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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Sex Kitten - Day Care.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #68119

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Sex Kitten: Day Care
In the last episode of “Your goddamn life” your girlfriend
Slutty McSlut printed porn over your tax form. Now the IRS
is going to put you in jail where you will get anally raped on a
hourly basis. But that’s not what you want, right?
While you were escaping the MOTHERFUCKING PARTYVAN,
you were savagely assaulted by dwarfs in trench coats...

Tim The Magnificent: Lol, those lovely toddlers killed you...

Tim The Magnificent: You've come to...

You: What the fuck happened to me?

Tim The Magnificent: Those lovely little fuckheads
kidnapped us so they can sell our lovely organs on the
black market and buy lovely Disney movies with the

You: (This guy better not touch me...)

Tim The Magnificent: But lucky we are! The client is lovely
late, if you can bring me three lovely items before they
come back, I can make a lovely bomb and blow their asses
off into a lovely bloody pulp

You: (I want you to die)

*Tim gives you a list*

- Uranium
- A stick
- Mysterious item #35486

You: Yeah, I'll do that (I hope you get blown up too, you
huge faggot)








Music off

Music on



You: Hey there, little fuckhead.

Rei: Um, Who are you???

Rei:...................wrong answer dumbass
*Rei Slices up your balls with a letter opener*

I have tennis balls in my pants ;)

Rei: You sick fuck!!!
*She kills you with a large brick*

Rei: I put my cat in the microwave. And because of that, I
want you to answer this question.

Rei:  What's the chemical compound that constitutes
indigo dye?


*Rei beats the living shit out of you*


You: LSD!!!!!!!!11111!!two11





RAWR GODDAMNIT!!!!!111!!1!!!11

Skittles: for fuck sake my caps lock
take this and get the hell out of here.

Susan B Cockswallow: Whoo hoo I'm poking holes in the
roof with my sword

You: Awesome!

Susan B Cockswallow: 2C-B was synthesized by...

Bill Nye
Timothy Leary
Alexander Shulgin

Susan B Cockswallow: In Cambodia, people like you are
liquified to feed the living.

Susan B Cockswallow: Only if you're on 2C-B! Otherwise it
just makes you a fag!


Susan B Cockswallow Good work, now I won't have to
castrate you with my teeth! Have some money and this
picture of my bitch!

Deranged Girly Girl: eee tee hee hee I cut muffins in my cloud.

You: What the fuck?

Deranged Girly Girl: I'll eat you unless you can tell me what the
chemical forumula for Paroxetine is.


Deranged Girly Girl: tee hee hee, no. I'm going to cut out your
entrails now :]

Deranged Girly Girl: Fdafjkadljfalkf! You got it right. ee tee
heehee. Now heres some porn fucknuts!

Bunny molesting kid: Mwhaha, I chew glass and this bunny is
my hostage. Answer this question, or the bunny gets it!

Bunny molesting kid: How Long is a bunny's gestation

9 Months
1 Hour
29 days

Bunny molesting kid: No dumb ass!
*shoves a pencil into your arm*

Bunny molesting kid: I KILL ALL THE INFEDELS, HERE'S
SOME PORN, Nigronuts.

Phalucid: *fap fas fap* Yo fucker *fap*you wanna know
something? *fap* errrr.... *fap*.... *fap fap fap fap fap* I like
you...  *faaaaaap*

You: (Oh great another hardcore assfaggot)

Phalucid: Do you like me? *fap fap*

I’m going to kill you violently and painfully with a stick and a bar of
Fuck no
Go die in a fire

*fap fap fap fap fap*
*Phalucid rapes you in the ass with his micropenis*

Phalucid: *fap fap* Hahahalolz I really like you *fap*
Here, have some money*fap*
And, do you want to fap too? *fapfapfapfap* have some

Emo Bitch: I hate my life

Go kill yourself then.
Life sucks, get used to it.

Emo Bitch: NO NEVAR!!!!!!  FEEL MY PAIN!
*Bleeds on you*

Emo Bitch: *tear*...maybe i will, but first answer me this
question you conformist bastard.

Emo Bitch: How many pints of blood is there
in an average adult human body?

5 pints
10 pints
50 pints

Emo Bitch: *tear*

Emo Bitch: Great job asshat, now I'm off to do some sick
sadomasacist shit with one of the caretakers here.
Fuck off...

Nymphotaku: I masturbated 30 times today, and i have to say,
I LOVEEEEEE <3 hentai.....*tear*

Nymphotaku: How much hentai is in this game?

14 pics
12 pics
13 pics

Nymphotaku: Beat the game you fucking piece of shit...


Gameboy Girl:  Quit staring at my screen you pervert!
I'm gonna call Chris Hansen on your sick fucking ass if you
can't answer this question.

Gameboy girl: Who was the voice of Gameboy in the in the
television show, Captain N: The Game Master.

Matt Hill
Frank Welker
Kevin Keene

???: ..............


Gameboy girl: Nice job numbnuts! getting that right
won't help you get laid but at least you get pornz!

Bukkake Victim: I is get hit by stray
bullet. Now I am mad at you for no
reason! answer this question or else!

You: Or else what?

Bukkake Victim: or else I'll shove thumb
tacks in your eyes.

Bukkake Victim: How long does a sperm
last in a woman's body?

5 days
1 day
5 hours

Bukkake Victim: WRONG!
*She wacks you over the head with a
frying pan*

Bukkake Victim: You really know you're
sperm! For your reward, here's a picture I
found under my dad's bed.

Sock Puppet Masturbater:
*Hastily zips up his pants*
About time you made it here. Mr
Anals here and I were expecting

You: Do what now, little

Sock Puppet Masturbater:
Which Muppet film was released
in 1981?

The Muppets Take
The Muppet Movie
The Great Muppet Caper

*Mr Anals attacks you with a pair
of hedge trimmers*

Sock Puppet Masturbater: Fuck
Yuu! Howd a crackhead like you
get that right?! Mr. Anals give
him his gift!

You: What the fuck, am I high?

Jesus: No my son, I am here to ask you a very important

Jesus: Have you seen my keys?

Up your fucking ass
In the Bible
In your car door

Jesus: No my son, that is not the right answer.
*Jesus embraces you will all his love*

Cat: Meow?

Psst, I got some shit for you right here.

Mysterious item #35486


You have this

Come back when you got some more cash

You didn't get it from me...

Hansen: Hello there

You: Who the fuck are you?

Hansen: I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC and we're
doing a story on  child predators. Also I would like you to
give your soul to satan.





Tim The Magnificent: Could you please go buy some
lovely items...

<Visit the new site!

Original Creators: Klacid, Dazmo, HaZard, and TENT.
Plot: DemonicLime, Black Amethyst.
Dialogue: DemonicLime, Black Amethyst, Clueless Furball,
Hammm, D-FireX, Garguilo and Allor.
Editing and other shit nobody cares about: DemonicLime, CBP.
Thanks: Everyone from Forkheads. TENT and Klacid for being so
damn awesome.
More to come:
Sim Date If I Can Find A Good Artist.
A bigger and better sex kitten game.
Music:                                                  Forkheads-I Don't Know What To Say






<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>

Tim The Magnificent: Tim: Lovely! you brought all those items
just for me?

You: Just hurry the fuck up and make the goddamn bomb
already, you huge fag.

Tim The Magnificent: You hurt my feelings man.

You: Too bad...

Tim The Magnificent: :[

*Tim smashes the stick on the uranium a few times and then
puts it into the mysterious box*


*Nothing happens*

*Still nothing*

Tim The Magnificent: Heehe....

You: Where the HELL is my MOTHERFUCKING explosion

Tim: hee...hehe...

*STILL nothing*


Tim The Magnificent: TEEHEE!

*Tim tries to run away but trips on the box, falls on a bunny
and then dies*

You: Great... now how am I supposed to blow this place up?

???: Yo mongler.

You: Unless you can make a nuke that'll blow this shithole up,
GTFO useles slut.

???:Actually, I can *glare*

You: haha... what?

???: Want me to show you?

You: Hell yeah bitch

You: HOLY SHIT, FUCK YEAH!!!1!!!!!111!!!!!!

???: See ya bitch....

You: Take that you fucking toddlers
*Slutty appears out of fucking nowhere*

Slutty: You had fun retard?

You: Fuck yeah nukes.

Slutty: Well not me you dickhead, get the fuck over here I'm in


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stopAllSounds(); fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); fscommand ("trapallkeys", "true"); var task_id = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]; var money = 0; var life = 25; var music = true; var musics = true; var item_id = [false, false, false]; var cheata = false; var cheatshow = ""; var cheat = ""; function simpleText() { } function simpleLink() { getURL ("", _blank); } stop(); Stage.showMenu = false; this_url = _root._url; bad_urls = new Array("ebaum", "ebaumsworld", "rodim", "coolscifi", "dodirectory", "crazy-laberecke", "suprvibes", "simplyro", "40plusarcade", "adventurers-united", "uaenexus", "trackpads", "jl-planet", "rugbyrefs", "spamvault", "necrotania", "loafersparadise", "princejupiter", "johnstownchiefs", "nacros", "suprvibes", "footles", "f4g", "differentdawn", "brentfordalways", "wass-up", "movieloversparadise", "fruit-emu", "usuallygames", "1juegos", "julala", "topsites", "freegame365", "freegames365", "", "bypassbrowser", "ianag", "freegames365", "", "webgames", "gameportalonline", "juegosagogo", "freeonlinegames", "funflashgames", "roffles", "onlinegames", "minijuegos", "", "millionsofgames", "juegosagogo", "funflashgames", "technorati", "kbcafe", "gametopia", "", "briankass", "ianag", "limk", ""); var i = 0; while (i < bad_urls.length) { if (this_url.indexOf(bad_urls[i]) != -1) { gotoAndStop ("bad"); } i++; } instanceName.tabEnabled = false; MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem("Forkheads (2008)", simpleText); Functioned2 = new ContextMenuItem("Visit Our Site", simpleLink); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned2); = MENU;
Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 5
Frame 6
Frame 7
Frame 8
Frame 9
Frame 10
Frame 11
Frame 12
Frame 13
Frame 14
Frame 15
Frame 16
Frame 17
if (life <= 0) { gotoAndPlay (6); } stop();
Frame 18
if (life <= 0) { gotoAndPlay (6); } stop();
Frame 19
if (life <= 0) { gotoAndPlay (6); } stop();
Frame 20
if (life <= 0) { gotoAndPlay (6); } stop();
Frame 21
Frame 22
Frame 23
Frame 24
Frame 25
Frame 26
Frame 27
Frame 28
Frame 29
Frame 30
Frame 31
Frame 32
Frame 33
Frame 34
Frame 35
Frame 36
Frame 37
Frame 38
Frame 39
Frame 40
Frame 41
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Frame 45
Frame 46
Frame 47
Frame 48
Frame 49
Frame 50
Frame 51
Frame 52
Frame 53
Frame 54
Frame 55
Frame 56
Frame 57
Frame 58
Frame 59
Frame 60
Frame 61
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Frame 113
Frame 114
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Frame 116
Frame 117
Frame 118
Frame 119
prevFrame(); stop();
Frame 120
Frame 121
Frame 122
Frame 123
Frame 124
Frame 125
Frame 126
Frame 127
Frame 128
Frame 129
Frame 131
Frame 132
Frame 133
stop(); stop();
Frame 134
Frame 135
Frame 136
Frame 137
Frame 138
Frame 139
Frame 140
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Frame 142
Frame 143
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Frame 157
Frame 158
Frame 159
Frame 160
Frame 161
Frame 162
Frame 163
Frame 164
Frame 165
Frame 1080
var music = true; var musics = true; gotoAndPlay (17);
Frame 1081
stopAllSounds(); stop();
Frame 1082
Frame 1083
Frame 1084
Frame 1085
Frame 1086
Frame 1087
Frame 1088
Frame 1089
Frame 1090
Frame 1091
Frame 1092
Frame 1093
Symbol 49 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { startMovie(); }
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
function timerHandler() { if (!loadingComplete) { var _local4 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); bar._xscale = 100 * _local4; if (_local4 == 1) { loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY) { startMovie(); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); } return(undefined); } } dt = getTimer() - time; time = time + dt; frameAccum = frameAccum + dt; var _local3 = 0; while ((frameAccum >= FRAME_TIME) && (_local3 < MAX_FRAME_SKIP)) { advanceFrame(tankLogo, true, true); advanceFrame(loadingText, false, true); advanceFrame(barGfx, false, true); if (loadingComplete) { advanceFrame(this, false, false); } (frameAccum = frameAccum - FRAME_TIME); _local3++; } updateAfterEvent(); } function advanceFrame(clip, recurse, loop) { if (!clip) { return(undefined); } clip.stop(); if (clip._currentframe == clip._totalframes) { if (loop) { clip.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { clip.nextFrame(); } if (recurse) { for (childName in clip) { if (typeof(clip[childName]) == "movieclip") { advanceFrame(clip[childName], recurse, loop); } } } } function startMovie() { clearInterval(intervalId);; } _root.stop(); stop(); var FRAME_TIME = 33.3333333333333; var AUTO_PLAY = false; var MAX_FRAME_SKIP = 5; var loadingComplete; var intervalId; var time; var frameAccum; loadingComplete = false; intervalId = setInterval(this, "timerHandler", FRAME_TIME / 2); frameAccum = 0; time = getTimer(); timerHandler();
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 105 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 115 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 118 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (114); }
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 142 Button
on (release) { _root.musics = true; = true; gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 144 Button
on (release) { = false; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 1
if ( == true) { if (_root.musics == false) { gotoAndPlay (4); } if (_root.musics == true) { gotoAndPlay (3); } }
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 2
if ( == false) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.musics = false;
Symbol 147 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.item_id[0] == false) { gun.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gun.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.item_id[1] == false) { tic.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { tic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.item_id[2] == false) { pas.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { pas.gotoAndPlay(2); }
Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (133); }
Symbol 156 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (127); } else { if (task_id[0] == false) { gotoAndStop (21); } if (task_id[0] == true) { gotoAndStop (30); } } }
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (127); } else { if (task_id[1] == false) { gotoAndStop (31); } if (task_id[1] == true) { gotoAndStop (39); } } }
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (127); } else { if (task_id[2] == false) { gotoAndStop (40); } if (task_id[2] == true) { gotoAndStop (48); } } }
Symbol 159 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (127); } else { if (task_id[3] == false) { gotoAndStop (49); } if (task_id[3] == true) { gotoAndStop (55); } } }
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (128); } else { if (task_id[4] == false) { gotoAndStop (56); } if (task_id[4] == true) { gotoAndStop (61); } } }
Symbol 165 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (128); } else { if (task_id[5] == false) { gotoAndStop (62); } if (task_id[5] == true) { gotoAndStop (68); } } }
Symbol 166 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (128); } else { if (task_id[6] == false) { gotoAndStop (69); } if (task_id[6] == true) { gotoAndStop (78); } } }
Symbol 167 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (128); } else { if (task_id[7] == false) { gotoAndStop (79); } if (task_id[7] == true) { gotoAndStop (84); } } }
Symbol 170 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (129); } else { if (task_id[8] == false) { gotoAndStop (85); } if (task_id[8] == true) { gotoAndStop (90); } } }
Symbol 171 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (129); } else { if (task_id[11] == false) { gotoAndStop (107); } if (task_id[11] == true) { gotoAndStop (113); } } }
Symbol 172 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (129); } else { if (task_id[9] == false) { gotoAndStop (91); } if (task_id[9] == true) { gotoAndStop (99); } } }
Symbol 173 Button
on (release) { if (money >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (129); } else { if (task_id[10] == false) { gotoAndStop (100); } if (task_id[10] == true) { gotoAndStop (106); } } }
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (24); }
Symbol 186 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); play(); }
Symbol 187 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (26); }
Symbol 189 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 193 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); gotoAndPlay (25); }
Symbol 194 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); gotoAndPlay (25); }
Symbol 195 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); var money = (money + 25); task_id[0] = true; play(); }
Symbol 200 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (18); }
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); play(); }
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[1] = true; gotoAndPlay (38); }
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 250 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (45); }
Symbol 253 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[2] = true; gotoAndPlay (47); }
Symbol 254 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); play(); }
Symbol 257 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (42); }
Symbol 260 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 273 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[3] = true; gotoAndPlay (54); }
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 288 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[4] = true; gotoAndPlay (60); }
Symbol 290 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 295 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 306 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); play(); }
Symbol 307 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[5] = true; gotoAndPlay (67); }
Symbol 309 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 338 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (72); }
Symbol 340 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (19); }
Symbol 342 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (74); }
Symbol 345 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[6] = true; gotoAndPlay (77); }
Symbol 346 Button
on (release) { var life = (life - 5); play(); }
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 361 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[7] = true; gotoAndPlay (83); }
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 376 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[8] = true; gotoAndPlay (89); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 384 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (120); }
Symbol 389 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (20); }
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 401 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[9] = true; gotoAndPlay (97); }
Symbol 404 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (99); }
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 418 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[10] = true; gotoAndPlay (105); }
Symbol 420 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (20); }
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 435 Button
on (release) { var money = (money + 25); task_id[11] = true; gotoAndPlay (112); }
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 440 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 450 Button
on (release) { if (item_id[2] == true) { gotoAndPlay (116); } if (item_id[2] == false) { if (money < 100) { gotoAndPlay (117); } if (money >= 100) { var money = (money - 100); item_id[2] = true; gotoAndPlay (118); } } }
Symbol 451 Button
on (release) { if (item_id[1] == true) { gotoAndPlay (116); } if (item_id[1] == false) { if (money < 100) { gotoAndPlay (117); } if (money >= 100) { var money = (money - 100); item_id[1] = true; gotoAndPlay (118); } } }
Symbol 452 Button
on (release) { if (item_id[0] == true) { gotoAndPlay (116); } if (item_id[0] == false) { if (money < 100) { gotoAndPlay (117); } if (money >= 100) { var money = (money - 100); item_id[0] = true; gotoAndPlay (118); } } }
Symbol 454 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 457 Button
on (release) { if (((item_id[0] == true) && (item_id[1] == true)) && (item_id[2] == true)) { gotoAndPlay (135); } else { gotoAndStop (17); } }
Symbol 464 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (17); }
Symbol 485 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (159); }
Symbol 490 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay (130); }
Symbol 493 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (18); }
Symbol 494 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (19); }
Symbol 501 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 505 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 508 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1081); }
Symbol 510 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 512 Button
on (release) { if (_root.cheat == "getdown") { gotoAndPlay (165); } _root.cheatshow = ""; if (((_root.cheat == "haveaseatoverthere") && (_root.cheata == false)) && (_root.cheatshow == "")) { _root.cheata = true; _root.cheatshow = "Cheat Enabled"; gotoAndPlay(house_loc); } if (((_root.cheat == "haveaseatoverthere") && (_root.cheata == true)) && (_root.cheatshow == "")) { _root.cheata = false; _root.cheatshow = "Cheat Disabled"; gotoAndPlay(house_loc); } }
Symbol 585 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (124); }
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.cheata == false) { stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 597 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (126); }
Symbol 641 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 643 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (130); }
Symbol 644 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:78
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Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:78
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Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClipUses:8 9Used by:78
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Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:78
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Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:21 51
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:21 51
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:21 51
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:21 51
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:21 51
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21 51
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Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
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Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:31
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Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
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Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38 41
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
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Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
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Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:38 41Used by:45
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Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:31 34 42 44Used by:46
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Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 64 ShapeTweeningUsed by:78
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:78
Symbol 66 ShapeTweeningUsed by:78
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Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:77
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Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:87 96 98 105 183 186 187 189 193 194 195 213 214 250 253 254 257 260 273 288 290 306 307 309 338 340 342 345 346 361 376 381 401 404 418 420 435 450 451 452 454 457 464 485 493 494 510 512 597
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87 96 98 105 183 186 187 189 193 194 195 213 214 250 253 254 257 260 273 288 290 306 307 309 338 340 342 345 346 361 376 381 401 404 418 420 435 450 451 452 454 457 464 485 493 494 510 512 597
Symbol 87 ButtonUses:84 85 86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 BitmapUsed by:89
Symbol 89 GraphicUses:88Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 95 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 100 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 567 GraphicUses:566Used by:584
Symbol 568 BitmapUsed by:569
Symbol 569 GraphicUses:568Used by:584
Symbol 570 BitmapUsed by:571
Symbol 571 GraphicUses:570Used by:584
Symbol 572 BitmapUsed by:573
Symbol 573 GraphicUses:572Used by:584
Symbol 574 BitmapUsed by:575
Symbol 575 GraphicUses:574Used by:584
Symbol 576 BitmapUsed by:577
Symbol 577 GraphicUses:576Used by:584
Symbol 578 BitmapUsed by:579
Symbol 579 GraphicUses:578Used by:584
Symbol 580 BitmapUsed by:581
Symbol 581 GraphicUses:580Used by:584
Symbol 582 BitmapUsed by:583
Symbol 583 GraphicUses:582Used by:584
Symbol 584 MovieClipUses:551 553 555 557 559 561 563 565 567 569 571 573 575 577 579 581 583Used by:585  Timeline
Symbol 585 ButtonUses:584 551Used by:Timeline
Symbol 586 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 587 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 588 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 589 GraphicUsed by:590
Symbol 590 MovieClipUses:589Used by:Timeline
Symbol 591 BitmapUsed by:592
Symbol 592 GraphicUses:591Used by:593
Symbol 593 MovieClipUses:592Used by:Timeline
Symbol 594 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 595 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 596 TextUses:94Used by:Timeline
Symbol 597 ButtonUses:84 85 86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 598 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 599 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 600 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 601 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 602 MovieClipUses:481Used by:Timeline
Symbol 603 GraphicUsed by:604
Symbol 604 MovieClipUses:603 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 605 GraphicUsed by:606
Symbol 606 MovieClipUses:605 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 607 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 608 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 609 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 610 BitmapUsed by:611
Symbol 611 GraphicUses:610Used by:612
Symbol 612 MovieClipUses:611Used by:623
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 614 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 615 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 617 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 618 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 619 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 621 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 622 GraphicUsed by:623
Symbol 623 MovieClipUses:607 475 608 609 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622Used by:Timeline
Symbol 624 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 625 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 626 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 627 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 628 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 629 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 630 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 631 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 632 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 633 GraphicUsed by:634
Symbol 634 MovieClipUses:624 625 626 475 627 628 629 630 631 632 633Used by:Timeline
Symbol 635 GraphicUsed by:636
Symbol 636 MovieClipUses:635 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 637 GraphicUsed by:638
Symbol 638 MovieClipUses:637 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:640
Symbol 640 MovieClipUses:639 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 641 ButtonUses:110 111 112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 642 TextUses:94Used by:643
Symbol 643 ButtonUses:116 642 199 117Used by:Timeline
Symbol 644 ButtonUses:110 111 112Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"bar"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"bargfx"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip
"tankLogo"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 46 MovieClip
"bargfx"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 10 MovieClip
"loadingText"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 51 MovieClip
"bargfx"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 20Symbol 10 MovieClip
"gun"Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 127 MovieClip
"tic"Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip
"pas"Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 133 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


"temp"Frame 6
"1"Frame 21
"2"Frame 31
"3"Frame 40
"4"Frame 49
"5"Frame 56
"6"Frame 62
"7"Frame 69
"8"Frame 79
"9"Frame 85
"10"Frame 91
"11"Frame 100
"12"Frame 107
"LOAD"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
"COMPLETE_STOP"Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

_root.moneySymbol 134 EditableText" "
_root.lifeSymbol 137 EditableText" "
_root.cheatSymbol 515 EditableText" "
_root.cheatshowSymbol 516 EditableText"<p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p>"
Created: 11/4 -2019 04:56:48 Last modified: 11/4 -2019 04:56:48 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:40:03