Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

How to review.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #76604

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 1 { frame 1 { _visible = false; stop(); } frame 2 { // An attempt to read a value from empty stack tellTarget ('undefined') { _time = getTimer() / 1000; _birth = _time; _delta = 0; _age = 0; if (!hasOwnProperty('_fx')) { _fx = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_fy')) { _fy = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_fxscale')) { _fxscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_fyscale')) { _fyscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_frotation')) { _frotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_falpha')) { _falpha = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_vx')) { _vx = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_vy')) { _vy = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_vxscale')) { _vxscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_vyscale')) { _vyscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_vrotation')) { _vrotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_valpha')) { _valpha = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_ax')) { _ax = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_ay')) { _ay = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_axscale')) { _axscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_ayscale')) { _ayscale = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_arotation')) { _arotation = 0; } if (!hasOwnProperty('_aalpha')) { _aalpha = 0; } } } frame 3 { // An attempt to read a value from empty stack tellTarget ('undefined') { _tt = getTimer() / 1000; _delta = _tt - _time; _age = _tt - _birth; _time = _tt; } } frame 4 { // An attempt to read a value from empty stack tellTarget ('undefined') { _ffx = (100 - _fx * _delta) / 100; _ffy = (100 - _fy * _delta) / 100; _ffxscale = (100 - _fxscale * _delta) / 100; _ffyscale = (100 - _fyscale * _delta) / 100; _ffrotation = (100 - _frotation * _delta) / 100; _ffalpha = (100 - _falpha * _delta) / 100; _vx = (_vx + _ax * _delta) * _ffx; _vy = (_vy + _ay * _delta) * _ffy; _vxscale = (_vxscale + _axscale * _delta) * _ffxscale; _vyscale = (_vyscale + _ayscale * _delta) * _ffyscale; _vrotation = (_vrotation + _arotation * _delta) * _ffrotation; _valpha = (_valpha + _aalpha * _delta) * _ffalpha; if (_vx) { _x = _x + _vx * _delta; } if (_vy) { _y = _y + _vy * _delta; } if (_vxscale) { _xscale = _xscale + _vxscale * _delta; } if (_vyscale) { _yscale = _yscale + _vyscale * _delta; } if (_vrotation) { _rotation = _rotation + _vrotation * _delta; } if (_valpha) { _alpha = _alpha + _valpha * _delta; } } } } frame 1 { } movieClip 5 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'TextColor': -1, 'WhenLoadedGoto': 'NextScene', 'HideWhenLoaded': true, 'DisplayMode': 'Bytes', 'Text': 'Loading:', 'EventFunction': '', 'BlinkDelay': 0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 487; } function loadParameters(txt) { } tellTarget ('..._target') { return eval('parameters.' add txt); } goto 492; label 487: goto 679; label 492: function displaytext(mode, bytesloaded, bytestotal, pc) { } tellTarget ('..._target') { if (mode != 'Percent') { } else { if (mode != 'Bytes') { percent.text = int(pc + 0.5) add '%'; } else { percent.text = bytesloaded add '/' add bytestotal; } } } goto 684; label 679: goto 825; label 684: G_displaymode = loadParameters('DisplayMode'); G_goto = loadParameters('WhenLoadedGoto'); G_blinkdelay = loadParameters('BlinkDelay'); G_countdown = G_blinkdelay; G_hide = loadParameters('HideWhenLoaded'); G_eventfunction = loadParameters('EventFunction'); G_v = 0; if ('Bar Only' != G_displaymode) { loading.text = loadParameters('Text'); } goto 830; label 825: goto 834; label 830: } label 834: nextFrame(); play(); } frame 3 { tellTarget ('..') { var bytesloaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); var bytestotal = _parent.getBytesTotal(); if (bytesloaded >= bytestotal) { loading._visible = true; if (G_goto != 'NextScene') { } else { if (G_goto != 'NextFrame') { } else { gotoAndPlay('/:2'); if (G_goto != 'Use EventFunction') { if (G_hide) { this._parent._visible = false; } _parent.nextFrame();; } else { if ('' != G_eventfunction) { _parent[G_eventfunction].call(_parent, _name, 'Loaded'); } } } } return undefined; } if (G_countdown == 0) { G_countdown = G_blinkdelay; if ('Bar Only' != G_displaymode) { loading._visible = !loading._visible; } } else { if (0 < G_countdown) { --G_countdown; } } G_v = (bytesloaded / bytestotal) * 100; progressbar.SetValue(G_v); displaytext(G_displaymode, bytesloaded, bytestotal, G_v); } gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 6 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'Mode': 'Manual', 'EventVar': '_root.value', 'LimitMinimum': 0, 'LimitMaximum': 100.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 522; } function SetValue(v) { } tellTarget ('..._target') { v -= G_limitmin; v *= 100 / G_scale; if (v < 0) { v = 0; } if (100 < v) { v = 100; } bar._xscale = v; } goto 527; label 522: goto 661; label 527: function Setparameters(mode, eventvar, limitmin, limitmax) { } tellTarget ('..._target') { G_mode = mode; G_eventvar = eventvar; G_limitmin = limitmin; G_limitmax = limitmax; G_scale = limitmax - limitmin; G_poll = 'Poll' == G_mode; } goto 666; label 661: goto 720; label 666: function loadParameters(txt) { } tellTarget ('..._target') { return eval('parameters.' add txt); } goto 725; label 720: goto 823; label 725: Setparameters(loadParameters('Mode'), loadParameters('EventVar'), loadParameters('LimitMinimum'), loadParameters('LimitMaximum')); G_lastval = -1; SetValue(G_limitmin); goto 828; label 823: goto 832; label 828: } label 832: nextFrame(); play(); } frame 3 { tellTarget ('..') { if (!G_poll) { return undefined; } if ('' == G_eventvar) { return undefined; } var v = eval(G_eventvar); if (v != G_lastval) { G_lastval = v; SetValue(v); } } gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 12 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 18 { frame 1 { progressbar.SetValue(100); displaytext(G_displaymode, _parent.getBytesTotal(), _parent.getBytesTotal(), 100); _root.stop(); } } movieClip 49 { } movieClip 50 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'glowColor': -1, 'knockout': false, 'Author': '', 'quality': 5.0, 'blurX': 20.0, 'blurY': 20.0, 'glowAlpha': 0.65, 'inner': false, 'strength': 2.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 497; } this._parent.myGlow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(properties.glowColor, properties.glowAlpha, properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.strength, properties.quality, properties.inner, properties.knockout); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myGlow]; goto 502; label 497: goto 506; label 502: } label 506: stop(); } } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 65 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'Author': '', 'quality': 1.0, 'blurX': 4.0, 'blurY': 30.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 194; } } label 194: stop(); } } movieClip 66 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'glowColor': -13312, 'knockout': false, 'quality': 2.0, 'Author': '', 'blurX': 4.0, 'glowAlpha': 100.0, 'blurY': 40.0, 'strength': 5.0, 'inner': false}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 497; } this._parent.myGlow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(properties.glowColor, properties.glowAlpha, properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.strength, properties.quality, properties.inner, properties.knockout); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myGlow]; goto 502; label 497: goto 506; label 502: } label 506: stop(); } } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 92 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'quality': 1.0, 'Author': '', 'blurX': 2.0, 'blurY': 2.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 356; } this._parent.myBlur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.quality); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myBlur]; goto 361; label 356: goto 365; label 361: } label 365: stop(); } } movieClip 93 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'glowColor': -1, 'knockout': false, 'Author': '', 'quality': 2.0, 'blurX': 4.0, 'blurY': 30.0, 'glowAlpha': 4.0, 'inner': false, 'strength': 4.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 497; } this._parent.myGlow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(properties.glowColor, properties.glowAlpha, properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.strength, properties.quality, properties.inner, properties.knockout); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myGlow]; goto 502; label 497: goto 506; label 502: } label 506: stop(); } } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 107 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'Author': '', 'quality': 1.0, 'blurX': 2.0, 'blurY': 2.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 356; } this._parent.myBlur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.quality); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myBlur]; goto 361; label 356: goto 365; label 361: } label 365: stop(); } } movieClip 108 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'glowColor': -1, 'knockout': false, 'quality': 2.0, 'Author': '', 'blurX': 4.0, 'glowAlpha': 4.0, 'blurY': 30.0, 'strength': 4.0, 'inner': false}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 497; } this._parent.myGlow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(properties.glowColor, properties.glowAlpha, properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.strength, properties.quality, properties.inner, properties.knockout); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myGlow]; goto 502; label 497: goto 506; label 502: } label 506: stop(); } } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'quality': 1.0, 'Author': '', 'blurX': 2.0, 'blurY': 2.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 356; } this._parent.myBlur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.quality); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myBlur]; goto 361; label 356: goto 365; label 361: } label 365: stop(); } } movieClip 123 { frame 1 { if (!hasOwnProperty('_load')) { _load = true; tellTarget ('..') { parameters = {'glowColor': -1, 'knockout': false, 'Author': '', 'quality': 2.0, 'blurX': 4.0, 'blurY': 25.0, 'glowAlpha': 4.0, 'inner': false, 'strength': 3.0}; properties = parameters; } else { goto 497; } this._parent.myGlow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(properties.glowColor, properties.glowAlpha, properties.blurX, properties.blurY, properties.strength, properties.quality, properties.inner, properties.knockout); this._parent.filters = [this._parent.myGlow]; goto 502; label 497: goto 506; label 502: } label 506: stop(); } } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 148 { } frame 249 { glow1 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16724736, 0.45, 7, 7, 3, 20, false, false); NGTitle.filters = [glow1]; } movieClip 154 { frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 181 { } frame 323 { kindablur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(5, 5, 8); kinda.filters = [kindablur]; NGTitleBLUR.filters = [kindablur]; } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 211 { } frame 357 { Arrowblur = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(10, 10, 8); arrow.filters = [Arrowblur]; } movieClip 214 { } frame 360 { rofl2.filters = [glow1]; } movieClip 216 { } frame 406 { rofl3.filters = [glow1]; } movieClip 218 { } frame 498 { gotoAndPlay(499); } frame 499 { gotoAndPlay(578); } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 224 { } frame 614 { panelBevel = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(3, 47, 15658734, 0.55, 2236962, 0.5, 4, 6, 3, 6, 'full', false); thePanel.filters = [panelBevel]; } movieClip 237 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 269 { } button 286 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(697); } } movieClip 300 { } button 310 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(921); } } button 323 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1078); } } button 333 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1223); } } button 345 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1407); } } frame 695 { panelBevel = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(3, 47, 15658734, 0.55, 2236962, 0.5, 4, 6, 3, 6, 'full', false); thePanel.filters = [panelBevel]; } button 365 { on (press, dragOut, keyPress '6') { Unknown action: 0x01 Unknown action: 0x6b Unknown action: 0x01 // An attempt to read a value from empty stack Unknown action: 0x01 Unknown action: 0x73 Unknown action: 0x73 Unknown action: 0x92 chr(chr(int(undefined)));
Created: 4/4 -2019 19:37:17 Last modified: 4/4 -2019 19:37:17 Server time: 05/11 -2024 06:59:45