Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Easter Adventure Legend.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #72919

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0/0</font></p>

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//cabout (cabout) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cabout extends MovieClip { public var rb:creturnbutton; public function cabout(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); rb.buttonMode = true; rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rbover); rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rbout); rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rbclick); } public function rbclick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ easter09(root).playsound("sfx", 1); easter09(root).titleprep(); } public function rbover(_arg1:MouseEvent){; } public function rbout(_arg1:MouseEvent){; } } }//package
Section 2
//caboutbutton (caboutbutton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class caboutbutton extends MovieClip { public var bd:gbackdrop; } }//package
Section 3
//cbrick (cbrick) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cbrick extends MovieClip { public var sever:Boolean; public var img:gbrick; public var rot:int; public var xmov:int; public function cbrick(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); sever = false; xmov = 0; rot = 0; } } }//package
Section 4
//cbunny (cbunny) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cbunny extends MovieClip { public var img:gbunny; public var anitick:int; public var movetick:int; public function cbunny(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 5
//cchar (cchar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cchar extends MovieClip { public var img:gchar; } }//package
Section 6
//cchick (cchick) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cchick extends MovieClip { public var img:gchick; public var falling:Boolean; public var movetick:int; public var ix:int; public var iy:int; public var sever:Boolean; public var flaprate:int; public var anitick:int; public function cchick(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); anitick = 0; movetick = 0; flaprate = 0; ix = 0; iy = 0; falling = false; sever = false; } } }//package
Section 7
//cegg (cegg) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cegg extends MovieClip { public function cegg(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 8
//cfacts (cfacts) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cfacts extends MovieClip { public function cfacts(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 9
//cplayfield (cplayfield) package { import*; import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cplayfield extends MovieClip { public var l1:cchar; public var bunny:cbunny; public var bg1:cscroll; public var l2:cchar; public var bganitick:int; public var bg2:cscroll; public var egg:cegg; public var fact:cfacts; public var rb:creplay; public var line1:cchar; public var line2:cchar; public function cplayfield(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function rbover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ rb.gotoAndStop(2); } public function rbclick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ easter09(root).playsound("sfx", 1); easter09(root).titleprep(); } public function rbout(_arg1:MouseEvent){ rb.gotoAndStop(1); } function frame1(){ stop(); bganitick = 0; rb.buttonMode = true; rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rbover); rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, rbout); rb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rbclick); } } }//package
Section 10
//creplay (creplay) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class creplay extends MovieClip { public function creplay(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 11
//creturnbutton (creturnbutton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class creturnbutton extends MovieClip { public var bd:gbackdrop; } }//package
Section 12
//cscroll (cscroll) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cscroll extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 13
//cstartbutton (cstartbutton) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cstartbutton extends MovieClip { public var bd:gbackdrop; } }//package
Section 14
//ctitle (ctitle) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class ctitle extends MovieClip { public var ab:caboutbutton; public var sb:cstartbutton; public function ctitle(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); sb.buttonMode = true; sb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bover); sb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bout); sb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bclick); ab.buttonMode = true; ab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, bover); ab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, bout); ab.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bclick); } public function bover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ switch ({ case "sb":; break; case "ab":; break; }; } public function bout(_arg1:MouseEvent){ switch ({ case "sb":; break; case "ab":; break; }; } public function bclick(_arg1:MouseEvent){ easter09(root).playsound("sfx", 1); switch ({ case "sb": easter09(root).playfieldprep(); break; case "ab": easter09(root).aboutprep(); break; }; } } }//package
Section 15
//easter09 (easter09) package { import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; public class easter09 extends MovieClip { var deadtick:int;// = 0 var hup:Boolean;// = false var level:int;// = 1 var factup:Boolean;// = false var deadframe:int;// = 0 var hdown:Boolean;// = false public var tmr:Timer; var hspace:Boolean;// = false var shotarray:Array; var bgplayfield:cplayfield; var deadbunny:cbunny; var fallenchick:Array; var lastmfx:int;// = -1 var bgtitle:ctitle; var mfxarray:Array; var hright:Boolean;// = false var levelclear:Boolean;// = false var levelarray:Array; public var txtload:TextField; var fbtick:int;// = 0 var fctick:int;// = 0 var bgmsoundchannel:SoundChannel; var gamestate:uint;// = 0 var linescrafted:int;// = 0 var blocksettick:int;// = 0 var dead:Boolean;// = false var lineremain:int;// = 0 var i:int;// = 0 var j:int;// = 0 var k:int;// = 0 var blockarray:Array; var hleft:Boolean;// = false var blockinterval:int;// = 1500 var fallenarray:Array; var bgabout:cabout; var sfxarray:Array; var alllines:Boolean;// = false static const sndwallhit:uint = 3; static const keydown:uint = 40; static const stateplaying:uint = 2; static const sndtick:uint = 1; static const keyspace:uint = 32; static const stateloading:uint = 0; static const keyup:uint = 38; static const keyright:uint = 39; static const sndexplode:uint = 4; static const stateabout:uint = 3; static const keyleft:uint = 37; static const statetitle:uint = 1; static const sndwallbreak:uint = 2; static const sndchickshot:uint = 0; public function easter09(){ blockarray = new Array(); shotarray = new Array(); fallenarray = new Array(); fallenchick = new Array(); levelarray = new Array(); sfxarray = new Array(); mfxarray = new Array(); bgmsoundchannel = new SoundChannel(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, RENDER); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, userkeydown); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, userkeyup); } function titleprep(){ devisible(); bgtitle.visible = true; if (lastmfx != 0){ playsound("mfx", 0); }; gamestate = statetitle; } function chickshot(){ var _local1:cchick = new cchick(); _local1.x = bgplayfield.bunny.x; _local1.y = bgplayfield.bunny.y; _local1.flaprate = randm(40, 80); addChild(_local1); shotarray.push(_local1); } function init(){ bgplayfield = new cplayfield(); addChild(bgplayfield); bgtitle = new ctitle(); addChild(bgtitle); bgabout = new cabout(); addChild(bgabout); deadbunny = new cbunny(); deadbunny.visible = false; addChild(deadbunny); sfxarray.push(new schickshot()); sfxarray.push(new stick()); sfxarray.push(new swallbreak()); sfxarray.push(new swallhit()); sfxarray.push(new sexplode()); mfxarray.push(new stitle()); mfxarray.push(new sstage1()); mfxarray.push(new sstage2()); mfxarray.push(new sstage3()); mfxarray.push(new sstage4()); } function frame1(){ stop(); tmr = new Timer(0); tmr.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, loading); tmr.start(); txtload.selectable = false; } private function randm(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (Math.floor(((((_arg2 - _arg1) + 1) * Math.random()) + _arg1))); } function RENDER(_arg1:Event){ var _local3:int; var _local4:Rectangle; var _local5:Rectangle; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:cbrick; var _local9:int; var _local2:int; if (gamestate == stateloading){ if (currentFrame == 2){ init(); titleprep(); }; } else { if (gamestate == statetitle){ } else { if (gamestate == stateplaying){ if (((!(dead)) && (!(levelclear)))){ if ((getTimer() - bgplayfield.bganitick) >= 60){ bgplayfield.bg1.x = (bgplayfield.bg1.x - 4); bgplayfield.bg2.x = (bgplayfield.bg2.x - 4); if (bgplayfield.bg1.x <= 0){ bgplayfield.bg2.x = (bgplayfield.bg1.x + 496); }; if (bgplayfield.bg2.x <= 0){ bgplayfield.bg1.x = (bgplayfield.bg2.x + 496); }; bgplayfield.bganitick = getTimer(); }; if ((getTimer() - bgplayfield.bunny.anitick) >= 160){ if (bgplayfield.bunny.img.currentFrame == 1){ bgplayfield.bunny.img.gotoAndStop(2); } else { bgplayfield.bunny.img.gotoAndStop(1); }; bgplayfield.bunny.anitick = getTimer(); }; if ((getTimer() - bgplayfield.bunny.movetick) >= 50){ if (((hup) && ((bgplayfield.bunny.y >= 8)))){ bgplayfield.bunny.y = (bgplayfield.bunny.y - 8); }; if (((hdown) && ((bgplayfield.bunny.y <= 360)))){ bgplayfield.bunny.y = (bgplayfield.bunny.y + 8); }; if (((hleft) && ((bgplayfield.bunny.x >= 8)))){ bgplayfield.bunny.x = (bgplayfield.bunny.x - 8); }; if (((hright) && ((bgplayfield.bunny.x <= 456)))){ bgplayfield.bunny.x = (bgplayfield.bunny.x + 8); }; bgplayfield.bunny.movetick = getTimer(); }; _local3 = 496; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < blockarray.length) { if (blockarray[_local2].x < _local3){ _local3 = blockarray[_local2].x; }; _local2++; }; _local6 = false; _local7 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < shotarray.length) { _local6 = false; if ((getTimer() - shotarray[_local2].anitick) >= 120){ if (shotarray[_local2].img.currentFrame == 1){ shotarray[_local2].img.gotoAndStop(2); } else { shotarray[_local2].img.gotoAndStop(1); }; shotarray[_local2].anitick = getTimer(); }; if ((getTimer() - shotarray[_local2].movetick) >= 40){ shotarray[_local2].x = (shotarray[_local2].x + 10); _local4 = new Rectangle(shotarray[_local2].x, shotarray[_local2].y, 16, 16); j = 0; while (j < blockarray.length) { _local5 = new Rectangle(blockarray[j].x, blockarray[j].y, 16, 16); if (((_local4.intersects(_local5)) && (!(shotarray[_local2].sever)))){ _local6 = true; if ((((_local5.x == _local3)) && ((blockarray[j].img.currentFrame == 2)))){ _local7 = true; }; }; j++; }; if (_local6){ shotarray[_local2].ix = shotarray[_local2].x; shotarray[_local2].iy = shotarray[_local2].y; shotarray[_local2].sever = true; fallenchick.push(shotarray[_local2]); if (!_local7){ playsound("sfx", sndwallhit); }; }; shotarray[_local2].movetick = getTimer(); }; _local2++; }; if (shotarray.length > 0){ _local2 = (shotarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (shotarray[_local2].sever){ shotarray.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; }; if (_local7){ playsound("sfx", sndwallbreak); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < blockarray.length) { if (blockarray[_local2].x == _local3){ blockarray[_local2].sever = true; if (lineremain > 1){ blockarray[_local2].xmov = randm(-16, -4); } else { blockarray[_local2].xmov = randm(-8, 8); }; blockarray[_local2].rot = randm(-45, 45); reset(blockarray[_local2]); fallenarray.push(blockarray[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = (blockarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (blockarray[_local2].sever){ blockarray.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; lineremain--; setlines(); if ((((lineremain <= 0)) && (!(alllines)))){ alllines = true; }; if (((alllines) && ((blockarray.length == 0)))){ _local2 = (shotarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { removeChild(shotarray[_local2]); shotarray.splice(_local2, 1); _local2--; }; bgplayfield.egg.alpha = 0; bgplayfield.egg.gotoAndStop(level); bgplayfield.egg.visible = true; levelclear = true; }; }; if ((getTimer() - blocksettick) >= (blockinterval - (level * 70))){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < blockarray.length) { blockarray[_local2].x = (blockarray[_local2].x - 16); _local2++; }; if (linescrafted < (25 + (level * 2))){ _local9 = randm(1, 23); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= 24) { _local8 = new cbrick(); _local8.x = 496; _local8.y = (_local2 * 16); if (_local2 == _local9){ _local8.img.gotoAndStop(2); }; addChild(_local8); blockarray.push(_local8); _local2++; }; linescrafted++; } else { alllines = true; }; blocksettick = getTimer(); }; _local4 = new Rectangle(bgplayfield.bunny.x, bgplayfield.bunny.y, 32, 32); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < blockarray.length) { _local5 = new Rectangle(blockarray[_local2].x, blockarray[_local2].y, 16, 16); if (_local4.intersects(_local5)){ bgmsoundchannel.stop(); dead = true; deadframe = 0; deadbunny.img.gotoAndStop(bgplayfield.bunny.img.currentFrame); deadbunny.x = bgplayfield.bunny.x; deadbunny.y = bgplayfield.bunny.y; deadbunny.visible = true; reset(deadbunny); bgplayfield.bunny.visible = false; }; _local2++; }; if (dead){ playsound("sfx", sndexplode); }; } else { if (dead){ if ((getTimer() - deadtick) >= 100){ if (deadframe <= 10){ deadbunny.img.gotoAndStop((deadframe + 3)); } else { if (deadframe == 35){ linescrafted = 0; alllines = false; lineremain = (25 + (level * 2)); setlines(); _local2 = (blockarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { removeChild(blockarray[_local2]); blockarray.splice(_local2, 1); _local2--; }; _local2 = (shotarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { removeChild(shotarray[_local2]); shotarray.splice(_local2, 1); _local2--; }; deadbunny.visible = false; bgplayfield.bunny.x = 0; bgplayfield.bunny.y = 168; bgplayfield.bunny.visible = true; dead = false; playsound("mfx", lastmfx); }; }; deadframe++; deadtick = getTimer(); }; } else { if (levelclear){ if ((getTimer() - bgplayfield.bunny.anitick) >= 80){ if (bgplayfield.bunny.alpha > 0){ bgplayfield.bunny.alpha = (bgplayfield.bunny.alpha - 0.05); } else { if (bgplayfield.egg.alpha < 1){ bgplayfield.egg.alpha = (bgplayfield.egg.alpha + 0.05); } else { bgplayfield.fact.gotoAndStop(level); bgplayfield.fact.visible = true; factup = true; }; }; bgplayfield.bunny.anitick = getTimer(); }; }; }; }; if ((getTimer() - fbtick) >= 60){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < fallenarray.length) { reset(fallenarray[_local2]); fallenarray[_local2].x = (fallenarray[_local2].x + fallenarray[_local2].xmov); fallenarray[_local2].img.rotation = (fallenarray[_local2].img.rotation + fallenarray[_local2].rot); fallenarray[_local2].y = (fallenarray[_local2].y + 16); if (fallenarray[_local2].y > 466){ fallenarray[_local2].enabled = false; removeChild(fallenarray[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = (fallenarray.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (!fallenarray[_local2].enabled){ fallenarray.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; fbtick = getTimer(); }; if (((((getTimer() - fctick) >= 40)) && ((fallenchick.length > 0)))){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < fallenchick.length) { if (fallenchick[_local2].x >= (fallenchick[_local2].ix - 32)){ fallenchick[_local2].x = (fallenchick[_local2].x - 8); }; if ((((fallenchick[_local2].y >= (fallenchick[_local2].iy - 32))) && (!(fallenchick[_local2].falling)))){ fallenchick[_local2].y = (fallenchick[_local2].y - 8); } else { fallenchick[_local2].falling = true; fallenchick[_local2].y = (fallenchick[_local2].y + 8); }; fallenchick[_local2].img.rotation = (fallenchick[_local2].img.rotation - 30); if (fallenchick[_local2].y >= 466){ fallenchick[_local2].enabled = false; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = (fallenchick.length - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { if (!fallenchick[_local2].enabled){ removeChild(fallenchick[_local2]); fallenchick.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; fctick = getTimer(); }; }; }; }; } function setlines(){ var _local1:String; if (lineremain > 9){ _local1 = lineremain.toString(); bgplayfield.line1.img.gotoAndStop((parseInt(_local1.charAt(1)) + 1)); bgplayfield.line2.img.gotoAndStop((parseInt(_local1.charAt(0)) + 1)); } else { bgplayfield.line2.img.gotoAndStop(1); bgplayfield.line1.img.gotoAndStop((lineremain + 1)); }; } function levelup(){ level++; if (level < 10){ bgplayfield.l1.img.gotoAndStop((level + 1)); } else { bgplayfield.l1.img.gotoAndStop(1); bgplayfield.l2.img.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (level < 11){ lineremain = (25 + (level * 2)); linescrafted = 0; setlines(); bgplayfield.bunny.x = 0; bgplayfield.bunny.y = 168; bgplayfield.bunny.visible = true; bgplayfield.bunny.alpha = 1; bgplayfield.egg.visible = false; bgplayfield.fact.visible = false; levelclear = false; alllines = false; factup = false; } else { bgplayfield.fact.gotoAndStop(11); bgplayfield.egg.gotoAndStop(11); bgplayfield.rb.visible = true; }; if (level == 4){ playsound("mfx", 2); } else { if (level == 7){ playsound("mfx", 3); } else { if (level == 10){ playsound("mfx", 4); }; }; }; } function aboutprep(){ devisible(); bgabout.visible = true; gamestate = stateabout; } public function loading(_arg1:TimerEvent){ var _local2:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; var _local3:int = this.root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; txtload.text = ((_local2 + "/") + _local3); if (_local2 == _local3){ tmr.stop(); removeChild(txtload); nextFrame(); }; } function userkeyup(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ if (gamestate == stateplaying){ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case keyleft: hleft = false; break; case keyright: hright = false; break; case keyup: hup = false; break; case keydown: hdown = false; break; case keyspace: hspace = false; break; }; }; } function devisible(){ bgplayfield.visible = false; bgtitle.visible = false; bgabout.visible = false; } private function reset(_arg1:DisplayObject){ setChildIndex(_arg1, (numChildren - 1)); } function playsound(_arg1:String, _arg2:int){ var _local5:SoundChannel; var _local3:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(1, 0); var _local4 = 9999; if (_arg1 == "mfx"){ bgmsoundchannel.stop(); bgmsoundchannel = mfxarray[_arg2].play(0, _local4, _local3); lastmfx = _arg2; } else { if (_arg1 == "sfx"){ _local5 = sfxarray[_arg2].play(); }; }; } function userkeydown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ if (gamestate == stateplaying){ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case keyleft: hleft = true; hright = false; break; case keyright: hright = true; hleft = false; break; case keyup: if (hup){ return; }; hup = true; hdown = false; break; case keydown: if (hdown){ return; }; hdown = true; hup = false; break; case keyspace: if (hspace){ return; }; hspace = true; if (((!(dead)) && (!(levelclear)))){ playsound("sfx", sndchickshot); chickshot(); } else { if (factup){ playsound("sfx", sndtick); levelup(); }; }; break; }; } else { if (gamestate == statetitle){ if (_arg1.keyCode == keyspace){ playsound("sfx", sndtick); playfieldprep(); }; } else { if (gamestate == stateabout){ if (_arg1.keyCode == keyspace){ playsound("sfx", sndtick); titleprep(); }; }; }; }; } function playfieldprep(){ devisible(); dead = false; level = 1; levelclear = false; blockarray = new Array(); shotarray = new Array(); fallenarray = new Array(); levelarray = new Array(); fallenchick = new Array(); alllines = false; lineremain = 27; bgplayfield.line1.img.gotoAndStop(8); bgplayfield.line2.img.gotoAndStop(3); bgplayfield.bg1.x = 0; bgplayfield.bg2.x = 496; bgplayfield.bunny.x = 0; bgplayfield.bunny.y = 168; bgplayfield.bunny.visible = true; bgplayfield.bunny.img.gotoAndStop(1); bgplayfield.bunny.alpha = 1; bgplayfield.l1.img.gotoAndStop(2); bgplayfield.l2.img.gotoAndStop(1); bgplayfield.egg.gotoAndStop(1); bgplayfield.egg.visible = false; bgplayfield.fact.gotoAndStop(1); factup = false; bgplayfield.fact.visible = false; bgplayfield.rb.visible = false; bgplayfield.visible = true; deadframe = 0; linescrafted = 0; playsound("mfx", 1); gamestate = stateplaying; } } }//package
Section 16
//gbackdrop (gbackdrop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gbackdrop extends MovieClip { public function gbackdrop(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 17
//gbrick (gbrick) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gbrick extends MovieClip { public function gbrick(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 18
//gbunny (gbunny) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gbunny extends MovieClip { public function gbunny(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 19
//gchar (gchar) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gchar extends MovieClip { public function gchar(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 20
//gchick (gchick) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gchick extends MovieClip { public function gchick(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 21
//schickshot (schickshot) package { import*; public dynamic class schickshot extends Sound { } }//package
Section 22
//sexplode (sexplode) package { import*; public dynamic class sexplode extends Sound { } }//package
Section 23
//sstage1 (sstage1) package { import*; public dynamic class sstage1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 24
//sstage2 (sstage2) package { import*; public dynamic class sstage2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 25
//sstage3 (sstage3) package { import*; public dynamic class sstage3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 26
//sstage4 (sstage4) package { import*; public dynamic class sstage4 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 27
//stick (stick) package { import*; public dynamic class stick extends Sound { } }//package
Section 28
//stitle (stitle) package { import*; public dynamic class stitle extends Sound { } }//package
Section 29
//swallbreak (swallbreak) package { import*; public dynamic class swallbreak extends Sound { } }//package
Section 30
//swallhit (swallhit) package { import*; public dynamic class swallhit extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2
Symbol 2 EditableTextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 Sound {swallhit}
Symbol 4 Sound {swallbreak}
Symbol 5 Sound {stick}
Symbol 6 Sound {sstage3}
Symbol 7 Sound {stitle}
Symbol 8 Sound {sexplode}
Symbol 9 Sound {sstage4}
Symbol 10 Sound {sstage1}
Symbol 11 Sound {sstage2}
Symbol 12 Sound {schickshot}
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:17
Symbol 15 BitmapUsed by:16
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:15Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip {gbrick}Uses:14 16Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip {cbrick}Uses:17
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:20
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:19Used by:23
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip {gchick}Uses:20 22Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip {cchick}Uses:23
Symbol 25 BitmapUsed by:26
Symbol 26 GraphicUses:25Used by:51
Symbol 27 BitmapUsed by:28
Symbol 28 GraphicUses:27Used by:51
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:51
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:51
Symbol 33 BitmapUsed by:34
Symbol 34 GraphicUses:33Used by:51
Symbol 35 BitmapUsed by:36
Symbol 36 GraphicUses:35Used by:51
Symbol 37 BitmapUsed by:38
Symbol 38 GraphicUses:37Used by:51
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:51
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:51
Symbol 43 BitmapUsed by:44
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:43Used by:51
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:51
Symbol 47 BitmapUsed by:48
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:47Used by:51
Symbol 49 BitmapUsed by:50
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:49Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip {gbunny}Uses:26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip {cbunny}Uses:51Used by:136
Symbol 53 BitmapUsed by:54
Symbol 54 GraphicUses:53Used by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip {cscroll}Uses:54Used by:136
Symbol 56 BitmapUsed by:58
Symbol 57 BitmapUsed by:58
Symbol 58 GraphicUses:56 57Used by:136
Symbol 59 BitmapUsed by:60
Symbol 60 GraphicUses:59Used by:82 141
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:62
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:61Used by:81
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:81
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:81
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:81
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:69Used by:81
Symbol 71 BitmapUsed by:72
Symbol 72 GraphicUses:71Used by:81
Symbol 73 BitmapUsed by:74
Symbol 74 GraphicUses:73Used by:81
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:81
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:81
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip {gchar}Uses:62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar}Uses:60 81Used by:136
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:136
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:107
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:107
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:107
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:107
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:107
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:107
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:107
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:107
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:107
Symbol 103 BitmapUsed by:104
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:103Used by:107
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClip {cegg}Uses:86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106Used by:136
Symbol 108 BitmapUsed by:109
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:108Used by:130
Symbol 110 BitmapUsed by:111
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:110Used by:130
Symbol 112 BitmapUsed by:113
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:112Used by:130
Symbol 114 BitmapUsed by:115
Symbol 115 GraphicUses:114Used by:130
Symbol 116 BitmapUsed by:117
Symbol 117 GraphicUses:116Used by:130
Symbol 118 BitmapUsed by:119
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:118Used by:130
Symbol 120 BitmapUsed by:121
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:120Used by:130
Symbol 122 BitmapUsed by:123
Symbol 123 GraphicUses:122Used by:130
Symbol 124 BitmapUsed by:125
Symbol 125 GraphicUses:124Used by:130
Symbol 126 BitmapUsed by:127
Symbol 127 GraphicUses:126Used by:130
Symbol 128 BitmapUsed by:129
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClip {cfacts}Uses:109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129Used by:136
Symbol 131 BitmapUsed by:132
Symbol 132 GraphicUses:131Used by:135
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClip {creplay}Uses:132 134Used by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield}Uses:55 52 58 82 84 107 130 135
Symbol 137 BitmapUsed by:138
Symbol 138 GraphicUses:137Used by:150
Symbol 139 BitmapUsed by:140
Symbol 140 GraphicUses:139Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClip {gbackdrop}Uses:60 140Used by:144 147 155
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClip {cstartbutton}Uses:141 143Used by:150
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClip {caboutbutton}Uses:141 146Used by:150
Symbol 148 BitmapUsed by:149
Symbol 149 GraphicUses:148Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip {ctitle}Uses:138 144 147 149
Symbol 151 BitmapUsed by:152
Symbol 152 GraphicUses:151Used by:156
Symbol 153 BitmapUsed by:154
Symbol 154 GraphicUses:153Used by:155
Symbol 155 MovieClip {creturnbutton}Uses:141 154Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClip {cabout}Uses:152 155

Instance Names

"txtload"Frame 1Symbol 2 EditableText
"img"Symbol 18 MovieClip {cbrick} Frame 1Symbol 17 MovieClip {gbrick}
"img"Symbol 24 MovieClip {cchick} Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip {gchick}
"img"Symbol 52 MovieClip {cbunny} Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip {gbunny}
"img"Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar} Frame 1Symbol 81 MovieClip {gchar}
"bg1"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip {cscroll}
"bg2"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 55 MovieClip {cscroll}
"bunny"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 52 MovieClip {cbunny}
"l2"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar}
"l1"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar}
"line1"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar}
"line2"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip {cchar}
"egg"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip {cegg}
"fact"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip {cfacts}
"rb"Symbol 136 MovieClip {cplayfield} Frame 1Symbol 135 MovieClip {creplay}
"bd"Symbol 144 MovieClip {cstartbutton} Frame 1Symbol 141 MovieClip {gbackdrop}
"bd"Symbol 147 MovieClip {caboutbutton} Frame 1Symbol 141 MovieClip {gbackdrop}
"sb"Symbol 150 MovieClip {ctitle} Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip {cstartbutton}
"ab"Symbol 150 MovieClip {ctitle} Frame 1Symbol 147 MovieClip {caboutbutton}
"bd"Symbol 155 MovieClip {creturnbutton} Frame 1Symbol 141 MovieClip {gbackdrop}
"rb"Symbol 156 MovieClip {cabout} Frame 1Symbol 155 MovieClip {creturnbutton}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata present, AS3.
SWFMetaData (77)Timeline Frame 11284 bytes "<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about="" xmln ..."
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 131 bytes "..$1$YQ$Xt6r1s5NZyfS51PyYjtgp.."
Created: 8/4 -2019 12:54:57 Last modified: 8/4 -2019 12:54:57 Server time: 08/01 -2025 22:28:59