Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

D4ilytoons - Best of Sept..swf

This is the info page for
Flash #57275

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function itemHandler1(obj, item) { getURL('', '_self'); } _quality = 'MEDIUM'; var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); item1 = new ContextMenuItem('Dailytoons Forums', itemHandler1); myMenu.customItems.push(item1); = myMenu; loaded = int(this.getBytesLoaded() / 1024); total = int(this.getBytesTotal() / 1024); percent = int(loaded * 10 / total); preloader.gotoAndStop(percent + 1); if (loaded >= total) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 6 { } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 21 { } // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 24 { instance of movieClip 21 { onClipEvent (release) {; } } } frame 2 { _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 4 { stop(); } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 35 { } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 43 { } movieClip 45 { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 69 { } movieClip 70 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 89 { frame 194 { _root.gotoAndPlay(5); } } instance of movieClip 21 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 5 { stop(); } movieClip 92 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v5 = (this._xscale / 100) * 550; var v6 = (this._yscale / 100) * 400; var v4 = Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y); var v3 = ((this._x != 0) ? Math.atan(this._y / this._x) : 1.570796326794897) - this._rotation * Math.PI / 180; var v8 = sX / v5; var v7 = sY / v6; _parent._x = v8 * (v5 / 2 - v4 * Math.cos(v3)); _parent._y = v7 * (v6 / 2 - v4 * Math.sin(v3)); _parent._xscale = 100 * v8; _parent._yscale = 100 * v7; _parent._rotation = -this._rotation; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 117 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 127 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 149 { } movieClip 161 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 173 { } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 179 { frame 662 { _root.gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 6 { var played = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); var randomNumber = random(27); var abc = 0; stop(); } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 183 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 186 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 188 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 189 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 188 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } onClipEvent (release) { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 188 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); num = 2; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } onClipEvent (release) { = num;; } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 205 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 206 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(8); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(10); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(9); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 1; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 3; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 220 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 221 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 222 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(15); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(13); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 2; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 4; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 233 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 234 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(18); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(17); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 3; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 5; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 246 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 247 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 248 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(21); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 4; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 6; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 259 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 260 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 261 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(24); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(26); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(27); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(25); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 5; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 7; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 273 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 274 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(28); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(30); } } instance archives_thum4 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(31); } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(29); } } instance archives_thum5 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(5); num = 6; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum6 of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(6); num = 8; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 279 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 280 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 281 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.animation = 1; } frame 1 { _root.accel = 0.2; _root.rate = 0.2; width = 1; var myDepth = 1; var max_width = new Array(10, 30, 10, 30, 10, 10, 30, 10, 30, 10); var max_height = new Array(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10); var min_width = new Array(-3, 0, -3, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, -2, -3); var min_height = new Array(-5, -5, -2, 0, -3, 0, -10, 0, -3, -2); var myRatio = new Array(0.08, 0.06, 0.09, 0.06, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1, 0.06); var myRatio2 = new Array(1.2, 0.24, 0.45, 0.38, 0.36, 0.42, 0.25, 0.34, 0.32, 0.24); var myRatio3 = new Array(0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.32, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.32, 0.38, 0.44); var out_x = new Array(-200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200, -200, 1200); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['ratio_x' + i] = (max_width[i - 1] - min_width[i - 1]) / max_width[i - 1]; this['ratio_y' + i] = (max_height[i - 1] - min_height[i - 1]) / max_height[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].start_x = this['archives_thum' + i]._x; this['archives_thum' + i].start_y = this['archives_thum' + i]._y; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOver = function () { if (this._width < 200) { _root.playSound1(); ++myDepth; this.swapDepths(myDepth); this.gotoAndPlay('s1'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { if (this._width < 200) { ++myDepth; this.gotoAndPlay('s2'); } }; this['archives_thum' + i].onRollOut = this['archives_thum' + i].onReleaseOutside; ++i; } slideThum = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v2]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 6.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v2]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v2 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v2 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v2 - 1]; }; ++i; } }; fadeOut = function () { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut(); } } }; ++i; } }; fadeOut2 = function (num) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { delete this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = out_x[v2 - 1]; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio2[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed / 2; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 1) { this._parent._parent.fadeOut2(num); } } }; } if (i == num) { targetvalue = 330; s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over'); s.start(0, 1); this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndStop(10); this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { width = width * _root.accel + (targetvalue - this._xscale) * _root.rate; this._xscale += width; this._yscale += width; var v3 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg_x = ((_xmouse - 500) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_x' + v3]; this.trg_y = ((_ymouse - 335) / 2.4) * this._parent['ratio_y' + v3]; this._x += (-this.trg_x - this._x + max_width[v3 - 1] + this.start_x) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; this._y += (-this.trg_y - this._y + max_height[v3 - 1] + this.start_y) * myRatio[v3 - 1]; }; } ++i; } }; fadeIn = function (num) { s = new Sound(); s.attachSound('sound_over2'); s.start(0, 1); i = 1; while (i <= 10) { if (i != num) { this['archives_thum' + i]._x = out_x[i - 1]; this['archives_thum' + i].onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._name.substring(13); this.trg = this.start_x; this.speed = (this.trg - this._x) * myRatio3[v2 - 1]; this._x += this.speed; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; if (Math.abs(this.speed) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (v2 == 0) { slideThum(); } slideThum(); } }; } else { this['archives_thum' + i].gotoAndPlay('s2'); } ++i; } }; fadeIn(); } instance archives_thum1 of movieClip 280 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(32); } } instance archives_thum3 of movieClip 280 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(3); num = 7; } onClipEvent (release) { if ( != num) { = num;; } } } instance archives_thum2 of movieClip 280 { onClipEvent (load) { this.thumb.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release) { = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(33); } } frame 2 { fadeOut2(); _root.scroller.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 12 { _parent.gotoAndStop(; } } movieClip 282 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } frame 7 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 284 { frame 50 { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } instance of movieClip 21 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 8 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 287 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 306 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 327 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 331 { frame 1003 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 9 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 423 { frame 221 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 10 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 535 { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 542 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 566 { } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 616 { frame 630 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 11 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1065 { frame 1183 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 12 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1068 { } movieClip 1070 { } movieClip 1074 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1078 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1085 { } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1089 { } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1099 { } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1108 { } movieClip 1111 { } movieClip 1114 { } movieClip 1115 { } movieClip 1116 { } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1120 { } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1134 { frame 400 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 13 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1139 { } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1146 { } movieClip 1147 { } movieClip 1151 { } movieClip 1154 { } movieClip 1155 { frame 1175 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 14 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1159 { } movieClip 1160 { } movieClip 1161 { } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1163 { } movieClip 1167 { } movieClip 1168 { } movieClip 1170 { } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1184 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1191 { } movieClip 1192 { } movieClip 1197 { } movieClip 1199 { } movieClip 1200 { } movieClip 1201 { frame 150 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 15 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1203 { } movieClip 1204 { } movieClip 1206 { } movieClip 1228 { } movieClip 1229 { } movieClip 1230 { frame 200 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 16 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1250 { } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1254 { } movieClip 1256 { } movieClip 1258 { } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1272 { } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1276 { } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1296 { } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1324 { } movieClip 1326 { } movieClip 1328 { } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1345 { } movieClip 1346 { } movieClip 1347 { } movieClip 1349 { } movieClip 1364 { } movieClip 1368 { } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1378 { } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1384 { } movieClip 1385 { frame 3295 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 17 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1387 { } movieClip 1389 { } movieClip 1392 { } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1399 { } movieClip 1401 { } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1416 { frame 555 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 18 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1419 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1424 { } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1431 { } movieClip 1432 { } movieClip 1435 { } // unknown tag 88 length 215 movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1452 { } movieClip 1453 { } movieClip 1457 { } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1462 { } movieClip 1464 { frame 450 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 19 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1466 { } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1472 { } movieClip 1473 { } movieClip 1474 { } movieClip 1475 { } movieClip 1476 { } movieClip 1477 { } movieClip 1479 { } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1481 { frame 168 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 20 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1722 { frame 1099 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 21 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 1725 { } movieClip 1727 { } movieClip 1742 { } movieClip 1743 { } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1749 { } movieClip 1750 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1754 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 1791 { } movieClip 1953 { } movieClip 1962 { } movieClip 1971 { } movieClip 1980 { } movieClip 1981 { } movieClip 1984 { } movieClip 1985 { } movieClip 1986 { } movieClip 1990 { } movieClip 1992 { } movieClip 1994 { } movieClip 2010 { } movieClip 2027 { } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2034 { } movieClip 2035 { } movieClip 2036 { } movieClip 2037 { } movieClip 2039 { } movieClip 2045 { } movieClip 2054 { } movieClip 2058 { } movieClip 2062 { } movieClip 2067 { } movieClip 2081 { } movieClip 2083 { } movieClip 2088 { } movieClip 2100 { } movieClip 2105 { } movieClip 2112 { } movieClip 2120 { } movieClip 2122 { } movieClip 2133 { } movieClip 2135 { } movieClip 2145 { } movieClip 2154 { } movieClip 2161 { } movieClip 2162 { } movieClip 2163 { } movieClip 2165 { } movieClip 2188 { } movieClip 2189 { frame 1192 { _root._quality = 'LOW'; } frame 1598 { _root._quality = 'HIGH'; } frame 1702 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 22 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2197 { } movieClip 2198 { } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2210 { } movieClip 2212 { } movieClip 2213 { } movieClip 2217 { } movieClip 2224 { frame 500 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 23 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2228 { } movieClip 2230 { } movieClip 2232 { } movieClip 2234 { } movieClip 2236 { } movieClip 2238 { } // unknown tag 88 length 197 movieClip 2242 { } movieClip 2245 { } movieClip 2247 { } movieClip 2249 { } movieClip 2253 { } movieClip 2258 { } // unknown tag 88 length 149 movieClip 2268 { frame 705 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 24 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2271 { } movieClip 2273 { } movieClip 2274 { } movieClip 2276 { } movieClip 2277 { } movieClip 2278 { } movieClip 2279 { frame 198 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 25 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2369 { frame 697 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 26 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2372 { } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2375 { } movieClip 2377 { } movieClip 2380 { } movieClip 2382 { } movieClip 2383 { } movieClip 2385 { } movieClip 2387 { } movieClip 2390 { } movieClip 2392 { } movieClip 2395 { } movieClip 2397 { } movieClip 2403 { } movieClip 2408 { } movieClip 2412 { } movieClip 2415 { } movieClip 2416 { } movieClip 2419 { } movieClip 2421 { } movieClip 2425 { } movieClip 2427 { } movieClip 2428 { } movieClip 2430 { frame 310 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 27 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2432 { } movieClip 2434 { } movieClip 2436 { } movieClip 2437 { } movieClip 2441 { } movieClip 2462 { } movieClip 2463 { } movieClip 2466 { } movieClip 2470 { } movieClip 2475 { } movieClip 2477 { } movieClip 2486 { } movieClip 2488 { frame 638 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 670 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 28 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2490 { frame 533 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 29 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2511 { frame 232 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 30 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2514 { } movieClip 2516 { } movieClip 2520 { } movieClip 2522 { } movieClip 2525 { } movieClip 2526 { } movieClip 2540 { } movieClip 2542 { } movieClip 2543 { } movieClip 2544 { } movieClip 2547 { } movieClip 2551 { } movieClip 2556 { } movieClip 2561 { } movieClip 2579 { } movieClip 2630 { } movieClip 2634 { } movieClip 2638 { } movieClip 2640 { } movieClip 2641 { } movieClip 2647 { frame 388 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 31 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2649 { } movieClip 2650 { } movieClip 2652 { } movieClip 2653 { } movieClip 2655 { } movieClip 2656 { } movieClip 2658 { } movieClip 2659 { } // unknown tag 88 length 138 movieClip 2664 { } movieClip 2665 { } movieClip 2668 { } movieClip 2672 { } movieClip 2675 { } movieClip 2677 { } movieClip 2689 { } movieClip 2692 { } movieClip 2696 { } movieClip 2698 { } movieClip 2700 { } movieClip 2702 { } movieClip 2704 { } movieClip 2706 { } movieClip 2708 { } movieClip 2710 { } movieClip 2712 { } movieClip 2714 { } movieClip 2716 { } movieClip 2720 { } movieClip 2722 { } movieClip 2723 { } movieClip 2726 { } movieClip 2728 { } movieClip 2730 { } movieClip 2732 { } movieClip 2735 { } movieClip 2736 { } movieClip 2738 { } movieClip 2740 { } movieClip 2742 { } movieClip 2744 { } movieClip 2746 { } movieClip 2748 { frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = 100 * v4; _parent._yscale = 100 * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } movieClip 2749 { frame 566 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 32 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2753 { } movieClip 2759 { } movieClip 2762 { } movieClip 2765 { } movieClip 2767 { } movieClip 2772 { frame 367 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } } frame 33 { if (played[0] && played[1] && played[2] && played[3] && played[4] && played[5] && played[6] && played[7] && played[8] && played[9] && played[10] && played[11] && played[12] && played[13] && played[14] && played[15] && played[16] && played[17] && played[18] && played[19] && played[20] && played[21] && played[22] && played[23] && played[24] && played[25] && played[26]) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { var randomNumber; do { randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 27); } while (played[randomNumber]); } } movieClip 2799 { } movieClip 2800 { } movieClip 2808 { } movieClip 2809 { } movieClip 2816 { } movieClip 2817 { } movieClip 2873 { } movieClip 2904 { } movieClip 2905 { } movieClip 2907 { } // unknown tag 88 length 143 movieClip 2910 { } movieClip 2911 { } movieClip 2940 { } movieClip 2993 { frame 698 { if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.played[_root.randomNumber] = true; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.randomNumber + 7); } } }
Created: 18/4 -2019 09:28:24 Last modified: 18/4 -2019 09:28:24 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:41:16