Frame 1
stop(); =; = function () {
this._width = this.orgWidth * (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal());
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 48 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Frame 2
function buttonSoundFunction() {
_root.buttonSound.start(0, 1);
function starSoundFunction() {
_root.starSound.start(0, 1);
function tutorialSteps(currentStep) {
switch (currentStep) {
case 1 :
return("Welcome to the tutorial for this simple game!\n-Press space to continue-");
case 2 :
return("This is you, click the left mouse button to stop the rotation and move the way you are facing.\n-Pick up the star to continue-");
case 3 :
return("Picking up stars like these gives you points, take them as fast as\nyou can as the amount of points you get depends on the size of the star at the moment you pick it up. Avoid red stars, they decrease your score!");
case 4 :
return("Also look out for powerups as they can mean the difference between a lousy and excellent score! Once again, avoid the red ones.");
case 5 :
return("A few more notes before you can get started:\n\n-If you don't like the default controls you can change them\n-In the game you will have 60 seconds to get as many points as you can\n-You can play against up to three friends\n-In single player mode you can submit to the highscore table\n-Pause the game by pressing 'P', change quality with 'Q' and mute all sounds with 'M'");
function nextStep() {
function step3() {
i = 0;
while (i < step3Stars) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "MC" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:random(Stage.width - 100) + 50, _y:random(400) + 50, _rotation:random(360), nameVar:_name, _alpha:0});
_root["MC" + i].starKind = (random(redStarProbability) == 0) + 1;
_root["MC" + i].gotoAndStop(_root["MC" + i].starKind);
_root["MC" + i].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!pauseGame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + starRotation;
if (this._alpha == 100) {
this._xscale = this._xscale - starDecreaseSpeed;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
} else {
m = 1;
while (m <= _root.players) {
this.dx = this._x - _root["character" + m]._x;
this.dy = this._y - _root["character" + m]._y;
this.hypotenusa = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.dx, 2) + Math.pow(this.dy, 2));
if (this.hypotenusa < starAttractionRange) {
if (_root["character" + m]._x < this._x) {
} else if (_root["character" + m]._x > this._x) {
if (_root["character" + m]._y < this._y) {
} else if (_root["character" + m]._y > this._y) {
if (_root["character" + m].inside.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
((this.starKind == 1) ? ((_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] + Math.round(this._xscale))) : ((_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] - Math.round(this._xscale))));
xPos = this._x;
yPos = this._y;
n = 0;
while ((++n) <= numberOfStars) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "STAR" + o, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _rotation:random(360), _alpha:random(70) + 30, starAngle:random(360), init:false, goTo:this.starKind, xscale:this._xscale, yscale:this._yscale, speed:Math.random(5) + 3});
_root["STAR" + o].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!pauseGame) {
if (!this.init) {
this.xyscale = random(30) + 1;
this._xscale = this.xyscale + (this.xscale - 15);
this._yscale = this.xyscale + (this.yscale - 15);
this.kvota = Math.sin(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.kvotb = Math.cos(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.init = true;
this._x = this._x + (this.kvota * this.speed);
this._y = this._y + (this.kvotb * this.speed);
this._alpha = this._alpha - starFadeSpeed;
this._rotation = this._rotation + dupStarRotation;
if (this._alpha < 5) {
if (this._xscale < starRemove) {
Stage.showMenu = false;
var playedBefore = true;
notFinishedTxt.text = "";
menuButton._visible = true;
var vol = 100;
var globalSound = new Sound();
var buttonSound = new Sound(this);
var starSound = new Sound(this);
var muteKeyDown = false;
var qKeyDown = false;
actionsAllTime.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(81) && (!_root.qKeyDown)) {
if ((i++) >= 2) {
i = 0;
_quality = ["HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW"][i];
_root.qKeyDown = true;
if ((!Key.isDown(81)) && (_root.qKeyDown)) {
_root.qKeyDown = false;
if (Key.isDown(77) && (!_root.muteKeyDown)) {
_root.muteKeyDown = true;
if (_root.vol == 0) {
_root.vol = 100;
} else {
_root.vol = 0;
if ((!Key.isDown(77)) && (_root.muteKeyDown)) {
_root.muteKeyDown = false;
this.onMouseDown = function () {
var _local1 = true;
this.onMouseUp = function () {
var _local1 = false;
var percentStr = "0%";
var goToMenu = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (((tutorialText._currentframe == (tutorialText._totalframes / 2)) && (tutStep == 1)) && (Key.isDown(32))) {
if ((tutStep >= 2) && (tutStep != 5)) {
notFinishedTxt._visible = false;
if ((step3Stars == 0) && (tutStep == 3)) {
if (((tutStep == 4) && (Key.isDown(32))) && (tutorialText._currentframe == (tutorialText._totalframes / 2))) {
percent = Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100);
percentStr = percent + "%";
if (((_root.tutStep == 5) && (percent < 100)) && (tutorialText._currentframe == ((tutorialText._totalframes / 2) - 1))) {
notFinishedTxt.text = "Once the game has finished loading you can press the button below to go to the menu";
notFinishedTxt._visible = true;
tutorialText.tutAni.menuButton._alpha = 50;
} else {
tutorialText.tutAni.menuButton._alpha = 100;
var players = 1;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var o = 0;
var p = 0;
var FPS = 40;
var starDecreaseSpeed = 0.5;
var starAttractionRange = 55;
var redStarProbability = 5;
var starRemove = 5;
var dupStarInt = 30;
var powerupProbability = (FPS * 5);
var powerupTime = 5;
var numberOfStars = 20;
var pauseGame = false;
var pauseSync = true;
var pausKey = 80;
var starFadeSpeed = 1.75;
var starRotation = 3;
var dupStarRotation = 15;
var type7Test = false;
var placement = true;
var tutStep = 1;
_root.xplace = Stage.width / 2;
_root.yplace = 300;
_root.step3Stars = 5;
Instance of Symbol 26 MovieClip [star] in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
var oneTime = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation = (_rotation + _root.starRotation);
dx = _x - _root.character1._x;
dy = _y - _root.character1._y;
hypotenusa = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2));
if (hypotenusa < _root.starAttractionRange) {
if (_root.character1._x < _x) {
_x = (_x-1);
} else if (_root.character1._x > _x) {
_x = (_x+1);
if (_root.character1._y < _y) {
_y = (_y-1);
} else if (_root.character1._y > _y) {
_y = (_y+1);
if ((_root.tutStep == 2) && (_alpha <= 100)) {
_alpha = (_alpha+1);
if ((_root.tutStep == 2) && (oneTime)) {
oneTime = false;
_root.attachMovie("player1", "character1", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_root.xplace, _y:_root.yplace, oneTime:true, player:1, _alpha:0});
_root.character1.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.oneTime) {
this.topMap = 0;
this.bottomMap = Stage.height;
this.leftMap = 0;
this.rightMap = Stage.width;
this.moveSpeed = 5;
this.rotationSpeed = 5;
this.mKeyDown = true;
this.key = 1;
this.onMouseDown = function () {
this.mouseKeyDown = true;
this.onMouseUp = function () {
this.mouseKeyDown = false;
this.mKeyDown = true;
this.oneTime = false;
if ((_root.tutStep == 2) && (this._alpha <= 100)) {
if (!_root.pauseGame) {
if ((_root.tutStep > 3) && (this._alpha > 0)) {
} else if ((_root.tutStep > 3) && (this._alpha == 0)) {
if (!Key.isDown(this.key)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationSpeed;
this.kvota = Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
this.kvotb = Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
if (Key.isDown(this.key) || (this.mouseKeyDown)) {
if (this.mKeyDown) {
this.mKeyDown = false;
this.spedy = this.kvotb * this.moveSpeed;
this.spedx = this.kvota * this.moveSpeed;
this._x = this._x + this.spedx;
this._y = this._y - this.spedy;
if (this._y <= (this.topMap + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._width / 2;
this.spedy = this.spedy * -1;
this._rotation = (this._rotation * -1) - 180;
if (this._y >= (this.bottomMap - (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = Stage.height - (this._width / 2);
this.spedy = this.spedy * -1;
this._rotation = (this._rotation * -1) - 180;
if (this._x <= (this.leftMap + (this._width / 2))) {
this._x = this._width / 2;
this.spedx = this.spedx * -1;
this._rotation = this._rotation * -1;
if (this._x >= (this.rightMap - (this._width / 2))) {
this._x = Stage.width - (this._width / 2);
this.spedx = this.spedx * -1;
this._rotation = this._rotation * -1;
} else {
this.mKeyDown = true;
if (_root.character1.inside.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
n = 0;
while ((++n) <= _root.numberOfStars) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "STAR" + _root.o, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _rotation:random(360), _alpha:random(70) + 30, starAngle:random(360), init:false, goTo:this.starKind, xscale:this._xscale, yscale:this._yscale, speed:Math.random(5) + 3});
_root["STAR" + _root.o].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this.init) {
this.xyscale = random(30) + 1;
this._xscale = this.xyscale + (this.xscale - 15);
this._yscale = this.xyscale + (this.yscale - 15);
this.kvota = Math.sin(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.kvotb = Math.cos(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.init = true;
this._x = this._x + (this.kvota * this.speed);
this._y = this._y + (this.kvotb * this.speed);
this._alpha = this._alpha - _root.starFadeSpeed;
this._rotation = this._rotation + _root.dupStarRotation;
if (this._alpha < 5) {
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip in Frame 2
on (release) {;
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay ("fadeIn");
Frame 3
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=7&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(getVersion())) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
for (i in _root) {
delete onMouseDown;
delete onMouseUp;
delete mouseKeyDown;
var menuMusic = new Sound(this);
var gameMusic = new Sound(this);
menuMusic.start(0, 99);
__com_mochibot__("f4124b15", this, 10301, true);
Frame 31
function newGame() {
_root.i = 0;
_root.j = 0;
_root.o = 0;
_root.p = 0;
_root.type7Test = false;
_root.gotoGame = false;
_root.resultsArray = new Array();
_root.timer = 45;
_root.count = 0;
_root.pauseGame = false;
_root.pauseSync = true;
_root.placement = true;
function theGame() {
if (placement) {
j = 0;
while ((++j) <= _root.players) {
if (this.j == 1) {
_root.xplace = 115;
_root.yplace = 35;
if (this.j == 2) {
_root.xplace = 535;
_root.yplace = 35;
if (this.j == 3) {
_root.xplace = 535;
_root.yplace = 465;
if (this.j == 4) {
_root.xplace = 115;
_root.yplace = 465;
attachMovie("player" + j, "character" + j, getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:_root.xplace, _y:_root.yplace, oneTime:true, player:j});
_root["character" + j].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.oneTime) {
this.mouseKeyDown = false;
this.topMap = 0;
this.bottomMap = Stage.height;
this.leftMap = 0;
this.rightMap = Stage.width;
this.moveSpeed = 5;
this.rotationSpeed = 5;
this.mKeyDown = true;
this.key = _root.playerKeysAndNames[this.player][1];
if (this.key == 1) {
this.onMouseDown = function () {
this.mouseKeyDown = true;
this.onMouseUp = function () {
this.mouseKeyDown = false;
this.oneTime = false;
if (!_root.pauseGame) {
if (!Key.isDown(this.key)) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + this.rotationSpeed;
this.kvota = Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
this.kvotb = Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180));
if (Key.isDown(this.key) || (this.mouseKeyDown)) {
if (this.mKeyDown == true) {
this.mKeyDown = false;
this.spedy = this.kvotb * this.moveSpeed;
this.spedx = this.kvota * this.moveSpeed;
this._x = this._x + this.spedx;
this._y = this._y - this.spedy;
if (this._y <= (this.topMap + (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = this._width / 2;
this.spedy = this.spedy * -1;
this._rotation = (this._rotation * -1) - 180;
if (this._y >= (this.bottomMap - (this._width / 2))) {
this._y = Stage.height - (this._width / 2);
this.spedy = this.spedy * -1;
this._rotation = (this._rotation * -1) - 180;
if (this._x <= (this.leftMap + (this._width / 2))) {
this._x = this._width / 2;
this.spedx = this.spedx * -1;
this._rotation = this._rotation * -1;
if (this._x >= (this.rightMap - (this._width / 2))) {
this._x = Stage.width - (this._width / 2);
this.spedx = this.spedx * -1;
this._rotation = this._rotation * -1;
} else {
this.mKeyDown = true;
i = 0;
while ((++i) <= _root.players) {
_root["names" + i] = _root["name" + i];
_root["score" + i] = 0;
placement = false;
if ((Key.isDown(pausKey) && (pauseSync)) && (!pauseGame)) {
pauseGame = true;
pauseSync = false;
if (!Key.isDown(pausKey)) {
pauseSync = true;
if (!pauseGame) {
if (random(powerupProbability) == 0) {
_root.attachMovie("powerup", "powerup" + j, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:random(Stage.width - 100) + 50, _y:random(400) + 50, init:false, powerupKind:random(7) + 1});
_root["powerup" + j].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!pauseGame) {
if (!this.init) {
for (q in this) {
if (this[q]._name.indexOf("hitter") != -1) {
this[q]._visible = false;
this[q].onEnterFrame = function () {
l = 1;
while (l <= _root.players) {
if (_root["character" + l].inside.hitTest(this._x + this._parent._x, this._y + this._parent._y, true)) {
_root.attachMovie("powerupTextMC", "poweruptextmc" + random(50), _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {pText:_root.pickupPowerup(this._parent.powerupKind, l, this._parent._x, this._parent._y), _x:this._parent._x, _y:this._parent._y});
this.init = true;
if ((this.powerupKind == 5) || (this.powerupKind == 6)) {
this.radius = this._width / 2;
this.pickUpCounter = 0;
if ((this.powerupKind == 5) || (this.powerupKind == 6)) {
m = 1;
while (m <= _root.players) {
this.dx = this._x - _root["character" + m]._x;
this.dy = this._y - _root["character" + m]._y;
this.hypotenusa = Math.sqrt((this.dx * this.dx) + (this.dy * this.dy)) - 5;
if (this.hypotenusa <= (this.radius + (_root["character" + m].inside._width / 2))) {
_root.attachMovie("powerupTextMC", "poweruptextmc" + random(50), _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {pText:_root.pickupPowerup(this.powerupKind, i, this._x, this._y), _x:this._x, _y:this._y});
if ((this.pickUpCounter / FPS) >= powerupTime) {
if (((count % dupStarInt) == 0) && (!pauseGame)) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "MC" + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:random(Stage.width - 100) + 50, _y:random(400) + 50, _rotation:random(360), nameVar:_name});
_root["MC" + i].starKind = (random(redStarProbability) == 0) + 1;
_root["MC" + i].gotoAndStop(_root["MC" + i].starKind);
_root["MC" + i].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!pauseGame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + starRotation;
this._xscale = this._xscale - starDecreaseSpeed;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
m = 1;
while (m <= _root.players) {
this.dx = this._x - _root["character" + m]._x;
this.dy = this._y - _root["character" + m]._y;
this.hypotenusa = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.dx, 2) + Math.pow(this.dy, 2));
if (this.hypotenusa < starAttractionRange) {
if (_root["character" + m]._x < this._x) {
} else if (_root["character" + m]._x > this._x) {
if (_root["character" + m]._y < this._y) {
} else if (_root["character" + m]._y > this._y) {
if (_root["character" + m].inside.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
((this.starKind == 1) ? ((_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] + Math.round(this._xscale))) : ((_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] - Math.round(this._xscale))));
xPos = this._x;
yPos = this._y;
n = 0;
while ((++n) <= numberOfStars) {
_root.attachMovie("star", "STAR" + o, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:this._x, _y:this._y, _rotation:random(360), _alpha:random(70) + 30, starAngle:random(360), init:false, goTo:this.starKind, xscale:this._xscale, yscale:this._yscale, speed:Math.random(5) + 3});
_root["STAR" + o].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!pauseGame) {
if (!this.init) {
this.xyscale = random(30) + 1;
this._xscale = this.xyscale + (this.xscale - 15);
this._yscale = this.xyscale + (this.yscale - 15);
this.kvota = Math.sin(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.kvotb = Math.cos(this.starAngle * (Math.PI/180));
this.init = true;
this._x = this._x + (this.kvota * this.speed);
this._y = this._y + (this.kvotb * this.speed);
this._alpha = this._alpha - starFadeSpeed;
this._rotation = this._rotation + dupStarRotation;
if (this._alpha < 5) {
if (this._xscale < starRemove) {
if (((count % FPS) == 0) && (!pauseGame)) {
if (timer <= 0) {
pauseGame = true;
_root.resultsArray[0] = [_root.playerKeysAndNames[1][0], _root.score1, 1];
if (_root.players > 1) {
k = 2;
while (k <= _root.players) {
l = 0;
while (l <= _root.resultsArray.length) {
if (_root["score" + k] > _root.resultsArray[l][1]) {
_root.resultsArray.splice(l, 0, [_root.playerKeysAndNames[k][0], _root["score" + k], k]);
if ((_root["score" + k] <= _root.resultsArray[l][1]) && (l == _root.resultsArray.length)) {
_root.resultsArray.push([_root.playerKeysAndNames[k][0], _root["score" + k], k]);
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
function pickupPowerup(type, m, xpos, ypos) {
while (type == 7) {
type = random(10) + 1;
_root.type7Test = true;
if (type == 1) {
_root.timer = _root.timer - 10;
powerupTween("Time -10", m, xpos, ypos, type);
return("Time -10");
if (type == 2) {
_root.timer = _root.timer + 10;
powerupTween("Time +10", m, xpos, ypos, type);
return("Time +10");
if (type == 3) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed--;
powerupTween("Rotation -1", m, xpos, ypos, type);
if (type == 4) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed++;
powerupTween("Rotation +1", m, xpos, ypos, type);
if (type == 5) {
_root["character" + m].moveSpeed--;
powerupTween("Speed -1", m, xpos, ypos, type);
if (type == 6) {
_root["character" + m].moveSpeed++;
powerupTween("Speed +1", m, xpos, ypos, type);
if (type == 8) {
_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] + 500;
powerupTween("Score +500", m, xpos, ypos, type);
return("Score +500");
if (type == 9) {
_root["score" + m] = _root["score" + m] - 500;
powerupTween("Score -500", m, xpos, ypos, type);
return("Score -500");
if (type == 10) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed = _root["character" + m].rotationSpeed * -1;
powerupTween("Inverse rotation", m, xpos, ypos, type);
return("Inverse rotation");
if ((_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed < 2) && (_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed > -2)) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed = 2;
} else if (_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed > 8) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed = 8;
} else if (_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed < -8) {
_root["character" + m].rotationSpeed = -8;
if (_root["character" + m].moveSpeed < 2) {
_root["character" + m].moveSpeed = 2;
} else if (_root["character" + m].moveSpeed > 8) {
_root["character" + m].moveSpeed = 8;
function powerupTween(happening, m, xpos, ypos, type) {
_root.attachMovie("powerup2", "powerupLull" + p, _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos, init:false});
_root["powerupLull" + p].onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!this.init) {
_root["powerupText" + m] = happening;
if (_root.type7Test) {
} else {
this.init = true;
_root.type7Test = false;
this._xscale = this._xscale + 6;
this._yscale = this._yscale + 6;
this._alpha = this._alpha - 2;
if (this._alpha < 5) {
_root["powerupText" + m] = " ";
var playerKeysAndNames = new Array("Placeholder", ["Player1", 1, "Mouse"], ["Player2", 65, "A"], ["Player3", 71, "G"], ["Player4", 76, "L"]);
var players = 1;
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var o = 0;
var p = 0;
var count = 0;
var FPS = 46;
var gotoGame = false;
var starDecreaseSpeed = 0.5;
var starAttractionRange = 55;
var redStarProbability = 5;
var starRemove = 5;
var dupStarInt = 30;
var powerupProbability = (FPS * 5);
var powerupTime = 5;
var numberOfStars = 20;
var pauseGame = false;
var pauseSync = true;
var pausKey = 80;
var starFadeSpeed = 1.75;
var starRotation = 3;
var dupStarRotation = 15;
var type7Test = false;
var placement = true;
Frame 32
Frame 33
Symbol 15 MovieClip [powerupTextMC] Frame 80
Instance of Symbol 28 MovieClip "hitter6" in Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] Frame 3
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip in Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 40
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip in Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {;
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 230 MovieClip [__Packages.ab20] Frame 0
class ab20
function ab20 () {
static function fr(str, find, replace, limit) {
var _local2 = str;
var _local3;
var _local4;
var _local9;
if (!(typeof(find) === "string")) {
if (replace === undefined) {
replace = [""];
} else if (typeof(replace) === "string") {
replace = [replace];
} else {
find = [find];
replace = [replace];
_local9 = find.length;
var _local1 = 0;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local9) {
while (_local4 = _local2.indexOf(find[_local1]) , !(_local4 === -1)) {
if ((!(limit === undefined)) && (_local5 >= limit)) {
_local3 = new Array(_local2.substring(0, _local4), _local2.substr(_local4, find[_local1].length), _local2.substr(_local4 + find[_local1].length));
_local3[1] = ((replace[_local1] === undefined) ? "" : (replace[_local1]));
_local2 = (_local3[0] + _local3[1]) + _local3[2];
_local5 = 0;
static function encodeNum(num) {
var _local11 = getTimer();
var _local6 = ["aZ", "Zy", "Zx"];
var _local7 = ["zH", "jY", "uH"];
var _local4 = ["Ah", "Xh", "hO"];
var _local5 = ["Ub", "Bu", "Cb"];
var _local8 = ["Qc", "Pc", "Pe"];
var _local9 = ["Ei", "Ie", "Ef"];
var _local3 = ["Fk", "kG", "Kg"];
var _local13 = ["Jl", "Lm", "Mn"];
var _local12 = ["No", "Np", "Qp"];
var _local2 = ["Rs", "St", "Sw"];
var _local14 = random(3);
num = String(num);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "9", _local6[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "8", _local7[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "8", _local7[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "8", _local7[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "8", _local7[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "8", _local7[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "7", _local4[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "6", _local5[random(3)], 1);
if (_local14 == 1) {
num = fr(num, "5", _local8[0]);
} else {
num = fr(num, "5", _local8[random(3)]);
num = fr(num, "4", _local9[random(3)]);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "3", _local3[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "2", _local13[random(3)]);
num = fr(num, "1", _local12[random(3)]);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
num = fr(num, "0", _local2[random(3)], 1);
var _local10 = getTimer() - _local11;
num = (num + "Dd") + _local10;
static function encodeStr8bytes(str) {
var _local1 = 0;
var _local4 = str.length;
var _local3 = "%";
var _local2 = ["%", "$", "#", "@"];
while (_local1 < _local4) {
_local3 = _local3 + (str.charCodeAt(_local1) + _local2[random(_local2.length)]);
static function decodeStr8bytes(str) {
str = ("PIE" + str) + "PIE";
str = fr(str, "%", "D");
str = fr(str, "$", "D");
str = fr(str, "#", "D");
str = fr(str, "@", "D");
str = fr(str, "PIED", "");
str = fr(str, "DPIE", "");
var _local3 = str.split("D");
var _local4 = "";
var _local1 = 0;
var _local5 = _local3.length;
while (_local1 < _local5) {
_local4 = _local4 + String(String.fromCharCode(_local3[_local1]));
static function decodeNum(str) {
var _local2 = ["aZ", "Zy", "Zx", "zH", "jY", "uH", "Ah", "Xh", "hO", "Ub", "Bu", "Cb", "Qc", "Pc", "Pe", "Ei", "Ie", "Ef", "Fk", "kG", "Kg", "Jl", "Lm", "Mn", "No", "Np", "Qp", "Rs", "St", "Sw"];
str = String(str);
str = str.split("Dd");
str = str[0];
str = fr(str, _local2[0], "9");
str = fr(str, _local2[1], "9");
str = fr(str, _local2[2], "9");
str = fr(str, _local2[3], "8");
str = fr(str, _local2[4], "8");
str = fr(str, _local2[5], "8");
str = fr(str, _local2[6], "7");
str = fr(str, _local2[7], "7");
str = fr(str, _local2[8], "7");
str = fr(str, _local2[9], "6");
str = fr(str, _local2[10], "6");
str = fr(str, _local2[11], "6");
str = fr(str, _local2[12], "5");
str = fr(str, _local2[13], "5");
str = fr(str, _local2[14], "5");
str = fr(str, _local2[15], "4");
str = fr(str, _local2[16], "4");
str = fr(str, _local2[17], "4");
str = fr(str, _local2[18], "3");
str = fr(str, _local2[19], "3");
str = fr(str, _local2[20], "3");
str = fr(str, _local2[21], "2");
str = fr(str, _local2[22], "2");
str = fr(str, _local2[23], "2");
str = fr(str, _local2[24], "1");
str = fr(str, _local2[25], "1");
str = fr(str, _local2[26], "1");
str = fr(str, _local2[27], "0");
str = fr(str, _local2[28], "0");
str = fr(str, _local2[29], "0");
var _local3 = Number(str);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 61 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_parent.rollover) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_parent.rollover) {
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 77 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 9
function sendhi() {
ab20_09 = new LoadVars();
ab20_09.z = _root.resultsArray[0][0];
ab20_09.x = (ab20_09.x = ab20.encodeNum(_root.resultsArray[0][1]));
ab20_09.c = 1495;
ab20_09.v = "TGEGVD";
ab20_09.sendAndLoad("", ab20_09, "POST");
getURL ("", _blank);
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "menuButton" in Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = false;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
if (((_root.percent == 100) && (_root.tutorialText._currentframe == (_root.tutorialText._totalframes / 2))) && (_visible)) {
_root.goToMenu = true;;;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
tutAni.tutStr = _root.tutorialSteps(_root.tutStep);
tutAni.powerUpList._visible = _root.tutStep == 4;
tutAni.menuButton._visible = _root.tutStep == 5;
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 60
if (_root.goToMenu) {
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (3);
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "yes" in Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
_root.intropause.goto = "menu";
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "no" in Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
_parent._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "resume" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
_parent._parent.goto = _name;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "menu" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1);
on (rollOut) {
on (release) {
if (!_parent.sure._visible) {
_parent.sure._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip "sure" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var dragging = false;
_x = (_parent.line._x + (_root.vol * (_parent.line._width / 100)));
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _parent.line._x, _y, _parent.line._x + _parent.line._width, _y);
dragging = true;
on (release) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
dragging = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!Key.isDown(1)) && (dragging)) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
dragging = false;
if (dragging) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
} else {
_x = (_parent.line._x + (_root.vol * (_parent.line._width / 100)));
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "MEDIUM" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "LOW" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "autohigh" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "HIGH" in Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 2
var vol = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
vol = vol - 4;
if (vol > 0) {
} else {
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 35
if (_root.gameOverScreen._currentframe != 1) {
var vol = 0;
_root.gameMusic.start(1.2, 99);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
vol = vol + 4;
if (vol <= 100) {
} else {
delete onEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 70
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 95
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 98
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 105
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.players) {
_root["score" + i] = 0;
_root["name" + i] = _root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0];
if (_root.players < 4) {
j = _root.players + 1;
while (j <= 4) {
_root["score" + j] = "";
_root["name" + j] = "";
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip in Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 140
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 160
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 161
if (goto == "menu") {
for (i in _root) {
if (i != _name) {
_root.menuMusic.start(0, 99);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 180
if (goto == "resume") {
_root.pauseGame = false;
gotoAndStop (140);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 48 MovieClip in Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 1
number = _name;
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
var player = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "change" in Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = false;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if ((inside._currentframe == 1) && (!_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC._visible)) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
if (!_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC.currentlyChanging = _parent.num;
_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC.theMessage = _root.playerKeysAndNames[_parent.num][0] + ", press your desired key\n(Available keys are a-z, numpad 0-9 and left mouse button)";
_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC._visible = true;
_parent._parent.buttonChangeMC.keyOccupied = false;
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip in Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "change" in Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [powerup] in Symbol 156 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 1
var place = (num + ".");
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip in Symbol 214 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop ("submit");
var rollover = true;
on (rollOver) {
if ((inside._currentframe == 1) && (submitText._currentframe == 1)) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
if (submitText._currentframe == 1) {
useHandCursor = false;
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
var rolledOver = 0;
var inActiveAlpha = 30;
var contentMessage = "";
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.players > 1) {
contentMessage = "Submitting highscores is only available in single player mode";
} else {
contentMessage = "";
buttonChangeMC.onMouseDown = function () {
if (this._visible) {
this.keyOccupied = false;
k = 1;
while (k <= 4) {
if ((_root.playerKeysAndNames[k][1] == 1) && (k != this.currentlyChanging)) {
this.theMessage = ("The left mouse button is already assigned to " + _root.playerKeysAndNames[k][0]) + ", please choose another one";
this.keyOccupied = true;
if (!this.keyOccupied) {
this.keyOccupied = false;
_root.playerKeysAndNames[this.currentlyChanging][1] = 1;
_root.playerKeysAndNames[this.currentlyChanging][2] = "Mouse";
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip "1" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (release) {
_root.players = 1;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip "2" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.players >= num) || (_parent.rolledOver >= num)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (rollOver) {
_parent.rolledOver = num;
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.players < num) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_parent.rolledOver = 0;
on (release) {
_root.players = num;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip "3" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 3;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.players >= num) || (_parent.rolledOver >= num)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (rollOver) {
_parent.rolledOver = num;
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.players < num) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_parent.rolledOver = 0;
on (release) {
_root.players = num;
Instance of Symbol 132 MovieClip "4" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 4;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.players >= num) || (_parent.rolledOver >= num)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (rollOver) {
_parent.rolledOver = num;
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.players < num) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_parent.rolledOver = 0;
on (release) {
_root.players = num;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "Player 1" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 1;
var buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
var playerName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
_root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0] = playerName;
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
playerNameTxt.type = "dynamic";
playerNameTxt.selectable = false;
} else {
playerNameTxt.type = "input";
playerNameTxt.selectable = true;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "Player 2" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 2;
var buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
var playerName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0];
if (_root.players >= num) {
} else {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
_root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0] = playerName;
if ((_root.players >= num) && (_currentframe == 2)) {
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((_root.players < num) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
playerNameTxt.type = "dynamic";
playerNameTxt.selectable = false;
} else {
playerNameTxt.type = "input";
playerNameTxt.selectable = true;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "Player 3" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 3;
var buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
var playerName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0];
if (_root.players >= num) {
} else {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
_root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0] = playerName;
if ((_root.players >= num) && (_currentframe == 2)) {
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((_root.players < num) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
playerNameTxt.type = "dynamic";
playerNameTxt.selectable = false;
} else {
playerNameTxt.type = "input";
playerNameTxt.selectable = true;
Instance of Symbol 143 MovieClip "Player 4" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 4;
var buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
var playerName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0];
if (_root.players >= num) {
} else {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
buttonName = _root.playerKeysAndNames[num][2];
_root.playerKeysAndNames[num][0] = playerName;
if ((_root.players >= num) && (_currentframe == 2)) {
_alpha = 100;
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if ((_root.players < num) && (_currentframe == 1)) {
_alpha = _parent.inActiveAlpha;
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
playerNameTxt.type = "dynamic";
playerNameTxt.selectable = false;
} else {
playerNameTxt.type = "input";
playerNameTxt.selectable = true;
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible && (useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = false;
} else if ((!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) && (!useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = true;
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (release) {
if (!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function stripSpaces(input) {
var _local2 = "";
j = 0;
while (j < input.length) {
if (input.charAt(j) != " ") {
_local2 = _local2 + input.charAt(j);
gotoAndStop (3);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible && (useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = false;
} else if ((!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) && (!useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = true;
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndStop (4);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (3);
on (release) {
if (!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) {
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.players) {
_root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0] = stripSpaces(_root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0]);
if (_root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0] == "") {
_root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0] = "Player" + i;
_root.gotoGame = true;;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "buttonChangeMC" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
var currentlyChanging = 0;
var theMessage = "";
var keyListener = new Object();
var keyOccupied = false;
keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {
if (_visible) {
keyOccupied = false;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
if ((_root.playerKeysAndNames[i][1] == Key.getCode()) && (i != currentlyChanging)) {
theMessage = ((("The key '" + chr(Key.getAscii()).toUpperCase()) + "' is already assigned to ") + _root.playerKeysAndNames[i][0]) + ", please choose another one";
keyOccupied = true;
var _local2 = ((Key.getCode() == 81) + (Key.getCode() == 77)) + (Key.getCode() == 80);
if (((Key.getCode() >= 65) && (Key.getCode() <= 90)) || (((Key.getCode() >= 96) && (Key.getCode() <= 105)) && (_local2 == 0))) {
if (!keyOccupied) {
keyOccupied = false;
_root.playerKeysAndNames[currentlyChanging][1] = Key.getCode();
_root.playerKeysAndNames[currentlyChanging][2] = chr(Key.getAscii()).toUpperCase();
_visible = false;
} else if (!keyOccupied) {
theMessage = "That key is not available, please choose another one";
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible && (useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = false;
} else if ((!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) && (!useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = true;
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible && (useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = false;
} else if ((!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) && (!useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = true;
on (release) {;
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip "slider" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var dragging = false;
_x = (_parent.line._x + (_root.vol * (_parent.line._width / 100)));
on (press) {
startDrag (this, true, _parent.line._x, _y, _parent.line._x + _parent.line._width, _y);
dragging = true;
on (release) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
dragging = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!Key.isDown(1)) && (dragging)) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
dragging = false;
if (dragging) {
_root.vol = (_x - _parent.line._x) / (_parent.line._width / 100);
} else {
_x = (_parent.line._x + (_root.vol * (_parent.line._width / 100)));
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "MEDIUM" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "LOW" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "autohigh" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 122 MovieClip "HIGH" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
var q = _name;
if (_quality == q) {
selectedQ._visible = true;
} else {
selectedQ._visible = false;
on (press) {
if (_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible) {
_parent.autohigh.selectedQ._visible = false;
currentQ = _quality;
_parent[currentQ].selectedQ._visible = false;
_quality = q;
selectedQ._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible && (useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = false;
} else if ((!_parent.buttonChangeMC._visible) && (!useHandCursor)) {
useHandCursor = true;
on (release) {
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 5
__top10_send__ = new LoadVars();
__top10_receive__ = new LoadVars();
__top10_url_1__ = "";
__top10_url_2__ = "/top10_b";
__top10_send__.hid = 1495;
__top10_send__.kid = "TGEGVD";
__top10_send__.sendAndLoad(__top10_url_1__ + __top10_url_2__, __top10_receive__, "POST");
__top10_receive__.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
i = 1;
while (i < 11) {
_root.mainMenu.menucontent[("_name" + i) + "_"].text = __top10_receive__["name" + i];
_root.mainMenu.menucontent[("_score" + i) + "_"].text = __top10_receive__["score" + i];
} else {
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 5
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
l = 1;
while (l <= _root.resultsArray.length) {
_root.gameOverScreen.gameOverScreen2["place" + l].playerNameScore = ((_root.resultsArray[l - 1][0] + ", ") + _root.resultsArray[l - 1][1]) + " points";
_root.gameOverScreen.gameOverScreen2["place" + l].player.gotoAndStop(_root.resultsArray[l - 1][2]);
_root.gameOverScreen.gameOverScreen2["place" + l]._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "place1" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 1;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "place2" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 2;
if (num <= _root.resultsArray.length) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "place3" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 3;
if (num <= _root.resultsArray.length) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "place4" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
var num = 4;
if (num <= _root.resultsArray.length) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.resultsArray.length == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "playAgain" in Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (5);
on (release) {
_parent._parent.playAgain = true;;
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.gotoGame = false;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "play" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "instructions" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "options" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "credits" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "highscores" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "playMoreGames" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "play" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "instructions" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "options" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "credits" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 35
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "highscores" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
var section = "undefined";
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "play" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
_parent.section = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "instructions" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
_parent.section = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "options" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
_parent.section = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "credits" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
_parent.section = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "highscores" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
_parent.section = _name;
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "playMoreGames" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) {
var rollover = true;
useHandCursor = false;;
on (rollOver) {
if (inside._currentframe == 1) {
rollover = true;;
on (rollOut) {
rollover = false;
on (release) {
getURL ("", _blank);
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "highscores" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "credits" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "options" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "instructions" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "play" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 70
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "playMoreGames" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 90
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "menucontent" in Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 90
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 129
if (_root.gotoGame) {
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 1
var playAgain = false;
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 2
var vol = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
vol = vol - 4;
if (vol > 0) {
} else {
delete onEnterFrame;
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 31
for (i in _root) {
if ((i != _name) && (i != "intropause")) {
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 39
var vol = 0;
_root.menuMusic.start(0, 99);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
vol = vol + 4;
if (vol <= 100) {
} else {
delete onEnterFrame;
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "gameOverScreen2" in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop ("results");
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 75
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "gameOverScreen2" in Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop ("results");
Symbol 229 MovieClip Frame 123
if (playAgain) {
} else {