Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2564 · P5128

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

L337 Kr3w - Reanimation.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #57463

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { PercentLoaded = Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100); if (PercentLoaded != 100) { eval(bar)._xscale = PercentLoaded; } if (PercentLoaded == 100) { gotoAndPlay('loaded'); } } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { stop(); play.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(4); }; } frame 4 { SKIPINTRO.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(137); }; } frame 184 { TITLESTART.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(201); }; } movieClip 155 { } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 202 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 203 { } frame 198 { stop(); } frame 266 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 267 { var CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; } frame 268 { LUCAS.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; LUCAS.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'LUCAS'; }; LUCAS.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('LUCAS'); }; ERIC.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; ERIC.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'ERIC'; }; ERIC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('ERIC'); }; TIM.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; TIM.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'TIM'; }; TIM.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('TIM'); }; MIKE.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; MIKE.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'MIKE'; }; MIKE.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('MIKE'); }; ADILBERNS.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; ADILBERNS.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'ADIL & BERNS'; }; ADILBERNS.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('ADILBERNS'); }; AARON.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; AARON.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'AARON'; }; AARON.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('AARON'); }; JOSH.onRollOut = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'L337 Kr3w'; }; JOSH.onRollOver = function () { CHARACTERNAME = 'JOSH'; }; JOSH.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('JOSH'); }; BONUSB.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay('BONUS'); }; } movieClip 293 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 319 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 333 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 430 { frame 75 { gotoAndPlay(60); } } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 495 { } frame 420 { stop(); gotoAndPlay(268); } frame 422 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(720); }; } frame 437 { stop(); } frame 438 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(1539); }; } frame 453 { stop(); } frame 454 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(2207); }; } frame 469 { stop(); } frame 470 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(3060); }; } frame 485 { stop(); } frame 486 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(9192); }; } frame 501 { stop(); } frame 502 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(4209); }; } frame 517 { stop(); } frame 518 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; LETSDOTHIS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(6129); }; } frame 533 { stop(); } frame 534 { BACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; CREDITS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay('CREDS'); }; SECRETSPECIALS.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(10714); }; } frame 551 { stop(); } frame 556 { stop(); FORW.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(557); }; BAC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(534); }; } frame 557 { stop(); FORW.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(558); }; BAC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(556); }; } frame 558 { stop(); FORW.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(559); }; BAC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(557); }; } frame 559 { stop(); FORW.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(560); }; BAC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(558); }; } frame 560 { BAC.onPress = function () { gotoAndPlay(556); }; } movieClip 726 { } frame 719 { gotoAndPlay('CREDS'); } frame 720 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(722); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(1138); }; } movieClip 1289 { } movieClip 1306 { } movieClip 1317 { } frame 1527 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 1539 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(1541); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(1850); }; } frame 2202 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 2207 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(2209); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(2645); }; } frame 3054 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 3060 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(3062); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(3651); }; } frame 4178 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 4209 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(4211); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(5049); }; } movieClip 3858 { } movieClip 3886 { } frame 6056 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 6129 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(6131); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(7077); }; } movieClip 4694 { } frame 7060 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; } frame 7226 { var mashnumber = 0; var chugpassed = 0; var spaceDowned = 0; } movieClip 4881 { } movieClip 4883 { frame 1 { if (_root.mashnumber > 5) { gotoAndPlay('CHUGTWO'); } } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGONE'); } frame 10 { if (_root.mashnumber > 9) { gotoAndPlay('CHUGTHREE'); } } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGTWO'); } frame 19 { if (_root.mashnumber > 14) { gotoAndPlay('CHUGFOUR'); } } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGTHREE'); } frame 28 { if (_root.mashnumber > 18) { gotoAndPlay('CHUGFIVE'); } } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGFOUR'); } frame 37 { if (_root.mashnumber > 23) { gotoAndPlay('CHUGSIX'); } } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGFIVE'); } frame 46 { _root.chugpassed = 1; } frame 49 { gotoAndPlay('CHUGSIX'); } } movieClip 4897 { } instance of movieClip 4897 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.spaceDowned == 0) { _root.spaceDowned = 1; _root.mashnumber += 1; } } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { _root.spaceDowned = 0; } } frame 7277 { if (chugpassed == 0) { gotoAndPlay('BURPDIE'); } } frame 7454 { Mouse.hide(); } movieClip 5075 { } movieClip 5080 { } instance balldirtb of movieClip 5080 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = _root.ball._y; } } movieClip 5084 { } instance ball of movieClip 5084 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = _root._ymouse; if (hitTest(_root.downwall) == true) { this._y = _root.downwall._y - _root.ball._height; } if (hitTest(_root.upwall) == true) { this._y = _root.upwall._y + _root.upwall._height; } } } movieClip 5088 { } instance balldirt of movieClip 5088 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = _root.ball._y; } } movieClip 5090 { } instance of movieClip 5090 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5092 { } movieClip 5093 { } movieClip 5095 { } instance of movieClip 5095 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5097 { } instance of movieClip 5097 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5099 { } instance of movieClip 5099 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5101 { } instance of movieClip 5101 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5103 { } instance of movieClip 5103 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5105 { } instance of movieClip 5105 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5107 { } instance of movieClip 5107 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5109 { } instance of movieClip 5109 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } movieClip 5111 { } instance of movieClip 5111 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hitTest(_root.ball) == true) { trace('DEAD'); _root.gotoAndPlay('YOUDEAD'); } } } frame 7579 {; } frame 7900 { function r(a) { return a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; } letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q ', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; var pressed = 0; var finale = 0; } movieClip 5460 { } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 7916 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILA'); } } frame 7920 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 7955 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILB'); } } movieClip 5524 { } frame 7959 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } movieClip 5543 { } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 7999 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILC'); } } frame 8004 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } movieClip 5605 { } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 8043 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILD'); } } frame 8047 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 8094 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILE'); } } frame 8095 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } instance of movieClip 5460 { onClipEvent (load) { this.randomcharacter = _root.r(_root.letters); } onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (_root.pressed != 1) { _root.pressed = 1; if (String.fromCharCode(Key.getAscii()) == randomcharacter) { _root.finale = 1; } } } } frame 8112 { if (finale == 0) { gotoAndPlay('FAILF'); } } frame 8114 { pressed = 0; finale = 0; } movieClip 5764 { } movieClip 5783 { } frame 8341 { var smileLevel = 0; var buttonmash = 8; var leftpress = 1; var rightpress = 0; var leftbeingpressed = 0; var rightbeingpressed = 0; } movieClip 5909 { frame 1 { if (_root.leftpress == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { if (_root.rightpress == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 5986 { frame 1 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 2 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay('FIRST'); } frame 5 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 10) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 5) { gotoAndPlay('FIRST'); } } frame 6 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 10) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 5) { gotoAndPlay('FIRST'); } } frame 7 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 10) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 5) { gotoAndPlay('FIRST'); } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } frame 9 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 15) { gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 10) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 10 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 15) { gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 10) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 15) { gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 10) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 12 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 15) { gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 10) { gotoAndPlay('SECOND'); } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } frame 14 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 15 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 16 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 17 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 18 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 19 { if (_root.buttonmash >= 20) { _root.smileLevel = 1; gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } if (_root.buttonmash < 15) { gotoAndPlay('THIRD'); } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } frame 21 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 22 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 23 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 24 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 25 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 26 { if (_root.buttonmash < 20) { _root.smileLevel = 0; gotoAndPlay('FOURTH'); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('FIFTH'); } } movieClip 5988 { } instance of movieClip 5988 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.leftbeingpressed = 1; if (_root.rightpress == 1) { if (_root.rightbeingpressed == 0) { _root.rightpress = 0; _root.leftpress = 1; _root.buttonmash += 1; } } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.rightbeingpressed = 1; if (_root.leftpress == 1) { if (_root.leftbeingpressed == 0) { _root.leftpress = 0; _root.rightpress = 1; _root.buttonmash += 1; } } } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { _root.leftbeingpressed = 0; _root.rightbeingpressed = 0; } } movieClip 5990 { frame 1 { if (_root.buttonmash > 0) { _root.buttonmash -= 1; } } } frame 8426 { if (smileLevel == 0) { gotoAndPlay('CHARGEDIE'); } } frame 8777 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 8778 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(7191); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(7278); }; } frame 8837 { stop(); } frame 8842 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(7425); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(7573); }; } frame 8842 {; } frame 8938 { stop(); } frame 8943 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7864); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7916); }; } frame 8957 { stop(); } frame 8963 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7916); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7955); }; } frame 8977 { stop(); } frame 8983 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7955); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7999); }; } frame 8997 { stop(); } frame 9003 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(7999); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(8043); }; } frame 9017 { stop(); } frame 9023 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(8043); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(8094); }; } frame 9037 { stop(); } frame 9043 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(8094); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { finale = 1; gotoAndPlay(8112); }; } frame 9060 { stop(); } frame 9066 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; } frame 9066 { TRYGAMEAGAIN.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(8297); }; GAMESKIP.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(8427); }; } frame 9191 { stop(); } frame 9192 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(9194); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(9909); }; } movieClip 7095 { } movieClip 7218 { } frame 10708 { gotoAndPlay(267); } frame 10714 { MENUBUTTON.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(267); }; PLAYPLAY.onRelease = function () { play(); }; STOPSTOP.onRelease = function () { stop(); }; FASTBACK.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(10716); }; FASTFORWARD.onRelease = function () { gotoAndPlay(10939); }; } movieClip 7564 { } frame 11358 { gotoAndPlay(267); }
Created: 18/4 -2019 03:38:33 Last modified: 18/4 -2019 03:38:33 Server time: 18/06 -2024 13:36:25