Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2597 · P5194

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

The Pink Mushroom.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #74382

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


Power of the Pink

Play Movie

Play Movie

Play Movie














Weapon x

Darren Driver



General help

Skull Sprites

Created, Animated, Story By Macca (BFP)




Chris Strand



Scene 1- In the beggining

Scene 1- In the beggining

Scene 2- The Journey

Scene 2- The Journey

Scene 3- The Arrival

Scene 3- The Arrival

Bad flash

So, this is it, we finally release

How do you think he will

How would react!
enough, lets just release him.... and tell

MARIO! it's
really you!!

Mario, we have much to tell.
please listen carefully.
the year is 2030....
Bowser has complete control
over the mushroom kingdom!

The day you were brought to our
lab he launched a large assault on
the princess's
Do you remember?

During this time you were found
unconscious by another
He assusmed you got hurt in the

Anyway, that day, many Toads
were slaughtered, even your
brother fell trying to protect
the Princess, we're very sorry

Sadly, he failed. The Princess
was taken by Bowser tortured,
and then hung from the tallest
tower of his castle.

You were held here in secret, with
Bowser thinking you were killed.
We have released you today
because we have found hope

The princess had a preminition
and Knew what would happen. So
she stored her power and purity
on a mushroom, a pink

We thought this was just a
myth, until the letter she wrote
was found; along with the
location of the Pink Mushroom.

It's in a Distant cave, on the outskirts
of the Mushroom
Kingdom. We need you to retrieve it
and use its power to destroy Bowser
and free us all!

He Travelled through the land of pipes....

He Travelled through the land of Trees...

He Travelled through the land of lava....


Try it

Now i'm

You fool!

I'm an

You don't
a chance.


I've been
too long.

I've lost
my rep.

Time to get
it back!


But How?


Question time
small fry!

What can i
expect inside?

And besides,
There is nothing
to tell.

I ain't telling
you squat!

The Pink
mushroom is a

I'm talking in terms
of koopas and
you know it, so
cut the crap!

Are they anymore
"so-called" advanced
koopas in there?

Haha! yes, and good
luck dealing with them.
I am a mere guard

I'll admit your tough
but those inside will
annihilate you!

You're not the first
to say that, chump!
I'll deal with you
on my way out.

Well, this is it. Mario is on his way to
Face  Bowser.
But what more could be in store
for our hero?
Find out next time in:

The End







ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function itemHandler(obj:Object, item:ContextMenuItem) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } root_cm = new ContextMenu(); root_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); root_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Bad Flash Productions", itemHandler)); = root_cm;
Frame 2
stop(); stopAllSounds();
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 669
Frame 901
Frame 940
Frame 1740
Frame 1741
Frame 1742
Frame 1743
Frame 1744
Frame 1745
Frame 1746
Frame 1747
Frame 1748
Frame 1772
Frame 1833
Frame 1834
Frame 1942
Frame 1943
Frame 1944
Frame 1945
Frame 1946
Frame 1947
Frame 1948
Frame 1949
Frame 1950
Frame 2032
Symbol 7 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 31 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 58 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (983); }
Symbol 66 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1618); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (670); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (671); }
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 118 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 125 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (941); }
Symbol 128 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (942); }
Symbol 130 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (943); }
Symbol 132 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (944); }
Symbol 134 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (945); }
Symbol 136 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (946); }
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (947); }
Symbol 140 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (948); }
Symbol 142 Button
on (release) { play(); } on (release) { stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1741); }
Symbol 178 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1742); }
Symbol 181 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1743); }
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1744); }
Symbol 185 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1745); }
Symbol 188 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1746); }
Symbol 190 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1747); }
Symbol 192 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1748); }
Symbol 194 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1749); }
Symbol 197 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1773); }
Symbol 205 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1834); }
Symbol 208 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1835); }
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1943); }
Symbol 217 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1944); }
Symbol 220 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1945); }
Symbol 224 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1946); }
Symbol 227 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1947); }
Symbol 228 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1948); }
Symbol 230 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1949); }
Symbol 232 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1950); }
Symbol 234 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (1951); }
Symbol 244 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 249 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClipUses:2Used by:8
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:5 11 12 17 18 22 23 27 28 32 33 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 52 53 54 55 56 59 60 63 64 238 239 240 241 245 246
Symbol 5 TextUses:4Used by:7
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 ButtonUses:5 6Used by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:3 7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 FontUsed by:10
Symbol 10 TextUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 TextUses:4Used by:16
Symbol 12 TextUses:4Used by:16
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 14 FontUsed by:15 20 25 30 50 243 248
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Symbol 16 ButtonUses:11 12 13 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 TextUses:4Used by:21
Symbol 18 TextUses:4Used by:21
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:14Used by:21
Symbol 21 ButtonUses:17 18 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 TextUses:4Used by:26
Symbol 23 TextUses:4Used by:26
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 25 EditableTextUses:14Used by:26
Symbol 26 ButtonUses:22 23 24 25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 TextUses:4Used by:31
Symbol 28 TextUses:4Used by:31
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 30 EditableTextUses:14Used by:31
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Symbol 32 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 33 TextUses:4Used by:36
Symbol 34 TextUses:4Used by:36
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 ButtonUses:33 34 35Used by:Timeline
Symbol 37 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 43 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 44 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 46 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 TextUses:4Used by:51
Symbol 48 TextUses:4Used by:51
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Symbol 52 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 53 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 55 TextUses:4Used by:58
Symbol 56 TextUses:4Used by:58
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Symbol 60 TextUses:4Used by:62
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 ButtonUses:59 60 61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 TextUses:4Used by:66
Symbol 64 TextUses:4Used by:66
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 ButtonUses:63 64 65Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 68 MovieClipUses:67Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 FontUsed by:70
Symbol 70 TextUses:69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClipUses:70Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 79 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 FontUsed by:91 97 100 113 124 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 145 151 153 168 175 177 180 182 184 187 189 191 193 198 206 209 216 218 221 222 225 226 229 231 233 235
Symbol 91 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:96 98 101 125 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 176 178 181 183 185 188 190 192 194 197 205 208 215 217 220 224 227 228 230 232 234
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:96 98 101 125 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 176 178 181 183 185 188 190 192 194 197 205 208 215 217 220 224 227 228 230 232 234
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96 98 101 118 125 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 176 178 181 183 185 188 190 192 194 197 205 208 215 217 220 224 227 228 230 232 234
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 97 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 101 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 113 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:118
Symbol 117 SoundUsed by:118
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Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 124 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 127 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 129 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 134 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 136 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 137 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 145 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:149 166  Timeline
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:149  Timeline
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149  Timeline
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:146 147 148Used by:Timeline
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 151 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 153 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 164 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 168 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 171 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 175 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 176 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 177 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 180 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 181 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 183 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 185 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 187 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 190 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 197 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:203  Timeline
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:200 201 202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 205 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 208 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClipUses:210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 215 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 220 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 224 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 227 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 231 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 ButtonUses:92 93 94 95Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 TextUses:90Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 238 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 240 TextUses:4Used by:244
Symbol 241 TextUses:4Used by:244
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Symbol 245 TextUses:4Used by:249
Symbol 246 TextUses:4Used by:249
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:249
Symbol 248 EditableTextUses:14Used by:249
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Instance Names

"bar"Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 3 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.


"loaded"Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 3
Created: 7/4 -2019 07:02:37 Last modified: 7/4 -2019 07:02:37 Server time: 18/02 -2025 22:54:51