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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Gun Tutorial II.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #65457

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)





<p align="center"></p>






Please read this until you are watching it !
I made this tutorial because I want to continue
Gun Tutorial 1 and share my knowledge with you.
But remember : I know much, but I don't know
everything about guns! If you find something
that is wrong or some mistakes in grammar
write a review and tell me!
So, and now enjoy this tutorial and learn! :)

Pressed 'Mute' Button? Click







We will learn the following stuff :

Gun history

Gun history

Draw them

Muzzle flashes

Animate them

How guns work

Gun history

Let's start in the year 1301 a.D. Gunpowder
was not invented, but for the first time it was
pointed out in a scripture. The Chinese People
used it already 1000 years (300 a.D) ago for
fireworks. In the fourteenth century it came
to Europe. Nobody in Asia had the idea to use
the gunpowder as weapon. The Europeans had
this idea. The first canon was pointed out 1328
in a scripture, too. Old cannons were really
simply constructed. They lit a slow match.
The fire ignited the gunpowder inside the cannon...

...and it exploded. The blast shot out the cannon-
ball. But it had the same power in the opposite
direction. This is called recoil. The first cannons
were unhandy and bad. But they were getting
better and in the nineteenth century they were
really good. The first rifles worked similar much
like the cannons. A big step was that the slow
match got replaced with a lock. The flintlock was
born. If you pressed the trigger, a fire stone was
hitting a  metal plate and sparks came. They ignited
a little case with gunpowder and this was firing...

...the bullet. In the nineteenth century there were
three inventors who revolutionized the world of
the guns. Samuel Colt - he invented the revolver,
the first modern sidearm; Spencer who invented
the first repeating rifle. The bullets were fired with
a spring. After a shot you had to put down a lever
and repeat it.

And Mauser. You had to repeat...

...a lever too. Put it backwards and spin to span it
,throw out the old shell and put it forwards again.

Just the Mauser-
System survived.
But if you are
making a wild-
west flash movie
take the spencer

...Then someone invented the self-loading gun. I
think it was John C. Garand who invented the first
self loading rifle. It was the M1 Garand. But
Machine Guns were already invented in the
nineteenth century. The first one was the Maxim
gun. Then in the first world war the machine guns
were professionally built. MG08, MG15, Browning
M1917. The Germans needed something handy.
G98, K98, Grenades, Lugers and LMGs. Except
the LMGs nothing was automatic and the LMGs
were too unhandy

...The Germans needed a light weapon one man
could use. First, the Germans experimented with
special versions of C96 and Luger08. But they
had too much recoil because of their locks and
their weight. Hugo Schmeisser invented a gun
and showed it the GPK (Gewehr-Prüfungs-
Kommision). It was the first or one of the first
SMGs in the world : The MP18 (MP is for Machine
Pistol) It had a thirty-two rounds drum magazine.

...Many people aren't right. The Thompson isn't
the first SMG. That was everything

How guns work

How guns work

Basically, it is pretty simple. The trigger
hits a little plate which ignites the
powder in the shell. It presses the bullet
out of the barrel. It has got so much
power; a bullet flies with 1400 km/h! It
has got the same power to the back.
It is called recoil or kickback. The empty
shell flies out and the new shell goes in.


USP Tactical

Pistol are one-handers. They
have a slide (except Lugers and
C96, which are really old pistols)
and after a shot, the slide goes
back and the shell is flying out.
The next shell is loading and the slide goes to its actual place.

This is just the stuff you can see!


Revolvers are very simple. If you press the triger, the hammer
hits the bullet and it fires. Then it spins and you can fire another.
There is not much more to say, so enjoy some pictures :)


There are three types:
- sub machinge guns (SMGs)
- assault rifles/machine guns
- PDWs

SMGs are working with
pistol calibres (9mm, 45APC,
etc.) and some of them arent
bigger than Pistols (Mac10s,
Uzis, etc.). But they are
firing very fast, about 900rpm!

Instead of SMGs, Assault Rifles are
working with rifle calibres. They are
firing fast but not as fast asSMGs.
Examples : G3, M4, G36, L85 etc.

They are often smaller
than SMGs and using
special calibre. They
are designed for Defence.


Shotguns  fire multiple bullets and using
12Gauge (see picture). Except to semi- and
fully-automatics they have to be loaded by

Bolt Action Guns

In the same way as shotguns, you have to load the gun by
yourself. Bolt Action Guns are used as Sniper Rifles, Sporting
rifles and they were used in WW1 and 2.

Mauser KAR98k

Draw Guns

Draw guns

Basically, there are 4 different ways to draw guns. They can be
varied in the endless but this is just a basic.
Stick Guns
Midlle Detail
High Detail
Traced Guns
In the next pages I'll show you, how to draw them.

Way 1:  Stick Guns

Draw some Lines and your gun is done. Just
recommended for stick movies

Way 2:  Middle Detail

Draw a gun without any hint of it's actual appearance
(except your memory, of course). I.E. this is used
in madness. You can use brush but I'm using line-tool.


Way 3:  High Detail

1. Take an image of a gun
2. Make another layer
3. Dedraw the lines and contures of the gun
4. Delete the old picture
5. Color it in
6. (optional) Delete the Lines

Way 4:  Traced Guns

1.Take an image of a gun
2. Select: Modify> Bitmap> Trace
3. Select the properties and click OK
4. Delete background...
5. And you'll get something like this

Scroll over the
image to make
it bigger

Things you need to know

Please remember that your character is either a
right-hander or a left-hander. This is an example
for right-handers

Body is in front of the gun

Muzzle Flashes

Body is behind the gun

Muzzle Flashes

What would a gun be without muzzle flashes?. It's your choice,
what muzzle flash you do and how it looks like. But there are
a few things you need to know.
- actually muzzle flash is never the same
- muzzle flash can be smaller, if there is wind and rain/snow
- 12 to 18 fps = 1 frame in muzzle flash
- 19 to 24 fps = 2 frames in muzzle flash
- 25 to 30 fps = 3 frames in muzzle flash
- >30 frames = 4 frames in muzzle flash
- there are alot of different ways to draw muzzle flash
- silenced guns don't have muzzle flash or it is very small
- bullet lines and smoke are optional
- the main colors are white, yellow (light) and orange

Here are some examples:

Animate them

Animate them

This is an example for singel shots.
Remember the recoil and the shells.
You can see, that the shells are spining and flying away from the gun,
(usually to the right side).

Another example for full-auto
fire. The "steps" are just
possible with 30 and more
frames. If you want to know it exactly,
see the picture

I've spinned the gun down
in these frames

I've spinned the gun down
in these frames

I've spinned the gun down
in these frames

Now, last but not least I'll show you, how to draw pistols. You just
have to tween the slide and the frame in seperate layers

So easy can it be!



Images by (except some guns) :







































Special Thanks to ;
tekno games

Music ;
Rage against the Machine
Guerilla Radio



Movie Facts:
Pages : 30
Fps : 30
Exactly one second ;)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_root.bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytesTotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); _root.percentLoaded = Math.round(100 * (_root.bytesLoaded / _root.bytesTotal)); _root.percentLoadedText = _root.percentLoaded + "%";;
Frame 2
if (_root.percentLoaded == 100) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
Symbol 32 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 41 Button
on (press) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 46 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("a"); }
Symbol 50 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 61 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 53 MovieClip in Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseDown) { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { dragging = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (dragging && (_parent.hitRange.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false))) { _x = (_parent._xmouse - 10); _root.all.setVolume((_x + 62) / 0.55); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { dragging = false; } onClipEvent (load) { dragging = false; _root.all = new Sound(); }
Symbol 69 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("f"); }
Symbol 71 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("c"); }
Symbol 73 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("d"); }
Symbol 75 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("e"); }
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("g"); }
Symbol 78 Button
on (press) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 174 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 199 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 240 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "blank"); }
Symbol 245 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("a"); }

Library Items

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Instance Names

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Special Tags

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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 12/4 -2019 14:08:39 Last modified: 12/4 -2019 14:08:39 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:18:18