Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #81633

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1"");""); trace("clearspring version 3"); var up_pattern; var up_patternColor; var up_bodyColor; var up_backgroundColor; var up_footColor; var up_eyeColor; var up_tongueColor; var up_flyColor; var up_bellySize; var up_backgroundImage; var pattern; var patternColor; var bodyColor; var backgroundColor; var footColor; var eyeColor; var tongueColor; var flyColor; var args = {}; args.up_pattern = up_pattern; args.up_patternColor = up_patternColor; args.up_bodyColor = up_bodyColor; args.up_backgroundColor = up_backgroundColor; args.up_footColor = up_footColor; args.up_eyeColor = up_eyeColor; args.up_tongueColor = up_tongueColor; args.up_flyColor = up_flyColor; args.up_bellySize = up_bellySize; args.up_backgroundImage = up_backgroundImage; if (patternColor != undefined) { args.up_patternColor = patternColor; } if (bodyColor != undefined) { args.up_bodyColor = bodyColor; } if (backgroundColor != undefined) { args.up_backgroundColor = backgroundColor; } if (footColor != undefined) { args.up_footColor = footColor; } if (eyeColor != undefined) { args.up_eyeColor = eyeColor; } if (tongueColor != undefined) { args.up_tongueColor = tongueColor; } if (flyColor != undefined) { args.up_flyColor = flyColor; } Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Application.main(this, args);
Symbol 2 MovieClip [__Packages.Application] Frame 0
class Application extends MovieClip { var point, flies, link, treefrogs, getNextHighestDepth, _ymouse, _xmouse; function Application () { super(); } function init(args) { _root.bgBox = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bgBox", -1000); _root.bgColor = 3394611 /* 0x33CC33 */; point = new Object(); flies = new Array(); var _local15 = new ContextMenu(); _local15.hideBuiltInItems(); var _local17 = new ContextMenuItem("Find more creatures at", function () { this.getURL("", "_top"); }); _local15.customItems.push(_local17); = _local15; var _local7 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local9 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local5 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local16 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local12 = 2859049 /* 0x2BA029 */; var _local10 = 0.5; var _local11 = 0; var _local6 = 0; if ((_level0.up_pattern != null) && (_level0.up_pattern != "")) { _local11 = _level0.up_pattern; } if ((_level0.up_patternColor != null) && (_level0.up_patternColor != "")) { _local6 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_patternColor); } if ((_level0.up_bodyColor != null) && (_level0.up_bodyColor != "")) { _local7 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_bodyColor); } if ((_level0.up_backgroundColor != null) && (_level0.up_backgroundColor != "")) { _root.bgColor = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_backgroundColor); } if ((_level0.up_footColor != null) && (_level0.up_footColor != "")) { _local9 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_footColor); } if ((_level0.up_eyeColor != null) && (_level0.up_eyeColor != "")) { _local5 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_eyeColor); } if ((_level0.up_tongueColor != null) && (_level0.up_tongueColor != "")) { _local12 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_tongueColor); } trace("_level0.up_tongueColor=" + _level0.up_tongueColor); if ((_level0.up_flyColor != null) && (_level0.up_flyColor != "")) { flyColor = parseInt("0x" + _level0.up_flyColor); } if ((_level0.up_bellySize != null) && (_level0.up_bellySize != "")) { _local10 = _level0.up_bellySize; } if (((_level0.up_backgroundImage != null) && (_level0.up_backgroundImage != "")) && (_level0.up_backgroundImage != "http://")) { createBackgroundImage(_level0.up_backgroundImage); } if ((_level0.patternColor != null) && (_level0.patternColor != "")) { _local6 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.patternColor); } if ((_level0.bodyColor != null) && (_level0.bodyColor != "")) { _local7 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.bodyColor); } if ((_level0.backgroundColor != null) && (_level0.backgroundColor != "")) { _root.bgColor = parseInt("0x" + _level0.backgroundColor); } if ((_level0.footColor != null) && (_level0.footColor != "")) { _local9 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.footColor); } if ((_level0.eyeColor != null) && (_level0.eyeColor != "")) { _local5 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.eyeColor); } if ((_level0.tongueColor != null) && (_level0.tongueColor != "")) { _local12 = parseInt("0x" + _level0.tongueColor); } if ((_level0.flyColor != null) && (_level0.flyColor != "")) { flyColor = parseInt("0x" + _level0.flyColor); } if ((args.up_pattern != null) && (args.up_pattern != "")) { _local11 = args.up_pattern; } if ((args.up_patternColor != null) && (args.up_patternColor != "")) { _local6 = parseInt("0x" + args.up_patternColor); } if ((args.up_bodyColor != null) && (args.up_bodyColor != "")) { _local7 = parseInt("0x" + args.up_bodyColor); } if ((args.up_backgroundColor != null) && (args.up_backgroundColor != "")) { _root.bgColor = parseInt("0x" + args.up_backgroundColor); } if ((args.up_footColor != null) && (args.up_footColor != "")) { _local9 = parseInt("0x" + args.up_footColor); } if ((args.up_eyeColor != null) && (args.up_eyeColor != "")) { _local5 = parseInt("0x" + args.up_eyeColor); } if ((args.up_tongueColor != null) && (args.up_tongueColor != "")) { _local12 = parseInt("0x" + args.up_tongueColor); } if ((args.up_flyColor != null) && (args.up_flyColor != "")) { flyColor = parseInt("0x" + args.up_flyColor); } if ((args.up_bellySize != null) && (args.up_bellySize != "")) { _local10 = args.up_bellySize; } if (((args.up_backgroundImage != null) && (args.up_backgroundImage != "")) && (args.up_backgroundImage != "http://")) { createBackgroundImage(args.up_backgroundImage); } _local16 =, 80); link = ABowmanLink2.create(_root, -100, "", _local16); link._x = 1; _root.sw = Stage.width; = Stage.height; if ((_level0.up_height != null) && (_level0.up_height != "")) { = _level0.up_height; } if ((_level0.up_width != null) && (_level0.up_width != "")) { _root.sw = _level0.up_width; } treefrogs = new Array(); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < numTreeFrogs) { treefrogs[_local3] = TreeFrog.createMovie(this, getNextHighestDepth(), {x:_root.sw / 2, / 2, bodyColor:_local7, footColor:_local9, eyeColor:_local5, tongueColor:_local12, bellySize:_local10, speed:8, pattern:_local11, patternColor:_local6}); treefrogs[_local3]._xscale = (treefrogs[_local3]._yscale = 60); _local3++; } drawBackground(); if (((_level0.up_releaseFly != null) && (_level0.up_releaseFly != "")) && (_level0.up_releaseFly != 0)) { setInterval(_root.Application.randomFly, 1000 * _level0.up_releaseFly); } } function drawBackground() { var _local2 = 100; _root.bgBox.clear(); _root.bgBox.beginFill(_root.bgColor);, -_local2, -_local2, _root.sw + (2 * _local2), + (2 * _local2)); _root.bgBox.endFill(); } function randomFly() { var _local2 = _root.Application.flies; if (_local2.length < _root.Application.maxFlies) { _local2.push(Fly.create(_root.Application, _root.Application.getNextHighestDepth(), {x:Stage.width * Math.random(), y:1, color:_root.Application.flyColor})); } } function onMouseDown() { if (flies.length < maxFlies) { flies.push(Fly.create(this, getNextHighestDepth(), {x:_xmouse, y:_ymouse, color:flyColor})); } } function createBackgroundImage(path) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("backgroundImage", -200); _root.backgroundImage.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", 0); _root.backgroundImage.container_mc.loadMovie(path); _root.backgroundImage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.container_mc._width > 0) { this._x = Math.max((Stage.width / 2) - (this.container_mc._width / 2), 0); this._y = Math.max((Stage.height / 2) - (this.container_mc._height / 2), 0); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function onMouseMove() { if ((((_root._xmouse > 15) && (_root._xmouse < (Stage.width - 15))) && (_root._ymouse > 15)) && (_root._ymouse < (Stage.height - 15))) { getMouseAng = true; } else { getMouseAng = false; } } function findFly(frog) { var _local3 = new Object(); var _local6 = flies.length; var _local10 = frog.pos.x; var _local9 = frog.pos.y; var _local8; var _local5 = 2000000 /* 0x1E8480 */; var _local4 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6) { _local3.x = flies[_local2]._x; _local3.y = flies[_local2]._y; frog.globalToLocal(_local3); _local4 = Math.abs(_local3.y - _local9) + Math.abs(_local3.x - _local10); if (_local4 < _local5) { _local5 = _local4; _local8 = _local2; } _local2++; } return(_local8); } function onEnterFrame() { var _local4 = flies.length; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local4) { flies[_local2].moveRandom(); flies[_local2].update(); _local2++; } _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < treefrogs.length) { keepOnScreen(treefrogs[_local2]); if (_local4 > 0) { var _local3 = flies[curFly]; if (((treefrogs[_local2].distToTarg < 140) && (treefrogs[_local2].distToTarg > 10)) && ((treefrogs[_local2].angToTarg < 0.2) || (treefrogs[_local2].angToTarg > 6.1))) { treefrogs[_local2].eatTarget(); } if (treefrogs[_local2].tonLen > 5) { if ((Math.abs(treefrogs[_local2].tongueX - point.x) < 8) && (Math.abs(treefrogs[_local2].tongueY - point.y) < 8)) { _local3.removeMovieClip(); flies.splice(curFly, 1); treefrogs[_local2].increaseBellySize(); } } curFly = findFly(treefrogs[_local2]); if (curFly != null) { point.x = _local3._x; point.y = _local3._y; treefrogs[_local2].globalToLocal(point); treefrogs[_local2].setDestination(point.x, point.y, 150, 0.1); } } else if (getMouseAng) { treefrogs[_local2].setDestination(treefrogs[_local2]._xmouse, treefrogs[_local2]._ymouse, 90, 0.3); } treefrogs[_local2].update(); _local2++; } } function keepOnScreen(f) { if (f.pos.x > ((Stage.width + _root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.x = (-(_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.x < ((-_root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.x = (Stage.width + (_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.y > ((Stage.height + _root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.y = (-(_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } if (f.pos.y < ((-_root.buffer) * (100 / _root.scale))) { f.pos.y = (Stage.height + (_root.buffer / 2)) * (100 / _root.scale); f.reset(); } } static function createMovie(parent, depth, args) { var _local1 = Application(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Application", depth)); _local1.init(args); return(_local1); } static function main(mc, args) { createMovie(mc, mc.getNextHighestDepth(), args); } static var symbolName = "__Packages.Application"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, Application); var numTreeFrogs = 1; var getMouseAng = false; var margin = -150; var maxFlies = 10; var curFly = 0; var flyColor = 2859049; }
Symbol 3 MovieClip [__Packages.ABowmanLink2] Frame 0
class ABowmanLink2 extends MovieClip { var url, aBowmanCon, createEmptyMovieClip, getNextHighestDepth, aBowman, aBowmanMask; function ABowmanLink2 () { super(); } static function create(parent, depth, url, color) { var _local1 = ABowmanLink2(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Link" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(color, url); return(_local1); } function init(color, url) { this.url = url; aBowmanCon = createEmptyMovieClip("aBowmanCon", getNextHighestDepth()); aBowman = aBowmanCon.createEmptyMovieClip("aBowman", aBowmanCon.getNextHighestDepth()); aBowmanMask = aBowmanCon.createEmptyMovieClip("aBowmanMask", aBowmanCon.getNextHighestDepth()); aBowman.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.aBowmanMask.onEnterFrame = this._parent.aBowmanMask.expand; }; aBowman.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.aBowmanMask.onEnterFrame = this._parent.aBowmanMask.shrink; }; aBowman.onRelease = function () { this.getURL(url, "_top"); }; aBowmanMask.maxWidth = mask_maxWidth; aBowmanMask.minWidth = mask_minWidth; aBowmanMask.height = mask_height; aBowmanMask.width = aBowmanMask.minWidth; aBowmanMask.boxX = -2; aBowmanMask.expand = function () { this.width = this.width + ((this.maxWidth - this.width) * 0.2); if ((this.maxWidth - this.width) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } this.render(); }; aBowmanMask.shrink = function () { this.width = this.width - ((this.width - this.minWidth) * 0.2); if ((this.width - this.minWidth) < 0.1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } this.render(); }; aBowmanMask.render = function () { this.clear(); this.beginFill(0); this.lineTo(this.boxX, 0); this.lineTo(this.boxX + this.width, 0); this.lineTo(this.boxX + this.width, this.height); this.lineTo(this.boxX, this.height); this.lineTo(this.boxX, 0); this.endFill(); }; aBowmanMask.render(); aBowman.setMask(aBowmanMask); var _local2 = new TextFormat(); _local2.size = 20; _local2.font = "Pupcat"; _local2.color = color; aBowman.createTextField("txt", aBowman.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 50, 50); aBowman.txt.antiAliasType = "advanced"; aBowman.txt.gridFitType = "subpixel"; aBowman.txt.autoSize = true; aBowman.txt.text = "aBowman"; aBowman.txt.embedFonts = true; aBowman.txt.setTextFormat(_local2); } static var symbolName = "__Packages.ABowmanLink2"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, ABowmanLink2); var mask_maxWidth = 80; var mask_minWidth = 23; var mask_height = 25; }
Symbol 4 MovieClip [__Packages.Logo] Frame 0
class Logo extends MovieClip { var lineStyle, beginFill, endFill, moveTo, curveTo, lineTo, _rotation; function Logo () { super(); } function render() { lineStyle(4, lineColor); beginFill(fillColor, 0);, -13, 30, 10, 7);, 13, 30, 10, 7);, 0, 43, 7, 10); endFill(); moveTo(0, 30); curveTo(1, 16, -6, 9); moveTo(0, 30); curveTo(1, 16, -10, 13); moveTo(-6, 9); lineTo(-10, 13); _rotation = -45; } static function create(parent, depth, color, fillColor) { var _local1 = Logo(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Logo" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(color, fillColor); return(_local1); } function init(color, fillColor) { if (color != null) { lineColor = color; } if (fillColor != null) { this.fillColor = fillColor; } render(); } static var symbolName = "__Packages.Logo"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, Logo); var lineColor = 8421504; var fillColor = 16777215; }
Symbol 5 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function Draw () { } static function drawOval(mc, x, y, rx, ry) { mc.moveTo(x + rx, y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, x, ry + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (-rx) + x, y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, x, (-ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, rx + x, y); } static function drawRect(mc, x1, y1, width, height) { mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); } static function drawWedge(mc, x, y, startAngle, arc, radius, yRadius) { if (arguments.length < 5) { return(undefined); } mc.moveTo(x, y); if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } var _local20; var _local2; var _local3; var _local5; var _local14; var _local19; var _local18; var _local13; var _local11; var _local12; var _local10; if (Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } _local14 = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); _local20 = arc / _local14; _local2 = (-(_local20 / 180)) * Math.PI; _local3 = (-(startAngle / 180)) * Math.PI; if (_local14 > 0) { _local19 = x + (Math.cos((startAngle / 180) * Math.PI) * radius); _local18 = y + (Math.sin(((-startAngle) / 180) * Math.PI) * yRadius); mc.lineTo(_local19, _local18); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local14) { _local3 = _local3 + _local2; _local5 = _local3 - (_local2 / 2); _local13 = x + (Math.cos(_local3) * radius); _local11 = y + (Math.sin(_local3) * yRadius); _local12 = x + (Math.cos(_local5) * (radius / Math.cos(_local2 / 2))); _local10 = y + (Math.sin(_local5) * (yRadius / Math.cos(_local2 / 2))); mc.curveTo(_local12, _local10, _local13, _local11); _local4++; } mc.lineTo(x, y); } } static function drawArc(mc, x, y, radius, arc, startAngle, yRadius) { if (arguments.length < 5) { return(null); } if (yRadius == undefined) { yRadius = radius; } var _local17; var _local3; var _local2; var _local5; var _local14; var _local10; var _local8; var _local9; var _local7; var _local13; var _local12; if (Math.abs(arc) > 360) { arc = 360; } _local14 = Math.ceil(Math.abs(arc) / 45); _local17 = arc / _local14; _local3 = (-(_local17 / 180)) * Math.PI; _local2 = (-(startAngle / 180)) * Math.PI; _local10 = x - (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local8 = y - (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); if (_local14 > 0) { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local14) { _local2 = _local2 + _local3; _local5 = _local2 - (_local3 / 2); _local9 = _local10 + (Math.cos(_local2) * radius); _local7 = _local8 + (Math.sin(_local2) * yRadius); _local13 = _local10 + (Math.cos(_local5) * (radius / Math.cos(_local3 / 2))); _local12 = _local8 + (Math.sin(_local5) * (yRadius / Math.cos(_local3 / 2))); mc.curveTo(_local13, _local12, _local9, _local7); _local4++; } } return({x:_local9, y:_local7}); } static function calcGradient(hex, percent) { var _local2 = hexToRGB(hex); var _local1 = RGBToHLS(_local2.r, _local2.g, _local2.b); _local1.l = _local1.l * (percent / 100); if (_local1.l > 240) { _local1.l = 240; } if (_local1.l < 0) { _local1.l = 0; } _local2 = HLSToRGB(_local1.h, _local1.l, _local1.s); return(RGBToHex(_local2.r, _local2.g, _local2.b)); } static function hexToRGB(hex) { var _local1 = new Object(); _local1.r = hex >> 16; var _local2 = hex ^ (_local1.r << 16); _local1.g = _local2 >> 8; _local1.b = _local2 ^ (_local1.g << 8); return(_local1); } static function RGBToHex(r, g, b) { var _local1 = ((r << 16) ^ (g << 8)) ^ b; return(_local1); } static function RGBToHLS(r, g, b) { var _local9; var _local8; var _local7; var _local1 = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b) / 255; var _local5 = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b) / 255; var _local2 = _local1 - _local5; _local8 = (_local1 + _local5) / 2; _local7 = ((_local1 == _local5) ? 0 : (((_local8 <= 0.5) ? ((_local2 / _local8) / 2) : (_local2 / (2 - (_local8 * 2)))))); if ((r / 255) == _local1) { _local9 = ((g - b) / _local2) / 255; } else if ((g / 255) == _local1) { _local9 = 2 + (((b - r) / _local2) / 255); } else if ((b / 255) == _local1) { _local9 = 4 + (((r - g) / _local2) / 255); } _local9 = _local9 * 40; if (_local9 < 0) { _local9 = _local9 + 240; } _local9 = Math.round(_local9); return({h:(isNaN(_local9) ? 0 : (_local9)), l:Math.round(_local8 * 240), s:Math.round(_local7 * 240)}); } static function HLSToRGB(h, l, s) { var _local10; var _local11; var _local9; if (s == 0) { _local9 = Math.round((l / 240) * 255); _local11 = _local9; _local10 = _local11; } else { h = h / 240; l = l / 240; s = s / 240; var _local2; var _local1; var _local5 = ((l < 0.5) ? (l * (s + 1)) : ((l + s) - (l * s))); var _local4 = (l * 2) - _local5; var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 3) { switch (_local3) { case 0 : _local1 = h + 0.333333333333333; break; case 1 : _local1 = h; break; case 2 : _local1 = h - 0.333333333333333; } if (_local1 < 0) { _local1++; } else if (_local1 > 1) { _local1--; } if ((_local1 * 6) < 1) { _local2 = _local4 + (((_local5 - _local4) * 6) * _local1); } else if ((_local1 * 2) < 1) { _local2 = _local5; } else if ((_local1 * 3) < 2) { _local2 = _local4 + (((_local5 - _local4) * (0.666666666666667 - _local1)) * 6); } else { _local2 = _local4; } switch (_local3) { case 0 : _local10 = Math.round(_local2 * 255); break; case 1 : _local11 = Math.round(_local2 * 255); break; case 2 : _local9 = Math.round(_local2 * 255); } _local3++; } } return({r:_local10, g:_local11, b:_local9}); } }
Symbol 6 MovieClip [__Packages.TreeFrog] Frame 0
class TreeFrog extends MovieClip { var pattern, pos, bodyColor, footColor, eyeColor, bellySize, duration, wait, minBellySize, maxBellySize, dest, rear, lShldr, rShldr, lEye, rEye, len, width, hLen, dir, angleSpeed, angle, getDepth, torso, rLeg, lLeg, rArm, lArm, limbs, mid, createEmptyMovieClip, torsoFill, torsoMask, head, headFill, headMask, counter, limbNum, state, distToTarg, speed, torsoAng, lungeToX, lungeToY, tonTarX, tonTarY, tongueX, tongueY, clear, lineStyle, moveTo, lineTo, hx, hy; function TreeFrog () { super(); } static function createMovie(parent, depth, params) { var _local1 = TreeFrog(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "TreeFrog" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(params); return(_local1); } function init(params) { pattern = params.pattern; patternColor = params.patternColor; pos = {x:params.x, y:params.y}; bodyColor = params.bodyColor; footColor = params.footColor; tonColor = params.tongueColor; eyeColor = params.eyeColor; bellySize = Math.min(params.bellySize, 1); duration = (wait = 10); duration = 7; wait = 8; minBellySize = 10; maxBellySize = 23; bellySize = ((maxBellySize - minBellySize) * bellySize) + minBellySize; dest = {x:params.x, y:params.y}; rear = {x:0, y:0}; lShldr = {x:0, y:0}; rShldr = {x:0, y:0}; lEye = {x:0, y:0}; rEye = {x:0, y:0}; len = 55; len = 55; width = len / 6; hLen = 18; dir = 1; angleSpeed = 0.021; angleSpeed = 0.028; angle = ((Math.random() * 360) * Math.PI) / 180; var _local4 = getDepth(); torso._x = pos.x; torso._y = pos.y; torso._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; _local4++; rLeg = Leg.createMovie(this, rear, rShldr, 50, -1, _local4); _local4++; lLeg = Leg.createMovie(this, rear, lShldr, 50, 1, _local4); _local4++; rArm = Arm.createMovie(this, rShldr, rShldr, 40, -1, _local4); _local4++; lArm = Arm.createMovie(this, lShldr, lShldr, 40, 1, _local4); limbs = new Array(); limbs.push(rLeg); limbs.push(lArm); limbs.push(lLeg); limbs.push(rArm); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { limbs[_local2].footColor = footColor; _local2++; } _local4++; mid = createEmptyMovieClip("mid", _local4); _local4++; torso = createEmptyMovieClip("torso", _local4); torsoFill = torso.createEmptyMovieClip("torsoFill", torso.getNextHighestDepth()); torsoMask = torso.createEmptyMovieClip("torsoMask", torso.getNextHighestDepth()); torsoFill.setMask(torsoMask); drawBelly(); _local4++; head = createEmptyMovieClip("head", _local4); if (pattern == 1) { headFill = head.createEmptyMovieClip("headFill", head.getNextHighestDepth()); headMask = head.createEmptyMovieClip("headMask", head.getNextHighestDepth()); headFill.lineStyle(8, patternColor); headFill.moveTo((hLen * 0.9) * 0.900968867902419, (hLen * 0.9) * -0.433883739117558); headFill.curveTo((hLen * 1.1) * 1, (hLen * 1.1) * 0, (hLen * 0.9) * 0.900968867902419, (hLen * 0.9) * 0.433883739117558); headFill.moveTo(hLen * 0.2, hLen * 0.65); headFill.curveTo((-hLen) * 0.1, 0, hLen * 0.2, (-hLen) * 0.65); headFill.moveTo(hLen * 0.2, hLen * 0.7); headFill.curveTo((-hLen) * 0.4, 0, hLen * 0.2, (-hLen) * 0.65); } else if (pattern == 2) { headFill = head.createEmptyMovieClip("headFill", head.getNextHighestDepth()); headFill.lineStyle(10, patternColor); headFill.moveTo(hLen * 0.4, hLen * 0.5); headFill.lineTo(hLen * 0.5, hLen * 0.5); headFill.moveTo(hLen * 0.6, (-hLen) * 0.5); headFill.lineTo(hLen * 0.7, (-hLen) * 0.5); headFill.lineStyle(8, patternColor); headFill.moveTo(hLen * 1.3, 0); headFill.lineTo(hLen * 1.3, 1); } counter = 0; limbNum = 0; state = 0; reset(); } function setDestination(dx, dy, aDist, aAng) { dest.x = dx; dest.y = dy; this.aDist = aDist; this.aAng = aAng; } function moveTowardDest() { var _local3 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(pos.x, pos.y, dest.x, dest.y); var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.fixAngle(angle - _local3); angToTarg = _local2; if ((_local2 > aAng) && (_local2 < Math.PI)) { angle = angle - angleSpeed; } else if ((_local2 < (6.28 - aAng)) && (_local2 > Math.PI)) { angle = angle + angleSpeed; } } function update() { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(pos.x, pos.y, dest.x, dest.y); distToTarg = _local2; if (_local2 < aDist) { speed = 0; rLeg.startPos = (lLeg.startPos = legStRest); } else { speed = 1; rLeg.startPos = (lLeg.startPos = legStWalk); } moveTowardDest(); if (((counter % wait) == 0) && (state != LUNGING)) { limbs[limbNum].setTarPos(speed, angle, duration); ((limbNum < 3) ? (limbNum++) : ((limbNum = 0))); } counter++; moveLimbs(); getCenter(); setHead(); setRear(); setShldrs(); setTongue(); render(); torso._x = pos.x; torso._y = pos.y; torso._rotation = (torsoAng * 180) / Math.PI; } function eatTarget() { if ((eatTime + 30) < counter) { angToTarg = Math.atan2(dest.y - pos.y, dest.x - pos.x); lungeToX = pos.x + (Math.cos(angToTarg) * 30); lungeToY = pos.y + (Math.sin(angToTarg) * 30); state = LUNGING; tonTarX = dest.x + (Math.cos(angToTarg) * 10); tonTarY = dest.y + (Math.sin(angToTarg) * 10); eatTime = counter; } } function drawBelly() { torso.clear(); torso.beginFill(bodyColor); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(torso, len / 2.2, 0, len / 1.8, bellySize); torso.endFill(); if (pattern == 1) { torsoFill.clear(); torsoFill.lineStyle(3, patternColor); torsoFill.lineStyle(10, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.4, (-len) * 0.3); torsoFill.curveTo(len * 0.6, 0, len * 0.4, len * 0.3); torsoFill.lineStyle(8, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.3, (-len) * 0.25); torsoFill.curveTo(len * 0.9, 0, len * 0.3, len * 0.25); torsoFill.lineStyle(10, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.25, len * 0.02); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.25, (-len) * 0.02); torsoFill.lineStyle(14, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.95, 0); torsoFill.lineTo(len, 0); torsoFill.lineStyle(10, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.75, (-len) * 0.2); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.75, (-len) * 0.25); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.75, len * 0.2); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.75, len * 0.25); torsoMask.clear(); torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(torsoMask, len / 2.2, 0, len / 1.8, bellySize); torsoMask.endFill(); } else if (pattern == 2) { torsoFill.clear(); torsoFill.lineStyle(10, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.2, (-len) * 0.2); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.4, (-len) * 0.2); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.4, len * 0.2); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.6, len * 0.2); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.1, len * 0.05); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.2, len * 0.05); torsoFill.lineStyle(12, patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.7, (-len) * 0.05); torsoFill.lineTo(len * 0.8, (-len) * 0.05); torsoMask.clear(); torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(torsoMask, len / 2.2, 0, len / 1.8, bellySize); torsoMask.endFill(); } else if (pattern == 3) { torsoFill.clear(); torsoFill.lineStyle(1, patternColor); torsoFill.beginFill(patternColor); torsoFill.moveTo(len * 0.2, (-len) / 2); torsoFill.curveTo(len * 1.2, 0, len * 0.2, len / 2); torsoFill.curveTo(len * 0.8, 0, len * 0.2, (-len) / 2); torsoFill.endFill(); torsoMask.clear(); torsoMask.beginFill(0); com.abowman.Graphics.drawOval(torsoMask, len / 2.2, 0, len / 1.8, bellySize); torsoMask.endFill(); } } function increaseBellySize() { bellySize = Math.min((bellySize = bellySize + 0.1), maxBellySize); drawBelly(); } function setTongue() { if (tonTarX != null) { var _local3 = tonTarX - tongueX; var _local2 = tonTarY - tongueY; tongueX = tongueX + (_local3 * 0.7); tongueY = tongueY + (_local2 * 0.7); tonLen = Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)); if (tonLen < 1) { tonTarX = null; } } else { tongueX = tongueX + ((pos.x - tongueX) * 0.4); tongueY = tongueY + ((pos.y - tongueY) * 0.4); } } function getCenter() { if (state == LUNGING) { var _local3 = lungeToX - pos.x; var _local2 = lungeToY - pos.y; if (Math.sqrt((_local3 * _local3) + (_local2 * _local2)) < 1) { state = 0; } pos.x = pos.x + (_local3 * 0.5); pos.y = pos.y + (_local2 * 0.5); } else { var _local5 = ((((3 * lArm.x) + (3 * rArm.x)) + lLeg.x) + rLeg.x) / 8; var _local4 = ((((3 * lArm.y) + (3 * rArm.y)) + lLeg.y) + rLeg.y) / 8; pos.x = pos.x + ((_local5 - pos.x) * 0.5); pos.y = pos.y + ((_local4 - pos.y) * 0.5); } } function render() { clear(); lineStyle(4, tonColor); moveTo(pos.x, pos.y); lineTo(tongueX, tongueY); mid.clear(); mid.lineStyle(14, eyeColor); mid.moveTo(lEye.x, lEye.y); mid.lineTo(lEye.x + 1, lEye.y); mid.moveTo(rEye.x, rEye.y); mid.lineTo(rEye.x + 1, rEye.y); mid.lineStyle(12, bodyColor); mid.beginFill(bodyColor); mid.moveTo(lShldr.x, lShldr.y); mid.lineTo(lEye.x, lEye.y); mid.lineTo(hx, hy); mid.lineTo(rEye.x, rEye.y); mid.lineTo(rShldr.x, rShldr.y); mid.lineStyle(12, bodyColor); mid.lineTo(lShldr.x, lShldr.y); mid.lineTo(rear.x, rear.y); mid.lineTo(rShldr.x, rShldr.y); mid.endFill(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { limbs[_local2].render(bodyColor); _local2++; } } function reset() { resetLimbs(); setRear(); setHead(); tongueX = (torso._x = pos.x); tongueY = (torso._y = pos.y); torso._rotation = (torsoAng * 180) / Math.PI; setShldrs(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { limbs[_local2].setJoints(); limbs[_local2].fhX = (limbs[_local2].jX + (2 * limbs[_local2].x)) / 3; limbs[_local2].fhY = (limbs[_local2].jY + (2 * limbs[_local2].y)) / 3; _local2++; } } function resetLimbs() { var _local4; var _local3; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { _local4 = pos.x + (Math.cos(angle) * limbs[_local2].startPos); _local3 = pos.y + (Math.sin(angle) * limbs[_local2].startPos); limbs[_local2].x = _local4 + (limbs[_local2].side * (Math.sin(angle) * limbs[_local2].wSpan)); limbs[_local2].y = _local3 - (limbs[_local2].side * (Math.cos(angle) * limbs[_local2].wSpan)); limbs[_local2].setToes(angle); _local2++; } } function setShldrs() { lShldr.x = pos.x - (Math.sin(torsoAng) * width); lShldr.y = pos.y + (Math.cos(torsoAng) * width); rShldr.x = pos.x - ((-Math.sin(torsoAng)) * width); rShldr.y = pos.y + ((-Math.cos(torsoAng)) * width); } function setRear() { var _local3 = (lLeg.x + rLeg.x) / 2; var _local2 = (lLeg.y + rLeg.y) / 2; torsoAng = Math.atan2(pos.y - _local2, pos.x - _local3) + Math.PI; rear.x = pos.x + (len * Math.cos(torsoAng)); rear.y = pos.y + (len * Math.sin(torsoAng)); } function setHead() { var _local3 = 4; var _local2 = angle - (Math.PI / _local3); head._x = pos.x; head._y = pos.y; head._rotation = (angle * 180) / Math.PI; lEye.x = pos.x + (hLen * Math.cos(_local2)); lEye.y = pos.y + (hLen * Math.sin(_local2)); _local2 = _local2 + (Math.PI / _local3); hx = pos.x + ((hLen + 5) * Math.cos(_local2)); hy = pos.y + ((hLen + 5) * Math.sin(_local2)); _local2 = _local2 + (Math.PI / _local3); rEye.x = pos.x + (hLen * Math.cos(_local2)); rEye.y = pos.y + (hLen * Math.sin(_local2)); } function moveLimbs() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { limbs[_local2].move(); limbs[_local2].fhX = (limbs[_local2].jX + (2 * limbs[_local2].x)) / 3; limbs[_local2].fhY = (limbs[_local2].jY + (2 * limbs[_local2].y)) / 3; limbs[_local2].setJoints(); _local2++; } } static var symbolName = "__Packages.TreeFrog"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, TreeFrog); var legStWalk = -150; var legStRest = -60; var LUNGING = 2; var WALKING = 1; var aDist = 90; var aAng = 0.34; var eatTime = 0; var angToTarg = 0; var tonLen = 0; var tonColor = 10066329; var patternColor = 0; }
Symbol 7 MovieClip [__Packages.Limb] Frame 0
class Limb extends MovieClip { var easer, toes, x, y, startPos, dist, movePoint, wSpan, side, lineStyle, footColor, moveTo, fhX, fhY, lineTo; function Limb () { super(); } function init() { easer = new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut(); toes = new Array(); toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); toes.push(new com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut()); } function move() { if (easer.isMoving()) { easer.update(); x = easer.x; y = easer.y; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < toes.length) { toes[_local2].update(); _local2++; } } } function setTarPos(speed, angle, framesPerStep) { var _local5 = (dist * speed) + startPos; var _local7 = movePoint.x + (Math.cos(angle) * _local5); var _local6 = movePoint.y + (Math.sin(angle) * _local5); var _local4 = _local7 + (side * (Math.sin(angle) * wSpan)); var _local3 = _local6 - (side * (Math.cos(angle) * wSpan)); easer.init(x, _local4, y, _local3, framesPerStep); setToeTars(angle, _local4, _local3, framesPerStep); } function render() { } function setJoints() { } function renderFoot() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < toes.length) { lineStyle(6, footColor); moveTo(fhX, fhY); lineTo(toes[_local2].x, toes[_local2].y); lineStyle(10, footColor); lineTo(toes[_local2].x + 1, toes[_local2].y); _local2++; } } function setToeTars(angle, tarX, tarY, framesPerStep) { angle = angle - (Math.PI/2); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < toes.length) { toes[_local2].init(toes[_local2].x, tarX + (Math.cos(angle) * toeLen), toes[_local2].y, tarY + (Math.sin(angle) * toeLen), framesPerStep); angle = angle + (Math.PI/2); _local2++; } } function setToes(angle) { angle = angle - (Math.PI/2); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < toes.length) { toes[_local2].y = y + (Math.sin(angle) * toeLen); toes[_local2].x = x + (Math.cos(angle) * toeLen); angle = angle + (Math.PI/2); _local2++; } } var toeLen = 15; }
Symbol 8 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.motion.EaseInOut { var x, beginX, changeX, y, beginY, changeY, targetX, targetY; function EaseInOut () { } function init(beginX, targetX, beginY, targetY, duration) { x = (this.beginX = beginX); changeX = targetX - beginX; y = (this.beginY = beginY); changeY = targetY - beginY; this.duration = duration; time = 0; } function update() { if (time < duration) { x = easeInOutQuad(time++, beginX, changeX, duration); y = easeInOutQuad(time, beginY, changeY, duration); } } function easeInOutQuad(t, b, c, d) { t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b); } t--; return((((-c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b); } function isMoving() { return(time < duration); } function setTarget(x, y) { targetX = x; targetY = y; } var time = 0; var duration = 0; }
Symbol 9 MovieClip [__Packages.Leg] Frame 0
class Leg extends Limb { var side, base, movePoint, len, wSpan, startPos, _parent, dist, clear, renderFoot, moveTo, lineStyle, lineTo, jX2, jY2, jX, jY, fhX, fhY, x, y, angle; function Leg () { super(); } static function createMovie(parent, base, movePoint, len, side, depth) { var _local1 = Leg(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Leg" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(base, movePoint, len, side); return(_local1); } function init(base, movePoint, len, side) { super.init(); this.side = side; this.base = base; this.movePoint = movePoint; this.len = len; wSpan = len * 1.2; startPos = _parent.legStWalk; dist = 110; dist = 120; } function render(color) { clear(); renderFoot(); moveTo(base.x, base.y); lineStyle(10, color); lineTo(jX2, jY2); lineStyle(9, color); lineTo(jX, jY); lineStyle(8, color); lineTo(fhX, fhY); } function setJoints() { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(base.x, base.y, x, y); var _local4 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(base.x, base.y, x, y); var _local3 = _local4 / 2; var _local5 = len / 2; angle = Math.acos(Math.min(1, (((len * len) + (_local3 * _local3)) - (_local5 * _local5)) / (len * _local4))); jX2 = base.x + (len * Math.cos((side * angle) + _local2)); jY2 = base.y + (len * Math.sin((side * angle) + _local2)); jX = x + (len * Math.sin((((-1 * side) * angle) - _local2) - (Math.PI/2))); jY = y + (len * Math.cos((((-1 * side) * angle) - _local2) - (Math.PI/2))); } static var symbolName = "__Packages.Leg"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, Leg); }
Symbol 10 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.Trig { function Trig () { } static function angleTo(x, y, toX, toY) { var _local2 = toX - x; var _local1 = toY - y; return(Math.atan2(_local1, _local2)); } static function distTo(x, y, toX, toY) { var _local2 = toX - x; var _local1 = toY - y; return(Math.sqrt((_local2 * _local2) + (_local1 * _local1))); } static function fixAngle(angle) { angle = angle % (Math.PI*2); return(((angle < 0) ? (angle + (Math.PI*2)) : (angle))); } static function angleToDeg(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var _local1 = y2 - y1; var _local2 = x2 - x1; return(Math.atan2(_local1, _local2) / piBy180); } static var piBy180 = (Math.PI/180); }
Symbol 11 MovieClip [__Packages.Arm] Frame 0
class Arm extends Limb { var side, base, movePoint, len, wSpan, startPos, dist, clear, renderFoot, moveTo, lineStyle, lineTo, jX, jY, fhX, fhY, x, y; function Arm () { super(); } static function createMovie(parent, base, movePoint, len, side, depth) { var _local1 = Arm(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Arm" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(base, movePoint, len, side); return(_local1); } function init(base, movePoint, len, side) { super.init(); this.side = side; this.base = base; this.movePoint = movePoint; this.len = len; wSpan = len; startPos = 20; dist = 63; dist = 70; } function render(color) { clear(); renderFoot(); moveTo(base.x, base.y); lineStyle(9, color); lineTo(jX, jY); lineStyle(7, color); lineTo(fhX, fhY); } function setJoints() { var _local2 = com.abowman.Trig.angleTo(base.x, base.y, x, y); var _local4 = com.abowman.Trig.distTo(base.x, base.y, x, y); var _local3 = Math.asin(Math.min(1, (_local4 / 2) / len)); jY = base.y + ((Math.cos((((-side) * _local3) - _local2) - (side * Math.PI)) * side) * len); jX = base.x + ((Math.sin((((-side) * _local3) - _local2) - (side * Math.PI)) * side) * len); } static var symbolName = "__Packages.Arm"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, Arm); }
Symbol 12 MovieClip [__Packages.Fly] Frame 0
class Fly extends MovieClip { var x, y, lineStyle, lineTo, _x, _y; function Fly () { super(); } static function create(parent, depth, args) { var _local1 = Fly(parent.attachMovie(symbolName, "Fly" + depth, depth)); _local1.init(args); return(_local1); } function init(args) { x = args.x; y = args.y; if (args.speed != null) { speed = (Math.max(Math.min(1, args.speed), 0) * speedRange) + lowSpeed; } angle = (Math.random() * Math.PI) * 2; lineStyle(3, args.color); lineTo(0, 1); } function update() { x = x + (Math.cos(angle) * speed); y = y + (Math.sin(angle) * speed); var _local5 = 0; var _local4 = 0; var _local3 = Stage.width; var _local2 = Stage.height; ((x < _local5) ? ((x = _local5)) : null); ((x > _local3) ? ((x = _local3)) : null); ((y > _local2) ? ((y = _local2)) : null); ((y < _local4) ? ((y = _local4)) : null); _x = x; _y = y; } function moveRandom() { var _local2 = int(Math.random() * 50); if ((_local2 % 5) == 4) { ((((Math.random() * 2) - 1) < 0) ? ((hDir = hDir * -1)) : null); } angle = angle + (hDir * angleSpeed); angle = angle % 6.28318531; if (angle < 0) { angle = angle + 6.28318531; } } static var symbolName = "__Packages.Fly"; static var symbolLinked = Object.registerClass(symbolName, Fly); var hDir = 1; var speed = 2; var angle = 0; var angleSpeed = 0.087; var lowSpeed = 2; var speedRange = 1.5; }
Symbol 13 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.abowman.Graphics { var mc, color, thick, fill; function Graphics (target) { mc = target; color = 0; thick = 1; fill = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; } function setColor(_color) { color = _color; } function setThick(_thick) { thick = _thick; } function setFill(_fill) { fill = _fill; } function drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x2, y2); } function drawRoundEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local13 = 3; var _local9 = 360 / _local13; var _local10 = _local9 * 0.075; var _local11 = _local9 * 0.85; var _local3 = radius * 0.8; var _local8; var _local7; var _local4 = (Math.PI/180) * rotation; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(((Math.PI/180) * _local10) + _local4)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(((Math.PI/180) * _local10) + _local4))); var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local8 = ((Math.PI/180) * ((_local10 * ((_local2 * 2) - 1)) + (_local11 * _local2))) + _local4; _local7 = ((Math.PI/180) * ((_local10 * ((_local2 * 2) + 1)) + (_local11 * _local2))) + _local4; mc.lineTo(centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(_local8)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(_local8))); mc.curveTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos((((Math.PI/180) * _local9) * _local2) + _local4)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin((((Math.PI/180) * _local9) * _local2) + _local4)), centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(_local7)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(_local7))); _local2++; } } function fillRoundEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local13 = 3; var _local9 = 360 / _local13; var _local10 = _local9 * 0.075; var _local11 = _local9 * 0.85; var _local3 = radius * 0.8; var _local8; var _local7; var _local4 = (Math.PI/180) * rotation; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(((Math.PI/180) * _local10) + _local4)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(((Math.PI/180) * _local10) + _local4))); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= _local13) { _local8 = ((Math.PI/180) * ((_local10 * ((_local2 * 2) - 1)) + (_local11 * _local2))) + _local4; _local7 = ((Math.PI/180) * ((_local10 * ((_local2 * 2) + 1)) + (_local11 * _local2))) + _local4; mc.lineTo(centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(_local8)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(_local8))); mc.curveTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos((((Math.PI/180) * _local9) * _local2) + _local4)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin((((Math.PI/180) * _local9) * _local2) + _local4)), centerX + (_local3 * Math.cos(_local7)), centerY + (_local3 * Math.sin(_local7))); _local2++; } mc.endFill(); } function drawEqTriangle(radius, centerX, centerY, rotation) { var _local5 = 3; var _local3 = 360 / _local5; mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(centerX + radius, centerY); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 <= _local5) { mc.lineTo(centerX + (radius * Math.cos(((Math.PI/180) * _local3) * _local2)), centerY + (radius * Math.sin(((Math.PI/180) * _local3) * _local2))); _local2++; } } function drawRect(x1, y1, width, height) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); } function fillRect(x1, y1, width, height) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x1, y1); mc.beginFill(fill); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1); mc.lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1 + height); mc.lineTo(x1, y1); mc.endFill(); } function drawCurve(startX, startY, curveControlX, curveControlY, endX, endY) { mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(startX, startY); mc.curveTo(curveControlX, curveControlY, endX, endY); } static function drawOval(mc, x, y, rx, ry) { mc.moveTo(x + rx, y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, x, ry + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, ry + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (0.4142 * ry) + y, (-rx) + x, y); mc.curveTo((-rx) + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, (-0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo((-0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, x, (-ry) + y); mc.curveTo((0.4142 * rx) + x, (-ry) + y, (0.7071 * rx) + x, (-0.7071 * ry) + y); mc.curveTo(rx + x, (-0.4142 * ry) + y, rx + x, y); } function fillOval(x, y, width, height) { var _local7 = width * 0.70711; var _local6 = height * 0.70711; var _local9 = _local7 - (((height - _local6) * width) / height); var _local8 = _local6 - (((width - _local7) * height) / width); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.moveTo(x + width, y); mc.beginFill(fill); mc.curveTo(x + width, y - _local8, x + _local7, y - _local6); mc.curveTo(x + _local9, y - height, x, y - height); mc.curveTo(x - _local9, y - height, x - _local7, y - _local6); mc.curveTo(x - width, y - _local8, x - width, y); mc.curveTo(x - width, y + _local8, x - _local7, y + _local6); mc.curveTo(x - _local9, y + height, x, y + height); mc.curveTo(x + _local9, y + height, x + _local7, y + _local6); mc.curveTo(x + width, y + _local8, x + width, y); mc.endFill(); } function drawCircle(r, x, y) { var _local11 = 22.5; mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); var _local8 = Math.tan((_local11 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local2 = 45; while (_local2 <= 360) { var _local5 = r * Math.cos((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local4 = r * Math.sin((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = _local5 + ((r * _local8) * Math.cos(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local6 = _local4 + ((r * _local8) * Math.sin(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local7 + x, _local6 + y, _local5 + x, _local4 + y); _local2 = _local2 + 45; } } function fillCircle(r, x, y) { var _local11 = 22.5; mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local8 = Math.tan((_local11 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local2 = 45; while (_local2 <= 360) { var _local5 = r * Math.cos((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local4 = r * Math.sin((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = _local5 + ((r * _local8) * Math.cos(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local6 = _local4 + ((r * _local8) * Math.sin(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local7 + x, _local6 + y, _local5 + x, _local4 + y); _local2 = _local2 + 45; } mc.endFill(); } function drawHelix(r, x, y, styleMaker) { mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); var _local8 = Math.tan((styleMaker * Math.PI) / 180); var _local2 = 45; while (_local2 <= 360) { var _local5 = r * Math.cos((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local4 = r * Math.sin((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = _local5 + ((r * _local8) * Math.cos(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local6 = _local4 + ((r * _local8) * Math.sin(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local7 + x, _local6 + y, _local5 + x, _local4 + y); _local2 = _local2 + 45; } } function fillHelix(r, x, y, styleMaker) { mc.moveTo(x + r, y); mc.lineStyle(thick, color); mc.beginFill(fill); var _local8 = Math.tan((styleMaker * Math.PI) / 180); var _local2 = 45; while (_local2 <= 360) { var _local5 = r * Math.cos((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local4 = r * Math.sin((_local2 * Math.PI) / 180); var _local7 = _local5 + ((r * _local8) * Math.cos(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); var _local6 = _local4 + ((r * _local8) * Math.sin(((_local2 - 90) * Math.PI) / 180)); mc.curveTo(_local7 + x, _local6 + y, _local5 + x, _local4 + y); _local2 = _local2 + 45; } mc.endFill(); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Font [Pupcat]
Symbol 2 MovieClip [__Packages.Application]
Symbol 3 MovieClip [__Packages.ABowmanLink2]
Symbol 4 MovieClip [__Packages.Logo]
Symbol 5 MovieClip []
Symbol 6 MovieClip [__Packages.TreeFrog]
Symbol 7 MovieClip [__Packages.Limb]
Symbol 8 MovieClip []
Symbol 9 MovieClip [__Packages.Leg]
Symbol 10 MovieClip []
Symbol 11 MovieClip [__Packages.Arm]
Symbol 12 MovieClip [__Packages.Fly]
Symbol 13 MovieClip []

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "Pupcat"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "__Packages.Application"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "__Packages.ABowmanLink2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "__Packages.Logo"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "__Packages.TreeFrog"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "__Packages.Limb"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 9 as "__Packages.Leg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "__Packages.Arm"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "__Packages.Fly"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as ""
Created: 1/4 -2019 20:58:06 Last modified: 1/4 -2019 20:58:06 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:09:09