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Drawing Tutorial - Female.swf

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Flash #68686

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and fancy schmancy next buttons!

This tutorial will help you:

- understand proportions of the female body
- draw the female body
- draw the female face



Construction Lines

Construction Lines

The Body

The Body

The Face

The Face

And More!

And More!





Here we go again.  Did you notice that I got font that's easier to read?  Yes, yes,
that's right, I'm learning.

Let's start with the stick figure.  Please please PLEASE do not draw these:

Remember that this should
just show the person's

Remember that gesture line thing?  Here it is:

Exciting, huh?

Now for the building blocks of the body.  No pun intended.
Remember that the 3 basic shapes used to build the body are
cylinders, rectangular prisms , and spheres.  You can also throw a
few wedges in there if you want.


Elbows are always in line
with the waist.

Thighs are almost as long as
the torso.  (This is a vague rule
and depends on the body
type of the person you are

and hips are
equal in
width for

Notes on the female body:

The chest portion should be
signifigantly narrower at the
bottom.  Likewise, the waist part
should be narrower at the top.
This gives a tiny waist.

You can make the chest
"building block" longer or
shorter, depending on if you
want your character to have
a longer torso or longer legs.


Woo!  Done with construction lines.  Now we move on to the

Starting with the head.  This is always sort of a hit or miss kinda
deal for me -- I usually end up changing the head shape later.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the head.

The neck.  As you probably know, the necks on females tend to be thinner
and more curvy than those of males.

Shoulders.  If you read my previous tutorial, then you will know that the
shoulders follow an invisible line that is usually curved.  EXAMPLES!
This curvature also tends to follow the collarbone.

Remember that female
shoulders are generally
narrower than male

Ah.  And here's the reason that this tutorial is oh-so popular.

For all you guys out
there, please be
realistic as far as SIZE
goes.  We have
enough Pamela
Andersons as it is.

The female chest muscle
attaches to the arm the
same way that the male
muscle does.  EXAMPLE:

And not all women have
the same breasts.  It's just
like different types of eyes,
noses, or hands.

Waist.  The waist is generally the narrowest part of the female
body.  Remember that the thinner the female, the less curves she
will have.

Belly button.

Usually placed on
the waist line, and
below it.

Hips.  They don't lie.
ANYWAYS.  So the hips should extend out to around the shoulder area,
Obviously narrower if the female is younger or thinner.

Add hip bone if the
female is average to thin.

ARMS.  Pretty simple for females.  Generally curved lines, unless you have
a muscular female.

Forearm shape (tho you
can't really tell on this pic):

And now for the hands.  I'm thinking of making a whole nother tutorial
on hands, so I'm not going to explain in great detail.  My apologies.

Wow that left hand
looks weird.


though now the other
one looks weird.  OH

Thighs.  Depending on what the female looks like, thighs
often look like this:

Notice the

Though this is
usually only for
woman with some
curves.  unlike
miss skinny over

Knees.  That's what I forgot on the last tutorial!  Oh well.

I usually symbolize the knee by drawing two lines as such:

Remember that
you can always
look in the mirror
for help. Or ask a
friend to pose for

Now onto calves. Calves are thinner than thighs and, obviously, get
narrower as it goes to the ankles.  And no, I am not going to make a
cankles joke.



Now that I've gotten that out of the way, we can move on to
feets.  I draw a triangular or a wedge shape first.  It usually
helps me.

Then I build the feet around that.

For now, let's pretend
that they look good.

OKAY!  Erase construction lines.

wow. those are
some awful feet.



So that's the end of the body section.  Now we move on to face.

Let's start with that cross thing that no one knows the name of.

The horzontal line should be almost dead center.  The
vertical line shows which way the head is facing.


Notice how it
gives a sort of
3D effect.

Because I'm PRO experienced, I don't usually use any construction lines for
anything.  But I'm supposed to help you and all that crap, so I put together
these guidelines.

I learned a lot of these from various art
books and tutorials.  You have probably
either seen them before or will see them
in the future.

THE EYES should be sitting on the
midline.  Each eye should be about
one eye's width apart.

The tops of the EARS
should be aligned with
the middle of the eyes.
NOT the midline.

You should be
able to fit one eye
on the CHIN.

Don't worry, it's
color coded!

The forehead
should be about
as tall as from
the middle of
the nose to the
chin. (Though
this can vary.)

Well that was enlightening.

Anways, I usually start off with the nose.  The
MIDDLE of the nose should be dead center.

THIS is the
middle of the

Remember that "dead
center" is where the
horizonal and vertical line

Next, I move on to the eyebrows.  If you read
my last tutorial, you'll know about the FLOW.

The nose "flows" into the eyebrows
as such:

And to make eyebrows look
feminine, have them thinner
toward the outside of the face.

Next, eyes.  The female eye is something that I,
personally love to draw.

Tips for making eyes look feminine:

Have them thinner with
an almond shape.

Go heavy on the eyeliner.
Make a more defined
bottom edge of the eye.

And, of course, don't forget
the lashes.

Alright, next the lips.

Good looking lips is something a lot of people
struggle with drawing.  Here's a mini-tutorial that
will hopefull help.

Here's how to take those lips
and make them more luscious.

I almost always
go back over
with an eraser
so it looks
shiny. THE

Let's fix the right side of her face. (Your
right, her left).


When drawing an adult's head at this
angle, the side of the face facing away
from the front should look similar to this:

this little curve
should always
dip into the
eye.  It is the
eye socket in

HUNKY DUNKY.  Next, the ear.  Remember
this thing?

It said that the ear should be aligned
with the middle of the eyes.

that the head is rounded, and thus the
line you draw/imagine for the eyes
should be rounded as well.
The red line passes through the middle
of the eyes.

Here's an ear reference.  Have fun.

JAWLINE.  Remember that the jawline
ends at the bottom of the ear?


HAIRLINE.  Remember what THIS THING said about
the forehead? (THE YELLOW LINES)

It said that the forehead should be
roughly the size of from the middle
of the nose to the chin.

SO, you find out how big the
forehead is, and you draw the
hairline at the top of it.

Measurements are in red.

This is a rough guess, and it
doesn't have to be perfect.

You should probably erase the guidelines before you draw
the hair.  Though I guess it doesn't really matter.

WOO!  Hair.

And now, we are done with the face.


Let's add some underwear.

Well, she still looks slightly awkward, but oh well.  You
get the gist.  and if you don't YOU'RE A MORON! Go
ahead and PM me.  I'm happy to help.

That's the end.

Go watch Avatar or
whatever the hell you
people do.

Seriously.  GO.


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

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Created: 10/4 -2019 20:56:51 Last modified: 10/4 -2019 20:56:51 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:07:03