Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #68045

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

One Player

Two Player



I'm Player Two!
'W' - Aim Up
'S'  - Aim Down
'F'  - Fire!!

I'm Player One!
"Up Arrow"- Aim Up
"Down Arrow"- Aim Down
"NumPad 0"- Fire!!

Comments Or Complaints?
Contact Robert pasquini!



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
function ClearClouds() { } function InitClouds() { var x; var type; var dist; var height; x = CloudList.length; while (x < MAX_CLOUDS) { type = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 4; dist = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 4; height = Math.random(); CreateCloud(type, dist, height); CloudList[x].xpos = CloudList[x].xpos - (Math.random() * 420); setProperty("/cloud_" + CloudList[x].id, _x , CloudList[x].xpos); x++; } } function UpdateAllClouds() { var x; x = 0; while (x < CloudList.length) { if (UpdateCloud(CloudList[x])) { RemoveCloud(x); var type; var dist; var height; type = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 4; dist = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 4; height = Math.random(); CreateCloud(type, dist, height); } else { x++; } } } function UpdateCloud(cloud) { cloud.xpos = cloud.xpos + cloud.speed; setProperty("/cloud_" +, _x , cloud.xpos); width = getProperty("/cloud_" +, _width); if (640 < (cloud.xpos - width)) { return(true); } return(false); } function RemoveCloud(index) { if ((index >= CloudList.length) || (index < 0)) { return(undefined); } removeMovieClip("/cloud_" + CloudList[index].id); CloudList.splice(index, 1); } function CreateCloud(cloudType, distance, normalized_height_offset) { puff = new Cloud(cloudType, distance, normalized_height_offset); CloudList.push(puff); delete puff; } function Cloud(cloudType, distance, normalized_height_offset) { cloudNum++; = cloudNum; distance = Math.abs(Math.round(distance)); if (4 < distance) { } distance = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 4; if (cloudType == 0) { this.type = 0; _root.attachMovie("cloud_00", "cloud_" +, (cloudNum % 40) + (distance * 10)); } else if (cloudType == 1) { this.type = 1; _root.attachMovie("cloud_01", "cloud_" +, (cloudNum % 40) + (distance * 10)); } else if (cloudType == 2) { this.type = 2; _root.attachMovie("cloud_02", "cloud_" +, (cloudNum % 40) + (distance * 10)); } else { this.type = 3; _root.attachMovie("cloud_03", "cloud_" +, (cloudNum % 40) + (distance * 10)); } width = getProperty("/cloud_" +, _width); this.xpos = -(width + (width / 2)); this.dist = distance; this.height = normalized_height_offset * 150; setProperty("/cloud_" +, _x , this.xpos); setProperty("/cloud_" +, _y , this.height); if (distance == 0) { setProperty("/cloud_" +, _xscale , 40); setProperty("/cloud_" +, _yscale , 40); this.speed = 2.25 + (Math.random() * 0.5); } else if (distance == 1) { setProperty("/cloud_" +, _xscale , 60); setProperty("/cloud_" +, _yscale , 60); this.speed = 2.75 + (Math.random() * 0.5); } else if (distance == 2) { setProperty("/cloud_" +, _xscale , 80); setProperty("/cloud_" +, _yscale , 80); this.speed = 3.25 + (Math.random() * 0.5); } else { setProperty("/cloud_" +, _xscale , 100); setProperty("/cloud_" +, _yscale , 100); this.speed = 3.75 + (Math.random() * 0.5); } } bCloudSpawn = true; CloudList = new Array(0); cloudNum = 0; MAX_CLOUDS = 7; fscommand ("fullscreen", "false"); fscommand ("showmenu", "true"); fscommand ("allowscale", "false"); music = new Sound(); music.attachSound("music_beats"); music.start(0, 420); computerLoses = 0;
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8
Frame 9
Frame 10
Frame 11
prevFrame(); play();
Frame 16
Frame 17
prevFrame(); play();
Frame 24
function InitTimer(tt) { Timer_ = Math.round(Math.abs(tt)); } function DecramentTime() { if (Timer_ == 0) { return(0); } Timer_--; return(Timer_); } Timer_ = 0; InitTimer(45); tellTarget ("p2_0") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p2_1") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p2_2") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p2_3") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p2_4") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p1_0") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p1_1") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p1_2") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p1_3") { gotoAndPlay (65536); }; tellTarget ("p1_4") { gotoAndPlay (65536); };
Frame 25
Frame 26
time_ = DecramentTime(); if (time_ == 30) { tellTarget ("Player_One_Label") { gotoAndPlay ("flash"); }; } if (time_ != 0) { prevFrame(); play(); }
Frame 27
Frame 28
Frame 29
Frame 30
UpdateAllClouds(); function InitTimer(tt) { Timer_ = Math.round(Math.abs(tt)); } function DecramentTime() { if (Timer_ == 0) { return(0); } Timer_--; return(Timer_); } if (_root.bOnePlayer == true) { gotoAndPlay (37); } Timer_ = 0; InitTimer(45);
Frame 31
Frame 32
time_ = DecramentTime(); if (time_ == 30) { tellTarget ("Player_Two_Label") { gotoAndPlay ("flash"); }; } if (time_ != 0) { prevFrame(); play(); }
Frame 33
Frame 34
Frame 35
Frame 36
UpdateAllClouds(); function InitTimer(tt) { Timer_ = Math.round(Math.abs(tt)); } function DecramentTime() { if (Timer_ == 0) { return(0); } Timer_--; return(Timer_); } Timer_ = 0; InitTimer(45);
Frame 37
Frame 38
time_ = DecramentTime(); if (time_ != 0) { prevFrame(); play(); }
Frame 39
Frame 40
Frame 41
Frame 42
Frame 43
Frame 44
Frame 45
Frame 46
Frame 47
Frame 48
Frame 49
Frame 50
Frame 51
Frame 52
Frame 53
Frame 54
gotoAndPlay (76);
Frame 76
function ChangeCursor(bTarget) { if (bTarget == true) { Mouse.hide(); } else {; } } function GameObj(x, y, width, height, mass, maxSpeed) { this.xpos = x; this.ypos = y; this.oldx = x; this.oldy = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.mass = mass; this.radius = Math.sqrt((width * width) + (height * height)); = y - (height / 2); this.left = x - (width / 2); this.bottom = y + (height / 2); this.right = x + (width / 2); this.pt1x = this.left; this.pt1y =; this.pt2x = this.right; this.pt2y =; this.pt3x = this.right; this.pt3y = this.bottom; this.pt4x = this.left; this.pt4y = this.bottom; this.n1x = 0; this.n1y = -1; this.n2x = 1; this.n2y = 0; this.n3x = 0; this.n3y = 1; this.n4x = -1; this.n4y = 0; this.torqueVel = 0; this.torquedAngle = 0; this.torqueAccel = 0; this.accelDir = 0; this.moveDir = 0; this.xvel = 0; this.yvel = 0; this.speed = 0; this.maxAccel = maxSpeed / mass; this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed; this.accel = 0; } function UpdateGameObj(obj, dir, accel, bGravity) { dir = 360 - dir; if (accel != 0) { accel = accel / obj.mass; } obj.accel = accel; obj.accelDir = dir; xslop = Math.cos((dir * Math.PI) / 180); yslop = Math.sin((dir * Math.PI) / 180); obj.xvel = obj.xvel + (xslop * obj.accel); obj.yvel = obj.yvel + (yslop * obj.accel); if (bGravity == true) { obj.yvel = obj.yvel + gravity; } obj.speed = Math.sqrt((obj.xvel * obj.xvel) + (obj.yvel * obj.yvel)); if (obj.maxSpeed < obj.speed) { xslop = obj.xvel / obj.speed; yslop = obj.yvel / obj.speed; obj.speed = obj.maxSpeed; obj.xvel = xslop * obj.speed; obj.yvel = yslop * obj.speed; } obj.moveDir = (Math.atan2(obj.yvel, obj.xvel) * 180) / Math.PI; obj.oldx = obj.xpos; obj.oldy = obj.ypos; obj.xpos = obj.xpos + obj.xvel; obj.ypos = obj.ypos + obj.yvel; width = obj.width / 2; height = obj.height / 2; = obj.ypos - height; obj.left = obj.xpos - width; obj.bottom = obj.ypos + height; obj.right = obj.xpos + width; if (0.075 < obj.torqueVel) { obj.torqueVel = obj.torqueVel - 0.042; obj.torquedAngle = obj.torquedAngle + obj.torqueVel; } else if (obj.torqueVel < -0.075) { obj.torqueVel = obj.torqueVel + 0.042; obj.torquedAngle = obj.torquedAngle + obj.torqueVel; } else { obj.torqueVel = 0; } radians = (obj.torquedAngle * Math.PI) / 180; obj.pt2x = obj.xpos + ((Math.cos(radians) * width) - (Math.sin(radians) * height)); obj.pt2y = obj.ypos - ((Math.sin(radians) * width) + (Math.cos(radians) * height)); obj.pt4x = obj.xpos - ((Math.cos(radians) * width) - (Math.sin(radians) * height)); obj.pt4y = obj.ypos + ((Math.sin(radians) * width) + (Math.cos(radians) * height)); obj.n1x = -Math.sin(radians); obj.n1y = -Math.cos(radians); obj.n2x = Math.cos(radians); obj.n2y = -Math.sin(radians); obj.n3x = Math.sin(radians); obj.n3y = Math.cos(radians); obj.n4x = -Math.cos(radians); obj.n4y = Math.sin(radians); } function GameObjCollideMomentum(objRecieve, objHit) { var newVelX; var newVelY; newVelX = ((objRecieve.mass - objHit.mass) / (objRecieve.mass + objHit.mass)) * objRecieve.xvel; newVelX = newVelX + (((objHit.mass * objHit.mass) / (objRecieve.mass + objHit.mass)) * objHit.xvel); newVelY = ((objRecieve.mass - objHit.mass) / (objRecieve.mass + objHit.mass)) * objRecieve.yvel; newVelY = newVelY + (((objHit.mass * objHit.mass) / (objRecieve.mass + objHit.mass)) * objHit.yvel); objRecieve.xvel = newVelX; objRecieve.yvel = newVelY; } function GameObjCollisionTorque(obj, pointHitX, pointHitY, forceX, forceY) { var vx; var vy; var torque; var I; I = ((-0.083 * obj.mass) * ((obj.width / 2) * (obj.width / 2))) * 0.5; vx = pointHitX - obj.xpos; vy = pointHitY - obj.ypos; torque = (vx * forceY) - (vy * forceX); obj.torqueVel = torque / I; } function PlayerGun(bPlayer1, bCOM) { if (bPlayer1 == true) { this.maxAngle = 270; this.minAngle = 190; this.aimAngle = 45; this.bP1 = true; = "/Player_1_barrel"; this.tankID = "/Player_1_tank"; } else { this.maxAngle = 351; this.minAngle = 270; this.aimAngle = 315; this.bP1 = false; = "/Player_2_barrel"; this.tankID = "/Player_2_tank"; } this.bCOM = bCOM; this.ComAimer = 0; this.AimTimer = 0; this.Difficulty = 0; this.bAimUp = 0; this.bAimDown = 0; this.bFire = 0; this.score = 0; this.wins = 0; this.barrelx = getProperty(, _x); this.barrely = getProperty(, _y); this.fireSound = new Sound(); this.fireSound.attachSound("sound_fire"); setProperty(, _rotation , gun.aimAngle); this.ROF = 0; width = getProperty(this.tankID, _width); height = getProperty(this.tankID, _height); xpos = getProperty(this.tankID, _x); ypos = getProperty(this.tankID, _y); this.gameObj = new GameObj(xpos, ypos, width, height, 2, 25); } function PlayerScore(player) { if (player.bP1 == true) { tellTarget ("p1_" + player.score) { gotoAndPlay ("score"); }; player.score++; if (player.score >= 5) { PlayerWin = 2; GameState = 2; setProperty("P2Win", _visible , true); } } else { tellTarget ("p2_" + player.score) { gotoAndPlay ("score"); }; player.score++; if (player.score >= 5) { PlayerWin = 1; GameState = 2; setProperty("P1Win", _visible , true); } } } function UpdateGun(gun) { gun.ROF--; if (gun.ROF < 0) { gun.ROF = 0; } if (gun.bAimDown) { gun.aimAngle = gun.aimAngle - 3; } else if (gun.bAimUp) { gun.aimAngle = gun.aimAngle + 3; } if (gun.aimAngle < gun.minAngle) { gun.aimAngle = gun.minAngle; } else if (gun.maxAngle < gun.aimAngle) { gun.aimAngle = gun.maxAngle; } if (gun.bFire) { gunFire(gun); } setProperty(, _rotation , gun.aimAngle); } function UpdateComputerGun(gun) { var dirX; var dirY; var posX; var posY; var angle; gun.bAimUp = false; gun.bAimDown = false; gun.bFire = false; gun.AimTimer--; if (0 >= gun.AimTimer) { gun.ComAimer = Math.random() * 10; gun.AimTimer = 20; } if (_root.dabomb.bDead == true) { gun.bAimUp = true; gun.Difficulty = (10 - _root.computerLoses) + (Math.random * (15 - _root.computerLoses)); return(undefined); } posX = _root.dabomb.gameObj.xpos + (_root.dabomb.gameObj.xvel * gun.ComAimer); posY = _root.dabomb.gameObj.ypos + (_root.dabomb.gameObj.yvel * gun.ComAimer); dirX = posX - gun.barrelx; dirY = gun.barrely - posY; angle = (Math.atan2(dirY, dirX) * 180) / Math.PI; angle = (360 - gun.aimAngle) - angle; if (Math.abs(angle) < 30) { } if (Math.abs(angle) < (15 - _root.computerLoses)) { gun.Difficulty--; if (0 >= gun.Difficulty) { gun.Difficulty = 5; gun.bFire = true; } } else if (0 < angle) { gun.bAimUp = true; } else { gun.bAimDown = true; } } function gunFire(gun) { if (gun.ROF != 0) { return(undefined); } gun.ROF = 15; radians = (gun.aimAngle * Math.PI) / 180; xpos = gun.barrelx + (Math.cos(radians) * gun.gameObj.width); ypos = gun.barrely + (Math.sin(radians) * gun.gameObj.width); CreateBullet(0, xpos, ypos, 360 - gun.aimAngle); gun.fireSound.start(); tellTarget ( { gotoAndPlay ("fire"); }; } function RemoveBullet(index) { if ((index >= BulletList.length) || (index < 0)) { return(undefined); } removeMovieClip("/BulletTrail" + BulletList[index].id); delete BulletList[index].gameObj; BulletList.splice(index, 1); } function CreateBullet(type, startX, startY, dir) { newbullet = new Bullet(type, startX, startY, dir, bulletIDcount); bulletIDcount++; BulletList.push(newbullet); delete newbullet; } function Bullet(type, x, y, dir, id) { this.type = type; = id; this.bStuck = false; if (this.type == 0) { _root.attachMovie("LineSegment", "BulletTrail" +,; } else if (this.type == 1) { _root.attachMovie("GreenBall", "BulletTrail" +,; } else { _root.attachMovie("RedBall", "BulletTrail" +,; } width = getProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _width); height = getProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _height); this.gameObj = new GameObj(x, y, width, height, 1, 40); this.mDir = dir; UpdateBullet(this); } function UpdateBullet(Ball) { if (Ball.bStuck) { return(0); } UpdateGameObj(Ball.gameObj, Ball.mDir, 10, false); width = getProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _width) * 2; height = getProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _width) * 2; if (((Ball.gameObj.xpos + width) < 0) || (640 < (Ball.gameObj.xpos - width))) { return(true); } if (((Ball.gameObj.ypos + height) < 0) || (480 < (Ball.gameObj.ypos - height))) { return(true); } setProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _x , Ball.gameObj.xpos); setProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _y , Ball.gameObj.ypos); setProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _rotation , 0); setProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _width , Ball.gameObj.speed + 1); setProperty("/BulletTrail" +, _rotation , Ball.gameObj.moveDir); return(false); } function _Bomb() { width = getProperty("/Bomb", _width); height = getProperty("/Bomb", _height); xpos = 320; ypos = 550; width = width; height = height; this.gameObj = new GameObj(xpos, ypos, width, height, 3.75, 20); = "/Bomb"; this.bActive = false; this.bDead = true; this.spawnTime = 20; this.soundExpode = new Sound(); this.soundExpode.attachSound("sound_explosion"); this.soundHit = new Sound(); this.soundHit.attachSound("sound_hit"); } function UpdateBomb(bomb) { if (bomb.bDead == true) { bomb.spawnTime--; if (0 >= bomb.spawnTime) { bomb.bDead = false; bomb.gameObj.ypos = 550; bomb.gameObj.xpos = 320; bomb.gameObj.xvel = 0; bomb.gameObj.yvel = 0; setProperty(, _visible , true); bomb.gameObj.torqueVel = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 10; UpdateGameObj(bomb.gameObj, 90, 90, false); } } else { UpdateGameObj(bomb.gameObj, 0, 0, true); if (bomb.bActive == false) { if (bomb.gameObj.ypos < 450) { bomb.bActive = true; } return(undefined); } if (640 < bomb.gameObj.right) { bomb.gameObj.xvel = -bomb.gameObj.xvel; ExplodeBomb(bomb); PlayerScore(Gun1); } else if (bomb.gameObj.left < 0) { bomb.gameObj.xvel = -bomb.gameObj.xvel; ExplodeBomb(bomb); PlayerScore(Gun2); } if ( < 0) { bomb.gameObj.yvel = -bomb.gameObj.yvel; } else if (480 < bomb.gameObj.bottom) { ExplodeBomb(bomb); } if (480 < bomb.gameObj.ypos) { ExplodeBomb(bomb); } } setProperty(, _x , bomb.gameObj.xpos); setProperty(, _y , bomb.gameObj.ypos); setProperty(, _rotation , 360 - bomb.gameObj.torquedAngle); } function playSound(max, x, soundID) { var soundobject; soundobject = new Sound(); soundobject.attachSound(soundID); if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else if (max < x) { x = max; } soundobject.start(); trace(soundobject.getVolume()); } function ExplodeBomb(bomb) { _root.attachMovie("explosion", "Explosion" + explosionID, explosionID); bomb.soundExpode.start(); setProperty("/Explosion" + explosionID, _x , bomb.gameObj.xpos); setProperty("/Explosion" + explosionID, _y , bomb.gameObj.ypos); bomb.bDead = true; bomb.spawnTime = 20; bomb.bActive = false; bomb.gameObj.xvel = 0; bomb.gameObj.yvel = 0; bomb.gameObj.torqueVel = 0; setProperty(, _visible , false); explosionID++; } bulletIDcount = 100; explosionID = 0; BulletList = new Array(0); Gun1 = new PlayerGun(true, false); Gun2 = new PlayerGun(false, _root.bOnePlayer); dabomb = new _Bomb(); ChangeCursor(false); gravity = 0.42; PlayerWin = -1; GameState = 1; setProperty("P2Win", _visible , false); setProperty("P1Win", _visible , false);
Frame 77
UpdateAllClouds(); function UpdateGame() { var x; var i; var ret; x = 0; while (x < BulletList.length) { ret = UpdateBullet(_root.BulletList[x]); if (ret == true) { RemoveBullet(x); } else { x++; } } if (_root.Gun1.bCOM == false) { if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { _root.Gun1.bAimUp = true; _root.Gun1.bAimDown = false; } else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { _root.Gun1.bAimDown = true; _root.Gun1.bAimUp = false; } else { _root.Gun1.bAimDown = false; _root.Gun1.bAimUp = false; } if (Key.isDown(96)) { _root.Gun1.bFire = true; } else { _root.Gun1.bFire = false; } } if (_root.Gun2.bCOM == false) { if (Key.isDown(83)) { _root.Gun2.bAimUp = true; _root.Gun2.bAimDown = false; } else if (Key.isDown(87)) { _root.Gun2.bAimDown = true; _root.Gun2.bAimUp = false; } else { _root.Gun2.bAimDown = false; _root.Gun2.bAimUp = false; } if (Key.isDown(70)) { _root.Gun2.bFire = true; } else { _root.Gun2.bFire = false; } } else { UpdateComputerGun(_root.Gun2); } if (GameState == 1) { UpdateBomb(_root.dabomb); } else { x = 0; while (x < _root.BulletList.length) { RemoveBullet(x); } delete _root.Gun1.fireSound; delete _root.Gun1.GameObj; delete _root.Gun1; delete _root.Gun2.fireSound; delete _root.Gun2.GameObj; delete _root.Gun2; delete _root.dabomb.GameObj; delete _root.dabomb.soundExpode; delete _root.dabomb.soundHit; delete _root.dabomb; if (_root.bOnePlayer == true) { if (_root.PlayerWin == 1) { _root.computerLoses++; if (10 < _root.computerLoses) { _root.computerLoses = 10; } } else { _root.computerLoses--; if (_root.computerLoses < -5) { _root.computerLoses = -5; } } } gotoAndPlay (79); } UpdateGun(_root.Gun1); UpdateGun(_root.Gun2); if (_root.dabomb.bDead == false) { if (RectInRect(_root.dabomb.gameObj, _root.Gun1.gameObj) == true) { ExplodeBomb(_root.dabomb); PlayerScore(_root.Gun2); } else if (RectInRect(_root.dabomb.gameObj, _root.Gun2.gameObj) == true) { ExplodeBomb(_root.dabomb); PlayerScore(_root.Gun1); } } x = 0; while (x < _root.BulletList.length) { time = LineAndOBB(_root.BulletList[x].gameObj, _root.dabomb.gameObj); if (time != -1) { var colX; var colY; var dx; var dy; var forceX; var forceY; dx = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.xpos - _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.oldx; dy = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.ypos - _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.oldy; colX = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.oldx + (dx * time); colY = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.oldy + (dy * time); forceX = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.xvel; forceY = _root.BulletList[x].gameObj.yvel; GameObjCollisionTorque(_root.dabomb.gameObj, colX, colY, forceX, forceY); GameObjCollideMomentum(_root.dabomb.gameObj, _root.BulletList[x].gameObj); _root.dabomb.soundHit.start(); RemoveBullet(x); } else { x++; } } } function RectInRect(Box1, Box2) { if ((Box2.left < Box1.left) && (Box1.left < Box2.right)) { if ((Box1.bottom < Box2.bottom) && ( < Box1.bottom)) { return(true); } if ((Box2.bottom < Box1.bottom) && ( < Box2.bottom)) { return(true); } } if ((Box1.left < Box2.left) && (Box2.left < Box1.right)) { if ((Box1.bottom < Box2.bottom) && ( < Box1.bottom)) { return(true); } if ((Box2.bottom < Box1.bottom) && ( < Box2.bottom)) { return(true); } } return(false); } function LineAndOBB(line, obj) { var dx; var dy; var vx; var vy; var dVec; var dDir; var time; var time_0 = 0; var time_1 = 1; var i = 0; dx = line.xpos - line.oldx; dy = line.ypos - line.oldy; do { if (i == 0) { vx = line.oldx - obj.pt2x; vy = line.oldy - obj.pt2y; dVec = (vx * obj.n1x) + (vy * obj.n1y); dDir = (dx * obj.n1x) + (dy * obj.n1y); } else if (i == 1) { dVec = (vx * obj.n2x) + (vy * obj.n2y); dDir = (dx * obj.n2x) + (dy * obj.n2y); } else if (i == 2) { vx = line.oldx - obj.pt4x; vy = line.oldy - obj.pt4y; dVec = (vx * obj.n3x) + (vy * obj.n3y); dDir = (dx * obj.n3x) + (dy * obj.n3y); } else { dVec = (vx * obj.n4x) + (vy * obj.n4y); dDir = (dx * obj.n4x) + (dy * obj.n4y); } time = -(dVec / dDir); if (dDir < 0) { time_0 = Math.max(time, time_0); } else if (0 < dDir) { time_1 = Math.min(time, time_1); } if (time_1 < time_0) { return(-1); } i++; } while (i < 4); if (0 >= time_0) { if (time_1 >= 1) { return(-1); } return(time_1); } if (time_0 >= 1) { return(-1); } return(time_0); } UpdateGame();
Frame 78
prevFrame(); play();
Frame 79
Frame 80
prevFrame(); play();
Symbol 12 MovieClip [explosion] Frame 13
Symbol 15 MovieClip [skull] Frame 1
Symbol 15 MovieClip [skull] Frame 2
Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull] Frame 1
Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull] Frame 2
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 29
if (Math.max(Math.random(), 0.4) != 0.4) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 50 Button
on (release) { _root.bOnePlayer = true; gotoAndPlay (24); }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) { _root.bOnePlayer = false; gotoAndPlay (24); }
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 78 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (24); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [sound_explosion]
Symbol 2 Sound [music_beats]
Symbol 3 Sound [sound_fire]
Symbol 4 Sound [sound_hit]
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6 25
Symbol 6 MovieClip [PlayerPill]Uses:5
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [LineSegment]Uses:7
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:12
Symbol 12 MovieClip [explosion]Uses:9 10 11
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:15 24
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15 24
Symbol 15 MovieClip [skull]Uses:13 14
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [cloud_00]Uses:16
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip [cloud_01]Uses:18
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip [cloud_02]Uses:20
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [cloud_03]Uses:22
Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]Uses:13 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 MovieClip [PlayerPill]Uses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 29 FontUsed by:66
Symbol 30 TextUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:34 35 36 37Used by:39 42
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:32 33 38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:40 41 38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:43Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:50 51 52 60 78
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:50 51 52 60 78
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50 51 52 60 78
Symbol 50 ButtonUses:47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 ButtonUses:47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 FontUsed by:54 55 56 61 63 65 66 79 80
Symbol 54 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClipUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 ButtonUses:47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 61 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 63 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 65 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 TextUses:29 53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:69  Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:67 68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:70 71Used by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 ButtonUses:47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 TextUses:53Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"Player_2_barrel"Frame 2Symbol 42 MovieClip
"Player_1_tank"Frame 2Symbol 44 MovieClip
"Player_1_barrel"Frame 2Symbol 42 MovieClip
"Player_2_tank"Frame 2Symbol 44 MovieClip
"p1_3"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p1_2"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p1_1"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p1_0"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p1_4"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p2_1"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p2_2"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p2_3"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p2_4"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"p2_0"Frame 2Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull]
"bomb"Frame 2Symbol 46 MovieClip
"Player_One_Label"Frame 25Symbol 69 MovieClip
"Player_Two_Label"Frame 31Symbol 72 MovieClip
"P2Win"Frame 76Symbol 77 MovieClip
"P1Win"Frame 76Symbol 77 MovieClip

Special Tags

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"menu"Frame 3
"help"Frame 16
"intro"Frame 24
"Ready"Frame 37
"two_player"Frame 76
"start"Frame 76
"PlayerWin_2"Frame 79
"PPill"Symbol 6 MovieClip [PlayerPill] Frame 1
"score"Symbol 15 MovieClip [skull] Frame 2
"score"Symbol 24 MovieClip [skull] Frame 2
"PPill"Symbol 25 MovieClip [PlayerPill] Frame 1
"fire"Symbol 42 MovieClip Frame 2
"flash"Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2
"flash"Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 2
Created: 11/4 -2019 05:46:56 Last modified: 11/4 -2019 05:46:56 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:20:54