/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2595 · P5190 |
This is the info page for Flash #81753 |
少女祈祷中 |
少女祈祷中. |
少女祈祷中.. |
少女祈祷中... |
Last Update 2009/10/19 Stage6 ボス直前まで Stage1~6 プラクティスを全て開放 |
東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 賭符「半丁大博打」 危険「ハイリスクハイリターン」 騙符「泥舟一人旅」 騙符「木舟と泥舟」 合戦「阿波狸合戦」 合戦「平成狸合戦」 磁符「見えない渦」 磁怪「オレゴンヴォルテックス」 遺存「アモンの石」 遺志「石に刻まれた遺伝子」 階符「無限螺旋階段」 階符「無限二重螺旋階段」 渦符「鳴門の渦潮」 渦流「海に潜る龍の尾」 浮浪「弾幕オーバーフロー」 舞浪「弾幕オーバーブロー」 予報「スワロウアルティテュード」 予報「つばめ式観天望気」 予報「未来予知」 嵐符「大時化の大海原」 転覆「船返しの大海原」 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」 陽炎「かぎろひの燃ゆる春」 気楼「幻の楼閣」 幻覚「アイソレーションタンク」 混乱「海と空の混沌」 巨人「ジャイアンテスヴューポイント」 侏儒「シュリンカーズヴューポイント」 霊体「夢中封印」 生霊「夢裡封印」 魔術「アストラルプロジェクション」 星辰「アストラルトラヴェリング」 硬直「不動明王の金縛法」 心縛「不動明王の五色の羂索」 呪歌「ルインドコーラス」 呪歌「呪言の合唱」 流符「水の舞」 雫符「涙の舞」 結晶「涙の数珠繋ぎ」 結晶「涙の八百万遍大数珠」 八百比流三大舞踊「雪の舞」 八百比流三大舞踊「月の舞」 八百比流三大舞踊「花の舞」 八百比流特別公演「星の舞」 泡酒「貴族のピアサイダー」 名酒「ノブレスシードル」 銘酒「ノブレスカルヴァドス」 命酒「オウ・ド・ヴィー」 俳優「八乙女神楽」 「笑い転げる八百万の神々」 「人魚姫の儚き夢」 「人魚姫の儚き恋」 |
0123456789. |
Susanomori Konoha Uzushima Naruko Amazu Miyo Minazuki Tubame Sindou Kasumi Yaobi Megumi Yaobi Mikoto Kanpukugu Otohime & |
0123456789 |
Marine Benefit |
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*/:;,.<>=@!?^\|~[]{}_() |
どこで泳ぐ? だれが泳ぐ? 何を持っていく? ステージはどれ? 五分前の音楽 変更する入力を選択 キーを入力 左右移動キーで変更 |
Rank Select Player Select Weapon Select Stage Select Music Room Key Config Option |
博麗霊夢 霧雨魔理沙 東風谷早苗 前方集中装備 自動照準 無限花序 追尾配置 光速貫通 前方拡散 広狭二種 超広範囲 公転配置 |
特技: 喰らいボム有効時間が長い 酸素点が増えやすい アイテム吸収範囲が広い 水素点が増えやすい メインショットの威力が高い ミス時にパワーが減りにくい |
ショット:「」 インフラレッドディテクター ホーミングレーザーサイト スカーレットフレイム スターインプリンティング コンステレーションレーザー スカイイルミネーション 神奈子様の神徳 諏訪子様の鉄の輪 空様のメガフレア |
スペルカード:「」符 赤朱緋 青藍蒼 緑翠碧 赤外結界 夢想妙朱 陰陽緋玉 シリウスムーヴメント ブルースパーク ブルースカイサンライト スプリングイーストウィンド 翡翠色の海 グリーンフラッシュ |
stage123456 - |
「」符 赤朱緋 青藍蒼 緑翠碧 赤外結界 夢想妙朱 陰陽緋玉 シリウスムーヴメント ブルースパーク ブルースカイサンライト スプリングイーストウィンド 翡翠色の海 グリーンフラッシュ |
No. 01234567890123456面のテーマ() エキストラステージエンディングスタッフロール 水面から出流る水底 大洋の風情 ~ Fantastic Sea 捕らぬ狸の壺算用 大きな水塊の眺望 ナルコストリーム 海燕の鳴動 ~ natural forecast 唄う座頭は天を仰ぎ見る 未開拓世界 ~ インナースペース サブマリン幻視幻覚 須佐乃森 このは 渦島 鳴子 水無月 つばめ 深堂 香澄 八百比 恵 八百比 海琴 観福宮 ()70]-[!|v|£ |
♪ タイトル画面のテーマです。 1面のテーマです。 須佐乃森このはのテーマです。 |
0123456789. |
0123456789./ |
0123456789 |
60.0 |
Matchless |
Practice |
満身創痍一時停止 |
Game OverPause |
一時停止を解除するタイトルへ戻る最初からやり直す続けて再挑戦する |
会話0123456789 あー、蒸し暑いわね<br>この川は泳げるほど深いのかな ちょっと 遊んでいかない? 水遊びできるのね?<br>あんたも一緒に涼みなさい 水じゃなくてさ<br>勝負しようよ そういえばさっき会ったのはあんたじゃない<br>えっと、緑の猫…じゃなくて狸? でもアイツのところの狐は赤くなかったわね 何を言ってるのか分からないけど、遊んでくれるんだよね? 緑は未熟って感じよね<br>黄葉して狐色になりなさいよ もみじになれって?<br>私は鹿じゃないのに もみじは白い犬じゃなかった? 何色でもいいから、そろそろいくよ! やっぱり緑は未熟ね<br>人間も狸も こんな川あったっけな<br>変な奴が潜んでそうだ そこの人間 勝負しなさい お、やはり変な奴が現れたな 初対面なのに失礼ね<br>絶対倒してやる 変な奴じゃなくて馬鹿狸だったか 馬鹿狸じゃなくて化け狸よ そうだ、あの海について教えてくれないか? 私に勝てば教えてあげる<br>嘘ではないよ そうか、ならいいぜ ずいぶん余裕ね<br>少しは覚悟した方がいいんじゃない? 勝つ覚悟をしておいて良かったぜ 神奈子様は海の中へ行けと仰っていましたが… 一体何があるというのでしょう ちょっと 遊ぼうよ まさかこんなムジナが雨を降らすとは思えませんし ムジナじゃなくて狸よ<br>それに雨を降らすことだって簡単に へーそうですか<br>もっとましな嘘をつきなさい 狸なのは本当だって 雨を降らすのは嘘だと いいや降らせてみせる<br>あの山頂に火を灯して… こら、やめなさい<br>やはり妖怪は危険ですね 雨のしょぼしょぼ降る昼に… 狸が化かすき気をつけよ! 風が出てきましたね<br>私たちの勝利です これが海なのね<br>気持ち良さそうだわ あら、赤い魚は久々ねえ さっきの弾幕にエビでも混ざってたのかなあ<br>めでたいめでたい 一応まだ人間のつもりなんだけど 人間ってあまり食べたことないんだよねえ<br>あなた、おいしいの? 私はまずまずってとこかなー<br>魔法を使う人間は美味しいらしいわね 緑色の髪をした人間もかなり美味と聞いたわ<br>この近くにいるんじゃない? 何だかうずうずしてきちゃった<br>あなたを食べてみて良い? じゃあ私は失礼するわ<br>さようなら 逃げるってことはやっぱり美味しいのね? 別に逃げてないわよ<br>私は海の中に行かなきゃいけないの 私から逃げられるかな?<br>渦に吸い込まれて一生海底で過ごしなさい 渦に巻き込まれた方が楽だったかな 穏やかな海…<br>嵐の前の静けさか あなた、碧い海に青い服って見難いねえ まあ、私も青い服着てるんだけどね ああ、普段は黒い服なんだけどな<br>なんか青い方がそれっぽいじゃん? って、そんなことはどうでもいいんだ<br>この海の秘密とか知らないか? そうねえ… 実は私、9人姉妹なのよ お前のことなんか知りたくないんだ<br>なんというか、すごいことが出来る妖怪とかさ 私で良ければ見せてあげるわ お前は何も出来なさそうだから遠慮しとくぜ 一旦巻き込まれれば最後<br>海の無限階段へようこそ! 海に凄い奴っていないもんなのかな<br>少し残念だぜ いよいよ海です<br>どんな妖怪が潜んでいるのでしょう こんな妖怪だよー うーん、普通… 目立った装身具も無いし<br>髪型は馬鹿っぽいし 風采が上がらなくて褒めるところが無い感じね あはは…そう?<br>結構気に入ってたんだけどなあ… もっと身だしなみに気を付けて う、うん では失礼します ちょっと、これだけ酷いこと言っておいて<br>逃げようっていうの? この渦巻いた怒り<br>弾幕にして見せてやるわ! さて、もっと沖へ出てみましょう ん… うみのもくず? そろそろ海に潜らなきゃ…って、誰よあんた そこのお前、早く引き返せ 間もなく空は黒くなり、海は白くなるだろう 赤い服を着て目立とうとしたところで無駄だ 海の中なら関係ないわよね<br>さようならっと 馬鹿者<br>それほど重要な仕事なのか 行かなきゃアイツに叱られんのよ<br>それに、ちょっと泳いでみたいかなーって 増えすぎた個体数を減らすために自ら命を絶つ<br>これは利口なのか愚かなのか ちょっと、自殺なんてしないわよ<br>別に人間も妖怪も増えてないし 陸にいるお前には分からなくて当然か<br>幻想郷は今、多子低年齢化時代を迎えた 海は危険な妖怪その他で飽和状態<br>人間が行くべき場所ではない 人間の子供は大人しく地上を這い廻ってろ! あれ、晴れてきたわね<br>さっきのが犯人?まさかね うひょー<br>海で泳ぐなんて初めてだぜ やめろ んお?<br>何だ? もうすぐ大雨、大波がお前を襲う<br>今のうちに撤退しろ 随分偉そうな奴だな<br>空は晴れてるから大丈夫だろ 私の予知によってどれほどの命が救われたか…<br>数えたことは無いが 私はこれから海に潜りに来たんだ<br>だから雨も波も関係ないぜ はい、予知はずれだな … …<br>私がこれからお前を襲えば良いだけだ あまり波を甘く見るなよ! おお、確かに波は甘くないな<br>さっきの弾幕もしょっぱかったぜ そういえば水着で来れば良かったですね 海を泳いではいけない お前は激しい風雨に見舞われるだろう<br>更には大津波も 今は晴れているじゃないですか<br>晴れた日には、よだは来ないんですよ それに私は山の神です<br>雨にも風にも負けません …好きにすれば良い<br>大量の妖怪に襲われても構わないのならな クラゲの妖怪ですか<br>それは痛そうですね 海底では今、続々と妖怪が発生している<br>原因は不明だ 妖怪退治なら任せて下さい<br>ついでにあなたも倒してあげます 山の人間よ<br>あまり海をなめない方が良い! あなたこそ、あまり山の神をなめないでください! 海をなめると塩辛いです<br>イカの妖怪でも大量発生したのでしょうか どうでもいっか どうでもいっか<br>なーんてね… えっと、ここはどこ? ここはそこ ああ、そこなのね 雨を大量に降らせたのはあんた?<br>やめてほしいんだけど 雨?この海のことですか?<br>それなら御母堂様達が創られましたわ 誰よそれ<br>どこにいるのよ ずっと、そこにいますよ ああ、そこにいるのね この大水どうにかしてって伝えといてよ どうにか、と言いますと?<br>もっと拡大してほしいのですか? この海を無くせって言ってんのよ! 何故でしょう。こんなにも素晴らしい深世海を創ってくださったのに あんなにも大量の輝かしい命が生まれたのに 水だけじゃなく妖怪も溢れさせる気なの? あんた達、何が目的なのよ<br>まさか侵略? 御母堂様は海のように心の広い方です<br>他人に危害を加えることなど決してありません この大水でどれだけの人が迷惑してるか分かってんの? 海が何故人を困らせるのでしょう<br>理解できません もういいわ!<br>私が直接会って始末してくるから! あなたは御母堂様にはお会いできません この夢のような深海を永遠に彷徨いなさい 魔理沙に早苗?それに私?<br>夢でも見ていたのかしら 私の創りだした幻の弾幕をあなたの夢の中に放り込んだのよ ややこしいことするのね<br>そんなだから弱いのよ あなたは強い<br>御令嬢様の遊び相手になれるかもしれない 海恵堂へ案内しましょう 遊びに行くわけじゃないんだけど ついに海底にたどり着いたわけだが 暗くて何があるのか分からないぜ 何も見えないのなら何も無い 何も無いのに何か在ると思ってしまう 真実が現実なら幻想もまた現実<br>真実を突き詰めると幻想が見えてくる 何だ何だ?<br>独り言か?私が見えていないのか? あなたには私が見えるのですか? ああ、立派なカタツムリが見えるぜ<br>耳が良さそうだな 他人には聞こえない音が聞こえるわ<br>幻聴力なら世海一ね 海底に面白い奴っていないのか?<br>いなきゃ困るんだが あら、私が面白そうに見えません? どっちかと言うと面黒いって感じかな どうせなら紫色が良かったわ<br>上品で幻想的な色じゃない? 紫とか縁起の悪い色は嫌いだぜ 誰もいないみたいだし、もっと奥に行ってみるか この先は…<br>進んではいけません 御母堂様、御令嬢様に御迷惑が掛かります おおお?随分と偉そうな奴らだな<br>ますます行きたくなったぜ 御令嬢様が能力を使うまでもない<br>私があなたを追い返す 幻の弾幕、あなたは見ることが出来る? 霊夢と早苗が襲ってきたな あなたのアストラル体を通して幻を見せたのよ あなたは強い<br>御令嬢様の遊び相手になれるかもしれない 海恵堂へ案内しましょう どんな奴なのか楽しみだぜ 深海です。暗いです。怖いです。 でも神様はこんなことに動じてはいけません もっと堂々と!<br>もっと強気に! こんな処に人間か 出ましたね!<br>そこの妖怪、勝負です! これまた好戦的な人間です<br>それとも妖怪? 私は神の東風谷早苗!<br>大雨の犯人を倒しに来たわ! 大雨… 神奈子様は深海に犯人がいると仰った<br>つまり、あなたが犯人ね! …そうです<br>私が大雨を降らせた張本人です あなたは私を倒してどうしたいのですか? 今すぐ雨を降らすのを止め、海を無くしなさい! それは出来ません なぜですか?神である私に逆らうとどうなるか分かっているのですか? どうなるの? そりゃもう、末代まで祟られますよ あら怖い。でもね、私の幻の方が恐ろしいわ 神の力で、勝つのよ!早苗! 恐怖の幻で身も心も動けなくなれ! 私が二人になりましたね<br>ついに分霊を習得しました! 幽体離脱を体験して頂きました しかしあなたはお強い…<br>本当に神様でいらしたのですね そうです私は神様です<br>さあ、雨と海を無くしなさい! …実は、海を創ったのは私ではないのです え? 御母堂様をご紹介致します。神様であるあなたなら直接話をされた方がよろしいでしょう まだ犯人がいるのですね<br>望むところです! あら、あなたはだーれ? あんた達を倒しに来た巫女よ そう。帰ってくれる? 住居侵入罪 あ、ここって家だったの<br>あんたは誰? 海恵堂で働くメイドよ メイド?どこかで聞いたわね お母様に仕えているから「マーメイド」なんて呼ばれるわ 母のメイドでマーメイド?<br>じゃあ、悪魔のメイドは? 「魔ーメイド」? あんた、時間を止めたり遅くしたりって出来るの? 姫様の力を借りれば、似たようなことはできるかもね 姫様?もう嫌!<br>あんた達一体何者なの? あなた、人間なのになんで海で呼吸できるのかと思ったら、 お母様が創り出した妖精達から酸素と水を奪いながらここまで来たのね 人の話を聴きなさいよ あなたこそ、さっき私が帰ってと言ったのに帰らないじゃない あんたの主人の居場所を教えてくれるまで帰らないわよ あれ、ずっとそこにいるじゃない だから、そこってどこなのか教えなさいよ! 今すぐ連れて行ってあげるわ 呪いの歌声で地に沈むか、儚い泡と共に天に召すか、どっちが良い? さあさあ、あんたの「お母様」とやらを見せてよね うう、やり直し!やり直しよ! 馬鹿なこと言わないの! はいはい!あっちよ!あっち!<br>さっさと行きなさいよ! どーもありがと、負けメイドさん …… ……絶対仕返ししてやるから あら、あなたはだーれ? ただの魔法使い、霧雨魔理沙だぜ! そう。帰ってくれる? 他人の家で暴れないでよ 妖精が水と空気を落とすから面白いんだ あなた、魔法使いなのに水中呼吸できないのね 空は飛べるんだがな で、お前は誰だ? 海恵堂で働く海のメイド、<br>略して「マーメイド」よ さっきの奴が御令嬢様って呼んでた奴か?<br>なんかイメージと違うな 悪かったわね<br>これでもメイドのトップなんだけど あの紫カタツムリもメイドの一員か? 香澄のこと?<br>香澄はメイドじゃないわ。無職? 無色か。確かに透けてたな ほいで、この海を造ったのもお前か? お母様と姫様が殆どよ<br>まあ、協力はしたけどね 海の造り方を教えてくれないか?<br>塩ならあるぜ 企業秘密 なんで海を創りたいのよ なんかほら、海で泳ぐと楽しいじゃん? それだけの理由?<br>ふざけないでくれる? 私たちにはちゃんとした目的があるのよ! 遊び半分で海を創ろうなんて、お母様と私が絶対に許さないわ! 人生最後の晴れ舞台、精一杯踊りなさい! なんでこんな人間に負けなきゃいけないの? さあ、海の造り方を教えてくれ なんで、なんであなたなんかに… … そういえば、お前の「お母様」はどこにいるんだ? お、あっちにいそうだな お母様、姫様、私にリベンジの機会を… あら、あなたはだーれ? 私は山の神!東風谷早苗よ! そう。帰ってくれる? あなた、さっきから妖精を倒しまくってるけど、それでも自称神様なの? 酸素ボンベ代わりに良いですね<br>幻想郷の海はダイビングに最適です 酸素ばかり吸ってたらそのうち酸素中毒になるわよ 水も妖精さんから頂いていますよ<br>海で真水を飲むなんて贅沢です あら、あれが水だと思ってたの? お湯でしたっけ? 一酸化二水素。猛毒ね。 あなたの体は見る見るうちに錆ついて、風化していくの 毒…? そう言われてみると、ちょっと胸が苦しいかも… 生きること毋れ、「毒」の字はよく出来ているわね 生きること母れ、じゃないんですか? 「ははれ」って何よ いつまでも毒に苦しんではいられません さあ、今すぐこの海を消し去りなさい! なんでよ<br>海は私たちの母なのよ? 水、在ること毋れ、「海」の字はよく出来ていますね 海がそんなに気に入らないの? 海を嫌う人間など、冷たい岩の上でひからびて仕舞え! 泡に包まれていると、なんだか元気になってきました こんな人間に負けるなんて残念無念だわ 残念と無念って矛盾してますよね 悔しい… 心、在ること毋れ、「悔」の字はよく出来ていますね あ、そうだ、犯人がまだ見つかっていません この人魚じゃなさそうですし、もっと向こうに行ってみましょう いつかこの雪辱を… |
Stage 123456 |
0123456789abcdef<font color='#>/ 赤い歴史と緑の狸 渦中の栗を拾う 雲から流れる琵琶の音色 海中にたなびく紫煙 舞い踊る白い結晶 青い海の生みの母 |
真夏の河畔林 河口の砂浜 雷雲と荒波 沈潜海流 海恵堂廊下 海恵堂本殿 |
0123456789 |
Enter this bubble! Enter these bubbles! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 3function selectCharacterFunc(path, saisyo) { if (!(path.decide || (saisyo))) { if (path.ret) { if (path.state != -1) { if (path.state != 0) { if (path.state == 1) { if (12 < (path.ret++)) { path.ret = 0; path.practiceStage._visible = true; path.practiceStage._alpha = 0; } else { path.practiceStage._alpha = 100 - ((path.ret / 13) * 100); } return(null); } // unexpected jump } if (12 < (path.ret++)) { path.ret = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path["character" + i]._alpha = 100; path["op" + i]._alpha = 0; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path["character" + i]._alpha = path["character" + i]._alpha + 8; path["op" + i]._alpha = path["op" + i]._alpha - 8; } } return(null); } if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path["character" + i]._alpha = path["character" + i]._alpha - 10; } if (path.ret == 2) { path.level.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + ((-50 - this._y) / 10); }; } return(null); } if (3 < LV) { selectExAttachFunc(path); } else { selectLevelAttachFunc(path); } return(null); } } else { if (saisyo) { gameOver.removeMovieClip(); gamePause.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (path.state != 1) { if (path.state != 2) { if (path.state == 3) { if (12 >= (path.decide++)) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.option) { path["op" + i]._alpha = path["op" + i]._alpha - 10; } } return(null); } } // unexpected jump } if (12 < (path.decide++)) { path.decide = 0; path.practiceStage._alpha = 100; } else { path.practiceStage._visible = true; path.practiceStage._alpha = (path.decide / 13) * 100; } return(null); } if (12 < (path.decide++)) { path.decide = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.option) { path["op" + i]._alpha = 36; } else { path["op" + i]._alpha = 100; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.focus) { path["character" + i]._alpha = path["character" + i]._alpha - 10; } if (i != path.option) { path["op" + i]._alpha = path["op" + i]._alpha + 3; } else { path["op" + i]._alpha = path["op" + i]._alpha + 8; } } } return(null); } gameStartReset(path, saisyo); return(null); } if (path.state) { if (path.state != 1) { if (path.state == 2) { if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { if (path.stage != 1) { path.stage--; } else { path.stage = 6; } var R0 = path.practiceStage; var i = 1; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.stage) { setColor(R0["s" + i], 50, 50, 50); } else { setColor(R0["s" + i], 100, 100, 0); } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { if (path.stage != 6) { path.stage++; } else { path.stage = 1; } var R0 = path.practiceStage; var i = 1; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.stage) { setColor(R0["s" + i], 50, 50, 50); } else { setColor(R0["s" + i], 100, 100, 0); } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { if (!1) { seStart(3); } else { path.state = 3; path.decide = 1; seStart(0); } } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.state = 1; path.ret = 1; path.text0 = "\u4F55\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u304F\uFF1F"; path.text1 = "Weapon Select"; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } } else { if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { if (path.option != 0) { path.option--; } else { path.option = 2; } var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.option) { path["op" + i].opt._visible = false; path["op" + i]._alpha = 36; } else { path["op" + i].opt._visible = true; path["op" + i]._alpha = 100; } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { if (path.option != 2) { path.option++; } else { path.option = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.option) { path["op" + i].opt._visible = false; path["op" + i]._alpha = 36; } else { path["op" + i].opt._visible = true; path["op" + i]._alpha = 100; } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { if (!PR) { path.state = 3; } else { path.state = 2; path.text0 = "\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306F\u3069\u308C\uFF1F"; path.text1 = "Stage Select"; path.charaText = ""; var i = 1; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { path.practiceStage["s" + i].text = "stage" + i; } } path.decide = 1; seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.state = 0; path.ret = 1; path.text0 = "\u3060\u308C\u304C\u6CF3\u3050\uFF1F"; path.text1 = "Player Select"; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } } else { if (!Key.isDown(KEY_LEFT)) { path.oldKeyL = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyL) { path["character" + path.focus].swapDepths(9); if (path.focus != 0) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 2; } path["character" + path.focus].swapDepths(10); if (path.focus == 0) { = "\u535A\u9E97 \u970A\u5922"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u55B0\u3089\u3044\u30DC\u30E0\u6709\u52B9\u6642\u9593\u304C\u9577\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u9178\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (path.focus == 1) { = "\u9727\u96E8 \u9B54\u7406\u6C99"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30A2\u30A4\u30C6\u30E0\u5438\u53CE\u7BC4\u56F2\u304C\u5E83\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u6C34\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (path.focus == 2) { = "\u6771\u98A8\u8C37 \u65E9\u82D7"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30E1\u30A4\u30F3\u30B7\u30E7\u30C3\u30C8\u306E\u5A01\u529B\u304C\u9AD8\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u30DF\u30B9\u6642\u306B\u30D1\u30EF\u30FC\u304C\u6E1B\u308A\u306B\u304F\u3044"; } path.focus; path.option = 0; seStart(2); } path.oldKeyL = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_RIGHT)) { path.oldKeyR = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyR) { path["character" + path.focus].swapDepths(9); if (path.focus != 2) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 0; } path["character" + path.focus].swapDepths(10); if (path.focus == 0) { = "\u535A\u9E97 \u970A\u5922"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u55B0\u3089\u3044\u30DC\u30E0\u6709\u52B9\u6642\u9593\u304C\u9577\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u9178\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (path.focus == 1) { = "\u9727\u96E8 \u9B54\u7406\u6C99"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30A2\u30A4\u30C6\u30E0\u5438\u53CE\u7BC4\u56F2\u304C\u5E83\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u6C34\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (path.focus == 2) { = "\u6771\u98A8\u8C37 \u65E9\u82D7"; path.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30E1\u30A4\u30F3\u30B7\u30E7\u30C3\u30C8\u306E\u5A01\u529B\u304C\u9AD8\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u30DF\u30B9\u6642\u306B\u30D1\u30EF\u30FC\u304C\u6E1B\u308A\u306B\u304F\u3044"; } path.focus; path.option = 0; seStart(2); } path.oldKeyR = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { path.state = 1; path.decide = 1; path.text0 = "\u4F55\u3092\u6301\u3063\u3066\u3044\u304F\uFF1F"; path.text1 = "Weapon Select"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = path["op" + i].opt; if (i != path.option) { R0._visible = false; } else { R0._visible = true; } R0.shotType = "\u30B7\u30E7\u30C3\u30C8\uFF1A"; R0.bombType = "\u30B9\u30DA\u30EB\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\uFF1A"; } var R0 = path.op0.opt; var R1 = path.op1.opt; var R2 = path.op2.opt; if (path.focus == 0) { = "\u524D\u65B9\u96C6\u4E2D\u88C5\u5099"; R0.shotType = R0.shotType + "\u300C\u30A4\u30F3\u30D5\u30E9\u30EC\u30C3\u30C9\u30C7\u30A3\u30C6\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC\u300D"; R0.bombType = R0.bombType + "\u8D64\u7B26\u300C\u8D64\u5916\u7D50\u754C\u300D"; = "\u81EA\u52D5\u7167\u6E96\u88C5\u5099"; R1.shotType = R1.shotType + "\u300C\u30DB\u30FC\u30DF\u30F3\u30B0\u30EC\u30FC\u30B6\u30FC\u30B5\u30A4\u30C8\u300D"; R1.bombType = R1.bombType + "\u6731\u7B26\u300C\u5922\u60F3\u5999\u6731\u300D"; = "\u7121\u9650\u82B1\u5E8F\u88C5\u5099"; R2.shotType = R2.shotType + "\u300C\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30EC\u30C3\u30C8\u30D5\u30EC\u30A4\u30E0\u300D"; R2.bombType = R2.bombType + "\u7DCB\u7B26\u300C\u9670\u967D\u7DCB\u7389\u300D"; } else if (path.focus == 1) { = "\u8FFD\u5C3E\u914D\u7F6E\u88C5\u5099"; R0.shotType = R0.shotType + "\u300C\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC\u30A4\u30F3\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30C6\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0\u300D"; R0.bombType = R0.bombType + "\u9752\u7B26\u300C\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9\u30E0\u30FC\u30F4\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8\u300D"; = "\u5149\u901F\u8CAB\u901A\u88C5\u5099"; R1.shotType = R1.shotType + "\u300C\u30B3\u30F3\u30B9\u30C6\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30EC\u30FC\u30B6\u30FC\u300D"; R1.bombType = R1.bombType + "\u85CD\u7B26\u300C\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF\u300D"; = "\u524D\u65B9\u62E1\u6563\u88C5\u5099"; R2.shotType = R2.shotType + "\u300C\u30B9\u30AB\u30A4\u30A4\u30EB\u30DF\u30CD\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u300D"; R2.bombType = R2.bombType + "\u84BC\u7B26\u300C\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30B9\u30AB\u30A4\u30B5\u30F3\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u300D"; } else if (path.focus == 2) { = "\u5E83\u72ED\u4E8C\u7A2E\u88C5\u5099"; R0.shotType = R0.shotType + "\u300C\u795E\u5948\u5B50\u69D8\u306E\u795E\u5FB3\u300D"; R0.bombType = "\u30B9\u30DA\u30EB\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\uFF1A\u7DD1\u7B26\u300C\u30B9\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u30A4\u30FC\u30B9\u30C8\u30A6\u30A3\u30F3\u30C9\u300D"; = "\u8D85\u5E83\u7BC4\u56F2\u88C5\u5099"; R1.shotType = R1.shotType + "\u300C\u8ACF\u8A2A\u5B50\u69D8\u306E\u9244\u306E\u8F2A\u300D"; R1.bombType = R1.bombType + "\u7FE0\u7B26\u300C\u7FE1\u7FE0\u8272\u306E\u6D77\u300D"; = "\u516C\u8EE2\u914D\u7F6E\u88C5\u5099"; R2.shotType = R2.shotType + "\u300C\u7A7A\u69D8\u306E\u30E1\u30AC\u30D5\u30EC\u30A2\u300D"; R2.bombType = R2.bombType + "\u78A7\u7B26\u300C\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u300D"; } path.focus; seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.state = -1; path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } }Frame 4function gameStartReset(path, saisyo) { top.removeMovieClip(); topBack._visible = false; delete topBack.awa.onEnterFrame; stage._visible = true; if (!saisyo) { CH = (path.focus * 10) + path.option; } delete opRot; delete opRot0; delete opRot1; delete opRot2; delete opRot3; delete opLen; delete opCount; delete oldPX; delete oldPY; delete opRad; delete opX0; delete opY0; delete opX1; delete opY1; delete pXA; delete pYA; delete opType; delete hanaScale; delete keyZCount; delete keyXCount; delete S0; delete hitEF; delete S1; delete S2; delete S3; delete S4; delete S5; delete S6; delete S7; delete S8; delete S9; delete S10; delete S11; delete F0; delete F1; delete F2; delete Q0; delete Q1; delete qExist; if (!TEST) { if (3 < LV) { count2 = 99; hpp = 1; } else { if (!PR) { if (saisyo != 2) { count2 = -1; } else { if (stageNo == 1) { count2 = -1; } else if (stageNo == 2) { count2 = 3; } else if (stageNo == 3) { count2 = 7; } else if (stageNo == 4) { count2 = 11; } else if (stageNo == 5) { count2 = 15; } else if (stageNo == 6) { count2 = 19; } } } else { var R0 = (saisyo ? (stageNo) : (path.stage)); if (R0 == 1) { count2 = -1; } else if (R0 == 2) { count2 = 3; } else if (R0 == 3) { count2 = 7; } else if (R0 == 4) { count2 = 11; } else if (R0 == 5) { count2 = 15; } else if (R0 == 6) { count2 = 19; } } hpp = 1; } } else if (3 < LV) { count2 = 99; hpp = 0.01; } else { count2 = 19; hpp = 0.01; } count1 = 0; count0 = 0; qExist = new Array(); Q_MAX = 29; qDepth = 100; pbDepth = 0; qbDepth = 0; itemDepth = 0; efDepth = 0; hitChecked = false; hitCheckOK = false; ransuArrayCount = 0; stop = 0; kuraiTime = 0; hitTime = 0; bombTime = 0; qRemoveFlag = 0; talkNow = 0; spellNow = false; spellMiss = false; spellBomb = false; itemBorder = 0; fpsCount = 0; oldTimer = getTimer(); score = 0; power = 0; if (!PR) { life = 2; bomb = 2; } else { life = 9; bomb = 9; } graze = 0; conti = 0; if (!((CH >= 10) && (12 >= CH))) { itemGetArea = 32; } else { itemGetArea = 64; } x_ = 32; y_ = 16; frame.enemy0.removeMovieClip(); frame.score = zero(score, 8); frame.graze = 0; frame.fps = "60.0"; if (LV == 0) { frame.levelLogo.levelText = "EASY"; glowFunc(frame.levelLogo, 20, 100, 20, 100, 4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0); O_Divisor = 3; H_Base = 128 + 64; } else if (LV == 1) { frame.levelLogo.levelText = "NORMAL"; glowFunc(frame.levelLogo, 20, 20, 100, 100, 4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0); O_Divisor = 4; H_Base = 128; } else if (LV == 2) { frame.levelLogo.levelText = "HARD"; glowFunc(frame.levelLogo, 80, 0, 80, 100, 4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0); O_Divisor = 5; H_Base = 128 - 32; } else if (LV == 3) { frame.levelLogo.levelText = "LUNATIC"; glowFunc(frame.levelLogo, 100, 20, 20, 100, 4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0); O_Divisor = 6; H_Base = 128 - 64; } else if (LV == 4) { frame.levelLogo.levelText = "EXTRA"; glowFunc(frame.levelLogo, 40, 40, 40, 100, 4, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0); O_Divisor = 4; H_Base = 128 - 64; } if (!(MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST)))) { frame.matchlessText = ""; } else { frame.matchlessText = "Matchless"; } if (!PR) { frame.practiceText = ""; } else { frame.practiceText = "Practice"; } frame.MarineBenefit.gotoAndPlay(1); frame.touhoukaikeidou.gotoAndPlay(1); O_ = 0; H_ = H_Base; smallH_ = 0; WL0 = frame.waterLine0; WL1 = frame.waterLine1; WML0 = frame.waterMaxLine0; WML1 = frame.waterMaxLine1; WL0._y = O_ + 16; WL1._y = H_ + WL0._y; WML0._y = 16 + 64; WML1._y = WL0._y + 384; stageText = stage.attachMovie("stage", "stageTitle", 1100); stageText._x = x_; stageText._y = y_; boss = stage.attachMovie("boss", "boss", 1000); boss._x = x_; boss._y = y_; boss._visible = false; cutIn = stage.attachMovie("space", "cutIn", 980); cutIn._x = x_; cutIn._y = y_; var i = 1; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = cutIn.attachMovie("space", "cutIn" + i, i); R0._visible = false; var R1 = R0.attachMovie("space", "chara", 0); R1.loadMovie(("./th_kaikeidou_image/boss0" + i) + "00.png"); } talk = stage.attachMovie("talk", "talk", 970); talk._x = x_; talk._y = y_; talk._visible = false; talk.back.swapDepths(100); var i = 1; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = talk.attachMovie("space", "boss" + i, i); R0._visible = false; var R1 = R0.attachMovie("space", "chara", 0); R1.loadMovie(("./th_kaikeidou_image/boss0" + i) + "00.png"); } var R0 = stage.attachMovie("stage", "atariHantei", 950); R0._x = x_; R0._y = y_; atari = R0.attachMovie("atari", "atari", 0); atari._visible = false; ef = stage.attachMovie("stage", "ef", 900); ef._x = x_; ef._y = y_; qb0 = stage.attachMovie("stage", "qb0", 800); qb0._x = x_; qb0._y = y_; q = stage.attachMovie("stage", "q", 700); q._x = x_; q._y = y_; item = stage.attachMovie("stage", "item", 600); item._x = x_; item._y = y_; pb = stage.attachMovie("stage", "pb", 550); pb._x = x_; pb._y = y_; ef1 = stage.attachMovie("stage", "ef1", 200); ef1._x = x_; ef1._y = y_; mahojin = stage.attachMovie("stage", "mahojin", 110); mahojin._visible = BACKGROUND; mahojin._x = x_; mahojin._y = y_; back._visible = BACKGROUND; back._x = x_; back._y = y_; var R0 = stage.attachMovie("stage", "jiki", 560); R0._x = x_; R0._y = y_; p = R0.attachMovie("p" + Math.floor(CH * 0.1), "p", 100); p._x = 192; p._y = 400; atari._x = p._x; atari._y = p._y; if (CH != 20) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = R0.attachMovie("option" + CH, "option" + i, i); R1._x = 192; R1._y = 400; R1._visible = false; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; _root["option" + i] = R1; } } if (CH == 0) { } else if (CH == 1) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot01", "laser" + i, 99900 + i); R1._visible = false; var R2 = _root["option" + i]; R1.op = R2; R1._x = R2._x; R1._y = R2._y; R1._xscale = 0; R1._rotation = -90; R1.rad = (Math.PI * -1) / 2; R1.power = 0.5; if (!((i == 0) || (i == 2))) { R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot011(this); }; } else { R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot010(this); }; } _root["laser" + i] = R1; pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } else if (CH == 2) { opCount = 0; opRad = 0; opLen = 192; } else if (CH == 10) { pXA = new Array(); pYA = new Array(); pXA = [192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192]; pYA = [400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400]; } else if (CH == 11) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot11", "laser" + i, 99900 + i); R1._visible = false; var R2 = _root["option" + i]; R1.op = R2; R1._x = R2._x; R1._y = R2._y; R1.power = 2; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot11(this); }; _root["laser" + i] = R1; pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } else if (CH == 12) { opCount = 0; } else if (CH == 20) { opCount = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot200", "en" + i, 99900 + i); if (i != 0) { if (i != 1) { setColor(R0, 10, 50, 10); } else { setColor(R0, 50, 10, 10); } } else { setColor(R0, 10, 10, 50); } if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._xscale = 128; R0._yscale = 128; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.power = 0; R0.e0._visible = true; R0.e1._visible = false; if (!i) { R0.rad = 0; R0.rad2 = 1.57; R0.rad3 = 0; R0.state = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = this.rad + 0.018; this.rad2 = this.rad2 + (0.025 + (Math.sin(this.rad3) * 0.015)); this.rad3 = this.rad3 + 0.01; this.len = Math.sin(this.rad2) * 256; this._x = p._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len); this._y = p._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); pb.en1._x = p._x + (Math.cos(this.rad + ((Math.PI * 2) / 3)) * this.len); pb.en1._y = p._y + (Math.sin(this.rad + ((Math.PI * 2) / 3)) * this.len); pb.en2._x = p._x + (Math.cos(this.rad + ((Math.PI * 4) / 3)) * this.len); pb.en2._y = p._y + (Math.sin(this.rad + ((Math.PI * 4) / 3)) * this.len); if (this.state) { pShot200(this); pShot200(pb.en1); pShot200(pb.en2); } }; } efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else if (CH == 21) { opLen = 48; var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot21", "ring" + i, 99900 + i); R1._visible = false; R1._x = p._x; R1._y = p._y; R1._xscale = 64 + (48 * i); R1._yscale = R1._xscale; R1.power = 0.8; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot21(this); }; _root["ring" + i] = R1; pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } else if (CH == 22) { opCount = 0; opRot0 = 270; opRot1 = 270; opRot2 = 270; opRot3 = 270; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (!(PR && (count2 != -1))) { if (saisyo == 2) { power = 400; life = 4; bomb = 4; } } else { power = 400; } if (TEST) { } powerFunc(0); lifeFunc(0); bombFunc(0); stageEnterFrame(); stage.swapDepths(15); path.removeMovieClip(); }Frame 5function shot(path, r, g, b, qbd, bType, num, interval, sp, offset, sType0, xs, ys) { if (!(num % 2)) { if (sType0 != 0) { if (sType0 == 1) { var rot = offset; } } else { var rad = Math.atan2(p._y - path._y, p._x - path._x); var rot = (radToRot(rad) + offset); } var num2 = Math.floor(num / 2); var i = ((num2 * -1) + 1); for ( ; num2 >= i ; i++) { var rad2 = rotToRad(rot + ((i - 0.5) * interval)); var R0 = attachTama(r, g, b, qbd, bType); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; if (xs != eval("undefined")) { R0._xscale = xs; R0._yscale = ys; } if ((((bType >= 10) && (16 >= bType)) || (bType == 20)) || (bType == 21)) { R0._rotation = rot + ((i - 0.5) * interval); } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad2) * sp; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad2) * sp; if (R0.dx < 0) { if (R0.dy < 0) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -32) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 32) < this._y) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (R0.dy < 0) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -32) || ((384 + 32) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 32) < this._y) || ((384 + 32) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } } else { if (sType0 != 0) { if (sType0 == 1) { var rot = offset; } } else { var rad = Math.atan2(p._y - path._y, p._x - path._x); var rot = (radToRot(rad) + offset); } var num2 = Math.floor(num / 2); var i = (num2 * -1); for ( ; num2 >= i ; i++) { var rad2 = rotToRad(rot + (i * interval)); var R0 = attachTama(r, g, b, qbd, bType); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; if (xs != eval("undefined")) { R0._xscale = xs; R0._yscale = ys; } if ((((bType >= 10) && (16 >= bType)) || (bType == 20)) || (bType == 21)) { R0._rotation = rot + (i * interval); } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad2) * sp; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad2) * sp; if (R0.dx < 0) { if (R0.dy < 0) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -32) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 32) < this._y) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (R0.dy < 0) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -32) || ((384 + 32) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 32) < this._y) || ((384 + 32) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } } } function attachTama(r, g, b, qbd, bType) { if (bType != -1) { if (typeof(qbd) != "number") { var R0 = qbd.attachMovie("tama" + bType, "qb" + qbDepth, qbDepth); if ((bType == 2) || (bType == 30)) { if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } } } else { var R0 = stage.qb0.attachMovie("tama" + bType, "qb" + qbDepth, (qbd * 100000) + qbDepth); if (((bType != 20) && (bType != 21)) && (bType != 22)) { R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; } if ((bType == 2) || (bType == 30)) { if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } } } setColor(R0.en0, r, g, b); } else if (typeof(qbd) != "number") { var R0 = qbd.attachMovie("space", "qb" + qbDepth, qbDepth); } else { var R0 = stage.qb0.attachMovie("space", "qb" + qbDepth, (qbd * 100000) + qbDepth); setColor(R0.en0, r, g, b); } R0.type = bType; R0.grazeCount = 1; qbDepth++; if ((qbDepth+1) == 99999) { qbDepth = 0; } return(R0); } function qShotEffe(path) { var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en0", "ef" + efDepth, efDepth); R1._alpha = 60; R1._xscale = 8; R1._yscale = 8; R1._x = path._x; R1._y = path._y; R1.count = 0; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 12) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } function hitFunc(path) { if (!path.en10.hitTest(PX, PY, true)) { return(null); } if ((--path.grazeCount) == 0) { path.grazeCount = 60; graze++; frame.graze = (graze+1); seStart(11); scoreFunc(10); if ((graze % O_Divisor) == 0) { O_Func(1); } } if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (!path.en1.hitTest(PX, PY, true)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function hitFunc2(path) { if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (!path.hitTest(PX, PY, true)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function hitFuncAwa(path) { if ((((!spellNow) || (bombTime)) || (hitTime)) || (kuraiTime)) { return(null); } if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (path.hitTest(PX, PY, true)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function qHitFunc0(path) { if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (((((path._y + 8) < p._y) || (p._y < (path._y - 8))) || ((path._x + 8) < p._x)) || (p._x < (path._x - 8))) { return(null); } if ((bombTime || (hitTime)) || (kuraiTime)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function qHitFunc1(path) { if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (((((path._y + 12) < p._y) || (p._y < (path._y - 12))) || ((path._x + 12) < p._x)) || (p._x < (path._x - 12))) { return(null); } if ((bombTime || (hitTime)) || (kuraiTime)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function bHitFunc0(path) { if (MATCHLESS && (PR || (TEST))) { return(null); } if (((((path._y + 20) < p._y) || (p._y < (path._y - 20))) || ((path._x + 16) < p._x)) || (p._x < (path._x - 16))) { return(null); } if ((bombTime || (hitTime)) || (kuraiTime)) { return(null); } seStart(5); if (2 < CH) { kuraiTime = 8; } else { kuraiTime = 12; } } function qRemove(path, type) { if (type) { if (type != 1) { if (type != 2) { if (!((type == 3) || (type == 5))) { if (type == 4) { qExist[path.getDepth()] = false; spellNow = 0; boss._visible = false; boss.state = 0; delete boss.onEnterFrame; delete boss.hpBar.onEnterFrame; frame.enemy0.removeMovieClip(); mahojin.jin.removeMovieClip(); path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else { var efIMax = 3; } } else { if (spellNow) { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("getSpell0", "getSpell0", 1); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 128; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) >= 64) { if (this.count != 80) { this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.85; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; if (!((spellMiss || (spellBomb)) || (boss.timeUp && (Q0.hp != "")))) { var R1 = ((stageNo + LV) * 1000000); if (5 < (boss.timeMax - boss.time)) { var R2 = (R1 - (Math.ceil((R1 / (boss.timeMax - 5)) * 0.09) * 10)); } else { var R2 = R1; } R0.gotoAndPlay("get"); score = score + R2; frame.score = zero(score, 8); var R3 = stageText.attachMovie("getSpell1", "getSpell", 2); R3.bonus = R2; R3._x = 192; R3._y = 128 + 36; R3.count = 0; R3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) >= 64) { if (this.count != 80) { this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.85; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } else { R0.gotoAndPlay("noGet"); } mahojin.time.removeMovieClip(); if (boss.backRemove) { spellBackFunc(0); } } var efIMax = 2; } } else { score = score + (10 + path.hpMax); frame.score = zero(score, 8); var efIMax = 1; } } else { qExist[path.getDepth()] = false; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (path.power) { if (power >= 400) { var iMax = path.power; var i = 0; for ( ; i < iMax ; i++) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("h_", "h_" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); if (iMax != 1) { var R1 = (3 + (ransuA(30) / 20)); } else { var R1 = 0; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R1; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R1; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { h_EnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } else { var iMax = path.power; var i = 0; for ( ; i < iMax ; i++) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("power0", "power" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0.type = 0; R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); if (iMax != 1) { var R1 = (3 + (ransuA(30) / 20)); } else { var R1 = 0; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R1; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R1; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { powerEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } } if (path.point) { var iMax = path.point; var i = 0; for ( ; i < iMax ; i++) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("point0", "point" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); if (iMax != 1) { var R1 = (3 + (ransuA(30) / 20)); } else { var R1 = 0; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R1; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R1; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pointEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } if (!path.h_) { if (!path.h_big) { if (path.o_big) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("o_big", "o_big" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y - 2; R0.dx = 0; R0.dy = 0; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { o_bigEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } else { var iMax = path.h_big; var i = 0; for ( ; i < iMax ; i++) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("h_big", "h_big" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); if (iMax != 1) { var R1 = (3 + (ransuA(30) / 20)); } else { var R1 = 0; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R1; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R1; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { h_bigEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } } else { var iMax = path.h_; var i = 0; for ( ; i < iMax ; i++) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("h_", "h_" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); if (iMax != 1) { var R1 = (3 + (ransuA(30) / 20)); } else { var R1 = 0; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R1; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R1; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { h_EnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } if (path.h2o || (((type == 2) && (!spellMiss)) && (!boss.timeUp))) { var R0 = item.attachMovie("o_big", "o_big" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y - 4; R0.dx = 0; R0.dy = 0; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { o_bigEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } var j = 0; for ( ; 1 >= j ; j++) { var R2 = item.attachMovie("h_big", "h_big" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R2._x = (R0._x + (j * 48)) - 24; R2._y = R0._y + 20; R2.dx = 0; R2.dy = 0; R2.dy2 = -3; R2.count = 0; R2.cacheAsBitmap = true; R2.onEnterFrame = function () { h_bigEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } var i = 0; for ( ; i < efIMax ; i++) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("en0", "ef" + efDepth, efDepth); R0.blendMode = 8; if (path.type != 0) { if (path.type != 1) { if (path.type != 2) { setColor(R0, 40 + ransuA(30), 40 + ransuA(30), 40 + ransuA(30)); } else { setColor(R0, 0, 70, 0); } } else { setColor(R0, 0, 0, 70); } } else { setColor(R0, 70, 0, 0); } R0._x = path._x; R0._y = path._y; R0._rotation = ransuA(359); R0.count = 0; if (type != 1) { if (type != 2) { if (type != 3) { if (type == 5) { R0._xscale = 18 + (ransuA(70) / 10); R0._yscale = 4 + (ransuA(40) / 10); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 59) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 8; this._yscale = this._yscale + 3; this._alpha = this._alpha - 1.6; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; seStart(12); } } else { R0._xscale = 80 + (ransuA(80) / 10); R0._yscale = 10 + (ransuA(40) / 10); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 79) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 14; this._yscale = this._yscale + 5; this._alpha = this._alpha - 1.3; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; seStart(12); } } else { R0._xscale = 16 + (ransuA(60) / 10); R0._yscale = 3 + (ransuA(30) / 10); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 38) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 6; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 2.5; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else { R0._xscale = 4 + (ransuA(20) / 10); R0._yscale = 1 + (ransuA(10) / 10); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 24) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 3; this._yscale = this._yscale + 1.5; this._alpha = this._alpha - 4; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; seStart(4); } efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } if (type != 1) { if (type != 2) { if (type != 3) { if (type == 5) { qExist[path.getDepth()] = false; spellNow = 0; boss._visible = false; boss.state = 0; delete boss.onEnterFrame; delete boss.hpBar.onEnterFrame; frame.enemy0.removeMovieClip(); mahojin.jin.removeMovieClip(); path.removeMovieClip(); } } else { qExist[path.getDepth()] = false; spellNow = 0; boss._visible = false; boss.state = 0; itemBorder = 500; delete boss.onEnterFrame; delete boss.hpBar.onEnterFrame; frame.enemy0.removeMovieClip(); mahojin.jin.removeMovieClip(); path.removeMovieClip(); } } else { count1++; count0 = 0; qRemoveFlag = 4; path.power = 0; path.point = 0; path.h_ = 0; boss.hpBar._xscale = 0; = ""; boss.state = 0; boss.time = ""; delete path.onEnterFrame; } } else { qExist[path.getDepth()] = false; path.removeMovieClip(); } }Frame 6function attachQ(type, hp, itemNum, life) { var R0 = q.attachMovie("q" + type, "q" + qDepth, qDepth); R0.type = type; R0.hp = hp; R0.hpMax = hp; R0.power = 0; R0.point = 0; R0.h_ = 0; R0.h_big = 0; R0.o_big = 0; R0.h2o = 0; if (type) { if (type != 1) { if (type != 2) { if (type != 3) { if (type != 4) { if (type == 10) { R0.h2o = itemNum; } } else { R0.o_big = itemNum; } } else { R0.h_big = itemNum; } } else { R0.h_ = itemNum; } } else { R0.point = itemNum; } } else { R0.power = itemNum; } = life; R0.count = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (!qExist[i]) { R0.swapDepths(i); qExist[i] = true; break; } } qDepth++; if ((qDepth+1) == 99999) { qDepth = 100; } return(R0); } function attachB(type) { var R0 = q.attachMovie("b" + type, "q" + qDepth, qDepth); Q_MAX++; R0.qExistNo = (Q_MAX+1); R0.boss = true; R0.bossType = type; Q0BossType = type; R0.count = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (!qExist[i]) { R0.swapDepths(i); qExist[i] = true; break; } } qDepth++; if ((qDepth+1) == 99999) { qDepth = 100; } var R1 = frame.attachMovie("enemy0", "enemy0", 20); R1._x = -100; R1._y = 464; R1._alpha = 0; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!((Q0._x < -20) || ((384 + 20) < Q0._x))) { this._x = Q0._x + 32; this.dx = Math.abs(Q0._x - p._x); if (this.dx >= 36) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 64 + this.dx; } } else { this._alpha = 0; } }; if (BACKGROUND) { var R1 = mahojin.attachMovie("mahojin", "jin", 0); if (!BLENDMODE) { setColor2(R1, 100, 96, 100, 64, 100, 64); } else { R1.blendMode = 8; } R1._visible = false; R1._y = -2000; R1.rot = 0; R1.dr = 16; R1.ddr = 1; R1.len = 0; R1.state = 2; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = Q0._x; this._y = Q0._y; if (this.state) { if (this.state != 1) { this._xscale = 0; } else { this.len = this.len + 2; if (this.len >= 100) { this.len = 100; this.state = 0; this.rot = 90; } this._xscale = this.len + (0.14 * this.len); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 3); this._rotation = this._rotation - this.dr; this.dr = this.dr * this.ddr; this.ddr = this.ddr - 0.002; } } else { this._xscale = 100 + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 14); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 3); this._rotation = this._rotation - 6; } this._yscale = this._xscale; }; } return(R0); } function attachMaborosi() { delete S0; delete S1; delete S2; if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S0 = q.attachMovie("b10", "qReimu", 900000); S0.type = 0; S0.noRemove = true; S1 = q.attachMovie("b11", "qMarisa", 900001); S1.type = 1; S1.noRemove = true; } else { S2 = q.attachMovie("b12", "qSanae", 900002); S2.type = 0; S2.noRemove = true; S0 = q.attachMovie("b10", "qReimu", 900000); S0.type = 1; S0.noRemove = true; } } else { S1 = q.attachMovie("b11", "qMarisa", 900001); S1.type = 0; S1.noRemove = true; S2 = q.attachMovie("b12", "qSanae", 900002); S2.type = 1; S2.noRemove = true; } } function removeMaborosi() { q.qReimu.onEnterFrame = function () { if (0.5 >= (--this._alpha)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; q.qMarisa.onEnterFrame = function () { if (0.5 >= (--this._alpha)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; q.qSanae.onEnterFrame = function () { if (0.5 >= (--this._alpha)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } function spellFunc(name, time, hp, power, point, h_, o_, backAttach, backRemove) { backAttach = 1; backRemove = 1; spellMiss = false; spellBomb = false; if (name != "") { spellNow = true; var R0 = cutIn["cutIn" + Q0.bossType]; R0._visible = true; R0._x = 384; R0._y = -20; R0._alpha = 100; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!((this._x >= (172 - 256)) && ((212 - 256) >= this._x))) { if ((-256 - 256) >= this._x) { this._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._x = this._x - 14; } } else { this._x = this._x - 0.6; this._alpha = this._alpha - 0.5; } }; boss.spellName._x = 384; boss.spellName._y = 424; boss.spellName.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this._x) { if (24 >= this._y) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this._y = this._y + ((24 - this._y) / 12); } } else { this._x = this._x - (this._x / 12); } }; if (BACKGROUND) { var R1 = mahojin.attachMovie("mahojinTime", "time", 1); if (BLENDMODE) { R1.blendMode = 8; } R1._y = -2000; R1.dl = 84 / (time * 60); R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = Q0._x; this._y = Q0._y; this._xscale = this._xscale - this.dl; this._yscale = this._xscale; }; if (backAttach) { spellBackFunc(1); } } boss.backRemove = backRemove; seStart(7); } else { spellNow = false; } Q0.hpMax = hp; Q0.hp = hp; Q0.power = 8; Q0.point = 24; Q0.h_ = h_; Q0.o_ = o_; Q0.count = 0; boss._visible = true; boss.time = time - 1; boss.timeMax = time; boss.timeUp = false; boss.mili = 0; boss.state = 1; = name; if (Q0.bossType == 1) { var bossName = "Susanomori Konoha"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 2) { var bossName = "Uzushima Naruko"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 3) { var bossName = "Amazu Miyo"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 4) { var bossName = "Minazuki Tubame"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 5) { var bossName = "Sindou Kasumi"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 6) { var bossName = "Yaobi Megumi"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 7) { var bossName = "Yaobi Mikoto"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 8) { var bossName = "Yaobi Mikoto & Yaobi Megumi"; } else if (Q0.bossType == 9) { var bossName = "Kanpukugu xxxx"; } Q0.bossType; = bossName; if (hp != "") { boss.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state == 1) { this.hpBar._xscale = (Q0.hp / Q0.hpMax) * 100; if ((this.mili++) == 59) { this.mili = 0; if ((this.time--) == 0) { this.timeUp = true; qRemove(Q0, 2); } } } if (p._y >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = p._y; } }; } else { boss.hpBar._xscale = 0.5; boss.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state == 1) { if ((this.mili++) == 59) { this.mili = 0; if ((this.time--) == 0) { this.timeUp = true; qRemove(Q0, 2); } } } if (p._y >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = p._y; } }; } } function bombHit(path) { var RET = false; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); if (path.hitTest(R1._x + 32, R1._y + 16, true)) { for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R1.hp = R1.hp - path.power; seStart(8); RET = true; } } } } else if (path.hitTest(Q0._x + 32, Q0._y + 16, true)) { Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); RET = true; } return(RET); } function seStart(seNo) { _root["se" + seNo].stop(); _root["se" + seNo].start(); } function ransu(max) { if (0 < max) { return(Math.floor(Math.random() * (max + 1))); } return(0); } function ransuA(max) { var R0 = Math.floor((ransuArray[ransuArrayCount] / 10000) * (max + 1)); ransuArrayCount++; if ((ransuArrayCount+1) == 1000) { ransuArrayCount = 0; } return(R0); } function per(pe) { if ((pe * 100) >= (ransu(9999) + 1)) { return(1); } return(0); } function radToRot(rad) { return(rotAdd((rad * 180) / Math.PI, 0)); } function rotToRad(rot) { return((rot * Math.PI) / 180); } function rotAdd(rot, add) { rot = rot + add; rot = rot % 360; if (rot < 0) { rot = rot + 360; } return(rot); } function zero(num, keta) { var R0 = num; while (0 < keta) { if (num < Math.pow(10, keta)) { R0 = "0" + R0; } keta--; } return(R0); } function stopVisibleFunc(TF) { if (TEST || (MATCHLESS && (PR))) { return(null); } Q0._visible = TF; q._visible = TF; qb0._visible = TF; qb1._visible = TF; item._visible = TF; mahojin._visible = TF; } function setColor(path, ra, ga, ba) { var pathC = new Color(path); var colObj = new Object(); colObj = {ra:ra, ga:ga, ba:ba}; pathC.setTransform(colObj); } function setColor2(path, ra, rb, ga, gb, ba, bb) { var pathC = new Color(path); var colObj = new Object(); colObj = {ra:ra, rb:rb, ga:ga, gb:gb, ba:ba, bb:bb}; pathC.setTransform(colObj); } function glowFunc(path, r, g, b, alpha, blurX, blurY, strength, quality, inner, knockout) { var R0 = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter()); var rr = parseInt(r * 2.55).toString(16); if (r < 16) { rr = "0" + rr; } var gg = parseInt(g * 2.55).toString(16); if (g < 16) { gg = "0" + gg; } var bb = parseInt(b * 2.55).toString(16); if (b < 16) { bb = "0" + bb; } R0.color = (("0x" + rr) + gg) + bb; R0.alpha = alpha / 100; R0.blurX = blurX; R0.blurY = blurY; R0.strength = strength; R0.quality = quality; R0.inner = inner; R0.knockout = knockout; path.filters = [R0]; } function bevelFunc(path, hr, hg, hb, ha, sr, sg, sb, sa, blurX, blurY, distance, angle, strength, quality, type, knockout) { var R0 = (new flash.filters.BevelFilter()); var hrr = parseInt(hr * 2.55).toString(16); if (hr < 16) { hrr = "0" + hrr; } var hgg = parseInt(hg * 2.55).toString(16); if (hg < 16) { hgg = "0" + hgg; } var hbb = parseInt(hb * 2.55).toString(16); if (hb < 16) { hbb = "0" + hbb; } var srr = parseInt(sr * 2.55).toString(16); if (sr < 16) { srr = "0" + srr; } var sgg = parseInt(sg * 2.55).toString(16); if (sg < 16) { sgg = "0" + sgg; } var sbb = parseInt(sb * 2.55).toString(16); if (sb < 16) { sbb = "0" + sbb; } R0.highlightColor = (("0x" + hrr) + hgg) + hbb; R0.highlightAlpha = ha / 100; R0.shadowColor = (("0x" + srr) + sgg) + sbb; R0.shadowAlpha = sa / 100; R0.blurX = blurX; R0.blurY = blurY; R0.distance = distance; R0.angle = angle; R0.strength = strength; R0.quality = quality; if (type != 0) { if (type != 1) { R0.type = "full"; } else { R0.type = "inner"; } } else { R0.type = "outer"; } R0.knockout = knockout; path.filters = [R0]; }Frame 7function qMuki(path) { if (path._x >= path.oldMukiX) { if (path.oldMukiX >= path._x) { if (path.oldMukiState) { path.gotoAndPlay("mae"); } path.oldMukiState = 0; } else { path._xscale = 100; if (!path.oldMukiState) { path.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } path.oldMukiState = 1; } } else { path._xscale = -100; if (!path.oldMukiState) { path.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } path.oldMukiState = -1; } path.oldMukiX = path._x; } function removeTama(path) { if (!qRemoveFlag) { if (!bombTime) { if (!hitTime) { if (kuraiTime) { return(1); } // unexpected jump } if (path.noRemove) { return(1); } if (hitTime < 80) { return(1); } var R0 = new Object(); R0.x = path._x; R0.y = path._y; path._parent.localToGlobal(R0); if (hitEF.hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } return(1); } else { if (path.noRemove) { return(1); } var R0 = new Object(); R0.x = path._x; R0.y = path._y; path._parent.localToGlobal(R0); if (CH == 0) { } else if (CH == 2) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (CH == 11) { // unexpected jump } if (CH == 20) { // unexpected jump } if (CH == 22) { if (ef.bomb0.hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { if (!spellNow) { tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); } else { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } } // unexpected jump } if (CH == 10) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { if (ef["bomb" + i].hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { if (!spellNow) { tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); } else { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } break; } } } else if (CH == 12) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (ef["bomb" + i].hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { if (!spellNow) { tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); } else { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } break; } } } else if (CH == 21) { var i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= i ; i++) { if (ef["bomb" + i].hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { if (!spellNow) { tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); } else { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } break; } } } else if (CH == 1) { var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { if (ef["bomb" + i].hitTest(R0.x, R0.y, true)) { if (!spellNow) { tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); } else { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.9; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.9; if (this.count == 12) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; } break; } } } return(1); } } else { var R0 = new Object(); R0.x = path._x; R0.y = path._y; path._parent.localToGlobal(R0); tamaToH_(R0.x, R0.y); path.removeMovieClip(); return(1); } return(0); } function tamaToH_(pathX, pathY) { var R1 = item.attachMovie("h_", "h_" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R1._x = pathX - x_; R1._y = pathY - y_; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 20)) && ((p._x + 20) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 20))) && ((p._y + 20) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(10); smallH_++; if ((smallH_+1) == (LV + 1)) { smallH_ = 0; H_Func(1); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } }Frame 8function powerFunc(addP) { var newP = (power + addP); if (400 >= newP) { if (newP < 0) { newP = 0; } } else { newP = 400; } if ((Math.floor(newP * 0.01) - Math.floor(power * 0.01)) >= 1) { seStart(13); } if (newP >= 100) { if (newP >= 200) { if (newP >= 300) { if (newP >= 400) { if (CH != 20) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._visible = true; } } else { pb.en0.power = 32; pb.en1.power = 32; pb.en2.power = 32; } } else if (CH != 20) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._visible = true; } option3._visible = false; } else { pb.en0.power = 24; pb.en1.power = 24; pb.en2.power = 24; } } else if (CH != 20) { option0._visible = true; option1._visible = true; option2._visible = false; option3._visible = false; } else { pb.en0.power = 16; pb.en1.power = 16; pb.en2.power = 16; } } else if (CH != 20) { option0._visible = true; var i = 1; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._visible = false; } } else { pb.en0.power = 8; pb.en1.power = 8; pb.en2.power = 8; } } else if (CH != 20) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._visible = false; } } else { pb.en0.power = 0; pb.en1.power = 0; pb.en2.power = 0; } power = newP; var bigP = Math.floor(power * 0.01); frame.power = ((bigP + "<font size = '12'>.") + zero(power - (bigP * 100), 1)) + "</font>/4<font size = '12'>.00</font>"; } function lifeFunc(addL) { var newL = (life + addL); if (9 >= newL) { if (newL < 0) { newL = -1; } } else { newL = 9; } life = newL; var i = 0; for ( ; i < life ; i++) { frame["star" + i]._visible = true; } for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { frame["star" + i]._visible = false; } } function bombFunc(addB) { var newB = (bomb + addB); if (9 >= newB) { if (newB < 0) { newB = 0; } } else { newB = 9; } bomb = newB; var i = 0; for ( ; i < bomb ; i++) { frame["bomb" + i]._visible = true; } for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { frame["bomb" + i]._visible = false; } } function powerEnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } if (power >= 400) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else if (!path.hit) { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if (((((((p._x + itemGetArea) >= path._x) && (path._x >= (p._x - itemGetArea))) && ((p._y + itemGetArea) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= (p._y - itemGetArea))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { if (this.type != 0) { if (this.type != 1) { if (this.type == 2) { powerFunc(400); } } else { powerFunc(100); } } else { powerFunc(5); } frame.score = zero(score, 8); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (456 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function pointEnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if (((((((p._x + itemGetArea) >= path._x) && (path._x >= (p._x - itemGetArea))) && ((p._y + itemGetArea) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= (p._y - itemGetArea))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(100 + (O_ * 10)); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (456 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function h_EnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if (((((((p._x + itemGetArea) >= path._x) && (path._x >= (p._x - itemGetArea))) && ((p._y + itemGetArea) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= (p._y - itemGetArea))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(10); if (!((CH >= 10) && (12 >= CH))) { H_Func(1); } else { H_Func(2); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (456 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function h_bigEnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if ((((((((p._x + itemGetArea) + 16) >= path._x) && (path._x >= ((p._x - itemGetArea) - 16))) && (((p._y + itemGetArea) + 16) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= ((p._y - itemGetArea) - 16))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(100); if (!((CH >= 10) && (12 >= CH))) { H_Func(12); } else { H_Func(24); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (464 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function o_EnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if (((((((p._x + itemGetArea) >= path._x) && (path._x >= (p._x - itemGetArea))) && ((p._y + itemGetArea) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= (p._y - itemGetArea))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(100); if (2 < CH) { O_Func(1); } else { O_Func(2); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (460 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function o_bigEnterFrame(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + (path.dy + path.dy2); if (39 < (++path.count)) { if (path.count == 40) { path.dx = 0; path.dy = 0; } } else { path.dx = path.dx * 0.95; path.dy = path.dy * 0.95; } if (1.5 >= path.dy2) { path.dy2 = path.dy2 + 0.1; } if ((((((((p._x + itemGetArea) + 24) >= path._x) && (path._x >= ((p._x - itemGetArea) - 24))) && (((p._y + itemGetArea) + 24) >= path._y)) && (path._y >= ((p._y - itemGetArea) - 24))) || ((O_ + H_) >= p._y)) || (p._y < itemBorder)) { path.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 8); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 8); if ((((this._x >= (p._x - 8)) && ((p._x + 8) >= this._x)) && (this._y >= (p._y - 8))) && ((p._y + 8) >= this._y)) { scoreFunc(1000); if (2 < CH) { O_Func(4); } else { O_Func(6); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } if (472 < path._y) { path.removeMovieClip(); } } function scoreFunc(add) { score = score + add; frame.score = zero(score, 8); } function O_Func(add) { O_ = O_ + add; if (O_ >= 64) { O_ = O_ - 64; lifeFunc(1); seStart(6); } WL0._y = O_ + 16; WL1._y = H_ + WL0._y; WML1._y = WL0._y + 384; } function H_Func(add) { H_ = H_ + add; if (H_ >= 384) { H_ = H_ - (384 - H_Base); bombFunc(1); seStart(14); } WL1._y = H_ + WL0._y; } function qMoveFunc(path, moveType) { if (moveType != 1) { if (moveType == 2) { if (79 >= path.count) { if (!((!path.count) || (path.count == 79))) { if (!((path.count == 1) || (path.count == 78))) { if (!((path.count == 2) || (path.count == 77))) { if (!((path.count == 3) || (path.count == 76))) { if (!((path.count == 4) || (path.count == 75))) { if (!((path.count == 5) || (path.count == 74))) { if (!((path.count == 6) || (path.count == 73))) { if (!((path.count == 7) || (path.count == 72))) { if (!((path.count == 8) || (path.count == 71))) { path._x = path._x + ((path.dx * 71) / 62); path._y = path._y + ((path.dy * 71) / 62); } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.9); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.9); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.8); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.8); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.7); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.7); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.6); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.6); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.5); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.5); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.4); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.4); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.3); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.3); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.2); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.2); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.1); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.1); } } } } else if (39 >= path.count) { if (!((!path.count) || (path.count == 39))) { if (!((path.count == 1) || (path.count == 38))) { if (!((path.count == 2) || (path.count == 37))) { if (!((path.count == 3) || (path.count == 36))) { if (!((path.count == 4) || (path.count == 35))) { if (!((path.count == 5) || (path.count == 34))) { if (!((path.count == 6) || (path.count == 33))) { if (!((path.count == 7) || (path.count == 32))) { if (!((path.count == 8) || (path.count == 31))) { path._x = path._x + ((path.dx * 31) / 22); path._y = path._y + ((path.dy * 31) / 22); } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.9); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.9); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.8); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.8); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.7); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.7); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.6); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.6); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.5); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.5); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.4); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.4); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.3); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.3); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.2); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.2); } } else { path._x = path._x + (path.dx * 0.1); path._y = path._y + (path.dy * 0.1); } } } function lvRet(l0, l1, l2, l3) { if (LV == 3) { return(l3); } if (LV == 2) { return(l2); } if (LV == 1) { return(l1); } if (LV == 0) { return(l0); } }Frame 9function pShotMain(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 72; if (path._y < -72) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot00(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 72; if (path._y < -72) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot010(path) { if (stop || (!path._visible)) { return(null); } path._x = path.op._x; path._y = path.op._y; var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var R1 = false; var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; (((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY) ; i++) { } R1 = true; var rad = Math.atan2(QY - Y0, QX - X0); path._rotation = radToRot(rad); var R2 = (QX - X0); var R3 = (QY - Y0); path._xscale = Math.sqrt((R2 * R2) + (R3 * R3)); for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - 1; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); break; } } if (!R1) { path._xscale = 0; } } else if (!Q0) { path._xscale = 0; } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if ((((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY)) { path._xscale = 0; return(null); } var rad = Math.atan2(QY - Y0, QX - X0); path._rotation = radToRot(rad); var R2 = (QX - X0); var R3 = (QY - Y0); path._xscale = Math.sqrt((R2 * R2) + (R3 * R3)); Q0.hp = Q0.hp - 1; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShot011(path) { if (stop || (!path._visible)) { return(null); } path._x = path.op._x; path._y = path.op._y; var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var R1 = false; var i = Q_MAX; for ( ; i >= 0 ; i--) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; (((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY) ; i--) { } R1 = true; var rad = Math.atan2(QY - Y0, QX - X0); path._rotation = radToRot(rad); var R2 = (QX - X0); var R3 = (QY - Y0); path._xscale = Math.sqrt((R2 * R2) + (R3 * R3)); for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i--) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - 1; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); break; } } if (!R1) { path._xscale = 0; } } else if (!Q0) { path._xscale = 0; } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if ((((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY)) { path._xscale = 0; return(null); } var rad = Math.atan2(QY - Y0, QX - X0); path._rotation = radToRot(rad); var R2 = (QX - X0); var R3 = (QY - Y0); path._xscale = Math.sqrt((R2 * R2) + (R3 * R3)); Q0.hp = Q0.hp - 1; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShot02(path) { if (stop || (!path.power)) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 6; if (path._y < -32) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot10(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 32; if (path._y < -32) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 8))) || ((X0 + 8) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 24) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot11(path) { if (stop || (!path._visible)) { return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; (((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY) ; i++) { } for ( ; (((QX + 16) < (X0 - 2)) || ((X0 + 2) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 4) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if ((((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY)) { return(null); } if ((((QX + 32) < (X0 - 2)) || ((X0 + 2) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 4) < (QY - 32))) { return; } Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShot12(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y - 32; if (path._y >= -8) { if (path._x >= 0) { if (384 < path._x) { path.dx = -6; } } else { path.dx = 6; } } else { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot200(path) { var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); for ( ; (50 + 24) < len ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } } else { if ((((QY < 0) || (QX < 0)) || (384 < QX)) || (448 < QY)) { return(null); } var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); if ((50 + 36) < len) { return(null); } Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShot201(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._x = path._x + path.dx; path._y = path._y + path.dy; if (path._y < -20) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 20)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 20))) || ((X0 + 20) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 20) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(path, R0); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 20)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 20))) || ((X0 + 20) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 20) < (QY - 32))) { return(null); } pShotEffe(path, Q0); } } function pShot21(path) { if (stop || (!path._visible)) { return(null); } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; var XS = (path._xscale * 0.5); if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; for ( ; (((QX < 0) || (384 < QX)) || (QY < 0)) || (448 < QY) ; i++) { } var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); for ( ; (len < (XS - 24)) || ((XS + 24) < len) ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if ((((QX < 0) || (384 < QX)) || (QY < 0)) || (448 < QY)) { return; } var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); if ((len < (XS - 36)) || ((XS + 36) < len)) { return(null); } Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShot220(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 10; if (path._y < -65) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (7 < (path.count++)) { path._xscale = path._xscale - 3; path._yscale = path._yscale - 3; } else { path._xscale = path._xscale + 15; path._yscale = path._yscale + 15; } var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; var XS = (path._xscale * 0.5); if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var R1 = false; var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); for ( ; (XS + 24) < len ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); R1 = true; scoreFunc(10); } } if (R1) { path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot221(this); }; } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); if ((XS + 36) < len) { return(null); } Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); path.count = 0; path.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot221(this); }; } } function pShot221(path) { if (stop) { return(null); } path._y = path._y - 10; if (((path.count++) == 19) || (path._y < -65)) { path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } path._xscale = path._xscale * 0.9; path._yscale = path._yscale * 0.9; var X0 = path._x; var Y0 = path._y; var XS = (path._xscale * 0.5); if (X0 == eval("undefined")) { return(null); } if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R0 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R0._x; var QY = R0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); for ( ; (XS + 24) < len ; i++) { } for ( ; R0.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; var len = Math.sqrt(((X0 - QX) * (X0 - QX)) + ((Y0 - QY) * (Y0 - QY))); if ((XS + 36) < len) { return(null); } Q0.hp = Q0.hp - path.power; seStart(8); scoreFunc(10); } } function pShotEffe(path, R0) { R0.hp = R0.hp - path.power; scoreFunc(10); var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en0", "ef" + efDepth, efDepth); R1._alpha = 60; R1._xscale = 6; R1._yscale = 6; R1._x = path._x; R1._y = path._y; R1.count = 0; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((this.count++) != 6) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } seStart(8); path.removeMovieClip(); }Frame 10function commonEnterFrameFunc() { fpsCount++; if ((getTimer() - oldTimer) >= 1000) { var R0 = (Math.floor((fpsCount * 10000) / (getTimer() - oldTimer)) / 10); if ((R0 % 1) == 0) { R0 = R0 + ".0"; } frame.fps = R0; oldTimer = getTimer(); fpsCount = 0; } keyL = Key.isDown(KEY_LEFT); keyR = Key.isDown(KEY_RIGHT); keyU = Key.isDown(KEY_UP); keyD = Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN); keyX = Key.isDown(KEY_X); keyC = Key.isDown(KEY_C); keyZ = Key.isDown(KEY_Z); keySP = Key.isDown(KEY_SPACE); keyCT = Key.isDown(KEY_CTRL); var RET = false; if (stop != 2) { if (stop != 3) { if (stop != 4) { if (!((stop == 5) || (stop == 6))) { if (stop != 7) { if (stop != 1) { if (!stop) { if (!talkCount) { if (talkNow) { if (talkNow >= 1) { if (talkNow != 1) { if ((keyX && (!oldKeyX)) || keyCT) { talkFunc(); } } else { talk._visible = true; talkFunc(); } } } else if (keySP && (!oldKeySP)) { stop = 1; stopVisibleFunc(false); var R0 = attachMovie("gameOver", "gamePause", 20); R0.mansin = "\u4E00\u6642\u505C\u6B62"; = "Pause"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = R0.attachMovie("gameOverButton", "b" + i, 10 + i); if (i != 0) { R1.on = false; setColor(R1, 50, 50, 50); } else { R1.on = true; } R1._x = 224; R1._y = 300 + (i * 40); } R0.focus = 0; R0.b0.gameOverText = "\u4E00\u6642\u505C\u6B62\u3092\u89E3\u9664\u3059\u308B"; R0.b1.gameOverText = "\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB\u3078\u623B\u308B"; R0.b2.gameOverText = "\u6700\u521D\u304B\u3089\u3084\u308A\u76F4\u3059"; back.back0.gotoAndStop(1); RET = true; seStart(0); } } else { talkFunc(); } } } else { var R0 = gamePause; if (!(keyU && (!oldKeyU))) { if (keyD && (!oldKeyD)) { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 2) { R0.focus++; } else { R0.focus = 0; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } } else { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 0) { R0.focus--; } else { R0.focus = 2; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } if (!(keyX && (!oldKeyX))) { if (keySP && (!oldKeySP)) { stop = 0; stopVisibleFunc(true); R0.removeMovieClip(); seStart(1); } } else { stopVisibleFunc(true); if (R0.focus == 0) { stop = 0; R0.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (R0.focus == 1) { count = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; stopAllBGM(); bgm00.start(2, 99); stage._visible = false; R0.removeMovieClip(); delete stage.onEnterFrame; R0.focus; return(null); } if (R0.focus == 2) { selectCharacterFunc("", 1); } } R0.focus; seStart(0); } RET = true; } } else { var R0 = gameOver; if (!(keyU && (!oldKeyU))) { if (keyD && (!oldKeyD)) { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 1) { R0.focus++; } else { R0.focus = 0; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } } else { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 0) { R0.focus--; } else { R0.focus = 1; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } if (keyX && (!oldKeyX)) { setColor(stage, 100, 100, 100); if (R0.focus == 0) { count = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; stopAllBGM(); bgm00.start(2, 99); stage._visible = false; R0.removeMovieClip(); delete stage.onEnterFrame; R0.focus; return(null); } if (R0.focus == 1) { selectCharacterFunc("", 1); } R0.focus; seStart(0); } RET = true; } } else { var R0 = gameOver; if (stop == 6) { R0.mansin = "\u6E80\u8EAB\u5275\u75CD"; = "Game Over"; } stop = 7; var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = R0.attachMovie("gameOverButton", "b" + i, 10 + i); if (i != 0) { R1.on = false; setColor(R1, 50, 50, 50); } else { R1.on = true; } R1._x = 224; R1._y = 300 + (i * 40); } R0.focus = 0; R0.b0.gameOverText = "\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB\u3078\u623B\u308B"; R0.b1.gameOverText = "\u6700\u521D\u304B\u3089\u3084\u308A\u76F4\u3059"; setColor(R0.b0.ib2, 100, 70, 70); RET = true; } } else { var R0 = gameOver; if (!(keyU && (!oldKeyU))) { if (keyD && (!oldKeyD)) { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 2) { R0.focus++; } else { R0.focus = 0; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } } else { R0["b" + R0.focus].on = false; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (R0.focus != 0) { R0.focus--; } else { R0.focus = 2; } R0["b" + R0.focus].on = true; setColor(R0["b" + R0.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } if (keyX && (!oldKeyX)) { setColor(stage, 100, 100, 100); if (R0.focus == 0) { selectCharacterFunc("", 2); } else { if (R0.focus == 1) { count = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; stopAllBGM(); bgm00.start(2, 99); stage._visible = false; R0.removeMovieClip(); delete stage.onEnterFrame; R0.focus; return(null); } if (R0.focus == 2) { selectCharacterFunc("", 1); } } R0.focus; seStart(0); } RET = true; } } else { stop = 4; var R0 = gameOver; R0.mansin = "\u6E80\u8EAB\u5275\u75CD"; = "Game Over"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = R0.attachMovie("gameOverButton", "b" + i, 10 + i); if (i != 0) { R1.on = false; setColor(R1, 50, 50, 50); } else { R1.on = true; } R1._x = 224; R1._y = 300 + (i * 40); } R0.focus = 0; R0.b0.gameOverText = "\u7D9A\u3051\u3066\u518D\u6311\u6226\u3059\u308B"; R0.b1.gameOverText = "\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB\u3078\u623B\u308B"; R0.b2.gameOverText = "\u6700\u521D\u304B\u3089\u3084\u308A\u76F4\u3059"; setColor(R0.b0.ib2, 100, 70, 70); RET = true; } } else { RET = true; } oldKeyU = keyU; oldKeyD = keyD; oldKeyX = keyX; oldKeyC = keyC; oldKeySP = keySP; return(RET); } function kuraiTimeCountFunc() { if (!kuraiTime) { atari._x = p._x; atari._y = p._y; return(null); } kuraiTime--; if ((kuraiTime-1)) { return(null); } lifeFunc(-1); spellMiss = true; hitTime = 310; p._alpha = 40; if (life >= 0) { var rot = radToRot(Math.atan2(-128, 194 - p._x)); var i = 0; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { if (CH < 20) { if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { var type = 0; } else { var type = ((i == 3) ? 1 : 0); } } else { var type = (((i == 2) || (i == 4)) ? 1 : 0); } } else { var type = ((((i == 1) || (i == 3)) || (i == 5)) ? 1 : 0); } } else if (power != 400) { if (power < 320) { if (power < 225) { if (power >= 130) { var type = ((i == 3) ? 1 : 0); } } else { var type = (((i == 2) || (i == 4)) ? 1 : 0); } } else { var type = ((((i == 1) || (i == 3)) || (i == 5)) ? 1 : 0); } } else { var type = ((i == 3) ? 2 : ((((i == 1) || (i == 5)) ? 1 : 0))); } var R0 = item.attachMovie("power" + type, "power" + itemDepth, itemDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; var rad = rotToRad(rot + ((i - 3) * 12)); R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * 8; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * 8; R0.dy2 = -3; R0.type = type; R0.hit = true; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { powerEnterFrame(this); }; itemDepth++; if ((itemDepth+1) == 99999) { itemDepth = 0; } } } else { stop = 2; stopAllBGM(); var R0 = attachMovie("gameOver", "gameOver", 20); R0.mansin = ""; = ""; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (100 < this.count) { stop = (PR ? 6 : 3); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if ((this.count % 2) == 0) { setColor(stage, 100 - (this.count * 0.5), 100 - (this.count * 0.85), 100 - (this.count * 0.85)); } this.count = this.count + 5; } }; } powerFunc(power * -1); if (1 >= bomb) { bombFunc(bomb * -1); bombFunc(2); } hitEF = ef.attachMovie("en0", "ef" + efDepth, efDepth); setColor(hitEF, 70 + ransuA(30), 70 + ransuA(30), 70 + ransuA(30)); hitEF._alpha = 60; hitEF._xscale = 10; hitEF._yscale = 10; hitEF._x = p._x; hitEF._y = p._y; hitEF.count = 0; hitEF.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) != 20) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 30; this._yscale = this._yscale + 30; this._alpha = this._alpha - 1.5; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); delete hitEF; } }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } p._x = 194; p._y = 460; } function commonEnterFrameFunc2() { if (hitTime) { hitTime--; if ((hitTime-1) != 30) { if (hitTime >= 270) { p._y--; } } else { p._alpha = 100; } } if (qRemoveFlag) { qRemoveFlag--; } count0++; } function stageClearFunc() { var R0 = ((stageNo + life) * 1000000); score = score + R0; frame.score = zero(score, 8); var R1 = stageText.attachMovie("stageClear", "stageClear", 3); R1._x = 0; R1._y = 70; R1.bonus = R0; if (!PR) { if (1 >= obj.clear[LV][chToArr(CH)][stageNo]) { obj.clear[LV][chToArr(CH)][stageNo] = (conti ? 1 : 2); } } } function chToArr(R0) { if (2 < R0) { if (12 < R0) { return((R0 - 20) + 6); } return((R0 - 10) + 3); } return(R0); } function bombCutIn() { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("bombName", "bombName", 10); if (CH == 0) { = "\u8D64\u7B26\u300C\u8D64\u5916\u7D50\u754C\u300D"; } else if (CH == 1) { = "\u6731\u7B26\u300C\u5922\u60F3\u5999\u6731\u300D"; } else if (CH == 2) { = "\u7DCB\u7B26\u300C\u9670\u967D\u7DCB\u7389\u300D"; } else if (CH == 10) { = "\u9752\u7B26\u300C\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9\u30E0\u30FC\u30F4\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8\u300D"; } else if (CH == 11) { = "\u85CD\u7B26\u300C\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30B9\u30D1\u30FC\u30AF\u300D"; } else if (CH == 12) { = "\u84BC\u7B26\u300C\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30B9\u30AB\u30A4\u30B5\u30F3\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u300D"; } else if (CH == 20) { = "\u7DD1\u7B26\u300C\u30B9\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u30A4\u30FC\u30B9\u30C8\u30A6\u30A3\u30F3\u30C9\u300D"; } else if (CH == 21) { = "\u7FE0\u7B26\u300C\u7FE1\u7FE0\u8272\u306E\u6D77\u300D"; } else if (CH == 22) { = "\u78A7\u7B26\u300C\u30B0\u30EA\u30FC\u30F3\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u300D"; } R0._x = 0; R0._y = 128; R0.state = false; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state) { if ((0 + 128) >= this._x) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { this._x = this._x + ((64 - this._x) / 24); } } else if (this._x >= 384) { if (this._y < 424) { this._y = this._y + (((424 + 1) - this._y) / 12); } } else { this._x = this._x + (((384 + 1) - this._x) / 12); } }; } function stopAllBGM() { bgm00.stop(); var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { var j = 0; for ( ; 1 >= j ; j++) { _root["bgm" + ((i * 10) + j)].stop(); } } }Frame 11function stageEnterFrame() { itemBorder = 0; bgm00.stop(); count2++; if ((count2+1) == 0) { stageNo = 1; stopAllBGM(); bgm10.start(1, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage000(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { var R0 = back.back2; setColor(R0, 100, 100, 100); R0._visible = true; R0._y = 2177.35; R0.b._y = -2190; R0.rgb = 100; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (20 < this.rgb) { this.rgb = this.rgb - 10; setColor(this, this.rgb, this.rgb, this.rgb); } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back000", "back1000", 1000); setColor(R0, 28.4, 40, 4.32); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 138; R0._xscale = 180; R0._yscale = 180; R0._rotation = R0._rotation + 24; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this._alpha = ++this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back001", "back1001", 1001); setColor(R0, 54.8, 40, -0.96); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 330; R0._xscale = 180; R0._yscale = 180; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this._alpha = ++this.alp; } } }; } else { var R0 = back.back2; setColor(R0, 100, 100, 100); R0._visible = true; R0._y = 0; R0.b._y = -2190; R0.rgb = 100; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (20 < this.rgb) { this.rgb = this.rgb - 10; setColor(this, this.rgb, this.rgb, this.rgb); } } if (6400 >= (++this.count)) { if (100 < this.count) { this._y = this._y + 0.35; } else { this._y = this._y + (this.count * 0.0035); } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back000", "back1000", 1000); setColor(R0, 0, 40, 15); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = -200; R0._xscale = 180; R0._yscale = 180; R0._rotation = R0._rotation + 24; = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this._alpha = ++this.alp; } } this._y = this._y + 2; if (this._y >= (448 + 200)) { this._y = this._y - (448 + 400); = -20; } if ((count0 % 16) == 0) { = + 4.4; setColor(this,, 40, 10 - ( * 0.2)); } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back001", "back1001", 1001); setColor(R0, 0, 40, 15); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._xscale = 180; R0._yscale = 180; = -20 + 58.3; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this._alpha = ++this.alp; } } this._y = this._y + 2; if (this._y >= (448 + 200)) { this._y = this._y - (448 + 400); = -20; } if ((count0 % 16) == 0) { = + 4.4; setColor(this,, 40, 10 - ( * 0.2)); } }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 1) { stageNo = 1; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage001(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 2) { stageNo = 1; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage002(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 3) { stageNo = 1; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage003(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 4) { stageNo = 2; stopAllBGM(); bgm20.start(0, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage100(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = back["back" + (3 + i)]; R0._visible = true; R0._y = 0; delete R0.onEnterFrame; } var R0 = back.back5; R0._visible = true; R0._alpha = 0; R0.state = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state) { this._alpha++; if (this._alpha >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; back.back3._visible = false; delete back.back3.onEnterFrame; back.back4._visible = false; delete back.back4.onEnterFrame; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; var R0 = back.back6; setColor(R0, 30, 30, 60); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back100", "back1002", 1002); R0.blendMode = 8; R0._xscale = 60; R0._yscale = 60; R0._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.dr = lvRet(0.86, 0.9, 0.9, 0.95); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = back["back" + (3 + i)]; R0._visible = true; R0._y = (i * -1) * 1600; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y++; if (800 < this._y) { this._y = this._y - 3200; } }; } var R0 = back.back5; R0._visible = true; R0._alpha = 0; R0.state = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state) { this._alpha++; if (this._alpha >= 100) { this._alpha = 100; back.back3._visible = false; delete back.back3.onEnterFrame; back.back4._visible = false; delete back.back4.onEnterFrame; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; var R0 = back.back6; setColor(R0, 30, 30, 60); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back100", "back1002", 1002); R0.blendMode = 8; R0._xscale = 60; R0._yscale = 60; R0._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.dr = lvRet(0.86, 0.9, 0.9, 0.95); if (!BLENDMODE) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; }; } } } else if ((count2+1) == 5) { stageNo = 2; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage101(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 6) { stageNo = 2; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage102(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 7) { stageNo = 2; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage103(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 8) { stageNo = 3; stopAllBGM(); bgm30.start(1, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage200(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { var R0 = back.back7; setColor(R0, 50, 50, 70); R0._visible = true; var R0 = back.back8; setColor(R0, 0, 80, 90); R0._visible = true; R0._alpha = 50; R0._x = 384 - 660; R0._y = -14; var R0 = back.back9; R0._visible = false; var R0 = back.back10; R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.back11; setColor(R0, 100, 10, 10); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this.alp = this.alp + 4; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; } else { var R0 = back.back7; setColor(R0, 50, 50, 70); R0._visible = true; var R0 = back.back8; setColor(R0, 0, 80, 90); R0._visible = true; R0._alpha = 50; R0._x = 384 - 660; R0._y = -14; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x++; if (this._x >= 384) { this._x = (384 - 660) - 660; } }; var R0 = back.back9; setColor(R0, 0, 80, 90); R0._visible = true; R0._xscale = -100; R0._alpha = 50; R0._x = 384 - 660; R0._y = -14; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x++; if (this._x >= (384 + 660)) { this._x = 384 - 660; } }; var R0 = back.back10; R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.back11; setColor(R0, 100, 10, 10); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 32) { this.alp = this.alp + 4; this._alpha = this.alp; } } }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 9) { stageNo = 3; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage201(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 10) { stageNo = 3; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage202(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 11) { stageNo = 3; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage203(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 12) { stageNo = 4; stopAllBGM(); bgm40.start(1, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage300(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { var R0 = back.back12; setColor(R0, 100, 100, 100); R0._visible = true; R0._x = 0; R0._y = -1540.5; var R0 = back.back13; setColor(R0, 32, 8, 32); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; back.back1003._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back300", "back1003", 1003); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224 - 21; } else { var R0 = back.back12; R0.r = 100; setColor(R0, 100, 100, 100); R0._visible = true; R0._x = 0; R0._y = 0; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (7900 < (++this.count)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else if (100 < this.count) { this._y = this._y - 0.2; } else { this._y = this._y - (this.count * 0.002); } }; var R0 = back.back13; setColor(R0, 32, 8, 32); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; back.back1003._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back300", "back1003", 1003); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224 - 21; } } else if ((count2+1) == 13) { stageNo = 4; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage301(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 14) { stageNo = 4; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage302(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 15) { stageNo = 4; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage303(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 16) { stageNo = 5; stopAllBGM(); bgm50.start(1, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage400(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { var R0 = back.attachMovie("back402", "back1004", 1004); var R0 = back.back14; setColor(R0, 24, 12, 12); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = -70; R0._xscale = 68; R0._yscale = 68; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; back.back1005._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back420", "back1005", 1005); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; } else { var R0 = back.attachMovie("back400", "back1004", 1004); R0.rad0 = 0; R0.rad1 = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = Math.sin(this.rad0) * 128; this.rad0 = this.rad0 + 0.007; this._y = Math.sin(this.rad1) * 48; this.rad1 = this.rad1 + 0.012; }; var R0 = back.back14; setColor(R0, 24, 12, 12); R0._visible = false; R0._alpha = 0; R0.alp = 0; R0._x = -70; R0._xscale = 68; R0._yscale = 68; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (spellNow) { if (this.alp < 100) { this.alp = this.alp + 10; this._alpha = this.alp; back.back1005._alpha = this.alp; } } }; var R0 = back.attachMovie("back420", "back1005", 1005); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; } } else if ((count2+1) == 17) { stageNo = 5; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage401(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 18) { stageNo = 5; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage402(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 19) { stageNo = 5; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage403(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 20) { stageNo = 6; stopAllBGM(); bgm60.start(0, 99); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage500(); }; } if (!BACKGROUND) { // unexpected jump } deleteBackFunc(); if (BACKGROUND != 2) { } } else if ((count2+1) == 21) { stageNo = 6; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage501(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 22) { stageNo = 6; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage502(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 23) { stageNo = 6; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage503(); }; } } else if ((count2+1) == 100) { stageNo = 7; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage700(); }; } } (count2+1); count1 = 0; count0 = 0; } function spellBackFunc(on) { if (!BACKGROUND) { return(null); } if (stageNo == 1) { if (!on) { setColor(back.back2, 100, 100, 100); back.back1000._visible = false; back.back1001._visible = false; } else { back.back2.rgb = 100; back.back1000._visible = true; back.back1000._alpha = 0; back.back1000.alp = 0; back.back1001._visible = true; back.back1001._alpha = 0; back.back1001.alp = 0; } } else if (stageNo == 2) { if (!on) { back3._visible = true; back4._visible = true; back.back6._visible = false; back.back1002._visible = false; } else { back3._visible = false; back4._visible = false; back.back6._visible = true; back.back6._alpha = 0; back.back6.alp = 0; back.back1002._visible = true; back.back1002._alpha = 0; back.back1002.alp = 0; } } else if (stageNo == 3) { if (count2 != 9) { if (!on) { back.back11._visible = false; } else { back.back11._visible = true; back.back11._alpha = 0; back.back11.alp = 0; } } else if (!on) { back.back10._visible = false; } else { back.back10._visible = true; back.back10._alpha = 0; back.back10.alp = 0; } } else if (stageNo == 4) { if (!on) { back.back13._visible = false; back.back1003._visible = false; } else { back.back13._visible = true; back.back13._alpha = 0; back.back13.alp = 0; back.back1003._visible = true; back.back1003._alpha = 0; } } else if (stageNo == 5) { if (!on) { back.back1004._visible = true; back.back14._visible = false; back.back1005._visible = false; } else { back.back1004._visible = false; back.back14._visible = true; back.back14._alpha = 0; back.back14.alp = 0; back.back1005._visible = true; back.back1005._alpha = 0; } } } function deleteBackFunc() { var i = 2; for ( ; loadMaxNum >= i ; i++) { var R0 = back["back" + i]; R0._visible = false; delete R0.onEnterFrame; } var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { back["back" + (1000 + i)].removeMovieClip(); } }Frame 12function commonFunc00() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x; option2._y = p._y - 32; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x - 16; option2._y = p._y - 32; option3._x = p._x + 16; option3._y = p._y - 32; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else { atari._visible = true; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y - 20; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y - 20; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y - 20; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y - 20; option2._x = p._x; option2._y = p._y - 32; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y - 20; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y - 20; option2._x = p._x - 8; option2._y = p._y - 32; option3._x = p._x + 8; option3._y = p._y - 32; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot0", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot00", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y - 16; R1.power = 2; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot00(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 240; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb00", "bomb0", efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._xscale = 0; R0._yscale = 0; R0.ds = 10; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.rad = 0; R0.dr = 32; R0.power = 24; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 219) { if (this.count >= 180) { this.dr = this.dr * 0.707; this._alpha = this._alpha - 2.5; } this._xscale = this._xscale + this.ds; this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ds = this.ds * 0.96; this._rotation = this._rotation + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.dr); this.rad = this.rad + 0.043; bombHit(this); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 13function commonFunc01() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y + 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x; option1._y = p._y + 32; option2._x = p._x + 32; option2._y = p._y; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x - 16; option1._y = p._y + 32; option2._x = p._x + 32; option2._y = p._y; option3._x = p._x + 16; option3._y = p._y + 32; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else { atari._visible = true; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y + 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y + 20; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y + 20; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y + 20; option1._x = p._x; option1._y = p._y + 32; option2._x = p._x + 16; option2._y = p._y + 20; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y + 20; option1._x = p._x - 8; option1._y = p._y + 32; option2._x = p._x + 16; option2._y = p._y + 20; option3._x = p._x + 8; option3._y = p._y + 32; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["laser" + i]._visible = false; } if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot0", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var R3 = _root["option" + i]; var R2 = _root["laser" + i]; R2._visible = true; R2._x = R3._x; R2._y = R3._y; } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 240; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb01", "bomb" + i, efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.power = 16; R0.rad = (Math.PI / 4) * i; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } for ( ; i ; i++) { } R0.X = p._x; R0.Y = p._y; R0.len = 100; R0.dl = 10; R0.lenRot = 0; R0.len2 = 10; R0.dr = 0; R0.hit = false; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) != 219) { if (10 < this.count) { this.dr = this.dr + 0.001; if (this.count >= 200) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = ef["bomb" + this.i]; this.R1._xscale = this.R1._xscale - 5; this.R1._yscale = this.R1._yscale - 5; } } } else { this.len = this.len + 10; } } else { this.i = 1; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { ef["bomb" + this.i].removeMovieClip(); } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this.i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= this.i ; this.i++) { if (qExist[this.i]) { this.R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(this.i); this.QX = this.R1._x; this.QY = this.R1._y; for ( ; (((this.QY < 0) || (this.QX < 0)) || (384 < this.QX)) || (448 < this.QY) ; this.i++) { } this.rad2 = Math.atan2(this.QY - this.Y, this.QX - this.X); this.X = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * this.len2); this.Y = this.Y + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * this.len2); break; } } this.i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = ef["bomb" + this.i]; this.R1._x = this.X + ((Math.cos(this.R1.rad) * Math.sin(this.lenRot)) * this.len); this.R1._y = this.Y + ((Math.sin(this.R1.rad) * Math.sin(this.lenRot)) * this.len); this.R1.rad = this.R1.rad + this.dr; if (bombHit(this.R1)) { this.hit = true; } } this.lenRot = this.lenRot + 0.05; }; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 14function commonFunc02() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; opRad = opRad + 0.02; if (opLen < 192) { opLen++; } if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + (i * Math.PI)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + (i * Math.PI))) * 32); } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + (((i * Math.PI) * 2) / 3)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + (((i * Math.PI) * 2) / 3))) * 32); } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + ((i * Math.PI) / 2)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + ((i * Math.PI) / 2))) * 32); } } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else { atari._visible = true; opRad = opRad + 0.02; if (56 < opLen) { opLen--; } if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + (i * Math.PI)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + (i * Math.PI))) * 32); } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + (((i * Math.PI) * 2) / 3)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + (((i * Math.PI) * 2) / 3))) * 32); } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(opRad + ((i * Math.PI) / 2)) * opLen); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y - (Math.abs(Math.sin(opRad + ((i * Math.PI) / 2))) * 32); } } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot0", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } opCount++; if ((opCount+1) == 12) { opCount = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot02", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y; R1.power = 18; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot02(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 240; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb02", "bomb0", efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._xscale = 0; R0._yscale = 0; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.power = 32; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - 2; this._rotation = this._rotation - 4; if (19 < this.count) { if (this.count >= 200) { if (this.count != 219) { this._xscale = this._xscale - 12.8; this._yscale = this._yscale - 12.8; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + 12.8; this._yscale = this._yscale + 12.8; } bombHit(this); this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 15function commonFunc10() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else { atari._visible = true; var oldPX = p._x; var oldPY = p._y; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (((keyL || (keyR)) || (keyU)) || (keyD)) { pXA.pop(); pYA.pop(); pXA.unshift(p._x); pYA.unshift(p._y); if (!keyZ) { option0._x = pXA[7]; option0._y = pYA[7]; option1._x = pXA[15]; option1._y = pYA[15]; option2._x = pXA[23]; option2._y = pYA[23]; option3._x = pXA[31]; option3._y = pYA[31]; } else { var dPX = (p._x - oldPX); var dPY = (p._y - oldPY); option0._x = option0._x + dPX; option0._y = option0._y + dPY; option1._x = option1._x + dPX; option1._y = option1._y + dPY; option2._x = option2._x + dPX; option2._y = option2._y + dPY; option3._x = option3._x + dPX; option3._y = option3._y + dPY; } } if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot1", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot10", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y - 32; R1.power = 2; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot10(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 32)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 4))) || ((X0 + 4) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 32) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 240; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb10", "bomb" + i, efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } glowFunc(R0, 0, 0, 100, 100, 32, 32, 1, 1, 0, 0); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0._alpha = 0; if (!i) { R0._xscale = 0; R0._yscale = 0; R0.ds = 1.16; R0.rad = Math.PI / 2; } else { R0._xscale = 256; R0._yscale = 256; R0.ds = -1.16; R0.rad = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; } R0.power = 48; R0.len = 0; R0.dl = 4; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 219) { this._x = p._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 128); this._y = p._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 128); this._xscale = this._xscale + this.ds; this._yscale = this._yscale + this.ds; this.rad = this.rad - 0.1; this._rotation = this._rotation + 5; if (this.count < 200) { if (19 >= this.count) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } bombHit(this); this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); if (hitTime) { hitTime--; if ((hitTime-1) != 30) { if (hitTime >= 270) { p._y--; pXA.pop(); pYA.pop(); pXA.unshift(p._x); pYA.unshift(p._y); option0._x = pXA[7]; option0._y = pYA[7]; option1._x = pXA[15]; option1._y = pYA[15]; option2._x = pXA[23]; option2._y = pYA[23]; option3._x = pXA[31]; option3._y = pYA[31]; } } else { p._alpha = 100; } } if (qRemoveFlag) { qRemoveFlag--; } count0++; return(0); }Frame 16function commonFunc11() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x; option2._y = p._y - 32; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 32; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x - 8; option2._y = p._y - 32; option3._x = p._x + 8; option3._y = p._y - 32; } if (!bombTime) { if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 0.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 0.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 0.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 0.35; p._y = p._y + 0.35; } } else { p._x = p._x + 0.35; p._y = p._y - 0.35; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 0.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 0.35; p._y = p._y + 0.35; } } else { p._x = p._x - 0.35; p._y = p._y - 0.35; } } else { atari._visible = true; if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 32; } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x; option2._y = p._y - 32; } } else { option0._x = p._x - 16; option0._y = p._y; option1._x = p._x + 16; option1._y = p._y; option2._x = p._x - 8; option2._y = p._y - 32; option3._x = p._x + 8; option3._y = p._y - 32; } if (!bombTime) { if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 0.2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 0.2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 0.2; } else { p._x = p._x + 0.14; p._y = p._y + 0.14; } } else { p._x = p._x + 0.14; p._y = p._y - 0.14; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 0.2; } else { p._x = p._x - 0.14; p._y = p._y + 0.14; } } else { p._x = p._x - 0.14; p._y = p._y - 0.14; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["laser" + i]._visible = false; } if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot1", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var R3 = _root["option" + i]; var R2 = _root["laser" + i]; R2._visible = true; R2._x = R3._x; R2._y = R3._y; } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 300; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); if (!BLENDMODE) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb111", "bomb0", efDepth); } else { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb110", "bomb0", efDepth); R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._xscale = 250; R0._yscale = 570; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.power = 20; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 279) { this._x = p._x; this._y = p._y; if (this.count >= 260) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } bombHit(this); } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; if (280 >= bombTime) { var R0 = ((x_ + (ransuA(10) * 0.5)) - 2.5); var R1 = ((y_ + (ransuA(10) * 0.5)) - 2.5); ef._x = R0; ef._y = R1; qb0._x = R0; qb0._y = R1; qb1._x = R0; qb1._y = R1; q._x = R0; q._y = R1; item._x = R0; item._y = R1; pb._x = R0; pb._y = R1; ef1._x = R0; ef1._y = R1; mahojin._x = R0; mahojin._y = R1; back._x = R0; back._y = R1; } } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); ef._x = x_; ef._y = y_; qb0._x = x_; qb0._y = y_; qb1._x = x_; qb1._y = y_; q._x = x_; q._y = y_; item._x = x_; item._y = y_; pb._x = x_; pb._y = y_; ef1._x = x_; ef1._y = y_; mahojin._x = x_; mahojin._y = y_; back._x = x_; back._y = y_; } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 17function commonFunc12() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (power != 400) { if (power < 300) { if (power < 200) { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 20; } else { option0._x = p._x + 16; option0._y = p._y - 12; option1._x = p._x - 16; option1._y = p._y - 12; } } else { option0._x = p._x; option0._y = p._y - 20; option1._x = p._x + 32; option1._y = p._y - 12; option2._x = p._x - 32; option2._y = p._y - 12; } } else { option0._x = p._x + 16; option0._y = p._y - 16; option1._x = p._x - 16; option1._y = p._y - 16; option2._x = p._x + 48; option2._y = p._y - 12; option3._x = p._x - 48; option3._y = p._y - 12; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y + 3.54; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.54; p._y = p._y - 3.54; } } else { atari._visible = true; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot1", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 10 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } opCount++; if ((opCount+1) == 4) { opCount = 0; if (!keyZ) { var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var k = 0; for ( ; 1 >= k ; k++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot12", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y; R1.dx = (k ? 7 : -7); R1.power = 4; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot12(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { var k = 0; for ( ; 1 >= k ; k++) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot12", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y; R1.dx = (k ? 2 : -2); R1.power = 4; R1.cacheAsBitmap = true; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot12(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 400; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb120", "bomb" + i, efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } R0._alpha = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 0; if (!i) { setColor(R0, 20, 40, 100); R0._rotation = 180; R0.dr = -0.2; R0.ddr = -0.005; } else { setColor(R0, 40, 20, 100); R0._rotation = 0; R0.dr = 0.2; R0.ddr = 0.005; } R0.power = 6; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count == 379) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; this.dr = this.dr + this.ddr; if (this.count < 360) { if (19 >= this.count) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } bombHit(this); this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb121", "bomb2", efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } setColor(R0, 20, 20, 100); R0._xscale = 0; R0._yscale = 0; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 0; R0.power = 6; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count == 379) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + 16; this._yscale = this._yscale + 16; if (this._xscale >= 1250) { this._xscale = 0; this._yscale = 0; } bombHit(this); this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 18function commonFunc20() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; pb.en0.state = 1; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { oldPX = p._x; if (p._y < 432) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } } else { oldPX = p._x; if (16 < p._y) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { if (p._x < 376) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x + 4.5; } oldPY = p._y; } else { if (p._x < 376) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x + 3.18; } if (p._y < 432) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } } else { if (p._x < 376) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x + 3.18; } if (16 < p._y) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { if (8 < p._x) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x - 4.5; } oldPY = p._y; } else { if (8 < p._x) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x - 3.18; } if (p._y < 432) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } } else { if (8 < p._x) { oldPX = p._x; p._x = p._x - 3.18; } if (16 < p._y) { oldPY = p._y; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } } else { atari._visible = true; pb.en0.state = 0; if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { if (p._y < 432) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } } else if (16 < p._y) { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { if (p._x < 376) { p._x = p._x + 2; } } else { if (p._x < 376) { p._x = p._x + 1.41; } if (p._y < 432) { p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } } else { if (p._x < 376) { p._x = p._x + 1.41; } if (16 < p._y) { p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { if (8 < p._x) { p._x = p._x - 2; } } else { if (8 < p._x) { p._x = p._x - 1.41; } if (p._y < 432) { p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } } else { if (8 < p._x) { p._x = p._x - 1.41; } if (16 < p._y) { p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = pb["en" + i]; R0.e0._visible = true; R0.e1._visible = false; } pb.en0.state = 0; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot2", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 12 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } if (!keyZ) { if (power >= 100) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = pb["en" + i]; R0.e0._visible = false; R0.e1._visible = true; } pb.en0.state = 1; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { if (15 < opCount) { if (31 < opCount) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot203", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); } else { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot202", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); } } else { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot201", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); } R1._x = p._x; R1._y = p._y - 16; R1.dx = 10.4; R1.dy = 10.4; R1.power = 2; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot201(this); }; _root["shotR" + i] = R1; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 20)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 20))) || ((X0 + 20) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 20) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } pShotEffe(R1, R2); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 20)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 20))) || ((X0 + 20) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 20) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R1, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } if (R9 != 4) { if (R9 != 3) { if (R9 != 2) { shotR0._rotation = 270; shotR0.dx = 0; shotR0.dy = -50; } else { shotR0._rotation = 269; shotR0.dx = -0.87; shotR0.dy = -50; shotR1._rotation = 271; shotR1.dx = 0.87; shotR1.dy = -50; } } else { shotR0._rotation = 268; shotR0.dx = -1.74; shotR0.dy = -50; shotR1._rotation = 270; shotR1.dx = 0; shotR1.dy = -50; shotR2._rotation = 272; shotR2.dx = 1.74; shotR2.dy = -50; } } else { shotR0._rotation = 267; shotR0.dx = -2.62; shotR0.dy = -49.9; shotR1._rotation = 269; shotR1.dx = -0.87; shotR1.dy = -50; shotR2._rotation = 271; shotR2.dx = 0.87; shotR2.dy = -50; shotR3._rotation = 273; shotR3.dx = 2.62; shotR3.dy = -49.9; } opCount++; if ((opCount+1) == 48) { opCount = 0; } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 300; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var R0 = ef.attachMovie("space", "bomb0", efDepth); R0.count = 0; R0.power = 80; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 289) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } bombHit(this); }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= i ; i++) { var R1 = R0.attachMovie("space", "bo0", i); R1._x = p._x; R1._y = p._y; R1._rotation = 72 * i; R1.count = 0; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (14 >= this.count) { this.R2 = this.attachMovie("bomb20", "b" + ((this.count * 10) + i), (this.count * 10) + i); this.R2._x = (this.count * 20) - 140; this.R2._y = -45.7; this.rad = rotToRad(-90 + (24 * this.count)); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2.5; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2.5; this.R2.count = this.count; this.R2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) >= 28) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } }; } this.count++; }; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 19function commonFunc21() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; opLen = opLen + ((48 - opLen) * 0.2); var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x; _root["option" + i]._y = (p._y + 64) + (i * opLen); var R0 = _root["ring" + i]; R0._visible = false; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0._xscale = (64 + (i * opLen)) * 2; R0._yscale = R0._xscale; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else { atari._visible = true; opLen = opLen + ((16 - opLen) * 0.2); var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { _root["option" + i]._x = p._x; _root["option" + i]._y = (p._y + 64) + (i * opLen); var R0 = _root["ring" + i]; R0._visible = false; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0._xscale = (64 + (i * opLen)) * 2; R0._yscale = R0._xscale; } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot2", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 12 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; i < R9 ; i++) { _root["ring" + i]._visible = true; } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 240; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = ef.attachMovie("space", "bomb" + i, efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 8; } setColor(R0, 20, 100, 50); R0.dy = (i * -1) * 5; R0.count = 0; R0.power = 12; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 219) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.15; if ((200 >= this.count) && ((this.count % 4) == 0)) { this.R1 = this.attachMovie("en0", "en" + this.count, this.count); this.R1._xscale = 70 + ransuA(60); this.R1._yscale = this.R1._xscale; this.R1._x = -32 + ransuA(384 + 64); this.R1._y = ((448 + 50) + ransuA(50)) - this._y; } bombHit(this); }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 20function commonFunc22() { if (commonEnterFrameFunc()) { return(1); } if (!((hitTime >= 270) || (kuraiTime))) { if (keyL && (keyR)) { keyL = false; keyR = false; } if (keyU && (keyD)) { keyU = false; keyD = false; } } else { keyL = false; keyR = false; keyU = false; keyD = false; } if (!keyZ) { atari._visible = false; opRot0 = rotAdd(opRot0, 8); opRot1 = rotAdd(opRot1, 5); opRot2 = rotAdd(opRot2, 3); opRot3 = rotAdd(opRot3, 2); var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var rad = rotToRad(_root["opRot" + i]); _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(rad) * (32 + (16 * i))); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y + (Math.sin(rad) * (32 + (16 * i))); } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 4.5; } } else { p._y = p._y - 4.5; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x + 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 4.5; } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y + 3.18; } } else { p._x = p._x - 3.18; p._y = p._y - 3.18; } } else { atari._visible = true; var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var rad = rotToRad(_root["opRot" + i]); _root["option" + i]._x = p._x + (Math.cos(rad) * (32 + (16 * i))); _root["option" + i]._y = p._y + (Math.sin(rad) * (32 + (16 * i))); } if (!keyL) { if (!keyR) { if (!keyU) { if (keyD) { p._y = p._y + 2; } } else { p._y = p._y - 2; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x + 2; } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x + 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } else if (!keyU) { if (!keyD) { p._x = p._x - 2; } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y + 1.41; } } else { p._x = p._x - 1.41; p._y = p._y - 1.41; } } if (p._x >= 8) { if (376 < p._x) { p._x = 376; } } else { p._x = 8; } if (p._y >= 16) { if ((432 < p._y) && (hitTime < 270)) { p._y = 432; } } else { p._y = 16; } PX = p._x + 32; PY = p._y + 16; if (keyX && (!talkNow)) { seStart(10); var R9 = Math.floor(power * 0.01); var R0 = pb.attachMovie("shot2", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y - 36; R0.power = 12 - R9; R0.cacheAsBitmap = true; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { pShotMain(this); }; var X0 = R0._x; var Y0 = R0._y; if (!boss.state) { var i = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= i ; i++) { if (qExist[i]) { var R1 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(i); var QX = R1._x; var QY = R1._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 16)) ; i++) { } for ( ; R1.boss && (!boss.state) ; i++) { } pShotEffe(R0, R1); break; } } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 8)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 6))) || ((X0 + 6) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 56) < (QY - 32)))) { pShotEffe(R0, Q0); } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } opCount++; if (!((((opCount+1) % 8) == 0) && (R9 >= 1))) { if (opCount == 31) { opCount = -1; } } else { var i = (opCount / 8); if (i < R9) { var R1 = pb.attachMovie("shot22", "shot" + pbDepth, pbDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R1.blendMode = 5; } R1._x = _root["option" + i]._x; R1._y = _root["option" + i]._y; R1._xscale = 32; R1._yscale = 32; R1.power = 2; R1.count = 0; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot220(this); }; var X0 = R1._x; var Y0 = R1._y; if (!boss.state) { var R3 = false; var j = 0; for ( ; Q_MAX >= j ; j++) { if (qExist[j]) { var R2 = q.getInstanceAtDepth(j); var QX = R2._x; var QY = R2._y; for ( ; ((((QY + 16) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 16) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 16))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 16)) ; j++) { } for ( ; R2.boss && (!boss.state) ; j++) { } R2.hp = R2.hp - R1.power; R3 = true; score = score + 10; frame.score = zero(score, 8); } } if (R3) { R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot221(this); }; } } else { var QX = Q0._x; var QY = Q0._y; if (!(((((QY + 32) < (Y0 - 16)) || ((QX + 32) < (X0 - 16))) || ((X0 + 16) < (QX - 32))) || ((Y0 + 16) < (QY - 32)))) { Q0.hp = Q0.hp - R1.power; score = score + 10; frame.score = zero(score, 8); R1.onEnterFrame = function () { pShot221(this); }; } } pbDepth++; if ((pbDepth+1) == 99000) { pbDepth = 0; } } } } if (!bombTime) { if (((keyC && (!talkNow)) && (hitTime < 270)) && (bomb)) { kuraiTime = 0; bombTime = 280; spellBomb = true; bombFunc(-1); bombCutIn(); var R0 = ef.attachMovie("bomb22", "bomb0", efDepth); if (BLENDMODE) { R0.blendMode = 5; } R0._xscale = 0; R0._yscale = 0; R0._x = p._x; R0._y = p._y; R0.ds = 0; R0.power = 20; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (99 < this.count) { if (119 < this.count) { if (this.count != 260) { if (this.count < 240) { if (this.count == 120) { this.power = 4; } bombHit(this); } else { this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.85; this._yscale = this._yscale * 0.85; if (this.count == 240) { this.power = 2; } bombHit(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale * 1.147; this._yscale = this._yscale * 1.147; bombHit(this); } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + this.ds; this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ds = this.ds + 0.015; bombHit(this); } this.count++; }; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } } } else { bombTime--; if ((bombTime-1) != 30) { if (bombTime >= 31) { if ((bombTime % 3) == 0) { setColor(p, 100, 40, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 1) { setColor(p, 40, 100, 40); } else if ((bombTime % 3) == 2) { setColor(p, 40, 40, 100); } bombTime % 3; } } else { stageText.bombName.state = true; setColor(p, 100, 100, 100); } } kuraiTimeCountFunc(); commonEnterFrameFunc2(); return(0); }Frame 21function stage000() { if (!(((((((count0 == 10) || (count0 == 30)) || (count0 == 50)) || (count0 == 70)) || (count0 == 90)) || (count0 == 110)) || (count0 == 130))) { if (count0 != 260) { if (!((count0 >= 370) && (400 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 == 440) || (count0 == 500))) { if (!((count0 >= 600) && (780 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 800) && (980 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1100) && (1180 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1200) && (1380 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1440) && (1744 >= count0))) { if (!(((count0 == 1800) || (count0 == 1840)) || (count0 == 1880))) { if (!((count0 >= 2100) && (2700 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 3000) { if (count0 == 3300) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 80, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -33 - lvRet(0, 0, 10, 0); R0.dy = lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5.05); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 32) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(29, 25, 13, 8)) == 0) { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 0, 2, 90, 2.5 + (LV * 0.4), -90, 1); shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, 2, 90, 2.5 + (LV * 0.4), 90, 1); if (LV >= 1) { shot(this, 80, 0, 80, 0, 0, 2, 180, 2.5 + (LV * 0.4), 90, 1); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 0, 2, 180, lvRet(1, 1, 4.8, 5.3), 0, 1); } } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { if ((count0 % 40) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 50, 1, 0); R0._x = 192 + (Math.cos(count0) * 30); R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (80 < this.count) { this._y = this._y - 3; if (this._y < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._y = this._y + 3; } if ((this.count == 80) && (LV >= 2)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 3, 1, 0, lvRet(2.1, 2.7, 3, 3.4), 90, 1); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } if ((count0 % 140) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(3, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 30; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (80 < this.count) { if (110 < this.count) { this._x = this._x - 3; if (this._x < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._y = this._y + 2; } } else { this._x = this._x + 2; } if (((((this.count == 10) && (LV >= 2)) || ((this.count == 30) && (LV >= 2))) || ((this.count == 50) && LV)) || (this.count == 70)) { shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 10, lvRet(1, 3, 7, 9), lvRet(50, 30, 20, 17), lvRet(2.1, 2.7, 3, 3.4), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(4, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 60; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (80 < this.count) { if (110 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + 3; if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._y = this._y + 2; } } else { this._x = this._x - 2; } if (((((this.count == 10) && (LV >= 2)) || ((this.count == 30) && (LV >= 2))) || ((this.count == 50) && LV)) || (this.count == 70)) { shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 0, 10, lvRet(1, 3, 7, 9), lvRet(50, 30, 20, 17), lvRet(2.1, 2.7, 3, 3.4), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var R0 = attachQ(4, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 40; R0.dy = -1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 0.9; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.015; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((LV >= 2) && (this.count == 60)) || (this.count == 170)) { if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 100, 50, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 3, 3, 4), 8, lvRet(2.5, 3, 4.5, 5), 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 50, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 2, 2, 3), 8, lvRet(2.2, 2.8, 3.4, 4), 0, 0); } shot(this, 100, 50, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 1, 2), 8, lvRet(2.3, 3.4, 3.4, 4.1), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(3, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 40; R0.dy = -1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 0.9; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.015; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((LV >= 2) && (this.count == 60)) || (this.count == 170)) { if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 3, 3, 4), 8, lvRet(2.5, 3, 4.5, 5), 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 2, 2, 3), 8, lvRet(2.2, 2.8, 3.4, 4), 0, 0); } shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 1, 2), 8, lvRet(2.3, 3.4, 3.4, 4.1), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 32) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 4, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (796 - (count0 * 0.5)) * 0.015; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 1.8; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == 108) { if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 2, 4, 6), lvRet(45, 30, 16, 8), lvRet(3, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6), 0, 0); } shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 3, 3, 5), lvRet(45, 30, 16, 8), lvRet(2.5, 2.7, 3.9, 4.1), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 40) != 0) { if ((count0 % 40) == 20) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = -100; R0._y = 120; R0.Y = R0._y; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2; this._y = this.Y + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, -2.5); this.Y = this.Y - 0.4; if (1 < LV) { if (this.count == 36) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 76) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(45, 30, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 100; R0._y = 120; R0.Y = R0._y; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2; this._y = this.Y + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 2.5); this.Y = this.Y - 0.4; if (1 < LV) { if (this.count == 36) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 76) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(50, 40, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 40) != 0) { if ((count0 % 40) == 20) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 2, 0); R0._x = 80; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); if (!((100 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 190))) { this._y = this._y + 1; this.X = this.X + 3; } else { this._y = this._y + 2; } if (this._y >= 460) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, -2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 140) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(50, 40, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 2, 0); R0._x = 384 - 80; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); if (!((100 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 190))) { this._y = this._y + 1; this.X = this.X - 3; } else { this._y = this._y + 2; } if (this._y >= 460) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 140) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(50, 40, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 60) != 0) { if ((count0 % 60) == 30) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 50; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); this.X = this.X + 1.5; this._y = this._y + 1.5; if (this._x >= (384 + 10)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, -2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 120) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(70, 50, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 - 50; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); this.X = this.X - 1.5; this._y = this._y + 1.5; if (-10 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 120) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(70, 50, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 60) != 0) { if ((count0 % 60) == 30) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 2, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); this._y = this._y + 2; if (this._y >= 460) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, -2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 80) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(70, 50, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 2, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.X = R0._x; R0.rot = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 20); this._y = this._y + 2; if (this._y >= 460) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 2.5); if (1 < LV) { if ((this.count == 14) || (this.count == 80)) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 7, lvRet(0, 0, 20, 16), 4, 0, 0); } } else if (this.count == 80) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 3, 3, lvRet(70, 50, 0, 0), 2.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= i ; i++) { if (i != 2) { if (!((i == 0) || (i == 4))) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 40, 1, 0); } if (count0 != 440) { R0._x = (384 - 50) - (i * 50); R0.i = 7 - i; R0.dx2 = 1.5; } else { R0._x = 50 + (i * 50); R0.i = i + 4; R0.dx2 = -1.5; } R0._y = -20; R0.dx = 0; R0.dy = 5; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((this.i * 2) < this.count) { if (this.count != 44) { if (this.count >= 130) { this._x = this._x + this.dx2; this._y = this._y + 1; if ((-20 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { shot(this, 90, 30, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(3, 3, 9, 11), lvRet(60, 50, 20, 12), lvRet(2, 2.5, 3.5, 4), 0, 0); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 10) == 0) { if (!((380 >= count0) || (count0 >= 390))) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 1, 0); } R0._x = 192 + ((192.5 - (count0 * 0.5)) * 7); R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 10; R0.dy = (80 - R0._y) / 20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 < this.hp) { if (this.count == 176) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (18 < this.count) { if (this.count != 28) { if (this.count >= 156) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y - this.dy; } } else { shot(this, 10, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(3, 3, 9, 11), lvRet(60, 50, 20, 10), lvRet(2, 2.5, 3.5, 4), 0, 0); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 0); = "Stage 1"; R0.title = "<font color='#cc0000'>\u8D64</font>\u3044\u6B74\u53F2\u3068<font color='#009900'>\u7DD1</font>\u306E\u72F8"; = "\u771F\u590F\u306E\u6CB3\u7554\u6797"; } } else { if (count0 != 130) { if (count0 != 110) { if (count0 != 90) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 10, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 10, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 10, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(3, 20, 1, 0); } R0._x = -20 - ((count0 + 30) * 0.75); R0._y = -10 - ((count0 + 30) * 0.5); R0.dx = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (100 < this.count) { if (this.count != 150) { if (this.count >= 170) { this._x = this._x + (this.dx + 1); this._y = this._y - 0.7; this.dx = this.dx + 0.09; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { shot(this, 90, 0, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 5, 7), lvRet(2, 2, 5, 5), lvRet(2, 2.3, 3, 3.5), 0, 0); } } else { this._x = this._x + 2; this._y = this._y + (4 - (this.count / 20)); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; if (count0 != 130) { if (count0 != 110) { if (count0 != 90) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 10, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 10, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 10, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(4, 20, 1, 0); } R0._x = (384 + 20) + ((count0 + 30) * 0.75); R0._y = -10 - ((count0 + 30) * 0.5); R0.dx = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 < this.hp) { if (this.count == 302) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (100 < this.count) { if (this.count != 150) { if (this.count >= 170) { this._x = this._x - (this.dx + 1); this._y = this._y - 0.75; this.dx = this.dx + 0.09; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { shot(this, 0, 70, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 5, 7), lvRet(2, 2, 5, 5), lvRet(2, 2.3, 3, 3.5), 0, 0); } } else { this._x = this._x - 2; this._y = this._y + (4 - (this.count / 20)); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } }Frame 22function stage001() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 50) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { Q0 = attachB(1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -30; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (80 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); this.count++; }; mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 == 1) { spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.I = lvRet(7, 9, 11, 15); Q0.R1 = 360 / Q0.I; Q0.count = 20; Q0.C0 = lvRet(40, 40, 40, 40); Q0.C1 = lvRet(96, 84, 70, 60); Q0.C2 = lvRet(152, 128, 100, 80); Q0.C3 = lvRet(192, 172, 130, 100); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (!(((this.count == this.C0) || (this.count == this.C1)) || (this.count == this.C2))) { if (this.count == this.C3) { this.count = 0; if (334 >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 50) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 50; } } else { this.PX = 334; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; return(null); } } else { this.rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.dx2 = Math.cos(this.rad2) * (2 + (LV * 0.25)); this.dy2 = Math.sin(this.rad2) * (2 + (LV * 0.25)); this.rot2 = radToRot(this.rad2); this.i = 0; for ( ; this.I >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 90, 10, 0, 10); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.rot = (this.i * this.R1) + this.rot2; this.rad = rotToRad(this.rot); this.R0._rotation = this.rot; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2; this.R0.dx2 = this.dx2; this.R0.dy2 = this.dy2; this.R0.rot2 = this.rot2; this.R0.ds = 0.99; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 80) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (79 < this.count) { if ((((this._y >= (448 + 50)) || (-50 >= this._x)) || (this._x >= (384 + 50))) || (-50 >= this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else { this.dx = this.dx * this.ds; this.dy = this.dy * this.ds; } } else { setColor(this.en0, 100, 70, 0); this.dx = this.dx2; this.dy = this.dy2; this._rotation = this.rot2; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (1 < LV) { if (32 < count0) { var R1 = (count0 % 180); if ((R1 >= 60) && (86 >= R1)) { if (R1 != 86) { var R0 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, 0, 1); R0._x = Q0._x; R0._y = Q0._y; var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * 30; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad); R0.count = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { var R0 = attachTama(100, 10, 10, 1, 2); R0._x = Q0._x; R0._y = Q0._y; var rot = (ransuA(90) - 45); if (ransuA(1)) { rot = rot + 180; } var rad = rotToRad(rot); R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * 15; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * 0.25; R0.count = 86; R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if (LV != 2) { if ((count0 % 18) == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 2; R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else if (R1 == 150) { var i = 0; for ( ; 20 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 100, 1, 0); R0._x = Q0._x; R0._y = Q0._y; R0.dy = 1 + (i * 0.14); R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } } else if (count0 == 8) { spellFunc(lvRet("", "", "\u8CED\u7B26\u300C\u534A\u4E01\u5927\u535A\u6253\u300D", "\u5371\u967A\u300C\u30CF\u30A4\u30EA\u30B9\u30AF\u30CF\u30A4\u30EA\u30BF\u30FC\u30F3\u300D"), 40, lvRet(0, 0, 9000, 6000), 5, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (70 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (180 < this.count) { if (200 < this.count) { this._y = this._y + 5; if ((448 + 32) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else if (this.count == 182) { S0 = ((this._x < 192) ? 0 : 1); if (LV == 3) { Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = (((192 - 100) + (S0 * 200)) - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = 0; if (Q0.dx >= -1) { if (1 < Q0.dx) { Q0.gotoAndPlay("L"); } } else { Q0.gotoAndPlay("R"); } } } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._x >= 0) { if (384 < this._x) { this.dx = Math.abs(this.dx) * -1; } } else { this.dx = Math.abs(this.dx); } if (this._y < 0) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; } if (this.count >= 160) { this.dx = this.dx * 0.95; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (180 < this.count) { if (200 < this.count) { this._y = this._y + 3.5; if ((448 + 13) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else if (this.count == 200) { if (((!S0) && (this._x < 192)) || (S0 && (this._x >= 192))) { this.R0 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, 0, 2); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 5; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._x >= 0) { if (384 < this._x) { this.dx = Math.abs(this.dx) * -1; } } else { this.dx = Math.abs(this.dx); } if (this._y < 0) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; } if (this.count >= 160) { this.dx = this.dx * 0.95; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 32) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { if (count0 != 1) { if ((count0 % 200) == 160) { Q0.count = 0; if (334 >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 50) { var PX = p._x; } else { var PX = 50; } } else { var PX = 334; } var dx = (PX - Q0._x); if (50 >= dx) { if (dx < -50) { dx = -50; } } else { dx = 50; } Q0.dx = ((dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; Q0.dy = ((((100 + (LV * 20)) - Q0._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } } else { spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 5, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.count = 20; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } if ((count0 % 100) == 0) { var rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - Q0._y, p._x - Q0._x); var dx2 = (Math.cos(rad2) * (2 + (LV * 0.25))); var dy2 = (Math.sin(rad2) * (2 + (LV * 0.25))); var rot2 = radToRot(rad2); var j = 0; for ( ; 2 >= j ; j++) { if (LV) { if (j) { if (j != 1) { var ds = 0.88; } else { var ds = 0.97; } } else { var ds = 0.99; } } else if (j) { j = 2; var ds = 0.9; } else { var ds = 0.99; } var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 90, 10, 0, 10); R0._x = Q0._x; R0._y = Q0._y; var rot = ((i * 45) + rot2); var rad = rotToRad(rot); R0._rotation = rot; R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * 2.5; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * 2.5; R0.dx2 = dx2; R0.dy2 = dy2; R0.rot2 = rot2; R0.ds = ds; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 114) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 4); } } else { if (Q0._x >= 192) { Q0.dx = ((384 + 100) - Q0._x) / 80; } else { Q0.dx = (-100 - Q0._x) / 80; } Q0.dy = (-160 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } } }Frame 23function stage002() { if (!((count0 >= 60) && (200 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 260) && (400 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 520) && (640 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 760) && (880 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 1100) { if (count0 == 1700) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 2000, 1, 0); R0._x = 286; R0._y = -32; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 40; R0.dy = (160 + R0._y) / 40; R0.state = 0; S0 = lvRet(3, 3, 7, 9); S1 = lvRet(2, 2.4, 2.8, 3.2); S2 = lvRet(0.25, 0.21, 0.13, 0.08); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 1650; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (50 < this.count) { if (this.count < 350) { if ((this.count % 20) == 0) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = S0 * -1; for ( ; S0 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, 0, 3); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad + (this.i * S2)) * S1; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad + (this.i * S2)) * S1; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } else { this._x = this._x - 1; this._y = this._y - 1.5; if (this._y < -32) { count0 = 1670; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { qMoveFunc(this, 1); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 3); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 3); } if (((((448 + 8) < this._y) || (this._x < -8)) || ((384 + 8) < this._x)) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 8, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 95; R0.rot = (count0 * 0.5) - 360; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - ((Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 1.5) - 2); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 3.5); if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == 60) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), -23, 0); shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 23, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { if (count0 == 760) { S0 = 3; } var R0 = attachQ(S0, 140, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 45; R0.rot = (count0 * 0.5) - 360; if (S0 != 3) { S0 = 3; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 1.5) - 2); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 3.5); if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == 60) { shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), -23, 0); shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 23, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } else { S0 = 4; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 1.5) - 2); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 3.5); if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == 60) { shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), -23, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.15), 23, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); R0._x = (192 - 40) + ransuA(80); R0._y = -30 - ransuA(40); R0.dx = (ransuA(1) ? (1 + (ransuA(10) * 0.1)) : (-1 - (ransuA(10) * 0.1))); R0.dy = 2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 40) && (62 >= this.count))) { if (39 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y - this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.1; } } else if (this.count == 46) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 0, lvRet(2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5), 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 7, lvRet(2.3, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75), 0, 0); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 3, 4, 5), 14, lvRet(2.1, 2, 2, 2), 0, 0); } } if ((-20 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); R0._x = (384 + 20) - ((count0 % 12) * 10); R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 56) && (100 >= this.count))) { if (58 < this.count) { this._x = this._x - 2.5; this._y = this._y - this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.05; } else { this._x = this._x - 2.5; this._y = this._y + 2; } } else if (this.count == 68) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, lvRet(2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5), 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 2, 7, lvRet(2.3, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75), 0, 0); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 3, 4, 5), 14, lvRet(2.1, 2, 2, 2), 0, 0); } } if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); R0._x = -20 + ((count0 % 12) * 10); R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 56) && (100 >= this.count))) { if (58 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + 2.5; this._y = this._y - this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.05; } else { this._x = this._x + 2.5; this._y = this._y + 2; } } else if (this.count == 68) { shot(this, 100, 40, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, lvRet(2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5), 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2, 7, lvRet(2.3, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75), 0, 0); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 100, 40, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 3, 4, 5), 14, lvRet(2.1, 2, 2, 2), 0, 0); } } if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } }Frame 24function stage003() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 == 1) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 0; } } else if (count1 == 1) { var R1 = (count0 % lvRet(148, 114, 80, 52)); if (count0 != 1) { if (lvRet(147, 113, 79, 51) < count0) { if ((7 >= R1) || ((R1 >= 14) && (21 >= R1))) { if (R1 == 0) { } else if (R1 == 7) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 14) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 21) { var I = 0; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 1) { } else if (R1 == 6) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 15) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 20) { var I = 1; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 2) { } else if (R1 == 5) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 16) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 19) { var I = 2; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 3) { } else if (R1 == 4) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 17) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 18) { var I = 3; } if ((R1 == 0) || (R1 == 14)) { S0 = 250 + ransuA(40); } var R2 = rotToRad(S0 - 90); if (7 < R1) { var R3 = ((((R1 - 4) * 2) - 17) * 0.5); var R4 = 1; } else { var R3 = ((((R1 + 10) * 2) - 17) * 0.5); var R4 = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; I >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(10, 100, 0, 0, 10); var len = (((I * 0.5) - i) * 50); R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(R2) * len); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(R2) * len); var rad = rotToRad(S0); R0._rotation = S0; R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R3; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R3; R0.type = R4; R0.count = ((7 >= R1) ? (R1) : (R1 - 14)); R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } else { S1 = 0; spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.count = 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 40) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this.count >= 80) { if ((((this._y >= (448 + 50)) || (-50 >= this._x)) || (this._x >= (384 + 50))) || (-100 >= this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } } else { if (!this.type) { setColor(this.en0, 80, 70, 0); this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(6, 7, 9, 12)) * 0.5; this.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(6, 7, 9, 12)) * 0.5; } else { setColor(this.en0, 100, 40, 0); this.rad = rotToRad(60 + ransuA(60)); this.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3, 3.3, 3.8, 4.3)) * 0.5; this.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3, 3.3, 3.8, 4.3)) * 0.5; } this._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } if (R1 == lvRet(78, 52, 26, 8)) { S1++; if ((S1+1) == 2) { S1 = 0; Q0.count = 0; var dx = ((50 + ransuA(284)) - Q0._x); if (50 >= dx) { if (dx < -50) { dx = -50; } } else { dx = 50; } Q0.dx = ((dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; Q0.dy = (((140 - Q0._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 >= 138) { if ((count0 % 22) == 0) { var R1 = (ransuA(3840) * 0.1); var I = lvRet(2, 3, 4, 6); var dy = (2.5 + (LV * 0.3)); var i = 0; for ( ; I >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(20, 50, 100, 0, 30); R0._x = R1; R0._y = -16 - (i * 20); R0.dy = dy; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } var R1 = ((count0 - 138) % lvRet(260, 244, 228, 210)); if (count0 != 138) { if (!((R1 == 6) && (LV >= 2))) { if (R1 != 16) { if (R1 != 48) { if (R1 == 208) { Q0.dx = 0; Q0._x = ((Q0._x < 192) ? 24 : 360); } } else { Q0.state = 1; if (Q0._x >= 192) { Q0._x = 360; Q0.dx = -336 / 160; } else { Q0._x = 24; Q0.dx = 336 / 160; } } } else { var R0 = attachTama(70, 30, 0, 1, 20); if (Q0._x >= 192) { R0._x = 360; R0.dx = -336 / 160; } else { R0._x = 24; R0.dx = 336 / 160; } R0._y = 90; R0._xscale = 8; R0._yscale = 16; R0.dy = 0.5; R0.C = lvRet(8, 6, 4, 4); R0.count = 0; R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { var R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 1, 20); if (Q0._x >= 192) { R0._x = 360; R0.dx = -336 / 300; } else { R0._x = 24; R0.dx = 336 / 300; } if (p._y < 224) { R0._y = ((p._y + ((4 - LV) * 64)) + ransuA(40)) - 20; } else { R0._y = ((p._y - ((4 - LV) * 64)) + ransuA(40)) - 20; } R0._xscale = 8; R0._yscale = 16; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { Q0._x = 192; Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = ((24 - Q0._x) * -1) / 40; Q0.dy = (60 - Q0._y) / 40; } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u9A19\u7B26\u300C\u6CE5\u821F\u4E00\u4EBA\u65C5\u300D", "\u9A19\u7B26\u300C\u6CE5\u821F\u4E00\u4EBA\u65C5\u300D", "\u9A19\u7B26\u300C\u6728\u821F\u3068\u6CE5\u821F\u300D", "\u9A19\u7B26\u300C\u6728\u821F\u3068\u6CE5\u821F\u300D"), 40, 10000 * hpp, 6, 5, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.count = 0; Q0.state = 0; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (90 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (this.state) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } else { qMoveFunc(this, 1); this.count++; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y >= 463) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (16 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; if ((-90 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 90))) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + 10; removeTama(this); } this.count++; }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (32 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; if ((-140 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 140))) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.R2 = attachTama(50, 10, 0, 1, 0); this.R2._x = (this._x + ransuA(90)) - 45; this.R2._y = this._y; if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { this.R2.dx = ((this.dx * -1) * (0.1 + (ransuA(8) * 0.1))) * 0.5; this.R2.dy = 2 + (ransuA(15) * 0.1); } else { this.R2.dx = ((this.dx * -1) * (0.1 + (ransuA(9) * 0.1))) * 0.5; this.R2.dy = 2 + (ransuA(20) * 0.1); } } else { this.R2.dx = ((this.dx * -1) * (0.1 + (ransuA(11) * 0.1))) * 0.5; this.R2.dy = 1.5 + (ransuA(25) * 0.1); } } else { this.R2.dx = ((this.dx * -1) * (0.1 + (ransuA(12) * 0.1))) * 0.5; this.R2.dy = 1 + (ransuA(30) * 0.1); } this.R2.onEnterFrame = F3; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + 4; removeTama(this); } this.count++; }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y >= 460) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (count1 == 3) { var R1 = (count0 % lvRet(180, 140, 100, 72)); if (count0 != 1) { if (lvRet(168, 138, 98, 70) < count0) { if ((7 >= R1) || ((R1 >= 14) && (21 >= R1))) { if (R1 == 0) { } else if (R1 == 7) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 14) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 21) { var I = 0; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 1) { } else if (R1 == 6) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 15) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 20) { var I = 1; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 2) { } else if (R1 == 5) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 16) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 19) { var I = 2; // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 3) { } else if (R1 == 4) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (R1 == 17) { // unexpected jump } if (R1 == 18) { var I = 3; } if ((R1 == 0) || (R1 == 14)) { S0 = 250 + ransuA(40); } var R2 = rotToRad(S0 - 90); if (7 < R1) { var R3 = ((((R1 - 4) * 2) - 17) * 0.5); var R4 = 1; } else { var R3 = ((((R1 + 10) * 2) - 17) * 0.5); var R4 = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; I >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(10, 100, 0, 0, 10); var len = (((I * 0.5) - i) * 50); R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(R2) * len); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(R2) * len); var rad = rotToRad(S0); R0._rotation = S0; R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * R3; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * R3; R0.type = R4; R0.count = 14; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } else { S1 = 0; spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.count = 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 60) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { if (!this.type) { this.R0 = attachTama(80, 70, 0, 0, 1); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * (8 + (LV * 1.8))) * 0.5; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * (8 + (LV * 1.8))) * 0.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 40, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.rad = rotToRad(60 + ransuA(60)); this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9)) * 0.5; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9)) * 0.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this.count >= 60) { if ((((this._y >= (448 + 50)) || (-50 >= this._x)) || (this._x >= (384 + 50))) || (-100 >= this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } this.count++; }; } if (R1 == lvRet(98, 72, 46, 28)) { S1++; if ((S1+1) == 2) { S1 = 0; Q0.count = 0; var dx = ((50 + ransuA(284)) - Q0._x); if (50 >= dx) { if (dx < -50) { dx = -50; } } else { dx = 50; } Q0.dx = ((dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; Q0.dy = (((140 - Q0._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 32) { if ((count0 == 128) || (count0 == lvRet(368, 368, 268, 208))) { var i = 0; for ( ; 13 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < LV) { if (count0 != 128) { for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { } } else { for ( ; i >= 8 ; i++) { } } } else if (count0 != 128) { for ( ; (i % 2) == 0 ; i++) { } } else { for ( ; i % 2 ; i++) { } } var R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 2); var R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 2); if (LV != 0) { if (LV != 1) { if (LV != 2) { if (!(i % 2)) { R1.dr = 1.1; } else { R1.dr = -0.8; } } else if (!(i % 2)) { R1.dr = 1; } else { R1.dr = -0.75; } } else { R1.dr = -0.75; } } else { R1.dr = -0.75; } R0._x = -32; R0._y = i * 34; R0.dx = lvRet(2, 2, 2, 2.5); R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; R1._x = 384 + 32; R1._y = R0._y; R1.dx = lvRet(-2, -2, -2, -2.5); R1.R0 = R0; R1.dx2 = R0.dx; R1.state = 0; R1.rot = 0; R1.r = lvRet(190, 190, 190, 210); R1.ds = 0.2; R1.noRemove = 1; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state) { this.rad = rotToRad(this.rot); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.r); this.R0._x = this.X2 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.r); } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this.R0._x = this.R0._x + this.dx2; if (48 >= Math.abs(this._x - this.R0._x)) { this.state = 1; this.X = this._x; this.X2 = this.R0._x; this.oldX = this._x; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } } else { delete S0; spellFunc(lvRet("\u5408\u6226\u300C\u963F\u6CE2\u72F8\u5408\u6226\u300D", "\u5408\u6226\u300C\u963F\u6CE2\u72F8\u5408\u6226\u300D", "\u5408\u6226\u300C\u5E73\u6210\u72F8\u5408\u6226\u300D", "\u5408\u6226\u300C\u5E73\u6210\u72F8\u5408\u6226\u300D"), 41, 12000, 7, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (60 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (this.count < 280) { qMoveFunc(this, 1); } else { this.R0 = this.count % 140; if (((!this.R0) || (this.R0 == 12)) || (this.R0 == 24)) { if (!this.R0) { this.rot = radToRot(Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x)); } shot(this, 0, 10, 100, 1, 1, lvRet(1, 5, 7, 9), lvRet(20, 15, 15, 13), 2, this.rot, 1); } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 5) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 64) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 1; } } else { qRemove(Q0, 3); } } else if (count1 == 6) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 200) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { stageClearFunc(); } } }Frame 25function stage100() { if (2 < count0) { if (!((count0 >= 180) && (189 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 320) && (329 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 420) && (490 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 == 620) || (count0 == 650))) { if (!((count0 == 680) || (count0 == 710))) { if (count0 != 780) { if (count0 == 1100) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 150000, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -15; R0.dy = 3; R0.state = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (100 < this.count) { if (!(((this.count >= 128) && (158 >= this.count)) || ((this.count >= 224) && (256 >= this.count)))) { if (!(((this.count >= 180) && (200 >= this.count)) || ((this.count >= 260) && (280 >= this.count)))) { if (this.count >= 281) { this._x = this._x + 1; this._y = this._y - 1.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else if ((this.count % 5) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 0, 11, lvRet(8, 10, 10, 18), lvRet(14, 8, 7, 4.5), 5.4 + (LV * 0.3), 90, 1); } } else if ((this.count % 8) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 11, lvRet(7, 9, 11, 13), lvRet(15, 10, 8, 6), 3.2 + (LV * 0.3), 90, 1); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; if (this.count == 100) { this.hp = this.hp * 0.01; } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 140, 4, 0); R0.rot = -30 + (i * 240); R0.dr = 1 - (i * 2); var rad = rotToRad(R0.rot); R0.X = (192 - 120) + (i * 240); R0._x = R0.X + (Math.cos(rad) * 128); R0._y = -10 + (Math.sin(rad) * 128); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); this.rad = rotToRad(this.rot); this._x = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 128); this._y = -10 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 128); if ((this.count == 68) || ((LV >= 2) && (this.count == 120))) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(4, 4.5, 5, 5.2) * 0.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(3.5, 3.8, 4, 4) * 0.5, 0, 0); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(3, 3.1, 3, 2.8) * 0.5, 0, 0); } } if ((-20 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 140, 4, 0); R0.rot = (90 + 30) - (i * 60); R0.dr = -1.25 + (i * 2.5); var rad = rotToRad(R0.rot); R0.X = (192 - 150) + (i * 300); R0._x = R0.X + (Math.cos(rad) * 128); R0._y = -10 + (Math.sin(rad) * 128); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); this.rad = rotToRad(this.rot); this._x = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 128); this._y = -10 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 128); if ((this.count == 28) || ((LV >= 2) && (this.count == 56))) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(4, 4.5, 5, 7) * 0.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(3.5, 3.8, 4, 4.2) * 0.5, 0, 0); if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 100, 10, 10, 0, 0, 3, 16, lvRet(3, 3.1, 3, 1.4) * 0.5, 0, 0); } } if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 10) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 100, 8, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.rad = S0; S0 = S0 - 0.62; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 128); this._y = this._y + 1.5; this.rad = this.rad + 0.03; if (this._y >= 460) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count != 20) { if ((this.count == 60) && (LV >= 2)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 3, 11, 13), lvRet(20, 30, 16, 13), 2.5, 90, 1); } } else { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(3, 5, 7, 9), lvRet(30, 20, 8, 6), 2 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { if (!(count0 % 2)) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); } R0._x = 19.2 + ((329 - count0) * 38.4); R0._y = -10; R0.dy = 3; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.03; if (-11 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == (100 - (LV * 10))) { this.dy = -3; shot(this, 100, 40, 20, 0, 0, lvRet(3, 5, 5, 7), lvRet(40, 30, 17, 13), 2.6 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; S0 = 0; } } else { if (!(count0 % 2)) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 40, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); } R0._x = 19.2 + ((count0 - 180) * 38.4); R0._y = -10; R0.dy = 3; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.03; if (-11 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (this.count == (100 - (LV * 10))) { this.dy = -3; shot(this, 95, 60, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(4, 4, 6, 8), lvRet(40, 30, 17, 13), 2.6 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count0 == 1) { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 970); = "Stage 2"; R0.title = "\u6E26\u4E2D\u306E<font color='#cc7700'>\u6817</font>\u3092\u62FE\u3046"; = "\u6CB3\u53E3\u306E\u7802\u6D5C"; } }Frame 26function stage101() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 50) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { Q0 = attachB(2); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -30; Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = (160 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.rot = 270; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); qMoveFunc(this, 1); this.count++; }; mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 == 1) { spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.rad = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; Q0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(20, 15, 10, 8); S1 = (lvRet(2, 1.8, 1.6, 1.4) / S0) + (Math.PI / 3); S2 = lvRet(3, 3.3, 3.7, 4); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if (this.count >= 40) { if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.j = 0; for ( ; 1 >= this.j ; this.j++) { this.dx = Math.cos((this.rad + ((Math.PI * this.i) / 3)) + (this.j * 0.07)) * S2; this.dy = Math.sin((this.rad + ((Math.PI * this.i) / 3)) + (this.j * 0.07)) * S2; if (this.i == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else if (this.i == 1) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 0, 0, 0); } else if (this.i == 2) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); } else if (this.i == 3) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 0); } else if (this.i == 4) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); } else if (this.i == 5) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 100, 0, 0); } this.i; this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } this.rad = this.rad + S1; } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (8 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); } if (((((448 + 8) < this._y) || (this._x < -8)) || ((384 + 8) < this._x)) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 >= 60) { if ((count0 % S1) == 0) { var R3 = (ransuA(60) - 50); if (!S0) { S0 = 1 - S0; var i = 0; for ( ; S2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 10, 80, 0, 0); R0._x = -9; R0._y = (i * S3) + R3; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { S0 = 1 - S0; var i = 0; for ( ; S2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(80, 0, 0, 0, 0); R0._x = -9; R0._y = (i * S3) + R3; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if (LV >= 2) { if (!S0) { var i = 0; for ( ; S6 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 10, 80, 0, 0); R0._x = i * S7; R0._y = -9; R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; S6 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(80, 0, 0, 0, 0); R0._x = i * S7; R0._y = -9; R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } } } if ((count0 % 220) == 210) { Q0.count = 0; var dx = (((192 - 100) + ransuA(200)) - Q0._x); if (50 >= dx) { if (dx < -50) { dx = -50; } } else { dx = 50; } Q0.dx = dx / 40; Q0.dy = (((140 - Q0._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u78C1\u7B26\u300C\u898B\u3048\u306A\u3044\u6E26\u300D", "\u78C1\u7B26\u300C\u898B\u3048\u306A\u3044\u6E26\u300D", "\u78C1\u602A\u300C\u30AA\u30EC\u30B4\u30F3\u30F4\u30A9\u30EB\u30C6\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u300D", "\u78C1\u602A\u300C\u30AA\u30EC\u30B4\u30F3\u30F4\u30A9\u30EB\u30C6\u30C3\u30AF\u30B9\u300D"), 40, 10000, 10, 10, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (92 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.dx2 = Q0._x - this._x; this.dy2 = Q0._y - this._y; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2); this._x = this._x + (((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * 0.0025) + S4); if (0 < this.dx2) { this._y = this._y + ((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * S5); } else { this._y = this._y - ((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * S5); } if (this._x >= (384 + 9)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.dx2 = Q0._x - this._x; this.dy2 = Q0._y - this._y; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2); this._x = this._x + (((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * 0.0025) + S4); if (0 < this.dx2) { this._y = this._y - ((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * S5); } else { this._y = this._y + ((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * S5); } if (this._x >= (384 + 9)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.dx2 = Q0._x - this._x; this.dy2 = Q0._y - this._y; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2); this._y = this._y + (((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * 0.0025) + S4); if (0 < this.dy2) { this._x = this._x + ((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * S5); } else { this._x = this._x - ((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * S5); } if (this._y >= (448 + 9)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.dx2 = Q0._x - this._x; this.dy2 = Q0._y - this._y; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2); this._y = this._y + (((Math.sin(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dy2)) * 0.0025) + S4); if (0 < this.dy2) { this._x = this._x - ((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * S5); } else { this._x = this._x + ((Math.cos(this.rad) * Math.abs(this.dx2)) * S5); } if (this._y >= (448 + 9)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; S0 = 0; S1 = lvRet(60, 50, 60, 50); S2 = lvRet(10, 10, 11, 12); S3 = lvRet(60, 60, 55, 50); S4 = lvRet(2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 3.2); S5 = lvRet(0.0025, 0.003, 0.0035, 0.0036); S6 = ((LV == 3) ? 9 : 9); S7 = ((LV == 3) ? 42.7 : 42.7); } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 114) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 4); } } else { if (Q0._x >= 192) { Q0.dx = ((384 + 100) - Q0._x) / 80; } else { Q0.dx = (-100 - Q0._x) / 80; } Q0.dy = (-160 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } } }Frame 27function stage102() { if (!((count0 >= 60) && (130 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 260) && (330 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 460) && (530 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 660) && (730 >= count0))) { if (count0 == 950) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { if (count0 == 660) { back.back5.state = 1; S0 = -1; } if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { S0++; if ((S0+1) < 3) { var R0 = attachQ(S0, 60, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(S0, 120, 1, 0); } R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 185 - ((count0 - 660) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % 76) == 40) { if (LV >= 1) { if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(7, 7.3, 7.6, 8) * 0.5, 0, 0); } shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, 6.5 * 0.5, 0, 0); } shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(6, 5.7, 5.4, 5) * 0.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(5.5, 4.9, 4.3, 3.5) * 0.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; if (S0 == 4) { S0 = -1; } } } else { S0++; if ((S0+1) < 3) { var R0 = attachQ(S0, 60, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(S0, 120, 1, 0); } R0._x = -20; R0._y = 185 - ((count0 - 660) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2.5; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % 76) == 40) { if (LV >= 1) { if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(7, 7.3, 7.6, 8) * 0.5, 0, 0); } shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, 6.5 * 0.5, 0, 0); } shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(6, 5.7, 5.4, 5) * 0.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 3, 20, lvRet(5.5, 4.9, 4.3, 3.5) * 0.5, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; if (S0 == 4) { S0 = -1; } } } } else if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 185 - ((count0 - 460) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(32, 23, 16, 10)) == 0) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 1, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.5), 90, 1); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 185 - ((count0 - 460) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2.5; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(32, 23, 16, 10)) == 0) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 3, 1, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.5), 90, 1); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 10 + ((count0 - 260) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(38, 30, 20, 11)) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 80, 0, 0, 3, 1, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 10 + ((count0 - 260) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2.5; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(38, 30, 20, 11)) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 80, 0, 0, 3, 1, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 10 + ((count0 - 60) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(42, 34, 25, 16)) == 0) { shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.25), 90, 1); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 10 + ((count0 - 60) * 2.5); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2.5; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % lvRet(42, 34, 25, 16)) == 0) { shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 3.5 + (LV * 0.25), 90, 1); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } }Frame 28function stage103() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 == 1) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 2; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 32) { spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if ((this.count % 60) != 0) { if ((this.count % 60) == 30) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 1, 0, 13, 27.69, 2, 0, 0); shot(this, 20, 20, 100, 0, 2, S3, S4, S5, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 0, 30, 100, 1, 1, S0, S1, 2.8, 0, 0); } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = lvRet(10, 12, 16, 20); S1 = lvRet(36, 30, 22.5, 18); S3 = lvRet(2, 2, 3, 3); S4 = lvRet(40, 28, 20, 17); S5 = lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 3) { if (count0 >= 44) { if (1 < LV) { var R1 = (count0 % 200); if ((R1 >= 44) && (S5 >= R1)) { if (R1 == 44) { S0 = 0; S10 = !S10; } if (!S10) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { if (i) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 10); R0._rotation = S3; var rad = rotToRad(S3); S3 = S3 + 17; } else { var R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 10); R0._rotation = S2; var rad = rotToRad(S2); S2 = S2 - 7; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * S6; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * S6; var rad = rotToRad(S1); S1 = S1 + 184; R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(rad) * S0); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(rad) * S0); S0 = S0 + 0.7; R0.count = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { if (i) { var R0 = attachTama(10, 100, 10, 0, 10); R0._rotation = S3; var rad = rotToRad(S3); S3 = S3 + 17; } else { var R0 = attachTama(100, 30, 0, 0, 10); R0._rotation = S2; var rad = rotToRad(S2); S2 = S2 - 7; } R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * S6; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * S6; var rad = rotToRad(S1); S1 = S1 + 184; R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(rad) * S0); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(rad) * S0); S0 = S0 + 0.7; R0.count = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } else { var R1 = (count0 % 200); if ((R1 >= 44) && (S5 >= R1)) { if (R1 == 44) { S0 = 0; S10 = !S10; } if (!S10) { var i = 0; for ( ; S4 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 80, 0, 0, 10); R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(S1) * S0); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(S1) * S0); S1 = S1 + 0.122; S0 = S0 + 0.8; R0._rotation = S2; var rad = rotToRad(S2); S2 = S2 - 11; R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * S6; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * S6; R0.count = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; S4 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 30, 0, 0, 10); R0._x = Q0._x + (Math.cos(S1) * S0); R0._y = Q0._y + (Math.sin(S1) * S0); S1 = S1 + 0.122; S0 = S0 + 0.8; R0._rotation = S2; var rad = rotToRad(S2); S2 = S2 - 11; R0.dx = Math.cos(rad) * S6; R0.dy = Math.sin(rad) * S6; R0.count = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u907A\u5B58\u300C\u30A2\u30E2\u30F3\u306E\u77F3\u300D", "\u907A\u5B58\u300C\u30A2\u30E2\u30F3\u306E\u77F3\u300D", "\u907A\u5FD7\u300C\u77F3\u306B\u523B\u307E\u308C\u305F\u907A\u4F1D\u5B50\u300D", "\u907A\u5FD7\u300C\u77F3\u306B\u523B\u307E\u308C\u305F\u907A\u4F1D\u5B50\u300D"), 40, 14000 * hpp, 6, 5, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = ((160 + lvRet(0, 10, 30, 35)) - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); if ((this.count++) == 44) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } bHitFunc0(this); }; } }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } if ((++this.count) == 159) { if (this.dx < 0) { if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F10; } } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 8) < this._x) || ((448 + 8) < this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 8) < this._x) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 8) < this._y) || (this._x < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._x < -8) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; S1 = Math.PI / 2; S2 = 90; S3 = 270; S4 = lvRet(1, 1, 0, 0); S5 = lvRet(90, 100, 114, 114); S6 = lvRet(2.5, 2.7, 2.7, 3.1); S10 = false; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 16) { if (count0 == 74) { Q0.rot2 = 270; Q0.rot = 90; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if ((this.count % 60) != 0) { if ((this.count % 60) == 30) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 1, 0, 13, 27.69, 2, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 0, 30, 100, 1, 1, S0, S1, 2.8, 0, 0); } if ((this.count % S2) == 0) { shot(this, 20, 20, 100, 0, 2, S3, S4, S5, this.rot2, 1); this.rot2 = this.rot2 - 14; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = lvRet(10, 12, 16, 20); S1 = lvRet(36, 30, 22.5, 18); S2 = lvRet(25, 21, 15, 12); S3 = lvRet(3, 4, 5, 6); S4 = lvRet(120, 90, 72, 60); S5 = lvRet(4.3, 4.8, 5.3, 5.8); } } else { spellFunc("", 30, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (180 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 30) { if (count0 >= 72) { if (count0 == 72) { Q0.rot = 270; Q0.dr = lvRet(-0.6, -0.65, -0.7, -0.75); Q0.len = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this.rad = rotToRad(this.rot); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len); this._y = 224 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); if (99 >= this.len) { this.len++; } bHitFunc0(this); }; var R0 = attachTama(100, 30, 0, 1, 1); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0.count = 0; R0.noRemove = 1; if (!LV) { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } if (((++this.count) == (S2 - 8)) || (this.count == S2)) { if (this.count != S2) { this.rot = radToRot(Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x)); } else { this.count = 0; } shot(this, 100, 30, 0, 1, 11, 1, 0, 3.2, this.rot, 1); } }; } } if ((count0 % S1) == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(40, 40, 100, 0, 21); R0.en2._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; S0 = S0 - S4; R0._rotation = S0; R0._xscale = 300; R0._yscale = 1; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; if (LV >= 2) { var R0 = attachTama(20, 60, 100, 0, 21); R0.en2._visible = false; R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._rotation = S0 + 180; R0._xscale = 300; R0._yscale = 1; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u968E\u7B26\u300C\u7121\u9650\u87BA\u65CB\u968E\u6BB5\u300D", "\u968E\u7B26\u300C\u7121\u9650\u87BA\u65CB\u968E\u6BB5\u300D", "\u968E\u7B26\u300C\u7121\u9650\u4E8C\u91CD\u87BA\u65CB\u968E\u6BB5\u300D", "\u968E\u7B26\u300C\u7121\u9650\u4E8C\u91CD\u87BA\u65CB\u968E\u6BB5\u300D"), 40, 7000 * hpp, 10, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0); Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (224 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (49 < this.count) { if (this.count != 104) { if (this.count != 50) { if (this.count < 62) { removeTama(this); } else if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en2._visible = true; removeTama(this); } // unexpected jump } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } else { if (this.count == 42) { this._yscale = 9; } removeTama(this); } this.count++; }; S0 = 270; S1 = lvRet(4, 4, 8, 7); S2 = lvRet(50, 60, 30, 25); S4 = lvRet(22, 22, 19.3, 17.3); } } else if (count1 == 5) { if (count0 != 30) { if (count0 >= 72) { if (count0 == 72) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } bHitFunc0(this); }; S0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S0._x = 192; S0._y = 224; S0.dr = lvRet(0.86, 0.9, 0.9, 0.95); S0.noRemove = 1; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; removeTama(this); }; if (LV >= 2) { S1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S1._x = 192; S1._y = 224; S1.dr = lvRet(0.86, 0.9, 0.95, 1.3); S1.noRemove = 1; S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; removeTama(this); }; } } if ((count0 % S2) == 0) { if (!((1 >= LV) || ransuA(1))) { var R0 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, S1, 30); } else { var R0 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, S0, 30); } var rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); R0._x = Math.cos(rad) * 290; R0._y = Math.sin(rad) * 290; var R1 = lvRet(300, 250 + ransuA(50), 190 + ransuA(110), 120 + ransuA(180)); R0.dx = (R0._x * -1) / R1; R0.dy = (R0._y * -1) / R1; R0.C = R1; R0.count = 0; R0.cacheAsBitmap = false; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u6E26\u7B26\u300C\u9CF4\u9580\u306E\u6E26\u6F6E\u300D", "\u6E26\u7B26\u300C\u9CF4\u9580\u306E\u6E26\u6F6E\u300D", "\u6E26\u6D41\u300C\u6D77\u306B\u6F5C\u308B\u9F8D\u306E\u5C3E\u300D", "\u6E26\u6D41\u300C\u6D77\u306B\u6F5C\u308B\u9F8D\u306E\u5C3E\u300D"), 40, 16000, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1); Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (224 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this.count++) == this.C) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; S2 = lvRet(6, 5, 4, 3); } } else if (count1 == 6) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 64) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 3; } } else { qRemove(Q0, 3); } } else if (count1 == 7) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 200) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { stageClearFunc(); } } }Frame 29function stage200() { if (count0 != 20) { if (count0 != 140) { if (count0 != 280) { if (count0 != 400) { if (!((((count0 == 520) || (count0 == 600)) || (count0 == 1080)) || (count0 == 1200))) { if (count0 != 780) { if (!((count0 >= 1360) && (1500 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1720) && (2100 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 2160) && (2348 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 2500) { if (count0 == 4000) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 5400, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 130; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 40; R0.dy = (160 - R0._y) / 40; R0.rot = -70; R0.dr = 40; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 3950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (count0 < 3850) { if (this.count >= 40) { if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, 1, 180, 3.2, this.rot, 1); } else { shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, 2, 180, 3.2, this.rot, 1); } } else { shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, 2, 180, 3.6, this.rot, 1); } } else { shot(this, 0, 80, 80, 0, 0, 2, 180, 4, this.rot, 1); } this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); this.dr = this.dr + 0.08; } } else { this._x = this._x + 1; this._y = this._y - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { count0 = 3970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { if (count0 == 2160) { var R1 = 192; } else if (count0 == 2200) { var R1 = 80; } else if (count0 == 2224) { var R1 = (384 - 40); } else if (count0 == 2246) { var R1 = 140; } else if (count0 == 2280) { var R1 = 240; } else if (count0 == 2292) { var R1 = (384 - 100); } else if (count0 == 2320) { var R1 = 192; } else if (count0 == 2348) { var R1 = 192; } else { return(null); } var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { if (i) { if (i != 1) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 20, 1, 0); R0.dx = -5; } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 20, 1, 0); R0.dx = 5; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 20, 1, 0); R0.dx = 0; } R0._x = R1; R0._y = -20; R0.dx2 = R0.dx * 0.2; R0.C = lvRet(20, 16, 16, 14); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 36) && (50 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 69) { this._x = this._x + this.dx2; this._y = this._y - 1.5; if (((-20 >= this._y) || (-20 >= this._x)) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this.dx = this.dx * 0.9; if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 12, lvRet(2, 4, 6, 8), lvRet(30, 30, 20, 15), lvRet(2.4, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6), this.ang - (this.dx * 4), 1); } } } else { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 == 1720) { S0 = 1; S1 = 0; } var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); if (!S0) { R0.x2 = 384 + 90; R0.dx = -2; R0.dr = -0.03; } else { R0.x2 = -90; R0.dx = 2; R0.dr = 0.03; } if (1680 < count0) { R0.dy = 0.2; } else { R0.dy = 0; } R0.y2 = 60; R0.rad = Math.PI / 2; R0._x = R0.x2 + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * 70); R0._y = R0.y2 + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 70); S0 = 1 - S0; R0.count = S1; S1 = S1 + 6; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.x2 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 70); this._y = this.y2 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 70); this.x2 = this.x2 + this.dx; this.y2 = this.y2 + this.dy; this.rad = this.rad + this.dr; if (this.count >= 100) { if ((-20 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { if ((this.count == 140) || (this.count == 160)) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 2, this.ang, 1); } } else if (((this.count == 120) || (this.count == 140)) || (this.count == 160)) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 2.5, this.ang, 1); } } else if ((((this.count == 100) || (this.count == 120)) || (this.count == 140)) || (this.count == 160)) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 2.5, this.ang, 1); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 3, 3, 22, 2.5, this.ang, 1); } } else if ((((((this.count == 100) || (this.count == 114)) || (this.count == 128)) || (this.count == 142)) || (this.count == 156)) || (this.count == 170)) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, 2, 30, 3, this.ang, 1); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 3, 3, 22, 3, this.ang, 1); } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 == 1360) { S0 = 0; } var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = (192 - 150) + (S0 * 300); R0._y = 448 + 20; R0.dx = 2 - (S0 * 4); S0 = 1 - S0; R0.C = lvRet(30, 25, 20, 15); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (220 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; if ((-20 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 20))) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._y = this._y - 2; } if ((this.count >= 100) && ((this.count % this.C) == 0)) { shot(this, 50, 0, 100, 0, 1, 1, 5, 2.3, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { S0 = lvRet(9, 7, 6, 6); var R0 = attachQ(10, 1400, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 12; R0.rad = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (29 < this.count) { if (this.count < 300) { if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 6, 19, 2.8, 90 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20), 1); } else { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 7, 16, 3, 90 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20), 1); } } else { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 8, 13, 3.2, 90 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20), 1); } } else { shot(this, 80, 80, 0, 0, 10, 8, 10, 3.4, 90 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20), 1); } this.rad = this.rad + 0.4; } } else { this._x = this._x - 1; this._y = this._y - 2.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { if (600 < count0) { var R1 = 7; var R2 = lvRet(28, 22, 12, 10); } else { var R1 = 4; var R2 = lvRet(22, 14, 8, 6); } var i = 0; for ( ; R1 >= i ; i++) { if (!((count0 == 520) || (count0 == 1080))) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 50, 1, 0); R0.R1 = 1; } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 50, 1, 0); R0.R1 = 0; } R0.x2 = -256; R0.y2 = 128; R0.rad = ((2 * Math.PI) * i) / R1; R0._x = R0.x2 + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * 100); R0._y = R0.y2 + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 100); R0.C = R2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.x2 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 100); this._y = this.y2 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 100); this.x2 = this.x2 + 2.5; this.rad = this.rad + 0.025; if (this.x2 >= (384 + 256)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); if (this.R1) { shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2.5, this.ang, 1); } else { shot(this, 0, 70, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2.5, this.ang, 1); } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < i) { if (3 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); } R0._x = 384 - 32; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = ((9 - i) * -1) * 2; R0.dx2 = R0.dx * 0.3; R0.C = lvRet(5, 4, 4, 4); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 22) && (42 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 97) { if (this.count == 97) { this.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } this._x = this._x + this.dx2; this._y = this._y - 1.7; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this.dx = this.dx * 0.9; if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 60, 0, 80, 0, 12, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 3), 20, lvRet(2, 2.2, 2.8, 2.5), this.ang - (this.dx * 4), 1); } } } else { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < i) { if (3 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); } R0._x = 32; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (9 - i) * 2; R0.dx2 = R0.dx * 0.3; R0.C = lvRet(5, 4, 4, 4); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 22) && (42 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 97) { if (this.count == 97) { this.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } this._x = this._x + this.dx2; this._y = this._y - 1.7; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this.dx = this.dx * 0.9; if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); shot(this, 60, 0, 80, 0, 12, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 3), 20, lvRet(2, 2.2, 2.8, 2.5), this.ang - (this.dx * 4), 1); } } } else { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 0); = "Stage 3"; R0.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#dd0000'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; = "\u96F7\u96F2\u3068\u8352\u6CE2"; R0.col = 0; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < i) { if (3 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); } R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = ((i % 2) ? (9 - (Math.floor(i * 0.5) * 2)) : (-9 + (Math.floor(i * 0.5) * 2))); R0.dx2 = R0.dx; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 22) && (42 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 97) { if (this.count == 97) { this.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } this._x = this._x + this.dx2; this._y = this._y - 1.7; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this.dx = this.dx * 0.9; this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); if ((this.count % 4) != 0) { if ((this.count % 4) == 2) { if (LV != 3) { if (LV == 2) { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 1, 20, 1.5, this.ang + (this.dx * 4), 1); } } else { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 20, 1.5, this.ang + (this.dx * 4), 1); } } } else { shot(this, 40, 40, 40, 0, 12, lvRet(1, 2, 2, 2), 20, 2, this.ang - (this.dx * 4), 1); } } } else { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } }Frame 30function stage201() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 36) { if (count0 == 82) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else { Q0 = attachB(3); Q0._x = -30; Q0._y = 83; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (140 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 == 1) { spellFunc("", 30, 8000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.C = lvRet(130, 108, 88, 76); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count != 34) { if (this.count != 37) { if (this.count != 40) { if (this.count != 70) { if (this.count == this.C) { this.count = 0; if (p._x >= 30) { if ((384 - 30) >= p._x) { this.px = p._x; } else { this.px = 384 - 30; } } else { this.px = 30; } Q0.dx = (this.px - Q0._x) / 100; } } else { this.gotoAndStop("M0"); } } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 80, 0, 0, 2); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.width = 17; this.R0.dx = (p._x - this._x) / 50; this.R0.dy = -5; this.R0.ddy = 0.1; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { this.gotoAndStop("M2"); } } else { this.gotoAndStop("M1"); } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if ((this.width >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 - this.width))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this.count++; if ((this.count == 80) && (this.type)) { this.iMax = lvRet(3, 4, 5, 5); this.i = 0; for ( ; this.iMax >= this.i ; this.i++) { if (this.type != 2) { if (this.type == 1) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 80, 0, 1, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.width = 8; this.R0.rad = (Math.atan2(this.dy, this.dx) - 0.4) + (ransuA(80) * 0.01); this.R1 = ransuA(200) * 0.01; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.R0.rad) * this.R1; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R0.rad) * this.R1) - 2; this.R0.ddy = 0.035; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 80, 0, 1, 1); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.width = 13; this.R0.rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); this.R1 = ransuA(200) * 0.01; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.R0.rad) * this.R1; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R0.rad) * this.R1) - 1; this.R0.ddy = 0.06; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 == 1) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 4; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 100) { if (count0 >= 142) { if (count0 == 142) { Q0.radX = 0; Q0.radY = 0; Q0.lX = lvRet(20, 30, 70, 80); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.radX) * this.lX); this._y = 100 + (Math.sin(this.radY) * 20); this.radX = this.radX + 0.015; this.radY = this.radY + 0.05; bHitFunc0(this); }; } if ((count0 % S1) == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); R0._x = 9 + ransuA(366); R0._y = 448 + 10; R0.dx = -1 + (ransuA(200) * 0.01); R0.dy = -1.5 - (ransuA(100) * 0.01); R0.ddy = 0.1; R0.width = 8; R0.state = 0; R0.nextType = 4; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } if ((count0 % S2) == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 1); if (!ransuA(1)) { R0._x = (384 - 14) - ransuA(100); } else { R0._x = 14 + ransuA(100); } R0._y = 448 + 15; R0.dx = -1 + (ransuA(200) * 0.01); R0.dy = -2 - (ransuA(100) * 0.01); R0.ddy = 0.065; R0.width = 13; R0.state = 0; R0.nextType = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } if ((count0 % S3) == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 2); if (!ransuA(1)) { R0._x = (384 - 33) - ransuA(30); } else { R0._x = 33 + ransuA(30); } R0._y = 448 + 15; R0.dx = -0.5 + (ransuA(100) * 0.01); R0.dy = -2.75 - (ransuA(125) * 0.01); R0.ddy = 0.12; R0.width = 32; R0.state = 0; R0.nextType = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } } } else { Q0.count = 0; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (100 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.gotoAndStop("M0"); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = lvRet(3, 4, 5, 6); S1 = lvRet(44, 38, 36, 34); S2 = lvRet(70, 60, 56, 54); S3 = lvRet(100, 85, 76, 74); F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((470 < this._y) || (this._x < -14)) || ((384 + 14) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.995; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!this.state) { if ((this.width >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 - this.width))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } if (120 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } else { this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; if (0 < this.dy) { this.i = 0; for ( ; S0 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 1, this.nextType); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.rad = rotToRad(ransuA(359)); this.R1 = ransuA(175) * 0.01; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.R0.rad) * this.R1; if (!this.type) { this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R0.rad) * this.R1) - 0.25; this.R0.ddy = 0.02; } else { this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R0.rad) * this.R1) - 1; this.R0.ddy = 0.05; } this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u6D6E\u6D6A\u300C\u5F3E\u5E55\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30FC\u30D5\u30ED\u30FC\u300D", "\u6D6E\u6D6A\u300C\u5F3E\u5E55\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30FC\u30D5\u30ED\u30FC\u300D", "\u821E\u6D6A\u300C\u5F3E\u5E55\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30FC\u30D6\u30ED\u30FC\u300D", "\u821E\u6D6A\u300C\u5F3E\u5E55\u30AA\u30FC\u30D0\u30FC\u30D6\u30ED\u30FC\u300D"), 40, 9000, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 5); } } }Frame 31function stage202() { if (!((count0 >= 40) && (240 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 == 320) || (count0 == 440))) { if (!((count0 == 600) || (count0 == 720))) { if (!((count0 >= 900) && (1260 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 1380) { if (count0 == 2300) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); } if (((((448 + 16) < this._y) || (this._x < -16)) || ((384 + 16) < this._x)) || (this._y < -16)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; var R0 = attachQ(10, 4000, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = 0; R0.dy = (224 - R0._y) / 80; R0.dy2 = 0; R0.rad0 = (Math.PI / 2) * 3; R0.rad1 = (Math.PI / 2) * 3; R0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(2.9, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5); S1 = lvRet(9, 6, 3, 2); S2 = lvRet(40, 30, 17, 13); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 2250; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (80 < this.count) { if (640 < this.count) { if (this.count >= 668) { this._y = this._y + this.dy2; this.dy2 = this.dy2 + 0.075; if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { count0 = 2270; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { if ((this.count % S1) == 0) { this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad0) * S0; this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad0) * S0; this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 1); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad1) * S0; this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad1) * S0; this.R1 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 1); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad0 = this.rad0 + 0.5; this.rad1 = this.rad1 - 0.5; } if ((this.count % S2) == 0) { this.rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = -3; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad2 + (this.i * 0.5)) * S0; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad2 + (this.i * 0.5)) * S0; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } } else { qMoveFunc(this, 2); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 31) == 0) { var R1 = ((1 >= (count0 % 4)) ? 0 : 1); var R2 = (((10 + ((count0 % 8) * 9)) + ((count0 % 7) * 9)) + ((count0 % 5) * 9)); var R0 = attachQ(R1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = R2; R0.C = lvRet(15, 11, 9, 8); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (60 < this.count) { if (130 < this.count) { this._x = this._x - 1; if (this._x < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if (this.count != 80) { if (((this.count >= 81) && (130 >= this.count)) && ((this.count % this.C) == 0)) { this.rad = this.rad + 0.05; this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 11); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = this.F0; } } else { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); } if (((((448 + 16) < this._y) || (this._x < -16)) || ((384 + 16) < this._x)) || (this._y < -16)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 11); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = this.F0; } } else { this._x = this._x + 1; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(1 - R1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = R2; R0.C = lvRet(15, 11, 9, 8); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (60 < this.count) { if (130 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + 1; if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if (this.count != 80) { if (((this.count >= 81) && (130 >= this.count)) && ((this.count % this.C) == 0)) { this.rad = this.rad - 0.05; this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.R1 = attachTama(50, 0, 50, 0, 11); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = this.F0; } } else { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); this.F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); } if (((((448 + 16) < this._y) || (this._x < -16)) || ((384 + 16) < this._x)) || (this._y < -16)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; this.R1 = attachTama(50, 0, 50, 0, 11); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx; this.R1.dy = this.dy; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = this.F0; } } else { this._x = this._x - 1; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < i) { if (3 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); } R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = ((i % 2) ? (4.5 - Math.floor(i * 0.5)) : (-4.5 + Math.floor(i * 0.5))); R0.dx2 = R0.dx; R0.state = ((count0 == 600) ? 1 : 0); R0.count = (i * -1) * 2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 30) && (45 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 62) { if (this.count == 62) { this.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } this._x = this._x + (this.dx2 * 0.2); this._y = this._y - 0.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 0.9); this.dx = this.dx * 0.97; if (!this.state) { this._y = this._y - (this.dx * 0.25); if (this.count == 35) { if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { shot(this, 60, 0, 40, 0, 1, 3, 20, 2, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 0, 20, 0, 1, 3, 24, 2.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 28, 3, 0, 0); } else { shot(this, 60, 0, 40, 0, 1, 3, 12, 2, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 0, 20, 0, 1, 3, 16, 3, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 24, 4, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 60, 0, 40, 0, 1, 3, 10, 3, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 0, 20, 0, 1, 3, 15, 4, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 25, 5, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 60, 0, 40, 0, 1, 3, 8, 4, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 0, 20, 0, 1, 3, 16, 5, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 32, 6, 0, 0); } } } else { this._y = this._y + (this.dx * 0.25); if (this.count == 35) { shot(this, 60, 40, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 4, 4, 6), 30, 1.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 80, 20, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 2, 4, 6), 20, 1.8, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(1, 1, 3, 5), 20, 2.1, 0, 0); } } } } else if (this.count >= 0) { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (1 < i) { if (3 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 80, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 80, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 80, 1, 0); } R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = ((i % 2) ? (4.5 - Math.floor(i * 0.5)) : (-4.5 + Math.floor(i * 0.5))); R0.dx2 = R0.dx; R0.state = ((count0 == 160) ? 1 : 0); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (17 < this.count) { if (!((this.count >= 30) && (45 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= 62) { if (this.count == 62) { this.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); } this._x = this._x + (this.dx2 * 0.2); this._y = this._y - 0.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 1.8); this.dx = this.dx * 0.9; this.ang = ((p._y >= this._y) ? 90 : 270); if (!this.state) { this._y = this._y - (this.dx * 0.25); if (this.count == 35) { shot(this, 80, 20, 0, 0, 1, 3, lvRet(40, 35, 25, 25), lvRet(2.2, 3, 3.6, 3.9), this.ang - (this.dx * 10), 1); } } else { this._y = this._y + (this.dx * 0.25); if (this.count == 35) { shot(this, 20, 80, 0, 0, 1, 3, lvRet(40, 35, 25, 25), lvRet(2.2, 3, 3.6, 3.9), this.ang - (this.dx * 10), 1); } } } } else { this._y = this._y + 4.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { if (((count0 % 40) == 0) || ((count0 % 40) == 12)) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); if ((count0 % 40) != 0) { R0._x = 384 + 20; R0.dx = -1.5 - ((count0 % 3) * 0.05); } else { R0._x = -20; R0.dx = 1.5 + ((count0 % 3) * 0.05); } R0._y = 10 + ((count0 % 7) * 8); R0.dy = 1.5; R0.ddy = 0.05; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 30) && (46 >= this.count))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this.ddy = this.ddy - 0.005; if (this._y < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if (this.count == 40) { shot(this, 80, 0, 0, 0, 3, lvRet(4, 6, 9, 15), lvRet(20, 15, 9, 5), 2.7 + (LV * 0.25), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } if ((count0 % 24) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 1, 0); R0._x = (192 - 100) + ((count0 % 21) * 10); R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (count0 % 3) - 0.5; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (40 < this.count) { if (72 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y - 1.75; if (this._y < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if ((LV && (this.count == 55)) || (this.count == 60)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, 1, 30, 3.2 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); } } else { this._y = this._y + 2.5; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } }Frame 32function stage203() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 16) { if (count0 == 62) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else { Q0 = attachB(4); Q0._x = 192 + 210; Q0._y = 90; Q0.rot = 270; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (59 >= this.count) { this._x = this._x - 3.5; } this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 == 32) { spellFunc("", 25, 7000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); S0 = lvRet(17, 13, 11, 10); Q0.sp = lvRet(2, 2.5, 2.5, 3); Q0.count = 0; Q0.C0 = lvRet(200, 180, 180, 180); Q0.C1 = lvRet(56, 56, 106, 106); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (!((this.count == 56) || (this.count == this.C1))) { if (this.count == this.C0) { this.count = 0; if (334 >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 50) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 50; } } else { this.PX = 334; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } } else { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(30, 30, 30, 1, 2); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2.5; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2.5; this.R1.rot = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = this.rad + (Math.PI / 2); } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((((448 + 50) < this._y) || (this._x < -50)) || ((384 + 50) < this._x)) || (this._y < -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (((this.count++) % S0) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 180, 1.5, this.rot, 1); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 == 1) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 5; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 16) { if (count0 == 60) { S1 = lvRet(6, 5, 5, 4); S0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 1, -1); bevelFunc(S0, 80, 80, 80, 100, 20, 20, 20, 100, 1, 1, 4, 90, 1, 1, 1, 0); S0.noRemove = 1; S0.count = 0; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } removeTama(this); if ((this.count++) % S1) { return(null); } this.R1 = attachTama(50, 50, 50, S0, 5); if (ransuA(2)) { if (!ransuA(1)) { this.R1._x = (Q0._x - 104) + ransuA(208); this.R1._y = 20 + ransuA(60); } else { this.R1._x = (Q0._x - 84) + ransuA(168); this.R1._y = ransuA(100); } } else { this.R1._x = (Q0._x - 64) + ransuA(128); this.R1._y = 20 + ransuA(60); } this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = (ransuA(1) ? (F1) : (F2)); }; S2 = lvRet(20, 12, 11, 9); S3 = lvRet(1.8, 1.8, 2.3, 2.8); S4 = lvRet(2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.R3 = 2000; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if (180 < this.count) { if (this.count == 302) { this.count = 0; do { this.R2 = 80 + ransuA(224); } while ((100 >= (this.R2 - this._x)) && (100 >= (this._x - this.R2))); this.dx = (this.R2 - this._x) / 80; this.dy = (((160 - this._y) + ransuA(20)) - 10) / 80; this.R3 = (this._x - 16) + ransuA(32); this.R4 = -60 + ransuA(110); this.R1 = attachTama(50, 50, 50, S0, 5); this.R1._x = this.R3; this.R1._y = this.R4; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { if (((this.count == 40) && (this.R3 != 2000)) && (LV >= 2)) { if (!ransuA(1)) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, 42); } else { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, 41); } this.R1._alpha = 0; this.R1._xscale = (ransuA(1) ? 100 : -100); this.R1._x = this.R3; this.R1._y = this.R4; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F4; } if ((this.count % S2) == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 14); this.R1._x = -20; this.R1._y = 300 + ransuA(190); this.R1._rotation = (270 + 45) + ransuA(40); this.rad = rotToRad(this.R1._rotation); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S3; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S3; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R1 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 14); this.R1._x = 384 + 20; this.R1._y = 300 + ransuA(190); this.R1._rotation = (270 - 45) - ransuA(40); this.rad = rotToRad(this.R1._rotation); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S3; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S3; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._x < -20) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 150) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 10); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1._rotation = 80 + ransuA(20); this.rad = rotToRad(this.R1._rotation); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S4; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S4; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F3; this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 150) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 12) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.count != 73) { if (this.count < 40) { if (7 < this.count) { if (15 < this.count) { if (this.count >= 30) { this._alpha = this._alpha + 10; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } removeTama(this); } else { this._alpha = this._alpha - 3; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc2(this); } } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this.count++; }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u4E88\u5831\u300C\u30B9\u30EF\u30ED\u30A6\u30A2\u30EB\u30C6\u30A3\u30C6\u30E5\u30FC\u30C9\u300D", "\u4E88\u5831\u300C\u30B9\u30EF\u30ED\u30A6\u30A2\u30EB\u30C6\u30A3\u30C6\u30E5\u30FC\u30C9\u300D", "\u4E88\u5831\u300C\u3064\u3070\u3081\u5F0F\u89B3\u5929\u671B\u6C17\u300D", "\u4E88\u5831\u300C\u672A\u6765\u4E88\u77E5\u300D"), 38, 10000 * hpp, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 40) { spellFunc("", 25, 5000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); S0 = lvRet(14, 12, 12, 11); S2 = lvRet(200, 180, 180, 180); S3 = lvRet(30, 30, 40, 40); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (!((((this.count == 10) || (this.count == 20)) || (this.count == 30)) || (this.count == S3))) { if (this.count == S2) { this.count = 0; do { this.R2 = 30 + ransuA(324); } while ((140 >= (this.R2 - this._x)) && (140 >= (this._x - this.R2))); this.dx = (this.R2 - this._x) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(20)) - 10) / 40; } } else { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1 = attachTama(30, 30, 30, 1, 2); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R1.rot = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((((448 + 50) < this._y) || (this._x < -50)) || ((384 + 50) < this._x)) || (this._y < -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (((this.count++) % S0) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 180, 1.5, this.rot, 1); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (90 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 5) { if (count0 != 16) { if (count0 != 60) { if (count0 == 110) { if (1 < LV) { S1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S1._x = 192; S1._y = 224; S1.r0 = 0; S1.r1 = 0; S1.noRemove = 1; S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = (Math.sin(this.r0) * 180) + (Math.cos(this.r1) * 180); this.r0 = this.r0 + 0.0025; this.r1 = this.r1 + 0.0011; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc2(this); } }; var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { S0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, S1, -1); if (i) { S0.X1 = 120; S0.Y0 = lvRet(40, 10, 30, 10); S0.Y1 = 440; S0.x0 = Math.PI; S0.x1 = 0; S0.x2 = Math.PI; S0.y0 = 0; S0.y1 = 0; } else { S0.X1 = -120; S0.Y0 = lvRet(40, 10, 30, 10) * -1; S0.Y1 = -440; S0.x0 = 0; S0.x1 = 0; S0.x2 = 0; S0.y0 = 0; S0.y1 = 0; S0._rotation = 180; } S0._x = S0.X1 + (Math.sin(S0.x0) * 130); S0._y = S0.Y1 + (Math.cos(S0.y0) * 50); S0._xscale = 500; S0._yscale = S0._xscale; S0.noRemove = 1; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = (this.X1 + (Math.sin(this.x0) * 140)) + (Math.sin(this.x2) * 100); this._y = this.Y1 + (Math.cos(this.y0) * 90); this.x0 = this.x0 + (0.013 + (Math.sin(this.x1) * 0.005)); this.x1 = this.x1 + 0.018; this.x2 = this.x2 + 0.02; this.y0 = this.y0 + (0.008 + (Math.sin(this.y1) * 0.007)); this.y1 = this.y1 + 0.012; this.Y1 = this.Y1 + ((this.Y0 - this.Y1) / 80); }; var j = 0; for ( ; 6 >= j ; j++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, S0, 43); R0._x = (4 - j) * 50; R0._y = 40; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { S0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); if (i) { S0.X1 = 192 + 120; S0.Y0 = 224 + lvRet(40, 10, 30, 10); S0.Y1 = 224 + 300; S0.x0 = Math.PI; S0.x1 = 0; S0.x2 = Math.PI; S0.y0 = 0; S0.y1 = 0; } else { S0.X1 = 192 - 120; S0.Y0 = 224 - lvRet(40, 10, 30, 10); S0.Y1 = 224 - 300; S0.x0 = 0; S0.x1 = 0; S0.x2 = 0; S0.y0 = 0; S0.y1 = 0; S0._rotation = 180; } S0._x = S0.X1 + (Math.sin(S0.x0) * 130); S0._y = S0.Y1 + (Math.cos(S0.y0) * 50); S0._xscale = 500; S0._yscale = S0._xscale; S0.noRemove = 1; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = (this.X1 + (Math.sin(this.x0) * 140)) + (Math.sin(this.x2) * 100); this._y = this.Y1 + (Math.cos(this.y0) * 90); this.x0 = this.x0 + (0.013 + (Math.sin(this.x1) * 0.005)); this.x1 = this.x1 + 0.018; this.x2 = this.x2 + 0.02; this.y0 = this.y0 + (0.008 + (Math.sin(this.y1) * 0.007)); this.y1 = this.y1 + 0.012; this.Y1 = this.Y1 + ((this.Y0 - this.Y1) / 80); if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc2(this); } }; var j = 0; for ( ; 6 >= j ; j++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, S0, 43); R0._x = (4 - j) * 50; R0._y = 40; } } } } } else { Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (128 - Q0._y) / 40; S2 = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; S3 = lvRet(30, 25, 25, 20); Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (((this.count % S3) == 0) && (this.count >= 200)) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(S2) * 3; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(S2) * 3; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; S2 = S2 + 0.3; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (8 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); } if (((((448 + 8) < this._y) || (this._x < -8)) || ((384 + 8) < this._x)) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u5D50\u7B26\u300C\u5927\u6642\u5316\u306E\u5927\u6D77\u539F\u300D", "\u5D50\u7B26\u300C\u5927\u6642\u5316\u306E\u5927\u6D77\u539F\u300D", "\u8EE2\u8986\u300C\u8239\u8FD4\u3057\u306E\u5927\u6D77\u539F\u300D", "\u8EE2\u8986\u300C\u8239\u8FD4\u3057\u306E\u5927\u6D77\u539F\u300D"), 50, 9000, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 6) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 42) { if (count0 == 80) { S0 = 13; R0 = attachTama(30, 30, 30, 1, 2); R0._x = Q0._x; R0._y = Q0._y; R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - R0._y, p._x - R0._x); R0.rot = radToRot(R1); R0.dx = (p._x - R0._x) / 60; R0.dy = (p._y - R0._y) / 60; R0.count = 0; R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 2, 180, 1.5, this.rot, 1); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } if ((this.count++) == 60) { this.count = 0; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.rot = radToRot(this.rad); this.dx = (p._x - this._x) / 60; this.dy = (p._y - this._y) / 60; } }; } } else { spellFunc("", 35, 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count != 200) { if ((((this.count == 90) && (LV >= 1)) || ((this.count == 130) && (LV >= 2))) || ((this.count == 170) && (LV >= 3))) { shot(this, 50, 50, 50, 0, 0, 18, 20, 1.8, 10, 0); } } else { this.count = 0; if (334 >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 50) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 50; } } else { this.PX = 334; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (90 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 7) { if (count0 != 16) { if (count0 != 60) { if (count0 == 110) { var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, 44); R0.Y0 = -120; R0._xscale = 250; R0._yscale = R0._xscale; R0.noRemove = 1; if (i) { R0.y0 = Math.PI; R0.y1 = 0; R0._x = 192 + 140; R0._y = (R0.Y0 + (Math.sin(R0.y0) * 80)) + (Math.sin(R0.y1) * 70); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = (this.Y0 + (Math.sin(this.y0) * 80)) + (Math.sin(this.y1) * 70); this.Y0 = this.Y0 + ((200 - this.Y0) / 120); this.y0 = this.y0 + 0.014; this.y1 = this.y1 + 0.017; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc2(this); } }; } else { R0.y0 = 0; R0.y1 = 0; R0._x = 192 - 140; R0._y = (R0.Y0 + (Math.sin(R0.y0) * 80)) + (Math.sin(R0.y1) * 70); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = (this.Y0 + (Math.sin(this.y0) * 80)) + (Math.sin(this.y1) * 70); this.Y0 = this.Y0 + ((200 - this.Y0) / 120); this.y0 = this.y0 + 0.02; this.y1 = this.y1 + 0.012; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc2(this); } }; } _root["S" + i] = R0; } } } else { S2 = lvRet(0, 1, 2, 2); Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (160 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.C = lvRet(150, 150, 150, 130); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if (((this.count % this.C) == 0) && this.count) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) + (Math.PI / 9); this.i = 0; for ( ; 17 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 1, 15); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = this.rad + (Math.PI / 9); } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((((448 + 50) < this._y) || (this._x < -50)) || ((384 + 50) < this._x)) || (this._y < -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (S0.kaku.hitTest(this._x + 32, this._y + 16, true) || S1.kaku.hitTest(this._x + 32, this._y + 16, true)) { if (ransuA(5) == 0) { this.r = 90; this.g = 0; this.b = 0; } else if (ransuA(5) == 1) { this.r = 90; this.g = 80; this.b = 0; } else if (ransuA(5) == 2) { this.r = 0; this.g = 80; this.b = 0; } else if (ransuA(5) == 3) { this.r = 0; this.g = 80; this.b = 100; } else if (ransuA(5) == 4) { this.r = 0; this.g = 0; this.b = 100; } else if (ransuA(5) == 5) { this.r = 90; this.g = 0; this.b = 100; } ransuA(5); this.i = S2; for ( ; this.i >= 0 ; this.i--) { shot(this, this.r, this.g, this.b, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1.7 + (this.i * 0.3), 0, 0); } this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc("\u4ED8\u55AA\u795E\u300C\u7267\u99AC\u3000\u7384\u4E0A\u300D", 40, 14000, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 8) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 64) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 6; } } else { qRemove(Q0, 3); } } else if (count1 == 9) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 200) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { stageClearFunc(); } } }Frame 33function stage300() { if (count0 != 20) { if (count0 != 220) { if (count0 != 350) { if (!((count0 >= 480) && (600 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 900) && (1100 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1200) && (1400 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1600) && (1780 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 2000) && (2450 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 2600) { if (count0 != 3700) { if (count0 != 6000) { if (count0 == 9500) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 5600, 1, 0); R0.rad = 0; R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 380; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 80; R0.dy = (194 - R0._y) / 80; R0.len = 0; R0.C0 = lvRet(21, 18, 17, 16); R0.C1 = lvRet(14, 11, 9, 7); R0.C2 = lvRet(10, 8, 7, 6); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 9450; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (80 < this.count) { if (2600 < this.count) { this._y = this._y - 4; if (this._y < -30) { count0 = 9470; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { if ((this.count % this.C0) == 0) { shot(this, 80, 0, 80, 0, 2, 2, 180, 4 + (LV * 0.5), ransuA(359), 1); } if ((this.count % this.C1) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 50, 100, 1, 1, 3, 120, 3 + (LV * 0.45), ransuA(359), 1); } if (((2800 >= this.hp) || (this.count >= 1300)) && ((this.count % this.C2) == 0)) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 90, 2 + (LV * 0.4), ransuA(359), 1); } } } else { qMoveFunc(this, 2); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 1600, 1, 0); R0.rad = 0; R0._x = -30; R0._y = 380; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 80; R0.dy = (180 - R0._y) / 80; R0.len = 0; R0.C = lvRet(12, 10, 8, 7); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 5950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (89 < this.count) { if (2000 < this.count) { this._y = this._y - 4; if (this._y < -30) { count0 = 5970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._x = 192 + ((Math.cos(this.rad) * 210) * Math.sin(this.len)); this._y = 180 + ((Math.sin(this.rad) * 70) * Math.sin(this.len)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.028; this.len = this.len + 0.007; if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 60, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0.dy = 2 + this.i; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } this.i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 60, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = -90; this.R0.dy = -2 - this.i; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } } } } else { qMoveFunc(this, 2); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 700, 1, 0); R0.rad = 0; R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 100; R0.C = lvRet(21, 19, 17, 15); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 3650; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 210); this.rad = this.rad + 0.02; if (1000 < this.count) { this._y = this._y + 4; if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { count0 = 3670; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if ((this.count % this.C) != 0) { if ((this.count % this.C) == 5) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3 + (LV * 0.5), 20, 0); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3 + (LV * 0.5), -20, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.5), 20, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 3, 3, 10, 2.5 + (LV * 0.5), 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 3, 1, 3, 2.5 + (LV * 0.5), -20, 0); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 50) == 0) { if (count0 == 2000) { } else if (count0 == 2100) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (count0 == 2200) { // unexpected jump } if (count0 == 2300) { // unexpected jump } if (count0 == 2400) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 150, 2, 0); R0._x = 192 - 20; R0.dx = -2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 30) && (140 >= this.count))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2; } else if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, 6, 60, 3 + (LV * 0.5), this.rot, 1); this.rot = this.rot + 5; } if (this._x < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; // unexpected jump } var R0 = attachQ(0, 150, 2, 0); R0._x = 192 + 20; R0.dx = 2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 30) && (140 >= this.count))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2; } else if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 60, 3 + (LV * 0.5), this.rot, 1); this.rot = this.rot - 5; } if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; R0._y = -20; R0.rot = 90; R0.C = lvRet(15, 13, 12, 11); var R0 = attachQ(2, 150, 2, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.R1 = (3 + (LV * 0.5)) * 1.3; R0.C = lvRet(30, 25, 22, 19); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 30) && (120 >= this.count))) { this._y = this._y + 2.4; } else if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, this.R1, 0, 0); } if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 == 1600) { S2 = 1; S3 = lvRet(17, 15, 13, 11); S4 = 1; } var i = 0; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(S2, 40, 1, 0); R0.X = -20 + ((384 + 40) * i); R0.rad = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; R0._x = R0.X + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * 420); R0._y = (448 + 20) + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 420); R0.dr = (i ? -0.01 : 0.01); R0.dy = S4; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { if (LV) { shot(this, 100, 100, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0, 2.4, 0, 0); } qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((this.count % S3) == 0) { shot(this, 60, 60, 0, 0, 16, 1, 0, this.dy, 90, 1); } this._x = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 420); this._y = (448 + 20) + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 420); this.rad = this.rad + this.dr; if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } S2++; if ((S2+1) == 3) { S2 = 0; } S4 = S4 + 0.5; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 1, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 20 + ((count0 - 1200) * 1.1); R0.rad = 0; R0.rot = 270; R0.C = lvRet(4, 3, 2, 2); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { if (LV) { shot(this, 100, 8, 8, 0, 9, 1, 0, 2.4, 0, 0); } qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((this.count >= 30) && (100 >= this.count)) { if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, S0 * 0.8, this.rot, 1); } this.rot = this.rot - 5; } this._x = this._x + (2 + Math.sin(this.rad)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 30) == 0) { if (count0 == 900) { S2 = 160; } var i = -1; for ( ; 1 >= i ; i = i + 2) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 2, 0); R0.X = 192 + (S2 * i); R0._x = R0.X; R0._y = 448 + 20; R0.rad = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { if (LV) { shot(this, 10, 10, 100, 0, 9, 1, 0, 2.4, 0, 0); } qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 22); this._y = this._y - 2.2; this.rad = this.rad + 0.04; if (this.count == 130) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 0, S0, 0, 0); } if (this._y < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } S2 = S2 + ((1000 >= count0) ? -17 : 17); } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 40, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - R0._y, p._x - R0._x); R0.dx = Math.cos(R0.rad) * 2.2; R0.dy = Math.sin(R0.rad) * 2.2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { if (LV) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 9, 1, 0, 2.4, 0, 0); } qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!(((this.count >= 20) && (30 >= this.count)) || ((this.count >= 150) && (160 >= this.count)))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((((448 + 20) < this._y) || (this._x < -20)) || ((384 + 20) < this._x)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if ((this.count == 25) || (this.count == 155)) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, S0, 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 3, 10, S1, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 0); = "Stage 4"; R0.title = "\u6D77\u4E2D\u306B\u305F\u306A\u3073\u304F<font color='#9922bb'>\u7D2B</font>\u7159"; = "\u6C88\u6F5C\u6D77\u6D41"; S0 = 3.8 + (LV * 0.4); S1 = S0 * 0.8; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 3000, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -30; R0.C = lvRet(120, 90, 60, 40); R0.R1 = lvRet(3, 3.5, 4, 4.5); R0.R2 = lvRet(0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (1800 < this.count) { this._y = this._y + 4; if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * this.R2); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.R2); if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 75, 0, 90, 0, 9, 1, 0, this.R1, 0, 0); } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 10 >= i ; i++) { if ((i % 3) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 30, 1, 0); } else if ((i % 3) == 1) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 30, 1, 0); } else if ((i % 3) == 2) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 30, 1, 0); } i % 3; R0.rad = i * 0.05; R0._x = -20 - (i * 20); R0._y = 150 + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 20); R0.count = (i * -1) * 10; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2.5; this._y = 150 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20); this.rad = this.rad + 0.05; if ((384 + 20) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qMuki(this); if ((this.count == 20) || (this.count == 50)) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(3, 3, 5, 5), 13, lvRet(2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.9), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; if ((i % 3) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 30, 1, 0); } else if ((i % 3) == 1) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 30, 1, 0); } else if ((i % 3) == 2) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 30, 1, 0); } i % 3; R0.rad = (i * -1) * 0.05; R0._x = (384 + 20) + (i * 20); R0._y = 40 + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 20); R0.count = (i * -1) * 10; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2.5; this._y = 40 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 20); this.rad = this.rad - 0.05; if (this._x < -20) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qMuki(this); if ((this.count == 20) || (this.count == 50)) { shot(this, 0, 80, 0, 0, 0, lvRet(2, 2, 4, 4), 10, lvRet(2.9, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } }Frame 34function stage301() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != (36 + 140)) { if (count0 == (82 + 140)) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else { Q0 = attachB(5); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 460; Q0._alpha = 0; Q0.dy = -6; Q0.count = -140; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._alpha = this._alpha + 0.8; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.984; }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 == 1) { spellFunc("", 30, 7000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0._alpha = 100; Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S3 = lvRet(3, 4, 4, 5); S30 = 0; S34 = 0; S35 = lvRet(100, 80, 60, 60); if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S31 = 100; S32 = 20; S33 = 20; S41 = 20; S42 = 20; S43 = 100; } else { S31 = 100; S32 = 20; S33 = 20; S41 = 20; S42 = 100; S43 = 20; } } else { S31 = 20; S32 = 20; S33 = 100; S41 = 20; S42 = 100; S43 = 20; } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S34++; if ((S34+1) == S35) { S34 = 0; S30 = 1 - S30; } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (13 < this.count) { if (this.count == 90) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 60) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 60) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 60; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 60; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(80)) - 40) / 40; } } else { this.i = 0; for ( ; S3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { if (!ransuA(1)) { this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (ransuA(384) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = (2.8 + (LV * 0.3)) + (ransuA(15) * 0.05); this.R0.count0 = 0; } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F2) : (F4)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F1) : (F3)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F4; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F11) : (F13)); } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F12) : (F14)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F11; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F14; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F14 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F13; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 114) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 4); } } else { Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (580 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this._alpha = this._alpha - 1.55; this.count++; }; } } }Frame 35function stage302() { if (!((count0 >= 60) && (180 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 280) && (400 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 480) && (600 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 860) { if (count0 != 2100) { if (count0 == 4000) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 3000, 1, 0); R0._x = 220; R0._y = -30; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) / 40; R0.dy = (146 - R0._y) / 40; S0 = lvRet(14, 12, 10, 8); S1 = lvRet(2.8, 3, 3.2, 3.3); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 3950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (count0 < 3850) { if (this.count < 71) { qMoveFunc(this, 1); } else if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 0.8; this.i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R2 = attachTama(100, 0, 60, 0, 20); this.R2._x = 192; this.R2._y = 146; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * S1; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * S1; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.4; } } } else { this._x = this._x - 1.8; this._y = this._y - 3; if (-20 >= this._y) { count0 = 3970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (15 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 2); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 2); this._xscale = this._xscale + 5; } if (((((448 + 50) < this._y) || (this._x < -50)) || ((384 + 50) < this._x)) || (this._y < -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 1900, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 30; R0.C = lvRet(40, 34, 28, 22); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { if (LV >= 1) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 8, 0, 0); } shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 2, 3, 2, 6, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2.5, 5, 0, 0); count0 = 1950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (this.count < 500) { this._x = this._x + ((p._x - this._x) / 11); if ((this.count % this.C) == 0) { shot(this, 10, 20, 100, 0, 1, 1, 0, 3.5 + (LV * 0.4), 90, 1); } } else { this._x = this._x + 1.2; this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (-30 >= this._y) { count0 = 1970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var i = 0; for ( ; 15 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 150, 4, 0); R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 50 + (i * 13); R0.ddx = 12 + i; R0.C0 = lvRet(50, 45, 30, 24); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, lvRet(120, 100, 90, 80), 3 + (LV * 0.5), 90, 1); qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((this.count >= 500) || (count0 >= 1950))) { this._x = this._x + ((p._x - this._x) / this.ddx); if ((this.count % this.C0) == 0) { shot(this, 80, 30, 0, 0, 10, 1, 0, 3 + (LV * 0.2), -70 + ransuA(140), 0); } } else { this._x = this._x + 1.2; this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (-20 >= this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 != 480) { S0 = S0 + 0.4; } else { S0 = 0; } var R0 = attachQ(2, 40, 3, 0); R0.X = 10; R0.Y = -50; R0.rad = ((Math.PI * 3) / 2) - S0; R0._x = R0.X + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * 50); R0._y = R0.Y + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 50); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 50); this._y = this.Y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 50); this.X = this.X + 0.4; this.Y = this.Y + 2.3; this.rad = this.rad - 0.07; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count == 65) || ((this.count == 110) && (LV >= 2))) { shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 5, 20, 3 + (LV * 0.4), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 3, 0); R0.X = 384 - 10; R0.Y = -50; R0.rad = ((Math.PI * 3) / 2) + S0; R0._x = R0.X + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * 50); R0._y = R0.Y + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * 50); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 50); this._y = this.Y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 50); this.X = this.X - 0.4; this.Y = this.Y + 2.3; this.rad = this.rad + 0.07; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if ((this.count == 65) || ((this.count == 110) && (LV >= 2))) { shot(this, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 4, 20, 3 + (LV * 0.4), 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 == 280) { S0 = 0; } var R0 = attachQ(0, 30, 3, 0); var R1 = attachQ(2, 30, 3, 0); if ((S0++) == 0) { R0._x = 340; R0.dy = 4.6; R1._y = 15; R1.dx = -3.9; } else if ((S0++) == 1) { R0._x = 115; R0.dy = 4; R1._y = 80; R1.dx = -4.6; } else if ((S0++) == 2) { R0._x = 240; R0.dy = 4.4; R1._y = 110; R1.dx = -5; } else if ((S0++) == 3) { R0._x = 291; R0.dy = 4.8; R1._y = 30; R1.dx = -4.5; } else if ((S0++) == 4) { R0._x = 25; R0.dy = 4.1; R1._y = 262; R1.dx = -4.3; } else if ((S0++) == 5) { R0._x = 218; R0.dy = 4; R1._y = 100; R1.dx = -4.9; } else if ((S0++) == 6) { R0._x = 192; R0.dy = 5; R1._y = 80; R1.dx = -3.9; } S0++; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((this.count == 15) && (LV >= 2)) || (this.count == 25)) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, S1, S2, S3, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; R1._x = 384 + 20; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((this.count == 15) && (LV >= 2)) || (this.count == 25)) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, S1, S2, S3, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { if (count0 == 60) { S0 = 0; S1 = lvRet(3, 3, 5, 5); S2 = lvRet(35, 30, 25, 20); S3 = lvRet(2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3); } var R0 = attachQ(0, 30, 3, 0); var R1 = attachQ(1, 30, 3, 0); if ((S0++) == 0) { R0._x = 192; R0.dy = 5; R1._y = 15; R1.dx = 3.9; } else if ((S0++) == 1) { R0._x = 100; R0.dy = 4; R1._y = 208; R1.dx = 4.6; } else if ((S0++) == 2) { R0._x = 240; R0.dy = 4.4; R1._y = 120; R1.dx = 5; } else if ((S0++) == 3) { R0._x = 360; R0.dy = 4.8; R1._y = 30; R1.dx = 4.5; } else if ((S0++) == 4) { R0._x = 25; R0.dy = 4.1; R1._y = 262; R1.dx = 4.3; } else if ((S0++) == 5) { R0._x = 199; R0.dy = 4; R1._y = 100; R1.dx = 4.9; } else if ((S0++) == 6) { R0._x = 80; R0.dy = 4.5; R1._y = 80; R1.dx = 3.9; } S0++; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((this.count == 15) && (LV >= 2)) || (this.count == 25)) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, S1, S2, S3, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; R1._x = -20; R1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; if (this._x >= (384 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } if (((this.count == 15) && (LV >= 2)) || (this.count == 25)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, S1, S2, S3, 0, 0); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } }Frame 36function stage303() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 == 1) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 7; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 64) { spellFunc("", 34, 5300 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0._alpha = 100; Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S3 = lvRet(8, 7, 6, 5); S4 = lvRet(6, 3, 3, 3); S30 = 0; S34 = 0; if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S31 = 100; S32 = 20; S33 = 20; S41 = 20; S42 = 20; S43 = 100; } else { S31 = 100; S32 = 20; S33 = 20; S41 = 20; S42 = 100; S43 = 20; } } else { S31 = 20; S32 = 20; S33 = 100; S41 = 20; S42 = 100; S43 = 20; } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S34++; if ((S34+1) == 100) { S34 = 0; S30 = 1 - S30; } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if ((count0 % S4) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (p._x - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.5 + (LV * 0.5); this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } if ((count0 % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (ransuA(384) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = (3.5 + (LV * 0.2)) + (ransuA(15) * 0.05); this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (ransuA(384) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = (3.5 + (LV * 0.2)) + (ransuA(15) * 0.05); this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (ransuA(384) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = (3.5 + (LV * 0.2)) + (ransuA(15) * 0.05); this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } if (this.count == 70) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 60) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 60) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 60; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 60; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(80)) - 40) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F2) : (F4)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F1) : (F3)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F4; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F11) : (F13)); } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F12) : (F14)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F11; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F14; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F14 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F13; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 43) { if (count0 != 133) { if (count0 == 173) { Q0.count = 40; S8 = lvRet(1, 1.16, 1.21, 1.26); if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S4 = 0; S5 = 100; S6 = 0; } else { S4 = 0; S5 = 0; S6 = 100; } } else { S4 = 100; S5 = 0; S6 = 0; } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count == 160) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 40) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 40) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 40; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 40; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (120 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -120) { this.dx = -120; } } else { this.dx = 120; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(20)) - 10) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(20)) - 10) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S3 = lvRet(5, 5, 4, 3); var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._alpha = 100; R0.dy = ((R0.type && (1 >= LV)) ? -1 : 1); R0.rad = (R0.type ? 0 : ((0.1 * S3) / 2)); R0.len = 150; } if (1 < LV) { S0.state = 0; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = (this.type ? 0 : ((0.1 * S3) / 2)); this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.state = this.state; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.state = 1 - this.state; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 120) { this.en20._visible = true; this.count = 0; this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - 192) + (this.state * Math.PI); this.dx = (Math.cos(this.R1) * 2.8) * S8; this.dy = (Math.sin(this.R1) * 2.8) * S8; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } removeTama(this); }; } else { S0.state = 0; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = 0; this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = this._x + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.state = this.state; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.state = 1 - this.state; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 120) { this.en20._visible = true; this.count = 0; this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - S0._x) + (this.state * Math.PI); this.dx = (Math.cos(this.R1) * 2.8) * S8; this.dy = (Math.sin(this.R1) * 2.8) * S8; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } removeTama(this); }; } F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((this.dx * this.count) / 27); this._y = this._y + ((this.dy * this.count) / 27); if ((this.count++) == 26) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; if (this.dx < 0) { if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F5; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F4; } } else if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F3; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F2; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 8) < this._x) || ((448 + 8) < this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 8) < this._x) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 8) < this._y) || (this._x < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F5 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._x < -8) || (this._y < -8)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; S1.R1 = Math.PI / 2; if (1 < LV) { S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = (this.type ? 0 : ((0.1 * S3) / 2)); this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.R1) * 4) * S8; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R1) * 4) * S8; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.03; }; } else { S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = 0; this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = this._x + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.R1) * 4) * S8; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.R1) * 4) * S8; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.03; }; } F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 120) { this.en20._visible = true; this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } removeTama(this); }; if (1 < LV) { S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = (this.type ? 0 : ((0.1 * S3) / 2)); this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(20, 100, 20, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; }; } else { S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((50 >= this._y) || (this._y >= 350)) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; this.rad = 0; this.len = 150; } if ((Q0.count % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(20, 100, 20, 0, 6); this.R0.en20._visible = false; this.R0._x = this._x + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; } this.rad = this.rad + 0.1; this.len = this.len - 0.5; }; } F20 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 120) { this.en20._visible = true; this.count = 0; this.R1 = ((this._y < p._y) ? (ransuA(3141) * 0.001) : ((ransuA(3141) * -1) * 0.001)); this.dx = (Math.cos(this.R1) * 2.5) * S8; this.dy = (Math.sin(this.R1) * 2.5) * S8; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } removeTama(this); }; } } else { attachMaborosi(); if (1 < LV) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._y = 130; R0._alpha = 0; if (!R0.type) { R0._x = 192 - 35; } else { R0._x = 192 + 35; } R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y - 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._alpha = 0; if (!R0.type) { R0._x = 192 - 35; R0.dx = -1; R0._y = 130; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y - 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; }; } else { R0._x = 192 + 35; R0.dx = 1; R0._y = 270; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 2.5; }; } } } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u967D\u708E\u300C\u304B\u304E\u308D\u3072\u306E\u71C3\u3086\u308B\u6625\u300D", "\u967D\u708E\u300C\u304B\u304E\u308D\u3072\u306E\u71C3\u3086\u308B\u6625\u300D", "\u6C17\u697C\u300C\u5E7B\u306E\u697C\u95A3\u300D", "\u6C17\u697C\u300C\u5E7B\u306E\u697C\u95A3\u300D"), 40, 10000 * hpp, 8, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 90; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else { Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 40; Q0.dy = (90 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 == 1) { spellFunc("", 37, 8500 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S3 = lvRet(68, 60, 52, 44); S4 = (S3 * 2) - 1; S5 = lvRet(1.5, 1.8, 1.9, 2); S6 = lvRet(10, 11, 12, 13); S7 = (384 + 48) / (S6 + 1); S8 = S7 / 4; S9 = (S7 / 2) + S8; S30 = 0; S34 = 0; S35 = lvRet(70, 60, 50, 40); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S34++; if ((S34+1) == S35) { S34 = 0; S30 = 1 - S30; } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if ((this.count == 0) || (this.count == S3)) { this.R1 = (-24 + ransuA(20)) - 10; this.i = 0; for ( ; S6 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = ((((this.i * S7) - (this._x - 18)) + this.R1) + S8) / 10; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = ((((this.i * S7) - (this._x - 18)) + this.R1) + S9) / 10; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } } if (this.count == S4) { this.count = 0; if (334 >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 50) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 50; } } else { this.PX = 334; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; this.dy = (((60 - this._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? F2 : F4); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? F1 : F3); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + S5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + S5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - S5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F4; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - S5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S30) { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? F11 : F13); } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? F12 : F14); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + S5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + S5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F11; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - S5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S30) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F14; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F14 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - S5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S30) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F13; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else if (count1 == 4) { count0 = 0; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage304(); }; } } }Frame 37function stage304() { if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 43) { if (count0 != 133) { if (count0 == 213) { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S4 = 0; S5 = 100; S6 = 0; } else { S4 = 0; S5 = 0; S6 = 100; } } else { S4 = 100; S5 = 0; S6 = 0; } Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 224; Q0.rad2 = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._y = 224 + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * 64); this.rad2 = this.rad2 + 0.035; if ((++this.count) != 10) { if (this.count == 20) { this.count = 0; this.R0 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, S8, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S8._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { this.R0 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, S3, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S3._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); }; S7 = lvRet(9, 8, 7, 6); var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._alpha = 100; R0._y = 224; if (i != 0) { if (i != 1) { R0.dx = -7.1; } else { R0.dx = -5; R0.dy = -5; } } else { R0.dx = -7; R0.dy = -1; } } if (1 < LV) { S3 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S3._x = 192; S3._y = 224; S3.rad = 0; S3.noRemove = 1; S3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation - (0.8 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 0.4)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.012; removeTama(this); }; S8 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S8._x = 192; S8._y = 224; S8.rad = Math.PI; S8.noRemove = 1; S8.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation + (0.8 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 0.4)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.012; removeTama(this); }; } else { S3 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S3._x = 192; S3._y = 224; S3.rad = 0; S3.noRemove = 1; S3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation - (0.6 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 0.6)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.012; removeTama(this); }; S8 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S8._x = 192; S8._y = 224; S8.rad = Math.PI; S8.noRemove = 1; S8.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation - (0.6 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 0.6)); this.rad = this.rad + 0.012; removeTama(this); }; } if (!S0.type) { S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (-60 >= this._x) { this._x = this._x + (384 + 120); } if (-60 >= this._y) { this._y = this._y + (448 + 120); } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, S8, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S8._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } else { S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (-60 >= this._x) { this._x = this._x + (384 + 120); } if (-60 >= this._y) { this._y = this._y + (448 + 120); } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, S3, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S3._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) < 400) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale - 20; this._yscale = this._yscale - 20; if (10 >= this._xscale) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } removeTama(this); } }; if (!S1.type) { S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((-60 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 60))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } if ((-60 >= this._y) || (this._y >= (448 + 60))) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, S8, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S8._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } else { S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((-60 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 60))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } if ((-60 >= this._y) || (this._y >= (448 + 60))) { this.dy = this.dy * -1; } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, S3, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S3._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } if (!S2.type) { S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; if ((-90 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 90))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, S8, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S8._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } else { S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; if ((-90 >= this._x) || (this._x >= (384 + 90))) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; } if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, S3, 0); this.dx2 = this._x - 192; this.dy2 = this._y - 224; this.rad = Math.atan2(this.dy2, this.dx2) - rotToRad(S3._rotation); this.len = Math.sqrt((this.dx2 * this.dx2) + (this.dy2 * this.dy2)); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 10); bHitFunc0(this); }; attachMaborosi(); var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._y = 224 - 160; R0._alpha = 0; if (!R0.type) { R0._x = (192 - 96) - 100; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 1.3; }; } else { R0._x = (192 + 96) + 100; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 1.3; }; } } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u5E7B\u899A\u300C\u30A2\u30A4\u30BD\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30BF\u30F3\u30AF\u300D", "\u5E7B\u899A\u300C\u30A2\u30A4\u30BD\u30EC\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30BF\u30F3\u30AF\u300D", "\u6DF7\u4E71\u300C\u6D77\u3068\u7A7A\u306E\u6DF7\u6C8C\u300D", "\u6DF7\u4E71\u300C\u6D77\u3068\u7A7A\u306E\u6DF7\u6C8C\u300D"), 45, 11000 * hpp, 8, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 30); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 30); bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 30); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 30); bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else if (count1 == 5) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 43) { if (count0 != 180) { if (!keyL) { if (keyR) { S4 = 0; } } else { S4 = 1; } } else { Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S3 = lvRet(4, 3, 2, 2); S5 = lvRet(130, 110, 90, 70); if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S51 = 20; S52 = 100; S53 = 20; } else { S51 = 20; S52 = 20; S53 = 100; } } else { S51 = 100; S52 = 20; S53 = 20; } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if ((count0 % S3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(S51, S52, S53, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (ransuA(384) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.8; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F40; } if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(S51, S52, S53, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (p._x - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.8; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F40; } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count == S5) { if (192 < p._x) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 24 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = ((this.i * 16) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } } else { this.i = 0; for ( ; 24 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = ((this.i * 16) - (this._x - 18)) / 10; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } this.count = 0; this.dx = (((192 - this._x) + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 40; this.dy = (((90 - this._y) + ransuA(80)) - 40) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { spellFunc("", 38, 6000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (this.count != 20) { if (this.count == 80) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 18 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 7) * -1) * 15) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = 0; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F30; } this.i = 1; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 8.8) * -1) * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = ((this.i * -1) * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F30; this.R0 = attachTama(S41, S42, S43, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 8.8) * -1) * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = (this.i * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F30; } } } else { this.i = 0; for ( ; 18 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 7) * 15) + 36) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = 0; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; } this.i = 1; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 8.8) * 12) + 36) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = ((this.i * -1) * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.R0 = attachTama(S31, S32, S33, 0, 6); this.R0._x = this._x - 18; this.R0._y = this._y - 28; this.R0.dx = (((this.i - 8.8) * 12) + 36) / 10; this.R0.dy2 = (this.i * 12) / 10; this.R0.dy = 3.5; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; F20 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S4) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F2) : (F4)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F1) : (F3)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy2; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F30 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (S4) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F12) : (F14)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F11) : (F13)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy2; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (!S4) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F2) : (F4)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F1) : (F3)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { if (S4) { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F12) : (F14)); } else { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F11) : (F13)); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3.5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S4) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3.5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S4) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S4) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.count1 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F4; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F4 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S4) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3.5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (S4) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3.5; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!S4) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F11; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (S4) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.en20._visible = false; this.count1 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F14; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F14 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - 3.5; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!S4) { removeTama(this); } else { this.en20._visible = true; this.onEnterFrame = F13; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F40 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (9 < (this.count0++)) { this.onEnterFrame = ((this._y < p._y) ? (F41) : (F43)); } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy2; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F41 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) >= this._y) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; F43 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - this.dy; if (this._y >= -13) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else { Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = (70 - Q0._y) / 40; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S4 = ransuA(1); } } else if (count1 == 6) { count0 = 0; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage305(); }; } } }Frame 38function stage305() { if (count1 == 6) { if (count0 != 43) { if (count0 != 133) { if (count0 == 213) { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S4 = 0; S5 = 100; S6 = 0; } else { S4 = 0; S5 = 0; S6 = 100; } } else { S4 = 100; S5 = 0; S6 = 0; } Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.count1 = 0; if (1 < LV) { Q0._xscale = 300; Q0._yscale = 300; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 270) == 0) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 120) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 120) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 120; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 120; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 80; this.dy = (((100 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == 90) { this.count1 = 0; this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 0.5; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.3; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.2; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.2; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.3; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; } bHitFunc0(this); }; } else { Q0._xscale = 20; Q0._yscale = 20; if (LV != 0) { if (LV == 1) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 270) == 0) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 120) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 120) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 120; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 120; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 80; this.dy = (((100 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == 120) { this.count1 = 0; this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 0.5; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.3; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.2; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.2; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.3; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; } }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 280) == 0) { this.count = 0; if ((384 - 120) >= p._x) { if (p._x >= 120) { this.PX = p._x; } else { this.PX = 120; } } else { this.PX = 384 - 120; } this.dx = this.PX - this._x; if (50 >= this.dx) { if (this.dx < -50) { this.dx = -50; } } else { this.dx = 50; } this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(50)) - 25) / 80; this.dy = (((100 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == 140) { this.count1 = 0; this.R1 = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 0.4; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.4; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R1 = this.R1 + 0.4; this.R2 = attachTama(S4, S5, S6, 1, 20); this.R2._x = this._x; this.R2._y = this._y; this.R2._xscale = 10; this.R2._yscale = 10; this.R2._rotation = radToRot(this.R1); this.R2.dx = Math.cos(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.dy = Math.sin(this.R1) * 4; this.R2.count = 0; this.R2.onEnterFrame = F2; } }; } } F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (15 < (this.count++)) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._x = this._x + (this.dx * 1.3); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * 1.3); this._xscale = this._xscale + 7; } if (((((448 + 50) < this._y) || (this._x < -50)) || ((384 + 50) < this._x)) || (this._y < -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._alpha = 100; R0._y = ((1 >= LV) ? 160 : 180); } if (1 < LV) { S7 = lvRet(56, 56, 61, 55); S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(120)) - 60) / 80; this.dy = (((170 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((count0 % S7) == 0) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 0.6; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 7); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = this.rad + 0.6; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 7); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = this.rad + 0.6; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 7); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 1.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!(((((448 + 60) < this._y) || ((384 + 60) < this._x)) || (this._x < -60)) || (this._y < -60))) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; } else { S7 = lvRet(39, 32, 1, 1); S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(160)) - 80) / 80; this.dy = (((160 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == S7) { this.count1 = 0; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 1, 45); this.R1._rotation = ransuA(359); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 1, 45); this.R1._rotation = ransuA(359); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad + 0.6) * 2; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad + 0.6) * 2; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 1, 45); this.R1._rotation = ransuA(359); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad - 0.6) * 2; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad - 0.6) * 2; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } } }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!(((448 + 23) < this._y) || ((384 + 23) < this._x))) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!(((384 + 23) < this._x) || (this._y < -23))) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!(((448 + 23) < this._y) || (this._x < -23))) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!((this._x < -23) || (this._y < -23))) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; } if (1 < LV) { S8 = lvRet(9, 9, 9, 7); S1.rad = 10000; S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(120)) - 60) / 80; this.dy = (((170 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((count0 % S8) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 7); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = this.rad - 1.3; } }; } else { S8 = lvRet(7, 6, 1, 1); S1.rad = 10000; S1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(160)) - 80) / 80; this.dy = (((160 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == S8) { this.count1 = 0; this.R1 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 1, 45); this.R1._rotation = ransuA(359); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2.5; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2.5; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } this.rad = this.rad - 1.6; } }; } if (1 < LV) { S9 = lvRet(10, 10, 10, 8); S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(120)) - 60) / 80; this.dy = (((170 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((count0 % S9) == 0) { this.rad = ransuA(6283) * 0.001; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 7); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 1.3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 1.3; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } }; } else { S9 = lvRet(8, 6, 1, 1); S2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if (((++this.count) % 300) == 0) { this.count = 0; this.PX = (this.type ? (192 + 96) : (192 - 96)); this.dx = this.PX - this._x; this.dx = ((this.dx + ransuA(160)) - 80) / 80; this.dy = (((160 - this._y) + ransuA(40)) - 20) / 80; } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((++this.count1) == S9) { this.count1 = 0; if (!ransuA(1)) { this.rad = (Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x) - 1.57) + (ransuA(3141) * 0.001); } else { this.rad = ransuA(6283) * 0.001; } this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 1, 45); this.R1._rotation = ransuA(359); this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2.2; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2.2; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } } }; } } } else { attachMaborosi(); var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = _root["S" + i]; R0._y = ((1 >= LV) ? (160 - 160) : (180 - 160)); R0._alpha = 0; R0.count1 = 0; if (1 < LV) { R0._xscale = 300; R0._yscale = 300; } else { R0._xscale = 20; R0._yscale = 20; } if (!R0.type) { R0.count = 150; R0._x = 192 - 96; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 1.3; }; } else { R0._x = 192 + 96; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2; this._alpha = this._alpha + 1.3; }; } } } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u5DE8\u4EBA\u300C\u30B8\u30E3\u30A4\u30A2\u30F3\u30C6\u30B9\u30F4\u30E5\u30FC\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u300D", "\u5DE8\u4EBA\u300C\u30B8\u30E3\u30A4\u30A2\u30F3\u30C6\u30B9\u30F4\u30E5\u30FC\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u300D", "\u4F8F\u5112\u300C\u30B7\u30E5\u30EA\u30F3\u30AB\u30FC\u30BA\u30F4\u30E5\u30FC\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u300D", "\u4F8F\u5112\u300C\u30B7\u30E5\u30EA\u30F3\u30AB\u30FC\u30BA\u30F4\u30E5\u30FC\u30DD\u30A4\u30F3\u30C8\u300D"), 40, 9000 * hpp, 8, 8, 0, 0, 1, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = (100 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; if (1 < LV) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((300 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; qMoveFunc(this, 2); bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((20 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } } } else if (count1 == 7) { count0 = 0; if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage306(); }; } } }Frame 39function stage306() { if (count1 == 7) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 83) { if (count0 != 173) { if (count0 == 253) { Q0._xscale = 100; Q0._yscale = 100; Q0._x = 192; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } bHitFunc0(this); }; S0._alpha = 100; if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { Q0._y = 224; if (1 < LV) { S1 = lvRet(0.92, 0.95, 0.92, 0.95); S2 = 0; S3 = 0; S4 = 0; S5 = lvRet(70, 50, 70, 60); var i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._rotation = 72 + (i * 72); R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } removeTama(this); }; _root["S1" + i] = R0; } S0._x = 192; S0._y = 55; S0.Y0 = ((224 >= p._y) ? ((-(S5 * 5)) - ((224 - p._y) % S5)) : ((-(S5 * 5)) + ((p._y - 224) % S5))); S0.Y1 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if ((((++this.count) % 5) == 0) && (10 >= this.Y1)) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 90, 0, S10, 20); this.R0._x = -300 - 192; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.5; this.R0._yscale = 4; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 60; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, S11, 20); this.R0._x = -300 - 192; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.5; this.R0._yscale = 4; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 60; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.R0 = attachTama(80, 80, 0, S12, 20); this.R0._x = -300 - 192; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.5; this.R0._yscale = 4; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 60; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.R0 = attachTama(70, 70, 70, S13, 20); this.R0._x = -300 - 192; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.5; this.R0._yscale = 4; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 60; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.R0 = attachTama(10, 10, 10, S14, 20); this.R0._x = -300 - 192; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.5; this.R0._yscale = 4; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 60; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.Y0 = this.Y0 + S5; this.Y1++; } if (this.count == 120) { this.count = 0; S2 = S2 + 0.9; S3 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if ((++this.count) != 160) { if ((this.count >= 120) && ((this.count % 2) == 0)) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.rad = (((Math.PI * 2) / 6) * this.i) + S4; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 80, 0, 1, 10); this.R0._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * S3); this.R0._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * S3); this.rad = this.rad + S2; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * -1) * 2; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * -1) * 2; this.R0.count = this.count - 160; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F30; } S3 = S3 + 4; S4 = S4 - 0.6; } } else { this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F0; this.Y0 = ((224 >= p._y) ? ((-(S5 * 5)) - ((224 - p._y) % S5)) : ((-(S5 * 5)) + ((p._y - 224) % S5))); this.Y1 = 0; } }; S0.onEnterFrame = F0; F20 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((-this._x) / 30); if ((++this.count1) == 50) { this._x = 0; this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F21; } removeTama(this); }; F21 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._yscale = this._yscale + ((15 - this._yscale) / 5); if ((++this.count0) == 20) { this._yscale = 15; this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F22; } removeTama(this); }; F22 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count0) == 90) { this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F23; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F23 = function () { this._yscale = this._yscale + ((28 - this._yscale) / 20); if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count0) == 40) { this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F24; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F24 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((((448 + 300) - 192) - this._x) / 20); if (((448 + 290) - 192) < this._x) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F30 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F31; if (this.dx < 0) { if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F34; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F33; } } else if (this.dy < 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F32; } else { this.onEnterFrame = F31; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F31 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 20) < this._y) || ((384 + 20) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F32 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 20) < this._x) || (this._y < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F33 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 20) < this._y) || (this._x < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F34 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._x < -20) || (this._y < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } else { S1 = lvRet(0.92, 0.95, 1, 1); S2 = 0; S3 = 0; S4 = 0; S5 = lvRet(70, 50, 0, 0); S0._x = 192; S0._y = 55; S0.X0 = ((192 >= p._x) ? ((192 - (S5 * 4)) - ((192 - p._x) % S5)) : ((192 - (S5 * 4)) + ((p._x - 192) % S5))); S0.Y0 = ((224 >= p._y) ? ((224 - (S5 * 5)) - ((224 - p._y) % S5)) : ((224 - (S5 * 5)) + ((p._y - 224) % S5))); S0.X1 = 0; S0.Y1 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if ((((++this.count) % 6) == 0) && (8 >= this.X1)) { this.R0 = attachTama(50, 50, 64, 0, 20); this.R0._x = this.X0; this.R0._y = -300; this.R0._xscale = 448 * 1.2; this.R0._yscale = 15; this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 120; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.X0 = this.X0 + S5; this.X1++; } if (((this.count % 5) == 0) && (10 >= this.Y1)) { this.R0 = attachTama(50, 50, 64, 0, 20); this.R0._x = -300; this.R0._y = this.Y0; this.R0._xscale = 384 * 1.2; this.R0._yscale = 15; this.R0._rotation = 0; this.R0.count0 = 0; this.R0.count1 = this.count - 120; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F20; this.Y0 = this.Y0 + S5; this.Y1++; } if (this.count == 120) { this.count = 0; S2 = S2 + 0.9; S3 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } if ((++this.count) != 140) { if ((this.count >= 100) && ((this.count % 2) == 0)) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.rad = (((Math.PI * 2) / 9) * this.i) + S4; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 80, 0, 1, 10); this.R0._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad) * S3); this.R0._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * S3); this.rad = this.rad + S2; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * -1) * 2; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * -1) * 2; this.R0.count = this.count - 140; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F30; } S3 = S3 + 4; S4 = S4 - 0.6; } } else { this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F0; this.X0 = ((192 >= p._x) ? ((192 - (S5 * 4)) - ((192 - p._x) % S5)) : ((192 - (S5 * 4)) + ((p._x - 192) % S5))); this.Y0 = ((224 >= p._y) ? ((224 - (S5 * 5)) - ((224 - p._y) % S5)) : ((224 - (S5 * 5)) + ((p._y - 224) % S5))); this.X1 = 0; this.Y1 = 0; } }; S0.onEnterFrame = F0; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + (((224 - 300) - this._y) / 20); if ((++this.count0) == 40) { this._y = 224 - 300; this.count0 = this.count1; this.onEnterFrame = F11; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 30); if ((++this.count0) == 50) { this._y = 224; this.dx = (p._x - this._x) * 0.03; this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this.dx = this.dx * S1; if ((++this.count0) == 40) { this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F13; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + (((448 + 300) - this._y) / 20); if ((448 + 290) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F20 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((192 - 300) - this._x) / 20); if ((++this.count0) == 40) { this._x = 192 - 300; this.count0 = this.count1; this.onEnterFrame = F21; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F21 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 30); if ((++this.count0) == 50) { this._x = 192; this.dy = (p._y - this._y) * 0.03; this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F22; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F22 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * S1; if ((++this.count0) == 40) { this.count0 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F23; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F23 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((448 + 300) - this._x) / 20); if ((448 + 290) < this._x) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F30 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 0) { this.onEnterFrame = F31; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F31 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((((448 + 20) < this._y) || (this._x < -20)) || ((384 + 20) < this._x)) || (this._y < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { Q0._y = ((2 >= LV) ? 60 : 120); S1 = 0; S2 = 0; S3 = 0; S4 = 0; S5 = lvRet(30, 27, 27, 26); S6 = lvRet(3, 3, 3, 3); S0.count = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 22) < this._y) || ((384 + 22) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 22) < this._y) || (this._x < -22)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -22) || ((384 + 22) < this._x)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._y < -22) || (this._x < -22)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { if (i == 0) { var R0 = attachTama(100 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 1, 8); } else if (i == 1) { var R0 = attachTama(100 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 1, 8); } else if (i == 2) { var R0 = attachTama(20 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 1, 8); } else if (i == 3) { var R0 = attachTama(20 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 1, 8); } else if (i == 4) { var R0 = attachTama(20 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 1, 8); } else if (i == 5) { var R0 = attachTama(100 * 0.8, 20 * 0.8, 100 * 0.8, 1, 8); } R0.en20._alpha = 50; R0._xscale = 120; R0._yscale = 120; R0._x = S0._x; R0._y = S0._y; R0.noRemove = 1; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; _root["S1" + i] = R0; } if (1 < LV) { S7 = 20; S8 = 200; S9 = 1; S20 = S0._x; S21 = S0._y; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((S7 - this._x) / 50); this._y = this._y + ((S8 - this._y) / 50); S20 = S20 + ((this._x - S20) / 30); S21 = S21 + ((this._y - S21) / 30); if (this.count == 200) { this.count = 0; if (2 < (S9++)) { S7 = (384 - 15) - ransuA(16); if (S9 == 6) { S9 = 0; } } else { S7 = 15 + ransuA(16); } S8 = p._y; } this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = _root["S1" + this.i]; this.R0._x = S20 + (Math.cos(S1 + ((this.i / 3) * Math.PI)) * S2); this.R0._y = S21 + (Math.sin(S1 + ((this.i / 3) * Math.PI)) * S2); } S1 = S1 + (Math.sin(S3) * 0.13); S3 = S3 + 0.01; S2 = Math.sin(S4) * 160; S4 = S4 + 0.008; if (((++this.count) % S5) == 0) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - S21, p._x - S20); this.dx2 = Math.cos(this.rad) * S6; this.dy2 = Math.sin(this.rad) * S6; this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = _root["S1" + this.i]; if (this.i == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 1) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 2) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 100, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 3) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 100, 100, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 4) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 5) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 20, 100, 0, 8); } this.i; this.R1._x = this.R0._x; this.R1._y = this.R0._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx2; this.R1.dy = this.dy2; if (this.dy2 < 0) { if (this.dx2 < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.dx2 < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } } } }; } else { S7 = 192 - 150; S8 = 70 + 30; S9 = 0; S20 = S0._x; S21 = S0._y; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((S7 - this._x) / 50); this._y = this._y + ((S8 - this._y) / 50); S20 = S20 + ((this._x - S20) / 30); S21 = S21 + ((this._y - S21) / 30); if (this.count == 200) { this.count = 0; if ((S9++) == 0) { S7 = 192 - 100; S8 = 70 - 30; } else if ((S9++) == 1) { S7 = 192 + 150; S8 = 70 + 30; } else if ((S9++) == 2) { S7 = 192 + 100; S8 = 70 - 30; } else if ((S9++) == 3) { S7 = 192 - 150; S8 = 70 + 30; S9 = 0; } S9++; } this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = _root["S1" + this.i]; this.R0._x = S20 + (Math.cos(S1 + ((this.i / 3) * Math.PI)) * S2); this.R0._y = S21 + (Math.sin(S1 + ((this.i / 3) * Math.PI)) * S2); } S1 = S1 + (Math.sin(S3) * 0.13); S3 = S3 + 0.01; S2 = Math.sin(S4) * 160; S4 = S4 + 0.008; if (((++this.count) % S5) == 0) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - S21, p._x - S20); this.dx2 = Math.cos(this.rad) * S6; this.dy2 = Math.sin(this.rad) * S6; this.i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = _root["S1" + this.i]; if (this.i == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 1) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 2) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 100, 20, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 3) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 100, 100, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 4) { this.R1 = attachTama(20, 20, 100, 0, 8); } else if (this.i == 5) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 20, 100, 0, 8); } this.i; this.R1._x = this.R0._x; this.R1._y = this.R0._y; this.R1.dx = this.dx2; this.R1.dy = this.dy2; if (this.dy2 < 0) { if (this.dx2 < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F12; } } else if (this.dx2 < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; } } } }; } } } else { Q0._y = 80; S4 = lvRet(24, 17, 10, 3); if (1 < LV) { S3 = Math.PI; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = p._x + (Math.cos(S1) * S2); this._y = p._y + (Math.sin(S1) * S2); if (this._x >= -32) { if ((384 + 32) < this._x) { this._x = this._x - (384 + 32); } } else { this._x = this._x + (384 + 32); } if (this._y >= -40) { if ((448 + 40) < this._y) { this._y = this._y - (448 + 40); } } else { this._y = this._y + (448 + 40); } S1 = S1 + 0.03; S2 = 250 + (Math.cos(S3) * 90); S3 = S3 + 0.012; if (((++this.count) % 3) == 0) { if (!((this.count >= 0) && (19 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= (20 + S4)) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(85, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.count = -4; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(70, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.count = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(55, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.count = -12; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(40, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4; this.R0.count = -16; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 70, 70, 0, 1); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if (this.count == (40 + S4)) { this.count = S4 * -1; } }; } else { S5 = 0; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = p._x + (Math.cos(S1) * S2); this._y = p._y + (Math.sin(S1) * S2); S1 = S1 + (0.05 + (Math.sin(S5) * 0.03)); S5 = S5 + 0.03; if (((++this.count) % 3) == 0) { if (!((this.count >= 0) && (19 >= this.count))) { if (this.count >= (20 + S4)) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(85, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.count = -5; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(70, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.count = -10; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(55, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.count = -15; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(40, 0, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 3; this.R0.count = -20; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 70, 70, 0, 1); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if (this.count == (40 + S4)) { this.count = S4 * -1; } }; } F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 150) { this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2; this.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2; this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((this.dx * this.count) / 30); this._y = this._y + ((this.dy * this.count) / 30); if ((++this.count) == 30) { this.count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) >= 0) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this.count == 50) { this.onEnterFrame = F3; } } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((((448 + 32) < this._y) || (this._y < -32)) || ((384 + 32) < this._x)) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } } else { delete S0; delete S1; delete S2; if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { S0 = q.attachMovie("b12", "qSanae", 900002); S0._x = p._x; S0._y = p._y; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((55 - this._y) / 20); this._alpha++; }; } else { S0 = q.attachMovie("b11", "qMarisa", 900001); S0._x = p._x; S0._y = p._y; if (1 < LV) { S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((20 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((200 - this._y) / 20); this._alpha++; }; } else { S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((192 - 150) - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + (((70 + 30) - this._y) / 20); this._alpha++; }; } } } else { S0 = q.attachMovie("b10", "qReimu", 900000); S1 = -0.324 - (Math.PI / 2); S2 = 0; S0._x = p._x; S0._y = p._y; S0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (qRemoveFlag) { removeMaborosi(); return(null); } this._x = p._x + (Math.cos(S1) * S2); this._y = p._y + (Math.sin(S1) * S2); S1 = S1 + 0.05; S2 = S2 + 2; this._alpha++; }; } S0.noRemove = true; S0._alpha = 0; S0.count = 0; S0._x = p._x; S0._y = p._y; } } else if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { spellFunc(lvRet("\u786C\u76F4\u300C\u4E0D\u52D5\u660E\u738B\u306E\u91D1\u7E1B\u6CD5\u300D", "\u786C\u76F4\u300C\u4E0D\u52D5\u660E\u738B\u306E\u91D1\u7E1B\u6CD5\u300D", "\u5FC3\u7E1B\u300C\u4E0D\u52D5\u660E\u738B\u306E\u4E94\u8272\u306E\u7F82\u7D22\u300D", "\u5FC3\u7E1B\u300C\u4E0D\u52D5\u660E\u738B\u306E\u4E94\u8272\u306E\u7F82\u7D22\u300D"), 53, 17000, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1); } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u9B54\u8853\u300C\u30A2\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30EB\u30D7\u30ED\u30B8\u30A7\u30AF\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u300D", "\u9B54\u8853\u300C\u30A2\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30EB\u30D7\u30ED\u30B8\u30A7\u30AF\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u300D", "\u661F\u8FB0\u300C\u30A2\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30EB\u30C8\u30E9\u30F4\u30A7\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u300D", "\u661F\u8FB0\u300C\u30A2\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30EB\u30C8\u30E9\u30F4\u30A7\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u300D"), 40, lvRet(10000, 10000, 8200, 8200), 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1); } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u970A\u4F53\u300C\u5922\u4E2D\u5C01\u5370\u300D", "\u970A\u4F53\u300C\u5922\u4E2D\u5C01\u5370\u300D", "\u751F\u970A\u300C\u5922\u88E1\u5C01\u5370\u300D", "\u751F\u970A\u300C\u5922\u88E1\u5C01\u5370\u300D"), 40, 9000, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1); } } else if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((100 - this._xscale) / 10); this._yscale = this._xscale; bHitFunc0(this); }; } else if (2 < LV) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((120 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((100 - this._xscale) / 10); this._yscale = this._xscale; bHitFunc0(this); }; } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((60 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((100 - this._xscale) / 10); this._yscale = this._xscale; bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((80 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((100 - this._xscale) / 10); this._yscale = this._xscale; bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else if (count1 == 8) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 64) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 8; } } else { qRemove(Q0, 3); } } else if (count1 == 9) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 200) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { stageClearFunc(); } } }Frame 40function stage400() { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 20) { if (count0 != 440) { if (count0 != 700) { if (count0 != 2000) { if (count0 != 2200) { if (!((count0 >= 2400) && (2700 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 2850) { if (count0 != 3000) { if (!((count0 >= 3100) && (3500 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 3800) { if (!((count0 >= 4000) && (4400 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 4500) && (5000 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 5300) { if (count0 == 9000) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 5500, 1, 0); R0._x = 78; R0._y = -35; R0.X = 192 + 60; R0.dx = (R0.X - R0._x) / 40; R0.dy = (30 - R0._y) / 40; S1 = lvRet(30, 20, 15, 10); S2 = lvRet(4, 4, 3, 3); S3 = lvRet(4, 4.7, 5.2, 5.5); R0.rad = 0; R0.count2 = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 8950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (39 < this.count) { if (220 < this.count) { this.count = 0; if ((++this.count2) != 14) { if (this.X != (192 + 60)) { this.X = 192 + 60; } else { this.X = 192 - 60; } this.dx = (this.X - this._x) / 40; this.dy = 20 / 40; } else { this.dx = ((192 + 60) - R0._x) / 80; this.dy = ((448 + 40) - R0._y) / 80; this.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { if ((this.count % S1) == 0) { shot(this, 90, 90, 90, 0, 1, 2, (this.count - 130) * 0.7, 2, 0, 0); } if ((this.count % S2) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 180, 4 + (LV * 0.5), 30 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 120), 1); shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 1, 0, 2, 180, 4 + (LV * 0.5), 270 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 120), 1); shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 1, 0, 2, 180, 4 + (LV * 0.5), 150 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 120), 1); } this.rad = this.rad + 0.02; } } else { qMoveFunc(this, 1); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 8950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { count0 = 8970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) != 0) { if ((count0 % 20) == 10) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 30, 4, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 40; if ((count0 % 40) != 10) { R0.dx = (((384 - 50) + (Math.cos(count0 * 1.5) * 25)) - R0._x) / 40; } else { R0.dx = ((50 + (Math.cos(count0 * 1.5) * 25)) - R0._x) / 40; } R0.dy = ((60 + (Math.cos(count0 * 2.8) * 40)) - R0._y) / 40; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count < 50) { if (this.count == 45) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 3, lvRet(1, 3, 5, 7), lvRet(20, 20, 13, 10), lvRet(2, 2.5, 2.5, 3), 0, 0); } } else { this._y = this._y - 3; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 30, 4, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = 40; if ((count0 % 40) != 0) { R0.dx = (((384 - 50) + (Math.cos(count0) * 25)) - R0._x) / 40; } else { R0.dx = ((50 + (Math.cos(count0) * 25)) - R0._x) / 40; } R0.dy = ((60 + (Math.cos(count0 * 1.34) * 40)) - R0._y) / 40; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count < 50) { if (this.count == 45) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 3, lvRet(1, 3, 5, 7), lvRet(20, 20, 13, 10), lvRet(2, 2.5, 2.5, 3), 0, 0); } } else { this._y = this._y - 3; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 30, 4, 0); R0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(count0) * 140); R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (192 - R0._x) * 0.05; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (30 < this.count) { if (this.count < 50) { if (this.count == 45) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 3, lvRet(1, 3, 5, 7), 1, lvRet(2, 2.5, 2.5, 3), 0, 0); } } else { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2.2; if ((448 + 16) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + 2.9; } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { if (!(i % 2)) { var R0 = attachQ(1, lvRet(170, 220, 270, 330), 8, 0); R0._x = 20 + (i * 43); R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((this.count % 60) == 30) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, S50, 9); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F3; } this._y = this._y + 2; if ((448 + 60) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, lvRet(170, 220, 270, 330), 8, 0); R0._x = 20 + (i * 43); R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((this.count % 60) == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, S50, 9); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F3; } this._y = this._y + 2; if ((448 + 60) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } } } else if ((count0 % 19) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 4, 0); R0._x = (((((count0 % 3) + (count0 % 4)) + (count0 % 5)) + (count0 % 11)) / 19) * 384; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.03; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (30 < this.count) { if (this.count < 50) { if (this.count == 45) { shot(this, 100, 0, 50, 0, 12, lvRet(2, 4, 6, 8), lvRet(40, 30, 25, 20), lvRet(4, 4.5, 4.5, 5), 0, 0); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.15; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.15; } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(3, 800, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 - 160; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (40 < this.count) { if (this.count < 600) { if ((this.count % (S2 + 8)) == 0) { rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, S50, 1); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.12; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.12; } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(4, 800, 1, 0); R0._x = 160; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (40 < this.count) { if (this.count < 600) { if ((this.count % (S2 + 8)) == 0) { rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1 = attachTama(100, 50, 0, S50, 1); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.31; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.31; } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 13 >= i ; i++) { if (3 < i) { if (6 < i) { if (9 < i) { if (11 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(3, 140, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(4, 140, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 70, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 70, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 70, 1, 0); } R0._x = (384 - 20) - (i * 26); R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.025; if (this._y >= 20) { if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 10, 10, S50, 0); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if ((448 + 16) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } } else if ((count0 % 30) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 40, 4, 0); R0._x = -20; R0._y = 300; R0.dy = -0.1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.01; if (this.count == 100) { shot(this, 50, 0, 100, 0, 1, lvRet(1, 3, 5, 5), 25, lvRet(3, 3.5, 4, 4.5), 0, 0); } if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = attachQ(3, 800, 1, 0); R0._x = 90; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (40 < this.count) { if (this.count < 600) { if ((this.count % (S2 + 6)) == 0) { rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, S50, 22); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1._xscale = 0; this.R1._yscale = 12; this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.06; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.06; } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(4, 800, 1, 0); R0._x = 384 - 90; R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (40 < this.count) { if (this.count < 600) { if ((this.count % (S2 + 6)) == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 50, 0, S50, 22); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1._xscale = 0; this.R1._yscale = 12; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.rad); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * S1; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy - 0.2; if (this._y < -16) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.2; } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { S0 = lvRet(30, 25, 21, 18); S1 = lvRet(3.6, 3.8, 4, 4.2); S2 = lvRet(15, 14, 10, 9); S3 = lvRet(40, 36, 32, 28); F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if ((this.count++) == 300) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) != 150) { if (8 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + 13; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) != 150) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((this.count++) == 1200) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; var i = 0; for ( ; 13 >= i ; i++) { if (3 < i) { if (6 < i) { if (9 < i) { if (11 < i) { var R0 = attachQ(3, 140, 1, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(4, 140, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 70, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(2, 70, 1, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 70, 1, 0); } R0._x = 20 + (i * 26); R0._y = -20; R0.dy = 0.01; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.025; if (this._y >= 20) { if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(10, 10, 100, S50, 0); this.R1._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R1._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if ((448 + 16) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { S2 = lvRet(32, 26, 22, 19); S3 = lvRet(3, 3.5, 4, 4.5); var R0 = attachQ(10, 4800, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -30; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 1950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (350 < this.count) { if (1200 < this.count) { this._y = this._y - 2.5; if (this._y < -30) { count0 = 1970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else if ((this.count % S2) == 0) { shot(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 5, 20, S3, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, 0, S3 * 0.55, ransuA(120) - 60, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, 0, S3 * 0.6, ransuA(90) - 45, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, 0, S3 * 0.65, ransuA(60) - 30, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0, 1, 0, S3 * 0.7, ransuA(30) - 15, 0); } } else { this._y = this._y + 0.3; } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 0); = "Stage 5"; R0.title = "\u821E\u3044\u8E0A\u308B<font color='#ffffff'>\u767D</font>\u3044\u7D50\u6676"; = "\u6D77\u6075\u5802\u5ECA\u4E0B"; } } else { S0 = lvRet(20, 16, 13, 11); S1 = lvRet(3, 3.5, 4, 4.5); var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(10, 200000, 1, 0); R0.rad = ((Math.PI * 2) / 3) * i; R0.len = 128; R0.Y = -160; if (i != 0) { if (i != 1) { R0.R = 0; R0.G = 0; R0.B = 100; } else { R0.R = 0; R0.G = 100; R0.B = 0; } } else { R0.R = 100; R0.G = 0; R0.B = 0; } R0._x = 192 + (Math.cos(R0.rad) * R0.len); R0._y = R0.Y + (Math.sin(R0.rad) * R0.len); R0.dx = (i - 1) * 2.6; R0.ddy = 4; R0.rot = 0; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (900 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2.5; if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(this.rad) * this.len); this._y = this.Y + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.rad = this.rad + 0.04; this.Y = this.Y + this.ddy; this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.99; if (0 < this.len) { this.len = this.len - 0.3; } if (this.count >= 18) { if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { shot(this, this.R, this.G, this.B, 0, 2, 3, 120, 3, this.rot, 1); this.rot = this.rot + 28; } if (this.count == 700) { this.hp = this.hp * 0.0025; } } } qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } } else { S50 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S50._x = 0; S50._y = 0; S50.rad0 = 0.014; S50.rad1 = 0.024; S50.noRemove = 1; S50.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = Math.sin(this.rad0) * 128; this.rad0 = this.rad0 + 0.007; this._y = Math.sin(this.rad1) * 48; this.rad1 = this.rad1 + 0.012; removeTama(this); }; } }Frame 41function stage401() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 42) { if (count0 == 84) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 9; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { back.back1004["b" + i].gotoAndStop(1); } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((60 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0 = attachB(6); Q0._x = 70; Q0._y = -48; Q0.dy = 4; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((305 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.993; }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 38) { spellFunc("", 38, 7000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(21, 19, 16, 14); S1 = 0; S2 = lvRet(2.8, 3.1, 3.3, 3.5); S3 = lvRet(200, 180, 165, 154); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(S1) * 150); S1 = S1 + 0.028; if ((count0 % S0) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(70, 20, 20, S50, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(20, 70, 20, S51, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S51._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S51._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(20, 20, 70, S52, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S52._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S52._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S50 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S50._x = p._x; S50._y = 0; S50.rad = 0; S50.noRemove = 1; S50.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 192); this._y = this._y + S2; this.rad = this.rad + 0.021; removeTama(this); }; S51 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S51.rad = (Math.PI * 2) / 3; S51._x = p._x + (Math.sin(S51.rad) * 192); S51._y = 0; S51.noRemove = 1; S51.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 192); this._y = this._y + S2; this.rad = this.rad + 0.021; removeTama(this); }; S52 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S52.rad = (Math.PI * 4) / 3; S52._x = p._x + (Math.sin(S52.rad) * 192); S52._y = 0; S52.noRemove = 1; S52.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 192); this._y = this._y + S2; this.rad = this.rad + 0.021; removeTama(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 20) { this.onEnterFrame = F1; return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.45; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == S3) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 100) { F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; if ((++this.count) == 205) { this.j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.j ; this.j++) { this.R0 = this["tama" + this.j]; this.R0.dx = this.R0.dx * 2.35; this.R0.dy = this.R0.dy * 2.35; } this._x = S1; this._y = S2; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } removeTama(this); }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; if ((++this.count) == 205) { this.j = 0; for ( ; 15 >= this.j ; this.j++) { this.R0 = this["tama" + this.j]; this.R0.dx = this.R0.dx * 2.35; this.R0.dy = this.R0.dy * 2.35; } this._x = S3; this._y = S4; this.onEnterFrame = F12; } removeTama(this); }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._rotation = this._rotation + this.dr; if ((++this.count) == 300) { this.removeMovieClip(); } removeTama(this); }; Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; Q0.state = 0; S0 = lvRet(38, 31, 25, 21); S5 = lvRet(3.5, 4, 4.5, 5); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if (this.count != 90) { if (this.count != 40) { if (this.count != 53) { if (this.count != 66) { if (this.count != 79) { if (this.count != 92) { if (this.count != 105) { if (this.count != 118) { if (this.count != 131) { if (this.count != 144) { if (this.count != 157) { if (this.count != 170) { if (this.count == 249) { this.count = -1; this.state = 1 - this.state; this.dx = ((70 + ransuA(244)) - this._x) / 40; this.dy = (((70 - this._y) + ransuA(80)) - 40) / 40; } } else if (LV == 3) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 3, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV == 3) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 4, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, lvRet(3, 3, 3, 5), 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV >= 2) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, lvRet(3, 3, 4, 6), 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, lvRet(3, 3, 5, 7), 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, lvRet(4, 4, 6, 6), 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 5, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 4, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 3, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 2, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (LV) { this.rot = radToRot(Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x)); shot(this, 80, 20, 20, 1, 12, 1, 15, S5, this.rot, 1); } } else if (this.state != 0) { S3 = p._x; S4 = p._y; this.rad2 = ransuA(Math.PI * 2000) / 2000; this.i = 3; for ( ; 5 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); this.R1._rotation = ((1 >= LV) ? 0 : ransuA(359)); this.R1._x = 192 + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * 180); this.R1._y = 224 + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * 180); this.R1.dx = (p._x - this.R1._x) / 204; this.R1.dy = (p._y - this.R1._y) / 204; this.R1.dr = 0.5; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F11; if (this.i != 3) { if (this.i != 4) { S10 = 0; S11 = 0; S12 = 100; } else { S10 = 0; S11 = 100; S12 = 0; } } else { S10 = 100; S11 = 0; S12 = 0; } this.j = 0; for ( ; 15 >= this.j ; this.j++) { this.rad = (Math.PI / 8) * this.j; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, this.R1, 30); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * 510; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * 510; this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * -1) * 2.5; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * -1) * 2.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R1["tama" + this.j] = this.R0; } this.rad2 = this.rad2 + ((Math.PI * 2) / 3); } } else { S1 = p._x; S2 = p._y; this.rad2 = ransuA(Math.PI * 2000) / 2000; this.i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); this.R1._rotation = ((1 >= LV) ? 0 : ransuA(359)); this.R1._x = 192 + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * 180); this.R1._y = 224 + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * 180); this.R1.dx = (p._x - this.R1._x) / 204; this.R1.dy = (p._y - this.R1._y) / 204; this.R1.dr = -0.5; this.R1.count = 0; this.R1.noRemove = 1; this.R1.onEnterFrame = F10; if (this.i != 0) { if (this.i != 1) { S10 = 100; S11 = 100; S12 = 0; } else { S10 = 100; S11 = 0; S12 = 100; } } else { S10 = 0; S11 = 100; S12 = 100; } this.j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.j ; this.j++) { this.rad = (Math.PI / 4) * this.j; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, this.R1, 2); this.R0._x = Math.cos(this.rad) * 510; this.R0._y = Math.sin(this.rad) * 510; this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * -1) * 2.5; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * -1) * 2.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R1["tama" + this.j] = this.R0; } this.rad2 = this.rad2 + ((Math.PI * 2) / 3); } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u546A\u6B4C\u300C\u30EB\u30A4\u30F3\u30C9\u30B3\u30FC\u30E9\u30B9\u300D", "\u546A\u6B4C\u300C\u30EB\u30A4\u30F3\u30C9\u30B3\u30FC\u30E9\u30B9\u300D", "\u546A\u6B4C\u300C\u546A\u8A00\u306E\u5408\u5531\u300D", "\u546A\u6B4C\u300C\u546A\u8A00\u306E\u5408\u5531\u300D"), 53, 8000, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 72) { if (count0 != 114) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 4); var i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { back.back1004["b" + i].gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((270 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((-150 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((60 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((20 - this._y) / 20); }; } } }Frame 42function stage402() { if (!((count0 >= 20) && (500 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 700) && (1000 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 1300) { if (count0 == 4000) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(10, 1500, 1, 0); R0._x = -30; R0._y = -30; S0 = lvRet(6, 4, 3, 3); S1 = 384 - 30; S2 = 224; S3 = 0; S4 = 1.5; S5 = lvRet(3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.7); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 3950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((S1 - this._x) / 22); this._y = this._y + ((S2 - this._y) / 20); if ((++this.count) == 74) { if (count0 >= 3540) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { count0 = 3950; qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((384 + 30) - this._x) / 28); this._y = this._y + ((-50 - this._y) / 24); if (-30 >= this._y) { count0 = 3970; qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } }; return(null); } if ((S3++) == 0) { S1 = 384 - 30; S2 = 30; } else if ((S3++) == 1) { S1 = 30; S2 = 30; } else if ((S3++) == 2) { S1 = 30; S2 = 448 - 30; } else if ((S3++) == 3) { S1 = 384 - 30; S2 = 448 - 30; S3 = 0; } S3++; this.count = 0; } if ((count0 % S0) == 0) { S6 = 0; for ( ; 2 >= S6 ; S6++) { if (S6 == 0) { this.R1 = attachTama(100, 0, 0, 0, 11); } else if (S6 == 1) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 11); } else if (S6 == 2) { this.R1 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 11); } this.R1._x = this._x; this.R1._y = this._y; this.R2 = S4 + (((Math.PI * 2) / 3) * S6); this.R1._rotation = radToRot(this.R2); this.R1.dx = Math.cos(this.R2) * S5; this.R1.dy = Math.sin(this.R2) * S5; this.R1.count = 0; if (this.R1.dx < 0) { if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F3; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else if (this.R1.dy < 0) { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R1.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } S4 = S4 + 0.023; qHitFunc1(this); qMuki(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 20) < this._x) || ((448 + 20) < this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 20) < this._x) || (this._y < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 20) < this._y) || (this._x < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._x < -20) || (this._y < -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (2 >= (count0 % 53)) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 30, 4, 0); R0._x = 384 + 20; R0._y = ((20 + ((count0 % 2) * 120)) + ((count0 % 3) * 45)) + ((count0 % 5) * 7); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { shot(this, 100, 0, 100, 0, 16, lvRet(1, 3, 5, 7), lvRet(60, 15, 13, 10), lvRet(2, 2.5, 3, 3.5), 0, 0); qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 3; if ((this.count == 20) || (this.count == 100)) { shot(this, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, 7, 360 / 7, lvRet(2.3, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2), 0, 0); } if (-20 >= this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 40) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 192 - 178; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if (!((this.count == 20) && (LV >= 2))) { if (this.count == 80) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 1, 0, 15, 360 / 15, lvRet(2.3, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75), 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 1, 9, 360 / 9, lvRet(2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5), 0, 0); } if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(2, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 192 + 178; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if (!((this.count == 20) && (LV >= 2))) { if (this.count == 80) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1, 9, 360 / 9, lvRet(2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5), 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 1, 0, 15, 360 / 15, lvRet(2.3, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75), 0, 0); } if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(1, 60, 1, 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if (this.count == 44) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 2, 4, 25, 360 / 25, lvRet(2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.9), 0, 0); } if (this._y >= (448 + 20)) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; } }Frame 43function stage403() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 30) { if (count0 != 60) { if (count0 != 90) { if (count0 == 130) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 10; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { back.back1004["b" + i].gotoAndStop(1); } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((100 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 15); this._y = this._y + ((20 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((40 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((80 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0 = attachB(6); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -30; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((384 - 40) - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((80 - this._y) / 15); this.dy = this.dy * 0.993; }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 38) { spellFunc("", 40, 4000 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(50, 40, 34, 28); S1 = 3; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 1); if ((count0 % S0) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(70, 20, 20, S50, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(90, 10, 10, S50, 0); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.rad = this.rad + (Math.PI / 4); } } if (this.count == 60) { this.count = 0; this.dx = (((192 + 80) - ransuA(160)) - this._x) / 40; this.dy = (((60 - this._y) + ransuA(60)) - 30) / 40; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S50 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S50._x = 0; S50._y = 0; S50.noRemove = 1; S50.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - Q0._y, p._x - Q0._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * S1); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * S1); removeTama(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 12) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.45; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 20) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 220) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((40 - this._y) / 10); this.dy = this.dy * 0.993; }; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 == 1) { S0 = lvRet(140, 130, 120, 110); F51 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((S0 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; S70._x = this._x; S70._y = this._y; S70._xscale = this._xscale; S70._yscale = this._yscale; if (((S0 + 1) >= this._xscale) && (this.hitTest(PX, PY, true))) { count1++; count0 = 0; stageText.enterBubble.removeMovieClip(); this._xscale = S0; this._yscale = S0; S70._xscale = S0; S70._yscale = S0; this.onEnterFrame = F52; } }; F52 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((p._x - this._x) / 40); this._y = this._y + ((p._y - this._y) / 40); S70._x = this._x; S70._y = this._y; hitFuncAwa(this); }; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((120 - this._y) / 20); }; S50 = ef1.attachMovie("kaku0", "S50", efDepth); setColor(S50, 0, 40, 100); S50._alpha = 16; S50._x = 192; S50._y = 224; S50._xscale = 384; S50._yscale = 448; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S60 = ef1.attachMovie("en0", "S60", efDepth); if (!BLENDMODE) { setColor(S60, 80, 90, 100); } else { S60.blendMode = 12; } S60._parent.blendMode = 2; S60._x = 192; S60._y = 350; S60._xscale = 500; S60._yscale = 500; S60.onEnterFrame = F51; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S70 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "S70", efDepth); S70._x = p._x; S70._y = p._y; S70._xscale = 500; S70._yscale = 500; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("enterBubble", "enterBubble", 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 250; R0._alpha = -100; R0.enterBubbleText = "Enter this bubble!"; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this._alpha) >= 200) { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 100) { S10 = 150; S11 = 0; S12 = 2.5; S13 = lvRet(8, 7, 6, 6); S14 = 0; if (LV != 3) { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S10++; if (150 < (S10+1)) { if (200 < S10) { if (350 < S10) { this._x = this._x + (((384 - 30) - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((160 - this._y) / 20); if (S10 == 400) { S10 = 0; S14 = ransuA(10) - 5; } } else { this._x = this._x + (((384 - 30) - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((30 - this._y) / 12); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = (S14 - 18) + (((S10 - 201) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; } } else { this._x = this._x + ((30 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((160 - this._y) / 20); } } else { this._x = this._x + ((30 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((30 - this._y) / 12); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = ((S14 + 384) + 18) - (((S10 - 1) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; } bHitFunc0(this); }; } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S10++; if (120 < (S10+1)) { if (150 < S10) { if (270 < S10) { this._x = this._x + (((384 - 30) - this._x) / 18); this._y = this._y + ((160 - this._y) / 18); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = (S14 - 18) + (((S10 - 151) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; if (S10 == 300) { S10 = 0; S14 = ransuA(10) - 5; } } else { this._x = this._x + (((384 - 30) - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((30 - this._y) / 12); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = (S14 - 18) + (((S10 - 151) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; } } else { this._x = this._x + ((30 - this._x) / 18); this._y = this._y + ((160 - this._y) / 18); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = ((S14 + 384) + 18) - (((S10 - 1) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; } } else { this._x = this._x + ((30 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((30 - this._y) / 12); if ((S10 % S13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = ((S14 + 384) + 18) - (((S10 - 1) / 149) * 420); this.R0._y = -13; this.R0.dy = (2.4 + (Math.sin(S11) * 1.4)) + (Math.sin(S12) * 0.9); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } S11 = S11 + 0.029; S12 = S12 + 0.07; } bHitFunc0(this); }; } F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 13) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u6D41\u7B26\u300C\u6C34\u306E\u821E\u300D", "\u96EB\u7B26\u300C\u6D99\u306E\u821E\u300D", "\u7D50\u6676\u300C\u6D99\u306E\u6570\u73E0\u7E4B\u304E\u300D", "\u7D50\u6676\u300C\u6D99\u306E\u516B\u767E\u4E07\u904D\u5927\u6570\u73E0\u300D"), 51, 8000 * hpp, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((120 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 126) { spellFunc("", 40, 2500 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 30; Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; Q0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(32, 26, 21, 17); S1 = 3.4; S2 = 0; S3 = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(S2) * 162); this._y = 100 - (Math.cos(S3) * 70); S2 = S2 - 0.045; S3 = S3 + 0.09; if ((count0 % S0) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(70, 20, 20, S50, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(90, 10, 10, S50, 0); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.rad = this.rad + (Math.PI / 4); } } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S50 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S50._x = 0; S50._y = 0; S50.noRemove = 1; S50.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - Q0._y, p._x - Q0._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * S1); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * S1); removeTama(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 12) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.45; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 20) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 220) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { ef1.blendMode = 0; S50.removeMovieClip(); S60.removeMovieClip(); S70.removeMovieClip(); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 12); this._y = this._y + ((30 - this._y) / 12); }; } } else if (count1 == 5) { if (count0 == 1) { S0 = lvRet(140, 130, 120, 110); S6 = lvRet(130, 39, 100, 200); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 25); this._y = this._y + ((S6 - this._y) / 25); }; S50 = ef1.attachMovie("kaku0", "S50", efDepth); setColor(S50, 0, 40, 100); S50._alpha = 16; S50._x = 192; S50._y = 224; S50._xscale = 384; S50._yscale = 448; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S60 = ef1.attachMovie("en0", "S60", efDepth); if (!BLENDMODE) { if (LV != 0) { if (LV != 1) { if (LV != 2) { setColor(S60, 85, 85, 100); } else { setColor(S60, 100, 85, 85); } } else { setColor(S60, 100, 100, 80); } } else { setColor(S60, 85, 100, 85); } } else { S60.blendMode = 12; } ef1.blendMode = 2; S60._x = 192; S60._y = lvRet(350, 330, 350, 390); S60._xscale = 500; S60._yscale = 500; S60.onEnterFrame = F51; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S70 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "S70", efDepth); S70._x = p._x; S70._y = p._y; S70._xscale = 500; S70._yscale = 500; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("enterBubble", "enterBubble", 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = lvRet(250, 230, 250, 290); R0._alpha = -100; R0.enterBubbleText = "Enter this bubble!"; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this._alpha) >= 200) { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } else if (count1 == 6) { if (count0 != 1) { if (LV != 0) { if (LV != 1) { if (LV != 2) { if (count0 == 57) { S10 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._y = this._y - S10; S10 = S10 + 0.1; if (count0 % 4) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = 3 - (ransuA(600) * 0.01); this.R0.dy = 2.4 + (ransuA(300) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } if (this._y < -80) { this._x = -30; this._y = 4; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + (((384 + 130) - this._x) / 30); this._y = this._y + 3; if (count0 % 3) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = -1 - (ransuA(500) * 0.01); this.R0.dy = 4 - (ransuA(500) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F11; } if ((384 + 120) < this._x) { this._x = 384 + 30; this._y = 4; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((-130 - this._x) / 30); this._y = this._y + 3; if (count0 % 3) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = 1 + (ransuA(500) * 0.01); this.R0.dy = 4 - (ransuA(500) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F12; } if (this._x < -120) { this._x = 192; this._y = -30; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._y = this._y + ((204 - this._y) / 20); if (count0 % 2) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 30, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = 3 - (ransuA(600) * 0.01); this.R0.dy = -2 - (ransuA(100) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F13; } if (this._y >= 200) { this._y = 200; shot(this, 20, 60, 100, 0, 1, 5, 17, 4.5, 0, 0); shot(this, 20, 60, 100, 0, 1, 4, 17, 3.4, 0, 0); if (p._y < 160) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 16, 9, 0, 0); } S10 = 0; this.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._x < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((384 + 8) < this._x) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (this._y < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; Q0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else if (count0 == 52) { S10 = 0; S11 = 0; S12 = 0; S13 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(S10) * 160); this._y = 100 + (Math.sin(S10 * 2) * 80); if ((count0 % 4) == 0) { S11 = Math.atan2(10 - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(S11) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(S11) * 3; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } S10 = S10 + 0.04; if (6.28 < S10) { this._x = 192; this._y = 100; S10 = 0; S12 = 6.6; this.onEnterFrame = F1; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 - (Math.sin(S10) * 160); this._y = 100 + (Math.sin(S10 * 2) * 80); if ((count0 % 4) == 0) { S11 = Math.atan2(10 - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 20, 20, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(S11) * 3; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(S11) * 3; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } S10 = S10 + 0.04; if (6.28 < S10) { this._x = 192; this._y = 100; S10 = 0; S12 = 6.6; this.onEnterFrame = F3; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._y = this._y + S12; S12 = S12 - 0.1; if ((count0 % 4) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 1, 10, 1, 7, 2.5, 90 + S13, 1); shot(this, 100, 0, 50, 1, 10, 1, 7, 2.5, 90 - S13, 1); S13 = S13 + 19; } if (100 >= this._y) { this._y = 100; this.onEnterFrame = F2; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._y = this._y + S12; S12 = S12 - 0.1; if ((count0 % 4) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 0, 50, 1, 10, 1, 7, 2.5, 90 + S13, 1); shot(this, 100, 50, 0, 1, 10, 1, 7, 2.5, 90 - S13, 1); S13 = S13 + 19; } if (100 >= this._y) { this._y = 100; this.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((++this.count) == 40) { this.dx = 2 + (ransuA(50) * 0.03); this.dy = 2 + (ransuA(80) * 0.02); this.ddx = -0.01 - (ransuA(28) * 0.001); if (ransuA(1)) { this.dx = this.dx * -1; this.ddx = this.ddx * -1; } this.onEnterFrame = F11; } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dx = this.dx + this.ddx; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; Q0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else if (count0 == 37) { S10 = 0; S11 = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S10 = (Math.sin(S11) * Math.PI) * 2; this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(S10) * 185); this._y = 224 - (Math.cos(S10) * 185); S11 = S11 + 0.011; if ((count0 % 6) == 0) { this.rad = Math.atan2(224 - this._y, 192 - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 40, 1, 1); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 2.6; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 2.6; if (this.R0.dx < 0) { if (this.R0.dy < 0) { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } else { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else if (this.R0.dy < 0) { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if ((count0 % 3) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 60, 0, 3); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.rad = Math.atan2(224 - this._y, 192 - this._x); this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 20, 2, 2); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dx = (Math.cos(this.rad) * -1) * 3; this.R0.dy = (Math.sin(this.rad) * -1) * 3; if (this.R0.dx < 0) { if (this.R0.dy < 0) { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } else { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; } } else if (this.R0.dy < 0) { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } bHitFunc0(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 32) < this._x) || ((448 + 32) < this._y)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((384 + 32) < this._x) || (this._y < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (((448 + 32) < this._y) || (this._x < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if ((this._x < -32) || (this._y < -32)) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 110) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else if (count0 == 68) { S10 = 0; S11 = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(S10) * 184); this._y = 70 + (Math.cos(S11) * 60); S10 = S10 + 0.035; S11 = S11 + 0.09; if ((count0 % 13) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(80, 100, 80, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.X = this._x; this.R0.rad = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(80, 100, 80, 0, 0); this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.X = this._x; this.R0.rad = Math.PI; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } bHitFunc0(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this.X + (Math.sin(this.rad) * 50); this._y = this._y + 2.7; this.rad = this.rad + 0.03; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u6D41\u4E09\u5927\u821E\u8E0A\u300C\u96EA\u306E\u821E\u300D", "\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u6D41\u4E09\u5927\u821E\u8E0A\u300C\u6708\u306E\u821E\u300D", "\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u6D41\u4E09\u5927\u821E\u8E0A\u300C\u82B1\u306E\u821E\u300D", "\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u6D41\u7279\u5225\u516C\u6F14\u300C\u661F\u306E\u821E\u300D"), lvRet(49, 53, 54, 55), lvRet(3100, 5200, 7500, 9500) * hpp, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 15); this._y = this._y + ((S6 - this._y) / 15); }; } } else if (count1 == 7) { count0 = 0; ef1.blendMode = 0; S50.removeMovieClip(); S60.removeMovieClip(); S70.removeMovieClip(); if (CH == 0) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc00()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 1) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc01()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 2) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc02()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 10) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc10()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 11) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc11()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 12) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc12()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 20) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc20()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 21) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc21()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } else if (CH == 22) { stage.onEnterFrame = function () { if (commonFunc22()) { return(null); } stage404(); }; } } }Frame 44function stage404() { if (count1 == 7) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 103) { spellFunc("", 50, 2000 * hpp, 8, 8, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 224 - 160; Q0.count = 0; S0 = lvRet(50, 40, 38, 36); S1 = lvRet(2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6); S2 = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; S3 = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; S4 = lvRet(270, 270, 270, 270); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S2 = S2 + ((S3 - S2) / 30); this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(S2) * 160); this._y = 224 + (Math.sin(S2) * 160); if ((++this.count) == S0) { this.R0 = attachTama(70, 20, 20, S50, 1); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dy = -10; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.rad = Math.atan2(p._y - this._y, p._x - this._x); this.i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.i ; this.i++) { this.R0 = attachTama(90, 10, 10, S50, 0); this.R0._x = this._x - S50._x; this.R0._y = this._y - S50._y; this.R0.dx = Math.cos(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.dy = Math.sin(this.rad) * 4.5; this.R0.count = 0; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.rad = this.rad + (Math.PI / 4); } S3 = S3 - 1; this.count = 0; } bHitFunc0(this); }; S50 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, -1); S50._x = 0; S50._y = 0; S50.noRemove = 1; S50.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this.rad2 = Math.atan2(p._y - Q0._y, p._x - Q0._x); this._x = this._x + (Math.cos(this.rad2) * S1); this._y = this._y + (Math.sin(this.rad2) * S1); removeTama(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 12) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + 0.45; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 20) { this.onEnterFrame = F2; return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == S4) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 12); this._y = this._y + (((224 - 160) - this._y) / 12); bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else if (count1 == 8) { if (count0 == 1) { S0 = 106; F50 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } hitFuncAwa(this); }; F51 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((S0 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; if (((S0 + 1) >= this._xscale) && (this._parent.hitTest(PX, PY, true))) { count1 = 9; count0 = 0; stageText.enterBubble.removeMovieClip(); this._xscale = S0; this._yscale = S0; this.ring._xscale = S0; this.ring._yscale = S0; this.onEnterFrame = F52; } }; F52 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + ((this.Y - this._y) / 80); this.ring._y = this._y; }; S1 = lvRet(9, 13, 17, 19); S2 = lvRet(5, 9, 11, 13); S3 = lvRet(3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4); F53 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale * 0.95; this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; if (20 >= this._xscale) { shot(this, 100, 100, 0, 1, 0, S1, 360 / S1, S3, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 30, 0, 1, S1, 360 / S1, 2.2, 180 / S1, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 60, 0, 1, S2, 360 / S2, 1, 0, 0); this._xscale = S0; this._yscale = S0; this.ring._xscale = S0; this.ring._yscale = S0; this._y = 10000; this.Y = 334; this.onEnterFrame = F52; } }; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((410 - this._y) / 20); }; S50 = ef1.attachMovie("kaku0", "S50", efDepth); if (LV != 0) { if (2 < LV) { setColor(S50, 100, 90, 50); } else { setColor(S50, 100, 90, 0); } } else { setColor(S50, 40, 100, 0); } S50._alpha = 16; S50._x = 192; S50._y = 224; S50._xscale = 384; S50._yscale = 448; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S60 = ef1.attachMovie("space", "S60", efDepth); if (!BLENDMODE) { if (LV != 0) { if (LV != 1) { if (LV != 2) { setColor(S60, 90, 90, 80); } else { setColor(S60, 100, 90, 80); } } else { setColor(S60, 100, 90, 80); } } else { setColor(S60, 85, 100, 85); } } else { S60.blendMode = 12; } ef1.blendMode = 2; S60.onEnterFrame = F50; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { if ((i % 2) != 0) { var j = 0; for ( ; 2 >= j ; j++) { var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring" + ((i * 10) + j), efDepth); R1._x = 192 + ((j - 1) * 100); R1._y = 64 + (i * 90); R1._xscale = 500; R1._yscale = 500; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa" + ((i * 10) + j), (i * 10) + j); R0.Y = R1._y; R0._x = R1._x; R0._y = R1._y; R0._xscale = 500; R0._yscale = 500; R0.ring = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F51; } } else { var j = 0; for ( ; 3 >= j ; j++) { var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring" + ((i * 10) + j), efDepth); R1._x = 192 + ((j - 1.5) * 100); R1._y = 64 + (i * 90); R1._xscale = 500; R1._yscale = 500; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa" + ((i * 10) + j), (i * 10) + j); R0.Y = R1._y; R0._x = R1._x; R0._y = R1._y; R0._xscale = 500; R0._yscale = 500; R0.ring = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F51; } } } var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("enterBubble", "enterBubble", 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 244; R0._alpha = -100; R0.enterBubbleText = "Enter these bubbles!"; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this._alpha) >= 200) { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } else if (count1 == 9) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 85) { S10 = 0; S11 = 0; S12 = lvRet(3.2, 3.6, 4.1, 4.5); F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S10++; if (!(((S10+1) >= 1) && (80 >= S10))) { if (160 < S10) { if (200 < S10) { if (240 < S10) { if (280 < S10) { if (360 < S10) { if (S10 == 361) { this._y = 410; } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); if (S10 == 440) { S10 = 0; S11++; if ((S11+1) == 4) { S11 = 0; } if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { shot(this, 40, 100, 40, 0, 1, 5, 20, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 40, 100, 40, 0, 1, 6, 20, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 7, 12, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 8, 12, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 9, 9, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 10, 9, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 11, 6, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 12, 6, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else { if (S10 == 281) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { for ( ; this.i == S11 ; this.i++) { } if ((this.i % 2) != 0) { this.j = 0; for ( ; 2 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y = S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y - 90; } } else { this.j = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y = S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y - 90; } } } } this._x = this._x + ((-170 - this._x) / 20); } } else { if (S10 == 241) { S60["awa" + (S11 * 10)].onEnterFrame = F53; } this._x = this._x + (((192 - 150) - this._x) / 10); } } else { if (S10 == 201) { S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + 1)].onEnterFrame = F53; } this._x = this._x + (((192 - 50) - this._x) / 10); } } else { if (S10 == 161) { S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + 2)].onEnterFrame = F53; } this._x = this._x + (((192 + 50) - this._x) / 10); } } else { if (S10 != 81) { if (S10 == 121) { S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + 3)].onEnterFrame = F53; } } else { this._y = 64; } this._x = this._x + (((192 + 150) - this._x) / 15); } } else { this._x = this._x + (((384 + 170) - this._x) / 20); } bHitFunc0(this); }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } S10++; if (!(((S10+1) >= 1) && (80 >= S10))) { if (160 < S10) { if (200 < S10) { if (240 < S10) { if (280 < S10) { if (S10 == 281) { this._y = 410; } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 15); if (S10 == 360) { S10 = 0; S11++; if ((S11+1) == 4) { S11 = 0; } if (LV != 3) { if (LV != 2) { if (LV != 1) { shot(this, 40, 100, 40, 0, 1, 5, 20, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 40, 100, 40, 0, 1, 6, 20, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 7, 12, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 8, 12, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 9, 9, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 10, 9, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } } else { shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 11, 6, S12, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 40, 40, 0, 1, 12, 6, S12 * 0.7, 0, 0); } this.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { if (S10 == 241) { this.i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.i ; this.i++) { for ( ; this.i == S11 ; this.i++) { } if ((this.i % 2) != 0) { this.j = 0; for ( ; 2 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y = S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y - 90; } } else { this.j = 0; for ( ; 3 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y = S60["awa" + ((this.i * 10) + this.j)].Y - 90; } } } } this._x = this._x + (((384 + 170) - this._x) / 20); } } else { if (S10 == 201) { S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + 2)].onEnterFrame = F53; } this._x = this._x + (((192 + 100) - this._x) / 10); } } else { if (S10 == 161) { S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + 1)].onEnterFrame = F53; } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 10); } } else { if (S10 != 81) { if (S10 == 121) { S60["awa" + (S11 * 10)].onEnterFrame = F53; } } else { this._y = 64; } this._x = this._x + (((192 - 100) - this._x) / 15); } } else { this._x = this._x + ((-170 - this._x) / 20); } bHitFunc0(this); }; Q0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u6CE1\u9152\u300C\u8CB4\u65CF\u306E\u30D4\u30A2\u30B5\u30A4\u30C0\u30FC\u300D", "\u540D\u9152\u300C\u30CE\u30D6\u30EC\u30B9\u30B7\u30FC\u30C9\u30EB\u300D", "\u9298\u9152\u300C\u30CE\u30D6\u30EC\u30B9\u30AB\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30C9\u30B9\u300D", "\u547D\u9152\u300C\u30AA\u30A6\u30FB\u30C9\u30FB\u30F4\u30A3\u30FC\u300D"), 62, 6000 * hpp, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((410 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else if (count1 == 10) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 80) { S0 = lvRet(130, 115, 115, 105); S1 = 150; F50 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } hitFuncAwa(this); }; F51 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((S0 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; if (((S0 + 1) >= this._xscale) && (this._parent.hitTest(PX, PY, true))) { count1 = 11; count0 = 0; stageText.enterBubble.removeMovieClip(); this._xscale = S0; this._yscale = S0; this.ring._xscale = S0; this.ring._yscale = S0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; S50 = ef1.attachMovie("kaku0", "S50", efDepth); setColor(S50, 0, 0, 100); S50._alpha = 16; S50._x = 192; S50._y = 224; S50._xscale = 384; S50._yscale = 448; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S60 = ef1.attachMovie("space", "S60", efDepth); if (!BLENDMODE) { setColor(S60, 90, 90, 90); } else { S60.blendMode = 12; } ef1.blendMode = 2; S60._x = 0; S60._y = 0; S60.onEnterFrame = F50; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= j ; j++) { var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring" + j, efDepth); R1._x = 192 + (Math.cos((Math.PI / 4) * j) * S1); R1._y = 224 + (Math.sin((Math.PI / 4) * j) * S1); R1._xscale = 500; R1._yscale = 500; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa" + j, j); R0._x = R1._x; R0._y = R1._y; R0._xscale = 500; R0._yscale = 500; R0.ring = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = F51; _root["S4" + j] = R0; } var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("enterBubble", "enterBubble", 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 224; R0._alpha = -100; R0.enterBubbleText = "Enter these bubbles!"; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this._alpha) >= 200) { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } else { S50.removeMovieClip(); S60.removeMovieClip(); var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { if ((i % 2) != 0) { var j = 0; for ( ; 2 >= j ; j++) { ef["ring" + ((i * 10) + j)].removeMovieClip(); } } else { var j = 0; for ( ; 3 >= j ; j++) { ef["ring" + ((i * 10) + j)].removeMovieClip(); } } } Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else if (count1 == 11) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 350) { S10 = 0; S11 = 0; S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S14 = 0; S15 = 0; S16 = lvRet(200, 140, 120, 90); S17 = lvRet(150, 140, 120, 90); S18 = 0; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (S13 >= 0.025) { S13 = 0.025; } else { S13 = S13 + 0.0002; } S12 = S12 + S13; if (S12 >= (Math.PI * 2)) { S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S14 = 0; S15 = 0; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.sin(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + (Math.PI / 2)) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; } this.onEnterFrame = F11; } else { S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.sin((((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S12) + (Math.PI / 2)) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; } } if (((count0 % S16) == 0) && LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (S13 >= 0.027) { S13 = 0.027; } else { S13 = S13 + 0.0003; } S12 = S12 + S13; if (S12 >= (Math.PI * 2)) { S0 = lvRet(110, 100, 98, 95); S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S14 = 0; S15 = 0; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._y = 224 + (Math.cos(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + (Math.PI / 2)) * S1); S20.ring._y = S20._y; } setColor(S50, 0, 100, 0); this.onEnterFrame = F12; } else { S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._y = 224 + (Math.cos((((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S12) + (Math.PI / 2)) * S1); S20.ring._y = S20._y; } } if (((count0 % S16) == 0) && LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } }; F12 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (S13 >= 0.015) { S13 = 0.015; } else { S13 = S13 + 0.0001; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._xscale = S20._xscale + ((S0 - S20._xscale) / 20); S20._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._xscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._yscale = S20._xscale; } } S12 = S12 + S13; if (S12 >= (Math.PI * 2)) { S0 = lvRet(100, 95, 95, 92); S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S14 = 0; S15 = 0; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.cos((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20._y = 224 + (Math.sin((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } this.onEnterFrame = F13; } else { S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.cos(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S12) * S1); S20._y = 224 + (Math.sin(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S12) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } } if (((count0 % S16) == 0) && LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = -8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = 384 + 8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } }; F13 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (S13 >= 0.02) { S13 = 0.02; S15 = 0.01; } else { S13 = S13 + 0.0001; S15 = S15 + 5E-5; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._xscale = S20._xscale + ((S0 - S20._xscale) / 20); S20._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._xscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._yscale = S20._xscale; } } S12 = S12 + S13; S14 = S14 + S15; if (S12 >= (Math.PI * 4)) { S0 = 150; S1 = 150; S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S14 = 1; S15 = 0; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.cos((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20._y = 224 + (Math.sin((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } this.onEnterFrame = F14; S48.onEnterFrame = F41; frame.enemy0._visible = true; } else { S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.cos(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S14) * S1); S20._y = 224 + (Math.sin(((Math.PI / 4) * S10) + S12) * S1); S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } } if (((count0 % S16) == 0) && LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = -8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = 384 + 8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } }; F14 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = S20._x + (((192 + (Math.cos((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1)) - S20._x) / 50); S20._y = S20._y + (((224 + (Math.sin((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1)) - S20._y) / 50); S20._xscale = S20._xscale + ((S0 - S20._xscale) / 20); S20._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._xscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } S12++; if ((S12+1) == 80) { S12 = 0; S13 = 0; S15 = 0; S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; S20._x = 192 + (Math.cos((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20._y = 224 + (Math.sin((Math.PI / 4) * S10) * S1); S20._xscale = S0; S20._yscale = S0; S20.ring._xscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._x = S20._x; S20.ring._y = S20._y; } setColor(S50, 100, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = F15; } S18++; if ((S18+1) == S17) { S18 = 0; S17 = S17 - 3; if (LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = -8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = 384 + 8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } } }; F15 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } S10 = 0; for ( ; 7 >= S10 ; S10++) { S20 = _root["S4" + S10]; if (!S20.hitTest(PX, PY, true)) { if (S20._xscale < (S0 - 0.25)) { S20._xscale = S20._xscale + 0.21; } } else if (1.2 < S20._xscale) { S20._xscale = S20._xscale - 0.8; } S20._yscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._xscale = S20._xscale; S20.ring._yscale = S20._xscale; } S18++; if ((S18+1) == S17) { S18 = 0; S17 = S17 - 3; if (LV) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = -8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 0, 100, 0, 0); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = -8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; this.R0 = attachTama(0, 100, 0, 0, 0); this.R0._x = 384 + 8; this.R0._y = p._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F3; } shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 120, 1, 0, 0); } }; Q0.onEnterFrame = F10; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((448 + 8) >= (++this._y)) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((--this._y) >= -8) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((384 + 8) >= (++this._x)) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; F3 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((--this._x) >= -8) { if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u4FF3\u512A\u300C\u516B\u4E59\u5973\u795E\u697D\u300D", "\u300C\u7B11\u3044\u8EE2\u3052\u308B\u516B\u767E\u4E07\u306E\u795E\u3005\u300D", "\u300C\u7B11\u3044\u8EE2\u3052\u308B\u516B\u767E\u4E07\u306E\u795E\u3005\u300D", "\u300C\u7B11\u3044\u8EE2\u3052\u308B\u516B\u767E\u4E07\u306E\u795E\u3005\u300D"), 57, "", 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); F40 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (this.state) { if (this.state == 1) { this._xscale = 130 + (Math.sin(this.rad1) * 10); this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad0) * this.len); this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.rad0 = this.rad0 + 0.05; this.len = this.len + 0.3; this.rad1 = this.rad1 + 0.07; this.dy = this.dy - 0.027; Q0._x = this._x; Q0._y = this._y; if (this._y < -200) { frame.enemy0._visible = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } else { this._xscale = this._xscale + ((140 - this._xscale) / 40); if (this._xscale >= 135) { this.state = 1; this._xscale = 130; Q0._x = this._x; Q0._y = this._y; delete Q0.onEnterFrame; } } this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._xscale; }; F41 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (!BACKGROUND) { this._xscale = 130 + (Math.sin(this.rad1) * 10); } else { this._xscale = mahojin.jin._xscale; } this._yscale = this._xscale; this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad0) * this.len); this._y = this._y + ((224 - this._y) / 18); this.rad0 = this.rad0 + 0.05; this.len = this.len * 0.95; this.rad1 = this.rad1 + 0.07; Q0._x = this._x; Q0._y = this._y; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._xscale; }; var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring8", efDepth); R1._x = 192; R1._y = 224; R1._xscale = 5; R1._yscale = 5; R1.attachMovie("en15", "awa8_1", 10); R1.awa8_1._xscale = 96; R1.awa8_1._yscale = 96; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S48 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa8", 8); S48._x = 192; S48._y = 224; S48._xscale = 5; S48._yscale = 5; S48.ring = R1; S48.state = 0; S48.rad0 = 0; S48.len = 0; S48.rad1 = 0; S48.dy = 0; S48.onEnterFrame = F40; } } else if (count1 == 12) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 64) { talkNow = 1; talkType = 11; } } else { qRemove(Q0, 3); } } else { ef1.blendMode = 0; S50.removeMovieClip(); S60.removeMovieClip(); var i = 0; for ( ; 8 >= i ; i++) { ef["ring" + i].removeMovieClip(); } } } else if (count1 == 13) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 200) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { stageClearFunc(); } } }Frame 45function stage500() { if (count0 != 50) { if (count0 != 200) { if (count0 != 590) { if (count0 != 790) { if (!((count0 >= 1000) && (1200 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 1350) && (1550 >= count0))) { if (count0 == 1800) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(0, 40, 3, 0); R0._x = (count0 % 97) * 4; R0._y = -20; R0.rot = -90; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if ((this.count >= 30) && (this.rot < 270)) { shot(this, 100, 0, 0, 0, 11, 2, 180, S1, this.rot, 1); this.rot = this.rot + (S0 * 2); } if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else if ((count0 % 20) == 0) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 40, 3, 0); R0._x = (count0 % 97) * 4; R0._y = -20; R0.rot = -90; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if ((this.count >= 15) && (this.rot < 270)) { shot(this, 0, 100, 0, 0, 11, 1, 0, S1, this.rot, 1); this.rot = this.rot + S0; } if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("stageTitle", "stageTitle", 0); = "Stage 6"; R0.title = "<font color='#1133ff'>\u9752</font>\u3044\u6D77\u306E\u751F\u307F\u306E\u6BCD"; = "\u6D77\u6075\u5802\u672C\u6BBF"; S0 = lvRet(10, 9, 8, 6); S1 = lvRet(1.5, 2, 2.6, 3.2); S2 = lvRet(22, 16, 12, 10); } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 14 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 50, 2, 0); if (i != 7) { if (6 < i) { R0._xscale = -100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0.dx = ((8 - i) * 0.4) - 0.4; } else { R0._xscale = 100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0.dx = (i * 0.4) + 0.4; } } else { R0.dx = 0; } R0._x = 192; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((count0 >= 630) && (680 >= count0))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2.1; if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { if (count0 == 630) { this.dx = this.dx * 0.1; } if ((count0 == 635) || (count0 == 675)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, lvRet(3, 5, 7, 7), lvRet(20, 15, 12, 9), lvRet(1.5, 1.2, 0.8, 0.5) + ((Math.abs(this.dx) * lvRet(1.6, 2, 2.4, 2.8)) * 2.5), 0, 0); } } qHitFunc0(this); }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 14 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 50, 2, 0); R0._xscale = -100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = 384 - 5; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (i * 0.4) + 0.2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((count0 >= 240) && (290 >= count0))) { this._x = this._x - this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2.1; if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { if (count0 == 240) { this.dx = this.dx * 0.2; } if ((count0 == 245) || (count0 == 285)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, lvRet(3, 5, 7, 7), lvRet(20, 15, 12, 9), lvRet(1.5, 1.2, 0.8, 0.5) + (this.dx * lvRet(1.6, 2, 2.4, 2.8)), 0, 0); } } qHitFunc0(this); }; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 14 >= i ; i++) { var R0 = attachQ(1, 50, 2, 0); R0._xscale = 100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = 5; R0._y = -20; R0.dx = (i * 0.4) + 0.2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (!((count0 >= 90) && (140 >= count0))) { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + 2.1; if ((448 + 20) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { if (count0 == 90) { this.dx = this.dx * 0.2; } if ((count0 == 95) || (count0 == 135)) { shot(this, 0, 0, 100, 0, 1, lvRet(3, 5, 7, 7), lvRet(20, 15, 12, 9), lvRet(1.5, 1.2, 0.8, 0.5) + (this.dx * lvRet(1.6, 2, 2.4, 2.8)), 0, 0); } } qHitFunc0(this); }; } } }Frame 46function stage501() { if (count1 == 0) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 42) { if (count0 == 110) { count1 = 1; count0 = 0; } } else { Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((140 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else { Q0 = attachB(6); Q0._x = 400; Q0._y = 60; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((40 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((100 - this._y) / 20); }; } } else if (count1 == 1) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 == 38) { spellFunc("", 40, 5800 * hpp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Q0.dx = 0; Q0.dy = 0; S0 = 192; S1 = 140; S2 = 90; S3 = lvRet(7, 9, 11, 13); S4 = 360 / S3; S5 = lvRet(27, 24, 22, 20); S6 = lvRet(3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 4.1); S7 = -1.5; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((S0 - this._x) / 50); this._y = this._y + ((S1 - this._y) / 50); if ((count0 % 200) == 0) { S0 = p._x; S1 = (140 + ransuA(50)) - 25; shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 0, 1, 18, 20, S6 * 0.7, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 1, 0, 18, 20, S6 * 0.4, 0, 0); shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 2, 4, 18, 20, S6 * 0.3, 0, 0); } if ((count0 % S5) == 0) { shot(this, 100, 100, 100, 3, 2, S3, S4, S6 + (Math.sin(S7) * 1.4), 0, 0); S2 = S2 + (S4 * 0.2); S7 = S7 + 0.3; } bHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; } } else { mahojin.jin._visible = true; mahojin.jin.state = 1; } } else if (count1 == 2) { if (count0 == 1) { S0 = 120; F50 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } hitFuncAwa(this); }; F51 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((S0 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; if (((S0 + 1) >= this._xscale) && (this._parent.hitTest(PX, PY, true))) { count1 = 3; count0 = 0; stageText.enterBubble.removeMovieClip(); this._xscale = S0; this._yscale = S0; this.ring._xscale = S0; this.ring._yscale = S0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; F53 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((-this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; if ((1 >= this._xscale) && (this._parent.hitTest(PX, PY, true))) { count1 = 3; count0 = 0; stageText.enterBubble.removeMovieClip(); this._xscale = 0; this._yscale = 0; this.ring._xscale = 0; this.ring._yscale = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; F52 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this._xscale = this._xscale + ((S0 - this._xscale) / 20); this._yscale = this._xscale; this.ring._x = this._x; this.ring._y = this._y; this.ring._xscale = this._xscale; this.ring._yscale = this._yscale; }; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((192 - this._x) / 20); this._y = this._y + ((160 - this._y) / 20); }; S50 = ef1.attachMovie("kaku0", "S50", efDepth); setColor(S50, 0, 40, 100); S50._alpha = 16; S50._x = 192; S50._y = 224; S50._xscale = 384; S50._yscale = 448; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } S60 = ef1.attachMovie("space", "S60", efDepth); if (!BLENDMODE) { setColor(S60, 80, 90, 100); } else { S60.blendMode = 12; } ef1.blendMode = 2; S60.onEnterFrame = F50; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { if (!(i % 2)) { var j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= j ; j++) { var R2 = (((Math.PI / 4) * j) + (Math.PI / 8)); var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring" + ((i * 10) + j), efDepth); R1._x = ((2 >= i) ? (192 + ((Math.cos(R2) * 100) * i)) : 1000); R1._y = 160 + ((Math.sin(R2) * 100) * i); R1._xscale = 500; R1._yscale = R1._xscale; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa" + ((i * 10) + j), (i * 10) + j); R0._x = R1._x; R0._y = R1._y; R0._xscale = R1._xscale; R0._yscale = R1._xscale; R0.dx = Math.cos(R2) * 1; R0.dy = Math.sin(R2) * 1; R0.ring = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = (i ? (F51) : (F53)); } } else { var j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= j ; j++) { var R2 = ((Math.PI / 4) * j); var R1 = ef.attachMovie("en15", "ring" + ((i * 10) + j), efDepth); R1._x = ((2 >= i) ? (192 + ((Math.cos(R2) * 100) * i)) : 1000); R1._y = 160 + ((Math.sin(R2) * 100) * i); R1._xscale = 500; R1._yscale = R1._xscale; efDepth++; if ((efDepth+1) == 99999) { efDepth = 0; } var R0 = S60.attachMovie("en0", "awa" + ((i * 10) + j), (i * 10) + j); R0._x = R1._x; R0._y = R1._y; R0._xscale = R1._xscale; R0._yscale = R1._xscale; R0.dx = Math.cos(R2) * 1; R0.dy = Math.sin(R2) * 1; R0.ring = R1; R0.onEnterFrame = (i ? (F51) : (F53)); } } } var R0 = stageText.attachMovie("enterBubble", "enterBubble", 0); R0._x = 192; R0._y = 160; R0._alpha = -100; R0.enterBubbleText = "Enter these bubbles!"; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if ((++this._alpha) >= 120) { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } else if (count1 == 3) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 != 120) { if (count0 == 230) { S12 = lvRet(30, 28, 28, 26); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if ((count0 % S12) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = ransuA(384); this.R0._y = 448 + 13; this.R0.dx = 4 - ransuA(8); this.R0.dy = -4 + (ransuA(100) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 1, 0); this.R0._x = ransuA(384); this.R0._y = 448 + 8; this.R0.dx = 3 - ransuA(6); this.R0.dy = -3 + (ransuA(100) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 2, 4); this.R0._x = ransuA(384); this.R0._y = 448 + 4; this.R0.dx = 2 - ransuA(4); this.R0.dy = -1.5 + (ransuA(50) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F2; if (LV >= 2) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 100, 0, 1); this.R0._x = p._x; this.R0._y = 448 + 13; this.R0.dx = 4 - ransuA(8); this.R0.dy = ((LV * -1) - 2) + (ransuA(100) * 0.01); this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if ((S10++) == 99) { S10 = 0; S11--; if ((S11-1) == -1) { S11 = 3; } this.j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S13 = S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + this.j)]; S13._x = 192; S13._y = 160; S13._xscale = 0; S13._yscale = 0; } } bHitFunc0(this); }; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= j ; j++) { S60["awa" + ((i * 10) + this.j)].onEnterFrame = F52; } } S10 = 0; S11 = 4; S12 = lvRet(30, 28, 28, 26); Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 2); return(null); } if ((S10++) == 99) { S10 = 0; S11--; if ((S11-1) == -1) { S11 = 3; } this.j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= this.j ; this.j++) { S13 = S60["awa" + ((S11 * 10) + this.j)]; S13._x = 192; S13._y = 160; S13._xscale = 0; S13._yscale = 0; } } bHitFunc0(this); }; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dx = this.dx * 0.99; if (this._y < -13) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dx = this.dx * 0.99; if (this._y < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dx = this.dx * 0.99; if (this._y < -4) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } } else { spellFunc(lvRet("\u300C\u4EBA\u9B5A\u59EB\u306E\u511A\u304D\u5922\u300D", "\u300C\u4EBA\u9B5A\u59EB\u306E\u511A\u304D\u5922\u300D", "\u300C\u4EBA\u9B5A\u59EB\u306E\u511A\u304D\u604B\u300D", "\u300C\u4EBA\u9B5A\u59EB\u306E\u511A\u304D\u604B\u300D"), 53, 12000, 8, 15, 0, 0, 1, 1); } } else if (count1 == 4) { if (count0 != 1) { if (count0 != 32) { if (count0 == 128) { stageEnterFrame(); } } else { qRemove(Q0, 5); } } else { S50.removeMovieClip(); S60.removeMovieClip(); var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var j = 0; for ( ; 7 >= j ; j++) { ef["ring" + ((i * 10) + j)].removeMovieClip(); } } } } }Frame 47function stage502() { if (!((count0 >= 70) && (490 >= count0))) { if (!((count0 >= 840) && (1260 >= count0))) { if (count0 != 1550) { if (!((count0 >= 1700) && (2599 >= count0))) { if (count0 == 3100) { } } else { S20 = count0 % 300; if (9 < S20) { if ((S20 >= 150) && (159 >= S20)) { if (S20 == 150) { S0 = 384 - 10; S10 = 30; S11 = 100; S12 = 30; } if (S0 >= 128) { if (S0 >= 256) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 4000, 4, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 4000, 4, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 4000, 4, 0); } R0._x = S0; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2.5; if (this.count == 12) { this.hp = this.hp * 0.01; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, 0, 1); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x + 8; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 7; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, 0, 1); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x - 8; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 7; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = S0 - 30; } } else { if (S20 == 0) { S0 = 10; S10 = 100; S11 = 30; S12 = 30; } if (128 < S0) { if (256 < S0) { var R0 = attachQ(2, 4000, 4, 0); } else { var R0 = attachQ(1, 4000, 4, 0); } } else { var R0 = attachQ(0, 4000, 4, 0); } R0._x = S0; R0._y = -20; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._y = this._y + 2.5; if (this.count == 12) { this.hp = this.hp * 0.01; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, 0, 1); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x - 8; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 7; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R0 = attachTama(S10, S11, S12, 0, 1); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x + 8; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 7; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; } if ((448 + 30) < this._y) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S0 = S0 + 30; } } } else { S30 = lvRet(50, 46, 42, 38); F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((128 - this._x) / 22); this._y = this._y + ((20 - this._y) / 22); if (count0 == 1681) { this.gotoAndPlay("mae"); this.onEnterFrame = F2; } qHitFunc1(this); }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + ((256 - this._x) / 22); this._y = this._y + ((20 - this._y) / 22); if (count0 == 1681) { this.gotoAndPlay("mae"); this.onEnterFrame = F2; } qHitFunc1(this); }; F2 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if ((count0 % S30) == 0) { this.R0 = attachTama(30, 30, 100, 1, 11); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 12; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F10; this.R0 = attachTama(100, 100, 0, 2, 10); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F11; } if (count0 != 2500) { if (count0 >= 3000) { this._y--; if (this._y < -30) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } } else { this.hp = this.hp * 0.005; } qHitFunc1(this); }; F10 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + (0.5 + this.dy); this.dy = this.dy * 0.97; if ((448 + 16) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F11 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + 3; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; var R0 = attachQ(10, 50000, 1, 0); R0._xscale = -100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 80; R0.onEnterFrame = F0; var R0 = attachQ(10, 50000, 1, 0); R0._xscale = -100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 80; R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } } else if ((count0 % 70) == 0) { if (count0 == 840) { S0 = lvRet(20, 18, 16, 14); S1 = 0; } var R0 = attachQ(4, 250, 1, 0); R0.rad = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; R0.len = 90; R0._x = 192 - 64; R0._y = 70 - R0.len; R0.count = S1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (290 < this.count) { this._x = this._x - 3; this._y = this._y + 1; if (this._x < -30) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this.rad = this.rad - 0.035; this.len = this.len * 0.99; this._x = (192 - 64) + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 130); this._y = 70 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { if (p._y < this._y) { this.R0 = attachTama(90, 70, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = -90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 11; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(90, 70, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 11; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(4, 250, 1, 0); R0.rad = (Math.PI * 3) / 2; R0.len = 90; R0._x = 192 + 64; R0._y = 70 - R0.len; R0.count = S1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } if (290 < this.count) { this._x = this._x + 3; this._y = this._y + 1; if ((384 + 30) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } } else { this.rad = this.rad + 0.035; this.len = this.len * 0.99; this._x = (192 + 64) + (Math.cos(this.rad) * 130); this._y = 70 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); if ((this.count % S0) == 0) { if (p._y < this._y) { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 40, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = -90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 11; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(100, 40, 0, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 11; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } } qHitFunc0(this); qMuki(this); this.count++; }; S1 = S1 + 3; } } else if ((count0 % 70) == 0) { if (count0 == 70) { S0 = lvRet(25, 23, 22, 21); S1 = 0; F0 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y + (0.5 + this.dy); this.dy = this.dy * 0.96; if ((448 + 8) < this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; F1 = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._y = this._y - (0.5 + this.dy); this.dx = this.dx * 0.96; if (this._y < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!removeTama(this)) { hitFunc(this); } }; } var R0 = attachQ(3, 180, 1, 0); R0._xscale = 100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = -30; R0._y = 100; R0.count = S1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x + 2; if (((this.count % S0) == 0) || ((this.count % S0) == 5)) { if (p._y < this._y) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 90, 60, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = -90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 10; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 90, 60, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 10; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if ((384 + 30) < this._x) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; var R0 = attachQ(3, 180, 1, 0); R0._xscale = -100; R0.gotoAndPlay("yoko"); R0._x = 384 + 30; R0._y = 100; R0.count = S1; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } if (0 >= this.hp) { qRemove(this, 1); return(null); } this._x = this._x - 2; if (((this.count % S0) == 0) || ((this.count % S0) == 5)) { if (p._y < this._y) { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 60, 90, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = -90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 10; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F1; } else { this.R0 = attachTama(0, 60, 90, 0, 16); this.R0._rotation = 90; this.R0._x = this._x; this.R0._y = this._y; this.R0.dy = 10; this.R0.onEnterFrame = F0; } } if (this._x < -30) { qRemove(this, 0); return(null); } qHitFunc0(this); this.count++; }; S1 = S1 + 3; } }Frame 48function talkStage00() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 0) { if (talkNow == 1) { talk.boss1.removeMovieClip(); talkTextFunc(2, "\u98A8\u304C\u51FA\u3066\u304D\u307E\u3057\u305F\u306D<br>\u79C1\u305F\u3061\u306E\u52DD\u5229\u3067\u3059"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u795E\u5948\u5B50\u69D8\u306F\u6D77\u306E\u4E2D\u3078\u884C\u3051\u3068\u4EF0\u3063\u3066\u3044\u307E\u3057\u305F\u304C\u2026"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u4E00\u4F53\u4F55\u304C\u3042\u308B\u3068\u3044\u3046\u306E\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -100; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (120 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 85) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068"); attachTalkBoss(1); } } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u904A\u307C\u3046\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u307E\u3055\u304B\u3053\u3093\u306A\u30E0\u30B8\u30CA\u304C\u96E8\u3092\u964D\u3089\u3059\u3068\u306F\u601D\u3048\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3057"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u30E0\u30B8\u30CA\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u3066\u72F8\u3088<br>\u305D\u308C\u306B\u96E8\u3092\u964D\u3089\u3059\u3053\u3068\u3060\u3063\u3066\u7C21\u5358\u306B"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3078\u30FC\u305D\u3046\u3067\u3059\u304B<br>\u3082\u3063\u3068\u307E\u3057\u306A\u5618\u3092\u3064\u304D\u306A\u3055\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u72F8\u306A\u306E\u306F\u672C\u5F53\u3060\u3063\u3066"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u96E8\u3092\u964D\u3089\u3059\u306E\u306F\u5618\u3060\u3068"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3044\u3044\u3084\u964D\u3089\u305B\u3066\u307F\u305B\u308B<br>\u3042\u306E\u5C71\u9802\u306B\u706B\u3092\u706F\u3057\u3066\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u3089\u3001\u3084\u3081\u306A\u3055\u3044<br>\u3084\u306F\u308A\u5996\u602A\u306F\u5371\u967A\u3067\u3059\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u96E8\u306E\u3057\u3087\u307C\u3057\u3087\u307C\u964D\u308B\u663C\u306B\u2026"); bgm10.stop(); bgm11.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u72F8\u304C\u5316\u304B\u3059\u304D\u6C17\u3092\u3064\u3051\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 15) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else if (talkType != 0) { if (talkNow == 1) { talk.boss1.removeMovieClip(); talkTextFunc(2, "\u52DD\u3064\u899A\u609F\u3092\u3057\u3066\u304A\u3044\u3066\u826F\u304B\u3063\u305F\u305C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u3093\u306A\u5DDD\u3042\u3063\u305F\u3063\u3051\u306A<br>\u5909\u306A\u5974\u304C\u6F5C\u3093\u3067\u305D\u3046\u3060"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -100; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (120 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 85) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3053\u306E\u4EBA\u9593"); attachTalkBoss(1); } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u52DD\u8CA0\u3057\u306A\u3055\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u3001\u3084\u306F\u308A\u5909\u306A\u5974\u304C\u73FE\u308C\u305F\u306A"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u521D\u5BFE\u9762\u306A\u306E\u306B\u5931\u793C\u306D<br>\u7D76\u5BFE\u5012\u3057\u3066\u3084\u308B"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u5909\u306A\u5974\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u3066\u99AC\u9E7F\u72F8\u3060\u3063\u305F\u304B"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u99AC\u9E7F\u72F8\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u3066\u5316\u3051\u72F8\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u3060\u3001\u3042\u306E\u6D77\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u6559\u3048\u3066\u304F\u308C\u306A\u3044\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u306B\u52DD\u3066\u3070\u6559\u3048\u3066\u3042\u3052\u308B<br>\u5618\u3067\u306F\u306A\u3044\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u304B\u3001\u306A\u3089\u3044\u3044\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305A\u3044\u3076\u3093\u4F59\u88D5\u306D<br>\u5C11\u3057\u306F\u899A\u609F\u3057\u305F\u65B9\u304C\u3044\u3044\u3093\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\uFF1F"); bgm10.stop(); bgm11.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkType != 0) { if (talkNow == 1) { talk.boss1.removeMovieClip(); talkTextFunc(2, "\u3084\u3063\u3071\u308A\u7DD1\u306F\u672A\u719F\u306D<br>\u4EBA\u9593\u3082\u72F8\u3082"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } return; } if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u30FC\u3001\u84B8\u3057\u6691\u3044\u308F\u306D<br>\u3053\u306E\u5DDD\u306F\u6CF3\u3052\u308B\u307B\u3069\u6DF1\u3044\u306E\u304B\u306A"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(1); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -100; Q0.dx = (192 - Q0._x) / 80; Q0.dy = (120 - Q0._y) / 80; Q0.count = 0; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } qMoveFunc(this, 2); this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 85) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068"); attachTalkBoss(1); } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u904A\u3093\u3067\u3044\u304B\u306A\u3044\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6C34\u904A\u3073\u3067\u304D\u308B\u306E\u306D\uFF1F<br>\u3042\u3093\u305F\u3082\u4E00\u7DD2\u306B\u6DBC\u307F\u306A\u3055\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6C34\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u3066\u3055<br>\u52DD\u8CA0\u3057\u3088\u3046\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u3044\u3048\u3070\u3055\u3063\u304D\u4F1A\u3063\u305F\u306E\u306F\u3042\u3093\u305F\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044<br>\u3048\u3063\u3068\u3001\u7DD1\u306E\u732B\u2026\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u3066\u72F8\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3067\u3082\u30A2\u30A4\u30C4\u306E\u3068\u3053\u308D\u306E\u72D0\u306F\u8D64\u304F\u306A\u304B\u3063\u305F\u308F\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u3092\u8A00\u3063\u3066\u308B\u306E\u304B\u5206\u304B\u3089\u306A\u3044\u3051\u3069\u3001\u904A\u3093\u3067\u304F\u308C\u308B\u3093\u3060\u3088\u306D\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u7DD1\u306F\u672A\u719F\u3063\u3066\u611F\u3058\u3088\u306D<br>\u9EC4\u8449\u3057\u3066\u72D0\u8272\u306B\u306A\u308A\u306A\u3055\u3044\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3082\u307F\u3058\u306B\u306A\u308C\u3063\u3066\uFF1F<br>\u79C1\u306F\u9E7F\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\u306E\u306B"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3082\u307F\u3058\u306F\u767D\u3044\u72AC\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304B\u3063\u305F\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u8272\u3067\u3082\u3044\u3044\u304B\u3089\u3001\u305D\u308D\u305D\u308D\u3044\u304F\u3088\uFF01"); bgm10.stop(); bgm11.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } function talkStage10() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 2) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3055\u3066\u3001\u3082\u3063\u3068\u6C96\u3078\u51FA\u3066\u307F\u307E\u3057\u3087\u3046"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3044\u3088\u3044\u3088\u6D77\u3067\u3059<br>\u3069\u3093\u306A\u5996\u602A\u304C\u6F5C\u3093\u3067\u3044\u308B\u306E\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(2); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -60; Q0.rot = 270; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if (59 >= this.count) { this._y = this._y + 4; } this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 64) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u3093\u306A\u5996\u602A\u3060\u3088\u30FC"); attachTalkBoss(2); } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3046\u30FC\u3093\u3001\u666E\u901A\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u76EE\u7ACB\u3063\u305F\u88C5\u8EAB\u5177\u3082\u7121\u3044\u3057<br>\u9AEA\u578B\u306F\u99AC\u9E7F\u3063\u307D\u3044\u3057"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u98A8\u91C7\u304C\u4E0A\u304C\u3089\u306A\u304F\u3066\u8912\u3081\u308B\u3068\u3053\u308D\u304C\u7121\u3044\u611F\u3058\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306F\u306F\u2026\u305D\u3046\uFF1F<br>\u7D50\u69CB\u6C17\u306B\u5165\u3063\u3066\u305F\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069\u306A\u3042\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3082\u3063\u3068\u8EAB\u3060\u3057\u306A\u307F\u306B\u6C17\u3092\u4ED8\u3051\u3066"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3046\u3001\u3046\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3067\u306F\u5931\u793C\u3057\u307E\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u3001\u3053\u308C\u3060\u3051\u9177\u3044\u3053\u3068\u8A00\u3063\u3066\u304A\u3044\u3066<br>\u9003\u3052\u3088\u3046\u3063\u3066\u3044\u3046\u306E\uFF1F"); bgm20.stop(); bgm21.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u306E\u6E26\u5DFB\u3044\u305F\u6012\u308A<br>\u5F3E\u5E55\u306B\u3057\u3066\u898B\u305B\u3066\u3084\u308B\u308F\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else if (talkType != 2) { if (talkNow == 1) { talk.boss2.removeMovieClip(); talkTextFunc(2, "\u6D77\u306B\u51C4\u3044\u5974\u3063\u3066\u3044\u306A\u3044\u3082\u3093\u306A\u306E\u304B\u306A<br>\u5C11\u3057\u6B8B\u5FF5\u3060\u305C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u7A4F\u3084\u304B\u306A\u6D77\u2026<br>\u5D50\u306E\u524D\u306E\u9759\u3051\u3055\u304B"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(2); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -60; Q0.rot = 270; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if (59 >= this.count) { this._y = this._y + 4; } this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 64) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3001\u78A7\u3044\u6D77\u306B\u9752\u3044\u670D\u3063\u3066\u898B\u96E3\u3044\u306D\u3048"); attachTalkBoss(2); } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u307E\u3042\u3001\u79C1\u3082\u9752\u3044\u670D\u7740\u3066\u308B\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3042\u3001\u666E\u6BB5\u306F\u9ED2\u3044\u670D\u306A\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069\u306A<br>\u306A\u3093\u304B\u9752\u3044\u65B9\u304C\u305D\u308C\u3063\u307D\u3044\u3058\u3083\u3093\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3063\u3066\u3001\u305D\u3093\u306A\u3053\u3068\u306F\u3069\u3046\u3067\u3082\u3044\u3044\u3093\u3060<br>\u3053\u306E\u6D77\u306E\u79D8\u5BC6\u3068\u304B\u77E5\u3089\u306A\u3044\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3046\u306D\u3048\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5B9F\u306F\u79C1\u3001\uFF19\u4EBA\u59C9\u59B9\u306A\u306E\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u524D\u306E\u3053\u3068\u306A\u3093\u304B\u77E5\u308A\u305F\u304F\u306A\u3044\u3093\u3060<br>\u306A\u3093\u3068\u3044\u3046\u304B\u3001\u3059\u3054\u3044\u3053\u3068\u304C\u51FA\u6765\u308B\u5996\u602A\u3068\u304B\u3055"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u3067\u826F\u3051\u308C\u3070\u898B\u305B\u3066\u3042\u3052\u308B\u308F"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u524D\u306F\u4F55\u3082\u51FA\u6765\u306A\u3055\u305D\u3046\u3060\u304B\u3089\u9060\u616E\u3057\u3068\u304F\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4E00\u65E6\u5DFB\u304D\u8FBC\u307E\u308C\u308C\u3070\u6700\u5F8C<br>\u6D77\u306E\u7121\u9650\u968E\u6BB5\u3078\u3088\u3046\u3053\u305D\uFF01"); bgm20.stop(); bgm21.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkType != 2) { if (talkNow == 1) { talk.boss2.removeMovieClip(); talkTextFunc(2, "\u6E26\u306B\u5DFB\u304D\u8FBC\u307E\u308C\u305F\u65B9\u304C\u697D\u3060\u3063\u305F\u304B\u306A"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } return; } if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u308C\u304C\u6D77\u306A\u306E\u306D<br>\u6C17\u6301\u3061\u826F\u3055\u305D\u3046\u3060\u308F"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(2); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = -60; Q0.rot = 270; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._x = 192 + (Math.cos(rotToRad(this.rot)) * 50); this.rot = rotAdd(this.rot, 1); if (59 >= this.count) { this._y = this._y + 4; } this.count++; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 64) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u8D64\u3044\u9B5A\u306F\u4E45\u3005\u306D\u3048"); attachTalkBoss(2); } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3055\u3063\u304D\u306E\u5F3E\u5E55\u306B\u30A8\u30D3\u3067\u3082\u6DF7\u3056\u3063\u3066\u305F\u306E\u304B\u306A\u3042<br>\u3081\u3067\u305F\u3044\u3081\u3067\u305F\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u4E00\u5FDC\u307E\u3060\u4EBA\u9593\u306E\u3064\u3082\u308A\u306A\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4EBA\u9593\u3063\u3066\u3042\u307E\u308A\u98DF\u3079\u305F\u3053\u3068\u306A\u3044\u3093\u3060\u3088\u306D\u3048<br>\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3001\u304A\u3044\u3057\u3044\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u79C1\u306F\u307E\u305A\u307E\u305A\u3063\u3066\u3068\u3053\u304B\u306A\u30FC<br>\u9B54\u6CD5\u3092\u4F7F\u3046\u4EBA\u9593\u306F\u7F8E\u5473\u3057\u3044\u3089\u3057\u3044\u308F\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u7DD1\u8272\u306E\u9AEA\u3092\u3057\u305F\u4EBA\u9593\u3082\u304B\u306A\u308A\u7F8E\u5473\u3068\u805E\u3044\u305F\u308F<br>\u3053\u306E\u8FD1\u304F\u306B\u3044\u308B\u3093\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u3060\u304B\u3046\u305A\u3046\u305A\u3057\u3066\u304D\u3061\u3083\u3063\u305F<br>\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3092\u98DF\u3079\u3066\u307F\u3066\u826F\u3044\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3058\u3083\u3042\u79C1\u306F\u5931\u793C\u3059\u308B\u308F<br>\u3055\u3088\u3046\u306A\u3089"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u9003\u3052\u308B\u3063\u3066\u3053\u3068\u306F\u3084\u3063\u3071\u308A\u7F8E\u5473\u3057\u3044\u306E\u306D\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u5225\u306B\u9003\u3052\u3066\u306A\u3044\u308F\u3088<br>\u79C1\u306F\u6D77\u306E\u4E2D\u306B\u884C\u304B\u306A\u304D\u3083\u3044\u3051\u306A\u3044\u306E"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u304B\u3089\u9003\u3052\u3089\u308C\u308B\u304B\u306A\uFF1F<br>\u6E26\u306B\u5438\u3044\u8FBC\u307E\u308C\u3066\u4E00\u751F\u6D77\u5E95\u3067\u904E\u3054\u3057\u306A\u3055\u3044"); bgm20.stop(); bgm21.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } function talkFunc() { talk.back.swapDepths(200); if (talkType == 0) { } else if (talkType == 1) { talkStage00(); return; } talkStage00(); return; if (talkType == 2) { } else if (talkType == 3) { talkStage10(); return; } talkStage10(); return; if (talkType == 4) { } else if (talkType == 5) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (talkType == 6) { talkStage20(); return; } if (talkType == 7) { } else if (talkType == 8) { talkStage30(); return; } talkStage30(); return; if (talkType == 9) { } else if (talkType == 10) { // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump if (talkType == 11) { talkStage40(); return; } if (talkType == 12) { } else if (talkType == 13) { talkStage50(); } talkStage50(); } function talkTextFunc(talkType, text) { talkNow++; talk.back.talkText.text = text; var R0 = talk["boss" + Q0BossType]; R0._alpha = 100; if (talkType != 1) { if (talkType != 2) { talkNow = 0; count1++; count0 = 0; talk.player.removeMovieClip(); R0._visible = false; talk._visible = false; } else { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { glowFunc(talk.back.talkText, 0, 100, 0, 50, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); } else { glowFunc(talk.back.talkText, 0, 0, 100, 80, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); } } else { glowFunc(talk.back.talkText, 100, 0, 0, 60, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); } talk.player.state = 1; R0.state = 0; setColor(talk.player, 100, 100, 100); setColor(R0, 60, 60, 60); talk.player.swapDepths(101); } } else { glowFunc(talk.back.talkText, 100, 100, 0, 30, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0); talk.player.state = 0; R0.state = 1; setColor(talk.player, 60, 60, 60); setColor(R0, 100, 100, 100); R0.swapDepths(101); } } function attachTalkBoss(no) { var R0 = talk["boss" + no]; R0._visible = true; R0._x = 120; R0._y = 128; R0._alpha = 0; R0.state = 2; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state) { if (this.state != 1) { if (40 >= this._x) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._x = this._x - 12; this._y = this._y - 8; this._alpha = this._alpha + 20; } } else if (40 < this._x) { this._x = this._x - 6; this._y = this._y - 4; } } else if (this._x < 80) { this._x = this._x + 6; this._y = this._y + 4; } }; } function attachTalkPlayer() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { var R0 = talk.attachMovie("player20", "player", 100); } else { var R0 = talk.attachMovie("player10", "player", 100); } } else { var R0 = talk.attachMovie("player00", "player", 100); } R0._x = 0; R0._y = 128 + 200; R0._alpha = 0; R0.state = 2; R0.swapDepths(101); R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state) { if (this.state != 1) { if (this._x >= 80) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._x = this._x + 12; this._y = this._y - 8; this._alpha = this._alpha + 20; } } else if (this._x < 80) { this._x = this._x + 6; this._y = this._y - 4; } } else if (40 < this._x) { this._x = this._x - 6; this._y = this._y + 4; } }; }Frame 49function talkStage20() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 4) { if (talkType != 5) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6D77\u3092\u306A\u3081\u308B\u3068\u5869\u8F9B\u3044\u3067\u3059<br>\u30A4\u30AB\u306E\u5996\u602A\u3067\u3082\u5927\u91CF\u767A\u751F\u3057\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046\u304B"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3069\u3046\u3067\u3082\u3044\u3063\u304B"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3069\u3046\u3067\u3082\u3044\u3063\u304B<br>\u306A\u30FC\u3093\u3066\u306D\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u3044\u3048\u3070\u6C34\u7740\u3067\u6765\u308C\u3070\u826F\u304B\u3063\u305F\u3067\u3059\u306D"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u3092\u6CF3\u3044\u3067\u306F\u3044\u3051\u306A\u3044"); attachTalkBoss(4); bgm30.stop(); bgm31.start(0, 99); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u304A\u524D\u306F\u6FC0\u3057\u3044\u98A8\u96E8\u306B\u898B\u821E\u308F\u308C\u308B\u3060\u308D\u3046<br>\u66F4\u306B\u306F\u5927\u6D25\u6CE2\u3082"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u4ECA\u306F\u6674\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\u3067\u3059\u304B<br>\u6674\u308C\u305F\u65E5\u306B\u306F\u3001\u3088\u3060\u306F\u6765\u306A\u3044\u3093\u3067\u3059\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u308C\u306B\u79C1\u306F\u5C71\u306E\u795E\u3067\u3059<br>\u96E8\u306B\u3082\u98A8\u306B\u3082\u8CA0\u3051\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026\u597D\u304D\u306B\u3059\u308C\u3070\u826F\u3044<br>\u5927\u91CF\u306E\u5996\u602A\u306B\u8972\u308F\u308C\u3066\u3082\u69CB\u308F\u306A\u3044\u306E\u306A\u3089\u306A"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u30AF\u30E9\u30B2\u306E\u5996\u602A\u3067\u3059\u304B<br>\u305D\u308C\u306F\u75DB\u305D\u3046\u3067\u3059\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u5E95\u3067\u306F\u4ECA\u3001\u7D9A\u3005\u3068\u5996\u602A\u304C\u767A\u751F\u3057\u3066\u3044\u308B<br>\u539F\u56E0\u306F\u4E0D\u660E\u3060"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u5996\u602A\u9000\u6CBB\u306A\u3089\u4EFB\u305B\u3066\u4E0B\u3055\u3044<br>\u3064\u3044\u3067\u306B\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3082\u5012\u3057\u3066\u3042\u3052\u307E\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5C71\u306E\u4EBA\u9593\u3088<br>\u3042\u307E\u308A\u6D77\u3092\u306A\u3081\u306A\u3044\u65B9\u304C\u826F\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3053\u305D\u3001\u3042\u307E\u308A\u5C71\u306E\u795E\u3092\u306A\u3081\u306A\u3044\u3067\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3093\u2026"); attachTalkBoss(3); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3046\u307F\u306E\u3082\u304F\u305A\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else if (talkType != 4) { if (talkType != 5) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u304A\u3001\u78BA\u304B\u306B\u6CE2\u306F\u7518\u304F\u306A\u3044\u306A<br>\u3055\u3063\u304D\u306E\u5F3E\u5E55\u3082\u3057\u3087\u3063\u3071\u304B\u3063\u305F\u305C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3046\u3072\u3087\u30FC<br>\u6D77\u3067\u6CF3\u3050\u306A\u3093\u3066\u521D\u3081\u3066\u3060\u305C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3084\u3081\u308D"); attachTalkBoss(4); bgm30.stop(); bgm31.start(0, 99); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3093\u304A\uFF1F<br>\u4F55\u3060\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3082\u3046\u3059\u3050\u5927\u96E8\u3001\u5927\u6CE2\u304C\u304A\u524D\u3092\u8972\u3046<br>\u4ECA\u306E\u3046\u3061\u306B\u64A4\u9000\u3057\u308D"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u968F\u5206\u5049\u305D\u3046\u306A\u5974\u3060\u306A<br>\u7A7A\u306F\u6674\u308C\u3066\u308B\u304B\u3089\u5927\u4E08\u592B\u3060\u308D"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u306E\u4E88\u77E5\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u3069\u308C\u307B\u3069\u306E\u547D\u304C\u6551\u308F\u308C\u305F\u304B\u2026<br>\u6570\u3048\u305F\u3053\u3068\u306F\u7121\u3044\u304C"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u79C1\u306F\u3053\u308C\u304B\u3089\u6D77\u306B\u6F5C\u308A\u306B\u6765\u305F\u3093\u3060<br>\u3060\u304B\u3089\u96E8\u3082\u6CE2\u3082\u95A2\u4FC2\u306A\u3044\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u306F\u3044\u3001\u4E88\u77E5\u306F\u305A\u308C\u3060\u306A"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026<br>\u79C1\u304C\u3053\u308C\u304B\u3089\u304A\u524D\u3092\u8972\u3048\u3070\u826F\u3044\u3060\u3051\u3060"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u307E\u308A\u6CE2\u3092\u7518\u304F\u898B\u308B\u306A\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3093\u2026"); attachTalkBoss(3); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3046\u307F\u306E\u3082\u304F\u305A\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkType != 4) { if (talkType != 5) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u308C\u3001\u6674\u308C\u3066\u304D\u305F\u308F\u306D<br>\u3055\u3063\u304D\u306E\u304C\u72AF\u4EBA\uFF1F\u307E\u3055\u304B\u306D"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u308D\u305D\u308D\u6D77\u306B\u6F5C\u3089\u306A\u304D\u3083\u2026\u3063\u3066\u3001\u8AB0\u3088\u3042\u3093\u305F"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3053\u306E\u304A\u524D\u3001\u65E9\u304F\u5F15\u304D\u8FD4\u305B"); attachTalkBoss(4); bgm30.stop(); bgm31.start(0, 99); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u9593\u3082\u306A\u304F\u7A7A\u306F\u9ED2\u304F\u306A\u308A\u3001\u6D77\u306F\u767D\u304F\u306A\u308B\u3060\u308D\u3046<br>\u8D64\u3044\u670D\u3092\u7740\u3066\u76EE\u7ACB\u3068\u3046\u3068\u3057\u305F\u3068\u3053\u308D\u3067\u7121\u99C4\u3060"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6D77\u306E\u4E2D\u306A\u3089\u95A2\u4FC2\u306A\u3044\u308F\u3088\u306D<br>\u3055\u3088\u3046\u306A\u3089\u3063\u3068"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u99AC\u9E7F\u8005<br>\u305D\u308C\u307B\u3069\u91CD\u8981\u306A\u4ED5\u4E8B\u306A\u306E\u304B"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u884C\u304B\u306A\u304D\u3083\u30A2\u30A4\u30C4\u306B\u53F1\u3089\u308C\u3093\u306E\u3088<br>\u305D\u308C\u306B\u3001\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u6CF3\u3044\u3067\u307F\u305F\u3044\u304B\u306A\u30FC\u3063\u3066"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5897\u3048\u3059\u304E\u305F\u500B\u4F53\u6570\u3092\u6E1B\u3089\u3059\u305F\u3081\u306B\u81EA\u3089\u547D\u3092\u7D76\u3064<br>\u3053\u308C\u306F\u5229\u53E3\u306A\u306E\u304B\u611A\u304B\u306A\u306E\u304B"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u3001\u81EA\u6BBA\u306A\u3093\u3066\u3057\u306A\u3044\u308F\u3088<br>\u5225\u306B\u4EBA\u9593\u3082\u5996\u602A\u3082\u5897\u3048\u3066\u306A\u3044\u3057"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u9678\u306B\u3044\u308B\u304A\u524D\u306B\u306F\u5206\u304B\u3089\u306A\u304F\u3066\u5F53\u7136\u304B<br>\u5E7B\u60F3\u90F7\u306F\u4ECA\u3001\u591A\u5B50\u4F4E\u5E74\u9F62\u5316\u6642\u4EE3\u3092\u8FCE\u3048\u305F"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u306F\u5371\u967A\u306A\u5996\u602A\u305D\u306E\u4ED6\u3067\u98FD\u548C\u72B6\u614B<br>\u4EBA\u9593\u304C\u884C\u304F\u3079\u304D\u5834\u6240\u3067\u306F\u306A\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4EBA\u9593\u306E\u5B50\u4F9B\u306F\u5927\u4EBA\u3057\u304F\u5730\u4E0A\u3092\u9019\u3044\u5EFB\u3063\u3066\u308D\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3093\u2026"); attachTalkBoss(3); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3046\u307F\u306E\u3082\u304F\u305A\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } function talkStage30() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 7) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u79C1\u304C\u4E8C\u4EBA\u306B\u306A\u308A\u307E\u3057\u305F\u306D<br>\u3064\u3044\u306B\u5206\u970A\u3092\u7FD2\u5F97\u3057\u307E\u3057\u305F\uFF01"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5E7D\u4F53\u96E2\u8131\u3092\u4F53\u9A13\u3057\u3066\u9802\u304D\u307E\u3057\u305F"); attachTalkBoss(5); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3057\u304B\u3057\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u304A\u5F37\u3044\u2026<br>\u672C\u5F53\u306B\u795E\u69D8\u3067\u3044\u3089\u3057\u305F\u306E\u3067\u3059\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u3067\u3059\u79C1\u306F\u795E\u69D8\u3067\u3059<br>\u3055\u3042\u3001\u96E8\u3068\u6D77\u3092\u7121\u304F\u3057\u306A\u3055\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026\u5B9F\u306F\u3001\u6D77\u3092\u5275\u3063\u305F\u306E\u306F\u79C1\u3067\u306F\u306A\u3044\u306E\u3067\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3048\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5FA1\u6BCD\u5802\u69D8\u3092\u3054\u7D39\u4ECB\u81F4\u3057\u307E\u3059\u3002\u795E\u69D8\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306A\u3089\u76F4\u63A5\u8A71\u3092\u3055\u308C\u305F\u65B9\u304C\u3088\u308D\u3057\u3044\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u307E\u3060\u72AF\u4EBA\u304C\u3044\u308B\u306E\u3067\u3059\u306D<br>\u671B\u3080\u3068\u3053\u308D\u3067\u3059\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6DF1\u6D77\u3067\u3059\u3002\u6697\u3044\u3067\u3059\u3002\u6016\u3044\u3067\u3059\u3002"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3067\u3082\u795E\u69D8\u306F\u3053\u3093\u306A\u3053\u3068\u306B\u52D5\u3058\u3066\u306F\u3044\u3051\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3082\u3063\u3068\u5802\u3005\u3068\uFF01<br>\u3082\u3063\u3068\u5F37\u6C17\u306B\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(5); Q0.rad = 0; Q0.len = 150; Q0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(Q0.rad) * Q0.len); Q0._y = 300 - 7.7; Q0._alpha = 0; Q0.dy = -12; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._alpha = this._alpha + 0.9; this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.rad = this.rad + 0.09; this.len = this.len * 0.92; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; }; } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 120) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u3093\u306A\u51E6\u306B\u4EBA\u9593\u304B"); attachTalkBoss(5); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 50; Q0._alpha = 100; delete Q0.onEnterFrame; } } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u51FA\u307E\u3057\u305F\u306D\uFF01<br>\u305D\u3053\u306E\u5996\u602A\u3001\u52DD\u8CA0\u3067\u3059\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u308C\u307E\u305F\u597D\u6226\u7684\u306A\u4EBA\u9593\u3067\u3059<br>\u305D\u308C\u3068\u3082\u5996\u602A\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u79C1\u306F\u795E\u306E\u6771\u98A8\u8C37\u65E9\u82D7\uFF01<br>\u5927\u96E8\u306E\u72AF\u4EBA\u3092\u5012\u3057\u306B\u6765\u305F\u308F\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5927\u96E8\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u795E\u5948\u5B50\u69D8\u306F\u6DF1\u6D77\u306B\u72AF\u4EBA\u304C\u3044\u308B\u3068\u4EF0\u3063\u305F<br>\u3064\u307E\u308A\u3001\u3042\u306A\u305F\u304C\u72AF\u4EBA\u306D\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026\u305D\u3046\u3067\u3059<br>\u79C1\u304C\u5927\u96E8\u3092\u964D\u3089\u305B\u305F\u5F35\u672C\u4EBA\u3067\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u79C1\u3092\u5012\u3057\u3066\u3069\u3046\u3057\u305F\u3044\u306E\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u4ECA\u3059\u3050\u96E8\u3092\u964D\u3089\u3059\u306E\u3092\u6B62\u3081\u3001\u6D77\u3092\u7121\u304F\u3057\u306A\u3055\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u308C\u306F\u51FA\u6765\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 15) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u306A\u305C\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F\u795E\u3067\u3042\u308B\u79C1\u306B\u9006\u3089\u3046\u3068\u3069\u3046\u306A\u308B\u304B\u5206\u304B\u3063\u3066\u3044\u308B\u306E\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 16) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3069\u3046\u306A\u308B\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 17) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u308A\u3083\u3082\u3046\u3001\u672B\u4EE3\u307E\u3067\u795F\u3089\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 18) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u6016\u3044\u3002\u3067\u3082\u306D\u3001\u79C1\u306E\u5E7B\u306E\u65B9\u304C\u6050\u308D\u3057\u3044\u308F"); bgm40.stop(); bgm41.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u795E\u306E\u529B\u3067\u3001\u52DD\u3064\u306E\u3088\uFF01\u65E9\u82D7\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6050\u6016\u306E\u5E7B\u3067\u8EAB\u3082\u5FC3\u3082\u52D5\u3051\u306A\u304F\u306A\u308C\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 21) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else if (talkType != 7) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u970A\u5922\u3068\u65E9\u82D7\u304C\u8972\u3063\u3066\u304D\u305F\u306A"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306E\u30A2\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30EB\u4F53\u3092\u901A\u3057\u3066\u5E7B\u3092\u898B\u305B\u305F\u306E\u3088"); attachTalkBoss(5); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u5F37\u3044<br>\u5FA1\u4EE4\u5B22\u69D8\u306E\u904A\u3073\u76F8\u624B\u306B\u306A\u308C\u308B\u304B\u3082\u3057\u308C\u306A\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u6075\u5802\u3078\u6848\u5185\u3057\u307E\u3057\u3087\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3069\u3093\u306A\u5974\u306A\u306E\u304B\u697D\u3057\u307F\u3060\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3064\u3044\u306B\u6D77\u5E95\u306B\u305F\u3069\u308A\u7740\u3044\u305F\u308F\u3051\u3060\u304C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6697\u304F\u3066\u4F55\u304C\u3042\u308B\u306E\u304B\u5206\u304B\u3089\u306A\u3044\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(5); Q0.rad = 0; Q0.len = 150; Q0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(Q0.rad) * Q0.len); Q0._y = 300 - 7.7; Q0._alpha = 0; Q0.dy = -12; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._alpha = this._alpha + 0.9; this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.rad = this.rad + 0.09; this.len = this.len * 0.92; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; }; } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 120) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u3082\u898B\u3048\u306A\u3044\u306E\u306A\u3089\u4F55\u3082\u7121\u3044"); attachTalkBoss(5); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 50; Q0._alpha = 100; delete Q0.onEnterFrame; } } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u3082\u7121\u3044\u306E\u306B\u4F55\u304B\u5728\u308B\u3068\u601D\u3063\u3066\u3057\u307E\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u771F\u5B9F\u304C\u73FE\u5B9F\u306A\u3089\u5E7B\u60F3\u3082\u307E\u305F\u73FE\u5B9F<br>\u771F\u5B9F\u3092\u7A81\u304D\u8A70\u3081\u308B\u3068\u5E7B\u60F3\u304C\u898B\u3048\u3066\u304F\u308B"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u4F55\u3060\u4F55\u3060\uFF1F<br>\u72EC\u308A\u8A00\u304B\uFF1F\u79C1\u304C\u898B\u3048\u3066\u3044\u306A\u3044\u306E\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306B\u306F\u79C1\u304C\u898B\u3048\u308B\u306E\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3042\u3001\u7ACB\u6D3E\u306A\u30AB\u30BF\u30C4\u30E0\u30EA\u304C\u898B\u3048\u308B\u305C<br>\u8033\u304C\u826F\u3055\u305D\u3046\u3060\u306A"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4ED6\u4EBA\u306B\u306F\u805E\u3053\u3048\u306A\u3044\u97F3\u304C\u805E\u3053\u3048\u308B\u308F<br>\u5E7B\u8074\u529B\u306A\u3089\u4E16\u6D77\u4E00\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6D77\u5E95\u306B\u9762\u767D\u3044\u5974\u3063\u3066\u3044\u306A\u3044\u306E\u304B\uFF1F<br>\u3044\u306A\u304D\u3083\u56F0\u308B\u3093\u3060\u304C"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u79C1\u304C\u9762\u767D\u305D\u3046\u306B\u898B\u3048\u307E\u305B\u3093\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3069\u3063\u3061\u304B\u3068\u8A00\u3046\u3068\u9762\u9ED2\u3044\u3063\u3066\u611F\u3058\u304B\u306A"); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3069\u3046\u305B\u306A\u3089\u7D2B\u8272\u304C\u826F\u304B\u3063\u305F\u308F<br>\u4E0A\u54C1\u3067\u5E7B\u60F3\u7684\u306A\u8272\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 15) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u7D2B\u3068\u304B\u7E01\u8D77\u306E\u60AA\u3044\u8272\u306F\u5ACC\u3044\u3060\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 16) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u8AB0\u3082\u3044\u306A\u3044\u307F\u305F\u3044\u3060\u3057\u3001\u3082\u3063\u3068\u5965\u306B\u884C\u3063\u3066\u307F\u308B\u304B"); } else if (talkNow == 17) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u306E\u5148\u306F\u2026<br>\u9032\u3093\u3067\u306F\u3044\u3051\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 18) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5FA1\u6BCD\u5802\u69D8\u3001\u5FA1\u4EE4\u5B22\u69D8\u306B\u5FA1\u8FF7\u60D1\u304C\u639B\u304B\u308A\u307E\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u304A\u304A\uFF1F\u968F\u5206\u3068\u5049\u305D\u3046\u306A\u5974\u3089\u3060\u306A<br>\u307E\u3059\u307E\u3059\u884C\u304D\u305F\u304F\u306A\u3063\u305F\u305C"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5FA1\u4EE4\u5B22\u69D8\u304C\u80FD\u529B\u3092\u4F7F\u3046\u307E\u3067\u3082\u306A\u3044<br>\u79C1\u304C\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3092\u8FFD\u3044\u8FD4\u3059"); bgm40.stop(); bgm41.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 21) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5E7B\u306E\u5F3E\u5E55\u3001\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u898B\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u51FA\u6765\u308B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 22) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkType != 7) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u9B54\u7406\u6C99\u306B\u65E9\u82D7\uFF1F\u305D\u308C\u306B\u79C1\uFF1F<br>\u5922\u3067\u3082\u898B\u3066\u3044\u305F\u306E\u304B\u3057\u3089"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u306E\u5275\u308A\u3060\u3057\u305F\u5E7B\u306E\u5F3E\u5E55\u3092\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306E\u5922\u306E\u4E2D\u306B\u653E\u308A\u8FBC\u3093\u3060\u306E\u3088"); attachTalkBoss(5); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3084\u3084\u3053\u3057\u3044\u3053\u3068\u3059\u308B\u306E\u306D<br>\u305D\u3093\u306A\u3060\u304B\u3089\u5F31\u3044\u306E\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u5F37\u3044<br>\u5FA1\u4EE4\u5B22\u69D8\u306E\u904A\u3073\u76F8\u624B\u306B\u306A\u308C\u308B\u304B\u3082\u3057\u308C\u306A\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u6075\u5802\u3078\u6848\u5185\u3057\u307E\u3057\u3087\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u904A\u3073\u306B\u884C\u304F\u308F\u3051\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } return; } if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3048\u3063\u3068\u3001\u3053\u3053\u306F\u3069\u3053\uFF1F"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkCount = 1; talkTextFunc(1, ""); Q0 = attachB(5); Q0.rad = 0; Q0.len = 150; Q0._x = 192 + (Math.sin(Q0.rad) * Q0.len); Q0._y = 300 - 7.7; Q0._alpha = 0; Q0.dy = -12; Q0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stop) { return(null); } this._alpha = this._alpha + 0.9; this._x = 192 + (Math.sin(this.rad) * this.len); this.rad = this.rad + 0.09; this.len = this.len * 0.92; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy * 0.95; }; } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkCount++; if ((talkCount+1) == 120) { talkCount = 0; talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u3053\u306F\u305D\u3053"); attachTalkBoss(5); Q0._x = 192; Q0._y = 50; Q0.dy = 0; Q0._alpha = 100; delete Q0.onEnterFrame; } } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3042\u3001\u305D\u3053\u306A\u306E\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u96E8\u3092\u5927\u91CF\u306B\u964D\u3089\u305B\u305F\u306E\u306F\u3042\u3093\u305F\uFF1F<br>\u3084\u3081\u3066\u307B\u3057\u3044\u3093\u3060\u3051\u3069"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u96E8\uFF1F\u3053\u306E\u6D77\u306E\u3053\u3068\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F<br>\u305D\u308C\u306A\u3089\u5FA1\u6BCD\u5802\u69D8\u9054\u304C\u5275\u3089\u308C\u307E\u3057\u305F\u308F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u8AB0\u3088\u305D\u308C<br>\u3069\u3053\u306B\u3044\u308B\u306E\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305A\u3063\u3068\u3001\u305D\u3053\u306B\u3044\u307E\u3059\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3042\u3001\u305D\u3053\u306B\u3044\u308B\u306E\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u306E\u5927\u6C34\u3069\u3046\u306B\u304B\u3057\u3066\u3063\u3066\u4F1D\u3048\u3068\u3044\u3066\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3069\u3046\u306B\u304B\u3001\u3068\u8A00\u3044\u307E\u3059\u3068\uFF1F<br>\u3082\u3063\u3068\u62E1\u5927\u3057\u3066\u307B\u3057\u3044\u306E\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u306E\u6D77\u3092\u7121\u304F\u305B\u3063\u3066\u8A00\u3063\u3066\u3093\u306E\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F55\u6545\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046\u3002\u3053\u3093\u306A\u306B\u3082\u7D20\u6674\u3089\u3057\u3044\u6DF1\u4E16\u6D77\u3092\u5275\u3063\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3063\u305F\u306E\u306B"); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3093\u306A\u306B\u3082\u5927\u91CF\u306E\u8F1D\u304B\u3057\u3044\u547D\u304C\u751F\u307E\u308C\u305F\u306E\u306B"); } else if (talkNow == 15) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6C34\u3060\u3051\u3058\u3083\u306A\u304F\u5996\u602A\u3082\u6EA2\u308C\u3055\u305B\u308B\u6C17\u306A\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 16) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3093\u305F\u9054\u3001\u4F55\u304C\u76EE\u7684\u306A\u306E\u3088<br>\u307E\u3055\u304B\u4FB5\u7565\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 17) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u5FA1\u6BCD\u5802\u69D8\u306F\u6D77\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u5FC3\u306E\u5E83\u3044\u65B9\u3067\u3059<br>\u4ED6\u4EBA\u306B\u5371\u5BB3\u3092\u52A0\u3048\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306A\u3069\u6C7A\u3057\u3066\u3042\u308A\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 18) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u306E\u5927\u6C34\u3067\u3069\u308C\u3060\u3051\u306E\u4EBA\u304C\u8FF7\u60D1\u3057\u3066\u308B\u304B\u5206\u304B\u3063\u3066\u3093\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u304C\u4F55\u6545\u4EBA\u3092\u56F0\u3089\u305B\u308B\u306E\u3067\u3057\u3087\u3046<br>\u7406\u89E3\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3082\u3046\u3044\u3044\u308F\uFF01<br>\u79C1\u304C\u76F4\u63A5\u4F1A\u3063\u3066\u59CB\u672B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u308B\u304B\u3089\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 21) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u5FA1\u6BCD\u5802\u69D8\u306B\u306F\u304A\u4F1A\u3044\u3067\u304D\u307E\u305B\u3093"); bgm40.stop(); bgm41.start(1, 99); } else if (talkNow == 22) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u306E\u5922\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306A\u6DF1\u6D77\u3092\u6C38\u9060\u306B\u5F77\u5FA8\u3044\u306A\u3055\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 23) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } function talkStage40() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 9) { if (talkType != 10) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6CE1\u306B\u5305\u307E\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u3068\u3001\u306A\u3093\u3060\u304B\u5143\u6C17\u306B\u306A\u3063\u3066\u304D\u307E\u3057\u305F"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3053\u3093\u306A\u4EBA\u9593\u306B\u8CA0\u3051\u308B\u306A\u3093\u3066\u6B8B\u5FF5\u7121\u5FF5\u3060\u308F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6B8B\u5FF5\u3068\u7121\u5FF5\u3063\u3066\u77DB\u76FE\u3057\u3066\u307E\u3059\u3088\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6094\u3057\u3044\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u5FC3\u3001\u5728\u308B\u3053\u3068\u6BCB\u308C\u3001\u300C\u6094\u300D\u306E\u5B57\u306F\u3088\u304F\u51FA\u6765\u3066\u3044\u307E\u3059\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3001\u305D\u3046\u3060\u3001\u72AF\u4EBA\u304C\u307E\u3060\u898B\u3064\u304B\u3063\u3066\u3044\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3053\u306E\u4EBA\u9B5A\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3055\u305D\u3046\u3067\u3059\u3057\u3001\u3082\u3063\u3068\u5411\u3053\u3046\u306B\u884C\u3063\u3066\u307F\u307E\u3057\u3087\u3046"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3044\u3064\u304B\u3053\u306E\u96EA\u8FB1\u3092\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u3001\u3055\u3063\u304D\u304B\u3089\u5996\u7CBE\u3092\u5012\u3057\u307E\u304F\u3063\u3066\u308B\u3051\u3069\u3001\u305D\u308C\u3067\u3082\u81EA\u79F0\u795E\u69D8\u306A\u306E\uFF1F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u9178\u7D20\u30DC\u30F3\u30D9\u4EE3\u308F\u308A\u306B\u826F\u3044\u3067\u3059\u306D<br>\u5E7B\u60F3\u90F7\u306E\u6D77\u306F\u30C0\u30A4\u30D3\u30F3\u30B0\u306B\u6700\u9069\u3067\u3059"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u9178\u7D20\u3070\u304B\u308A\u5438\u3063\u3066\u305F\u3089\u305D\u306E\u3046\u3061\u9178\u7D20\u4E2D\u6BD2\u306B\u306A\u308B\u308F\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6C34\u3082\u5996\u7CBE\u3055\u3093\u304B\u3089\u9802\u3044\u3066\u3044\u307E\u3059\u3088<br>\u6D77\u3067\u771F\u6C34\u3092\u98F2\u3080\u306A\u3093\u3066\u8D05\u6CA2\u3067\u3059"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u3042\u308C\u304C\u6C34\u3060\u3068\u601D\u3063\u3066\u305F\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u6E6F\u3067\u3057\u305F\u3063\u3051\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4E00\u9178\u5316\u4E8C\u6C34\u7D20\u3002\u731B\u6BD2\u306D\u3002"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306E\u4F53\u306F\u898B\u308B\u898B\u308B\u3046\u3061\u306B\u9306\u3064\u3044\u3066\u3001\u98A8\u5316\u3057\u3066\u3044\u304F\u306E"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6BD2\u2026\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u8A00\u308F\u308C\u3066\u307F\u308B\u3068\u3001\u3061\u3087\u3063\u3068\u80F8\u304C\u82E6\u3057\u3044\u304B\u3082\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 11) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u751F\u304D\u308B\u3053\u3068\u6BCB\u308C\u3001\u300C\u6BD2\u300D\u306E\u5B57\u306F\u3088\u304F\u51FA\u6765\u3066\u3044\u308B\u308F\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 12) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u751F\u304D\u308B\u3053\u3068\u6BCD\u308C\u3001\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044\u3093\u3067\u3059\u304B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 13) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u300C\u306F\u306F\u308C\u300D\u3063\u3066\u4F55\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 14) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3044\u3064\u307E\u3067\u3082\u6BD2\u306B\u82E6\u3057\u3093\u3067\u306F\u3044\u3089\u308C\u307E\u305B\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 15) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3055\u3042\u3001\u4ECA\u3059\u3050\u3053\u306E\u6D77\u3092\u6D88\u3057\u53BB\u308A\u306A\u3055\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 16) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u306A\u3093\u3067\u3088<br>\u6D77\u306F\u79C1\u305F\u3061\u306E\u6BCD\u306A\u306E\u3088\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 17) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6C34\u3001\u5728\u308B\u3053\u3068\u6BCB\u308C\u3001\u300C\u6D77\u300D\u306E\u5B57\u306F\u3088\u304F\u51FA\u6765\u3066\u3044\u307E\u3059\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 18) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u304C\u305D\u3093\u306A\u306B\u6C17\u306B\u5165\u3089\u306A\u3044\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u3092\u5ACC\u3046\u4EBA\u9593\u306A\u3069\u3001\u51B7\u305F\u3044\u5CA9\u306E\u4E0A\u3067\u3072\u304B\u3089\u3073\u3066\u4ED5\u821E\u3048\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u3060\u30FC\u308C\uFF1F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u79C1\u306F\u5C71\u306E\u795E\uFF01\u6771\u98A8\u8C37\u65E9\u82D7\u3088\uFF01"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3046\u3002\u5E30\u3063\u3066\u304F\u308C\u308B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else if (talkType != 9) { if (talkType != 10) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u306A\u3093\u3067\u3053\u3093\u306A\u4EBA\u9593\u306B\u8CA0\u3051\u306A\u304D\u3083\u3044\u3051\u306A\u3044\u306E\uFF1F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3055\u3042\u3001\u6D77\u306E\u9020\u308A\u65B9\u3092\u6559\u3048\u3066\u304F\u308C"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u306A\u3093\u3067\u3001\u306A\u3093\u3067\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306A\u3093\u304B\u306B\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305D\u3046\u3044\u3048\u3070\u3001\u304A\u524D\u306E\u300C\u304A\u6BCD\u69D8\u300D\u306F\u3069\u3053\u306B\u3044\u308B\u3093\u3060\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u304A\u3001\u3042\u3063\u3061\u306B\u3044\u305D\u3046\u3060\u306A"); } else if 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"\u305D\u308C\u3060\u3051\u306E\u7406\u7531\uFF1F<br>\u3075\u3056\u3051\u306A\u3044\u3067\u304F\u308C\u308B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u79C1\u305F\u3061\u306B\u306F\u3061\u3083\u3093\u3068\u3057\u305F\u76EE\u7684\u304C\u3042\u308B\u306E\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u904A\u3073\u534A\u5206\u3067\u6D77\u3092\u5275\u308D\u3046\u306A\u3093\u3066\u3001\u304A\u6BCD\u69D8\u3068\u79C1\u304C\u7D76\u5BFE\u306B\u8A31\u3055\u306A\u3044\u308F\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 21) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4EBA\u751F\u6700\u5F8C\u306E\u6674\u308C\u821E\u53F0\u3001\u7CBE\u4E00\u676F\u8E0A\u308A\u306A\u3055\u3044\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 22) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u3060\u30FC\u308C\uFF1F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u305F\u3060\u306E\u9B54\u6CD5\u4F7F\u3044\u3001\u9727\u96E8\u9B54\u7406\u6C99\u3060\u305C\uFF01"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3046\u3002\u5E30\u3063\u3066\u304F\u308C\u308B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkType != 9) { if (talkType != 10) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3055\u3042\u3055\u3042\u3001\u3042\u3093\u305F\u306E\u300C\u304A\u6BCD\u69D8\u300D\u3068\u3084\u3089\u3092\u898B\u305B\u3066\u3088\u306D"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3046\u3046\u3001\u3084\u308A\u76F4\u3057\uFF01\u3084\u308A\u76F4\u3057\u3088\uFF01"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u99AC\u9E7F\u306A\u3053\u3068\u8A00\u308F\u306A\u3044\u306E\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u306F\u3044\u306F\u3044\uFF01\u3042\u3063\u3061\u3088\uFF01\u3042\u3063\u3061\uFF01<br>\u3055\u3063\u3055\u3068\u884C\u304D\u306A\u3055\u3044\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3069\u30FC\u3082\u3042\u308A\u304C\u3068\u3001\u8CA0\u3051\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u3055\u3093"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026\u2026"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u2026\u2026\u7D76\u5BFE\u4ED5\u8FD4\u3057\u3057\u3066\u3084\u308B\u304B\u3089"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } else { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F4F\u5C45\u4FB5\u5165\u7F6A"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3001\u3053\u3053\u3063\u3066\u5BB6\u3060\u3063\u305F\u306E<br>\u3042\u3093\u305F\u306F\u8AB0\uFF1F"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u6D77\u6075\u5802\u3067\u50CD\u304F\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u3088"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\uFF1F\u3069\u3053\u304B\u3067\u805E\u3044\u305F\u308F\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 5) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u304A\u6BCD\u69D8\u306B\u4ED5\u3048\u3066\u3044\u308B\u304B\u3089\u300C\u30DE\u30FC\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u300D\u306A\u3093\u3066\u547C\u3070\u308C\u308B\u308F"); } else if (talkNow == 6) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u6BCD\u306E\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u3067\u30DE\u30FC\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\uFF1F<br>\u3058\u3083\u3042\u3001\u60AA\u9B54\u306E\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u306F\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 7) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u300C\u9B54\u30FC\u30E1\u30A4\u30C9\u300D\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 8) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3093\u305F\u3001\u6642\u9593\u3092\u6B62\u3081\u305F\u308A\u9045\u304F\u3057\u305F\u308A\u3063\u3066\u51FA\u6765\u308B\u306E\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 9) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u59EB\u69D8\u306E\u529B\u3092\u501F\u308A\u308C\u3070\u3001\u4F3C\u305F\u3088\u3046\u306A\u3053\u3068\u306F\u3067\u304D\u308B\u304B\u3082\u306D"); } else if (talkNow == 10) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u59EB\u69D8\uFF1F\u3082\u3046\u5ACC\uFF01<br>\u3042\u3093\u305F\u9054\u4E00\u4F53\u4F55\u8005\u306A\u306E\uFF1F"); } else 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talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u308C\u3001\u305A\u3063\u3068\u305D\u3053\u306B\u3044\u308B\u3058\u3083\u306A\u3044"); } else if (talkNow == 17) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3060\u304B\u3089\u3001\u305D\u3053\u3063\u3066\u3069\u3053\u306A\u306E\u304B\u6559\u3048\u306A\u3055\u3044\u3088\uFF01"); } else if (talkNow == 18) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4ECA\u3059\u3050\u9023\u308C\u3066\u884C\u3063\u3066\u3042\u3052\u308B\u308F"); } else if (talkNow == 19) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u546A\u3044\u306E\u6B4C\u58F0\u3067\u5730\u306B\u6C88\u3080\u304B\u3001\u511A\u3044\u6CE1\u3068\u5171\u306B\u5929\u306B\u53EC\u3059\u304B\u3001\u3069\u3063\u3061\u304C\u826F\u3044\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 20) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } return; } if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u3042\u3089\u3001\u3042\u306A\u305F\u306F\u3060\u30FC\u308C\uFF1F"); attachTalkBoss(6); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(2, "\u3042\u3093\u305F\u9054\u3092\u5012\u3057\u306B\u6765\u305F\u5DEB\u5973\u3088"); attachTalkPlayer(); } else if (talkNow == 3) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u305D\u3046\u3002\u5E30\u3063\u3066\u304F\u308C\u308B\uFF1F"); } else if (talkNow == 4) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } }Frame 50function talkStage50() { if (2 < CH) { if (12 < CH) { if (talkType != 12) { if (talkType == 13) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F1A\u8A710"); attachTalkBoss(7); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } } else if (talkType != 12) { if (talkType == 13) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F1A\u8A710"); attachTalkBoss(7); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } return; } if (talkType != 12) { if (talkType == 13) { if (talkNow == 1) { talkTextFunc(1, "\u4F1A\u8A710"); attachTalkBoss(7); } else if (talkNow == 2) { talkTextFunc(0, ""); } } } }Frame 51Stage.showMenu = false; TEST = 0; if ((_root._url != "") && (!TEST)) { _root._x = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; _root._y = -99999; _root._xscale = 0.1; _root._yscale = -0.1; _root._visible = false; _root.stop(); } var so = SharedObject.getLocal("th_kaikeidou_setup_ver01"); obj =; if (obj.quality == eval("undefined")) { obj.quality = "MEDIUM"; } QUALITY = obj.quality; _quality = QUALITY; if (obj.blendmode == eval("undefined")) { obj.blendmode = true; } BLENDMODE = obj.blendmode; if (obj.background != eval("undefined")) { if (typeof(obj.background) == boolean) { if (obj.background != true) { obj.background = 0; } else { obj.background = 2; } } } else { obj.background = 2; } BACKGROUND = obj.background; if (obj.matchless == eval("undefined")) { obj.matchless = false; } MATCHLESS = obj.matchless; if (obj.bgmVolume == eval("undefined")) { obj.bgmVolume = 100; } BGM_VOLUME = obj.bgmVolume; if (obj.seVolume == eval("undefined")) { obj.seVolume = 100; } SE_VOLUME = obj.seVolume; if (!obj.clear) { obj.clear = new Array(); var i = 0; for ( ; 4 >= i ; i++) { obj.clear[i] = new Array(); var j = 0; for ( ; 8 >= j ; j++) { obj.clear[i][j] = new Array(); var k = 0; for ( ; 7 >= k ; k++) { obj.clear[i][j][k] = 0; } } } } if (!obj.key) { obj.key = new Object(); obj.key.left = Key.LEFT; obj.key.right = Key.RIGHT; obj.key.up = Key.UP; obj.key.down = Key.DOWN; obj.key.x = 90; obj.key.c = 88; obj.key.z = Key.SHIFT; = Key.ESCAPE; obj.key.ctrl = Key.CONTROL; } if (obj.key.ctrl == eval("undefined")) { obj.key.ctrl = Key.CONTROL; } KEY_LEFT = obj.key.left; KEY_RIGHT = obj.key.right; KEY_UP = obj.key.up; KEY_DOWN = obj.key.down; KEY_X = obj.key.x; KEY_C = obj.key.c; KEY_Z = obj.key.z; KEY_SPACE =; KEY_CTRL = obj.key.ctrl; keyName = ["", "Mouse L", "Mouse R", "", "Mouse M", "", "", "", "BackSpace", "Tab", "", "", "Clear", "Enter", "", "", "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt", "Pause/Break", "CapsLock", "", "", "", "", "", "", "Esc", "", "", "", "", "Space", "PageUp", "PageDown", "End", "Home", "Left", "Up", "Right", "Down", "", "", "", "PrtSc", "Insert", "Delete", "Help", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "", "", "", "", "", "Ten 0", "Ten 1", "Ten 2", "Ten 3", "Ten 4", "Ten 5", "Ten 6", "Ten 7", "Ten 8", "Ten 9", "Ten *", "Ten +", "Ten Enter", "Ten -", "Ten .", "Ten /", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "F13", "F14", "F15", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "NumLock", "ScrLk", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ": *", "; +", ", <", "- =", ". >", "/ ?", "@ `", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "[ {", "\\ |", "] }", "^ ~", "", "", "", "\\ _", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]; ransuArray = [1709, 3445, 7431, 494, 7456, 9208, 3693, 2130, 2889, 5036, 919, 4864, 3384, 2865, 2129, 4981, 3340, 560, 5071, 4531, 6576, 7358, 5551, 2375, 9262, 8222, 7569, 7990, 8969, 9502, 4751, 5138, 1159, 9715, 7575, 2473, 3013, 6556, 3311, 1862, 7642, 4449, 893, 6280, 8021, 2315, 1583, 6301, 7541, 4268, 6163, 1641, 6431, 2320, 250, 2297, 7538, 5290, 2455, 3080, 8020, 4750, 9643, 8913, 6803, 8461, 9539, 6331, 1463, 7878, 2484, 4146, 9762, 4513, 3554, 2463, 419, 6539, 1058, 4855, 6907, 8641, 3775, 8440, 9959, 7050, 261, 7446, 4953, 2848, 7245, 9011, 7607, 3148, 4339, 109, 4154, 3436, 7872, 8477, 9249, 6096, 7115, 272, 8969, 9419, 3760, 8243, 7654, 7725, 4055, 4053, 2423, 1808, 9101, 3467, 6634, 5204, 9992, 8020, 2843, 7736, 8055, 867, 504, 1595, 9998, 5882, 4485, 5482, 5675, 9551, 5958, 1021, 819, 9104, 4813, 1605, 6324, 90, 1837, 5173, 8485, 175, 575, 5551, 3974, 494, 4364, 5556, 9686, 3010, 7336, 4421, 2834, 7791, 5401, 6510, 474, 9027, 699, 6568, 2704, 1173, 9024, 3491, 6769, 4552, 4507, 3512, 4315, 1646, 2048, 3690, 1452, 606, 5201, 1426, 1994, 2138, 7963, 5729, 1584, 234, 6792, 4471, 8341, 1419, 5130, 7756, 3465, 7406, 6304, 743, 7634, 3682, 7379, 9361, 6534, 8542, 9868, 3695, 3686, 6782, 8497, 3201, 6806, 7318, 3115, 2776, 2457, 9888, 4757, 357, 1838, 1056, 6074, 829, 3827, 3712, 717, 8564, 2122, 1798, 1854, 6051, 6037, 7183, 276, 4749, 4625, 1588, 9369, 2907, 9938, 8047, 6586, 477, 7932, 2901, 8682, 4379, 9028, 4826, 8379, 1990, 5973, 9531, 8258, 3510, 9445, 3431, 2773, 9041, 7202, 1872, 5979, 7415, 7341, 1818, 4608, 6652, 4025, 5191, 1024, 5885, 1043, 7309, 133, 8712, 1495, 9977, 6428, 3125, 74, 4094, 5610, 1943, 1007, 3470, 4644, 2835, 1707, 4506, 2183, 8530, 4151, 201, 1348, 957, 6424, 4307, 1624, 1828, 4911, 9609, 2568, 1669, 1335, 614, 9230, 6415, 5552, 5227, 6754, 2557, 9435, 9737, 7651, 1148, 7007, 1942, 8345, 9563, 9439, 2813, 1417, 7556, 1346, 839, 7678, 9769, 2028, 503, 2997, 7791, 987, 3818, 9548, 8847, 4899, 2708, 7377, 7168, 7338, 8315, 4483, 7030, 6951, 644, 3606, 2480, 6988, 3302, 417, 8965, 4184, 7988, 475, 574, 8728, 1959, 3031, 7611, 6242, 9524, 26, 9961, 7658, 8409, 2113, 8481, 7620, 9795, 9151, 3907, 5206, 4469, 3, 4039, 7482, 2364, 4169, 4092, 12, 4646, 5909, 9833, 7696, 2606, 3660, 5462, 5939, 2450, 7311, 2102, 7739, 9062, 1452, 7177, 538, 7516, 8907, 9841, 4870, 3239, 2158, 4731, 7203, 8905, 8996, 9092, 441, 6058, 9158, 7898, 901, 2254, 6796, 4824, 8702, 6879, 9295, 9128, 5498, 9903, 6612, 6395, 1881, 6034, 4848, 4534, 6223, 8832, 5833, 1953, 5869, 1530, 8245, 1924, 7164, 6867, 4823, 2862, 6969, 4223, 6639, 664, 734, 5191, 5141, 5576, 1087, 5269, 4642, 5539, 5298, 711, 9453, 7701, 568, 7765, 1002, 8060, 1567, 8000, 2023, 7375, 7663, 1543, 9621, 6686, 3707, 1497, 7404, 8822, 7824, 8940, 5655, 3768, 5861, 9768, 9977, 7732, 2790, 7984, 2278, 5539, 7591, 2766, 8580, 2061, 2758, 361, 9965, 3786, 9943, 1848, 4633, 4253, 6819, 7759, 5270, 9168, 9593, 9085, 731, 8818, 1467, 6327, 7897, 3580, 4981, 6677, 9024, 9520, 8802, 5753, 4907, 4830, 5082, 1004, 9983, 5454, 6776, 5325, 7228, 4138, 1183, 1528, 7074, 1000, 1130, 5894, 5202, 1468, 6200, 5379, 9331, 4235, 7325, 5031, 1025, 8365, 8493, 3782, 1293, 3811, 3505, 9247, 2507, 7638, 4713, 6186, 8776, 1270, 8330, 3677, 9556, 5771, 1749, 3822, 5247, 8233, 3335, 627, 9234, 1983, 3313, 5873, 6371, 6597, 347, 2853, 7452, 1681, 8211, 8501, 2999, 8439, 1451, 6432, 4737, 398, 5725, 772, 8259, 9417, 7853, 6906, 9019, 9124, 871, 1179, 6995, 3253, 1346, 1000, 4099, 2523, 5538, 1589, 6940, 5937, 4795, 7861, 9878, 9769, 9016, 896, 2373, 7876, 7952, 4223, 7471, 1340, 3644, 9425, 8439, 6152, 9946, 3883, 4180, 9927, 5921, 4391, 5475, 4421, 361, 2573, 5880, 4590, 3782, 8022, 5371, 3972, 9425, 1384, 6368, 7686, 4747, 815, 6094, 8156, 6725, 5692, 5206, 5590, 7938, 6810, 4396, 9443, 95, 3377, 2563, 6849, 8271, 1148, 7379, 1473, 5209, 2670, 9801, 5718, 2964, 1492, 2334, 7512, 8700, 1166, 4766, 3423, 8658, 4659, 4812, 6903, 820, 5585, 9476, 6240, 969, 4735, 9789, 7790, 2866, 4857, 8814, 9830, 5444, 9058, 5503, 690, 7291, 3732, 1275, 4487, 3564, 2873, 8589, 6980, 4621, 2369, 4746, 6306, 6763, 9704, 4065, 4840, 3238, 4030, 2880, 9354, 8194, 7133, 2346, 3579, 654, 9909, 7341, 1008, 8952, 9396, 3518, 801, 4460, 9844, 2563, 1497, 6322, 5180, 7756, 3465, 3715, 9216, 5110, 9460, 8066, 1687, 9287, 7139, 8831, 5374, 8988, 1846, 215, 3284, 3538, 1087, 54, 1462, 2576, 9849, 6615, 8595, 4869, 7448, 7609, 9402, 3449, 2643, 7306, 3880, 4179, 7001, 8187, 7323, 6052, 7255, 9114, 4634, 3831, 9593, 2150, 9375, 1431, 1213, 8504, 3564, 3726, 9511, 2131, 2954, 4861, 9100, 3192, 3162, 8130, 8505, 9764, 4630, 808, 7074, 7519, 9618, 7169, 6656, 9530, 5428, 7927, 4537, 1108, 3577, 2437, 1532, 4057, 8017, 7545, 3714, 1288, 7602, 2284, 784, 5503, 5806, 5994, 1564, 2251, 7007, 8912, 395, 8492, 5931, 8443, 2583, 9872, 5855, 9501, 6257, 447, 6459, 9703, 5789, 2222, 132, 784, 3130, 9813, 7031, 8851, 2714, 1606, 9339, 8443, 8516, 783, 5584, 1337, 2293, 5946, 4336, 2339, 5766, 4149, 7906, 2581, 1530, 6664, 9276, 606, 2479, 4949, 5012, 7961, 4921, 4257, 3898, 2745, 6323, 5154, 5701, 558, 7539, 2445, 1107, 9327, 1049, 2224, 7457, 2151, 5786, 2929, 2079, 4685, 6159, 9172, 4075, 5024, 5294, 7390, 3313, 8062, 5930, 2265, 8463, 4783, 334, 8068, 3955, 3207, 658, 741, 1830, 3831, 875, 6416, 2247, 5675, 72, 7984, 5666, 3415, 1513, 6548, 7822, 9240, 6960, 9846, 2751, 1356, 4256, 2452, 6808, 8095, 1734, 9798, 9705, 7722, 5275, 1817, 46, 4811, 3841, 1483, 7479, 9182, 6598, 7150, 512, 4975, 9062, 8517, 3411, 6829, 8780, 8886, 6089, 5702, 7617, 4214, 9110, 8453, 5227, 4151, 3578, 9271, 8172, 1319, 8472, 7391, 7051, 5858, 9183, 4764, 3026, 3461, 9279, 7834, 96, 2262, 3529, 466, 4357, 1010, 6118, 1457, 9804, 5711, 1872, 7146, 2247, 3836, 964, 5454, 7541, 1928, 8261, 2326, 570, 3534, 6883, 2119, 7086, 3930, 6289, 4558, 1076, 2592, 782, 2308, 3035, 7136, 3196, 6361, 8921, 1833, 830, 3995, 8040, 449, 7285];Frame 52function rootFunc() { if (count != 0) { if (count != 30) { if (!((count >= 31) && (39 >= count))) { if (count != 40) { if (count == -1) { top._visible = true; topBack._visible = true; var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { var b = t.attachMovie("topButton", "b" + i, i); b._x = 540 - (i * 38); b._y = 249 + (i * 40); } t.b0.text = "Game Start"; t.b1.text = "Extra Start"; t.b2.text = "Practice Start"; t.b3.text = "Music Room"; t.b4.text = "Key Config"; t.b5.text = "Option"; oldKeyX = false; t.focus = topSelectType; t.oldKeyU = false; t.oldKeyD = false; t.decide = 0; t.onEnterFrame = function () { topFunc(this); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { var b = t["b" + i]; if (i != t.focus) { b.on = false; setColor(b, 50, 50, 50); } else { b.on = true; setColor(b, 100, 100, 100); } b.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.on) { if (this._xscale >= 102) { this._xscale = this._xscale - 2; this._yscale = this._yscale - 2; } } else if (128 >= this._xscale) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; } }; } delete onEnterFrame; delete count; } } else { oldKeyX = false; t.focus = topSelectType; t.oldKeyU = false; t.oldKeyD = false; t.decide = 0; t.onEnterFrame = function () { topFunc(this); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { var b = t["b" + i]; b._alpha = 100; if (i != t.focus) { b.on = false; } else { b.on = true; setColor(b, 100, 100, 100); } b.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.on) { if (this._xscale >= 102) { this._xscale = this._xscale - 2; this._yscale = this._yscale - 2; } } else if (128 >= this._xscale) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; } }; } delete onEnterFrame; delete count; } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { t["b" + i]._alpha = t["b" + i]._alpha + 10; } } } else { var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { var b = t.attachMovie("topButton", "b" + i, i); setColor(b, 50, 50, 50); b._x = 540 - (i * 38); b._y = 249 + (i * 40); b._alpha = 10; } t.b0.text = "Game Start"; t.b1.text = "Extra Start"; t.b2.text = "Practice Start"; t.b3.text = "Music Room"; t.b4.text = "Key Config"; t.b5.text = "Option"; } } else { t = _root.attachMovie("top", "top", 10); topBack._visible = true; topBack.awa.onEnterFrame = topBackAwaFunc; } count++; } function topFunc(path) { if (path.decide) { if (12 >= (path.decide++)) { var i = 0; for ( ; 5 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.focus) { path["b" + i]._alpha = path["b" + i]._alpha - 10; } } return(null); } topSelectType = path.focus; oldKeyC = false; if (path.focus == 0) { PR = false; selectLevelAttachFunc(); } else if (path.focus == 1) { PR = false; selectExAttachFunc(); } else if (path.focus == 2) { PR = true; selectLevelAttachFunc(); } else if (path.focus == 3) { musicRoomAttachFunc(); } else if (path.focus == 4) { inputAttachFunc(); } else if (path.focus == 5) { setupAttachFunc(); } path.focus; return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 0) { if (path.focus != 2) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 0; } } else { path.focus = 5; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 5) { if (path.focus != 0) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 2; } } else { path.focus = 0; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { path.decide = 1; seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } } function selectLevelAttachFunc() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectLevel", "selectLevel", 11); if (LV == 4) { LV = oldLV; } s.focus = LV; s.oldKeyU = false; s.oldKeyD = false; s.decide = 0; s.ret = 0; s.text0 = "\u3069\u3053\u3067\u6CF3\u3050\uFF1F"; s.text1 = "Rank Select"; s.onEnterFrame = function () { selectLevelFunc(this); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { var l = s["level" + i]; l._y = 260 + ((i - LV) * 100); = i; l.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._parent.focus != { this._y = this._y + (((260 + (( - this._parent.focus) * 100)) - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((80 - this._xscale) / 10); } else { this._y = this._y + ((260 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((150 - this._xscale) / 10); } this._yscale = this._xscale; }; } s["level" + LV].swapDepths(10); top._visible = false; delete top.onEnterFrame; } function selectLevelFunc(path) { if (!path.decide) { if (path.ret) { if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { path["level" + i]._alpha = path["level" + i]._alpha - 10; } return(null); } count = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else { if (13 >= (++path.decide)) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { if (i != path.focus) { path["level" + i]._alpha = path["level" + i]._alpha - 10; } if (path.decide == 12) { var l = path["level" + i]; delete l.onEnterFrame; } } return(null); } if (30 >= path.decide) { var i = 0; for ( ; 3 >= i ; i++) { if (i == path.focus) { var l = path["level" + i]; l._y = l._y + ((-200 - l._y) / 12); } } return(null); } LV = path.focus; selectCharacterMCAttach(); path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { path["level" + path.focus].swapDepths(9); if (path.focus != 0) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 3; } path["level" + path.focus].swapDepths(10); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { path["level" + path.focus].swapDepths(9); if (path.focus != 3) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 0; } path["level" + path.focus].swapDepths(10); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { path.decide = 1; seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } function selectCharacterMCAttach() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectCharacter", "selectCharacter", 12); s.focus = Math.floor(CH * 0.1); s["character" + s.focus].swapDepths(10); s.nameAbility.swapDepths(110); s.op0.swapDepths(120); s.op1.swapDepths(121); s.op2.swapDepths(122); s.practiceStage.swapDepths(122); s.option = CH - (s.focus * 10); var R0 = s.practiceStage; R0._visible = false; if (!PR) { } else { s.stage = 1; var i = 1; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { R0["s" + i].text = "stage" + i; if (i != s.stage) { setColor(R0["s" + i], 50, 50, 50); } else { setColor(R0["s" + i], 100, 100, 0); } } } s.state = 0; s.decide = 0; s.ret = 0; s.text0 = "\u3060\u308C\u304C\u6CF3\u3050\uFF1F"; s.text1 = "Player Select"; if (s.focus == 0) { = "\u535A\u9E97 \u970A\u5922"; s.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u55B0\u3089\u3044\u30DC\u30E0\u6709\u52B9\u6642\u9593\u304C\u9577\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u9178\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (s.focus == 1) { = "\u9727\u96E8 \u9B54\u7406\u6C99"; s.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30A2\u30A4\u30C6\u30E0\u5438\u53CE\u7BC4\u56F2\u304C\u5E83\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u6C34\u7D20\u70B9\u304C\u5897\u3048\u3084\u3059\u3044"; } else if (s.focus == 2) { = "\u6771\u98A8\u8C37 \u65E9\u82D7"; s.nameAbility.ability = "\u7279\u6280\uFF1A\u30E1\u30A4\u30F3\u30B7\u30E7\u30C3\u30C8\u306E\u5A01\u529B\u304C\u9AD8\u3044<br>\u3000\u3000\u3000\u30DF\u30B9\u6642\u306B\u30D1\u30EF\u30FC\u304C\u6E1B\u308A\u306B\u304F\u3044"; } s.focus; s.charaText = "\u4EBA\u9593\u3092\u9078\u629E"; s.onEnterFrame = function () { selectCharacterFunc(this, 0); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { var m = s["character" + i]; m._x = 320 + ((i - s.focus) * 120); m._y = 340; = i; m.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._parent.focus != { this._x = this._x + (((320 + (( - this._parent.focus) * 120)) - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((340 - this._y) / 10); this._xscale = this._xscale + ((70 - this._xscale) / 10); setColor(this, 40, 40, 40); } else { if (0 < this._parent.state) { this._x = this._x + ((116 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((280 - this._y) / 10); } else { this._x = this._x + ((320 - this._x) / 10); this._y = this._y + ((340 - this._y) / 10); } this._xscale = this._xscale + ((100 - this._xscale) / 10); setColor(this, 100, 100, 100); } this._yscale = this._xscale; }; var n = s["op" + i]; n._alpha = 0; n._x = 390; = i; if (i != s.focus) { setColor(m, 40, 40, 40); } else { setColor(m, 100, 100, 100); } } if (s.option == 0) { s.op0._y = 390; s.op1._y = 520; s.op2._y = 570; } else if (s.option == 1) { s.op0._y = 390; s.op1._y = 440; s.op2._y = 570; } else if (s.option == 2) { s.op0._y = 390; s.op1._y = 440; s.op2._y = 490; } s.option; s.op1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._parent.option != 0) { this._y = this._y + ((440 - this._y) / 3); } else { this._y = this._y + ((520 - this._y) / 3); } }; s.op2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (1 < this._parent.option) { this._y = this._y + ((490 - this._y) / 3); } else { this._y = this._y + ((570 - this._y) / 3); } }; var l = s.attachMovie("level" + LV, "level", 0); l._x = 524; l._y = -48; l._xscale = 40; l._yscale = 40; l.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y = this._y + ((50 - this._y) / 10); if (this._y >= 50) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; s.swapDepths(11); } function selectExAttachFunc() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectEx", "selectEx", 11); s.decide = 0; s.ret = 0; s.text0 = "\u3069\u3053\u3067\u6CF3\u3050\uFF1F"; s.text1 = "Rank Select"; s.onEnterFrame = function () { selectExFunc(this); }; var l = s.level4; = 4; l.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale = this._xscale + ((150 - this._xscale) / 10); this._yscale = this._xscale; }; top._visible = false; delete top.onEnterFrame; } function selectExFunc(path) { if (!path.decide) { if (path.ret) { if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { path.level4._alpha = path.level4._alpha - 10; return(null); } count = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } } else { if (13 >= (++path.decide)) { return(null); } if (30 >= path.decide) { var l = path.level4; l._y = l._y + ((-200 - l._y) / 12); return(null); } if (3 >= LV) { oldLV = LV; } LV = 4; selectCharacterMCAttach(); path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { path.decide = 1; seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } function inputAttachFunc() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectInput", "input", 11); s.focus = 0; s.oldKeyU = false; s.oldKeyD = false; s.ret = 0; s.lock = 0; s.tempKey0 = KEY_LEFT; s.tempKey1 = KEY_RIGHT; s.tempKey2 = KEY_UP; s.tempKey3 = KEY_DOWN; s.tempKey4 = KEY_X; s.tempKey5 = KEY_C; s.tempKey6 = KEY_Z; s.tempKey7 = KEY_SPACE; s.tempKey8 = KEY_CTRL; s.keyObj = new Object(); Key.addListener(s.keyObj); s.onEnterFrame = function () { inputFunc(this); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 9 >= i ; i++) { if (i == 9) { var b = s.attachMovie("inputButton3", "b9", 19); } else { var b = s.attachMovie("inputButton", "b" + i, 10 + i); } b._x = 320; b._y = 103 + (i * 38); b._xscale = 70; b._yscale = 70; if (i) { b.on = false; setColor(b, 50, 50, 50); } else { b.on = true; } b.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.on) { if (this._xscale >= 72) { this._xscale = this._xscale - 2; this._yscale = this._yscale - 2; } } else if (98 >= this._xscale) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; } }; } s.text0 = "\u5909\u66F4\u3059\u308B\u5165\u529B\u3092\u9078\u629E"; s.text1 = "Key Config"; s.b0.text = "Left"; s.b0.keyName = keyName[KEY_LEFT]; s.b1.text = "Right"; s.b1.keyName = keyName[KEY_RIGHT]; s.b2.text = "Up"; s.b2.keyName = keyName[KEY_UP]; s.b3.text = "Down"; s.b3.keyName = keyName[KEY_DOWN]; s.b4.text = "Shot"; s.b4.keyName = keyName[KEY_X]; s.b5.text = "Bomb"; s.b5.keyName = keyName[KEY_C]; s.b6.text = "Slow"; s.b6.keyName = keyName[KEY_Z]; s.b7.text = "Pause"; s.b7.keyName = keyName[KEY_SPACE]; s.b8.text = "Skip"; s.b8.keyName = keyName[KEY_CTRL]; s.b9.text = "Quit"; top._visible = false; delete top.onEnterFrame; } function inputFunc(path) { if (path.lock) { if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { path.lock = 2; } return(null); } if (path.ret) { if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { path._alpha = path._alpha - 10; return(null); } count = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 0) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 9; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 9) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 0; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { if (path.focus != 9) { path.lock = 1; setColor(path["b" + path.focus].ib2, 100, 0, 0); path.text0 = "\u30AD\u30FC\u3092\u5165\u529B"; path.keyObj.onKeyDown = function () { if (path.lock == 1) { return(null); } path["tempKey" + path.focus] = Key.getCode(); path["b" + path.focus].keyName = keyName[path["tempKey" + path.focus]]; setColor(path["b" + path.focus].ib2, 100, 100, 100); path.text0 = "\u5909\u66F4\u3059\u308B\u5165\u529B\u3092\u9078\u629E"; path.lock = 0; oldKeyC = true; seStart(0); delete path.keyObj.onKeyDown; }; } else { path.ret = 1; KEY_LEFT = path.tempKey0; KEY_RIGHT = path.tempKey1; KEY_UP = path.tempKey2; KEY_DOWN = path.tempKey3; KEY_X = path.tempKey4; KEY_C = path.tempKey5; KEY_Z = path.tempKey6; KEY_SPACE = path.tempKey7; KEY_CTRL = path.tempKey8; obj.key.left = KEY_LEFT; obj.key.right = KEY_RIGHT; obj.key.up = KEY_UP; obj.key.down = KEY_DOWN; obj.key.x = KEY_X; obj.key.c = KEY_C; obj.key.z = KEY_Z; = KEY_SPACE; obj.key.ctrl = KEY_CTRL; } seStart(0); } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } function setupAttachFunc() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectSetup", "setup", 11); s.focus = 0; s.oldKeyL = false; s.oldKeyR = false; s.oldKeyU = false; s.oldKeyD = false; s.ret = 0; s.lock = 0; s.text0 = "\u5DE6\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5\u30AD\u30FC\u3067\u5909\u66F4"; s.text1 = "Option"; s.onEnterFrame = function () { setupFunc(this); }; var i = 0; for ( ; 6 >= i ; i++) { if (i == 0) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b0", 0); } else if (i == 1) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b1", 1); } else if (i == 2) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b2", 2); } else if (i == 3) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b3", 3); } else if (i == 4) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b4", 4); } else if (i == 5) { var b = s.attachMovie("setupButton2", "b5", 5); } else if (i == 6) { var b = s.attachMovie("inputButton3", "b6", 6); } b._x = 256; b._y = 112 + (i * 55); b._xscale = 70; b._yscale = 70; if (i) { b.on = false; setColor(b, 50, 50, 50); } else { b.on = true; } b.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.on) { if (this._xscale >= 72) { this._xscale = this._xscale - 2; this._yscale = this._yscale - 2; } } else if (98 >= this._xscale) { this._xscale = this._xscale + 2; this._yscale = this._yscale + 2; } }; } s.b0.text = "Quality"; if (QUALITY == "LOW") { s.b0.keyName = "LOW"; } else if (QUALITY == "MEDIUM") { s.b0.keyName = "MEDIUM"; } else if (QUALITY == "HIGH") { s.b0.keyName = "HIGH"; } else if (QUALITY == "BEST") { s.b0.keyName = "BEST"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOLOW") { s.b0.keyName = "AUTOLOW"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOHIGH") { s.b0.keyName = "AUTOHIGH"; } setColor(s.v.t0.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t1.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t2.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t30.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t31.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t32.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t3.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t4.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t5.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t6.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t7.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t8.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t9.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t10.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t11.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t12.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t13.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t14.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t20.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t21.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t22.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t23.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t24.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t25.en0, 0, 0, 100); setColor(s.v.t26.en0, 100, 0, 0); setColor(s.v.t27.en0, 0, 100, 0); setColor(s.v.t28.en0, 0, 0, 100); if (BLENDMODE) { var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { s.v["t" + i].blendMode = 8; s.v["t" + (30 + i)].blendMode = 8; } } s.b1.text = "BlendMode"; s.b1.keyName = (BLENDMODE ? "ON" : "OFF"); s.b2.text = "Background"; if (BACKGROUND != 2) { if (BACKGROUND != 1) { s.b2.keyName = "INVISIBLE"; s.v.kuro._visible = true; } else { s.b2.keyName = "SIMPLE"; s.v.kuro._visible = false; } } else { s.b2.keyName = "NORMAL"; s.v.kuro._visible = false; } s.b3.text = "Matchless<font size = '22'>(Practice)</font>"; s.b3.keyName = (MATCHLESS ? "ON" : "OFF"); s.b4.text = "BGM Volume"; s.b4.keyName = BGM_VOLUME; s.b5.text = "SE Volume"; s.b5.keyName = SE_VOLUME; s.b6.text = "Quit"; top._visible = false; delete top.onEnterFrame; } function setupFunc(path) { if (path.ret) { if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { path._alpha = path._alpha - 10; return(null); } count = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_LEFT)) { path.oldKeyL = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyL) { if (path.focus == 0) { if (QUALITY == "LOW") { QUALITY = "AUTOHIGH"; } else if (QUALITY == "MEDIUM") { QUALITY = "LOW"; } else if (QUALITY == "HIGH") { QUALITY = "MEDIUM"; } else if (QUALITY == "BEST") { QUALITY = "HIGH"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOLOW") { QUALITY = "BEST"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOHIGH") { QUALITY = "AUTOLOW"; } _quality = QUALITY; path.b0.keyName = QUALITY; } else if (path.focus == 1) { if (!BLENDMODE) { BLENDMODE = true; path.b1.keyName = "ON"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path.v["t" + i].blendMode = 8; path.v["t" + (30 + i)].blendMode = 8; } } else { BLENDMODE = false; path.b1.keyName = "OFF"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path.v["t" + i].blendMode = 1; path.v["t" + (30 + i)].blendMode = 1; } } } else if (path.focus == 2) { if (BACKGROUND != 2) { if (BACKGROUND != 1) { BACKGROUND = 2; path.b2.keyName = "NORMAL"; path.v.kuro._visible = false; } else { BACKGROUND = 0; path.b2.keyName = "INVISIBLE"; path.v.kuro._visible = true; } } else { BACKGROUND = 1; path.b2.keyName = "SIMPLE"; path.v.kuro._visible = false; } } else if (path.focus == 3) { if (!MATCHLESS) { MATCHLESS = true; path.b3.keyName = "ON"; } else { MATCHLESS = false; path.b3.keyName = "OFF"; } } else if (path.focus == 4) { if (BGM_VOLUME >= 5) { BGM_VOLUME = BGM_VOLUME - 5; path.b4.keyName = BGM_VOLUME; var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { _root[("bgm" + i) + "0"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); _root[("bgm" + i) + "1"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); } } } else if (path.focus == 5) { if (SE_VOLUME >= 5) { SE_VOLUME = SE_VOLUME - 5; path.b5.keyName = SE_VOLUME; var i = 0; for ( ; seMaxNum >= i ; i++) { _root["se" + i].setVolume(SE_VOLUME); } } } path.focus; if (path.focus != 6) { seStart(2); } } path.oldKeyL = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_RIGHT)) { path.oldKeyR = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyR) { if (path.focus == 0) { if (QUALITY == "LOW") { QUALITY = "MEDIUM"; } else if (QUALITY == "MEDIUM") { QUALITY = "HIGH"; } else if (QUALITY == "HIGH") { QUALITY = "BEST"; } else if (QUALITY == "BEST") { QUALITY = "AUTOLOW"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOLOW") { QUALITY = "AUTOHIGH"; } else if (QUALITY == "AUTOHIGH") { QUALITY = "LOW"; } _quality = QUALITY; path.b0.keyName = QUALITY; } else if (path.focus == 1) { if (!BLENDMODE) { BLENDMODE = true; path.b1.keyName = "ON"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path.v["t" + i].blendMode = 8; path.v["t" + (30 + i)].blendMode = 8; } } else { BLENDMODE = false; path.b1.keyName = "OFF"; var i = 0; for ( ; 2 >= i ; i++) { path.v["t" + i].blendMode = 1; path.v["t" + (30 + i)].blendMode = 1; } } } else if (path.focus == 2) { if (BACKGROUND) { if (BACKGROUND != 1) { BACKGROUND = 0; path.b2.keyName = "INVISIBLE"; path.v.kuro._visible = true; } else { BACKGROUND = 2; path.b2.keyName = "NORMAL"; path.v.kuro._visible = false; } } else { BACKGROUND = 1; path.b2.keyName = "SIMPLE"; path.v.kuro._visible = false; } } else if (path.focus == 3) { if (!MATCHLESS) { MATCHLESS = true; path.b3.keyName = "ON"; } else { MATCHLESS = false; path.b3.keyName = "OFF"; } } else if (path.focus == 4) { if (95 >= BGM_VOLUME) { BGM_VOLUME = BGM_VOLUME + 5; path.b4.keyName = BGM_VOLUME; var i = 0; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { _root[("bgm" + i) + "0"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); _root[("bgm" + i) + "1"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); } } } else if (path.focus == 5) { if (95 >= SE_VOLUME) { SE_VOLUME = SE_VOLUME + 5; path.b5.keyName = SE_VOLUME; var i = 0; for ( ; seMaxNum >= i ; i++) { _root["se" + i].setVolume(SE_VOLUME); } } } path.focus; if (path.focus != 6) { seStart(2); } } path.oldKeyR = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 0) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 6; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 6) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 0; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 100); seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { if (path.focus == 6) { path.ret = 1; obj.quality = QUALITY; obj.blendmode = BLENDMODE; obj.background = BACKGROUND; obj.matchless = MATCHLESS; obj.bgmVolume = BGM_VOLUME; obj.seVolume = SE_VOLUME; seStart(0); } } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } function musicRoomAttachFunc() { var s = _root.attachMovie("selectMusicRoom", "musicRoom", 11); s.focus = 1; s.oldKeyU = false; s.oldKeyD = false; s.ret = 0; s.text0 = "\u4E94\u5206\u524D\u306E\u97F3\u697D"; s.text1 = "Music Room"; s.onEnterFrame = function () { musicRoomFunc(this); }; var i = 1; for ( ; 17 >= i ; i++) { var b = s.attachMovie("musicRoomButton", "b" + i, 10 + i); b._x = 64; b._y = 78 + (i * 20); b._visible = ((10 >= i) ? true : false); if (i != 1) { b.on = false; setColor(b, 50, 50, 50); } else { b.on = true; setColor(b, 100, 100, 50); } b.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.on) { if (this._x < 64) { this._x++; } } else if (60 < this._x) { this._x--; } }; if (9 < i) { b.musicRoomTitle = ("No." + i) + " \uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F"; } else { b.musicRoomTitle = ("No. " + i) + " \uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F\uFF1F"; } } s.b1.musicRoomTitle = "No. 1 \u6C34\u9762\u304B\u3089\u51FA\u6D41\u308B\u6C34\u5E95"; s.b2.musicRoomTitle = "No. 2 \u5927\u6D0B\u306E\u98A8\u60C5\u3000\uFF5E Fantastic Sea"; s.b3.musicRoomTitle = "No. 3 \u6355\u3089\u306C\u72F8\u306E\u58FA\u7B97\u7528"; s.b4.musicRoomTitle = "No. 4 \u5927\u304D\u306A\u6C34\u584A\u306E\u773A\u671B"; s.b5.musicRoomTitle = "No. 5 \u30CA\u30EB\u30B3\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30FC\u30E0"; s.b6.musicRoomTitle = "No. 6 \u6D77\u71D5\u306E\u9CF4\u52D5\u3000\uFF5E natural forecast"; s.b7.musicRoomTitle = "No. 7 \u5504\u3046\u5EA7\u982D\u306F\u5929\u3092\u4EF0\u304E\u898B\u308B"; s.b8.musicRoomTitle = "No. 8 \u672A\u958B\u62D3\u4E16\u754C\u3000\uFF5E \u30A4\u30F3\u30CA\u30FC\u30B9\u30DA\u30FC\u30B9"; s.b9.musicRoomTitle = "No. 9 \u30B5\u30D6\u30DE\u30EA\u30F3\u5E7B\u8996\u5E7B\u899A"; s.b10.musicRoomTitle = "No. 10 \uFF08\uFF15\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b11.musicRoomTitle = "No. 11 \uFF08\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6075\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b12.musicRoomTitle = "No. 12 \uFF08\uFF16\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b13.musicRoomTitle = "No. 13 \uFF08\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6D77\u7434\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b14.musicRoomTitle = "No. 14 \uFF08\u30A8\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b15.musicRoomTitle = "No. 15 \uFF08\u89B3\u798F\u5BAE\u3000()70]-[!|v|\uFFE1\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b16.musicRoomTitle = "No. 16 \uFF08\u30A8\u30F3\u30C7\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.b17.musicRoomTitle = "No. 17 \uFF08\u30B9\u30BF\u30C3\u30D5\u30ED\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09"; s.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u6C34\u9762\u304B\u3089\u51FA\u6D41\u308B\u6C34\u5E95<br><br>\u3000\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB\u753B\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; top._visible = false; delete top.onEnterFrame; } function musicRoomFunc(path) { if (path.ret) { if (12 >= (path.ret++)) { path._alpha = path._alpha - 10; return(null); } count = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; path.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_UP)) { path.oldKeyU = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyU) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 1) { path.focus--; } else { path.focus = 17; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 50); var i = 1; for ( ; 17 >= i ; i++) { var b = path["b" + i]; if (10 < path.focus) { b._y = 78 + ((i - (path.focus - 10)) * 20); b._visible = ((((i - (path.focus - 10)) >= 1) && (10 >= (i - (path.focus - 10)))) ? true : false); } else { b._y = 78 + (i * 20); b._visible = ((10 >= i) ? true : false); } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyU = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_DOWN)) { path.oldKeyD = false; } else { if (!path.oldKeyD) { path["b" + path.focus].on = false; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 50, 50, 50); if (path.focus != 17) { path.focus++; } else { path.focus = 1; } path["b" + path.focus].on = true; setColor(path["b" + path.focus], 100, 100, 50); var i = 1; for ( ; 17 >= i ; i++) { var b = path["b" + i]; if (10 < path.focus) { b._y = 78 + ((i - (path.focus - 10)) * 20); b._visible = ((((i - (path.focus - 10)) >= 1) && (10 >= (i - (path.focus - 10)))) ? true : false); } else { b._y = 78 + (i * 20); b._visible = ((10 >= i) ? true : false); } } seStart(2); } path.oldKeyD = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_X)) { oldKeyX = false; } else { if (!oldKeyX) { stopAllBGM(); if (path.focus == 1) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u6C34\u9762\u304B\u3089\u51FA\u6D41\u308B\u6C34\u5E95<br><br>\u3000\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB\u753B\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm00.start(2, 99); } else if (path.focus == 2) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u5927\u6D0B\u306E\u98A8\u60C5\u3000\uFF5E Fantastic Sea<br><br>\u3000\uFF11\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm10.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 3) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u6355\u3089\u306C\u72F8\u306E\u58FA\u7B97\u7528<br><br>\u3000\u9808\u4F50\u4E43\u68EE\u3000\u3053\u306E\u306F\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm11.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 4) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u5927\u304D\u306A\u6C34\u584A\u306E\u773A\u671B<br><br>\u3000\uFF12\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm20.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 5) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u30CA\u30EB\u30B3\u30B9\u30C8\u30EA\u30FC\u30E0<br><br>\u3000\u6E26\u5CF6\u3000\u9CF4\u5B50\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm21.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 6) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u6D77\u71D5\u306E\u9CF4\u52D5\u3000\uFF5E natural forecast<br><br>\u3000\uFF13\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm30.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 7) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u5504\u3046\u5EA7\u982D\u306F\u5929\u3092\u4EF0\u304E\u898B\u308B<br><br>\u3000\u6C34\u7121\u6708\u3000\u3064\u3070\u3081\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm31.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 8) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u672A\u958B\u62D3\u4E16\u754C\u3000\uFF5E \u30A4\u30F3\u30CA\u30FC\u30B9\u30DA\u30FC\u30B9<br><br>\u3000\uFF14\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm40.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 9) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\u30B5\u30D6\u30DE\u30EA\u30F3\u5E7B\u8996\u5E7B\u899A<br><br>\u3000\u6DF1\u5802\u3000\u9999\u6F84\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm41.start(1, 99); } else if (path.focus == 10) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\uFF15\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\uFF15\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm50.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 11) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6075\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6075\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm51.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 12) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\uFF16\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\uFF16\u9762\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm60.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 13) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6D77\u7434\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u516B\u767E\u6BD4\u3000\u6D77\u7434\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm61.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 14) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u30A8\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u30A8\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u30E9\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm70.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 15) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u89B3\u798F\u5BAE\u3000()70]-[!|v|\uFFE1\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u89B3\u798F\u5BAE\u3000()70]-[!|v|\uFFE1\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm71.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 16) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u30A8\u30F3\u30C7\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u30A8\u30F3\u30C7\u30A3\u30F3\u30B0\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm80.start(0, 99); } else if (path.focus == 17) { path.musicRoomComment = "\u266A\uFF08\u30B9\u30BF\u30C3\u30D5\u30ED\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\uFF09<br><br>\u3000\u30B9\u30BF\u30C3\u30D5\u30ED\u30FC\u30EB\u306E\u30C6\u30FC\u30DE\u3067\u3059\u3002"; bgm81.start(0, 99); } path.focus; } oldKeyX = true; } if (!Key.isDown(KEY_C)) { oldKeyC = false; } else { if (!oldKeyC) { path.ret = 1; seStart(1); } oldKeyC = true; } } count = 0; topSelectType = 0; LV = 1; CH = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { rootFunc(); }; loadNow = true; loadMaxNum = 14; seMaxNum = 20; attachMovie("topBack", "topBack", 0); R0 = topBack.awa; R0.fpsCount = 0; R0.oldTimer = getTimer(); R0.awaNo = 0; topBackAwaFunc = function () { this.fpsCount++; if ((getTimer() - this.oldTimer) >= 1000) { this.R1 = Math.floor((this.fpsCount * 10000) / (getTimer() - this.oldTimer)) / 10; if ((this.R1 % 1) == 0) { this.R1 = this.R1 + ".0"; } this._parent.fps = this.R1; this.oldTimer = getTimer(); this.fpsCount = 0; } if (ransu(40) || (1 >= BACKGROUND)) { return(null); } this.R2 = this.attachMovie("en6", "awa" + this.awaNo, this.awaNo); this.R2._xscale = 20 + _root.ransu(16); this.R2._yscale = this.R2._xscale; this.R2._x = _root.ransu(740) - 50; this.R2._y = 500; this.R2.dx = (_root.ransu(200) * 0.05) - 5; this.R2.dy = ((this.R2._xscale * -1) * this.R2._xscale) * 0.005; this.R2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + this.dx; this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dx = this.dx * 0.98; if (-20 >= this._y) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; if ((++this.awaNo) == 100) { this.awaNo = 0; } }; stage = attachMovie("stage", "stage", 15); stage._visible = false; frame = stage.attachMovie("frame", "frame", 9000); back = stage.attachMovie("stage", "back", 100); R0 =; R1 = frame.back; var i = 2; for ( ; loadMaxNum >= i ; i++) { R = back.attachMovie("stage", "back" + i, i * 10); R._visible = false; _root["R" + i] = R.attachMovie("stage", "b", 0); } R0.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/top00.jpg"); R2.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back000.jpg"); R3.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back100.jpg"); R4.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back100.jpg"); R5.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back101.jpg"); R6.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back102.jpg"); R7.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back200.jpg"); R8.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back200.jpg"); R9.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back200.jpg"); R10.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back201.jpg"); R11.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back202.png"); R12.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back300.jpg"); R13.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back301.jpg"); R14.loadMovie("./th_kaikeidou_image/back400.jpg"); var i = 1; for ( ; 7 >= i ; i++) { _root[("bgm" + i) + "0"] = new Sound(createEmptyMovieClip(("bgm" + i) + "0MC", (30000 + (i * 10)) + 0)); _root[("bgm" + i) + "1"] = new Sound(createEmptyMovieClip(("bgm" + i) + "1MC", (30000 + (i * 10)) + 1)); _root[("bgm" + i) + "0"].loadSound(("./th_kaikeidou_bgm/bgm" + i) + "0.mp3", false); _root[("bgm" + i) + "1"].loadSound(("./th_kaikeidou_bgm/bgm" + i) + "1.mp3", false); _root[("bgm" + i) + "0"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); _root[("bgm" + i) + "1"].setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); } bgm00 = new Sound(createEmptyMovieClip("bgm00MC", 30000)); bgm10 = new Sound(createEmptyMovieClip("bgm10MC", 30010)); bgm00.attachSound("bgm00Obj"); bgm10.attachSound("bgm10Obj"); bgm00.setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); bgm10.setVolume(BGM_VOLUME); bgm00.start(2, 99); var i = 0; for ( ; seMaxNum >= i ; i++) { _root["se" + i] = new Sound(createEmptyMovieClip(("se" + i) + "MC", 31000 + i)); _root["se" + i].attachSound(("se" + i) + "Obj"); _root["se" + i].setVolume(SE_VOLUME); }Frame 53loadNum = 0; var i = 0; for ( ; loadMaxNum >= i ; i++) { if (_root["R" + i].getBytesLoaded() == _root["R" + i].getBytesTotal()) { loadNum++; } } if (!((_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) && (loadNum == (loadMaxNum + 1)))) { _root.gotoAndPlay("S"); }Frame 54stop();Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1b_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); b_loaded = 0; clear(); onEnterFrame = function () { b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); percent = Math.round((b_loaded / b_total) * 100); pl = ((((Math.round(b_loaded / 1024) + "KB/") + Math.round(b_total / 1024)) + "KB (") + percent) + "%)"; clear(); lineStyle(1, 11184810, 100); beginFill(0, 100); moveTo(Stage.width / 6, Stage.height / 2); lineTo(Stage.width - (Stage.width / 6), Stage.height / 2); lineTo(Stage.width - (Stage.width / 6), (Stage.height / 2) + 16); lineTo(Stage.width / 6, (Stage.height / 2) + 16); endFill(); lineStyle(1, 0, 100); beginFill(6710886, 100); moveTo((Stage.width / 6) + 2, (Stage.height / 2) + 2); lineTo(((Stage.width / 6) + (((Stage.width / 6) * 4) * (b_loaded / b_total))) - 2, (Stage.height / 2) + 2); lineTo(((Stage.width / 6) + (((Stage.width / 6) * 4) * (b_loaded / b_total))) - 2, (Stage.height / 2) + 14); lineTo((Stage.width / 6) + 2, (Stage.height / 2) + 14); endFill(); createTextField("pr", 0, 0, 200, Stage.width, 30); tfm = new TextFormat(); tfm.size = 17; tfm.align = "center"; tfm.color = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; pr.text = pl; pr.setTextFormat(tfm); };Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 82gotoAndPlay("\u65B0\u3057\u3044\u30E9\u30D9\u30EB");Symbol 62 MovieClip [q0] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 62 MovieClip [q0] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 138 MovieClip [q1] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 138 MovieClip [q1] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 494 MovieClip [q2] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 494 MovieClip [q2] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 126 MovieClip [q3] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 126 MovieClip [q3] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 778 MovieClip [q4] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 778 MovieClip [q4] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 580 MovieClip [q10] Frame 25gotoAndPlay("mae");Symbol 580 MovieClip [q10] Frame 50gotoAndPlay("yoko");Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 1stop();Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 2stop();Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 3stop();Symbol 462 MovieClip [getSpell0] Frame 1stop();Symbol 462 MovieClip [getSpell0] Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] "en1" in Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] "en10" in Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] "en1" in Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] "en10" in Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 604 MovieClip [en11] "en1" in Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 626 MovieClip [en12] "en1" in Symbol 624 MovieClip [tama15] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 626 MovieClip [en12] "en10" in Symbol 624 MovieClip [tama15] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "en1" in Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "en10" in Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "en1" in Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "en10" in Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en1" in Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] "en10" in Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "en1" in Symbol 562 MovieClip [tama40] Frame 1/* no clip actions */Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] "kaku" in Symbol 620 MovieClip [tama44] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 806 MovieClip [en16] "en1" in Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 808 MovieClip [en17] "en10" in Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; }Symbol 20000 Buttonon (release) { var so = SharedObject.getLocal("th_kaikeidou_setup_ver01"); _root.obj =; _root.obj.key = new Object(); _root.obj.key.left = Key.LEFT; _root.obj.key.right = Key.RIGHT; _root.obj.key.up = Key.UP; _root.obj.key.down = Key.DOWN; _root.obj.key.x = 90; _root.obj.key.c = 88; _root.obj.key.z = Key.SHIFT; = Key.ESCAPE; _root.obj.key.ctrl = Key.CONTROL; _root.KEY_LEFT = _root.obj.key.left; _root.KEY_RIGHT = _root.obj.key.right; _root.KEY_UP = _root.obj.key.up; _root.KEY_DOWN = _root.obj.key.down; _root.KEY_X = _root.obj.key.x; _root.KEY_C = _root.obj.key.c; _root.KEY_Z = _root.obj.key.z; _root.KEY_SPACE =; _root.KEY_CTRL = _root.obj.key.ctrl; } on () { }Symbol 20001 Buttonon (release) { var so = SharedObject.getLocal("th_kaikeidou_setup_ver01"); _root.obj =; _root.obj.key = new Object(); _root.obj.key.left = Key.LEFT; _root.obj.key.right = Key.RIGHT; _root.obj.key.up = Key.UP; _root.obj.key.down = Key.DOWN; _root.obj.key.x = 90; _root.obj.key.c = 88; _root.obj.key.z = Key.SHIFT; = Key.ESCAPE; _root.obj.key.ctrl = Key.CONTROL; _root.KEY_LEFT = _root.obj.key.left; _root.KEY_RIGHT = _root.obj.key.right; _root.KEY_UP = _root.obj.key.up; _root.KEY_DOWN = _root.obj.key.down; _root.KEY_X = _root.obj.key.x; _root.KEY_C = _root.obj.key.c; _root.KEY_Z = _root.obj.key.z; _root.KEY_SPACE =; _root.KEY_CTRL = _root.obj.key.ctrl; } on () { }Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 52stop();Symbol 14 MovieClip [title0] Frame 1state = 0; dy = 20 + (_root.ransu(30) * 0.1); ddy = -0.8; rot = _root.ransu(359); dr = (_root.ransu(10) * 0.1) + 0.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state != 0) { if (this.state == 1) { this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); if (0 >= this.dy) { this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.92; this.dy = this.dy * 0.9; if (100 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } } };Symbol 14 MovieClip [title0] Frame 2stop();Symbol 16 MovieClip [title1] Frame 1state = 0; dy = 20 + (_root.ransu(30) * 0.1); ddy = -0.8; rot = _root.ransu(359); dr = (_root.ransu(10) * 0.1) + 0.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state != 0) { if (this.state == 1) { this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); if (0 >= this.dy) { this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.92; this.dy = this.dy * 0.9; if (100 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } } };Symbol 16 MovieClip [title1] Frame 2stop();Symbol 198 MovieClip [title2] Frame 1state = 0; dy = 20 + (_root.ransu(30) * 0.1); ddy = -0.8; rot = _root.ransu(359); dr = (_root.ransu(10) * 0.1) + 0.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state != 0) { if (this.state == 1) { this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); if (0 >= this.dy) { this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.92; this.dy = this.dy * 0.9; if (100 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } } };Symbol 198 MovieClip [title2] Frame 2stop();Symbol 200 MovieClip [title3] Frame 1state = 0; dy = 20 + (_root.ransu(30) * 0.1); ddy = -0.8; rot = _root.ransu(359); dr = (_root.ransu(10) * 0.1) + 0.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state != 0) { if (this.state == 1) { this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); if (0 >= this.dy) { this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.92; this.dy = this.dy * 0.9; if (100 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } } };Symbol 200 MovieClip [title3] Frame 2stop();Symbol 202 MovieClip [title4] Frame 1state = 0; dy = 20 + (_root.ransu(30) * 0.1); ddy = -0.8; rot = _root.ransu(359); dr = (_root.ransu(10) * 0.1) + 0.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.state != 0) { if (this.state == 1) { this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); } } else { this._y = this._y + this.dy; this.dy = this.dy + this.ddy; this._rotation = Math.sin(_root.rotToRad(this.rot)) * 10; this.rot = _root.rotAdd(this.rot, this.dr); if (0 >= this.dy) { this.ddy = this.ddy * 0.92; this.dy = this.dy * 0.9; if (100 >= this._y) { this.state = 1; } } } };Symbol 202 MovieClip [title4] Frame 2stop();Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] in Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _x = -100 + _root.ransu(400); _y = -100 + _root.ransu(400); _alpha = 30; _root.setColor(this, _root.ransu(30), _root.ransu(5), 20 + _root.ransu(40)); }Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] in Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _x = -100 + _root.ransu(400); _y = 580 - _root.ransu(400); _alpha = 30; _root.setColor(this, _root.ransu(30), _root.ransu(5), 20 + _root.ransu(40)); }Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] in Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _x = 740 - _root.ransu(400); _y = -100 + _root.ransu(400); _alpha = 30; _root.setColor(this, _root.ransu(30), _root.ransu(5), 20 + _root.ransu(40)); }Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] in Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _x = 740 - _root.ransu(400); _y = 580 - _root.ransu(400); _alpha = 30; _root.setColor(this, _root.ransu(30), _root.ransu(5), 20 + _root.ransu(40)); }Instance of Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] in Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 30; _root.setColor2(this, 0, -160, 0, -160, 40, 0); }Symbol 572 MovieClip [touhoukaikeidou] Frame 271stop();Symbol 570 MovieClip [MarineBenefit] Frame 151stop();Symbol 396 MovieClip [bomb110] Frame 33stop();Symbol 630 MovieClip [bomb111] Frame 33stop();Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] Frame 1this.count = 0; this._alpha = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 180) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (20 < this.count) { if (this.count >= 160) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } if (_root.stageNo == 3) { if ((++this.col) == 60) { this.col = 0; } if (this.col == 0) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#ee0000'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 5) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#cc5500'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 10) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#aaaa00'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 15) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#55bb00'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 20) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#00cc00'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 25) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#00c35d'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 30) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#00bbbb'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 35) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#00c3dd'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 40) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#0000ff'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 45) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#6e00ee'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 50) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#dd00dd'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } else if (this.col == 55) { this.title = "<font color='#666666'>\u96F2</font>\u304B\u3089\u6D41\u308C\u308B\u7435\u7436\u306E<font color='#e5006e'>\u97F3\u8272</font>"; } this.col; } };Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] Frame 2stop();Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] Frame 1this.count = 0; this._alpha = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.stop) { return(null); } if ((++this.count) == 180) { this.removeMovieClip(); return(null); } if (20 < this.count) { if (!((this.count == 30) && (_root.PR))) { if (this.count >= 160) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 5; } } else { _root.stop = 2; var R0 = _root.attachMovie("gameOver", "gameOver", 20); R0.mansin = ""; = ""; R0.count = 0; R0.onEnterFrame = function () { if (100 < this.count) { _root.stop = 5; delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if ((this.count % 2) == 0) { _root.setColor(_root.stage, 100 - (this.count * 0.85), 100 - (this.count * 0.5), 100 - (this.count * 0.85)); } this.count = this.count + 5; } }; } } else { this._alpha = this._alpha + 5; } };Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] Frame 2stop();
Library Items
Symbol 19995 Font | Used by:19996 19994 19992 19990 | |
Symbol 19996 EditableText | Uses:19995 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19994 EditableText | Uses:19995 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19992 EditableText | Uses:19995 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19990 EditableText | Uses:19995 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19987 Font | Used by:19988 292 656 | |
Symbol 19988 EditableText | Uses:19987 | Used by:19998 |
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] | Uses:19988 19996 19994 19992 19990 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 332 Graphic | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 334 Graphic | Used by:62 | |
Symbol 486 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 488 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 490 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 492 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 496 Graphic | Used by:494 | |
Symbol 498 Graphic | Used by:494 | |
Symbol 500 Graphic | Used by:494 | |
Symbol 502 Graphic | Used by:494 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:126 | |
Symbol 770 Graphic | Used by:126 | |
Symbol 774 Graphic | Used by:126 | |
Symbol 776 Graphic | Used by:126 | |
Symbol 780 Graphic | Used by:778 | |
Symbol 782 Graphic | Used by:778 | |
Symbol 784 Graphic | Used by:778 | |
Symbol 786 Graphic | Used by:778 | |
Symbol 582 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 584 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 586 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 588 Graphic | Used by:580 | |
Symbol 337 Bitmap | Used by:338 | |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Uses:337 | Used by:336 |
Symbol 457 Bitmap | Used by:458 | |
Symbol 458 Graphic | Uses:457 | Used by:340 |
Symbol 213 Bitmap | Used by:214 | |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Uses:213 | Used by:534 |
Symbol 639 Bitmap | Used by:640 | |
Symbol 640 Graphic | Uses:639 | Used by:534 |
Symbol 641 Bitmap | Used by:642 | |
Symbol 642 Graphic | Uses:641 | Used by:534 |
Symbol 283 Bitmap | Used by:284 | |
Symbol 284 Graphic | Uses:283 | Used by:216 |
Symbol 649 Bitmap | Used by:650 | |
Symbol 650 Graphic | Uses:649 | Used by:644 |
Symbol 789 Bitmap | Used by:790 | |
Symbol 790 Graphic | Uses:789 | Used by:788 |
Symbol 660 ShapeTweening | Used by:646 | |
Symbol 662 ShapeTweening | Used by:646 | |
Symbol 664 ShapeTweening | Used by:648 | |
Symbol 666 ShapeTweening | Used by:648 | |
Symbol 668 ShapeTweening | Used by:658 | |
Symbol 670 ShapeTweening | Used by:658 | |
Symbol 109 Font | Used by:110 466 576 182 196 654 166 66 70 594 146 74 220 514 | |
Symbol 110 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:280 |
Symbol 173 Font | Used by:174 428 | |
Symbol 174 EditableText | Uses:173 | Used by:164 |
Symbol 525 Font | Used by:526 | |
Symbol 526 EditableText | Uses:525 | Used by:528 |
Symbol 464 Graphic | Used by:462 | |
Symbol 468 Graphic | Used by:462 | |
Symbol 466 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:470 |
Symbol 518 Graphic | Used by:516 | |
Symbol 532 Graphic | Used by:530 | |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:158 806 808 4 258 542 544 678 552 452 804 308 222 | |
Symbol 188 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Used by:186 694 | |
Symbol 244 Graphic | Used by:240 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Used by:320 | |
Symbol 302 Graphic | Used by:300 | |
Symbol 538 Graphic | Used by:540 | |
Symbol 674 Graphic | Used by:676 | |
Symbol 688 Graphic | Used by:686 | |
Symbol 294 Graphic | Used by:296 298 176 | |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Used by:342 238 536 | |
Symbol 546 Graphic | Used by:552 | |
Symbol 548 Graphic | Used by:550 | |
Symbol 556 Graphic | Used by:554 558 | |
Symbol 600 Graphic | Used by:604 | |
Symbol 602 Graphic | Used by:606 | |
Symbol 628 Graphic | Used by:626 624 | |
Symbol 682 Graphic | Used by:680 | |
Symbol 454 Graphic | Used by:456 | |
Symbol 612 Graphic | Used by:184 | |
Symbol 610 Graphic | Used by:614 | |
Symbol 618 Graphic | Used by:616 | |
Symbol 622 Graphic | Used by:620 | |
Symbol 794 Graphic | Used by:792 | |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:222 | |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:140 134 242 250 286 276 278 400 222 | |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Used by:234 520 | |
Symbol 474 Graphic | Used by:472 | |
Symbol 478 Graphic | Used by:476 | |
Symbol 482 Graphic | Used by:480 | |
Symbol 698 Graphic | Used by:696 | |
Symbol 701 Bitmap | Used by:702 | |
Symbol 702 Graphic | Uses:701 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 703 Bitmap | Used by:704 | |
Symbol 704 Graphic | Uses:703 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 705 Bitmap | Used by:706 | |
Symbol 706 Graphic | Uses:705 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 707 Bitmap | Used by:708 | |
Symbol 708 Graphic | Uses:707 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 709 Bitmap | Used by:710 | |
Symbol 710 Graphic | Uses:709 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 711 Bitmap | Used by:712 | |
Symbol 712 Graphic | Uses:711 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 713 Bitmap | Used by:714 | |
Symbol 714 Graphic | Uses:713 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 715 Bitmap | Used by:716 | |
Symbol 716 Graphic | Uses:715 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 717 Bitmap | Used by:718 | |
Symbol 718 Graphic | Uses:717 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 719 Bitmap | Used by:720 | |
Symbol 720 Graphic | Uses:719 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 721 Bitmap | Used by:722 | |
Symbol 722 Graphic | Uses:721 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 723 Bitmap | Used by:724 | |
Symbol 724 Graphic | Uses:723 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 725 Bitmap | Used by:726 | |
Symbol 726 Graphic | Uses:725 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 727 Bitmap | Used by:728 | |
Symbol 728 Graphic | Uses:727 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 729 Bitmap | Used by:730 | |
Symbol 730 Graphic | Uses:729 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 731 Bitmap | Used by:732 | |
Symbol 732 Graphic | Uses:731 | Used by:734 738 |
Symbol 798 Graphic | Used by:796 | |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Used by:14 572 | |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Used by:16 572 | |
Symbol 208 Graphic | Used by:198 572 | |
Symbol 210 Graphic | Used by:200 572 | |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Used by:202 572 | |
Symbol 281 Font | Used by:282 | |
Symbol 282 EditableText | Uses:281 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 27 Font | Used by:28 224 96 76 | |
Symbol 28 EditableText | Uses:27 | Used by:22 88 |
Symbol 422 Graphic | Used by:20000 20001 | |
Symbol 424 Graphic | Used by:20000 20001 | |
Symbol 37 Font | Used by:38 130 | |
Symbol 38 EditableText | Uses:37 | Used by:32 256 114 116 152 194 |
Symbol 651 Font | Used by:652 | |
Symbol 652 EditableText | Uses:651 | Used by:32 114 116 152 194 |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:40 | |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:44 | |
Symbol 150 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 262 Graphic | Used by:260 | |
Symbol 287 Font | Used by:288 | |
Symbol 288 EditableText | Uses:287 | Used by:818 350 |
Symbol 177 Font | Used by:178 348 352 | |
Symbol 178 EditableText | Uses:177 | Used by:818 |
Symbol 348 EditableText | Uses:177 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 352 EditableText | Uses:177 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 576 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:574 |
Symbol 827 Bitmap | Used by:828 | |
Symbol 828 Graphic | Uses:827 | Used by:8 810 |
Symbol 811 Bitmap | Used by:812 | |
Symbol 812 Graphic | Uses:811 | Used by:814 |
Symbol 829 Bitmap | Used by:830 | |
Symbol 830 Graphic | Uses:829 | Used by:816 |
Symbol 306 ShapeTweening | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 324 ShapeTweening | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 312 ShapeTweening | Used by:310 | |
Symbol 326 ShapeTweening | Used by:310 | |
Symbol 322 ShapeTweening | Used by:314 | |
Symbol 328 ShapeTweening | Used by:314 | |
Symbol 182 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:180 |
Symbol 196 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:154 |
Symbol 654 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:116 |
Symbol 224 EditableText | Uses:27 | Used by:80 |
Symbol 96 EditableText | Uses:27 | Used by:80 |
Symbol 169 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 166 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:522 168 |
Symbol 76 EditableText | Uses:27 | Used by:522 168 |
Symbol 819 Bitmap | Used by:820 | |
Symbol 820 Graphic | Uses:819 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 821 Bitmap | Used by:822 | |
Symbol 822 Graphic | Uses:821 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 823 Bitmap | Used by:824 | |
Symbol 824 Graphic | Uses:823 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 825 Bitmap | Used by:826 | |
Symbol 826 Graphic | Uses:825 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:30 72 | |
Symbol 66 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 70 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 594 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 146 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:18 10 |
Symbol 74 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:18 10 |
Symbol 254 Graphic | Used by:252 | |
Symbol 428 EditableText | Uses:173 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 523 Font | Used by:524 590 | |
Symbol 524 EditableText | Uses:523 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 590 EditableText | Uses:523 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 564 Graphic | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 566 Graphic | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 568 ShapeTweening | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:100 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:58 | |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Used by:106 | |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Used by:268 | |
Symbol 358 Graphic | Used by:356 | |
Symbol 394 Graphic | Used by:368 | |
Symbol 274 Graphic | Used by:272 | |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Used by:390 | |
Symbol 414 Graphic | Used by:412 | |
Symbol 436 Graphic | Used by:388 434 | |
Symbol 450 Graphic | Used by:448 | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 362 Graphic | Used by:360 | |
Symbol 366 Graphic | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 248 Graphic | Used by:246 | |
Symbol 406 Graphic | Used by:404 | |
Symbol 346 Graphic | Used by:416 | |
Symbol 266 Graphic | Used by:264 | |
Symbol 432 Graphic | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 446 Graphic | Used by:444 | |
Symbol 374 Graphic | Used by:372 | |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Used by:376 | |
Symbol 382 Graphic | Used by:380 | |
Symbol 386 Graphic | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 398 Graphic | Used by:396 630 | |
Symbol 420 Graphic | Used by:418 | |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:162 | |
Symbol 408 Graphic | Used by:402 | |
Symbol 438 Graphic | Used by:410 | |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Used by:122 | |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:84 | |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:90 | |
Symbol 318 Graphic | Used by:316 | |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Used by:226 768 | |
Symbol 506 Graphic | Used by:504 772 | |
Symbol 119 Font | Used by:120 26 | |
Symbol 120 EditableText | Uses:119 | Used by:78 |
Symbol 130 EditableText | Uses:37 | Used by:78 |
Symbol 26 EditableText | Uses:119 | Used by:82 |
Symbol 220 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:560 |
Symbol 292 EditableText | Uses:19987 | Used by:290 |
Symbol 631 Font | Used by:632 | |
Symbol 632 EditableText | Uses:631 | Used by:290 Timeline |
Symbol 656 EditableText | Uses:19987 | Used by:290 |
Symbol 509 Font | Used by:510 512 | |
Symbol 510 EditableText | Uses:509 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 512 EditableText | Uses:509 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 514 EditableText | Uses:109 | Used by:508 |
Symbol 799 Font | Used by:800 | |
Symbol 800 EditableText | Uses:799 | Used by:802 |
Symbol 598 Graphic | Used by:596 | |
Symbol 692 Graphic | Used by:690 | |
Symbol 633 Sound [bgm00Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 635 Sound [bgm10Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 739 Sound [se0Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 741 Sound [se1Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 743 Sound [se2Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 745 Sound [se3Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 747 Sound [se4Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 749 Sound [se5Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 751 Sound [se6Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 755 Sound [se8Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 759 Sound [se11Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 761 Sound [se12Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 763 Sound [se13Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 765 Sound [se14Obj] | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 62 MovieClip [q0] | Uses:64 330 332 334 | |
Symbol 138 MovieClip [q1] | Uses:486 488 490 492 | |
Symbol 494 MovieClip [q2] | Uses:496 498 500 502 | |
Symbol 126 MovieClip [q3] | Uses:128 770 774 776 | |
Symbol 778 MovieClip [q4] | Uses:780 782 784 786 | |
Symbol 580 MovieClip [q10] | Uses:582 584 586 588 | |
Symbol 336 MovieClip [b1] | Uses:338 | |
Symbol 340 MovieClip [b2] | Uses:458 | |
Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] | Uses:214 640 642 | |
Symbol 216 MovieClip [b4] | Uses:284 | |
Symbol 644 MovieClip [b5] | Uses:650 | |
Symbol 788 MovieClip [b6] | Uses:790 | |
Symbol 646 MovieClip [b10] | Uses:660 662 | |
Symbol 648 MovieClip [b11] | Uses:664 666 | |
Symbol 658 MovieClip [b12] | Uses:668 670 | |
Symbol 164 MovieClip [boss] | Uses:174 280 140 528 | |
Symbol 140 MovieClip [bossHpBar] | Uses:136 | Used by:164 |
Symbol 280 MovieClip [spellName] | Uses:110 | Used by:164 |
Symbol 528 MovieClip [bossName] | Uses:526 | Used by:164 |
Symbol 462 MovieClip [getSpell0] | Uses:464 468 | |
Symbol 470 MovieClip [getSpell1] | Uses:466 | |
Symbol 516 MovieClip [mahojin] | Uses:518 | |
Symbol 530 MovieClip [mahojinTime] | Uses:532 | |
Symbol 2 MovieClip [space] | ||
Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] | Uses:6 | Used by:4 258 186 542 544 608 672 678 684 694 342 552 606 238 536 452 370 |
Symbol 190 MovieClip [en1] | Uses:188 | Used by:186 694 |
Symbol 240 MovieClip [en2] | Uses:244 | |
Symbol 320 MovieClip [en3] | Uses:20 | Used by:18 |
Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] | Uses:294 | Used by:176 |
Symbol 298 MovieClip [en5] | Uses:294 | |
Symbol 300 MovieClip [en6] | Uses:302 | |
Symbol 456 MovieClip [en7] | Uses:454 | Used by:452 |
Symbol 540 MovieClip [en8] | Uses:538 | Used by:542 |
Symbol 550 MovieClip [en9] | Uses:548 | Used by:552 |
Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] | Uses:556 | Used by:558 |
Symbol 604 MovieClip [en11] | Uses:600 | Used by:606 |
Symbol 626 MovieClip [en12] | Uses:628 | Used by:624 |
Symbol 676 MovieClip [en13] | Uses:674 | Used by:672 |
Symbol 686 MovieClip [en14] | Uses:688 | Used by:684 |
Symbol 792 MovieClip [en15] | Uses:794 | |
Symbol 806 MovieClip [en16] | Uses:6 | Used by:804 |
Symbol 808 MovieClip [en17] | Uses:6 | Used by:804 |
Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] | Uses:136 | Used by:680 132 562 620 156 |
Symbol 242 MovieClip [kaku1] | Uses:136 | Used by:168 |
Symbol 234 MovieClip [kaku2] | Uses:236 | |
Symbol 250 MovieClip [kaku3] | Uses:136 | |
Symbol 520 MovieClip [kaku4] | Uses:236 | Used by:132 |
Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] | Uses:158 6 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] | Uses:6 158 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] | Uses:190 192 158 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] | Uses:540 6 158 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] | Uses:158 6 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] | Uses:158 | |
Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] | Uses:676 158 | |
Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] | Uses:6 158 | |
Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] | Uses:686 158 | |
Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] | Uses:190 192 158 | |
Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] | Uses:296 294 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] | Uses:158 344 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] | Uses:550 546 6 158 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] | Uses:554 556 | |
Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] | Uses:604 602 158 | |
Symbol 624 MovieClip [tama15] | Uses:628 626 | |
Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] | Uses:134 682 | |
Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] | Uses:158 344 | |
Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] | Uses:134 520 | |
Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] | Uses:158 344 | |
Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] | Uses:456 6 158 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 562 MovieClip [tama40] | Uses:134 | |
Symbol 184 MovieClip [tama41] | Uses:612 | |
Symbol 614 MovieClip [tama42] | Uses:610 | |
Symbol 616 MovieClip [tama43] | Uses:618 | |
Symbol 620 MovieClip [tama44] | Uses:622 134 | |
Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] | Uses:806 6 808 | |
Symbol 472 MovieClip [back000] | Uses:474 | |
Symbol 476 MovieClip [back001] | Uses:478 | |
Symbol 480 MovieClip [back100] | Uses:482 | |
Symbol 696 MovieClip [back300] | Uses:698 | |
Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] | Uses:734 | |
Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] | Uses:732 730 728 726 724 722 720 718 716 714 712 710 708 706 704 702 | Used by:700 |
Symbol 736 MovieClip [back402] | Uses:738 | |
Symbol 738 MovieClip [back403] | Uses:732 730 728 726 724 722 720 718 716 714 712 710 708 706 704 702 | Used by:736 |
Symbol 796 MovieClip [back420] | Uses:798 | |
Symbol 20000 Button | Uses:422 424 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 20001 Button | Uses:422 424 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] | Uses:14 16 198 200 202 828 282 20000 20001 | |
Symbol 14 MovieClip [title0] | Uses:204 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 16 MovieClip [title1] | Uses:206 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 198 MovieClip [title2] | Uses:208 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 200 MovieClip [title3] | Uses:210 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 202 MovieClip [title4] | Uses:212 | Used by:8 |
Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] | Uses:320 112 484 146 74 | |
Symbol 484 MovieClip [topStar] | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 112 MovieClip [topAwa] | Used by:18 | |
Symbol 22 MovieClip [topButton] | Uses:28 | |
Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] | Uses:38 652 34 40 44 148 | |
Symbol 34 MovieClip [level0] | Uses:36 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 40 MovieClip [level1] | Uses:42 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 44 MovieClip [level2] | Uses:46 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 148 MovieClip [level3] | Uses:150 | Used by:32 |
Symbol 256 MovieClip [selectEx] | Uses:38 260 | |
Symbol 260 MovieClip [level4] | Uses:262 | Used by:256 |
Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] | Uses:38 652 818 810 814 816 350 286 | |
Symbol 818 MovieClip [selectCharacterName] | Uses:288 178 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] | Uses:288 354 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] | Uses:348 352 | Used by:350 |
Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] | Uses:136 574 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] | Uses:576 | Used by:286 |
Symbol 810 MovieClip [player00] | Uses:828 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 814 MovieClip [player10] | Uses:812 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 816 MovieClip [player20] | Uses:830 | Used by:114 |
Symbol 304 MovieClip [p0] | Uses:306 324 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 310 MovieClip [p1] | Uses:312 326 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 314 MovieClip [p2] | Uses:322 328 | Used by:156 |
Symbol 308 MovieClip [atari] | Uses:6 | |
Symbol 180 MovieClip [bombName] | Uses:182 | |
Symbol 116 MovieClip [selectMusicRoom] | Uses:38 652 654 | |
Symbol 154 MovieClip [musicRoomButton] | Uses:196 | |
Symbol 152 MovieClip [selectInput] | Uses:38 652 | |
Symbol 80 MovieClip [inputButton] | Uses:224 96 | |
Symbol 88 MovieClip [inputButton3] | Uses:28 | |
Symbol 194 MovieClip [selectSetup] | Uses:38 652 156 | |
Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] | Uses:134 304 314 310 186 452 258 4 542 544 176 342 552 | Used by:194 |
Symbol 522 MovieClip [setupButton2] | Uses:76 166 | |
Symbol 168 MovieClip [setupButton3] | Uses:76 166 169 242 172 | |
Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] | Uses:820 822 824 826 66 30 72 70 594 146 74 426 524 590 596 690 | |
Symbol 24 MovieClip [frameBack] | ||
Symbol 48 MovieClip [stage] | ||
Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] | Uses:68 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] | Uses:68 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 252 MovieClip [enemy0] | Uses:254 | |
Symbol 426 MovieClip [levelLogo] | Uses:428 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 572 MovieClip [touhoukaikeidou] | Uses:204 206 208 210 212 | |
Symbol 570 MovieClip [MarineBenefit] | Uses:568 566 564 | |
Symbol 100 MovieClip [shot0] | Uses:102 | |
Symbol 58 MovieClip [shot1] | Uses:60 | |
Symbol 106 MovieClip [shot2] | Uses:108 | |
Symbol 268 MovieClip [shot00] | Uses:270 | |
Symbol 356 MovieClip [shot01] | Uses:358 | |
Symbol 368 MovieClip [shot02] | Uses:394 | |
Symbol 272 MovieClip [shot10] | Uses:274 | |
Symbol 390 MovieClip [shot11] | Uses:392 | |
Symbol 412 MovieClip [shot12] | Uses:414 | |
Symbol 370 MovieClip [shot200] | Uses:388 158 | |
Symbol 388 MovieClip [shot200ring] | Uses:436 | Used by:370 |
Symbol 276 MovieClip [shot201] | Uses:136 | |
Symbol 278 MovieClip [shot202] | Uses:136 | |
Symbol 400 MovieClip [shot203] | Uses:136 | |
Symbol 434 MovieClip [shot21] | Uses:436 | |
Symbol 448 MovieClip [shot22] | Uses:450 | |
Symbol 230 MovieClip [option0] | Uses:232 | |
Symbol 360 MovieClip [option1] | Uses:362 | |
Symbol 364 MovieClip [option2] | Uses:366 | |
Symbol 246 MovieClip [option10] | Uses:248 | |
Symbol 404 MovieClip [option11] | Uses:406 | |
Symbol 416 MovieClip [option12] | Uses:346 | |
Symbol 264 MovieClip [option20] | Uses:266 | |
Symbol 430 MovieClip [option21] | Uses:432 | |
Symbol 444 MovieClip [option22] | Uses:446 | |
Symbol 372 MovieClip [bomb00] | Uses:374 | |
Symbol 376 MovieClip [bomb01] | Uses:378 | |
Symbol 380 MovieClip [bomb02] | Uses:382 | |
Symbol 384 MovieClip [bomb10] | Uses:386 | |
Symbol 396 MovieClip [bomb110] | Uses:398 | |
Symbol 630 MovieClip [bomb111] | Uses:398 | |
Symbol 418 MovieClip [bomb120] | Uses:420 | |
Symbol 162 MovieClip [bomb121] | Uses:118 | |
Symbol 402 MovieClip [bomb20] | Uses:408 | |
Symbol 442 MovieClip [bomb21] | ||
Symbol 410 MovieClip [bomb22] | Uses:438 | |
Symbol 122 MovieClip [power0] | Uses:124 | |
Symbol 84 MovieClip [power1] | Uses:86 | |
Symbol 90 MovieClip [power2] | Uses:92 | |
Symbol 316 MovieClip [point0] | Uses:318 | |
Symbol 226 MovieClip [h_] | Uses:228 | |
Symbol 504 MovieClip [o_] | Uses:506 | |
Symbol 768 MovieClip [h_big] | Uses:228 | |
Symbol 772 MovieClip [o_big] | Uses:506 | |
Symbol 78 MovieClip [gameOver] | Uses:120 130 | |
Symbol 82 MovieClip [gameOverButton] | Uses:26 | |
Symbol 218 MovieClip [talk] | Uses:222 | |
Symbol 222 MovieClip [talkBack] | Uses:135 136 6 560 | Used by:218 |
Symbol 560 MovieClip [talkText] | Uses:220 | Used by:222 |
Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] | Uses:292 632 656 | |
Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] | Uses:510 512 514 | |
Symbol 802 MovieClip [enterBubble] | Uses:800 | |
Symbol 596 MovieClip [waterLine0] | Uses:598 | Used by:10 |
Symbol 690 MovieClip [waterLine1] | Uses:692 | Used by:10 |
Instance Names
"_PreLoader" | Frame 1 | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] |
"ins_title" | Frame 2 | Symbol 632 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 1 | Symbol 19988 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 2 | Symbol 19996 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 22 | Symbol 19994 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 42 | Symbol 19992 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 62 | Symbol 19990 EditableText |
"ins_time" | Symbol 164 MovieClip [boss] Frame 1 | Symbol 174 EditableText |
"spellName" | Symbol 164 MovieClip [boss] Frame 1 | Symbol 280 MovieClip [spellName] |
"hpBar" | Symbol 164 MovieClip [boss] Frame 1 | Symbol 140 MovieClip [bossHpBar] |
"bossName" | Symbol 164 MovieClip [boss] Frame 1 | Symbol 528 MovieClip [bossName] |
"ins_name" | Symbol 280 MovieClip [spellName] Frame 1 | Symbol 110 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 280 MovieClip [spellName] Frame 1 | Symbol 110 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 528 MovieClip [bossName] Frame 1 | Symbol 526 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 528 MovieClip [bossName] Frame 1 | Symbol 526 EditableText |
"ins_bonus" | Symbol 470 MovieClip [getSpell1] Frame 1 | Symbol 466 EditableText |
"en0" | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] Frame 1 | Symbol 190 MovieClip [en1] |
"en1" | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] Frame 1 | Symbol 540 MovieClip [en8] |
"en1" | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 608 MovieClip [tama5] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1 | Symbol 676 MovieClip [en13] |
"en20" | Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 672 MovieClip [tama6] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 678 MovieClip [tama7] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1 | Symbol 686 MovieClip [en14] |
"en20" | Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 684 MovieClip [tama8] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] Frame 1 | Symbol 190 MovieClip [en1] |
"en1" | Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 694 MovieClip [tama9] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] Frame 1 | Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] |
"en1" | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] Frame 1 | Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] |
"en10" | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] Frame 1 | Symbol 296 MovieClip [en4] |
"en0" | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] Frame 1 | Symbol 550 MovieClip [en9] |
"en1" | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] Frame 1 | Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] |
"en1" | Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] Frame 1 | Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] |
"en10" | Symbol 558 MovieClip [tama13] Frame 1 | Symbol 554 MovieClip [en10] |
"en0" | Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] Frame 1 | Symbol 604 MovieClip [en11] |
"en1" | Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] Frame 1 | Symbol 604 MovieClip [en11] |
"en10" | Symbol 606 MovieClip [tama14] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 624 MovieClip [tama15] Frame 1 | Symbol 626 MovieClip [en12] |
"en10" | Symbol 624 MovieClip [tama15] Frame 1 | Symbol 626 MovieClip [en12] |
"en0" | Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en1" | Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en10" | Symbol 680 MovieClip [tama16] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en0" | Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 238 MovieClip [tama20] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en2" | Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1 | Symbol 520 MovieClip [kaku4] |
"en1" | Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en10" | Symbol 132 MovieClip [tama21] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en0" | Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en1" | Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 536 MovieClip [tama22] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] Frame 1 | Symbol 456 MovieClip [en7] |
"en1" | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en10" | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"en0" | Symbol 562 MovieClip [tama40] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en1" | Symbol 562 MovieClip [tama40] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en10" | Symbol 562 MovieClip [tama40] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"kaku" | Symbol 620 MovieClip [tama44] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"en0" | Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] Frame 1 | Symbol 806 MovieClip [en16] |
"en1" | Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] Frame 1 | Symbol 806 MovieClip [en16] |
"en10" | Symbol 804 MovieClip [tama45] Frame 1 | Symbol 808 MovieClip [en17] |
"b0" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b1" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b2" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b3" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b4" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b5" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b6" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b7" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"b8" | Symbol 700 MovieClip [back400] Frame 1 | Symbol 734 MovieClip [back401] |
"title0" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 1 | Symbol 14 MovieClip [title0] |
"title1" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 1 | Symbol 16 MovieClip [title1] |
"title2" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 1 | Symbol 198 MovieClip [title2] |
"title3" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 1 | Symbol 200 MovieClip [title3] |
"title4" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 1 | Symbol 202 MovieClip [title4] |
"ins_" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 31 | Symbol 282 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 8 MovieClip [top] Frame 52 | Symbol 282 EditableText |
"awa" | Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1 | Symbol 112 MovieClip [topAwa] |
"star" | Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1 | Symbol 484 MovieClip [topStar] |
"ins_" | Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1 | Symbol 146 EditableText |
"ins_fps" | Symbol 18 MovieClip [topBack] Frame 1 | Symbol 74 EditableText |
"ins_text" | Symbol 22 MovieClip [topButton] Frame 1 | Symbol 28 EditableText |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"ins_text1" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 652 EditableText |
"level0" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 34 MovieClip [level0] |
"level1" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 40 MovieClip [level1] |
"level2" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 44 MovieClip [level2] |
"level3" | Symbol 32 MovieClip [selectLevel] Frame 1 | Symbol 148 MovieClip [level3] |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 256 MovieClip [selectEx] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"level4" | Symbol 256 MovieClip [selectEx] Frame 1 | Symbol 260 MovieClip [level4] |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"ins_text1" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 652 EditableText |
"nameAbility" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 818 MovieClip [selectCharacterName] |
"character0" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 810 MovieClip [player00] |
"character1" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 814 MovieClip [player10] |
"character2" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 816 MovieClip [player20] |
"op0" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] |
"op1" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] |
"op2" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] |
"practiceStage" | Symbol 114 MovieClip [selectCharacter] Frame 1 | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] |
"ins_name" | Symbol 818 MovieClip [selectCharacterName] Frame 1 | Symbol 288 EditableText |
"ins_ability" | Symbol 818 MovieClip [selectCharacterName] Frame 1 | Symbol 178 EditableText |
"ins_ability" | Symbol 818 MovieClip [selectCharacterName] Frame 1 | Symbol 178 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] Frame 1 | Symbol 288 EditableText |
"opt" | Symbol 350 MovieClip [characterOption] Frame 1 | Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] |
"ins_shotType" | Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] Frame 1 | Symbol 348 EditableText |
"ins_shotType" | Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] Frame 1 | Symbol 348 EditableText |
"ins_bombType" | Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] Frame 1 | Symbol 352 EditableText |
"ins_bombType" | Symbol 354 MovieClip [opt] Frame 1 | Symbol 352 EditableText |
"s1" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"s2" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"s3" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"s4" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"s5" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"s6" | Symbol 286 MovieClip [selectPracticeStage] Frame 1 | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] |
"ins_text" | Symbol 574 MovieClip [selectPracticeStageText] Frame 1 | Symbol 576 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 180 MovieClip [bombName] Frame 1 | Symbol 182 EditableText |
"ins_name" | Symbol 180 MovieClip [bombName] Frame 1 | Symbol 182 EditableText |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 116 MovieClip [selectMusicRoom] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"ins_text1" | Symbol 116 MovieClip [selectMusicRoom] Frame 1 | Symbol 652 EditableText |
"ins_musicRoomComment" | Symbol 116 MovieClip [selectMusicRoom] Frame 1 | Symbol 654 EditableText |
"ins_musicRoomTitle" | Symbol 154 MovieClip [musicRoomButton] Frame 1 | Symbol 196 EditableText |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 152 MovieClip [selectInput] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"ins_text1" | Symbol 152 MovieClip [selectInput] Frame 1 | Symbol 652 EditableText |
"ins_text" | Symbol 80 MovieClip [inputButton] Frame 1 | Symbol 224 EditableText |
"ins_keyName" | Symbol 80 MovieClip [inputButton] Frame 1 | Symbol 96 EditableText |
"ins_text" | Symbol 88 MovieClip [inputButton3] Frame 1 | Symbol 28 EditableText |
"ins_text0" | Symbol 194 MovieClip [selectSetup] Frame 1 | Symbol 38 EditableText |
"ins_text1" | Symbol 194 MovieClip [selectSetup] Frame 1 | Symbol 652 EditableText |
"v" | Symbol 194 MovieClip [selectSetup] Frame 1 | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] |
"kuro" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 134 MovieClip [kaku0] |
"t0" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] |
"t1" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] |
"t2" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 186 MovieClip [tama2] |
"t30" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] |
"t31" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] |
"t32" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 452 MovieClip [tama30] |
"t3" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] |
"t4" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] |
"t5" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 258 MovieClip [tama1] |
"t6" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] |
"t7" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] |
"t8" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip [tama0] |
"t9" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] |
"t10" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] |
"t11" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 542 MovieClip [tama3] |
"t12" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] |
"t13" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] |
"t14" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 544 MovieClip [tama4] |
"t20" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] |
"t21" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] |
"t22" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 176 MovieClip [tama10] |
"t23" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] |
"t24" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] |
"t25" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 342 MovieClip [tama11] |
"t26" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] |
"t27" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] |
"t28" | Symbol 156 MovieClip [setupView] Frame 1 | Symbol 552 MovieClip [tama12] |
"ins_text" | Symbol 522 MovieClip [setupButton2] Frame 1 | Symbol 76 EditableText |
"ins_keyName" | Symbol 522 MovieClip [setupButton2] Frame 1 | Symbol 166 EditableText |
"ins_text" | Symbol 168 MovieClip [setupButton3] Frame 1 | Symbol 76 EditableText |
"ins_keyName" | Symbol 168 MovieClip [setupButton3] Frame 1 | Symbol 166 EditableText |
"kaku" | Symbol 168 MovieClip [setupButton3] Frame 1 | Symbol 242 MovieClip [kaku1] |
"ins_score" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 66 EditableText |
"star0" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star1" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star2" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star3" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star4" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star5" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star6" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star7" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"star8" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 30 MovieClip [playerStar] |
"bomb0" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb1" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb2" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb3" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb4" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb5" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb6" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb7" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"bomb8" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 72 MovieClip [bombStar] |
"ins_power" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 70 EditableText |
"ins_graze" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 594 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 146 EditableText |
"ins_fps" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 74 EditableText |
"levelLogo" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 426 MovieClip [levelLogo] |
"ins_matchlessText" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 524 EditableText |
"ins_practiceText" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 590 EditableText |
"waterLine0" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 596 MovieClip [waterLine0] |
"waterMaxLine0" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 690 MovieClip [waterLine1] |
"waterLine1" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 596 MovieClip [waterLine0] |
"waterMaxLine1" | Symbol 10 MovieClip [frame] Frame 1 | Symbol 690 MovieClip [waterLine1] |
"ins_levelText" | Symbol 426 MovieClip [levelLogo] Frame 1 | Symbol 428 EditableText |
"e0" | Symbol 370 MovieClip [shot200] Frame 1 | Symbol 388 MovieClip [shot200ring] |
"e1" | Symbol 370 MovieClip [shot200] Frame 1 | Symbol 158 MovieClip [en0] |
"ins_mansin" | Symbol 78 MovieClip [gameOver] Frame 1 | Symbol 120 EditableText |
"ins_game" | Symbol 78 MovieClip [gameOver] Frame 1 | Symbol 130 EditableText |
"ins_gameOverText" | Symbol 82 MovieClip [gameOverButton] Frame 1 | Symbol 26 EditableText |
"back" | Symbol 218 MovieClip [talk] Frame 1 | Symbol 222 MovieClip [talkBack] |
"talkText" | Symbol 222 MovieClip [talkBack] Frame 1 | Symbol 560 MovieClip [talkText] |
"ins_text" | Symbol 560 MovieClip [talkText] Frame 1 | Symbol 220 EditableText |
"ins_no" | Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] Frame 1 | Symbol 292 EditableText |
"ins_title" | Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] Frame 1 | Symbol 632 EditableText |
"ins_place" | Symbol 290 MovieClip [stageTitle] Frame 1 | Symbol 656 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] Frame 1 | Symbol 510 EditableText |
"ins_" | Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] Frame 1 | Symbol 512 EditableText |
"ins_bonus" | Symbol 508 MovieClip [stageClear] Frame 1 | Symbol 514 EditableText |
"ins_enterBubbleText" | Symbol 802 MovieClip [enterBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 800 EditableText |
"ins_enterBubbleText" | Symbol 802 MovieClip [enterBubble] Frame 1 | Symbol 800 EditableText |
Special Tags
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 19998 as "loader" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 633 as "bgm00Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 635 as "bgm10Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 739 as "se0Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 741 as "se1Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 743 as "se2Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 745 as "se3Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 747 as "se4Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 749 as "se5Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 751 as "se6Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 755 as "se8Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 759 as "se11Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 761 as "se12Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 763 as "se13Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 765 as "se14Obj" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 62 as "q0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 138 as "q1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 494 as "q2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 126 as "q3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 778 as "q4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 580 as "q10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 336 as "b1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 340 as "b2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 534 as "b3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 216 as "b4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 644 as "b5" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 788 as "b6" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 646 as "b10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 648 as "b11" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 658 as "b12" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 164 as "boss" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 140 as "bossHpBar" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 280 as "spellName" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 528 as "bossName" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 462 as "getSpell0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 470 as "getSpell1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 516 as "mahojin" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 530 as "mahojinTime" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 2 as "space" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 158 as "en0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 190 as "en1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 240 as "en2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 320 as "en3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 296 as "en4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 298 as "en5" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 300 as "en6" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 456 as "en7" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 540 as "en8" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 550 as "en9" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 554 as "en10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 604 as "en11" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 626 as "en12" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 676 as "en13" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 686 as "en14" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 792 as "en15" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 806 as "en16" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 808 as "en17" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 134 as "kaku0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 242 as "kaku1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 234 as "kaku2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 250 as "kaku3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 520 as "kaku4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 4 as "tama0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 258 as "tama1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 186 as "tama2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 542 as "tama3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 544 as "tama4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 608 as "tama5" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 672 as "tama6" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 678 as "tama7" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 684 as "tama8" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 694 as "tama9" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 176 as "tama10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 342 as "tama11" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 552 as "tama12" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 558 as "tama13" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 606 as "tama14" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 624 as "tama15" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 680 as "tama16" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 238 as "tama20" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 132 as "tama21" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 536 as "tama22" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 452 as "tama30" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 562 as "tama40" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 184 as "tama41" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 614 as "tama42" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 616 as "tama43" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 620 as "tama44" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 804 as "tama45" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 472 as "back000" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 476 as "back001" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 480 as "back100" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 696 as "back300" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 700 as "back400" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 734 as "back401" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 736 as "back402" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 738 as "back403" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 796 as "back420" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 8 as "top" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 14 as "title0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 16 as "title1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 198 as "title2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 200 as "title3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 202 as "title4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 18 as "topBack" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 484 as "topStar" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 112 as "topAwa" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 22 as "topButton" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 32 as "selectLevel" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 34 as "level0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 40 as "level1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 44 as "level2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 148 as "level3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 256 as "selectEx" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 260 as "level4" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 114 as "selectCharacter" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 818 as "selectCharacterName" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 350 as "characterOption" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 354 as "opt" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 286 as "selectPracticeStage" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 574 as "selectPracticeStageText" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 810 as "player00" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 814 as "player10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 816 as "player20" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 304 as "p0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 310 as "p1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 314 as "p2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 308 as "atari" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 180 as "bombName" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 116 as "selectMusicRoom" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 154 as "musicRoomButton" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 152 as "selectInput" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 80 as "inputButton" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 88 as "inputButton3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 194 as "selectSetup" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 156 as "setupView" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 522 as "setupButton2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 168 as "setupButton3" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 10 as "frame" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 24 as "frameBack" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 48 as "stage" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 30 as "playerStar" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 72 as "bombStar" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 252 as "enemy0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 426 as "levelLogo" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 572 as "touhoukaikeidou" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 570 as "MarineBenefit" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 100 as "shot0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 58 as "shot1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 106 as "shot2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 268 as "shot00" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 356 as "shot01" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 368 as "shot02" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 272 as "shot10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 390 as "shot11" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 412 as "shot12" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 370 as "shot200" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 388 as "shot200ring" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 276 as "shot201" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 278 as "shot202" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 400 as "shot203" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 434 as "shot21" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 448 as "shot22" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 230 as "option0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 360 as "option1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 364 as "option2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 246 as "option10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 404 as "option11" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 416 as "option12" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 264 as "option20" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 430 as "option21" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 444 as "option22" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 372 as "bomb00" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 376 as "bomb01" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 380 as "bomb02" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 384 as "bomb10" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 396 as "bomb110" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 630 as "bomb111" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 418 as "bomb120" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 162 as "bomb121" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 402 as "bomb20" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 442 as "bomb21" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 410 as "bomb22" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 122 as "power0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 84 as "power1" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 90 as "power2" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 316 as "point0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 226 as "h_" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 504 as "o_" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 768 as "h_big" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 772 as "o_big" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 78 as "gameOver" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 82 as "gameOverButton" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 218 as "talk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 222 as "talkBack" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 560 as "talkText" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 290 as "stageTitle" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 508 as "stageClear" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 802 as "enterBubble" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 596 as "waterLine0" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 2 | Symbol 690 as "waterLine1" |
"S" | Frame 53 |
"新しいラベル" | Symbol 19998 MovieClip [loader] Frame 2 |
"mae" | Symbol 62 MovieClip [q0] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 62 MovieClip [q0] Frame 26 |
"mae" | Symbol 138 MovieClip [q1] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 138 MovieClip [q1] Frame 26 |
"mae" | Symbol 494 MovieClip [q2] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 494 MovieClip [q2] Frame 26 |
"mae" | Symbol 126 MovieClip [q3] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 126 MovieClip [q3] Frame 26 |
"mae" | Symbol 778 MovieClip [q4] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 778 MovieClip [q4] Frame 26 |
"mae" | Symbol 580 MovieClip [q10] Frame 1 |
"yoko" | Symbol 580 MovieClip [q10] Frame 26 |
"M0" | Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 1 |
"M1" | Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 2 |
"M2" | Symbol 534 MovieClip [b3] Frame 3 |
"get" | Symbol 462 MovieClip [getSpell0] Frame 1 |
"noGet" | Symbol 462 MovieClip [getSpell0] Frame 2 |
Dynamic Text Variables
name | Symbol 110 EditableText | "東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 東方海恵堂 ~ Marine Benefit. 賭符「半丁大博打」 危険「ハイリスクハイリターン」 騙符「泥舟一人旅」 騙符「木舟と泥舟」 合戦「阿波狸合戦」 合戦「平成狸合戦」 磁符「見えない渦」 磁怪「オレゴンヴォルテックス」 遺存「アモンの石」 遺志「石に刻まれた遺伝子」 階符「無限螺旋階段」 階符「無限二重螺旋階段」 渦符「鳴門の渦潮」 渦流「海に潜る龍の尾」 浮浪「弾幕オーバーフロー」 舞浪「弾幕オーバーブロー」 予報「スワロウアルティテュード」 予報「つばめ式観天望気」 予報「未来予知」 嵐符「大時化の大海原」 転覆「船返しの大海原」 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」 陽炎「かぎろひの燃ゆる春」 気楼「幻の楼閣」 幻覚「アイソレーションタンク」 混乱「海と空の混沌」 巨人「ジャイアンテスヴューポイント」 侏儒「シュリンカーズヴューポイント」 霊体「夢中封印」 生霊「夢裡封印」 魔術「アストラルプロジェクション」 星辰「アストラルトラヴェリング」 硬直「不動明王の金縛法」 心縛「不動明王の五色の羂索」 呪歌「ルインドコーラス」 呪歌「呪言の合唱」 流符「水の舞」 雫符「涙の舞」 結晶「涙の数珠繋ぎ」 結晶「涙の八百万遍大数珠」 八百比流三大舞踊「雪の舞」 八百比流三大舞踊「月の舞」 八百比流三大舞踊「花の舞」 八百比流特別公演「星の舞」 泡酒「貴族のピアサイダー」 名酒「ノブレスシードル」 銘酒「ノブレスカルヴァドス」 命酒「オウ・ド・ヴィー」 俳優「八乙女神楽」 「笑い転げる八百万の神々」 「人魚姫の儚き夢」 「人魚姫の儚き恋」" |
time | Symbol 174 EditableText | "0123456789." |
name | Symbol 526 EditableText | "Susanomori Konoha Uzushima Naruko Amazu Miyo Minazuki Tubame Sindou Kasumi Yaobi Megumi Yaobi Mikoto Kanpukugu Otohime &" |
bonus | Symbol 466 EditableText | "0123456789" |
text | Symbol 28 EditableText | " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-*/:;,.<>=@!?^\|~[]{}_()" |
text0 | Symbol 38 EditableText | "どこで泳ぐ? だれが泳ぐ? 何を持っていく? ステージはどれ? 五分前の音楽 変更する入力を選択 キーを入力 左右移動キーで変更" |
text1 | Symbol 652 EditableText | "Rank Select Player Select Weapon Select Stage Select Music Room Key Config Option" |
name | Symbol 288 EditableText | "博麗霊夢 霧雨魔理沙 東風谷早苗 前方集中装備 自動照準 無限花序 追尾配置 光速貫通 前方拡散 広狭二種 超広範囲 公転配置" |
ability | Symbol 178 EditableText | "特技: 喰らいボム有効時間が長い 酸素点が増えやすい アイテム吸収範囲が広い 水素点が増えやすい メインショットの威力が高い ミス時にパワーが減りにくい" |
shotType | Symbol 348 EditableText | "ショット:「」 インフラレッドディテクター ホーミングレーザーサイト スカーレットフレイム スターインプリンティング コンステレーションレーザー スカイイルミネーション 神奈子様の神徳 諏訪子様の鉄の輪 空様のメガフレア" |
bombType | Symbol 352 EditableText | "スペルカード:「」符 赤朱緋 青藍蒼 緑翠碧 赤外結界 夢想妙朱 陰陽緋玉 シリウスムーヴメント ブルースパーク ブルースカイサンライト スプリングイーストウィンド 翡翠色の海 グリーンフラッシュ" |
text | Symbol 576 EditableText | "stage123456 -" |
name | Symbol 182 EditableText | "「」符 赤朱緋 青藍蒼 緑翠碧 赤外結界 夢想妙朱 陰陽緋玉 シリウスムーヴメント ブルースパーク ブルースカイサンライト スプリングイーストウィンド 翡翠色の海 グリーンフラッシュ" |
musicRoomTitle | Symbol 196 EditableText | "No. 01234567890123456面のテーマ() エキストラステージエンディングスタッフロール 水面から出流る水底 大洋の風情 ~ Fantastic Sea 捕らぬ狸の壺算用 大きな水塊の眺望 ナルコストリーム 海燕の鳴動 ~ natural forecast 唄う座頭は天を仰ぎ見る 未開拓世界 ~ インナースペース サブマリン幻視幻覚 須佐乃森 このは 渦島 鳴子 水無月 つばめ 深堂 香澄 八百比 恵 八百比 海琴 観福宮 ()70]-[!|v|£" |
musicRoomComment | Symbol 654 EditableText | "♪ タイトル画面のテーマです。 1面のテーマです。 須佐乃森このはのテーマです。" |
text | Symbol 224 EditableText | "" |
keyName | Symbol 96 EditableText | "" |
keyName | Symbol 166 EditableText | "ALOWMEDIUMHIGHBEST0123456789ONOFFPLRIVB" |
text | Symbol 76 EditableText | "" |
score | Symbol 66 EditableText | "0123456789." |
power | Symbol 70 EditableText | "0123456789./" |
graze | Symbol 594 EditableText | "0123456789" |
fps | Symbol 74 EditableText | "60.0" |
levelText | Symbol 428 EditableText | "EASYNOMALHARDLUNATICEXTRA" |
matchlessText | Symbol 524 EditableText | "Matchless" |
practiceText | Symbol 590 EditableText | "Practice" |
mansin | Symbol 120 EditableText | "満身創痍一時停止" |
game | Symbol 130 EditableText | "Game OverPause" |
gameOverText | Symbol 26 EditableText | "一時停止を解除するタイトルへ戻る最初からやり直す続けて再挑戦する" |
text | Symbol 220 EditableText | "会話0123456789 あー、蒸し暑いわね<br>この川は泳げるほど深いのかな ちょっと 遊んでいかない? 水遊びできるのね?<br>あんたも一緒に涼みなさい 水じゃなくてさ<br>勝負しようよ そういえばさっき会ったのはあんたじゃない<br>えっと、緑の猫…じゃなくて狸? でもアイツのところの狐は赤くなかったわね 何を言ってるのか分からないけど、遊んでくれるんだよね? 緑は未熟って感じよね<br>黄葉して狐色になりなさいよ もみじになれって?<br>私は鹿じゃないのに もみじは白い犬じゃなかった? 何色でもいいから、そろそろいくよ! やっぱり緑は未熟ね<br>人間も狸も こんな川あったっけな<br>変な奴が潜んでそうだ そこの人間 勝負しなさい お、やはり変な奴が現れたな 初対面なのに失礼ね<br>絶対倒してやる 変な奴じゃなくて馬鹿狸だったか 馬鹿狸じゃなくて化け狸よ そうだ、あの海について教えてくれないか? 私に勝てば教えてあげる<br>嘘ではないよ そうか、ならいいぜ ずいぶん余裕ね<br>少しは覚悟した方がいいんじゃない? 勝つ覚悟をしておいて良かったぜ 神奈子様は海の中へ行けと仰っていましたが… 一体何があるというのでしょう ちょっと 遊ぼうよ まさかこんなムジナが雨を降らすとは思えませんし ムジナじゃなくて狸よ<br>それに雨を降らすことだって簡単に へーそうですか<br>もっとましな嘘をつきなさい 狸なのは本当だって 雨を降らすのは嘘だと いいや降らせてみせる<br>あの山頂に火を灯して… こら、やめなさい<br>やはり妖怪は危険ですね 雨のしょぼしょぼ降る昼に… 狸が化かすき気をつけよ! 風が出てきましたね<br>私たちの勝利です これが海なのね<br>気持ち良さそうだわ あら、赤い魚は久々ねえ さっきの弾幕にエビでも混ざってたのかなあ<br>めでたいめでたい 一応まだ人間のつもりなんだけど 人間ってあまり食べたことないんだよねえ<br>あなた、おいしいの? 私はまずまずってとこかなー<br>魔法を使う人間は美味しいらしいわね 緑色の髪をした人間もかなり美味と聞いたわ<br>この近くにいるんじゃない? 何だかうずうずしてきちゃった<br>あなたを食べてみて良い? じゃあ私は失礼するわ<br>さようなら 逃げるってことはやっぱり美味しいのね? 別に逃げてないわよ<br>私は海の中に行かなきゃいけないの 私から逃げられるかな?<br>渦に吸い込まれて一生海底で過ごしなさい 渦に巻き込まれた方が楽だったかな 穏やかな海…<br>嵐の前の静けさか あなた、碧い海に青い服って見難いねえ まあ、私も青い服着てるんだけどね ああ、普段は黒い服なんだけどな<br>なんか青い方がそれっぽいじゃん? って、そんなことはどうでもいいんだ<br>この海の秘密とか知らないか? そうねえ… 実は私、9人姉妹なのよ お前のことなんか知りたくないんだ<br>なんというか、すごいことが出来る妖怪とかさ 私で良ければ見せてあげるわ お前は何も出来なさそうだから遠慮しとくぜ 一旦巻き込まれれば最後<br>海の無限階段へようこそ! 海に凄い奴っていないもんなのかな<br>少し残念だぜ いよいよ海です<br>どんな妖怪が潜んでいるのでしょう こんな妖怪だよー うーん、普通… 目立った装身具も無いし<br>髪型は馬鹿っぽいし 風采が上がらなくて褒めるところが無い感じね あはは…そう?<br>結構気に入ってたんだけどなあ… もっと身だしなみに気を付けて う、うん では失礼します ちょっと、これだけ酷いこと言っておいて<br>逃げようっていうの? この渦巻いた怒り<br>弾幕にして見せてやるわ! さて、もっと沖へ出てみましょう ん… うみのもくず? そろそろ海に潜らなきゃ…って、誰よあんた そこのお前、早く引き返せ 間もなく空は黒くなり、海は白くなるだろう 赤い服を着て目立とうとしたところで無駄だ 海の中なら関係ないわよね<br>さようならっと 馬鹿者<br>それほど重要な仕事なのか 行かなきゃアイツに叱られんのよ<br>それに、ちょっと泳いでみたいかなーって 増えすぎた個体数を減らすために自ら命を絶つ<br>これは利口なのか愚かなのか ちょっと、自殺なんてしないわよ<br>別に人間も妖怪も増えてないし 陸にいるお前には分からなくて当然か<br>幻想郷は今、多子低年齢化時代を迎えた 海は危険な妖怪その他で飽和状態<br>人間が行くべき場所ではない 人間の子供は大人しく地上を這い廻ってろ! あれ、晴れてきたわね<br>さっきのが犯人?まさかね うひょー<br>海で泳ぐなんて初めてだぜ やめろ んお?<br>何だ? もうすぐ大雨、大波がお前を襲う<br>今のうちに撤退しろ 随分偉そうな奴だな<br>空は晴れてるから大丈夫だろ 私の予知によってどれほどの命が救われたか…<br>数えたことは無いが 私はこれから海に潜りに来たんだ<br>だから雨も波も関係ないぜ はい、予知はずれだな … …<br>私がこれからお前を襲えば良いだけだ あまり波を甘く見るなよ! おお、確かに波は甘くないな<br>さっきの弾幕もしょっぱかったぜ そういえば水着で来れば良かったですね 海を泳いではいけない お前は激しい風雨に見舞われるだろう<br>更には大津波も 今は晴れているじゃないですか<br>晴れた日には、よだは来ないんですよ それに私は山の神です<br>雨にも風にも負けません …好きにすれば良い<br>大量の妖怪に襲われても構わないのならな クラゲの妖怪ですか<br>それは痛そうですね 海底では今、続々と妖怪が発生している<br>原因は不明だ 妖怪退治なら任せて下さい<br>ついでにあなたも倒してあげます 山の人間よ<br>あまり海をなめない方が良い! あなたこそ、あまり山の神をなめないでください! 海をなめると塩辛いです<br>イカの妖怪でも大量発生したのでしょうか どうでもいっか どうでもいっか<br>なーんてね… えっと、ここはどこ? ここはそこ ああ、そこなのね 雨を大量に降らせたのはあんた?<br>やめてほしいんだけど 雨?この海のことですか?<br>それなら御母堂様達が創られましたわ 誰よそれ<br>どこにいるのよ ずっと、そこにいますよ ああ、そこにいるのね この大水どうにかしてって伝えといてよ どうにか、と言いますと?<br>もっと拡大してほしいのですか? この海を無くせって言ってんのよ! 何故でしょう。こんなにも素晴らしい深世海を創ってくださったのに あんなにも大量の輝かしい命が生まれたのに 水だけじゃなく妖怪も溢れさせる気なの? あんた達、何が目的なのよ<br>まさか侵略? 御母堂様は海のように心の広い方です<br>他人に危害を加えることなど決してありません この大水でどれだけの人が迷惑してるか分かってんの? 海が何故人を困らせるのでしょう<br>理解できません もういいわ!<br>私が直接会って始末してくるから! あなたは御母堂様にはお会いできません この夢のような深海を永遠に彷徨いなさい 魔理沙に早苗?それに私?<br>夢でも見ていたのかしら 私の創りだした幻の弾幕をあなたの夢の中に放り込んだのよ ややこしいことするのね<br>そんなだから弱いのよ あなたは強い<br>御令嬢様の遊び相手になれるかもしれない 海恵堂へ案内しましょう 遊びに行くわけじゃないんだけど ついに海底にたどり着いたわけだが 暗くて何があるのか分からないぜ 何も見えないのなら何も無い 何も無いのに何か在ると思ってしまう 真実が現実なら幻想もまた現実<br>真実を突き詰めると幻想が見えてくる 何だ何だ?<br>独り言か?私が見えていないのか? あなたには私が見えるのですか? ああ、立派なカタツムリが見えるぜ<br>耳が良さそうだな 他人には聞こえない音が聞こえるわ<br>幻聴力なら世海一ね 海底に面白い奴っていないのか?<br>いなきゃ困るんだが あら、私が面白そうに見えません? どっちかと言うと面黒いって感じかな どうせなら紫色が良かったわ<br>上品で幻想的な色じゃない? 紫とか縁起の悪い色は嫌いだぜ 誰もいないみたいだし、もっと奥に行ってみるか この先は…<br>進んではいけません 御母堂様、御令嬢様に御迷惑が掛かります おおお?随分と偉そうな奴らだな<br>ますます行きたくなったぜ 御令嬢様が能力を使うまでもない<br>私があなたを追い返す 幻の弾幕、あなたは見ることが出来る? 霊夢と早苗が襲ってきたな あなたのアストラル体を通して幻を見せたのよ あなたは強い<br>御令嬢様の遊び相手になれるかもしれない 海恵堂へ案内しましょう どんな奴なのか楽しみだぜ 深海です。暗いです。怖いです。 でも神様はこんなことに動じてはいけません もっと堂々と!<br>もっと強気に! こんな処に人間か 出ましたね!<br>そこの妖怪、勝負です! これまた好戦的な人間です<br>それとも妖怪? 私は神の東風谷早苗!<br>大雨の犯人を倒しに来たわ! 大雨… 神奈子様は深海に犯人がいると仰った<br>つまり、あなたが犯人ね! …そうです<br>私が大雨を降らせた張本人です あなたは私を倒してどうしたいのですか? 今すぐ雨を降らすのを止め、海を無くしなさい! それは出来ません なぜですか?神である私に逆らうとどうなるか分かっているのですか? どうなるの? そりゃもう、末代まで祟られますよ あら怖い。でもね、私の幻の方が恐ろしいわ 神の力で、勝つのよ!早苗! 恐怖の幻で身も心も動けなくなれ! 私が二人になりましたね<br>ついに分霊を習得しました! 幽体離脱を体験して頂きました しかしあなたはお強い…<br>本当に神様でいらしたのですね そうです私は神様です<br>さあ、雨と海を無くしなさい! …実は、海を創ったのは私ではないのです え? 御母堂様をご紹介致します。神様であるあなたなら直接話をされた方がよろしいでしょう まだ犯人がいるのですね<br>望むところです! あら、あなたはだーれ? あんた達を倒しに来た巫女よ そう。帰ってくれる? 住居侵入罪 あ、ここって家だったの<br>あんたは誰? 海恵堂で働くメイドよ メイド?どこかで聞いたわね お母様に仕えているから「マーメイド」なんて呼ばれるわ 母のメイドでマーメイド?<br>じゃあ、悪魔のメイドは? 「魔ーメイド」? あんた、時間を止めたり遅くしたりって出来るの? 姫様の力を借りれば、似たようなことはできるかもね 姫様?もう嫌!<br>あんた達一体何者なの? あなた、人間なのになんで海で呼吸できるのかと思ったら、 お母様が創り出した妖精達から酸素と水を奪いながらここまで来たのね 人の話を聴きなさいよ あなたこそ、さっき私が帰ってと言ったのに帰らないじゃない あんたの主人の居場所を教えてくれるまで帰らないわよ あれ、ずっとそこにいるじゃない だから、そこってどこなのか教えなさいよ! 今すぐ連れて行ってあげるわ 呪いの歌声で地に沈むか、儚い泡と共に天に召すか、どっちが良い? さあさあ、あんたの「お母様」とやらを見せてよね うう、やり直し!やり直しよ! 馬鹿なこと言わないの! はいはい!あっちよ!あっち!<br>さっさと行きなさいよ! どーもありがと、負けメイドさん …… ……絶対仕返ししてやるから あら、あなたはだーれ? ただの魔法使い、霧雨魔理沙だぜ! そう。帰ってくれる? 他人の家で暴れないでよ 妖精が水と空気を落とすから面白いんだ あなた、魔法使いなのに水中呼吸できないのね 空は飛べるんだがな で、お前は誰だ? 海恵堂で働く海のメイド、<br>略して「マーメイド」よ さっきの奴が御令嬢様って呼んでた奴か?<br>なんかイメージと違うな 悪かったわね<br>これでもメイドのトップなんだけど あの紫カタツムリもメイドの一員か? 香澄のこと?<br>香澄はメイドじゃないわ。無職? 無色か。確かに透けてたな ほいで、この海を造ったのもお前か? お母様と姫様が殆どよ<br>まあ、協力はしたけどね 海の造り方を教えてくれないか?<br>塩ならあるぜ 企業秘密 なんで海を創りたいのよ なんかほら、海で泳ぐと楽しいじゃん? それだけの理由?<br>ふざけないでくれる? 私たちにはちゃんとした目的があるのよ! 遊び半分で海を創ろうなんて、お母様と私が絶対に許さないわ! 人生最後の晴れ舞台、精一杯踊りなさい! なんでこんな人間に負けなきゃいけないの? さあ、海の造り方を教えてくれ なんで、なんであなたなんかに… … そういえば、お前の「お母様」はどこにいるんだ? お、あっちにいそうだな お母様、姫様、私にリベンジの機会を… あら、あなたはだーれ? 私は山の神!東風谷早苗よ! そう。帰ってくれる? あなた、さっきから妖精を倒しまくってるけど、それでも自称神様なの? 酸素ボンベ代わりに良いですね<br>幻想郷の海はダイビングに最適です 酸素ばかり吸ってたらそのうち酸素中毒になるわよ 水も妖精さんから頂いていますよ<br>海で真水を飲むなんて贅沢です あら、あれが水だと思ってたの? お湯でしたっけ? 一酸化二水素。猛毒ね。 あなたの体は見る見るうちに錆ついて、風化していくの 毒…? そう言われてみると、ちょっと胸が苦しいかも… 生きること毋れ、「毒」の字はよく出来ているわね 生きること母れ、じゃないんですか? 「ははれ」って何よ いつまでも毒に苦しんではいられません さあ、今すぐこの海を消し去りなさい! なんでよ<br>海は私たちの母なのよ? 水、在ること毋れ、「海」の字はよく出来ていますね 海がそんなに気に入らないの? 海を嫌う人間など、冷たい岩の上でひからびて仕舞え! 泡に包まれていると、なんだか元気になってきました こんな人間に負けるなんて残念無念だわ 残念と無念って矛盾してますよね 悔しい… 心、在ること毋れ、「悔」の字はよく出来ていますね あ、そうだ、犯人がまだ見つかっていません この人魚じゃなさそうですし、もっと向こうに行ってみましょう いつかこの雪辱を…" |
no | Symbol 292 EditableText | "Stage 123456" |
title | Symbol 632 EditableText | "0123456789abcdef<font color='#>/ 赤い歴史と緑の狸 渦中の栗を拾う 雲から流れる琵琶の音色 海中にたなびく紫煙 舞い踊る白い結晶 青い海の生みの母" |
place | Symbol 656 EditableText | "真夏の河畔林 河口の砂浜 雷雲と荒波 沈潜海流 海恵堂廊下 海恵堂本殿" |
bonus | Symbol 514 EditableText | "0123456789" |
enterBubbleText | Symbol 800 EditableText | "Enter this bubble! Enter these bubbles!" |