Frame 1
function BuildFrame(page) {
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[i][page] && (_root.bubblex[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.attachMovie("bubble" + _root.bubblepic[i][page], "bubble" + i, _root.bubblelevel[i]);
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[i][page] && (_root.bubblex[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.bubbleclip[i].text = _root.bubblecontent[i][page];
_root.bubbleclip[i]._x = _root.bubblex[i][page];
_root.bubbleclip[i]._y = _root.bubbley[i][page];
_root.bubbleclip[i].bubble = i;
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
if (_root.charexist[i][page] && (_root.charx[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.attachMovie("pic" + _root.charpic[i][page], "char" + i, _root.charlevel[i]);
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
if (_root.charexist[i][page] && (_root.charx[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.charclip[i]._x = _root.charx[i][page];
_root.charclip[i]._y = _root.chary[i][page];
_root.charclip[i]._xscale = _root.charxscale[i][page];
_root.charclip[i]._yscale = _root.charyscale[i][page];
_root.charclip[i]._rotation = _root.charrot[i][page];
_root.charclip[i].flip = _root.charflip[i][page];
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (_root.objexist[i][page] && (_root.objx[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.attachMovie("obj" + _root.objpic[i][page], "obj" + i, _root.objlevel[i]);
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (_root.objexist[i][page] && (_root.objx[i][page] != 0)) {
_root.objclip[i]._x = _root.objx[i][page];
_root.objclip[i]._y = _root.objy[i][page];
_root.objclip[i]._xscale = _root.objxscale[i][page];
_root.objclip[i]._yscale = _root.objyscale[i][page];
_root.objclip[i]._rotation = _root.objrot[i][page];
_root.objclip[i].flip = _root.objflip[i][page];
} else {
function changeCursor1() {
if (_root.move == true) {
if (_root.rotate == true) {
if (_root.scale == true) {
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_root.flip == true) {
function changeCursor2() {
if (_root.move == true) {
if (_root.del == true) {
function EditBubble(id, page, which) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[which][page] && (_root.bubblex[which][page] != 0)) {
setx = _root.bubbleclip[which]._x;
sety = _root.bubbleclip[which]._y;
} else {
setx = _root._xmouse;
sety = _root._ymouse;
_root.attachMovie("bubble" + id, "bubble" + which, _root.bubblelevel[which]);
setProperty(_root.bubbleclip[which], _x , setx);
setProperty(_root.bubbleclip[which], _y , sety);
_root.bubbleclip[which].bubble = which;
_root.bubbleclip[which].text = _root.bubblecontent[which][page];
_root.bubbleexist[which][page] = true;
function EditChar(id, page, which) {
if (_root.charexist[which][page] && (_root.charx[which][page] != 0)) {
setx = _root.charclip[which]._x;
sety = _root.charclip[which]._y;
} else {
setx = _root._xmouse;
sety = _root._ymouse;
_root.attachMovie("pic" + id, "char" + which, _root.charlevel[which]);
setProperty(_root.charclip[which], _x , setx);
setProperty(_root.charclip[which], _y , sety);
i = page;
while (i <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.charexist[which][i] = true;
function EditObj(id, page, which) {
setx = _root._xmouse;
sety = _root._ymouse;
_root.attachMovie("obj" + id, "obj" + which, _root.objlevel[which]);
setProperty(_root.objclip[which], _x , setx);
setProperty(_root.objclip[which], _y , sety);
_root.objclip[which].iam = which;
i = page;
while (i <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.objexist[which][i] = true;
function SetContent(page, number) {
_root.bubblecontent[number][page] = _root.bubble[number].text;
_root.bubblecontent[number][page] = _root.bubble[number].text;
_root.bubblecontent[number][page] = _root.bubble[number].text;
_root.bubblecontent[number][page] = _root.bubble[number].text;
_root.bubblecontent[number][page] = _root.bubble[number].text;
function safeFrame() {
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
_root.charpic[i][_root.frame] = _root.charclip[i].id;
_root.charx[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.charclip[i]._x);
_root.chary[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.charclip[i]._y);
_root.charxscale[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.charclip[i]._xscale);
_root.charyscale[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.charclip[i]._yscale);
_root.charrot[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.charclip[i]._rotation);
_root.charflip[i][_root.frame] = _root.charclip[i].flip;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
_root.objpic[i][_root.frame] = _root.objclip[i].id;
_root.objx[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.objclip[i]._x);
_root.objy[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.objclip[i]._y);
_root.objxscale[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.objclip[i]._xscale);
_root.objyscale[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.objclip[i]._yscale);
_root.objrot[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.objclip[i]._rotation);
_root.objflip[i][_root.frame] = _root.objclip[i].flip;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (_root.bubbleclip[i].text != undefined) {
_root.bubblecontent[i][_root.frame] = _root.bubbleclip[i].text;
_root.bubblepic[i][_root.frame] = _root.bubbleclip[i].id;
_root.bubblex[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.bubbleclip[i]._x);
_root.bubbley[i][_root.frame] = int(_root.bubbleclip[i]._y);
function Bubble2Array() {
_root.bubbleclip = new Array();
_root.bubbleclip[0] = _root.bubble0;
_root.bubbleclip[1] = _root.bubble1;
_root.bubbleclip[2] = _root.bubble2;
_root.bubbleclip[3] = _root.bubble3;
_root.bubbleclip[4] = _root.bubble4;
function Char2Array() {
_root.charclip = new Array();
_root.charclip[0] = _root.char0;
_root.charclip[1] = _root.char1;
_root.charclip[2] = _root.char2;
_root.charclip[3] = _root.char3;
_root.charclip[4] = _root.char4;
_root.charclip[5] = _root.char5;
_root.charclip[6] = _root.char6;
function Obj2Array() {
_root.objclip = new Array();
_root.objclip[0] = _root.obj0;
_root.objclip[1] = _root.obj1;
_root.objclip[2] = _root.obj2;
_root.myurl = _root._url;
_root.domain1 = _root.myurl.substring(0, 27);
_root.domain2 = _root.myurl.substring(0, 35);
if (justonce == "") {
_root.comicloaded = false;
justonce == "done";
_root.selectObject = 0;
_root.presentation = false;
_root.readonly = false;
_root.description = "";
_root.comicname = "==> Enter your Comic's name! <==";
_root.submenu_level = 5000;
_root.myframes = 8;
_root.totalframes = 8;
_root.myframes = 1;
_root.windowx = 400;
_root.windowy = 250;
_root.move = true;
_root.rotate = false;
_root.scale = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.flip = false;
_root.stuff = new Array();
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.stuff[i] = 0;
_root.charlevel = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
_root.charlevel[i] = ((i + 1) * 100) + 1;
_root.objlevel = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
_root.objlevel[i] = (50 + (i * 10)) + 1;
_root.bubblelevel = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root.bubblelevel[i] = (1100 + (i * 100)) + 1;
_root.background1 = new Array();
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.background1[i] = 1;
_root.charpic = new Array();
_root.charx = new Array();
_root.chary = new Array();
_root.charxscale = new Array();
_root.charyscale = new Array();
_root.charrot = new Array();
_root.charflip = new Array();
_root.charexist = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
_root.charpic[i] = new Array();
_root.charx[i] = new Array();
_root.chary[i] = new Array();
_root.charxscale[i] = new Array();
_root.charyscale[i] = new Array();
_root.charrot[i] = new Array();
_root.charflip[i] = new Array();
_root.charexist[i] = new Array();
j = 1;
while (j <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.charflip[i][j] = false;
_root.charexist[i][j] = false;
_root.objpic = new Array();
_root.objx = new Array();
_root.objy = new Array();
_root.objxscale = new Array();
_root.objyscale = new Array();
_root.objrot = new Array();
_root.objflip = new Array();
_root.objexist = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
_root.objpic[i] = new Array();
_root.objx[i] = new Array();
_root.objy[i] = new Array();
_root.objxscale[i] = new Array();
_root.objyscale[i] = new Array();
_root.objrot[i] = new Array();
_root.objflip[i] = new Array();
_root.objexist[i] = new Array();
j = 1;
while (j <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.objflip[i][j] = false;
_root.objexist[i][j] = false;
_root.bubblex = new Array();
_root.bubbley = new Array();
_root.bubblecontent = new Array();
_root.bubblepic = new Array();
_root.bubbleexist = new Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
_root.bubblex[i] = new Array();
_root.bubbley[i] = new Array();
_root.bubblepic[i] = new Array();
_root.bubblecontent[i] = new Array();
_root.bubbleexist[i] = new Array();
j = 1;
while (j <= _root.totalframes) {
_root.bubblecontent[i][j] = "";
_root.bubbleexist[i][j] = false;
_root.attachMovie("thecursor", "mousecursor", 9999);
Instance of Symbol 1096 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 1182 MovieClip "main_menu" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1186 MovieClip "cover" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.presentation) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 1191 MovieClip "presentation_nav" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.presentation) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 690 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if ((_root.PercentLoaded >= 99) and (!_root.comicloaded)) {
if (_root.view > 0) {
_root.comicloaded = true; = _root.view;
_root.select_scene = "load_remote";
Instance of Symbol 690 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = "Page " + _root.frame;
Frame 3
_root.frame = 1;
Frame 5
_root.frame = 2;
Frame 7
_root.frame = 3;
Frame 9
_root.frame = 4;
Frame 11
_root.frame = 5;
Frame 13
_root.frame = 6;
Frame 15
_root.frame = 7;
Frame 17
_root.frame = 8;
Frame 19
_root.frame = 9;
Frame 21
_root.frame = 10;
Frame 24
Frame 25
if (_root.select_scene == "save1") {
gotoAndPlay (43);
if (_root.select_scene == "load1") {
gotoAndPlay (48);
if (_root.select_scene == "print1") {
gotoAndPlay (27);
if (_root.select_scene == "submit") {
gotoAndPlay (53);
if (_root.select_scene == "portal") {
gotoAndPlay (178);
if (_root.select_scene == "load_remote") {
gotoAndPlay (238);
Frame 27
_root.myframes = 8;
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
Instance of Symbol 1203 MovieClip "modul" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Frame 28
Frame 31
_root.boxx = 220;
_root.boxy = -35;
_root.i = 1;
while (_root.i <= _root.myframes) {
_root.attachMovie("box", "box" + i, i);
_root.attachMovie("box_frame", "box_frame" + i, 9000 + i);
setProperty("box" + i, _x , _root.boxx);
setProperty("box" + i, _y , _root.boxy);
setProperty("box_frame" + i, _x , _root.boxx);
setProperty("box_frame" + i, _y , _root.boxy);
if (_root.boxx < 500) {
_root.boxx = _root.boxx + 350;
} else {
_root.boxx = 220;
_root.boxy = _root.boxy + 240;
box1.picture = 1;
box2.picture = 2;
box3.picture = 3;
box4.picture = 4;
box5.picture = 5;
box6.picture = 6;
box7.picture = 7;
box8.picture = 8;
box9.picture = 9;
box10.picture = 10;
Frame 35
_root._x = _root._x + 200;
_root._y = _root._y + 150;
_root._xscale = _root._xscale / 2;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale / 2;
_root.mousecursor._xscale = _root.mousecursor._xscale * 2;
_root.mousecursor._yscale = _root.mousecursor._yscale * 2;
Frame 37
_root._xscale = _root._xscale * 2;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale * 2;
_root.mousecursor._xscale = _root.mousecursor._xscale / 2;
_root.mousecursor._yscale = _root.mousecursor._yscale / 2;
_root._x = _root._x - 200;
_root._y = _root._y + 100;
_root.mousecursor._visible = false;
Frame 39
_root._xscale = _root._xscale * (_root.printscale / 100);
_root._yscale = _root._yscale * (_root.printscale / 100);
width = _root._width;
height = _root._height;
_root._x = _root._x + ((814 - width) / 2);
_root._y = _root._y - ((1149.1 - height) / 5);
printAsBitmapNum (0, "bmovie");
Frame 42
_root._xscale = _root._xscale / (_root.printscale / 100);
_root._yscale = _root._yscale / (_root.printscale / 100);
_root._x = _root._x - ((814 - width) / 2);
_root._y = _root._y + ((1149.1 - height) / 5);
_root._y = _root._y - 250;
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.myframes) {
removeMovieClip("box" + i);
removeMovieClip("box_frame" + i);
gotoAndPlay (2);
_root.mousecursor._visible = true;
Frame 43
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
Frame 45
_root.slot_names = SharedObject.getLocal("slot_names");
_root.slot1data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot1");
_root.slot2data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot2");
_root.slot3data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot3");
_root.slot4data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot4");
_root.slot5data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot5");
_root.slot6data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot6");
_root.slot1name =;
_root.slot2name =;
_root.slot3name =;
_root.slot4name =;
_root.slot5name =;
_root.slot6name =;
if (_root.slot1name == null) {
_root.slot1name = "empty";
if (_root.slot2name == null) {
_root.slot2name = "empty";
if (_root.slot3name == null) {
_root.slot3name = "empty";
if (_root.slot4name == null) {
_root.slot4name = "empty";
if (_root.slot5name == null) {
_root.slot5name = "empty";
if (_root.slot6name == null) {
_root.slot6name = "empty";
Frame 47
Frame 48
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
Frame 50
_root.slot_names = SharedObject.getLocal("slot_names");
_root.slot1data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot1");
_root.slot2data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot2");
_root.slot3data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot3");
_root.slot4data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot4");
_root.slot5data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot5");
_root.slot6data = SharedObject.getLocal("slot6");
_root.slot1name =;
_root.slot2name =;
_root.slot3name =;
_root.slot4name =;
_root.slot5name =;
_root.slot6name =;
if (_root.slot1name == null) {
_root.slot1name = "empty";
if (_root.slot2name == null) {
_root.slot2name = "empty";
if (_root.slot3name == null) {
_root.slot3name = "empty";
if (_root.slot4name == null) {
_root.slot4name = "empty";
if (_root.slot5name == null) {
_root.slot5name = "empty";
if (_root.slot6name == null) {
_root.slot6name = "empty";
Frame 52
Frame 53
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
_root.error = ""; = "default";
_root.vorname = "";
_root.nachname = "default";
_root.submit = 0;
loaded = "";
_root.c1picdat = "&";
_root.c2picdat = "&";
_root.c3picdat = "&";
_root.c4picdat = "&";
_root.c5picdat = "&";
_root.c6picdat = "&";
_root.c7picdat = "&";
_root.o1picdat = "&";
_root.o2picdat = "&";
_root.o3picdat = "&";
_root.c1xdat = "&";
_root.c2xdat = "&";
_root.c3xdat = "&";
_root.c4xdat = "&";
_root.c5xdat = "&";
_root.c6xdat = "&";
_root.c7xdat = "&";
_root.o1xdat = "&";
_root.o2xdat = "&";
_root.o3xdat = "&";
_root.c1ydat = "&";
_root.c2ydat = "&";
_root.c3ydat = "&";
_root.c4ydat = "&";
_root.c5ydat = "&";
_root.c6ydat = "&";
_root.c7ydat = "&";
_root.o1ydat = "&";
_root.o2ydat = "&";
_root.o3ydat = "&";
_root.c1xscaldat = "&";
_root.c2xscaldat = "&";
_root.c3xscaldat = "&";
_root.c4xscaldat = "&";
_root.c5xscaldat = "&";
_root.c6xscaldat = "&";
_root.c7xscaldat = "&";
_root.o1xscaldat = "&";
_root.o2xscaldat = "&";
_root.o3xscaldat = "&";
_root.c1yscaldat = "&";
_root.c2yscaldat = "&";
_root.c3yscaldat = "&";
_root.c4yscaldat = "&";
_root.c5yscaldat = "&";
_root.c6yscaldat = "&";
_root.c7yscaldat = "&";
_root.o1yscaldat = "&";
_root.o2yscaldat = "&";
_root.o3yscaldat = "&";
_root.c1rotdat = "&";
_root.c2rotdat = "&";
_root.c3rotdat = "&";
_root.c4rotdat = "&";
_root.c5rotdat = "&";
_root.c6rotdat = "&";
_root.c7rotdat = "&";
_root.o1rotdat = "&";
_root.o2rotdat = "&";
_root.o3rotdat = "&";
_root.c1exdat = "&";
_root.c2exdat = "&";
_root.c3exdat = "&";
_root.c4exdat = "&";
_root.c5exdat = "&";
_root.c6exdat = "&";
_root.c7exdat = "&";
_root.o1exdat = "&";
_root.o2exdat = "&";
_root.o3exdat = "&";
_root.c1flipdat = "&";
_root.c2flipdat = "&";
_root.c3flipdat = "&";
_root.c4flipdat = "&";
_root.c5flipdat = "&";
_root.c6flipdat = "&";
_root.c7flipdat = "&";
_root.o1flipdat = "&";
_root.o2flipdat = "&";
_root.o3flipdat = "&";
_root.b1picdat = "&";
_root.b2picdat = "&";
_root.b3picdat = "&";
_root.b4picdat = "&";
_root.b5picdat = "&";
_root.b1xdat = "&";
_root.b2xdat = "&";
_root.b3xdat = "&";
_root.b4xdat = "&";
_root.b5xdat = "&";
_root.b1ydat = "&";
_root.b2ydat = "&";
_root.b3ydat = "&";
_root.b4ydat = "&";
_root.b5ydat = "&";
_root.b1contentdat = "&";
_root.b2contentdat = "&";
_root.b3contentdat = "&";
_root.b4contentdat = "&";
_root.b5contentdat = "&";
_root.b1exdat = "&";
_root.b2exdat = "&";
_root.b3exdat = "&";
_root.b4exdat = "&";
_root.b5exdat = "&";
_root.backdat = "&";
Frame 59
Frame 62
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
if (_root.charpic[0][i] != undefined) {
_root.c1picdat = ((((_root.c1picdat + "c1p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[0][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[1][i] != undefined) {
_root.c2picdat = ((((_root.c2picdat + "c2p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[1][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[2][i] != undefined) {
_root.c3picdat = ((((_root.c3picdat + "c3p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[2][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[3][i] != undefined) {
_root.c4picdat = ((((_root.c4picdat + "c4p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[3][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[4][i] != undefined) {
_root.c5picdat = ((((_root.c5picdat + "c5p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[4][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[5][i] != undefined) {
_root.c6picdat = ((((_root.c6picdat + "c6p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[5][i]) + "&";
if (_root.charpic[6][i] != undefined) {
_root.c7picdat = ((((_root.c7picdat + "c7p") + i) + "=") + _root.charpic[6][i]) + "&";
if (_root.objpic[0][i] != undefined) {
_root.o1picdat = ((((_root.o1picdat + "o1p") + i) + "=") + _root.objpic[0][i]) + "&";
if (_root.objpic[1][i] != undefined) {
_root.o2picdat = ((((_root.o2picdat + "o2p") + i) + "=") + _root.objpic[1][i]) + "&";
if (_root.objpic[2][i] != undefined) {
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_root.b3exdat = ((((_root.b3exdat + "b3ex") + i) + "=") + _root.bubbleexist[2][i]) + "&";
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_root.b4exdat = ((((_root.b4exdat + "b4ex") + i) + "=") + _root.bubbleexist[3][i]) + "&";
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_root.b5exdat = ((((_root.b5exdat + "b5ex") + i) + "=") + _root.bubbleexist[4][i]) + "&";
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Frame 65
loadVariablesNum ("write_data.php", 0, "POST");
Frame 82
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 102
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 122
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 142
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 157
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
Frame 166
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (167);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (67);
Frame 172
Frame 177
Frame 178
loaded = "";
_root.limit = 5;
_root.offset = 0;
_root.searchname = "";
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
Frame 181
_root.remoteVars = new LoadVars();
if (searchname == "") {
_root.remoteVars.load("get_info.php?offset=" + _root.offset);
} else {
_root.remoteVars.load((("get_search_info.php?offset=" + _root.offset) + "&searchname=") + searchname);
_root.remoteVars.onLoad = function () {
gotoAndPlay (221);
Frame 187
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (221);
Frame 197
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (221);
Frame 217
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (221);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (183);
Frame 222
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i = 0;
while (i < _root.remoteVars.limit) {
i = i + 5;
_root.currentpage = (_root.offset + 5) / 5;
_root.portalpage = (_root.currentpage + " / ") + _root.maxpage;
_root.comicname1 = _root.remoteVars.comicname1;
_root.comicname2 = _root.remoteVars.comicname2;
_root.comicname3 = _root.remoteVars.comicname3;
_root.comicname4 = _root.remoteVars.comicname4;
_root.comicname5 = _root.remoteVars.comicname5;
_root.comic1 = _root.remoteVars.comic1;
_root.comic2 = _root.remoteVars.comic2;
_root.comic3 = _root.remoteVars.comic3;
_root.comic4 = _root.remoteVars.comic4;
_root.comic5 = _root.remoteVars.comic5;
Frame 237
Frame 238
loaded = "";
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
removeMovieClip("obj" + i);
Frame 242
_root.remoteVars = new LoadVars();
_root.remoteVars.load("read_data.php?id=" +;
_root.remoteVars.onLoad = function () {
gotoAndPlay (527);
Frame 267
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 297
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 337
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 386
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 437
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 487
if (loaded != "") {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 534
_root.namentext = _root.remoteVars.vorname;
_root.comicname = _root.remoteVars.comicname;
Frame 535
_root.charpic[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1p1;
_root.charpic[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1p2;
_root.charpic[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1p3;
_root.charpic[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1p4;
_root.charpic[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1p5;
_root.charpic[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1p6;
_root.charpic[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1p7;
_root.charpic[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1p8;
_root.charx[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1x1;
_root.charx[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1x2;
_root.charx[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1x3;
_root.charx[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1x4;
_root.charx[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1x5;
_root.charx[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1x6;
_root.charx[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1x7;
_root.charx[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1x8;
_root.chary[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1y1;
_root.chary[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1y2;
_root.chary[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1y3;
_root.chary[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1y4;
_root.chary[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1y5;
_root.chary[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1y6;
_root.chary[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1y7;
_root.chary[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1y8;
_root.charxscale[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs1;
_root.charxscale[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs2;
_root.charxscale[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs3;
_root.charxscale[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs4;
_root.charxscale[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs5;
_root.charxscale[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs6;
_root.charxscale[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs7;
_root.charxscale[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1xs8;
_root.charyscale[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys1;
_root.charyscale[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys2;
_root.charyscale[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys3;
_root.charyscale[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys4;
_root.charyscale[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys5;
_root.charyscale[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys6;
_root.charyscale[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys7;
_root.charyscale[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1ys8;
_root.charrot[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1r1;
_root.charrot[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1r2;
_root.charrot[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1r3;
_root.charrot[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1r4;
_root.charrot[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1r5;
_root.charrot[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1r6;
_root.charrot[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1r7;
_root.charrot[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1r8;
_root.charexist[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex1;
_root.charexist[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex2;
_root.charexist[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex3;
_root.charexist[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex4;
_root.charexist[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex5;
_root.charexist[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex6;
_root.charexist[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex7;
_root.charexist[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1ex8;
_root.charflip[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.c1f1;
_root.charflip[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.c1f2;
_root.charflip[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.c1f3;
_root.charflip[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.c1f4;
_root.charflip[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.c1f5;
_root.charflip[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.c1f6;
_root.charflip[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.c1f7;
_root.charflip[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.c1f8;
_root.charpic[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2p1;
_root.charpic[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2p2;
_root.charpic[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2p3;
_root.charpic[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2p4;
_root.charpic[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2p5;
_root.charpic[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2p6;
_root.charpic[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2p7;
_root.charpic[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2p8;
_root.charx[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2x1;
_root.charx[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2x2;
_root.charx[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2x3;
_root.charx[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2x4;
_root.charx[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2x5;
_root.charx[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2x6;
_root.charx[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2x7;
_root.charx[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2x8;
_root.chary[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2y1;
_root.chary[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2y2;
_root.chary[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2y3;
_root.chary[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2y4;
_root.chary[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2y5;
_root.chary[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2y6;
_root.chary[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2y7;
_root.chary[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2y8;
_root.charxscale[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs1;
_root.charxscale[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs2;
_root.charxscale[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs3;
_root.charxscale[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs4;
_root.charxscale[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs5;
_root.charxscale[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs6;
_root.charxscale[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs7;
_root.charxscale[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2xs8;
_root.charyscale[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys1;
_root.charyscale[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys2;
_root.charyscale[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys3;
_root.charyscale[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys4;
_root.charyscale[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys5;
_root.charyscale[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys6;
_root.charyscale[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys7;
_root.charyscale[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2ys8;
_root.charrot[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2r1;
_root.charrot[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2r2;
_root.charrot[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2r3;
_root.charrot[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2r4;
_root.charrot[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2r5;
_root.charrot[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2r6;
_root.charrot[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2r7;
_root.charrot[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2r8;
_root.charexist[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex1;
_root.charexist[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex2;
_root.charexist[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex3;
_root.charexist[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex4;
_root.charexist[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex5;
_root.charexist[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex6;
_root.charexist[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex7;
_root.charexist[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2ex8;
_root.charflip[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.c2f1;
_root.charflip[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.c2f2;
_root.charflip[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.c2f3;
_root.charflip[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.c2f4;
_root.charflip[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.c2f5;
_root.charflip[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.c2f6;
_root.charflip[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.c2f7;
_root.charflip[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.c2f8;
_root.charpic[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3p1;
_root.charpic[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3p2;
_root.charpic[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3p3;
_root.charpic[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3p4;
_root.charpic[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3p5;
_root.charpic[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3p6;
_root.charpic[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3p7;
_root.charpic[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3p8;
_root.charx[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3x1;
_root.charx[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3x2;
_root.charx[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3x3;
_root.charx[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3x4;
_root.charx[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3x5;
_root.charx[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3x6;
_root.charx[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.cx7;
_root.charx[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3x8;
_root.chary[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3y1;
_root.chary[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3y2;
_root.chary[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3y3;
_root.chary[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3y4;
_root.chary[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3y5;
_root.chary[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3y6;
_root.chary[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3y7;
_root.chary[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3y8;
_root.charxscale[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs1;
_root.charxscale[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs2;
_root.charxscale[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs3;
_root.charxscale[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs4;
_root.charxscale[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs5;
_root.charxscale[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs6;
_root.charxscale[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs7;
_root.charxscale[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3xs8;
_root.charyscale[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys1;
_root.charyscale[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys2;
_root.charyscale[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys3;
_root.charyscale[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys4;
_root.charyscale[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys5;
_root.charyscale[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys6;
_root.charyscale[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys7;
_root.charyscale[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3ys8;
_root.charrot[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3r1;
_root.charrot[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3r2;
_root.charrot[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3r3;
_root.charrot[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3r4;
_root.charrot[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3r5;
_root.charrot[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3r6;
_root.charrot[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3r7;
_root.charrot[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3r8;
_root.charexist[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex1;
_root.charexist[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex2;
_root.charexist[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex3;
_root.charexist[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex4;
_root.charexist[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex5;
_root.charexist[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex6;
_root.charexist[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex7;
_root.charexist[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3ex8;
_root.charflip[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.c3f1;
_root.charflip[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.c3f2;
_root.charflip[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.c3f3;
_root.charflip[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.c3f4;
_root.charflip[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.c3f5;
_root.charflip[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.c3f6;
_root.charflip[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.c3f7;
_root.charflip[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.c3f8;
_root.charpic[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4p1;
_root.charpic[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4p2;
_root.charpic[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4p3;
_root.charpic[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4p4;
_root.charpic[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4p5;
_root.charpic[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4p6;
_root.charpic[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4p7;
_root.charpic[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4p8;
_root.charx[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4x1;
_root.charx[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4x2;
_root.charx[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4x3;
_root.charx[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4x4;
_root.charx[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4x5;
_root.charx[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4x6;
_root.charx[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4x7;
_root.charx[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4x8;
_root.chary[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4y1;
_root.chary[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4y2;
_root.chary[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4y3;
_root.chary[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4y4;
_root.chary[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4y5;
_root.chary[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4y6;
_root.chary[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4y7;
_root.chary[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4y8;
_root.charxscale[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs1;
_root.charxscale[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs2;
_root.charxscale[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs3;
_root.charxscale[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs4;
_root.charxscale[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs5;
_root.charxscale[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs6;
_root.charxscale[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs7;
_root.charxscale[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4xs8;
_root.charyscale[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys1;
_root.charyscale[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys2;
_root.charyscale[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys3;
_root.charyscale[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys4;
_root.charyscale[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys5;
_root.charyscale[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys6;
_root.charyscale[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys7;
_root.charyscale[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4ys8;
_root.charrot[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4r1;
_root.charrot[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4r2;
_root.charrot[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4r3;
_root.charrot[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4r4;
_root.charrot[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4r5;
_root.charrot[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4r6;
_root.charrot[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4r7;
_root.charrot[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4r8;
_root.charexist[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex1;
_root.charexist[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex2;
_root.charexist[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex3;
_root.charexist[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex4;
_root.charexist[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex5;
_root.charexist[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex6;
_root.charexist[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex7;
_root.charexist[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4ex8;
_root.charflip[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.c4f1;
_root.charflip[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.c4f2;
_root.charflip[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.c4f3;
_root.charflip[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.c4f4;
_root.charflip[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.c4f5;
_root.charflip[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.c4f6;
_root.charflip[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.c4f7;
_root.charflip[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.c4f8;
_root.charpic[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5p1;
_root.charpic[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5p2;
_root.charpic[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5p3;
_root.charpic[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5p4;
_root.charpic[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5p5;
_root.charpic[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5p6;
_root.charpic[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5p7;
_root.charpic[4][8] = _roo.remoteVarst.c5p8;
_root.charx[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5x1;
_root.charx[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5x2;
_root.charx[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5x3;
_root.charx[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5x4;
_root.charx[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5x5;
_root.charx[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5x6;
_root.charx[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5x7;
_root.charx[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5x8;
_root.chary[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5y1;
_root.chary[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5y2;
_root.chary[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5y3;
_root.chary[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5y4;
_root.chary[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5y5;
_root.chary[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5y6;
_root.chary[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5y7;
_root.chary[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5y8;
_root.charxscale[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs1;
_root.charxscale[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs2;
_root.charxscale[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs3;
_root.charxscale[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs4;
_root.charxscale[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs5;
_root.charxscale[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs6;
_root.charxscale[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs7;
_root.charxscale[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5xs8;
_root.charyscale[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys1;
_root.charyscale[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys2;
_root.charyscale[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys3;
_root.charyscale[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys4;
_root.charyscale[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys5;
_root.charyscale[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys6;
_root.charyscale[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys7;
_root.charyscale[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5ys8;
_root.charrot[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5r1;
_root.charrot[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5r2;
_root.charrot[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5r3;
_root.charrot[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5r4;
_root.charrot[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5r5;
_root.charrot[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5r6;
_root.charrot[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5r7;
_root.charrot[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5r8;
_root.charexist[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex1;
_root.charexist[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex2;
_root.charexist[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex3;
_root.charexist[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex4;
_root.charexist[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex5;
_root.charexist[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex6;
_root.charexist[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex7;
_root.charexist[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5ex8;
_root.charflip[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.c5f1;
_root.charflip[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.c5f2;
_root.charflip[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.c5f3;
_root.charflip[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.c5f4;
_root.charflip[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.c5f5;
_root.charflip[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.c5f6;
_root.charflip[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.c5f7;
_root.charflip[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.c5f8;
_root.charpic[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6p1;
_root.charpic[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6p2;
_root.charpic[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6p3;
_root.charpic[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6p4;
_root.charpic[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6p5;
_root.charpic[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6p6;
_root.charpic[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6p7;
_root.charpic[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6p8;
_root.charx[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6x1;
_root.charx[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6x2;
_root.charx[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6x3;
_root.charx[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6x4;
_root.charx[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6x5;
_root.charx[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6x6;
_root.charx[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6x7;
_root.charx[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6x8;
_root.chary[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6y1;
_root.chary[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6y2;
_root.chary[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6y3;
_root.chary[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6y4;
_root.chary[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6y5;
_root.chary[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6y6;
_root.chary[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6y7;
_root.chary[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6y8;
_root.charxscale[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs1;
_root.charxscale[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs2;
_root.charxscale[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs3;
_root.charxscale[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs4;
_root.charxscale[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs5;
_root.charxscale[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs6;
_root.charxscale[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs7;
_root.charxscale[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6xs8;
_root.charyscale[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys1;
_root.charyscale[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys2;
_root.charyscale[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys3;
_root.charyscale[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys4;
_root.charyscale[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys5;
_root.charyscale[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys6;
_root.charyscale[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys7;
_root.charyscale[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6ys8;
_root.charrot[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6r1;
_root.charrot[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6r2;
_root.charrot[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6r3;
_root.charrot[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6r4;
_root.charrot[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6r5;
_root.charrot[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6r6;
_root.charrot[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6r7;
_root.charrot[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6r8;
_root.charexist[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex1;
_root.charexist[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex2;
_root.charexist[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex3;
_root.charexist[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex4;
_root.charexist[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex5;
_root.charexist[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex6;
_root.charexist[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex7;
_root.charexist[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6ex8;
_root.charflip[5][1] = _root.remoteVars.c6f1;
_root.charflip[5][2] = _root.remoteVars.c6f2;
_root.charflip[5][3] = _root.remoteVars.c6f3;
_root.charflip[5][4] = _root.remoteVars.c6f4;
_root.charflip[5][5] = _root.remoteVars.c6f5;
_root.charflip[5][6] = _root.remoteVars.c6f6;
_root.charflip[5][7] = _root.remoteVars.c6f7;
_root.charflip[5][8] = _root.remoteVars.c6f8;
_root.charpic[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7p1;
_root.charpic[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7p2;
_root.charpic[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7p3;
_root.charpic[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7p4;
_root.charpic[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7p5;
_root.charpic[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7p6;
_root.charpic[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7p7;
_root.charpic[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7p8;
_root.charx[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7x1;
_root.charx[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7x2;
_root.charx[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7x3;
_root.charx[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7x4;
_root.charx[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7x5;
_root.charx[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7x6;
_root.charx[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7x7;
_root.charx[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7x8;
_root.chary[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7y1;
_root.chary[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7y2;
_root.chary[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7y3;
_root.chary[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7y4;
_root.chary[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7y5;
_root.chary[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7y6;
_root.chary[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7y7;
_root.chary[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7y8;
_root.charxscale[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs1;
_root.charxscale[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs2;
_root.charxscale[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs3;
_root.charxscale[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs4;
_root.charxscale[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs5;
_root.charxscale[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs6;
_root.charxscale[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs7;
_root.charxscale[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7xs8;
_root.charyscale[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys1;
_root.charyscale[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys2;
_root.charyscale[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys3;
_root.charyscale[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys4;
_root.charyscale[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys5;
_root.charyscale[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys6;
_root.charyscale[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys7;
_root.charyscale[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7ys8;
_root.charrot[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7r1;
_root.charrot[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7r2;
_root.charrot[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7r3;
_root.charrot[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7r4;
_root.charrot[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7r5;
_root.charrot[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7r6;
_root.charrot[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7r7;
_root.charrot[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7r8;
_root.charexist[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex1;
_root.charexist[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex2;
_root.charexist[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex3;
_root.charexist[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex4;
_root.charexist[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex5;
_root.charexist[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex6;
_root.charexist[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex7;
_root.charexist[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7ex8;
_root.charflip[6][1] = _root.remoteVars.c7f1;
_root.charflip[6][2] = _root.remoteVars.c7f2;
_root.charflip[6][3] = _root.remoteVars.c7f3;
_root.charflip[6][4] = _root.remoteVars.c7f4;
_root.charflip[6][5] = _root.remoteVars.c7f5;
_root.charflip[6][6] = _root.remoteVars.c7f6;
_root.charflip[6][7] = _root.remoteVars.c7f7;
_root.charflip[6][8] = _root.remoteVars.c7f8;
_root.objpic[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1p1;
_root.objpic[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1p2;
_root.objpic[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1p3;
_root.objpic[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1p4;
_root.objpic[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1p5;
_root.objpic[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1p6;
_root.objpic[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1p7;
_root.objpic[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1p8;
_root.objx[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1x1;
_root.objx[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1x2;
_root.objx[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1x3;
_root.objx[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1x4;
_root.objx[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1x5;
_root.objx[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1x6;
_root.objx[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1x7;
_root.objx[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1x8;
_root.objy[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1y1;
_root.objy[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1y2;
_root.objy[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1y3;
_root.objy[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1y4;
_root.objy[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1y5;
_root.objy[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1y6;
_root.objy[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1y7;
_root.objy[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1y8;
_root.objxscale[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs1;
_root.objxscale[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs2;
_root.objxscale[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs3;
_root.objxscale[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs4;
_root.objxscale[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs5;
_root.objxscale[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs6;
_root.objxscale[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs7;
_root.objxscale[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1xs8;
_root.objyscale[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys1;
_root.objyscale[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys2;
_root.objyscale[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys3;
_root.objyscale[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys4;
_root.objyscale[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys5;
_root.objyscale[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys6;
_root.objyscale[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys7;
_root.objyscale[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1ys8;
_root.objrot[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1r1;
_root.objrot[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1r2;
_root.objrot[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1r3;
_root.objrot[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1r4;
_root.objrot[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1r5;
_root.objrot[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1r6;
_root.objrot[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1r7;
_root.objrot[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1r8;
_root.objexist[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex1;
_root.objexist[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex2;
_root.objexist[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex3;
_root.objexist[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex4;
_root.objexist[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex5;
_root.objexist[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex6;
_root.objexist[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex7;
_root.objexist[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1ex8;
_root.objflip[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.o1f1;
_root.objflip[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.o1f2;
_root.objflip[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.o1f3;
_root.objflip[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.o1f4;
_root.objflip[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.o1f5;
_root.objflip[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.o1f6;
_root.objflip[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.o1f7;
_root.objflip[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.o1f8;
_root.objpic[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2p1;
_root.objpic[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2p2;
_root.objpic[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2p3;
_root.objpic[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2p4;
_root.objpic[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2p5;
_root.objpic[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2p6;
_root.objpic[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2p7;
_root.objpic[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2p8;
_root.objx[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2x1;
_root.objx[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2x2;
_root.objx[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2x3;
_root.objx[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2x4;
_root.objx[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2x5;
_root.objx[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2x6;
_root.objx[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2x7;
_root.objx[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2x8;
_root.objy[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2y1;
_root.objy[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2y2;
_root.objy[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2y3;
_root.objy[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2y4;
_root.objy[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2y5;
_root.objy[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2y6;
_root.objy[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2y7;
_root.objy[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2y8;
_root.objxscale[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs1;
_root.objxscale[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs2;
_root.objxscale[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs3;
_root.objxscale[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs4;
_root.objxscale[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs5;
_root.objxscale[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs6;
_root.objxscale[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs7;
_root.objxscale[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2xs8;
_root.objyscale[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys1;
_root.objyscale[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys2;
_root.objyscale[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys3;
_root.objyscale[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys4;
_root.objyscale[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys5;
_root.objyscale[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys6;
_root.objyscale[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys7;
_root.objyscale[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2ys8;
_root.objrot[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2r1;
_root.objrot[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2r2;
_root.objrot[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2r3;
_root.objrot[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2r4;
_root.objrot[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2r5;
_root.objrot[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2r6;
_root.objrot[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2r7;
_root.objrot[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2r8;
_root.objexist[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex1;
_root.objexist[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex2;
_root.objexist[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex3;
_root.objexist[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex4;
_root.objexist[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex5;
_root.objexist[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex6;
_root.objexist[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex7;
_root.objexist[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2ex8;
_root.objflip[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.o2f1;
_root.objflip[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.o2f2;
_root.objflip[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.o2f3;
_root.objflip[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.o2f4;
_root.objflip[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.o2f5;
_root.objflip[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.o2f6;
_root.objflip[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.o2f7;
_root.objflip[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.o2f8;
_root.objpic[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3p1;
_root.objpic[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3p2;
_root.objpic[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3p3;
_root.objpic[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3p4;
_root.objpic[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3p5;
_root.objpic[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3p6;
_root.objpic[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3p7;
_root.objpic[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3p8;
_root.objx[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3x1;
_root.objx[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3x2;
_root.objx[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3x3;
_root.objx[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3x4;
_root.objx[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3x5;
_root.objx[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3x6;
_root.objx[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3x7;
_root.objx[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3x8;
_root.objy[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3y1;
_root.objy[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3y2;
_root.objy[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3y3;
_root.objy[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3y4;
_root.objy[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3y5;
_root.objy[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3y6;
_root.objy[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3y7;
_root.objy[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3y8;
_root.objxscale[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs1;
_root.objxscale[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs2;
_root.objxscale[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs3;
_root.objxscale[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs4;
_root.objxscale[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs5;
_root.objxscale[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs6;
_root.objxscale[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs7;
_root.objxscale[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3xs8;
_root.objyscale[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys1;
_root.objyscale[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys2;
_root.objyscale[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys3;
_root.objyscale[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys4;
_root.objyscale[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys5;
_root.objyscale[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys6;
_root.objyscale[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys7;
_root.objyscale[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3ys8;
_root.objrot[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3r1;
_root.objrot[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3r2;
_root.objrot[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3r3;
_root.objrot[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3r4;
_root.objrot[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3r5;
_root.objrot[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3r6;
_root.objrot[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3r7;
_root.objrot[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3r8;
_root.objexist[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex1;
_root.objexist[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex2;
_root.objexist[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex3;
_root.objexist[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex4;
_root.objexist[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex5;
_root.objexist[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex6;
_root.objexist[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex7;
_root.objexist[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3ex8;
_root.objflip[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.o3f1;
_root.objflip[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.o3f2;
_root.objflip[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.o3f3;
_root.objflip[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.o3f4;
_root.objflip[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.o3f5;
_root.objflip[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.o3f6;
_root.objflip[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.o3f7;
_root.objflip[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.o3f8;
_root.bubblepic[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.b1p1;
_root.bubblepic[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.b1p2;
_root.bubblepic[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.b1p3;
_root.bubblepic[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.b1p4;
_root.bubblepic[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.b1p5;
_root.bubblepic[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.b1p6;
_root.bubblepic[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.b1p7;
_root.bubblepic[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.b1p8;
_root.bubblex[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.b1x1;
_root.bubblex[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.b1x2;
_root.bubblex[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.b1x3;
_root.bubblex[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.b1x4;
_root.bubblex[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.b1x5;
_root.bubblex[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.b1x6;
_root.bubblex[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.b1x7;
_root.bubblex[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.b1x8;
_root.bubbley[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.b1y1;
_root.bubbley[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.b1y2;
_root.bubbley[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.b1y3;
_root.bubbley[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.b1y4;
_root.bubbley[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.b1y5;
_root.bubbley[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.b1y6;
_root.bubbley[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.b1y7;
_root.bubbley[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.b1y8;
_root.bubbleexist[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex1;
_root.bubbleexist[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex2;
_root.bubbleexist[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex3;
_root.bubbleexist[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex4;
_root.bubbleexist[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex5;
_root.bubbleexist[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex6;
_root.bubbleexist[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex7;
_root.bubbleexist[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.b1ex8;
_root.bubblecontent[0][1] = _root.remoteVars.b1c1;
_root.bubblecontent[0][2] = _root.remoteVars.b1c2;
_root.bubblecontent[0][3] = _root.remoteVars.b1c3;
_root.bubblecontent[0][4] = _root.remoteVars.b1c4;
_root.bubblecontent[0][5] = _root.remoteVars.b1c5;
_root.bubblecontent[0][6] = _root.remoteVars.b1c6;
_root.bubblecontent[0][7] = _root.remoteVars.b1c7;
_root.bubblecontent[0][8] = _root.remoteVars.b1c8;
_root.bubblepic[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.b2p1;
_root.bubblepic[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.b2p2;
_root.bubblepic[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.b2p3;
_root.bubblepic[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.b2p4;
_root.bubblepic[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.b2p5;
_root.bubblepic[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.b2p6;
_root.bubblepic[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.b2p7;
_root.bubblepic[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.b2p8;
_root.bubblex[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.b2x1;
_root.bubblex[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.b2x2;
_root.bubblex[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.b2x3;
_root.bubblex[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.b2x4;
_root.bubblex[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.b2x5;
_root.bubblex[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.b2x6;
_root.bubblex[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.b2x7;
_root.bubblex[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.b2x8;
_root.bubbley[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.b2y1;
_root.bubbley[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.b2y2;
_root.bubbley[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.b2y3;
_root.bubbley[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.b2y4;
_root.bubbley[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.b2y5;
_root.bubbley[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.b2y6;
_root.bubbley[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.b2y7;
_root.bubbley[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.b2y8;
_root.bubbleexist[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex1;
_root.bubbleexist[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex2;
_root.bubbleexist[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex3;
_root.bubbleexist[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex4;
_root.bubbleexist[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex5;
_root.bubbleexist[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex6;
_root.bubbleexist[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex7;
_root.bubbleexist[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.b2ex8;
_root.bubblecontent[1][1] = _root.remoteVars.b2c1;
_root.bubblecontent[1][2] = _root.remoteVars.b2c2;
_root.bubblecontent[1][3] = _root.remoteVars.b2c3;
_root.bubblecontent[1][4] = _root.remoteVars.b2c4;
_root.bubblecontent[1][5] = _root.remoteVars.b2c5;
_root.bubblecontent[1][6] = _root.remoteVars.b2c6;
_root.bubblecontent[1][7] = _root.remoteVars.b2c7;
_root.bubblecontent[1][8] = _root.remoteVars.b2c8;
_root.bubblepic[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.b3p1;
_root.bubblepic[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.b3p2;
_root.bubblepic[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.b3p3;
_root.bubblepic[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.b3p4;
_root.bubblepic[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.b3p5;
_root.bubblepic[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.b3p6;
_root.bubblepic[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.b3p7;
_root.bubblepic[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.b3p8;
_root.bubblex[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.b3x1;
_root.bubblex[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.b3x2;
_root.bubblex[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.b3x3;
_root.bubblex[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.b3x4;
_root.bubblex[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.b3x5;
_root.bubblex[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.b3x6;
_root.bubblex[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.b3x7;
_root.bubblex[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.b3x8;
_root.bubbley[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.b3y1;
_root.bubbley[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.b3y2;
_root.bubbley[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.b3y3;
_root.bubbley[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.b3y4;
_root.bubbley[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.b3y5;
_root.bubbley[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.b3y6;
_root.bubbley[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.b3y7;
_root.bubbley[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.b3y8;
_root.bubbleexist[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex1;
_root.bubbleexist[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex2;
_root.bubbleexist[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex3;
_root.bubbleexist[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex4;
_root.bubbleexist[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex5;
_root.bubbleexist[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex6;
_root.bubbleexist[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex7;
_root.bubbleexist[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.b3ex8;
_root.bubblecontent[2][1] = _root.remoteVars.b3c1;
_root.bubblecontent[2][2] = _root.remoteVars.b3c2;
_root.bubblecontent[2][3] = _root.remoteVars.b3c3;
_root.bubblecontent[2][4] = _root.remoteVars.b3c4;
_root.bubblecontent[2][5] = _root.remoteVars.b3c5;
_root.bubblecontent[2][6] = _root.remoteVars.b3c6;
_root.bubblecontent[2][7] = _root.remoteVars.b3c7;
_root.bubblecontent[2][8] = _root.remoteVars.b3c8;
_root.bubblepic[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.b4p1;
_root.bubblepic[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.b4p2;
_root.bubblepic[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.b4p3;
_root.bubblepic[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.b4p4;
_root.bubblepic[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.b4p5;
_root.bubblepic[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.b4p6;
_root.bubblepic[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.b4p7;
_root.bubblepic[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.b4p8;
_root.bubblex[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.b4x1;
_root.bubblex[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.b4x2;
_root.bubblex[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.b4x3;
_root.bubblex[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.b4x4;
_root.bubblex[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.b4x5;
_root.bubblex[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.b4x6;
_root.bubblex[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.b4x7;
_root.bubblex[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.b4x8;
_root.bubbley[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.b4y1;
_root.bubbley[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.b4y2;
_root.bubbley[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.b4y3;
_root.bubbley[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.b4y4;
_root.bubbley[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.b4y5;
_root.bubbley[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.b4y6;
_root.bubbley[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.b4y7;
_root.bubbley[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.b4y8;
_root.bubbleexist[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex1;
_root.bubbleexist[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex2;
_root.bubbleexist[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex3;
_root.bubbleexist[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex4;
_root.bubbleexist[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex5;
_root.bubbleexist[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex6;
_root.bubbleexist[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex7;
_root.bubbleexist[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.b4ex8;
_root.bubblecontent[3][1] = _root.remoteVars.b4c1;
_root.bubblecontent[3][2] = _root.remoteVars.b4c2;
_root.bubblecontent[3][3] = _root.remoteVars.b4c3;
_root.bubblecontent[3][4] = _root.remoteVars.b4c4;
_root.bubblecontent[3][5] = _root.remoteVars.b4c5;
_root.bubblecontent[3][6] = _root.remoteVars.b4c6;
_root.bubblecontent[3][7] = _root.remoteVars.b4c7;
_root.bubblecontent[3][8] = _root.remoteVars.b4c8;
_root.bubblepic[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.b5p1;
_root.bubblepic[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.b5p2;
_root.bubblepic[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.b5p3;
_root.bubblepic[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.b5p4;
_root.bubblepic[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.b5p5;
_root.bubblepic[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.b5p6;
_root.bubblepic[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.b5p7;
_root.bubblepic[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.b5p8;
_root.bubblex[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.b5x1;
_root.bubblex[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.b5x2;
_root.bubblex[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.b5x3;
_root.bubblex[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.b5x4;
_root.bubblex[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.b5x5;
_root.bubblex[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.b5x6;
_root.bubblex[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.b5x7;
_root.bubblex[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.b5x8;
_root.bubbley[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.b5y1;
_root.bubbley[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.b5y2;
_root.bubbley[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.b5y3;
_root.bubbley[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.b5y4;
_root.bubbley[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.b5y5;
_root.bubbley[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.b5y6;
_root.bubbley[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.b5y7;
_root.bubbley[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.b5y8;
_root.bubbleexist[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex1;
_root.bubbleexist[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex2;
_root.bubbleexist[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex3;
_root.bubbleexist[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex4;
_root.bubbleexist[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex5;
_root.bubbleexist[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex6;
_root.bubbleexist[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex7;
_root.bubbleexist[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.b5ex8;
_root.bubblecontent[4][1] = _root.remoteVars.b5c1;
_root.bubblecontent[4][2] = _root.remoteVars.b5c2;
_root.bubblecontent[4][3] = _root.remoteVars.b5c3;
_root.bubblecontent[4][4] = _root.remoteVars.b5c4;
_root.bubblecontent[4][5] = _root.remoteVars.b5c5;
_root.bubblecontent[4][6] = _root.remoteVars.b5c6;
_root.bubblecontent[4][7] = _root.remoteVars.b5c7;
_root.bubblecontent[4][8] = _root.remoteVars.b5c8;
_root.background1[1] = _root.remoteVars.back1;
_root.background1[2] = _root.remoteVars.back2;
_root.background1[3] = _root.remoteVars.back3;
_root.background1[4] = _root.remoteVars.back4;
_root.background1[5] = _root.remoteVars.back5;
_root.background1[6] = _root.remoteVars.back6;
_root.background1[7] = _root.remoteVars.back7;
_root.background1[8] = _root.remoteVars.back8;
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
j = 1;
while (j <= 8) {
if (_root.charxscale[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.charxscale[i][j] = 100;
if (_root.charyscale[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.charyscale[i][j] = 100;
if (_root.charrot[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.charrot[i][j] = 0;
if (_root.charflip[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.charflip[i][j] = false;
if (_root.charexist[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.charexist[i][j] = false;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
j = 1;
while (j <= 8) {
if (_root.objxscale[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.objxscale[i][j] = 100;
if (_root.objyscale[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.objyscale[i][j] = 100;
if (_root.objrot[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.objrot[i][j] = 0;
if (_root.objflip[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.objflip[i][j] = false;
if (_root.objexist[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.objexist[i][j] = false;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
j = 1;
while (j <= 8) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[i][j] == undefined) {
_root.bubbleexist[i][j] = false;
i = 1;
while (i <= 8) {
if (_root.background1[i] == undefined) {
_root.background1[i] = false;
Frame 537
Frame 538
_currentframe = (_currentframe-1);
gotoAndStop(_currentframe +237);
Symbol 13 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 14 MovieClip [pic10] Frame 1
id = 10;
Symbol 14 MovieClip [pic10] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 14 MovieClip [pic10] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 22 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 23 MovieClip [pic9] Frame 1
id = 9;
Symbol 23 MovieClip [pic9] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 23 MovieClip [pic9] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 32 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 33 MovieClip [pic8] Frame 1
id = 8;
Symbol 33 MovieClip [pic8] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 33 MovieClip [pic8] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 40 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 41 MovieClip [pic7] Frame 1
id = 7;
Symbol 41 MovieClip [pic7] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 41 MovieClip [pic7] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 48 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 49 MovieClip [pic6] Frame 1
id = 6;
Symbol 49 MovieClip [pic6] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 49 MovieClip [pic6] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 58 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 59 MovieClip [pic5] Frame 1
id = 5;
Symbol 59 MovieClip [pic5] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 59 MovieClip [pic5] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 68 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 69 MovieClip [pic4] Frame 1
id = 4;
Symbol 69 MovieClip [pic4] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 69 MovieClip [pic4] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 74 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pic3] Frame 1
id = 3;
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pic3] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 75 MovieClip [pic3] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 80 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 81 MovieClip [pic2] Frame 1
id = 2;
Symbol 81 MovieClip [pic2] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 81 MovieClip [pic2] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 90 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 91 MovieClip [pic20] Frame 1
id = 20;
Symbol 91 MovieClip [pic20] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 91 MovieClip [pic20] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 100 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pic19] Frame 1
id = 19;
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pic19] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 101 MovieClip [pic19] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 105 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 106 MovieClip [pic18] Frame 1
id = 18;
Symbol 106 MovieClip [pic18] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 106 MovieClip [pic18] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 109 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 110 MovieClip [pic17] Frame 1
id = 17;
Symbol 110 MovieClip [pic17] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 110 MovieClip [pic17] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 115 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 116 MovieClip [pic16] Frame 1
id = 16;
Symbol 116 MovieClip [pic16] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 116 MovieClip [pic16] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 124 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 125 MovieClip [pic15] Frame 1
id = 15;
Symbol 125 MovieClip [pic15] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 125 MovieClip [pic15] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 129 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 130 MovieClip [pic14] Frame 1
id = 14;
Symbol 130 MovieClip [pic14] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 130 MovieClip [pic14] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 135 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 136 MovieClip [pic13] Frame 1
id = 13;
Symbol 136 MovieClip [pic13] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 136 MovieClip [pic13] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 143 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 144 MovieClip [pic12] Frame 1
id = 12;
Symbol 144 MovieClip [pic12] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 144 MovieClip [pic12] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 147 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 148 MovieClip [pic11] Frame 1
id = 11;
Symbol 148 MovieClip [pic11] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 148 MovieClip [pic11] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 162 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 163 MovieClip [pic30] Frame 1
id = 30;
Symbol 163 MovieClip [pic30] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 163 MovieClip [pic30] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 168 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 169 MovieClip [pic29] Frame 1
id = 29;
Symbol 169 MovieClip [pic29] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 169 MovieClip [pic29] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 174 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 175 MovieClip [pic28] Frame 1
id = 28;
Symbol 175 MovieClip [pic28] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 175 MovieClip [pic28] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 180 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 181 MovieClip [27] Frame 1
id = 27;
Symbol 181 MovieClip [27] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 181 MovieClip [27] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 186 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 187 MovieClip [pic26] Frame 1
id = 26;
Symbol 187 MovieClip [pic26] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 187 MovieClip [pic26] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 190 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 191 MovieClip [pic25] Frame 1
id = 25;
Symbol 191 MovieClip [pic25] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 191 MovieClip [pic25] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 196 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 197 MovieClip [pic24] Frame 1
id = 24;
Symbol 197 MovieClip [pic24] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 197 MovieClip [pic24] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 202 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 203 MovieClip [pic23] Frame 1
id = 23;
Symbol 203 MovieClip [pic23] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 203 MovieClip [pic23] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 206 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 207 MovieClip [pic22] Frame 1
id = 22;
Symbol 207 MovieClip [pic22] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 207 MovieClip [pic22] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 210 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char2exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 211 MovieClip [pic21] Frame 1
id = 21;
Symbol 211 MovieClip [pic21] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 211 MovieClip [pic21] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 228 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 229 MovieClip [pic40] Frame 1
id = 40;
Symbol 229 MovieClip [pic40] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 229 MovieClip [pic40] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 234 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 235 MovieClip [pic39] Frame 1
id = 39;
Symbol 235 MovieClip [pic39] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 235 MovieClip [pic39] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 242 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 243 MovieClip [pic38] Frame 1
id = 38;
Symbol 243 MovieClip [pic38] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 243 MovieClip [pic38] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 248 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [pic37] Frame 1
id = 37;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [pic37] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 249 MovieClip [pic37] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 256 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 257 MovieClip [pic36] Frame 1
id = 36;
Symbol 257 MovieClip [pic36] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 257 MovieClip [pic36] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 262 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 263 MovieClip [pic35] Frame 1
id = 35;
Symbol 263 MovieClip [pic35] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 263 MovieClip [pic35] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 270 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 271 MovieClip [pic34] Frame 1
id = 34;
Symbol 271 MovieClip [pic34] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 271 MovieClip [pic34] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 276 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 277 MovieClip [pic33] Frame 1
id = 33;
Symbol 277 MovieClip [pic33] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 277 MovieClip [pic33] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 284 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 285 MovieClip [pic32] Frame 1
id = 32;
Symbol 285 MovieClip [pic32] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 285 MovieClip [pic32] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 288 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char4exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 289 MovieClip [pic31] Frame 1
id = 31;
Symbol 289 MovieClip [pic31] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 289 MovieClip [pic31] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 299 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pic50] Frame 1
id = 50;
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pic50] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 300 MovieClip [pic50] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 312 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 313 MovieClip [pic49] Frame 1
id = 49;
Symbol 313 MovieClip [pic49] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 313 MovieClip [pic49] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 319 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 320 MovieClip [pic48] Frame 1
id = 48;
Symbol 320 MovieClip [pic48] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 320 MovieClip [pic48] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 326 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 327 MovieClip [pic47] Frame 1
id = 47;
Symbol 327 MovieClip [pic47] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 327 MovieClip [pic47] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 331 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 332 MovieClip [pic46] Frame 1
id = 46;
Symbol 332 MovieClip [pic46] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 332 MovieClip [pic46] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 336 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 337 MovieClip [pic45] Frame 1
id = 45;
Symbol 337 MovieClip [pic45] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 337 MovieClip [pic45] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 342 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 343 MovieClip [pic44] Frame 1
id = 44;
Symbol 343 MovieClip [pic44] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 343 MovieClip [pic44] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 347 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 348 MovieClip [pic43] Frame 1
id = 43;
Symbol 348 MovieClip [pic43] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 348 MovieClip [pic43] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 353 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 354 MovieClip [pic42] Frame 1
id = 42;
Symbol 354 MovieClip [pic42] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 354 MovieClip [pic42] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 359 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 360 MovieClip [pic41] Frame 1
id = 41;
Symbol 360 MovieClip [pic41] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 360 MovieClip [pic41] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 363 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 364 MovieClip [obj16] Frame 1
id = 16;
Symbol 364 MovieClip [obj16] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 364 MovieClip [obj16] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 376 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 377 MovieClip [obj15] Frame 1
id = 15;
Symbol 377 MovieClip [obj15] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 377 MovieClip [obj15] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 387 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 388 MovieClip [obj14] Frame 1
id = 14;
Symbol 388 MovieClip [obj14] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 388 MovieClip [obj14] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 391 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 392 MovieClip [obj13] Frame 1
id = 13;
Symbol 392 MovieClip [obj13] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 392 MovieClip [obj13] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 395 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 396 MovieClip [obj12] Frame 1
id = 12;
Symbol 396 MovieClip [obj12] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 396 MovieClip [obj12] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 399 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 400 MovieClip [obj11] Frame 1
id = 11;
Symbol 400 MovieClip [obj11] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 400 MovieClip [obj11] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 404 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 405 MovieClip [obj10] Frame 1
id = 10;
Symbol 405 MovieClip [obj10] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 405 MovieClip [obj10] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 411 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 412 MovieClip [obj9] Frame 1
id = 9;
Symbol 412 MovieClip [obj9] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 412 MovieClip [obj9] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 416 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 417 MovieClip [obj8] Frame 1
id = 8;
Symbol 417 MovieClip [obj8] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 417 MovieClip [obj8] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 420 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 421 MovieClip [obj7] Frame 1
id = 7;
Symbol 421 MovieClip [obj7] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 421 MovieClip [obj7] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 424 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 425 MovieClip [obj6] Frame 1
id = 6;
Symbol 425 MovieClip [obj6] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 425 MovieClip [obj6] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 428 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 429 MovieClip [obj5] Frame 1
id = 5;
Symbol 429 MovieClip [obj5] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 429 MovieClip [obj5] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 432 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 433 MovieClip [obj4] Frame 1
id = 4;
Symbol 433 MovieClip [obj4] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 433 MovieClip [obj4] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 438 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 439 MovieClip [obj3] Frame 1
id = 3;
Symbol 439 MovieClip [obj3] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 439 MovieClip [obj3] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 447 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 448 MovieClip [obj2] Frame 1
id = 2;
Symbol 448 MovieClip [obj2] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 448 MovieClip [obj2] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 451 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
if (_parent.iam == 1) {
_root.obj1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 2) {
_root.obj2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (_parent.iam == 3) {
_root.obj3exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 452 MovieClip [obj1] Frame 1
id = 1;
Symbol 452 MovieClip [obj1] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 452 MovieClip [obj1] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 465 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 466 MovieClip [pic60] Frame 1
id = 60;
Symbol 466 MovieClip [pic60] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 466 MovieClip [pic60] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 475 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 476 MovieClip [pic59] Frame 1
id = 59;
Symbol 476 MovieClip [pic59] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 476 MovieClip [pic59] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 481 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 482 MovieClip [pic58] Frame 1
id = 58;
Symbol 482 MovieClip [pic58] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 482 MovieClip [pic58] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 489 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 490 MovieClip [pic57] Frame 1
id = 57;
Symbol 490 MovieClip [pic57] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 490 MovieClip [pic57] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 495 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 496 MovieClip [pic56] Frame 1
id = 56;
Symbol 496 MovieClip [pic56] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 496 MovieClip [pic56] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 499 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 500 MovieClip [pic55] Frame 1
id = 55;
Symbol 500 MovieClip [pic55] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 500 MovieClip [pic55] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 505 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 506 MovieClip [pic54] Frame 1
id = 54;
Symbol 506 MovieClip [pic54] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 506 MovieClip [pic54] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 509 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 510 MovieClip [pic53] Frame 1
id = 53;
Symbol 510 MovieClip [pic53] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 510 MovieClip [pic53] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 515 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 516 MovieClip [pic52] Frame 1
id = 52;
Symbol 516 MovieClip [pic52] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 516 MovieClip [pic52] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 519 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char6exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 520 MovieClip [pic51] Frame 1
id = 51;
Symbol 520 MovieClip [pic51] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 520 MovieClip [pic51] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 529 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 530 MovieClip [pic70] Frame 1
id = 70;
Symbol 530 MovieClip [pic70] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 530 MovieClip [pic70] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 536 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 537 MovieClip [pic69] Frame 1
id = 69;
Symbol 537 MovieClip [pic69] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 537 MovieClip [pic69] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 541 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 542 MovieClip [pic68] Frame 1
id = 68;
Symbol 542 MovieClip [pic68] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 542 MovieClip [pic68] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 546 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 547 MovieClip [pic67] Frame 1
id = 67;
Symbol 547 MovieClip [pic67] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 547 MovieClip [pic67] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 552 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 553 MovieClip [pic66] Frame 1
id = 66;
Symbol 553 MovieClip [pic66] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 553 MovieClip [pic66] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 557 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 558 MovieClip [pic65] Frame 1
id = 65;
Symbol 558 MovieClip [pic65] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 558 MovieClip [pic65] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 563 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 564 MovieClip [pic64] Frame 1
id = 64;
Symbol 564 MovieClip [pic64] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 564 MovieClip [pic64] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 568 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 569 MovieClip [pic63] Frame 1
id = 63;
Symbol 569 MovieClip [pic63] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 569 MovieClip [pic63] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 573 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 574 MovieClip [pic62] Frame 1
id = 62;
Symbol 574 MovieClip [pic62] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 574 MovieClip [pic62] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 577 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char7exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 578 MovieClip [pic61] Frame 1
id = 61;
Symbol 578 MovieClip [pic61] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 578 MovieClip [pic61] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 581 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
drag = true;
if (_root.rotate == true) {
oldrotation = _rotation;
if (oldrotation < 180) {
oldrotation = oldrotation + 180;
rotate = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.scale == true) {
scale = true;
drag = true;
if (_root.flip == true) {
if (!flip) {
flip = true;
} else {
flip = false;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
if (_root.del == true) {
_root.char1exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
rotate = false;
scale = false;
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 582 MovieClip [pic1] Frame 1
id = 1;
Symbol 582 MovieClip [pic1] Frame 2
if (rotate == true) {
Xpos = _root._xmouse;
Ypos = _root._ymouse;
circleXpos = _x;
circleYpos = _y;
x = Xpos - circleXpos;
y = Ypos - circleYpos;
r = Math.sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
sinTheta = y / r;
theta = Math.asin(sinTheta);
myRotation = _rotation;
if (Xpos < circleXpos) {
_rotation = (270 - (theta / 0.0175));
} else if (Xpos > circleXpos) {
_rotation = ((theta / 0.0175) + 90);
if (scale == true) {
_xscale = (Math.sqrt((_root._xmouse - _x) * (_root._xmouse - _x)) * 3);
_yscale = _xscale;
if (flip) {
_xscale = (-_xscale);
Symbol 582 MovieClip [pic1] Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 585 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 590 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 594 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 596 MovieClip [bubble2] Frame 1
id = 2;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 599 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 601 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 603 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 605 MovieClip [bubble11] Frame 1
id = 11;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 608 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 610 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 612 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 614 MovieClip [bubble10] Frame 1
id = 10;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 617 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 619 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 621 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 623 MovieClip [bubble9] Frame 1
id = 9;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 626 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 628 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 630 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 632 MovieClip [bubble8] Frame 1
id = 8;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 635 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 637 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 639 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 641 MovieClip [bubble7] Frame 1
id = 7;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 645 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 647 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 649 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 651 MovieClip [bubble6] Frame 1
id = 6;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 652 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 654 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 656 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 658 MovieClip [bubble5] Frame 1
id = 5;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 662 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 664 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 666 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 668 MovieClip [bubble4] Frame 1
id = 4;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 669 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 671 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 673 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 675 MovieClip [bubble3] Frame 1
id = 3;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 678 Button
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.move == true) {
startDrag ("");
if (_root.del == true) {
if (bubble == 1) {
_root.bubble1content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble1exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 2) {
_root.bubble2content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble2exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 3) {
_root.bubble3content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble3exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 4) {
_root.bubble4content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble4exist[_root.frame] = false;
if (bubble == 5) {
_root.bubble5content[_root.frame] = "";
_root.bubble5exist[_root.frame] = false;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
on (releaseOutside) {
Symbol 680 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 682 Button
on (release) {
if (text == "") {
text = " ";
_root.SetContent(_root.frame, bubble);
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 684 MovieClip [bubble1] Frame 1
id = 1;
if (text == "") {
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 703 MovieClip [thecursor] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 686 MovieClip in Symbol 703 MovieClip [thecursor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.description == "") {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 690 MovieClip in Symbol 703 MovieClip [thecursor] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent._x = _root._xmouse;
_parent._y = _root._ymouse;
Symbol 707 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2);
Symbol 708 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 710 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 712 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 714 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 716 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 718 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 721 Button
on (press) {
startDrag ("");
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Symbol 728 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 732 Button
on (release) {
_root.selectObject = 0;
_parent.selectObj = _root.selectObject;
gotoAndStop (1);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Edit Object 1";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 733 Button
on (release) {
_root.selectObject = 1;
_parent.selectObj = _root.selectObject;
gotoAndStop (2);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Edit Object 2";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 734 Button
on (release) {
_root.selectObject = 2;
_parent.selectObj = _root.selectObject;
gotoAndStop (3);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Edit Object 3";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 736 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 738 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 2);
Symbol 739 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 741 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 743 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 745 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 747 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 749 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 751 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 753 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 755 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 757 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditObj(id, _root.frame, _parent.selectObj);
Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
selectObj = _root.selectObject;
Instance of Symbol 709 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
Instance of Symbol 711 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
Instance of Symbol 713 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
Instance of Symbol 715 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
Instance of Symbol 717 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
Instance of Symbol 719 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
Instance of Symbol 736 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(_parent.selectObj + 1);
Instance of Symbol 740 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
Instance of Symbol 742 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
Instance of Symbol 744 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
Instance of Symbol 746 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
Instance of Symbol 748 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
Instance of Symbol 750 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 12;
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 13;
Instance of Symbol 754 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 14;
Instance of Symbol 756 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 15;
Instance of Symbol 758 MovieClip in Symbol 759 MovieClip [submenu_objects] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 16;
Symbol 764 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 768 MovieClip [only] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
Symbol 783 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.sendername == "") {
error = "Please enter your name!";
} else if (_root.sendermail == "") {
error = "Please enter your email!";
} else {
_root.loadVariables("mail.php", "tellafriend", "POST");
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 787 MovieClip [tellafriend] Frame 1
thelink = "" +;
error = "";
_root.sendername = "";
_root.sendermail = "";
_root.friendmail1 = "";
_root.friendmail2 = "";
_root.friendmail3 = "";
_root.friendmail4 = "";
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
Symbol 787 MovieClip [tellafriend] Frame 7
Symbol 794 MovieClip [credits] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
Symbol 802 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 2;
Symbol 805 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 3;
Symbol 808 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 4;
Symbol 811 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 5;
Symbol 815 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 6;
Symbol 823 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 7;
Symbol 828 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 8;
Symbol 834 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 9;
Symbol 837 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 10;
Symbol 848 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 11;
Symbol 850 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 12;
Symbol 852 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 13;
Symbol 854 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 14;
Symbol 855 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 15;
Symbol 857 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 16;
Symbol 858 Button
on (release) {
_root.background1[_root.frame] = 17;
Symbol 859 MovieClip [submenu_background] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
Symbol 861 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("b1");
Symbol 862 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("b2");
Symbol 863 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("b3");
Symbol 864 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("b4");
Symbol 865 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("b5");
Symbol 875 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 877 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 879 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 881 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 883 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 885 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 887 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 889 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 891 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 893 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 895 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 897 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditBubble(id, _root.frame, bubble);
Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
if (_root.bubblecontent[0][_root.frame] != "") {
text1 = _root.bubblecontent[0][_root.frame];
} else {
text1 = "EMPTY";
if (_root.bubblecontent[1][_root.frame] != "") {
text2 = _root.bubblecontent[1][_root.frame];
} else {
text2 = "EMPTY";
if (_root.bubblecontent[2][_root.frame] != "") {
text3 = _root.bubblecontent[2][_root.frame];
} else {
text3 = "EMPTY";
if (_root.bubblecontent[3][_root.frame] != "") {
text4 = _root.bubblecontent[3][_root.frame];
} else {
text4 = "EMPTY";
if (_root.bubblecontent[4][_root.frame] != "") {
text5 = _root.bubblecontent[4][_root.frame];
} else {
text5 = "EMPTY";
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 882 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 890 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 892 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
bubble = 1;
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 882 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 890 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 892 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
bubble = 2;
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 882 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 890 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 892 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
bubble = 3;
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 882 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 890 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 892 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
bubble = 4;
Instance of Symbol 878 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 880 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 882 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 884 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 890 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 892 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
bubble = 5;
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 904 MovieClip [submenu_bubbles] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
bubble = 5;
Symbol 909 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("bobot");
Symbol 913 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("lin");
Symbol 916 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("ola");
Symbol 919 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("ebel");
Symbol 922 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("plib");
Symbol 925 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("mike");
Symbol 928 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("ogg");
Symbol 930 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 931 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 933 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 935 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 937 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 939 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 941 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 944 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 946 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 948 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 950 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 0);
Symbol 952 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 954 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 956 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 958 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 960 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 962 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 965 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 967 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 969 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 971 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 1);
Symbol 973 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 975 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 977 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 979 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 981 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 983 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 986 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 988 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 990 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 992 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 2);
Symbol 994 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 996 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 998 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1000 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1002 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1004 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1007 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1009 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1011 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1013 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 3);
Symbol 1015 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1017 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1019 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1021 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1023 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1025 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1028 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1030 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1032 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1034 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 4);
Symbol 1036 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1038 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1040 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1042 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1044 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1046 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1049 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1051 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1053 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1055 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 5);
Symbol 1057 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1059 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1061 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1063 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1065 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1067 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1070 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1072 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1074 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1076 Button
on (release) {
_root.EditChar(id, _root.frame, 6);
Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 1
_x = _root.windowx;
_y = _root.windowy;
Instance of Symbol 932 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 1;
Instance of Symbol 934 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 2;
Instance of Symbol 936 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 3;
Instance of Symbol 938 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 4;
Instance of Symbol 940 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 5;
Instance of Symbol 942 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 6;
Instance of Symbol 945 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 7;
Instance of Symbol 947 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 8;
Instance of Symbol 949 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 9;
Instance of Symbol 951 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 10;
Instance of Symbol 953 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 11;
Instance of Symbol 955 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 12;
Instance of Symbol 957 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 13;
Instance of Symbol 959 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 14;
Instance of Symbol 961 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 15;
Instance of Symbol 963 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 16;
Instance of Symbol 966 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 17;
Instance of Symbol 968 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 18;
Instance of Symbol 970 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 19;
Instance of Symbol 972 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 9
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 20;
Instance of Symbol 974 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 21;
Instance of Symbol 976 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 22;
Instance of Symbol 978 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 23;
Instance of Symbol 980 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 24;
Instance of Symbol 982 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 25;
Instance of Symbol 984 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 11
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 26;
Instance of Symbol 987 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 27;
Instance of Symbol 989 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 28;
Instance of Symbol 991 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 29;
Instance of Symbol 993 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 13
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 30;
Instance of Symbol 995 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 31;
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 32;
Instance of Symbol 999 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 33;
Instance of Symbol 1001 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 34;
Instance of Symbol 1003 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 35;
Instance of Symbol 1005 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 36;
Instance of Symbol 1008 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 37;
Instance of Symbol 1010 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 38;
Instance of Symbol 1012 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 39;
Instance of Symbol 1014 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 17
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 40;
Instance of Symbol 1016 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 41;
Instance of Symbol 1018 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 42;
Instance of Symbol 1020 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 43;
Instance of Symbol 1022 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 44;
Instance of Symbol 1024 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 45;
Instance of Symbol 1026 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 46;
Instance of Symbol 1029 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 47;
Instance of Symbol 1031 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 48;
Instance of Symbol 1033 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 49;
Instance of Symbol 1035 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 50;
Instance of Symbol 1037 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 51;
Instance of Symbol 1039 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 52;
Instance of Symbol 1041 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 53;
Instance of Symbol 1043 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 54;
Instance of Symbol 1045 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 55;
Instance of Symbol 1047 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 56;
Instance of Symbol 1050 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 57;
Instance of Symbol 1052 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 58;
Instance of Symbol 1054 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 59;
Instance of Symbol 1056 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 60;
Instance of Symbol 1058 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 61;
Instance of Symbol 1060 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 62;
Instance of Symbol 1062 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 63;
Instance of Symbol 1064 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 64;
Instance of Symbol 1066 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 65;
Instance of Symbol 1068 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 66;
Instance of Symbol 1071 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 67;
Instance of Symbol 1073 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 68;
Instance of Symbol 1075 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 69;
Instance of Symbol 1077 MovieClip in Symbol 1078 MovieClip [submenu_char] Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 70;
Symbol 1096 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1099 MovieClip Frame 1
page = _parent.picture;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[i][page]) {
attachMovie("bubble" + _root.bubblepic[i][page], "bubble" + i, _root.bubblelevel[i]);
bubbleclip = new Array();
bubbleclip[0] = bubble0;
bubbleclip[1] = bubble1;
bubbleclip[2] = bubble2;
bubbleclip[3] = bubble3;
bubbleclip[4] = bubble4;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
if (_root.bubbleexist[i][page]) {
if (_root.bubblecontent[i][page] == undefined) {
} else {
bubbleclip[i].text = _root.bubblecontent[i][page];
if (_root.bubblex[i][page] != 0) {
bubbleclip[i]._x = _root.bubblex[i][page];
} else {
bubbleclip[i]._x = _root.bubblex[i][page - 1];
if (_root.bubble1y[page] != 0) {
bubbleclip[i]._y = _root.bubbley[i][page];
} else {
bubbleclip[i]._y = _root.bubbley[i][page - 1];
bubbleclip[i].bubble = i;
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
if (_root.charexist[i][page]) {
attachMovie("pic" + _root.charpic[i][page], "char" + i, _root.charlevel[i]);
charclip = new Array();
charclip[0] = char0;
charclip[1] = char1;
charclip[2] = char2;
charclip[3] = char3;
charclip[4] = char4;
charclip[5] = char5;
charclip[6] = char6;
i = 0;
while (i < 7) {
if (_root.charexist[i][page]) {
if (_root.charx[i][page] != 0) {
charclip[i]._x = _root.charx[i][page];
} else {
charclip[i]._x = _root._xmouse;
if (_root.chary[i][page] != 0) {
charclip[i]._y = _root.chary[i][page];
} else {
charclip[i]._y = _root._ymouse;
charclip[i]._xscale = _root.charxscale[i][page];
charclip[i]._yscale = _root.charyscale[i][page];
charclip[i]._rotation = _root.charrot[i][page];
charclip[i].flip = _root.charflip[i][page];
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (_root.objexist[i][page]) {
attachMovie("obj" + _root.objpic[i][page], "obj" + i, _root.objlevel[i]);
objclip = new Array();
objclip[0] = obj0;
objclip[1] = obj1;
objclip[2] = obj2;
i = 0;
while (i < 3) {
if (_root.objexist[i][page]) {
if (_root.objx[i][page] != 0) {
objclip[i]._x = _root.objx[i][page];
} else {
objclip[i]._x = _root._xmouse;
if (_root.objy[i][page] != 0) {
objclip[i]._y = _root.objy[i][page];
} else {
objclip[i]._y = _root._ymouse;
objclip[i]._xscale = _root.objxscale[i][page];
objclip[i]._yscale = _root.objyscale[i][page];
objclip[i]._rotation = _root.objrot[i][page];
objclip[i].flip = _root.objflip[i][page];
} else {
Instance of Symbol 1096 MovieClip in Symbol 1100 MovieClip [box] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1100 MovieClip [box] Frame 2
_yscale = 50;
_xscale = 50;
Symbol 1102 MovieClip [box_frame] Frame 2
_yscale = 50;
_xscale = 50;
Symbol 1108 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
if (_root.background1[_root.frame + 1] == 1) {
_root.background1[_root.frame + 1] = _root.background1[_root.frame];
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root._currentframe + 2);
Symbol 1109 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1109 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1110 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
_root.gotoAndPlay(_root._currentframe - 2);
Symbol 1111 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1111 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1117 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("submenu_bubbles", "submenu_bubbles", _root.submenu_level);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Speech bubbles";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1134 Button
on (release) {
_root.del = true;
_root.move = false;
_root.rotate = false;
_root.scale = false;
_root.flip = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Delete";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1135 Button
on (release) {
_root.move = true;
_root.del = false;
_root.rotate = false;
_root.scale = false;
_root.flip = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Move";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1136 Button
on (release) {
_root.rotate = true;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = false;
_root.scale = false;
_root.flip = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Rotate";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1137 Button
on (release) {
_root.scale = true;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = false;
_root.rotate = false;
_root.flip = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Scale";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1138 Button
on (release) {
_root.flip = true;
_root.del = false;
_root.move = false;
_root.rotate = false;
_root.scale = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Flip";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Instance of Symbol 727 MovieClip in Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.del) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1121 MovieClip in Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.move) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1125 MovieClip in Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.rotate) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1129 MovieClip in Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.scale) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1133 MovieClip in Symbol 1139 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.flip) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Symbol 1142 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("submenu_objects", "submenu_objects", _root.submenu_level);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Stuff";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1150 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("submenu_background", "submenu_background", _root.submenu_level);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Backgrounds";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1154 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("submenu_char", "submenu_char", _root.submenu_level);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Cast";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1155 Button
on (release) {
_root.attachMovie("credits", "credits", _root.submenu_level);
Symbol 1157 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
i = 1;
while (i <= 6) {
removeMovieClip("char" + i);
removeMovieClip("bubble" + i);
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Reset / New Comic";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1158 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
_root.select_scene = "save1";
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Save Comic";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1159 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
_root.select_scene = "print1";
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Print your Comic";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1160 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
_root.presentation = true;
_root._x = _root._x - 160;
_root._y = _root._y - 70;
_root._xscale = _root._xscale * 1.26;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale * 1.26;
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Show fullscreen";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1161 Button
on (release) {
_root.description = "";
_root.select_scene = "load1";
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Load Comic";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1162 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Out of order";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1163 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Out of order";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1164 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "The Community";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Symbol 1178 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.description = "Visit us!";
on (rollOut, releaseOutside) {
_root.description = "";
Instance of Symbol 1109 MovieClip in Symbol 1182 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.frame >= _root.totalframes) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 1111 MovieClip in Symbol 1182 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.frame <= 1) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 1179 MovieClip in Symbol 1182 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.presentation) {
_visible = false;
} else {
_visible = true;
Symbol 1186 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1187 Button
on (release) { = 0;
_root.description = "";
_root.presentation = false;
_root._xscale = _root._xscale / 1.26;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale / 1.26;
_root._x = _root._x + 160;
_root._y = _root._y + 70;
if (_root.readonly) {
_root.readonly = false;
Symbol 1188 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("tellafriend.php?id=" +, "_blank");
Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1109 MovieClip in Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.frame >= _root.totalframes) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 1111 MovieClip in Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.frame <= 1) {
gotoAndStop (3);
} else {
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 1190 MovieClip in Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
if ( > 0) {
_visible = true;
} else {
_visible = false;
Symbol 1191 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 1202 Button
on (release) { = _root.printscale;
_visible = false;
Symbol 1203 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.printdata = SharedObject.getLocal("print_data");
if ( == null) {
_root.printscale = 100;
} else {
_root.printscale =;
Symbol 1204 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.myframes > 8) {
_root.myframes = 8;
Symbol 1207 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1208 Button
on (release) {
modul._visible = true;
Symbol 1215 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1216 Button
on (release) {
i = 1;
while (i <= _root.myframes) {
removeMovieClip("box" + i);
removeMovieClip("box_frame" + i);
_root._xscale = _root._xscale * 2;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale * 2;
_root.mousecursor._xscale = _root.mousecursor._xscale / 2;
_root.mousecursor._yscale = _root.mousecursor._yscale / 2;
_root._x = _root._x - 200;
_root._y = _root._y - 150;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1218 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1219 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1220 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1221 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1222 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1223 Button
on (release) { = _root.charpic[0]; = _root.charpic[1]; = _root.charpic[2]; = _root.charpic[3]; = _root.charpic[4]; = _root.charpic[5]; = _root.charpic[6]; = _root.objpic[0]; = _root.objpic[1]; = _root.objpic[2]; = _root.charx[0]; = _root.charx[1]; = _root.charx[2]; = _root.charx[3]; = _root.charx[4]; = _root.charx[5]; = _root.charx[6]; = _root.objx[0]; = _root.objx[1]; = _root.objx[2]; = _root.chary[0]; = _root.chary[1]; = _root.chary[2]; = _root.chary[3]; = _root.chary[4]; = _root.chary[5]; = _root.chary[6]; = _root.objy[0]; = _root.objy[1]; = _root.objy; = _root.charxscale[0]; = _root.charxscale[1]; = _root.charxscale[2]; = _root.charxscale[3]; = _root.charxscale[4]; = _root.charxscale[5]; = _root.charsxscale[6]; = _root.objxscale[0]; = _root.objxscale[1]; = _root.objxscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[0]; = _root.charyscale[1]; = _root.charyscale[2]; = _root.charyscale[3]; = _root.charyscale[4]; = _root.charyscale[5]; = _root.charyscale[6]; = _root.objyscale[0]; = _root.objyscale[1]; = _root.objyscale[2]; = _root.charrot[0]; = _root.charrot[1]; = _root.charrot[2]; = _root.charrot[3]; = _root.charrot[4]; = _root.charrot[5]; = _root.charrot[6]; = _root.objrot[0]; = _root.objrot[1]; = _root.objrot[2]; = _root.charflip[0]; = _root.charflip[1]; = _root.charflip[2]; = _root.charflip[3]; = _root.charflip[4]; = _root.charflip[5]; = _root.charflip[6]; = _root.objflip[0]; = _root.objflip[1]; = _root.objflip[2]; = _root.charexist[0]; = _root.charexist[1]; = _root.charexist[2]; = _root.charexist[3]; = _root.charexist[4]; = _root.charexist[5]; = _root.charexist[6]; = _root.objexist[0]; = _root.objexist[1]; = _root.objexist[2]; = _root.bubblepic[0]; = _root.bubblepic[1]; = _root.bubblepic[2]; = _root.bubblepic[3]; = _root.bubblepic[4]; = _root.bubblex[0]; = _root.bubblex[1]; = _root.bubblex[2]; = _root.bubblex[3]; = _root.bubblex[4]; = _root.bubbley[0]; = _root.bubbley[1]; = _root.bubbley[2]; = _root.bubbley[3]; = _root.bubbley[4]; = _root.bubblecontent[0]; = _root.bubblecontent[1]; = _root.bubblecontent[2]; = _root.bubblecontent[3]; = _root.bubblecontent[4]; = _root.bubbleexist[0]; = _root.bubbleexist[1]; = _root.bubbleexist[2]; = _root.bubbleexist[3]; = _root.bubbleexist[4]; = _root.background1; = _root.comicname;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1231 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1232 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1233 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1234 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1235 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1236 Button
on (release) {
_root.charpic[0] =;
_root.charpic[1] =;
_root.charpic[2] =;
_root.charpic[3] =;
_root.charpic[4] =;
_root.charpic[5] =;
_root.charpic[6] =;
_root.objpic[0] =;
_root.objpic[1] =;
_root.objpic[2] =;
_root.charx[0] =;
_root.charx[1] =;
_root.charx[2] =;
_root.charx[3] =;
_root.charx[4] =;
_root.charx[5] =;
_root.charx[6] =;
_root.objx[0] =;
_root.objx[1] =;
_root.objx[2] =;
_root.chary[0] =;
_root.chary[1] =;
_root.chary[2] =;
_root.chary[3] =;
_root.chary[4] =;
_root.chary[5] =;
_root.chary[6] =;
_root.objy[0] =;
_root.objy[1] =;
_root.objy[2] =;
_root.charxscale[0] =;
_root.charxscale[1] =;
_root.charxscale[2] =;
_root.charxscale[3] =;
_root.charxscale[4] =;
_root.charxscale[5] =;
_root.charxscale[6] =;
_root.objxscale[0] =;
_root.objxscale[1] =;
_root.objxscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[0] =;
_root.charyscale[1] =;
_root.charyscale[2] =;
_root.charyscale[3] =;
_root.charyscale[4] =;
_root.charyscale[5] =;
_root.charyscale[6] =;
_root.objyscale[0] =;
_root.objyscale[1] =;
_root.objyscale[2] =;
_root.charrot[0] =;
_root.charrot[1] =;
_root.charrot[2] =;
_root.charrot[3] =;
_root.charrot[4] =;
_root.charrot[5] =;
_root.charrot[6] =;
_root.objrot[0] =;
_root.objrot[1] =;
_root.objrot[2] =;
_root.charflip[0] =;
_root.charflip[1] =;
_root.charflip[2] =;
_root.charflip[3] =;
_root.charflip[4] =;
_root.charflip[5] =;
_root.charflip[6] =;
_root.objflip[0] =;
_root.objflip[1] =;
_root.objflip[2] =;
_root.charexist[0] =;
_root.charexist[1] =;
_root.charexist[2] =;
_root.charexist[3] =;
_root.charexist[4] =;
_root.charexist[5] =;
_root.charexist[6] =;
_root.objexist[0] =;
_root.objexist[1] =;
_root.objexist[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[0] =;
_root.bubblepic[1] =;
_root.bubblepic[2] =;
_root.bubblepic[3] =;
_root.bubblepic[4] =;
_root.bubblex[0] =;
_root.bubblex[1] =;
_root.bubblex[2] =;
_root.bubblex[3] =;
_root.bubblex[4] =;
_root.bubbley[0] =;
_root.bubbley[1] =;
_root.bubbley[2] =;
_root.bubbley[3] =;
_root.bubbley[4] =;
_root.bubblecontent[0] =;
_root.bubblecontent[1] =;
_root.bubblecontent[2] =;
_root.bubblecontent[3] =;
_root.bubblecontent[4] =;
_root.bubbleexist[0] =;
_root.bubbleexist[1] =;
_root.bubbleexist[2] =;
_root.bubbleexist[3] =;
_root.bubbleexist[4] =;
_root.background1 =;
_root.comicname =;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1245 Button
on (release) {
if ( == "") {
_root.error = "";
} else if (_root.vorname == "") {
_root.error = "Please enter your name!";
} else if (_root.nachname == "") {
_root.error = "";
} else if (_root.comicname == "") {
_root.error = "Please enter the title of your comic!";
} else {
_root.submit = 1;
gotoAndPlay (60);
Symbol 1246 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1252 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (173);
Symbol 1263 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1266 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1268 Button
on (release) { = _root.comic1;
gotoAndPlay ("load_remote");
Symbol 1269 Button
on (release) { = _root.comic2;
gotoAndPlay ("load_remote");
Symbol 1270 Button
on (release) { = _root.comic3;
gotoAndPlay ("load_remote");
Symbol 1271 Button
on (release) { = _root.comic4;
gotoAndPlay ("load_remote");
Symbol 1272 Button
on (release) { = _root.comic5;
gotoAndPlay ("load_remote");
Symbol 1278 Button
on (release) {
loaded = "";
if (_root.offset < _root.remoteVars.limit) {
_root.offset = _root.offset + 5;
gotoAndPlay (180);
Symbol 1279 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1280 Button
on (release) {
loaded = "";
if (_root.offset >= 5) {
_root.offset = _root.offset - 5;
gotoAndPlay (180);
Symbol 1283 Button
on (release) {
loaded = "";
lastpage = (_root.maxpage - 1) * 5;
if (_root.offset < lastpage) {
_root.offset = lastpage;
gotoAndPlay (180);
Symbol 1284 Button
on (release) {
loaded = "";
if (_root.offset > 0) {
_root.offset = 0;
gotoAndPlay (180);
Symbol 1290 Button
on (release) {
loaded = "";
_root.offset = 0;
gotoAndPlay (180);
Symbol 1292 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (533);
Symbol 1295 Button
on (release) {
_root.presentation = true;
_root.readonly = true;
_root._x = _root._x - 160;
_root._y = _root._y - 70;
_root._xscale = _root._xscale * 1.26;
_root._yscale = _root._yscale * 1.26;
gotoAndPlay (2);