Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

FFVI - The Day After Part1.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #66564

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)







Time Elapsed:

Total Bytes:

Bytes Loaded:

Percent Loaded:


Time Remaining:

FFVI: The Day After Created By
Vince Chavez



Kefka. A sick, twisted being who was
hellbent on destruction, wreaked
havoc and killed people for his own
personal pleasure. Until one day, a
rebel group known as "The Returners"
had defeated him. They never gave
up hope and stuck together to the
bitter end.

But when they had defeated Kefka,
magic ceased to exist. The Espers
vanished from this world and took
their powers with them, leaving
behind no trace of "Magicite".

Terra was half human and half
Esper so her existence was
questionable. But if the human part
of her was strongly attached to
someone, then she could remain in
this world as a human.

When everyone escaped Kefka's
collapsing tower, Terra's Esper side
was drained from her body. Her love
for Katarin's newborn baby was
enough to let her live as a human.

As they flew through the skies with
the legendary Falcon, something went
terribly wrong. Setzer lost control of
the airship and they came crashing to
the ground.

Everyone was thrown from the
airship. When Mog finally came to,
he found himself face to face with
a beast that was unleashed when
the world was undone....

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 3
percent_loaded = int((("100" * getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded)) / getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _totalframes)) + 0.5) add "%"; Set("_level0:_t0", preloader:_age); elapsed = ((_level0:_t0 < "0") ? (int(_level0:_t0)) : (((_level0:_t1 == ()) ? ((Set("_level0:_t1", int(Set("_level0:_t0", _level0:_t0 + "1")))) - "1") : ()))) add " sec"; Set("_level0:_t0", preloader:_age); speedCount = ((_level0:_t0 < "0") ? (int(_level0:_t0)) : (((_level0:_t1 == ()) ? ((Set("_level0:_t1", int(Set("_level0:_t0", _level0:_t0 + "1")))) - "1") : ()))); Set("_level0:_t0", getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _totalframes) / 1000); total_bytes = ((_level0:_t0 < "0") ? (((_level0:_t1 == ()) ? ((Set("_level0:_t1", int(Set("_level0:_t0", _level0:_t0 - "1")))) + "1") : ())) : (int(_level0:_t0))) add " KB"; Set("_level0:_t0", getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded) / 1000); loaded_bytes = ((_level0:_t0 < "0") ? (int(_level0:_t0)) : (((_level0:_t1 == ()) ? ((Set("_level0:_t1", int(Set("_level0:_t0", _level0:_t0 + "1")))) - "1") : ()))) add " KB"; bytesForSpeed = int(getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded) / 1000); Set("_level0:_t0", bytesForSpeed / speedCount); if (_level0:_t0 >= "0") { } else { } speed = int(_level0:_t0 + "0.5") add " KB/s"; Set("_level0:_t0", int(getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _totalframes) - getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded)) / (getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded) / preloader:_age)); if (_level0:_t0 >= "0") { } else { } time_to_load = int(_level0:_t0 + "0.5") add " sec"; setProperty("preloader/loaderbar", _xscale , int((("100" * getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded)) / getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _totalframes)) + 0.5)); if (int((("100" * getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _framesloaded)) / getProperty(getProperty("/", _target), _totalframes)) + 0.5) >= "100") { gotoAndPlay("/:96"); }
Frame 4
prevFrame(); play();
Frame 95
Frame 100
Frame 297
Frame 974
Frame 975
Frame 1015
Frame 1043
stop(); play();
Frame 1759
Frame 1773
Frame 1869
stop(); stop();
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("..") { if (!_load01A5B5F8) { _load01A5B5F8 = "1"; } }
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("..") { if (!_load) { (_target);// not popped call("/_phy:2"); _load = "1"; } (_target);// not popped call("/_phy:3"); (_target);// not popped call("/_phy:4"); }
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:speed eq "") { Set("..:speed", text); } } text = ..:speed;
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:loaded_bytes eq "") { Set("..:loaded_bytes", text); } } text = ..:loaded_bytes;
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:total_bytes eq "") { Set("..:total_bytes", text); } } text = ..:total_bytes;
Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:percent_loaded eq "") { Set("..:percent_loaded", text); } } text = ..:percent_loaded;
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:time_to_load eq "") { Set("..:time_to_load", text); } } text = ..:time_to_load;
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!_load) { _load = "1"; if (..:elapsed eq "") { Set("..:elapsed", text); } } text = ..:elapsed;
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 65 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay("/:1014"); }
Symbol 127 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay("/:100"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:28 29
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:10 12 14 16 18 20 22 23 24 25 26 27
Symbol 3 FontUsed by:51 101 102 103 104 105 106
Symbol 4 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 MovieClipUsed by:9
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:5 7 8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 EditableTextUses:2Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 EditableTextUses:2Used by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 EditableTextUses:2Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:2Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClipUses:16Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 EditableTextUses:2Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:2Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 50 BitmapUsed by:49
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:50Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63  Timeline
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62Used by:65
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 ButtonUses:63 64Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81  Timeline
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:40 44 35 73 48 74 38 33 34 47 32 36 75 76 77 37 78 79 80Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 105 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 TextUses:3Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 110 BitmapUsed by:109
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:110Used by:Timeline
Symbol 112 BitmapUsed by:111
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:112Used by:115
Symbol 114 BitmapUsed by:113
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:114Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:111 113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 117 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:117Used by:Timeline
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:125  Timeline
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:119 120 121 122 123 124Used by:127
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:127
Symbol 127 ButtonUses:125 126Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"preloader"Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"loadSpeed"Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"bytesLoaded"Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip
"totalBytes"Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip
"percentageLoaded"Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip
"timeLeft"Frame 1Symbol 19 MovieClip
"totalTime"Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"laugh_gif"Frame 1759Symbol 115 MovieClip
"loaderbar"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip

Special Tags

PathsArePostScript (25)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""

Dynamic Text Variables

textSymbol 10 EditableText"speed"
textSymbol 12 EditableText"loaded_bytes"
textSymbol 14 EditableText"timeElapsed"
textSymbol 16 EditableText"percent_loaded"
textSymbol 18 EditableText"time_to_load"
textSymbol 20 EditableText"elapsed"
Created: 12/4 -2019 00:11:01 Last modified: 12/4 -2019 00:11:01 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:16:21