Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #77737

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








i cant seem to find a way out of this

my palms feel hot to the touch


is this really all there is?

is this really all there is?

I cant do this

Medal Popup
Place this clip on the root of your movie,
spanning any frames where medals are
called. (this clip is hidden)

Weebl's secret island




Place this component on your root timeline at the
start of your movie (over your preloader if possible).

When you publish your movie, this box will be hidden
unless an error occurs.


You are not logged in!
As a result, any medals you unlock in this game will NOT
be saved to your profile.


We could not connect to the Newgrounds gateway.
If you are using an ad-blocking application, you may need
to disable it to unlock any medals you earn in this game.

There is a new version available!

View latest version


This copy is unauthorized. Click below for a legal version

View legal version



Flash Ad

Place this movieclip wherever you want a
flash ad to load.
Please do not modify the size as you may
see decreases in your ad preformance!
(This clip will be hidden unless an ad loads)


a "Game"







































I will tell you
what the buttons
to my left
mean when you
mouse over them
no, seriously.

Clicking Start
will start you
on your game.
seems obvious

Clicking Create
will let you
design your own
levels to submit
for others to
play! some might
call it a
"map editor"

Explore user
created levels
by clicking
You can also rate
them negativly to
hurt peoples
feelings... BONUS!

"Entering the
simulates a full
game randomly
generated from
user made levels
arranged by

Edmund McMillen

Edmund McMillen

Edmund McMillen

William Good

William Good

William Good

Justin Karpel

Justin Karpel

Justin Karpel (Power of Three) (Power of Three) (Power of Three)


Four Corners







Load level by number....

Main Menu

Main Menu

Why cant i control myself?




I find myself thinking about death

To find meaning

In a world that doesnt want me here

I feel like ive abandoned myself

Everyones missing

We will all die

Existence is a lie


Waiting to die

Life is a dream in which we are an
imagination of ourselves



Mute Music

Mute All



Skip Level

Replay message

Unmute All

Four Corners

Four Corners

Are you sure
you want to




Do you wish to

Sleeping will cause
time to pass pushing
you into the next
You may sleep twice.

Sleeping will cause
extream pain, pushing
you into the next
You may sleep once.


You may never

Laziness is nothing
more than the habit
of resting before
you get tired

You may not
while exploring
the unknown!

Stasis Lock
in effect







Arrow Keys to Move

SpaceBar or D to Jump

Press A to switch Layers

Press S To Lift Up Sliders


Fun Factor:

Skip Vote

Intro Text

Back to Editing


Level name:

Edit some More


Level Difficulty:

Stitching time...
One Moment

Interpretations have
been noted,thanks.
Your tracking number is:

NOTE: we are not held
responsible for lost
packages, memories or
deviations in chronology.


Layer Colors

Number of Layers

Add Intro Text

Pick Character Model

Number Of

1  2  3

Play On

Play On

Back to Menu

Back to Menu

Create an Account

Create an Account

Creator Manual
Click to place a Tile
Space Bar + Click:
clear tile
Shift + Click:
'A' to switch layers
Test and finish your level
to submit it to the portal

You must play
on Newgrounds
create and
submit maps!

You must create a
newgrounds account
to submit maps!
You can log in
above, or join.

Select your








Map Editor

Reset Campain




V 1.1




























































taking action by finding flaws in yourself.



























































Programming - Design

Art - Design


























ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//MD5 (com.adobe.crypto.MD5) package com.adobe.crypto { import flash.utils.*; import com.adobe.utils.*; public class MD5 { public static var digest:ByteArray; private static function ff(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int):int{ return (transform(f, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } private static function f(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):int{ return (((_arg1 & _arg2) | (~(_arg1) & _arg3))); } private static function g(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):int{ return (((_arg1 & _arg3) | (_arg2 & ~(_arg3)))); } private static function h(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):int{ return (((_arg1 ^ _arg2) ^ _arg3)); } private static function i(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):int{ return ((_arg2 ^ (_arg1 | ~(_arg3)))); } private static function transform(_arg1:Function, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int, _arg8:int):int{ var _local9:int; _local9 = (((_arg2 + int(_arg1(_arg3, _arg4, _arg5))) + _arg6) + _arg8); return ((IntUtil.rol(_local9, _arg7) + _arg3)); } private static function hh(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int):int{ return (transform(h, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function hash(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:ByteArray; _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.writeUTFBytes(_arg1); return (hashBinary(_local2)); } private static function createBlocks(_arg1:ByteArray):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = (_arg1.length * 8); _local4 = 0xFF; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3) { _local2[int((_local5 >> 5))] = (_local2[int((_local5 >> 5))] | ((_arg1[(_local5 / 8)] & _local4) << (_local5 % 32))); _local5 = (_local5 + 8); }; _local2[int((_local3 >> 5))] = (_local2[int((_local3 >> 5))] | (128 << (_local3 % 32))); _local2[int(((((_local3 + 64) >>> 9) << 4) + 14))] = _local3; return (_local2); } public static function hashBinary(_arg1:ByteArray):String{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:int; _local2 = 1732584193; _local3 = -271733879; _local4 = -1732584194; _local5 = 271733878; _local10 = createBlocks(_arg1); _local11 = _local10.length; _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < _local11) { _local6 = _local2; _local7 = _local3; _local8 = _local4; _local9 = _local5; _local2 = ff(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 0))], 7, -680876936); _local5 = ff(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 1))], 12, -389564586); _local4 = ff(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 2))], 17, 606105819); _local3 = ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 3))], 22, -1044525330); _local2 = ff(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 4))], 7, -176418897); _local5 = ff(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 5))], 12, 1200080426); _local4 = ff(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 6))], 17, -1473231341); _local3 = ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 7))], 22, -45705983); _local2 = ff(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 8))], 7, 1770035416); _local5 = ff(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 9))], 12, -1958414417); _local4 = ff(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 10))], 17, -42063); _local3 = ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 11))], 22, -1990404162); _local2 = ff(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 12))], 7, 1804603682); _local5 = ff(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 13))], 12, -40341101); _local4 = ff(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 14))], 17, -1502002290); _local3 = ff(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 15))], 22, 1236535329); _local2 = gg(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 1))], 5, -165796510); _local5 = gg(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 6))], 9, -1069501632); _local4 = gg(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 11))], 14, 643717713); _local3 = gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 0))], 20, -373897302); _local2 = gg(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 5))], 5, -701558691); _local5 = gg(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 10))], 9, 38016083); _local4 = gg(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 15))], 14, -660478335); _local3 = gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 4))], 20, -405537848); _local2 = gg(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 9))], 5, 568446438); _local5 = gg(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 14))], 9, -1019803690); _local4 = gg(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 3))], 14, -187363961); _local3 = gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 8))], 20, 1163531501); _local2 = gg(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 13))], 5, -1444681467); _local5 = gg(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 2))], 9, -51403784); _local4 = gg(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 7))], 14, 1735328473); _local3 = gg(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 12))], 20, -1926607734); _local2 = hh(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 5))], 4, -378558); _local5 = hh(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 8))], 11, -2022574463); _local4 = hh(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 11))], 16, 1839030562); _local3 = hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 14))], 23, -35309556); _local2 = hh(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 1))], 4, -1530992060); _local5 = hh(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 4))], 11, 1272893353); _local4 = hh(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 7))], 16, -155497632); _local3 = hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 10))], 23, -1094730640); _local2 = hh(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 13))], 4, 681279174); _local5 = hh(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 0))], 11, -358537222); _local4 = hh(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 3))], 16, -722521979); _local3 = hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 6))], 23, 76029189); _local2 = hh(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 9))], 4, -640364487); _local5 = hh(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 12))], 11, -421815835); _local4 = hh(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 15))], 16, 530742520); _local3 = hh(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 2))], 23, -995338651); _local2 = ii(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 0))], 6, -198630844); _local5 = ii(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 7))], 10, 1126891415); _local4 = ii(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 14))], 15, -1416354905); _local3 = ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 5))], 21, -57434055); _local2 = ii(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 12))], 6, 1700485571); _local5 = ii(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 3))], 10, -1894986606); _local4 = ii(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 10))], 15, -1051523); _local3 = ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 1))], 21, -2054922799); _local2 = ii(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 8))], 6, 1873313359); _local5 = ii(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 15))], 10, -30611744); _local4 = ii(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 6))], 15, -1560198380); _local3 = ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 13))], 21, 1309151649); _local2 = ii(_local2, _local3, _local4, _local5, _local10[int((_local12 + 4))], 6, -145523070); _local5 = ii(_local5, _local2, _local3, _local4, _local10[int((_local12 + 11))], 10, -1120210379); _local4 = ii(_local4, _local5, _local2, _local3, _local10[int((_local12 + 2))], 15, 718787259); _local3 = ii(_local3, _local4, _local5, _local2, _local10[int((_local12 + 9))], 21, -343485551); _local2 = (_local2 + _local6); _local3 = (_local3 + _local7); _local4 = (_local4 + _local8); _local5 = (_local5 + _local9); _local12 = (_local12 + 16); }; digest = new ByteArray(); digest.writeInt(_local2); digest.writeInt(_local3); digest.writeInt(_local4); digest.writeInt(_local5); digest.position = 0; return ((((IntUtil.toHex(_local2) + IntUtil.toHex(_local3)) + IntUtil.toHex(_local4)) + IntUtil.toHex(_local5))); } private static function gg(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int):int{ return (transform(g, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } private static function ii(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int, _arg5:int, _arg6:int, _arg7:int):int{ return (transform(i, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7)); } public static function hashBytes(_arg1:ByteArray):String{ return (hashBinary(_arg1)); } } }//package com.adobe.crypto
Section 2
//PNGEncoder (com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder) package com.adobe.images { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; public class PNGEncoder { private static var crcTableComputed:Boolean = false; private static var crcTable:Array; private static function writeChunk(_arg1:ByteArray, _arg2:uint, _arg3:ByteArray):void{ var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:int; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; if (!crcTableComputed){ crcTableComputed = true; crcTable = []; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < 0x0100) { _local8 = _local9; _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < 8) { if ((_local8 & 1)){ _local8 = uint((uint(3988292384) ^ uint((_local8 >>> 1)))); } else { _local8 = uint((_local8 >>> 1)); }; _local10++; }; crcTable[_local9] = _local8; _local9++; }; }; _local4 = 0; if (_arg3 != null){ _local4 = _arg3.length; }; _arg1.writeUnsignedInt(_local4); _local5 = _arg1.position; _arg1.writeUnsignedInt(_arg2); if (_arg3 != null){ _arg1.writeBytes(_arg3); }; _local6 = _arg1.position; _arg1.position = _local5; _local8 = 4294967295; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < (_local6 - _local5)) { _local8 = uint((crcTable[((_local8 ^ _arg1.readUnsignedByte()) & uint(0xFF))] ^ uint((_local8 >>> 8)))); _local7++; }; _local8 = uint((_local8 ^ uint(4294967295))); _arg1.position = _local6; _arg1.writeUnsignedInt(_local8); } public static function encode(_arg1:BitmapData):ByteArray{ var _local2:ByteArray; var _local3:ByteArray; var _local4:ByteArray; var _local5:int; var _local6:uint; var _local7:int; _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.writeUnsignedInt(2303741511); _local2.writeUnsignedInt(218765834); _local3 = new ByteArray(); _local3.writeInt(_arg1.width); _local3.writeInt(_arg1.height); _local3.writeUnsignedInt(134610944); _local3.writeByte(0); writeChunk(_local2, 1229472850, _local3); _local4 = new ByteArray(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.height) { _local4.writeByte(0); if (!_arg1.transparent){ _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.width) { _local6 = _arg1.getPixel(_local7, _local5); _local4.writeUnsignedInt(uint((((_local6 & 0xFFFFFF) << 8) | 0xFF))); _local7++; }; } else { _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _arg1.width) { _local6 = _arg1.getPixel32(_local7, _local5); _local4.writeUnsignedInt(uint((((_local6 & 0xFFFFFF) << 8) | (_local6 >>> 24)))); _local7++; }; }; _local5++; }; _local4.compress(); writeChunk(_local2, 1229209940, _local4); writeChunk(_local2, 1229278788, null); return (_local2); } } }//package com.adobe.images
Section 3
//JSON (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSON { public static function decode(_arg1:String){ var _local2:JSONDecoder; _local2 = new JSONDecoder(_arg1); return (_local2.getValue()); } public static function encode(_arg1:Object):String{ var _local2:JSONEncoder; _local2 = new JSONEncoder(_arg1); return (_local2.getString()); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 4
//JSONDecoder (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONDecoder) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSONDecoder { private var value; private var tokenizer:JSONTokenizer; private var token:JSONToken; public function JSONDecoder(_arg1:String){ tokenizer = new JSONTokenizer(_arg1); nextToken(); value = parseValue(); } private function nextToken():JSONToken{ return ((token = tokenizer.getNextToken())); } private function parseObject():Object{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; _local1 = new Object(); nextToken(); if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE){ return (_local1); }; while (true) { if (token.type == JSONTokenType.STRING){ _local2 = String(token.value); nextToken(); if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COLON){ nextToken(); _local1[_local2] = parseValue(); nextToken(); if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE){ return (_local1); }; if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COMMA){ nextToken(); } else { tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting } or , but found " + token.value)); }; } else { tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting : but found " + token.value)); }; } else { tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting string but found " + token.value)); }; }; return (null); } private function parseArray():Array{ var _local1:Array; _local1 = new Array(); nextToken(); if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET){ return (_local1); }; while (true) { _local1.push(parseValue()); nextToken(); if (token.type == JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET){ return (_local1); }; if (token.type == JSONTokenType.COMMA){ nextToken(); } else { tokenizer.parseError(("Expecting ] or , but found " + token.value)); }; }; return (null); } public function getValue(){ return (value); } private function parseValue():Object{ if (token == null){ tokenizer.parseError("Unexpected end of input"); }; switch (token.type){ case JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACE: return (parseObject()); case JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACKET: return (parseArray()); case JSONTokenType.STRING: case JSONTokenType.NUMBER: case JSONTokenType.TRUE: case JSONTokenType.FALSE: case JSONTokenType.NULL: return (token.value); default: tokenizer.parseError(("Unexpected " + token.value)); }; return (null); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 5
//JSONEncoder (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONEncoder) package com.adobe.serialization.json { import flash.utils.*; public class JSONEncoder { private var jsonString:String; public function JSONEncoder(_arg1){ jsonString = convertToString(_arg1); } private function arrayToString(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_local2.length > 0){ _local2 = (_local2 + ","); }; _local2 = (_local2 + convertToString(_arg1[_local3])); _local3++; }; return ((("[" + _local2) + "]")); } private function convertToString(_arg1):String{ if ((_arg1 is String)){ return (escapeString((_arg1 as String))); }; if ((_arg1 is Number)){ return ((isFinite((_arg1 as Number))) ? _arg1.toString() : "null"); } else { if ((_arg1 is Boolean)){ return ((_arg1) ? "true" : "false"); } else { if ((_arg1 is Array)){ return (arrayToString((_arg1 as Array))); }; if ((((_arg1 is Object)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ return (objectToString(_arg1)); }; }; }; return ("null"); } private function escapeString(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:String; _local2 = ""; _local4 = _arg1.length; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4) { _local3 = _arg1.charAt(_local5); switch (_local3){ case "\"": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\\""); break; case "\\": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\\\"); break; case "\b": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\b"); break; case "\f": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\f"); break; case "\n": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\n"); break; case "\r": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\r"); break; case "\t": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\t"); break; default: if (_local3 < " "){ _local6 = _local3.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); _local7 = ((_local6.length == 2)) ? "00" : "000"; _local2 = (_local2 + (("\\u" + _local7) + _local6)); } else { _local2 = (_local2 + _local3); }; }; _local5++; }; return ((("\"" + _local2) + "\"")); } private function objectToString(_arg1:Object):String{ var s:String; var classInfo:XML; var value:Object; var key:String; var v:XML; var o = _arg1; s = ""; classInfo = describeType(o); if (classInfo.@name.toString() == "Object"){ for (key in o) { value = o[key]; if ((value is Function)){ } else { if (s.length > 0){ s = (s + ","); }; s = (s + ((escapeString(key) + ":") + convertToString(value))); }; }; } else { for each (v in classInfo..*.(((name() == "variable")) || ((name() == "accessor")))) { if (s.length > 0){ s = (s + ","); }; s = (s + ((escapeString(v.@name.toString()) + ":") + convertToString(o[v.@name]))); }; }; return ((("{" + s) + "}")); } public function getString():String{ return (jsonString); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 6
//JSONParseError (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONParseError) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSONParseError extends Error { private var _text:String; private var _location:int; public function JSONParseError(_arg1:String="", _arg2:int=0, _arg3:String=""){ super(_arg1); name = "JSONParseError"; _location = _arg2; _text = _arg3; } public function get text():String{ return (_text); } public function get location():int{ return (_location); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 7
//JSONToken (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONToken) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSONToken { private var _value:Object; private var _type:int; public function JSONToken(_arg1:int=-1, _arg2:Object=null){ _type = _arg1; _value = _arg2; } public function set value(_arg1:Object):void{ _value = _arg1; } public function get value():Object{ return (_value); } public function set type(_arg1:int):void{ _type = _arg1; } public function get type():int{ return (_type); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 8
//JSONTokenizer (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONTokenizer) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSONTokenizer { private var loc:int; private var ch:String; private var obj:Object; private var jsonString:String; public function JSONTokenizer(_arg1:String){ jsonString = _arg1; loc = 0; nextChar(); } private function skipComments():void{ if (ch == "/"){ nextChar(); switch (ch){ case "/": do { nextChar(); } while (((!((ch == "\n"))) && (!((ch == ""))))); nextChar(); break; case "*": nextChar(); while (true) { if (ch == "*"){ nextChar(); if (ch == "/"){ nextChar(); break; }; } else { nextChar(); }; if (ch == ""){ parseError("Multi-line comment not closed"); }; }; break; default: parseError((("Unexpected " + ch) + " encountered (expecting '/' or '*' )")); }; }; } private function isDigit(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1 >= "0")) && ((_arg1 <= "9")))); } private function readNumber():JSONToken{ var _local1:JSONToken; var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; _local1 = new JSONToken(); _local1.type = JSONTokenType.NUMBER; _local2 = ""; if (ch == "-"){ _local2 = (_local2 + "-"); nextChar(); }; if (!isDigit(ch)){ parseError("Expecting a digit"); }; if (ch == "0"){ _local2 = (_local2 + ch); nextChar(); if (isDigit(ch)){ parseError("A digit cannot immediately follow 0"); }; } else { while (isDigit(ch)) { _local2 = (_local2 + ch); nextChar(); }; }; if (ch == "."){ _local2 = (_local2 + "."); nextChar(); if (!isDigit(ch)){ parseError("Expecting a digit"); }; while (isDigit(ch)) { _local2 = (_local2 + ch); nextChar(); }; }; if ((((ch == "e")) || ((ch == "E")))){ _local2 = (_local2 + "e"); nextChar(); if ((((ch == "+")) || ((ch == "-")))){ _local2 = (_local2 + ch); nextChar(); }; if (!isDigit(ch)){ parseError("Scientific notation number needs exponent value"); }; while (isDigit(ch)) { _local2 = (_local2 + ch); nextChar(); }; }; _local3 = Number(_local2); if (((isFinite(_local3)) && (!(isNaN(_local3))))){ _local1.value = _local3; return (_local1); }; parseError((("Number " + _local3) + " is not valid!")); return (null); } private function nextChar():String{ return ((ch = jsonString.charAt(loc++))); } public function getNextToken():JSONToken{ var _local1:JSONToken; var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; _local1 = new JSONToken(); skipIgnored(); switch (ch){ case "{": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACE; _local1.value = "{"; nextChar(); break; case "}": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACE; _local1.value = "}"; nextChar(); break; case "[": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.LEFT_BRACKET; _local1.value = "["; nextChar(); break; case "]": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET; _local1.value = "]"; nextChar(); break; case ",": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.COMMA; _local1.value = ","; nextChar(); break; case ":": _local1.type = JSONTokenType.COLON; _local1.value = ":"; nextChar(); break; case "t": _local2 = ((("t" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar()); if (_local2 == "true"){ _local1.type = JSONTokenType.TRUE; _local1.value = true; nextChar(); } else { parseError(("Expecting 'true' but found " + _local2)); }; break; case "f": _local3 = (((("f" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar()); if (_local3 == "false"){ _local1.type = JSONTokenType.FALSE; _local1.value = false; nextChar(); } else { parseError(("Expecting 'false' but found " + _local3)); }; break; case "n": _local4 = ((("n" + nextChar()) + nextChar()) + nextChar()); if (_local4 == "null"){ _local1.type = JSONTokenType.NULL; _local1.value = null; nextChar(); } else { parseError(("Expecting 'null' but found " + _local4)); }; break; case "\"": _local1 = readString(); break; default: if (((isDigit(ch)) || ((ch == "-")))){ _local1 = readNumber(); } else { if (ch == ""){ return (null); }; parseError((("Unexpected " + ch) + " encountered")); }; }; return (_local1); } private function skipWhite():void{ while (isWhiteSpace(ch)) { nextChar(); }; } private function isWhiteSpace(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return ((((((((_arg1 == " ")) || ((_arg1 == "\t")))) || ((_arg1 == "\n")))) || ((_arg1 == "\r")))); } public function parseError(_arg1:String):void{ throw (new JSONParseError(_arg1, loc, jsonString)); } private function skipIgnored():void{ var _local1:int; do { _local1 = loc; skipWhite(); skipComments(); } while (_local1 != loc); } private function isHexDigit(_arg1:String):Boolean{ var _local2:String; _local2 = _arg1.toUpperCase(); return (((isDigit(_arg1)) || ((((_local2 >= "A")) && ((_local2 <= "F")))))); } private function readString():JSONToken{ var _local1:JSONToken; var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; _local1 = new JSONToken(); _local1.type = JSONTokenType.STRING; _local2 = ""; nextChar(); while (((!((ch == "\""))) && (!((ch == ""))))) { if (ch == "\\"){ nextChar(); switch (ch){ case "\"": _local2 = (_local2 + "\""); break; case "/": _local2 = (_local2 + "/"); break; case "\\": _local2 = (_local2 + "\\"); break; case "b": _local2 = (_local2 + "\b"); break; case "f": _local2 = (_local2 + "\f"); break; case "n": _local2 = (_local2 + "\n"); break; case "r": _local2 = (_local2 + "\r"); break; case "t": _local2 = (_local2 + "\t"); break; case "u": _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 4) { if (!isHexDigit(nextChar())){ parseError((" Excepted a hex digit, but found: " + ch)); }; _local3 = (_local3 + ch); _local4++; }; _local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(parseInt(_local3, 16))); break; default: _local2 = (_local2 + ("\\" + ch)); }; } else { _local2 = (_local2 + ch); }; nextChar(); }; if (ch == ""){ parseError("Unterminated string literal"); }; nextChar(); _local1.value = _local2; return (_local1); } } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 9
//JSONTokenType (com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONTokenType) package com.adobe.serialization.json { public class JSONTokenType { public static const NUMBER:int = 11; public static const FALSE:int = 8; public static const RIGHT_BRACKET:int = 4; public static const NULL:int = 9; public static const TRUE:int = 7; public static const RIGHT_BRACE:int = 2; public static const UNKNOWN:int = -1; public static const COMMA:int = 0; public static const LEFT_BRACKET:int = 3; public static const STRING:int = 10; public static const LEFT_BRACE:int = 1; public static const COLON:int = 6; } }//package com.adobe.serialization.json
Section 10
//IntUtil (com.adobe.utils.IntUtil) package com.adobe.utils { public class IntUtil { private static var hexChars:String = "0123456789abcdef"; public static function toHex(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean=false):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; _local3 = ""; if (_arg2){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 4) { _local3 = (_local3 + (hexChars.charAt(((_arg1 >> (((3 - _local4) * 8) + 4)) & 15)) + hexChars.charAt(((_arg1 >> ((3 - _local4) * 8)) & 15)))); _local4++; }; } else { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 4) { _local3 = (_local3 + (hexChars.charAt(((_arg1 >> ((_local5 * 8) + 4)) & 15)) + hexChars.charAt(((_arg1 >> (_local5 * 8)) & 15)))); _local5++; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function ror(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):uint{ var _local3:int; _local3 = (32 - _arg2); return (((_arg1 << _local3) | (_arg1 >>> (32 - _local3)))); } public static function rol(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):int{ return (((_arg1 << _arg2) | (_arg1 >>> (32 - _arg2)))); } } }//package com.adobe.utils
Section 11
//DefaultAPIConnector (com.newgrounds.components.DefaultAPIConnector) package com.newgrounds.components { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public dynamic class DefaultAPIConnector extends MovieClip { private var _initialized:Boolean; public var viewLegalButton:SimpleButton; public var closeButton:SimpleButton; public var viewLatestButton:SimpleButton; public function DefaultAPIConnector(){ visible = false; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } private function onNewVersionAvailable(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("new_version"); visible = true; } private function onMovieConnected(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent):void{ if (!_arg1.success){ gotoAndStop("no_connect"); visible = true; }; } public function initialize(_arg1:Object):void{ _initialized = true; NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MOVIE_CONNECTED, onMovieConnected); NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE, onNewVersionAvailable); NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.HOST_BLOCKED, onHostBlocked); NewgroundsAPI.setMovieVersion(_arg1.movie_version); NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie(root, _arg1.movie_id.toString(), _arg1.enc_key); if (NewgroundsAPI.isNewgrounds()){ trace(((NewgroundsAPI.isNewgrounds() + " ") + NewgroundsAPI.hasUserSession())); if (((!(NewgroundsAPI.hasUserSession())) && (!(NewgroundsAPI.debugMode)))){ gotoAndStop("no_login"); visible = true; }; }; } private function onOfficialVersionClicked(_arg1:Event):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(NewgroundsAPI.getOfficialVersionURL()), "_blank"); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; if (((this.closeButton) && (!(this.closeButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK))))){ this.closeButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCloseButtonClicked); }; if (((this.viewLatestButton) && (!(this.viewLatestButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK))))){ this.viewLatestButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onOfficialVersionClicked); }; if (((this.viewLegalButton) && (!(this.viewLegalButton.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK))))){ this.viewLegalButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onOfficialVersionClicked); }; if (((parent) && (visible))){ _local2 = parent.getChildIndex(this); _local3 = (parent.numChildren - 1); if (((parent) && (!((_local2 == _local3))))){ parent.setChildIndex(this, _local3); }; }; } private function onHostBlocked(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("bad_host"); visible = true; } private function onCloseButtonClicked(_arg1:Event):void{ visible = false; } } }//package com.newgrounds.components
Section 12
//DefaultMedalPopup (com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup) package com.newgrounds.components { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class DefaultMedalPopup extends MovieClip { private const MEDAL_POPUP_TIME:uint = 3000; public var medalValueText:TextField; private var _initialized:Boolean; private var _popDelay:Timer; public var medalNameText:TextField; public var medalContainer:MovieClip; private var _medalIcon:Bitmap; private var _medal:NewgroundsAPIMedal; public function DefaultMedalPopup(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10); visible = false; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } function frame10(){ medalNameText.text =; medalValueText.text = (_medal.value + "pts"); showMedalIcon(medalContainer); stop(); } private function onMedalUnlocked(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent):void{ _medal = NewgroundsAPIMedal(; _popDelay.start(); gotoAndPlay("medal_show"); visible = true; } function frame1(){ visible = false; stop(); } private function initialize():void{ _initialized = true; NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked); _popDelay = new Timer(MEDAL_POPUP_TIME, 1); _popDelay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer); } private function showMedalIcon(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ if (!_medal){ return; }; _medalIcon = _medal.createIconBitmap(); _arg1.addChild(_medalIcon); } private function onTimer(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (((_medalIcon) && (_medalIcon.parent))){ _medalIcon.parent.removeChild(_medalIcon); _medalIcon = null; }; gotoAndPlay("medal_hide"); _popDelay.stop(); } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; if (((!(_initialized)) && (stage))){ initialize(); }; if (((visible) && (parent))){ _local2 = parent.getChildIndex(this); _local3 = (parent.numChildren - 1); if (_local2 != _local3){ parent.swapChildrenAt(_local2, _local3); }; }; } } }//package com.newgrounds.components
Section 13
//BaseN (com.newgrounds.BaseN) package com.newgrounds { import flash.utils.*; public class BaseN { private var _hashIndex:String; private var _base:Number; private var _hashVal:Dictionary; public function BaseN(_arg1:String=null){ var _local2:uint; super(); if (_arg1){ _hashIndex = _arg1; } else { _hashIndex = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`~@#$%^&*()+|;/"; }; _base = _hashIndex.length; _hashVal = new Dictionary(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _base) { _hashVal[_hashIndex.charAt(_local2)] = _local2; _local2++; }; } private function baseNDecoder(_arg1:String):uint{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2 = (_local2 * _base); _local2 = (_local2 + _hashVal[_arg1.charAt(_local3)]); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } public function decode(_arg1:String):Number{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Array; _local2 = ""; if (_arg1.charAt(0) == "-"){ _local2 = "-"; _arg1 = _arg1.substring(1); }; _local3 = _arg1.split(".", 2); _local2 = (_local2 + baseNDecoder(_local3[0])); if (_local3.length > 1){ _local2 = (_local2 + "."); _local2 = (_local2 + baseNDecoder(_local3[1])); }; return (Number(_local2)); } public function encode(_arg1:Number, _arg2:uint=1):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; _local3 = _arg1.toString(); _local4 = ""; if (_local3.charAt(0) == "-"){ _local4 = "-"; _local3 = _local3.substring(1); }; _local5 = _local3.split(".", 2); _local4 = (_local4 + baseNEncoder(_local5[0], _arg2)); if (_local5.length > 1){ _local4 = (_local4 + ("." + baseNEncoder(_local5[1]))); }; return (_local4); } private function baseNEncoder(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint=1):String{ var _local3:String; var _local4:uint; _local3 = ""; _local4 = _arg1; while (_local4 != 0) { _local3 = (_hashIndex.charAt((_local4 % _base)) + _local3); _local4 = (_local4 / _base); }; if (_arg2){ while (_local3.length < _arg2) { _local3 = (_hashIndex.charAt(0) + _local3); }; }; return (_local3); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 14
//NewgroundsAPI (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPI) package com.newgrounds { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import com.adobe.serialization.json.*; import*; import com.adobe.images.*; import com.adobe.crypto.*; import flash.system.*; public class NewgroundsAPI { private static const COMMANDS_WIKI_URL:String = ""; private static const AD_TERMS_URL:String = ""; private static const GATEWAY_URL:String = ""; private static var connected:Boolean; private static var user_id:Number; private static var _initialized:Boolean = false; private static var user_email:String; private static var _saveFilePath:String; private static var publisher_id:Number; private static var debug:Boolean; private static var _saveGroups:Array = []; private static var do_echo:Boolean = false; private static var ad_url:String; private static var session_id:String; public static var errors:Dictionary = NewgroundsAPIError.init_codes(); private static var timeoutTimer:Timer; private static var _medals:Array; private static var user_name:String; private static var period_aliases:Object = {t:{name:"Today", alias:"TODAY"}, p:{name:"Yesterday", alias:"YESTERDAY"}, w:{name:"This Week", alias:"THIS_WEEK"}, m:{name:"This Month", alias:"THIS_MONTH"}, y:{name:"This Year", alias:"THIS_YEAR"}, a:{name:"All-Time", alias:"ALL_TIME"}}; private static var tracker_id:uint; private static var movie_id:String; private static var _eventDispatcher:EventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); private static var encryption_key:String; private static var host:String; private static var compressor:BaseN = new BaseN(compression_radix); private static var score_page_counts:Object = new Object(); private static var _preload:Boolean = true; private static var version:String; public static var periods:Object = getPeriodAliases(); private static var root:DisplayObject; private static var _inSaveQuery:Boolean; private static var compression_radix:String = "/g8236klvBQ#&|;Zb*7CEA59%s`Oue1wziFp$rDVY@TKxUPWytSaGHJ>dmoMR^<0~4qNLhc(I+fjn)X"; private static var _preloadAssets:Array = []; private static var sharedObjects:Object = new Object(); private static var _saveFile:NewgroundsAPISaveFile; public static function setMovieVersion(_arg1:String):void{ if (((_arg1) && (!((_arg1 == ""))))){ version = _arg1; }; } public static function get preload():Boolean{ return (_preload); } public static function unlockMedal(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIMedal, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:Object; if (!_arg1){ sendError({command_id:getCommandID("unlockMedal")}, new NewgroundsAPIError("MISSING_PARAM", "missing required medal name")); return; }; if (((hasUserSession()) || (debugMode))){ sendMessage((("Attempting to unlock '" + + "'")); if (_arg1.unlocked){ sendWarning((("Medal '" + + "' is already unlocked!")); return; }; _local3 = new Object(); _local3.medal_id =; if (_arg2){ _local3.get_score = _arg2; }; sendSecureCommand("unlockMedal", _local3); } else { sendMessage(("Locally unlocking " +; if (_arg1.unlocked){ sendWarning((("Medal '" + + "' is already unlocked!")); return; }; _arg1.unlocked = true; _local4 = loadLocal("medals_unlocked"); if (!_local4){ _local4 = new Object(); }; _local4[] = true; saveLocal("medals_unlocked", _local4); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, true, _arg1); }; } public static function set preload(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _preload = _arg1; } private static function getHost():String{ return (host); } private static function uncompressHex(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:String; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:String; var _local7:uint; var _local8:String; _local2 = uint(_arg1.charAt(0)); _local3 = ""; _local5 = 1; while (_local5 < _arg1.length) { _local6 = _arg1.substr(_local5, 4); _local7 = uint(compressor.decode(_local6)); _local8 = _local7.toString(16); if ((_local5 + 4) < _arg1.length){ _local4 = 6; } else { _local4 = _local2; }; while (_local8.length < _local4) { _local8 = ("0" + _local8); }; _local3 = (_local3 + _local8); _local5 = (_local5 + 4); }; return (_local3); } public static function isFlashVersion(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint=0, _arg3:uint=0, _arg4:uint=0):Boolean{ var _local6:Array; var _local7:Array; var _local8:uint; _local6 = Capabilities.version.split(" ")[1].split(","); _local7 = arguments; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local7.length) { _local6[_local8] = uint(_local6[_local8]); _local8++; }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local7.length) { if (_local6[_local8] > _local7[_local8]){ return (true); }; if (_local6[_local8] < _local7[_local8]){ return (false); }; _local8++; }; return (true); } public static function getMedalByName(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPIMedal{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIMedal; for each (_local2 in _medals) { if ( == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; }; return (null); } public static function hasUserEmail():Boolean{ return (((!((user_email == null))) && (!((user_email == ""))))); } public static function loadLocal(_arg1:String){ var sharedObj:SharedObject; var save_id = _arg1; try { if (!sharedObjects[save_id]){ sharedObjects[save_id] = SharedObject.getLocal(((("ng_ap_secure_" + movie_id) + "_") + save_id)); }; sharedObj = sharedObjects[save_id]; if (((((sharedObj) && ( && ([save_id]))){ return (decodeData([save_id])); } else { return (null); }; } catch(e:Error) { return (null); }; } public static function getYesterdaysScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "y", _arg2, "getYesterdaysScores"); } private static function callListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3=undefined):void{ dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function sendSecureCommand(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:String; var _local7:uint; var _local8:String; var _local9:String; var _local10:String; if (((((((!(debug)) && (!(hasUserSession())))) && (!(hasUserEmail())))) && (!((_arg1 == "rateSaveFile"))))){ sendError({command_id:getCommandID(_arg1)}, new NewgroundsAPIError("IDENTIFICATION_REQUIRED", (("You must be logged in or provide an e-mail address ( using NewgroundsAPI.setUserEmail(\"\"); ) to use " + _arg1) + "()."))); return; }; if (!_arg1){ fatalError("Missing command", "sendSecureCommand"); }; if (!_arg2){ fatalError("Missing secure_params", "sendSecureCommand"); }; if (!_arg3){ _arg3 = new Object(); }; _local6 = ""; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 16) { _local6 = (_local6 + compression_radix.charAt(Math.floor((Math.random() * compression_radix.length)))); _local7++; }; if (((debug) && (!(session_id)))){ _arg2.session_id = ""; } else { _arg2.session_id = session_id; }; _arg2.as_version = 3; _arg2.user_email = user_email; _arg2.publisher_id = publisher_id; _arg2.seed = _local6; _arg2.command_id = getCommandID(_arg1); _local8 = MD5.hash(_local6); _local9 = RC4.encrypt(JSON.encode(_arg2), encryption_key); _local10 = (_local8 + _local9); = compressHex(_local10); sendCommand("securePacket", _arg3, false, _arg4, _arg5); } private static function echo(_arg1:String):void{ if (do_echo){ trace(_arg1); }; } public static function getThisMonthsScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "m", _arg2, "getThisMonthsScores"); } public static function getScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object=null, _arg4:String=null):void{ var _local5:String; if (!_arg3){ _arg3 = new Object(); }; if (!hasUserSession()){ callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("SITE_ID_REQUIRED", (("Host '" + getHost()) + "' does not have high scores enabled"))); return; }; _arg3.publisher_id = publisher_id; _arg3.period = _arg2; _arg3.score = _arg1; if (_arg3.user_id){ _local5 = _arg2; } else { _local5 = (_arg2 + "-u"); }; if (score_page_counts[_local5] == undefined){ _arg3.request_page_count = true; }; sendCommand("getScores", _arg3); } private static function populateSaveGroups(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; _saveGroups = []; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = NewgroundsAPISaveGroup.createFromObject(_arg1[_local2]); _saveGroups.push(_local3); _local2++; }; } public static function createAd():NewgroundsAPIAd{ sendMessage("You may see a security sandbox violation. This is normal!"); return (new NewgroundsAPIAd(ad_url)); } private static function dispatchEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ _eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(_arg1); echo(("Fired Event: " + _arg1.type)); } public static function getSaveGroupById(_arg1:uint):NewgroundsAPISaveGroup{ var _local2:uint; if (((!(_saveGroups)) || ((_saveGroups.length < 1)))){ sendWarning("No save groups found"); return (null); }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _saveGroups.length) { if (_saveGroups[_local2].id == _arg1){ return (_saveGroups[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } private static function getCommandName(_arg1:String):String{ return (_arg1); } public static function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ _eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } public static function getThisWeeksScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "w", _arg2, "getThisWeeksScores"); } public static function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:uint=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ _eventDispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } private static function getPeriodAliases():Object{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; _local1 = new Object(); for (_local2 in period_aliases) { _local1[period_aliases[_local2].alias] = _local2; }; return (_local1); } public static function setUserEmail(_arg1:String):void{ user_email = _arg1; } public static function hasUserSession():Boolean{ return (((((!((session_id == null))) && (!((session_id == ""))))) && (!((publisher_id == 0))))); } public static function executeSaveQuery(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery):void{ sendCommand("lookupSaveFiles", {publisher_id:publisher_id, group_id:_arg1.groupId, query:JSON.encode(_arg1.toObject())}, false, null, _arg1); } public static function get medals():Array{ return ((_medals) ? _medals.concat() : []); } private static function compressHex(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:String; var _local4:uint; _local2 = (_arg1.length % 6); _local3 = ""; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = (_local3 + compressor.encode(uint(("0x" + _arg1.substr(_local4, 6))), 4)); _local4 = (_local4 + 6); }; return ((_local2.toString() + _local3)); } public static function connectMovie(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String, _arg3:String):void{ initialize(_arg1); if (connected){ return; }; timeoutTimer.start(); if (!_arg2){ fatalError("NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() - missing required movie_id parameter", "connectMovie"); }; movie_id = String(_arg2); tracker_id = uint(movie_id.substring(0, movie_id.indexOf(":"))); encryption_key = _arg3; connected = true; sendCommand("connectMovie", {host:getHost(), movie_version:version}); } private static function sendError(_arg1:Object, _arg2:NewgroundsAPIError):void{ trace(((((("[NewgroundsAPI ERROR] :: " + getCommandName(_arg1.command_id)) + "() - ") + + ":\n\t\t\t\t") + _arg2.message)); } public static function sendMessage(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:String; _local3 = ("[NewgroundsAPI] :: " + _arg1); trace(_local3); } public static function newSaveFile(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPISaveFile{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; _local2 = getSaveGroupByName(_arg1); if (_local2){ return (new NewgroundsAPISaveFile(_local2)); }; sendError({command_id:"newSaveFile"}, new NewgroundsAPIError("INVALID_SAVE_GROUP", (("'" + _local2) + "' is not a valid save group."))); return (null); } public static function get bytesLoaded():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:*; _local1 = root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; if (_preload){ for each (_local2 in _preloadAssets) { _local1 = (_local1 + _local2.bytesLoaded); }; }; return (_local1); } public static function unlockMedalByName(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:NewgroundsAPIMedal; _local3 = getMedalByName(_arg1); if (_local3){ unlockMedal(_local3, _arg2); }; } static function reportAssetFailed(_arg1):void{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _preloadAssets.length) { if (_arg1 == _preloadAssets[_local2]){ _preloadAssets.splice(_local2, 1); return; }; _local2++; }; } public static function connectionTimeOut(_arg1:Event=null):void{ dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MOVIE_CONNECTED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("CONNECTION_FAILED", "Connection to NewgroundsAPI gateway timed out."))); } static function reportNewAsset(_arg1):void{ _preloadAssets.push(_arg1); } public static function unlockMedalById(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:NewgroundsAPIMedal; _local3 = getMedalById(_arg1); if (_local3){ unlockMedal(_local3, _arg2); }; } private static function fatalError(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):void{ if (_arg2){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + ((("\n\tSee " + COMMANDS_WIKI_URL) + _arg2.toLowerCase()) + " for additional information.")); }; throw (new Error(("***ERROR*** class=NewgroundsAPI\n\n" + _arg1))); } private static function sendNotice(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null):void{ if (_arg2){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + ((("\n[NewgroundsAPI NOTICE] :: \tSee " + COMMANDS_WIKI_URL) + _arg2.toLowerCase()) + " for additional information.")); }; trace(("[NewgroundsAPI NOTICE] :: " + _arg1)); } public static function hasPublisher():Boolean{ return (!((publisher_id == 0))); } public static function initialize(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ var _local2:Object; if (_initialized){ return; }; _initialized = true; NewgroundsAPI.root = _arg1; timeoutTimer = new Timer(8000, 1); if (_arg1.loaderInfo){ _local2 = _arg1.loaderInfo.parameters; host = _arg1.loaderInfo.url; }; debug = false; if (((!(debug)) && (_local2))){ if (_local2.NewgroundsAPI_UserName){ user_name = _local2.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; }; if (_local2.NewgroundsAPI_UserID){ user_id = _local2.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; }; if (_local2.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID){ publisher_id = _local2.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; }; if (_local2.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID){ session_id = _local2.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; }; } else { publisher_id = 1; session_id = "D3bu64p1U53R"; user_id = 10; user_name = "API-Debugger"; }; if ((((host.indexOf("http://") > -1)) || ((host.indexOf("https://") > -1)))){ host = host.split("/")[2].toLowerCase(); } else { host = "localhost"; }; } public static function get debugMode():Boolean{ return (debug); } public static function getTodaysScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "t", _arg2, "getTodaysScores"); } public static function get bytesTotal():uint{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:*; _local1 = root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal; if (_preload){ for each (_local2 in _preloadAssets) { _local1 = (_local1 + Math.max(_local2.bytesTotal, 1)); }; }; return (_local1); } public static function checkFilePrivledges(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveFile):void{ sendCommand("checkFilePrivs", {group:_arg1.groupId,, user_id:(user_id) ? user_id : 0, publisher_id:publisher_id}); } public static function loadCustomLink(_arg1:String):void{ sendCommand("loadCustomLink", {host:getHost(), link:_arg1}, true); } public static function get percentLoaded():Number{ return ((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal)); } public static function isPublishedHost():Boolean{ return (((!((getHost() == "localhost"))) && ((getHost().indexOf("file://") == -1)))); } public static function createSaveQuery(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; _local2 = getSaveGroupByName(_arg1); if (_local2){ return (_local2.createQuery()); }; return (null); } public static function loadMySite():void{ sendCommand("loadMySite", {host:getHost()}); } public static function getMedalById(_arg1:uint):NewgroundsAPIMedal{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIMedal; for each (_local2 in _medals) { if ( == _arg1){ return (_local2); }; }; return (null); } public static function getOfficialVersionURL():String{ var _local1:String; _local1 = ((((((GATEWAY_URL + "?tracker_id=") + movie_id) + "&command_id=") + getCommandID("loadOfficalVersion")) + "&seed=") + Math.random()); if (debug){ _local1 = (_local1 + "&debug=1"); }; return (_local1); } public static function loadNewgrounds():void{ sendCommand("loadNewgrounds", {host:getHost()}, true); } public static function saveFile(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveFile, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:ByteArray; var _local5:Object; _local3 = _arg1.toObject(); _local3.user_name = user_name; _local3.overwrite = (_arg2) ? 1 : 0; _local4 = new ByteArray(); if ((_arg1.contents is ByteArray)){ _local4.writeBytes(_arg1.contents); } else { _local4.writeObject(_arg1.contents); }; _local4.compress(); _local5 = new Object(); _local5.file = _local4; if (_arg1.thumbnail){ _local5.thumbnail = PNGEncoder.encode(_arg1.thumbnail); }; sendSecureCommand("saveFile", _local3, null, _local5, _arg1); } public static function decodeData(_arg1:String){ return (JSON.decode(RC4.decrypt(uncompressHex(_arg1), encryption_key))); } public static function rateSaveFile(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveFile, _arg2:NewgroundsAPIRating, _arg3:Number):void{ sendSecureCommand("rateSaveFile", {group:_arg1.groupId,,, vote:_arg3, user_id:user_id}, null, null, _arg1); } public static function logCustomEvent(_arg1:String):void{ sendCommand("logCustomEvent", {host:getHost(), event:_arg1}); } private static function sendCommand(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Object=null, _arg5=null):void{ var _local6:NewgroundsURLLoader; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; var _local9:String; if (((!(connected)) && (!((_arg1 == "connectMovie"))))){ _local7 = (("NewgroundsAPI." + _arg1) + "() - NewgroundsAPI.connectMovie() must be called before this command can be called\n"); fatalError(_local7, "connectMovie"); }; _local6 = new NewgroundsURLLoader(); _local6.addVariable("command_id", getCommandID(_arg1)); _local6.addVariable("tracker_id", movie_id); if (debug){ _local6.addVariable("debug", 1); }; if ((((_arg1 == "connectMovie")) && (preload))){ _local6.addVariable("preload", 1); }; if (_arg2){ for (_local8 in _arg2) { _local6.addVariable(_local8, _arg2[_local8]); }; }; if (_arg4){ for (_local9 in _arg4) { _local6.addFile(_local9, _arg4[_local9], _local9); }; }; if (_arg3){ _local6.method = URLRequestMethod.GET; } else { _local6.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; }; _local6.preventCache = true; if (_arg3){ _local6.openBrowser = true; _local6.method = URLRequestMethod.GET; } else { _local6.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCommandComplete); _local6.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onCommandError); _local6.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onCommandError); _local6.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; }; _local6.owner = _arg5; _local6.load(GATEWAY_URL); } public static function postScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Boolean):void{ sendSecureCommand("postScore", {score:_arg1, value:_arg2, get_best:_arg3}); } private static function onCommandComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsURLLoader; var _local3:uint; var _local4:Object; var _local5:NewgroundsAPIError; _local2 = NewgroundsURLLoader(; echo((("INPUT: \n" + _local2.response) + "\n")); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _preloadAssets.length) { if (_preloadAssets[_local3] == _local2){ _preloadAssets.splice(_local3, 1); break; }; _local3++; }; if (_local2.response){ _local4 = JSON.decode(_local2.response); } else { _local4 = {success:false}; }; if (!_local4.success){ _local5 = new NewgroundsAPIError(_local4.error_code, _local4.error_msg); sendError(_local4, _local5); } else { _local4.owner = _local2.owner; doEvent(_local4); }; } public static function encodeData(_arg1:Object):String{ return (compressHex(RC4.encrypt(JSON.encode(_arg1), encryption_key))); } public static function getThisYearsScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "y", _arg2, "getThisYearsScores"); } private static function populateMedals(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:Object; if (_medals === null){ _medals = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = _arg1[_local2]; _medals.push(NewgroundsAPIMedal.createFromObject(_local3)); _local2++; }; }; } public static function getPeriodAlias(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in period_aliases) { if (_local2 == _arg1){ return (period_aliases[_local2].alias); }; }; return (null); } public static function loadMedals():void{ var _local1:Object; if (_medals){ dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MEDALS_LOADED, true, medals)); return; }; _local1 = new Object(); if (hasUserSession()){ _local1.publisher_id = publisher_id; _local1.user_id = user_id; }; sendCommand("getMedals", _local1); } public static function saveLocal(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:uint=0):void{ var sharedObj:SharedObject; var save_id = _arg1; var save_data = _arg2; var size_allocation = _arg3; try { if (!sharedObjects[save_id]){ sharedObjects[save_id] = SharedObject.getLocal(((("ng_ap_secure_" + movie_id) + "_") + save_id)); }; sharedObj = sharedObjects[save_id];[save_id] = encodeData(save_data); sharedObj.flush(); } catch(e:Error) { }; } private static function doEvent(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Object; var _local4:String; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:String; var _local7:Array; var _local8:*; var _local9:String; var _local10:NewgroundsAPIMedal; var _local11:uint; var _local12:Object; var _local13:NewgroundsAPISaveFile; var _local14:uint; switch (getCommandName(_arg1.command_id)){ case "connectMovie": timeoutTimer.stop(); sendMessage("You have successfully connected to the Newgrounds API Gateway"); sendMessage((("Movie identified as \"" + _arg1.movie_name) + "\"")); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MOVIE_CONNECTED, _arg1.success, {movie_name:_arg1.movie_name}); _local5 = false; if (_arg1.ad_status === -1){ _local2 = "This movie was not approved to run Flash Ads."; sendWarning(_local2); sendWarning((("visit " + AD_TERMS_URL) + " to view our approval guidelines")); if (!_arg1.ad_url){ callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.ADS_APPROVED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("FLASH_ADS_NOT_APPROVED", _local2)); } else { _local5 = true; }; } else { if (_arg1.ad_status === 0){ _local2 = "Flash Ads are currently awaiting approval."; sendNotice(_local2); if (!_arg1.ad_url){ callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.ADS_APPROVED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("FLASH_ADS_NOT_APPROVED", _local2)); } else { _local5 = true; }; }; }; if (_arg1.ad_url){ ad_url = unescape(_arg1.ad_url); if (!_local5){ sendMessage("This movie has been approved to run Flash Ads!"); }; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.ADS_APPROVED, true); }; if (_arg1.deny_host){ _local2 = (getHost() + " does not have permission to run this movie!"); sendWarning(_local2); sendWarning(("\tUpdate your API configuration to unblock " + getHost())); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.HOST_BLOCKED, true, {movie_url:unescape(_arg1.movie_url), redirect_url:getOfficialVersionURL()}); }; if (_arg1.movie_version){ sendWarning("According to your API Configuration, this version is out of date."); if (version){ sendWarning(("\tThe this movie is version " + version)); }; sendWarning(("\tThe most current version is " + _arg1.movie_version)); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE, true, {movie_version:_arg1.movie_version, movie_url:unescape(_arg1.movie_url), redirect_url:getOfficialVersionURL()}); }; if (_arg1.request_portal_url){ sendCommand("setPortalID", {portal_url:host}); }; if (preload){ sendCommand("preloadSettings", {publisher_id:publisher_id, user_id:user_id}); }; break; case "preloadSettings": if (_arg1.medals){ populateMedals(_arg1.medals); if (((!(hasUserSession())) && (!(debugMode)))){ echo("Checking for SharedObject Medals..."); _local8 = loadLocal("medals_unlocked"); if (_local8){ for (_local9 in _local8) { if (_local8[_local9]){ _local10 = getMedalById(uint(_local9)); echo(("Now unlocking " +; _local10.unlocked = true; }; }; }; }; }; if (_arg1.save_groups){ populateSaveGroups(_arg1.save_groups); }; if (_arg1.save_file_path){ _saveFilePath = (_arg1.save_file_path + "/"); }; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.METADATA_LOADED); break; case "logCustomEvent": if (_arg1.success){ sendMessage((("Event '" + _arg1.event) + "' was logged.")); }; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.EVENT_LOGGED, _arg1.success, {event:_arg1.event}); break; case "postScore": if (_arg1.success){ _local4 = "User"; if (user_email){ _local4 = user_email; } else { if (user_name){ _local4 = user_name; }; }; sendMessage((((((_local4 + " posted ") + _arg1.value) + " to '") + _arg1.score) + "'")); _local3 = {score:_arg1.score, value:_arg1.value, username:_local4}; }; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, _arg1.success, _local3); break; case "getScores": if (_arg1.user_id){ _local6 = _arg1.period; } else { _local6 = (_arg1.period + "-u"); }; if (_arg1.total_pages){ score_page_counts[_local6] = _arg1.total_pages; }; _local3.user_id = _arg1.user_id; _local3.current_page = _arg1.current_page; _local3.total_pages = score_page_counts[_local6]; _local3.scores = _arg1.scores; _local3.period = getPeriodName(_arg1.period); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, _arg1.success, _local3); break; case "unlockMedal": if (_medals){ _local10 = getMedalByName(_arg1.medal_name); _local10.unlocked = true; }; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, _arg1.success, _local10); break; case "getMedals": populateMedals(_arg1.medals); callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.MEDALS_LOADED, _arg1.success, _local3); break; case "lookupSaveFiles": _local7 = []; _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _arg1.files.length) { _local12 = _arg1.files[_local11]; _local13 = new NewgroundsAPISaveFile(getSaveGroupById(_arg1.group_id)); = _local12.filename; = _local12.save_id; _local13.description = _local12.description; _local13.thumbnailUrl = _local12.thumb; _local13.fileUrl = (_saveFilePath + _local12.file); if (((_local12.keys) && (_local12.keys.length))){ _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local12.keys.length) { _local13.setKey(_local12.keys[_local14].id, _local12.keys[_local14].value); _local14++; }; }; if (((_local12.ratings) && (_local12.ratings.length))){ _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local12.ratings.length) { _local13.setRating(_local12.ratings[_local14].id, _local12.ratings[_local14].votes, _local12.ratings[_local14].score); _local14++; }; }; _local7.push(_local13); _local11++; }; _arg1.owner.dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, _arg1.success, _local7)); break; case "getFiles": break; case "getSystemFiles": break; case "rateSaveFile": _local13 = _arg1.owner; if (_arg1.success){ _local13.setRating(_arg1.rating_id, _arg1.votes, _arg1.score); }; _local13.dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, _arg1.success, _arg1)); break; case "saveFile": _local3 = {save_id:_arg1.save_id, group_id:_arg1.group_id, filename:_arg1.filename, file_url:_arg1.file_url, thumbnail:_arg1.thumbnail, icon:_arg1.icon}; _arg1.owner.dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_SAVED, _arg1.success, _local3)); break; case "checkFilePrivs": _local3 = {filename:_arg1.filename, folder:_arg1.folder, can_read:_arg1.can_read, can_write:_arg1.can_write}; callListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_PRIVS_LOADED, _arg1.success, _local3); break; }; } public static function hasEventListener(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (_eventDispatcher.hasEventListener(_arg1)); } public static function getSaveGroupByName(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPISaveGroup{ var _local2:uint; if (((!(_saveGroups)) || ((_saveGroups.length < 1)))){ sendWarning("No save groups found"); return (null); }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _saveGroups.length) { if (_saveGroups[_local2].name == _arg1){ return (_saveGroups[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public static function isNewgrounds():Boolean{ return ((((publisher_id == 1)) || ((getHost().toLowerCase().indexOf("") > -1)))); } private static function getCommandID(_arg1:String):String{ return (_arg1); } public static function getAlltimeScores(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ getScores(_arg1, "a", _arg2, "getAlltimeScores"); } public static function getPeriodName(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in period_aliases) { if (_local2 == _arg1){ return (period_aliases[_local2].name); }; }; return (null); } private static function sendWarning(_arg1:String, _arg2:String=null):void{ if (_arg2){ _arg1 = (_arg1 + ((("\n[NewgroundsAPI WARNING] :: \tSee " + COMMANDS_WIKI_URL) + _arg2.toLowerCase()) + " for additional information.")); }; trace(("[NewgroundsAPI WARNING] :: " + _arg1)); } private static function onCommandError(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsURLLoader; var _local3:uint; _local2 = NewgroundsURLLoader(; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _preloadAssets.length) { if (_preloadAssets[_local3] == _local2){ _preloadAssets.splice(_local3, 1); break; }; _local3++; }; } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 15
//NewgroundsAPIAd (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIAd) package com.newgrounds { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class NewgroundsAPIAd extends Sprite { private var _ad:Loader; private var _adURLLoader:URLLoader; private var _mask:Shape; private static const REMOVED_FROM_STAGE:String = "removedFromStage"; private static var _currentAdUrl:URLRequest; private static var _adResetTime:Number = 0; public function NewgroundsAPIAd(_arg1:String){ var adRect:Shape; var adFeedURL = _arg1; super(); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); Security.allowInsecureDomain(""); adRect = new Shape();;, 0);, 0);, 250);, 250);, 0);; _mask = new Shape();;, 0);, 0);, 250);, 250);, 0);; addChild(adRect); addChild(_mask); _adURLLoader = new URLLoader(); _adURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, adURLHandler); _adURLLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, adErrorHandler); _adURLLoader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, adErrorHandler); if (((adFeedURL) && (hasAdElapsed))){ if (adFeedURL.indexOf("?") > -1){ _currentAdUrl = new URLRequest(((adFeedURL + "&random=") + Math.random())); } else { _currentAdUrl = new URLRequest(((adFeedURL + "?random=") + Math.random())); }; }; if (_currentAdUrl){ try { _adURLLoader.load(_currentAdUrl); } catch(e:Error) { adErrorHandler(null); }; } else { trace("[NewgroundsAPI] :: No ad feed URL supplied to Newgrounds API ad!"); }; if (NewgroundsAPI.isFlashVersion(9, 0, 28)){ addEventListener(REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, removeAdHandler); }; } private function adLoadedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ trace("[NewgroundsAPI] :: Ad loaded!"); dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.AD_ATTACHED, true)); } private function get hasAdElapsed():Boolean{ var _local1:Date; _local1 = new Date(); if (_local1.getTime() >= _adResetTime){ _adResetTime = (_local1.getTime() + ((1000 * 60) * 5)); return (true); }; return (false); } private function adURLHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:URLLoader; _local2 = URLLoader(; if ({ loadAd(String(; } else { dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.AD_ATTACHED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("FLASH_ADS_NOT_APPROVED", "Unable to render ad"))); }; } private function removeAdHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ removeAd(); } private function adURLErrorHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ trace("[NewgroundsAPI] :: Unable to load ad feed!"); } private function loadAd(_arg1:String):void{ if (_ad){ removeAd(); }; _ad = new Loader(); addChild(_ad); _ad.mask = _mask; _ad.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, adLoadedHandler); _ad.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, adErrorHandler); _ad.load(new URLRequest(_arg1)); } public function removeAd():void{ if (_adURLLoader){ try { _adURLLoader.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; if (_ad){ trace("[NewgroundsAPI] :: Ad removed"); try { _ad.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; try { Object(_ad).unloadAndStop(true); } catch(e:Error) { _ad.unload(); }; if (_ad.parent){ _ad.parent.removeChild(_ad); }; }; _ad = null; } private function adErrorHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.AD_ATTACHED, false, new NewgroundsAPIError("FLASH_ADS_NOT_APPROVED", "Unable to render ad"))); removeAd(); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 16
//NewgroundsAPIError (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIError) package com.newgrounds { import flash.utils.*; public class NewgroundsAPIError { public var message:String; public var name:String; public var code:Number;// = 0 public var alias:String; private static const always_caps:Array = new Array("API", "URL", "ID"); public static const error_names:Object = init_names(); public static const aliases:Array = new Array("UNKNOWN_ERROR", "INVALID_API_ID", "MISSING_PARAM", "INVALID_STAT_ID", "INVALID_COMMAND_ID", "FLASH_ADS_NOT_APPROVED", "PERMISSION_DENIED", "IDENTIFICATION_REQUIRED", "INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS", "BANNED_USER", "SESSION_EXPIRED", "INVALID_SCORE", "INVALID_MEDAL", "INVALID_FOLDER", "FILE_NOT_FOUND", "SITE_ID_REQUIRED", "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "USER_CANCELLED", "CONFIRM_REQUEST", "CONNECTION_FAILED"); public static const error_codes:Object = init_codes(); public function NewgroundsAPIError(_arg1, _arg2:String){ code = 0; super(); if ((_arg1 is String)){ _arg1 = error_codes[_arg1]; } else { if (!(_arg1 is uint)){ _arg1 = 0; }; }; trace(_arg1); code = _arg1; message = _arg2; name = error_names[_arg1]; trace(name); alias = aliases[_arg1]; } public function isError():Boolean{ return (true); } private static function init_names():Array{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:uint; var _local3:Array; var _local4:uint; var _local5:String; _local1 = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < aliases.length) { _local3 = aliases[_local2].toLowerCase().split("_"); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local3[_local4] = (_local3[_local4].substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + _local3[_local4].substr(1, _local3[_local4].length)); for each (_local5 in always_caps) { if (_local3[_local4].toUpperCase() == _local5){ _local3[_local4] = _local3[_local4].toUpperCase(); }; }; _local4++; }; _local1[_local2] = _local3.join(" "); _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public static function init_codes():Dictionary{ var _local1:Dictionary; var _local2:uint; _local1 = new Dictionary(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < aliases.length) { _local1[aliases[_local2]] = _local2; _local2++; }; return (_local1); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 17
//NewgroundsAPIEvent (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIEvent) package com.newgrounds { import*; public class NewgroundsAPIEvent extends Event { private var _success:Boolean; private var _data; private var _target; public static const AD_ATTACHED:String = "adAttached"; public static const FILE_PRIVS_LOADED:String = "filePrivsLoaded"; public static const ADS_APPROVED:String = "adsApproved"; public static const MEDALS_LOADED:String = "medalsLoaded"; public static const MEDAL_UNLOCKED:String = "medalUnlocked"; public static const METADATA_LOADED:String = "metadataLoaded"; public static const NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE:String = "newVersionAvailable"; public static const FILE_SAVED:String = "fileSaved"; public static const EVENT_LOGGED:String = "eventLogged"; public static const SCORE_POSTED:String = "scorePosted"; public static const VOTE_COMPLETE:String = "voteComplete"; public static const FILE_LOADED:String = "fileLoaded"; public static const QUERY_COMPLETE:String = "queryComplete"; public static const SCORES_LOADED:String = "scoresLoaded"; public static const HOST_BLOCKED:String = "hostBlocked"; public static const MOVIE_CONNECTED:String = "movieConnected"; public function NewgroundsAPIEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3=undefined){ super(_arg1); _data = _arg3; _success = _arg2; } public function get success():Boolean{ return (_success); } public function get data(){ return (_data); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 18
//NewgroundsAPIKey (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIKey) package com.newgrounds { public class NewgroundsAPIKey { private var _name:String; private var _type:uint; private var _id:uint; public static const TYPE_BOOLEAN:uint = 4; public static const TYPE_STRING:uint = 3; public static const TYPE_FLOAT:uint = 1; public static const TYPE_INTEGER:uint = 2; public function NewgroundsAPIKey(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint){ _id = _arg1; _name = _arg2; _type = _arg3; } public function get id():uint{ return (_id); } public function get type():uint{ return (_type); } public function get name():String{ return (_name); } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } public function isValueValid(_arg1):Boolean{ if (_type == TYPE_INTEGER){ return ((((_arg1 is int)) || ((_arg1 is uint)))); }; if (_type == TYPE_FLOAT){ return ((((((_arg1 is int)) || ((_arg1 is uint)))) || ((_arg1 is Number)))); }; if (_type == TYPE_STRING){ return ((_arg1 is String)); }; if (_type == TYPE_BOOLEAN){ return ((((((((_arg1 is Boolean)) || ((_arg1 === 0)))) || ((_arg1 === 1)))) || ((_arg1 == "")))); }; return (false); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 19
//NewgroundsAPIMedal (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIMedal) package com.newgrounds { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.system.*; public class NewgroundsAPIMedal { private var _unlocked:Boolean;// = false private var _iconLoader:Loader; private var _difficultyId:uint; private var _icon:BitmapData; private var _name:String; private var _value:uint; private var _iconUrl:URLRequest; private var _id:uint; private static const DIFFICULT_NAMES:Array = [null, "Easy", "Moderate", "Challenging", "Difficult", "Brutal"]; private static const DEFAULT_ICON:BitmapData = new BitmapData(40, 40, false, 0); public function NewgroundsAPIMedal(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:Boolean, _arg6:String){ _unlocked = false; _icon = DEFAULT_ICON; super(); _id = _arg1; _name = _arg2; _value = _arg3; _difficultyId = _arg4; _unlocked = _arg5; NewgroundsAPI.reportNewAsset(this); _iconUrl = new URLRequest(_arg6); _iconLoader = new Loader(); _iconLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onIconLoaderInit); _iconLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIconLoaderError); _iconLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onIconLoaderComplete); _iconLoader.load(_iconUrl, new LoaderContext(true)); } public function set unlocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _unlocked = _arg1; } public function get bytesLoaded():uint{ return ((_iconLoader) ? _iconLoader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesLoaded : 0); } public function get name():String{ return (_name); } private function onIconLoaderComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Bitmap; trace((((("[NewgroundsAPI] :: Successfully loaded medal icon for " + name) + " (") + _iconUrl.url.split("/").pop()) + ")")); _local2 = (_iconLoader.content as Bitmap); _icon = _local2.bitmapData; _iconLoader.unload(); _iconLoader = null; } public function get bytesTotal():uint{ return ((_iconLoader) ? _iconLoader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal : 0); } public function get id():uint{ return (_id); } public function unlock():void{ if (!_unlocked){ NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedal(this); }; } private function onIconLoaderError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ trace((((("[NewgroundsAPI WARNING] :: Failed to load medal icon for " + name) + " (") + _iconUrl.url.split("/").pop()) + ")")); _iconLoader.unload(); _iconLoader = null; NewgroundsAPI.reportAssetFailed(this); } private function onIconLoaderInit(_arg1:Event):void{ trace((((("[NewgroundsAPI] :: Loading medal icon for " + name) + " (") + _iconUrl.url.split("/").pop()) + ")")); } public function get unlocked():Boolean{ return (_unlocked); } public function createIconBitmap():Bitmap{ return (new Bitmap(icon)); } public function toString():String{ return (""); } public function get difficultyId():uint{ return (_difficultyId); } public function get value():uint{ return (_value); } public function get icon():BitmapData{ return (_icon); } public function get difficulty():String{ return (DIFFICULT_NAMES[_difficultyId]); } public static function createFromObject(_arg1:Object):NewgroundsAPIMedal{ return (new NewgroundsAPIMedal(_arg1.medal_id, _arg1.medal_name, _arg1.medal_value, _arg1.medal_difficulty, _arg1.medal_unlocked, _arg1.medal_icon)); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 20
//NewgroundsAPIRating (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPIRating) package com.newgrounds { public class NewgroundsAPIRating { private var _voted:Boolean; private var _name:String; private var _maxValue:Number; private var _isFloat:Boolean; private var _id:uint; private var _minValue:Number; public function NewgroundsAPIRating(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Number=-INF, _arg5:Number=INF){ _id = _arg1; _name = _arg2; _isFloat = _arg3; _minValue = _arg4; _maxValue = _arg5; } public function set voted(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _voted = _arg1; } public function toString():String{ return (_name); } public function get voted():Boolean{ return (_voted); } public function get maxValue():Number{ return (_maxValue); } public function get name():String{ return (_name); } public function get isFloat():Boolean{ return (_isFloat); } public function get id():uint{ return (_id); } public function get minValue():Number{ return (_minValue); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 21
//NewgroundsAPISaveFile (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPISaveFile) package com.newgrounds { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class NewgroundsAPISaveFile extends EventDispatcher { private var _group:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; private var _status:uint; private var _fileUrl:String; private var _ratings:Dictionary; private var _id:uint; private var _description:String; private var _thumbnailUrl:String; private var _keys:Dictionary; private var _filename:String; private var _thumbnail:BitmapData; private var _contents; public function NewgroundsAPISaveFile(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup){ _keys = new Dictionary(); _ratings = new Dictionary(); _group = _arg1; _description = ""; } public function get groupId():uint{ return (; } public function get name():String{ return (_filename); } public function getRating(_arg1):Object{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIRating; if ((_arg1 is String)){ _local2 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); } else { _local2 = _group.getRatingById(_arg1); }; if (_local2){ return (_ratings[_local2]); }; return (null); } public function get contents(){ return (_contents); } public function get id():uint{ return (_id); } public function set name(_arg1:String):void{ _filename = _arg1; } public function setRating(_arg1, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:NewgroundsAPIRating; if ((_arg1 is String)){ _local4 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); } else { _local4 = _group.getRatingById(_arg1); }; if (_local4){ _ratings[_local4] = {,, votes:_arg2, score:_arg3}; }; } public function loadContents():void{ var _local1:NewgroundsURLLoader; if (_fileUrl){ _local1 = new NewgroundsURLLoader(); _local1.responseFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; _local1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onContentsLoaded); _local1.load(_fileUrl); }; } public function toObject():Object{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Object; _local1 = {group:groupId, filename:name, description:description, shared:true}; _local1.keys = []; for each (_local2 in _keys) { _local1.push({, value:_local2.val}); }; return (_local1); } public function setKey(_arg1, _arg2):void{ var _local3:NewgroundsAPIKey; if ((_local3 is String)){ _local3 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); } else { _local3 = _group.getKeyById(_arg1); }; if (_local3){ _keys[_local3] = {, val:_arg2}; }; } public function getKey(_arg1){ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIKey; if ((_local2 is String)){ _local2 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); } else { _local2 = _group.getKeyById(_arg1); }; if (_local2){ return (_keys[_local2]); }; return (null); } public function get groupName():String{ return (; } public function set fileUrl(_arg1:String):void{ _fileUrl = _arg1; } public function set contents(_arg1):void{ _contents = _arg1; } public function set id(_arg1:uint):void{ _id = _arg1; } public function sendRating(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:NewgroundsAPIRating; _local3 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); if (!_local3){ trace((("[NewgroundsAPISaveFile] " + _arg1) + " is not a recognized save file")); return; }; if ((((_arg2 < _local3.minValue)) || ((_arg2 > _local3.maxValue)))){ trace(((("[NewgroundsAPISaveFile] Vote must be between " + _local3.minValue) + " and ") + _local3.maxValue)); return; }; _local3.voted = true; NewgroundsAPI.rateSaveFile(this, _local3, _arg2); } public function set thumbnailUrl(_arg1:String):void{ _thumbnailUrl = _arg1; } public function set thumbnail(_arg1:BitmapData):void{ _thumbnail = _arg1; } public function get groupType():uint{ return (_group.type); } public function get fileUrl():String{ return (_fileUrl); } public function get thumbnailUrl():String{ return (_thumbnailUrl); } public function get shared():Boolean{ return (true); } public function get thumbnail():BitmapData{ return (_thumbnail); } override public function toString():String{ var _local1:String; var _local2:Object; var _local3:Object; _local1 = (((((("Save File " + _filename) + " ID: ") + _id) + "\n ") + _description) + "\n"); for each (_local2 in _keys) { _local1 = (_local1 + ((((" " + _group.getKeyById( + ": ") + _local2.val) + "\n")); }; for each (_local3 in _ratings) { _local1 = (_local1 + ((((((" " + _group.getRatingById( + "\n Score: ") + _local3.score) + " Votes: ") + _local3.votes) + "\n")); }; return (_local1); } public function set description(_arg1:String):void{ _description = _arg1; } public function get description():String{ return (_description); } public function save():void{ NewgroundsAPI.saveFile(this); } private function onContentsLoaded(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:ByteArray; _local2 =; _local2.uncompress(); _contents = _local2.readObject(); dispatchEvent(new NewgroundsAPIEvent(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, true, contents)); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 22
//NewgroundsAPISaveGroup (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPISaveGroup) package com.newgrounds { public class NewgroundsAPISaveGroup { private var _id:uint; private var _keys:Array; private var _type:uint; private var _name:String; private var _ratings:Array; private var _files:Array; public static const TYPE_SYSTEM:uint = 0; public static const TYPE_PRIVATE:uint = 1; public static const TYPE_MODERATED:uint = 3; public static const TYPE_PUBLIC:uint = 2; public function NewgroundsAPISaveGroup(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint){ _name = _arg2; _id = _arg1; _type = _arg3; _ratings = []; _keys = []; _files = []; } public function toString():String{ return ((((((("SaveGroup { name: " + _name) + ", id: ") + _id) + ", keys: ") + _keys) + "}")); } public function getRatingById(_arg1:uint):NewgroundsAPIRating{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _ratings.length) { if (_ratings[_local2].id == _arg1){ return (_ratings[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public function get name():String{ return (_name); } public function getKeyByName(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPIKey{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _keys.length) { if (_keys[_local2].name == _arg1){ return (_keys[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public function get id():uint{ return (_id); } public function addRating(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIRating):void{ _ratings.push(_arg1); } public function getKeyById(_arg1:uint):NewgroundsAPIKey{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _keys.length) { if (_keys[_local2].id == _arg1){ return (_keys[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public function createQuery():NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery{ return (new NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery(this)); } public function get keys():Array{ return (_keys.concat()); } public function getRatingByName(_arg1:String):NewgroundsAPIRating{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _ratings.length) { if (_ratings[_local2].name == _arg1){ return (_ratings[_local2]); }; _local2++; }; return (null); } public function get ratings():Array{ return (_ratings.concat()); } public function get type():uint{ return (_type); } public function addKey(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIKey):void{ _keys.push(_arg1); } public static function createFromObject(_arg1:Object):NewgroundsAPISaveGroup{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; var _local3:uint; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Object; _local2 = new NewgroundsAPISaveGroup(_arg1.group_id, _arg1.group_name, _arg1.group_type); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.keys.length) { _local4 = _arg1.keys[_local3]; _local2.addKey(new NewgroundsAPIKey(,, _local4.type)); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.ratings.length) { _local5 = _arg1.ratings[_local3]; _local2.addRating(new NewgroundsAPIRating(,, _local5.float, _local5.min, _local5.max)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 23
//NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery) package com.newgrounds { import*; public class NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery extends EventDispatcher { private var _group:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup; private var _fileConditions:Array; private var _ratingConditions:Array; private var _sortConditions:Array; private var _resultsPerPage:uint; private var _lookupRatings:Array; private var _lookupKeys:Array; private var _randomizeResults:Boolean; private var _page:uint; private var _groupBy:Array; private var _keyConditions:Array; public static const UPDATED_ON:uint = 5; public static const TABLE_RATINGS:uint = 3; public static const TABLE_FILES:uint = 1; public static const TOTAL_VOTES:String = "votes"; public static const AUTHOR_ID:uint = 1; public static const FILE_STATUS:uint = 7; public static const TABLE_KEYS:uint = 2; public static const FILE_NAME:uint = 3; public static const SCORE:String = "score"; public static const TOTAL_VIEWS:uint = 6; public static const CREATED_ON:uint = 4; public static const FILE_ID:uint = 0; public static const AUTHOR_NAME:uint = 2; public function NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery(_arg1:NewgroundsAPISaveGroup){ _group = _arg1; reset(); } public function execute():void{ NewgroundsAPI.executeSaveQuery(this); } public function sortOnKey(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ addSortCondition(TABLE_KEYS, _group.getKeyByName(_arg1).id, _arg2); } public function groupByRating(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIRating; _local2 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); if (!_local2){ return; }; _groupBy.push({table:TABLE_RATINGS,}); } public function get page():uint{ return (_page); } public function includeKey(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIKey; _local2 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); if (_local2){ _lookupKeys.push(; }; } public function sortOnRating(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:String="score"):void{ addSortCondition(TABLE_RATINGS, _group.getRatingByName(_arg1).id, _arg2, _arg3); } public function get isRandomized():Boolean{ return (_randomizeResults); } public function set page(_arg1:uint):void{ _page = _arg1; } public function toObject():Object{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = {page:_page, num_results:_resultsPerPage}; if (isRandomized){ _local1.randomize = 1; }; if (((_fileConditions) && ((_fileConditions.length > 0)))){ _local1.file_conditions = _fileConditions; }; if (((_keyConditions) && ((_keyConditions.length > 0)))){ _local1.key_conditions = _keyConditions; }; if (((_ratingConditions) && ((_ratingConditions.length > 0)))){ _local1.rating_conditions = _ratingConditions; }; if (((_sortConditions) && ((_sortConditions.length > 0)))){ _local1.sort_conditions = _sortConditions; }; if (((_lookupKeys) && ((_lookupKeys.length > 0)))){ _local1.lookup_keys = _lookupKeys; }; if (((_lookupRatings) && ((_lookupRatings.length > 0)))){ _local1.lookup_ratings = _lookupRatings; }; if (((_groupBy) && ((_groupBy.length > 0)))){ _local1.group_by = _groupBy; }; return (_local1); } public function excludeKey(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIKey; var _local3:uint; _local2 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _lookupKeys.length) { if (_lookupKeys[_local3] =={ _lookupKeys.splice(_local3, 1); return; }; _local3++; }; } public function excludeRating(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIRating; var _local3:uint; _local2 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _lookupRatings.length) { if (_lookupRatings[_local3] =={ _lookupRatings.splice(_local3, 1); return; }; _local3++; }; } public function addRatingCondition(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:String="score"):void{ var _local5:NewgroundsAPIRating; _local5 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); if (!_local5){ return; }; _ratingConditions.push({, operator:_arg2, value:_arg3, column:_arg4}); } public function sortOn(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ addSortCondition(TABLE_FILES, _arg1, _arg2); } public function groupBy(_arg1:uint):void{ _groupBy.push({table:TABLE_FILES, field:_arg1}); } public function set isRandomized(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _randomizeResults = _arg1; } public function addKeyCondition(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{ var _local4:NewgroundsAPIKey; _local4 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); if (!_local4){ return; }; if (!checkValue(_arg3, _local4.type)){ return; }; _keyConditions.push({, operator:_arg2, value:_arg3}); } public function groupByKey(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIKey; _local2 = _group.getKeyByName(_arg1); if (!_local2){ return; }; _groupBy.push({table:TABLE_KEYS,}); } public function reset():void{ _fileConditions = []; _keyConditions = []; _ratingConditions = []; _sortConditions = []; _groupBy = []; _lookupKeys = []; _lookupRatings = []; _randomizeResults = false; _resultsPerPage = 20; _page = 1; } private function checkValue(_arg1, _arg2:uint):Boolean{ return (true); } public function addFileCondition(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3):void{ _fileConditions.push({field:_arg1, operator:_arg2, value:_arg3}); } public function includeRating(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:NewgroundsAPIRating; _local2 = _group.getRatingByName(_arg1); if (_local2){ _lookupRatings.push(; }; } public function set resultsPerPage(_arg1:uint):void{ _resultsPerPage = _arg1; } override public function toString():String{ return (""); } public function get resultsPerPage():uint{ return (_resultsPerPage); } public function get groupId():uint{ return (; } private function addSortCondition(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4=null):void{ var _local5:Object; _local5 = {table:_arg1, field:_arg2, desc:_arg3}; if (_arg4){ _local5.extra = _arg4; }; _sortConditions.push(_local5); } public function get group():NewgroundsAPISaveGroup{ return (_group); } } }//package com.newgrounds class FileCondition { public var value; public var operator:String; public var field:uint; private function FileCondition(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3){ this.field = _arg1; this.operator = _arg2; this.value = _arg3; } } class KeyCondition { public var value; public var operator:String; public var key:uint; private function KeyCondition(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3){ this.key = _arg1; this.operator = _arg2; this.value = _arg3; } } class RatingCondition { public var operator:String; public var value; public var column:String; public var rating:uint; private function RatingCondition(_arg1:uint, _arg2:String, _arg3, _arg4:String){ this.rating = _arg1; this.operator = _arg2; this.value = _arg3; this.column = _arg4; } }
Section 24
//NewgroundsURLLoader (com.newgrounds.NewgroundsURLLoader) package com.newgrounds { import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.errors.*; public class NewgroundsURLLoader extends EventDispatcher { private var _method:String;// = "GET" private var _files:Dictionary; public var owner; private var _openBrowser:Boolean;// = false private var _urlRequest:URLRequest; private var _hasVariables:Boolean; private var _dataFormat:String;// = "text" private var _urlLoader:URLLoader; private var _preventCache:Boolean;// = false private var _variables:Dictionary; private static const CRLF:String = " "; private static var _loaders:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); public function NewgroundsURLLoader(){ _method = URLRequestMethod.GET; _dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT; _openBrowser = false; _preventCache = false; super(); _urlRequest = new URLRequest(); _variables = new Dictionary(); } public function get openBrowser():Boolean{ return (_openBrowser); } private function onSecurityError(_arg1:SecurityErrorEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); dispose(); } public function get preventCache():Boolean{ return (_preventCache); } public function set preventCache(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _preventCache = _arg1; } public function get responseFormat():String{ return (_dataFormat); } public function dispose():void{ _files = null; _variables = null; if (_urlLoader){ _urlLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); _urlLoader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); _urlLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); _urlLoader.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHTTPStatus); _urlLoader.removeEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError); _urlLoader = null; }; _urlRequest = null; _loaders[this] = null; } private function buildMultipartData(_arg1:String):ByteArray{ var _local2:ByteArray; var _local3:String; var _local4:File; _local2 = new ByteArray(); _local2.endian = Endian.BIG_ENDIAN; _arg1 = ("--" + _arg1); for (_local3 in _variables) { _local2.writeUTFBytes((_arg1 + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(((("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + _local3) + "\"") + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(CRLF); _local2.writeUTFBytes((_variables[_local3] + CRLF)); }; if (hasFiles){ for each (_local4 in _files) { _local2.writeUTFBytes((_arg1 + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filename\"" + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(CRLF); _local2.writeUTFBytes((_local4.fileName + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes((_arg1 + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(((((("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + _local4.dataField) + "\"; filename=\"") + _local4.fileName) + "\"") + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes((("Content-Type: " + _local4.contentType) + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(CRLF); _local2.writeBytes(; _local2.writeUTFBytes(CRLF); }; _local2.writeUTFBytes((_arg1 + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Upload\"" + CRLF)); _local2.writeUTFBytes(CRLF); _local2.writeUTFBytes(("Submit Query" + CRLF)); }; _local2.writeUTFBytes((_arg1 + "--")); _local2.position = 0; trace(_local2.readUTFBytes(_local2.length)); _local2.position = 0; return (_local2); } public function clearVariables():void{ _variables = new Dictionary(); } private function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function set responseFormat(_arg1:String):void{ _dataFormat = _arg1; } public function clearFiles():void{ _files = null; } private function onHTTPStatus(_arg1:HTTPStatusEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function addVariable(_arg1:String, _arg2=""):void{ _variables[_arg1] = _arg2; if (_arg2){ _hasVariables = true; }; } public function get response(){ return (; } public function set method(_arg1:String):void{ if (((hasFiles) && ((_arg1 == URLRequestMethod.GET)))){ throw (new IllegalOperationError("GET cannot be used to upload files.")); }; _method = _arg1; } private function onIOError(_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); dispose(); } public function addFile(_arg1:String, _arg2:ByteArray, _arg3:String, _arg4:String="application/octect-stream"):void{ method = URLRequestMethod.POST; if (!_files){ _files = new Dictionary(); }; _files[_arg1] = new File(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); } private function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); dispose(); } public function get method():String{ return (_method); } public function load(_arg1:String):void{ var urlVariables:URLVariables; var key:String; var boundary:String; var i:uint; var event:SecurityErrorEvent; var url = _arg1; _urlRequest.url = url; if (_preventCache){ url = (url + ("?seed=" + Math.random())); if (_hasVariables){ url = (url + "&"); }; }; _urlRequest.method = _method; if ((((_urlRequest.method == URLRequestMethod.GET)) || (!(hasFiles)))){ _urlRequest.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; if (_hasVariables){ urlVariables = new URLVariables(); for (key in _variables) { urlVariables[key] = _variables[key]; }; = urlVariables; }; } else { boundary = ""; i = 0; while (i < 32) { boundary = (boundary + String.fromCharCode(uint((97 + (Math.random() * 25))))); i = (i + 1); }; _urlRequest.contentType = (("multipart/form-data; boundary=\"" + boundary) + "\""); = buildMultipartData(boundary); }; if (openBrowser){ navigateToURL(_urlRequest, "_blank"); } else { _urlLoader = new URLLoader(); _urlLoader.dataFormat = _dataFormat; _urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); _urlLoader.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); _urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError); _urlLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, onHTTPStatus); _urlLoader.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, onSecurityError); _loaders[_urlLoader] = this; try { _urlLoader.load(_urlRequest); } catch(error:Error) { event = new SecurityErrorEvent(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, false, false, error.message); onSecurityError(event); }; }; } public function set openBrowser(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _openBrowser = _arg1; } public function get hasFiles():Boolean{ return (Boolean(_files)); } public function close():void{ try { _urlLoader.close(); } catch(e:Error) { }; } } }//package com.newgrounds import flash.utils.*; class File { private var data:ByteArray; private var fileName:String; private var dataField:String; private var contentType:String; private function File(_arg1:String, _arg2:ByteArray, _arg3:String="Filedata", _arg4:String="application/octet-stream"){ this.fileName = _arg1; = _arg2; this.dataField = _arg3; this.contentType = _arg4; } }
Section 25
//RC4 (com.newgrounds.RC4) package com.newgrounds { public class RC4 { private static var mykey:Array = new Array(0xFF); private static var sbox:Array = new Array(0xFF); private static function charsToHex(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:Array; var _local4:uint; _local2 = new String(""); _local3 = new Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + (_local3[(_arg1[_local4] >> 4)] + _local3[(_arg1[_local4] & 15)])); _local4++; }; return (_local2); } public static function encrypt(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; _local3 = strToChars(_arg1); _local4 = strToChars(_arg2); _local5 = calculate(_local3, _local4); return (charsToHex(_local5)); } private static function hexToChars(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = ((_arg1.substr(0, 2))=="0x") ? 2 : 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2.push(parseInt(_arg1.substr(_local3, 2), 16)); _local3 = (_local3 + 2); }; return (_local2); } public static function encryptbin(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; _local3 = strToChars(_arg1); _local4 = strToChars(_arg2); _local5 = calculate(_local3, _local4); return (_local5); } public static function decrypt(_arg1:String, _arg2:String):String{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; _local3 = hexToChars(_arg1); _local4 = strToChars(_arg2); _local5 = calculate(_local3, _local4); return (charsToStr(_local5)); } private static function strToChars(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2.push(_arg1.charCodeAt(_local3)); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } private static function calculate(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Array; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; initialize(_arg2); _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = new Array(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _arg1.length) { _local3 = ((_local3 + 1) % 0x0100); _local4 = ((_local4 + sbox[_local3]) % 0x0100); _local7 = sbox[_local3]; sbox[_local3] = sbox[_local4]; sbox[_local4] = _local7; _local10 = ((sbox[_local3] + sbox[_local4]) % 0x0100); _local6 = sbox[_local10]; _local8 = (_arg1[_local9] ^ _local6); _local5.push(_local8); _local9++; }; return (_local5); } private static function initialize(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; _local2 = 0; _local4 = _arg1.length; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 <= 0xFF) { mykey[_local5] = _arg1[(_local5 % _local4)]; sbox[_local5] = _local5; _local5++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 <= 0xFF) { _local2 = (((_local2 + sbox[_local5]) + mykey[_local5]) % 0x0100); _local3 = sbox[_local5]; sbox[_local5] = sbox[_local2]; sbox[_local2] = _local3; _local5++; }; } private static function charsToStr(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:uint; _local2 = new String(""); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(_arg1[_local3])); _local3++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package com.newgrounds
Section 26
//Color (fl.motion.Color) package fl.motion { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class Color extends ColorTransform { private var _tintMultiplier:Number;// = 0 private var _tintColor:Number;// = 0 public function Color(_arg1:Number=1, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=1, _arg4:Number=1, _arg5:Number=0, _arg6:Number=0, _arg7:Number=0, _arg8:Number=0){ _tintColor = 0; _tintMultiplier = 0; super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6, _arg7, _arg8); } public function setTint(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; this._tintColor = _arg1; this._tintMultiplier = _arg2; this.redMultiplier = (this.greenMultiplier = (this.blueMultiplier = (1 - _arg2))); _local3 = ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local4 = ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local5 = (_arg1 & 0xFF); this.redOffset = Math.round((_local3 * _arg2)); this.greenOffset = Math.round((_local4 * _arg2)); this.blueOffset = Math.round((_local5 * _arg2)); } public function set tintColor(_arg1:uint):void{ this.setTint(_arg1, this.tintMultiplier); } public function get brightness():Number{ return ((this.redOffset) ? (1 - this.redMultiplier) : (this.redMultiplier - 1)); } private function deriveTintColor():uint{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; _local1 = (1 / this.tintMultiplier); _local2 = Math.round((this.redOffset * _local1)); _local3 = Math.round((this.greenOffset * _local1)); _local4 = Math.round((this.blueOffset * _local1)); _local5 = (((_local2 << 16) | (_local3 << 8)) | _local4); return (_local5); } public function get tintMultiplier():Number{ return (this._tintMultiplier); } public function get tintColor():uint{ return (this._tintColor); } public function set brightness(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 > 1){ _arg1 = 1; } else { if (_arg1 < -1){ _arg1 = -1; }; }; _local2 = (1 - Math.abs(_arg1)); _local3 = 0; if (_arg1 > 0){ _local3 = (_arg1 * 0xFF); }; this.redMultiplier = (this.greenMultiplier = (this.blueMultiplier = _local2)); this.redOffset = (this.greenOffset = (this.blueOffset = _local3)); } public function set tintMultiplier(_arg1:Number):void{ this.setTint(this.tintColor, _arg1); } private function parseXML(_arg1:XML=null):Color{ var _local2:XML; var _local3:XML; var _local4:String; var _local5:uint; if (!_arg1){ return (this); }; _local2 = _arg1.elements()[0]; if (!_local2){ return (this); }; for each (_local3 in _local2.attributes()) { _local4 = _local3.localName(); if (_local4 == "tintColor"){ _local5 = (Number(_local3.toString()) as uint); this.tintColor = _local5; } else { this[_local4] = Number(_local3.toString()); }; }; return (this); } public static function interpolateColor(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:Number):uint{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:uint; var _local15:uint; var _local16:uint; var _local17:uint; _local4 = (1 - _arg3); _local5 = ((_arg1 >> 24) & 0xFF); _local6 = ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local7 = ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local8 = (_arg1 & 0xFF); _local9 = ((_arg2 >> 24) & 0xFF); _local10 = ((_arg2 >> 16) & 0xFF); _local11 = ((_arg2 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local12 = (_arg2 & 0xFF); _local13 = ((_local5 * _local4) + (_local9 * _arg3)); _local14 = ((_local6 * _local4) + (_local10 * _arg3)); _local15 = ((_local7 * _local4) + (_local11 * _arg3)); _local16 = ((_local8 * _local4) + (_local12 * _arg3)); _local17 = ((((_local13 << 24) | (_local14 << 16)) | (_local15 << 8)) | _local16); return (_local17); } public static function interpolateTransform(_arg1:ColorTransform, _arg2:ColorTransform, _arg3:Number):ColorTransform{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:ColorTransform; _local4 = (1 - _arg3); _local5 = new ColorTransform(((_arg1.redMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.redMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.greenMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.greenMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.blueMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.blueMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.alphaMultiplier * _local4) + (_arg2.alphaMultiplier * _arg3)), ((_arg1.redOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.redOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.greenOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.greenOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.blueOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.blueOffset * _arg3)), ((_arg1.alphaOffset * _local4) + (_arg2.alphaOffset * _arg3))); return (_local5); } public static function fromXML(_arg1:XML):Color{ return (Color(new (Color).parseXML(_arg1))); } } }//package fl.motion
Section 27
//appear_186 (game_fla.appear_186) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class appear_186 extends MovieClip { public function appear_186(){ addFrameScript(28, frame29); } function frame29(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 28
//appear2_187 (game_fla.appear2_187) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class appear2_187 extends MovieClip { public function appear2_187(){ addFrameScript(18, frame19); } function frame19(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 29
//Char_1_170 (game_fla.Char_1_170) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Char_1_170 extends MovieClip { public var ch:MovieClip; public function Char_1_170(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 30
//Char_2_189 (game_fla.Char_2_189) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Char_2_189 extends MovieClip { public var ch:MovieClip; public function Char_2_189(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 31
//Char_3_206 (game_fla.Char_3_206) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Char_3_206 extends MovieClip { public var ch:MovieClip; public function Char_3_206(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 32
//char_box_fly_2_204 (game_fla.char_box_fly_2_204) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_box_fly_2_204 extends MovieClip { public function char_box_fly_2_204(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ gotoAndPlay((currentFrame - 2)); } } }//package game_fla
Section 33
//char_box_stand_2_201 (game_fla.char_box_stand_2_201) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_box_stand_2_201 extends MovieClip { public function char_box_stand_2_201(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 34
//char_boxfly_179 (game_fla.char_boxfly_179) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_boxfly_179 extends MovieClip { public function char_boxfly_179(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ gotoAndPlay((currentFrame - 2)); } } }//package game_fla
Section 35
//char_boxlift_181 (game_fla.char_boxlift_181) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_boxlift_181 extends MovieClip { public function char_boxlift_181(){ addFrameScript(7, frame8); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 36
//char_boxstand_176 (game_fla.char_boxstand_176) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_boxstand_176 extends MovieClip { public function char_boxstand_176(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 37
//char_fly_1_57 (game_fla.char_fly_1_57) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_fly_1_57 extends MovieClip { public function char_fly_1_57(){ addFrameScript(13, frame14); } function frame14(){ gotoAndPlay((currentFrame - 2)); } } }//package game_fla
Section 38
//char_fly_2_196 (game_fla.char_fly_2_196) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_fly_2_196 extends MovieClip { public function char_fly_2_196(){ addFrameScript(13, frame14); } function frame14(){ gotoAndPlay((currentFrame - 2)); } } }//package game_fla
Section 39
//char_fly_3_213 (game_fla.char_fly_3_213) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_fly_3_213 extends MovieClip { public function char_fly_3_213(){ addFrameScript(13, frame14); } function frame14(){ gotoAndPlay((currentFrame - 2)); } } }//package game_fla
Section 40
//char_land_1_59 (game_fla.char_land_1_59) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_land_1_59 extends MovieClip { public function char_land_1_59(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 41
//char_land_1_79 (game_fla.char_land_1_79) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_land_1_79 extends MovieClip { public function char_land_1_79(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 42
//char_land_2_198 (game_fla.char_land_2_198) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_land_2_198 extends MovieClip { public function char_land_2_198(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 43
//char_land_3_215 (game_fla.char_land_3_215) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_land_3_215 extends MovieClip { public function char_land_3_215(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 44
//char_lean_1_173 (game_fla.char_lean_1_173) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_lean_1_173 extends MovieClip { public function char_lean_1_173(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9); } function frame9(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 45
//char_lean_2_197 (game_fla.char_lean_2_197) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_lean_2_197 extends MovieClip { public function char_lean_2_197(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9); } function frame9(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 46
//char_lean_3_214 (game_fla.char_lean_3_214) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_lean_3_214 extends MovieClip { public function char_lean_3_214(){ addFrameScript(8, frame9); } function frame9(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 47
//char_roll_1_174 (game_fla.char_roll_1_174) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_roll_1_174 extends MovieClip { public function char_roll_1_174(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 48
//char_roll_2_199 (game_fla.char_roll_2_199) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_roll_2_199 extends MovieClip { public function char_roll_2_199(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 49
//char_roll_3_216 (game_fla.char_roll_3_216) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_roll_3_216 extends MovieClip { public function char_roll_3_216(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 50
//char_stand_1_124 (game_fla.char_stand_1_124) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_stand_1_124 extends MovieClip { public var epic:Number; public function char_stand_1_124(){ addFrameScript(27, frame28); } function frame28(){ if (Math.random() > 0.04){ gotoAndPlay(1); } else { epic = Math.random(); if (epic > 0.666){ } else { if (epic > 0.333){ }; }; }; } } }//package game_fla
Section 51
//char_stand_2_190 (game_fla.char_stand_2_190) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_stand_2_190 extends MovieClip { public var epic:Number; public function char_stand_2_190(){ addFrameScript(27, frame28); } function frame28(){ if (Math.random() > 0.04){ gotoAndPlay(1); } else { epic = Math.random(); if (epic > 0.666){ } else { if (epic > 0.333){ }; }; }; } } }//package game_fla
Section 52
//char_stand_3_207 (game_fla.char_stand_3_207) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_stand_3_207 extends MovieClip { public var epic:Number; public function char_stand_3_207(){ addFrameScript(27, frame28); } function frame28(){ if (Math.random() > 0.04){ gotoAndPlay(1); } else { epic = Math.random(); if (epic > 0.666){ } else { if (epic > 0.333){ }; }; }; } } }//package game_fla
Section 53
//char_suicide_182 (game_fla.char_suicide_182) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_suicide_182 extends MovieClip { public function char_suicide_182(){ addFrameScript(103, frame104); } function frame104(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 54
//char_up_1_175 (game_fla.char_up_1_175) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_up_1_175 extends MovieClip { public function char_up_1_175(){ addFrameScript(7, frame8); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 55
//char_up_2_200 (game_fla.char_up_2_200) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_up_2_200 extends MovieClip { public function char_up_2_200(){ addFrameScript(7, frame8); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 56
//char_up_3_217 (game_fla.char_up_3_217) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class char_up_3_217 extends MovieClip { public function char_up_3_217(){ addFrameScript(7, frame8); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 57
//colorSwatch_251 (game_fla.colorSwatch_251) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class colorSwatch_251 extends MovieClip { public function colorSwatch_251(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 58
//death1_185 (game_fla.death1_185) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class death1_185 extends MovieClip { public function death1_185(){ addFrameScript(18, frame19); } function frame19(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 59
//difficultyFaces_106 (game_fla.difficultyFaces_106) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class difficultyFaces_106 extends MovieClip { public function difficultyFaces_106(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 60
//door_125 (game_fla.door_125) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class door_125 extends MovieClip { public function door_125(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 61
//doorkey_102 (game_fla.doorkey_102) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class doorkey_102 extends MovieClip { public function doorkey_102(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 16, frame17); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame17(){ gotoAndStop(2); } } }//package game_fla
Section 62
//endpushani_56 (game_fla.endpushani_56) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class endpushani_56 extends MovieClip { public function endpushani_56(){ addFrameScript(500, frame501); } function frame501(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 63
//fade0_70 (game_fla.fade0_70) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fade0_70 extends MovieClip { public function fade0_70(){ addFrameScript(5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 64
//greentile_130 (game_fla.greentile_130) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class greentile_130 extends MovieClip { public function greentile_130(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 65
//head_83 (game_fla.head_83) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class head_83 extends MovieClip { public function head_83(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 66
//headBG_243 (game_fla.headBG_243) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class headBG_243 extends MovieClip { public function headBG_243(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 67
//headButton_242 (game_fla.headButton_242) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class headButton_242 extends MovieClip { public var headBG:MovieClip; public function headButton_242(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 68
//holohead_34 (game_fla.holohead_34) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class holohead_34 extends MovieClip { public var headTalk:MovieClip; public function holohead_34(){ addFrameScript(20, frame21, 40, frame41); } function frame21(){ stop(); } function frame41(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package game_fla
Section 69
//holohead_35 (game_fla.holohead_35) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class holohead_35 extends MovieClip { public function holohead_35(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 70
//introLoad_1 (game_fla.introLoad_1) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class introLoad_1 extends MovieClip { public var scrollbar:MovieClip; public var ngIntro:SimpleButton; public var playB:SimpleButton; public var bg2:MovieClip; public var bg1:MovieClip; public var theHead:MovieClip; public function introLoad_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ playB.visible = false; scrollbar.visible = false; stop(); } function frame2(){ playB.visible = true; scrollbar.visible = true; stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 71
//loadHead_5 (game_fla.loadHead_5) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class loadHead_5 extends MovieClip { public var poop:MovieClip; public var myParent:MovieClip; public var playHit:Boolean; public function loadHead_5(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 18, frame19, 41, frame42); } function frame1(){ playHit = false; poop.myParent = this; stop(); } function frame19(){ if (playHit){ play(); } else { stop(); }; } function frame42(){; } } }//package game_fla
Section 72
//MainTimeline (game_fla.MainTimeline) package game_fla { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import com.newgrounds.components.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var gameMap:map; public var introVid:introScroll; public var rightMove:Boolean; public var myMap:Array; public var editCustom:MovieClip; public var music:SoundChannel; public var preBG:MovieClip; public var preCount:Number; public var deathVocals:Array; public var NGIntro:NGintro; public var introFX:Sound; public var musicPlaying:Boolean; public var spinL:Boolean; public var spinR:Boolean; public var playBButton:MovieClip; public var shiftHold:Boolean; public var soundLoop:String; public var grav:Boolean; public var mapShiftReset:Boolean; public var flip:Boolean; public var intro:Sound; public var muteCount:Number; public var leftMove:Boolean; public var mapShift:Boolean; public var uVar:Boolean; public var campainTextA:Array; public var campainTextB:Array; public var preCast:Number; public var menuPage:String; public var bigCover:MovieClip; public var endStory2:Story_End2; public var pickUp:Boolean; public var shifted:Boolean; public var gameS:Sound; public var endText:Number; public var fxTransform:SoundTransform; public var skipB:SimpleButton; public var cheatCast:Number; public var menuB:SimpleButton; public var kVar:Boolean; public var musicTransform:SoundTransform; public var domain; public var now:Date; public var fVar:Boolean; public var board:leaderBoard; public var mouseDown:Boolean; public var API_Settings:Object; public var endStory:Story_End; public var winFrame:String; public var _sharedObj:SharedObject; public var topAlpha; public var upMove:Boolean; public var playAButton:MovieClip; public var myMenu:ContextMenu; public var timeHold; public var gamePause:Boolean; public var curTime; public var loadCast:Number; public var randomVocals:Array; public var introB:SimpleButton; public var menu:MovieClip; public var levelNum:TextField; public var medal_popup:DefaultMedalPopup; public var menuItem1:ContextMenuItem; public var menuItem2:ContextMenuItem; public var resetButton:SimpleButton; public var upReset:Boolean; public var editS:Sound; public var currentLevel:Number; public var downMove:Boolean; public var gameIntro:Sound; public var outroStory:Story_Outro; public var campainMultiLevels:Array; public var playCustom:MovieClip; public var loadCount:Number; public var introFXC:SoundChannel; public var campainLevelsA:Array; public var newgroundsAPIconnector:DefaultAPIConnector; public var cVar:Boolean; public var myID:Number; public var gameState:String; public var upLook:Boolean; public var campainLevelsB:Array; public var introStory:Story_Intro; public var cheatCount:Number; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21); } public function keyPressedDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 37){ leftMove = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 39){ rightMove = true; } else { if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 32)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 68)))){ upMove = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){ if (mapShiftReset){ mapShift = true; mapShiftReset = false; }; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 38){ upLook = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){ pickUp = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 16){ shiftHold = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 84){ fVar = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 73){ uVar = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 77){ cVar = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 69){ kVar = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function customLevelE(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:URLLoader; var _local3:URLVariables; var _local4:URLRequest; if (levelNum.text != ""){ _local2 = new URLLoader(); _local3 = new URLVariables(); _local4 = new URLRequest(((domain + "grabSingle.php?cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime())); _local4.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local3.levelID = levelNum.text; = _local3; _local2.load(_local4); _local2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseLevelE); }; } public function unlockMedal(_arg1:String){ NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName(_arg1); } public function goJK(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink("Justins Site"); } public function skipIntro(_arg1:MouseEvent){ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipIntro); if (introStory){ introStory.stop(); }; skipB.x = 1000; if ( >= 32){ stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("menu"); } else { gotoAndStop("game"); }; } public function goPO3(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink("NG_PO3"); } function frame10(){ NGIntro = new NGintro(); NGIntro.x = 350; NGIntro.y = 224; addChild(NGIntro); NGIntro.myParent = this; NGIntro.buttonMode = true; NGIntro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNG); if (!musicPlaying){ musicPlaying = true; music =, 10000); music.soundTransform = musicTransform; }; } function frame16(){ stop(); if (menu){ removeChild(menu); menu = null; }; GlobalVarContainer.vars.headFlag = 0; if (!musicPlaying){ musicPlaying = true; music =, 10000); music.soundTransform = musicTransform; }; introStory = new Story_Intro(); introStory.x = 348; introStory.y = 224; introStory.myParent = this; addChild(introStory); if ( >= 32){ introStory.gotoAndPlay("postIntro"); }; if (endStory){ removeChild(endStory); endStory = null; }; if (endStory2){ removeChild(endStory2); endStory2 = null; }; if (outroStory){ removeChild(outroStory); outroStory = null; }; skipB.x = 680; skipB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipIntro); setChildIndex(skipB, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function preMultiLoad(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){[currentLevel].removeEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, preMultiLoad);; } public function editorFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ gameState = "edit"; winFrame = "menu"; basicMap(); ToString.trace2DArray(ToString.breakString(ToString.makeString(myMap))); gotoAndStop("game"); playSoundFX("click"); stopMusic(); } public function basicMap():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:*; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; _local1 = [[294228, 10484272, 13762221], [28026, 9563894, 14481659], [0xAC7800, 16711098, 13100755], [50853, 9305331, 14155515], [513, 14563074, 16732934], [0x1B1B1B, 16636343, 16704187], [16587284, 16757937, 16767703], [16622343, 16768932, 16707025], [0x7D0300, 15661908, 16514492], [140172, 16643939, 16776650]]; myMap = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 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End;;"]; campainTextA = ["Hey good lookin'! It's me... You! I'm in the next room texting you from the future! Creepy, I know. Anyway just go into the portal and you'll end up in the room I'm in. One sec. I'm getting a text from you in the next room... hmm, brb.", "There are always 2 sides to every story, a zero to every one. Change your perspective on life by switching dimensions. I know this to be true because you just told me about it a few minutes ago.", "Death is only in your mind friend. You can trust me. I mean you wouldn't lie to yourself would you? What good would that do? If you ever lied to me I'd kill you! LOL just kidding... you're already dead...", "I'm starting to feel stuck here. Why did we go inside the box? I only did it because you told me to! My palms are getting hot.", "Pushing through seems to be the only answer sometimes... well that and suicide... but we both know death doesn't exist on this plain.", "To get through life one must be willing to lift up heavy blocks!", "Keys, they do stuff. Remember that time we had fun? Because I don't.", "You don't have to carry a block for it to come with you. When you change dimensions, just standing close to it will do the trick. Just remember when a block is blinking at you.. that means it likes you!", "Ok, something is growing out of my head. I can't see it but I feel it growing. It's whispering....", "I've grown to accept our new growth. I named him Steven, as will you. He took his first steps around our skull last night.", "Oh man I'm feeling sick again. I'm going to lay down.", "I threw up a few times in the room you're in, sorry. I believe these portals are having a strange effect on Steven... I think he's Russian.", "Time only exists in the dimension you're in. Once you leave everything is simply put on hold for you till you get back... man we are so important!", "Oh that room has button things, they are easy to use. Hahaha, oh Steven is such a joy to have around. I let him chew on bullet shells.", "Those weird tiles don't play by the rules. They will follow you wherever you go... I hate people who are so needy!... grrrrrr.", "Do you think our actions here have some personal significance? Or do you think it's just being weird for weirds sake?", "Life in a box isn't so bad if you just hold your breath till you pass out. Hey, I think I hear you.. are you knocking on the walls?", "Someone else is here with us. I saw a man run by through a crack in Stevens skull. I think it was God.", "Did you notice that when you switch dimensions and there is a wall occupying the same area as you, you die? Well the same rule doesn't apply for blocks. In fact, blocks seems to break almost anything... including yourself!", "Steven is growing, his little legs tickle my brains! How the years fly by.", "I found the way out, but Steven informed me that I'm a failure and shouldn't be alive.. so now I'm dead. You die in the next room.", "Hey you didn't die? Hmm I guess we aren't as dead as I thought we were. I did trip on a piece of forever and fractured my skull once.. remember that?", "You can't make friends when you're locked up in a little box! Personally, I like it here because all people do is make me feel like I'm missing out on something... I never want to leave!", "Please stop playing this game. Every room that goes by is simply a reminder of my failures. I want to go home now and I cant till you give up.", "Steven is getting on my nerves... I think I hate him now. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can read my mind too.. so we are basically screwed... man this is so awkward.", "Steven is threatening to leave... but how can he leave? With out my head he will have no place to call home. No body wants to take care of a homeless child.... give it up Steven.", "I'm starting to accept the fact that this game will never end. There's simply no way out of this. I haven't slept for weeks, and as the years go by my wrinkles grow deeper.", "Steven has left us. Things ended bad. I think I see him in the next room. He's flipping me off through the dimensional rift.", "I feel better now that Steven is gone... I cant help but feel like maybe I'm Steven and I have been lying to you this whole time...", "Who are we? Am I Steven or are you? I have memories that I know aren't mine... I know things are growing around me and I'm just moving too fast to appreciate them.", "Do you really want this to end? If it ends it's done for good. If it ends you can no longer complain about how hard things are getting or about the loss of Steven. I'm starting to remember things differently.", "In the next room you will die.", "Hey, it's me, you... or Steven. It doesn't matter either way... this is the room where you die. Take the pill to end it all and let me leave the box. Exiting through the portal to your right will only reset this message."]; campainTextB = ["Oh hello! Hey, I'm your future self! I'm in the next room right now.. this is pretty fun. Walk into that portal and we can meet one another. One sec. I'm getting a text from you in the next room... hmm, brb.", "You can't grow as a person if you don't accept that your reality doesn't apply to others. By changing dimensions you can view life from a new perspective. Deep stuff, I know!", "Hello! I'm you from a few rooms ahead... I got a reminder asking me to tell you to not worry about getting killed. Death doesn't exist here, nor does life.... Toodles!", "It feels like my brain is sloshing around in my skull. Kinda feels familiar, and in a way, comforting.", "I didn't really feel like messaging you today, but I got bitched out by me from the future.. so yeah. Anyway that room's easy enough. Just finish it so we can move on.", "Gotta love block pushing! Nothing better then that.... Not.", "The KEY to life is remembering you will eventually die. I wish I was dead...", "When a block is blinking that means it will stick with you when you switch dimensions. Touching it will make it blink... just be careful where you touch it...", "Umm, I found a lump. It's growing out of my head, kinda itchy.. Anyway, you'll see what I mean in the next room.", "Our little boils name is Steven. I know this because he told me so. He keeps telling me I'm filthy....", "Dude! those black holes really tug at your testies... Over and out!", "Steven is throwing up. He's hilarious!", "When you leave a dimension time comes with you. Things stuck in time remain in a stasis till you get back. Also when you close your eyes everyone else disappears!", "Buttons and doors... very original! I wish I could just give up and go home... I'm so sick of this, but I know if we leave Steven will die... we have to be strong for our child.", "The gear tiles follow you into any dimension as long as you're touching them. Kinda like us and our first girlfriend... LOLZ!", "Hey this is your past self. I'm stuck on the 4th level, can you help me out? Oh wait I'm getting a text from you... who's Steven?", "There is an old man screaming at me through the wall.. He kinda sounds like you.", "God doesn't exist. And neither do you.", "If you bring a block with you into another dimension and its placed over a wall tile, it will break it. It's a secret to everyone!", "Remember when we got our leg braces taken off? I don't, but Steven keeps talking about it. He says it has significance. ", "I think I'm in the same room as you are, can you see me? I'm looking at you from a crack in the monitor.", "Seeing God has changed me. Steven also seems excited by the news. If we follow God wont it just lead to death? ", "I like that we are locked in here forever. It pleases me to think about all the people who are missing us. That will show them for ignoring us when we were alive!", "Video games are a means of escape, like a drug. What are you escaping from?", "Steven is simply a sprite in a video game. And you are simply a pawn of God.", "Steven is giving me hickeys while I sleep. He tells me not to tell you about it though, is that weird?", "Have you accepted the fact that this game will never end? Or will it? Who are you really?", "Steven fell off and ran into a crack in the wall... I think he's staying with the guy in the next room to make me jealous.", "Steven said something weird to me before he left. He said your name is also Steven. Is that true? ", "Who am I speaking to? I just got into the box like you told me to, but I cant see a way out. One sec. I seem to be getting a text message.... brb.", "Who the hell are you!? I want out of this! It's been years and I cant find the way out. If you're getting this message don't let Steven go! He will lock you in here forever!", "Death is waiting for you in the next room.", "Hey, it's me, you... or Steven. It doesn't matter either way... this is the room where you die. Take the pill to end it all and let me leave the box. Exiting through the portal to your right will only reset this message."]; randomVocals = ["Stop whispering to me while I sleep...", "Do you think when we get out of here life will seem meaningless?", "I watch you when you sleep. Do you watch me?", "My teeth fell out again... the empty holes scream when I sleep.", "How long do babies sleep in the womb?", "I think I broke my arms, either that or I have more elbows.", "You're not as nice as I remember I was when I was you.", "How come you never write me back?", "We are stuck here forever.. there's no way out!", "I can't breath. The room Im in keeps getting smaller... are you pushing on the walls?", "Is there a man in the room with you? I think I saw an old man in that room your in.", "I can't help but think we don't exist.", "Is this a test or a punishment?", "Your life is meaningless", "I cant seem to control my actions. Who's pulling my strings?", "I am Error", "Pay me for the door repair!", "Help me, I'm in hell!", "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", "Hello? I just entered the box, can anyone help me?", "Dont believe Steven! He's lying to us!!!!", "Steven, this is your mom. I'm just texting you to remind you to fill up the gas tank before you get home. Drive safe.", "Hello? I'm stuck in a blue room with no portal. Can anyone hear me? I'm banging on the walls.", "Hey this is Ste..., I'm about to leave the bo... you need to reme... the onl.. o leave to box is... ist.. though the w... then... don't look back.", "I'm watching you....", "I found a note left by Steven... Oh... wait no, it's just a drawing of a naked lady.", "If you're reading this please help me. I'm stuck inside a wall... I can't breathe... Please, someone!?", "I found an arm and some fingers in the room I'm in. Do they belong to you?", "Hey, I'm in room two. There seems to be no way out.. and who's Steven?", "Turn back now Steven! You dont exist here, this box wasn't for you!", "Why do you think you're being punished?", "We are better off alone.", "I think I'm back in room 4... am I going backwards?", "Where are you? I can hear your voice but the room's so dark... Hello, am I touching you?", "Steven told me you're a liar...", "Who is this really? The man in room 6 said you can't be trusted.", "I'm stuck in a room with 100s of dead bodies.. they all look like us... He.. Don... No!!", "Sto..hile...ou. stil.. can... he wants you.. d... turn.. ac.. now!", "I feel so numb..."]; deathVocals = ["Please stop.", "Oh, I remember that.", "Barf!", "Death is existence.", "He lives!", ".....", "Purgatory, my friend.", "6, 21, 3, 11", "Can I help you?", "Hello", "Memories!", "Sorry...", "...", "..", "....", "Amusing!", "F word!", "S word!", "C word!", "Deja vu", "Man... we are so screwed", "When you died I felt it... weird", "REDRUM!!!", "Dying tickles!", "I give up...", ":)", "B===D~~~"]; } function frame7(){ stop(); introB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goIntro); menuB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMenu); playAButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAFunction); resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetC); playBButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playBFunction); playCustom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, customLevel); editCustom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, customLevelE); } public function wholeGame(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Sound; if ((((currentLabel == "game")) && (gameMap))){ if (gameState == "play"){ gameMap.playGame(); } else { if (gameState == "edit"){ gameMap.playEditor(); } else { if (gameState == "multi"){ gameMap.playGame(); } else { if (gameState == "multiC"){ gameMap.playGame(); }; }; }; }; } else { if (currentLabel == "credits"){ } else { if (currentLabel == "intro"){ if (introStory){ introStory.introVocals.playSound(); }; } else { if (currentLabel == "outro"){ if (outroStory){ outroStory.introVocals.playSound(); }; } else { if (currentLabel == "introTransition"){ if (loadCount > loadCast){ gotoAndStop("menu"); loadCount = 0; } else { loadCount++; }; } else { if (currentLabel == "menu"){ if (((((((fVar) || (uVar))) || (cVar))) || (kVar))){ if (cheatCount > cheatCast){ fVar = false; uVar = false; cVar = false; kVar = false; cheatCount = 0; } else { cheatCount++; }; }; if (((((((fVar) && (uVar))) && (cVar))) && (kVar))){ if ( < 32){ = 32; _sharedObj.flush(); _local2 = new layer_change1();; }; }; if (menu){ if (board){ board.boardActions(); }; if (menuPage == "board"){ if (menu.y > -210){ menu.y = (menu.y - 7); }; } else { if (menuPage == "main"){ if (menu.y < 280){ menu.y = (menu.y + 7); }; }; }; if (menu.blackTop.alpha >= 0){ menu.blackTop.alpha = (menu.blackTop.alpha - 0.03); } else { if (menu.blackTop.visible){ menu.blackTop.visible = false; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (getChildIndex(bigCover) != (this.numChildren - 1)){ setChildIndex(bigCover, (this.numChildren - 1)); }; } public function goMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function playSoundFX(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Class; var _local3:Sound; _local2 = (getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class); _local3 = new (_local2); if (musicTransform.volume > 0){; }; } function frame6(){ gotoAndStop("ngIntro"); } function frame13(){ stop(); if (!musicPlaying){ musicPlaying = true; if (gameState == "edit"){ music =, 10000); } else { if (currentLevel > 8){ music =, 10000); soundLoop = "main"; } else { music =, 10000); }; }; music.soundTransform = musicTransform; }; if (introStory){ removeChild(introStory); introStory = null; }; mapShift = false; trace(gameState); if (gameState == "multiC"){ trace("win"); if (((( > ( + 1))) && (( == currentLevel)))){ trace("grab new");[(currentLevel + 1)].loadContents();[(currentLevel + 1)].addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, preMultiLoad); }; }; stage.focus = stage; if (((myMap) || (!((myMap == null))))){ if (gameState == "multiC"){ gameMap = new map(this, myMap, myID, "TheBoob"); } else { gameMap = new map(this, myMap, myID); }; addChild(gameMap); } else { gotoAndStop("menu"); }; } public function campainDone(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ var _local2:Number; trace(; gameState = "multiC"; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { trace([_local2].id);[_local2].id);[_local2]); _local2++; }; trace(; trace(; getCampain(); } public function loadLevel(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:URLLoader; var _local3:URLVariables; var _local4:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLLoader(); _local3 = new URLVariables(); _local4 = new URLRequest(((domain + "grabSingle.php?cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime())); _local4.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local3.levelID = _arg1; = _local3; gotoAndStop("introTransition"); _local2.load(_local4); _local2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, parseLevel); } function frame12(){ if (gameMap){ removeChild(gameMap); gameMap = null; }; skipB.x = 1000; if (!musicPlaying){ musicPlaying = true; music =, 10000); music.soundTransform = musicTransform; }; if (endStory){ removeChild(endStory); endStory = null; }; if (endStory2){ removeChild(endStory2); endStory2 = null; }; if (outroStory){ removeChild(outroStory); outroStory = null; }; if (introVid){ removeChild(introVid); introVid = null; }; if (introStory){ removeChild(introStory); introStory = null; }; stop(); topAlpha = 1; now = new Date(); curTime = now.getTime(); trace(curTime); menu.blackTop.alpha = topAlpha; if (gameState == "multi"){ menu.y = -210; if (((!(timeHold)) || (((timeHold + 60000) < curTime)))){ timeHold = curTime; trace(timeHold); board = new leaderBoard(this); board.x = -196; board.y = 220; }; menu.addChild(board); menuPage = "Board"; } else { menuPage = "main"; }; menu.playB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playFunction); menu.playB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHoverP); menu.playB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseExit); menu.editB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, editorFunction); menu.editB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHoverE); menu.editB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseExit); menu.multiB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playMultiFunction); menu.multiB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHoverM); menu.multiB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseExit); menu.browseB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goBoard); menu.browseB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseHoverB); menu.browseB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseExit); menu.eraseB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, eraseAll); menu.WGB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goWG); menu.EMB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goEM); menu.JKB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goJK); menu.NGB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPO3); menu.NGImgB.buttonMode = true; menu.NGImgB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNG); } function frame15(){ stage.focus = stage; if (gameMap){ removeChild(gameMap); gameMap = null; }; if (gameState != "edit"){ if ((((soundLoop == "main")) && ((currentLevel < 8)))){ stopMusic(); soundLoop = null; } else { if ((((soundLoop == null)) && ((currentLevel >= 8)))){ stopMusic(); soundLoop = "main"; }; }; }; if (gameState == "play"){ if (currentLevel < (campainLevelsA.length - 1)){ currentLevel++; if (currentLevel == 9){ NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("Is something wrong?"); } else { if (currentLevel == 22){ NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("You are your only companion in life."); } else { if (currentLevel == 28){ NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("Everyone will leave you"); }; }; }; if (currentLevel >{ = currentLevel; _sharedObj.flush(); }; myMap = ToString.breakString(this[("campainLevels" +[currentLevel])][currentLevel]); gotoAndStop("game"); } else { gotoAndStop("menu"); }; } else { if (gameState == "multiC"){ trace("setting next"); if (currentLevel < ( - 1)){ currentLevel++; if (currentLevel >{ = currentLevel; _sharedObj.flush(); }; trace("--"); myMap = ToString.breakString([currentLevel]); myID =[currentLevel]; gotoAndStop("game"); } else { NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("Lost in forever"); gotoAndStop("menu"); }; }; }; } function frame17(){ if (!board){ board = new leaderBoard(this); addChild(board); }; } function frame20(){ stop(); if (gameMap){ removeChild(gameMap); gameMap = null; }; endText = 1; endStory2 = new Story_End2(); endStory2.x = 341; endStory2.y = 215; endStory2.scaleX = 1.12; endStory2.scaleY = endStory2.scaleX; endStory2.myParent = this; addChild(endStory2); NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("You've learned nothing"); skipB.x = 680; skipB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipEnd2); setChildIndex(skipB, (this.numChildren - 1)); } function frame21(){ stop(); if (endStory){ removeChild(endStory); endStory = null; }; if (endStory2){ removeChild(endStory2); endStory2 = null; }; outroStory = new Story_Outro(); outroStory.x = 348; outroStory.y = 224; outroStory.myParent = this; addChild(outroStory); skipB.x = 680; skipB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipOut); setChildIndex(skipB, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function playAFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:*; gameState = "play"; if ( > 0){ currentLevel =; } else { = 0; currentLevel = 0; }; = new Array(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 33) {"A"); _local2++; }; myMap = ToString.breakString(this[("campainLevels" +[])][]); gotoAndStop("game"); } function frame14(){ gotoAndStop("menu"); } function frame19(){ stop(); if (gameMap){ removeChild(gameMap); gameMap = null; }; endText = 2; endStory = new Story_End(); endStory.x = 341; endStory.y = 215; endStory.scaleX = 1.12; endStory.scaleY = endStory.scaleX; endStory.myParent = this; addChild(endStory); NewgroundsAPI.unlockMedalByName("The Assent"); skipB.x = 680; skipB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipEnd); setChildIndex(skipB, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function mousePress(_arg1:MouseEvent){ mouseDown = true; } public function parseLevel(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:XML; _local2 = new XML(; if (_local2.level.levelCode.text() != "error"){ gameState = "multi"; trace(LZW.decompress(_local2.level.levelCode.text())); trace("--"); myMap = ToString.breakString(LZW.decompress(_local2.level.levelCode.text())); myID = _local2.level.levelID.text(); winFrame = "menu"; stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("game"); }; } public function customLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (levelNum.text != ""){ loadLevel(Number(levelNum.text)); }; } function frame4(){ mouseDown = false; fVar = false; uVar = false; cVar = false; kVar = false; cheatCount = 0; cheatCast = 30; leftMove = false; rightMove = false; upMove = false; upLook = false; pickUp = false; upReset = true; downMove = false; mapShift = false; mapShiftReset = true; gamePause = false; shifted = false; spinL = false; spinR = false; grav = true; flip = false; shiftHold = false; stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressedDown); stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyPressedUp); music = new SoundChannel(); musicTransform = new SoundTransform(); musicTransform.volume = 1; musicPlaying = false; muteCount = 0; fxTransform = new SoundTransform(); fxTransform.volume = 1; intro = new intro_menu(); gameS = new game_music(); gameIntro = new introLoop(); editS = new editLoop(); menuPage = "main"; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mousePress); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseRelease); domain = ""; myMap = new Array(); myID = 0; _sharedObj = SharedObject.getLocal("TimeFuck"); if (!{ = 0; _sharedObj.flush(); }; if (!{ = new Array(); _sharedObj.flush(); }; if (!{ = false; _sharedObj.flush(); }; if (!{ = new Array(); _sharedObj.flush(); }; if (!{ = new Array(); _sharedObj.flush(); }; loadCount = 0; loadCast = (30 * 10.5); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, wholeGame); } public function goNG(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } public function goIntro(_arg1:MouseEvent){ gotoAndStop("credits"); } public function isLoading(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Sound; if (stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded >= stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, isLoading); preBG.gotoAndStop(2); introFXC.stop(); _local2 = new talkie2();; preBG.playB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prePlayFun);;; } else { preCast = (20 - ((stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 20)); trace(preCast); if (preCount > preCast){ preCount = 1; if (preBG.bg1.currentFrame == preBG.bg1.totalFrames){ preBG.bg1.gotoAndStop(1); preBG.bg2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { preBG.bg1.nextFrame(); preBG.bg2.nextFrame(); }; } else { preCount++; }; }; } public function doLow(_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{ stage.quality = "low"; } public function doHigh(_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{ stage.quality = "high"; } public function goMain(){ menuPage = "main"; } public function resetC(_arg1:MouseEvent){ = 0; = new Array(); } public function loadSingle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):void{ myMap = ToString.breakString(_arg1); myID = _arg2; winFrame = "menu"; stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("game"); } public function keyPressedUp(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){ if (_arg1.keyCode == 37){ leftMove = false; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 39){ rightMove = false; } else { if ((((_arg1.keyCode == 32)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 68)))){ upMove = false; upReset = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 38){ upLook = false; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){ pickUp = false; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 16){ shiftHold = false; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 90){ spinL = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 88){ spinR = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 86){ flip = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){ mapShiftReset = true; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 82){ if (((gameMap) && (gameMap.theChar))){ gameMap.theChar.startSuicide(); }; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 27){ if (((gameMap) && (!((gameState == "edit"))))){ gameMap.EWindow.togglePos(); }; } else { if (_arg1.keyCode == 80){ if (((gameMap) && (!((gameState == "edit"))))){ gameMap.PWindow.togglePos(); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame1(){ bigCover.mouseEnabled = false; bigCover.mouseChildren = false; myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); menuItem1 = new ContextMenuItem("High Quality"); menuItem1.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, doHigh); menuItem2 = new ContextMenuItem("Low Quality"); menuItem2.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, doLow); myMenu.customItems.push(menuItem1); myMenu.customItems.push(menuItem2); this.contextMenu = myMenu; API_Settings = {movie_id:9033, enc_key:"YDfeksIRu4h2PcgTpUeVm8biY3stSHik", movie_version:"1"}; newgroundsAPIconnector.initialize(API_Settings); introFXC = new SoundChannel(); introFX = new introField(); introFXC =, 100000); stop(); preCount = 0; preCast = 100; preBG.bg1.stop(); preBG.bg2.stop(); preBG.theHead.myParent = this; preBG.ngIntro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNG); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, isLoading); } public function goBoard(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (!board){ board = new leaderBoard(this); board.x = -196; board.y = 220; }; menu.addChild(board); menuPage = "board"; playSoundFX("click"); } public function skipEnd2(_arg1:MouseEvent){ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipEnd2); if (endStory2){ endStory2.stop(); }; skipB.x = 1000; stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function getCampain(){ var _local1:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery; trace(; if ( < 33){ _local1 = NewgroundsAPI.createSaveQuery("Levels"); _local1.resultsPerPage = 11; _local1.includeRating("Difficulty"); _local1.includeRating("Overall Fun"); _local1.isRandomized = true; _local1.sortOnRating("Difficulty", false); _local1.addRatingCondition("Overall Fun", ">", 4.8); trace("000000"); if ( < 11){ trace("first"); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", "<=", 6); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", ">", 4); } else { if ( < 22){ trace("second"); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", "<=", 8); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", ">", 6); } else { if ( < 33){ trace("third"); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", "<=", 10); _local1.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", ">", 8); }; }; }; _local1.execute(); _local1.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, campainDone); } else {[currentLevel].loadContents();[currentLevel].addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, firstLoad); trace("-----"); trace(; trace("-----"); }; } public function parseCampain(_arg1:Event){ } function frame2(){ play(); } public function skipEnd(_arg1:MouseEvent){ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipEnd); if (endStory){ endStory.stop(); }; skipB.x = 1000; stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function eraseAll(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:Sound; = 0; = new Array(); = new Array(); _sharedObj.flush(); _local2 = new layer_change1();; } function frame11(){ if (!musicPlaying){ musicPlaying = true; music =, 10000); music.soundTransform = musicTransform; }; if (NGIntro){ removeChild(NGIntro); NGIntro = null; }; introVid = new introScroll(); introVid.x = 916; introVid.y = 69; introVid.myParent = this; addChild(introVid); stop(); skipB.x = 680; skipB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipCred); setChildIndex(skipB, (this.numChildren - 1)); } public function stopMusic(){ musicPlaying = false; music.stop(); } public function playFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:*; gameState = "play"; if ( > 0){ currentLevel =; } else { = 0; = new Array(); _sharedObj.flush(); currentLevel = 0; }; if ( > 0){ } else { = new Array(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 33) { if (Math.random() > 0.5){"A"); } else {"B"); }; _local2++; }; _sharedObj.flush(); }; myMap = ToString.breakString(this[("campainLevels" +[currentLevel])][]); winFrame = "menu"; if (currentLevel == 0){ gotoAndStop("intro"); } else { gotoAndStop("game"); }; playSoundFX("click"); stopMusic(); } public function skipOut(_arg1:MouseEvent){ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipOut); if (outroStory){ outroStory.stop(); }; skipB.x = 1000; stopMusic(); gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function playMultiFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSoundFX("click"); stopMusic(); gameState = "multiC"; = new Array(); = new Array(); = new Array(); = new Array(); = 0; currentLevel = 0; getCampain(); loadCount = 0; gotoAndStop("introTransition"); } public function addLevel(_arg1:Number):void{ } public function mouseExit(_arg1:MouseEvent){ menuTgoto(1); } public function skipCred(_arg1:MouseEvent){ removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipCred); introVid.stop(); skipB.x = 1000; gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function goURL(_arg1:String):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_arg1), "_self"); } public function prePlayFun(_arg1:MouseEvent){ trace("hit");; preBG.theHead.playHit = true; } public function goEM(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink("Edmunds Site"); } public function mouseHoverP(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSoundFX("mouseover"); menuTgoto(2); } public function playBFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:*; gameState = "play"; if ( > 0){ currentLevel =; } else { = 0; currentLevel = 0; }; = new Array(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 33) {"B"); _local2++; }; myMap = ToString.breakString(this[("campainLevels" +[])][]); gotoAndStop("game"); } public function mouseRelease(_arg1:MouseEvent){ mouseDown = false; } public function mouseHoverB(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSoundFX("mouseover"); menuTgoto(4); } public function mouseHoverE(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSoundFX("mouseover"); menuTgoto(3); } public function firstLoad(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ trace(;[currentLevel].removeEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, firstLoad);; loadSingle(,[currentLevel]); } public function mouseHoverM(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSoundFX("mouseover"); menuTgoto(5); } public function parseLevelE(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:XML; _local2 = new XML(; if (_local2.level.levelCode.text() != "error"){ gameState = "edit"; myMap = ToString.breakString(LZW.decompress(_local2.level.levelCode.text())); myID = _local2.level.levelID.text(); trace(myMap); winFrame = "menu"; gotoAndStop("game"); }; } public function menuTgoto(_arg1:Number):void{ if (currentLabel == "menu"){ menu.menuT.gotoAndStop(_arg1); }; } public function goWG(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadCustomLink("Wills Site"); } public function setMulti(){ gameState = "multi"; } } }//package game_fla
Section 73
//mapDot_145 (game_fla.mapDot_145) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class mapDot_145 extends MovieClip { public function mapDot_145(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 74
//NewgroundsAPI_Ad_Unit_6 (game_fla.NewgroundsAPI_Ad_Unit_6) package game_fla { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class NewgroundsAPI_Ad_Unit_6 extends MovieClip { public var background:MovieClip; public var myParent:MovieClip; public var adHolder; public function NewgroundsAPI_Ad_Unit_6(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function testt(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ if (myParent.currentFrame == 1){; }; } function frame1(){ NewgroundsAPI.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.ADS_APPROVED, onAdsApproved); background.visible = false; } public function onAdsApproved(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent):void{ adHolder = NewgroundsAPI.createAd(); adHolder.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.AD_ATTACHED, testt); this.addChild(adHolder); } } }//package game_fla
Section 75
//portalend1_60 (game_fla.portalend1_60) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class portalend1_60 extends MovieClip { public function portalend1_60(){ addFrameScript(24, frame25); } function frame25(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 76
//portalend2_184 (game_fla.portalend2_184) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class portalend2_184 extends MovieClip { public function portalend2_184(){ addFrameScript(25, frame26); } function frame26(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 77
//portalend3_183 (game_fla.portalend3_183) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class portalend3_183 extends MovieClip { public function portalend3_183(){ addFrameScript(18, frame19); } function frame19(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 78
//preHolder_19 (game_fla.preHolder_19) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class preHolder_19 extends MovieClip { public function preHolder_19(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 79
//scoreButton_220 (game_fla.scoreButton_220) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class scoreButton_220 extends MovieClip { public function scoreButton_220(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 80
//scoreFaces_105 (game_fla.scoreFaces_105) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class scoreFaces_105 extends MovieClip { public function scoreFaces_105(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 81
//sleep_188 (game_fla.sleep_188) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class sleep_188 extends MovieClip { public function sleep_188(){ addFrameScript(63, frame64); } function frame64(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 82
//textshit_143 (game_fla.textshit_143) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class textshit_143 extends MovieClip { public function textshit_143(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 83
//tileButton_222 (game_fla.tileButton_222) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tileButton_222 extends MovieClip { public var green:MovieClip; public var door:MovieClip; public var doorKey:MovieClip; public function tileButton_222(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 84
//titlescreen_258 (game_fla.titlescreen_258) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class titlescreen_258 extends MovieClip { public var multiB:SimpleButton; public var JKB:SimpleButton; public var NGImgB:MovieClip; public var eraseB:SimpleButton; public var editB:SimpleButton; public var WGB:SimpleButton; public var playB:SimpleButton; public var EMB:SimpleButton; public var NGB:SimpleButton; public var menuT:MovieClip; public var blackTop:MovieClip; public var browseB:SimpleButton; } }//package game_fla
Section 85
//titletext_55 (game_fla.titletext_55) package game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class titletext_55 extends MovieClip { public function titletext_55(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package game_fla
Section 86
//a (a) package { import*; public dynamic class a extends Sound { } }//package
Section 87
//a2 (a2) package { import*; public dynamic class a2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 88
//b (b) package { import*; public dynamic class b extends Sound { } }//package
Section 89
//b2 (b2) package { import*; public dynamic class b2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 90
//background (background) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class background extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 91
//block_blink2 (block_blink2) package { import*; public dynamic class block_blink2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 92
//blockbreak1 (blockbreak1) package { import*; public dynamic class blockbreak1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 93
//blockbreak2 (blockbreak2) package { import*; public dynamic class blockbreak2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 94
//blockbreak3 (blockbreak3) package { import*; public dynamic class blockbreak3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 95
//blockLand1 (blockLand1) package { import*; public dynamic class blockLand1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 96
//blockLand2 (blockLand2) package { import*; public dynamic class blockLand2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 97
//blockLandPoof (blockLandPoof) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class blockLandPoof extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function blockLandPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(21, frame22); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; alpha = 0.5; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame22(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 98
//blockLift1 (blockLift1) package { import*; public dynamic class blockLift1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 99
//blockLift2 (blockLift2) package { import*; public dynamic class blockLift2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 100
//breakPoof (breakPoof) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class breakPoof extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function breakPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(28, frame29); x = ((_arg1 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((_arg2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); alpha = 0.5; rotation = (Math.random() * 360); scaleX = (scaleY = 0.7); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame29(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 101
//c (c) package { import*; public dynamic class c extends Sound { } }//package
Section 102
//c2 (c2) package { import*; public dynamic class c2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 103
//char (char) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class char extends MovieClip { var charWidth:Number;// = 10 var myStart:Array; var charHeight:Number;// = 25 var pushCount:Number;// = 0 var fastDes:Number;// = 0.6 var stepCast:Number;// = 8 var suicide:Boolean; var BL:Boolean; var BR:Boolean; var slowDes:Number;// = 0.8 var speed:Number;// = 4 var key:Boolean;// = false var teleSet:Number;// = 23 var SpeedDes:Number; var xTileLeft:Number; var xTileRight:Number; var TR:Boolean; var TL:Boolean; var sleepCount:Number;// = 0 var finalRot:Number; var winCount:Number;// = 0 public var charHolder:MovieClip; var charStart:Boolean;// = true var arrayTile:Number; var xSpeed:Number;// = 0 var isDead:Boolean;// = false var isFlip:Boolean;// = false var slowPush:Boolean;// = false var sleepCast:Number;// = 65 var startCast:Number;// = 20 var slowSpeed:Number;// = 2 var yTile:Number; var stepCastSlow:Number;// = 13 var jumpSpeed:Number;// = -11.8 var suicideBam:Number;// = 120 var pushDustMake:Number;// = 6 var winAnimation:Boolean;// = false var yTileTop:Number; public var deadCount:Number;// = 0 var pushDir:String;// = "lift" var jumping:Boolean;// = false var winCast:Number;// = 35 var xTile:Number; var ySpeed:Number;// = 0 var kill:Boolean;// = false var pushStart:Number;// = 20 var telePage:Number; var tileHeight:Number;// = 30 var myParent:MovieClip; var suicideCount:Number;// = 0 var pushDustCount:Number;// = 0 var teleCount:Number;// = 0 var fallSpeed:Number;// = 1 var checkWidth:Number;// = 28 var finalX:Number; var tele:Boolean;// = false var finalY:Number; var stepCount:Number;// = 0 var deadCast:Number;// = 50 var startCount:Number;// = 0 var tileWidth:Number;// = 30 var yTileBottom:Number; var win:Boolean;// = false var slowTar:Number; var slowJumpSpeed:Number;// = -8.5 var sleepStart:Boolean;// = false var teleX:Number; var teleY:Number; var landCount:Number;// = 6 var isTele:Boolean;// = false var stepCastSlowLift:Number;// = 10 public function char(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Array){ suicideCount = 0; suicideBam = 120; xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; fallSpeed = 1; speed = 4; slowSpeed = 2; fastDes = 0.6; slowDes = 0.8; slowPush = false; SpeedDes = fastDes; charWidth = 10; charHeight = 25; tileWidth = 30; checkWidth = 28; tileHeight = 30; winAnimation = false; win = false; kill = false; key = false; tele = false; teleCount = 0; teleSet = 23; isTele = false; isFlip = false; jumping = false; jumpSpeed = -11.8; slowJumpSpeed = -8.5; landCount = 6; pushCount = 0; pushStart = 20; pushDir = "lift"; pushDustCount = 0; pushDustMake = 6; winCount = 0; winCast = 35; isDead = false; deadCount = 0; deadCast = 50; charStart = true; startCount = 0; startCast = 20; sleepStart = false; sleepCount = 0; sleepCast = 65; stepCount = 0; stepCast = 8; stepCastSlow = 13; stepCastSlowLift = 10; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; myStart = _arg2; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); startChar(); } function restart(){ myParent.resetMap(); } function getTele(_arg1, _arg2){ tele = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleport; teleX = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleX; teleY = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleY; telePage = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].telePage; if (tele){ if (((!(teleX)) || (!(teleY)))){ teleX = 0; teleY = 0; telePage = 0; isDead = true; }; }; } function portalPop(){ var _local1:pop; _local1 = new pop(x, y, myParent.colorArray[(myParent.offsetCount * 3)]); myParent.poofMC.addChild(_local1); } function checkDeath():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; if (myParent.grav){ _local1 = 1; } else { _local1 = -1; }; getMyCorners(x, (y - _local1)); if (((((((!(TR)) && (!(TL)))) && (!(BL)))) && (!(BR)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } function getMyDeathCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (charWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (charWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor((((_arg2 - (charHeight / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor((((_arg2 + (charHeight / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].killer; BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].killer; TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].killer; BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].killer; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function getMyCenter(_arg1, _arg2){ win = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].win; } function getMyCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (charWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (charWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor(((_arg2 - (charHeight / 2)) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor(((_arg2 + (charHeight / 2)) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); } function spawnDust(){ var _local1:charLandPoof; var _local2:Number; _local1 = new charLandPoof(x, y, myParent.colorArray[(myParent.offsetCount * 3)]); _local1.scaleY = scaleY; _local1.scaleX = scaleX; myParent.poofMC.addChild(_local1); _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); myParent.playSoundFX(("playerLand" + _local2)); } public function moveChar():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:*; var _local8:*; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Boolean; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; if (y < 22){ y = 22; ySpeed = 0; }; if (charStart){ if (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile + 1)) + xTile)].isWalkable()){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 21){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(21); }; } else { if (charHolder.currentFrame != 20){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(20); }; }; if (startCount < startCast){ startCount++; } else { charStart = false; }; } else { if (sleepStart){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 23){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(23); }; if (sleepCount < sleepCast){ sleepCount++; } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "play"){; } else {; }; myParent.mapBeat = true; myParent.startTrans(); }; } else { if (suicide){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 15){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(15); }; if (suicideCount > suicideBam){ suicide = false; suicideCount = 0; if ((((myParent.myParent.currentLevel >= 32)) && ((myParent.myParent.gameState == "play")))){ myParent.stopStaticFX(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("intro"); } else { myParent.resetMap(); }; } else { suicideCount++; }; } else { if (isDead){ if (deadCount == 0){ myParent.playSoundFX("deathSound"); }; if (charHolder.currentFrame != 19){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(19); }; if (deadCount < deadCast){ deadCount++; } else { deadCount = 0; isDead = false; myParent.resetMap(); }; } else { if (winAnimation){ x = ((finalX * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((finalY * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); if (myParent.grav){ rotation = finalRot; } else { rotation = (finalRot - 180); }; xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; if (charHolder.currentFrame < 16){ _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 < 0.33){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_local1 < 0.66){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(17); } else { charHolder.gotoAndStop(18); }; }; }; if (winCount < winCast){ winCount++; } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "edit"){ myParent.mapBeat = true; myParent.endScreen = "submit"; myParent.resetMap(); charHolder.gotoAndStop(1); winAnimation = false; } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "play"){ if (myParent.myParent.currentLevel >= 32){ myParent.resetMap(); } else { myParent.mapBeat = true; myParent.startTrans(); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < { if ([_local8] == myParent.myParent.currentLevel){, 1); }; _local8++; }; }; } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multi"){ myParent.mapBeat = true; myParent.endScreen = "submit"; } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < { if ([_local8] == myParent.myParent.currentLevel){, 1); }; _local8++; }; myParent.mapBeat = true; myParent.endScreen = "submit"; }; }; }; }; }; } else { getMyCenter(x, y); if (((win) && ((myParent.totalKey <= 0)))){ if ((((((myParent.myParent.currentLevel >= 32)) && ((y < 150)))) && ((myParent.myParent.gameState == "play")))){ myParent.stopStaticFX(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("endVid"); } else { myParent.playSoundFX("levelEnd"); winAnimation = true; finalX = xTile; finalY = yTile; finalRot = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * finalY) + finalX)].rotation; }; }; getFlip(); getTele(x, y); if (!tele){ isTele = false; } else { if (slowPush){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].teleCount = isTele; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].teleCount = 0; }; }; if (((tele) && (!(isTele)))){ x = ((teleX * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((teleY * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 2)); myParent.playSoundFX(("warp" + _local2)); if (slowPush){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].currentLayer = telePage; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].moveSlider(); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].moveSlider(); }; isTele = true; portalPop(); myParent.removeMap(); myParent.offsetInc(telePage); myParent.buildMap(telePage); myParent.setActive(); }; getKey(x, y); if (slowPush){ landCount = 10; if (pushDir == "lift"){ if ((((((ySpeed > fallSpeed)) && (myParent.grav))) || ((((ySpeed < -(fallSpeed))) && (!(myParent.grav)))))){ landCount = 0; if (charHolder.currentFrame != 12){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(12); }; } else { if (jumping){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 11){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(11); }; } else { if ((((xSpeed > 1)) || ((xSpeed < -1)))){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 10){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(10); }; } else { if (charHolder.currentFrame != 9){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(9); }; }; }; }; } else { if (charHolder.currentFrame != 13){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(13); }; }; } else { if ((((((ySpeed > fallSpeed)) && (myParent.grav))) || ((((ySpeed < -(fallSpeed))) && (!(myParent.grav)))))){ landCount = 0; if (charHolder.currentFrame != 4){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(4); }; } else { if (jumping){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 3){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(3); }; } else { if (((!(BR)) || (!(BL)))){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 5){ landCount = 10; charHolder.gotoAndStop(5); }; } else { if ((((xSpeed > 1)) || ((xSpeed < -1)))){ if (((!(jumping)) && ((landCount <= 9)))){ landCount++; if (charHolder.currentFrame != 7){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(7); landCount = 0; }; } else { if (charHolder.currentFrame != 2){ landCount = 10; charHolder.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } else { if (myParent.myParent.upLook){ if (charHolder.currentFrame != 8){ landCount = 10; charHolder.gotoAndStop(8); }; } else { if (((!(jumping)) && ((landCount <= 6)))){ landCount++; if (landCount > 6){ landCount = 10; }; if (charHolder.currentFrame != 6){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(6); landCount = 0; }; } else { if (charHolder.currentFrame != 1){ landCount = 10; charHolder.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (myParent.myParent.rightMove){ scaleX = 1; } else { if (myParent.myParent.leftMove){ scaleX = -1; }; }; if (myParent.grav){ _local3 = 1; } else { _local3 = -1; }; getMyCorners(x, (y - _local3)); if (((((((!(TR)) && (!(TL)))) && (!(BL)))) && (!(BR)))){ isDead = true; } else { if (((!(BL)) && (!(BR)))){ ySpeed = 0; y = (((yTileBottom * tileHeight) - (charHeight / 2)) - 0.01); } else { if (((!(TL)) && (!(TR)))){ ySpeed = 0; y = ((((yTileTop + 1) * tileHeight) + (charHeight / 2)) + 0.01); } else { if (((!(TR)) && (!(BR)))){ x = (((xTileRight * tileWidth) - (charWidth / 2)) - 0.01); } else { if (((!(TL)) && (!(BL)))){ x = ((((xTileLeft + 1) * tileWidth) + (charWidth / 2)) + 0.01); }; }; }; }; }; if (slowPush){ if (pushDir != "lift"){ if (xSpeed > 0){ if (pushDustCount > pushDustMake){ spawnPushDust(); pushDustCount = 0; } else { pushDustCount++; }; } else { if (xSpeed < 0){ if (pushDustCount > pushDustMake){ spawnPushDust(); pushDustCount = 0; } else { pushDustCount++; }; }; }; }; }; if (myParent.myParent.leftMove){ if (!slowPush){ xSpeed = (xSpeed - speed); } else { xSpeed = (xSpeed - slowSpeed); if (pushDir == "right"){ slideBreak(); }; }; }; if (myParent.myParent.rightMove){ if (!slowPush){ xSpeed = (xSpeed + speed); } else { xSpeed = (xSpeed + slowSpeed); if (pushDir == "left"){ slideBreak(); }; }; }; xSpeed = (xSpeed * SpeedDes); getMyDeath(); if (kill){ isDead = true; }; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); getMyCorners(x, (y + ySpeed)); if (ySpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (TR))){ } else { y = ((yTile * tileHeight) + (charHeight / 2)); if ((((ySpeed < -5)) && (!(myParent.grav)))){ spawnDust(); }; ySpeed = 0; if (!myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; } else { if (ySpeed > 0){ if (((BL) && (BR))){ } else { y = ((((yTile + 1) * tileHeight) - (charHeight / 2)) - 0.01); if ((((ySpeed > 5)) && (myParent.grav))){ spawnDust(); }; ySpeed = 0; if (myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; }; }; if ((((xSpeed < 0.001)) && ((xSpeed > -0.001)))){ xSpeed = 0; stepCount = 0; } else { if ((((xSpeed > 2.5)) || ((xSpeed < -2.5)))){ if (ySpeed == 0){ if (slowPush){ if (pushDir == "lift"){ if (stepCount > stepCastSlowLift){ _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 4)); myParent.playSoundFX(("walk" + _local2)); stepCount = 0; } else { stepCount++; }; } else { if (stepCount > stepCastSlow){ _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 4)); myParent.playSoundFX(("walk" + _local2)); stepCount = 0; } else { stepCount++; }; }; } else { if (stepCount > stepCast){ _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 4)); myParent.playSoundFX(("walk" + _local2)); stepCount = 0; } else { stepCount++; }; }; }; }; }; getMyCorners((x + xSpeed), y); if (xSpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (BL))){ } else { x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (charWidth / 2)); xSpeed = 0; }; } else { if (xSpeed > 0){ if (((TR) && (BR))){ } else { x = ((((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (charWidth / 2)) - 0.01); xSpeed = 0; }; }; }; if (slowPush){ if (pushDir == "lift"){ if (myParent.grav){ _local5 = 25; } else { _local5 = -25; }; _local4 = 0; } else { if (myParent.grav){ _local5 = 2.5; } else { _local5 = -2.5; }; if (pushDir == "left"){ _local4 = 25; } else { _local4 = -25; }; }; getMyBoxCorners((x - _local4), ((y + ySpeed) - _local5)); if (ySpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (TR))){ } else { y = ((yTile * tileHeight) + (charHeight / 2)); ySpeed = 0; }; } else { if (ySpeed > 0){ if (((BL) && (BR))){ } else { y = ((((yTile + 1) * tileHeight) - (charHeight / 2)) - 0.01); ySpeed = 0; }; }; }; getMyBoxCorners(((x + xSpeed) - _local4), (y - _local5)); if (myParent.grav){ if (((!(BL)) && (BR))){ x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (checkWidth / 2)); xSpeed = 0; }; if (((BL) && (!(BR)))){ x = ((((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (checkWidth / 2)) - 0.01); xSpeed = 0; }; } else { if (((!(TL)) && (TR))){ x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (checkWidth / 2)); xSpeed = 0; }; if (((TL) && (!(TR)))){ x = ((((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (checkWidth / 2)) - 0.01); xSpeed = 0; }; }; if (xSpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (BL))){ } else { x = (((xTile * tileWidth) + (checkWidth / 2)) - 4); xSpeed = 0; }; } else { if (xSpeed > 0){ if (((TR) && (BR))){ } else { x = (((((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (checkWidth / 2)) - 0.01) + 4); xSpeed = 0; }; }; }; }; if (myParent.grav){ if (((((((myParent.myParent.upMove) && (myParent.myParent.upReset))) && (!(jumping)))) && ((ySpeed <= 0)))){ if (pushDir == "lift"){ if (!slowPush){ ySpeed = jumpSpeed; } else { ySpeed = slowJumpSpeed; }; }; myParent.myParent.upReset = false; jumping = true; }; if (ySpeed < 17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed + fallSpeed); }; scaleY = 1; } else { if (((((((myParent.myParent.upMove) && (myParent.myParent.upReset))) && (!(jumping)))) && ((ySpeed >= 0)))){ if (pushDir == "lift"){ if (!slowPush){ ySpeed = -(jumpSpeed); } else { ySpeed = -(slowJumpSpeed); }; }; myParent.myParent.upReset = false; jumping = true; }; if (ySpeed > -17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed - fallSpeed); }; scaleY = -1; }; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); if (!slowPush){ if (((!(BR)) || (!(BL)))){ if (pushCount > pushStart){ if (!jumping){ _local6 = false; if (!BL){ _local9 = -1; } else { _local9 = 1; }; if (myParent.grav){ _local10 = -1; } else { _local10 = 1; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < myParent.sliderHolder.length) { if (((((((xTile + _local9) == myParent.sliderHolder[_local7].xTile)) && (((yTile + _local10) == myParent.sliderHolder[_local7].yTile)))) && ((myParent.offsetCount == myParent.sliderHolder[_local7].currentLayer)))){ _local6 = true; }; _local7++; }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < myParent.sliderHolder.length) { if (myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local11 = (x - myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].x); _local12 = (y - myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].y); if ((((((Math.abs(_local12) <= 1)) && ((Math.abs(_local11) < 26)))) && (!(_local6)))){ if (!BR){ _local14 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((myParent.doorArray.length / 6))) { _local15 = (_local7 * 6); _local16 = myParent.spinX(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); _local17 = myParent.spinY(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); if ((((((((myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 3)] == myParent.offsetCount)) && ((_local16 == myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].xTile)))) && ((_local17 == yTile)))) && ((myParent.doorHolder[_local7].door.currentFrame == 1)))){ _local14 = false; }; _local7++; }; if (_local14){ myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].charFollow = true; pushDir = "right"; slowPush = true; slowTar = _local8; myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].yTile) + myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].xTile)].setNotWalk(); }; } else { if (!BL){ _local14 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((myParent.doorArray.length / 6))) { _local15 = (_local7 * 6); _local16 = myParent.spinX(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); _local17 = myParent.spinY(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); if ((((((((myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 3)] == myParent.offsetCount)) && ((_local16 == myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].xTile)))) && ((_local17 == yTile)))) && ((myParent.doorHolder[_local7].door.currentFrame == 1)))){ _local14 = false; }; _local7++; }; if (_local14){ myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].charFollow = true; pushDir = "left"; slowPush = true; slowTar = _local8; myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].yTile) + myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].xTile)].setNotWalk(); }; }; }; }; }; _local8++; }; }; } else { pushCount++; }; } else { pushCount = 0; }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < myParent.sliderHolder.length) { if (myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local11 = (x - myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].x); _local12 = (y - myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].y); if ((((Math.abs(_local12) <= 1)) && ((Math.abs(_local11) < 26)))){ if (!jumping){ if (myParent.grav){ _local19 = 1; } else { _local19 = -1; }; if (_local11 < 0){ _local13 = 1; } else { _local13 = -1; }; if (((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + (xTile + _local13))].walkable) && (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + xTile)].walkable))){ _local14 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((myParent.doorArray.length / 6))) { _local15 = (_local7 * 6); _local16 = myParent.spinX(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); _local17 = myParent.spinY(myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 4)], myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 5)]); if ((((((((myParent.doorArray[(_local15 + 3)] == myParent.offsetCount)) && ((_local16 == (xTile + _local13))))) && ((_local17 == yTile)))) && ((myParent.doorHolder[_local7].door.currentFrame == 1)))){ _local14 = false; }; _local7++; }; if (_local14){ if (myParent.myParent.pickUp){ myParent.myParent.pickUp = false; myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].charFollow = true; pushDir = "lift"; slowPush = true; slowTar = _local8; myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].yTile) + myParent.sliderHolder[_local8].xTile)].setNotWalk(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift1"); }; }; }; }; }; }; _local8++; }; myParent.myParent.pickUp = false; } else { if ((((pushDir == "left")) || ((pushDir == "right")))){ if (xSpeed == 0){ slideBreak(); }; if (myParent.grav){ _local19 = 1; } else { _local19 = -1; }; if (!myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * (myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].yTile + _local19)) + myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].xTile)].isClear()){ slideBreak(); }; } else { if (((((((myParent.myParent.pickUp) && ((slowTar >= 0)))) && ((Math.abs(ySpeed) <= 1)))) && (!(jumping)))){ getMyCorners(x, y); _local18 = (x % tileWidth); if (myParent.grav){ _local19 = 1; } else { _local19 = -1; }; if (scaleX < 0){ if (myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile) - 1)].walkable){ if (myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + xTile) - 1)].walkable){ if (_local18 > (tileWidth - (charWidth / 2))){ x = (x + ((30 - _local18) + charWidth)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); } else { if (_local18 > (tileWidth - charWidth)){ x = (x + ((30 - _local18) + charWidth)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); } else { myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) - (tileWidth / 2)); }; }; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = (y + 2.5); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].ySpeed = 0; x = (x - xSpeed); xSpeed = 0; breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); }; } else { if (((myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + xTile) - 1)].walkable) && ((_local18 < 16)))){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) - (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = ((y + 2.5) - (tileWidth * _local19)); breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); } else { if (!myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile + _local19)) + xTile) + 1)].walkable){ x = (x + ((30 - _local18) + charWidth)); x = (x - xSpeed); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = (y + 2.5); breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); }; }; }; } else { if (myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile) + 1)].walkable){ if (myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + xTile) + 1)].walkable){ if (_local18 < (charWidth / 2)){ x = (x - (_local18 + charWidth)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (tileWidth / 2)); } else { if (_local18 < charWidth){ x = (x - (_local18 + charWidth)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) - (tileWidth / 2)); } else { myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); }; }; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = (y + 2.5); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].ySpeed = 0; x = (x - xSpeed); xSpeed = 0; breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); }; } else { if (((myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile - _local19)) + xTile) + 1)].walkable) && ((_local18 > 14)))){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = ((y + 2.5) - (tileWidth * _local19)); breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); } else { if (!myParent.tileArray[(((myParent.mapWidth * (yTile + _local19)) + xTile) - 1)].walkable){ x = (x - (_local18 + (charWidth / 2))); x = (x - xSpeed); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = (y + 2.5); breakPush(); myParent.playSoundFX("blockLift2"); }; }; }; }; myParent.myParent.pickUp = false; }; }; }; }; x = (x + xSpeed); y = (y + ySpeed); }; }; }; }; } public function breakPush(){ if (slowPush){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].charFollow = false; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].setWalker = false; slowPush = false; pushDir = "lift"; pushDustCount = 0; }; } public function startChar(){ charStart = true; startCount = 0; xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; winAnimation = false; rotation = 0; winCount = 0; win = false; x = ((myStart[0] * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = (((myStart[1] * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)) + 3); xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "edit"){ charHolder.gotoAndStop(1); } else { charHolder.gotoAndStop(22); }; } function getFlip(){ if (!myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper){ if (slowPush){ isFlip = myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].isFlip; } else { isFlip = false; }; }; if (((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper) && (!(isFlip)))){ isFlip = true; switch (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl){ case 0: myParent.flipMap(); break; case 1: myParent.vertFlipMap(); break; case 2: myParent.flipGrav(); break; case 3: myParent.spinMapL(); break; case 4: myParent.spinMapR(); break; }; }; } function getKey(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < myParent.keyHolder.length) { if (myParent.keyHolder[_local3].currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local4 = (x - myParent.keyHolder[_local3].x); _local5 = (y - myParent.keyHolder[_local3].y); if ((((Math.abs(_local5) <= 10)) && ((Math.abs(_local4) < 10)))){ spawnKeyPoof(myParent.keyHolder[_local3].x, myParent.keyHolder[_local3].y, myParent.colorArray[(myParent.offsetCount * 3)]); myParent.getKey(_local3); }; }; _local3++; }; } function spawnKeyPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:keyPoof; _local4 = new keyPoof(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); myParent.poofMC.addChild(_local4); } public function resetMe(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; scaleY = 1; scaleX = 1; charHolder.gotoAndStop(20); breakPush(); } public function setCharFrame(){ charHolder.gotoAndPlay(1000); } public function startSuicide(){ if ((((myParent.myParent.currentLevel >= 32)) && ((myParent.myParent.gameState == "play")))){ myParent.stopStaticFX(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("endVid2"); } else { if (!suicide){ if (((!(jumping)) && ((Math.abs(ySpeed) <= 1)))){ suicide = true; suicideCount = 0; }; } else { suicideCount = suicideBam; }; }; } function spawnPushDust(){ var _local1:pushPoof; _local1 = new pushPoof(x, y, myParent.colorArray[(myParent.offsetCount * 3)]); _local1.scaleY = scaleY; _local1.scaleX = scaleX; myParent.poofMC.addChild(_local1); myParent.playSoundFX("pushblock"); } public function startSleep(){ if (!sleepStart){ sleepStart = true; }; } function getMyBoxCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (checkWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (checkWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor(((_arg2 - (checkWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor(((_arg2 + (checkWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); } function getChar():Point{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = new Point(x, y); return (_local1); } function slideBreak(){ if (pushDir == "left"){ myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile - 1) * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = y; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].setTile(); breakPush(); } else { myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].x = (((xTile + 1) * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].y = y; myParent.sliderHolder[slowTar].setTile(); breakPush(); }; } function getMyDeath(){ kill = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].killer; } public function tintMe(){ trace("tint"); } } }//package
Section 104
//charLandPoof (charLandPoof) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class charLandPoof extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function charLandPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(17, frame18); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; alpha = 0.5; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame18(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 105
//charTrail (charTrail) package { import flash.display.*; public class charTrail extends MovieClip { var myParent:MovieClip; public function charTrail(_arg1:MovieClip){ myParent = _arg1; x = myParent.theChar.x; y = myParent.theChar.y; gotoAndStop(((((myParent.theChar.currentFrame - 1) * 50) + 1) +; scaleX = myParent.theChar.scaleX; scaleY = myParent.theChar.scaleY; } } }//package
Section 106
//click (click) package { import*; public dynamic class click extends Sound { } }//package
Section 107
//colorWindow (colorWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.motion.*; import flash.text.*; public class colorWindow extends MovieClip { public var l2c2:MovieClip; public var l2c1:MovieClip; var colMC:MovieClip; var curTile:Array; public var l1c1:MovieClip; public var l1c3:MovieClip; public var l1c2:MovieClip; public var bg:MovieClip; public var colSpec:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var l3c1:MovieClip; public var l3c3:MovieClip; public var l3c2:MovieClip; public var buttonClose:SimpleButton; public var l2c3:MovieClip; public function colorWindow(_arg1){ var _local2:*; var _local3:Bitmap; var _local4:*; curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); myParent = _arg1; setPos(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 3) { _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= 3) { setTint(_local2, _local4, myParent.colorArray[(((_local2 - 1) * 3) + (_local4 - 1))]); this[((("l" + _local2) + "c") + _local4)].lev = _local2; this[((("l" + _local2) + "c") + _local4)].col = _local4; this[((("l" + _local2) + "c") + _local4)].buttonMode = true; this[((("l" + _local2) + "c") + _local4)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickTile); _local4++; }; _local2++; }; colMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, selectColor); buttonClose.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, closeWindow); l1c1.gotoAndStop(2); addChild(colMC); colMC.x = colSpec.x; colMC.y = colSpec.y; a = new BitmapData(colSpec.width, colSpec.height); _local3 = new Bitmap(a); colMC.addChild(_local3); a.draw(colSpec); } function closeWindow(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.colorPicking = false; } function hoverTile(_arg1:MouseEvent){ } function setTint(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:Color; myParent.colorArray[(((_arg1 - 1) * 3) + (_arg2 - 1))] = _arg3; _local4 = new Color(); _local4.setTint(_arg3, 0.5); this[((("l" + _arg1) + "c") + _arg2)].transform.colorTransform = _local4; } function pickTile(_arg1:MouseEvent){ this[((("l" + curTile[0]) + "c") + curTile[1])].gotoAndStop(1); curTile[0] =; curTile[1] =; this[((("l" + curTile[0]) + "c") + curTile[1])].gotoAndStop(2); } public function setPos(){ x = 225; y = 45; } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; } function pickColor(){ } function selectColor(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = (mouseX + 125); _local3 = (mouseY - 160); _local4 = a.getPixel(_local2, _local3); trace(((_local2 + " - - ") + _local3)); trace(_local4); setTint(curTile[0], curTile[1], _local4); } } }//package
Section 108
//d (d) package { import*; public dynamic class d extends Sound { } }//package
Section 109
//d2 (d2) package { import*; public dynamic class d2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 110
//deathSound (deathSound) package { import*; public dynamic class deathSound extends Sound { } }//package
Section 111
//door_close (door_close) package { import*; public dynamic class door_close extends Sound { } }//package
Section 112
//door_open (door_open) package { import*; public dynamic class door_open extends Sound { } }//package
Section 113
//e (e) package { import*; public dynamic class e extends Sound { } }//package
Section 114
//e2 (e2) package { import*; public dynamic class e2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 115
//editLoop (editLoop) package { import*; public dynamic class editLoop extends Sound { } }//package
Section 116
//editor_interface (editor_interface) package { import flash.display.*; import*; public class editor_interface extends MovieClip { public var liveButton:SimpleButton; public var muteB:SimpleButton; public var introB:SimpleButton; public var optionsButton:SimpleButton; public var menuButton:SimpleButton; var myParent:MovieClip; public var resetButton:SimpleButton; public var switchLayer:SimpleButton; var muteCount:Number;// = 0 public function editor_interface(_arg1){ muteCount = 0; super(); myParent = _arg1; x = 10; y = 30; if (!myParent.killSwitch){ liveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, setLive); resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetMap); optionsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pickOptions); menuButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu); switchLayer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, switchL); muteB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleMute); introB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, introButtonFunction); liveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, liveOver); resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, resetOver); optionsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, optionsOver); menuButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, menuOver); switchLayer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, switchOver); muteB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, muteOver); introB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, helpOver); liveButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); resetButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); optionsButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); menuButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); switchLayer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); muteB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); introB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, moveOut); }; } function pickOptions(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = !(myParent.optionsPicking); myParent.layersPicking = false; myParent.colorPicking = false; myParent.gameLive = false; myParent.textPicking = false; myParent.introPicking = false; myParent.resetter = true; myParent.EWindow.offPos(); myParent.lineHolder.visible = !(myParent.gameLive); myParent.mapBeat = false; } function menu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.EWindow.togglePos(); } function setLive(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.mapBeat = false; myParent.gameLive = !(myParent.gameLive); if (!myParent.gameLive){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Test your level"; } else { myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Back to Editing"; }; myParent.theChar.isDead = false; myParent.lineHolder.visible = !(myParent.gameLive); myParent.colorPicking = false; myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.layersPicking = false; myParent.textPicking = false; myParent.headPicking = false; myParent.resetter = false; myParent.introPicking = false; myParent.EWindow.offPos(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; myParent.resetter = true; } function switchL(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.changeMap(true); } function optionsOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Open up the options menu"; } function muteOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Toggle Mute"; if (myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume > 0){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Mute Music"; } else { if (myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume > 0){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Mute All"; } else { myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Unmute All"; }; }; } function helpOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Open help window"; } function toggleMute(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.muteCount++; myParent.myParent.muteCount = (myParent.myParent.muteCount % 3); trace(myParent.myParent.muteCount); if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 0){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Mute Music"; myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 1; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 1; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 1){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Mute All"; myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 0; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 1; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 2){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Unmute All"; myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 0; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 0; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; } function introButtonFunction(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.layersPicking = false; myParent.colorPicking = false; myParent.gameLive = false; myParent.textPicking = false; myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.EWindow.offPos(); myParent.introPicking = !(myParent.introPicking); myParent.lineHolder.visible = !(myParent.gameLive); myParent.mapBeat = false; } function switchOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Flip layers \n(hotkey: A)"; } function resetOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Reset"; } function moveOut(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = ""; } function menuOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Back to the main menu"; } function resetMap(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.resetter = true; } function liveOver(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (!myParent.gameLive){ myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Test your level"; } else { myParent.TWindow.blockDesc.text = "Back to Editing"; }; } } }//package
Section 117
//error (error) package { import*; public dynamic class error extends Sound { } }//package
Section 118
//exitWindow (exitWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class exitWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var yesB:SimpleButton; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var noB:SimpleButton; public var myVar:String; public function exitWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); myParent = _arg1; stop(); offPos(); yesB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, slYes); noB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, slNo); } public function slNo(_arg1:MouseEvent){ offPos(); } public function offPos(){ if (myParent.myParent.gameState != "edit"){ myParent.gameLive = true; }; x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "edit"){ myParent.colorPicking = false; myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.layersPicking = false; myParent.textPicking = false; myParent.headPicking = false; myParent.introPicking = false; } else { myParent.SlWindow.offPos(); myParent.PWindow.offPos(); }; myParent.gameLive = false; x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } public function togglePos(){ if (x > 900){ setPos(); } else { offPos(); }; } public function slYes(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.exit(); offPos(); } } }//package
Section 119
//eyesandmouth (eyesandmouth) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class eyesandmouth extends MovieClip { var myParent:MovieClip; public function eyesandmouth(){ var _local1:Color; super(); _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(0xFFFFFF, 1); } } }//package
Section 120
//f (f) package { import*; public dynamic class f extends Sound { } }//package
Section 121
//f2 (f2) package { import*; public dynamic class f2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 122
//fade1 (fade1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class fade1 extends MovieClip { public function fade1(){ addFrameScript(14, frame15); } function frame15(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 123
//g (g) package { import*; public dynamic class g extends Sound { } }//package
Section 124
//g2 (g2) package { import*; public dynamic class g2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 125
//game_music (game_music) package { import*; public dynamic class game_music extends Sound { } }//package
Section 126
//GlobalVarContainer (GlobalVarContainer) package { public class GlobalVarContainer { public static var vars:Object = []; } }//package
Section 127
//gravityDown (gravityDown) package { import*; public dynamic class gravityDown extends Sound { } }//package
Section 128
//gravityUp (gravityUp) package { import*; public dynamic class gravityUp extends Sound { } }//package
Section 129
//h (h) package { import*; public dynamic class h extends Sound { } }//package
Section 130
//h2 (h2) package { import*; public dynamic class h2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 131
//head (head) package { import flash.display.*; public class head extends MovieClip { public function head(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); gotoAndStop(GlobalVarContainer.vars.headFlag); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 132
//headWindow (headWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class headWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var h1:MovieClip; public var h2:MovieClip; public var h4:MovieClip; public var h5:MovieClip; public var h6:MovieClip; public var h7:MovieClip; public var h8:MovieClip; public var h3:MovieClip; public var myVar:String; public var backButton:SimpleButton; public function headWindow(_arg1){ var _local2:Number; curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 8) { this[("h" + _local2)].head = _local2; this[("h" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("h" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(_local2); this[("h" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickHead); _local2++; }; this[("h" + myParent.charArray[2])].headBG.gotoAndStop(2); backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, back); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } function pickHead(_arg1:MouseEvent){ this[("h" + myParent.charArray[2])].headBG.gotoAndStop(1); myParent.charArray[2] = _arg1.currentTarget.head; GlobalVarContainer.vars.headFlag = _arg1.currentTarget.head; this[("h" + myParent.charArray[2])].headBG.gotoAndStop(2); myParent.offsetCount = 0; myParent.theChar.setCharFrame(); myParent.resetMap(); } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.headPicking = false; } } }//package
Section 133
//i (i) package { import*; public dynamic class i extends Sound { } }//package
Section 134
//i2 (i2) package { import*; public dynamic class i2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 135
//intro_menu (intro_menu) package { import*; public dynamic class intro_menu extends Sound { } }//package
Section 136
//intro_tune_1 (intro_tune_1) package { import*; public dynamic class intro_tune_1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 137
//intro_tune_2 (intro_tune_2) package { import*; public dynamic class intro_tune_2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 138
//intro_tune_3 (intro_tune_3) package { import*; public dynamic class intro_tune_3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 139
//introField (introField) package { import*; public dynamic class introField extends Sound { } }//package
Section 140
//introLoop (introLoop) package { import*; public dynamic class introLoop extends Sound { } }//package
Section 141
//introScroll (introScroll) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class introScroll extends MovieClip { public var myParent:MovieClip; public function introScroll(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 903, frame904); } function frame1(){ } function frame904(){ myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); stop(); } } }//package
Section 142
//introWindow (introWindow) package { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class introWindow extends MovieClip { public var editButton:SimpleButton; var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var joinB:SimpleButton; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var NGB:SimpleButton; public var menuB:SimpleButton; public var myVar:String; public function introWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); myParent = _arg1; stop(); offPos(); if (!myParent.killSwitch){ editButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); } else { setPos(); if (myParent.isNG){ gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } function joinFun(_arg1:MouseEvent){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest("")); } function frame3(){ menuB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menuBFun); joinB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, joinFun); stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } public function togglePos(){ if (x > 900){ setPos(); } else { offPos(); }; } function frame2(){ NGB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ngB); menuB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menuBFun); stop(); } function ngB(_arg1:MouseEvent){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(NewgroundsAPI.getOfficialVersionURL())); } function menuBFun(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.introPicking = false; } } }//package
Section 143
//j (j) package { import*; public dynamic class j extends Sound { } }//package
Section 144
//j2 (j2) package { import*; public dynamic class j2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 145
//k (k) package { import*; public dynamic class k extends Sound { } }//package
Section 146
//k2 (k2) package { import*; public dynamic class k2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 147
//key (key) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; import flash.geom.*; public class key extends MovieClip { var startLayer:Number; var myStart:Array; var currentTint:Number; var fastDes:Number;// = 0.8 var BL:Boolean; var BR:Boolean; var starty:Number; var slowDes:Number;// = 0.5 var startx:Number; var speed:Number;// = 4 var SpeedDes:Number; var xTileLeft:Number; var xTileRight:Number; var TR:Boolean; var TL:Boolean; public var xSpeed:Number;// = 0 var isFlip:Boolean;// = false var arrayTile:Number; var slowSpeed:Number;// = 0.07 var yTile:Number; public var charFollow:Boolean;// = false var jumpSpeed:Number;// = -11.8 var jumping:Boolean;// = false var yTileTop:Number; public var pushDir:String;// = "right" public var setWalker:Boolean;// = false var blockWidth:Number;// = 25 var xTile:Number; public var ySpeed:Number;// = 0 public var currentLayer:Number; var kill:Boolean;// = false var telePage:Number; var tileHeight:Number;// = 30 var myParent:MovieClip; public var teleCount:Number;// = 0 var fallSpeed:Number;// = 1 var tele:Boolean;// = false var tileWidth:Number;// = 30 var yTileBottom:Number; var win:Boolean;// = false var landCount:Number;// = 6 var teleX:Number; public var isTele:Boolean;// = false var teleY:Number; public function key(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ myStart = new Array(5, 5); xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; fallSpeed = 1; slowSpeed = 0.07; speed = 4; fastDes = 0.8; slowDes = 0.5; SpeedDes = fastDes; blockWidth = 25; tileWidth = 30; tileHeight = 30; win = false; kill = false; tele = false; isTele = false; isFlip = false; jumping = false; jumpSpeed = -11.8; landCount = 6; setWalker = false; charFollow = false; teleCount = 0; pushDir = "right"; super(); myParent = _arg1; startLayer = _arg2; startx = _arg3; starty = _arg4; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); startKey(); } function getTele(_arg1, _arg2){ tele = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleport; teleX = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleX; teleY = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleY; telePage = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].telePage; } function restart(){ myParent.resetMap(); } function getMyDeathCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor((((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor((((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].killer; BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].killer; TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].killer; BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].killer; } public function setTint(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:Color; if (_arg1 != currentTint){ _local2 = new Color(); _local2.setTint(_arg1, 0.5); transform.colorTransform = _local2; currentTint = _arg1; }; } public function startKey(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 1; xTile = startx; yTile = starty; setWalker = false; currentLayer = startLayer; x = ((startx * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((starty * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); } public function spinKey(_arg1:String){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 == "l"){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); _local3 = xTile; xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); } else { if (_arg1 == "r"){ _local2 = yTile; _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); } else { if (_arg1 == "v"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); yTile = _local3; y = ((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); }; } else { if (_arg1 == "f"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); }; }; }; }; }; } function getMyCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor(((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor(((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); } public function moveKey():void{ getTele(x, y); if (!tele){ isTele = false; }; if (((tele) && (!(isTele)))){ myParent.theChar.breakPush(); isTele = true; myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setNotWalk(); x = ((teleX * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((teleY * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); }; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); getMyCorners(x, (y + ySpeed)); if (ySpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (TR))){ } else { y = ((yTile * tileHeight) + (blockWidth / 2)); if ((((ySpeed < -5)) && (!(myParent.grav)))){ myParent.playSoundFX("keyLand"); }; ySpeed = 0; if (!myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; } else { if (ySpeed > 0){ if (((BL) && (BR))){ } else { y = ((((yTile + 1) * tileHeight) - (blockWidth / 2)) - 0.05); if ((((ySpeed > 5)) && (myParent.grav))){ trace("boom"); myParent.playSoundFX("keyLand"); }; ySpeed = 0; if (myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; }; }; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); if (myParent.grav){ scaleY = 1; } else { scaleY = -1; }; getMyCorners(x, y); if (((((((!(TR)) && (!(TL)))) && (!(BL)))) && (!(BR)))){ } else { if (myParent.grav){ if (ySpeed < 17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed + fallSpeed); }; } else { if (ySpeed > -17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed - fallSpeed); }; }; }; y = (y + ySpeed); } function getFlip(){ if (!myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper){ isFlip = false; }; if (((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper) && (!(isFlip)))){ isFlip = true; trace(myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl); switch (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl){ case 0: myParent.flipMap(); break; case 1: myParent.flipGrav(); break; case 2: myParent.spinMapL(); break; case 3: myParent.spinMapR(); break; }; }; } public function resetMe(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 1; } function getChar():Point{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = new Point(x, y); return (_local1); } function getMyDeath(){ kill = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].killer; } public function tintMe(){ trace("tint"); } } }//package
Section 148
//keyLand (keyLand) package { import*; public dynamic class keyLand extends Sound { } }//package
Section 149
//keyPickup (keyPickup) package { import*; public dynamic class keyPickup extends Sound { } }//package
Section 150
//keyPoof (keyPoof) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class keyPoof extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function keyPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(12, frame13); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; alpha = 0.5; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame13(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 151
//l (l) package { import*; public dynamic class l extends Sound { } }//package
Section 152
//l2 (l2) package { import*; public dynamic class l2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 153
//layer_change1 (layer_change1) package { import*; public dynamic class layer_change1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 154
//layer_change2 (layer_change2) package { import*; public dynamic class layer_change2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 155
//layer_change3 (layer_change3) package { import*; public dynamic class layer_change3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 156
//layersWindow (layersWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class layersWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var l0:MovieClip; public var l1:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; public var l2:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var myVar:String; public var backButton:SimpleButton; public function layersWindow(_arg1){ var _local2:Number; curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= 2) { this[("l" + _local2)].layer = _local2; this[("l" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("l" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickLayer); _local2++; }; this[("l" + myParent.totalLevel)].gotoAndStop(2); backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, back); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function pickLayer(_arg1:MouseEvent){ this[("l" + myParent.totalLevel)].gotoAndStop(1); myParent.totalLevel = _arg1.currentTarget.layer; myParent.mapData[3][0] = _arg1.currentTarget.layer; this[("l" + myParent.totalLevel)].gotoAndStop(2); myParent.offsetCount = 0; myParent.resetMap(); } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.layersPicking = false; } function pickScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.mapScore > 0){ this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(1); }; myParent.mapScore = _arg1.currentTarget.score; this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(2); } } }//package
Section 157
//leaderBoard (leaderBoard) package { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class leaderBoard extends MovieClip { var topNew:lister; public var recentB:SimpleButton; public var levelNum:TextField; var myParent:MovieClip; public var topB:SimpleButton; public var hardB:SimpleButton; public var menuB:SimpleButton; public var playCustom:SimpleButton; var topScores:lister; var topDifficulty:lister; public function leaderBoard(_arg1){ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery; var _local3:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery; var _local4:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery; super(); myParent = _arg1; _local2 = NewgroundsAPI.createSaveQuery("Levels"); _local2.resultsPerPage = 33; _local2.includeRating("Difficulty"); _local2.includeRating("Overall Fun"); _local2.sortOn(0, true); _local2.execute(); _local2.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, newDone); _local3 = NewgroundsAPI.createSaveQuery("Levels"); _local3.resultsPerPage = 33; _local3.includeRating("Difficulty"); _local3.includeRating("Overall Fun"); _local3.addRatingCondition("Overall Fun", ">=", 8, "votes"); _local3.sortOnRating("Overall Fun", true); _local3.execute(); _local3.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, funDone); _local4 = NewgroundsAPI.createSaveQuery("Levels"); _local4.resultsPerPage = 33; _local4.includeRating("Difficulty"); _local4.includeRating("Overall Fun"); _local4.addRatingCondition("Difficulty", ">=", 8, "votes"); _local4.sortOnRating("Difficulty", true); _local4.execute(); _local4.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, diffDone); recentB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, activeNew); recentB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverSound); topB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, activeScore); topB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverSound); hardB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, activeDifficulty); hardB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverSound); playCustom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, customLevel); playCustom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverSound); menuB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menu); menuB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverSound); } function parseLevels(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:XML; _local2 = new XML(; } function customLevelE(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:URLLoader; var _local3:URLVariables; var _local4:URLRequest; if (levelNum.text != ""){ _local2 = new URLLoader(); _local3 = new URLVariables(); _local4 = new URLRequest(((myParent.domain + "grabSingle.php?cachebuster=") + new Date().getTime())); _local4.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; _local3.levelID = levelNum.text; = _local3; _local2.load(_local4); _local2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, myParent.parseLevelE); }; } function loader(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ myParent.setMulti(); myParent.loadSingle(, levelNum.text); trace(; } public function activeScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ topNew.offPos(); topScores.setPos(); topDifficulty.offPos(); clickSound(); } function diffDone(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ topDifficulty = new lister(this,, "Difficult"); addChild(topDifficulty); topDifficulty.offPos(); } public function boardActions(){ if (topNew){ topNew.listerActions(); }; if (topScores){ topScores.listerActions(); }; if (topDifficulty){ topDifficulty.listerActions(); }; } function findLevel(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){[0].addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, loader);[0].loadContents(); } function menu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.goMain(); clickSound(); } public function activeDifficulty(_arg1:MouseEvent){ topNew.offPos(); topScores.offPos(); topDifficulty.setPos(); clickSound(); } function newDone(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ topNew = new lister(this,, "Recent"); addChild(topNew); topNew.setPos(); } function clickSound(){ myParent.playSoundFX("click"); } function hoverSound(_arg1:Event){ myParent.playSoundFX("mouseover"); } function customLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveGroupQuery; trace("click"); if (levelNum.text != ""){ _local2 = NewgroundsAPI.createSaveQuery("Levels"); _local2.resultsPerPage = 1; _local2.addFileCondition(0, "=", levelNum.text); _local2.execute(); _local2.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, findLevel); clickSound(); myParent.loadCount = 0; myParent.gotoAndStop("introTransition"); }; } function funDone(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ topScores = new lister(this,, "Awsome"); addChild(topScores); topScores.offPos(); } public function activeNew(_arg1:MouseEvent){ topNew.setPos(); topScores.offPos(); topDifficulty.offPos(); clickSound(); } } }//package
Section 158
//levelEnd (levelEnd) package { import*; public dynamic class levelEnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 159
//lister (lister) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class lister extends MovieClip { public var title:TextField; var myParent:MovieClip; public var theList:MovieClip; var isDrag:Boolean;// = false public var slider:MovieClip; public function lister(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:int; var _local5:listItem; isDrag = false; super(); title.text = _arg3; myParent = _arg1; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg2.length) { _local5 = new listItem(this, _arg2[_local4], (_local4 + 1)); theList.addChild(_local5); _local4++; }; slider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startSlide); myParent.myParent.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopSlide); } function startSlide(_arg1:MouseEvent){ isDrag = true; } public function setPos(){ x = 280; } function listerActions(){ var _local1:Number; if (isDrag){ slider.y = (mouseY - (slider.height / 2)); if (slider.y < 0){ slider.y = 0; } else { if (slider.y > (435 - slider.height)){ slider.y = (435 - slider.height); }; }; _local1 = (slider.y / (435 - slider.height)); if (theList.height > 400){ theList.y = ((-(_local1) * (theList.height - 400)) + 45); }; }; } function stopSlide(_arg1:MouseEvent){ isDrag = false; } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; } } }//package
Section 160
//listItem (listItem) package { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class listItem extends MovieClip { public var diffFace:MovieClip; public var scoreFace:MovieClip; var spacer:Number;// = 5 public var levelName:TextField; var myLevel; var levelNum:Number; public var listButton:MovieClip; var myParent:MovieClip; public function listItem(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ spacer = 5; super(); myParent = _arg1; myLevel = _arg2; levelNum =; y = ((_arg3 - 1) * (height + spacer)); levelName.text =; if (myLevel.getRating("Overall Fun").score != 0){ scoreFace.gotoAndStop(Math.round((myLevel.getRating("Overall Fun").score / 2))); } else { scoreFace.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (myLevel.getRating("Difficulty").score != 0){ diffFace.gotoAndStop(Math.round((myLevel.getRating("Difficulty").score / 2))); } else { diffFace.gotoAndStop(3); }; listButton.buttonMode = true; listButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadLevel); } function loader(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ myParent.myParent.myParent.setMulti(); myParent.myParent.myParent.loadSingle(, levelNum); trace(; } function loadLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ trace(levelNum); trace(myLevel.getRating("Difficulty").score); myLevel.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_LOADED, loader); myLevel.loadContents(); myParent.myParent.myParent.loadCount = 0; myParent.myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("introTransition"); } } }//package
Section 161
//LZW (LZW) package { public class LZW { public static function compress(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:String; var _local5:Number; var _local6:String; var _local7:Array; var _local8:String; var _local9:String; var _local10:Array; var _local11:Array; _local5 = 0x0100; _local6 = new String(_arg1); _local7 = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local5) { _local7[String(_local2)] = _local2; _local2++; }; _local9 = new String(""); _local10 = _local6.split(""); _local11 = new Array(); _local3 = _local10.length; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= _local3) { _local8 = new String(_local10[_local2]); _local4 = ((_local11.length)==0) ? String(_local8.charCodeAt(0)) : ((_local11.join("-") + "-") + String(_local8.charCodeAt(0))); if (_local7[_local4] !== undefined){ _local11.push(_local8.charCodeAt(0)); } else { _local9 = (_local9 + String.fromCharCode(_local7[_local11.join("-")])); _local7[_local4] = _local5; _local5++; _local11 = new Array(); _local11.push(_local8.charCodeAt(0)); }; _local2++; }; return (_local9); } public static function decompress(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Array; var _local5:String; var _local6:Array; var _local7:Number; var _local8:String; var _local9:String; var _local10:String; var _local11:Number; var _local12:String; _local3 = 0x0100; _local4 = new Array(); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _local4[_local2] = String.fromCharCode(_local2); _local2++; }; _local5 = new String(_arg1); _local6 = _local5.split(""); _local7 = _local6.length; _local8 = new String(""); _local9 = new String(""); _local10 = new String(""); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local7) { _local11 = _local5.charCodeAt(_local2); _local12 = _local4[_local11]; if (_local8 == ""){ _local8 = _local12; _local10 = (_local10 + _local12); } else { if (_local11 <= 0xFF){ _local10 = (_local10 + _local12); _local9 = (_local8 + _local12); _local4[_local3] = _local9; _local3++; _local8 = _local12; } else { _local9 = _local4[_local11]; if (_local9 == null){ _local9 = (_local8 + _local8.slice(0, 1)); }; _local10 = (_local10 + _local9); _local4[_local3] = (_local8 + _local9.slice(0, 1)); _local3++; _local8 = _local9; }; }; _local2++; }; return (_local10); } } }//package
Section 162
//m (m) package { import*; public dynamic class m extends Sound { } }//package
Section 163
//m2 (m2) package { import*; public dynamic class m2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 164
//map (map) package { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import fl.motion.*; import*; public class map extends MovieClip { var boardSize; var theTrail:charTrail; var introTextArray:Array; var spinHold:Array; var introPicking:Boolean;// = true var portalLinesArray:Array; var poofMC:MovieClip; var killSwitch:Boolean;// = false var keyMC:MovieClip; var offsetCount:Number;// = 0 var voteCount:Number;// = 0 var tileArray:Array; var placePortal:Boolean;// = true public var PWindow:pauseWindow; var isNG:Boolean;// = false var greenClick:Boolean;// = false var totalKey:Number;// = 0 var layersPicking:Boolean;// = false var resetter:Boolean;// = false var trailLength:Number;// = 6 public var EWindow:exitWindow; var breakArray:Array; var bgMC:MovieClip; var charArray:Array; var theSlider:slider; var blinkCast:Number;// = 50 var colorArray:Array; var currentDoor:Number; var flipTileNum:Number;// = 142 var fx:SoundChannel; var tintCast:Number;// = 50 var doorKeyHolder:Array; var keyHolder:Array; var OWindow:optionsWindow; var timeMC:MovieClip; var greenArray:Array; var infade:fade1; var endScreen:String; var exitVote:Boolean;// = false var introTalk:Boolean;// = true var sliderClick:Boolean;// = false var voteCast:Number;// = 1800 var portalArray:Array; var overallBG:background; var placeDoor:Boolean;// = true var TWindow:tileWindow;// = null var doorDoorNum:Number;// = 139 var greenTileNum:Number;// = 147 var myParent:MovieClip; var InWindow:introWindow; var shiftCount:Number;// = 0 var backArray:Array; var holdSaying:String; var mapWidth:Number;// = 17 var flipArray:Array; var sliderHolder:Array; var portalLines:MovieClip; var doorKeyNum:Number;// = 138 var switchBox:switcher; var sliderArray:Array; var spinCount:Number;// = 0 var talkCast:Number;// = 800 var CWindow:colorWindow;// = null var fgMC:MovieClip; var headPicking:Boolean;// = false var SWindow:submitWindow; var mapHolder:MovieClip; var textPicking:Boolean;// = false var sliderMC:MovieClip; var editInterface:editor_interface; var HWindow:headWindow; var mapArray:Array; var grav:Boolean;// = true var newOverLay:overLay; var bgCover:background; var destroyArray:Array; var winTileNum:Number;// = 38 var nameArray:Array; var keyTileNum:Number;// = 148 var mapScore:Number;// = 0 var totalLevel:Number; var trans:MovieClip; var staticChannel:SoundChannel; var lineHolder:MovieClip; var flipHold:Array; var breakMC:MovieClip; var timeHolder:Array; var tintCount:Number;// = 0 var backMap:MovieClip; var doorHolder:Array; var textPick:Number; var blinkCount:Number;// = 0 var mapData:Array; var mapBeat:Boolean;// = false var keyArray:Array; var colorPicking:Boolean;// = false var currentPortal:Number; var doorArray:Array; var trailHolder:MovieClip; var LWindow:layersWindow; public var theChar:char; var mapID:Number; var gravTileNum:Number;// = 144 var mapDiff:Number;// = 0 var timeArray:Array; var TXWindow:textWindow; var newMap:Boolean;// = false var optionsPicking:Boolean;// = false var tileWidth:Number;// = 30 var staticFX:Sound; var talkCount:Number;// = 720 public var currentTile:Number;// = 0 var theInterface:playInterface; var SlWindow:sleepWindow; var doorKey:Boolean;// = false var charClick:Boolean;// = false var VWindow:voteWindow; var holdName:String; var portalTileNum:Number;// = 149 var trailArray:Array; var gameLive:Boolean;// = false public function map(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Number, _arg4:String=null){ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:key; var _local8:Number; var _local9:timeTile; var _local10:*; var _local11:tile_outline; tileArray = new Array(); backArray = new Array(); mapWidth = 17; tileWidth = 30; boardSize = (mapWidth * mapWidth); totalKey = 0; offsetCount = 0; keyHolder = new Array(); greenArray = new Array(); destroyArray = new Array(); sliderHolder = new Array(); timeArray = new Array(); timeHolder = new Array(); doorArray = new Array(); doorHolder = new Array(); doorKeyHolder = new Array(); nameArray = new Array(); introTextArray = new Array(); sliderMC = new MovieClip(); keyMC = new MovieClip(); timeMC = new MovieClip(); backMap = new MovieClip(); mapHolder = new MovieClip(); switchBox = new switcher(); poofMC = new MovieClip(); breakMC = new MovieClip(); breakArray = new Array(); overallBG = new background(); bgCover = new background(); grav = true; spinCount = 0; shiftCount = 0; trailArray = new Array(); trailLength = 6; trailHolder = new MovieClip(); mapDiff = 0; mapScore = 0; newMap = false; lineHolder = new MovieClip(); portalLines = new MovieClip(); portalLinesArray = new Array(); TWindow = null; CWindow = null; placePortal = true; placeDoor = true; doorKey = false; gameLive = false; currentTile = 0; colorPicking = false; optionsPicking = false; layersPicking = false; textPicking = false; headPicking = false; resetter = false; introPicking = true; fx = new SoundChannel(); staticFX = new talkingBg(); staticChannel = new SoundChannel(); mapBeat = false; portalTileNum = 149; keyTileNum = 148; greenTileNum = 147; flipTileNum = 142; gravTileNum = 144; doorDoorNum = 139; doorKeyNum = 138; winTileNum = 38; fgMC = new MovieClip(); bgMC = new MovieClip(); voteCount = 0; voteCast = 1800; exitVote = false; textPick = Math.random(); talkCount = 720; talkCast = 800; introTalk = true; tintCount = 0; tintCast = 50; blinkCount = 0; blinkCast = 50; charClick = false; sliderClick = false; greenClick = false; killSwitch = false; isNG = false; super(); holdName = _arg4; myParent = _arg1; if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ if (NewgroundsAPI.hasUserSession()){ } else { if (NewgroundsAPI.isNewgrounds()){ killSwitch = true; isNG = true; } else { killSwitch = true; isNG = false; }; }; }; editInterface = new editor_interface(this); mapData = _arg2; mapID = _arg3; mapArray = mapData[0]; colorArray = mapData[1]; charArray = mapData[2]; GlobalVarContainer.vars.headFlag = charArray[2]; portalArray = mapData[4]; keyArray = mapData[5]; flipArray = mapData[6]; totalLevel = mapData[3][0]; greenArray = mapData[7]; sliderArray = mapData[8]; timeArray = mapData[9]; doorArray = mapData[10]; nameArray = mapData[11]; introTextArray = mapData[12]; setHolds(); if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ gameLive = false; } else { gameLive = true; }; totalKey = Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3)); x = -30; y = -30; addChild(overallBG); overallBG.y = 30; addChild(backMap); addChild(poofMC); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < Math.floor((sliderArray.length / 3))) { _local5 = (_local10 * 3); theSlider = new slider(this, sliderArray[_local5], sliderArray[(_local5 + 1)], sliderArray[(_local5 + 2)]); sliderHolder.push(theSlider); _local10++; }; _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3))) { _local6 = (_local10 * 3); _local7 = new key(this, keyArray[_local6], keyArray[(_local6 + 1)], keyArray[(_local6 + 2)]); keyHolder.push(_local7); _local10++; }; _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < Math.floor((timeArray.length / 4))) { _local8 = (_local10 * 4); _local9 = new timeTile(this, timeArray[_local8], timeArray[(_local8 + 1)], timeArray[(_local8 + 2)], timeArray[(_local8 + 3)]); timeHolder.push(_local9); _local10++; }; addChild(bgMC); addChild(fgMC); addChild(mapHolder); addChild(breakMC); theChar = new char(this, charArray); addChild(theChar); if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ addChild(lineHolder); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < (mapWidth * mapWidth)) { _local11 = new tile_outline(getHeight(_local10), getWidth(_local10)); lineHolder.addChild(_local11); _local10++; }; }; addChild(bgCover); bgCover.x = 481; bgCover.y = 20; if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ addChild(editInterface); addChild(portalLines); HWindow = new headWindow(this); addChild(HWindow); TXWindow = new textWindow(this); addChild(TXWindow); LWindow = new layersWindow(this); addChild(LWindow); OWindow = new optionsWindow(this); addChild(OWindow); TWindow = new tileWindow(this, offsetCount); addChild(TWindow); CWindow = new colorWindow(this); addChild(CWindow); CWindow.offPos(); SWindow = new submitWindow(this); addChild(SWindow); InWindow = new introWindow(this); addChild(InWindow); if (!{ introPicking = true; = true; }; } else { if (myParent.gameState == "play"){ newOverLay = new overLay(); addChild(newOverLay); trace((myParent.currentLevel + 1)); newOverLay.gotoAndStop((myParent.currentLevel + 1)); newOverLay.x = 30; newOverLay.y = 30; }; theInterface = new playInterface(this); PWindow = new pauseWindow(this); addChild(PWindow); SlWindow = new sleepWindow(this); addChild(SlWindow); VWindow = new voteWindow(this); addChild(VWindow); addChild(theInterface); theInterface.gameVocals.setInGame(); getLevelName(); infade = new fade1(); infade.x = 30; infade.y = 30; shiftCount = infade.totalFrames; addChild(infade); }; EWindow = new exitWindow(this); addChild(EWindow); switchBox.x = 30; switchBox.y = 30; switchBox.mouseEnabled = false; switchBox.mouseChildren = false; addChild(switchBox); buildMap(offsetCount); setActive(); holdSaying = getSaying("randomVocals"); } public function checkTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((timeArray.length / 4))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 4); if ((((((timeArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((timeArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((timeArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } public function checkSlider(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((sliderArray.length / 3))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 3); if ((((((sliderArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((sliderArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((sliderArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } function getWidth(_arg1):Number{ return (Math.floor((_arg1 / mapWidth))); } public function buildMap(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0){ var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Color; var _local9:*; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:tile; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:*; var _local19:Number; var _local20:*; var _local21:*; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:*; var _local26:tile; newMap = true; _local3 = (_arg1 * boardSize); _local4 = (_arg1 * mapWidth); _local7 = _arg1; _local8 = new Color(); _local8.setTint(colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 2)], 0.8); overallBG.transform.colorTransform = _local8; bgCover.transform.colorTransform = _local8; if (myParent.gameState == "play"){ newOverLay.transform.colorTransform = _local8; }; _local8.setTint(colorArray[(_local7 * 3)], 0.5); if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ editInterface.transform.colorTransform = _local8; HWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; TXWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; LWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; OWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; TWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; = _local8; SWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; InWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; } else { PWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; SlWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; VWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; theInterface.transform.colorTransform = _local8; }; EWindow.transform.colorTransform = _local8; switchBox.transform.colorTransform = _local8; _local8.setTint(colorArray[(_local7 * 3)], 0.5); theChar.transform.colorTransform = _local8; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < boardSize) { tileArray.push(_local9); _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < boardSize) { _local5 = spinX(getHeight(_local9), getWidth(_local9)); _local6 = spinY(getHeight(_local9), getWidth(_local9)); _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, mapArray[(_local9 + _local3)], colorArray[(_local7 * 3)], _arg1, spinHold[_arg1], flipHold[_arg1]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)] = _local11; if (_local11.currentFrame == 34){ if (totalKey == 0){ _local11.openDoor(); }; }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6))) { _local12 = (_local9 * 6); if (portalArray[_local12] == _arg1){ _local5 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)]); _local6 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)]); _local13 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], portalArray[(_local12 + 3)]); _local14 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], portalArray[(_local12 + 3)]); _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, portalTileNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)], portalArray[(_local12 + 3)]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); tileArray.push(_local11); tileArray[((mapWidth * Number(_local6)) + Number(_local5))].setTele(portalArray[(_local12 + 3)], _local13, _local14); }; if (portalArray[(_local12 + 3)] == _arg1){ _local5 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)]); _local6 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)]); _local13 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], portalArray[_local12]); _local14 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], portalArray[_local12]); _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, portalTileNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)], portalArray[_local12]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); tileArray.push(_local11); tileArray[((mapWidth * Number(_local6)) + Number(_local5))].setTele(portalArray[_local12], _local13, _local14); }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local15 = (_local9 * 4); _local5 = spinX(flipArray[(_local15 + 1)], flipArray[(_local15 + 2)]); _local6 = spinY(flipArray[(_local15 + 1)], flipArray[(_local15 + 2)]); if (flipArray[_local15] == _arg1){ _local16 = flipArray[(_local15 + 3)]; _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, (flipTileNum + _local16), colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); tileArray.push(_local11); if (flipArray[(_local15 + 3)] == 2){ if (grav){ } else { _local11.y = (_local11.y + 30); _local11.scaleY = -1; }; }; tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setFlip(flipArray[(_local15 + 3)]); }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((destroyArray.length / 3))) { _local17 = (_local9 * 3); _local5 = spinX(destroyArray[_local17], destroyArray[(_local17 + 1)]); _local6 = spinY(destroyArray[_local17], destroyArray[(_local17 + 1)]); if (destroyArray[(_local17 + 2)] == _arg1){ tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setTile(0, _arg1, 0); }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < sliderHolder.length) { _local5 = sliderHolder[_local9].xTile; _local6 = sliderHolder[_local9].yTile; sliderHolder[_local9].setTile(); if (sliderHolder[_local9].currentLayer == offsetCount){ _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < sliderHolder.length) { if (sliderHolder[_local9] != sliderHolder[_local25]){ if ((((((sliderHolder[_local9].xTile == sliderHolder[_local25].xTile)) && ((sliderHolder[_local9].yTile == sliderHolder[_local25].yTile)))) && ((sliderHolder[_local9].currentLayer == sliderHolder[_local25].currentLayer)))){ makeBreakPoof(_local5, _local6, sliderHolder[_local9].currentLayer); sliderHolder[_local9].breakSlider(); setActive(); }; }; _local25++; }; }; if (((!((_local5 == 0))) && ((sliderHolder[_local9].currentLayer == offsetCount)))){ if (tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].isClear()){ destroyTile(_local5, _local6, _local7); tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setTile(0, offsetCount, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); }; }; _local9++; }; if (_arg1 >= totalLevel){ _local18 = 0; } else { _local18++; }; if ((doorArray.length / 6) < doorHolder.length){ _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { doorHolder.push(new tile(_local5, _local6, doorDoorNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)])); doorKeyHolder.push(new tile(_local5, _local6, doorKeyNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)])); _local9++; }; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local19 = (_local9 * 6); _local5 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); _local6 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); if (doorArray[_local19] == _arg1){ _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, doorKeyNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); doorKeyHolder[_local9] = _local11; tileArray.push(_local11); }; _local5 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 4)], doorArray[(_local19 + 5)]); _local6 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 4)], doorArray[(_local19 + 5)]); if (doorArray[(_local19 + 3)] == _arg1){ _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, doorDoorNum, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); mapHolder.addChild(_local11); tileArray.push(_local11); doorHolder[_local9] = _local11; _local20 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); _local21 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); if ((((_local20 == theChar.xTile)) && ((_local21 == theChar.yTile)))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((_local20 == sliderHolder[_local25].xTile)) && ((_local21 == sliderHolder[_local25].yTile)))) && ((doorArray[_local19] == sliderHolder[_local25].currentLayer)))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25++; }; _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local24 = (_local25 * 6); greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local22 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local23 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); if ((((((_local20 == _local22)) && ((_local21 == _local23)))) && ((doorArray[_local19] == greenArray[(_local24 + 3)])))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25++; }; }; _local9++; }; _local10 = false; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local24 = (_local9 * 6); _local5 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local6 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); if (greenArray[(_local24 + 3)] == _arg1){ _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((sliderHolder[_local25].xTile == _local5)) && ((sliderHolder[_local25].yTile == _local6)))) && ((sliderHolder[_local25].currentLayer == _arg1)))){ if ((((_local25 == theChar.slowTar)) && (theChar.slowPush))){ theChar.breakPush(); }; sliderHolder[_local25].breakSlider(); destroyTile(_local5, _local6, _local7); }; _local25++; }; if (tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].isClear()){ destroyTile(_local5, _local6, _local7); }; tileArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setTile(greenTileNum, _arg1, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); }; _local9++; }; if (totalLevel >= 1){ if (_arg1 >= totalLevel){ _arg1 = 0; } else { _arg1++; }; _local3 = (_arg1 * boardSize); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < boardSize) { backArray.push(_local9); _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < boardSize) { _local5 = spinX(getHeight(_local9), getWidth(_local9), _arg1); _local6 = spinY(getHeight(_local9), getWidth(_local9), _arg1); _local26 = new tile(_local5, _local6, mapArray[(_local9 + _local3)], colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)], _arg1, spinHold[_arg1], flipHold[_arg1]); backMap.addChild(_local26); backArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)] = _local26; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6))) { _local12 = (_local9 * 6); if (portalArray[_local12] == _arg1){ _local5 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], _arg1); _local13 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], portalArray[(_local12 + 3)]); _local14 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], portalArray[(_local12 + 3)]); _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, portalTileNum, colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); backMap.addChild(_local11); backArray.push(_local11); }; if (portalArray[(_local12 + 3)] == _arg1){ _local5 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 4)], portalArray[(_local12 + 5)], _arg1); _local13 = spinX(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], portalArray[_local12]); _local14 = spinY(portalArray[(_local12 + 1)], portalArray[(_local12 + 2)], portalArray[_local12]); _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, portalTileNum, colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); backMap.addChild(_local11); backArray.push(_local11); }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local15 = (_local9 * 4); _local5 = spinX(flipArray[(_local15 + 1)], flipArray[(_local15 + 2)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(flipArray[(_local15 + 1)], flipArray[(_local15 + 2)], _arg1); if (flipArray[_local15] == _arg1){ _local16 = flipArray[(_local15 + 3)]; _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, (flipTileNum + _local16), colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); backMap.addChild(_local11); backArray.push(_local11); if (flipArray[(_local15 + 3)] == 2){ if (grav){ } else { _local11.y = (_local11.y + 30); _local11.scaleY = -1; }; }; }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local19 = (_local9 * 6); _local5 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)], _arg1); if (doorArray[_local19] == _arg1){ _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, doorKeyNum, colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); backMap.addChild(_local11); backArray.push(_local11); doorKeyHolder[_local9] = _local11; }; _local5 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 4)], doorArray[(_local19 + 5)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 4)], doorArray[(_local19 + 5)], _arg1); if (doorArray[(_local19 + 3)] == _arg1){ _local11 = new tile(_local5, _local6, doorDoorNum, colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); backMap.addChild(_local11); backArray.push(_local11); doorHolder[_local9] = _local11; }; _local20 = spinX(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); _local21 = spinY(doorArray[(_local19 + 1)], doorArray[(_local19 + 2)]); if (doorArray[(_local19 + 3)] == _arg1){ if ((((_local20 == theChar.xTile)) && ((_local21 == theChar.yTile)))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((_local20 == sliderHolder[_local25].xTile)) && ((_local21 == sliderHolder[_local25].yTile)))) && ((doorArray[_local19] == sliderHolder[_local25].currentLayer)))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25++; }; _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local24 = (_local25 * 6); greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local22 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local23 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); if ((((((_local20 == _local22)) && ((_local21 == _local23)))) && ((doorArray[_local19] == greenArray[(_local24 + 3)])))){ _local11.startOpen = true; }; _local25++; }; }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((destroyArray.length / 3))) { _local17 = (_local9 * 3); _local5 = spinX(destroyArray[_local17], destroyArray[(_local17 + 1)], _arg1); _local6 = spinY(destroyArray[_local17], destroyArray[(_local17 + 1)], _arg1); if (destroyArray[(_local17 + 2)] == _arg1){ backArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setTile(0, _arg1, colorArray[(_local7 * 3)]); }; _local9++; }; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local24 = (_local9 * 6); _local5 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); _local6 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local24 + 1)], greenArray[(_local24 + 2)], _local24); if (greenArray[(_local24 + 3)] == _arg1){ backArray[((_local6 * mapWidth) + _local5)].setTile(greenTileNum, _arg1, colorArray[((_local7 * 3) + 1)]); }; _local9++; }; if (theChar.checkDeath()){ theChar.isDead = true; theChar.deadCount = 0; shiftCount = 0; }; }; } function tintSliders():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:*; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local1 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < sliderHolder.length) { _local3 = sliderHolder[_local2].x; _local4 = sliderHolder[_local2].y; if (sliderHolder[_local2].currentLayer == offsetCount){ _local5 = Math.abs((theChar.y - _local4)); _local6 = Math.abs((theChar.x - _local3)); _local7 = Math.sqrt(((_local6 * _local6) + (_local5 * _local5))); if ((((((_local6 < 25)) && ((_local5 < 35)))) && ((_local7 < 35)))){ _local1 = true; sliderHolder[_local2].play(); } else { if (sliderHolder[_local2].currentFrame != 1){ sliderHolder[_local2].gotoAndStop(1); }; }; }; _local2++; }; if (_local1){ playBlink(); }; } public function checkKey(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 3); if ((((((keyArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((keyArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((keyArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } function getHeight(_arg1):Number{ return ((_arg1 % mapWidth)); } function spinL():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < spinHold.length) { if (!flipHold[_local1]){ if (spinHold[_local1] >= 3){ spinHold[_local1] = 0; } else { var _local3 = spinHold; var _local4 = _local1; var _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; } else { if (spinHold[_local1] <= 0){ spinHold[_local1] = 3; } else { _local3 = spinHold; _local4 = _local1; _local5 = (_local3[_local4] - 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 5)] == 0){ if (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] >= 3){ greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = 0; } else { _local3 = greenArray; _local4 = (_local2 + 4); _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; } else { if (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] <= 0){ greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = 3; } else { _local3 = greenArray; _local4 = (_local2 + 4); _local5 = (_local3[_local4] - 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { sliderHolder[_local1].spinSlider("l"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < keyHolder.length) { keyHolder[_local1].spinKey("l"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < timeHolder.length) { timeHolder[_local1].spinTime("l"); _local1++; }; } public function playSoundFX(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Class; var _local3:Sound; _local2 = (getDefinitionByName(_arg1) as Class); _local3 = new (_local2); fx =; fx.soundTransform = myParent.fxTransform; } public function spinY(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=-1):Number{ if (_arg3 == -1){ _arg3 = offsetCount; }; switch (spinHold[_arg3]){ case 1: return (_arg1); case 2: return (((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1)); case 3: return (((mapWidth - _arg1) - 1)); default: return (_arg2); }; } function setHolds():void{ var _local1:*; flipHold = new Array(); spinHold = new Array(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 <= totalLevel) { flipHold.push(false); spinHold.push(0); _local1++; }; } public function spinX(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=-1):Number{ var _local4:Number; if (_arg3 == -1){ _arg3 = offsetCount; }; _local4 = _arg1; switch (spinHold[_arg3]){ case 0: break; case 1: _local4 = ((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1); break; case 2: _local4 = ((mapWidth - _local4) - 1); break; case 3: _local4 = _arg2; break; }; if (flipHold[_arg3]){ _local4 = ((mapWidth - _local4) - 1); }; return (_local4); } function spinR():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < spinHold.length) { if (flipHold[_local1]){ if (spinHold[_local1] >= 3){ spinHold[_local1] = 0; } else { var _local3 = spinHold; var _local4 = _local1; var _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; } else { if (spinHold[_local1] <= 0){ spinHold[_local1] = 3; } else { _local3 = spinHold; _local4 = _local1; _local5 = (_local3[_local4] - 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 5)] == 1){ if (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] >= 3){ greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = 0; } else { _local3 = greenArray; _local4 = (_local2 + 4); _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; } else { if (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] <= 0){ greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = 3; } else { _local3 = greenArray; _local4 = (_local2 + 4); _local5 = (_local3[_local4] - 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { sliderHolder[_local1].spinSlider("r"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < keyHolder.length) { keyHolder[_local1].spinKey("r"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < timeHolder.length) { timeHolder[_local1].spinTime("r"); _local1++; }; } function flipGrav():void{ if (grav){ playSoundFX("gravityUp"); } else { playSoundFX("gravityDown"); }; grav = !(grav); rebuildMap(); theChar.jumping = true; } function someCheck(_arg1, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):Boolean{ if (_arg1 == mapID){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function removeKeyB(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3))) { _local7 = (_local6 * 3); if ((((((keyArray[_local7] == _arg3)) && ((keyArray[(_local7 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((keyArray[(_local7 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local5 = _local6; _local4 = _local7; }; _local6++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ keyArray.splice(_local4, 3); fgMC.removeChild(keyHolder[_local5]); keyHolder.splice(_local5, 1); rebuildMap(); }; } public function playBlink(){ if (blinkCount > blinkCast){ blinkCount = 0; } else { blinkCount++; }; } function tintGreens():void{ var _local1:Boolean; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local1 = false; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local3 = (_local2 * 6); _local4 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local3 + 1)], greenArray[(_local3 + 2)], _local3); _local5 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local3 + 1)], greenArray[(_local3 + 2)], _local3); if (greenArray[(_local3 + 3)] == offsetCount){ if (grav){ if (((((myParent.upLook) && ((Math.abs(theChar.xSpeed) < 1)))) || (theChar.jumping))){ _local8 = Math.abs(((theChar.y - 3) - ((_local5 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); } else { _local8 = Math.abs(((theChar.y + 6) - ((_local5 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); }; } else { if (((((myParent.upLook) && ((Math.abs(theChar.xSpeed) < 1)))) || (theChar.jumping))){ _local8 = Math.abs(((theChar.y + 3) - ((_local5 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); } else { _local8 = Math.abs(((theChar.y - 6) - ((_local5 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); }; }; _local6 = Math.abs((theChar.x - ((_local4 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); _local7 = Math.sqrt(((_local6 * _local6) + (_local8 * _local8))); if ((((((_local6 < 25)) && ((_local8 < 35)))) && ((_local7 < 35)))){ _local1 = true; tileArray[((_local5 * mapWidth) + _local4)]; } else { tileArray[((_local5 * mapWidth) + _local4)].green.stop(); }; }; _local2++; }; if (_local1){ playBlink(); }; } function tileBreakSound(){ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); playSoundFX(("blockbreak" + _local1)); } public function checkDoor(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if ((((((((doorArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))) || ((((((doorArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3)) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 4)] == _arg1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 5)] == _arg2)))))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } public function removeGreen(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; var _local6:Number; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3){ if ((((_arg1 == greenArray[(_local6 + 1)])) && ((_arg2 == greenArray[(_local6 + 2)])))){ _local4 = _local6; }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ greenArray.splice(_local4, 6); rebuildMap(); }; } function checkGreens():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); _local3 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local2 + 1)], greenArray[(_local2 + 2)], _local2); _local4 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local2 + 1)], greenArray[(_local2 + 2)], _local2); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] == offsetCount){ if (grav){ if (((((myParent.upLook) && ((Math.abs(theChar.xSpeed) < 1)))) || (theChar.jumping))){ _local7 = Math.abs(((theChar.y - 3) - ((_local4 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); } else { _local7 = Math.abs(((theChar.y + 6) - ((_local4 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); }; } else { if (((((myParent.upLook) && ((Math.abs(theChar.xSpeed) < 1)))) || (theChar.jumping))){ _local7 = Math.abs(((theChar.y + 3) - ((_local4 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); } else { _local7 = Math.abs(((theChar.y - 6) - ((_local4 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); }; }; _local5 = Math.abs((theChar.x - ((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)))); _local6 = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local7 * _local7))); if ((((((_local5 < 25)) && ((_local7 < 35)))) && ((_local6 < 35)))){ if (greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] >= totalLevel){ greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] = 0; } else { var _local8 = greenArray; var _local9 = (_local2 + 3); var _local10 = (_local8[_local9] + 1); _local8[_local9] = _local10; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function exit(){ stopStaticFX(); if (myParent.gameState == "play"){ myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } else { if (myParent.gameState == "multi"){ if (voteCount >= voteCast){ mapBeat = true; endScreen = "submit"; } else { myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); }; } else { if (myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ if (voteCount >= voteCast){ mapBeat = true; exitVote = true; endScreen = "submit"; } else { myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); }; } else { if (myParent.gameState == "edit"){ myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); }; }; }; }; } function unSpinX(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:Number; _local3 = _arg1; switch (spinHold[offsetCount]){ case 0: if (flipHold[offsetCount]){ _local3 = ((mapWidth - _local3) - 1); }; break; case 3: _local3 = ((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1); break; case 2: if (flipHold[offsetCount]){ } else { _local3 = ((mapWidth - _local3) - 1); }; break; case 1: _local3 = _arg2; break; }; return (_local3); } function unSpinY(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:Number; _local3 = _arg1; switch (spinHold[offsetCount]){ case 3: if (flipHold[offsetCount]){ return (((mapWidth - _arg1) - 1)); }; return (_arg1); case 2: return (((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1)); case 1: if (flipHold[offsetCount]){ return (_arg1); }; return (((mapWidth - _arg1) - 1)); default: return (_arg2); }; } public function playGame():void{ if (voteCount <= voteCast){ voteCount++; }; if (trans){ if (trans.currentFrame == trans.totalFrames){ endTrans(); }; }; if (!mapBeat){ if (gameLive){ playGameRoot(); changeMap(); }; } else { if ((((myParent.gameState == "multi")) || ((myParent.gameState == "multiC")))){ if (endScreen == "submit"){ if (VWindow.x > 600){ stopStaticFX(); VWindow.setPos(); }; }; }; }; } public function removeTime(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < Math.floor((timeArray.length / 4))) { _local7 = (_local6 * 4); if ((((((timeArray[_local7] == _arg3)) && ((timeArray[(_local7 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((timeArray[(_local7 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local4 = _local7; _local5 = _local6; }; _local6++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ timeArray.splice(_local4, 4); fgMC.removeChild(timeHolder[_local5]); timeHolder.splice(_local5, 1); rebuildMap(); }; } public function getLevelName(){ var _local1:String; var _local2:*; _local1 = nameArray[0]; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < nameArray.length) { _local1 = (_local1 + ("," + nameArray[_local2])); _local2++; }; theInterface.levelName.text = _local1; } function increaseOffset(){ if (offsetCount >= totalLevel){ offsetCount = 0; } else { offsetCount++; }; } function checkSliders():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { _local2 = sliderHolder[_local1].x; _local3 = sliderHolder[_local1].y; if (sliderHolder[_local1].currentLayer == offsetCount){ _local4 = Math.abs((theChar.y - _local3)); _local5 = Math.abs((theChar.x - _local2)); _local6 = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local4 * _local4))); if ((((((_local5 < 25)) && ((_local4 < 35)))) && ((_local6 < 35)))){ if (sliderHolder[_local1].currentLayer >= totalLevel){ sliderHolder[_local1].currentLayer = 0; } else { sliderHolder[_local1].currentLayer++; }; }; }; _local1++; }; } public function startEdit(){ mapBeat = false; gameLive = false; SWindow.offPos(); resetMap(); } function sendLevelXML(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:XML; _local2 = new XML(; parseLevelXML(_local2); } public function resetMap():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; if (myParent.gameState != "edit"){ stopStaticFX(); if (!theInterface.gameVocals.isPlaying){ theInterface.gameVocals.startSound(getSaying("deathVocals")); }; }; myParent.mapShift = false; setHolds(); removeMap(); grav = true; theChar.resetMe(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3))) { _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { sliderHolder[_local1].startSlider(); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < keyHolder.length) { keyHolder[_local1].startKey(); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < timeHolder.length) { timeHolder[_local1].startTime(); _local1++; }; destroyArray = new Array(); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] = greenArray[_local2]; greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = 0; greenArray[(_local2 + 5)] = 0; _local1++; }; _local1 = poofMC.numChildren; while (_local1 > 0) { poofMC.removeChildAt((_local1 - 1)); _local1--; }; totalKey = Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3)); offsetCount = 0; setActive(); theChar.startChar(); buildMap(offsetCount); } function flipMap():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; removeMap(); flipHold[offsetCount] = !(flipHold[offsetCount]); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] == offsetCount){ greenArray[(_local2 + 5)] = (1 - Number(greenArray[(_local2 + 5)])); }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { sliderHolder[_local1].spinSlider("f"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < keyHolder.length) { keyHolder[_local1].spinKey("f"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < timeHolder.length) { timeHolder[_local1].spinTime("f"); _local1++; }; SFGreens(); buildMap(offsetCount); switchBox.gotoAndPlay("hor"); shiftCount = 10; } public function checkFlip(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:Number; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 4); if (flipArray[_local6] == _arg3){ if ((((_arg1 == flipArray[(_local6 + 1)])) && ((_arg2 == flipArray[(_local6 + 2)])))){ _local4 = true; }; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } public function playEditor():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:String; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:*; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:Number; var _local11:key; var _local12:Boolean; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Boolean; var _local15:Number; var _local16:slider; var _local17:Boolean; var _local18:Number; var _local19:timeTile; var _local20:Boolean; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; if (!killSwitch){ if (!gameLive){ if (((((((((((!(colorPicking)) && (!(optionsPicking)))) && (!(layersPicking)))) && (!(textPicking)))) && (!(headPicking)))) && (!(introPicking)))){ _local1 = Math.floor((mouseX / 30)); _local2 = Math.floor((mouseY / 30)); if ((((((((mouseX > 30)) && ((mouseX < 480)))) && ((mouseY > 30)))) && ((mouseY < 480)))){ _local5 = ""; if (currentTile == 200){ _local5 = TWindow.charDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 201){ _local5 = TWindow.portalDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 202){ _local5 = TWindow.keyDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 203){ _local5 = TWindow.greenDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 204){ _local5 = TWindow.sliderDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 205){ _local5 = TWindow.timeDesc; } else { if (currentTile == 206){ _local5 = TWindow.doorDesc; } else { if (currentTile >= 300){ _local5 = TWindow.flipArray[(currentTile - 300)]; } else { _local5 = TWindow.descArray[currentTile]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; TWindow.blockDesc.text = _local5; }; if (myParent.mouseDown){ if ((((((((mouseX > 30)) && ((mouseX < 480)))) && ((mouseY > 30)))) && ((mouseY < 480)))){ if (myParent.shiftHold){ if ((((charArray[0] == _local1)) && ((charArray[1] == _local2)))){ currentTile = 200; } else { if (checkPortal(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 201; } else { if (checkKey(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 202; } else { if (checkGreen(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 203; } else { if (checkSlider(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 204; } else { if (checkTime(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 205; } else { if (checkDoor(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = 206; } else { if (checkFlip(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ currentTile = getFlipNum(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { currentTile = mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; TWindow.movePicker(); } else { if (myParent.upMove){ if (checkPortal(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removePortal(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); currentPortal = (currentPortal - 1); } else { if (checkKey(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeKeyB(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { if (checkGreen(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeGreen(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { if (checkSlider(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeSlider(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { if (checkTime(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeTime(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { if (checkDoor(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeDoor(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); currentDoor = (currentDoor - 1); } else { if (checkFlip(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ removeFlip(_local1, _local2, offsetCount); } else { mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; tileArray[((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1)].setTile(0, offsetCount, colorArray[(offsetCount * 3)]); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (currentTile == 200){ if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; charArray[0] = _local1; charArray[1] = _local2; resetMap(); myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if (currentTile == 201){ trace(portalArray); if (placePortal){ _local6 = false; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6))) { trace(_local7); _local8 = (_local7 * 6); if ((((((((portalArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((portalArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))) || ((((((portalArray[(_local8 + 3)] == offsetCount)) && ((portalArray[(_local8 + 4)] == _local1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local8 + 5)] == _local2)))))){ portalArray[_local8] = offsetCount; portalArray[(_local8 + 1)] = _local1; portalArray[(_local8 + 2)] = _local2; portalArray[(_local8 + 3)] = offsetCount; portalArray[(_local8 + 4)] = _local1; portalArray[(_local8 + 5)] = _local2; rebuildMap(); _local6 = true; currentPortal = _local7; }; _local7++; }; if (_local6){ } else { currentPortal = Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6)); _local3 = (Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6)) * 6); portalArray.push(offsetCount); portalArray.push(_local1); portalArray.push(_local2); portalArray.push(offsetCount); portalArray.push(_local1); portalArray.push(_local2); if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; rebuildMap(); }; placePortal = false; } else { _local3 = (currentPortal * 6); if ((((_local1 == portalArray[(_local3 + 1)])) && ((_local2 == portalArray[(_local3 + 2)])))){ portalArray.splice(_local3, 6); rebuildMap(); } else { trace("2nd bit"); portalArray[(_local3 + 3)] = offsetCount; portalArray[(_local3 + 4)] = _local1; portalArray[(_local3 + 5)] = _local2; if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; rebuildMap(); }; placePortal = true; }; myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if (currentTile == 202){ _local9 = false; _local10 = (Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3)) * 3); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((keyArray.length / 3))) { _local8 = (_local7 * 3); if ((((((keyArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((keyArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((keyArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))){ _local9 = true; keyArray.splice(_local8, 3); fgMC.removeChild(keyHolder[_local7]); keyHolder.splice(_local7, 1); rebuildMap(); }; _local7++; }; if (!_local9){ keyArray.push(offsetCount); keyArray.push(_local1); keyArray.push(_local2); _local11 = new key(this, keyArray[_local10], keyArray[(_local10 + 1)], keyArray[(_local10 + 2)]); fgMC.addChild(_local11); keyHolder.push(_local11); if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; rebuildMap(); }; myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if (currentTile == 203){ if (!checkSlider(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ trace(greenArray); _local12 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local13 = (_local7 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local13 + 3)] == offsetCount){ if ((((_local1 == greenArray[(_local13 + 1)])) && ((_local2 == greenArray[(_local13 + 2)])))){ greenArray.splice(_local13, 6); rebuildMap(); _local12 = false; }; }; _local7++; }; if (_local12){ if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; tileArray[((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1)].setTile(greenTileNum, offsetCount, colorArray[(offsetCount * 3)]); greenArray.push(offsetCount); greenArray.push(_local1); greenArray.push(_local2); greenArray.push(offsetCount); greenArray.push(0); greenArray.push(0); }; myParent.mouseDown = false; }; } else { if (currentTile == 204){ if (!checkGreen(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local14 = false; _local15 = (Math.floor((sliderArray.length / 3)) * 3); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((sliderArray.length / 3))) { _local8 = (_local7 * 3); if ((((((sliderArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((sliderArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((sliderArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))){ _local14 = true; sliderArray.splice(_local8, 3); fgMC.removeChild(sliderHolder[_local7]); sliderHolder.splice(_local7, 1); rebuildMap(); }; _local7++; }; if (!_local14){ sliderArray.push(offsetCount); sliderArray.push(_local1); sliderArray.push(_local2); _local16 = new slider(this, sliderArray[_local15], sliderArray[(_local15 + 1)], sliderArray[(_local15 + 2)]); fgMC.addChild(_local16); sliderHolder.push(_local16); if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; trace(sliderArray); rebuildMap(); }; myParent.mouseDown = false; }; } else { if (currentTile == 205){ _local17 = false; _local18 = (Math.floor((timeArray.length / 4)) * 4); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((timeArray.length / 4))) { _local8 = (_local7 * 4); if ((((((timeArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((timeArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((timeArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))){ if (timeArray[(_local8 + 3)] < 10){ _local17 = true; var _local23 = timeArray; var _local24 = (_local8 + 3); var _local25 = (_local23[_local24] + 1); _local23[_local24] = _local25; timeHolder[_local7].setStartTime(timeArray[(_local8 + 3)]); timeHolder[_local7].startTime(); rebuildMap(); } else { _local17 = true; timeArray.splice(_local8, 4); fgMC.removeChild(timeHolder[_local7]); timeHolder.splice(_local7, 1); rebuildMap(); }; trace(timeArray[(_local8 + 3)]); }; _local7++; }; if (!_local17){ timeArray.push(offsetCount); timeArray.push(_local1); timeArray.push(_local2); timeArray.push(1); _local19 = new timeTile(this, timeArray[_local18], timeArray[(_local18 + 1)], timeArray[(_local18 + 2)], timeArray[(_local18 + 3)]); fgMC.addChild(_local19); timeHolder.push(_local19); if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; rebuildMap(); }; myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if (currentTile == 206){ if (placeDoor){ _local20 = false; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local8 = (_local7 * 6); if ((((((doorArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))){ _local20 = true; currentDoor = _local7; _local4 = (currentDoor * 6); doorArray[(_local4 + 3)] = offsetCount; doorArray[(_local4 + 4)] = 0; doorArray[(_local4 + 5)] = 0; doorKey = false; } else { if ((((((doorArray[(_local8 + 3)] == offsetCount)) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 4)] == _local1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 5)] == _local2)))){ _local20 = true; currentDoor = _local7; _local4 = (currentDoor * 6); doorArray[_local4] = offsetCount; doorArray[(_local4 + 1)] = 0; doorArray[(_local4 + 2)] = 0; doorKey = true; }; }; if (_local20){ _local7 = (doorArray.length / 6); }; _local7++; }; if (_local20){ } else { currentDoor = Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6)); doorArray.push(offsetCount); doorArray.push(_local1); doorArray.push(_local2); doorArray.push(offsetCount); doorArray.push(0); doorArray.push(0); doorKey = false; if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; }; rebuildMap(); placeDoor = false; } else { _local20 = false; _local4 = (currentDoor * 6); if ((((((((offsetCount == doorArray[_local4])) && ((_local1 == doorArray[(_local4 + 1)])))) && ((_local2 == doorArray[(_local4 + 2)])))) || ((((((offsetCount == doorArray[(_local4 + 3)])) && ((_local1 == doorArray[(_local4 + 4)])))) && ((_local2 == doorArray[(_local4 + 5)])))))){ doorArray.splice(_local4, 6); rebuildMap(); } else { _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local8 = (_local7 * 6); if ((((((doorArray[_local8] == offsetCount)) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 1)] == _local1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 2)] == _local2)))){ _local20 = true; } else { if ((((((doorArray[(_local8 + 3)] == offsetCount)) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 4)] == _local1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local8 + 5)] == _local2)))){ _local20 = true; }; }; if (_local20){ _local7 = (doorArray.length / 6); }; _local7++; }; if (_local20){ } else { trace("2nd bit"); if (doorKey){ doorArray[_local4] = offsetCount; doorArray[(_local4 + 1)] = _local1; doorArray[(_local4 + 2)] = _local2; } else { doorArray[(_local4 + 3)] = offsetCount; doorArray[(_local4 + 4)] = _local1; doorArray[(_local4 + 5)] = _local2; }; if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; rebuildMap(); }; }; if (!_local20){ placeDoor = true; }; }; trace(doorArray); myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if ((((((((((currentTile == 300)) || ((currentTile == 301)))) || ((currentTile == 302)))) || ((currentTile == 303)))) || ((currentTile == 304)))){ _local21 = (currentTile - 300); _local12 = true; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local22 = (_local7 * 4); if (flipArray[_local22] == offsetCount){ if ((((_local1 == flipArray[(_local22 + 1)])) && ((_local2 == flipArray[(_local22 + 2)])))){ flipArray.splice(_local22, 4); rebuildMap(); _local12 = false; }; }; _local7++; }; if (_local12){ if (tileArray[((mapWidth * _local2) + _local1)].isClear()){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = 0; }; flipArray.push(offsetCount); flipArray.push(_local1); flipArray.push(_local2); flipArray.push(_local21); rebuildMap(); }; myParent.mouseDown = false; } else { if ((((((charArray[0] == _local1)) && ((charArray[1] == _local2)))) && ((offsetCount == 0)))){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkPortal(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkKey(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkGreen(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkSlider(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkTime(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkDoor(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { if (checkFlip(_local1, _local2, offsetCount)){ _local12 = false; } else { _local12 = true; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (_local12){ mapArray[(((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1) + (offsetCount * boardSize))] = currentTile; tileArray[((_local2 * mapWidth) + _local1)].setTile(currentTile, offsetCount, colorArray[(offsetCount * 3)]); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if (mapBeat){ if (endScreen == "submit"){ if (SWindow.x > 600){ SWindow.setPos(); ToString.trace2DArray(mapData); }; }; } else { if (SWindow.x < 600){ SWindow.offPos(); }; playGameRoot(); myParent.shifted = false; }; }; if (resetter){ resetMap(); resetter = false; }; if (!mapBeat){ if (SWindow.x < 500){ SWindow.offPos(); }; if (((((((((((!(colorPicking)) && (!(optionsPicking)))) && (!(layersPicking)))) && (!(textPicking)))) && (!(headPicking)))) && (!(introPicking)))){ if (changeMap()){ }; }; if (colorPicking){ if (CWindow.x > 900){ CWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (CWindow.x < 500){ CWindow.offPos(); rebuildMap(); myParent.shifted = false; }; }; if (optionsPicking){ if (OWindow.x > 900){ OWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (OWindow.x < 500){ OWindow.offPos(); rebuildMap(); }; }; if (layersPicking){ if (LWindow.x > 900){ LWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (LWindow.x < 500){ LWindow.offPos(); rebuildMap(); }; }; if (textPicking){ TXWindow.editVocals.playSound(); if (TXWindow.x > 900){ TXWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (TXWindow.x < 500){ TXWindow.offPos(); }; }; if (headPicking){ if (HWindow.x > 900){ HWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (HWindow.x < 500){ HWindow.offPos(); }; }; if (introPicking){ if (InWindow.x > 900){ InWindow.setPos(); }; } else { if (InWindow.x < 500){ InWindow.offPos(); }; }; }; }; } public function destroyTile(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local4 = unSpinX(_arg1, _arg2); _local5 = unSpinY(_arg1, _arg2); destroyArray.push(_local4); destroyArray.push(_local5); destroyArray.push(offsetCount); makeBreakPoof(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } function parseLevelXML(_arg1:XML):void{ SWindow.gotoAndStop(3); trace(; SWindow.myVar =; } function spinMapL():void{ removeMap(); spinL(); SFGreens(); buildMap(offsetCount); switchBox.gotoAndPlay("cw"); shiftCount = 10; } function spinMapR():void{ removeMap(); spinR(); SFGreens(); buildMap(offsetCount); switchBox.gotoAndPlay("ccw"); shiftCount = 10; } public function stopStaticFX(){ staticChannel.stop(); } function SFGreens():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); _local1++; }; } function setActive(){ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:Color; _local1 = (offsetCount + 1); if (_local1 > totalLevel){ _local1 = (_local1 - (totalLevel + 1)); }; _local2 = (fgMC.numChildren - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { fgMC.removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; _local2 = (bgMC.numChildren - 1); while (_local2 >= 0) { bgMC.removeChildAt(_local2); _local2--; }; _local3 = new Color(); _local3.setTint(colorArray[(offsetCount * 3)], 0.5); fgMC.transform.colorTransform = _local3; _local3.setTint(colorArray[((offsetCount * 3) + 1)], 0.5); bgMC.transform.colorTransform = _local3; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < sliderHolder.length) { if (sliderHolder[_local2].currentLayer == offsetCount){ fgMC.addChild(sliderHolder[_local2]); } else { if (sliderHolder[_local2].currentLayer == _local1){ bgMC.addChild(sliderHolder[_local2]); }; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < timeHolder.length) { if (timeHolder[_local2].currentLayer == offsetCount){ fgMC.addChild(timeHolder[_local2]); } else { if (timeHolder[_local2].currentLayer == _local1){ bgMC.addChild(timeHolder[_local2]); }; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < keyHolder.length) { if (keyHolder[_local2].currentLayer == offsetCount){ fgMC.addChild(keyHolder[_local2]); } else { if (keyHolder[_local2].currentLayer == _local1){ bgMC.addChild(keyHolder[_local2]); }; }; _local2++; }; } public function removePortal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if ((((((((portalArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))) || ((((((portalArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3)) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 4)] == _arg1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 5)] == _arg2)))))){ _local4 = _local6; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ portalArray.splice(_local4, 6); rebuildMap(); }; } function removeMap(){ var _local1:*; doorHolder = new Array(); _local1 = (tileArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (tileArray[_local1]){ mapHolder.removeChild(tileArray[_local1]); }; tileArray.pop(); _local1--; }; _local1 = (backArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { if (backArray[_local1]){ backMap.removeChild(backArray[_local1]); }; backArray.pop(); _local1--; }; } public function offsetInc(_arg1:Number=-1){ if (_arg1 == -1){ if (offsetCount >= totalLevel){ offsetCount = 0; } else { offsetCount++; }; } else { offsetCount = _arg1; }; } public function removeDoor(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; var _local6:*; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if ((((((((doorArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))) || ((((((doorArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3)) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 4)] == _arg1)))) && ((doorArray[(_local6 + 5)] == _arg2)))))){ _local4 = _local6; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ doorArray.splice(_local4, 6); rebuildMap(); }; } public function submitLevel(){ var _local1:String; var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveFile; var _local3:BitmapData; var _local4:MovieClip; var _local5:Bitmap; var _local6:BitmapData; var _local7:Bitmap; var _local8:BitmapData; var _local9:Bitmap; nameArray[0] = SWindow.levelName.text; introTextArray[0] = TXWindow.introText.text; _local1 = ToString.makeString(mapData); trace(_local1); _local2 = NewgroundsAPI.newSaveFile("Levels"); = nameArray[0]; _local2.contents = _local1; _local3 = new BitmapData(510, 510); _local4 = new MovieClip(); SWindow.offPos(); _local3.draw(this); SWindow.setPos(); _local3.scroll(-30, -30); _local5 = new Bitmap(_local3); _local6 = new BitmapData(450, 450); _local6.draw(_local3); _local7 = new Bitmap(_local6); _local7.width = 90; _local7.height = 90; _local4.addChild(_local7); _local8 = new BitmapData(90, 90); _local8.draw(_local4); _local9 = new Bitmap(_local8); _local2.thumbnail = _local8; _local2.setKey("Layers", (mapData[3][0] + 1));; _local2.addEventListener(NewgroundsAPIEvent.FILE_SAVED, onFileSaved); SWindow.gotoAndStop(2); } function moveBreaks(){ var _local1:*; _local1 = (breakArray.length - 1); while (_local1 >= 0) { breakArray[_local1].falling(); if (breakArray[_local1].removeCheck()){ breakMC.removeChild(breakArray[_local1]); breakArray.splice(_local1, 1); }; _local1--; }; } public function removeSlider(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < Math.floor((sliderArray.length / 3))) { _local7 = (_local6 * 3); if ((((((sliderArray[_local7] == _arg3)) && ((sliderArray[(_local7 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((sliderArray[(_local7 + 2)] == _arg2)))){ _local4 = _local7; _local5 = _local6; }; _local6++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ sliderArray.splice(_local4, 3); fgMC.removeChild(sliderHolder[_local5]); sliderHolder.splice(_local5, 1); rebuildMap(); }; } public function endTrans(){ myParent.gotoAndStop("nextLevel"); } public function checkGreen(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:*; var _local6:Number; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3){ if ((((_arg1 == greenArray[(_local6 + 1)])) && ((_arg2 == greenArray[(_local6 + 2)])))){ _local4 = true; }; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } function getSaying(_arg1:String):String{ var _local2:String; _local2 = myParent[_arg1][Math.floor((Math.random() * myParent[_arg1].length))]; return (_local2); } public function removeFlip(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; var _local6:Number; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 4); if (flipArray[_local6] == _arg3){ if ((((_arg1 == flipArray[(_local6 + 1)])) && ((_arg2 == flipArray[(_local6 + 2)])))){ _local4 = _local6; }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local4 >= 0){ flipArray.splice(_local4, 4); rebuildMap(); }; } function greenSpinY(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ switch (greenArray[(_arg3 + 4)]){ case 1: return (_arg1); case 2: return (((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1)); case 3: return (((mapWidth - _arg1) - 1)); default: return (_arg2); }; } function greenSpinX(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; _local4 = _arg1; switch (greenArray[(_arg3 + 4)]){ case 0: break; case 1: _local4 = ((mapWidth - _arg2) - 1); break; case 2: _local4 = ((mapWidth - _local4) - 1); break; case 3: _local4 = _arg2; break; }; if (greenArray[(_arg3 + 5)] == 1){ _local4 = ((mapWidth - _local4) - 1); }; return (_local4); } public function playStaticFX(){ staticChannel =, 100000); staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.fxTransform; } public function submitVote(){ var _local1:NewgroundsAPISaveFile; if (!trans){ VWindow.offPos(); _local1 = NewgroundsAPI.newSaveFile("Levels"); = mapID; _local1.sendRating("Difficulty", (mapDiff * 2)); _local1.sendRating("Overall Fun", (mapScore * 2)); if (myParent.gameState == "multi"){ myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); myParent.stopMusic(); } else { if (myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ stopStaticFX(); if (exitVote){ trace("boom"); myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } else { startTrans(); }; }; }; if (!{; }; if ( > 333){ myParent.unlockMedal("O)))"); } else { if ( > 33){ myParent.unlockMedal("Obsessed"); } else { if ( > 3){ myParent.unlockMedal("Opinionated"); }; }; }; trace(; }; } public function getKey(_arg1:Number){ playSoundFX("keyPickup"); keyHolder[_arg1].currentLayer = 100; totalKey--; if (totalKey == 0){ playSoundFX("portalOpen"); }; rebuildMap(); } public function removeKey(_arg1):void{ mapHolder.removeChild(_arg1); tileArray.splice(tileArray.indexOf(_arg1), 1, null); } public function playGameRoot():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:*; var _local7:*; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:*; var _local13:*; if (myParent.gameState != "edit"){ theInterface.gameVocals.playSound(); if (!theInterface.gameVocals.isPlaying){ if (talkCount > talkCast){ talkCount = 0; if (introTalk){ sayText(); introTalk = false; } else { theInterface.gameVocals.startSound(getSaying("randomVocals")); }; } else { talkCount++; }; }; }; tintGreens(); tintSliders(); _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < Math.floor((doorArray.length / 6))) { _local1 = _local13; _local2 = (_local13 * 6); if (doorArray[_local2] != "undefined"){ _local3 = false; _local4 = spinX(doorArray[(_local2 + 1)], doorArray[(_local2 + 2)]); _local5 = spinY(doorArray[(_local2 + 1)], doorArray[(_local2 + 2)]); if (doorArray[_local2] == offsetCount){ if ((((_local4 == theChar.xTile)) && ((_local5 == theChar.yTile)))){ _local3 = true; }; }; _local4 = spinX(doorArray[(_local2 + 1)], doorArray[(_local2 + 2)], doorArray[_local2]); _local5 = spinY(doorArray[(_local2 + 1)], doorArray[(_local2 + 2)], doorArray[_local2]); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((_local4 == sliderHolder[_local6].xTile)) && ((_local5 == sliderHolder[_local6].yTile)))) && ((doorArray[_local2] == sliderHolder[_local6].currentLayer)))){ _local3 = true; }; _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local8 = (_local6 * 6); _local9 = greenSpinX(greenArray[(_local8 + 1)], greenArray[(_local8 + 2)], _local8); _local10 = greenSpinY(greenArray[(_local8 + 1)], greenArray[(_local8 + 2)], _local8); if ((((((_local4 == _local9)) && ((_local5 == _local10)))) && ((doorArray[_local2] == greenArray[(_local8 + 3)])))){ _local3 = true; }; _local6++; }; _local7 = (offsetCount + 1); if (_local7 > totalLevel){ _local7 = (_local7 - (totalLevel + 1)); }; if (_local3){ if (offsetCount == doorArray[_local2]){ doorKeyHolder[_local13]; }; } else { if (offsetCount == doorArray[_local2]){ doorKeyHolder[_local13].doorKey.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; if (doorArray[(_local2 + 3)] == offsetCount){ _local4 = spinX(doorArray[(_local2 + 4)], doorArray[(_local2 + 5)]); _local5 = spinY(doorArray[(_local2 + 4)], doorArray[(_local2 + 5)]); if (_local3){ if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame <= 7){ if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame == 1){ playSoundFX("door_open"); }; doorHolder[_local13]; }; _local11 = false; _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((sliderHolder[_local12].xTile == _local4)) && ((sliderHolder[_local12].yTile == _local5)))) && ((sliderHolder[_local12].currentLayer == offsetCount)))){ _local11 = true; }; _local12++; }; if (!_local11){ tileArray[((_local5 * mapWidth) + _local4)].setNotWalk(); }; } else { if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame > 7){ trace(doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame); if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame == 8){ }; doorHolder[_local13]; }; _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < sliderHolder.length) { if ((((((sliderHolder[_local12].xTile == _local4)) && ((sliderHolder[_local12].yTile == _local5)))) && ((sliderHolder[_local12].currentLayer == offsetCount)))){ setActive(); }; _local12++; }; tileArray[((_local5 * mapWidth) + _local4)].setWalk(); }; } else { if (doorArray[(_local2 + 3)] == _local7){ if (_local3){ if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame <= 7){ doorHolder[_local13]; }; } else { if (doorHolder[_local13].door.currentFrame > 7){ doorHolder[_local13]; }; }; }; }; }; _local13++; }; moveBreaks(); if (newMap){ newMap = false; }; if (shiftCount <= 0){ theChar.moveChar(); if (infade){ removeChild(infade); infade = null; }; } else { shiftCount--; }; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < sliderHolder.length) { if (sliderHolder[_local13].currentLayer == offsetCount){ if (shiftCount <= 0){ sliderHolder[_local13].solidSlider(); }; }; _local13++; }; if (!theChar.isDead){ _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < sliderHolder.length) { if (sliderHolder[_local13].currentLayer == offsetCount){ if (shiftCount <= 0){ sliderHolder[_local13].moveSlider(); }; }; _local13++; }; }; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < keyHolder.length) { if (keyHolder[_local13].currentLayer == offsetCount){ if (shiftCount <= 0){ keyHolder[_local13].moveKey(); }; }; _local13++; }; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < timeHolder.length) { if (timeHolder[_local13].currentLayer == offsetCount){ if (shiftCount <= 0){ timeHolder[_local13].moveTime(); }; }; _local13++; }; } function onFileSaved(_arg1:NewgroundsAPIEvent){ var _local2:NewgroundsAPISaveFile; SWindow.gotoAndStop(3); SWindow.myVar =; _local2 = new NewgroundsAPISaveFile(NewgroundsAPI.getSaveGroupById(; =; _local2.sendRating("Difficulty", (mapDiff * 2)); _local2.sendRating("Overall Fun", 6); } function vertFlipMap():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:Number; removeMap(); flipHold[offsetCount] = !(flipHold[offsetCount]); spinHold[offsetCount] = (spinHold[offsetCount] + 2); if (spinHold[offsetCount] >= 4){ spinHold[offsetCount] = (spinHold[offsetCount] - 4); }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < Math.floor((greenArray.length / 6))) { _local2 = (_local1 * 6); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 3)] == offsetCount){ trace(greenArray[(_local2 + 4)]); greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = (Number(greenArray[(_local2 + 4)]) + 2); if (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] >= 4){ greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] = (greenArray[(_local2 + 4)] - 4); }; trace(greenArray[(_local2 + 4)]); greenArray[(_local2 + 5)] = (1 - Number(greenArray[(_local2 + 5)])); }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sliderHolder.length) { sliderHolder[_local1].spinSlider("v"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < keyHolder.length) { keyHolder[_local1].spinKey("v"); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < timeHolder.length) { timeHolder[_local1].spinTime("v"); _local1++; }; SFGreens(); buildMap(offsetCount); switchBox.gotoAndPlay("vert"); shiftCount = 10; } function rebuildMap():void{ removeMap(); setActive(); buildMap(offsetCount); } function checkTiles():Boolean{ var _local1:Boolean; _local1 = true; if (currentTile == 0){ }; return (_local1); } public function startTrans(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Class; var _local3:Color; var _local4:*; stopStaticFX(); gameLive = false; _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 < 0.33){ playSoundFX("intro_tune_1"); _local4 = "testpattern01"; } else { if (_local1 < 0.66){ playSoundFX("intro_tune_2"); _local4 = "testpattern02"; } else { if (_local1 < 1){ playSoundFX("intro_tune_3"); _local4 = "testpattern03"; }; }; }; _local2 = (getDefinitionByName(_local4) as Class); trans = new (_local2); _local3 = new Color(); _local3.setTint(colorArray[(offsetCount * 3)], 0.5); trans.transform.colorTransform = _local3; trans.x = 379; trans.y = 263; addChild(trans); } function makeBreakPoof(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Number=10){ var _local5:*; var _local6:breakPoof; var _local7:tile_chunk; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 <= _arg4) { _local7 = new tile_chunk(this, _arg1, _arg2, colorArray[(_arg3 * 3)]); breakArray.push(_local7); breakMC.addChild(_local7); _local5++; }; _local6 = new breakPoof(_arg1, _arg2, colorArray[(_arg3 * 3)]); poofMC.addChild(_local6); tileBreakSound(); } public function getFlipNum(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:*; var _local6:Number; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((flipArray.length / 4))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 4); if (flipArray[_local6] == _arg3){ if ((((_arg1 == flipArray[(_local6 + 1)])) && ((_arg2 == flipArray[(_local6 + 2)])))){ _local4 = (300 + flipArray[(_local6 + 3)]); }; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } public function checkPortal(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Boolean{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local4 = false; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < Math.floor((portalArray.length / 6))) { _local6 = (_local5 * 6); if ((((((((portalArray[_local6] == _arg3)) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 1)] == _arg1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 2)] == _arg2)))) || ((((((portalArray[(_local6 + 3)] == _arg3)) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 4)] == _arg1)))) && ((portalArray[(_local6 + 5)] == _arg2)))))){ _local4 = true; }; _local5++; }; return (_local4); } function changeMap(_arg1:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; if (((myParent.mapShift) || (_arg1))){ if (totalLevel != 0){ checkGreens(); checkSliders(); myParent.mapShift = false; shiftCount = 10; switchBox.gotoAndPlay("layer"); _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); playSoundFX(("layer_change" + _local2)); removeMap(); offsetInc(); buildMap(offsetCount); setActive(); return (true); }; playSoundFX("error"); myParent.mapShift = false; return (false); //unresolved jump }; return (false); } public function sayText(){ var _local1:String; var _local2:*; if (myParent.gameState == "play"){ talkCount = 0; introTalk = false; if (textPick > 0.5){ _local1 = myParent.campainTextA[myParent.currentLevel]; } else { _local1 = myParent.campainTextB[myParent.currentLevel]; }; } else { if ((((introTextArray[0] == "")) && ((introTextArray.length <= 1)))){ _local1 = holdSaying; } else { _local1 = introTextArray[0]; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 < introTextArray.length) { _local1 = (_local1 + ("," + introTextArray[_local2])); _local2++; }; }; }; theInterface.gameVocals.startSound(_local1); } function pickLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentLevel = (_arg1.currentTarget.levelChoose - 2); myParent.gotoAndStop("nextLevel"); } } }//package
Section 165
//mouseover (mouseover) package { import*; public dynamic class mouseover extends Sound { } }//package
Section 166
//n (n) package { import*; public dynamic class n extends Sound { } }//package
Section 167
//n2 (n2) package { import*; public dynamic class n2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 168
//NGintro (NGintro) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class NGintro extends MovieClip { public var myParent:MovieClip; public function NGintro(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 115, frame116); } function frame1(){ } function frame116(){ stop(); myParent.gotoAndStop("credits"); } } }//package
Section 169
//o (o) package { import*; public dynamic class o extends Sound { } }//package
Section 170
//o2 (o2) package { import*; public dynamic class o2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 171
//optionsWindow (optionsWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class optionsWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; public var layersButton:SimpleButton; var colMC:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; public var colorButton:SimpleButton; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var charButton:SimpleButton; public var textButton:SimpleButton; public var myVar:String; public var backButton:SimpleButton; public function optionsWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, back); colorButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, color); layersButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, layers); textButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, textB); charButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, charB); } function color(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.colorPicking = true; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function layers(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.layersPicking = true; } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 555; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function charB(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.headPicking = true; } function textB(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.textPicking = true; } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; } } }//package
Section 172
//overLay (overLay) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class overLay extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 173
//p (p) package { import*; public dynamic class p extends Sound { } }//package
Section 174
//p2 (p2) package { import*; public dynamic class p2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 175
//pauseWindow (pauseWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class pauseWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var myVar:String; public function pauseWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); myParent = _arg1; stop(); offPos(); } public function offPos(){ myParent.gameLive = true; myParent.theInterface.playButton.visible = false; myParent.theInterface.pauseButton.visible = true; x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ myParent.EWindow.offPos(); myParent.SlWindow.offPos(); myParent.gameLive = false; myParent.theInterface.playButton.visible = true; myParent.theInterface.pauseButton.visible = false; x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } public function togglePos(){ if (x > 900){ setPos(); } else { offPos(); }; } } }//package
Section 176
//playerLand1 (playerLand1) package { import*; public dynamic class playerLand1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 177
//playerLand2 (playerLand2) package { import*; public dynamic class playerLand2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 178
//playerLand3 (playerLand3) package { import*; public dynamic class playerLand3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 179
//playInterface (playInterface) package { import com.newgrounds.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class playInterface extends MovieClip { public var helpText:MovieClip; public var lb11:MovieClip; public var lb12:MovieClip; public var lb15:MovieClip; public var lb16:MovieClip; public var lb17:MovieClip; public var lb18:MovieClip; public var lb19:MovieClip; public var lb14:MovieClip; public var lb10:MovieClip; public var lb13:MovieClip; public var lb21:MovieClip; public var lb23:MovieClip; public var lb24:MovieClip; public var lb20:MovieClip; public var lb28:MovieClip; public var levelName:TextField; public var lb29:MovieClip; public var lb22:MovieClip; public var lb25:MovieClip; public var lb26:MovieClip; public var lb27:MovieClip; public var lb31:MovieClip; public var lb33:MovieClip; public var lb30:MovieClip; public var lb32:MovieClip; public var muteButton:SimpleButton; public var introButton:SimpleButton; public var pauseButton:SimpleButton; public var sleepButton:SimpleButton; public var playerName:TextField; public var gameVocals:vocals; var myParent:MovieClip; public var lb1:MovieClip; public var lb3:MovieClip; public var lb5:MovieClip; public var lb7:MovieClip; public var lb8:MovieClip; public var lb2:MovieClip; public var lb4:MovieClip; public var lb6:MovieClip; public var lb9:MovieClip; public var playButton:SimpleButton; public var NGB:SimpleButton; public var cover:MovieClip; public var pillButton:SimpleButton; public var exitButton:SimpleButton; public function playInterface(_arg1){ var _local2:*; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "play"){ _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= ( + 1)) { this[("lb" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("lb" + _local2)].levelChoose = _local2; this[("lb" + _local2)].frameNum = 3; this[("lb" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(3); this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickLevel); if (_local2 != (myParent.myParent.currentLevel + 1)){ this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverLevel); this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hoverOutLevel); }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { this[("lb" + ([_local2] + 1))].frameNum = 5; this[("lb" + ([_local2] + 1))].gotoAndStop(5); _local2++; }; if ( < 32){ lb33.visible = false; }; this[("lb" + (myParent.myParent.currentLevel + 1))].gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= ( + 1)) { this[("lb" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("lb" + _local2)].levelChoose = _local2; this[("lb" + _local2)].frameNum = 3; this[("lb" + _local2)].gotoAndStop(3); this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickLevel); if (_local2 != (myParent.myParent.currentMultiLevel + 1)){ this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, hoverLevel); this[("lb" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, hoverOutLevel); }; this[("lb" + (myParent.myParent.currentLevel + 1))].gotoAndStop(2); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < { this[("lb" + ([_local2] + 1))].frameNum = 5; this[("lb" + ([_local2] + 1))].gotoAndStop(5); _local2++; }; if ( < 32){ lb33.visible = false; }; }; }; sleepButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sleepFun); pillButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pillRestart); exitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, exit); playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame); pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame); introButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sayText); muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleMute); sleepButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, sleepHover); pillButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pillHover); exitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, exitHover); playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, playHover); pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, pauseHover); introButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, introHover); muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, muteHover); sleepButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); pillButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); exitButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); pauseButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); introButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, resetHover); NGB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNG); x = 5; y = 30; } function hoverOutLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ _arg1.currentTarget.gotoAndStop(_arg1.currentTarget.frameNum); } function introHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(9); } function frame1(){ gameVocals.myParent = this; } function playHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(3); } function pillRestart(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.theChar.startSuicide(); } function goNG(_arg1:MouseEvent){ NewgroundsAPI.loadNewgrounds(); } function muteHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume > 0){ helpText.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume > 0){ helpText.gotoAndStop(5); } else { helpText.gotoAndStop(10); }; }; } function sleepHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(8); } function exitHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(6); } function pauseHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(2); } function pauseGame(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.PWindow.togglePos(); } function exit(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.EWindow.togglePos(); } function resetHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(1); } function sleepFun(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.SlWindow.togglePos(); } function pillHover(_arg1:MouseEvent){ helpText.gotoAndStop(7); } function toggleMute(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.muteCount++; myParent.myParent.muteCount = (myParent.myParent.muteCount % 3); trace(myParent.myParent.muteCount); if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 0){ helpText.gotoAndStop(4); myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 1; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 1; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 1){ helpText.gotoAndStop(5); myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 0; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 1; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; if (myParent.myParent.muteCount == 2){ helpText.gotoAndStop(10); myParent.myParent.musicTransform.volume = 0; = myParent.myParent.musicTransform; myParent.myParent.fxTransform.volume = 0; myParent.fx.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; myParent.staticChannel.soundTransform = myParent.myParent.fxTransform; }; } function hoverLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ _arg1.currentTarget.gotoAndStop(4); } function sayText(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.sayText(); } function pickLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.currentLevel = (_arg1.currentTarget.levelChoose - 2); myParent.startTrans(); gameVocals.stopSound(); } } }//package
Section 180
//pop (pop) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class pop extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function pop(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(22, frame23); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; alpha = 0.5; rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * 3)) * 90); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame23(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 181
//portalOpen (portalOpen) package { import*; public dynamic class portalOpen extends Sound { } }//package
Section 182
//pushblock (pushblock) package { import*; public dynamic class pushblock extends Sound { } }//package
Section 183
//pushPoof (pushPoof) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class pushPoof extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function pushPoof(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; tileWidth = 30; alphaTint = 0.5; super(); addFrameScript(24, frame25); x = _arg1; y = _arg2; alpha = 0.5; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); } function frame25(){ stop(); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } } }//package
Section 184
//q (q) package { import*; public dynamic class q extends Sound { } }//package
Section 185
//q2 (q2) package { import*; public dynamic class q2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 186
//r (r) package { import*; public dynamic class r extends Sound { } }//package
Section 187
//r2 (r2) package { import*; public dynamic class r2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 188
//s (s) package { import*; public dynamic class s extends Sound { } }//package
Section 189
//s2 (s2) package { import*; public dynamic class s2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 190
//sleepWindow (sleepWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class sleepWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var yesB:SimpleButton; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var noB:SimpleButton; public var myVar:String; public function sleepWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); myParent = _arg1; stop(); offPos(); if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ gotoAndStop(( + 1)); } else { gotoAndStop(( + 1)); }; if (currentFrame < 3){ yesB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, slYes); noB.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, slNo); }; } public function slNo(_arg1:MouseEvent){ offPos(); } public function offPos(){ myParent.gameLive = true; x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ myParent.EWindow.offPos(); myParent.PWindow.offPos(); myParent.gameLive = false; x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } public function togglePos(){ trace(myParent.myParent.currentLevel); if (myParent.myParent.currentLevel < 32){ if ((((myParent.myParent.gameState == "play")) || ((myParent.myParent.gameState == "multiC")))){ if (x > 900){ setPos(); } else { offPos(); }; }; }; } public function slYes(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.theChar.startSleep(); offPos(); } } }//package
Section 191
//slider (slider) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; import flash.geom.*; public class slider extends MovieClip { var startLayer:Number; var myStart:Array; var currentTint:Number; var fastDes:Number;// = 0.8 var BL:Boolean; var BR:Boolean; var starty:Number; var slowDes:Number;// = 0.5 var startx:Number; var speed:Number;// = 4 var key:Boolean;// = false var SpeedDes:Number; var xTileLeft:Number; var xTileRight:Number; var TR:Boolean; var TL:Boolean; public var xSpeed:Number;// = 0 var isFlip:Boolean;// = false var arrayTile:Number; var slowSpeed:Number;// = 0.07 var yTile:Number; public var charFollow:Boolean;// = false var jumpSpeed:Number;// = -11.8 var jumping:Boolean;// = false var yTileTop:Number; public var pushDir:String;// = "right" public var setWalker:Boolean;// = false var blockWidth:Number;// = 25 var xTile:Number; public var ySpeed:Number;// = 0 public var currentLayer:Number; var kill:Boolean;// = false var telePage:Number; var tileHeight:Number;// = 30 var myParent:MovieClip; public var teleCount:Number;// = 0 var fallSpeed:Number;// = 1 var tele:Boolean;// = false var tileWidth:Number;// = 30 var yTileBottom:Number; var win:Boolean;// = false var landCount:Number;// = 6 var teleX:Number; public var isTele:Boolean;// = false var teleY:Number; public function slider(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ myStart = new Array(5, 5); xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; fallSpeed = 1; slowSpeed = 0.07; speed = 4; fastDes = 0.8; slowDes = 0.5; SpeedDes = fastDes; blockWidth = 25; tileWidth = 30; tileHeight = 30; win = false; kill = false; key = false; tele = false; isTele = false; isFlip = false; jumping = false; jumpSpeed = -11.8; landCount = 6; setWalker = false; charFollow = false; teleCount = 0; pushDir = "right"; super(); myParent = _arg1; startLayer = _arg2; startx = _arg3; starty = _arg4; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); startSlider(); } public function moveSlider():void{ var _local1:Number; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); getMyDeathCorners(x, y); if (((((((TL) || (TR))) || (BL))) || (BR))){ trace("block death"); myParent.makeBreakPoof(xTile, yTile, currentLayer); if (charFollow){ myParent.theChar.breakPush(); }; breakSlider(); myParent.setActive(); }; if (teleCount > 5){ getTele(x, y); if (!tele){ isTele = false; }; if (((tele) && (!(isTele)))){ if (charFollow){ myParent.theChar.breakPush(); }; currentLayer = telePage; isTele = true; x = ((teleX * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((teleY * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); setTile(); myParent.rebuildMap(); }; } else { teleCount++; }; getMyCorners(x, (y + ySpeed)); if (ySpeed < 0){ if (((TL) && (TR))){ } else { y = ((yTile * tileHeight) + (blockWidth / 2)); if (ySpeed < -5){ }; ySpeed = 0; if (!myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; } else { if (ySpeed > 0){ if (((BL) && (BR))){ } else { y = ((((yTile + 1) * tileHeight) - (blockWidth / 2)) - 0.05); if (ySpeed > 5){ }; ySpeed = 0; if (myParent.grav){ jumping = false; }; }; }; }; xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); if (myParent.grav){ scaleY = 1; } else { scaleY = -1; }; getFlip(); rotation = 0; if (!charFollow){ if (myParent.grav){ if (ySpeed < 17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed + fallSpeed); }; } else { if (ySpeed > -17){ ySpeed = (ySpeed - fallSpeed); }; }; y = (y + ySpeed); } else { if (myParent.theChar.pushDir == "right"){ x = (myParent.theChar.x + 23); y = myParent.theChar.y; } else { if (myParent.theChar.pushDir == "left"){ x = (myParent.theChar.x - 23); y = myParent.theChar.y; } else { x = myParent.theChar.x; if (myParent.grav){ y = (myParent.theChar.y - 30); } else { y = (myParent.theChar.y + 30); }; }; }; }; if (myParent.grav){ _local1 = 2.5; } else { _local1 = -2.5; }; } function getTele(_arg1, _arg2){ tele = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleport; teleX = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleX; teleY = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleY; telePage = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].telePage; } function restart(){ myParent.resetMap(); } public function setTile(){ xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); } function getMyDeathCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor((((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor((((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].killer; BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].killer; TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].killer; BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].killer; } public function setTint(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:Color; if (_arg1 != currentTint){ _local2 = new Color(); _local2.setTint(_arg1, 0.5); transform.colorTransform = _local2; currentTint = _arg1; }; } function getMyCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor(((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor(((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); } function spawnDust(){ var _local1:blockLandPoof; var _local2:Number; _local1 = new blockLandPoof(x, y, myParent.colorArray[(currentLayer * 3)]); _local1.scaleY = scaleY; myParent.poofMC.addChild(_local1); _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 2)); myParent.playSoundFX(("blockLand" + _local2)); } function breakSlider(){ currentLayer = 100; } function getFlip(){ if (!myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper){ isFlip = false; }; if (((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper) && (!(isFlip)))){ isFlip = true; trace(myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl); switch (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl){ case 0: myParent.flipMap(); break; case 1: myParent.vertFlipMap(); break; case 2: myParent.flipGrav(); break; case 3: myParent.spinMapL(); break; case 4: myParent.spinMapR(); break; }; }; } function getKey(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:Number; key = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].key; if (key){ _local3 = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].getKey(); myParent.removeKey(myParent.tileArray[_local3]); myParent.keyArray[((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].arrayLoc * 4) + 3)] = 0; myParent.totalKey--; myParent.rebuildMap(); trace(myParent.totalKey); }; } public function resetMe(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 1; } public function solidSlider(){ if (!charFollow){ if (ySpeed != 0){ myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setNotWalk(); }; if (myParent.grav){ if (((!(BL)) && (!(BR)))){ myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setWalk(); }; } else { if (((!(TL)) && (!(TR)))){ myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setWalk(); }; }; }; } public function spinSlider(_arg1:String){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 == "l"){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); _local3 = xTile; xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + 2.5); } else { if (_arg1 == "r"){ _local2 = yTile; _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + ((tileWidth - blockWidth) / 2)); } else { if (_arg1 == "v"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); yTile = _local3; y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + ((tileWidth - blockWidth) / 2)); }; } else { if (_arg1 == "f"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); }; }; }; }; }; } function getChar():Point{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = new Point(x, y); return (_local1); } public function startSlider(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 1; xTile = startx; yTile = starty; setWalker = false; charFollow = false; currentLayer = startLayer; x = ((startx * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((starty * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); } public function tintMe(){ trace("tint"); } function getMyDeath(){ kill = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].killer; } } }//package
Section 192
//Story_End (Story_End) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Story_End extends MovieClip { public var myParent:MovieClip; public function Story_End(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 629, frame630); } function frame1(){ } function frame630(){ myParent.gotoAndStop("intro"); stop(); } } }//package
Section 193
//Story_End2 (Story_End2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Story_End2 extends MovieClip { public var myParent:MovieClip; public function Story_End2(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 629, frame630); } function frame1(){ } function frame630(){ myParent.gotoAndStop("intro"); stop(); } } }//package
Section 194
//Story_Intro (Story_Intro) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Story_Intro extends MovieClip { public var introVocals:vocals; public var myParent:MovieClip; public function Story_Intro(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 432, frame433, 1040, frame1041, 1460, frame1461, 2302, frame2303, 2413, frame2414, 2484, frame2485, 2599, frame2600); } function frame1461(){ introVocals.x = -310; introVocals.y = -165; introVocals.setWidth(170, 435); introVocals.startSound("Getting in this box is what's best for all of us, you will learn so much.. yet experience so little.\n\nIt's quite a wild ride my friend, well worth the time spent.. and I wouldn't lie to a fellow \"Me\" now would I?\n\nBut time is ticking...\n\nYou need to get into this box now!"); } function frame433(){ introVocals.displayText.textColor = 0xCCCCCC; introVocals.x = 130; introVocals.y = -140; introVocals.setWidth(250, 200); introVocals.startSound("OMG WHAT YEAR IS THIS!?!!\n\nHey man, listen to me very carefully. I'm you.. You from the future, sent back in time 20 minutes from now to tell you that you need to get into this box now!"); } function frame2600(){ stop(); myParent.gotoAndStop("game"); } function frame1(){ } function frame2485(){ if ( >= 32){ myParent.gotoAndPlay("outro"); stop(); }; } function frame1041(){ introVocals.x = -140; introVocals.y = 20; introVocals.setWidth(120, 440); introVocals.startSound("Its imperative that you get into this box our existence depends on it, and lets face it..\n\nyou dont have much else to do these days anyway."); } function frame2414(){ introVocals.x = -1000; introVocals.y = -1900; } function frame2303(){ introVocals.x = -100; introVocals.y = -190; introVocals.setWidth(179, 200); introVocals.startSound("I SAID GET\nIN THE\nDAMN BOX!!"); } } }//package
Section 195
//Story_Outro (Story_Outro) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class Story_Outro extends MovieClip { public var introVocals:vocals; public var myParent:MovieClip; public function Story_Outro(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 527, frame528, 535, frame536); } function frame1(){ } function frame528(){ introVocals.displayText.textColor = 0x999999; introVocals.displayText.autoSize = "right"; introVocals.x = 30; introVocals.y = -210; introVocals.setWidth(420, 310); if (myParent.endText == 1){ introVocals.startSound("This wall of text means nothing, about as much as the basic rules others set in place for you. The more you read the more you realize that you will follow any direction, regardless of the time spent doing so, or eventual outcome. You are simply looking for answers. And even though you have been told there will be no answers here you continue to read, following the basic rules set in place by the people around you. The path you're on will only lead to an end. This text will stop, the game will be concluded, and the curtain will eventually fall. We all follow. We all want instruction and comfort. We all stuck in repetition because its simply easier then taking a risk and just not reading the text before you. Please stop reading this, it means nothing... about as much as the basic rules others set in place for you."); } else { if (myParent.endText == 2){ introVocals.startSound("When I was 4 my mother put me inside a cardboard box with a black marker.\nI drew on the walls for days, making a world I felt was much more interesting than the one I currently subscribed to. I cut a small hole it the front of it, well more of a flap that would let me peak out into the world to see how things were going. This is also how my mom kept me fed.\nWhen I turned 10 my mom got me a much larger box and with my black marker I drew my future.\n\"I can't see what I'm drawing mom, it's too dark in here\" I said.\n\"Turn on the light\" she said.\nWhen I turned on the light a chill went up my spine when I saw the bodies. Bodies of my future selves covering the walls of the box, scratching in their sleep.. Whispering secrets. Each one wandering in the darkness in the world I created, the world I had made for myself.\nI turned off the light, and asked for another box... and a different marker."); }; }; } function frame536(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 196
//submitWindow (submitWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class submitWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var submit:SimpleButton; public var levelName:TextField; public var d4:MovieClip; public var d2:MovieClip; public var d5:MovieClip; public var more:SimpleButton; var a:BitmapData; public var d3:MovieClip; public var levelCode:TextField; var myParent:MovieClip; public var d1:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var MMbutton:SimpleButton; public var myVar:String;// = "" public function submitWindow(_arg1){ var _local2:Number; curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); myVar = ""; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 5) { this[("d" + _local2)].diff = _local2; this[("d" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("d" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickDiff); _local2++; }; more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, back); submit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, submitMap); } function submitMap(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (((!((levelName.text == ""))) && (!((myParent.mapDiff == 0))))){ myParent.submitLevel(); }; } function frame3(){ levelCode.text = myVar; MMbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mainMenu); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function pickDiff(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.mapDiff > 0){ this[("d" + myParent.mapDiff)].gotoAndStop(1); }; myParent.mapDiff = _arg1.currentTarget.diff; this[("d" + myParent.mapDiff)].gotoAndStop(2); } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.startEdit(); } } }//package
Section 197
//switcher (switcher) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class switcher extends MovieClip { public function switcher(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 12, frame13, 29, frame30, 44, frame45, 59, frame60, 74, frame75, 84, frame85); } function frame75(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame85(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame13(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame30(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame45(){ gotoAndStop(1); } function frame60(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package
Section 198
//t (t) package { import*; public dynamic class t extends Sound { } }//package
Section 199
//t2 (t2) package { import*; public dynamic class t2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 200
//talkie1 (talkie1) package { import*; public dynamic class talkie1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 201
//talkie2 (talkie2) package { import*; public dynamic class talkie2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 202
//talkie3 (talkie3) package { import*; public dynamic class talkie3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 203
//talkingBg (talkingBg) package { import*; public dynamic class talkingBg extends Sound { } }//package
Section 204
//testpattern01 (testpattern01) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class testpattern01 extends MovieClip { public function testpattern01(){ addFrameScript(115, frame116); } function frame116(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 205
//testpattern02 (testpattern02) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class testpattern02 extends MovieClip { public function testpattern02(){ addFrameScript(81, frame82); } function frame82(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 206
//testpattern03 (testpattern03) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class testpattern03 extends MovieClip { public function testpattern03(){ addFrameScript(115, frame116); } function frame116(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 207
//textWindow (textWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class textWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; var colMC:MovieClip; public var editVocals:vocals; var a:BitmapData; var myParent:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var testSound:SimpleButton; public var introText:TextField; public var myVar:String; public var backButton:SimpleButton; public function textWindow(_arg1){ curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); backButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, back); testSound.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, sendText); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function pickLayer(_arg1:MouseEvent){ this[("l" + myParent.totalLevel)].gotoAndStop(1); myParent.totalLevel = _arg1.currentTarget.layer; myParent.mapData[3][0] = _arg1.currentTarget.layer; this[("l" + myParent.totalLevel)].gotoAndStop(2); myParent.offsetCount = 0; myParent.resetMap(); } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } function sendText(_arg1:MouseEvent){ editVocals.startSound(introText.text); } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.optionsPicking = false; myParent.textPicking = false; myParent.resetMap(); } function pickScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.mapScore > 0){ this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(1); }; myParent.mapScore = _arg1.currentTarget.score; this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(2); } } }//package
Section 208
//tile (tile) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class tile extends MovieClip { var yHold:Number; var win:Boolean;// = false var colorTint:Number; public var green:MovieClip; var teleport:Boolean;// = false public var isMoveing:Boolean;// = false var arrayLoc:MovieClip; var flipControl:Number;// = 0 var xHold:Number; var key:Boolean;// = false var keyLoc:Number; var telePage:Number; var tileHeight;// = 30 var flipper:Boolean;// = false var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var killer:Boolean;// = false public var door:MovieClip; var walkable:Boolean;// = false var colorArray:Array; public var startOpen:Boolean;// = false public var doorKey:MovieClip; var tileWidth;// = 30 var teleX:Number; var teleY:Number; var tileNum:Number; public function tile(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number=0, _arg6:Number=0, _arg7:Boolean=false, _arg8:Boolean=true){ var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; walkable = false; win = false; killer = false; teleport = false; key = false; tileWidth = 30; tileHeight = 30; colorArray = new Array(0xCCCCCC, 0x3300CC, 0x990000); alphaTint = 0.5; flipper = false; flipControl = 0; startOpen = false; isMoveing = false; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 139, frame140); x = (_arg1 * tileWidth); y = (_arg2 * tileHeight); _local9 = 0; _local10 = 0; switch (_arg6){ case 0: if (_arg7){ _local9 = (_local9 + tileWidth); scaleX = -1; }; break; case 1: rotation = 90; if (_arg7){ scaleY = -1; } else { _local9 = tileWidth; }; break; case 2: rotation = 180; if (_arg7){ scaleX = -1; _local10 = tileWidth; } else { _local9 = tileWidth; _local10 = tileWidth; }; break; case 3: rotation = 270; if (_arg7){ _local10 = tileWidth; _local9 = tileWidth; scaleY = -1; } else { _local10 = tileWidth; }; break; }; x = (x + _local9); y = (y + _local10); setTile(_arg3, _arg5, _arg4); } public function getFlip():Number{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = 100; if (flipper){ _local1 = flipControl; }; return (_local1); } public function setFlip(_arg1:Number):void{ flipper = true; flipControl = _arg1; } public function getKey():MovieClip{ key = false; return (arrayLoc); } public function setTele(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ teleport = true; telePage = _arg1; teleX = _arg2; teleY = _arg3; } public function setTile(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3){ tileNum = _arg1; colorTint = _arg3; tint(); gotoAndStop((tileNum + 1)); switch (tileNum){ case 0: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 33: case 142: case 143: case 144: case 145: case 146: case 149: walkable = true; killer = false; win = false; break; case 34: case 35: walkable = true; killer = false; win = true; break; case 29: case 30: case 31: case 32: walkable = true; killer = true; win = false; break; default: walkable = false; killer = false; win = false; }; } public function isClear():Boolean{ if (((!(walkable)) || (killer))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function openDoor():void{ setTile(34, 0, colorTint); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function setWalk(){ walkable = false; } public function setNotKey(){ key = false; arrayLoc = null; } public function setKey(_arg1:MovieClip){ key = true; arrayLoc = _arg1; } public function setNotWalk(){ walkable = true; } public function tint(_arg1:Number=-1){ var _local2:Color; if (_arg1 == -1){ _arg1 = alphaTint; }; _local2 = new Color(); _local2.setTint(colorTint, _arg1); this.transform.colorTransform = _local2; } public function closeDoor():void{ } function frame140(){ if (startOpen){ door.gotoAndPlay(7); }; } public function isWalkable():Boolean{ return (walkable); } } }//package
Section 209
//tile_chunk (tile_chunk) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; public class tile_chunk extends MovieClip { var colorTint:Number; var ySpeed:Number; var myParent:MovieClip; var alphaTint:Number;// = 0.5 var xSpeed:Number; var fallSpeed:Number;// = 1 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function tile_chunk(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number){ fallSpeed = 1; alphaTint = 0.5; tileWidth = 30; super(); myParent = _arg1; x = ((_arg2 * tileWidth) + (Math.random() * tileWidth)); y = ((_arg3 * tileWidth) + (Math.random() * tileWidth)); rotation = (Math.random() * 360); ySpeed = ((-(Math.random()) * 6) - 7); xSpeed = ((Math.random() * 8) - 4); colorTint = _arg4; tint(); } public function removeCheck():Boolean{ if ((((y > 500)) || ((y < 0)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function tint(){ var _local1:Color; _local1 = new Color(); _local1.setTint(colorTint, alphaTint); this.transform.colorTransform = _local1; } public function falling():void{ if (myParent.grav){ ySpeed = (ySpeed + fallSpeed); } else { ySpeed = (ySpeed - fallSpeed); }; y = (y + ySpeed); x = (x + xSpeed); rotation = (rotation + (xSpeed * 5)); } } }//package
Section 210
//tile_outline (tile_outline) package { import flash.display.*; public class tile_outline extends MovieClip { var tileHeight;// = 30 var tileWidth;// = 30 public function tile_outline(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ tileWidth = 30; tileHeight = 30; super(); x = (_arg1 * tileWidth); y = (_arg2 * tileHeight); } } }//package
Section 211
//tileWindow (tileWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class tileWindow extends MovieClip { var greenDesc:String;// = "green tile, if close enough will travel with you to the next layer" public var t0:MovieClip; public var t2:MovieClip; public var t3:MovieClip; public var t5:MovieClip; public var t7:MovieClip; public var t1:MovieClip; public var t9:MovieClip; var descArray:Array; public var t4:MovieClip; public var key:MovieClip; public var t8:MovieClip; public var t6:MovieClip; public var portal:MovieClip; var offset; public var blockDesc:TextField; public var time:MovieClip; public var slider:MovieClip; var tileCount:Number;// = 40 public var green:MovieClip; var timeDesc:String;// = "block disapears after a certain amount of time" var charDesc:String;// = "place your character, your character always starts on the first screen" var sliderDesc:String;// = "slider block, you can move this around with you" public var newChar:MovieClip; var portalDesc:String;// = "place a portal, click once to put down the portal, and click again to pick the portal exit. Portal exit can be on any screen." var doorDesc:String;// = "key door combo, put down key first, then put down door" public var flip1:MovieClip; public var flip2:MovieClip; public var flip3:MovieClip; var myParent:MovieClip; public var flip4:MovieClip; public var flip0:MovieClip; var keyDesc:String;// = "place a key, all keys must be collected before the final door is opened" public var t12:MovieClip; public var t14:MovieClip; public var t15:MovieClip; public var t16:MovieClip; public var t17:MovieClip; public var t18:MovieClip; public var t19:MovieClip; public var t13:MovieClip; public var t11:MovieClip; public var t20:MovieClip; public var t21:MovieClip; public var t22:MovieClip; public var t23:MovieClip; public var t24:MovieClip; public var t25:MovieClip; public var t27:MovieClip; public var t28:MovieClip; public var t29:MovieClip; public var door:MovieClip; public var t10:MovieClip; var mapWidth:Number;// = 10 public var t26:MovieClip; public var t30:MovieClip; public var t31:MovieClip; public var t32:MovieClip; public var t33:MovieClip; public var tilePick:MovieClip; var flipArray:Array; public function tileWindow(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:*; mapWidth = 10; tileCount = 40; flipArray = new Array("flip1", "flip2", "flip3", "flip4", "flip5"); descArray = new Array("Blank Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Ground Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile", "Generic Background Tile Last", "Killer saw tile (die if you touch it)", "Killer saw tile (die if you touch it)", "Killer saw tile (die if you touch it)", "Killer saw tile (die if you touch it)", "Exit tile (get all keys to open this bitch)"); charDesc = "place your character, your character always starts on the first screen"; portalDesc = "place a portal, click once to put down the portal, and click again to pick the portal exit. Portal exit can be on any screen."; keyDesc = "place a key, all keys must be collected before the final door is opened"; greenDesc = "green tile, if close enough will travel with you to the next layer"; sliderDesc = "slider block, you can move this around with you"; timeDesc = "block disapears after a certain amount of time"; doorDesc = "key door combo, put down key first, then put down door"; super(); myParent = _arg1; offset = _arg2; setPos(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 <= 33) { this[("t" + _local3)].args = _local3; this[("t" + _local3)].quote = descArray[_local3]; this[("t" + _local3)].buttonMode = true; this[("t" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickTile); this[("t" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); _local3++; }; newChar.gotoAndStop(151); newChar.quote = charDesc; newChar.buttonMode = true; newChar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeChar); newChar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); portal.quote = portalDesc; portal.buttonMode = true; portal.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placePortal); portal.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); key.quote = keyDesc; key.buttonMode = true; key.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeKey); key.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); green.quote = greenDesc; green.buttonMode = true; green.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeGreen); green.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); slider.quote = sliderDesc; slider.buttonMode = true; slider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeSlider); slider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); time.quote = timeDesc; time.buttonMode = true; time.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeTime); time.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); door.quote = doorDesc; door.buttonMode = true; door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, placeDoor); door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 <= 4) { this[("flip" + _local3)].args = _local3; this[("flip" + _local3)].quote = flipArray[_local3]; this[("flip" + _local3)].buttonMode = true; this[("flip" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickFlip); this[("flip" + _local3)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hoverTile); this[("flip" + _local3)].gotoAndStop((_local3 + 143)); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 <= 33) { this[("t" + _local3)].gotoAndStop((_local3 + 1)); _local3++; }; portal.gotoAndStop(150); key.gotoAndStop(149); green.gotoAndStop(148); slider.gotoAndStop(142); time.gotoAndStop(141); door.gotoAndStop(139); movePicker(); } function hoverTile(_arg1:MouseEvent){ blockDesc.text =; } function getWidth(_arg1):Number{ return (Math.floor((_arg1 / mapWidth))); } function getHeight(_arg1):Number{ return ((_arg1 % mapWidth)); } function pickFlip(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = (300 + Number(_arg1.currentTarget.args)); movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } function placePortal(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 201; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; } function placeGreen(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 203; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } function placeTime(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 205; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } function pickTile(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = _arg1.currentTarget.args; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } public function setPos(){ x = 490; y = 45; } function placeSlider(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 204; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } function placeChar(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 200; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } function placeDoor(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 206; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } public function movePicker(){ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; switch (myParent.currentTile){ case 200: _local1 = newChar.x; _local2 = newChar.y; break; case 201: _local1 = portal.x; _local2 = portal.y; break; case 202: _local1 = key.x; _local2 = key.y; break; case 203: _local1 = green.x; _local2 = green.y; break; case 204: _local1 = slider.x; _local2 = slider.y; break; case 205: _local1 = time.x; _local2 = time.y; break; case 206: _local1 = door.x; _local2 = door.y; break; case 300: case 301: case 302: case 303: case 304: _local1 = this[("flip" + (myParent.currentTile - 300))].x; _local2 = this[("flip" + (myParent.currentTile - 300))].y; break; default: _local1 = this[("t" + myParent.currentTile)].x; _local2 = this[("t" + myParent.currentTile)].y; break; }; tilePick.x = _local1; tilePick.y = _local2; } function placeKey(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.currentTile = 202; movePicker(); myParent.myParent.shifted = false; } } }//package
Section 212
//timeTile (timeTile) package { import flash.display.*; import fl.motion.*; import flash.geom.*; public class timeTile extends MovieClip { var startLayer:Number; var myStart:Array; var currentTint:Number; var fastDes:Number;// = 0.8 var BL:Boolean; var BR:Boolean; var starty:Number; var slowDes:Number;// = 0.5 var startx:Number; var speed:Number;// = 4 var SpeedDes:Number; var xTileLeft:Number; var totalTimeSet:Number; var xTileRight:Number; var TR:Boolean; var TL:Boolean; public var xSpeed:Number;// = 0 var isFlip:Boolean;// = false var arrayTile:Number; var slowSpeed:Number;// = 0.07 var yTile:Number; public var charFollow:Boolean;// = false var jumpSpeed:Number;// = -11.8 var jumping:Boolean;// = false var yTileTop:Number; public var pushDir:String;// = "right" public var setWalker:Boolean;// = false var blockWidth:Number;// = 30 var xTile:Number; public var ySpeed:Number;// = 0 public var currentLayer:Number; var kill:Boolean;// = false var telePage:Number; var tileHeight:Number;// = 30 var myParent:MovieClip; public var teleCount:Number;// = 0 var totalTimeCount:Number; var fallSpeed:Number;// = 1 var tele:Boolean;// = false var tileWidth:Number;// = 30 var yTileBottom:Number; var win:Boolean;// = false var landCount:Number;// = 6 var teleX:Number; public var isTele:Boolean;// = false var teleY:Number; public function timeTile(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number){ myStart = new Array(5, 5); xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; fallSpeed = 1; slowSpeed = 0.07; speed = 4; fastDes = 0.8; slowDes = 0.5; SpeedDes = fastDes; blockWidth = 30; tileWidth = 30; tileHeight = 30; win = false; kill = false; tele = false; isTele = false; isFlip = false; jumping = false; jumpSpeed = -11.8; landCount = 6; setWalker = false; charFollow = false; teleCount = 0; pushDir = "right"; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); myParent = _arg1; startLayer = _arg2; startx = _arg3; starty = _arg4; totalTimeSet = (_arg5 * 30); xTile = Math.floor((x / tileWidth)); yTile = Math.floor((y / tileHeight)); startTime(); } public function setStartTime(_arg1){ totalTimeSet = (_arg1 * 30); } function getTele(_arg1, _arg2){ tele = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleport; teleX = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleX; teleY = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].teleY; telePage = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].telePage; } function restart(){ myParent.resetMap(); } public function spinTime(_arg1:String){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 == "l"){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); _local3 = xTile; xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + 2.5); } else { if (_arg1 == "r"){ _local2 = yTile; _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; yTile = _local3; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + ((tileWidth - blockWidth) / 2)); } else { if (_arg1 == "v"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local3 = ((myParent.mapWidth - yTile) - 1); yTile = _local3; y = (((_local3 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)) + ((tileWidth - blockWidth) / 2)); }; } else { if (_arg1 == "f"){ if (currentLayer == myParent.offsetCount){ _local2 = ((myParent.mapWidth - xTile) - 1); xTile = _local2; x = ((_local2 * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); }; }; }; }; }; } public function moveTime():void{ if (totalTimeCount < 0){ myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setNotWalk(); currentLayer = 100; myParent.setActive(); } else { myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].setWalk(); gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((totalTimeCount / 30))); totalTimeCount--; }; } public function startTime(){ xSpeed = 0; setWalker = false; currentLayer = startLayer; totalTimeCount = totalTimeSet; xTile = startx; yTile = starty; x = ((xTile * tileWidth) + (tileWidth / 2)); y = ((yTile * tileHeight) + (tileHeight / 2)); gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((totalTimeCount / 30))); } function getMyDeathCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 4)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor((((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor((((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) + 1) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].killer; BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].killer; TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].killer; BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].killer; } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function setTint(_arg1:Number){ var _local2:Color; if (_arg1 != currentTint){ _local2 = new Color(); _local2.setTint(_arg1, 0.5); transform.colorTransform = _local2; currentTint = _arg1; }; } function getMyCorners(_arg1, _arg2){ xTileLeft = Math.floor(((_arg1 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); xTileRight = Math.floor(((_arg1 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileWidth)); yTileTop = Math.floor(((_arg2 - (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); yTileBottom = Math.floor(((_arg2 + (blockWidth / 2)) / tileHeight)); TL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); BL = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileLeft)].isWalkable(); TR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileTop) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); BR = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTileBottom) + xTileRight)].isWalkable(); } function getFlip(){ if (!myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper){ isFlip = false; }; if (((myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipper) && (!(isFlip)))){ isFlip = true; trace(myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl); switch (myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].flipControl){ case 0: myParent.flipMap(); break; case 1: myParent.flipGrav(); break; case 2: myParent.spinMapL(); break; case 3: myParent.spinMapR(); break; }; }; } public function resetMe(){ xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 1; } function getChar():Point{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = new Point(x, y); return (_local1); } function getMyDeath(){ kill = myParent.tileArray[((myParent.mapWidth * yTile) + xTile)].killer; } public function tintMe(){ trace("tint"); } } }//package
Section 213
//ToString (ToString) package { public class ToString { public static function breakString(_arg1:String):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:*; var _local5:Array; _local2 = new Array(); _local3 = _arg1.split(";"); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < (_local3.length - 1)) { _local5 = _local3[_local4].split(","); _local2.push(_local5); _local4++; }; return (_local2); } public static function trace2DArray(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:String; var _local3:int; _local2 = "["; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { if (_local3 != 0){ _local2 = (_local2 + " "); }; _local2 = (_local2 + (("[" + _arg1[_local3].join(",")) + "]")); if (_local3 != (_arg1.length - 1)){ _local2 = (_local2 + ",\n"); }; _local3++; }; trace((_local2 + "]")); } public static function makeString(_arg1:Array):String{ var _local2:String; var _local3:*; var _local4:Array; var _local5:*; _local2 = ""; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local4 = _arg1[_local3]; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local4.length) { _local2 = (_local2 + String(_local4[_local5])); if (_local5 < (_local4.length - 1)){ _local2 = (_local2 + ","); }; _local5++; }; if (_local3 <= _arg1.length){ _local2 = (_local2 + ";"); }; _local3++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package
Section 214
//u (u) package { import*; public dynamic class u extends Sound { } }//package
Section 215
//u2 (u2) package { import*; public dynamic class u2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 216
//v (v) package { import*; public dynamic class v extends Sound { } }//package
Section 217
//w (w) package { import*; public dynamic class w extends Sound { } }//package
Section 218
//v2 (v2) package { import*; public dynamic class v2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 219
//w2 (w2) package { import*; public dynamic class w2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 220
//walk1 (walk1) package { import*; public dynamic class walk1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 221
//walk2 (walk2) package { import*; public dynamic class walk2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 222
//walk3 (walk3) package { import*; public dynamic class walk3 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 223
//walk4 (walk4) package { import*; public dynamic class walk4 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 224
//warp1 (warp1) package { import*; public dynamic class warp1 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 225
//warp2 (warp2) package { import*; public dynamic class warp2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 226
//vocals (vocals) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class vocals extends MovieClip { var soundPlay:Number;// = 0 var talkCast:Number;// = 8 public var displayText:TextField; var endCount:Number;// = 0 var setTalk:Number; var endTalk:Boolean;// = false var displayChar:String; var talkAlt:Number;// = 0 var soundCount:Number;// = 0 var myParent:MovieClip; var displayHeight:Number;// = 100 public var headGfx:MovieClip; var displayString:String;// = "" var commaCount:Number;// = -4 var totalSounds:Array; var spaceCount:Number;// = -2 var alphabet:Array; var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false public var VM:MovieClip; var endCast:Number;// = 100 var talkCount:Number;// = 0 var periodCount:Number;// = -12 public function vocals(){ soundCount = 0; soundPlay = 0; periodCount = -12; commaCount = -4; spaceCount = -2; displayString = ""; isPlaying = false; talkAlt = 0; talkCount = 0; talkCast = 8; endTalk = false; endCount = 0; endCast = 100; displayHeight = 100; alphabet = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"]; super(); displayText.autoSize = "left"; headGfx.visible = false; headGfx.stop(); setTalk = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 15)) + 1); if (setTalk == 16){ setTalk = 15; }; setTalk = ((setTalk * 2) - 1); } public function playSound(){ var _local1:Class; var _local2:Sound; var _local3:Number; if (headGfx.currentFrame == 21){ if (isPlaying){ if (talkCount >= talkCast){ headGfx.headTalk.gotoAndStop((setTalk + talkAlt)); talkAlt = (1 - talkAlt); talkCount = 0; } else { talkCount++; }; if (soundCount > soundPlay){ displayChar = totalSounds.shift(); displayString = (displayString + displayChar); displayText.text = displayString; if (alphabet.some(checkAlphabet)){ if (myParent){ if ((((myParent.myParent.myParent.gameState == "play")) && ((myParent.myParent.myParent.currentLevel >= 28)))){ myParent.myParent.playSoundFX(displayChar.toLowerCase()); } else { myParent.myParent.playSoundFX((displayChar.toLowerCase() + "2")); }; } else { _local1 = (getDefinitionByName((displayChar.toLowerCase() + "2")) as Class); _local2 = new (_local1);; }; }; if ((((((displayChar == ".")) || ((displayChar == "!")))) || ((displayChar == "?")))){ soundCount = periodCount; } else { if (displayChar == ","){ soundCount = commaCount; } else { if (displayChar == " "){ soundCount = spaceCount; } else { soundCount = 0; }; }; }; if (totalSounds.length <= 0){ isPlaying = false; endTalk = true; }; } else { soundCount++; }; }; }; if (endTalk){ if (endCount > endCast){ if (myParent){ _local3 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); myParent.myParent.playSoundFX(("talkie" + _local3)); myParent.myParent.stopStaticFX(); displayText.text = ""; }; endCount = 0; endTalk = false;; } else { endCount++; }; }; if ((displayText.height + displayText.y) > displayHeight){ displayText.y = (displayText.y - 2); }; } public function stopSound(){ isPlaying = false; } public function setWidth(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number){ displayText.width = _arg2; displayHeight = _arg1; VM.width = _arg2; VM.height = _arg1; } public function setInGame(){ headGfx.visible = true; } public function checkAlphabet(_arg1, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):Boolean{ return ((_arg1 == displayChar.toLowerCase())); } public function startSound(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Number; totalSounds = _arg1.split(""); displayString = ""; displayText.y = 0; displayText.text = ""; isPlaying = true; talkCount = (talkCast - 1); if (headGfx.currentFrame != 21){ if (myParent){ _local2 = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 3)); myParent.myParent.playSoundFX(("talkie" + _local2)); myParent.myParent.playStaticFX(); }; headGfx.gotoAndPlay(2); }; endCount = 0; endTalk = false; } } }//package
Section 227
//voteWindow (voteWindow) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; public class voteWindow extends MovieClip { var curTile:Array; public var s1:MovieClip; public var s5:MovieClip; var colMC:MovieClip; public var s2:MovieClip; public var s4:MovieClip; public var s3:MovieClip; public var d4:MovieClip; public var d2:MovieClip; public var d5:MovieClip; var a:BitmapData; public var d3:MovieClip; var myParent:MovieClip; public var skip:MovieClip; public var d1:MovieClip; var image_bitmap; public var myVar:String; public function voteWindow(_arg1){ var _local2:Number; curTile = new Array(1, 1); colMC = new MovieClip(); super(); myParent = _arg1; offPos(); _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 5) { this[("d" + _local2)].diff = _local2; this[("d" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("d" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickDiff); _local2++; }; _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 5) { this[("s" + _local2)].score = _local2; this[("s" + _local2)].buttonMode = true; this[("s" + _local2)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, pickScore); _local2++; }; skip.buttonMode = true; skip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mainMenu); } function submitVote(){ if (((!((myParent.mapDiff == 0))) && (!((myParent.mapScore == 0))))){ myParent.submitVote(); }; } public function offPos(){ x = 1000; y = 0xFF; } public function setPos(){ x = 0xFF; y = 0xFF; } function pickDiff(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.mapDiff > 0){ this[("d" + myParent.mapDiff)].gotoAndStop(1); }; myParent.mapDiff = _arg1.currentTarget.diff; this[("d" + myParent.mapDiff)].gotoAndStop(2); submitVote(); } function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multi"){ myParent.stopStaticFX(); myParent.myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } else { if (myParent.myParent.gameState == "multiC"){ myParent.stopStaticFX(); if (myParent.exitVote){ myParent.myParent.stopMusic(); myParent.myParent.gotoAndStop("menu"); } else { myParent.startTrans(); }; }; }; } function back(_arg1:MouseEvent){ myParent.startEdit(); } function pickScore(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (myParent.mapScore > 0){ this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(1); }; myParent.mapScore = _arg1.currentTarget.score; this[("s" + myParent.mapScore)].gotoAndStop(2); submitVote(); } } }//package
Section 228
//x (x) package { import*; public dynamic class x extends Sound { } }//package
Section 229
//x2 (x2) package { import*; public dynamic class x2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 230
//y (y) package { import*; public dynamic class y extends Sound { } }//package
Section 231
//y2 (y2) package { import*; public dynamic class y2 extends Sound { } }//package
Section 232
//z (z) package { import*; public dynamic class z extends Sound { } }//package
Section 233
//z2 (z2) package { import*; public dynamic class z2 extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {talkie2}Used by:986
Symbol 2 Sound {n}
Symbol 3 Sound {keyPickup}Used by:986
Symbol 4 Sound {keyLand}Used by:986
Symbol 5 Sound {introField}
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 8 FontUsed by:9 10 11 12 13 26 27 34 35 36 37 38 39 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 298 299 300 301 302 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 412 413 416 420 422 424 427 430 431 432 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 445 446 447 448 449 450 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 627 628 629 631 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 679 680 681 682 789 790 791 808 809 810 812 816 817 818 820 823 824 825 826 827 830 831 833 835 837 841 842 845 846 848 849 851 852 854 855 856 859 884 885 886 993 996 998 1000 1003 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1068 1069 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1129 1130 1131 1134 1135 1136 1139 1140 1141 1145 1150 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1178 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190
Symbol 9 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 10 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 11 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 12 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 13 TextUses:8Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:7 9 10 11 12 13Used by:28
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:15Used by:25
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18 222 305 320
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:17Used by:25
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:20 54 168 223 305
Symbol 20 MovieClipUses:19Used by:25
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22 233
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21Used by:25
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24 137 158 234 278 311 336 421 423 425 429 564 618 624 634 690 795 801 804 892
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:16 18 20 22 24Used by:28
Symbol 26 TextUses:8Used by:28
Symbol 27 TextUses:8Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:6 14 25 26 27Used by:50 444 451 1195
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30 31 32 33
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:50 75 444 451 724 1195
Symbol 31 GraphicUses:29Used by:50 75 444 451 724 1195
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:29Used by:50 75 444 451 724 1195
Symbol 33 GraphicUses:29Used by:50 75 444 451 724 1195
Symbol 34 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 35 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 36 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 37 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 38 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 39 TextUses:8Used by:50 1195
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 41 BitmapUsed by:42 44 46 48
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:41Used by:49 647 694
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:41Used by:49 647 694
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:49 694
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:41Used by:49 647 694
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49 74 113 125 172 311 313 392 694 1193  Timeline
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:41Used by:49 647 694
Symbol 49 MovieClip {game_fla.fade0_70}Uses:40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48Used by:50 444 451 1195
Symbol 50 MovieClip {testpattern01}Uses:28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 49Used by:75 311 986
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:73 1181
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:73 1181
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:19Used by:72 336 343
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56 160
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:72 336 343
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58 161
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:72 336 343
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60 90 305
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:65 70 71 167 863
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:71 167 305 863
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:71 167 863
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:65 759
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65 759
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:63 60 64Used by:71 167 341 343 863
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:70 776
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:70 776
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69 775
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:68Used by:70 167 863
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:66 60 67 69Used by:71 167 342 343 863
Symbol 71 MovieClip {game_fla.head_83}Uses:60 61 62 65 70Used by:72 336 343
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:54 56 58 71Used by:73 340 343
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:51 52 53 72Used by:75
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:47Used by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip {NGintro}Uses:50 73 30 74 31 32 33 SS1
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 77 FontUsed by:79
Symbol 78 FontUsed by:79
Symbol 79 TextUses:77 78Used by:89
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:80Used by:89
Symbol 82 FontUsed by:83 95 100 102 103 111 124
Symbol 83 EditableTextUses:82Used by:89
Symbol 84 FontUsed by:85 86 108 112
Symbol 85 TextUses:84Used by:89
Symbol 86 EditableTextUses:84Used by:89
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:87Used by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup}Uses:76 79 81 83 85 86 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 MovieClip {eyesandmouth}Uses:59Used by:759 760 776 777
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClipUses:91Used by:113
Symbol 93 FontUsed by:94 99 101 110 123 798 995
Symbol 94 TextUses:93Used by:113
Symbol 95 TextUses:82Used by:113
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 ButtonUses:96 97Used by:113
Symbol 99 TextUses:93Used by:113
Symbol 100 TextUses:82Used by:113
Symbol 101 TextUses:93Used by:113
Symbol 102 TextUses:82Used by:113
Symbol 103 TextUses:82Used by:113
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 105 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
Symbol 107 ButtonUses:104 105 106Used by:113
Symbol 108 TextUses:84Used by:113
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 110 TextUses:93Used by:113
Symbol 111 TextUses:82Used by:113
Symbol 112 TextUses:84Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultAPIConnector}Uses:92 94 95 98 99 100 101 102 103 107 108 47 109 110 111 112Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:115Used by:152
Symbol 117 FontUsed by:118 119 146
Symbol 118 TextUses:117Used by:121
Symbol 119 TextUses:117Used by:121
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:121
Symbol 121 ButtonUses:118 119 120Used by:152
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 123 TextUses:93Used by:125
Symbol 124 TextUses:82Used by:125
Symbol 125 MovieClipUses:47 123 124Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClip {game_fla.NewgroundsAPI_Ad_Unit_6}Uses:125Used by:137
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 133 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClip {game_fla.loadHead_5}Uses:23 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136Used by:152
Symbol 138 GraphicUsed by:152 868
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:152
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:145
Symbol 145 ButtonUses:142 143 144Used by:147
Symbol 146 TextUses:117Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:145 146Used by:149
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:149
Symbol 149 MovieClipUses:147 148Used by:152
Symbol 150 GraphicUsed by:151
Symbol 151 ButtonUses:150Used by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClip {game_fla.introLoad_1}Uses:116 121 122 137 138 141 149 151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:277 311 340 343
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClipUses:156Used by:277 291 307 311
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:23Used by:159 277 291 295 307 311
Symbol 159 MovieClipUses:158Used by:277 311
Symbol 160 MovieClipUses:55Used by:277 286 287 291 295 306 311 334 340 359 741 742 748 765 766 767 773 782 783 784
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:57Used by:277 286 287 291 295 306 311 334 340 359 741 742 748 765 766 767 773 782 783 784
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:167 863
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:167 863
Symbol 164 GraphicUsed by:167 863
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:167 863
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167 863
Symbol 167 MovieClip {head}Uses:60 61 62 65 70 162 163 164 165 69 166Used by:224 277 286 287 291 295 304 305 306 310 311 321 327 334 340 359 507 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 986
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:19Used by:277 286 287 291 295 306 311 334 340 359 741 742 748 765 766 767 773 782 783 784
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:277 290 311
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171 217 218 219
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:277 311 312 340 343 392
Symbol 172 MovieClipUses:47Used by:216
Symbol 173 FontUsed by:174 395 622 623 881 882 883
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:173Used by:216
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:214 275
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:214 275
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClip {game_fla.holohead_35}Uses:185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213Used by:215
Symbol 215 MovieClip {game_fla.holohead_34}Uses:175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 214Used by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip {vocals}Uses:172 174 215Used by:277 311 625 814 986
Symbol 217 GraphicUses:170Used by:277 311 312 340 343 392
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:170Used by:277 311 312 340 343 392
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:170Used by:277 311 312 340 343 392
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:221 305
Symbol 221 MovieClipUses:220Used by:224 276 304 305 310 321 327 340 345 351 358 360 507 739 740 742 743 744 745 746 747 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 761 762 763 764 767 768 769 770 771 772 778 779 780 781 784 785
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:17Used by:224 276 304 305 310 340 345 351 358 360 363 507 739 740 742 743 744 745 746 747 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 761 762 763 764 767 768 769 770 771 772 778 779 780 781 784 785
Symbol 223 MovieClipUses:19Used by:224 276 304 305 310 321 327 340 345 351 358 360 507 739 740 742 743 744 745 746 747 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 761 762 763 764 767 768 769 770 771 772 778 779 780 781 784 785
Symbol 224 MovieClipUses:221 222 167 223Used by:277 307 311 364
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:226
Symbol 226 MovieClipUses:225Used by:277
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:227 228 229 230 231Used by:277 1194
Symbol 233 MovieClipUses:21Used by:276 345 358 360
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:23Used by:276 345 351 358 360 363
Symbol 235 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 236 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 237 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 238 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 239 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 240 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 241 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 242 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 243 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 244 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 245 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 246 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 247 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 248 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 249 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 250 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 251 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 252 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 253 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 254 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 255 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 256 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 257 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 258 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 259 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 260 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 261 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 262 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 263 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 264 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 265 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 266 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 267 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 268 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 269 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 270 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 271 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 272 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 273 TextUses:8Used by:274
Symbol 274 MovieClipUses:235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273Used by:276
Symbol 275 MovieClipUses:185 186Used by:276 311 1194
Symbol 276 MovieClipUses:221 222 223 233 234 274 275Used by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClip {Story_Outro}Uses:155 157 159 160 161 167 168 169 171 216 217 218 219 224 226 158 232 276Used by:986
Symbol 278 MovieClipUses:23Used by:291 311
Symbol 279 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 280 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 281 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 282 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 284 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 286 MovieClipUses:160 161 167 168Used by:287 289 295 307 311 1181
Symbol 287 MovieClipUses:286 160 161 167 168Used by:311
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:311 392
Symbol 289 MovieClipUses:286Used by:311
Symbol 290 ButtonUses:169Used by:311
Symbol 291 MovieClipUses:157 158 160 161 167 168 278Used by:311
Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 295 MovieClipUses:160 161 168 158 167 286Used by:311
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 298 TextUses:8Used by:303
Symbol 299 TextUses:8Used by:303
Symbol 300 TextUses:8Used by:303
Symbol 301 TextUses:8Used by:303
Symbol 302 TextUses:8Used by:303
Symbol 303 MovieClip {game_fla.titletext_55}Uses:298 299 300 301 302Used by:311 1194
Symbol 304 MovieClip {game_fla.char_fly_1_57}Uses:222 167 223 221Used by:307 757
Symbol 305 ButtonUses:221 222 167 223 220 17 59 61 19Used by:307
Symbol 306 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_1_59}Uses:160 161 167 168Used by:307 757
Symbol 307 MovieClip {game_fla.endpushani_56}Uses:157 158 286 304 305 306 224Used by:311
Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 309 GraphicUsed by:311
Symbol 310 MovieClip {game_fla.portalend1_60}Uses:221 222 167 223Used by:311 757
Symbol 311 MovieClip {Story_Intro}Uses:155 157 158 278 224 169 216 47 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 287 288 286 159 219 171 217 218 289 290 23 291 292 275 293 294 295 296 297 303 307 308 309 160 161 167 168 310 50 SS2Used by:986
Symbol 312 MovieClipUses:219 171 217 218Used by:340 343
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:47Used by:337 340 343
Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315 589
Symbol 315 MovieClipUses:314Used by:340 750
Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:317
Symbol 317 MovieClipUses:316Used by:340 750
Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 319 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 320 MovieClipUses:17Used by:321 327
Symbol 321 MovieClipUses:320 167 223 221Used by:340
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 326 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 327 MovieClipUses:221 320 167 223Used by:340
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 331 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 333 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 334 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_1_79}Uses:160 161 167 168Used by:340
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:340 393 750 753 755
Symbol 336 MovieClipUses:56 58 71 54 23Used by:340 343
Symbol 337 MovieClipUses:313Used by:340 343
Symbol 338 GraphicUsed by:339
Symbol 339 MovieClipUses:338Used by:340 343
Symbol 340 MovieClip {Story_End2}Uses:155 312 313 221 222 167 223 217 218 219 171 315 317 318 319 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 160 161 168 336 337 72 339 SS3Used by:986
Symbol 341 MovieClipUses:65Used by:343
Symbol 342 MovieClipUses:70Used by:343
Symbol 343 MovieClip {Story_End}Uses:155 312 313 56 58 71 54 217 218 219 171 336 341 337 65 70 342 72 339 SS4Used by:986
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 345 MovieClipUses:221 222 223 233 234Used by:376 435 1194
Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClipUses:347Used by:351
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 351 MovieClipUses:346 221 222 223 348 234 349 350Used by:376 435
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 353 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClipUses:223 221 222 233 234 352 353 354 355 356 357Used by:376 1194
Symbol 359 MovieClipUses:161 168 160 167Used by:376
Symbol 360 MovieClipUses:221 222 223 233 234Used by:376 1194
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClipUses:361Used by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:362 222 234Used by:376
Symbol 364 MovieClipUses:224Used by:376
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 369 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 371 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClip {game_fla.doorkey_102}Uses:366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374Used by:376 564 801
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:344 345 351 358 359 360 363 364 365 375Used by:392
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:392
Symbol 378 GraphicUsed by:392
Symbol 379 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 380 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 381 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 382 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 383 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 384 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 385 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 386 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 387 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 388 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 389 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 390 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 391 TextUses:8Used by:392
Symbol 392 MovieClip {introScroll}Uses:376 47 377 279 280 288 281 282 378 283 284 285 379 219 171 217 218 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 SS5Used by:986
Symbol 393 MovieClip {pop}Uses:318 319 322 323 324 325 326 328 329 330 331 332 333 335Used by:986
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:410
Symbol 395 EditableTextUses:173Used by:410
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 397 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 399 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
Symbol 401 MovieClip {game_fla.scoreFaces_105}Uses:396 397 398 399 400Used by:410
Symbol 402 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 404 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 406 GraphicUsed by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClip {game_fla.difficultyFaces_106}Uses:402 403 404 405 406Used by:410
Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:409
Symbol 409 MovieClipUses:408Used by:410
Symbol 410 MovieClip {listItem}Uses:394 395 401 407 409Used by:986
Symbol 411 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 412 TextUses:8Used by:419
Symbol 413 TextUses:8Used by:419
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:414Used by:419
Symbol 416 EditableTextUses:8Used by:419
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Symbol 418 MovieClipUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClip {lister}Uses:411 412 413 415 416 417 418Used by:986
Symbol 420 TextUses:8Used by:421
Symbol 421 ButtonUses:23 420Used by:435
Symbol 422 TextUses:8Used by:423
Symbol 423 ButtonUses:23 422Used by:435
Symbol 424 TextUses:8Used by:425
Symbol 425 ButtonUses:23 424Used by:435
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:435
Symbol 427 TextUses:8Used by:435
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 429 ButtonUses:428 23Used by:435
Symbol 430 EditableTextUses:8Used by:435
Symbol 431 TextUses:8Used by:434
Symbol 432 TextUses:8Used by:434
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Symbol 436 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 437 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 438 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 439 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 440 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 441 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 442 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 443 TextUses:8Used by:444
Symbol 444 MovieClip {testpattern03}Uses:28 30 31 32 436 33 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 49Used by:986
Symbol 445 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 446 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 447 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 448 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 449 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 450 TextUses:8Used by:451
Symbol 451 MovieClip {testpattern02}Uses:28 30 31 32 33 445 446 447 448 449 49 450Used by:986
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Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 454 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:462 564 801
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 458 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 462 MovieClip {timeTile}Uses:452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461Used by:986
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 464 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 465 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 470 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 471 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 472 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 477 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 478 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 489 GraphicUsed by:564 801
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 491 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 495 MovieClipUses:490 491 492 493 494Used by:564 801
Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 497 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:500
Symbol 500 MovieClipUses:496 497 498 499Used by:564 801
Symbol 501 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 504 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 505 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 506 MovieClipUses:501 502 503 504 505Used by:564 801
Symbol 507 MovieClip {game_fla.char_stand_1_124}Uses:221 222 167 223Used by:564 757 801
Symbol 508 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 509 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 512 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 513 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:518
Symbol 516 GraphicUsed by:518
Symbol 517 GraphicUsed by:518
Symbol 518 MovieClipUses:515 516 517Used by:519
Symbol 519 MovieClip {game_fla.door_125}Uses:508 509 510 511 512 513 514 518Used by:564 801
Symbol 520 GraphicUsed by:564 567 801
Symbol 521 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 522 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 523 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 524 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 525 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 526 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 527 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 528 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 529 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 530 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 531 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 532 GraphicUsed by:533
Symbol 533 MovieClipUses:521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532Used by:564 801
Symbol 534 GraphicUsed by:538
Symbol 535 GraphicUsed by:538
Symbol 536 GraphicUsed by:538
Symbol 537 GraphicUsed by:538
Symbol 538 MovieClipUses:534 535 536 537Used by:564 801
Symbol 539 GraphicUsed by:543 646
Symbol 540 GraphicUsed by:543 646
Symbol 541 GraphicUsed by:543
Symbol 542 GraphicUsed by:543 646
Symbol 543 MovieClipUses:539 540 541 542Used by:564 801
Symbol 544 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 545 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 547 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 548 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 549 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 550 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 551 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 552 GraphicUsed by:553
Symbol 553 MovieClip {game_fla.greentile_130}Uses:544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552Used by:564 801
Symbol 554 GraphicUsed by:564 568 801
Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 557 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 558 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 559 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 560 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 561 GraphicUsed by:562
Symbol 562 MovieClipUses:555 556 557 558 559 560 561Used by:563
Symbol 563 MovieClipUses:562Used by:564 801
Symbol 564 MovieClip {tile}Uses:23 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 495 500 506 507 375 519 456 520 533 538 543 553 554 563Used by:986
Symbol 565 GraphicUsed by:567
Symbol 566 GraphicUsed by:567
Symbol 567 MovieClip {slider}Uses:520 565 566Used by:986
Symbol 568 MovieClip {key}Uses:554Used by:986
Symbol 569 GraphicUsed by:625
Symbol 570 GraphicUsed by:571
Symbol 571 MovieClipUses:570Used by:625
Symbol 572 GraphicUsed by:576
Symbol 573 GraphicUsed by:576
Symbol 574 GraphicUsed by:576
Symbol 575 GraphicUsed by:576
Symbol 576 ButtonUses:572 573 574 575Used by:625 879
Symbol 577 GraphicUsed by:580
Symbol 578 GraphicUsed by:580
Symbol 579 GraphicUsed by:580 611
Symbol 580 ButtonUses:577 578 579Used by:625
Symbol 581 GraphicUsed by:585
Symbol 582 GraphicUsed by:585
Symbol 583 GraphicUsed by:585
Symbol 584 GraphicUsed by:585
Symbol 585 ButtonUses:581 582 583 584Used by:625 879 893
Symbol 586 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 587 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 588 GraphicUsed by:589 593
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Symbol 590 GraphicUsed by:593
Symbol 591 GraphicUsed by:593
Symbol 592 GraphicUsed by:593
Symbol 593 ButtonUses:590 591 592 588Used by:625
Symbol 594 GraphicUsed by:598
Symbol 595 GraphicUsed by:598
Symbol 596 GraphicUsed by:598
Symbol 597 GraphicUsed by:598
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Symbol 600 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 601 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 602 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 603 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 604 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 605 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 606 TextUses:8Used by:608
Symbol 607 TextUses:8Used by:608
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Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:614
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:614
Symbol 614 MovieClipUses:612 613Used by:618
Symbol 615 GraphicUsed by:618
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:618
Symbol 617 GraphicUsed by:618
Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}Uses:23 614 615 616 617Used by:625
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Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:621
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Symbol 622 EditableTextUses:173Used by:625
Symbol 623 EditableTextUses:173Used by:625
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Symbol 629 TextUses:8Used by:630
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Symbol 638 GraphicUsed by:647 694
Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:647 694
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Symbol 641 GraphicUsed by:647 694
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Symbol 652 TextUses:8Used by:656
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Symbol 659 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 660 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 661 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 662 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 663 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 664 GraphicUsed by:668
Symbol 665 GraphicUsed by:668
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Symbol 667 GraphicUsed by:668
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Symbol 680 TextUses:8Used by:683
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Symbol 687 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 688 GraphicUsed by:690
Symbol 689 GraphicUsed by:690
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Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 697 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 698 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 699 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 700 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 701 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 702 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 703 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 704 GraphicUsed by:709
Symbol 705 GraphicUsed by:709
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Symbol 707 GraphicUsed by:709
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Symbol 711 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 712 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 713 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 714 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 715 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 716 GraphicUsed by:722
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Symbol 718 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 719 GraphicUsed by:722
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Symbol 728 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 729 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 730 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 731 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 732 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 733 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 734 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 735 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 736 GraphicUsed by:738
Symbol 737 GraphicUsed by:738
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Symbol 739 MovieClipUses:221 222 167 223Used by:757
Symbol 740 MovieClipUses:222 167 223 221Used by:757
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Symbol 745 MovieClipUses:221 222 167 223Used by:757
Symbol 746 MovieClipUses:221 222 167 223Used by:757
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Symbol 748 MovieClipUses:161 168 160 167Used by:757
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Symbol 752 MovieClip {game_fla.portalend2_184}Uses:221 222 167 223Used by:757
Symbol 753 MovieClip {game_fla.death1_185}Uses:221 222 167 223 318 319 322 323 324 325 326 328 329 330 331 332 333 335Used by:757
Symbol 754 MovieClip {game_fla.appear_186}Uses:167 221 222 223Used by:757
Symbol 755 MovieClip {game_fla.appear2_187}Uses:335 333 332 167 331 330 329 328 223 222 326 221 325 324 323 322 319 318Used by:757
Symbol 756 MovieClip {game_fla.sleep_188}Uses:221 222 223 167Used by:757
Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170}Uses:507 739 740 304 741 306 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 310 753 754 755 756Used by:787
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Symbol 762 MovieClipUses:221 222 760 223Used by:774
Symbol 763 MovieClipUses:222 760 223 221Used by:774
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Symbol 766 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_2_198}Uses:160 161 760 168Used by:774
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Symbol 768 MovieClip {game_fla.char_up_2_200}Uses:221 222 760 223Used by:774
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Symbol 770 MovieClipUses:221 222 760 223Used by:774
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Symbol 776 MovieClipUses:66 90 67 775Used by:777
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Symbol 779 MovieClipUses:221 222 777 223Used by:786
Symbol 780 MovieClipUses:222 777 223 221Used by:786
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Symbol 783 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_3_215}Uses:160 161 777 168Used by:786
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Symbol 820 TextUses:8Used by:821
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Symbol 823 TextUses:8Used by:828
Symbol 824 TextUses:8Used by:828
Symbol 825 TextUses:8Used by:828
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Symbol 870 GraphicUsed by:873
Symbol 871 GraphicUsed by:873
Symbol 872 GraphicUsed by:873
Symbol 873 ButtonUses:869 870 871 872Used by:879
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Symbol 875 GraphicUsed by:877
Symbol 876 GraphicUsed by:877
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Symbol 882 TextUses:173Used by:887
Symbol 883 TextUses:173Used by:887
Symbol 884 TextUses:8Used by:887
Symbol 885 TextUses:8Used by:887
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Symbol 895 Sound {b2}Used by:986
Symbol 896 Sound {c2}Used by:986
Symbol 897 Sound {d2}Used by:986
Symbol 898 Sound {e2}Used by:986
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Symbol 900 Sound {g2}Used by:986
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Symbol 904 Sound {k2}Used by:986
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Symbol 913 Sound {t2}Used by:986
Symbol 914 Sound {u2}Used by:986
Symbol 915 Sound {v2}Used by:986
Symbol 916 Sound {w2}Used by:986
Symbol 917 Sound {x2}Used by:986
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Symbol 919 Sound {z2}Used by:986
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Symbol 926 Sound {g}Used by:986
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Symbol 931 Sound {l}Used by:986
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Symbol 934 Sound {p}Used by:986
Symbol 935 Sound {q}Used by:986
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Symbol 953 Sound {playerLand2}Used by:986
Symbol 954 Sound {playerLand3}Used by:986
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Symbol 956 Sound {walk1}Used by:986
Symbol 957 Sound {walk2}Used by:986
Symbol 958 Sound {walk3}Used by:986
Symbol 959 Sound {walk4}Used by:986
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Symbol 961 Sound {warp2}Used by:986
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Symbol 963 Sound {intro_tune_2}Used by:986
Symbol 964 Sound {intro_tune_3}Used by:986
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Symbol 968 Sound {layer_change3}Used by:986
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Symbol 970 Sound {mouseover}Used by:986
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Symbol 972 Sound {blockbreak2}Used by:986
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Symbol 975 Sound {blockLand2}Used by:986
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Symbol 977 Sound {blockLift2}Used by:986
Symbol 978 Sound {door_close}Used by:986
Symbol 979 Sound {door_open}Used by:986
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Symbol 981 Sound {gravityUp}Used by:986
Symbol 982 Sound {portalOpen}Used by:986
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Symbol 990 MovieClipUses:989Used by:Timeline
Symbol 991 TextUses:988Used by:992
Symbol 992 MovieClipUses:991Used by:Timeline
Symbol 993 TextUses:8Used by:994
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Symbol 995 EditableTextUses:93Used by:Timeline
Symbol 996 TextUses:8Used by:997
Symbol 997 ButtonUses:996Used by:Timeline
Symbol 998 TextUses:8Used by:999
Symbol 999 ButtonUses:998Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1000 TextUses:8Used by:1001
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Symbol 1005 GraphicUsed by:1194
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Symbol 1009 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
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Symbol 1014 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
Symbol 1015 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
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Symbol 1018 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
Symbol 1019 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
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Symbol 1022 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
Symbol 1023 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1055
Symbol 1024 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
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Symbol 1026 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
Symbol 1027 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
Symbol 1028 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
Symbol 1029 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
Symbol 1030 TextUses:8Used by:1042
Symbol 1031 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
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Symbol 1034 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
Symbol 1035 TextUses:8Used by:1042
Symbol 1036 TextUses:8Used by:1042 1049 1070
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Symbol 1043 TextUses:8Used by:1049
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Symbol 1051 TextUses:8Used by:1055
Symbol 1052 TextUses:8Used by:1055
Symbol 1053 TextUses:8Used by:1055
Symbol 1054 TextUses:8Used by:1055
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Symbol 1059 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1060 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1061 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1062 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1063 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1064 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1065 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1066 TextUses:8Used by:1067
Symbol 1067 MovieClipUses:1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066Used by:1194
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Symbol 1069 TextUses:8Used by:1070
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Symbol 1073 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1074 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1075 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1076 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1077 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1078 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1079 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1080 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1081 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1082 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1083 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1084 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1085 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1086 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1087 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1088 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1089 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1090 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1091 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1092 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1093 TextUses:8Used by:1097
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Symbol 1095 TextUses:8Used by:1097
Symbol 1096 TextUses:8Used by:1097
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Symbol 1099 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1100 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1101 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1102 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1103 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1104 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1105 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1106 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1107 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1108 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1109 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1110 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1111 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1112 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1113 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1114 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1115 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1116 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1117 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1118 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1119 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1120 TextUses:8Used by:1124
Symbol 1121 TextUses:8Used by:1124
Symbol 1122 TextUses:8Used by:1124
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Symbol 1124 ButtonUses:1120 1121 1122 1123Used by:1194
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Symbol 1126 GraphicUsed by:1128
Symbol 1127 GraphicUsed by:1128
Symbol 1128 MovieClipUses:1125 1126 1127Used by:1194
Symbol 1129 TextUses:8Used by:1133
Symbol 1130 TextUses:8Used by:1133
Symbol 1131 TextUses:8Used by:1133
Symbol 1132 GraphicUsed by:1133
Symbol 1133 ButtonUses:1129 1130 1131 1132Used by:1194
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Symbol 1135 TextUses:8Used by:1138
Symbol 1136 TextUses:8Used by:1138
Symbol 1137 GraphicUsed by:1138
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Symbol 1140 TextUses:8Used by:1143
Symbol 1141 TextUses:8Used by:1143
Symbol 1142 GraphicUsed by:1143
Symbol 1143 ButtonUses:1139 1140 1141 1142Used by:1194
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Symbol 1145 TextUses:8Used by:1148
Symbol 1146 GraphicUsed by:1148
Symbol 1147 GraphicUsed by:1148
Symbol 1148 ButtonUses:1144 1145 1146 1147Used by:1194
Symbol 1149 GraphicUsed by:1153
Symbol 1150 TextUses:8Used by:1153
Symbol 1151 GraphicUsed by:1153
Symbol 1152 GraphicUsed by:1153
Symbol 1153 ButtonUses:1149 1150 1151 1152Used by:1194
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Symbol 1155 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1156 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1157 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1158 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1159 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1160 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1161 TextUses:8Used by:1167
Symbol 1162 TextUses:8Used by:1167 1177
Symbol 1163 TextUses:8Used by:1167 1177
Symbol 1164 TextUses:8Used by:1167 1177
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Symbol 1166 GraphicUsed by:1167
Symbol 1167 ButtonUses:1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166Used by:1194
Symbol 1168 GraphicUsed by:1177
Symbol 1169 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1170 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1171 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1172 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1173 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1174 TextUses:8Used by:1177
Symbol 1175 GraphicUsed by:1177
Symbol 1176 GraphicUsed by:1177
Symbol 1177 ButtonUses:1168 1169 1170 1162 1163 1171 1172 1164 1173 1174 1175 1176Used by:1194
Symbol 1178 TextUses:8Used by:1194
Symbol 1179 GraphicUsed by:1181
Symbol 1180 GraphicUsed by:1181
Symbol 1181 MovieClipUses:1179 286 1180 52 53Used by:1194
Symbol 1182 GraphicUsed by:1194
Symbol 1183 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1184 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1185 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1186 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1187 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1188 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1189 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1190 TextUses:8Used by:1192
Symbol 1191 GraphicUsed by:1192
Symbol 1192 ButtonUses:1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191Used by:1194
Symbol 1193 MovieClipUses:47Used by:1194
Symbol 1194 MovieClip {game_fla.titlescreen_258}Uses:1002 1003 1004 232 360 358 1005 1042 1049 1055 1067 1070 1071 1097 345 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 275 1124 1128 1133 1138 1143 303 1148 1153 1167 1177 1178 677 1181 1182 1192 1193Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1195 MovieClipUses:28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 49Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 75 MovieClip {NGintro}
Streaming Sound 2Used by:Symbol 311 MovieClip {Story_Intro}
Streaming Sound 3Used by:Symbol 340 MovieClip {Story_End2}
Streaming Sound 4Used by:Symbol 343 MovieClip {Story_End}
Streaming Sound 5Used by:Symbol 392 MovieClip {introScroll}

Instance Names

"preBG"Frame 1Symbol 152 MovieClip {game_fla.introLoad_1}
"newgroundsAPIconnector"Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultAPIConnector}
"bigCover"Frame 1Symbol 154 MovieClip
"playCustom"Frame 7Symbol 990 MovieClip
"editCustom"Frame 7Symbol 992 MovieClip
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"playBButton"Frame 7Symbol 990 MovieClip
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"skipB"Frame 11Symbol 1001 Button
"menu"Frame 12Symbol 1194 MovieClip {game_fla.titlescreen_258}
"medal_popup"Frame 12Symbol 89 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup}
"skipB"Frame 16Symbol 1001 Button
"skipB"Frame 19Symbol 1001 Button
"medalNameText"Symbol 89 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup} Frame 10Symbol 83 EditableText
"medalValueText"Symbol 89 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup} Frame 10Symbol 86 EditableText
"medalContainer"Symbol 89 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultMedalPopup} Frame 10Symbol 88 MovieClip
"closeButton"Symbol 113 MovieClip {com.newgrounds.components.DefaultAPIConnector} Frame 2Symbol 98 Button
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"introVocals"Symbol 277 MovieClip {Story_Outro} Frame 1Symbol 216 MovieClip {vocals}
"introVocals"Symbol 311 MovieClip {Story_Intro} Frame 1Symbol 216 MovieClip {vocals}
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"gameVocals"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 216 MovieClip {vocals}
"lb1"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
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"lb3"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb4"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb5"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
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"lb7"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb8"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb9"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb10"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb11"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb12"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb13"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb14"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb15"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb16"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb17"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb18"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb19"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb20"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb21"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb22"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb23"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb24"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb25"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb26"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb27"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb28"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb29"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb30"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb31"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb32"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
"lb33"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 618 MovieClip {game_fla.mapDot_145}
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"playerName"Symbol 625 MovieClip {playInterface} Frame 1Symbol 623 EditableText
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"noB"Symbol 656 MovieClip {sleepWindow} Frame 1Symbol 632 Button
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"ch"Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170} Frame 2Symbol 739 MovieClip
"ch"Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170} Frame 3Symbol 740 MovieClip
"ch"Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170} Frame 4Symbol 304 MovieClip {game_fla.char_fly_1_57}
"ch"Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170} Frame 5Symbol 741 MovieClip {game_fla.char_lean_1_173}
"ch"Symbol 757 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_1_170} Frame 6Symbol 306 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_1_59}
"ch"Symbol 774 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_2_189} Frame 1Symbol 761 MovieClip {game_fla.char_stand_2_190}
"ch"Symbol 774 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_2_189} Frame 2Symbol 762 MovieClip
"ch"Symbol 774 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_2_189} Frame 3Symbol 763 MovieClip
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"ch"Symbol 774 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_2_189} Frame 5Symbol 765 MovieClip {game_fla.char_lean_2_197}
"ch"Symbol 774 MovieClip {game_fla.Char_2_189} Frame 6Symbol 766 MovieClip {game_fla.char_land_2_198}
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"flip1"Symbol 804 MovieClip {tileWindow} Frame 1Symbol 801 MovieClip {game_fla.tileButton_222}
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"d2"Symbol 828 MovieClip {submitWindow} Frame 1Symbol 795 MovieClip {game_fla.scoreButton_220}
"d3"Symbol 828 MovieClip {submitWindow} Frame 1Symbol 795 MovieClip {game_fla.scoreButton_220}
"d4"Symbol 828 MovieClip {submitWindow} Frame 1Symbol 795 MovieClip {game_fla.scoreButton_220}
"d5"Symbol 828 MovieClip {submitWindow} Frame 1Symbol 795 MovieClip {game_fla.scoreButton_220}
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"h1"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h3"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h5"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h4"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h6"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h7"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
"h8"Symbol 864 MovieClip {headWindow} Frame 1Symbol 863 MovieClip {game_fla.headButton_242}
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"l1c1"Symbol 893 MovieClip {colorWindow} Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip {game_fla.colorSwatch_251}
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"l2c2"Symbol 893 MovieClip {colorWindow} Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip {game_fla.colorSwatch_251}
"l2c1"Symbol 893 MovieClip {colorWindow} Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip {game_fla.colorSwatch_251}
"l3c3"Symbol 893 MovieClip {colorWindow} Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip {game_fla.colorSwatch_251}
"l3c2"Symbol 893 MovieClip {colorWindow} Frame 1Symbol 892 MovieClip {game_fla.colorSwatch_251}
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Special Tags

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Created: 3/4 -2019 21:58:18 Last modified: 3/4 -2019 21:58:18 Server time: 02/01 -2025 12:34:37