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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Mohaa Tutorial (flash mx).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #58988

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="_sans" SIZE="12" COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></P>



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Start  Tutorial

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to learn

fire sound

Lesson 1
Make a Mouse

Lesson 6

Lesson 3
Fire and sound

Lesson 4
Make  Buttoms

Lesson 6.1

Lesson 5
Make shooting target

Lesson 2
Make a  Weapon



Map room

Main menu

Lesson 1

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
startDrag("", true);

In our first lesson we are going to have a look at
how  to make your own mouse:
1.  Draw a picture like my mouse then press F8, then choose
the moive clip and  then click OK.
2.  Select the movie clip and press F9, where is to write the
action, turn it in to expert mode, then type this in :

3.  If you find your mouse is a bit jerk, press Control+J and
change the fps to as  much as you like. 120 fps is the
best, because it shows 120 frame per second and you
can feel it very smooth.

Lesson 2

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
startDrag("", true);

In our second lesson we are going to have a look at
how  to make your own weapon:
1.  Draw a picture include an arrow in the middle and a gun
next to it then pressF8, then choose the moive clip and
then click OK.
2.  Select the movie clip and press F9, where is to write the
action, turn it in to expert mode, then type the same thing
in it :

3.  Now press the next buttom to see what will happen.

Now your mouse looks like a mouse with a
weapon , but you soon find out that you still can
see that stupid mouse. Now! what you have to do
is select the frame on the very top and then type
in the action:


Lesson 3

In our third lesson we are going to have a look at
how  to  add sound and fire in your own weapon:
1.  Make a movie clip by pressF8, then choose the moive clip
and then click OK, then double click on the moiveclip
2.  In the movie clip make 3 frames, then press  F6 for each.
Now you can see three dot on  each frame.
3.  In the first frame leave blank , then second draw a fire and
for the third blank. press F9 and select stop action on the
frame 3.
4,  For the sound: make a sound, then drag into the flash
and then on the first frame of the  fire movieclip, go to
property then  go to  sound and choose  the sound you've
just put it in.
5.  Go to the next page  on this tutorial and I will give you the
action script to make it work.

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
duplicateMovieClip(this, "bulletnew"+i, i);
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;

Go back to scene 1 and select the movieclip and
copy this in to your action of your moiveclip

Now try to click your mouse.

Lesson 4

In our fourth lesson we are going to have a look at
how  to make  a buttom:
1.  Draw a picture like a buttom then pressF8, then choose the
buttom selection and then click OK.
2.  Select the buttom and press F9, where is to write the
action, turn it in to normal mode, then press goto enter the
frame where you want it to be.
3.  You might wonder, why my buttom goes light. that is what I
am  going to teach you now. Double clip on the buttom
select the second frame and  press F6, then draw what
ever you want it to be.
4.  When you  put your mouse over it, it will looks like what
you've drwan on the second frame in the buttom.

Lesson 5

In our  fifth lesson we are going to have a look at
how  to make  a shooting target :
1.  Draw a picture like a target then pressF8, then choose the
movieclip and then click OK. Then you have to double click
on it, turns it into edit mode. In there turns it into a buttom.
2.  Select the first and press F9, where is to write the
action, turn it into normal mode, then press  stop first
3.  Then set 11 frames, first frame is for what it looks like
before it  gets shot and make the buttom go to next page
4.  After that draw the frame which it explode, remember at
the last frame put a stop action there.
5.  Now press the next buttom to put all we've learn from this
tutorial together and test it out.

Shoot this target!

Well done!

Lesson 6

In our  sixth lesson we are going to have a look at
other scripts which is not related to my game.
That's all I have now. More will come :

If you are not sure what I am taking about in this
turtorial you can e-mail me at

This tutorial is made by David Hua alone,
so is the graphics and the sound. Please
give me a review or comment on this. I will
be grateful for you to spot out some

In our  this lesson we are going to have a look at
movement scripts which is not related to my game:
1.  Make a movieclip then select it and press F9 and type this

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y += acelerar*Math.sin(_rotation/57.3);
_x += acelerar*Math.cos(_rotation/57.3);
acelerar *= 0.8;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
acelerar = 4
} else {
acelerar = 0
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
acelerar = -3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
_rotation -= 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
_rotation += 3

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
Mouse.hide(); Mouse.hide(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Frame 2
Mouse.hide(); stop();
Frame 3
Mouse.hide(); stop(); stop();
Frame 4
stop(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] in Frame 4
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = "InstanceName_1"; horizontal = false; }
Frame 5
Mouse.hide(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] in Frame 5
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = "InstanceName_0"; horizontal = false; }
Frame 6; stop();
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Frame 7
Mouse.hide(); stop();
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Frame 9
onClipEvent (mouseDown) { i++; duplicateMovieClip (this, "bulletnew" + i, i); _root.aimer.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; }
Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip in Frame 12
onClipEvent (mouseDown) { i++; duplicateMovieClip (this, "bulletnew" + i, i); _root.aimer.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; }
Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip in Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { startDrag ("", true); }
Frame 14
Frame 15
Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] in Frame 16
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = "InstanceName_1"; horizontal = false; }
Symbol 3 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 3 _global.FLabelClass = function () { if (this.hostComponent == undefined) { this.hostComponent = ((this._parent.controller == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (this._parent.controller)); } if (this.customTextStyle == undefined) { if (this.hostComponent.textStyle == undefined) { this.hostComponent.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } this.textStyle = this.hostComponent.textStyle; this.enable = true; } }; FLabelClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); Object.registerClass("FLabelSymbol", FLabelClass); FLabelClass.prototype.setLabel = function (label) { var val = this.hostComponent.styleTable.embedFonts.value; if (val != undefined) { this.labelField.embedFonts = val; } this.labelField.setNewTextFormat(this.textStyle); this.labelField.text = label; this.labelField._height = this.labelField.textHeight + 2; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setSize = function (width) { this.labelField._width = width; }; FLabelClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.enable = enable; var tmpColor = this.hostComponent.styleTable[(enable ? "textColor" : "textDisabled")].value; if (tmpColor == undefined) { tmpColor = (enable ? 0 : 8947848); } this.setColor(tmpColor); }; FLabelClass.prototype.getLabel = function () { return(this.labelField.text); }; FLabelClass.prototype.setColor = function (col) { this.labelField.textColor = col; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1
var component = _parent.controller; component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "selection"); stop();
Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc2, "selectionDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc3, "selectionUnfocused"); stop();
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(track_mc, "scrollTrack");
Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 5 FScrollBarClass = function () { if (this._height == 4) { return(undefined); } this.init(); this.minPos = (this.maxPos = (this.pageSize = (this.largeScroll = 0))); this.smallScroll = 1; this.width = (this.horizontal ? (this._width) : (this._height)); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.setScrollPosition(0); this.tabEnabled = false; if (this._targetInstanceName.length > 0) { this.setScrollTarget(this._parent[this._targetInstanceName]); } this.tabChildren = false; this.setSize(this.width); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FScrollBarClass.prototype.setHorizontal = function (flag) { if (this.horizontal && (!flag)) { this._xscale = 100; this._rotation = 0; } else if (flag && (!this.horizontal)) { this._xscale = -100; this._rotation = -90; } this.horizontal = flag; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollProperties = function (pSize, mnPos, mxPos) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.pageSize = pSize; this.minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0); this.maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0); this.scrollPosition = Math.max(this.minPos, this.scrollPosition); this.scrollPosition = Math.min(this.maxPos, this.scrollPosition); if ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) <= 0) { this.scrollThumb_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(3); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = null)); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = null); this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; } else { var tmp = this.getScrollPosition(); this.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.upArrow_mc.onPress = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startUpScroller); this.upArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.upArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.downArrow_mc.onPress = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOver = this.startDownScroller); this.downArrow_mc.onRelease = (this.downArrow_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling); this.scrollTrack_mc.onPress = (this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOver = this.startTrackScroller); this.scrollTrack_mc.onRelease = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onDragOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.onRollOut = this.stopScrolling; this.scrollTrack_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.attachMovie("ScrollThumb", "scrollThumb_mc", 3); this.scrollThumb_mc._x = 0; this.scrollThumb_mc._y = this.upArrow_mc._height; this.scrollThumb_mc.onPress = this.startDragThumb; this.scrollThumb_mc.controller = this; this.scrollThumb_mc.onRelease = (this.scrollThumb_mc.onReleaseOutside = this.stopDragThumb); this.scrollThumb_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.thumbHeight = (this.pageSize / ((this.maxPos - this.minPos) + this.pageSize)) * this.trackSize; this.thumbMid_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderMid; this.thumbTop_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderTop; this.thumbBot_mc = this.scrollThumb_mc.mc_sliderBot; this.thumbHeight = Math.max(this.thumbHeight, 6); this.midHeight = (this.thumbHeight - this.thumbTop_mc._height) - this.thumbBot_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._yScale = (this.midHeight * 100) / this.thumbMid_mc._height; this.thumbMid_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height; this.thumbBot_mc._y = this.thumbTop_mc._height + this.midHeight; this.scrollTop = this.scrollThumb_mc._y; this.trackHeight = this.trackSize - this.thumbHeight; this.scrollBot = this.trackHeight + this.scrollTop; tmp = Math.min(tmp, this.maxPos); this.setScrollPosition(Math.max(tmp, this.minPos)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.scrollPosition); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { this.scrollPosition = pos; if (this.scrollThumb_mc != undefined) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.maxPos); pos = Math.max(pos, this.minPos); } this.scrollThumb_mc._y = (((pos - this.minPos) * this.trackHeight) / (this.maxPos - this.minPos)) + this.scrollTop; this.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setLargeScroll = function (lScroll) { this.largeScroll = lScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSmallScroll = function (sScroll) { this.smallScroll = sScroll; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { var wasEnabled = this.enable; if (enabledFlag && (!wasEnabled)) { this.enable = enabledFlag; if (this.textField != undefined) { this.setScrollTarget(this.textField); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.cachedMinPos, this.cachedMaxPos); this.setScrollPosition(this.cachedPos); } this.clickFilter = undefined; } else if ((!enabledFlag) && (wasEnabled)) { this.textField.removeListener(this); this.cachedPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.cachedMinPos = this.minPos; this.cachedMaxPos = this.maxPos; if (this.clickFilter == undefined) { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, 0, 0); } else { this.clickFilter = true; } this.enable = enabledFlag; } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setSize = function (hgt) { if (this._height == 1) { return(undefined); } this.width = hgt; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = 100; this.scrollTrack_mc._yscale = (100 * this.width) / this.scrollTrack_mc._height; if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie("UpArrow", "upArrow_mc", 1); this.attachMovie("DownArrow", "downArrow_mc", 2); this.downArrow_mc.controller = (this.upArrow_mc.controller = this); this.upArrow_mc.useHandCursor = (this.downArrow_mc.useHandCursor = false); this.upArrow_mc._x = (this.upArrow_mc._y = 0); this.downArrow_mc._x = 0; } this.scrollTrack_mc.controller = this; this.downArrow_mc._y = this.width - this.downArrow_mc._height; this.trackSize = this.width - (2 * this.downArrow_mc._height); if (this.textField != undefined) { this.onTextChanged(); } else { this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollIt = function (inc, mode) { var delt = this.smallScroll; if (inc != "one") { delt = ((this.largeScroll == 0) ? (this.pageSize) : (this.largeScroll)); } var newPos = (this.getScrollPosition() + (mode * delt)); if (newPos > this.maxPos) { newPos = this.maxPos; } else if (newPos < this.minPos) { newPos = this.minPos; } this.setScrollPosition(newPos); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDragThumb = function () { this.lastY = this._ymouse; this.onMouseMove = this.controller.dragThumb; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.dragThumb = function () { this.scrollMove = this._ymouse - this.lastY; this.scrollMove = this.scrollMove + this._y; if (this.scrollMove < this.controller.scrollTop) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollTop; } else if (this.scrollMove > this.controller.scrollBot) { this.scrollMove = this.controller.scrollBot; } this._y = this.scrollMove; var c = this.controller; c.scrollPosition = Math.round(((c.maxPos - c.minPos) * (this._y - c.scrollTop)) / c.trackHeight) + c.minPos; this.controller.isScrolling = true; updateAfterEvent(); this.controller.executeCallBack(); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopDragThumb = function () { this.controller.isScrolling = false; this.onMouseMove = null; }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startTrackScroller = function () { this.controller.trackScroller(); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "page", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.scrollInterval = function (inc, mode) { clearInterval(this.scrolling); if (inc == "page") { this.trackScroller(); } else { this.scrollIt(inc, mode); } this.scrolling = setInterval(this, "scrollInterval", 35, inc, mode); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.trackScroller = function () { if ((this.scrollThumb_mc._y + this.thumbHeight) < this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", 1); } else if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y > this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt("page", -1); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.stopScrolling = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(this.controller.scrolling); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startUpScroller = function () { this.controller.upArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", -1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", -1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.startDownScroller = function () { this.controller.downArrow_mc.gotoAndStop(2); this.controller.scrollIt("one", 1); this.controller.scrolling = setInterval(this.controller, "scrollInterval", 500, "one", 1); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.setScrollTarget = function (tF) { if (tF == undefined) { this.textField.removeListener(this); delete this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")]; if ((this.textField.hScroller != undefined) && (this.textField.vScroller != undefined)) { this.textField.unwatch("text"); this.textField.unwatch("htmltext"); } } this.textField = undefined; if (!(tF instanceof TextField)) { return(undefined); } this.textField = tF; this.textField[(this.horizontal ? "hScroller" : "vScroller")] = this; this.onTextChanged(); this.onChanged = function () { this.onTextChanged(); }; this.onScroller = function () { if (!this.isScrolling) { if (!this.horizontal) { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.scroll); } else { this.setScrollPosition(this.textField.hscroll); } } }; this.textField.addListener(this);"text", this.callback);"htmlText", this.callback); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.callback = function (prop, oldVal, newVal) { clearInterval(this.hScroller.synchScroll); clearInterval(this.vScroller.synchScroll); this.hScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.hScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); this.vScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.vScroller, "onTextChanged", 50); return(newVal); }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.onTextChanged = function () { if ((!this.enable) || (this.textField == undefined)) { return(undefined); } clearInterval(this.synchScroll); if (this.horizontal) { var pos = this.textField.hscroll; this.setScrollProperties(this.textField._width, 0, this.textField.maxhscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxhscroll)); } else { var pos = this.textField.scroll; var pageSize = (this.textField.bottomScroll - this.textField.scroll); this.setScrollProperties(pageSize, 1, this.textField.maxscroll); this.setScrollPosition(Math.min(pos, this.textField.maxscroll)); } }; FScrollBarClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { if (this.textField == undefined) { super.executeCallBack(); } else if (this.horizontal) { this.textField.hscroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } else { this.textField.scroll = this.getScrollPosition(); } }; Object.registerClass("FScrollBarSymbol", FScrollBarClass); #endinitclip
Symbol 11 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 1 _global.DataProviderClass = function () { this.init(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.init = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.uniqueID = 0; this.views = new Array(); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addView = function (viewRef) { this.views.push(viewRef); var eventObj = {event:"updateAll"}; viewRef.modelChanged(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, value) { if (index < this.getLength()) { this.items.splice(index, 0, "tmp"); } this.items[index] = new Object(); if (typeof(value) == "object") { this.items[index] = value; } else { this.items[index].label = value; } this.items[index].__ID__ = this.uniqueID++; var eventObj = {event:"addRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.addItem = function (value) { this.addItemAt(this.getLength(), value); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { var tmpItm = this.items[index]; this.items.splice(index, 1); var eventObj = {event:"deleteRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}; this.updateViews(eventObj); return(tmpItm); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.items = new Array(); this.updateViews({event:"deleteRows", firstRow:0, lastRow:this.getLength() - 1}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, itemObj) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.getLength())) { return(undefined); } var tmpID = this.getItemID(index); if (typeof(itemObj) == "object") { this.items[index] = itemObj; } else { this.items[index].label = itemObj; } this.items[index].__ID__ = tmpID; this.updateViews({event:"updateRows", firstRow:index, lastRow:index}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.items.length); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.items[index]); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.getItemID = function (index) { return(this.items[index].__ID__); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.items.sortOn(fieldName); if (order == "DESC") { this.items.reverse(); } this.updateViews({event:"sort"}); }; DataProviderClass.prototype.updateViews = function (eventObj) { var i = 0; while (i < this.views.length) { this.views[i].modelChanged(eventObj); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Symbol 12 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 8 function FSelectableItemClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableItemClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableItemClass.prototype.init = function () { if (this._name != "itemAsset") { this.highlighted = false; this.layoutContent(100); } }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.drawItem = function (itmObj, selected) { this.displayContent(itmObj, selected); if ((this.highlighted != selected) || ((this.controller.focused != this.oldFocus) && (selected))) { this.setHighlighted(selected); } this.oldFocus = this.controller.focused; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setSize = function (width, height) { var LOWEST_DEPTH = -16384; this.width = width; this.layoutContent(width); this.attachMovie("FHighlightSymbol", "highlight_mc", LOWEST_DEPTH); this.highlight_mc._x = 0.5; this.highlight_mc._width = width - 0.5; this.highlight_mc._height = height; this.highlight_mc.controller = this; this.highlight_mc._alpha = 0; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; this.highlight_mc.onPress = function () { if (this.controller.enable) { this.controller.controller.clickHandler(this.controller.itemNum); } }; this.highlight_mc.onDragOver = function () { if (this.controller.controller.focused) { this.onPress(); } }; this.highlight_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.highlight_mc.trackAsMenu = true; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = enabledFlag; this.fLabel_mc.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.highlight_mc.gotoAndStop((enabledFlag ? "unfocused" : "disabled")); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.layoutContent = function (width) { this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 2, {hostComponent:this.controller}); this.fLabel_mc._x = 2; this.fLabel_mc._y = 0; this.fLabel_mc.setSize(width - 2); this.fLabel_mc.labelField.selectable = false; }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.displayContent = function (itmObj, selected) { var tmpLabel = ""; if (itmObj.label != undefined) { tmpLabel = itmObj.label; } else if (typeof(itmObj) == "object") { for (var i in itmObj) { if (i != "__ID__") { tmpLabel = (itmObj[i] + ", ") + tmpLabel; } } tmpLabel = tmpLabel.substring(0, tmpLabel.length - 2); } else { tmpLabel = itmObj; } if (this.fLabel_mc.labelField.text != tmpLabel) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(tmpLabel); } var clr = (selected ? (this.controller.styleTable.textSelected.value) : (this.controller.styleTable.textColor.value)); if (clr == undefined) { clr = (selected ? 16777215 : 0); } this.fLabel_mc.setColor(clr); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemIndex = function () { return(this.controller.getScrollPosition() + this.itemNum); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getItemModel = function () { return(this.controller.getItemAt(this.getItemIndex())); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.getHostDataProvider = function () { return(this.controller.dataProvider); }; FSelectableItemClass.prototype.setHighlighted = function (flag) { fade = this.controller.styleTable.fadeRate.value; if (((fade == undefined) || (fade == 0)) || (!flag)) { this.highlight_mc._alpha = (flag ? 100 : 0); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeN = fade; this.fadeX = 1; this.highLight_mc._alpha = 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.highLight_mc._alpha = (60 * Math.sqrt((this.fadeX++) / this.fadeN)) + 40; if (this.fadeX > this.fadeN) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } this.highlighted = flag; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 4 function FSelectableListClass() { this.init(); } FSelectableListClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); FSelectableListClass.prototype.init = function () { super.init(); this.enable = true; this.selected = new Array(); this.topDisplayed = (this.numDisplayed = 0); this.lastSelected = 0; this.tabChildren = false; if (this._name != undefined) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); this.dataProvider.addView(this); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItemAt = function (index, label, data) { if ((index < 0) || (!this.enable)) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItemAt(index, {label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.addItem = function (label, data) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.dataProvider.addItem({label:label, data:data}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeItemAt = function (index) { this.selectHolder = this.getSelectedIndex(); var item = this.getItemAt(index); this.dataProvider.removeItemAt(index); return(item); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { this.dataProvider.removeAll(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.replaceItemAt = function (index, newLabel, newData) { this.dataProvider.replaceItemAt(index, {label:newLabel, data:newData}); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.sortItemsBy = function (fieldName, order) { this.lastSelID = this.dataProvider.getItemID(this.lastSelected); this.dataProvider.sortItemsBy(fieldName, order); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getLength = function () { return(this.dataProvider.getLength()); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedIndex = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var tmpInd = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (tmpInd != undefined) { return(tmpInd); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getSelectedItem = function () { return(this.getItemAt(this.getSelectedIndex())); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getItemAt = function (index) { return(this.dataProvider.getItemAt(index)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.getValue = function () { var item = this.getSelectedItem(); return((( == undefined) ? (item.label) : (; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function (index, flag) { if (((index >= 0) && (index < this.getLength())) && (this.enable)) { this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(index, true); this.lastSelected = index; this.invalidate("updateControl"); if (flag != false) { this.executeCallBack(); } } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setDataProvider = function (obj) { this.setScrollPosition(0); this.clearSelected(); if (obj instanceof Array) { this.dataProvider = new DataProviderClass(); var i = 0; while (i < obj.length) { var value = ((typeof(obj[i]) == "string") ? ({label:obj[i]}) : (obj[i])); this.dataProvider.addItem(value); i++; } } else { this.dataProvider = obj; } this.dataProvider.addView(this); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setItemSymbol = function (linkID) { this.tmpPos = this.getScrollPosition(); this.itemSymbol = linkID; this.invalidate("setSize"); this.setScrollPosition(this.tmpPos); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.cleanUI(); super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.enable = enabledFlag; this.boundingBox_mc.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); var limit = Math.min(this.numDisplayed, this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < limit) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].setEnabled(this.enable); i++; } if (this.enable) { this.invalidate("updateControl"); } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.updateControl = function () { var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(this.topDisplayed + i), this.isSelected(this.topDisplayed + i)); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { super.setSize(w, h); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = 100); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = (this.width * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._width; this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = (this.height * 100) / this.boundingBox_mc._height; var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, ("fListItem" + i) + "_mc", 10 + i, {controller:this, itemNum:i}); var item_mc = this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"]; var offset = ((this.scrollOffset == undefined) ? 0 : (this.scrollOffset)); item_mc.setSize(this.width - offset, this.itmHgt); item_mc._y = (this.itmHgt - 2) * i; i++; } this.updateControl(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { var firstRow = eventObj.firstRow; var lastRow = eventObj.lastRow; var event = eventObj.event; if (event == "addRows") { for (var i in this.selected) { if ((this.selected[i].sIndex != undefined) && (this.selected[i].sIndex >= firstRow)) { this.selected[i].sIndex = this.selected[i].sIndex + ((lastRow - firstRow) + 1); this.setSelectedIndex(this.selected[i].sIndex, false); } } } else if (event == "deleteRows") { if (firstRow == lastRow) { var index = firstRow; if (this.selectHolder == index) { this.selectionDeleted = true; } if (((this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed) >= this.getLength()) && (this.topDisplayed > 0)) { this.topDisplayed--; if (this.selectionDeleted && ((index - 1) >= 0)) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } } else if (this.selectionDeleted) { var len = this.getLength(); if (((index == (len - 1)) && (len > 1)) || (index > (len / 2))) { this.setSelectedIndex(index - 1, false); } else { this.setSelectedIndex(index, false); } } for (var i in this.selected) { if (this.selected[i].sIndex > firstRow) { this.selected[i].sIndex--; } } } else { this.clearSelected(); this.topDisplayed = 0; } } else if (event == "sort") { var len = this.getLength(); var i = 0; while (i < len) { if (this.isSelected(i)) { var id = this.dataProvider.getItemID(i); if (id == this.lastSelID) { this.lastSelected = i; } this.selected[String(id)].sIndex = i; } i++; } } this.invalidate("updateControl"); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.measureItmHgt = function () { this.attachMovie(this.itemSymbol, "tmpItem_mc", 0, {controller:this}); this.tmpItem_mc.drawItem({label:"Sizer: PjtTopg"}, false); this.itmHgt = this.tmpItem_mc._height; this.tmpItem_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectItem = function (index, selectedFlag) { if (selectedFlag && (!this.isSelected(index))) { this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))] = {sIndex:index}; } else if (!selectedFlag) { delete this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))]; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.isSelected = function (index) { return(this.selected[String(this.dataProvider.getItemID(index))].sIndex != undefined); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clearSelected = function () { for (var uniqueID in this.selected) { var index = this.selected[uniqueID].sIndex; if (((index != undefined) && (this.topDisplayed <= index)) && (index < (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + (index - this.topDisplayed)) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(index), false); } } delete this.selected; this.selected = new Array(); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.selectionHandler = function (itemNum) { var tmpInd = (this.topDisplayed + itemNum); if (this.getItemAt(tmpInd == undefined)) { this.changeFlag = false; return(undefined); } this.changeFlag = true; this.clearSelected(); this.selectItem(tmpInd, true); this.container_mc[("fListItem" + itemNum) + "_mc"].drawItem(this.getItemAt(tmpInd), this.isSelected(tmpInd)); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (incr) { var itmNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var newItm = (itmNum + incr); newItm = Math.max(0, newItm); newItm = Math.min(this.getLength() - 1, newItm); if (newItm == itmNum) { return(undefined); } if ((itmNum < this.topDisplayed) || (itmNum >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed))) { this.setScrollPosition(itmNum); } if ((newItm >= (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed)) || (newItm < this.topDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.topDisplayed + incr); } this.selectionHandler(newItm - this.topDisplayed); }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); if (!this.focused) { this.pressFocus(); } this.selectionHandler(itmNum); this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { if (this.changeFlag) { this.executeCallBack(); } this.changeFlag = false; this.onMouseUp = undefined; }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { super.myOnSetFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("enabled"); i++; } }; FSelectableListClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { super.myOnKillFocus(); var i = 0; while (i < this.numDisplayed) { this.container_mc[("fListItem" + i) + "_mc"].highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("unfocused"); i++; } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 11 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] "dPAsset" in Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol] "ItemAsset" in Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 6 function FScrollSelectListClass() { this.init(); } FScrollSelectListClass.prototype = new FSelectableListClass(); FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { return(this.topDisplayed); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (pos) { if (this.enable) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); pos = Math.max(pos, 0); this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollPosition(pos); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setAutoHideScrollBar = function (flag) { this.permaScrollBar = !flag; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.scrollBar_mc.setEnabled(this.enable); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { var pos = this.getScrollPosition(); super.setSize(w, h); if (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined) { this.removed = true; } this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.initScrollBar(); this.setScrollPosition(pos); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { super.modelChanged(eventObj); this.invalidate("initScrollBar"); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.initScrollBar = function () { if ((!this.permaScrollBar) && (this.getLength() <= this.numDisplayed)) { if (this.removed) { this.scrollBar_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.scrollBar_mc = undefined; this.scrollOffset = undefined; this.invalidate("setSize"); } } else { if (this.scrollBar_mc == undefined) { this.container_mc.attachMovie("FScrollBarSymbol", "scrollBar_mc", 3000, {hostStyle:this.styleTable}); this.scrollBar_mc = this.container_mc.scrollBar_mc; this.scrollBar_mc.setChangeHandler("scrollHandler", this); this.scrollBar_mc.setSize(this.height); this.scrollBar_mc._x = this.width - this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.scrollBar_mc._y = 0; this.scrollBar_mc.setLargeScroll(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollOffset = this.scrollBar_mc._width; this.invalidate("setSize"); } this.scrollBar_mc.setScrollProperties(this.numDisplayed, 0, this.getLength() - this.numDisplayed); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.scrollHandler = function (scrollBar) { var pos = scrollBar.getScrollPosition(); this.topDisplayed = pos; if (this.lastPosition != pos) { this.updateControl(); } this.lastPosition = pos; }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { super.clickHandler(itmNum); if ((this.dragScrolling == undefined) && (this.scrollBar_mc != undefined)) { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); this.dragScrolling = undefined; super.releaseHandler(); }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.dragScroll = function () { clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); if (this.container_mc._ymouse < 0) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() - 1); this.selectionHandler(0); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * (-this.container_mc._ymouse)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else if (this.container_mc._ymouse > ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) { this.setScrollPosition(this.getScrollPosition() + 1); this.selectionHandler(this.numDisplayed - 1); this.scrollInterval = Math.max(25, (-23.8 * Math.abs((this.container_mc._ymouse - ((this.itmHgt - 2) * this.numDisplayed)) - 2)) + 500); this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", this.scrollInterval); } else { this.dragScrolling = setInterval(this, "dragScroll", 15); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if (this.focused) { this.keyCodes = new Array(40, 38, 34, 33, 36, 35); this.keyIncrs = new Array(1, -1, this.numDisplayed - 1, -(this.numDisplayed - 1), -this.getLength(), this.getLength()); var i = 0; while (i < this.keyCodes.length) { if (Key.isDown(this.keyCodes[i])) { this.moveSelBy(this.keyIncrs[i]); return(undefined); } i++; } this.findInputText(); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findInputText = function () { var tmpCode = Key.getAscii(); if ((tmpCode >= 33) && (tmpCode <= 126)) { this.findString(String.fromCharCode(tmpCode)); } }; FScrollSelectListClass.prototype.findString = function (str) { if (this.getLength() == 0) { return(undefined); } var itemNum = this.getSelectedIndex(); var jump = 0; var i = (itemNum + 1); while (i != itemNum) { var itmStr = this.getItemAt(i).label.substring(0, str.length); if ((str == itmStr) || (str.toUpperCase() == itmStr.toUpperCase())) { var jump = (i - itemNum); break; } if (i >= (this.getLength() - 1)) { i = -1; } i++; } if (jump != 0) { this.moveSelBy(jump); } }; #endinitclip
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] "scrollBarAsset" in Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = ""; horizontal = false; } onClipEvent (load) { this._width = (this._height = 1); }
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 15 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 9 function FComboBoxItemClass() { this.init(); } FComboBoxItemClass.prototype = new FSelectableItemClass(); Object.registerClass("FComboBoxItemSymbol", FComboBoxItemClass); FComboBoxItemClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { super.setSize(w, h); this.highlight_mc.onRollOver = function () { this.controller.controller.selectionHandler(this.controller.itemNum); }; }; #endinitclip
Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1
var component = _parent; component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox, "background"); stop();
Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2
component.registerSkinElement(boundingBox2, "backgroundDisabled"); stop();
Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 10 function FComboBoxClass() { _global._popUpLevel = ((_global._popUpLevel == undefined) ? 20000 : (_global._popUpLevel + 1)); this.superHolder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("superHolder" + _popUpLevel, _popUpLevel); var testContainer = this.superHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("testCont", 20000); var testBox = testContainer.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "boundingBox_mc", 0); if (testBox._name == undefined) { this.superHolder.removeMovieClip(); this.superHolder = this._parent.createEmptyMovieClip("superHolder" + _popUpLevel, _popUpLevel); } else { testContainer.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.rowCount == undefined) { this.rowCount = 8; this.editable = false; } this.itemSymbol = "FComboBoxItemSymbol"; this.init(); this.permaScrollBar = false; this.proxyBox_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this.width = this._width; this.height = (this.proxyBox_mc._height * this._yscale) / 100; var i = 0; while (i < this.labels.length) { this.addItem(this.labels[i],[i]); i++; } this.lastSelected = 0; this.selectItem(0); this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.opened = false; this.setSize(this.width); this.highlightTop(false); if (this.changeHandler.length > 0) { this.setChangeHandler(this.changeHandler); } this.onUnload = function () { this.superHolder.removeMovieClip(); }; this.setSelectedIndex(0, false); this.value = ""; this.focusEnabled = true; this.changeFlag = false; } FComboBoxClass.prototype = new FScrollSelectListClass(); Object.registerClass("FComboBoxSymbol", FComboBoxClass); FComboBoxClass.prototype.modelChanged = function (eventObj) { super.modelChanged(eventObj); var event = eventObj.event; if ((event == "addRows") || (event == "deleteRows")) { var diff = ((eventObj.lastRow - eventObj.firstRow) + 1); var mode = ((event == "addRows") ? 1 : -1); var len = this.getLength(); var lenBefore = (len - (mode * diff)); if ((this.rowCount > lenBefore) || (this.rowCount > len)) { this.invalidate("setSize"); } if (this.getSelectedIndex() == undefined) { this.setSelectedIndex(0, false); } } else if (event == "updateAll") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.removeAll = function () { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } super.removeAll(); if (this.editable) { this.value = ""; } this.invalidate("setSize"); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setSize = function (w) { if ((((w == undefined) || (typeof(w) != "number")) || (w <= 0)) || (!this.enable)) { return(undefined); } this.proxyBox_mc._width = w; this.container_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.measureItmHgt(); this.container_mc = this.superHolder.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 3); this.container_mc.tabChildren = false; this.setPopUpLocation(this.container_mc); this.container_mc.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "boundingBox_mc", 0); this.boundingBox_mc = this.container_mc.boundingBox_mc; this.boundingBox_mc.component = this; this.registerSkinElement(this.boundingBox_mc.boundingBox, "background"); this.proxyBox_mc._height = this.itmHgt; this.numDisplayed = Math.min(this.rowCount, this.getLength()); if (this.numDisplayed < 3) { this.numDisplayed = Math.min(3, this.getLength()); } this.height = (this.numDisplayed * (this.itmHgt - 2)) + 2; super.setSize(w, this.height); this.attachMovie("DownArrow", "downArrow", 10); this.downArrow._y = 0; this.downArrow._width = this.itmHgt; this.downArrow._height = this.itmHgt; this.downArrow._x = this.proxyBox_mc._width - this.downArrow._width; this.setEditable(this.editable); this.container_mc._visible = this.opened; this.highlightTop(false); this.fader = this.superHolder.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "faderX", 4); this.registerSkinElement(this.fader.boundingBox, "background"); this.fader._width = this.width; this.fader._height = this.height; this.fader._visible = false; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setDataProvider = function (dp) { super.setDataProvider(dp); this.invalidate("setSize"); this.setSelectedIndex(0); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.getValue = function () { if (this.editable) { return(this.fLabel_mc.getLabel()); } return(super.getValue()); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.getRowCount = function () { return(this.rowCount); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setRowCount = function (count) { this.rowCount = ((this.getLength() > count) ? (Math.max(count, 3)) : (count)); this.setSize(this.width); var len = this.getLength(); if ((len - this.getScrollPosition()) < this.rowCount) { this.setScrollPosition(len - Math.min(this.rowCount, len)); this.invalidate("updateControl"); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setEditable = function (editableFlag) { if (!this.enable) { return(undefined); } this.editable = editableFlag; if (!this.editable) { this.onPress = this.pressHandler; this.useHandCursor = false; this.trackAsMenu = true; this.attachMovie("FComboBoxItemSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 5, {controller:this, itemNum:-1}); this.fLabel_mc.onRollOver = undefined; this.fLabel_mc.setSize((this.width - this.itmHgt) + 1, this.itmHgt); this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); this.highlightTop(false); } else { this.attachMovie("FLabelSymbol", "fLabel_mc", 5); this.fLabel_txt = this.fLabel_mc.labelField; this.fLabel_txt.type = "input"; this.fLabel_txt._x = 4; this.fLabel_txt.onSetFocus = this.onLabelFocus; this.fLabel_mc.setSize((this.width - this.itmHgt) - 3); delete this.onPress; this.fLabel_txt.onKillFocus = function () { this._parent._parent.myOnKillFocus(); }; this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); this.fLabel_txt.onChanged = function () { this._parent._parent.findInputText(); }; this.downArrow.onPress = this.buttonPressHandler; this.downArrow.useHandCursor = false; this.downArrow.trackAsMenu = true; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { enabledFlag = (((enabledFlag == undefined) || (typeof(enabledFlag) != "boolean")) ? true : (enabledFlag)); super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.registerSkinElement(this.boundingBox_mc.boundingBox, "background"); this.proxyBox_mc.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? "enabled" : "disabled")); this.downArrow.gotoAndStop((this.enable ? 1 : 3)); if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_txt.type = (enabledFlag ? "input" : "dynamic"); this.fLabel_txt.selectable = enabledFlag; } else if (enabledFlag) { this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); this.setSelectedIndex(this.getSelectedIndex(), false); } this.fLabel_mc.setEnabled(this.enable); this.fLabel_txt.onSetFocus = (enabledFlag ? (this.onLabelFocus) : undefined); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setSelectedIndex = function (index, flag) { super.setSelectedIndex(index, flag); if (!this.editable) { this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, false); } else { this.value = ((flag != undefined) ? "" : (this.getSelectedItem().label)); this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); } this.invalidate("updateControl"); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setValue = function (value) { if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(value); this.value = value; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.pressHandler = function () { this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); if (this.enable) { if (!this.opened) { this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; } else { this.onMouseUp = undefined; } this.changeFlag = false; if (!this.focused) { this.pressFocus(); this.clickFilter = (this.editable ? false : true); } if (!this.clickFilter) { this.openOrClose(!this.opened); } else { this.clickFilter = false; } } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.clickHandler = function (itmNum) { if (!this.focused) { if (this.editable) { this.fLabel_txt.onKillFocus = undefined; } this.pressFocus(); } super.clickHandler(itmNum); this.selectionHandler(itmNum); this.onMouseUp = this.releaseHandler; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.highlightTop = function (flag) { if (!this.editable) { this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, flag); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { super.myOnSetFocus(); this.fLabel_mc.highlight_mc.gotoAndStop("enabled"); this.highlightTop(true); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this._height + 4); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { if (Selection.getFocus().indexOf("labelField") != -1) { return(undefined); } super.myOnKillFocus(); delete this.fLabel_txt.onKeyDown; this.openOrClose(false); this.highlightTop(false); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.setPopUpLocation = function (mcRef) { mcRef._x = this._x; var point = {x:this._x, y:this._y + this.proxyBox_mc._height}; this._parent.localToGlobal(point); mcRef._parent.globalToLocal(point); mcRef._x = point.x; mcRef._y = point.y; if ((this.height + mcRef._y) >= Stage.height) { this.upward = true; mcRef._y = (point.y - this.height) - this.proxyBox_mc._height; } else { this.upward = false; } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.openOrClose = function (flag) { if (this.getLength() == 0) { return(undefined); } this.setPopUpLocation(this.container_mc); if ((this.lastSelected != -1) && ((this.lastSelected < this.topDisplayed) || (this.lastSelected > (this.topDisplayed + this.numDisplayed)))) { super.moveSelBy(this.lastSelected - this.getSelectedIndex()); } if (!flag) { (this.downArrow.gotoAndStop(1));// not popped } else { (this.downArrow.gotoAndStop(2));// not popped } if (flag == this.opened) { return(undefined); } this.highlightTop(!flag); this.fadeRate = this.styleTable.popUpFade.value; if (((!flag) || (this.fadeRate == undefined)) || (this.fadeRate == 0)) { this.opened = (this.container_mc._visible = flag); return(undefined); } this.setPopUpLocation(this.fader); this.time = 0; this.const = 85 / Math.sqrt(this.fadeRate); this.fader._alpha = 85; this.container_mc._visible = (this.fader._visible = true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.fader._alpha = 100 - ((this.const * Math.sqrt(++this.time)) + 15); if (this.time >= this.fadeRate) { this.fader._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.opened = true; } }; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.fireChange = function () { this.lastSelected = this.getSelectedIndex(); if (!this.editable) { this.topLabel = this.getSelectedItem(); this.fLabel_mc.drawItem(this.topLabel, true); } else { this.value = this.getSelectedItem().label; this.fLabel_mc.setLabel(this.value); } this.executeCallback(); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.releaseHandler = function () { var onCombo = this.boundingBox_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); if (this.changeFlag) { if (onCombo) { this.fireChange(); } this.openOrClose(!this.opened); } else if (onCombo) { this.openOrClose(false); } else { this.onMouseDown = function () { if ((!this.boundingBox_mc.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) && (!this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse))) { this.onMouseDown = undefined; this.openOrClose(false); } }; } this.changeFlag = false; this.onMouseUp = undefined; clearInterval(this.dragScrolling); this.dragScrolling = undefined; }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.moveSelBy = function (itemNum) { if (itemNum != 0) { super.moveSelBy(itemNum); if (this.editable) { this.setValue(this.getSelectedItem().label); } if (!this.opened) { if (this.changeFlag && (!this.isSelected(this.lastSelected))) { this.fireChange(); } } } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { if (!this.focused) { return(undefined); } if (this.editable && (Key.isDown(13))) { this.setValue(this.fLabel_mc.getLabel()); this.executeCallback(); this.openOrClose(false); } else if ((Key.isDown(13) || (Key.isDown(32) && (!this.editable))) && (this.opened)) { if (this.getSelectedIndex() != this.lastSelected) { this.fireChange(); } this.openOrClose(false); this.fLabel_txt.hscroll = 0; } super.myOnKeyDown(); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.findInputText = function () { if (!this.editable) { super.findInputText(); } }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.onLabelFocus = function () { this._parent._parent.tabFocused = false; this._parent._parent.focused = true; this.onKeyDown = function () { this._parent._parent.myOnKeyDown(); }; Key.addListener(this); }; FComboBoxClass.prototype.buttonPressHandler = function () { this._parent.pressHandler(); }; #endinitclip this.deadPreview._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] "superClassAsset" in Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { }
Symbol 23 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 2 function FUIComponentClass() { this.init(); } FUIComponentClass.prototype = new MovieClip(); FUIComponentClass.prototype.init = function () { this.enable = true; this.focused = false; this.useHandCursor = false; this._accImpl = new Object(); this._accImpl.stub = true; this.styleTable = new Array(); if (_global.globalStyleFormat == undefined) { _global.globalStyleFormat = new FStyleFormat(); globalStyleFormat.isGlobal = true; _global._focusControl = new Object(); _global._focusControl.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus, newFocus) { oldFocus.myOnKillFocus(); newFocus.myOnSetFocus(); }; Selection.addListener(_global._focusControl); } if (this._name != undefined) { this._focusrect = false; this.tabEnabled = true; this.focusEnabled = true; this.tabChildren = false; this.tabFocused = true; if (this.hostStyle == undefined) { globalStyleFormat.addListener(this); } else { this.styleTable = this.hostStyle; } this.deadPreview._visible = false; this.deadPreview._width = (this.deadPreview._height = 1); this.methodTable = new Object(); this.keyListener = new Object(); this.keyListener.controller = this; this.keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyDown(); }; this.keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { this.controller.myOnKeyUp(); }; for (var i in this.styleFormat_prm) { this.setStyleProperty(i, this.styleFormat_prm[i]); } } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { this.enable = ((arguments.length > 0) ? (enabledFlag) : true); this.tabEnabled = (this.focusEnabled = enabledFlag); if ((!this.enable) && (this.focused)) { Selection.setFocus(undefined); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.getEnabled = function () { return(this.enable); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setChangeHandler = function (chng, obj) { this.handlerObj = ((obj == undefined) ? (this._parent) : (obj)); this.changeHandler = chng; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.invalidate = function (methodName) { this.methodTable[methodName] = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.cleanUI; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUI = function () { if (this.methodTable.setSize) { this.setSize(this.width, this.height); } else { this.cleanUINotSize(); } this.methodTable = new Object(); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.cleanUINotSize = function () { for (var funct in this.methodTable) { this[funct](); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var inner = this.styleTable.focusRectInner.value; var outer = this.styleTable.focusRectOuter.value; if (inner == undefined) { inner = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; } if (outer == undefined) { outer = 0; } this.createEmptyMovieClip("focusRect", 1000); this.focusRect.controller = this; this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, outer); this.focusRect.moveTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y + h); this.focusRect.lineTo(x, y); this.focusRect.lineStyle(1, inner); this.focusRect.moveTo(x + 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, y + 1); this.focusRect.lineTo((x + w) - 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, (y + h) - 1); this.focusRect.lineTo(x + 1, y + 1); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.pressFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Selection.setFocus(this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.drawFocusRect = function () { this.drawRect(-2, -2, this.width + 4, this.height + 4); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnSetFocus = function () { this.focused = true; Key.addListener(this.keyListener); if (this.tabFocused) { this.drawFocusRect(); } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.myOnKillFocus = function () { this.tabFocused = true; this.focused = false; this.focusRect.removeMovieClip(); Key.removeListener(this.keyListener); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.executeCallBack = function () { this.handlerObj[this.changeHandler](this); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.updateStyleProperty = function (styleFormat, propName) { this.setStyleProperty(propName, styleFormat[propName], styleFormat.isGlobal); }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.setStyleProperty = function (propName, value, isGlobal) { if (value == "") { return(undefined); } var tmpValue = parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(tmpValue)) { value = tmpValue; } var global = ((arguments.length > 2) ? (isGlobal) : false); if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal || (!global)) { this.styleTable[propName].value = value; if (this.setCustomStyleProperty(propName, value)) { } else if (propName == "embedFonts") { this.invalidate("setSize"); } else if (propName.subString(0, 4) == "text") { if (this.textStyle == undefined) { this.textStyle = new TextFormat(); } var textProp = propName.subString(4, propName.length); this.textStyle[textProp] = value; this.invalidate("setSize"); } else { for (var j in this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs) { var myColor = new Color(this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[j]); if (this.styleTable[propName].value == undefined) { var myTObj = {ra:"100", rb:"0", ga:"100", gb:"0", ba:"100", bb:"0", aa:"100", ab:"0"}; myColor.setTransform(myTObj); } else { myColor.setRGB(value); } } } this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = global; } }; FUIComponentClass.prototype.registerSkinElement = function (skinMCRef, propName) { if (this.styleTable[propName] == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName] = new Object(); this.styleTable[propName].useGlobal = true; } if (this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs == undefined) { this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs = new Object(); } this.styleTable[propName].coloredMCs[skinMCRef] = skinMCRef; if (this.styleTable[propName].value != undefined) { var myColor = new Color(skinMCRef); myColor.setRGB(this.styleTable[propName].value); } }; _global.FStyleFormat = function () { this.nonStyles = {listeners:true, isGlobal:true, isAStyle:true, addListener:true, removeListener:true, nonStyles:true, applyChanges:true}; this.listeners = new Object(); this.isGlobal = false; if (arguments.length > 0) { for (var i in arguments[0]) { this[i] = arguments[0][i]; } } }; _global.FStyleFormat.prototype = new Object(); FStyleFormat.prototype.addListener = function () { var arg = 0; while (arg < arguments.length) { var mcRef = arguments[arg]; this.listeners[arguments[arg]] = mcRef; for (var i in this) { if (this.isAStyle(i)) { mcRef.updateStyleProperty(this, i.toString()); } } arg++; } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.removeListener = function (component) { this.listeners[component] = undefined; for (var prop in this) { if (this.isAStyle(prop)) { if (component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal == this.isGlobal) { component.styleTable[prop].useGlobal = true; var value = (this.isGlobal ? undefined : (globalStyleFormat[prop])); component.setStyleProperty(prop, value, true); } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.applyChanges = function () { var count = 0; for (var i in this.listeners) { var component = this.listeners[i]; if (arguments.length > 0) { var j = 0; while (j < arguments.length) { if (this.isAStyle(arguments[j])) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, arguments[j]); } j++; } } else { for (var j in this) { if (this.isAStyle(j)) { component.updateStyleProperty(this, j.toString()); } } } } }; FStyleFormat.prototype.isAStyle = function (name) { return((this.nonStyles[name] ? false : true)); }; #endinitclip
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "foregroundDisabled"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight");
Symbol 76 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1
Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "arrow"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
var component = _parent._parent; component.registerSkinElement(arrow_mc, "foregroundDisabled"); component.registerSkinElement(face_mc, "face"); component.registerSkinElement(shadow_mc, "shadow"); component.registerSkinElement(darkshadow_mc, "darkshadow"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight_mc, "highlight"); component.registerSkinElement(highlight3D_mc, "highlight3D");
Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1
Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2
Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3
Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 7 function FScrollPaneClass() { function boolToString(str) { if (str == "false") { return(false); } if (str == "true") { return(true); } return(str); } this.init(); this.width = this._width; this.height = this._height; this._xscale = (this._yscale = 100); this.contentWidth = (this.contentHeight = 0); if (this.hScroll == undefined) { this.hScroll = (this.vScroll = "auto"); this.dragContent = false; } this.offset = new Object(); this.vScroll = boolToString(this.vScroll); this.hScroll = boolToString(this.hScroll); this.attachMovie("FScrollBarSymbol", "hScrollBar_mc", 100, {hostStyle:this.styleTable}); this.hScrollBar_mc.setHorizontal(true); this.hScrollBar_mc.setSmallScroll(5); this.hScrollBar_mc.setChangeHandler("onScroll", this); this.attachMovie("FScrollBarSymbol", "vScrollBar_mc", 99, {hostStyle:this.styleTable}); this.vScrollBar_mc.setSmallScroll(5); this.vScrollBar_mc.setChangeHandler("onScroll", this); this.setSize(this.width, this.height); if (this.scrollContent != "") { this.setScrollContent(this.scrollContent); } this.setDragContent(this.dragContent); } FScrollPaneClass.prototype = new FUIComponentClass(); Object.registerClass("FScrollPaneSymbol", FScrollPaneClass); FScrollPaneClass.prototype.getScrollContent = function () { return(this.content_mc); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.getPaneWidth = function () { return(this.width); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.getPaneHeight = function () { return(this.height); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.getScrollPosition = function () { var xPos = ((this.hScrollBar_mc == undefined) ? 0 : (this.hScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition())); var yPos = ((this.vScrollBar_mc == undefined) ? 0 : (this.vScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition())); return({x:xPos, y:yPos}); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setScrollContent = function (target) { this.offset.x = 0; this.offset.y = 0; if (this.content_mc != undefined) { if (target != this.content_mc) { this.content_mc._visible = false; this.content_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.content_mc.unloadMovie(); } } if (typeof(target) == "string") { this.attachMovie(target, "tmp_mc", 3); this.content_mc = this.tmp_mc; } else if (target == undefined) { this.content_mc.unloadMovie(); } else { this.content_mc = target; } this.localToGlobal(this.offset); this.content_mc._parent.globalToLocal(this.offset); this.content_mc._x = this.offset.x; this.content_mc._y = this.offset.y; var contentBounds = this.content_mc.getBounds(this); this.offset.x = -contentBounds.xMin; this.offset.y = -contentBounds.yMin; this.localToGlobal(this.offset); this.content_mc._parent.globalToLocal(this.offset); this.content_mc._x = this.offset.x; this.content_mc._y = this.offset.y; this.contentWidth = this.content_mc._width; this.contentHeight = this.content_mc._height; this.content_mc.setMask(this.mask_mc); this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setSize = function (w, h) { if (((arguments.length < 2) || (isNaN(w))) || (isNaN(h))) { return(undefined); } super.setSize(w, h); this.width = Math.max(w, 60); this.height = Math.max(h, 60); this.boundingBox_mc._xscale = 100; this.boundingBox_mc._yscale = 100; this.boundingBox_mc._width = this.width; this.boundingBox_mc._height = this.height; this.setHandV(); this.initScrollBars(); if (this.mask_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie("FBoundingBoxSymbol", "mask_mc", 3000); } this.mask_mc._xscale = 100; this.mask_mc._yscale = 100; this.mask_mc._width = this.hWidth; this.mask_mc._height = this.vHeight; this.mask_mc._alpha = 0; }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setScrollPosition = function (x, y) { x = Math.max(this.hScrollBar_mc.minPos, x); x = Math.min(this.hScrollBar_mc.maxPos, x); y = Math.max(this.vScrollBar_mc.minPos, y); y = Math.min(this.vScrollBar_mc.maxPos, y); this.hScrollBar_mc.setScrollPosition(x); this.vScrollBar_mc.setScrollPosition(y); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.refreshPane = function () { this.setScrollContent(this.content_mc); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.loadScrollContent = function (url, handler, location) { this.content_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.content_mc.unloadMovie(); this.content_mc._visible = 0; this.loadContent.duplicateMovieClip("loadTemp", 3); this.dupeFlag = true; this.contentLoaded = function () { this.loadReady = false; this.content_mc = this.loadTemp; this.refreshPane(); this.executeCallBack(); }; this.setChangeHandler(handler, location); this.loadTemp.loadMovie(url); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setHScroll = function (prop) { this.hScroll = prop; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setVScroll = function (prop) { this.vScroll = prop; this.setSize(this.width, this.height); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setDragContent = function (dragFlag) { if (dragFlag) { this.boundingBox_mc.useHandCursor = true; this.boundingBox_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.startDragLoop(); }; this.boundingBox_mc.tabEnabled = false; this.boundingBox_mc.onRelease = (this.boundingBox_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { this._parent.pressFocus(); this._parent.onMouseMove = null; }); } else { delete this.boundingBox_mc.onPress; this.boundingBox_mc.useHandCursor = false; } }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setSmallScroll = function (x, y) { this.hScrollBar_mc.setSmallScroll(x); this.vScrollBar_mc.setSmallScroll(y); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.setHandV = function () { if ((((this.contentHeight - this.height) > 2) && (this.vScroll != false)) || (this.vScroll == true)) { this.hWidth = this.width - this.vScrollBar_mc._width; } else { this.hWidth = this.width; } if ((((this.contentWidth - this.width) > 2) && (this.hScroll != false)) || (this.hScroll == true)) { this.vHeight = this.height - this.hScrollBar_mc._height; } else { this.vHeight = this.height; } }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.startDragLoop = function () { this.tabFocused = false; this.myOnSetFocus(); this.lastX = this._xmouse; this.lastY = this._ymouse; this.onMouseMove = function () { this.scrollXMove = this.lastX - this._xmouse; this.scrollYMove = this.lastY - this._ymouse; this.scrollXMove = this.scrollXMove + this.hScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition(); this.scrollYMove = this.scrollYMove + this.vScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition(); this.setScrollPosition(this.scrollXMove, this.scrollYMove); if ((this.scrollXMove < this.hScrollBar_mc.maxPos) && (this.scrollXMove > this.hScrollBar_mc.minPos)) { this.lastX = this._xmouse; } if ((this.scrollYMove < this.vScrollBar_mc.maxPos) && (this.scrollYMove > this.vScrollBar_mc.minPos)) { this.lastY = this._ymouse; } this.updateAfterEvent(); }; }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.initScrollBars = function () { this.hScrollBar_mc._y = this.height - this.hScrollBar_mc._height; this.hScrollBar_mc.setSize(this.hWidth); this.hScrollBar_mc.setScrollProperties(this.hWidth, 0, this.contentWidth - this.hWidth); this.vScrollBar_mc._visible = ((this.hWidth == this.width) ? false : true); this.vScrollBar_mc._x = this.width - this.vScrollBar_mc._width; this.vScrollBar_mc.setSize(this.vHeight); this.vScrollBar_mc.setScrollProperties(this.vHeight, 0, this.contentHeight - this.vHeight); this.hScrollBar_mc._visible = ((this.vHeight == this.height) ? false : true); }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.onScroll = function (component) { var pos = component.getScrollPosition(); var XorY = ((component._name == "hScrollBar_mc") ? "x" : "y"); if (component._name == "hScrollBar_mc") { this.content_mc._x = (-pos) + this.offset.x; } else { this.content_mc._y = (-pos) + this.offset.y; } }; FScrollPaneClass.prototype.myOnKeyDown = function () { var posX = this.hScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition(); var posY = this.vScrollBar_mc.getScrollPosition(); if (this.hScrollBar_mc.maxPos > this.hScrollBar_mc.minPos) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX - 3, posY); } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX + 3, posY); } } if (this.vScrollBar_mc.maxPos > this.vScrollBar_mc.minPos) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX, posY - 3); } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX, posY + 3); } else if (Key.isDown(34)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX, posY + this.vScrollBar_mc.pageSize); } else if (Key.isDown(33)) { this.setScrollPosition(posX, posY - this.vScrollBar_mc.pageSize); } } }; #endinitclip this.deadPreview._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] "scrollBarAsset" in Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { _targetInstanceName = ""; horizontal = false; }
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip "loadContent" in Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (this._parent.loadReady) { this._parent.contentLoaded(); delete this._parent.loadReady; } else if (this._name != "loadContent") { this._parent.loadReady = true; } }
Symbol 118 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 130 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); } on (release) { stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (14); }
Symbol 156 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (15); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (13); }
Symbol 170 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (7); }
Symbol 172 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (11); }
Symbol 178 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 185 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 188 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 191 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 194 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 217 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 220 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 235 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (13); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2
Symbol 2 EditableTextUses:1Used by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol]Uses:2
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClipUses:4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol]Uses:5
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]Uses:9Used by:14 105  Timeline
Symbol 11 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]Used by:13
Symbol 12 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]Uses:11 12Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]Uses:10 13Used by:22
Symbol 15 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol]Used by:22
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:19
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]Uses:17 18Used by:22 105
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol]Uses:14 15 19 21
Symbol 23 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol]
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:25 43 61 62 68 69 71 77 89
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:24Used by:36
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:36
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29 49 80 95
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:36
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31 50 81 96
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:30Used by:36
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33 38 48 82 86 94
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:36
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35 37 47 83 85 93
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:25 27 29 31 33 35Used by:56
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:34Used by:46
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:32Used by:46
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40 87
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:39Used by:46
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42 88
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:41Used by:46
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:24Used by:46
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:37 38 40 42 43 45Used by:56
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:34Used by:55
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:32Used by:55
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:28Used by:55
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:30Used by:55
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:52 97
Symbol 52 MovieClipUses:51Used by:55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:47 48 49 50 52 54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow]Uses:36 46 55
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:63
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60 64 65 74
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:63
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:24Used by:63
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:24Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:58 60 61 62Used by:76
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:59Used by:70
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:59Used by:70
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:70
Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:24Used by:70
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:24Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:64 65 67 68 69Used by:76
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:24Used by:75
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:75
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:59Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClipUses:71 73 74Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip [ScrollThumb]Uses:63 70 75
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:24Used by:84
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:84
Symbol 80 MovieClipUses:28Used by:84
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:30Used by:84
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:32Used by:84
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:34Used by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:77 79 80 81 82 83Used by:101
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:34Used by:92
Symbol 86 MovieClipUses:32Used by:92
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:39Used by:92
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:41Used by:92
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:24Used by:92
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:85 86 87 88 89 91Used by:101
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:34Used by:100
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:32Used by:100
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:28Used by:100
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:30Used by:100
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:51Used by:100
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:98Used by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClipUses:93 94 95 96 97 99Used by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow]Uses:84 92 100
Symbol 102 MovieClipUsed by:105
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:103Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol]Uses:10 19 102 104
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:109Used by:119
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 112 FontUsed by:113 120
Symbol 113 TextUses:112Used by:119
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 117 SoundUsed by:118
Symbol 118 ButtonUses:114 115 116 117Used by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClipUses:110 111 113 118Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 EditableTextUses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:121Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 125 FontUsed by:126 128 133 141 149 158 159 163 165 169 171 174 175 177 180 186 189 192 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 207 208 210 211 213 214 215 218 219 221 226 228 229 231 232 233 236 237
Symbol 126 TextUses:125Used by:130
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 128 TextUses:125Used by:130
Symbol 129 SoundUsed by:130 182 185 188 191 194
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:124 126 127 128 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:132 134 138
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:131Used by:138
Symbol 133 TextUses:125Used by:138
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:131Used by:138
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136 138
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:138
Symbol 137 SoundUsed by:138 146 156 164 166 170 176 178 230  Timeline
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:132 133 134 136 131 135 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:146
Symbol 141 TextUses:125Used by:146
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:143 146
Symbol 143 MovieClipUses:142Used by:146
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 145 MovieClipUses:144Used by:146
Symbol 146 ButtonUses:140 141 143 145 142 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148 150 156
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:147Used by:156
Symbol 149 TextUses:125Used by:156
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:147Used by:156
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152 156
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:156
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:155 156
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:153 154Used by:156
Symbol 156 ButtonUses:148 149 150 152 155 147 151 153 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 158 TextUses:125Used by:160
Symbol 159 TextUses:125Used by:160
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:157 158 159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:164 166
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:164 166
Symbol 163 TextUses:125Used by:164
Symbol 164 ButtonUses:161 162 163 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 TextUses:125Used by:166
Symbol 166 ButtonUses:161 162 165 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:170 172 178
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:170 172 176 178 230
Symbol 169 TextUses:125Used by:170
Symbol 170 ButtonUses:167 168 169 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 TextUses:125Used by:172
Symbol 172 ButtonUses:167 168 171Used by:Timeline
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:176 230
Symbol 174 TextUses:125Used by:176 230
Symbol 175 TextUses:125Used by:176 230
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:173 168 174 175 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 TextUses:125Used by:178
Symbol 178 ButtonUses:167 168 177 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:181 182 187 188 190 191 193 194 234 235
Symbol 180 TextUses:125Used by:181 182 184 185 234 235
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:179 180Used by:182
Symbol 182 ButtonUses:181 179 180 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:184 185 188 191 194 235
Symbol 184 MovieClipUses:183 180Used by:185
Symbol 185 ButtonUses:184 183 180 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 TextUses:125Used by:187 188
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:179 186Used by:188
Symbol 188 ButtonUses:183 186 187 179 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 TextUses:125Used by:190 191
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:179 189Used by:191
Symbol 191 ButtonUses:183 189 190 179 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 TextUses:125Used by:193 194
Symbol 193 MovieClipUses:179 192Used by:194
Symbol 194 ButtonUses:183 192 193 179 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 201 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:206
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:205Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:212  Timeline
Symbol 210 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:209Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:217 220
Symbol 217 ButtonUses:216Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 ButtonUses:216Used by:227
Symbol 221 TextUses:125Used by:227
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:223
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:222Used by:227
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:224Used by:227
Symbol 226 TextUses:125Used by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:220 221 223 225 226Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 ButtonUses:173 168 174 175 137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:179 180Used by:235
Symbol 235 ButtonUses:183 180 234 179Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 TextUses:125Used by:Timeline
Symbol 237 EditableTextUses:125Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"InstanceName_1"Frame 4Symbol 196 EditableText
"InstanceName_0"Frame 5Symbol 200 EditableText
"InstanceName_1"Frame 16Symbol 237 EditableText
"labelField"Symbol 3 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 2 EditableText
"highlight_mc"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 5 MovieClip
"highlight_mc2"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 5 MovieClip
"highlight_mc3"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3Symbol 5 MovieClip
"track_mc"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"scrollTrack_mc"Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"dPAsset"Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol]
"ItemAsset"Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 12 MovieClip [FSelectableItemSymbol]
"scrollBarAsset"Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]
"superClassAsset"Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip [FSelectableListSymbol]
"boundingBox"Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"boundingBox2"Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2Symbol 17 MovieClip
"superClassAsset"Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip [FScrollSelectListSymbol]
"itemAsset"Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip [FComboBoxItemSymbol]
"proxyBox_mc"Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"deadPreview"Symbol 22 MovieClip [FComboBoxSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 25 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 27 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 31 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 35 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 37 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 40 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 42 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 43 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 45 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 47 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 48 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 52 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 55 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 54 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 1Symbol 36 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 2Symbol 46 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 56 MovieClip [UpArrow] Frame 3Symbol 55 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 61 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 65 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 68 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 69 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 73 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 75 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 74 MovieClip
"mc_sliderTop"Symbol 76 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"mc_sliderMid"Symbol 76 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 70 MovieClip
"mc_sliderBot"Symbol 76 MovieClip [ScrollThumb] Frame 1Symbol 75 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 77 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 79 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 80 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 81 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 84 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 83 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 86 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 89 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 91 MovieClip
"highlight3D_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"darkshadow_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 94 MovieClip
"highlight_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 95 MovieClip
"shadow_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip
"face_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip
"arrow_mc"Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"up"Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 1Symbol 84 MovieClip
"down"Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 2Symbol 92 MovieClip
"disabled"Symbol 101 MovieClip [DownArrow] Frame 3Symbol 100 MovieClip
"scrollBarAsset"Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [FScrollBarSymbol]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol]
"loadContent"Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"deadPreview"Symbol 105 MovieClip [FScrollPaneSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip
"bar"Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "FLabelSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "FHighlightSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "DataProviderSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "FSelectableItemSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "FSelectableListSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 14 as "FScrollSelectListSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "FComboBoxItemSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "FBoundingBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 22 as "FComboBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "FUIComponentSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 56 as "UpArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 76 as "ScrollThumb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 101 as "DownArrow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "FBoundingBoxSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 105 as "FScrollPaneSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 16Symbol 10 as "FScrollBarSymbol"


"Symbol_32"Symbol 3 MovieClip [FLabelSymbol] Frame 1
"enabled"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 1
"disabled"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 2
"unfocused"Symbol 6 MovieClip [FHighlightSymbol] Frame 3
"Symbol_354"Symbol 11 MovieClip [DataProviderSymbol] Frame 1
"enabled"Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 1
"disabled"Symbol 19 MovieClip [FBoundingBoxSymbol] Frame 2
"Symbol_36"Symbol 23 MovieClip [FUIComponentSymbol] Frame 1
"loaded"Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 16/4 -2019 23:35:11 Last modified: 16/4 -2019 23:35:11 Server time: 11/06 -2024 14:55:20