Frame 1
Frame 5
Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] Frame 1
Symbol 30 MovieClip [gameover] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 30 MovieClip [gameover] Frame 1
on (press) { = 0;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 50 MovieClip [weapon2] Frame 1
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 81 Button
on (press) {
tellTarget (_root) {
Symbol 82 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop ("end");;
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
PercentLoaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
} else {
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 165
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 95 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
function startAd(ngad_url) {
trace("opening " + ngad_url);"");"");"");"");"");"");"");"");
var ngads_redirect = new XML();
ngads_redirect.ignoreWhite = true;
ngads_redirect.onLoad = function (success) {
trace("[NEWGROUNDS FLASH ADS] :: You may get a 'Security Sandbox Violation' ... this is normal, do not freak out!");
if (success) {
ng_ad.loadMovie(ngads_redirect.toString(), "GET");
if (NewgroundsAPI.getAdURL()) {
NewgroundsAPI.onAdsApproved = function (ad_url) {
Symbol 683 MovieClip [__Packages.NewgroundsAPI] Frame 0
class NewgroundsAPI
static var tracker_id, host, version, debug, error_format, header_format, normal_format, link_format;
function NewgroundsAPI () {
static function connectMovie(id) {
if (!id) {
SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(id:Number)");
} else if (!tracker_id) {
SendMessage("Connecting to API gateway...");
tracker_id = id;
host = _url.split("/")[2].toLowerCase();
if (host.length < 1) {
host = "localhost";
var _local2 = new Object();
static function setMovieVersion(movie_version) {
if (!movie_version) {
SendError("Missing required 'version' in NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion(version:String)");
} else {
version = movie_version;
static function debugMode() {
debug = true;
static function addCustomEvent(stat_id, stat_name) {
if (!stat_id) {
SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)");
} else if (!stat_name) {
SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomEvent(id:Number, event_name:String)");
} else {
custom_events[stat_name] = CUSTOM_STATS + stat_id;
SendMessage("Created custom event: " + stat_name);
static function addCustomLink(stat_id, stat_name) {
if (!stat_id) {
SendError("Missing required 'id' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)");
} else if (!stat_name) {
SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.AddCustomLink(id:Number, link_name:String)");
} else {
custom_links[stat_name] = CUSTOM_STATS + stat_id;
SendMessage((("Created custom link " + stat_id) + ": ") + stat_name);
static function loadMySite() {
static function loadNewgrounds(special) {
if (special) {
var _local1 = {page:special};
SendLink(NEWGROUNDS, _local1);
static function logCustomEvent(event_name) {
if (!event_name) {
SendError("Missing required 'event_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.logCustomEvent(event_name:String)");
} else if (!custom_events[event_name]) {
SendError("Attempted to log undefined custom event: " + event_name);
} else {
static function loadCustomLink(link_name) {
if (!link_name) {
SendError("Missing required 'link_name' parameter in NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink(link_name:String)");
} else if (!custom_links[link_name]) {
SendError("Attempted to open undefined custom link: " + link_name);
} else {
static function getAdURL() {
static function getMovieURL() {
if (movie_options.movie_url) {
static function getNewVersionURL() {
return((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + NEW_VERSION);
static function SendEvent(id) {
SendStat(id, false);
static function SendLink(id, extra) {
SendStat(id, true, extra);
static function ReadGatewayData(params) {
for (var _local2 in params) {
params[_local2] = unescape(params[_local2]);
movie_options[_local2] = params[_local2];
if (params.settings_loaded) {
SendMessage("You have successfully connected to the Newgrounds API gateway!");
SendMessage(("Movie Identified as '" + movie_options.movie_name) + "'");
if (movie_options.message) {
if (movie_options.ad_url) {
SendMessage("Your movie has been approved to run Flash Ads");
if (movie_options.movie_version and (movie_options.movie_version.toString() != version.toString())) {
SendMessage("WARNING: The movie version configured in your API settings does not match this movie's version!");
onNewVersionAvailable(movie_options.movie_version, getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL());
if (movie_options.deny_host) {
SendMessage("You have blocked 'localHost' in your API settings.");
SendMessage("If you wish to test your movie you will need to remove this block.");
onDenyHost(host, getMovieURL(), getNewVersionURL());
if (movie_options.request_portal_url == 1) {
var _local4 = (((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&portal_url=") + escape(_url);
var _local3 = new XML();
_local3.ignoreWhite = true;
} else if (!movie_options.settings_loaded) {
SendError("Could not establish connection to the API gateway.");
static function SendStat(stat_id, open_in_browser, extra) {
if (!tracker_id) {
SendError("API calls cannot be made without a valid movie id.");
SendError("Did you remember to add the \"NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie()\" code?");
} else {
var _local7 = (((((GATEWAY_URL + "?&id=") + tracker_id) + "&host=") + escape(host)) + "&stat=") + stat_id;
for (var _local9 in extra) {
_local7 = _local7 + ((("&" + escape(_local9)) + "=") + escape(extra[_local9]));
if (debug) {
_local7 = _local7 + "&debug=1";
if (open_in_browser) {
getURL (_local7, "_blank");
} else {
var _local10 = new XML();
_local10.ignoreWhite = true;
_local10.onLoad = function (success) {
var _local6 = new Object();
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < this.firstChild.childNodes.length) {
var _local4 = this.firstChild.childNodes[_local3];
var _local5 = _local4.nodeName;
var _local2 = _local4.attributes.value;
if (_local2 == Number(_local2)) {
_local2 = Number(_local2);
_local6[_local5] = _local2;
static function SendError(msg) {
trace("[NEWGROUNDS API ERROR] :: " + msg);
static function SendMessage(msg) {
trace("[NEWGROUNDS API] :: " + msg);
static function InitTextFormats() {
if (!error_format) {
error_format = new TextFormat();
error_format.font = "Arial Black";
error_format.size = 48;
error_format.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */;
if (!header_format) {
header_format = new TextFormat();
header_format.font = "Arial Black";
header_format.size = 24;
header_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
if (!normal_format) {
normal_format = new TextFormat();
normal_format.font = "Arial";
normal_format.bold = true;
normal_format.size = 12;
normal_format.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
if (!link_format) {
link_format = new TextFormat();
link_format.color = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */;
link_format.underline = true;
static function onNewVersionAvailable(version, movie_url, redirect_url) {
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.x = Stage.width / 2;
_local2.y = Stage.height / 2;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("NGAPI_new_version_overlay", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineStyle(1, 0, 100);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.beginFill(0, 70);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.moveTo(-10, -10);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(-10, 1000);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(1000, 1000);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(1000, -10);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(-10, -10);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineStyle(10, 0, 100);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.moveTo(_local2.x - 240, _local2.y - 120);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(_local2.x + 240, _local2.y - 120);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(_local2.x + 240, _local2.y + 80);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(_local2.x - 240, _local2.y + 80);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.lineTo(_local2.x - 240, _local2.y - 120);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createEmptyMovieClip("exit", 1000);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineStyle(2, 39423, 100);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.beginFill(0, 50);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(_local2.x + 210, _local2.y - 110);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 230, _local2.y - 110);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 230, _local2.y - 90);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 210, _local2.y - 90);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 210, _local2.y - 110);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(_local2.x + 214, _local2.y - 106);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 226, _local2.y - 94);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.moveTo(_local2.x + 226, _local2.y - 106);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.lineTo(_local2.x + 214, _local2.y - 94);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.onMouseUp = function () {
if (_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.exit.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
var _local3 = (("Version " + version) + " is now available at:") + newline;
var _local5 = _local3.length;
_local3 = _local3 + movie_url;
var _local4 = _local3.length;
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField("mouseblocker", 99, -10, -10, 1000, 1000);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField("newversion", 100, _local2.x - 210, _local2.y - 90, 400, 80);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.newversion.text = "New Version Available!";
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.createTextField("message", 101, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, Stage.height / 2, 400, 40);
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.text = _local3;
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.multiline = true;
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.wordWrap = true;
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.html = true;
link_format.url = redirect_url;
_root.NGAPI_new_version_overlay.message.setTextFormat(_local5, _local4, link_format);
static function onDenyHost(hostname, movie_url, redirect_url) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("NGAPI_deny_host_overlay", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineStyle(20, 0, 100);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.moveTo(0, 0);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.lineTo(0, 0);
var _local2 = ("This movie has not been approved for use on " + hostname) + ".";
_local2 = _local2 + "\r\rFor an aproved copy, please visit:\r";
var _local4 = _local2.length;
_local2 = _local2 + movie_url;
var _local3 = _local2.length;
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField("mousekill", 100, 0, 0, Stage.width, Stage.height);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField("error", 101, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, (Stage.height / 2) - 100, 400, 200);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.error.text = "ERROR!";
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.createTextField("message", 102, (Stage.width - 400) / 2, Stage.height / 2, 400, 200);
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.text = _local2;
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.multiline = true;
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.wordWrap = true;
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.html = true;
link_format.url = redirect_url;
_root.NGAPI_deny_host_overlay.message.setTextFormat(_local4, _local3, link_format);
static function isInstalled() {
static function onAdsApproved(ad_url) {
static var movie_options = new Object();
static var custom_events = new Object();
static var custom_links = new Object();
static var MOVIE_VIEWS = 1;
static var AUTHOR_SITE = 2;
static var NEWGROUNDS = 3;
static var NEW_VERSION = 4;
static var CUSTOM_STATS = 50;
static var GATEWAY_URL = "";
Symbol 684 MovieClip [__Packages.soldier] Frame 0
class soldier extends MovieClip
var temparmor, timer, reloadtimer, timer2, reloadtimer2, bizzy, tg, direct, angle, enemyid, plase, number, armor, damage, accurasy, ammoshells, ammomags, critical, reloading, speed, shootspeed, range, damage2, accurasy2, ammoshells2, critical2, reloading2, shootspeed2, range2, tempammomags, ammo, ammo2, _rotation, _x, _y, _visible, dx, dy, i;
function soldier () {
function onLoad() {
temparmor = 0;
timer = 0;
reloadtimer = 18;
timer2 = 0;
reloadtimer2 = 18;
bizzy = "searching";
tg = 0;
direct = 0;
angle = 0;
enemyid = 0;
plase = "aim";
timer = 0;
tempa = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 1];
tempi = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 2];
temps = _root.act.soldiers[number * 14];
armor = 0;
damage = 0;
accurasy = 0;
ammoshells = 0;
ammomags = 0;
critical = 0;
reloading = 0;
speed = 0;
shootspeed = 0;
range = 0;
damage2 = 0;
accurasy2 = 0;
ammoshells2 = 0;
critical2 = 0;
reloading2 = 0;
shootspeed2 = 0;
range2 = 0;
levelup = 50 * Math.pow(_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 7], 1.5);
tempweapon1 = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3];
tempweapon2 = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4];
wantarmor = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 9];
wantpants = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 12];
wantbelt = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 11];
wantbag = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 10];
wanthelmet = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 8];
wantboot = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 13];
tempammomags = ammomags;
ammo = ammoshells;
ammo2 = ammoshells2;
if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] < 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] > 60)) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant0", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
} else if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] < 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] < 10)) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant1", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot1" + number, 60 + number);
} else {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant2", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim._xscale = 75;
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim._yscale = 75;
_root.back.attachMovie("status", "status" + number, 22 + number);
_root.back["soldier" + number].shot = new Sound();
if (number == 0) {
_root.soldier0sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier0sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 1) {
_root.soldier1sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier1sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 2) {
_root.soldier2sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier2sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 3) {
_root.soldier3sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier3sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 4) {
_root.soldier4sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier4sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 5) {
_root.soldier5sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier5sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 6) {
_root.soldier6sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier6sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 7) {
_root.soldier7sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier7sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 8) {
_root.soldier8sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier8sound2 = new Sound();
} else if (number == 9) {
_root.soldier9sound = new Sound();
_root.soldier9sound2 = new Sound();
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarpoint", "radarpoint" + number, number);
function onEnterFrame() {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(14 * number) + 4] == 100) {
_root.back["dot0" + number]._x = _x - (Math.cos(((_rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * 30);
_root.back["dot0" + number]._y = _y - (Math.sin(((_rotation + 90) * Math.PI) / 180) * 30);
} else {
_root.back["dot0" + number]._x = _x - (Math.cos(((_rotation + 70) * Math.PI) / 180) * 40);
_root.back["dot0" + number]._y = _y - (Math.sin(((_rotation + 70) * Math.PI) / 180) * 40);
_root.back["dot1" + number]._x = _x - (Math.cos(((_rotation + 110) * Math.PI) / 180) * 40);
_root.back["dot1" + number]._y = _y - (Math.sin(((_rotation + 110) * Math.PI) / 180) * 40);
_root.radar["radarpoint" + number]._x = _x * _root.act.xmod;
_root.radar["radarpoint" + number]._y = _y * _root.act.ymod;
if (_root.back.realbase.hitTest(_root.back["soldier" + number]._x, _root.back["soldier" + number]._y, true)) {
_root.back["star" + number].removeMovieClip();
_root.back["status" + number]._visible = false;
_visible = false;
} else {
_root.back["status" + number]._visible = true;
_root.back["status" + number]._x = _x - 25;
_root.back["status" + number]._y = _y - 10;
if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 6] > 0) {
if (_root.back["star" + number]._x < 2000) {
_root.back["star" + number]._x = _x - 25;
_root.back["star" + number]._y = _y - 10;
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("star", "star" + number, 12 + number);
} else {
_root.back["star" + number].removeMovieClip();
_visible = true;
if (levelup <= _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5]) {
if (_root.act.tutorial == 4) {
_root.act.current = number;
_root.act.tutorial = 5;
_root.back["hero" + number].attachMovie("levelup", "levelup", 5);
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 7]++;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 6]++;
levelup = 50 * Math.pow(_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 7], 1.5);
if (_root.act.pause == false) {
if (bizzy == "fight") {
if ((tempammomags == 0) && ((ammo == 0) || (ammo2 == 0))) {
bizzy = "gotoreload";
if ((posx != _x) || (posy != _y)) {
bizzy = "gotopos";
} else if (bizzy == "searching") {
if ((tempammomags == 0) && ((ammo == 0) || (ammo2 == 0))) {
bizzy = "gotoreload";
if ((posx != _x) || (posy != _y)) {
bizzy = "gotopos";
} else if (bizzy == "reloading") {
if ((((((((tempweapon1 != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3]) || (tempweapon2 != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4])) || (wantarmor != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 9])) || (wantpants != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 12])) || (wantbelt != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 11])) || (wantbag != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 10])) || (wanthelmet != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 8])) || (wantboot != _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 13])) {
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] = tempweapon1;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] = tempweapon2;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 9] = wantarmor;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 12] = wantpants;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 11] = wantbelt;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 10] = wantbag;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 8] = wanthelmet;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 13] = wantboot;
if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] < 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] > 60)) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant0", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
} else if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] < 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] < 10)) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant1", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot1" + number, 60 + number);
} else {
_root.back["soldier" + number].attachMovie("variant2", "anim", 10);
_root.back.attachMovie("dot", "dot0" + number, 50 + number);
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim._xscale = 75;
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim._yscale = 75;
if (tempammomags < ammomags) {
} else {
tempammomags = ammomags;
ammo = ammoshells;
ammo2 = ammoshells2;
bizzy = "gotopos";
} else if (bizzy == "gotoreload") {
if ((((_root.back.base._x > (_x - 2)) && (_root.back.base._x < (_x + 2))) && (_root.back.base._y > (_y - 2))) && (_root.back.base._y < (_y + 2))) {
_x = _root.back.base._x;
_y = _root.back.base._y;
bizzy = "reloading";
} else if (bizzy == "gotopos") {
if ((((posx > (_x - 2)) && (posx < (_x + 2))) && (posy > (_y - 2))) && (posy < (_y + 2))) {
_x = posx;
_y = posy;
bizzy = "searching";
function gotothebase() {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(_root.back.base._y - _y, _root.back.base._x - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
_x = _x + dx;
_y = _y + dy;
function gotothe() {
if ((_x < 360) && (posx < 360)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(posy - _y, posx - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((_x > 640) && (posx > 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(posy - _y, posx - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((_x < 360) && (posx >= 360)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 370 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((_x > 640) && (posx <= 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 630 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((_x < 360) && (posx > 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 370 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((posx < 360) && (_x > 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 630 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if (((_x >= 360) && (_x <= 640)) && (posx < 360)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 350 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if (((_x >= 360) && (_x <= 640)) && (posx > 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(295 - _y, 650 - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
} else if ((((_x >= 360) && (_x <= 640)) && (posx >= 360)) && (posx <= 640)) {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(posy - _y, posx - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
_x = _x + dx;
_y = _y + dy;
function onPress() {
if (((_root.basemenu._x < 10000) || (_root.trainmenu._x < 1000)) || (_root.act.tutorial < 4)) {
} else if (_root._xmouse < 428) {
if (_root.act.tutorial == 5) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 6] > 0) {
if (click < 15) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = false;
_root.act.plase = false;
_root.act.canbuild = false;
_root.attachMovie("trainmenu", "trainmenu", 9);
if (_root.act.tutorial == 5) {
_root.act.tutorial = 6;
_root.act.pause = true;
click = 0;
} else {
click = 0;
} else if (click < 15) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = false;
_root.act.plase = false;
_root.act.canbuild = false;
_root.attachMovie("trainmenu", "trainmenu", 9);
if (_root.act.tutorial == 5) {
_root.act.tutorial = 6;
_root.act.pause = true;
click = 0;
} else {
_root.sidepanel._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("gruntpanel", "gruntpanel", 10);
if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] < 80) {
_root.gruntpanel.stat2._visible = true;
_root.gruntpanel.attachMovie("weapon" + _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3], "mainweapon", 10);
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._x = 442;
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._y = 162;
_root.gruntpanel.attachMovie("weapon" + _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4], "secondweapon", 9);
_root.gruntpanel.secondweapon._x = 478;
_root.gruntpanel.secondweapon._y = 162;
} else if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] < 10) {
_root.gruntpanel.stat2._visible = false;
_root.gruntpanel.attachMovie("weapon" + _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3], "mainweapon", 10);
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._x = 460;
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._y = 162;
} else {
_root.gruntpanel.stat2._visible = false;
_root.gruntpanel.attachMovie("weapon" + _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3], "mainweapon", 10);
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._x = 450;
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._y = 130;
_root.back.attachMovie("movepos", "movepos", 9999);
_root.act.current = number;
_root.act.plase = true;
click = 0;
function fight() {
angle = Math.atan2(_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y, _root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg - 90;
_rotation = direct - 180;
if ((((((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y)) + ((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x))) > (range * range)) && ((((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y)) + ((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x))) > (range2 * range2))) || (_root.back["imp" + enemyid].health <= 0)) {
bizzy = "searching";
if ((((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y)) + ((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x))) < (range * range)) {
if (ammo > 0) {
if (timer >= shootspeed) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim.fire0.gotoAndPlay(1);
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 0) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 1)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 6)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 8)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot2", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot2q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 10) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 11)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot3", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot3q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 12) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot4", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot4q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if (((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 13) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 15)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 16)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot5", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot5q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 14) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot0", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot0q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if ((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 17) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 18)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot1", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot1q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 19) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot7", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot7q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
} else if (((((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 3) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 4)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 5)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 7)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 3] == 9)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot6", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].attachSound("shot6q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound"].start();
_root.back["soldier" + number];
if (Math.random() < accurasy) {
if (_root.back["imp" + enemyid].health > 0) {
if (Math.random() < critical) {
tempdamage = damage * 2;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] + (damage * 2);
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("crit");
_root.act.damage = _root.act.damage + (damage * 2);
} else {
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("suc");
tempdamage = damage;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] + damage;
_root.act.damage = _root.act.damage + damage;
} else {
bizzy = "searching";
_root.back.attachMovie("bul", ("b" + number) + bullits, (300 + (number * 10)) + bullits);
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._x = _root.back["dot0" + number]._x;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._y = _root.back["dot0" + number]._y;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._rotation = _rotation;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].aim = enemyid;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].damage = tempdamage;
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("bul", ("b" + number) + bullits, (300 + (number * 10)) + bullits);
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._x = _root.back["dot0" + number]._x;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._y = _root.back["dot0" + number]._y;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._rotation = _rotation;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].aim = 300;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].damage = 0;
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("miss");
if (bullits < 10) {
} else {
bullits = 0;
ammo = ammo - 1;
timer = 0;
} else {
} else if (reloadtimer < reloading) {
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("rel");
} else {
ammo = ammoshells;
reloadtimer = 0;
if ((((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y - _y)) + ((_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x) * (_root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - _x))) < (range2 * range2)) {
if (ammo2 > 0) {
if (timer2 >= shootspeed2) {
_root.back["soldier" + number].anim.fire1.gotoAndPlay(1);
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 0) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 1)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 6)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 8)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].attachSound("shot2", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].attachSound("shot2q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].start();
} else if (((((_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 3) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 4)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 5)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 7)) || (_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 4] == 9)) {
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].attachSound("shot6", false);
} else {
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].attachSound("shot6q", false);
_root[("soldier" + number) + "sound2"].start();
if (Math.random() < accurasy2) {
if (_root.back["imp" + enemyid].health > 0) {
if (Math.random() < critical2) {
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("crit");
tempdamage = damage2 * 2;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] + (damage2 * 2);
_root.act.damage = _root.act.damage + (damage2 * 2);
} else {
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("suc");
tempdamage = damage2;
_root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] = _root.act.soldiers[(number * 14) + 5] + damage2;
_root.act.damage = _root.act.damage + damage2;
} else {
bizzy = "searching";
_root.back.attachMovie("bul", ("b" + number) + bullits, (300 + (number * 10)) + bullits);
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._x = _root.back["dot1" + number]._x;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._y = _root.back["dot1" + number]._y;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._rotation = _rotation;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].aim = enemyid;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].damage = tempdamage;
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("bul", ("b" + number) + bullits, (300 + (number * 10)) + bullits);
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._x = _root.back["dot1" + number]._x;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._y = _root.back["dot1" + number]._y;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits]._rotation = _rotation;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].aim = 300;
_root.back[("b" + number) + bullits].damage = 0;
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("miss");
if (bullits < 10) {
} else {
bullits = 0;
ammo2 = ammo2 - 1;
_root.back.attachMovie("bullit", "b" + (number + 10), 20 + (number + 10));
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)]._x = _x;
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)]._y = _y;
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)].dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)].dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (_rotation - 90)) / 360) * 20;
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)]._rotation = _rotation;
_root.back["b" + (number + 10)].aim = enemyid;
timer2 = 0;
} else {
} else if ((ammo2 <= 0) && (ammoshells2 > 0)) {
if (reloadtimer2 < reloading2) {
_root.back["status" + number].gotoAndStop("rel");
} else {
ammo2 = ammoshells2;
reloadtimer2 = 0;
function searchenemies() {
i = 0;
while (i < 160) {
if (_root.back["imp" + i].health > 0) {
if ((_root.back["imp" + i]._x > (_x - range)) && (_root.back["imp" + i]._x < (_x + range))) {
if ((_root.back["imp" + i]._y > (_y - range)) && (_root.back["imp" + i]._y < (_y + range))) {
if ((((_root.back["imp" + i]._y - _y) * (_root.back["imp" + i]._y - _y)) + ((_root.back["imp" + i]._x - _x) * (_root.back["imp" + i]._x - _x))) < (range * range)) {
enemyid = i;
bizzy = "fight";
function refresh() {
armor = 0;
damage = 0;
accurasy = 0;
ammoshells = 0;
ammomags = 5;
critical = 0;
reloading = 0;
speed = 0;
shootspeed = 0;
range = 0;
damage2 = 0;
accurasy2 = 0;
ammoshells2 = 0;
critical2 = 0;
reloading2 = 0;
shootspeed2 = 0;
range2 = 0;
if (tempweapon1 == 0) {
damage = 4;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 1) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 10;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 12;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 2) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 3) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 15;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 4) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 5) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 6) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 7) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 8) {
damage = 8;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 9) {
damage = 9;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
damage = 7;
shootspeed = 2;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 2;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.25;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 11) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 7;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 320 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
damage = 20;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 13) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.3;
speed = 0.75 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
damage = 12;
shootspeed = 30;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 1;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 15) {
damage = 8;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 16) {
damage = 8;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 17) {
damage = 15;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 18) {
damage = 15;
shootspeed = 22;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 600 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.9;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 19) {
damage = 10;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 100;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
if (tempweapon2 == 0) {
damage2 = 4;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 1) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 11;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 12;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 2) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 3) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 16;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 4) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 5) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 6) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 7) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 8) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 9) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
if (wantarmor == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantarmor == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
} else if (wantarmor == 2) {
ammomags = ammomags + 8;
if (wantbelt == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantbelt == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantpants == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantpants == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantboot == 0) {
speed = speed + 1;
if (wantbag == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantbag == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
ammomags = ammomags * 3;
if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
function addblood() {
var _local3 = Math.random() * 100;
var _local4 = Math.random() * 180;
_root.back.bloodfield.attachMovie("blood", "blood" + _root.act.bloodies, _root.act.bloodies);
if (_x > _root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x) {
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._x = _root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x - 5;
} else {
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._x = _root.back["imp" + enemyid]._x + 5;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._y = _root.back["imp" + enemyid]._y + 3;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._rotation = _local4;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._xscale = _local3;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._yscale = _local3;
var ready = true;
var see = true;
var type = 0;
var levelup = 100;
var pos = 0;
var posx = 0;
var posy = 0;
var tempweapon1 = 0;
var tempweapon2 = 0;
var wantarmor = 0;
var wantpants = 0;
var wantbelt = 0;
var wantbag = 0;
var wanthelmet = 0;
var wantboot = 0;
var tempi = 0;
var tempa = 0;
var temps = 0;
var click = 0;
var bullits = 0;
var tempdamage = 0;
Symbol 685 MovieClip [__Packages.trainmenu] Frame 0
class trainmenu extends MovieClip
var temps, tempa, tempi, points, tempweapon1, tempweapon2, armor, damage, accurasy, ammoshells, ammomags, critical, reloading, speed, shootspeed, range, damage2, accurasy2, ammoshells2, critical2, reloading2, shootspeed2, range2;
function trainmenu () {
function onLoad() {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] > 9) {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = false;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = true;
temps = _root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14];
tempa = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1];
tempi = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2];
points = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6];
supplies =;
tempweapon1 = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3];
tempweapon2 = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4];
wantarmor = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9];
wantpants = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12];
wantbelt = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11];
wantbag = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10];
wanthelmet = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 8];
wantboot = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 13];
function onEnterFrame() {
if (see == false) {
see = true;
if (saving == true) {
function refresh() {
if (tempweapon2 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats1", 10);
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._x = 296;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._y = 128;
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats0", 11);
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._x = 130;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._y = 128;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats0", 11);
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._x = 296;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._y = 128;
if (tempweapon1 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("weapon" + tempweapon1, "mainweapon", 100);
_root.trainmenu.mainweapon._x = _root.trainmenu.handl._x;
_root.trainmenu.mainweapon._y = _root.trainmenu.handl._y;
if (tempweapon2 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("weapon" + tempweapon2, "secondweapon", 101);
_root.trainmenu.secondweapon._x = _root.trainmenu.handr._x;
_root.trainmenu.secondweapon._y = _root.trainmenu.handr._y;
if (tempweapon1 > 9) {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = false;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = true;
if (wantarmor < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("armor" + wantarmor, "armora", 5);
_root.trainmenu.armora._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.armora._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
if (wantpants < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("pants" + wantpants, "pants", 6);
_root.trainmenu.pants._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.pants._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
if (wantbelt < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("belt" + wantbelt, "belt", 7);
_root.trainmenu.belt._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.belt._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
if (wantboot < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("boots" + wantboot, "boot", 4);
_root.trainmenu.boot._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.boot._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
armor = 0;
damage = 0;
accurasy = 0;
ammoshells = 0;
ammomags = 5;
critical = 0;
reloading = 0;
speed = 0;
shootspeed = 0;
range = 0;
damage2 = 0;
accurasy2 = 0;
ammoshells2 = 0;
critical2 = 0;
reloading2 = 0;
shootspeed2 = 0;
range2 = 0;
if (tempweapon1 == 0) {
damage = 4;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 1) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 10;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 12;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 2) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 3) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 15;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 4) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 5) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 6) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 7) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 8) {
damage = 8;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 9) {
damage = 9;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
damage = 7;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 2;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.25;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 11) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 8;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 230 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
damage = 12;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 280 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 13) {
damage = 10;
shootspeed = 10;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.3;
speed = 0.75 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
damage = 11;
shootspeed = 40;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 1;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 15) {
damage = 15;
shootspeed = 11;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 16) {
damage = 11;
shootspeed = 11;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 17) {
damage = 13;
shootspeed = 45;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 18) {
damage = 13;
shootspeed = 45;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 600 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.9;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 19) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 100;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
if (tempweapon2 == 0) {
damage2 = 4;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 1) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 11;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 12;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 2) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 3) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 16;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 4) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 5) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 6) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 7) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 8) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 9) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
if (wantarmor == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantarmor == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
} else if (wantarmor == 2) {
ammomags = ammomags + 8;
if (wantbelt == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantbelt == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantpants == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantpants == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantboot == 0) {
speed = speed + 1;
if (wantbag == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantbag == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
ammomags = ammomags * 3;
if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
if (points <= 0) {
_root.trainmenu.iin._visible = false; = false;
_root.trainmenu.iag._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.namea.text = _root.act.names[_root.act.current];
_root.trainmenu.he.text = (temps * 25) + 100; = armor;
_root.trainmenu.ex.text = points; = temps; = tempa;
_root.trainmenu.inte.text = tempi;
_root.trainmenu.sp.text = speed; = ammomags;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0.da.text = damage; = accurasy; = ammoshells; = critical; = reloading; = shootspeed;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0.ra.text = range;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1.da.text = damage2; = accurasy2; = ammoshells2; = critical2; = reloading2; = shootspeed2;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1.ra.text = range2; =;
function exitandsave() {
_root.act.pause = false;
_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] = temps;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] = tempa;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] = tempi;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6] = points;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].temps = temps;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempa = tempa;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempi = tempi;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].points = points; = supplies;
if ((((((((_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempweapon1 != tempweapon1) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempweapon2 != tempweapon2)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantarmor != wantarmor)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantbag != wantbag)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantbelt != wantbelt)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantboot != wantboot)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wanthelmet != wanthelmet)) || (_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantpants != wantpants)) {
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].bizzy = "gotoreload";
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempweapon1 = tempweapon1;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].tempweapon2 = tempweapon2;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantarmor = wantarmor;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantbag = wantbag;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantbelt = wantbelt;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantboot = wantboot;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wanthelmet = wanthelmet;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].wantpants = wantpants;
function onMouseUp() {
see = false;
var see = false;
var saving = false;
var wantarmor = 0;
var wantpants = 0;
var wantbelt = 0;
var wantbag = 0;
var wanthelmet = 0;
var wantboot = 0;
var supplies = 0;
Symbol 686 MovieClip [__Packages.equipmentmenu] Frame 0
class equipmentmenu extends MovieClip
var temps, tempa, tempi, points, tempsupplies, tempweapon1, tempweapon2, armor, damage, accurasy, ammoshells, ammomags, critical, reloading, speed, shootspeed, range, damage2, accurasy2, ammoshells2, critical2, reloading2, shootspeed2, range2;
function equipmentmenu () {
function onLoad() {
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
if (i < _root.act.numberofgrunts) {
_root.trainmenu["b" + i].text = _root.act.names[i];
} else {
_root.trainmenu["b" + i]._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu["bu" + i]._visible = false;
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] > 9) {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = false;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = true;
function onEnterFrame() {
if (see == false) {
see = true;
if (saving == true) {
function refresh() {
temps = _root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14];
tempa = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1];
tempi = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2];
points = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6];
tempsupplies =;
tempweapon1 = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3];
tempweapon2 = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4];
wantarmor = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9];
wantpants = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12];
wantbelt = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11];
wantbag = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10];
wanthelmet = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 8];
wantboot = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 13];
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] > 9) {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = false;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.handr._visible = true;
if (tempweapon2 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats1", 10);
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._x = 296;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._y = 128;
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats0", 11);
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._x = 130;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._y = 128;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("wstats", "wstats0", 11);
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._x = 296;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._y = 128;
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6] <= 0) {
_root.trainmenu.iin._visible = false; = false;
_root.trainmenu.iag._visible = false;
} else {
_root.trainmenu.iin._visible = true; = true;
_root.trainmenu.iag._visible = true;
if (tempweapon1 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("weapon" + tempweapon1, "mainweapon", 100);
_root.trainmenu.mainweapon._x = _root.trainmenu.handl._x;
_root.trainmenu.mainweapon._y = _root.trainmenu.handl._y;
if (tempweapon2 < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("weapon" + tempweapon2, "secondweapon", 101);
_root.trainmenu.secondweapon._x = _root.trainmenu.handr._x;
_root.trainmenu.secondweapon._y = _root.trainmenu.handr._y;
} else {
if (wantarmor < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("armor" + wantarmor, "armora", 5);
_root.trainmenu.armora._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.armora._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
} else {
if (wantpants < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("pants" + wantpants, "pants", 6);
_root.trainmenu.pants._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.pants._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
} else {
if (wantbelt < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("belt" + wantbelt, "belt", 7);
_root.trainmenu.belt._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.belt._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
} else {
if (wantboot < 99) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("boots" + wantboot, "boot", 4);
_root.trainmenu.boot._x = _root.trainmenu.body1._x;
_root.trainmenu.boot._y = _root.trainmenu.body1._y;
} else {
armor = 0;
damage = 0;
accurasy = 0;
ammoshells = 0;
ammomags = 5;
critical = 0;
reloading = 0;
speed = 0;
shootspeed = 0;
range = 0;
damage2 = 0;
accurasy2 = 0;
ammoshells2 = 0;
critical2 = 0;
reloading2 = 0;
shootspeed2 = 0;
range2 = 0;
if (tempweapon1 == 0) {
damage = 4;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 1) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 10;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 12;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 2) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 3) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 15;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 4) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 25;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 8;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 5) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 6) {
damage = 3;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 7) {
damage = 5;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 8) {
damage = 8;
shootspeed = 3;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 9) {
damage = 9;
shootspeed = 4;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 24;
range = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
damage = 7;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 2;
range = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.25;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 11) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 8;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 230 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
speed = 1 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
damage = 12;
shootspeed = 20;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 6;
range = 280 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 13) {
damage = 10;
shootspeed = 10;
reloading = 40;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.3;
speed = 0.75 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
damage = 11;
shootspeed = 40;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 1;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 15) {
damage = 15;
shootspeed = 11;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 400 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 16) {
damage = 11;
shootspeed = 11;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 30;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 17) {
damage = 13;
shootspeed = 45;
reloading = 30;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 500 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.4;
speed = 0.7 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 18) {
damage = 13;
shootspeed = 45;
reloading = 35;
ammoshells = 10;
range = 600 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.9;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.35;
speed = 0.8 + (tempa * 0.05);
} else if (tempweapon1 == 19) {
damage = 6;
shootspeed = 5;
reloading = 60;
ammoshells = 100;
range = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
speed = 0.5 + (tempa * 0.05);
if (tempweapon2 == 0) {
damage2 = 4;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 1) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 11;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 12;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 2) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.6;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 3) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 16;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 4) {
damage2 = 6;
shootspeed2 = 26;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 8;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 5) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 21;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 6) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 250 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.5;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.05;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 7) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 24;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.4;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.1;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 8) {
damage2 = 3;
shootspeed2 = 3;
reloading2 = 30;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 300 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.7;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
} else if (tempweapon2 == 9) {
damage2 = 5;
shootspeed2 = 4;
reloading2 = 24;
ammoshells2 = 10;
range2 = 350 + (tempi * 5);
accurasy2 = (tempa * 0.01) + 0.8;
critical2 = (tempi * 0.02) + 0.15;
if (wantarmor == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantarmor == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
} else if (wantarmor == 2) {
ammomags = ammomags + 8;
if (wantbelt == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantbelt == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantpants == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 2;
} else if (wantpants == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
if (wantboot == 0) {
speed = speed + 1;
if (wantbag == 0) {
ammomags = ammomags + 4;
} else if (wantbag == 1) {
ammomags = ammomags + 6;
if (tempweapon1 == 10) {
ammomags = ammomags * 3;
if (tempweapon1 == 12) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
if (tempweapon1 == 14) {
ammomags = ammomags * 5;
if (points <= 0) {
_root.trainmenu.iin._visible = false; = false;
_root.trainmenu.iag._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.he.text = (temps * 25) + 100; = armor;
_root.trainmenu.ex.text = _root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6]; = temps; = tempa;
_root.trainmenu.inte.text = tempi;
_root.trainmenu.sp.text = speed; = ammomags;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0.da.text = damage; = accurasy; = ammoshells; = critical; = reloading; = shootspeed;
_root.trainmenu.wstats0.ra.text = range;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1.da.text = damage2; = accurasy2; = ammoshells2; = critical2; = reloading2; = shootspeed2;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1.ra.text = range2;
_root.trainmenu.cuna.text = _root.act.names[_root.act.current]; =;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
if (i < _root.act.numberofgrunts) {
_root.trainmenu["b" + i].text = _root.act.names[i];
} else {
_root.trainmenu["b" + i]._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu["bu" + i]._visible = false;
function exitandsave() {
_root.act.pause = false;
_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] = temps;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] = tempa;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] = tempi;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6] = points;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = tempweapon1;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = tempweapon2;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] = wantarmor;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12] = wantpants;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11] = wantbelt;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10] = wantbag;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 8] = wanthelmet;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 13] = wantboot;
_root.act.current = nextsoldier;
saving = false;
function onMouseUp() {
see = false;
var see = false;
var saving = false;
var wantarmor = 0;
var wantpants = 0;
var wantbelt = 0;
var wantbag = 0;
var wanthelmet = 0;
var wantboot = 0;
var nextsoldier = 0;
var i = 0;
Symbol 687 MovieClip [__Packages.movepos] Frame 0
class movepos extends MovieClip
var _x, _y, hitTest;
function movepos () {
function onEnterFrame() {
_x = _root.back._xmouse;
_y = _root.back._ymouse;
if (_root.back.availableground.hitTest(_root.back.movepos)) {
if ((((((hitTest(_root.back.block0) || (hitTest(_root.back.block1))) || (hitTest(_root.back.block2))) || (hitTest(_root.back.block3))) || (hitTest(_root.back.block4))) || (hitTest(_root.back.block5))) || (hitTest(_root.back.block6))) {
_root.act.canbuild = false;
_root.back.movepos.see = false;
} else {
_root.act.canbuild = true;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.act.numberofgrunts) {
if (_root.back.movepos.hitTest(_root.back["soldier" + i])) {
if (i != _root.act.current) {
_root.act.canbuild = false;
_root.back.movepos.see = false;
} else {
_root.act.canbuild = false;
_root.back.movepos.see = false;
if (_root.act.canbuild == true) {
if (_root.back.movepos.see == false) {
_root.back.movepos.see = true;
var see = false;
var i = 0;
Symbol 688 MovieClip [__Packages.startpos] Frame 0
class startpos extends MovieClip
var _x, _y, hitTest, removeMovieClip;
function startpos () {
function onLoad() {
_x = 200;
_y = 225;
function onEnterFrame() {
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
_x = 361 + (i * 40);
can = true;
j = 0;
while (j < 10) {
if (hitTest(_root.back["soldier" + j])) {
can = false;
if (can == true) {
_root.back["soldier" + aim].posx = _x;
_root.back["soldier" + aim].posy = _y;
_root.back["soldier" + aim].bizzy = "gotopos";
_y = _y + 30;
i = 0;
while (i < 10) {
_x = 361 + (i * 40);
can = true;
j = 0;
while (j < 10) {
if (hitTest(_root.back["soldier" + j])) {
can = false;
if (can == true) {
_root.back["soldier" + aim].posx = _x;
_root.back["soldier" + aim].posy = _y;
_root.back["soldier" + aim].bizzy = "gotopos";
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var can = false;
var aim = 0;
Symbol 689 MovieClip [__Packages.simple] Frame 0
class simple extends MovieClip
var tg, goaim, gorange, direct, angle, number, _y, _x, dx, dy, removeMovieClip, gotoAndPlay, _rotation, i;
function simple () {
function onLoad() {
tg = 0;
goaim = "non";
gorange = 0;
direct = 0;
angle = 0;
temprange = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
health = maxhealth;
_root.back["imp" + number].attachMovie("healthbar", "healthbar", 1);
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._y = 10;
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._x = -((50 + maxhealth) / 2);
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._width = (health / maxhealth) * (50 + maxhealth);
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._visible = false;
function onEnterFrame() {
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._width = (health / maxhealth) * (50 + maxhealth);
if ((_root.act.pause == false) && (health > 0)) {
if (_y < 395) {
} else {
_x = _x + dx;
_y = _y + dy;
} else if ((health <= 0) && (_root.act.pause == false)) {
_root.back["goaimenemy" + number].removeMovieClip();
_root.radar["radarenemy" + number].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.act.current == number) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
_root.radar["radarenemy" + number]._x = _x * _root.act.xmod;
_root.radar["radarenemy" + number]._y = _y * _root.act.ymod;
function attack() {
if (timer == 0) {
gotoAndPlay("hit"); = - damage;
_root.act.gatesdamage = _root.act.gatesdamage + damage;
if (timer > 20) {
timer = 0;
} else {
function gotothe() {
_rotation = direct;
angle = Math.atan2(350 - _y, (modx + 412) - _x);
tg = Math.round((angle * 180) / Math.PI);
direct = tg + 90;
dx = Math.cos(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
dy = Math.sin(((Math.PI*2) * (direct - 90)) / 360) * speed;
_rotation = direct;
health = maxhealth;
function setgoaim() {
modx = (_x / 1000) * 168;
function onPress() {
if (((_root.trainmenu._x < 1000) || (_root._xmouse > 425)) || (_root.act.tutorial < 6)) {
} else {
_root.sidepanel._visible = false;
if (type == 0) {
_root.attachMovie("imppanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
} else if (type == 1) {
_root.attachMovie("cerberpanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
} else if (type == 2) {
_root.attachMovie("zombiepanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
} else if (type == 3) {
_root.attachMovie("demonpanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
} else if (type == 4) {
_root.attachMovie("lordpanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
} else if (type == 5) {
_root.attachMovie("knightpanel", "demonpanel", 10);
_root.act.current = number;
function addblood() {
var _local4 = Math.random() * 20;
var _local5 = Math.random() * 180;
i = 0;
while (i < 5) {
var _local3 = Math.random();
_root.back.bloodfield.attachMovie("blood", "blood" + _root.act.bloodies, _root.act.bloodies);
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._x = (_x - 1) + (_local3 * 2);
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._y = (_y - 1) + (_local3 * 2);
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._rotation = _local5;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._xscale = (maxhealth * 10) + _local4;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._yscale = (maxhealth * 10) + _local4;
function onRollOver() {
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._visible = true;
function onRollOut() {
_root.back["imp" + number].healthbar._visible = false;
var speed = 1;
var modx = 0;
var health = 1;
var maxhealth = 1;
var tempaim = 0;
var timer = 0;
var temprange = 1000000;
var damage = 2;
var healthbonus = 0;
var damagebonus = 0;
var speedbonus = 0;
var type = 0;
Symbol 690 MovieClip [__Packages.bullit] Frame 0
class bullit extends MovieClip
var hitTest, removeMovieClip, _x, _y;
function bullit () {
function onEnterFrame() {
if (hitTest(_root.back["imp" + aim])) {
_root.back["imp" + aim].health = _root.back["imp" + aim].health - damage;
} else {
_x = _x + dx;
_y = _y + dy;
function addblood() {
var _local3 = Math.random() * 100;
var _local4 = Math.random() * 180;
_root.back.bloodfield.attachMovie("blood", "blood" + _root.act.bloodies, _root.act.bloodies);
if (_x > _root.back["imp" + aim]._x) {
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._x = _root.back["imp" + aim]._x - 5;
} else {
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._x = _root.back["imp" + aim]._x + 5;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._y = _root.back["imp" + aim]._y + 3;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._rotation = _local4;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._xscale = _local3;
_root.back.bloodfield["blood" + _root.act.bloodies]._yscale = _local3;
var dx = 0;
var dy = 0;
var aim = 0;
var damage = 0;
Symbol 691 MovieClip [__Packages.acta] Frame 0
class acta extends MovieClip
var timer, numberofenemies, totaltimer, xmod, ymod, supplies, levela, score, current, names, soldiers;
function acta () {
function onLoad() {
now = 0;
timer = 0;
numberofenemies = 0;
totaltimer = 0;
xmod = 0;
ymod = 0;
supplies = 0;
levela = 0;
score = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
current = 0;
names = ["Ryan", "Maxwell", "Ros", "Brian", "Maxwell", "John", "Stan", "Kyle", "Eric", "Kenny"];
soldiers = [1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100];
_root.backmusic = new Sound();
function onEnterFrame() {
if (now == 0) {
_root.attachMovie("menu", "menu", 10);
_root.backmusic.attachSound("menumusic", true);
_root.backmusic.start(0, 1000);
now = 1;
} else if (now == 6) {
var _local3 = SharedObject.getLocal("ifhtd");
if ( > 0) {
soldiers =;
levela =;
score =;
numberofgrunts =;
names =;
supplies =;
tutorial = 100;
} else {
levela = 0;
numberofgrunts = 4;
score = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
soldiers = [1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100];
now = 10;
now = 8;
} else if (now == 7) {;
_root.attachMovie("research", "research", 10);
current = 0;
now = 7.5;
} else if (now == 8) {;
if (_root.trainmenu._x < 1000) {
} else {
if (_root.act.current > 9) {
_root.act.current = 0;
_root.attachMovie("equipmentmenu", "trainmenu", 9);
} else if (now == 10) {;
totaltimer = 0;
tempsupplies = supplies;
if (levela == 0) {
supplies = supplies + 15000;
var _local3 = SharedObject.getLocal("ifhtd");
if ( > 0) {
tutorial = 10000;
} else {
tutorial = 0;
} else {
tutorial = 100;
temptimer = 100;
bloodies = 0;
_root.attachMovie("back", "back", 1);
_root.back.attachMovie("bloodfield", "bloodfield", 1);
_root.attachMovie("radar", "radar", 2);
_root.attachMovie("sidepanel", "sidepanel", 5);
_root.back.attachMovie("base1", "realbase", 999999);
_root.back.realbase._x = 190;
_root.back.realbase.gotoAndStop(levela + 1);
_root.radar._x = 438;
_root.radar._y = 300;
_root.attachMovie("ramkaradar", "ramkaradar", 6);
_root.ramkaradar._x = 428;
_root.ramkaradar._y = 300;
xmod = _root.radar._height / _root.back._height;
ymod = _root.radar._width / _root.back._width;
i = 0;
while (i < numberofgrunts) {
if (i < 5) {
_root.back.attachMovie("soldier", "soldier" + i, 2 + i);
_root.back["soldier" + i]._x = 361 + (i * 40);
_root.back["soldier" + i]._y = 250;
_root.back["soldier" + i].posx = 361 + (i * 40);
_root.back["soldier" + i].posy = 250;
_root.back["soldier" + i].number = i;
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("soldier", "soldier" + i, 2 + i);
_root.back["soldier" + i]._x = 361 + ((i - 5) * 40);
_root.back["soldier" + i]._y = 270;
_root.back["soldier" + i].posx = 361 + ((i - 5) * 40);
_root.back["soldier" + i].posy = 270;
_root.back["soldier" + i].number = i;
_root.backmusic.attachSound("gamemusic", true);
_root.backmusic.start(0, 1000);
now = 11;
} else if (now == 11) {
if ( <= 0) {
now = 13;
if (bloodies > 100) {
bloodies = 0;
if (tutorial == 0) {
pause = true;
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000);
_root.tutorial._x = 172;
_root.tutorial._y = 130;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = "Here you can hire new soldiers . Maximum number of soldiers is 10.";
} else if (tutorial == 1) {
pause = true;
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000);
_root.tutorial._x = 172;
_root.tutorial._y = 160;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = "You can stop/resume the game by pressing this button.";
} else if (tutorial == 2) {
pause = true;
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000);
_root.tutorial._x = 172;
_root.tutorial._y = 197;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = "You can mute/unmute the game sounds by pressing this button.";
} else if (tutorial == 3) {
pause = true;
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000);
_root.tutorial._x = 172;
_root.tutorial._y = 225;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = "Be careful! Pressing this button will cause you to quit the game.";
} else if (tutorial == 5) {
pause = true;
_root.back._xscale = 100;
_root.back._yscale = 100;
_root.back._x = 350 - _root.back["soldier" + current]._x;
_root.back._y = 200 - _root.back["soldier" + current]._y;
_root.attachMovie("gruntpanel", "gruntpanel", 10);
_root.gruntpanel.attachMovie("weapon" + soldiers[(current * 14) + 3], "mainweapon", 10);
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._x = 460;
_root.gruntpanel.mainweapon._y = 162;
plase = false;
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000); = false;
_root.tutorial.but._visible = false;
_root.tutorial._x = 60;
_root.tutorial._y = 170;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = names[current] + " has gained a level! Choose the soldier and click the 'train' button.";
} else if (tutorial == 6) {
if (_root.tutorial < 1000) {
} else {
_root.attachMovie("hint", "tutorial", 10000);
_root.tutorial._x = 123;
_root.tutorial._y = 40;
_root.tutorial.hint.text = "Here you can improve your soldier's skills and buy better weapons and equipment!";
} else if (tutorial == 7) {
tutorial = 100;
if (wave < 100) {
_root.sidepanel.wave.text = wave;
} else {
_root.sidepanel.wave.text = "last";
if (pause == true) {
} else {
_root.sidepanel.gates.text =; = supplies;
if (numberofenemies > 150) {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave == 100) {
win = true;
i = 0;
while (i < 160) {
if (_root.back["imp" + i].health > 0) {
win = false;
if (win == true) {
now = 12;
_root.gruntpanel.namea.text = names[current];
_root.gruntpanel.ammo.text = (((_root.back["soldier" + current].ammo + "/") + _root.back["soldier" + current].ammoshells) + "/") + _root.back["soldier" + current].tempammomags;
if (_root.act.soldiers[(current * 14) + 4] < 80) {
_root.gruntpanel.stat2.ammo2.text = (((_root.back["soldier" + current].ammo2 + "/") + _root.back["soldier" + current].ammoshells2) + "/") + _root.back["soldier" + current].tempammomags;
} else {
_root.gruntpanel.stat2._visible = false;
_root.demonpanel.healthbar._width = (_root.back["imp" + current].health / _root.back["imp" + current].maxhealth) * 82;
_root.demonpanel.he.text = _root.back["imp" + current].health;
_root.demonpanel.sp.text = _root.back["imp" + current].speed;
_root.demonpanel.da.text = _root.back["imp" + current].damage;
_root.radar.onPress = function () {
if ((((_root._xmouse > 460) && (_root._xmouse < 525)) && (_root._ymouse > 325)) && (_root._ymouse < 370)) {
_root.back._x = ((-1 * _root.radar._xmouse) / _root.act.xmod) + 275;
_root.back._y = ((-1 * _root.radar._ymouse) / _root.act.ymod) + 200;
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.demonpanel._x < 1000) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
plase = false;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (_root.back._y < -5) {
_root.back._y = _root.back._y + 5;
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (_root.back._y > (405 - _root.back._height)) {
_root.back._y = _root.back._y - 5;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (_root.back._x < -5) {
_root.back._x = _root.back._x + 5;
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (_root.back._x > (555 - _root.back._width)) {
_root.back._x = _root.back._x - 5;
if (Key.isDown(33)) {
if (_root.back._xscale > 80) {
_root.back._xscale = _root.back._xscale - 5;
_root.back._yscale = _root.back._yscale - 5;
} else if (Key.isDown(34)) {
if (_root.back._xscale < 120) {
_root.back._xscale = _root.back._xscale + 5;
_root.back._yscale = _root.back._yscale + 5;
mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) {
if (delta < 0) {
if (_root.back._xscale > 80) {
_root.back._xscale = _root.back._xscale + delta;
_root.back._yscale = _root.back._yscale + delta;
} else if (_root.back._xscale < 120) {
_root.back._xscale = _root.back._xscale + delta;
_root.back._yscale = _root.back._yscale + delta;
if (pause == false) {
if (totaltimer < 28000) {
} else {
now = 12;
if (levela == 0) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("imp", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 0;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 21) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("imp", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 0;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 1) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("cerber", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 9;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 1;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 21) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("imp", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 0;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 2) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("zombie", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 25;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 25;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 12;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 0.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 2;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 21) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("imp", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 2;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 1;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 3) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("demon", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 15;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 2;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 3;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 17) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("cerber", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 9;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 1;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 4) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("lord", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 19;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 4;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
_root.back.attachMovie("cerber", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 9;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 1;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 30) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("demon", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 15;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 2;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 3;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 5) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("knight", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 36;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 6;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 5;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 21) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("demon", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 15;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 2;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 3;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (levela == 6) {
if (wave < 60) {
if (timer > (180 + (wave * 15))) {
i = 0;
while (i < wave) {
_root.back.attachMovie("lord", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._xscale = 75;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._yscale = 75;
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 19;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1.5;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 3;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 5;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
_root.back.attachMovie("demon", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 15;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 2;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 3;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
if (wave < 29) {
} else {
wave = 100;
timer = 0;
} else if (pause == false) {
if (temptimer < 21) {
if (pause == false) {
} else {
_root.back.attachMovie("knight", "imp" + numberofenemies, 100 + numberofenemies);
_root.radar.attachMovie("radarenemy", "radarenemy" + numberofenemies, 110 + numberofenemies);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._x = 100 + (Math.random() * 800);
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies]._y = 1000;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].number = numberofenemies;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].maxhealth = 36;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].speed = 1;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].damage = 6;
_root.back["imp" + numberofenemies].type = 4;
if (numberofenemies < 150) {
} else {
numberofenemies = 0;
temptimer = 0;
} else if (now == 12) {
i = 0;
while (i < 40) {
_root.back["imp" + i].removeMovieClip();
win = false;
wave = 0;
temptimer = 0;
totaltimer = 0;
timer = 0;
supplies = supplies + 15000;
if (levela < 6) {
_root.attachMovie("statscreen", "statscreen", 9); = shots; = success; = shots;
_root.statscreen.cs.text = crit;
_root.statscreen.da.text = damage;
_root.statscreen.dg.text = gatesdamage;
_root.statscreen.cs.text = crit;
_root.statscreen.ek.text = deads;
_root.statscreen.hg.text = gateshits; = levelups;
_root.statscreen.sus.text = (supplies - 15000) - tempsupplies;
score[0] = score[0] + shots;
score[1] = score[1] + success;
score[2] = score[2] + crit;
score[3] = score[3] + damage;
score[4] = score[4] + deads;
score[5] = score[5] + gatesdamage;
score[6] = score[6] + gateshits;
score[7] = score[7] + ((supplies - 15000) - tempsupplies);
score[8] = score[8] + levelups;
_root.statscreen.tsh.text = score[0];
_root.statscreen.tss.text = score[1];
_root.statscreen.tcs.text = score[2];
_root.statscreen.tda.text = score[3];
_root.statscreen.tdg.text = score[5];
_root.statscreen.tek.text = score[4];
_root.statscreen.thg.text = score[6];
_root.statscreen.tlu.text = score[8];
_root.statscreen.tsus.text = score[7];
} else {
score[0] = score[0] + shots;
score[1] = score[1] + success;
score[2] = score[2] + crit;
score[3] = score[3] + damage;
score[4] = score[4] + deads;
score[5] = score[5] + gatesdamage;
score[6] = score[6] + gateshits;
score[7] = score[7] + ((supplies - 15000) - tempsupplies);
score[8] = score[8] + levelups;
now = 14;
shots = 0;
success = 0;
crit = 0;
damage = 0;
deads = 0;
gatesdamage = 0;
gateshits = 0;
levelups = 0;
var _local3 = SharedObject.getLocal("ifhtd"); = soldiers; = levela; = score; = numberofgrunts; = names; = supplies;
_root.backmusic.attachSound("menumusic", true);
_root.backmusic.start(0, 1000);
now = 100;
} else if (now == 13) {
i = 0;
while (i < 40) {
_root.back["imp" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.attachMovie("gameover", "gameover", 10);
_root.backmusic.attachSound("menumusic", true);
_root.backmusic.start(0, 1000);
now = 100;
} else if (now == 14) {
_root.attachMovie("victory", "gameover", 10);
_root.gameover.high.text = (((score[1] + score[2]) - score[6]) + score[7]) + (score[8] * 10);
_root.backmusic.attachSound("menumusic", true);
_root.backmusic.start(0, 1000);
now = 100;
function onMouseDown() {
if (_root.demonpanel._x < 1000) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
if (((plase == true) && (canbuild == true)) && (_root._xmouse < 428)) {
_root.back["soldier" + current].posx = _root.back._xmouse;
_root.back["soldier" + current].posy = _root.back._ymouse;
plase = false;
} else if (((plase == true) && (canbuild == false)) && (_root._xmouse < 428)) {
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
plase = false;
} else if (plase == false) {
_root.back.startDrag(false, 555 - _root.back._width, 405 - _root.back._height, 0, 0);
if (_root.back.panel.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {
function onMouseUp() {
var _mochiads_game_id = "a6c26137867aab9e";
var now = 0;
var pause = false;
var plase = false;
var canbuild = true;
var temptimer = 0;
var wave = 0;
var i = 0;
var numberofgrunts = 0;
var win = false;
var mouseListener = new Object();
var shots = 0;
var success = 0;
var crit = 0;
var damage = 0;
var deads = 0;
var gatesdamage = 0;
var gateshits = 0;
var levelups = 0;
var tempsupplies = 0;
var mute = false;
var tutorial = 100;
var bloodies = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip [base] "base" in Symbol 110 MovieClip [back] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var health = 1000;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip [gates] "gates" in Symbol 110 MovieClip [back] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var health = 0;
health = 2000;
Symbol 120 MovieClip [imp] Frame 1
#initclip 21
Object.registerClass("imp", simple);
Symbol 120 MovieClip [imp] Frame 13
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 120 MovieClip [imp] Frame 20
gotoAndStop ("hit");
Symbol 122 MovieClip [soldier] Frame 1
#initclip 10
Object.registerClass("soldier", soldier);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 132 MovieClip [gruntpanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.current].bizzy = "gotoreload";
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 132 MovieClip [gruntpanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.attachMovie("trainmenu", "trainmenu", 100);
if (_root.act.tutorial == 5) {
_root.act.tutorial = 6;
_root.act.pause = true;
_root.act.plase = false;
_root.act.canbuild = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 152 MovieClip [panel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.act.plase = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 152 MovieClip [panel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.currentsoldier].ready = false;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.currentsoldier].bizzy = "fight";
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 152 MovieClip [panel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.attachMovie("trainmenu", "trainmenu", 100);
_root.act.pause = true;
Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
#initclip 11
Object.registerClass("trainmenu", trainmenu);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "body1" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("armors", "armors", 200);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "handl" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("mainweapon", "mainweapon", 200);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "handr" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] >= 0) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] < 10)) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("secondweapon", "secondweapon", 200);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.act.tutorial == 6) {
_root.act.pause = false;
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.act.pause = false;
_root.sidepanel._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "ist" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Strength is required for better weapons and ammunition";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "iag" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Agility will increase accuracy. Its also required for better weapons and ammunition";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "iin" in Symbol 177 MovieClip [trainmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Intellect will increase range of weapons and chance for critical shots. Its also required for better weapons";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Symbol 189 MovieClip [weapon0] Frame 1
Symbol 201 MovieClip [weapon1] Frame 1
Symbol 210 MovieClip [weapon3] Frame 1
Symbol 220 MovieClip [weapon4] Frame 1
Symbol 224 MovieClip [weapon5] Frame 1
Symbol 238 MovieClip [weapon6] Frame 1
Symbol 248 MovieClip [weapon7] Frame 1
Symbol 254 MovieClip [weapon8] Frame 1
Symbol 263 MovieClip [weapon9] Frame 1
Symbol 270 MovieClip [weapon10] Frame 1
Symbol 276 MovieClip [weapon12] Frame 1
Symbol 281 MovieClip [weapon14] Frame 1
Symbol 290 MovieClip [weapon18] Frame 1
Symbol 293 MovieClip [weapon17] Frame 1
Symbol 298 MovieClip [weapon11] Frame 1
Symbol 303 MovieClip [weapon13] Frame 1
Symbol 303 MovieClip [weapon13] Frame 5
Symbol 303 MovieClip [weapon13] Frame 10
Symbol 306 MovieClip [weapon15] Frame 1
Symbol 311 MovieClip [weapon16] Frame 1
Symbol 315 MovieClip [weapon19] Frame 1
Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip [weapon0] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 201 MovieClip [weapon1] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 3) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 2)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 3) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 2)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip [weapon2] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 2) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip [weapon3] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 7) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1200)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 3) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 3; = - 1200;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 7) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip [weapon4] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 8) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 4) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 4; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 8) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip [weapon5] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 5) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 5; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip [weapon6] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 6) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 6; = - 2500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip [weapon7] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 13) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 7) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 7; = - 3500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 13) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip [weapon8] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 8) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 8; = - 4000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip [weapon9] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 17) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 5000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 9) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 9; = - 5000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 17) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 5)) && ( >= 5000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip [weapon10] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 7) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 10) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 10; = - 1000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 7) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 276 MovieClip [weapon12] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && ( >= 1600)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 12) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 12; = - 1600;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && ( >= 1600)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip [weapon14] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 14) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 14; = - 2500;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip [weapon18] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 20)) && ( >= 5500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 18) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 18; = - 6000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 20)) && ( >= 5500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 293 MovieClip [weapon17] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 17) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 17; = - 3500;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [weapon11] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 11) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 11; = - 1500;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 303 MovieClip [weapon13] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 13) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 13; = - 3000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [weapon15] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 15) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 15; = - 4000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip [weapon16] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15)) && ( >= 6000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 16) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 16; = - 6000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15)) && ( >= 6000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 315 MovieClip [weapon19] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [mainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && ( >= 6000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 != 19) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon1 = 19; = - 6000;
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && ( >= 6000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Symbol 329 MovieClip [belt1] Frame 1
Symbol 338 MovieClip [belt0] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 339 MovieClip [belts] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [belt0] in Symbol 339 MovieClip [belts] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 11] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 11] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
_root.belts.attachMovie("belt0", "icon", 100);
_root.belts.icon._x = _x;
_root.belts.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
Symbol 348 MovieClip [boots0] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 349 MovieClip [boots] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip [boots0] in Symbol 349 MovieClip [boots] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 13] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 13] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {"boots0", "icon", 100);; = _x; = _y;
on (rollOut) {;
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
Symbol 354 MovieClip [bag0] Frame 1
Symbol 361 MovieClip [bag1] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 362 MovieClip [bags] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip [bag0] in Symbol 362 MovieClip [bags] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 2000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[8] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
_root.bags.attachMovie("bag0", "icon", 100);
_root.bags.icon._x = _x;
_root.bags.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[8] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 361 MovieClip [bag1] in Symbol 362 MovieClip [bags] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
_root.bags.attachMovie("bag1", "icon", 100);
_root.bags.icon._x = _x;
_root.bags.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
Symbol 370 MovieClip [armor0] Frame 1
Symbol 374 MovieClip [armor1] Frame 1
Symbol 382 MovieClip [armor2] Frame 1
Symbol 388 MovieClip [pants0] Frame 1
Symbol 394 MovieClip [pants1] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 370 MovieClip [armor0] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && ( >= 300)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantarmor != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.wantarmor = 0; = - 300;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && ( >= 300)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip [armor1] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantarmor != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.wantarmor = 1; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 382 MovieClip [armor2] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantarmor != 2) {
_root.trainmenu.wantarmor = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 388 MovieClip [pants0] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 300)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantpants != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.wantpants = 0; = - 300;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 300)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip [pants1] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantpants != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.wantpants = 1; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip [bag0] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantbag != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.wantbag = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 361 MovieClip [bag1] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantbag != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.wantbag = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip [boots0] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantboot != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.wantboot = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [belt0] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantbelt != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.wantbelt = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 329 MovieClip [belt1] in Symbol 395 MovieClip [armors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.wantbelt != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.wantbelt = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 15)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Symbol 400 MovieClip [helmet0] Frame 1
Symbol 405 MovieClip [helmet1] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 406 MovieClip [helmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip [helmet0] in Symbol 406 MovieClip [helmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 800;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 10) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
_root.helmets.attachMovie("helmet0", "icon", 100);
_root.helmets.icon._x = _x;
_root.helmets.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 10) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip [helmet1] in Symbol 406 MovieClip [helmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] = 1;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 1500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 20) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[4] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
_root.helmets.attachMovie("helmet1", "icon", 100);
_root.helmets.icon._x = _x;
_root.helmets.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 20) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[4] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip [weapon0] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 2) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 1)) && ( >= 200)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 0) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 0; = - 200;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 2) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 1)) && ( >= 200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 201 MovieClip [weapon1] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 1) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip [weapon2] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 2) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip [weapon3] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 7)) && ( >= 1200)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 3) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 3; = - 1200;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 7)) && ( >= 1200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip [weapon4] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 4) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 4; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip [weapon5] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 7)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 5) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 5; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 7)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip [weapon6] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 6) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 6; = - 2500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 10)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip [weapon7] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 7) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 7; = - 3500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 25) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip [weapon8] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 8) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 8; = - 4000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 20)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip [weapon9] in Symbol 407 MovieClip [secondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 30)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 5000)) {
if (_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 != 9) {
_root.trainmenu.tempweapon2 = 9; = - 5000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 30) && (_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 30)) && (_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 7)) && ( >= 5000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.act.levela = 0;
_root.act.numberofgrunts = 4;
_root.act.score = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
_root.act.soldiers = [1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; = 10;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 1
on (press) { = 6;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 1
on (press) {;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 2
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 3
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 5
gotoAndStop (1);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 10
on (press) {;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 422 MovieClip in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 10
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.attachMovie("linktome", "linktome", 16001);
_root.linktome._x = this._x;
_root.linktome._y = this._y; = "";
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 10
on (press) {
_root.getURL("skype:dovganovskiy?call", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.attachMovie("linktome", "linktome", 16001);
_root.linktome._x = this._x;
_root.linktome._y = this._y; = "skype:dovganovskiy";
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 422 MovieClip in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 10
on (press) {
_root.getURL("", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.attachMovie("linktome", "linktome", 16001);
_root.linktome._x = this._x;
_root.linktome._y = this._y; = "";
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 425 MovieClip in Symbol 433 MovieClip [menu] Frame 10
on (press) {
_root.getURL("skype:ahumanbeingx?call", "_blank");
on (rollOver) {
_root.attachMovie("linktome", "linktome", 16001);
_root.linktome._x = this._x;
_root.linktome._y = this._y; = "skype:ahumanbeingx";
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
on (press) { = 10;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] == 0)) {
} else if (((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[8] == 1) {
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[3] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[6] == 0)) {
} else if ((((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[3] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[6] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[3] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[6] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r3" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[3] == 0)) {
} else if ((((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[3] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[3] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[3] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r0" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[0] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r1" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r4" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] == 0)) {
} else if (((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[4] == 1) {
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[4] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[7] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[9] == 0)) {
} else if ((((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[7] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[9] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[9] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[7] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[9] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[7] == 0)) {
} else if ((((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[7] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[7] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[7] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r5" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] == 0)) {
} else if ((((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[5] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) && (_root.act.researches[5] == 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 438 MovieClip [res] "r2" in Symbol 439 MovieClip [research] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.act.researches[10] == 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] == 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[2] == 1) {
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.researches[10] > 0) && (_root.act.researches[2] == 0)) {
Symbol 441 MovieClip [levelup] Frame 15
Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
#initclip 12
Object.registerClass("equipmentmenu", equipmentmenu);
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = true;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "body1" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("elarmors", "armors", 200);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "handl" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("elmainweapon", "mainweapon", 200);
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip [equip] "handr" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] >= 0) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] < 10)) {
_root.trainmenu.wstats0._visible = false;
_root.trainmenu.wstats1._visible = false;
_root.attachMovie("elsecondweapon", "secondweapon", 200);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "ist" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Strength is required for better weapons and ammunition";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14]++;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6]--;
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "iag" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Agility will increase accuracy. It also required for better weapons and ammunition";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1]++;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6]--;
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "iin" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
_root.trainmenu.attachMovie("hintb", "hintb", 555);
_root.trainmenu.hintb._x = _root.trainmenu._xmouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb._y = _root.trainmenu._ymouse;
_root.trainmenu.hintb.hint.text = "Intellect will insrease range of weapons and chance for critical shots. It also required for better weapons";
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2]++;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 6]--;
_root.trainmenu.see = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.saving = true; = 10;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu0" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 0;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu2" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 2;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu1" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 1;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu3" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 3;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu5" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 5;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu7" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 7;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu6" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 6;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu8" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 8;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu4" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 4;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "bu9" in Symbol 463 MovieClip [equipmentmenu] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
_root.trainmenu.nextsoldier = 9;
_root.trainmenu.saving = true;
Symbol 469 MovieClip [movepos] Frame 1
#initclip 13
Object.registerClass("movepos", movepos);
Symbol 469 MovieClip [movepos] Frame 29
gotoAndPlay ("can");
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 370 MovieClip [armor0] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && ( >= 300)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] = 0; = - 300;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && ( >= 300)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 374 MovieClip [armor1] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] = 1; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 382 MovieClip [armor2] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] != 2) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 9] = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 388 MovieClip [pants0] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 300)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12] = 0; = - 300;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 300)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip [pants1] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 12] = 1; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip [bag0] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10] = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 361 MovieClip [bag1] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 10] = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip [boots0] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 13] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 13] = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [belt0] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11] = 0; = - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 329 MovieClip [belt1] in Symbol 485 MovieClip [elarmors] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 11] = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.armors.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.armors.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 486 MovieClip [elbags] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip [bag0] in Symbol 486 MovieClip [elbags] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 2000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[8] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
_root.bags.attachMovie("bag0", "icon", 100);
_root.bags.icon._x = _x;
_root.bags.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[8] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempi >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 2000)) && (_root.act.researches[8] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 361 MovieClip [bag1] in Symbol 486 MovieClip [elbags] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 10] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
_root.bags.attachMovie("bag1", "icon", 100);
_root.bags.icon._x = _x;
_root.bags.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 487 MovieClip [elbelts] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [belt0] in Symbol 487 MovieClip [elbelts] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 11] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 11] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
_root.belts.attachMovie("belt0", "icon", 100);
_root.belts.icon._x = _x;
_root.belts.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1000)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 488 MovieClip [elboots] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip [boots0] in Symbol 488 MovieClip [elboots] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 13] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 13] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {"boots0", "icon", 100);; = _x; = _y;
on (rollOut) {;
if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.tempa >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 489 MovieClip [elhelmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip [helmet0] in Symbol 489 MovieClip [elhelmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 800;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 10) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
_root.helmets.attachMovie("helmet0", "icon", 100);
_root.helmets.icon._x = _x;
_root.helmets.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 10) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[1] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 10) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 800)) && (_root.act.researches[1] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip [helmet1] in Symbol 489 MovieClip [elhelmets] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 8] = 1;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 1500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 20) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[4] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
_root.helmets.attachMovie("helmet1", "icon", 100);
_root.helmets.icon._x = _x;
_root.helmets.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 20) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[4] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 20) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[4] > 0)) {
Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip [weapon0] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 201 MovieClip [weapon1] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 3) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 2)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 3) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 2)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip [weapon2] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 2) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip [weapon3] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 7) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1200)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 3) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 3; = - 1200;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 7) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip [weapon4] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 8) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 4) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 4; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 8) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip [weapon5] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 5) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 5; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip [weapon6] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 6) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 6; = - 2500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip [weapon7] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 13) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 7) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 7; = - 3500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 13) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip [weapon8] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 8) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 8; = - 4000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip [weapon9] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 17) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 5000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 9) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 9; = - 5000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 17) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 5)) && ( >= 5000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip [weapon10] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 7) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 10) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 10; = - 1000;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 7) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 276 MovieClip [weapon12] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && ( >= 1600)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 12) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 12; = - 1600;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && ( >= 1600)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip [weapon14] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 14) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 14; = - 2500;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 293 MovieClip [weapon17] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 17) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 17; = - 3500;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 290 MovieClip [weapon18] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 10
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 20)) && ( >= 5500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 18) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 18; = - 5500;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 15)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 20)) && ( >= 5500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [weapon11] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 11) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 11; = - 1500;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 1500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 303 MovieClip [weapon13] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 13) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 13; = - 3000;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [weapon15] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 15) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 15; = - 4000;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip [weapon16] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 15)) && ( >= 6000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 16) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 16; = - 6000;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 15)) && ( >= 6000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 315 MovieClip [weapon19] in Symbol 490 MovieClip [elmainweapon] Frame 15
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && ( >= 6000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] != 19) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 3] = 19; = - 6000;
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 100;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && ( >= 6000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.mainweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mainweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 491 MovieClip [elpants] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 388 MovieClip [pants0] in Symbol 491 MovieClip [elpants] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 12] != 0) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 12] = 0;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
_root.pants.attachMovie("pants0", "icon", 100);
_root.pants.icon._x = _x;
_root.pants.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 5) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[0] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 5) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 500)) && (_root.act.researches[0] > 0)) {
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip [pants1] in Symbol 491 MovieClip [elpants] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 12] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.currentsoldier * 14) + 12] = 1;
_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies = _root.trainmenu.tempsupplies - 1500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
on (rollOver) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
_root.pants.attachMovie("pants1", "icon", 100);
_root.pants.icon._x = _x;
_root.pants.icon._y = _y;
on (rollOut) {
if (((_root.trainmenu.temps < 15) || (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies < 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
} else if (_root.act.researches[6] < 1) {
} else if (((_root.trainmenu.temps >= 15) && (_root.trainmenu.tempsupplies >= 1500)) && (_root.act.researches[6] > 0)) {
Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 189 MovieClip [weapon0] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 2) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 1)) && ( >= 200)) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 0;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 2) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 1)) && ( >= 200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 201 MovieClip [weapon1] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 700)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 1) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 1; = - 700;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 5) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 5)) && ( >= 700)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip [weapon2] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && ( >= 1000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 2) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 2; = - 1000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && ( >= 1000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip [weapon3] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 7)) && ( >= 1200)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 3) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 3; = - 1200;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 10) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 7)) && ( >= 1200)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip [weapon4] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 4) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 4; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip [weapon5] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 7)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 5) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 5; = - 3000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 15) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 7)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 3000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 1
on (press) {
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip [weapon6] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 2500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 6) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 6; = - 2500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 20) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 10)) && ( >= 2500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 248 MovieClip [weapon7] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && ( >= 3500)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 7) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 7; = - 3500;
onClipEvent (load) {
if (((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 25) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && ( >= 3500)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 254 MovieClip [weapon8] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 4000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 8) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 8; = - 4000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 20)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 4000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip [weapon9] in Symbol 492 MovieClip [elsecondweapon] Frame 5
on (press) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 30)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 5000)) {
if (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] != 9) {
_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 4] = 9; = - 5000;
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_root.act.soldiers[_root.act.current * 14] >= 30) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 1] >= 30)) && (_root.act.soldiers[(_root.act.current * 14) + 2] >= 7)) && ( >= 5000)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
this.duplicateMovieClip("icon", 100);
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.secondweapon.icon._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.secondweapon.icon._y = _root._ymouse;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 496 MovieClip [basemenu] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.basemenu.namea.text = _root.act.names[_root.act.numberofgrunts];
on (press) {
_root.back.attachMovie("soldier", "soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts, 2 + _root.act.numberofgrunts);
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts].number = _root.act.numberofgrunts;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts]._x = _root.back.base._x;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts]._y = _root.back.base._y;
_root.back.attachMovie("startpos", "startpos", 88888);
_root.back.startpos.aim = _root.act.numberofgrunts;
_root.act.names[_root.act.numberofgrunts] = _root.basemenu.namea.text;
_root.act.pause = false;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 496 MovieClip [basemenu] Frame 1
on (press) {
_root.act.pause = false;
Symbol 508 MovieClip [startpos] Frame 1
#initclip 14
Object.registerClass("startpos", startpos);
Symbol 508 MovieClip [startpos] Frame 29
gotoAndPlay ("can");
Symbol 576 MovieClip [statscreen] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 576 MovieClip [statscreen] Frame 1
on (press) { = 8;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 581 MovieClip [cerber] Frame 1
#initclip 15
Object.registerClass("cerber", simple);
Symbol 581 MovieClip [cerber] Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 581 MovieClip [cerber] Frame 20
gotoAndStop ("hit");
Symbol 587 MovieClip [fire0] Frame 4
Symbol 593 MovieClip [fire2] Frame 4
Symbol 596 MovieClip [fire1] Frame 4
Symbol 602 MovieClip [fire3] Frame 4
Symbol 610 MovieClip [reloading] Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 611 MovieClip [status] Frame 1
Symbol 619 MovieClip [zombie] Frame 1
#initclip 16
Object.registerClass("zombie", simple);
Symbol 619 MovieClip [zombie] Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 619 MovieClip [zombie] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
Symbol 627 MovieClip [lord] Frame 1
#initclip 17
Object.registerClass("lord", simple);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 627 MovieClip [lord] Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 627 MovieClip [lord] Frame 32
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
Symbol 631 MovieClip [knight] Frame 1
#initclip 18
Object.registerClass("knight", simple);
Symbol 631 MovieClip [knight] Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 631 MovieClip [knight] Frame 34
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 643 MovieClip [playsymbol] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 644 MovieClip [sidepanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
var i = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 40) {
_root.back["imp" + i].removeMovieClip();
_root.trainmenu.removeMovieClip(); = 0;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 644 MovieClip [sidepanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.sidepanel.namea.text = _root.act.names[_root.act.numberofgrunts];
on (press) {
if (_root.act.numberofgrunts < 9) {
_root.back.attachMovie("soldier", "soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts, 2 + _root.act.numberofgrunts);
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts].number = _root.act.numberofgrunts;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts]._x = _root.back.base._x;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts]._y = _root.back.base._y;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts].posx = 360 + (_root.act.numberofgrunts * 30);
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts].posy = 200;
_root.back["soldier" + _root.act.numberofgrunts].number = _root.act.numberofgrunts;
_root.act.names[_root.act.numberofgrunts] = _root.sidepanel.namea.text;
_root.sidepanel.namea.text = _root.act.names[_root.act.numberofgrunts];
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 644 MovieClip [sidepanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.act.mute == true) {
_root.act.mute = false;
} else {
_root.act.mute = true;
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 644 MovieClip [sidepanel] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if (_root.act.pause == true) {
_root.act.pause = false;
} else {
_root.act.pause = true;
Symbol 648 MovieClip [radarpoint] Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] "but" in Symbol 657 MovieClip [hint] Frame 1
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
if ((_root.act.tutorial < 5) || (_root.act.tutorial == 6)) {
_root.act.pause = false;
Symbol 666 MovieClip [demon] Frame 1
#initclip 19
Object.registerClass("demon", simple);
Instance of Symbol 24 MovieClip [button] in Symbol 671 MovieClip [victory] Frame 1
on (press) { = 0;
Symbol 677 MovieClip [bul] Frame 1
#initclip 20
Object.registerClass("bul", bullit);
Symbol 682 MovieClip [act] Frame 1
#initclip 22
Object.registerClass("act", acta);