Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Film School.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #74753

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



The Interactive

Run of the

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.



You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.


Visit your friend Cal

Get out of elevator

Go to the lobby


Go to your floor


You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.


Come to...

Another Lame Event
No One Cares About

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

N w Yo k
Film A ademy

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.



Go to the basement

Visit your advisor

Go to lobby

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.

You can't write a script now!  There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull.  You'll just have to find some first.


Murder Counts:

High Score:





Murder Counts:

High Score:






Murder Counts:





Move around by positioning the mouse over the right, left or
bottom of the screen.  If you can turn or move in that
direction, the game will tell you so.  Interact within a scene
using this same method.

Cycle through the items you've picked up by using the red
arrow in the upper right part of the screen.  If the selected
item can be used with an object in the scene, position the
mouse over the object and the game will automatically let
you know if and how the object can be used.  (Example:
"Open Mailbox" will become "Open Mailbox with Key" if the
key is selected.)

Enjoy the game!

Designed by Peter Lemiszki

"Watermelon Man"
Herbie Hancock

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
if (_framesloaded > 1285) { gotoAndPlay ("Uno"); }
Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 121
Frame 122
Frame 123
scene = "YourRoom"; m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } if (makedoorsound == "yes") { SoundDoor.gotoAndPlay("play"); makedoorsound = "no"; }
Frame 142
gotoAndPlay (124);
Frame 143
scene = "YourRoom2"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 144
scene = "OpYourDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } if (makedoorsound == "yes") { SoundDoor.gotoAndPlay("play"); makedoorsound = "no"; }
Frame 145
scene = "YourDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 146
scene = "OpJockDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } if (makedoorsound == "yes") { SoundDoor.gotoAndPlay("play"); makedoorsound = "no"; }
Frame 147
scene = "JockDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 148
scene = "JockRoom"; m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; trace(gavephoto); RightGuy._visible = true; LeftGuy._visible = true; if (gavephoto == true) { RightGuy._visible = false; LeftGuy._visible = false; } if (cafhigh == true) { DrinkButton._visible = false; } if (makedoorsound == "yes") { SoundDoor.gotoAndPlay("play"); makedoorsound = "no"; } if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 172
scene = "JockRoom"; m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (gavephoto == true) { RightGuy._visible = false; LeftGuy._visible = false; } if (cafhigh == true) { DrinkButton._visible = false; } if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 173
if (gavephoto == true) { RightGuy._visible = false; LeftGuy._visible = false; } if (cafhigh == true) { DrinkButton._visible = false; }
Frame 499
gotoAndPlay (173);
Frame 500
scene = "JockRoom2"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 501
scene = "Hall"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 502
scene = "OpHall"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 503
scene = "HallElevator"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 522
gotoAndStop ("InElevator");
Frame 526
scene = "CalRoom"; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false; if (beatgame == true) { Cal._visible = false; } if (gotkey == true) { KeyFloor._visible = false; } if (gameresult == "lost") { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''Don't feel bad,'' Cal says, ''I've been playing this game for eight straight weeks.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } else if (gameresult == "won") { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''Whoa,'' Cal says, ''You're awesome. Okay, here's my camera, but be careful with it.''"; gotcamera = true; beatgame = true; Cal._visible = false; ITEM = "Camera"; Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ClickMe._visible = true; }
Frame 527
if (beatgame == true) { Cal._visible = false; } if (gotkey == true) { KeyFloor._visible = false; }
Frame 653
gotoAndPlay (527);
Frame 654
scene = "LobbyElevator"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 673
gotoAndStop ("3");
Frame 674
scene = "Lobby"; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 873
gotoAndPlay (674);
Frame 874
scene = "Mailboxes"; stop(); m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 883
stop(); gotpamphlet = true; Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; Box._visible = true; ClickMe2._visible = true; m.text = "The pamphlet reads simply, ''DON'T KILL YOURSELF!!'' It's nice to know you have an administration that cares.";
Frame 885
stop(); m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 886
scene = "DormDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 887
scene = "OpDormDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 888
scene = "Church"; stop(); ClickMe._visible = false; Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } if (tookrose == true) { Vase._visible = false; }
Frame 889
scene = "TischDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 890
scene = "OpTischDoor"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 891
scene = "Twins"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false; if (guarddown == true) { GuardButton._visible = false; GuardMovie.gotoAndStop("Down"); }
Frame 892
scene = "TischLobby"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 893
scene = "TischLobby2"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 894
Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = "";
Frame 895
Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = "";
Frame 896
Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = "";
Frame 897
if (tookmug == true) { MugonDesk._visible = false; } scene = "Office"; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false;
Frame 921
gotoAndPlay ("EyesUp");
Frame 922
scene = "Basement"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false; if (talkdan > 4) { Dan.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (talkdan > 2) { Dan.gotoAndStop(2); } else { Dan.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 923
scene = "Fans"; m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (fansdead == true) { Yanks._visible = false; YankMovie.gotoAndStop("End"); } if (sobbergone == false) { CarStreet._visible = false; } else { Sobber._visible = false; } if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 924
if (fansdead == true) { Yanks._visible = false; YankMovie.gotoAndStop("End"); } if (sobbergone == false) { CarStreet._visible = false; }
Frame 1222
gotoAndPlay (924);
Frame 1223
scene = "Street"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); }
Frame 1243
gotoAndStop ("Home"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; trace(momhappy); trace(dadhappy);
Frame 1263
gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = "";
Frame 1264
scene = "Driveway"; stop(); if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false;
Frame 1265
scene = "Home"; stop(); m.text = ""; Box._visible = false; ClickMe._visible = false; if (ITEM == "Key") { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); } else if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); } else if (ITEM == "Mug") { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); } else if (ITEM == "Photo") { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); } else if (ITEM == "Camera") { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); } else if (ITEM == "Taser") { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else if (ITEM == "Rose") { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); } if (momhappy == true) { Mom.gotoAndStop("Happy"); } if (dadhappy == true) { Dad.gotoAndStop("Happy"); } if (gotfunding == true) { MomChair._visible = false; DadChair._visible = false; }
Frame 1266
TIME--; TimeLabel.text = TIME; KillLabel.text = KILLS; if (TIME == 0) { gotoAndPlay ("GameOver"); MC.text = KILLS; }
Instance of Symbol 483 MovieClip "Gun" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; }
Instance of Symbol 494 MovieClip "Dude1" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 541) { this._x = -28.7; _root.Dude1Button._visible = true; _root.Dude1.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this._x = this._x + 8; _root.Dude1Button._x = this._x; } }
Instance of Symbol 494 MovieClip "Dude2" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 541) { this._x = -28.7; _root.Dude2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Dude2Button._visible = true; } else { this._x = this._x + 12; _root.Dude2Button._x = this._x; } }
Instance of Symbol 494 MovieClip "Dude3" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 541) { this._x = -28.7; _root.Dude3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Dude3Button._visible = true; } else { this._x = this._x + 10; _root.Dude3Button._x = this._x; } }
Instance of Symbol 494 MovieClip "Dude4" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 541) { this._x = -28.7; _root.Dude4.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Dude4Button._visible = true; } else { this._x = this._x + 14; _root.Dude4Button._x = this._x; } }
Instance of Symbol 494 MovieClip "Dude5" in Frame 1266
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 541) { this._x = -28.7; _root.Dude5.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Dude5Button._visible = true; } else { this._x = this._x + 8; _root.Dude5Button._x = this._x; } }
Frame 1289
gotoAndPlay ("Start");
Frame 1325
if (KILLS > 47) { gameresult = "won"; } else { gameresult = "lost"; } gotoAndPlay ("CalRoom");
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) { scene = "YourRoom"; talkdan = 0; sobbergone = false; guarddown = false; momhappy = false; dadhappy = false; gotfunding = false; gotscript = false; cafhigh = false; gavephoto = false; gotcrew = false; gotkey = false; gotmug = false; gotwatermug = false; gotrose = false; gotpamphlet = false; gottaser = false; gotphoto = false; gotcamera = false; fansdead = false; gameresult = "cheese"; gotoAndPlay ("YourRoom"); trace(gavephoto); }
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_parent.scene == "YourRoom2") { _root.gotoAndStop("OpYourDoor", "OpYourDoor"); } if (_parent.scene == "YourDoor") { _root.gotoAndPlay("YourRoom", "YourRoom"); } if (_parent.scene == "JockDoor") { _root.gotoAndPlay("JockRoom", "JockRoom"); } if (_parent.scene == "JockRoom2") { _root.gotoAndStop("OpJockDoor", "OpJockDoor"); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Help"); trace(ITEM); }
Symbol 39 Button
on (release) { if (Window.winframe == "Taser") { if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Mug") { if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "MugWater") { if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Key") { if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Pamphlet") { if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Rose") { if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } else if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Photo") { if (gotcamera == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); ITEM = "Camera"; } else if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } } else if (Window.winframe == "Camera") { if (gottaser == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); ITEM = "Taser"; } else if (gotmug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); ITEM = "Mug"; } else if (gotwatermug == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; } else if (gotkey == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; } else if (gotpamphlet == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Pamphlet"); ITEM = "Pamphlet"; } else if (gotrose == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); ITEM = "Rose"; } else if (gotphoto == true) { Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); ITEM = "Photo"; } } trace(ITEM); }
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 2
winframe = "MugWater";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 3
winframe = "Mug";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 4
winframe = "Key";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 5
winframe = "Pamphlet";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 6
winframe = "Rose";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 7
winframe = "Photo";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 8
winframe = "Camera";
Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 9
winframe = "Taser";
Symbol 53 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("YourRoom2"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 55 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Write Script"; BarShadow.text = "Write Script"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (cafhigh == true) { if (gotscript == true) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "You've already written your script! Aren't you paying attention?!"; } else { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "Powered by the legal stimulant, you complete your masterpiece."; gotscript = true; } } else { ClickMe._visible = true; Box._visible = true; m.text = "You can't write a script now! There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull. You'll just have to find some first."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) { ClickMe._visible = false; Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; }
Symbol 64 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Write Script"; BarShadow.text = "Write Script"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (cafhigh == true) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "Powered by the legal stimulant, you complete your masterpiece."; Keyboard._visible = false; } else { ClickMe._visible = true; Box._visible = true; m.text = "You can't write a script now! There's no way you'd be able to muster the energy and focus needed without the help of Red Bull. You'll just have to find some first."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 68 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("YourRoom"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 70 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Exit Room"; BarShadow.text = "Exit Room"; } on (release) {; Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 74 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("YourDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 75 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Hall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 80 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpYourDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 81 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Hall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 82 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Enter Room"; BarShadow.text = "Enter Room"; } on (release) {; Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 86 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("JockDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 88 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("HallElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpHall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 94 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpJockDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 95 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpHall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("HallElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 107 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("JockRoom2"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 111 Button
on (release) { if (ITEM == "Photo") { gavephoto = true; Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Hmmmm. This isn't as exciting as we anticipated,'' your neighbors sadly announce. ''Oh well, take a can of Red Bull if you want.''"; ITEM = "Camera"; gotphoto = false; Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); RightGuy._visible = false; LeftGuy._visible = false; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "He gives you an insincere head tilt accompanied by the customary ''What up dog.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } } on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Photo") { Bar.text = "Give Photo to Neighbor"; BarShadow.text = "Give Photo to Neighbor"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Neighbor"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Neighbor"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 112 Button
on (release) { if (gavephoto == true) { cafhigh = true; TableBull.gotoAndStop(2); Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "You chug the caffiene filled beverage. Ah! Now you're in a condition to produce some great writing."; DrinkButton._visible = false; } else { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Whoa there buddy!'' your neighbors exclaim. ''What are you willing to trade for that?'' You shrug. ''Bring us...uh...a picture of the Olsen Twins!'' they shout. ''Then we'll let you have some.''"; } } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Drink Red Bull"; BarShadow.text = "Drink Red Bull"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 113 Button
on (release) { if (ITEM == "Photo") { gavephoto = true; Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Hmmmm. This isn't as exciting as we anticipated,'' your neighbors sadly announce. ''Oh well, take a can of Red Bull if you want.''"; ITEM = "Camera"; gotphoto = false; Window.gotoAndStop("Camera"); LeftGuy._visible = false; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "He gives you an insincere head tilt accompanied by the customary ''What up dog.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } } on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Photo") { Bar.text = "Give Photo to Neighbor"; BarShadow.text = "Give Photo to Neighbor"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Neighbor"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Neighbor"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 114 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Talk to Cal"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Cal"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 118 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Eyes"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 119 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Exit Room"; BarShadow.text = "Exit Room"; } on (release) {; Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 123 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("YourDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 124 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpYourDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 125 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Elevator"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("HallElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 126 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("JockDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Door"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Door"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 130 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("HallElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 131 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpJockDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 132 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("JockDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 133 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("YourDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Your Door"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Your Door"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 139 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpHall"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 140 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("JockDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 141 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpJockDoor"); } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 142 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Use Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Use Elevator"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { play(); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 150 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("CalRoom"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; if (gotkey == true) { KeyFloor._visible = false; } }
Symbol 152 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpHall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 154 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Lobby"); }
Symbol 158 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("CalRoom"); if (gotkey == true) { KeyFloor._visible = false; } }
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpHall"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 164 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Lobby"); }
Symbol 171 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("2"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 172 Button
on (release) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "You tell Cal you're trying to enter the surprise film festival and his Polaroid camera could help you in your quest. ''You can borrow it'' he says, ''but only if you beat my score on this level.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Talk to Cal"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Cal"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 174 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Take Small Key"; BarShadow.text = "Take Small Key"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { KeyFloor._visible = false; gotkey = true; Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; }
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) { if (gameresult == "cheese") { TIME = 30; KILLS = 0; gotoAndPlay ("Game"); } else { Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; ClickMe._visible = false; gameresult = "cheese"; } }
Symbol 234 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Lobby"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 235 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Mailboxes"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 249 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("LobbyElevator"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 250 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk Outside"; BarShadow.text = "Walk Outside"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpDormDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 251 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Mailboxes"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Mailboxes"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Mailboxes"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 261 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk Outside"; BarShadow.text = "Walk Outside"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Street"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 265 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Lobby"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 266 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("LobbyElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 267 Button
on (release) { if (ITEM == "Key") { if ((gotpamphlet == true) or (sobbergone == true)) { gotoAndStop ("EmptyBox"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } else { gotoAndStop ("OpenBox"); } } else { m.text = "Your mailbox is locked. You think you left your key somewhere in Cal's room."; Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; } } on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Key") { Bar.text = "Open Your Mailbox With Key"; BarShadow.text = "Open Your Mailbox With Key"; } else { Bar.text = "Open Your Mailbox"; BarShadow.text = "Open Your Mailbox"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 271 Button
on (release) { play(); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Take Pamphlet"; BarShadow.text = "Take Pamphlet"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 274 Button
on (release) { ClickMe2._visible = false; Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; play(); }
Symbol 281 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpDormDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 283 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 284 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Street"); } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 285 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Enter Dorm"; BarShadow.text = "Enter Dorm"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("LobbyElevator"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 291 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("DormDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 292 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Street"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 293 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 294 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Enter Church"; BarShadow.text = "Enter Church"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Church"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 299 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Exit Church"; BarShadow.text = "Exit Church"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("DormDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 300 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Mug") { Bar.text = "Fill Mug With Holy Water"; BarShadow.text = "Fill Mug With Holy Water"; } else { Bar.text = "Use Holy Water"; BarShadow.text = "Use Holy Water"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "Mug") { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; gotmug = false; gotwatermug = true; Window.gotoAndStop("MugWater"); ITEM = "MugWater"; Box._visible = true; m.text = "You fill the mug to the brim with Holy Water."; ClickMe._visible = true; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "The water is cool to the touch."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 301 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Take Rose"; BarShadow.text = "Take Rose"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotrose = true; tookrose = true; ITEM = "Rose"; Window.gotoAndStop("Rose"); Vase._visible = false; }
Symbol 306 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpTischDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 307 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Twins"); } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 308 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Enter Building"; BarShadow.text = "Enter Building"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischLobby"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 319 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischDoor"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 321 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Twins"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 322 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Dorm"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Dorm"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); _root.Box._visible = true; _root.m.text = "Success! The bodyguard is down for the count."; _root.ClickMe._visible = true;
Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 345 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 346 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpTischDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 347 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Camera") { Bar.text = "Take Picture of Olsen Twins"; BarShadow.text = "Take Picture of Olsen Twins"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Olsen Twins"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Olsen Twins"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "Camera") { if (guarddown == false) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "The huge bodyguard won't let you take a picture."; ClickMe._visible = true; } else if (tookphoto == true) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "You've already taken a picture."; ClickMe._visible = true; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "You now have a picture of the Olsen Twins."; ClickMe._visible = true; ITEM = "Photo"; Window.gotoAndStop("Photo"); gotphoto = true; tookphoto = true; } } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "They ignore you."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 348 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Taser") { Bar.text = "Shock Bodyguard with Taser"; BarShadow.text = "Shock Bodyguard with Taser"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Bodyguard"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Bodyguard"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "Taser") { GuardButton._visible = false;; guarddown = true; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "The bodyguard just sneers at you, but you understand. You would be cranky too if you had to babysit the Olsen Twins all day."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 356 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischLobby2"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 360 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischLobby"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.gotoAndStop("InTElevator", "2");
Symbol 368 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Exit Building"; BarShadow.text = "Exit Building"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpTischDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 369 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Use Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Use Elevator"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { ElDoors.gotoAndPlay(2); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 373 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischLobby"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 375 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Basement"); }
Symbol 377 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Office"); }
Symbol 378 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Office"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 380 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischLobby"); }
Symbol 381 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Basement"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 384 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Take Mug"; BarShadow.text = "Take Mug"; } on (release) { tookmug = true; gotmug = true; ITEM = "Mug"; Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); MugonDesk._visible = false; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 389 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("T2"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 390 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Talk to Advisor"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Advisor"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (((gotscript == true) and (gotcrew == true)) and (gotfunding == true)) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''I see you've done everything you need to do to make a movie,'' your advisor says. ''I'm glad we've trained you so well.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; cont = 78; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "You tell your advisor you're going to win the surprise festival and ask him to allow you to enter. ''I can't just let anyone enter,'' he says. ''I don't think you're prepared.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; if (gotscript == false) { cont = 1; } else if (gotfunding == false) { cont = 2; } else if (gotcrew == false) { cont = 3; } } }
Symbol 392 Button
on (release) { if (cont == 1) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''You don't have a SCRIPT to make a movie.''"; if (gotfunding == false) { cont = 2; } else if (gotcrew == false) { cont = 3; } else { cont = 0; } } else if (cont == 2) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''You don't have the FUNDING to make a movie.''"; if (gotcrew == false) { cont = 3; } else { cont = 0; } } else if (cont == 3) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''You don't even have a CREW to make a movie.''"; cont = 0; } else if (cont == 78) { gotoAndPlay ("Ending"); } else { ClickMe._visible = false; Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; } }
Symbol 393 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Talk to Advisor"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Advisor"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 402 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; BarShadow.text = "Go Back to Elevator"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("T3"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 403 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Talk to Dan the D.P."; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Dan the D.P."; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (talkdan == 0) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "You ask Dan if he and his crew will work on your film. ''Sorry,'' he replies. ''We're much too busy to work on another shoot. You should have asked earlier.''"; talkdan = 1; } else if (talkdan == 1) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Look, I'm sorry, but we can't crew on your film. You'll just have to find somebody else.''"; talkdan = 2; } else if (talkdan == 2) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Are you dense? I said no.''"; talkdan = 3; } else if (talkdan == 3) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Okay, you're starting to piss me off. I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WORK ON YOUR MOVIE!!''"; talkdan = 4; } else if (talkdan == 4) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''ASK ME AGAIN AND I'LL KILL YOU!''"; talkdan = 5; } else if (talkdan == 5) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''FINE!!! WE'LL DO IT!!! WE'LL WORK ON YOUR DAMN FILM!! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!'' Success!! Now you have a crew!"; gotcrew = true; talkdan = 6; } else if (talkdan == 6) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "You better not talk to him anymore."; } if (talkdan > 4) { Dan.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (talkdan > 2) { Dan.gotoAndStop(2); } else { Dan.gotoAndStop(1); } }
Symbol 408 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Bar.text = "Give Pamphlet to Sobbing Man"; BarShadow.text = "Give Pamphlet to Sobbing Man"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Sobbing Man"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Sobbing Man"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "Pamphlet") { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''Why, this is giving me a whole new perspective,'' the man says, reading the pamphlet. ''Oh, thank you for showing me the way! Here, take my car, I won't be needing it anymore!'' The man smiles and skips off around the corner."; sobbergone = true; gotpamphlet = false; Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; CarStreet._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; } else { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''There is no justice in this world,'' the man sobs. ''What's the point? Why should I go on?'' You ask him what's wrong, but he ignores you and continues crying."; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.m.text = "Direct hit! The fans scream in agony as the sacred water melts the putrid matter surrounding their black souls."; _root.Box._visible = true; _root.ClickMe._visible = true; stop();
Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 431 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpDormDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 432 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("DormDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 433 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Drive Home"; BarShadow.text = "Drive Home"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("FromNY"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 434 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "MugWater") { Bar.text = "Douse Fans with Holy Water"; BarShadow.text = "Douse Fans with Holy Water"; } else { Bar.text = "Talk to Yankees Fans"; BarShadow.text = "Talk to Yankees Fans"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "MugWater") { fansdead = true; Yanks._visible = false;; ITEM = "Mug"; gotwatermug = false; gotmug = true; Window.gotoAndStop("Mug"); } else { m.text = "The fans glare at you as you approach. ''We ain't gonna let you pass,'' they snarl. You ask them why not, but it only seems to anger them further. You have no idea what their problem is, but it's obvious they're not going to let you by."; Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; } }
Symbol 435 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Street"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 437 Button
on (release) { ClickMe._visible = false; Box._visible = false; m.text = ""; if (sobbergone == true) { Sobber._visible = false; } }
Symbol 442 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 444 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Right"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Right"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("DormDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 445 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("OpDormDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Left"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Left"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 446 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Walk to Academic Building"; BarShadow.text = "Walk to Academic Building"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("TischDoor"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 456 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Home"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 457 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Drive Back to Manhattan"; BarShadow.text = "Drive Back to Manhattan"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("FromHome"); Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 458 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Look in Mailbox"; BarShadow.text = "Look in Mailbox"; } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (gottaser == false) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "You find a taser in the mailbox. How unexpected."; gottaser = true; ITEM = "Taser"; Window.gotoAndStop("Taser"); } else { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "Nothing else in there."; } }
Symbol 463 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 469 Button
on (rollOver) { Bar.text = "Turn Around"; BarShadow.text = "Turn Around"; } on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Driveway"); } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; }
Symbol 470 Button
on (rollOver) { if ((ITEM == "Mug") or (ITEM == "MugWater")) { Bar.text = "Give Mug to Dad"; BarShadow.text = "Give Mug to Dad"; } else { Bar.text = "Ask Dad for Money"; BarShadow.text = "Ask Dad for Money"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if ((ITEM == "Mug") or (ITEM == "MugWater")) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Hey thanks,'' your dad says when you give him the mug. ''I've always wanted one of these.''"; Dad.gotoAndStop("Happy"); gotmug = false; gotwatermug = false; Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; dadhappy = true; } else if (dadhappy == false) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "Your dad cringes when you ask him for cash. ''No way,'' he says. ''You've got to learn to support yourself sometime. Get a job if you need money.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } else if (momhappy == false) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''I guess it wouldn't hurt if we paid for this movie,'' your dad says, ''As long as your mother says it's okay.''"; } else { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Okay, we'll pay for your film. Just don't stain the carpet with fake blood this time.''"; gotfunding = true; MomChair._visible = false; DadChair._visible = false; } }
Symbol 471 Button
on (rollOver) { if (ITEM == "Rose") { Bar.text = "Give Rose to Mom"; BarShadow.text = "Give Rose to Mom"; } else { Bar.text = "Ask Mom for Money"; BarShadow.text = "Ask Mom for Money"; } } on (rollOut) { Bar.text = ""; BarShadow.text = ""; } on (release) { if (ITEM == "Rose") { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "Your mom's face lights up when you show her the rose. ''It's beautiful,'' she exclaims. ''Thank you!''"; Mom.gotoAndStop("Happy"); gotrose = false; Window.gotoAndStop("Key"); ITEM = "Key"; momhappy = true; } else if (momhappy == false) { Box._visible = true; m.text = "''No, we won't give you any money for your film,'' your mom growls. ''You're an awful child who never calls home and you don't appreciate how I sold my kidneys to pay the NYU tuition bill.''"; ClickMe._visible = true; } else if (dadhappy == false) { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Well, I suppose we could pay for your film,'' your mom smiles. ''But you have to convince your father.''"; } else { Box._visible = true; ClickMe._visible = true; m.text = "''Okay, we'll pay for your film. Just don't stain the carpet with fake blood this time.''"; gotfunding = true; MomChair._visible = false; DadChair._visible = false; } }
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 486 Button
on (release) { Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 496 Button
on (press) { Dude1.gotoAndPlay("shot"); Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); KILLS++; KillLabel.text = KILLS; Dude1Button._visible = false; }
Symbol 497 Button
on (press) { Dude2.gotoAndPlay("shot"); Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); KILLS++; KillLabel.text = KILLS; Dude2Button._visible = false; }
Symbol 498 Button
on (press) { Dude3.gotoAndPlay("shot"); Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); KILLS++; KillLabel.text = KILLS; Dude3Button._visible = false; }
Symbol 499 Button
on (press) { Dude4.gotoAndPlay("shot"); Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); KILLS++; KillLabel.text = KILLS; Dude4Button._visible = false; }
Symbol 500 Button
on (press) { Dude5.gotoAndPlay("shot"); Gun.gotoAndPlay("start"); KILLS++; KillLabel.text = KILLS; Dude5Button._visible = false; }
Symbol 519 Button
on (release) { if (scene == "YourRoom") { gotoAndPlay ("YourRoom"); } if (scene == "YourRoom2") { gotoAndStop ("YourRoom2"); } if (scene == "OpYourDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("OpYourDoor"); } if (scene == "YourDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("YourDoor"); } if (scene == "JockDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("JockDoor"); } if (scene == "OpJockDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("OpJockDoor"); } if (scene == "JockRoom") { gotoAndPlay ("Eyes"); } if (scene == "JockRoom2") { gotoAndPlay ("JockRoom2"); } if (scene == "Hall") { gotoAndPlay ("Hall"); } if (scene == "OpHall") { gotoAndPlay ("OpHall"); } if (scene == "HallElevator") { gotoAndPlay ("HallElevator"); } if (scene == "CalRoom") { gotoAndPlay ("CalRoom"); } if (scene == "LobbyElevator") { gotoAndPlay ("LobbyElevator"); } if (scene == "Lobby") { gotoAndPlay ("Lobby"); } if (scene == "OpDormDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("OpDormDoor"); } if (scene == "DormDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("DormDoor"); } if (scene == "Fans") { gotoAndPlay ("Fans"); } if (scene == "Driveway") { gotoAndPlay ("Driveway"); } if (scene == "TischLobby") { gotoAndPlay ("TischLobby"); } if (scene == "Office") { gotoAndPlay ("Office"); } if (scene == "Home") { gotoAndPlay ("Home"); } if (scene == "Basement") { gotoAndPlay ("Basement"); } if (scene == "Street") { gotoAndPlay ("Street"); } if (scene == "Church") { gotoAndPlay ("Church"); } if (scene == "Mailboxes") { gotoAndPlay ("Mailboxes"); } if (scene == "TischDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("TischDoor"); } if (scene == "OpTischDoor") { gotoAndPlay ("OpTischDoor"); } if (scene == "TischLobby2") { gotoAndPlay ("TischLobby2"); } if (scene == "Twins") { gotoAndPlay ("Twins"); } }

Library Items

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Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 75 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 78 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 81 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 88 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 89 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 93 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 94 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 95 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 96 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:100 101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 106 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:58Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 114 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 119 ButtonUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 122 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 124 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 131 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 140 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:49Used by:154
Symbol 154 ButtonUses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 ButtonUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 EditableTextUses:49Used by:160
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:159Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 162 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 163 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 ButtonUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 169 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 235 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:237 238 239 240Used by:Timeline
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 243 FontUsed by:244 245 246
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Symbol 245 TextUses:243Used by:Timeline
Symbol 246 TextUses:243Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 248 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 249 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 250 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 251 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 261 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 264 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 266 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 277 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 279 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 280 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 281 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 283 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 284 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 285 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 288 TextUses:29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 289 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 290 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 291 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 292 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 293 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 294 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 296 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 297 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 299 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 300 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 301 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 302 EditableTextUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 303 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 304 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 305 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 306 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 307 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 308 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 313 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:310 311 312 313 314Used by:Timeline
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 318 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 319 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 321 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 322 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:340
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Symbol 327 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 336 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:340
Symbol 340 MovieClipUses:324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 342 GraphicUses:341Used by:Timeline
Symbol 343 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 344 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 345 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 346 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 347 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 348 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 349 EditableTextUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 351 FontUsed by:352
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Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 354 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 355 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 356 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 358 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 359 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 360 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClipUses:361 362 363 364 365Used by:Timeline
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 368 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 369 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 370 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 371 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 372 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 373 ButtonUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 374 EditableTextUses:49Used by:375
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Symbol 376 EditableTextUses:49Used by:377
Symbol 377 ButtonUses:376Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 ButtonUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 379 EditableTextUses:49Used by:380
Symbol 380 ButtonUses:379Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 ButtonUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:384
Symbol 384 ButtonUses:383Used by:Timeline
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 387 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 389 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 390 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 391 EditableTextUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 392 ButtonUses:61Used by:Timeline
Symbol 393 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:398
Symbol 398 MovieClipUses:395 396 397Used by:Timeline
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 400 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 401 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 402 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 404 EditableTextUses:58Used by:Timeline
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 407 GraphicUsed by:408
Symbol 408 ButtonUses:407Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 411 SoundUsed by:428
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 413 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 417 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClipUses:409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 430 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 431 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 433 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 434 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 435 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 441 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 444 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 445 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 446 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 449 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 452 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 455 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 457 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 458 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:463
Symbol 462 GraphicUsed by:463
Symbol 463 MovieClipUses:461 462Used by:Timeline
Symbol 464 GraphicUsed by:466
Symbol 465 GraphicUsed by:466
Symbol 466 MovieClipUses:464 465Used by:Timeline
Symbol 467 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 468 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 469 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 470 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
Symbol 471 ButtonUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 474 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 475 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 476 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 477 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 478 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 479 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:483
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Symbol 483 MovieClipUses:480 481 482Used by:Timeline
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:486
Symbol 486 ButtonUses:485Used by:Timeline
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 489 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:494
Symbol 494 MovieClipUses:487 488 489 490 491 492 493Used by:Timeline
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:496 497 498 499 500
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Symbol 497 ButtonUses:495Used by:Timeline
Symbol 498 ButtonUses:495Used by:Timeline
Symbol 499 ButtonUses:495Used by:Timeline
Symbol 500 ButtonUses:495Used by:Timeline
Symbol 501 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 502 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 503 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 504 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 505 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 506 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 507 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 509 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 511 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 512 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 513 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 515 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 520 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 521 EditableTextUses:49Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"SoundDoor"Frame 123Symbol 33 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 123Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 123Symbol 50 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 123Symbol 51 EditableText
"Keyboard"Frame 123Symbol 55 Button
"Box"Frame 123Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 123Symbol 59 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 123Symbol 62 Button
"Keyboard"Frame 142Symbol 64 Button
"Window"Frame 143Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 143Symbol 66 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 143Symbol 67 EditableText
"SoundDoor"Frame 143Symbol 33 MovieClip
"SoundDoor"Frame 144Symbol 33 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 144Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 144Symbol 72 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 144Symbol 73 EditableText
"Window"Frame 145Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 145Symbol 78 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 145Symbol 79 EditableText
"SoundDoor"Frame 145Symbol 33 MovieClip
"SoundDoor"Frame 146Symbol 33 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 146Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 146Symbol 84 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 146Symbol 85 EditableText
"Window"Frame 147Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 147Symbol 92 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 147Symbol 93 EditableText
"SoundDoor"Frame 147Symbol 33 MovieClip
"SoundDoor"Frame 148Symbol 33 MovieClip
"TableBull"Frame 148Symbol 102 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 148Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 148Symbol 105 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 148Symbol 106 EditableText
"Box"Frame 148Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 148Symbol 108 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 148Symbol 62 Button
"LeftGuy"Frame 172Symbol 111 Button
"DrinkButton"Frame 172Symbol 112 Button
"LeftGuy"Frame 173Symbol 113 Button
"Window"Frame 500Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 500Symbol 116 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 500Symbol 117 EditableText
"SoundDoor"Frame 500Symbol 33 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 501Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 501Symbol 121 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 501Symbol 122 EditableText
"Window"Frame 502Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 502Symbol 128 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 502Symbol 129 EditableText
"Window"Frame 503Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 503Symbol 137 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 503Symbol 138 EditableText
"BarShadow"Frame 523Symbol 147 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 523Symbol 148 EditableText
"BarShadow"Frame 524Symbol 156 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 524Symbol 157 EditableText
"BarShadow"Frame 525Symbol 162 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 525Symbol 163 EditableText
"Window"Frame 526Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 526Symbol 168 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 526Symbol 169 EditableText
"Cal"Frame 526Symbol 172 Button
"KeyFloor"Frame 526Symbol 174 Button
"Box"Frame 526Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 526Symbol 175 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 526Symbol 176 Button
"Window"Frame 654Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 654Symbol 232 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 654Symbol 233 EditableText
"Window"Frame 674Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 674Symbol 247 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 674Symbol 248 EditableText
"Window"Frame 874Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 874Symbol 263 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 874Symbol 264 EditableText
"Box"Frame 874Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 874Symbol 268 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 874Symbol 62 Button
"ClickMe2"Frame 883Symbol 274 Button
"Window"Frame 885Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 885Symbol 276 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 885Symbol 277 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 885Symbol 62 Button
"Window"Frame 886Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 886Symbol 279 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 886Symbol 280 EditableText
"Window"Frame 887Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 887Symbol 289 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 887Symbol 290 EditableText
"Window"Frame 888Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 888Symbol 296 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 888Symbol 297 EditableText
"Vase"Frame 888Symbol 301 Button
"Box"Frame 888Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 888Symbol 302 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 888Symbol 62 Button
"Window"Frame 889Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 889Symbol 304 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 889Symbol 305 EditableText
"Window"Frame 890Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 890Symbol 317 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 890Symbol 318 EditableText
"Window"Frame 891Symbol 48 MovieClip
"GuardMovie"Frame 891Symbol 340 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 891Symbol 343 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 891Symbol 344 EditableText
"GuardButton"Frame 891Symbol 348 Button
"Box"Frame 891Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 891Symbol 349 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 891Symbol 62 Button
"BarShadow"Frame 892Symbol 354 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 892Symbol 355 EditableText
"Window"Frame 892Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 893Symbol 358 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 893Symbol 359 EditableText
"ElDoors"Frame 893Symbol 366 MovieClip
"Window"Frame 893Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 894Symbol 371 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 894Symbol 372 EditableText
"MugonDesk"Frame 897Symbol 384 Button
"BarShadow"Frame 897Symbol 387 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 897Symbol 388 EditableText
"Window"Frame 897Symbol 48 MovieClip
"Box"Frame 897Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 897Symbol 391 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 897Symbol 392 Button
"Dan"Frame 922Symbol 398 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 922Symbol 400 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 922Symbol 401 EditableText
"Window"Frame 922Symbol 48 MovieClip
"Box"Frame 922Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 922Symbol 404 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 922Symbol 62 Button
"Sobber"Frame 923Symbol 408 Button
"YankMovie"Frame 923Symbol 428 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 923Symbol 429 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 923Symbol 430 EditableText
"CarStreet"Frame 923Symbol 433 Button
"Yanks"Frame 923Symbol 434 Button
"Window"Frame 923Symbol 48 MovieClip
"Box"Frame 923Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 923Symbol 436 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 923Symbol 437 Button
"BarShadow"Frame 1223Symbol 440 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 1223Symbol 441 EditableText
"Window"Frame 1223Symbol 48 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 1264Symbol 454 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 1264Symbol 455 EditableText
"Window"Frame 1264Symbol 48 MovieClip
"Box"Frame 1264Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 1264Symbol 459 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 1264Symbol 437 Button
"Mom"Frame 1265Symbol 463 MovieClip
"Dad"Frame 1265Symbol 466 MovieClip
"BarShadow"Frame 1265Symbol 467 EditableText
"Bar"Frame 1265Symbol 468 EditableText
"DadChair"Frame 1265Symbol 470 Button
"MomChair"Frame 1265Symbol 471 Button
"Window"Frame 1265Symbol 48 MovieClip
"Box"Frame 1265Symbol 57 Button
"m"Frame 1265Symbol 472 EditableText
"ClickMe"Frame 1265Symbol 437 Button
"TimeLabel"Frame 1266Symbol 477 EditableText
"KillLabel"Frame 1266Symbol 478 EditableText
"Gun"Frame 1266Symbol 483 MovieClip
"Dude1"Frame 1266Symbol 494 MovieClip
"Dude1Button"Frame 1266Symbol 496 Button
"Dude2"Frame 1266Symbol 494 MovieClip
"Dude2Button"Frame 1266Symbol 497 Button
"Dude3"Frame 1266Symbol 494 MovieClip
"Dude3Button"Frame 1266Symbol 498 Button
"Dude4"Frame 1266Symbol 494 MovieClip
"Dude4Button"Frame 1266Symbol 499 Button
"Dude5"Frame 1266Symbol 494 MovieClip
"Dude5Button"Frame 1266Symbol 500 Button
"TimeLabel"Frame 1289Symbol 505 EditableText
"KillLabel"Frame 1289Symbol 506 EditableText
"MC"Frame 1290Symbol 509 EditableText
"MC"Frame 1325Symbol 513 EditableText


"Uno"Frame 17
"Ending"Frame 122
"YourRoom"Frame 123
"YourRoom2"Frame 143
"OpYourDoor"Frame 144
"YourDoor"Frame 145
"OpJockDoor"Frame 146
"JockDoor"Frame 147
"JockRoom"Frame 148
"Eyes"Frame 172
"JockRoom2"Frame 500
"Hall"Frame 501
"OpHall"Frame 502
"HallElevator"Frame 503
"InElevator"Frame 523
"2"Frame 524
"3"Frame 525
"CalRoom"Frame 526
"LobbyElevator"Frame 654
"Lobby"Frame 674
"Mailboxes"Frame 874
"OpenBox"Frame 875
"EmptyBox"Frame 885
"DormDoor"Frame 886
"OpDormDoor"Frame 887
"Church"Frame 888
"TischDoor"Frame 889
"OpTischDoor"Frame 890
"Twins"Frame 891
"TischLobby"Frame 892
"TischLobby2"Frame 893
"InTElevator"Frame 894
"T2"Frame 895
"T3"Frame 896
"Office"Frame 897
"EyesUp"Frame 916
"Basement"Frame 922
"Fans"Frame 923
"Street"Frame 1223
"FromNY"Frame 1224
"FromHome"Frame 1244
"Driveway"Frame 1264
"Home"Frame 1265
"Game"Frame 1266
"Start"Frame 1266
"GameOver"Frame 1290
"Help"Frame 1326
"play"Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 2
"Nothing"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 1
"MugWater"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 2
"Mug"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 3
"Key"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 4
"Pamphlet"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 5
"Rose"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 6
"Photo"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 7
"Camera"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 8
"Taser"Symbol 48 MovieClip Frame 9
"Down"Symbol 340 MovieClip Frame 27
"End"Symbol 428 MovieClip Frame 23
"Happy"Symbol 463 MovieClip Frame 2
"Happy"Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 2
"start"Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
"shot"Symbol 494 MovieClip Frame 5

Dynamic Text Variables

SaySymbol 51 EditableText""
SaySymbol 67 EditableText""
SaySymbol 73 EditableText""
SaySymbol 79 EditableText""
SaySymbol 85 EditableText""
SaySymbol 93 EditableText""
SaySymbol 106 EditableText""
SaySymbol 117 EditableText""
SaySymbol 122 EditableText""
SaySymbol 129 EditableText""
SaySymbol 138 EditableText""
SaySymbol 148 EditableText""
SaySymbol 157 EditableText""
SaySymbol 163 EditableText""
SaySymbol 169 EditableText""
SaySymbol 233 EditableText""
SaySymbol 248 EditableText""
SaySymbol 264 EditableText""
SaySymbol 277 EditableText""
SaySymbol 280 EditableText""
SaySymbol 290 EditableText""
SaySymbol 297 EditableText""
SaySymbol 305 EditableText""
SaySymbol 318 EditableText""
SaySymbol 344 EditableText""
SaySymbol 355 EditableText""
SaySymbol 359 EditableText""
SaySymbol 372 EditableText""
SaySymbol 388 EditableText""
SaySymbol 401 EditableText""
SaySymbol 430 EditableText""
SaySymbol 441 EditableText""
SaySymbol 455 EditableText""
SaySymbol 468 EditableText""
Created: 6/4 -2019 20:20:19 Last modified: 6/4 -2019 20:20:19 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:38:23