Frame 1
playbutton.onRelease = function () {
linkuz.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 2
var game = new tgame();
onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 27 MovieClip [__Packages.tgame] Frame 0
class tgame
var myformat, time, fpstime, dodgenum, oldmillisecs, moreragdoll, scritta6, scritta3, scritta4, scritta5, triangles, ragobjects;
function tgame () {
function init() {
myformat = new TextFormat();
myformat.font = "Verdana";
time = 0;
fpstime = 0;
var _local3;
dodgenum = 0;
oldmillisecs = getTimer();
moreragdoll = _root.attachMovie("moreragdoll", "moreragdoll", 999);
moreragdoll._x = 275;
moreragdoll._y = 360;
moreragdoll.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "blank");
moreragdoll._visible = false;
scritta6 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("scritta6", 848);
scritta6.createTextField("scritta", 846, 0, 0, 550, 100);
scritta6.scritta.text =[Math.floor(Math.random() * comments.num)];
scritta6.scritta.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
scritta6.scritta.autoSize = true;
scritta6._x = 275 - (scritta6._width / 2);
scritta6._y = 150;
scritta6._xscale = 100;
scritta6._yscale = 100;
scritta6._visible = false;
scritta3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("scritta3", 843);
scritta3.createTextField("scritta", 846, 0, 0, 200, 200);
scritta3.scritta.text = dodgenum;
scritta3.scritta.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
scritta3._x = 520;
scritta3._y = 10;
scritta3._xscale = 100;
scritta3._yscale = 100;
scritta3._visible = false;
scritta4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("scritta4", 839);
scritta4.createTextField("scritta", 841, 0, 0, 400, 200);
scritta4.scritta.text = "You Dodged 46!";
scritta4.scritta.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
scritta4.scritta.autoSize = true;
scritta4._visible = false;
scritta4._xscale = 200;
scritta4._yscale = 200;
scritta4._x = 275 - (scritta4._width / 2);
scritta4._y = 100;
scritta5 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("scritta5", 838);
scritta5.createTextField("scritta", 841, 0, 0, 400, 200);
scritta5.scritta.text = "press space to restart";
scritta5.scritta.textColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
scritta5._xscale = 120;
scritta5._yscale = 120;
scritta5.scritta.autoSize = true;
scritta5._x = 275 - (scritta5._width / 2);
scritta5._y = 300;
scritta5._visible = false;
triangles = new Array();
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < maxtri) {
triangles[_local3] = new ttriangle();
triangles[_local3] = _root.attachMovie("redtri", "trimov" + _local3, 400 + _local3);
triangles[_local3]._visible = false;
triangles[_local3]._xscale = 20;
ragobjects = new Array();
ragobjects[0] = new tman2();
function mainloop() {
time = time + 1;
fpstime = fpstime + 1;
var _local2;
var _local3;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ragobjects[0].numballs) {
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].oldx = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].x;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].oldy = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].y;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].yv = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].yv + 0.3;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].x = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].x + ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].xv;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].y = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].y + ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].yv;
if (random(100) > (96 - (time / 60))) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < maxtri) {
if (!triangles[_local2]._visible) {
dodgenum = dodgenum + 1;
triangles[_local2]._visible = true;
triangles[_local2]._x = random(550);
triangles[_local2]._y = -50;
triangles[_local2].yv = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < maxtri) {
if (triangles[_local2]._visible) {
triangles[_local2].yv = triangles[_local2].yv + 0.2;
triangles[_local2]._y = triangles[_local2]._y + triangles[_local2].yv;
if ((((triangles[_local2]._x < ragobjects[0].xmax) and (triangles[_local2]._x > ragobjects[0].xmin)) and (triangles[_local2]._y < ragobjects[0].ymax)) and (triangles[_local2]._y > ragobjects[0].ymin)) {
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 11) {
var _local4 = myf.distancepl(triangles[_local2]._x, triangles[_local2]._y, ragobjects[0].links[_local3].ball2.x, ragobjects[0].links[_local3].ball2.y, ragobjects[0].links[_local3].ball1.x, ragobjects[0].links[1].ball1.y);
if (_local4 < ragobjects[0].links[_local3].width) {
if (((((_local3 != 2) and (_local3 != 4)) and (_local3 != 8)) and (_local3 != 10)) and (!ragobjects[0].dead)) {
scritta4.scritta.text = "You dodged " + dodgenum;
scritta4._x = 275 - (scritta4._width / 2);
scritta4._visible = true;
scritta5._visible = true;
ragobjects[0].dead = true;
moreragdoll._visible = true;
scritta6._visible = true;
if (_local3 == 2) {
ragobjects[0].tensions[8].active = 0;
ragobjects[0].balls[3].attached = false;
if (_local3 == 4) {
ragobjects[0].tensions[9].active = 0;
ragobjects[0].balls[5].attached = false;
if (_local3 == 8) {
ragobjects[0].tensions[4].active = 0;
ragobjects[0].balls[9].attached = false;
if (_local3 == 10) {
ragobjects[0].balls[11].attached = false;
ragobjects[0].tensions[5].active = 0;
ragobjects[0].links[_local3].active = false;
if (triangles[_local2]._y > 450) {
triangles[_local2]._visible = false;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < 5) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ragobjects[0].numballs) {
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].xv = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].x - ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].oldx;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].yv = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].y - ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].oldy;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].checkcollision(myf.xwin, myf.ywin);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ragobjects[0].numballs) {
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].clip._x = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].x;
ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].clip._y = ragobjects[0].balls[_local2].y;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < ragobjects[0].numlinks) {
if (ragobjects[0].links[_local2].active == false) {
ragobjects[0].links[_local2].clip._visible = false;
if (ragobjects[0].links[_local2].active == true) {
ragobjects[0].links[_local2].clip._visible = true;
if ((getTimer() - oldmillisecs) > 1000) {
scritta3.scritta.text = fpstime;
fpstime = 0;
oldmillisecs = getTimer();
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
var maxtri = 13;
Symbol 28 MovieClip [__Packages.comments] Frame 0
class comments
static var com, num;
function comments () {
static function init() {
com = new Array();
com.push("Wearing a cursed (-10) skill ring?");
com.push("Damn it where is my mantle of evasion when I need it?");
com.push("When everything else fails read the instructions");
com.push("We recommend users to breath while playing");
com.push("Is that the worst you can do?");
com.push("We're sorry, this game is not suitabe for children under age 3");
com.push("We're sorry, this game is not suitable for blind people");
com.push("We're sorry, this game is not suitable for people over age 115");
com.push("Great try... not");
com.push("Yeah its fun to play with one's feet");
com.push("We're sorry but this game is not the RPG you ordered");
com.push("Tip: watch the screen while playing");
com.push("Tip: stop playing if stabbed in the back");
com.push("Don't feed the birds");
com.push("Dont cry, I'm sure you're good at Hearts");
com.push("Hmm, someone needs to change those lenses");
com.push("Hey, that spike curved!");
com.push("Roger the Dodger");
com.push("As agile as a squashed snail");
com.push("Deadly as a blind sniper");
com.push("Forgot your ninja suit?");
com.push("You have no heart, you ragdoll butcher!");
com.push("Batteries not included");
com.push("These comments are NOT random");
com.push("Winners dont use drugs");
com.push("Must have been some good weed");
com.push("Got booze?");
com.push("Yeah, mushrooms of hallucination are a blast");
com.push("48 hours porn marathon?");
com.push("Wow, I've never seen someone quite as bad");
com.push("My granny is totally better than you");
com.push("Do not operate machinery while intoxicated");
com.push("Ragdolls never die");
com.push("Don't try this at home");
com.push("They keyboard in front of you is not a musical instrument");
com.push("Not an avid gamer I see");
com.push("You lost 1786500000 experience points");
com.push("You found a Power Dragon Scale Mail!");
com.push("Got Ninja?");
com.push("Not exactly a ragdoll master");
com.push("One smooth operator");
num = com.push("Man I'm getting good at this");
Symbol 29 MovieClip [__Packages.ttriangle] Frame 0
class ttriangle extends MovieClip
function ttriangle () {
var xv = 0;
var yv = 0;
Symbol 30 MovieClip [__Packages.tragobject] Frame 0
class tragobject
var balls, tensions, links, numtensions, numballs, numlinks, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymin;
function tragobject () {
function arrowmove() {
if (dead == false) {
var _local2 = 10;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
balls[0].xv = balls[0].xv + _local2;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
balls[0].xv = balls[0].xv + (-_local2);
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
balls[0].yv = balls[0].yv + (-_local2);
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
balls[0].yv = balls[0].yv + _local2;
function init() {
var _local3;
tensions = new Array();
balls = new Array();
links = new Array();
numtensions = 3;
numballs = 5;
numlinks = 4;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numballs) {
var _local4 = new tball();
_local4.clip = _root.attachMovie("ball0", "ball" + _local3, _local3);
_local4.r = 25;
_local4.m = 1;
_local4.actualmass = 1;
_local4.clip._xscale = 2 * _local4.r;
_local4.clip._yscale = 2 * _local4.r;
_local4.xv = (random(100) - 50) / 10;
_local4.yv = (random(100) - 50) / 10;
_local4.x = random(300);
_local4.y = random(300);
_local4.shiftx = 0;
_local4.shifty = 0;
_local4.oldx = _local4.x;
_local4.oldy = _local4.y;
balls[_local3] = _local4;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numlinks) {
links[_local3] = new tlink();
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[_local3];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[_local3 + 1];
links[_local3].dist = 50;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numtensions) {
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[_local3];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[_local3 + 1];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[_local3 + 2];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = 1000;
function updatemaxmin() {
var _local2;
xmax = -9999;
ymax = -9999;
xmin = 9999;
ymin = 9999;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numballs) {
if (balls[_local2].attached) {
xmax = Math.max(xmax, balls[_local2].x);
ymax = Math.max(ymax, balls[_local2].y);
xmin = Math.min(xmin, balls[_local2].x);
ymin = Math.min(ymin, balls[_local2].y);
function applyshifts() {
var _local2;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numballs) {
balls[_local2].shiftx = 0;
balls[_local2].shifty = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numlinks) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numballs) {
balls[_local2].x = balls[_local2].x + balls[_local2].shiftx;
balls[_local2].y = balls[_local2].y + balls[_local2].shifty;
function applytensions() {
var _local2;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numballs) {
balls[_local2].shiftx = 0;
balls[_local2].shifty = 0;
if (dead == false) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numtensions) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < numballs) {
balls[_local2].x = balls[_local2].x + balls[_local2].shiftx;
balls[_local2].y = balls[_local2].y + balls[_local2].shifty;
var dead = false;
Symbol 31 MovieClip [__Packages.tball] Frame 0
class tball
var clip, number, x, y;
function tball () {
function init() {
clip.createEmptyMovieClip("ball" + number, number);
clip.attachMovie("ball0", "whatever", 0);
clip._xscale = 2 * r;
clip._yscale = 2 * r;
function checkcollision(xwin, ywin) {
if (x > xwin) {
x = xwin - 0.1;
xv = xv * -0.8;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0.1;
xv = xv * -0.8;
if (y > ywin) {
y = ywin - 0.1;
yv = yv * -0.8;
xv = xv * 0.6;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0.1;
yv = yv * -0.8;
var xv = (random(100) - 50) / 10;
var yv = (random(100) - 50) / 10;
var r = 25;
var m = 1;
var actualmass = 1;
var shiftx = 0;
var shifty = 0;
var attached = true;
Symbol 32 MovieClip [__Packages.tlink] Frame 0
class tlink
var ball1, ball2, clip, width, dist;
function tlink () {
function placemovieclip() {
var _local3 = ball1;
var _local2 = ball2;
var _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3.x - _local2.x) * (_local3.x - _local2.x)) + ((_local3.y - _local2.y) * (_local3.y - _local2.y)));
var _local6 = ball2.x - ball1.x;
var _local4 = ball2.y - ball1.y;
clip._x = (_local3.x + _local2.x) / 2;
clip._y = (_local3.y + _local2.y) / 2;
clip._xscale = _local5;
clip._yscale = width;
clip._rotation = (Math.atan2(_local4, _local6) * 180) / Math.PI;
function partialshift() {
if (active) {
var _local3 = ball1;
var _local2 = ball2;
var _local7 = _local2.x - _local3.x;
var _local6 = _local2.y - _local3.y;
var _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local3.x - _local2.x) * (_local3.x - _local2.x)) + ((_local3.y - _local2.y) * (_local3.y - _local2.y)));
var _local5 = _local4 - dist;
_local3.shiftx = _local3.shiftx + (((((((_local7 / _local4) * _local5) / 2) * _local2.m) / (_local3.m + _local2.m)) * 2) * 0.7);
_local2.shiftx = _local2.shiftx - (((((((_local7 / _local4) * _local5) / 2) * _local3.m) / (_local3.m + _local2.m)) * 2) * 0.7);
_local3.shifty = _local3.shifty + (((((((_local6 / _local4) * _local5) / 2) * _local2.m) / (_local3.m + _local2.m)) * 2) * 0.7);
_local2.shifty = _local2.shifty - (((((((_local6 / _local4) * _local5) / 2) * _local3.m) / (_local3.m + _local2.m)) * 2) * 0.7);
var active = true;
Symbol 33 MovieClip [__Packages.ttension] Frame 0
class ttension
var ball1, ball2, ball3;
function ttension () {
function partialtension(slower) {
if (active) {
var _local6 = ball2.y - ball1.y;
var _local5 = ball3.y - ball2.y;
var _local8 = ball2.x - ball1.x;
var _local7 = ball3.x - ball2.x;
var _local9 = myf.normangle(((57.2957795130823 * Math.atan2(_local6, -_local8)) - (57.2957795130823 * Math.atan2(_local5, -_local7))) + 180) - angle;
var _local10 = myf.normangle2(_local9);
var _local4 = (_local6 * _local6) + (_local8 * _local8);
var _local3 = (_local5 * _local5) + (_local7 * _local7);
if (Math.abs(_local4) < myf.smallnumber) {
_local4 = myf.smallnumber;
if (Math.abs(_local3) < myf.smallnumber) {
_local3 = myf.smallnumber;
var _local2 = ((_local10 / 400) * strength) * slower;
ball1.shiftx = ball1.shiftx + (((_local6 / _local4) * _local2) / ball1.actualmass);
ball1.shifty = ball1.shifty + ((_local2 * ((-_local8) / _local4)) / ball1.actualmass);
ball2.shiftx = ball2.shiftx + ((((-_local2) * (_local6 / _local4)) - (_local2 * (_local5 / _local3))) / ball2.actualmass);
ball2.shifty = ball2.shifty + ((((-_local2) * ((-_local8) / _local4)) - (_local2 * ((-_local7) / _local3))) / ball2.actualmass);
ball3.shiftx = ball3.shiftx + ((_local2 * (_local5 / _local3)) / ball3.actualmass);
ball3.shifty = ball3.shifty + ((_local2 * ((-_local7) / _local3)) / ball3.actualmass);
var active = true;
var angle = 180;
var strength = 1000;
Symbol 34 MovieClip [__Packages.myf] Frame 0
class myf
function myf () {
static function normangle(angle) {
while (angle < 0) {
angle = angle + 360;
while (angle >= 360) {
angle = angle - 360;
static function normangle2(angle) {
while (angle < -180) {
angle = angle + 360;
while (angle >= 180) {
angle = angle - 360;
static function distancepl(x0, y0, xa, ya, xb, yb) {
var _local4 = xb - xa;
var _local3 = yb - ya;
var _local13 = x0 - xa;
var _local12 = y0 - ya;
var _local7 = (_local13 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local12);
if (_local7 <= 0) {
return(Math.sqrt(((x0 - xa) * (x0 - xa)) + ((y0 - ya) * (y0 - ya))));
var _local9 = (_local4 * _local4) + (_local3 * _local3);
if (_local9 <= _local7) {
return(Math.sqrt(((x0 - xb) * (x0 - xb)) + ((y0 - yb) * (y0 - yb))));
var _local8 = _local7 / _local9;
var _local11 = xa + (_local8 * _local4);
var _local10 = ya + (_local8 * _local3);
return(Math.sqrt(((x0 - _local11) * (x0 - _local11)) + ((y0 - _local10) * (y0 - _local10))));
static function distancepl2(x0, y0, xa, ya, xb, yb) {
var _local5 = xa - x0;
var _local6 = ya - y0;
var _local8 = xb - x0;
var _local9 = yb - y0;
var _local2 = _local9 - _local6;
var _local4 = _local8 - _local5;
var _local3 = (-_local2) / _local4;
var _local1 = 1;
var _local7 = (-_local6) + ((_local5 * _local2) / _local4);
var _local10 = Math.abs(_local7) / Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local1 * _local1));
static var xwin = 550;
static var ywin = 400;
static var smallnumber = 0.0001;
Symbol 35 MovieClip [__Packages.tman2] Frame 0
class tman2 extends tragobject
var tensions, balls, links, numtensions, numballs, numlinks;
function tman2 () {
function init() {
var _local5 = 0.5;
var _local3;
tensions = new Array();
balls = new Array();
links = new Array();
numtensions = 10;
numballs = 12;
numlinks = 11;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numballs) {
var _local4 = new tball();
_local4.clip = _root.attachMovie("ball0", "ball" + _local3, _local3);
_local4.r = 10 * _local5;
if (_local3 == 0) {
_local4.r = 23 * _local5;
_local4.m = 1;
_local4.actualmass = 1;
_local4.clip._xscale = 2 * _local4.r;
_local4.clip._yscale = 2 * _local4.r;
_local4.xv = 0;
_local4.yv = 0;
_local4.x = random(300);
_local4.y = random(300);
_local4.shiftx = 0;
_local4.shifty = 0;
_local4.oldx = _local4.x;
_local4.oldy = _local4.y;
balls[_local3] = _local4;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numlinks) {
links[_local3] = new tlink();
links[_local3].clip = _root.attachMovie("square", "link" + _local3, _local3 + 100);
links[_local3].width = 20 * _local5;
_local3 = 0;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[0];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[1];
links[_local3].dist = 35;
_local3 = 1;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[2];
links[_local3].dist = 40;
_local3 = 2;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[2];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[3];
links[_local3].dist = 40;
_local3 = 3;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[4];
links[_local3].dist = 40;
_local3 = 4;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[4];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[5];
links[_local3].dist = 40;
_local3 = 5;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[6];
links[_local3].dist = 30;
_local3 = 6;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[6];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[7];
links[_local3].dist = 30;
_local3 = 7;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[7];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[8];
links[_local3].dist = 60;
_local3 = 8;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[8];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[9];
links[_local3].dist = 60;
_local3 = 9;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[7];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[10];
links[_local3].dist = 60;
_local3 = 10;
links[_local3].ball1 = balls[10];
links[_local3].ball2 = balls[11];
links[_local3].dist = 60;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numlinks) {
links[_local3].dist = links[_local3].dist * _local5;
var _local6 = 500;
_local3 = 0;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[0];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 1;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[7];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 2;
_local3 = 2;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[7];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[8];
tensions[_local3].angle = 200;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 3;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[7];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[10];
tensions[_local3].angle = 160;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 4;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[7];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[8];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[9];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 5;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[7];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[10];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[11];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 6;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[2];
tensions[_local3].angle = 90;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 7;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[6];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[4];
tensions[_local3].angle = 270;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 1;
_local3 = 8;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[2];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[3];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 0.5;
_local3 = 9;
tensions[_local3] = new ttension();
tensions[_local3].ball1 = balls[1];
tensions[_local3].ball2 = balls[4];
tensions[_local3].ball3 = balls[5];
tensions[_local3].angle = 180;
tensions[_local3].strength = _local6 * 0.5;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < numtensions) {
tensions[_local3].strength = (tensions[_local3].strength * _local5) * _local5;