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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

NG BBS Awards 2008.swf

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Flash #66013

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Best Poster

Worst Poster

Biggest Attention Whore

Funniest User

Dramma Queen

Never Logs Off

I Miss Yew

Best Artist

Master Creator

Rookie of the Year

Most Improved

Biggest Spammer

Most Overrated

Most Underrated

Worst Moderator

Best Moderator

BBS Awards 08 - Click An Award to Veiw winner!

bbs awards 2008

Best Mod - jadetheassassin

To find a balance between BBS law
enforcement and still manage to not
generate your own personal hate club is
no easy task, believe you me. If you don't
care enough, you'll fade from the
attentions spans of the ADHD riddled
BBS, if you're too strict, authority hating
dingbats make 500 alts just to try and get
on your nerves. This year that balance
finder was JadeTheAssassin, who fought
a touch voting battle with all her
contenders. I think this category had the
smallest amount of variation, with the
percentages being all just about the same.
Jade won by two votes, besting Sanjay
23.1% to 21.9%. NEVR and BBM also put
up a good fight, and Poozy was the
caboose, which means you people not
only thankfully avoided fucking everything
up by giving someone both best and worst
mod, but you actually voted exactly as
predicted. Weird.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 8
BBS Posts: 14,000+

Return to Awards Select

Visit  Userpage!

PRIZE: A surly thug named Elmo will be
assigned to Jade, who will personally go
and rough up people she bans for the
next two weeks.

Worst Mod - ultrabear

Like last year, the cop out vote wins:
UltraBear is 2008's "worst" mod, and I
guess that make a certain amount of sense
seeing as how it just sits there and takes up
valuable kilobytes of memory
BYTES!). Well, we'll see who's laughing
when you find UltraBear in your closet one
night with an empty bottle of jack and the
fact that he's a bear in your closet. What
you really want to know is who was second
place, because maybe that reflects the true
spirit of the awards or whatever. And this
one was horribly close too, with
EyeLovePoozy edging out BBM by one
signle vote! Man, that jar of TF is really
doing wonders. I guess Poozy's butthurt
haters and/or merciless modding techniques
are just an eensie bit more effective than
BBM's massive Nazi Mod campaign and his
tendency to fillet small children.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 25
BBS Posts: 10

PRIZE: Wade will learn how to
ride UltraBear so he can finally
realize his dream of being a circus
performer (that's UltraBear's
dream, not Wade's. Everyone
knows Wade wants to be an
entomologist who fights crime like
on CSI).

most improved - mendou

This was an interesting one because
the person with the least amount of
nominations took it home! Originally I
was going to figure out the
correlations between the nomination
patterns and the voting patterns but I
figured the Hell with it, it'd be over
most people's heads anyway.
BUT HAD I DONE SO, this one would
have been strongly negatively
correlated. This year's winner was
LAST year's Rookie of the Year, so
I'm not sure what happened in
between, unless he just REALLY got
better. Props go to Mendou, who just
barely scraped into first with 23.9% of
the votes, leaving Ragnarokia behind
with 22.0%

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 26
BBS Posts: 15,000+

PRIZE: In elementary school they
gave you a gold star for this kind of
thing. We're not in elementary school
anymore, so you can take the high
road and revel in a job well done.
KIDDING! you can have some of
BH's prostitutes. He can only handle
like seven at a time anyway.

most overrated - eyelovepoozy

What's all this fuss about
EyeLovePoozy anyway? Sure, he's
the first mod to win this category,
sure, he took 41.6% of the votes,
easily punting runner up Bolo (18%)
out of the way. But really. He's just a
guy. A guy with a big banstick and a
voice that makes children scatter like
roaches in the light. NOT THAT BIG A
PRIZE: Poozy will have all his
autograph paper taken away in
exchange for a jar of his favourite
sandwich spread: testicular fortitude.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 18
BBS Posts: 3,000+

rookie of the year - morichax

I actually never checked to see if
MoriChax was from '08 so I'll take you
people's word for it. Evidently, she
has graced this BBS with something
that made you pull for her in this
happy little contest, be it her art, her
posts, or her suspicious lack of a
penis. The last time a chick won this
award was in '05 (protege-moi) and in
the new year she promptly dropped
off the BBS in favour of World of
Warcraft and was never seen again. I
know I am not alone in hoping that
the same terrible fate does not befall
this year's Rookie of the Year.
MoriChax narrowly scooped up this
award with 25.5%, leaving a second
place tie between Twilight95 and
Lampface (20.4%).

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 18
BBS Posts: 3,000+

PRIZE: Tom has agreed* that the next
time he shaves his beard, he will
assemble a small, hairy trophy for
MoriChax with glue and gumption.

* Tom may or may not have actually agreed to this.

biggest spammer - shadowchaotailsevil3

It's shadowchaotailsevil3232981
whatever. He doesn't get a link or shit
because he sucks.
Stats though! Almost forgot: He won
with 30.0% of the votes, coming in
second was GOTHCLAWZ with
PRIZE: We'll get Poozy to add him to
his "special projects" list. Yeah, that

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 22
BBS Posts: 9,000+

most underrated - timmy and coop83

It was an actual tie! Two first place winners! Isn't that just dandy! This is our little
paradoxical award, but it's still nice to know that a lot of people think you are
unappreciated. And the ones you felt needed some more lovin' were Timmy and
Coop83! I can attest that both of these dudes are pretty sweet. Timmy's newer but he's
got a good head on his shoulder and I've seen Coop posting for ages, though I don't
think he's much of a General regular. Congrats you two, taking 26.4% of the votes
each, with BatDan sitting in third at 22.6%. TJoyal was the most underrated of the
underrated, whatever that means, and then there was the fifth person. Oh yeah,
THEJamoke, you get no special title, but I assume you can outcook these guys.
PRIZE: The winners will be joined via Chinese finger trap so as to help improve their
overall noticeability.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 26
BBS Posts: 5,000+

Visit  Timmy's Userpage!

Visit  Coop83's Userpage!

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 40
BBS Posts: 13,000+

Never logs off - Gagsy

Gagsy blew previous crowd favourite
ZAAL. Out of the water that is! HYUK
HYUK. Three time champ (only once
usurped by Maus, back in '05) ZAAL
only garnered 18% of the votes, while
Gagsy marched off with 44.1%, which
is coincidentally the number of hours
a day she spends online. That's right,
you lesser beings may think there are
only 24 hours a day, but Gagsy has
managed to accelerate her own
metabolism such that she
experiences 44.1 of them in that
same period.
PRIZE: A private tutor that will help
Gagsy unravel the mysteries,
pleasures, and ultimately the very
practice of sleep.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 29
BBS Posts: 20,000+

Best Poster - earfetish

And now in 2008 we lay the crowning
award atop the skull of one who has
been here since whatever his signup
date says or longer. He was once a
Master Creator himself, well known
for gruesome and intensely detailed
stories that would make a maggot
shiver in disgust. He's managed to
avoid becoming one of those "fuck it
all" bitter posters who've been around
for ages and do nothing but post
sniping remarks about how shitty this
place is (but never seem to leave)...
With 35.3% of the votes, a clear cut
victory, I am of course talking about
Earfetish. NEVR came in second with
19.9% of the votes.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 41
BBS Posts: 26,000+

PRIZE: A copy of all the good prizes
and your choice of victims for copies
of all the bad prizes. Also, if you want
some stickers or a keychain from the
NG Store let me know and I'll arrange
it because I remember I said
something about not jewing out on
getting at least a real (albeit cheap as
balls) prize for Best Poster. =D

worst poster - gothclawz

It's GOTHCLAWZ. 23.3%
He beat TSStudios by a single vote,

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 21
BBS Posts: 4,000+

hooray for empty space

dramma queen - cellardoor6

Well, it seems that good ol'
cellardoor6 still needs a little more
cheese with his WHINE. Haven't seen
his antics around lately, so it's either a
bandwagon or you guys actually
remembered stuff that happened
more than 15 days prior to voting! Or
he's stirring up shit in some other
forum. Either way, for two years
running now cellardoor6 has hissy
fitted his way into wearing this crown
of shame, with a solid 32.5% of the
votes. Whining in a slightly less
annoying octave is TSStudios, with a
respectable 23.8% of your votes.
PRIZE: We're going to dress
cellardoor6 up in drag and then tie
him to a dumpster in Brooklyn!

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 20
BBS Posts: 12,000+

funniest user- eyelovepoozy

This is one of the longest running
categories we have had, and we've had
some funny fuckers in the past:
HeinousDude, from the long gone days
of '03; bigbadron, now deeply missed;
poxpower, using his gigglematron to
make threads now; wyzzzzerd who's
exact username I've never committed to
memory; and AshfordPride, who was a
master of making threads balance on the
edge of spam and hilarity.
Now the torch must be passed, and three
users came within mere votes of taking it,
but with that extra bit of testicular
fortitude that he spread on his sandwich
just moments ago, EyeLovePoozy wins
by hair with 26.5% of the votes, denying
poxpower a second title by a single
bloody vote (pox = 26.0%). LOLZILLA
also came close with 24.7%.

PRIZE: The US National Anthem will be
replaced with this:

BBS banned?

i miss yew - bigbadron

This is bigbadron's second time
causing a deep longing for his
unmistakable BBS presence. Back in
2005 he shared this title with DanMalo,
but in 2008 he took it alone, and put the
others in the dust with a whopping
44.6% of the votes. Longings for
reigning two-year champ Denvish have
finally faded it seems: a sign of the
times, *sniff*.
Rucklo crossed the line some minutes
later, with 21.4% of the votes. Sources
say he's not even really "gone" there
you go.
PRIZE: A human sized, prepaid
envelope addressed to the BBS. Inside
will be some noobs to lure him in.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 39
BBS Posts: 20,000+

Best Artist - Bluehippo

A hint: animal.
Now is it blue or is it spacey?
Well the votes were counted and you
guys decided that BlueHippo was
2008's best artist! From sigs to
sketchbook colabs, this man's artistry
has earned a special place in your
hearts. With 35.4% of the votes,
BlueHippo's name will be placed
beside Stamper's and
ZekeySpaceyLizard's (who managed
a commendable 26.1%) in NG BBS
Award History. I'm sure no greater
honour can be achieved in any artist's
life, past or present.
PRIZE: Ah jeeze, what do artists like?
A trip to Paris? I'm going on the safe
side here and am just going to order
him some whores.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 36
BBS Posts: 10,000+

master creator - poxpower

Whose topics can you always count
on for a good time? In the BBS, topic
making is a rare talent indeed. Every
dog has their day, they say, but it
takes a true wordsmith to pump out
the quality goods time after time after
time. We have seen names like
Earfetish, dave (life now, I think),
AshfordPride and BlueFlameSkulls
take this illustrious, BBS-centric
award before and this year the
honour is bestowed upon poxpower,
whose threads always seem to be
entertaining streams of
The race was damn close for this
award, with pox garnering 31.9% of
your votes and Tramps nipping at his
heels with an even 30%, a difference
of three votes.
PRIZE: More hits here. <---- Click if
you love poxpower threads. And if
you hate them, click twice.

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 47
BBS Posts: 26,000+

PRIZE: More hits here. Click if you
love poxpower threads. And if you
hate them, click twice.


biggest attention whore - josh

Well they've clamoured and lobbied,
but who succeeded? Who put
themselves out there the most, and
caused you to focus on them the
longest? With 28.6% of your votes,
it's Josh! Some remember him as
Bedn. I suppose some may accuse
him of using his has-been, quasi-e-
celebrity status a little too liberally?
Just a tad? Maybe? Either way, he's
only about 7% more whorish than the
second placer, who is GOTHCLAWZ
PRIZE: Josh will be sent to a remote
North Atlantic Island where it's cold
and windy and where he can try to
win the favouritism of the local

Sign-Up Date:
Level: 44
BBS Posts: 9,000+

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Symbol 68 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 69 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 70 Button
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Symbol 71 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 72 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 73 Button
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Symbol 74 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 75 Button
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Symbol 76 Button
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Symbol 77 Button
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Symbol 90 Button
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Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 136 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 144 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 155 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 164 Button
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Symbol 172 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 176 Button
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Symbol 182 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
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Symbol 190 BitmapUsed by:191
Symbol 191 GraphicUses:190 91Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 TextUses:25Used by:194
Symbol 194 ButtonUses:88 193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 197 TextUses:83Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 ButtonUses:88 89Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199 91Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 20 MovieClip

Instance Names

"bar"Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"loadingText"Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "mySound"


"LOADED"Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 2
Created: 12/4 -2019 07:02:18 Last modified: 12/4 -2019 07:02:18 Server time: 18/01 -2025 08:30:35