Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 3 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
a = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 10);
gotoAndStop(a + 1);
if (a == 10) {;
Frame 5
you._visible = false;
rocket._visible = false;
_global.tgi = 0;
t = 0;
while (t < 400) {
removeMovieClip("texttag" + t);
Frame 6
duplicateMovieClip ("gag2", "gaga", 16000);
duplicateMovieClip ("gag3", "gag", 16001);
texttag._visible = true;
function init() {
_global.tagarray = new Array();
t = 0;
while (t < 100) {
duplicateMovieClip ("_root.fuel", "fuel" + t, t + 20000);
_root.fuel._y = -6000 * t;
_root.fuel._x = random(400) + 50;
_global.gravangle = 1;
_global.grav = 2;
function createNewTag(textv, atti) {
if (_global.tgi == undefined) {
_global.tgi = 0;
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.text = textv; = _global.tgi;
_local3.att = _global.tgi * 200;
if (atti != undefined) {
_local3.att = atti;
duplicateMovieClip ("_root.texttag", "texttag" + _global.tgi, _global.tgi + 100);
_root["texttag" + _global.tgi]._y = _local3.att * -1;
_root["texttag" + _global.tgi].text = ((textv + " ") + _local3.att) + "ft";
_global.lastatt = _root["texttag" + _global.tgi]._y * -1;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = ( + 610);
if (_y > 800) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip "texttag" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_y < -150) || (_y > 500)) {
_visible = false;
} else if ( == "tag") {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
if (_name == "texttag") {
_visible = false;
_y = ( + yst);
onClipEvent (load) {
yst = _y;
_x = (random(250) + 130);
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip "fuel" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.getDistance(_x, _y,, < 40) {
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} = 100;
if ((_y < -50) | (_y > 500)) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
_y = ( + yst);
onClipEvent (load) {
yst = _y;
Instance of Symbol 37 MovieClip "gag3" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root._currentframe == 7) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip "gag2" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root._currentframe == 7) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
t = Math.round(;
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_alpha <= 100) {
_alpha = (_alpha + 5);
} else if (onceocne != true) {
_alpha = 100;
onceonce = true;
} = _x; = _y;
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
_y =;
Frame 7
texttag._visible = false;
duplicateMovieClip ("you2", "you", 15000);
duplicateMovieClip ("rocket2", "rocket", 15100);
function getNormDotProduct(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var _local1 = (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2);
var _local3 = Math.sqrt((x1 * x1) + (y1 * y1));
var _local8 = Math.sqrt((x2 * x2) + (y2 * y2));
var _local7 = _local1 / (_local3 * _local8);
a = new Object();
a.dp = _local1;
a.angle = Math.acos(_local7);
function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var _local2 = x2 - x1;
var _local1 = y2 - y1;
var _local3 = Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1));
you._visible = true;
rocket._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "bb") {
if ((_root.getDistance(_x, _y,, < 40) && ( == 0)) { = - 10;
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.feather, "feather" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["feather" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["feather" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} = 60; = + -2;
if (_parent.rocket._y > _y) { = + 5;
} else { = - 5;
_x = (_x + (2 + speed));
_y = (_y +;
if (_x > 500) {
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = random(5);
_x = (-10 - random(200));
_y = (random(700) - 500);
if (_y < 0) {
_x = random(500);
Instance of Symbol 69 MovieClip "ba" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "ba") {
_x = (_x - (2 + speed));
_y = (_y +;
if (_x < 0) {
if ((_root.getDistance(_x, _y,, < 40) && ( == 0)) {
_root.sound.gotoAndStop(5); = - 20;
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.feather, "feather" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["feather" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["feather" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} = 60; = + 2; = + 5;
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = random(5);
_x = (550 + random(200));
_y = (random(700) - 550);
if (_y < 0) {
_x = random(500);
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "fume" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "fume") {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
xs = xs * 0.9;
ys = ys * 0.9;
ys = ys + 0.1;
_y = (_y +;
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = random(5);
xs = ( / -10) + ((random(10) - 5) / 2);
ys = + (random(10) / 2);
if (ys < 0) {
ys = 0;
_x = (_parent.rocket._x - 10);
_y = (_parent.rocket._y + 30);
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "dude" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "dude") {
if ((random(300) == 1) && (_y > 0)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.barrel, "barrel" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["barrel" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["barrel" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
if ((_root.getDistance(_x, _y,, < 80) && ( == 0)) {
_root.sound.gotoAndStop(5); = - 30;
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} = 60; = + -2; = + 10;
_y = (_y + ( + speed));
if (_y > 560) {
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = random(3) + 1;
_x = random(600);
_y = -200;
if (_y < 0) {
_x = random(500);
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "barrel" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "barrel") {
if ((_root.getDistance(_x, _y,, < 25) && ( == 0)) { = - 10;
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} = 60; = + -2; = + 10;
_rotation = (_rotation + (xs * 4));
ys = ys + 0.1;
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ( + ys));
if (_y > 500) {
onClipEvent (load) {
ys = -3;
xs = random(10) - 5;
speed = random(3) + 1;
if (_y < 0) {
_x = random(500);
Instance of Symbol 82 MovieClip "bg" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( == "free") {
p = p + ps;
totatt = totatt + ps;
if (p > 175) {
p = p - 175;
if (p < 0) {
p = p + 175;
_y = (ys + p);
ps = ps - 0.2;
if ((totatt < -100) && (otag != true)) {
otag = true; = "none";
onClipEvent (load) {
otag = false;
p = 0;
totatt = 0;
ys = _y;
ps = 0;
Instance of Symbol 112 MovieClip "you2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "you2") {
if (_global.enemies > 1300) {
_global.enemies = 1000;
if (mode == "ground") {
_x = 250;
_y = 400;
gotoAndStop (6);
if (mode == "tag") {
xs = xs + ((250 - _x) / 1000);
gotoAndStop (1);
ys = ys + 0.1;
_y = (_y + ys);
_x = (_x + xs);
if (ys > 0) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.spray, "spray" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["spray" + _global.enemies]._x = (_x + zaaa._x) - 20;
_parent["spray" + _global.enemies]._y = _y + zaaa._y;
if (mode == "free") {
fuel = fuel - 0.1;
if ((fuel < 0) && (dead != true)) {
dead = true;
ys = -4;;
mode = "tag";
t = 0;
while (t < 10) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
if (random(3) == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.fume, "fume" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
if (dead != true) {
if (hittimer < 30) {
xs = xs + ((_parent._xmouse - _x) / 400);
ys = ys + ((_parent._ymouse - _y) / 400);
} else if (random(3) == 1) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "star" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._x = _x;
_parent["star" + _global.enemies]._y = _y;
} else {
ys = ys + 0.1;
if (dr) {
if ( < 24) { = + 1;
ox = _x;
oy = _y;
if (ys > 0) {
mul = 1;
} else {
mul = 0;
if ((xs > -2) || (xs < 2)) {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (xs > 2) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (xs < -2) {
gotoAndStop (3);
if ( < -4) {
gotoAndStop (4);
if (hittimer > 30) {
xs = xs * 0.9;
ys = ys * 0.9;
gotoAndStop (5);
_x = (_x + (xs * 4));
_y = (_y + (ys * 4));
xs = xs * 0.95;
ys = ys * 0.95;
if (aaaa < 3) {
aaaa = 3;
if (tt > aaaa) {
aaaa = 50 - Math.round( / 4000);
tt = 0;
if ( > 3000) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "bb" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
duplicateMovieClip (, "ba" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
if ((random(6) == 1) && (dead != true)) {
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.dude, "dude" + _global.enemies, _global.enemies);
if (hittimer > 0) {
_parent.gag.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(fuel));
onClipEvent (load) {
function onMouseDown() {
if (mode == "ground") { = 10;
mode = "free";
if (mode == "free") {
fuel = fuel - 0.05;
if (hittimer == 0) {
dr = true;
function onMouseUp() {
dr = false;
aaaa = 0;
if (_name != "you2") {
fuel = 100;
hittimer = 0;
_global.enemies = 1000;
tt = 0;
mode = "ground";
t = 0;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip "rocket2" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "rocket2") {
if ( == "tag") {
_rotation = ( * 10);
_y = (( - ( * 2)) - 15);
_x =;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "feather" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "feather") {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
ys = ys + 0.2;
_y = (_y +;
_rotation = (_rotation + speedr);
onClipEvent (load) {
xs = random(10) - 5;
ys = random(5) - 5;
speedr = random(10) - 5;
Instance of Symbol 123 MovieClip "star" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "feather") {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
ys = ys + 0.2;
_y = (_y +;
_rotation = (_rotation + speedr);
onClipEvent (load) {
xs = random(10) - 5;
ys = random(5) - 5;
speedr = random(10) - 5;
Instance of Symbol 126 MovieClip "spray" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_name != "spray") {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
ys = ys + 0.2;
_y = (_y +;
_rotation = (_rotation + speedr);
onClipEvent (load) {
xs = random(10) - 5;
ys = random(5) - 15;
speedr = random(10) - 5;
Frame 15
you._visible = false;
rocket._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 82 MovieClip "bg" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (t > 50) {
if (ps < -100) {
ps = -100;
p = p + ps;
totatt = totatt + ps;
if (t > 200) {
ps = 0;
_global.once = true;
if (p > 175) {
p = p - 175;
if (p < 0) {
p = p + 175;
_y = (ys + p);
if (totatt > 0) {
if (ps < 10) {
ps = ps * 1.02;
} else {
ps = 0;
_global.once = true;
onClipEvent (load) {
t = 0;
p = 0;
if (_global.once == true) {
totatt = _global.lastatt + 200;
ps = -20;
} else {
ps = -10;
totatt = _global.lastatt + 200;
ys = _y;
Symbol 16 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 19 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 37 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 51 Button
on (press) {
startDrag (this);
on (release) {
Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1
scores = "";
names = "";
function process() {
top100._alpha = 0;
top100.namestxt.selectable = false;
top100.fadeback = false;
top100.go = false; = false;
top100._y = top100.yst;
top100.createTextField("namestxt", 1, 25, 0, 100, 1500);
top100.namestxt.multiline = true;
top100.namestxt.wordWrap = true;
top100.my_fmt = new TextFormat();
top100.my_fmt.align = "left";
top100.my_fmt.color = 3355443 /* 0x333333 */;
top100.my_fmt.false = true;
top100.my_fmt.font = "Arial";
top100.my_fmt.italic = false;
top100.my_fmt.bold = true;
top100.my_fmt.size = 15;
top100.createTextField("scorestxt", 2, 150, 0, 100, 500);
top100.scorestxt.multiline = true;
top100.scorestxt.wordWrap = true;
top100.my_fmt2 = new TextFormat();
top100.my_fmt2.align = "left";
top100.my_fmt2.size = 15;
top100.my_fmt2.color = 3355443 /* 0x333333 */;
top100.my_fmt2.underline = false;
top100.my_fmt2.font = "Arial";
top100.my_fmt2.italic = false;
top100.my_fmt2.bold = false;
top100.hs = "";
top100.names = "";
z = PCTXML.firstChild.childNodes.length;
if (z > 300) {
z = 300;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < z) {
scores = PCTXML.firstChild.childNodes[(PCTXML.firstChild.childNodes.length - _local2) - 1].attributes.score;
names = PCTXML.firstChild.childNodes[(PCTXML.firstChild.childNodes.length - _local2) - 1];
_root.createNewTag(names, scores);
metrics = new Object();
metrics = top100.my_fmt.getTextExtent(top100.namestxt.text, 100);
top100.namestxt._height = metrics.textFieldHeight;
top100.scorestxt._height = metrics.textFieldHeight;
tfheight = metrics.textFieldHeight;
function xmlload(success) {
if (success) {
loading._visible = false;
} else {
xmltimer.t = 500;
xmltimer.wt = "level";
function init(str) {
loading._visible = true;
PCTXML = new XML();
PCTXML.ignoreWhite = true;
PCTXML.onLoad = xmlload;
PCTXML.load("" + random(34384983));
llc = 0;
Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip in Symbol 59 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (t == 0) {
t = 400;
onClipEvent (load) {
t = 400;
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 64 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 67
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
Instance of Symbol 85 MovieClip in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_parent.mode == "tag") && (_parent.ys > 0)) {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
_visible = true;
_rotation = (-4 * _parent.xs);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.9 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.9 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 89 MovieClip "zaaa" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2f";
parent = "j2f";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent].njpx;
_y = _parent[parent].njpy;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip "j2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = 22;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2t";
parent = "j1t";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((Math.cos((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) + 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpx);
_y = ((Math.sin((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) + 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpy);
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 95 MovieClip in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2t";
parent = "j2t";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent].njpx;
_y = _parent[parent].njpy;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "j1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a1";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip "j2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2";
parent = "j1";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((Math.cos((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) + 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpx);
_y = ((Math.sin((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) + 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpy);
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a3";
parent = "j2";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent].njpx;
_y = _parent[parent].njpy;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 101 MovieClip "j2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2r";
parent = "j1";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((Math.cos((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) - 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpx);
_y = ((Math.sin((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) - 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpy);
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 104 MovieClip in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a3r";
parent = "j2r";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent].njpx;
_y = _parent[parent].njpy;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 105 MovieClip "j2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = 22;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a2f";
parent = "j1t";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = ((Math.cos((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) - 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpx);
_y = ((Math.sin((_parent[parent]._rotation / 57.3) - 90) * 10) + _parent[parent].njpy);
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = _width;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
ptarget = "a1n";
parent = "j1t";
ten = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent].njpx;
_y = _parent[parent].njpy;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 111 MovieClip "j1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
len = 25;
angle = _rotation / 57.3;
rs = 0;
parent = "j1";
ptarget = "a1t";
ten = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = _parent[parent]._x;
_y = _parent[parent]._y;
var ata = (Math.atan2(_parent[ptarget]._y - _y, _parent[ptarget]._x - _x) - (Math.PI/2));
vtax = Math.cos(ata) * ten;
vtay = Math.sin(ata) * ten;
nx = Math.cos(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
ny = Math.sin(_rotation / 57.3) * len;
njpx = _x + nx;
njpy = _y + ny;
dp = new Object();
dp = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, vtax, vtay);
dp2 = _root.getNormDotProduct(nx, ny, _global.grav, 0);
var turnrate = (dp.dp / 50);
grav = dp2.dp / 50;
rs = rs + (turnrate + grav);
_rotation = (_rotation + rs);
rs = rs * 0.9;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a3r" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.9 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a2f" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.9 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1n" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 86 MovieClip "a1t" in Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
xs = xs - _parent.xs;
xs = xs * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
ys = ys - _parent.ys;
ys = ys * (0.8 + (fact * Math.abs(_parent.xs)));
if (_parent.mode == "free") {
_x = (x + xs);
_y = (y + ys);
} else {
_x = (_x + xs);
_y = (_y + ys);
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
x = _x;
_visible = true;
xs = 0;
ys = 0;
fact = random(100) / 1000;
y = _y;
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip in Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ( == "tag") {
_xscale = 10;
_yscale = 10;
} else {
s = * 5;
if (s > 0) {
} else {
s = 0;
_xscale = (s + 50);
_yscale = (s + 50);
Symbol 120 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 136 Button
on (press) { = "none";
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
function sendword() {
ns = new String();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < tag.length) {
var _local4 = true;
if ((tag.charCodeAt(_local3) > 64) && (tag.charCodeAt(_local3) <= 90)) {
} else if ((tag.charCodeAt(_local3) > 96) && (tag.charCodeAt(_local3) <= 122)) {
} else {
_local4 = false;
if (_local4 == true) {
ns = ns + String(tag.charAt(_local3));
} else {
ns = ns + " ";
trace("#########" + ns);
tag = ns;
_global.ttt = tag;
var _local6 = new LoadVars();
_local6.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
var _local5 = new LoadVars(); = tag;
_local5.score =;
loading._visible = true;
_local5.sendAndLoad("", _local6, "POST");
if (_global.ttt == undefined) {
tag = "Your Tag Here";
} else {
tag = _global.ttt;
Symbol 139 Button
on (press) { = "none";
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 158