Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip "ship" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xDifference = Math.round(_root._xmouse - this._x);
x_Amount_to_Move_Ship = Math.round(xDifference / _root.speed);
this._x = x_Amount_to_Move_Ship + this._x;
yDifference = Math.round(_root._ymouse - this._y);
y_Amount_to_Move_Ship = Math.round(yDifference / _root.speed);
this._y = y_Amount_to_Move_Ship + this._y;
angle_in_radians = Math.atan2(_root._ymouse - this._y, _root._xmouse - this._x);
angle_in_degrees = Math.round((angle_in_radians * 180) / 3.141593);
this._rotation = angle_in_degrees;
if ((this._rotation <= -90) && (this._rotation >= -180)) {
this._yscale = -130;
if (this._rotation >= 90) {
this._yscale = -130;
if ((this._rotation > -90) && (this._rotation < 90)) {
this._yscale = 130;
Frame 2
Frame 3
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.5;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 4
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 5
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 6
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 1;
maxSpeed = 12;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 7
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 8
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 9
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.1;
maxSpeed = 12;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 10
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 11
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 12
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 1;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 12
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 13
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 14
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 15
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.5;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 16
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 17
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 18
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 116 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.1;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 18
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 19
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 20
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 21
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this._x = random(90) + 71;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.5;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 22
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.5;
maxSpeed = 5;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag ("", true);
Frame 23
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 24
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.5;
maxSpeed = 12;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 25
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 26
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 27
enemyFish._visible = false;
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = (d = (score = 0));
minimumFishOnScreen = 7;
maximumFishOnScreen = 15;
frame = _currentframe;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_currentframe == frame) {
if ( < Stage.width) {
fishFound = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
if (fishFound < minimumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = 0;
} else if (fishFound < maximumFishOnScreen) {
chanceOfNewFishComing = random(60);
if (chanceOfNewFishComing == 0) {
enemyFish.duplicateMovieClip("newEnemyFish" + d, d++, {left:random(2), speed:random(6) + 2, scale:random( + 40) + 10, _y:random(Stage.height), newFish:true});
fishies[fishMade] = 1;
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
if (fishies[i] == 1) {
_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x = _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].speed;
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].hitTest( {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale <= {
fish.scale = fish.scale + 5;
score = score + _root["newEnemyFish" + i].scale;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies[i] = 0;
} else {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i].left == 1) {
if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x < (-_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else if (_root["newEnemyFish" + i]._x > (Stage.width + _root["newEnemyFish" + i]._width)) {
fishies[i] = 0;
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
} else {
_root.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
clearScreen = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < fishies.length) {
removeMovieClip(_root["newEnemyFish" + i]);
fishies = new Array();
fishMade = 0;
Instance of Symbol 166 MovieClip "fish" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = (yspeed = 0);
goingDown = (goingForward = false);
acceleration = 0.1;
maxSpeed = 12;
scale = 100;
facingRight = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
_y = (_y - yspeed);
_yscale = scale;
xscale = scale;
if (!goingForward) {
_xscale = (-xscale);
} else {
_xscale = xscale;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
goingForward = true;
if (xspeed < maxSpeed) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
goingForward = false;
if (xspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingForward) {
if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed < 0) {
xspeed = xspeed + acceleration;
} else if (xspeed > 0) {
xspeed = xspeed - acceleration;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
goingDown = true;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
goingDown = false;
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (goingDown) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed + acceleration;
} else if (yspeed > 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - acceleration;
if (_x > (Stage.width + (_width / 2))) {
_x = (-(_width / 2));
} else if (_x < (-(_width / 2))) {
_x = (Stage.width + (_width / 2));
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = Stage.height;
yspeed = 0;
} else if (_y < 0) {
_y = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 171 MovieClip "enemyFish" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_name != "enemyFish") {
_yscale = ((xscale = scale));
if (left == 1) {
speed = speed * -1;
_xscale = xscale;
_x = (Stage.width + _width);
} else {
_xscale = (-xscale);
_x = (-_width);
Frame 28
results = "You have lost. Your final score was: " + score;
Frame 29
results = "You have won! Your final score was: " + score;
Symbol 9 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
bar._xscale = PercentLoaded;
} else {
gotoAndStop ("loaded");
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 42 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 43 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 44 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (9);
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (12);
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 70 MovieClip in Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
pic = random(4);
goto = Math.ceil(pic);
if (goto == 0) {
goto = 1;
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 114