| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229911 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #68701 |
Tori Belliachi's |
Guide to the Furry Fandom (It's a load of text, but it's informative.) |
Use my ears to navigate |
An Introduction |
Whilst travelling around, to the farthest reaches of t'intarwebz, I have come to notice one common theme. Ignorance. People on what seems to be every community site everywhere are ignorant of one another. That's how things like drama, trolling and flaming come to be. This is not just in the furry fandom, it's everywhere. But regardless, I myself am a furry, and we seem to get more hate from the idiocy than others. So that's what this little flash doohick's about.... |
Starter For Ten |
The furry fandom is different things to different people; to some it's an art form, others a hobby, a way of life or even an occupation. There are no rules and no leaders in the furry fandom. We are a community with a common interest. That common interest is anthropomorphics. No one knows how many furries there are in the world, however one could guess at about 100,000. |
Anthropomorphic? |
Wiktionary.org defines anthropomorphic as inanimate objects, animals, or other non-human entities given human attributes Furries are people with an interest in the second one, animals given human attributes. As you would have seen in your youth with Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny and hundreds of other characters. Anthropomorphic animals have probably had some impact on your life before. |
As A Culture |
The furry fandom, as well as being a fandom, can also be easily classed as a sub-culture. A culture (generally) has it's own language, dress sense, attitude to life, etc. The furry fandom contains these and many more attributes that could call it it's own way to live. Each furry percives the fandom differently, and so my views in this flash may not be shared by everybody. Feel free to comment on it. |
The Language |
Furries have created a number of ways to express different words and phrases. A quick dictionary of the most common is shown below. fursona: a play on the word 'persona', it is used to describe one's animal alter ego pawpet: a play on the word 'puppet', this is essentially an animal puppet paws/footpaws: used as replacement to hands and feet headfur: used as replacement to hair scritch: to scratch, usually a sign of affection or friendship yiff: sexual intercourse marf: an expression showing surprise or confusion murr/purr: an expression pertaining enjoyment nuzzle: to rub one's nose against another, a sign of affection fursuit: a costume of a furry character |
The Dress |
Some furries enjoy dressing up as their characters. This is generally called 'fursuiting'. However one does not even need a fursuit to dress up. You can also make or buy items such as tails, ears, collars and paws that you can easily wear anywhere at any time. Most fursuits are custom made, because of this they can cost thousands upon thousands of dollars. |
The Attitude |
Most, if not all furs, are open minded. We usually do not hold unjustified prejudice against another person. Mainly due to thoughts along the lines "we're already quite abnormal, so we can't really complain about another persons abnormality." We are percieved as being the fun-loving laid back types, and we generally are. Nothing more fun than to hang around a park with a few furs, chilling and talking... |
The Media |
The furry fandom is a wholly creative one. Where maybe 97 out of every 100 people are in someway artistic; be that in art, design, writing, music and fursuit building. The song currently playing in the background of this flash was created by a furry. The creative side of the furries is showcased at a number of websites such as FurAffinity.net, deviantART, VCL and Furry Art Pile. |
The Dark Side |
Like the rest of society, the furry fandom is not perfect. And there is a more sinister side to it. I am of course referring to pornography. Furry porn is a fairly active area of the fandom, however this does not imply that all furs enjoy it. I for one do not, and neither do many other people. 68% of all hits on the internet are on pornogrpahic websites, so I don't think the furry porn is much to worry about. |
Bad Press |
You may have heard of furries before this. And there is actually a reason for this. The media. Some parts of the mainstream press has picked up on the more undesirable features of the furry fandom and displayed them for the public to view. These reports show very little of the true furry fandom because, as the industry says, smut sells. The Sun newspaper, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, SexY2K and Eurotrash have all painted a bad picture of furries in the past. |
Stereotypes |
And all this bad press coverage has brought birth to the furry stereotype. Much like the 'type of a computer geek; the furry sterotype visions furries to be fat, gay, men in their late-30's with little to no social life and a sexual attraction to animals. This is, by a far long shot, not the case. As a number of "furry surveys" have come to conclude. |
Surveyed |
The most recent published survey (published May 4th 2007), was conducted by the University of California Davis Department of Psychology. Below is a summary of their results: The average age is 24.6 years. 81% are male, 89% are of caucasion origins, 83% originate from or live in the United States, 38% are still actively partaking in an education, 18% own a fursuit, and approximately half were in a relationship. 37.3% are bisexual, 32.7% are hetrosexual, 25.5% are homosexual Approximately 41% have left-wing views, 14% right-wing Nearly 57% were highly active within the furry community |
Misconceptions |
Over the next few pages I will be answering a few questions and rumours about the furry fandom. Just remember, I'm more likely to know this stuff than you. Unless you're a seasoned furry too. I shall repeat my earlier warning, each furry percieves the fandom differently, so my answers do not speak for everyone. But will hopefully appease the majority of folks. |
Misconception #1: Furry is a fetish |
The furry fandom as a whole is not a fetish. It is an interest, as one could have an interest in salsa dancing. To call the whole fandom a fetish is to say that all Star Trek fans masturbate over Captain Kirk. It's just not going to happen. |
Misconception #2: Furries are sex-addicted |
If you go back to the furry survey and add up the sexuality count, you'll find that it doesn't add up to 100%. The remainder is the asexuals, who do not carry an interest in sex whatsoever. Also note how only 50% of furs are even in relationships, and thus in a position to do so. |
Misconception #3: Furries think they're animals |
This one is only true to an extent. People who either believe they are animals or have the soul of one are called therianthropes (or otherkins). They are not part of the furry fandom, however they do cross quite often, and it is quite easy to find furries who are also therians. |
Misconception #4: Furries want sex with animals |
Goodness knows where this came from, but that's beastiality. One of the "guidelines" of the furry fandom is to protect animals, so to cause them major physical and psycological harm is kind of stupid. |
Misconception #5: You have to kill someone |
Marf? (Look back to the bit about words/phrases if you don't know what that means.) |
Misconception #6: Sex... in fursuits |
Okay, I admit, there will be a few "furverts" who will do that. However it's not exactly a common thing to do. Mainly because fursuits cost a lot of money, why would you want to muck them up like that? Eww... |
Misconception #7: God hates furries |
Doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible. Plus the whole concept of God hating anyone is quite contradictory of the whole "love thy neighbour" lot. It's amazing how often this argument still comes up, it hardly even makes sense! You'd have to go up against the Christian Furs too. They won't be too happy with ya. |
Misconception #8: Furries are all emos |
There may be one or two. But it's funny how the furry haters always say this when people start whining at them. It's not called being emo, it's called defending your beliefs. Get it right, jeez. |
Misconception #9: Furries can't spell |
Excuse me? What exactly is this I'm doing right now? A lot of the people on the internet can't spell, or just can't be bothered (as is the case most of the time). So whenever this pops up, it's just some nit-picky little brat all over again. |
More questions? Send them to me on the Newgrounds PM system, and I might add them in to this one, or just make another flash doohick of them. |
Makin' Your Mind Up |
That was, at least to my mind, a good overview of the furry fandom. I laid down all the facts as they are told. And now I ask you, do not follow the tabloid media, do not believe the slander of the furry haters. We are all human, one race, trying to survive. And hating won't get us to anyplace nice. Make your own decision on furries, you don't have to like us. But as long as you don't go spreading hate, then you've made me happy. :) Peace out. ~ Tori Belliachi |
T'is the End of the Road |
This concludes this edition of whatever I called this thing. GOODPIE! Made by Tori Belliachi //robomilk.sirkain.net Music by Kurrel the Raven //www.kwookyworld.com |
Whoa! |
How'd you get here?! |
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