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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Blink featuring Meez.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #67547

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

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<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0%</font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">...Text to be tested</font></p>











Give Up

Give Up

Submit High Score

Submit High Score











Mission Objective

Mission Objective







Click Anywhere To Continue






Left Arrow Key -- RUN LEFT
Right Arrow Key -- RUN RIGHT
Up Arrow Key -- JUMP
Down Arrow Key -- PICK UP/DROP Civilian
Mouse Click -- BLINK to mouse cursor location
Left Arrow Key twice quickly -- ATTACK LEFT
Right Arrow Key twice quicky -- ATTACK RIGHT

Mission Failed



Mission Complete


Chances Bonus

Kindness Bonus

Level Score








Run Right

Keyboard (can use WASD)

Run Left



Click anywhere on the screen to Blink to that location.


Double Tap to

Double Tap to


Skip Tutorial

Skip Tutorial

Oops, we can't find that user!





<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Loading your avatar...</font></p>


There was an error while Loading Avatar,
Reload the game.







High Scores

High Scores

Play More Games

Play More Games

Play Tutorial

Play Final

General Tests

Play Not-Both

Play Fire

Play Explosions

Play People Falling

Play Everyone Falling


J1 2008


Programming by Blessed Vela
Art by Adrien Stuart
Game Design by Blessed Vela
Music "Scapping Vibes" by Jon Ratski (aka
shadowmana at
Sound FX from J1, and
Special Thanks to Aaron Worrall
Tested by Eman, Thai Huynh, Tim McCarthy,
and Hafiz "Fiz" Kassam



Civilians Left






You have dishonored our school.

You have dishonored our school

You have chosen the Path Of The Unproven

You are not worthy of the A.B.L.E.D. uniform.

Never claim to anyone that you were one of us...

Or else we will hunt you down.

You have brought honor to our school.

You have now graduated to Demi-Master

You have proven yourself worthy of the A.B.L.E.D. uniform.

You may go out and proudly bear our name.
You are also welcome to stay and eventually become an
A.B.L.E.D. Master.

<insert Level Failed screen>

All Missions Complete


Total Score






There's one more level...
The Final Level will be unlocked at game's release
for MeezInside Avatar Games Contest.
Thank You For Playing












High Scores

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//baron_fgplatformer01 (assets.baron_fgplatformer01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class baron_fgplatformer01 extends BitmapData { public function baron_fgplatformer01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 2
//baron_fgworldidle01 (assets.baron_fgworldidle01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class baron_fgworldidle01 extends BitmapData { public function baron_fgworldidle01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 3
//baron_worldidle01 (assets.baron_worldidle01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class baron_worldidle01 extends BitmapData { public function baron_worldidle01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 4
//bes_master_fgplatformer01 (assets.bes_master_fgplatformer01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bes_master_fgplatformer01 extends BitmapData { public function bes_master_fgplatformer01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 5
//bes_master_fgworldidle01 (assets.bes_master_fgworldidle01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bes_master_fgworldidle01 extends BitmapData { public function bes_master_fgworldidle01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 6
//bes_master_walk01 (assets.bes_master_walk01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bes_master_walk01 extends BitmapData { public function bes_master_walk01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 7
//guy_fgplatformer01 (assets.guy_fgplatformer01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class guy_fgplatformer01 extends BitmapData { public function guy_fgplatformer01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 8
//guy_fgworldidle01 (assets.guy_fgworldidle01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class guy_fgworldidle01 extends BitmapData { public function guy_fgworldidle01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 9
//guy_walk01 (assets.guy_walk01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class guy_walk01 extends BitmapData { public function guy_walk01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 10
//guy_worldidle01 (assets.guy_worldidle01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class guy_worldidle01 extends BitmapData { public function guy_worldidle01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 11
//guy_yayworld01 (assets.guy_yayworld01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class guy_yayworld01 extends BitmapData { public function guy_yayworld01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 12
//malecivilian_fgplatformer01 (assets.malecivilian_fgplatformer01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class malecivilian_fgplatformer01 extends BitmapData { public function malecivilian_fgplatformer01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 13
//xoxolexi568_fgplatformer01 (assets.xoxolexi568_fgplatformer01) package assets { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class xoxolexi568_fgplatformer01 extends BitmapData { public function xoxolexi568_fgplatformer01(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ super(_arg1, _arg2); } } }//package assets
Section 14
//Anim_MCA_MirageFadeLeftMC_19 (Blink_fla.Anim_MCA_MirageFadeLeftMC_19) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Anim_MCA_MirageFadeLeftMC_19 extends MovieClip { public var chargeLeftSprite:Sprite; public function Anim_MCA_MirageFadeLeftMC_19(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function addChargeLeftSprite():void{ this.chargeLeftSprite = BlinkDoc(root).playerChargeLeftSprite; addChild(this.chargeLeftSprite); } function frame1(){ addChargeLeftSprite(); this.chargeLeftSprite.visible = true; } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 15
//BallOfLightMC_66 (Blink_fla.BallOfLightMC_66) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class BallOfLightMC_66 extends MovieClip { public var WALK_SPD:Number; public var nextFrameLblStr:String; public var currEnterFrameFunc:Function; public var prePauseEnterFrameFunc:Function; public var numTouches:Number; public var parentMC:BlinkLevel_Tutorial; public function BallOfLightMC_66(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 20, frame21); } public function pauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = this.currEnterFrameFunc; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; }; } public function onEF_movement6_sub2():void{ if ((this.x - (WALK_SPD * 4)) > 50){ this.x = (this.x - (WALK_SPD * 4)); this.y = (this.y + 5); } else { this.x = 275; this.y = 150; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } public function onEF_hitTestFunc():void{ if (((this.hitTestObject(this.parentMC.mainCharaMC.hitBoxMC)) && (!(this.parentMC.mainCharaMC.frozen)))){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; onTouch(); }; } public function initBallOfLight():void{ this.numTouches = 0; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; } public function unpauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc; }; } function frame21(){ gotoAndPlay(this.nextFrameLblStr); } public function onEF_movement6_sub1():void{ if ((this.x + (WALK_SPD * 4)) < 550){ this.x = (this.x + (WALK_SPD * 4)); } else { MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement6_sub2; }; } public function onTouch1():void{ trace("Touch 1"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.onEF_movement2; this.parentMC.displayNextDialogueLine(); this.parentMC.tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_RunLeft(); } public function onTouch2():void{ trace("Touch 2"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement3; this.parentMC.displayNextDialogueLine(); this.parentMC.tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_Jump(); } public function onTouch3():void{ trace("Touch 3"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement4; this.parentMC.displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function onTouch6():void{ trace("Touch 6"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.visible = false; this.x = 700; this.parentMC.when2ndBlinkComplete(); } public function onEnterFrameFunc(_arg1:Event):void{ currEnterFrameFunc(); } public function onEF_movement4():void{ if ((this.x - WALK_SPD) > 50){ this.x = (this.x - WALK_SPD); } else { this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } public function onTouch():void{ this.numTouches++; switch (this.numTouches){ case 1: onTouch1(); break; case 2: onTouch2(); break; case 3: onTouch3(); break; case 4: onTouch4(); break; case 5: onTouch5(); break; case 6: onTouch6(); break; default: this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; trace(("--in BallOfLightMC.onTouch(), invalid numTouches: " + this.numTouches)); break; }; } public function onEF_movement6():void{ if ((this.x - (WALK_SPD * 2)) > 50){ this.x = (this.x - (WALK_SPD * 2)); } else { MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement6_sub1; }; } public function onTouch4():void{ trace("Touch 4"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement5; this.parentMC.enableTeleportAndDisplayNextDL(); this.parentMC.tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_Blink(); } public function onTouch5():void{ trace("Touch 5"); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_movement6; this.parentMC.displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function onEF_movement2():void{ if ((this.x - WALK_SPD) > 50){ this.x = (this.x - WALK_SPD); } else { this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } function frame2(){ this.nextFrameLblStr = "idle"; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameFunc, false, 0, true); } public function onEF_movement1():void{ if ((this.x + WALK_SPD) < 500){ this.x = (this.x + WALK_SPD); } else { this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } public function onEF_movement3():void{ if ((this.y - 5) > 220){ this.x = (this.x + WALK_SPD); this.y = (this.y - 5); } else { this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } public function onEF_movement5():void{ if ((this.y - 10) > 100){ this.x = (this.x + (WALK_SPD * 2)); this.y = (this.y - 10); } else { this.x = 500; this.y = 100; this.currEnterFrameFunc = onEF_hitTestFunc; }; } function frame1(){ WALK_SPD = 10; parentMC = BlinkLevel_Tutorial(this.parent); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 16
//BlackFadeoutMC_69 (Blink_fla.BlackFadeoutMC_69) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BlackFadeoutMC_69 extends MovieClip { public function BlackFadeoutMC_69(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 26, frame27); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame27(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 17
//BreakableWallMC_11 (Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class BreakableWallMC_11 extends MovieClip { public var prePauseHitTestFunc:Function; public var currHitTestFunc:Function; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var currOnBreak:Function; public function BreakableWallMC_11(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 14, frame15); } public function defHitTestFunc():void{ if (((this.hitTestObject(this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC)) && (this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal))){ this.currHitTestFunc = function (){ }; doBreakAnim(); }; } public function spawnAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Function):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.visible = true; this.currHitTestFunc = _arg3; gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function initBreakableWall(_arg1:Function):void{ var oBreak = _arg1; this.currOnBreak = oBreak; this.currHitTestFunc = function (){ }; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestFunc, false, 0, true); } public function pauseMC():void{ if (this.currHitTestFunc != null){ this.prePauseHitTestFunc = this.currHitTestFunc; this.currHitTestFunc = function (){ }; }; } public function hitTestFunc(_arg1:Event):void{ this.currHitTestFunc(); } function frame15(){ stop(); onBreak(); } public function unpauseMC():void{ if (this.currHitTestFunc != null){ this.currHitTestFunc = this.prePauseHitTestFunc; }; } function frame1(){ mainCharaMC = MovieClip(this.parent).mainCharaMC; } public function doBreakAnim():void{ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_BrickBreak(); gotoAndPlay("break"); } public function onBreak():void{ this.currOnBreak(); } public function stopExisting():void{ this.x = 700; this.visible = false; this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hitTestFunc); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 18
//BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120 (Blink_fla.BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120 extends MovieClip { public var dustAnimMC:MovieClip; public function BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 38, frame39, 59, frame60); } public function doCrumbleAnimAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.visible = true; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_BuildingCrumble(); dustAnimMC.doDustAnim(); } public function whenBuildingShockwave():void{ MovieClip(this.parent).whenBuildingShockwave(); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame39(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenBuildingShockwave(); } function frame60(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 19
//CarryMotionMC_22 (Blink_fla.CarryMotionMC_22) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class CarryMotionMC_22 extends MovieClip { public var carryChecking:Boolean; public function CarryMotionMC_22(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 20, frame21); } public function doCarryMotion(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.carryChecking = _arg1; gotoAndPlay("carrymotion"); } function frame1(){ } function frame21(){ MovieClip(this.parent).animateCarryMotionComplete(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; this.carryChecking = false; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 20
//ChancesDisplayMC_30 (Blink_fla.ChancesDisplayMC_30) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ChancesDisplayMC_30 extends MovieClip { public var numChancesTxt:TextField; public var numChanceIcons:uint; public function ChancesDisplayMC_30(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11, 20, frame21, 29, frame30, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame21(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); numChancesTxt.visible = false; } function frame30(){ stop(); } public function updateNumChancesDisplay(_arg1:int):void{ this.numChanceIcons = _arg1; if (_arg1 <= 0){ numChancesTxt.visible = false; gotoAndStop("zero"); } else { if (_arg1 == 1){ numChancesTxt.visible = false; gotoAndStop("one"); } else { if (_arg1 == 2){ numChancesTxt.visible = false; gotoAndStop("two"); } else { if (_arg1 == 3){ numChancesTxt.visible = false; gotoAndStop("three"); } else { numChancesTxt.visible = true; numChancesTxt.text = ("x" + this.numChanceIcons); gotoAndStop("threeplus"); }; }; }; }; } function frame11(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 21
//ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15 (Blink_fla.ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public dynamic class ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15 extends MovieClip { public var chargeLeftSprite:Sprite; public var chargeRightSprite:Sprite; public function ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function addChargeRightSprite():void{ trace("ADDING CHARGE RIGHT SPRITE"); this.chargeRightSprite = BlinkDoc(root).playerChargeRightSprite; this.chargeRightSprite.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1); addChild(this.chargeRightSprite); } public function addChargeLeftSprite():void{ trace("ADDING CHARGE LEFT SPRITE"); this.chargeLeftSprite = BlinkDoc(root).playerChargeLeftSprite; this.chargeLeftSprite.transform.colorTransform = new ColorTransform(0, 0, 0, 1); addChild(this.chargeLeftSprite); } function frame1(){ } public function showChargeRight():void{ if (this.chargeLeftSprite != null){ this.chargeLeftSprite.visible = false; }; if (this.chargeRightSprite == null){ trace("CHARGE RIGHT WAS NULL, so addChargeRight()"); addChargeRightSprite(); }; this.chargeRightSprite.visible = true; } function frame2(){ stop(); addChargeLeftSprite(); addChargeRightSprite(); } public function showChargeLeft():void{ if (this.chargeLeftSprite == null){ trace("CHARGE LEFT WAS NULL, so addChargeLeft()"); addChargeLeftSprite(); }; if (this.chargeRightSprite != null){ this.chargeRightSprite.visible = false; }; this.chargeLeftSprite.visible = true; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 22
//CrumbleBuildingBGMC_133 (Blink_fla.CrumbleBuildingBGMC_133) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CrumbleBuildingBGMC_133 extends MovieClip { public function CrumbleBuildingBGMC_133(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame11(){ stop(); } public function showDestroyedLeft():void{ gotoAndStop("destroyedleft"); } public function showDestroyedRight():void{ gotoAndStop("destroyedright"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 23
//DialogueBoxMC_32 (Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class DialogueBoxMC_32 extends MovieClip { public var onAdvanceDialogueFunc:Function; public var timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue:Boolean; public var timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue:Boolean; public var currDLine:DialogueLine; public var dialogueTxt:TextField; public var advanceDialogueBtn:SimpleButton; public var speakerIconMC:MovieClip; public var displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue:Timer; public var displayTimer_advanceDialogue:Timer; public var currOnAdvanceDialogueFunc:Function; public function DialogueBoxMC_32(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function pauseMC():void{ if (this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue){ displayTimer_advanceDialogue.reset(); }; if (this.timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue){ displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.reset(); }; } public function unpauseMC():void{ if (this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue){ displayTimer_advanceDialogue.start(); }; if (this.timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue){ displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.start(); }; } public function testFunc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ trace("in testFunc"); } function frame1(){ displayTimer_advanceDialogue = new Timer(100, 1); displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue = new Timer(100, 1); onAdvanceDialogueFunc = function (_arg1:MouseEvent){ currOnAdvanceDialogueFunc(); }; advanceDialogueBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onAdvanceDialogueFunc, false, 0, true); } public function testFunc3():void{ trace("in testFunc3"); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler_AdvanceDialogue, false, 0, true); this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler_EnableAdvanceDialogue, false, 0, true); } public function timerHandler_AdvanceDialogue(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue = false; this.currOnAdvanceDialogueFunc(); } public function displayDialogueLine(_arg1:DialogueLine):void{ this.currDLine = _arg1; speakerIconMC.showSpeakerAs(_arg1.SpeakerNum); dialogueTxt.text = _arg1.TheText; this.currOnAdvanceDialogueFunc = _arg1.PostAdvanceFunc; advanceDialogueBtn.enabled = false; advanceDialogueBtn.visible = false; if (this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue == null){ this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue = new Timer(100, 1); }; if (this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue == null){ this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue = new Timer(100, 1); }; if (_arg1.ManualAdvancing){ this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.reset(); this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue = false; if (_arg1.DisplayDuratn > 0){ this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.reset(); this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.delay = _arg1.DisplayDuratn; this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.start(); timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue = true; } else { if (this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue != null){ this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.reset(); }; timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue = false; advanceDialogueBtn.enabled = true; advanceDialogueBtn.visible = true; }; } else { this.timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue = false; this.displayTimer_enableAdvanceDialogue.reset(); if (_arg1.DisplayDuratn > 0){ this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue = true; this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.reset(); this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.delay = _arg1.DisplayDuratn; this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.start(); } else { this.displayTimer_advanceDialogue.reset(); this.timerNeedsRestarting_advanceDialogue = false; }; }; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_DialogueAdvance(); } public function timerHandler_EnableAdvanceDialogue(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.timerNeedsRestarting_enableAdvanceDialogue = false; advanceDialogueBtn.enabled = true; advanceDialogueBtn.visible = true; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 24
//DustAnimMC_121 (Blink_fla.DustAnimMC_121) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class DustAnimMC_121 extends MovieClip { public function DustAnimMC_121(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 26, frame27, 50, frame51); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame27(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenBuildingShockwave(); } public function doDustAnim():void{ gotoAndPlay("dust"); } function frame51(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 25
//ExplosiveBarrelMC_126 (Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ExplosiveBarrelMC_126 extends MovieClip { public const FALL_RATE_HARD:Number = 0.5; public const FALL_RATE_EASY:Number = 0.1; public const FALL_RATE_NORMAL:Number = 0.2; public const FALL_SPD:Number = 2; public var currCiv:Civilian; public var yVel:Number; public var i:uint; public var civArr:Array; public var falling:Boolean; public var lethal:Boolean; public var currFallRate:Number; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var postExplosionFunc:Function; public var currEnterFrameFunc:Function; public var postBreakFunc:Function; public var prePauseEnterFrameFunc:Function; public var parentMC:MovieClip; public function ExplosiveBarrelMC_126(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 23, frame24, 29, frame30, 40, frame41); } public function pauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = this.currEnterFrameFunc; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; }; } public function doBreakAnim():void{ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_BarrelCut(); gotoAndPlay("shatter"); } public function spawnAt(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.falling = true; this.visible = true; this.yVel = _arg3; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_FallFunc, false, 0, true); } public function unpauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc; }; if (this.lethal){ this.gotoAndPlay("explode"); }; } function frame24(){ postBreakFunc(); stopExisting(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function defEnterFrame():void{ if (((this.hitTestObject(this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC)) && (this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal))){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; doBreakAnim(); } else { if (this.y >= (this.parentMC.LevelGroundY + 50)){ doExplosion(); } else { this.yVel = (this.yVel + this.currFallRate); this.y = (this.y + this.yVel); }; }; } public function enterFrame_FallFunc(_arg1:Event){ this.currEnterFrameFunc(); } function frame1(){ civArr = new Array(); parentMC = MovieClip(this.parent); mainCharaMC = MovieClip(this.parent).mainCharaMC; } function frame30(){ i = 0; while (i < this.civArr.length) { currCiv = this.civArr[i]; if (((((this.hitTestObject(currCiv)) && ((currCiv.x > -90)))) && ((currCiv.x <= 550)))){ if ((this.x + (this.width / 2)) >= (currCiv.x + (currCiv.width / 2))){ currCiv.x = Math.max(0, (this.x - 100)); } else { currCiv.x = Math.min(500, (this.x + 100)); }; currCiv.y = (currCiv.y - 100); this.parentMC.whenCivBurned(currCiv); }; i++; }; if (this.hitTestObject(mainCharaMC.hitBoxMC)){ if ((this.x + (this.width / 2)) >= (mainCharaMC.x + 45)){ mainCharaMC.x = Math.max(0, (this.x - 100)); } else { mainCharaMC.x = Math.min(450, (this.x + 100)); }; mainCharaMC.y = (mainCharaMC.y - 100); mainCharaMC.aerial = true; mainCharaMC.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("falling"); this.parentMC.whenMainCharaHit(); }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame41(){ if (BlinkDoc(root).GamePaused){ gotoAndStop("explode"); } else { this.lethal = false; stopExisting(); postExplosionFunc(); }; } public function stopExisting():void{ this.falling = false; BlinkDoc(root).hideMC(this); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_FallFunc); } public function doExplosion():void{ this.lethal = true; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_BarrelExplode(); gotoAndPlay("explode"); } public function initBarrel(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Function=null):void{ this.lethal = false; this.civArr = MovieClip(this.parent).CivArr; this.postExplosionFunc = _arg1; this.postBreakFunc = _arg2; if (_arg3 == null){ this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = defEnterFrame; this.currEnterFrameFunc = defEnterFrame; } else { this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg3; this.currEnterFrameFunc = _arg3; }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 26
//FireMC_113 (Blink_fla.FireMC_113) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FireMC_113 extends MovieClip { public const DEF_CREEP_DX:Number = 0.08; public var creepDX:Number; public var currCreepDX:Number; public var hitBoxMC:MovieClip; public function FireMC_113(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function pauseMC():void{ this.currCreepDX = this.creepDX; this.creepDX = 0; } public function unpauseMC():void{ this.creepDX = this.currCreepDX; } function frame1(){ creepDX = DEF_CREEP_DX; } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 27
//HUD_MC_26 (Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class HUD_MC_26 extends MovieClip { public var timerDisplayMC:MovieClip; public var chancesDisplayMC:MovieClip; public function HUD_MC_26(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function startTimer():void{ timerDisplayMC.startTimer(); } public function pauseMC():void{ timerDisplayMC.stopTimer(); } public function initTimer(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function):void{ timerDisplayMC.initTimer(_arg1, _arg2); } public function stopTimer():void{ timerDisplayMC.stopTimer(); } public function unpauseMC():void{ timerDisplayMC.startTimer(); } public function setVisibleTimer(_arg1:Boolean):void{ timerDisplayMC.visible = _arg1; } function frame1(){ } public function killTimer():void{ timerDisplayMC.killTimer(); } public function updateNumChancesDisplay(_arg1:int):void{ chancesDisplayMC.updateNumChancesDisplay(_arg1); } public function removeAllEventListeners():void{ timerDisplayMC.removeAllEventListeners(); } function frame2(){ stop(); chancesDisplayMC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 28
//importWindow_77 (Blink_fla.importWindow_77) package Blink_fla { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class importWindow_77 extends MovieClip { public var nameField:TextInput; public var invalidUserMessage:MovieClip; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var goButton:SimpleButton; public var getYourOwnButton:SimpleButton; public var modalBlocker:MovieClip; public function importWindow_77(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ modalBlocker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (){ }); modalBlocker.useHandCursor = false; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 29
//invalidUserMessage_82 (Blink_fla.invalidUserMessage_82) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class invalidUserMessage_82 extends MovieClip { public function invalidUserMessage_82(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 30
//LastHitAnimMC_60 (Blink_fla.LastHitAnimMC_60) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class LastHitAnimMC_60 extends MovieClip { public var swooshMC:MovieClip; public function LastHitAnimMC_60(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 25, frame26); } public function doLastHitAnim(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ swooshMC.x = _arg2; swooshMC.y = _arg3; if (_arg1){ swooshMC.attackLeft(); } else { swooshMC.attackRight(); }; gotoAndPlay("slash"); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame26(){ stop(); BlinkLevel(this.parent).onLevelCleared(); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 31
//MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61 (Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61 extends MovieClip { public function MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame22(){ this.visible = true; } public function attackLeft():void{ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackleft"); } function frame21(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame40(){ stop(); } public function attackRight():void{ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackright"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 32
//MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25 (Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25 extends MovieClip { public var lethal:Boolean; public function MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame22(){ this.visible = true; } public function attackLeft():void{ this.lethal = true; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackleft"); } function frame21(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenAttackLeftSwooshComplete(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; this.lethal = false; } function frame40(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenAttackRightSwooshComplete(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function attackRight():void{ this.lethal = true; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackright"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 33
//MainCharaMC_24 (Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import example.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class MainCharaMC_24 extends MovieClip { public var xVel:Number; public var carryMotionMC:MovieClip; public var CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT:uint; public var yVel:Number; public var DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC:Number; public var glowFilter_carrying:GlowFilter; public var DEF_GRAV_DEC:Number; public var prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate:Function; public var colorTransform_normal:ColorTransform; public var frozen:Boolean; public var DEF_GROUND_Y:Number; public var aerial:Boolean; public var hitBoxMC:MovieClip; public var DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD:Number; public var carrying:Boolean; public var jumping:Boolean; public var facingLeft:Boolean; public var CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT:uint; public var currKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver; public var currEnterFrame_xyUpdate:Function; public var DEF_WALK_SPD:Number; public var playerAvSprite:AvatarSprite; public var DEF_HIGHGROUND_Y:Number; public var CHAR_STATE_IDLE:uint; public var swooshAnimMC:MovieClip; public var damagedTimer:Timer; public var currState:Number; public var CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT:uint; public var groundY:Number; public var CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT:uint; public var luggageCivilian:MovieClip; public var CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT:uint; public var colorTransform_damaged:ColorTransform; public var DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL:Number; public function MainCharaMC_24(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function pauseMC():void{ this.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate; this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; } public function animateIdleMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; } public function animateJumpLeftMovement():void{ if (this.y < this.groundY){ return; }; if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ this.jumping = true; this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL; switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT); }; } public function tryAnimateCarryMotion():void{ if (((((((!(frozen)) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT))))){ animateCarryMotion(); }; } public function whenPickingUpCivilian(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ this.filters = [glowFilter_carrying]; this.carrying = true; this.luggageCivilian = _arg1; } public function animateRightBlinkArrival():void{ this.facingLeft = false; if (this.y < this.groundY){ this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "blinkdescend-right"); } else { if (((this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT) && (!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT)) && (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); } else { this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "hiidle-right"); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; }; } public function animateCarryMotionComplete():void{ if (this.y >= this.groundY){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } else { if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } else { this.currState = CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT; this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-left"); }; } function frame1(){ CHAR_STATE_IDLE = 0; CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT = 1; CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT = 2; CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT = 3; CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT = 4; CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT = 5; CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT = 6; CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT = 7; CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT = 8; CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION = 9; DEF_WALK_SPD = 8; DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD = 2; DEF_GRAV_DEC = 1; DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC = 0.5; DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL = -12; DEF_GROUND_Y = 245; DEF_HIGHGROUND_Y = 95; currKR = BlinkLevel(this.parent).CurrKR; playerAvSprite = MovieClip(root).player; currState = CHAR_STATE_IDLE; groundY = BlinkLevel(this.parent).LevelGroundY; xVel = 0; yVel = 0; facingLeft = false; aerial = false; jumping = false; frozen = false; carrying = false; colorTransform_damaged = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 128, 0, 0, 0xFF); colorTransform_normal = new ColorTransform(); damagedTimer = new Timer(500); damagedTimer.addEventListener("timer", damagedDisplayComplete, false, 0, true); glowFilter_carrying = new GlowFilter(0xFFFF00, 1, 8, 8, 128); this.playerAvSprite.visible = true; this.playerAvSprite.x = (this.playerAvSprite.y = 0); this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("hiidle-right"); addChild(this.playerAvSprite); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function defEnterFrame_xyUpdate():void{ if (this.frozen){ return; }; if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ this.xVel = 0; } else { if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ this.xVel = DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD; } else { this.xVel = DEF_WALK_SPD; }; }; } else { if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ this.xVel = -(DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD); } else { this.xVel = -(DEF_WALK_SPD); }; } else { this.xVel = 0; }; }; if ((this.x + this.xVel) > 450){ this.x = 450; } else { if ((this.x + this.xVel) < -20){ this.x = -20; } else { this.x = (this.x + this.xVel); }; }; if (((this.jumping) || (this.aerial))){ if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ this.yVel = (this.yVel + DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC); } else { this.yVel = (this.yVel + DEF_GRAV_DEC); }; if (this.y > this.groundY){ this.jumping = false; this.aerial = false; this.yVel = 0; this.y = this.groundY; animateLandingMovement(); }; }; this.y = (this.y + this.yVel); } public function animateJumpRightMovement():void{ if (this.y < this.groundY){ return; }; if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ this.jumping = true; this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL; switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT); }; } public function removeEventListener_xyUpdate():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_xyUpdate); } public function animateJumpUpMovement():void{ if (this.y < this.groundY){ return; }; if ((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ this.jumping = true; this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL; if (this.facingLeft){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT); }; }; } public function damagedDisplayComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ showAsNormal(); } public function tryAttackLeft():void{ if (((((((!(this.frozen)) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION))))){ this.facingLeft = true; animateLeftAttack(); }; } public function whenAttackLeftSwooshComplete():void{ if (this.y >= this.groundY){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } else { if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } else { this.currState = CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT; this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-left"); }; } public function startShowAsDamaged():void{ if (this.damagedTimer.running){ this.damagedTimer.reset(); }; this.damagedTimer.start(); showAsDamaged(); } public function removeAllEventListeners():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_xyUpdate); this.damagedTimer.removeEventListener("timer", damagedDisplayComplete); } public function whenAttackRightSwooshComplete():void{ if (this.y >= this.groundY){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } else { if (this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } else { this.currState = CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT; this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-right"); }; } public function gotoCharState(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (_arg1){ case CHAR_STATE_IDLE: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation((this.facingLeft) ? "hiidle-left" : "hiidle-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("run-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("run-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("jump-right", "chargecrouch-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("jump-left", "chargecrouch-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT: case CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT: break; case CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("attack-right", "attackend-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT: this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("attack-left", "attackend-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION: if (this.facingLeft){ this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("carrymotion-left", "carrymotionend-left"); } else { this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("carrymotion-right", "carrymotionend-right"); }; break; default: trace(("--in gotoAndPlayCharState(), invalid charStateNum: " + _arg1)); break; }; } public function enterFrame_xyUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{ this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate(); } public function animateLandingMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))){ return; }; if (((this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT) && (!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT)) && (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } public function switchToCharState(_arg1:uint):void{ this.currState = _arg1; gotoCharState(_arg1); } public function animateLeftAttack():void{ swooshAnimMC.attackLeft(); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT); } public function animateCarryMotion():void{ if (this.carrying){ whenPuttingDownCivilian(); carryMotionMC.doCarryMotion(false); } else { carryMotionMC.doCarryMotion(true); }; switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION); } public function enterFrame_walkLeft(_arg1:Event):void{ this.facingLeft = true; if (this.x > 0){ this.x = (this.x - DEF_WALK_SPD); }; } public function unpauseMC():void{ this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = this.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate; } public function animateLeftMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ this.facingLeft = true; switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } public function enterFrame_walkRight(_arg1:Event):void{ this.facingLeft = false; if (this.x < (550 - DEF_WALK_SPD)){ this.x = (this.x + DEF_WALK_SPD); }; } public function animateRightMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))){ this.facingLeft = false; switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); }; } public function setFrozen(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.frozen = _arg1; } public function animateLeftBlinkArrival():void{ this.facingLeft = true; if (this.y < this.groundY){ this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "blinkdescend-left"); } else { if (((this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT) && (!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT)) && (this.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); } else { this.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "hiidle-left"); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; }; } public function whenPuttingDownCivilian():void{ this.filters = []; this.luggageCivilian.whenDropped(this.x, this.y); this.carrying = false; } public function showAsDamaged():void{ this.playerAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = this.colorTransform_damaged; } public function showAsNormal():void{ this.playerAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = this.colorTransform_normal; } public function animateRightAttack():void{ swooshAnimMC.attackRight(); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT); } public function tryAttackRight():void{ if (((((((!(this.frozen)) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION))))){ this.facingLeft = false; animateRightAttack(); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 34
//MainCharaPlaceHolderMC_140 (Blink_fla.MainCharaPlaceHolderMC_140) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.filters.*; public dynamic class MainCharaPlaceHolderMC_140 extends MovieClip { public var playerSprite:Sprite; public var blur:BlurFilter; public function MainCharaPlaceHolderMC_140(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); trace("ABOUT TO GENERATE BODYSPRITE"); blur = new BlurFilter(); blur.blurX = 4; blur.blurY = 4; blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; playerSprite = BlinkDoc(root).generateBodySprite(Bitmap(BlinkDoc(root).player.getChildByName("worldidle01")).bitmapData); playerSprite.filters = [blur]; addChild(playerSprite); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 35
//MainCharaSpriteMC_142 (Blink_fla.MainCharaSpriteMC_142) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MainCharaSpriteMC_142 extends MovieClip { public var playerSprite:Sprite; public function MainCharaSpriteMC_142(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); playerSprite = BlinkDoc(root).generateIdleStillSprite(Bitmap(BlinkDoc(root).player.getChildByName("worldidle01")).bitmapData); addChild(this.playerSprite); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 36
//MainCharaUniformMC_143 (Blink_fla.MainCharaUniformMC_143) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MainCharaUniformMC_143 extends MovieClip { public function MainCharaUniformMC_143(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 9, frame10); } public function showAsFemale():void{ gotoAndStop("female"); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function showAsMale():void{ gotoAndStop("male"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 37
//MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23 (Blink_fla.MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23 extends MovieClip { public var lethal:Boolean; public function MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } function frame1(){ } function frame22(){ this.visible = true; } public function attackLeft():void{ this.lethal = true; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackleft"); } function frame21(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenAttackLeftSwooshComplete(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; this.lethal = false; } function frame40(){ MovieClip(this.parent).whenAttackRightSwooshComplete(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function attackRight():void{ this.lethal = true; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); gotoAndPlay("attackright"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 38
//MasterCharaMC_21 (Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import example.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class MasterCharaMC_21 extends MovieClip { public var xVel:Number; public var carryMotionMC:MovieClip; public var aggressive:Boolean; public var AI_PHASE_SOFT_CHASE:uint; public var AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE:uint; public var currEnterFrame_AI:Function; public var CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT:uint; public var AI_PHASE_ATTACK:uint; public var yVel:Number; public var DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC:Number; public var DEF_GRAV_DEC:Number; public var prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate:Function; public var frozen:Boolean; public var currTargetDist:Number; public var AI_PHASE_IDLE:uint; public var MAX_ATTACK_DIST:Number; public var aerial:Boolean; public var hitBoxMC:MovieClip; public var DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD:Number; public var prePauseEnterFrame_AI:Function; public var targetMC:MovieClip; public var facingLeft:Boolean; public var CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT:uint; public var currKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver; public var currEnterFrame_xyUpdate:Function; public var DEF_WALK_SPD:Number; public var jumping:Boolean; public var aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT:Boolean; public var CHAR_STATE_IDLE:uint; public var swooshAnimMC:MovieClip; public var damagedTimer:Timer; public var DEF_RUN_SPD:Number; public var CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT:uint; public var currState:Number; public var CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT:uint; public var colorTransform_distinction:ColorTransform; public var currAIPhase:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT:uint; public var CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT:uint; public var colorTransform_damaged:ColorTransform; public var DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL:Number; public var masterAvSprite:AvatarSprite; public var aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT:Boolean; public var CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT:uint; public function MasterCharaMC_21(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function pauseMC():void{ (this.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate); (this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }); (this.prePauseEnterFrame_AI = this.currEnterFrame_AI); (this.currEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }); } public function animateIdleMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; } public function animateJumpLeftMovement():void{ if (this.y < 245){ return; }; if ((((((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT)))){ (this.jumping = true); (this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT); }; } public function enterFrame_AI_Attack():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:Boolean; _local1 = checkTargetIsLethallyHitting(); _local2 = checkTargetIsLethallyHit(); if (((((((targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal) && (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.hitTestObject(this)))) && (((swooshAnimMC.lethal) && (swooshAnimMC.hitTestObject(targetMC)))))) || (((_local2) && (_local1))))){ trace("BOTH HITTING"); (swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ bothThrustAway(400, targetMC, false, this, false); } else { bothThrustAway(400, this, false, targetMC, false); }; } else { if (_local2){ targetMC.startShowAsDamaged(); (swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ bothThrustAway(100, targetMC, false, this, true); } else { bothThrustAway(100, this, true, targetMC, false); }; BlinkLevel(this.parent).whenMainCharaHit(); } else { if (_local1){ trace("HIT BY TARGET"); startShowAsDamaged(); (swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ bothThrustAway(100, targetMC, true, this, false); } else { bothThrustAway(100, this, false, targetMC, true); }; BlinkLevel(this.parent).whenMasterCharaHit(); } else { if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ tryAttackLeft(); } else { tryAttackRight(); }; }; }; }; } public function animateRightBlinkArrival():void{ (this.facingLeft = false); if (this.y < 245){ this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "blinkdescend-right"); } else { if (((this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT) && (!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT)) && (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); } else { this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "hiidle-right"); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; }; } function frame1(){ (CHAR_STATE_IDLE = 0); (CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT = 1); (CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT = 2); (CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT = 3); (CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT = 4); (CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT = 5); (CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT = 6); (CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT = 7); (CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT = 8); (CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT = 9); (CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT = 10); (AI_PHASE_IDLE = 0); (AI_PHASE_SOFT_CHASE = 1); (AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE = 2); (AI_PHASE_ATTACK = 3); (DEF_WALK_SPD = 4); (DEF_RUN_SPD = 8); (DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD = 2); (DEF_GRAV_DEC = 1); (DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC = 0.5); (DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL = -12); (MAX_ATTACK_DIST = 90); (colorTransform_distinction = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 128, 0xFF)); (colorTransform_damaged = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 128, 0, 0, 0xFF)); (damagedTimer = new Timer(500)); damagedTimer.addEventListener("timer", damagedDisplayComplete, false, 0, true); (currKR = BlinkLevel(this.parent).CurrKR); (aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); (currTargetDist = 550); (masterAvSprite = MovieClip(root).masterAvSprite); (currState = CHAR_STATE_IDLE); (xVel = 0); (yVel = 0); (facingLeft = true); (aerial = false); (jumping = false); (frozen = false); (this.masterAvSprite.visible = true); (this.masterAvSprite.x = (this.masterAvSprite.y = 0)); this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("hiidle-left"); (this.masterAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform_distinction); addChild(this.masterAvSprite); (this.targetMC = MovieClip(this.parent).mainCharaMC); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function defEnterFrame_xyUpdate():void{ if (this.frozen){ return; }; if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT){ if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT){ (this.xVel = 0); } else { if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))){ (this.xVel = DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD); } else { (this.xVel = (this.aggressive) ? DEF_RUN_SPD : DEF_WALK_SPD); }; }; } else { if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT){ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))){ (this.xVel = -(DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD)); } else { (this.xVel = (this.aggressive) ? -(DEF_RUN_SPD) : -(DEF_WALK_SPD)); }; } else { (this.xVel = 0); }; }; if ((this.x + this.xVel) > 450){ (this.x = 450); } else { if ((this.x + this.xVel) < -20){ (this.x = -20); } else { (this.x = (this.x + this.xVel)); }; }; if (((this.jumping) || (this.aerial))){ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))){ (this.yVel = (this.yVel + DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC)); } else { (this.yVel = (this.yVel + DEF_GRAV_DEC)); }; if (this.y > 245){ (this.jumping = false); (this.aerial = false); (this.yVel = 0); (this.y = 245); animateLandingMovement(); }; }; (this.y = (this.y + this.yVel)); } public function animateJumpRightMovement():void{ if (this.y < 245){ return; }; if ((((((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT)))){ (this.jumping = true); (this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT); }; } public function removeEventListener_xyUpdate():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_xyUpdate); } public function animateJumpUpMovement():void{ if (this.y < 245){ return; }; if ((((((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT)))){ (this.jumping = true); (this.yVel = DEF_JUMP_Y_VEL); if (this.facingLeft){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT); }; }; } public function damagedDisplayComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ showAsNormal(); } public function tryAttackLeft():void{ if (((((!(this.frozen)) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT))))){ (this.facingLeft = true); animateLeftAttack(); }; } public function whenAttackLeftSwooshComplete():void{ if (this.y >= 245){ if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT){ if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } else { if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } else { (this.currState = CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT); this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-left"); }; if (this.aggressive){ if (MovieClip(root).GamePaused){ return; }; switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE); } else { if (MovieClip(root).GamePaused){ return; }; switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_SOFT_CHASE); }; } public function switchToAIPhase(_arg1:uint):void{ this.currAIPhase = _arg1; gotoAIPhase(_arg1); } public function whenAttackRightSwooshComplete():void{ if (this.y >= 245){ if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT){ if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } else { if (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } else { (this.currState = CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT); this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-right"); }; if (this.aggressive){ if (MovieClip(root).GamePaused){ return; }; switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE); } else { if (MovieClip(root).GamePaused){ return; }; switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_SOFT_CHASE); }; } public function removeAllEventListeners():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_xyUpdate); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_AI); this.damagedTimer.removeEventListener("timer", damagedDisplayComplete); } public function gotoCharState(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (_arg1){ case CHAR_STATE_IDLE: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation((this.facingLeft) ? "hiidle-left" : "hiidle-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("lowwalk-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("lowwalk-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("run-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("run-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("jump-right", "chargecrouch-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("jump-left", "chargecrouch-left"); break; case CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT: case CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT: break; case CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("attack-right", "attackend-right"); break; case CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT: this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("attack-left", "attackend-left"); break; default: trace(("--in gotoAndPlayCharState(), invalid charStateNum: " + _arg1)); break; }; } public function enterFrame_xyUpdate(_arg1:Event):void{ this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate(); } public function startShowAsDamaged():void{ if (this.damagedTimer.running){ this.damagedTimer.reset(); }; this.damagedTimer.start(); showAsDamaged(); } public function animateLandingMovement():void{ if ((((((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT)))) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT)))){ return; }; if (((this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT) && (!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT)) && (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; } public function targetIsToTheLeft():Boolean{ return ((((targetMC.x + 25) - (this.x + 45)) <= 0)); } public function switchToCharState(_arg1:uint):void{ this.currState = _arg1; gotoCharState(_arg1); } public function checkTargetIsLethallyHitting():Boolean{ return (((targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal) && (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.hitTestObject(hitBoxMC)))); } public function enterFrame_AI_HardChase():void{ (this.currTargetDist = calcDistanceToTarget()); if (this.currTargetDist <= MAX_ATTACK_DIST){ if (checkTargetIsLethallyHitting()){ if (Math.random() >= 0.5){ if (targetMC.x <= 250){ MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo(500, Math.round((Math.random() * 245))); } else { MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo(0, Math.round((Math.random() * 245))); }; } else { startShowAsDamaged(); (targetMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false); if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ bothThrustAway(100, targetMC, true, this, false); } else { bothThrustAway(100, this, false, targetMC, true); }; BlinkLevel(this.parent).whenMasterCharaHit(); }; } else { (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_ATTACK); }; } else { if (targetMC.currState == targetMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT){ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT)))){ return; }; if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo(500, (targetMC.y + 60)); } else { if (targetMC.x > 45){ MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo((targetMC.x - 90), (targetMC.y + 60)); }; }; } else { if (targetMC.currState == targetMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT){ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT)))){ return; }; if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ if (targetMC.x < 415){ MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo((targetMC.x + 90), (targetMC.y + 60)); }; } else { MovieClip(this.parent).master_tryTeleportTo(-45, (targetMC.y + 60)); }; } else { if ((((targetMC.currState == targetMC.CHAR_STATE_JUMP_LEFT)) || ((targetMC.currState == targetMC.CHAR_STATE_JUMP_RIGHT)))){ if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = true); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); animateJumpLeftMovement(); } else { (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = true); animateJumpRightMovement(); }; } else { if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ if (this.y >= 245){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_RUN_LEFT); }; (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = true); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); } else { if (this.y >= 245){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_RUN_RIGHT); }; (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = true); }; }; }; }; }; } public function enterFrame_AI_Idle():void{ } public function animateLeftAttack():void{ swooshAnimMC.attackLeft(); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT); } public function enterFrame_AI_SoftChase():void{ (this.currTargetDist = calcDistanceToTarget()); if (this.currTargetDist <= MAX_ATTACK_DIST){ (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); switchToAIPhase(AI_PHASE_ATTACK); } else { if ((((targetMC.y < 145)) && ((Math.abs((targetMC.x - this.x)) <= 90)))){ (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); } else { if (targetIsToTheLeft()){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = true); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = false); } else { switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT = false); (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT = true); }; }; }; } public function enterFrame_AI(_arg1:Event):void{ this.currEnterFrame_AI(); } public function removeEventListener_AI():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_AI); } public function unpauseMC():void{ (this.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = this.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate); (this.currEnterFrame_AI = this.prePauseEnterFrame_AI); } public function animateLeftMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT)))){ (this.facingLeft = true); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); }; } public function calcDistanceToTarget():Number{ return (Point.distance(new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(targetMC.x, targetMC.y))); } public function gotoAIPhase(_arg1:uint):void{ switch (_arg1){ case AI_PHASE_IDLE: break; case AI_PHASE_SOFT_CHASE: (this.currEnterFrame_AI = this.enterFrame_AI_SoftChase); break; case AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE: (this.currEnterFrame_AI = this.enterFrame_AI_HardChase); break; case AI_PHASE_ATTACK: (this.currEnterFrame_AI = this.enterFrame_AI_Attack); break; default: trace(("--in gotoAIPhase(), invalid charAIPhaseNum: " + _arg1)); break; }; } public function checkTargetIsLethallyHit():Boolean{ return (((swooshAnimMC.lethal) && (swooshAnimMC.hitTestObject(targetMC.hitBoxMC)))); } public function animateRightMovement():void{ if ((((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_IDLE)) || ((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT)))){ (this.facingLeft = false); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); }; } public function setFrozen(_arg1:Boolean):void{ (this.frozen = _arg1); } public function animateLeftBlinkArrival():void{ (this.facingLeft = true); if (this.y < 245){ this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "blinkdescend-left"); } else { if (((this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT) && (!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT)))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_RIGHT); } else { if (((!(this.aIKeyPressedIntent_RIGHT)) && (this.aIKeyPressedIntent_LEFT))){ switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_WALK_LEFT); } else { this.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "hiidle-left"); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_IDLE); }; }; }; } public function showAsDamaged():void{ (this.masterAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = this.colorTransform_damaged); } public function showAsNormal():void{ (this.masterAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform_distinction); } public function bothThrustAway(_arg1:uint, _arg2:MovieClip, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:MovieClip, _arg5:Boolean):void{ var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; _local6 = (_arg2.x + 45); _local7 = (505 - _arg4.x); if (_arg3){ if (_local7 >= _arg1){ (_arg4.x = (_arg4.x + _arg1)); } else { (_arg4.x = (_arg4.x + (_arg1 - _local7))); (_arg2.x = (_arg2.x - _local7)); }; } else { if (_arg5){ if (_local6 >= _arg1){ (_arg2.x = (_arg2.x - _arg1)); } else { (_arg2.x = (_arg2.x - (_arg1 - _local6))); (_arg4.x = (_arg4.x + _local6)); }; } else { if (_local6 >= _local7){ _local9 = Math.min(_local7, Math.ceil((_arg1 / 2))); _local9; _local8 = -((_arg1 - _local9)); _local8; (_arg4.x = (_arg4.x + _local9)); (_arg2.x = (_arg2.x + _local8)); } else { _local8 = -(Math.min(_local6, Math.ceil((_arg1 / 2)))); _local8; _local9 = (_arg1 - _local8); _local9; (_arg4.x = (_arg4.x + _local9)); (_arg2.x = (_arg2.x + _local8)); }; }; }; } public function animateRightAttack():void{ swooshAnimMC.attackRight(); switchToCharState(CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT); } public function tryAttackRight():void{ if (((((!(this.frozen)) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT))))) && (!((this.currState == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT))))){ (this.facingLeft = false); animateRightAttack(); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 39
//MaterializeAnimMC_68 (Blink_fla.MaterializeAnimMC_68) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MaterializeAnimMC_68 extends MovieClip { public var thePostMaterializeFunc:Function; public var thePostDematerializeFunc:Function; public function MaterializeAnimMC_68(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 24, frame25, 46, frame47); } function frame1(){ } function frame25(){ stop(); postMaterializeFunc(); } public function postMaterializeFunc():void{ thePostMaterializeFunc(); } public function initMaterializer(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function):void{ this.thePostMaterializeFunc = _arg1; this.thePostDematerializeFunc = _arg2; } function frame47(){ stop(); postDematerializeFunc(); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } public function postDematerializeFunc():void{ thePostDematerializeFunc(); } public function materializeAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay("materialize"); } public function dematerializeAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay("dematerialize"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 40
//MC_Explosion_127 (Blink_fla.MC_Explosion_127) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class MC_Explosion_127 extends MovieClip { public function MC_Explosion_127(){ addFrameScript(17, frame18); } function frame18(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 41
//Mirage_masterAnimMC_17 (Blink_fla.Mirage_masterAnimMC_17) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Mirage_masterAnimMC_17 extends MovieClip { public function Mirage_masterAnimMC_17(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } public function doFade_Right():void{ gotoAndPlay("faderight"); } function frame22(){ this.visible = true; } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame40(){ gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function doFade_Left():void{ gotoAndPlay("fadeleft"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 42
//MirageAnimMC_14 (Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class MirageAnimMC_14 extends MovieClip { public var chargeLeftRightSpriteMC:MovieClip; public function MirageAnimMC_14(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 39, frame40); } function frame3(){ this.visible = true; } public function doFade_Right():void{ chargeLeftRightSpriteMC.showChargeRight(); gotoAndPlay("faderight"); } function frame22(){ this.visible = true; } function frame21(){ gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame40(){ gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function doFade_Left():void{ chargeLeftRightSpriteMC.showChargeLeft(); gotoAndPlay("fadeleft"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 43
//play4allintro_3 (Blink_fla.play4allintro_3) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class play4allintro_3 extends MovieClip { public var link_Play4AllBtn:SimpleButton; public function play4allintro_3(){ addFrameScript(16, frame17, 202, frame203); } public function gotoLinkPlay4All(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(root).linkToPlay4All(); link_Play4AllBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLinkPlay4All); } function frame17(){ link_Play4AllBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoLinkPlay4All, false, 0, true); } function frame203(){ stop(); BlinkDoc(root).gotoAppropriatePostLoadFrame(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 44
//ProgressBarMC_1 (Blink_fla.ProgressBarMC_1) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressBarMC_1 extends MovieClip { public const MAX_FILL_WIDTH:uint = 174; public var fillBarMC:MovieClip; public function ProgressBarMC_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function setProgressTo(_arg1:Number):void{ fillBarMC.width = (_arg1 * MAX_FILL_WIDTH); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 45
//ScoreRackerMC_56 (Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ScoreRackerMC_56 extends MovieClip { public var levelScoreTxt:TextField; public var civBonus:uint; public var total:uint; public var numMSecs:uint; public var timeScoreTxt:TextField; public var levelScore:uint; public var numChancesBonusTxt:TextField; public var numChancesBonus:uint; public var timeStrTxt:TextField; public var totalTxt:TextField; public var timeScore:uint; public var civBonusTxt:TextField; public function ScoreRackerMC_56(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 24, frame25, 48, frame49, 71, frame72, 95, frame96, 119, frame120); } function frame72(){ if (this.civBonus > 0){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_ScoreRack(); }; civBonusTxt.text = String(this.civBonus); civBonusTxt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; levelScoreTxt.textColor = 16351507; } public function doScoreRack(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint):void{ this.numMSecs = _arg1; this.timeScore = _arg2; this.numChancesBonus = _arg3; this.civBonus = _arg4; this.levelScore = ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus); = _arg5; gotoAndPlay("scorerack"); } function frame25(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_ScoreRack(); timeStrTxt.text = BlinkDoc(root).millisecsToStr(this.numMSecs); timeScoreTxt.text = String(this.timeScore); timeScoreTxt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; numChancesBonusTxt.textColor = 16351507; } public function initSR():void{ timeScoreTxt.text = String(0); numChancesBonusTxt.text = String(0); civBonusTxt.text = String(0); levelScoreTxt.text = String(0); totalTxt.text = String(0); } function frame1(){ } function frame96(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_ScoreRack(); levelScoreTxt.text = String(this.levelScore); levelScoreTxt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ timeScoreTxt.textColor = 16351507; } function frame120(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_ScoreRack(); stop(); totalTxt.text = String(; MovieClip(this.parent).whenScoreRackComplete(); } function frame49(){ if (this.numChancesBonus > 0){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_ScoreRack(); }; numChancesBonusTxt.text = String(this.numChancesBonus); numChancesBonusTxt.textColor = 0xFFFFFF; civBonusTxt.textColor = 16351507; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 46
//Screen_DifficultySelectMC_148 (Blink_fla.Screen_DifficultySelectMC_148) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_DifficultySelectMC_148 extends MovieClip { public var backBtn:BackBtn; public var difficulty_EasyBtn:SimpleButton; public var difficulty_NormalBtn:SimpleButton; public var difficulty_HardBtn:SimpleButton; public var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; public function Screen_DifficultySelectMC_148(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function doDifficulty_Hard(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doDifficultyByNum(BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD); } public function doDifficulty_Easy(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doDifficultyByNum(BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY); } function frame1(){ stop(); rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBack, false, 0, true); difficulty_EasyBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doDifficulty_Easy, false, 0, true); difficulty_NormalBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doDifficulty_Normal, false, 0, true); difficulty_HardBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doDifficulty_Hard, false, 0, true); } public function doDifficultyByNum(_arg1:uint):void{ var dN = _arg1; rootDoc.getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Menu(); rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum = dN; rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ rootDoc.StartedNewSingleLevelSession = false; rootDoc.screenMCOverlayMC.fadeInLocationExposition(function (){ rootDoc.gotoAndStop("level_tutorial"); }, "Location: A.B.L.E.D. Dojo"); } else { rootDoc.screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ rootDoc.gotoAndStop(rootDoc.CurrLevelFrameLblStr); }); }; } public function doDifficulty_Normal(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doDifficultyByNum(BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL); } public function goBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ rootDoc.screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ rootDoc.gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); } else { rootDoc.screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ rootDoc.gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 47
//Screen_Ending1MC_134 (Blink_fla.Screen_Ending1MC_134) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_Ending1MC_134 extends MovieClip { public var skipBtn:SimpleButton; public function Screen_Ending1MC_134(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 352, frame353, 364, frame365, 376, frame377, 424, frame425, 574, frame575, 586, frame587, 594, frame595, 598, frame599, 615, frame616, 674, frame675); } function frame675(){ stop(); endingCinematicComplete(); } function frame616(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); } function frame1(){ skipBtn.visible = !(BlinkDoc(root).Ending1FirstTime); skipBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doSkip, false, 0, true); } function frame587(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); } function frame575(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); } function frame353(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); } function frame599(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); } function frame595(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Attack(); } function frame365(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); } public function doSkip(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gamecleared"); }); } function frame377(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); } public function endingCinematicComplete():void{ BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gamecleared"); }); } function frame425(){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Gameplay(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 48
//Screen_Ending2MC_139 (Blink_fla.Screen_Ending2MC_139) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_Ending2MC_139 extends MovieClip { public var skipBtn:SimpleButton; public function Screen_Ending2MC_139(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 0x0200, frame513); } function frame1(){ skipBtn.visible = !(BlinkDoc(root).Ending2FirstTime); skipBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doSkip, false, 0, true); } function frame513(){ stop(); endingCinematicComplete(); } public function doSkip(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gamecleared"); }); } public function endingCinematicComplete():void{ BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gamecleared"); }); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 49
//Screen_FinalLevelLockedMsgMC_147 (Blink_fla.Screen_FinalLevelLockedMsgMC_147) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_FinalLevelLockedMsgMC_147 extends MovieClip { public var finalScoreTxt:TextField; public var mainMenuBtn:SimpleButton; public var finalGradeTxt:TextField; public function Screen_FinalLevelLockedMsgMC_147(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Gameplay(); MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); } function frame1(){ mainMenuBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); finalScoreTxt.text = String(BlinkDoc(root).Score); finalGradeTxt.text = BlinkDoc(root).determineFinalGradeStr(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 50
//Screen_GameClearedMC_145 (Blink_fla.Screen_GameClearedMC_145) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_GameClearedMC_145 extends MovieClip { public var backBtn:BackBtn; public var finalScoreTxt:TextField; public var statusTxt:TextField; public var idStr:String; public var submitHighScoreBtn:SimpleButton; public var highScoresContainerMC:MovieClip; public var mainMenuBtn:SimpleButton; public var endingsAchievedMsgTxt:TextField; public var finalGradeTxt:TextField; public var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; public function Screen_GameClearedMC_145(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } public function gotoSubmitHighScore(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission = true; gotoAndStop("submithighscore"); } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Gameplay(); BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); } public function checkAllowedToSubmitHighScore():Boolean{ return (((((!(rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission)) && (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels))) && ((rootDoc.Score > 0)))); } function frame3(){ stop(); if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ idStr = "380eb47e8c718834"; } else { if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ idStr = "093753a4137c5ab5"; } else { idStr = "bced86de9f805378"; }; }; statusTxt.text = ""; highScoresContainerMC.tabEnabled = false; highScoresContainerMC.tabChildren = false; rootDoc.startHighScoreSubmit_GameCleared(idStr, rootDoc.Score, this); } function frame2(){ stop(); if (!mainMenuBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ mainMenuBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); }; if (checkAllowedToSubmitHighScore()){ if (!submitHighScoreBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ submitHighScoreBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoSubmitHighScore, false, 0, true); }; submitHighScoreBtn.visible = (submitHighScoreBtn.enabled = true); } else { submitHighScoreBtn.visible = (submitHighScoreBtn.enabled = false); }; finalScoreTxt.text = String(BlinkDoc(root).Score); finalGradeTxt.text = BlinkDoc(root).determineFinalGradeStr(); if (((BlinkDoc(root).Ending1_achieved) && (BlinkDoc(root).Ending2_achieved))){ endingsAchievedMsgTxt.text = "Achieved Both Endings!\nExcellent!"; } else { if (BlinkDoc(root).Ending1_achieved){ endingsAchievedMsgTxt.text = "Achieved Ending 1.\nCan you achieve Ending 2?"; } else { endingsAchievedMsgTxt.text = "Achieved Ending 2.\nCan you achieve Ending 1?"; }; }; } function frame1(){ rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); } public function displayBackBtn():void{ this.backBtn = new BackBtn(); this.backBtn.x = 6; this.backBtn.y = 353; this.backBtn.tabEnabled = false; this.backBtn.tabChildren = false; addChild(this.backBtn); this.backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (backBtn != null){ removeChild(backBtn); }; gotoAndStop("idle"); }); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 51
//Screen_HighScoreMC_152 (Blink_fla.Screen_HighScoreMC_152) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_HighScoreMC_152 extends MovieClip { public var backBtn:BackBtn; public var statusTxt:TextField; public var difficulty_EasyBtn:SimpleButton; public var difficulty_NormalBtn:SimpleButton; public var highScoresContainerMC:MovieClip; public var difficulty_HardBtn:SimpleButton; public var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; public function Screen_HighScoreMC_152(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11, 20, frame21); } public function gotoHardHighScores(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("hard"); } public function gotoNormalHighScores(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("normal"); } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); } public function gotoEasyHighScores(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("easy"); } function frame3(){ stop(); if (!backBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("idle"); }, false, 0, true); }; statusTxt.text = ""; rootDoc.showMochiLeaderBoard("380eb47e8c718834", this); } function frame1(){ rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); } function frame21(){ stop(); if (!backBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("idle"); }, false, 0, true); }; statusTxt.text = ""; rootDoc.showMochiLeaderBoard("bced86de9f805378", this); } function frame2(){ stop(); backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); difficulty_EasyBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoEasyHighScores, false, 0, true); difficulty_NormalBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoNormalHighScores, false, 0, true); difficulty_HardBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoHardHighScores, false, 0, true); } function frame11(){ stop(); if (!backBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("idle"); }, false, 0, true); }; statusTxt.text = ""; rootDoc.showMochiLeaderBoard("093753a4137c5ab5", this); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 52
//Screen_LevelFailedMC_144 (Blink_fla.Screen_LevelFailedMC_144) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class Screen_LevelFailedMC_144 extends MovieClip { public var test1Btn:SimpleButton; public function Screen_LevelFailedMC_144(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ test1Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ trace("pressed level failed screen test button"); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 53
//Screen_LevelSelectMC_102 (Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_LevelSelectMC_102 extends MovieClip { public var levelLock_L2MC:MovieClip; public var backBtn:BackBtn; public var levelSelect_L3Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelLock_L1MC:MovieClip; public var levelLock_L5MC:MovieClip; public var levelSelect_L1Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelSelect_L4Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelSelect_L6Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelLock_L4MC:MovieClip; public var levelSelect_L7Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelLock_L3MC:MovieClip; public var levelLock_L7MC:MovieClip; public var levelSelect_L2Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelSelect_L5Btn:SimpleButton; public var levelLock_L6MC:MovieClip; public function Screen_LevelSelectMC_102(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function play_TutorialMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_Tutorial(); } public function playGame_FireLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_fire"); } public function play_NotBothLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_NotBothLevel(); } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); } public function playGame_Tutorial():void{ playGameLevel("level_tutorial"); } public function play_ExplosionsLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_ExplosionsLevel(); } public function playGame_PeopleFallingLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_peoplefalling"); } public function playGame_NotBothLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_notboth"); } public function playGame_FinalLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_final"); } public function play_FinalLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_FinalLevel(); } public function playGame_ExplosionsLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_explosions"); } function frame1(){ backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L1Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_TutorialMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L2Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_FireLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L3Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_ExplosionsLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L4Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_PeopleFallingLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L5Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_EveryoneFallingLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L6Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_NotBothLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelect_L7Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_FinalLevelMOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function play_PeopleFallingLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_PeopleFallingLevel(); } function frame2(){ stop(); unlockLevelsByNum(BlinkDoc(root).LevelsUnlockedNum); BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_MenuMus(); } public function unlockLevelsByNum(_arg1:uint):void{ levelLock_L1MC.visible = (_arg1 < 1); levelLock_L2MC.visible = (_arg1 < 2); levelLock_L3MC.visible = (_arg1 < 3); levelLock_L4MC.visible = (_arg1 < 4); levelLock_L5MC.visible = (_arg1 < 5); levelLock_L6MC.visible = (_arg1 < 6); levelLock_L7MC.visible = (_arg1 < 7); levelSelect_L1Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L1Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L1MC.visible)); levelSelect_L2Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L2Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L2MC.visible)); levelSelect_L3Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L3Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L3MC.visible)); levelSelect_L4Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L4Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L4MC.visible)); levelSelect_L5Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L5Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L5MC.visible)); levelSelect_L6Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L6Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L6MC.visible)); levelSelect_L7Btn.visible = (levelSelect_L7Btn.enabled = !(levelLock_L7MC.visible)); levelLock_L1MC.mouseEnabled = (levelLock_L2MC.mouseEnabled = (levelLock_L3MC.mouseEnabled = false)); levelLock_L4MC.mouseEnabled = (levelLock_L5MC.mouseEnabled = (levelLock_L6MC.mouseEnabled = false)); levelLock_L7MC.mouseEnabled = false; } public function playGame_EveryoneFallingLevel():void{ playGameLevel("level_everyonefalling"); } public function play_EveryoneFallingLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_EveryoneFallingLevel(); } public function playGameLevel(_arg1:String):void{ var validLvl:Boolean; var lvlName:String; var levelFrameLabelStr = _arg1; validLvl = false; BlinkDoc(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = levelFrameLabelStr; BlinkDoc(root).Score = 0; BlinkDoc(root).NumMissionFailures = 0; BlinkDoc(root).NumChances = 3; BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; switch (levelFrameLabelStr){ case "level_tutorial": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL1_NAME; break; case "level_fire": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL2_NAME; break; case "level_explosions": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL3_NAME; break; case "level_peoplefalling": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL4_NAME; break; case "level_everyonefalling": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL5_NAME; break; case "level_notboth": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL6_NAME; break; case "level_final": validLvl = true; lvlName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL7_NAME; break; default: trace((("--in Screen_LevelSelectMC.playGameLevel(), invalid levelFrameLabelStr: \"" + levelFrameLabelStr) + "\"")); break; }; if (validLvl){ if (!BlinkDoc(root).StartedNewSingleLevelSession){ BlinkDoc(root).StartedNewSingleLevelSession = true; }; BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ BlinkDoc(root).gotoAndStop("difficultyselect"); }); }; } public function play_FireLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_FireLevel(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 54
//Screen_MainMenuMC_95 (Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_MainMenuMC_95 extends MovieClip { public var test6Btn:SimpleButton; public var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; public var test4Btn:SimpleButton; public var link_Play4All_PlayMoreGamesBtn:SimpleButton; public var msgTxt:TextField; public var test7Btn:SimpleButton; public var closeBtn:SimpleButton; public var test2Btn:SimpleButton; public var versTxt:TextField; public var creditsBtn:SimpleButton; public var test5Btn:SimpleButton; public var test8Btn:SimpleButton; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public var trueSplashScreenMC:MovieClip; public var test3Btn:SimpleButton; public var link_Play4AllBtn:SimpleButton; public var levelSelectBtn:SimpleButton; public var unauthorizedDomainMsgStr:String; public var highScoresBtn:SimpleButton; public var test1Btn:SimpleButton; public function Screen_MainMenuMC_95(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4); } public function play_TutorialMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_Tutorial(); } public function playGame_ExplosionsLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_explosions"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playGame_FireLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_fire"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playGame_PeopleFallingLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_peoplefalling"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function gotoHighScores(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("highscores"); }); } public function play_NotBothLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_NotBothLevel(); } public function gotoCredits_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoCredits(); } public function gotoLevelSelect(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playGame_Tutorial():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_tutorial"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function gotoMainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var e = _arg1; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ gotoAndStop("idle"); }); } public function play_ExplosionsLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_ExplosionsLevel(); } function frame1(){ rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playThrough_MOUSE, false, 0, true); levelSelectBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, gotoLevelSelect, false, 0, true); creditsBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoCredits_MOUSE, false, 0, true); highScoresBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoHighScores, false, 0, true); closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMainMenu, false, 0, true); unauthorizedDomainMsgStr = "Unauthorized domain; Blink is not available at this website yet."; } public function playGame_NotBothLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_notboth"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playGame():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gameplay"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playThroughGame():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = true; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("difficultyselect"); }); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function play_FinalLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_FinalLevel(); } function frame2(){ trueSplashScreenMC.x = 0; } public function goto_linkToPlay4All(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootDoc.linkToPlay4All(); } function frame3(){ stop(); trueSplashScreenMC.visible = true; setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true); MovieClip(root).Score = 0; MovieClip(root).NumMissionFailures = 0; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_MenuMus(); if (!link_Play4All_PlayMoreGamesBtn.willTrigger(MouseEvent.CLICK)){ link_Play4All_PlayMoreGamesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_linkToPlay4All, false, 0, true); link_Play4AllBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goto_linkToPlay4All, false, 0, true); }; } public function setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Boolean, _arg8:Boolean, _arg9:Boolean, _arg10:Boolean, _arg11:Boolean, _arg12:Boolean, _arg13:Boolean):void{ playBtn.enabled = (playBtn.visible = _arg1); levelSelectBtn.enabled = (levelSelectBtn.visible = _arg2); creditsBtn.enabled = (creditsBtn.visible = _arg3); highScoresBtn.enabled = (highScoresBtn.visible = _arg4); closeBtn.enabled = (closeBtn.visible = _arg5); test1Btn.enabled = (test1Btn.visible = _arg6); test2Btn.enabled = (test2Btn.visible = _arg7); test3Btn.enabled = (test3Btn.visible = _arg8); test4Btn.enabled = (test4Btn.visible = _arg9); test5Btn.enabled = (test5Btn.visible = _arg10); test6Btn.enabled = (test6Btn.visible = _arg11); test7Btn.enabled = (test7Btn.visible = _arg12); test8Btn.enabled = (test8Btn.visible = _arg13); } public function play_PeopleFallingLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_PeopleFallingLevel(); } public function play_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame(); } public function playGame_EveryoneFallingLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_everyonefalling"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playGame_FinalLevel():void{ if (MovieClip(root).isOnAcceptedDomain()){ MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels = false; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_final"); } else { msgTxt.text = this.unauthorizedDomainMsgStr; }; } public function playThrough_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playThroughGame(); } public function play_EveryoneFallingLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_EveryoneFallingLevel(); } public function gotoCredits():void{ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ gotoAndStop("credits"); }); } function frame4(){ stop(); trueSplashScreenMC.visible = false; setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); versTxt.text = MovieClip(root).VersStr; } public function play_FireLevelMOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ playGame_FireLevel(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 55
//Screen_PauseMC_38 (Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Screen_PauseMC_38 extends MovieClip { public var CLOSE_BTN_NUM_MISSION_OBJECTIVE:uint; public var missionObjectiveBtn:SimpleButton; public var currCloseBtnNum:uint; public var difficultyStrTxt:TextField; public var toggleMusicBtnMC:MovieClip; public var nextLevelBtn:SimpleButton; public var submitHighScoreBtn:SimpleButton; public var instructionsBtn:SimpleButton; public var scoreTxt:TextField; public var quitConfirm_yesBtn:SimpleButton; public var quitConfirm_noBtn:SimpleButton; public var missionObjTxt:TextField; public var toggleSFXBtnMC:MovieClip; public var resumeBtn:SimpleButton; public var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; public var retryLevelBtn:SimpleButton; public var scoreRackerMC:MovieClip; public var statusTxt:TextField; public var idStr:String; public var failureMsgStr:String; public var closeBtn:SimpleButton; public var clickAnywhereToContinueBtn:SimpleButton; public var restartLevelBtn:SimpleButton; public var failureMsgTxt:TextField; public var highScoresContainerMC:MovieClip; public var CLOSE_BTN_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS:uint; public var quitBtn:SimpleButton; public var fSlashCharacterGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var quitLevelBtn:SimpleButton; public var link_Play4AllBtn:SimpleButton; public var parentMC:BlinkLevel; public var backBtn:BackBtn; public function Screen_PauseMC_38(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11, 20, frame21, 54, frame55, 79, frame80, 80, frame81); } public function resumeGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ resumeGame(); } public function doNextLevel():void{ if (!BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Gameplay(); }; this.parentMC.whenNextLevel(); } public function doLevelRestart():void{ this.parentMC.exitLevel(); rootDoc.Score = 0; rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission = false; BlinkDoc(root).NumChances = BlinkConsts.DEF_NUM_CHANCES; BlinkDoc(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); BlinkDoc(root).gotoAndStop("levelrestart"); } public function doQuitConfirm_yes_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doQuitConfirm_yes(); } public function showMissionObjective_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showMissionObjective(); } public function showMissionObjective():void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); if (!this.parentMC.LevelStarted){ clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.x = 0; clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.visible = true; clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.enabled = true; closeBtn.visible = false; }; gotoAndStop("missionobjective"); this.x = 0; this.visible = true; } public function showQuitConfirm():void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, false, false); toggleMusicBtnMC.visible = false; toggleSFXBtnMC.visible = false; gotoAndStop("quitconfirm"); } function frame2(){ stop(); difficultyStrTxt.text = BlinkDoc(root).difficultyNumToStr(BlinkDoc(root).CurrDifficultyNum); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame11(){ stop(); missionObjTxt.text = this.parentMC.CurrMissionObjectiveStr; this.currCloseBtnNum = CLOSE_BTN_NUM_MISSION_OBJECTIVE; } function frame1(){ CLOSE_BTN_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS = 0; CLOSE_BTN_NUM_MISSION_OBJECTIVE = 1; rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); parentMC = BlinkLevel(this.parent); clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doCloseFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); closeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doCloseFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); instructionsBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showInstructions_MOUSE, false, 0, true); missionObjectiveBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showMissionObjective_MOUSE, false, 0, true); nextLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doNextLevel_MOUSE, false, 0, true); quitBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showQuitConfirm_MOUSE, false, 0, true); quitConfirm_noBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doQuitConfirm_no_MOUSE, false, 0, true); quitConfirm_yesBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doQuitConfirm_yes_MOUSE, false, 0, true); quitLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doQuitConfirm_yes_MOUSE, false, 0, true); restartLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doLevelRestart_MOUSE, false, 0, true); retryLevelBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doLevelRestart_MOUSE, false, 0, true); resumeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resumeGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); submitHighScoreBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoSubmitHighScore, false, 0, true); link_Play4AllBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ trace("Clicking"); rootDoc.linkToPlay4All(); }); } function frame21(){ stop(); this.currCloseBtnNum = CLOSE_BTN_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS; } public function onMusicToggleOff():void{ this.parentMC.onMusicToggleOff(); } public function doCloseFunc():void{ if (this.currCloseBtnNum == CLOSE_BTN_NUM_INSTRUCTIONS){ showPauseMenu(); } else { doCloseMissionObjective(); }; } public function setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:Boolean, _arg7:Boolean, _arg8:Boolean, _arg9:Boolean, _arg10:Boolean, _arg11:Boolean, _arg12:Boolean):void{ closeBtn.enabled = (closeBtn.visible = _arg1); instructionsBtn.enabled = (instructionsBtn.visible = _arg2); missionObjectiveBtn.enabled = (missionObjectiveBtn.visible = _arg3); nextLevelBtn.enabled = (nextLevelBtn.visible = _arg4); quitBtn.enabled = (quitBtn.visible = _arg5); quitConfirm_noBtn.enabled = (quitConfirm_noBtn.visible = _arg6); quitConfirm_yesBtn.enabled = (quitConfirm_yesBtn.visible = _arg7); quitLevelBtn.enabled = (quitLevelBtn.visible = _arg8); restartLevelBtn.enabled = (restartLevelBtn.visible = _arg9); retryLevelBtn.enabled = (retryLevelBtn.visible = _arg10); resumeBtn.enabled = (resumeBtn.visible = _arg11); submitHighScoreBtn.enabled = (submitHighScoreBtn.visible = _arg12); } public function setDisableAndHideBtn(_arg1:SimpleButton, _arg2:Boolean):void{ _arg1.visible = (_arg1.enabled = _arg2); } public function showQuitConfirm_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showQuitConfirm(); } public function doQuitConfirm_no():void{ showPauseMenu(); } public function doQuitConfirm_no_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doQuitConfirm_no(); } function frame55(){ stop(); retryLevelBtn.x = 234; retryLevelBtn.y = 275; setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, true, false, checkAllowedToSubmitHighScore()); if (this.failureMsgStr != null){ failureMsgTxt.text = this.failureMsgStr; }; scoreTxt.text = String(rootDoc.Score); } public function displayBackBtn():void{ this.backBtn = new BackBtn(); this.backBtn.x = 6; this.backBtn.y = 353; this.backBtn.tabEnabled = false; this.backBtn.tabChildren = false; addChild(this.backBtn); this.backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (backBtn != null){ removeChild(backBtn); }; gotoAndStop("levelfailedchoices"); }); } public function whenScoreRackComplete():void{ if (BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ fSlashCharacterGrphcMC.visible = false; setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); } else { fSlashCharacterGrphcMC.visible = true; fSlashCharacterGrphcMC.x = 441; fSlashCharacterGrphcMC.y = 285.2; setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false); }; } public function showMissionFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); if (_arg1 != null){ this.failureMsgStr = _arg1; }; gotoAndPlay("levelfailed"); this.x = 0; this.visible = true; } public function gotoSubmitHighScore(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission = true; gotoAndStop("submithighscore"); } public function quitGame():void{ BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().fadeOutMusic_Gameplay(); MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); parentMC.exitLevel(); if (BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); } else { MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } public function doQuitConfirm_yes():void{ quitGame(); } public function doNextLevel_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doNextLevel(); } public function doLevelRestart_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doLevelRestart(); } function frame81(){ stop(); setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ idStr = "380eb47e8c718834"; } else { if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ idStr = "093753a4137c5ab5"; } else { idStr = "bced86de9f805378"; }; }; statusTxt.text = ""; highScoresContainerMC.tabEnabled = false; highScoresContainerMC.tabChildren = false; rootDoc.startHighScoreSubmit(idStr, rootDoc.Score, this); } function frame80(){ stop(); if (BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ retryLevelBtn.x = 457.9; retryLevelBtn.y = 284.1; }; scoreRackerMC.initSR(); scoreRackerMC.doScoreRack(this.parentMC.NumMSecsToCompleteLevel, this.parentMC.TimeScore, this.parentMC.NumChancesBonus, this.parentMC.CivBonus, MovieClip(root).Score); } public function checkAllowedToSubmitHighScore():Boolean{ return (((((!(rootDoc.AttemptedHighScoreSubmission)) && (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels))) && ((rootDoc.Score > 0)))); } public function showInstructions():void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); gotoAndStop("instructions"); } public function showInstructions_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ showInstructions(); } public function doCloseMissionObjective():void{ if (this.parentMC.LevelStarted){ showPauseMenu(); } else { this.parentMC.LevelStarted = true; clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.x = 0; clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.visible = false; clickAnywhereToContinueBtn.enabled = false; this.parentMC.onLevelStartMissionObjClosed(); }; } public function doCloseFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ doCloseFunc(); } public function resumeGame():void{ BlinkDoc(root).hideMC(this); this.parentMC.unpauseLevel(); } public function showNextLevel():void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); gotoAndPlay("levelcleared"); this.x = 0; this.visible = true; } public function showPauseMenu():void{ setDisableAndHideCertainBtns(false, true, true, false, true, false, false, false, (BlinkDoc(root).PlayingThroughLevels) ? false : true, false, true, false); toggleMusicBtnMC.visible = true; toggleSFXBtnMC.visible = true; gotoAndStop("idle"); this.x = 0; this.visible = true; } public function onMusicToggleOn():void{ this.parentMC.onMusicToggleOn(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 56
//ScreenMCOverlayMC_94 (Blink_fla.ScreenMCOverlayMC_94) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ScreenMCOverlayMC_94 extends MovieClip { public var locationExpositionStr:String; public var midLocationExpoFunc:Function; public var locationTxt:TextField; public var midBlackFunc:Function; public function ScreenMCOverlayMC_94(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 23, frame24, 36, frame37, 47, frame48, 56, frame57, 97, frame98); } public function fadeInLocationExposition(_arg1:Function=null, _arg2:String=""):void{ this.midLocationExpoFunc = _arg1; this.locationExpositionStr = _arg2; this.x = 0; this.visible = true; gotoAndPlay("locationexposition"); } public function fadeToAndFromBlack(_arg1:Function=null):void{ this.midBlackFunc = _arg1; this.x = 0; this.visible = true; gotoAndPlay("fadetoandfromblack"); } function frame98(){ MovieClip(root).hideMC(this); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame1(){ } public function fadeFromBlack():void{ this.x = 0; this.visible = true; gotoAndPlay("fadefromblack"); } function frame24(){ MovieClip(root).hideMC(this); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame37(){ if (this.midBlackFunc != null){ this.midBlackFunc(); }; } function frame48(){ MovieClip(root).hideMC(this); gotoAndStop("idle"); } function frame57(){ locationTxt.text = this.locationExpositionStr; if (this.midLocationExpoFunc != null){ this.midLocationExpoFunc(); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 57
//SpeakerIconMC_33 (Blink_fla.SpeakerIconMC_33) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class SpeakerIconMC_33 extends MovieClip { public var playerFaceSprite:Sprite; public var masterFaceGrphcMC:MovieClip; public function SpeakerIconMC_33(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11); } public function showSpeakerAs(_arg1:uint):void{ if (this.playerFaceSprite == null){ trace("ADDING FACE SPRITE"); addFaceSprites(); }; if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1){ this.playerFaceSprite.visible = true; gotoAndStop("s1"); } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER){ this.playerFaceSprite.visible = false; gotoAndStop("master"); } else { trace(("--in SpeakerIconMC.showSpeakerAs(), invalid sNum: " + _arg1)); }; }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame11(){ stop(); } public function addFaceSprites():void{ this.playerFaceSprite = MovieClip(root).playerFaceSprite; this.playerFaceSprite.visible = false; addChild(playerFaceSprite); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 58
//SplashScreenAnimMC_72 (Blink_fla.SplashScreenAnimMC_72) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class SplashScreenAnimMC_72 extends MovieClip { public function SplashScreenAnimMC_72(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 33, frame34); } function frame1(){ } public function playAnim():void{ gotoAndPlay("anim"); } function frame34(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); if (!MovieClip(root).SplashScreenShown){ addChild(MovieClip(root).playerBigFaceSprite); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 59
//SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71 (Blink_fla.SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71 extends MovieClip { public var splashScreenAnimMC:MovieClip; public var rootMC:MovieClip; public function SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 47, frame48, 49, frame50, 123, frame124); } function frame1(){ rootMC = MovieClip(root); } function frame2(){ stop(); this.visible = false; } function frame124(){ stop(); this.x = 700; this.visible = false; BlinkLevel_Tutorial(this.parent).afterSplashScreenFadePoint(); } function frame48(){ } function frame50(){ splashScreenAnimMC.playAnim(); } public function playFade():void{ this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.visible = true; gotoAndPlay("fade"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 60
//subline_6 (Blink_fla.subline_6) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class subline_6 extends MovieClip { public function subline_6(){ addFrameScript(45, frame46); } function frame46(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 61
//TimerDisplayMC_27 (Blink_fla.TimerDisplayMC_27) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public dynamic class TimerDisplayMC_27 extends MovieClip { public var currTimeUpFunc:Function; public var timerFillMaskMC:MovieClip; public var usingTimer:Boolean; public var DEF_NUM_MSECS_FOR_WARNING:uint; public var timer:Timer; public var numMSecsRemaining:int; public var timerSirenAnimMC:MovieClip; public var maxNumMSecs:uint; public function TimerDisplayMC_27(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function startTimer():void{ if (this.usingTimer){ this.timer.start(); }; } public function initTimer(_arg1:int, _arg2:Function):void{ this.numMSecsRemaining = _arg1; this.maxNumMSecs = _arg1; this.currTimeUpFunc = _arg2; if (this.timer != null){ this.timer.removeEventListener("timer", tick); this.timer.stop(); }; this.timer = new Timer(500); this.timer.addEventListener("timer", tick, false, 0, true); updateFillMask(this.numMSecsRemaining); this.usingTimer = true; timerSirenAnimMC.visible = false; } public function resetTimer():void{ if (this.usingTimer){ this.timer.reset(); }; } public function stopTimer():void{ if (this.usingTimer){ this.timer.stop(); }; } function frame1(){ DEF_NUM_MSECS_FOR_WARNING = 10000; } public function killTimer():void{ this.usingTimer = false; removeAllEventListeners(); } public function tick(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.numMSecsRemaining = (this.numMSecsRemaining - 500); updateFillMask(this.numMSecsRemaining); if (((!(timerSirenAnimMC.visible)) && ((this.numMSecsRemaining < DEF_NUM_MSECS_FOR_WARNING)))){ timerSirenAnimMC.visible = true; }; if (this.numMSecsRemaining <= 0){ stopTimer(); this.usingTimer = false; this.currTimeUpFunc(); }; } public function removeAllEventListeners():void{ if (this.timer != null){ this.timer.removeEventListener("timer", tick); }; } function frame2(){ stop(); timerSirenAnimMC.visible = false; } public function updateFillMask(_arg1:int):void{ if (_arg1 < 0){ timerFillMaskMC.x = -460; } else { timerFillMaskMC.x = (-460 + ((_arg1 / this.maxNumMSecs) * 494)); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 62
//ToggleMusicBtnMC_54 (Blink_fla.ToggleMusicBtnMC_54) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ToggleMusicBtnMC_54 extends MovieClip { public var toggleMusicBtn:SimpleButton; public function ToggleMusicBtnMC_54(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11); } public function toggleMusic(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(root).getSndManager().isOption_MusicOn()){ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().toggleMusicOn(false); gotoAndStop("musicoff"); } else { MovieClip(root).getSndManager().toggleMusicOn(true); gotoAndStop("musicon"); }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ toggleMusicBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleMusic, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); if (MovieClip(root).getSndManager().isOption_MusicOn()){ gotoAndStop("musicon"); } else { gotoAndStop("musicoff"); }; } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 63
//ToggleSFXBtnMC_52 (Blink_fla.ToggleSFXBtnMC_52) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ToggleSFXBtnMC_52 extends MovieClip { public var toggleSFXBtn:SimpleButton; public function ToggleSFXBtnMC_52(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 10, frame11); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ toggleSFXBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSFX, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); if (MovieClip(root).getSndManager().isOption_SFXOn()){ gotoAndStop("sfxon"); } else { gotoAndStop("sfxoff"); }; } public function toggleSFX(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (MovieClip(root).getSndManager().isOption_SFXOn()){ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().toggleSFXOn(false); gotoAndStop("sfxoff"); } else { MovieClip(root).getSndManager().toggleSFXOn(true); gotoAndStop("sfxon"); }; } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 64
//TrueSplashScreenMC_96 (Blink_fla.TrueSplashScreenMC_96) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class TrueSplashScreenMC_96 extends MovieClip { public function TrueSplashScreenMC_96(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); addChild(MovieClip(root).playerBigFaceSprite); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 65
//TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64 (Blink_fla.TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64 extends MovieClip { public function TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 9, frame10, 19, frame20, 29, frame30, 39, frame40, 49, frame50, 59, frame60); } function frame10(){ stop(); } public function showControls_Attack():void{ gotoAndPlay("attack"); } public function showControls_RunRight():void{ gotoAndPlay("runright"); } function frame1(){ } function frame20(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ stop(); } public function showControls_Jump():void{ gotoAndPlay("jump"); } public function showControls_RunLeft():void{ gotoAndPlay("runleft"); } public function showControls_Carry():void{ gotoAndPlay("carry"); } function frame40(){ stop(); } function frame50(){ stop(); } public function showControls_Blink():void{ gotoAndPlay("blink"); } function frame60(){ stop(); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 66
//UniformedMainCharaMC_141 (Blink_fla.UniformedMainCharaMC_141) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class UniformedMainCharaMC_141 extends MovieClip { public var mainCharaUniformMC:MovieClip; public function UniformedMainCharaMC_141(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); if (BlinkDoc(root).AvatarGender_male){ mainCharaUniformMC.showAsMale(); } else { mainCharaUniformMC.showAsFemale(); }; } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 67
//Zoom_masterMC_16 (Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class Zoom_masterMC_16 extends MovieClip { public var destY:Number; public var initX:Number; public var initY:Number; public var zoomImgMC:MovieClip; public var RAD_TO_DEG:Number; public var DEG_TO_RAD:Number; public var currAngle:Number; public var destX:Number; public function Zoom_masterMC_16(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function doZoomLeft(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ this.initX = _arg1; this.initY = _arg2; this.destX = _arg3; this.destY = _arg4; this.currAngle = initZoomAngle((this.destX - this.initX), (this.destY - this.initY)); this.x = this.initX; this.y = this.initY; zoomImgMC.showZoomLeft(); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = true; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom, false, 0, true); } public function enterFrame_zoom(_arg1:Event):void{ this.x = (this.x + (55 * Math.cos(this.currAngle))); this.y = (this.y + (55 * Math.sin(this.currAngle))); if ((((Math.abs((this.x - this.destX)) <= 55)) && ((Math.abs((this.y - this.destY)) <= 55)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish_master(); } else { if ((((this.x >= 550)) || ((this.x <= 0)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish_master(); } else { if ((((this.y <= 0)) || ((this.y >= 400)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish_master(); }; }; }; } function frame1(){ RAD_TO_DEG = (180 / Math.PI); DEG_TO_RAD = (Math.PI / 180); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function initZoomAngle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.atan2(_arg2, _arg1)); } public function doZoomRight(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ this.initX = _arg1; this.initY = _arg2; this.destX = _arg3; this.destY = _arg4; this.currAngle = initZoomAngle((this.destX - this.initX), (this.destY - this.initY)); this.x = this.initX; this.y = this.initY; zoomImgMC.showZoomRight(); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = true; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom, false, 0, true); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 68
//ZoomImgMC_13 (Blink_fla.ZoomImgMC_13) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ZoomImgMC_13 extends MovieClip { public function ZoomImgMC_13(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function showZoomLeft():void{ gotoAndStop("zoomleft"); } public function showZoomRight():void{ gotoAndStop("zoomright"); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 69
//ZoomMC_12 (Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12) package Blink_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; import flash.ui.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.printing.*; public dynamic class ZoomMC_12 extends MovieClip { public var destY:Number; public var initX:Number; public var initY:Number; public var zoomImgMC:MovieClip; public var RAD_TO_DEG:Number; public var DEG_TO_RAD:Number; public var currAngle:Number; public var destX:Number; public function ZoomMC_12(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } public function doZoomLeft(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ this.initX = _arg1; this.initY = _arg2; this.destX = _arg3; this.destY = _arg4; this.currAngle = initZoomAngle((this.destX - this.initX), (this.destY - this.initY)); this.x = this.initX; this.y = this.initY; zoomImgMC.showZoomLeft(); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = true; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom, false, 0, true); } public function enterFrame_zoom(_arg1:Event):void{ this.x = (this.x + (55 * Math.cos(this.currAngle))); this.y = (this.y + (55 * Math.sin(this.currAngle))); if ((((Math.abs((this.x - this.destX)) <= 55)) && ((Math.abs((this.y - this.destY)) <= 55)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish(); } else { if ((((this.x >= 550)) || ((this.x <= 0)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish(); } else { if ((((this.y <= 0)) || ((this.y >= 400)))){ this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).CurrLevel.whenZoomFinish(); }; }; }; } function frame1(){ RAD_TO_DEG = (180 / Math.PI); DEG_TO_RAD = (Math.PI / 180); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function initZoomAngle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.atan2(_arg2, _arg1)); } public function doZoomRight(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ this.initX = _arg1; this.initY = _arg2; this.destX = _arg3; this.destY = _arg4; this.currAngle = initZoomAngle((this.destX - this.initX), (this.destY - this.initY)); this.x = this.initX; this.y = this.initY; zoomImgMC.showZoomRight(); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom); this.visible = true; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_zoom, false, 0, true); } } }//package Blink_fla
Section 70
//AvatarSprite (example.AvatarSprite) package example { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import meez.*; public class AvatarSprite extends Sprite { private var active:Object; private var animations:Object; public var frame:Rectangle; private var frameRepeat:Number; public var data:Object; private var frameCounter:Number; public function AvatarSprite(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Rectangle){ = _arg1; this.frame = _arg2; this.animations = {}; = null; this.frameRepeat = 1; this.frameCounter = 0; this.scrollRect = _arg2; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } public function addDefaultAnimation(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Number; _local2 = AnimationDefs.getAnimations()[_arg1]; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { addAnimation(_local2[_local3].name, _local2[_local3].filmstrip, _local2[_local3].seq); _local3++; }; } public function addAnimation(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array):void{ var _local4:DisplayObject; _local4 = getChildByName(_arg2); if (!_local4){ Logger.warn((((("[" + _arg1) + "] Unknown filmstrip '") + _arg2) + "'")); return; }; animations[_arg1] = {name:_arg1, filmstrip:_local4, seq:_arg3}; animations[_arg1].framesPerRow = (_local4.width / frame.width); animations[_arg1].ptr = -1; _local4.visible = false; } public function duplicateAvSprite():AvatarSprite{ var _local1:AvatarSprite; var _local2:Bitmap; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Bitmap; _local1 = new AvatarSprite(, this.frame); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.numChildren) { _local2 = Bitmap(this.getChildAt(_local3)); _local5 = new Bitmap(_local2.bitmapData); =; _local1.addChild(_local5); _local3++; }; for (_local4 in this.animations) { _local1.addAnimation(_local4, this.animations[_local4], this.animations[_local4].seq); }; return (_local1); } public function setFrameRepeat(_arg1:Number):void{ this.frameRepeat = ((_arg1) || (this.frameRepeat)); this.frameCounter = 0; } public function playAnimation(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local3 = this.animations[_arg1]; if (!_local3){ Logger.warn((("Unknown animation '" + _arg1) + "'")); return; }; if (_local3 =={ return; }; if ({ = false; }; = _arg2; _local3.ptr = 0; _local4 = _local3.seq[_local3.ptr]; _local5 = ((_local4 - 1) % _local3.framesPerRow); _local6 = Math.floor(((_local4 - 1) / _local3.framesPerRow)); _local3.filmstrip.x = ((_local5 * -1) * this.frame.width); _local3.filmstrip.y = ((_local6 * -1) * this.frame.height); _local3.filmstrip.visible = true; = _local3; } public function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; if (!{ return; }; this.frameCounter++; if (this.frameCounter < this.frameRepeat){ return; }; this.frameCounter = 0;; _local2 =[( - 1)]; _local3 = ((_local2 - 1) %; _local4 = Math.floor(((_local2 - 1) /; = ((_local3 * -1) * this.frame.width); = ((_local4 * -1) * this.frame.height); if ( >={ if ({ playAnimation(; } else { = 0; }; }; } } }//package example
Section 71
//Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader (example.Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader) package example { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import meez.*; import meez.avatar.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader { private var loadCount:Number; private var progressBarComp:ProgressBar; public var filmstrips:Object; private var errorCount:Number; private var successFn:Function; private var errorFn:Function; private var fsl:FilmstripLoader; public static var HEAVY_BLUR_LOW:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(2, 2, 1); public static var MEDIUM_SATURATION:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter([1.1699326, -0.0968946, -0.013038, 0, 1.49, -0.0490674, 1.1221054, -0.013038, 0, 1.49, -0.0490674, -0.0968946, 1.205962, 0, 1.49, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); private static var DEFAULT_ERROR_FN = function (_arg1, _arg2){ trace((((("Load failed '" + _arg2) + "' (code=") + _arg1) + ")")); }; public function Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function=null){ this.successFn = _arg1; this.errorFn = ((_arg2) || (DEFAULT_ERROR_FN)); this.loadCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.filmstrips = {}; } private function loadGeneratedFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:Array){ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (!this.fsl){ this.fsl = new FilmstripLoader({}); this.fsl.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); this.fsl.loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError); }; _local3 = []; Logger.debug((("Loading filmstrips for '" + + "'")); for (_local4 in _arg2) { Logger.debug((("Loading '" + _arg2[_local4]) + "'")); _local5 = new Loader(); = _arg2[_local4]; _local5.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoaded); _arg1.addChild(_local5); this.loadCount++; _local3.push(_local5); }; fsl.loadFilmstrips(, _local3); } private function smoothImage(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Rectangle):BitmapData{ var _local3:BitmapData; var _local4:BitmapData; _local3 = new BitmapData(_arg1.width, _arg1.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); _local4 = new BitmapData(_arg1.width, _arg1.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); _local3 = _arg1.clone(); _local4.applyFilter(_local3, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local4.width, _local4.height), new Point(0, 0), HEAVY_BLUR_LOW); _local4.merge(_local3, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local3.width, _local3.height), new Point(0, 0), 235, 235, 235, 128); _local4.applyFilter(_local4, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local4.width, _local4.height), new Point(0, 0), MEDIUM_SATURATION); _arg1.dispose(); _local3.dispose(); if (isImageEmpty(_local4)){ return (null); }; return (resizeImage(_local4, _arg2)); } public function checkFinished():Boolean{ if (this.errorCount > 0){ return (true); }; if ((((this.loadCount == 0)) && (!((this.successFn == null))))){ this.successFn(); return (true); }; return (false); } function onImageLoaded(_arg1:Event){ var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo; var fs:Loader; var frame:Rectangle; var fsBMP:BitmapData; var smoothBMP:BitmapData; var p:*; var bmp:Bitmap; var e = _arg1; loaderInfo = LoaderInfo(; fs = loaderInfo.loader; if ( == "worldidle01"){ trace("[BEs] Found worldidle01"); frame = new Rectangle(0, 0, 180, 240); } else { frame = AvatarSprite(fs.parent).frame; }; Logger.debug((("'" + + "' loaded")); this.filmstrips[] = fs; fsBMP = new BitmapData(fs.width, fs.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); try { fsBMP.draw(fs, new Matrix(), new ColorTransform(), "normal", new Rectangle(0, 0, fs.width, fs.height), true); smoothBMP = smoothImage(fsBMP, frame); } catch(e) { smoothBMP = null; }; if (smoothBMP == null){ Logger.warn("Unable to generate smoothed image (security restrictions?)ONLOADED"); } else { p = fs.parent; bmp = new Bitmap(smoothBMP); =; p.removeChild(fs); p.addChild(bmp); fsBMP.dispose(); }; loadCount--; checkFinished(); } public function loadFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:Array){ var _local3:*; _local3 =; if (_local3.substring(0, 6) == "local:"){ loadLibraryFilmstrips(_arg1, _local3.substring(6), _arg2); } else { loadGeneratedFilmstrips(_arg1, _arg2); }; } private function resizeImage(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Rectangle):BitmapData{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Matrix; var _local10:BitmapData; if (_arg1 == null){ return (null); }; if ((((((_arg2.width == 180)) && ((_arg2.height == 240)))) || ((_arg2 == null)))){ return (_arg1); }; _local3 = (_arg1.width / 180); _local4 = (_arg1.width / 240); _local5 = (_local3 * _arg2.width); _local6 = (_local4 * _arg2.height); _local7 = (_arg2.width / 180); _local8 = (_arg2.height / 240); _local9 = new Matrix(); _local9.scale(_local7, _local8); _local10 = new BitmapData(_local5, _local6, true, 0); _local10.draw(_arg1, _local9, new ColorTransform(), "normal", new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5, _local6), true); _arg1.dispose(); return (_local10); } function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent){ Logger.debug((("onProgress=" + Math.round(((_arg1.bytesLoaded * 100) / _arg1.bytesTotal))) + "%")); if (this.progressBarComp != null){ trace("Bes_SpriteFilmStripLoader be's progress thing"); this.progressBarComp.setProgress(Math.round(((_arg1.bytesLoaded * 25) / _arg1.bytesTotal)), 100); }; } public function waitForAll(_arg1:Function){ this.successFn = _arg1; checkFinished(); } public function set ProgressBarComp(_arg1:ProgressBar):void{ this.progressBarComp = _arg1; } private function loadLibraryFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:Class; var _local8:BitmapData; var _local9:*; Logger.debug((("Loading library filmstrips for '" + _arg2) + "'")); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg3.length) { Logger.debug((("Loading '" + _arg3[_local4]) + "'")); _local5 = ((_arg2 + "_") + _arg3[_local4]); _local6 = ("assets." + _local5); _local7 = (getDefinitionByName(_local6) as Class); if (_local7){ _local8 = new _local7(0, 0); if (_arg3[_local4] == "worldidle01"){ _local8 = resizeImage(_local8, new Rectangle(0, 0, 180, 240)); } else { _local8 = resizeImage(_local8, _arg1.frame); }; _local9 = new Bitmap(_local8); = _arg3[_local4]; _arg1.addChild(_local9); } else { Logger.error((("Missing library image '" + _local6) + "'")); }; _local4++; }; checkFinished(); } function onError(_arg1:Event){ this.errorFn(500, ("Render failed:" + _arg1)); } private static function isImageEmpty(_arg1:BitmapData):Boolean{ var _local2:Rectangle; _local2 = _arg1.getColorBoundsRect(4278190080, 0, false); return (((_local2.width * _local2.height) == 0)); } } }//package example
Section 72
//SpriteFilmstripLoader (example.SpriteFilmstripLoader) package example { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import meez.*; import meez.avatar.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.filters.*; public class SpriteFilmstripLoader { private var loadCount:Number; public var filmstrips:Object; private var errorCount:Number; private var successFn:Function; private var errorFn:Function; private var fsl:FilmstripLoader; public static var HEAVY_BLUR_LOW:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(2, 2, 1); public static var MEDIUM_SATURATION:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter([1.1699326, -0.0968946, -0.013038, 0, 1.49, -0.0490674, 1.1221054, -0.013038, 0, 1.49, -0.0490674, -0.0968946, 1.205962, 0, 1.49, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); private static var DEFAULT_ERROR_FN = function (_arg1, _arg2){ trace((((("Load failed '" + _arg2) + "' (code=") + _arg1) + ")")); }; public function SpriteFilmstripLoader(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function=null){ this.successFn = _arg1; this.errorFn = ((_arg2) || (DEFAULT_ERROR_FN)); this.loadCount = 0; this.errorCount = 0; this.filmstrips = {}; } private function loadGeneratedFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:Array){ var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (!this.fsl){ this.fsl = new FilmstripLoader({}); this.fsl.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); this.fsl.loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError); }; _local3 = []; Logger.debug((("Loading filmstrips for '" + + "'")); for (_local4 in _arg2) { Logger.debug((("Loading '" + _arg2[_local4]) + "'")); _local5 = new Loader(); = _arg2[_local4]; _local5.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoaded); _arg1.addChild(_local5); this.loadCount++; _local3.push(_local5); }; fsl.loadFilmstrips(, _local3); } private function smoothImage(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Rectangle):BitmapData{ var _local3:BitmapData; var _local4:BitmapData; _local3 = new BitmapData(_arg1.width, _arg1.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); _local4 = new BitmapData(_arg1.width, _arg1.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); _local3 = _arg1.clone(); _local4.applyFilter(_local3, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local4.width, _local4.height), new Point(0, 0), HEAVY_BLUR_LOW); _local4.merge(_local3, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local3.width, _local3.height), new Point(0, 0), 235, 235, 235, 128); _local4.applyFilter(_local4, new Rectangle(0, 0, _local4.width, _local4.height), new Point(0, 0), MEDIUM_SATURATION); _arg1.dispose(); _local3.dispose(); if (isImageEmpty(_local4)){ return (null); }; return (resizeImage(_local4, _arg2)); } private function resizeImage(_arg1:BitmapData, _arg2:Rectangle):BitmapData{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Matrix; var _local10:BitmapData; if (_arg1 == null){ return (null); }; if ((((((_arg2.width == 180)) && ((_arg2.height == 240)))) || ((_arg2 == null)))){ return (_arg1); }; _local3 = (_arg1.width / 180); _local4 = (_arg1.width / 240); _local5 = (_local3 * _arg2.width); _local6 = (_local4 * _arg2.height); _local7 = (_arg2.width / 180); _local8 = (_arg2.height / 240); _local9 = new Matrix(); _local9.scale(_local7, _local8); _local10 = new BitmapData(_local5, _local6, true, 0); _local10.draw(_arg1, _local9, new ColorTransform(), "normal", new Rectangle(0, 0, _local5, _local6), true); _arg1.dispose(); return (_local10); } public function checkFinished():Boolean{ if (this.errorCount > 0){ return (true); }; if ((((this.loadCount == 0)) && (!((this.successFn == null))))){ this.successFn(); return (true); }; return (false); } function onImageLoaded(_arg1:Event){ var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo; var fs:Loader; var frame:Rectangle; var fsBMP:BitmapData; var smoothBMP:BitmapData; var p:*; var bmp:Bitmap; var e = _arg1; loaderInfo = LoaderInfo(; fs = loaderInfo.loader; frame = AvatarSprite(fs.parent).frame; Logger.debug((("'" + + "' loaded")); this.filmstrips[] = fs; fsBMP = new BitmapData(fs.width, fs.height, true, 0xFFFFFF); try { fsBMP.draw(fs, new Matrix(), new ColorTransform(), "normal", new Rectangle(0, 0, fs.width, fs.height), true); smoothBMP = smoothImage(fsBMP, frame); } catch(e) { smoothBMP = null; }; if (smoothBMP == null){ Logger.warn("Unable to generate smoothed image (security restrictions?)ONLOADED"); } else { p = fs.parent; bmp = new Bitmap(smoothBMP); =; p.removeChild(fs); p.addChild(bmp); fsBMP.dispose(); }; loadCount--; checkFinished(); } public function loadFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:Array){ var _local3:*; _local3 =; if (_local3.substring(0, 6) == "local:"){ loadLibraryFilmstrips(_arg1, _local3.substring(6), _arg2); } else { loadGeneratedFilmstrips(_arg1, _arg2); }; } function onError(_arg1:Event){ this.errorFn(500, ("Render failed:" + _arg1)); } function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent){ Logger.debug((("onProgress=" + Math.round(((_arg1.bytesLoaded * 100) / _arg1.bytesTotal))) + "%")); } public function waitForAll(_arg1:Function){ this.successFn = _arg1; checkFinished(); } private function loadLibraryFilmstrips(_arg1:AvatarSprite, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array){ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:Class; var _local8:BitmapData; var _local9:*; Logger.debug((("Loading library filmstrips for '" + _arg2) + "'")); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg3.length) { Logger.debug((("Loading '" + _arg3[_local4]) + "'")); _local5 = ((_arg2 + "_") + _arg3[_local4]); _local6 = ("assets." + _local5); _local7 = (getDefinitionByName(_local6) as Class); if (_local7){ _local8 = new _local7(0, 0); _local8 = resizeImage(_local8, _arg1.frame); _local9 = new Bitmap(_local8); = _arg3[_local4]; _arg1.addChild(_local9); } else { Logger.error((("Missing library image '" + _local6) + "'")); }; _local4++; }; checkFinished(); } private static function isImageEmpty(_arg1:BitmapData):Boolean{ var _local2:Rectangle; _local2 = _arg1.getColorBoundsRect(4278190080, 0, false); return (((_local2.width * _local2.height) == 0)); } } }//package example
Section 73
//IndeterminateBar (fl.controls.progressBarClasses.IndeterminateBar) package fl.controls.progressBarClasses { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; public class IndeterminateBar extends UIComponent { protected var bar:Sprite; protected var barMask:Sprite; protected var patternBmp:BitmapData; protected var animationCount:uint;// = 0 private static var defaultStyles:Object = {indeterminateSkin:"ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin"}; public function IndeterminateBar(){ animationCount = 0; super(); setSize(0, 0); startAnimation(); } protected function drawBar():void{ var _local1:Graphics; if (patternBmp == null){ return; }; _local1 =; _local1.clear(); _local1.beginBitmapFill(patternBmp); _local1.drawRect(0, 0, (_width + patternBmp.width), _height); _local1.endFill(); } protected function drawMask():void{ var _local1:Graphics; _local1 =; _local1.clear(); _local1.beginFill(0, 0); _local1.drawRect(0, 0, _width, _height); _local1.endFill(); } override public function get visible():Boolean{ return (super.visible); } override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ startAnimation(); } else { stopAnimation(); }; super.visible = _arg1; } protected function startAnimation():void{ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame, false, 0, true); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ drawPattern(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawBar(); drawMask(); }; super.draw(); } override protected function configUI():void{ bar = new Sprite(); addChild(bar); barMask = new Sprite(); addChild(barMask); bar.mask = barMask; } protected function stopAnimation():void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame); } protected function drawPattern():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("indeterminateSkin")); if (patternBmp){ patternBmp.dispose(); }; patternBmp = new BitmapData((_local1.width << 0), (_local1.height << 0), true, 0); patternBmp.draw(_local1); } protected function handleEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ if (patternBmp == null){ return; }; animationCount = ((animationCount + 2) % patternBmp.width); bar.x = -(animationCount); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls.progressBarClasses
Section 74
//BaseButton (fl.controls.BaseButton) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class BaseButton extends UIComponent { protected var _selected:Boolean;// = false private var unlockedMouseState:String; protected var pressTimer:Timer; protected var mouseState:String; protected var background:DisplayObject; private var _mouseStateLocked:Boolean;// = false protected var _autoRepeat:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"Button_upSkin", downSkin:"Button_downSkin", overSkin:"Button_overSkin", disabledSkin:"Button_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"Button_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"Button_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"Button_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"Button_selectedOverSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35}; public function BaseButton(){ _selected = false; _autoRepeat = false; _mouseStateLocked = false; super(); buttonMode = true; mouseChildren = false; useHandCursor = false; setupMouseEvents(); setMouseState("up"); pressTimer = new Timer(1, 0); pressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, buttonDown, false, 0, true); } protected function endPress():void{ pressTimer.reset(); } public function set mouseStateLocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseStateLocked = _arg1; if (_arg1 == false){ setMouseState(unlockedMouseState); } else { unlockedMouseState = mouseState; }; } public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{ return (_autoRepeat); } public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _autoRepeat = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; mouseEnabled = _arg1; } public function get selected():Boolean{ return (_selected); } protected function mouseEventHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){ setMouseState("down"); startPress(); } else { if ((((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)) || ((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)))){ setMouseState("over"); endPress(); } else { if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){ setMouseState("up"); endPress(); }; }; }; } public function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void{ if (_mouseStateLocked){ unlockedMouseState = _arg1; return; }; if (mouseState == _arg1){ return; }; mouseState = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } protected function startPress():void{ if (_autoRepeat){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatDelay")); pressTimer.start(); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } protected function buttonDown(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_autoRepeat){ endPress(); return; }; if (pressTimer.currentCount == 1){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatInterval")); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_selected == _arg1){ return; }; _selected = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; super.draw(); } protected function setupMouseEvents():void{ addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); } protected function drawLayout():void{ background.width = width; background.height = height; } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:DisplayObject; _local1 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local1 = (("selected" + _local1.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local1.substr(1)); }; _local1 = (_local1 + "Skin"); _local2 = background; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local1)); addChildAt(background, 0); if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == background))))){ removeChild(_local2); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 75
//Button (fl.controls.Button) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import fl.core.*; import fl.managers.*; public class Button extends LabelButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var emphasizedBorder:DisplayObject; protected var _emphasized:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {emphasizedSkin:"Button_emphasizedSkin", emphasizedPadding:2}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function Button(){ _emphasized = false; super(); } override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; super.drawFocus(_arg1); if (_arg1){ _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); if ((((_local2 < 0)) || (!(_emphasized)))){ _local2 = 0; }; _local3 = getStyleValue("focusRectPadding"); _local3 = ((_local3)==null) ? 2 : _local3; _local3 = (_local3 + _local2); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local3 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local3 * 2)); }; } public function set emphasized(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _emphasized = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override protected function draw():void{ if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)) || (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)))){ drawEmphasized(); }; super.draw(); if (emphasizedBorder != null){ setChildIndex(emphasizedBorder, (numChildren - 1)); }; } public function get emphasized():Boolean{ return (_emphasized); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (Button.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ Button.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawEmphasized():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ removeChild(emphasizedBorder); }; emphasizedBorder = null; if (!_emphasized){ return; }; _local1 = getStyleValue("emphasizedSkin"); if (_local1 != null){ emphasizedBorder = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1); }; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ addChildAt(emphasizedBorder, 0); _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); emphasizedBorder.x = (emphasizedBorder.y = -(_local2)); emphasizedBorder.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); emphasizedBorder.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (UIComponent.mergeStyles(LabelButton.getStyleDefinition(), defaultStyles)); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 76
//ButtonLabelPlacement (fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement) package fl.controls { public class ButtonLabelPlacement { public static const TOP:String = "top"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom"; public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 77
//LabelButton (fl.controls.LabelButton) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class LabelButton extends BaseButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _labelPlacement:String;// = "right" protected var _toggle:Boolean;// = false protected var icon:DisplayObject; protected var oldMouseState:String; protected var mode:String;// = "center" public var textField:TextField; protected var _label:String;// = "Label" private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:null, downIcon:null, overIcon:null, disabledIcon:null, selectedDisabledIcon:null, selectedUpIcon:null, selectedDownIcon:null, selectedOverIcon:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:5, embedFonts:false}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function LabelButton(){ _labelPlacement = ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT; _toggle = false; _label = "Label"; mode = "center"; super(); } protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ selected = !(selected); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true)); } public function get labelPlacement():String{ return (_labelPlacement); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ if (oldMouseState == null){ oldMouseState = mouseState; }; setMouseState("down"); startPress(); }; } protected function setEmbedFont(){ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ setMouseState(oldMouseState); oldMouseState = null; endPress(); dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); }; } override public function get selected():Boolean{ return ((_toggle) ? _selected : false); } public function set labelPlacement(_arg1:String):void{ _labelPlacement = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((!(_arg1)) && (super.selected))){ selected = false; }; _toggle = _arg1; if (_toggle){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected, false, 0, true); } else { removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function get label():String{ return (_label); } override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _selected = _arg1; if (_toggle){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); }; } override protected function draw():void{ if (textField.text != _label){ label = _label; }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); drawIcon(); drawTextFormat(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } public function get toggle():Boolean{ return (_toggle); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); textField = new TextField(); textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = false; addChild(textField); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); _local2 = ((((icon == null)) && ((mode == "center")))) ? ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP : _labelPlacement; textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local3 = (textField.textWidth + 4); _local4 = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local5 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.width + _local1); _local6 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.height + _local1); textField.visible = (label.length > 0); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((width - icon.width) / 2)); icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) / 2)); }; if (textField.visible == false){ textField.width = 0; textField.height = 0; } else { if ((((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM)) || ((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP)))){ _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, (width - (2 * _local1)))); if ((height - 2) > _local4){ _local8 = _local4; } else { _local8 = (height - 2); }; _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; _local4 = _local8; textField.height = _local4; textField.x = Math.round(((width - _local3) / 2)); textField.y = Math.round(((((height - textField.height) - _local6) / 2) + ((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? _local6 : 0)); if (icon != null){ icon.y = Math.round(((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? (textField.y - _local6) : ((textField.y + textField.height) + _local1)); }; } else { _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, ((width - _local5) - (2 * _local1)))); _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; textField.x = Math.round(((((width - _local3) - _local5) / 2) + ((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? _local5 : 0)); textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) / 2)); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? (textField.x - _local5) : ((textField.x + _local3) + _local1)); }; }; }; super.drawLayout(); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawIcon():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:String; var _local3:Object; _local1 = icon; _local2 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local2 = (("selected" + _local2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local2.substr(1)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + "Icon"); _local3 = getStyleValue(_local2); if (_local3 == null){ _local3 = getStyleValue("icon"); }; if (_local3 != null){ icon = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local3); }; if (icon != null){ addChildAt(icon, 1); }; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == icon))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function set label(_arg1:String):void{ _label = _arg1; if (textField.text != _label){ textField.text = _label; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.LABEL_CHANGE)); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:TextFormat; var _local3:TextFormat; _local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local2); _local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local3 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local3); } else { _local3 = _local2; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; setEmbedFont(); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseButton.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 78
//ProgressBar (fl.controls.ProgressBar) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; import fl.controls.progressBarClasses.*; public class ProgressBar extends UIComponent { protected var _direction:String;// = "right" protected var _mode:String;// = "event" protected var _value:Number;// = 0 protected var _indeterminate:Boolean;// = true protected var _minimum:Number;// = 0 protected var _maximum:Number;// = 0 protected var determinateBar:DisplayObject; protected var _loaded:Number; protected var _source:Object; protected var track:DisplayObject; protected var indeterminateBar:UIComponent; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {trackSkin:"ProgressBar_trackSkin", barSkin:"ProgressBar_barSkin", indeterminateSkin:"ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin", indeterminateBar:IndeterminateBar, barPadding:0}; public function ProgressBar(){ _direction = ProgressBarDirection.RIGHT; _indeterminate = true; _mode = ProgressBarMode.EVENT; _minimum = 0; _maximum = 0; _value = 0; super(); } public function get minimum():Number{ return (_minimum); } public function get source():Object{ return (_source); } public function set minimum(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_mode != ProgressBarMode.MANUAL){ return; }; _minimum = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get maximum():Number{ return (_maximum); } protected function drawBars():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:DisplayObject; _local1 = determinateBar; _local2 = indeterminateBar; determinateBar = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("barSkin")); addChild(determinateBar); indeterminateBar = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("indeterminateBar")) as UIComponent); indeterminateBar.setStyle("indeterminateSkin", getStyleValue("indeterminateSkin")); addChild(indeterminateBar); if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == determinateBar))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == determinateBar))))){ removeChild(_local2); }; } protected function setupSourceEvents():void{ _source.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, handleProgress, false, 0, true); _source.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete, false, 0, true); } public function set maximum(_arg1:Number):void{ setProgress(_value, _arg1); } public function set source(_arg1:Object):void{ if (_source == _arg1){ return; }; if (_mode != ProgressBarMode.MANUAL){ resetProgress(); }; _source = _arg1; if (_source == null){ return; }; if (_mode == ProgressBarMode.EVENT){ setupSourceEvents(); } else { if (_mode == ProgressBarMode.POLLED){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pollSource, false, 0, true); }; }; } protected function drawTrack():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = track; track = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("trackSkin")); addChildAt(track, 0); if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == track))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } protected function handleProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ _setProgress(_arg1.bytesLoaded, _arg1.bytesTotal, true); } public function set sourceName(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:DisplayObject; if (!componentInspectorSetting){ return; }; if (_arg1 == ""){ return; }; _local2 = (parent.getChildByName(_arg1) as DisplayObject); if (_local2 == null){ throw (new Error((("Source clip '" + _arg1) + "' not found on parent."))); }; source = _local2; } protected function resetProgress():void{ if ((((_mode == ProgressBarMode.EVENT)) && (!((_source == null))))){ cleanupSourceEvents(); } else { if (_mode == ProgressBarMode.POLLED){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pollSource); } else { if (_source != null){ _source = null; }; }; }; _minimum = (_maximum = (_value = 0)); } public function get percentComplete():Number{ return (((((_maximum <= _minimum)) || ((_value <= _minimum)))) ? 0 : Math.max(0, Math.min(100, (((_value - _minimum) / (_maximum - _minimum)) * 100)))); } public function setProgress(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ if (_mode != ProgressBarMode.MANUAL){ return; }; _setProgress(_arg1, _arg2); } protected function pollSource(_arg1:Event):void{ if (_source == null){ return; }; _setProgress(_source.bytesLoaded, _source.bytesTotal, true); if ((((_maximum > 0)) && ((_maximum == _value)))){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pollSource); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; } public function get indeterminate():Boolean{ return (_indeterminate); } public function set value(_arg1:Number):void{ setProgress(_arg1, _maximum); } public function set direction(_arg1:String):void{ _direction = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } protected function _setProgress(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ if ((((_arg1 == _value)) && ((_arg2 == _maximum)))){ return; }; _value = _arg1; _maximum = _arg2; if (((!((_value == _loaded))) && (_arg3))){ dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, false, false, _value, _maximum)); _loaded = _value; }; if (_mode != ProgressBarMode.MANUAL){ setIndeterminate((_arg2 == 0)); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set mode(_arg1:String):void{ if (_mode == _arg1){ return; }; resetProgress(); _mode = _arg1; if ((((_arg1 == ProgressBarMode.EVENT)) && (!((_source == null))))){ setupSourceEvents(); } else { if (_arg1 == ProgressBarMode.POLLED){ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, pollSource, false, 0, true); }; }; setIndeterminate(!((_mode == ProgressBarMode.MANUAL))); } public function reset():void{ var _local1:Object; _setProgress(0, 0); _local1 = _source; _source = null; source = _local1; } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ drawTrack(); drawBars(); invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE, false); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STATE)){ indeterminateBar.visible = _indeterminate; determinateBar.visible = !(_indeterminate); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA, false); }; if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA)) && (!(_indeterminate)))){ drawDeterminateBar(); }; super.draw(); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); } protected function drawDeterminateBar():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = (percentComplete / 100); _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("barPadding")); determinateBar.width = Math.round(((width - (_local2 * 2)) * _local1)); determinateBar.x = ((_direction)==ProgressBarDirection.LEFT) ? ((width - _local2) - determinateBar.width) : _local2; } public function get value():Number{ return (_value); } public function set indeterminate(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((!((_mode == ProgressBarMode.MANUAL))) || ((_indeterminate == _arg1)))){ return; }; setIndeterminate(_arg1); } protected function setIndeterminate(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_indeterminate == _arg1){ return; }; _indeterminate = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } protected function handleComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ _setProgress(_maximum, _maximum, true); dispatchEvent(_arg1); } protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("barPadding")); track.width = width; track.height = height; indeterminateBar.setSize((width - (_local1 * 2)), (height - (_local1 * 2))); indeterminateBar.move(_local1, _local1); indeterminateBar.drawNow(); determinateBar.height = (height - (_local1 * 2)); determinateBar.y = _local1; } public function get direction():String{ return (_direction); } public function get mode():String{ return (_mode); } protected function cleanupSourceEvents():void{ _source.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, handleProgress); _source.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleComplete); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 79
//ProgressBarDirection (fl.controls.ProgressBarDirection) package fl.controls { public class ProgressBarDirection { public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 80
//ProgressBarMode (fl.controls.ProgressBarMode) package fl.controls { public class ProgressBarMode { public static const MANUAL:String = "manual"; public static const EVENT:String = "event"; public static const POLLED:String = "polled"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 81
//TextInput (fl.controls.TextInput) package fl.controls { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class TextInput extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _html:Boolean;// = false protected var _savedHTML:String; protected var background:DisplayObject; protected var _editable:Boolean;// = true public var textField:TextField; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"TextInput_upSkin", disabledSkin:"TextInput_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:0, embedFonts:false}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function TextInput(){ _editable = true; _html = false; super(); } override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (focusTarget != null){ focusTarget.drawFocus(_arg1); return; }; super.drawFocus(_arg1); } public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{ _imeMode = _arg1; } override protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1 == textField)) || (super.isOurFocus(_arg1)))); } protected function handleKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER, true)); }; } public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ textField.text = _arg1; _html = false; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } protected function updateTextFieldType():void{ textField.type = (((enabled) && (editable))) ? TextFieldType.INPUT : TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = enabled; } public function get selectionEndIndex():int{ return (textField.selectionEndIndex); } public function get editable():Boolean{ return (_editable); } override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:IFocusManager; if ( == this){ stage.focus = textField; }; _local2 = focusManager; if (((editable) && (_local2))){ _local2.showFocusIndicator = true; if (((textField.selectable) && ((textField.selectionBeginIndex == textField.selectionBeginIndex)))){ setSelection(0, textField.length); }; }; super.focusInHandler(_arg1); if (editable){ setIMEMode(true); }; } public function get selectionBeginIndex():int{ return (textField.selectionBeginIndex); } public function set alwaysShowSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.alwaysShowSelection = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; updateTextFieldType(); } protected function setEmbedFont(){ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } public function get horizontalScrollPosition():int{ return (textField.scrollH); } public function set condenseWhite(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.condenseWhite = _arg1; } public function set displayAsPassword(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.displayAsPassword = _arg1; } public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:int):void{ textField.scrollH = _arg1; } public function get restrict():String{ return (textField.restrict); } public function get textWidth():Number{ return (textField.textWidth); } public function get textHeight():Number{ return (textField.textHeight); } public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _editable = _arg1; updateTextFieldType(); } public function get maxChars():int{ return (textField.maxChars); } public function get length():int{ return (textField.length); } public function getLineMetrics(_arg1:int):TextLineMetrics{ return (textField.getLineMetrics(_arg1)); } public function get imeMode():String{ return (_imeMode); } override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ super.focusOutHandler(_arg1); if (editable){ setIMEMode(false); }; } public function set htmlText(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ text = ""; return; }; _html = true; _savedHTML = _arg1; textField.htmlText = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } public function get text():String{ return (textField.text); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } public function get condenseWhite():Boolean{ return (textField.condenseWhite); } public function get alwaysShowSelection():Boolean{ return (textField.alwaysShowSelection); } override protected function draw():void{ var _local1:Object; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawTextFormat(); drawBackground(); _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; super.draw(); } protected function handleTextInput(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); dispatchEvent(new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, true, false, _arg1.text)); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); tabChildren = true; textField = new TextField(); addChild(textField); updateTextFieldType(); textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, handleTextInput, false, 0, true); textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange, false, 0, true); textField.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown, false, 0, true); } public function setSelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ textField.setSelection(_arg1, _arg2); } public function get displayAsPassword():Boolean{ return (textField.displayAsPassword); } public function appendText(_arg1:String):void{ textField.appendText(_arg1); } public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{ if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){ _arg1 = null; }; textField.restrict = _arg1; } public function get htmlText():String{ return (textField.htmlText); } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:String; _local1 = background; _local2 = (enabled) ? "upSkin" : "disabledSkin"; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local2)); if (background == null){ return; }; addChildAt(background, 0); if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))) && (contains(_local1)))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } override public function setFocus():void{ stage.focus = textField; } protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); if (background != null){ background.width = width; background.height = height; }; textField.width = (width - (2 * _local1)); textField.height = (height - (2 * _local1)); textField.x = (textField.y = _local1); } public function set maxChars(_arg1:int):void{ textField.maxChars = _arg1; } public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():int{ return (textField.maxScrollH); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:TextFormat; var _local3:TextFormat; _local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local2); _local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local3 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local3); } else { _local3 = _local2; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; setEmbedFont(); if (_html){ textField.htmlText = _savedHTML; }; } protected function handleChange(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true)); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 82
//ComponentShim (fl.core.ComponentShim) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComponentShim extends MovieClip { } }//package fl.core
Section 83
//InvalidationType (fl.core.InvalidationType) package fl.core { public class InvalidationType { public static const SIZE:String = "size"; public static const ALL:String = "all"; public static const DATA:String = "data"; public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"; public static const STATE:String = "state"; public static const STYLES:String = "styles"; public static const SELECTED:String = "selected"; public static const RENDERER_STYLES:String = "rendererStyles"; } }//package fl.core
Section 84
//UIComponent (fl.core.UIComponent) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.*; public class UIComponent extends Sprite { protected var _enabled:Boolean;// = true private var _mouseFocusEnabled:Boolean;// = true protected var startHeight:Number; protected var _height:Number; protected var _oldIMEMode:String;// = null protected var startWidth:Number; public var focusTarget:IFocusManagerComponent; protected var errorCaught:Boolean;// = false protected var uiFocusRect:DisplayObject; protected var _width:Number; public var version:String;// = "" protected var isFocused:Boolean;// = false protected var callLaterMethods:Dictionary; private var _focusEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var tempText:TextField; protected var invalidateFlag:Boolean;// = false protected var _inspector:Boolean;// = false protected var sharedStyles:Object; protected var invalidHash:Object; protected var isLivePreview:Boolean;// = false protected var _imeMode:String;// = null protected var instanceStyles:Object; protected var _x:Number; protected var _y:Number; public static var inCallLaterPhase:Boolean = false; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:"focusRectSkin", focusRectPadding:2, textFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), disabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultDisabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; private static var focusManagers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); public function UIComponent(){ version = ""; isLivePreview = false; invalidateFlag = false; _enabled = true; isFocused = false; _focusEnabled = true; _mouseFocusEnabled = true; _imeMode = null; _oldIMEMode = null; errorCaught = false; _inspector = false; super(); instanceStyles = {}; sharedStyles = {}; invalidHash = {}; callLaterMethods = new Dictionary(); StyleManager.registerInstance(this); configUI(); invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL); tabEnabled = (this is IFocusManagerComponent); focusRect = false; if (tabEnabled){ addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler); addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler); }; initializeFocusManager(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility, false, 0, true); } public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; isFocused = _arg1; if (((!((uiFocusRect == null))) && (contains(uiFocusRect)))){ removeChild(uiFocusRect); uiFocusRect = null; }; if (_arg1){ uiFocusRect = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("focusRectSkin")) as Sprite); if (uiFocusRect == null){ return; }; _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding")); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); addChildAt(uiFocusRect, 0); }; } private function callLaterDispatcher(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; if (_arg1.type == Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher); stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); return; };, callLaterDispatcher); if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); return; }; inCallLaterPhase = true; _local2 = callLaterMethods; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local3(); delete _local2[_local3]; }; inCallLaterPhase = false; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener("addedToStage", addedHandler); initializeFocusManager(); } protected function getStyleValue(_arg1:String):Object{ return (((instanceStyles[_arg1])==null) ? sharedStyles[_arg1] : instanceStyles[_arg1]); } protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((_arg1 == this)); } override public function get scaleX():Number{ return ((width / startWidth)); } override public function get scaleY():Number{ return ((height / startHeight)); } override public function set height(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_height == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(width, _arg1); } protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:IFocusManager; if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ _local2 = focusManager; if (((_local2) && (_local2.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); isFocused = true; }; }; } public function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((instanceStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; instanceStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override public function get visible():Boolean{ return (super.visible); } public function get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean{ return (_inspector); } override public function get x():Number{ return ((isNaN(_x)) ? super.x : _x); } override public function get y():Number{ return ((isNaN(_y)) ? super.y : _y); } protected function setIMEMode(_arg1:Boolean){ var enabled = _arg1; if (_imeMode != null){ if (enabled){ IME.enabled = true; _oldIMEMode = IME.conversionMode; try { if (((!(errorCaught)) && (!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _imeMode; }; errorCaught = false; } catch(e:Error) { errorCaught = true; throw (new Error(("IME mode not supported: " + _imeMode))); }; } else { if (((!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))) && (!((_oldIMEMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _oldIMEMode; }; IME.enabled = false; }; }; } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == _enabled){ return; }; _enabled = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function setSharedStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((sharedStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; sharedStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; if (instanceStyles[_arg1] == null){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); }; } protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } public function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _focusEnabled = _arg1; } override public function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize((startWidth * _arg1), height); } public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_mouseFocusEnabled); } override public function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize(width, (startHeight * _arg1)); } protected function getDisplayObjectInstance(_arg1:Object):DisplayObject{ var classDef:Object; var skin = _arg1; classDef = null; if ((skin is Class)){ return ((new (skin) as DisplayObject)); }; if ((skin is DisplayObject)){ (skin as DisplayObject).x = 0; (skin as DisplayObject).y = 0; return ((skin as DisplayObject)); }; try { classDef = getDefinitionByName(skin.toString()); } catch(e:Error) { try { classDef = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(skin.toString()) as Object); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; if (classDef == null){ return (null); }; return ((new (classDef) as DisplayObject)); } protected function copyStylesToChild(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:String; for (_local3 in _arg2) { _arg1.setStyle(_local3, getStyleValue(_arg2[_local3])); }; } protected function beforeComponentParameters():void{ } protected function callLater(_arg1:Function):void{ if (inCallLaterPhase){ return; }; callLaterMethods[_arg1] = true; if (stage != null){ stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); }; } protected function createFocusManager():void{ if (focusManagers[stage] == null){ focusManagers[stage] = new FocusManager(stage); }; } override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:String; if (super.visible == _arg1){ return; }; super.visible = _arg1; _local2 = (_arg1) ? ComponentEvent.SHOW : ComponentEvent.HIDE; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(_local2, true)); } protected function hookAccessibility(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility); initializeAccessibility(); } public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _inspector = _arg1; if (_inspector){ beforeComponentParameters(); } else { afterComponentParameters(); }; } override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_arg1, _y); } public function drawNow():void{ draw(); } override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_x, _arg1); } protected function checkLivePreview():Boolean{ var className:String; if (parent == null){ return (false); }; try { className = getQualifiedClassName(parent); } catch(e:Error) { }; return ((className == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent")); } protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ drawFocus(false); isFocused = false; }; } public function set mouseFocusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseFocusEnabled = _arg1; } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ if (stage){ return (stage.focus); }; return (null); } protected function validate():void{ invalidHash = {}; } override public function get height():Number{ return (_height); } public function invalidate(_arg1:String="all", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ invalidHash[_arg1] = true; if (_arg2){ this.callLater(draw); }; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (_enabled); } protected function getScaleX():Number{ return (super.scaleX); } protected function getScaleY():Number{ return (super.scaleY); } public function get focusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_focusEnabled); } protected function afterComponentParameters():void{ } protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; isLivePreview = checkLivePreview(); _local1 = rotation; rotation = 0; _local2 = super.width; _local3 = super.height; var _local4 = 1; super.scaleY = _local4; super.scaleX = _local4; setSize(_local2, _local3); move(super.x, super.y); rotation = _local1; startWidth = _local2; startHeight = _local3; if (numChildren > 0){ removeChildAt(0); }; } protected function setScaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleX = _arg1; } protected function setScaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleY = _arg1; } private function initializeFocusManager():void{ if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler, false, 0, true); } else { createFocusManager(); }; } public function set focusManager(_arg1:IFocusManager):void{ UIComponent.focusManagers[this] = _arg1; } public function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } protected function isInvalid(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{ if (((invalidHash[_arg1]) || (invalidHash[InvalidationType.ALL]))){ return (true); }; while (_args.length > 0) { if (invalidHash[_args.pop()]){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _width = _arg1; _height = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.RESIZE, false)); } override public function set width(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_width == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(_arg1, height); } public function setFocus():void{ if (stage){ stage.focus = this; }; } protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } public function get focusManager():IFocusManager{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = this; while (_local1) { if (UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1] != null){ return (IFocusManager(UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1])); }; _local1 = _local1.parent; }; return (null); } override public function get width():Number{ return (_width); } public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _x = _arg1; _y = _arg2; super.x = Math.round(_arg1); super.y = Math.round(_arg2); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.MOVE)); } public function validateNow():void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL, false); draw(); } public function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (instanceStyles[_arg1]); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } public static function mergeStyles(... _args):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Object; var _local6:String; _local2 = {}; _local3 = _args.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local5 = _args[_local4]; for (_local6 in _local5) { if (_local2[_local6] != null){ } else { _local2[_local6] = _args[_local4][_local6]; }; }; _local4++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package fl.core
Section 85
//ComponentEvent ( package { import*; public class ComponentEvent extends Event { public static const HIDE:String = "hide"; public static const BUTTON_DOWN:String = "buttonDown"; public static const MOVE:String = "move"; public static const RESIZE:String = "resize"; public static const ENTER:String = "enter"; public static const LABEL_CHANGE:String = "labelChange"; public static const SHOW:String = "show"; public function ComponentEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ComponentEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable")); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ComponentEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 86
//FocusManager (fl.managers.FocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.core.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; public class FocusManager implements IFocusManager { private var focusableObjects:Dictionary; private var _showFocusIndicator:Boolean;// = true private var defButton:Button; private var focusableCandidates:Array; private var _form:DisplayObjectContainer; private var _defaultButtonEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var activated:Boolean;// = false private var _defaultButton:Button; private var calculateCandidates:Boolean;// = true private var lastFocus:InteractiveObject; private var lastAction:String; public function FocusManager(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer){ activated = false; calculateCandidates = true; _showFocusIndicator = true; _defaultButtonEnabled = true; super(); focusableObjects = new Dictionary(true); if (_arg1 != null){ _form = _arg1; addFocusables(DisplayObject(_arg1)); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removedHandler); activate(); }; } public function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean{ return (_showFocusIndicator); } private function getIndexOfNextObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:DisplayObject; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; var _local9:int; var _local10:DisplayObject; var _local11:IFocusManagerGroup; _local5 = focusableCandidates.length; _local6 = _arg1; while (true) { if (_arg2){ _arg1--; } else { _arg1++; }; if (_arg3){ if (((_arg2) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){ break; }; if (((!(_arg2)) && ((_arg1 == _local5)))){ break; }; } else { _arg1 = ((_arg1 + _local5) % _local5); if (_local6 == _arg1){ break; }; }; if (isValidFocusCandidate(focusableCandidates[_arg1], _arg4)){ _local7 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_arg1])); if ((_local7 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local7); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < focusableCandidates.length) { _local10 = focusableCandidates[_local9]; if ((_local10 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local11 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local10); if ((((_local11.groupName == _local8.groupName)) && (_local11.selected))){ _arg1 = _local9; break; }; }; _local9++; }; }; return (_arg1); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function set form(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ _form = _arg1; } private function addFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var focusable:IFocusManagerComponent; var io:InteractiveObject; var doc:DisplayObjectContainer; var i:int; var child:DisplayObject; var o = _arg1; var skipTopLevel = _arg2; if (!skipTopLevel){ if ((o is IFocusManagerComponent)){ focusable = IFocusManagerComponent(o); if (focusable.focusEnabled){ if (((focusable.tabEnabled) && (isTabVisible(o)))){ focusableObjects[o] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; } else { if ((o is InteractiveObject)){ io = (o as InteractiveObject); if (((((io) && (io.tabEnabled))) && ((findFocusManagerComponent(io) == io)))){ focusableObjects[io] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; }; }; if ((o is DisplayObjectContainer)){ doc = DisplayObjectContainer(o); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); if ((((((doc is Stage)) || ((doc.parent is Stage)))) || (doc.tabChildren))){ i = 0; while (i < doc.numChildren) { try { child = doc.getChildAt(i); if (child != null){ addFocusables(doc.getChildAt(i)); }; } catch(error:SecurityError) { }; i = (i + 1); }; }; }; } private function getChildIndex(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:DisplayObject):int{ return (_arg1.getChildIndex(_arg2)); } private function mouseFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if ((_arg1.relatedObject is TextField)){ return; }; _arg1.preventDefault(); } private function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = ( as InteractiveObject); } private function isValidFocusCandidate(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1)){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local3 = IFocusManagerGroup(_arg1); if (_arg2 == _local3.groupName){ return (false); }; }; return (true); } public function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = _arg1; while (_arg1) { if ((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (_local2); } private function sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))){ focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByTabIndex); } private function removeFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:DisplayObject; if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){ _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); for (_local2 in focusableObjects) { _local3 = DisplayObject(_local2); if (DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1).contains(_local3)){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local2]; calculateCandidates = true; }; }; }; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObject; _local2 = DisplayObject(; if (_local2.stage){ addFocusables(DisplayObject(; }; } private function getTopLevelFocusTarget(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ while (_arg1 != InteractiveObject(form)) { if ((((((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).mouseFocusEnabled))) && (UIComponent(_arg1).enabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; if (_arg1 == null){ break; }; }; return (null); } private function tabChildrenChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; if ( != _arg1.currentTarget){ return; }; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(; if (_local2.tabChildren){ addFocusables(_local2, true); } else { removeFocusables(_local2); }; } public function sendDefaultButtonEvent():void{ defButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ var _local1:InteractiveObject; _local1 = form.stage.focus; return (findFocusManagerComponent(_local1)); } private function isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; var _local3:TextField; var _local4:SimpleButton; _local2 = DisplayObject(form).parent; while (_arg1 != _local2) { if ((_arg1 is UIComponent)){ if (!UIComponent(_arg1).enabled){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is TextField)){ _local3 = TextField(_arg1); if ((((_local3.type == TextFieldType.DYNAMIC)) || (!(_local3.selectable)))){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is SimpleButton)){ _local4 = SimpleButton(_arg1); if (!_local4.enabled){ return (false); }; }; }; }; if (!_arg1.visible){ return (false); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (true); } public function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void{ var _local2:Button; _local2 = (_arg1) ? Button(_arg1) : null; if (_local2 != _defaultButton){ if (_defaultButton){ _defaultButton.emphasized = false; }; if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; }; _defaultButton = _local2; defButton = _local2; if (_local2){ _local2.emphasized = true; }; }; } private function deactivateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; } public function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = _arg1; }; } private function setFocusToNextObject(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return; }; _local2 = getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1.shiftKey); if (_local2){ setFocus(_local2); }; } private function hasFocusableObjects():Boolean{ var _local1:Object; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { return (true); }; return (false); } private function tabIndexChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ calculateCandidates = true; } private function sortFocusableObjects():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))) && ((_local2.tabIndex > 0)))){ sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex(); return; }; focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByDepth); } private function keyFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ showFocusIndicator = true; if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 0)))) && (!(_arg1.isDefaultPrevented())))){ setFocusToNextObject(_arg1); _arg1.preventDefault(); }; } private function getIndexOfFocusedObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = focusableCandidates.length; _local3 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (focusableCandidates[_local3] == _arg1){ return (_local3); }; _local3++; }; return (-1); } public function hideFocus():void{ } private function removedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:DisplayObject; var _local4:InteractiveObject; _local3 = DisplayObject(; if ((((_local3 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).drawFocus(false); lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local3]; calculateCandidates = true; } else { if ((((_local3 is InteractiveObject)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ _local4 = (_local3 as InteractiveObject); if (_local4){ if (_local4 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; delete focusableObjects[_local4]; calculateCandidates = true; }; _local3.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); }; }; removeFocusables(_local3); } private function sortByDepth(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):Number{ var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; var _local9:DisplayObject; var _local10:DisplayObject; _local3 = ""; _local4 = ""; _local8 = "0000"; _local9 = DisplayObject(_arg1); _local10 = DisplayObject(_arg2); while (((!((_local9 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local9.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local9.parent, _local9); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local3 = (_local7 + _local3); _local9 = _local9.parent; }; while (((!((_local10 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local10.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local10.parent, _local10); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local4 = (_local7 + _local4); _local10 = _local10.parent; }; return (((_local3 > _local4)) ? 1 : ((_local3 < _local4)) ? -1 : 0); } public function get defaultButton():Button{ return (_defaultButton); } private function activateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (lastFocus){ if ((lastFocus is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = lastFocus; }; }; lastAction = "ACTIVATE"; } public function showFocus():void{ } public function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _defaultButtonEnabled = _arg1; } public function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return (null); }; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; _local2 = form.stage.focus; _local2 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2))); _local3 = ""; if ((_local2 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local2); _local3 = _local8.groupName; }; _local4 = getIndexOfFocusedObject(_local2); _local5 = false; _local6 = _local4; if (_local4 == -1){ if (_arg1){ _local4 = focusableCandidates.length; }; _local5 = true; }; _local7 = getIndexOfNextObject(_local4, _arg1, _local5, _local3); return (findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_local7])); } private function mouseDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (_arg1.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; }; _local2 = getTopLevelFocusTarget(InteractiveObject(; if (!_local2){ return; }; showFocusIndicator = false; if (((((!((_local2 == lastFocus))) || ((lastAction == "ACTIVATE")))) && (!((_local2 is TextField))))){ setFocus(_local2); }; lastAction = "MOUSEDOWN"; } private function isTabVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; _local2 = _arg1.parent; while (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 is Stage))))) && (!(((_local2.parent) && ((_local2.parent is Stage))))))) { if (!_local2.tabChildren){ return (false); }; _local2 = _local2.parent; }; return (true); } public function get nextTabIndex():int{ return (0); } private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB){ lastAction = "KEY"; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; }; if (((((((defaultButtonEnabled) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))) && (defaultButton))) && (defButton.enabled))){ sendDefaultButtonEvent(); }; } private function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Button; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (form.contains(_local2)){ lastFocus = findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2)); if ((lastFocus is Button)){ _local3 = Button(lastFocus); if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _local3; _local3.emphasized = true; }; } else { if (((defButton) && (!((defButton == _defaultButton))))){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _defaultButton; _defaultButton.emphasized = true; }; }; }; } private function tabEnabledChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Boolean; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; _local3 = (focusableObjects[_local2] == true); if (_local2.tabEnabled){ if (((!(_local3)) && (isTabVisible(_local2)))){ if (!(_local2 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ _local2.focusRect = false; }; focusableObjects[_local2] = true; }; } else { if (_local3){ delete focusableObjects[_local2]; }; }; } public function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _showFocusIndicator = _arg1; } public function get form():DisplayObjectContainer{ return (_form); } private function sortByTabIndex(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):int{ return (((_arg1.tabIndex > _arg2.tabIndex)) ? 1 : ((_arg1.tabIndex < _arg2.tabIndex)) ? -1 : sortByDepth(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function activate():void{ if (activated){ return; }; form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = true; if (lastFocus){ setFocus(lastFocus); }; } public function deactivate():void{ form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler); form.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = false; } public function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean{ return (_defaultButtonEnabled); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 87
//IFocusManager (fl.managers.IFocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; public interface IFocusManager { function getFocus():InteractiveObject; function deactivate():void; function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void; function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean; function get nextTabIndex():int; function get defaultButton():Button; function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean; function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void; function activate():void; function showFocus():void; function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function hideFocus():void; function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject; function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject; } }//package fl.managers
Section 88
//IFocusManagerComponent (fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerComponent { function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void; function setFocus():void; function get focusEnabled():Boolean; function get tabEnabled():Boolean; function get tabIndex():int; function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 89
//IFocusManagerGroup (fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerGroup { function set groupName(_arg1:String):void; function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get groupName():String; function get selected():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 90
//StyleManager (fl.managers.StyleManager) package fl.managers { import fl.core.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class StyleManager { private var globalStyles:Object; private var classToDefaultStylesDict:Dictionary; private var styleToClassesHash:Object; private var classToStylesDict:Dictionary; private var classToInstancesDict:Dictionary; private static var _instance:StyleManager; public function StyleManager(){ styleToClassesHash = {}; classToInstancesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToDefaultStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); globalStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); } public static function clearComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; if (((!((_local4 == null))) && (!((_local4[_arg2] == null))))){ delete _local4[_arg2]; invalidateComponentStyle(_local3, _arg2); }; } private static function getClassDef(_arg1:Object):Class{ var component = _arg1; if ((component is Class)){ return ((component as Class)); }; try { return ((getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { if ((component is UIComponent)){ try { return ((component.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; }; return (null); } public static function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } public static function setComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Class; var _local5:Object; _local4 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local5 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4]; if (_local5 == null){ _local5 = (getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4] = {}); }; if (_local5 == _arg3){ return; }; _local5[_arg2] = _arg3; invalidateComponentStyle(_local4, _arg2); } private static function setSharedStyles(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var _local2:StyleManager; var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; var _local5:String; _local2 = getInstance(); _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = _local2.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3]; for (_local5 in _local4) { _arg1.setSharedStyle(_local5, getSharedStyle(_arg1, _local5)); }; } public static function getComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; return (((_local4)==null) ? null : _local4[_arg2]); } private static function getInstance(){ if (_instance == null){ _instance = new (StyleManager); }; return (_instance); } private static function invalidateComponentStyle(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Dictionary; var _local4:Object; var _local5:UIComponent; _local3 = getInstance().classToInstancesDict[_arg1]; if (_local3 == null){ return; }; for (_local4 in _local3) { _local5 = (_local4 as UIComponent); if (_local5 == null){ } else { _local5.setSharedStyle(_arg2, getSharedStyle(_local5, _arg2)); }; }; } private static function invalidateStyle(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; _local2 = getInstance().styleToClassesHash[_arg1]; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; for (_local3 in _local2) { invalidateComponentStyle(Class(_local3), _arg1); }; } public static function registerInstance(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var inst:StyleManager; var classDef:Class; var target:Class; var defaultStyles:Object; var styleToClasses:Object; var n:String; var instance = _arg1; inst = getInstance(); classDef = getClassDef(instance); if (classDef == null){ return; }; if (inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] == null){ inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] = new Dictionary(true); target = classDef; while (defaultStyles == null) { if (target["getStyleDefinition"] != null){ defaultStyles = target["getStyleDefinition"](); break; }; try { target = (instance.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(err:Error) { try { target = (getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(e:Error) { defaultStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); break; }; }; }; styleToClasses = inst.styleToClassesHash; for (n in defaultStyles) { if (styleToClasses[n] == null){ styleToClasses[n] = new Dictionary(true); }; styleToClasses[n][classDef] = true; }; inst.classToDefaultStylesDict[classDef] = defaultStyles; inst.classToStylesDict[classDef] = {}; }; inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef][instance] = true; setSharedStyles(instance); } public static function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (getInstance().globalStyles[_arg1]); } private static function getSharedStyle(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:StyleManager; var _local5:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance(); _local5 = _local4.classToStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; _local5 = _local4.globalStyles[_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; return (_local4.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]); } public static function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; _local3 = getInstance().globalStyles; if ((((_local3[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; _local3[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidateStyle(_arg1); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 91
//FilmstripLoader (meez.avatar.FilmstripLoader) package meez.avatar { import flash.display.*; import*; import meez.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; public class FilmstripLoader { public var loaderInfo:EventDispatcher; private var renderApiHost; private var completedRequests; private var totalRequests; private var core:Core; public function FilmstripLoader(_arg1:Object){ this.core = Core.getInstance(_arg1); this.loaderInfo = new EventDispatcher(); this.renderApiHost = Core.validString("render_api_host", this.core.cfg.render_api_host); Logger.debug((("FilmstripLoader initialized (render_api_host=" + renderApiHost) + ")")); this.totalRequests = 0; this.completedRequests = 0; } private function getFilmstripId(_arg1:Loader):String{ return (String(".").pop())); } public function onDefinitionLoaded(_arg1:String):void{ this.completedRequests++; this.broadcastProgress(); } public function onAPIError(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):void{ this.loaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, (((("API Error (code=" + _arg1) + ",msg=") + _arg2) + ")"))); } public function loadFilmstrip(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Loader):void{ Core.validString("loadFilmstrip.avatarId", _arg1); Core.validString("loadFilmstrip.filmstripId", _arg2); = _arg2; loadFilmstrips(_arg1, [_arg3]); } public function loadFilmstrips(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; var _local10:*; Core.validString("loadFilmstrip.avatarId", _arg1); if (!Util.stringStartsWith("mzid:", _arg1)){ loaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new IOErrorEvent(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, false, false, (("Unsupported avatarId '" + _arg1) + "'"))); return; }; _local3 = _arg1.substring(5); _local4 = this; _local5 = new RequestHandler(this); _local6 = ""; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg2.length) { _local10 = getFilmstripId(_arg2[_local7]); _local5.filmstripTargets[_local10] = _arg2[_local7]; _local6 = (_local6 + (((_local6.length > 0)) ? "," : "" + _local10)); _local4.totalRequests = (_local4.totalRequests + 2); _local4.broadcastProgress(); _local7++; }; Logger.debug((((((("[" + _arg1) + "] loadFilmstrip(") + _arg1) + ",[") + _local6) + "])")); _local8 = new URLLoader(); _local8.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _local5.onAPIResponse); _local8.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _local5.onIOError); _local9 = (this.renderApiHost + "/rest/triggerimage"); _local9 = (_local9 + ("?meez_id=" + _local3)); _local9 = (_local9 + ("&triggers=" + _local6)); _local9 = (_local9 + "&monitor=true"); _local9 = (_local9 + ("&random=" + Math.round((Math.random() * 1000000)).toString(16))); if (this.core.cfg.game_referrer_id){ _local9 = (_local9 + ("&site_ref=" + this.core.cfg.game_referrer_id)); }; Logger.debug((("Requesting filmstrip generation from '" + _local9) + "'")); _local8.load(new URLRequest(_local9)); } private function broadcastProgress():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; _local1 = ((totalRequests)==0) ? 0 : Math.floor(((completedRequests * 100) / totalRequests)); _local2 = new ProgressEvent(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS); _local2.bytesLoaded = _local1; _local2.bytesTotal = 100; this.loaderInfo.dispatchEvent(_local2); } public function onImageLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObject; _local2 =; Logger.debug((("loaded filmstrip image '" + + "'")); this.completedRequests++; this.broadcastProgress(); if (this.completedRequests == this.totalRequests){ this.loaderInfo.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); }; } public function onImageError(_arg1:Event):void{ this.loaderInfo.dispatchEvent(_arg1); } } }//package meez.avatar import flash.display.*; import*; import meez.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.xml.*; class RequestHandler { public var filmstripTargets:Object; public var fsl:FilmstripLoader; private function RequestHandler(_arg1:FilmstripLoader){ this.fsl = _arg1; this.filmstripTargets = {}; } public function onImageLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ this.fsl.onImageLoaded(_arg1); } public function onIOError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ onAPIError(503, "Service temporarily unavailable"); } public function onImageError(_arg1:Event):void{ this.fsl.onImageError(_arg1); } public function onAPIError(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):void{ this.fsl.onAPIError(_arg1, _arg2); } public function loadFilmstrip(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Loader; var _local4:*; if (!this.filmstripTargets[_arg1]){ Logger.warn((("Received unrequested filmstrip '" + _arg1) + "'")); return; }; this.fsl.onDefinitionLoaded(_arg1); Logger.debug((((("Loading '" + _arg1) + "' from '") + _arg2) + "'")); _local3 = this.filmstripTargets[_arg1]; _local3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoaded); _local3.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onImageError); _local4 = new LoaderContext(); _local4.checkPolicyFile = true; _local3.load(new URLRequest(_arg2), _local4); } public function onAPIResponse(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:XML; var _local3:XMLList; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; _local2 = new XML(; if (_local2.attribute("code") == 200){ _local3 = _local2.images.children(); if (_local3.length() > 0){ Logger.debug((("Received " + _local3.length()) + " filmstrip(s)")); for each (_local4 in _local3) { _local5 = _local4.attribute("id"); _local6 = _local4.attribute("url"); loadFilmstrip(_local5, _local6); }; } else { onAPIError(451, "No filmstrips generated"); }; } else { _local7 = 500; _local8 = "Unable to generate filmstrips"; if (_local2){ _local7 = Number(_local2.attribute("code")); _local8 = (_local8 + ((" (" + ((_local2.text()) || ("-none-"))) + ")")); }; onAPIError(_local7, _local8); }; } }
Section 92
//LoadVars (meez.compat.LoadVars) package meez.compat { import*; import meez.*; import*; public class LoadVars { public var onLoad:Function;// = null public var data:Object; private var lvClient:URLLoader; public function LoadVars(){ onLoad = null; data = {}; super(); this.lvClient = new URLLoader(); this.lvClient.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; } public function onHttpStatus(_arg1:HTTPStatusEvent):void{ Logger.debug((("Response received (status=" + _arg1.status) + ")")); } public function onLoadError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ Logger.warn((("LoadVars failed (e=" + _arg1) + ")")); this.onLoad(false); } public function load(_arg1:String){ var apiRequest:URLRequest; var url = _arg1; apiRequest = new URLRequest(url); this.lvClient.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onLoadError); this.lvClient.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete); this.lvClient.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHttpStatus); try { this.lvClient.load(apiRequest); } catch(e:SecurityError) { Logger.error((("LoadVars failed (e=" + e) + ")")); this.onLoad(false); }; } public function onLoadComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ Logger.warn((("LoadVars worked (evt=" + _arg1) + ")")); =; this.onLoad(true); } } }//package meez.compat
Section 93
//AnimationDefs (meez.AnimationDefs) package meez { public class AnimationDefs { public static var BMX_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"bikecoast-right", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2]}, {name:"bikecoast-rightback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[7, 7, 8, 8]}, {name:"bikecoast-back", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[13, 13, 14, 14]}, {name:"bikecoast-leftback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[19, 19, 20, 20]}, {name:"bikecoast-left", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[25, 25, 26, 26]}, {name:"bikecoast-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[31, 31, 32, 32]}, {name:"bikecoast-front", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[37, 37, 38, 38]}, {name:"bikecoast-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[43, 43, 44, 44]}, {name:"bikejump-right", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[3, 3, 4, 4]}, {name:"bikejump-rightback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[9, 9, 10, 10]}, {name:"bikejump-back", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[15, 15, 16, 16]}, {name:"bikejump-leftback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[21, 21, 22, 22]}, {name:"bikejump-left", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[27, 27, 28, 28]}, {name:"bikejump-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[33, 33, 34, 34]}, {name:"bikejump-front", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[39, 39, 40, 40]}, {name:"bikejump-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[45, 45, 46, 46]}, {name:"biketrick-right", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47]}, {name:"biketrick-rightback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 5]}, {name:"biketrick-back", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 5, 11]}, {name:"biketrick-leftback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 5, 11, 17]}, {name:"biketrick-left", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[29, 35, 41, 47, 5, 11, 17, 23]}, {name:"biketrick-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[35, 41, 47, 5, 11, 17, 23, 29]}, {name:"biketrick-front", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[41, 47, 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35]}, {name:"biketrick-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[47, 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41]}, {name:"bikefall-right", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[6, 6]}, {name:"bikefall-rightback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[12, 12]}, {name:"bikefall-back", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[18, 18]}, {name:"bikefall-leftback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[24, 24]}, {name:"bikefall-left", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[30, 30]}, {name:"bikefall-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[36, 36]}, {name:"bikefall-front", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[42, 42]}, {name:"bikefall-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[48, 48]}, {name:"bikepedal-right", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[50, 51, 52, 53, 54]}, {name:"bikepedal-rightback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[57, 58, 59, 60, 61]}, {name:"bikepedal-back", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[63, 64, 65, 66, 67]}, {name:"bikepedal-leftback", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[69, 70, 71, 72, 73]}, {name:"bikepedal-left", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[75, 76, 77, 78, 79]}, {name:"bikepedal-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[81, 82, 83, 84, 85]}, {name:"bikepedal-front", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[87, 88, 89, 90, 91]}, {name:"bikepedal-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgbike03", seq:[93, 94, 95, 96, 97]}]; public static var DRUMS_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"drumsplay", filmstrip:"fgdrumset01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 7, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4, 7, 7]}, {name:"drumsrockout", filmstrip:"fgdrumset01", seq:[8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 11, 13, 13, 11, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 11, 12, 12, 11, 14, 14]}, {name:"drumsmessup", filmstrip:"fgdrumset01", seq:[16, 17, 17]}, {name:"drumsidle", filmstrip:"fgdrumset01", seq:[18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23]}]; public static var WTF = [{name:"wtf", filmstrip:"wtfworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]}]; public static var ASLEEP = [{name:"asleep", filmstrip:"asleepworld01", seq:[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]}]; public static var SINGER_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"singerplay", filmstrip:"fgsinger01", seq:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]}, {name:"singerrockout", filmstrip:"fgsinger01", seq:[14, 14, 15, 15, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 19, 19, 18, 18]}, {name:"singermessup", filmstrip:"fgsinger01", seq:[21, 21]}, {name:"singeridle", filmstrip:"fgsinger01", seq:[22, 22, 23, 23]}]; public static var DANCE_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"danceloop", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5]}, {name:"dancemove1", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12]}, {name:"dancemove2", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18]}, {name:"dancemove3", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 22, 22, 21, 21, 20, 20]}, {name:"dancemove4", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 30, 30]}, {name:"dancemove5", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[31, 31, 32, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35, 35, 36, 36, 37, 37, 38, 38, 39, 39]}, {name:"dancemove6", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 43, 43]}, {name:"dancefail", filmstrip:"fgdance01", seq:[44, 44]}]; public static var BCAR_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"bcardrive-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[1]}, {name:"bcardrive-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[16]}, {name:"bcardrive-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[31]}, {name:"bcardrive-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[46]}, {name:"bcardrive-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[61]}, {name:"bcardrive-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[76]}, {name:"bcardrive-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[91]}, {name:"bcardrive-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[106]}, {name:"bcarfliph-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, {name:"bcarfliph-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {name:"bcarfliph-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]}, {name:"bcarfliph-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]}, {name:"bcarfliph-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]}, {name:"bcarfliph-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83]}, {name:"bcarfliph-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]}, {name:"bcarfliph-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"bcarflipv-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]}, {name:"bcarflipv-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]}, {name:"bcarflipv-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]}, {name:"bcarflipv-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]}, {name:"bcarflipv-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]}, {name:"bcarflipv-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90]}, {name:"bcarflipv-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]}, {name:"bcarflipv-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle02", seq:[114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120]}]; public static var HOVER = [{name:"hover", filmstrip:"hover01", seq:[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2]}]; public static var DCAR_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"dcardrive-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[1]}, {name:"dcardrive-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[16]}, {name:"dcardrive-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[31]}, {name:"dcardrive-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[46]}, {name:"dcardrive-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[61]}, {name:"dcardrive-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[76]}, {name:"dcardrive-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[91]}, {name:"dcardrive-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[106]}, {name:"dcarfliph-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, {name:"dcarfliph-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {name:"dcarfliph-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]}, {name:"dcarfliph-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]}, {name:"dcarfliph-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]}, {name:"dcarfliph-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83]}, {name:"dcarfliph-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]}, {name:"dcarfliph-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"dcarflipv-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]}, {name:"dcarflipv-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]}, {name:"dcarflipv-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]}, {name:"dcarflipv-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]}, {name:"dcarflipv-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]}, {name:"dcarflipv-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90]}, {name:"dcarflipv-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]}, {name:"dcarflipv-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle04", seq:[114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120]}]; public static var PLATFORMER_ANIMATIONS = [{name:"run-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]}, {name:"run-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]}, {name:"run-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]}, {name:"run-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]}, {name:"walk-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]}, {name:"walk-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58]}, {name:"walk-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69]}, {name:"walk-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80]}, {name:"push-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91]}, {name:"push-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102]}, {name:"push-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"push-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124]}, {name:"pjump-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[125, 125, 125]}, {name:"pjump-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[129, 129, 129]}, {name:"pjump-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[133, 133, 133]}, {name:"pjump-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[137, 137, 137]}, {name:"jump-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[126, 127, 128, 128, 128]}, {name:"jump-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[130, 130, 131, 131, 131, 132]}, {name:"jump-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[134, 134, 135, 135, 135, 136]}, {name:"jump-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[138, 138, 139, 139, 140]}, {name:"flip-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[141, 141, 141]}, {name:"flip-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[142, 142, 142]}, {name:"flip-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[143, 143, 143]}, {name:"flip-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[144, 144, 144]}, {name:"throw-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[145, 146, 147]}, {name:"throw-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[148, 149, 150]}, {name:"throw-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[151, 152, 153]}, {name:"throw-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[154, 155, 156]}, {name:"slide-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[157, 157, 157]}, {name:"slide-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[158, 158, 158]}, {name:"slide-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[159, 159, 159]}, {name:"slide-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[160, 160, 160]}, {name:"duck-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[161, 161]}, {name:"duck-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[162, 162]}, {name:"duck-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[163, 163]}, {name:"duck-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[164, 164]}, {name:"climb-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[165, 165, 166, 166]}, {name:"climb-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[167, 167, 168, 168]}, {name:"climb-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[169, 169, 170, 170]}, {name:"punch-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[173, 173]}, {name:"punch-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[174, 174]}, {name:"punch-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[175, 175]}, {name:"punch-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[176, 176]}, {name:"kick-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[177, 177]}, {name:"kick-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[178, 178]}, {name:"kick-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[179, 179]}, {name:"kick-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[180, 180]}, {name:"die-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[181, 181, 182, 182, 182, 182]}, {name:"die-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[183, 183, 184, 184, 184, 184]}, {name:"die-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[185, 185, 186, 186, 186, 186]}, {name:"die-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer01", seq:[187, 187, 188, 188, 188, 188]}]; public static var SKATE_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"skatecoast-right", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2]}, {name:"skatecoast-rightback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[17, 17, 18, 18]}, {name:"skatecoast-back", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[33, 33, 34, 34]}, {name:"skatecoast-leftback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[49, 49, 50, 50]}, {name:"skatecoast-left", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[65, 65, 66, 66]}, {name:"skatecoast-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[81, 81, 82, 82]}, {name:"skatecoast-front", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[97, 97, 98, 98]}, {name:"skatecoast-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[113, 113, 114, 114]}, {name:"skatepush-right", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5]}, {name:"skatepush-rightback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21]}, {name:"skatepush-back", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[35, 35, 36, 36, 37, 37]}, {name:"skatepush-leftback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[51, 51, 52, 52, 53, 53]}, {name:"skatepush-left", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 69]}, {name:"skatepush-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[83, 83, 84, 84, 85, 85]}, {name:"skatepush-front", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[99, 99, 100, 100, 101, 101]}, {name:"skatepush-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[115, 115, 116, 116, 117, 117]}, {name:"skatejump-right", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[6, 7, 8, 9]}, {name:"skatejump-rightback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[22, 23, 24, 25]}, {name:"skatejump-back", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[38, 39, 40, 41]}, {name:"skatejump-leftback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[54, 55, 56, 57]}, {name:"skatejump-left", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[70, 71, 72, 73]}, {name:"skatejump-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[86, 87, 88, 89]}, {name:"skatejump-front", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[102, 103, 104, 105]}, {name:"skatejump-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[118, 119, 120, 121]}, {name:"skatetrick-right", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[10, 11, 12, 13, 14]}, {name:"skatetrick-rightback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[26, 27, 28, 29, 30]}, {name:"skatetrick-back", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[42, 43, 44, 45, 46]}, {name:"skatetrick-leftback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[58, 59, 60, 61, 62]}, {name:"skatetrick-left", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[74, 75, 76, 77, 78]}, {name:"skatetrick-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[90, 91, 92, 93, 94]}, {name:"skatetrick-front", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[106, 107, 108, 109, 110]}, {name:"skatetrick-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[122, 123, 124, 125, 126]}, {name:"skatefall-right", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[15, 16, 16, 16, 16]}, {name:"skatefall-rightback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[31, 32, 32, 32, 32]}, {name:"skatefall-back", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[47, 48, 48, 48, 48]}, {name:"skatefall-leftback", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[63, 64, 64, 64, 64]}, {name:"skatefall-left", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[79, 80, 80, 80, 80]}, {name:"skatefall-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[95, 96, 96, 96, 96]}, {name:"skatefall-front", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[111, 112, 112, 112, 112]}, {name:"skatefall-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgskate01", seq:[127, 128, 128, 128, 128]}]; public static var SAD = [{name:"sad", filmstrip:"sadworld01", seq:[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3]}]; public static var HELLO = [{name:"hello", filmstrip:"helloworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2]}]; public static var KISS = [{name:"kiss", filmstrip:"kissworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2]}]; public static var MARTIALARTS_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"martial-idle", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1]}, {name:"martial-doublepunch", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10]}, {name:"martial-flykick", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[14, 15, 16, 17]}, {name:"martial-spinkick", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[14, 15, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 34, 16, 17, 17, 13]}, {name:"martial-sidekick", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[80, 81, 82, 82, 83]}, {name:"martial-uppercut", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77]}, {name:"martial-blockhigh", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[78, 79]}, {name:"martial-blocklow", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[80, 80]}, {name:"martial-croucha", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[11, 12]}, {name:"martial-crouchb", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[11, 84]}, {name:"martial-die", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[65, 66, 67]}, {name:"martial-wushu", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 54, 54]}, {name:"martial-falling", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[64]}, {name:"martial-hitgut", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]}, {name:"martial-hithead", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[18, 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]}, {name:"martial-hituppercut", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[56, 57, 58]}, {name:"martial-hituppercutfall", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]}, {name:"martial-jumpa", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[32, 33]}, {name:"martial-jumpb", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[11, 55]}, {name:"martial-jumpc", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[11, 15]}, {name:"martial-spinjump", filmstrip:"fgmartialarts01", seq:[34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41]}]; public static var HIRES_IDLE = [{name:"hiidle-front", filmstrip:"fgworldidle01", seq:[2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]}, {name:"hiidle-right", filmstrip:"fgworldidle01", seq:[6, 8, 6, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7]}, {name:"hiidle-back", filmstrip:"fgworldidle01", seq:[10, 12, 10, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11]}, {name:"hiidle-left", filmstrip:"fgworldidle01", seq:[14, 16, 14, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14, 14, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15]}]; public static var GUITAR_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"guitarplay", filmstrip:"fgguitar01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6]}, {name:"guitarrockout", filmstrip:"fgguitar01", seq:[7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10]}, {name:"guitarmessup", filmstrip:"fgguitar01", seq:[13, 13]}, {name:"guitaridle", filmstrip:"fgguitar01", seq:[14, 14, 15, 15]}]; public static var BUTTONPUSH = [{name:"buttonpush", filmstrip:"buttonpush01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]}]; public static var SHUTUP = [{name:"shutup", filmstrip:"shutupworld01", seq:[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]}]; public static var YAY = [{name:"yay", filmstrip:"yayworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1]}]; public static var IDLE = [{name:"idle", filmstrip:"worldidle01", seq:[2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1]}]; public static var LOWRESWALK_ANIMATIONS = [{name:"lowwalk-back", filmstrip:"walk01", seq:[9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12]}, {name:"lowwalk-front", filmstrip:"walk01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]}, {name:"lowwalk-left", filmstrip:"walk01", seq:[13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16]}, {name:"lowwalk-right", filmstrip:"walk01", seq:[5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8]}]; public static var INDIANSTYLE = [{name:"indianstyle", filmstrip:"indianstyle01", seq:[1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2]}]; public static var ISO_PLATFORMER_ANIMATIONS = [{name:"run-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9]}, {name:"run-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]}, {name:"run-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]}, {name:"run-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]}, {name:"walk-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]}, {name:"walk-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58]}, {name:"walk-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69]}, {name:"walk-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80]}, {name:"push-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91]}, {name:"push-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102]}, {name:"push-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"push-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124]}, {name:"pjump-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[125, 125, 125]}, {name:"pjump-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[129, 129, 129]}, {name:"pjump-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[133, 133, 133]}, {name:"pjump-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[137, 137, 137]}, {name:"jump-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[126, 127, 128, 128, 128]}, {name:"jump-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[130, 130, 131, 131, 131, 132]}, {name:"jump-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[134, 134, 135, 135, 135, 136]}, {name:"jump-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[138, 138, 139, 139, 140]}, {name:"flip-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[141, 141, 141]}, {name:"flip-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[142, 142, 142]}, {name:"flip-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[143, 143, 143]}, {name:"flip-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[144, 144, 144]}, {name:"throw-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[145, 146, 147]}, {name:"throw-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[148, 149, 150]}, {name:"throw-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[151, 152, 153]}, {name:"throw-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[154, 155, 156]}, {name:"slide-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[157, 157, 157]}, {name:"slide-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[158, 158, 158]}, {name:"slide-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[159, 159, 159]}, {name:"slide-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[160, 160, 160]}, {name:"duck-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[161, 161]}, {name:"duck-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[162, 162]}, {name:"duck-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[163, 163]}, {name:"duck-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[164, 164]}, {name:"climb-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[165, 165, 166, 166]}, {name:"climb-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[167, 167, 168, 168]}, {name:"climb-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[169, 169, 170, 170]}, {name:"punch-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[173, 173]}, {name:"punch-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[174, 174]}, {name:"punch-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[175, 175]}, {name:"punch-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[176, 176]}, {name:"kick-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[177, 177]}, {name:"kick-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[178, 178]}, {name:"kick-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[179, 179]}, {name:"kick-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[180, 180]}, {name:"die-right", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[181, 181, 182, 182, 182, 182]}, {name:"die-back", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[183, 183, 184, 184, 184, 184]}, {name:"die-left", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[185, 185, 186, 186, 186, 186]}, {name:"die-front", filmstrip:"fgplatformer02", seq:[187, 187, 188, 188, 188, 188]}]; public static var CCAR_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"ccardrive-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[1]}, {name:"ccardrive-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[16]}, {name:"ccardrive-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[31]}, {name:"ccardrive-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[46]}, {name:"ccardrive-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[61]}, {name:"ccardrive-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[76]}, {name:"ccardrive-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[91]}, {name:"ccardrive-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[106]}, {name:"ccarfliph-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, {name:"ccarfliph-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {name:"ccarfliph-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]}, {name:"ccarfliph-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]}, {name:"ccarfliph-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]}, {name:"ccarfliph-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83]}, {name:"ccarfliph-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]}, {name:"ccarfliph-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"ccarflipv-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]}, {name:"ccarflipv-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]}, {name:"ccarflipv-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]}, {name:"ccarflipv-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]}, {name:"ccarflipv-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]}, {name:"ccarflipv-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90]}, {name:"ccarflipv-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]}, {name:"ccarflipv-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle03", seq:[114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120]}]; public static var BASS_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"bassplay", filmstrip:"fgbass01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6]}, {name:"bassrockout", filmstrip:"fgbass01", seq:[7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10]}, {name:"bassmessup", filmstrip:"fgbass01", seq:[13, 13]}, {name:"bassidle", filmstrip:"fgbass01", seq:[14, 14, 15, 15]}]; public static var LAUGH = [{name:"laugh", filmstrip:"laughworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3]}]; public static var ACAR_ANIMATIONS:Array = [{name:"acardrive-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[1]}, {name:"acardrive-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[16]}, {name:"acardrive-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[31]}, {name:"acardrive-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[46]}, {name:"acardrive-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[61]}, {name:"acardrive-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[76]}, {name:"acardrive-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[91]}, {name:"acardrive-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[106]}, {name:"acarfliph-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]}, {name:"acarfliph-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]}, {name:"acarfliph-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]}, {name:"acarfliph-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53]}, {name:"acarfliph-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68]}, {name:"acarfliph-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83]}, {name:"acarfliph-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]}, {name:"acarfliph-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113]}, {name:"acarflipv-right", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]}, {name:"acarflipv-rightback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]}, {name:"acarflipv-back", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]}, {name:"acarflipv-leftback", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]}, {name:"acarflipv-left", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75]}, {name:"acarflipv-leftfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90]}, {name:"acarflipv-front", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105]}, {name:"acarflipv-rightfront", filmstrip:"fgvehicle01", seq:[114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120]}]; public static var SERVER_ANIMATIONS = [{name:"serverwalk-front", filmstrip:"fgserver01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]}, {name:"serverwalk-right", filmstrip:"fgserver01", seq:[5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8]}, {name:"serverwalk-back", filmstrip:"fgserver01", seq:[9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12]}, {name:"serverwalk-left", filmstrip:"fgserver01", seq:[13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16]}, {name:"serveridle", filmstrip:"fgserver01", seq:[17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 18, 18, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 19, 19, 18, 18]}]; public static var SMILE = [{name:"smile", filmstrip:"smileworld01", seq:[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2]}]; public static function getFilmstrips():Object{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = {IDLE:"worldidle01", HIRESIDLE:"fgworldidle01", LOWRESWALK:"walk01", SERVER:"fgserver01", PLATFORMER:"fgplatformer01", ISOPLATFORMER:"fgplatformer02", MARTIALARTS:"martialarts01", KISS:"kissworld01", LAUGH:"laughworld01", SAD:"sadworld01", SHUTUP:"shutupworld01", SMILE:"smileworld01", INDIANSTYLE:"indianstyle01", WTF:"wtfworld01", YAY:"yayworld01", HOVER:"hover01", BUTTONPUSH:"buttonpush01", HELLO:"helloworld01", ASLEEP:"asleepworld01", BMX:"fgbike03", SKATE:"fgskate01", ACAR:"fgvehicle01", BCAR:"fgvehicle02", CCAR:"fgvehicle03", DCAR:"fgvehicle04", DANCE:"fgdance01", BASS:"fgbass01", GUITAR:"fgguitar01", DRUMS:"fgdrumset01", SINGER:"fgsinger01"}; return (_local1); } public static function getAnimations():Object{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = {IDLE:IDLE, HIRESIDLE:HIRES_IDLE, LOWRESWALK:LOWRESWALK_ANIMATIONS, PLATFORMER:PLATFORMER_ANIMATIONS, ISOPLATFORMER:ISO_PLATFORMER_ANIMATIONS, MARTIALARTS:MARTIALARTS_ANIMATIONS, SERVER:SERVER_ANIMATIONS, KISS:KISS, LAUGH:LAUGH, SAD:SAD, SHUTUP:SHUTUP, SMILE:SMILE, INDIANSTYLE:INDIANSTYLE, WTF:WTF, YAY:YAY, HOVER:HOVER, BUTTONPUSH:BUTTONPUSH, HELLO:HELLO, ASLEEP:ASLEEP, BMX:BMX_ANIMATIONS, SKATE:SKATE_ANIMATIONS, ACAR:ACAR_ANIMATIONS, BCAR:BCAR_ANIMATIONS, CCAR:CCAR_ANIMATIONS, DCAR:DCAR_ANIMATIONS, DANCE:DANCE_ANIMATIONS, BASS:BASS_ANIMATIONS, GUITAR:GUITAR_ANIMATIONS, DRUMS:DRUMS_ANIMATIONS, SINGER:SINGER_ANIMATIONS}; return (_local1); } } }//package meez
Section 94
//Core (meez.Core) package meez { import*; import flash.external.*; public class Core { public var cfg:Object; private var js:Object; private var lc:Object; private static var _singleton:Core = null; public function Core(_arg1:Object){ this.cfg = _arg1; if (((_arg1.export_javascript) && (ExternalInterface.available))){ Logger.debug("Exporting javascript events"); this.js = {enabled:true}; enableJSTracing(); enableContainerEventHandler(); }; if (_arg1.export_flash){ Logger.debug((("Exporting flash events to local connection '" + _arg1.export_flash) + "'")); = {id:_arg1.export_flash, conn:new LocalConnection()}; }; } public function sendLocal(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Object=null):void{, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public function enableContainerEventHandler():void{ ExternalInterface.addCallback("containerEvent", onContainerEvent); Logger.debug("Enabled JS handler 'containerEvent'"); } public function enableJSTracing():void{ Logger.externalLogger = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:String){"meezTrace", _arg2); }; } public function onContainerEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ Logger.debug(((("[Container] '" + _arg1) + "' : ") + _arg2)); } public function isJavascriptExportEnabled():Boolean{ return ((this.js) ? true : false); } public function isFlashExportEnabled():Boolean{ return (( ? true : false); } public static function getInstance(_arg1:Object):Core{ if (_singleton){ return (_singleton); }; _singleton = new Core(_arg1); return (_singleton); } public static function validNumber(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):Number{ if (!_arg2){ Logger.error((("'" + _arg1) + "' must be a valid Number")); }; return (Number(_arg2)); } public static function validString(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null):String{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; if (!_arg2){ Logger.error((("'" + _arg1) + "' must be a valid String")); }; if (_arg3){ if (((_arg3.maxLength) && ((_arg2.length > _arg3.maxLength)))){ Logger.warn((((("'" + _arg1) + "' cannot be greater than ") + _arg3.maxLength) + " characters")); }; if (((_arg3.enum) && (!(_arg3.enum[_arg2.toUpperCase()])))){ _local4 = []; for (_local5 in _arg3.enum) { _local4.push(_local5.toUpperCase()); }; Logger.warn(((((("'" + _arg2.toUpperCase()) + "' (") + _arg1) + ") is not one of ") + _local4.join(","))); }; }; return (String(_arg2)); } } }//package meez
Section 95
//FlashUtil (meez.FlashUtil) package meez { import flash.display.*; public class FlashUtil { public static function loadFlashVars(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 = LoaderInfo(_arg1.loaderInfo).parameters; _local3 = {}; for (_local4 in _local2) { _local3[_local4] = String(_local2[_local4]); }; _local3["_url"] = _arg1.loaderInfo.url; return (_local3); } } }//package meez
Section 96
//Games (meez.Games) package meez { import*; import meez.compat.*; import flash.external.*; public class Games { private var resourceRoot:String; private var lastGameplayId:Number; private var core:Core; private var cfg:Object; private var platform:Object; public static var DEFAULT_ALLOWEDDOMAINS = ["*", "*"]; public static var DEFAULT_SUCCESS = defaultSuccessHandler; public static var DEFAULT_ERROR = defaultErrorHandler; public static var VERSION = "1.1.11"; public static var Event = {LOADED:"LOADED", NEWGAME:"NEWGAME", INGAMEREG:"INGAMEREG", CHECKPOINT:"CHECKPOINT", GAMEOVER:"GAMEOVER", WINAMOUNT:"WINAMOUNT", WINAWARD:"WINAWARD", WINITEM:"WINITEM"}; public static var Emotion = {SADDEST:0, SADDER:2, SAD:3, NORMAL:5, HAPPY:7, HAPPIER:8, HAPPIEST:10}; public function Games(_arg1:Object){ this.core = Core.getInstance(_arg1); this.cfg = _arg1; this.resourceRoot = ((_arg1.game_resource_root) || ("")); if (_arg1.game_api_host){ this.platform = {cfg:_arg1, host:_arg1.game_api_host}; Logger.debug((("Arcadia Platform (host='" + + "')")); } else { this.platform = {cfg:_arg1}; Logger.debug("Arcadia Local"); }; Logger.debug((("Meez Games Client API (" + VERSION) + ") initialized")); Logger.debug(((" - game='" + _arg1.game_id) + "'")); Logger.debug(((((" - player=" + _arg1.game_player_id) + " (") + (isAuthenticated()) ? "auth" : "no-auth") + ")")); Logger.debug((" - referrer=" + (hasReferrer()) ? _arg1.game_referrer_id : "-none-")); } public function postGameScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String, _arg4:String, _arg5:Function=null, _arg6:Function=null):void{ var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _arg1 = getFullGameId(_arg1); Core.validString("postScore.gameId", _arg1); Core.validNumber("postScore.score", _arg2); Core.validString("postScore.scoreDetail", _arg3, {maxLength:64}); Core.validString("postScore.scoreEvent", _arg4, {enum:Games.Event}); _arg5 = ((_arg5) || (DEFAULT_SUCCESS)); _arg6 = ((_arg6) || (DEFAULT_ERROR)); Logger.debug((((((("postScore(" + _arg2) + ",") + _arg3) + ",") + _arg4) + ")")); broadcastEvent(_arg4, _arg1); if (!isRemote()){ _arg6("501", "Platform not available"); return; }; if (!isAuthenticated()){ _arg6("403", "No-Authentication - score not posted"); return; }; _local7 = ( + "/api.fv/v1/score.postScore"); _local7 = (_local7 + ("?game_id=" + _arg1)); _local7 = (_local7 + ("&player_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_player_id)); _local7 = (_local7 + ("&game_score=" + _arg2)); _local7 = (_local7 + ("&score_detail=" + _arg3)); _local8 = getGameplayId(_arg4); if (_local8 > 0){ _local7 = (_local7 + ("&score_gameplay_id=" + _local8)); }; _local7 = (_local7 + ("&score_auth=" + calcA9Auth(this.platform.cfg.game_auth))); _local9 = createWinEventHandler(_arg5); execRequest(_local7, _local9, _arg6); } public function getLatestGameScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Function=null):void{ var url:*; var successHandlerFn:*; var gameId = _arg1; var successFn = _arg2; var errorFn = _arg3; gameId = getFullGameId(gameId); Core.validString("postScore.gameId", gameId); errorFn = ((errorFn) || (DEFAULT_ERROR)); if (!isRemote()){ errorFn("501", "Platform not available"); return; }; if (!isAuthenticated()){ Logger.debug("No-authentication provided. Score not requested"); successFn(null); return; }; url = ( + "/api.fv/v1/score.getLatest"); url = (url + ("?game_id=" + gameId)); url = (url + ("&player_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_player_id)); url = (url + ("&random=" + Math.round((Math.random() * 1000000)).toString(16))); successHandlerFn = function (_arg1){ var _local2:*; if (_arg1["scores.0.playerId"]){ _local2 = {playerId:_arg1["scores.0.playerId"], displayName:_arg1["scores.0.displayName"], score:Number(_arg1["scores.0.score"]), scoreDetail:_arg1["scores.0.scoreDetail"]}; }; successFn(_local2); }; execRequest(url, successHandlerFn, errorFn); } private function execRequest(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ var apiRequest:LoadVars; var url = _arg1; var successFn = _arg2; var errorFn = _arg3; if (this.platform.cfg.site_auth){ url = ((url + "&site_auth=") + this.platform.cfg.site_auth); }; if (this.platform.cfg.game_referrer_id){ url = ((url + "&site_ref=") + this.platform.cfg.game_referrer_id); }; apiRequest = new LoadVars(); apiRequest.onLoad = function (_arg1:Boolean){ var _local2:*; _local2 = (( || (this)); if (_arg1){ if (_local2.code == 200){ Logger.debug("- 200 OK"); successFn(_local2); } else { Logger.debug(((("- " + _local2.code) + " ") + _local2.msg)); errorFn(_local2.code, _local2.msg); }; } else { Logger.debug("- 500 Unable to access platform"); errorFn(500, "Unable to access platform"); }; }; Logger.debug((("Request('" + url) + "')")); apiRequest.load(url); } public function getResourceRoot():String{ return (this.resourceRoot); } public function postScore(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:String, _arg4:Function=null, _arg5:Function=null):void{ postGameScore(this.platform.cfg.game_id, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } private function broadcastWinEvents(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:String):Number{ var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local4 = Number(_arg1[(_arg2 + ".count")]); if (_local4 > 0){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4) { _local6 = _arg1[(((_arg2 + ".") + _local5) + ".id")]; if (!_local6){ } else { _local7 = _arg1[(((_arg2 + ".") + _local5) + ".updateValue")]; _local8 = _arg1[(((_arg2 + ".") + _local5) + ".newValue")]; _local9 = _local6; _local9 = (_local9 + (_local7) ? ("|" + _local7) : ""); _local9 = (_local9 + (_local8) ? ("|" + _local8) : ""); broadcastEvent(_arg3, _local9); }; _local5++; }; }; return (_local4); } public function getLatestScore(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function=null):void{ getLatestGameScore(this.platform.cfg.game_id, _arg1, _arg2); } public function siteLock(_arg1:Array=null, _arg2:Function=null):Boolean{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:*; _arg1 = ((_arg1) || (DEFAULT_ALLOWEDDOMAINS)); _local3 = Util.parseUrl(this.cfg._url); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { if (Util.wildcardMatch(_arg1[_local4],{ return (true); }; _local4++; }; Logger.warn((("siteLock(" + + ") failed")); if (_arg2 != null){ _arg2(); }; return (false); } public function inGameReg():void{ broadcastEvent(Event.INGAMEREG); } public function getPlayer(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function=null):void{ var url:*; var successHandlerFn:*; var successFn = _arg1; var errorFn = _arg2; errorFn = ((errorFn) || (DEFAULT_ERROR)); if (!isRemote()){ errorFn("501", "Platform not available"); return; }; url = ( + "/api.fv/v1/player.get"); url = (url + ("?player_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_player_id)); url = (url + ("&random=" + Math.round((Math.random() * 1000000)).toString(16))); successHandlerFn = function (_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; _local2 = {id:_arg1["playerId"], name:_arg1["name"], tag:_arg1["tag"], avatarId:_arg1["avatar"], attribs:{}}; for (_local3 in _arg1) { _local4 = Util.stringStartsWith("attrib.", _local3); if (!_local4){ } else { _local2.attribs[_local3.substr(7)] = _arg1[_local3]; }; }; successFn(_local2); }; execRequest(url, successHandlerFn, errorFn); } private function getFullGameId(_arg1:String=null):String{ if (!_arg1){ return (this.cfg.game_id); }; if (_arg1.indexOf(".") == -1){ return (((this.cfg.game_id + ".") + _arg1)); }; return (_arg1); } private function isAuthenticated():Boolean{ return (!((this.platform.cfg.game_auth == null))); } public function broadcastEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null):void{ _arg1 = _arg1.toUpperCase(); Core.validString("broadcastEvent.event", _arg1, {enum:Games.Event}); Logger.debug((((("Games.broadcastEvent(" + _arg1) + ",") + _arg2) + ")")); if (_arg1 == Event.NEWGAME){ this.lastGameplayId = 0; }; if (this.core.isJavascriptExportEnabled()){"meezEvent", _arg1, _arg2); }; if (this.core.isFlashExportEnabled()){ this.core.sendLocal("event", _arg1, _arg2); }; } private function calcC1Auth(_arg1, _arg2){ return (((("c1" + _arg1) + ":") + _arg2)); } public function postChallengeScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:String, _arg4:Function, _arg5:Function):void{ var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:*; _local6 = getFullGameId(); _local7 = Event.GAMEOVER; Core.validString("postChallengeScore.gameId", _local6); Core.validNumber("postChallengeScore.score", _arg2); Core.validString("postChallengeScore.scoreDetail", _arg3, {maxLength:64}); Core.validString("postChallengeScore.scoreEvent", _local7, {enum:Games.Event}); _arg4 = ((_arg4) || (DEFAULT_SUCCESS)); _arg5 = ((_arg5) || (DEFAULT_ERROR)); if (!isRemote()){ _arg5("501", "Platform not available"); return; }; if (!isAuthenticated()){ _arg5("403", "No-Authentication - score not posted"); return; }; Logger.debug((((((((("postChallengeScore(" + _arg1) + ",") + _arg2) + ",") + _arg3) + ",") + _local7) + ")")); broadcastEvent(_local7, _local6); _local8 = ( + "/api.fv/v1/challenge.postScore"); _local8 = (_local8 + ("?game_id=" + _local6)); _local8 = (_local8 + ("&challenge_id=" + _arg1)); _local8 = (_local8 + ("&player_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_player_id)); _local8 = (_local8 + ("&game_score=" + _arg2)); _local8 = (_local8 + ("&score_detail=" + _arg3)); _local8 = (_local8 + ("&score_auth=" + calcC1Auth(_arg1, this.platform.cfg.game_auth))); _local9 = createWinEventHandler(_arg4); execRequest(_local8, _local9, _arg5); } private function createWinEventHandler(_arg1:Function):Function{ var callback:*; var successHandlerFn:*; var successFn = _arg1; callback = this; successHandlerFn = function (_arg1){ if (callback.broadcastWinEvents(_arg1, "winAmount", Event.WINAMOUNT) > 0){ callback.emote(Emotion.HAPPY); }; if ((((callback.broadcastWinEvents(_arg1, "winItem", Event.WINITEM) > 0)) || ((callback.broadcastWinEvents(_arg1, "winAward", Event.WINAWARD) > 0)))){ callback.emote(Emotion.HAPPIEST); }; successFn(_arg1); }; return (successHandlerFn); } private function hasReferrer():Boolean{ return (!((this.platform.cfg.game_referrer_id == null))); } public function newGame(_arg1:String=null){ _arg1 = getFullGameId(_arg1); broadcastEvent(Event.NEWGAME, _arg1); } private function calcA9Auth(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; _local2 = new Date(); return (((("a9" + (_local2.getTime() / 1000).toString(16)) + ":") + _arg1)); } public function emote(_arg1:Object):void{ Core.validString("emote.emotion", _arg1); Logger.debug((("Games.emote(" + _arg1) + ")")); if (this.core.isJavascriptExportEnabled()){"meezEmote", _arg1); }; if (this.core.isFlashExportEnabled()){ this.core.sendLocal("emote", _arg1); }; } private function getGameplayId(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; if (_arg1 == Event.GAMEOVER){ _local2 = ((this.lastGameplayId) || (0)); this.lastGameplayId = 0; } else { if (((this.lastGameplayId) && ((this.lastGameplayId > 0)))){ _local2 = this.lastGameplayId; } else { _local3 = new Date(); _local2 = Math.floor((_local3.getTime() / 1000)); }; this.lastGameplayId = _local2; }; return (_local2); } public function checkChallenge(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Function){ var _local4:*; Core.validString("checkChallenge.challengeId", _arg1); if (!isRemote()){ _arg3("501", "Platform not available"); return; }; _local4 = ( + "/api.fv/v1/challenge.check"); _local4 = (_local4 + ("?game_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_id)); _local4 = (_local4 + ("&challenge_id=" + _arg1)); _local4 = (_local4 + ("&player_id=" + this.platform.cfg.game_player_id)); _local4 = (_local4 + ("&random=" + Math.round((Math.random() * 1000000)).toString(16))); execRequest(_local4, _arg2, _arg3); } private function isRemote():Boolean{ return (((this.platform) && (; } public static function defaultSuccessHandler(_arg1):void{ Logger.debug("[success]"); } public static function defaultErrorHandler(_arg1, _arg2):void{ Logger.error((((("[error:" + _arg1) + ":") + _arg2) + "]")); } public static function O2S(_arg1):String{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:Number; _local2 = ""; for (_local3 in _arg1) { if (_arg1[_local3] == null){ } else { _local4 = Number(_arg1[_local3]); if (!isNaN(_local4)){ _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3 + _arg1[_local3])); } else { Logger.warn((((("Value of '" + _local3) + "' is not a number ('") + _arg1[_local3]) + "') - ignoring")); }; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function S2O(_arg1):Object{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; _local2 = {}; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = ""; while ((((((_local5 < _arg1.length)) && ((_arg1.charAt(_local5) >= "a")))) && ((_arg1.charAt(_local5) <= "z")))) { var _temp1 = _local5; _local5 = (_local5 + 1); _local3 = (_local3 + _arg1.charAt(_temp1)); }; _local4 = ""; while ((((((_local5 < _arg1.length)) && ((_arg1.charAt(_local5) >= "0")))) && ((_arg1.charAt(_local5) <= "9")))) { var _temp2 = _local5; _local5 = (_local5 + 1); _local4 = (_local4 + _arg1.charAt(_temp2)); }; _local2[_local3] = Number(_local4); }; return (_local2); } } }//package meez
Section 97
//Logger (meez.Logger) package meez { public class Logger { public static var Level:Object = {DEBUG:0, WARN:1, ERROR:2, INFO:3}; public static var externalLogger:Function; public static var LevelStr:Array = ["DEBUG", "WARN", "ERROR", "INFO"]; public static function debug(_arg1:String):void{ log(Level.DEBUG, _arg1); } public static function log(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String):void{ if (externalLogger != null){ externalLogger(_arg1, _arg2); } else { trace(((("[" + LevelStr[_arg1]) + "] ") + _arg2)); }; } public static function warn(_arg1:String):void{ log(Level.WARN, _arg1); } public static function info(_arg1:String):void{ log(Level.INFO, _arg1); } public static function error(_arg1:String):void{ log(Level.ERROR, _arg1); } } }//package meez
Section 98
//Util (meez.Util) package meez { public class Util { public static function stringStartsWith(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{ return ((_arg2.substr(0, _arg1.length) == _arg1)); } public static function wildcardMatch(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{ if (stringStartsWith("*", _arg1)){ return (((_arg1.length)==1) ? true : stringEndsWith(_arg1.substr(1), _arg2)); } else { //unresolved if }; return (!NULL!); return ((_arg1 == _arg2)); } public static function parseUrl(_arg1:String):Object{ var _local2:*; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; _local2 = _arg1.split("://"); _local3 = _local2.shift(); _local2 = _local2[0].split("/"); _local4 = _local2.shift(); _local2 = _local2.join("/").split("?"); _local5 = ("/" + _local2.shift()); _local6 = _local2.shift(); _local2 = _local4.split(":"); _local7 = _local2[0]; _local8 = (_local2[1]) ? Number(_local2[1]) : ((_local3 == "https")) ? 443 : 80; return ({method:_local3, host:_local7, port:_local8, path:_local5, query:_local6}); } public static function stringEndsWith(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:*; _local3 = _arg1.length; return ((((_arg2.length >= _local3)) && ((_arg2.substr((_arg2.length - _local3), _local3) == _arg1)))); } } }//package meez
Section 99
//MochiScores (mochi.MochiScores) package mochi { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class MochiScores { private static var boardID:String; public static var onErrorHandler:Object; public static var onCloseHandler:Object; public static function showLeaderboard(_arg1:Object=null):void{ var options = _arg1; if (options != null){ if (options.clip != null){ if ((options.clip is Sprite)){ MochiServices.setContainer(options.clip); }; delete options.clip; } else { MochiServices.setContainer(); }; MochiServices.stayOnTop(); if ( != null){ if (( is TextField)){ if ( > 0){ =; }; }; }; if (options.score != null){ if ((options.score is TextField)){ if (options.score.text.length > 0){ options.score = options.score.text; }; }; }; if (options.onDisplay != null){ options.onDisplay(); } else { if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; }; } else { options = {}; if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){ MochiServices.clip.stop(); } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onDisplay."); }; }; if (options.onClose != null){ onCloseHandler = options.onClose; } else { onCloseHandler = function ():void{ if ((MochiServices.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { trace("Warning: Container is not a MovieClip, cannot call default onClose."); }; }; }; if (options.onError != null){ onErrorHandler = options.onError; } else { onErrorHandler = null; }; if (options.boardID == null){ if (MochiScores.boardID != null){ options.boardID = MochiScores.boardID; }; }; MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, onClose); } public static function closeLeaderboard():void{ MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } public static function getPlayerInfo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function requestList(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function scoresArrayToObjects(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Object; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; _local2 = {}; for (_local7 in _arg1) { if (typeof(_arg1[_local7]) == "object"){ if (((!((_arg1[_local7].cols == null))) && (!((_arg1[_local7].rows == null))))){ _local2[_local7] = []; _local5 = _arg1[_local7]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local5.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local5.cols.length) { _local6[_local5.cols[_local3]] = _local5.rows[_local4][_local3]; _local3++; }; _local2[_local7].push(_local6); _local4++; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = {}; for (_local8 in _arg1[_local7]) { _local2[_local7][_local8] = _arg1[_local7][_local8]; }; }; } else { _local2[_local7] = _arg1[_local7]; }; }; return (_local2); } public static function submit(_arg1:Number, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:_arg1, name:_arg2}, _arg3, _arg4); } public static function onClose(_arg1:Object=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg1.error != null){ if (_arg1.error == true){ if (onErrorHandler != null){ if (_arg1.errorCode == null){ _arg1.errorCode = "IOError"; }; onErrorHandler(_arg1.errorCode); MochiServices.doClose(); return; }; }; }; }; onCloseHandler(); MochiServices.doClose(); } public static function setBoardID(_arg1:String):void{ MochiScores.boardID = _arg1; MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:_arg1}); } } }//package mochi
Section 100
//MochiServices (mochi.MochiServices) package mochi { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiServices { private static var _container:Object; private static var _connected:Boolean = false; private static var _swfVersion:String; private static var _sendChannel:LocalConnection; private static var _rcvChannelName:String; private static var _gatewayURL:String = ""; private static var _clip:MovieClip; private static var _loader:Loader; private static var _id:String; private static var _listenChannel:LocalConnection; private static var _timer:Timer; private static var _sendChannelName:String; private static var _startTime:Number; private static var _connecting:Boolean = false; public static var onError:Object; private static var _listenChannelName:String = "__mochiservices"; private static var _rcvChannel:LocalConnection; public static function isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function send(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null):void{ if (_connected){ _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((((_clip == null)) || (!(_connecting)))){ onError("NotConnected"); handleError(_arg2, _arg3, _arg4); flush(true); return; }; _clip._queue.push({methodName:_arg1, args:_arg2, callbackID:_clip._nextcallbackID}); }; if (_clip != null){ if (((!((_clip._callbacks == null))) && (!((_clip._nextcallbackID == null))))){ _clip._callbacks[_clip._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:_arg3, callbackMethod:_arg4}; _clip._nextcallbackID++; }; }; } public static function get connected():Boolean{ return (_connected); } private static function flush(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:Object; if (_clip != null){ if (_clip._queue != null){ while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { _local2 = _clip._queue.shift(); _local3 = null; if (_local2 != null){ if (_local2.callbackID != null){ _local3 = _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; }; delete _clip._callbacks[_local2.callbackID]; if (((_arg1) && (!((_local3 == null))))){ handleError(_local2.args, _local3.callbackObject, _local3.callbackMethod); }; }; }; }; }; } private static function clickMovie(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function):MovieClip{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Array; var _local7:MovieClip; var _local8:LocalConnection; var _local9:String; var _local10:ByteArray; var _local11:ByteArray; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Loader; _local3 = [150, 21, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 98, 116, 110, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 116, 104, 105, 115, 0, 28, 150, 22, 0, 0, 99, 114, 101, 97, 116, 101, 69, 109, 112, 116, 121, 77, 111, 118, 105, 101, 67, 108, 105, 112, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 0, 23, 150, 13, 0, 4, 0, 0, 111, 110, 82, 101, 108, 101, 97, 115, 101, 0, 142, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 42, 0, 114, 0, 150, 17, 0, 0, 32, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 115, 112, 108, 105, 116, 0, 82, 135, 1, 0, 1, 23, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 8, 0, 0, 95, 98, 108, 97, 110, 107, 0, 154, 1, 0, 0, 150, 7, 0, 0, 99, 108, 105, 99, 107, 0, 150, 7, 0, 4, 1, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 78, 150, 27, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 111, 99, 97, 108, 67, 111, 110, 110, 101, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 0, 64, 150, 6, 0, 0, 115, 101, 110, 100, 0, 82, 79, 150, 15, 0, 4, 0, 0, 95, 97, 108, 112, 104, 97, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 150, 23, 0, 7, 0xFF, 0, 0xFF, 0, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 109, 111, 118, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 100, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 25, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 2, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 108, 105, 110, 101, 84, 111, 0, 82, 23, 150, 16, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 101, 110, 100, 70, 105, 108, 108, 0, 82, 23]; _local5 = [104, 0, 31, 64, 0, 7, 208, 0, 0, 12, 1, 0, 67, 2, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 63, 3]; _local6 = [0, 64, 0, 0, 0]; _local7 = new MovieClip(); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); _local9 = ((("_click_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))) + "_") + Math.floor(new Date().getTime())); _local8 = new LocalConnection(); = _local8; = _arg2; _local8.client = _local7; _local8.connect(_local9); _local10 = new ByteArray(); _local11 = new ByteArray(); _local11.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local11.writeShort(1); _local11.writeUTFBytes(((_arg1 + " ") + _local9)); _local11.writeByte(0); _local12 = ((_local3.length + _local11.length) + 4); _local13 = (_local12 + 35); _local10.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; _local10.writeUTFBytes("FWS"); _local10.writeByte(8); _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local13); for each (_local4 in _local5) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local10.writeUnsignedInt(_local12); _local10.writeByte(136); _local10.writeShort(_local11.length); _local10.writeBytes(_local11); for each (_local4 in _local3) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; for each (_local4 in _local6) { _local10.writeByte(_local4); }; _local14 = new Loader(); _local14.loadBytes(_local10); _local7.addChild(_local14); return (_local7); } private static function init(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ _id = _arg1; if (_arg2 != null){ _container = _arg2; loadCommunicator(_arg1, _container); }; } public static function get childClip():Object{ return (_clip); } public static function get id():String{ return (_id); } public static function stayOnTop():void{ _container.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop, false, 0, true); if (_clip != null){ _clip.visible = true; }; } public static function addLinkEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg4:Function=null):void{ var netup:Boolean; var vars:Object; var s:String; var i:Number; var x:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; var err:Function; var complete:Function; var setURL:Function; var url = _arg1; var burl = _arg2; var btn = _arg3; var onClick = _arg4; vars = new Object(); vars["mav"] = getVersion(); vars["swfv"] = "9"; vars["swfurl"] = btn.loaderInfo.loaderURL; vars["fv"] = Capabilities.version; vars["os"] = Capabilities.os; vars["lang"] = Capabilities.language; vars["scres"] = ((Capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + Capabilities.screenResolutionY); s = "?"; i = 0; for (x in vars) { if (i != 0){ s = (s + "&"); }; i = (i + 1); s = (((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x])); }; req = new URLRequest(""); loader = new Loader(); err = function (_arg1:Object):void{ netup = false;, arguments.callee); }; complete = function (_arg1:Object):void{ netup = true;, arguments.callee); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, err); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, complete); loader.load(req); setURL = function ():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:DisplayObject; if (netup){ _local1 = (url + s); } else { _local1 = burl; }; _local2 = clickMovie(_local1, onClick); btn.addChild(_local2); _local2.scaleX = (0.01 * btn.width); _local2.scaleY = (0.01 * btn.height); }; setTimeout(setURL, 1500); } public static function getVersion():String{ return ("1.35"); } public static function disconnect():void{ if (((_connected) || (_connecting))){ if (_clip != null){ if (_clip.parent != null){ if ((_clip.parent is Sprite)){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); _clip = null; }; }; }; _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); try { _listenChannel.close(); _rcvChannel.close(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; if (_timer != null){ try { _timer.stop(); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; } public static function allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); if (_arg1.indexOf("http://") != -1){ _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); }; return (_local2); } public static function doClose():void{ _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); if (_clip.parent != null){ Sprite(_clip.parent).removeChild(_clip); }; } public static function setContainer(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if ((_arg1 is Sprite)){ _container = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2){ if ((_container is Sprite)){ Sprite(_container).addChild(_clip); }; }; } private static function onStatus(_arg1:StatusEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.level){ case "error": _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); break; }; } private static function initComChannels():void{ if (!_connected){ _sendChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_container, version:getVersion(), parentURL:_container.loaderInfo.loaderURL}); _rcvChannel.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, MochiServices.onStatus); _clip.onReceive = function (_arg1:Object):void{ var cb:String; var cblst:Object; var method:*; var methodName:String; var obj:Object; var pkg = _arg1; cb = pkg.callbackID; cblst = this.client._callbacks[cb]; if (!cblst){ return; }; method = cblst.callbackMethod; methodName = ""; obj = cblst.callbackObject; if (((obj) && ((typeof(method) == "string")))){ methodName = method; if (obj[method] != null){ method = obj[method]; } else { trace((("Error: Method " + method) + " does not exist.")); }; }; if (method != undefined){ try { method.apply(obj, pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { trace(((("Error invoking callback method '" + methodName) + "': ") + error.toString())); }; } else { if (obj != null){ try { obj(pkg.args); } catch(error:Error) { trace(("Error invoking method on object: " + error.toString())); }; }; }; delete this.client._callbacks[cb]; }; _clip.onError = function ():void{ MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; _rcvChannel.connect(_rcvChannelName); trace("connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; _listenChannel.close(); while (_clip._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _clip._queue.shift()); }; }; } private static function listen():void{ _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.client = _clip; _clip.handshake = function (_arg1:Object):void{ MochiServices.comChannelName = _arg1.newChannel; }; _listenChannel.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } private static function handleError(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object):void{ var args = _arg1; var callbackObject = _arg2; var callbackMethod = _arg3; if (args != null){ if (args.onError != null){ args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; if (((!((args.options == null))) && (!((args.options.onError == null))))){ args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); }; }; if (callbackMethod != null){ args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if (((!((callbackObject == null))) && ((callbackMethod is String)))){ try { var _local5 = callbackObject; _local5[callbackMethod](args); } catch(error:Error) { }; } else { if (callbackMethod != null){ try { callbackMethod.apply(args); } catch(error:Error) { }; }; }; }; } public static function get clip():Object{ return (_container); } public static function set comChannelName(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg1.length > 3){ _sendChannelName = (_arg1 + "_fromgame"); _rcvChannelName = _arg1; initComChannels(); }; }; } private static function loadCommunicator(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):MovieClip{ var clipname:String; var f:Function; var req:URLRequest; var id = _arg1; var clip = _arg2; clipname = ("_mochiservices_com_" + id); if (_clip != null){ return (_clip); }; if (!MochiServices.isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; MochiServices.allowDomains(_gatewayURL); _clip = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, clipname, 10336, false); _loader = new Loader(); _timer = new Timer(1000, 0); _startTime = getTimer(); _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, connectWait); _timer.start(); f = function (_arg1:Object):void{ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load."); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, f); req = new URLRequest(_gatewayURL); _loader.load(req); _clip.addChild(_loader); _clip._mochiservices_com = _loader; _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _clip._queue = []; _rcvChannel = new LocalConnection(); _rcvChannel.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); _rcvChannel.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); _rcvChannel.client = _clip; _clip._nextcallbackID = 0; _clip._callbacks = {}; listen(); return (_clip); } public static function bringToTop(_arg1:Event):void{ var e = _arg1; if (MochiServices.clip != null){ if (MochiServices.childClip != null){ try { if (MochiServices.clip.numChildren > 1){ MochiServices.clip.setChildIndex(MochiServices.childClip, (MochiServices.clip.numChildren - 1)); }; } catch(errorObject:Error) { trace("Warning: Depth sort error."); _container.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, MochiServices.bringToTop); }; }; }; } public static function connect(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null):void{ var id = _arg1; var clip = _arg2; var onError = _arg3; if ((clip is DisplayObject)){ if (((!(_connected)) && ((_clip == null)))){ trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); }; } else { trace("Error, MochiServices requires a Sprite, Movieclip or instance of the stage."); }; if (onError != null){ MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (MochiServices.onError == null){ MochiServices.onError = function (_arg1:String):void{ trace(_arg1); }; }; }; } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=true):MovieClip{ var mc:MovieClip; var parent = _arg1; var name = _arg2; var depth = _arg3; var doAdd = _arg4; mc = new MovieClip(); if (doAdd){ if (((false) && (depth))){ parent.addChildAt(mc, depth); } else { parent.addChild(mc); }; }; try { parent[name] = mc; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiServices requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; mc["_name"] = name; return (mc); } public static function connectWait(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if ((getTimer() - _startTime) > 10000){ if (!_connected){ _clip._mochiad_ctr_failed = true; trace("MochiServices could not load."); MochiServices.disconnect(); MochiServices.onError("IOError"); }; _timer.stop(); }; } } }//package mochi
Section 101
//Attack (Attack) package { import*; public dynamic class Attack extends Sound { } }//package
Section 102
//B_SoundManager (B_SoundManager) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class B_SoundManager { var sFX_BuildingCrumble:Sound; var musicFade_MenuTimer:Timer; var playing_GameplayMus:Boolean; var sFX_BarrelExplode:Sound; var music_Gameplay:Sound; var musicFade_GameplayTimer:Timer; var sFX_TutorialTaskSuccess:Sound; var currPos_GameplayMus:Number; var sFX_ScoreRack:Sound; var sFX_DialogueAdvance:Sound; var playing_MenuMus:Boolean; var sndChannel_GameplayMus:SoundChannel; var sFX_BrickBreak:Sound; var music_Menu:Sound; var option_SFXOn:Boolean; var sFX_Attack:Sound; var sFX_CivExitAnim:Sound; var musicVolume_Gameplay:Number; var sndChannel_MenuMus:SoundChannel; var sFX_BarrelCut:Sound; var sFX_Zoom:Sound; var rootMC:MovieClip; var option_MusicOn:Boolean; var sFX_ToggleSFXOn:Sound; public function B_SoundManager(_arg1:MovieClip){ this.rootMC = _arg1; this.option_SFXOn = true; this.option_MusicOn = true; this.music_Gameplay = new Music_Gameplay(); this.music_Menu = new Music_Menu(); this.playing_GameplayMus = false; this.playing_MenuMus = false; this.sndChannel_GameplayMus = new SoundChannel(); this.sndChannel_MenuMus = new SoundChannel(); this.currPos_GameplayMus = 0; this.musicVolume_Gameplay = 1; this.musicFade_GameplayTimer = new Timer(200); this.musicFade_MenuTimer = new Timer(200); this.sFX_ToggleSFXOn = new TutorialSuccess(); this.sFX_Zoom = new Bes_Zoom(); this.sFX_TutorialTaskSuccess = new TutorialSuccess(); this.sFX_BrickBreak = new BrickBreak(); this.sFX_Attack = new Attack(); this.sFX_BarrelCut = new BarrelCut(); this.sFX_CivExitAnim = new CivExitAnim(); this.sFX_BarrelExplode = new BarrelExplode(); this.sFX_BuildingCrumble = new BuildingCrumble(); this.sFX_ScoreRack = new ScoreRack(); this.sFX_DialogueAdvance = new DialogueAdvance(); } function decreaseMenuMusVol(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (this.sndChannel_MenuMus.soundTransform.volume >= 0.1){ setVolume((this.sndChannel_MenuMus.soundTransform.volume - 0.1), this.sndChannel_MenuMus); } else { this.musicFade_MenuTimer.removeEventListener("timer", decreaseMenuMusVol); stopMusic_MenuMus(); setVolume(1, this.sndChannel_MenuMus); }; } public function playMusic_MenuMus():void{ if (((this.option_MusicOn) && (!(this.playing_MenuMus)))){ this.playing_MenuMus = true; this.sndChannel_MenuMus =; this.sndChannel_MenuMus.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sndCompleteHandler_MenuMus, false, 0, true); }; } function sndCompleteHandler_GameplayMus(_arg1:Event):void{ trace(("GAMEPLAY SONG FINISHED ONCE--" + this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.willTrigger(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE))); this.sndChannel_GameplayMus =; this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sndCompleteHandler_GameplayMus, false, 0, true); } public function playSFX_CivExitAnim():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } function decreaseGameplayMusVol(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.soundTransform.volume >= 0.1){ setVolume((this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.soundTransform.volume - 0.1), this.sndChannel_GameplayMus); } else { this.musicFade_GameplayTimer.removeEventListener("timer", decreaseGameplayMusVol); stopMusic_GameplayMus(); changeMusicVolume_GameplayTo(1); }; } public function playSFX_BarrelCut():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function get Playing_MenuMus():Boolean{ return (this.playing_MenuMus); } function setVolume(_arg1:Number, _arg2:SoundChannel):void{ var _local3:SoundTransform; _local3 = _arg2.soundTransform; _local3.volume = _arg1; _arg2.soundTransform = _local3; } public function playSFX_ToggleSFXOn():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function isOption_SFXOn():Boolean{ return (this.option_SFXOn); } public function stopMusic_GameplayMus():void{ this.currPos_GameplayMus = this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.position; this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.stop(); this.playing_GameplayMus = false; } public function fadeOutMusic_Menu():void{ this.musicFade_MenuTimer.addEventListener("timer", decreaseMenuMusVol, false, 0, true); this.musicFade_MenuTimer.start(); } public function playSFX_BrickBreak():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function playSFX_BarrelExplode():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } function sndCompleteHandler_MenuMus(_arg1:Event):void{ this.sndChannel_MenuMus =; this.sndChannel_MenuMus.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sndCompleteHandler_MenuMus, false, 0, true); } public function playSFX_BuildingCrumble():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (!this.playing_GameplayMus){ playMusic_GameplayMus(_arg1); }; } public function playSFX_Attack():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function playMusic_GameplayMus(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (((this.option_MusicOn) && (!(this.playing_GameplayMus)))){ this.playing_GameplayMus = true; this.sndChannel_GameplayMus = ? 0 : this.currPos_GameplayMus); setVolume(this.musicVolume_Gameplay, this.sndChannel_GameplayMus); this.sndChannel_GameplayMus.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sndCompleteHandler_GameplayMus, false, 0, true); }; } public function playSFX_Zoom():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function changeMusicVolume_GameplayTo(_arg1:Number):void{ this.musicVolume_Gameplay = _arg1; setVolume(this.musicVolume_Gameplay, this.sndChannel_GameplayMus); } public function playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function toggleSFXOn(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ this.option_SFXOn = true; playSFX_ToggleSFXOn(); } else { this.option_SFXOn = false; }; } public function playSFX_ScoreRack():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function isOption_MusicOn():Boolean{ return (this.option_MusicOn); } public function stopMusic_MenuMus():void{ this.sndChannel_MenuMus.stop(); this.playing_MenuMus = false; } public function tryPlayMusic_MenuMus():void{ if (!this.playing_MenuMus){ playMusic_MenuMus(); }; } public function playSFX_DialogueAdvance():void{ if (this.option_SFXOn){; }; } public function fadeOutMusic_Gameplay():void{ this.musicFade_GameplayTimer.addEventListener("timer", decreaseGameplayMusVol, false, 0, true); this.musicFade_GameplayTimer.start(); } public function toggleMusicOn(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ this.option_MusicOn = true; this.rootMC.onMusicToggleOn(); } else { this.rootMC.onMusicToggleOff(); this.option_MusicOn = false; }; } } }//package
Section 103
//BackBtn (BackBtn) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BackBtn extends SimpleButton { } }//package
Section 104
//BarrelCut (BarrelCut) package { import*; public dynamic class BarrelCut extends Sound { } }//package
Section 105
//BarrelExplode (BarrelExplode) package { import*; public dynamic class BarrelExplode extends Sound { } }//package
Section 106
//Bes_Zoom (Bes_Zoom) package { import*; public dynamic class Bes_Zoom extends Sound { } }//package
Section 107
//Blink_Gameplay (Blink_Gameplay) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class Blink_Gameplay extends BlinkLevel { public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var zoom_masterMC:MovieClip; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; public var s1ScoreTxt:TextField; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var masterScoreTxt:TextField; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; public var s1Score:uint; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC:MovieClip; public var masterScore:uint; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; public var groundHeightMC:MovieClip; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var masterCharaMC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public var destinationIconAnimMC:MovieClip; public var mirage_masterAnimMC:MovieClip; public function Blink_Gameplay(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ("Your mission objective right now is to\n" + "practice what you need. This is only a test stage."); this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; } public function master_tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirage_masterAnimMC.x = masterCharaMC.x; mirage_masterAnimMC.y = masterCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 < 40){ _local4 = 40; } else { if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; }; if ((_local3 - masterCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blink_masterFacingLeft = true; masterCharaMC.switchToCharState(masterCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirage_masterAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoom_masterMC.doZoomLeft(masterCharaMC.x, masterCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blink_masterFacingLeft = false; masterCharaMC.switchToCharState(masterCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirage_masterAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoom_masterMC.doZoomRight(masterCharaMC.x, masterCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; masterCharaMC.visible = false; masterCharaMC.setFrozen(true); masterCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); masterCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); masterCharaMC.yVel = 0; } override public function whenMasterCharaHit():void{ s1ScoreTxt.text = String(++s1Score); } public function whenZoomFinish_master():void{ masterCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blink_masterFacingLeft){ masterCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { masterCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; masterCharaMC.aerial = !((masterCharaMC.y == 245)); masterCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } override public function initLevel():void{ this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(masterCharaMC); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = masterCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; masterCharaMC.aggressive = true; masterCharaMC.currAIPhase = (masterCharaMC.currAIPhase = masterCharaMC.AI_PHASE_HARD_CHASE); masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_AI = masterCharaMC.enterFrame_AI_HardChase; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }; screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Blink game private prototype")); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); s1Score = 0; masterScore = 0; } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ masterScoreTxt.text = String(++masterScore); } override public function exitLevel():void{ mainCharaMC.removeEventListener_xyUpdate(); masterCharaMC.removeEventListener_xyUpdate(); masterCharaMC.removeEventListener_AI(); MovieClip(root).getSndManager().stopMusic_GameplayMus(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 < 40){ _local4 = 40; } else { if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ masterCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); } public function breakableWallRandomRespawnPos():void{ breakableWallMC.spawnAt((50 + Math.round((Math.random() * 450))), (10 + Math.round((Math.random() * 220))), breakableWallMC.defHitTestFunc); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playMusic_GameplayMus(true); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } } }//package
Section 108
//Blink_KeyboardReceiver (Blink_KeyboardReceiver) package { public class Blink_KeyboardReceiver { var keyPressed_RIGHT:Boolean; var keyPressed_LEFT:Boolean; var keyPressed_UP:Boolean; var keyPressed_DOWN:Boolean; public function Blink_KeyboardReceiver(){ forceAllKeysReleased(); } public function whenKeyPressed_DOWN():void{ trace("impotent DOWN PRessed"); } public function set KeyPressed_RIGHT(_arg1):void{ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = _arg1; } public function whenKeyReleased_LEFT():void{ trace("impotent LEFT REleased"); } public function set KeyPressed_LEFT(_arg1):void{ this.keyPressed_LEFT = _arg1; } public function whenKeyReleased_UP():void{ trace("impotent UP REleased"); } public function whenKeyPressed_RIGHT():void{ trace("impotent RIGHT PRessed"); } public function whenKeyReleased_DOWN():void{ trace("impotent DOWN REleased"); } public function get KeyPressed_RIGHT():Boolean{ return (this.keyPressed_RIGHT); } public function get KeyPressed_LEFT():Boolean{ return (this.keyPressed_LEFT); } public function whenKeyReleased_RIGHT():void{ trace("impotent RIGHT REleased"); } public function forceAllKeysReleased():void{ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = (this.keyPressed_DOWN = (this.keyPressed_LEFT = (this.keyPressed_UP = false))); } public function whenKeyPressed_LEFT():void{ trace("impotent LEFT PRessed"); } public function doKeysPressedSweep():void{ if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ whenKeyPressed_RIGHT(); } else { if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ whenKeyPressed_LEFT(); } else { if (this.keyPressed_DOWN){ whenKeyPressed_DOWN(); } else { if (this.keyPressed_UP){ whenKeyPressed_UP(); } else { whenKeyReleased_RIGHT(); }; }; }; }; } public function whenKeyPressed_UP():void{ trace("impotent UP PRessed"); } } }//package
Section 109
//Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay (Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay extends Blink_KeyboardReceiver { var lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_RIGHT; var gameplayScreenMC:MovieClip; var MAX_ATK_KEY_RELEASE_INTERVAL:uint;// = 300 var lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_LEFT:int; public function Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay(_arg1:MovieClip){ MAX_ATK_KEY_RELEASE_INTERVAL = 300; super(); forceAllKeysReleased(); this.lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_LEFT = getTimer(); this.gameplayScreenMC = _arg1; } override public function whenKeyPressed_DOWN():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_DOWN){ this.keyPressed_DOWN = true; if (this.keyPressed_UP){ return; }; this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_LEFT():void{ this.keyPressed_LEFT = false; if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateRightMovement(); } else { if ((getTimer() - this.lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_LEFT) <= MAX_ATK_KEY_RELEASE_INTERVAL){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.tryAttackLeft(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); }; }; this.lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_LEFT = getTimer(); } override public function whenKeyPressed_RIGHT():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = true; if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateRightMovement(); }; }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_RIGHT():void{ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = false; if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateLeftMovement(); } else { if ((getTimer() - this.lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_RIGHT) <= MAX_ATK_KEY_RELEASE_INTERVAL){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.tryAttackRight(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); }; }; this.lastRecordedAtkKeyReleaseTime_RIGHT = getTimer(); } override public function whenKeyReleased_DOWN():void{ this.keyPressed_DOWN = false; } override public function whenKeyPressed_LEFT():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.keyPressed_LEFT = true; if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateLeftMovement(); }; }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_UP():void{ this.keyPressed_UP = false; } override public function whenKeyPressed_UP():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_UP){ this.keyPressed_UP = true; if (this.keyPressed_DOWN){ } else { if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpUpMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpLeftMovement(); }; } else { if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpRightMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpUpMovement(); }; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 110
//Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack (Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack) package { import flash.display.*; public class Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack extends Blink_KeyboardReceiver { var gameplayScreenMC:MovieClip; public function Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack(_arg1:MovieClip){ forceAllKeysReleased(); this.gameplayScreenMC = _arg1; } override public function whenKeyPressed_DOWN():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_DOWN){ this.keyPressed_DOWN = true; if (this.keyPressed_UP){ return; }; this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_LEFT():void{ this.keyPressed_LEFT = false; if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateRightMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); }; } override public function whenKeyPressed_RIGHT():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = true; if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateRightMovement(); }; }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_RIGHT():void{ this.keyPressed_RIGHT = false; if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateLeftMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_DOWN():void{ this.keyPressed_DOWN = false; } override public function whenKeyPressed_LEFT():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_LEFT){ this.keyPressed_LEFT = true; if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateIdleMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateLeftMovement(); }; }; } override public function whenKeyReleased_UP():void{ this.keyPressed_UP = false; } override public function whenKeyPressed_UP():void{ if (!this.keyPressed_UP){ this.keyPressed_UP = true; if (this.keyPressed_DOWN){ } else { if (this.keyPressed_LEFT){ if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpUpMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpLeftMovement(); }; } else { if (this.keyPressed_RIGHT){ this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpRightMovement(); } else { this.gameplayScreenMC.mainCharaMC.animateJumpUpMovement(); }; }; }; }; } } }//package
Section 111
//BlinkConsts (BlinkConsts) package { public class BlinkConsts { public static const LEVEL3_NAME:String = "Explosions"; public static const LEVEL7_NAME:String = "Final"; public static const FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP:String = "Time's Up"; public static const SPEAKER_NUM_S1:uint = 0; public static const FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV:String = "Don't attack civilians."; public static const LEVEL4_NAME:String = "PeopleFalling"; public static const LEVEL2_NAME:String = "Fire"; public static const DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL:uint = 1; public static const FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV:String = "Don't drop civilians from great heights."; public static const BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE:uint = 140000; public static const LEVEL6_NAME:String = "NotBoth"; public static const DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD:uint = 2; public static const DEF_NUM_CHANCES:uint = 3; public static const SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY:uint = 1; public static const LEVEL5_NAME:String = "EveryoneFalling"; public static const SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU:uint = 0; public static const SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER:uint = 1; public static const LEVEL1_NAME:String = "Tutorial"; public static const DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY:uint = 0; } }//package
Section 112
//BlinkDoc (BlinkDoc) package { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import example.*; import flash.geom.*; import meez.*; import meez.avatar.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import mochi.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.ui.*; public dynamic class BlinkDoc extends MovieClip { public var screen_Level_PeopleFallingMC:BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling; var sndManager:B_SoundManager; var ending2_achieved:Boolean; public var screen_GameplayMC:Blink_Gameplay; public var avatarLoad4Timer:Timer; var api:Games; public var sfsl_master:SpriteFilmstripLoader; public var sfsl_maleCivilian:SpriteFilmstripLoader; public var screen_Level_EveryoneFallingMC:BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling; public var maleCivilianAvSprite:AvatarSprite; var sharedObjWorks:Boolean; var sharedObj:SharedObject; public var guyButton:MovieClip; public var loadingPercentTxt:TextField; public var screen_Level_NotBothMC:BlinkLevel_NotBoth; public var playerChargeLeftSprite:Sprite; var currLevel:BlinkLevel; var currLevelFrameLblStr:String; public var screen_Level_FireMC:BlinkLevel_Fire; var startedNewSingleLevelSession:Boolean; var currDifficultyNum:uint; var levelsUnlockedNum:uint; var score:uint; public var screen_Level_TutorialMC:BlinkLevel_Tutorial; public var progressBarMC:MovieClip; var currScreenTypeNum:uint; public var avatarLoad2Timer:Timer; var ending1FirstTime:Boolean; public var progressBarComp:ProgressBar; var meezCfg:Object; public var EMBEDDED_PLAYERS; public var player:AvatarSprite; var versStr:String;// = "1.05.201p4all" public var girlButton:MovieClip; var ending1_achieved:Boolean; public var screen_Level_FinalMC:BlinkLevel_Final; public var screenMCOverlayMC:MovieClip; var playingThroughLevels:Boolean; public var statusTxt:TextField; var splashScreenShown:Boolean; public var importButton:SimpleButton; public var FILMSTRIP_FRAME; public var playerFaceSprite:Sprite; public var playerBigFaceSprite:Sprite; public var maleAttribsObj:Object; public var numFilmstripSpritesLoaded:uint; public var femaleCivilianAvSprite:AvatarSprite; var numMissionFailures:uint; public var avatarLoad3Timer:Timer; public var MASTER_ANIMATIONS; var numChances:int; public var PLAYER_ANIMATIONS; public var NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD3:uint; public var NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD4:uint; public var sfsl_femaleCivilian:SpriteFilmstripLoader; public var NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD2:uint; var attemptedHighScoreSubmission:Boolean; public var CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS; public var NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD1:uint; var avatarGender_male:Boolean; public var femaleAttribsObj:Object; var gamePaused:Boolean; public var playerChargeRightSprite:Sprite; public var screen_Level_ExplosionsMC:BlinkLevel_Explosions; public var masterAvSprite:AvatarSprite; public var sfsl:Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader; var ending2FirstTime:Boolean; public var importWindow:MovieClip; public function BlinkDoc(){ versStr = "1.05.201p4all"; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 21, frame22, 31, frame32, 41, frame42, 51, frame52, 60, frame61, 70, frame71, 81, frame82, 91, frame92, 101, frame102, 111, frame112, 121, frame122, 131, frame132, 141, frame142, 151, frame152, 161, frame162, 172, frame173, 182, frame183, 192, frame193, 202, frame203, 212, frame213, 222, frame223, 232, frame233, 242, frame243, 252, frame253, 261, frame262, 271, frame272); stop(); stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; this.tabChildren = false; this.meezCfg = FlashUtil.loadFlashVars(this.root); this.meezCfg.game_api_host = ((this.meezCfg.game_api_host) || ("")); this.meezCfg.render_api_host = ((this.meezCfg.render_api_host) || ("")); this.api = new Games(this.meezCfg); this.currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU; this.gamePaused = false; this.playingThroughLevels = true; this.startedNewSingleLevelSession = false; this.currDifficultyNum = BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL; this.numChances = 3; this.score = 0; this.numMissionFailures = 0; this.splashScreenShown = false; this.ending1_achieved = (this.ending2_achieved = false); this.ending1FirstTime = (this.ending2FirstTime = true); this.levelsUnlockedNum = 0; this.sharedObjWorks = true; try { this.sharedObj = SharedObject.getLocal("Blink_SO"); } catch(error:Error) { this.sharedObjWorks = false; trace("--in BlinkDoc constructor, shared object creation error"); }; if (this.sharedObjWorks){ trace("BlinkDock SharedObj Works!!"); if ( == undefined){ = false; } else { this.splashScreenShown =; trace(("SharedObj test splashScreenShown = " + this.splashScreenShown)); }; if ( == undefined){ = false; } else { this.ending1_achieved =; trace(("SharedObj test this.ending1_achieved = " + this.ending1_achieved)); this.ending1FirstTime = false; }; if ( == undefined){ = false; } else { this.ending2_achieved =; trace(("SharedObj test this.ending2_achieved = " + this.ending2_achieved)); this.ending2FirstTime = false; }; if ( == undefined){ = 0; } else { this.levelsUnlockedNum =; }; }; } public function getSndManager():B_SoundManager{ return (this.sndManager); } public function set SplashScreenShown(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.splashScreenShown = _arg1; } public function get Ending2FirstTime():Boolean{ return (this.ending2FirstTime); } function frame272(){ stop(); } public function onMusicToggleOn():void{ if (this.currScreenTypeNum == BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU){ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playMusic_MenuMus(); } else { this.currLevel.onMusicToggleOn(); }; } public function get Ending2_achieved():Boolean{ return (this.ending2_achieved); } public function set Ending1_achieved(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.ending1_achieved = _arg1; } public function set Ending2FirstTime(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.ending2FirstTime = _arg1; } public function startHighScoreSubmit_GameCleared(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:MovieClip):void{ var idStr = _arg1; var scoreVal = _arg2; var screenHighScoreMC = _arg3; MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:idStr, score:scoreVal, res:"470x320", clip:screenHighScoreMC.highScoresContainerMC, onClose:function ():void{ screenHighScoreMC.gotoAndStop("idle"); }, onError:function ():void{ trace("error loading leaderboard!"); screenHighScoreMC.statusTxt.text = "error loading leaderboard!"; screenHighScoreMC.displayBackBtn(); }}); } public function get SharedObj():SharedObject{ return (this.sharedObj); } public function generateIdleStillSprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; _local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, 180, 240);; _local2.x = 0; _local2.y = 0; return (_local2); } public function hideMC(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ _arg1.visible = false; _arg1.x = 700; } public function get CurrLevel():BlinkLevel{ return (this.currLevel); } function frame173(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_NotBothMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_notboth"; currLevel.initLevel(); } public function isOnAcceptedDomain():Boolean{ var _local1:String; _local1 = this.loaderInfo.url; return (true); } public function onFilmstripsLoaded_master(){ var j:*; showStatus("creating animations 4..."); j = 0; while (j < MASTER_ANIMATIONS.length) { masterAvSprite.addDefaultAnimation(MASTER_ANIMATIONS[j]); j = (j + 1); }; masterAvSprite.addAnimation("idle-turn-backtoright", "fgworldidle01", [9, 10, 11, 12]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("chargecrouch-left", "fgplatformer01", [136]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("chargecrouch-right", "fgplatformer01", [128]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "fgplatformer01", [136, 140]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "fgplatformer01", [128, 132]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("blinkdescend-left", "fgplatformer01", [140]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("blinkdescend-right", "fgplatformer01", [132]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("attack-left", "fgplatformer01", [175, 175, 176, 176]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("attack-right", "fgplatformer01", [173, 173, 174, 174]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("attackend-left", "fgplatformer01", [176]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("attackend-right", "fgplatformer01", [174]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("carrymotion-left", "fgplatformer01", [163, 162, 162]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("carrymotion-right", "fgplatformer01", [161, 162, 162]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("carrymotionend-left", "fgplatformer01", [162]); masterAvSprite.addAnimation("carrymotionend-right", "fgplatformer01", [162]); this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded++; if (this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded >= NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD4){ progressBarComp.setProgress(100, 100); screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ gotoAndStop("mainmenu"); }); }; } public function set Ending2_achieved(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.ending2_achieved = _arg1; } public function generateBodySprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; var _local3:Sprite; _local2 = new Sprite();;, 0, 180, 240);; _local2.x = 0; _local2.y = 0; _local3 = new Sprite(); _local3.addChild(_local2); _local3.x = 0; _local3.y = 0; return (_local2); } function frame22(){ stop(); importWindow.visible = false; guyButton.addEventListener("mouseOver", onRollOverGlow); guyButton.addEventListener("mouseOut", onRollOutGlow); girlButton.addEventListener("mouseOut", onRollOutGlow); girlButton.addEventListener("mouseOver", onRollOverGlow); guyButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onReleaseGuy); girlButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onReleaseGirl); importButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onImportRelease); this.importWindow.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCloseRelease); this.importWindow.getYourOwnButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGetRelease); this.importWindow.goButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGoButtonPress_MOUSE); this.importWindow.nameField.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, submitInput, false, 0, true); } public function get SharedObjWorks():Boolean{ return (this.sharedObjWorks); } function frame1(){ MochiAd.showPreGameAd({clip:root, id:"f11e7eacf80bb461", res:"550x400", background:0, color:0xFF8A00, outline:0xFF8A00, no_bg:false}); MochiServices.connect("f11e7eacf80bb461", root); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function onCloseRelease(_arg1:MouseEvent){ importWindow.visible = false; } function frame183(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_FinalMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_final"; currLevel.initLevel(); } function frame193(){ stop(); } function frame162(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_EveryoneFallingMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_everyonefalling"; currLevel.initLevel(); } public function gotoAppropriatePostLoadFrame():void{ if (!meezCfg.game_player_id){ gotoAndStop("characterSelector"); } else { gotoAndPlay("beginloadAvatars"); }; } public function onGoButtonPress(){ meezCfg.game_player_id = (importWindow.nameField.text + ""); api = new Games(meezCfg); api.getPlayer(validPlayer, invalidPlayer); } function frame32(){ progressBarComp.mode = ProgressBarMode.MANUAL; this.sndManager = new B_SoundManager(this); } public function onGoButtonPress_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ onGoButtonPress(); } function frame152(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_PeopleFallingMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_peoplefalling"; currLevel.initLevel(); } public function submitInput(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{ onGoButtonPress(); } public function get LevelsUnlockedNum():uint{ return (this.levelsUnlockedNum); } public function get Score():uint{ return (this.score); } public function onFilmstripsLoadErr():void{ gotoAndStop("avatarloaderror"); } public function difficultyNumToStr(_arg1:uint):String{ switch (_arg1){ case BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY: return ("Easy"); case BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL: return ("Normal"); case BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD: return ("Hard"); default: trace(("--in BlinkDoc.difficultyNumToStr(), invalid dN: " + _arg1)); return ("Normal"); }; } public function onMusicToggleOff():void{ if (this.currScreenTypeNum == BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU){ getSndManager().stopMusic_MenuMus(); } else { this.currLevel.onMusicToggleOff(); }; } public function set PlayingThroughLevels(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.playingThroughLevels = _arg1; } public function tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(_arg1:uint):void{ var newNum = _arg1; if (this.levelsUnlockedNum < newNum){ this.levelsUnlockedNum = newNum; }; if (this.sharedObjWorks){ = this.levelsUnlockedNum; try { this.sharedObj.flush(); } catch(error:Error) { trace("--in BlinkDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(), sharedObj.flush() failed."); }; }; } public function get CurrDifficultyNum():uint{ return (this.currDifficultyNum); } public function get CurrLevelFrameLblStr():String{ return (this.currLevelFrameLblStr); } function frame42(){ stop(); avatarLoad2Timer = new Timer(500, 1); avatarLoad2Timer.addEventListener("timer", gotoAvatarLoad2, false, 0, true); NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD1 = 1; numFilmstripSpritesLoaded = 0; FILMSTRIP_FRAME = new Rectangle(0, 0, 90, 120); PLAYER_ANIMATIONS = ["IDLE", "HIRESIDLE", "PLATFORMER"]; maleAttribsObj = {}; maleAttribsObj["avatar.gender"] = "m"; femaleAttribsObj = {}; femaleAttribsObj["avatar.gender"] = "f"; EMBEDDED_PLAYERS = {}; EMBEDDED_PLAYERS["guy@local"] = {id:"guy@local", name:"guy", tag:"Embedded Guy", avatarId:"local:guy", attribs:maleAttribsObj}; EMBEDDED_PLAYERS["baron@local"] = {id:"baron@local", name:"baron", tag:"Embedded Baron", avatarId:"local:baron", attribs:femaleAttribsObj}; sfsl = new Bes_SpriteFilmstripLoader(onFilmstripsLoaded, onFilmstripsLoadErr); this.sfsl.ProgressBarComp = progressBarComp; showStatus("loading your avatar..."); trace(((("api is: " + api) + ", player: ") + meezCfg.game_player_id)); if (EMBEDDED_PLAYERS[meezCfg.game_player_id]){ onPlayerLoaded(EMBEDDED_PLAYERS[meezCfg.game_player_id]); } else { api.getPlayer(onPlayerLoaded); }; } public function gotoAvatarLoad2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("loadAvatars2"); } public function gotoAvatarLoad3(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("loadAvatars3"); } public function gotoAvatarLoad4(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("loadAvatars4"); } public function get StartedNewSingleLevelSession():Boolean{ return (this.startedNewSingleLevelSession); } public function set SharedObjWorks(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.sharedObjWorks = _arg1; } public function onFilmstripsLoaded_femaleCivilian(){ var _local1:*; showStatus("creating animations 3..."); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS.length) { femaleCivilianAvSprite.addDefaultAnimation(CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS[_local1]); _local1++; }; femaleCivilianAvSprite.addAnimation("idle-right", "fgplatformer01", [74, 74, 75, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74]); femaleCivilianAvSprite.addAnimation("falling", "fgplatformer01", [185]); this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded++; if (this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded >= NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD3){ avatarLoad4Timer.start(); progressBarComp.setProgress(75, 100); }; } public function determineFinalGradeStr():String{ return (((Math.round(((this.score * 100000) / BlinkConsts.BEST_POSSIBLE_SCORE)) / 1000) + "%")); } function frame52(){ stop(); avatarLoad3Timer = new Timer(500, 1); avatarLoad3Timer.addEventListener("timer", gotoAvatarLoad3, false, 0, true); NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD2 = 1; this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded = 0; CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS = ["PLATFORMER"]; sfsl_maleCivilian = new SpriteFilmstripLoader(onFilmstripsLoaded_maleCivilian, onFilmstripsLoadErr); onPlayerLoaded2(); } public function set NumChances(_arg1:int):void{ this.numChances = _arg1; } function frame61(){ stop(); avatarLoad4Timer = new Timer(500, 1); avatarLoad4Timer.addEventListener("timer", gotoAvatarLoad4, false, 0, true); NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD3 = 1; sfsl_femaleCivilian = new SpriteFilmstripLoader(onFilmstripsLoaded_femaleCivilian, onFilmstripsLoadErr); onPlayerLoaded3(); } public function onReleaseGuy(_arg1:MouseEvent){ meezCfg.game_player_id = "guy@local"; gotoAndPlay("beginloadAvatars"); } public function get Ending1_achieved():Boolean{ return (this.ending1_achieved); } public function get Ending1FirstTime():Boolean{ return (this.ending1FirstTime); } public function onPlayerLoaded2():void{ showStatus("creating sprite 2..."); maleCivilianAvSprite = new AvatarSprite({id:"malecivilian@local", name:"malecivilian", tag:"Embedded Male Civilian", avatarId:"local:malecivilian"}, FILMSTRIP_FRAME); maleCivilianAvSprite.setFrameRepeat(2); showStatus("loading animations 2..."); sfsl_maleCivilian.loadFilmstrips(maleCivilianAvSprite, [AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().PLATFORMER]); } public function onPlayerLoaded3():void{ showStatus("creating sprite 3..."); femaleCivilianAvSprite = new AvatarSprite({id:"xoxolexi568@local", name:"xoxolexi568", tag:"Embedded Female Civilian", avatarId:"local:xoxolexi568"}, FILMSTRIP_FRAME); femaleCivilianAvSprite.setFrameRepeat(2); showStatus("loading animations 3..."); sfsl_femaleCivilian.loadFilmstrips(femaleCivilianAvSprite, [AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().PLATFORMER]); } public function onGetRelease(_arg1:MouseEvent){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(((("" + meezCfg.game_referrer_id) + ".") + "contest"))); } public function onImportRelease(_arg1:MouseEvent){ importWindow.visible = true; stage.focus = importWindow.nameField; } public function get VersStr():String{ return (this.versStr); } public function generateChargeLeftSprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; _local2 = new Sprite();;, 960, 90, 120);; _local2.x = -630; _local2.y = -960; return (_local2); } public function get SplashScreenShown():Boolean{ return (this.splashScreenShown); } public function whenKeyReleased(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.RIGHT: case 68: currLevel.whenKeyReleased_RIGHT(); break; case Keyboard.DOWN: case 83: currLevel.whenKeyReleased_DOWN(); break; case Keyboard.LEFT: case 65: currLevel.whenKeyReleased_LEFT(); break; case Keyboard.UP: case 87: currLevel.whenKeyReleased_UP(); break; case 80: currLevel.pauseGameToggle(); break; default: break; }; } public function get PlayingThroughLevels():Boolean{ return (this.playingThroughLevels); } function frame71(){ stop(); NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD4 = 1; this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded = 0; MASTER_ANIMATIONS = ["HIRESIDLE", "PLATFORMER", "LOWRESWALK"]; sfsl_master = new SpriteFilmstripLoader(onFilmstripsLoaded_master, onFilmstripsLoadErr); showStatus("loading avatar stuff..."); onPlayerLoaded4(); } public function set Score(_arg1:uint):void{ this.score = _arg1; } function frame82(){ stop(); } public function set LevelsUnlockedNum(_arg1:uint):void{ this.levelsUnlockedNum = _arg1; } public function onPlayerLoaded4():void{ showStatus("creating sprite 4..."); masterAvSprite = new AvatarSprite({id:"bes_master@local", name:"bes_master", tag:"Embedded Master", avatarId:"local:bes_master"}, FILMSTRIP_FRAME); masterAvSprite.setFrameRepeat(2); showStatus("loading animation 4..."); sfsl_master.loadFilmstrips(masterAvSprite, [AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().HIRESIDLE, AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().PLATFORMER, AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().LOWRESWALK]); } public function set AvatarGender_male(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.avatarGender_male = _arg1; } public function set NumMissionFailures(_arg1:uint):void{ this.numMissionFailures = _arg1; } public function set CurrDifficultyNum(_arg1:uint):void{ this.currDifficultyNum = _arg1; } public function linkToPlay4All():void{ trace("Linking to Play 4 All"); navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); } function frame213(){ stop(); } function frame92(){ stop(); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU; } public function showStatus(_arg1:String){ statusTxt.text = _arg1; } function frame203(){ stop(); } public function showMochiLeaderBoard(_arg1:String, _arg2:MovieClip):void{ var idStr = _arg1; var screenHighScoreMC = _arg2; MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:idStr, res:"470x320", clip:screenHighScoreMC.highScoresContainerMC, onClose:function ():void{ screenHighScoreMC.gotoAndStop("idle"); }, onError:function ():void{ trace("error loading leaderboard!"); screenHighScoreMC.statusTxt.text = "error loading leaderboard!"; screenHighScoreMC.backBtn.x = 6; }}); } public function onRollOutGlow(_arg1:MouseEvent){ = []; } function frame102(){ stop(); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed); stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_MAIN_MENU; } function frame223(){ stop(); gotoAndStop(MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr); } public function millisecsToStr(_arg1:uint):String{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:String; _local2 = 60; _local3 = 1000; _local4 = Math.floor((_arg1 / (_local2 * _local3))); _local5 = (_arg1 - ((_local4 * _local2) * _local3)); _local6 = Math.floor((_local5 / _local3)); _local5 = (_local5 - (_local6 * _local3)); _local7 = ""; if (_local5 == 0){ _local7 = "000"; } else { if (_local5 < 10){ _local7 = ("00" + _local5); } else { if (_local5 < 100){ _local7 = ("0" + _local5); } else { _local7 = String(_local5); }; }; }; return (((((((((_local4)<10) ? "0" : "" + _local4) + ":") + ((_local6)<10) ? "0" : "") + _local6) + ".") + _local7)); } public function set StartedNewSingleLevelSession(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.startedNewSingleLevelSession = _arg1; } function frame112(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_GameplayMC; currLevel.initLevel(); } public function set CurrLevelFrameLblStr(_arg1:String):void{ this.currLevelFrameLblStr = _arg1; } public function get NumMissionFailures():uint{ return (this.numMissionFailures); } public function get NumChances():int{ return (this.numChances); } public function startHighScoreSubmit(_arg1:String, _arg2:int, _arg3:MovieClip):void{ var idStr = _arg1; var scoreVal = _arg2; var screenHighScoreMC = _arg3; MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:idStr, score:scoreVal, res:"470x320", clip:screenHighScoreMC.highScoresContainerMC, onClose:function ():void{ screenHighScoreMC.gotoAndStop("levelfailedchoices"); }, onError:function ():void{ trace("error loading leaderboard!"); screenHighScoreMC.statusTxt.text = "error loading leaderboard!"; screenHighScoreMC.displayBackBtn(); }}); } public function get AvatarGender_male():Boolean{ return (this.avatarGender_male); } public function onRollOverGlow(_arg1:MouseEvent){ = [new GlowFilter(16351507)]; } public function set AttemptedHighScoreSubmission(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.attemptedHighScoreSubmission = _arg1; } function frame233(){ stop(); currLevel.whenNextLevel(); } function onUpdateLoaded(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; _local2 = Math.round(((this.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / this.loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 100)); loadingPercentTxt.text = (_local2 + "%"); progressBarMC.setProgressTo((_local2 / 100)); } public function onFilmstripsLoaded_maleCivilian(){ var _local1:*; showStatus("creating animations 2..."); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS.length) { maleCivilianAvSprite.addDefaultAnimation(CIVILIAN_ANIMATIONS[_local1]); _local1++; }; maleCivilianAvSprite.addAnimation("idle-right", "fgplatformer01", [74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 74, 75]); maleCivilianAvSprite.addAnimation("falling", "fgplatformer01", [185]); this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded++; if (this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded >= NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD2){ avatarLoad3Timer.start(); progressBarComp.setProgress(50, 100); }; } public function generateFaceIconSprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; _local2 = new Sprite();;, (this.avatarGender_male) ? 26 : 33, 50, 50);; _local2.x = -63; _local2.y = (this.avatarGender_male) ? -26 : -33; return (_local2); } function frame122(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_TutorialMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_tutorial"; currLevel.initLevel(); } public function onFilmstripsLoaded(){ var _local1:*; showStatus("creating animations 1..."); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < PLAYER_ANIMATIONS.length) { player.addDefaultAnimation(PLAYER_ANIMATIONS[_local1]); _local1++; }; player.addAnimation("idle-turn-fronttoleft", "fgworldidle01", [4, 3, 2, 1]); player.addAnimation("idle-still", "worldidle01", [1]); player.addAnimation("falling", "fgplatformer01", [185]); player.addAnimation("chargecrouch-left", "fgplatformer01", [136]); player.addAnimation("chargecrouch-right", "fgplatformer01", [128]); player.addAnimation("blinkarrival-left", "fgplatformer01", [136, 140]); player.addAnimation("blinkarrival-right", "fgplatformer01", [128, 132]); player.addAnimation("blinkdescend-left", "fgplatformer01", [140]); player.addAnimation("blinkdescend-right", "fgplatformer01", [132]); player.addAnimation("attack-left", "fgplatformer01", [175, 175, 176, 176]); player.addAnimation("attack-right", "fgplatformer01", [173, 173, 174, 174]); player.addAnimation("attackend-left", "fgplatformer01", [176]); player.addAnimation("attackend-right", "fgplatformer01", [174]); player.addAnimation("carrymotion-left", "fgplatformer01", [163, 162, 162]); player.addAnimation("carrymotion-right", "fgplatformer01", [161, 162, 162]); player.addAnimation("carrymotionend-left", "fgplatformer01", [162]); player.addAnimation("carrymotionend-right", "fgplatformer01", [162]); this.playerFaceSprite = generateFaceIconSprite(Bitmap(player.getChildByName("worldidle01")).bitmapData); this.playerBigFaceSprite = generateBigFaceMeezSprite(Bitmap(player.getChildByName("worldidle01")).bitmapData); this.playerChargeLeftSprite = generateChargeLeftSprite(Bitmap(player.getChildByName("fgplatformer01")).bitmapData); this.playerChargeRightSprite = generateChargeRightSprite(Bitmap(player.getChildByName("fgplatformer01")).bitmapData); this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded++; if (this.numFilmstripSpritesLoaded >= NUM_FILMSTRIP_SPRITES_TO_LOAD1){ avatarLoad2Timer.start(); progressBarComp.setProgress(25, 100); }; } public function onPlayerLoaded(_arg1:Object):void{ trace((((("loaded '" + + "' (avatarId=") + _arg1.avatarId) + ")")); if (_arg1.attribs["avatar.gender"] == "m"){ trace("GENDER IS MALE"); BlinkDoc(root).AvatarGender_male = true; } else { if (_arg1.attribs["avatar.gender"] == "f"){ trace("GENDER IS FEMALE"); BlinkDoc(root).AvatarGender_male = false; } else { trace((("GENDER IS UNKNOWN (" + _arg1.attribs["avatar.gender"]) + ")...assume female")); BlinkDoc(root).AvatarGender_male = false; }; }; showStatus((("creating " + + " sprite...")); player = new AvatarSprite(_arg1, FILMSTRIP_FRAME); player.setFrameRepeat(2); showStatus("loading animations..."); sfsl.loadFilmstrips(player, [AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().IDLE, AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().HIRESIDLE, AnimationDefs.getFilmstrips().PLATFORMER]); } public function whenKeyPressed(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.RIGHT: case 68: currLevel.whenKeyPressed_RIGHT(); break; case Keyboard.DOWN: case 83: currLevel.whenKeyPressed_DOWN(); break; case Keyboard.LEFT: case 65: currLevel.whenKeyPressed_LEFT(); break; case Keyboard.UP: case 87: currLevel.whenKeyPressed_UP(); break; default: break; }; } public function set GamePaused(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.gamePaused = _arg1; } public function invalidPlayer(_arg1, _arg2){ importWindow.invalidUserMessage.gotoAndPlay("show"); } function frame243(){ stop(); } function frame132(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_FireMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_fire"; currLevel.initLevel(); } function frame253(){ stop(); } public function get GamePaused():Boolean{ return (this.gamePaused); } public function generateBigFaceMeezSprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:BlurFilter; var _local3:BlurFilter; var _local4:Sprite; var _local5:Matrix; var _local6:Sprite; var _local7:Sprite; var _local8:Matrix; var _local9:Sprite; _local2 = new BlurFilter(); _local2.blurX = 5; _local2.blurY = 5; _local2.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; _local3 = new BlurFilter(); _local3.blurX = 1; _local3.blurY = 1; _local3.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH; _local4 = new Sprite(); _local5 = new Matrix(); _local5.scale(5, 5);, _local5);, 100, 320, 640);; _local4.x = -300; _local4.y = -100; _local4.filters = [_local2]; _local6 = new Sprite();;, 0, 180, 240);; _local6.x = 0; _local6.y = 0; _local7 = new Sprite(); _local8 = new Matrix(); _local8.createGradientBox(250, 20, 0, 0, 0);, [0xFFFFFF, 0], [1, 1], [0, 0xFF], _local8);, 0, 320, 640);; _local7.blendMode = BlendMode.MULTIPLY; _local9 = new Sprite(); _local9.addChild(_local4); _local6.y = 180; _local9.addChild(_local6); _local9.addChild(_local7); _local9.x = 350; _local9.y = 0; return (_local9); } public function onReleaseGirl(_arg1:MouseEvent){ meezCfg.game_player_id = "baron@local"; gotoAndPlay("beginloadAvatars"); } public function generateChargeRightSprite(_arg1:BitmapData):Sprite{ var _local2:Sprite; _local2 = new Sprite();;, 840, 90, 120);; _local2.x = -1350; _local2.y = -840; return (_local2); } public function set Ending1FirstTime(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.ending1FirstTime = _arg1; } public function get AttemptedHighScoreSubmission():Boolean{ return (this.attemptedHighScoreSubmission); } function frame142(){ stop(); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, whenKeyPressed, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, whenKeyReleased, false, 0, true); MovieClip(root).currScreenTypeNum = BlinkConsts.SCREEN_TYPE_NUM_GAMEPLAY; currLevel = screen_Level_ExplosionsMC; MovieClip(root).CurrLevelFrameLblStr = "level_explosions"; currLevel.initLevel(); } function frame262(){ stop(); } function onCompleteHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ trace("LOADING COMPLETE"); this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onUpdateLoaded); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler); if (!meezCfg.game_player_id){ gotoAndStop("characterSelector"); } else { gotoAndPlay("beginloadAvatars"); }; } public function get Api():Games{ return (this.api); } public function validPlayer(_arg1){ trace("valid player"); gotoAndPlay("beginloadAvatars"); } } }//package
Section 113
//BlinkLevel (BlinkLevel) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import meez.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BlinkLevel extends MovieClip { var gameplayKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay; var prePausedCurrKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver; var levelName:String; var numChancesBonus:uint; var currMissionObjectiveStr:String; var levelStarted:Boolean; var pauseBtnShowing:Boolean; var pausableMCArr:Array; var blankKeyboardReceiver:Blink_KeyboardReceiver; var levelFailed:Boolean; var missionFailureMsgStr:String; var rootDoc:BlinkDoc; var currKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver; var civBonus:uint; var usingLevelCompletionTimer:Boolean; var gameplayNoAttackKR:Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack; var levelNum:uint; var numMSecsToCompleteLevel:uint; var levelGroundY:Number; var levelCleared:Boolean; var timeScore:uint; var difficultyNum:uint; var lastRecordTime:uint; public function BlinkLevel(){ rootDoc = BlinkDoc(root); super(); this.blankKeyboardReceiver = new Blink_KeyboardReceiver(); this.gameplayKR = new Blink_KeyboardReceiver_Gameplay(this); this.gameplayNoAttackKR = new Blink_KeyboardReceiver_GameplayNoAttack(this); this.levelStarted = false; this.levelCleared = false; this.levelFailed = false; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ""; this.pausableMCArr = new Array(); this.levelGroundY = 245; this.pauseBtnShowing = true; this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel = 0; this.usingLevelCompletionTimer = false; this.missionFailureMsgStr = ""; } public function whenKeyPressed_DOWN():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyPressed_DOWN(); } public function canPause():Boolean{ return (((((((((!(rootDoc.GamePaused)) && (this.pauseBtnShowing))) && (this.levelStarted))) && (!(this.levelFailed)))) && (!(this.levelCleared)))); } public function get PrePausedCurrKR():Blink_KeyboardReceiver{ return (this.prePausedCurrKR); } public function get LevelName():String{ return (this.levelName); } public function set PrePausedCurrKR(_arg1:Blink_KeyboardReceiver):void{ this.prePausedCurrKR = _arg1; } public function set MissionFailureMsgStr(_arg1:String):void{ this.missionFailureMsgStr = _arg1; } public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ } public function whenMasterCharaHit():void{ } public function get NumChancesBonus():uint{ return (this.numChancesBonus); } public function startLevelCompletionTimer():void{ this.usingLevelCompletionTimer = true; this.lastRecordTime = getTimer(); } public function whenNextLevel():void{ } public function get PausableMCArr():Array{ return (this.pausableMCArr); } public function get CurrMissionObjectiveStr():String{ return (this.currMissionObjectiveStr); } public function set NumChancesBonus(_arg1:uint):void{ this.numChancesBonus = _arg1; } public function initLevel():void{ } public function set CurrMissionObjectiveStr(_arg1:String):void{ this.currMissionObjectiveStr = _arg1; } public function pauseGameToggle():void{ } public function get LevelStarted():Boolean{ return (this.levelStarted); } public function unpauseLevel():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.pausableMCArr.length) { MovieClip(this.pausableMCArr[_local1]).unpauseMC(); _local1++; }; this.currKR = this.prePausedCurrKR; this.currKR.doKeysPressedSweep(); tryStartLevelCompletionTimer(); rootDoc.getSndManager().changeMusicVolume_GameplayTo(1); rootDoc.GamePaused = false; } public function set CurrKR(_arg1:Blink_KeyboardReceiver):void{ this.currKR = _arg1; } public function set NumMSecsToCompleteLevel(_arg1:uint):void{ this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel = _arg1; } public function whenKeyReleased_RIGHT():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyReleased_RIGHT(); } public function set CivBonus(_arg1:uint):void{ this.civBonus = _arg1; } public function onMusicToggleOff():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().stopMusic_GameplayMus(); } public function tryStartLevelCompletionTimer():void{ if (this.usingLevelCompletionTimer){ startLevelCompletionTimer(); }; } public function determineTimeScore():uint{ return (0); } public function api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(_arg1:int, _arg2):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = Games.O2S({l:this.levelNum, t:_arg1}); rootDoc.Api.postGameScore(_arg2, rootDoc.Score, _local3, Games.Event.CHECKPOINT); } public function get LevelFailed():Boolean{ return (this.levelFailed); } public function whenKeyPressed_UP():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyPressed_UP(); } public function whenKeyPressed_RIGHT():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyPressed_RIGHT(); } public function whenKeyReleased_UP():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyReleased_UP(); } public function set LevelStarted(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.levelStarted = _arg1; } public function whenKeyReleased_LEFT():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyReleased_LEFT(); } public function exitLevel():void{ } public function canUnpause():Boolean{ return (((((((rootDoc.GamePaused) && (this.levelStarted))) && (!(this.levelFailed)))) && (!(this.levelCleared)))); } public function get MissionFailureMsgStr():String{ return (this.missionFailureMsgStr); } public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ } public function levelStateToGameplay():void{ } public function api_postScore_CHECKPOINT(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Games.O2S({l:this.levelNum, t:_arg1}); rootDoc.Api.postScore(rootDoc.Score, _local2, Games.Event.CHECKPOINT); } public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ MovieClip(root).NumChances--; if (MovieClip(root).NumChances <= 0){ onLevelFailed(_arg1); }; } public function onLevelCleared():void{ } public function pauseLevel():void{ var _local1:*; MovieClip(root).GamePaused = true; stopLevelCompletionTimer(); this.prePausedCurrKR = this.currKR; this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR.forceAllKeysReleased(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.pausableMCArr.length) { MovieClip(this.pausableMCArr[_local1]).pauseMC(); _local1++; }; if (!this.levelCleared){ rootDoc.getSndManager().changeMusicVolume_GameplayTo(0.5); }; } public function get CurrKR():Blink_KeyboardReceiver{ return (this.currKR); } public function get NumMSecsToCompleteLevel():uint{ return (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel); } public function get CivBonus():uint{ return (this.civBonus); } public function set LevelCleared(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.levelCleared = _arg1; } public function levelStateToModalStoryDialogue():void{ } public function set DifficultyNum(_arg1:uint):void{ this.difficultyNum = _arg1; } public function whenKeyPressed_LEFT():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyPressed_LEFT(); } public function set TimeScore(_arg1:uint):void{ this.timeScore = _arg1; } public function get LevelNum():uint{ return (this.levelNum); } public function set LevelFailed(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.levelFailed = _arg1; } public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ exitLevel(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelfailed"); } public function whenKeyReleased_DOWN():void{ this.currKR.whenKeyReleased_DOWN(); } public function tick(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel = (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel + 500); } public function get LevelCleared():Boolean{ return (this.levelCleared); } public function get TimeScore():uint{ return (this.timeScore); } public function get DifficultyNum():uint{ return (this.difficultyNum); } public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ } public function get LevelGroundY():Number{ return (this.levelGroundY); } public function stopLevelCompletionTimer():void{ if (this.usingLevelCompletionTimer){ this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel = (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel + (getTimer() - this.lastRecordTime)); }; } public function api_postScore_GAMEOVER(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:*; _local2 = Games.O2S({l:this.levelNum, t:_arg1}); rootDoc.Api.postScore(rootDoc.Score, _local2, Games.Event.GAMEOVER); } public function api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(_arg1:int, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = Games.O2S({l:this.levelNum, t:_arg1}); rootDoc.Api.postGameScore(_arg2, rootDoc.Score, _local3, Games.Event.GAMEOVER); } public function onMusicToggleOn():void{ if (this.levelStarted){ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playMusic_GameplayMus(false); }; } } }//package
Section 114
//BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling (BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling extends BlinkLevel { const DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS:uint = 20; const TOTAL_NUM_BARRELS:uint = 120; const LEVEL_MAX_TIME:uint = 120000; public var destinationIconAnimMC2:MovieClip; var civLaunchTimer2:Timer; public var destinationIconAnimMC1:MovieClip; var civLaunchTimer1:Timer; var civLaunchTimer3:Timer; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; var civDropTimer:Timer; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var civLaunchableArr:Array; var initNumCiviliansLeft:uint; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; public var civiliansLeftTxt:TextField; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var civilianMC4:Civilian; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; var civSpawnedArr:Array; var numCiviliansLeft:uint; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; var usingCLTimer1:Boolean; var usingCLTimer2:Boolean; var usingCLTimer3:Boolean; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public function BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL5_NAME; this.levelNum = 5; this.levelGroundY = 600; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ((("Carry all civilians safely to the destination icon." + "\n\nDon’t stop Blinking or else you’ll fall to the bottom.") + " Everyone is falling.") + "\n\nTIP: There is NO GROUND on this level, so BLINK TO PREVENT FALLING."); this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; this.civSpawnedArr = new Array(); this.civLaunchableArr = new Array(); } public function whenCivFound(_arg1:Civilian):void{ var civ = _arg1; civ.setEnterFrameFunc(function (){ }); civ.doExitAnimation(function (){ civLaunchableArr.push(civ); doUpdateFoundCivs(); }); } override public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 10; this.numCiviliansLeft = 10; } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; this.numCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; } else { this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 30; this.numCiviliansLeft = 30; }; }; civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(this.numCiviliansLeft); } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_notboth"); }); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC4); hUD_MC.initTimer(LEVEL_MAX_TIME, onTimeUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); hUD_MC.visible = true; civilianMC1.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC2.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC3.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC4.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC1); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC2); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC3); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC4); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = enterFrame_xyUpdate_NoGround; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; this.civDropTimer = new Timer(1000, 1); this.civDropTimer.addEventListener("timer", tryDropNewCiv, false, 0, true); this.usingCLTimer1 = (this.usingCLTimer2 = (this.usingCLTimer3 = false)); this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(5); doDifficultyAdjustments(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); civilianMC4.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ var arrLen:uint; var currCiv:Civilian; var i:*; super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; arrLen = this.civSpawnedArr.length; i = 0; while (i < arrLen) { currCiv = this.civSpawnedArr.pop(); currCiv.spawnAt(currCiv.x, currCiv.y, function (){ civEnterFrame_xyUpdate_NoGround(currCiv); }); i = (i + 1); }; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = (this.initNumCiviliansLeft * 2000); _local2 = LEVEL_MAX_TIME; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); if (mainCharaMC.playerAvSprite != null){ mainCharaMC.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-right"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } public function canDropNewCiv():Boolean{ return (true); } public function civEnterFrame_xyUpdate_NoGround(_arg1:Civilian):void{ var civ = _arg1; civ.defEnterFrameFunc_NoXYUpdate(); civ.YVel = (civ.YVel + civ.DefGravDec); civ.y = (civ.y + civ.YVel); if (civ.y > 400){ civ.setEnterFrameFunc(function (){ }); onLevelFailed((("Civilian Fell\n" + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }; } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ mainCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); takeAwayAChance((Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft) + " civilians left")); } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } private function onTimeUp():void{ onLevelFailed((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; _local4 = _arg2; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function tryDropNewCiv(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (canDropNewCiv()){ }; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function prepareCivLaunch():void{ if (!this.usingCLTimer1){ this.usingCLTimer1 = true; this.civLaunchTimer1 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer1.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv1, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer1.start(); } else { if (!this.usingCLTimer2){ this.usingCLTimer2 = true; this.civLaunchTimer2 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer2.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv2, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer2.start(); } else { if (!this.usingCLTimer3){ this.usingCLTimer3 = true; this.civLaunchTimer3 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer3.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv3, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer3.start(); } else { trace("--in BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling.prepareCivLaunch() all timers being used!?"); }; }; }; } public function doUpdateFoundCivs():void{ this.numCiviliansLeft--; civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)); if (this.numCiviliansLeft <= 0){ if (rootDoc.NumChances <= 0){ onLevelFailed("You can do this, try again."); return; }; onLevelCleared(); return; }; if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 15){ prepareCivLaunch(); }; prepareCivLaunch(); } else { if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD){ if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 25){ prepareCivLaunch(); } else { if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 15){ prepareCivLaunch(); }; }; prepareCivLaunch(); } else { prepareCivLaunch(); }; }; } public function dropNewCivAt(_arg1:Civilian, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var civ = _arg1; var xPos = _arg2; var yPos = _arg3; civ.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_FALLING, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC1, destinationIconAnimMC2], function (){ }, function (){ whenCivFound(civ); }, function (){ civ.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ }, function (){ }); civ.Falling = true; civ.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_FALLING); civ.LatestDropHeight = (this.levelGroundY - yPos); civ.YVel = 0; civ.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civ.CurrPickedUpFunc = function (){ civ.DefGravDec = Civilian.DEF_GRAV_DEC; }; if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ civ.x = xPos; civ.y = yPos; this.civSpawnedArr.push(civ); } else { if (((this.levelCleared) || (this.levelFailed))){ civ.stopExisting(); } else { civ.spawnAt(xPos, yPos, function (){ civEnterFrame_xyUpdate_NoGround(civ); }); civ.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); }; }; } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } private function onCivilianAttacked():void{ this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; rootDoc.NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ var _local1:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); _local1 = (80 + Math.round((Math.random() * 300))); dropNewCivAt(this.civLaunchableArr.shift(), _local1, -100); mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mainCharaMC.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("chargecrouch-right"); mainCharaMC.aerial = true; enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } public function launchCiv3(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; this.civLaunchTimer3.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv3); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling.launchCiv3(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; _local2 = (80 + Math.round((Math.random() * 300))); dropNewCivAt(this.civLaunchableArr.shift(), _local2, -100); this.usingCLTimer3 = false; } public function launchCiv1(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; this.civLaunchTimer1.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv1); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling.launchCiv1(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; _local2 = (80 + Math.round((Math.random() * 300))); dropNewCivAt(this.civLaunchableArr.shift(), _local2, -100); this.usingCLTimer1 = false; } public function launchCiv2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; this.civLaunchTimer2.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv2); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling.launchCiv2(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; _local2 = (80 + Math.round((Math.random() * 300))); dropNewCivAt(this.civLaunchableArr.shift(), _local2, -100); this.usingCLTimer2 = false; } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } public function enterFrame_xyUpdate_NoGround():void{ if (mainCharaMC.frozen){ return; }; if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ mainCharaMC.xVel = 0; } else { if ((((((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ mainCharaMC.xVel = mainCharaMC.DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD; } else { mainCharaMC.xVel = mainCharaMC.DEF_WALK_SPD; }; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ if ((((((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ mainCharaMC.xVel = -(mainCharaMC.DEF_ATTACKING_WALK_SPD); } else { mainCharaMC.xVel = -(mainCharaMC.DEF_WALK_SPD); }; } else { mainCharaMC.xVel = 0; }; }; if ((mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel) > 450){ mainCharaMC.x = 450; } else { if ((mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel) < -20){ mainCharaMC.x = -20; } else { mainCharaMC.x = (mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel); }; }; if ((((((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT)) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_RIGHT)))) || ((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_CARRY_MOTION)))){ mainCharaMC.yVel = (mainCharaMC.yVel + mainCharaMC.DEF_ATTACKING_GRAV_DEC); } else { mainCharaMC.yVel = (mainCharaMC.yVel + mainCharaMC.DEF_GRAV_DEC); }; if (mainCharaMC.y > 400){ if (MovieClip(root).NumChances > 1){ tryTeleportTo(275, 50); mainCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); }; takeAwayAChance((((("On this mission, you are high up in the air," + "so don't let yourself fall too far.") + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }; mainCharaMC.y = (mainCharaMC.y + mainCharaMC.yVel); } } }//package
Section 115
//BlinkLevel_Explosions (BlinkLevel_Explosions) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BlinkLevel_Explosions extends BlinkLevel { const DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS:uint = 20; const TOTAL_NUM_BARRELS:uint = 120; const LEVEL_MAX_TIME:uint = 120000; var barrelsSpawnedArr:Array; var numBarrelsPendingLaunch:uint; var numBarrelsGone:uint; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var initNumCiviliansLeft:uint; var barrelsLaunchingArr:Array; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; var usingBLTimer3:Boolean; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; var usingBLTimer1:Boolean; var civArr:Array; public var civiliansLeftTxt:TextField; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var civilianMC4:Civilian; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var explosiveBarrelMC1:MovieClip; public var explosiveBarrelMC3:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; public var explosiveBarrelMC2:MovieClip; public var explosiveBarrelMC4:MovieClip; var numCiviliansLeft:uint; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; var usingBLTimer2:Boolean; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; var barrelLaunchTimer1:Timer; public var numHits:uint; var barrelLaunchTimer2:Timer; var barrelLaunchTimer3:Timer; public function BlinkLevel_Explosions(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL3_NAME; this.levelNum = 3; this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; this.civArr = new Array(); this.barrelsSpawnedArr = new Array(); this.barrelsLaunchingArr = new Array(); } public function launchBarrel1(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ respawnBarrelAt(barrelsLaunchingArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); this.barrelLaunchTimer1.removeEventListener("timer", launchBarrel1); this.usingBLTimer1 = false; } override public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 10; this.numCiviliansLeft = 10; explosiveBarrelMC1.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC2.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_EASY); explosiveBarrelMC3.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC4.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_EASY); } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; this.numCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; explosiveBarrelMC1.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC2.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_NORMAL); explosiveBarrelMC3.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC4.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_NORMAL); } else { this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 30; this.numCiviliansLeft = 30; explosiveBarrelMC1.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC2.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_HARD); explosiveBarrelMC3.currFallRate = (explosiveBarrelMC4.currFallRate = explosiveBarrelMC1.FALL_RATE_HARD); }; }; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = (((((("Help " + this.initNumCiviliansLeft) + " civilians get to the left side.") + "\n\nBarrels will explode when they hit the ground.") + " Attack barrels in the air to destroy them.") + " Be careful because the explosion can hurt you and the civilians.") + "\n\nTIP: Hitting barrels instead of letting them explode may cause more barrels to come."); civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(this.numCiviliansLeft); } public function launchBarrel3(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ respawnBarrelAt(barrelsLaunchingArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); this.barrelLaunchTimer3.removeEventListener("timer", launchBarrel3); this.usingBLTimer3 = false; } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_peoplefalling"); }); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } public function launchBarrel2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ respawnBarrelAt(barrelsLaunchingArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); this.barrelLaunchTimer2.removeEventListener("timer", launchBarrel2); this.usingBLTimer2 = false; } public function whenCivReachesScreenLeft(_arg1:Civilian):void{ this.numCiviliansLeft--; civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)); if (this.numCiviliansLeft <= 0){ if (rootDoc.NumChances <= 0){ onLevelFailed("You almost got it, try just 1 more time."); } else { onLevelCleared(); }; } else { _arg1.x = (550 + Math.round((Math.random() * 200))); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(explosiveBarrelMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(explosiveBarrelMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(explosiveBarrelMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(explosiveBarrelMC4); hUD_MC.initTimer(LEVEL_MAX_TIME, onTimeUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); hUD_MC.visible = true; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, false, [], function (){ }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }); civilianMC2.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, false, [], function (){ }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }); civilianMC3.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, false, [], function (){ }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }); this.civArr.push(civilianMC1); this.civArr.push(civilianMC2); this.civArr.push(civilianMC3); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; this.numBarrelsGone = 0; this.numBarrelsPendingLaunch = 0; this.usingBLTimer1 = (this.usingBLTimer2 = (this.usingBLTimer3 = false)); this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(3); doDifficultyAdjustments(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function doScreenRunLeft(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.endPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(); _arg1.passedInEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); if (((!(MovieClip(root).GamePaused)) && (!(_arg1.Carried)))){ _arg1.currEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; }; _arg1.x = _arg1.DroppedX; } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); explosiveBarrelMC1.stopExisting(); explosiveBarrelMC2.stopExisting(); explosiveBarrelMC3.stopExisting(); explosiveBarrelMC4.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:*; super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; _local1 = this.barrelsSpawnedArr.length; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1) { _local2 = MovieClip(this.barrelsSpawnedArr.pop()); _local2.spawnAt(_local2.x, _local2.y); _local3++; }; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = (this.initNumCiviliansLeft * 2000); _local2 = LEVEL_MAX_TIME; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } public function civEFF(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.defEnterFrameFunc(); if (_arg1.y == this.levelGroundY){ if (_arg1.x > -90){ _arg1.x = (_arg1.x - Civilian.DEF_RUN_SPD); } else { whenCivReachesScreenLeft(_arg1); }; }; } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ mainCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); takeAwayAChance(((("Stay away from the explosions." + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function whenBarrelExploded(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ this.numBarrelsGone++; prepareBarrelLaunch(_arg1); } private function onTimeUp():void{ onLevelFailed((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function whenBarrelBroken(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ this.numBarrelsGone++; prepareBarrelLaunch(_arg1); if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ if (numBarrelsGone == 5){ trace("DIFFC. NORMAL, barrels Doubled"); respawnBarrelAt(explosiveBarrelMC2, Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); }; } else { if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD){ if (numBarrelsGone == 5){ trace("DIFFC. HARD, barrel added"); respawnBarrelAt(explosiveBarrelMC2, Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); } else { if (numBarrelsGone == 10){ trace("DIFFC. HARD, another barrel added"); respawnBarrelAt(explosiveBarrelMC3, Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); }; }; }; }; } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } public function whenCivBurned(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.startShowAsDamaged(); _arg1.Falling = true; _arg1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_FALLING, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(((("Keep civilians away from the explosions." + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; rootDoc.NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } private function onCivilianAttacked():void{ this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } public function prepareBarrelLaunch(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ if (!this.usingBLTimer1){ this.usingBLTimer1 = true; this.barrelsLaunchingArr.push(_arg1); this.barrelLaunchTimer1 = new Timer((500 + Math.round((Math.random() * 500))), 1); this.barrelLaunchTimer1.addEventListener("timer", launchBarrel1, false, 0, true); this.barrelLaunchTimer1.start(); this.numBarrelsPendingLaunch++; } else { if (!this.usingBLTimer2){ this.usingBLTimer2 = true; this.barrelsLaunchingArr.push(_arg1); this.barrelLaunchTimer2 = new Timer((500 + Math.round((Math.random() * 500))), 1); this.barrelLaunchTimer2.addEventListener("timer", launchBarrel2, false, 0, true); this.barrelLaunchTimer2.start(); this.numBarrelsPendingLaunch++; } else { if (!this.usingBLTimer3){ this.usingBLTimer3 = true; this.barrelsLaunchingArr.push(_arg1); this.barrelLaunchTimer3 = new Timer((500 + Math.round((Math.random() * 500))), 1); this.barrelLaunchTimer3.addEventListener("timer", launchBarrel3, false, 0, true); this.numBarrelsPendingLaunch++; this.barrelLaunchTimer3.start(); } else { trace("--in BlinkLevel_Explosions.prepareBarrelLaunch() all timers being used!?"); }; }; }; } public function get CivArr():Array{ return (this.civArr); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); explosiveBarrelMC1.initBarrel(function (){ whenBarrelExploded(explosiveBarrelMC1); }, function (){ whenBarrelBroken(explosiveBarrelMC1); }); explosiveBarrelMC1.spawnAt(Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -96); civilianMC1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC1.spawnAt(550, 245, function (){ civEFF(civilianMC1); }); civilianMC2.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC2.spawnAt(700, 245, function (){ civEFF(this); }); civilianMC3.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC3.spawnAt(800, 245, function (){ civEFF(this); }); civilianMC1.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC2.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC3.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } public function respawnBarrelAt(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var barrel = _arg1; var xPos = _arg2; var yPos = _arg3; barrel.initBarrel(function (){ whenBarrelExploded(barrel); }, function (){ whenBarrelBroken(barrel); }); if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ barrel.x = xPos; barrel.y = yPos; this.barrelsSpawnedArr.push(barrel); } else { if (((this.levelCleared) || (this.levelFailed))){ barrel.stopExisting(); } else { barrel.spawnAt(xPos, yPos); }; }; } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 116
//BlinkLevel_Final (BlinkLevel_Final) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class BlinkLevel_Final extends BlinkLevel { const PHASE_2_DURATN:uint = 30000; const PHASE_3_DURATN:uint = 300000; var ph2DialogueLineArr:Array; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; var currPh2DialogueLineIndx:uint; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var zoom_masterMC:MovieClip; var ph1DialogueLineArr:Array; var currPhaseNum:uint; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var currPh1DialogueLineIndx:uint; public var lastHitAnimMC:MovieClip; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; var numLives_master:uint; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var masterCharaMC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public var mirage_masterAnimMC:MovieClip; public function BlinkLevel_Final(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL7_NAME; this.levelNum = 7; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ((("It’s up to you.\n\nThere was a person you failed to rescue." + " Your master didn’t send out any ABLED members to help you.") + " Confronting your master has angered him. He challenges you to fight him.") + "\nWill you strike your teacher?"); this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; initializeDialogueLines(); } public function master_tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirage_masterAnimMC.x = masterCharaMC.x; mirage_masterAnimMC.y = masterCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 < 40){ _local4 = 40; } else { if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; }; if ((_local3 - masterCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blink_masterFacingLeft = true; masterCharaMC.switchToCharState(masterCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirage_masterAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoom_masterMC.doZoomLeft(masterCharaMC.x, masterCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blink_masterFacingLeft = false; masterCharaMC.switchToCharState(masterCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirage_masterAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoom_masterMC.doZoomRight(masterCharaMC.x, masterCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; masterCharaMC.visible = false; masterCharaMC.setFrozen(true); masterCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); masterCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); masterCharaMC.yVel = 0; } override public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ this.numLives_master = 1; } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ this.numLives_master = 3; } else { this.numLives_master = 6; }; }; } override public function whenMasterCharaHit():void{ if (currPhaseNum == 2){ doPhase3(); } else { this.numLives_master--; if (this.numLives_master <= 0){ if (MovieClip(root).NumChances > 0){ lastHitAnimMC.doLastHitAnim((mainCharaMC.currState == mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_ATTACK_LEFT), mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y); this.pauseBtnShowing = false; pauseBtn.visible = false; super.pauseLevel(); } else { onLevelFailed("He was faster."); }; }; }; } public function displayNextPh1DialogueLine():void{ this.currPh1DialogueLineIndx++; dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.ph1DialogueLineArr[this.currPh1DialogueLineIndx]); } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ if (currPhaseNum == 2){ rootDoc.Ending2FirstTime = !(rootDoc.Ending2_achieved); this.rootDoc.Ending2_achieved = true; if (this.rootDoc.SharedObjWorks){ = true; try { this.rootDoc.SharedObj.flush(); } catch(error:Error) { trace("--in BlinkLevel_Final.onLevelCleared(), sharedObj.flush() failed."); }; }; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ doEnding2(); }); } else { rootDoc.Ending1FirstTime = !(rootDoc.Ending1_achieved); this.rootDoc.Ending1_achieved = true; if (this.rootDoc.SharedObjWorks){ = true; try { this.rootDoc.SharedObj.flush(); } catch(error:Error) { trace("--in BlinkLevel_Final.onLevelCleared(), sharedObj.flush() failed."); }; }; MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ doEnding1(); }); }; } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } public function initializeDialogueLines():void{ this.ph1DialogueLineArr = new Array(); this.ph2DialogueLineArr = new Array(); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "I couldn’t save the last person.")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "It is a hard lesson to learn yet--")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "But you said there were others to help me.")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "We all have our limits.")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "Why didn’t anyone Blink there to save the one I couldn’t.")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ displayNextPh1DialogueLine(); mainCharaMC.playerAvSprite.playAnimation("idle-turn-fronttoleft", "hiidle-left"); }, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "We saved many people today--")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "Why didn’t YOU come to help?")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "I do not need to explain myself to you.")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ displayNextPh1DialogueLine(); masterCharaMC.masterAvSprite.playAnimation("idle-turn-backtoright", "hiidle-right"); }, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "But master--")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "I am your teacher, you will show me respect!")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextPh1DialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "I only meant...")); this.ph1DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(doPhase2, true, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Enough talk! You wish to strike me, so do it!")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "What!?")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Hit me.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "Master, I refuse to hit you.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Come on attack me!")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "This is madness.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "You think you know better than me. Defeat me.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "I won’t fight you.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Raise your weapon and fight!")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "No.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Hit me.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "No.")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Do it!")); this.ph2DialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "Stop it!")); } public function whenZoomFinish_master():void{ masterCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blink_masterFacingLeft){ masterCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { masterCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; masterCharaMC.aerial = !((masterCharaMC.y == 245)); masterCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(masterCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); hUD_MC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.aggressive = false; masterCharaMC.currAIPhase = masterCharaMC.AI_PHASE_IDLE; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, masterCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); masterCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, masterCharaMC.enterFrame_AI, false, 0, true); this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); this.currPh1DialogueLineIndx = 0; this.currPh2DialogueLineIndx = 0; this.currPhaseNum = 1; dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(7); doDifficultyAdjustments(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); masterCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); masterCharaMC.showAsNormal(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } public function doPhase3():void{ this.currPhaseNum = 3; hUD_MC.stopTimer(); hUD_MC.initTimer(PHASE_3_DURATN, function (){ onLevelFailed(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP); }); hUD_MC.startTimer(); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(new DialogueLine(function (){ dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; }, false, 5000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Impudent little--You would raise your weapon against me?")); masterCharaMC.aggressive = true; masterCharaMC.switchToAIPhase(masterCharaMC.AI_HARD_CHASE); } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } public function doPhase2():void{ this.currPhaseNum = 2; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); hUD_MC.initTimer(PHASE_2_DURATN, onPhase2TimerUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(false); hUD_MC.visible = true; hUD_MC.startTimer(); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; enableTeleport(); this.currKR = this.gameplayKR; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; startLevelCompletionTimer(); masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = masterCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = masterCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; masterCharaMC.currAIPhase = masterCharaMC.AI_SOFT_CHASE; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_AI = masterCharaMC.enterFrame_AI_SoftChase; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_AI = masterCharaMC.enterFrame_AI_SoftChase; dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.ph2DialogueLineArr[0]); } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function onMusicToggleOff():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().stopMusic_GameplayMus(); } public function displayNextPh2DialogueLine():void{ this.currPh2DialogueLineIndx++; dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.ph2DialogueLineArr[this.currPh2DialogueLineIndx]); } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = PHASE_3_DURATN; _local2 = PHASE_3_DURATN; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function tryDisplayNextPh2DialogueLine():void{ if (currPhaseNum == 2){ displayNextPh2DialogueLine(); } else { return; }; } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } private function doEnding2():void{ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("ending2"); } private function doEnding1():void{ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("ending1"); } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ takeAwayAChance("The master is quick."); } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); exitLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; stopLevelCompletionTimer(); this.usingLevelCompletionTimer = false; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } public function onPhase2TimerUp():void{ if (currPhaseNum == 2){ onLevelCleared(); }; } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); dialogueBoxMC.visible = true; dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.ph1DialogueLineArr[0]); } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } override public function onMusicToggleOn():void{ if (this.currPhaseNum > 1){ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(false); }; } } }//package
Section 117
//BlinkLevel_Fire (BlinkLevel_Fire) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class BlinkLevel_Fire extends BlinkLevel { var civiliansRunning:Boolean; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var zoom_masterMC:MovieClip; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; public var fireMC:MovieClip; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; var civiliansRunTimer:Timer; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var buildingCrumbleAnimMC:MovieClip; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; var numCiviliansLeftToRun:uint; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC:MovieClip; var numCiviliansFound:uint; public var panicHelperMC:MovieClip; var LEVEL_MAX_TIME:uint;// = 100000 public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var civilianMC4:Civilian; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; var NUM_CIVILIANS:uint;// = 4 public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public var destinationIconAnimMC:MovieClip; public var mirage_masterAnimMC:MovieClip; public function BlinkLevel_Fire(){ LEVEL_MAX_TIME = 100000; NUM_CIVILIANS = 4; addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL2_NAME; this.levelNum = 2; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ("Get all civilians out of the burning room." + "\n\nDon’t let the flames touch you or any of the civilians. Time is running out."); this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; } public function enterFrame_FireCreep(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Civilian; var _local3:*; if (fireMC.x > 325){ fireMC.x = (fireMC.x - fireMC.creepDX); panicHelperMC.x = (fireMC.x + 55); } else { fireMC.x = 325; }; _local3 = 1; while (_local3 <= NUM_CIVILIANS) { _local2 = this[("civilianMC" + _local3)]; if (((((fireMC.hitBoxMC.hitTestObject(_local2.hitBoxMC)) && (_local2.Lost))) && (!(_local2.Carried)))){ if (this.civiliansRunning){ _local2.x = ((fireMC.x - _local2.width) - 10); } else { _local2.x = (breakableWallMC.x + breakableWallMC.width); }; takeAwayAChance("Don't let the fire reach any civilian."); }; _local3++; }; if (MovieClip(root).NumChances > 0){ if (fireMC.hitBoxMC.hitTestObject(mainCharaMC)){ if (this.civiliansRunning){ mainCharaMC.x = ((fireMC.x - mainCharaMC.hitBoxMC.width) - 10); } else { mainCharaMC.x = (breakableWallMC.x + breakableWallMC.width); }; whenMainCharaHit(); }; }; } override public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ fireMC.currCreepDX = 0.04; } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ trace(("fireMC.DEF_CREEP_DX: " + fireMC.DEF_CREEP_DX)); fireMC.currCreepDX = fireMC.DEF_CREEP_DX; } else { fireMC.currCreepDX = 0.16; }; }; fireMC.creepDX = fireMC.currCreepDX; } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_explosions"); }); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC4); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(fireMC); hUD_MC.initTimer(LEVEL_MAX_TIME, onTimeUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); hUD_MC.visible = true; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.Lost = false; civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC1.doExitAnimation(whenCivilianFound); }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ if (civilianMC1.x < 275){ doScreenRunLeft(civilianMC1); } else { if (breakableWallMC.x != 700){ civDoDefEnterFrameFunc(civilianMC1); }; }; }, function (){ onCivilianDDropped(civilianMC1); }); civilianMC1.spawnAt(310, 245, civilianMC1.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC2.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.Lost = false; civilianMC2.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC2.doExitAnimation(whenCivilianFound); }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ if (civilianMC2.x < 275){ doScreenRunLeft(civilianMC2); } else { if (breakableWallMC.x != 700){ civDoDefEnterFrameFunc(civilianMC2); }; }; }, function (){ onCivilianDDropped(civilianMC2); }); civilianMC2.spawnAt(320, 245, civilianMC2.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC3.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.Lost = false; civilianMC3.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC3.doExitAnimation(whenCivilianFound); }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ if (civilianMC3.x < 275){ doScreenRunLeft(civilianMC3); } else { if (breakableWallMC.x != 700){ civDoDefEnterFrameFunc(civilianMC3); }; }; }, function (){ onCivilianDDropped(civilianMC3); }); civilianMC3.spawnAt(330, 245, civilianMC3.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC4.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC4.Lost = false; civilianMC4.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC4.doExitAnimation(whenCivilianFound); }, function (){ civilianMC4.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ if (civilianMC4.x < 275){ doScreenRunLeft(civilianMC4); } else { if (breakableWallMC.x != 700){ civDoDefEnterFrameFunc(civilianMC4); }; }; }, function (){ onCivilianDDropped(civilianMC4); }); civilianMC4.spawnAt(340, 245, civilianMC4.defEnterFrameFunc); breakableWallMC.initBreakableWall(function (){ breakableWallMC.x = 700; allCiviliansRunToLeft(); }); breakableWallMC.prePauseHitTestFunc = breakableWallMC.defHitTestFunc; breakableWallMC.currHitTestFunc = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = enterFrame_xyUpdate_WithWalls; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; this.numCiviliansFound = 0; this.civiliansRunning = false; this.numCiviliansLeftToRun = NUM_CIVILIANS; this.civiliansRunTimer = new Timer(1000, (NUM_CIVILIANS - 1)); this.civiliansRunTimer.addEventListener("timer", nextCivilianRun_TIMER, false, 0, true); this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(2); fireMC.x = 450; doDifficultyAdjustments(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); civilianMC4.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); if (this.civiliansRunTimer.willTrigger("timer")){ this.civiliansRunTimer.removeEventListener("timer", nextCivilianRun_TIMER); }; this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_FireCreep); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; if (this.civiliansRunning){ this.civiliansRunTimer.start(); }; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } public function doScreenRunLeft(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.endPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(); _arg1.passedInEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); if (((!(MovieClip(root).GamePaused)) && (!(_arg1.Carried)))){ _arg1.currEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; }; if (!_arg1.RunningLeft){ _arg1.x = _arg1.DroppedX; _arg1.RunningLeft = true; }; } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 5000; _local2 = LEVEL_MAX_TIME; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function whenCivilianFound():void{ this.numCiviliansFound++; if (this.numCiviliansFound >= NUM_CIVILIANS){ onLevelCleared(); }; } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ mainCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); takeAwayAChance("Stay away from the fire."); } public function enterFrame_xyUpdate_WithWalls():void{ mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate(); if (breakableWallMC.x < 700){ if (mainCharaMC.xVel > 0){ if (((((mainCharaMC.x + 90) > 283)) && (((mainCharaMC.x + 90) < 301)))){ mainCharaMC.x = 193; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.xVel < 0){ if ((((mainCharaMC.x > 283)) && ((mainCharaMC.x < 301)))){ mainCharaMC.x = 301; }; }; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.yVel < 0){ if ((((((mainCharaMC.x < 301)) && (((mainCharaMC.x + 90) > 283)))) && ((mainCharaMC.y < 180)))){ mainCharaMC.y = 180; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.y < 180){ if (mainCharaMC.xVel > 0){ if (((((mainCharaMC.x + 90) > 283)) && (((mainCharaMC.x + 90) < 301)))){ mainCharaMC.x = 193; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.xVel < 0){ if ((((mainCharaMC.x > 283)) && ((mainCharaMC.x < 301)))){ mainCharaMC.x = 301; }; }; }; }; }; }; } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; if (this.civiliansRunning){ this.civiliansRunTimer.stop(); }; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } private function onTimeUp():void{ onLevelFailed(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP); } public function nextCivilianRun():void{ var _local1:Civilian; var _local2:uint; var _local3:*; _local2 = this.numCiviliansLeftToRun; _local3 = _local2; while (_local3 > 0) { _local1 = this[("civilianMC" + _local3)]; this.numCiviliansLeftToRun--; if (this.numCiviliansLeftToRun <= 0){ this.civiliansRunTimer.removeEventListener("timer", nextCivilianRun_TIMER); this.civiliansRunning = false; }; if (_local1.Lost){ doScreenRunLeft(_local1); break; }; _local3--; }; } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; if (this.civiliansRunning){ this.civiliansRunTimer.stop(); }; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if (breakableWallMC.x < 700){ if ((((_local3 > 238)) && ((_local3 <= 292)))){ _local3 = 238; } else { if ((((_local3 > 292)) && ((_local3 <= 346)))){ _local3 = 346; }; }; } else { if ((((_local4 > 240)) && ((_local4 < 290)))){ if ((((_local3 > 238)) && ((_local3 <= 346)))){ _local4 = 240; }; } else { if (_local4 <= 240){ if ((((_local3 > 238)) && ((_local3 <= 292)))){ _local3 = 238; } else { if ((((_local3 > 292)) && ((_local3 <= 346)))){ _local3 = 346; }; }; }; }; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function civDoDefEnterFrameFunc(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.passedInEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.defEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.defEnterFrameFunc; _arg1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE); if (((!(MovieClip(root).GamePaused)) && (!(_arg1.Carried)))){ _arg1.currEnterFrameFunc = _arg1.defEnterFrameFunc; }; } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } private function onCivilianDDropped(_arg1:Civilian):void{ _arg1.startShowAsDamaged(); civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV); } public function nextCivilianRun_TIMER(_arg1:TimerEvent){ nextCivilianRun(); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } private function onCivilianAttacked():void{ this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; if (this.civiliansRunning){ this.civiliansRunTimer.stop(); }; MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } public function allCiviliansRunToLeft():void{ this.civiliansRunning = true; nextCivilianRun(); this.civiliansRunTimer.start(); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); civilianMC1.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC2.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC3.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC4.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); if (Math.random() > 0.5){ civilianMC1.doPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(panicHelperMC, (breakableWallMC.x + 30)); }; if (Math.random() > 0.5){ civilianMC2.doPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(panicHelperMC, (breakableWallMC.x + 30)); }; if (Math.random() > 0.5){ civilianMC3.doPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(panicHelperMC, (breakableWallMC.x + 30)); }; if (Math.random() > 0.5){ civilianMC4.doPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(panicHelperMC, (breakableWallMC.x + 30)); }; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame_FireCreep, false, 0, true); enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } } }//package
Section 118
//BlinkLevel_NotBoth (BlinkLevel_NotBoth) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class BlinkLevel_NotBoth extends BlinkLevel { public var crumbleBuildingBGMC:MovieClip; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var zoom_masterMC:MovieClip; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var crumbleSideLeft:Boolean; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var buildingCrumbleAnimMC:MovieClip; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; var unrescuedCiv:Civilian; var LEVEL_MAX_TIME:uint;// = 15000 public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public var destinationIconAnimMC:MovieClip; public var mirage_masterAnimMC:MovieClip; public function BlinkLevel_NotBoth(){ LEVEL_MAX_TIME = 15000; addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL6_NAME; this.levelNum = 6; this.levelGroundY = 95; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = "Rescue the people by bringing them to the destination icon."; this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; } public function whenBuildingShockwave():void{ this.unrescuedCiv.x = 700; dialogueBoxMC.visible = true; tryTeleportTo(0xFF, -200); mainCharaMC.y = -200; displayPh2DialogueLine_3(); if (crumbleSideLeft){ crumbleBuildingBGMC.showDestroyedLeft(); } else { crumbleBuildingBGMC.showDestroyedRight(); }; } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeInLocationExposition(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_final"); }, "Location: A.B.L.E.D. Dojo"); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); hUD_MC.initTimer(LEVEL_MAX_TIME, onTimeUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); hUD_MC.visible = true; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.Lost = false; civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC1.doExitAnimation(); doCrumbleBuilding(); }, onCivilianAttacked, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV); }); civilianMC1.spawnAt(5, 95, civilianMC1.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC2.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.Lost = false; civilianMC2.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC2.doExitAnimation(); doCrumbleBuilding(); }, onCivilianAttacked, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV); }); civilianMC2.spawnAt(445, 95, civilianMC2.defEnterFrameFunc); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(6); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 1000; _local2 = LEVEL_MAX_TIME; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } private function onTimeUp():void{ onLevelFailed(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP); } private function doCrumbleAnimAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ buildingCrumbleAnimMC.doCrumbleAnimAt(_arg1, _arg2); } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > (this.levelGroundY + 60)){ _local4 = (this.levelGroundY + 60); } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == this.levelGroundY)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } private function doCrumbleBuilding():void{ trace("Building Crumble"); hUD_MC.killTimer(); disableTeleport(); stopLevelCompletionTimer(); this.usingLevelCompletionTimer = false; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; disableGameplayKeyboardControls(); pauseBtn.enabled = (pauseBtn.visible = (this.pauseBtnShowing = false)); hUD_MC.visible = false; if (civilianMC1.Lost){ if (civilianMC1.x >= 270){ this.crumbleSideLeft = false; } else { this.crumbleSideLeft = true; }; this.unrescuedCiv = civilianMC1; } else { if (civilianMC2.x >= 270){ this.crumbleSideLeft = false; } else { this.crumbleSideLeft = true; }; this.unrescuedCiv = civilianMC2; }; doCrumbleAnimAt(0, 0); if (crumbleSideLeft){ trace("LEFT CRUMLE"); mainCharaMC.x = 450; mainCharaMC.y = 20; } else { trace("RIGHT CRUMBLE"); mainCharaMC.x = 10; mainCharaMC.y = 20; }; } private function onCivilianAttacked():void{ this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance(BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; MovieClip(root).NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); civilianMC1.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC2.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } private function displayPh2DialogueLine_1():void{ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(new DialogueLine(displayPh2DialogueLine_2, false, 1000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "...")); } private function displayPh2DialogueLine_2():void{ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 2000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "HEY BE CAREFUL, IT'S GONNA--")); } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } private function displayPh2DialogueLine_3():void{ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(new DialogueLine(onLevelCleared, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "nnnnNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!")); } } }//package
Section 119
//BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling (BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling extends BlinkLevel { const DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS:uint = 20; const LEVEL_MAX_TIME:uint = 120000; var civLaunchTimer2:Timer; var civLaunchTimer1:Timer; var civLaunchTimer3:Timer; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; var civDropTimer:Timer; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var civLaunchableArr:Array; var initNumCiviliansLeft:uint; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; public var civiliansLeftTxt:TextField; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var civilianMC4:Civilian; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; public var blink_masterFacingLeft:Boolean; var civSpawnedArr:Array; var numCiviliansLeft:uint; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; var usingCLTimer1:Boolean; var usingCLTimer2:Boolean; var usingCLTimer3:Boolean; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var numHits:uint; public var destinationIconAnimMC:MovieClip; public function BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL4_NAME; this.levelNum = 4; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = "Carry all civilians safely to the ground."; this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.prePausedCurrKR = this.gameplayKR; this.civSpawnedArr = new Array(); this.civLaunchableArr = new Array(); } override public function doDifficultyAdjustments(_arg1:uint):void{ if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_EASY){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 10; this.numCiviliansLeft = 10; } else { if (_arg1 == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ this.initNumCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; this.numCiviliansLeft = DEF_GOAL_NUM_CIVILIANS; } else { this.initNumCiviliansLeft = 30; this.numCiviliansLeft = 30; }; }; civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(this.numCiviliansLeft); } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeToAndFromBlack(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_everyonefalling"); }); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(hUD_MC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC4); hUD_MC.initTimer(LEVEL_MAX_TIME, onTimeUp); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(true); hUD_MC.visible = true; civilianMC1.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC2.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC3.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civilianMC4.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC1); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC2); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC3); this.civLaunchableArr.push(civilianMC4); mainCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; this.civDropTimer = new Timer(1000, 1); this.civDropTimer.addEventListener("timer", tryDropNewCiv, false, 0, true); this.usingCLTimer1 = (this.usingCLTimer2 = (this.usingCLTimer3 = false)); this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(4); doDifficultyAdjustments(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum); screen_PauseMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy, false, 0, true); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); civilianMC4.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function whenCivSafeDropped(_arg1:Civilian):void{ var civ = _arg1; civ.Uncarriable = true; civ.stopInjured(); civ.setEnterFrameFunc(function (){ }); civ.setCivSpriteColorTransform(new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); civ.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE); destinationIconAnimMC.x = civ.x; civ.doExitAnimation(function (){ destinationIconAnimMC.x = 700; civLaunchableArr.push(civ); doUpdateSafeDroppedCivs(); }); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:Civilian; var _local3:*; super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; _local1 = this.civSpawnedArr.length; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local1) { _local2 = this.civSpawnedArr.pop(); _local2.spawnAt(_local2.x, _local2.y, _local2.defEnterFrameFunc); _local3++; }; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = (this.initNumCiviliansLeft * 2000); _local2 = LEVEL_MAX_TIME; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy(_arg1:Event):void{ screen_PauseMC.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showMissionObjectiveWhenPauseScreenRdy); screen_PauseMC.showMissionObjective(); } public function canDropNewCiv():Boolean{ return (true); } override public function whenMainCharaHit():void{ mainCharaMC.startShowAsDamaged(); takeAwayAChance((Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft) + " civilians left")); } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } override public function takeAwayAChance(_arg1:String=null):void{ super.takeAwayAChance(_arg1); hUD_MC.updateNumChancesDisplay(MovieClip(root).NumChances); } private function onTimeUp():void{ onLevelFailed((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_TIME_UP + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } public function tryDropNewCiv(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (canDropNewCiv()){ }; } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function prepareCivLaunch():void{ if (!this.usingCLTimer1){ this.usingCLTimer1 = true; this.civLaunchTimer1 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer1.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv1, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer1.start(); } else { if (!this.usingCLTimer2){ this.usingCLTimer2 = true; this.civLaunchTimer2 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer2.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv2, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer2.start(); } else { if (!this.usingCLTimer3){ this.usingCLTimer3 = true; this.civLaunchTimer3 = new Timer(Math.round((Math.random() * 1000)), 1); this.civLaunchTimer3.addEventListener("timer", launchCiv3, false, 0, true); this.civLaunchTimer3.start(); } else { trace("--in BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling.prepareCivLaunch() all timers being used!?"); }; }; }; } public function dropNewCivAt(_arg1:Civilian, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var civ = _arg1; var xPos = _arg2; var yPos = _arg3; civ.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_FALLING, false, false, [], function (){ }, function (){ }, function (){ civ.startShowAsDamaged(); onCivilianAttacked(); }, function (){ whenCivSafeDropped(civ); }, function (){ civ.startShowAsDamaged(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_DDROP_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); civ.doInjured(); }); civ.CurrInjuredFunc = function (){ trace("in Injured Func"); takeAwayAChance((((("On this level, when a civilian hits the ground before you catch them," + " you still need to go and help the civilian up.") + "\n") + Math.max(0, numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); }; civ.Falling = true; civ.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_FALLING); civ.LatestDropHeight = (this.levelGroundY - yPos); civ.YVel = 0; civ.DefGravDec = Civilian.SLOW_GRAV_DEC; civ.CurrPickedUpFunc = function (){ civ.DefGravDec = Civilian.DEF_GRAV_DEC; }; if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ civ.x = xPos; civ.y = yPos; this.civSpawnedArr.push(civ); } else { if (((this.levelCleared) || (this.levelFailed))){ civ.stopExisting(); } else { civ.spawnAt(Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), yPos, civ.defEnterFrameFunc); civ.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); }; }; } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.tryAnimateCarryMotion(); } private function onCivilianAttacked():void{ this.civBonus = 0; takeAwayAChance((((BlinkConsts.FAIL_MSG_ATTACK_CIV + "\n") + Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)) + " civilians left")); } override public function onLevelFailed(_arg1:String=null):void{ if (((!(this.levelFailed)) && (!(this.levelCleared)))){ this.levelFailed = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelFailed()"); return; }; endAllLevelTriggers(); super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; rootDoc.NumChances = 3; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures++; pauseBtn.visible = false; hUD_MC.visible = false; if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(-1, "SingleLevels"); }; screen_PauseMC.showMissionFailed(_arg1); } override public function onLevelStartMissionObjClosed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().tryPlayMusic_GameplayMus(true); dropNewCivAt(this.civLaunchableArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -100); enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); } public function launchCiv3(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.civLaunchTimer3.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv3); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling.launchCiv3(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; dropNewCivAt(civLaunchableArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -100); this.usingCLTimer3 = false; } public function launchCiv1(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.civLaunchTimer1.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv1); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling.launchCiv1(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; dropNewCivAt(civLaunchableArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -100); this.usingCLTimer1 = false; } public function launchCiv2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ this.civLaunchTimer2.removeEventListener("timer", launchCiv2); if (this.civLaunchableArr.length == 0){ trace("in BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling.launchCiv2(), launchable array is empty"); return; }; dropNewCivAt(civLaunchableArr.shift(), Math.round((Math.random() * 500)), -100); this.usingCLTimer2 = false; } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } public function doUpdateSafeDroppedCivs():void{ this.numCiviliansLeft--; civiliansLeftTxt.text = String(Math.max(0, this.numCiviliansLeft)); if (this.numCiviliansLeft <= 0){ if (rootDoc.NumChances <= 0){ onLevelFailed("You almost got it, don't give up."); return; }; onLevelCleared(); return; }; if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_NORMAL){ if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 15){ prepareCivLaunch(); }; prepareCivLaunch(); } else { if (rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum == BlinkConsts.DIFFICULTY_NUM_HARD){ if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 25){ prepareCivLaunch(); } else { if (this.numCiviliansLeft == 15){ prepareCivLaunch(); }; }; prepareCivLaunch(); } else { prepareCivLaunch(); }; }; } } }//package
Section 120
//BlinkLevel_Tutorial (BlinkLevel_Tutorial) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BlinkLevel_Tutorial extends BlinkLevel { public var tutorialControlsDisplayMC:MovieClip; public var ballOfLightMC:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC1:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC4:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC5:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC2:MovieClip; public var breakableWallMC3:MovieClip; public var hitAreaMC:MovieClip; public var testBtn:SimpleButton; public var pauseBtn:SimpleButton; public var materializeAnimMC:MovieClip; var colorTransform_tutorialCiv:ColorTransform; var glowFilter_ballOfLight:GlowFilter; public var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; public var zoomMC:MovieClip; var dialogueLineArr:Array; var currDialogueLineIndx:uint; public var splashScreenFadeInAnimMC:MovieClip; var reprimand_CivilianAttackDL1:DialogueLine; var reprimand_CivilianAttackDL2:DialogueLine; var reprimand_CivilianAttackDL3:DialogueLine; public var civilianMC2:Civilian; public var civilianMC1:Civilian; public var civilianMC3:Civilian; public var skipTutorialBtn:SimpleButton; public var blackFadeoutMC:MovieClip; var numFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed:uint; public var screen_PauseMC:MovieClip; public var blinkFacingLeft:Boolean; public var play4AllLogoGrphcMC:MovieClip; var numFirstCiviliansFound:uint; public var dialogueBoxMC:MovieClip; public var mirageAnimMC:MovieClip; var reprimand_CivilianDropDL1:DialogueLine; var reprimand_CivilianDropDL2:DialogueLine; public var hUD_MC:MovieClip; public var masterCharaMC:MovieClip; public var destinationIconAnimMC:MovieClip; var reprimand_CivilianDropDL3:DialogueLine; public function BlinkLevel_Tutorial(){ colorTransform_tutorialCiv = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 128, 128, 0xFF); glowFilter_ballOfLight = new GlowFilter(0xFFFF, 1, 16, 16, 2, 1, false, false); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); super(); this.levelName = BlinkConsts.LEVEL1_NAME; this.levelNum = 1; this.currMissionObjectiveStr = ("Prove to your teacher that you are worthy of being on real missions." + " Demonstrate your abilities by following his commands."); this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.dialogueLineArr = new Array(); populateDialogueLineArr(); this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL1 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Be GENTLE with the civilians!!"); this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL2 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "NEVER attack a civilian!"); this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL3 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 4000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "During a real mission, you would be penalized for attacking the innocent!"); this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL1 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "NEVER drop a civilian from too high!"); this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL2 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Civilians cannot Blink like you, so put them down NEAR the ground!"); this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL3 = new DialogueLine(resumeRegularDialogue, false, 4000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "During a real mission, you would be penalized for dropping the innocent!"); } private function blackFadeoutAndDisplayNextDL():void{ blackFadeoutMC.gotoAndPlay("fadeout"); this.levelStarted = true; pauseBtn.visible = (this.pauseBtnShowing = true); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function doPhase11():void{ destinationIconAnimMC.x = 450; destinationIconAnimMC.y = 0xFF; civilianMC2.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, true, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], breakableWallMC1.doBreakAnim, function (){ civilianMC2.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); civilianMC2.doExitAnimation(doPhase12); }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); breakableWallMC1.initBreakableWall(function (){ breakableWallMC1.stopExisting(); }); breakableWallMC1.spawnAt(245, 230, function (){ }); civilianMC2.spawnAt(240, 245, civilianMC2.defEnterFrameFunc); displayNextDialogueLine(); } private function backToGameplay():void{ this.currDialogueLineIndx++; dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; } public function whenTutorialComplete():void{ onLevelCleared(); } public function reprimand_CivilianAttacking():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 <= 0.25){ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL1); } else { if (_local1 <= 0.5){ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL2); } else { dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianAttackDL3); }; }; } public function whenOneOfFirstCiviliansFound():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.numFirstCiviliansFound++; if (this.numFirstCiviliansFound == 3){ whenAllFirstCiviliansFound(); }; } override public function whenNextLevel():void{ exitLevel(); if (MovieClip(root).PlayingThroughLevels){ MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeInLocationExposition(function (){ MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("level_fire"); }, "Crisis Location: Default Inc. building"); } else { MovieClip(root).screenMCOverlayMC.fadeFromBlack(); MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("levelselect"); }; } private function disableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp); } override public function initLevel():void{ trace(((this.levelName + ": ") + rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); this.pausableMCArr.push(mainCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(dialogueBoxMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(ballOfLightMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(masterCharaMC); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(civilianMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC1); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC2); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC3); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC4); this.pausableMCArr.push(breakableWallMC5); hUD_MC.setVisibleTimer(false); hUD_MC.visible = false; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_xyUpdate = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.aggressive = false; masterCharaMC.currAIPhase = masterCharaMC.AI_PHASE_IDLE; masterCharaMC.prePauseEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.currEnterFrame_AI = function (){ }; masterCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, masterCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); masterCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, masterCharaMC.enterFrame_AI, false, 0, true); this.currDialogueLineIndx = 0; mainCharaMC.currEnterFrame_xyUpdate = mainCharaMC.defEnterFrame_xyUpdate; mainCharaMC.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainCharaMC.enterFrame_xyUpdate, false, 0, true); materializeAnimMC.initMaterializer(showSprite_Master, hideSprite_Master); ballOfLightMC.initBallOfLight(); this.numFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed = 0; this.numFirstCiviliansFound = 0; civilianMC1.ColorTransform_normal = this.colorTransform_tutorialCiv; civilianMC2.ColorTransform_normal = this.colorTransform_tutorialCiv; civilianMC3.ColorTransform_normal = this.colorTransform_tutorialCiv; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, true, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ civilianMC1.Uncarriable = true; civilianMC1.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC1.passedInEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC1.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; }, function (){ civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC1.doExitAnimation(whenOneOfFirstCiviliansFound); }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); civilianMC2.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, true, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ civilianMC2.Uncarriable = true; civilianMC2.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC2.passedInEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC2.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; civilianMC2.currEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC2.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; }, function (){ civilianMC2.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC2.doExitAnimation(whenOneOfFirstCiviliansFound); }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC2.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); civilianMC3.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, true, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ civilianMC3.Uncarriable = true; civilianMC3.switchToAnim(Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); civilianMC3.passedInEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC3.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; civilianMC3.currEnterFrameFunc = civilianMC3.runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc; }, function (){ civilianMC3.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; civilianMC3.doExitAnimation(whenOneOfFirstCiviliansFound); }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); rootDoc.Score = 0; rootDoc.NumMissionFailures = 0; this.timeScore = (this.numChancesBonus = 0); this.civBonus = 5000; this.levelCleared = (this.levelFailed = false); pauseBtn.visible = (this.pauseBtnShowing = false); dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.dialogueLineArr[0]); if ((((rootDoc.LevelsUnlockedNum > 0)) && (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels))){ skipTutorialBtn.x = 492; }; } private function enableGameplayKeyboardControlsNoAttack():void{ this.currKR = this.gameplayNoAttackKR; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } function frame1(){ pauseBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame_MOUSE, false, 0, true); skipTutorialBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipTutorial, false, 0, true); testBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, testFunc_MOUSE, false, 0, true); } private function materializeFirstAttackTargets():void{ breakableWallMC1.filters = [glowFilter_ballOfLight]; breakableWallMC2.filters = [glowFilter_ballOfLight]; breakableWallMC3.filters = [glowFilter_ballOfLight]; breakableWallMC4.filters = [glowFilter_ballOfLight]; breakableWallMC5.filters = [glowFilter_ballOfLight]; breakableWallMC1.initBreakableWall(whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed); breakableWallMC2.initBreakableWall(whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed); breakableWallMC3.initBreakableWall(whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed); breakableWallMC4.initBreakableWall(whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed); breakableWallMC5.initBreakableWall(whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed); breakableWallMC1.spawnAt(225, 230, breakableWallMC1.defHitTestFunc); breakableWallMC2.spawnAt(10, 260, breakableWallMC2.defHitTestFunc); breakableWallMC3.spawnAt(510, 230, breakableWallMC3.defHitTestFunc); breakableWallMC4.spawnAt(355, 150, breakableWallMC4.defHitTestFunc); breakableWallMC5.spawnAt(0xFF, 10, breakableWallMC5.defHitTestFunc); } override public function pauseGameToggle():void{ if (rootDoc.GamePaused){ if (canUnpause()){ screen_PauseMC.resumeGame(); }; } else { if (canPause()){ pauseLevel(); }; }; } override public function unpauseLevel():void{ super.unpauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; pauseBtn.visible = this.pauseBtnShowing; } private function masterDematerialize():void{ materializeAnimMC.dematerializeAt(235, 0xFF); } private function populateDialogueLineArr():void{ this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(blackFadeoutAndDisplayNextDL, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "Master, I want power...")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(masterMaterialize, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_S1, "I want power to help the world.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "First, you must prove yourself.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Show me what you have learned from your training.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(whenFirstControl, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "From the beginning...")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Follow Right!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Follow Left!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Up here!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Up again!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Let's see your Blink technique.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "BLINK!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Break them all!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Free them!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Bring them!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Save them!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Help them!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(function (){ }, false, 100, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Rescue them!")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, false, 3000, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Good.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Well done.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "I believe you are ready to prove yourself in some real missions.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(displayNextDialogueLine, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Even though there are other field agents to help you, do not be careless.")); this.dialogueLineArr.push(new DialogueLine(whenTutorialComplete, true, 0, BlinkConsts.SPEAKER_NUM_MASTER, "Show that you are worthy of the Allied Blink Leaders and Elite Disciples uniform.")); } public function pauseGame_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseGame(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } private function enableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.gameplayKR; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function determineTimeScore():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 20000; _local2 = 60000; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local1){ return (10000); }; if (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel <= _local2){ return ((((_local2 - (this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel - _local1)) / _local2) * 10000)); }; return (0); } public function endAllLevelTriggers():void{ mainCharaMC.removeAllEventListeners(); mainCharaMC.showAsNormal(); breakableWallMC1.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC2.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC3.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC4.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC5.stopExisting(); civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); hUD_MC.removeAllEventListeners(); } public function testEnterFrame_xyUpdate():void{ if (mainCharaMC.frozen){ return; }; if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_RIGHT){ if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ mainCharaMC.xVel = 0; } else { mainCharaMC.xVel = 10; }; } else { if (mainCharaMC.currKR.KeyPressed_LEFT){ mainCharaMC.xVel = -10; } else { mainCharaMC.xVel = 0; }; }; if ((mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel) > 450){ mainCharaMC.x = 450; } else { if ((mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel) < -20){ mainCharaMC.x = -20; } else { mainCharaMC.x = (mainCharaMC.x + mainCharaMC.xVel); }; }; if (((mainCharaMC.jumping) || (mainCharaMC.aerial))){ mainCharaMC.yVel = (mainCharaMC.yVel + mainCharaMC.DEF_GRAV_DEC); if (mainCharaMC.y > 245){ mainCharaMC.jumping = false; mainCharaMC.aerial = false; mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; mainCharaMC.y = 245; mainCharaMC.animateLandingMovement(); }; }; mainCharaMC.y = (mainCharaMC.y + mainCharaMC.yVel); } public function whenOneOfFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed():void{ MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); this.numFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed++; if (this.numFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed == 5){ whenAllFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed(); }; } override public function exitLevel():void{ endAllLevelTriggers(); } public function pauseGame():void{ pauseLevel(); } private function masterMaterialize():void{ dialogueBoxMC.visible = false; materializeAnimMC.materializeAt(235, 0xFF); } private function whenFirstControl():void{ startLevelCompletionTimer(); masterDematerialize(); ballOfLightMC.x = 235; ballOfLightMC.y = 300; ballOfLightMC.currEnterFrameFunc = ballOfLightMC.onEF_movement1; enableGameplayKeyboardControlsNoAttack(); tutorialControlsDisplayMC.x = 0; tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_RunRight(); displayNextDialogueLine(); } override public function onLevelCleared():void{ if (((!(this.levelCleared)) && (!(this.levelFailed)))){ this.levelCleared = true; } else { trace("recalling onLevelCleared()"); return; }; super.pauseLevel(); endAllLevelTriggers(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; this.timeScore = determineTimeScore(); this.numChancesBonus = ((rootDoc.NumMissionFailures)==0) ? 5000 : 0; rootDoc.Score = (rootDoc.Score + ((this.timeScore + this.numChancesBonus) + this.civBonus)); if (rootDoc.PlayingThroughLevels){ api_postGameScore_CHECKPOINT(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, rootDoc.difficultyNumToStr(rootDoc.CurrDifficultyNum)); } else { api_postGameScore_GAMEOVER(this.numMSecsToCompleteLevel, "SingleLevels"); }; rootDoc.tryUpdateLevelsUnlockedNum(1); screen_PauseMC.showNextLevel(); } private function disableGameplayKeyboardControls():void{ this.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; mainCharaMC.currKR = this.currKR; } override public function pauseLevel():void{ super.pauseLevel(); mainCharaMC.currKR = this.blankKeyboardReceiver; pauseBtn.visible = false; screen_PauseMC.showPauseMenu(); } public function tryTeleportTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_Zoom(); mirageAnimMC.x = mainCharaMC.x; mirageAnimMC.y = mainCharaMC.y; if (_arg1 < 25){ _local3 = 25; } else { if (_arg1 > 495){ _local3 = 495; } else { _local3 = _arg1; }; }; if (_arg2 > 305){ _local4 = 305; } else { _local4 = _arg2; }; if ((_local3 - mainCharaMC.x) <= 0){ this.blinkFacingLeft = true; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_LEFT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Left(); zoomMC.doZoomLeft(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); } else { this.blinkFacingLeft = false; mainCharaMC.switchToCharState(mainCharaMC.CHAR_STATE_BLINK_RIGHT); mirageAnimMC.doFade_Right(); zoomMC.doZoomRight(mainCharaMC.x, mainCharaMC.y, (_local3 - 45), (_local4 - 60)); }; mainCharaMC.visible = false; mainCharaMC.setFrozen(true); mainCharaMC.x = (_local3 - 45); mainCharaMC.y = (_local4 - 60); mainCharaMC.yVel = 0; } private function hideSprite_Master():void{ masterCharaMC.x = 700; masterCharaMC.visible = false; } private function whenSecondControl():void{ tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_RunLeft(); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function whenZoomFinish():void{ mainCharaMC.visible = true; if (this.blinkFacingLeft){ mainCharaMC.animateLeftBlinkArrival(); } else { mainCharaMC.animateRightBlinkArrival(); }; mainCharaMC.aerial = !((mainCharaMC.y == 245)); mainCharaMC.setFrozen(false); } private function showSprite_Master():void{ masterCharaMC.x = materializeAnimMC.x; masterCharaMC.y = 245; masterFirstDLineAndDNDL(); } public function whenAllFirstCiviliansFound():void{ civilianMC1.stopExisting(); civilianMC2.stopExisting(); civilianMC3.stopExisting(); doPhase10(); } public function hitAreaMouseUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ tryTeleportTo(mouseX, mouseY); } public function displayNextDialogueLine():void{ this.currDialogueLineIndx++; dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.dialogueLineArr[this.currDialogueLineIndx]); } public function when2ndBlinkComplete():void{ stopLevelCompletionTimer(); afterSplashScreenFadePoint(); } public function enableTeleportAndDisplayNextDL():void{ enableTeleport(); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function afterSplashScreenFadePoint():void{ tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_Attack(); materializeFirstAttackTargets(); enableGameplayKeyboardControls(); enableTeleport(); startLevelCompletionTimer(); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function testFunc_MOUSE(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ mainCharaMC.animateRightAttack(); } public function resumeRegularDialogue():void{ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.dialogueLineArr[this.currDialogueLineIndx]); } public function doPhase10():void{ tutorialControlsDisplayMC.showControls_Carry(); destinationIconAnimMC.x = 0; destinationIconAnimMC.y = 0xFF; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); civilianMC1.doExitAnimation(doPhase11); }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this..parent.civBonus = 0; }); civilianMC1.spawnAt(240, 245, civilianMC1.defEnterFrameFunc); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function doPhase12():void{ destinationIconAnimMC.x = 450; destinationIconAnimMC.y = 50; civilianMC3.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); civilianMC3.doExitAnimation(doPhase13); }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC3.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); civilianMC3.spawnAt(240, 245, civilianMC3.defEnterFrameFunc); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function doPhase14():void{ hUD_MC.visible = false; tutorialControlsDisplayMC.visible = false; stopLevelCompletionTimer(); this.usingLevelCompletionTimer = false; disableGameplayKeyboardControls(); disableTeleport(); destinationIconAnimMC.x = 700; destinationIconAnimMC.visible = false; displayNextDialogueLine(); } private function enableTeleport():void{ hitAreaMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hitAreaMouseUp, false, 0, true); } public function doPhase13():void{ destinationIconAnimMC.x = 0xFF; destinationIconAnimMC.y = 0xFF; civilianMC1.initCivilian(mainCharaMC, Civilian.ANIM_NUM_IDLE, false, true, [destinationIconAnimMC], function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; MovieClip(root).getSndManager().playSFX_TutorialTaskSuccess(); civilianMC1.doExitAnimation(); doPhase14(); }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianAttacking(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }, function (){ }, function (){ civilianMC1.startShowAsDamaged(); reprimand_CivilianDropping(); this.parent.civBonus = 0; }); civilianMC1.spawnAt(0xFF, 10, civilianMC1.aerialSuspendedEnterFrameFunc); displayNextDialogueLine(); } public function reprimand_CivilianDropping():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 <= 0.25){ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL1); } else { if (_local1 <= 0.5){ dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL2); } else { dialogueBoxMC.displayDialogueLine(this.reprimand_CivilianDropDL3); }; }; } public function whenAllFirstAttackTargetsDestroyed():void{ breakableWallMC1.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC2.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC3.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC4.stopExisting(); breakableWallMC5.stopExisting(); destinationIconAnimMC.x = 0; destinationIconAnimMC.y = 280; civilianMC1.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC2.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC3.updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); civilianMC1.spawnAt(75, 245, civilianMC1.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC2.spawnAt(250, 245, civilianMC2.defEnterFrameFunc); civilianMC3.spawnAt(385, 160, civilianMC3.aerialSuspendedEnterFrameFunc); displayNextDialogueLine(); } private function masterFirstDLineAndDNDL():void{ dialogueBoxMC.visible = true; displayNextDialogueLine(); } override public function onMusicToggleOn():void{ } public function skipTutorial(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ pauseBtn.visible = (this.pauseBtnShowing = false); whenNextLevel(); } } }//package
Section 121
//BrickBreak (BrickBreak) package { import*; public dynamic class BrickBreak extends Sound { } }//package
Section 122
//BuildingCrumble (BuildingCrumble) package { import*; public dynamic class BuildingCrumble extends Sound { } }//package
Section 123
//CivExitAnim (CivExitAnim) package { import*; public dynamic class CivExitAnim extends Sound { } }//package
Section 124
//Civilian (Civilian) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import example.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Civilian extends MovieClip { public var attackTargetIconAnimMC:MovieClip; var naturallyFalling:Boolean; var currInjuredFunc:Function; var currOnUntrappedFunc:Function; var passedInAnimNum:uint; var colorTransform_lost:ColorTransform; var yVel:Number;// = 0 var runningLeft:Boolean; var uncarriable:Boolean; var injuredTimer:Timer; var falling:Boolean; public var postExitAnimFunc:Function; var droppedX:Number; var colorTransform_normal:ColorTransform; var currOnAttackedFunc:Function; var runningMinX:Number; var panicking:Boolean; var mainCharaMC:MovieClip; var currEnterFrameFunc:Function; var currOnFoundFunc:Function; var trapped:Boolean; public var hitBoxMC:MovieClip; var currOnDangerDroppedFunc:Function; var carried:Boolean; var currOnSafeDroppedFunc:Function; var passedInEnterFrameFunc:Function; var dangerMC:MovieClip; var usingInjuredTimer:Boolean; var currAnimNum:uint; public var passedInAFunction:Boolean; var lost:Boolean; var destinationIconArr:Array; var damagedTimer:Timer; var groundY:Number; var defGravDec:Number;// = 1 var prePauseEnterFrameFunc:Function; var latestDropHeight:Number; var colorTransform_damaged:ColorTransform; var currPickedUpFunc:Function; var civilianAvSprite:AvatarSprite; public static const ANIM_NUM_FALLING:uint = 3; public static const ANIM_NUM_RUN_RIGHT:uint = 2; public static const ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT:uint = 1; public static const SLOW_GRAV_DEC:Number = 0.2; public static const DANGER_DROP_HEIGHT:Number = 150; public static const DEF_RUN_SPD:Number = 4; public static const ANIM_NUM_IDLE:uint = 0; public static const DEF_GRAV_DEC:Number = 1; public function Civilian(){ defGravDec = DEF_GRAV_DEC; yVel = 0; colorTransform_lost = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 128, 128, 0, 0xFF); colorTransform_damaged = new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 128, 0, 0, 0xFF); colorTransform_normal = new ColorTransform(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 24, frame25); this.destinationIconArr = new Array(); this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = this.currEnterFrameFunc; this.damagedTimer = new Timer(500); this.damagedTimer.addEventListener("timer", damagedDisplayComplete, false, 0, true); this.currAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_IDLE; this.passedInAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_IDLE; this.panicking = false; } public function set LatestDropHeight(_arg1:Number):void{ this.latestDropHeight = _arg1; } public function get LatestDropHeight():Number{ return (this.latestDropHeight); } public function endPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF():void{ this.panicking = false; } public function pauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = this.currEnterFrameFunc; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; } else { trace("Civilian.pauseMC() enter frame must be NULL"); }; if (this.usingInjuredTimer){ this.injuredTimer.stop(); }; } public function set CurrPickedUpFunc(_arg1:Function):void{ this.currPickedUpFunc = _arg1; } public function set CurrInjuredFunc(_arg1:Function):void{ this.currInjuredFunc = _arg1; } public function get Uncarriable():Boolean{ return (this.uncarriable); } public function doInjured():void{ if (this.injuredTimer == null){ this.injuredTimer = new Timer(2000); } else { if (this.injuredTimer.running){ trace((("in Civilian.doInjured(), " + + " already injured")); return; }; }; if (this.currInjuredFunc == null){ trace("in Civilian.doInjured(), currInjuredFunc is NULL"); } else { this.usingInjuredTimer = true; this.injuredTimer.addEventListener("timer", onInjured, false, 0, true); this.injuredTimer.start(); }; } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function get Falling():Boolean{ return (this.falling); } public function get RunningLeft():Boolean{ return (this.runningLeft); } public function get NaturallyFalling():Boolean{ return (this.naturallyFalling); } public function whenFound():void{ switchToAnim(ANIM_NUM_IDLE); this.currOnFoundFunc(); } public function determineCivilianAvSprite():void{ if (Math.random() >= 0.5){ this.civilianAvSprite = MovieClip(root).maleCivilianAvSprite.duplicateAvSprite(); } else { this.civilianAvSprite = MovieClip(root).femaleCivilianAvSprite.duplicateAvSprite(); }; this.civilianAvSprite.visible = true; this.civilianAvSprite.x = (this.civilianAvSprite.y = 0); this.civilianAvSprite.playAnimation("idle-right"); addChild(this.civilianAvSprite); } public function checkCanCarry():Boolean{ return (!(this.trapped)); } function frame25(){ if (this.passedInAFunction){ postExitAnimFunc(); }; stopExisting(); gotoAndStop("idle"); } public function get YVel():Number{ return (this.yVel); } public function set PassedInAnimNum(_arg1:uint):void{ this.passedInAnimNum = _arg1; } public function set RunningLeft(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.runningLeft = _arg1; } public function set Lost(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.lost = _arg1; } public function updateCivilianStatusDisplay():void{ if (this.trapped){ showAsTrapped(true); showAsLost(false); } else { if (this.lost){ showAsTrapped(false); showAsLost(true); } else { showAsTrapped(false); showAsLost(false); }; }; } public function onInjured(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ startShowAsDamaged(); currInjuredFunc(); } public function set Uncarriable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.uncarriable = _arg1; } public function whenPickedUp():void{ this.carried = true; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.visible = false; this.x = 700; this.falling = false; this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.droppedX = this.x; if (this.currPickedUpFunc != null){ this.currPickedUpFunc(); }; } public function get Trapped():Boolean{ return (this.trapped); } public function doPanicRunLeftAndRightEFF(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number):void{ this.dangerMC = _arg1; this.runningMinX = _arg2; this.runningLeft = true; this.panicking = true; switchToAnim(ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); this.passedInEnterFrameFunc = panicRunLeftAndRightEFF; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = panicRunLeftAndRightEFF; if (((((!(MovieClip(root).GamePaused)) && (!(this.Carried)))) && ((this.y == this.groundY)))){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = panicRunLeftAndRightEFF; }; } public function set NaturallyFalling(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.naturallyFalling = _arg1; } public function initCivilian(_arg1:MovieClip=null, _arg2:uint=0, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Array=null, _arg6:Function=null, _arg7:Function=null, _arg8:Function=null, _arg9:Function=null, _arg10:Function=null):void{ var mCharaMC = _arg1; var firstAnimNum = _arg2; var t = _arg3; var l = _arg4; var destIconArr = _arg5; var oUntrapped = _arg6; var oFound = _arg7; var oAttacked = _arg8; var oSDropped = _arg9; var oDDropped = _arg10; this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.mainCharaMC = mCharaMC; this.passedInAnimNum = firstAnimNum; if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ switchToAnim(this.passedInAnimNum); } else { this.currAnimNum = this.passedInAnimNum; }; this.carried = false; this.trapped = t; this.lost = l; this.destinationIconArr = destIconArr; this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = this.currEnterFrameFunc; this.currOnUntrappedFunc = oUntrapped; this.currOnFoundFunc = oFound; this.currOnAttackedFunc = oAttacked; this.currOnDangerDroppedFunc = oDDropped; this.currOnSafeDroppedFunc = oSDropped; this.uncarriable = false; this.falling = false; this.naturallyFalling = false; this.groundY = BlinkLevel(this.parent).LevelGroundY; updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ this.civilianAvSprite.visible = true; }; this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameFunc, false, 0, true); } public function get DroppedX():Number{ return (this.droppedX); } public function startShowAsDamaged():void{ if (this.damagedTimer.running){ this.damagedTimer.reset(); }; this.damagedTimer.start(); showAsDamaged(); } function damagedDisplayComplete(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); } function frame1(){ determineCivilianAvSprite(); } public function get Carried():Boolean{ return (this.carried); } public function hitTestFunc_Found():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:uint; var _local3:*; _local1 = false; _local2 = this.destinationIconArr.length; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (hitBoxMC.hitTestPoint((this.destinationIconArr[_local3].x + 35), (this.destinationIconArr[_local3].y + 35))){ _local1 = true; break; }; _local3++; }; return (_local1); } public function set Falling(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.falling = _arg1; } public function setEnterFrameFunc(_arg1:Function):void{ this.passedInEnterFrameFunc = _arg1; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg1; if (!MovieClip(root).GamePaused){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = _arg1; }; } public function onUntrapped():void{ this.currOnUntrappedFunc(); } public function aerialSuspendedEnterFrameFunc():void{ var _local1:Number; if (hitTestFunc_Attacked()){ this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false; if (this.trapped){ doUntrapped(); } else { if ((this.mainCharaMC.x - this.x) >= 0){ _local1 = this.x; this.x = (this.x - Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x + Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); } else { _local1 = (460 - this.x); this.x = (this.x + Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x - Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); }; currOnAttackedFunc(); }; } else { if (hitTestFunc_PickedUp()){ this.mainCharaMC.carryMotionMC.carryChecking = false; this.mainCharaMC.whenPickingUpCivilian(this); whenPickedUp(); } else { if (((this.lost) && (hitTestFunc_Found()))){ whenFound(); }; }; }; } public function stopInjured():void{ if (this.injuredTimer != null){ this.injuredTimer.stop(); this.injuredTimer.removeEventListener("timer", onInjured); }; } public function set ColorTransform_normal(_arg1:ColorTransform):void{ this.colorTransform_normal = _arg1; } public function spawnAt(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Function):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.droppedX = _arg1; this.visible = true; this.passedInEnterFrameFunc = _arg3; this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.passedInEnterFrameFunc; this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc = _arg3; } public function set YVel(_arg1:Number):void{ this.yVel = _arg1; } public function whenDropped(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ this.carried = false; this.visible = true; this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.yVel = 0; this.falling = true; this.droppedX = this.x; this.latestDropHeight = (this.groundY - this.y); this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.passedInEnterFrameFunc; switchToAnim(ANIM_NUM_FALLING); } public function xyUpdate():void{ if (this.y < this.groundY){ this.yVel = (this.yVel + this.defGravDec); } else { if (this.y > this.groundY){ this.yVel = 0; this.y = this.groundY; if (this.falling){ this.falling = false; switchToAnim(this.passedInAnimNum); if (this.latestDropHeight >= DANGER_DROP_HEIGHT){ this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.currOnDangerDroppedFunc(); } else { this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.currOnSafeDroppedFunc(); }; }; } else { if (this.falling){ this.falling = false; switchToAnim(this.passedInAnimNum); if (this.latestDropHeight >= DANGER_DROP_HEIGHT){ this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.currOnDangerDroppedFunc(); } else { this.latestDropHeight = 0; this.currOnSafeDroppedFunc(); }; }; }; }; this.y = (this.y + this.yVel); } public function doExitAnimation(_arg1:Function=null):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ this.passedInAFunction = true; this.postExitAnimFunc = _arg1; } else { this.passedInAFunction = false; }; this.civilianAvSprite.visible = false; BlinkDoc(root).getSndManager().playSFX_CivExitAnim(); gotoAndPlay("exitanimation"); } public function defEnterFrameFunc():void{ var _local1:Number; if (hitTestFunc_Attacked()){ this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false; if (this.trapped){ doUntrapped(); } else { if ((this.mainCharaMC.x - this.x) >= 0){ _local1 = this.x; this.x = (this.x - Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x + Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); } else { _local1 = (460 - this.x); this.x = (this.x + Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x - Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); }; currOnAttackedFunc(); }; } else { if (hitTestFunc_PickedUp()){ this.mainCharaMC.carryMotionMC.carryChecking = false; this.mainCharaMC.whenPickingUpCivilian(this); whenPickedUp(); } else { if (((this.lost) && (hitTestFunc_Found()))){ whenFound(); } else { xyUpdate(); }; }; }; } public function set Trapped(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.trapped = _arg1; } public function defWhenFoundFunc():void{ stopExisting(); } public function get Lost():Boolean{ return (this.lost); } public function unpauseMC():void{ if (this.currEnterFrameFunc != null){ this.currEnterFrameFunc = this.prePauseEnterFrameFunc; } else { trace("Civilian.unpauseMC() enter frame must be NULL"); }; if (this.usingInjuredTimer){ this.injuredTimer.start(); }; } public function hitTestFunc_Attacked():Boolean{ return (((hitBoxMC.hitTestObject(this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC)) && (this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal))); } public function panicRunLeftAndRightEFF():void{ defEnterFrameFunc(); if (!this.panicking){ return; }; if (this.y == this.groundY){ if (this.runningLeft){ if ((this.x - DEF_RUN_SPD) <= this.runningMinX){ this.runningLeft = false; switchToAnim(ANIM_NUM_RUN_RIGHT); this.x = this.runningMinX; } else { this.x = (this.x - DEF_RUN_SPD); }; } else { if (((this.x + 90) + DEF_RUN_SPD) >= this.dangerMC.x){ this.runningLeft = true; switchToAnim(ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT); this.x = (this.dangerMC.x - 95); } else { this.x = (this.x + DEF_RUN_SPD); }; }; }; } public function switchToAnim(_arg1:uint, _arg2:int=-1):void{ if (_arg2 != -1){ this.passedInAnimNum = _arg2; }; if (this.civilianAvSprite == null){ return; }; switch (_arg1){ case ANIM_NUM_IDLE: this.currAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_IDLE; this.civilianAvSprite.playAnimation("idle-right"); break; case ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT: this.currAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_RUN_LEFT; this.civilianAvSprite.playAnimation("run-left"); break; case ANIM_NUM_RUN_RIGHT: this.currAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_RUN_RIGHT; this.civilianAvSprite.playAnimation("run-right"); break; case ANIM_NUM_FALLING: this.currAnimNum = ANIM_NUM_FALLING; this.civilianAvSprite.playAnimation("falling"); break; default: trace(("--in Civilian.switchToAnim(), invalid aNum: " + _arg1)); break; }; } public function set Carried(_arg1:Boolean):void{ this.carried = _arg1; } public function onEnterFrameFunc(_arg1:Event):void{ this.currEnterFrameFunc(); } public function defEnterFrameFunc_NoXYUpdate():void{ var _local1:Number; if (hitTestFunc_Attacked()){ this.mainCharaMC.swooshAnimMC.lethal = false; if (this.trapped){ doUntrapped(); } else { if ((this.mainCharaMC.x - this.x) >= 0){ _local1 = this.x; this.x = (this.x - Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x + Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); } else { _local1 = (460 - this.x); this.x = (this.x + Math.min(100, _local1)); this.mainCharaMC.x = (this.mainCharaMC.x - Math.max(0, (100 - _local1))); }; currOnAttackedFunc(); }; } else { if (hitTestFunc_PickedUp()){ this.mainCharaMC.carryMotionMC.carryChecking = false; this.mainCharaMC.whenPickingUpCivilian(this); whenPickedUp(); } else { if (((this.lost) && (hitTestFunc_Found()))){ whenFound(); }; }; }; } public function stopExisting():void{ this.currEnterFrameFunc = function (){ }; this.x = 700; this.visible = false; this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrameFunc); if (this.injuredTimer != null){ this.injuredTimer.removeEventListener("timer", onInjured); if (this.injuredTimer.running){ this.injuredTimer.stop(); }; this.usingInjuredTimer = false; }; } public function hitTestFunc_PickedUp():Boolean{ return (((((((((!(this.uncarriable)) && (!(this.trapped)))) && (!(this.mainCharaMC.carrying)))) && (this.mainCharaMC.carryMotionMC.carryChecking))) && (this.hitBoxMC.hitTestObject(this.mainCharaMC.carryMotionMC)))); } public function showAsTrapped(_arg1:Boolean):void{ attackTargetIconAnimMC.visible = _arg1; if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ this.civilianAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform_normal; }; } public function setCivSpriteColorTransform(_arg1:ColorTransform):void{ this.civilianAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = _arg1; } public function set DefGravDec(_arg1:Number):void{ this.defGravDec = _arg1; } public function doUntrapped():void{ this.trapped = false; updateCivilianStatusDisplay(); onUntrapped(); } function showAsDamaged():void{ if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ this.civilianAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = this.colorTransform_damaged; }; } public function runToScreenLeftEnterFrameFunc():void{ defEnterFrameFunc(); if (this.y == this.groundY){ if (this.x > -90){ this.x = (this.x - DEF_RUN_SPD); } else { stopExisting(); }; }; } public function showAsLost(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ this.civilianAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform_lost; }; } else { if (this.civilianAvSprite != null){ this.civilianAvSprite.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform_normal; }; }; } public function get DefGravDec():Number{ return (this.defGravDec); } } }//package
Section 125
//DialogueAdvance (DialogueAdvance) package { import*; public dynamic class DialogueAdvance extends Sound { } }//package
Section 126
//DialogueLine (DialogueLine) package { public class DialogueLine { var postAdvanceFunc:Function; var speakerNum:uint; var manualAdvancing:Boolean; var displayDuratn:int; var theText:String; public function DialogueLine(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:int, _arg4:uint, _arg5:String){ this.postAdvanceFunc = _arg1; this.manualAdvancing = _arg2; this.displayDuratn = _arg3; this.speakerNum = _arg4; this.theText = _arg5; } public function get ManualAdvancing():Boolean{ return (this.manualAdvancing); } public function get TheText():String{ return (this.theText); } public function get DisplayDuratn():int{ return (this.displayDuratn); } public function get PostAdvanceFunc():Function{ return (this.postAdvanceFunc); } public function set TheText(_arg1:String):void{ this.theText = _arg1; } public function get SpeakerNum():uint{ return (this.speakerNum); } } }//package
Section 127
//DingLing (DingLing) package { import*; public dynamic class DingLing extends Sound { } }//package
Section 128
//focusRectSkin (focusRectSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class focusRectSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 129
//MochiAd (MochiAd) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.*; public class MochiAd { public static function getVersion():String{ return ("2.7"); } public static function showClickAwayAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_timeout:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function ():void{ }, ad_finished:function ():void{ }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; _local3 = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (this.root == null){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ delete this.onEnterFrame; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _isNetworkAvailable():Boolean{ return (!((Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"))); } public static function _allowDomains(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowDomain(_local2); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain(_local2); return (_local2); } public static function unload(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ if (((_arg1.clip) && (_arg1.clip._mochiad))){ _arg1 = _arg1.clip; }; if (_arg1.origFrameRate != undefined){ _arg1.stage.frameRate = _arg1.origFrameRate; }; if (!_arg1._mochiad){ return (false); }; if (_arg1._mochiad._containerLCName != undefined){, "notify", {id:"unload"}); }; if (_arg1._mochiad.onUnload){ _arg1._mochiad.onUnload(); }; delete _arg1._mochiad_loaded; delete _arg1._mochiad; return (true); } public static function showInterLevelAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showInterLevelAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ MochiAd._cleanup(mc); options.ad_finished(); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = (_arg1 - 250); }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; if (!this.parent){ delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.fadeFunction; return; }; _local1 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local2 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local3 = false; if (!chk.showing){ _local4 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local4 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if (_local2 > chk.ad_timeout){ options.ad_failed(); _local3 = true; }; }; }; if (_local2 > chk.ad_msec){ _local3 = true; }; if (_local3){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function _parseOptions(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Array; _local3 = {}; for (_local4 in _arg2) { _local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; }; if (_arg1){ for (_local4 in _arg1) { _local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4]; }; }; if (_local3.clip == undefined){ throw (new Error("MochiAd is missing the 'clip' parameter. This should be a MovieClip, Sprite or an instance of a class that extends MovieClip or Sprite.")); }; _arg1 = _local3.clip.loaderInfo.parameters.mochiad_options; if (_arg1){ _local5 = _arg1.split("&"); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5.length) { _local7 = _local5[_local6].split("="); _local3[unescape(_local7[0])] = unescape(_local7[1]); _local6++; }; }; if ( == "test"){ trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); }; return (_local3); } public static function _cleanup(_arg1:Object):void{ var idx:Number; var k:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; if (("lc" in mc)){ lc =; f = function ():void{ try { lc.client = null; lc.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; setTimeout(f, 0); }; idx = DisplayObjectContainer(mc).numChildren; while (idx > 0) { idx = (idx - 1); DisplayObjectContainer(mc).removeChildAt(idx); }; for (k in mc) { delete mc[k]; }; } public static function load(_arg1:Object):MovieClip{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var depth:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var lv:URLVariables; var k:String; var server:String; var hostname:String; var lc:LocalConnection; var name:String; var loader:Loader; var g:Function; var req:URLRequest; var v:Object; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = 9; options.mav = MochiAd.getVersion(); clip = options.clip; if (!MochiAd._isNetworkAvailable()){ return (null); }; try { if (clip._mochiad_loaded){ return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { throw (new Error("MochiAd requires a clip that is an instance of a dynamic class. If your class extends Sprite or MovieClip, you must make it dynamic.")); }; depth = options.depth; delete options.depth; mc = createEmptyMovieClip(clip, "_mochiad", depth); wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); options.res = ((wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]); options.server = (options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; if (clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL.indexOf("http") == 0){ options.as3_swf = clip.loaderInfo.loaderURL; }; lv = new URLVariables(); for (k in options) { v = options[k]; if (!(v is Function)){ lv[k] = v; }; }; server = lv.server; delete lv.server; hostname = _allowDomains(server); lc = new LocalConnection(); lc.client = mc; name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999))].join("_"); lc.allowDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.allowInsecureDomain("*", "localhost"); lc.connect(name); = lc; mc.lcName = name; = name; = getTimer(); loader = new Loader(); g = function (_arg1:Object):void{, arguments.callee); MochiAd.unload(clip); }; loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, g); req = new URLRequest(((server + ".swf?cacheBust=") + new Date().getTime())); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader.load(req); mc.addChild(loader); mc._mochiad_ctr = loader; return (mc); } public static function runMethod(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array):Object{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; if (typeof(_arg1[_local4[_local5]]) == "function"){ return (_arg1[_local4[_local5]].apply(_arg1, _arg3)); }; return (undefined); } public static function createEmptyMovieClip(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number):MovieClip{ var _local4:MovieClip; _local4 = new MovieClip(); if (((false) && (_arg3))){ _arg1.addChildAt(_local4, _arg3); } else { _arg1.addChild(_local4); }; _arg1[_arg2] = _local4; _local4["_name"] = _arg2; return (_local4); } public static function _getRes(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Array{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; _local3 = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; if (typeof(_arg1.res) != "undefined"){ _local6 = _arg1.res.split("x"); _local4 = parseFloat(_local6[0]); _local5 = parseFloat(_local6[1]); } else { _local4 = (_local3.xMax - _local3.xMin); _local5 = (_local3.yMax - _local3.yMin); }; if ((((_local4 == 0)) || ((_local5 == 0)))){ _local4 = _arg2.stage.stageWidth; _local5 = _arg2.stage.stageHeight; }; return ([_local4, _local5]); } public static function adShowing(_arg1:Object):void{ _arg1.origFrameRate = _arg1.stage.frameRate; _arg1.stage.frameRate = 30; } public static function getValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Number; _local3 = _arg2.split("."); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_local3.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local3[_local4]] == null)))){ return (undefined); }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local3[_local4]]; _local4++; }; return (_arg1[_local3[_local4]]); } public static function rpc(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; switch ({ case "setValue": MochiAd.setValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName, _arg3.value); break; case "getValue": _local4 = MochiAd.getValue(_arg1, _arg3.objectName);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local4); break; case "runMethod": _local5 = MochiAd.runMethod(_arg1, _arg3.method, _arg3.args);, "rpcResult", _arg2, _local5); break; default: trace(("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; }; } public static function setValue(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Number; _local4 = _arg2.split("."); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)) { if ((((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == undefined)) || ((_arg1[_local4[_local5]] == null)))){ return; }; _arg1 = _arg1[_local4[_local5]]; _local5++; }; _arg1[_local4[_local5]] = _arg3; } public static function showPreGameAd(_arg1:Object):void{ var DEFAULTS:Object; var clip:Object; var ad_msec:Number; var ad_timeout:Number; var fadeout_time:Number; var mc:MovieClip; var wh:Array; var w:Number; var h:Number; var chk:MovieClip; var bar:MovieClip; var bar_color:Number; var bar_background:Number; var bar_outline:Number; var backing_mc:MovieClip; var backing:Object; var inside_mc:MovieClip; var inside:Object; var outline_mc:MovieClip; var outline:Object; var complete:Boolean; var unloaded:Boolean; var f:Function; var sendHostProgress:Boolean; var fn:Function; var r:MovieClip; var options = _arg1; DEFAULTS = {ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:0xFF8A00, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){ this.clip.stop(); } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_finished:function ():void{ if ((this.clip is MovieClip)){; } else { throw (new Error("MochiAd.showPreGameAd requires a clip that is a MovieClip or is an instance of a class that extends MovieClip. If your clip is a Sprite, then you must provide custom ad_started and ad_finished handlers.")); }; }, ad_loaded:function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ }, ad_failed:function ():void{ trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function ():void{ }, ad_progress:function (_arg1:Number):void{ }}; options = MochiAd._parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def"){ options.ad_started(); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); return; }; clip = options.clip; ad_msec = 11000; ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!MochiAd.load(options)){ options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return; }; options.ad_started(); mc = clip._mochiad; mc["onUnload"] = function ():void{ var fn:Function; MochiAd._cleanup(mc); fn = function ():void{ options.ad_finished(); }; setTimeout(fn, 100); }; wh = MochiAd._getRes(options, clip); w = wh[0]; h = wh[1]; mc.x = (w * 0.5); mc.y = (h * 0.5); chk = createEmptyMovieClip(mc, "_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.x = (w * -0.5); chk.y = (h * -0.5); bar = createEmptyMovieClip(chk, "_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar){ bar.visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar.x = 10; bar.y = (h - 20); }; bar_color = options.color; delete options.color; bar_background = options.background; delete options.background; bar_outline = options.outline; delete options.outline; backing_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 1); backing =; backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 0); backing.lineTo((w - 20), 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); inside_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_inside", 2); inside =; inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 0); inside.lineTo((w - 20), 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside_mc.scaleX = 0; outline_mc = createEmptyMovieClip(bar, "_outline", 3); outline =; outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 0); outline.lineTo((w - 20), 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function ():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (_local1 > 0){ this.parent.alpha = (_local1 * 0.01); } else { MochiAd.unload(clip); delete this["onEnterFrame"]; }; }; complete = false; unloaded = false; f = function (_arg1:Event):void{, arguments.callee); complete = true; if (unloaded){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; clip.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, f); if ((clip.root is MovieClip)){ r = (clip.root as MovieClip); if (r.framesLoaded >= r.totalFrames){ complete = true; }; }; mc.unloadAd = function ():void{ unloaded = true; if (complete){ MochiAd.unload(clip); }; }; mc.adLoaded = options.ad_loaded; mc.adSkipped = options.ad_skipped; mc.adjustProgress = function (_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = mc._mochiad_wait; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.showing = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = _arg1; }; mc.rpc = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Object):void{ MochiAd.rpc(clip, _arg1, _arg2); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (_arg1:String):Object{ trace(("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + _arg1)); return (_arg1); }; mc.regContLC = function (_arg1:String):void{ mc._containerLCName = _arg1; }; sendHostProgress = false; mc.sendHostLoadProgress = function (_arg1:String):void{ sendHostProgress = true; }; chk["onEnterFrame"] = function ():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Object; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Object; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; if (((!(this.parent)) || (!(this.parent.parent)))){ delete this["onEnterFrame"]; return; }; _local1 = this.parent.parent.root; _local2 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr; _local3 = (getTimer() - this.started); _local4 = false; _local5 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; _local6 = _local1.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; if (complete){ _local6 = Math.max(1, _local6); _local5 = _local6; }; _local7 = ((100 * _local6) / _local5); _local8 = ((100 * _local3) / chk.ad_msec); _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; _local10 = Math.min(100, Math.min(((_local7) || (0)), _local8)); _local10 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local10); this.last_pcnt = _local10; _local9.scaleX = (_local10 * 0.01); options.ad_progress(_local10); if (sendHostProgress){, "notify", {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:_local7}); if (_local7 == 100){ sendHostProgress = false; }; }; if (!chk.showing){ _local11 = this.parent._mochiad_ctr.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_local11 > 0){ chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); MochiAd.adShowing(clip); } else { if ((((_local3 > chk.ad_timeout)) && ((_local7 == 100)))){ options.ad_failed(); _local4 = true; }; }; }; if (_local3 > chk.ad_msec){ _local4 = true; }; if (((complete) && (_local4))){ if (this.server_control){ delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; }; }; }; doOnEnterFrame(chk); } public static function showPreloaderAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showPreGameAd(_arg1); } public static function showTimedAd(_arg1:Object):void{ trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); MochiAd.showInterLevelAd(_arg1); } public static function doOnEnterFrame(_arg1:MovieClip):void{ var f:Function; var mc = _arg1; f = function (_arg1:Object):void{ if (((("onEnterFrame" in mc)) && (mc.onEnterFrame))){ mc.onEnterFrame(); } else {, arguments.callee); }; }; mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, f); } } }//package
Section 130
//Music_Gameplay (Music_Gameplay) package { import*; public dynamic class Music_Gameplay extends Sound { } }//package
Section 131
//Music_Menu (Music_Menu) package { import*; public dynamic class Music_Menu extends Sound { } }//package
Section 132
//ProgressBar_barSkin (ProgressBar_barSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressBar_barSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 133
//ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin (ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 134
//ProgressBar_trackSkin (ProgressBar_trackSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ProgressBar_trackSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 135
//ScoreRack (ScoreRack) package { import*; public dynamic class ScoreRack extends Sound { } }//package
Section 136
//TextInput_disabledSkin (TextInput_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TextInput_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 137
//TextInput_upSkin (TextInput_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TextInput_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 138
//TutorialSuccess (TutorialSuccess) package { import*; public dynamic class TutorialSuccess extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2 3 24 25 166 167 168 169 171 172 175 176 178 179 182 183 185 186 188 189 191 192 196 197 201 202 204 205 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 230 231 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 246 356 357 358 359 361 365 396 430 511 512 554 555 556 557 579 581
Symbol 2 TextUses:1Used by:5 181
Symbol 3 TextUses:1Used by:5 181
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5 97 152 156 170 177 180 181 184 187 190 193 198 203 206 212 218 255 281 293 296 297 364 372 375 378 381 384 400 513 531 558 561 572 575 578 583  Timeline
Symbol 5 Button {BackBtn}Uses:2 3 4Used by:431 580 583
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7 15
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:14
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip {ProgressBar_trackSkin}Uses:8Used by:14
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip {ProgressBar_barSkin}Uses:10Used by:14
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip {ProgressBar_indeterminateSkin}Uses:12Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip {fl.controls.ProgressBar}Uses:7 9 11 13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:6Used by:23
Symbol 16 MovieClip {fl.core.ComponentShim}Used by:23
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip {TextInput_disabledSkin}Uses:17Used by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip {TextInput_upSkin}Uses:19Used by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip {focusRectSkin}Uses:21Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip {fl.controls.TextInput}Uses:15 16 18 20 22Used by:355
Symbol 24 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 EditableTextUses:1 127Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 BitmapUsed by:27
Symbol 27 GraphicUses:26Used by:30
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:28Used by:30 62 105 113 251 257 299 448 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 30 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ProgressBarMC_1}Uses:27 29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32 562
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:35 256
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:37 52
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37 152 531 544
Symbol 37 ButtonUses:35 36Used by:52 250 400
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip {Blink_fla.subline_6}Uses:38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip {Blink_fla.play4allintro_3}Uses:35 37 51 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClipUses:53 54Used by:62
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}Uses:55 29 56 57 58 59 60 61Used by:251 299 462 492 494 499 507  Timeline
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:251
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:64 65Used by:251 299 462 494 499 507
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:78
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:73 74 75 76 77
Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:73 74 75 76 77
Symbol 71 BitmapUsed by:73 74 75 76 77
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73 74 75 76 77
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:69 70 71 72Used by:78
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:69 70 71 72Used by:78
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:69 70 71 72Used by:78
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:69 70 71 72Used by:78
Symbol 77 GraphicUses:69 70 71 72Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}Uses:68 73 74 75 76 77Used by:251 299 462
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 80 BitmapUsed by:81
Symbol 81 GraphicUses:80Used by:84
Symbol 82 BitmapUsed by:83
Symbol 83 GraphicUses:82Used by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomImgMC_13}Uses:79 81 83Used by:85 88
Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}Uses:84Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507 531
Symbol 86 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15}Used by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}Uses:86Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 88 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16}Uses:84Used by:251 257 462 507
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:96
Symbol 92 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Anim_MCA_MirageFadeLeftMC_19}Used by:96
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:95
Symbol 95 MovieClipUses:94Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Mirage_masterAnimMC_17}Uses:91 92 95Used by:251 257 462 507
Symbol 97 MovieClip {Blink_fla.CarryMotionMC_22}Uses:4Used by:105 113
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23}Uses:98 99 100 101 102 103Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21}Uses:97 104 29Used by:251 257 299
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:112 254
Symbol 112 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25}Uses:106 107 108 109 110 111Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}Uses:97 112 29Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 114 BitmapUsed by:115
Symbol 115 GraphicUses:114Used by:123
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:123
Symbol 118 BitmapUsed by:119
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:118Used by:123
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:121Used by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TimerDisplayMC_27}Uses:115 117 119 122Used by:130
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:129
Symbol 127 FontUsed by:25 128 232 370 371 373 374 376 377 379 380 382 383 490 491 493 498 570 571 573 574 576 577
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Symbol 129 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ChancesDisplayMC_30}Uses:126 128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}Uses:123 129Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:139
Symbol 134 BitmapUsed by:135
Symbol 135 GraphicUses:134Used by:139
Symbol 136 BitmapUsed by:137
Symbol 137 GraphicUses:136Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:139
Symbol 139 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SpeakerIconMC_33}Uses:133 135 138Used by:149
Symbol 140 FontUsed by:141 159 160 161 162 163 208 261 269 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 397 398 514 515 516 517 518 530 535 536 542 543
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:140 259Used by:149
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 143 FontUsed by:144 146
Symbol 144 TextUses:143Used by:148
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 146 TextUses:143Used by:148
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 148 ButtonUses:142 144 145 146 147Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}Uses:131 139 141 148Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 150 FontUsed by:151
Symbol 151 TextUses:150Used by:152
Symbol 152 ButtonUses:4 151 36Used by:251 257 299 400 462 492 494 499 507 547
Symbol 153 BitmapUsed by:154 155
Symbol 154 GraphicUses:153Used by:156
Symbol 155 GraphicUses:153Used by:156
Symbol 156 ButtonUses:154 155 4Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 157 FontUsed by:158 249 294 295 560 582
Symbol 158 TextUses:157Used by:251
Symbol 159 TextUses:140Used by:251
Symbol 160 TextUses:140Used by:251
Symbol 161 EditableTextUses:140Used by:251
Symbol 162 TextUses:140Used by:251
Symbol 163 EditableTextUses:140Used by:251
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:250
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:250 400 583
Symbol 166 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 167 EditableTextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 168 TextUses:1Used by:170
Symbol 169 TextUses:1Used by:170
Symbol 170 ButtonUses:168 169 4Used by:250
Symbol 171 TextUses:1Used by:174
Symbol 172 TextUses:1Used by:174
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 ButtonUses:171 172 173Used by:250 561
Symbol 175 TextUses:1Used by:177
Symbol 176 TextUses:1Used by:177
Symbol 177 ButtonUses:175 176 4Used by:250
Symbol 178 TextUses:1Used by:180
Symbol 179 TextUses:1Used by:180
Symbol 180 ButtonUses:178 179 4Used by:250
Symbol 181 ButtonUses:2 3 4Used by:250 400
Symbol 182 TextUses:1Used by:184
Symbol 183 TextUses:1Used by:184
Symbol 184 ButtonUses:182 183 4Used by:250
Symbol 185 TextUses:1Used by:187
Symbol 186 TextUses:1Used by:187
Symbol 187 ButtonUses:185 186 4Used by:250
Symbol 188 TextUses:1Used by:190
Symbol 189 TextUses:1Used by:190
Symbol 190 ButtonUses:188 189 4Used by:250
Symbol 191 TextUses:1Used by:193
Symbol 192 TextUses:1Used by:193
Symbol 193 ButtonUses:191 192 4Used by:250
Symbol 194 BitmapUsed by:195
Symbol 195 GraphicUses:194Used by:198
Symbol 196 TextUses:1Used by:198
Symbol 197 TextUses:1Used by:198
Symbol 198 ButtonUses:195 196 197 4Used by:250
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:203
Symbol 201 TextUses:1Used by:203
Symbol 202 TextUses:1Used by:203
Symbol 203 ButtonUses:200 201 202 4Used by:250
Symbol 204 TextUses:1Used by:206
Symbol 205 TextUses:1Used by:206
Symbol 206 ButtonUses:204 205 4Used by:250
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:209 331 348
Symbol 208 TextUses:140Used by:209
Symbol 209 ButtonUses:207 208Used by:250
Symbol 210 BitmapUsed by:211
Symbol 211 GraphicUses:210Used by:212
Symbol 212 ButtonUses:211 4Used by:215
Symbol 213 BitmapUsed by:214
Symbol 214 GraphicUses:213Used by:215 219
Symbol 215 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleSFXBtnMC_52}Uses:212 214Used by:250 400
Symbol 216 BitmapUsed by:217
Symbol 217 GraphicUses:216Used by:218
Symbol 218 ButtonUses:217 4Used by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleMusicBtnMC_54}Uses:218 214Used by:250 400
Symbol 220 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 221 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 222 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 223 EditableTextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 224 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 225 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 226 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 227 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:229
Symbol 229 GraphicUses:228Used by:250
Symbol 230 EditableTextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 231 EditableTextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 232 TextUses:127Used by:250
Symbol 233 TextUses:1Used by:250
Symbol 234 TextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 235 TextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 236 TextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 237 TextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 238 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 239 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 240 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 241 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 242 TextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 243 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 244 EditableTextUses:1Used by:245
Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56}Uses:234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244Used by:250
Symbol 246 TextUses:1Used by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:246Used by:250
Symbol 248 MovieClipUsed by:250 561 583
Symbol 249 EditableTextUses:157Used by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}Uses:164 165 166 167 170 174 177 180 181 184 187 190 193 198 203 206 209 215 219 37 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 233 245 247 248 249Used by:251 257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay}Uses:29 63 66 62 78 85 87 88 96 105 113 130 149 152 156 158 159 160 161 162 163 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 BitmapUsed by:253
Symbol 253 GraphicUses:252Used by:257 299
Symbol 254 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61}Uses:106 107 108 109 110 111Used by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClip {Blink_fla.LastHitAnimMC_60}Uses:4 254Used by:257
Symbol 256 MovieClipUses:34Used by:257 299 462 492 494 499 507
Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final}Uses:253 85 87 88 96 105 113 130 29 255 149 152 156 256 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 259 FontUsed by:141 260 263 265 267 268 276 277 280 397 546 548 549 563
Symbol 260 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 261 TextUses:140Used by:281
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 263 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 265 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 266 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 267 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 268 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 269 TextUses:140Used by:281
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 272 GraphicUsed by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClipUses:271 272Used by:281
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 275 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 276 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 277 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 278 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:281
Symbol 280 TextUses:259Used by:281
Symbol 281 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64}Uses:4 258 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280Used by:299
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 283 MovieClipUses:282Used by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BallOfLightMC_66}Uses:283Used by:299
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:292
Symbol 292 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MaterializeAnimMC_68}Uses:285 286 287 288 289 290 291Used by:299
Symbol 293 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BlackFadeoutMC_69}Uses:4Used by:299
Symbol 294 TextUses:157Used by:296
Symbol 295 TextUses:157Used by:296
Symbol 296 ButtonUses:294 295 4Used by:299
Symbol 297 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SplashScreenAnimMC_72}Uses:4Used by:298
Symbol 298 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71}Uses:297Used by:299
Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial}Uses:253 281 66 78 85 87 284 62 105 292 113 130 29 293 149 152 156 296 256 250 298Used by:Timeline
Symbol 300 Bitmap {assets.guy_fgplatformer01}Used by:326
Symbol 301 Bitmap {assets.guy_walk01}Used by:326
Symbol 302 Bitmap {assets.guy_worldidle01}Used by:326
Symbol 303 Bitmap {assets.guy_yayworld01}Used by:326
Symbol 304 Bitmap {assets.guy_fgworldidle01}Used by:326
Symbol 305 Bitmap {assets.baron_fgplatformer01}Used by:326
Symbol 306 Bitmap {assets.baron_fgworldidle01}Used by:326
Symbol 307 Bitmap {assets.baron_worldidle01}Used by:326
Symbol 308 Bitmap {assets.malecivilian_fgplatformer01}Used by:326
Symbol 309 Bitmap {assets.xoxolexi568_fgplatformer01}Used by:326
Symbol 310 Bitmap {assets.bes_master_fgplatformer01}Used by:326
Symbol 311 Bitmap {assets.bes_master_fgworldidle01}Used by:326
Symbol 312 Bitmap {assets.bes_master_walk01}Used by:326
Symbol 313 Sound {DialogueAdvance}Used by:326
Symbol 314 Sound {ScoreRack}Used by:326
Symbol 315 Sound {BuildingCrumble}Used by:326
Symbol 316 Sound {BarrelExplode}Used by:326
Symbol 317 Sound {CivExitAnim}Used by:326
Symbol 318 Sound {BarrelCut}Used by:326
Symbol 319 Sound {Attack}Used by:326
Symbol 320 Sound {Music_Menu}Used by:326
Symbol 321 Sound {BrickBreak}Used by:326
Symbol 322 Sound {TutorialSuccess}Used by:326
Symbol 323 Sound {Music_Gameplay}Used by:326
Symbol 324 Sound {Bes_Zoom}Used by:326
Symbol 325 Sound {DingLing}Used by:326
Symbol 326 MovieClipUses:300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325Used by:Timeline
Symbol 327 BitmapUsed by:328
Symbol 328 GraphicUses:327Used by:Timeline
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:331
Symbol 331 ButtonUses:207 329 330Used by:Timeline
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:334
Symbol 334 MovieClipUses:333Used by:Timeline
Symbol 335 BitmapUsed by:336
Symbol 336 GraphicUses:335Used by:337
Symbol 337 MovieClipUses:336Used by:Timeline
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClipUses:339Used by:355
Symbol 341 GraphicUsed by:355
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:345
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:345
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:345
Symbol 345 ButtonUses:342 343 344Used by:355
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 348 ButtonUses:207 346 347Used by:355
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 351 ButtonUses:349 350Used by:355
Symbol 352 FontUsed by:353
Symbol 353 TextUses:352Used by:354
Symbol 354 MovieClip {Blink_fla.invalidUserMessage_82}Uses:353Used by:355
Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77}Uses:338 340 341 345 348 351 354 23Used by:Timeline
Symbol 356 TextUses:1Used by:360
Symbol 357 TextUses:1Used by:360
Symbol 358 TextUses:1Used by:360
Symbol 359 TextUses:1Used by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClipUses:356 357 358 359Used by:Timeline
Symbol 361 EditableTextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 362 FontUsed by:363
Symbol 363 EditableTextUses:362Used by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScreenMCOverlayMC_94}Uses:4 363Used by:Timeline
Symbol 365 TextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 366 BitmapUsed by:367
Symbol 367 GraphicUses:366Used by:400
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:369
Symbol 369 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TrueSplashScreenMC_96}Uses:368Used by:400
Symbol 370 TextUses:127Used by:372
Symbol 371 TextUses:127Used by:372
Symbol 372 ButtonUses:370 371 4Used by:400
Symbol 373 TextUses:127Used by:375
Symbol 374 TextUses:127Used by:375
Symbol 375 ButtonUses:373 374 4Used by:400
Symbol 376 TextUses:127Used by:378
Symbol 377 TextUses:127Used by:378
Symbol 378 ButtonUses:376 377 4Used by:400
Symbol 379 TextUses:127Used by:381
Symbol 380 TextUses:127Used by:381
Symbol 381 ButtonUses:379 380 4Used by:400
Symbol 382 TextUses:127Used by:384
Symbol 383 TextUses:127Used by:384
Symbol 384 ButtonUses:382 383 4Used by:400
Symbol 385 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 386 EditableTextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 387 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 388 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 389 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 390 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 391 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 392 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 393 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 394 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 395 TextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 396 TextUses:1Used by:400
Symbol 397 TextUses:259 140Used by:400
Symbol 398 EditableTextUses:140Used by:400
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95}Uses:4 367 369 219 215 372 152 375 378 181 381 384 37 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 165 394 395 396 397 398 399Used by:Timeline
Symbol 401 BitmapUsed by:402
Symbol 402 GraphicUses:401Used by:431
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:406 409 412 415 418 421 426
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:406
Symbol 406 ButtonUses:403 404 405Used by:431
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:409
Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:409
Symbol 409 ButtonUses:407 404 408Used by:431
Symbol 410 GraphicUsed by:412
Symbol 411 GraphicUsed by:412
Symbol 412 ButtonUses:410 404 411Used by:431
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 ButtonUses:413 404 414Used by:431
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:418
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:418
Symbol 418 ButtonUses:416 404 417Used by:431
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
Symbol 421 ButtonUses:419 404 420Used by:431
Symbol 422 BitmapUsed by:423
Symbol 423 GraphicUses:422Used by:426
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:426
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:426
Symbol 426 ButtonUses:423 424 404 425Used by:431
Symbol 427 BitmapUsed by:428
Symbol 428 GraphicUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClipUses:428Used by:431
Symbol 430 TextUses:1Used by:431
Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102}Uses:402 406 409 412 415 418 421 426 5 429 430Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 BitmapUsed by:433
Symbol 433 GraphicUses:432Used by:462
Symbol 434 BitmapUsed by:435
Symbol 435 GraphicUses:434Used by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:435Used by:439
Symbol 437 BitmapUsed by:438
Symbol 438 GraphicUses:437Used by:439
Symbol 439 MovieClipUses:436 438Used by:447
Symbol 440 BitmapUsed by:441
Symbol 441 GraphicUses:440Used by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClipUses:441Used by:446
Symbol 443 BitmapUsed by:444
Symbol 444 GraphicUses:443Used by:445
Symbol 445 MovieClipUses:444Used by:446
Symbol 446 MovieClipUses:442 445Used by:447
Symbol 447 MovieClipUses:439 446Used by:448
Symbol 448 MovieClip {Blink_fla.FireMC_113}Uses:447 29Used by:462
Symbol 449 BitmapUsed by:450
Symbol 450 GraphicUses:449Used by:462
Symbol 451 BitmapUsed by:452
Symbol 452 GraphicUses:451Used by:453
Symbol 453 MovieClipUses:452Used by:460
Symbol 454 BitmapUsed by:455
Symbol 455 GraphicUses:454Used by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClipUses:455Used by:460
Symbol 457 BitmapUsed by:458
Symbol 458 GraphicUses:457Used by:459
Symbol 459 MovieClipUses:458Used by:460
Symbol 460 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DustAnimMC_121}Uses:453 456 459Used by:461
Symbol 461 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120}Uses:460Used by:462 507
Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire}Uses:433 78 66 85 87 88 96 62 448 450 29 113 130 461 149 152 156 256 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 463 BitmapUsed by:464
Symbol 464 GraphicUses:463Used by:492 494
Symbol 465 BitmapUsed by:466
Symbol 466 GraphicUses:465Used by:489
Symbol 467 BitmapUsed by:468
Symbol 468 GraphicUses:467Used by:489
Symbol 469 BitmapUsed by:470
Symbol 470 GraphicUses:469Used by:489
Symbol 471 BitmapUsed by:472
Symbol 472 GraphicUses:471Used by:488
Symbol 473 BitmapUsed by:474
Symbol 474 GraphicUses:473Used by:484
Symbol 475 BitmapUsed by:476
Symbol 476 GraphicUses:475Used by:484
Symbol 477 BitmapUsed by:478
Symbol 478 GraphicUses:477Used by:484
Symbol 479 BitmapUsed by:480
Symbol 480 GraphicUses:479Used by:484
Symbol 481 BitmapUsed by:482 483
Symbol 482 GraphicUses:481Used by:484
Symbol 483 GraphicUses:481Used by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:474 476 478 480 482 483Used by:488
Symbol 485 BitmapUsed by:486
Symbol 486 GraphicUses:485Used by:487
Symbol 487 MovieClipUses:486Used by:488
Symbol 488 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MC_Explosion_127}Uses:472 484 487Used by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126}Uses:466 468 470 488Used by:492
Symbol 490 TextUses:127Used by:492 494 499
Symbol 491 EditableTextUses:127Used by:492
Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions}Uses:464 130 85 87 62 489 113 29 149 152 156 256 490 491 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 493 EditableTextUses:127Used by:494
Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling}Uses:464 66 130 85 87 62 113 29 149 152 156 256 490 493 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 495 BitmapUsed by:497
Symbol 496 BitmapUsed by:497
Symbol 497 GraphicUses:495 496Used by:499
Symbol 498 EditableTextUses:127Used by:499
Symbol 499 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling}Uses:497 66 130 85 87 62 113 29 149 152 156 256 490 498 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 500 BitmapUsed by:501
Symbol 501 GraphicUses:500Used by:506
Symbol 502 BitmapUsed by:503
Symbol 503 GraphicUses:502Used by:506
Symbol 504 BitmapUsed by:505
Symbol 505 GraphicUses:504Used by:506
Symbol 506 MovieClip {Blink_fla.CrumbleBuildingBGMC_133}Uses:501 503 505Used by:507
Symbol 507 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_NotBoth}Uses:506 66 85 87 88 96 62 113 130 29 461 149 152 156 256 250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 BitmapUsed by:509
Symbol 509 GraphicUses:508Used by:531
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:531 544
Symbol 511 TextUses:1Used by:513
Symbol 512 TextUses:1Used by:513
Symbol 513 ButtonUses:511 512 4Used by:531 544
Symbol 514 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 515 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 516 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 517 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 518 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 519 BitmapUsed by:521 528 538
Symbol 520 BitmapUsed by:521
Symbol 521 GraphicUses:519 520Used by:522
Symbol 522 MovieClipUses:521Used by:531
Symbol 523 BitmapUsed by:525 539
Symbol 524 BitmapUsed by:525
Symbol 525 GraphicUses:523 524Used by:526
Symbol 526 MovieClipUses:525Used by:531
Symbol 527 BitmapUsed by:528
Symbol 528 GraphicUses:519 527Used by:529
Symbol 529 MovieClipUses:528Used by:531
Symbol 530 TextUses:140Used by:531
Symbol 531 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_Ending1MC_134}Uses:36 509 510 513 514 515 516 517 518 85 522 526 529 4 530Used by:Timeline
Symbol 532 BitmapUsed by:533
Symbol 533 GraphicUses:532Used by:544
Symbol 534 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaPlaceHolderMC_140}Used by:544
Symbol 535 TextUses:140Used by:544
Symbol 536 TextUses:140Used by:544
Symbol 537 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaSpriteMC_142}Used by:541
Symbol 538 GraphicUses:519Used by:540
Symbol 539 GraphicUses:523Used by:540
Symbol 540 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaUniformMC_143}Uses:538 539Used by:541
Symbol 541 MovieClip {Blink_fla.UniformedMainCharaMC_141}Uses:537 540Used by:544
Symbol 542 TextUses:140Used by:544
Symbol 543 TextUses:140Used by:544
Symbol 544 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_Ending2MC_139}Uses:36 533 534 510 513 535 536 541 542 543Used by:Timeline
Symbol 545 GraphicUsed by:547
Symbol 546 TextUses:259Used by:547
Symbol 547 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelFailedMC_144}Uses:545 152 546Used by:Timeline
Symbol 548 TextUses:259Used by:561
Symbol 549 EditableTextUses:259Used by:561
Symbol 550 FontUsed by:551 559 566 567
Symbol 551 EditableTextUses:550Used by:561
Symbol 552 FontUsed by:553 564 565
Symbol 553 TextUses:552Used by:561
Symbol 554 TextUses:1Used by:558
Symbol 555 TextUses:1Used by:558
Symbol 556 TextUses:1Used by:558
Symbol 557 TextUses:1Used by:558
Symbol 558 ButtonUses:554 555 556 557 4Used by:561 568
Symbol 559 EditableTextUses:550Used by:561
Symbol 560 EditableTextUses:157Used by:561
Symbol 561 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_GameClearedMC_145}Uses:4 174 548 549 551 553 558 559 248 560Used by:Timeline
Symbol 562 GraphicUses:31Used by:568
Symbol 563 TextUses:259Used by:568
Symbol 564 TextUses:552Used by:568
Symbol 565 TextUses:552Used by:568
Symbol 566 EditableTextUses:550Used by:568
Symbol 567 EditableTextUses:550Used by:568
Symbol 568 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_FinalLevelLockedMsgMC_147}Uses:562 558 563 564 565 566 567Used by:Timeline
Symbol 569 GraphicUsed by:580
Symbol 570 TextUses:127Used by:572
Symbol 571 TextUses:127Used by:572
Symbol 572 ButtonUses:570 571 4Used by:580 583
Symbol 573 TextUses:127Used by:575
Symbol 574 TextUses:127Used by:575
Symbol 575 ButtonUses:573 574 4Used by:580 583
Symbol 576 TextUses:127Used by:578
Symbol 577 TextUses:127Used by:578
Symbol 578 ButtonUses:576 577 4Used by:580 583
Symbol 579 TextUses:1Used by:580
Symbol 580 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_DifficultySelectMC_148}Uses:569 5 572 575 578 579Used by:Timeline
Symbol 581 TextUses:1Used by:583
Symbol 582 EditableTextUses:157Used by:583
Symbol 583 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_HighScoreMC_152}Uses:4 165 5 572 575 578 581 248 582Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 52 MovieClip {Blink_fla.play4allintro_3}

Instance Names

"loadingPercentTxt"Frame 2Symbol 25 EditableText
"progressBarMC"Frame 2Symbol 30 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ProgressBarMC_1}
"importButton"Frame 22Symbol 331 Button
"guyButton"Frame 22Symbol 334 MovieClip
"girlButton"Frame 22Symbol 337 MovieClip
"importWindow"Frame 22Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77}
"progressBarComp"Frame 32Symbol 14 MovieClip {fl.controls.ProgressBar}
"statusTxt"Frame 42Symbol 361 EditableText
"screenMCOverlayMC"Frame 71Symbol 364 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScreenMCOverlayMC_94}
"screen_GameplayMC"Frame 112Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay}
"screen_Level_TutorialMC"Frame 122Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial}
"screen_Level_FireMC"Frame 132Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire}
"screen_Level_ExplosionsMC"Frame 142Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions}
"screen_Level_PeopleFallingMC"Frame 152Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling}
"screen_Level_EveryoneFallingMC"Frame 162Symbol 499 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling}
"screen_Level_NotBothMC"Frame 173Symbol 507 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_NotBoth}
"screen_Level_FinalMC"Frame 183Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final}
"fillBarMC"Symbol 30 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ProgressBarMC_1} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"link_Play4AllBtn"Symbol 52 MovieClip {Blink_fla.play4allintro_3} Frame 17Symbol 37 Button
"attackTargetIconAnimMC"Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip
"hitBoxMC"Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"zoomImgMC"Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12} Frame 1Symbol 84 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomImgMC_13}
"chargeLeftRightSpriteMC"Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14} Frame 1Symbol 86 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ChargeLeftRightSpriteMC_15}
"zoomImgMC"Symbol 88 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16} Frame 1Symbol 84 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomImgMC_13}
"carryMotionMC"Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21} Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip {Blink_fla.CarryMotionMC_22}
"swooshAnimMC"Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21} Frame 1Symbol 104 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_23}
"hitBoxMC"Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"carryMotionMC"Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24} Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip {Blink_fla.CarryMotionMC_22}
"swooshAnimMC"Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24} Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimMC_25}
"hitBoxMC"Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"timerFillMaskMC"Symbol 123 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TimerDisplayMC_27} Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip
"timerSirenAnimMC"Symbol 123 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TimerDisplayMC_27} Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip
"numChancesTxt"Symbol 129 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ChancesDisplayMC_30} Frame 1Symbol 128 EditableText
"timerDisplayMC"Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26} Frame 1Symbol 123 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TimerDisplayMC_27}
"chancesDisplayMC"Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26} Frame 1Symbol 129 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ChancesDisplayMC_30}
"masterFaceGrphcMC"Symbol 139 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SpeakerIconMC_33} Frame 11Symbol 138 MovieClip
"speakerIconMC"Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32} Frame 1Symbol 139 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SpeakerIconMC_33}
"dialogueTxt"Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32} Frame 1Symbol 141 EditableText
"advanceDialogueBtn"Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32} Frame 1Symbol 148 Button
"toggleSFXBtn"Symbol 215 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleSFXBtnMC_52} Frame 1Symbol 212 Button
"toggleMusicBtn"Symbol 219 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleMusicBtnMC_54} Frame 1Symbol 218 Button
"timeScoreTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 238 EditableText
"numChancesBonusTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 239 EditableText
"civBonusTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 240 EditableText
"levelScoreTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 241 EditableText
"totalTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 243 EditableText
"timeStrTxt"Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56} Frame 1Symbol 244 EditableText
"difficultyStrTxt"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 167 EditableText
"quitLevelBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 170 Button
"submitHighScoreBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 174 Button
"retryLevelBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 177 Button
"nextLevelBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 180 Button
"closeBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 181 Button
"restartLevelBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 184 Button
"quitBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 187 Button
"resumeBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 190 Button
"missionObjectiveBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 193 Button
"quitConfirm_yesBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 198 Button
"quitConfirm_noBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 203 Button
"instructionsBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 206 Button
"clickAnywhereToContinueBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 209 Button
"toggleSFXBtnMC"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 215 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleSFXBtnMC_52}
"toggleMusicBtnMC"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 219 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ToggleMusicBtnMC_54}
"link_Play4AllBtn"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 1Symbol 37 Button
"missionObjTxt"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 11Symbol 223 EditableText
"failureMsgTxt"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 55Symbol 230 EditableText
"scoreTxt"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 55Symbol 231 EditableText
"scoreRackerMC"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 80Symbol 245 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScoreRackerMC_56}
"fSlashCharacterGrphcMC"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 80Symbol 247 MovieClip
"highScoresContainerMC"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 81Symbol 248 MovieClip
"statusTxt"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38} Frame 81Symbol 249 EditableText
"groundHeightMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"destinationIconAnimMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"civilianMC1"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC2"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC3"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"breakableWallMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"zoomMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"zoom_masterMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16}
"mirage_masterAnimMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Mirage_masterAnimMC_17}
"masterCharaMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21}
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hUD_MC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"s1ScoreTxt"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 161 EditableText
"masterScoreTxt"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 163 EditableText
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 251 MovieClip {Blink_Gameplay} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"swooshMC"Symbol 255 MovieClip {Blink_fla.LastHitAnimMC_60} Frame 1Symbol 254 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaAttackSwooshAnimBlankMC_61}
"zoomMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"zoom_masterMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16}
"mirage_masterAnimMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Mirage_masterAnimMC_17}
"masterCharaMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21}
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hUD_MC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"lastHitAnimMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 255 MovieClip {Blink_fla.LastHitAnimMC_60}
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"play4AllLogoGrphcMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 257 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Final} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"splashScreenAnimMC"Symbol 298 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71} Frame 1Symbol 297 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SplashScreenAnimMC_72}
"tutorialControlsDisplayMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 281 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TutorialControlsDisplayMC_64}
"destinationIconAnimMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"breakableWallMC1"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"breakableWallMC2"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"breakableWallMC3"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"breakableWallMC4"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"breakableWallMC5"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"zoomMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"ballOfLightMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 284 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BallOfLightMC_66}
"civilianMC1"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC2"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC3"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"masterCharaMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MasterCharaMC_21}
"materializeAnimMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 292 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MaterializeAnimMC_68}
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hUD_MC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"blackFadeoutMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 293 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BlackFadeoutMC_69}
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"skipTutorialBtn"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 296 Button
"play4AllLogoGrphcMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"splashScreenFadeInAnimMC"Symbol 299 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Tutorial} Frame 1Symbol 298 MovieClip {Blink_fla.SplashScreenFadeInAnimMC_71}
"modalBlocker"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 340 MovieClip
"goButton"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 345 Button
"getYourOwnButton"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 348 Button
"closeButton"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 351 Button
"invalidUserMessage"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 354 MovieClip {Blink_fla.invalidUserMessage_82}
"nameField"Symbol 355 MovieClip {Blink_fla.importWindow_77} Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip {fl.controls.TextInput}
"locationTxt"Symbol 364 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ScreenMCOverlayMC_94} Frame 57Symbol 363 EditableText
"trueSplashScreenMC"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 369 MovieClip {Blink_fla.TrueSplashScreenMC_96}
"playBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 372 Button
"test2Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test3Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test1Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test4Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test5Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"creditsBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 375 Button
"test6Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test7Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"test8Btn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"levelSelectBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 378 Button
"closeBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 181 Button
"highScoresBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 381 Button
"link_Play4All_PlayMoreGamesBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 384 Button
"link_Play4AllBtn"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 37 Button
"msgTxt"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 1Symbol 386 EditableText
"versTxt"Symbol 400 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_MainMenuMC_95} Frame 4Symbol 398 EditableText
"levelSelect_L1Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 406 Button
"levelSelect_L2Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 409 Button
"levelSelect_L3Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 412 Button
"levelSelect_L4Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 415 Button
"levelSelect_L5Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 418 Button
"levelSelect_L6Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 421 Button
"levelSelect_L7Btn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 426 Button
"backBtn"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 5 Button {BackBtn}
"levelLock_L1MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L2MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L3MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L7MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L4MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L5MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"levelLock_L6MC"Symbol 431 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_LevelSelectMC_102} Frame 1Symbol 429 MovieClip
"hitBoxMC"Symbol 448 MovieClip {Blink_fla.FireMC_113} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"dustAnimMC"Symbol 461 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120} Frame 1Symbol 460 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DustAnimMC_121}
"breakableWallMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 78 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BreakableWallMC_11}
"destinationIconAnimMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"zoomMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"zoom_masterMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Zoom_masterMC_16}
"mirage_masterAnimMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 96 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Mirage_masterAnimMC_17}
"civilianMC1"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC2"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC3"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC4"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"fireMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 448 MovieClip {Blink_fla.FireMC_113}
"panicHelperMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hUD_MC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"buildingCrumbleAnimMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 461 MovieClip {Blink_fla.BuldingCrumbleAnimMC_120}
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"play4AllLogoGrphcMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 462 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Fire} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"hUD_MC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"zoomMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"civilianMC1"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC2"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC3"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC4"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"explosiveBarrelMC1"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 489 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126}
"explosiveBarrelMC2"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 489 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126}
"explosiveBarrelMC3"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 489 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126}
"explosiveBarrelMC4"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 489 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ExplosiveBarrelMC_126}
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"play4AllLogoGrphcMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"civiliansLeftTxt"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 491 EditableText
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 492 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_Explosions} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"destinationIconAnimMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
"hUD_MC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {Blink_fla.HUD_MC_26}
"zoomMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip {Blink_fla.ZoomMC_12}
"mirageAnimMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 87 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MirageAnimMC_14}
"civilianMC1"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC2"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC3"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"civilianMC4"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
"mainCharaMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {Blink_fla.MainCharaMC_24}
"hitAreaMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"dialogueBoxMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 149 MovieClip {Blink_fla.DialogueBoxMC_32}
"testBtn"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 152 Button
"pauseBtn"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 156 Button
"play4AllLogoGrphcMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 256 MovieClip
"civiliansLeftTxt"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 493 EditableText
"screen_PauseMC"Symbol 494 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_PeopleFalling} Frame 1Symbol 250 MovieClip {Blink_fla.Screen_PauseMC_38}
"destinationIconAnimMC1"Symbol 499 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling} Frame 1Symbol 66 MovieClip
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"civilianMC4"Symbol 499 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_EveryoneFalling} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
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"civilianMC2"Symbol 507 MovieClip {BlinkLevel_NotBoth} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip {Civilian}
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Created: 11/4 -2019 12:12:24 Last modified: 11/4 -2019 12:12:24 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:46:44