Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

GCO! - Parte Uno.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #72667

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Part 1


Burt: Wh..what did I do?!

Kirby: Tell your friends to stop pursuing

Burt2: Damn, he's got Burt!!

Burt3: What'll we do?

Burt: J-just do what he says!!

Burt3: iight...we'll lay off...

Kirby: Hah, thought so! :)

Burt4: What a gaping asshole

And this starts the beginning of
Kirby's adventure throught the
Great Cave Offense. Within the
cave lies several treasures that
will make ones rich dream a
reality. Follow Kirby and his
quest of obtaining all the

Kirby: According to the select button, my
inventory is empty. Better get sum treasures

Kirby: I hope no one else would want these

Kirby: Hmm...Danger, huh? Nothing's to
dangerous for the great hunter.

Tac: You like danger? You'll love
what's inside then..

Kirby: Having danger on the sign makes me
think you're hiding treasure.

Tac: Well, you read me like a
book. It's all yours..

Tac: Sucker.

Tac: What he doesn't suspect is
that...I moved the treasure right here

Tac: I'm so cunning, I fart fumes of
pure cun. bwahhahaha

Tac: What the---

Tac: Damnit!!

PSI Fire a                                   0

Tac: Hah, worst RPG battle
screen in EVER!!

Ness: Asshole!

Kirby: HELP!!!

Kirby: When I get out out of this fiery
water, OH SO GOD HELP YOU!!!!!!

Fiyah: The only one God needs to save
is your drownin' ass...

Kirby: Hmm, maybe I can fit myself
through the gap where he's standing..

Kirby: It's worth a shot.

Fiyah: Hah, Hah, HAAAH. Pink

Kirby: YES! Now, to mess you up!!

Fiyah: Now no one will be stealing the
Fiyah Pirate's treasure chests! Hahaha.

Fiyah: ...Hahahahah!!!

Fiyah: Yeah....

Fiyah: Y'know what'll be messed up? If
another protagonist suddenly appear--

Ness: Woah, Fire!

Fiyah: Crap, another
protagonist....Who are you, punk!?

Ness: W-who am I?....Who are you, sir?

Either Kirby is good at holding
his breath...

Fiyah: I am Fiyah, captain of the Fiyah
Pirates. The best of the best!

Or he really is freakin' dead...

Ness: I take it Tac was part of your

Fiyah: Yeah, best second mate yet.

Fiyah: killed him...?

Seriously, is Kirby really dead,

Fiyah: BURN!! you will BURN to death
in this fiery water!!!!1!


Ness: Oh?! Two can play at that

Kirby: Dude...

Kirby: What the hell, man?

Kirby: Yeah...I'm out...just tune in next
time...when I prolly get more screentime

To Be Contiuned!

Hey, Kirby


Fiyah is a


I wouldn't

Since we
gotta fight

Oh, the

Damn, we'll
have toi fight
4 more, huh?


Maybe  Rule
Will stop this

Maybe....just maybe......




Crew: The Fiyah Pirates
Captain: Fiyah
Seen in: Part 1
LOL points: 2
Summary: Dey want

Crew: ??
Captain: ??
Seen in: ??
LOL points:?
Summary: ??

Crew: ??
Captain: ??
Seen in: ??
LOL points: ?
Summary: ??

Thanks to

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
if (_framesloaded == _totalframes) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Frame 14
if (_framesloaded == _totalframes) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 16
Frame 4875
Symbol 15 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1
function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var _local3 = sX / this._width; var _local4 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - (this._x * _local3); _parent._y = cY - (this._y * _local4); _parent._xscale = 100 * _local3; _parent._yscale = 100 * _local4; } function resetStage() { var _local2 = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0}; parentColor.setTransform(_local2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit"; var cX = (Stage.width / 2); var cY = (Stage.height / 2); var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage;
Symbol 290 MovieClip Frame 1255
Symbol 294 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (58); }
Symbol 314 MovieClip Frame 80

Library Items

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"AHHHH"Frame 3015
Created: 8/4 -2019 15:36:20 Last modified: 8/4 -2019 15:36:20 Server time: 18/02 -2025 21:57:36