Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Global Defense.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #67922

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Global Defense




High Scores




Start Game


High Scores

Global Defense

Official Leader Boards


Hit a number key to fire a missile :



= Fire Red Missile

= Fire Blue Missile

= Fire Yellow Missile

Destroy incoming missiles by hitting them with a missile of the same color.




High Score

Submit Score

User Name :




Lvl 1

Press 1 to fire red missile  -- Press 2 to fire blue missile -- Press 3 to fire yellow missile

High Scores




ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function GlobalParent() { this.Game_ID = 3; this._state = "Instructions"; this.LevelCounter = 0; this.Level = 1; this.HighScore = 0; this.MissileTypes = 6; this.ScreenWidth = 640; this.ScreenHeight = 480; this.Max_x = 640; this.Max_y = 480; this.Min_x = 0; this.Min_y = 0; this.Missile_Count = 0; this.PlayerMissile_Count = 0; this.Building_Count = 0; this.Explosion_Count = 0; this.Cloud_Count = 0; this.Smoke_Count = 0; this.Score = 0; this.Depth_Count = 0; this.WorldScale = 0; this.ActiveEnemyMissiles = 0; this.ActivePlayerMissiles = 0; this.EnemyMissileSpeed = 4; this.PlayerMissileSpeed = 5; this.TipTimer = 0; this.LeftMargin = 10; this.MaxMissiles = 3; this.GameOver_Flag = 0; this.NewMissile_Type = 0; this.BuildingScale = 175; this.MissileScale = 100; this.ExplosionScale = 125; this.SmokeScale = 100; this.TipText = ""; this.MaxPlayerMissiles = 3; this.MaxEnemyMissiles = 3; this.MaxMissileTypes = 3; this.GameOverTimer = 0; this.DeveloperScreenTimer = 30; this.LevelWindowTimer = 0; this.ActiveBuildings = 0; this.Profile_ID = 0; this.Login = 0; this.Password = ""; this.MainUI_Count = 0; this.LoadingData_Count = 0; this.SavingData_Count = 0; this.GameOver_Count = 0; this.HighScores_Count = 0; this.LoadBar_Count = 0; this.MainMenu_Count = 0; this.LevelPanel_Count = 0; this.ScorePanel_Count = 0; this.HighScorePanel_Count = 0; this.TipWindow_Count = 0; this.Prompt_Count = 0; this.HighScoreList_Count = 0; this.FPSCounter_Count = 0; this.Instructions_Count = 0; this._submitState = false; this._mute = false; this._username = "Default"; this.InitLoadTime = 0; this.SpecialLinkURL = ""; this.SpecialMessage = ""; this.BasePath = ""; this._level = 1; this.LoadingData_Count = 0; this.SavingData_Count = 0; } function SpriteParent(id) { Global.Sprite_Count++; this._id = int(id); this._spriteid = int(Global.Sprite_Count); this._state = "Inactive"; this._color = 0; this._xpos = 0; this._ypos = 0; this._xspeed = 0; this._yspeed = 0; this._target = 0; this._targeted = 0; this._targetx = 0; this._targety = 0; this._scale = 100; this._rotation = 0; this._speed = 0; this._xslot = 0; this._timer = 0; this._shake = 0; this._shakecounter = 0; this._bumpcounter = 0; this._counter = 0; this._type = 0; } function ControlsParent() { this.FireRedMissile = 0; this.FireBlueMissile = 0; this.FireYellowMissile = 0; this.PlayerMissileData_speed = 5; } function Preloader_Status() { myLoaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded()); myTotal = Math.round(getBytesTotal()); myPercent = myLoaded / myTotal; return(myPercent * 100); } function Create_MovieClip(ObjectName, Instance) { Global.Depth_Count++; Global[Instance + "_Count"]++; Index = Global[Instance + "_Count"]; InstanceName = (Instance + "_") + Index; InstanceInfoName = (Instance + "Info_") + Index; SymbolName = ObjectName + "Symbol"; _root[InstanceInfoName] = new SpriteParent(Index); _root.attachMovie(SymbolName, InstanceName, Global.Depth_Count); _root[InstanceName].cacheAsBitmap; _root[InstanceName].gotoAndStop(1); return(Index); } function create_instances(ObjectName, Instance, amount) { c_instance = 1; while (c_instance <= amount) { trace((ObjectName + " : ") + c_instance); New_Index = Create_MovieClip(ObjectName, Instance); c_instance++; } } function MC_alpha(InstanceName, pct) { setProperty(InstanceName, _alpha , pct); } function MC_rotate(InstanceName, angle) { setProperty(InstanceName, _rotation , angle); } function MC_pos(InstanceName, loc_x, loc_y) { setProperty(InstanceName, _x , loc_x); setProperty(InstanceName, _y , loc_y); } function MC_scale(InstanceName, newscale) { setProperty(InstanceName, _xscale , newscale); setProperty(InstanceName, _yscale , newscale); } function MC_size(InstanceName, new_width, new_height) { setProperty(InstanceName, _width , new_width); setProperty(InstanceName, _height , new_height); } function MC_show(InstanceName) { setProperty(InstanceName, _visible , 1); } function MC_hide(InstanceName) { setProperty(InstanceName, _visible , 0); } function display_prompt(PromptText, loc_x, loc_y) { Prompt.PromptText.text = PromptText; MC_pos("Prompt", loc_x, loc_y); MC_show("Prompt"); } function MC_tween(ObjectName, Property, tweenType, Begin, End, Time) { switch (tweenType) { case "Bounce" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Bounce.easeOut; break; case "Strong" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut; break; case "Back" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Back.easeOut; break; case "Elastic" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeOut; break; case "Regular" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut; break; case "None" : easeType = mx.transitions.easing.None.easeOut; } Tween = new mx.transitions.Tween(ObjectName, Property, easeType, Begin, End, Time, true); } function Process_Control_Input(KeyCode) { switch (Global._state) { case "MainMenu" : if (MainMenu_1.StartGame.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); reset_game(); Global._state = "Core"; } if (MainMenu_1.Instructions.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); Global._state = "Instructions"; } if (MainMenu_1.HighScores.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); LoadHighScores(Global.Game_ID); } if (MainMenu_1.ADDButton.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { getURL ("" + Global.Game_ID, _blank); } break; case "Core" : if (KeyCode != 0) { switch (KeyCode) { case 49 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 1; break; case 50 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 2; break; case 51 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 3; break; case 97 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 1; break; case 98 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 2; break; case 99 : Global.NewMissile_Type = 3; } } break; case "GameOver" : if (GameOver_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_hide(GameOver_1); MC_tween(GameOver_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(GameOver_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(MainUI_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(MainUI_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); LoadHighScores(Global.Game_ID); } if ((GameOver_1.Submit.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) && (Global._submitState == false)) && (KeyCode == 0)) { Global._submitState = true; Global._username = _root.GameOver_1.UserName.text; MC_hide(GameOver_1.Submit); MC_hide(GameOver_1.UserName); MC_hide(GameOver_1.Label); SaveHighScore(Global.Game_ID, 0, Global._username, 0, Global.Score, 0, "Test Comment"); } break; case "ResetGame" : break; case "HighScores" : if (HighScores_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_tween(HighScores_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(HighScores_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } break; case "Instructions" : if (!Instructions_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { break; } MC_tween(Instructions_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); MC_tween(Instructions_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 100, 0, 0.75); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } } function update_score_UI() { MainUI_1.Score.text = int(_root.Global.Score); if (Global.Score > Global.HighScore) { Global.HighScore = Global.Score; } MainUI_1.HighScore.text = int(_root.Global.HighScore); MainUI_1.Level.text = "Level " + Global._level; } function update_highscore_list(listcount) { Ranks = ""; Logins = ""; Scores = ""; cs = 1; while (cs <= listcount) { Ranks = Ranks + (cs + "\r"); Logins = Logins + (myLoadableData["Login" + cs] + "\r"); Scores = Scores + (myLoadableData["HighScore" + cs] + "\r"); cs++; } HighScoreList.Rank.text = Ranks; HighScoreList.Login.text = Logins; HighScoreList.HighScore.text = Scores; } function display_tip_window(TextString, Timer) { TipWindow._visible = 1; TipWindow.TipText.text = TextString; Global.TipTimer = Timer; } function create_ui() { create_instances("MainUI", "MainUI", 1); MC_pos(MainUI_1, 20, 2); MC_hide(MainUI_1); create_instances("TipWindow", "TipWindow", 1); MC_pos(TipWindow_1, 320, 400); MC_hide(TipWindow_1); create_instances("Prompt", "Prompt", 1); MC_pos(Prompt_1, 320, 240); MC_hide(Prompt_1); create_instances("LoadingData", "LoadingData", 1); MC_pos(LoadingData_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(LoadingData_1); create_instances("SavingData", "SavingData", 1); MC_pos(SavingData_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(SavingData_1); create_instances("HighScores", "HighScores", 1); MC_pos(HighScores_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(HighScores_1); create_instances("GameOver", "GameOver", 1); MC_pos(GameOver_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(GameOver_1); create_instances("MainMenu", "MainMenu", 1); MC_pos(MainMenu_1, Global.Max_x / 2, Global.Max_y / 2); MC_hide(MainMenu_1); create_instances("Instructions", "Instructions", 1); MC_pos(Instructions_1, 320, 50); MC_hide(Instructions_1); trace(Instructions_1.ControlKeysPanel.Key_1.NumberText.text); Instructions_1.ControlKeysPanel.Key_1.NumberText.text = 1; Instructions_1.ControlKeysPanel.Key_2.NumberText.text = 2; Instructions_1.ControlKeysPanel.Key_3.NumberText.text = 3; create_instances("Mute", "Mute", 1); Mute_1.gotoAndStop(1); MC_pos(Mute_1, 5, 440); MC_show(Mute_1); create_instances("Pause", "Pause", 1); MC_pos(Pause_1, 0, 0); MC_hide(Pause_1); } function check_mainmenu_rollovers() { if (MainMenu_1.StartGame.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.StartGame, 125); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.StartGame, 100); } if (MainMenu_1.Instructions.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.Instructions, 125); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.Instructions, 100); } if (MainMenu_1.HighScores.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.HighScores, 125); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.HighScores, 100); } if (MainMenu_1.ADDButton.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.ADDButton, 125); } else { MC_scale(MainMenu_1.ADDButton, 100); } } function check_Instructions_rollovers() { if (Instructions_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(Instructions_1.Back, 125); } else { MC_scale(Instructions_1.Back, 100); } } function check_gameover_rollovers() { if (GameOver_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Back, 150); } else { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Back, 100); } if (GameOver_1.Submit.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Submit, 150); } else { MC_scale(GameOver_1.Submit, 100); } } function check_highscores_rollovers() { if (HighScores_1.Back.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { MC_scale(HighScores_1.Back, 125); } else { MC_scale(HighScores_1.Back, 100); } } function move_cloud(Datastruct) { cloud_id = Datastruct._id; cloud_width = _root["Cloud_" + cloud_id]._width; Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + Datastruct._speed; if ((Datastruct._xpos - (cloud_width / 2)) > _root.Global.Max_x) { Datastruct._xpos = -cloud_width; } } function release_enemy_missile() { Random_Type = random(Global.MaxMissileTypes) + 1; c_missile = 1; while (c_missile <= Global.Missile_Count) { if (_root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._state == "Inactive") { _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._state = "Active"; Random_Target = random(5) + 1; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._type = Random_Type; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._target = Random_Target; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._targetx = _root["Building_" + Random_Target]._x; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._targety = _root["Building_" + Random_Target]._y; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xpos = random(Global.ScreenWidth); _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._ypos = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xspeed = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._yspeed = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._targeted = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]._speed = ((random(Global.EnemyMissileSpeed) + 1) * 0.25) + 0.75; _root["Missile_" + c_missile].gotoAndStop(Random_Type); trace("Releasing Missile : " + c_missile); Global.ActiveEnemyMissiles++; break; } c_missile++; } } function update_player_missile(Datastruct) { pm_type = Datastruct._type; if (Datastruct._state == "Active") { if (Datastruct._target > 0) { Datastruct._targetx = _root["MissileInfo_" + Datastruct._target]._xpos; Datastruct._targety = _root["MissileInfo_" + Datastruct._target]._ypos; } else { Datastruct._targetx = 80; Datastruct._targety = 0; } xdiff = Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._targetx; ydiff = Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._targety; if (xdiff < 0) { xdiff = -xdiff; } if (ydiff < 0) { ydiff = -ydiff; } x_frames = xdiff / Datastruct._speed; y_frames = ydiff / Datastruct._speed; if (x_frames > y_frames) { Max_Frames = x_frames; } else { Max_Frames = y_frames; } Datastruct._xspeed = xdiff / Max_Frames; Datastruct._yspeed = ydiff / Max_Frames; if (Datastruct._xpos > Datastruct._targetx) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._xspeed; } if (Datastruct._xpos < Datastruct._targetx) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + Datastruct._xspeed; } if (Datastruct._ypos > Datastruct._targety) { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._yspeed; } if (Datastruct._ypos < Datastruct._targety) { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + Datastruct._yspeed; } MissileFacing = ((Math.atan2(Datastruct._targety - Datastruct._ypos, Datastruct._targetx - Datastruct._xpos) * 180) / Math.PI) + 90; MissileFacing = MissileFacing + (random(3) - 1.5); MC_pos("PlayerMissile_" + Datastruct._id, Datastruct._xpos, Datastruct._ypos); MC_show("PlayerMissile_" + Datastruct._id); MC_rotate("PlayerMissile_" + Datastruct._id, MissileFacing); if ((xdiff < 20) && (ydiff < 20)) { Datastruct._state = "Inactive"; _root["PlayerMissile_" + Datastruct._id].gotoAndStop(7); Global.ActivePlayerMissiles--; if (Datastruct._target > 0) { em_type = _root["MissileInfo_" + Datastruct._target]._type; if (em_type <= 3) { tm_id = Datastruct._target; Datastruct._target = 0; start_explosion(Datastruct._xpos, Datastruct._ypos); Global.Score = Global.Score + 50; Global.LevelCounter = Global.LevelCounter + 50; _root["MissileInfo_" + tm_id]._state = "Inactive"; _root["Missile_" + tm_id].gotoAndStop(7); xx = 1; while (xx <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { if (_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + xx]._target == tm_id) { find_new_target(_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + xx]); } xx++; } Global.ActiveEnemyMissiles--; } else { tm_id = Datastruct._target; Datastruct._target = 0; if ((em_type == 4) && (Datastruct._type == 1)) { new_type = 2; } if ((em_type == 5) && (Datastruct._type == 1)) { new_type = 3; } if ((em_type == 4) && (Datastruct._type == 2)) { new_type = 1; } if ((em_type == 6) && (Datastruct._type == 2)) { new_type = 3; } if ((em_type == 5) && (Datastruct._type == 3)) { new_type = 1; } if ((em_type == 6) && (Datastruct._type == 3)) { new_type = 2; } _root["MissileInfo_" + tm_id]._type = new_type; _root["MissileInfo_" + tm_id]._shake = 30; _root["MissileInfo_" + tm_id]._targeted = 0; trace("setting to new type :" + new_type); switch (new_type) { case 1 : tellTarget ("_level0/Missile_" + tm_id) { gotoAndStop(Number(1)); }; break; case 2 : tellTarget ("_level0/Missile_" + tm_id) { gotoAndStop(Number(2)); }; break; case 3 : tellTarget ("_level0/Missile_" + tm_id) { gotoAndStop(Number(3)); }; } xx = 1; while (xx <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { if (_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + xx]._target == tm_id) { find_new_target(_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + xx]); } xx++; } } } } } } function update_enemy_missile(Datastruct) { if (Datastruct._state == "Active") { xdiff = Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._targetx; ydiff = Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._targety; if (xdiff < 0) { xdiff = -xdiff; } if (ydiff < 0) { ydiff = -ydiff; } x_frames = xdiff / Datastruct._speed; y_frames = ydiff / Datastruct._speed; if (x_frames > y_frames) { Max_Frames = x_frames; } else { Max_Frames = y_frames; } Datastruct._xspeed = xdiff / Max_Frames; Datastruct._yspeed = ydiff / Max_Frames; if (Datastruct._xpos > Datastruct._targetx) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos - Datastruct._xspeed; } if (Datastruct._xpos < Datastruct._targetx) { Datastruct._xpos = Datastruct._xpos + Datastruct._xspeed; } if (Datastruct._ypos > Datastruct._targety) { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos - Datastruct._yspeed; } if (Datastruct._ypos < Datastruct._targety) { Datastruct._ypos = Datastruct._ypos + Datastruct._yspeed; } MissileFacing = ((Math.atan2(Datastruct._targety - Datastruct._ypos, Datastruct._targetx - Datastruct._xpos) * 180) / Math.PI) + 90; Datastruct._rotation = MissileFacing; if (Datastruct._shake > 0) { shake_missile(Datastruct); } MC_pos("Missile_" + Datastruct._id, Datastruct._xpos, Datastruct._ypos); MC_show("Missile_" + Datastruct._id); if (Datastruct._ypos < 5) { MC_rotate("Missile_" + Datastruct._id, Datastruct._rotation); } if ((xdiff < 20) && (ydiff < 20)) { if (Datastruct._state == "Inactive") { trace("alreadyDead"); } Datastruct._state = "Inactive"; Global.ActiveEnemyMissiles--; _root["Missile_" + Datastruct._id].gotoAndStop(7); BuildingNum = Datastruct._target; MC_hide("Building_" + BuildingNum); start_explosion(_root["Building_" + BuildingNum]._x, _root["Building_" + BuildingNum]._y); xx = 1; while (xx <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { if (_root["PlayerMissileInfo" + xx]._target == Datastruct._id) { trace("redirecting : " + xx); _root["PlayerMissileInfo" + xx]._target = 0; } xx++; } FinishedMissile = Datastruct._id; B_counter = 0; cb = 1; while (cb <= Global.Building_Count) { if (_root["Building_" + cb]._visible == 1) { B_counter = B_counter + 1; } cb++; } if (B_counter == 0) { GameOver_Flag = 1; } } } } function shake_missile(Datastruct) { Datastruct._shake--; rs = random(1) + 1; if (rs == 1) { Datastruct._rotation = Datastruct._rotation + random(20); } else { Datastruct._rotation = Datastruct._rotation - random(20); } } function find_new_target(Datastruct) { trace("finding new target for : " + Datastruct._id); Datastruct._target = 0; Missile_Target = 0; y_loc = 0; c = 1; while (c <= Global.Missile_Count) { m_state = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._state; m_type = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._type; m_targeted = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._targeted; if (m_state == "Active") { switch (Global.NewMissile_Type) { case 1 : trace("red target chosen"); trace("NewMissile_Type : " + Datastruct._type); if (((m_type == 1) || (m_type == 4)) || (m_type == 5)) { if ((_root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos > y_loc) && (m_targeted == 0)) { y_loc = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos; Missile_Target = c; } } break; case 2 : trace("Blue target chosen"); trace("NewMissile_Type : " + Datastruct._type); if (((m_type == 2) || (m_type == 4)) || (m_type == 6)) { if ((_root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos > y_loc) && (m_targeted == 0)) { y_loc = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos; Missile_Target = c; } } break; case 3 : trace("Yellow target chosen"); trace("NewMissile_Type : " + Datastruct._type); if (!(((m_type == 3) || (m_type == 5)) || (m_type == 6))) { break; } if (!((_root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos > y_loc) && (m_targeted == 0))) { break; } y_loc = _root["MissileInfo_" + c]._ypos; Missile_Target = c; } } c++; } Datastruct._target = Missile_Target; _root["MissileInfo_" + Missile_Target]._targeted = 1; } function fire_player_missile() { c_missile = 1; while (c_missile <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { if (_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._state == "Inactive") { _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._state = "Active"; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._type = Global.NewMissile_Type; _root["PlayerMissile_" + c_missile].gotoAndStop(_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._type); switch (Global.NewMissile_Type) { case 1 : _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xpos = 0; break; case 2 : _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xpos = Global.ScreenWidth / 2; break; case 3 : _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xpos = Global.ScreenWidth; } find_new_target(_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]); _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._ypos = 480; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._xspeed = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]._yspeed = 0; Global.ActivePlayerMissiles++; break; } c_missile++; } Global.NewMissile_Type = 0; } function start_smoke(xpos, ypos, target_id) { cs = 1; while (cs <= Global.Smoke_Count) { if (_root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._state == "Inactive") { with (_root["Smoke_" + cs]) { _visible = 1; } with (_root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]) { _state = "Active"; _xpos = xpos; _ypos = ypos; _alpha1 = 99; _alpha2 = 25; _scale1 = 100; _scale2 = 100; _target_id = target_id; trace(target_id); _rotation = 0; trace((_xpos + " : ") + _ypos); } return; } cs++; } } function cycle_smoke() { cs = 1; while (cs <= Global.Smoke_Count) { if (_root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._state == "Active") { with (_root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]) { _alpha1 = _alpha1 - _astep1; _alpha2 = _alpha2 - _astep2; _xpos = _root["MissileInfo_" + _target_id]._xpos; _ypos = _root["MissileInfo_" + _target_id]._ypos; _rotation++; if ((_alpha1 < 25) || (_alpha1 > 99)) { _astep1 = -_astep1; } if ((_alpha2 < 25) || (_alpha2 > 99)) { _astep2 = -_astep2; } } with (_root["Smoke_" + cs]) { _x = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._xpos; _y = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._ypos; Slide1._alpha = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._alpha1; Slide2._alpha = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._alpha2; Slide1._xscale = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._scale1; Slide1._yscale = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._scale1; Slide2._xscale = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._scale1; Slide2._yscale = _root["SmokeInfo_" + cs]._scale1; } } cs++; } } function start_explosion(xpos, ypos) { c_exp = 1; while (c_exp <= Global.Explosion_Count) { if (_root["Explosion_" + c_exp]._visible == 0) { _root["ExplosionInfo_" + c_exp]._state = "Active"; MC_pos("Explosion_" + c_exp, xpos, ypos); _root["Explosion_" + c_exp].gotoAndPlay(1); MC_show("Explosion_" + c_exp); break; } c_exp++; } } function tip_window_check() { if (Global.TipTimer > 0) { Global.TipTimer--; } else { Global.TipTimer = 0; MC_hide(TipWindow_1); } } function level_window_check() { if (LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos < (Global.Max_x - (LevelPanel_1._width + 10))) { LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos = LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos + 11; } else { LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos = Global.Max_x - (LevelPanel_1._width + 10); } MC_pos(LevelPanel_1, LevelPanelInfo_1._xpos, LevelPanelInfo_1._ypos); } function hide_all_missiles() { c_missile = 1; while (c_missile <= Global.Missile_Count) { MC_hide(_root["Missile_" + c_missile]); c_missile++; } } function check_game_over() { if (GameOver_Flag == 1) { Global._state = "GameOver"; hide_all_missiles(); Global.GameOverTimer = 300; } } function new_missile_check() { if (Global.ActiveEnemyMissiles < Global.MaxEnemyMissiles) { if (random(100) <= 25) { release_enemy_missile(); } } } function player_missile_check() { if ((Global.NewMissile_Type > 0) && (Global.ActivePlayerMissiles < Global.MaxPlayerMissiles)) { fire_player_missile(); } else { Global.NewMissile_Type = 0; } } function update_player_missiles() { c_missile = 1; while (c_missile <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { update_player_missile(_root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + c_missile]); c_missile++; } } function update_enemy_missiles() { c_missile = 1; while (c_missile <= Global.Missile_Count) { update_enemy_missile(_root["MissileInfo_" + c_missile]); c_missile++; } } function update_clouds() { c_cloud = 1; while (c_cloud <= Global.Cloud_Count) { if (_root["CloudInfo_" + c_cloud]._state == "Active") { move_cloud(_root["CloudInfo_" + c_cloud]); MC_pos("Cloud_" + c_cloud, _root["CloudInfo_" + c_cloud]._xpos, _root["CloudInfo_" + c_cloud]._ypos); } c_cloud++; } } function display_new_level() { LevelPanel.ScoreText.text = Global._level; LevelPanel._x = -LevelPanel._width; } function check_for_level_change() { if (Global.LevelCounter > 500) { increment_level(); } } function increment_level() { Global._level++; Global.LevelCounter = 0; Global.EnemyMissileSpeed = Global.EnemyMissileSpeed + 0.03; switch (Global._level) { case 3 : Global.MaxEnemyMissiles++; Global.MaxPlayerMissiles++; break; case 5 : Global.MaxEnemyMissiles++; Global.MaxPlayerMissiles++; Global.MaxMissileTypes++; break; case 7 : Global.MaxEnemyMissiles++; Global.MaxPlayerMissiles++; Global.MaxMissileTypes++; Global.PlayerMissileSpeed++; break; case 10 : Global.MaxEnemyMissiles++; Global.MaxPlayerMissiles++; Global.MaxMissileTypes++; Global.PlayerMissileSpeed++; } display_new_level(); } function main_loop() { switch (Global._state) { case "Loading" : return; case "MainMenu" : check_mainmenu_rollovers(); if ((MainMenu_1._visible == 0) || (MainMenu_1._xscale == 0)) { MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_tween(MainMenu_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_show(MainMenu_1); if (Global.SpecialMessage != undefined) { MainMenu_1.Message.MessageText.text = Global.SpecialMessage; } } return; case "Core" : if ((MainUI_1._visible == 0) || (MainUI_1._xscale == 0)) { MC_tween(MainUI_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_tween(MainUI_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_show(MainUI_1); } level_window_check(); new_missile_check(); player_missile_check(); update_player_missiles(); update_enemy_missiles(); update_clouds(); tip_window_check(); update_score_UI(); check_for_level_change(); check_game_over(); return; case "GameOver" : check_gameover_rollovers(); if ((GameOver_1._visible == 0) || (GameOver_1._xscale == 0)) { MC_tween(GameOver_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_tween(GameOver_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); Global._submitState = false; MC_show(GameOver_1); if (Global.Score > Global.HighScore) { Global.HighScore = Global.Score; } GameOver_1.ScoreText.text = "Score\r" + Global.Score; GameOver_1.HighScoreText.text = "High Score\r" + Global.HighScore; GameOver_1.UserName.text = Global._username; MC_show(GameOver_1.Submit); MC_show(GameOver_1.UserName); MC_show(GameOver_1.Label); } return; case "NewLevel" : level_window_check(); return; case "ResetGame" : reset_game(); show_ui(); Global._state = "Core"; return; case "Instructions" : check_Instructions_rollovers(); if ((Instructions_1._visible == 0) || (Instructions_1._xscale == 0)) { MC_tween(Instructions_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_tween(Instructions_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_show(Instructions_1); } return; case "HighScores" : if ((HighScores_1._visible == 0) || (HighScores_1._xscale == 0)) { MC_tween(HighScores_1, "_xscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_tween(HighScores_1, "_yscale", "Regular", 5, 100, 0.75); MC_show(HighScores_1); index = 1; while (index <= 10) { MC_hide(HighScores_1["Listing_" + index]); index++; } output_high_scores(); } check_highscores_rollovers(); return; case "LoadingData" : if (LoadingData_1._visible == 0) { Global.InitLoadTime = getTimer(); MC_show(LoadingData_1); } elapsedTime = update_timer(Global.InitLoadTime); if (elapsedTime > 45) { MC_hide(LoadingData_1); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } return; case "SavingData" : if (SavingData_1._visible != 0) { break; } MC_show(SavingData_1); } } function FPSParent() { this._framecount = 0; this._starttime = 0; this._slowestframe = 120; this._frametime = 0; this._lastframestart = 0; this._avgframe = 0; } function FPS_Update() { if ((FPS._starttime = 0)) { FPS._starttime = getTimer(); } FPS._framecount++; NewTime = getTimer(); FPS._frametime = NewTime - FPS._lastframestart; FPS._framerate = (1 / elapsedTime) * 1000; if (FPS._framerate < FPS._slowestframe) { FPS._slowestframe = FPS._framerate; } FPS._lastframestart = NewTime; FPS._avgframe = Math.round(FPS._framecount / ((NewTime - FPS._starttime) / 1000)); } function initialize_game() { create_instances("Building", "Building", 5); create_instances("Missile", "Missile", 10); create_instances("Missile", "PlayerMissile", 10); create_instances("Explosion", "Explosion", 5); create_instances("Cloud", "Cloud", 2); create_ui(); hide_ui(); } function reset_game() { GameOver_Flag = 0; Global._level = 1; Global.Score = 0; Global.ActivePlayerMissiles = 0; Global.ActiveEnemyMissiles = 0; Global.MaxEnemyMissiles = 3; Global.MaxPlayerMissiles = 3; Global.MaxMissileTypes = 3; Global.MissileSpeed = 1; Global.PlayerMissileSpeed = 5; reset_buildings(); reset_enemy_missiles(); reset_player_missiles(); reset_clouds(); reset_explosions(); } function reset_buildings() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Building_Count) { _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._state = "Active"; _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._xpos = ((index - 1) * 125) + 75; _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._ypos = 410; _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._scale = Global.BuildingScale; MC_pos(_root["Building_" + index], _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._ypos); MC_scale(_root["Building_" + index], _root["BuildingInfo_" + index]._scale); MC_show("Building_" + index); index++; } } function reset_enemy_missiles() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Missile_Count) { _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._state = "Inactive"; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._xpos = -100; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._ypos = -100; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._scale = Global.MissileScale; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._rotation = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._type = 1; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._speed = Global.MissileSpeed; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._target = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._targeted = 0; _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._shake = 0; MC_pos(_root["Missile_" + index], _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._ypos); MC_scale(_root["Missile_" + index], _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._scale); MC_rotate(_root["Missile_" + index], _root["MissileInfo_" + index]._rotation); MC_hide(_root["Missile_" + index]); index++; } } function reset_player_missiles() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.PlayerMissile_Count) { _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._xpos = -100; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._ypos = -100; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._targetx = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._targety = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._targetx = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._xspeed = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._yspeed = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._state = "Inactive"; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._scale = Global.MissileScale; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._rotation = 0; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._type = 1; _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._speed = Global.PlayerMissileSpeed; MC_pos(_root["PlayerMissile_" + index], _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._ypos); MC_scale(_root["PlayerMissile_" + index], _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._scale); MC_rotate(_root["PlayerMissile_" + index], _root["PlayerMissileInfo_" + index]._rotation); MC_hide(_root["PlayerMissile_" + index]); index++; } } function reset_explosions() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Explosion_Count) { _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._xpos = -100; _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._ypos = -100; _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._state = "Inactive"; _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._scale = Global.ExplosionScale; MC_pos(_root["Explosion_" + index], _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._ypos); MC_scale(_root["Explosion_" + index], _root["ExplosionInfo_" + index]._scale); MC_hide(_root["Explosion_" + index]); index++; } } function reset_clouds() { index = 1; while (index <= Global.Cloud_Count) { _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._xpos = random(Global.Max_x); _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._ypos = random(250); _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._state = "Active"; _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._type = random(5) + 1; _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._speed = random(10) * 0.25; _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._alpha = random(30) + 30; _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._scale = random(30) + 30; _root["Cloud_" + index].gotoAndStop(_root["CloudInfo_" + index]._type); MC_pos(_root["Cloud_" + index], _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._xpos, _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._ypos); MC_scale(_root["Cloud_" + index], _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._scale); MC_alpha(_root["Cloud_" + index], _root["CloudInfo_" + index]._alpha); index++; } } function LoadSomeText(game_id) { Global._phpRoutine = "LoadSomeText"; PHPSendData.Routine = "LoadSomeText"; PHPSendData.Game_ID = game_id; PHPSendData.sendAndLoad(Global.BasePath + "RecordManagement.php", PHPLoadData, "GET"); Global._state = "LoadingData"; Global.InitLoadTime = getTimer(); } function LoadHighScores(game_id) { Global._phpRoutine = "LoadHighScores"; PHPSendData.Routine = "LoadHighScores"; PHPSendData.Game_ID = game_id; PHPSendData.sendAndLoad(Global.BasePath + "RecordManagement.php", PHPLoadData, "GET"); Global.InitLoadTime = getTimer(); Global._state = "LoadingData"; } function SaveHighScore(game_id, profile_id, user_name, level, score, time_score, comment) { Global._phpRoutine = "AddHighScore"; PHPSendData.Routine = "AddHighScore"; PHPSendData.Game_ID = game_id; PHPSendData.Profile_ID = profile_id; PHPSendData.UserName = user_name; PHPSendData.Level = level; PHPSendData.Score = score; PHPSendData.TimeScore = time_score; PHPSendData.Comment = comment; PHPSendData.sendAndLoad(Global.BasePath + "RecordManagement.php", PHPLoadData, "GET"); Global.InitLoadTime = getTimer(); Global._state = "SavingData"; } function process_php_data(Routine) { switch (Routine) { case "AddHighScore" : MC_hide(SavingData_1); Global._state = "GameOver"; break; case "LoadHighScores" : Global.SpecialMessage = PHPLoadData.SpecialMessage; Global.SpecialLinkURL = PHPLoadData.SpecialLinkURL; MC_hide(LoadingData_1); Global._state = "HighScores"; break; case "LoadSomeText" : Global.SpecialMessage = PHPLoadData.SpecialMessage; Global.SpecialLinkURL = PHPLoadData.SpecialLinkURL; MC_hide(LoadingData_1); Global._state = "MainMenu"; } } function output_high_scores() { var _local1; _local1 = 1; while (_local1 <= 10) { if (PHPLoadData["Score_" + _local1]) { HighScores_1["Listing_" + _local1].Rank.text = _local1; HighScores_1["Listing_" + _local1].Score.text = PHPLoadData["Score_" + _local1]; HighScores_1["Listing_" + _local1].User.text = PHPLoadData["User_" + _local1]; MC_show(HighScores_1["Listing_" + _local1]); } _local1++; } } Global = new GlobalParent(); Controls = new ControlsParent(); FPS = new FPSParent(); create_instances("Load", "LoadBar", 1); MC_pos(LoadBar_1, Global.Max_x / 2, 100); mouseObj = new Object(); Mouse.addListener(mouseObj); mouseObj.onMouseUp = function () { Process_Control_Input(0); }; userKey = new Object(); userKey.onKeyDown = function () { if (Global._state == "Core") { KeyCode = Number(Key.getCode()); Process_Control_Input(KeyCode); } }; Key.addListener(userKey); var PHPSendData = new LoadVars(); var PHPLoadData = new LoadVars(); PHPLoadData.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { process_php_data(Global._phpRoutine); } };
Frame 2
MochiAd.showPreloaderAd({id:"e34f3b9782b245af", res:"640x480"});
Frame 3
LoadBar_1.LoadText.text = ("Loading : " + int(Preloader_Status())) + "%"; if (Preloader_Status() < 100) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Frame 4
MC_hide(LoadBar_1); initialize_game(); reset_game(); display_tip_window("Press 1,2, or 3 key to fire missiles", 180); SFX_Music = new Sound(); SFX_Music.attachSound("Crush"); SFX_Music.start(); SFX_Music.onSoundComplete = function () { SFX_Music.start(); };
Frame 5
Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 38 MovieClip [ExplosionSymbol] Frame 15
this._visible = 0; stop();
Symbol 158 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon { function OnEnterFrameBeacon () { } static function init() { var _local4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(_local4); var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876); _local3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage("onEnterFrame"); }; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 159 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX { var _listeners; function BroadcasterMX () { } static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } } function addListener(o) { removeListener(o); if (broadcastMessage == undefined) { broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return(_listeners.push(o)); } function removeListener(o) { var _local2 = _listeners; var _local3 = _local2.length; while (_local3--) { if (_local2[_local3] == o) { _local2.splice(_local3, 1); if (!_local2.length) { broadcastMessage = undefined; } return(true); } } return(false); } function broadcastMessage() { var _local5 = String(arguments.shift()); var _local4 = _listeners.concat(); var _local6 = _local4.length; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local6) { _local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments); _local3++; } } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 160 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween { var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime; function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) { mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return; } this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; position = (begin); this.duration = (duration); this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if (func) { this.func = func; } this.finish = (finish); _listeners = []; addListener(this); start(); } function set time(t) { prevTime = _time; if (t > duration) { if (looping) { rewind(t - _duration); update(); broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this); } else { if (useSeconds) { _time = _duration; update(); } stop(); broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this); } } else if (t < 0) { rewind(); update(); } else { _time = t; update(); } //return(time); } function get time() { return(_time); } function set duration(d) { _duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d)); //return(duration); } function get duration() { return(_duration); } function set FPS(fps) { var _local2 = isPlaying; stopEnterFrame(); _fps = fps; if (_local2) { startEnterFrame(); } //return(FPS); } function get FPS() { return(_fps); } function set position(p) { setPosition(p); //return(position); } function setPosition(p) { prevPos = _pos; obj[prop] = (_pos = p); broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos); updateAfterEvent(); } function get position() { return(getPosition()); } function getPosition(t) { if (t == undefined) { t = _time; } return(func(t, begin, change, _duration)); } function set finish(f) { change = f - begin; //return(finish); } function get finish() { return(begin + change); } function continueTo(finish, duration) { begin = position; this.finish = (finish); if (duration != undefined) { this.duration = (duration); } start(); } function yoyo() { continueTo(begin, time); } function startEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.addListener(this); } else { _intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps); } isPlaying = true; } function stopEnterFrame() { if (_fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.removeListener(this); } else { clearInterval(_intervalID); } isPlaying = false; } function start() { rewind(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this); } function stop() { stopEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this); } function resume() { fixTime(); startEnterFrame(); broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this); } function rewind(t) { _time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t)); fixTime(); update(); } function fforward() { time = (_duration); fixTime(); } function nextFrame() { if (useSeconds) { time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000); } else { time = (_time + 1); } } function onEnterFrame() { nextFrame(); } function prevFrame() { if (!useSeconds) { time = (_time - 1); } } function toString() { return("[Tween]"); } function fixTime() { if (useSeconds) { _startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000); } } function update() { position = (getPosition(_time)); } static var version = ""; static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true); function func(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } }
Symbol 161 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Elastic { function Elastic () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var _local7 = p / 4; } else { var _local7 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } t = t - 1; return((-((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local7) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / d; if (t == 1) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var _local7 = p / 4; } else { var _local7 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } return((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local7) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) + c) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return(b); } t = t / (d / 2); if (t == 2) { return(b + c); } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if ((!a) || (a < Math.abs(c))) { a = c; var _local7 = p / 4; } else { var _local7 = (p / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { t = t - 1; return((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local7) * (Math.PI*2)) / p))) + b); } t = t - 1; return(((((a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t)) * Math.sin((((t * d) - _local7) * (Math.PI*2)) / p)) * 0.5) + c) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 162 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Strong { function Strong () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b); } t = t - 2; return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 163 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Back { function Back () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / d; return((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = (t / d) - 1; return((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) { s = 1.70158; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s))) + b); } t = t - 2; s = s * 1.525; return(((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 164 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Bounce { function Bounce () { } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; if (t < 0.363636363636364) { return((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b); } if (t < 0.727272727272727) { t = t - 0.545454545454545; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b); } if (t < 0.909090909090909) { t = t - 0.818181818181818; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b); } t = t - 0.954545454545455; return((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b); } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { return((c - easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { if (t < (d / 2)) { return((easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b); } return(((easeOut((t * 2) - d, 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 165 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Regular { function Regular () { } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return(((c * t) * t) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / d; return((((-c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 166 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.None { function None () { } static function easeNone(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) { return(((c * t) / d) + b); } static var version = ""; }
Symbol 167 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd] Frame 0
class MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return("1.5"); } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { var _local27 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local27); var clip = options.clip; var _local23 = 11000; var _local26 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local14 = _getRes(options); var _local4 = _local14[0]; var _local13 = _local14[1]; mc._x = _local4 * 0.5; mc._y = _local13 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = _local4 * -0.5; chk._y = _local13 * -0.5; var _local7 = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); _local7._x = 10; _local7._y = _local13 - 20; var _local22 = options.color; delete options.color; var _local19 = options.background; delete options.background; var _local24 = options.outline; delete options.outline; var _local5 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); _local5.beginFill(_local19); _local5.moveTo(0, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local5.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 10); _local5.lineTo(0, 0); _local5.endFill(); var _local3 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); _local3.beginFill(_local22); _local3.moveTo(0, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local3.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 10); _local3.lineTo(0, 0); _local3.endFill(); _local3._xscale = 0; var _local6 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); _local6.lineStyle(0, _local24, 100); _local6.moveTo(0, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 0); _local6.lineTo(_local4 - 20, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 10); _local6.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = _local23; chk.ad_timeout = _local26; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (width, height) { }; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = this._parent._parent; var _local12 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local5 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local3 = false; var _local4 = _local6.getBytesTotal(); var _local8 = _local6.getBytesLoaded(); var _local10 = (100 * _local8) / _local4; var _local11 = (100 * _local5) / chk.ad_msec; var _local9 = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var _local2 = Math.min(100, Math.min(_local10 || 0, _local11)); _local2 = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, _local2); this.last_pcnt = _local2; _local9._xscale = _local2; if (!chk.showing) { var _local7 = _local12.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local7 > 0) || (typeof(_local7) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local5 > chk.ad_timeout) { _local3 = true; } } if (_local5 > chk.ad_msec) { _local3 = true; } if (((_local4 > 0) && (_local8 >= _local4)) && (_local3)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showTimedAd(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); var clip = options.clip; var _local10 = 11000; var _local12 = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var _local5 = _getRes(options); var _local14 = _local5[0]; var _local11 = _local5[1]; mc._x = _local14 * 0.5; mc._y = _local11 * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = _local10; chk.ad_timeout = _local12; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var _local2 = 100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time)); if (_local2 > 0) { this._parent._alpha = _local2; } else { var _local3 = this._parent._parent; MochiAd.unload(_local3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function (msec) { var _local2 =; _local2.server_control = true; _local2.started = getTimer(); _local2.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var _local4 = getTimer() - this.started; var _local2 = false; if (!chk.showing) { var _local3 = _local5.getBytesTotal(); if ((_local3 > 0) || (typeof(_local3) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (_local4 > chk.ad_timeout) { _local2 = true; } } if (_local4 > chk.ad_msec) { _local2 = true; } if (_local2) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function _allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function _loadCommunicator(options) { var _local25 = {clip:_root, com_server:"", method:"loadCommunicator", depth:10337, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local25); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local18 = options.clip; var _local20 = "_mochiad_com_" +; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local18[_local20]) { return(_local18[_local20].lc); } var _local21 = options.com_server +; _allowDomains(_local21); delete; delete options.com_server; var _local24 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var _local17 = _local18.createEmptyMovieClip(_local20, _local24); var _local11 = _local17.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_com", 1); for (var _local15 in options) { _local11[_local15] = options[_local15]; } var _local6 = new LocalConnection(); var _local16 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = _local17; = _local16; _local6.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local6.allowInsecureDomain = _local6.allowDomain; _local6.connect(_local16); = _local6; = _local16; _local6._id = 0; _local6._queue = []; _local6.rpcResult = function (cb) { cb = parseInt(cb); var _local4 = this._callbacks[cb]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } delete this._callbacks[cb]; var _local5 = []; var _local3 = 2; while (_local3 < _local4.length) { _local5.push(_local4[_local3]); _local3++; } _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < arguments.length) { _local5.push(arguments[_local3]); _local3++; } var _local6 = _local4[1]; var _local7 = _local4[0]; if (_local7 && (typeof(_local6) == "string")) { _local6 = _local7[_local6]; } if (_local6) { _local6.apply(_local7, _local5); } }; _local6._didConnect = function (endpoint) { this._endpoint = endpoint; var _local4 = this._queue; delete this._queue; var _local5 = this.doSend; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4.length) { var _local3 = _local4[_local2]; _local5.apply(this, _local3); _local2++; } }; _local6.doSend = function (args, cbobj, cbfn) { if (this._endpoint == null) { var _local4 = []; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < arguments.length) { _local4.push(arguments[_local3]); _local3++; } this._queue.push(_local4); return(undefined); } this._id = this._id + 1; var _local5 = this._id; if ((cbfn === undefined) || (cbfn === null)) { cbfn = cbobj; } this._callbacks[_local5] = [cbobj, cbfn]; var _local7 = new LocalConnection(); var _local9 = _local7.send(this._endpoint, "rpc", _local5, args); }; _local6._callbacks = {}; _local6._callbacks[0] = [_local6, "_didConnect"]; = getTimer(); _local11.loadMovie(_local21 + ".swf", "POST"); return(_local6); } static function fetchHighScores(options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { var _local1 = _loadCommunicator({}); if (!_local1) { return(false); } var _local4 = ["fetchHighScores", options]; _local1.doSend(["fetchHighScores", options], callbackObj, callbackMethod); return(true); } static function sendHighScore(options, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { var _local1 = _loadCommunicator({}); if (!_local1) { return(false); } var _local4 = ["sendHighScore", options]; _local1.doSend(["sendHighScore", options], callbackObj, callbackMethod); return(true); } static function load(options) { var _local13 = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, _local13); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var _local7 = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (_local7._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var _local12 = options.depth; delete options.depth; var _local6 = _local7.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", _local12); var _local11 = _getRes(options); options.res = (_local11[0] + "x") + _local11[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; _local7._mochiad_loaded = true; var _local4 = _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } if (_local7._url.indexOf("http") != 0) { options.no_page = true; } var _local10 = _local4.server; delete _local4.server; var _local14 = _allowDomains(_local10); _local6.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var _local5 = new LocalConnection(); var _local9 = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = _local6; = _local9; _local5.hostname = _local14; _local5.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _local5.allowInsecureDomain = _local5.allowDomain; _local5.connect(_local9); = _local5; = _local9; = getTimer(); _local4.loadMovie(_local10 + ".swf", "POST"); return(_local6); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var _local3 = options.clip.getBounds(); var _local2 = 0; var _local1 = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var _local4 = options.res.split("x"); _local2 = parseFloat(_local4[0]); _local1 = parseFloat(_local4[1]); } else { _local2 = _local3.xMax - _local3.xMin; _local1 = _local3.yMax - _local3.yMin; } if ((_local2 == 0) || (_local1 == 0)) { _local2 = Stage.width; _local1 = Stage.height; } return([_local2, _local1]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var _local4 = {}; for (var _local8 in defaults) { _local4[_local8] = defaults[_local8]; } if (options) { for (var _local8 in options) { _local4[_local8] = options[_local8]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var _local5 = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5.length) { var _local3 = _local5[_local2].split("="); _local4[unescape(_local3[0])] = unescape(_local3[1]); _local2++; } } return(_local4); } }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip [LinkSymbol] "Message" in Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { this._xscale = 125; this._yscale = 125; } else { this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; } } on (release) { if (_root.Global.SpecialLinkURL != "") { getURL (_root.Global.SpecialLinkURL, _blank); } }
Symbol 110 MovieClip [MissileSymbol] Frame 7
Symbol 131 MovieClip [MusicSymbol] Frame 1

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2 3 66
Symbol 2 EditableTextUses:1Used by:4
Symbol 3 EditableTextUses:1Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [LoadSymbol]Uses:2 3
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:11
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:9Used by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip [SmokeSymbol]Uses:7 10
Symbol 12 FontUsed by:13 14 15 16
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 14 EditableTextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 15 EditableTextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:12Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [HighScoreListSymbol]Uses:13 14 15 16
Symbol 18 FontUsed by:19 20 21 142 143
Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:18Used by:22
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:18Used by:22
Symbol 21 EditableTextUses:18Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]Uses:19 20 21Used by:149
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClip [ExplosionSymbol]Uses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 MovieClip []
Symbol 159 MovieClip []
Symbol 160 MovieClip []
Symbol 161 MovieClip []
Symbol 162 MovieClip []
Symbol 163 MovieClip []
Symbol 164 MovieClip []
Symbol 165 MovieClip []
Symbol 166 MovieClip []
Symbol 167 MovieClip [__Packages.MochiAd]
Symbol 45 FontUsed by:46 48 50 52 60 61 62 68 69 70 72 137 152 154
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:45Used by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:59
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:45Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:48Used by:59
Symbol 50 EditableTextUses:45Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:59
Symbol 52 EditableTextUses:45Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:59
Symbol 54 FontUsed by:55 57 129 135 136 139 140 148
Symbol 55 EditableTextUses:54Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClip [LinkSymbol]Uses:55Used by:59
Symbol 57 EditableTextUses:54Used by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClip [ADDButton]Uses:57Used by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol]Uses:47 49 51 53 56 58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 EditableTextUses:45Used by:73
Symbol 61 EditableTextUses:45Used by:73
Symbol 62 EditableTextUses:45Used by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:73 141 149
Symbol 64 BitmapUsed by:65
Symbol 65 GraphicUses:64Used by:67
Symbol 66 EditableTextUses:1Used by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip [KeySymbol]Uses:65 66Used by:71
Symbol 68 EditableTextUses:45Used by:71
Symbol 69 EditableTextUses:45Used by:71
Symbol 70 EditableTextUses:45Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol]Uses:67 68 69 70Used by:73
Symbol 72 EditableTextUses:45Used by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip [InstructionsSymbol]Uses:60 61 63 71 72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:74 75 76 77 78Used by:84 89 94 99 104 109
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClipUses:79 80 81 82 83Used by:110
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:79 85 86 87 88Used by:110
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:79 90 91 92 93Used by:110
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:79 95 96 97 98Used by:110
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 104 MovieClipUses:79 100 101 102 103Used by:110
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:79 105 106 107 108Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClip [MissileSymbol]Uses:84 89 94 99 104 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 FontUsed by:112 156
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:111Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip [FPSCounterSymbol]Uses:112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:128
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:116Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClip [CloudSymbol_2]Uses:117Used by:128
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClip [CloudSymbol_3]Uses:120Used by:128
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip [CloudSymbol_4]Uses:123Used by:128
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClip [CloudSymbol_5]Uses:126Used by:128
Symbol 128 MovieClip [CloudSymbol]Uses:115 118 121 124 127Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:54Used by:131
Symbol 130 Sound [Crush]Used by:131
Symbol 131 MovieClip [MusicSymbol]Uses:129 130Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 BitmapUsed by:133
Symbol 133 GraphicUses:132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClip [BuildingSymbol]Uses:133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:54Used by:141
Symbol 136 EditableTextUses:54Used by:141
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:45Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:137Used by:141
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:54Used by:141
Symbol 140 EditableTextUses:54Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClip [GameOverSymbol]Uses:135 136 63 138 139 140Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 EditableTextUses:18Used by:147
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:18Used by:147
Symbol 144 FontUsed by:145 146
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:144Used by:147
Symbol 146 EditableTextUses:144Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip [MainUISymbol]Uses:142 143 145 146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 EditableTextUses:54Used by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol]Uses:148 63 22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 151 MovieClipUses:150Used by:153 155
Symbol 152 EditableTextUses:45Used by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClip [LoadingDataSymbol]Uses:151 152Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 EditableTextUses:45Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip [SavingDataSymbol]Uses:151 154Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 EditableTextUses:111Used by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClip [PromptSymbol]Uses:156Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"LoadText"Symbol 4 MovieClip [LoadSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 2 EditableText
"Slide2"Symbol 11 MovieClip [SmokeSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"Slide1"Symbol 11 MovieClip [SmokeSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"Rank"Symbol 17 MovieClip [HighScoreListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 13 EditableText
"Login"Symbol 17 MovieClip [HighScoreListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 14 EditableText
"HighScore"Symbol 17 MovieClip [HighScoreListSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 15 EditableText
"Rank"Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 19 EditableText
"Score"Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 20 EditableText
"User"Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 21 EditableText
"Title"Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 52 EditableText
"MessageText"Symbol 56 MovieClip [LinkSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 55 EditableText
"StartGame"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 47 MovieClip
"Instructions"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip
"HighScores"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip
"Title"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip
"Message"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip [LinkSymbol]
"ADDButton"Symbol 59 MovieClip [MainMenuSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip [ADDButton]
"NumberText"Symbol 67 MovieClip [KeySymbol] Frame 1Symbol 66 EditableText
"Key_1"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip [KeySymbol]
"Key_2"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip [KeySymbol]
"Key_3"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip [KeySymbol]
"KeyText_1"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 68 EditableText
"KeyText_2"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 69 EditableText
"KeyText_3"Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 70 EditableText
"Back"Symbol 73 MovieClip [InstructionsSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"ControlKeysPanel"Symbol 73 MovieClip [InstructionsSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 71 MovieClip [ControlKeysPanelSymbol]
"FramerateText"Symbol 113 MovieClip [FPSCounterSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 112 EditableText
"Cloud"Symbol 128 MovieClip [CloudSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
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"Level"Symbol 147 MovieClip [MainUISymbol] Frame 1Symbol 145 EditableText
"Back"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"Listing_2"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_3"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_4"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_5"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_7"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_8"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_9"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_10"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_6"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
"Listing_1"Symbol 149 MovieClip [HighScoresSymbol] Frame 1Symbol 22 MovieClip [HighScoreListingSymbol]
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Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 128 as "CloudSymbol"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 131 as "MusicSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 134 as "BuildingSymbol"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 141 as "GameOverSymbol"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 149 as "HighScoresSymbol"
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Dynamic Text Variables

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Created: 11/4 -2019 07:45:48 Last modified: 11/4 -2019 07:45:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 10:53:50