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How to make friends pokemon tips 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #81212

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_root.edviewer_player.viewscreen.watch_btn.pick(); _root.edviewer_player.watch_btn.pick();
Symbol 4 MovieClip [quizClass] Frame 1
function initTryQuiz(target) { var _local2 = [{type:"mc", label:"Q1", audio:"Q1", responses:["Q1correct", "Q1wrongB", "Q1wrongC"]}, {type:"mc", label:"Q2", audio:"Q2", responses:["Q2wrongAB", "Q2wrongAB", "Q2correct"]}, {type:"mc", label:"Q3", audio:"Q3", responses:["Q3wrongA", "Q3correct", "Q3wrongC"]}, {type:"mc", label:"Q4", audio:"Q4", responses:["Q4wrongA", "Q4wrongB", "Q4correct"]}, {type:"mc", label:"Q5", audio:"Q5", responses:["Q5wrongA", "Q5correct", "Q5wrongC"]}, {type:"mc", label:"Q6", audio:"Q6", responses:["Q6wrongA", "Q6wrongB", "Q6correct"]}]; var _local1 = new QuizClass(target, _local2, "think-Leadout"); return(_local1); } function initApplyQuiz(target) { var _local2 = [{type:"mc", label:"AQ1", audio:"Question1", responses:["Q1correct", "Q1wrong", "Q1wrong"], pmAnswer:"A"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ2", audio:"Question2", responses:["Q2wrong", "Q2correct", "Q2wrong"], pmAnswer:"B"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ3", audio:"Question3", responses:["Q3wrong", "Q3wrong", "Q3correct"], pmAnswer:"C"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ4", audio:"Question4", responses:["Q4correct", "Q4wrong", "Q4wrong"], pmAnswer:"A"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ5", audio:"Question5", responses:["Q5wrong", "Q5correct", "Q5wrong"], pmAnswer:"B"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ6", audio:"Question6", responses:["Q6correct", "Q6wrong", "Q6wrong"], pmAnswer:"A"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ7", audio:"Question7", responses:["Q7wrong", "Q7wrong", "Q7correct"], pmAnswer:"C"}, {type:"mc", label:"AQ8", audio:"Question8", responses:["Q8wrong", "Q8correct", "Q8wrong"], pmAnswer:"B"}]; var _local1 = new QuizClass(target, _local2, "apply-Leadout"); _local1.usePointManager = true; return(_local1); } function QuizClass(timeline, questions, leadout) { this.timeline = timeline; this.questions = questions; this.leadout = leadout; this.crntQstn = -1; this.usePointManager = false; this.questions = new Array(); var _local3 = questions.length; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3) { var _local6 = questions[_local5]; var _local4 = new Object(); switch (_local6.type) { case "mc" : _local4 = new MultipleChoiceQuestion(this, _local6); break; case "dd" : _local4 = new DragDropQuestion(this, _local6); } this.questions.push(_local4); _local5++; } this.nextQuestion = function (qstnIndex) { var _local4 = this; this.crntQstn++; if (qstnIndex != undefined) { this.crntQstn = qstnIndex; } if (this.crntQstn < this.questions.length) { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; this.timeline.gotoAndStop(_local2.label); this.timeline.dialog.gotoAndPlay(; _local2.draw(); } else { this.timeline.gotoAndPlay(this.leadout); } }; this.introNextQuestion = function () { var _local4 = this; var _local2 = this.crntQstn + 1; if (_local2 < this.questions.length) { var _local3 = this.questions[_local2]; this.timeline.gotoAndPlay(_local3.label + "-intro"); } else { this.nextQuestion(); } }; this.gotoResponse = function (goto) { var _local2 = goto.split("."); if (_local2.length < 2) { _local2.unshift("dialog"); } var _local4 = _local2[0]; var _local3 = _local2[1]; this.timeline[_local4].gotoAndPlay(_local3); }; this.replayQuestion = function () { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; this.timeline.replayQstn.gotoAndPlay(; }; this.checkAnswer = function () { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; _local2.check(); }; this.showHint = function () { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; _local2.showHint(); }; this.freeze = function () { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; _local2.onFreeze(); }; this.unfreeze = function () { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; _local2.onUnfreeze(); }; this.onTextInput = function (newText) { var _local2 = this.questions[this.crntQstn]; _local2.onTextInput(newText); }; this.broadcastPoints = function (qstn) { if (this.usePointManager) { var _local3 = qstn.pmAnswer; var _local6 = qstn.trys; var _local4 = this.crntQstn + 1; var _local5 = this.questions.length; trace("-- points management call from ed video --"); trace("correct answer: " + _local3); trace("answer attempt: " + _local6); trace("question num: " + _local4); trace("number of q's: " + _local5); trace("------------------------------------------"); trace(""); _root.points_management.questionAnswered(_local3, _local6, _local4, _local5); } }; this.nextQuestion(); } function MultipleChoiceQuestion(owner, qstnData) { this.owner = owner; this.trys = 0; this.choices = new Array(); this.crntChoice; for (var _local7 in qstnData) { this[_local7] = qstnData[_local7]; } this.draw = function () { var _local5 = this.owner.timeline; var o = this; var _local3 = 0; var _local6 = function () { o.choiceClick(this.position); }; while (true) { _local3++; var _local4 = "choice" + _local3; var _local2 = _local5[_local4]; if (_local2 == undefined) { break; } _local2.position = _local3; _local2.onRelease = _local6; this.choices.push(_local2); } if (this.answer != undefined) { owner.timeline.hilight.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.choiceClick = function (choicePosition) { this.crntChoice = choicePosition; if (this.input == undefined) { this.check(); } else { this.selectChoice(choicePosition); } }; this.selectChoice = function (position) { choicePosition = 0; while (true) { choicePosition++; var _local3 = "choice" + choicePosition; var _local2 = this.owner.timeline[_local3]; if (_local2 == undefined) { break; } if (choicePosition == position) { _local2._alpha = 100; continue; } _local2._alpha = 50; } }; this.showHint = function () { this.owner.gotoResponse(this.hint); }; this.check = function () { this.trys++; var _local2 = this.responses[this.crntChoice - 1]; if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { var _local5 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local2.length); _local2 = _local2[_local5]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { this.owner.gotoResponse(_local2); this.onFreeze(); } var _local4 = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"]; var _local3 = _local4[this.crntChoice - 1] == this.pmAnswer; if (_local3) { this.owner.broadcastPoints(this); } }; this.onFreeze = function () { var _local4 = this.choices.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { var _local3 = this.choices[_local2]; _local3.enabled = false; _local2++; } }; this.onUnfreeze = function () { var _local4 = this.choices.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { var _local3 = this.choices[_local2]; _local3.enabled = true; _local2++; } }; this.onTextInput = function (newText) { this.textInput = newText; }; } function DragDropQuestion(owner, qstnData) { this.owner = owner; for (var _local11 in qstnData) { this[_local11] = qstnData[_local11]; } this.drags = new Array(); this.drops = new Array(); this.draw = function () { var _local6 = this.owner.timeline; var o = this; _local6.createEmptyMovieClip("aboveAll_mc", 200); var _local7 = function () { var _local2 = this._parent; _local2.swapDepths(_local2._parent.aboveAll_mc); _local2.startDrag(); }; var _local8 = function () { var _local2 = this._parent; _local2.stopDrag(); _local2._parent.aboveAll_mc.swapDepths(_local2); var _local3 = o.hitDetect(_local2); if (_local3 == undefined) { _local2.reset(); } else { if (_local3.linkTo == undefined) { _local2.attach(_local3); _local2.setLoc(_local3); } else if (_local3.linkTo == _local2) { _local2.setLoc(_local3); } else { _local3.linkTo.reset(); _local2.attach(_local3); _local2.setLoc(_local3); } o.check(); } }; this.drags = new Array(); var _local5 = 0; while (true) { var _local3 = "drag" + (_local5 + 1); var _local2 = _local6[_local3]; if (_local2 == undefined) { break; } _local2.btn.onPress = _local7; _local2.btn.onRelease = (_local2.btn.onReleaseOutside = _local8); _local2.origX = _local2._x; _local2.origY = _local2._y; _local2.control = this; _local2.value = this.items[_local5]; _local2.attached = undefined; _local2.reset = function () { this.attached.linkTo = undefined; this.attached = undefined; this._x = this.origX; this._y = this.origY; }; _local2.setLoc = function (targetClip) { this._x = targetClip._x - 134; this._y = targetClip._y - 13; }; _local2.attach = function (targetClip) { this.attached.linkTo = undefined; targetClip.linkTo = this; this.attached = targetClip; }; this.drags.push(_local2); _local5++; } this.drops = new Array(); var _local4 = 1; while (true) { var _local3 = "drop" + _local4; var _local2 = _local6[_local3]; if (_local2 == undefined) { break; } _local2.linkTo = undefined; _local2.index = _local4 - 1; this.drops.push(_local2); _local4++; } _local6.hint_btn.onRelease = function () { o.hint(); }; _local6.check_btn.onRelease = function () { o.check(); }; }; this.showHint = function () { trace("show hint"); }; this.check = function () { var _local4 = true; var _local3 = true; var _local6 = this.drops.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6) { if (this.links[_local2] != "") { if (this.links[_local2] != this.drops[_local2].linkTo.value) { _local3 = false; } } if (this.drops[_local2].linkTo.value == undefined) { _local4 = false; } _local2++; } if (_local4) { if (_local3) { var _local5 = this.correct; } else { var _local5 = this.wrong; } if (typeof(_local5) != "string") { var _local7 = Math.floor(Math.random() * _local5.length); var _local5 = _local5[_local7]; } this.owner.gotoResponse(_local5); } }; this.hitDetect = function (dragClip) { var _local5; var _local7 = this.owner.timeline; var _local4 = this.drops.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { var _local3 = this.drops[_local2]; if (dragClip.hitTest(_local3)) { _local5 = _local3; break; } _local2++; } return(_local5); }; this.arrayContains = function (list, item) { var _local2 = false; var _local3 = list.length; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (list[_local1] == item) { _local2 = true; break; } _local1++; } return(_local2); }; } this._visible = false; stop();

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:3
Symbol 3 TextUses:2Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [quizClass]Uses:1 3
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6 101
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 19 BitmapUsed by:20
Symbol 20 GraphicUses:19Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 31 SoundUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 34 BitmapUsed by:35
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 69 BitmapUsed by:70
Symbol 70 GraphicUses:69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 BitmapUsed by:85
Symbol 85 GraphicUses:84Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 BitmapUsed by:103
Symbol 103 GraphicUses:102Used by:Timeline
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:Timeline
Symbol 106 BitmapUsed by:107
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:106Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:Timeline

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "quizClass"


"watch"Frame 1
Created: 2/4 -2019 02:14:50 Last modified: 2/4 -2019 02:14:50 Server time: 03/01 -2025 01:48:07