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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

T. TotallyBS, Fallout 3!.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #68138

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



Director's Notes: Finale Timeline

Well, this is it, the series finale.  Started on December 17, and completed on
January 11. The original release date was to coincide with the release of the first
Fallout 3 DLC, Operation: Anchorage. But the rather late release date made me
think otherwise.
This video is based on my actual gameplay experiences.

Director's Notes: Reasons for Finale

Totally BS! was suppose to a slice of life comedy series. But when I experiemented
with this art style on the Haruhi video, I've created something by accident. In some
ways, I've became disheartened that the Totally BS! series is more known as a weird
fan fiction series rather than my original ideas.
You may also notice that the title doesn't follow the traditional standard I've set up
in the past three installments.

Director's Notes: Gameplay Experiences

The first one was when I came out from one of the subway tunnels only to be
greeted by the guys from Talon Company. Seeing how I was low on health, skills,
and supplies at the time, I went back into the tunnels to the other end, fast traveled
to Megaton, slept, and went back only to see the guys from Talon dead with Super
Mutants surrounding the area.
The second one was from Megaton where I went into Jericho's house to steal a skill
book he had, and when I came out the house, the Megaton Girl greeted me with
praise. Obviously I had high karma, but the interaction was overall really weird.

Director's Notes: Gameplay Spoof

In the background when 101 is sleeping. Moira came out of her shop and
whacked a mole rat with a green stick, which blew up the mole rat to her surprise.
This is the Repellent Stick, obtainable in the quest "The Wasteland Survival Guide".
If you use the Fat Man (a mini nuke catapult) point blank in VATS, you'll only get at
worst little HP loss and some RAD.
The Bloody Mess perk, your enemy's body blows up for no reason when you kill
them (like with a single gunshot for example. Pretty cool, but can be tough to get
items from them at times.

Director's Notes: WTF?

There will be a sequel series entitled Absolute BS!, and all the titles mentioned in
the after credit sequencemay or may not be made.
Moka's thoughts are references to past LucasArts games, the "Leather Jacket"
comment is one of the more famous in-jokes through the their graphic adventures.
"Buy Loom and Grim Fandando" is a reference to a salesman you'll encounter in
the first and third Monkey Island game who will advertise those games.

Director's Notes: Other References

Right before the credits is a reference to James Bond.
The map shapes are an odd reference to a Newgrounds gag involving two shapes
on a gray line such as JohnnyUtah's Triangle n' Octagon. Several of those simply
animated shorts were released on the same day by several different authors.






-The Leader Talon Merc guy-
So you're the bitch out with the
uber-high karma! prepare to die!

Oh shit.

Umm, should we follow her?

I'm afraid of subway stations.

-The Leader Talon Merc guy-
Not to mention loading up a new

(Few hours later)

Karma --

You lost karma!

Exp +30

+30 XP

It would have been better off if
we chased her down.

-The Leader Talon Merc guy-
And I'm saying we're camping
here, then attack her when she
comes by here again.

And what makes you think she'll
come by here again since we've
already shot her?

-The Leader Talon Merc guy-

You don't want to know how much
karma you lost from looting that house


-Megaton Settler-
Hey, I want to give you this for
all the good deeds you've done.

But...I just came out of a
stranger's house.

-Megaton Settler-
I'm sure you're just helping out.

What if I stole from them?

-Megaton Settler-
You got like uber-high karma. If
you're in the negative, then I'll
think you stole from that house.

Umm, excellent logic.

-Megaton Settler-
Thank you, and here's your
iguana on a stick.

Umm, thanks. Now I'm going to

While you guys are arguing, I'm
going to take a dump.

You gained 2 Unarmed points


I know kung-fu....even more.

You can't think of a comeback?
Are you admitting defeat?

You gained 2 Speech points

Speech +2

If possible, play the symphathy
card to get what you want.

Great, so you decided to pussy

Wait a tick, Wadsworth, this
"purified water" is actually your
piss water?!

You got Purified Water

You know, Super Mutant, it was
rude to interrupt a conversation.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
Hey there, Wastelanders, this is
Three-Dog, Ar-oo! Here's the

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
Something stinks out there in the
wasteland, and it ain't the super

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
A skunk's been walking around.
You know, those mammals that
went extinct, they smell real bad.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
Along the return of the skunks is
the return of the otaku scene.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
A girl is walking with purple hair,
in a schoolgirl's uniform.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
Children, that is not proper
wasteland attire.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
But hey, whatever makes her feel

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
Beware of these two though. Like
everything else in the wasteland,
consider them armed and dangerous.

-Three-Dog (Pip-Boy3000 radio broadcast)-
This is three-Dog, OUT!

The Next Day

Like WTF?

-Super Mutant-
Kill pesky human!

You fuckin' brutes stole my XP!!!

-Super Mutant-
AHHH!!! My spleen!

Eat fat man, Mutie!

V.A.T.S. active!

TARGET: Super Mutant: Head

+33 XP

Like whoa.
Now I'm hungry.

Mmm, this iggy-on-a-stick is
actually pretty good.

Wait, aren’t there suppose to be
three dead bodies here?

Okay...where's my target?
There you are!

Based on the game "Fallout 3"
developed by Bethesda Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks
"Fallout" originally developed by Black Isle Studios

"That's Totally BS!" Series Creator and Planner
Chester Kwan
"That's Totally BS, Haruhi Suzumiya" created by Rina-chan

101, The Lone Wanderer

Also Starring
as The Leader Talon Merc Guy
as Thaddeus T. Bluffington III
as Ren Parker

as Megaton Girl
as Super Mutant

Voice Acting provided by Voice Acting Club and Voice Acting Alliance

Writer, Director, Producer
Chester Kwan
Character and Mechanical Designs, and Animation
Chester Kwan
Three-Dog Ad-lib dialogue by Dblauv

Ending Theme
"Hare Hare Yukai (Sunny Sunny Happiness)"
originally performed by Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara and Yuko Goto
"Alt Remix" cover by Rawrthaas
Remixed Soundtrack provided by Newgrounds Audio Portal
Sound Effects provided by and

Created with
Adobe Flash CS3 Pro
Presented at

This is a work of fiction, based and inspired by actual gameplay experiences by the author.
Any similarities to any situations and persons, dead or alive, is purely coincidential.
No profit has been made from this fan work.
"Yuki Nagato" is a character from "The Melencholy of Haruhi Suzumiya"
created by Nagaru Tanigawa

Yuki Nagato will return...
The Fallout [3] of That's Totally BS!
2008, 2009 Chester Kwan, Synsanoko
Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0

Sometime later

I will kill you
all in an

I'm a bigot
that hates ghouls

While you guys are arguing, I'm
going to go take a dump.







I wish we were
selling some fine
leather jackets.

While you...

Oh wait,

That's not my line!


I would still like
to dump something...

Loom and Grim Fandango

Tenpenny Tower

You Are Here    A. Tenpenny    Roy Phillips

Moka         Rosalina      Herbert Dashwood


Heh, they got dumped
with Quantum.

"The Fallout [3] of That's Totally BS!" 2008, 2009 Chester Kwan, Synsanoko
"Moka Akashiya" and Rosario + Vampire created by Akihisa Ikeda
"Rosalina" and Super Mario Bros. created by Nintendo
"Team Fortress 2" and "Left 4 Dead" created by Valve
"Fallout 3" developed by Bethesda Game Works

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Symbol 25 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 14.5) { gotoAndPlay(l1); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 25) { gotoAndPlay(l2); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 37.5) { gotoAndPlay(l3); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 50) { gotoAndPlay(l4); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 62.5) { gotoAndPlay(l5); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded > 75) { gotoAndPlay(l6); }
Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 19
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Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 22
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Symbol 26 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 30 Button
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Symbol 35 Button
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Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1

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Created: 11/4 -2019 04:48:54 Last modified: 11/4 -2019 04:48:54 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:07:33