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The Everything Tutorial.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #57679

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)




Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a vector drawing program as well as a picture editor.
If you have been on the Newgrounds forums you might see some
"Photoshop This" threads.  This program allows you to do them.  When
you get the hang of it, it looks professional so practice.  In these tutorials
coming up about this fun little program, I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0 so many
people with other versions will be able to do what I am teaching.

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash is an animation and game making program.  It lets you make a
frame and change it on the next frame to create an illusion of movement.
There is a coding language that goes with this program that you will need
to know if you want to make games.  It is called "Action Script."  It is
very confusing at first but after some practice you can be very good.  In
these tutorials I will give you some animating tips as well as some codes
and I will explain them to the best of my ability. is a huge website where flash artists can submit their
movies and games.  It appears in a system called the "Flash Portal" that
shows the 50 most recent submissions, weekly top 20, recent Daily
winners and the top 50 of all time.  If you are not a flash artist there is a
place called the "BBS" (Forums) that you can hang out at.  Maybe you want
to play games and watch animations, Newgrounds is the place for you.
There are a lot of things you should know about Newgrounds, I will tell you
about them in the upcoming tutorials in this section.













Action Script


Character Design

Walking Cycle





Basic Code Definitions

Timeline Control


Drag and Drop

Custom Cursors


Hit Detection


Arrow Key Movement



Good Script

Bad Script



Dont Overuse

Quality Flash

The Right FPS



Character Design

Character design is one of the keys in a good animation or
game.  If you are making a hardcore fight scene between a
man resembling Solid Snake and a character you designed
that looks like a little pink baby dragon, the baby dragon
will not fit in with the movie.  If you change the design of
the dragon to fit the movie, it will look much better.  You
have to plan on what kind on scene you are doing and what
kind of characters you need.

Think of something original and sketch it out on paper.
Once you have a sketch, either scan it on to your computer or
take a  picture of it with a digital camera.  Here is a
step-by-step sketch of a character coming up in one of my
movies in the making:

Basic Outline

Some detail

Darkened lines

Basic shading

Once you get your sketch, get it on your computer.  I used a
digital camera that saves pictures on a floppy disk, I stuck
the disk in the drive, went to My Computer, 31/2  Floppy (A:),
open my picture into Paint, save it and I pasted it into Flash.
All you need to do is to get the picture of the finished thing.
If you do not have a scanner or a camera you do not need to
read this.  Get the sketch onto the white box, (Stage).  Now
make a new layer ontop of the one with the sketch on it.

If you have two layers, the bottom one with the sketch on it
and the top one with nothing on it you are doing good.  Now
click on the frame on the top layer.  Click on the brush tool or
line tool, the line tool is harder but more accurate.  If you are
a beginner click the brush tool and trace the lines of your
sketch.  Make sure that you are drawing it on the top layer.

Now that you have your figure traced you can delete your
bottom layer.  Now you have an outline and you can guess
what is next:  Coloring!  Use the line tool and make lines
where you want a lighter or darker shade of the color you
are using to be.  On the next page I will show you what my
creature looks like with color.

From paper to colored in Flash, easy.  You have just designed
a character!  The color scheme really matters, if you have
a big strong guy in a gym surrounded by a whole bunch of
ladies, you do not want his clothes to be rainbow.  Choose
wisely, it can greatly effect your character.

Walking Cycle

Walking cycles are very hard to do but if they are reasonably
good they can improve your score a lot.  There are three steps
in making a walking cycle, the stick motion, wireframe and
then the full character.  I will show you how to do all of those
things.  You will not get it perfectly the first time around but
with practice you can master it.  Walking cycles look the
best at 24 frames per second (FPS)  Turn onion skinning on,
it will help a lot.

First of all open a blank flash document.  Press Ctrl+F8 to create
a new symbol.  Make sure that it is a movie clip and name it
"Walking Cycle."  Name the first layer inside the movie clip
"Stick Layer"

Now that you are inside the movie clip draw a stick figure
Like this.  We will be doing frame by frame animation, no
tweens for the body part movements.  (Dont know what
tweens are?  There is a section just for them coming up!)

Draw the frames of motion after that frame by making a new
blank keyframe (F7) and redrawing the figure.  (Hopefully you
have onion skinning on)
Click the buttons next to the stick to see the walking motion

Now if you watch the movie clip loop, it should look something
like this.  It does not matter if it looks different, as long as it
looks similar and you can see a stick walk in place.

I am guessing that you do not want just a stick walking, you
want to animated the character you designed with help from
the Character Design Tutorial!  We are almost there, two more
steps and the walking cycle is over.  Now we have to do

Wireframes are just outlines of body mass.  You could have a
fat wireframe for fat people, a skinny wireframe for anorexic
people or a normal one for average people.  I will be working
with the average person.

Go inside your walking cycle movie clip and make a new layer
ontop of the stick layer.  Name it "Wireframes."  All these
wire frames are are basic geometric shapes that show the
body mass.  Draw your frames with a different color than the

Click the buttons next to the figure to go frame by frame.  This
part is very hard so do not expect to get it right away.  Replace
the shoulder, the elbow and the knee joints with circles, make
the head a circle, make everything else how you see it, a sorta
rounded rectangle.

If you watch your movie clip loop now, it should look like
someone with no skin and bright green outlines with red lines
in the middle walking!  If yours does not look exactly like mine
that is OK.  Just as long as you can see the basic walking

Now that you have your wireframe, you know the next step.
Full character.  Think of a character you want to use.  I can not
use Nolimby (The thing I made in Character Design) because he
has.....  No limbs...  Create a new layer ontop of the wireframe
layer and call it "Full Char."

Draw your full character, do not at color or shading, do that last.
When you do this keep in mind that the character is facing to
the right (Well mine is anyway).

Color him/her/it in and now you have a full character!  You can
delete the stick layer and the wirframe layer now.  Here is mine
when it is looping.  As long as your walking cycle looks
somewhat similar it is OK!


Backgrounds are extremely important to a good animation.  If
you take your time with backgrounds, you can feel proud, like
my brother when he drew a nice background.

Some people are not good at background drawing.  And that is
OK.  But if your background looks like you scribbled on a piece
of paper with crayon, stuck it up your butt, got a cow to
trample it repeatedly, sprayed lighter fluid on it and lit it on
fire, you should probably quit.  If you see what you are doing
and it looks like this, quit.

Well anyway, the key to a good background is what is in it.  You
can not have just grass and sky and say it is a great
background.  You need more, mountains, closer grass, sun,
birds, whatever you can think of.  Here is how to do it.  You need
Flash 8 for the blurred and glowed sun.

Make a sorta curved line in the middle of your Stage, make a
wavy line beneath it.  Name the layer these lines are on,

Make some hills or mountains on the on the River layer on the
top line.

Make a new layer called "Closehill," draw a hill below the wavy
line and a tad over the top line. Close
in the gaps between the two lines
by going to the River
layer and

Erase the lines inside the close hill. Where you see gaps
between the river and hill, close them

Select the rectangle tool, make sure that it has black lines and
no fill, click the little box that is white
with a red line going through it.

Make a new layer called "Sky"and drag it beneath the River
Layer.  Make a box the size of the
Stage around your background
on the Sky layer.

Fill it in
with a
blue to

Use the
tool and
click in

Fill in
the hills
with a
and the

Make a
with the
line tool
in the

Color the
one to
the right
and all
of the
rest get

the lines
Color the

Get a
dark to
and fill
in the

Now make a now layer ontop of everything called "Sun."  Make
A white circle with the circle tool


Blurled 75%

210% strength
orange glow

Dont have Flash 8?

If you do not have Flash 8, you do not have filters and therefore can not use "Blur."  To make a sun,
get the oval tool (O) and make a circle.  Now go to the color mixer (Shift+F9) and select "Radial."
On the left tab, use a yellowish orangish color, like #FFA31A.  Now on the left tab make the alpha 0.
Fill in the circle with the color you made (Click in the middle of the circle) and delete the lines.  Here is
a step by step of what you should do.

in the
top left.

On the
make a
a shape.
make it
a movie

Set the
to 25%
on it.

Make it
on a
make it
from the

out from

the hill
with the

Fill in the
of green


Your are
made a
for your


Tweens and guides are important to a flash but I suggest not
overdoing them.  What they do is caculate an exact amount
of motion for an object.  If I have a keyframe with an object
(The object must be a movie clip or a button) and in 10 frames
make another keyframe and move it a bit, add a motion tween
and I will have a moving object.

Motion tweens are the easiest.  I will give you step by step
instructions nonetheless.


Make a figure, for this I will use Nolimby:)  Make it a movie clip
or a button.


Put it on its own layer.  Now make a frame on about frame 20.
It does not               matter.  Move the movie clip to where you
want it                     to move to.


Now click on the first frame an press "Create Motion Tween."
Now you have a moving character!

Shape tweens, I highly recommend not doing these massively.
When you do do them, do not morph COMPLETELY different

To do a shape tween, here are the steps.

Make a figure, do NOT make it into movie clip or button.

In 20 frames make a new pose similar to the first or a different

Make a shape tween on the first and last frame and you are

There is also a thing called "ease."  It "eases" an objects
entrance or take off when tweened.

100 Ease-
0 Ease-
-100 Ease-

That is all for tweens, now on to guides!  Make a movie clip
on its own layer, right click the layer and press "Add Motion

Now on the guide layer make a bunch of scribbles with none
touching eachother.

Lock the layer and put you object where you want it to start

Make a keyframe at about 60 or so and put your object in a
different spot on the motion guide, like here:

Make a keyframe at about 120 or so and put your object in a
different spot on the motion guide, like here:

Repeat the process until the end.

Now you have a nice object following a guide, not a straight


Effects are a great part of a flash animation or game.  Fire,
explosions, blood, all of those good things will improve a flash
when done right.  Also in Flash 8 there are filters, those are
convenient effects.  In this tutorial, I will show you how to do
these things.


First off, blood.  Here is the blood I used in the example bigger.

All it is made of are multiple small lines of different shades of

Here it is frame by frame:

To do this kind of blood, zoom in 800%.  Using the color
#990000 draw a bunch of little lines.

Now with #CC3300 draw little lines but not as much as the dark

Now make a small amount of lines with #FF0000

This technique is pretty much for animation only.  The
movement will blend the colors together giving off a nice
effect.  I used this style of blood in my early game, Die ABCs.

Explosions are easy and they take up about 5 minutes.  Make
a circle with a red outline and orange fill.

Now make a yellow circle in the middle with no outline.  Convert
the circle to a symbol and call it explosion.

Add about 20% blur.  Make a new layer and on that layer make
some gray blobish kind of things and with the eraser tool make
it swiss cheese.  Make it into a movie clip

Add about 20% blur to the smoke.  Copy and paste the smoke
so you have 4 of them.  Turn them so they go on both sides and
the top and bottom.

Copy the four things of smoke and delete them.  Now on the
first frame of the explosion make it small.

On the next frame make it big and have some smoke.

Delete the explosion on the third frame and make the smoke
furthere away from the center and smaller.

Repeat making the smoke further and smaller.

Now it should look like this:

Now on to filters.  There are seven kinds of filters here are
their names and their effect.

No Filter


Drop Shadow


Gradient Glow

Gradient Bevel

Adjust Color

Objects must be a movie clip to have filters, or they
can be text.

Blur is obvious, it blurs the shape.  It makes it so the object
seems out of focus.  Also it could be used to blend colors or
just as an overall effect.

Drop shadow makes a shadow where you want it for an object.
This effect gives a sense of realism when it is a bright seen and
something is blocking the light.

Glow makes a color surroun and object and basically make it
"glow."  It can be used effectively for light, energy and just
for an effect to take away the blandness of the actual object.

Bevel is a nice effect to give a sense of light and a shadow on
an object.  It is also used very effectively and efficiently on


Gradient Glow is the same exact thing as Glow but with two or
colors put together.

Gradient bevel is the same thing as Bevel but with three or more
colors in it.

Adjust Color is pretty important.  It lets you change the
brightness, the contrast, the saturation, and the hue of a figure.

That is all for effect.  Play around with what you learned here,
I bet I did not cover everything!



Menus are pretty important to a Flash.  Games are mostly the
ones that need them but for your movie you have extras,
credits or anything of that matter, you will need a menu.

Menus need to appeal to the audience.  If you do a crap job on
a menu it will most likely get a low score.  If this tutorial had
this kind of menu would you go on and read the tutorials?






this totorail
took 4ever so
vote 5 plzzzz!

made by me

u can learn here!!!!1!

I think not.  You need a nice layout.  I use a lot of alpha to get
the see through effect.  Here is how to make a somewhat
nice menu:

Make a box around
your Stage and make
a line through it, with
the black arrow tool,
click and hold on the
line and curve it.

Fill one side of the
box in with a color
and the other side
a lighter or darker
shade of the same

Delete the line.  On a seperate
layer above the
first one, make
a black box and
convert it to a
movie clip.

Set the alpha of the box
to something low
and copy and
paste it.  Place
the boxes over
the Stage.

Curve thhe boxes to add
an extra effect.
Well didnt that background
come out nice?

Now for the buttons and
text.  Use a nice font
and I suggest using filters.

Nice Menu, Eh?





That is a catchy menu.  If it is a game, add an instructions
button in there.  The whole thing is making a menu make a
person want to continue and watch the movie or play the game.
Good job, you are
done making
a nice menu:)
Now put it to good


Perspective is an important factor in a good Flash.  It gives a
feel that the scene is 3D, like this:

There is one important thing to know, every thing comes of a
vanishing poing.  That is a dot in the middle of the scene,
look at mine.

Now lets get drawing.  Make a box around the stage and a
vanishing point in the middle.

Make lines going to the corners of the Stage.

Make a box around the center of the Stage.

Delete the inside lines but not the vanishing point.

Make two lines on the wall.

Make a straight line on the bottom of those two new lines.

Make two lines on the opposite wall like you did before.

Make another straight line at the bottom of the two lines.

Delete the line underneath the new one.

Color the new scene to your desire.

If you want, delete the lines.  Color over the vanishing point,
what a coincidence, the vanishing poing "vanished!"  (Bad pun)

Basic Code Definitions

Basic codes can be easy to right with but the important thing to
being a scripter is understanding what they mean.  There are
obvious ones like stop(); and play(); but then there are less
obvious ones like _root. and if statments.  You can learn these
codes easily if you use common sence.

Let us start off with simple ones, you will see some of these
codes in the tutorials coming up.
play();  This code plays the movie if it is stopped.
stop();  This code stops the movie at the frame this is at.
gotoAndPlay(#);  Goes to the frame number in () and plays.
gotoAndStop(#);  Goes to the frame number in () and stops.
nextFrame();  Goes to the next frame and stops.
prevFrame();  Goes to the frame before and stops.

Here are some less basic ones but extremely important in
_root.  This tells flash you are talking about the main timeline
or if there is an instance name infront of it it specifies
that it is talking about that thing.
Example:;  That is telling the movie clip with the
instance name ball to play.

If statements are important, it speaks for itself, though.
if( == 45){
Basically says that if the movie clip
with the instance name box is at the _x position 45, something
happens.  Change what is in the () with whatever you want.

Those are all of the real basic codes and their definitions.  You
will see them later in the action script tutorials because they
are used so much.

Timeline Control

Timeline control helps a lot in flash.  If you want your flash to
stop at a certain frame you need a code to control your timeline.
There are different codes to do so and all of the help a lot.
You MUST learn this if you just started flash.

Some basic timeline controls are:
stop();  This stops the movie from playing on the frame this is
play();  If the movie is stopped, this plays the movie

Buttons control the timeline, too.  If you do not know how to
make a button, read the Button tutorial.  Here are some common
button timeline control scripts.
gotoAndPlay(#);  Goes to and plays a certain frame in the ().
gotoAndStop(#);  Goes to and stops a certain frame in the ().
nextFrame();  Goes to the next frame and stops.
prevFrame();  Goes to the frame before and stops.

There are advanced timeline control scripts, too.  Here is an
example but I am not going in depth on this one, the easier ones
are a tad better.
if(_currentframe == 56){  //If the current frame is 56.
stop();  //stops the timeline
} //ends the if statment.

That is all for the timeline control.  If you know how to do basic
timeline control, you can learn advanced and  you can get
better and better at action script.


Buttons are extremely simple but effective.  All it is is a button
and code.  To make a button, you will need 2 minutes of your
time, basic knowledge of code (actually, you do not need to
write it, you just need to understand it) and a computer.  Are
you ready to make a button!?  Well if you are not, too bad.

OK, first of all open flash and create a new document.  Draw
something and highlight it with the black arrow tool.

Once it is highlighted, press F8, name it "Button" and make
sure "Button" is selected.

Now it is a button, the next thing to do is to add the code.  Press
F9 and something that looks like this will come up:

Copy and paste this code into that panel:

//when the mouse click is released

//go to and play frame 2

//ends the code

All it does is when the mouse click is released, it goes and plays
frame 2.  There are other commands for buttons.






When you click and
drag outside of the

When you click outside
the button and drag
over the button.

Right when you
click the button

When you move your
cursor over the button
and move it outside the

When your cursor
touches the button.

Double click your button and you will see four frames.  Up,
Over, Down and Hit.  Up is the frame the button is at when
nothing is touching it.  Over is the frame the button is at when
the cursor is hovering over the button.  Down is the frame the
button is at when you click and hold the button down.  Hit is the
area in which the button can be pressed.

You can also make a button control the timeline by code in the
frame.  Make the instance name of the button, "button."

Click on the frame and press F9.  Copy and paste this and look
at what I wrote beneath each line of code.

//stops at the frame

button.onRelease = function () {
//when the click is released from "button"

//Tells Flash to goto and play frame 2.

//ends the onRelease = function(){ line.

I hope you have learned how to make a button easily.  When you
paste the code that I gave you into your actions panel, the gray
text is the explanations.  Keep them in there if you do not know
how the code works.

Drag & Drop

Drag and drops only real importance is for dress-ups.  Dress-
ups technically do not do well in the Portal on Newgrounds but
it is a fun little piece of knowledge.  It is extremely simple, a
tad time consuming for good ones but simple.

First of all draw your base.  Mine will just be a stick figure.
You do not have to convert him to a symbol.

Now make something to put onto him, convert that to a button.

Now on the new movie clip, in this case a hat, give it the
instance name of "hat."

Highlight the hat and press F9.  Copy and paste this into the

//when you click the mouse on it
//starts dragging the hat
//ends the first lin of code
//when the click is released
//stops the drag on the hat
// ands the on(release){ statement

For every thing you want to put on the base, they have to have
a different instance name.  One you do all that, you have made
a                          dress-up game!  Congradualations.

Custom Cursors

Custom cursors are great when it comes to Flash.  They tell an
audience that you take the time to spice up every last bit of
a Flash.  That only happens when you do them right.  If it sucks
people would not be as pleased.  You just need to draw
something good and do what is in this tutorial.

First of all press Ctrl+F8, and make sure movie clip is selected.
name it whatever you want.  That will bring a blank screen with
a + sign in the middle.  Draw your design with the tip of the
cursor at the + sign.

Go back to the main timeline and press Ctrl+L.  That will bring
up your library.  From the library, drag the cursor movie clip onto
the Stage.  With it selected, press F9.

In the Actions Panel, copy and paste this code in after looking
at the description of the lines of code.

//starts the script that will repeat constantly
this._x = _root._xmouse;
//the x position (left & right) is where the mouse is
this_y = _root._ymouse;
//the y position (up & down) is where the mouse is
//hides the cursor
//ends the onClipEvent handler.

You can have fun with this, too.  You can change the alpha
depending on the x and y positions of the mouse, you can
change the _x and yscale depending on the position of the
mouse, you can do a lot of things.

Alpha Change

this,_x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
this._alpha = _root._ymouse;
this._alpha = _root._xmouse;

_xscake and _yscale Change

this,_x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
this._xscale = _root._xmouse;
this._yscale = _root._ymouse;

My personal favorite is _rotation.  It declares how many
degrees a movie clip or button turns.  You can make it spin like
this with this code.

this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
this._rotation += 20;

Now you are done with custom cursors!  I hope you learned
something and I hope you are successful in making good


Passwords are a good addition in games that have multiple
levels or cheats.  The best thing about them though is that
they are extremely easy.  An input text box, a variable and

You might not know what a variable is so if yo dont, check out
the variable tutorial.  Ok, with the text tool, (T) select input
text from a dropdown menu in the properties panel.

Make a blank textbox on the Stage.  Set its variable, call it,

Now make a button next to the text box.  Draw it, convert it to
a symbol, make sure button is selected and press "Okay."
Highlight the new button and press F9.  The Actions panel should
come up.

After looking at the explanations, copy and paste this into the

//when a click is released
if(_root.password == "the password"){
//if "the password" (without "") is typed in
//goes to and stops at frame 3 on the main timeline
//if "the password" is not typed in
//goes to and stops at frame 2 on the main timeline.
//ends "}else{"
//ends the on(release){ handler

All that code does is when the button is pressed it checks to
see if the input textbox with the variable "password" has
"the password" typed in it.  If it does it goes to frame 3 and
stops, if it does not, it goes to frame 2 and stops.  Simple.

That is all you need to know for passwords!  These can really
make a game more playable because you will not have to start
over if you quit, you have a code and it brings you to where you
left off.
I hope you learned from this:)

Hit Detection

Hit detection is critical to good games.  You can probably tell,
but all it does is checks to see if something is touching another
thing, and if it does something happens.    Most higher scoring
games have very good hit detection.  hitTest is the form of
detection that we will be studying.

It is actually pretty simple to learn hitTests.  If you are making
a game where if the enemy hits the hero and your hero loses
one life, your code would look like this:

_root.lives -= 1;

Makes it so the line is always in action

If the hero hits the enemy...

The box with the variable "lives" drops 1

Ends the if statement

Ends the onClipEvent handler

A handler, an if statement, an effect and two end brackets is
all you need for a hitTest script.  If you looked at the white text
next to each line of code, you would know what it means.
Let us look at each line of code seperately.

This is called an onClipEvent handler.  The enterFrame in ()
means that the code after this line will repeat constantly until
it is told to stop.


This if statement tells Flash that if the movie clip with the
instance name "hero" touches the movie clip with the instance
name "enemy" something happens.  At the end you must have
two )s because there are two (s.
if (_root.hero.hitTest(_root.enemy)){


This line can be changed to whatever your desired effect is.
This one in particular tells flash that the dynamic textbox with
the variable "lives" to subtract 1 from the original number.  The
_root. tells Flash that it is talking about either the main timeline
or a variable or instance name.  Because it is _root.lives Flash
knows it is a variable because you stated that it is.  -=  1 Tells
Flash to subtract 1 from "lives."

_root.lives -= 1;

These end brackets end the onClipEvent handler and the if


hitTests are the base of many games.  Now that you have
hopefully learned the code you can make good games.  To use
the code is not just to copy and paste it.  It is to understand it
and make the code your own.  Good luck with future games
using hitTests, they can be tricky.


Variables.  Easily one of the most important things to know
when it comes to games.  If you want a score counter, a timer,
lives counter, just about anything like that, you would use a
variable.  A lot of these tutorials use variables.  If you do not
know what they are you can not understand the code and the-
refore you are just copying and pasting.

First of all, variables can be two things.  One thing is a counter
of some sort that can display information.  You can write
sentances with code and a dynamic text box, like the sentance

Here is the code, you can only have one line per dynamic text
box.  My variable is "b."

_root.b = "This is a sentance totally written by code";

To make something like this, creat a dynamic text box with
nothing in it.  Then where it says "var" type in what you want
the variable name to be.


Name your variable anything.  Now if you want to make it a
score counter and your variable name is "Variable," you would
want to start it at 0.  Add this code onto the main frame in the
timeline on the frame with the textbox:
If you want a sentance like shown before you HAVE to put the
words inside "these quotation marks."  Words in quotes,
numbers in nothing.

_root.Variable = 0;

Now if you want to add to a variable, make a button, by now you
should know how to, if you do not, read the button tutorial, add
these codes to it, the explanations are in white.

_root.Variable += 1;

Ends the    on(press){    line

When the button is pressed

The dynamic textbox with the variable, "Variable" adds 1

Now you hopefully know variables inside and out.  Now for the
variables important to movement with arrow keys or something
of that matter.  To do this, you have to declare your variables.
How?  Read on.

Make a movie clip.  We are going to make it rotate.  Make your
Frames Per Second (FPS) 30 or higher.  Read these codes and
you can not paste them yet, it is not the full code.

rot = 20;

Starts a code when the movie/game is loaded is always the same

Declares the variable "rot" to add be 20, in this case degrees.

The only thing that those lines of code do is declare the variable
"rot" to rotate 20 degrees.  If you add an
onClipEvent(enterFrame){ handler after that you can get it to
repeat and therefore making it spin.  Here is a copy and pastable

rot = 20;
this._rotation += rot;

This is what it looks like on my object:

If it rotates sorta like mine you are done!  That is the end of my
variable tutorial, I hope you learned something.  Remember, do
NOT copy and paste code with out looking at the explanations,
you will not understand it and you will not learn it.  Good job:)

Arrow Key Movement

Here comes a fun topic, Arrow Key Movement.  This tutorial will
show you how to do RPG based movement.  If you put together
everything that you have learned so far from this tutorial in the
Flash section, you can easily come to the conclusion that this
code is simple.  Variables, hitTests, and something new,
Key.isDown.  All it does is checks to see if the Key that you
have in () after Key.isDown is..... Down......  Simple, right?  Yes,
very.  I will still run you through this step by step.

This page is an example of the kind of movement I am talking
about.  RPGs are 2d overhead games so you rotate a bit
and move in four directions.


The copy and pasteable code will be at the end of the tutorial.
For now I will show you the code part by part.  Lets begin, read
the explanations, too!!!

xspeed = 5;
yspeed = 5;

This is where the variables come in.  xspeed and yspeed are variabl-
es to be 10 pixels.  I use onClipEvent(load){ and not enterFrame bec-
ause I want this action to happen once, not
to repeat

Here is the movement parts and how they work.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
this._x -= xspeed;
this._rotation = 90;

I want this code the repeat so I used enterFrame.  The second line
says that if the left arrow key is down, something happens.  The _x
positons subtracts the amount of pixels the
variable xspeed is.  It rotates 90 degrees.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
this._x += xspeed;
this._rotation = 270;

This is the same exact thing but with the right arrow key, it adds the
amount of pixels the variable xspeed is at and if rotates 270

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
this._y -= yspeed;
this._rotation = 180;

This is almost the same thing but with the UP arrow key the _y
position goes up the amount of pixels xspeed is set at and rotates
180 degrees.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
this._y += yspeed;
this._rotation = 0;

This is the same thing but it adds the amount of pixels to the _y
position when the DOWN key is down and it does not rotate.

Ok, that is all of the movement.  Here is one hitTest script, there
are four but they are all almost exactly the same.

enterFrame makes this code repeat.  It checks to see if the movie clip with the instance name "wall"
hits "this" which is the movie clip that the code is on.  If it hits the xspeed is set to 0.  This wall has to
be on the right hand side of the playing area.  When the LEFT arrow key is down, it reasctivates the
xspeed.  Those three end brackets end the two if statements and
the onClipEvent handler.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.wall.hitTest(this._x, this._y+35, true)) {
xspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
xspeed += 5;

Now you hopefully understand the code.  Here is the copy and
pasteable one, it is long!

onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = 5;
yspeed = 5;
//declares the variables.
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.wall.hitTest(this._x, this._y+35, true)) {
xspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
xspeed += 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.wall2.hitTest(this._x, this._y+35, true)) {
xspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
xspeed += 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.wall3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
yspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
yspeed += 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.wall4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
yspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
yspeed += 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
this._x -= xspeed;
this._rotation = 90;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
this._x += xspeed;
this._rotation = 270;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
this._y -= yspeed;
this._rotation = 180;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
this._y += yspeed;
this._rotation = 0;

Put that on a movie clip and make 4 walls, make them movie
clips.  Give the one on the RIGHT the instance name wall, the one
on the LEFT the instance name wall2, the one on TOP the insta-
nce name wall3 and the one on the BOTTOM the instance name
wall 4.

Congradulations, you have made an RPGish style game engine!
Look at the explanations on the previous pages before you do
things with this.  Good job.






Math is a great part of actionscript.  There are some things you
need to know, too.  What different things do and some tricks.
This is very easy but very important.  The things coming up are
called operators, just to let you know.

This T Chart will help you understand all of the things about this


What they do


Sets a value


Adds 2 values


Subtracts 2


Divides 2


Multiplies 2


Adds 2 values
and sets the


Subtracts 2 values
and sets the


Divides 2
values and
sets the number.


Multiplies 2
values and
sets the number.


Adds 1 to a


Subtracts 1
from a value.


This checks if
the number before
it is greater than the
number after it.


This checks if
the number before
it is less than the
number after it.


Divides 2 values
and finds the


Checks to see if
something is the
same to a set


Checks to see if
something is greater
than or equal to a set


Checks to see if
a number is


Checks to see if
something is less
than or equal to a set


Finds a remainder
after dividing two
numbers and stores


Checks to see if
a number is not
equal to something

Hopefully you have seen the variable tutorial because this next
Math trick involves them.  Say your little cousin in 4th or 5th
grade is doing multiplication and division over your house.  He
was pressing on the buttons on the caculator so hard it just
kinda....  Exploded....  You accidentally deleted the caculator on
your computer, your internet was down and you are dumb as
a piece of crap.  What do you do?  Open up flash and start a
new document!

You will be learning how to make Flash do Math.  Ok, get the
text tool, make a dynamic text box on the stage with the
variable, math.

Now on the frame on the timeline with the dynamic text box in
it, put this in the actions panel by pressing F9.
All it does is tells Flash to make the dynamic text box with the
variable math to equal 2 times 5, which is ten.  You can
subtract, add, divide, multiply, anything like that with variables.

_root.math = 2*5;

You can also get some numbers from PI.  Here is that script and
the numbers you get at the bottom.

_root.math = Math.PI;

That is all you need to know about math.  Good luck putting it
to good use!


Preloaders are great in the beginning of a flash.  They do not
actually "load" the movie or game, they only stop the movie
or game from playing until it is loaded.  Simple preloaders are
extremely easy and they can look good.

Ok, make a new document, press Ctrl+F8 and make a new

Now on the first frame create your design or logo, I will just do
some bubble letters.

Create a new layer below the first one and type, "Loading"


Now make a new layer ontop of the first one and put these
actions on it:

//Stops the first frame of the main timeline.
percent = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal()*100;
//Declares the variable percent to be how many bytes loaded divided by how many bytes total times 100.
if (percent == 100) {
//If "percent" is 100;
//Plays the main timeline
//Ends the if statement.

Now your movie stops on the first frame or where ever you put
the movie clip with the code on it.  It stops until the movie or
game is completely loaded.  That is a preloader:)  Good job, pre
loaders dramatically increase your score.

Good Script

One of the most important parts of a good Flash is the script
and plot.  Without a script what can you do?  Improvise?  Most
of the time that does not come out good.  Also, without a script,
what are you animating to?  Exactly, nothing.  You need to learn
how to make a good script, read on.

First of all you need character development.  You need well
thought out characters that you learn their back story little
by little.  You want unique names, maybe something that you
just made up but sounds cool.  My friend and I thought of
"Jisuhara" and "Holnamm."  They are NOT good names but they
work in comedys.

Then I would suggest a lot of dialogue to keep your viewers
interested.  Action scenes can catch the attentions to your
audience if you do them right, I would suggest using them in
your script.

Also make sure something is always happening or else people
will almost always close out of the window if it is too slow.
"To be continued" is a good ending for long serious Flash but
if it is pretty short, animate the rest in the first episode.  No one
wants to wait for a sequal of a 10 second Flash and then find
out that the sequal is only 10 seconds long.

Those are all of the tips I know of.  Comedies can generally
break the rules because they are meant to be funny.  If you saw
that I did not add what not to put in I purposely did that because
there is a "Bad script" section.  Good luck on future script

Bad Script

One of the worst things in a Flash is a bad script.  It can mean
the difference between high and low scoring.  If you have a bad,
unoriginal plot and script, people vote low.  Here are some signs
of a bad script.

If your flash takes extremely long to do something with no
action or very little movement, that will make the viewer close
out of the window.

If in the beginning you just blert out your characters
personality and back story, that has bad character developme-
nt.  For example, this is a HORRIBLE piece of script:

This is my friend Bobbeh Jenkins, I have known him for 3 years and we are like two peas in a pod.
He was born on a cold night in January.  After his birth his mother died of blood loss and his father
got lost in the hospital.  He was never found again.  Bobbeh Jenkins was raised by a wild pack of
wolves where he soon learned survival techniques.  After about 20 years he was found, schooled
and I met him at a bus stop in July.

Having very little dialogue makes a movie or game boring.  Cha-
racters that converse keep a viewer interested much more than
a barely talkative movie.  What would happen if you went to
see a movie and in that movie no one spoke a word.  Would you
leave before it was over?  I would.

Those are all of the signs of a bad script that I know.  Follow
these steps and the ones in the Good Script section and you
will have a nice, compelling, exciting, not boring, fun, awesome,
great, fantastic, not bad script.


Titles are the reason some people watch your movie.  If your
movie is "mah furst falsh" people will either ignore it or click
on it, wait for it to load and vote 0.  If your title is".:Dont Mess:."
or something of that sort people will actually watch it.

How do you create a good title, you ask?  Think, what is your
Flash about.  Maybe if it is about Mario bloopers (which is a WAY
overdone topic) you can call it, "_-`Mario Mess Ups`-_"  The
little signs on the sides helps it stand out.  Also you should use
alliterations (words with the same first letters) and it will
sound a bit better.

A lot of people to "Maze V 1.0."  I suggest staying away from
doing "versions."  It just does not seem professional.  I suggest
doing a normal title and then if you do another version just add
a number after it, like "Maze 2."

Also please use correct capitalization.
The last thing you really need for good titles is common sence.
What sounds good and what does not?  What would make
people want to watch it?  All of those questions are just
common sence.

That is all you need to know about how to make good titles!
Use these tips and I guarentee more views than normal when
your Flash is under judgement.


Whatever appeals to the eye is good.  Knowing what is eye
appealing helps when you do Flash because it can mean the
line between people watching it through and closing out.  Pick
the right color, the right design, the right style, things like that.
You may be saying that that is easy, right?  Well you are wrong.
What appeals to you and what appeals to the audience are two
completely different things at times.

When you make something, try not to use many bright colors or
ugly colors.  Dark yellow is not the prettiest, hot pink is not the
easiest to look at.  Make it so you can look at it for a while.  Red
is a bad color for the eye and green is a soothing color for the

Complimentary colors make it easy to look at.  Here is a list of
them and the thick lines connect them on the color wheel.

Make a nice design, no scribbling.  What would happen if this
tutorials background was dark yellow and bright red scribble
with some blue scribbles?  I doubt you would go on and read the
actual tutorials.

That is all you need to know about making something appeal
to the eye.  Good luck with this, it is not easy.  I hope to see
something by someone who was helped by this.

Dont Overuse

In a Flash do not over use things, like certain effects.  After a
while it gets boring.  Also if people notice you are overusing
things that is when the term "...-whore" comes in.  If you
constantly use filters people may call you a filter-whore.  If you
overuse alphas you will be called an alpha-whore.  This is an
important topic because people will generally get bored with the
same things.

When you watch flash movies and someone is constantly
blurring something and sometimes when he does not even have
to, what do think?  "Wow, he sure does whore  over that blur
filter."  Is that what you think?  Exactly.  By the way filters
make a flash lag (slow down) dramatically.  If you overuse
it can get slow, it can get boring, or it can get deadly.  Well
maybe not deadly but it is not good.

I think the topic title and the information I have already given
you sums this topic up.  Try to keep certain effects from being
whored  over.  It is not easy but if you have gotten this far in the
tutorial I know you can do it.

Quality Flash

To make a quality flash, you need to have the three things that
are mentioned on the next page.  You can not just get Flash
with no experience what so ever and make an award winning
movie/game.  You have to memorize the things on the next
page because they are so important.

These are the things needed to creat a quality movie/game.
FPS can mean many things related to Flash.  Frames per second
and First person shooter.  It also stands for what you need to
have to make a quality Flash.


And for the people who need a laugh this is another form of
"FPS," this is "FAP."


Graphics and smooth animation give a Flash a quality look.  The
"P" stands for patience and you should have enough to make
animation smooth and drawings nice.  You need to be able to
make a Flash so there is where the "A" and "S" come in.

Those are all of the tips for making a quality Flash that I know
of.  I live by those rules and I think you should too.  Make sure
you have all of the 3 things that I said in the beginning.

The Right FPS

The right frames per second plays a vital part in any flash.
Mostly people make their flash run at 24 FPS.  A lot of the time
people run their games at 30 FPS.  on the following pages I will
tell you the right kind of FPS for different kinds of Flash.

Stick flash.
If this kind of flash is extremely action intense I would go with
24 FPS but if it is not I would go with 15-20.  You do not want
something going too slow but also you dont want it too fast.

Full drawn character animation
This kind of animation should always be between 24 and 30 FPS.
Making your characters move smoothly is extremely hard if
not impossible on 12 FPS.

Games should have a pretty high FPS.  You want the movement
to be smooth and you want the animation inside the game to be
really smooth too.  I would suggest anywhere between 30 and

That is all I know of.  You should experiment with different
types of Flash, you figure out the right FPS.  Those examples
were just to tell you that the FPS should change if it is a
different type of Flash.  Good luck experimenting!


Getting Started



New Brushstrokes





















Clone Stamp




Save As...

Getting Started

Getting started, meaning opening a new document and learning to
control your settings.  It is really easy and you could probably
figure it out yourself but I will show you anyway.  First of all open
Adobe Photoshop, I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0 so my layout might
seem a bit different that yours if you have a different version.

Now you have the program open and there is a gray screen, nothing
to draw on.  Go to File>New... or press Ctrl+N.

You you will have a window that looks like what is on the next

The width and height is how tall and wide the Stage is going to be.
The name is what you want to call the document.
The contents is the background color, I like transparent.

That is all you need to do to get started.  Now go to the other
tutorials and learn something!

Backgrounds made in Photoshop can be great.  The only thing is
that the characters cannot interact with the backgrounds because
it is a bitmap drawing when imported to Flash.  A lot of great artists
use Photoshop for backgrounds.

First of all open a new document, it does not matter what the
dimensions are.  (Dont know how?  Check out the Getting Started

Ok, now on the new document, take a light blue and fill in the
background with it.

Take the brush tool with a green color and make a kinda hill on the

Look where there are two colors, make the bottom color a bit
darker than the one above.

Now go to the different kinds of brushes and pick the one that
looks like grass and change the size to whatever you want.

Go over the green hill with the grass brush, overlap the sky a bit.

Press Ctrl+A to select all and go to Filters.  Go to Render, Lens Flare.

Use the 105mm Prime at 150% brightness in the upper corner.
P.S.  I cut
out the
center of
the window
to save room

There you go!  You have a nice effective background!  Good job.


Blending can add great effects to make a picture way better than
without.  Some effects include:  Drop shadow, inner shadow, outer
glow, inner glow, bevel and emboss (contour, texture), satin, color
overlay, gradient overlay, pattern overlay, and stroke.

You may know what drop shadow and the glow is if you have
Flash 8.  (If you do not go to the effects tutorial in the Flash
section).  Therfore you know what drop shadow, inner shadow,
outer glow and inner glow is.  You also know what bevel is.

Texture is the one you will be using a lot.  Basically what it does is
makes something have a texture.  Say I want to make a rock.  I
make a gray blob and add texture.

To get to the blending options panel, right click on the picture on the
layer, press Blending Options.

The window that comes up is extremely simple to learn and get
used to.  Have fun with blending=)

New Brushstrokes

Tired of default brushes?  Want some new ones?  Well this is the
tutorial for you!  In Photoshop, (Well, Photoshop 7.0 atleast) there
are 12 different brush sets (including the default).  I will show you
how to get to them as well as getting the default back.

Once you have a new document opened in Photoshop, press B or
click the brush tool.  Now go up to where the brushstroke is.

Click on the blue arrow inside the circle in the corner.  It will bring
up a menu, on the bottom of the menu is where the different brush
sets are.

Those have different brushstrokes.  Now if you are sick of them
and want to go back to default, go to the menu again and click
"Reset Brushes..."

That is all you need to know about this.  Some of the brushstrokes
are pretty cool, check them out.  Have fun!


If you have Flash you might know what layers are.  Photoshop uses
them, too.  Whatever is drawn on the top layer will go OVER anything
on the bottom layer(s).  You will use this alot when it comes to
drawing in Photoshop.

Creating a new layer is simple, open up a new document, and look
for a window that looks like this:

On the bottom there is an icon that looks like a piece of paper and
the corner if bent back, click that one.

Now you have a new layer.  Good job, that was a hard topic to get
right.  (Sarcasm).  Now onto duplicating layers.

Look for the layers box and right click the layer you want to
duplicate.  Click "Duplicate Layer..."

Now a window pops up, call the new layer what you want to, press

That is all you need to know about layers.  Pretty simple.  Have
fun using them!


Masking is extremely easy.  All it does is sets the transparency.
White keeps it the same and black makes it transparent.  Let us
use a kind of background that we drew in the backgrounds tutorial.
Since the sun is
pointing towards
the left we want the
left to be brighter
than the right.

Duplicate the layer with the background.  (Dont know how?  See
the layer tutorial).  Now on the duplicated layer press Ctrl+U.  Lower
light                                                                                             ness.

Now on the darkened layer, hit the layer mask button, located on
the layer panel near the new layer button.

Now with the gradient tool, click and drag the line that forms a bit
to the left FROM the right.

Tada!  You are done.  Apply that to any kind of picture and it will
work the same!


Making a starfield was taught to me by mynamewontfittin and I
got permission from him to teach this, same thing with the planets
tutorial.  It is so easy and simple, you can make a sweet space
scene in 5 mintues.

Firstly open up a document.  Fill the background up with black and
go to Filters->Noise->Add Noise.

Now you are done with your starfield!  Easy, right?  Yes, very.

Planets are almost as easy as starfields.  Start out with a starfield
for this subject.


Hold down shift and make a circle on your starfield.  That is going
to be how big your planet is.

Use the brush tool and choose orangish brownish colors, click the
button on the upper right hand corner that looks like this:

Choose a brushstroke in the default set that looks like this:

Now in the new window check off shape and color dynamics.  Click
on color dynamics and do these changes:

Hue Jitter=1
Purity= -60

Color in the planet, you can go outside the selection area because
it wont go out.

Select the burn tool, if the dodge tool is there, right click that and
press the burn tool.

Burn one side of the circle heavily.  That will be where it is night on
your planet.

Since the dark side is on the bottom right, the light source needs to
be on the top left.
Go to Filter->Render
->Lens Flare, do the
same as you did for
the sun in the
bacground tutorial,
150 mm Prime, 150%

There you go, if you have to go all out make a few small moons.
That is a great
scene from space
you made!  Good

Clone Stamp

The clone stamp and the wand tool are extremely important.  So
important, they get their own topic.  Using the clone stamp is quick
and simple.  All it does when it is set, when you click and hold and
move the mouse, it clones exactly what you set it but in a different

To use a clone stamp, find the picture you want to have one or more
parts cloned.  Here is something we will be editing with the clone
stamp, it is a common topic name on the NG BBS.

x photoshop me up

You might be saying, "Oh, its text, he can just simply edit it and say
he used the clone stamp!"  Well I am not.  Delete all of the letters
that you do not need and space out the four words.

Move the s over a bit and click the clone stamp (s).  Hold Alt and
click the e.  Click normally next to the s until you see the e some up,
get the e in clear vision.

Do the ame with the x and put it after the e in se, delete the x when
you are finished with this step.

You are done!  You learned to use the clone stamp!  Good job!


The wand is as important as the clone stamp and therefore gets its
own topic.  I can assure you that you will use this a lot.

This important tool is located on the top of the toolbar, it is the one
that is selected in this picture:

All this tool does is when you click somewhere it selects the place
that you clicked and all of the same colors next to it.  Overall it is
extrememly helpful when it comes to editing.

That is all you need to know about the wand, it is a pretty simple
and straight forward.  Good luck using it when editing!


When I say Alternates I do not mean alternates for Photoshop, I am
talking about the arrows near some of the tools on the tool bar.
This topic will show you the ones that you will be using the most
in my opinion.

Let us start off with the rectangular selection tool thingy.  Find it
in the upper right had corner of the tool box and right click it.

Makes a rectangle to select an object

Makes a circle to select something

Makes a straight horizontal line to select something

Makes a straight vertical line to select something

Now right click the gradient tool, you will see a paint bucket and a
box filled with a gradient.

Fills something in with a gradient

Fills in a closed figure with a set color

Those are a lot of the important alternates.  Play around with the
rest, maybe you will learn about new ones.


As you can see, there are a lot of simple topics in Photoshop.  This
is no exception because most of you know what text is.  For the
challenged people, it means writing letters on the computer.  It is
really simple to use and learn.

First of all, it is the T, press it and click anywhere on the stage.  Text
goes                     onto its own layer so you can use blending on it
all you                  want.  To change the font or size go to the top
toolbar                 and this is what it looks like.  I am sure you are
smart                   enough to know how to use it.

Good job, you learned to use text.  Simple, eh?  Very.  Now go and
put it to good use!

Important Shortcuts

These are some shortcuts you will really need to know to draw or
edit quicker.  The T chart on the next pages will show you what to
press and what it does.



What it does


Makes a brush size


Fill or gradient


Brush tool





Those are the important shortcuts I can almost guarantee you will
use.  I use them almost constantly and they help.

Save As...

If you have ever wanted to save something, you would see that
there are different formats.  There are different formats for
different things.  PNG, JPEG, and GIF are the formats we will talk

PNGs are used for images you want that maybe have
transparencies or multiple layers.  Most things you might want an
image for do not support PNGs.

JPEGs are best saved in Photoshop or else they will most likely look
like crap.  Try saving something in Photoshop and in Paint.  Most
places support JPEGs.

GIFs are pretty bad.  They are the only IMAGE format that can have
small animations.  They lose LOADS of quality in the process, I
reccomend a high quality JPEG over a GIF.

Those are all of the formats.  I normally use JPEGs or PNGs
occasionally, pic wisely.  Do not be afraid to use high quality, it
might raise the filesize a bit but not that much.




BBS (Forums)

Experience Points

Blam and Protection Points

Submitting Flash Work

In the Flash Portal

Your Userpage and You


Newgrounds Dictionary




In 1991, a thirteen year old kid started a small magazine called New
Ground.  He published from his parents basement.  There were
about 100 subscribers to this magazine.  New Ground was never
intended for the web until 1995.  Once the magazine starter, Tom
Fulp, got web space, he immediately took the name New Ground.  He
Then made it Shin New Ground and finally New Ground Remix

This is what New Ground Remix looked like in the past:

Pretty different, eh?  Yeah.  As a student at Drexel Univesity, Tom
Fulp could no longer access his home IP an therefore could not get
access to New Ground Remix from his dorm.  On New Ground Remix,
before he left for college, he put on his 2 masterpieces, Clup a Seal
and Assassin.  During his sophmore year, he made Club a Seal II and
Assassin II.  Tom made a new site called New Ground Atomix to get
these attractions into the public.  He also made Cat Dynamics and
Beep me Jesus for this new site.

In 1998, was born.  After that it got a lot of
attention from legal disagreements and was featured on many
major sites in media news.  In the years to come, more and more
improvements were made to the site, like the automated Flash
Portal.  More people were coming to the site and now instead
of New Ground Remix, Newgrounds (I know, such a big change) will
hopefully continue with the awesomeness.

BBS (Forums)

The Newgrounds BBS (forums) is a great place where Newgrounds
users can interact with each other.  There are nine subjects where
anyone can start threads (topics).  They are:
General-"Talk about stuff on Newgrounds, chit-chat with other fans, or whatever!"
Where is/How to-"Questions/comments/suggestions about the content and NG."
Flash-"As questions and discuss Flash techniques with your peers."
Politics-"Got and opinion on politics?  Express it here."
Programming-" Post about Programming/Scripting here (but keep ActionScript-related posts to the  Flash Forum)!"
Clubs & Crews-" Want to start a club or crew with people who share a similar interest with you?"
Audio-" Gathering place for NG's audio artists. Discuss recording programs and techniques."
Art-" Share your original artwork with your fellow artists! Large images can be uploaded in this forum."
Video Games-" Discuss cool games, such as Alien Hominid and Castle Crashers!"

There are also three Reply-Only subjects.  They are:
Network News-"Network News Browse the news archive for the NG Network."
NG News-" Read up on Newgrounds News, past and present, and post responses!"
P-Bot`s Postings-" Fun messages and daily top lists from the Portal bot!"

To get to the forums, go to the Newgrounds homepage and on the
main site navigation bar to the right under the login screen, there is
a button that says Forums.  It brings you to

Experience Points

Experience Points on Newgrounds are somewhat like experience
points on RPGs.  You must have an Newgrounds account for this
For every five movies/games that you vote on, you receive five
EX\P (experience points).  When you get a certain amount of EXP,
your account`s level will increase.  Level/EXP affect your voting
power (Read the "Voting" section).

To view the complete list of levels, click


What I am at the moment-

Level 21

Blam/Protection Points

Blam and Protection points are great features on Newgrounds.  This
requires an account.  It along with EXP affects your voting power
(Read the "Voting" section).
Blam-When a flash submission reaches 200 votes and has lower
than a 1.6 as a score, it is rejected from the site and "blammed"
Protection-When a flash submission reaches 200 votes and has a
1.6 or higher as a score, it is allowed to stay on the site, and

When you vote on a submission from the Flash Portal when it`s
background is purple, depending on what you vote and what
happens to the submission, you receive either a blam or protect
point.  If you vote a two through a five on a submission that gets
protected, you receive a protection point.  If you vote the same on
a flash that gets blammed, nothing happens, but if you vote a one
or a zero, you get a blam point.  These points raise your voting
power, so each of your votes are worth more.

Submitting Flash Work

So you have read the Flash tutorials and created an amazing piece
of work?  Do you want to get exposure by hundreds, even
thousands of people?  Well, let me recommend submitting your
work to Newgrounds!  First, go to the Flash Portal page, and click
where it says "SUBMIT."

Now fill out all of the sections with the correct information needed.
Also, might I suggest making a 46x46 .gif icon for it?  If there is
no audio, you do not need to fill out the audio credits section.  It is
a very simple process.  When you are ready, go the the far bottom
of the page and press Submit!  There you have it, your flash is
instantly under judgement.  Go the the Flash Portal to view it!

In the Flash Portal

When you submit work, it goes into the Latest Submissions section
with a purple background.  It must receive 200 votes and have a
score of 1.6+ to be able to stay on the site.  After it passes, it can
get any score and stay on.  For example, some submissions have
under a 0.90.  The button to get to the Flash Portal is the first one
on the site`s main navigation bar.

Newgrounds has a very unique feature for everone that has an
account:  A personal userpage.  The address for your userpage is  This place allows you to
have news articles about upcoming flash, your opinion on
something, or just random stuff.

Your Userpage And You

This page also can showcase your four latest flash submissions,
four latest audio submissions, top four movies or games, and your
top four favorite audio submissions.  On the left side of your page,
you can have your age, gender, location and a small message to
the people of NG.  Below that is your account info, like level, voting
power, BBS Posts, etc.  Have fun exploring your new page!

Your whistle is a very simple subject that can be explained in one
page.  It basically allows you to clean up Newgrounds.  You can
"Flag" flash submissions or reviews.  If the flash submission is
stolen, malacious, or unsuitable, you can flag it.  If a review is
abusive, as in calling the creator names, giving no constructive
criticsm, etc.  The more you succesfully aid in getting an abusive
review or a flash with one of the bad qualities stated above, you
receive whistle points.  You need whistle points to gain whistle
levels-Normal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diety.  If you flag
incorrectly, though, you receive a
garbage whistle.


Voting is an example of how great Newgrounds really is.  It allows
anyone to vote on submissions that they like or do not like.  The
scale for voting is 0-5, 5 being the best.  The weight of your vote
depends on your voting power, which is a feature that only people
with accounts can use.  Blam/Protect points and EXP points both
affect your voting power, making it higher.


Reviewing is a feature that only people with accounts can have.
It allows someone to give constructive criticsm on a flash or
audio submission, or just praise the author.  Most authors love
reviews, so please make time (1 minute) to write one on what
you think.  Before you do, read the review guidelines, or else your
reviews may be marked abusive (Read, "Whistle").  If you have
too many abusive reviews, you can be banned from reviewing.


Stay on the topic of the submission and do not make personal remarks or insults
towards the author.
Do not post TONS and TONS of crappy reviews just to get high in the rankings.
Do not use the review space for the purpose of promoting things.
Do not flood the review title or body.
Do not use reviews to express your feelings that the entry should be BLAMMED.
Do not use the review field to address other user`s reviews you didn`t agree with.
If you believe an entry is stolen, do not comment about it in your review.
f you think a submission doesn`t belong on the front page of the site or shouldn`t
be featured in special sections of the site, keep it to yourself.

Most users are incredibly lazy when it comes to typing.  The result
of this is shortened, made up, and misspelled monstrosities and
obomonations.  For example, 1337 is common internet slang for
"elite," meaning amazing.
Lol-Laugh out loud
rofl-Rolling on the floor laughing
roflmao-Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
lmao-Laughing my ass off.
idk-I dont know
afk-Away from keyboard

The Newgrounds Dictionary

brb-be right back

ttyl-talk to you later
ty-thank you
yw-your welcome
omg-oh my god
omfg-oh my f**king god
iso-in search of
g2g-got to go
h/o-hold on

FP-Flash Potal
AP-Audio Portal
BBS-Bulletin Board
Asked Questions

Have fun with your
Internet Slang!

1. What kind of person are you? Why do you think that way of yourself?
I`m someone who likes to make stuff and share it with people. I`m naturally very shy, but my role
with Newgrounds has forced me to act otherwise a lot of the time. I have a hard time saying no to
people and I like trying to keep everyone happy.
2. Why did you create Newgrounds?
I created NG during high school as a place to post goofy stuff and get a response from people. Before
then, I spent hours every day after school making cartoons that no one ever saw. It was great to
finally have a public venue, and my passion for it grew into the site you see today.
3. What are you most proud of that you made?
Other than Newgrounds itself, which is always a work in progress, I am very proud to have made a
console version of Alien Hominid.


4. What was your inspiration for some of your games?
My initial inspiration was to make games that I couldn`t play anywhere else... So I made stuff that was
really violent. Gameplay wise, my main inspiration is Treasure - the creators of Gunstar Heroes and
Guardian Heroes. I love all their games and try to capture the magic in my own work. Alien Hominid
spawned from Dan`s drawing of the alien and my desire to make a game in the tradition of Metal Slug.
5. What is the best part about running a site with a rather large audience?
I like it when people find unexpected ways to use the site (such as when the multi-author system
resulted in massive collabs) and I like it when I'm entertained by the users of the site - especially
when they are users who were initially inspired to learn Flash after visiting Newgrounds.
6. What is the worst part about running a popular site?
I have been spending too much time dealing with administrative work and responding to emails.
We need to overhaul our moderation tools for the sake of minimizing the amount of
contact related to user issues.

7. Over the years, Newgrounds has gotten some attention by some magazines and what not,
what article were you most proud of, where was it?
I really like the recent EDGE article, that credits NG for starting the whole user generated content
revolution. :)
8. Say someone wanted to make a successful website, would you give them tips or would
you whore all of your site building skills to your self? If you'd give tips, what would you say?
I give people a lot of general tips about their site design and goals, although I don`t blatantly hand
out the NG code to people who want to "build a site like NG".
9. I couldn`t help but notice there`s some sort of change in the design.  (In July `07)  What
change are you most proud of, are there any parts you don`t like and would like to change back?
I`m most proud of the addition of user pages, because I wanted them for so long and now they feel
a little TOO commonplace (I wanted them ever since seeing Friendster - long before
Myspace).  I`m also proud of the audio visualizations.

9.5. Shoe size:
10. Height:
10.5. Favorite color:
11. Can you speak any other languages?:
Some Spanish, but I`m rusty.
11.5. If you could keep any one animal as a pet, what would it be?:
12. If you weren`t named Tom, what would you want to be named?:


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
Frame 2
Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip in Frame 3
on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(253); }
Instance of Symbol 35 MovieClip in Frame 3
on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(4); }
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip in Frame 3
on (rollOver) {; } on (rollOut) {; } on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(338); }
Instance of Symbol 61 MovieClip "one" in Frame 3
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); _root.two.prevFrame(); _root.three.prevFrame(); _root.four.prevFrame(); _root.five.prevFrame(); this.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "two" in Frame 3
on (press) { stopAllSounds();; _root.three.prevFrame(); _root.four.prevFrame(); _root.five.prevFrame(); this.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "three" in Frame 3
on (press) { stopAllSounds();; _root.two.prevFrame(); _root.four.prevFrame(); _root.five.prevFrame(); this.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 73 MovieClip "four" in Frame 3
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); _root.two.prevFrame(); _root.three.prevFrame();; _root.five.prevFrame(); this.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 77 MovieClip "five" in Frame 3
on (press) { stopAllSounds(); _root.two.prevFrame(); _root.three.prevFrame(); _root.four.prevFrame();; this.nextFrame(); }
Frame 5
Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(15); }
Instance of Symbol 110 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(28); }
Instance of Symbol 113 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(54); }
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(70); }
Instance of Symbol 119 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(95); }
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(104); }
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(117); }
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(127); }
Instance of Symbol 131 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(137); }
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(143); }
Instance of Symbol 137 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(150); }
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(157); }
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(165); }
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(176); }
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(187); }
Instance of Symbol 152 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(213); }
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(122); }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(220); }
Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(225); }
Instance of Symbol 161 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(230); }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(235); }
Instance of Symbol 167 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(240); }
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(243); }
Instance of Symbol 173 MovieClip in Frame 8
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(248); }
Frame 9
Frame 10
Frame 11
Frame 13
Frame 14
Frame 15
Frame 16
Frame 17
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip in Frame 44
on (release) {; } on (release) { if (this._currentframe == 28) {; } }
Frame 56
Frame 57;
Frame 60
Frame 61;
Frame 65;
Frame 66;
Frame 67;
Frame 68;
Frame 69;
Instance of Symbol 675 MovieClip in Frame 148
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation = this._rotation + 20; }
Frame 166
_root.b = "This is a sentance totally written by code";
Instance of Symbol 675 MovieClip in Frame 174
onClipEvent (load) { rot = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation = this._rotation + rot; }
Instance of Symbol 747 MovieClip "player" in Frame 177
onClipEvent (load) { xspeed = 5; yspeed = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 35, true)) { xspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(37)) { xspeed = xspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall2.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 35, true)) { xspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(39)) { xspeed = xspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { yspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed = yspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { yspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed = yspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._x = this._x - xspeed; this._rotation = 90; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { this._x = this._x + xspeed; this._rotation = 270; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._y = this._y - yspeed; this._rotation = 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._y = this._y + yspeed; this._rotation = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 747 MovieClip "player" in Frame 186
onClipEvent (load) { xspeed = 5; yspeed = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 35, true)) { xspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(37)) { xspeed = xspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall2.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 35, true)) { xspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(39)) { xspeed = xspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall3.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { yspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(40)) { yspeed = yspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wall4.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { yspeed = 0; if (Key.isDown(38)) { yspeed = yspeed + 5; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._x = this._x - xspeed; this._rotation = 90; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { this._x = this._x + xspeed; this._rotation = 270; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._y = this._y - yspeed; this._rotation = 180; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._y = this._y + yspeed; this._rotation = 0; } }
Frame 211
_root.pi = Math.PI;
Instance of Symbol 907 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Instance of Symbol 909 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(263); }
Instance of Symbol 911 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(273); }
Instance of Symbol 913 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(278); }
Instance of Symbol 915 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(283); }
Instance of Symbol 917 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(290); }
Instance of Symbol 919 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(295); }
Instance of Symbol 921 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(298); }
Instance of Symbol 940 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(326); }
Instance of Symbol 942 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(309); }
Instance of Symbol 944 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(315); }
Instance of Symbol 946 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(319); }
Instance of Symbol 948 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(323); }
Instance of Symbol 950 MovieClip in Frame 256
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(333); }
Instance of Symbol 1158 MovieClip in Frame 338
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(364); }
Instance of Symbol 1161 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(342); }
Instance of Symbol 1163 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(346); }
Instance of Symbol 1165 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(348); }
Instance of Symbol 1167 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(350); }
Instance of Symbol 1169 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(352); }
Instance of Symbol 1171 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(354); }
Instance of Symbol 1173 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(356); }
Instance of Symbol 1175 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(358); }
Instance of Symbol 1177 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(362); }
Instance of Symbol 1179 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(360); }
Instance of Symbol 1181 MovieClip in Frame 341
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(359); }
Instance of Symbol 1204 MovieClip in Frame 349
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._yscale = PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndPlay ("LOADED"); }
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 75;
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 40;
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 33 Button
on (release) { _root.nextScene(); }
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 47 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 91;
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 10;
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 20;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 159 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 165 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 177 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 189 Button
on (release) { _root.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 190 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 204 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 205 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 206 Button
on (release) { _root.prevFrame(); }
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) { this.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 231 Button
on (release) { this.prevFrame(); }
Symbol 239 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 279 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 22
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 59
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 118
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 178
Symbol 421 MovieClip Frame 355
gotoAndPlay (181);
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 472 Button
on (release) { _root.blood.nextFrame(); }
Symbol 473 Button
on (release) { _root.blood.prevFrame(); }
Symbol 655 Button
on (press) { startDrag ("/hat"); } on (release) { stopDrag(); }
Symbol 895 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 901 MovieClip Frame 86
Symbol 905 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 923 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 952 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 953 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 956 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (256); }
Symbol 1151 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 1156 MovieClip Frame 86
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 1184 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("mainmenu"); }
Symbol 1187 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (341); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3  Timeline
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:17
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8  Timeline
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:17
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:17
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:14Used by:17
Symbol 16 SoundUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:5 6 8 11 13 15 16 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:20  Timeline
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22 25 26 27 78 899
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:28
Symbol 23 FontUsed by:24 32 38 44 45 48 49 52 53 87 90 93 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 707
Symbol 24 TextUses:23Used by:28 79 900 1150
Symbol 25 GraphicUses:21Used by:28
Symbol 26 GraphicUses:21Used by:28
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:21Used by:28
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:22 24 25 26 27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 BitmapUsed by:31 81 1152
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:30Used by:33 34
Symbol 32 TextUses:23Used by:33 34 82 894 1153
Symbol 33 ButtonUses:31 32Used by:35
Symbol 34 ButtonUses:31 32Used by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:33 34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 BitmapUsed by:37 84 896
Symbol 37 GraphicUses:36Used by:39
Symbol 38 TextUses:23Used by:39 85 897 1155
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:37 38Used by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:41Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:47 51 55
Symbol 44 TextUses:23Used by:46
Symbol 45 TextUses:23Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:44 45Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:43 46Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 TextUses:23Used by:50
Symbol 49 TextUses:23Used by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:48 49Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:43 50Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 1244 TextUses:56Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"photoshopdescription"Frame 3Symbol 47 MovieClip
"flashdescription"Frame 3Symbol 51 MovieClip
"newgroundsdescription"Frame 3Symbol 55 MovieClip
"one"Frame 3Symbol 61 MovieClip
"two"Frame 3Symbol 65 MovieClip
"three"Frame 3Symbol 69 MovieClip
"four"Frame 3Symbol 73 MovieClip
"five"Frame 3Symbol 77 MovieClip
"sketch1"Frame 10Symbol 204 MovieClip
"sketch2"Frame 12Symbol 217 MovieClip
"thestick"Frame 18Symbol 239 MovieClip
"nolimby"Frame 55Symbol 379 MovieClip
"hairy"Frame 59Symbol 398 MovieClip
"bally"Frame 65Symbol 421 MovieClip
"blood"Frame 72Symbol 471 MovieClip
"hat"Frame 142Symbol 655 Button
"player"Frame 177Symbol 747 MovieClip
"wall"Frame 177Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall3"Frame 177Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall2"Frame 177Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall4"Frame 177Symbol 749 MovieClip
"player"Frame 186Symbol 747 MovieClip
"wall"Frame 186Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall3"Frame 186Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall2"Frame 186Symbol 749 MovieClip
"wall4"Frame 186Symbol 749 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


"mainmenu"Frame 3
"LOADED"Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 5

Dynamic Text Variables

bSymbol 717 EditableText""
piSymbol 830 EditableText""
Created: 17/4 -2019 21:38:45 Last modified: 17/4 -2019 21:38:45 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:24:16