| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229820 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2597 · P5194 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #67848 |
V C A M T U T O R I A L |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="45">PLAY!!!!</FONT></P> |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#123456" FACE="Arial" SIZE="12"><A HREF="http://www.sothink.com/product/swfquicker/" TARGET="">Powered by Sothink</A></FONT></P> |
W E L C O M E ! |
H i ! I ' m m a k i n g t h i s c a u s e I l o o k e d a r o u n d N e w g r o u n d s , a n d I c o u l d n ' t f i n d a n y t u t o r i a l s m a d e s p e c i f i c a l l y f o r t h e V - c a m . F i r s t o f a l l , t h e V - c a m i s u s e d s o i n a n i m a t i o n s , p e o p l e c a n z o o m i n a n d o u t o f c h a r a c t e r s , e t c . I w o n ' t n e e d t o u s e t h e V - c a m u n t i l l a t e r , i n t h i s t u t o r i a l . L e t ' s g e t s t a r t e d ! ( B T W , t h e r e a r e t w o w a y s t o u s e t h e V - c a m , f o r g a m e s , a n d a n i m a t i o n . I ' l l c o v e r b o t h . |
N e x t |
F i r s t o f a l l , m a k e a l a y e r . P u t i t a t t h e t o p o f a l l t h e l a y e r s . I n t h a t l a y e r , m a k e a w h i t e r e c t a n g l e , a n d c o n v e r t i t i n t o a m o v i e c l i p . |
B a c k |
T h a t r e c t a n g l e w i l l b e t h e V - c a m . n o w , d o u b l e - c l i c k t h e r e c t a n g l e , a n d o p e n t h e A c t i o n S c r i p t p a n e l ( s h o u l d b e F 9 ) . N o w , p u t i n t h e f o l l o w i n g c o d e ( I f o r g o t t o s a y t h a t t h i s i s f o r A c t i o n s c r i p t 2 ) : |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform());</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">function camControl() {</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform());</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var scaleX = sX/this._width;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var scaleY = sY/this._height;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._x = cX-(this._x*scaleX);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._y = cY-(this._y*scaleY);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._xscale = 100*scaleX;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._yscale = 100*scaleY;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">}</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">function resetStage() {</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var resetTrans = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">ab:0};</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">parentColor.setTransform(resetTrans);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._xscale = 100;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._yscale = 100;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._x = 0;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">_parent._y = 0;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">}</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// make frame invisible</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">this._visible = false;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// Capture stage parameters</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var cX = Stage.width/2;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var cY = Stage.height/2;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var sX = Stage.width;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var sY = Stage.height;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// create color instances for color </FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// transforms (if any).</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var camColor = new Color(this);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">var parentColor = new Color(_parent);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// Make the stage move so that the </FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// v-cam is centered on the</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// viewport every frame</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">this.onEnterFrame = camControl;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// Make an explicit call to the camControl</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// function to make sure it also runs on the</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// first frame.</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">camControl();</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// If the v-cam is ever removed (unloaded)</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// the stage, return the stage to the default</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">// settings.</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="4">this.onUnload = resetStage;</FONT></P> |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform());</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">function camControl() {</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform());</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var scaleX = sX/this._width;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var scaleY = sY/this._height;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._x = cX-(this._x*scaleX);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._y = cY-(this._y*scaleY);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._xscale = 100*scaleX;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._yscale = 100*scaleY;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">}</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">function resetStage() {</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var resetTrans = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">parentColor.setTransform(resetTrans);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._xscale = 100;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._yscale = 100;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._x = 0;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">_parent._y = 0;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">}</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// make frame invisible</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">this._visible = false;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// Capture stage parameters</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var cX = Stage.width/2;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var cY = Stage.height/2;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var sX = Stage.width;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var sY = Stage.height;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// create color instances for color </FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// transforms (if any).</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var camColor = new Color(this);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">var parentColor = new Color(_parent);</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// Make the stage move so that the </FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// v-cam is centered on the</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// viewport every frame</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">this.onEnterFrame = camControl;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// Make an explicit call to the camControl</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// function to make sure it also runs on the</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// first frame.</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">camControl();</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// If the v-cam is ever removed (unloaded)</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// the stage, return the stage to the default</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">// settings.</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="1">this.onUnload = resetStage;</FONT></P> |
B a s i c a l l y , w h a t t h i s d o e s i s m a k e s t h e r e c t a n g l e i n v i s i b l e , a n d s h o w o n l y w h a t t h e r e c t a n g l e s e e s . T o s h o w i t ' s f u n c t i o n , w h e n y o u c l i c k n e x t , I w i l l u s e t h e v c a m t o z o o m i n o n a n o t h e r n e x t b u t t o n . S o y o u s h o u l d s e e t h e b u t t o n o n l y . |
T h i s n e x t c o d e f o r g a m e s i s t o b e p u t o n t h e o u t s i d e o f t h e r e c t a n g l e . I t o n l y w o r k s i f t h e c h a r a c t e r ' s i n s t a n c e n a m e i s p l a y e r . I t h o m e s i n o n t h e p l a y e r M C . |
<P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="10">onClipEvent (enterFrame) {</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="10">_y += (_root.player._y-_y)/4;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="10">_x += (_root.player._x-_x)/4;</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="10">}</FONT></P><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT COLOR="#000000" FACE="Tubular" SIZE="10"></FONT></P> |
W h a t t h i s c o d e d o e s i s t h a t i t h o m e s i n o n t h e p l a y e r M C . y o u c a n c h a n g e i t i f y o u r p l a y e r m c i s n a m e d b a n a n a o r s o m e t h i n g e l s e . I r e c o m m e n d m a k i n g i t 6 t i m e s t h e s i z e o f t h e p l a y e r , s o y o u g e t a n A l i e n H o m i n i d - l i k e v i e w . O n t h e n e x t f r a m e , I w i l l s h o w y o u a n e x a m p l e o f t h e p l a y e r V - c a m . A W D t o m o v e . |
A N D T H A T S T H E E N D ! |
M a d e b y A n t h o n y ( R e n a n d c h i 2 ! ) M u s i c : L o o p m a s t e r T h e D a m n e d a n d R u n a w a y s |
I f y o u n e e d a n y h e l p , r e v i e w o r l e a v e m e a P M ! P l e a s e v o t e 5 a n d t u t o r i a l c o l l e c t i o n ! |
A G A I N ! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1stop();Frame 2stopAllSounds(); stop();Frame 3stop();Frame 4stop();Frame 5stop();Frame 6stop();Frame 7stop();Frame 8stop();Frame 9stop();Frame 10stop();Frame 11stop();Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip "player" in Frame 11onClipEvent (load) { var grav = 0; var speed = 10; var jumpHeight = 15; var slow = 0.699999988079071; var slowspd = (speed / 1.5); var setspeed = speed; var scale = _xscale; var ex = 5; this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { grav++; _y = _y + grav; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; } if (!_root.water.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { speed = setspeed; } else { if (grav > 0) { grav = grav * slow; } speed = slowspd; } if (!Key.isDown(68)) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) && (!Key.isDown(79))) && (!Key.isDown(73))) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _x = _x - speed; _xscale = (-scale); if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { _x = _x + speed; _xscale = scale; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if ((((Key.isDown(79) && (!Key.isDown(87))) && (!Key.isDown(65))) && (!Key.isDown(68))) && (!Key.isDown(73))) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if ((((Key.isDown(73) && (!Key.isDown(87))) && (!Key.isDown(65))) && (!Key.isDown(68))) && (!Key.isDown(79))) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (Key.isDown(87) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true))) { grav = -jumpHeight; _y = _y - 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - _height, true))) { _x = _x - speed; } if ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - _height, true))) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y - _height) - 15, true)) { grav = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.msk)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(12); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.over)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(10); } }Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip in Frame 11onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = _y + ((_root.player._y - _y) / 4); _x = _x + ((_root.player._x - _x) / 4); }Frame 12stop();Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip "player" in Frame 12onClipEvent (load) { var grav = 0; var speed = 10; var jumpHeight = 15; var slow = 0.699999988079071; var slowspd = (speed / 1.5); var setspeed = speed; var scale = _xscale; var ex = 5; this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { grav++; _y = _y + grav; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = (_y-1); grav = 0; } if (!_root.water.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { speed = setspeed; } else { if (grav > 0) { grav = grav * slow; } speed = slowspd; } if (!Key.isDown(68)) { if (!Key.isDown(65)) { if ((_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) && (!Key.isDown(79))) && (!Key.isDown(73))) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _x = _x - speed; _xscale = (-scale); if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { _x = _x + speed; _xscale = scale; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if ((((Key.isDown(79) && (!Key.isDown(87))) && (!Key.isDown(65))) && (!Key.isDown(68))) && (!Key.isDown(73))) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if ((((Key.isDown(73) && (!Key.isDown(87))) && (!Key.isDown(65))) && (!Key.isDown(68))) && (!Key.isDown(79))) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (Key.isDown(87) && (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true))) { grav = -jumpHeight; _y = _y - 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - (_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x + (_width / 2)) + ex, _y - _height, true))) { _x = _x - speed; } if ((_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (_height / 2), true) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - (_height / 6), true))) || (_root.ground.hitTest((_x - (_width / 2)) - ex, _y - _height, true))) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, (_y - _height) - 15, true)) { grav = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.msk)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.game)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } }Symbol 4 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 12 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 17 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (4); }Symbol 18 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 23 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (5); }Symbol 24 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 26 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (6); }Symbol 27 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (4); }Symbol 30 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (5); }Symbol 31 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (7); }Symbol 33 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (6); }Symbol 34 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (8); }Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 1function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var scaleX = (sX / this._width); var scaleY = (sY / this._height); _parent._x = cX - (this._x * scaleX); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * scaleY); _parent._xscale = 100 * scaleX; _parent._yscale = 100 * scaleY; } function resetStage() { var resetTrans = {ab:0, aa:100, bb:0, ba:100, gb:0, ga:100, rb:0, ra:100}; parentColor.setTransform(resetTrans); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage;Symbol 37 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (7); }Symbol 38 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (9); }Symbol 40 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (8); }Symbol 41 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (10); }Symbol 43 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (9); }Symbol 44 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (11); }Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var scaleX = (sX / this._width); var scaleY = (sY / this._height); _parent._x = cX - (this._x * scaleX); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * scaleY); _parent._xscale = 100 * scaleX; _parent._yscale = 100 * scaleY; } function resetStage() { var resetTrans = {ab:0, aa:100, bb:0, ba:100, gb:0, ga:100, rb:0, ra:100}; parentColor.setTransform(resetTrans); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage;
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 3 Font | Used by:2 6 10 11 14 16 20 25 28 29 32 39 42 45 80 81 82 84 | ||
Symbol 2 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 5 Graphic | Used by:4 | ||
Symbol 6 EditableText | Uses:3 | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 Button | Uses:5 6 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 8 Font | Used by:9 | ||
Symbol 9 EditableText | Uses:8 | Used by:7 | |
Symbol 7 MovieClip | Uses:9 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 10 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 11 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 13 Graphic | Used by:12 17 23 26 31 34 38 41 44 | ||
Symbol 14 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:12 17 23 26 31 34 38 41 44 | |
Symbol 12 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 15 Sound | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 16 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 17 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Used by:18 24 27 30 33 37 40 43 | ||
Symbol 20 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:18 24 27 30 33 37 40 43 | |
Symbol 18 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Used by:21 | ||
Symbol 21 MovieClip | Uses:22 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 23 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 24 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 25 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 26 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 27 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 28 EditableText | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 29 EditableText | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 30 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 31 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 32 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 33 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 34 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Used by:35 | ||
Symbol 35 MovieClip | Uses:36 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 37 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 38 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 39 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 40 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 41 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 42 EditableText | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 43 Button | Uses:19 20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 44 Button | Uses:13 14 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 45 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 47 Bitmap | Used by:48 | ||
Symbol 48 Graphic | Uses:47 | Used by:46 | |
Symbol 46 MovieClip | Uses:48 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:50 | ||
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:50 | ||
Symbol 53 Graphic | Used by:50 | ||
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:50 | ||
Symbol 50 MovieClip | Uses:51 52 53 54 | Used by:49 | |
Symbol 55 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 57 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 58 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 61 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 62 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 63 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 64 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 65 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 66 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 70 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:49 | ||
Symbol 49 MovieClip | Uses:50 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:73 | ||
Symbol 75 Graphic | Used by:73 | ||
Symbol 73 MovieClip | Uses:74 75 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 77 Graphic | Used by:76 | ||
Symbol 76 MovieClip | Uses:77 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 79 Graphic | Used by:78 | ||
Symbol 78 MovieClip | Uses:79 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 80 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 81 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 82 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 84 Text | Uses:3 | Used by:83 | |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:85 | ||
Symbol 85 MovieClip | Uses:86 | Used by:83 | |
Symbol 83 MovieClip | Uses:84 85 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"ground" | Frame 11 | Symbol 46 MovieClip |
"player" | Frame 11 | Symbol 49 MovieClip |
"msk" | Frame 11 | Symbol 73 MovieClip |
"over" | Frame 11 | Symbol 78 MovieClip |
"ground" | Frame 12 | Symbol 46 MovieClip |
"player" | Frame 12 | Symbol 49 MovieClip |
"msk" | Frame 12 | Symbol 73 MovieClip |
"game" | Frame 12 | Symbol 83 MovieClip |
"msk" | Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 85 MovieClip |