Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2564 · P5128

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

KH Mario Bros Eps.8 (PRE).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #69940

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

and Disney

Here comes Bowletta!

Bowletta Transforms!?

Yoshi & Wario vs Defender

GReWAAAARGH!What's happening here,I've been looking for that thing for HOURS,HOOOURS!

Ooooh,bubububu,how sad...


Look up here,moron!Cyehiheiehiehihieieihihiheihie!

Huh?Ah!WHAT ON EARTH?!What...what...WHAT ARE YOU!?

Hello there,loser!

WHAT!Who ARE you!?!You look just like
me!This can't be...Aunt Bowlysa?!IS THAT

What the hell?!My name is Cackletta.But
I'm called as Bowletta since I possessed
your body,don't know how you can be in
front of me if I'm inside you... body?Bah ha ha ha!That's the most idiotic thing I ever heard in my life!I would NEVER let something like YOU possess my body!

Cyehheehe!I'll just ignore you...¬¬'' seems you and your friends have defeated my beasts,huh?

?! You've sent that heartless here?!
But...there's no heartless here on our world!

Cieyeyehehehe!You're right,King Koopa.There's no heartless on YOUR world,here in the World of Memories,anybody can change the reality on here.Thanks to a Man in Black Coat,I have my own Heartless Army...

What?Man in Black Coat?!(Maybe it's that man that attacked us on
Castle Obli-something-or-other...)

Yep...he said it was a gift to defeat Mario and his friends...but I can see it was an useless help...I'll have to defeat you by myself,geez,how sad...I really wanted to just sit and watch you dying...well,I guess you'll be the first,dear...^^

(Jeez Laweez...the way she talks makes me mad...ggrrr...I can't fight...I can't even move a muscle!I'm too tired.)


Ahhhh,so that's what took you so long.

C'mon,if you're really the King of the Koopas you should forget this pain and stand up,Bowser!Otherwise...maybe the Koopas will be disappointed with their king,huh,huh?

Y-y-y-you're...right!I won't disappoint my kingdom!GRRRRAAAAAAAAAH!FULL POWER!!

Do every trick you want!You can't beat me!

Okay,Big Koopa,let's get her!!!

To be continued on the full movie...


Cheese Burger!XD

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (63) { } if ("0") { gotoAndPlay (63); }
Frame 61
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 450
gotoAndPlay (451);
Frame 563
Frame 616
Frame 637
Frame 659
Frame 680
Frame 701
Frame 740
Frame 761
Frame 782
Frame 803
Frame 824
Frame 845
Frame 866
Frame 887
Frame 908
Frame 929
Frame 1204
Frame 1225
Frame 1246
Frame 1349
Frame 1371
Frame 1538
stop(); stop();
Symbol 43 Button
on (keyPress "<Enter>") { gotoAndPlay (565); }
Symbol 69 Button
on (keyPress "<Enter>") { gotoAndPlay (565); }
Symbol 99 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") { nextFrame(); play(); }
Symbol 67 Button
on (keyPress "<Enter>") { gotoAndPlay (565); }

Library Items

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Instance Names

"Bowser_Left_gif"Frame 575Symbol 92 MovieClip

Special Tags

PathsArePostScript (25)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""

Dynamic Text Variables

and DisneySymbol 24 EditableText"and Disney "
What?Symbol 124 EditableText"What?Man in Black Coat?!(Maybe it's that man that attacked us on Castle Obli-something-or-other...)"
Yep...Symbol 125 EditableText"Yep...he said it was a gift to defeat Mario and his friends...but I can see it was an useless help...I'll have to defeat you by myself,geez,how sad...I really wanted to just sit and watch you dying...well,I guess you'll be the first,dear...^^"
GulpSymbol 126 EditableText"(Jeez Laweez...the way she talks makes me mad...ggrrr...I can't fight...I can't even move a muscle!I'm too tired.) Gulp..."
?Symbol 148 EditableText"?"
AhhhSymbol 159 EditableText"Ahhhh,so that's what took you so long."
C'monSymbol 160 EditableText"C'mon,if you're really the King of the Koopas you should forget this pain and stand up,Bowser!Otherwise...maybe the Koopas will be disappointed with their king,huh,huh?"
Y-y-y-y-you'reSymbol 161 EditableText"Y-y-y-you're...right!I won't disappoint my kingdom!GRRRRAAAAAAAAAH!FULL POWER!!"
Do everySymbol 174 EditableText"Do every trick you want!You can't beat me!"
OkaySymbol 181 EditableText"Okay,Big Koopa,let's get her!!!"
To be continuedSymbol 192 EditableText"To be continued on the full movie..."
Replay?Symbol 193 EditableText"_"
Replay?Symbol 194 EditableText"Cheese Burger!XD"
Created: 10/4 -2019 04:54:08 Last modified: 10/4 -2019 04:54:08 Server time: 16/06 -2024 00:24:40