraphicUses:184Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 187 GraphicUses:108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 BitmapUsed by:189
Symbol 189 GraphicUses:188Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 191 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 198 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:58 198 199Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202 205 220 222
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUses:50 201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 GraphicUses:108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 BitmapUsed by:212 218 219
Symbol 212 GraphicUses:211Used by:217
Symbol 213 BitmapUsed by:214
Symbol 214 GraphicUses:213Used by:217
Symbol 215 BitmapUsed by:216
Symbol 216 GraphicUses:215Used by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:212 214 216Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:211Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:211Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 GraphicUses:177Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 GraphicUses:88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 BitmapUsed by:231 232 240
Symbol 226 BitmapUsed by:231 240
Symbol 227 BitmapUsed by:231 240
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:231 240
Symbol 229 BitmapUsed by:231 240
Symbol 230 BitmapUsed by:231 240
Symbol 231 GraphicUses:225 226 227 228 229 230Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 GraphicUses:225Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 237 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 238 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 TextUses:60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 GraphicUses:225 226 227 228 229 230Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"NGButton"Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 151Symbol 31 Button
"NG_Logo"Symbol 46 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_TANK_9} Frame 1Symbol 45 Button
"NG_Button"Symbol 47 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1} Frame 1Symbol 39 Button
"ng_ad"Symbol 47 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_AD_OBJECT_WITH_PRELOADER_1} Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.NG_TANK_9}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.


"loading"Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 1
"loaded"Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 101
"lastframe"Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 165
"end"Symbol 32 MovieClip {GenericSpriteFlash2modified_fla.X_LOAD_2} Frame 166
Created: 18/4 -2019 15:15:35 Last modified: 18/4 -2019 15:15:35 Server time: 18/01 -2025 08:30:48